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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Watters World 20171015 00:00:00

it emboldened our enemies and look what they ve done since then. our friends in the region, the saudi s and the israelis never wanted this deal and they are happy it is not being recertified. are you confident that republicans and democrats in congress are going to be able to actually get something done on this in the next 60 days? that s the question. there s some great people on the hill that have spoken out about what needs to be done. jesse, what needs to be done you look at the last eight months what have the hill where the gop establishment on whether it s obamacare, tax reform they have dropped the ball again and again and again, so this is their opportunity to tell the world they are serious as the president is about national security, but it s too early to tell. if we scrap the deal altogether come is there anyway to get the billions of cash we gave them back? i think that ship has already
left the port. those pallets of cash, the $150 billion, including all the hostage money or the ransom anita was paid i mean, we gave the obama administration the obama administration unloaded the cash advance, so that money is buying weapons and threatening our friends and troops right now. anybody that knows dealmaking, you don t give the cash at the beginning, you get it at the end but obviously that wasn t the case. earlier this week, donald trump smacks down this fake nb nbc reports along the lines of if the president wants to increase the nuclear arsenal by tenfold, he was then asked about it when sitting down with the canadian primprime minister, and here s t he said. [inaudible] i never discussed the increasing. that was just fake news by nbc,
which gives a lot of fake news lately. i know the capability that we have, believe me. it is awesome. the president doubled down network news has become so partisan and fake that licenses must be challenged and if appropriate, revoked, not fair to the public. and of course this sent cnn brian seltzer into a tailspin. you could say he s just venting and increasingly angry at the honest accurate coverage of his presidency and white house but we should take his words seriously. he s suggesting that networks, local stations, should have their licenses revoked and presumably given to the pro- trump owners. that is against the first first amendment and against america. it is the talk of an autocrat, not the western democratic leader. i don t think the president is going to revoke.
does this save honest and accurate did he say honest and accurate reporting on the white house? yes and that is coming from cnn. was that an snl skit? i said all the time when i was in the white house come 80 to 90% of the stuff they wrote about us was either manufactured or 180 degrees opposite of what was going on in the building. we had nine months of russian inclusion made up garbage, and then they spike stories on harvey weinstein sexual predation. it events took a four-star general this thursday chief of staff kellchief ofstaff kelly he press and say guys, why are you doing this because you are just lying? you said you don t necessarily make it up, but gets
new forces because they are terrible. that is being polite. is a very polite guy and did a great job at the briefing. so the president was at the summit, which is a conservative group of people that congregated on in washington. and the war on christmas came up. we are getting near the beautiful christmas season that people don t talk about anymore. they don t use the word christmas, because it s not politically correct. you go to department stores and they say happy new year were other things. it doesn t say guess what, we are saying merry christmas again. [cheering] shots fired on the war on christmas. doctor gorka, how does this play out? doesn t that make you feel good? my boss dumped me from the voter summit. i was supposed to address them today and felt like opening my
speech with merry christmas. it may be october but this is a man, the first time i met him in 2015, i knew donald trump is the kryptonite of political correctness. and he s going to bring it back. we are a judeo-christian country. god bless him, his feed and merry christmas to you. and merry christmas to you. i predict the war on christmas is going to be the exact same thing as the nfl dealing controversy. 75% will agree with the president and the hysterical 25% will make themselves look foolish. again, thanks very much for joining us. still i had come is the harvey weinstein disease starting to affect the democratic party? plus, the las vegas massacre generating an insane amount of conspiracy theories. we will be with our experts ne next.ld you are my hammer out there.
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conspiracy theories are running wild. here to break them down is the las vegas police department and the host of blue lives radio, randy. i m going to start with the first one is swirling around here. the woman who gave an interview with the nbc affiliate we can show the video here s what she said. there was a lady that pushed her way forward and started messing with another lady and told us we were all going to die tonight. the reporter said you didn t know why she was saying that come is this after the shots were fired in brianna said it was about 45 minutes before the shots were actually fired but then she was escorted out by security. this is just amazing if it actually happened. what do you think happened?
i don t think it happened. if it did happen, that person would have been identified. it would have been questioned by law enforcement and would have been a focus. you think the woman is making this up completely out of thin air with the reporter asked you to there may have been some disturbance, but i m not buying it. something else very interesting i believe you brought to our attention. the mgm ceo in the weeks leading up to the attack he sold a ton of stock. that s always suspicious when things of this nature have been. why would he be doing that? i m sure there is a normal reason. i think there is a reason, but talk about giving fodder for the conspiracy theory. i mean, you couldn t ask for
anything better. better. let s just feed the sharks. i m sure there is a legitimate reason. maybe he had to buy the baby new shoes or something. that s like when people dump stock right before 9/11 in some industries, it was very suspicious. but it leaves a lot of questions out there. one of the other things i think a lot of people really honed on to at the jump was the isis affiliation. isis immediately taking credit for the attack saying that he converted to six months before and now we see he may have taken some cruises to some middle east locations. do you believe that there is any isis connection? i don t think there s been anything that s been said for an isis connection. they are a bunch of leeches. talk about people who are sucking it up for pr. somebody can get killed in oshkosh and they are going to
take credit for it. so i think it s a bunch of garbage. and the police are still doing a forensic investigation into his computers, so we don t have that information yet, but so far there is no isis connection. one of the things that interests me, there s been talk about accomplices. there s been talk about second shooters, and people all over the internet say they saw second shooters. if you look at the video and now we are hearing about this man employing prostitutes in the days before the attack. do you see any involvement of any other person including the wife or the girlfriend, whoever, that draws your attention? not at all. one thing that s interesting about the prostitution angle, a prostitute came forward and said he had violent rape fantasies and considered himself evil. i think that may be more significant than it is being held out to the public.
that does show a very odd personality kind of thing going on. but i do not think there were any shooters. personally, i ve gotten some crazy e-mails and messages accusing me of being an accomplice for reporting on this. that happens when there is a tragedy, people always look for conspiracies. i was also reading reporting on the prostitution angle. apparently he had told one of the escorts that his father was on the fbi s most wanted list fd he had the bad blood. it could be he just had nasty dna. he is was a suicidal, homicidal maniac that might have ticked down to his bloodstream. but obviously he s an evil person. the last one, the timeline. very confusing. it s now changed three times. the security guard was shot, allegedly, the forehand. then it was afterwards.
then he called in a dead-end call. then the security guard was supposed to do interviews and bailed and no one can find him. what s going on here? i think that he was told to shut the hell up is what i think. i think he was ready to come to the studio to do his thing and suddenly moved away by lawyers. i don t think it s going to be mysterious. i think that it was a business decision, if you will. so i think that s the reality. because someone at the mgm or the mandalay bay has been out all night figuring out how much money they have to pay in settlements because this thing obviously didn t go well on a number of levels. they also just reported that he checked in on the 28th, then they changed that he checked out on the 25th. they need to get a hold on what actually happened before the
start begin to the public, because i think that is what is bringing out all these conspiracy theories. thank you very much. thank you, jesse. more disgusting details from sexual predator harvey weinstein. watters world had their own run-in with the producer. plus, al sharpton putting himself in the nfl and some controversy. curt schilling has a take.
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for years, harvey weinstein despicable actions were a dirty secret among the hollywood a-list stars who joked about it. i m not afraid of anyone in show business. i turned down intercourse with harvey weinstein on no less than three occasions. you no longer have to pretend to be attracted to harvey weinstein. it seems insiders knew what was going on. nothing came of it. the 2015 nypd operation even had the producer on tape harassing a model. he admitted to groping her the day before. please, i m not going to do anything i swear to my children. i m feeling very uncomfortable right now.
charges were never filed at the time. but that may change. now the fbi has reportedly opened up an investigation as police in new york and london are also taking a fresh look into the allegations. reporters caught up with harvey weinstein at his house. i m not doing okay. i m trying. i ve got to get help. you know, we all make mistakes. joining me now to help fill in the blanks, 24/rec seven reporter carlie shimkus. raping a woman is not a mistake. he was also caught giving the finger. i think we have the photo, to the reporters when he was leaving for sex rehab. there he is flipping off reporters. how do you think that he handled this from a pr perspective?
you just saw him give the middle finger there. he is very upset, and he should be very upset with his own self inflicted wounds. he lost his job and his wife but those could be the least of his concerns because as you said in the intro, there are criminal charges that could be filed against him in cases in new york city and london. so he could be going to jail. speaking of losing his job, there s an interesting thing about his contract they said they put language about not being able to do what? this is the smoking gun. tmz reported to harvey weinstein s contract actually a loud sexual misconduct to take place. all he has to do is pay the settlement and then pay to train $250,000 to $1 million to the company and then he would be allowed to keep his job. suet insulates him. in my opinion, that means
that the weinstein company was profiting off of the instances of sexual assault. also, why would you have that written in your contract if it wasn t already widely known. you don t put that in there out of the blue and a lot of board members resigned but they could be facing a legal implications as well if they knew about it and tried to cover it up somehow. so, rose mcgowan has accused him maybe even of raping her and everyone is mad on twitter. rose mcgowan is one of the first people to come out against weinstein and has been one of the most vocal out of the accusers. yesterday she went on a twitter tirade and told the amazon studio head i should say, his name is roy, that she was raped and he did nothing about that.
now he s on a leave of absence. there is another allegation against a man that he is now being accused of sexually harassing a woman a few years ago. said he is looking up to legal situations. it looks like the cover-up is getting worse and worse. jane fonda as we all know and love, she s been out there first on meghan kelly and now surfaced in this situation and said something like she had been then made aware of this a year ago. but she never said anything. i found out about it about a year ago, and i wish that i have spoken out. had spoken out. it didn t happen to me, i didn t want to expose and i will admit i should have been braver. now as a woman, you know about something like that, it s complicated, if you don t see anything. did she have good reason not to say anything or hold her tongue?
that is a tough situation. the best way that you could put it is no matter how you feel about jane fonda, it wasn t her story to tell. if someone can t fight it in her tummy and who knows maybe she encouraged that women you should say what s going on, it isn t up to her to tell the story. so, i actually think that she is placing blame on herself that she might not that might not be warranted. so many women, not just jane fonda that so many other women, and men, said he knew about this. i had a little run in with him. i was at a red carpet event after the inauguration and was asking him questions. there d been a lot of shootings in the country and he put out a lot of movies that have such violence, especially gun violence. so i asked him about that. on gun control, do you personally take any responsibility for the
shootings? of course not. do you? know i m just saving so he walks away and comes back when the cameras were off and gets in my face and grabs me by the arm and says that was a bs question and he s in my face right here don t you ever ask me a question like that again. very, very intense moment and i can kind of see the anger in his eyes. it doesn t surprise me what s happening now. i feel like we are learning that hollywood is quick to point the correct other people when a lot of the problems are in their own backyard. thank you very much. up next, liberal hypocrisy. later, curt schilling, eminem, and donald trump. s gary? saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico.
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authorities in california say they are working on about 300 unresolved missing persons reports due to the catastrophic wildfires that they don t expect a death toll anywhere near that her. now standing at 38. about 100,000 people evacuated so far. hi winds and dry weather continue to pose a threat to containment. more fire crew and equipment staged in the southern part of the state as a precaution. the arts and sciences revoking harvey weinstein membership, a move that is unprecedented. the decision was reached during a session on saturday. the academy released a statement saying that sexual predator behavior in the industry is over. now, back to watters world. you are watching fox.
the harvey weinstein scandal and its cover-up and what it means for the democratic party exposing the hypocrisy of hollywood. take hillary clinton it took her five days to respond to the allegations. i was just sick. i was shocked and appalled. it was something that was intolerable in every way. you know, like so many people have come forward and spoken out, this was a different side of a person who i and many others had known in the past. but she still calls him a friend. would you have called him a friend? i probably would have come and so what so many others. people in democratic politics for a couple of decades
appreciated his help and support. what happens to his political donations? would you give the money back? there s no one to give it back to. we will donate to charity of course. fox contributor tommy, what do you mean there s no one to give it back to? you just write a check back to hollywood. we know that hillary struggles with some of these things especially when put in that position. but the funny thing about her comment is that she finds it intolerable. you are still married to bill clinton. apparently you don t find them dot intolerable. you believe her when she says that she had no idea about harvey weinstein? come on, she just admits we ve known each other for decades. i ve considered him a friend and many others in the democratic party a friend. of course she knew about it.
everyone knew about it and kept quiet because it didn t fit the narrative and the agenda, it didn t fit their idea of what hollywood is supposed to be and that is the quiet and let them do what they want to do. how much damage do you think this does to the democratic party, because weinstein and his money infected everybody at all levels and now there s a little bit of a cover-up going on among possibly the board of the weinstein company, people at amazon who knew about the allegations. do you think that they may suffer from this? i don t think they are going to suffer or take accountability unless we hold their feet to the fire and make them discuss this and show the hypocrisy like we are doing right now, because otherwise they will sweep it under the rug and say it s just a bad apple. i m waiting for more to come out come in at amazon as well, let s see these folks in the liberal elite hollywood circles let s
see more people come out, because i have a feeling we will see more in the next couple we. every day there s another allegation, and another allegation of a cover-up, speaking of part of the story broke in for the new yorker on msnbc being asked about why they didn t nbc run with the story when he was there and this is what he said. i walked into the dover at the new yorker with an explosively reportable piece that should have been public earlier and at the new yorker recognized that and it s not accurate to say that it wasn t reportable, there were multiple sources. i m not saying that they covered it up, but it is suspicious because they have a lot of deals with weinstein, through b-bravo, nbc universal and the fact that they sat on this didn t do anything with it and it broke in the times and right away the new yorker and it makes people think is nbc trying to hide something to preserve
some mulah? i have no doubt into the way to get the answer is to ask the question. let s ask when did you know, did you hear about the allegation, why didn t you report, why has it taken this long? let s keep asking until we get answers. i think the when did you know, what did you know, that question needs to be asked and there will be more litigation to expose the cover-up of what people knew and when they knew it, and people will have to start paying a lot of money because it is getting worse and worse and worse. we had a theory the other day, if hillary clinton had won the presidency, this story never would have seen the light of day because it would have been so damaging to her, her husband, that it wouldn t have been reported, but now that donald trump became president, it was
easier to report. do you buy into that theory? i due in part, but i ve got to ask you, jesse, what hasn t she been able to get away with and would it be damaging to her in deleting 33,000 e-mails and was a damaging in bill clinton and his history was a damaging? what more could she do that she hasn t gotten away with? i don t think it would matter, she s getting away with it now. she isn t being held accountable by her own party. we are the only ones doing it. someone who calls herself a feminist and champion of women s rights, what would you like to see her do with the weinstein scandal in hollywood? it seems like there s a lot of opportunity for mrs. clinton to make some change in her own backyard. well maybe not wait five days to make a statement through your spokesperson, maybe not just call it disgusting five days
later. the time is past for that. but i would like to see what she s going to do with that money. what charity? she s taken a lot of money from people questionable. what s she doing with the money? and moving forward, if there are more people in the inner circle that seem to have a problem, we know anthony wiener, she had to know about that. i want to see her come forth and expose more of her inner circle and then maybe i will give her more credit. i know which charity she will give the weinstein money to come of the clinton foundation. is a safe bet. thank you, tomi lahren. and espn anchor calls it a slave master. curcurt schilling well named the winners and losers and and some controversy. later president of trump working on his pronunciation.
