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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends First 20140523 09:00:00

they their windows. the hail makes it look like a strin spring snowstorm. hello everybody. severe weather pummelling portions of the country yesterday and today. in the carolinas and mexico and western parts of texas we could be looking at more large hail and strong winds and tornadoes in these areas. thunderstorms are firing up this afternoon and evening hours. as we head into the afternoon the first half of the weekend we have a holiday weekend and across texas and mexico we could be seeing strong to severe thunderstorms. heads up if you live in san angelo and lubbock, texas. you could be looking at severe weather on saturday and sunday. it could be a very slow moving weather pattern out here across the plains states. we are expecting areas of heavy rain. locally more than 4-6 inches of
rain is possible in texas, oklahoma, also parts of missouri. flash flooding could be an issue into the weekend and anna and ainsley take a look at the temperatures for today heating up across parts of the southeastern united states. temperatures into the upper 80s, 90s widespread in florida and it s going to stay warm to kickoff the week on saturday out there in the southeast. the northeast cool in the low 70s. let s head over to you. maria molina thank you very much. brand new information about the massive beef recall. we have learned the beef tainted with e coli was shipped to stores in ten different states, florida, illinois, indiana, kentucky, michigan michigan, ohio, pennsylvania, tennessee, wisconsin and north dakota. included on the list gordon food service marketplace, georgio s italian dell kau tess sant and butch el food mart.
it will has the number 2574 b. nearly 2,000 pounds of beef from wolverine packing company after people in 11 states got sick. for a full list you can head to fox & friend fox & friends first the administration breaking its silence about the war hero locked up for over a p month over a simple mistake. what is the state department saying this morning? although they are not going into extreme detail the state department acknowledged john kerry raised it in meetings in mexico city. this as u.s. lawmakers are getting more involved and bringing attention to andrew tomarese has been jailed in mexico since the first of april after accidentally crossing the mexican border with firearms in his car. at the time he told agents he
was not only logged but he volunteered the information about the legally obtained and owned guns. officials say there has been progress. since his arrest he has been visited 11 times by consulate m officers. we have been very engaged and the secretary did raise this issue yesterday during his meeting, but i don t have anything to update you on beyond that. the critics say representative duncan hunter tried to bring national attention to the case. they say it is a good development but it is still not enough. many argue it is time to move forward calling for the administration to move more aggressively. i think it now moves this case to an entirely different and much more appropriate level. the basic function of the state department that can t do anything else is help protect americans overseas forget international agreements that get you noble peace prizes.
the foreign ministry has to protect citizens. it was may 9th. he does have a hearing coming up. we will stay tuned. anna, back to you. elizabeth prann, thank you so much. breaking news from syria. at least 20 people are dead in an attack by a rebel group. 11 civilians including a child were killed at mortar hit. a third seven year term for president assad. although opponents say the election is a facade. in the wake of a nationwide shortage of
u.s. just blocked to the senate. senate democrats say they want more time to go over the three-page document. meantime the head of the largest federal employee union calling for more money to fix the system. pentagon spokesperson jd gordon says it doesn t makes a difference. they have plenty of money to do their job. there s no sense of urge again t see / urgency at the va. having this government gone wild type mentality in the va is hurting our veterans and it s not fair. our veterans deserve a lot better than this. 33 percent blaholder rick
shinseki responsible. 17 percent say it s our president s fault. the president now is how do we fix our problems for the veterans? adam kin singer and columnist charles krauthammer weighing in on this. how do you attack the problem right now? you give everybody on the list a voucher to go anywhere they want and they will get their care within days. if the budget won t hold it you do a separate appropriations. how about a hospital administrator to come in a ceo of the company somebody who knows how to fix the backlog and get what s done. how about eric holder the attorney general of the united states convening a lot of grand juries. gone from incompetent which is bad to criminality. i want to prosecute the people who come up with a secret waiting list that is wrong illegal and ir reprehensible for
the veterans of our country. one step closer to banning the nsa from spying on americans. vote to go restrict the agency from collecting and storing phone records. it still allows the nsa to get court permission to get lan line if it is part of an interrogation. after being rushed to the hospital paul mccartney expected to make a full recovery. the 71-year-old beatle was forced to cancel his entire japan tour for what his publicist says is a virus. he has been receiving treatment. his out there tour is expected to resume june 14th in texas. before you break out the chips and dips this memorial day weekend, a popular dip being recalled over fears of deadly listeria. check your fridge everybody. 7 tons of humus recalled over
fears of deadly wisteria. many of the archer farms humus as well as trader joes and giant eagle brands. it is a voluntary recall. it comes after a single tub tested positive for the bacteria in texas. no sicknesses have been reported but it can be deadly. more deadly than salmonella and e coli especially for pregnant women. do toyota recalling 30,000 cars in three separate recalls in the u.s. the first 370,000 minivans sold in cold water states. road salt can core road the spare tire under the vehicle and the tire can fall off. the secondary call more than 10,000 2013 lexus.
highlander and hybrid suv s because the car may not properly calculate the size of the front passenger when firing the air bag. ebay personal information may be up for sale. data said to be stolen from the hack attack now making its way on-line. the good news is that the information put on the data bases is real. we seem to be okay after that hack attack. thanks lauren. have a great weekend. 11 minutes after the hour. no arrests in the terror attack at benghazi. the secret waiting list allegedly. why are the washington redskins at the top of the prior the l priority list for congress. they are taking out almost all of the games in field day. good idea for the wussification of america? we report, you decide. if you are preparing to hit
the road this weekend here are the new gasoline prices 3.64 is the average today. clear [male vo] inside this bag exists
this very second. this exact moment. [woman] that s good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. i m d-a-v-e and i have copd. i m k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don t want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that s why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won t replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis,
and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at a man charged with kidnapping. garcia s lawyer claims his client didn t do anything wrong. he says the alleged victim who is now 25 is lying because the couple is separating. garcia is accused of abducting his then girlfriend s daughter in 2004 forcing him to marry her and have a baby. she just alerted police this week after finding her sister on facebook. michael j. charged with the murder of his wife. if convicted he faces 50 years in prison. jace who played a police officer on the shield was in court
yesterday. the couple s two sons were in the house at the time of the shooting but police aren t sure if they witnessed the shooting. he told the emergency dispatcher he had shot his wife. 50 united states senators urging the nfl to change the name of the washington redskins. in a letter sent to commissioner roger godell senate majority leader harry reid and 49 other democrats said the team name mocked natety americans and compares it to donald sterling as racist remarks. the despicable comments made by sterling opened up a national conversation about race relations. we believe this conversation is an opportunity for the nfl to take action to remove the racial slur from the name of one of the marquis franchises. fox news contributor jim gray says there is no way the name bh will change. i don t think the league is going to do anything.
the folks i have spoken to through out the league across the board are more irritated with congress with an eight percent approval rating. the one thing that sports fans hate they hate when politics gets involved in sports. the nfl response the team name has never used in a disrespectful way. here is another reason to raise your glass this weekend. red wine is apparently good for your teeth. a brand new study finds it helps protect us from getting cavities. researchers say the grape seed extract and wine stop the growth of bacteria which damage your teeth over time. that s the long-term. short term red teeth not good. it s an iconic american company but harley davidson making an unamerican claim about riding with the stars and stripes on the back of their bikes. it is where the wild things are. some paddle borders get too
close for comfort with one of the largest animals in the world.
narrative for the attack that left four americans dead. a story at odds with conclusions reached by the people on the ground. the united nations approving sanctions against boko haram saying the terrorist group is creating chaos in nigeria. they abducted 304 girls last month. the sanctions are an important acce step to support nigeria and hold the murderous leadership accountable. they are assisting with surveillance hoping to find the group. islamic terrorists verses christians leading many to renew their plea for president obama to fill a gaping hole in the roster of ambassadors. shannon green goes ini d to get the answers. as religious persecution continues around the world many are asking questions about why the administration isn t doing
more. rae pub can senator roy blunt to the growing chorus of voices demanding to know when the president will nominate a new ambassador at large for a international freedom. from christian churches bombed and parishioners killed in the mid eels to wore shirps being harassed jailed and beaten in places like north korea and china. and boko haram and a death sentence for a pregnant sudanese woman simply because she is christian. minorities are under attack. we are a super power in this place of history which we occupy seoully. we have the responsibility to stand up for the needs of those around the world. president obama first nominated someone to the post a year and a half into his first term. susan johnson cook was elected in 2011. president obama noted u.s. efforts to protect religious
minorities around the globe. i look forward to nominating our next ambassador at large for international religious freedoms to help lead these efforts. months later still no nominee. the white house and state department are, woulding to nominate someone as soon as possible. we neglect this issue in the geopolitical callous at our considerable grow. the vast majority of deadly conflicts around the world are based on intersection of religion and politics the u.s. can no longer appear to be disengaged on the issue. says he believes if the president were serious he could name a nominee and get the person confirmed quickly. # 24 minutes after the hour. all students are inwithers. that s the message from officials at a michelle elementary school about their annual field day event. a letter was sent home to parents at north hill saying in
part the need for athletic ability and competitive urge to win will be kept to a minimum. the real reward will be the enjoyment and good feelings of participation. is that fair? experts are split on this issue. it is success shaming. i don t know why any one would want to bring this abuse on a child teaching them winning isn t a healthy good thing. we are not trying to shame those children that may not be as athletically inclined as the others. folks, what do you think? is forcing kids to curb their urge to win contributing to the wussification of america? send us a twitter or facebook or to share. the juice trying to squeeze another chance out of the justice system. why this time he deserves a day
in court. as you pack up for the memorial day weekend there s a reason to rethink your destination. the best speech in america just named. take a live look outside at our plaza where fox & friends summer country series about to kickoff with country star sara evans.
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extreme weather every where from twisters tearing apart homes to massive hail forcing a plane to make an emergency landing. will she let up for the three-day weekend? i am sorry, sort of. marc cuban stirring up more controversy about apologizing for just some of his comments. a car stuck on the track. the women behind the wheel with only seconds to spare. the surprising ending to the crash you have to see to believe. fox & friends first continues right now.
little marvin gaye this morning. it is friday we thank our veterans out there. it is may 23rd, anna. i am ainsley earhardt. i am anna kooiman in for heather childers. 31 minutes past the hour. extreme weather pounding the country. a u.s. air buys flight making an emergency landing because of hail. a tornado leaving a trail of damage. homes completely torn apart and reduced to piles of wood. in the u.s. drivers near denver, colorado having a hard time seeing out of their windows during this intense storm. the hail makes it look like more of a spring snowstm. will the weather cooperate for memorial weekend? maria molina is outside where the summer concert series is about to kickoff.
a lot of weather, but the american concert series kicks off today and conditions through out the summer every friday on 48th and 6th. today we have sara evans and of course free barbecue. great news across parts of new york city. we want to take a look at the areas that are expecting severe weather because across the carolinas and across parts of texas and new mexico you could be looking at severe weather. as we continue into the weekend saturday and sunday we have a chance for more severe storms across texas and parts of mexico. those states are going to be looking at several days of not only possible severe weather but heavy rain. flash flooding across the southern plains will be a concern. 1230 not just there but parts of mexico. there is possibility to see flooding out there for member cal day weekend. temperature wise we have temperatures heating up across parts of the southeast well into
the 90s across the state of florida. that is very widespread in the state. also saturday and sunday. you want to be warm down there. for your family if you are packing up and heading out aaa says you better be on the road by 9:00 a.m. to avoid the traffic. doug luzader is cruising around the nation s capital. doug, what are you hearing? oo we are heading for the dc beltway which isn t always that great of an experience. aaa may be right. traffic not too bad. it is still early in the morning. if you are getting ready to hit the road or heading to the airport today you may be in for sticker shock. they hope the economy will get a boost. the plane is more packed
today and if the nations highway seems more tedious you can thank this. winter. it plablanketed the country t is driving the hot demand for summertime travel. aaa says 600,000 more americans will be traveling over this weekend than the year prior. even the president was talking travel yesterday meeting at the white house with tourism industry ceo. his pitch continued at the baseball hall of name cooperstown new york. it translates into jobs and economic growth. when visitors come here they don t just check out the home they rent cars, they stay in hotels, they eat in restaurants. the president is talking about making life easier for air travelers and for foreign visitors. of course it is easy for him to
travel aboard air force one for one thing it doesn t cost him anything. for the rest of us it is pretty expensive. air fair is up hotel prices are up. gas prices expected to be steady through the summer. gas praises have been more and that s a drain on the economy each an every day. doug luzader live. such a cool live shot. the u.s. marine jailed in mexico, the administration finally breaking its silence about the war hero locked up for more than a month ore a simple mistake. elizabeth prann is live in washington. what s the state department saying about this? oo the state department acknowledged secretary of state john kerry did raise the issue during his meetings this week in mexico city.
