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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Sunday 20170702 10:00:00

what s going on in this world? abby: you hate daylight savings. train to the rest of us love summer because you want to go to bed at 7:00 in the morning show. clayton: i watch golden girls and i go to bed. abby: you love golden girls. if you guys aren t awake yet, hopefully now you are. pete: yesterday i got a treat to sit pete, clayton, can you just move out of the way. abby: love you guys. happy independence day weekend. we hope you ll celebrate with us and sadness in your home photos of how you are celebrating, how you are proud american country. #proud american. yesterday i did get a patriotic cat photo. i sent it to her producers. they refuse to run it. they refuse. were you guys refusing to unpatriotic cat shows on our
trade for one of the headlines from the other networks as trump attacks media at freedom event. you wonder why. abby: media loves to talk about it. clayton: he attacked them or challenge them at the event on his plane on the way there. they must have wi-fi on air force one. he was tweeting on air force one likely on the way to the event. the fake and fraudulent news media is working hard to convince republicans and others that i should not use social media. remember, i won a 2016 election with interviews and speeches and social media. i had to be fake news and day. we will continue to win. and the stories began the last few months at the candidacy he was holding those facebook life events. tens of thousands of people tuning in to see what he was singing around the mainstream media, would have their own narrative. he was able to put the cameras right there and actually talk
about it. he talked about yesterday taking on the fake media at this event. listen. the fake media is trying to silence us, but we will not let them. [cheers and applause] because the people know the truth. the fake media tried to stop us from going to the white house, but i am president and they are not. [cheers and applause] their agenda is not your agenda. you ve been saying it that i will never stop fighting for you. i am delivering on trade, on the economy, on the supreme court, on the second amendment, on the military for veterans. abby: the media just doesn t cover at the way they should. a lot of critics say you were president now, you ve got to be presidential. your commander-in-chief.
on twitter you said the use of social media is not presidential. it is modern-day presidential. make america great again. pete: he feels like twitter is going to fight back against it. his ability to expose them as part of his ability to advance what he believes in. if anything, he will have a legacy of things he s already achieved. the fact is exposed fake media for who they are and the agenda they have. when you read page eight of the philly new york times, there s an article about a canadian comedy used to deconstruct trump to deconstruct triumph. there is no land. they will find a new angle. abby: but he knows that. clayton: you know what, you re right. abby: heat-treated about it yesterday. i wonder how many retreats and likes compared to the others. trade for if you look at the mainstream media at these approval ratings for the president, the president was a big fan of bolstering the campaign.
he would look at these polls and rattle them off all the time. you could spend one way or the other. this new poll shows how the media is trying to spin a new approval rating and doesn t show when a reflection on itself because the new pullout in usa today shows president trump s favorable ratings are 40%. the news media is one of the stories here. the news media has mentioned in this poll and it s totally left out by the mainstream media. they dropped to 36%. abby: didn t even mention it. they ll like to talk about themselves when they look good. train for the glenn brush tweet about it said the suffolk u.s.a. poll shows better for trump, but we need to go into the cross tabs of the pdf of the poll to pull out the data about the media. nowhere in the usa today article. by the way, trump was more popular than we are. people have been exposed to this
year we are selling. but also congress 18%. we don t even talk about congressional approval rating anymore. there actually some viruses that have approval rating in congress. that should be a wake-up call to them. that audience right there is your audience. that is the american people. i mean, maybe it s time you focus on issues that matter most. if you report on what the president is talking about. whether you like them or not, that is your job to be fair and balanced and give the people what they deserve. clayton: the philly new york times, dayton is obese least about the constitution this morning i open it up as they often do unfortunately and they haven t annotated copy of the constitution inside its editorial pages. so you open it up. it s behind the coupons.
maybe i will hang this up on my wall. i don t really know. the whole constitution and basically democrats and media types commenting on what the founders were really singing. the front you ve got george washington and donald trump. the idea is that once was george washington, ben alex donald trump. he trashed our constitution. this is the same new york times that never figured out what the constitution means anyway. this sunday only in the paper we are bringing a special session that celebrates one of america s most important founding doc commands. learn what the country s operating manual written the time of george washington can tell us about the age of donald trump. so here s some other headlines. this is what they say about it themselves. maybe call into question their understanding of the constitution. these are the editorial pages.
should the president s words matter in court. in general the case of trump s travel ban except the supreme court came up nine to nothing on that point. the supreme court and say preposterous legal claim and makes a powerful defense of obamacare. the last one commended from across the pond the u.s. should consider monarchy. abby: wow. reverend jerry powell junior was found with judged in the last sentence of the president does the competition better than anyone. here s what he said. all about religious liberty, god. he s interested in defending the liberty of christians, not just muslims. i never heard a single liberal attack any muslim church for not having weddings and for not honoring women and is. but this president has gone the extra mile to honor people of
faith. i would appreciate when the left is pelting down, it s incredible to watch are they still haven t gotten over how donald trump one. pete: i was listening to that. at least in the annotated copy this is freedom of religion. so it does say other than here. clayton: they do have some good july 4th sales and coupons. abby: do want to bring in some other headlines. challenging china s military in the south china sea. now confirming the u.s. has failed by nearly one of the islands effectively claims made by the island sailing close to the island signal to the u.s. it does not recognize china s growing military aggression in the region. this is the second time under president trump the pentagon has done this. the fourth of july weekend in chicago, 20 people were shot
including a 13-year-old boy. so far three people died. the trump administration has said atf agents to chicago help stop the violence and curb the gang activity. 27 states are now refusing a card to the trump administration. a special commission requesting the data to investigate possible voter fraud during the 2016 election. numerous states are refusing to give information to the very voter fraud panel. what are they trying to hide? they have until july 14th. some headlines we are following. tree into the mainstream media repeatedly told you agencies agreed that russia hacked the election. two months ago our next guest flat out said that was a lie. with only three intelligence agencies. pete: i remember that segment. why did it takes a lot for the press to tell you the truth.
plus, he s back. former president obama taken a job at president trump for more than 10,000 miles away. if you steal my sunshine yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn t have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
but yes is here. you re saying the new app will go live monday?! yeah. with help from hpe, we can finally work the way we want to. with the right mix of hybrid it, everything computes. i looked at this assessment carefully and found some disturbing things. this is only three intelligence agencies. the russian said it was not coordinated with all intelligence agencies. i was an intelligence community community for a long time. the best way to skew an assessment as to limit the number of players. pete: those former cia analyst fred flights. i remembered that vividly. the margin of 17 agencies agreed russia hacked election. now the new york times and they are backtracking on the
reports, we ask why did it take so long for the press to tell the truth. fred fleitz joins us. thank you for being here. remember reading your op-ed and a couple days later you came on the program related out clearly that the fine print show this is not an assessment of all 17. first of all, why did you sort of discovered that? why is it important what does it mean? there were certain procedures to write an assessment like this. all intelligence agencies are supposed to weigh in. we found out from former director of national intelligence clapper a hand-picked group of 12 analysts wrote this. that s extraordinary. the cia or hundreds of experts should have had a hand in this. one final thing we discovered after i was on the show before, we learn from fbi director comey that the conclusion of this assessment that russia intervenes specifically to help trampling isn t based on a piece
of intelligence. that means the group of analysts who were chosen through some mysterious process, this is their opinion. pete: that s amazing. i know you always have to make assessments based on limited information. what does it tell you in a narrow down the number of people involved? would you limit the number of agencies or people? i don t use this word lightly. i think the assessment was. it was rigged to come up with the most negative possible and come up with the conclusion that the obama white house and the mainstream media. from my point of view i can see this any other way. pete: that is a powerful charge. there s information russia was attempting to meddle in our election, but they need to go to the next level and prove our government has found it. you think a small circle of individuals that we will have an ironclad document against a talking point to the left. i think that s does russia
attack in some way? i don t discount that, but did russia intervened to help trampling? there s no evidence to that. but the key democratic talking point and something fabricated by intelligence agents to heard mr. trump or the obama administration and pro-obama intelligence officials. pete: that s as bad as it gets if that is true. real quick, why did it take so long for the near times to figure this out and retract it? if you read new york times reporting that they ve always known this. last january they did specify that this was actually the assessment of only three agencies. they seem to stay silent the last few months. the evidence this analysis is a sham has been building and building at the new york times and the ap decided to back away from it. pete: powerful stuff. thanks for doing your homework and the fairly new york times really is fake news.
we appreciate it. coming up, 25 democrats passing a democrats passing a bill that deems president trump mentally unstable. are they the ones acting responsibly? a lot of great american movies out there, but which ones are the most patriotic? our own kevin mccarthy is hearing is going to tell us next. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double.
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i m sure more details will emerge on that story. a new york shot and killed a hospital identified. tracey campbell is covering one of her coworkers shift when she was gunned down. the shooter smacking an air 15 killing one person and wounding six others before taking his own life. abby. abby: thank you, p. july 4th is that when feeling patriotic. dream for fox news contributor, kevin mccarthy has some pics for you in a pretty awesome suit. you are going to the theater to see because you might want to see wonder woman. these are ones you want to stay home and watch. yakima good morning to you. i m 33 are sold where a suit on national television. by the way, i mean tucker carlson s studio and this is pretty awesome. there s an upgrade in front of me with tucker s face on it. abby: that s a little scary.
pete: i need to get one of those. that s creepy. i m going to steal it. turn for the first movie on the list is the sandlot. listen, so many great patriotic films. patton, lone survivor, a million great films over the years. these are my personal favorites. number five is the sandlot. we ve been growing up in it speaks to america s favorite pastime. there s so many classic themes than this. you re killing me smalls, the s mores seen. been running with the pf flyers sign. pete: oil in a lotion and, motioning and oiling. wendi peppercorn when he gets the case after fake drowning. i love that scene so much. transfer what is number four? i m going to go to petri it. it s about a father avenging his
sons does with heath ledger and jason isaac feared mel gibson has made some incredible war films obviously. also, we were soldiers. a great film last year called hacksaw bridge. if you haven t seen that one can check it out as well. the patriot is an incredibly well-made film. one of my favorite movies, saving private ryan major list. no question. i ve spoken to many people and they say this is the most realistic battles they ve ever seen displayed on film, specifically about world war ii. the opening 20 minutes of this film really makes me cry. this entire film, the score, the music, tom hanks, everybody, even vin diesel is in this movie. a great cast. i loved it, one of the best movies of all time. abby: speaking a a great cast, get off my plane.
let s pause for this epic sound bite. watch this. get off my plane. pete: you don t have to watch it because you don t know how it s going to end. han solo and indiana jones playing the president of the united states of america. it does not get better than that. i want to see more films for the president is kicking. and gary is great in the movie. harrison ford s flying skills. you might not want to be on his plane. number one on his list. and you re going to pick this one. listen, there is no question this is arguably one of the greatest. there is no question. that sounds like an oxymoron, but there s no question this is one of the greatest presidential speeches ever given in a movie. take it away, bill pullman.
there is a day when they declare we will not go quietly into the night. we will not finish without a fight. we are going to live on. we are going to survive. today, we celebrate our independence day. abby: seems appropriate. july 2nd is world uso days. by producers had to tell me, what does that mean? great movie choice, kevin. thank you for a match. if you want a treat, let me know what your favorite teacher at elements. the wonderful rest of the weekend. go see baby driver and the execs. two best films right now. baby driver is awesome. pete: rivaling with wonder woman. abby: you are looking smashing today. i m feeling it.
abby: coming up, frightening scene all caught on camera. a motorcycle wobbling in the middle of the highway. wait until you see what happens right after this. pete: that is the tease right there. plus there plans the. our panelists here discuss the new strategy against our president, next. thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say, geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain s waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could ve parked a little bit closer. it s gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico®. proudly serving the military for over 75 years.
having a parking lot party abby: that was friday out here in our lot. lieber is taking the stage for our all-american concert series. what you may be missed was this. [cheers and applause] pete: sometimes when the cameras not necessarily live, this is lee brice given what his fans fans, 11-year-old madison one of his guitars after he performed. turns out it was her first concert ever. abby: she will never forget that. it wasn t over yet. the two met backstage. madison is now determined to
learn how to play the guitar. pete: well, she better. he set her up for success. clayton. clayton: thanks, guys. two dozen democrats have backed a new bill that questions the mental health of president trump in an effort to take him out of office. how responsible is it to suggest the president of the united states is mentally unstable? gop councilman joe gorelick have a professor at iona college, jeannie zaino and dr. marc siegel. i ve got to ask you because he saw bringing adopters, basically trying to diagnose the president is the president as if he had some form of dementia or is mentally unstable. smart move for the medical community? not smart. the american paycheck tick association has the goldwater rules that you just can t do this. the reason it s against the principle of medical ethics committee epa, american psychiatric association is
because these doctors have not examined president trump. they have it spent an hour with him. they haven t taken history. certainly no democrat has that s doing it. people are very different when you sit them down in a doctor s office to take a full history then when you see them on twitter. i met former president bush several times. he s very different in person than when you see them on television. we are going down the way wrong direction. i weigh different when you see me in person. way different. way more handsome. your take on this. the political side of this, which is crazy. is is red meat for the base here? what other motivation could there have for the 25 democrats being on board this bill to get the president out of office? it s absolutely red bait. i have to agree with the doctor. you never want to diagnose someone from afar. the issue is when you look at the 25th amendment, there is no discussion of how you determine incapacitation.
as left up to the political realm. it s left up to the cabinet, vice president and a committee of congress. it is a political decision, not a medical diagnosis that would be made if this is coming to pass. never in american history has this come to pass. this is after john f. kennedy s assassination because there is a fear they didn t do a good job about what happens if a president has some kind of breakdown, unable to continue its work. never been used, not going to be used now and this is the democrats who appeal in 2018 coming out. it s not like it s woodrow wilson being incapacitated. the country doesn t really know about it. i love the excuse given at this rally the other day from democrats, which was he s not a gentleman and a role model. that makes them unfit to be president?
this is the next episode of a series of episodes in a movie called democratic meltdown 2017. this is something so beyond the pale, sending a few pointed out would replace the msnbc crowd and the late-night comics. democrats have to answer how does this help someone that voters that left them in 2016? how does that help a factory worker in pennsylvania or a cop in wisconsin? how are those people doing the meltdown of the democratic party in determining their credibility to get reelected going forward. it s bad politics, bad medicine and brad strategy. to me, the argument is this is you re trying to make this argument that the president is mentally unstable. democrats are also saying that about trump supporters. a veiled way they are attacking tram supporters in all of this. i think that s true to both declare republicans did the same thing to barack obama many times.
charges that he should be impeached for a variety of reasons including the fact he said he wasn t born in united states. the fact you are transgendered people to use the bathrooms of their choice. it is still too far. clayton: final thought. just because you certain personality traits that irritate the democrats, this is not the vice president, not the cabinet. this is really undermining the respect of the opposite deserves. transfer thank you for joining us. appreciate it. thanks to dr. marc siegel, jeannie and joe. abby, over to you guys. abby: other headlines we re following. a fisherman charged with killing his wife claims that she fell overboard. 38-year-old christopher leclerc called the coast guard claiming that his wife accidentally fell overboard after not feeling well during a boat trip on lake erie. investigators say they now believe he pushed her off the boat, but are still looking for a body. leclair was having affair at the time. he now faces criminal homicide
charges. a man loses control of his motorcycle on a busy highway. we want to warn you, this may be hard to watch. abby: that baker writing down the sacramento fire when he waffles and spins out of control. his head hitting the road, the bike dragging his body. miraculously, demand is expected to be okay. wow, unreal. former president obama told a crowd in indonesia, we are seeing a rise in aggressive kind of nationalism. we see both in developing countries. an increased development in the bad treatment of people who don t look like us are practices that they possess. i don t believe that future favors strong man.
i believe it is those who are tolerant and learn from everyone. obama on a 10 day vacation in jakarta. no surprise there. a little underlying job. pete: and subtly criticize the current president. abby: records outside. a little monkey. i lost them. did you find them? no. did you get the money? let s give a big smile. nice. you have three big teeth coming in there. they are looking good there. no braces i don t think. good for mom and dad. everybody to get outside. a little bit nicer across parts of the northern plains and around the great lakes. tens of cooled a little bit. humidity is come down a little bit. it is still sticky, but certainly better. we will put the map into motion,
but less rain today. we will see if you showers in the afternoon, but nothing as bad as we saw yesterday. came across the south. that said, some big rumors across parts of oklahoma later in the day. some this morning across parts of arkansas and louisiana. tens getting into the 90s across the high plains. you see the scattered showers, some may be a little severe later on today and across the west, mostly sunny in the heat is continuing. thank you for sharing that may smile at us. you are welcome. pete: what is the going rate for the tooth? reporter: how much did you get for those? like a quarter, nickel? one dollar. abby: a whole dollar? the question is how was she going to spend that dollar. she is so cute. thank you, rick. coming up, stick with social
media and keep on treating. deputy campaign manager david bossie is on next door to talk about that. pete: plus, shocking photo. american flags removed from veterans gravestones. one group has a plan to save them. that group leader will join us live. trade with the largest family festival come a four-day celebration faith and film. they ll take us behind the scenes. join us next. keeping the faithnd we know steve. switching to allstate is worth it.
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level. a new imac that requires employers to pay for mandatory harassment classes centered around gender identity for all employees. a literature headlines. i was looking at the headlines for the weed and there is a lady in a bear shirt. abby: megadeth is the largest family festival about faith and family and film. just wrapped up his or during dallas. fox news correspondent lauren green is there and she joins us now to share all about it. good morning. hey, good morning. inc. so much. first of all, the best way to describe make a fast is like getting inside the mind of the charismatic preacher with a global following. he really has created a safe conglomerate that reaches far beyond the church pew. would you please welcome to the stage, mr. mulley po file.
after the sox after the talk after the sox are of after the sox are after the stock sure fire helped kick off a four-day weekend festival of faith, family and film. all taken center stage at kay bailey hutchison convention center in dallas, texas. welcome to make a dash on springer, filmmaker of the 30,000 member worship center, the potter house. this is the day the lord has made. the event features fitness, health and well-being, service presentations to benefit injured soldiers. and even sports celebrities like former cowboy darren woodson. and i even got into participating the in the panel
to talk about change lives and about my boat, white house faith. things are alright. i m good. got the job, demand, this come everything i need and then something falls apart. is estimated some 100,000 people are attending make a fast. i sat down to see what people should take away from this four-day event. i ve come to learn it is an experience. it s the old-fashioned art of spending quality time at the people who matter the most to you in an atmosphere that supports the belief system you want to promote. reporter: his youngest daughter sarah jake s robbers said even though people are moved by his powerful preaching comment he is just the vessel. they didn t come to praise jake s. they came to praise god. i don t like to be confined come uri preacher.
god has other things that i m interested in. i m a person, father, guy, husband. i want to enjoy everything about life and share it with other people. reporter: also told me that any aspect of life can become a ministry of this is why he s been so much in the area of film. films are like modern-day parables. they have the potential to reach so many lives. back to you guys. such a great message. we are all talking about the movies. what are you doing? first i m going to go to church today of course. i ve got to tell you, independence day, yes, it s my favorite fourth of july movie. a little known fact come you don t know this because you are probably in a timetable back then. but independents and foxhounds keep one of 1996 before fox news channel launched. yet another reason why. thanks, lauren.
pete: watergate journals grow bernstein prepares the term presidency to a dangerous infectious disease. we are in the midst of the malignant presidency. a call for my leaders. it calls on our journalists do a different kind of reporting from a different kind of dealing with this president need. .straight years, and it s still recommended today. use as directed. g new cars. you re smart. you already knew that. but it s also great for finding the perfect used car. you ll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. now you re even smarter. this is truecar.
we are in the midst of a malignant presidency cannot malignancy is known to the military leaders of the country, known to the republican leadership in congress to recognize that and is known to the intelligence community. the presidency of donald trump is not functioning partly because of his character. it s not functioning partly because of attacks on the press. those who know him best are raising serious concerns. it calls on our leaders. it calls on our journalists to do a different kind of reporting, a different kind of dealing with this presidency. historical context is referring back it seems to john dean who was then white house counsel during the watergate years to president nixon said sir, there is a cancer on the presidency right now. the malignancy is what is referring to. abby: and things need to change. a new kind of reporting which makes me wonder what would be different. we keep asking ourselves
rhetorically, what are they going to figure it out and realize they ve been exposed? they are never, ever, ever, can i say ever again going to change because these newsrooms are full of liberals. i m thinking about changing the name to fake a new cnn to fraud new cnn. when you tell me you are independent give me bias. what he is calling for is even more. even more editorializing about the president from cnn that will only make the approval go down. abby: said people close to the president are concerned about him and his well-being. is that the sense you got? those who use closest to. pete: fake news. i ve talked to the top, top advisers. they re getting along, working hard. one of the stories later on the show is fighting between the vice president s office in s office and the trump camp so that there is infighting. abby: there is always quote, unquote infighting between the two.
we do have dave bossie, not back. mark levine, all coming. stick around. stick around. roller coaster of lovean we never forget. that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you depend silhouette active fit briefs, feature a thin design for complete comfort. they say move it or lose it - and at my age, i m moving more than ever. because getting older is inevitable. but feeling older? that s something i control. get a free sample at hot dogs will never be chanthe same again. we went back to the drawing board. and the cutting board. we never stopped tasting. and tinkering. until we had. a line of the world s best hot dogs. we removed the added nitrates and nitrites waved goodbye to by-products. and got rid of the artificial preservatives in all of our meat. every. single. one.