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will not play, period. we are going to respect the flag and create the perception of it. president trump was grateful for the position but not everyone was. we recently made headlines and they called for a boycott of the dallas cowboys advertisers as payback for the patriotism. espn suspended the anchor for two weeks. al sharpton and espn michael will. suspicion in many ways in that mentality. the word that comes to my mind coming and i don t care who doesn t like it is plantation. the players are here to serve me and they will do what i want no matter how much i pay them, they are not equal to me. joining me now to discuss the world series champ, curt
schilling. there s no slaves or slaveowners in this country, and these guys sign contract. they are dying to get into the nfl and jerry jones pays them a fortune. he isn t a scrappy owner and he s giving second chances with ridiculous rap sheets. to say that he has a plantation mentality, what is going on? it s the left playing the race card once again. al sharpton has been a race fraud his whole life. go no further than the duke lacrosse case to find out what kind of a man al sharpton is. and i m so disappointed with michael, what the hell would he know about the plantation mentality? here s the thing all of a sudden these owners, jerry jones could
be in any crisis. when you work for people it doesn t matter what your salary is, when you are employed by somebody else, they get to make the rules. if you don t like them, go somewhere else or get fired. i was fired from espn because i m a conservative and i made the offense claim that men should use the men s room to urinate, and jerome hill was suspended for hitting the nfl and espn in the wallet because [inaudible] money talks and his whole life question. and bosses can tell in employer to do anything. they tell you when to smile, went to eat, how to talk to a customer, when to dance, how to dance, how to dress. why is that okay, but in the nfl, bosses if they tell in them for you to do something all of a sudden it s racist? it s the beauty of capitalism that when you are in the private
sector you get to make the rules. and if you are a racist business owner and espouse racist practices than the market can shut you down because customers will not shop at your store. there are no covered only bathrooms anymore, it s not like that. there s always going to be racism in the corn petition, but for people to continue to push the issue, let s be very clear about something, the hand of don t move movement that started was a lie. it is a complete fabrication. never happened. the four women on cnn with their hands uprooting the officer and his wife who was a police officer as well because he shot a felon. the narrative that here is what i keep asking. what are you kneeling down for? there is no disproportionate level of violence from police officers to black youth.
it s not true. now that s not to say that the ferguson police department was not correct, and i m sure that there are things around the country that needs to be fixed. the fact is from the obama administration and all sharpton and all of these civil rights people to turn their backs on our law-enforcement officers is as repulsive and i still believe they have blood on their hands from a lot of these murders and assassinations that have happened. you and i agree. it is a noble thing if you want to protest and injustice for the police brutality, there s bad apples in every industry but to do it at any time we were supposed to be respecting law enforcement and respecting the men and women that are serving overseas, to protect your rights, not the right time to do it. i ve got to run, thank you very much. up next, eminem lashes out on president trump. i don t want to sound paranoid, but d ya think
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nobody nobody s doing that, nobs calling him orange like he just did. he s an irrelevant wifebeating win, that s what he is. it s already documented in his songs, he raps about raping and punching women and now he is a snowflake running in sweatpants over president donald trump. he s got a big mouth and small pair. [laughter] you know who he should go after, kid rock. he loves donald trump and his his neighbor and he might hit back. maybe he should run against kid rock for senate. he s too stupid. albright. i m a safe space in a parking garage and stay there and hope you never run into each other. so, donald trump kicks off national hispanic heritage month and have some fun when he tried to pronouns or mispronounce the island of puerto rico.
we are also praying for the people of pwerto rico. and we also love puerto rico. so he s just having a lot of fun but he caught a lot of heat for that. he s funny. first that s why people like him because he s got a big smile afterwards. other people its outrage. if you go to new york city like the president, you love puerto ricans, they are the life of the city. how do you say it? puerto rico. sometimes on the red carpet this week, a mexican soap star slapped a reporter in the face when asked a question. check this out.
[speaking spanish] that was eduardo. basically that is the war on the press. you are right about that. that is a microcosm of what trump has been doing. that is like the cnn rustling. it was on the red carpet they asked a question, personal question and he got mad so he hit him i guess. the red carpet almost got a lot more red. it s a metaphor about things like that. sometimes they step out of line. i m not saying that he deserved it, but it happens. they don t like to call him and get him into the octagon. that was a slap. no one has ever done that to
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Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20171012 00:00:00

what you promised to do in the first place. stay out of stupid wars and start building this country instead of spending morning tonight yelling schoolyard trash talk at the other kids on the playground. that s hardball right now. thanks for being with us. all in with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on all in . right now we have so many nuclear weapons, i want them in perfect condition, perfect shape. the president threatens a free press. it s disgusting that the press is able to write what they want to write. reports of an absolute meltdown in the white house. tonight the nuclear dangers with the president on the edge. my attitude is the one that matters. and what to make of his threats to challenge the license of nbc news. then articles of impeachment against donald j. trump. the billionaire donor who wants democrats to pledge they will impeach the president.
and an nbc exclusive entire view with the latest weinstein accuser to come forward. he said i have contracts for my next three films here and i will sign them today but i want you to have a threesome with me an my assistant. all in starts right now. good evening new york. i m unstable, losing a step and unraveling, words used by the president s confidant to describe his state of mind, echoing the grave concerns of chairman bob corker, that the president s temperament and current disposition could pose a threat to national security. the white house reached a new level of crisis as the president fumes and lashes out over the stall with the latest agenda and preferred candidate s embarrassing loss in the senate primary. he vented to keith shiller, who
recently left the administration telling him, i hate everyone in the white house. there are a few exceptions but i hate them. a white house official denies this. things have gotten so bad that according to one source, steve bannon told people he thinks trump has only a 30% chance of making it the full term. national security leaders he wanted what amounts to a nearly tenfold increase in the u.s. nuclear arsenal during a meeting over the summer. that s according to three officials in the room. the president s comments came in response to a briefing slide he was shown charting the steady reduction of nuclear weapons in the u.s. since the 1960s. according to nbc news, that was the same pentagon meeting that prompted secretary of skate tillerson to called the president moron. the president today disputed nbc s reporting. that was just fake news by nbc which gives a lot of fake
interview with the the new york times earlier this week. i don t think he understands that the messages that he sends out, especially when you take into account they re being received in other languages around the world yeah. what that does. i know he s hurt, in several instances he s hurt us as it relates to negotiations that were under way by tweeting things out. corker may have been referring to an incident two ekes ago when tillerson announced that the u.s. is in direct conversation with north korea over its nuclear career. drawing a rebuke from the president saying i told tillerson he s wasting his trying to negotiate with rocketman. save your energy. it s not clear that s an approach the president supports. vii have a little bit differt attitude on north korea than
other people might have. your secretary? and i listen to everybody. but ultimately my attitude is the one that matters isn t it? that s the way it works. that s the way the system is. but i think i might have a somewhat different attitude and a different way than other people. i think perhaps i feel stronger and tougher on that subject than other people. ben rhodes serves as the deputy national securitied a vuzer to former president barack obama. that last line, tougher strong nuclear weapons. what do you make of the reporting that we re getting and the president s statements? well, first of all, if you have to go around telling everybody how tough you are, you re probably not. i think that this is an incredibly dangerous moment. we already have a nuclear crisis on the korean peninsula. we have the threat of trump initiating a second nuclear crisis by pulling out of the iran deal. and frankly, he seems to approach issues of nuclear
weapons the same way he approaches tweeting about fake news or the nfl. but the transconsequencconseque more severe. and we should all be concerned in which direction he s going to lead us in the korean peninsula and iran. as someone who worked in the white house and dealt with the iran deal and also had to deal with north korea, i wonder what are the conversations like at the highest levels of the white house when you re talking about nuclear weapons? it s something that must hang over and weigh on everyone that is involved in making decisions in the white house. well, chris, first of all, the entire post war architecture that was built after world war ii, essentially exists to prevent the use of nuclear weapons. and the united states at the center of that architecture works to prevent both the spread and use of nuclear weapons. so everything that you re doing any day has as a backdrop the desire to prevent that
catastrophic outcome. with respect to iran, that meant looking at what the options were, a diplomatic agreement like the one we reached to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. knowing that absent diplomatic agreement the options you re left with is a war with iran or iran obtaining the nuclear weapon. the entire time we were in office we were dealing with a north korean regime that had the nuclear capability. mindful of that we worked to isolate and pressure north korea but were very careful about the types of bluster and threats that he s engaged in that could risk a conflict that could immediately get out of control and prove catastrophic. so these are things that you have to be very careful in addressing. and frankly speak about as senator corker said in very careful language. because around the world people listen very closely to every word the president of the united
states says as relates to the nuclear weapons and they re making their decision based on what the u.s. president is saying there. there s an announce thamt the president will decertify the iran agreement this week. and he s doing this despite the fact that people in his own government and republicans in his own party say they re abiding by the toerms of the deal. what do you make of that? it s completely utterly dishonest. it s a lie. iran is complying with the deal. the trump administration certified that twice. jim mattis said they re complying with the deal. general dunford said they re complying with the deal. he likes to listen to generals but now he s ignoring them. he s going against the allies and the views of his own government. iran is complying. they re rolled back their
nuclear program. second he s punting the issue to congress who has to make a decision about what to do. if he wanted to kill the iran deal he could do it himself by not waving the sanctions relief that we give to iranians. he s punting this to congress and leaving them with nothing but bad actions. if congress passing new sanctions yoerp won t go along with it, china won t. we ll be isolated and left with a choice as to whether or not to sanction europe and china and russia, there by causing great calamity in the global economy and further isolating us and not the iranians. and the worst case nair jo is iran says we re violating the deal and restart their nuclear program and we re left with war or nuclear iran. and then we also have north korea and iran. a double the amount of the nuclear crises the presidecount faces. thank you.
jennifer ruben, a vocal trump critic. jennifer, i want to ask you about the trump deal. but first, sam, here s the irony were peril and paradox. at one point he s describing the president as weak. today he threatened this network with rescinding its broadcasting license which he can t do. these are impotent threats by the president. at the i m time he s currently navigating two different areas of nuclear diplomacy in which he is the president of the united states. yeah. it s a strange paradox. the guy is the president. and you know the real question to me about all of what we re hearing about the leaks that you hear from gabe sherman s piece and bob corker just coming out and saying these thing that s not a leak. that s on the record. why? obviously somebody is trying to send the public a message and
the question is, you know, why do we know about what he was talking about in july now. this why were there officials three people in that room. three people in this room willing to tell the story about the president. you think they re sending a message. people are concerned and want the public no know what s going on. i can t imagine they think that this is going to change the president s behavior. i think the idea is that we need to change the behavior of the people around the president. do you agree with that? yeah, i do. the washington post is reporting tonight that one reason that trump is going forth with this decertification strategy, which is not exactly wrecking the jcpoa is that he quote threw a fit when he was asked to and told to certify the deal the last time. they re scrambling around looking for a mechl nichl, not to em bolden us, not to help our allies but to satisfy a
person who has become unhinged. a screaming toddler. so now we re taking action in the international realm that could damage our relationships with europe, that could em bolden iran, isolate the united states why? because the president of the united states has a temp every tantrum. i think this is what we ve come to and what is so dangerous. we re making nuclear diplomatic policy because of a desire to avoid a fit of people from the president who doesn t like the fact that he had to certify the deal. and there s a sense i mean to get back to your warning idea, this is interesting, one of the things in vanity fair is bannon telling trump that he thinks that he ll you know, steve bannon told trump the risk to his president was impeachment but the 25th amendment. when bannon mentioned the 25th amendment, trump says, what s that. what s interesting about that is ben is stoking the idea that you
don t have anyone loyal around you, you re being circled and enclosed and all of this reporting suggesting that he s more volatile. when bannon left he says he s going to be fight frg the president on the outside. i m not convinced that that s what bannon s agenda is. i m more convinced that bannon is using the president on the outside and unbeknownst that he s fighting for bannon s agenda which is very different than any of the other players involved here. he s more interested in chaos. he doesn t care which way it goes as long as it s chaotic. so i don t know who those three officials are, i have no way of knowing. but if they re in the room as the president of the united states is asking about our nukes and they re going out and telling reporters about it, they want, not necessarily me, but us as a society to understand something that they think it s important for us to understand.
that is disturbing in a lot of different ways. jennifer to play devil s advocate for a moment, there have been reports of this a lot. there s reports that the president is seething, brooding. do you feel like there s a qualitative difference here, to sam s point, there s a signal that s trying to be sent, some smoke signal coming it of the white house about the stability of the president of the united states which when you get to when you read the gabe sherman piece, there s a lot of euphemisms being used about the fitness of the man. i think there is a quality of difference. gabe sherman s piece if accurate and i have no reason to doubt it. he s a strong reporter is that he has gotten worse. it s unraveling. this is deterioration of the president s mood and ability to function in the job. i do think first of all his behavior is worsening and secondly i think the concern of people around him is certainly worsening and that s why you have people in the military who you could never imagine in any
other circumstances leaving what is called the tank where these very high level discussions take place and going to the media with their concerns about the president. and the questions that i have are fist where are the rest of the republicans other than corker. telling him just to make nice with the president . and secondly, where is the vice president of the united states. he has a constitutional obligation to the country. he shouldn t be running around to football stadiums making political gestures. he needs to get in there and satisfy himself that the president is incapacitated or kpas ta kpas tated and proceed from there. the president just tweeting network news as become so partisan distorted and faked that licenses should be challenged. that at 8:09. mr. president if you are watching right now, that s not
the way it works. many thanks to you both. next colonel lawrence wilkerson on the dangers of having a president described as unstable and unraveling in charge of nuclear weapons. that in two minutes. with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels.
hey? i paused it. bam, family time. so how is everyone? find your awesome with xfinity xfi and change the way you wifi. do you know donald trump s position on nuclear weapons? no? you re not alone. try to decipher this. it is an absolute last stance. and you know, i use the word unpredictable. you want to be unpredictable. i would be a very slow trigger. can you tell the middle east we re not using nuclear weapons. i would never say that. not going to take my cards off of the table. how about in europe. i m not going to take it off of the table. you might use it in europe? no, i don t think so. japan has a big problem. maybe they would be better off if they defend themselves from north korea. with nukes? including with nukes, yes. i think that once the nuclear
alternative happens, it s over. at the same time i have to be prepared. i can t take anything off of the table. here to discuss the actions that the top republican put us on this path to colin paul. colonel, do you feel confident that the structures in place are holding as this president navigates both north korea and now moves to decertify the iran deal? i certainly hope they are, chris, because both moves are extremely dangerous and his recent comments on nuclear weapons, which you ve highlighted, are extremely disturbing to me. because when president george w. bush, whom i served, as you know, withdrew from the anti-ballistic missile treaty, colonel powell had to rush off to berlin and london and ultimately moscow and placate all of those people who thought that things were turning really
dangerous. the result of that was the moscow treaty and a really huge slash in both the soviet union then russia s stockpile and our stockpile. so the trend was positive. the trend was downward. to hear a president talking about not only modernization and security and all of the things that we talk about all of the time, but actually increasing the number of nuclear weapons is very disturbing, especially in light of the fact that you re looking at a china that might be trying to establish a second strike capability and then russia who might be looking at us, okay, all bets are off, let s go after our nuclear stockpile too. very dangerous. what would the consequences be for the world if the president moves to decertify and congress pulls us out of the deal or stops the iran deal. what do you see as the consequences of that action? we become as angela merkel hinted at earlier this year, even more trustworthy.