u.s. lawmakers across the board many are getting involved in the situation. he has been jailed in mexico since the first of april after accidentally crossing the mexican border with firearms in his car. officials say there has been progress. the consulate and embassy talked to numerous mexican officials including the authorities at the prison and mexican foreign ministry about the case. we have been very engaged. critics say representative dunc such as duncan hunter tries to bring national attention to the case. it is not enough. they call for the administration to move more aggressively. i think he should call on the authorities over there including the president of the country and make this a priority. again, they are going to argue they have their own judicial system they have to work there
but this gentlemen doesn t fit the profile of anybody who is dangerous. tahmooressi s last visit by any one in the states waudz may 9th. have a great memorial day weekend. you, too. fox news alert in syria. 20 people are deaden in an attack by a rebel group. 11 civilians including a child were hit after a mortar hit a campaign event. next month election is expected to bring a third seven year term for the president. his opponents say the election is a complete farce. the electric car returning at the wake of a nationwide shortage of lethal injection drugs. they will allow the state to electrocute death row inmates if prisons can t get the drugs if they are scars or too many
boycotts. lawmakers want to bring back the firing squad in utah. both will have bills in the legislature. the road to restoring accountability at the va stall. a republican attempt to pass the bill making it easier to fire officials responsible for the recent healthcare scandal in dozens of hospitals in the united states just blocked in the senate. senate democrats say they want more time to go over the three-page document. they are planning to review the legislation and hold a hearing when the senate returns from recess next month. lawyers filing another appeal to the nevada supreme court over his conviction in a 2007 armed robbery. his trial was biased by notoriety after the acquittal in the death of his wife s and his wife s friend. a couple of paddle borders in california, the men were in the san francisco bay when two gray whales popped up out of the
water. one bumped into the side of the board and splashed him a bit. they can grow up to 50 feet long and weigh 40 tons. amazingly the two didn t get hurt at all. hang 10 the list of the best beaches in the united states are out. honolulu comes in at number one. florida and saint georges island and saint park in the florida panhandle are in the top three. two other hawaii beaches round out the top five. they are based on cleanliness, safe conditions and amenities. maybe we need to do a were ro on that. 39 minutes after the top of the hour. a fast moving train slams into a car stuck on the tracks with the driver still inside. an outcome you won t believe. bon jovi banned from bars. why the rock star is getting the boot?
worse spot. it slammed into the car at 35 miles an hour. marc cuban apologized to trayvon martin s family abofter making comments about black kids wearing hood des. we are all prejudiced in one way or another. if i see a black kid in a hood de it s late at night i am walking to the other side of the street. if i am on that other side of the street there s a guy that has tattoos all over his face, white guy, bawled head tattoos every where, i am walking back to the other side of the street. starting a social media firestorm in the fallout after the racist comments made by donald sterling. some branding cuban a racist. he says everyone has quote prejudices and bigotry on some level but offered an apology for his choice of words. in hindsight i should have used different examples. i didn t consider the trayvon
martin family. beyond apologizing the martin family i stand by the words and substance of the interview. can a company blame old glory for voiding our warrantee? harley davidson says yes. lawmaker david dean says harley davidson voided the repair warrantee because of the patriotic flag he let fly from the back of his chopper. the company says the bike was not made to handle the wind resistance for multiple flags at high besides. therefore the claim on his power train was denied. before you grill out this memorial day weekend we now know which stores sold beef contained wi contaminated with e coli. if you are grilling burgers be sure you know the source of the ground beef. the food safety inspection service is recalling 1.8 million pounds of ground beef for fear it is contaminated with e coli.
so where is the beef? ten states including florida, illinois, pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, indiana, wisconsin, tennessee, kentucky and north dakota. among the large er retailers selling the potentially contaminated meat the agency named gordon food service marketplace, blairsville seafood market and barger foods. check out fox & friends .com for more information. it is all on the web site. 46 minutes after the hour. a 6th grader gets the graduation gift of a lifetime. why this memorial day weekend is one he will never forget. the hottest woman in the world, hold tight, the answer is straight ahead. we are not telling you yet. speaking of hot we have famous dpaif s right here. it is the first friday in the summer. that means we are going to
kickoff our all american summer concert series. today we start with sara evans. she is in the green room right now. if you are in the neighborhood 48th and sixth avenue stop by. also stop by the va in baltimore to try to get answers for the vets. also wynona judd today, geraldo rivera, we have chris wallace. it s fleet week so if you are in the neighborhood stop on by 48th and sixth avenue. we are going to buy you breakfast if you like barbecue. [ male announcer ] people all over the world know us, but they don t yet know we re a family. we re right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun.
12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. so wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we re already there. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at
here we go. are you with me? hey, maria. are you with me? i passed out. she is going to hate us for showing this again. that was our maria molina flying with the blue angels in march. quite a wild ride. today the blue angels will fly again after budget cuts grounded them last year. wnyw in long island. is it going to be the same for you? good morning. good morning. any excuse to use that maria molina video; right? we found another excuse today. i am sitting in a b-17 bomber. there are about 14,000 of these manufactured. there are only ten of them still flying. we will be seeing one of them, the one i m sitting
in now flying this weekend at the bethpage show. that will take place at jones beach. we mentioned the blue angel as it relates to maria. but the blue angels will be returning this year. they made a thunderous return as they flew in. this is always a huge draw here in new york. hundreds of thousands of people expected this weekend to see planes like the one i have the honor of sitting in right now. that is the latest. live from farming dale, new york. be careful, robert. it looks like bon jovi s plan to buy the buffalo bills is hitting some resistance. that rocker who reportedly wants to buy the
new york team and move them to toronto is being banned by local businesses. a tpwraoup calling themselves the 12th man thunder started a petition to make buffalo a bon jovi-free zone. more than 80 businesses have agreed to ban and more than 7,000 people signed the petition to keep the bills in buffalo. guys, this is the story you have been waiting to hear. maxim released its annual hot 100 list. so who made the cut? number three, katy perry, number two scarlet johannson and the one who snagged the number one spot, victor victoria s secret swanepol. one school is taking out almost all the games on field day. good idea? we report, you decide. a baby falls out a
window and survives. the amazing catch. you have to see it to t it s great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it s got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it s just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! captain: and here s a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins.
from td ameritrade. it s just common sense. it s the trusted resource. and now, has a whole new way to help you decide on your next new car by showing you what really matters. use 5-year cost to own to compare the long term cost of maintenance, insurance and gas. read reviews. woman: gas milage is awesome. from actual owners and kelley blue book experts. and get the full picture on what it s like to own the cars you re considering
friends if you re hitting the road this holiday weekend, you should be on the road, they say, by 9 a.m. otherwise be prepared for a lot of traffic according to triple a. they say more than 36 million of you are going to hit the road. time to look at the good, the bad, and the ugly. first the good. two heartwarming reunions. a sixth grader in colorado gets a graduation surprise. his big brother, a senior airman, returning home for the first time in three years. he was stationed in italy. a marine reunited with his war buddies. one says they were inseparable while in afghanistan in 2010. a police officer in russia gets run off the road while trying to stop a drunk driver. the guy ran the cop car, flipping it off the road into a ditch. the officer wasn t hurt badly. finally the ugly. surveillance cameras in china capture the moment a one-year-old is caught
after falling from a two-story building. the baby had gotten through an open window and slipped. luckily this man with a great pair of hands happened to be walking by and caught that baby. earlier we were telling you about a michigan elementary school not allowing winners at their annual field day event. officials sent a letter home to parents saying in part the need for athletic ability and the competitive urge to win will be kept to a minimum. the real reward will be the enjoyment and good feelings of participation. so we asked you, is sports and kids, to curb their urge to win contributing to the wussification in america. dan says if they win, congratulate them. if they lose tell them they did good for at least trying just like the real world. waylon says wrong. if there is no drive to compete what are they going to do later in life to reach their goals? what thanks to everyone who

Hail , Everybody , Windows , Strin-spring-snowstorm , Summer-country , Weather , Parts , Texas , New-mexico , Winds , Tornadoes , Portions

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170107 00:00:00

doing it in the dead of night. bret: that is it for the report. fair, balanced, and unafraid. tucker is next. tucker: we have the fox news alert, a gunman is shot and leaving others shot. we begin our show with a fox national correspondent he was live on the scene in florida. we receive on lockdown from the broward county sheriff s department. going through grudges, checking every single vehicle as well as every square inch of the property that includes all four terminals as well as the tarmac s. there helicopters with spotlights tonight fighting over the runway is making sure there is nothing suspicious out there.
passengers. the deck below me here at terminal 2 is where the baggage claim area is and around 1:00, that is when about 4 minutes of carnage were released when witnesses say they named it shooter suspect in this case, esteban santiago, and to baggage claim, got his luggage, and then went into the bathroom, took his gun out of the luggage out of the lockbox, which he had packed and checked in anchorage, alaska, to fly via minneapolis to fort lauderdale, they loaded the gun, and went out into the baggage claim area and started shooting people. 13 people shot, blood everywhere, five people dead, and eight people wounded and currently being treated at broward county hospitals. then it seemed like the airport was kind of starting to settle down, but then, 45 minutes later was absolute panic and terror again as there were reports of shots in the garage, fought the mecca s.w.a.t. teams running in
with heavily armed. across the runways with their luggage, running as far away from airport property as possible because there were other reports that others heard gunshots and terminal 1. the sheriff says none of that was actually gunfire. there is only one shooting instance today and that was the 1:00 according to witnesses which lasted about 4 minutes, 13 people were shot, eight wounded, five brutally murdered, and of e law enforcement that responded fired no weapons. they order the government onto the ground, he surrendered, was handcuffed, and insulin custody since shortly after 1:00. at the latest on his personal background, his brother and mother to the new york daily news, he is being treated for mental health recently. law enforcement sources are telling fox news that in november of last year, so two months ago, he went into the anchorage, alaska fbi field office saying that u.s.
intelligence was planting devices in his brain. it may check to mel, put him on their list, said they found no connection to terror. it was an absolute terrorizing two hours for these hundreds of thousands of travelers here today. tucker? tucker: thank you so much. what a sad story. we are joined by fox news national security correspondent who has more on the gunmen tonight. jennifer? i just got off the phone with law enforcement sources here in washington who tell me that the gunmen flied demonic flu first class. not only by the fbi, but also the army cid, that s the criminal investigative division. we know that he served and alaska and in alaska narration demonic national guard in august of 2016 pure 2016 fod
serve one tour in iraq, that was from 2010-2011, february 2011. i would know that that was not a very active time in iraq. that was just before they pulled out at the end of that year. he was a combat engineer, he was separated from the national guard from the alaska national guard for performance we are told by the spokesman out in alaska. he joined the national guard, the puerto rican national guard and 2007 and that is when he deployed to iraq. his family says, has told reporters, he did suffer some mental problems after returning from iraq and what we do know and met dean our producer asked the justice department has talked to law enforcement sources who have confirmed that in november, he did go into an fbi field office in anchorage, not far from where he was livin living, and he did say that he
was having, he believed the u.s. intelligent had infiltrated his mind trying to convince them to join isis and forcing him to watch isis videos as bill keating just reported. that s when fbi turned him over to law enforcement and law enforcement had him taken to be mentally checked out at a hospital and at that point, the fbi and department of homeland security opened and enter agency review, they looked into his background, they began talking to his family members, but they did not find any connection to foreign terrors overseas at that time. back to you tucker. tucker: jennifer, things a lot for that. congress confirmed president trump s by accepting his electoral votes. at that did not stop a group of democrats in congress from setting up a taxpayer
the protecting our democracy act will give a full 18 months to look into the matter. congressman, thank you so much for coming on. thank you for having me back. tucker: we talked to you last month and you made it case for this commission and your point was look, there s a lot we don t know. there is a lot we do know with the delivery of this report. why do we need your commission? the public report that the white house put out made clearer than ever that russia attacked our democracy. it was ordered by vladimir putin and they intend, and other countries likely, want to attack again. we joined this effort to say let s find an infant dependent way to find out why this happened, why are we so vulnerable, and let s make sure we don t let this happen again. tucker: the report said that the russians planned to harm hillary clinton.