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not. did russia hacking effect the election in some way? i don t discount that. it is red. they, but the most negative possible in the conclusion that the obama white house and the mainstream media resources. the abby: i ve got my game on. i love that song as we start out this sunday morning. we are all feeling so patriotic. you never know. clayton: high-end type. pete: it is high and tight for this summer. like a shearing the sheep.
abby: look great. trade for sending your photos this morning for independent day. we want to see your family, your pets, your neighborhood. i love looking at the streets with all the american flags down the street. do you are preacher pajamas? abby: please send us some photos of their patriotic cat. trade for a dog photos, picture of the talks. i love dogs, but how about some cats? it s tough to get cats and outfits, so maybe that s part of the problem. her patriotic cat happy. they named her cat after you. monique s cad authoring our heroes on this first. abby: and here s stephanie cat, sweet pea ready for the fourth of july. pete: did that cat had trump air? is that what it is? abby: i think you did. let s pull it up to make sure.
pete: there it is. they up the ante. abby: a trump tie and trump air. trade to keep them in. we love it. trades are we invited former donald trump deputy campaign manager and fox news contributor david bossie. did he bring a patriotic cat? i have three very patriotic dogs, but thankfully no cats. trade for sorry, eat. all those and came from social media, of course this past week quite a bit of a scandal and backlash of the president was taking on morning joe. yesterday he came out resilient lands that i m going to stick to social media. the fake and fraudulent news media is working hard to convince republicans and others that i should not use social
media. remember, i want the 2016 election with interviews, speeches and social media. we will continue to win. some people saying he should get off social media. what do you say? absolutely not. the president understands the new media better than anyone. it is the reason he s the president of the united states today. by the way, i was one of those during the campaign that would say hey, boss, what do you think about this or that? he always had the right instincts. he understands. really, he uses it for one reason, to bypass the liberal media, which has a common arm of the democratic party and speak directly to the american people. they work during the campaign and they will continue to work that that s what happens when you let a change agent. they disrupt the status quo. the status quo was that the
mainstream media is just cozy in bed in washington d.c. with the politicians on both sides of the aisle. when a politician as powerful as the president disrupts thought, it is something that they will never accept in one of the reasons you see unfortunately lowlifes like carl bernstein saying what he s saying. you just said that in this campaign. you would tell the president not to treat certain things. can you give an example of something you said we don t want to treat that in the president said don t do that. i don t kiss and tell. abby: it does make you wonder. you have the critics now saying fine, tweet what you want on the campaign trail. but now you are commander-in-chief. different time. you have a different title. he said my use of social media is not presidential. it is modern-day presidential. make america great again. your same keep tweeting,
president. i think you can say all you want about the media because everyone can agree there s a bias. but when it comes to a woman comments a woman come is that where you say maybe not so much, mr. president? let me just say this president is not going to allow himself to be attacked unmercifully by these folks in the mainstream media. these folks who have columns and pro-bernstein who is on cnn and others on other networks, they really don t have any downside but when they attack him. so what he s saying is i m going to fight back. i m going to stand up for myself because the mainstream media is so dishonest. that is all this is about. whether it is the attack on to host survey showed no one watches or any other tweets, the president understands the power of what he s saying. he does get it any gifted rather than anyone.
if he wants to come he s able to change the conversation of the day with a simple tweet. pete: very much so. we want to shift to something else the fake media loves to banter about. does the media wrongly predict did come a long list, whether it s the ouster, rants previous, steve bannon, sean spicer, kellyanne conway or the president himself. now new turmoil between president trump and vice president mike pence. we see this all the time. you talk to folks inside the white house. the relationship has looked as strong as any. can you give us insight as to what s happening in that relationship? first of all, you talk about the definition of fake news. this is it. there is no stronger bond than this administration and the president and the vice president of the united states. these two men worked closely together day in and day out.
they see each other all day. they speak to each other all day. they give each other advice and counsel all day. i find this to just be part of the ongoing that the media just can t get enough of. pete: to be totally clear, this is about the staff of the vice president and the president, not the two men themselves. according to these reports are warning right now. if they could mtv reality show. if you know the staff, these folks a lot of these folks that work on vice president pence s staff worked on the campaign with us. mark schubert, who is the director of legislative affairs for the white house to capitol hill was former chief of staff for governor pence. that white house is just interconnected with pads come the people all throughout the white house.
therefore, it is part of the fake news. this is just more of the stories they want to perpetuate, that the white house is broken when it is actually not. it is functioning perfectly well and they are trying to do their jobs. the mainstream media who every day once to continue the white house is not functioning properly because they continue to write the story said they want the american people to believe that. abby: really have to start questioning their credibility. another reports that secretary of state rex tillerson is the next one to go. pete: that he wants out. yeah, look, the secretary of state has been representing the american people in america abroad for the last four or five months. he s doing an incredible job. the one thing everybody has to stop and take stock and is that every four years, every time there s a new administration, or
growing pains, the white house always ones to make sure the presidential personnel is running the show. that s a fact, whether president obama, clinton, bush come in this administration. it is part and parcel of how it s done in washington. it can be honest disagreements over personnel and policy. what everybody has to remember at the end of the day where the were day where they were cabinet secretary or employee, you work at the will of the president of the united states and as long as you make sure you are taking to account, his positions on policy and what he wants from the standpoint coming or good place. tree into a live take note of the report from cnn. going into a holiday weekend, if you re a playing session with the white house during a look forward to the next week, two weeks or months weeks or months, what would you counsel the white house to focus on as they move forward? stay focused on health care. get health care done in the next
couple of weeks. there s no urgency to it, they get it done in the next couple weeks when you get back from recess. we have to make sure the senators on our side of the aisle state of mind. that s going to take some work. working with the different factions with an defendant to get the bill done. by doing that, you can give it directly to tax reform. not just some tax rate cuts, the actual tax reform, simplifying and taking care deductions and some middle-class tax efforts that will actually help the middle-class in america for the first time in a long time. abby: great advice. have a great holiday. pete: and more tweets. abby: more headline: the trump administration taking another step towards america first. now mandating all 284 and air force have direct flights to the u.s. install an explosive detecting scanners as part of
the ban on laptops. the terrorists could use it to hide a small bombing. they have three weeks to face possible dissension. an arrest is made in connection to the violent shooting inside a nightclub that injured 20 people see right here, the rapper who was performing along with another man in birmingham, alabama. as you can imagine, inside the power ultra lounge. 25 people total were shot, but all are to survive. on this independence day weekend, three following u.s. sailors who died aboard the uss fitzgerald. friends and families and also paid an emotional tribute among the fallen among the fall of 19 girls sailor dakota tioga b. along with 37-year-old fire patrolman first class leo
brennan junior who heroically save 20 other shipmates were honored. 26-year-old noah hernandez also remembered on board the uss fitzgerald when it collided last month with a cargo ship off the coast of japan. a total of seven u.s. soldiers lost their lives on that day. pete: all right. nancy pelosi will call president trump every name in the book. now, it is this. i think it is blatantly sexist. i don t think there s any question about it. train to the rambling press conference will reveal even more. debate just ahead. abby: president obama back in the spotlight for more than 10,000 miles away in jakarta. you know who else is back? our own in a quiet man. she is kicking off our proud american series. where are you? s., and. we have a big morning for you
here in north carolina. a preview of the naturalization ceremony, parade, food games, an antique car show coming out. don t go anywhere. you are watching fox and friends. a used car,
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and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. moms, we can t wait. abby: welcome back to really quickly want to think our audience because we asked early in the show to send us cat photos. patriotic cat photos. our producers said they are so inundated with photos they can even hope it s on the show. thank you for listening to us. tree into thank you for ruining our morning. we appreciate it. the former president of the united states that you don t talk poorly about the clinton administration or open your mouth about the current president in office. they quietly go into the night, do their thing.
clayton: that used to be the case. it seems to be changing a little bit. president obama yesterday, 10,000 miles away in indonesia to talk about climate change and other issues seeming to be taking some jobs about the current administration. the entire speech he talked about a temporary absence within the context of global change which is the holiest of shrines for the left. another portion of his critique, not even his slightly veiled critique of the term presidency. he has this to say in jakarta, indonesia about america. we are seeing in the rise in aggressive nationalism and developed and undeveloped countries and increased development against minority groups and the bad treatment of people who don t look like us or practice the same fate as that. i don t believe the future favors strong man. i believe the creatures those who are tolerant man. abby: is not actually mentioning the president by name, but underneath the strong wording said it all.
why can t you be strong man and also accepting of people? is that not possible today? dream to also stand for your country and not intervene in wars and create nationbuilding and be able to protect the people that our country is employed to do. we have defense of this country and purpose. we pay taxes to defend our country. not just open our borders to allow anyone and we want. the translation is easy. nationalism can be sovereignty or america. resentment toward minorities now would president trump is talking about. how about strongmen. maybe it s better to have a lid on the country then unleashed the arab spring and anarchy and chaos that leads to something like i something that crisis in the middle east. i love how the left talks about tolerance. abby: conditional love at its best. traded into the paris climate accords of course. but the president comes in and undermines him come he s not going to be happy about it.
friends out fine fox and friends. send everything they are. abby: still a big show to come. president trump has been called a lot of things, but that means true media against fake news event they are sexist. really? pete: justin bieber is tired of the bright lights of hollywood so he found a home on a quiet tree-lined street in the suburbs. [boy] cannonball! [girl] don t. [man] not again! [burke] swan drive. seen it. covered it.
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quick headlines for you. justin bieber spotted all over new jersey suburb of montclair near my home. in recent weeks he spent too much at the pool. maybe i ll run into him at the whole foods and playing basketball with neighborhood kids zone here and a white hoodie. is rumored to be spending time with his pastor who lives in that area. people are not liking jay lo on their blog. the singer sensation with a brief taping of her performance on the macy s fourth of july fireworks show. neighborhood residents are excited turn into a nightmare chaos in the fourth of july weekend. two of the world s hottest women are making the big apple their new home this summer. this universe and miss u.s.a. caramel cola are moving into an apartment together in manhattan. taking a break from traveling the world in new york. abby, pete. abby: really good. well, the president firing back
earlier this week on twitter for fueling fake news. house minority leader nancy pelosi had this to say about his comment. take a listen. it s sad to say i am still the highest ranking women. i thought i was all going to be resolved in november. instead, we have a person in the white house that doesn t happen to be a woman, but happens to disrespect women. abby: is that what the president was trying to do? vice chair for the coalition of democratic pollster or not they re up america in the age of trump, just guitar love. thank you. welcome to both of you. god bless america. abby: god bless you as well. happy fourth of july weekend. this is the atlantic or the launching of trump s sexist
attack, launches another sexist tweet on morning joe host. this is just to remind people, this is actually from yesterday. crazy joe scarborough are not bad people, but their low rated show was nominated by their nbc bosses. too bad. to all the sexism, arguments and attacks on him, what i would argue, is he trying to defend himself? it seems like he would say the same about men or women. i believe the president is simply trying to defend himself. honestly, i feel he deals with men and women with the same energy. because bernie sanders crazy, hillary crockett, called ted cruz lighting ted. because marco, little marco. that is our president. the problem is you have media that should be focusing on edifying the nation by telling us the information we need to
know, filling us in on the facts and instead they are using their motion in politics as a platform as opposed to doing what journalists are supposed to do and that is to inform the people. so many thoughts on this fourth of july weekend. i totally disagree. i think while the emphasis our president who does the lobby on everybody, they are only women who talks about. he said about megyn kelly that she had blood coming out of her nose or wherever, leaking down her face. we ve seen pictures. she did not have blood leaking down her face. you ve made a number of sexist comments. currently feeling says look at that face. i was blatantly sexist. i find it disturbing to hear from women that we can t have that discussion about the president of the united states of america appeared abby: what about comments to him? he s the president of the united
states. [inaudible] jessica, you have seen this flip, for example. i m not defending her, defending him. you said what she said about him. calling him a good, talking about the sides of his hands. across the board i don t agree with that. i ve spoken about that before. i don t think is appropriate. at first the level of national discourse. they actually feel this campaign. they had him on there. they were defending him and they went after hillary clinton really hard and it certainly hurt her campaign when you think about the audience msnbc has. the moderate democrat out there or black when or black winged democrats that the senate voted bernie sanders and maybe voted jill stein. maybe didn t show up to vote. they make sexist attacks in using the office of the presidency at this low level appropriate.
what i m saying i am a democrat and when you live [inaudible] yes, i m a democrat who voted for donald jay trump. an outsider coming yes. what i would say is this. you know, you don t make evil has come in the things they are doing anything about the president, they are beneath the dignity of our nation. excuse me, i m sorry i let you talk. you don t use your platform where you are supposed to be informing the public, letting us know the facts, keeping track of this white house and this government for your own political, emotional joy. you are supposed to be letting us know what s going on and they are not doing that. they are attacking this president. they are attacking supporters because we voted for him. this is a democracy. he s got three years and six months ago.
get your popcorn and drinks ready. trench three abby: quickly because we ve got to go. they will put their opinion out there. they were talking about does the president of the united states of america have to be classy? he is a class act. abby: we have to leave it here. our audience watching this, tell us what you think about all of this. friend that fox for now come up with have you with us. the mac happy fourth of july. happy fourth of july. abby: a debate that his oldest time. who is smarter? men or women? in the winter is coming out. president trump is going to stick with social media despite the backlash. mark levin is here live to react next hour. also pete and rick are cooking up some dad gum good barbecue for this fourth of july.
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proud americans. abby: the photo of her 3-year-old grandson who s proud to be american. transfer to reset a sharing does show saying she s part of her sons jordan ejects serving in the army. another tiny, proud american. karen s daughter at her annual fourth of july barbecue. abby: this photo of her granddaughter on her wedding day that these are two very proud millennialist. pete: a lot of patriotic millennialist. kevin mccarthy made good on his promise. the perfect complement to his american privacy. i m demanding one for each of us. trade through the great thing about tucker, i don t even think he would know if he had a bug with his face on it. he s just like okay. actually, he probably wouldn t he be very proud. turning now to other headlines, starting with the widow of the
virginia shooter claiming we will start with another one. she may have been able to stop this. sue hodgkinson, the wife of the killer saying saturday that her son opened fire on the ball field of republican shooting steve scalise, the retiree of illinois was gunned down at the leash rushed the alexandria field now recovering from the shooting. and now it is jill stein s turn to be caught up in the russian investigation. congress after she had dinner with the former national security adviser michael flynn and vladimir putin himself. yes, i was at a table where putin briefly came in. i was not an rt conference, which was their 10 year anniversary in order to communicate, the war in the middle east is an incredible
catastrophic disaster. abby: denied any accusations claiming democrats want a scapegoat. the feminist movement with new research now revealing them have average i.q. that is four points higher than women. what? the study came from the netherlands said it s also because they also slightly larger brains than the females do. i think we need to talk about this. clayton and pete. i don t like this. john macko morris here. celebrate with a backyard barbecue. take your barbecue to the next level. that is good. where the chicken recipe as mayor.
today is all about the fourth of july. what better thing to serve up then ribs? we ve got baby back ribs with the barbecue sauce. i had the pleasure of hanging out with kicks birks. we did his barbecue ribs from his coat book. so it is basically nine ingredients. garlic powder, oregano, cumin, cinnamon, chile, popper, cocoa and cayenne. but the dry rub all over your ribs and today as we always do, this desire of bluetooth master build electric smoker. we are going to face these ribs on the smoker. we did this for a dinner party based on john s recommendation. he was the best dinner party we ve ever had. so many ribs. it was amazing.
we want everybody to do that. these ribs, fight them over here on the play. we will show you how to cut those ribs up real quick. 225 degrees in three hours. you want to take these ribs and basically cut them in half. we are going to take this barbecue sauce and see these ribs are almost done with a transfer onto an aluminum tray. pete: did you pull the membrane off before you transfer them? otherwise you won t get the membrane off the baby back ribs so does the in there. pour it all over. all of that? yet. we ve got the dry rub on three
hours 225 degrees. the barbecue sauce and pour it all over. ended up on my time. just mop it all over. the barbecue sauce all over your ribs, they will be got in there. at what point do we get these things? these ribs poke doc on the smoker for one more hour. what that does is it gives the smoke flavor into the barbecue sauce. we are going to put that on there. we will take the ones on top of and show you what they look like. i feel like i m on qvc. have you ever seen anything so beautiful? abby: this is so not fair. you leave the pregnant lady inside just salivating. we ve got this as a video start to finish how to do this recipe with a dry rub in the
barbecue sauce. coming back for some chicken fingers and ribs. pete: abbey come in the next. transfer to bring some up with you. already moving on from the fake news kindled with the fake of democracy. dan bongino says they are fueling the fires of destruction. he is joining us next. and anna kooiman is back kicking off our proud american series. you are looking beautiful out there. trade abbey, good morning to you and everybody. that food looks good. we are here in north carolina getting ready for coverage this july 4th weekend. a preview of the cruisers to shine and show car show. a whole lot more coming out. how cool is this thing? be
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geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. pete: we are back with some quick sports headlines. south korea s number is paid player nba history. the five-year 201 million-dollar contract for the golden state warriors, courageous help the warriors win their second championship. arguably the best shooter of all time in the sport of hoops. i think he deserves it. the tour de france suffers a nasty crash. four-time champion alejandro valverde fighting into the fence during this stage one time trial. the spanish writer suffering a deep cut edition and a broken kneecap. likely out for the rest of the two are an of the season.
a stunning upset in the boxing ring. australian jeff horning, a schoolteacher scoring a unanimous 12 round decision against filipino boxer manny takeo. the controversial decision earning him the wbo title. it s always fun to see the underdog take the win. abby: thank you, pete. a major desire under fire about his scandalous white house meeting that never took place. trade for all sorts of awful things have been following a top-secret meeting between epa chief scott pruitt and the ceo of dow chemical says a spokesperson confirmed that meaning was actually canceled, never happened. but that s not stopping the ap from debating the democracy this fourth of july weekend. the agenda for public and podcast post, dan bongino. good morning. happy fourth of july weekend to you. what do you make of ap, the way they are reporting in debating
the future of our democracy? you know, debating the future of our democracy, is that a joke? the flames are being fanned by the mainstream media. guys, listen. here s the problem and let me back this up so i don t just throw this out there. if we can t agree on a basic set of facts going forward is a constitutional republic, how were we supposed to debate the issues left and right about the media on my left. two plus two equals four. how can we debate arithmetic? you are not doing arithmetic. you are doing fairytales and stories and making things up. they make this stuff up and it s not just one thing. they are doing this repeatedly. it s becoming a real, genuine scandal. abby: we are talking about the future democracy the media is pushing. what about the future of journalism? how often we are reporting something from who knows who the
sources and it never ends up being true. who was holding the media accountable? there s reason to be concerned about the future of journalism. there is no future to journalism if we continue down this path now. i know you guys open the ppa, but there is another one that s just as bad. 17 intelligence agencies agreed that the russians tried to overthrow the election results. there are people on your network, who have been calling this out as es for months now. democrats have been like no, no, they all agree the russians try to influence the election. they say okay, i think we finally read the report and it was really only three intelligence agencies and the other 14 didn t say that. it s like guys, if we can agree for months that s not what we said in the report anyone could read, with the future of journalism? the answer is there is none. it s fairytale type stuff.
they would ve dug and dug to find out who many reports, who did they give campaign donations do. instead the left will repeat at nothing to your point. dan bongino, we appreciate it. abby: have a good fourth of july. we appreciate it. donald trump despite the media backlash. mark levin is live in our studio right now to react at the top of the hour. pete: anna kooiman is back to kick off our proud american series. we brought her back from australia. abby: a long flight. tree into where is she? lds strong until evening. fixodent plus adhesives. just one application gives you superior hold even at the end of the day fixodent. strong more like natural teeth.
pete: is part of our proud american series, traveling down to north carolina were patriots with the need for speed are celebrating america s birthday. train to a live look at proud american correspondent lifelong friend of the show, anna kooiman along with keith pearson. good morning. reporter: good morning, everyone. i got my start in wilmington, north carolina. absolutely gorgeous. take a look at the scenery this morning. this history for the fourth of july festivities go on like 200 years celebrating independence. and 50,000 people will come that started back in 1972. a big preview. you can see these gorgeous classic cars behind me.
good morning. how are you doing? great to have you on the program. normally get about 50 cars here. you re expecting more. why is that? our viewers love to come out in support and i hope they are supporting you, too. what are we looking at? this is a 1956 ford victoria. a two door hard top. with the ninja nannette, which means nothing. they are slow cars, but beautiful car since 1986. move on down to this one a little bit older. in 1829 ford pickup. it has the cabs which most of them did not have. it cruises along at 30 miles an hour. the proud american american
flag flying so proudly. this is in 1865 forward. what is under the hood? the big engine under the hood. the 55 chevrolet. two door hardtop. beautiful car been restored, then in the family for years. beautiful, beautiful car. what about this one here? this is in 1865 chevelle super sport 396. that means that it is loaded. the four speed is ready to outrun anything in town. the turbo jet engine. zero, are you all right? yeah. we ve got two markers to get through. this is in 1835 ford and it is a flat back.
this has been restored also. beautiful car. this is my favorite one. and finally. yes, ma am. this is the night team 56 ford victoria. it is solid black with black and white interior. beautiful car, straight drive. you don t see those much. the cars that we have here are winners everywhere we go. reporter: that s right. beside the show at no words are renée said. that is correct. everything will make it s for charity. reporter: very nice. back to the studio. pete: anacondas or cameraman okay? reporter: yes, all good. there s a lot of maneuvering we are trying to do out here with the humidity and a bunch of cars. abby: you are doing fabulous. thank you so much.
pete: coming up, the failing new york times is up with a special edition reprinting the constitution to its editorial pages. the great one, mark within a slide and studios. you can react next. you supported him through four years of undergrad. and medical school. it s no wonder he said, you don t have to pick me up. at lincoln financial, we get there are some responsibilities of love you gotta do on your own. and some you shouldn t have to shoulder alone.
