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Transcripts For CNNW CNNI Simulcast 20140810

thank you for your company. we begin with the crisis in gaza. this just in to cnn, palestinian negotiators giving a heavy hint they are losing patience with israel. the talks in cairo not picking up since the two sides failed to renew a cease fire that expired on friday. fighting rages on with militants firing rockets in to israeli territory. israel continuing to launch air strikes in to gaza. i want to bring in correspondents we have in he ve region. . let s start with john monitoring developments in hard-hit gaza. the palestinians stuck around after the cease fire ended or was broken. the israelis left the palestinians have been waiting for them to come back. looks like that could end. yeah, really looks like it is coming down to crunch time as far as finding a diplomatic solution to end the fighting here. the israelis left as scheduled after the cease fire ended. the palestinians stayed. while it may seem odd one side left and the other was still there, well, the palestinians, the delegation there made of hamas and islamic jihad and other factions continue to talk to the egyptians. the egyptians were mediating these negotiations there in cairo. while the palestinians were still there, there was some hope that maybe this could get back on track. the talks weren t looking good but they weren t dead, at least while the delegation remained in cairo on the palestinian side. now we are hearing from hamas, essentially putting out an ultimatum. they want the israelis back there within 24 hours. and they want the israelis to agree to their demands. this key demand is a seaporter in gaza. they want and accused the israelis of stalling, not negotiating in good faith and there are warnings that unless these negotiations do resume with the israelis willing to talk seriously about the issues, as far as hamas and the other palestinian delegates are concerned then the fighting will resume and it will quite possibly escalate. we know the israelis have said over and over again they will not negotiate while under fire and the rocket fire does continue. also the israelis are saying they want gaza to be demilitarized. they want hamas to be disarmed. we know that from the hamas military wing that also is a nonstarter. not promising. let s go back to the back and forth. bring us up to date on what is happening there overnight. this sort of suggestion by hamas they may want to ramp things up. given the pummelling they have, one would be surprised they have the capability but that s what they are saying. yeah, what we have seen over the past i guess since the cease fire ended on friday or was broken hours before, there seems to have been limited air strikes carried out by the israelis. in fact since midnight, over the last nine hours israel has hit 20 targets in gaza. that s a relatively low number compared to previous weeks. and we understand, according to the israeli defense forces that only two rockets have been fired from gaza in to israel. they landed in empty fields in the southern part of israel. what seems to be the case is that since see cease fire ended on friday, islam ic jihad and other groups are taking responsibility for the rocket fire, not hamas and it seems they are the shorter-range rockets, possibly the homemade varieties that don t have a long range but now there seems to be an indication that hamas may ramp this back up and of course they have the much more sophisticated longer-range rockets that have the ability to reach israeli cities like tel aviv and haifa. and with the threat these negotiations do not get back on track in cairo the rocket fire could continue. there s an assessment that maybe they have 3,000 rockets left in their arsenal. there s still some fire power there. michael? john, thanks. moving to jerusalem. that s where we find senior international international correspondent standing by. as we heard from john, palestinian gosh yalters seem to be losing patience with israel. israel said time and time again they will not negotiate while under fire but the firing has continued. is there any hope the talks will resume in cairo? that hope is certainly dimming today. i can tell you i just got off the phone with an israeli official who is not authorized to speak to the media publicly, but basically what we are hearing is, hey, look, this was supposed to be be a two-pronged process. first cessation of fire and then negotiations to extend the cease fire. because the firing continues the israelis say from gaza, they cannot continue to have these talks. and, yes, the palestinians, all factions, are losing hope and looking at the situation and saying look, the israelis do not show up, they are not serious about the negotiations we will leave cairo today. we know there is a regularly scheduled meeting here between all of the politicians that normally has had the cabinet meeting in an hour and a half and we may hear more after that regularly scheduled meeting about what it is israel is planning to do. they have been clear over the weekend that if the firing continues that israel s not prepared to sit down and have talks. if the firing stops, then they will start negotiations again. palestinians saying we don t feel you are serious. you haven t met any of our demands. you haven t responded to our recent demands and some of the ones on the teenage all along. therefore, we are looking at leaving cairo and going back to our leadership to decide what to do next. the palestinian delegate said on saturday that both sides were very far apart when it came to these negotiations, but the egyptian foreign ministry says the contrary that the two sides are actually pretty close on most issues. what is the reality, at least from the point of view, from israel? it depends who you ask, i think. this is not abnormal. when you have these kind of negotiations you have a lot of people saying a lot of different things. until agreement is made and until you hear from both sides, or in this case several palestinian factions and the israelis who both agree on a few points, you just never know. i think ultimately what we are seeing here are a lot of different ideas of how it was going, but the truth is the negotiations have stopped. the cease fire has certainly stopped. and the fighting continues. that s one thing we are seeing clearly. 20 strikes overnight by the israeli military in gaza. at least two rockets since midnight have come over. and since the cease fire the israeli forces say there have been more 100 rockets from gaza toward israel. three people injured here and more than five people killed in gaza during this latest round of fighting. the u.n. has said we have to find a solution. this firing on each other has to stop. right now what is clear is that the fighting does continue. the latest there from jerusalem. thank you. with no sign of a resolution in sight one month in to this conflict. from one crisis to the next, american warplanes pounding isis positions in northern iraq. the u.s. says four air strikes on saturday destroyed isis armored personnel carriers and armored trucks in the sinjar area. the strikes killed at least 16 islamic fighters who were attacking kurdish check points. u.s. officials said they were made to defend them stranded in the mountains. president obama warning of an extended air kman against isis but no specific timetable. cameras capturing the desperate situation in northern iraq as kurdish troops deliver aid to members of the jazz dissect who are post persecuted by isis for not adhering to their brand of fundamentalist islam. while meeting with white house reporters on saturday, president obama rejected criticism that it was a mistake for him to pull u.s. combat forces out of iraq almost three years ago. not that he had much choice given the choice of the nuri al maliki government at the time. he was asked if he had underestimated the abilities of isis fighters in iraq. did we underestimate? i think there is no doubt they are advanced, their movement over the last several months than the intelligence estimates and the expectations of policymakers, both in and outside of iraq. president obama also said iraqi security forces far away from baghdad did not have either the incentive or the capacity to hold their ground against the aggressive advance of isis as we have seen in recent weeks. britain and france say they will join the united states in the air drops of humanitarian aid to iraqi civilians. in the north, hammond said his government will provide $13 million in humanitarian aid. the wider the humanitarian effort can be the better, the more support we have, the better in terms of the quantity of humanitarian aid that can be delivered. also around the political message that it sends that the world is horrified at what is going on in iraq, and is determined to provide all the support it can. iraqi kurdish forces have opened a road that provides something of an escape route for some civilians trapped on sinjar mountain. food and water now getting through to tens of thousands of others who can t use the road and are still stranded. ivan watson reports from the northern city of erbil. desperation on a mountain top. kurdish civilians, some clearly wounded baking in the august sun. this little girl crying, i lost my sister and a brother. where s my mother? with every passing day, kurdish officials say more people die here of dehydration and exposure to the extreme august heat. kurdish officials say tens of thousands of people from the yazidi religious isis have the yazidi surrounded. they have them relying on food from the forces. thpt delivering assistance to the same area. a lucky few make it on the flight to safety. not far away, isis militants have been celebrating their advances, showing off their control of the mow sul dam, a piece of iraqi infrastructure. if it breaks, it could flood all the way down to the capital baghdad. further east, u.s. air strikes appear to have slowed the isis advance. bombing suspected isis positions west of the river. 20 minutes from erbil. we are most grateful and express our gratitude and deep appreciation for president obama and the u.s. administration and for the courageous aempl and airmen who are now patroling the skies of iraq and iraqi. it has given them the opportunity to bolster defenses around this fragile sanctuary in the north where hundreds of thousands of iraqis fled to escape the isis advance. later in the hour, we will talk about the plight of christians in northern iraq the archbishop of canterbury s representative. and he has been in baghdad many years even under threat to his life. we will talk about the crisis faces christians in iraq. this just in iranian news agencies say a passenger plane crashed just outside of teheran. the plane was deployed for a city in eastern iran. at this point it is unclear how many people were on board. emergency crews told a news agency that some 40 passengers have been killed. witnesses say the plane crashed after failt failing to gain altitude on take off. still to come on the program, the ukrainian military holding on to donetsk. and tur can i can s first presidential election. we will have an update on what is an historic event. plus, a powerful typhoon is making its way across japan. ivan cabrera has more on the storm. the cadillac summer collection is here. during the cadillac summer s best event, lease this all new 2014 cts for around $459 a month or purchase with 0% apr and make this the summer of style. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn t cover floods? 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where do negotiations stand if there are any 0 at this point. no cease fire right now at this point near the crash site. we know the shelling was happening 150 meters from where these investigators were at one point. what they were saying as a of last night is they had though choice but to pull out of eastern ukraine. most heading back to the netherlands. there s a small forensics team here in ukraine right now trying to do what they can to analyze the remains they were able to recover. the situation on the ground now is relatively unchanged since flight 17 went down. you have this plane. you still have the remains of some of the passengers sitting in the heart, right in the middle where the fighting is happening around them with no safe way for a team of international investigators to get in there. will riply from kiev. thank you so much for that. plenty more to come here on cnn. the polls have opened in turkey. the prime minister faces two opponents in his bid to stay in power them latest election details are coming up next. we will take you to the west bank city of hebron. more instability in the wake of the conflict in gaza. reveal a whiter smile with the latest collection from crest: 3d white brilliance toothpaste and boost. after brushing, our exclusive boost. .polishes your smile and whitens with 3x the stain lifting ingredient. .for a smile that dazzles. only from crest 3d white. voting underway in turkey. the country holding the first ever presidential election. you see live pictures from one of the many polling stations around the country. you have three candidates vying for the position including the current tayyip erdogan. he is tipped to win but he s not without controversy. harsh action against popular uprisings have raised fears of political intolerance in many ways. as president he would be inheriting many of his own problems. switching gears and talking about the weather. a typhoon made landfall in japan with strong winds and torrential rains. it left many areas under water. travel services disrupted and flights and bullet trains cancelled. for the latest, ivan cabrera is live at weather center. the scenes from yesterday but they are ongoing today because we are talking about this thing that is not letting up. yes, it made landfall but the rains are with us and have been unbelievable. look at the numbers. they are in kochi japan. it is four feet of water. look at this. 2,000 millimeters, two meters. 6 1/2 feet of water in mount torigata in japan. this was a typhoon, 137 kilometer wind gusts and the storm will be remembered and still being impacting and will be impacting japan. the rains not so much as the wind. it is now a tropical storm. done with it being a typhoon. look at the rainfall ongoing. this is live radar. you can see the bands that continue to move in. this is heavy rainfall now. it is now beginning to push to the east and north and leaving the areas where we did get one and two meter rainfall tallies alone at this point, alone to dry out. it will take a while for the water to recede no doubt about it. you see a drier flow beginning to move in. look at. this cleaning this out nicely on the radar here. looking good i think for japan after the next couple of days. a break, nothing going in the western pacific right now. we re going to talk super moon when i see you in the next half hour, changing gears a bit. oh, there s a super moon. aekd is super moon. is that why you are acting strange. it happens when the super moon comes through. get a little weird, ivan. still to come here on cnn, fling because of faith. this is an important story. iraq s christians being driven out and they have been for years. not just the brutal force of isis. in many ways that s the isis on a deadly cake but they have been in trouble since the americans went in 2003. and palestinian unrest is not just confined to gaza. a look at what has become another flash point in a conflict with israel. what does it mean to have an unlimited mileage warranty on a certified pre-owned mercedes-benz? 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[ female announcer ] over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to welcome back, everyone. our viewers both in the united states and around the world. i m michael holmes. good to have you scene. i m amara walker. four air strikes destroyed armored personnel carriers in the sins is dare jar. officials in mosul say the strikes kill canned 16 islamic fighters attacking kurdish check points. u.s. officials say it was done to defend yazidi civilians stranded in the mountains. two rockets were fired from gaza earlier today and landed in open areas. what you see there is israeli forces in action. they say they targeted about 20 locations with air strikes it s a relatively low number of attacks from both sides, compared to the past few weeks. however, it has been deadly on the palestinian side today. ukrainian troops have nearly surrounded the rebel-held eastern city of done nesk. the leader says separatists would consider a humanitarian cease fire but otherwise are ready to defend the city to the death if the army enters. iranian news agencies say a small passenger plane crashed just outside of teheran. emergency crews saying some 40 passengers have been killed. witnesses say the plane crashed just after taking off. fast moving developments in the conflict in gaza. the palestinian delegation announcing they will leave cairo where negotiations are hosted unless israel returns to talks within the next day. more rockets fired from dpaz is a since the cease fire ended. only two today. other militant groups besides hamas have been claiming responsibility for those. there are reports if the talks fall apart completely hamas says it will renew firing its more sophisticated long-range rockets than ones we have been seeing the last 24 hours or so. there s been a funeral for a palestinian man that led to more violence but it wasn t in gaza. the west bank has a also become volatile since the start of what israel calls operation protected edge. simon has a look at how tense things have gotten there. another body, another for the west bank. they chant god is great. the flags came together to honor those killed in clashes with israeli forces. these people are marching in the funeral procession. he was killed in clashes between israeli forces and marchers in the west bank here in hebron. he was shot and injured by a live round. he died of his injuries overnight leaving behind seven children, three sons and four daughters. in ramallah on friday, a man was shot dead. in response the israeli defense force told cnn its soldiers use riot dispersal means and after exhausting all possible measures they used munitions. health officials here say 12 people have been killed in clashes between pro-gaza demonstrators and the israeli military since the start of operation protective edge. in hebron on saturday, children took to the streets.children to. stun grenades were shot in to the handful of children. meant to scare and disperse them. soldiers came on to street level and took their positions. funeral has taken place. kids have been throwing stones and setting fire. we have been told to clear out the area by the israeli military. we are moving out of the way. we are moving. for some this is a part of daily life. a bizarre juxtaposition who stand to protest and the old who have been there before them. cnn, hebron in the west bank. coming up, harsh measures during a worsening crisis. what the west african nation of guinea is doing to try to stop the spread of the ebola virus. that and more to compton the program. hey mom. yeah? 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where was this sale? it is happening at this very moment. that is extraordinary. and the deaths that have taken place, as well, you know, it just defies belief, does it not? what are people there saying they want to happen? well, the reality is that people are saying they need to leave today. everybody wants to escape. the problem is now even erbil has closed its doors. so it is even more difficult to get people out to one area of refuge. you know. i can imagine it is terrifying for christians. evidence in baghdad many times but in 2011 i was there. we did a story at saint joseph s church. already then so many christians had been oppressed and kidnapped and driven out and in some cases killed. churches had been bomd. the priest had been kid napped himself. he told me horror stories. the christian population in iraq as a whole is threatened, isn t it? a lot of food relief has been organized through that church. so what happens now to the christian population? not just because of isis but all over the country it is threatened. i think it s the first time in history of christianity there are no christians in mosul for example. mosul is a very christian heartland. one of the priests from mosul said today for the first time in 1600 years there have been no mass today. it is actually horrendous. fighting from the sky, isis what is? sorry. what is then? if the air strikes aren t helping? the air strikes are helping contain isis. but we need to be able to move the christian community. need to be able to get for them to be allow ed in kyrgyzstan an the national community to help with the christian and then help them get down to iraq. this is a major, major crisis. where we need relief and. i know the answer you are going to give but you yourself have been under great threat in iraq. you have stayed throughout. are you going to stay? i will not leave here until the last of my people is gone. i don t just mean by congregation but all of the christians in this land. i m not going until the last is gone. cannon andrew white, our thanks to you for bringing us that terrible news but for making the world aware of it and for your own bravery throughout the terrible decade or so that christians have endured in iraq and continue to right now. cannon andrew white, thank you so much. just a tragic situation. it is horrible. he said he will not leave until the last of his people he had just gotten off the phone to try to buy back christian girls who had been put in an islamic market to be sold as wives to isis fighters. when i was there in 2011 and we did a church, went to this church saint joseph s, just before christmas and they had to have armed guards out the front. both ends of the street blocked off. they had a christmas tree inside but nothing on the outside to celebrate christmas because they were threatened every week with being bombed. the numbers, prior to 2003, 1.5 million, dwindling down to a few hundred thousand. some are saying 400, 500 thousand. i have seen 200,000 and falling every day. horrible situation for them, the yazidis and everyone in northern iraq at the moment. we re going to be right back. do stay with us. more to come. did you know a ten-second test could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that s enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can t offer faster speeds - or save you money - we ll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. welcome back. guinea is reportedly closing its took doors with liberia and sierra leone to try to suppress the spread of ebola virus. david mckenzie has more. reporter: the move by guinea seems to be an attempt to stop the flow of this virus to and from its neighbors. it was in guinea where this outbreak began several months ago. serious questions are asked whether enough was done then to stop the spread because now this outbreak is incredibly complex and the worst outbreak of ebola in history. i put the question to the head of the w.h.o. here in see yar ya leon. were you prepared for this level of outbreak? i think one could say we were unprepared for the level of outbreak. we anticipated we were using best practices in the region. the previous outbreaks have had 200 at most, 300 cases. this one is unprecedented. could this have been avoided? this situation that we are in now? . the current situation i don t think could have been. there have been scores of doctors and nurses dying from this disease and criticism that the protocols for safety were not put in place in time. the world health organization says that s a key factorer in stopping the spread of the disease. they have also said people should be screened when leaving this region and going to the rest of the world. now doctors without borders and others are saying what s needed is not words but actions to stop this unprecedented outbreak. david mckenzie, cnn, sierra leone. going to switch gears now. the second of three consecutive super moons is set for today. meteorologists ivan cabrera is joining us with the details. another super moon. you can never have enough superman moons. yeah, let s lighten things up on the weather segment as we check in on our super moon. we talked about the flooding with the typhoons. it is the second of three. we had the one last month and then another one. so if you missed this one in atlanta, i will explain in a second you will get a chance this september. remember there s no circular orbit of the moon. we have an elliptical orbit. sometimes it is further from the earth and sometimes it is closer. when it is closer we call it the pa . the last few years that is what happened. it is 14% larger in appearance. not larger per se but 30% brighter. no question if you have a clear sky you will notice it. you noticed it last month. you sent the pictures and you ll notice it again. if that wasn t enough, look at this, a perseid meteor shower that happens every year july in to august. the super moon will interfere with that. it will be too bright in the sky. the next few days, once we lose a little moon light there, lie flat on the ground with your feet pointed to the north and east and you will get hopefully a good show. leave you with the pictures from the last super moon we had and hopefully we will get good eye reports. this is from the july 30th super moon. it s going to look the same pretty much. why not send in your photos and we will share them with you here as far as weather conditions across the world. they will be poor in some areas again including atlanta. so i will not be contributing to the reports here because we will have too many clouds but nice toward canada and a lot of good chunk of europe will be able to see this this time around. aren t strange things supposed to happen during this time. it is not the end of the world or anything. strange things are happening but there it is. good news once in a while. that does it for hour. i m arar ra walker. our coverage continues after the break. where the reward was that what if tnew car smelledit card and the freedom of the open road? 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Transcripts For MSNBCW Ronan Farrow Daily 20140924

