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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Unspun World with John Simpson 20240610

the superpowers, where are we heading now? scratch away at the surface of european sentiment, european sensibility, what you find is anxiety about peace and security. south africa has punished its ruling party for 30 years of failing government. but how does the chastened anc now select partners for the way forward? it is highly expected that the african national congress will come up with a coalition, even though it will be uneasy, but one that will be manageable. and immigration the great issue in so many of the 60 plus elections which are taking place around the world this year how does it affect us? we live in a much more globalised world. it s easier to travel. that has, you know, created movements of people around the planet which are presenting real challenges for governments. newsreel: the allied invasion of europe from the west - is launched d day. the start of d day 80 years ago was heralded by the broadcast of a couple of lines from a verlaine poem, ordering a particular french resistance circuit to start blowing up railway lines. very soon, british, american, canadian, free french and other troops stormed ashore to start the recapture of europe from the nazis. this anniversary seems like a good moment to look at where our world is today. the west in visible decline, russia fighting a war of aggression in europe, china stamping out ideological opposition wherever it can. rightly or wrongly, there s starting to be a kind of pre war feeling about our times. allan little is the bbc s special correspondent. he s reported on many of the major events of the past 35 years. i think we re definitely in a period of anxiety and fear, and i think the change of policy in russia in february 2022 realigned the world. you and i lived through the revolutions of 1989, which saw the reunification of europe. so, the period of peace that we ve enjoyed over the last 80 years is certainly more fragile than it s been at any time during our lives, john. donald tusk of poland, for instance, the british defence secretary, grant shapps, and plenty of others talking about no longer being in a post war world but in a pre war world. the threat of a resurgent, imperialist russia is very real. the collapse of the westernising, democratising experiment in post soviet russia amounted to one question what are the political consequences of this degree of destitution and humiliation that the russians were experiencing in the late 1990s? we knew what russia was in transition from. we didn t yet know what russia was in transition to. well, we know the answer now. the answer is that russia reverted to type, if you like. undeeradimir putin, it became authoritarian, dictatorial, and it s allied with changes in china and changes in iran and elsewhere. so, the world is reordering itself in quite a menacing way. do you feel that the 80th anniversary of the d day landings, which is where all of this started, we re now shifting to deep nervousness, instead ofjust patting ourselves on the back, as we have on most d day anniversaries? with the 80th anniversary, we ve lost the living testimony. there s now almost nobody left alive. and i think it s very important to remember notjust what they did in 191m and 1945, but the kind of europe they came home to build after the war. and they wanted a europe that would turn the page on centuries of division in europe. france and germany had gone to war with each other something like four times in the previous century. in 1945, they wanted to build a europe where that wasn t possible any more. where are we, say, in comparison with the past? this is a period of huge anxiety. i feel anxiety myself. you and i have seen war up close. we ve seen genocide up close. we know what it looks like. we know what it sounds like. we know what it smells like. and ifear, in western europe in particular, the danger of complacency. and i think that europe divides on this question as well, between the west and east. one of the things that s happened since 1989 is that eastern europe now, which initially welcomed in 1989, welcomed the westernising process, welcomed being brought into the european union, there is a populist drive in many of these eastern and central european countries against westernisation. they feel that the western model has been imposed upon them, or sufficient numbers of the population feel a western model that they don t recognise, don t feel comfortable with. .. the iconic figure of that position is viktor orban in hungary, who has said himself that he wants a kind of illiberal democracy. seems to me the big danger is complacency, is saying, we re not living in 1913. we re not living in 1938. we might be. can it really be that europe s whole future, everything has turned around because of one man s attitudes, because of vladimir putin solely deciding to invade ukraine and so on? or are there bigger principles behind him? under him, russia reverted to type, if you like, went back to the imperialism and the authoritarianism that had characterised both tsarist russia and communist russia. and so there is an appetite in russia for this kind of. ..self definition, this kind of.this characterisation of the nature of the russian state. and i suspect that what we re doing now is walking along the edge of the razor blade, but that at some stage, we ll get over it. what are you? are you pessimistic or optimistic? i err towards pessimism these days, john. even today, 80 years on, the europeans still think of that moment, that 1944 45 moment, in very, very different terms and still think of the post war decades in which they built the institutions of european democracy. they think about them differently to the british. for the british, it was a transactional. it was about trade. scratch away at the surface of european sentiment, european sensibility, what you find is anxiety about peace and security, rather than trade and the economy. and i think that is rooted in the different experience of the 1940s. south africa has marked the 30th anniversary of majority rule with an election which has cut the african national congress, the party of nelson mandela, down to size. crime, corruption, the failure of basic services, like power and water, have infuriated huge numbers of south africans. even though mk the breakaway party of the man who symbolises corruption for many people, former presidentjacob zuma actually did very well. contrary to expectation, the economic freedom fighters, under their fiery leader, julius malema, faded badly, while the democratic alliance, which runs the western cape and is usually called business friendly, which means it gets the support of most white people, held its position with 21% of the vote but didn t noticeably thrive. so, now the anc has lost its overall majority, president cyril ramaphosa, an instinctive moderate, has to decide which of these groups to form a coalition with. i asked nomsa maseko, the bbc s southern africa correspondent, what she thought about the result. absolutely shocked at the loss of the african national congress but not really surprised because it was expected. people of south africa have grown tired of promises made and not kept. they are tired of high levels of violent crime, unemployment, the rolling blackouts which have crippled the economy, the day to day service delivery issues, like running water, you know, and the collection of rubbish, things like that, even though they are loyal to the anc government because of the history that south africa has in terms of, you know, apartheid. they know and appreciate what the anc and other liberation movements did for them back then. but this is a message by south africans to say that the honeymoon is over for the anc. but surely cyril ramaphosa cannot go into a coalition with jacob zuma or his people? there are people within the executive council of the anc that are saying that cyril ramaphosa, as president of this country and president of the anc, should resign from his position because this is the lowest point that the anc has ever got in, in terms of election results. in the last elections in 2019, the anc got about 57% of the vote, and this time around, they re barely holding on to a 40% majority. how likely is it that cyril ramaphosa can do some kind of deal with another party, or another couple of parties? the democratic alliance, for instance. the anc acknowledges that there will be concessions that they have to make if they want to continue to lead, if cyril ramaphosa is to continue as president of the country. because if not, then the anc will have to sit in the opposition benches and allow the other parties to form a coalition and then govern, which is at this stage highly unlikely. but the democratic alliance has said that it is willing to go into a coalition with the african national congress, but in that there s going to be, you know, clashes in terms of policy and ideology because the democratic alliance is pro israel, the anc is pro palestine, the democratic alliance is also against the policy of black economic empowerment. and that will be a hard pill to swallow for the anc, which is trying with that policy to fix the wrongs of the past. and, of course, the democratic alliance is seen, rightly or wrongly, as being a white run party, isn t it? absolutely. south africans, even though they know that it s been 30 years into democracy, they still have the memories of what it was like not to be in control of their lives, of their economy, of where they go and not go. so there s a lot of misgivings. now, the one name that we haven t mentioned here isjulius malema of the economic freedom fighters. and they did really quite badly, didn t they? they are now officially the fourth, you know, party, biggest party. but, you know, julius malema delivered one of his most modest speeches when he said that he believes that the electorate has decided what they wanted. but also he believes that the economic freedom fighters received the votes of the black middle class. and he believes that they will still be able to continue, you know, to be in the opposition benches, but also there could be a chance that the african national congress itself would want to form a coalition with the economic freedom fighters. will we have a government soon, or in the medium term, or is it going to take for ever? in the next, say, 20 days after these coalition, you know, negotiations have taken place. parliament needs to sit before the end ofjune, and that is where a president is going to have to be appointed. and it is highly expected that the african national congress will come up with a coalition, even though it will be uneasy but one that will be manageable. poor mexico, so far from god and so close to the united states. the rueful words of the 19th century mexican dictator poor mexico, so far from god and so close to the united states. the rueful words of the 19th century mexican dictator porfirio diaz. things have got even worse since then. floods of illegal migrants from all over latin america pass through mexico on their way to the us, and the drugs cartels smuggle immense quantities of synthetic opioids to the huge and growing american market. the drugs trade made this the most violent presidential campaign ever in mexico. 102 political assassinations, as well as kidnappings and attempted murders. and yet in all this, claudia sheinbaum, the former mayor of mexico city and a joint nobel prize winner for her work on climate change, won a landslide victory. the first woman to become mexico s president. she is the protege of the popular outgoing president, andres manuel lopez 0brador, who s known from his initials as amlo. but can claudia sheinbaum, even with amlo s support, sort out mexico s problems? and what was the cause of the landslide anyway? i turned to daniel pardo of bbc mundo in mexico city. andres manuel lopez 0brador, the current president who s been in powerfor the last six years. and he s managed to have people happy, really. increasing their salaries, poverty has been reduced from 40% to 36% average. 0bviously, violence is still a problem. insecurity is a huge problem for people. sheinbaum has become or was a very. ..a candidate that gave people the idea that those policies that enlarge their pockets are still going to be in place. that added to the fact that the opposition is fragmented, divided, that they are trying to attack a very popular president who had to deal with the pandemic, still has 60% of people s support that s a huge number for a latin american president. but it does sound from what you say as though amlo, lopez 0brador, will want to keep a foot in politics, will want to control her, if he can. that s the question that everyone s asking at the moment. how is she going to govern? how autonomous is she going to be? their relationship. although they are part of the same movement, they have major differences. it s not only about their background, they come from different sort of lefts because amlo is part of this old left in mexico that s very rooted in the revolution, that is very nationalist. it s very traditional in their economic and especially development ideas. sheinbaum, she s a physicist who went to university. she has got a phd. she s an expert in climate change. she was part of a team who won the nobel prize because of their contribution to climate change studies. she s a woman, right, in a very macho country. and that s why everyone s asking, how is she going to be autonomous and how much is he going to control her? he has said and promised that he s going to retire, that he s going to go to his farm, and he s not going to be involved in politics. this election campaign in particular has been very violent, hasn t it? and there s all the question about the drugs trade with the united states and so on. so, violence is still a major problem. the six years in which amlo was in power were the most violent in history in terms of homicides. and, yes, this campaign killed at least a0 candidates who were running for office in different parts of the country. so, yeah, violence, it is a problem. however, i think most mexicans have got used to it and have realised that that s not a problem that any government, one single government, one single politician, could fix. people are happy because their pockets are filled with money and they re being able to consume as much as they want. this is a very dynamic economy. the choice that americans are going to make in the united states is going to have such an effect on mexico, isn t it? most of mexican foreign policy is regarding the us, either if it s a democrat or a republican. 0bviously, trump did. ..emerge with the different issues, but it wasn t that different, really. i mean, you see the relationship that he had with amlo. it was a very pragmatic relationship. obviously, it s a huge source of income for mexicans. a huge portion of the gdp here in mexico has to do with money that mexicans in the united states send to theirfamilies here in mexico. it s a tricky relationship, but at the end, pragmatism does take place and does make the rule of the relationship, no matter who is in power. big countries have attracted immigrants throughout history. there are always people who want to better themselves financially, and there are always large amounts ofjobs to fill which local people don t want to do. but in the modern world, with wars and the effects of global heating, immigration has become a majorforce for social change. entire cities have been transformed as a result of the hostility which this can create. it has been responsible in many countries for the rise of an angry populism. i asked the bbc home affairs specialist, mark easton, for his views on the changes that immigration has brought to modern society. you have to understand we live in a much more globalised world. it s easier to travel from one place to another, and that has changed things and also our understanding of the world. and i think that has, you know, created movements of people around the planet, which, as you rightly say, are presenting real challenges for governments. there was this extraordinary movement of people back in the noughties, after the expansion of the eu. we saw all the poles come in. suddenly, actually, britain was experiencing immigration in a way it never had before. that, i think, changed the way that a lot of communities felt about immigration. it had not been something they d experienced before. and then i think you should wind the clock on and you get to brexit. and that i think was to a significant extent about communities who felt that they had not been informed about what was going to happen. and, of course, what we ve seen, almost as soon as the ink was dry on the brexit final deal, immigration soared. i mean, notjust soared, john, but went to levels that we have never, ever experienced in this country. if you go back to 2022, we saw three quarters of a million net migration to this country. so, i think given that there is now rising anxiety about, actually, do we have control of our borders? which matters a lot. and are we making the right decisions on when we bring people in? and that leads you into the other bit of all of this, which is what the government calls illegal migration, a term which is contested, i should say, but certainly irregular migration. so, these are people who are. like, for instance, those coming over in small boats or hiding in the back of lorries, and they are coming principally to seek asylum in the united kingdom. that, just to give you some context, represents about 6% of all the migration that we have. so, the rest is legal? the rest is legal. the government has invited those people to come to the uk, has given them a visa and said, in you come. yeah, we ve got a job for you. this is, what, to be nurses? care workers and nurses. doctors? doctors. i mean, i know zimbabwe very well, where nurses are really needed, and doctors. of course. ..and bringing them here to a rich country. notjust the uk, but other european nations, sort of. ..absorbing vast numbers of key workers who are actually required desperately in their countries of origin. now, to some extent, this is about, you know, the freedom of the individual to decide how they want to pursue their career. but equally, i think there is a responsibility on the rich countries to ensure that they re not impoverishing the countries from which these people come. and here is the real rub. if you want to reduce immigration and not have to pay the really significant penalty of not having anyone to care for your ailing grandmother, we re going to have to pay more. and that means that money is going to have to come from somewhere, and it essentially means you cut something else or you put up taxes. and that is the unpalatable reality that we have. ..we have got ourselves in a situation where we are prepared to bring in large numbers of people to do jobs at low rates that local people are not prepared to do. but an awful lot of people are coming in from countries which are just simply poorer. and they want the kind of salaries that are paid in britain, but also in western europe and the us. there is a huge debate, political debate, certainly, about, what is an economic migrant? what is a genuine asylum seeker? where you have conflict, the countries that border that conflict, i m sure you will have been to many of them, are suddenly overwhelmed by huge numbers of refugees. they haven t got the resources. they re often poor countries themselves, trying to deal with these. how do we have a fair, equitable system that means that those countries are not penalised, really, purely by their geography, while rich countries further away can say, nothing to do with us ? mark easton speaking to me here in london. we re getting punch drunk, aren t we, with elections? there s the south african one and the mexican one, which we ve heard about in this programme. the european parliament elections begin this week. and there s the indian one, of course. and injuly, we ll have the british one. nigel farage, who played a big part in persuading britain to vote for brexit in 2016, has thrown a hand grenade into the election campaign here by announcing he was taking over the leadership of the small reform party and would stand for parliament, despite having lost seven parliamentary campaigns over the years. and of course, there s the united states, where the election result could genuinely change the future of the world. lots of media experts think that donald trump s conviction on 3a charges of falsifying his accounts to hide the hush money he paid the porn actress stormy daniels has nudged the pendulum an inch or so injoe biden s favour. but we re likely to have televised debates in which literally anything could happen between two ancient men of 77 and 81. i m just weeks away from turning 80 myself, so i m allowed to say all this. at which point, everyone, everywhere wonders how a country as vast and talented as the us can only turn up a couple of men like biden and trump for the presidency. but that s a story for another day. thank you for being with us for this edition of unspun world. from me and the unspun team, until we meet again, goodbye. hello there. weather for the week ahead is perhaps not the story you want. no significant summer sunshine or warmth, i m afraid. in fact, the story in armagh on sunday really sets the scene just a high of ten degrees. we had cloudy skies with light rain or drizzle with a cool northerly wind as well. now, that rain is sinking its way steadily southwards and it will clear away from eastern england and south east england during monday morning. behind it, this northerly wind and this cooler air source starts to kick in across the country. so a rash of showers, a cold, brisk wind driving those showers in off exposed coasts and drifting their way steadily south across scotland and northern ireland as we go through the morning. here s our cloud and rain still lingering across east yorkshire, lincolnshire first thing in the morning, some heavier bursts that will ease away. best of any brighter skies, perhaps across southern england down to the south west. here, showers should be few and further between. but nevertheless, that wind direction still really digging in right across the country. so sunny spells, scattered showers, a brisk northwesterly wind for many, so temperatures just below par really for this time of year, a maximum of 10 15 degrees for most. we might see highs of 17 or 18 if we get some sunshine across south west england and wales. now, as we move out of monday into tuesday, the low pressure drifts off to scandinavia, high pressure builds. it should start to kill off some of the showers out to the west. but with those clearing skies, well, those temperatures will be below path through the night as well, low single figures for some, quite a chilly start to our tuesday morning. hopefully some sunshine around on tuesday. there will continue to be some showers, most frequent ones running down through central and eastern scotland and england. further west, some brighter skies and once again, highs of 17 degrees, but for many, just a maximum of 10 15 once again. moving out of tuesday into wednesday, winds will fall lighter still for a time, but there s another low pushing in and that will bring some wetter weather to close out the end of the working week. it will gradually start to change the wind direction. so, after a drier day on wednesday, it will turn that little bit milder, but also wetter as we head into the weekend. this live from washington, this is bbc news. emmanuel macron calls for a snap election after his alliance is defeated by the far right european parliament vote. elsewhere in the elections, voters snub the governing parties of germany, spain and belgium, the prime minister of italy and poland had cause to celebrate. benny gantz quits and demands an election. he calls for benjamin netanyahu to hold an election. hello, i m helena humphrey. glad you could join me. france is going to the polls again. the country s president, emmanuel macron, called a snap parliamentary vote sunday night after his centrist alliance was trounced by the far right in european parliament elections. in a speech after exit polls were released, he said he could not ignore the results and the dissolving parliament is an act of trust in the french people. translation: the rise - of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation but also for europe, is a danger for our nation but also for our europe, for france s position in europe and in the world. and i say this even though we have just celebrated with the whole world the normandy landing, and as in a few weeks we will welcome the world for the olympic and paralympic games. yes, the far right is both the result of the impoverishment of the french and the downgrading of our country, so at the end of this day, i cannot act as if nothing has happened.