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tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you re pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. trump: i m honored to join you at the first ever fourth of july freedom rally as we pay tribute to those who are proudly served our nation in uniform. you shed your blood, you poured your love, and you bared your soul in our people and our great american s land. this is a man who shows so much respect for the people who wear the uniform. my administration will always support and defend your religious liberty. this president has gone the extra mile saying he should get off social media.
what do you think? he uses it. to bipartisan the liberal media, which becomes an arm of the democratic party and speak directly to the american people, and it worked on your campaign, and it s going to continue to work. the fake media is trying to silence us. but we will not let them. when i m president, and they re not. fireworks. it wouldn t be the fourth of july without them? we have to be safe with them too; right? this is overrated. i mean, they have these laws in minnesota what you can and can t do with fireworks where i live, but that s why we all
drive over to wisconsin and bring them over. abby: i m with you because i m from out west, and it can get so dry but if go goes wrong, it can be this huge disaster. are you pro fire? i m not pro fire. i m just pro fire, freedom, don t tell me what i can t do. i thought it was a fireworks display this morning. but it was beautiful. it does look like a fireworks display. clayton: tips on how not to blow your hand off out on the plaza later on. good stuff. clayton: also, as you re kicking off the weekend celebration,, you ve been sending your patriotic photos, here s sean and his wife lauren and son. take a look at picture there. abby: lily sends this picture of her patriotic cat maxi. clayton: i love the.
and you can use that in the litter box. and tracy sends this picture of her proud american baby. i love it. here s another one. logan is celebrating his first fourth of july. this one sent in by erica. abby: these are the cutest photos. cats, babies, america, we love all of this. we want to get to other headlines. starting with this, a bloody first day of the fourth of july weekend in chicago. 20 people have been shot, including a 13-year-old boy in several incidents. this as the trump administration sent 20 more permanent atf agents to the windy city to help stop that violence and get gang members off the streets. and 27 states are now reducing in part to send their voter information to the trump administration, a special commission requesting the data to investigate possible voter fraud during the 2016 election. president trump tweeting this. numerous states are reducing to give the information to the very distinguished voter fraud panel.
what are they trying to hide? all 50 states have until july 14th to comply. this one is for you. do you want to smell like a kitten? clayton: why not? abby: well, now there s a fume for that. now there s a fragrance library that s about to debut kitten s fur. a 3.2-ounce of kitten fur costs $32 and also comes in a spray, lotion. if you use that, i will not sit next to you on the couch. clayton: i will try it. i ll take one for the team. i ll try it. let s do it tomorrow. if i start purring. i ve always wanted to do bonfire perfume. abby: i m allergic to cats. clayton: mark has a brand-new
book out, number one on amazon. called rediscovering americanism now. who are you about to come up with a rail and punch in that photo. because it looks like you re about to take on great people. six days on amazon. i ll tell you what amazes me. you said the new york times has a whole page on the constitution today. july 4th, the constitution. do they know what happened the constitution? it was the declaration of independence. so they don t even know. the day of the constitution is december 17th. today is july 4th. clayton: wrong document. so we re not going to rely on them what s in the constitution. clayton: you bring up the declaration of independence. you re a philly boy. you walk through that courtyard where the decoration of independence was read aloud that quiet morning, that how far have we drifted from that
morning to where we are this morning? well, very far. here you have the paper record, which really is bird cage paper, to be perfectly honest about it. this is a huge day. what does our independence really mean? which i get into in the first chapter. can a what are natural law, natural rights? what do they mean by unalienable rights? and there they are writing about the constitution. i love the constitution. but the constitution is the manifestation of the declaration of independence. the men who fought for this country put their lives on the line. what were they all about? and the reason why you won t see that explained in the new york times is because who agree with it. the entire progressive movement rejects the declaration of independence. how do we know? they told us this. woodrow wilson told us this, other sides when the progressive side 100 years ago told us this. they don t believe in alienated rights. they believe rights come from
government and liberty also comes from government. they even say it. you cannot fulfill yourselves. this is about bernie sanders folks about free education, free health care because otherwise you re not free, according to them. pete: bernie sanders recently tweeted this. it s a great example. he should stop tweeting, by the way. pete: he should stop tweeting. republicans talk about a lot of freedom and choice but you can t truly be free if you can t afford health care and food and heads. exactly the point. and that s why you ll never see a full page of declaration of independence by the new york times. you think those men who fought the revolution and put their lives on the line, the big centralized government that redistributes wealth? they would be absolutely appalled. no. but that s the mind-set. you can t have health care unless the government controls it and redistributes it. you can t have education unless the government distributes it. abby: we re having a lot of headlines and a lot of critics
to the president saying you have to get off social media and off to twitter. and his response to that is, no, if anything, i m going to double down on twitter because this is my voice and the only way i can get my thoughts out there. take a look at what he says. the fake media is trying to silence us. but we will not let them. [applause] because the people know the truth. the fake media tried to stop us from going to the white house, but i m president, and they re not. [cheers and applause] their agenda is not your agenda. you ve been saying it. i will never stop fighting for you. i am delivering on trade, on the economy, on the supreme court, on the second amendment, on our military for our veterans. abby: he also admits to social media, he says it s not presidential. he tweeted this yesterday. it s modern day presidential. make america great again.
what are your thoughts? well, what is he supposed to do? allow cnn and nbc and all the rest of them interpret what he says? if anything s happened as a result of this, the media have completely disrespected themselves and the american people. they looked absurd. now, the president may have a bad tweet here and there. but 90% of them are quite good, as far as i m concerned. he needs to go over to the head of the media, the way reagan did. he s not reagan, he s trump. he has his own way of doing it. so the idea we spend five days on that one tweet when we ve had presidents in the oval office who have done a hell of a lot worse than donald trump has ever tweeted out is absurd. abby: are you surprised, though? am i surprised at the media? abby: that we focus so much on it, the mainstream media. it s ridiculous. who s the target? joe scarborough, mika brzezinski? there are more ratings in the airport sonogram than nbc. pete: well said.
they missed the point, and they did an assessment of the tweets. but the vast majority of where he wants to take the country. but now they say mentally unhinged if he shouldn t be qualified, the 25th amazement should disqualify. where are they going? first of all, that s absurd. they don t know what the 25th amendment is all about. you want to talk about nuts? the minute the men was elected, they re talking impeachment. they re trashing the constitution, which they don t get. now they want to trash the whole system how we elect members of the south. trump shut sweet. just be a little bit more careful. he has to go ahead of the media. pete: despite where you re going, what does americanism mean? that s the point, at a surface level, super sacrificial level, we want this.
we want where does all of this come from? in other words, people really need to appreciate this. not a lot of us do. but a lot of americans don t, and really, this comes down through the ages, and this country s so remarkable. not just because we say it, because it is. and this other force, this bernie sanders-type force is completely at odds with it. pete: well, we think about our american independence, it was to break off the shackles of european monarchy; right? and you write in the second chapter how we imported progressivism from that. we ve embraced progressivism to such a degree. how do we when americans are given free stuff, it s hard to wheel that back. we re going through this right now with health care. how do we real it in? because we explain to americans the real free stuff is your liberty. what does that liberty mean? we re losing it, and we need to understand it. we do need to fight this propaganda that comes from the left. what they ve done is hijack the word liberty. they don t mean by liberty
what we mean by liberty as pointed out by bernie sanders with his unbalanced tweet today we don t know freedom because we don t have free this or that. that s socialism. that s imported from europe. it s called idealism and other. who are their philosophy kings? people likes marks and rugo. this are disasters. who are ours? aristotle, you re not going to learn this in college history, and that s part of the problem. abby: do you think the american people get it, though? do you think they re smarter than many people give them credit for? because you think of this last election, the people telling them what to do, hollywood, you name it. they want to the polls and the american people did something different.
i think half of us are and half of us aren t. when you look at people who come into this country, and they watch the news and hear the left and benefiting redistribution of wealth& all the rest of it, we lose site. again, not at a superficial level, at property rights and all of these things are crucial. it sounds really good until you understand where our country came from, which is the whole point. mark s going to stick around. the mainstream media has been pushing that lie that 17 intelligence agencies only to bury their own correction. so why did the press push this when we reported the truth months ago? mark s going to be joining us when we come back right after the break. stick around. new bike? yeah, cause i got allstate.
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morning, and he was on the air number of months ago saying this. we had a number of people on fox saying the exact same thing. clayton: pointed out the document side by side. what do you make of this? i think it s exactly right. here s what i don t understan understand. if the congratulations involved in our election. whether there s 17 agencies or 3 agencies, i think the point is the president of the united states was barack obama. the head of the cia was brennon. the national intelligence director was clapper. the attorney general was loretta lynch. the fbi director was jim comey. my question is this. why aren t republicans on these committees digging in on this and making these points? instead, i watch the senate intelligence community, they re grilling jeff sessions, saying these other things. you have to watch mark warner going on do you realize how horrible this is? and i m sitting there saying do you realize that s on your watch? and what have you done about it? the idea that trump has colluded, don t you think if
the trump world has colluded by now, it would be leaked 14,000 ways? they did not clued with the russians. the democrats and the obama administration colluded to keep that information from the american people. this is a massive in my view cover-up to deflect it on trump world away from obama world. i ve also argued there was domestic surveillance involved with the unmasking of american citizens, including. clayton: members of congress. mike flynn. you ll remember this administration, the obama administration, they were spying on netanyahu, spying on the ambassador, members of congress, do you want to know where there s a massive scandal? it s the abusive intelligence. this is just the latest piece. abby: so why aren t we hearing about that in the media? there was that former barack obama knew about this back in august, but he did nothing about it because he assumed hillary clinton would win. i didn t hear about that anywhere. a one-day news story and then dropped it. because honestly, republicans in the senate and the house are weak. they control these committees,
and ought to be the focus of these committees. not trump world. they were running he was running for president of the united states. he had no say in what the russians were doing officially. abby: what are they scared of then? i think because there s only a few media outlets that will actually address this honestly. the other media outlets are in the back pocket of the democratic party. abby: what about republicans in congress? that s what i mean. they don t like to be attached. they don t want to be attached by network news and so forth. and it s appalling. pete: and that s where republicans are different. well, how is he supposed to get his message out? clayton: right it s a falling line. the book is called tyranny of progressivism. it s number one right now and has been for six straight days. i have a feeling it s still going to be after this show. mark, good to see you. abby: a lot of people tweeting this morning saying they loved your book. i appreciate it it. god bless. clayton: have you heard
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american airlines says they re now offering adult beverages in the economy session but don t get your hopes up. just to international to and from sydney, australia and new zealand. right and it s 18 hours and going to cost you $2,100 and a major wakeboard going viral. watch this. fourth of july weekend. trying to learn how to wakeboard for the first time. what is he doing? he let s go. that s not bad when you re in the water. it happened in up state new york. unclear if he s injured. unclear? abby: i bet he s not feeling good. every man in this studio. clear he s injured. just call it the church of facebook. founder mark entering claims that 2 billion strong social network can give people the sense of network the same way religion does. we all get meaning from our
communities and whether they re churches, they give the strength to expand our horizons and to care about broader issues. people who go to church are more likely to volunteer and give to charity not because they re religious but because they re part of a community. we have to build a world where every single person has a sense of purpose and community. abby: so is he right? that s a great question, abby. joining me now is fox news contributor. let s break this down a little bit because it s easy to pile on him. in a broader context of his speech last week was about community. facebook is going all in all of these facebook groups which people come together that are suffering from cancer or different world views. whatever. bringing them together. so that s his argument. but does it replace church? well, i think the issue here is his understanding of what religion is; right? if it s just community, if it s even just giving people a sense of purpose, then you
could say, yeah, maybe facebook is the way to do it. but for people to go to church to worship god, that s not what it s about. it s making a decision that i m going to get off the couch on a sunday morning, and i m going to say i believe in the existence of god, and i m going to exercise my faith in him by being with him and by praying and talking with him. and so mar mark zuckerberg is right on in many things but religion is not just community building. pete: so you believe that faith in god or belief manifests to deserve. those are consequences. but faith is at the center of what religion is. i m saying i have an insurance of my will to god himself. and if you re going to go and just build community, go to the ymca. i m not saying that facebook is not a good thing, and i
think it can be good for religion as well. let me give you two examples. later on this afternoon at 1:30 p.m., i will facebook live my homily, and there s going to be way more people on my facebook page that are in the pews. way, way more. that s a beautiful thing. that s building community. but that s a medium, and i used to be a paperboy, you know, growing up, and i would go drop the paper off. that s a little bit like facebook. it s a medium for content. and then of course now with facebook, people can respond. it used to be just getting information. but facebook allows us to respond. abby: there are a lot of good things but also totally disconnecting. we talk about that a lot on the show. in this environment unplugging and putting yourself in a place where you can totally focus on christ or god. and let s be honest, not all community is good community. we see that on facebook as well. you post something in the worst place the worst come out in people. things that you would never say, you say. even if it s your identity. but you re willing to do it
because you re sitting at home. going to church not only connects us with god, it connects us with each other in a very concrete way, in which we make ourselves better. pete: great point. clayton: you ll catch him on facebook later. facebook live. you don t have to go to church this sunday just kidding. clayton: father, great to see you. abby: happy fourth of july weekend. pete: still ahead, i bet you remember when president trump said this about cnn. just because the attack of fake news and attacking our network, i just want to ask you, sir. i m changing it from fake new brunswick, though. very fake news. oh, i love it. well, this morning, he s got a new nickname for that other cable news channel, any guesses? and the important safety particulars before shooting off fireworks. rickie fowler s a professional golfer.
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in fact, he doesn t i haven t seen him pin tweets to the top of his account before. but he pinned this one atop his twitter account. abby: how long? it s not there now. but it was a few hours. he s saying i m thinking about changing the name fake news cnn to fraud news cnn. this is if we thought he was going to back down, he s certainly not. he s doubling down on calling the fraud. clayton: well, who is he going to use for fake now s? nbc now? he s sharing that name with other networks. that s a broader name of what s going on. but cnn is so bad, it s the fraud news network. think about why he would say that. you have the video that came out, the three reporters that were fired. day in and day out, they re having to walk back from things and wait until more is found out on the russia stuff. abby: cnn used to be the breaking news place. that s what i remember when i was growing up. it has really taken a turn
this past year, and i think people realize that. when you turn it on, you know exactly what it s going to be. it s going to be antitrump. cnn is the epicenter of resistance. it truly is. and i ve heard other people say this, and i agree. i m almost offended. it s worse. it s more fake and more fraud when you pretend to be the middle, and i have to watch that stuff in the airport and pretend that s the middle of america. msnbc, you know at least they re a bunch of leftists. so if you have a better nickname for cnn, let us know. we would love to hear what you think. abby: i bet our audience has a lot of great ideas for that. we want to bring other headlines we re following. starting with this man is starting to be alive after losing control of his motorcycle on a busy highway. we want to warn you, though, this might be a little tough to watch. take a look.
abby: the biker riding down a highway when he wobbles and spinning out of control hitting his head on the road. the bike dragging his body, miraculously that man expecting to be okay. and president trump signature country club set to host the u.s. women s open in two weeks. but a top female golfer is urging the president to keep away from the tournament. american brittany telling the chicago tribune quote hopefully maybe he doesn t show up, and it didn t be a big debacle, and it will be about us and not him. did stop short of saying the u.s. open should be moved, but did say she will not be boycotting. okay. and brand-new law in florida allows parents so what is that? parents to challenge thank you, pete. that s why i have you. pete: spaying of on the teleprompter is very
important. dagen: parents being taught science class will have an unbiased review officer for complaints about any material complaint used in class. they will have the material removed. critics say will make it harder to teach evolution and climate change. pete: i love when those are the priorities. wonderful. abby: i love when you can sit next to me and help me out. pete: well, listen, i see it, and it s confusing for me too. dagen: thank you, pete. let s go to rick with the weather. how is it? you know, it s a lot better today than yesterday. just across the country in general. show you what s going on temperature-wise. a little bit cooler across the northern plains and in towards the great great lakes as well. anywhere with the yellow on the there were in the 70s, it s still humid. so up across parts of the northeast into the mid-atlantic, you ll have a warm day, less rain overall, though, than yesterday. so it s really going to be a great day. down to the east, we re going to see spotty showers because
it s humid and garden variety summer thunderstorms. a few showers also across parts of the central plains. that s going to be a little bit more severe later on tonight. but overall, just a warm day there and out across the west, tons of sunshine and the heat is back. 109 in phoenix. we always love talking about that 109 in phoenix. well, it is a dry heat. it is a dry heat. 109 is pretty bad, but it s not horrible. well, hey, everyone loves fireworks on fourth of july but before you try to put on your own show in your own driveway, here are things you need to know. the director of government affairs of phantom fireworks. the world s largest retail of consumer fireworks. welcome. welcome. everybody wants to be outside with fireworks right now, but it is a little bit dangerous if you do it wrong. it s important to follow the rules when you re using consumer fireworks. first of all, consumer fireworks are never for kids. never let children handle. even sparklers?
yeah. we do say don t let kids play with sparklers because they do burn pretty hot and even fifths done, it s not something you want to touch. we do have videos of people getting burned by those. there s a website that you can go and find out what the rules are. yeah. there s a section on the site called fireworks university and then you can find out state by state the fireworks laws. if you have a neighborhood over, a bunch of neighbors coming over for your barbecue and start to get dark outside, you bought some of these big three prong fireworks, these artillery shells. i mean, how far away from your house do you need to be? do you need to have water standing by? what do you need to do to make sure your safe? so how far back is the farther, the better. we recommend at least 7500 feet away. and when it comes to time to
shoot, you want to make sure you re shoulding on a hard, flat service. if we have any kind of malfunctioning fireworks, you want to do you say them with water and set them aside and go back the next day. yeah, don t come back and think that didn t go off, maybe i need to relight the fuse. don t do that. no. no. and what about the west where it s really dry? a lot of fires going on? so you always want to have a water source ready. if you can have a hose, a bucket of water, a fire extinguisher, all of those are great sources. what is this giant? i want to see what this is. holy smokes. so this is the biggest product in the store. it s called the grounds for divorce, tends to create conversation. my customers absolutely love it. and the bigger the item, the
more they want to take it home with them. and then your kids won t be able to afford to go to college. that will be the next one. next, do you have a deal for any fox viewer who goes into your store? today and tomorrow only, walk into any phantom fireworks in the country, name my name, and you can have the mother lode or any 99.99 repeater for 29.99. that s good for today and tomorrow only. i don t know what that is, but that s fantastic. that s a great deal. alabama, pete, inside. abby: thank you so much. clayton: well done, gentlemen. susan rice ready to testify under oath but behind closed doors about unmasking associates. our next guest helped blow that story wide open, and she will respond to that charge. abby: plus, she s back and bringing hard artillery this
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position. this is what she had to say in new york magazine. i m going to read the quote from susan rice. she said let me put it this way. i do not leak to the simple explanation that it s only about race and gender. i m ready to keep to my own theories to myself. it s not because i don t have any. she s insinuating that folks like you and other intelligence communities are doing it because of her race and gender. are you? of course not. incredible. i m a hispanic and a woman. it had nothing to do with that. it had to do with the fact that when we were looking into the unmasking accusations, we were actually following up on these stories. we came across documents that were declassified by the foreign intelligence surveillance court, pete, and these revealed that the obama administration two weeks before president trump took office so loosely that not only with susan rice but john brennan. does that have anything to do
with race and gender? john brennan, samantha powers, and others within the administration, the obama administration were actually unmasking american names. and what we discovered beyond that was that from november until january of his last month in office, they were unmasking at a exponential rate. so and let me go back even further. from 2011 until december, there was over 350% increase in unmasking of americans. this was incredible, and they were chided by the fisa courts for this, almost reprimanded saying this is a violation of fourth amendment rights. this has nothing to do with gender and race. pete: of course it doesn t. they just play identity politics. you ve done an awesome job. a key question is what s the motivation? why were they unmasking? was it related to specific investigations? politically moated have elevated? what have you seen?
well, this is a form of political espionage, and this is a reason why we haven t stopped writing these stories and looking at this. one of the things that we re allowed to do that the united states does legally is intercept overseas foreign phone calls. so from foreigners. but what they were doing is taking a back door. so it s an american made a phone call to a foreigner, they would just go ahead down on a piece of paper that they submitted to the nsa this is without warrant, you know, need to know. i need to know who this person is. but what we ve been told is that some of these documents that have been unmasked, these conversations had nothing to do with foreign state enemy actors or terrorism. so there s something else going on here, and they re also classified, pete. so we can t get our hands on it to see what those look like. but for sure, the intelligence committee is, and they subpoenaed not only susan rice, but john brennan and now samantha powers to see what they were looking at. yeah. got to be race and gender then; right? absolutely.
pete: fantastic work. i would say fake news media, take note because this is what investigative journalism actually look like. thank you, pete. pete: all right. the video is incredible. a former special forces operative turned aid worker dodging a hail of isis bullets to rescue a 6-year-old iraqi girl. take a look. [gunfire] pete: the hero in that video joins us live next hour. and anna is bringing out the big guns. she s prepping that canon for fire that there she is. she ll light the fuse, i would imagine just for us, and that s coming up next. having moderate to severe plaque psoriasis is not always easy. it s a long-distance run. and you have the determination to keep going.