predicting a worst-case scenario in the ebola outbreak. what s that worst case look like? as many as 1.4 million people in liberia and sierra leone infected by the end of january. and in virginia, an arrest warrant out for a man seen trailing a woman before she disappeared. now charging jessie matthew with, quote, intent of abduction and intent to defile. he was the last to see the uva student alive. but he hasn t been spotted since last weekend. matthew was captured on surveillance camera following graham on september 13th, the night she vanished. and back in ferguson, missouri, tensions flared again overnight after a memorial honoring michael brown burned down. all the momentos placed there were destroyed. overnight, some 200 people gathered to protest. there were reports of looting, even a fire the a ferguson businesses. at this point, it s not clear what caused the fire. investigators do say candles were part of the memorial. let s drill down on today s big, breaking news. a french tourist held hostage by an isis splinter group in algeria has been beheaded. the president addressed the u.n. assembly about this threat today. branded isis a network of death and had a warning for that terror group. those who have joined isil should leave the battlefield while they can. those who continue to fight for a hateful cause will find they re increasingly alone. for we will not succumb to threats. and we will demonstrate that the future belongs to those who build, not those who destroy. in just two hours, the president is going to be chairing a meeting of the u.n. security council. it s actually only the second time a u.s. president has done this. both times, president obama. nbc news senior white house correspondent chris jansing is traveling with the president, and i m also joined by former national security adviser sandy berger for an historical take on this. what are the major take aways from the president s speech today? well, it s really about these global crises whether it s ebola or russian aggression or isis. they require a global response. but obviously the focus was on isis and these other extremist groups. made a bunch of points. you mentioned at the top, we re going to work to dismantle this network of death. it was kind of the idea, there s no reasoning with this brand of evil. they only understand force. and we re showing you that we re going to do it. but also that we re not going to do it alone. he said the u.s. is at war with al qaeda and isis not at war with islam. this has been a repeated message from this administration and why it was so important that on monday night there were five arab countries that were along with the united states when they went into syria. and then i think there was also a call about sort of the whole idea that there is this cycle of conflict that s in those regions. and it really has been infecting the youth. there s no doubt that the united states is worried about losing what is essentially a propaganda war that many muslims and europeans and americans find that brand of ideology more appealing than ours. and the president called on that to reject it. everyone knows it s so easy to step into for a president in this position of saying this is about muslim extremism only. how likely is this new assassination to weigh heavily on this u.n. meeting this afternoon? it s not surprising we re going to see reactions to what s happening in syria. this is a obviously a brutal group and offshoots. one more manifestation of the nature of the group. it won t be the last of this kind of activity. it may galvanize some of the people here in new york, but i think the president has to make clear that he understands this cannot be defined as a u.s. versus muslim u.s. versus arab fight. this has to be seen as a muslim versus muslim fight, not ours. chris jansing, are you hearing anything about this latest assassination? no, i haven t heard anything yet. but i can tell you that it really just sort of, as sandy said. this really puts a very brutal punctuation on the point that the president was trying to make. i think when you look at the arab countries that were involved. these are not folks that normally get along. they have conflicts of their own. that was an important image of the president to put out there to say we all have a reason to be in this fight. this is something that threatens the world, doesn t just threaten that region, doesn t just threaten the united states. i think be careful that our temperature doesn t spike up or spike down. on this over the next months and years. there are going to be episodes that are going to enrage us, perhaps have people calling for more forceful action. there are going to be periods where we lose our focus. and i think we just have to recognize this has to be a instead, sustained effort over a long period of time. and of course, it s not just about our temperature, it s the president trying to convince holdouts in the international community right there in that u.n. security council room. he s going to be dealing with, for instance, russia, which is sympathetic to the assad regime. do you think that the temperature spike moments as you put it will have an effect on his conversations with some of those holdouts? i think the russians will be difficult. the russians are not crazy about sunni extremism. in the region. it s not so far from their sunni extremis extremism. in chechnya out on their border. so they are nervous about this. i don t think they re going to go out of their way to help us. i think they ll have real trouble with our bombing in syria because they look at this as a perspective of assad, and they re concerned that we may use this to destabilize assad. so i don t think they re going to help us much in syria. but i don t think they re going to try to stop us here. you witnessed the ramp-up to similar operations in iraq back in the late 90s under president clinton. take us inside a presidential war room. what are the obstacles being juggled at this point in a president s mind? well, what strikes me about this, you know, the president took a lot of criticism about two weeks ago saying i have no strategy. it was an unfortunate choice of words. i think a little upset some of his own people have gotten out in front of him wanted to pull it back. much stronger rhetoric from cabinet members he put this thing together fairly deliberately. first, get maliki out of there. that took a lot of work. you couldn t use air strikes while maliki was there or we would have been maliki s air force. step one. step two, get the military lined up. you know, the military doesn t get ready on a dime. third, put together this coalition. the five nations that were with us the other night, quite extraordinary. qatar and saudi arabia don t speak to each other let alone fly together in air strikes. he s done a good job of putting together an initial arab coalition. i would say, so far, he s proceeded in quite a deliberate way. just the beginning. he s got to broaden this coalition, strengthen the iraqi security forces on the ground and then syria is even harder. and we re going to take a deeper dive into that question of what s required, how much more than a fig leaf is that coalition going to be. bill richardson on to take a look at that. how you take the president s very impassioned call for the end of the cycle of violence and turn that into policy. when he talks about disowning the ideology of extremism, what s the deliverable on that to use government terms? you know, i think we have to persuade and encourage the islamic countries to take the lead on that. and we could do public affairs work, but the folks in the state department are not going to change attitudes very much in the islamic world. we re seeing we re getting to see, though, islamic clerics, islamic moderate states denouncing this, saying it s phony islam, speaking to islamic youth. this has to be a change of attitude within the islamic world. it s basically phony islam, and we have to get islamic leaders to say that. and we can encourage them. i m sorry, we ve just gotten over the wires this is an affront to humanity. we re going to be watching the response closely. i want to hear from you. after the meeting this afternoon, what s next for the president this week? well, it speaks to what you were talking about, which is one of the main concerns when you talk to white house officials and intelligence officials are foreign fighters. and this is going to be the focus of this. it is extraordinary, only the second time as you said the president has chaired the security council this way. they re going to get looks almost certain, the binding resolution to stop the flow of foreign fighters, to prosecute those who fund terror and travel abroad. there isn t a big enforcement mechanism. but the president thinks, first of all, it sends a message. and i think for americans in particular, who are wondering what is the real threat here, the idea that someone could be radicalized could go over and return is really something that is going to be the focus. i appreciate your following this story for us. we ll be keeping track through you really closely. and sandy berger, always interesting to get your historical take on this. we re going to have a lot more on this, including a closer look at that coalition and exactly what it means. former u.n. ambassador bill richardson. we drilled down on the khorasan group and why it is that our government is just so concerned. don t go away, everybody. i ve always loved exploring and looking for something better. that s the way i look at life. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging, could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis. for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin, there s no routine blood testing. don t stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don t take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. those three important reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn t there and the next second. boom! you ve had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and. boom! you re blindsided for a second time. they won t give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don t those people know you re already shaken up? 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conducting a battle damage assessment. i have heard the reports. the department of defense is still conducting an assessment of what the impact was of the initial strikes. once an aide to osama bin laden, in fact, one so close to bin laden he was among the few to know about the 9/11 plan before it happened. the u.s. had a $7 million bounty on his head. this is a big deal he s been killed, apparently. his khorasan group has also been a big deal in the eyes of the intelligence community in recent days. analysts saying khorasan actually refers to a group of battle hardened al qaeda fighters who traveled from afghanistan and pakistan to this new conflict in syria. president obama referred to that emerging terror group this morning at the u.n. i have made it clear that america will not base our entire foreign policy on reacting to terrorism. instead, we ve waged a focus campaign against al qaeda and its associated forces, taking out their leaders, denying them the safe havens they rely on. that effort has begun. but what will the u.s. be up against when he is replaced. joining me now to break this down is michael ryder, counterterrorism expert and former director of the national counter terrorism center. first up, i wanted to get your reaction to this beheading of this french tourist. obviously a tragic situation. we re only hearing now that it was by a splinter group, not isis itself. what more do we know? not much. but i would say this is exactly what terrorism officials really do fear. they, of course, are worried about the directed plot coming out of syria, whether it s isis or the khorasan group. but the other piece, which is really harder to detect are the self-motivated, self-radicalized groups whether in algeria or in the united states who are motivated and driven by isis use of social media and messaging. and they are very isis is very good at that. and it s really hard challenge to face. and i hate to say this, but i think we ll probably see more of it. with all of this news about the khorasan group that s been trickling out. i want to ask this question on so many people s minds, are we targeting people that we actually know as a distinct group in these air strikes? when we say the khorasan group, do we even have a clear sense of who that is and where the boundaries of that group may be? yes and no. we know some of the leadership of the khorasan group. but unfortunately, intelligence is not good enough in syria to know all of the people in that group. and it s a loose membership. people come and go. i think when people heard about these strikes, they obviously initially thought isis. but as you ve noted in your report, the khorasan group and larger related al qaeda entity have really been at the forefront of the intelligence community s minds not because of their influence in syria and iraq, but because they are so focused on attacking the west. and they have a hardened experienced group of terrorists who are really quite good at doing just this. this morning on the today show, susan rice spoke out about it. take a listen. is he the new osama bin laden? no, he was an aide to bin laden back in the early stages of al qaeda. he s obviously a dangerous operative. but he has nothing like the cache of bin laden. how significant is his killing? and who s going to take his place? susan is absolutely right. he doesn t have the global stature of bin laden. but his death is very, very important. and we ve seen this over 13 years of striking different al qaeda affiliates. that if you take out the leadership or the operational drivers, you really do delay their plans in a tactical sense. this isn t about destroying the khorasan group. if he s dead, that s good, but they ll still be there. but it s very, very important for at least delaying or disrupting some of their more immediate and near term plotting, which is what the intelligence community most feared. so i would say good for now, but certainly not a long-term solution to defeating the organization in syria. that is an extremely helpful overview there. really appreciate it. thanks, ronan. we re going to stay on this story throughout the show, especially as president obama gears up to chair that meeting in just a couple of hours. coming up next, we look at one of the moral threats posed by this crisis. the threat to women by the barbaric repressive attitudes about groups like isis. don t go away. it s time for the your business entrepreneur of the week. the owner of eight cousins bookstore in massachusetts had an idea. get customers to shop local of a where s waldo scavenger hunt. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be one thing i ve learned is my philosophy is real simple american express open forum is an on-line community, that helps our members connect and share ideas to make smart business decisions. if you mess up, fess up. be your partners best partner. we built it for our members, but it s open for everyone. there s not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. there was no question she reminds you every day. but your erectile dysfunction-that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. eenie. meenie. miney. go. more adventures await in the seven-passenger lexus gx. see your lexus dealer. mm. feel it. j.j. watt? 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(squeak, squeak, squeak) stop it. cascade. now that s clean. i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don t think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. of. following breaking news right now. a video of that beheading purports to show a french tourist. a victim of that crime. this comes hours after a new round of air strikes in that region. bill neely on the ground in the thick of this. he s on the phone with us. bill, what do we know about the latest apparent beheading right now? yes, ronan, as you say, a man who is 55, he is a mountaineer. he s been in the mountains of morocco of 20 years and he was on sunday hiking in algeria when he was taken by a group, a newly formed group that translates as the caliphate. what you need to know is they are allies of isis. that group paraded him in a video pleading for his life. they demanded that france stop its air strikes against isis. france ignored that and there s a new video that shows the beheading of him. this has been condemned by the french president. as a cruel act. isis called on groups around the world to target westerners, and it actually singled out the french and said that wherever french citizens could be that should be killed. incidentally, two german hostages have also been taken in the philippines by another islamist group that s linked to isis. they say they want money at the minute. germany says it ll neither pay money nor change its policy toward isis. after the killing and beheading of two american journalists and a british aid worker, now a french citizen have been killed by an isis-related group. it is a terrible story we are following it closely. thank you for that update. stay safe out there, bill. just this morning, the president called on the world to work together to confront this threat. he spoke in particular about one interesting facet of this. the most vulnerable victims and particularly women. this group has terrorized all who they come across in iraq and syria. mothers, sisters, daughters have been subjected to rape as a weapon of war. interesting development to have a president focused so explicitly on women being at the heart of a conflict like this. i m joined by cheryl and nicholas. they ve been reporting on vulnerable women around the world for years. work i very much admire and the focus of your new project, the path appears. it s a follow-up to the book path to the sky. how significant is it to have a president so prominently highlight the plight of women in what is essentially the ramp-up to war? i think it s very important, both to emphasize the degree to which women are often the victims of mass atrocities, but also the degree to which they are part of the solution to so many of the problems around the world. one of the things that disturbs me is the degree to which we rely on the military tool box to solve problems of extremism and not adequately on the tool box of education, of women s empowerment, which in the long run is really one of the ways you get leverage to change societies over time. you know, pakistan is a mess, bangladesh is not. that s partly because bangladesh and yemen educated and empowered women. the president also mentioned education throughout this speech. cheryl, i interviewed the u.n. special representative on sexual violence and conflict earlier this year. one thing she s been saying is that maybe 1,500, as many as 1,500 in this conflict in iraq have been forced into sexual slavery at the hands of isis. this seems to be an overwhelmingly significant part of their ideology. the sub well, for them, it s really a weapon of war. it is a way to terrorize communities. if you actually rape the women, you basically make them powerless because everybody feels as though they don t want their women hurt. so it s a very critical weapon for them. obviously, what the west can do is make sure this is not acceptable. there are long-term you can use education and empowerment. in the short-term, you still do need to, you know, invade, you need to separate the women from these situations. you need to just basically stop these i stopped isis in its tracks. for many reasons, including just preventing them from terrorizing the women. right. very much in line with what the president said today, these are not individuals to be reasoned with. this requires the language of force. survivors who have escaped the clutches have detailed harrowing conditions in the prisons. one quote that stood out. those who convert as islam are sold as brides for prices as low as $25 and ranging up to $150. those that do not convert face daily rape and a slow death. the president s in a delicate position here, nick, with the religious element of this. he really emphasized today this is not a clash of the civilizations, not about islam. is it the case that in this region that islam has provided fertile ground? i think it is. but it s not that we have to recognize there is also a rational element for isis or for the taliban. i think they recognize that the best that the greatest threat to extremism is a girl with a book. and so they try to keep those girls from books. they try to keep them locked up in the house. and i wish we could recognize that the best way to combat extremism in the long run is to indeed equity those girls. we don t seem to appreciate that to the same degree that isis or the taliban do. that s a great jumping off point to talk about the book, cheryl. right. well, what s also really important in both cases, whether it s here, at home and what we talk about as the path appears or abroad. it s important to start. we always say, that s a long-term solution. we can put that off. but if we start now, it becomes a short-term solution in five years, in six years. but we have to start. and that s what s important about. we write about we need to focus on our education system, especially early childhood education. inequality is a big issue. it s clear it s a growing issue. we don t fight, we don t debate over whether it s an issue, we debate over what is the best solution to address inequality? inequality, whether it s of gender, of income, and, i think it s really important to understand that the most effective solutions are those that start early. and one of the smartest things that you ve done before with half the sky is to build a movement, not just a book. what s the movement this time, nick? well, what we re hoping is people will read a path appears and we list a bunch of organizations in this space. we list ways that people can mark a birthday or occasion to try to make a difference. and we hope the people will then go ahead and get engaged and do something. i think one of the things that really struck me, we re walking down 47th street the other day and he stopped us, and he was the audio engineer who taped the audio book. he decided he wanted to give back in some way and since he s an audio engineer, he s now recording children s stories to provide them to disadvantaged children. use his skills to help make a difference. i think there is this yearning on the part of so many people to do something like that. and telling stories is something you ve done successfully, cheryl. absolutely. telling stories is really critical. i want to underscore, we re not encouraging oh, this movement, try this one. it s more of an expansion of the movement. it s really trying to bring equality of opportunity. not only to women, but also to men, boys and girls. and that is so important. and these are goals resinating with people. this is at the heart of all of our biggest challenges right now. commend the work you do and i have a great deal of respect for both of your careers. in just a couple of minutes, we look at another big challenge in this fight. former ambassador to the u.n. bill richardson dissects what the president s up against as he heads up against, as he heads to the u.n. security council, and also, just how real the coalition he s trying to build might end up being. first, after the break, something a little different. an exclusive sit-down with they just are focused on their immediate problems. and immediate problems for a lot of them is in education. it s paying the bills, it s their brother and sisters in and out of jail, their sister s pregnant. crime in the neighborhood. and the funding for education has been neglected. fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they re looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. only let you earn bonus cash back at a few places. then those categories change every few months! first coffee shops. then amusement parks. i am not amused. but the quicksilver card from capital one is going its own way. because quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you buy, everywhere you buy it. don t follow the crowd. what s in your wallet? 