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Transcripts For CNNW State Of The Union With Candy Crowley 20150104 17:00:00

just a job to provide for myself and his parents, but a career that he enjoyed and more importantly passionate about it even though he spent a lot of hours working, he was always love for his work. we spoke about the law and how he applied the law. he was objective in his determination of the law with courtesy, we areith respect and with the highest professionism. although he worked often, he always took time to spend with me his number one fan and his pamly and friends. he was always there when somebody needed something. when wenjian was not working, he
cared a lot for the chinese community. he wanted to always do his best to help and support. the very community that he was part of wenjian s kind heart loved by his friend and colleagues and our extended family ha isthat is here today. the caring son, a loving husband and a loyal friend. you are an amazing man even though you left us early, but i believe that he will have his loving spirit to continue to look out for us. he will keep an eye over us. wenjian is my hero. we can always count on him.
again, i thank you, my extended family my fam ily of blue for attending today s services, thank you. wen wenjian will always be in my hearts. i love you, i love you forever. [ applause ]
ing breaking news, the ongoing funeral service for new york police detective wenjian liu and you heard the widow, and the two with were married for four month, and gave what is a remarkably brave eulogy about her slain hudzsband and talking about how she was his soulmate and best friend and only son of immigrant, and very, very dedicated to his parents and mot to mention the people of new york city whom he risked his life and then died trying to protect them. there are thousands of people crowding the streets outside the brooklyn funeral home where this service is under way, and the police officers are standing shoulder-to-shoulder and notably some officers did turn their officers as the new york mayor bill de blasio did deliver
a eulogy. inside the drekirector fbi and the police commissioner and as i mentioned, officer liu s widow and his father. and his father did not speak in english, but you did not have to understand the language to feel his pain. it was really a heartbreaking, heartbreaking event. liu and his partner rafael ramos were gunned down december 27th when they were gunned down in their squad car, and we will be joined by miguel marquez who is outside of the funeral services. miguel can you tell us about the scene there among the thousands of men in blue who came all around the country to at tend this funeral. reporter: for the bulk of the entire ceremony there was a
contingent of asian officers just outside of the church here, and we believe that the coffin of officer liu is coming out soon and nypd officer did come up and ask whether we will be broadcasting live or speaking at that time, and that is something that they want to keep very somber event here to honor this police officer as his casket moves towards its final resting place. with the are regard to the police officers turning their back here in front of the funeral home there were zero. no police officers who turned their back. just down from here, on the processional route where the casket will go there with were some police officers who did turn their backs according to our sara ganim who is down tlhere and other producers who saw them but much smaller number than last week, and the police commissioner asking by memo to
the police force that it was not an appropriate thing to do. that it is a time for grieving and not grievance and that when they turned their back on the mayor during officer ramos funeral last week they did no valor to the officer s sacrifice and honor of his job in doing so. so he has asked them not to do it now. you can see now the police officers are lining up now. this is the ceremonial unit of the nypd lining up in order to receive the body the casket of officer liu. we expect to see that coming out of here shortly. it looks like they may be slightly ahead of schedule and though it is a little unclear that the family did arrive an hour before the ceremony began and several speakers to listen to his father speak, and i don t speak cantonese, but to listen to him speaking and trying to
get through the words and emotion, and it was hard to watch that. this was meant to go for another hour and he may be coming out soon. the ceremony they had in there was a lot of individuals bringing food to the location of the casket and also burning pieces of paper or cardboard to symbolize things from the physical word the food and those symbol ss are things that officer liu in the buddhist tradition would take on to the next life. dana? miguel i agree with you to watch his father to lose any child is just defy sies the laws of nature, but to lose your only son as he did is just words just can t can express how much grief he must be feeling right now. thank you very much and stand by us miguel because we want to go to cnn correspondent sarah
again mim who ganim who is outside of the funeral home. can you hear me? yes, it is dana bash sarah, and can you hear us? we are having trouble getting her ifp working, and we will go inside of the studio to tom fuentes, and you are a law enforcement analyst, but also a cop on the beat where you started outside of chicago for six years. and for those of us who have never served or had the honor of serving, talk about what is it like, and what has drawn thousands of people around the country including towns like chicago for this funeral? well to understand police officers it helps to have been one and having been in the life of a police officer. it is not a job but a way of life and not just for you, but the family. it is what has been carried
through for the ramos and liu families they have to live with the life and the fear and the threat, and i know my mother who had passed away now, she had a husband and two sons who were police officers at the same time, and she had this worry every day. i cannot imagine. i cannot imagine. the koncontroversy about what these officers faced when it came to racial protests and some of the protests getting personal when it came to the police officers after the killings in ferguson missouri of black teenagers in new york city. as somebody who has bp on the street and been on the beat what strikes you when you see all of this? what strikes me is that the one message that people don t really realize and the one thing about being a police officer is that you realize in the entire
criminal justice system, and in the entire medical system and the entire community leader ss, the police officer deals with the victim. the victims die in your arms and the victims die in the ambulance with you in the hospital or in the surgery at the hospital after they have been shot is or stabbed or involved in a terrible accident and it is the police and there is an image that the police have no empathy or sympathy for the members of the public and in the arereality, they have more. the hardened exterior to cope with that is the fact that the police see itt everyday. if the they have animosity, and the the guys carrying the guns in the community, and the gang-bangers gunning down other members, it is because they are seeing the the people shot by the gangs, and the people victimized by the crime. absolutely. so i want to turn back to the scene so that the viewers know what we are look ging at, the
funeral just concluded, and we are watching the sea of blue police officers from all over there, and you will see the color guard getting ready, and looks like we are waiting for the casket to come out to take wen wenjian liu to his final resting place. miguel marquez is there. these funerals are so tough to watch and to see this brotherhood and sisterhood to come together. if you can pan over here, ricky, this is the ceremonial unit inside of the funeral home. they are now lining up outside of the funeral home and the co color guard with the u.s. flag the new york citying in ing inand the nypd flag are going to line up in front of the hearse that will take detective liu to his final resting place. the level of mourning and the
sense of the sol lumemn nature of what is happening here is unmistakable. what we saw here today is a service that we are not accustomed to and to hear his father speak in cantonese, and even though none of us spoke cantonese, it was very clear and the love of his son was very clear. they did some translation afterwards to talk about how his son would heldp him come work in the garment district after his school work and he would call him and very conscientious and good son. the mayor talked about detective liu s love of fishing. and his cousin spoke about, and we all called him wenjian liu, but his family called him joe. it is how they have become an american family in their own
way, and now with the ceremonial unit out of the the funeral home it seems that they are now waiting for the mayor of the other dignitaries and the other director to come out, and then we believe we will see the casket of wenji aan liu come out of the funeral home to make its way. and what miguel is talking about is so true in that what you heard in the eulogies and throughout the service is that people were humanizing him, and he was not a number or a cop on the beat that was killed, but a human being with a family who loved him so much but another thing is what truely american story this is. and so classic new york. and so specific new york you have the son of immigrants coming in and really wanting to be a good american as they called him joe, and looking at
the line of work that he chose. and for many of the immigrant families especially when a son or daughter says that i want to be a police officer, the families coming in from other countries, they say, you can t be a police aufofficer in the united states, and this is the wild west and the rest of america looks at us with our 300 million gun s ins in a population of 320 million looks at us as violence and out of control and the violence on the streets and the wild west atmosphere and so in some ways when they hear that their family members want to be a police officer, they rare terrified, and that is probably why he had to call his dad after every shift to say he is still alive he made him. and i would want my son to call me after his shift everyday too, so i understand.
and we have a sea of oblue and police men from all over the country to attend the funeral, and sara can you tell us what you are seeing? yes, dana this is the procession route, and i have stepped away from the route to be respectful not to disrupt the officers who are lined up to watch the ceremony, but they have lined up here and listened to every single speaker, and tens of thousands is of officers are here to pay their respects. it is not the brightest or the warmest or the driest of days here in brooklyn but they did not come out in any less numbers as they did last week for officer ramos funeral. you heard are from wenjian liu s father who spoke in mandarin and he said that he was so proud of his son to be a member of the nypd and to help the immigrant community when he was not working. and we heard a couple of notable
things prfrom the fbi director james comey and new york mayor bill de blasio and we wondered if there would be an honor of the commissioner to not turn their back on the mayor as he spoke, and we did see some officers turn around and not a majority and not even half of the officers where we were standing, but some. and more than the nypd and some officers who were from out of town who also turned around for the speech. this tepgs between the nypd and the mayor have been growing since the protest in new york, but many of the officers i have spoken to here from nypd and out of town say they don t believe that the funeral for a fallen officer is a place for that. and to give you the idea of how many officers are here this is a sea of blue for nearly a mile and this is how long the route
is for those who want to pay their respects. jetblue flew in more than 1,100 officers from all over the country for free. i have seen badges and vehicles from cincinnati and virginia and connecticut and california and it is a long way to come. i have talked to three officers who came from outside of new orleans and they said it was incredibly important for them to be here for this, and not to show support for the fallen officer, but also because they feel that they do still get the re respect and earn the respect of the majority of the nation, and they wanted to show that to the world by coming here to this funeral, and just another note dana about security here because it is not just police officers, but it is a lot of the communities here in the streets, and we are seeing the patrols on the roofs, and canine units and helicopters and many of the units are blocked off on the
procession route where the casket is going to be driven down to the cemetery. it is not the only roadblocked off here. they are making sure that it is a safe place for them to hold this ceremony and to hold a proper funeral for one of their fallen. dana. thank you and great the information and color there. i should mention that as you were speaking sara we saw some of the congressional delegation exiting the funeral home there. is another one, peter king, the republican from new york coming out, and some other well known republicans, charlie rangel and congressman joe crowley who was on the show earlier today whose father and grandfather who were both new york city police officers and so we are watching the dignitaries come out, and that probably means not too far behind will be the casket of the slain officer, and while we are watching that i want to turn back to tom fuentes.
and you heard sara talking about despite the commissioner bill bratton asking the rank and file not the turn their backs, some did. she reported very important to note that it was not the number that it was at rafael ramos funeral, but it happen ded nonetheless from a treatise from their leader because it detracts from the respects of their fallen comrade. and tom, what do you make of that as a former officer? i think they should not have done it in my opinion, it is not the time or place as mentioned by commissioner bratton. and i thought that commissioner bratton s request to not do it and he said that he would not discipline any officers and no repercussions that way, and he requested it as a fellow officer, and he was a fellow officer in the 1970s when we were pigs and spit on and he
thought that police officers out there out of respect for him, and despite the feelings for the mayor which are neg thetive and deep, but out of respect for him, they might honor that respect. and let me play the devil s advocate they defect the freedom of speech everyday and why shouldn t they have their freedom of speech? why shouldn t they display their ainge anger if they are angry? they should, but by doing it today, they are talking about that instead of the great life of officer ramos, and their parents, and the other great officers in the world, and talk act this issue and that is the reason enough not to do it. i get that. and the big picture, and the years you were a cop? yes, in illinois, and 1970 to 1973 when i became a member of the fbi. and racial issues have
changed since then, and society has changed since then but is this something that the police force focus odd n? absolutely. the idea that when people say we need community policing. they have had community policing. my father was a police officer and it was a kid going with him to community events and chaperoning field trips and dances and all of that and i was 1 years old when he was a police officer, and the idea that the police need to get into the community and work them, and when you talk about what officer liu and ramos did in their communities tashgs i are a part of that as well as thousands of nypd officers engaged everyday in their community and in the neighborhoods talking to the people trying to help in the policing that they are doing. i the think that is part of what the police are upset about with the public rhetoric that they have not done community policing or they need training because they don t know how to talk to people. police aufofficers have a phd in
street psychology and if they don t talk to somebody properly it is because they don t want to and not because they don t know how. it is not because they need to take classes on wrestling, because the modern police officer has to be a wrestler and telling somebody they are under arrest and the person won t comply that is not going to cut it. and the rhetoric about policing needs to be that we need to have a discussion and not accusations back and forth by sound bite. and on that note, we need to return to the solemnity of this moment and hopefully we can see another picture of the sea of blue because it is powerful and poignant. and there it is. and before we go to t rehe reporters in the sea, tom, as a former police officer, yourself and what goes through your mind as you see that e remarkable scene. the brother 450d and the sisterhood of law enforcement, and why it is close, and why the remind minder of it. 115 police officers have died in
the line of duty this year, and it is because of the recent amount of public discussion that has been so negative about policingch that is actually contributing to the police officers wanting to travel from california and canada and new orleans to come to be a part of this because they realize that they need to show the solidarity of being in the profession and calling together. well, it is looking like solidarity and achieving that by looking at the pictures. miguel marquez, i want to bring you back in, and listening to tom fuentes and being a police officer, and looking at the police officers from all over the country, and i would believe that is the sentiment that you are seeing there on the ground? yes, it sis, and i can see a half mile down and you can see a fine line of blue all of the way down. they have created just enough space in the very wide street so that the funeral cortege can make its way down that way.
the mayor is speakingt that funeral in a personal way about detective liu. also this attack on both detective liu and ramos was not just an attack on two individuals, but it was an attack on the city of new york. the police work the police department being the bedrock of civil society, and the necessity to honor police officers and to have a good relationship between the political set and the police set. so my sense is that the rancor that we have seen in the recent weeks, and the anger in recent weeks h will find ss will find a newer and bet better level, and we have seen in the last half hour not only dignities, but police officer s to come out of the funeral home, and we expect to see the casket of detective liu to emerge shortly for the final ride to
its final resting place. and miguel, you have sort of been experiencing the whiplash of emotions there in new york city and now more the past couple of weeks, because of the assassination of these two police officers but then just prior to that the anger at the justice system and in many ways, the cops that we have heard, but the justice system because eric garner who was now everybody knows was killed during an arrest after he was trying to illegally sell cigarettes and the uproar about no indictments about that. that is the ancillary and i have logged many miles as they have angrily taken over to the streets here and that is where a lot of the rancor between the
mayor and the nypd comes from. there were beat cops walking alongside the protesters and stopping the traffic to make sure they could be safe and making sure adds they were taking over the streets and the city were safe. governor cuomo said it in his remarks last week probably best there is no better sign of what a great police department that we have that they were at the butt end of the anger of the protesters, and yet, they were protecting their fest first amendment rights while they were taking their abuse at the same time. so that s the sort of stuff that we saw for many, many miles through the streets of new york, and i am sure that those beat officers told their buddies by text and social media and everything else you should hear what they are calling us and hear what they are saying. there is already upset with the mayor before these two officers deaths, but afterward ss, it took it to another level.