the second consequence is all of the talks that are going on now, secret or otherwise with north korea or might go on will have a huge impediment because north korea will look at that and other things that think that we re totally untrust wore think. i can walk you through a likely scenario for ultimate war in the region with iran and i think that would be a disaster, as general anthony zin any said, would make iraq a disaster there from 2003 on pale in comparison. iran is much bigger, 70 million plus, 51% are persian. and we would turn all of those young people in iran, which is probably half of the population, we would turn them immediately against the united states. but that s the outcome of things like what john bolton and other conservatives want, is war. as someone who has operated
some of the highest levels of the american government and in diplomacy and in the u.s. armed forces, there is a kind of hope that mattis and kelly and mcmaster, the generals are going to essentially protect the country from the president. do you think, a, that s credibly how they view their roles and, b, what do you make of that as the posture of the men around the president? i don t think that was the way any one of the three viewed their roles in the beginning. i think that with varying degrees with each of them, it s becoming their view. i think that we have a real problem with three of the national security establishments most important people being general officers. when you put that together with the fact that apparently we have a president who is willing to do and say almost anything at any given point in time, i m really
worried. it looks like a dangerous situation. i m waiting for one of those individuals to wake up one morning, have a cup of coffee, grab him and say what am i doing here. what do you mean by that? you mean quitting? well, you ve got a situationy y where you have a choice. you can stay and continue to try to convince yourself that you are the person between the bomb and reality or you really aren t helping that much and you re going to have a problem convincing yourself that you should stay. i mean to a lesser degree, i went through this with colin powell. you convince yourself that you re essential. that whoever comes in after you will be worse than you and so you stay. and i m sure that john and jim and h.r., yeah, have that conversation with themselves. i hope they do, any way. because as one of your guests
said, this is becoming apparent that this president has something loose somewhere. colonel lawrence wilkerson, thank you for your time. thank you. ahead an nbc news exclusive, harvey weinstein accuser on the time she had to flee from weinstein s hotel room. mine s way better. this one s below market price and has bluetooth. same here, but this one has leather seats! use the app to compare price, features and value.
the flu, and its complications, needs to hear it. can be deadly. especially for those with a chronic medical condition. ask your health care provider for a senior flu shot. do it today. before the flu becomes an emergency. the worst wildfires in california s history are raging out of control tonight causing a stunning degree of destruction. even for a state that tends to suffer from wildfires this time of the year. thousands of people are being evacuated. the fires wipe out entire neighborhoods in northern california. 2 is people have died. hundreds of people still unaccounted for. more than 500 in sonoma county
alone. officials caution many of those people may be safe but without communication. while the firefighters deal with the catastrophe in california, the full disaster in puerto rico is coming to focus. 45 deaths have been officially accounted. medical workers impatient saying that intense medical crisis exists, communication and electrical crisis. only 15% of the island have electricity. availability of drinking water is at dangerous levels. congress is expected to pass a $38 million aid package for areas affected by hurricanes and the current wildfires. part of it will go to puerto rico. but the massive relief bill cancels $16 billion in debt but not for puerto rico. no. the debt relief instead goes to
the national flood insurance program which has been in the red for a while in which covers homeowners who build in flood zones. but puerto rico which is already more than $70 billion in debt will get zero debt relief. instead, get this, they will get a nearly $5 billion loan. which means puerto rico gets more debt as it struggles for survival. both parties, republicans and democrats are poised to punish the americans of puerto rico for being victims of disaster even more than we ve done that through government incomp tension. they re going to charge them a leasing fee for the life raft as they drown. can you imagine telling texas or florida the same? no. well it shouldn t be okay for puerto rico either. you nervous?
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and get the power back on. it s an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we re building a better california. more than 20 women have now come forward accusing harvey wine stooeb op pred tear sexual behavior and assaulting with ap gagss that weinstein denies. dawn is one of those accusers and today she told msnbc stephanie ruhle what happened in 2003 when she showed up to what was supposed to be a lunch meeting and was sent up to his hotel room by his assistant instead. i get to the room and he opens the door and he has a open bathrobe on and there s this coffee table with all of these
papers and we had been talking about his next films and you know, some roles that he had for me in these films. and so he said i have contracts for my next three films here and i will sign them today but i want you to have a threesome with me and my assistant. and you know, he had kind of a, kind of a rough like sense of humor, you know, like a very dry kind of dark sense of humor. and so i laughed, obviously he must be joking, right? well when i laughed he got angry and he said you ll never make it in this business. this is how this industry works. how do you think so and so, so and so, so and so got to where they are today. and just started yelling at me. and so at that point i fled from the room. i was scared at that point
because he is a very domineering man, very large domineering man, very loud. sorry. so at that point i left, took off, went to the elevator. and sorry. don t be. his assistant called me a couple of times after that, that night. and i didn t respond because i was just devastated, you snow. msnbc s stephanie ruhle conducted that interview, a great interview. joins me now. incredible work. incredible for her to come on
camera and tell that story. she doesn t have to tell her story. right. yeah. what happened to her desire to be an actress in the industry? she believed him. if you re a 24-year-old girl and one of the most powerful men in hollywood when you watch the oscars is thanked by the most famous men and women in hollywood and this guy propositions if you for sex and says this is how hollywood works or you ll never make anytime this town, someone like dawn gives up and changed career aspirations. this is a key part of this story. there s lots of stories of that. this is a way in which systematically women he said you ll never work in this town and he convinced young women who may have gone on to incredible careers or fulfillment of their talent to leaf. this is an industry where a big giant guy like harvey weinstein would make your dreams
come through. or crush them. or crush them. who was she going to go to? her agent? she didn t have an agent and even if she did her agent would have said ieds love a meeting with harvey weinstein. would she go to the police? he didn t rape her. who was going to believe her. she was a 23, 24-year-old girl who was an aspiring actress. now they ve got power in numbers. now this extraordinary reporting by ronan farrow and the the new york times have come out and now harvey weinstein says i m going to go into therapy? one of the things that s come out in the reporting of ronan farrow of the new york times, is the sameness of the m.o. oh wait, which one was that? i ve now read that account 15 times. and the fact that he he created a factory.
he pro he employed his o to become a factory to produce opportunities for him to do this. and the industry allowed it. just think about it. the fact that there was a joke at the oscars about it. the fact that 30 rock made jokes about it to you and i might be stunning because it s an stray that s near us but we re not part of. but imagine when she first met harvey weinstein, she viewed his assistant as her aid. well i knew he was a predator and i knew he had that casting couch reputation. so she thought if his assistant is going to be there, she ll be my safety net. meanwhile the assistant was helping him, the honey pott all along. and i said would you call his assistant now. she had her number in her phone. in res tro spekt, the assistant is a victim of the system too. this is someone with tremendous power who is
implicating everyone in this. so like everyone has a little piece of the guilty as a means almost of protecting himself. because who could turn him in. if the assistant turns in anyone, she s implicated. what human resources department are you going to go to. and for the board to say this is inhuman, we re aghast. i m sorry, chris. you didn t think they knew? 21st century fox has shareholders saying you made millions of dollars of settlements, how come we didn t know. the board knew. how does a private company as small as weinstein and company, how did the board members not know. excellent reporting. coming up, the house of representatives came this close to voting on whether to impeach the president of the united states. what happened coming up. plus alabama s roy moore rides again in tonight s thing 1 thing 2 next.
thing 1 tonight typically when we think of a charity we think of an appeal to our better instringss like the forstalling of selfishness and greed. roy moore who said homosexual conduct should be illegal, muslims should not be allowed to serve in the congress. he has a charity. on the website it was announced that moore would take the title of president emeritus of the foundation. now it s not unheard of and often typical for top executives the a nonprofit to collect a salary but alledgedly not roy moore. the charity employs his children and moore s wife who was pads $190,000 over three years, the washington post reports that moore once said publicly he did not take a regular salary from the small charity he founded.
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republican senate nominee from alabama, roy moore said he didn t have a salary from his charity but that is not true. far from it. moore pulled hundreds of thousands of dollars from his tax exempt 5013 c public charity. the washington post reports that moore arranged to receive a salary of $180,000 a year for part-time work at the foundation for moral law and he collected more than $1 million as president from 2007 to 2012. compensation that far surpassed what the group disclosed its in public tax filings most of those years. but that s not all. the charity gave him health care coverage, covered the travel expenses. what happened when the charity ran out of money? he was given a promissory note for back pay worth $540,000. keep that that mind when you watch moore say things like this.
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impeached pursuant to article 2 section 4 of the constitution of the united states of america. representative al green has called for impeachment before but this time was a bit different. green planned to introduce his impeachment mesh shuasure as a privileged resolution to require a full house vote within two days. but then something strange happened. green pulled the resolution not because of republicans but thanks to pressure from fellow democrats. i ll ask al green to explain what went down right after this. when you have a cold
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donald john trump, by betraying his trust as president warrants impeachment, trial and removal from office and disqualification to hold any office with honor, trust or profit under the united states of america. joined by al green of texas who moved to force a vote to impeach the president before ultimately pulling the measure. why did you pull the measure? thank you for having me on. with a few facts usually have much speculation. which caused us to make these comments. no one asked me to pull anything, i went to the floor intending to do exactly what i did because i wanted american public to have the opportunity to understand what impeachment
is all about and what the articles of impeachment are all about. rules allow a person presenting a privileged resolution to have the opportunity to have it heard that day or within the next two days. i chose not to do that because i want people to know what is going on. at some point in the future i ll come back for a vote. reporting i ve read said that democratic leadership, including nancy pelosi didn t like the idea, didn t want democrats on record for impeachment, didn t think it was tactically smart. didn t want to force a vote at this time. you re denying it s true? that s absolutely not true. this is one of those rare occasions. speaker pelosi did not ask me to pull anything, neither did anyone else in leadership.
this is a decision i made before i went to the floor. but wait a second. it is your belief as i watched the speech, you believe this is genuinely clear and present danger. president genuinely unfit. seem sincere in the belief, articulated it before. if that s case, why windup and not go through with it. why not force the issue? impeachment takes place from the ground up and american people have to get involved and american people hearing us tonight will know this can be done. they also need to know impeachment can take place without the president committing a crime. that s been put into the minds of the public and we have to deal with that. this is an opportunity to educate people to know what impeachment really entails. andrew johnson in 1868, one of the articles of impeachment did not allege a crime. 10. pickering, first to be
impeached, for things other than committing a crime. most of the people were impeached for things that didn t involve committing a crime. this is a chance to educate the public which we must do. there is a lot of misinformation out there. phrase that everyone knows is high crimes and misdemeanors but you re right, there s precedent it doesn t mean a crime in the sense of the courts. article 10 for johnson, congress didn t like the way johnson talked about congress. insulted them and ran them down. exactly. so there s precedent but also seems to me that modern understanding of it is that it s crime. to reach for that particular tool threatens unwinding of the basic political norms in the country. what do you say to people who say that? most of the people who say
that have rationales other than original intent. if you want to talk about what the framers of the constitution intended, probably the actions that took place close to the time when they were there, many of them alive when john pickering was impeached, probably best indication what original intent was. a good many people don t understand. will conflate what can happen in judicial aspect of a crime, meaning you have to go to court, proof beyond a reasonable doubt. that s not impeachment. it is a political process. constitutional fact. process of the house. that s absolutely correct. thanks for being with me. representative green not only liberal pressing for impeachment. $91 million supporting democrats in 2016 cycle sent a letter to fellow democrats calling for
impeachment and saying public needs to know where every single democrat stands on the issue. tom steyer. there is an argument this is tactically short sded or fool hardy because if you turn into impeachment, you will strengthen the president s base and become radio active if it s on the ballot in the midterms. but that s not the question we ve been asking ourselves. because the question we ve been asking ourselves, is this president a clear and present danger to the american people? if he is, which we absolutely believe he is, and if he s violated the public trust, then in fact don t we have to take action and do the right thing. not do a political calculation for what is going to happen 14 months from now? we re trying to say it s time to step up and do the right thing,
not do polling to figure out smart thing for the election cycle when the health and safety of american citizens are at risk. i have to ask you this, people theorized the following, that you re planning to run for senate, diane feinstein s senate seat. she s running again. and it s jungle primary system in california, this will give you wedge issue to use against her as incumbent democrat. what do you say to that? if you go back and check the record, we called for impeachment several months ago. what we re saying now is, it s time for democrats to step up and say where they stand on this, whether this president has to go now. in fact saying it to every elected member of congress and senate. go on the record to say whether we can afford to let this president stay in power longer or isn t it time for him to go. that absolutely poses the question to senator feinstein, where does she stand?