and the russians were gathering information to use against her should she win. i assume use except that findin finding, shouldn t we find how they penetrated her server, which seems to be the least protected piece of electronic in the united states, that was not mentioned in the report. i haven t heard any democrats mention that, if you get this panel, should she be subpoenaed on that question? is a bipartisan effort. republicans and democrats want to get the bottom of the truth. this is about making sure our elections belong to us. the committee should have a wide scope and looking at what russia did to try and undermined our election. i m not going to prejudge the results. tucker: two points. you say replicants have signed on to this? i continue to reach out to republicans. the commission would be a bipartisan appointed. it would be republican and
democrat appointed. i still believe that republicans accept that we were hacked. john mccain held a hearing yesterday accepting that. i would like to take this out of congress, have members fully devote themselves to finding out once and for what happened because after all, the president-elect doesn t even accept that russia attacked our elections. this gun can i you there? there s something very disingenuous about you continuing to say you want to take this out of the political world. with a russian friendly president taking office january, it s important to make we are strong. that is suggesting that he is pro-russian. obama was president. you are very busy. if you tucker: it s not honest of
you to say they re not partisan. it s apparent in what you say. it s apparent and what donald trump says that he admires vladimir putin. tucker: what does that have to do with any of this? sure, he says nice things about put in. i m not here to defend it. i don t like putin personally. what is i have to with the penetration of john podesta s server? do you think that trumpet was somehow involved in that question mike what is russia have to do with this story? we are less safe as a country because we have a president-elect to visit if you have something ticking out of congress and have experts look at that, hopefully once and for all, we can sign off on what happened and move on. tucker: you said the purposes of this was to restore faith and our electoral system and americans are nervous about
what s on the level and you want to reassure them that it is. if that s true, why have you suggested that our voting machines were hacked, and you said it right here on december 7th, you said hacking included scanning in arizona, illinois, and florida . do you know that they had any effect on our voting? tucker, he should be the part that came out today. no tallies were changed. three election systems were hacked. that should concern us, but they intended to go into election systems. i don t want to relitigate their it is a gmac results in order for us to be a safer country and secure our democracy, we need to know what happened and assure people in a bipartisan way that it will not happen again. tucker: you can see that barack obama was president when this happened, right? it was president obama who
tucker: soon it going sort or maybe they got that from the russian spy masters who are controlling them if they got that from russia, they should disavow them now. tucker: it fair enough. it congressman, good to see you. you too, thank you tucker. tucker: donald trump was given a 90 minute intelligence briefing today. they were saying the country had no effect on this countries outcome . we are joined by our expert on that, katherine harris. okay, so it s my five pages, is unclassified and i don t think i ve ever read a document that s more strongly worded and very definite about its findings. the findings are this was ordered by vladimir putin, the goal is to damage hillary clinton, it was to reduce the likelihood she would be elected and over time, they developed a preference for
donald trump. they also say that their job is not to measure the impact on public opinion. that s something they can t measure. certainly the propaganda was a campaign on a level they had a not seen before. you really have to take a document at face value and you have to take a lot of faith in the underlying data. if you re looking at this for a review of evidence, there is no evidence here because of exposing sources and exposing methods. tucker: it isn t usual for a document like this to make claims this concrete about a leaders motives? this is a great question because i was really taken aback by his high confidence on so many other of the conclusions. high confidence is likening an a or an a- on on high school paper. it means there are high quality intelligence and multiple data points if they put together. i ve never really seen a
this fake news operation had exposed 200 people to russian propaganda, a huge story that went everywhere. as it turned out, it was based on a list compiled by a secret group, a new group, that was accomplished only by putting huge sites, mainstream sites and various clinton critical sites on the left, labeling russian propaganda outlets. that story clapped after two weeks. there s a huge editor s note at the top of the story. the editor announced or nonstad it on twitter. twitter. when the story collapsed and had to discount their own source, he said nothing, the paper said nothing. the story went everywhere, the retraction was heard by a tiny fraction of the people. we see this over and over throughout the last year when it comes to russian reports. tucker: interesting. we ve also seen anybody who raises questions about it denounced as a tool of the kremlin. just be clear for our viewers, i
these are really furious charges, we should see evidence of that. tucker: exactly. that s my perspective precisely. thanks a lot for joining us. great to be with you, talker. it s the oncoming outcome of the republican party is hoping to repeal obamacare as it soon as president trump is sworn in. that s what they told you, but it might not happen thanks in part to senator rand paul who is also an opponent of obamacare. he joins us and asked to expend what exactly is going on. a high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. for deep penetrating relief at the source. aleve direct therapy.
no one is offended by obamacare more than myself. i ve seen it up close, i ve seen it firsthand, i ll do anything to get rid of it. however, i don t want to have to vote for a budget that never balances and a budget that adds $9.7 trillion in debt in order to get to it. what i told my colleagues is, why don t we introduce a good budget? when the balances and then repeal obamacare? the rules and congress are you can t repeal it until you pass a budget. but what is and be a bad budget? we are not getting any democrats to vote for the budget. this is in a compromise with democrats. were going to vote for a budget. this is a republican product, why should it not be a vision of conservative budget, a fiscal conservatism russian mark why is it a budget that adds so much debt? tucker: that s a good question. you also said it could eventually lead for a tax to insurance companies. you wrote that. i understand that reasoning too.
republicans promised that if there ever to achieve power, both chambers and to the presidency, to repeal obamacare right away. why haven t they thought this through? [laughs] good point. we should vote for replacement on the same day as a repeal. we should expand health savings accounts so people can save to buy insurance. we should let them buy anything. we should let them pay for their insurance premiums and their health savings account, we should be able to pay for a diet plan, you should be able to pay for a an exercise plan, you scribble to pay for vitamins. you should be able to pay for a vast variety. tucker: why haven t they come up with an alternative? the speaker of the house said we are going to have her placement pen within a year yesterday. really? we ve been waiting for six years. do not have a replacement plan in order? why haven t they done that? i don t know. i m putting forth a plan.
i m putting a replacement plan together and it will be next week. i will replace replacement plan. it will be expanding hsa s, going across state lines, buying any kind of insurance and insurance companies want to sell, and will also involve something very important with sludge be expanding corporations you should be allowed to associate. if we do those things, the cost of insurance comes down, and get rid of the pre-existing spewing republicans haven t told the entire congress for a while. you just got elected to her second term, you re hardly the most senior guy in the senate. why haven t they agreed on a replacement plan until now? here s the thing. there are 50 plate replacement bills out there. i met with congress when tom price who s been appointed to the cabinet, i m supportive of him, i m supportive of many of
his ideas. many of the ideas which are in bill form are his. you have all these bills, put together a replacement bill and vote on the monday one, but if you don t, the secondly repeal it, we re going to be rude blamed for all the unraveling of obamacare. and mark my words, it s going to unravel and unravel even quicker and we are going to be blamed for the bankruptcy of the insurance companies that may come as a result. skin on my obvious question is, don t you think promises like this made by republican candidates seeking office that they knew they could never really make good on as part of the reason republicans voted for trump in the first place? we didn t believe any republicans who were already in office. we could repeal obamacare and we could vote for replacement the same day. next week i will reap release . i can guarantee it will be
accepted, i m telling everybody in my caucus and i m trying to tell everybody, we need to have replacement the same day we repeal obamacare. tucker: good luck. senator rand paul, good to see you. thank you. thank you. tucker: up next, temperatures are deftly rising on campus. a meteorologist says she s quitting her job because you can t take the pc atmosphere anymore. she joins us next. nutrition made with only 9 ingredients, plus 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and look where life can take you! boost®. be up for it.™
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tucker: and climate scientists at georgia tech is quitting because she can t take it anymore. she doesn t deny the climate is changing, but she says the university has come so politicized on the topic, she can no longer handle what she calls the craziness of it all. thank you for coming on tonight. it s a pleasure. tucker: is a pleasure for me. you ve said that research money only goes to researchers pursuing only use lines of inquiry and they re all the same and that prevents good science from happening. my understanding correctly? not really, but what you re seeing is this dominant theme of human cause climate change which is where all of the research and focuses being directed and it s
going to understanding. gun is not the key debate, not whether temperatures are changing, because they have, but why. it s been warming for several hundred years. the question is how much of the recent warming say for the last 50 years is caused by humans. my interpretation of the evidence is that we really can t tell and i don t see a clearer signal that is caused by humans predominantly. tucker: for your position, you said we really can t tell. you re sort of open-minded it sounds like. if you believe you are penalized for that view? i ve been vilified by some of my colleagues who are activists
and don t like anybody challenging their big story. i walk around with knives sticking out of my back. in the university environment if alec is beating my head against the wall and not being effective tucker: people disagree and have strong ideologies. that s the opposite of what i understood science to be is that you are led by inquiry and evidence to conclusions. university should be places of research, freedom of investigation, honest and open debate, diverse perspectives et cetera. in certain fields that are politically relevant, you re definitely not seeing that. tucker: this is one that has relevance for all of us.
the research you re doing, or your colleagues as activists are doing, will affect everyone on the planet. this takes really high, no? the stakes are really high. i think i could have more of an impact outside of the universit university. in the private sector, sort of free market, academic freedom. tucker: it let me ask you this, when you hear people that ask the question that you just asked, to what extent is climate change being driven by human activity? people who ask that are derided as climate deniers. what is your response to that? my response is that really don t know. humans are contributing something, we don t know how much. from the evidence that i ve seen, i don t think that it s the dominant cause.
tucker: your not listing tv. because 90% of science is globalists really believe one thing. you must be in the 2%, right? ironically, the way the question is framed by the consensus is that yes, it s warming, yes, humans contribute to it. everyone agrees with that, i m in the 90%. it s when you get down to the details that there is genuine disagreements that is really glossed over in the media. tucker: we need to do them multiview show on this. i hope you ll come back for that. thank you for joining us. thank you. tucker: straightahead, will donald trump s affection for political rivals provide the chill and their relations? that is a head next.
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tucker: here s a something new. a local news report about amazon s spend happy voice assistant, alexa, has sparked a bigger shopping spree. alexa confused a 6-year-olds chatter for an actual order. one san diego news station said that their echo devices tried it to order dollhouses. apparently they really were listening to television. the new world has no choice but to obey alexa if she wants you to buy products on amazon. time now for the friend zone. we have one of our friends from fox here on the show. tonight we are joined by someone we literally could not like
more, janice dean, cohost of fox and friends. fox and friends, who wrote that? tucker: we just upgraded you. i have a couple questions for you, i have to start with the weather. what is going on? that s what everybody is talking about. we have cold temperatures that has sunk as far south as the gulf coast. we have a raging snowstorm that is happening across the south. we re talking about minus 20 s, minus 30s, single digits, teens across the south. the stage is set paired we ve got cold air in place and a storm system coming out of the gulf, tucker, that is bringing snow and ice to areas that don t typically see wintry weather. people are freaked out, rightfully so, a couple of years in atlanta, georgia, we have people on the highways for days that couldn t move. they have taken precautions there. they know they have a big storm on the way.
the west, on the way, also getting pounded by rain and snow in the next couple of days. really the most they ve seen in years it could put a dent in the drought. a good thing, but too much of a good thing could bring flash flooding. this is a big deal it s happening across the south as we speak. ice and snow and areas like louisiana, mississippi, the carolinas. in some cases, tucker, we could see more of the snow and the carolinas that we have seen in new york city all season. this is a big deal and people are taken precautions. the good thing is it s happening on a weekend. it s happening when people don t have to go to work, they have told go anywhere with their kids. tucker: at one of those years where anything can happen. we sent our until our reporters return with their forensic background report they did on you, i didn t know that you were a comedian professionally at one point.
noel, noel, noel. i was never a comedian. they have these things in new york city. you have thetape? is it the comic strip here and new york city, i won first prize, tucker can you believe i it? tucker: you re such a modest person. how did you prepare for this? how did you go from being on tv to being a winner of a stand-up comedy competition? i have always loved comedians and what they do i just wanted to give it a shot. i just want to make people laugh. on fox & friends, loved to make the audience laugh as well. this is a big challenge. i will say it s one of the most rewarding things i have done, because i was so nervous about this and to stand up there and just be raw and just try to make you laugh, i will say, it really was the most challenging thing. what i did, was i took my experience.
i talked what i do with the weather person. when i was pregnant, i got an email that said janice dean when you having that baby because you re blocking mississippi and i need to see my hometown! i had some fun with coworkers as well. i think you have a clip of that. tucker: here we go. i ve been doing this for a long time, been doing this for ten years. speaking of being on television, the hair and makeup and things, it takes a lot. it takes a village. you ve got to get the hair tease, the hair color, the highlights, the spray tan, the botox, the makeup, the jewelry, and that s just eric bolling. [laughter] tucker: i ve seen him and end out of makeup. it s a tossup between geraldo
and eric bolling. please know i kid because i lov love. it was a challenging thing and it to make people laugh, i understand the rush performers get, comedians get. working with comedians, they ll say one night you have a great routine and the next night you do the same routine and you won t get any laughs. hats off to people who do that. i don t think i ll be doing it again, but i m glad i have the trophy in my office. tucker: i wish i d been there. janice dean, peeling back layers of the onion. it gets sweeter as you get closer to the core. by the way, congratulations to 9:00. i m so proud of you. tucker: i hope you re up late enough to be on. all right, i m next, we got an update on the fort lauderdale airport shooting. we value information on that, details coming up. stay tuned quit smoking.