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oh okay! invest in your heart health, with kellogg s raisin bran no crying today. when young people have the tools to succeed, good schools, education in math and science, an economy that nurtures creativity and entrepreneurship and societies will flourish. we will expand our programs to support entrepreneurship and civil society. education and youth. because ultimately, these investments are the best antidote to violence. president obama at the u.n. today putting something significant at the heart of his plea to end violent extremism. education. and that crisis of education he talked about is right here at home, too. a new project tackling that challenge comes from a voice you might not expect. an entrepreneur and an inventive philanthropist. working in inner city settings to get more kids educated in math and science. sat down earlier this week. we started by talking about that neighborhood he grew up. a neighborhood where he says education was scarce. i asked him how that weighs on him now. this was a movie called waiting for superman and waiting for superman talked about the educational system in america and how poor it is. more in particularly, the thing that really hurt me was one of the schools that they talked about was a school my mom went to. and the neighborhood that i come from. and the thing that really crushed me is that the title was waiting for superman. here s a fictitious character they re waiting for to solve real problems. so i was like, wow. they didn t say they were waiting for bill gates or waiting for like rich people. they re waiting for like or waiting for government. they re waiting for superman. which just really hit home. so i started putting together a bunch of people to help me change roosevelt and the neighborhood i come from. these kids were like really, really in a muck now our kids are 3.2s and 4.0s. our kids are awesome. seriously, our kids are going to china if they keep their gpa up, and they do. they re part of the first robotics program if they keep their gpa up, and they do. they go to m.i.t., they participate in appithons. more positive. yeah. certain things, one time, our bank had we re having a hackithon. i m like, wait a second don t get hacked. certain things that don t go with banks and that s hacks. will, you and i both grew up in single mom households, how did that shape you growing up? oh. i don t know the other option. it was amazing. my mom s awesome. you re still close with her, right? yeah, my mom. i don t even know what it s like to have a mom and a dad. i know what it s like to have an awesome mom. for me it was the best thing ever to have the mom that i have and the uncles that i have and the grandma i have. i don t know what the other side s like. you have a mom and dad? tell me what it s like because my mom is the awesomest. you mentioned your uncle a lot, an nfl player, what would he say about the current nfl abuse scandal? that s a hard one. domestic abuse is whether you e you re you work at u.p.s. or fedex or starbucks, there s domestic violence isn t just in the nfl. it s everywhere. i m pretty sure there s domestic violence in capitol hill we don t know about. it s everywhere and it s sad. and no woman needs to be serves to be abused like that. sad. you ve said music is cool, but i m just so much more excited about technology. yeah. i love music. i love technology, too. and how do you think your tech endeavors can give back to some of the goals of combatting poverty that are going to be on display at this next concert? right now in the hood, kid, there s some kid out there right now. he s going to be the next kobe bryant, the next lebron james and that kid will be awesome. maybe the next jay z right now, right now, there s that guy in the hood right now. but there s nobody preparing to be the next steve jobs or bill gates. it s not that hard. they all have iphones and laptops. that should be the that should be like the the thing that we re all focused on to turning these kids in the hood, both men and women, every guy, every girl in the hood has the same opportunity to be the next bill gates, the next michael dell, the next, you know, steve jobs. all americans. these people are american. right? and they built big, huge companies. and dr. dre, dr. dre and beats be a sign of how you can make it. science and technology. yeah, that should be the new hustle. it s the new language. i encourage kids in the hood to take a computer science course, aim to want to create apps, aim to be a part of this conversation around. the next uber could come out of compton, the next pinterest, come out of mississippi. you want to change not only your life and your family s life but your whole city s life, create an uber worth $1 billion, create a whassapp worth a billion dollars. that should be america s number one priority is to get every single kid in the inner city and other cities like it. but guess what, in brentwood, there ain t no 3d printing class in brentwood. it s not just in the hood where there s a drought for technology, it s even in the good hoods. yeah. like we re behind., thank you for your time. has also been one of the champions it have global poverty project. and this weekend, msnbc will be airing the third annual global citizens festival. concert to end extreme poverty live 3:00 p.m. eastern. the world s 58 million kids without access to education. and in the meantime, all week we ve been working with you at home to address another major facet of global poverty. lack of access to water. if you want to get involved, here s something you can do. go to our website, support the water for the world act. more people with clean water. it s stalled in congress right now. share your thoughts on facebook and twitter. we ll be keeping track. up next, the president heads to the security council. and we drill down on what he s up against building this coalition to fight terror. former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. bill richardson is with us after this break. don t go away. health can change in a minute. so cvs health is changing healthcare. making it more accessible and affordable, with over 900 locations for walk-in medical care. and more on the way. minuteclinic. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything. if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything. it is time for a new compact among civilized people in this world to eradicate war. new compact among civilized people of this world. president obama s speech today, making a pretty urgent plea for other countries to join this u.s.-led fight against isis. so far, just five arab states, a critical part of this, have signed onto the coalition. it s also not entirely clear what if anything some of these nations will actually contribute. how different is this from that other presidential coalition? take a listen. when we went in, there were three countries, great britain, australia and the united states. that s not a grand coalition. we can do better. 30 seconds. you forgot poland. now there s 30 nations involved. 2004 debate. this is a very different set of circumstances. are we doing better this time? what s the president up against as he prepares to make the case this afternoon to the u.n. security council? bill richardson, served as united nations ambassador under president bill clinton. white house press secretary josh earnest spoke to andrea mitchell about the challenge for arab leaders. are we going to have the courage, even in the face of some political controversy to stand up and be a leading voice of moderation and that is going to be required for these muslim nations to real integrate themselves into a broader community. governor, what are the biggest obstacles ahead for this coalition? the obstacles are this. we want to get them engaged military, helping with the air strikes. with jordan, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, qatar, it looks good. there are other arab countries. we need their participation military, humanitarian assistance. we also need them to join this diplomatic coalition of isolating isis and this other radical group we just bombed successfully. but the issue is going to be is it just going to be, for instance, assisting with some humanitarian supplies like blankets and food or an all-out effort, which we need. we cannot put american ground troops there. arab countries need to do this. this is their territory. this is their responsibility. but i think the president was successful in calling arms and showing leadership that america will lead. but you ve got to do your share, arab and muslim countries. stepping aside from this question of the arab leadership in this fight, there s also the question of how many world powers are going to be on board. obviously, he goes before this room of the p-5. who are the holdouts going to be in this meeting? well, the holdouts, first of all, is russia. the president in his speech took some shots at putin. well deserved, i thought. invading another territory. so russia can mess around f we try to get a resolution, i think it s going to be successful but one that says, we have to hold up terrorists at various borders. russia can veto. china can veto. of course, they are very close to the assad regime. they don t want anything that violates his sovereignty. that s right. but i think deep down the russians may think bombing these dissident groups, the isis might help assad. so, the russians have a calculated gamble. i think the president shamed them enough, not enough of international support so the russians are reluctantly going to support this resolution this afternoon and not cause much trouble. but there will be sessions that are private. and i bet you they will not be happy, especially with what the president said in his speech this morning. governor, you ve telt with a lot of tough leaders, holdouts similar to what the president will be up against. you ve dealt with some pretty isolationist types. you ve dealt with saddam hussein, leaders from the taliban. you ve made many trips to north korea. what have you learned that you would tell the current president? well, i would say to him, i was very pleased with your speech today. you were strong. but a lot of it is personal relationships. you ve got to find a way to engage personally, even with some of these countries whose leaders you don t like, you detest. you ve got to find ways that they have some kind of understanding with you, some kind of trust. i think the president has made some laudable movements in that direction, but, you know, you ve got to build the relationships. i wish putin and obama had a stronger personal relationship. they don t. honestly, i think obama honestly tried. but i think these sessions at the u.n. are very important. 125 leaders. the staffs are not there. they get a chance to know each other. we ll see what comes of it. thank you so much, former u.n. ambassador, bill richardson. that wraps up today s r.f. daily, it s a pleasure to have this time with you. it s time for the reid report, she s in washington, d.c. what have you sghot. thanks very much. coming up next on the reid report, president obama threatens isis from the floor 69 u.n. general assembly during an impassioned speech. we hear the terrorist group beheaded a french tourist from algeria. the year s largest variety of shrimp flavors! like our coconut shrimp bites or our creamy shrimp alfredo. as much as you like, any way you like! hurry in and sea food differently. some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant s delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant! i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? 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hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody s perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. hello and welcome to the reid report. i m joy reid in washington, d.c. all this week. we re following reports of a new hostage beheading while president obama is in new york where he delivered a strong message to the terrorist groups now under u.s. missile strikes. those who have joined isil should leave the battlefield while they can. let s get you up to speed on what we know right now. a group aligned with isis in the north african country of algeria has reportedly beheaded a french tourist in that country. this after the u.s. and arab allies conducted five additional missile strikes in syria and iraq overnight. in an hour president obama will chair a meeting of the united nations security council where he s expected to call on governments around the world to do more to stop the flow of extremists from their countries. this morning in a speech to the general assembly, the president said the only way to secure a free world is to take the fight to isis. no god condones this terror. no grievance justifies these actions. there can be no reasoning. no negotiation with this brand of evil. the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. while the speech touched on broader issues from ukraine to iran to the ebola outbreak in africa, even the police shooting of michael brown in ferguson, missouri, all the examples, said president obama, while cooperation is the first step in combating violence and misery no matter where they occur. president obama also summoned the words of eleanor roosevelt. asking the assembled dignitaries, where do all human rights begin? in small places close to

Khorasan , Helmand , Afghanistan , Qatar , Australia , Turkey , China , Syria , Russia , Washington , District-of-columbia , United-states

Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20140902

after the president admitted he didn t quite have the a strategy yet to fight isis in syria. how should the president respond now? and also in world news, while the pentagon still has plans to deal with isis on the drawing board, the u.s. dollars carry out a strike on a different terrorist target, no not in the syria. thousands of miles away in somalia. good afternoon, everyone. welcome to the lead. i m jake tapper. we ll begin with a horrific world lead. it is not as if the world needed more proof of the savagery of the terrorists of sifs but they have given it anyway. a video appearing to show a second american beheaded by these terrorists days after president obama says he doesn t have a strategy yet for fighting isis in syria, that american s name is steven sotloff. isis threatened to kill him if the u.s. did not stop its air strikes against isis in iraq. while the u.s. has not confirmed the authenticity of the video, there s very little to doubt that isis would follow through on that threat, especially after it released a video showing the execution of fellow american journalist captive, james foley. straight to the correspondent jim sciutto. jim, first of all, while this is a big political story, terrorism, national security, it is about the loss of one young man, 31-year-old steven sotloff. have we heard yet from the sotloff family? heart breaking for the family. we have. it s a simple sad statement. the family knows of the video and is grieving privately. i avoided watching the james foley video for the simple reason that i felt i didn t want to have the another person tear terrorized by the group isis which is their intention. i watched this video this afternoon. a few things struck me. it struck me one, how it is aimed very much directly at the u.s. its title a second message to america, the first being the beheading of james foley- but it the addresses president obama directly. as a second american is murdered on camera, this is a direct confrontation between isis and the u.s. the image is haunting and familiar. an american in an orange jump suit on his knees. his killer all in black standing above him brandishing a knife. 13 days after american james foley was killed, a new video appears to show journalist steven sotloff brutally beleaded by isis, as well. the masked isis executioner who appears to be speaking with the same voice and british accent as foley s killer made clear the murder was aimed directly at the u.s. suggest that you continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people. sotloff, 31 years old, grew up in south florida. he was freelancing for several publications, including time and the christian science monitor when disappeared while reporting from syria in august, 2013. staring straight ahead, his head shaven, sotloff himself speaks to the camera before he was apparently killed. likely under duress saying he has to pay the price for u.s. intervention. next to him is another hostage identified by isis as david haynes, a british citizen who isis says may be its next victim. my son stephen is in your hands. only last week, sotloff s mother released a video pleading for her son s life. i ask you to please release my child. today, the president s point person on iraq brett mcgurk vowed a firm american response. it s just a reminder of the barbarism of this organization and i think president obama has shown that when organizations do these types of things to american citizens, they do not go unanswered. watching this video and again, it is alarming. another thing that is striking is just how calm steven sotloff is as he delivers what he must have known were his last words. calm even at the alarming point when the knife goes to his neck. and lost in the politics, the military options, all the debate about this is very much a personal story, a family lost their son and had to have that loss broadcast around the world in the most horrible way. tragic and terrify. i have to say, jim, obviously, we are seeing a very sophisticated propaganda network at work here with what isis is doing. no question. we talk about how they are successful as a military organization. u.s. military officials will say they biv like a military, they hold ground like a military. at the same time, they have a slick propaganda organization. you see all of that played out in this video. just the brutality of it. you see the aftermath of a beheading in the simplest terms, the fact it was american, the fact it was a journalist. one, it draws a lot of angeles because it s an american journalist but also it scares journalists from going there so isis can dictate its own message and the way they get it out across the world via the internet and how it s shared by facebook and twitter. they do this well and it s powerful for them. it s terrifying for us and most of the western world and yet effective for sick people out there that it is recruiting. thank you so much. i want to bring in counter-terrorism analyst phillip mud and analyst paul cruikshank. paul, let s start with you. he s talking specifically to obama, but obama is not the only audience here. he s not the only audience. this is also a message for the radical supporters around the world that they re fighting back and not going to take the u.s. strikes in iraq lying down. specifically, phil, let me ask you. he does the terrorist does specifically mention continuing your bombings in an merrily, samara and the mosul dam. this could be interpreted as alt response to the fact that the u.s. bombing campaign in iraq is being effective because this terrorist is specifically mentioning these the bombing campaign. and i think that s true, jake. if you look at al qaeda initially in pakistan and how they talked about u.s. operations, publicly and privately, they talked a lot, for example, about drone strikes. if you look how these folks are talking now, these terrorists are talking about u.s. strikes in iraq, my belief as an analyst that the cia was, when the adversary starts complaining and talking about how much pain we re inflicting on them, that s an indication they re in trouble. this is clearly an indication this is causing them a lot of pain. if you look what happened around the mosul dam, this is causing them in some cases to pull back. paul, the gentleman speaking who has what has been described as a south london accent, do we think it is the same person in this video that was in the previous video? and where is the uk government in identifying who this is? i ve watched both videos. it s a very, very distinctive voice. seems to be from london to me. it seems to be the same guy in both videos. the british government, the british ambassador here in washington said a few weeks ago that they were close to identifying who this is, but we ve heard nothing since then. we do know there have been about 500 brit who have gone over to fight with the various jihadist groups in syria. it may be quite difficult to whittle down who exactly this is. for those who haven t been paying full attention? who are the beatles, a group of british terrorists referred to as the beatles and i hate to take their name in vain. who are they. according to the guardian newpaper, they re a group of british jihadists who joined isis. okay. phil, we also see another british citizen being held and threatened in this same video. so do you think that this is going to continue to happen every couple weeks, a horrific beheading? and what could be done to stop this? a couple things to think about. we have to put this in context. look what happened to the hundreds of nigerian girls in northern nigeria, you look at the assassination of a woman in somalia simply because she wasn t wearing the right headdress. you look at the application of brutal justice what they call justice in the tribal areas of pakistan. killing security personnel, assassinating them, amputating people s hands for theft. you put this in context, you realize that this is what these groups are. this is not about u.s. bombing in iraq, this is about how they visualize the west and what they think is appropriate behavior, whether it s a yazidi villager or american journalist. the only thing that can be done in my judgment and it s going to take potentially years is the slivers of these organizations whether they re in yemen, somali, iraq involved in recruiting and training foreign fighters are relatively small. it s hard for them to bring inning foreign fighters and send them backing to europe or the united states. isolating who the leadership is, i suspect they re probably in syria right now and conducting operations to capture and kill that leadership is the only way out of that. building intelligence and conducting those operations repeatedly over time as we ve seen in somalia in the last 24 hours, that can take four or five years. we ve been at it for six or seven years. if the united states does go into syria, that could be a red line for isis that could even be more escalation from this group. syria is their strong hold. they may see that as an existential threat and may retaliate against u.s. interests in the region. they have 1,000 europeans in their ranks. training camps last seen on a scale of tens of millions of dollars. they have frightening capabilities if they want to pull the trigger with