European-sensibility , Anxiety , Peace , Superpowers , Security , Surface , Sentiment , Person , Photograph , Suit , Mode-of-transport , People

Transcripts For CNN Real Time With Bill Maher 20240609

Geopolitics of the cold war through the lens of two double agents who were pulling the strings behind the scenes threatening, did he stabilize diplomatic efforts? all right i always i think the early version, at least from the agency who really had a pretty good understanding of how the kgb worked there are no other the powers our everyday was so for little black he d write these studies. everybody would read them and say, oh, that s really great work, rick and then that would. be the end of it. you know, they didn t really send it anywhere and all new episode of secrets and spies, a nucleus and now, the hbo original series, real time with bill maher . how are you doing? how are you doing? thank you very much. i appreciate it. thank you, people. thank you very much. i appreciate it. all right. good to see you. thank you. please, there s so much to get to. oh, wow. i feel great about that. yes, the big news this week is hunter biden s trial. let s get right to that. it led to absolutely fucking nothing, but let s get right to it. i know the republicans they are like, if you take down trump, we are going to take down hunter biden and the democrats are like, knock yourself out, we barely care about joe biden. [ audience reacts ] but, this trial is only about one thing in america which is very important, you cannot mix drugs and guns! seriously, we don t take a lot seriously in this country, but this is one we are very serious about, and hunter biden was buying a gun on crack i mean, at the moment, he was literally on crack and buying a gun, he almost had the gun in his hand. so, the prosecutor gets up and says, no one is above the law in this country, it doesn t matter who you are or what your name is and all the republicans stood up and fist pumped and went, yeah. and then they went oh, wait. yeah, that s [ audience reacts ] that s not what they were saying last week, was it? interesting. in april, they took a survey, 17% of republicans said it was okay only 17% okay for a felon to be president. now, they took the survey again, 58% said it is okay for a felon to be president. gosh, what happened? usually, to change this drastically in the space of two months, hormones are involved. i [ laughter ] but, if hunter biden does get convicted, this will be a historic first. it will be the first time republicans ever objected to somebody buying a gun. [ audience reacts ] and there was testimony from hallie biden, because she was married to hunter biden s brother, who sadly died, beau biden. and then, hunter went out with her. so, she is the ex-girlfriend and the widow. i know. she is she testified that when he was with hunter, she got her into crack, and she is ashamed and embarrassed about that part of her life. really? [ audience reacts ] you bang your dead husband s brother and the part you are embarrassed about is the crack? okay. but [ audience reacts ] she said she found hunters going at one point, she knew she couldn t have it, so she took it away and threw it away in the supermarket dumpster, perfectly. [ laughter ] so, when hunter throughout found out she threw away his gun, he called her insane, called her stupid, said, are you on crack? if you are, can i have some? we all saw this stuff from hunter biden s laptop, right? they did a reality show about hunter biden, it would be called naked and afraid of running out of crack. and it s just [ audience reacts ] and it is just bad optics for the president. the jury is looking at sex tapes of hunter biden and the rest of us are worried about if his father can walk all right. kidding. well, actually, joe was doing the d-day thing. you saw that yesterday? he did very well. i thought he did very well. he was over there commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. in america, you know what they did? non-congressman oh, gosh nine congressman dressed up as military people. world war ii, you know, vintage stuff, and jumped out of a world war ii vintage plane to commemorate d- day. sadly, they were wearing parachutes. [ audience reacts ] [ laughter ] and george santos you know, when i do dress up, you bitches make a whole thing out of it. well, yes, it is pride month again, and the spirit of pride [ audience reacts ] so, listen to this. this is a pride month story, five dry greens in philadelphia did a children s books reading as they do, made a guinness book of world records for the fastest way to get trump re- elected. [ audience reacts ] not that there aren t still bigots in this country, but did you see this? this is the head of the colorado republican party sent out an email saying, calling gay people godless horrors, which in california is not even an insult. i get my hair cut at a place called godless groomers. we have a great show. we have matt welch, abigail shrier, but first up, the democratic senator from the great state of pennsylvania, john fetterman! welcome back, it s been too long! good to see you. welcome back to the show. it s been 13 years. it s an honor to be here. i am a fan boy, so right back at you. i have been badgering my staff for a long time now to get you on this show, and i will tell you why i have been badgering them, and eyeglass i guess they badgered you. when i have seen you the last couple of years, you speak so freely. you speak like politicians who i get on this show who aren t in politics anymore, the ones who are out of office, and they can be honest, that is the way you speak now, and it is a beautiful thing. [ audience reacts ] well, honestly and this is true you speak for a lot of democrats that are afraid to say a lot of that stuff. it is a lot of release for a lot of democrats who are like, thank god, somebody is actually platforming like that. no, i think we are very much on the same page. but, it is very rare i don t have to worry about being re- elected, except by the audience. [ audience reacts ] it is, i think, even more brave for you to do it. the question i want an answer to is, is this connected to some of your health issues? when you have gone through what you have, both physical and mental health issues, does it give you a freedom? like, what can you yeah, absolutely. there is a line from the first batman, joker is like, i have been dead once already, it is liberating. that is not reckless, that is really just freeing. it is just freeing, in a way. and i think after being all of that, i would just be able to say the things that i really believe in, and not be afraid if there is any kind of blowback. and what about mental health in america, at-large? what is the prescription for this? because we are going to talk about it on the show to a degree tonight. it is certainly a big issue in this country. we have, what, 50,000 suicides in the last year? absolutely. this is an outstanding number, i think. what are your thoughts on this? well, actually, after i signed myself in to walter reed to get help, with depression, it is not really a big clinical winter, to talk about depression. and when i started to have that conversation, i realized that if i started to be honest, i have to talk about self-harm, you know, harming myself, because you pointed at the 50,000 americans who took their lives, and i started talking about that and said, hey, i have been in that place. i now tell people, i promise you, i am begging you, please, don t harm yourself. stay in the game. now, i am being contacted by people on the regular saying, hey, thanks to hearing this, i got help, or it even saved my life. i never thought that would resonate and that is why i decided to have that conversation, because i was lucky i got help and got better, and now i want to be the kind of guy that can say something, that could have helped someone like me, who was in that situation. [ applause ] so, let s talk a little politics here, because that is your game. pennsylvania is going to be probably, could be, come down to three states, pennsylvania will definitely be one of them. i have always said, pennsylvania picks the president and there really is no legitimate path for the president if he doesn t win, and i believe he will win, actually, because trump was able to flip pennsylvania and that helped deliver his first victory. but, joe biden carried it in 2020 because he has a really strong connection thereto pennsylvania and i believe he will again, but it will be close, and that is the same conversation i have been having with pennsylvania, that it is going to be very close, because trump has a strong connection in pennsylvania and it will be very competitive and all of that. i have also been saying, i don t think that whole trial is going to be anything meaningful with people who have already decided, that is my guy. i will never understand why somebody would say, i love that, or i want four more years of that. but, i do believe joe biden is going to carry pennsylvania and he is going to win. [ audience reacts ] but, as he was as he has not, yet, officially been nominated by the democratic party, is he really the best one to put forward? joe biden? yeah. yeah. he is actually the only american that has ever beat trump in an election, and i do honestly believe that he is actually the only democrat that could win. and let me just say this let me just say this, i know it might be provocative but the last time there was a hotshit governor with $2 million, thought he was going to beat trump, then trump through him in the wood chipper and he finished third in his own state, in florida. and again, trump is pretty tough, and that is what the republicans want and i can t imagine why how he is feeling right now, but trump has a very and i do believe joe biden has that ability to win, and we have a great bench. it is a distinct kind of situation right now. i m surprised at that, but i will move on. i m sorry, i m not on the same page there, but okay. it is probably going to be joe biden and i will vote for him. but, you mentioned desantis. this is very curious to me, desantis wants to ban fake meat in florida, and you agreed with him. i don t get this? really, it is not so much about making it illegal, but it is also just talking about i really wanted to stand with american farmers and ranchers, and those kinds of things, and i don t believe it is helpful, and that is the direction i want to move in that. but, if somebody wants to consume that, that is okay. but, i think there are going to be states that are going to decide, i don t want to ban this, or i really want to invent and create that time, so the product stays the same. i wouldn t eat it either, quite frankly, but i wouldn t ban it. that is what desantis wants to do, so you can t get it. i thought that was the freedom part of this freedom country. if people want to have fake meat or fake anything, fake tits, fake anything. it is los angeles. [ audience reacts ] i don t yeah, i don t know about that, either, but i don t know if that is going to solve anything other than i don t get why that would appeal to anybody. you have been very up front about legalizing weed, marijuana. yeah, of course. i ve heard that from you, too. [ audience reacts ] i heard that, john, that is just a character i play on television. never in my life look, i heard you once say, or maybe read it, a tweet, you said once, i am not a progressive, i am a democrat. what does that mean? because i don t think i have used the word progressive, i think i have said woke. i know that word triggers a lot of people because it has a great beginning as a meaning, but words migrate and it went to something else. i think there is a difference between an old-school liberal and woke person, you say old- school democrat, how do you describe this? look, i agree and i have been saying that for years, actually. i didn t leave the label, it left me on that front. and after that happened on october 7th, i really knew that the whole progressive stack would be blasted apart and they are not going to have anyway for the democrats to reply to that, or respond to that, and i really decided early on that i was going to side with israel throughout all of that, and i knew that democrats would continue to peel away and kind of walk away from standing with israel on that, but that is where i decided how do you explain that, if you can, that the people who considered themselves the most liberal have abandoned israel which was always a liberal drawing for the terrorist organization, for the people who outwardly say that they want a genocide, who outwardly are the one side of this who is against the two state solution. so, now that they wound up with then, why do you think that is, and will this split the democratic party? well, it does, because there is an appeal there. and you talked about it, last week, you really hit it with the gender apartheid. talking about some of these issues, some of the most progressive and left parts of the democratic party are standing for the kind of side that has organizations like hamas, or these kinds of nations where there are no rights for women and they certainly don t embrace the lgbtq lifestyle, and even in philadelphia, the queers for palestine blocked the pride parade in philadelphia, and i never saw that on the bingo card. but [ audience reacts ] all right, well, it may seem lonely out there sometimes when you are brave like you are, but you have a lot of fans. you have a lot of fans here and a lot of fans all over the country. when i told people you were coming on, a lot of them were really excited that you are here, but they all have one question they wanted me to ask you, which is, what is the deal with the wardrobe? [ audience reacts ] people are very curious. it doesn t involve me, i m just saying, people are saying, p please ask him. last year, i know this, you had a great joke, you really nailed it, you put up a picture of me, you said, she dresses like a guy where the airline lost his luggage. and it s true! it s funny, because it s true. and i know i dress like a slob and i am not making a statement or anything, but, i am into comfort, it is just comfort, and it is kind of like i don t have to iron, and [ audience reacts ] but, it is kind of hard to find suits and all of those things. but, i never understood why anybody thought that was interesting. and i want to be clear, i wasn t behind the changing of the dress code or anything, i really wasn t. but, more people seemed more concerned about me wearing a hoodie on the floor, as opposed to, we have senators taking bribes from foreign entities, and [ audience reacts ] but, i m learning. i m learning. i m still a freshman. you seem like you are in a really good place. oh, well, i m sitting across from a great person. but you know, having a near- death experience and going through that kind of a blowtorch of $100 million and attack acts and all of those kinds of things to emerge on a side where i am grateful to be sure, both with you and back with my kids, my family, everything, and i just decided, i really want to be the kind of voice that is consistent, and has a moral clarity on issues that may not be controversial for democrats, but i am not sure why any of that is democrat controversial for democrats, whether it is about israel, or the border, or because people just want to bitch these days, john. everything is controversial to everybody, but you keep doing what you are doing. i appreciate it. [ audience reacts ] all right. see you again, john fetterman. hi! all right, here is the editor at large at reason magazine, met matt welch is back with us. a journalist and author of the new york times best-selling book, bad therapy , abigail shrier. great to see you. okay, so, this is the week where we celebrated the greatest generation saving democracy so we can learn about hunter biden smoking crack. i feel like that has been this week in a nutshell. i feel like this is one of those stories where both sides have a lot of wrong in their handling. i remember when the laptop came out, the left-wing media would not even admit it was a thing, it just had to be a hoax, or it had to be russian disinformation, it just didn t exist. they went right about it, that was wrong. and the right is wrong to pretend it means something, except possibly about joe biden s parenting. the question i want to ask because i know your book is about it, you have written about parenting okay, why do all of the political families have this fuck-up family dynamic? is it just because they are famous, and if we went into every family that had a billy carter, a roger clinton george bush himself was the ne er-do-well. since the beginning of time, we have learned that children basically need three things, and these are essential. they need parental authority, they need to hear no, they need independence, and loving community. kids with high profile families often get none of those. no one is willing to tell them no, they don t get independence because they don t want anyone to make them look bad, and they don t have loving community they are raised in a political battlefield. unfortunately, too many american kids today also don t have those. the way you describe it, it sounds like everyone is from a prominent family, because i read in your book when kids go off to college and they have never heard the word no, or the word wait, then that s right. kids today are under a microscope, they are under a microscope, literally, because of the projection of social media and whatnot, but also because their parents are so afraid of traumatizing them, they have been told by mental health experts that saying no, can be punishing and traumatizing, so they don t assert their authority. we basically have a generation raised with these kids that are miserable. and a link with your d-day tie in, which is that we understood that generation and others, but especially that one, to have a sense of stoicism. like, you are going to go through some bad stuff, you are going to fail, there is going to be unfair things that happen to you. the question is, what are you going to do with that? a 15-year-old and a 9-year-old, they are not teaching a lot of stoicism in the public school system, last time i checked. at some point, she starts to use it as an excuse to get out of chores. like, that is not my journey. [ audience reacts ] [ laughter ] it doesn t make sense to fold the laundry, so they are making fun out of it, but there is something to that. but also, when you think about the greatest generation, they probably could have used a little bit more therapy than they got, right? yes, there is a happy medium. you mentioned d-day, but i couldn t help but think of it because the new york times said ptsd among adolescents is surging. ptsd. the fact that we have so [ audience reacts ] my father was in that campaign, he wasn t in omaha beach, but he was on that campaign. anyone who would allow kids to think they have ptsd? that s right, they don t have ptsd. kids raised gently in suburbs don t have ptsd. but, combat those our combat vets sometimes do have ptsd and they need treatment when they have it. always. it is real. but, that is not what kids that universities have. what they have, what i call in my book, bad therapy , they have emotional hypochondria. they have focused so much on their own bad feelings that they magnify these feelings, they make them an organizing principle of their lives, then they have trouble escaping them. so, here is my thing, we had a reckoning of my sex in 2017, a racial reckoning in 2020. i feel like there is a parenting reckoning coming. a lot of rollback, pushback on gentle parenting. i think people are realizing that this kind of stuff has raised a lot of fucked-up kids who have [ audience reacts ] another statistic, but 49.5% so, let s just say half of adolescence, at some point have a mental health disorder. so, half of the kids in the country are diagnosable? either they really are that fucked-up, or we are over diagnosing. it is the latter. we are way over diagnosing them. this generation has had more mental health intervention in schools, more mental health treatment, 40% of them have been in therapy, they have had therapeutic parenting, and it is making them worse. these kids don t need therapy, they need less therapy, they need to be told, i love you, you will live, now get out of my house and have an adventure. [ audience reacts ] and it is worth pointing out that this generation, let s say 15 to 22, they got banged up during covid pretty bad and the more you were in places with schools and society bogged down, the more banged up you got, and also that is tied up with social media, and what you are doing on your phone all the time, like john hyde talks about. so, i think there is a legitimate mental health thing going on with teenagers, and especially teenage girls in this country. the question is, are we teaching them to get out of it, and also to have fun, and take some kind of initiative in their lives? or, are we encouraging them to think of themselves as victims? and i hope it is not the latter because you are not going to get much past your 18th birthday walking around and saying that it is somebody else s fault. [ audience reacts ] so, this is so obvious and we all agree, who is still defending this? i think the trauma industry is. the trauma industry? right. you are right. that is basically what we have now, we have convinced this generation any stress is trauma, now you have a disability and you have to live with that forever, and these kids are behaving like mental patients. right. [ laughter ] right. i mean and they are medicated, then. that, to me, is when it really goes off the rails, because a lot of them are on whatever psychiatric drugs they put them on. you know, when i think about the two big ones that i see always talked about that are now pathologist, shyness which is social anxiety disorder, as we pathologist isaac. and depression i mean, that is just being bummed out. my whole adolescence, my whole childhood, past college, was about those two things. i just had tons of both of those things and drugging me would not have helped. i discovered part when i was 19, that drug helped. organically. but, yeah, okay. so, i read about sel, and for those that don t know what this is, this is social emotional learning. this takes front and center this explains a lot to me, one, why they are so stupid. because this is the priority above learning, is that right? that is right. and what is obviously, it sounds like it is? reportedly, it is supposed to teach kids like things like emotional regulation, which we want them to have. but, how do you teach kids to handle bad emotions? because we are not worried about them having too much joy, we are worried about them having too much sadness, regret, bad feelings, so it always goes negative, it becomes a kind of group therapy, and it forces kids to ruminate, to pathologically focus on their bad feelings, on their pain, and those are the number one symptoms of depression. and it is interesting, 70% of very liberal students, they say this is from the american enterprise institute, so they are a little right- leaning reports feeling anxious 52% of conservatives. but, it does seem like the liberals are more in their own head, and are suffering from this. is that right, and why? i have seen that statistic and looked, the reason why i think so, that might be, is because those are the parents, in general, who are getting their kids more therapy, they are highly educated, and they are more anxious because they are highly educated, they are more anxious themselves, they are pushing their anxiety onto their kids. we know you can communicate anxiety. parents need to be tougher for their kids. they need to set an example here and they need to stop obsessing over kids happiness and start worrying about making kids strong. [ applause ] all right. so, parenting is also involved in the other book you ll wrote, that book you wrote that was banned, irreversible damage, which is about gender reassignment, as we have called it. now, we have the cast review from england which says, you must feel somewhat vindicated by this because america is now an outlier country with this. the scandinavian countries that were doing it, england that was doing it, they all pulled back. the cast report says the evidence of using puberty blocking drugs and other hormonal medications is remarkably weak. why is america so behind? usually, when we look at those countries, we say, this is what the liberals are doing, so we are just going to no, we are alone on this. yes, we are. two reasons, england had national, centralized healthcare, so they got into this faster, and they were also able to shut it down faster, and because our healthcare is obviously decentralized, it is harder to shut bad medicine down in this country, but there is something else but i have to say. they had something really special in england, they had a j.k. rowling, and she helped gender critical feminists pry away from the progressive left on this issue and stand up to the bodily integrity of girls, and stand up for the integrity of medicine. [ applause ] i think as part of that peer pressure element, it is worth pointing out to the extent that your audios audience might not, that abigail s book was targeted by people who work for the aclu saying, it will be the highest thing to do, to block the distribution of this book. it speaks to a kind of aggressive, illiberal conservative that takes place. not just on this issue, but many other issues, dealing with covid. i think it is kind of a new thing. the last 10 years, especially, there has been a semi-deranged moment, were people who were involved with journalism, or academia, or whatever, have said we have created a new taboo, you are on the wrong side of the taboo, we must attack this person, other people who have been working in this. yes, it hurts their careers, but we don t necessarily have to cry to them she is on bill maher, so she is doing okay. but, it hurts them. that is what people don t get. when you block off the information that is coming in, particularly on a contested subject, particularly that is affecting kids in life and death situations, and you are blocking off the information by enforcing a taboo, you are hurting yourself. it is one thing to critique, it is another thing to say, nobody should even be able to look at this, to even read it, as if you are some sort of crazy person. i will just say one thing, in the three or four years it took between the time i wrote my last book and talked about the same risks that are in the cast report, two until the mainstream media worked up the backbone to actually do some reporting, tens of thousands of american children were harmed. and what you are saying i certainly wouldn t be the one saying that there aren t trans folks who, we do need some transitioning, sometimes. what you were just saying is, there are no guardrails on desperate and these are children. this is not the bodies of adults, they can do whatever they want with their bodies. using children as cannon fodder in their culture wars, is what it looked like to me. i don t want you to move. i m gonna miss you so much. you realize we ll have internet waiting for us at the new place, right? oh, we know. we just like making a scene. transferring your services has never been easier. get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. i see this week s google has been caught doing something why did the tech companies do this? they have been caught collecting and sometimes leaking personal data of users, so you might want to erase that browser history. but, we thought it would be a good time because of this to do one of our favorite bits on the show, called revealing google searches. [ audience reacts ] we believe here at real- time, that when you look at somebody s google search, it does look a lot about them. for instance, melania trummp google, two felony convictions violate a prenup? rfk jr., where does brain work brain worm go? nick cannon, how many kids does nick cannon have? elon musk, baby names that sound like license plates. oh, justice samuel alito googled fit flags that mean not fascist, just pussy- whipped. richard dreyfus googled safe amount of opiates to take before a public appearance. wow. ben affleck googled divorce lawyers that accept batman memorabilia. kanye west googled, what to say when woman asks if anyone else at the party will be naked. rupert murdoch, name of woman who recently married rupert murdoch. and lauren boebert, could you get an std on your hand? terrible. terrible, terrible. [ applause ] all right, airlines configure these first-class seats that feature a for curve the 22 inch screen for a cinematic experience but only if they are paired with those double-decker seats in economy. [ laughter ] on a new carrier called inequality airlines yes, inequality airlines there is something special in the air, it is just not you. [ applause ]. don t bring your kid to the office if your office is the united states congress. tennessee representative john rose did just that while making a furious speech denouncing trump prosecution, and look what happened? someone acted [ audience reacts ] yeah, someone acted like a goofy, childish more on, and this poor kid had to sit through it. [ laughter ] new rule, let s stop rewarding every family that has too many kids with a reality show on tlc. [ applause ] the latest one is the baldwin s. seven kids born in a 10 year span. wow. guess there were no blanks fired in that house. [ audience reacts ] well, they shouldn t prosecute him. that is the serious point. they should not. , now that a remote amazon tribe has connected to elon musk s starlet styling internet and become addicted to , i say, congratulations. oh, sure, the liberal inclination is to promote the encroachment of modernity on such an innocent, unsettling people, but that is not what the amazon tribes themselves are saying. they are saying, thanks, elon, it sure beats jerking off to this tree. [ laughter ] new rule, now that researchers say marijuana use has surpassed alcohol as america s drug of choice, they have to answer this [ audience reacts ] you re welcome. they have to answer this question. if alcohol use is declining, why is it still not safe to eat at a waffle house? i mean not to always be the marijuana advocate, but do you know what the stoners are doing while the fight is going on? eating their waffles! [ audience reacts ] and finally, new rule, someone has to look into the puzzling paradox of why it is that rape jokes are completely unacceptable, unthinkable, and totally out of bounds, but raped-in-prison jokes, fucking hilarious! never a bad time to do the one about how you drop the soap in the prison shower, better not bend over for it. and look, with all the talk now about trump possibly going to jail, we have all been doing it, i mean, it is not just trump. given the opportunity, it is natural to want to imagine him getting fucked in the ass. [ audience reacts ] i m just saying, maybe we shouldn t. if not for him, then for the nearly 2 million people behind bars at any given time during this country. that is more people than 12 states. they should have their own two senators, and one can be bob menendez. america has a higher incarceration rate than russia, or china, or almost any of the other evildoer countries who we are always shitting our pants over, and for someone, everyone everything at walgreens is still locked behind plexiglass. but, for some reason, americans simply accept that not only do we lock up way more people, but that if you are a criminal of any time, yes, sodomy is the appropriate comeuppance. they say, if you want to survive prison, the first thing you do when you get there, what you have to do, is go up to the biggest, baddest guy, and punch him in the face, which i find also works if you are a passenger on delta. [ audience reacts ] as a prisoner here in america, you will either be alone, in solitary which drives you out of your mind or, completely on top of everybody else heard inmates in america are routinely forced to sleep on the floor and to fight for access to toilets and showers. of the world s 25 most dangerous prisons, four are here in the u.s., the san quentin, the super max in colorado, and the state pen in new mexico. where, for $45, oh, yes, you can tour the cellblock, where 33 inmates were killed in one of the worst prison riots in history. so, bring the kids, and don t forget to get that salt for the gas chamber. [ audience reacts ] here in california, the prison in dublin made headlines because it is where they sent lori loughlin after her college cheating scandal, but have since closed. why? because the rape club that the guards had going was so impervious and ingrained it was just easier to shutter the whole place. and prison in america is a place that forces the people in it forces them to become racists. if you are black, you are with the brothers, if you are white, you have to join the aryans in it. there is no leave me out of it, i like everybody. let s just all get coexist tattoos on our knuckles. yeah. i mean [ audience reacts ] what kind of society is cool with all of this? we call them correctional facilities, but that is like calling the nfl a brain development program. and look, i am not saying that it is not okay to lock people up. it is. of course it is. diddy does it all the time. [ audience reacts ] but, it is not okay to deliberately violate the eighth amendment s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. fake tough guys think, hey, if prison is bad enough, it will incentivize people to stay out of trouble after they get out, but they are long. it actually does the opposite. within a year of released, around 40% of prisoners are rearrested. within 10 years, it is 82%. and i don t think they want back in because they miss the toilet one. if we are trying to make inmates into criminals for life, it is working, because prisoners like linkedin for lowlifes, you can t beat the networking. it is a taxpayer-funded criminal mentorship program. but, here is the thing. around 95% of all inmates eventually to get out, so the question becomes, who do we want returning to society? some hapless broke dude goes in for selling drugs or passing a bad check and if you years later, he comes out a sexual predator with white power written on his neck. and we sort of just accept that light, that is how prison words. you go in bad, you come out worse. if you are lucky, when you get out, we will let you work the carnival, or the toll booth, or date britney spears. [ audience reacts ] jesus. it almost makes stealing catalytic converters not worth it. but, it doesn t have to be this way. we could change. there are even places in the world that offer a model as to what that would look like. norway s recidivism rate is 20%. prisoners there do yoga, they learn a trade, there is a playground for their kids when they visit, and the guards aren t maniacs who failed the police psych exam. and it is a place that looks less like our prisons and more like what you would find on an american college campus only, of course, with less anti- semitism. [ audience reacts ] of course, the big difference is that unlike here, scandinavian countries don t have private, for-profit prisons. that is what we have here. and corporations, it turns out, don t run prisons to improve society, they run them to make money, which means putting more people in the system, and the more prisoners, the more profit. this is why they lobby congress with three strikes rules and keeping weed illegal. they don t want them rehabilitated. they want to return customers. all right. that is our show. if you enjoyed this editorial we have more just like it for you, right up there! if that is not a father s day press, i don t know what is! june 21st and 22nd, with the music hall in boston june 26th. thank you, matt welch! now, we are going to watch overtime on youtube. thank you.

