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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20180707

reporter: well, as you say, suzanne, the rain has been coming down pretty heavily in the last hour or so. it s a reminder of what s likely to happen in the next few days. that s why this window is closing. now, we understand at cnn that this rescue operation may actually start very soon. the conditions, the governor said today, were appropriate for evacuation, and they seem pretty much ready to go. the situation is still fluid. anything could yet happen. but the divers seem happy. the water levels inside the cave dropped and i was speaking to some divers who basically said inside that cavern complex, it s beginning to look lime a jamgs bond movie set with pipes and wires and divers coming to and fro with canter stations. it s very busy down there. they re gearing up for the big evacuati evacuation. two questions, jonathan. first of all, what do they mean by very soon, what does the timetable look like, and, secondly, map out if you will the evacuation plan. what are these boys looking into? reporter: okay. timetable-wise, very soon could mean anything because as i say, the situation may be fluid. one small hitch, they put things on hold. if they don t feel the boys are ready, they ll put things on hold. they re going to get last-minute medical checks to see if they re up to it before they go. there are a number of factors that could come into play which could yet delay this. however, the window is closing. monsoon forecast early for next week. they know they need to go pretty soon. in terms of what the plan is, it s not a very palatable one. it s actually a last resort plan. and yet it stans still as plan a, which is getting them out by diving them out. there are still small sections of this underground cavern system which are completely submerged, which means the boys are going to have to wear full-phased oxygen mask. this is extremely difficult. we saw a diver, an experienced thai navy s.e.a.l. killed. he died in the cavernous system about a mile in. if that happened to him, how much more difficult is it for the boys. this is a major challenge, not only for the boys but technically, too, for the teams and the operation. certainly a tragedy there. we re seeing pictures of that very brave navy s.e.a.l. final question for you, jonathan, the boys inside, what are their conditions? have they determined if they re ready? are they well enough, strong enough, and psychologically are they prepared for this. reporter: that s the question everybody needs know. are they up to it. physically they seem up to it. mentally, goodness knows what toll it s taken on them. the doctors have looked at them. they have a few cuts and bruises. they got letters taken out by forgetman mail and delivered to the moms and dads just in behind me where many of them are saying. and these letters, the boys talked of their home sickness, they crack some joke, told their moms and dads and said they dreamt of eating kentucky fried chicken soon. they just want to come home. it shows how old they are if they re talking about favorite meals, teachers and homework. jonathan, we ll get back to you. please let us know if the mission starts. it certainly won t be easy. the rescue teams, they ve got to navigate the pitch black tunnels that submerge this cold muddy water. this exhausting journey could take up to six hours to complete. the divers must move quickly before losing oxygen. former tie navy s.e.a.l. saman kunan made this announcement. he said, may luck be on our side. bring the kids home. joining me now, andre ya zaferis. she s taught fire, police, military personnel. andrea, we re so happy to have you here. walk us through all of this. we were hearing that the kids seem to be physically well, that they can possibly go ahead and do this, but the challenges of this rescue mission are very daunting. it s first option but also really the last possible option. what are they facing? well, one of the problems is there s never been a rescue like this before in our history. so as a rescue, you know, you re looking at what can go wrong. you re racking your brain. what can go wrong and do we have plans to get them out. no matter how much you try to plan it, you never know. for example, i hope they take the strongest boy out. the first one is going to show them things that can go wrong and things that can go wrong. if he can get out and show a video, they can get some courage. courage is what they need. i imagine, too, you ve seen this experienced diver. he died making that trek. those kids might know that. they might be aware that that has happened here. how does that impact their own ability to think this through, visualize they re capable of making this dive safely? you know, they ve got to make this into the biggest adventure of their lives. they have the make it a harry potter adventure. they got through the tough part. they ve got one more thing to do. get home. if they bond with their rescuer, fully bond, they ll do it. turn that fear into a challenge. they re going to do it. if that option, that big adventure that you talk about, if that closes down, if that shuts down and they re not able to swim out, if the conditions change here, do they have any other options? you know, the problem with drilling from above if you take a bowl and push over water and push down and you put a hole in that bowl, the water s going rise up. they have to deal with so many issues. there s a lot of complexity. but if they re getting the divers back and forth and equipment back and forth, really believe they re going to get the boys out. i love your optimism. we re going to try to be optimistic with your sound and see if we can get one more question in here. time is of the is ens and the window here is narrowing. they want to get the kids out as quickly as possible. but what happens if they need to wait for this water to recede. how do they approach this if this ends up being a long-term process with these kids? the more they re bringing supplies back and forth, the better they re getting at it. time might help them a little bit. it sounds like if the water is rising potentially a foot at a time because of this rain, they re going to have to try to get the strongest boy auto soon to see what the capabilities are. all right. andrea zeferes, we appreciate your optimism. we share it, and we certainly wish the best for these boys. . it could add a whole other snag to this already dangerous mission. i want to bring in meteorologist allison chinchar. tell us about the hours here, the medial hours, in terms of how it would impact their survival. it s two-fold. one is how much rain is going to fall in the next several hours, and on top of that, how long does it keep going? because the thing is it may not be the next hour. it may be the next six hours that they have to contend with the rain. the good news is they have to think of the rain. that is good news. that allowed some of the water within the cave system to recede. the problem is it s not going to last. we ve already started to see the moisture come through not only in jonathan s live shot you saw a few moments ago, but even the satellite. this is the location right here around the cave. notice the orange and red colors. that means the moisture is coming back into this area and there s a lot of it. it s not a little bit of moisture coming in because, again, this is the rainy season. when you look at the forecast, sunday, monday, tuesday, all have an 80% chance of rain. the moisture is there. not just in the short term but also the long term. when we look at the next five days, the potential for at least another 2 to 4 inches of rain. now, here s what you have to understand. 2 to 4 inches may not sound like that much to you. but, a, you have to keep in mind it s on top of what they already have. but more importantly, b, is how the system works. we re in the middle of our rainy season. july and august being the peaks of those months. look at the system. see the narrowing? that s where you get the flooding. when you re talking about narrow passageways, those fill up quickly, even with 2 to 4 inches of rain. not only do those passages fill up with water, but this is where air would normally freely flow through. the problem is, suzanne, if that fills up with water, that cuts off the oxygen supply. we know the oxygen is lowering where the boys are located. the concern is how much lower does it get before they can finally get the boys out. allison, one thing that s concerning is we have seen the rain start. how does that impact the possibility of least today and the hours ahead to move forward with the mission? a couple of things to think about. number one, for all the water they re bringing out, they re bringing more back in. you also have to keep in mind that with these storms, you ve also had wind. and that wind funnels in those caves. so it s basically blowing all of that rain back into these tunnels, and that, again, makes it harder for them to pump it back out. again, it s not that we re adding water to it, but the wind is taking the water from outside and pushing it inside the cave system as well. all right. allison, thank you so much. please keep us posted on how this goes. we re also following breaking news. this is out of chicago. major freeway has been shut down by anti-gun protesters. you can see the dan ryan expressway. we re going to take you live next. simply to make them a few grams lighter? 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[ engine revving ] yes, i was busy! -24-hour roadside assistance. from america s number-one motorcycle insurer. -you know, i think you re my best friend. you don t have to say i m your best friend. that s okay. we re following breaking news out of chicago where protesters have gathered on a major interstate. protesters have now shut down part of the dan ryan expressway as part of an anti-gun violence march. i want to check in with ryan. ryan, set the stage for us. are people safe? what is happening now? reporter: look. they wanted to shut the highway down, but the police officers and highway patrol have been able to stop them from getting on the highway. that s a big part of the conversation right now. pointing a camera in the line of officers, the protesters are very frustrated. what they wanted to do was shut the highway down. they thought that would send a message. you ve got to think about this. this is the fourth of july weekend when you think about the holiday. this is the most violent weekend. more than 100 people were shot last year. the numbers down and crime is dropping but there are people in communities who say they want further action. they want an urban plan to get people back to work so they can get some of these kids out of the violent way and the street gangs. the conversations have been with preachers who have tried to keep protesters from going across this line. some of the top law officials aren o the other side of the line. but there are people who came here for one reason and one reason only. they wanted to send a message very loud about the idea of why they wanted this highway shut down because they want the people to understand they want a change in these communities, especially when it comes to gun violence. just on july 4th, the police took 50 guns off the streets. that s the push here. atz you see the kind of conversations here, you can see the officers lined up, and each one of them is trying to have a conversation with the people in front of them to stop them from going. but there are people in this crowd who came here for a reason. they want the highway shut down and they re tied of waiting. on sunday there was a drive-by shooting and an entire family was shot when they were getting in a car and a 5-year-old girl was shot. you understand the passion here in the city when it comes to gun violence and that s why you see the people here lining up, standing for more than an hour, because they believe they showed up to get on the highway. that s part of what the conversation is now. all right. well, ryan, thank you so much. we appreciate they re getting word out out there and it looks like everyone is staying safe. let us know if anything change. ryan young, thanks so much. appreciate it. now to more news. in california one has died and hundreds are being forced to evacuate their homes as wildfires scorched the state. firefighters in santa barbara county are battling tough conditions. we re talking triple-digit temperatures and winds. this started late last night. the fire has scorched about 35 acres and prompted about 2,500 evacuations. here now is scott mcclain. he s the deputy chief of cal fire. scott, first of all, firefighters, they ve been battling, i assume, the record-high temperatures and strong winds. what does this mean for those on the front lines? it was like three weeks ago that we started having these weather patterns. the next weekend, the same thing. and then just, you know, last weekend, similar. and we re looking at the same weather pattern this weekend. now we re looking at triple-digit temperatures down to the high 90s, erratic wind and humidity. you have thousands who have had to evacuate their homes and one resident who s lost his life. what are you telling resident as what to do? it s not when the fire is going to come close to your residence or your property. it s when. they need to be prepared and take that responsibility on, to have their go kits ready to go. they have to know how to get out of their community or away from their home if a wildfire does strike. and there s a myriad of other things they have to do to be prepared. it needs to be a team effort between the fire service, public, and law enforcement. are you encouraging people to voluntarily leash their homes at this time? when they see these pictures and what s happened so far, possibly they need to leave much sooner as opposed to when officials say it ee time to go? that s a very good point. yes. if you feel uncomfortable and you know there s a wildfire in your area, take the initiative to leave or get out for the time being. it enable ours resources to get in there more efficiently and get the job done. all right, scott, mclean. we know you re getting job done. we appreciate it. still ahead, we re talking hours after secretary of state mike pompeo called his talks with north korea productive. well, the rogue nation has put out its own statement calls the u.s. attitude, quote, regrettable. they go on to say they still have faith, though, however in president trump. so where do things stand now? perfect! who is this? you don t always use it to share something. he s doing it! but when it matters most, you count on tracfone to keep you connected, for less. can you send that to me? yeah. our new smartphone plan gives you talk, text and data with unlimited carryover starting at $15 a month, no contract. all with nationwide 4g lte coverage. get top smartphones or bring your own phone. tracfone. for moments that matter. hais not always easy. severe plaque psoriasis it s a long-distance run and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for over ten years. it s the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. more than 250,000 patients have chosen humira to fight their psoriasis. and they re not backing down. for most patients clearer skin is the proof. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems. serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. join over 250,000 people who have chosen humira. ask your dermatologist about humira & go. does your business internet provider promise a lot? 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no real concrete deliverables out of this meeting. now, the agreement between president trump and chairman kim touched on a couple of things on this denuclearization. it s still unclear whether the u.s. and north korea define that the same way. you see statements from secretary pompeo saying that no one s walked away from that overy all concept, but the statement from north korea is much less optimistic, that the u.s. demand for complete denuclearization is not what they thought were part of the conversation and went against what they said was kind of the friendsly atmosphere of kim jong-un and president trump. now one thing that did come oust this, the return of remains from the u.s. side during the korean war. this is something that was part of the kim trump agreement. president trump said a follow-up meeting to discuss that in the dmz would take place possibly on the 12th. that is kind of the one actionable item out of all of this, but not much else. all right. the statement from north korea, i want to read in pate. it says we expected u.s. to bring constructive measures to build confidence in concordance with the spirit. however, the attitude of the u.s. in the first high-level talks held on the 6th and 7th were indeed regrettable. which is it here? how are they trying to play this thing? i think look, i hope these talks work, but all these signs point to sort of traditional north korean tactics of delaying this. there s no agreement whatsoever. and i think all of this shows that there really was not a detailed agreement reached in singapore. and the two sides, as ryan said, there is no agreement on the central issue. what does denuclearization mean to the north koreans. ryan, we know there was a letter that pompeo left for kim jong-un from president trump. what do we know about this letter if anything and is there some symbolism here and a reaching out, an effort? we don t know exactly what s in the content of the letter. people have taken notice that secretary pompeo did not actually meet with chairman kim and you see even in the north korean statement there s a callback to the statement of the conversation they had in singapore. so perhaps it s an effort to continue this process, the negotiations, by kind of rielle vating it to that head of state level because there wasn t much progress at least from secretary pompeo and his counterpart s side. david, who has more leverage now that you ve seen this delicate dance play out. kim jong-un and president trump had this meeting. that was a big win, i think, for the leader of north korea. is the u.s. even behind? i think the u.s. is behind. i think that what kim jong-un is going to do is play for time. china has already weakened the economic sanction on north korea. that s the biggest leverage by far on the kim regime, and i think this is what s happened to every past president. again, i want these talks to succeed, but i don t see anything different that the trump administration has achieved. north koreans are exceptional negotiators. they ll play for time, drag these talks out for months and years, and there s virtually, again, there s no progress coming out of this latest meeting. yeah. having covered presidents obama and bush, we have seen the same scenario play out time and time again, so we ll see if this changes anything under president trump. thank you so much. still ahead, congressman jim jordan facing some serious questions about whether he ignored sexual abuse claims while a wrestling coach at ohio state university. sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. 