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travelers. the airport when i m locked down around 2:00 p.m., after a second shooting which ended up not to be related. or was not an additional shooting. the fort lauderdale hollywood airport. disunited jet behind me, just pulled up, this is one of several large bodied aircraft that had landed here at the airport when suddenly, it was put on security lockdown. they could not get to a jetway. nobody was allowed to leave the airport property, nobody was allowed to gain access to the airport property, this was all around 2:00 in the afternoon, so presumably, there are a lot of people on that plane club and stuck out on the tarmac for the past six hours because they couldn t get to a jetway to
debark the plane. here comes another one of these planes full of passengers. you know their miserable. at the people inside the terminals are now finally being allowed to leave the airport now that for the most part, the airport has been checked square inch after square inch for any further threat that did not materialize. hundreds and hundreds of people are now leaving terminals one, three, and four. if you have a car in the garage is, you re allowed to go get your car and drive off the property. a lot of the people are returning from cruises, the plane got canceled, they re not being allowed to leave the airport, they re sending people to the port of everglades or you can on cruise ships. they can at least get some food and figure out where they re going to stay for tonight and rebook their travel plans and return home. absolutely a miserable day, but not nearly as horrible as the
families of these 13 shooting victims. back to you, tucker. tucker: thanks, bill for the update. coming up next, yet he has decided to build a big fat wall anyway. it s not next to the border, it s in d.c. there not sending their best. details ahead [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette. and her new business: i do, to go. jeanette was excellent at marrying people. but had trouble getting paid.
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who sent us on twitter. she wants to know more about the wall. president obama s wall. here s the story. after president obama vacates the white house and about two weeks, he ll be moving to an upscale neighborhood. the neighborhood of the people, very rich people. what are they doing to prepare for his family s arrival there? they re building a wall, of course. they re constructing a wall to help keep out unwanted people, poor people, off the property. they may confine the human spirit, but he wants one around his house. monday, our segment news abuse is back. send your evidence @tuckercarlson, or email us . that s it for us tonight. our last show at 7:00. next week we are at 9:00, the show that his sworn enemy of

Nothing , Runway , Helicopters , Esteban-santiago , Baggage-claim , Area , Case , Witnesses , Passengers , Deck , Carnage , 2

Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20161111 00:00:00

house. this is picture for that meeting. and for the second straight day the dow bounced on wall street. truly an unprecedented thick and it runs completely counter to many of the prognostications out there before. yet another record today after donald trump s win. michelle kosinski is outfront at the white house. michelle, the moment today of this meeting so many people thought 24e8d never see barack obama and donald trump meet, never mind as president and president elect at the white house. maybe even not the two people at the meeting. and tonight outside the white house more protests but inside today it was all about reassurance and everybody on their best behavior. what was so fascinating about this, on the one hand you have this incredibly organized transition process with handshakes and good wishes on all sides. but then on the other, you have this intense bitterness from the campaign trail. and today the white house didn t really hold back in saying that
i have great respect. the meeting lasted for almost an hour and a half. and it could have as far as i m concerned it could have gone on for a lot longer. we really we discussed a lot of different situations. some wonderful and some difficulties. i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. when asked the white house press secretary said all those warnings from president obama on the campaign trail about trump, that he s dangerous, unqualified, still hold. does the president now have any reason to believe that donald trump is fit to be president of the united states? again, i m not gonna if two men did not relitigate their differences in the oval office. trump s next stop, capitol hill. meetings with leadership. the tone here equally welcoming, putting deep differences aside, for now. more affordable and
better. reporter: an impending rolling back of as many of president obama s policies as possible. but the white house couldn t talk about that today, saying essentially what will be will be. america has chosen. my number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president elect is successfulal. ending it all with a joking reminder with one leader to the next, not to take question interests the press. thank you guys. we re not going to be taking any questions. that s good rule. don t answer any questions when their [indiscernible] very good man. well the not only how these two feel about each other but also the fact that donald trump has vowed many times to roll back president obama s policies.
is a key job as chief of staff. the other person is a reince priebus. he s also been very integral in trump s world. running the ground population that got donald trump elected. he s been also very personally involved. i m told their bond isn t necessarily as close but certainly much closer than people think. and i m also told by people around washington erin that he would be a consensus choice. knows washington and the republicans on the hill. helping get many of them elected. so that is a choice. and probably the first and most important choings because it is the most personal. dana, thank you very much. and outfront tonight. reince priebus. chairman of the republican national committee. thank you for being with us tonight. i know you are doing this on very little sleep if any. we re told you have spoken to trump about a position in his administration. how did that conversation go?
no that is not the case. we don t i m not involved in that. nobody is talking about those things. and so our focus right now is just making sure we re wrapping up the committee work and then, you know, making sure that the transition goes smoothly and so that he can be well equipped come january. and he will be. donald trump does give you a lot of credit for his win. at that moment when the world was watching him give his victory speech. he talked about you. here is what he said. i ll tell you, reince is really a star. and he s the hardest working guy we understand and i know you are saying you haven t talked about it with him. but you are on the list. steve bannon is on the list for trump s chief of staff. if offered would you take that job? do you even want it? i don t i don t to even talk achbbout it. the truth is i m in my job right now, erin. i m chairman of the rnc. it is an important role we play
at the national party. and it was a great victory. but those great victories only happen with a great candidate. i m proud of her mechanics and data and i think it is unprecedented. i think it is unbelievable what this committee did. but none of those unbelievable things work if you have a bad candidate. so it always starts with a great candidate. and the other thing it starts with is you have to have a candidate that is flowing with the river. in other words the momentum, the mood of the electorate has to flow with the candidate. all of those things lined up, which is why, you know, i think the media narrative was just so far off on what americans were thinking about the choices they had in front of them. president obama and president elect trump were supposed to meet today for ten minutes. as, you know, that was the schedule. were you surprised after all the and let s just be honest here, frankly horrible things they said about each other
that that meeting lasted han hour and a half? no i m not surprised and i ll tell you why. i ve seen president trump in meetings one on one or meetings and things had to be patched up. and people have to get to know each other. he didn t get to where he is. and now he s president elect in the united states. in his business deals, i guarantee you there are all kind of problems he s dealt with. blowout arguments permits or buildings or whatever. he ll walk into a meeting. and people will say this is a gracious personable guy. he s a hard guy not to like, especially in meetings like that. so i m not surprised. do you know what they talked about? have you had a chance to talk to donald trump about it? i talked to him briefly today when he swung through the rnc. but we obviously i wasn t downloading on details with him.
but i m sure it was very positive and the reports are indicative of that. you know, bernie sanders today talked about donald trump on cnn. i wanted to play for you part of what e said. the election is over. donald trump won. i intend to work with president trump. i will vigorously oppose him if he appeals to racism or sexism or some of the other discriminatory measures that he brought up during his campaign. reince you have seen the protests. they are out there again on the streets tonight protests against trump s presidency. does he need to. does he feel he should reach out to these people explicitly and assuage their fears? well erin yesterday morning keep in mind donald trump spoke to the american people, just yesterday morning. and when he was getting ready for that speech, it was nothing about bragging about the election, nothing about continuing the rhetoric, the political rhetoric that was
that was indicative of a political campaign. it was all about coming together, leading all americans no matter battleground, race, ethnicity, gender, whatever the case is. and it was donald trump that led. and it was him that decided this is the direction to go. let s bring people together. let s cool the water. so this is how it is going to be from now. that is what he did. it wasn t a speech nartd wloer said read this speech. no he sat down and made sure it was the right speech at the right time. and just yesterday morning, his sitting down with 90 minutes with the president. is another indicator. people should look at. here is a person who just won the presidency. and he s sitting down having a 90 minute conversation should have been 10 with the president and she s working hard and showing the country he s working hard to move the country
forward. but i would say the agenda americans were in favor of was an agenda that the republican party, meaning our candidate, including president elect trump, house and senate candidates put on the table. the other part of this is that we have an obligation then to pursue the promises that we made in t in the campaign that people voted for. they voted and said yes we with want those things to be done in washington. so those things will be done. we don t have a mandate to water down our promises. we have a mandate to perform the things that we promised. so a wall banni, banning mus immigration from that s not the promise that is not the position he laid out. and this has now been since june that he gave that speech. i believe to either the american leagues or vfw. in june he said his position is if the country is harbor b
terrorists in the risk of the security of the united states that he would take member to suspend those immigration visas until a better vetting system is in place. that is consistent with many bills in the house and senate. and it is what donald trump s position is. so if the media wants to go back now. not you in particular erin, but if if media wants to go back now and stir the pot and now claim he want this is muslim ban that he s made it clear through a three disabilities through june that this was not his position. it would do us all a favor if the media would get together and quit stirring the pot he did say it originally. and i donald trump and then it is going to be certain countries. and then countries that harbor terrorists. those what are those countries? is that nothing to do with being muslim at all? he s got to iron out very completely what he meant because
he made it very clearly about religion. he said repeatedly that there is no religious test. and for you all to be coming back and relitigating something that was that is now five months old is what the problem is in our country. the problem is we ve got to fill 24 hours a day, 7 days a week of cable stations that create these issues that don t exist, and then turn people against each other. if the media is so interested in america coming together, then they ought to do their job and quit stirring the pot where it should belong. do you think reince that he also carry answer obligation? you have muslims in this country who are worried. they are afraid. they are afraid of what will happen and they are afraid of what erin i ve talked to ceos in other countries who are worried about this. isn t this incumbent on donald
trump to come out and be very clear and the leader e rrin, listen. i think you are very good but i m very surprised that this is the conversation we re having. yesterday morning, yesterday morning, he just gave a speech about americans coming together. and you are asking me now on thursday whether he needs to do another i mean, i m not sure what you are asking for. he s the president for all americans. he s made that very clear. we re making it clear. and to go back to, you know, old issues when they have been asked over and over again and have been answer by president elect trump, people need to understand that he understands. i promise you. i know where his head and heart is at. and he said it. so just trust his own words. he ll be a president for all american, republican, democrat, independent, any religion, any faith.
he s your president and he s going do the he s going to do a fantastic job and he understands the gravity and the seriousness of the position. reince priebus. thank you very much. appreciate your time tonight. thank you erin. and new tonight donald and melania trump are back in new york tonight. melania trump spent the morning with the first lady, michelle obama and this is a picture of the first meeting, the two having tea, after one of the ugliest presidential campaigns in recent history. suzanne malveaux is out fror ou at the white house. reporter: one thing to talk about your kids. safe territory. a good ice breaker. that is exactly what michelle obama as well as melania trump did. you might recall, sasha and malia were quite young. and it is melania trump whose concerned. very protective of her
10-year-old son baron. so that is something they share. this is very different than what their husbands experienced today. no cameras not. press. we have one photo from the white house press office. all smiles. we are told that it started off with a tour of the residence. and went to the truman balcony. that as you know erin the place where the first lady and barack obama, the president, spending a lot of quality time there. so it is a special place for them. they took them there. and also melania was shown taken to the state floor in the white house to meet with the curator of the white house. that is bill almond. and he really is a human encyclopedia for all things inside of the building. and so she got a tour and she also got a lot of ideas about the white house looks like. the public space as well as the private space. and all of this as you know really meant to give them an opportunity, a chance to break
the ice here in light of a very bitter campaign. this was with michelle obama saying quite publicly, quite forcefully making her case that she did not believe melania s husband was fit for the office and also followed the rnc convention where we saw melania introduce her husband but also seemingly take a portion from her speech very similar to michelle obama s in 2008. so there is a lot of fodder there for both of they want. but the white house says this is just the first of many meetings, erin. all right. thank you very much suzanne. a meeting would have been great to be a fly on the wall in both meetings. joining us now our panel. we ll see who ends up being the chief of staff. let s start with what you just
saw. the michelle obama and melania trump meeting. symbolic moment but obviously very cordial. both of these meetings between donald trump and the president and melania trump and michelle obama. this is good for the american people to see. because it does represent i turning the page. going away from this nasty campaign where everyone said mean things about each other. now we re moving forward. it is the hallmark of the united states t peaceful transition of power. and it is heartening no see them talking to each other like civil humans. and let s because if anybody wouldn t be able to talk to each other likes civil human, it might be these two people given what they have said in the past. and yet they were so gracious to each other today. here are some of the things they had to say about each other. my priority is my son barron our son barron. i m a full time mother to our son barron. at the end of the day my most important title is still mom in
chief. actually that wasn t the sound bite i was looking for. but phillip, you know they do have obviously having in common. michelle and melania trump. but let me play what i wanted to play which is president obama and president elect donald trump saying such nice things about each other today. i have been very encouraged by the, i think, interest in president elect trump s wanting to work with my team. mr. president, it was a great honor being with you. and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. very good man. thank you guys. heartening things to hear. heartening image and hopefully healing for americans who are so divided right now. amazing picture because donald trump sitting in front of a bust of martin luther king
j.r. it is a peaceful transition of power. i do think it seemed like he was a little nervous and understandably so. the weight of this job is going to be tremendous. and i think in that 90 minute time period donald trump got an understanding of just how important this road is going to be. i want to ask on the issue that came up in reince priebus and my conversation about the in this case it was about how donald trump would treat muslims. but there are other groups in this country who are also concerned. does donald trump need to speak to these people? some of whom are protesting now. and say if his policies have changed, how and why? does he need to talk to them david? yes i think he does. i don t think he needs do it immediately. and you have to say both he and president obama have given an excellent tone for the transition. gives us many you have more assurance about how the transition itself will be conducted. there are going to be issues
that come up in the next few days. if trump names steve bannon as his chief of staff you are going to hear a lot of flurry about that one. but beyond that, i think that over time he does need to reach out. he ll have a couple of speeches coming up i m sure public remarks where he can say some of those things. but ify if he were more proactive and call people in and talk to them. that is the kind of smart thing. you sometimes needs to do things that are a little daring in order to get attention and people say yeah okay i get it. should he do that jeffrey? call? have a meeting with whatever group it may be. muslim americans. muslim leaders in this country. zrump a good leader. he s a good executive. the donald trump you saw there is the donald trump that i know and so many of his friends and the people who work for him now. skpoi totally expect him to be doing this.