Everyday , Agency , Version , Understanding , Kgb , Right , Strings , Double-agents , Scenes , Threatening , Efforts , Geopolitics

Transcripts For BBCNEWS Unspun World with John Simpson 20240609

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about peace and security. south africa has punished its ruling party for 30 years of failing government. but how does the chastened anc now select partners for the way forward? it is highly expected that the african national congress will come up with a coalition, even though it will be uneasy, but one that will be manageable. and immigration the great issue in so many of the 60 plus elections which are taking place around the world this year how does it affect us? we live in a much more globalised world. it s easier to travel. that has, you know, created movements of people around the planet which are presenting real challenges for governments. news reel: the allied | invasion of europe from the west is launched 0-day the start of d day 80 years ago was heralded by the broadcast of a couple of lines from a verlaine poem, ordering a particular french resistance circuit to start blowing up railway lines. very soon, british, american, canadian, free french and other troops stormed ashore to start the recapture of europe from the nazis. this anniversary seems like a good moment to look at where our world is today. the west in visible decline, russia fighting a war of aggression in europe, china stamping out ideological opposition wherever it can. rightly or wrongly, there s starting to be a kind of pre warfeeling about our times. allan little is the bbc s special correspondent. he s reported on many of the major events of the past 35 years. i think we re definitely in a period of anxiety and fear, and i think the change of policy in russia in february 2022 realigned the world. you and i lived through the revolutions of 1989, which saw the reunification of europe. so, the period of peace that we ve enjoyed over the last 80 years is certainly more fragile than it s been at any time during our lives, john. donald tusk of poland, for instance, the british defence secretary, grant shapps, and plenty of others talking about no longer being in a post war world, but in a pre war world. the threat of a resurgent, imperialist russia is very real. the collapse of the westernising, democratising experiment in post soviet russia amounted to one question what are the political consequences of this degree of destitution and humiliation that the russians were experiencing in the late 1990s? we knew what russia was in transition from. we didn t yet know what russia was in transition to. well, we know the answer now. the answer is that russia reverted to type, if you like. undeeradimir putin, it became authoritarian, dictatorial, and it s allied with changes in china and changes in iran and elsewhere. so, the world is reordering itself in quite a menacing way. do you feel that the 80th anniversary of the d day landings, which is where all of this started, we re now shifting to deep nervousness, instead ofjust patting ourselves on the back, as we have on most d day anniversaries? with the 80th anniversary, we ve lost the living testimony. there s now almost nobody left alive. and i think it s very important to remember notjust what they did in 191m and 1945, but the kind of europe they came home to build after the war. and they wanted a europe that would turn the page on centuries of division in europe. france and germany had gone to war with each other something like four times in the previous century. in 1945, they wanted to build a europe where that wasn t possible any more. where are we, say, in comparison with the past? this is a period of huge anxiety. i feel anxiety myself. you and i have seen war up close. we ve seen genocide up close. we know what it looks like. we know what it sounds like. we know what it smells like. and ifear, in western europe in particular, the danger of complacency. and i think that europe divides on this question as well, between the west and east. one of the things that s happened since 1989 is that eastern europe now, which initially welcomed in 1989, welcomed the westernising process, welcomed being brought into the european union, there is a populist drive in many of these eastern and central european countries against westernisation. they feel that the western model has been imposed upon them, or sufficient numbers of the population feel a western model that they don t recognise, don t feel comfortable with. .. the iconic figure of that position is viktor orban, in hungary, who has said himself that he wants a kind of illiberal democracy. seems to me the big danger is complacency, is saying, we re not living in 1913. we re not living in 1938. we might be. can it really be that europe s whole future, everything has turned around because of one man s attitudes, because of vladimir putin solely deciding to invade ukraine and so on? or are there bigger principles behind him? under him, russia reverted to type, if you like, went back to the imperialism and the authoritarianism that had characterised both tsarist russia and communist russia. and so there is an appetite in russia for this kind of. self definition, this kind of.this characterisation of the nature of the russian state. and i suspect that what we re doing now is walking along the edge of the razor blade, but that at some stage, we ll get over it. what are you, are you pessimistic or optimistic? i err towards pessimism these days, john. even today, 80 years on, the europeans still think of that moment, that 1944 45 moment, in very, very different terms and still think of the post war decades in which they built the institutions of european democracy. they think about them differently to the british. for the british, it was a transactional. it was about trade. scratch away at the surface of european sentiment, european sensibility, what you find is anxiety about peace and security, rather than trade and the economy. and i think that is rooted in the different experience of the 1940s. south africa has marked the 30th anniversary of majority rule with an election which has cut the african national congress, the party of nelson mandela, down to size. crime, corruption, the failure of basic services, like power and water, have infuriated huge numbers of south africans. even though mk the breakaway party of the man who symbolises corruption for many people, former presidentjacob zuma actually did very well. contrary to expectation, the economic freedom fighters, under their fiery leader, julius malema, faded badly, while the democratic alliance, which runs the western cape and is usually called business friendly, which means it gets the support of most white people, held its position with 21% of the vote but didn t noticeably thrive. so, now the anc has lost its overall majority, president cyril ramaphosa, an instinctive moderate, has to decide which of these groups to form a coalition with. i asked nomsa maseko, the bbc s southern africa correspondent, what she thought about the result. absolutely shocked at the loss of the african national congress, but not really surprised, because it was expected. people of south africa have grown tired of promises made and not kept. they are tired of high levels of violent crime, unemployment, the rolling blackouts which have crippled the economy, the day to day service delivery issues, like running water, you know, and the collection of rubbish, things like that, even though they are loyal to the anc government because of the history that south africa has in terms of, you know, apartheid. they know and appreciate what the anc and other liberation movements did for them back then. but this is a message by south africans to say that the honeymoon is over for the anc. but surely cyril ramaphosa cannot go into a coalition with jacob zuma or his people? there are people within the executive council of the anc that are saying that cyril ramaphosa, as president of this country and president of the anc, should resign from his position because this is the lowest point that the anc has ever got in, in terms of election results. in the last elections in 2019, the anc got about 57% of the vote, and this time around, they re barely holding on to a 40% majority. how likely is it that cyril ramaphosa can do some kind of deal with another party, oranother couple of parties? the democratic alliance, for instance. the anc acknowledges that there will be concessions that they have to make if they want to continue to lead, if cyril ramaphosa is to continue as president of the country. because if not, then the anc will have to sit in the opposition benches and allow the other parties to form a coalition and then govern, which is at this stage highly unlikely. but the democratic alliance has said that it is willing to go into a coalition with the african national congress, but in that there s going to be, you know, clashes in terms of policy and ideology because the democratic alliance is pro israel, the anc is pro palestine, the democratic alliance is also against the policy of black economic empowerment. and that will be a hard pill to swallow for the anc, which is trying with that policy to fix the wrongs of the past. and, of course, the democratic alliance is seen, rightly or wrongly, as being a white run party, isn t it? absolutely. south africans, even though they know that it s been 30 years into democracy, they still have the memories of what it was like not to be in control of their lives, of their economy, of where they go and not go. so there s a lot of misgivings. now, the one name that we haven t mentioned here isjulius malema, of the economic freedom fighters. and they did really quite badly, didn t they? they are now officially the fourth, you know, party, biggest party. but, you know, julius malema delivered one of his most modest speeches when he said that he believes that the electorate has decided what they wanted. but also, he believes that the economic freedom fighters received the votes of the black middle class. and he believes that they will still be able to continue, you know, to be in the opposition benches, but also, there could be a chance that the african national congress itself would want to form a coalition with the economic freedom fighters. will we have a government soon, or in the medium term, or is it going to take forever? in the next, say, 20 days after these coalition, you know, negotiations have taken place. parliament needs to sit before the end ofjune, and that is where a president is going to have to be appointed. and it is highly expected that the african national congress will come up with a coalition, even though it will be uneasy, but one that will be manageable. poor mexico, so far from god and so close to the united states. the rueful words of the 19th century mexican dictator porfirio diaz. things have got even worse since then. floods of illegal migrants from all over latin america pass through mexico on their way to the us, and the drugs cartels smuggle immense quantities of synthetic opioids to the huge and growing american market. the drugs trade made this the most violent presidential campaign ever in mexico. 102 political assassinations, as well as kidnappings and attempted murders. and yet, in all this, claudia sheinbaum, the former mayor of mexico city and a joint nobel prize winner for her work on climate change, won a landslide victory. the first woman to become mexico s president. she is the protege of the popular outgoing president, andres manuel lopez 0brador, who s known from his initials as amlo. but can claudia sheinbaum, even with amlo s support, sort out mexico s problems? and what was the cause of the landslide anyway? i turned to daniel pardo, of bbc mundo, in mexico city. andres manuel lopez 0brador, the current president who s been in power for the last six years. and he s managed to have people happy, really. increasing their salaries, poverty has been reduced from 40% to 36% average. 0bviously, violence is still a problem. insecurity is a huge problem for people. sheinbaum has become or was a very. a candidate that gave people the idea that those policies that enlarge their pockets are still going to be in place. that, added to the fact that the opposition is fragmented, divided, that they are trying to attack a very popular president who had to deal with the pandemic, still has 60% of people s support that s a huge number for a latin american president. but it does sound from what you say as though amlo, lopez 0brador, will want to keep a foot in politics, will want to control her, if he can. that s the question that everyone s asking at the moment. how is she going to govern? how autonomous is she going to be? their relationship. although they are part of the same movement, they have major differences. it s not only about their background, they come from different sort of lefts, because amlo is part of this old left in mexico that s very rooted in the revolution, that is very nationalist. it s very traditional in their economic and especially development ideas. sheinbaum, she s a physicist, who went to university. she has got a phd. she s an expert in climate change. she was part of a team who won the nobel prize because of their contribution to climate change studies. she s a woman, right, in a very macho country. and that s why everyone s asking, how is she going to be autonomous and how much is he going to control her? he has said and promised that he s going to retire, that he s going to go to his farm, and he s not going to be involved in politics. this election campaign, in particular, has been very violent, hasn t it? and there s all the question about the drugs trade with the united states and so on. so, violence is still a major problem. the six years in which amlo was in power were the most violent in history, in terms of homicides. and, yes, this campaign killed at least a0 candidates who were running for office in different parts of the country. so, yeah, violence, it is a problem. however, i think most mexicans have got used to it and have realised that that s not a problem that any government, one single government, one single politician, could fix. people are happy because their pockets are filled with money and they re being able to consume as much as they want. this is a very dynamic economy. the choice that americans are going to make in the united states is going to have such an effect on mexico, isn t it? most of mexican foreign policy is regarding the us, either if it s a democrat or a republican. 0bviously, trump did. emerge with the different issues, but it wasn t that different, really. i mean, you see the relationship that he had with amlo. it was a very pragmatic relationship. obviously, it s a huge source of income for mexicans. a huge portion of the gdp here in mexico has to do with money that mexicans in the united states send to theirfamilies here in mexico. it s a tricky relationship, but at the end, pragmatism does take place and does make the rule of the relationship, no matter who is in power. big countries have attracted immigrants throughout history. there are always people who want to better themselves financially, and there are always large amounts ofjobs to fill which local people don t want to do. but in the modern world, with wars and the effects of global heating, immigration has become a majorforce for social change. entire cities have been transformed as a result of the hostility which this can create. it has been responsible in many countries for the rise of an angry populism. i asked the bbc home affairs specialist mark easton for his views on the changes that immigration has brought to modern society. you have to understand, we live in a much more globalised world. it s easier to travel from one place to another, and that has changed things and also our understanding of the world. and i think that has, you know, created movements of people around the planet which, as you rightly say, are presenting real challenges for governments. there was this extraordinary movement of people back in the noughties, after the expansion of the eu. we saw all the poles come in. suddenly, actually, britain was experiencing immigration in a way it never had before. that, i think, changed the way that a lot of communities felt about immigration. it had not been something they d experienced before. and then i think you should wind the clock on and you get to brexit. and that, i think, was to a significant extent about communities who felt that they had not been informed about what was going to happen. and, of course, what we ve seen, almost as soon as the ink was dry on the brexit final deal, immigration soared. i mean, notjust soared, john, but went to levels that we have never, ever experienced in this country. if you go back to 2022, we saw three quarters of a million net migration to this country. so, i think given that there is now rising anxiety about, actually, do we have control of our borders? which matters a lot. and are we making the right decisions on when we bring people in? and that leads you into the other bit of all of this, which is what the government calls illegal migration, a term which is contested, i should say, but certainly irregular migration. so, these are people who are. like, for instance, those coming over in small boats or hiding in the back of lorries, and they are coming principally to seek asylum in the united kingdom. that, just to give you some context, represents about 6% of all the migration that we have. so, the rest is legal? the rest is legal. the government has invited those people to come to the uk, has given them a visa and said, in you come. yeah, we ve got a job for you. this is, what, to be nurses? care workers and nurses. doctors? doctors. i mean, i know zimbabwe very well, where nurses are really needed, and doctors. of course. ..and bringing them here, to a rich country. notjust the uk, but other european nations, sort of absorbing vast numbers of key workers who are actually required desperately in their countries of origin. now, to some extent, this is about, you know, the freedom of the individual to decide how they want to pursue their career. but equally, i think there is a responsibility on the rich countries to ensure that they re not impoverishing the countries from which these people come. and here is the real rub. if you want to reduce immigration and not have to pay the really significant penalty of not having anyone to care for your ailing grandmother, we re going to have to pay more. and that means that money is going to have to come from somewhere, and it essentially means you cut something else or you put up taxes. and that is the unpalatable reality that we have got ourselves in a situation where we are prepared to bring in large numbers of people to do jobs at low rates that local people are not prepared to do. but an awful lot of people are coming in from countries which are just simply poorer. and they want the kind of salaries that are paid in britain, but also, in western europe and the us. there is a huge debate, political debate, certainly, about, what is an economic migrant? what is a genuine asylum seeker? where you have conflict, the countries that border that conflict, i m sure you will have been to many of them, are suddenly overwhelmed by huge numbers of refugees. they haven t got the resources. they re often poor countries themselves, trying to deal with these. how do we have a fair, equitable system that means that those countries are not penalised, really, purely by their geography, while rich countries further away can say, nothing to do with us ? mark easton, speaking to me here in london. we re getting punch drunk, aren t we, with elections? there s the south african one and the mexican one, which we ve heard about in this programme. the european parliament elections begin this week. and there s the indian one, of course. and injuly, we ll have the british one. nigel farage, who played a big part in persuading britain to vote for brexit in 2016, has thrown a hand grenade into the election campaign here by announcing he was taking over the leadership of the small reform party and would stand for parliament, despite having lost seven parliamentary campaigns over the years. and of course, there s the united states, where the election result could genuinely change the future of the world. lots of media experts think that donald trump s conviction on 3a charges of falsifying his accounts to hide the hush money he paid the porn actress stormy daniels has nudged the pendulum an inch or so injoe biden s favour. but we re likely to have televised debates, in which literally anything could happen between two ancient men of 77 and 81. i m just weeks away from turning 80 myself, so i m allowed to say all this. at which point, everyone, everywhere wonders how a country as vast and talented as the us can only turn up a couple of men like biden and trump for the presidency. but that s a story for another day. thank you for being with us for this edition of unspun world. from me and the unspun team, until we meet again, goodbye. hello there. it s been a pretty decent start to the weekend. there was a good deal of sunshine around across most of the country. a bit of cloud here and there, a few showers, mostly in the north. part two of the weekend doesn t look quite as good. it will start sunny, quite chilly. but we ve got a couple of weather fronts pushing down from the north west that will increase cloud through the day, with some splashes of rain. now, we ve got this weather front approaching the north west of the country to move through this evening. showers merging together to produce longer spells of rain for the north and west of scotland. so unsettled, breezy, showery in the north, turning cloudier for northern ireland, but clearer skies for large parts of england and wales, with lighter winds here. so it will turn chilly for most. single digits, i think, for the majority of the country. but with more cloud across northern ireland, we will fall to around ten degrees in belfast. so sunday, then, we ve got low pressure still towards the norwegian sea there, bringing northern westerly winds into the country. we start off with quite a bit of sunshine. scotland, england and wales. cloudy skies for northern ireland, south west scotland, in towards north west england, north wales. and that cloud, with splashes of rain, will spill south eastwards through the day. so it will turn cloudy across much of england and wales. probably the best of the sunshine across the far south west, and the northern half of scotland doing pretty well, with sunny spells. but there will be blustery showers here. and a cooler day to come, i think, because of more cloud around temperatures of about 12 to 17 degrees. as we move through sunday night, that area of rain splashes across the irish sea, into much of england and wales, becomes confined to southern and eastern areas by the end of the night. so where we have the cloud and the rain, then, a less cold night here, 10 to 12 degrees under clearer skies. further north, it will turn chilly. we start to pick up a northerly wind as we move into monday. that rain slowly clears away from the south and east. it may take a while to clear the east of england. eventually, it will do. then it s a bright day for most, sunshine and showers. most of these across the northern half of scotland, where they will be quite blustery and a chilly northerly wind at that. temperatures, 10 to 1a degrees in the north, 15 to 17 further south, giving some sunny spells. and we hold on to this chilly northerly wind through tuesday, even into wednesday as well. before low pressure starts to move in from the south west, that ll cut off the chilly northerly and temperatures will slowly recover towards the end of the week. but it s going to be a fairly unsettled and a cool week to come, with a little bit of sunshine here and there. live from washington. this is bbc news. four israeli hostages abducted by hamas last october reunited with their families after israeli forces freed them from captivity in gaza. hamas reports more than 200 palestinians were killed in the raid by the idf. two hospitals say they have counted scores of bodies. we ll have the latest from the general election campaign as the conservatives are pledging tax cuts and labour promises to help small businesses. hello, i m helena humphrey. four israeli hostages taken by hamas during the october 7th attacks have now been reunited with their families. but israeli forces in gaza killed scores of palestinians in the military operation to free them. israeli special forces raided two locations in nuseirat, in central gaza in broad daylight. 0ne israeli soldier was killed. hamas says more than 200 palestinians were killed in the operation. an israeli military spokesman said there were under100 palestinian casualties. the eu s top diplomat condemned the israeli raid. the us president has also spoken out at a press conference during his state visit to france. i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming

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thanks for watching fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday on fox news and don t forget on social media and i everybody calm down to her, hey girl. parks across and listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. good night from new york city. it can be they republican, you can be a democrat, just don t be a [bleep]. there is. yes i agree. yes i m still not going home with you though. it s friday you know what that means. let s welcome tonight s guests. she s like the show cops on tv since the nineties often seen around half naked men kennedy! he creates more impressions then away or are others does a weight watchers meeting in flanagan s. tyler fischer. she s like hail, small white and smashes windshields. fox news contributor kat timpf. and his underwear can be used by paragliders new york times best-selling author and former nwa world heavyweight champion tyrus. greg: before we get to new stories let s do this. greg slit leftovers. greg: it s leftovers where i read the jokes we didn t use this weekend is always it s my first time reading them. if they suck we stuffed ground beef down joe machi and send them to the view asked mac has established rules to users deposed x-rated content the decision was made by his newest content executive. new york governor kathy hotel is pitching a plan for congestion driving charging drivers to enter the business district only forcing new yorkers to move unlike her face. transmitted fungal infection detected in nyc if that s the only thing it you get after visiting nyc you are doing great. to prevent shoplifting workers at tj maxx and marshalls ones are wearing body can shoppers are disappointed because it makes people find out a remote amazon tribe hooked on porn in unrelated news seashells are now accepted as payment for porn hub. the wall street journals says people are divided over whether it s okay to call without texting others report wanting people to reach out at all. very lonely alec baldwin unveiling a new tlc reality series for 2025 with the couple and their 7 children a modern-day brady bunch with alice getting shot in the face on the ev front senators blasted the governor meant for having 3 years and 7 billion dollars to make just 5 stations they plan to build 500,000 stations and at their current place it would be done by the year 16,310. a journalist for the ny times asked if joe biden should downplay his own success like asking joy behar to downplay her looks. i will take it. jennifer lopez canceled her to her citing a desire to be with her family on the news ben affleck announced he is going on tour researchers calling for limits on in-flight alcohol purchases for health those who fly spirit are free to keep sniffing glue. after british airways passengers were told to brace for landing spending hours on the tarmac james cord and interior taint his travelers they thanked the travelers for making them look forward to diana crash a new app tracks big mac prices across the u.s. to save money it has its first a vip customer. worlds loneliest man lives in a village with just a horrors a picture of him and his animal. [ cheers and applause ] we don t even try to make it look like a village just slap the 2 people together now to the news with the democrats rooted the day they tried to put trump away that liberals with a nice digestive system against the ones in future president manipulating phony charges and a conviction the pandora s box is open and trump people are thirsty for revenge a democrat law fair being to blame they can also play at that game republicans from stephen miller to steve bannon and speaker mike johnson are expressing a need for vengeance not just a fun kind where you switch mac seam waters wake with family of ferrets mike johnson promised use appropriation legislation and oversight terrain in the justice department they have gender-neutral panties in a twist over it as trump ones retribution decipher and i just just as real and dangerous mother jones trump s obsession with revenge a big poster verdict danger daily beast revenge what trump and the gop want most of all the brain trust morning joe donald trump and his alleys are looking to do this he s just hillary clinton be jailed in response and he says he will serve it up and so with that i m not sure what more people need to know given a lot of things donald trump as promised have come to pass. great work there still sorry to break the news but hillary is roaming the streets and sweat stained pantsuits menacing societies displayed all trump calls for jail a lot of his promises came to pass like building a healthy economy in border security world peace who else remember the good old days of 2019 when you re married to joe scarborough you train at the think of the past or present and perhaps the future either way i see it the greatest revenge comes november 5th after that so they focus on incentives so losers don t get eventually get mad as in mutually assured destruction let them know you are just as capable as they are improving that no 1 is above the law is not really about jailing people it s about punishing crime because like gandhi famously said don t start none won t be none. kennedy don t you think it s interesting they are quaking in their boots because they know what they deserve it they are the ones talking about revenge all the time. you reminds me of hamas being angry at the response israel had after they inflicted the worst massacres since the holocaust with an administration be incapable of retribution it s horrible for the country i like what mike johnson is saying like that they would use appropriations in every means to take stock in the justice system as they want him to make it more ethical and do that with every agency they talk about defund the police defund everything that s what small minded conservatives and libertarians wanted so they re using this moment with that i can be fine if that. i disagree rising about things overrated if you are trump out you get back how would you get back at the democrats for the several convictions. everything i did word for word. as they which was anything to make a good. 34 counts nobody is done it and they couldn t do a 22 counts as even the zodiac killer right zodiac loser the out catch me outside the yard so let them have the badge. let him have it. and with kennedy don t want to weapon eyes anything you incentivize them as is a ping-pong thing is it possible to have mutually assured destruction to end the weaponization of the justice department and they think honestly that my issue is whether branches of government levels my issue in general as when so-and-so is there as doesn t demand much on who is and what position which i believe it was politicized but if we get my focus is on how that happened. as they had that kind of power as i think that s not the answer as as should not be owned was empower the parts have just gary all right way you need to do something you need to do something or they don t stop this and the last 6 years with the coup doing what they should have a flying committing crimes or finding the crime as the bank robber steals money as they went out of their way to get them out of office that a team of hollywood directors come in to produce the january 6th thing they went above and beyond to go after them had guys that 34 counts on a crime expire did everything they could. he never did that when he was in office he went them in the doj resign and what they are afraid not revenge is count ability it s turn the other cheek and if you re doing write that would stand by you not to worry about richard bashan because i follow the law and seek the truth so come get me that that what they were saying. it s all cool if you win. [ bleeps ] that. they are worried which is why they re bringing up that word. for revenge not retarded. dang it kennedy. later in the show and first a possible vp sweating over 40 fives vetting. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. you know, when i take the bike out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i m riding, i m not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn t ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don t have to worry about anything when you re protected by america s number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren t related, so. ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. (avo) kate made progress with her mental health. .but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr a story in 5 words. trump vp named for vetting they are vetting can fit what are your thoughts about this what he thing the presidents contemplating. democrats love having first. will harass the first indian black woman, first autistic hyena the first 1 we left the first blind bisexual bipolar, a biodegradable native american chinese trans- child of color someone like ben shapiro would be good but he d be cutting to adds everyone. hello everybody my fellow americans we are at war bonds are going off and they didn t yet to use express vp use ghost the bomb for 10% off or maybe bill burr he is funny a comedian open for him and everyone would tune in my wife is coming home where watching the view we are making it illegal for right on monday it s called bills or bills it will be 5 years in jail for every minute you watch the view i like these ideas did you see who is not on the list, kristi gnome likes like the dog got the last live that s what did it she was on the list. but then she bragged about enjoying shooting her dog do not take advice from corey lewandowski. words to live by. maybe somebody who can like maybe someday can speak to both sides of the aisle like 50-cent have you been watching all that. he was meeting with everybody that a sale my gosh i m so trad. he posted a photo of lauren bo bert and people went nuts about the photo so that he tweeted wait wait guys i took pictures of everyone all you seem to care about is lauren what did she do in a dark theater that hasn t been done i don t have chlamydia by the way lol. that s my vice president at the very least he should do the show if somebody watching knows him. greg: i m sure he d love to do the show. mr sent is that 50 or for 80. now he s never gonna do it because you did that. no no rhonda santos no nikki haley no vbac. there s no reason to vet her she s at the top of the list you not? to call her and be like you are off the list you might mess around in the forest and kennedy do the sound, please. [ cheers and applause ] make me feel that when you hear you do that as if you think this is a deflection as the people they d assign different? absolutely will do some version of the apprentice which will crescendo at the rnc in july and they re releasing a little here and there is like the beginning of the bachelor as they re never the ones he takes him to his family. interesting he s been to the governor rodeo and it bit him in the ass which is docketed on that so ideally you don t want to pick you want to pick that an soa the best person for the job you want the person brings in the most votes with he did do something like totally different somebody you know? lights quinn does light-skinned added to think harold ford junior? los. i was going to say joe mansion he s retiring and renounces the democrats static didn t he decide to go independent? he is no longer a democrat. greg: why do a make up these things to think avenue a problem could you imagine him taking some be like that like just cream in hell out of the democrat party. what about anthony if ouchi do that job. he would be on their be like you need your 50 year shot every day first shot it was really to loosen up the vein and get it ready for the second. they should have kristi gnome go to his house and dress up as a dog get them as vaccines get them as booster shots he means that only in the most comical way. remember we got mad at jesse watters because jesse watters is saying about shots and it was like i m getting threatened by people political theater. greg: do you feel vexed getting a call over a text you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don t know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you re a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i m proud of it! [ryan laughs] that colonoscopy for getting screened is why i m delaying i heard i had a choice i know the name, that s what i m saying -cologuard®? -cologuard. cologuard! -screen for colon cancer. -at home, like you want. -you the man! -actually, he s a box. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that s effective and non-invasive. it s for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. i did it my way do you want your kids to eat healthier? but they just want sweets. force factor kids super chews can help. created by the number one superfoods brand in america. force factor kids super chews are packed with healthy vitamins and are absolutely delicious. find force factor kids at the walmart vitamin aisle today. hi. i m gina. i was really upset at the way i had let myself go. my cravings were out of control. i had to do something. we all know it s important to take care of our health but it seems the trend is looking for a quick fix. and as a nurse it s really important to me what i put in my body. the main difference with golo is the way i felt. i wasn t jittery, my cravings went away. i felt satisfied and healthy and had tons of energy. give golo a shot you won t be sorry. psoriatic arthritis is tough. symptoms can be unpredictable. one day, your joints hurt. hi grandpa. next, it s on your skin. it s painful. i couldn t move like i used to. i got cosentyx. feels good to move. cosentyx helps real people move and feel better. it treats multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis for less joint pain, swelling, and tenderness back pain and clearer skin. and cosentyx can even help stop further joint damage. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur; some were fatal. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms like fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough, had a vaccine or plan to or if inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions and severe eczema-like skin reactions may occur. i feel better. check out these moves. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. [ cheers and applause ] some are suggesting not calling before texting tonight s gutfeld debate should you text before you call our friends at the wall street journal row another fascinating piece asking the question and there are 2 camps of those who don t mind a random phone call and those who prefer a heads up text of letting you know they are going to call you. they found that while some love to get a surprise phone call others found nothing ruder it s panic inducing like there is an emergency and they are mad it s not an emergency it s my got a somebody did i just called to say high it s like then why are you calling me. yes. i hate when people call me without texting first ellicott my phone and i m like is this person going to force me to do improv right now like you re not going to tell me what this is about. it s like you call me a could be about anything at had no time to prepare but okay the worst thing you can do the actual worst thing you can do like oh tyrus is calling me right now. greg: you kids. ci feel like i ve done something wrong. nonjust kind of check and you. like hello you don t have to answer otherwise you like hello or, hey, it what s up you don t know. she hung up on me i have to text are now about it. never leave a voicemail. i called tyrus but it s on voicemail call me back. you are blocks. i think your necklace could be a belt for me. i think my necklace could be a belt for you. your question greg? greg: from the wall street journal it s a don t do you dare call me without texting first can you guess which gender wrote this don t you dare to call me without texting me what amanda write this? no because here s the deal if you call me i m probably not going to answer and if you text me you called me that i m not going to call you back at all whose life is this complicated or important to where only call me if it s an emergency. kiss my ass if i feel like calling you i will call you. that s what it is it s a polite way of saying i don t want to talk to you. please text me so i can lie to you and say i m so busy solving world problem is behind closed doors. kennedy this is ageist its older people who had land lines they call more often without texting and they should call you to stay hello. they re calling them it s to break up with them that sexy not true done so by text. like they were never alive. it s precisely that it s for the good old days done dumping them in the bay. being quick on that is to take some but he before you murder them and dump them in the bag as its a running start getting on a bicycle with 1 locomotion there for going to call you i can call you going around being like high it s me i m texting to ask if it s okay if i call you please. greg: that is the worst was ever heard. i know but that s the person who wrote this article that s the voice they have in my head. greg: and you know what this person does at least what s or twice a week maybe 3 times a week on the wall street journal they do these complaining pieces and it s why this person does this when you were flying why do they do this it s the same person you know what this person does i ll tell you what they do. these are the people who text short texts it drives me crazy like what s up what are you doing justice and 1 sentence and you go okay what s going on you can put it in 1 text that s the crime. it is a crime and we are like overly consensual now you know what i mean consented to make i can t kennedy that s what they want to do i want to go 1 step further a don t want some of me without my knowing first i think there should be in effect at called can i text right you get an alert of tyrus going know you can t text me. you use the oral legend somebody has to tell you. he went to high school first she was so cool. yes to tell somebody who has to tell like hate kennedy can you tell tyler that i want to text him 3 greg says you re a legally. thank you i will talk to greg at home. just be a man in do it we weren t doing that back in the day like i m going to send the carrier pigeon to your house to let you know there s a handwritten letter that will arrive in 300 business days just call me my pronouns are pick up. kathy? greg: what s the impression you just did what would you call that. the old time he impression this is every old-time he impression that the done here she s going around the corner. and you do that as awoke person now with that voice? i feel pretty good triggered my opponents or he who what when where and skedaddle. all right. before we go did you see craig s excited hand that. when gray gets appointee does this. watch the greg and the dance when he s excited he so excited his other hand can t catch up the clap. i want to defend myself but i can t. coming up questions and answers. [ cheers and applause you are watching mailing it in. greg: a fun question what would you build with a million legos kennedy equally maximum-security condo to house all the people he play of lego so they can t get out. greg: tyler? i would finish of the wall and nice lego portion of the wall. [ cheers and applause ] greg: why not a lego wall? it s so playful and colorful make it rainbow for pride or whatever. you could do a contract with a lego in a could get build. tyrus what would you do if a million legos what would you build? what would i build with a million legos? a statue of me. to sit in this chair right here. may be of just your leg. you keep this up while sticky in my pocket and slap you around. greg: kat what would you build with a million legos? i would step up them and get in the with my husband about who will throw them away until he did it. greg: you could build an amazing house by some land. what i would build with a million legos a lego making machine that made more legos. that way i could accelerate in the machine we keep making legos which would make another lego meet making machine and it would be self-perpetuating and i would take over the world. making a machine oh my gosh. so. go back and kill lego hitler. you can break it make bricks and stuff. greg: up flawed, applaud. bully, a bully, bully. another asked what is your main phobia and how do you manage it. let me guess tyler you don t have any phobias? my name is tyrus. greg: what did i say? tyler. i guess were 1 personnel. we did run off together. yet to be on top of a shoulders i guess. listen 1 small pervert in my life is all i can handle. you have any phobias? the campy snakes or spiders anything. no people who i don t like talking to talking to me as my phobia when somebody you just comes up to you and is like high and they keep going and going and going i never know how to end it without just screaming shut up and going away. i always see them coming. greg: i get dizzy when that happens. any time jesse watters comes into the room you know. have you talked to him. greg: who did you say i missed it? waters. greg: he doesn t talk to anybody thankfully. it s the breath problem. kat? phobia? i used to have a bad phobia of blood and guts but then i got over it. because it was chapter 5 and i looked down and there was. greg: once you can only see your blood you have to get over i wouldn t recommend. tyler any phobia? i have a fear of needles i didn t get the covid-19 vaccine because my pediatrician said i was too tiny that thing would have gone for my arm also fear of feminism for sure. when toxic massey limit masculinity comes on a date my penis goes into my stomach can i say to that great. you just did. greg: kennedy? i don t. greg: no fears? i don t have a fear of heights am not claustrophobic a fear of snakes or spiders or fire or sharks. i was at a phobia. sounds like a feminist. greg: you know i had a fear that i can t get rid of. i can t open up my eyes underwater. is that weird? 1000 percent yes. all you have to do is open them. it s weird because i don t like having because i don t like open spaces. being below the was probably weird for someone of your stature. with goggles on it freaks me out i can t even look. when i saw poseidon adventure the original i had to walk out of the theater. what happened to you when you are baptized? well, i don t remember. they talked to the preacher down. greg: we ve got to go. standup comedy from joe machi next. stay ahead of your child s moderate-to-severe eczema. and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child s skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your child s eczema specialist about dupixent. rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. it s laughter you came to find he s come here to blow your mind remember he s just a scared of you as you are of him. welcome comedian joe machi. hello everybody, hey, everybody, thank you, thank you well. it is great to be here i was riding the subway late at night a guy got on the train and said if you look at me again i will kill you. my friend is like what did they look like and i was like well i didn t get a good look at oh. the subway got dangerous lately ever since they got rid of consequences. like recently i had a rule where if you bring a dog on the train a has to be fully enclosed a dog carrying bags of people broke that rule i saw a guy bring in unleashed pitbull on the train so i wrote the subway authority and said if you don t start enforcing your dog rule sooner or later a baby is going to get eaten because pitbull s can be great dogs with a bad owner sometimes they eat babies. anyways the subway authority didn t write back and later on i realized that might have been my fault because i phrased it like that. it sounded like i was threatening down the baby eaten and that s not what i meant that all that s how rumors start. and that doing this weird interaction with workers watching my car at the park i know that sounds weird where he live it s all that people wash their car there filling up buckets and on this day they didn t care for the can watch the car here party gotten 20 complaints and if you ve already gotten 20 complaints putting up assigned to wash the car as it s the same reason i sold drugs at all those high schools and that should have been the end of it has that guy stupid couldn t succeed in the private sector and the the can t murder someone and that s not allowed either. and could you put a pin and that we get my joke notebook doing it in different cities and first of all it seems like i m murdering someone washing your car as an apples to oranges comparison. and breaking the apple storage comparison because it made sense to me the different popular round through. and that the subject at hand with no murdering allowed they would get the hell out of there. because you have to figure that s where most of them murderers were happening it s the best time in history to be crazy giving out awards for it for the internet recently on instagram on father s day last year a friend posted a picture of your and her dad the caption happy day the world s greatest dad they were and it was crazy pretty old. and they said no so i said why would you tell him he is the world s greatest dad on a forum he s not even on he s walking around right now doesn t even know he is the world s greatest dad. then i answer my own question it s because you are a malignant narcissist. how do you figure imagine doing something like that before social media. hey, phil i wanted to let you know it s father s day told my daddy s the world s greatest dad. that makes sense joe it s father s day that s when you tell him that. 1 more thing phil i don t even know if you like that. and the world becoming a crazy place stepping in to make sense of it all and that really backfired on bud light boycotting that beer 1 day you are a fan of bud light beer and next you deny yourself delicious taste of urine flavored alcohol. and people say how do you know what urine tastes like. and 1 time i was stung in the mouth by a jellyfish. the worst part of having somebody peon your jellyfish sting is when you find out later that s not a real cure. being bamboozled again by german tourists. thank you guys i really appreciate it. thank you all. [ cheers and applause ] thank you joe machi delightful. don t go away we will be right back. [ cheers and applause ] here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don t know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you re a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i m proud of it! [ryan laughs] [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you ll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children s research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis. they already had her treatment plan drawn out. and they were like, this is what we re going to do. this is how long it s going to take. this is how long in between. this place is like a family to us now. like, i can t say enough how grateful we are to be here. medical bills are always a big thing to everybody because everybody knows that anything medical is going to be expensive. we have received no bills since being at st. jude. we have paid for nothing. marlo thomas: thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. for just $19 a month, you ll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment that these kids need now and in the future. join with your credit or debit card right now, and we ll send you this st. jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. tiffany: anybody and everybody that contributes anything to this place, no matter if it s a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people s lives. and that s a big deal. [music playing] (avo) kate made progress with her mental health. .but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr greg: we are out of time, thank you to our guests and our studio aud

Don-t-be-a , Parks , Revenge-a-democrat , Radio-show-weekdays , Bleep , New-york-city , Hey-girl , 3 , 00 , Kennedy-don-t , Everybody , Social-media