and every other elected democrat. isn t it time for us to oppose a president who presents a clear and present danger to the american people? are you going to run for that senate seat? i have said i am going to try to figure out how to have the most positive impact in the crisis that we re in. i haven t ruled anything out, including running for office. but the fact of the matter is, what we re talking about today is try to protect the american people from a president who is clearly dangerous to them, unfit to hold office and which every democrat will say privately that s true. question is when are we going to go on the record and start pushing the country towards where we know we have to go, remove the man from office. question becomes, do you think it s a political possibility? can you imagine that happening before the midterms? i guess the idea is, lot of people think that only thing that would allow that to happen would be a democratic majority in house and senate and those
that think that going on the record would hurt or help those efforts. are you saying you think it s possibility within the next whatever, 14 months? i see this differently from the way that those calculations imply. what i see is this, we have 14 months between now and midterm elections. assumption in all the calculations is world would be essentially static and safe. it s just not true. fact of the matter is, i don t believe we can stand pat for 14 months, cross our fingers and toes and help like heck that the world is going to be okay. fact of the matter is we re in grave danger and it s time for us to act, not sit there and hope it turns out okay because that works for us politically. tom steyer, whose home state is ablaze right now. would looking you to have back

President , One , Attitude , Reports , White-house , Dangers , Meltdown , Edge , Impeachment , Nbc-news , Threats , Donald-john-trump

Transcripts For MSNBCW All In With Chris Hayes 20171121 01:00:00

owners. and doug jones is a doctor in liberal which is why he is not saying anything and why the media are trying to boost him. so vote roy moore? i m telling you, we want the votes in the senate to get this tax bill through. but the rnc has withdrawn support for roy moore. mitch mcconnell has withdrawn support. so has the young republicans vote withdrawn support for roy moore. and a lot of women. right. and you know what? i just want everybody to know, doug jones. nobody ever says his name. okay. message here is not ambiguous. it is unmistakable. kellyanne conway, counselor to the president says december 12th alabamians should vote for a man who currently stands accused of molesting a 12-year-old girl, sexually assaulting a 16-year-old and dating or attempting to date five more teenagers including calling one while she was in trig nomt class. so republicans can pass a
massive tax cut that overwhelmingly benefits corporations and the wealthy. it s a very different message than kellyanne conway herself was pushing just last week. whatever the facts end up being, the premise is of course the principle, the incontrovertible principle is there is no senate seat that is worth more than a child. no senate seat worth more than a child. it s profound. what happ changed? according to new reporting, ohs the past week the white house and president trump s top allies have gone from laying the ground to ditch moore to laying the groundwork to celebrate his possible win next month. multiple sources saying trump is told not the criticize moore by many of his closest advisering including kellyanne conway and steve bannon, trump s former strategist who of course aggressively championed the now accused child molester moore in the primary. president trump has been accused on the record of course we should note of unwanted physical contact by at least 15 women. he denies all their accounts,
called them liars. said they were not attractive enough for him to assault. on friday, the president criticized al franken over sexual misconduct allegations. and then over the weekend, he found time to attack a black football player and the father of a black college basketball player. but for some reason, for some reason, the president, who has opinions about nearly everything under the sun, continues to simply have nothing to say about roy moore. to the media, to the press, thank you very much. we appreciate it. thank you. your thoughts on roy moore, mr. president? do you believe his accusers? thank you. do you believe roy moore s accusers, mr. president? thank you very much. the white house press briefing today sarah huckabee sanders was asked about conaway s comments. good afternoon. is that the position of this white house that voters are better off voting for someone accused of assaulting teenaged girls than a democrat? look, as i ve answered, i think even for the third or fourth time today, as well as 10 or 15 times on thursday and
living room and proceeded to seduce me i guess you would say. and during the course of that, he remove mid clothing. he left the room and came back in wearing his white underwear, and he touched me over my clothing, what was left of it. and he tried to get me to touch him as well. and at that point i pulled back and said that i was not comfortable. and i got dressed, and he took me home. but i was a 14-year-old child trying to play in an adult s world. and he was 32 years old. roy moore denies these allegations and further says he does not even know you. i wonder how many mes he doesn t know. congressman lance of new
touching them i have no reason to disbelieve them. i think in both the bill clinton case and the donald trump case, it was a behavior before they were president and president clinton got into trouble based on trouble while he was president. and i hope this president conducts himself in office in a higher standard. so your idea is it was before election day, that s just bracketed it away. with regarding presidents, i think we ve elected these men as president, recognizing their faults. and let me say that try to lead by example. and i certainly have tried to conduct myself in an honorable manner, and certainly as well regretting the offi inting r office i run. there are republicans who thought that roy moore was unfit to be a united states senator before these allegations. this is a man who has been kicked off the supreme court twice. this is a man who said one of your colleagues, keith ellison should not be allowed to serve in congress because he is muslim, in direct contradiction of a ban on religious for
office. do you share that belief, that this is a man who is unfit before these accusations? yet. and i think there should be no religious test in holding office in this country. and keith ellison and have i different political views, but he is a colleague and a friend, and he has a right to serve in the congress of the united states. what do you think about when you think about roy moore possibly winning this election, you and he serving in the same party in congress? he ll be over in the senate if that were to be the case. and i hope he is not elected. let me tell you something. you re running in new jersey seventh district. it s going to be a very competitive district. you know that. obviously, and we can talk about your vote on the tax bill in a moment. they re going to run ads about roy moore in your district. if i was a democratic consultant and roy moore was a sitting u.s. senator, i would say this is what the republican party stands for. donald trump in the white house and roy moore in the u.s. senate who is credibly accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl. is this the girl you want the give power to? i represent a very sophisticated district, and i m
sure the voters in the district i serve will reelect me based on my views and any such campaign would be demagogic. you voted against the tax bill? i did. you were one of 13 no votes. they say this won t raise taxes on anyone in the middle class. that true when they say that? i don t think it s completely true. i ve been fight for what is known is the continuation of the deductibility of state and local taxes. that s very important for new jersey because we have the highest property taxes in the nation. you just zero in on this, they re say nothing one in the middle class is going to see a tax hike. what you re saying and i think is borne out by the analysis is that is not true. thing will be some who see a tax hike. there will be some who will not. of course. there will be more who will. so that s why i have been fighting on this issue. leonard lance from, have a great thanksgiving if i don t see you. thank you. joining us joan walsh and former democratic congresswoman donna edwards of maryland,
senior fellow at the brennan center for justice. this morning when i saw kellyanne conway, i thought to myself, wait a second, is she freelancing or they re now turning the ship towards an endorsement. and the daily beast reporting trump world wanted distance and then key allies lobby the president to reconsider. in the span of a single week, they have gone from laying the groundwork to ditch roy moore to possibly celebrating his victory. yeah, that s what she did this morning. i have to say even steve bannon was saying that, you know, he d kill him himself. hannity was going after roy moore. and then something changed over the weekend. and i don t know what it is. but kellyanne, having said what she did last thursday, this morning i think even the fox folks were kind of like what? you could see that they were not anticipating and they were confused as to what the actual line was. is this what we re supposed to be saying for the rest of the day? okay. donna i was just talking
to the congressman here. and you served in congress. one of the things that happens to democrats and i m not comparing the two situations. they ll run against nancy pelosi when you re running against a democrat in kentucky. i do wonder this figure of roy moore, this is i don t think you can unring this bell. but maybe i m wrong. you ve been on the front lines of politics. what do you think? well, i have. i can see for myself traveling around the country that the republican party ran against nancy pelosi in a very effective way to take control of the house of representatives. and i have to tell you, i mean, i think that this is really an albatross around the republicans necks. you look at the defense of donald trump, which was indefensible, and now you add to that roy moore. and they become the party that is, you know, a party that is about pedophiles and sexual predators. and i don t think it s defensible anymore. and i think you can see the tightrope that my friend leonard
lance was walking both on the tax issue but also on this question of sexual assault, sexual harassment. you know, it s a very bad look for the party, the supposed party of family values. i should note this is a broader issue than roy moore, and i don t want to make apples i don t want to aggregate everything together as all incidents are the same. i want to be clear that what he stands accused of is incredibly serious, and the other things i m about to introduce are different grades of that. but as to no party having a monopoly on this, today there is a second allegation against al franken there is reporting about glenn thrush, a times reporter. full disclosure also an msnbc contributor. and charlie rose. this is the washington post, our friend bylined on. this saying he made unwanted sexual advances towards them including lewd phone calls, walking around naked in their presence.
moore in a separate category, it is astounding to me the white house would flirt with continued support. i just can t imagine going back in any moment i ve covered politics, someone being really credibly accused. we ve got say credibly accused because this is something she shared with people contemporaneously throughout her life. credibly accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl that he picked up outside a custody case when her mama went inside for that custody case that would be a career-ender in any universe i think i ve lived in, right? well, and, you know, i think that is true. but let s really be clear here. i don t want to reach back 20, 30 years ago with people who were in office. i want to talk about people who want to hold off, about people who were in every single workplace. sometimes for women who really don t have anywhere to turn. and i have to tell you, whether or not leigh corfman had shared her story or it had been corroborated, i listened to her
and i know her words to be truthful. and we have to start trusting women. we have to start believing women. and they shouldn t have to stand in groups and blocks of women making accusations in order to be believed. and i feel like that s the kind of environment that we re in right now. and that s not acceptable. as to the what we should do, we should do different things with different people because they re accused of different things. yep. and you re right. where roy moore is in a completely separate category than some of the other things that we ve discussed. but frankly, i have to tell you, starting with the president of the united states that we knew all along, this has got to stop. joan walsh and donna edwards, thank you both for your time tonight. thanks. ahead, michael moore joins me to talk about the state of the republican party and why the gop is jamg through a tax hike on low and middle income americans. others are preparing for a long winter. amazing reporting on the west wing in two minutes after that report.
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regardless of recommendation, i was going to fire comey, knowing there was no good time to do it. and, in fact, when i decided to just do it, i said to myself, i said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russia is a made-up story. it s an excuse. the president s decision to fire former fbi director james comey in the midst of the russia investigation is now widely regarded, include big trump allies including steve bannon as a catastrophic error which triggered the appointment of a special counsel and a probe into probl possible obstruction of justice. so for the president s lawyer, how do you keep him from lashing out again and creating another potentially disastrous self-inflicted wound. the answer, according to a new report from the washington post is you convince him it will all be over soon. the post reporting that ty cobb, really his name, the outside lawyer handling the mueller probe for the white house had
initially said he hoped the probe would conclude by thanksgiving, but saying he remains optimistic it will wrap up by end of the year, if not shortly thereafter. the president had warmed to cobb s optimistic message, according to the post there is just one problem. witnesses, legal expert, even republican allies consult beside the post say mueller is a long way from wrapping up his investigation, which is expected to continue well into 2018. on top of that, quote, witnesses questioned by mueller s team warn that investigators are asking about other foreign contacts and meetings that have not yet become public and to expect a series of new revelations. as one operative told the washington post, it s going to be a long winter. joined by pulitzer prize journalist carol leanig. what is the pitch from ty cobb to the president to try to keep him cooling his heels? the white house lawyer ty cobb who has been on the job since this summer basically has said to the president and
everyone in the white house we are turning over records. we are providing in a cooperative manner all of the needs of the special counsel bob mueller. we are providing him with interviews with former and current staff. and all of that will be completed by thanksgiving or december or the end of the year. and in truth, that stage of the process could very well end by the end of this year. but probe is going to go on for some time and remember every prosecutor is looking at a big wide circle of people on the outside to get closer and closer to the inside. and we just don t know what we don t know. we don t know what s going to happen as a result of lower level aides and even paul manafort, former campaign chairman who has been indicted, rick gates, another campaign aide, george papadopoulos, another foreign policy adviser to the campaign being charged. we just don t know all of the things those people are going share with prosecutors, and that
their information is going to lead and point to others. there. is a great quote in here i wanted to get your response to. a person close to the trump administration to the washington post. this investigation is a classic gambino style rollup. you to anticipate this rollup will reach everyone in this administration. that s going to be a terrifying thought for people in the white house. well, it is kind of scary because, i mean, a lot of them have not had any up-close and personal experience with a white collar criminal investigation. this is a bit of a rieb brid in hybrid because bob mueller s original charge was investigating interference in the 2016 election. almost everyone accepts as a fact that the russian government tried in multiple ways to both tilt this election and to sow discontent in our country and lack of confidence in our institutions. and also tried to infiltrate the trump campaign in many ways,
multiple soft touches to various aides there is a serious criminal probe into the hacking, the stealing, the crime that s there. but this is a white collar probe too. what kinds of crimes, conspiracies were campaign advisers and friends and others involved in that might have helped the russians? does everyone have their own legal representation? a lot of people have lawyered up. and it s actually a source of the grim discontent inside the white house because some people really do face legal bills that would be three and four times their annual salary at the white house. all right, carol leannig, thanks for joining me. you bet. greg gianforte. remember him? he assaulted a reporter for asking a question at a campaign. that after a quick break. unites supported by innovative packaging
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remember that time a republican congressional candidate assaulted a reporter, lied about it and still won the election? we just learned that greg gianforte who is currently serving as the sole congressman from montana not only lied to the public and to the press about that assault, he lied to police. the incident unfolded on may 24th, the day before a special election in montana when guardian reporter ben jacobs reported greg gianforte just body slammed me and broke my glasses. the gianforte campaign almost immediately blamed the incident on jacobs himself. gianforte s spokesman shane scanlon released a statement which read in part, greg then attempted to grab the phone that was pushed in his face. jacobs grabbed greg s wrist and spun away from greg, pushing them both to the ground. it s unfortunate that this aggressive behavior from a liberal journalist created this
scene. but audio record big jacobs painted a much different picture. the cbo score. because you know, you were waiting to make your decision about health care until you saw the bill and it just came out. we ll talk to you about that later. but there s not going to be time. i m just curious. speak with shane, please. just i m sick and tired of you guys. jesus the last guy who came in here did the same thing. get the hell out of here! get the hell out of here! let s not do the same thing. you re the guardian? yes. and you just broke my glasses. the last guy did the exact same thing. you just body slammed me and broke my glasses. get the hell out of here. you d like me to get the hell out of here. i d also like to call the police. can i get you guys names? the gianforte campaign through shane scanlon who attached his name to the statement lied and they slandered reporter ben jacobs. the next day montana voters, many who had already voted early
elected gianforte to congress. he later pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault. and in his june 7th apology to jacobs wrote notwithstanding anyone s statements to contrary, you did not initiate any physical contact with me and i had no right to assault you. he also, the congressman promised to give an on the record interview to ben jacobs which he has yet to do. and now nearly six months later, we find out that gianforte lied to the cops. according to the newly released police report, gianforte told the sergeant, quote, i probably shouldn t do it, but i reached out for the phone. he grabbed my wrist. he spun. well ended up on the floor so he pulled me down on top of him. gianforte said the liberal media is trying to make a story. his current spokesman travis hall told the ap no one was misled, which is of course an obvious and demonstrable falsehood, which also means that travis hall s word is worth what shane scanlon s was before him, which is nothing. and gianforte s lie to the police mirrors the lie his
campaign put out the 90 of the incident. they hoped it would fall down the memory hole which for the most part it has. something which i m sure is not lost on roy moore s campaign. that you ll ever need staying ahead isn t about waiting for a chance. because one is. it s about the one bold choice you make that moves you forward. .that you ever need the one and only cadillac escalade. come in for our season s best offers and drive out with the perfect 2017 cadillac escalade for you. get this low mileage lease from around $899 per month. ( )
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natasha bertrand is a political correspondent for business insider who has covered the russia investigation extensively. just heard about this latest pure by mueller s team. natasha, what do you make of this development? well, legal experts that i have spoken to have said that it is a very strong sign that trump himself is under investigation, is under federal investigation. no matter how much the white house wants to convince us otherwise, the fact of the matter is that all signs point to mueller is really homing in on whether or not donald trump had corrupt intent when he fired fbi director james comey in may. because, of course, comey was leading the investigation into russia s interference in the election. and importantly, whether or not trump s campaign colluded with moscow. so by obtaining all of these documents from the justice department, what is happening is he is really trying to get at trump s state of mind. that is the biggest hurdle that mueller is going to have to clear if he is going to make a obstruction of justice case. i thought a lot in terms of what that case would look like. in the case of george papadopoulos, who has already
pleaded guilty or paul manafort who has been charged, you know, they open up the federal criminal books and they charge people with chargeable crimes. they indict them. they go through the normal process. in the case of president of the united states who you believe is guilty of obstruction of justice, presumably they re not going indict them in the courthouse. it would have to be a public finding, right? right. this is why ultimately the result of mueller s investigation is going to be a little matter. he is going to have to present his findings to congress because it s very murky still whether or not you can indict a sitting president. some people say yes. some people say. no but ultimately, mueller is going to have to go to congress and say we have evidence that trump acted improperly, that he acted corruptly. and these are the reasons why he should be impeach order removed, if it comes to that so ultimately, if he finds that trump did try to obstruct justice in this investigation, it is very unlikely that unless trump resign order is out of office that he would be indicted with a crime.
but until then we lyle have to see what mueller digs up. it speaks to the scope of this. mueller has the team that is going through these very complicated and baroque financial transactions that paul manafort s people are rung. but also making what it appears a pretty he would have to make a pretty sophisticated constitutional argument were he actually to come against the president. right. he would have to i mean, the rules would have to be rewritten. i don t know about the constitution, but there is a lot of legal theory throughout that argues against the idea that a sitting president can be indicted. when it comes to whether or not there was actual wrongdoing by people like paul manafort and michael flynn, of course that s much easier. and that s why he is going after them. they are very vulnerable targets as alleged moneylaundering, violations of the faro, the foreign agent reg ration act. legal experts tell me you take on when you re trying to make a case about the entire
organization. he is essentially right now shooting fish in a barrel. whether or not it reaches trump himself, that remains to be seen. quickly, new revelations that carter page had high level meetings in hungary, which are being looked into. it appears he did not tell the truth under questioning adam schiff. what is the significance of those meetings. it just solidifies carter page as someone who was clearly some kind of high level player. we don t really know what he was doing throughout the election. but ever time he makes a statement, it seems he has to walk it back. every time he says this didn t happen, as you know from doing many interviews, if you push him hard enough, he ll say well, i may have spoken to this person. the fact that he was meeting with high level hungarian officials, it s very questionable, especially given hungary s connection was the russian government there is a lot of organized crime there. there are arguments that have been made that the kremlin has its entire intelligence apparatus in hungry right now. so the fact that he was meeting with the officials before the
election raise mess more questions. natasha bertrand, thank you very much. thanks, chris. still could come, while the trump administration claims their tax reform won t hurt the middle class, michael moore joins me on why it does that plus a stadium demolition and a bus that stole the night s show in thing 1, thing 2 next. (avo) if you ve been struggling with belly pain and constipation, and you re overwhelmed by everything you ve tried all those laxatives, daily probiotics, endless fiber it could be wearing on you. tell your doctor what you ve tried, and how long you ve been at it. linzess works differently from laxatives.