attacks back in the west, jake. as your answer to the last question suggested, isis has been doing this on a larger scale to shiite muslims and yazidis and other groups throughout syria and iraq for months and months. that s right. i think this will be revolution they re too violent. if you look at the dialogue between isis and al qaeda where al qaeda says be careful going too far, what happens when people like this take power, they re so consumed with proving that they are the true believers, that they have the true path, that they alienate the very people they have to recruit. what i m saying is if past is the precedent, villagers will start to say it s nice that you provide security. . the iraqi government didn t. but when you start to kill people, frankly, not americans but yazidis, shias and others we ll not up for it and start to take you out. i think that s what will happen over time in iraq. it will take awhile and maybe tens of thousands of people will die. phil mudd, paul, thank you so much. while we wait to hear a u.s. strategy for battling isis in irsyria, the u.s. military has been unloading on isis targets for weeks. . is it working? and president obama is leaving out of the country on a trip a few moments ago without commenting on the sotloff video. we ll ask a senator from the president s own party, what should the president say when he lands? way to plus our accounting firm s mobile plan. and minus our expenses. perfect timing. we re offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of 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where is the arab league? where is jordan and the uae and saudi arabia? how come we are not seeing a number of other countries rallying to the support of the u.s., the kurds and iraqis? you re right, jake. we have not seen enough of that yet but i know our government, both the administration overall but in particular as well as the turks because we know the turks worked with us on a lot of things. sometimes they get us mad, at least i get frustrated by them by some of the things they say and do. but on this one, because you have some of these jihadists coming from the united states or europe through turkey, they need to be much tougher about interdicting not just jihadists but the smuggling that the islamic state does and the oil sales, really oil and gas sales that both the islamic state has engaged in in the region. and we need to make it very painful economically for any organization, any nation that deals with the islamic state or trades with them. senator, when president obama spoke last week and gave his statement that we don t have a strategy for dealing with the threat of isis in syria, he was compared unfavorably with the british prime minister david cameron who spoke the next day and seemed to give a very forceful address about the threat there have islamic extremism and what the uk was going to do. what do you want to hear from president obama about the beheading of steven sotloff and about the threat from isis? well, jake, i think those the comparison between the two is not grounded, in fact. i think if you look at what the president has been doing, all the elements are there, at least the initial elements of a broader strategy which may not be completely worked out yet, but there s no question that the president was very prudent and i think very effective at putting in place the air strikes, based upon good intelligence, but you can t just unleash a strategy without knowing what you re getting into. so i think he s made prudent steps on the military aspects of this and i think that will continue but coupled with a number of other elements. number one, making sure that the iraqi government is doing what it should have been doing for the last couple of years, have a government of inclusiveness and national unity for a lot of reasons, principally because that will dampen the effectiveness of isis when it s recruiting sunni fighters or other jihadists. number two, i think the administration will continue and focus on making sure that the efforts that they ve begun which is to build a coalition of other nations, get other support and to shut down the financing of the islamic state. so i think all the elements are there, and i think the president has been honest and direct about what our goals are and i think we re making some progress, but we have to continue and be vigilant because this threat is not simple political a threat to the region. i think it s beyond the region now. senator casey, bob casey from pennsylvania, thank you so much. come up, isis says it killed steven sotloff in retaliation for u.s. strikes in iraq and we will next take you to iraq to see whether those strikes are actually putting a dent in isis. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that s not a coincidence. it s one more part of our commitment to america. your studied day and night for her driver s test. secretly inside, you hoped she wouldn t pass. the thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was. you just weren t ready. but she did pass. cause she s your baby girl. and now you re proud. a bundle of nerves proud. but proud. get a discount when you add a newly-licensed teen to your liberty mutual insurance policy. call to learn about our whole range of life event discounts. newlywed discount. new college graduate and retiree discounts. you could even get a discount when you add a car. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. bulldog: ibut my friends i are learning skillsnt! that can change a life. that s why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train dogs like suzie to engage students in schools and special education classes. while ginger visits folks in the hospital offering quiet comfort. with your help, we can do even more! make a donation at or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people. welcome back to the lead. i m jake tapper. continuing with our world lead, a gruesome video appears to show isis beheading a second american journalist, steven sotloff they say in retaliation for u.s. air strikes on isis targets in iraq. the terrorist in the video with the british accent says a british citizen is next. joining us now from erbil, iraq, is cnn s anna coren. thanks for joining us. i want to read you some of the comments that the terrorist in in video gives. he says i m back, obama and i m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the islamic state and insistence in continuing your bombings in an merrily, samara and the mos is dam. you obama have yet to gain, et cetera, et cetera. i guess the question i have for you, ana, is this terrorist very specifically is referring to american bombing campaigns in iraq in the country you re in, amarlie, samara and mosul dam. does that suggest to you that these campaigns are working to a degree in killing off and defeating isis? jake, i think there s no doubt that isis is under pressure, and this is why we are seeing them react the way that they are. they mention amerlie, they mention mosul dam. this is where the u.s. air strikes have been extremely effective. the focus of that air campaign has been around mosul dam, that critical piece of infrastructure that the kurdish forces, peshmerga managed to claim back at the beginning of last week. after isis had captured it earlier last month. but it does certainly allow that ground offensive to come in by those kurdish forces and push isis back. we were up, mind you at mosul dam over the weekend, jake. we did see isis digging in. yes, the air strikes were happening. yes, taking out the artillery, the mortars, the convoys of vehicles that were traveling across these plains, but at the same time, you know, isis is not retreating back to mosul. iraq s second largest city that they have complete control of only 40 clicks away. they aretill there and still fighting but there is no doubt, jake, that the usair campaign is changing the situation on the ground and that isis zillions under pressure. ana, if the u.s. decides to increase the number of targets across iraq, what are the ground difficulties of taking on isis? well, look, certainly here in kurdistan, the regional government up here is calling on the united states to develop a much more intensified air campaign. they are very grateful for what the united states is doing but feel there needs to be many more at the moment, it s only containing isis. for it to be really effective, it s a hard one, jake, because of those isis strongholds around those major cities. it s one thing to take out isis militants around amerli. this is a farming hamlet of less than 20,000 people out in the middle of nowhere where the u.s. air strikes are extremely effective. it s a different ball game in the strongholds like mos is, like tikrit, like fallujah where there are millions of people. we re fundamentally talking about urban warfare. please stay safe. a week ago, president obama said he did not have a strategy to take on isis in syria, but could this new video dramatically change the administration s approach to the ba ling the brutal terrorist group? we ll talk to one of the president s toughest critics, congressman peter king, coming up next. (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. welcome back to the lead. i m jake tapper. we re going to continue with our world lead. president obama learned of the apparent beheading of american journalist steven sotloff by the terrorists of isis while preparing to fly off to europe to deal with a different growing krys, the escalating tensions between russia and ukraine. cnn senior white house correspondent jim acosta just touched down in talon, estonia, where we expect president obama to land tonight in the advance of a nato summit in europe. jim, the white house seems to have been caught a bit off guard by the release of this video. well, it sure seemed that way earlier today, jake, when white house press secretary josh earnest was asked about it at the briefing just a few hours ago. we can tell you that the president is en route to estonia right now and won t be landing for another several hours. we just landed here in estonia. the white house communication staff on board our flight were not in great contact with the white house communication staff taking off with the president. so there isn t a lot of communication happening right now between the folks traveling with the journalists such as us and the president right now. what i ve been told by one white house official you can expect the president will be kept up to speed on what s happening with the sotloff investigation. as we know, the national security staff put out a statement earlier this afternoon saying that they re looking into the intelligence community is looking into that tapetom verify its authenticity but if they do find it to be authentic, they re appalled by the killing of steven sotloff. jake, president obama is going to be here to reassure nervous europeans about nato s commitment to their defense. that is what the president was planning to do all this week with the exception of the nato summit in wales. he ll be talking with nato allies what to do about the isis threat. last week he said he doesn t have a strategy yet for dealing with isis in syria and part of that, the white house says, the president wants to talk with the nato partners to try to formulate that the strategy in the days ahead. once again, we are on a presidential foreign trip that has been overshadowed by unforeseen world events. it s happened again on this trip. jim acosta traveling with the brez. thank you so much. the president has faced heavy criticism from not just republicans but democrats, as well for in the words of senator dianne feinstein, democrat from california, taking too cautious approach against the growing isis threat. some lawmakers were stunned at his admission the administration doesn t have eight strategy for carrying out strikes at isis in syria. now that the jihadists appear to be making good to spill more american blood, should the president wait on permissioning from congress to step up the campaign? joining me is peter king, congressman king, let me first get your reaction to this video that seems to show the execution of steven sotloff. jake, this is absolutely disgraceful, it s horrific, it shows how barbaric isis is and what a threat it is to all the values that we hold dear. and it should demonstrate conclusively this is a group that cannot be negotiated with and that every effort must be made to crush them and destroy them. you called the execution of journalist james foley two weeks ago a declaration of war. now that another american an innocent american has apparently been killed, do you think president obama should still seek out formal approval from congress to move forward with air strikes in syria, or is it in his executive authority to do so just consulting with congress but not getting their approval. i have believed from the start that president obama has the constitutional authority to carry out air strikes, to take whatever action he feels is necessary. now against isis. if he came to congress, i would vote for it, don t get me wrong. i m say i believe he has the right to do it. if he wants to take action before congress comes back or take it without getting congressional approval, he has the right as commander in chief, the constitutional right to carry out those attacks. when is i say declaration of war against the united states, these foreign people who were murdered because they happened to be americans is because they were americans. and in the statement today, again, the executioner specifically addressed his remarks to president obama who is the president of all of us. he s president of the united states. so this clearly is an attack upon the people of the united states of america. what do you make of the fact that unlike with the beheading of american marine journalist daniel pearl by khalid sheikh mohammed in pakistan in 2002, in which pearl invoked the fact that he was jewish and that seemed to be one of the motivations for al qaeda for doing that, steven sotloff also jewish, but that s not mentioned at all. do you think that s part of the fact that this is less religious and more political against the united states as you were suggesting? yeah, i would, again, i guess we have to look into it more. but i would say yes, that this shows that it s not being based against jews or against any particular religion but against the western and against western values and against everyone who is not a radical muslim jihadist. i think that s the signal they re sending that they are at war with the world that s outside their very narrow world. i would say the fact that judaism is not mentioned, certainly they had to have known it. by not making reference to it and emphasizes the fact that he was an american and emphasizes the personal attack against president obama, this was again an attack on the united states and i believe against all western values or judeo-christian values. congressman peter king, appreciate your time. coming up, did the u.s. take out another terrorist kingpin? while all eyes are on isiss in iraq and syria, a top secret air strike aimed for the key leader of an al qaeda offshoot is the plan who plotted this attack on a shopping mall now dead. 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joining me is national security analyst bob baer. let s start with you. are you surprised about the timing of these military strikes against this extreme gist group in somalia, given all the focus in recent weeks has been on isis? no, jake. it takes months to set up a strike like this. you start have to intercept phones, recognize voices, put assets into theater. put drones up. military aircraft. it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort and a lot of precision an attack like this. it s essentially an assassination and it could take months to a year. whereas we re just starting to look at syria, it could take an entire year before we could ever get around to strikes. fib me for a naive question but why has the u.s. not been able to confirm that he was killed yet? intercepts are always as you tough. someone may have been carrying his phone. she s people have gotten used to exchanging phones, things like that. switching chips in and out. all sorts of things that could go wrong. they don t want to claim a target until it s actually been proven. that may take a couple days. let s turn back to the big breaking news story today, the beheading by isis terrorists of american journalist steven sotloff. what was your reaction when you heard the news and saw the images? my first reaction is, isis, the islamic state has had a couple setbacks in iraq and feeling a bit cornered. they have no choice in their minds to strike back. they will grabbed the first american they have. so you know, i was expecting the sotloff execution soon after the strikes that have occurred in iraq. and i think there will be more. now, the big question is, where do they go from here? where do they go? i ve been told from national security experts that this, the concern of isis trying to strike here in the homeland here in the united states is a very serious concern. what are your sources telling you about any sort of cells of isis in the united states? the people who collect tactic it will intelligence on the ground day to day and this isn t washington, but day, people collecting this stuff say they re here. isis is here. they re capable of striking. they don t know what their plans and intensions are. but it s a definite concern. i mean it, jake, i hate to bring up boston but completely isn t resolved either. people collecting tactical intelligence are still looking for people come police to us in that ake attack. when you say they re here, they re here but u.s. intelligence doesn t know who they are or where they are? or they re watching them right now? they re both, they think they ve come across the mexican border in some cases. some are american citizens that have come back from syria. they can t prove it. they re waiting to get enough intelligence to actually run them in and then there s the unknown of how many people have come back they re not even aware of. but again, the people who do this for a living are very alarmed. well, i would say so. bob baer, formerly of the cia now with cnn. thank you so much. up next, another american contracts a nightmare virus. the cdc admits ebola is out of control in west africa. just how can that be stopped? dentures are very different to real teeth. they re about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that s why i recommend polident. 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Upton , Somerset , United-kingdom , Fallujah , Al-anbar , Iraq , Alaska , United-states , Mogadishu , Banaadir , Somalia , Turkey

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20150824

from now, french president francois hollande will present his country s highest honor to three americans and a british citizen. u.s. serviceman spencer stone, alek skarlatos and their friend anthony sadler gave their first news conference together saturday saying they had no choice but to confront the heavily armed gunman and talked about all the attention they ve received. it feels pretty crazy. never thought i would be here in this position. so it s unreal. me, personally, i m still waiting to wake up. this all just seems like a movie scene or something. like he said, the word to describe it is pretty unreal. the latest on all of this, let s go to our senior international correspondent nic robertson who joins us live from paris. the americans seem humble about the incident but the suspect s lawyer saying ayoub el khazzani is dumbfounded by the terrorism charges but he seemed prepared for a massacre. what do we know? reporter: according to his lawyer he is saying he wasn t on the train for terrorism which is what is widely believed here. he was getting on the train to rob people and the weapons, well he found them in a bag with a mobile phone in a park close to the train station in brussels where he got on the train. that is not washing here. the belief is this is connected to terrorism but the french officials are not saying that publicly yet. he had radical connections in spain last year and when he moved to france in 2014, the spanish authorities alerted french authorities. he was radical islamists earlier on this year. the fact he had been alerted to the european counterterrorism bodies, the fact that he was alerted to them put him on a list when he flew to turkey saw months ago, he was believed to have associated with french isis group in turkey, the same group that s believed to have been trying to get a young algerian student earlier this year to attack a french church. that plot was thwarted by the french police. what his lawyer is saying is not something that sits particularly comfortably with everything else that the authorities know about this man. so that suspect is now being interrogated. officials keen to confirm the potential terror links if they exist. what has the local reaction been to the story? it makes the americans liook lie heroes and the european rail security look woefully inadequate. reporter: standing here it s bucketing down with rain. but there is an expression that says it s not going to rain on my parade. their parade is going to be so strong here, any minister that is associated with any aspect of what they have been involved in is going to be turning out to give them the highest honor of the country, they will be awarded the legion dehonor. its motto is honor in fatherland it s a very high tribute for these men. the words of napoleon bonepart is with such baubles, men are led into war. they are seen as heroes. we have been on the streets here. people were cheering and applauding them there and people have come up to us and said they deserve to get this honor here today. it s from the top, the president all the way down to the people on the streets here in france. they really believe these men averted what could have been an absolutely horrific killing spree by this gunman. it truly is incredible. we do expect these so-called heroes to arrive this hour and of course we ll cover the awarding ceremony next hour and nic, we will reconnect with you as all this unfolds. nic robertson live in paris. now to another big story we re watching. it s turned into a brutal day for investors in asia. the selloff that began last week over fears of china s slowing economy is still going strong. let s take a look at the numbers live as they come into us now. the asx, the nikkei, the hang seng and shanghai composite all suffering heavy losses. the shanghai composite down more than 6 percentage points. let s go to andrew stevens who joins us live from hong kong. the numbers are not look good for china. the shanghai composite was down at one point nearly 9%. if you say, losing 6% is a little better. but many analysts are asking why china didn t step in over the weekend and stop the market from falling? why didn t it? any explanation there? and what s china s options once it does take action? what we might be seeing right now is the chinese authorities stepping in and taking the edges off those massive falls today. as you point out, at one saint, the shanghai composite was down 9%. it s now down under 6%. and that would suggest that the government is very active in buying. i don t think this is people looking for bargains. i think this is government-led. and the government did at the weekend say that it would allow its pension funds, its state-owned pension funds to invest in the local stock market. they can invest up to 30% of all their assets. these are big funds, $330 billion worth of funds. we may be seeing some buying there. why the government didn t do anything at the weekend, that remains a mystery. the government you talk to analysts and they say the consensus view is the government is much more interested now and focused on the broader china economy less so the market. they lost the fight with the market, if you like. they tried a lot of things early on. this has been a slow burn for the shanghai market. it s down 40% since its peak back in june. and the authorities have been trying to stem the losses. they didn t do anything this morning. you saw this selloff. perhaps they are back pedaling and focusing more on the economy. if that s the case, expect to see some more action like interest rates, like allowing the banks to put more money into the economy by easing the reserve requirement ratio. this is the amount of money they have to