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because i ve heard the accusers, and i ve also heard his side. i know jim well. he s a man of integrity and honesty, and he also took on the speaker of the house from his own home state. somebody s willing to take on somebody like that is not afraid to take on anybody. a doctor who has been dead for 13 year, jim wouldn t have gone to bat for this guy if he felt he was guilty. he would not have covered it up. his two accusers have criminal records. they re not very reliable witnesses from my point of view. but i know jim jordan well, and i can tell you he would not hesitate to turn something in that was going wrong that he had control over. jim door dan just doesn t he s not that kind of guy. what do you make i do want to follow up here. what do you make of those who have accuse. you say they have criminal records. if you see their explanations, testimony, they seem very credible. they talk about him and say jimmy, that they really liked him and he was a mentor figure and that maybe he s being fed or manipulators or layer lawyers t him to say this. let me say this. i went to michigan state university. there s a big shock wave that went through. ohio state has hired hillary clinton s law firm. that i have not contacted jim jordan himself. if the allegations were serious at this point, he would have been interviewed. he s not been interviewed. he s not been contacted. sabato had a contract with ohio state university. he lost that contract because hedy not handle it well. he was arrested for telephone harassment in february of this year. he s just not a good witness. john, this is what you know, this is what all lies of jordan are saying here. some are looking at the democrats and saying, okay, are you defending hip, not defending him? do you have any say in the matter considering some democrats have also been in hot water, if you will, with scandals of their own whether it s senator al franken or connors. how do you weigh in on this? what you see is when that happen, they step down. they step away. i think it s too early to malign them. we see that a lot on the republican side of the aisle. that s unfortunate. those are facts, jon. let me finish my statement. let it take place. i know republicans have a difficult time, whether it s with this or with russia. let the investigation take place and then let s come out and make a decision. i think congressman meadows was right in that regard. i don t think we should impose guilt or innocence in this case. jim jordan himself has said,ly be glad to be interviewed. he said, i have nothing to hide. that s great because what we heard from you is what we hear from people all the time. do you deny though you hear that all the time. he has served two years in jail. do you deny that? do you think it s odd this guy was taking showers with students when there was a facility separate for staff? actually let me speak to that. shouldn t he as the coach have been asking questions? let me ask question about that. if it smoels like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck. do you deny that sabato i m not maligning. it s a matter of fact. i m not maligning. he was arrested. let me interject. he has every moment in the world to malign ohio state. let me interject. do you think jim jordan should go under oath? i don t think jim jordan would have me front going under oath. i was a member of georgia when newt gingrich was speaker. it would be very difficult to take on the speaker of the house when you re a member of the home state delegation. he s a guy who has a set of values and he doesn t mind speaking the truth and being the lone wolf. but his political ambitions are different from the way he acts as a congressman. is it possible it s game of semantics as well because people have actually look very closely and we ve study very closely jordan s statements, right? yes. he talks about not hearing of abuse, not seeing abuse, but that there was talk of things of a sexual nature that happened in that locker room in the showers. is it possible that he is say ing no abusz has occurred but other things were discussed? i just know jim jordan to be a straight arrow. h would not put up with any shenanigans in the locker room. let me point out there were nine wrestling coaches, but he seems to be the one they re aiming at. why is that? dr. strauss was a coach for hundreds of others. it wasn t just for the wrestling team. it was for all athletic programs. why aren t their hundreds of accusers like there were at michigan state. we will see if there are more accusers. i have to wrap this up, jon. last world. do you think it s a political smear or campaign sth. that s what that it re saying that. we re seeing that on jordan. that s unfortunate it s happening. i m disappointed. you came out against the students at the florida shooting. i did not. it s inappropriate and i think we should let this investigation continue. we re going to have to do this another day. another day and another time. we ve got to wrap it there. we appreciate your time. all right. thank you, both, jack kingston, jon summers. we re going to be right back. incomparable performance cars cannot be rushed. they must be painstakingly crafted. out of titanium, aluminum, and high tensile steel. hand-built by masters, scrutinized by experts, and tested. .relentlessly. the lexus high performance line. experience exhilaration crafted to the extreme. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. okay, i never thought i d say this, but i found bladder leak underwear that s actually pretty. surprised? 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(vo) one family can now get different unlimited plans, starting at $40 per line on the network you deserve. china is blaming the u.s. for what it calls the biggest trade war in history. china is now punching back with an equal amount of tariffs on american exports. this may be just the beginning. president has suggested another $500 billion in tariffs could be on the horizon. let s discuss this expanding trade war. with me now, max baucus. he s former u.s. ambassador to china, former democratic senator from montana. ambassador, thanks so much for joining us. really appreciate it. first of all, tell us. how concerned should we be, that this trade war should have a relatively strong impact on a relatively strong economy? it s true we have a very large economy. $20 billion in trade on the surface not a big deal. the problem is i think we re picking up a fight we re not going to win. i ve spent many years with china. i ve talked with chinese government officials including the president xi jinping that have made it clear they re not going to be bullied. they re not going to be knocked down. they have a vision. they re going down. i am concerned. once you get into something, it s hard to back down. i m concerned. let s say it continues, it escalates and it does hurt a number of people here, including those in the united states. it seems like they re targeting the voters. you re the chairman for the farmers for free trade. at what point do you think these tariffs are going have an impact a real impact on america s farmers, and how might that affect trump moving forward because it impacts his base? those are two good questions. first it is already having an effect. they re already being hit by our tariffs. these products going to mexico are also. mexico, most of the tariffs against the united states, so it s a problem. and most trump counties seem to be bearing more of the brunt of it. so far my sense is that farmers in the midwest like trump, they re going to kind of give him a pass for a while. there s going to be a tipping point and the tipping point is not to proceed very far down the road if trump proceeds with the threat. that is a full $5 billion worth. we hear from the administration this argument that the economy is so strong now that if you re going to impose tariffs, that now would be the time, that there is this window if you will that the economy is strzok enough to absorb this, this hit. do you agree with that and do you think there is a certain period in which you break open the dam and that this does, in fact, look like the economy is going to take a downdoturn. that s their argument. it s true the economy looks very strong and it s also true that the chinese economy, although it s strong is perhaps still a little fragile. the bigger point is china will not back down. they re resilient, big, strong, they have a long-term vision, and they re not going to be bullied. i very much worry that the president does not totally understand that when he started something. it s going to be very difficult to back down from. and meanwhile there s a lot of global damage. a lot of people will get hurt. farmers, ranchers, businessmen who did not cause this problem are going to get hurt. it s very interesting to me you have a president who s america first and then he jumps into trade war with virtually most major countries in the world, china, europe, and so forth. that s not america first. that s america getting involved in something a lot more deeply that can cause pain. i hope he can bake out pretty quickly. ambassador, before you go, i have to ask you about this. we saw the rally thursday night, the president at a rally in montana. we heard trump using some lines here, lashing out at many of his targets but saying, quote, a vote for democrats in november is to let the violent ms-13 gang run in our communities. democrats want anarchy. do you think the voters of montana are buying that? montana pride themselves on being pretty careful they carefully look at the candidates and they cannot be swayed by a lot of stuff. jon tester, very popular. everybody likes him. flattop, missing a couple of fingers. they like their man, their man is fighting for them. that s what counts. all right. ambassador max baucus, you would know best. thank you very much. thank you very much for joining me. i m suzanne malveaux in for fredericka whitfield. the next hour with joe johns starts after a quick break. and whiskers on kittens s bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things does it look like i m done? shouldn t you be at work? 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North-korea , Kentucky , United-states , Georgia , Mexico , California , Russia , Chicago , Illinois , Montana , Ohio , China

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20181026

laura: come visit us. we have a great show. i am laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from a busy news night in washington. we have no suspect or motive in the case of devices sent to democrats. but that hasn t stopped some media organizations from what i think is despicable finger pointing. we received interesting details about the bombs today. some media folks don t want to talk about it. last night s florida gubernatorial debate revealed an ugly truth about some democratic tactics. level charges of racism and you win the argument. we will break down the left s new rule. first the democrats convenient case of amnesia, the focus of tonight s angle. at this point the bombs sent to democrats and cnn were not to detonate but to intimidate. they are blaming trump. law enforcement is noticing that all of the recipients have been the target of wrath from president trump. he channeled his supporter s rage towards people in our groups. some of whom were togethargeted today s bomb. the atmosphere in our country. he is not doing anything to tone that down. laura: the impulse to blame the president takes us back on the issue of fairness and common sense. two qualities in short supply. it s outrageous for these folks to imply that these act were provoked by our commander-in-chief. the media wonders why the american people have little respect for them. when was the outrage and fury when democrats were viciously insulting conservatives or using aggressive actions toward them? [shouting]. if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store or gas station, you get up. don t i wish i were debating them. no, i wish i could take him behind the gym. you can t be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for and care about. laura: no urging of aggressive rhetoric. where was all of the media and democratic outrage when hollywood made threats with bloody depictions of the president? it s julius ceasar like you have never seen before. a man dressed like president trump gets stabbed to death on stage. of course i want to punch him in the face. tyler and i are not afraid to make noise. i have thought a lot about blowing up the white house. when was the last time an actor assassinated a president. [bleep] trump! laura: i guess that s high art in america these days. not only no criticism from the left, they were applauding this stuff. they love ugly personal confrontations like this. they are so nasty. the stores and the restaurants and the elevators. i don t recall joe scarborough asking if hillary s rhetoric led to this viciousness. the democrats are so wraparound about what trump achieved they adopted a by any means necessary strategy to get him out of power. i think in a way you could argue they have become the party by default of antifa. let s stop comparing the tea party to antifa as some on the left have done. last time i checked the tea party was dressed up like betsy ross. they were debating how to stop obamacare and future bailouts. the tea party was interested in driving people to the polls in 2010 and not driving people from the public square. in the wake of the bomb mailings, it s amusing and disturbing to watch the pied pipers of chaos try to flip the script. all of you, i am glad are here and alive. we could have been mourning you guys. i know that president trump bears a lot of responsibility for rhetoric that made this inevitable that top democrats would be targeted. i think they are acting out in the way that the president wants them to do and act. laura: this is a woman who said go find them in public. we remember what happened more than a year ago. when a trump hating bernie sanders supporter opened fire on the republican baseball practice. there could have been 12 people killed and not 1 nearly killed as steve scalise was. when someone looked for a political explanation. do you remember what nancy pelosi said? this sick individual does something despicable. it was horrible and hateful. for them to be sanctimonious as if they have never seen such a thing before. the comments made by republican colleagues are outrageous. beneath the dignity of the job they hold. how dare they say such a thing? laura: how dare anyone ascribe a connection to a nasty, horrible, criminal act with the atmosphere. in the aftermath. of the steve scalise shooting there was no examination of how democratic rhetoric contributed to the violence. there were no apologies from the left. in a joint statement with chucks chuck schumer. pelosi is blaming the president. where was he last year when maxine waters was making threats like this? with this kind of inspiration, i will go and take trump out tonight. [cheers and applause]. laura: she was not talking about out to dinner. revealing what most americans should know: the left wants to impose a college speech code on the rest of us. where the left gets to speak, hate and do whatever they want with impunity. the rest of us have to watch every word. every emphasis. i think the american people are smarter than the democrats give them credit for. i think they see through attempts like this to limit speech and politize the act of a few lune ticks. lunatics. here is what really going on. the press enablers are hoping the horrific events in the last 72 hours will stem the gop s late surge. the public will look at them. look at what you did. in order to do this, they will need to silence donald trump on the stump. that rimes. they want to force the president to be more like a conventional politician on the trail and less effective. good luck with that. this ploy will not work. most americans know real evil when they see it. and they know what political opportunities are and that it can spring from that very evil. that s the angle. joining me jeffrey lord and in studio drew litman. drew, the first crack. you heard nancy pelosi in the angle. it was the republicans worrying about the demonization of trump. in this case the script is flipped. what different here is donald trump is president. he commands the military. he is the commander-in-chief and federal law enforcement. when he makes a threat, it has a different potency. even during the campaign he urged supporters in a rally to apply second amendment remedies to hillary clinton if she was elected. that could only mean shooting her. he said to have her secret service detail pulled and see what happens. he contemplated physical danger for her. laura: you believe donald trump wants physical harm to happen to hillary clinton? yes. laura: i don t think democrats want physical harm to republicans. in the restaurants they want to provoke a reaction. someone this close to your face when your child is with you, you won t say sit down and join us. you would be ticked off. but maxine waters said go where they are. eric holder said when they hit us, we kick them. hillary clinton we can t be civil. holding up a decapitated head of the president. cathy griffin doesn t speak for the democratic party. laura: they are applauded. maxine waters goes to every awards show and is the toast of the town. president trump made her the toast of the town by singeing her out for attacks. she is the only one to get one of these bombs in the mail. do you think that s not because of the rhetoric president trump uses? he abuses her every rally. laura: jeffrey, your reaction? there is a climate of hate in the liberal media and all directed at the president. cnn and jeff zucker and i used to work there. i love and respect all of my former colleagues. they have been put through hell the last couple of days. running these constant blaming of the president, we have no idea who did this. absolutely no idea whatsoever. i would say stop, stop, stop. for god s sake stop it. what is really dangerous is the logic. this is from an illinois paper. it was a letter to the editor. it reads this way: one of my favorite tv shows is the show on msnbc. the guy who wrote that is the guy who shot steve scalise. words matter jeff says and these other folks are saying. if words matter, they are saying that msnbc who are anti-trump are responsible for the steve scalise shooting. that s very, very dangerous. what is really bad about this, god forbid that something happens to the president or sarah sanders or a member of this administration. this kind of argument will whirl around in a heart beat and fingers will be pointed at cnn or msnbc to lay the responsibility on them. that s wrong. laura: it s an attempt to stop speech. i think more speech is better. when everybody is hitler, nobody is hitler. when you want physical harm to happen to someone, whatever mailed these things, whether they wanted to them to go off or not, this is an evil intent. we know that. that s right. laura: unless you say go hit them, it s a very dangerous territory people are walking into it. jeff, you touched on this. listen to what cnn s john king said today. no one is blaming the president. the president wants to make this about him. laura: the lower 3rd on the screen says cnn trump has no plan to claim any personal responsibility for inciting serial bomber. is that defensivible on cnn s part? perfectly defensible. they are not blaming trump enough. these are trump targets. he refers to people as traitors. they committed treason. they are enemies of the state. he offered to pay if his supporters would beat up protestors. laura: i have a lot of respect for rachael. she does a great show. i don t agree with her on anything. people will probably hate me for saying that. if i was a liberal i would watch racism. rachael. when you have someone like margets saying go out and do this. calling trump hitler. you are saying that has no connection to anything that would happen to a supporter of the president like steve scalise. if something happened to the president, would you connect those claims of hitler to the assassination attempt? are you suggesting that steve scalise was shot because of democratic rhetoric? laura: the president has been called stalin, hitler and every dictator rolled into one. you think agree that you can t do that. you want to do it one way but not the other way. that s what the angle is about. did republicans say obama was a dictator? laura: people say idiotic things. the left used to be about free speech. the left now is about college speech code. less speech or more speech? i defended your former boss when they tried to throw him out. i said let the voters decide. he s been really nasty to me and i defended him. thank you very much. we are reaching a tipping point of civil strife not seen since the 1960s. victor davis hansen is the author of the second world war. your reaction to what you heard tonight? i think americans are just tired of this instant virtue signaling. they want symmetry. we don t be what the relationship is between violent speech and violent act. we have been told i believe in free speech. we were told there was no speech between the shooting of steve scalise with the type of speech you played. then there is no connection between trump being over the top in rallies and this incident. that s not what we are getting. we are getting an assymmetrical idea. when a conservative didn t say as much it does. i don t think that s a proposition people can accept. you would see maxine waters and joe biden, they would cease their violent speech because they made the argument in the case of trump it will lead to something. i don t think they will cease it. if you can say you cannot imagine, promote, advocate the assassination of the president. you might have to take a time. time out. i think that would stop it tomorrow if you believed that was necessary. or somebody go to campus and get physical. maybe you could charge him with a felony or the people in the streets of portland. that would deter it. we have mechanisms to make the argument between violence speech and violent act. laura: i want to give another example of the violent speech. barack obama when he came on the campaign trail. historic. this is 2008. i remember this well. it was in philadelphia june 13th. if they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. from what i understand folks in philadelphia like a good brawl. i have seen eagles fans. i know he didn t really mean bring a gun to a fight. if a conservative says something like that, how dare you say that? everyone is liking walk on a tinder hook on the right. on the left. cut his head off. get in their face. make susan collins cower in an elevator. and booker channelled barack obama. get in their faces in the way that holder talked about taking a gun to a knife fight. that didn t result in concrete acts. laura: up next more on the devices sent to democrats across the country. what they can tell us about the perpetrator. into the facts next. today. back pain can t win. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day strong. all day long. we were told officials that fortunately the devices they were able to examine so far were poorly made. taped to the side an electrical circuit. apparently a timer. norwas it clear what was supposed to set the packages off. laura: some of the inspected mail bombs were not capable of exploding. the others have yet to be analyzed. what might any of this tell us about the motive and the skill of the perpetrator? has this been hyped or in the caution warranted? joining us is danny collison. the lead agent investigate the oklahoma state bombing and ryan. ryan, what can we take away from the fact that these devices to be all duds? well, laura, i have 24 years as a police officer. i have been a bomb squad commander and explosive specialist with the department of homeland security. i looked at thousands of x-rays. when i saw the x-ray put out to the media, immediately, people that worked with me every day at tripwire, we said there is no way that device would function. when we looked at the pictures of the device itself, it looked mickey mouse. it was very crude. a pipe with a red and black wire. very hollywood. like in a movie. and the timer. none of that would be what a real bomber would want to do. if it was a real bomber, he would be a victim. a timer is not an effective means of deployment. laura: danny, governor cuomo said something different about this device. it is wrong to say in my opinion that these are fake bombs. there is a question as to whether or not the bombs were designed to detonate. or to intimidate. the question is the motivation. laura: danny? that s laughable. i commanded the oklahoma city bombing investigation. i was the victim of an ied. this guy had no intention of these things going off. this looks like a movie prop. then what is the purpose? i tend to believe that the purpose is not to hurt anybody. these things are not capable of injurying people. that s verified the technician that examined them. i think it s theatre and messaging. it s almost a joke. it s not a joke because we take it seriously. this is not a bomb. it doesn t have the components of s bomb. no bomber makes a bomb out of that pipe because it doesn t restrict the explosion and cause it to hurt people. it looks like a movie prop designed for theater. it s like a firebug that sets a fire. it s a message. i think that s what we will find out once the fbi and nypd resolve this thing. laura: danny, i was talking to a friend of mine who is always on the israeli message boards. he said the guys who do the stuff you guys do in israel, it s horrible and scarce people. scares people but it looks ridiculous. anyone who wants to do harm doesn t construct something that looks like a flashlight connected to a baby alarm clock. it looked absurd. what does this tell us about motivation other than i want to get attention? that s a great question. it s one of two things. i won t be popular for saying this. either to send a message to these people we are watching you and coming after you and try to intimidate them. or possibly to create sympathy for them. i don t know where it will come out. laura: ryan, motivation given the prop-like quality of these devices? the only thing would be to intimidate or cause fear or panic. these are not functional. they sent them all over the place. in my opinion as well, i agree with your other guest. these devices are just meant to cause fear. laura: chuck todd on msnbc said this today. i have this fear it could be some russian operation designed to do what is happening now. laura: danny, russians. the russian make good bombs. this is not a bomb. it s a fake. it s a prop. the motive we will find out. the fbi will find this guy. there is so much opportunity to collect evidence and they have so many devices that are intact. they will take them apart and they will trace the components back to the guy who built it. laura: thank you very much. could then the end of the line for lawyer to the porn stars michael avanati. a criminal referral handed to the doj. details next. laura: a criminal referral dropped today called for a criminal investigation into the accusations of brett kavanaugh made by michael avanati and julie swetnick. joining us is ed henry. what is the latest? more trouble for michael avanati. chuck grassley is pressing the justice department to investigate whether he and julie swetnick provided false statements to congress about judge kavanaugh. they said kavanaugh was involved in gang rapes. grassley claimed to jeff sessions and christopher wray, some tried to knowingly mislead the committee. it stifles our ability to work on: in a brief interview today with fox, avanati lashed out at grassley saying this is political. he added this at a news conference in new york. we welcome the investigation requested by senator grassley who obviously has no idea what he has done. he has now opened a pandera s box. my client and i are looking forward to a full and complete investigation. some of the left are turning on avanati and his dream of running for president. vanity fair mocked the lawyer for suffering two setbacks. he was evicted from his offices for not paying rent. racking up debt and evading responsibility when the bill came due. tweets from planned parenthood today: laura. laura: joining us a former federal prosecutor. you called this substantial. it reads like a prosecution memo laying out a case against swetnick. senator grassley lays out the case where she submitted an affidavit and said brett kavanaugh spiked punch and targeted young women and participating in gang rapes. that s what she submitted under oath. an affidavit. later she goes on tv and says, i really don t remember any of that. and contradicts her affidavit. grassley said you can t submit a sworn statement to my committee and then go on tv and contradict that. that warrants an investigation of perjury and obstruction of justice. i read it. this is a compelling document. i think the fbi and the department of justice will investigate this. laura: the statutes involved of false statements, and obstruction of a congressional investigation, and then conspiracy. the two of them working together. there we go. perhaps with others. there might be more. this is the beginning of what we are seeing here. i think it s really important that senator grassley does this because otherwise, any nominee who they want to stop, it will just be i heard this. no, i remember this 25 years ago. yeah it s the worst more horrible accusations. why not there is no price to be paid? i would go after the feinstein leak too. some of my friends said maybe even some of the are the accusers in this case. did christine blasey ford tell the truth? i don t know a lot of friends of kavanaugh are upset and think there was a lot of lying going on. i could not agree more. what senator grassley is saying, you have to have respect for the process. when you submit a sworn affidavit i expect it to be truthful. if it s not you will suffer the penalties. what senator grassley is saying you can t lie and dries disrupt my committee proceedings. if that rule of law is not maintained issue the whole process is a sham. laura: he is a showboating viper. he was also promising like the going out of business sale on the rug store and they never go out of business. he is always promising corroborate witnesses and they never occur. are you aware of any witnesses that could corroborate this story? i have spoken to many witnesses. i have been clear there are corroborating witness. we didn t just make this up. i just find a woman to sign this. laura: quick final thoughts? just a baseless accusation that almost destroyed a man s life. laura: last night s debate between gillum and desantis when in a jam liberals declare racism. what is that? heartburn and gas? fight both fast tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums tums chewy bites with gas relief oh! oh! ozempic®! 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(vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. the question is did you pay for the hamilton ticket or did the undercover fbi agent? i am a hard working person. that may not fit your description of what you think people like me do. i worked hard for everything i have gotten in my life. i don t need anybody handing me anything for free. laura: that points to what has become an uncomfortable truth for gop candidates. if you criticize democrats you get tagged a racist. candace joins me. the left is doing it. gillum in a big jam with potential bribes. he was willing to take tickets and other things. that s the question. it has nothing to do with his race. when the argument is loss they result to this attack. what i don t like about this. i feel like it reinforces low expectations for the black community. we can t win a race off our own merit so we will cry victim and say we are being attacked because of the color of our skin. it s nasty and negative and wrong. i also think it s a show of weakness from gillum. laura: he is the new superstar. i think he is trying to be almost an obama-type figure. home spun. right. laura: except when you look at the state of florida, tallahassee in particular, that s the real problem city and he s been running tallahassee. desantis said if you want san francisco to come to florida, then yeah. if you want venezuela to come to florida. he is pushing a socialist platform which should terrify everybody. he thinks i can get away with this because i throw down the black card. the black card needs to be ripped up. you win based on good ideas. laura: you had an interesting event today with turning point. i got to see the pictures that trump tweeted out tonight. what was going on today? we are having a massive young black leadership summit. all conservatives. the energy in that room it s here. laura: i love it. black america is tired of being the victim that the left uses to gain pour in in country. we are showing up. the president will address us tomorrow. laura: what time? i didn t get an invitation. 11 a.m. it will be at the white house. i can t wait to hear what he has to say. this crowd is shouting lock her up! it was something to be seen. laura: there is not enough media coverage of interesting candidates. there is a republican muslim candidate in california. a difficult race. fascinating. obviously john james running for senate. unbelievable veteran. smart. compat pilot. it s like he doesn t exist. they don t know what to do. because they think there is something proprietary to the left, when black people deviate, the left tries to ignore us. i call times up on that. laura: college campuses. turning point fans out to college campuses. this is something we have needed for so long. we have college conservative newsroom under assault. what is the reaction? you get some stuff thrown at you. what is the reaction among minorities students when they talk to you and see you and meet you. you are nice and run. in the beginning, last semester we were met with protesting. the entire game has changed. they are wearing maga hats and jumping up. we have a large hispanic following. people are pursuing different ideas. this country is changing. black americans have nothing to fear when donald trump said he will make america great. we are americans too. laura: you are a weapon in a good way. i love it. i love what you are doing. thank you very much being here. i might crash your event tomorrow. how do drug cartels operate inside caravans like the one ai ai aing approaching the u.s. border. we have shocking revelations. stay there. pproaching the u.s. . we have shocking revelations. stay there. approaching the u.s.. we have shocking revelations. stay there. while i was in the navy, i decided that i wanted to go for electrical engineering and you need to go to college for that. if i didn t have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. which is the main reason i left the military. everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. and i get to do that. i get to provide that for them. laura: the trump administration has come under fire for calling out the potentially dangerous members of the caravan making its way up through mexico. another one on its way too. since drug cartels control the illegal flow of everything in latin america, we want to know how they still might be influencing this caravan even though they say there is strength in numbers. joining us is derrik, a former special ops division head. this caravan is described as a sea of humanity wanting a better life. we have a national emergency. the terrorists are tapping into the criminal networks for funding. that s number 1. generating $400 billion around the world. we have young kids dying from their poison every day. every 11 minutes somebody dies from an opioid overdose. we have people coming into our country with disease, crime and drugs. we have to end it. thank god president trump stepped up and sent the troops down there to help us. 11 years ago, we had a case against a very big arms trafficker. he wanted to get 100 pass ports for middle easterns. they don t just wait. they are planing to get people here in in country to do very bad things. that s the bottom line. laura: at one point they found 100 bangladesh people in the area where the caravan was gathering. maybe 5,000 people. that s a lot of people. it s everybody at one time is approaching a border check-point some will just walk across. they get processed and released into the country? right. laura: correct? you look at el salvador and guatemala and horned. honduras. they are some of the most violent countries. they want to come here and want our taxpayer to pay for their babies and food and college. and all of the hard working americans have to pay the bill. what about the deceasesdeceases diseases coming in africa? laura: no one talks about the health implications. i think the media where is the investigative reporting on these diseases? kids are be paralyzed. i am not saying it s immigration. we have a tb problem. chris cuomo claimed the border wall won t stop the cartel. i had the unfortunate pleasure of spending way too much time south of the border covering the drug cartel. you have not. let me tell you how it works. tunnels. they use planes and huge cargo containers. the idea you are a wall away from stopping the drug problem is also untrue. laura: what is your view? my view is that the wall alone won t stop the drug cartels. they are a business enterprise to make money. they have tunnels. but if there is a wall they can t drive over, we can prevent them from getting into this country like they are right now. talk to the farmers, chris cuomo and the people that are on the border and these people are coming on to their property with weapons. it s like a free-for-all on our border. the wall will help. it alone won t stop the problem. laura: great having you on. thanks for your service to the country. we ll be right back. laura: tonight s news about michael avanati and julie swetnick remind us of an interview we had with swetnick s ex, 3 weeks ago. did see ever discuss with you in your 7-year relationship the issue of sexual assault or did she mention having been sexually assaulted? never, never, once. did she mention that to me. if you know julie swetnick, i know her. if you ask me if i believe her, i don t believe her. laura: that s already avanati will fix the whole thing. shannon bream and the fox news @ night team take it from here. who are you rooting out? shannon: i am out. my heart is broken. i did a twitter poll. i asked our followers when they thought avanati or grassley would win. it s a landslide. i won t tell you. i will let you guess. thanks, laura. fox news alert. the bomb scares continue as investigators work to find a suspect and a

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20181105

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hey, there, don. tonight we saw an unusual speech from president trump. he only spoke for about 50 minutes. he usually goes well over an hour and mostly stuck to the script. it didn t seem like he was ad l l lib like he usually does. last night in another rally in pensacola, florida, he was shaferi saying he spends too much time on immigration and not enough about positive jobs numbers and a strong stock market, et cetera. no surprise although the president did get into immigration. he s here campaigning for marsha blackburn trying to take senator bob corker s seat and she has a hard line stance on immigration. the president talked about the caravan tonight and shaferhis mischaracterization of the migrants in the caravan. listen to this. they want to oppose socialism on our country. and they want to erase america s borders. democrats want to invite caravan after caravan after illegal aliens to pour into our country. i don t think so. i don t think so. no nation can allow its borders to be over run and that s an invasion. i don t care what they say. i don t care what the fake media says. that s an invasion of our countr country. don, our cameras have been there and reporters have spoken with these people but bears repeating, these are refugees fleeing turmoil and coming to this country looking for the jobs that almost no one else wants and looking to pick fruit and do hard labor and clean our homes. this is not an invading force. one final note, don, the president tonight did not go off on a tangent railing against the fake news media like he does. i heard he was disappointed that the president didn t go there because he believes it s part of the fun. don? boris stand by. i want to bring in ryan. ryan, you were with president obama in chicago. what is a closing message for the midterm? what a contrast in styles. obviously the former president came out punching trying to get the message out where he thought it was about the values of the country and someone voting could help save someone s life. he said we need more women to run and vote and help each other. this is about the values of the country. you can feel the idea he was the closer. he was taking things on. in fact, he even mentioned the idea that the chinese could be listening in on donald trump s cell phone getting the crowd to laugh. when he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeve and talked about democrats had to do the hard work and mop things up, you could see the crowd get behind it. it was ten years ago today he was elected. so many people talked about the ideas of them being there at grant park and having those ideas and shared values. they wanted to see something change. listen to the president talk about how the values matter and how what politicians say need to count even more. what we have not seen before, at least not in my lifetime are politicians who are blatantly, repeatedly, boldly, shamelessly lying. it s like up is down and black is white and just making stuff up. literally advertising spinning millions of dollars advertising that you are doing something when you are doing the exact opposite. i can tell you the crowd was enjoying the former president giving it to the nation in terms of having this conversation. you can see j.b. sitting behind him. he s running for governor. the race here is going to be one of the most expensive ever for a governor s race. over $240 million has been spent here in the state as the governor is trying to run. j.b. looked like he s ahead of the incumbent bruce who at one point was at a trump rally and didn t get on stage with the president. some think that might be lined up but when the closing hours people get out to vote, they kept saying take your friends and family members and go out and vote. you can see the different closing style and what he was hammering home with the promise. it s family night, right? thank you, ryan. thank you, boris. appreciate both of you. i want to bring in the forecast for tuesday and we re not talking about the weather. let s hope it s good so this high voter turnout everywhere. two days ago, what is the latest forecast for the senate and how is that texas race? for the senate overall, we expect republicans may pick up a seat. they are at 51 now. we think they might end