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today hundreds of people turned out in atlanta to watch the implosion of the georgia dome. in fact, it was such a big deal this morning, even the weather channel was there with a camera crew staked thought the perfect spot. what they didn t account for was the local bus schedule. that s thing 2 in 60 seconds.
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their holiday favourites. we need to be ready for my name s scott strenfel and r i m a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we re monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we re building a better california. tonight with the fate of the trump tax cuts hanging in the balance, the president and his white house are pulling out all the stops to get a bill that will raise taxes on middle class americans through congress. so i guess the big question
is how can republicans and the white house propose a bill that would simultaneously cut taxes for the wealthiest americans while effectively creating more of a financial burden for americans earning less than $30,000 a year? yeah. the bottom line is that the white house, the president is not going to sign a bill that raises taxes on the middle class, period. okay. but here is the nonpartisan tax policy center saying something very different. some taxpayers would pay more in taxes under the proposal in 2019 and 2025. about 9% of taxpayers in 2019, 12% in 2025. in 2027, however, taxes would increase for 50%, that s half, of taxpayers. and who would get their taxes hiked? the middle income quintile, folks right in the middle, 28% would receive a tax cut and 66% would face a tax increase. in other words, 2/3 of people in the middle of earners would see a higher tax bill. taxes up. raising your taxes. in contrast, the tax policy center notes that 98% of the top
0.1% which would be the richest of the rich would of course get a tax cut. and democrats in progressive groups are using republicans own tax plan in an effort to win back white working class voters. here is part of an ad from one group named not one penny. for middle class mainers, their plan raises taxes on people paying for student loans, medical expense and mortgages. it raises taxes on 124,000 maine families. coming up, filmmaker and activist michael moore on what the trump tax plan means for the middle class, and what people can do about it, next.
so in ocho order to save these poor people 43 billion, you re cutting 364 billion. senator hill, if you would yield for a second. there are no cuts to medicaid in this bill. i beg your pardon. this is the cbo score. 179 billion in reduced medicaid subsidies. that s where the money is coming from. is there a fairy dropping it? educating one of the ways tax proposal would hurt americans. michael moore, oscar winning film maker and activist just got done with the broadway show. she was educating hill abom the fairy that drops the scores. that was such a great moment to me because well, here is what
i want to ask you. yes. we saw this incredible mogulization, people sitting in offices shutting down switchboards. i think a lot of people who fought hard feel the same way about this tax bill. is is it harder to mobilize. how do you assess where folks are? it s been clear the public is opposed to it. from what i ve heard members of congress, the switchboards continue to be melting down every day. people are calling. they should continue to call 202-225-3121, by the way. put it in your phone. please, put that it s your number. you pay for it. citizens of this country. so, so, you know, i m not pessimistic about this. i think that, you know, the senate enough people worrying about reelection will do the right thing. it won t happen on it s own and
people have to speak it. it strikes me, remarkable this bill. it hoses people. it s weird for republicans party to come up with a 1.5 trillion dollar tax hike. there is a switch thing that s happened time and time again and i got to think if this were passed, people know how much taxes they will pay. do you think there this is the thing that would break a spell. well, i hope so. look, this should be called what it is. it s the trump tax increase. and it s not a tax cut, it s a tax increase. it s the trump tax increase, and it s in a way, i m finding some pleasure in the fact that so many republicans think that this is going to help them when this is going to be the death of them next year at the ballot box. so have at it. [ laughter ] for now. you can see a lot of them are actually pretty scared of it. yeah. what do you make of we
haven t gotten a chance to talk since the election night, which is a big night for the democratic party for a lot of people that felt disspirited. i don t know if it was a big night for the democratic party. the party, the dnc didn t get behind some of the people that won. right. in fact, it was a victory for the people, for average everyday citizens that decided to run, whether it was an african refugee in month montana or transgender. all in these states and cities, people that didn t have the backing of the local establishment democratic party. this is is critical for us to win next year. if people are sitting around waiting for the dnc waiting for the right candidates to run, i m worried we can t flip congress or the state houses, but if every day average americans will decide to run, and this is one
of the things, i spoke to your producer before coming on here that i really wanted to say tonight is that we ve got it s new year s day is six weeks from today. okay. we got six weeks. by the end of this year, people have got to be running or at least decide to run. what i want to have happen is for people watching this show right now sitting there thinking about why don t i run, you should run. you should run. i really [ laughter ] why not? i mean, what tuesday two weeks ago taught us is that people could just decide to run and get elected, especially right now because so many people are upset with what is going on. particularly, we should say, i think people think about flipping congress and, you know, there are state house races decided but with this special election in oklahoma in which yes. 20 something out lesbian won a district trump by 30 points,
she won by 34 votes. there is below the congressional level, there is state, local offices which are critical. right. raising $1 million no, no, in fact, there was debra gonzalez in georgia won a seat there, state seat. she spent $55,000. the republican spent $250,000. that was a republican seat that, i believe, republican decided not to run and she won by spending one-fifth of what the republicans spent. i want to say to people, think about running. you don t need a lot of money to do this. that was proven, and you don t need you would be surprised to run for a state house or state senate in many states in maine and alaska and iowa and iowa you need 100 signatures to run for state senate and i think 25 for the state house. that s it. you don t need a lot. you don t some of these filing fees in states are $10.
right. i m serious. 100 signatures and $10. you re on the ballot. i think over thanksgiving, what i would like people to do, you re sitting around the table. last year you had to deal with the right wing and he s happy and trump got elected. put in at the kids table on thursday. don t bother him. let him have his turkey. everybody else will say who do we know that can run on this town? you got to run locally. if we don t flip the state houses this year and 2020 when they take the 2020 census, we re going to get jergerrymandered an and we ll be stuck until 2032 so next year in 2020, we ve got to get these state houses and state senates in the hands of democrats or we ll get screwed with the jergerrymandering in 2. what stops people one of the things they can t do it. who am i? i m not smart enough. you re a citizen of this
country. by the way, if you re watching this show now, you re a good person already. i mean, just i wouldn t go that far. i would generalize i ll make this general if you re watching chris hayes and msnbc, automatically tells me your heart, if not is in the right place, you re curious for the truth and that s what has brought you to this channel. if you wanted something else, you would be watching dancing with the stars now or taking source of a running bid in your broadway show. yes. right now you re watching this show. so why not run? why not say to your partner, say to your spouse and friends, dang, i was watching chris hayes last night and i got this idea, why don t i run for state senate? because the person we have there now is not doing us good. look at the people defeated two weeks ago. one of the things that strikes me to vote is a, how
many uncontested position there is are. yes. that goes for both parties. there are a lot of unchallenged, if you happen to live in a democratic stronghold, there is people who probably use a challenger, you know what i mean? to make the system work. the nationwide average is 4141% of all of those offices you go to vote are not contested. there is one name, a soviet style election. the candidate chris. right here. just vote for that one candidate. no, that s 41 we live in a democracy. that s why first of all, think about running because you don t have any opposition in your party, you can at least get through the primary. there is 6,000 state, house and senate seats up for election. 6,000 nationwide. all right? 1400 of them because of term limits don t have an uncome wic

Roy-moore , United-states-senate , Doctor , Votes , Media , Doug-jones , Anything , Lot , Tax-bill , Women , Support , Everybody

Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20171121 23:00:00

breaking news. backing moore. president trump breaks his silence and all but endorses the candidate and accused child mow lester roy moore. will the president campaign with him? putin on the phone. president trump reveals details of a lengthy conversation with putin. they discuss syria, ukraine and north korea. will the president and putin work together to reign in kim jong-un? accusations and denials. capitol hill is rocked by sexual allegations against the longest serving of the house. he denies wrongdoing but tonight the house ethics committee is beginning an investigation. and pardon meat. two turkeys compete for the presidential pardon with the birds face decided with an
online poll. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. wolf blitzer is off. i m jim acosta. you re in the situation room. announcer: this is cnn breaking news. breaking news tonight. president trump defending republican candidate roy moore and offering all but an endorsement. that puts mr. trump at odds with many in his own party who called on moore to step aside after allegations he sexually abused one teenage girl and improperly pursued others. the president noted that moore denies the allegations and he said of the senate seat, moore is running for, quote, we don t need a liberal person in there. also breaking, the house ethics committee just announced it s investigating allegations of sexual harassment by democratic congressman john conyers the longest serving member of the house. conyers denies doing anything wrong but does admit to paying a
settlement to one accuser. the federal communications commission chairman appointed by president trump this year says he s going to repeal so-called neutrality regulations designed to keep the internet open and fair. without them, internet providers will be able to deliberately speed up or slow down traffic from specific websites and apps. we re covering all of that this more this hour with our guest congressman mike quigley, our correspondents and specialists, they re also standing bi-let s get straight to the breaking news. jeff zeleny is in florida where president trump has just arrived to spend thanksgiving. jeff, pretty stunning here today. the president not only backed moore, he also left the door open to campaigning with him. that was stunning, jeff. reporter: president trump has just landed here in palm beach, florida. he ll beginning week long vacation. it s important to note it s been nearly two weeks since those
explicit allegations first came out about the republican candidate for senate in alabama, the white house has walked a fine line up until this afternoon. the president made clear he supports roy moore. i asked one top republican close to the white house why. all of these allegations that have come out since, have made it quote easier and easier to back moore. president trump made clear today he would rather have an accused child mow lester in the senate than a democrat. we don t need a liberal person in there, a democrat, jones. reporter: the president weighing in publicly for the first time in alabama s explosive senate race, saying he accepts roy moore s denials over the stories of eight women who have come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct. let me just tell you, roy moore denies it. that s all i can say. he denies it and, by the way, he totally denies it. reporter: for days the white house has said the race should be left to the voters of alabama. republican leaders have distanced themselves from moore but today mr. trump offered a
full presidential embrace. he says it didn t happen and, you know, you have to listen to him also. you re talking about he said 40 years ago this did not happen. reporter: he even said he may go campaign for moore all in hopes of keeping the seat in republican hands. he went on to openly disparage doug jones the democratic candidate with a history of fighting the clue cluchl clan. i can tell you for a fact, we do not need somebody that s going to be bad on crime, bad with borders and military, bad for the second amendment. reporter: the president s words put him at odds with his daughter. there was a special place in hell for people who mow left children. that sharp criticism is the campaign ad from jones. conservative voices, putting children and women over party. doing what s right. reporter: before leaving the white house today for vacation in florida, mr. trump talking by phone to russian president vladimir putin. the call lasted more than an hour aids said with syria,
afghanistan, ukraine and north korea all discussed. the call was initiated by putin, a day after he embraced syrian president bashar al assad during a summit where the u.s. is not at the table for critical talks over isis and syria. it s another sign russia s in the driver seat on syria. john mccain seized on to president trump. mccain saying the president mistakenly believes the u.s. and russia share interests. he added, it s further evidence we desperately need a strategy for syria. today s conversation between trump and putin comes after their brief face-to-face meeting at the summit earlier this month in vietnam where talk of russians interference overshadowed other topics. as the president spends the rest of the week at mar-a-lago the russian investigation is still hanging over the investigation.
you are hereby pardoned. reporter: talk of pardonens today at the white house as the president took part in the ritual of sparing a thanksgiving turkey but it was his comments about the alabama senate race that overshadowed it all as allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct against women takes center stage in a remarkable national debate that s toppled figures in hollywood, media and politics. his words struck an odd tone considering his embrace of moore. women are very special. i think it s a very special time because a lot of things are coming out and i think that s good for our society and i think it s very, very good for women and i m very happy a lot of these things are coming out and i m very happy i m very happy it s being exposed. reporter: so those words from the president right there, certainly at odds with his decision to accept roy moore s denials. the president made clear he did not say he didn t believe the women, he just pointed out
again and again that roy moore has denied this saying that many times. jim we ve been talking to the republicans close to the white house and inside the white house trying to get a sense of how this about-face happened. i am told by one person close to the white house that all of the events over the last two weeks, from al franken to charlie rose to others simply confused the situation and this is the words of one person. since then it s become harder and harder to tell who the bad guy is so in that respect that was behind the thinking of the president to support roy moore. we ll see if he campaigns with him in the coming two weeks before that special election in alabama. and that is something we ll all be watching for. jeff zeleny in florida for us tonight. thank you very much. veteran television host charlie rose has been fired by both cbs and pbs after eight women accused him of sexual harassment. rose admits to what he calls inappropriate behavior and he s apologizing for it and tonight one of the most senior lawmakers on capitol hill is also facing
harassment allegations but representative john conyers denies them. cnn congressional correspondent is working on that story for us. the ethics committee just announced its investigation against conyers so this is getting more serious for the longest serving member of the house. it certainly is. launching an investigation just hours after the congressman today strongly denied the allegations of sexual misconduct. in a statement he does admit that his office made settlements in a payment to the accuser out of his own office s budget. this is a significance because that was done outside of the typical process where a settlement would be paid out of a fund that s set up bill the treasury department for these sorts of cases. and certainly gives us some new insight into how sexual harassment allegations are handled and kept secret on capitol hill. top of the morning. reporter: explosive new allegations against congressman john conyers, the longest
serving member of the house. confidential documents obtained by buzzfeed show a series of accusations and complaints filed in 2014 against the michigan democrat by former unnamed women on his staff alleging the congressman repeatedly asked for sexual favors and once asked her to work from his hotel room one evening where she alleges he told her she need today touch his private parts. in another incident she alleges the congressman asked her to stay in his hotel room to just cuddle up with me and caress me before you go. the complaint leading to a wrongful firing settlement in 2015 to one woman who alleges she was fired for refusing the congressman s advances, a $27,000 settlement paid out directly to her from the congressman s office. still using taxpayer money but not from the fund set up to handle settlements within the u.s. treasury. cnn has not independently confirmed the allegations or seen the documents involved.
connie conyers today denied the allegations but acknowledged a payment was made by his office to the accuser, quote my office resolved the allegations within an expressed denial of liability he says in order to save all involved from the riggers of protected litigation. calls on capitol hill today from members of his own party including house minority leader nancy pelosi for an ethics investigation. i just heard about congressman conniers. these allegations are extremely serious and must be dealt with in a very serious manner. reporter: this as pressure continues to mount on senator al franken who has been laying low since his own allegations have surfaced while democrats are struggling to answer questions if he should resign. these allegations are serious and women have a right to be heard, and listened to on this. al is going to be subjected to a hearing in the united states senate and an investigation.