have at the central bank. we ll see some of those measures. why they didn t happen immediately over the weekend but certainly expect more intervention on the broader economy. what is going on here? are we watching a correction or is this a crash? i think it s a crash. i think if you look at the big picture, it s a slow-burn crash. this market, i should add, and underline in big, thick, black lines. this is not the market as we know it. these are the china markets which are heavily skewed now. a lot of companies are not trading at all. the government has stepped in to soak up a lot of the buying when people want to sell. it s a very skewed market and remember, it powered ahead in the year leading up to june the 12th when it peaked. it was well up over 150%. from that peak it has absolutely been tank down, as i say, 40%. this is a crash coming from a high base. it s a very, very odd market. it s not the stock market the stock market in china is not played by institutional players but mostly small investors. they are not sophisticated. and you get this massive volatility. it does expose the government, rosemary. they were cheerleading at the side, allowing people to borrow more and more to put in the markets and then they had to step in and try to stem the losses and they haven t been that successful. we re watching this uncertainty and seeing the numbers there edging down toward a 7% loss. we will see what happens and our andrew stevens keeping a close eye on that from hong kong. many thanks to you. now to other stories we re following for you. a huge cloud of black smoke is rising from the haneda airport from a steel factory nearby. air traffic is not affected. at least 16 fire engines and a helicopter are at the scene as crews work to put out the flames. and this blast tore through a u.s. army warehouse 14 kilometers southwest of tokyo. but there were no hazardous materials at the site. no one was injured at the explosion. fire crews got the fire under control and there is no danger of it spreading. lebanon s prime minister is threatening to resign warning the country is on the brink of collapse. anti-government protests in beirut turned violent for a second day. protesters threw rocks and fire crackers and injured 31 police officers. the army deployed in armored vehicles to patrol the streets. while these demonstrations were sparked by rotting, uncollected garbage, the anger at the government has been simmering for quite a while now. reporter: the stench at the heart of lebanon s government had been intolerable for months and it burst out into the heat of the summer streets. piles of trash growing daily, the task the government couldn t organize. they have not been able to decide on a president for 15 months, collapsing water and electricity systems, corruption. but this was something lebanese couldn t pretend wasn t happening. so the protests began building until saturday night when hundreds were in running street battles with police and army who in a response that the government accepted was excessive, fired live ammunition into the air to disperse them, tear gas, water cannon, 99 people injured. and 35 police. so sunday night, 6:00 p.m., they returned, thousands of them. peaceful at first but then a small minority at the front clashed with the police. who knows who started it. but police used water cannon to push them back, then anarchy began. some protesters tried to breach the barricades and threw rocks at the police. a motorcycle was set alight. police retreated partially. then later, the tear gas began. a thick cloud of it. endless, it seemed. protesters forced to flee as night moved in, the clashes still continued. black smoke over the center of what remains of state power in lebanon. and the bad smell of the rot in the state mixed now with tear gas and thick smoke as lebanese ask what will put the fires out? nick paton walsh, cnn, beirut. a 2,000-year-old temple in palmyra is in ruins after being blown up by isis militants. the inner part of the temple was destroyed and the columns arounded collapsed. the entire city is a unesco world heritage site. this latest attack on syria s ancient artifacts comes days after the militants beheaded the man who was in charge of the antiquities department for more than 50 years. still to come, a war of wards shifts between seoul and pyongyang. we ll have more on the demands from south korea as the negotiations continue in the dmz. a dead lie typhoon continues its trek up the east china sea. where the storm that won t stop is headed next. [whirring drones] just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. [whirring drones] no sudden movements. [screaming panic] [whirring drones] google search: bodega beach house. [drones crashing] quicker smarter earlier fresher harder and yeah, even on sundays. if that s not what you think of when you think of the united states postal service, watch us deliver. (dorothy) toto, i ve a feeling we re not in kansas anymore. (morpheus) after this, there is no turning back. (spock) history is replete with turning points. (kevin) wow, this is great. (commentator) where fantasy becomes reality! (penguin 1) where are we going? (penguin 2) the future, boys. the glorious future. (vo) at&t and directv are now one- bringing your television and wireless together- and taking entertainment to places you d never imagine. (rick) louis, i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. ordinary objects often seemed. intimidating. doing something simple. meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it s helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you re prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you re not getting the relief you need. ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. typhoon goni hammered the philippines over the weekend leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. it delivered heavy blows, unleashing floods, landslides and even tornados. more than a dozen were killed and thousands were forced to evacuate. our meteorologist pedram javaheri joins us to give us the latest on this. it has taken a few lives and carries the potential to take more. this storm never made landfall in the philippines. it shows you the heavy rainfall and the flooding that took place. the wind was not the main concern with that storm system. but indirect impacts are significant as well. the damages you talked about, the tornados, this is coming out of ishigaki island in japan. we are getting this video in the last couple minutes. several tornados in this region as well. as we often see land spawning cyclones and trees being ripped apart in this region. we know power outage is also significant in this region. the wind speeds were in excess of 250 kilometers an hour. the seventh highest wind gust ever recorded in japan occurred there in the last 24 hours. the rainfall in the philippines, 700 millimeters came down in baguio. that amount of rainfall in 36 hours is more than what you expect in 12 months in london. 30 inches in 36 hours is a big deal for a lot of people. here we go with the rainfall that came down, the wind speeds, 250 kph, 160 miles an hour. the concern is this storm system weakens gradually. a strong category 2 equivalent when it makes landfall in kagoshima in the next 24 hours. but look at this. autumn in the air across parts of the united states. a dramatic cooldown in parts of the u.s. as well. we have had reports in southern canada of flurries in calgary. but temperatures, low, in international falls, 47 degrees. you take a look at this in october is when you should be that cool. october 4th for rapid city what is the norm and the high temperatures moving to the south, chicago about 74 degrees in the afternoon hours and believe it or not, the cool air by wednesday makes it into the southern u.s. in atlanta, georgia, the temperatures could be in the upper 50s in the morning hours in two and a half to three days time. the cooler weather going to arrive for a lot of people where it has been a long, hot, dreary summer. it doesn t mean it s going to last. there s the catch. cool that it is coming but it will be brief but it starts like this and sticks around in a month and a half or so. i ll take in the meantime. thanks, see you again soon. tough words from south korea s president who is demanding an apology from north korea for landmine explosions that wounded two soldiers recently. south korea responded by blaring propaganda broadcasts across the border and says it went stop until pyongyang apologizes. north korea denies responsibility for the explosions. delegates from north and south korea have been high-level talks in the dmz for many hours. anna coren is following those negotiations from hong kong and joins us live to talk about them. and the fact that these talks are being held itself is encouraging but any word yet on what is being achieved or if the meeting has everyone ended? we have called to the blue house in seoul and panmunjom village. it s a marathon effort by both sides. it perhaps shows there is no breakthrough at this stage which is anticipated. these things normally take days to reach some sort of a resolution. but we re getting mixed messages. the south korean defense ministry is saying that pyongyang has moved 70% of their submarines off bases and doubled artillery along the dmz. as far as they are concerned that is an antagonistic stance and see this as the north korean trying to buy some leverage for these negotiations. the south koreans are holding military exercises with the americans. it s something they do every year. there are 80,000 troops involved. they are high-tech weaponry and resources and troops at their disposal. but park geun-hye came out demanding an apology from the north koreae north koreans for what she calls armed provocation. not just what happened last week when north korea fired at the loud speakers that were blaring pro-democracy propaganda messages at the north to which the south retaliated but to the landmine explosions that park geun-hye is saying unless they receive an apology for those explosions that those loud speakers will continue to blare this message, which infuriates the north koreans. they are petrified that their soldiers will be brainwashes and somehow defect to the other side. obviously this is all part of the negotiations that are taking place to really try and decrease this military standoff, errol. it s so interesting that the two nations in a technical state of war, the skirmishes happening over the past few years but these talks are underway. we ll keep connecting with you in the hours ahead. a south korean south korean defense official says that north korea is showing two faces in the negotiations. reporter: this is north korea s public face, a stab at peace with south korea, send two envoys to cool the latest crisis on the pence louisiana peninsula. but here s north korea s other face, an about-face from peace. let us destroy the warmongering puppet military announces the anchor on television broadcast at the same time as the second round of negotiations between the two koreas begin. that s followed by news clips of military youth holding a side that reads death to u.s. imperialists followed by them signing a pledge to destroy america. this is typical on nae s only television channel. but usually there is some variety in its overzealous programming. not today. music videos show kim jong-un being mobbed by his military, this soldier weeping, overwhelmed to be so close to the supreme commander. no children are civilians playing today. the big movie? a brave north korean commander faces off with the shifty u.s. commander at the dmz, the americans encroaching on north korean land. using snipers to ambush and kill north korean troops. the message, the americans and south koreans cannot be trusted. fiction playing out in reality at the dmz. north korea doubled its military forces on the front line. 70% of the dprk submarines left their bases apparently activated as the north requested the peace talks from the south. it s why this is being said. i don t see any reason that this is any different or the beginning of a breakthrough. i see this as yet another of the small skirmishes that we see between north and south korea. reporter: what kim jong-un says versus what he does is so confusing and so hard to read and many here in seoul view it as behavior as usual and something that is unlikely to change any time soon. kyung lah, seoul. officials are trying to determine what caused a vintage jet to crash into a busy road. how witnesses to the tragedy are learning to cope. they were in shock. just i just said the planes had an accident. it s really hard to explain. really, to a child. i brto get us moving.tein i m new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i ll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. can a a subconscious. mind? a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be.alive? so you re a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i ve got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don t have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we re looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you re good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? .why settle for this? enter sleep number. right now all beds are on sale. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he s more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. i m a senior field technician for pg&e here in san jose. pg&e is using new technology to improve our system, replacing pipelines throughout the city of san jose, to provide safe and reliable services. raising a family here in the city of san jose has been a wonderful experience. my oldest son now works for pg&e. when i do get a chance, an opportunity to work with him, it s always a pleasure. i love my job and i care about the work i do. i know how hard our crews work for our customers. i want them to know that they do have a safe and reliable system. together, we re building a better california. a warm welcome back to you all. you re watching cnn newsroom. i m rosemary church. i m errol barnett. let s check the headlines this hour. three americans and a british citizen who stopped a potential massacre are scheduled to meet the french president an hour from now. the lebanese army is patrolling the streets of beirut after protests over uncollected garbage turned violent for a second day. an army spokesman says 31 policemen were hurt. the police shot water cannon and tear gas to disperse the crowd. stocks in asia have continued their steep slide that began last week. trading has ended for the day in sydney and tokyo. look at where the numbers ended. the asx, the nikkei, the hang seng down 4%. the shanghai composite down 7.5%. ken doe is is fund manager at bering asset management. thank you for speaking with us. china s market lost nearly 9% at one point. it is at 8 now. what is happening right now across asia markets? how bad is this likely to get? and when we saw the loss move to 6% at one point, there, was that an indication that china had stepped in? we think that there is a crisis of confidence around the world and that crisis of confidence regrettably for us living in asia is centered around china. and that started with the downward adjustment of the chinese currency last week. and that has sparked some fear there could be a massive depreciation and that will cause some deflation around the world. but we think that the market is excessively bearish about that scenario. and we certainly don t think that that will happen. but currently there is some crisis of confidence happening right now. i do want to ask you, why didn t china take some sort of action over the weekend and offer concrete steps, perhaps, to try to avert these continued losses? and when china does eventually step in? and i did want to ask have a we seen the intervention of china when you look at the losses in the market, what measures are china likely to put into place? what we believe would be very useful for the china economy, which obviously has been slowing down quite a lot, and also for the chinese stock market and the global stock market is for the central bank of china to reduce interest rates and to reduce the reserve requirement ratio which is the excess reserve in the commercial banking system in china is being held in the for safe keep big the central bank of china at the moment. so what the market would like to see is for china to continue to ease interest rates and also to cut the reserve requirement ratio. and that will increase liquidity in the economy and also it will increase liquidity to the stock market as well. so that is what we re waiting for. but we don t see that and that s the reason for the lack of confidence in the equity market in the past 24 hours. what is your advice here? what should investors do in the midst of this global selloff? well, it depends on the investors horizon. investment horizon. if you if they are short-term oriented it s best to wait until things stabilize and then buy. but if i may just share with you, the fact that a number of our experienced fund managers at baring and myself have started to buy into our funds. our funds has a lot of good-quality growth stocks which have fallen in the past few weeks and we think that there is great value from a long-term viewpoint in our funds as well as in the stock market. it depends on the time frame. long-term investors it s a great time to buy. short-term, wait for things to stabilize first. but basically ride this out? for the long-term investors. whether you are looking at value stocks or growth stocks some offer good valuation at these levels. it s not a bad time to pick up those. khiem do, thanks for your perspective on this. a silver lining there. wanted around the world and particularly in china, american women as surrogate mothers. we ll hear from a woman who became part of a growing trend. who are the future parents of this child? a chinese gay couple and they are the most wonderful people that i know. i m ready to crack like nobody s watching. why? because it s red lobster s crabfest. and there s so much crab, so many ways. and with dishes like this luscious crab lover s dream or savory snow crab bake. i m just getting started so hurry in and get crackin everyone loves the picture i posted of you. at&t reminds you it can wait. i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it s been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer s, and millions more who feel its effects. let s walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer s for good. find your walk near you at authorities in england say it is highly likely that at least 11 people died after a plane crashed at an air show on saturday. the true scale of the tragedy is still unknown and authorities are warning the death toll could rise further as they remove debris from the site and investigate why the plane went down on a busy highway. cnn s ian lee reports. reporter: words are hard to come by for this community reeling after a deadly plane crash on saturday. a hawker hunter jet was performing a loop but failed to pull up, crashing into a nearby highway. he was obviously too low. and that was it. he hit the ground and there was a lot of flame and a lot of nasty reporter: at least 11 people, officials say, were killed. the pilot survived the crash after being pulled from the wreckage. a day of fun turned to tragedy for hundreds of spectators, including children. everyone stay in your places, please. they were in shock, just i just said the plane s had an accident. and they were asking questions, is he dead? it s really hard to explain, really, to a child. reporter: an education too soon for 2-year-old daniel and 6-year-old matthew. emergency personnel continued to scour the scene for clues as well as bodies. as a rule stunts are not allowed to be performed over spectators or neighborhoods anywhere where a crash could kill someone on the ground. and with the airport there and empty space authorities are going to try to figure out why this plane crashed on a busy highway. unsuspecting motorists were the victims. the scale of the tragedy is unknown. this is an enormously traumatic incident. as we have already indicated it is quite possible that we will discover more fatalities. reporter: as more families learn the fate of their loved ones, the more words will be translated into flowers. ian lee, cnn, england. it has been called a new chapter in relations. britain and iran formally restored diplomatic ties sunday by reopening their embassies. philip hammond was there to watch the union jack being raised at the embassy that was taken over four years ago by protesters. iran is and will remain a very important country in a strategically important and volatile region. maintaining dialogue even under the most difficult conditions is crucially important. mr. hammond went on to say that britain and iran can work together on many common issues include terrorism, regional stability, and migration. thousands of migrants are resuming their journey into serbia. macedonia tried to halt the flow of migrants last week but is now allowing them to pass through. reporter: macedonia on thursday declared a state of emergency and shut down its border with greece. now not only has opened it but is doing everything that it can to usher the refugees and migrants through. right now they are in the process of building a makeshift entrance to the trains that will be carrying the migrants all the way to the borders with serbia. from there they will continue their journey on foot. none of this was seen here in the last few days. the migrants because of the closure of the border, were trapped on the greek side in what can only be described as disastrous and heart-breaking conditions. it was raining and they were left with little to no shelter and no humanitarian aid to speak of. now authorities are rallying on both sides to try to facilitate the journey for these refugees and migrants. they are being processed here as well. but the processing means that they are then given a piece of paper that gives them 72 hours to either leave macedonia or apply for asylum here. the vast majority are continuing their journey on to western europe. that is where they want to eventually end up. but the flood of migrants across europe is truly unprecedented, not only are aid organizations struggling to deep with it but various european nations are as well. and this is just one of the many potential breaking points because europe cannot handle the influx of the migrants especially since as of now there is no long-term solution to resettle them. arwa damon, cnn on the macedonia/greece border. we ll have more cnn newsroom after the break. intimidating. doing something simple. meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it s helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you re prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you re not getting the relief you need. ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. this is an iphone. and this is apple pay. which let s you shop in a faster, simpler way. for groceries, and kicks, toys, and your lunchtime fix. it s safer than a credit card and keeps your info yours. and you can already use it in over one million stores. if it s not an iphone, it s not an iphone welcome back, everyone. international surrogacy is a booming business. couples from around the world are paying tens of thousands of dollars to have american women give birth to their children and chinese couples are doing this. we have the story of an american woman who may have given birth over the weekend for a gay couple in china. ivan watson reports. reporter: eight months pregnant. she likes it when he kicks. reporter: weeks away from giving birth. you saw that one. but this is not your typical pregnancy. i know it s not my baby. reporter: the child will be going to parents in china. who are the future parents of this child you are carrying right now? a chinese gay couple and they are the most wonderful people that i know. they are loving and caring. . and if i didn t think that i wouldn t have given them two wonderful children. reporter: the surrogate pregnancy is not unusual. a growing number of women in the u.s. are becoming surrogates for wealthy chinese couples who can t have a child of their own for biological or legal reasons. agencies are seeing a large influx of customers from overseas. in fact 40% of their clients are from china. they can choose, we have basic and v.i.p. plans. it costs around $150,000 u.s. to have a child this way. the company s founder says that chinese clients started knocking on her door around four years ago. they feel that it s safe here. the laws are completely supportive of their having children here. reporter: surrogacy is banned in china. parents can still face fines for having a second child and beijing does not recognize gay marriage. all reasons that attract would-be parents to surrogacy in the u.s. and there is an added bonus. coming to the u.s., for one, their child will be a u.s. citizen. i m sure that has some draw to it. reporter: there are other american companies trying to get in on this growing surrogacy industry. unlike international adoption there are few rules governing international surrogacy. some are calling for more regulations. we have seen agencies who are unethical and have been caught doing unethical behavior and there is a always that fear that they are not following the standards and guidelines. reporter: here in a small do desert child, she is considering carrying a third child. is being paid a contributing factor for this? not really. i know we used part of our compensation to go visit the other family in china. reporter: anderson, her husband and daughter visited china for the first time in 2014 to see her surrogate child s biological family. the chinese family has asked to remain anonymous. i got to see the family that i made. and the twinkle in his eye looking at his little girl, there is nothing better than that. reporter: for generations, wealthy americans adopted unwanted babies from china now a growing number of wealthy chinese are hiring american women to give birth to their children. ivan watson, cnn, california. mel gibson is accused of abusing an australian photographer. the woman claims that he spat at her and was verbally abusive as she photographed him and his girlfriend outside a movie theater on sunday. gibson s spokesman says that he was been harassed by the photographer and there was no physical contact. police are now investigating. the zombie apocalypse hit los angeles sunday night when fear the walking dead made its debut. it s a prequel to the walk dead and fans have been anticipating the new show for months. now this time, the zombies are running wild on the west coast. for those who haven t seen the show you want to know that this will be a spoiler alert. but this won t be the surprise. it began and ended with the zombie attack apparently in the middle there was a part without zombies, but that s the highlight. still don t get the zombie thing. some people are really into it. and finally, boy band fans brace yourself, the group one direction has decided to go in multiple and separate directions for now. the pop group will disband in march to work on solo projects and not tour to promote the fifth album but it s just a hiatus, they say, a one direction source says there is no bad blood between the members and they are all 100% behind the decision. the fans will be upset, i think at this point. they will. but new kids on the block got back together years later. there is hope. you are watching cnn newsroom. i m rosemary church. i m errol barnett. we want to show you live pictures from paris where three americans and a british citizen are due to arrive and the french president, francois hollande where they will receive the legion of honor medal. rosemary and i will follow this and bring it to you live after this short break. stay with us. it s a gold n opportunity to elevate each moment. hit every mark. thread every needle. turn every ride into a thrill ride. come 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you free to focus on what matters most. can a a subconscious. mind? a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be.alive? choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? .why settle for this? enter sleep number. right now all beds are on sale. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he s more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. captions by vitac the french president will thank three americans and a briton for stopping an attack on a paris-bound plane. the china stock market ends with dramatic losses. a crackdown in lebanon, the anti-government demonstrations turn violent. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m rosemary church. and i m errol barnett. this is cnn newsroom. let s begin this hour in paris where three americans and a british citizen are due to arrive at the palace, home of french president francois hollande, the men are being honored by french leaders for taking down a gunman and preventing a potential massacre on a paris-bound train on friday. now at this moment these are live pictures coming to us from outside the ceremony. we re waiting to see everyone arrive. u.s. serviceman spencer stone, al al alec starlatos. saw that he was squirting blood out of the side of his neck. i was going to use my shirt at first but that wouldn t have worked. two of my fingers in the hole found what i thought to be the artery, pushed down and the bleeding stopped. i held that position until the paramedics got there. extraordinary details there. and for more let s go to cnn correspondent nic robertson. we are waiting for the arrival of the three americans and british citizen. four will be honored today. two others were involved that will be honored on another day. but talk about what these three american men did. if they hadn t intervened when they did this would be a very different day today. reporter: it would have been and that s what everyone in france recognizes. the three men were driven along when we were there when they came out of the police station on saturday after the debriefing and people were standing at the side of the road cheering. there is an understanding here that what they did prevented a possible massacre on that train. this gunman had an automatic weapon, a kalashnikov with nine rounds of magazines. that is 270 rounds of bullets. this train was packed full of passengers around 500 people on the train. it would have been difficult had he not been tackled by the four men, the one briton and three americans and the frenchman who tried but failed to bring him down. if they had not tried to bring the attacker down, the potential for serious bloodshed and drama on the train was very high. the president is waiting for the americans to arrive. the honor guard is behind me. they will be given the legion d honneur. this is something that honors the honor and fatherland. it was created by napoleon bonaparte in 1802. he said with such baubles that people are led. what he means is that people who get this award are leaders and that s how people here are thinking of these three young americans that they did what other people wouldn t have done and didn t do. they stood up and saw danger and didn t think of themselves and threw themselves at this man sustaining injury as it happened. spencer stone was cut on his thumb and had a serious injury to his thumb. and i m looking at my shoulder here. a diplomatic car is arriving. and we re seeing if i just look over my shoulder and check here. the president is getting ready to arrive and to ready to greet the arrivals as they get out of the car here. i just stepped back so we can see who is coming out of this vehicle and we can talk about it a little more. yes, a lot of diplomats and french ministers are expected here as well, today. we know that the french prime minister is going to be here. we saw him earlier, the interior minister, the transport minister are going to be here. the people on the streets have been shoulding and cheering in support of these men. people have been approaching us and telling us they believe these three young americans should get this award, the legion d honneur because they did such an incredible job of saving people. and the french here, monday morning, first thing monday morning, taking the opportunity to make a big thank you. these young men have been treated treated essentially like rock stars. errol here with rosemary. we just saw we have another camera vantage point. we saw the belgian prime minister step out of the vehicle there. and indeed, the belgians have stepped up security at rail networks throughout that country with things like additional patrols. if it were not for these so-called heroes, we would be having a different conversation about security on euro railways and ways to beef it up. does that discussion still need to be had in the wake of all this? reporter: i think it needs to be had and certainly that s the feeling that we re getting here that people feel it needs to be had. it is certainly that is being addressed and authorities are very aware of and concerned about. the prime minister of belgium arriving, as you say. the belgians have begun their own investigation into what they call a terrorism incident even though the man accused said he was on the train for robbery and found the weapons in a park in brussels. he got on the train in brussels. the station in brussels a lot of attention being paid to security there. but all across europe. it s not like getting on a plane where you go through multiple layers of security. trains are easier to get on and obviously after an incident like this, that will be examined. but we have seen in capitals like paris we saw the french after the charlie hebdo step up security. there is increased security and surveillance and stations. there are increased security patrols at stations and places where there are large numbers of the public present. but what security forces tell us across europe at the moment, they are stretched in terms of dealing with the number of potential threats. nic robertson is live in paris for us outside the palace. and we will stand by as we wait for those arrivals and reconnect with you as soon as this ceremony gets underway. it is sure to be the highlight of these men s lives for sure. we ll see you again soon. but we want to turn to another big story. trading has just ended for the day on the shanghai stock market. and not a moment too soon. indices closed way lower. the continuation of a selloff that began last week. look at those numbers. you can see there, the shanghai composite in china down more than 8%. it got down close to 9% at one point, there. and then you can see, hong kong s hang seng down more than 5%. and in australia and japan, a loss of more than 4%. truly deep losses everywhere. but joined now by andrew stevens in hong kong and isa soares, the london stock exchange opened a few moments ago. looking at the asian markets and everyone pulled down by what is happening in china. the same was happening in london at the end of last week. how do things look so far today? bleak, absolutely brutal. if we can bring up the european markets. they have been open for eight minutes or so. a sea of red. traders are getting up to go to work, don t bother. stay at home. the ftse down 3%. the cac down 3%. this is a brutal opening for europe and the numbers we have been opening, the ftse erased a lot of the gains for the year. the xetra dax has seen all of its gains disappear. this has been going on over weeks now. we saw the numbers last week from china, shanghai, they were down. but this is getting worse and worse and investors here really trying to take some cover from what is happening. but it seems like there is no end in sight. because those numbers are coming out of china, concerns about china slowing down still pretty much causing ripple effects in europe. many people concerned. is this a correction or are we going to see more of this? i was asking people in the business view last week what is your biggest concern here? you know there are so many elements, oil, china, the fed, where do you stand on this? everyone said china, china and oil. this is the biggest worry right you. they don t know what direction to take and this is the biggest concern. i want to go to andrew stevens now in hong kong. it s interesting when we look at the numbers there, i mean, we were talking earlier and the stock market there in china had slipped nearly 9%. then we talked about it moved to about 6%. and your interpretation of that was that china had intervened. talk to us about what you think happened there. well, i think that they did come into the market and they i suspect they may have been met with met with a lot of selling and they decided they had to let this go. this has been a story throughout the summer, the slow-motion crash of the shanghai composite down 40% from its peak. and the government started off, rosemary, by really intervening hard, making a lot of new and not very popular certainly not in terms of open markets, taking measures to try and stop this fall. and they were successful. they put a platform under the initial fall and the market came back a few percent and there is a feeling that the government is becoming more hands off in this market. they realize they have bigger issues to confront. and the big issue obviously is the chinese economy. they have to worry about how they get the chinese economy moving again. the numbers last week suggested that the economy is growing more slowly than most people think. there is a realization globally that the economy is slowing down and policymakers looking at how to help the china economy rather than specifically the stock market. the thing about the china stock market is that it s quite a small part of the overall economy. it s dominated by small players, not many people, relatively speak, actually play the market at all. the government is much more concerned now about dealing with the broader the real economy, if you like. andrew stevens in hong kong. isa soares in london. thanks to you both. a 2,000-year-old temple in palmyra is in ruins after being blown up by isis militants. the head of syria s antiquities program says the inner part of the temple was destroyed and the columns around it collapsed. the entire city is a unesco world heritage site that isis took control of back in may. the latest attack comes days after the militants beheaded the man who had been in charge of palmyra s antiquities department for more than 50 years. lebanon s prime minister is threatening to resign, warning the country is on the brink of collapse. beirut is cleaning up after anti-government protests turned violent for a second day. an army spokesman says that protesters through rocks and fire crackers and injured 31 policemen. nick paton walsh reports that public anger at the government goes much deeper. reporter: the stench at the heart of lebanon s dysfunctional government had been intolerable for months but it burst out into the heat of summer streets. the government could not organize garbage collection. they had other sins like not being able to decide on a president for 15 months, corruption, collapsing electricity and water systems but this is something that the lebanese couldn t pretend wasn t happening. so the protests began, building until saturday night when hundreds were in running street battles with police and army when in a response, fired live ammunition into the air to disperse them. tear gas, water cannon. 99 people injured. the lebanese red cross said, and 35 police, officials add. they returned sunday night, peaceful at first but a small minority at the front clashed with the police. police used water cannon to push them back. then anarchy began. some protesters tried to breach the barricades, threw rocks at the police, even a road sign. a motorcycle was set alight. police retreated partially. then, later, the tear gas began. a thick cloud of it. endless, it seemed. protesters forced to flee as night moved in, the clashes still continued. black smoke over the center of what remains of state s power in lebanon. and the bad smell of the rot in the state mixed now with tear gas and thick smoke as lebanese ask what will put the fires out? nick paton walsh, cnn, beirut. still to come here on cnn newsroom, tough words from south korea and marathon negotiations with north korea go on for many hours in the dmz. plus details on the disturbing way sex traffickers in the u.s. are marking their victims. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. demilitarized zo . we want to get you live to paris where there is about to be some excitement. three americans are arriving at the home of french president francois hollande. the men are being hailed as heroes for taking down a gunman and preventing a potential massacre on a paris-bound train on friday. they will be presented for the legion of honor medal for their acts of bravery. nic robertson is there as you see the three americans walk up. tell us what you are seeing and hearing. reporter: well we re hearing the shouting of the honor guard and shouting of questions for the three men. but what we are seeing, spencer stone, his arm still in a sling, leading the three of them up in the green shirt, alec sclal toes and it looks like they have been joined by family members there. about to go in here and meet the french president and the belgian prime minister we saw go in earlier. but this the french nation through the offices of the president as well as the prime minister, foreign minister, interior minister and the transport minister, here to pay their highest honor to these three young americans and the british chris norman who helped them tackle this attacker on the train. they are going inside now. no doubt the french president will have words for them in private. he also called president obama and thanked the american nation for the action of these men. the belief and the understanding here in france is that without their swift action, without their unflinching decision to get up and tackle this gunman, the death toll on the train could have been far, far worse, errol. nic, rosemary church here. as we watch these live pictures of the three american heroes, there s also a british businessman, chris norman who will join them. but talk about the stark contrast between how these three americans responded and what people are saying there in france about how the train employees reacted. reporter: well, there has been criticism of the train employees. an actor on board the train who in the carriage just behind where the gunman began his attack knew something was wrong and saw a number of train employees rush to the very back of the train and lock themselves in a compartment there. he realized there was a danger on the loose. he was there with his wife and children and he broke the glass surrounding the communications cord to rip it and try to stop the train. he cut his hand very deeply doing that. but despite banging on the door to try to save his family, the workers on the train didn t open the door. we have heard other accounts too. the three young americans and the british man as well when they pinned the attacker on the ground, the guard grabbed one of the moroccan s arms to pin him down. and the train company says that their staff has acted well in this situation and they helped and stayed on board afterwards and helped passengers. so there is a sense that perhaps some of the train staff could have acted better, certainly no one is questioning the actions, the swift actions of these young americans. they bought first-class tickets and boarded the train and were in a carriage. the wi-fi wasn t good and they decided to move into the appropriate carriage they booked on and they just sort of dropped off to sleep. spencer stone had dropped off to sleeps. his friend alerts him to let s go and without think they rush forward to grab this man and their friend, anthony sadler comes with them. they are trying to pin him down and get the clkalashnikov away from them. and spencer stone went to a hospital and tendons and nerves were repaired to save his hand and arm. what these men have done, and people on the streets believe these men should be honored by the nation. the highest honor they can give, the legion d honneur. this is the nation s highest honor it can give for honor in fatherland something instituted by napoleon bonaparte in 1802. at the time he was criticized for this award but he said and he put it roughly in these words, it is with such baubles men are led. men are led into war. no one, he said, goes into battle by themselves. this is an award for people who lead and who should be followed. and that is very much how people think of these three young men here at the moment. they did something. they led when no one else was moving forward. and there are a lot of people in this country today who feel proud for what they did and hope that they could act in the same way. what napoleon bonaparte talked about in baubles, and awards, this legion d honneur is what people would follow. people would like to believe they would follow in these mean s footsteps. we are listening to nic robertson at the palace. you are seeing live pictures from inside where three americans and one british national are set to receive the legion d honneur in the next few minutes. you were speak about napoleon creating this award saying no one goes into battle alone. we are looking at anthony sadler right now. but spencer stone visibly injured with a damaged eye and injured hand as well. while we watch these men rightly receive the honor they deserve, where is the suspect behind all this, the man they took down? reporter: well, he s not so far away, actually. he is being questioned by the french external security here. no coincidence as well we saw the belgian prime minister go in earlier. the belgians have launched a terrorism investigation. the french investigation underway. the gunman got on the train in brussels. he had spent time in france and we re going to interrupt for a moment as the french president shakes hands with the americans and the british national before delivering a statement. you could imagine, rosemary, this is one awesome day for all of them. is it amazing. they got on that train as travellers and now they are heroes across the globe. let s listen to what the president has to say. translator: dear prime minister of belgium charles michele i thank you for your presence. it confirms the solidarity between our two countries in fighting against terrorism. i want to also say thank you to the prime minister of france and also the lady the ambassador of the united states, jane hartley, and also the representatives of the united kingdom and also of the leaders and prefects of who had to face this difficult situation and also the emergency services who had to deal with this issue, both at the state level and at the regional level. also, the emergency and health services who acted quickly to help a french-american passenger who is currently in hospital. and we are supporting him as he goes through this. i also want to thank the ceo of the sncf and also to thank all of those people who worked on the railways in france and belgium. today we are here to render homage, to celebrate four people. four men, who by their courage, saved lives. who showed and gave us an example of what it is possible to do in these kinds of dramatic situations. christopher norman, anthony sadler, alec school la toes and spencer stone. last friday you were in the train between amsterdam and paris. you were three friends discovering europe heading by train to paris. you, christopher, you were going home. after a business trip. three americans and one englishman. that you were by chance, you were all in the same coach. but friday last friday night, an individual decided to create havoc in a and to attempt murder in a coach. he had enough weapons to create ultimate carnage and this is what he would have done had you not overpowered him, taking extraordinary risks, including risking your own lives. first of all i want to think of the french passenger who was the first to cross the path of the terrorist as he was living the toilets, having already decided he would shoot people, our french compatriot launched himself against this man and then let and let the others know. it s not possible to give his name today, but i want to say thank you. then ayoub el khazzani started to shoot and harmed the man i was talking about who is in the hospital, a franco-american who is still having to find courage to overcome his injury because he, too, got in the way. at this moment, mr. spencer, you decided to intervene. you threw yourself against this gunman who was trying to load his gun. it was you, spencer, you were the first, if i can say, to jump on this man. you pushed him over and you, alexander, you helped expenser to take his weapon, to take his kalashnikov. you disarmed him this first time. you he then got