and i want to tell you that the towers to tunnels program that offered to pay off the home loans for them and they needed $800,000 and they have $700,000 and so they can almost pay off their home loan ss. and hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised for these two individuals. for people who felt they were left out in the cold, and bereft and not loved in the city, and last week s funeral, and this week s funeral is showing a different picture. thank you, miguel for the insights and as you were speaking former mayor rudy giuliani is there to pay his respects as well. i want to go back to sara ganim who is there in the crowd, and by way of the context and the background, we have been talking about the new york mayor bill de
blasio and the anger that he has apparently incited among these many of the cops the reason most recently is the reason that he taught his biracial son how to handle whether when he is approached by a police officer, because he would be approached differently, because of the color of his skin. and sara, that is what sparked the people turning their backs on him when he spoke last week and to a much lesser extent just this morning. reporter: that is right, dana and some say it goes back to his opposition of stop and frisk when he was running for mayor. and being here, and not just here for the wake yesterday and the funeral today, but going back a few weeks to the very public memorial site in brooklyn sorry, sara, i am sorry to
interrupt, but i want to tell you that the family and the widow and the father of wenjian liu just exited the funeral home. keep going, i apologize. no, that is okay, dana. the days after were emotions very raw where the members of the community where where the members of the community had marched in the community had marched in the protests and they said this is not the time to criticize the mayor. there was a scene from the memorial and i witnessed it and it was so incredibly powerful where a woman came with a sign for officer ramos young son who said that your father had nothing wrong and she was having a hard time to tape it to the brick wall and officer came up to put it up on the wall and they put it up together and it was representative at the mood of the memorial, because it was interesting at the same time that some of of the police
unions were criticizing the mayor, and now a few weeks remove d removed from here at the funeral here at the wake, and i heard many officers some of them former nypd who work in other departments in other states who had come back for this say, look, it is a political issue, and also a very personal issue for many of the officers but this funeral is not the place for that. and that comes from this feeling that last week at officer ramos funeral, the pictures, the the photographs of the nypd turning their backs on the mayor, those were incredibly powerful pictures, and they changed the narrative of that day away from the funeral, and away from the celebration of his life and towards a more political issue, and people did not want to see that happen again today. and sara i have been in those situation, and it is physically difficult to move around but have you talked to any of the officers who defied commissioner bratton and turned their backs nonetheless?
well shgs, i have not, but dana, from where i am, it was not a whole lot of them around certainly mot the numb lyly not the numbers that we saw last week and in the crowd of about 450 where i can see and count from where i am standing maybe 50, or maybe even less, and then some of them were not nypd at all, and they were officers from other jurisdictions who wanted to make the point that they stand alongside the nypd on this issue, but it wasn t a majority and it was not half. it was a few. and their commissioner william bratton, when he made this plea for them not to do this today, he said look it is not a mandate and i won t discipline anybody over it, but i am asking that this day not become about this conversation that we are having right now, that it become that the narrative stay with officer liu and his family
and the nypd and like i mentioned before when i talked to officers who came in from out of town i did get the feeling that one of the reason ss that they wanted to come was because they wanted to show that solidarity and they wanted to show that they do feel the support of the nation and while this is a personal issue, a lot of them felt that it was an issue for today. thank you, and that is the case for today. for the viewers who are tuning in we are looking at a cold and rainy day in new york city, but one that is not deterring the thousands is of police officers and dignitaries who have come from around the kuncountry to pay their respects to officer wenjian liu who lost his life and killed on desemcember 20th along with his partner rafael ramos. there was an incredibly moving funeral service that included speeches not just from the
dignitaries such as the mayor as we have been discussing or the police commissioner, but hi father who spoke cantonese, and did not speak english, but you did not need to speak that language that to understand the sorrow and the pain of losing his not only son, but his only son and his only child, and then from his widow who he was married to for two months who called him her best friend her soulmate and somebody who really gave his all for not just her and his family but for the city of new york. i want to bring back tom fuentes, and as we look, we are as i mentioned, we heard the ceremony and seeing everybody leave. what we are waiting for right now is for the casket of wenjian liu to exit the funeral home and make its way down to what the reporters on the scene have been describing over a mile of people just lined up on the procession route.
what are your thoughts as we areing at this now? just how moving and solemn and the emotions of the officers are of everyone who is attending this. and you know if any good came from the last two weeks of the funeral s funerals, it is that when you have got to know officer ramos and the family better and officer liu and the family better you realize that they are not just people but great human beings and great people and the things they stood for, they are the best that our society has, and they are police officers. it makes me proud to have been a police officer and fbi agent and 36 years sworn in both positions, and makes me proud that i was one of them. tom i have seen you on our air talking about a lot of really, really horrible things unfortunately over the last couple of years, but this is
personal for you, i can tell. this is so thank you, for doing this and you are bringing a sense of what it is like for those of us who again didn t have the honor to serve can understand. i want to go totoer errol louis and tom verni, and what are your thoughts? well listening to e dedetek detective liu s family and his wife speak, and like you said you don t have to speak the language to know the raw emotion they are channeling. it is unbelievable tragedy that many of us can t wrap our heads around what took place a couple of weeks ago.
i know that as seen earlier on cnn there were a number of nypd officers that did turn their backs when the mayor was speaking, and then when the police commissioner came up to speak they turned back around, so it is important to note that the officers out of respect for commissioner bratton did turn around and for the entire funeral were faced forward. the only time that some of them did turn around is when the mayor was speaking. what do you make of that? well, you have to remember that the police are not allowed to strike here in new york. there is a law that prevents them from striking. they are working pour or five years without a contract, and aside from the political rhetoric that mayor de blasio has come out not only as mayor, but as a candidate when he was running for mayor, and also his comments after the no true bill in staten island for the eric garner incident he has come out in a very anti-nypd specifically
set of rethetoric. and the officers, you can t not take that lightly, because this is somebody that you are working for, and aside from the fact ta they are working for years without a contract which in and upon itself is ridiculous, this is the only way that they have a chance as a group to have a silent protest to show their discomfort with the mayor and disagree with him. they are basically giving him a no confidence vote is what it is coming down to. they don t have any confidence in the mayor to prept them in a favorable light to represent them in a favorable light, and it is not just based on the perception but on the mayor s actions in the last year or two. ander roll and errol, you have covered the police department for many years, and new york city and does this strike you as more raw and
intense than in the past? well, it is unusual, and not more raw. anybody who was around in 1992 when 10,000 cops essentially rioted on the steps of city hall sort of stormed the building and caricatures and that was a time of very high crime. crime is at a historic lows and as tom points out, there are underlying workplace issues that need to be resolved and not by bill de blasio s making and he has been there for one year and five-year no contract is something that he inherited and trying to e negotiate, and for this department to be as upset as they are speaks to the difficulty of changing the culture of the very large, very respected and very proud organization and there is no question that the change is endorsed by the citizens of new york. they voted in bill de blasio for a reason. this is not some side plank or side print in his agenda,
because it is central for what he ran on, and he won in overwhelming votes to make change. and speaking of mayor de blasio blasio he did speak in the funeral in the last hour. i want to play a little bit of what he said. let s listen. detective wenjian liu was a brave man. he walked a path of courage. a path of sacrifice and a path of kindness. this is who he was. and he was taken from us much too soon. i want to go back to you, tom. as a former member of the nypd and as a detective, when you hear the mayor say that does that make you feel more feel better a about the mayor and the tension that we have seen thus far that he is trying hard
obviously to mend the fences? well, it is something that i have not seen in quite a while. i honestly, you know, me, personally, and i think that i speak on behalf of a number of officers, and i can t speak on behalf of the entire department of course but i don t really put a lot of, you know credibility into the words that he came out with. i mean, he is really trying to back pedal as best he can. i think that he knows that on a lot of levels that he, you know spoke, i h think, out of turn and especially after the grand jury made their verdict out of staten island and you can t take back what you said and you can maybe offer the retraction and come back and say, listen maybe i spoke out of turn and maybe not saying that the entire nypd is a bunch of racist storm trooper, because that is what he was saying. what happened in staten island
had nothing to do with the race, and it was an arrest of a career criminal who chose to resist arrest and the officers used physical force to arrest him, and unfortunately result ed ined in that man s death, and that is in part of itself a tragedy. you won t find any officers glad that person died but it is certainly not the result of the officers looking for, and quite frankly, the officers that day were enforcing quality of life law has the mayor and the city council are out there wanting them and demanding they enforce. turning away from the politics for a moment and back to the solemnity of the moment. what we are seeing now, and waiting for casket of wenjian liu to come out, and while we do, i want to come back to remarkable and the brave eulogy that his widow, and the two were married for two months gave
during the funeral ceremony. listen to this. i thank you for sharing this moment with me. with us. with our family. to reflect the goodness of his soul. and the wonderful man that he is. many of you know as joe, especially at work. but to me he is my soulmate. tom, back to you in new york. you know, while you are on the beat, i m guessing as tom fuentes here in the d.c. studio said to me a short while ago, your family is on pins and needles everyday even though things like this don t happen very often, and you are always in the line of fire and it is your duty and what you do? yeah, i had a full head of
hair when i started the police department and for those who have seen me it has taken its toll and i did 22 years in the nypd, and i was a beat cop, and community policing and so the concept of the communeity policing that some people have talked about and maybe trying to e restore here in new york i think it is a fantastic way of policing neighborhoods. it absolutely is. and when it is done correctly, and the nypd unfortunately have lost 7,000 or 8,000 police officers since the time of 9/11 and so the physical bodies that you need to conduct that, it is going to be taking some fancy footwork to reassignment personnel to do that the, but that would be a great way to do that to reconnect with the communities in the city. but either way, whether you are doing the community policing or the narcotics tails or chase canning after gangsters, any time you are walking around, you are a walking target. so until you finish the stint
that you are slated to do whether it is 20 or 25 years in the police department and until you get out and retire do the families breathe a sigh of relief that you are finished and do your duty. i can imagine. miguel marquez, back to you at the scene. we are looking at the two flags from the color guard, and the ceremonial and now they are going up so perhaps we are going to be seeing the the casket coming out soon. but miguel, it is cold can and rainy and still packed with people there. they are not going anywhere, and this is a solid blue mass that want toss to show the support. the rain has been going on, and it has stopped now shgs, and the trumpeters have come out so we expect taps will be played soon. there were a number of things that we learned in the service. the the mayor gave two examples.
clear ly clearly he spent a lot of time with the liu family in the last couple of weeks. clearly a man who loved to fish and when he got a big fish he loved to share it with with the family. and two was the call he went on and there was a call of a man who had fallen and he spoke chinese and when they needed help he would be called in and the man was on the floor and he didn t want to get up or move and liu spent hours with this man and turned out that it was a guy who was elderly and just wanted some company, and liu was more than happy to play along and help this guy up, and those tiny things. and this is a guy who studied accounting but he wanted to become a cop. and he did. bill brotton, the police commissioner spoke about being a cop. he came to the profession late, but the pool was just as strong as someone like brill bratton who joined very, very young. perhaps the most telling sign of this family and the remarkable life was his cousin who said
that we didn t call him wenjian but we called him joe. this is a family that arrived here 20 years ago from china and has become fully american family as we wait for the only son of this family wenjian liu to make his way out of the funeral home here in brooklyn. dana. absolutely heartbreaking to watch and think about. and while we are weight, werare waiting, we want to go to another portion of the funeral home and hear from the new york police commissioner bill bratton and hear what he had to say. officer liu believed in the possibility of making a safer world. all cops do. it is why we do what we do. and it is why we run towards danger when others run away. we believe in the possibility of keeping disorder controlled.
we believe in the possibility of a city free from fear. pretty emotional from him, and at times in watching his speech even somebody who has seen a lot in his many decades on the police forces across the country look like it was hard for him to sort of keep it together understandably given the gravity of the moment and the speech that he had to give for the loss of his rank and file. we are looking at the color guard and the ceremonial moment when wenjian liu s casket comes out of the funeral home to begin a procession in what the re reporters on the scene there have described as remarkable a mile long the sea of people and
not just police officers around the country, but the everyday average new york citizens out there, and sara is out there with the people. sa sara, as they are ready for the moment for the processional and what are you hear prg the people hearing from the people on the street there? reporter: dana i am here with a group of toronto officers who have collected badges from a group of the people here who have handed them out the the members of the community and not souvenirs, but handing them out as a remembrance of the day, a it was a really good moment. it was a great moment to see the officers first of all from so far away and not even part of this country and the united states interacting with the members of the community who came here from far away places who are here to just pay their
respects and as they wait along the procession line, they are exchange, and the worlds are colliding. it was a sweet moment. mostly you know officers are standing out here. and it is driz canzling on and off, and they are waiting along a packed processional line, and they are waiting to pay their respects. off officers are here from all across the country, and more than 1,100 came in on jetblue for free, but i would venture to say that i would take the guess to say that there are more than 1,100 officers here from out of town. i have seen so many with my own eyes from departments across the country, and not just the officers are here dana and something that i have noticed is that i have seen patrol cars from as far away as ohio. i saw a group of sheriff s deputies on motorcycle who clearly came here from cincinnati out of state, and that is showing that they drove
all of this way on the motorcycles to be here today. i have seen the patrol cars from other states as well not as far away as ohio, but there were a group of motorcycle officers from new jersey today traveling in a group. so we have seen a lot of nuggets that sew that this is really a community event, and when i say community i mean not just new york but community of support and community of within new york as well but a lot of moments today that are indicative of why people want to be here. the events in new york in the last couple of weeks, that is part of it. there is a feeling that they need to come here to show support because of the recent events here. that is clear to me. a couple of the officers here who talked to me from out of state and had been members of the nypd prior to leaving the
state told me that they wanted to make it clear that nypd is very diverse, and very diverse and large department. they didn t buy into this idea that there is you know widespread racism. they wanted to come to show and stand alongside their follow officers officers, and show their support because of that reason, and i have to say it is something that is very clear as we stand outside here today. dana, finally, i want to say that it does appear that things are going to be moving along here shortly. as you look down the sea of blue i want to make it clear that this is a very, very long procession line because there is nearly a mile worth of police officers standing here filling up more than half of the street so that they can be here and witness officer wenjian liu s final drive to the final resting place. they are waiting here to pay their final respect ss.