up with 52. there is a margin of error that could be the case that dell cmos get a seat but need a neck gain of two. they probably do need to win the texas senate race and right now senator ted cruz is favorite in that race to win by 6%. look, errors do happen. it s plausible that beto oc o rourke could win but right now, let s bet on cruise. let s talk about the house. are you predicting the democrats will take control? i appeared how many times in the last month and it s basically the same number. i feel like we re going in a rerun. the democrats are favored to take back the house with 226 seats to the republicans 209. you need 218 to main tan ctain control. it s plausible republicans could hold on but look at the last second democrat polls, i might be under estimating. right now democrats will win control of the house of representatives. all right. harry, hold your horses. we like having you on. don t get defensive. let s talk about the two big governor races, what s happening in georgia and florida? georgia is one of most fascinating races. i wouldn t be shocked in a week from now we re still talking about the vote. you need a majority vote and right now what i m seeing and the polls suggestion nobody will get that, neither brian kemp who will finish first nor stacy abrams, the democrat. they will fall short of 50, which means a run off and early december and i love elections. let s carry it on for another month. [ laughter ] everybody is sitting next to me including and me were saying well, you know, speak for yourself, not for us. thank you. appreciate it. joining me now, the people i m talking about this hour, hilary, kevin, mark preston and mike shields. we would like it to be over. is that the consensus? only if stacy wins. [ laughter ] ryan, what is your reaction what you heard from harry? how do you see things playing out? we had one of the most controversial presidents in mod tern time. most presidents face a backlash against them. our system is meant to readjust, right? so the only question for tuesday is how big and deep is that backlash? i think most of the evidence is it s going, you know, i don t want to make a prediction but i think for democrats, when they wakeup on wednesday, they have to ask questions how far into trump s base if at all were they able to produce that backlash? we know there is a white collar backlash against trump. we know the groups that are loyal to the democrats look like they will turnout in big numbers, but i think the key question is how big is it? is it an election that s true wave or an election that is a moderate backlash against trump where the democrats pick up 25 seats to win back the house but that it reinforces the bases of both parties. those are two very different story lines. how are you feeling? i was walking in here tonight remembering how cocky i was in 2016 on your show. remember that night before the election and like oh, donald trump lost this the day he talked about mexicans being rapists and that it was people of color and women going to come together and knock this guy down. so i am not confident at all because i m too nervous to be confident, but i will say we have to just understand this is not a campaign right now for democrats or republicans. this is a campaign for the independent vote and almost every district, it is registered independence who will make up the margin for victory in all of these states and all of these house seats and, you know, independence broke at the last minute for donald trump in 2016. democrats, we need independence to break for us on tuesday. really, i think we are doing ourselves a disservice to consistently now talk about a country where we only have democrats and republicans. yeah, yeah. we have a lot to talk about. you guys will get in. we have a whole show. stick around with me. i want to talk about high-profile governor s races in florida and georgia and ugly campaigns but first, here is a message from voters. text less, vote more, vote, show everyone what you re against and what you re for. vote. turn out for her. vote. it s 2018, ladies, tell your husbands it s your turn. 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of course. i would say this is absolutely not okay. you have too much access to the process. i ve been in this game way too long. i m a cynic when it comes down to voter recounts and manipulation of the rules to kevin s point, it s true. a lot of these states, these voter registration laws some don t have paper trails. it s crazy. something else with this office, kemp and i guess they are not up to date on technology because this is not the first time they have a freak out. there is a homeland security which they thought was a breach and homeland security person doing a background check on something and thought it was somebody else. let me ask you real quick and these guys are going to say, i haven t had a chance to talk. isn t that an indictment on kemp? number one, yes. my test for this is what if this were happening on another country, how would you look at this? the state of georgia, imagine this is the country of georgia and we were covering that and the guy running the voting system making up claims like this and having this conflict of interest, we would have no hesitation calling that out as banana republic stuff. that is but this is happening in our country. listen, mark, they are calling it a stunt, the democrats. do they have a right to call this a stunt? we have how about this? we have a right to know the facts right now and haven t seen anything from the secretary of state other than this initial we re looking into it statement beyond that. we deserve the facts. at some point perhaps the governor himself needs to step in. i get it. he s republican. not necessarily going to be on the side of stacy abrams and doesn t want to embarrass the republican nominee. when you have the secretary of state s office say 48 hours before election day, i mean, it seems a little bit mirky. i want to play stacy abrams, what she told cnn tonight. watch this. first of all, it s not a real investigation. what happened is brian kemp once again is trying to cover up failures by blaming someone else. he blamed staff, vendors and democrats but the reality is there is imperfections in the system and weaknesses and vulnerabilities. they were told about it friday and instead of owning up to the failure and making it right, he decided to blame democrats. we re not responsible. we have nothing to do with this and i m sad instead of owning up to his responsibility, he s once again misleading georgia g. what do you think? it s interesting to hear democrats trying to say he s doing funny business when in reality, i don t see how this helps him. i m not sure how that will benefit him three days before the election. he would rather talk about how well the office is run and why he should be governor. there isn t any sort of, i think, trying to cast aspersions of this and that he should step down because he shouldn t oversee this because there should be funny business. in reality, he s attacked for not running the office correctly. it s a viability for him. he has to announce something is going on. you wouldn t want him to have an investigation and say i m not going to tell anyone about that until after the election. he has an investigation. he has to tell people. that s like a super scenical analysis. the reality is that he has consistently declassified voters across the board so this is a way to make this be the democrats fault. that s what he s doing. he s saying if stacy abrams doesn t win, that democrats aren t going to have a claim on this. i thought barack obama that s what he said? i thought he said he had an investigation into a potential cyber attack. if he loses, he can say democrats did something funny. for having our own thoughts into what this will be without knowing. he specifically said it, it was from democrats and that that s what the attack was. look, barack obama said something important on the trail today, which i think republicans need to own up to on a big picture level, which is one party has consistently tried to pass laws, do things to get people not to vote and another part is he s consistently tried to encourage people voting. this is going to hang around republicans necks if we have massive problems again this year with people being, you know, denied at the polls, not being counted. this is just, it s one election too many. you can t keep doing that. listen, i don t want to get too far here but this is what cnn obtained, a series of e-mails and said led to the level of this accusation of hacking. the e-mails included in exchange between the georgia democratic party operatives refer to findings by a voter who said he discovered potential vulnerabilities in the states voter information page and it s online regular statiistration s. the e-mail said was computer programming code. secretary of state received a chain of e-mails from the representative of the expert georgia democratic party asked to evaluate the vulnerabilities. that s it. so they saw it and they asked to investigate it. it s not like democrats were secretly trying to hack into the system, which i think which is how they made it sound. discovering the vulnerability is not a plot. and turning knit over to yeah. if what you re saying is correct, we see this all the time. hackers who try and find vulnerabilities and systems to protect the system, right? yeah. that s what this is like, trying to show the secretary of state there is a problem that needs to be corrected. the race for steve king s house seat is getting close. could his party s rebuke be the reason the democratic challenger is gaining on him? ron! soh really? going on at schwab. thank you clients? well jd power did just rank them highest in investor satisfaction with full service brokerage firms.again. and online equity trades are only $4.95. i mean you can t have low cost and be full service. it s impossible. it s like having your cake and eating it too. ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs. how am i going to explain this? if you don t like their answer, ask again at schwab. schwab, a modern approach to wealth management. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you re in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. like a big pizza pie, that s amore. when the world seems. applebee s new neighborhood pastas. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. applebee s new should happen everydred five hundred years, right? fact is, there have been twenty-six in the last decade. allstate is adapting. with drones to assess home damage sooner. and if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. now that you know the truth. are you in good hands? gavin newsom has lived the rich made him powerful. but he s done nothing to help us. every day i work harder. rent, food, and gas prices climb. poverty, homelessness gavin admits it. we created it happened on our watch. what you see out there on the streets and sidewalk happened on our watch. now he says he ll have courage, for a change, but gavin s had his chance for eight years, and he never lifted a finger. it s time for someone new. john cox, governor. right? yes. he put out a tv ad in his campaign. i want to play it and get your response to it. i grew up in iowa, started with a rusted out dozer. i lived in the same house 40 years. i know most of you agree our country is slipping away. well, i think it s worth fighting for no matter whose toes have to be stepped on to make it right. if that s okay with you, i d sure appreciate your vote. no matter whose toes have to be stepped on to make it right. [ laughter ] wit a mait a minute, we re evaluating this from d.c., it s effective in iowa. i worked on capitol hill and he s an immigration hawk. i m very disappointed in the language that steve king is using over the years. it s not acceptable and not necessary to do that, you know, he s becoming more difficult to explain away, which is unfortunate, but steve king is going to win that district and what is interesting, though, i sit on the board of stand up republic and our organization put money into his opponent s race, not directly but against steve king because we think that he represents is not good for republicans moving forward. and his opponent raised a lot of money. he put in $1.4 million and had several television ads going up that made this race more competitive than the past. i think that s the first tv ad. that s my next question, the first tv ad. what does this say about him because maybe he had been taking it for granted? of course. outside groups like ours, stand up republic put money into this race where in the past steve district was not competitive. i think donald trump won that district by 20 something points last time around. so it goes to show you, it s very rare you see like the head of the nrcc come out and say, this is not acceptable what steve king has done and language he s used. republican on republican criticism is unusual. the guy went out of his way to endorse essentially a neo-nazi candidate in a toronto mayoral race. that s why that ad these guys were in america, they would be republicans. that s why that ad in a way is a rebuke not just to his democratic opponent but to the republican leadership because he s probably mad at them for abandoning him, and, you know, i have to give them a little credit here for distancing themselves from him. they deserve it endorsing neo-nazi. the key test is if he gets reelected, whether he gets power and welcomed back and how that goes and i think that will be the test. 2018. the republican leader. you re absolutely right here. we sit here and sit around the table and we try to extrapolate what is going on in america and try to see it through the eyes of votes. guess what? this is democracy and the ugly bit of democracy and there are people in northwest iowa that want steve king to be in congress as awful as all of us here think it is that when he pushes forward these views thanks is what this country was creating. people want him out of office, right? if they want it, i m not saying it s a good thing but it s reality. 100%. the newspaper for the first time has not endorsed him. yeah. i was there in august and the thing that struck me about that district is steve king, what is he known most for? anti immigration views, right? he wants all undocumented citizens out of this country, all undocumented immigrants. that district is a rural farming district. all of the farms, the dairy farms, corn, whatever you re doing out there relies on undocumented immigrants. if steve king s immigration views were actually implemented, his entire district economically would be gone. and yet, they support him cycle after cycle. so you have to sort of figure out that puzzle of why voters who have that disconnect still like this guy. it s kecultural clash. it s funny when they say they and you visit them and all of their workers or most are undocumented workers doing the crops. kevin made a good point about another district in iowa and where trump s popularity was taking a hit because of the tariffs. yeah. over there. i thought was interesting. i ll tell you, i haven t been to sue city in a long time. there are good people there. they are essentially, and i think steve king is a reflection of the views there. you have to remember folks out in iowa s forth west district there where steve king lives, they don t care about what people in washington thing. they are nicer than us. and an ambassador for their principles and cultural views. on the other side of iowa, that s a race where another farm rich district where the tariffs have had a very bad effect on the economy and at a time where we see booming economic numbers, the folks there feel like they are worse off than they were in 2016 and as a result, you have a congressman there in that district that won by a district trump won by four points he was reelected in 2016 by ten points in a race that s going down to the wire. well, i m glad you said that. you can continue to talk but i want to tell you that s why his opponent we only mentioned once criss-crossing the district in an r.v. that s in king s district. has been telling voters king is ignoring the district and time for moral leadership. so there you go. it s the point that all politics is local and this is a perfect example of that. i grew up and lived in the same house for 40 years, i would love that. not to be harassed? yeah. i don t have i can t eat here. i got to go. i can t make a living. i wish i could do that. so true. i do think it argues in this case, you know, he ll probably get primary because the cultural consecutive is not is, you know, is not automatically a racist andneo-nazi. to the extent the republican party embraces this extremism brings everybody down and it allows us to have more and more arguments against them. so that s one of those even if the democrat wins, my guess is they will get hit next time. stick around, everyone. mike is awfully quiet here. we ll talk about the women behind president trump who is his female supporters and why they love him. e! we are doing it. it s a done deal. for $40, t-mobile is offering unlimited, and the awesome iphone xr for every line. wah! so, they get the new iphone xr and the plan for $40 bucks. ah! the new iphone xr! that s bananas! what s with the monkey head, fred? where s your memoji? my kid s been playing with my iphone, little monkey. heartburn and gas? 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(dad) i think it s here. (mom vo) especially at this age. (big sister) where are we going? (mom vo) it s a big, beautiful world out there. (little sister) woah. (big sister) wow. see that? (mom vo) sometimes you just need a little help seeing it. (vo) presenting the all-new three-row subaru ascent. love is now bigger than ever. that last place was pretty nice. i don t like this whole thing. i think we can do better. change is hard. try to keep an open mind. come on, dad. this is for me, son? principal. we can help you plan for that. and we re back. hilary, kevin, ryan, tara, mark and mike. that will be a test if everybody at home can remember. tara, i ll ask you about this. check out this new york times headlines. at trump rallies, women see a hero protecting a way of life. why do you think president trump resonates with so many we have to qualify this with so many white women? i read that article, too, and i thought the same thing. it came across to me as there seems to be a significant amount of daddy issues going on here. oh. i can t wait to see your social media feed after this. i m being honest. these women out of their mouths said there are certain paternal aspects to donald trump. another woman said she is obsessed with him because he s going to protect her. this is coming out and something about that dynamic that has drawn these kinds of women to donald trump. that s concerning to me because i don t think that s a healthy perspective. you can say the same thing about folks that felt the messiah complex with barack obama. people seem to be attracted to people they think will save them or protect them which is donald trump is using the immigration issue and i m going to protect you. the security moms used to be a demographic democrats catered to and it s not a daddy issue like with trump. but to keep people safe? yes, but you see how people when they are looking for something or a void to fill, they will fill it with something or someone. i was surprised by the abused pipe bomb said similar things about the president. okay, mike. the trump rally says in part many women believe the president when he reminds them during each of his hour-long pep rallies the world they knew large rly christian, conservative and white is at stake on tuesday. is that motivating trump supporters, especially women? there is a fight and we talked about it in the last hour watching obama go out on the campaign trail and in iowa and look, one of the things i find remarkable about politics and we saw in the kavanaugh fight is how disempowered conservative women are. i m married to a strong consecutive. in terms of the media, glamour magazine they tend to be from the left and there are millions of conservative women that are smart enough to see what they don t agree with him but agree on the military expansion, tax cuts. they are smart enough to make the decisions and narrow cast them into women care about these from the left except for the crazy trump women for this guy that we can t understand only furthers pushes those women over to his side and what i find quite often is that there are women trump supporters that i talk to who started off saying i may not agree with some of the things he says and watch panels on cnn, msnbc, fox and see people shoving them over into a place and see the president being criticized and say i m more for him than ever. just a little push back. sometimes the truth hurts. i know, i just gave some. people cannot sit in their spaces when people call it an echo chamber. sometimes you learn from people not necessarily in your environment. sometimes you re too close to it. i notice it on the left and right. undoubtedly. this is one amazing thing about politics and elections overall. if you want to go into a store, you can buy a pepsi and a coke. when you walk into a voting booth, you have to choose one. having women support donald trump is they had disqualified the alternative. i can t tell you, anecdotes, how many republican women voters said i can t vote for hilary and so much of what the appeal now maybe to try to get those voters back has been lacking, and that s where donald trump has found support from these women, which is that they were ready to vote from donald trump. i got to hear from a woman. white woman. let s not kid ourselves. donald trump has 60% support. there is not a huge constituency there however white women republicans will be white women republicans ultimately in key votes and i think that that is not going to change by vir of donald trump. the idea white men should be going out and telling conservative women you know what, you shouldn t worry about a guy who grabs women by their, and sexually harasses. but hilary, can liberal that your tax cut and your military defense is more important. really, the way to deal with this is for everybody to care about women s lives mostly, not focus on the division. we got another block after this. we ll be right back. we ll talk about young voters, as well, surging in early voting. we ll be right back. the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what s in your wallet? 