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military ceremonies, all sorts of things. and now 40-50,000 people come. one of the big highlights is this guy. thor, the canon. i m going to bring in sandy. how are you doing? i m doing just fine. now, you re the gunner for thor. why thor? will be the has been it s the god of thunder. this is used for the primarily and what else? it s primarily used for weddings here at the building. but it s not necessarily something that was used during the revolutionary war or civil war, but it is a replica. exactly. it s a full scale replica, a bronze canon. and these things are used sometimes at even weddings; right? absolutely. they re available for rental. that s exactly right. that s what we do. that s where the income comes from. we re ready to see what this bad boy can do, sandy. okay. let s do it. what do you need to do? well, you need to fire. gentlemen, are you ready? can i give them a countdown? not yet.
prepare. oh, prick and prime. sorry. they re pricking and priming. the heat of the moment. okay. the primer goes in. three, two, one. no. prepare. prepare. now you can count it down. okay. here we go. i m jumping the gun a little bit, huh? all right. three, two, one, go. fire. does anybody have any eardrums left? that was pretty impressive. i can see why this is used pretty often. absolutely. and tell me, this canon was donated to the historical society. tell me that story. well, it was done up in clifton, virginia in his backyard, and he and his wife separated, and i had called him on one day, and i said who gets the canon? and he said he was looking for a place to donate it, and i said how about the southport historical society, and that s how it happened. very nice.
so much history here. we really appreciate your time. sandy, great stuff. what s this? that s the firing pin. the firing pin. so i get to keep this, huh? absolutely. guys, back to you in the studio. pete: can you hear us? barely. abby: we loved it so much. she said jumping the gun. i have to look that up. i wonder if that s where it comes from. pete: quick thinking. abby: and make sure you use your #proud american. you ve been sending us photos all morning. keep them coming up. coming up on the show, the president says he won t stop tweeting, despite backlash from the left. this morning, he s sending a message to the fake news media. pete: and incredible video showing special aids worker dodging a hail of isis bullets to rescue a 6-year-old iraqi girl. [gunfire] pete: oh, my gosh.
the hero in that video joins us live this hour worrying about your big. about the client dinner. you gonna wear? hannah. did you get that email i sent you? i need you to respond. .before you wake up. when life keeps you up. zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing.
some people think he should get off social media. what do you think? he uses it for one reason, to bypass the liberal media, which has become an arm of the democratic party and speak directly to the american people, and it worked during the campaign, and it is going to continue to work. the fake media is trying to silence us. but we will not let them. i m president and they are not. what is that? the classic country. this is sort of the new pop country. okay. can we talk about what s happening on our camera? we have the big smokers out there this morning. we are going to do barbecue on the plaza.
if you are in the area, come over here. we have a ton of barbecue. it is like a bugs bunny cartoon. you smell the smoke and it s kind of floating down the street. that s pete every morning on the show. it is. we know that s what you will be doing this sunday after church hanging out. if you are taking a long weekend, you have monday and tuesday and plenty of barbecue. we will be here. we are. the next two days. we re celebrating 4th of july weekend. i hope you are too. send us in how you are celebrating your proud american photos friends @ fox we have been showing them all morning long. check this one out. katherine sent this one in of her husband jack sitting on a couch that he made entirely out of beer cans. i don t throw around the term genius often. [laughter] when i do, i really mean it. it is a beer chair. that is cool. that is amazing. sharon sends us this photo of her creative grandson jonas and his sidewalk chalk art. look at that. looks like he is holding it. very cool.
katie sends us this picture of her son captain will and his friend anthony during their time in flight school for the u.s. air force thank you for your service. here s cindy s son who can t get enough of the stars and stripes. holding it up, wearing it, and painting it on his chest. i love that. that s amazing. well, president trump yesterday maybe he will send us a photo. he doesn t need to because we have video of him yesterday at this celebrate freedom rally in washington, d.c. he was there in washington, d.c. talking to veterans thanking them for their service. he also fired off a few shots at the media too. take a listen. these american heroes risk everything so that you and i can live in freedom. they gave all they had, everything for their comrades, their country, and for victory. they like winning. we like winning again, don t we? i want you all and all of our incredible wounded warriors to
know you have an entire nation of more than 300 million people behind you. and our nation s getting strong again. do you notice? we signed veterans accountability. they have been trying to do it for 40 years. couldn t fire somebody, they were horrible doing a terrible job for the veterans, robbing, stealing, hurting people. you couldn t do anything. and now you can say you re fired. [applause] what he is attempting to do and has done so far at the va, the va accountability act is significant legislative victory. it makes you think if we had a different president, would we have gotten this kind of emphasis on the va, on the vets on rebuilding the military? we take for granted how much laser focus has been on the things that matter to people out there. that s a great point. there s still more to do, but this is something he promised early on in the campaign trail, top priorities. he s stayed on that. he s done some great things to make changes.
he spent some time yesterday attacking the media. i know it is shocking. he actually took to twitter prior to his event in washington, d.c. maybe on air force one getting ready. he fired up the dial up mode you mean on the air force one and he said i m going to take to twitter and say the fake and fraudulent news media is working hard to convince republicans that i should not use social media. i won the 2016 election with interviews speeches and social media. remember when hilary clinton wouldn t do a lot of interviews. he said i had to beat fake news and did. we will continue to win. there were over 200 days where we didn t hear anything really from hilary clinton. you also forget how many people president trump ran against even on the republican side. i think the list was like 35 or something. many of them, most of them had been in politics most of their life. they already had this advantage, like jeb bush, you think about who had all that money well before he started. president trump had never been in politics, didn t have the money, to his point figured out a way to bypass the media and
all the politicos out there and proved he could win. he faced resistance then, still facing it now and still punching back. take a listen to what he said last night the fake media is trying to silence us. but we will not let them. because the people know the truth. the fake media tried to stop us from going to the white house. but i m president and they are not. [cheers and applause] their agenda is not your agenda. you ve been saying it. i will never stop fighting for you. i am delivering on trade, on the economy, on the supreme court, on the 2nd amendment, on our military - for our veterans. the criticism is the use of twitter is not presidential. some could argue maybe some of his tweets this past week maybe that s where they crossed the
line. he fired back and said my use of social media is not presidential. it is modern day presidential. make america great again. a lot of critics are saying you could be one way on the campaign trail. that s fine. but now you are commander-in-chief. you need to act differently to what he said no i m a different type of president. we re living in different times that s right. one of his deputy campaign manager he was on the program earlier and said this is a metaphorical weapon the president uses and uses effectively. listen. the president understands the new media better than anyone. it is the reason he won. it is the reason he is the president of the united states today. really he uses it for one reason, to bypass the liberal media, which has become an arm of the democratic party. and speak directly to the american people, and it worked during the campaign, and it is going to continue to work. so what he is saying is i m going to fight back. i m going to stand up for myself because the mainstream media is so dishonest. he does get it. he gets it better than anyone.
if he wants to, he s able to change the conversation of the day with a simple tweet. one of the other things that he said is that, you know, the mainstream media just angry that he s creating his own headlines and that back in the day, you pick up the newspaper, it should be our headlines as you are going to read. instead the president is driving the narrative. you are taking attention away from us. that s supposed to be our game. we debated it yesterday. i say more tweets. just fight because no one can change a narrative like he can. what is he going to do when twitter is going to go out of business? he will keep it in business. facebook. you can do facebook lives. i would like to see him do some snapchats. speaking of headlines today the failing new york times the paper that knows probably the least about the constitution or understanding how to interpret it, put out an annotated constitution this morning. i opened it up like i unfortunately do every morning. it s a big old document.
you know, a lot of words in there. but more almost as much text with how they are interpreting it than the actual constitution. you would think this would make sense. it s the 4th of july weekend. it would make sense to have the constitution. mark levin was on the show earlier. number one, first of all, the declaration of independence was the document that was read aloud on july 4th. he s at independence hall. he said look, they are not focused on the declaration of independence. you are never going to see them print that in the paper. take a listen to what he had to say the principles of this country that we re celebrating today, the men who fought for this country, put their lives on the line, what were they all about? the reason why you won t see that explained in the new york times is because they don t agree with it. the entire progressive movement rejects the declaration of independence. how do we know? they told us this. we don t believe in unalienable rights. they believe your rights come from government and liberty also
comes from government. they even say it. you cannot fulfill yourself this is why bernie sanders talks about free education, free healthcare because otherwise you are not free according to them. even before you open this up, he was pointing this out, they have a photo on the top of george washington and talking about our founding fathers and below it trump. good versus evil sort of thing, sort of like how times have changed. maybe that was subliminal message. who knows, just saying. this is a paper that, you know, has expressed indignation towards religious freedom, toward the right to bear arms, toward limited government, toward the 10th amendment which pushes power down to the states, and i did check it, at least their writing of the constitution does say freedom of religion. not freedom from religion. you still read that every morning. i do. you ve got to get inside the mind of the resistance movement and know what you are dealing with on fake news he likes the recipes and food section. style section. i do want to bring some other
headlines starting with the trump administration. taking another step to put america first. the department of homeland security now mandating that all 280 foreign airports that have direct flights to the u.s. install explosive detection scanners. it is part of the border ban on laptops that terrorists could use to hide a small bomb. the airports have three weeks to comply or face possible flight suspension. also, 27 states are now refusing at least in part to send their voter information to the trump administration. a special commission requesting that the data to investigate possible voter fraud during the 2016 election. president trump tweeting this, numerous states are refusing to give information to the very distinguished voter fraud panel. what are they trying to hide? these states have until july 14th to comply. what is more american than rescuing a bald eagle in washington, d.c. during the 4th of july weekend? oh, yeah. the great american bird found barely moving and unable to fly, but don t worry, wildlife
officials expected to recover and be just fine. that is really a story, huh? nation s capitol, nation s bird on the nation s birthday pretty good. the bird looks kind of angry in that photo, been through a lot. yeah, gave him a little hair cut too. a little shampoo. coming up here, two dozen democrats are getting behind a bill to declare president trump mentally unfit for office. but should anyone take this seriously? we have a guest on deck to react. former president obama back in the spotlight taking a jab at president trump for more than 10,000 miles away. where are we?
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welcome back. over two dozen democrats backing a new bill that questions the mental health of president trump. the draft legislation would establish a panel to determine whether the president is fit to serve. but should anyone really take this seriously? here to weigh in is fox news politics editor chris stirewalt. looking dashing as always, good to see you. thanks guys happy sunday. you think about the democratic party and where they are in terms of winning elections. they ve got a lot of work to do, and what their platform is, what they stand for, and then something like this comes down and you are thinking is that really going to get people to polls? i mean it will get some people to the polls. it will get people in those districts that are safely democratic to the polls. probably the best hope for them on this is that the president would notice that they are doing it and that he would comment on it or engage in it in some way or that his supporters would comment on it or engage in it, give it attention.
if they could get that and reinforce the notion that the president is mentally unwell, they are never going to successfully remove him from office this way. people go to the polls and they vote because of an agenda, because of policy, because of things that will hopefully make their life better. you look at some of the bills that have been put on their desk to pass, sanctuary cities, and we have calculated the numbers here, you have more democrats that supported the fact that the president is mentally ill compared to kate s law, the sanctuary cities i mean talk about priorities here, chris? well, certainly on kate s law, the republicans have an opportunity in the senate now to put some pressure on democrats in key states. they have some opportunities here. whether or not they can successfully pass it, this bill passed the house once before and was defeated in the senate, they need eight democratic senators at least to come on board to get it passed. if they can t get all eight, at least this is an opportunity for republicans to show voters in
states where they might have different opinion about this that they may be represented by somebody who doesn t agree with their values. let s a couple things here; right? democrats are getting on board this bill. they are not getting on board the healthcare bill. where do you see that going over the next few weeks? a lot of moving and shaking for we had governor huckabee on the show yesterday. he said trash the whole thing, it is a terrible bill. send it back to the states, let the governors deal with it. you still have to repeal it. and so the senator s idea that the president has embraced that you are going to hear i think more people come out and speak in favor of which is basically paul ryan s original plan. his original plan way back in march was scrap the bill, say that it s repealed, effective this date, in the future, and then look, i think everybody would agree that republicans squandered an opportunity in not having legislation ready; right? uh-huh. they didn t come to a consensus over the last eight years about what it is that they
saw as a replacement for obama care. they didn t have it ready. so rather than try to avoid unhappy it is better to face them. to face that, you say okay it is repealed and the senator s plan is you get a year. we re going to give ourselves a year to come up with a remedy. let s work through the end of the summer. let s skip august recess. let s stay here and do this. the president s on board with this plan. others are on board. this really now represents in a big way the best chance that republicans have to take some serious action. the argument is that the deadline sharpens the mind and in that year they have to get something done. you think they will shift to that plan, repeal on a time line and then attempt to replace. as opposed to finding the additional three or four votes in the senate. there are a lot more than three or four there are publicly stated maybe six short, but the truth is, there are others who i ve talked to who are out there, lindsey graham said it very well, this bill is either going to pass with 51 or fail with 35.
with legislation like this, no one likes this legislation, including the people who wrote it. but it faces an unhappy reality for republicans. they have very efficiently effectively pointed out that obama care is unravelling for the individual insurance market, for these exchanges, and we re talking about 20 million people out there that are covered in this space. that s a lot of americans. and something has to happen for them before november or it will not only be a political catastrophe, but it will also be a huge abrogation of the duties and responsibilities of the government. your show with dana perino is on tonight right at fnc? 9:00 p.m. it will be great. we have wonderful historians. we re not going to do too much on the news. we re going to focus on what the revolution meant and whether those founding ideas, those founding virtues are with us still today love it. we will be tuning in. good to see you. i read his hash time report
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for all of the love. warren and the rock may both be considering a run in 2020 after he made a mock announcement on snl earlier this year. see about that. pete, abby? incredible video shows a former special forces operative turned aid worker dodging a hail of isis bullets to rescue a 6-year-old iraqi girl. take a listen. [gunfire] that s incredible video. the hero in that video has made it his mission to help victims who are caught on the front lines of the war on terror. joining us now, that man, dave eubank.
thank you very much for joining us. that was taken in mosul three weeks ago. tell us why you are there. and what you are doing there. we re there because we think that s where god sent us. we love the iraqi people and that was a change in my heart which i attribute to jesus and we re there to give help and love and hope. also to people as they flee isis. we have been in the middle east about three years and on the mosul campaign for about nine months. one of those people was a 6-year-old iraqi girl seen in that video with you saving her in the middle of that attack. we can show just that video, but as we re watching it again, tell us what we re seeing, what happened, what was going through your mind in that moment. well, ma am, the whole time we have been trying to help against isis, we have seen them kill people. starting in may this year it was more and more civilians being killed, and on june the 1st, over 100 killed. many of the survivors came to
us, fixing them up and we went to see what was happening. a big highway across the first bridge in west mosul and they had slaughtered people in the streets. then we saw living people among the dead. so we prayed to god help. we called the americans, talked to the iraqis. the iraqis and iraqis coordinated. americans dropped smoke. iraqis gave us a tank. my team and i and a syrian refugee, we ran behind the tank to try to save this little girl. we saw two other men and got them as well. we ve got that image of you holding that girl, really powerful image. what s the next part of that story? well, i had her in my arms. we actually got two more men, one of them we lost in the shooting. one of my guys was shot in the leg himself. we rescued the girl and one of the men. as i was running back, isis is shooting at us, the tanks behind firing. i told the little girl and i prayed first i said if no one adopts you, i will. and when we got clear around the
corner, out of the fire, i called my wife because my wife and kids are there in mosul with me, at the collection point. i said honey, i have a little girl, hiding under her mom for two days. her mom is dead. she s not hurt but she s going to need love. we got to the medical facility, checked her, gave her a lot of water. got in my wife s arms and fell asleep. for the next week my wife and another iraqi family took care of her and the general mustafa. and now general mustafa is working on adopting her. that gives you chills. such an incredible story. thanks to you and everyone else who were such heros in that moment to save that little girl and other people. you say the iraqis love the americans and they love the current leadership. tell us about that. well, while i was there, you know, my heart changed. i love them. they love me. and literally gave their life for me. and i gave the same. and thank god i got to keep it. but what they told me over and over again is our military, your military, the american military doing a great job helping us. thank you.
you re not killing civilians. you are focused on killing isis. you care about us. and i saw a humility and a respect among our military, and that brought the iraqis to love us, and they said please tell your administration back in america we love you too. please help us more. and how do they feel about how president trump is doing and his leadership? two things, one is they didn t like the travel ban at first, when iraqis were on it, they said hey we re on your side. and the second thing they said was we like president trump because he knows isis is the big threat and he s helping us so thank you. we like him. he s doing a lot for our military. thank you for being with us and sharing your story and all you and your team are doing to make this world a better place. for your service and courage. thank you. god bless all of you. thank you. what a contrast between the absolute savagery and isis and the good guys. he risked his life with his wife and kids to save another kid. he s still so humble. doesn t want to take credit for it. amazing. makes you proud to be an american.
keep sending your photos in. you can t beat that one. that one will win the day. the president just launched another attack against the fake news on twitter moments ago and believe me, trust me, you ve got to see this one. that is a tease. speaking of attacks former president obama taking a swipe at president trump from more than 10,000 miles away. one more fight, the fight for freedom and independence would be the same it wouldn t be the same no, never. without some barbecue. cooking up some wings. rick is already eating them. we will be out there soon on the plaza. the red white and blue, as in blue cheese? blue [laughter] new bike? yeah, cause i got allstate. if you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. that s cool. i got a new helmet. we know steve. switching to allstate is worth it.
you know, any good small town church has got a church bus. and they said we re putting it in red white and blue. that s why i love 4th of july. all red white and blue. we think about why we re proud to be americans. i wish this happened more throughout the year. we re going to be doing the 4th of july, who has the best fireworks in the country? i m going to go with philadelphia. where our country started. i was in nashville last year for proud america. i would have to say they have one of the best displays philly will say we have the best. i m going to go with forest lake minnesota where i m from awesome fireworks. there are fireworks coming from president trump s twitter account. he tweets out this video. you actually were the one that showed it to us. yeah. president trump out tweeting this morning this tweet all it says is hashtag fraud news cnn, hashtag fnn. fake news. what we re looking at here is a video from when president trump is in the media. he was with what was it wwe and would sometimes show up as a
character in wwe this is him body slamming someone from there with cnn s logo photo shopped on the head of that person. it ends with fraud news network. that s a real video by the way. that was actually president trump in the ring as you said back in the day wwe. they put the cnn on the person. wow. if you thought he was going to back down one bit, this indictment of the media, i think this is your answer right here. i like he s incorporating some video. maybe he will start using some video. i think he listened to you. you have been busy during the show today on the computer. did you edit that video? right. i said send some video out. please take a look at this. oh, gosh, we will stay on top of the twitter account. let s start with a fox news alert. an arrest made of a violent shooting inside a arkansas nightclub that injured 28 people. ricky hampton the rapper who was performing that night was arrested along with another man while performing in birmingham, alabama.
the shooting as you can imagine unleashing panic. 25 people total were shot there, but all are expected to survive. thank goodness. and more news this time claiming there is bad blood between president trump and vice president mike pence. this morning the president s former campaign manager denied that report to us, when he joined just a short time ago. there s no stronger bond in this administration than the president and the vice president of the united states. these two men work closely together day in and day out. well, this morning the white house also flatly denying that report that cites so called republican sources. so once again, a report that may not be true. there s this former president obama heading overseas before taking a swipe at president trump. he told a crowd in indonesia
quote we are seeing a rise in an aggressive kind of nationalism. we start seeing both in developed and developing countries an increased resentiments about minority groups and bad treatment of people who don t look like us or practice the same faith as us. i don t think the future favors strong men. i believe the future favors those who promote tolerances who are open to differences and learn from everyone. well obama is currently on a ten-day vacation in jakarta. and remember when all of these celebrities claimed they were going to go to canada. remember that because trump was elected. well it looks like everyone has chickened out. no one actually went. new stats show the number of people applying to move across the border over to canada rose just about 4% from 2016 to 2017. that s hardly a mass exodus. as for visas issued to people from the u.s., that increased just 1%. wow. okay. have fun in canada. [laughter] none of those celebrities followed through, shocker. are you surprised by that? not one bit.
out to clayton for some more barbecue i m hoping. clayton and rick? that s right. thank you guys. it is the 4th of july weekend. we are celebrating all morning with some delicious barbecue on the plaza. the chef is back. author of a cook book. that is good too. we are cooking some chicken today. we are. earlier we did ribs and today right now we re going to do some chicken wings. we have a red white and blue smoked chicken wing recipe. this is the blue portion of it. okay? because it is raw. because it is raw right now. it is a super simple recipe. we re going to take the raw chicken wings, spice them up, season them up with some celery salt. we re going to add some black pepper. the hotter you want them, the spicier you want them, the more black pepper you put on them. and then we re going to put those wings on to . guys, this is our latest smoker
that is thermal temp technology that basically allows you to guarantee temperature control. this one is available at home depot and lowe s. i see there s a propane tank associated associated with this one. yes, our electric smokers are digital control. this is pro pane. instead of electric we are doing propane. you put whatever woodchips you want for the flifr; right? flavor; right? woodchips down at the bottom here. all of your smoked flavor is coming from the woodchips. the heat source comes from the propane or electric. doesn t really matter they are way. really doesn t matter. we got our smokers available at retailers all over the country, sam s, wal-mart, you can get the retailers and the recipes on-line. our wings have been smoking for one hour. we take them off. we transport them are you joining us? he wasn t supposed to be out here. but when there s food
food, pete comes running. keep going, guys. transfer these wings to an aluminum tray, and then we re going to make the blue salts. okay? blue sauce. okay? this sauce is made up of olive oil, molasses, hot sauce and blue cheese dressing. put that on. you put the blue cheese with it so you don t have to dip it afterwards. there you go. so now we ve got that completely coating our wings so they ve been now for an hour, we re going to put them back on the smoker for 30 minutes. what that does, guys, is that takes these wings, and it bakes that sauce on to the wings. so we transfer it here and we re going to take these wings off right here. we have a hungry crowd out here, john. wow, look at that. are you ready for some of that? we are. the barricade is about to break down over there. [laughter] so guys, you think about the 4th of july.
smell of freedom. go get a smoker and let it do all the work for you in your backyard. spend time with your family, your friends. yeah. happy 4th of july. happy 4th of july. we love you, john. thank you very much. we want to point out, pete was not supposed to be in this. can we get a shot of our teleprompter here? rick and i are supposed to be doing this segment. it says there clayton and rick. [laughter] i m sorry, i needed more time. i can t help it. it is like the bugs bunny cartoon, smelled the smoke from inside and carried away. i didn t want to. i had to. i love it. is it good? i actually told pete to go out there and to bring me inside some barbecue. i think he ate it all. thanks a lot, pete. abby, i will bring some wings in for you. you are so sweet. i can smell it from in here. smells amazing. the mainstream media in hysterics once again, this time over the president s mental health. watch this.
he keeps getting worse. and mentally keeps getting worse. this is a man in decline. are they finally taking things too far? judge alex with his verdict and i m sure he s got one. that s up next. if you need some backyard games for the 4th of july, we have some coming up for you. stay with us.