dana? and is sara talked about the solidarity as they say, and they all bleed blue. that is very clear in watching these pictures and these images. solidarity is not just about the local police from new york and around the country, but the federal law enforcement. james coalmymey is the drekirector of the fbi, and he spoke. i was not lucky enough to know detective liu. but i have listened to other people talk about how deeply he cared about being a police officer. and former fbi officer, tom fuentes, why so important for
the director of the fbi to be there to speak? well to let people know that it is an international issue, and he represents the federal law enforcement, and it is more than the thin blue line, because all of the international partners stand together the as well. the fbi is a conduit the rest of the world through the legal at ta attache program, and they can get assistance from each other, and it is a worldwide fraternity and not just within the ud or within the united states or new york. and errol louis, as you look at the pictures the perception of outside of new york city is a rough and tumble place, but when push comes to shove, the new yorkers get together and they hold hands and really there for each other.
i noeknow a lot of the people that we are seeing in these pictures are cops from out of the city but errol, as somebody who has covered new york city, and been a resident of new york city for a long time i m guessing that is probably not a surprise to you? oh no not at all. the thin blue line is pretty thick and long as you can see. i mean, i should mention that my dad is a retired nypd inspector, and my older sister is a retired detective. there are lots and lots of people who have lots and lots of close relationships to the cops. new yorkers are extremely proud of the nypd and it is an important institution in the town. one thing that is important, dana, the protesters who were doing a lot of the black lives matter one of the slogans and organizing all over the country, and they inspired sort of a not quite backlash but a parallel movement, and there were lots of people who have been out there doing their own marches in
surprising number of jurisdictions all over to the country, and from massachusetts to utah, to seattle and everywhere in bewean, these sort of spontaneous citizen rallies in sup role for policing. and one of the central democratic institutions in our country. and as you said your father was or is on the police force, and what is your opinion in
regard to the national racial tensions? well, i called up my dad, and i call him up anyway but i asked him about some of the events and what he thought, and he said that he was surprised that the cops had turned the backs and so forth and he read that as them being ma nup lated by the union relationship in a way that would not have happened in the day. it is fine to be angry with the political leadership and fine to do something about it but you don t do it when you are in uniform, and not because it is the thing to do. these things tend to work themselves out, and his perspective which is valuable is that it ebbs and flows, and the cops get upset about one thing or another, and whether it is creation of the civilian complaint review board which is a hot button issue a generation ago or appointment of the new inspector general which is a recent fight and court fight or the stop and frisk, and now body cameras and other procedural
questions, and it is something that plays out in the public, but it is not supposed to divide the city. as i mentioned here in new york and you have it right up there on the screen there is not so fundamental of a breach that the whole town is going to fall apart. it is the kind of dispute that comes up every so often do we need to tweak it a little bit. my friend tom mentioned eric garner as a career criminal and they would say, he is a guy selling loose cigarettes and trying to scratch outt a living on the wrong side of the law, but you give that guy a ticket a warning. you don t swarm him with six cops and end up killing him, and these are the indkind of fine-tuning questions that need to go on at the the community level. that is where this gets solved andt not so much the politicians. no question, err oshgtsol and as
with we await the casket coming out of the funeral home, i want to get back to the human element here as we are seeing a young man slain in the line of duty. and i want to go to what his cousin officer liu s cousin said about him speaking at his funeral earlier today. he was the most caring and thoughtful cousin that anyone could have. he would go out of his way to make sure that we were always happy and taken care of. he brought pride and honor to our family. he was a role model for many. myself included. and will continue to be. oh. that is just incredible and poignant. miguel marquez is standing outside of the funeral home and he watched the entire funeral, and you are watching the the scene right now, deskribcribe it.
oh, it is always tough to take take, the drum corps has just come up from a side street. they have specialized vehicle that they have filled with the flowers from inside of the funeral home with a badge of the city of new york police department and the drum corps may be the most chilling of everything that will happen today as they march down the street, and the steady beat and the steady dirge as they pass the line of blue. several members from inside of the funeral home have come out, and we expect that things have expected to get going here fair fairly soon. it is very, very difficult to watch. impressive in the mile or so that i can see, all blue.

Something , Wen-wenjian , Lot , Community , Part , Support , Best , Heart , Chinese , Family , Husband , Friend

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live Post Debate 20161020 05:00:00

that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. let s be clear about what he is saying and what that means. he s denigrating, he s talking down our democracy and i for one am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position. donald trump s comments tonight have already been condemned by jeff flake of arizona, lindsey graham of south carolyn a. will they reverberate by voters? we ll see. i m joined by chris of host all in with msnbc, and former chairman of the national committee, michael steal, and msnbc everybody s a political analyst any way, i shouldn t base that, everything is. he s the host of the how hewitt show, and also msnbc political analyst. who i can start with? chris we ll just go across here. this you know, there is the
i m alfred hitchcoc. he was given the third world of idea, the sort of banana republican idea heads i win, and you get prosecuted, and tales you lose and i m going to say the election is legitimate. he refused and said he ll keep us in suspense. it s not showmanship, it s dangerous his former campaign chair, paul manafort, this is the game they played in the ukraine and this is the game people who work around donald trump, played with it is election, claiming it wass was illegitimate. it s kind of frightening. michael, you re laughing. i m not laughing, chris. this is the party of abraham lincoln, the grand old party who won t accept the results of the election. it s not the party i led. this is not representative of any nominee we ve ever had in
media then you re going to he turnout in great numbers. the two hot ticks as to what michael said, if i were some enterprising reporter, din dino rossi, both of whom lost, in contested elections i think norm coleman was cheated, and din orossi. how was he cheated? they manufactured ballots after the election by the dozens. and washington state they kep kept counting, and counting, and counting until they got the number. both of them conceded at the end of the legal recount. they wanted to make the point, if it was so close this a particular state, i will fight like al gore did. he could have done that. he did not do that. he used language outside the norm. i can say that applies more broadly. it was so striking him talking about the supreme court justices and pro life, right?
most republican candidates don t just say i will point pro life justices because everyone understands that s a subtext. they say i will appoint justices who will up told the constitution, because he s basically reading austin decoff cards, he accepts the top line, i ll appoint pro life justices. i watched republican candidate after can. they don t come out and say that. in fact, hillary clinton did the same thing. that s right, but the republicans she said i had a litmus test. it is the republicans and judicial conservatives a litmus test is ipso facto,il legitimate. who said they there s no one left. he is so unembedded in any sort of fluency is he gives you the top line off the index card.
everything was airplane mode until a certain point. all the sudden, trump s language on the life issue, on late term, certain the idea of aborting a baby a few days before birth, he didn t talk about spina bifida, he didn t talk about the concerns people have when they have tests in the fifth month. he didn t talk about the clinicalcasions th clinical argument that it s bad, first of all, about this particular procedure, it s not just late term, it s a procedure. he i think he rang the bell for the pro lifers today. that s why he did it. the delivery, that procedure describing the nineth month of pregnancy is called a cesarian. it is true, he i think donald trump demonstrated that he has absolutely 0 fluency with anything to do with what happens to a woman. let s everybody judge for themselves.
in pregnancy and hillary did the opposite. was he talking about partial birth? let s take a look. if you go with what hillary is saying in the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. now, you can say that that s okay and hillary can say that that s okay, but it s not okay with me. because based on what she s saying and where she s going and she s been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on the final day, and that s not acceptable. that is not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate. you should meet with some of the women that i ve met with, women i ve known over the course of my life. this is one of the worst possible choices that any woman and her family has to make, and i do not believe the government should be making it.
okay. i think hillary clinton, apart from the values question, it was surreal, the differences between pro life and pro-choice, the real values differences and sometimes there s conflict and we have to deal with it. hillary clinton never lost focus on who she was going after, women in the suburbs. she talked about the need for gun regulation to protect toddlers. right. she s not talking about the work of marianne wright edelman. trump was working his base. he was working his base and not understanding the human bases of ideology, the idea they re going to rip a fetus at nine months before birth that is a cesarian section. he didn t understand the issue he s talking about. to chris point, he hasn t thought about it enough, to have a conversant point on it. he did that all night tonight, where hillary clinton gave her the oosition to understand empathynd talk about specific
women and demonstrate the basic knowledge of what women in the fact and what they deal with. donald trump has no empathy for women, that s the basic reason he s so far behind. he lacks basic empathy for women. including sexual assault, obviously. i m curious what you guys thought of the heller discussion. chris wallace eye w i was gla started with the court. i m impressed donald trump knows heller. i thought that s a crazy thing to be surprised by. this is the single biggest second amendment case. i heard pennsylvania when he was talking about. that s the one thing he remembered. yeah, yeah. pennsylvania, indiana. what he was talking about on the late-term abortion, the gossnell horror factory, when he was talking about very explicitly to second amendment people, what she considers
reasonable and what her court considers reasonable is not what the court considers reasonable accident and t, and the pivot to chicago made the point. it rang every bell for republican voters. the gossnell horror story, off the book, illegal illegal. completely illegal, horrific murder chamber. the guy in philly. if he would used gossnell, the way he used heller, it would have been very effective. and he did well reminding people the rigged media needs to confront the project veritas tapes. and what s that? that the dnc contractors insighti encited violence in chicago. if they are not talked about and debunked they will play into the media. do you think any credible media outlet is going to use james o keefe who dressed up as
a pretend pimp who was somebody james o keefe he may as well as be from the national inquirer. we ve seen this before. the whole thing was garbage. i want to get the contention out. if they re right if this is legitimate, what does it establish? it establishes that democratic party nominated donald trump and effectively dis that s absurd. delegitimized him early. how would they get 14 million republicans to vote for donald trump? you have to own the people who voted for this guy. in your party, your voter chose him. joy, this goes to that s the end of it. what you heard throughout the campaign particularly members of the 168, the leadership of the rnc who were concerned about the open primary process. the cross over of a lot of voters who have never voted in the republican primary, showed up miraculously in certain
states at certain times. you can look at it and dismiss it, but when you start putting together the story timeline, ju juxopposed to what s coming out let s talk about what s being stipulated. is the stipulation the democratic party engineered donald trump to be the nominee of the republican party? no, it s not. they worked actively to frame him as an extremist by provoking violence at his rallies and if you want to debunk that, you will debunk the rigged media. if you don t talk about it, you played into rigged media. are you going to try to blame democrats for people who behaved incredibly violently at trump rallies? the guy who sucker punched the black guy, you re saying democrats caused them to take those actions? i will tell them to watch the
veritas videos. this is a special edition of hard ball live from las vegas for the final presidential debate. i sat in my apartment today in a very beautiful hotel known as trump made with chinese steal. sprint? i m hearing good things about the network. all the networks are great now. we re talking within a 1% difference in reliability of each other. and, sprint saves you 50% on most current national carrier rates. save money on your phone bill, invest it in your small business. wouldn t you love more customers? i would definitely love some new customers. sprint will help you add customers and cut your costs. switch your business to sprint and save 50% on most current verizon, at&t and t-mobile rates. don t let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. whoooo! for people with hearing loss, visit
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i m here with my colleges. hillary clinton had a short retort tonight with donald trump after responding about putin. i don t know putin. he said nice things about me. if we got along well, that would be good. if united states and russia got along well, and went after isis that would be good. he has no respect for her, he has no respect for our president, from everything i see, has no respect for this person. that s because he d rather have a pupper as presidet as pr the united states. you re the puppet. it s pretty clear the russians have engaged in cyber attacks against the united states of america that you encourag encourag encouraged espionage against our people, and you are willing to spout the putin line, sign up for his wish list, breakup nato, do whatever he wants to do and that you continue to get help
from him because he has a very clear favorite in this race. i don t know about motive. i hate motive in politics. it s just a stupid argument, but trump makes an argument we d be better off sharing responsibilities in the middle east with russia. and putin will play a role in the assad regime, we ll be better off than this endless war, we re in the middle of with the sunni and shia. i did understand trump tonight, i believe i understood him when he said if we take back mosul, that s the shia-led government of iraq. here we have the wonderful support of and the thing king
abdulla has been afraid of all the time, and the sunis don t have isis, they re going to have some other organization. when are we going to stop believing we can take sides on the shia, who have been moraning itnist more antagonistic. is that how i heard it? it is how i heard it. hillary is just doing the usual. we re going to have no-fly zones. you can t have a flono fly zone you can t put planes in the air that s the problem. there s no full exploration of what the no-fly zone process would look like. where are these airplanes going to be based? where are they going to be based and how do they enforce it, particularly if they re russian planes involved in all of they. here s the other thing i was thinking about. how about any of the other aircraft fire? we have planes flying around over there. who are we shooting at. the enemy of my enemy is my
enemy and my friend. i think it s amazing you were able to take that melage and assembly them into an order where you could understand any i thought it was meandering. they understand trump-ism. he sort of meandered around he was trying to remember whatever the last thing he was told by kellyanne conway. he demonstrated no conversant of the issue. i was thinking back to the 2008 campaign and candidate barack obama talking about how he wanted to have a different relationship with our enemies, that he was going to be the president to sit down with our enemies and negiate a deal, to because george bush, that bad bush, didn t know how to negotiate a good deal that got us into this war and i m sitting there thinking that this is now sort of a flash back to that point. here you have trump and a lot of republicans are talking about opening up a reproach if you
will with russia, recognizing their growth and their expansion in the region. they re now a player, you ve got to play with them, and wanting to sit down and develop the relationship with them, and then you have this new establishment that s been created by obama and hillary, they re like how dare you, how dare you talk to russia. so it s just an interesting- i want to interesting. let me finish my point and i ll shut up. i m not saying that that is the right necessarily the right approach to take, but i just find that our policy in the middle east has changed to such a degree that it is 180 degrees from where it was when barack obama was talking about sitting down with the russians. let me say this and i want to start with this agreement, which is i do think the rhetoric on russia from hillary clinton is probably tactically smart, but i m worried about what it all amounts to after the election. i agree. i think we all don t want to head down the road towards
another code war ld war or war nuclear power. aren t you afraid, chris, joy, that hillary s just nestling up to a war with assad s regime? for talks in the middle east, we are 100% agreement on that. my problem with trump is his greatest passion and his most passionate answer tonight again was in his defense of vladimir putin. i think you can want what you talked about, which is a realignment, a reset, where we take seriously the idea of where putin can be helpful to us in the middle east and not have the passion to defend him and the passion to defend his government and his efficacy let me just finish this point. the other thing is, there are 17 u.s. intelligences agencies that believe in political espionage,
attempting to put their thumb on the scale for the election. it s not crazy that hillary clinton and the clinton campaign are not super psyche body that in this moment. why does he deny what s been established? why does trump lose credibility by saying this didn t come from russia? it was inexplicable. it was russia and the u.s. intelligence agencies say it was russia. it is fact checkable. the active measures by the ffb, otherwise known as wikileaks is a very dangerous cyber a pack on the united states. the argument to be made by republicans is cyber attacks against opm, cyber attacks against the department of defense, which occur every day, cyber attacks against sony pictures v n pictu
pictures have not been responded to, from the meddle in tiddle ef he proposes and i think he s very wrong that we will right this mess by dealing with russia as a great power from the zarast area, as opposed from the soviet union, it is an argument to be made and i think democrats have to deal with the fact for eight years we have not defended the infrastructure or resem believing to allow us to respond to national security. i think we re having a good debate here. thank you, hugh, and joy. you guys have to leave. we re doing a little rotation. any way, you re bringing defense and offense. we re platooning. up next, much more republican reaction, the big news donald trump made here tonight, his refusal to say he would accept the election. he s going to keep us in
suspense, again, alfred hitchco hitchcock. live from las vegas for the final presidential debate. every time donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is, is rigged against him. trump university gets sued for fraud and racketeering, he claims the court system and the federal judge is rigged against him. there was even a time when he didn t get an emmy for his tv program three years in a row and he started tweeting that emmys were rigged against him. should have gotten. every time i travel, it s the moments that are most rewarding. because if you let yourself embrace them, you ll never forget them. the new marriott portfolio of hotels now has 30 brands in over 110 countries.