reporter: and back on the conyers allegations, for the calls ethics investigation, there was quick movement here. the house ethics committee late today did announce that they have launched an investigation into the allegations into congressman, but jim as you know these things on capitol hill take a lot of time. they certainly do and we ll be watching that. thank you very much. let s get more on all of this with congressman mike quigley of illinois. i guess first of all, congressman, we have to focus first on what the president of the united states did earlier this afternoon on the south lawn of the white house before he was heading down to mar-a-lago for thanksgiving. he essentially endorsed a man who is accused of molesting a 14-year-old and preying on teenagers, these are accusations and allegations. they ve been jected by the roy moore campaign, but what did you make of the president s comments? i m sure you saw them or had a chance to read them, what s your reaction? to paraphrase his own
daughter, there s a special place in hell for those who back a child abuser for the united states senate. absolutely no worse place we can go from here. it s just unimaginable. and so you re stunned that the president did not withdraw the white house support for roy moore? he left the door open to campaigning with roy moore down in alabama. i suppose what would your reaction be to that that happening? i wouldn t be surprised. let s just remember this is a candidate trump who has a lot of women alleging the same sorts of thing about him, so i think in his own mind this is okay especially if time has passed. above all, the only thing worse than any of this is that we have a democrat in that senate seat. we talk about a cultural reckoning taking place here. i think all this calls for the structural change that a bill like jackie speier has which
creates far more transparency and protects those who make these allegations from being abused a second time, and i think really it s a cultural change that that men need to lead besides having a zero tolerance policy and an internal look at ourselves, we have to call out anyone else who does anything like this. there has to be a zero tolerance policy by all men and i think we have to work together to lead that effort. as you know, this problem crosses party lines. we ve seen the accusations facing senator franken over in the senate and now we have these allegations against democratic congressman john conyers. do you believe he should resign? here s how i look at it. if these allegations are true, they should both go. they get their due process, but it s a deeply disturbing that my
colleague, mr. conyers used his own resources within his office to make this some sort of settlement instead of going through the official process. this concerns me greatly. i think the congressman needs to look at himself and frankly, if i was in his place, i would leave. okay. i just want to make sure we have this right. you are saying if these allegations are proven to be true in both of these cases for congressman conyers and franken that they should both go. absolutely. and what is your sense of the accusations thus far? senator franken you have a photograph of him apparently groping a woman and in the case of john conyers you have a payment made in that investigation. how much more evidence do you need? right. they get their due process. as disturbing as that is particularly in a system that hasn t created the same due
process for the victims. i think what s most disturbing again about mr. conyers allegations is the fact that he must have structured internally in his own office some sort of settlement. to me this is greater sense of cul baability on behalf of his office and himself. i think mr. conyers has to think about this very hard. my suggestion is that he leave. and we ve heard members of congress say in recent days, congressman, that they know of other lawmakers up there on capitol hill who have engaged in this kind of behavior. just to be sure we do our due diligence here, are you aware of who these harassers might be, who these lawmakers might be who might be engaging in this kind of conduct? have you heard these rumors yourself? is it something that s spoken about among lawmakers and staffers and so on? what do you know about that? clearly, it s not spoken about enough in the last few
weeks since these allegations have come forward across our country, across all the sectors, members have started to talk about that. i ve heard discussions about two or three or more and frankly what i hear from most of the members are they think there s a lot more out there. that s why the culture has to change, the structure has to change. it has to happen immediately. and what do you make of the process that s in place up on capitol hill for victims to report abuse? put this up on screen. it s pretty stunning. there s a lot of hurdles here for people who have been victimized. the victim must report the incident within 180 days. 30 days of mandatory counseling they have to go through, not the person who is accused of all this, the victim. 30 days of mediation, 30 to 90 days of mandatory waiting period, they have to sign a confidentiality agreement. where s the incentive here for
people to come forward? these are the opiate, these are disincentives. this is a structure that s broken. it s designed to protect members and they re insidious attacks on women. it has to change. it has to change now. it s a system designed to protect members that s what you re saying? absolutely. all right. congressman, that s very disturbing but stand by. we have more breaking news we want to talk about. we have a break here but in a few moments we ll talk about this and some of the other issues of the day. stay with us. severe rheumatoid arthritis? do what i did. ask your doctor about humira. it s proven to help relieve pain and protect joints from further irreversible damage in many adults. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 20 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections,
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we re following breaking news. president trump revealing details of his phone call with russian president vladimir putin. they discussed ukraine, north korea and syria and what he described as a great call. we re back with congressman quigley a member of the house intelligence committee. i wanted to ask you about this picture. the president spoke today with russian president vladimir putin for more than an hour today. right after putin embraced syrian president al assad in russia. does that concern you? it s an extraordinarily unfortunate. i think i agree with senator mccain. i think this president thinks putin is our friend and russia is our ally. i d like to think that he d be telling mr. putin that assad has
to go and working together with a diplomatic solution with our allies we can make that happen. i d like to think he was working with mr. putin to talk about ukraine and the russian occupation in the east. i m hoping he s working with him so he tells mr. putin, maybe you will want to stop trading with north korea and help us exert influence to keep north korea from moving forward with its nuclear ambitions. there s a lot of good he can do working with putin but at this point in time he doesn t recognize that russia has a ways to go to reconcile with working with democratic powers. and why is the trump administration announcing new sanctions on north korea when it still hasn t implemented the sanctions against russia for its election interference? is this some picking and choosing here in terms of enforcement on the world stage? i can t begin to understand
the russian involvement with u.s. policy. i guess i m beginning to understand it after over a year, the russian investigation, the extraordinary volume of information about trump associates communicating, associating and i think coordinating with the russians. it s the only way i can explain the fact that our policy has been so altered, so influenced by mr. putin. it began during the course of the campaign and in my mind it s clearly impacting u.s. policy today. and one of the biggest stories of the day, it hasn t garnered as much attention as it deserves the impact of the secs decision to undo neutrality rules that essentially allow equal access to the internet. what is this going to do for american consumers? what did you make of that decision that came down from the fcc today? nothing like hiding news just
before thanksgiving, unfortunately. i think it s a blow against consumerism. i think it s a continued assault by the trump administration against consumers as a whole using the regulatory process, undoing what needs to be maintained and attacking what needs to be out there to protect the american public. it s unfortunate. i think there should be a greater public debate about this. let the congress work with the american public and the executive branch to talk about what is the right course of action here. this is virtually the color of darkness as you do something and make big pronouncements just before thanksgiving. i d like to think congress will take this up with the white house. okay. congressman mike quigley with strong words tonight. thank you very much for joining us. happy thanksgiving. you too. president trump backs an embattled senate candidate disowned by most republicans. will he campaign with roy moore and what would it do to the gop, plus why a group of state
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inappropriately by moore when he was in his 30s. let s dig deeper now with our specialist, let s go to david swirlic. we finally heard from the president today as he was leaving for thanksgiving. let s play some of that. we don t need a liberal person in there, a democrat jones. roy moore denies it and, by the way, he gives a total denial and i do have to say, 40 years is a long time. he s run eight races and this is never come up, so 40 years is a long time. the women are trump voters, most of them are trump voters. all you can do is you have to do what you have to do. he totally denies it. and david, what does it say about where we are in our politics today when the president of the united states is saying he d rather have an accused child mow lester than a democrat in the u.s. senate? let me say what it says about president trump s response.
the president is saying that roy moore denies the allegations and the president obviously is entitled to take roy moore at his word. once you start throwing in, we don t need a democrat, once you start throwing in, well, this was 40 years ago, you re muddling what he s saying. it s no longer just about whether or not he believes roy moore or not. he s saying people should make a political calculation that even if these allegations are possibly true, there s still reasons to vote for roy moore which really shows how far we ve gone with the president s view of the alabama race in terms of how he wants to address the issue of sexual harassment. and rebecca burg, you ve covered alabama politics, can you imagine the scene like the one president trump campaigning with roy moore before this election in december? it would be a huge political risk, even though you consider that most of roy moore supporters are trump supporters, that trump recognizes that his political base is wrapped up in this. he wants to keep their support,
show that he understands their priorities in this race, but at the same time if you send donald trump to alabama to campaign for roy moore, all of this work that republicans have done on capitol hill elsewhere in the country to try to distance themselves from roy moore and the allegations dwaens him, all of that work is erased. it s for nothing. the republican party brand is linked to roy moore if donald trump goes out there and campaigns. an endorsement definitely a step in that direction and it does undo the work the republicans have done but going out there is a whole other level. what did jeff flake the other day? the party of roy moore and president trump were toast. more recently in congress, let s listen to that and i ll get your response. mr. president, what is your message to women? this is a pivotal moment in our nation s history. women are very special.
i think it s a very special time because a lot of things are coming out and i think that s good for our society and i think it s very, very good for women and i m very happy a lot of these things are coming out and i m very happy i m very happy it s being exposed. do you believe congress should release the names of lawmakers who have settled on sexual harassment claims? i do. i really do. i think they should. jeffrey, i m sure you ve allowed all of this to wash over you. what s your takeaway? well, let me just say that in agreement, the idea that congress is spending taxpayer money to settle sexual harassment cases and we don t know who the harassers are is shocking and appalling and every day that goes by whether it was $15 million or $17 million, it is unbelievable that we don t
know who we as taxpayers are subsidi subsidizing. now as for the president s statement that women are very special, well, i guess, it s hard to disagree that women are very special, but i guess the only special ones are the ones who accused democrats because he doesn t believe the ones who accuse him and he doesn t believe the ones who accuse roy moore, so, you know, you can take that for what it s worth. he s certainly right about the payments in congress. we just heard from one member of congress, mike quigley a few moments ago, the system for reporting these allegations on capitol hill is designed to protect the lawmakers. that is pretty stunning. that was a very strong statement and one that kind of hints at the momentum that is gathering behind reconsidering this process in all aspects of american life, all different kinds of industries. can i turn back to alabama for one second? there s a battle and war issue here. it is understandable in some
sense that the white house is reluctant to lose another seat, any seat in the senate when they are dealing with such a narrow majority. if they can t finish the tax bill by december 12th, that could have a significant implication. even if you win that battle because what you ve seen already is in particular college educated white women are very cool toward this president, and in virginia we saw that translate into a big movement toward the democratic candidate. and what i think from the president s done he s made it more difficult for republicans to disassociate himself from roy moore. they re talking about expelling him if he wins and the risk is they tar the party in a way that in these particular, white women that reverberate far beyond alabama in the battle for the control of the senate and the house. one thing the president did
say in those comments, he described the women in alabama as trump women and trump voters. that s what you re going to right now. a lot of women voters stayed with donald trump even after the access hollywood thing played out during the last month of the election. is it possible that the president is thinking you know what? maybe there s some overconfidence here that he thinks that those women will stay with him and stay with roy moore in the end? there s a real sharp class divide. donald trump i would argue the biggest single reason he s president is because he won over 60% of white women without a college degree, particularly in the midwestern states that tipped the election, even as the college white women moved away from him and what we saw in virginia was a very stark divergence. ralph northam won almost the 58% of white women, two-thirds of them stuck with ed gillespie. democrats have not shown the
ability to peel those voters away even though they have expressed more scepticism about trump in office probably largely around the efforts to repeal the health care bill. i don t know if that is the risk. i think the risk is more concentrated with those professional women who are responding i think very viscerally to these allegations. we see them driving the allegations in most of the cases that have emerged so far and they are also a constituency have shown they are willing to take out their dislike on trump on other republicans and that should make a lot of republicans nervous. and rebecca, would we be in this place right now if he had a couple of wins on the scoreboard, if he had some legislative victories that he could look back on throughout the year? it sounds as though he is so desperate for legislative win on tax reform that he s taking this position on roy moore? if he had a whole slue of wins throughout the course of this
first year in office from obamacare to whatever else, immigration and the travel ban and so on, that perhaps it wouldn t feel like everything is riding on this tax reform bill and losing a seat would be so costly for him? there s some urgency to this for the president and not only reflecting on what has already happened or not happened might be the more correct phrase here for the president in his first year in office, but he also has to think about the next three years in office and we all know that 2018 is going to be a difficult year for republicans across the board. the senate map is better but they re likely to struggle in the house side. so he s thinking you know how can i shore up my majority now to prepare for what is to come? if he s going to get anything done in his final two years of his first term, if republicans lose the house, the senate is his only firewall, the only republican controlled chamber potentially so this is this is a longer term play for him as
well. it s important to remember that he is also politically vulnerable from some of these recent races we ve seen in virginia, the alabama primary on the republican side, donald trump has gone out there and tried to insert himself in these races, energize republican voters, energize specifically trump voters and he has failed in those races. hasn t worked out lately. stand by. we ve got more to talk about coming up after the break. we ll get into this issue and some others and one that jeffrey talked about yesterday, the at&t time warner deal. the president weighed in on that. we ll have more on that if a few moments.
a congressman from illinois, democrat, basically said if he were john conyers he would step aside. right. if the buzzfeed reporting is true that conyers should step aside and i think you ll have more democrats saying that precisely because, one, we re in this climate where congress realizes it s under scrutiny, two, people in congress, congress owned party feel like they have to step occupy and three there s this total lack of transparency in the way these allegations were handled, handled by this closed office on the hill. apparently according to buzzfeed that a settlement was reached using funds out of congressman conyers own budget rather than separate funds, that is sort of the antithat sis of what they expect from their members of congress. can i can i just raise another point about john conyers? he s 88 years old and anybody who has spent five minutes in congress watching him in action knows he s out of it.
he is not he is too old to be in congress. he is not up to the job and he is a walking advertisement for term limits. i know the supreme court has said they re unconstitutional but it is absolutely outrageous that that man in that condition is getting a salary from the taxpayers to do this job. he is just not capable of being he was elected people of that age in life can serve affectively in congress. in the case of john conyers it s not so effectively and it seems that these accusations are so serious that he had to use some of his own funds to settle a case that was brought to the attention of congressional investigators. and remember when we talk about he has to settle the case. it s not him settling the case, it s the taxpayer settling the case and we can talk about which account it talks from but it s our tax dollars that are going
to because these men are, you know, abusing their positions and the idea that there is no system for reporting to us the taxpayers how this money is spent is just outrageous. and mike quigley made the point that the system that exists up on capitol hill for reporting these abuses is just so out of whack, so out of alli. help us crunch numbers here. a new poll asked whether people would still vote for a candidate accused of harassment by multiple people, 41% of republicans said. is there a trump factor there, i guess? this is a temporary moment in terms of that contrast here because i think many republicans would view this as a referendum as a coded way of asking whether they would vote
for donald trump but i think the alabama race will be an important measure of just how far our politics has gone toward becoming a purely tribal or parliamentary style of election in which the character and the qualities of the individual doesn t matter. that is the argument that kellyanne conway and the president is making. we need a vote. we need a vote for supreme court justices. we need a vote for taxes. it doesn t matter who that vote is. we need a vote from alabama. i think with the specificity and the credibility of the widespread allegations not only from the women themselves but also ancillary witnesses like former police officials against roy moore, i think this will be a powerful test of how many voters in this case republican voters in alabama are willing to vote for someone whom they have these doubts about simply because they want his vote on the agenda. it is a moment i ve often said in modern america, the color on the front of the jersey
matters more than the name on the back of the jersey and in this election, i think let me ask you, what does it say that charlie rose can just be gone from network television? he loses his job. and yet the voters can t fire a member of congress for this sort of thing. we have to wait for the results of an ethics committee investigation which could drag on for who knows how long. it dozen seem like there s a fair system in place for dealing with this sort of thing up on capitol hill. right. well, it s a different case with roy moore than it is with someone like conyers because in the case of roy moore, voters have all of the information. it is out there for them to make their decision. for conyers, who knows if he would have had a competitive primary in elections past, which he really hasn t for as long as he s been in congress, if that information about his sexual misconduct or alleged sexual misconduct had been available to voters. for american politics, that s just how it works.
votererize the company board, the ceo, the one who makes the ultimate decision, and they have they priorities. it might be tax reform, it might be health care, it might be the character of the person they re voting for. the difference in this cases, do they have the information they need to make the decision? do they have the information to consider the person s full character. jim. yeah. you want to talk about who s fired. how about billy bush? billy bush got fired for listening to donald trump talk. and donald trump got elected president of the united states. very different standards. absolutely. thank you very much, everybody. ron, we ll get you on this next time. we have to get going. thank you so much. we appreciate it. happy thanksgiving to all of you. just ahead, a protest by state department police who say secretary of state rex tillerson is violating u.s. law on child soldiers.