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psychiatric community that nobody diagnoses from a afar. he is literally to the point where there is concern about his health. he s not well. he s not of sound mind. donald if you are watching we re from queens i will meet you in the schoolyard brother. are they finally taking things too far? here to weigh in is the former miami-dade county circuit court judge judge alex ferrer. thank you very much for being here this morning. thank you for having me. what do you think of all this back and forth? well, i mean, it s of course the mental illness is a touchy subject. we ve all known that couldn t take criticism or didn t take criticism as well. obviously president trump believes that criticism is unwarranted and malicious, at least. but we wouldn t call the people that we ve worked with who would slam you back if you criticized them mentally ill. that s not the label that we would use. now, of course when you re dealing with the president of the united states, the power is so huge, if a journalist really believes that there s evidence of mental illness, suppose they
have to take some action. the problem is that the media, number one, has no legitimate basis to claim he s mentally ill other than the fact they feel his responses are inappropriate for the office of the president. are there any rules then? go ahead, finish. no, not really. we can see the media does whatever it wants. it s done so since before president trump was elected. which leads to my second point which the media doesn t have any credibility when it comes to this. i mean, you think back, before he was president, they were basically scheming to keep him from being president. so much so that they had to apologize for their news coverage after he was elected. after he was elected, then there were all these suggestions that electors didn t have to vote that way, that they could vote their conscience to keep him from actually getting elected by the electoral college. it s been every day 24/7 an attempt to undermine anything he does with negative coverage around the clock. i think even the most well balanced individual would have a difficult time not going after
such an onslaught on almost every media outlet. if you want to claim that president trump is mentally ill because he responds in that fashion and i certainly don t agree with a lot of his responses, then what do you say about the journalists who basically are foaming at the mouth at every opportunity to take a shot at him and driving themselves insane about anything he does? yeah and calling themselves independent and unbiassed in the process. and there s clearly so much evidence to the contrary. i mean it seems like every other day we re finding evidence that this is anything but clear fair and unbiassed coverage. so judge i want to get your take on the travel ban from the court perspective. travel ban is place. court challenges begin of course. now there s these additional challenges up against what the supreme court has laid down while they take this up into the fall. what do you make of this? do those challenges hold any water at all? well, i think some of them will. and i also think that justice thomas predicted as much. he said if the language that we re using when we re saying
this was a win of course for president trump because his travel ban was basically left in place with the exception of any individuals who had a quote unquote bona fide relationship with individuals or entities in the u.s. as far as individuals are concerned, they said a bona fide relationship was a close familial relationship. those terms leave a lot to interpretation. so the trump administration came in and said okay, we think that parents and children and siblings etc. are close familial relationships but we don t grandparents and grandchildren are. that s going to be a legitimate challenge. the supreme court said mothers-in-law are how can you say a mother-in-law is but a grandparent is not? there will be legitimate challenges. there will also be those out there who want to undermine anything president trump does. and they will take the opportunity to challenge him in front of courts that are enemies basically. judge, thank you for being here. have a great holiday. you too. you have the food and drinks but what about the games for your backyard barbecue? we have you covered.
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common sign shop, these are custom game signs. so they are only $13. what makes them so special is that you can get it customized with the color of the font and the name of the game. so now to the games. we have rings to here. this is by the etsy yeah, try it out. this is the wooden tree boutique. this is $85 and again, when you re working with an etsy seller, it is great because you can customize it. so we had nice job! so we customized it for the 4th of july. that is adorable. i love that. yes. this is by the northern lumberjack shop. and again, because you re working with an etsy seller, you can customize it. you see the last names are here. you can put your name on it, a logo on it. great for a gift, great for your own backyard. it is like yard scrabble? yes, the yard scrabble.
this seller likes to call it yabble. this and the tic tac toe. it is $100, a great way to get the entire family involved and outside. out in the yard. i love that. one of my favorite games of all time is corn hole. yes, this is by crafted corn hole and again because here i will toss it to you and you can try it out. this is completely customized. so there s a lot of different levels, but this is by crafted corn hole. it is 275. but you re talking about you are giving almost you re giving them nice job! you are giving them the image and they are custom building the entire set for you. we will be right back. we re going to play some more games. thank you very much. thank you so much. there s a denture adhesive that holds strong until evening.

Abby , Love , Whats-going-on , World , Brest , Bed , Train , In-the-morning-show , Daylight-savings , 00 , 7 , Pete

Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20170821 12:00:00

backdrop he is going to step in front of the american people tonight and try to make the case that he has the right path forward when it comes to afghanistan and that they should trust him. it s a very big decision for me. i took over a mess. and we re going to make it a lot less messy. reporter: president trump set to outline his strategy for america s path forward in afghanistan. a major test for the new commander in chief, one that could put more american troops in harm s way. after meeting with top administration officials at camp david on friday, the president announcing saturday he had made a decision after months of deliberation and delays. he has made a decision, as he said. he wants to be the one to announce it to the american people. it is a south asia strategy, not just an afghanistan strategy. reporter: the president has been presented with a wide range of options. everything from a full withdrawal to the deployment of up to 4,000 more soldiers,
amid questions about the president s leadership capability and mounting backlash to trump s defense of white supremacists in charlottesville last week. you had some very bad people in that group. but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. it will be very difficult for this president to lead if, in fact, moral authority remains compromised. reporter: the president s approval ratings taking a hit. dipping below 40% in three co-midwest states that helped trump win the presidency. with six in ten americans saying they re embarrassed by the president s conduct. now tonight we will see teleprompter trump addressing the nation. the very somber role as commander in chief. tomorrow we could see a very different president trump. he s hitting the road for a campaign-style rally in phoenix, arizona, a state where john mccain and jeff flake have been harshly critical of the president. back to you guys.
sara, thank you very much. cnn political analyst karoun demirjian. great to have all of you here with us. karuon, let s talk about this apparent tragedy, ten missing u.s. sailors off the waters of singapore. last night, he was asked about this. questions were shouted at him from journalists and it seems as though he wasn t fully briefed. though, frankly, president trump never engaged in the political speak. i will take this under advisement. we re watching this very closely. he doesn t say things like that. is it conceivable that he repeatedly said that s too bad. that s too bad. is it conceivable that his advisers wouldn t have briefed him by 8:30 at that point last night? it doesn t necessarily mean that he knew what his response was going to be. as we ve seen trump in various other situations, he says i like to have all the facts. granted he tweets before he has
in the form of steve bannon. his ideas about afghanistan and staying out were largely shaped by steve bannon. he has that on him tonight as well as coming out of charlottesville and his moral standing taking a huge hit. this is big for him tonight. that s right. and as we saw from those tweets, there was absolutely no daylight when donald trump was a candidate about what his position about afghanistan would be. he would withdraw. he was the only one strong enough to do that. now push comes to shofb and it sounds like the announcement tonight, rather than being a withdrawal, will be an increase in troop levels. this is the first policy fight we ve seen that is a clear loss for steve bannon, mattis and the generals were fighting over this. generals won, bannon lost. he s on the outside. breitbart news this morning they re already going after the president s afghanistan strat jirks criticizing this increase in troop levels. he will have a new prominent critic on the outside that he
hasn t had at this point in the administration. it s not the first time we ve had to see the president take a different tone than what he campaigned on. he promised a whole bunch of things that when he became president it s a matter of national security and keeping the world a stable place and not making things worse that he shifted tact. and that list is getting longer and longer and longer it seems. we re only seven months in. perry, this warped strategy for afghanistan was promised more than a month ago, saying it was going to be happening in mid july. is it too cynical to think that they rushed this together tonight to get away from charlottesville last week? i m not sure of the exact timing and why. they ve been talking about this review for a long time. i assumed it would come out some time in august. it might be cynical to say this day was picked for that reason. i would say on the policy
itself, trump might have been, if he was trying to become more popular or do what the public wants, there is some skepticism about these wars and having more troops there. i wonder if trump had the converge of his convictions from earlier if he would be in a better place, at least politically? there is some demand in the public for less fewer troops abroad versus trump s policy now is not that different from the status quo. going from 8,000 to 12,000 troops is not a big shift either way. he s basically kind of continuing the policies of bush and obama, of staying in afghanistan. just by campaigning on the opposite. josh, where are we with where bannon s head is and what this war is about? such a weird turnabout last night. one of these cronies tweets war, says our presidency over that we fought for. then he clarify ied with you an
others, no, no, no, i m not bad on the president. it s other guys. he goes after h.r. mcmaster and breitbart right away. i think bannon wanted to leave amicably and he was adamant that he was not fired, it was a mutually agreed upon departure. although i m not sure how much choice he had about leaving or staying. but the issue with bannon is that he has these set of beliefs that he thinks the country has endorsed by electing donald trump. as we just talked about, trump promised all these things and is either unable or unwilling to carry through with them as president. bannon sees himself as someone who will nudge trump into what he believes is a proper direction, mowing down his opponents, using breitbart news. i tried to get bannon to say if trump doesn t do this, will you eventually take him on directly? he wouldn t answer the question but i think the answer is yes.
if trump slide toos far with these white house democrats, bannon refers to. the problem is that the white house democrats that he refers to are ivanka trump and jared kushner, her husband. that s blood, flesh and relatives and seems to be sacred for the president. he does listen to them even if he doesn t agree with them. if he goes after them too hard it will not work out too well for steve bannon, it would seem. how far is he going to push? how hard is he going to push before they push back? and will we see those trains colliding in public now because bannon is on the outside? what s especially awkward is that donald trump tweeted after steve bannon left, good for steve, going back to breitbart
news, fighting fake news. giving him the dignity of the exit that he could. right but bre. tbarr was writing nasty things about him within 24 hours of that tweet. charlottesville, there was an exit planned before, but then charlottesville happens and everything is through the light of charlottesville. it was really, really bad, but a self-inflicted thing that has screwed up the way we ve seen everything from the bannon departure to afghanistan and everything else that we re seeing. the key question here is what does donald trump do? the worry in the breitbart community, arnold schwarzenegger ran as a conservative and some point moved to the middle. breitbart mentioned that comparison. if you re steve bannon you re trying to keep donald trump from
listening too much to the more liberal people in the white house. i think donald trump will stay pretty nationalist because i think donald trump himself has a lot of views that steve bannon did as well. he has been talking about trade deals and how terrible they are for years and decades. i think he will stay on this same path because steve bannon was a person who basically agreed with donald trump. that s why he liked him so much. i think he will stay in the same pathway. panel, thank you very much for all that reporting for us. cnn will bring you live coverage of president trump s address to the nation tonight at 9:00 eastern. right after the president s address, stay tuned because we re going to have a live town hall event with house speaker paul ryan. it s hosted by our jake tapper at 9:30 pm. what does paul ryan think about all of these developments? it will be good to finally hear him on the record about it. president trump facing backlash from his response to the deadly violence in
charlottesville. his moral standing suffered. several lawmakers now questioning his abilities. we ll talk with one of his democratic critics who actually suggested that the president may be sympathetic to white supremacists, next. david. what s going on? oh hey! that s it? yeah. everybody two seconds! dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald s helps more people go to college. it s part of our commitment to being america s best first job. it s time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. and snoring.. does your bed do that? the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale
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charlottesville. the reason he is reluctant to denounce white supremacy and neo-nazis and klans members is because he has some level of sympathy for them. joining us now is that congressman, democrat keith ellison. good morning, congressman. good morning. how are you doing? i m doing well. tell us what you mean that the president has some sympathy for neo nazis and white supremacists. if you look at the facts, the evidence that s been entered into the public record already, there are a few things that are insxa inescapable. one thing is that he did not immediately denounce the neo nazis and the klan. the flags they were marching under are the flags that enemies were killing americans in civil war and world war ii. but look at the record during the campaign, when david duke, when he won louisiana, david
duke endorse him. he takes a long time to say anything about that. you know, we know that richard spencer, a noted and open and avowed white supremacist coins the term alt-right. then he hires the guy who says that he s offering the platform for the alt-right, steve bannon, who has been advising him right up until a few hours ago. what does sympathy mean? wait a minute. so i m clear on your position, you think he is like minded, that he is a white supremacist? i m not saying he is one. i m saying positions that they have articulated are positions that he does not feel an urgency to denounce and distance himself from. that piece of evidence right there is something that all of us have to ask ourselves why. now, if he is not sympathetic to
them, then the best person to clarify this is the president himself. he can talk about how we move forward as a country, one america, liberty and justice for all, everybody included. and yet that s not what we re seeing. we re seeing him, you know, be morally ambiguous and i think that this is of something that is of serious concern. i named what let me just give you a little bit more fodder here. he has been all over the map on david duke, in terms of the kkk. back in 2000, donald trump, obviously just a regular citizen, gave this interview with matt lauer where he was very strongly condemning david duke. and then over the years, and certainly during this campaign, he seemed to be much less sure about how he felt about david duke. let s just recap this for our viewers.
listen to this. right. well, you ve got david duke just joined, a bigot, a racist acres problem. david duke endorsed me? okay. all right. i disavow. i don t know anything about david duke, okay? i don t know what you re talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. i know who he is but i never met david duke. so, congressman in 2016, he didn t know anything about david duke but if you rewind the clock to 2000 with matt lauer he was very clear, david duke is a bigot, a racist. he s a problem. but why do you think that that means that he s now evolved and come around to share some sort of sympathy or like mindedness with david duke? couldn t it just be as simple as he thinks those folks who support david duke are part of his base and support him? well, then what difference does it actually make, right? the fact is that if he really believes them and is a true believer or if he is just
opportunistically exploiting them to support him, the net effect is people who fought the nazis, people who fought the klan, who are stand iing up for core american values still end up getting hurt and diminished in the process. i mean, i m talking about the pragmatic effect of the president s moral ambivalence. if he will not actively pull the country together around shared values we are left to speculate as to why he won t. i think one of those possibilities is what i said. sympathy? perhaps, yeah. i mean, let him clarify if that s the case. think about it. he is the one who has created this question about where is trump on the klan and the nazis
and white supremacists? you look at storm fronter, daily stormer, they were all very happy at his response. they feel like he was endorsing them. if you listen to those people, they feel he is an ally and a friend. and so i think it is incumbent upon the president to make it clear, they have no quarter because he hasn t done that. the question is what will you and other democrats beyond just speculating and speaking out about this, what you can do about it. you know, congressman, jackie speier, democrat from california, she tweeted this. potus is showing signs of erratic behavior and mental instability to place the country in grave danger. time to invoke the 25th amendment. do you agree? well, let me tell you this. i know that injury nadler has
invoked we had 160 events where we were talking to neighbors about how to really build a strong, unified country around shared values, economic prosperity for everyone. we did 160 events on which we knocked on doors, made calls and engaged with our neighbors and so we are being a part of this massive surge forward. counter to trump s moral ambivalence. you saw 30,000 or so in boston, thousands in new orleans. i was in durham when they the day before when people were protesting there. and calling account to some of these confederate monuments. so, my point is that, look, you know, most americans are appalled by what happened in
charlottesville. hear not slow to respond to it. we re trying to work with them because we re trying to change what happened at the ballot box where we want to restore and anybody who says we want to change the outcomes at the ballot box. obviously we want democrats to win but even republicans who step forward and say no, this is wrong. i respect that. so far only about 24 republicans have publicly named donald trump and told him that his moral ambivalence is not what this moment calls for. that s what we re trying to do, organize and move forward. understood. congressman keith ellison, thank you. organize and move forward.
address, prime time speech directly to the american people about what to do with the 16-year war in afghanistan. the fate of a signature items like health care, the wall, tax reform. what s going to happen with all of those without steve bannon? next.
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great new voice at breitbart. attacking members of his staff, national security team, members of his family. trump was just a vehicle for them to try to prop up that agenda but they will not hesitate if trump deviates at all from any of the rhetoric he said during the campaign, they ll go full tilt. there are stories already that they ll help impeach trump if he goes the other way. on the flip, mac, it s just a propaganda outlet. he s no longer in the inner circle of kind of in the ear of the president on a daily, maybe even hourly basis. is he weakened to the point where his effectiveness won t be what it could have been? chris, i don t think so. i think kurt has it more right than not. i think it is a pretty big deal. steve bannon came in with great standing, with equal reporting responsibility to the chief of staff, reince priebus. he was on the national security
council, which was pretty unprecedented for a political strategist to be an active formal member of that council. he got demoted on that. that obviously did not set well. i think president trump has a very, very narrow pass here to go forward with his legislative agenda. what the real issue is, chris, the president now has to shift from campaigning to governing. steve bannon was effective in the campaign, fighting, being a provocateur. not so effective governing in the white house as part of a team. i think he will be a strong voice. breitbart will be at least one outlet that his conservative base, populous base responds to. i think this will be a complicated period for president trump in the days ahead. kurt, we got mixed messages from bannon. one of his cronies tweeted war then an interview to the weekly standard where he said the presidency that trump and i
campaigned for and won is now over. then people went to him and he said no, i don t have any problem with the president. it s the people around him, the mission i m going to focus on. how much stock do you put in that? i pate lot of stock into the idea that he s definitely going to war against the adversaries that he calls the globalists inside the white house. i think you ll see steve will use breitbart to tell the story, the narrative really that the president they new and loved has been hijacked by these west wing globalists and they need to be removed if we re going to get president trump back on track. helping president trump means helping advocate for the agenda they started and supported in the campaign, even if that means turning on people within trump s inner circle, his own family and even at times turning on trump himself, steve will say publicly friends need to be honest with each other. trump is wrong. here what they should be doing. the more complicated situation will be when breitbart spends
its time and energy attacking fellow republicans in the house and senate as president trump is trying to work with these people to try to get a legislative agenda through. the alt-right isn t so much about the republican party, right? he s happy to see it drawn asunder. mack, from a chief of staff perspective, what is the message that you give the president when bannon goes too far or too close he can go after the kids, the people around as long as it s not about the president personally, he s okay. if he does take a shot at the president, what is the message going back at bannon? we ve not seen that controlled by anybody, including general kelly. what would be your message? this move helps general kelly, chris. he will now be able to bring order to the white house, focus on the agenda. i think that s what the vast majority of the american people want. for president trump to be successful, he has got to move forward his legislative aenda. i think he can largely not
totally but largely square that up with some of steve bannon s terms relating to tax reform, infrastructure, relating to immigration reform. when you get down to some of the specifics here that s going to be very difficult. president trump has been a person who has made a real statement and his commitment, his strength, his beliefs. he will have to adhere to that, chris, even if it means criticism from steve bannon. kurt, we re paying artificial attention to bannon right now because he s freshly removed. this is his big story tonight on afghanistan. how strong do you think he will be? i think they will be very vocal, very strong. because he will be into maintaining that he his part of
the decision making. going for that star wars knobe effect, you struck him down but he will come back stronger than ever before. we ll have to see. the force is with us, as we know, from the eclipse. meanwhile, this story to tell you about, sonic attacks targeting u.s. diplomats in cuba are impacting more people than first thought. we have a live report for you from havana next.
broadcast a frequency you can t usually hear but cause very real physical damage. some of the u.s. diplomats have told officials that they were attacked late at night while they were in their homes, in bed. so, just terrifying to think about that. some u.s. officials have u.s. diplomats have gone back home as a result of these attacks. others have just decided to cut their tours short because of the continued harassment. still the u.s. embassy in havana, we re told, is fully operational. diplomats who continue to work here are working under what can only be described as very trying circumstances. chris? that is bizarre. patrick shall thank you for keeping us ahead on that story. appreciate it, my friend. be well. millions of americans will have their eyes on the skies for the solar eclipse. not alabama head coach nick saban. andy scholes has more in the
bleacher report. always on point this guy. i tell you what, i love nick saban press conferences, known for being hyper focused on improving his football team regardless of what s happening around him. he was asked yesterday how his team was preparing for the eclipse. we ll set it up so if the players want to get sunglasses and look at it, i guess they can. that s not something i m that focused on right now. they re already saying what it s going to look like in every city in america so what s going to be significant? i m going to watch it on tv. saban sounds so excited. his players better get those special glasses and not just use regular sunglasses or they might not fare too well in their home opener september 2nd. pennsylvania taking on chinese taipei in the junior little league world series. jack reagany goes over the wall,
able to hold on to make the catch to rob the home run. incredible concentration to hold on to this one. the catch was ruled an out. then the call was overturned. then it was overturned again. i don t know about you, chris, but it was an incredible catch. but for me the ball leaves the park, it should be a home run. isn t it about where you catch it? there s a rule, right? if you make the catch and go over the wall with it, that s how it is in pro ball. remember austin jackson made that incredible catch at fenway park and went over. it was ruled an out. i guess as long as you hold on to it, it s ruled an out. where the ball wound up, but whatever. it s a great catch. not trying to take it away from the kid but then again you re taking the home run away from the other kid. what a great piece of video. andy, thank you so much. get the right glasses or stay inside, like alisyn s kids. for the first time in nearly a century, a chance to see a total solar eclipse in the
continental u.s. some essential need to knows if you are in the path of totality. when heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. hey, is this our turn? honey.our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we ll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 outbacks. ends august 31.