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look, in a couple races it could be consequential, specifically in florida, sfifl in georgia, specifically if they can be younger african-american voters who don t normally vote, then they could have a big impact on the election. we don t know what s going to happen with the younger voters. we need to look at the data after the fact. what is heartening to see, though, is early voting numbers have increased from what we ve seen over past years. as all americans, we want to see people engaging. music mogul and entrepreneur diddy endorsing stacy abrams and andrew gill up. he released this video yesterday. i m so proud to endorse andrew gillum who will become the first black governor much florida. it s not just because he s black, it s because he s the best man for the job. he s running a campaign for the people. i ve spoken to him at length. i believe in him. his ideas, his focus, what he stands for. there are a lot of people who are turning out, hillary. stacey abrams, for stacey abrams, john legend as well. a lot of people have been stumping. oprah. do these big endorsements, do they translate into votes? no, they translate into crowds, they translate into some increased registration early in the cycle. look, if celebrity endorsements mattered hillary clinton would be president today because there was such an overwhelming thing. there are some promising signs, particularly with young people. there is a 25% increase in voter registration among 18 to 25-year-olds in florida, and i credit the parkland kids for having done that. whether they go to vote, mark, is exactly right, i don t know. i don t think they re going to go because diddy is asking them to. i think they re going to go if andrew gillum is inspiring them and they care about issues like gun control. it would be great if they actually would turnout and vote regardless who they are going to vote for because you need to be involved in the political prosis. just quickly, though, races this close, kevin, do you think this demographic can make a difference? only if they are broader and sustained efforts to engage them. i think if you re in this last 48 hours trying to cover your tracks and get out younger voters, i think you probably and you don t have enough of them right now, you re probably it s probably not enough in the last minute. if it s something you ve been doing the entire campaign it will make a difference. thank you for everybody who dre dressed up and came in. same as obama, blue shirt. i modelled my wardrobe he took his jacket off thank you, everyone. i want to talk about an american hero. people of north ogden, utah was killed saturday in afghanistan. taylor was a major in the army national guard and served four tours in both iraq and afghanistan. he kept in touch with his family and friends in utah through social media, telling everybody how inspired he was by elections in afghanistan. and from halfway around the world, brent taylor was encouraging americans to vote on tuesday. in his final facebook posting he wrote this. as the usa gets ready to vote in our own election next week, i hope everyone back home exercises their precious right to vote. and that whether they re republicans or democrats win, that we all remember that we have far more as americans that unites us than divides us. united we stand, divided we fall. god bless america. major brent taylor leaves behind his wife teeny and explore moa guaranteed 4pm checkout at over 1,000 fine hotels and resorts. it s another way we ve got your back. the platinum card from american express. don t live life without it. alright, let s get going! and you want to make sure to aim it. i m aiming it. ohhhhhhh! i ordered it for everyone. 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(roger ) before i d think of the stuff i might miss. but now with keytruda, we have hope. (avo) living longer is possible. it s tru. keytruda, from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. welcome back. by this time tuesday night we could be looking at a very different political landscape. vote ers will have spoken perhaps to give president trump some real opposition in the house by flipping,

New-york , United-states , Georgia , Afghanistan , Texas , Washington , Florida , China , Togo , Mexico , Iraq , Tennessee

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20190125

own. this is not the first trimester. this is the ninth month. laura: first day, last day, it s our life. great show tonight. thank you so much. we ll talk to you later. i m laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. negotiations continuing. where s the light? working throughout the night, as the deal on the wall, entered into the shutdown could be on the horizon. we have some latest news that might serve him throws some cold water on that. mercedes schlapp from the white house will join us. and ingraham cord is in session. i love this segment. and the privilege that matters. that is the focus of tonight s angle . unless you ve lived under a rock these past few years, you might ve heard of a phrase tossed around by liberals designed to make you feel guilty. well, guilty if you are not a minority. it s called white privilege. speak up when we talk about white privilege, you can just imagine that the poorest white women in this country can call the cops on a black person and be believed. there are thousands of white men who benefit from white privilege who are still in positions of power. white privilege, it s not beta. it is a thing. by virtue of people just giving you the benefit of the doubt when you walk into a room. laura: really? did nick sandmann and the rest of the covington catholic students get the benefit of the doubt last weekend? speak of this contact on my confrontation. a mob of students surrounding the native american. why do we always do this in these sorts of cases when white boys are involved? week of privilege these white kids. laura: some online political terrorist threat and unspeakable violence against the boys and their families. guess what? the media shrugged it off. now imagine if conservative activists had done something similar to female students following the women s march. and when savannah guthrie sat down with the student at the center of the concocted controversy, these are the types of questions that she chose to ask. do you feel, from his experience, that you owe anybody an apology? do you see your own fault in any way? why didn t you walk away? there is something aggressive about standing there, standing your ground. you ve incorporated if you weren t wearing that hat, this might not of happened? laura: her facial expression says it all. but then today, when guthrie invited the native american activist, nathan phillips on, one bang of the drum, the privilege seemed to go the other way. how are you doing? it s been a whirlwind few days for you. do you think you should have apologized? how did you feel in that moment? did you, yourself, feel threatened? have you feared for your own safety? finally, i wonder what you feel now. laura: and notice the facial expression in this photo. she seemed to be in pain when she was with nick. well, she treats mr. phillips with kid gloves, even after her early reports disproved many of the charges that phillips had made against the covington kid. do you hear anyone say, build that wall clocks ? it is an audible in the video. did you hear that? you know, i did hear that, and i have seen some out there on the internet, where you can hear them saying, build that wall. laura: on the internet. got to get right on that. given the varying accounts of what happened and outright lies that he told the media, why on earth is phillips being treated like a delicate flower, while a kid, who did nothing, is curled? why haven t the media actually examined the background of mr. phillips as well? why didn t savannah asked him, for instance, why he passed himself off as a vietnam combat vet when, in fact, he was a reservist serving at home who was incidentally also arrested for assault owed at one point escape from prison? no big deal. perhaps mr. phillips gets the benefit of the doubt in his case and others because, among the media lead, he enjoys it something you might call minority privilege. in other words, his heritage and grievances, both real and imagined, entitle him to special treatment and consideration. if you dare question his motives or his opinions, then you are racist. period. that is patently unjust. it s ridiculous. evil still exists and of course racism does exist. but this is not the 1950s when minorities were denied opportunities across the board and when hateful stereotypes were broadly applied to them. they genuinely suffered. thankfully, things have changed. of course, pockets of racism still exist and always will, but in the wake of the civil rights movement, opportunities for all minorities now are vast. the election of minorities to congress, the senate, appointments of minorities to the supreme court, and of course, the election of a black president. the success of minorities in academia, and business, and sports, and entertainment. it s inspiring. black or white or yellow or brown, we are all children of god. no one should be profiled as a thug or ground down for wearing a hoodie at night and no one should be profiled as a racist and threatened for wearing a maga hat. with 2020 around the corner, i am afraid this is all just going to get a lot worse. instead of looking beyond race, american elites are using it cynically to divide us and to scare up new voters, they hope. meanwhile, as frustrating as the current washington stalemate is, things are actually not getting better in america. just about everyone of all races and creeds have money in their pockets to spend which means people should generally be less it, and not more, angry and satisfied. but democrats can t have that going into the next election, can make? happy voters? they don t want them. nick sandmann did not cower or her run away when he was confronted by the drum beating provocateur or those other angry black activists. too often, republicans first instinct, even when innocent, is to back down our apologize in order to duplicate the left. but here was a kid who with grace and dignity, maybe a little goofy, he smiled and stood his ground and refused to be bullied, even today. he was not standing up either for white privilege or minority privilege, but for american privilege, the privilege to believe what you wish, and thought to be attacked for it. in that the angle . joining me now to react as michelle malkin, syndicated columnist and hope coast of mie malkin investigates, fantastic, on crtv, along with democratic strategies scott bolden. great to have you on. scott, isn t it now beyond obvious that mr. phillips was given the benefit of the doubt over these kids, principally due to his native american heritage? [laughs] i think not, laura. you ve got to be the first commentator to suggest that there is a black privilege or an indian privilege based on how he was treated. i thought both of those interviews by the other network, savannah guthrie, made a lot of sense it, and she was being delicate with him as a young kid, and being just as delicater gentleman, phillips. they did not get the benefit of the doubt. let me say this. the black israelites and the kid, they were beeping. that is one piece. with the second beef had to do with phillips who was praying and banging his drum, and the kids were doing tomahawk drops and not moving, and i don t know what the intentions of the young man were. but the fact of the matter is, it s unfortunate, but two laura: what do you want them to do, scott? the covington kids, as far as i know, were not involved in shouting any epithets or screaming at them, or standing there, but we had adult men we had black men, these black hebrew israelites, who were screaming incest babie, who were yelling terrible things at a priest who were wearing a maga hat with the kids who were in covington stood between the black israelite of the catholic priest with a maga hat, which is why they were standing there, one of the chaperones told us that tonight. so michelle, where this is a stanchion at? we still have people like scott who believe that mr. phillips is a credible person in all of this, credible person who imagines that the kid standing there screaming build a wall were none of the video shows it. on the bit. i think it s a shame that your other guests did not mention the fact that those black hebrew israelites were race baiting a black catholic student from covington and accusing him of being some sort of trader because he was with his white classmates. there is an entire different history of racism against minorities who don t happen to fit the liberal narrative, and we never talk about that. we never talk about the fact that minority conservatives have gotten the worst, most vile attacks, at least over the last 25 years, that i have been a minority of color who happens to be a conservative in public life, of being accused of the race traitorism, of being accused of selling out our community, when so many minority democrats are the ones that are selling out their people. more and more and you see this now an extraordinary movement of independent-minded minorities, who are leaving the so-called ideological plantatio plantation, and braving the slings and arrows of that. it s not just the kids in covington who face this kind of liberal hatred of traditional values, and you see that with a lot of, for example, traditional black christians who believe in traditional marriage, who are often excoriated in the public square. the idea that the liberal media has tried to apply all these years, it fits into exactly what you said in your opening monologue, laura, there is a privilege. i don t understand why you don t believe that black people it exists. really? hmm. wow. laura, let me say this. i have to talk about the black israelites, we have to talk to code laura: they were part of a dynamic, scott. this is part of a dynamic. in the tape, people who were ricocheting around the internet last week when they were decrying these kids as racists, when you actually watch what happened, that is what started it all. it was screaming videos of them going back and forth. i put them in a separate bucket. laura: really? i think of the chants were going the other way, i think it would be treated very differently. if the kids were picking on one thing that i have to bring up is the media angle of all of this, and savannah guthrie i don t know her. i m sure she s a nice person. but why on earth is there no desire to find out anything more about the guy who decides to paying a drum a couple inches away from a kids face? which i find itself a provocative act. that is his face. don t bang anything in front of anyone else. he would not like it, scott, and i wouldn t like it. michelle, i know you would not like it. he s a native american! laura: he approached the kid! i don t care what he is. back it off! it is way too close, and it s way too close to a young person. i don t care if you are republican, democrat, nothing. get out of people s faces. i don t like it. this is what alanna go to another washington examiner broke tonight. let s watch. i think we have it. i m a vietnam vet, and i served in the marine corps, 72- 76. i got discharged may 5th, 1976. what my box says is that i was in theater. i don t have much about my vietnam times, you know. i usually say i don t recollect, i don t recall, you know, those years. laura: okay. that guy is obviously half michelle, hold on. the 30 producers that work at the today show , or a lot, dozens, none of them could dig anything up on this guy? none of them? he lied about being in theater. he wasn t in theater. not to take anything away from him but he wasn t in theater. vietnam vets take this very seriously. he s an air about it, fine. don t say the box says i was in theater. what does that say about him if he s lying about his service in vietnam had nobody on the today show could find it but a reporter for the washington examiner and other kids found other stuff? doesn t sound like they had much desire to come up michelle. military bloggers and commentators, people who do the research and investigative work on stolen valor, people like don shipley and early on with these clips unearthing them as well. nonjournalists, noncredentialed journalists who are interested in the truth. it s the reason why the today show did not ask because they didn t want to know, because anything that would undermine this guy s credibility would undermine their own narrative, which is that everyone who wears a maga hat, everyone who was from kentucky, everyone who goes to a catholic school is somehow an unrepented bigot. now you have the new york times out there trolling for stories with the hashtag #exposechristianschools. as our journalism? no! that is an ideological agenda to smear so many people who went through those at schools and had good experiences, including me! laura: they want to outlaw in the end, they want to ban catholic schools in christian schools. they wanted all gone. make it explicit sprayed phillips clarified that on his second interview with guthrie. i literally just watched it. more importantly, what does his credibility and have to do wite video, which of the subject? laura: [laughs] because he makes stuff up! manufactured racism. laura: we are out of time. god bless him, i hope he s okay. but he comes across as cuckoo for cocoa puffs. i ll say it again. and anyone watching it will be honest and understand. he s an adult and he s acting like a kid in front of a kid. we are out of time. last night, we had a discussion about how the maga hat has become a symbol of racism. everyone has picked up the story today. a great addition reaction. watch. it comes to the maga hat, a piece of clothing that represents donald trump and everything that comes along with donald trump. donald trump laura: isan diaz? donald trump is an unrepented racist. the maga hat, too many, is representative of a klan code or various other symbols of racism. what? it absolutely did. laura: today, lexington, kentucky, liberal pastor decided to pile onto the kids, it astonished me that any students participating in a pro-life activity could be wearing dash by the way, that particular bishop find plenty of time on his place to show up at daca rallies in d.c. last february. so he s a good one to talk about political involvement. we invited them on the show tonight but he s too afraid to appear. joining me now as bishop operation, watching our show last night. bishop, your reaction to these two men of the cloth? i am appalled. first of all, it s always great being with you. when i heard the bishop last night let me just say to outcome of the church of god and courage is a fantastic organization, i was once part of that organization, where bishops came from, and he does not represent the views of those individuals who strive for equality. the church is where dr. martin luther king actually had his last speech, at the mason temple in the church of god and christ. when i hear a bishop swan not address the real issues, planned parenthood, and you are talking about 40% of black people that have been aborted, not on this planet, and you have nothing to say about it? when i hear that and remember, laura, i was one of the clergy that traveled with then-candidate trump. i support candidate trump then and i do right now. laura: so i guess you are a racist. i guess you re a a racist. honestly. you have a maga hat don t worry maga hat around d.c. don t try to go into a gym or a restaurant wearing a maga hat because they will profile u.s. racist even though you are not a white person with white privilege. i do have a jewish mother. with that being said, i will say laura: [laughs] audit all covered. i got all the races covered, the rainbow, the real rainbow, that is. here s the reality we have to look at, when i hear the rhetoric of bishop swan, remember, the same bishop that called candace i was a name that i cannot repeat its equivalent. laura: let s drop that out from him. i was glad he came on the show. a lot of these people, like the catholic bishops, one come on, because they don t want they are afraid and hiding behind the collar. i suggest they worry about people getting back in the pews and start wearing about their open borders rallies. i want to play something. eddie glover junior was on msnbc the other day and he said this. the hat in some ways represents, for many of us, a kind of racial animus, make america great again as a kind of nostalgic longing for the 1950s. laura: i want to play something for you this is bill bill clinton, of course, and ronald reagan on made make america great again. let s watch. i believe that together we can make america great again. we will restore hope and welcome them into a great national crusade to make america great again. laura: i know this comes as a shock to all the drum supporters but guess what, he was not the first person to say it. it was not racist then, not racist now. of course it s not. it s beyond mad. it s not just not racist, again, i traveled with the president right as a matter of fact, i m the only clergy in america that hillary clinton put in her book as to why she lost the election, because of my support and videos that we produced. this president is not a racist president. i have a heart for this president and that is, it s simple. he s doing a great job and we should be supporting him. laura: they don t the democrats don t want happy voters. they don t want people to be able to pursue their happiness in the era of trump because to do so would actually drive people to the polls for trump. everyone has to be kept angry, and i think more people are happy then they would like. thank you so much for joining us. dems in the media have trotted out story after story about furloughed workers missing paychecks. but neither admit that they have shut down g.o.p. efforts to get workers paid, yes. we bring you the real story on what they are doing, plus a live update on where they shut down stand-up is at this hour. white house s mercedes schlapp next. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. walking a dog can add thousands walking this many?day. that can be rough on pam s feet, knees, and lower back. that s why she wears dr. scholl s orthotics. they relieve pain and give her the comfort to move more so she can keep up with all of her best friends. dr. scholl s. born to move. a business owner always goes beyond what people expect. that s why we built the nation s largest gig-speed network along with complete reliability. then went beyond. beyond clumsy dials-in s and pins. to one-touch conference calls. beyond traditional tv. to tv on any device. beyond low-res surveillance video. to crystal clear hd video monitoring from anywhere. gig-fueled apps that exceed expectations. comcast business. beyond fast. on craigslist, there are cards, children s toys, and futile game consoles. all being sold because government workers need quick cash. she s now selling some of her belongings, including a favorite person she was, hoping to earn money to pay bills. jessica s boyfriend took a second job at night, and she started this gofundme campaign, one of about 3,004 federal workers. laura: those stories are powerful, and it s heartbreaking. folks are missing paychecks. it s really hard. you probably heard that it s the g.o.p. s fault, right? [laughs] ground freight house democrats have defeated three, count thems to pay federal workers during the shutdown. where did i tell you a month ago? they want their shutdown to continue because i think it works with them politically. by the way, chuck schumer beat back a bill today that would have entered the coast guard would have gotten paid. joining me now is former chuck schumer aid chris hahn. all right, chris. love having you on when to mars in trouble. democrats would rather keep this talking point to life than have the very people help the very people who claim that trump is holding them hostage. tell me why. the democrats have offered solutions to give all the government workers paid, including a bill that the president was supported in december, that pass the senate unanimously, that would have kept the government open through february so they could have negotiated a new congress, border security and immigration reform. very complex issue. laura: chuck schumer they were all for a wall. i remember, i was there, i was they were and bush did and bought the fence but the democrat did want the fence. i was there in 96 when they were putting operation gatekeeper up. clinton was advocating for it, i was a reporting for it. they all left the border security, they love the fence, but now it is trump s fence or wall, whatever you want to call it, and they don t like it. it s beyond obvious. if i were the trump administration, i wouldn t compromise at all on this. you can t negotiate with terrorists. i think they are acting like little terrorists, domestic, political terrorists when it comes to this issue. not physical. you know what i m saying. rhetorical. i don t like what they are doing here. to speak of the president has already retreated from his sea o shining sea big beautiful wall. to see what he always was. he never wanted to put it over the rio grande. he never said that. we are all fine with that. i think that is when he when the president opens the government, he will have a willing partner in chuck schumer and nancy pelosi to reopen the government. it will include a lot of technology. laura: [laughs] technology. and it had sensor or drone, i know it s about letting them cross the border, the drone will identify them, pick them up, and release them. the drones are occasionally advocates. this is what chuck schumer spokesperson said tonight an hour ago. senator schumer and senate democrats have made it clear to leader mcconnell and the republicans they will not support funding for the wall. prorated or otherwise, justin goodman. you think they will support that is they want support any of it. 5 feet or 5 miles, they won t support it. i think when they open the government, likely deal they had in december, the democrats of the republicans and the president can sit down and negotiate real border security and immigration reform. but nobody can be talking about adding a wall or changing immigration policy at the point of a gun, but either democrats or republicans. laura: first of all, chris, do you think i have a question. do you think the democrats are worried about spending money? if so, it s got to be the first time they were worried about spending money. we spend money for stuff that is so wasteful and stupid in this town. we can find $5.7 billion? the overrides on social security and the fraudulent payments on medicare? there is a list on the government website about overpayments and wrongful payments in in the billions. laura, the democrats are not worried about spending money. the democrats gave the president $25 billion to build a wall, he will never build a wall. he doesn t know how to spend that money. he has not spent the money that the democrats of appropriate different border security. we don t expect the president to be successful in building his wall the democrats of appropriate laura: that s a new argument. laura: is a symbolism of the wall. laura: all right, chris. now i get it. so now the builder can t build the wall. i ve heard a lot but that is a good one, and i m really glad you came on. mercedes schlapp is with us from the white house. hold on. we got mercedes on. got to be good. mercedes, the president, even if he had the money, won t build a wall. wow. again, it is the biggest talking point of these democrat democrats, for nancy pelosi to say that the wall is immoral. i mean, let s be real, laura. we know that listening to our border patrol agents, the walls work. it reduces the amount of illegal crossings. what we are seeing right now, apprehensions up 81%. between the ports of entry. i mean, that is dramatic. laura: the numbers tonight you put out some of the white house releases afternoon, were staggering. thousands and thousands of people just in the last month. and the smugglers are taking these family units, dropping them off in remote areas and our guys have to pick them up. what president trump has done, he is listened to the border patrol agents, he is saying, i want to get them the resources, this is about the safety of the american people, of our communities. how many more angel moms do we have to meet? how many more of these families whose loss loved ones because of these illegal criminals coming in and taking the lives of americans? these are preventable crimes, and this is why we know walls work, we know that we need border security now and the mere fact that democrats want to play politics with american lives, that democrats have no interest, laura, and negotiating with the rope mike republicans, and negotiating with the president to put together a good faith ef. laura: they are not going to negotiate because they think they have trump at a point where he will give up. all the headlines today were, trump concedes on the shutdown shutdown if i saw one more of the lower third on the cable screen. and they think they ve got him. and his instincts are so good on this. last year, he is like, i m nt signing this continuing resolution omnibus, excuse me, and they promised me he would give him all funding. mcconnell and ryan. ryan is the heart of this problem. they should have given him this while the first hundred days. they didn t. isn t it time to declare a national emergency? people are sitting at the crisis. if it s a great outcome of the president hato do something. it s clear that congress, we are not getting to a solution. the president is seriously considering other options, that includes declaring a national emergency. obviously, he s looking into these legal options, that is something he can do. what is so troubling is the fact that, yes, he s been able to keep the republicans unified in the senate, we need the 60 votes. joe manchin came through but no other democrat. laura: cory gardner breaking ranks today? got some people by the way, never combine our show, i always liked him. he won t come on the show. what s going on? some of the republican senators vote for those whom are cr, which is outrageous. we need people to stand strong on the border security and the president it s right on this issue, it s what the american people want rates we would let me tell you why cotton and mike lee said they do not vote for the g.o.p. bell. cotton set i could not support it because it gives legal status to illegal aliens without and a chain migration. mike lee said it does not do enough to reform the immigration system and address the graces of our southern border. they are both great in the immigration issue. they are both the best in the u.s. senate and immigration. they don t like this idea, clearly, the administration seems to be inching toward some type of amnesty to get the government reopened. this is not amnesty. this was part of trying to find that middle ground to help negotiate and bring the democrats to the table. what we have seen that you ve seen some of these freshman democrats getting real nervous and pressuring nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi is in complete denial. she does not care about the federal workers. she does not care about the vulnerable families. she does not care about those american families that have been laura: she didn t go to kate steinle s family, did she? the angel families came over to meet with her, knocked at her office, did not receive a greeting from nancy pelosi or chuck schumer. guess what? the president wants to speak up. he s the voice of these parents who have lost loved ones because of illegal immigration. laura: i think it might be wise not that i should be giving advice if i wanted to change the dynamics, you have to go asymmetrical. you can t play the normal negotiating. they won t negotiate. the president is so good when he goes on the road. i would love to see him in a latino neighborhood, african-american community, different places, to talk about what immigration and the right kind of immigration does, great stuff, and the wrong kind of illegal immigration does to communities. i would love to see that. i think that is powerful. that puts pressures on the democrats constituents. he had a naturalization ceremony in the oval office, the first of its kind, highlighting and celebrating the beauty of illegal immigration in america. he is also hosting hispanic pastors tomorrow, that agree with the president s stance on border, and so we are couldn t tell him not going to meeting with african-americans and latinos, but the economic and social costs associated with it. laura: laura: ms-13 is re. human trafficking, the hurt and concern of lower wages come i think that s a winner. also talk about all the good stuff that you guys are doing as well. mercedes, thank you for coming on. we really, really appreciate it. i know you have been waiting for this. tonight, the return of the arbiter. two lawyers, two crazy cases, one judge, me. it will be scary. yo around the clock. and with a $0 copay, that s something to groove about. let s groove tonight. toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don t use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you re allergic to insulin. get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash, or trouble breathing. don t reuse needles, or share insulin pens. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life-threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily. injection site reactions may occur. don t change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. check insulin label each time you inject. taking tzds with insulins like toujeo® may cause heart failure that can lead to death. toujeo®, ask your doctor. let s groove tonight. laura: all right, it s time for the arbiter. two attorneys argue a case and i, judge lauro, will make a final ruling. joining me now, attorneys robert portillo and gavin clarkson. thank you both for being here. here are the rules. each attorney will have 30 seconds to lay out the case, followed by rebuttal. now if the judge needs more information, each of you will have an additional 30 seconds to explain. at the end, i ll bang the official gavel and give my ruling. courts in session. first on the docket tonight, a new york man is now reportedly facing manslaughter charges after defending himself and his family against a home intruder. the new york post reporting that he went after the attacker with a bat or knife after he tried to break into the home. he later died at a queens hospital. months later, he s being charged in his death. robert, you have 30 seconds for your opening argument waits big all right, laura. was important for us to understand in this case is that this is not a traditional self-defense case, not a traditional case. once the threat was neutralized, once he left the home, they followed him into the street. at that point, the homeowner and his brother for peter to beat him with a baseball bat and stabbed him until he died. this is not a case where someone was simply at their home defending themselves and defending their family. they went above and beyond what was required and what was proportional to stop the attack. at that point, they should have, once they were probably individual, went into the house, called police, and allow that person to be arrested by law enforcement. [buzzer] laura: gavin? i m a lifetime member of the nra and a strong supporter of the second amendment, even though firearms are not in this case, justice scalia is ideas are important here. the right to defend ourselves is a god-given right way to second environment, it s not that it grants us the right to bear arms, it said the government shall not infringe on our god-given rights to defend ourselves, and just because they are using a bat and a knife, he is defending his family for my home invader. i am a schoolteacher. i support concealed carry in the classroom. new york s law enforcement [buzzer] laura: robert, new york penal section 3515. a person make a mess to the such to be necessary to defend themselves, herself, or third person. how is this individual not actually threaten? it s not that he wasn t with the cody says it specifically, it needs to be proportional, what is needed to repel the attack. the neighbor says they just kept hitting him. long after the person was neutralized, long after that brett had been averted, they continued beating the man and stabbing him to death. that is the issue. now the self-defense, the the fact that they continued past. laura: rebuttal? accepted use of force? once again, if i am allowed to bring my concealed carry into my classroom, and some not laura: this is not a classroom situation. the issue is that you are defending your family for my home invader. you don t know if he is going to return. yes, you are supposed to subdue him but just because they continue to fight in the street and because the home invader continued to beat up on the younger brother, the older brother came to his defense and you have an absole right to defend your family, your children, your younger sibling. it s very clear he acting within the scope of gulf defense. laura: ruling? gavin get this one for a second amendment rules. now to a wild case in florida. clearwater resident peter swan has been for decades that william shatner is his biological father. but the star trek star trek legend has denied any blood tie. it s undeterred, pursuing what he pursued his birthright, the shatner name. a miami attorney representing shatner sent a cease and desist order, threatening for the further legal action if he moves forward. let s put 30 seconds on the clock rate gavin, you may begin your argument. justice ingram, i don t believe there is a goal and deciding on people s names are. we have plenty of examples of knuckleheaded parents giving really bad names to your kids. if you are a fan of the next generation justice ingranm, i don t rather than the original source or congeries, you can change your name to john that the card if you want to. now i have no idea if this guy is a shatner zone. but if elizabeth warren can falsely claim tribal interest rate, so can this guy. it as an if the president is watching, it should be fauxcahotnas. we had a similar case with rihanna and the name fenty. at the trademark issue, actually, because this individual was falsely claimed for decades to be related to william shatner, not by changing his name, can make money off the shatner name and the brand which william shatner has built. laura: he s not claiming a trademark. is he making a trademark claim? he started with a cease and desist way to the name is granted, it will move to a trademark as you, a person infringing on what william says. laura: quick rebuttal? i teach intellectual property law. if he wants to make a trademark claim, he should do that. all of this is somebody wanting to change their name. government should not be in the business of depriving people of liberty, even to come up with a silly name. so therefore, it is something where, a trademark issue, relevant to this point. if i decide to change my name to gavin clarkson and doing crazy stuff under that name, you should have the right to stop me from doing that. it s one thing if it is an individual changing his name, it s another thing for a purpose. laura: ruling, robert wins this one. shatner, he s safe tonight. i am on team john libka card. laura: i watch otter sanctions. punitive sanctions by the way, if you love this ruth bader ginsburg-like caller, and 87-year-old man crocheted this beautiful collar. i would go with no if i were on the court. what happens in our elected leaders seem to fight for more for illegal immigrants on their own citizens? and my radical