that said i want to say something about the protests here. i have the gray hair for a reason. and it is because at my age i have seen i ve grown up. and in my lifetime i have seen. and i m sure some of these are the same people in the streets over vietnam. there were a million people in the streets protesting ronald reagan s nuclear policy. they are demanding nuclear free. carrying paper ma shay heads and saying it is not a movie ron. they do the this all the time. they are going to do this to donald trump. they did it to poor hubert humphrey in chicago. some of these people are not going to change because it is their profession. this is not vanity. that is reaction to real concerns. we may not remember exactly everything donald trump said during the course of the campaign but we ll remember how we felt. whether it is the muslim community, whether it is african americans being concerned about the reintroduction of stop and frisk. whether it is the immigrant community broadly. i think there is real anger and concern. look, the tone on tuesday night
and told have been great. so the question then becomes is he going to be the person that is welcoming to all these communities and let people know that he is going to be the president for everyone? i was in the protests last nights. i was watching your twitter feed. it was young people. promptly young women who are concerned about donald trump not because they are concerned about donald trump s policies. they are concerned about donald trump as donald trump. and donald trump cannot sit down with a woman and make that go away. he needs to demonstrate other the next four years he s doing significant outreach and not doing the things people are worried about with women. not doing the things people are worried with the african american community and tot doing the things people worried about with the african american community. hillary clinton seen for the first time since her concession speech. my guest, hillary clinton
support wloer randomly spotted her in the woods alone on a hike today. guess who took the pitcher. and the gop waging war on president obama s signature achievement. just rhetoric? or is obamacare a goner? when it comes to heartburn. trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection. banish the burn. with nexium 24hr.
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people saw an incredibly painful moment for her. how did she seem to you? honestly i think she seemed as well as anybody could be expected after, you know, such a crazy, crazy experience. i can t speak to how she was feeling on the inside. but she couldn t have seemed any nicer or kinder and gracious to me. you know, i think it was a very dark day for a lot of people yesterday. so this was a very hopeful encouraging moment for me. and that is really why i posted the picture at all. and bill clinton i know was there margo. he s not in the picture. he took the picture actually. all right. thank you so much. i appreciate you taking the time margo. and there are many who were very
eager to see this picture. and thank you for sharing it. thank you. i hope it makes people feel hopeful and comforted. that is really why i posted it. thank you. thank you so much. we re learning more tonight about what the clinton campaign thinks went so wrong versus what they expected. obviously she was out in the woods with bill taking a walk today. and she posed for that pitcher. life goes on. it has to. and the fact they are hiking in the woods. but i think, you know, to that woman s point, seeing a lot of hillary clinton supporters in my facebook feed and on twitter, i think a lot of women especially just wanted to give her a hug. so hearing that, that this women did that, i think she spoke for a lot of folks out there who are upset. and there are. there are tens of millions of them when you look at the vote here. that is how this country s split. and better the donald trump
loss. and the other way around as well. and the new york times is reporting that hillary clinton privately is admitting she stepped in when he did something that . she said deplorables. let me just play exactly what she said. to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of trump s supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? the racists, sexists, homophobic, zxenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. and unfortunately there are people like that. is that something a lot of people heard. pollsters didn t pick it up and that over the summer could have started to turn that rust belt away from her.
i don t know if that is the issue. i do think she believes it was a m misbecause she said so right afterwards. i don t think that in and itself was the issue. i do believe that the way in which she characterized some of donald trump s comments, i think that those are things over the course of time we ve seen and i ve rashed about it. and others have remarked about it. but i think she was particularly contrite o about that and admitted it off the bat. i think the e-mails themselves and the stories about the e-mails that have been fed into the narrative was difficult to over come be. do you think that this actually influenced people. i think it did. and i want to in a partial sense defend hillary clinton here. i think she really believes that but she is not alone right and the things she added. i went back a looked at the speech she had at wesley when
she graduated and it has similarities. when i was a wanna beliberal in college. and i began to pick up this the contempt which i believe american liberalism has come to exemplify. and that little statement from her is a snapshot. i totally convinced she really believes it. and more to the point t people that were in the room laughing all agree. ed think you take it a lit too far. they say that liberals have a contempt with the working class which so many of us and to be able to say that she herself has that kind of contempt i think is stretching that comment moral of the story is talk about the candidate. don t talk about their voters. consistently for weeks now. this contrast between the elites hillary clinton represented and donald trump despite where he lives and all his money what he
represented to folks and i they that does reinforce but i don t think it made a huge difference in the campaign. and next the gop threatening to rip obama s signature issue to shreds. can he just get rid of obamacare just like that. and taylor swift and barron and donald driving. to help prevent another one. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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been a gop rallying cry since the law was enacted more than six years ago. real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing obamacare. reporter: but they have failed repeatedly to overcome democratic resistance over repealing the law. with trump now headed to the oval office and the gop controlling both chambers of congress, the law appears to be on life support. when donald trump said he wants a special session to repeal and replace obamacare, let me tell you, as a speaker of the house. not only yes, but he cck yes. we re ready do that too. reporter: republicans are likely to hold fifty senate seats in the senate.
and they only need 51. so subsidies and taxes expansion of medicaid could be on the chopping block. yet there are limits. it would require 60 votes to repeal other provrgss such as allowing people to have preexisting conditions to get health insurance. and republicans would need democratic support on a bill to replace obamacare. a difficult task over such a polarizing issue. obama making an appeal to voters while campaigning for hillary clinton. 20 million americans have health insurance that didn t visit before. but make no mistake, all that progress goes down the drain if we don t win tomorrow. democrats in congress plan to fight tooth and nail to save the sweeping law. if we re going to repeal and replace we need to replace with something that doesn t take healthcare away or insurance away from 20 million people. but goppers say voters expect
them to do away with healthcare. let s say every single republican thought obamacare was a mistake. without exception. that s still our view. and you can expect us with a new president who has the same view to address that issue. reporter: passing a replacement bill could take up to two years erin. the entire during of congress. that is if they get democratic support. and in the meantime as the obama administration leaves office they are redoubling efforts to get people to sign up through the website. a hundred thousand people signed up, the day after the election. the best day yet in open enrollment. so shows how difficult to be to simply gut the law. a fascinating one to watch. but i think it can go in a category of the promise that trump will keep not. matter up. i outfront next, isis
threatening to bring disaster to america. what is president elect trump going to do about it? plus the other side of the melania trump. look at this donald trump driving. barron in the front seat. and the melania filming in the back. introducing the new turbocharged volkswagen alltrack with 4motion all-wheel drive. soon to be. everywhere.
and it s empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn t seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what s up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
break news. we re watching anti-trump protests again across the country. as anti-trump protesters. meeting with his transition team tomorrow and the top priority is the 800 jobs that require security clearance. outfront tonight a man who has been working since long before election day on trump s national security team. former chairman of the house select on intelligence and the more. it s been about 41 hours since the seismic event that so few expected. donald trump is the next president of the united states. you have been working with the trump team for a long time
before election day but take me inside the room for these 41 hours. what has this been like for you. well can t take it too far into the room erin. but what i can tell you is this. this is very professionally run. i saw earlier reports that oh no they don t have a transition team. weren t engaged in it. this was very separate from the campaign. if trump was up 50 or down 7, it never mattered. the election came. i think there were some surprises for the folks on the transition team thinking it was a day that we were going to hand in our gear. instead it turned ourt. here is the good news. all of that preparation had already happened up to election day. so the surprise in the election didn t change that. president elect trump is going to get a full and robust package. everything from national security to economics, to all of it. including prevetting of
individuals they believed could be could phil some on these important jobs so he could get up and running and make sure that the country has been taken care of. and i ll tell you the obama administration has been very professional and took the model from george w. bush and said we want to duplicate it and they have lived occupy that. a very commendable transition insuring that the handoff of the baton is good for america at the end of the day. so that part has been really refreshing and gives you faith i think in the country. an area i think you know too well. it s al qaeda terrorists, have been celebrating says it will bring disasters to the united states on the social media. what is your rookieaction to th fill in a candidate who would have won. either one they were going to do this. i would discard it pretty much
immediately. there will be a change. i m sure there is going to be a strange in strategy for sure and for certain when it comes to targeting isis. but that effort is really try to get into america s head and our allies in europe. so i think you got to shrug that off like you would anything else. and remember they have a goal. they are trying to disrupt and cause a little disruption. we ought not to let them do it. and quickly, barbara starr is saying if trump gave the illegal order of water boarding to some generals. so purely speculation and so early. he s going to get in. he s going to get lots of briefs. he s going to understand what his options are. . i have no indication not even a
outside of the bounds of his - legal boundaries. i dismiss it. this is a president who s come in and said i want professionals in all of these places. they have done that. there is professional transition. he s going to get professional advice. i think he s going to take it. and very quickly before we go, fbi special agent for five years. you are respected on both sides of the aisle. a lot of people are saying you could be up for a top job. say cia director. would you take it if offered congressman? i can t even. wouldn t even hesitate to bother to speculate. the whole focus is on the transition and honestly nothing more. thank you. appreciate your time. good to talk to you tonight. thank you. and next melania trump embracing her new title. crohn s disease.te to se i didn t think there was anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was.