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we all made it out safely. people you don t know care about you. it s kind of one of those things where you can t even thank somebody. to protect what you love, call 1-800-adt-cares in just hours, folks along the west coast in the path of totality will see the first eclipse of the century, a total one. cnn s miguel marquez is live in salem, washington. oregon that s where it s going to begin. you also have a great voice. let me hear you say path of totality. path of totality. good. it s good. we really need that. thank you very much. thank you very much. somebody actually drove by a little while and yelled out not something nasty to me but totality. it s very cool. look, they re already lined up in front of the state capital.
somebody who drove 12 hours from stockton, 36 hours from texas. why is this a big deal? it s the first time since 1918 we ve had a coast-to-coast eclipse. 12 states will be hit. salem will be the first of five capitals to be hit by thi eclipse. they will see that total eclipse, that 70-mile or so shadow of the mean that will cross the u.s. the reason people are lined up here they want gear, glasses for this eclipse. we have all the nerdy gear ourselves. these are solar filters on the binoculars. the glasses, though look, i want to show you. these are regular sunglasses, right? if you look through them, you can see right through them there. these are the eclipse sunglasses. if you try to look through these, here is what you see. absolutely nothing. the only way you can see through these things is to stare
directly at the sun, something you wouldn t otherwise do unless you have special glasses. it goes to totality, look at these while it s in total eclipse and put them back on again. it s amazing. they only heard you say corona. that s why they cheered. that s right. we re ready here also, miguel. chris, i don t know if he s going to heed your warning. he s planning on having a staring contest with the eclipse. i m going to look until it looks away. nice. sensible. miguel, thank you very much. we have the chief astronomer at the franklin institute and also andrew. do you think it s wise that chris will have a staring contest with the eclipse until it looks away? if he s willing to give up his eyes, sure, let him have at
it. that s not a problem. thank you. yeah, sure. no staring at the sun. we don t stare at the sun. it will be too dangerous. let s give people some of the data here. where are you going to be able to see this? what s going to be the duration? let s get some of the facts out there for people. yeah, sure. this eclipse will be visible all across the continental united states. if you re in the path of totality that stretches from coast to coast, you re going to be able to see the full event of this. you ll be standing in the shadow of the moon. during that portion of totality only is when you can observe directly without any eye protection. it s safe during that period of time. that period of time varies across the united states, on the west coast. it s just under two minutes on the very far west coast.
and it s just over two minutes on the very far east coast. right in the middle where we are here in st. joseph, missouri, you re going to get 2:39 of totality. down the road a piece it s up to 2:40. anybody else off the path of totality, though, you ll see partial eclipse. not all of the disk of the sun is covered by the moon. for all portions of your observing of the partial eclipse, you must have eye protection for the entire event. so, from beginning to end if you re in the partial section of the country, you need the viewers. but that way, you can enjoy an authentic science experience and you can see what s happening. but you must have either the eye protection or you can use an indirect method of which there are several that work really, really well that are cheap and easy and may be even available from your own kitchen. yes, right. you can go online and look at the homemade indirect methods, poke a hole in a shoe box, tin
foil and white piece of paper and all that exciting stuff. derrick, what about the cloud cover we re seeing behind your head right now? the cloud cover that s over us right now, i feel very good about this burning off and getting out of the way, hopefully, by around 1:00 this afternoon. we re certainly concerned about the cloud cover. we don t want it. but even though we re here under cloud cover if it stays we ll still have that experience of the darkness. we just won t be able to see the effects around the sun. we re hoping all of this gets out of the way by then. for many of us along the eclipse path there could be cloud situations. hopefully they ll have the same sort of situation that this burns off and gets out of the way by the time totality comes. that happens for us around 1:06 this afternoon local time and we ll have that 2:39. that s the only two minutes and 40 seconds i m worried about today. that s a lifetime in television. i ll tell you the history of the world in two minutes and five seconds. as much as i love the phrase
path of totality, the key word is totality. that s what makes this eclipse special and a century event. how so? well, the reason why this is a special event because of totality is because the idea of totality being in one particular place in any location on the planet, that s kind of rare. solar eclipses can happen as few as two times a year, maybe as up to five times a year. but to stand in totality gives scientists the ability to study elements of the sun. the surface of the sun is only 11,000 degrees. that discrepancy is poorly understood. solar eclipse totality give that opportunity. then there s just the idea of this very rare thing happening for anyone that can experience this. we think back a little bit in history. people did not know when eclipses were going to occur. they were always surprised and
frightened because their life-giving star was being consumed, it looked like, or disappearing from the sky. nowadays we know so much more. it gives all of us a chance to have this great sort of interactive experience in a sensor at least to be able to experience this authentic science event without much effort. we can all have a good time of it. it evokes feelings for us, entertains us in an educational way. all those things about totality are very cool. astrology people are really keyed in to what s happening here. i hear it. derrick pitts, thank you for all the information. we ll just say we re sorry we weren t tiebl get andrew fazakis, the eclipse wreaking havoc with our satellite. he is too close to the path of totality. cnn newsroom with john berman is the totality package. he is.
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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170812 00:00:00

big question for the world tonight. thanks for joining us. you can watch us any time, anywhere on cnn go. have a good weekend. see you monday. ac 360 begins right now. good evening. we begin with more startling headlines from president trump. in just a last four days, he s threatened north korea with fire and fury, said maybe that wasn t enough of a threat. said american forces are locked and loaded and late today he said even more. appearing this morning outside his new jersey golf club, the president went before reporters. when he was over, he raised the possibility of u.s. military action in venezuela and renews his warnings to north korea. nobody loves a peaceful solution better than president trump, that i can tell you. hopefully it will all work out. but this has been going on for many years. it would have been a lot easier to solve this years ago before they were in the position that they re in. but we will see what happens. we think that lots of good things could happen, and we
president xi about north korea. that s a critical part of solving the problem with north korea, because china is seen as having some kind of leverage over pyongyang, although they haven t shown a lot of that lately and the president has shown a lot of disappointment. one call the president has not made, from what we understand, he s not spoken with the governor of guam. that is despite the fact that government there in the u.s. territory has been handing out bulletins to the residents on what to do and what not to do in the event of a nuclear blast. so for all these questions we re seeing the president take over the last couple of days, white house officials are telling us the president wants to have his message carried over, other senior officials like the secretary of state and defense secretary and so on. but tonight this message out of the white house that s coming from the white house is continuing to create a lot of uncertainty around the world. and despite comments by tillerson and mattis, which are
perhaps more measured or preplanned, the president continues to double and triple down on the comments he made yesterday. reporter: absolutely. he s making it very clear to kim jong-un that he s going to go tit for tat when it comes to this kind of belligerent rhetoric. the problem is it s rattiling u.s. allice around the world. russia and china are urging the united states to lower the temperature and the question is whether the president is capable of doing that. he is going to hold a news conference on monday. by guess is, from observing what has transpired over the last couple of days, the white house is seeing some kind of political benefit of the president going out and engaging in this kind of tough talk. so my sense is, we re going to see more of that on monday. jim acosta, thank you very much. let s go next to barbara starr for more on north korea and perhaps venezuela. the president was asked if he
ordered change in military readiness. has there been any change that we re aware of? reporter: none that we re aware of. in fact, pentagon officials are telling us at this point, no need to send additional forces to the region. that everybody is ready, that they have missile defense on guam that could shoot down the north korean missiles if they come that way. they have ships at sea, troops in south korea always on a high state of alert. so they feel they are ready, that they are ready to defend against a potential missile attack that north korea has laid out, the possibility of, if it were to go beyond that. if the president were to decide to order some type of preemptive attack or something broader, then it would be relooked at, of course. right now, tonight, as we re talking, of course u.s. intelligence keeping a very sharp eye out for any moves by the north koreans towards a missile launch. as of now, they don t see it. and there have been no evacuations of military
personnel from the region or civilian personnel i should say. right. there s no indication of moving civilians off of guam. the guam government, the governor seemed pretty calm about the whole thing, issuing those bulletins, communicating with his citizens on guam. they have a pretty active program there. i want to play what the president had to say about venezuela option. we have many options for venezuela. this is our neighbor. we re all over the world, and we have troops all over the world in places that are very, very far away. venezuela is not very far away, and the people are suffering, and they re dying. we have many options for venezuela, including a possible military option, if necessary. so what s the pentagon saying about this? is military intervention seriously being considered? you know, on a friday night in august in washington, this caught the pentagon by more surprise than almost anything
else. they did come up with a statement. so let me read part of that to everybody. a pentagon spokesman telling reporters, i refer you to the white house to characterize the president s statement. the pentagon has not received any orders with regards to venezuela. the military conducts contingency planning for a variety of situations. if called upon, we are prepared to support whole of government efforts to protect our national interests and safeguard u.s. citizens. let s unpack that quickly. there are u.s. citizens in venezuela. if it came to a dire situation, the military always is there to protect u.s. citizens abroad. there s no indication it s at that point right now. but the president may have played directly into the hands of the venezuelan president, president meduro, who is facing stiff opposition, violent opposition in his own country, backed by his own military. president meduro, to put it
politely, has long claimed there will be a u.s. invasion and a u.s.-backed coup attempt against his government. there is a lot of concern tonight that donald trump may have played right into the hands of a very unpopular venezuelan president. barbara starr, thank you. i want to bring in our panel. retired general tony tata. peter fever, rick francona, and kimberly dozier. general, what do you make of the fact that despite all the rhetoric coming from the united states, and obviously the very real concern here, that the current u.s. military posturing does not seem to have changed nonessential personnel aren t being recalled from the region. right. well, anderson, i think what you re seeing is the very deliberate and synchronized application of the elements of national power against north korea. so you ve got military power
that are doing shows of force. we have carrier strike groups going back and forth, airplanes flying over. you have diplomatic powers to get a unanimous security council vote for sanctions against north korea. and you have information power. and the president making a statement, fire and fury and those kinds of things, is a very deliberate and clear message to kim jong-un and north korea. and then when you have the secretary of state and the secretary of defense both saying something similar, the secretary of state being a little more diplomatic, and the secretary of defense being a little more direct but all buttressing what the president said, that s all power information. and just on cnn an hour ago, you had an analyst laying out all of our offensive capabilities and all of our defensive capabilities. i can promise you that the north koreans that have televisions are watching that. because we get this second order
benefit of the president saying hey, we are strong as well. and how many missile tests should we allow north korea to take? how many nuclear weapons should we allow north korea to have and how much threats should we allow against the united states from this rogue regime that s expressing intent and now has the ability to harm our nation. i think the president is right to synchronize these elements of power. as you mentioned, there s been no combatant evacuation or deployment of troops. so right now, i think it s in the application of elements of power stage where we are trying to leave the golden bridge for kim jong-un to walk across into the land of diplomacy. do you see a strategy behind the president making a particular kind of comments and then the secretary of state and secretary of defense following it up with i don t knoweasur
coming at it from a different angle. simplistically you ve got a good cop, bad cop scenario going on. but you see the synchronization of the national security team around whatever president trump says. they are learning to use his willingness to use bellicose rhetoric to their advantage, by having tillerson message that there is a way out of this but having mattis back up some of the president s threats, the message is meant to break this log jam in north korea. everything the u.s. has tried to do over the past couple of decades hasn t stopped them from moving forward on nuclear development, nuclear weapons development. the last time we saw some sort of break in this was back in 2003, after george w. bush called them part of the axis of evil, then you saw six-party talks leveraged by china. i think that s what they re
trying to produce right now is enough pressure on beijing that they ll take this so seriously, they go to pyongyang and say, you re running out of chances here. peter, how much of the u.s. language on this is, do you think, directed towards china? a lot of it. they clearly have a diplomatic strategy, and that requires that china ratchet up the pressure on north korea. i m not sure i agree with your other guests that they have a cleanly synchronized messaging strategy. i think this white house is still struggling to get everyone singing on the same sheet of music, even if they re singing different parts. and they don t have a ben rhodes kind of figure who in the obama administration delivered talking poichlt points for everyone to speak, that were tightly coordinated. the evidence of that is things like the venezuela comment, which was distracting and then interrupting whatever was the focus of the message on north
korea. i ve got to agree. maybe it s not synchronization, but they re pivoting a little faster than they have in previous weeks. i think they re getting better at reacting to him, and pretending they planned this all along. colonel francona, what s interesting is a lot of the threats that the president has been making is talking about threats. in the previous days, it was north korea shouldn t make any more threats against the u.s., and there were questions like, well, did he mean just rhetorical threats or was it actual action? he now has made it clear that it was they shouldn t speak any more threats. and then even today he sort of made it, well, kim jong-un himself should not make any direct threat. well, we ve seen a whole change in the rhetoric coming out of north korea, as well. i think the rhetoric coming out of the white house, this bellicose rhetoric from the president, followed up by what i consider a very strong message from secretary mattis, and even
the more diplomatic talk from rex tillerson, i think it s had a real impact in pyongyang. we ve seen the north koreans react differently to this level of bellicose rhetoric with that it wasn t really a threat against guam. it was saying we re developing a plan by which we could strike guam and present that to the commander in chief, if he wants to exercise that. much analogous to the u.s. defense department preparing plans to strike korea, giving the president an option. but we never saw the detail. i think they ve been shaken by the rhetoric coming out of washington, and i don t think they know what to make of it. so i think it s had that positive effect. but we have to make sure, and i think not raising the defcon status, not deploying more troops and not evacuating nonessential personnel keeps it a little lower volume. once you see those steps, things
are probably going to happen. we re going to take a quick break. we ll have more on the conversation where the korean crisis goes from here. and later, the president takes another poke at mitch mcconnell. the question, of course, is why? with advil, you ll ask what twisted ankle? what muscle strain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil.
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each time he s kept the rhetoric at the boiling point, whether it s fire and fury or lock and load. today, the president refined his warning, calling out kim jong-un, to letting others speak for him. we heard from north korean state tv saying we consider the u.s. no more than a lump which we can beat to a jelly any time. well, let me hear let me hear others say it. because when you say it, i don t know what you re referring to and who s making the statement. but let me hear kim jong-un say it, okay? he s not saying it. he hasn t been saying much for the last three days. you let me hear him say it. back with the panel now. kim, what do you make of that sort of making it personal with kim jong-un? making it personal but also pointing out that he hasn t dared speak up in the past couple of days. you ve got to wonder if what the u.s. is trying to do, of what
president trump is trying to do is not just message him, but message the elite around him, that they re about 4 million people in north korea who can access smartphones, who can hear the message that president trump is sending out, possibly trying to inspire some sort of a coup. so the fact that kim jong-un doesn t seem to be trying to goad him back means maybe some of his top command, some of his top advisers have gotten to him and said we ve got to be careful with this guy. it s interesting, colonel general tatum, excuse me, it s interesting to hearing from an unofficial response from china basically saying that if a message to north korea that if they strike first, that china would not support them in any way. but if the u.s. did, that china would come to their aid. well, i think that s china s play here. that s a huge concession on china s part, for them to say if
they strike anywhere in american territory, that china will not stand by their side. and at the same time, a message to us from china, is if we preemptively strike, then they will come to the aid of north korea. i think that s china s perfect place for them, and it s not a bad place for us, because it could keep in check north korea. and i just want to go back to what one of your other panelists said. the last thing this administration needs to do is mirror in any way, shape, or form what the previous administration has done particularly with respect to north korea. this messaging and this synchronization of the elements of national power are what are getting results for the united states right now, and we cannot have the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as we had in syria with chemical weapons. now we have with nuclear weapons
in north korea. china is the key here, and that s why the president is talking to them right now, and hopefully that china will help us out and put some more pressure on north korea and defuse this and i how for that golden bridge i mentioned earlier. peter, do you see china stepping up on this? well, i agree with the general, that if they were to do that, that would be the optimal play from our point of view. the problem is that china has never put enough pressure on north korea to put the regime in jeopardy, to put the regime close to the cracking point, which is where we assess they have to be before they would give up their nuclear weapons. and china is reluctant to do that, because they fear the collapse of the kim regime more than they fear nuclear weapons in kim s hands. here s the problem, the president has declared intolerable something we ve tolerated for the last ten
years. and he s threatened that the kim regime must not do what has been their principal export for 70 years, which is issue threats. i fear the president is in danger of backing himself in a corner. but if escalating the rhetoric and creating the crisis rattles china that they escalate their economic sanctions on north korea, then we ll see a better outcome going forward. no one wants a war here, including north korea. they don t want a war. so there s a potential for a diplomatic out. colonel francona, i ve talked to a number of former diplomats who were trying to negotiate with korea and worked on it in the past. i talked to general hayden just yesterday who said look, if there is a military confrontation between the u.s. and north korea, obviously in all the war games that they have rolled out, the u.s. wins. but there s not a lot of great military options. do you agree with that, just from a human life standpoint? absolutely.
there are no good military options. you have to have a military option. you have to be prepared to execute it. but that s the last thing you want to do. any military action, no matter what it is, is going to precipitate the destruction of seoul and the ultimate destruction of the north korean government. they know that, everybody knows it, and we all agree no one wants to have a war. but somebody in this equation is going to have to back down or change their position, because if, as peter says, if the president is going to stick to this position that we will not tolerate a nuclear armed north korea with an icbm and the north koreans insist that it s part of their constitution, that they re not going to get rid of their nuclear weapons, all we re doing is kicking the can down the road. i think what s probably going to happen is we re going defuse this diplomatically and be right back where we are and have this same conversation a couple of years from now. coming up, as the rhetoric gets more intense on both sides
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locked and loaded, the rhetoric coming from the american president and the north korean dictator is not exactly the most careful. in the new york times today, it was asked have we become so anured to the madness of the trump administration, have we forgotten what it would be like to have a real president handle the crisis. tom, i m wondering what you thought when you heard the president say if north korea utters one threat, he ll truly regret it. is that a smart line to be drawing? in the days past when the president talked about targeting threati threats, it seemed like mattis and tillerson said it would be attacks against the united states or an ally. the president doubled down saying yes, it s uttering a
threat. anderson, when you re dealing with nuclear weapons and an erratic regime like north korea, it seems to me you want to measure every word, because if you are drawing a red line, a red line not only about action but about rhetoric, you want to be extremely precise. not only for the other side, but to protect yourself so you don t have to climb down. and i just find it unnerving that the formulation changes every day, a threat, you know, a different kind of threat, not action but words. it s just not a clear way to do things. it s interesting, though, that despite the president s rhetoric, it seems like from all the reporting the u.s. military posture in the region really has not changed. it s not as if u.s. personnel are being withdrawn, it s not as if marines are being loaded onto vessels. nothing seems it doesn t seem
to be a war footing. yeah, you wonder whether all of the wires are connected here, from the president s lips to our diplomats, to our military people on the ground. and i just worry about i don t object, let me simply say, to the president raising the profile of this issue. i think the kascharacter of the issue has changed. north korea, a highly erratic, isolated country is building a missile that can, with a warhead that can hit the united states. it s not tomorrow or next week or next month. but in the next year or two. that changes the strategic equation, and the president doing a little madman act, it s not such a bad thing, as long as it s connected to as long as that stick is connected to carrots that the north koreans can bite into and possibly stand down on, and that our allies
would want to get behind. because that s the key thing here. if we re going to keep sanctions on north korea, if we re going to keep the moral high ground here, we need china, south korea, japan at a minimum, but also russia as well. we really want them on our side. that s what i m a little concerned about here. is it possible that the president believes or people around him believe that this sort of madman idea to will motivate china to become more involved, will motivate china to use more of its influence? you re asking the right question, because i think a lot of this rhetoric is directed more at china than at north korea, or as much at china to act. but i think the chinese have also made their calculation. what the chinese have basically said to themselves is that look, if the north koreans were to launch a missile at the united states or at guam, that would be an act of suicide.
what do we know about the north korean regime? the kim family has been in power three generations. they are homicidal, but they are not suicidal. they re there to survive. at the same time, if the united states unilaterally attacked north korea, it could unleash weaponry on south korea. i think the chinese don t actually believe that the administration would go that far or the north koreans would go that far. so they re trying to nudge both sides towards the center. what i ve been advocating, i don t mind the president s rhetoric, and a little madman here, it can be effective. if it s wedded to it seems to me a diplomatic overture. which is to say we re ready, if you ll give up your nuclear program and your missile program, we re ready to make peace with you, open an embassy and end the korean war. i would put a clear offer on the table. they won t accept it early on,
but it would certainly give us the moral high ground, the ability to hold south korea, china, russia, and all of asia behind us. because ultimately, we may find that the only solution is simply long-term deterrence and squeezing north korea until something happens. it does seem like this is such a change from decades of administration policy, which has been to not have one on one direct confrontation or involvement between the u.s. and north korea. the u.s. always wanted other countries sitting at the table, if there were to be discussions or negotiations. the president is going toe to toe, whether for political or strategic reasons or whatever it is with kim jong-un. trading the same kind of rhetoric. what wore yries me is that t chinese have made their calculation that trump is bluffing and that the north koreans aren t going to commit suicide. therefore, the chinese don t
mind seeing america wrapped and the axle of north korea, spending enormous resources to deal with it. that s fine with the chinese. that s why they ve kept this alive all these years. putin doesn t mind, either. we have to be very careful. it is all the options are bad. but it may be the last bad option is living with a north korea, deterring them and keeping sanctions on until something happens. and just maybe it s a coup d etat, but there can be worse things. as you recall, anderson, we re about the same able. we lived with tens of thousands of russian nukes aimed at us, and thousands of chinese nukes aimed at us under mao. a lot of people thought he was crazy. it s not ideal or preferable,
it s just that all the other alternatives could be a lot, lot worse. tom friedman, thank you. coming up, what the white house is saying about the president thanking vladamir putin for throwing out hundreds of american embassy personnel in moscow. today s explanation from the white house maybe didn t help. your big idea. will people know it means they ll get the lowest price guaranteed on our rooms by booking direct on hey! badda book. badda boom! mr. badda book. badda boom!