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talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum i want to ask you here on the stage tonight, do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely sir, that i will absolutely accept the result of this election? i will look at it at the time. i m not looking at anything now. i ll look at it at the time. what i ve seen what i ve seen is so bad first of all, the media is so dishonest and so corrupt and the pylon is so amazing that new york times actually wrote an article about it but they don t even care. it s so dishonest and they ve poisoned the minds of the voters, but unfortunately for them, i think the voters are seeing through it. i think they re going to see through it. we ll find out on november 8th, but i think they re going to see through it. welcome back to hardball on the most stunning moment of tonight s debate, donald trump refused commitment to accept the
results of the november election and here s what he said when moderator chris wallace pressed him further. sir, there is a tradition in this country, in fact one of the prides of this country, is the peaceful transition of power and that no matter how hard fought a campaign is, that at the end of the campaign, that the loser concedes to the winner not saying you re necessarily going to be the loser or the winner but the loser concedes to the winner and that country comes together in part for the good of the country, are you saying you re not prepared now to commit to that principle? what i m saying is i ll tell you at the time, i ll keep you in suspense. let me respond to that because that s horrifying trump s refusal in spat of wh spite of what his own running mate and daughter have said. here s mike pence. will you accept the results of the election? we will absolutely accept the results of the election. the american people will speak in an election that ll cucullm
election legitimate, on the basis of 08, when they said in both of those times, president obama was an illegitimate candidate for president, so there s elections in arrow, he s threatening to delegitimize. it is a pattern, and leads to the suggestion that robert costa will not value the election results. pretty scary stuff. it wasn t just what he said that was shocking, it was the way he said it. there was a casual contempt in donald trump s voice for 225 years of american political tradition. donald trump is a force for chaos. he always has been. if he can t taking some and win something himself, he will destroy that thing and make it impossible for other people to have it. what he s what he s really doing tonight among other things, in addition to challenging the whole system, is saying that if i can t have the
presidency, i m going to make it nate worth hillary s time to have it. that s what he s doing. and this will have global i am the global editor. this is top news around the world already. the legitimacy of the american election is something that is not only prized in america, it s prized around the world, because it s a symbol of stability and strength of the world s super power and the light of light of nations. and he s putting that under threat. let s talk about the washington post yesterday, he s a very hawkish guy. he laid out a whole speculative theory this is what vladimir putin wants. yep. he wants to have sort of a mood in this country in the various parts of the old soviet union and to break this thing up and blame the government for a corrupt election and say we were secur secured out of it he wants to get even because he thinks we
did that in the part of the of the soviet union against him. he has this dream of restoring and to blame us. you have to realize what putin s government has been doing is stoking these right-wing movements what s that group? you kip the sort of the new version of kgb, so new kgb, fsb in russia has been using all of these sort of undermining tactics to try to stoke right-wing movements all across europe and it s had a really detabd destabilizing across the continent. they did it in ukraine. i think they re trying to find democratic equality equivalence across the globes. we have problems with our elections, and their elections are joy and i were discussing this actually before, and when i
came on, chris, i stand corrected. i was right that this is about something bigger. i was wrong that it is something so small as a television network. they have much grander ambitions. who s they? steve bannon, the people behind donald trump. why do you see nijel farage, at all the spin rooms? i think they see potential for a movement that in some ways transsends our borders. how they keep it a lie by denying the results of the election? it s multipronged. this is a moment a critical moment of educated republicans who care about our democracy to put aside party and to start speaking out and i think we re starting to see the seeds of that tonight on twitter. i think we re starting to see the seeds of that with responsible republicans like
marco rubio saying of course the election is not rigged and we need to stand together something that began as a reality show spec ctacle we all a mused by it has mo morphed. arizona senator jeff flake tweeted donald trump tweeted he might not accept the election results is beyond the pail. south carolina republican senator lindsey graham, like most americans vicon fiddence in our democracy and election system, during this debate mr. trump is doing the party a great disservice. if he loses it will not be because the system is rigged, but because he failed as a candidate. ben, you wanted to correct something about we talked about earlier with regard to the rnc s position. first of all a real politic observation is what donald trump s remarks will do.
we ll ha will have the exact opposite of what he s intended. he s given the democrats a terrific get out the vote mechanism to make more democrats who are not enthusiastic about hillary clinton and will increase democratic turnout. but in terms of what we talked about earlier on the air, the rnc doing a voter fraud program, that is not true. i ve been told by the top council for both the campaign and the rnc, that rnc is abiding by the decent decrease and it is not the least bit involved in poll-watching programs. what do you think reince priebus will say, because i don t think he s spoken out yet, about trump nonaccepting? i talked to him. i caught him afterwards. he was trying to beat it out of the spin room, if you can imagine, and he was trying to convince us that this is nothing more than just a preemptive positioning that in case the
difference happens to be by about one electoral vote or something minor this is a hair-race, you know, that donald trump wants to reserve that option and he said trust me, that s all this is. then i got kellyanne conway and it was a different what i want to see is is not just reince priebus not trying to get out of the room, and lindsey graham, the usual suspects on matters trump, i want to hear fromimi mitch mcconnell, especially mitch mcconnell who considers himself a states man and somebody who respects the integrity of the system. i want to hear from them tonight. mitch mcconnell, these other going to be looking at 2018, and if donald trump, looks as if
he ll be defeated, his voters, this fashion he s whipped up on the republicans, they ll still be there in their districts and their states and the fear of them is where i think mcconnell is silent, the fear of them is why rubio and reince howard, look, the point is, is that it s important for mitch mcconnell and paul ryan to have the legitimacy of the votes accepted because they re candidates to the u.s. senate and the u.s. house in and tight races need the results. let s hear him saying. i m going to watch the and see when they do. i said that tonight i hope they do. if toomy wins a squeaker in our state, it s likely to say he one. that s right. sticking around with us for a little more, you re watching hardball live in las vegas for the final presidential debate. we thought fibers that help you stay regular
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i will stand up for families against powerful interests, against corporations, i will do everything that i can to make sure that you have good jobs with rising incomes, that your kids have good educations from preschool through college. i hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president. that was like a candidate s night in a regular debate, as if we had a regular debate tonight. welcome back to hardball live in las vegas for what was the final debate. tonight, donald trump again denied all the accounts of numerous women who have accused-im sexual misconduct and he said the clinton campaign was to blame for those women coming forward. here s trump and clinton s response. the stories are all totally false. i have to say that. and i didn t even apologize to my wife, who is sitting right here, because i didn t do
anything. i didn t know any of these women. i didn t see these women. these women, the woman on the plane, the woman i think they want either fame or her campaign did it. donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. he goes after their dignity, their self-worth, and i don t think there is a woman anywhere who doesn t know what that feels like. so we now know what donald thinks and what he says and how he acts towards women. that s who donald is. richard nixon in the old days i gave them the sword. hillary knows how to do this, she s a woman, and she just says we now know who this guy is, his soul has captured this election. we don t give hillary clinton enough credit for her expert way that she bates donald trump,
calling him donald, reminding him about the things he said about women. why does it irritate donald trump? that rich people in manhattan looked down on him, when he was a rich kid for queens he wasn t up to their snuff. i ve heard the same story of people who lived him in palm beach and makes people call him mr. trump, and this idea that he can call you by your first name, but you c t dot to him. look at chris christie, who he debates by making him call him mr. trump. and needling him. you re making he like him. there s always a group of finding a way of rejecting anybody coming up. george wallace did the same thing. it s not about race. it s about groups social circles, catillions, the palm beach crowd. george wallace said the same thing. whenever somebody said you re not you up to snuff
it bothers them. he dismissed them on the topic of women, the very top of republican strategists told me earlier today on the way in here, that thing that really damaged donald trump ultimately was not just the accusations credible accusations from all the women, but donald trump s answer, when donald trump said, essentially those women aren t good enough looking for me to want to hit on them, and this republican said that that response was what really, really damaged him damaged him and hillary baited him into it and hillary went after it tonight. they must have poll tested it because that response was as bad as the original accusation. it sounds like he s saying if you can t contest for miss universe, you re not really he was also in directly admitting it. i think one of the most notable moments for women s
perspective was that that off the cuff remark that you re a nasty woman. because it s moments like that when all american women have flashbacks to their own moments of being dismissed or insulted simply for asserting yourself or stating a position that is not controversial or even personal and it invites that kind of misogynistic response. his history s doing just that. she did but they trade a lot of stuff like that in the debate. it wasn t anything nasty woman, that was nasty woman. and the keyword, excuse my ignorance, but the keyword is woman. he s not saying you re a nasty person by saying you re a nasty woman, he s tying it to jegende and it res resinated with wo these are first-time moments. chris, there are more of them in this election by a factor of several hundred than any we ve ever covered.
there s are moments in history we wish never happened. thank you. we ll give you more next time. when we come back, what happens in vegas, doesn t stay in vegas. we re going to find out what a top vegas odds maker is saying about his presidential race, and this is hardball live from unlv with the final presidential debate.
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for one late night edition of hardball. we ve got a couple more minutes. since we re in sin city, if you will, why don t we look at the odds in this presidential election. jimmy vacaro joins me now to go over both hillary clinton and donald trump s chances. can you make any money betting on hillary now? no, you can t make it here obviously because you can t we can t take bets here. an ex-caliber. a few of the offshore places and the european places are offering insurance money to buy back half the bet if you bet on hillary because they think she s going to be the winner. right now she s a 6 to 1 favorite. when you wake up tomorrow, she ll be at the same odds everywhere. the needle didn t move anywhere. i want to give somebody some help here. you can get some money if you bet a different spread on hillary, 0 to 5, it s got to be above 0. if you go for the spread you can
make some money here. you can go for the spread if you have a lot of money because if you put up a lot of money. 6 to 1, you d have to put up $6,000 to win $1,000. say it s hillary by 10%, are you going to make some money? no, chris, it s been fluctuating greatly since the beginning of summer when the republican convention in july was, he had such a good convenience, the odds went way down. now naturally since mr. trump has stepped into some potholes in the last 30 days that has shot up at 8 to 1 in some of the books in english. ov money was bet on hillary clinton. when people make a bet that s 4 to 1 or 5 to 1, 5 1/2 to 1, what are they thinking, god s going do this for me? why does somebody think they re going to win a 6 in 1? i m the only person who
booked tyson on a 27 to 1 favorite. thousands of dollars came in on tyson and went up 42 to 1. we made a mint at the mirage that time, but remember he lost the fight. a 42 to 1 favorite lost the fight so we don t know who is going to win this election, trust me, no one knows donald needs a double off the wall to keep the game going. why don t they allow political betting? federal law, it s been that way forever and even the gaming commission, we can t even do local or state elections. it s going to be a long time after we re gone. i had one bet, that s crazy that may go either way. that does it for the live coverage tonight from las vegas. if you missed the debate, stick around, you can catch the whole final debate in its entirety right now. good night.