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will melania trump be a model first lady? here is jeanne moos. she s been a model. she s done commercials. she may seem like an odd duck for a first lady. but melania trump is just like us. at least on first glance at her facebook where she posts videos of beautiful beaches. and that great aero smith concert she ae tended, as well as the fun night with her two boys, the donald and her son barron. the donald the driving. and barron is riding shotgun. and some of her older photos of fun. bat womanen for halloween. wearing a the cat suit. and then this photo. the okay maybe she s not just
like us. not everyone has fans. and not everyone goes to galas in the designer gowns. and think christian, beautiful job. fantastic job. reporter: you can t say melania hasn t had plenty of training for all of those dinners she and president trump will be hosting. and updating her instagram became first lady melania trump. and writing such an honor to strit white house. little did she know this would end up being her home when she tweeted this photo captioned at home with my husband. don t worry melania. there is a piano in the white house should you feel the urge to recline. jeanne moos cnn new york. thanks for watching. don t forget you can watch

Meeting , Picture , Wall-street , Dow , Elect-donald-trump , President-obama , People , Outfront , Many , White-house , Win , Michelle-kosinski

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20170110 03:00:00

feel your party, the democratic party does not pay attention to them any more you are more concerned with what bathroom people go into, to how they earn a living? what is the message. very fair question. one, you give me credit. it s about 1:10. it s not a bad rate for me. look, if we were going back in history to the 30s and 40s, and you asked the average working person, which party is the party of the working class in america? overwhelmingly, people would have said it was the democratic party. today people do not say that. and for good reason. no. when we talk about the greed on wall street, it wean the the republicans alone who did it, they did it with democrats. it was a democratic administration, not a republican
administration, that brought forth nafta, i think the democrats have got to make a fundamental choice, chris, that is which side are they on? you cannot be on the side of wall street, of the drug companies and the insurance companies and the big money and go to working people and say, hey, i m on your side, they re smart enough, they re not going to believe you. what we have got to do is come up with an agenda that speaks to the needs of working people, that is creating millions of decent paying jobs, making public colleges and universities tuition free. raising minimum wage to $15 an hour. creating jobs by addressing the crisis of climate change. dealing with the need for immigration reform, et cetera, et cetera. i think the american people understand that there s something profoundly wrong in this country when you have a small number of billionaires that have so much power. and i believe they want to see a government which represents all of us, that s what the democratic party has goat to stand for.
we get to the issues, was it a serious discussion about serious things? our thanks to vermont senator, bernie sanders. happy new year to you. for everyone who made this town hall possible, and it s more than you may just be thinking about what you see up here on the stage. this is just the beginning of a special week at cnn. tomorrow, we have president obama s farewell address, wednesday, you have president-elect donald trump, holding his first full scale news conference in months. and later on wednesday night, van jones is going to host another edition of his town hall series, the messy truth. thursday, you have my colleague here at the george washington university with the republican speaker of the house, representative paul ryan. our thanks to our host, to george washington university, and to all of you in the audience tonight at home and watching. don lemon picks up our coverage right now.
thank you very much. very nice job, my friend. you and the senator both. you just saw our town hall with bernie sanders. and he his senate colleagues begin confirmation hearings tomorrow for donald trump s cabinet picks. thanks for joining us. one president getting ready to move into the white house, the other getting ready to say good-bye. president barack obama hard at work tonight on his farewell address set for tomorrow in chicago. as president-elect trump prepares to take the oath of office, his daughter and son in law have become d.c. s newest power couple. jared kushner named a senior exec. the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back.
we have so much to get to tonight. i want to begin with jim acosta. emily jane fox, also here, richard painter, chief white house ethics lawyer under george w. bush joins us. and jon meacham historian. quite a fascinating hour, jon meacham. i want to get your reaction to bernie sanders town hall. trum assembly his administration. they re regrouping to try to figure out what happens with the democratic party. you should be worried about the issues at hand instead of what happened. every action produces a reaction. if trump is an answer to the obama years, there s going to be given the speed of the american pulse. there s going to be a moment where the democrats are going to be rethinking. it s striking to me still that senator sanders, given his age,
elites, but who are the elites when you have so many billionaires in power. this is a pivotal moment for the campaign. they re making it official his son in law is going to be an adviser. what are you hearing. people have been comparing this to hillary clinton running health care reform under bill clinton, i think jared kushner coulding more powerful than hillary clinton was in that white house. he was probably donald trump s most trusted adviser throughout the entirety of the 2016 campaign. and what they re envisioning for jared kushner is sort of the senior adviser who overseas everything. he was down at the capitol today meeting with paul ryan to go over tax reform. he s been meeting with donald trump and other foreign leaders. they looked at this, the legalities of all of this on a conference call one of jared
asked questions of lawyers who represent various people who are up for positions in the administration, and i ve given my honest opinion on that. it s debatable. whether it applies to an appointment by the president in the white house it certainly applies to the president making an appointment outside the white house. one point i ve emphasized with all the lawyers representing anybody appointed in this add men stras, it s critical to comply with a financial disclosure law and also the financial conflict of interest statutes. these are criminal statutes that prohibit a government official from engaging in any official action that has a direct predictable effect on their financial holdings. this means for mr. kushner, he s going to have to sell quite a lot of holdings, and if he holds on to some real estate, some bank loans, he may have to recuse from some important
issues, such as the regulation of the financial services industry. it s going to be very important that he follow the rules like everybody else. i hope he will persuade his father-in-law to divest conflict creating assets, to disclose his tax returns and follow the same rules that everybody else does. richard we have a lot of billionaires in this administration, they are not they don t necessarily understand the needs of working americans, but at least they can zoo their jobs free of conflicts of interest. you were reading everyone s mind on this panel, probably every viewer at home is saying, if jared kushner has to do this, what makes a president-elect so different? why doesn t he have to do it if he s going to hold the top office in the land? well, technically, the feenl conflict of interest statute does not apply to the president, there are other provisions that do. such as the constitution will
prohibit any foreign money coming into trust with the united states government. that applies to kushner and the president. they have to make sure there s no foreign government money coming into these businesses that are still owned by president trump or by jared kushner or anybody else in the united states government. we need to look at wilbur ross, who s a billionaire going over to the congress department. betsy devos going over to the education department. a lot of billionaires here, they need to file their financial disclosure reports and let the american people know what s going on. those who expect senate confirmation, need to file those with the senate before they ask for hearings. i want to get jon meacham back in, the meacham team believes these anti-nepotism laws. should they be able to get around this? right. you know, the law was passed in 67. it was a rider to a bill that
president johnson cheerfully signed, to say that president johnson and senator kennedy, the former attorney general were not close is something of an understatement. and so this was seen as pay back for years of rivalry between lbj and rfk. it began to some extent when bobby went down to sound johnson out in 59 about whether or not he was going to run for president. and johnson gave bobby a particularly harsh rifle that knocked him down. you know, son, have you to learn how to shoot a gun like a man. that was the beginning of that romance. when kennedy became attorney general, he was harsh toward johnson. when the tragedy of dallas happened, that tension rose. so there are technicalities here that seems to me the courts, that there probably is a way, obviously for kushner to do this, i think one of the questions, if i were mr. trump,
which is quite a sub junktive. how do you what if you don t like the advice you re getting? can you fire your son in law? can you move him out? it does raise an interesting question on both sides, both outside the ethical questions and on the inside, which in terms of the family dynamic. that will be interesting to watch, if it doesn t quite work out, what happens, speaking of that family dynamic, i think what s important, and a lot of people aren t talking about, ivanka, who has a very robust business. is she planning to divest, and what s going to happen with her business? she s planning to she announced today that she s planning to take a step back from her role at the trump organization and her own brand of fashion, line accessories. jewelry. she s moving to washington, she s moving her whole family, she s going to settle her whole family there. she s taking a step back. it s not to say she s not going to get paid by the trump organization.
she won t be paid if her brothers decide to make a deal, she won t necessarily get a cut of that specific deal, but she ll get a share of the overall trump organization revenue. she is going to be involved in that new d.c. hotel built in the old post office pavilion, down the street from the white house. and according to transition officials who are on this call today, if a matter comes before the white house, that is involving that hotel, jared kushner is going to have to recuse himself, there are going to be some cases here and there. he s not divesting himself of all of his holdings and all of his investments neither is she. jared kushner is going to have to step back. how do we know. we don t even know. jared has said that he s going to comply with federal laws about what he has to disclose about his financial statements. we don t know what kind of holdings he has. we have no idea what kind of holdings she has, the president has, all of these things are steps in the right direction, but it s still just so opaque.
i don t know if it s a step it sounds good. how do we know that jared kushner is recusing himself or ivanka trump is not getting a cut on some deal. how would the american people know that? queer not going to know for sure. but we re going to get a financial statement from him, he s going to be a senior white house employee, and he s going to be subject to a criminal conflict of interest statute, which is a lot better than we are with carl icahn who they claim is not a government employee. though he will be. at least we have the final disclosure forms, and the criminal conflict of interest statute that apply. the department of justice will enforce the criminal conflict of interest statute, they have in the past, they have good prosecutors there, i expect him to comply. that hotel, they have to get rid of that hotel, they have foreign governments coming in there, foreign government money coming
into that hotel. no person holding a position of trust with the united states government can be receiving profits from dealing with foreign governments. we have lobbyists who stay in that hotel. including the ncaa coaches, athletic directors want to go in there and lobby the president while staying in his hotel. that hotel is going to be an ethics nightmare for the next four years. if they don t get rid of that hotel, change the name, they have one place on pennsylvania avenue they ought to be focused on, and that s the white house. john, you ll get the first word on the other side of the break. please bear with me. i m a little snifflely, you may hear some of that during the show tonight. i apologize in advance. if you re gonna make an entrance.
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normal expectations, i think trump has every intention of making his own political rules. the interesting tension is going to be where the law trumps the politics. if the job numbers get strong, if in fact, people feel that the country is getting better under a president trump. the political appetite for the raising the kinds of questions, and making these questions stick is going to be fairly minimal. jar ed and ivanka are follows the rules. why the double stand aud? i don t think there s a double standard. there s a difference in ambition here. jared and ivanka are 35. they re half donald s age and twice as ambitious. they want to have a long career in washington, or at least in
power. they re taking steps that look good and appear to comply with ethics standards and rules. donald is 70 years old, do you think he s going to have a political future down the road. this is important to people who have been incredibly ambitious. why do you think it s tough for him ivanka and the two sons who are running the business. as it is already, why is it tough to have him untangleal of his en257k elments. we were supposed to have a press conference about all of this in december. will that come wednesday. nine days before the inning august ouration, is how we re going to find out how trump is going to do all of this. he descended into the lobby of trump tower today and took a few questions from reporters, and dodged a few. one of the questions he took was about this conflict of interest. he said, this is simple, i can
do this, it s not going to be that tough. it sounds like a donald trump answer to a complex question. as mr. painter was saying earlier, there are no conflicts of interest when you re president of the united states. those conflict of interest restrictions don t apply to you. the clause does apply to you. he is going to have to demonstrate how he s going to disentangle himself from all of these hotels, properties, all over the world that have russian interests and chinese interests. and countries that are not friends of the united states. he s going to have to make it crystal clear to the american people, this is not a problem. yes, he gets the economy going again, he does more of these car company announcements, people are going to be jumping on the bandwagon, there s still the question of the constitution, and if questions of violating the constitution are raised, they re going to be pursued, no matter how popular he is in that oval office. if there are ethics conflicts, who s going to hold the president accountable? you talked about who would
hold the advisers and jared kushner and ivanka trump accountable. who would hold the president accountable? it depends on the type of conflict, if he holds on to these businesses, we re going to have the mix that people are mixing trump business with the united states government business. and conversations that look like a quid pro quo. there could be an investigation by the department of justice under the gratuity statutes. with respect to the monuments clause, which simply prohibits foreign government payoffs for united states government officials through profit earring or anything else, that is something that the house of representatives might very well look at, and if somebody refuses, to stop taking illegal payments from foreign governments, they would have to resort to impeachment. we re not there yet. i hope this can be resolved. and the vast majority wanted a
president who represents the interest of the american people. if you can make $15 million an hour, and call it the art of the deal. he s already coming at this from a different perspective. there s only so much of this in charge that voters are going to put up with. i think this is going to sink in quite quickly. i have to run, do you think that donald trump thought about this, about all of this disentanglement and xi vesting before he ran for president? i think he thinks he can get away with anything. an i he said it himself, he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and his numbers would go up, there s been nothing that s happened in the past during the transition, it seems to me, that would undercut that central view. he believes in intuition, in his gut. he believes in himself, and i think that s what we re about to deal with.