out a pistol and then a which you got off him. and then a box cutter, which he hurt spencer and you managed to get this off him. and you all of you together, to help him. christopher, you tied him up with another passenger of the train. going home, as well. also stood up to the moment and helped. and then there was also the guard, who raised the alarm and ensured that you could that helped ensure that the police and could get to the situation as possible. you, spencer, although you were injured, you made sure that you looked after the man and you know doubt saved his life of this franco-american citizen. once the alarm had been raised, the train was diverted to arras, the train station there. the terrorist was arrested. all the more easily because he had been tied up. the injured could easily be taken care of, with by our hospitals, with great efficiency, which we should be proud of. so we have four men. so they stood up to the situation with others. not save their own lives but also to save everybody else, to save other lives. because in that train, in that tally there were more than 500 passengers. and you have to remember that ayoub el khazzani had up to 300 rounds of bullets arsenal of cartridges. he could have created a terrible massacre, devastation. i want to thank you for what you have done. and it was on friday that the whole world was able to admire your courage, your calm, your sangfroid. your sense of responsibility. this solidarity which allowed you, without weapons, unarmed, to overpower this individual who was armed to the teeth and you were ready to do anything. your heroism should be an example for all and a source of inspiration because faced, confronted with the evil which is here, which is called terrorism, there is one thing that is good. it is the humanity of us all and which you demonstrated that day, anthony sadler, you said what can you were asked what can you remember, what was the lesson of friday? and you said in a moment of crisis i would like that people understand that you have to do something. yes. you have to do something. there is always something to be done. when confronted with aggression. even when it seems that it is so much more than you, that it is barberous, unthinkable. there is something to do. and it comes down to the public power of the people and public power to take the responsibilities necessary, particularly in the case of the railways. there are going to be meetings with the interior minister, with the heads of public transport and we will take the measures that are necessary. but over and above the necessary measures that need to be reinforced, there is always that one there is always the responsibility about that lies at the feet of the individual. what a man or a woman can do in these kinds of circumstances. you have shown that confronted with terror, you showed the power of resistance and you and in that way you have showed us a lesson in courage, in goodwill and in hope. spencer, all three of you, you are soldiers, but on friday you were just simple civilians. you certainly behaved as soldiers but you also behaved as responsible men. you risked your lives to defend an idea of liberty and freedom. today i think of all the soldiers who are fighting against terrorism here in france and all around the world. and today, they are and they are united against terrorism. and today, i want to say you also honored those soldiers. and all of the other passengers who got up, who stood up against them, who didn t have your training and experience of danger, who had never seen a kalashnikov before in their life, but they, too, stood up and faced this man. and in their own way, they fought back. and when you are confronted, terrorism, you don t give up. you don t give in to fear. you work together. when we are confronted with terrorism our societies are not feeble and they are not and they will never be feeble or weak when they are reunited together. and will never be feeble if there are men and women prepared to do what you did. on friday night, these men of different nationalities, english, french, american, and they created a human community, that of the best to overcome the worst. today, alexander, spencer and christopher, the french republic wants to thank you today and it will do the same for those others who showed exemplary behavior. i m thinking and i ve said it several times, the wounded passenger in lille because unites us as well. he is french and american and he is an english professor. i know also wondering about the distinctions. so i thought in order to show the gratitude of the french republic, i felt it was important to give you the highest honor, the legion d honneur, to say to show how grateful we are. i did not want three of you, the americans, to go back to your country without receiving this honor. it is the legion d honneur which rewards your courage but also, the extraordinary act of humanity that you undertook that day around 6:30 on the train, amsterdam-paris in france to save the lives and to save humanity itself. [ applause ] [ speaking in french ] [ applause ] [ speaking in french ] [ applause ] [ speaking in french ] [ applause ] translator: thank you. so here they are. please come forward. [ applause ] rewarding courage. the words of francois hollande, the president of france saying the french public want to thank you today, referring there to the three american men and the british businessman you see there in frame and by doing that, giving them the highest award in the land. le le legion d honneur. and the president saying an example of to us all on a day that could have seen a terrible massacre given the amount of weapons that this suspect had on that train. but he was overcome by these americans and british businessman and two others involved. he mentioned there the franco-american who is currently in hospital. he was wounded in that incident. and then the first frenchman who has remained anonymous in this. he was the first one to cross paths with the suspect at the very start of this incredible, incredible crisis that ended so well. nic robertson is standing by. nic, what a day for france. just extraordinary. and we can see, they are so thankful in france because, as we have discussed, this could have ended so differently. reporter: more than 500 people on the train and more than 300 bullets for the gun. that puts it in a stark and dark perspective. he said that they were an example for all, a source of inspiration and he really has tried to draw there. he said we are not weak as a society faced with terrorism we are strong when we stand together. he talked about the french, british, and americans working together on the train and the strength that that brings. he said that the security services will get together with the transport services in france and will address this issue. but he also said, and i think he is really trying to draw on the courage and the inspiration that everyone here is seeing from these young men, that we all have a responsibility, if faced by these by something like this we have a responsibility to do something. we drew on the words of anthony sadler who at the press conference was asked what is your message from this and he said his message and the french president quoted him and that is if something happens you have to respond. you have to do something. and one of the underlying messages from the french president not just this huge gratitude but to point to these men and say this is something that we can all aspire to and be inspired by, these dangers are real. and they are potentially very bad. that as a government and as a country we will try to address those dangers but all of us have a responsibility to do something about it. so the french president here said that he didn t want these men to go back home without receiving the honor. it really has rejigged his schedule to make room for them in a busy week and the belgian prime minister is here as well and speaks to the international cooperation and nature of the threat of the moment. but these three young americans, the british, chris norman as well, being honored here in the highest possible way, rosemary. nic robertson reporting there live from the palace as we see there in the frame next to nic, the four heroes being hailed heroes. this would have been a very different day. they are there with the french president, francois hollande. and of course, for those four gentlemen and the other two who were involved their lives will change forever from here on. and of course, they have made quite a mark on the 500 or so people who were on that train because this could have ended, as we heard from the president there, as a terrible massacre. we want to continue to look into all the aspects of this now. and kind of analyze some of the lessons from the incident and the security implications. we are joined by the international security director of the asia security agency and hopefully you heard the ceremony there. the french president saying this is an incredible story. these men who were not armed stopped a potential mass killer. witnesses say it looked as if ayoub el khazzani was well arm bud not well trained in how to use his ak-47. what do you make of the man they all took down? this is a very important incident that s taken place. because it shows the design and the intent of terrorism now, that we re witnessing. and this is the third effort where weapons have been brought in from belgium to try and carry out an attack. the first was involved the attack on the kosher supermarket in paris and an incident two days later in belgium where authorities discovered a cache of weapons to be used for attacks linked to isis. and there is a pattern emerging and potential constant stream of plots where weapons are going to be use listed from belgium. what are we to make of the security response? we saw the belgium prime minister at the event. but how should european nations be rethinking train security in the wake of all of this? the americans and the british guy who helped out they all seem like heroes while there are reports that train staff were hiding and wouldn t let anybody in. that s quite embarrassing. it s embarrassing and extremely worrying that you have a situation like this. it s not going to be always the case where you have these gentlemen who risk their lives to save the others on a train or another form of transportation. this is something that will require urgent reviewing. this was not a domestic train. this is a transnational train traveling across the netherlands, belgium and france himself. how was el khazzani able to take so many weapons on board the train without more security. this is something that needs to be looked at urgently. this is the change of tactics. they are targeting other forms of transportation notably the train infrastructure in europe which is an important artery for europe itself. i mean, this is a massive wake up call. you hope in the wake of this some important changes will be made because, you know, american servicemen on holiday won t be on all the trains in europe. but certainly a good day for everyone involved. thanks for joining us from london. we ll be back with more of the day s biggest stories after this. stay with us. this. i m going to say it. pure pandemonium on news of the birth of rare twin pandas. we have more on the newborn cubs. even though the giant panda cubs weren t on display at the national zoo there was no shortage of excitement as bao bao celebrated her second birth. many came to be a part of it all. i hope they will be healthy and grow up to be wonderful pandas and create more and hopefully we ll get more out in the wild and save the habitat. this is the video of the first cub during the first exam. they believe the cub they retrieved last night was the second one born just after 10:00 at night. the cub retrieved this morning was borned a 5:35 p.m. we gave her time to see if she would pick both up. the panda team has been swapping the cubs to give them one-on-one time with their mom while the other is kept warm in an incubator. but the frequency hinges on whether she allows it. they need to nurse and get the nutrients they need to grow. reporter: and lou sanchez was so happy she convinced her parents to book a flight from new york to be here the next day. i was really excited and teared up a little bit. look at this. take a look at this. live pictures coming in to cnn. the giant panda licking her baby. you can t get enough, just log on to the smith sewnian national zoo website. she is being so careful and gentle there, isn t she? the movie straight outta compton is putting dr. dre back into the spotlight. let s get the details from the senior editor of in touch weekly. straight outta compton was a number one at the weekend box office and terminator: genisys took top spot internationally. straight outta compton number one again. making $26.8 million. this is great news for a film that didn t cost that much to make. it s already made about $111 million so far. so it s doing really well. there is oscar buzz around it. there are reports floating that they are talking about a sequel already. this has struck a chord with a lot of people. if you checked out social media you have seen people doing the hashtags straight outta and the posters with memes out there. people with their dogs saying straight outta treats. and terminator: genisys opened in china. fantastic news, number one for terminator: genisys internationally. and want to move to dr. dre who is in damage control right now responding to allegations he physically abused women and now he is apologizing to women he hurt. will that be enough, though, to stop the damage? it s interesting, straight outta compton is number one. some of these reports talking about he was physically abusive to women. the claims did not hurt the movie at all but it s he did put out a statement saying that 25 years ago he was a young man drinking too much and in over my head but it is not excuse for what i did and i have been married for 19 years and every day i m working to be a better man for my family. apple put out a statement. he has a deal with beats with them saying they believe he is sincere. i don t think this has really caused a lot of damage but people were questioning why some of this is glossed over in the movie. we ll see how people respond to that message. and what is behind one direction s decision to take a break? a lot of sad fans out there. one direction reportedly is taking an extend hideed hiatus. they will not be doing a tour for the album. they basically want to focus on their own solo projects. that s what they are saying. there seems to be no bad blood between them. and the idea is they will get back together. but the hiatus will be for about a year. we won t get to see them altogether for a year. but maybe this means solo albums produced by all of them. maybe you will get even more albums. still the fans will be upset, i think. they like to see hem all together. many thanks as always. great, thanks so much. thanks for watching, i m rosemary church. i m errol barnett. go check out the panda cam. early start is next in the united states and everyone else, stay tuned for another edition of cnn newsroom. have a great day. . . . three americans and a britain honored in france for preventing a terror attack on a moving train on friday. we are live in paris with what these men have to say about the events. another day of talks for north and south korea. latest starting to emerge. can war be prevented between these two neighbors? and joe biden had a big meeting as he mulls a run for president of the united states. who he sat down wit

Louisiana , United-states , Australia , Shanghai , China , Turkey , Beijing , California , Syria , Serbia , Ishigaki , Okinawa

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150824

i m christine romans. i m george howell in for john berman. it is monday, august 24th. we start this monday morning with the three american citizens who are honored for shutting down a possible massacre. this played out on a high speed train from amsterdam to paris. the americans, alek skarlatos and spencer stone and anthony sadler. they subdued the gunman who french authorities say has ties to radical islam. i feel our training mostly kicked in after this assailant was already subdued, frankly. when it came to medical care and things like that and providing security making sure there wasn t another shooter. in the beginning, it was mostly gut instinct. one of survival. our senior international correspondent nic robertson joins us in paris. nic, good to have you with us. nic, tell us about today. i m sure this is a day these men will never forget. reporter: i m sure it won t be. they went in to the presidential palace here just behind me. spencer stone led them with his arm still heavily bandaged in a sling from where the attacker used a box cutter to attack his hand. the french president wanting to thank these men before they went home to their one country. spencer stone has described the graphically way they brought down the attacker and the struggle. this is what he said. i turned around and saw he had what looked to be an ak-47. it looked like it was jammed or wasn t working. he was trying to charge the weapon. alek hit me on the shoulder and said let s go. ran down and tackled him. we hit the ground. alek came up and grabbed the gun from his hand and i put him in a chokehold. he seemed to pull more weapons left and right. pulled out a handgun. alek took that. he took out a box cutter and he started jabbing me with that. we let go. all three of us started punching him while he is in the middle of us. i was able to grab him again and choke him unconscious while alek was hitting him in the head with a pistol and rifle. reporter: now those actions you heard spencer stone describe there, the french president said, that saved the ultimate carnage. there were more than 500 people on the train and more than 300 bullets that gunman had. a horrific situation could have happened. the french president said these young american heroes described here should be an inspiration to everyone to act in a time of crisis. these are his words. translator: he could have created a terrible massacre. devastation. i want to thank you for what you have done and it was on friday that the whole world was able to admire your courage and your calm and your sense of responsibility. this solidarity which allowed you without weapons, unarmed, to overpower this individual who was armed to the teeth and you were ready to do anything. your heroism should be an example for all. reporter: and the french president for these actions he is describing there has given these young men france s highest honor. the legion d honneur. it doesn t get any better than this. an incredible weekend. the people we talked to in france over the weekend said these men deserve every bit of gratitude and honor and thanks. from the president on down, they recognize this could have ended in a more tragic way. interesting, nic, he said their training kicked in after they took the guy out. the french officials say el khazzani has ties to radical islam. his attorney is saying otherwise. reporter: his lawyer is saying, actually got on the train to rob people and he found the weapons and a mobile phone in a bag in a park near the station. that is just not washing here, of course. this is a man who is associating with radical islamists in spain. put on a european watch list. he moves to belgium. belgium is investigating groups of radical islamists he is associates with. because he was on the watch list in europe, he was seen getting on a plane and going to turkey. from turkey, he came back to europe. the concern was while in turkey, hooked up with french radical isis members. they tried to inspire him to the attack as they tried to inspire another individual earlier this year. that attack thwarted by french police. the concern is, despite what el khazzani s attorney is saying, they are alive and alert to this man and trying to dig deeper and who he is associated with and is there another imminent threat. george. nic robertson, thank you so much. christine, it is interesting. the reporting that the men who were controlling the train, actually locked themselves in and hiding. people on the train could see the gunman and hear what was happening and saw people who worked on the train rushing in with a key locking themselves into the engine room or something. they were a little afraid. we have to talk about transit. these are soft targets. they have to find ways to make sure they are more secure. six minutes past the hour. with the tensions and rhetoric elevated on the korean peninsula, the high level talks are taking place along the demilitarized zone. there is distrust. we have cnn s kyung lah with the latest. kyung, these are the highest levels of tensions we have seen in years. any sign of finding an off-ramp here? reporter: no off-ramp yet. christine, we are stretching into the third day of talks. very little indication of when they will actually end. we are also hearing from south korea s president. she will not cool things down on the peninsula until she gets an apology from north korea. the apology is for saying sorry for the land mines on the demilitarized zone. two soldiers were hurt. without that, she will not remove something angering the regime. these are speakers put on the southern side of the demilitarized zone that is blasting news and pop music into the north. that for the reclusive regime is a major insult. things are still heated. talks are difficult. as far as troop movement, things are not calming. there is troop movement from the north. 