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extolling the virtues of the president s sense of humor. today, press secretary sarah huckabee sanders said the president was being sarcastic in his comments about russia s decision to expel more than 700 american diplomatic staff from moscow. whether the situation calls for sarcasm, you can recall yourself. the expulsions came amid new sanctions for russia that passed the congress by veto proof margins. yesterday, the president was asked about vladamir putin expelling hundreds of u.s. embassy personnel. here s what he said. i want to thank him, because we re trying to cut down on payroll. as far as i m concerned, i m very thankful that he let go a large number of people, because now we have a smaller payroll. there s no real reason for them to go back. so i greatly appreciate the fact that they ve been able to cut the payroll of the united states. we ll save a lot of money. before the show, i was joined by former cia intelligence
officer larson and nicholas burns. ambassador burns, yesterday you tweeted about the president s comment saying a shameful statement by president trump. if he was joking, it shows his true character. i m wondering what you make of the white house responding that he was joking, saying he was being sarcastic. you know, here s the president, anderson, who has not defended our country since the russian cyber attack on our election. he was not in favor of the sanctions at all, republicans and democrats were in favor of. he s never criticized what vladamir putin did. he didn t criticize vladamir putin s expulsion of 700 american diplomats. i can t think of any american president who would not defend our country when it was so treated by the russian government. and he hasn t stood up for our diplomats. if he was joking, it was very poor taste and shows his
character. i can tell you this, the people in the state department, the men and women of the state department don t feel they have the respect of their president. and he needs them, he needs them in north korea and russia. he ought to show more respect. rolf, i know you served in moscow, these 755 people whose positions were cut by putin, how important a role did they serve? the president says it doesn t matter if they come back, there s no reason to go back. is that true? no, it s not, anderson. what s shocking about the president s comments is it reflects or betrays a lack of understanding of how valuable our officers and diplomats are in these emba sisssies abroad, just moscow. also all the other members of the country team that are part of this complicated and important post overseas. and by the way, anderson, the men and women who defend america on our front lines, not just the u.s. mill stair personnel, of course, we all respect them
greatly. but all the other personnel serving in embassies across the world, have to be wondering if the president has their back. ambassador, when u.s.-russia relations are at this low, doesn t it just increase the importance of having a large american diplomatic presence in russia? well, it does. i think we re at our lowest moment with the russian government since the end of the cold war. you might have to go back to the mid 80s before gorbachev took over the soviet union to find a time when there was so much distrust between moscow and the united states. president trump doesn t talk about diplomacy. he s never honored the foreign service. he was dismissive of them yesterday. so it would really behoove him to plug into the state department. rolf, to the ambassador s point, the president seems to put a lot of stock in the military, obviously. and obviously it s incredibly important. but most military personnel will
say look, we need diplomats or our jobs will become exponentially more difficult. that s absolutely right, anderson. i couldn t agree more with nick who had such a distinguished career in the state department. and behalf of all of our men and women serving overseas right now, this is a time when it s important, not just for the president but the american people to understand the roles they re playing. they re serving in many places like moscow and other places that are real hardships and advancing u.s. foreign policy interests. they re our front lines, just like the u.s. military. it s important for the president to recognize that. ambassador, i always try to walk in someone else s shoes or look at things from a different angle. any strategic reason why the president of the united states would have avoided directly criticizing vladamir putin to the extent that this president has? i mean, you know, you really can t find examples of him
criticizing vladamir putin where you can find him criticizing mitch mcconnell, jeff sessions, other world leaders. no, i think he the weakest president he eve hwe ve had tow moscow in my time. what putin respects is power, he respects toughness, he respects people who speak their mind. and president trump has been nothing like that. i don t think that the president is putting us in a strong position vis-a-vie russia. of course we want to have an open channel to putin. we have to talk to him about north korea, about afghanistan, about iran, about our nuclear weapons standoff with the russians. but you also have to exact a price when putin crosses a line like hacking our election. so i think it s been entirely misguided, and i hope he listened to rex tillerson and jim mattis. i think they have a much more realistic sense of how to work effectively with the russians.
appreciate your time. thank you. thank you. the president s not criticized vladamir putin, but he has been going after the top republican in the senate, mitch mcconnell. today was no different. we ll tell you what the president said and has many republican senators rallying around mcconnell. xiidra is the first and only eye drop approved for both the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don t touch container tip to your eye or any surface. remove contacts before using xiidra and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting. chat with your eye doctor about xiidra.
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for the third straight day, the president went after senator mitch mcconnell in what s turning into a one-sided spat. no comment from the senator, who isn t taking the bait. still, president trump took another dig at mcconnell with the difficulty of passing health care reform. a number of senators have rushed to the defense of senator mitch mcconnell. what do you make of that i don t make anything of that. we should have had health care approved. he should have known he had a couple of votes that turned on him, and that should have been very easy to handle. whether it s through the fact that you take away a committee chairmanship or do whatever you have to do. but what happened last week is unacceptable. to the president s critics, it s not clear what these comments accomplish. joining me now, my panel.
aman amanda, does it make sense for the president to go after mcconnell? yeah, for once i think donald trump has the right target. now, do i agree with a lot of what donald trump is doing stylistically? no. but mitch mcconnell is an obstacle towards for a long time, the trumps of the world, demonized paul ryan and put a lot of blame in the long place. now we re seeing paul ryan, pass bills and tried to go to the white house and make these things work, especially when it comes to health care and then it goes to die in the senate. well, that is not really going to work. and for a long time, mitch mcconnell has gotten away with not saying anything, letting other people take the blame and now donald trump sees, yes, is donald trump to blame for not passing obamacare repeal. yes. but can he pit mitch mcconnell against him because he is the
establishment of everything the trump campaign worked to disrupt in his election. so donald trump has the right target and as long as mcmcconnell powers away. donald trump will win. senator sand or u santorum agree? no. trump is prodding mitch mcconnell and the entire senate. he is committed to getting the health care bill done and he feels let down. not just by mcconnell but also by paul ryan. he trusted both leaders to put together a bill he didn t together and said give me a bill to sign. and this is paul ryan s bill that mcconnell had and he tried to tweak it and he told the president up until the very last day and he thought he a plan b. that he thought could work and the president feels let down and
he will continue to prod them as he should to get back to the table and get a bill passed. and i could tell you they are working on it at the white house. there is an effort which i m going on which i m very ken aau very encouraged by because that is the most important thing in the agenda. but the president ran on repealing an replacing. he could have come up with a plan. you would expect a president to have a plan instead of outsourcing it to somebody else. but i m going to defend mitch mcconnell here tonight. number one, president trump has one substantial agenda, part of his legacy, only one big thing and that the neal gorsuch, but guess what, mcconnell had more to do with that happening than donald trump did. so let s talk about this health care bill. when mcconnell was having a hard time getting 51 votes to has health care. how was donald trump helping him. let s go back.
it feels like it was an eternity ago but it wasn t that long ago. here is what donald trump was doing in the run up to the big health care bill, he was attacking jeff sessions, a former u.s. senator and hired anthony scaramucci and threatening the fbi on the chief of staff and delivering a speech to the boy scouts of america they had to apologize for and on top of that donald trump was attacking people like lisa murkowski, a republican senator. so threatening her. this is how donald trump, think i he is the one we to blame. and every republican congress has an interest in advancing the legislative goals and even more so donald trump s outrageous comments actually provide cover for them to get this kind of stuff done. listen, there is a lot of people in washington who are all talk and no action. mitch mcconnell for far too long has been no talk and no action
and at every opportunity he lowers the bar for expectations. if you look into republican who were taking back majority. mcconnell said the bar for victory would be returning to regular order and no government shut down. that is the bear minimum. meanwhile huge opportunities like being able to tie spending reform to the debt ceiling increase. he s failed every single time. so donald trump has all of the reason in the world to expect more from mitch mcconnell and you will notice mcconnell did not return fire and he will not engage because he only cares about staying in power himself and he goes to his other republican senators, respond for me and goes out to paul ryan and he said he will. and will donald trump make mitch mcconnell resign at majority leader. probably not because he has support in the senator. but he need to provide some is explanation as to why something isn t getting done.
and mr. santorum, does it in terms i m not talking about obamacare, but just on other legislative things in the future, resentment, concern about other soirenators that th president didn t have their back. does have any ripple effect. i don t think any senator watching donald trump expects him to have their back if they cross him. i think that is pretty evident, that it is an every man for himself when testimonies cou o the president. and disagreements with him. look, i think the most important thing the president is doing here is trying to refocus and mitch mcconnell said we re moving on to tax reform and i could tell you, the president doesn t want to move on to tax reform. he wants to get a bill done. and i think that is really i understand there may be all of the other things going on, but this president understands how important this is. i know members of congress and i m hearing from them who are back home who are hearing it
loudly and clearly that they are not happy that they weren t able to get this done. the president i m sure getting that same feedback and trying to keep everybody focuses and that is a good thing. and you have to say, mcconnell has done a job of cultivating this image in washington that he s a legislative genius but he is man behind the curtain not getting anything done and donald trump has every reason to say send me a bill, there is no excuses. we have to take a break. when we come back, trump doubling down on his rhetoric and the latest for the nuclear warned country next. where s gar? saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico. goin up the country. later, gary i have a motorcycle! wonderful. i m goin up the country, baby don t you wanna go? i m goin up the country, baby don t you wanna go? geico motorcycle,
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Big-question-for-the-world-tonight , I-dont-mind , North-korea , Trump , Us- , Military-action , Reporters , Venezuela , Solution , Possibility , Nobody , Warnings

Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20170928 07:00:00

secede from iraq heading also coming up. from the machall hits the campaign trail again just days after winning the general election this time around she s helping out an election in one of germany s states. and hugh hefner the founder of the adult magazine playboy dies at the age of ninety one launched in one thousand fifty three playboy was an overnight success will go to los angeles to look at his life. i m brian thomas welcome to the show iraq s kurds are facing growing political isolation after the massive yes to independence and monday s referendum airlines from turkey egypt jordan lebanon say they ll be halting all flights to iraqi kurdistan at the request of baghdad now turkey has also warned it could stop cross
border trade with the region and iraq central government as threatened its own sanctions. there were euphoric scenes among iraq s kurds after the official result was announced could issue authorities say that with a seventy three percent voter turnout the poll had been a resoundingly success. at this historic moment i want to congratulate you on the success of the referendum on the independence of kurdistan in our autonomous region and the areas outside the autonomous region which kurdistan claims. in baghdad the reaction couldn t be more different iraq s government opposes the kurdish push for statehood and has demanded an immediate an element of the vote. iraq s government has already taken retaliatory steps threatening to halt flights in and out of the kurdish autonomous region it s also demanded that those behind the vote including kurdish leader massoud barzani face legal consequences iraq s
prime minister said he wanted to keep his country united without resorting to the use of force but parliament has given him a mandate to deploy the military to the kurdish territories including the oil rich region around the city of kirkuk that we will impose federal authority on the whole of iraq with the force of the constitution and the force of the law this is not a threat some people have made threats and some have used force to impose their will in the disputed areas we will use all the tools provided by the constitution and the law. the measures passed by parliament also called for the closure of foreign diplomatic missions in the autonomous kurdish region. neighboring countries turkey and iran are worried that the referendum will embolden their own kurdish minorities and are applying pressure with sanctions of their own. for the very latest on this let s bring in b. against fans and he joins us on the line from kirkuk and one of the disputed parts of iraq where this vote was held. first off what do the people who ve been
celebrating in places like care where you are want to say are they expecting this referendum to bring independence. yes good morning now they don t expect this referendum to bring independence and the. atmosphere in cocos was very much divided i mean there was the kurdish parties they were celebrating yesterday but not in the turkmen and not in the our parts because there were boycotting the elections so it is a very mixed and somehow a very critical situation in kirkuk because it s cheer cook to be the hot spot in all that so if this tank sions will imply and mr body made it very firm yesterday that he wants to have full border control over iraq s borders to watch turkey and iran and poor bought full control over the airports in erbil and still money and kirkuk as well although in kirkuk you have what is only military airport and not
million people don t even have clean water. truly this is the first water tank of that i ve seen in this area it s the first. time they didn t bring any water to this place. that s why you re seeing people going crazy like this. the way they say the eights coming from the u.s. but i still haven t got any. the u.s. government has dispatched the navy and the national guard sent in millions of meals on bottles of water but many ports are reconstructed they aren t receiving the same level of help given recently to mainland u.s. states the island s governor has set clear priorities getting immediate resources here to puerto rico and getting a package from congress that it is consistent with the amount the gravity of the
this didn t you know still to come on the show german chancellor angela merkel hitting the campaign trail again just days after winning the general election we ll tell you why. and big spending p.s.g. are the talk of the town after the french side defeated bonus league and giants by in munich in the champions league will have a match report. well and is here now on president trump has unveiled his long awaited tax reform plan much awaited and by the looks of it brian they could be a boon to companies large corporations the wealthy as well as middle income families we don t know exactly whether the money would trickle down to no income american workers that s not currently clear at the moment but many analysts have already criticised the lack of detail in the plan the one of the biggest changes is a drastic tax cut for corporations that take a listen to the president outlining that part of the proposed tax overhaul. we re
doing everything we can to reduce the tax burden on you and your family by eliminating tax breaks and loopholes we will ensure that the benefits are focused on the middle class the working men and women not the highest income earners under our framework we will dramatically cut the business tax rate so that american companies and american workers can be our foreign competitors and start winning again. we will reduce the corporate tax rate to no higher than twenty percent that s way down from thirty five and thirty nine. so you just heard part of that plan for big companies the corporate tax rate potentially going from thirty five percent to twenty percent now smaller businesses
will also see a cap on their taxes the problem is a lot of them are already in a lower tax bracket and they re feeling left out by trump s reform plans. lowering copsey opened his bicycle sale and repair shop in washington d.c. five years ago business is going well so well in fact that he s about to move to bigger premises along with his five employees but despite lauren success his company doesn t make enough money to benefit from trump s tax plans mom and pop shops on main street are not the ones that are going to be affected by this from my reading of what the bill might be so it s going to be much larger businesses that are able to sort of benefit from the deductions that they will be able to take in the lower tax rate i don t think it s going to hit the people that you think of as small businesses so who would get a tax cut doctors investment bankers and high turnover companies for example and
what s more the new proposals would also cut corporate tax republican supporters have long argued that giving tax breaks to big business will boost the u.s. economy they also say that cuts on everything there s other reforms through tax and they were talking about tax reform they re important full expensing making the tax code simpler easier to pay if they are to hire out accountant these are all benefits that help both small and big business. but as far as lauren is concerned the cuts do matter reducing costs for larger companies inevitably increases competition for businesses like his. the margins for small businesses are so so slim our profits are not huge you know we all want to be able to make a decent living but those that are making outrageously large profits i think that maybe there should be a little bit more tax burden on them. the republican proposal would make sweeping changes to the tax code but it wouldn t change much follower inspection up for the
moment trumps tax proposal is just that a proposal he now needs to really supports before a more detailed bill can be put before congress but why. one big question remains such deep tax cuts would leave a large hole in the budget trump and the republican party have yet to explain where exactly the money to pluck the soul would come from. and to unpack the president s tax plan and now i m joined in the studio by professor owen collier from the free university of berlin lovely to see this morning now this document has been billed as a framework more than a plan and he s promised relief for companies what does that mean specifically. the companies are interested in the net that they re getting from increased sales in the future when economic growth brings about new sales it s going to be in the first instance the net income coming to the corporation that will be important for
making these investment decisions if you re willing to invest more if you know there s going to be more sugar if we can call the extra profits sugar if that s offered so that s the theory behind everything but corporations are not people they re owned by people corporate income goes to people who own stock and. roughly the top. thirty percent of the population own the very overwhelming majority of stocks so one looks at that as as much a redistribution as it is an incentive for further increased investment in dayton where we know that we could see the corporation tax potentially go from an average of around thirty five percent down to twenty percent potentially guaranteed food for the wealthy the middle class could also they be lifted through some of these tax proposals but my question is i m wondering what about lower income people and families in america right now it looks like there s going to be essentially a sop
a little bit could be coming out but when you hear a doubling of the standard deduction what is happening is a merger of what s called the personal exemption with the standard deduction so from the point of view of the small. poor family there might be a fifteen percent increase in this deduction which means a tax saving but it s it s peanuts compared to dropping for instance the personal tax rate for these so-called passthrough companies by the way the trump organization is a passthrough company and that would be an income tax rate of twenty five percent what are the chances that this reform well actually implemented. let s just say better than i think the repeal of obamacare with the repeal of obamacare was possible to mobilize people who are directly suffer the cuts the way this is all packaged is the necessary spending cuts will come in the future so the victims if
you will or those people paying the cost of this tax reform will be mobilizing yet . when do stay with us because i want to get your insights on a nother topic now and that is the much maligned german u.s. trade imbalance now the american chamber of commerce in germany has updated its midst of the biggest american carbon companies and their sales last year and i want to have a look at the top five now because topping the list is car maker ford with sales of over twenty two billion dollars followed by opel which has since been sold to french auto group p s a then amazon with sales ringing in at over thirteen billion dollars followed by energy giant exxon mobil and general electric so all in all business seems good for american companies in germany with sales up three point two percent last year now and president trump regularly complains about the u.s. getting the short end of the stick when it comes to trade but u.s.
companies judging by those numbers seem to be doing quite well abroad don t they actually they are and trade between the united states and germany is healthy kind of trade the problem with the trump critique is that it sees everything in this bilateral context and it s also missing the fact that what we have is an imbalance between domestic investment and domestic saving the domestic investment in germany is low in the domestic savings is high in the united states it s precisely the opposite it s these macro economic imbalances that s the problem it s not something about the toughness of competition the fairness of competition that s not what s driving these imbalances oh and from the free university of thank you very much to be here. now off to federal elections here in germany you might have thought that campaign season was
over but apparently not brian has no that s right hello as if you had had enough electioneering chats americal is campaigning again this time ahead of a key vote in the state of lower saxony a snap elections been called there because a member of that state parliament switched parties bringing down lower saxony s.p.d. green governing coalition. chancellor angela merkel is back on the campaign trail already despite her narrow election victory on sunday or perhaps because of it she s out to reassure voters they re in good hands. i m waiting for some clear statements from her about the outcome of the vote since the far right got so much support. to spend if she s disappointed i don t think she ll show it oh how she s going to go from here. and toast. the crowd of roughly two thousand surge chancellor back in normal business move this regional
election all in a day s work not a whiff of stress about her party s lackluster performance at the polls only about the homework awaiting her and her fellow conservatives. we can implement successful policies in germany when federal and state governments work closely together and take a unified approach and they say we want to make things better so. the stakes for america the no a saxony are high a defeat in the state s regional election would seriously weaken her hand as she tries to forge a new governing coalition in berlin. and to talk about all americans options right now we re joined by hans brock from our political desk. doesn t give the impression of being all that concerned right now about her party s losses in the general election and she afford a business as usual approach right now. well at the moment being in an election
campaign again in lower saxony i think she can afford cannot afford to do anything else she can t present herself as a weakened leader when she s trying to win another regional election and that s really quite important for her and her party the christian democratic union the conservatives have not been in power and lower saxony in recent years and they have the hope of regaining power there that would strengthen her hand in coalition talks here and burden so it is an important election and in fact the election in lower saxony means that in berlin the coalition talks will be put on the back burner nothing of substance is going to happen here until those elections have been held on the fifteenth of october ok things on hold in a way in berlin is there is there any sign of what direction coalition talks might be taking. well in fact coalition talks haven t started yet but there is
a very strong sense that there is a preparation for them and the prep of the talks that are being prepared others between the conservatives on the one hand and the left leaning green environmentalist party on the other hand and the market liberal free democrats and one major indication of that is the fate of germany s finance minister of both gronk choice that has in fact already been decided it is clear that he is not going to continue being finance minister he s going to be president of parliament that has the in terms of protocol the second highest job in the german state he has no prospect he s not going to be finance minister anymore and that is in fact a ministry that the free democrats the business friendly liberals. aiming for there is being space made for it s the exactly that kind of coalition constellation yeah gong show believing as finance ministers is really the end of an era isn t it now
i m ackles sister party in bavaria the c.s.u. they were especially hard hit by the success of the far right turn in for germany what does that mean for the formation of any new government that in fact puts another break on developments because in fact amongst the bavarian party the knives are out for the leader of that party is does not look likely to survive as leader there will be a party congress in mid november and the leadership will be decided then that s also crucial for these coalition talks so i m told that this is the side as well not much movement is possible in coalition talks so we have a whole lot of factors that will mean that the formation of a new government in germany will really take a very long time ok a lot of undecided variables out there right now hans braun for us our political studio thanks very much. it s the u.s. now where hugh hefner the founder of playboy magazine has died at age ninety one
hafner and his magazine became instantly famous when playboy first hit the newsstands in one nine hundred fifty three both were symbols of the sexual revolution and were part of the cultural revolution that changed america in the one nine hundred sixty s. after spawn the playboy brand into a giant media and entertainment empires critics accused him of degrading women and undermining the traditional family let s go to los angeles now we re joined by shotgun olu in los angeles thanks for being with us again shah going to talk you know while he s host the new rotten tomatoes film show on face book watch. can you tell us how you have changed america well first time for every break you have here was that american icon to remember that this man was more than just the start of playboy he formed in world war two i mean he started playboy for eight thousand
dollars and at the time of the tonight at ninety one he was worth over a billion he did empower women more sort of than people give him credit for because as he forged social more laid of the sixty s and seventy s that s all women only have homemakers he made them sexy to make you to fall he gives them the magazines had articles written by ian fleming in jaguar why they interviewed fidel castro and miles davis he was a ground breaking when i try on yeah there s all this is lost is amazing sharga not know he was was he an icon you know of course he was a hero to very many people but but he was also a villain tall others wasn t. yes he was a villain to the traditional idea that was prevalent in the thirty s the forty s in the fifty s appealing to women and the american home a certain way and because he pushed down trees opening nightclubs in major u.s.