bill just back to new york is only beginning of what looks like a generational fight. us like somehow you wind up getting less. but now that i book at, and i get all these great perks. i got to select my room from the floor plan. very nice. i know, i m good at picking stuff. free wi-fi. laptop by the pool is a bold choice. and the price match guarantee. how do you know all of this? are you like some magical hilton fairy? it s just here on the hilton app. just available to the public, so. book at and get the hilton price match guarantee. if you find a lower rate, we match it and give you 25% off that stay. if yoamazon prime videoe, so when you say words like. show me best of prime video into this. you ll see awesome stuff like this. discover prime originals like the emmy-winning the marvelous mrs. maisel. tom clancy s jack ryan. and the man in the high castle. all in the same place as your live tv. its all included with your amazon prime membership. that s how xfinity makes tv. simple. easy. awesome. laura: according to forbes, there are more than 44 million borrowers who all i collected 1.5 trillion he has come out with a t in student loan debt. that means instead of working to ease the burden of that debt, what are we doing? lawmakers in new york just approved a program that allows undocumented immigrants access to financial aid of over $5,000 a year. so how do current students saddled with loss feel about this? joining us now, julia boudreau, a sophomore at king s college in new york, and has committed the next eight years to service to our country to pay back her loans. and an advocate for this bill and candidate for new york city public advocate. good to see you. how is this fair? well, the entire budget of new york state is $168 billion. dreamers contribute $115 million to state and local economies, and this bill will only cost $27 million. for this is, and investment. these are people who pay taxes, contribute to the economy, some of them are citizens, they are dreamers, children of undocumented people in new york, who been paying taxes, and deserved the same privileges and rights that we have just by being in the right area, born in the right area. now ultimately laura: i have a question. hold on, hold on, hold on. take a breath. should people in other countries who want to come here and are good people, should they also why should they be excluded from the $5,000 benefit, if they are good people and they have done pretty well in school? they are not excluded. if people come from other countries laura: they could get the benefit, too. they can fail for financial aid in different forms. this is for dreamers, children of undocumented people, who were born either here or came laura: okay. we got to get to julia. julia, it s an investment. these people i mean, when you listen to people who are for more, you know, open borders or for amnesty, their point basically is, these people are almost better than american citizens. they are more less criminal they are paying more taxes, they are working harder you get that sense that they are the people who really need the benefits of the american people, i guess you just have to work for eight years to play off your student loans. julia? thank you for having me, laura. i feel as though when i think about it, that i know so many people who have sacrificed so much to go to college it, and like you said, i have given up eight years to dedicate my next eight years to the military, and to pay for college, and i ve taken out loans to pay for the rest. and i feel as though, while we need to certainly we need to laura: be sensitive to the needs of others be sensitive to the needs of others, and take care of immigration reform, that is something we need to do, but we also have so many people who are struggling to pay for college here, and this is bad legislation. laura: i also think we have it s easy to say, welcome with the budget is big, so spend it on this. but i could to new york quite a bit. i love new york. new york, who does not love new york? but new york has a lot of problems in the city. i hear residents complain all the time. i used to live there. it s been a while. i go there a lot. there s a lot of problems in new york. there s a lot of still homeless problems, a lot of veterans on the street. you still have a lot up, you know, trash on the street, and a lot of filth on the street, people shooting up in the alleyway. doesn t new york kind of have a handful with the problems that are already there? if it s $5,000 extra, why not use that to help the new york resident and the veterans on the street? this is not a question of whether or not new york as the money. we generate more wealth than anywhere else on the planet. we also have the worst income inequality. the heart of the issue the problem, it has to do with it being held up by the democratic senate laura: a lot of millionaires are leaving new york. they are fleeing new york. they are not? amazon the helicopter pad paid by taxpayers. at the end of the day, people are not being taxed in new york, that need to be paying taxes, and that is not they are not playing new york. actually, laura: new york ranks number one in losing residents of any state in the united states. followed by california and new jersey. it is working people can t afford to play it on my pay rent rates be when i spent a lot of n florida. they are all going down to florida. they were all going down there. julia, so first of all, thank you for your service to the country. thank you for coming on, both of you. i think this is going to be very interesting to see the way it plays out. but there s a lot of dead and his country, and lot of student debt, we don t talk about it enough. one point we should make college free. laura: everything is going to be free. it could be much more affordable. laura: everything should be free, cars, refrigerators. you will be a good public advocate. but everybody gets in the way. who the heck is going to be there to pull it? i appreciate it. why did barbra streisand cancel a late-night appearance? that mystery is tonight s last bite. with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. that s why i fight. because it s my vision. preservision. also, in a great-tasting chewable. laura: it s time for the last bite . bravo sandy cohen and late-night jimmy kimmel ask them which guest asked him to swap routers are to show her good side. [laughs] she didn t do it. did you come on the show? the condition was we could not talk about the fact that we switched it around. i said, i just don t think that works. laura: barbra streisand? really? that s funny, raymond asked me to do that all the time. a lot of unimportant housekeeping notes. i lost my brand-new podcast weeks last week. make sure you get it, broadcast one, or of course, ideas, good to go to itunes and get it as well. each episode, we cover america, where we are, and where we are going. i promise you are going to learn something new every day for a laugh and learn at the same time. subscribe, podcast one or go to podcast one. she and embry the fox news @ night team take it from here. i know you want to borrow that doily collar of my and prayed shannon: [laughs] you saw the email i sent you. just check that out. poor raymond. both of your sites are good. come on. laura: have a great show. [laughs] shannon: thank you. we begin with a fox news alert. brand-new bipartisan talks are taking place designed to end the partial government shutdown. new hope prompted by the failure of two dueling plans, republican or democrat, both shot down by the senate late today. the reality check setting in, as federal workers prepare to mess their second paycheck. senator rick scott is here in minutes. and brand-new video released from customs and border patrol as fox news confirms a shocking amount of gang members from central america are crossing our southern border. trees

Miami , Florida , United-states , Jersey , New-york , Washington , Kentucky , Vietnam , Republic-of , California , Togo , Americans

Transcripts For CNNW Reliable Sources 20190825

pea speeches. her body guard took a man out forcibly. a five-year milestone, journalist james folley and steven were murdered by isis five years ago this summer. what their parents are doing now to help other reports. that s all coming up in the minutes ahead. first, the stories playing out on our tvs and twitter feeds. he s getting worse. we can see it. it s happening in public and a very hard, very sensitive story to cover. i m talking of course about president trump, about his behavior, about his instability. the contradictions, the lies, the complete rejection of reality. some prominent figures including the husband of kelly anne conwa are pleading with the press to take this more seriously. they said trump is decomposing before our eyes. republicans need to face the fact the president is mentally unstable and psychologically unfit. conway thinks it s narcissistic personality disorder. anthony scaramucci says mental breakdown. this sum smer is chalked full o examples. racist comments about the quad and repeating things about voter fraud and denying calling meghan markle on tape and claiming he never said it. he s been bragging about visits to hospitals in dayton and el paso and mixed-up dayton and toledo and cancelling a planned trip to denmark over the greenland dispute and back in june he attacked nancy pelosi and muller and been retweeting conspiracy theories by epstein. the list goes on and on but the list is necessary to cover the big picture of what is going on. look, all of these stories are covered in the moment. individually. by reporters. news outlets use words like erratic, volatile, unstable but rarely are the words and actions covered as a whole and rarely do they take it to the next level. okay, what he just said seems crazy. what does that reveal about him? we rarely see it go to that next step. now i get the trump opponents have been saying he s sick since before election day and dream about the 25th amendment. it s possible to have a fact conservation. not just possible but necessarily. look at the new york times reporting that some former trump aids are increasingly worried about his behavior. most people who cover this world for a living know that. i spent the week talking with major media figures at networks and newspapers. there is definitely wide spread recognition that trump s behavior is getting worse in type and infrequency. he s acting more erratic more often. calling his federal reserve chair an enemy and saying the market is into a free fall. come on. of course, the president is always going to have a choir to back him up and rationalize and make excuses and orders say he was kidding. his fox fans pretend the worst episodes didn t happen at all or blame the media for bad coverage but let s talk about that coverage everywhere but fox. when you watch a broadcast nightly newscast, how often do you hear how far off the road trump? not often enough. they do note the daily madness but rarely connect the dots between the freakouts. i do think cnn and msnbc are better about putting the ugly reality in front and center with banners but there is not really a vocabulary for this. th there is not a far mormat. it s comfortable leading a newscast with trump wanting to buy greenland. we have a format. we know what to do. we know how. it s a lot harder to cover concerns about the president s well being. because it s really a series of questions that no one is able to answer. why does he make it all about himself even after visiting a hospital after a massacre? why does he lie so often? is there a method to the madness or is something wrong? is he suffering from some sort of illness? it s questions, questions and then just more questions. know satisfying answers and here is what happens every time. take megan with the washington post says i m not trump s doctor and i don t know what s wrong with him. there is that understandable eversion to diagnosing someone off the tv and that aversion sometimes shuts down these conversations but she said she doesn t need a diagnosis to know she should be worried. maybe that s the point. here is james making a similar point for the atlantic saying if trump were a ceo or airline pilot or any responsibility, action would be underway to remove him from that role. so something is wrong. there are lots of theories about what it is. there are some doctors who think they know. others say we shouldn t speculate. there are ethical questions about having this conversation at all. but we can t tiptoe around it anymore. we ve got to talk about this. so let s talk about it. let s do it. let me bring in two guests, two psychiatrists with different views about. a professor at the yale school of medicine and co-authored a book the dangerous diagnosis of donald trump and former chair of sipsychiatry at duke. so dr. lee, first, to you, you have been trying to sound an alarm for the past two years about the president s fitness. has the press been listening to what you and your colleagues have been saying? not at all. i feel that the press has actively tried to shun us especially the new york times editorial that seems to have been publish in collaboration with the past apa president and i m very concerned about the fact that the american psychiatric association has been working as pretty much as an agent of the state to to stop people from talking about this issue? yes, i m speaking of the new, what many of us have started to call a gag rule. they have modified the original gold water rule, which i m a staunch supporter of into an order that allows for no exception and it basically says that we re not just allowed to diagnose but say anything of any kind in relation to aub many i can will figure. here is what the original gold water rule says. that psychiatrists have a responsibility to society as well as to patients and we are expected to contribute to activities that improve the community and better public health, and so when we re asked about a public figure, we should educate the public in general terms, just not diagnose. without saying i m diagnosing because you ve never met the man. exactly. you can describe what you re seeing. dr. francis, i know you disagree with this view dr. lee and a couple sigh cpsychiatrists publ. you said it s dangerous, why? there are three very dire consequences. the first is that it stigmatizes. i ve known thousands of patients, almost all of them are well-behaved well-mannered good people. trump is none of these. lumping that is a terrible insult and they have enough problems and stigma has it is. calling trump crazy hides the fact that we re crazy for having elected him and even crazier for allowing his crazy policies to persist. trump is as destructive a perp in this century as hitler in the last century. he may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were. he needs to be contained but he needs to be contained by attacking his policies, not his person. it s crazy for us to be destroying the climate our children will live in. it s crazy to be giving tax cuts to the rich that will add trillions of dollars to the debt our children will have to pay. it s crazy to be destroying our democracy by claiming that the press and the courts of the enemy of the people. we have to face these policies not trump s person. it s absolutely impossible, you can bet the house that the congress that paints that the cabinet will never ever remove trump on grounds of mental unfitness. that will never happen. discussing the issue in psychological name-calling terms distracts us from getting out to vote but i m not talking about name calling. i m talking about asking questions that are really uncomfortable. not saying we have the answers, i m saying we need to bring it up. the problem is the diagnosis offered have been armature. they don t apply to trump. they will never get trump out of office and i m worried that in dealing with the psychological motivations and inaccurate diagnosis, we lose the focus on getting out to vote and that s much more important at this point. dr. lee, your response? first of all, i d like to clarify that i have never diagnosed, in fact, i have always emphasized dangerousness over diagnosis. dangerousness is about the situation, not the person. mr. trump as a private citizen would not be such a great danger. i also object to the moral attribution that dr. francis is giving. those with mental illness are no different than the general population. some are good, some are bad. in fact, mental pathology is defined by destructiveness, whether one is destructive toward oneself or against others. it is something we need to treat and address. so your advice to the press to outlets like cnn and nbc trying to cover trump, what s your advice? my advice is consult us. there are now thousands of mental health experts who are eager to speak beyond belief. in fact, they have formed professional organization called the world mental health collision and made me president. people can go to the website dangerous we started on an ethical basis. i held an ethics conference at yale to speak about, to discuss the gravity of speaking up and after that, we collected the essays of 37 of the most renowned psychiatrists and mental health experts from around the country and that s how the book came about. we re not trying to medicalize politics, we re trying to meet our professional responsibility to society. and dr. francis, your advise for the press? how do you feel the press should handle these on going questions about the president s health? the problem is i thought the book was really silly. the people most willing to offer diagnosis know the least about it, have never contributed to discussions about diagnosis. there is absolutely no doubt that trump is dangerous. everyone knows that. everyone should have known that before the election. the question is he dangerous because he s a bad, evil con man or dangerous because he s mentally ill? on that issue, i think it s very clear he s dangerous because he s evil. he s not dangerous because he s mentally ill and the mentally ill argument, if it gets him out of the office, go with it even if inaccurate. anything to get this man out of office but it won t work so piling on inaccuracy, stigma, the press will get people who know nothing about psychiatric diagnosis spouting off at the mouth, it won t add to the discussion, it will district from the political stuff and we have to focus on how evil are you talking about i don t care connecting the dots be between all of these ridiculous things that happen every day and my fear is that people are too afraid to say wow, this is a problem. there is something wrong here when he s attacking his federal reserve chair, misspelling the guy s name and doing 50 of those a day. kind of grasping for the language to use around this, but it s i have i think i have better language. i think trump is best characterized as a spoiled brat as a baby having temper tantrums, as a completely unfit person unable to meet the challenges and the responsibilities of his office, as a con man, as a, the most narcotissistic person maybe in r time and for all times. all of these as a thief. as a corrupter of others, as a obstructor of justice. these are terms that all make sense. attributing every bad behavior that humanity is capable of to mental illness misses the point of evil and stigmatizes the mentally ill. dr. fran sicis, dr. lee, to . he has diagnosed saying somebody has a narcissistic disorder is a diagnosis and i don t believe there is a need to dualize everything. we need to connect the dots. one does not have to be one or the other, someone can black the capacity and be criminally minded. i pointed that out in a number of interviews and it does not have to be only a personal problem, we re not concerned about mr. trump s personal mental health, we re krconcerne about his affects on society and political people are asking questions about mental health. mental health people are wondering about the political process. it s about time for a conversation, i would say. dr. lee, dr. francis, thank you both. i m grateful for you both. quick break and a conversation about the economy, president trump s tweets and comments about the economy and right wring ev wing media hypocrisy about the death. (music plays throughout) but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that s why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. welcome back to reliable sources. i m brian stelter. trump s pledge to eliminate the federal debt is further and further out of reach. they expect the deficit to reach $1 trillion next year sooner than expected. notice what is not happening right now. right wing tv and radio hosts are not up in arms. in fact, they barely made a peep when trump surrendered a fight over debt and deficits by signing a bill that increases spending and