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Election , Democracy , Debate-stage , Anyone , Denigrating , One , Donald-trump , Somebody , Comments , Kind , Position , Nominee

Transcripts For MSNBCW MTP Daily 20161007 21:00:00

solidify women where they are which is not in his favor. saying about this recording, this was locker room bander and a private conversation that took place many years ago. bill clinton said far worse to me on the golf course. not even close. i apologize if anyone was offended. that will do it for this hour. next we will pick up continuing coverage of hurricane matthew. welcome to our continuing breaking coverage of hurricane matthew. the sterm up the southeast coast after leaving severe damage across the caribbean. there are two confirmed deaths in florida.
winds are at 110 miles per hour. as strong as you get for a category two storm. moving to the north and we will bring you over here and this is a brand-new path. the areas around savannah. if you are in the brunswick area or charleston to georgetown, you are staring at this saying this is going to be a close call. it s not a major hurricane, but even a category two with a wind of 90 to 110 miles per hour. that s what we saw during the day. the storms on the track northward by 2:00 a.m. at the closest point from savannah, georgia. we don t know if they will go through the western eyewall. if it does, you will have significant power outages and problems in the area. we will get the storm surging into the area and that will be bad in the bruniswick area. it will be worse this afternoon into this evening all the way through the coastline of georgia and through there into south
carolina. if we had to pick a location with the best chance of getting landfall and maybe right in the area of charleston and the storm goes off the coastline of north carolina and saturday night, the outer banks is mostly okay, but heavy rain. i want to bring you to the other computer. the big issue is the potential for the storm surge. this happened and almost over with, but this is the area of greatest concern from hilton head to savannah down to brunswick. they could be close to ten feet of storm surge that will be life-threatening over six to 12 hours. thank you very much. while there is plenty of good news and not in the clear and for more we turn to reporters on the ground. in jacksonville as well as savannah, go ahead. what are you seeing? hey there and good afternoon. steady rain all afternoon and pounding the area in the downtown area. we have seen storm surge only
about two or three feet. more serious to the east at jacksonville beach. as we have been seeing over the last few hours, a lot of storm surge and pounding the coastline over there as well as the saint august seen area. tens of thousands of people without power and the mayor of jacksonville had evacuated nearly half a million people in this city. thankfully they said since the storm tracked east, they tamped down expectations and were able to say they were expecting less wind and said they went as planned. we have been seeing steady rain and trees we see toppled at the debris. people are told to hunker down for the next few hours. the story today in the area from jacksonville beach is storm surge. we are seeing the heavy rain pounding the city. unlike anything the city has
seen in a while. thank you. in georgia, go ahead. i can you that the rain just is increasing in intensity. just as you heard from florida, we have similar conditions here. steady rain and it comes in these bands and sideways. it s heavy at times and then it abates and it s heavy gain. this is the savannah river and part of what people worry about. when the storm is at high tigde all of this water will surge up and get the high tide and heavy rain and that makes for a perfect storm that will flood into the downtown area of savannah. he has always told the first responders to leave the area. they told people if they find themselves shelter and call 911,
evacuations with the wind speeds and the storm surge. and some folks decided not to listen to the evacuation order and that s behind this now. my biggest sees that we can t be clear appears to be leading out. we need to get in and make sure people are getting out. it s the most important thing and we can rebuild damage in homes as painful as that will be, but lives are number one. what day of the week do you think it will bring back normalcy to your community? i know residents that evacuated will be anxious to get back in. with public safety being the pop concern, we will pursue tomorrow with the safety issues and get people back in their home.
huge part of who we are. we want to make sure visitors are comfortable and we have a lot of work ahead of us and our primary concern is the safety of the people who are here and making sure it s safe for people to have a return. we have turned off the water system and we have a lot of work to do and understanding that will have a lot better idea. what are people drinking in the water is off? and people know what the checklist is. bottled water was flying out of the stores and if they have gas
and they can boil water and if they chose to stay, they can do that. we will be there to help. and finish your thought and time for you. thanks for spending time with us. we will continue to have updates on the progress throughout this hour a& politic and if you the potential bombshell that dropped on donald trump s head. it is related to him and something he said in his own words. you want to hear it for yourself. a battle ground map with both preparing for the debate. all eyes on that sunday debate. donald trump said it s his last
chance to hold on to very skeptical republicans in washington. that story is straight ahead. i m terrible at golf. he is. but i d like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love.
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direction. two shy of 270. if you fill in the states that are likely orleaning in the red, that brings trump to about 190 that means he would have to sweep every other toss upstate to win. that s not a hospitable environment for the path. if he lost any of the state, clinton wins. there is no room for error for team trump as he takes the debate stage. that looks like it got a lot more perilous after the bombshell audio on trump. we will show you and play it for you straight ahead. blan
bill clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course. not even close. i apologize if anyone was offended. this is horrific. wie cannot allow this man to become president. i will bring in our panel with former white house director. vice president from the new york times. sarah, your thoughts. i don t know what to say beyond who knew furniture shopping was such a romantic gesture. there is no defending it. it is horrific. daniela. she is right. it s horrific and you department even play which is i think is the worst part. he talks about assaulting people which is okay because he s famous. wbr-id= wbr13124 /> it is not surprising given everything we know about donald trump. we will repeat the warnings
the other things he said about women and other people. is this a person you want to sit in the oval office and be a role model forever your children and your family? it boggles my mind that people are undecided about this. i will ask you as part of the journalistic and political questions, does this do the things we just said by it criticized by a republican and analyst, do they reveal something else? about women or anyone else. it s just a total breech of the usual wbr-id= wbr14233 /> encasement of politics. even with donald trump we haven t earned anything like this in the rally or speech. would you want this guy in a room with your daughter or sending someone into the white
house to work for president? i want to ask you. this is accurate that we haven t seen this audio about a candidate, but there are trump supporters and historians argue that there are other presidents, nixon and lbj come to mind who had recording devices in the white house who had very objectionable things on tape said about different groups of people and about women and about jews and about african-americans. sure. a range of horrors. i don t know how much politically that would help donald trump because lbj said a democrat said terrible things. i don t know who is defending that. what would you say to the argument and statement i said earlier? he said look, you take anyone s private locker room bander, you can find something objectionable. that may be true, but it doesn t make the fact that he said these things okay.
of course timing is everything in politics. you are approaching the next debate. this is something a voter is going to ask him about and you have to address it on sunday night. the timing of this could not be worse for donald trump. the bigger issue here is donald trump said many things in the campaign that offended people. in that regard this is not new and i don t know that there is a wide group of voters that ultimately changes their views because of it. they suggested that. i do think that the challenge for that group of undecided voters and those people that he needs to move the hillary supporters and he needs to move off of her candidacy on to his, this becomes more of a window into the soul than any one offensive comment. i think it is just another problematic thing and he is now on defense again one more day
that he needs to be talking about hillary clinton s e-mail problems or the clinton foundation challenges and where the world stands from a foreign policy perspective and her role in this. we are talking about something that is not befitting of a presidential campaign. or of anything. he has to change minds. he can t become president if he doesn t change minds. it is impossible that this will push him in the direction of winning more votes and not less. that s exactly right. his challenge may not move supporters off of him. i m sure it won t, but he doesn t have enough supporters to win the presidency. he needs to do everything he can to move independents and people who are not decided to him. these comments are not going to help and i m very curious to see how this will come into play
during the debate on sunday. you mentioned that conservative reaction and potential supporters. a long time critic of trump with him over the red state conference and their dealings has a direct appeal with insighting the remarks that he never felt he asked for forgiveness on anything. he claims he never needed to ask for giveness for knowingly trying to sleep with a married woman. that s a part of this that can you get lost amid the objectionable language and the story line here. that s him seeming to brag or take a positive association from the story which is that he was pursuing this woman he viewed to be married. how would you approach that? evangelical camp is split. with folks like eric erickson who has been strong for most of
the campaign. not all of it, but he is strong against trump because of the way he conducted himself. there are others that tell all of this believing that hillary clinton is so bad for america that even an imperfect donald trump means the potential for a supreme court and the conservative philosophy and they are willing to take that risk. both sides are dug in. it s going to be interesting to see if some of the evangelicals come off that. i don t think they will. what donald trump needed to do and needs to do after this assuming it s true is to come out and more forcefully apologize and say look, this is unbecoming of a president. you cannot talk about people like this. i think that would help him with a lot of people who understand
that everyone has things in their past they are not proud of and things they said they are not proud of. he is basically apologizing for this, although i think it needs to be stronger. it may dove tail with what daniela is saying about the way that the culture deals with language about women and hostility towards women for being women. when barack obama was in jeremiah wright s church, days of demands and hoe had to give an entire speech about it. here you have a brief apology from donald trump and are these comments that merit a deeper reckoning from a candidate? thank you all for being with me. we will talk about the shut down
and pitfalls for both candidates and as we have had the latest coverage from the ground in florida and georgia tracking matthew. stay with us. looking sharp, len. who s the lucky lady? i m going to the bank, to discuss a mortgage. ugh, see, you need a loan, you put on a suit, you go crawling to the bank. this is how i dress to get a mortgage. i just go to lenngtree. i calculate how much he i can afford. i get multiple offers to compare side by side. and the best part is. the nks come crawling to me. everything you need to get a better mortgage. clothing optional. lendingtre when banksompete, you win. ok! .awkward i ve got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn t pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you re eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses.
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of the matchup and tune in for full coverage in the debate and our favorite anxious onnors you might recognize will be in full regallia gearing up for the debate. we will have an update up the coast so stay with us. because, healthier doesn t happen all by itself. it needs to be earned every day. ing wellness to keep away illness. and believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. as a health services and innovation company optum powers modern healthcarey connecting every part of it. so wlehe world kee archg for healier wee here to make healthier happen. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. if the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. i wbr id= wbr20925 /> prayed that callave the order would never come.h the missiles, [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps /b>
these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i wod bomb the [ beepout of them. i wbr-id= wbr21230 /> want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scareveryone. i m hillary inton and i approve this messa.
damage in different jurisdictions. one of many partials giving briefings as people take them and i m going to turn to miami as we head to the national hurricane center. today they came up along the east coast and the sensor has been offshore about it looks like it the pass to savannah and
charleston. it likes like savannah is at great risk. category four is very rare and it seems to be moving at its own pace. and it might be up the coast. it has been moving at 10 miles per hour and that s close to normal. this is not unusual. the good news and bad news when it s moving slowly with more time to prepare, it lingers longer. author for the storm surge and that s a big concern this time.
thank you very much. we will turn now to jacob in jacksonville, florida. all day long, it has been raining consistently and raining enough that they are standing with the water like this one are popping up around the city. this by far is not the most dangerous thing around the storm. we saw the massive storm surge about 23 miles from here. and up and down the coast and up and down the middle, that s creating dangerous conditions for low-lying areas. as windy as it has been.
and far away from the coast and they have to look for not only rain and wind, but the beach and the river. thank you very much. now we turn by phone to savannah looks like the place where the hurricanes can come closest and what is your view and how is it going? we had great results for people who left town. we had 75% participation and we feel good with the numbers and we are trying to make sure about the ones that are here understand we need to hunker down and get a grip and find the safest place with you can.
we stopped all emergency calls because of the weather and we will wait until the storm passes between the times that are 6:00 in the morning. we have the surge based on like you were talking earlier. we are concerned because of that. that s on the earlier side and we are not sure about the surge. they moved them out of the lower areas and hopefully we will be able to take care of them tonight. you are advising them to hit hardest around 6:00 in the morning on saturday? we are looking at more of the 2:00 time.
that s the same time our eyes are working in the same time period. the roughest will be from 2:00 to 4:00 and tropical stuff from 10:00 to 6:00. that s what we are an tis waiting. we have seen a lot of coordination from the local and state and federal and we saw marco rubio teaking and are you getting everything you need from the state and local authorities at this time? i have never seen a group of people cork from the emergency homeland security. every one worked to make it as easy as possible. it s something to be proud of if
you are a sides. you have people in places that can do that job. it has been great. a lot of resolve. that s good to hear. thanks for joining us on a busy day. glad to be here sir. thank you for your time. we will continue to update throughout the evening and income up back to 2016 with interesting political developments. stay tuned. he has a sharp wit, a nng smile,
we have been following this for a while. they publicly blamed russia for the election-related hackings that occurred here in the united states. they are confident russia is behind the hacks that include breeches from the democratic campaign committee. they said the steps and disclosures intended to interfere with the u.s. election process and we believe based on the scope and sensitivity of the efforts that only russia s senior most officials could have authorized the activities. they believe the system is essentially to decentralize them and suffer from disruptions in hacking that could affect the election in november. they came at about the same time that president obama stopped by his holding place in downtown chicago to cakaftan early vote.
we ll be right back with how the presidential candidates are and may not be preparing for the crucial second debate this weekend. or put them on a rack. but the specialists at ford like to show off their strengths: 13 name brands. all backed by our low price tire guarantee. yeah, we re strong when it comes to tires. right now during the big tire event, get a $140 rebate by mail on four select tires.
i had a problem with the mike. we had a guy oscillating my mike. i went there a little bit before and i said the mike is so great. unfortunately when i went to talk, they turned the mike up and down and you saw it. everybody in the room saw it. we had a real problem. he is still talking about the mike from the last debate. donald trump there last night and that is new sound in case it sounds like old sound suggesting it was sabotaged by microphone oscillation. just purr porting what he said. the practice may not be going to play. the story out today saying trump continues to push back against the notion of traditional preparation.
trump resisted suggestions from advisers to practice exhaustively for the skds debate. he flat out refused to participate in mock sessions saying play acting was annoying. on the stakes for the trump campaign on sunday night are massive right now. there are republicans who are basically signaling they are looking at an off-ramp. the battleground map tilting towards clinton and so are the national and state polls and the new york times reported just this week that gop operatives telegraphing, quote, should mr. trump falter badly, republican congressional candidates may take it as a cue to flee openly from their nominee. let s bring back our panel, daniella fairman and nick confesso confessore. sarah, there are plenty of republicans who say, that s the new york times grabbing an anonymous quote here or there and trying to spin it into a bigger story. no offense, nick. you don t have to rebut that if you don t want that. and they would say, my point, about any newspaper that has a
couple of quotes. is this a media narrative, or in your view as a republican in touch with a lot of people, is this a real problem for trump? i think it has a real potential to be a problem for trump. and look, the proof will be in the pudding. look, we ll certainly know how donald trump does after sunday night anwe ll see within a week to ten days after the second debate if republicans do, in fact, start running i m a check on hillary clinton, as if the presidential race is a foregone conclusion. but i think these conversations are happening. i don t think this is just the media narrative. it s a tricky situation for republicans. because, you know, by saying or telegraphing this, you think that the republican candidate isn t going to win, it can have a dampening effect on turnout, it can have a lot of factors that can be negative on one s candidacy. it s demoralizing. yeah, it can be it s not just an easy slam dunk, it can cause more damage than just, you know, running the i m a check
and balance on the democratic president. no, it s a message that admits a problem, nick, put aside your msn credentials, you mainstream media establishment reporter, there s someone else that might agree with this narrative. and we ll put up on the screen in the four-way race, just since september. so just looking at the arc here, as we re now in the home stretch of october, hillary clinton, overall, up four. donald trump, up one in what he had before. and gary johnson losing seven. so in whatever sort of mood there is, the mood is third party candidates waffling. that s not necessarily good, if hillary seems to be picking up some of what they had. look, two things are happening. one is the block of voters who are considering johnson and stein, right, are now moving in some large degree towards hillary clinton, and not trump. so, yeah, it s typical to see third party candidates waver and
lose steam at the very end. it is happening, it is happening to hillary clinton s benefit. second of all, you can see in polling that a lot of senate republicans are having trouble separating from donald trump. not all of them, not bob portman, you know, but most of them are finding that he drags them down. that as he suffers, trump suffers, the senate candidate suffers, and we even had a house strategist in that story, saying that even house candidates are suffering. so the top of the ticket does matter. it can drag the whole thing down. i think that goes to the question if donald trump is any good at outreach. he has had a real sort of proud attitude about any aspects of the general election, when we re accustomed to nominees trying to do bridge building. i m a little reminded of when jay-z said either love me or leave me alone. i think that s how a lot of people feel. but you can t build a 50% coalition with the feeling that people should either be in your corner or go away.