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240609

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business or my life, i have the fish tank was a blow it up. so whatever s next, we re cooking with phi. that s checkout for in brynn, certain. i m someone s are 40 in washington. and this is cnn error win right? rescue, joyful reunions it s rarely forces free. four hostages from hamas captivity as gaza hospitals reported scores were killed during the mission. what more do we know? white house national security adviser jake sullivan is next and turnout talk both parties focus on a key voting block suburban women, we were able to work on real solutions. are we going to empower americans to make their own health care decisions? shuns, is it enough to win in the fall due governors, republican kristi noem and democrat gretchen whitmer join me exclusively, plus american way donald trump calls for revenge as he awaits his felony sentencing. and now, vice president kamala harris says his response. it does qualifying cheaters don t like it. what do voters thing or political panel ways in hello i m dana. bash in washington where the state of our union is looking overseas after eight long months for israel israeli hostages are back home safely. family reunions and tears of joy after they were rescued from hamas captivity by idf forces in a special operations saturday morning, the rate of two separate apartments and a central gaza refugee camp took months of preparation and military spokesman said, since hamas moves, hostages frequently and embeds them in areas packed with civilians like this refugee camp. following reports of heavy shelling and artillery fire, gaza hospital said more than 200 people were killed in the operation. cnn has not been able to verify claims about the exact number of civilian deaths in what was the first successful hostage rescue since february here with me now from paris where he is traveling with president biden is national security adviser, jake sullivan. thank you so much for being with me. let s start of course, with the news about the rescue of four israeli hostages inside gaza. how specifically did the us assist in the mission well, dana, the united states has been providing support to israel for several months in its efforts to help identify the locations of hostages in gaza and to support efforts to try to secure their rescue or recovery. i m not going to get into the specific operational or intelligence related matters associated. and with that, because we need to protect those, i can only just say that we have generally provided support to the idf so that we can try to get all of the hostages home, including the american hostages who are still being held so i understand that intelligence u.s. intelligence assisted but what you say anything about u.s. personnel, us weapons? well, the one thing i can say is that there were no us forces, no, no us boots on the ground involved in this operation. we did not participate militarily in this operation jake a mosque claims that other hostages that they are holding inside gaza were killed as a result of the idf s mission, is that true? we have not seen that verified or were confirmed. i believe that the israelis have said they do not have any information to that effect. but of course, that is always a risk with all of these military operations, hostages have been killed over the last eight months. and so dana the best way to get all of the hostages home and to protect palestinian civilians is to end this war. and the best way to end in this war is for hamas to say yes to the deal president biden announced and that israel has accepted, which lays out a roadmap to an enduring ceasefire in the return of all hostages because that s what we re driving for, and that s what we re asking the world to call upon hamas to accept are you concerned at all given what you just said that the ball is in hamas s court right now that the rescue that happened on saturday we ll make it so that hamas might walk away from the negotiating table its a legitimate question. i it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don t know exactly what it is that they re going to do. but the basic bottom line here is straightforward to bring it into this war, to get the hostages tom, to get the full scope of humanitarian aid to the palestinian people in a safe and effective way, we need the steel and all of the people all over the world and the united states. and in countries everywhere who have been calling for a ceasefire, they need to train their attention on hamas and put the pressure on because this is the way to resolve this issue. and whatever the calculus is of hamas coming out of this weekend, the reality remains the same. this is the only credible path forward and hamas i should say, yes any word either from hamas or through hamas is intermediaries about their stance vis-a-vis the ceasefire deal that the president endorsed. a little bit more than a week ago. since what happened yesterday well, we ve heard a lot publicly from hamas over the last week. we ve not seen any official statements since what happened with the hostage rescue operation. and the two key error of mediators who are standing alongside the united states in this process, qatar and egypt have not yet received any official word from hamas representatives as to their stance on the deal so we are waiting that word and it should come today. it should come this, our hamas should say yet which would immediately put in place a ceasefire and immediately begin the process of bringing hostages home. this is the answer that the world is looking for. it s time to act jake, i want to ask you a little bit more about that mission. and one of the questions is what we re hearing from gaza different hospitals in gaza say at least 236 people were killed as a part of the israeli operation to rescue hostages what is your understanding of how many palestinian civilians not militants, but civilians were killed in that rescue mission we ve united states are not in a position today to make a definitive statement about that, the israeli defense forces have put out one number for the hamas-run gaza health ministry has pulled out another number, but we do know this dana innocent people were tragically killed in this operation. the exact number we don t know, but innocent people were killed and that is heartbreaking. that is tragic. the president himself has said in recent days that the palestinian people are going through sheer hell in this conflict, because hamas is operating in a way that puts them in the cross-fire that holds hostages right in the heart of crowded civilian areas that puts military and placement that s right in the heart of crowded civilian areas. but every day that we see more innocent people lost is another horrible, awful tragic de and our hearts in the united states and across the world, break for that, but there is only one answer to stop that from happening going forward that is a he s fire and hostage deal that ends the military operations brings the hostages home and puts us in a position to give the palestinians and opportunity for for a better future for their people and last just about the mission we re you don t want to specifically say how the u.s. was it s involved, which i understand. but just broadly, big picture no one can deny the amazing news of seeing these innocent civilians who were finally brought back to their families from gaza after being held there for eight months. but is the us comfortable with the way that the israelis carried out the mission? looked in a why is president biden going out publicly and calling for a ceasefire and hostage deal? it s because he thinks the best sway to get all of the hostages home is in a deal where they re brought out diplomatically, where there s no need for military operations to get every last hostage out. so that would obviously be the best solution to this in the absence of that without hamas saying yes to the deal, unfortunately, we are going to continue to see ongoing conflict and military operations in which israel makes efforts to recover its citizens. and frankly to recover american citizens. what we would much prefer to see is a ceasefire where the hostages come out peacefully. that is available. israel has said yes to it. now hamas needs to say yes to it. that s where president biden s full effort, energy and attention is. and you heard yesterday from the french president here in paris that france stands behind that the world stands behind that, and hamas should come to the table and say, yeah you mentioned that you are in paris. i have to before i let you go ask about the trip that you and of course the president is making to europe, marking the 80th, then first ray of d-day. you are soon going to be part of the g7 in italy. and the president gave a very big speech on democracy as he s trying to frame the 2024 president presidential election here against donald trump as a discussion about the fate of bankruptcy, do you think democracy is in jeopardy? the president said in his speech that democracy, democracy is at risk all over the world from without and from within. to a greater extent now than it has been in a very long time. and what president biden was arguing is that those brave men who stormed the beaches at normandy who scaled the cliffs at pointe to hakh, who liberated europe and literally saved the world. they are calling us to step up to do our job in our time, which is two ben democracy, to stand with allies, to refuse to bow down to dictators to push back against aggression that s what president biden is seeking to do. adapt that s the message that he gave here today. and it s something he will carry forward as long as he is president. he said around the world, is democracy at risk? in the united states as part of this election what we do hear voices calling playing into question the basic democratic values and democratic institutions that have made our country great for 250 years. and those voices have gotten louder in recent years. and that is a source of deep concern. but it s also a source of huge motivation, not just for the president, but for a lot of people who want to stand up to reinforce the things that have made this country great. and we ve had no better reminder. dana, than getting to see some of those still living veterans of world war ii who came not to make any political statement in normandy, but rather simply bleed to reinforce the timeless values that have made america, america, and it s something we should all remember as we go forward. yeah, those were remarkable images. and reminders no question about that, jake. thank you so much for being here. i appreciate jaden thanks for having me both the trump and biden campaign s are trying to turn a key voting blocs suburban women republican governor kristi noem and democratic governor regine witmer are coming up this election season. staley with cnn, with more reporters on the ground. and the best 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guilty in his new york hush money trial. that is repeatedly suggesting that he would prosecute his political opponents if he is elected with part of what he said it s a terrible precedent for our country. does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question. and it s very possible that it s going to have to happen to them based on what they ve done. i would have every right to go after them. revenge, just take time we will say that he does. and sometimes revenge can be justified governor, is that the message you think donald trump should be focusing on in this campaign right now? well, his message has clearly been that his only vengeance will be america s success. he is not interested in going after political opponents. he is interested in going back to the white house and working for the american people and their families, bringing down inflation costs and that s what i m hearing overwhelmingly here in wisconsin. is that this swing state is so important and these people here, they re number one issue right now, is not that sham trial and not the verdict and the convictions and not what s going on as far as what a lot of people are talking about in the media, they care about what s happening to their families, how much grocery prices this is have gone up, how much better their lives were four years ago. so that that s, that s really their number one concern yeah. i mean, it seems clear what you re hearing from voters that that is what their concern is. but it is what we heard from donald trump this week over and over and interview after interview, that he is considering going for his political opponents. so should he stopped doing that, given what you just said, you re hearing from voters what he said is that he s warned the american people if we start weaponizing the judicial system like they did against him, that it could happen to any president. it could happen to any political opponent. what he s talking about when he s having in those discussions, is that be careful what you do because that opens the door in the future to anybody doing it. and that s what he s trying to shut down. he wants people to trust or judicial system. he wants to make sure that we still have law and order in this country. if you look at conservative areas of this country, places where republicans were in control, we have law and order we have peace stability. you go to democrat states and cities that s where you see destruction and you see judicial systems and trials and corrupt judges that prosecute their political enemies. that s what new york was. new york, that was definitely a rigged elections are rigged judicial process against the president. politically motivated well, he was found guilty based on a jury, 12 members of the 12 piers, 12 piers of his. the other thing i just want to mention and i do want to move on is that right now? the justice department is prosecuting the president s son. president biden, son is prosecuting a house democrat is prosecuting a senate democrat so doesn t that fly in the face of the claim that the whole judicial system has weaponized against republicans i don t think anybody believes the whole, the whole judicial system is. i think they see places in this country where it is. and a new york was certainly one of those. and i don t know dana, if you read that letter from the judge in the new york city trial that came out that talked about the fact that some of these social media posts that came out before the decision in the verdicts even came out from that jury. so there may be a mistrial coming here because it was handled so poorly by this judge, and that s what i think that will be eye-opening to the american people as they really, truly will have proof then that that judge was corrupted. now, he should have recused himself according to the ethics and rules of new york. he should never have presided over that whole process. and president trump should have never been in that section. i just want to say that those details have not been confirmed. obviously, the trial is over. so i think you re probably referring to an appeal. i want to move on to some of the politics that we re seeing in the 2024 race specifically donald trump is actively starting to look for running mate cnn is told that there are seven potential trump vp contenders receiving vetting materials so far you re not on that list. do you have any indication that you re still under consideration to be donald trump s running mate i ve told president trump over and over again, he needs to pick whoever helps him when i have been loyal to him since the very beginning when he first started to run in 2016. he s told me his priority is picking a running mate that can govern on day one. it has been the loyalty him that can has experienced and run businesses, knows how to be a ceo, but also supports him and his policies. i don t care. i love my job in south dakota. i care about the fact that i want him to win and he knows that i will do that. so i talked to him three times yesterday. i think he s doing great and fantastic. i m proud of him i ve never seen anybody get out a bed and work as hard as this guy does just because he loves america and he s got some, a lot of corrupt criminals and a lot of political enemies coming after him and he still gets up, fights for the average everyday american that makes me proud of him on that list that i just showed so there were six men and one woman women, particularly suburban women. i don t need to tell you, could play a big role in who gets elected in november should there be a woman on the ticket a and b, you said you just need to pick somebody who will help him win would do help him win we ll all the all the pools such tell him in the swing states that a woman on the ticket, it helps him when the polls just say that people, one in four republican women haven t made up their minds because they want to have a woman talking to them about the issues they care about and women aren t monolithic. they don t, they don t care about just one issue. they care about health care, they care about their children, they care about their futures, they care about having an opportunity to have a business and to have a career. and all of that is being threatened. vendor joe biden but but yes, the women vote is extremely important and i spent the majority of my time here in wisconsin talking to women and talking to those people that are independent and on the fringe and they re leaning towards donald trump. but they also want to know that their perspective is gonna be at the table when decisions you should pick a woman. they want to know that there s going to be people involved i think that that would be a beneficial is according to the polling that i ve seen for him in a lot of swing states is that having a woman that is helping him campaign makes a difference. so it s an i could be home and bed or feeding my horses right now. are racking my grand babies, but i m in wisconsin because i believe president trump needs to win his policies are right for america and they re perfect for south dakota. and i want him to win and the polling tells me that he needs women out on the campaign trail curing his message about how much he cares it s about them and their future. two, let me ask you about a topic that is important to women will actually important to a lot of people. and that is contraception senate republicans is we ve blocked and bill to protect access to contraception nationwide. as a matter of principle, do you think republican should support company? fleet access to birth control yes, i do. i think that bill was a joke that bill was far-reaching in everything that was included and it wasn t just a single issue bill, which in my book i talk about the fact that single issue bills actually would fix a lot of what s broken in this country. but absolutely contrast section is something that should be available to women. why can t we just start talking about the fact that a lot of women, when they re in their situations, they re in a crisis situation. why don t we support them and give them information? and help them? so i think that whatever we re talking about when it comes to women s health care, that that s something that we as everybody in this america in this america public needs to realize is that these are difficult situations and we need to love people and win their hearts and minds as well as talk about policy. you mentioned your book. so i m going to ask you about that because in that book no, going back, you came under pretty intense criticism even from some members of your own party because you shared a story about shooting and killing your 14 year 14 month old dog, cricket. now that you ve had time to process all of that and all candor, do you have regrets you know that story s a 20-year-old story of a mom who made a very difficult decision to protect her children from a vicious animal that was attacking livestock and killing livestock and attacking people. so it s in the book because it was difficult for me and there s a lot in that book that i think people will need to read. i don t know if you ve read it or not. i read the whole thing, but it wouldn t be in the book if it wasn t a very hard situate. all good. well, i m glad you did. thank you for doing that, but but there s a lot in that book that s very important and i hope people read it because it s a how to guide for the average citizen on how to get their government back. yeah, why i believe that we need to have president trump back in the white house. yeah, i did the whole thing. and so i have the entire context of that incident. good. and so what i m hearing is no regrets, not just about writing about it, but we ve actually shooting the dog we ve covered this and i m a mom and protected my children from a vicious animal. we just had a nine-year-old boy and south