raises the debt ceiling. that story almost didn t lead the nightly news, it is partly because there wasn t an outcry. i guess conservatives wanted this issue to disappear to ensure their conpitlation, once said to be a top priority would go unnoticed and mostly did but small signs surfaced. they called it to to lou dobbs and explained what trump is doing to lower the deficit. dobbs couldn t. what has he done to address i it? looking for record low minority. the debt asking you a question about the deficit and debt. do you worry about that or not? if you don t, that s fine. defending trump of course but i don t want this he sry to fall down the memory hole. d dobbs and right-wing stars screamed. this is in 2015, watch. we ve seen seven years of absurdi absurdity. we re talking about a debtor nation. we continue to persist between $400 billion and a half trillion in deficit every year. you don t find your way to the promise land and find your way to devastation. devastation, we re nearing a trillion dollars and likes the guy. it s the most outrageous example of deficit spending imaginable. they borrowed $170 billion to pay for the spending not covered by the tax revenue. amazing. if you run your household like that, you would be bankrupt. these clips are important to remember, rush limbaugh spent years slamming obama to turn around and blame politicians, not himself for squar scares pe about the deficit. this is about the debt that obama created if obama was a ceo of a private company, he would face an e. sechc. investigation because of his lies. he s not a fiscal conservative anymore. it s easier to roll your eyes and excusing the obama apart for but in this molt, we need to remember those old clips. o outrageous acts and obama kept the great recession from becoming a depression and support the safety net during a recession and it worked. trump inherited a healthy economy with the deficit slowing and trump started blowing up the debt with tax cuts. god help us if we do have another recession. joining me is my two guests. daniel dale, the president is trying to blame any downturn on the media and will say it s our fault. what is his most agreeegregious? it s not his trade war. as fact checkers, we like complicated policy claims we can delve into and make ourselves look smart and ridiculous ones where you re like no, everyone knows that s not true. there is the quote. he did say it. how are we supposed to respond when he says i m the chosen one to take on china and he says i was beingcasticsarcastic, you c take a joke. what it means to have second thoughts. it s really a problem when the president s version of truth, we already know is not evolved and we don t even know if his words seem to mean what they sound like if the tweets constitute any kind of policy, i mean, we re in this ever shifting reality here where it s impossible to know whether to take these seriously because sometimes policies do follow some trump s random using in the middle of the night. right, and tweets and things like that. what should the press do differently? i was talking about how to handle things that seem unhinged but when it seems to fact checking, your specialty, what do you wish we would do differently? cover the dishonesty at all. i can t tell you the number of times i fact checked a rally he made 15, 25, sometimes 30 false claims and read the coverage and not only is that not the focus he was enter gergetic at the rally. the headline is his people love it and don t care. if it s not the focus, it should be mentioned at least and that often still four years into this does not happen. often times, the lying is the story. yes. i m glad cnn brought you on. we have a fact checker but need more of that across the press it seems like. all through the news outlets to keep it front and center. agree. there are a couple things the press should be doing. one is confronting trump at least about the lies and false claims he s made dozens of times. i understand if the first time you don t know the facts and aren t comfortable putting him on the spot but after 80 times he passed the program that obama signed into law, someone can say mr. president, that s not true. also, it s not even after his rallies, it s not even mentioned whatsoever that he made 15 or 20. i think both of these things need to happen. this week two former trump secretaries got new jobs, sean spicer going to dancing with the stars sarah sanders joining fox news as a commentator. does this matter to see folks rewarded after misleading the public after months and months and months? what we re seeing is precisely the consequence of what daniel is talking about and reporters daily interacting with trump to call him out. there is a desire here to pretend everything is normal and to memory hole the parts that are extraordinary. sean spicer and sarah huckabee sanders regularly lied to the press and american people in service of most likely play tabletly unconstitutional policies. so does truth matter? does it matter that we can trust basically what s coming out of the white house? instead we have this impulse where we want to move on and pretend it s normal and people want to take their kids to school and worry about their jobs and not keep thinking about the fact that people in what is supposedly the most elevated institution of our country are lying to them and so we turned it into meaninglessti trivia. we want to make sean spicer into this lovable hilarious chakt acr with no rhythm. sean spicer is out there lying about voting fraud. cnn hired andrew mcelderccab accused of lying and people on the right side, you re hiring mccabe, why can t fox hire spicer? is there a difference? why can t fox hire sanders? is there a difference? of course. andrew mccabe will bring serious expertise with respect to the fbi and investigations, and he in no way was accused of standing in front of the american people and lying to them. he was accused of lack of candor and talking to the press that the proportion, skill and substance are up early in the comparable. is that a problem, two wrongs don t make a right behavior that goes on a lot? i find in my twitter feed, i got a lot of trump supporters saying every politician lies, so what s the big deal about trump? yeah, i get that all the time. i ll point out that trump made, say, 240 false claims in a single week before the midterms and i ll get people saying well, obama said you can keep your doctor under obamacare where you couldn t. every politician is not always honest and obama was sometimes dishonest. if you talk to any historian, we ve never seen anything like the avalanche of dishonesty and the triviality, the needlessness of many of these are simply no qualitative or quantititive comparison between trump and pred says so pred saecessor predecessors. quick break and april ryan up next. i don t keep track of regrets. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on. is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein. be up for life. you ever wish you weren t a motaur? no. for those who were born to ride, there s progressive. for those who were born to ride, the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer s association is going to make it happen. but we won t get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer s association. burger! i want a sugar cookie! i want a bucket of chicken! i want... it s the easiest, because it s the cheesiest kraft. for the win win. a baillionaire politician comparing the media to garbage. west virginia s newspaper leased a damming report about the state s republican governor jim justice and details the countless conflicts of interest created by the governor s conflict ovf interest. this sounds familiar because trump made the same move. they share a lot in common. they criticize the same targets and attack the media. justice is known to bring a paper copy of the gazette to slam coverage of the rallies. we did invade the governor to come on our show and he declined by ken moore junior is here. before i bring in ken, let me show you what justice said. he said this week it s become the charleston inquirer. they make no news. all they do is throw garbage. come on. despite his efforts, lawmakers are calling for ethical reforms. ken moore junior s reporting is having an impact. ken is with me from charleston. what is it like to be called garbage by the governor? well, this is nothing new for us. former governor arch more years ago the charleston gazette was known as the morning sick call but certainly i think that president trump is kind of elevated this and it s allowing this sort of anti press rhetoric to trickle down and embolden people like governor justice to take those kind of cracks and attacks at what is good solid reporting by the gazette mail. did he actually answer real questions you asked? we wanted to sit down with governor justice and go over the questions we had about the greenbrier and that he declined to do that. a spokesman did send us sop me responses to emailed questions but no, they would not sit down and discuss this with us. notably, your reporting was in consult with a national non-profit news organization that s been trying to help local news outlets recently. what does it mean to have non-profit help like this? oh, it s just absolutely essential. you know, the program, the local reporting network report for america is another great program. one of the things we re seeing and this happened in west virginia last year when they helped write about the natural gas inindustry, what we re seei is that a powerful interest whether politicians or industries are very critical of this propublicia program. powerful people don t want local news organizations strong and n independent and doing that. that s one of the best testimonials for having if they don t like it. we follow the money and get a reaction like this, it shows we re on to something. the governor, he pointed out something inaccurate. that s always a thing. we know the facts are not on their side. ken, thanks so much. check out the full reporting on the website. quick break and much more ahead this hour including april ryan, also ahead this hour a really important story we ll get to april ryan in a moment plus, these two men, these two journalists killed by isis in syria five years ago this summer. if you were their parents, what would you do? we ll find out what these two parents did, how they are honoring their children s legacies coming up ahead. chair is just a chair. that a handle is just a handle. or. that you can t be both inside and outside. most people haven t driven a lincoln. it s the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event. right now get 0% apr on all lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. only at your lincoln dealer. hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i m a car thief. what?! i m here to steal your car because, well, that s my job. what? what?? what?! 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[crash] what?! haha, it happens. and if you ve got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate. and be better protected from mayhem. like me. in just a moment april ryan is here. hear what happened right after this. to a controversy involving april ryan. ryan has been si lenglent about incident giving a speech in new jersey. ryan was there with a body guard, you saw him walk through the frame and she faced death threats for speaking out but the body guard took local editor charlie s cam pa, you can see it shaking there while he was filming the speech. then the body guard forcibly removed the reporter from the event as seen on the hotel s lobby security camera. morris is scheduled to appear on court on september 12th. morris declined to comment to us and up until now, so has ryan. she s been criticized for not condemning the use of violence against the violence. ryan is joining me. april, a lot of people have expressed concerns about this being a first amendment violation. it look s concerning to me. it seems like the body guard tries to say something to you on stage starting your speech. did you order the body guard to take the man s camera and remove the reporter from the event. before i get to that, i want to say this. anyone who knows me knows that i m the first person who wants to get a story out be it on tv or radio, and the only reason why i ve been quiet is because of threat of lawsuits, and my attorney said i can speak but here is the thing, this is not about suppressing the press. my body of work stands for me. and no, i did not order anyone to do anything. at that moment, what you saw was my then body guard, who was concerned with my safety come to me and say stop talking. they were about 100 tee 0 feet from me. i didn t know what was going on or said. i was on stage at the time. and that s tough when you re on stage and you re not sure what s going on but why not have cameras at your speeches? what s the problem with having a person videotape your speech? well, you know, this was a private event for a non-profit organization in new brunswick new jersey. our contract stated if someone wanted to come and film or if they wanted to interview me, they had to ask for permission. there was no request for permission and permission was not granted. now, if they would have asked for permission, it would have been granted and the reason i do this, one, it s standard in the industry and two, because i don t want my words twisted. and i get that. he says he did have permission. he says he has the documentation and sent some of that to me. according to my contract and with the organization, no one asked me for permission. do you if it was asked, yes. do you regret that the body guard put his hands on this reporter? to me that s completely inappropriate. well, again, my former contracted security personnel thought i guess i suspect was concerned for my safety. so maybe he just overreacted? are you saying he just overreacted? yes, yes. i remember i was giving then the date after this, we reviewed this and decided not to contract with that organization anymore but again, i believe in my humble opinion or i assume that he was concerned about my safety. and you have spoken in the past about facing death threats more than one. yes. can you tell us anything more about that? i know that s sensitive. it s a very sensitive situation. i do receive death threats. i continue to receive death threats. the atmosphere around me is charged, and that s one of the reasons why i assume he may have overreacted because hes concerned for my safety but it doesn t make you feel good to get a death threat and have to send it to the fbi and local authorities. i m a person in the community, of children. i have friends, i have family. it s a tough situation to live under but i do it and unfortunately, i have to have body guards around me. here is what t the washingto post eric wrote. it s one thing to hire a body guard to protect from death threats but one thing when they undermine the freedom of press. what will be different in the future? will there be something different in the future? it sounds like the body guard is no longer working for you. as long as this atmosphere continues, ryan, i m going to have to have a body guard but the protocol is that the body guard is supposed to be with me, and that was not protocol. you mean because he left, he left to go allegedly assault the journalist, your s re saying he didn t follow protocol. you weren t in the room. i was speaking. so and at the very least, for those journalist who are saying the things they are saying, i would hope there may be a correction for the error that, you know, some of the things that have been said. isn t it concerning you re out there speaking privately, i remember when i was giving a speak at a college and info war reporters, they were asking questions. i found it the best way to talk to them. our job is not to stop people from asking questions, it s to help them ask questions. that s the issue. if someone asked for permission, i would have granted it, but sometimes your words are twisted by people who don t necessarily understand you or what you re saying or who have an agenda and that kind of thing can charge the atmosphere to create hate against me, and death threats. so that is one of the reasons this was a protected measure but again, we re reassessing a lot of things. april, appreciate you being here. thank you for talking to me. thank you. after the break, it been five years since the tragic murder of two journalists at the hands of isis. their families are taking that tragedy and turning it into purpose. mom and dad, james foley s mom and dad are with me next. at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10? a netflix subscription on us. and for a limited time. buy any samsung galaxy note 10 and get one samsung galaxy note 10 for free. let s see, aleve is than tylenol extra strength. and last longer with fewer pills. so why am i still thinking about this? i ll take aleve. aleve. proven better on pain. by tragedy. it s been five years since the brutal kills of two journalists by isis. james foley was abducted covering the conflict in syria. he was murdered on august 19th, twount 14. steven sotloff was murdered two weeks later. five years later, steve and james live on because his parents have taken that trauma, one of the worst days of their lives, and worked to keep other reporters safe in war zones. it s the ultimate tribute to their sons. the james foley organization provides journalist safety jiedz and the steven sotloff two lives foundations funds safety training sessions and presents scholarships. they join me. thank you so much, both, for being here. diane, first, just a basic question. how are you doing? what is your life like these days? well, we re challenged. both arthur and i, we want to continue the legacy of our brave sons. they both were intrepid, courageous journalists who really wanted the world to know of the suffering of syrian people. so my challenge has been to continue jim s spirit, so the james foley legacy foundation advocates for freedom of all americans who are taken hostage abroad. and for the protection of journalists worldwide. and art, same question for you. how are you doing five years later? we re doing okay. i have a purpose now. we have a purpose of steven s legacy and protecting journalists, giving them training, first aid training, and survival training. that s very rewarding to us to see that we re making a difference in these young, i have to say young, free-lance journalists. they were kids just like my son. independently, they came up to me and they said, if it wasn t for you and your wife and the foundation they never would have been able to afford this type of training. and when i started to get this feedback, i realized this was really something i had to do, more than once a year. we re looking to do three to four training sessions a year. diane, jim was four years old in 2014. do you think about where he would be today? do you thing about what he would be accomplishing in journalism? well, sure. and that is why i applaud all of you courageous journalists who dare to continue to report the truth, to investigate the truth, to report from dangerous parts of the world, and even domestically. on subjects that people may not want to hear the truth on. and that is why art and i and other families through our foundations want to create this culture of safety, so that journalists who want to become, report on the truth in the world, know how to protect themselves, the subjects that they interview, and dare to speak the truth to power in the world. so that is why the foley foundation also has developed a curriculum, a safety curriculum for graduate students and most recently we re working on undergraduate students so that they know how to protect themselves, their sources, and so that they can continue to do this important work. the journalists that i met that have taken our training have said to us that, again, if it wasn t for our organization and also what the foleys organization does, they wouldn t be able to afford to even come. it s very, very essential. this is training that saves lives. it makes them think correctly. it teaches them first aid. security when they re at computers. how to handle yourself in interrogations. breathing properly, just things that everybody needs to know. yes, indeed. truly two organizations well worth supporting. we ll be back in just a moment. i don t keep track of regrets. and i don t add up the years. but what i do count on. is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein. be up for life. at t-mobile, what can you get when you a buy a samsung galaxy note 10? 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Jersey , New-york , United-states , Greenland , Denmark , China , Syria , West-virginia , American , James-foley , Larry-kudlow , Daniel-dale