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they hold a series of confirmation hearings on donald trump s cabinet. a columnist for usa today, she s doing double duty. kevin madden, who is a republican strategist, and jack kingston a former senior adviser to the trump campaign. hello, to all of you, thank you for joining us, i have to ask you all about the moment in the bernie sanders town hall, he had some choice words for trump. we are dealing with a man who in many respects is how can i phrase this. a pathological liar. and i say that without any i have many conservative friends and i disagree with them, they re not liars. time after time after time he says stuff which is blatantly absolutely untrue. he s basically calling he s saying, van joins, that the president-elect is a liar, what s your reaction?
he s telling the truth, he can t deny. it doesn t give me any great joy to say it, in a few days, he s going to be the president of me, of you, of my children, but he has a pattern of saying things that are not true. and then and then he won t apologize or retract very easily or very often and that is a bad thing. we should not adopt to absurd identity and pretend that blue is green and green is plaid. it s a true statement. not that i m putting democrats first, but go ahead. i think probably what s almost as bad or worse, is the gaslighting component of it which is not telling the truth, and telling us that we imagined he didn t tell the truth. for example, that he wasn t imitating that reporter, the disabled reporter, just telling us the things we re looking at are not happening, that is the
sort of crazy making aspect to it. that he doesn t ever people make mistakes and say things that aren t true. but they come back and say, i misspoke. that s not what he said. i m sorry about that, i didn t mean to mock you. he just says it didn t happen. you next. i think it was a nostalgic tour down the golden oldies of birney sanders. efrg was corporate greed, 1%. he opened up saying this election is about sexism and racism and xeno phobe yo, and other tried and failed campaign rhetor rhetoric. to me, one of the bright moments, i have worked with bernien sadders on legislation before. when he said he would work with donald trump on repealing or reforming nafta, he meant that. i worked with him on a drug
reimportation issue. he will work with somebody if he believes them. it was rhetoric pulled out one more time. there was a retread quality to what we saw in the town hall. but i think if i look at this clinically, what he said about donald trump is a collarian call for what the progressives want to see they don t want to normalize trump in anyway they wan the to goo directly, actually, in a personal way, at you know, his veracity. have you ever seen it this personal? yeah, the 2016 race has desensitized a lot of us so much of our outrage, those of us who have worked in politics for a long time, we look at the race,
and so much of it is a departure from the past p.m. this is the personalization of so many attacks right now, it could potentially be the new normal. it s interesting van. there are four things that i think progressives are concerned about, his personality is one of them. there s a concern that he s not just a bad role model but a dangerous, air addict person to have on the trigger. there s the personality, then there are the appointments, the personnel. he s putting people in place that progressives have a very hard time with, especially when you re talking about putting people in charge of the epa, who don t believe in global warming. that s and then third, there s a question of the policies, the sort of rolling back obama care without any real help for 20 million people. the most important thing to me is not the personality, not the personnel, not the policies, it s the principles and the values that we should be one country, we shun the be picking on people because of how they dress or their faith or whether
they re disabled or not. the principles and values i feel, that s what s under threat for progressives, progressives are there for wanting to fight harder than ever, to defend our principles and values. you said, all of those things were said on the campaign trail. now the two years that we re from this moment where we are now, and none of it seemed to make a difference. one thing is different. one thing is different, there was a hope. and i think a false hope, one that even i had, maybe the man you saw on stage during the primaries was just an act and he was going to change for the general election. then there was the hope at the general election. once he is elected and he is the man, that then he s going to become presidential. now there s a fading, dwindling hope that he puts his hand on the bible. i think this is it. this is a populous, this is what they do, they rub the feathers the wrong way of the
establishment. bernie sanders was a populace as well. and there were other people who were popula ulists and they did handle themselves this way on the campaign trail. i think the idea of going to twitter is great, he goes straight to the american people. donald trump jumped on it today. to me, he spoke to the heart of somebody who s simple minded like me, i understood what he was saying. here s this woman that s extremely wealthy and wineny donald trump goes straight to the heart of the american people. he goes to the heart of. you were saying donald trump, you thought he would change. when someone shows you who they are. fool me once, shame on you.
fool me twice. we ll talk, we ll be right back, don t go anywhere. so i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle - without starting any conversations- -or paying any upcharges. what can i say? control suits me. go national. go like a pro. with sleep number, there s an adjustment for that. just a swipe to realign your spine. does your bed do that? come into a sleep number store where the c2 mattress is now $699.99. it s a no brainer.
kevin, jack kingston said he s simple minded. that s what i heard. he was did you say you were i didn t want to put words in your mouth. he didn t like the merrill speech last night. he didn t ask give himself enough credit. there s not a lot of people in the country that liked the speech. i think. go ahead. i danced in small circles. a lot of people on my side of the political prism did not like the speech. i think it was a cliche right now for someone in hollywood to stand up and criticize somebody who s a republican. i do think there was there definitely were some heartfelt moments in the speech. it resonated with that
particular audience. there were things that seemed out of touch with middle america, saying that without them, all we would have is football or mma. this is something that i think continues to sort of dwemonstrae the red state blue state divide we have. i would agree with you. except that he is the apprentice, and he is hollywood person son phied. you were criticizing her for being a rich celebrity. season the that what donald trump is. well, he it s a yes or no question. i don t think that s right.
i think she was what s interesting about what kevin said, i didn t see it as a conservative versus a liberal. i think anyone could have given that speech. anyone who s concerned about what she is talking about, someone who is in the position of the president of the united states, who s beating up on people and humiliating people? i saw, the first part of it, yeah. i agree the mma stuff was a bridge too far, i didn t see her as being a victim. i saw her as standing up for victims. and using her strength to come to the rescue of people who feel vulnerable. i do think this idea of the hollywood elite would sit down and be quiet, the republicans would be happy. they want to feel victimized by the hollywood elite. this whole elite thing. what are we talking about
elites. donald trump is a self-proclaimed multibillionaire. it s probably they re richer than he lives in manhattan. why are we using this term elites to apply to a certain group of people, aren t elite people just people who have privilege? that could apply to a lot of people? as a football fan, she s talking about my people. i thought that was tongue in cheek. i m a football fan. and an mma fan, i didn t take offense to that. if hollywood doesn t stop wining, epa is going to have to declare it a wetland. they need to move on and please, could you tell the friends out there that you have. i know you re well connected. no more videos instructing us how we should behave. just with the cowboys and the westerns. the people who are in the middle of the country watch
movies. consume music and they consume a lot of the arts. you may say these people are disconnected from the arts someone s buying that music, someone s going to the movieses. i think that s right. i don t want do interrupt. i ll get to you real quick, i think that s right, i think what they don t like is the idea of being preached to. they re not cultured enough to make up their own mind. to address the issue of elites, i don t think it s about wealth or how much wealth you ve accumulated. it has more to do with a mind-set, when a lot of these folks feel like they believe, they know better than others i think that is where there s a backlash toward that type of it s a level of hypocrisy on this point is almost laughable, in that everybody on this here tonight. we spend our lives trying to
influence public opinion. for some reason when hollywood people do it, well known celebrities and artists do it. those people are terrible because they re telling us what to do. we re all telling people what to do, and what to think. it s how they do it. how they do it. this whole idea, remember the idea of american exceptionalism? what happened to that? i thought that conservatives were the folks who wanted american exceptionalism the most out of everyone. any time someone fights to be the built what is wrong with that, i stwaen wasn t that cull touche ali aware maybe some people are just not in certain places. what is wrong with admitting that what s wrong with aspiring to that. when someone does aspire to that, why do you call them an elite. i want to know. remember, donald trump likes
the arts, he wrote a book about it, it s called the art of the deal. let me say this. he lives in a culture capital of the world. to somebody who has been in policy making, i find it frequently offensive when some hollywood actor comes in and rungs their mouth. they have a huge bully pulpit. they often engarj in debates they have no idea what they re talking about. i had this i have to go, the producers are telling me to go. i had this conversation with a friend just last night. she had this bully pulpit, and he wasn t there to defend himself. donald trump could hold a press conference and knocked the golden globes off the air for as long as he wanted to. i digress, i ll get off my soap box know. the elite capital of the world next to hollywood and washington, d.c.. and chicago maybe. thank you, everyone.
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drama ahead for donald trump s pick for attorney general. cory booker and john lewis are each scheduled to appear as witnesses against him. meanwhile, senator sessions is deep into his preparation for the hearing. dana bash has more. don, i m told jeff sessions spent the weekend with his team in his senate office doing final prep for tomorrow s confirmation hearing. for years, sessions has been a member of the judiciary hearing that will decide his fate. it s the same committee who was blocked from being a federal judge three decades ago 37.
jeff sessions was the first u.s. senator to endorse him. this is a moment. look at what s happening. the kbam bam republican gave the new york reality tv star credibility with the gop base. because jefferson beauragard sessions the third is from the heart of alabama. 30 years ago, when ronald reagan nominated sessions to be a federal judge, democrats blocked him. something sessions rarely talked about, but did with us in 2009. it was not a pleasant event, i have to tell you. it was so heart breaking. he was accused of racial insensitivity, calling a black lawyer boy. i am not a racist, i am not insensitive to blacks. sessions was pounded by democrats, including then senator joe biden. they may have taken positions
that i consider to be adverse to the security interests of the united states. does that make them unamerican? no, sir, it does not. that was not fair, that was not accurate, those were false charges and distortions of anything that i did. # i never had those kind of views. now, the son of civil rights activists, who sessions prosecuted for voter fraud is coming to his defense. i don t think he s a racist. he s worked extensively with sessions, who was elected senator 20 years ago. when i talked to senator sessions about historical black colleges and trying to get historical black colleges assistance and funding, he list listened. i can go on and on about the particular irish yous that jeff
sessions and i have discussed. susan collins was elected the same year. you don t agree with him on a lot of issues? we don t agree on a host of issues. she plans to introduce sessions at his confirmation hearing for attorney general. i don t know what happened more than 30 years ago, i do know the jeff sessions i have worked with in the past 20 years, i want a person of integrity and experience. and jeff sessions has all of those characteristics and qualities. sessions spent two decades in the senate fighting for conservative causes. did team up on a bill with this high ranking democrat. dick durbin was trying to reduce the penalty for crack cocaine, which was 100 times higher than powder cocaine, he saw sessions
in the senate gym. we re putting our clothes on, getting ready to leave. jeff, give me a number. if you can t do one to one, i won t go for 100 to 1. what is it? it was 18. we agreed. durbin says he disagrees with sessions on most legal issues, which makes it hard to support him for attorney general. other democrat s sessions got t know in the gym agree. if he made you trade head of the trade representative, we d be working together very well. you keep these positions on immigration, you keep these positions on civil rights and voting rights, it s going to be hard for me to support you. from democrats about bonding with sessions in the senate gym, he s part of the senate club, however, you could also hear from those democrats who know and like sessions, they are unlikely to vote for him, since they disagree so staunchly with him on issues that he would oversee as attorney general.
thank you dana, we ll be watching, we ll be right back. if you re told you have cancer, explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage. every day.. at cancer treatment centers of america. learn more at isjust wanna see ifa again? my score changed. you wanna check yours? scores don t change that much. i haven t changed. oh, really? it s girls night they said business casual. i love summer weddings!

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Greg Gutfeld Show 20170108 03:00:00

greg: thanks, joe. that s the smartest thing you have said in eight years. [applause] [applause] greg: all right, the u.s. intel report released friday directly accuse russian president vladimir putin of ordering a campaign to influence the election. i wish they told us this thursday we could have skipped listening to this. first we cannot say they did not change in the vote tallies or anything of that sort. we have no way of gauging the impact that certainly the intelligence community can t gauge the impact it had on choices the electorate made. greg: what is with this guy over here? it s like he just saw one of my nudes on snapchat. [laughter]
this is serious. and it s on tv. friday president-elect trump met with experts to discuss the findings. what does russia really to? for one, they had to john podesta s e-mail. how did they do it? first they found one of his passwords. what was one of his passwords? password. [laughter] this may be the greatest achievement in espionage history. right behind the time i pilfered lou dobbs locker combination. i stole this gym shorts. i am wearing that now. but it makes you wonder how secure podesta s other sensitive material is. where does he keep the pin number of his debit card? is written on the back of the card with the words pin number for my debit card? does he hide his apartment keys under his welcome mat or is it under flowerpot near the front door or maybe get this, it s inside a fake rock. dude, if it s the only rock on
your porch and there are no other rocks around we know it s not a rock. anyway the russians did other things too. did john podesta click on a fake link? the conclusion, the russians hack is somehow got to julien assange great remember him? greg: assange kamikaze pro-trump and he is blonde. why isn t he outnumbered? [laughter] assange once hated by the right is now hugged by them. i ve got to tell you is confusing to see writing who wanted to see assange hanks wanting to hang with him. the shift from a cold war to a
hot romance is so confusing to me it s like coming home and finding out that dad left mom for her brother. but this is what worries me. forget hacking. that s nothing great right now we have no deterrence against those who might want to destroy us. how do we make sure that no one tries to attack our power grid which would shut down all electricity and he could be broke, sick and starving in days. america would turn into lord of the flies or worse, charlotte s web . a cyber attack is the first effective neutron bomb killing all of us but leaving everything standing. to worry about fishing now about fishing out psych on september 10, 2001 fretting about legroom on airliners. you miss the big picture here. to stop such attacks we need a real deterrent. my solution? treat such attacks likeville terry once. that way the trigger is never pulled. america needs to announce a recall new cabal offensive.
know and you got feel it. assange, putin and by the way i don t believe in government anymore. i just don t believe them. here, here. [applause] greg: you would rather believe a former kgb dude? i don t believe in either. leave nothing, everything is meaningless and truthfully who will ever know? greg: you have been watching too much x-files. i ve been doing too much thinking independently. greg: stop doing that. this is my show and i want you to re-with me. that would be interesting television. greg: terry you have answered no questions. it is a victory for him. greg: what do you make about my prescription, the idea that we should nuke people that mess with our power grid?
isn t a power grid just like owning a country? the question is worded or would it not affect netflix? to me that s what breaks down to. but i want to pull out a thread of what terry mentioned because this whole conversation and not to be a bummer. greg: is what you do. is why you pay me so much money. nothing come but anyway the whole conversation lately is a tone of the american conversation about the american government. it s awful and it makes me really sad because people will say i m an elitist because i was part of the government. i worked at the white house. fine come you can say that if you want but there s nothing glamorous about being a civil servant and working for the national security council and making $35,000 a year and working 24 hours a day. what i will say it is some of the best and brightest minds that we have got in this country are in the united states government in our intelligence
community and some of these people put their lives on the line every single day. greg: what you are saying is basically you get the sense that people that are risking their lives for intelligence are being badmouth. you find that? their 17 agencies now and 50,000 people getting security clearance now. gotten too big. post-9/11 everybody is scared. the washington post is a tremendous piece on how big it is and how unaccountable it is and how much redundancy there is. i would encourage you to read this. who are they responsible to? we don t even know if they d do. greg: i don t even read what s on the bottle. i would add a ransom note. greg: do you think this is a big deal? i wonder what the government has, you look at biden. i love biden. i bought a reverse mortgage from him.