70% of the submarines have left their bases from the north. christine, what we were hoping for is for things to immediately cool down with the talks. not quite yet. kyung lah in seoul. thank you for that. another story that will make headlines today. your money and the stock market. a brutal ugly morning. asian stocks plunged this morning. the benchmark index closed down 8.5%. european stocks are diving and u.s. stock futures are down. a stunning decline for friday for the dow. the stock market in a correction. it down from its peak from 2011. major concerns about slow growth in china. uncertainty for the federal reserve will raise interest rates and oil prices are crashing. oil is below $40 a barrel for the first time since 2009. weakening demand. raging this morning, you have copper and aluminum and zinc tumbling. keeping an eye on it. now on to politics. speculation this morning that vice president joe biden may be leaning toward a run for president in 2016. it follows reports that biden met this weekend with a key democrat. we get more from cnn s athena jones from washington. reporter: good morning, george and christine. this is probably the biggest political story of the weekend. certainly on the democratic side. my colleague jeff zeleny broke this story. we learned this meeting took place at the vice president s request and lasted about two hours. we are told that during the meeting, the vice president said he was seriously thinking about making another run for the white house. this would be his third bid for the presidency. he asked senator warren for her thoughts. they talked about economic policy and foreign policy. this is significant because senator warren is something of a liberal icon. she has a lot of fans. fans who have been pushing her to make her own bid for the white house in 2016. she has declined to do that. she will be sitting this out. she hasn t endorsed any candidate. interesting bit to learn about over the weekend with the meeting. senator warren not the only big name democrat the vice president has met with. democratic candidate jim webb talked with vice president biden. i met with joe biden for an hour one-on-one last month. i have great regard for joe biden. i think his family and him personally have shown tremendous amount of dignity over the past several months that have gained the respect of the whole country. private meetings are best left that way. i would not begin to get into another individual s potential campaign. it doesn t surprise me he is talking with someone with a strong record. reporter: the meeting with senator warren is part of a series of meetings. the vice president will make a decision in the next month. his advisers have told him he has to decide by october 1st. we should know by october what the vice president has decided. athena jones, thank you. on the republican side, donald trump says he is willing to take donations to his presidential campaign, but not from lobbyists who expect something in return. trump questioning whether bush has what it takes to be president. i don t mind jeb bush. he s a nice person. i don t think he has the energy. you need energy to do this job. we re a country that s in trouble. we need a person with a lot of smarts, a lot of cunning and a lot of energy. jeb doesn t have that. i think he s a very nice person. if he became president, good luck. it s another bush. it s going to be the same old story. jeb bush heads to texas/mexico border to talk immigration and security. bush is getting support from hispanic republicans who admit his use of the term anchor babies is offensive, but not a setback. a popular air show in the u.k. turns tragic this weekend. a plane crashing down on a busy road. the death toll and anger are both climbing this morning. we are live in the u.k. next. to ung. new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i ll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. isn t it beautiful when things 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sixth grader s ever sat with but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that s that new gear feeling. this week, these folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. to a mouthwash had to then i went pro with crest pro-health mouthwash. go pro with crest pro-health. it s formulated to target and kill 99% of germs without the burn of alcohol. so you move to a healthier mouth from day one. welcome back. the future of air shows in the u.k. is in doubt this morning after what happened here. a deadly crash saturday near brighton with a military jet slamming into cars on a busy highway. the death toll climbing. police say it could reach 20. more than a dozen others hurt. investigators are trying to figure out what went so wrong there. let s go to our ian lee live from shorham england. ian, what is the latest? reporter: good morning. the investigators are still combing through the wreckage to see what went wrong with the plane. we are on the other side of the airfield where the wreckage is located. there is still hazardous materials located at the scene. the death toll is about 11, but they are expecting that to continue to rise. a crane is going to be coming in to take the wreckage out. that is when they expect to find more bodies. this loss is felt by the entire community. this air show was very popular. a lot of those killed on the highway were local residents. people from the community. we have been seeing flowers laid out all day yesterday and some today. the one big question investigators will ask and try to look for is why this plane was flying over a road in the first place. usually at the air shows, stunts are performed over open fields. politicians and lawmakers are asking the questions if new laws need to be implemented. right now, a lot of people mourning and still loved ones looking for relatives. i m certainly no expert, but it seems like an obvious question as to why that plane was flying over a highway. i m sure it will be an important part of the investigation. ian lee, thank you. protesters battling in beirut. lebanese officials are brought to battle the protesters. these pictures tell the story. 400 people injured in these weekend clashes. people there are frustrated. a driver is fighting for his life after a crash at an indycar race in pennsylvania. andy scholes is next and has more on justin wilson s condition in our bleacher report. it s me? alright emma, i know it s not your favorite but it s time for your medicine, okay? you ready? one, two, three. 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[ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it s full of cool stuff, like. my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don t like. we only eat chex cereal. no artificial flavors, and it s gluten-free. mom, brian threw a ball in the house! you know i tried one of those but the roll just disappeared. bounty is 2x more absorbent so one roll lasts longer. bounty. the long lasting quicker picker upper. if you can t stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you ve been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. htake care of what makes you,e. you. right down to your skin. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results® welcome back. indycar driver justin wilson is in a coma after being hit with debris in the race yesterday. andy scholes has more in the bleacher report. justin wilson is in critical condition with a severe head injury after the crash at pocono speedway. fellow driver sage carom hit the wall and part of the debris hit wilson in the head. the british driver was air lifted to the hospital immediately. according to a tweet from rahall, tony stewart provided use of his private plane. an nfl hall of famer cris carter is apologizing for the suggestion he made to rookies. you have to prove to have a fall guy. carter gave that talk to rookies at the rookie symposium in 2014. he issued an apology tweeting seeing that video made me realize how wrong i was. i was there to educate young people. i gave bad advice. i m sorry and i truly regret what i said that day. tiger woods season is now over. he needed to get a win or get second place over the weekend to make the fed ex cup playoffs. tiger started the final round of the wyndham in second place, but tiger ended up in a tie for tenth place. davis love iii was the winner. emotional moment at yankee stadium when the bronx bombers retired pitcher andy pettitte s number yesterday. his career included five world series championships and three all-star selection and 19 post season. pettitte is the first player to admit to using performance enhancing drugs to have his number retired. for you who have the fantasy football drafts, i hope you did not pick nelson. he left the game yesterday with a serious knee injury. the team fears it is a torn acl and nelson will be done for the season. a huge blow to the packers super bowl chances. college football season is around the corner. the first ap poll came out over the weekend and ohio state is ranked first overall. the first time ever to be a unanimous number one. a lot of people think they will run the table. maybe the texas longhorns can get in there. who knows? they are not even in the top 25. still rough times. thanks, andy scholes. high honor for three americans who helped fight off a possible terrorist in france. we are live over their meeting with the french president and now what the suspect s lawyer claims. really. you loostraow business . and a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. to move your company from what it is now. to what it needs to become. [whirring drones] just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. [whirring drones] no sudden movements. [screaming panic] [whirring drones] google search: bodega beach house. [drones crashing] bill s got a very tough 13lie here.. looks like we have some sort of sea monster in the water hazard here. i believe that s a kraken , bruce. it looks like he s going to go with a nine iron. that may not be enough club. well he s definitely going to lose a stroke on this hole. if you re a golf commentator, you whisper. it s what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it s what you do. this golf course is electric. three americans and a britton are getting recognized for stopping a terror attack. we are live in france with the ceremonies and what the three americans have to say about it. on the brink of war. north and south korea getting ready for another round of talks in the demilitarized zone. and questions about joe biden sitting down with a top democrat for a potential run for the white house. what it means now he is expanding talks outside his inter circle. good morning. i m george howell. welcome to early start. i m christine romans. it is 30 minutes past the hour. three americans honored in france this morning. french president hollande is awarding them the highest honor for preventing a possible massacre on a train from amsterdam to paris. alek skarlatos and spencer stone and anthony sadler now speaking out about the incident for the first time. i feel our training mostly kicked in after this assailant was subdued, frankly. when it came to medical care and things like that and providing security making sure there was not another shooter. in the beginning, it was gut instinct and survival. to jump in and stop the guy with the gun on the train. cnn s correspondent nic robertson is live in paris. nic, this story is unbelievable. to see them standing with the french president being honored for their bravery. reporter: it is incredible. it is raining in paris. they turned up at the palace earlier today. spencer stone with his arm in a sling where the attacker hit him with a box cutter. the french president saying he wanted to pay tribute to the men. what we heard from spencer stone is incredible when you listen to how spencer stone said how physically tough it was bringing the attacker down. this is how it happened. i turned around and saw he had what looked to be an ak-47. he looked like it was jammed or he was trying to charge the weapon. alek hit me on the shoulder. we ran down and tackled him. he hit the ground. alek grabbed the gun and i put him in a chokehold. he pulled out more weapons. he pulled out a handgun. alek took that. he pulled out a box cutter and jabbed me with that. he let go. we all punched him while he was in the middle of us. i was able to grab him again and choke him unconscious while alek was hitting him in the head with the pistol and rifle. reporter: now the french president are said the attacker had over 300 bullets and over 500 people on the train. absolute carnage could have happened on the train. these young men, alex, spencer and anthony are an inspiration to all of us. that they avoided a mass casualty event. this is how the french president put it. translator: he could have created a terrible massacre. i want to thank you for what you have done. it was on friday that the whole world was able to admire your courage and your calm and your sense of responsibility. this solidarity which allowed you without weapons, unarmed, to overpower this individual who was armed to the teeth and you were ready to do anything. your heroism should be an example for all. reporter: and this is what the french president was saying. not only wanted to honor these young american heroes, but he wanted to use them as an example for everyone. he said the french will be looking at security on the transport. he also said that the inspiration of these three young men should be an example for us all to act in moments of critical danger. to act. we all have a responsibility and part to play. that acting together we are not weak in the face of terrorism, but strong, the french president said. this is exactly, nic, what the united states, there s this catch phrase on billboards and subway in new york. if you see something, say something. these young men saw something and did something. what is the attorney for the suspect saying? the attorney for the suspect is painting a little bit of a different picture here. reporter: yeah. that s another story all together. the attorney is saying this man who had an automatic pistol. kalashnikov and eight or nine magazines for these weapons. got on the train to just rob people and he found these weapons, quote, in a bag with a mobile phone in a nearby park. that s not washing with european terrorism officials. the belgiums are investigating him. indeed, just a few months ago, had been to turkey where he associated with french isis members. the same cell that tried to get another young frenchman from north africa to perpetrate an attack in paris. that was thwarted. finding the weapons on the train to rob people. no one is buying that. nic robertson, thank you so much for that story. on to the korean peninsula where tensions are high and rhetoric is high as well. there are efforts to stop a war from breaking out. north and south korea have been holding talks at the truce village along the demilitarized zone. let s go to south korea and cnn s kyung lah. as the talks continue, south korea officials are saying the north is ramping up the military. what more can you tell us? reporter: the defense ministry is detecting from the north while all of the peace talks are happening to cool things down on the peninsula, what the south is seeing is a doubling of the artillery on the northern front. they are seeing the north move troops in. doubling that. the submarines, 70% of north submarines have been deployed. this is concerning for the south. all of this is happening while the talks are happening. this troop movement didn t happen before north korea was at the table talking with the south. we are getting mixed messages. george, what the south korean president wants is an apology. that could prove to be a big stumbling block. all of the talks stretching into the third day. we have no indication of what would happen. important these talks continue. kyung lah, we will stay in touch with you. time for an early start on your money. investors sprinting away from stocks. asian shares plunging. the shanghai benchmark closing down 8.35%. u.s. stock futures pointing to an ugly open. friday was ugly. dow tumbled 531 points. the biggest one-day drop in years. the dow losing more than 1,000 points last week. the dow was officially in correction from its peak from the first time in 2011. stocks were at record highs this spring. double digit gains for nearly three years. many experts are saying a correction may not be a bad thing. reverse course now. here are the fundamental problems. major concerns about china s economy. uncertainly over the fed interest rate hike and tumbling oil prices. oil prices below $40 a barrel for crude and george, that means you will probably see $2 gas on average by halloween. wow. breaking overnight. louisiana state trooper shot in the head after trying to help a man from a ditch. senior trooper steven vincent gets out of the car to help the driver and the driver hit him in the head. good samaritans stepped in to stop. they were able to snap the handcuffs on the alleged shooter. the suspect has a long rap sheet. he is facing charges and first-degree murder of a police officer. politics now. a new round of speculation over vice president joe biden and if he will jump into the democratic race. he had a meeting with senator elizabeth warren. the two reportedly discussed policy issues. calls are growing louder for biden to run among hillary clinton s e-mail troubles. biden is expected to decide in the next month. what will joe do? on the republican side, donald trump says he is willing to take donations to his presidential campaign, but not from lobbyists who expect something in return. trump continued to attack his republican rival jeb bush on the sunday talk shows. questioning whether mr. bush has what it takes to be president. listen. i don t mind jeb bush. i think he s a nice person. i just don t think he has the energy. you need energy for this job. you can t be soft. we re a country that s in trouble. we need somebody with a lot of smarts and cunning. i think he is a nice person. if he became president good luck. jeb bush for his part heads to the texas/mexico border to talk about the security. he is getting support from hispanic republicans who admit his use of the term anchor babies is offensive, but not a major setback. a key endorsement for the iran nuclear deal for harry reid. he will do everything in his power to ensure this stays. he is the 27th state democrat to back the deal. if 41 democrats back the measure, they can block a vote from happening. britain is restoring diplomatic relations with iran. four years after it was stopped by protesters. people are frustrated over trash. police and protesters clash over garbage clean up. the army being called in to keep the peace. we are live on the ground next. this is an i and this is apple pay. which let s you shop in a faster, simpler way. for groceries, and kicks, toys, and your lunchtime fix. it s safer than a credit card and keeps your info yours. and you can already use it in over one million stores. if it s not an iphone, it s not an iphone so you re a small business expert from at&t? 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go see. go look through their windows so you can understand their views. go find out just how kind the hes and shes of this mankind are. uncollected garbage in the streets of beirut is the tipping point for protesters. more than 400 injured in violent clashes with police over the weekend. our nick paton walsh is live in beirut. the pictures tell a story of the people angry in the streets right now. reporter: it was a scene of anarchy last night. it is surpassed by the calm we have seen. the army moved in at midnight to end the clashes with the protesters and police raging for six hours turning the center of government here to a war zone, really. now a bit of daily life on the streets. traffic moving as normal. protesters have called off any suggestion of a resumed protest later on today. they are getting a lot of flack on social media. many blame them for the lack of organization for the previous protest. many wanted to clash with police in the crowd. the scene yesterday, remarkable how that crowd of thousands gathered. furious of previous protests against the government have been roughly treated by police. that soon turned into clashes with rocks thrown at police and tear gas fired back. today, comparative calm. the question how do you get the dysfunctional government to reform? unanswered. nick, thank you for that. uncollected trash will get people angry. let s see what is coming up for your new day. alisyn camerota joins us now. thank you, george. we will have the latest on the three american heroes who stopped a gunman on the train in france. what allows someone to run toward danger? we will speak with a woman on the train. what did she see? her incredible firsthand account ahead. and the hit movie straight outta compton over dr. dre s past violence toward women. how is the rapper handling the accusations and why the movie s director avoided the accusations. we will dig deeper on that at the top of the hour. can t wait to see it. thank you. nfl hall of famer back tracking after bad advice to a group of rookies. what cris carter had to say which had him in hot water. exac ? that s what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah, even on sundays. what s next? we ll show you. look more like a tissue box. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ . you think your car smells fine, but your passengers smell this. eliminate odors you ve gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and [inhale/exhale mnemonic] breathe happy. i brto get us moving.tein i m new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i ll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. tsummer event is here. now get the unmistakable thrill and the incredible rush of the mercedes-benz you ve always wanted. but you better get here fast. yay, daddy s here! here you go, honey. thank you. .because a good thing like this phew! won t last forever. see your authorized dealer for an incredible offer on the exhilarating c300 sport sedan. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. welcome back. the governor of washington state taking an unprecedented step against wildfires that have scorched half a million acres. with crews stretched thin, the state is inviting volunteers to help fight the fires. at least 16 large fires are burning across washington. 200 homes destroyed. thousands more threatened. hopefully the weather will help. indy race car driver justin wilson is fighting for his life. he was struck in the head from debris from the car that crashed if front of him at pocono race way on sunday. the 37-year-old driver was air lifted to a hospital. oth officials say he is in a coma. and apology from cris carter this morning. espn and nfl condemning comments made by the former wide receiver. comments from a video from a 2014 rookie symposium. carter who works as an analyst for espn, captured on camera to have a quote fall guy in case they get in trouble. now he is stepping back. seeing that video has made me realize how wrong i was. everyone should take responsibility for his own actions. i m sorry for what i said. the ashley madison cheating web site is facing a lawsuit over the hack of 39 million people. the suit filed by two firms in cana canada. the u.s. attorney who prosecuted the case in florida had an account. he said he did not break any laws. he said he will not resign over stupid choices. the scary stock market. wait. don t touch the 401(k) just yet. we will tell you why not to panic. if you can t stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you ve been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end august 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. so why treat your half mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. sfx: ahhh listerine®. power to your mouth™! no sixth grader s ever sat with but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that s that new gear feeling. this week, these folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. shift without a disaster.a my bargain detergent couldn t keep up, so i switched to tide pods. they re super concentrated, so i get a better clean. 15% cleaning ingredients or 90%? don t pay for water. pay for clean! that s my tide. did you know that meeting your daily protein needs actually helps to support your muscle health? boost® high protein nutritional drink can help you get the protein you need. each serving has 15 grams of protein to help maintain muscle, plus 26 vitamins and minerals including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones. boost® high protein is the #1 selling high protein complete nutritional drink and it has a great taste-guaranteed! help get the nutrition you need everyday with boost® high protein. join the club at i m christine romans. let s get an early start on your money. a scary day for stocks. asian shares plunge. u.s. stock futures diving right now. on friday, the dow tumbled 531 points. the biggest one-day drop in four years. the weekend does not look like it was a speed bump for the sellers. dow is down 10% from its peak. the first correction since 2011. some of the market darlings are in their own personal bear markets. apple, exxon, walmart. all down more than 20% from the highs. some of the name, apple down 4%. netflix is down this morning. big selling in store as we start the week. investors are fleeing stock and commodities and rushing into bonds. copper, zinc plunging this morning. oil down too. oil below $40 a barrel for the first time since 2009. the chinese economic growth is slowing quickly. meanwhile, global supply is booming. what should you do? now is not the time to find your 401(k) log in. remember, if you have been in stocks the past few years, you are riding long gains. a pullback can be normal and healthy for the market. two ways you could feel this immediately. bond yields are falling and could push mortgage rates lower. gas prices could fall to $2 soon. that is something you will feel every time you fill up this fall. 58 minutes past the hour. three americans honored for helping prevent a possible massacre in france. now big questions must be answered. how can train passengers be kept safe? new day starts now. they are truly heroes. he kept pulling weapons. we saw him cocking the ak-47. he had a lot of ammo. vice president joe biden held a meeting with elizabeth warren. could this mean a biden/warren ticket? she has the pulse on the progressive movement. i can t imagine the clinton camp could be happy about this. a day of fun turned to tragedy. stay in your places. this is a traumatic announcer: this is new day with chris cuomo, al cam and michaela pereira. good morning, we have breaking overnight, a situation that could have been dozens killed on a train loaded with hundreds of passengers. instead, it s about three bone fied american heroes. spencer stone, anthony sadler and alek receiving the highest honor for bravery. why? they took down a gunman on a packed paris high speed train. the attacker is speaking out saying he s dumbfounded by allegations he s connected to islamist extremists. he says he was on the train to rob passengers because he was hungry. let s get to nic robertson live in paris. give us the latest. reporter: good morning,

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