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a dissent memo saying secretary of state rex tillerson is violating u.s. law by not calling out those countries. let s dig deeper on this important issue with the former state department spokesman and cnn military and diplomatic analyst, retired rear admiral john kirby and nancy mcildowny, thank you for joining us. why would secretary tillerson exclude these countries on an issue like this, child soldiers. it sounds like something we could all agree on, this is bad. well, it s very clearly bad. the reason that was given initially was that tillerson determined that the countries had made some progress even though he and others in the state department acknowledged they were still using child soldiers. the irony here is that the law gives flexibility to designate that child soldiers are being used and simultaneously or shortly thereafter to issue a
waiver sore the military assistance that would otherwise be restricted could go forward. the fact that this flexibility was not used is what troubled the officers in the state department because they felt that their efforts to combat child soldiers, a horrific crime, were children sometimes as young as 8 years old are forced into combat. and by not designating these three countries, those officers felt that their work to stop this human rights abuse had been undermined. and john, you know how rare this is for this type of memo to be written. what kind of message does it send to the countries the have this troubling mishue with the ethnic rohinga. what kind of message is the trump administration sending those countries? sends a horrible message to them and the militaries that we re trying to help groom and develop their capacity when we do something like this. when there was a waiver we could
have employed. it also, i think, hurts u.s. credibility abroad. thesis lists, these naming and shaming lists are actually really useful tools in helping us hold other government s feet to the fire in terms of human rights. what s really ironic, all three of these countries were listed for exactly the same problem on the human rights report this year as well as trafficking and persons report. this is also a decision that s inconsistent with the state department s own other reporting. what s the possibility, ambassador, that this decision could be reversed? is this something that the president needs to weigh in on, like he did with the elephant issue that we saw where he came in and said we re not going to do what my interior department is saying. what about the president on this? should he go to the state department and say, secretary tillerson, i disagree. we re not doing child soldiers. that s certainly within his rights. the president could say that. tillerson could reverse his own decision, and once he realizes with the expertise of the people who work for him at the state department, that he can both name and shame, as the admiral has mentioned, but also continue

Ethics-investigation , House-ethics-committee , Wrongdoing , Pardon , Turkeys , Pardon-meat , Birds , Two , United-states , Poll , Viewers , Situation-room

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20171107 01:00:00

tucker carlson tonight. for the latest findings in that investigation we are joined by matt finn, who is in texas for us tonight. we have learned the shooter himself had three gunshot wounds to his body, including one to his head, which the medical examiner says was self-inflicted, so the shooter killed himself after his deadly rampage here at this texas church. we ve also learned that the shooter recently repurchased four guns. authorities say all the sales were legal. if there is no information in databases that would have flagged the shooter, and that aligns with two pieces of information we learned today. if first, academy sporting goods in san antonio, texas, released a statement saying it sold to guns to the shooter, one in 2015, and one in 2017, and that the shooter passed the national criminal background check and that that sporting good store is not cooperating with law enforcement. also, the u.s. air force did not submit the criminal records to the fbi, as required by pentagon law. the shooter was discharged from the air force for bad behavior,
for beating his wife and his stepson intentionally. cracking his stepson s skull. he was court-martialed and imprisoned. had they turned that over to the fbi, he might not have been able to pass the background checks to purchase guns recently. the air force had launched a review into how the service handled the shooter s criminal record. tonight at this hour there are still 15 people in the hospital wounds related to yesterday s shooting. five of them are minors. some are still in critical condition. tucker, back to you. tucker: what a gruesome and awful story. investigators were able to find a lot about the sutherland spring shooter, devin patrick kelley, almost immediately. why were they able to put the pieces together so fast? in las vegas, we still know so little. we turn to dan, who joins us live.
first, to the texas shooting. apparently, the air force did not come as you just heard matt finn report, enter this information about this man s court marshaling conviction and the year he spent in the break into the criminal database that gun purchasers are run through. if they had put that information in there, would he have been prohibited from buying a gun? he would have been prohibited from buying a gun. this is why the radical left can t possibly win this gun control debate. think about the argument they are making to us. the argument they are making is don t worry, government can protect you. i love our military, god bless every man and woman that serves, but this is clearly a bureaucratic error that cost people their lives by officials in our government as they are making the very same argument, by the way, that we need new laws despite the fact that the old laws didn t work because people in the government that are supposed to make no laws didn t cooperate with the laws we have now, and look at what we
have on our hands. he would have been stopped from buying a gun, and he wasn t, and look what happened. tucker: you see that with so many of our gun laws that are unenforced, including the city of chicago, where they are almost never prosecuted even as they complain that they are the source of the problem, which they certainly are. why do we know so much, and thank heaven we do, about this atrocity, and still so little about the one that happened in las vegas a month ago? this tragedy here, this fits the models we have from my experience in the secret service of targeted violence. you ve seen indicators in the past, you and i have talked about the vacant shooting on multiple appearances here that we have said it doesn t make any sense because where all the witnesses? where all the people coming out and saying i saw something on facebook that was strange. he said something at the local deli that was unusual, where are they? the answer is nowhere, nobody has found them yet, or they are there and we just don t know about them.
but in this case, we are seeing a litany of people saying there were odd facebook posts, there s obviously a pattern of violent behavior, and as i ve said repeatedly, when you look at models of targeted violence, there s always a trail, always a trail, it s very rare look in the vacant shooting for there s almost nothing there and it s a vacuum. tucker: so you don t think the investigation is different, but the crime is different gmac at the perpetrator different? this guy seems to fit the pattern. targeted violence, assassinations, shootings, homicidal maniacs would decide to go in a church. we don t know the motive yet but it appears there s some connection there. it appears that his desire to take out revenge, or whatever it may have been on a family member or in law, he just uses violence as a way to show his power, and that s what he did he took out 20 plus innocent people in his rampage there. but that fits the models we ve seen in the past. tucker: what are the lessons for the rest of us? it pains me to say this, but
churches are inherently vulnerable places. you have the right to protect yourself. there are wolves out there. there s a big conflict of visions, if i can steal a line. if the left seems to believe that we can somehow legislate the evil out of people s hearts, you won t. do not be a sheep. if you are a church, if you are a synagogue, you are in a uniquely vulnerable spot. it pains me to say that, but we live in a different time. if you have an exit and an entrance point in the back. therefore everybody comes out in the same spot. where is everybody s attention in church? ahead. where is the shooter going to come in? he s going to come in the back. you also have the lack of cover or concealment. there s nowhere to hide. why? because people don t hide in church, they have to see what s going on in the altar. there is nowhere to go. it doesn t give me any joy in telling you that, but in 12 years as a secret service agent, if you are in a church or house of worship, you have an obligation now to realize we live in a different world.
it s sad, these are black swan events, but the penalty for being involved in an event like this is death. this has happened multiple time times. you have to secure and harden up your location. i m sorry i had to say that, but it is absolutely true in the times we live in. tucker: thanks a lot for that, as always. yes, sir. tucker: voters in virginia elect a new governor tomorrow. it s been the most widely covered political race of the earth, and by far the most bitter. virginia is solidly blue now and democrat ralph northam has long been expected to win an easy victory in the place with a republican president is even less popular than he is in the rest of the country. but that is not what has happened. if republican ed gillespie has remained surprisingly close in the polls for months. panic to the democratic establishment and our gophers in the national media, they have done what they always do in a pinch, they make it about race. remember what obama and his campaign told us that bill clinton was a racist during the 2008 primaries?
remember when the hillary clinton campaigns at the same thing about bernie sanders last year? when the going gets tough, democrats charge racism. so naturally ed gillespie has been transformed into a bowl, for the purposes of this election. just yesterday the new york times ran a strikingly dishonest beast that accused gillespie of running array simply don t make racially divisive campaign. according to the new york times, his sins include attacking the street gang ms-13, opposing sanctuary cities and criticizing the governors unilateral decision to restore voting rights to felons in the state. if for this, gillespie is a bigot. it would be amusing if it wasn t so poisonous. ed gillespie isn t a racist, if anything he s too liberal for many republicans in virginia. a former corporate lobbyist from new jersey, he has establishment views on virtually everything. a strongly pro-immigration, supports amnesty for daca beneficiaries. he has never made race an issue.
promised to crackdown on ms-13 because it s a deadly criminal force with thousands of members, which by the way, and not incidentally, targets almost exclusively el salvador in immigrants. they mark america s laws. he made an issue on voting rights because it was a naked glitter dome of political grab by the governor. don t tell that to politico. it s reporters accused him of adopting racially charged culture war issues for daring to oppose monument vandalism and national anthem protest. think progress ran this headline. if his campaign for final push for votes plays on hatred of black nfl protesters. standing up for the national anthem is not nationalism. the irony was there actually was racial demagoguery in the campaign, a lot of it, but it didn t come from ed gillespie or his supporters. in the closing days, supporters
of northam ran an ad that suggested that gillespie s voters wanted to murder kids. the ad actually said that. this showed a white man in a pickup truck with a gillespie sticker trying to run over a bunch of kids, including a little muslim girl as they fled for their lives. the new york times didn t even mention that at until 14 on their hit piece yesterday. the ad got in the way of their story line apparently. like all off year elections, tomorrow s results will be scrutinized for larger lessons about american politics. if you hear people say it s a referendum on trump, that s tru true. the worst and most dangerous habit, inflating racial fears to get boaters to the polls. it does not tactics to work? let s hope not, we will find out tomorrow. juan williams cohosts the five right here on fox and he joins us. hey, how are you? tucker: you know it gillespie, whatever you think of his politics, he s hardly a bigot, he s a moderate guy
politically and by temperament. if i look at this with my jaw open and if they are turning ed gillespie into a bigot for attacking ms-13, then the work s no meaning anymore, that s my reaction to it. i like ed gillespie a lot, i knew when he was chair of the national committee and he was always about inclusion and outreach to minorities. he saw that as the future to the party. but i must say when i was listening to you, i was thinking to myself, i think he has found himself in a tight spot after a primary race in which he was joining against corey stewart, donald trump s campaign manager in virginia and stewart ran a campaign that was all about the confederate statues and keeping them in place. he made a very strong populist, and at times racial, appeal. if i think it was less than two points close to ed gillespie in that primary race for the nomination and now he has done things like what you have just
laid out. at the nfl players kneeling, the confederate statues. and i think most of all, somehow conflating ms-13 with immigration. started those ads in the southwestern part of the state, down in roanoke and the more rural area. tucker: ms-13 is a real thing, it s an actual phenomenon. it s not as big a threat as you would think by seeing the commercial. tucker: you know who it s a threat to, salvadoran immigrants. that s fine, but that s not who the ads are aimed at. if the ads are stirring up white anger. tucker: you don t need to be white to be angry about the fact that our immigration policy has allowed a lot of people to come here illegally and join street gangs. i agree with you. tucker: by the way, their victims or immigrants, so i don t know why it s that racist to say that. it s true. known, no, no. if you are right, there s a real issue, these people kill each other, so there are salvadorans
killing salvadorans, but it ties into this goes back to the trump playbook, immigration is a threat, perceived as a threat by lots of working class white folks. i think you ve spoken to me about this, so what it does is by playing this up in an ad, it stirs that base that wasn t going to go to. gillespie you described as a moderate republican. tucker: i disagree with that gillespie s views on immigration very strongly. okay. tucker: i m way to the right of him on immigration because it actually is a threat. it s a great thing in other ways, but in some ways it is a threat and ms-13 is one manifestation of that. it s real, and there s nothing racist about saying that. if we make that off limits, if we call people names for telling the truth, then we can t have an honest conversation about it. i want an honest conversation, but i m telling you it s not a threat to the extent that it would become the major issue in the race for governor of virginia, in less you are playing it in order to stir up and turn out your
voters, which is what ed has done. he s following for cory stewart, donald trump playbook. tucker: fay ran an ad, his opponents, accusing him and his voters of wanting to murder children with a pickup truck. if it s literally true. if that s not like my spend on it. have you seen the spot? of course. of course. tucker: somehow, ed gillespie, who was a victim of that, he s a bigot for some reason, because he doesn t like ms-13? to see why this is actually insane and it s making people vote for ed gillespie? the attacks on him are so unfair that a lot of people wouldn t vote for him are thinking this is not nutty. the political dynamic is one that steve bannon, the trump political advisor of old now said this is the playbook. this is how ed gillespie has gotten himself back in the race, by highlighting things like ms-13 and immigration.
it s a political play to a racial base, tucker. tucker: they accused him of wanting to murder minority children. if you don t tucker: is that not racial demagoguery? what s the definition of a? when you go into latino communities in muslim communities and see the anxiety that has been stirred by the kind of appeals that came from trump, and now cory stewart. they went not by this ad thing actually they want to murder your children. i don t know. it s a nightmare of anxiety in the ad. tucker: i get it. people should be ashamed of that, i think. i think playing racial politics is unnecessary, but i don t think you can deny that that s what s going on in this campaign. tucker: i think you re absolutely right, you know what i think. thanks for joining us. my pleasure. tucker: donna brazile has exposed massive and real misconduct. she ran the democratic party.
why are the media trying to downplay her story to mack it s a fascinating tale of establishment collusion, and we will tell it to you with a former hillary clinton advisor next. when you have a cold stuff happens. shut down cold symptoms fast with maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. it s ok that everybody ignores me when i drive. it s fine, cause i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i m accident-free. and i don t share it with mom. right, mom? right. safe driving bonus checks, only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory.