and he has to have that kind of scorn for people who don t want to get behind him. absolutely. for the past year and a half, donald trump has been saying, i m the best, i am tremendous, i have the best words and the best brain. and nobody is going to tell me how to win a general election. and what worked in the primary is obviously going to work now. so i m not surprised that the new york times said he s not doing debate prep. and i wouldn t be surprised if he does poorly again on sunday, that he still rebuffs and says, you know, a mike was broken, or something else happened, and not listen to the people around him. daniella, it was not broken, fact check! it was not broken, the mike was oscillating. that s all he said. be fair. sorry, it was oscillating. it was oscillating, my bad. i don t have the best words. i mean, sunday night is a big night for him and donald trump needs to do two three things, regardless of whether he s prepping or not. he needs to not miss opportunities. he needs to be talking about hillary clinton want hillary clinton s e-mail scandal, about the way the clinton foundation has conducted its affairs, and
about her performance on the world stage. he missed opportunities in that first debate. he cannot do that again. second, he needs to have strong answers on policy questions. people understand he is not a policy wonk, and to some degree, they like that about him. but he s got to have a strong, solid answers. and third, how does he interact with these voters? the human dynamic, i think, is going to be a big part of the discussion on monday, for both of these candidates. and he s going to have to do well in that regard. because you re eye to eye with real people. nick? look, prep is not just about having facts and figures at your fingertips in a debate. it s not being prepared for lines of attack and how to avoid walking into traps, how to control the tempo of the debate and talking about things you want to talk about. what happened to him last week was at almost every stage for the last two-thirds of the debate or more, he was talking about things that hillary clinton wanted to talk about. exactly. it was conducted on her
internship terms. if you don t prep, it will happen to him again and she will win the next debate. and that s what makes a town hall a little trickier. because these are voters you re talking to. you can t talk down to them, you can t interrupt them. if you don t like their question, you really can t blow them off. these are the people you re trying to convince to vote for you. that raises the final question, daniella, do you think he will interrupt any voters to say wrong ? i wouldn t be surprised if it happened. i would like to think that he would not do that, that he would understand that that would be really, really bad to tell a voter that their question or their premise is wrong. well, we will find out. that s why we will be watching. sarah, daniella, nick, thanks for joining ours panel here. i m ari melber. we ll have more on 2016 and on hurricane matthew, so keep it locked right here on msnbc.

Deaths , Northeast-florida , Caribbean , Two , Storm , Georgetown , Around-savannah , Winds , Path , North , Brunswick , 110

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Thomas Roberts 20161104 18:00:00

as we see this splits. yes, let me walk you through donald trump s strategy over the next three days to do the ten state splits. we are calling that hillary clinton s blue firewall, the states of wisconsin and pennsylvania. that s one region and then you know donald trump has to be able to win the must-win florida and north carolina. if he does not win any of those states, this race is over. he has to be able to hone onto that. he wants to be able to go out to the west and see if he could pick off a state like colorado, for example, that helps him out. just to kind of show you then, you know, hillary clinton s
holds. pennsylvania is critical to that. michigan is critical to that. that s a reliably blue state and she will be here later today. and campaigning later on tonight with jay z, she s adding a stop this weekend. the polls are all tied up. she s battling for every vote and not taking any vote for granted, thomas. kristen, standby, lets go to our katy tur. this rhetoric that trump is using that clinton is likely under an investigation for a long time, america deserves a president who can go to work on day one. is this red meat where the folks already supported? well, it is. it is aimed at those republicans that are out there that are uncomfortable with donald trump and trying to get them to get up and get out and go to the
polling booth and cast their ballots for trump and instead of somebody like a third party candidate or somebody they made perhaps write in and as we saw, some folks say they re going to write in a third party candidate including john kasich who wrote in john mccain when he was? ohio. what they are trying to do is paint hillary clinton as somebody that s so questionable and somebody who has so many issues in office and including an investigation and they within the to say it will end up with a criminal indictment even though they do not know that s going to happen. so they can scare those republicans into coming home. mit romney enjoyed a lot more republican support than donald trump has at the moment over 93% or 94% or 95%. in order for donald trump to be competitive or any democrats for that matter, he s going to slit f solidify all the republican votes as they can.
there is some indications that is working. i was talking to sources in new hampshire who tells me the polls are tightening in that state. republicans are coming home to donald trump in a way where they have not seen before this past week. they re still unsure that he will be able to pull it off in new hampshire but hopeful than they were a week ago and above anything else of what this is happening, of kellyanne conway and new hampshire and pennsylvania and others across the country including marco rubio and florida. they are going to don t do this and they hope that donald trump stays on message and we see him on the campaign trail and he acknowledges this and at oftentimes he can be his own wor words. we know that toomey you katie and kristen welker, has
team trump responded about upcoming indictment for clinton? reporter: no, the trump campaign has not responded to that. they have been using that and saying that just came out and hillary clinton is going to be criminally indicted and they use this fox news reporting but they have not commented since brett bearer have backed off of it. yesterday, he said this was artful terminology. today he s apologizing that it is not just artful but inaccurate. kristen what about how is team clinton responded of a false story? reporter: no reaction to that. you remember in the wake of
comey coming forward and announcing that he s looking into newly discovered e-mails, clinton campaign turning the pressure on comey, hey, if you are going to do this, release all the information. we saw that from her top surrogate. clinton is not talking about this issue anymore. she s trying to turn the page. you will hear some of her top circuit taking this on. it is friday, the e-mail from comey came out on friday, the access hollywood came out on a friday that hurt donald trump. what will happen this friday? anybody s guess. katy, and kristen and mark and jacob, everybody thank you very much, appreciate it. i want to follow on this case of chris christie. bill baroni, chris christie will be campaigning for trump.
he released this statement that reads in part. let me be clear, once again, i had no knowledge prior to or during these lane realignments and had no roles of authorizing them and anything said to the contrary over the past six weeks in court is simply untrue. i want to bring in our legal correnspo correnspondent, ari melber. well, we have been following two cases and this is a jury to your question decided that there were something rotten there that this is what this administration did and convicted to christie s aids. that s not good. nine counts and of wired fraud. the problem with chris christie is how that looks and if he had former aids singling him out.
the good news for chris christie is that this case is finally over. he was not ever charged to be fair and clear and thus in that sense, the legal chapter appears closed. all right, i have halie touched on this at the end of last hour of the rolling stone verdict and the fact that there is three people, defendants in the defamation trial and how this has moved forward. this is a story that ran rolling stone, alleging a rather graphic gang-rape at a fraternity on campus. the administrator from the school sued and said not only your story was false but you defamed me along with others in doing it so recklessly. people often say i am going to sue, i will sue for defamation and you lied about me. very rarely those cases go to
court and when they do, rarely you will get these major guilty verdict. with this jury found just in the last hour, no, there was recklessness and there were actual malice, these people did not just do their jobs poorly, they did their job incredibly recklessly, they did not get the basic fact-checking and the basic stories that a reporter is supposed to do. we are not talking about jail, we are talking about money damages up to $7 million. that chapter would come later. this is a huge blow to rolling stone which i should mention and people probably know at home has published a great number of issues and music and cultures and rights over the years. this story is a blemish for that. did rudy giuliani knows
about last friday s, of october s surprise two days before the story broke. i mean i am talking about some pretty big surprise. yeah, i heard you said that this morning. what did you mean? you will see. you are lucky because we got to go. i am out of town. we are not going to go down. we are not going to stop fighting. we got a couple of things off our sleeves that should turn us around. why agents reportedly are against hillary clinton and what these new claims could mean for the race going forward. first, a reminder our coverage begins tomorrow eastern with a live one hour show hosted by your own joanne reid and tuesday tuned in on our msnbc election beginning at 9:00 a.m. eastern. .
(friends gasp) the app where you put fruit hats on animals? i love that! guys, i ll be writing code that helps machines communicate. (interrupting) i just zazzied you. (phone vibrates) look at it! (friends giggle) i can do dogs, hamsters, guinea pigs. you name it. i m going to transform the way the world works. (proudly) i programmed that hat. and i can do casaba melons. i ll be helping turbines power cities. i put a turbine on a cat. (friends ooh and ahh) i can make hospitals run more efficiently. this isn t a competition!
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investigation into hillary clinton s private server and making that information public. those reports suggesting that fbi agents have a highly in favorable view of hillary clinton. a fresh story that s out today. spencer, it is great to have you with me. you spoke to fbi agents that s serving into the organization. take us through your reporting and what you uncover. i want to see what fbi agents thought about comey s decision putting the fbi front and center days before people going to the polls. what i found was an extraordinary climate. some people were saying that no matter of the support for trump, some were serious and kind
of there is a tremendous towards hillary clinton. did you find folks wanted to speak out on this on background and give you the kind of insights and look at what the climate was like? it was extremely difficult. people were reluctant to criticize an agency that they feel they are personally attached to. has comey put himself in an in possible position? he s extremely in a difficult position. some point presuming that she s elected president. comey is going to have to find some way of working with with her and that may under mind the relationship between the white house and the fbi. we played this earlier of rudy giuliani raising eye brows of what he said last week about
this and what he said today. you are going to hear about it the next few days. i am talking about some pretty big surprise. oh yeah, i heard you said that this morning, what did you mean? we ll see. we got a couple of things up our sleeves that should turn this around. a couple of days before this broke and you looked and you said look out, something is coming down and certainly it did. what did you know and a lot of network pointed that out. i am not part of it at all. all i heard was former fbi agents telling me that there is a revolution going on inside the fbi and now is at a boiling point. so there are people in the fbi leaking information into trump s team. that s what it sounds like. rudy giuliani , he had a history of playing politics. i am a native new yorker.
it is going to be difficult to manage and put rank and file fbi agents trying to do their job with integrity in a difficult situation. spencer, great work. national security for the guardian. today our pulse question, reports say the u.s. government is concerned hackers from russian may try to under mine the election, are you worried your vote may be compromised? coming up in the case, the fight to finish, which gives us the best idea on what could happen when those ballots are all in and experts weigh on the other side of this break. my name is barbara and i make dog chow natural. now that i work there, i value the food even more. i feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors,
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it really is turning into a true fight. we got both nominees in the battleground with their running mates these final few days. hillary clinton has made campaign stops to florida 25 times to donald trump 37. she made 15 stops in ohio today. trump makes his 26th visit to that very posimportant state. trump travels there for his 24th time. clinton has made 15 stops in north carolina and donald trump of 21. the trump campaign relies on their nominee s star power out there, clinton has the power of the president and elizabeth warren and formal president, bill clinton on the trail for her. how is early voting coming out.
we got our democratic strategist and peter hart. gentlemen, it is good to have you with us. we have 36 million votes are being cast. is early voting a good predictor when we get to tuesday evening for the results. well, you cannot use early voting to predict how people are voting. the most poimportant thing is lk what we are seeing in the electorelec electorate. so peter, the pulse captures something that cannot be determined by early voting data. the early voting data as steve says is exactly right. it tells you about the organization and that s going to make a difference on election day. you will learn that.
the polls will cross section of americans. as we can see the election is very close and as you pointed out, thomas. you look at the states where hillary and trump are going and essentially what it shows you is michigan is going to account for a lot and they re closing out in pennsylvania. well, it is where they are going and going and seems to continue to make these trips to the same old spots. we are seeing wild fluctuations in polls. this is a good example of the washington post polls where we saw hillary clinton leading by 12 points and leading by two of the following week. what do you say of the volatility and what s driving? this is the strangest election cycle of our history and voters just kind of reacting to it. it is interesting though and i know peter knows this more than i do. i think that s important to keep in mind that we are fighting over four or faive states.
really, it has not moved since labor day. this does come down to which one of these campaigns going to grind it out in four or five states. peter, are we going to see a total redefined and folks like yourself are going to look at this and wonder of 2016, we just got this new free press michigan polls. this was done on the first and the third, the four point margin of error, that s a tie. the fracture is within the blue wall and the blue fortress and how this can all flip and redefine for 2016. you look ahead and it is changing and donald trump made it change. he reached out the voters. he lost the expanding l electorate. the news that you bring out of
the michigan poll is the best news that hillary clinton s campaign will hear today. and it will be maybe hopeful? the day is still young and we have seen a lot of friday s surprises. our strategists and our peter hart and steven shales. thank you gentlemen. the security that its plan to protect election day. says it won t let up for a while. the cadillac xt5. what should we do? .tailored to you. wait it out. equipped with apple carplay compatibility. now during season s best, get this low mileage lease on this cadillac xt5 from around $429 per month, or purchase with 0% apr financing.