dakota killed just days ago from a dog. that happens and i ve that nine-year-old boy will never be in his parents lives again. i ll never been his family s lives again. i think it s people are put in tough situations in life and we learned from it. and we learn a lot for what did you learn. and that s what i ve talked a lot in that book, dana, i ve learned that challenging times and hard decisions are hard. and that when you get into public office, you d learn from every single one of them and you use that knowledge to go forward into and to make wise decisions that are best for america. that s why joe biden s such a train wreck. the guys 80-years-old and making the worst decisions i ve ever seen him making his entire life and destroying or country, not just on the foreign policy stage by what he s doing in the middle east. and, but also what he s doing on our economy and he s putting every other country in our enemies in front of america. and i think that s just horrible right now. you realize dana that what he did last week is that when the trump verdict came out in his trial, he actually joe biden held a press conference announcing a deal between israel and a terrorist organization that was not agreed to. and he did it during shabbat i mean, how disrespectful to the jewish people. well, to hold a press conference that they can t even respond to if for regulation just residents. i just believed that we ve got people that we ve got people that really we need to recognize how week this president is. and you were talking about hostages earlier in your show as jimmy carter, who i ran held hostages for a 444 days under jimmy carter. carter because he was week back in 1979 and 1980. and the day ronald reagan was inaugurated, they were released because they recognize their ronald reagan would be a strong president we ve got the exact same situation here in america. why are we not? they re getting are americans home why are we not telling hamas, give us are americans back? why, why are we not doing russia to give us our journalists bad? yeah, i think one thing that this president should be doing is protecting americans. yeah, go get our americans and bring them home. that s what, that s what i m upset about. yeah. i think there s there s a lot there maybe you can come back and we can route a time. we can talk more about it, but yeah, obviously, president biden is very aggressively tried to get the americans back. it s a very complicated situation. thank you so much. appreciate it. i pray for their families. they come home alive thank you all do up next democratic governor gretchen whitmer of a state that could decide the next president. that of course, is the great state of michigan. you see her there governor whitmer will be her live next you increase in while i m fires is exponential unpredictable, uncontrollable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent we have schreiber tonight did nine on cnn find the perfect fathers de gift symbol, just type, whether tech has hundreds of 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you so much. all 50 of my subscribers no, definitely not. you save with dr. wise and get a rate based on you during good hands with asd everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile, new censored in clinical white rights, two shades, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity golf, but needs 775, 383882, or visit home i hanako montgomery in tokyo. and this welcome back to state of the union. some encouraging news for democrats and arizona and florida. a new poll shows big majorities in both states support abortion rights measures that will be on the ballot in november. now this week you re in washington democrats tried to lean into that topic with a push to and try and contraception rights nationwide. here with me now to talk about that and more, is michigan governor gretchen whitmer. thank you so much for being here you just heard governor known your colleague from south dakota talk about contraception. she says republicans are not trying to take away access to birth control. democrats are making this political, what s your response? i think that we all know the truth here. there s no question that with the three appointments that donald trump put onto our united states supreme court, three people who lied to congress, betrayed their oath of office and put forward? the dobbs decision. we know that there are women in many states who cannot access fundamental health care cannot make their own decisions about whether and when to bear a child. we know that mifepristone is under attack, that ivf surrogacy and now contraception is as well. and when the usf and it puts forth policy to ensure that they have an opportunity to enshrine access to contraception. and republicans vote against it and kill that bill. it is very much at risk here in this moment. and i think that what we re seeing out of the republicans saying that they protect, want to protect this as disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst i want to talk a little bit about what we heard from the vice president kamala harris, who was speaking in your state last night? in detroit, and she said, quote, donald trump thinks he is above the law and this should be disqualifying for anyone who wants to be president of the united states what do you think well, you know what? i think that the fact of the matter is, we know under this democracy, no one is above the law. everyone is held into account. we have a system of jurisprudence that we have to have confidence. and then when you take that oath of office, we expect our leaders to live up to up to that oath. then this former president is now a convicted felon. he is the standard bearer unfortunately for the republican party in this moment this is a high-stakes election where you ve got someone who flouts the law and cheats and just got caught and someone who has four over the course of his lifetime made serving the public. the only thing that he is focused on, he has delivered for the american people and we ve got a stark decision in front of us and i really think that people need to take this moment very seriously and get out and vote because this is high stakes i want to turn to a different, very different trial, and that is one that is going on in delaware with the president s son, hunter biden he is on trial for obtaining and possession of firearm while under the influence of illegal drugs, which was against the law. a republican, lindsey graham, says that an average american would not have been prosecuted either. yes, governor can hear me okay. it sounds like the governor can t hear me. you know what we re going to take a very quick commercial break? and, get this fix. and we ll be right back. don t go anywhere the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming in unpacks nexium 24 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he openly attack the foundations of our justice system cheaters don t like getting caught vice president kamala harris in detroit yesterday, my panel is here, nice to see you all. so you have her clearly leaning into using the verdict as a political weapon and then you have donald trump leaning into the verdicts and using them as a political weapon, obviously in a very different way for retribution. bryan lanza, i m going to start with you since you re the only one at this table who has worked for donald trump? i know it s probably hard to stop him from doing that, which should he yells. i think the presence is going to do what he wants to do at the end of the de and i think the thing is is the focus for him and the rest of the campaign is going to be focusing on the economy and focus on the issues that matter. when i see an ad, like when i see her comma comma comma talking about, i almost want her talking more because the public has such an adverse reaction to the things she says. now, talking about genes, the only one feeling cheated here is probably the american public. they were promised something three-and-a-half years ago, a strong economy, a safe world if two wars overseas, we have a third one about to start between the philippines and china, which the us has military agreements with. and we have inflation wiping out the middle-class, wiping out savings, wiping up people s credits i think the public feel cheated. so you have to be careful with the word she uses. congressman khanna. well, the president is that a very strong record of bringing manufacturing back, of record job creation, lowest unemployment, but here is the contrast. the president is out there on d-day trying to bring this country together, speaking about our aspiration invoking president reagan saying we have a unifying message and donald trump is on dr. phil talking about retribution. i think that s gonna be the real case of what type of country are we, are we a country that s going to come together with the president s message. are we going to want to tear each other apart? doesn t sound very unifying to me. i mean, kamala harris on the attack this week and candidly, joe biden attacking, i think i ll trump during his overseas speech. normally we re worried about people attacking presidents when they re overseas. we don t normally have to worry about presidents attacking their opponents when they are overseas. i think it underscores the horrible week, the biden people had. wall street journal says he s slipping behind the scenes in a deeply source story, politico says, blows up the popular narrative that the biden joe biden has nothing to do with his family s business dealings. new york times today s out with a piece debunking all the personal narrative myths of joe biden. there s chaos all around the biden campaign, right now. and to top it all off, somehow virginia is now a swing state so i m not surprised see kamala harris desperately on the attack because the campaign is totally flailing right now love listening to you talking about chaos because i remembered donald trump in 2016, warning us that if hillary clinton were president, it would be chaos all the time and guess what? we had four years of chaos with donald trump, but dan out, let s talk, but it s really going on here internally. i m assuming the trump campaign is same one. i m seeing which is this talking about the conviction of donald trump on 34 felony counts is working. we have a cbs poll out just this morning. we have other polls coming out that are showing joe biden starting to come move ahead. and here s the problem for the trump campaign these things matter when they underscore something that people already sent and believe about someone they already sent and believe donald trump lied to them. he had lied to them when he said he didn t sleep with stormy daniels, he lied to them when he said he was going to make all these things better and guess what? his tax cuts help the very wealthy. they harmed the middle-class. and in fact, new york times, i m so glad mentioned new york times has a story out this morning about how so many of the promises that trump is making when he talks about mass deportations, guess what? that s going to increase our costs when he talks about this trade policy, trade tariffs, guess what? that s going to increase our costs, and that s consistent with our oil. hold on. that s consistent with our own reporting. that showed that ryan lins are just sorry, that showed the cost will go up about $1,700 for middle-class americans and all donald trump can do is talk retribution while his people du, the best they can with talking. and i just sort of frame this conversation in an tick of a different way. and that is how this race could change a bet, not a lot, but a bit he hasn t picked his running mate yet, and you just heard kristi noem saying pretty much point blank. he should pick a woman she would like for it to be her. i don t know if it s going to be her. we got the list of the people who have gotten there vetting materials. there s only one woman on that list and that is elise stefanik of new york the woman who pretty much hands down could help him win more than any horse is nikki haley? i don t know if it helped with me. i mean, it s it s listen i want us to you re already getting vote for him. i m a reporters when republican, but i think nikki haley would cause problems for me because he would say the future of the party is not in good hands. and i think that s what people are looking for for the president when he chooses the vp, somebody who continues along with the policies and the priorities are important to him, and nikki haley, just as matches up. so i think that s the challenge are going to have and she hasn t shown a propensity, even moved towards the issues that trump voters care about and what the voters are going to care about in this party. going to care about are more of these? things that president trump s talking about. they re talking about tariffs. we ve me scott s and shock here. i m shocking. we re now the party of tariffs and our party wants more of it. like i ve never predicted that our party is moving and that the reality is as nikki haley is not moving with the party i think the issue is abortion rights and that s why democrats have over-performed. when i was in wisconsin across the state. i mean, there s still an arcane law there that bans abortion when people were talking about is the right to access to reproductive health, the right to access to contraception and the fact that there s only one woman candidate on the running mate for donald trump shows that there s still out-of-touch and that s why women are going to win this election for president biden, i think that s what he s numbers are moving in the cbs poll and that s why i m optimistic that he s going to get reelected i actually heard brian, i think you need a running mate. first of all, the number one thing is do no harm and being a second is you have to have someone who is going to unabashedly support your agenda, like you cannot have somebody out there who is pulling their punches on a daily basis. and so the list that he has outright now are a group of people that have shown time and again, they are willing to step up and defend him and fight for his agenda nikki haley has a lot of positions that i agree with, but but she has a big problem with donald trump. she said at time and again, i m not sure that makes the best running. it s clear donald trump is continues to have trouble with women voters and consolidating suburban women. kamala harris, vegas and an excellent job. prosecuting the case for joe biden. i think they should consider if i don t want to give trump advice, but he might want to consider a woman, although i think the challenge for many women would be how do i defend some of them massage any of this man credibly, i think this is nikki haley s problem while trying to get people to vote for him. all right. we are out of time. we didn t get to the fact that donald trump was raising money from silicon valley billionaires pores. okay. all right. there you go. you got it in there. you ve got it in there. thanks. is everybody. and governor gretchen whitmer is back. believe we can see here and here, which is a great thing and she s going to come back to finish our interview on the other side of the break, don t go anywhere five good things listen wherever you get your podcasts centrum, it scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your home. said trump is everybody. i hope he foundations supporting your pitch. to you re plus tries centrum silver now clinically proven to support memory in older adults everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile new censored in clinical weight and rights two sheets, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity of production. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients 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can do. close captioning brought to you by rule or law, iconic brands up to 70% off retail at roulette at rubella you never pay full price. these the deals on top before they re gone south today welcome back to state of the union. we are back with governor gretchen whitmer. of michigan governor the president s son, hunter biden, is on trial for obtaining and possessing a firearm while under the influence. of illegal drugs. that was against the law republican lindsey graham says that an average american would not have been prosecuted for this suggesting that a hunter biden s facing charges for political reasons what do you think you know what? i don t know how to weigh in on that dana, i ll just say this. i saw and i was happy to see you when the president was asked about this, he ll have confidence in the judicial system it s not going to undermine it and i think we ll see how it plays out. but right now, we know that in this country, there is a stark choice in front of us between a president who respects the rule of law and a former president who is a convicted felon who wants to use the implements of government to go after his enemies and is running on vengeance and grievance as his platform versus the sitting president who has delivered forward this country and respects the judiciary and wants to shore up this democracy. it s a lot at stake should the president lean lean-in more on the kind of message you just delivered you know what i think it s important for us to be talking about these things the american people are busy, they re good, hardworking people who expect their government to work as hard as they do and to be as good if not better than they are, to respect the oath of office, to respect our institutions, to fight for every american s right to make their own decisions about their bodies, to have a voice and a vote in this democracy. and i think all of those things are very much at stake here. so i m going to be talking about that. i m going to be reminding people and i m confident that the average person in this country was just trying to get ahead is ultimately going to be a part of the direction of this election and is going to weigh in and vote for joe biden. governor. i don t need to tell you how important your state of michigan is going to be when it comes to who is going to be the next president in your state, there is a third third-party candidate and his name is robert kennedy jr. he is going to be on the ballot there. he are 9% support in one recent michigan pole that s more than enough to tip the scales in what is sure to be a close election. how worried are you about having rfk jr. on the ballot and what it means for president biden s chances of winning there well this is michigan. dana has, you know, elections are always close here. i remind people all the time, don t clutch your pearls when we re down a couple of points, do not celebrate when we re up a couple of points. this is going to be a close election all the way through. but here s what i know. when you get on the ground and you show up and you talk to people well, and you listen helps make sure that you stay focused on the things that matter. president biden has huge list of accomplishments were seeing on shoring of supply chains. we re seeing the growth of good manufacturing jobs. this is the first president in a long time that has been able to deliver on emphasis structure and has a real manufacturing vision that is, that is playing out every day and good paying jobs. certainly, kennedy or any third party candidate gives me some concern and it s to be taken seriously and that s why we re showing up and we re working hard and all 83 counties earn the votes of the people. there are a lot of good traditional republicans who don t feel at home with the convicted felon at the top of the ballot, who know that kennedy has got lots of far out wild ideas about science and the future. and it doesn t even have the support of his own family. all that being said, we can t make any assumptions. we got to earn every single boat and that s what we re doing. okay. governor gretchen whitmer, thank you so much for being here this morning. i really appreciate it. thanks, dana. happy pride, everyone great jacket and thank you so much for spending your sunday morning with us. fareed zakaria picks it up next were you worried the wedding would be too much another destination? why didn t we just scott by for persisters it nap book, it s married in epoch, my daughter who gets with him can we get out of here? you d never asked join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real-time dashboard. born in real life conversations, empower what s next. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect new periodontics act of gum repair, breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease a new toothpaste from periodontics, the dom experts from real quality that 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Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning Weekend 20240609