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look no further than the controversy over donna brazile s new book. she once ran the dnc, so if she says the democratic party worked hard to steal the election from bernie sanders, you can exactly dismiss her as a partisan or a kook, and that s exactly what many in establishment press have tried to do for several days. according to highly informed sources spoke to, highly informed, top management at cnn directed its employees to undermine brazile s credibility. anchors and producers were vocally offended by her attacks on their friends, the clintons. if you ve been watching that channel, you may have noticed the anchors suggesting that donna brazile cannot be trusted, precisely because she took part in efforts to break the primaries for clinton. watch. she s the one who got access to one tonal question and sent an email, which we know from wikileaks, to somebody in the clinton campaign, to give them a town hall question, which is completely unethical.
she wasn t doing that for bernie sanders. do you take her at her word, given the fact that she lied about that cnn debate and giving those questions to hillary clinton ahead of time? tucker: it s unbelievable. in retrospect, they are so obviously talking points. if glad to know that. if cnn is not alone. if the internet suffered a great piece in which he pointed out that journalists have s repeatedly spread misleading stories that lead to exonerate the behavior of hillary clinton and the dnc. nbc news published a story claiming the clinton-dnc agreement only applied to the general election. if they simply read the agreement they would say that s lost. it applied to both. a claim was quickly repeated. it was false. the establishment journalist also claimed that sanders signed the very same agreement that hillary clinton did. that is false. the media. campbell, but in this place they can t seem to downplay this one fast enough. donna brazile isn t backing down, watch this.
for those who are telling me to shut up, they told hillary that a couple of months ago, to know what i told him? go to hell. i m going to tell my story. tucker: donna brazile will join us on wednesday to tell us her story. brave enough to join us in studio. in her book, and we are having a wednesday, can t wait to hear about this, but she says that she experienced sexism on the hillary campaign. she wasn t taken seriously because she was a woman, and it raises the obvious question, do you think the democratic party can handle strong woman like donna brazile? i don t know whether donna brazile is a kook, but what she says is kooky. it let me give you an example. tucker: i don t know why. hold on. i thought the basic precept of liberalism is when a woman says she was mistreated for being a woman, you take her seriously, you don t dismiss her as a kook or a crazy person. my the feminist here?
in her book she says men are not able to deal with women. this is being laid at the feet of people who work for hillary clinton. the fact is these are people hillary clinton was accused of only having women work for her when she was in the senate. tucker: you are dismissing her claim of sexism because why? because hillary clinton s campaign she s got a distorted view of things. tucker: another crazy woman. i get it, the crazy woman defense. i ve heard this before. this is certifiably nuts. if the political director, the communications director excuse me, the political director, the communications director, the digital director, you can go on and on and on, or women for hillary. the notion that somehow the hillary clinton campaign couldn t countenance strong woman is crazy. tucker: the campaign manager was a man. all i m saying is the democratic party has told me all my life that when a woman says she faces sexism, were not allowed to dismiss her as crazy. or it s that kind of the month
or any kind of insulting suggestion that she doesn t have her full wits. and i do take donna brazile seriously. if he were here are the democrats think she s just another crazy woman. donna brazile should have known better. any candidate takes over the party. john mccain did that. the democrats do the same. it goes back decades. somehow or other, she acted offended as if somehow they were taking it out on her when they want to make decisions as opposed to her. if so she s putting the span of about whether it sexism or whatever, this whole nonsense that she spit out about somehow or other because of her race or what now. tucker: just tell me of someone who is kind of following along, sort of watching as our culture change is really fast. and i m writing this down because i want to keep this for future reference. one of the times i can just dismiss allegations of racism and sexism with the back of my hand and call them nonsense as you just did? one of my allowed to do that?
when there s evidence to the contrary. the evidence here is, so many people at the top of the heap for the campaign up and down. if you look at that campaign was uniquely occupied by very powerful senior women. what donna brazile was taken personally look she was al gore s campaign manager. she didn t use bill clinton. if there s a problem there, it s not something that is hillary clinton s doing. tucker: if i m ever accused of something bad, i will use your technique. that s absurd, she s got to be crazy. she s crazy! i don t think she s crazy, i think she s wrong. i m saying what she is saying sounds crazy because it s demonstrably disproved. tucker: it hasn t actually been disproved, and you are making me even more anxious to speak to her directly. really quickly, part of what is going on here is that the clintons are losing control of the democratic party, it s not their party, the base doesn t agree with them on key issues.
clinton is maybe actually write on some of those issues on my perspective, but whatever. the truth is they are not going gently into that good night, their time is over, it has been eclipsed, and these are kind of the last gasps of political aristocracy that has been in power for the last 25 years. isn t that what kind of going on? i will say there is a tug-of-war going on between the sanders and warren waiting in the wing that frankly has won presidential campaigns. there s talk about democrats being in disarray. tucker: is she a kook? she s not a cure. tucker: are her allegations of sexism just crazy? the case being, flat-out wrong. donna brazile said things were not. tucker: she s crazy! i m never going to use that, but that s just me. wait to see you. you are a brave man. our interview with ivanka trump and steven mnuchin, the treasury secretary, is minutes away. coming up.
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cost of child care has gone through the roof, and families just can t afford it, so women are disproportionately leaving the workforce. tucker: actually got kind of interesting from there. we will have more from that interview in just a minute. she s not the only person we spoke to. we also sit down with the treasury secretary steven mnuchin to talk about the administration s plan to overhaul the u.s. tax code. here s part of it. thanks for joining us. thank you. i think it s fair to say the last election was an expression of anxiety on the part of the american middle class, and the administration has said repeatedly they recognize that. how does this plan address the concerns of the american middle class? i think as you know, president trump from day one has been very focused on the economy, and absolutely convinced that we can get back to sustained economic growth by 3% gdp or higher. the tax plan is center stage of his economic plan. this is all about middle income tax cuts, cutting business taxes and making u.s. business competitive with the rest of the world. tucker: so if you are a
from poker and you are making 55,000 59,000, and medium income, what does this mean for you? it you will see at least several hundred dollars of a tax cut. that s what you will see some thoma, monies in your pocket. tucker: corporations are saying marcher tax cut. why is that fair when profits are high and income is stagnant, what do you say? 70% of the burden are borne by the worker. the reason we are cutting corporate taxes is so that american business can be competitive. right now we have one of the highest tax rates in the world, and that s why jobs are going overseas. this is about bringing back trillions of dollars that are offshore, and making business competitive. that s why what we call it tax cuts and jobs act. tucker: if businesses profit more, workers benefit, that your argument. businesses are doing well now,
why aren t wages keeping pace with corporate profits? businesses are doing well, the stock market is doing well, so for rich people it has been a great eight years, but for the average american worker, they haven t seen their wages increase. this is about making u.s. business competitive, having more jobs here, and getting wage increases to workers. tucker: there s the counter case that corporate profits have been rising, but wages have not been. that s puzzling to some people. they ve been rising some, but not proportionate with the stock market. this will be about creating more earnings more important, bringing back capital. we will encourage companies to bring back trillions of dollars that will be invested here to have new jobs, new factories, new buildings, new manufacturin manufacturing. tucker: how much do you expect to come back? $3 trillion at least. the president thinks it could be four or five. tucker: this bill as written would increase the number of people who don t pay federal taxes. basically make the government more reliant on the smaller number of people carrying the whole burden, does that make you
uncomfortable? it doesn t. at one of the things the president has continuously, this is not about tax cuts for rich people, this is about tax cuts for the middle class and for working americans we are going to raise the standard deduction to $24,000 for families. at the reagan library, there s no better place to have tribute to what was done 31 years ago with president reagan. president trump s tax reform will be even bigger. tucker: the president during the campaign said repeatedly that he was going to give a haircut to the private equity people and managers by doing away with what is called the carried interest loophole, which allows people to take salary and get taxed at the investment rate, which is almost half. that is still in there. this bill allows that to continue, why? i m sure that s one of the issues that will be debated as it gets through the house and as it gets to the senate. we will be working with both parties on it. tucker: you were going to push on that? we are.
tucker: not every group in d.c. loves the plan and one of the most upset of the realtors mad about the deductions he will be eliminating for mortgage interest. with preserved in the house version $500,000 mortgage that you can deduct the interest. that s an awfully big home, and mostly every single part of this country. we are cutting out lots of loopholes throughout the whole tax plan, so there will be people who don t like bits and pieces, but people understand this is a pass-fail exercise. it s critical to the economy, and we are going to get it done. tucker: thank you. thank you. tucker: a horrifying epidemic spreading in africa and killing people. what is it? could he come here quickly? we will give you details and the physicians following it next. it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. try super poligrip free.
or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. so, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. gallbladder problems have happened in some people. tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. ask your doctor about victoza®. tucker: parts of africa are seeing deadly outbreak of a
disease called monkeypox, it s been around for a while and it pops up occasionally, in a big way right now. the disease is incurable, it could reach the country before we know it s coming. a long incubation period that, 16 days. what s the nature of the threat, and is it one to this country? and associate professor of medicine joins us tonight. doctor, thanks for coming on. my pleasure. tucker: if it takes a couple of weeks for a person infected with monkeypox to show symptoms, that suggestion could have people coming over here with it and they could get sick from it in the united states. what happens then? how contagious is it and what are the effects? the good news is it is not very easily spread between person-to-person, it s more easily spread from wild animal to a person. it can be spread amongst human beings, that s usually through respiratory droplets, but very close contact. a caregiver of someone who is sick with this virus. that s the kind of person who would be more prone to get it.
it s concerning because it can be fatal in up to 10% of cases, that s a pretty deadly virus. tucker: is there any kind of defense against it? there s no treatment for it. it s similar to smallpox, so the smallpox vaccine does offer some protection, however it s not specifically designed for it and there is no specific treatment for it other than supportive care. occasionally, a general antiviral medication can be given in very severe cases, but it doesn t always work. tucker: if you had an outbreak in this country, obviously the most advanced medical care in the world, do you think you could still see a 10% fatality rate? the ranges between 2-10% in terms of fatality and because our care in this country is so great we would hope it would to be one or 2% level. but there is no actual cure for it. young children would be more prone to really succumbing to this virus, so it could be very deadly in this country. it s important that scientists
in this country are over trying to get a handle on what causes it we can t keep her head in the sand. we are a global society, anything can come here in a couple of days. thank you very much for your perspective. thank you. tucker: is a time to get real about tightening travel restrictions from companies where this outbreak is occurring. former official joins us tonight. david, i m against overreacting to anything, including this. but i also notice a certain overreaction on the other side, i ve seen with a bunch of other outbreaks of illness over the years where the globalists in our midst basically make the case it s mean to protect united states citizens from potential outbreaks of disease in this country, therefore we can t meaningfully screen people. would you take deposition in this case? monkeypox is a scary disease, as was ebola.
and we should be doing everything we can to prevent people from getting it here into screen people who come here so we make sure it isn t brought here. it s important to note that in immigration and nationality act already requires medical screenings for refugees and other immigrants are coming. they have to be screened in their country of origin if they apply in the country of origin, or if they make it here without being screen, they have to be screened here before their immigration status is changed. look at how we dealt with ebola, which ultimately we dealt with it quite well and we ended up preventing it from having an outbreak you re in the u.s. the way we did that is we screen people at the airport, determine where they came from, if they were in africa, and if they came from a country where ebola was present, they could possibly be quarantined. that was the appropriate way to deal with ebola. tucker: this is the right way to deal with monkeypox as well. ebola is not actually contagious. if you don t have a lot of body fluids flying around you won t get ebola, there has never been an ebola outbreak in
the west because of that. this can be spread through sneezing. it s a totally different thing. i guess my question is theoretical. i m not calling for any kind of quarantine to visitors here, but theoretically if you had a country with a real outbreak of this in central africa, why wouldn t you, in the interest of our population say we aren t taking anybody from that country? the only way to protect america was to ban people from coming to the country, that would be appropriate, but we have to look at lesser measures first. tucker: why? because if there are left lesser measures that allow you to not have a band but still protect america. tucker: why would we do that? i m not arguing for this in this case, but i m seeing theoretically there are a lot of diseases that could come her here. if your only real interest was protecting american citizens, which is not the real interest of our elites, as we both know. let s say you were following the constitution and looking out for your people as you are supposed to. anybody from any country other than this one anything, why
would you let a single person from that country in here because that presents some risk. why would you do that to your people? look at the science. if they truly pose the risk and there s no way to mitigate that then that we should ban them, but we are a country of immigrants. thanksgiving is coming up in two weeks. children of immigrants. it s not that important, but it s an important policy that we do allow immigration, that we do encourage immigration, that we are a beacon of hope for people who come from oppressed countries. and as i said tucker: you wouldn t say i want to mitigate the risk. if you would say i want to eliminate the risk because i love them, they are my kids. my job is to protect them. our leaders don t feel that way about this. i will mitigate it, not totally fine, fine enough for you. you have to look at each disease when it comes up and you have to deal with it based on the science. as i said, if the only way to
protect america is to ban people from a particular country, then we should do that, but that s not what we had to do with ebola, we did quarantine, that was enough. it s also important to remember that one of the ways we solved ebola is by bringing some people who are infected by care so they can get the great medical treatment that we have here in the u.s. in order to help our duty. tucker: we are out of time, thank you for that. deeply revealing, as always. interview with first daughter ivanka tromped after the break here s the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve.
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as well as to talk about the plight of american women compared to that of men. wbr id= wbr30660 /> here s part of our conversation. watch. tucker: you cut the asia trip short to come back and carry the banner for this bill, why? i was in japan at the invitation of prime minister abe to speak about women s participation in the workforce, a critical issue to the growth of the japanese economy, but also something we are very focused on in our administration as well. i decided not to go on because ultimately, tax reform is central to the administrations plans over the coming months, and it s critically important that we get it done, and we believe we can get it done. i decided not to meet up and continue the trip with the president. tucker: if i ran into you in an elevator and we we had to force me to make your pitch for the tax plan, what would it be? there s a dual focus. /b>
much related tax relief to middle income families, and cutting taxes generally so that businesses can be competitive and thrive in a modern economy. and in a global world where there is tremendous competition. our tax plan accomplishes both of those things. tucker: that s a pretty good pitch. thank you. and simply vacation! we like supplication, so three. tucker: you were speaking to the japanese for women in the workplace, that is consistent with the theme you ve been on top of. i ve got three daughters and a son so i m paying attention to the numbers on this, and it seems like in this country, the crisis is among boys, not girls. girls graduate from college at a much higher number. if it really seems like the problem is not women in the united states, and i wonder if you think that s a wrong analysis. i do.
i think there are certainly the problems you noted are broader than economic problems. those may be individual to boys, but while women comprise 47% of the workforce, we are very underrepresented in fields that will be critically important when you think about the jobs of the future. you look at the technology industry, we represent 21% of people intact, that s a problem when you think about where jobs will be created going forward, 13% of engineers, so we have to change that. i think that our tax plan takes a big step in terms of helping the american family with the high cost of raising children, the fact that the average american family spends almost 30% of pretax income on the cost of child care. the cost of child care has gone through the roof, and families just can t afford it, so women are disproportionately leaving the workforce. there are unique challenges, but i think our tax plan is very helpful towards providing middle
income relief so that families can thrive. an expansion of the child, child tax credit, maintaining the child and dependent care credit as part of tax reform. doubling the standard deduction. really it s the central theme, middle income americans and supporting wbr id= wbr32580 /> them. we spend less than any country in the developed world on children between the ages of 0-5. it s a fact, we don t wbr id= wbr32680 /> invest enough resources. dome xp meaning the government invests less gimmick as a society. we as families. but as a government in terms of schooling starts at the age of 5. there s not a lot of support for families in the early years. undeniably it s very expensive to raise children. a stay-at-home parent, investing and potentially after-school activities, mommy and me classes. food, and whatever it is that they think is the best /b>
investment to help their family and their children. tucker: last question, are you worried for senate will change it in ways that make it less wbr-id= wbr33200 /> effective, or even on acceptable? i m optimistic that the senate takes what has been created and actually enhances it. and i think that s a great opportunity. tucker: thanks very much, ivanka trump. our full interviews for ivanka trump and steven mnuchin. an announcement on the show. if that s next hello mom.
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