i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you re totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit they re planning unprecedented security on this year s election. cynthia mcfadden. officials in the department of the homeland security, military and the intelligence community tell nbc news the u.s. government is gearing up for an unprecedented effort to protect
the country on election day. according to multiple intelligence sources, u.s. officials are deeply concerned about and preparing f some sort of cyber chaos next week. an attack on critical infrastructure including the u.s. power grid is one of three worse case concerned. so we have cynthia mcfadden, we should point out that there is no reus thomas hock the integrity of the vote itself. joining me is our executive director and an author of defeating isis. malcolm, thank you for joining us. how probable is this? well, it is a question of who s the actor that would want to do that or paralyze the
united states. i have another book called the plot to hack america. that was oriented to russian te intelligence. they can do that and slow down the united states. the fundamental vote will not be corrupted. that s calculated on a white board there is this chaos and the noise that goes around it and gets people undone. what does the cyber community and cyber security expert is being enhanced to make sure that this is plausible. v verified russian intelligence and their version of nsa and the department of homeland security and the director of national e
intelligence, all came together. almost all states and i believe 45 was the number of states have consulted with dhs which means national security agency is assisting as well and they are making secure that the computer switch actually tabulate the vote. the plot to do all of this. what security expert has to do to stay ahead of what could happen. that s what it is all about sfooch, we got to stay ahead of those of what cause the kay yochaos. we had this noise on the campaign trail saying that the russians may have something to do with it. you have to first believe that the enemy is out there and they re going to carry out some sort of a ferry s blood. if you don t believe that the russians have done this then you cannot make the offenses against the cyber weapon systems that they employ. that s what the states are doing
now. they believe that russia and other actors can come in and interfere with the electorate. to handle it or shut off if they are attack. that s the big game. malcolm stance, thank you. i want to give you an update of the pulse. are you worried that your vote maybe compromised? even though it cannot happen but fears are real. 60% say yes and 40% say no, check out tonight, who ll take the stage in cleveland to rock the boat for hillary clinton. the man on your left, jay z, will be there. what about beyonce? say no that it is not going to be beyonce. stranger things have happened
before. one person cons to rally voters for clinton is her former boss, president obama in the final stretch before election day. i was working in the yard, my chest started hurting
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that he s almost done for his former secretary clinton this time in fayetteville, in north carolina. the clint the enthusiasm people have for president obama. here is the president in one of his two stops for clinton on thursday. if you are registered, you can vote right now. [ cheers ] there is early voting location just ten minutes away. our ron allen is in fayettevil fayetteville, the president is giving a lot of attention in north carolina. is he trying to do what can do for clinton what he could not do for himself. reporter: exactly, he lost in 2012 but he won in 2008. every vote counts. that s what the president have been saying there is numerous
stops here. he s going to be back in north carolina, durham, on monday. debra ross is up, warming up the crowd. the president should be here in a moment. some of the people here have been waiting since 5:00 a.m. this morning outside in the rain for the president to get here. that s how popular he is here. you are right, at this point, the early voting figure, the african-american turn out is lower and the enthusiasm gap is that plclip that you just played, president obama gave the address of the early voting place. that s how intense it is and where they need to be. the other issue here is intense voting rights battle, there are thousands of people waiting for a federal judge s decision. 70,000 people have been purged.
they want to vote on tuesday and they re waiting to get that right. that s the issue here. we ll see the president coming out there shortly. just a programming note for you. we ll have a one on one sit down interview with the president tonight. that ll air in with chris hayes on msnbc. blacks are indeed fired up. it is read wrong even if there is a slight difference between the early vote then and the early vote now. don t let that fool you. blacks are going to turn out on election day in north carolina.
i can absolutely convince you, i hope i can of what i know and understand about the black community. not only the black community respect hillary clinton but believe in hillary clinton but they got a second incentive and that s we cannot tolerate donald trump. he s dangerous and we know that we got to stop him, we know that this country cannot be led by him. he s demonstrated who he is. and not only is he dangerous he has burglarized this campaign in the way that he has not only limited himself to a certain constituent. mariana had a chance to speak with running mate tim kaine about what perceived to be this slow start. take a look. well, it certainly started
slow and a lot of states have done things since 2012 to make it harder to vote. we are worried about that. we are also seeing while the participation at some areas started a little slow, it is picking up. when we heard ronald talking about what s going on in north carolina with voting rights and a decision that s coming down. do you think in a larger scalp picture that the clinton s campaign have taken the black votes some what for grant it or is that a myth? that he is are remarks on the other side who s trying to convince black that they should not be so supportive. that kind of generalization does not play well with most blacks who understand the difference. democrats and republicans and certainly donald trump and hillary clinton. i would not pay any attention to that. the fact that the matter is, if blacks go to the polls, if there
are any attempts from keep them voting. they ll get the ballot that ll allow them to vote so that decisions can be made on them later. i am not worried about that at all. what i feel in my heart is that blacks are goi to vote and they re going to vote in large numbers and they re going to get out in the polls and hillary clinton is going to win this election. all right, congresswoman, i want to get you on the record with this. the leak of the fbi, it under mind the clinton s candidacy. i think the disappointment in the fbi director is profound. i think that he made a mistake that he interfered with this election and he caused us to have a little bit of a pause and a little bit of a drop off that we have not recuperated from that. the leaks that have gone out and division appears to be in the
fbi is unprecedented. nobody expected that you would have false information coming out of the fbi. rudy giuliani needs to be investigated also because he had a role in this. congresswoman, maxine waters, thanks for your time. you are so welcome. could she turn the tie in georgia? our new polls is showing the dead heat, our chris jansing is talking to the people at the polls, next. on this side of the road is virginia. and on this side it s tennessee. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i m in virginia. i m in tennessee. virginia. tennessee. and now i m in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm. [dance music playing]
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our nbc chris jansing is in georgia speaking to the man leading the soul to the polls effort. chris, what are they say happening this sunday? reporter: well, they got ambition and some one saying at the ebony church in atlanta, that s turning out 100% of its parishioners. that s about 4,000 votes. obviously, it makes a difference to hillary clinton who s looking up to black votes here in georgia. joining me now is our pastor here, rafael, you can get 100% of your people to show up. listen, welcome to georgia and witness the georgia miracles. i am a preacher, somebody has to bring in the water. these people behind me are bringing in the water, our congregation showed up in a powerful way over the last few weeks. yes.
this is ebeneezer s votes. i asked people who already voted to stand up on sunday and most of the congregation already voted. reporter: you think 90% so far? that s right, you are shaming the 10% that have been voting. i am shame lessly shaming people in the voting. it is that important. reporter: it is a one point race. what is it going to take in our mind for hillary clinton to pull it out which is what you want. we are in the margins of error. i think we can win, georgia is a blue state. we need people to believe and act on it. the signs so far are great. in 2012, we saw 1.6 million early voters. right now we are already at 2.1 million. we have not seen the full tally for today so i think the signs are good. we are seeing outstanding voter s registration and mobilization and education and
that s the recipe to turn georgia blue and that has broaden implications for our polls. reporter: they could make record here that would be extraordinary given the fact that in most of the country the clinton campaign said look, we do not expect to hit 2008 or 2012 record, we like to keep it close here. it maybe a different story whether enough to turn the state, we ll see. chris, thanks so much. looks to be a beautiful day in decatur, georgia. one last look at our pulse question. we have been asking you of concerned hackers from russia may try to under mine our election. are you worried that your vote is compromise. check out the it is time for your business of entrepreneurs of the week.
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Donald-trump , Hillary-clinton , Strategy , Yes , State-splits , Splits , Three , Ten , States , Pennsylvania , Firewall , Region

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161008 00:00:00

hollywood. they were talking first about a married women trump had tried to seduce but he didn t use that word. and then talking about the co-star they were going to make. much of is the graphic and obscene. the very fact the such a videotape of the presidential candidate needs such a warrant speaks for itself. i moved on her actually. she was down in palm beach. i moved on her. and i failed. i ll admit it. i did try and [ bleep ]. she was married. wbr id= wbr941 /> her name was nancy. i moved on her heavily. in fact i took her out furniture shopping. i told her i ll show you where you can get some nice furniture. i moved on her like a bitch. but i couldn t get there. and she was married. and all of a sudden i see her, she s now got the big phony tits and everything. she s totally changed her looks. /b>
your girl is hot at [ bleep ]. in the purple. whoa. yes. the donald has scored. whoa, my man. wait you got to look okay. you are a maybe it is a different one. no that s her. you got to get this [indiscernible]. you and i will walk out. oh my gosh. maybe it is a different one. no it s her. yeah that s her. with the gold. i got to use some tic tacs just in case i start kissing her. you know i m automatically attracted to beautiful people. it is like a magnet. i start kissing her. when they are a star you can do anything. they let do you do it. grab them by the [ bleep ]. you can do anything. all i can see is the legs. oh looks good. come on shorty. ooh nice legs. get out of the way, honey. ooh, that s good legs. just got to make sure you don t fall out of the wbr-id= wbr1784 /> bus. like ford, gerald ford, remember?
hello. how are you, hi. mr. trump, how are you. good good. terrific. good to see you. billy bush. hello. are you ready to be a soap star? we re ready. let s go. make me a soap star. have a little hug for the donald. he just got off the bus - have a little hug for the bushy, i just got off the bus. as soon as a beautiful woman shows up always has. come here. yeah. let the little guy in. hard to walk like this. yeah you get in the middle. that s better. that s better. now if you had to choose honestly between one of us. me or the donald. i don t know. that s tough competition. seriously. you had to take one of us as a date. i d have to take the fifth on that one. really? i ll take both. which way?
make a right. here we go. here we go. i m going to leave you here. my microphone. you re finish sfd. i m going to go to a show. so nearly immediately after this tape was released by the post the trump campaign put out a statement which used the word apologize, though you can judge for yourself whether it was an apology or not. id reads there is locker room banter that took place many years ago. bill clinton has said worse to me on the golf course. not even close. i apologize if someone was offended. for hillary clinton s part she put out a tweet. this is horrific. we cannot allow this man to become president. let s get more reaction to all this which could impact sunday s debate which anderson is moderating. and mike pence was asked about it while on the trail in ohio.
as you heard, no answer from governor mike pence there. however rnc chair reince priebus just weighed in. he said no woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner, ever. joining us cnn s mj lee and dana bash who just received some new information on how the trump campaign is reacting, literally at this moment. and gloria borger. dana, what s going on inside trump tower right now. as you can imagine deaf con five would probably ban understatement. we only at this point have the statement which is a couple of sentence, which was referring to bill clinton and things that he allegedly said to donald trump on the golf course which he said are worse and so forth. we haven t heard from donald trump himself beyond that. and they are huddling right now
the primaries. but he s got to grow. he s got to add people. he s got to add suburban women. married women. women just women. independents. into his voting block. and he s not going to do that with this kind of language. so i think just in terms of the political conversation and the it is just kind of stunning to watch this unfold. dana? john, i just want to add sort of one way to answer that question why is this different now? with the statement that the highest ranking republican member of congress kathleen rogers just put out which is the most telling so far because it is not just about donald trump the words. it is what he suggested do to
no those words. or violence against women. if that is the context in which donald trump is caught on tape saying that that is being interpreted, it is a thousand miles further away than him calling somebody a pig or too fat or anything he said about rosie o donnell. this is in a whole different league. he can touch people how he wants, he can grab people ow he wants because he s a star. we got to take a break but before i want to read a tweet from mitt romney who was the last republican nominee. hitting on married women, condoning assault. such vile things degrade our wives and daughters and the world. just ahead. the reporter who broke this story. and also the latest on hurricane matthew. that s ahead on 360. when i was a little kid, i made a deal with myself
.it s a canvas for painting. you can t do that on a mac. redid you say 97?97! yes. you know, that reminds me of geico s 97% customer satisfaction rating. 97%? helped by geico s fast and friendly claims service. huh. oh yeah, baby. geico s as fast and friendly as it gets. woo! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. i m jamie foxx for verizon. in the nation s largest independent study by rootmetrics, again, verizon is the number one network. hi, i m jamie foxx for sprint. and i m jamie foxx for t-mobile. (both) and we re just as good. really? only verizon was ranked number one nationally in data, reliability, text and call and speed. yeah! and you re gonna fist bump to that? get out of my sight. don t get fooled by a cut rate network. verizon gives you tons of data without all the restrictions.
get 20 gigs and 4 lines for only $160. with no surprise overages on america s best network. two big breaking stories tonight. we re following hurricane matthew now spinning off northeast florida and still very much a throthreat to millions o shore. and then donald trump caught
bragging to billy bush that as a star he could grab women by their genitals and get away with it because he s a star. he also bragged about trying to sex with a married women. the tape surfaced just 48 hours ahead of the presidential debate in st. louis. a the described reaction when it broke, gasps. we re trying to get our heads around it and there is no way to spin this. this isn t. we spoke to the man who broke the story a while ago. david i know you are not going to disclose your source on this but whoever gave it to you or alerted you to it obviously had something bug on their hands. i really can t say anything about how we got ahold of this. when you heard it what was your reaction? it was shocking. this is the voice of donald trump you have heard now for a
couple of years solid and a voice you have gotten used to hearing in a political context and here he is discussing this in a pretty lewd and outrageous manner. i was pretty surprised. he calls this locker room bantder. the thing is he s 56 years old. and it is not just crass language. it is predatory. when you are a star you can do it. you can do anything. you can grab them by the and then he goes on. and right. it is not just hey look at that woman, isn t she hot? it goes beyond that. what he does. not describing what he d like to do but what he has done apparently to women. how he s a star he can kiss them if he wants to. he can grope them. that just makes this more interesting and shocking. it is not just like look at that women. she s a ten. he s saying this is what i have done to women in the past and will do again. and you can judge the magnitude of this by the fact that the trump campaign
responded very quickly with a statement that included the word apologi apologize. which he s apologizing if anyone was offended. which is a non apology, apology. obviously leaves room for the view that people will listen to this or see this and not be offended by. ive. but certainly is a full step from just apologizing for something you wish you hadn t done. apologizing is different from i m sorry i ever said it. i shouldn t have said it at all. that said he uses the word apology which i m not sure he has used at all this campaign season. so that is a big deal in and of itself from the trump campaign. it is unusual. right though that he s apologizing sort of in a way as i apologize if you take offense. not that i looked at myself and took account of my own moral conduct and decided it was wrong of me to have done this. and in that statement he of
course takes on bill clinton. he says bill clinton has said worse things to me on the golf course. i guess it is not surprising he goes after bill clinton on this because that is what he tends do whenever the subject of woman comes up. but again he s not running against bill clinton is he. and bill clinton wasn t on the bus with him that day. this was donald trump and billy bush. donald trump leading the conversation. so whatever he may have heard from bill clinton, unless he s claiming he didn t know these words until bill clinton taught him, i think it is a little irrelevant to what trump said that day in the video. there was not a clinton on the bush. there was a bush on the bus. billy bush who now works for nbc news, i m sure we ll get a response from him also at some point. what kind of legs do you think this has going forward? it is friday night before the second debate. what questions remain unanswered here? i think this will continue to
be something people talk about. the difference here is this is audio and video. you are hearing trump in his own words saying these things. it is different hearing it secondhand. i ve been wrong about everything else about the election but it may come up in the debate and something trump is asked about later on. and maybe something mike pence, a strong independent christian will be asked about. and trump s evangelical supporters will be asked about. and a kind of thing that goes to trump s moral character and that could last the next week, maybe longer. people who appear with trump, who have endorsed trump. people like paul ryan certainly could and will be asked about this going forward. thank you so much. thank you. late tonight billy bush did in fact put out a statement. it reads obviously i m embarrassed and ashamed. it s no excuse but this happened eleven years ago. i was youngerish less mature and acted foolishly in playing
along. i m very sorry. it is sounds like the kind of thing a lot of college students might be hearing about or warned about on orientations on sexual assault on campuses. lot to discuss here. joining me now. also with us. cnn chief political analyst gloria borjer and cnn political commentators and the political supporters. kayleigh, said no woman should be talked about in this manner ever. exactly right. it was hard to hear those words today s. it is inexcusable. i think the statement was not enough. i think donald trump needs to humble himself and come out to the american people and say i m not the person i was 11 years ago. i m a different person. i m not that person. and i think that he needs to
apologize to the american people. because if we know anything about the american people they are forgiving people. they forgave bill clinton for his transgressions in the oval office. and i think they forgive when you humble yourself. and i think that is what he needs to do. apologize. bottom line. inexcusable. not just if people were offended but apologize period. yes. apologize to the american people directly, all of them. amanda carpenter, when you heard this, you had a somewhat visceral reaction. yeah. this is bigger than trump. this is about the republican party. and if there is any elected republican official who doesn t know what to say, they should call up a rape survivor tonight and ask them what they heard when they heard donald trump say these words? this isn t as reince priebus said talking about something that trump describes women this way. trump is saying this is something that he did. this isn t harassment.