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with jake tapper, we days at for on cnn wildfires i have covered a lot of them. they are fast and deadly disasters. cnn s original series, violet earth with lives schreiber takes a look at if there is a way to protect homes and families. here s a look paradise, california burned from an ember attack, from a plume miles away from paradise this is like 9:00 in the morning and its pitch black given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing ash and embers began to rain down we re in the middle the stapes, dan here like that i don t know to say if anywhere the fire was moving at a football field per second what in the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into its hundred acre, 200 acres spotfire that was happening all through town that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once, 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. go if i were to turn around to go north this is bad the cnn original series, violet earth with lives schreiber, heirs tonight at nine eastern right here on cnn hello? everyone, and welcome to cnn this morning it is sunday, june 9. i m amara walker. i m victor blackwell. thank you for joining us. here s what we re following this morning for israelis taken hostage by hamas, are back with their families after being rescued by the idf. but the operation of free them left more than 200 palestinians did the new details about the rescue effort and the impact it could have on ongoing ceasefire talks. president biden is wrapping up his visit to france after being honored with a state dinner yesterday, what he had to say about the state of the us relationship with this oldest ally balloons carrying trash loudspeakers the layering propaganda and thousands of flash drives full of k-pop music but for tat, between two neighboring countries, plus water safety experts say the color of your child s bathing suit it could be one of the most important decisions you make. this summer. the ones you might want to avoid as next we are learning new details about the rescue of four hostages from a refugee camp in gaza. but there are questions about the israeli operation to get the hostages back, as well as the number of palestinians reportedly killed. now, the four former hostages are set to be in good medical condition this morning after more than eight months in captivity, they were taken to hospitals for medical exams and to have reunions with their families israel carried out heavy airstrikes and shelling and central gaza during this hostage operation, one witness called it, held on earth saw lots of juno s increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere i must have missed something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes while we were running away no more fell on the market i m laying on her children torn apart and scattered in the streets they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth hospital officials in gaza raised the number of palestinian casualties. now to at least 200 274 palestinians killed nearly 700 injured. the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side. we ve also learned new information about u.s. involvement in the operation. there were no as they re called, boots on the ground, but officials say us forces provided planning and intelligence support to israel well, let s be or to speak with elliott, god-given, who s been following the story from london. le, what do we know about the rescued hostages and how they are doing i m or as you said physically, according to the hospital authorities in israel, they re in pretty decent shape. the hostages and missing families forum says that they are in their words are relatively good psychological and physical state, but they are carrying out further further medical tests. and of course, after being captivity for eight months are also be more psychological tests and it will no doubt take time for them to ria climate ties back to their normal lives in terms of the hostages themselves i suppose first is noa argamani, 25-year-old young woman who became are almost the face of the october the seventh atrocities as she was filmed, being sped away on the back of a motorbike by militants pleading for her life as her boyfriend was being frog marched away by militants at the same time, she also subsequently appeared in propaganda videos put out by hamas during her captivity. obviously, a very emotional reunion for her with her father. was also her further father s birthday on saturday as well, on top of that, they ve been a number of calls from her mother other who is also a chinese citizen. her mother pleading even with president biden to do everything that he could to bring her daughter home because she s suffering from terminal brain cancer and her dying wish. she said was to see her daughter back safe and sound in israel. she s now had that wish granted in terms of the other hostages, the other three hostages, rural man, there was shlomi ziv, he s a security guard he was been living on a mosh have an agricultural settlement for 17 years with his wife, andrey kozlov at only just moved to israel a few months earlier. his family flew in from russia and then finally, there is our almog meir, jan 20 two-year-old. tragically, when the idf went to tell his father the news of his rescue, they found that his father had died on saturday itself. i m victor la. gucken. thank you. let s go now to cnn has been we d admin ben, tell us more about what we know about the operation well we. understand that the death toll at this point for that operation in the nuseirat camp in central gaza was 207 monday four with 898 wounded. that is the largest single death toll since the war began in gaza, or rather since the 10th of december. and that really underscores just how bloody this operation was. normally these operations take place under the cover of darkness it began at about 11:00 in the morning local time on a saturday where when many people were out and about shopping and whatnot. and as usual well, in gaza, there were children everywhere. the video we received from our cameramen inside the al-aqsa martyrs hospital shows there were dozens and dozens of people desperate for medical care. many of them women and children that the morgue was completely full and they would they were simply putting bodies on the ground outside the hospital, keep also keep in mind that because of the israeli operation in rafah in the southern part of the gaza strip, where according to the un, 1,100,000 people have left that area seeking safety elsewhere. many of them were in nuseirat, many of them were in central gaza when this operation went down. so there were many civilians and that explains perhaps partially why the death toll is so high amara, victor, then wiedemann in beirut. thank you, ben let s bring it now. aaron david miller, a former state department middle east negotiator and retired brigadier general mark kim. welcome to you both general, let me start with you. the latest numbers 200 274 killed multiples of that reportedly injured does that suggest to you that that s something did not go as planned or potentially there was a lack of a plan no not at all. for better or worse? i think it was intentional the way they conducted this operation probably the pandemonium that they created as part of the bombing within the nuseirat camp itself. they thought would actually make things to their advantage and it should say conducted this operation. so no, i think that they were very clear-eyed that israel is very clear-eyed about not only the tactics that they were going to be using, but also the consequence it would have as they conducted that, particularly brazen operation so when you say intentional use, am i understanding you right? that they knew that hundreds of people were going to die if the number from these medical officials in gaza is correct, and that hundreds would be injured. they knew that going in i think they took under consideration the amount of collateral damage and civilian deaths that would be caused by conducting a daylight operation in a occupied extremely busy city? yes. erin. so how does this then change the climate for the ceasefire potential? we know that the secretary of state is heading back this week into the region and the variables have changed. now with the rescue potentially emboldening netanyahu who benny gantz has not departed what now is the table set for blinken i mean, i think it validates the prime minister s narrative which i think it s unfortunate that the longer the work continues the more intelligence israelis gathering gaza, the greater the changes of the rescuing hostages. but keep in mind if you re carrying seven were now i m the eighth month of this war, nine month beginning next month. you have seven hostages were rescued hundred and 21 remain israelis believe maybe 46 were either killed on october 7. their bodies brought to gaza to trade or they died in captivity i think it does two things. number one, i think it is a certainly it was a day of hope for israelis who ve been living in sort of collective ptsd since october 7. but it puts a premium. it seems to me in a focus on hostages. and it also reminds the israelis, i think that the largest return of hostages november 105 can only come through negotiation and here s where i think there is a real problem because there are there s an irreconcilable set of objectives between israel and hamas. in this negotiation. if i were to make a prediction, i don t like doing it i think there is an opening perhaps but only for a phase one that is to say return of 2030 hostages to women, the elderly, the infirm in exchange for a six-week fire, they cease fire in return for palestinian prisoners and the surging because it ll be quiet of six weeks of quieting kazaa, which would be a win for the biden administration. i just don t see if victor right now the pathway out of this to end the war there is that increasing domestic pressure there were celebrations in the street and the afternoon at the report that these four hostages had been released and then protests in the evening calling for more and to prioritize bringing the rest of the hostages home. general to you. we know that the us offering the planning and intel support. can you be a little more specific based on like, what does that look like look, i think that there s a significant amount of intelligence that we can package in hand over to the israelis, whether it s the ince, the intelligence human, human intelligence satellite intelligence, image intelligence probably able to tap into the phone systems as well. all of those different types of intelligence sources provide more clarity to what s happening on the ground, more clarity on to the location of the hostages. and this was obviously one of those situations where probably primarily human intelligence provided by the israelis themselves located the site of the hostages. but i would suspect that the american intelligence added to engage in many cases. second, insert, third source validation of where their locations we re erin, does it matter that benny gantz has not left this war cabinet yet? he s not been effective in got the demands that he offered to netanyahu. those have not been fulfilled. how much does it matter whether he stays or goes? i mean, i think it matters, victor, but it s not determinative with respect to the knesset arithmetic. i mean, 120 seats in the israeli parliament, you need 60 plus one to govern. nothing. you have 64 and i think your strategy is very clear. the knesset goes into recess july 25th. he will not resume until a week to ten days. victor, before the us elections and i think that daniels was playing for time here. if he makes it through july 25th, we know he s coming to the united states to address congress besting churchill. there ll be the here what you ll address congress four times churchill, three on july 24. so i think benny gantz is an infix. you d like to remain in the government. he brings a sort of moderating hand, but he does not have the potential right now to bring down the government if he goes aaron david miller, general mark kim. it thank you both president joe biden as hailing the power of allies as he gets ready to wrap up his trip to france at the visit to the american in cemetery, honoring world war i troops lab report from paris. this next, plus north korea has sent more trash late and balloons to its southern neighbor how south korea plans to respond the increase in wildfires is exponential controllable with overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent slightly with we have schreiber tonight denied on cnn what the biggest companies the liver is an exceptional customer experience. what makes it possible is 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saturday at the point of the visit was to show the close partnership between the two countries on global security issues and easing of past trade tensions that later today, before today returned to the states president biden and the first lady are expected to lay a wreath at the end marne american cemetery that is a cemetery that donald trump notably skipped visiting when he was president back in 2018 a cnn senior white house correspondent, kayla tausche, as live in perez. hi there, kayla. what else did president biden have to say about his trip good morning amara and victor last night, president biden thanked france for helping secure u.s. freedom in 17, 76 and said the us was returning the favor 170 years later at the end of world war to president biden also reiterating a mess such that he has had all week here in france that we re at an inflection point in history and that the actions that countries like the u.s. and france undertake right now will have repercussions for decades to come. now, the white house is also hoping for the president s actions to communicate in and of themselves back to american voters, back home. that is why it is so symbolic that president biden is visiting the end. martin sarah cemetery just a few hours outside of paris later today before he departs. because of what you mentioned at the top, that president trump did not visit that cemetery at the time citing weather concerns back in 2018 and coming under wide criticism for not doing that. so president biden has been trying to distinguish himself on matters where the military is concerned his campaign, releasing two ads slamming trump s record on the military and on defense concurrent with the visit this week. so this is yet another opportunity for biden to seek out an opportunity to make a contrast between himself and his gop opponent. and he s going to be doing that before he goes home later today, victor and amara okay. let s how she in paris, kayla, thank you so much. millions of americans feeling that inflation frustration could get some good news this week. and of course there was that very strong jobs report that showed more people are getting jobs. and there are higher wages will talk with the acting secretary of labor next on cnn this morning we can i voted buttons that remote kid. it s like your generation has evolved past traditional political symbols. and there s room for everyone yeah puke rainbows when taken now, adt professionally installs google nest products they re all set on this system. we should go with the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought to you by adt. if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with bars sega because there are places we d like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infection sections in low blood sugar. a rare 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faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? sign and make official start your will at trust and we ll dot com and make it count. this is a secret. war, secrets and spies tonight at ten on cnn closed captioning brought to you by rule or law. i kind of brands up to 70% off retail at rue la at rubella you never faithful these the deals on top before their current jobs we ll get a better read on inflation on wednesday when the latest consumer price index is released. and that same day, we could find out if the fed will lower interest rates or keep them the same. and there is good news when it comes to job and wage growth. friday s jobs report was record hot the economy added you ll 172,000 jobs blasting past economists expectations of 180,000 wage growth is also up for the first time in months, but so is the unemployment rate now at 4%, i asked acting secretary of labor, julie su about it. econ was one of my worst subjects in high schools, so i m so glad i m talking to you. you re obviously much smarter than i am. if you could help make sense of these numbers. so the headline is the us added 272,000 jobs, which is way above what the economists were predicting. but the unemployment rate rose just barely. but from three-point 9% to 4% what s going on here? so what s happening is if we take a look back to where we were just three years ago before the president came into office. covid was raging. there was no national strategy to get it under control. unemployment was extremely high. people didn t know if they went to the store, if they bill to find toilet paper if you fast forward to where we are now, the president has said, from the time he came into office, we can and must build an economy in which we see real job growth and where its good jobs, right? we re working people can get ahead. and that s exactly what we have done. and so this latest jobs report, we don t just look at one month as we look at an entire trend and we ve just seen month after month jobs getting created. you ll 15 million jobs since the president came into office is 15 million more individuals getting to use their, their talent, their skill, their drive, their hunger to contribute to their communities, and to make a decent living. and when i talk about real wages being up, right, that is demonstrating that we re not just creating jobs, we re creating jobs that really allow people to make a decent living to afford the basic things in life and that s not happening by accident. none of this was inevitable. it was because of strong leadership and strong economic policies and we re just seeing the benefits now in communities across the country and will continue to do that simple way to think about it is we re not looking at a shrinking pie that needs to be divided into smaller and smaller pieces, we re looking at a much bigger pie that s being created because the president is committed to real jobs, good job growth, and the well-being of working people. so you re going to have some good news to deliver when you embark on this nationwide tour to promote good jobs, you re gonna be hitting the road hitting battleground states, very important ones like georgia, florida, michigan, pennsylvania. tell me what is a good job and who will you be targeting the employers or employees with your message? everybody. so that s exactly what this tour is about. it s good job summer. i just announced this in phoenix, arizona, where cities and unions and community-based organizations signed onto these good jobs principles and a lot of what a good job is, is fairly funded the mental, it s making sure that you have a living wage for making sure you have good benefits. so you can go to the doctor when you need to. knowing at the beginning of the work-shift that you re going to come home healthy and safe at the end of it. the right and ability to have a voice on the job to organize, to form a union and sort of basic things the write-up, retire with dignity and to see growth and opportunity so we re really laser-focused on creating those kinds of jobs in communities all across the country. whether it s rural or urban, big stays small states. and going around the country to talk to working people and their families about what having a good job means for them, what the presence investments are meaning and communities, and what some of the ongoing challenges are. so we can continue to do our best to meet them i m curious what you will tell the people who see this really hot job market and understand that that may mean that the fed s, the fed may not i actually cut interest rates to help continually cool inflation because there is this disconnect between the economic indicators which shows that the economy is on the up and up when it comes to the unemployment rate and job and wage growth. but at the end of the day, people vote about how they feel, and how will you reconcile? it s especially those who are concerned about rising food and housing costs. how will you help them reconcile their reality with these numbers? yeah. i mean, i think that s why the battle gets inflation remains one of the top priorities of our president and of our entire administration. at the same time we i think working families know that the cost of things as one part of the equation, the other part is how much you make, how much you have to spend and that s why having a good job is so important. having a good job that doesn t just let you get by, but really lets you get ahead. that s what the good job summer is all about. it s also what the president s entire investing in america agenda is all about. we want safer roads and bridges and all communities. we want every family who turns on the faucet to get clean drinking water. we want high-speed, reliable internet everywhere across the country. and we also know that those are opportunities to create good jobs in the communities that need them the most and a big thank you to acting secretary of labor, julie su for taking time to talk with me well, in a tit-for-tat exchange, south korea says it will restart loudspeaker broadcasts in border areas after north korea center more trash-filled balloons will have a live report from the north-south border. next the most anticipated moment this election and mistakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27th, nine live. i d cnn and streaming on max and less time making cocktails and more time making memories introducing cartesian premium cocktail the touch of a button and shop for dad and get $50 lot with slash dad oh, karni isolde, it s got an answer. that s what i said. god-man, saada gotten need gotten me, got jews fade. you wise old. take xyz on when she with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the edge take medication delivered right to 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muscles, problems, thinking or sweating. common side effects include inflammation kind of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness ask your doctor for us, said, oh, xr shingles, some described it as an intense burning sensation or an unbearable edge. this painful, blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family shingles could also lead to long-term debilitating nerve pain. they can last for months or even years. if you over fifth day, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases don t wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today i m melies nonna in washington and this is cnn this morning. south korea s national security council held an emergency meeting to figure out how to respond to hundreds of trash-filled balloons sent from north korea. north korea s vice-defense minister claims they sent the balloons as a direct response to south korea sending balloons with anti-north korea flyers for so many years. cnn s microfilariae is in puzzle south korea, which is near the dmz as an area separates north and south korea. so you ve confirmed that the south korean response happened just a little while ago, talked to us about it well, victor, we ve been able to confirm through the south korean joints chief of staff that date for the first time in six years resumed. what s been called a propaganda broadcasts. and let me say propaganda broadcast as tamarind viktor, we re not talking about cold war old tiny stuff. we re talking about south korean soft power, loudspeakers. we have new video in early this morning of loudspeakers coming up from the roofs of about nine or ten military vehicles here in south korea. this video being shown in preparation for this exercise, what the south can do the south said that they sent a broadcast of k-pop music blared over the speakers again, south korean soft military power directed towards the north and also news reports from south korean media detailing human rights abuses from north korea perpetrated by north korean leader kim jong-un what exactly lead to this point? south korea is saying, we did this one broadcast and it s up to you. north korea, whether or not we do another one of these. again, we rewind 2:11 p.m. on saturday night. that s when we were all out. we get an alert on our phones similar to an amber alert and the united states with public safety officials saying that more trash balloons were coming from the north, 300 total, about 80 of them made their way to south korean territory. some of them landing in the heart of the megalopolis that is soul. and if we rewind a little further back to thursday of last week, that s when a north korean defector who run it s an advocacy human rights group in south korea decides to send ten balloons to their neighbors in the north, having slices of life tied to those balloons like k-pop, k-dramas and little flash drives leaflets denouncing the north korean regime. so before that balloon launch, before this, that for tat, we were for able to speak to the founder of that group. here s what he told us just before the balloon launch now me will one. we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love but to send filth and trash in return. that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so we are standing right here on pod you on the unification bridge. this is the only bridge that leads from south korea to north korea. it s the site of a few high-profile reunification between north and south koreans that are fewer and fewer in this day and age, it s notable victor and amara, where we re standing lot of military personnel, a prominent military base. we were not able to hear that propaganda broadcasts. it could have happened. miles and miles away from here. but the question is how will the north respond? well, the south just have this one broadcast or will things quietly, quiet lately simmer here on the peninsula? victor and amara back to you will see microfilariae force there. thanks so much tonight s episode of the cnn original series secrets and spies and nuclear game looks at how one russian agent put everything on the line as tensions between the u.s. and soviet union ramped up. here s a preview read or i always i think the early person, at least from the agency who really had a pretty good understanding of how the kgb worked there are no other seen the profile of a mobile phone every day it was good luck he d write these studies. everybody would read them and say, oh, that s really great work, rick and then that would be the end of it. you know, they didn t really send it anywhere the cnn original series secrets and spies, a nuclear game airs tonight. attend pm eastern right here on cnn dangerous heat is bringing sizzling temperatures to the west coast will look at how high temperatures are expected to get after the break qizan life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts, the idp disrupts cid p derails. let s be honest 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meteorologist allison chinchar is with me now. so which parts of the country are going to be sizzling? yeah, so i mean, if that s really kinda z because it s several different areas. take for example, where we have the heat alerts you ve got sundown in portions of florida, others in axis, then the southwestern states you ve got several different areas here that are going to be feeling the heat, the real focus, however, is going to be in the southwest. so areas of arizona, nevada, portions of california, although it does stretch into portions of northern california. but look at some of the records that we had on saturday, three of these were actually in florida. then we also had one in utah and one in texas. here s a look though at the next couple of days, you ll really start to see these numbers begin to shoot uptake. for example, las vegas going from 103 today to 108 on tuesday sacramental also getting back into triple-digits by tuesday, phoenix starting to see their temperatures get back into the one tens by the time we get to tuesday. here s the thing about las vegas weekend it s a hot place, especially this time of year. but even for them, this is extreme. their normal high still is not yet in the triple digits. they d be about 98 degrees, but every single one of these next seven days is expected to be in those triple digit temperatures, one area we re not really seeing the heat that s going to be where we re seeing a lot of this heavy rain. here s a look. you can see a lot of these showers across portions of southern missouri and a lot of rain has already fallen in these areas. you re talking at least three to five inches. that s why we have the potential for excessive rainfall and flooding risk, not just for missouri, but a lot of this area, even stretching back into colorado, texas, as well as new mexico oh. of course, speaking of hot summer days, a lot of us are going to want to be near a body of water, a pool here as an important warning for parents, as summer gets underway, the color of your child s swimsuit may help save them from drowning. that is according to water safety experts who say there are certain colors that are easier to spot in the pool or open water than others. cnn health reporter jacqueline howard is here with us to talk about this. i mean, this is so important and i m so glad that we re doing this so basic question, what are the safest? let s colors for your children to wear, right? well, a lot of safety experts say it s the bright neon colors like something in this color scheme, they say is the safest, most visible under the water. you want to avoid swimsuits that are light blue or white like this is a children s serp suit, something like this. this is not as visible because it blends in with them a lot are some yeah, exactly. and i did speak with a company called alive solutions. they tested different swimsuit colors to see how visible they were under the water. and they found these differences. if you look on this chart, the white suit, which is on the far right, almost disappears under the water. yeah. and those bright colors stand out the most the american lifeguard association, they said that they re happy people are now talking about this. a spokesperson for the american lifeguard association why it werneth. i spoke with them while he was patrolling beaches in florida and he said that swimsuit colors definitely mentally play a role in safety. have a listen shubi, very important to make sure that you brush your child in a bright-colored, something that stands out to me environment. the dominant colors that blend in with the ocean. more mature in or even even black. kids lie on the black line. you can t see him we want to be able to see them especially like just a crowd yeah. of course, swimsuit colors are one tool and the safety toolbox, but amerant drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages one to four. so this is so important to talk about very aware of that because my child when he was one fell in the pool, but obviously he s doing okay. yeah. so scary. that is very scary and i m listening to what your advice here. so white and black and blue probably not the best colors, but bright colors like oranges and reds and yellows and neon exactly most visible. is there anything else we can do to make sure their kids are safe? oh, absolutely. because swimsuit color, just one tool in the toolbox. it definitely enroll your child in swim lessons. of course, supervise them while they re in the water, make sure they re wearing a life jacket, and make sure that you yourself know cpr and you know what? doing case they do need help that s a good reminder. i do need to have gotten a little rusty on cpr skills and it s important because like you said, i mean, drowning is a huge cause of death for little children. yeah. and that rate has increased. it has the cdc just put out a report saying that more than 4,500 people a year die due to drowning here in the united states. and that number is higher than what we ve seen in previous years. and this involves children and adults to amara. so again, it s something that s a public health issue really, really important things to keep in mind. thank you so much for bringing that to us. jacqueline howard. absolutely victor reach for the gold or reach for the viewers. that s a decision in the us women s basketball team will have to make reportedly they re deciding whether caitlin clark s should be at the paris olympics next month? tonight on the whole story, how to drag becomes such a target for the political right? do you think drag queen story hours can? in the family-friendly? know, if they don t want to world of tolerance state should be afraid the whole story with anderson cooper tonight at eight on cnn, you re calling some people find it there s at an early age, others later in life are calling was to build trucks. and that s why trucks are what we do we put are everything and every truck so that 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again, but the former college phenom has been off to a little bit of a bumpy start and the pros so far, she s put up 30 points on a couple of occasions. she s also had games where she s been held the single-digits, she struggled a turnovers. she struggled with the leeks physicality, and every player on team usa does have senior level international experience. eight have played in the olympics still, only 22. clark has created an absolute frenzy of interest in women s basketball, which has already led to this tangible boost in the wnba s developed litman. her entry to the pros has come with an extremely divisive undercurrent. and this is just the latest thing that she s going to have to navigate now, as everybody figures out what the official roster will look like. yeah. i m sure we ll continue here about that and that controversy carolyn manner. good to have you. thanks so much. and thank you for spending a part of your morning with us inside politics sunday with manu raju was nice. we ll see you back here next weekend. have a good day.