cities because he had his playboy bunnies but he made them either or pornography whichever word suits your fancy he made it palatable any made it from art it wasn t run she like a larry flynt or some of the magazines that were to follow any kept it from being just in the shadows he brought women and nudity and art and put it out there for mainstream consumption he was vilified by some when he was a hero and a champion to many other children thanks so much for joining us on what i saw on a little low in los angeles host of the new rotten tomatoes film critic sal thanks for that thank you. get your modern now of our top stories at this hour kurds have been celebrating after their independence referendum on ninety three percent support but both baghdad and neighboring states are threatening sanctions. and german chancellor on the macro has hit the campaign trail again just days after winning the general election this time she s helping out in the election in the
state of lower saxony where her party hopes the when a snap election. that s all for now thanks so much for being with us. testing drugs to see how they can be of use in agriculture. these quanta. to survey evolve quickly and some really for a more targeted control of the past and when it s. tomorrow today
next. entered the conflict zone fronting the powerful. this week conflict zone is in berlin and my guess is junk politicians on the news is he s a member of the european parliament and the social democrats who have just suffered this dummy defeat you know that the votes are counted as germany had it. in sixty minutes. good job with. your link to news from africa and the world your link to exceptional stories and discussions for more news a visit and while website dedicated poems not to come join us on facebook at g.w. africa. handley one mine is made by him better known as merely

Playboy , Success , Los-angeles , Age , Life , Ninety-one , One-thousand-fifty-three , Kurds , Brian-thomas-welcome-to-the-show-iraq , Independence , Referendum , Request

Transcripts For CNNW Wolf 20170921 17:00:00

all year round. so call today. because now s the perfect time to learn more. go long. i m jim accoosta for wolf blitzer. maria on the move. churning north and gaining steam. what the storm is leaving behind and who is next. the hunt for survivors after a deadly earthquake grows more frantic and we will take you there live. turning to trump. the special counsel seeks new documents about the president s actions in office including a meeting with the russians. we begin with hurricane maria s rampage with $3.3 million u.s. citizens. it has been devastated and president trump approved a
system. in san juan, what is the situation there right now? it s strange because people are beginning to move around again. you see people stopping to pause and look around and take stock of the scope of what s changed in a little over 24 hours. we were here before the rains moved in to see a perfectly functional city, but there is a puerto rican flag trying to go in the breeze. part of today has been about taking the shots down and trying to get a glimpse of what the new normality looks like. it can be cleaned up and shops can be repainted, but with the power going down. what could be four to six months
and doe you go to work and the hospital for medical treatment. the much more immediate term, there is no cell phone service. people can t check on their loved ones without physically going to see them and going back a century in terms of interhuman relations and saying how bad was that storm? you can see it s not available. and when is the airport going to open? it s like lly that that s a hug task too. two weeks before hurricane irma hit, near bankruptcy and cost a billion dollars worth of damage. the hurricane slammed into the east coast yesterday morning and
and the next stop is into the turks and caicos. storm surge will be a huge factor. while it may only be a 5 to 10 degree spread, that s enough to weaken the storms quickly. we talked about comparisons to irma. especially where it s right here. this is the point in which irma and maria are on the same track. maria started off further south. the yellow line is irma.
from there they will go to the north. jim? thank you very much. we appreciate it. researchers are clawing through the rubble of an elementary school. it s heart breaking to watch to reach a 12 yearly old girl and two other survivors trapped two days after a magnitude 7.1. 26 bodies including 21 children have been found at the school. 11 others have been rescued. one girl described what happened as the building collapsed. [speaking foreign language] translator: just when we were going to run down, part of the building collapsed and you couldn t see anything. the english teacher helped us come down because we couldn t use the stairs. the rescue everydafforts rep and rescue teams are hoping for more victories like this one.
of the task there in mexico city. let s go to search and rescue expert who joins us via skype from santa paula, california. you heard miguel there. you probably didn t find it surprising he was speaking in a whisper as he was reporting from the scene and shows you how we are taking great pains to be delicate in the reporting on the scene. you have trained and you work with trained search and rescue teams. there are fears that this building in mexico is unstable. what do they have to do to keep a structure like this from collapsing more? honestly if the structure is going to collapse, that s what s going to happen, but they will consecentrate onshoring up the areas where these children are. especially this little girl. they will try to go in and from two different directions, it s
have been involved in from the get go. that s when mistakes happen as well. hopefully they will go into a little bit of a rotation so that they can be a little more focused and on task. things are far more organized today and that s great. it s really got to be systematic on this. there is a lot at stake. i m always curious and how do you get food and water and medicine to the people that are trapped? when you see them through perhaps a roll in the rubble and you can reach something down to them even though you can t pull them out, i can t imagine how frustrating it might be while that is a lifeline for the person who is trapped. liquid new trigz and trisdragz
huge. they have been there long enough now that they need to get that food and water. they are coming up with all kinds of ways to do that. and not sure how she is pinned. that will make it a little bit more challenging. as far as the medicine goes, if they can open it enough to get somebody down there it s the small guys that kind of dig down into there. it s the nature of the game and a slow process and also very
focused. hopefully all the rest of the folks as well as those who are strapped all over the region. it s heroic work and thank you very much. we will come back to the scene in a moment, but major new developmentsed which aring a report that the campaign chairman, paul manafort offered private briefings to a billionaire close to vladimir putin. jimmy kimmel doubling down on his criticism of the health care plan. he is becoming a thorn in president trump s side. more on the breaking news. the president announcing an executive order targeting companies to do business with north korea saying china is on board. this is special live coverage. we ll be right back. rcycle insurance with geico. goin up the country.
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today i m announcing a new executive order that expands our authorities to target individuals, companies, financial institutions that finance and facilitate trade with north korea. the president made the announcement before his working lunch with shanzo abe and south korean president moon. what can you tell us about the economic sanctions? this is an important development and the sanctions coming on the heels of that fiery speech that both you and i were at the un the other day when the president threatened to totally destroy north korea. taking a different approach going after the economy. the finances of north korea and
delivering blunt damage offering a warning to foreign bankers and leaders that you can do business with the u.s. or trade with north korea, but threatened to cut them off. this is a sign that on north korea, this administration is searching for one strategy and trying several things. threatening military options and trying to squeeze them economically as well. a bigger headline than we were expecting getting south korea on board as well trying to present a unified front in the region. less fuel for the rocket man. the president was asked about possible dialogue with north korea. what did he say? that was interesting at the end of that announcement this morning, he was asked if dialogue will continue. he said why not. he left it hanging there. this is something the president
has been a bit all over the map on if he would have dialogue or talks with north korea. he did not rule out that possibility. taken together, the fiery rhetoric we heard earlier in the week, this is more of a normal action of a previous u.s. president here for an economic sanction, a clear sign that military options is not the prefer route of anyone despite that rhetoric. less brinkmanship today outside trump tower. trump s former campaign manager under scrutiny in the russia probe and the offer he made to a billionaire close to vladimir putin. how robert mueller is turning to the president s actions while in the oval office.
flonase changes everything.
paul manafort offered a russian billionaire private briefings on the election while he was campaign chairman. the paper said the billionaire has close ties to the kremlin. part of the team that broke that story is cnn legal analyst and follow prosecutor. the post said that your story said there is no evidence these briefings took place, but what are the concerns raised here in you don t want the campaign chairman making these offers to russian billionaires. at minimum you have a conflict of interest, but if you are part of the counter intelligence team that is reading those e-mails, it sounded like he was offering to be to their ears an informant. telling someone that they knew
was in regular contact with putin and had a very fraught relationship with putin. somebody was who probably trying to impress putin by showing he had access within the trump campaign. we don t know everything because what s in e-mails is obviously just a piece of this. the e-mails are cryptic in the words that are chosen and initials are used and sometimes code names are being used. we don t know what mueller had access to beyond what we are seeing. probably there is a lot more we don t know. we were just talking about this out of the break, but you never cease to be amazed by the shoes that are dropping and it s hard to get your mind and arms around the idea that a campaign chairman would be having these kinds of thoughts. that he would somehow be able to provide briefings to somebody with another country. an adversary of the united states. it s so absurd at this point
in time, the almost mountain of careless mistakes or things being made, but what you have here is somebody who is trying to profit or capitalize and monitize on his relationship with the president of the united states or who would become the president of the united states. for the prosecutor, you are saying what would be the motive behind trying to do that and is there incentive for someone to receive or act as a liaison between a foreign entity and the campaign position? when you have that, you have got the absence of that smoking gun, that one piece of evidence that ties the whole case together, but the key to a successful prosecution when you don t have that are being able to establish the motive and leverage. all this heaping up about paul manafort is that you have leverage in the eyes of robert mueller s team. you can have this person cooperate in the investigation to get to that smoking gun.
cnn has reported that the special prosecutor requested documents covering a wide range of actions by the trump white house that includes firings of michael flynn and president trump s meetings with them in the oval office. how significant is this? what we are seeing here is obviously some of it goes to what the president chose to do. was there an attempt to obstruct justice in these cases? what s clear is how much he is front loading with the investigation. we know they interviewed the dni and the director of of national intelligence and one of the first interviews was with mike rogers and the director of the national security agency. both of them were asked by the president if they could tell the world that there was no evidence of collusion. this is all part of a chain.
piecing together this picture. was the president trying to either change the narrative or actually intimidate people, trying to get people to drop the investigation. i want to get to something the vice president was asked about earlier today. whether the mueller investigation veered outside of the jurisdiction. he said that s for others to decide. take a listen. what i can assure you is that we are fully cooperating with the special counsel and we will continue to do that. i made clear that during my time on the campaign i was not aware of any contacts or collusion with russian officials and i stand by that. we will provide any information they require, but honestly, this is not what the american people are focused on. notice he said there was no collusion during my time on the
campaign. a little bit of 46ing and trying to preserve his own purity. for reminds me of when donald trump said not to my knowledge and never that i knew. you want to protect the flip against you. that s a certainly that he is in fact an enemy of the white house and turns out the investigation points directly at them. whenever you tell somebody don t look over here, your tendancy is to look at what you were told not to look at. the irony on the criminal probe is that we are not digging up evidence we wouldn t otherwise have. we are not probing into things we couldn t see. we are using the president s words and mike pence s words and what manafort said and it s coming back to haunt people in a real way in realtime. you will see the distance
happen. i m not surprised by it, but not sure at this point that manafort is truly cooperating with mueller s team enough to have that be justified. the president left plenty of bread crumbs. thanks to both of you. republican senators comment about the health care bill raising eyebrows about the motivation of his party s rush to obamacare. the bill covers preexisting conditions. we will fact check that as jimmy kimmel launches another attack on republicans. coming up. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass,
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but he hasoke up wwork to it s wonderful to have prime minister shanzo abe doing a great job for the people of japan. we had discussions already today and this is a formalization of the discussions. we made a lot of progress both on trade and obviously very importantly we have discussed in great detail north korea with also south korea as you just saw. so we will continue that relationship that has never been closer with japan and the united states. it will continue on with that way. i look forward to discussing some things that the group is
here specifically to discuss and we will be reporting back to you later. thank you all very much. you heard what china was doing today in terms of the banking system. that was a tremendous move and we have great respect and also would like to thank president xi of china. it was a great thing he did today. thank you very much. thank you very much for being here. [speaking foreign language]
[speaking foreign language] let s break out of this for a moment and we will go back to this if there is more news that develops, but i will go to gloria borger to talk about this. we heard the president referencing the new actions and new sanctions aimed at north korea and he is hitting there with the japanese prime minister. one of the things he said is china is starting to exert influence on this through the banking system. and enforce sanctions that had not been enforced. that is key to this. that s what we hear the president referring to and he is thanking the chinese here for
cooperating. contrast that with what we heard a couple of days ago. the president threatening to totally wipe out north korea referring to kim jong un as rocket man. he is falling back on what presidents have done with rogue regimes and go after sanctions and try to use the levers that are normally accompanying the powers of the presidency to try to keep people in line. not so much of the brinkmanship today. there isn t. speak softly and carry a big stick goes to speak loudly and carry a big stick. smaller stick today. that s still the nature of this president. he will level every threat he can and we will destroy you and fire and fury. what he wants to do is unnerve the north koreans and i m not sure it has the intended effect. joining us as we are watching
this unfold. we will go back to the president as he makes news here. what do you make of this move that the white house is taking against north korea. a lot less fire and fury. it doesn t work if you are only threatening fire and fury alone. if there is a moment to come together, the powers that exert influence, it was going to be this week at the un general assembly. this is a positive step if he is stepping up enforcement. that s the key thing that is missing and to solve in this crisis. nobody wants to have a military approach happen. even if there is an option there. it would be very, very messy. if china loses the leverage, they can bring this to closer to a resolution than it has been. if they are ready to take a softer tone, that potentially means things are moving in the right direction. that s why you say fire and fury
in the first place. that s supposed to lead to the diplomacy and not necessarily using the stick. it may have scared the chinese more than the north korea koreans. they are being hustled out of the room so we won t see more questions to the president. i know about that in those situations. let s talk more about this after a quick break. we will talk about that and the health care news. jimmy kimmel dominating the health care debate when we come back. every morning, i thought i had to make a choice. do i use a toothpaste that whitens my teeth or one.
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trying to get over the goal line and repeal obamacare. he said i would not sign graham cassidy if it did not include coverage for preexisting conditions. it does. great bill. in new york for us, the president and the bill s cosponsors, they promise that preexisting conditions will be covered under this new bill, but that s not exactly right, is it? the short answer is that s not true. people with preexisting conditions would not get the same levels they have under obamacare. this is a complicated issue that people are confused about. what would happen under graham cassidy for people who have these medical conditions. it s true that insurers couldn t out reject someone for having a preexisting condition that got enshrined through obamacare, but what they would be able to do is ask for more flex toibl loosen
regulations so experience companies could raise premiums for people who have medical conditions. republican who is support the graham cassidy plan defended this by saying states would have to basically offer assurances that everyone gets adequate and affordable coverage, but the big red flag here or the problem here is that there is no real way to define what adequate or affordable means. as you know very well, what is adequate for one person is not adequate for somebody else who might have a lot of health issues. what is affordable for one person is not affordable for someone else who may not have the means to pay for what they need to pay for in terms of treatment or going to the doctor or the hospital. politically speaking, this is going to be a huge sticking point next week if there is going to be a vote. someone like susan collins, for example, who raised a lot of concerns about graham cassidy and when i was talking to her, she said look, the way i see it
is that this bill is just as fraught as the last bill that i voted against and had the preexisting conditions as a problem. this is a major issue and we will follow that closely if this bill does come up. thank you very much for that reality check. let s go to perry bacon. you don t have coverage if you can t afford the coverage. right. that seems to be the distinction here with the new bill. they require to be covered, but they can charge whatever they want. so if you can t pay a huge amount, you are not covered. talking about jimmy kimmel, in general celebrities i m not sure matter that much in terms of politic, but we are talking about john mccain who follows the news carefully. i think the way he pushed back against the bill is the millions of views in his comments. he is playing a powerful and surprising role here. let s talk about that.
one of the loudest voices ask oppositions to this bill is jimmy kimmel and he called out bill cassidy the senator who he said broke a promise by supporting this bill. let s listen. when senator cassidy was on my show in may he told me he believed that every american family regardless of income should be able to get quality health care. i believed he was sincere, but sadly the bill indicates that he was not sincere. it is by many beings the worst health care bill yet. there is no way president trump read this bill. he just wants to get rid of it because obama s name on it. they should rename it ivanka care and guaranteed he gets on board. i urge you to call your senators to let them know you care. the video of the monologue has millions of views and a lot of people have seen it and shared it, but the new york times
contacted the office of susan colins and claimed at her office the call volume she got is the same as usual. if that is true, this is why things like this keep happening. because we don t do anything about them. stop texting for five seconds and make a phone call. gloria borger, a little jab at all of us. our hyper screened up world. what do you think the impact will be? it s remarkable. i do. i think it s remarkable. one key impact is that he took the time to explain what s in the bill. he took the time to explain the issue with preexisting conditions which is what people care about. people want to know about their health care and why this is a divicive issue. they want predictability and stability when you are talking about your own health or your children s health or spouse s health, you want to know your health care will be there. what if you happened to live in a state, for example, that
decides that okay, you are going to have to pay more if you have cancer. what does that do to you? do you move if you can t afford your coverage? the individual states where the governors and the state legislators, if we put it all out to the states, the state lawmakers and the governors potentially impacted by the lobbying forces necessary that particular state. if you have a strong and thriving health insurance industry in indian a those lawmakers can be heavily influenced and the protections in that state can be drastically different than in others. all the insurance companies are opposed to this. they don t want to be the bad guys in this. and they will be. i was going to say dependent on a system that can function in those states because the federal dollars that are going to
supplement the health dollars in general speaking are going down over time and may fall off the books entirely by the middle of next decade. so the question is basically what kind of system can these states put together to catch the people who get thrown off, will it be effective, if it s not effective do they end up saying, okay, we can t subsidize that so you have fewer limitations on what the insurance companies can do because it s so much in their lap. there s a lot of unanswerable questions right now because it has to go into effect for the states to kind of see what happens. but that s a very dangerous process. perry, let me ask you this, there s this conventional wisdom that if they don t keep the promise to repeal and replace obamacare somehow their voters are going to punish them. but yet they can t get over the finish line here in terms of actually repealing and replacing obamacare. is it really that toxic for them if they don t take this leap? i think there s two things we re talking about here. my understanding is a lot of the donors have said i m not giving
you money anymore if you re not getting this done. that is a problem because you need money to run election. but the voters do not feel this way. there s a lot of polling showing republican voters do not support rolling back restrictions. republican voters support medicaid. so it s not just so this bill is probably we get a poll soon 20%, these bills have been opposed majority of the public in every instance. so i think it s always hard to explain to me why you should support a bill opposed by 80% of the public doesn t make a lot of political sense to me. iowa republican senator chuck grassley had an important point on this, said the sub tastance the bill is less important. here s what he said. quote, you know, i could make give you ten reasons why this build shouldn t be considered, but republicans campaigned on this so often that you have a responsibility to carry out what you said in the campaign. you know, it is kind of remarkable to see it just sort
of boiled down in this political essence that chuck grassley is boiling it down to. and for a guy who s been in d.c. for as long as he has, it s very interesting that chuck grassley has a lot of these moments where he s brutally honest about what s going on there. he s just putting it out there. i mean, that s basically what he said. but this is true. look, there s been you had almost eight years of, you know, buildup to we re going to repeal obamacare with no planning of what you re going to do and you have this scramble to actually get this done before they lose their parliamentary authority to do it with just 50 votes and have to actually court democrats and what would be a very, very different bill which then probably couldn t get past the house. so this is really what s going on in the heads of lawmakers. but to perry s point before, i mean, yeah, this has never been a very popular sort of an issue repealing obamacare with the voters. but the question goes back to the jimmy kimmel question. how much are people actually paying attention this time? how much effect do these celebrities that are trying to rally the public having when the
focus has not exclusively been on health care the last few weeks and there is a fatigue about talking about this. so you re not seeing the same volume of calls and demonstrations and everything as you were the last time around. that s why they want to shut the window on it. they have a deadline coming up on september 30th. but only in washington, only in washington would someone say it doesn t really matter what we re voting on, we just have to get it done because we promised we would. so when they voted on it for all those seven years, they knew there wasn t going to be any result because they knew it wasn t going to go anywhere. so how do you have the united states senator, i want to know, go out there and say it doesn t matter what s in the bill, which is effectively what he was saying. we just have to do it because we promised we would. yeah. that s not legislating. that s not what john mccain is talking about, by the way. he s calling for regular order. doing this in the regular way. it may be too late for that, but isn t it better than just closing your eyes and voting? right. and whatever happened to
quote/unquote, chuck and nancy, speaking of comments that is difficult to get your mind around, after a few weeks away from the camera we re now seeing more on former white house press secretary sean spicer including this from abc s good morning america. take a listen to this. people have hard feelings towards you because they feel you lied to the american people. have you ever lied to the american people? i don t think so. you don t think so? no, i don t cheat on my taxes. unequivocally you can say no? look, again, you want to find some thing i have not knowingly done anything to do that, no. i ve not knowingly done that. apparently he thinks more people came to trump s inauguration than obama s. i guess that s what we conclude he knows, right? he was just at the emmys giving a major wink-wink, nudge-nudge, i know i m in on this with you. to then turn around and be like i didn t get the joke is a little bit strange. i have not knowingly is such, again, washington. you re right. yes. to the best of my
recollection, i have not knowingly yeah. not exactly a tell-all interview there. no. he wasn t telling all there. but, gloria, how difficult is it going to be for sean spicer and other figures from this administration to do this? because we saw this so much during the first several months of this administration where, you know, they were telling us that the sky wasn t blue and that two plus two didn t equal four. hard. i think it s hard. i think sean, whom we ve all known for years and years and years in many incarnations, i think he s trying to get this monkey off his back to a certain degree. and i think he s having a difficult time. and i think others might as well. all right. much to discuss on this. we can t do it all in this hour, but thank you all very much for that. we appreciate it. guys, thank you. coming up, hurricane maria gaining strength again. again ravaging the caribbean. what could it mean for the u.s.? we ll get the latest on the storm s track. that s coming up. plus, when every minute matters, the desperate race to reach survivors trapped under the rubble of a major earthquake. we ve been watching this all morning. stay with cnn as we continue to
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