it is not locker room talk. he is talking about sexual assault. there is no other way to frame this. and listen, i have a 4 and a half-year-old daughter. last night we had the news on and she pointed at the tv and she said is that man a trump. in a couple of years she s going to watch shows like this and know what s going on. and right now this election is going to be about how the republican party treats women. and right now seeing the statements come out from other republicans trying to dismiss this or go past it? i don t know what that answer is. i want to be in this party. but if they will not respect women and recognize that donald trump is boasting about sexual assault, we women cannot stand by this. scotty. well these were comments that were made 11 years ago. and let me agree with kayleigh and amanda. these were horrible comment. no place whether you are a republican or democrat, there is no place for them in america
today. and i think we need to hold people that are in pop culture and hollywood who are in our rap music and in our reading we need to hold them accountable just as much for donald trump. but this reconfirms he was not running for office back then. he was a part of a different world than he is now. and he always said i would only run for president if there were no one else to solve the problems we have today. and officially he feels like he s the one who can do it and 14 million people in the primary agree with him. and now i think it is wonderful the timing of this video mahas come out. the same day wikileaks comes out. and . because for political reasons. she says she and her husband she can t really relate to middle class people right. now due to the fact she s not one of them anymore because of all the money her and her husband made. so the timing of this video
hang on. it is eleven years ago. yes. but it is not like donald trump was in junior high. he was 59 years old when he said it. so he was a fully formed individual. and gloria borger, again, let s talk about amanda s point right there. the pressure this puts on the republican party now to deal with this. paul ryan is supposed to be on a stage with him tomorrow in wisconsin. what s gonna happen? right. this goes beyond crude talk, to predatory behavior. and i think it is a tipping point right now for the republican party. and i think, you know, my e-mail has kind of been blowing up from republicans who are saying to me. i mean, bush s former campaign manager said to me he s a pig, i m voting for hillary clinton. this is a republican. i think that democrats are going to force republicans to say whether they still support donald trump for president. i think you are going to start hearing calls from republicans
privately and then maybe publicly to say what is our plan b here? i think this has gone beyond, again, a matter of crude talk and crude behavior to insults to women to something that s quite frankly predatory. and i think the party has to grapple with this. you have the chairman saying this is inexcusable and then there is a second thing, okay. then what? now what, reince priebus? and i think people are asking themselves that question tonight and i think these are very sad conversations. i feel for the young people who are working in the donald trump campaign who spoke to mj lee about how they feel about pouring their heart and soul into a campaign, and now this tape comes out. so anna navarro. we re going to take a quick break. but when we come back i m going to ask you this question. is there anything donald trump can say tonight to make this go away?
is there anything that paul ryan or other republicans that are supporting donald trump can say over the next 24 hours that will satisfy you and make this go away at least for the next 32 days until election day. that is to you anna after the break. also a close watch on hurricane matthew now blamed for four deaths in florida and a new update from the hurricane center coming up. 6 only a few. truly move us. with over one million on the road, wbr id= wbr17955 /> lexus hybrids are always charged and always ready. /b>
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just a small snippet of the tape. what donald trump needs to do is humble himself before the american people and apologize for the words he said. admit that they were beyond the line. would that satisfy you? no. look, i think what donald trump needs do is quit. i think he needs to stop being the republican nominee. he s dragging this entire process down the gutter. he s dragging the entire republican party down the gutter. you have to understand he cannot win. he is irredeemable. this is not something you are going to recover from. and the reason is because this is consistent behavior from donald trump. this is not a one-time occurrence. we ve heard him throughout the campaign call rosie o donnell a fat wbr-id= wbr20948 /> big, about miss universe. megyn kelly s menstrual cycle. and giving numbers for scores
for scoring their bodies. how many times does he get away with saying something image i misogynistic or sexist before we call him it. it is time to condemn the man. it is time to ask him to step down. it is time to tell america he does not represent republican values. he is a pig. he is vile. this is consistent behavior by him. the only difference is that now we have it on tape and now we have it on video. but this man is not fit to be president of the united states. he is not fit to be the republican nominee. he is not fit to be called a man. kailg mcenany, to that point is this an aberration, as scotty was saying, 11 years ago? or is this part of who donald trump is?
wbr id= wbr21600 /> because he s said things on the campaign trail this year about women that have raised a lot of eyebrows. he was tweeting about miss universe a week ago. where i disagree, is i don t think any human being is irredeemable. i think the comments is inexcusable. as a christian they don t lay right with me or sit right with me. but also a christian i know when you apologize for something, you are forgiven. and you can wipe away anything you have done in the past because you can be forgiven by the blood of jesus christ. that is what i believe as the christian. i don t think he s irredeemable. i think he s a different person now than he was then and i think if he humbles himself and explains to the american people that i ve learned from people around me and i m a man of honor and i ve learned from that. a father, a grandfather. and everything about this is redeemable. what about mike pence? the trump campaign kicked the pool out. he didn t answer questions on a rope line. how does he respond to this /b>
wbr-id= wbr22200 /> going forward? he really has to examine his heart. i mean, to be sure god does forgive but there are just some things that are just disqualifying for someone who wants to be president of the united states. in that tape he s saying that he believes, and he did, he could do anything to women because he was a star. that means he felt he was entitled to assault women because he had power. he s running if are the most powerful office in america. what does that mean he thinks he would be entitled to do? there is really no bounds. once you say you can grab a woman like that, he can t stop himself from kissing someone? assaulting someone? i don t think there is any limit. so i hope mike pence examines his heart, his soul. and, you know, christians may be able to forgive donald trump for his actions and his words. but that does not mean he gets a pass to become president of the united states is this. scotty, how do you respond to
this? because you have heard kayleigh who was a trump support say this crossed the line. you have heard folks who are not supporters say this makes them question the very party you are a member of. you are a shrewd political observer and you have followed politics a lock time. trump is having a real problem with women voters. a real problem with independents. does this hurt him irreparably. tlurm a number of women supporting donald trump for one reason only. because he s not hillary clinton. her actions have been even worse and going forward the reason we re supporting mr. trump, why i personally is for my family. i want to be able to protect for my family and i want to be able to provide for my family. nothing do with these words from 11 years or any other things he s said in the past. i care he s going secure our border and preserve my constitution and second amendment rights. and other than that let s stay
for the tabloids and talk about the things that matter most for most mother, most women in this world is please, protect my family, provide for my family. something he s put a plan out and we know he will co-and hillary clinton doesn t put emphasis on that. here is the problem. before we even get to discuss agenda. before we even get to discuss policy there is a minimum requirement of morality, of moral compass, of decency, of human empathy, of behaving like an adult. of behaving not like a sexual predator. and if you are incapable of meeting that minimum requirement you can t even talk to me about policy because you are unfit to be on the ballot. and it is time not only donald trump think about what he s doing but republicans who have endorsed him, this is the time to disavow this man. paul ryan, our lonely highs look to you. you are my friend. i though you. you are a decent human being. you are a good husband, a good
father. you cannot stand by this man tomorrow. reince priebus, same goes for you. he will ruin the republicans that are on the ballot with him. we cannot afford this. if we re going to have a party that survives we must disown donald trump tonight. we re going take up that thought. we re also going to take up what s going on inside trump tower right now because i have to believe there are big decisions being made as we speak about when he will address this, how he will address it. seems to me he s got to get to this sometime before he takes that debate stage sunday night. a debate by the way that anderson will be moderating. just 48 hours away now from the second presidential debate. in st. louis. our coverage here all day long on sunday. anderson will be one of the moderators along with abc news martha raddatz. and more on hurricane matthew as it makes up the southeastern coast.
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joining me now from st. augustine florida, michael holmes. a big concern where you are there, the storm surge. all this flooding. what are you seeing? reporter: yeah absolutely. i m standing in storm surge. it is not very deep here. but st. augustine, the city itself, what s known as the oldest city in america, dating back 400 years when a spanish admiral founded it. it is back that way. and this water goes all the way back into the city. and in fact the city is officially closed. emergency services and an officer coming through now. they are the only ones going in and out of the city. it is officially closed. there is in fact a cur fay from 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. what happens is when the storm surge came in it was meant to be eight feet of storm surge. the mayor said everyone get out. population of about 13 and a half thousand. half of them said no, we re
going to stay. they are stuck there now. roads and bridges closed until emergency services say it is safe to reopen them. so that is just one example of what s happening up and down the southeast coast when it comes to storm surge. you know, thousands of people being affected by this. and a lot of damage been done. very historic city st. augustine. probably dmoen to a lot of people. that is the concern up and down the coast. st. augustine, michael thank you o much. a new advisor from the hurricane center just out. what s the latest. well as the category two storm but that means absolutely nothing. it s built up strength for so many days now that category, 3, 4 hurricane is going to see all the water under the eye slam northward and they could see even great storm surge than in st. augustine and jacksonville. we re going to see heavier amounts of rain than we ve
already on the coastline. tornado watch is expected from yesterday because of the angle of approach. we dodged a major bullet today with that eye stay 20-25 miles off shore. yesterday talking with anderson we talked about every mile counts. the difference between catastrophic damage and then moderate to severe damage which, occurred. don t get me wrong. it s very bad but it could have been much worse. but now it is going to get worse. the large precipitation shield is all from the eye northward. the greatest effects in the colors of yellow on the northern prieriphery of the i eye will sm with full momentum. georgia south carolina and north carolina. head.e concerned about hilton a big concentration of pine trees. they blow over easily in 45, 50 miles per hour gusts. weak root systems. this model which has been spot on, continues to take it very
close. this is a saturday/sunday event. so far good news, it was low tide at jacksonville at 7:30. it is going to be low tide tomorrow morning in charleston, where it approaches at its closest event. again now category 2 but the angle of approach, john, mooens everything. let s hope it moves out and away. yesterday we were talking about the big curve it is going to take. i wouldn t worry about that so much. it is undergoing shear right now and we re hoping it breaks down further. so not much event coming back around. we re already seeing the surge five, six peat above average in some areas. big areas of concern in georgia, particularly south carolina. thank you so much. just ahead, back to other breaking news. donald trump caught on tape talking crudely about women. a highlight reel in a moment plus the latest on hurricane
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the crisis, a tape surfacing of hill doing what he has a history of doing. here s randi kaye. reporter: donald trump says he loves beautiful women. he also loves to talk about women. and it often lands him in hot water. like during his long-running feud with rosie o donnell. she came to my wedding. she ate like a pig. after his dustup with megyn kelly during the fox news debate, trump said this about her on cnn. she starts asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions. and you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. blood coming out of her, wherever. critics charged he was referring to menstruation. trump insisted it was a big misunderstanding. i was going to say nose and/or ears. because that s a very common statement. blood pouring out of somebody s nose. it s a statement showing anger. kelly wasn t the first female journalist trump sparred with. decades ago after new york times columnist gail collins wrote about rumors of trump s bankruptcy, he sent her a copy
of the article he d written and circled her photo, writing across it, quote, the face of a dog. much of what trump has said about women was during his many appearances on howard stern s radio show. in 2005, he made this remark, talking about a woman in a beauty pageant. first of all, she s unbelievably short. and i m a little bit surprised. i think that the boob job is terrible. you know, they look like two life posts coming out of a body. after he bought a pageant, stern asked trump how he might change it. they said, how are you going to change the pageant? and i said, i m going to get the bathing suits to be smaller and the heels to be higher. a woman s breasts were always a hot topic for him. i view a person who s flat chested is very hard to be a 10. it has to be extraordinary. you have to have the face of vivienne leigh to be a 10. but she went from an 8 to solid 4. reporter: in another appearance on the show. some incredible, beautiful women, they ll walk up and flip their top.
wow, and they ll flip their panties. i ve been with women with extraordinarily bad breast jobs. isn t it unbelievable? one women, beautiful, had big, beautiful, real boobs, really beautiful. and she wants them reduced. years later on t the howard sten sho show , trump boldly mocked kim kardashian s any seek. does she have a good body, no. does she have a fat [ bleep ], absolutely. and just last week, trump has to defend comments he d made about former miss universe, alicia machado, calling her miss piggy and an eating machine. he doubled down on those comments on fox news. she was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight. and it was a real problem. we had a real problem. a candidate struggling to win the support of women come election day, in his own words. randi kaye, cnn, new york.
much more on this in the next hour of 360 on this leaked donald trump tape. reaction from the republican party and we expect, at some point, from the trump campaign itself. we ll also have the latest on hurricane matthew heading for georgia and the carolinas after causing so much damage in florida. stay with us. now that fedex has helped us simplify our e-commerce, we could focus on bigger issues, like our passive aggressive environment. we re not passive aggressive. hey, hey, hey, there are no bad suggestions here. no matter how lame they are. well said, ann. i ve always admired how you just say what s in your head, without thinking. very brave. good point ted.
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