Cnn , Way , Look , Families , Series , Homes , Lives-schreiber , Violet-earth , Look-paradise , Lot , Wildfires , Disasters

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608-720

Answer them mr speaker you have a corrupt national establishment hating to america what we store stood for desperate to change every rule whether there are 2 sexes whether or not you should stand and pledge allegiance to the flag and go down there if you look at the work for example that scott ran to me soon as done on the top 1% of the financial elite to they literally are a different planet and donald j trump starting in 2015 was threatening to destroy, literally destroy their world my advice to the trump campaign a simple it s about to hit the left everything they ve done has failed which is what the polling

Speaker , American , Answer , Corrupt-national-establishment , Work , Allegiance , Rule , Flag , Example , Sexes , 2 , Trump

Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Wagner Tonight 20240608-1500

And make a scene. they, the speaker, just literally said our names and who we were. and they walked out. like it wasn t like we were out there speaking. it was just our presence that intimidated them i guess or made them angry. but unbothered and motivated even more. just your presence in the state house was cause for them to jeer you and leave the chamber. i have to ask you, this is the week that mike johnson the speaker of the house. a different house, the house of representatives declared that the republican party is the party of law and order. i mean you re a former police officer who s getting booed by members of his party. i mean how does that make you feel when he says that? like i said, this isn t new. this is their play book. this is what they do. it s a #, it s a bumper sticker. it s something they put on a campaign rally sign. but it s not the truth at all. i mean just look at how they re responding to what happened in the court up in new york with donald trump. they re not the rule.

It , Presence , Speaker , Names , Scene , State-house , House , Speaker-of-the-house , Chamber , Mike-johnson , House-of-representatives , Unbothered

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240608 03:35

Store! give me the other one! that s all there is. let me look in the bag. trace: she s dressed nicely catches got some expensive merchandise if you will and she s stealing from your store and thinks she has the right to. absolutely. trace: and so do you think i m a little concerned about this, maybe i should not do this no, i just think my pause button was off and i reacted. i asked her to stop several times before i got my camera and then i ended up having to chase her down. trace: yeah, and you got your stuff back. yep. trace: but it s unbelievable because while you are up in the assembly, bill, cutting your microphone because of things they don t want you to say, they are passing these laws and these people, they know the rule, they know they can go out and break the law. it said that amber was put in this position because the policies of the state, where

Trace , One , Store , Bag , Merchandise , Little , No , Pause-button , Stuff , Candid-camera , Bill , Times

Transcripts for MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240608 05:05

In that first hour it is hard to take in anything other than the weirdness of donald trump. anticipating going into the courtroom, i was actually excited to do it. first of all, because i feel like as someone who has written a trump book and who has been covering this man from the beginning of his presidential campaign on, this kind of felt like a crescendo moment for him, and for the country, and it is the only trial he s going to face, so it definitely felt like a big moment and something i did want to witness for myself. having worked on the molar investigation and we could not charge the sitting president and donald trump. that was a deep department of justice rule. now, in a full-fledged criminal case, it was kind of remarkable. i thought there would be a lot of people there, a lot of pro-trump people in particular, and the really want, and then

Prosecuting-donald-trump , Courtroom , All , Anything , Weirdness , Civil-fraud-trial , Something , President , Kind , Someone , Face , Man