[laughter] greg: it literally was rehearsed. is a great guy but the republicans during nixon s day broke into watergate and that was a simpler time when democrats were stealing that i m not sure what you get podesta s gmail account. i m not sure there s much value there. greg: you have the greatest recipe for risotto. you have got big elites threatening to go after everybody with a verified account on twitter. did you see that today? how does feel but feel free to defend how wonderful the solace. are you glad you were not verified? i am verified. family, friends i offer a lot about my life on twitter just willingly. too much just willingly but that doesn t really bother me. greg: what bothers you then? everything bothers me a little but it doesn t bother me
more than the fact greg: in the subject matter we are focused on, what bothers you? that does not bother me at all. the government without wikileaks and snowden and assange, they would have absolutely nobody to be held accountable to. nobody else is doing it. greg: the american people. wikileaks was supposed to target target. they started firing on us. tmz access hollywood wikileaks. journalism is dead in america so long with these guys. julia s point special forces guy in tuck kept me alive and we also find out that you know the military and the intelligence apparatus in many cases the middle east was cooking the books and not telling the right thing of what was going on all for political reasons.
be a hawk and go after the stuff. you just don t want to defend it i do want to defend it but the thing is the government, their job is to protect the rights but they can t do that by violating our rights. it s the same problem. and order have rights you have to protect the country first. do you want the nsa in your bedroom sitting under your bed? you would be safer i guess. you were giving up a certain amount of basic freedom which is what makes this country so great. there have to be limits and if they want to change it back to change the constitution. it s not me talking, change the constitution. greg: a shocking hate crime streamed on facebook. we ll discuss the disgusting crime nexus. so when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day?
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held a white man at my point and told him to curse to present like. perhaps even just as troubling the suspect could be heard on the video saying they wanted to go viral. a horrible crime made worse by the fact that the teens posted on facebook apparently thinking that torturing disabled people is perfectly acceptable behavior. we don t know anybody that call the cops after watching it. absolutely disgusting. [applause] it s good to see you. you are about to go on russell i assume. i had to leave to talk about the story because it s so important to me. thank you for giving me the time. first of all first and foremost this is 100% a hate crime so there is no allegedly if this is a hate crime on so many levels. the fact of the special-needs man didn t understand was going on and was being brutally
attacked was to meet disgusting. watching it i got choked up watching it and i ve seen a lot of things in this world. it was difficult to watch for. noticing that was tough for me is america as a whole, nobody on facebook i was watching did anything about it. think those people are just as response of all. another thing if somebody puts up a questionable picture on facebook take it down within minutes of there has to be something for facebook to look at to stop these things from happening. the bigger picture, the fake news stories, the hoaxes and the liberal media pushing all the fake attacks. congratulation guys come here are the fruits of your labor. using this for leverage when they were attacking them because they dropped an expletive about donald trump s suddenly their behavior was justified because suddenly the other side is doing it to them. it s disgusting. they are taking any credit for it and even the news coverage was disgusting.
hate crime stuff you start getting into the emotional interpretation of it. who is deciding if it s hate? you have for idiots and it was racial and it was hate but it was a crime so hammer them for that. what i think of this hate crime stuff that could be a double aged blade a double-edged blade. greg: there were people that were afraid of how to categorize it rather than talk about on cable news. all the debate was about that and then you have these people say what maybe it s not that big of a deal because they knew each other. they hung out. rome emanuel makes a big proclamation, sanctuary city. 4000 people shot and they bring people in from aleppo and people in syria are like, we are good. you all try to get that worked
out and they will come. greg: what about the millions of people who have broken families who don t do this stuff? it s that too but i was just thinking while i was hosting to everyone talk it a little bit mirrors the argument, not the argument that the dialogue and debate about when you label something terrorism verses not. people are very, human nature it makes people very eager to deal the classifier categorize these horrible things that happen in the world which is fine. that s as it should be but because i think what happens is once you put a label on something it makes us erroneously believe that we get it. it s like ocoee can probably figure out how to respond to this if we understand first what it is so in a little sense i push back a tiny dent in the sense that and i don t even know what a hate crime means. i couldn t tell you that. aren t all crimes hate crimes?
you punish acts come you don t punish thoughts. what crime does is whence the two. for example you do it in your head already. for example if you are reading the near post and you read about a 25-year-old guy who mugs and 85 euros woman you got that guy should be fried by the theme of the 30-year-old man you see it as a mugging so in your own way you ve categorize crimes differently but that s what we do pay judges should just throw the book at everybody. seeing that the criminal justice system mirrors that in the sense that the court battles epic amounts of time trying to figure out a motive that will distinguish like if there is premeditation that takes it from first agree to capital. it s a platform that they want sometimes to get a message across. greg: up next comic you will need tour did. he can t stop tweeting and we can t stop talking about the tweeting. so good.
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planned via tac. the fbi said they are not ruling out terrorism at this point. seaworld san diego s killer whale show is ending tomorrow this comes after years of criticism and a drop in attendance. park says it will unveil new attractions the summer called orca and counter. we ll show how the killer whales eat and live in a more natural environment. seaworld says its parks in our land in san antonio will and their killer whale show by 2019. i m jackie, now back to the the greg gutfeld show fry your headlines log onto greg: can no one beat the power of his tweets? the new year started with senate democratic leader charles schumer whoever that is, saying this. making america great again requires more than 140 characters per issue.
with all due respect, america cannot afford a twitter presidency. greg: we can t afford you. go away, go away. retire. trump is challenged except that i m perceived to tweet and when. getting four to drop plans to build a planet in mexico check. threatening jam with massive taxes if they keep making the chevy cruising mexico, check. calling out china for not helping with north korea, check their jamming house republicans so badly they dropped their plan and cut the office, check. bonus points for taking the glory from house who want to be the ones to shame the republicans and just for kicks how much better his apprentice ratings were compared to arnold s? check. [applause] been calling chuck schumer the head clown.
check. finally saying the greg gutfeld show is the greatest show ever. [applause] are right, he did really say that. it is official. an ex-president tweets more than obama golf s. here s the thing commentary. we may have the most transparent president ever because he is tweeting his brain. i don t know if we want all of this. it s too much information. greg: maybe it s good because he will get in less trouble. it s like therapy. i m a glass half-full guy. greg: why did i interest you? you shouldn t because i have no attention span.
schumer i think the hate the fact they so affected. said we can t have 140 character present. this basically twitter that but it was in front of congress which nobody watches. i agree with you. i feel like trump has got such a great chance to do great things. sometimes i just want to hear it. greg: you have to take the good with the bad. julia what if they come up with a fake twitter account like a fully fake blackberry for him he goes into this twitter falls where they all live. i don t think he actually reads. he proofreads them. greg: he doesn t go back to twitter to see how many legs he gets big as he is president. you don t need to read tweets when your president. that they ll probably give him a weekly summary like here s how you did on twitter. nobody cares about his follower
accounts. greg: katy perry has more. today sean spicer is the new white house soon-to-be press secretary confirmed to the wall street journal. didn t get to see those tweets before he sends them and he doesn t think that s going to change when he is president. that s interesting. greg: that s good. the thing is china said to him we don t like your tweeting. that s going to make them tweet more. i think it s reverse psychology. it s a brave new world. fdr had the fireside chats. he s a 7-year-old man. greg: that s the weirdest thing. they can hack into and get back to the original story. nfl, goodell hacked to the twitter account and said he was dead.
we knew he wasn t dead because they would have a three-game suspension for whoever killed him. it is a new world and 2020, who knows it may be kanye versus carrot top perhaps. greg: carrot top has some good ideas. you should get snapchat and then he does now to keep it to 140 characters. greg: i m thinking about carrot top. trump is the first orange haired president. top like he has opened the door for carrot top. this is all very greg: you don t even enter statements anymore. this is going to be very tough for trump, all this backlash because i know he loves tweeting but he also values the pinions of china and amy schumer s uncle when deciding how to run his administration. it doesn t matter. think trump should come down on the tweeting but i should come
down the tweeting. i love to be able to tweet china and get them all mad. that gives me a little was just a think about it. i don t know who that is but i most certainly understand why. she is like 25 pitch he can help it. i would rather have my youth. greg: have you seen the movie with captain phillip s? it s his daughter. it s true. greg: captain phillips was the guy he landed the plane on the water. no, that s silly. greg: no it s not. this is not the news. we should all cut back on tweeting. you know when he got caught smoking cigarettes and your mom and dad he never smoked again until you became an adult.
he tweet your heart out, thousand weeks in a row and get it out and you would be done. you will never be done. keep telling him not to these going to keep on going. greg: i think you are talking about yourself. i am. that s the weirdest thing i ve ever heard. there was a bugs bunny cartoon. greg: coming up the inauguration is two weeks away. who is performing? personally i would like to see mel torme but he died in 1999 and we can t have everything, can we? [applause] i ve been on my feel all day. i m bushed! yea me too. excuse me.coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they re proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized .all day long.
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the big question remains who will be performing? not me, spring the ankle and also so far it seems the mormon tabernacle choir will be there. they are my favorite tabernacle choir. [laughter] also jackie o. banco a 16-year-old singer and former contestant on america s got talent. record sales have increased since the announcement which trump didn t let go and that s tweeting again sales have skyrocketed after announcing her a digression performance. some people just don t understand the movement. i do, that s why i m a addicted to ex-lax. finally the rockets will be there. many of the dancers who i know refused at first but madison square garden executive chairman james dolan note demonstrates performing at any presidential migration is an honor. meanwhile president obama showed off is cool kid friends at his
white house dash cam is fine when pittman to guests at the event for beyoncé, jay-z, bruce springsteen, paul mccartney your member him from wings. osher and eddie vedder. here is that the better preparing for the gig. he really is an american talent. my suggestion is a long time ago we did a segment on the super bowl halftime saying they should have high school marching bands. they should reverse this whole celebrity thing and make it anti-celebrity. america must be the star, america. i couldn t agree more gray, we were young lets the 70s and 80s. he was performing at the not
ration? s. greg: i think jimmy carter had roy clark. and not that were clark just another roy clark. didn t janice jackson have a super bowl paste they came off? super bowl. greg: it right. i mentioned the super bowl. [applause] greg: okay kids, let s stick stick to the topic here. all these showing up a psychic convulsion of the cool kids. we couldn t affect the election so now they re going to have a big party and say we don t care that nobody listen to us. it s a thing in hollywood. so most mccarthyism. greg: james macarthur you as a my college. that s new year s eve.
all of them were going to move to canada or europe or something like that. they change their mind. they don t want to learn the metric system to be honest with you. they hate trump that the metric system is pretty difficult. greg: that s why never caught on over here. is out of question? what am i supposed to do with that? greg: you are supposed to do what you always do, that s really interesting greg but. that s what everyone does on fox. say exactly greg. exactly great, it makes me feel very. building on top of what you just said it is anybody really cares who performs at the inauguration and is there anybody that they really cares that some of these rockettes are like i m not going to do it. then fine, don t do it, who cares. i m pretty sure people have been managing to be the person
without about a bunch of kicking ladies helping them along the way to get started and i m sure he can do it again. he is desperate for influence. when you re a kid in the babysitter gets their and you start screaming, they are the kids that are continuing to scream when the mom is happily down the street. no one can hear you come it doesn t matter, get over it. greg: maybe the rockets wanted to be part of obama s legacy. [laughter] up next the story so unbelievable you could think americans - 83% try to eat healthy.
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craig: the university of wisconsin is home of the mighty spinsters is offering a program that aims to quote explore masculinity and the definitions of it. we don t know what that means. does the men s project the name of my favor bar downtown program apparently encouraged them to reflect on how their manliness impacts others. explain to organize his quote that dialogue among men a sense of security and vulnerability throughout the program. in other words, there goes their sex lives. think we have a tape of the first group of men going through the program. greg: i hope i m doing that when i m 70.
what do you make of that complex necessary? that s the problem, things like that. emory had a big issue in atlanta amorese a liberal school and cost a lot of money. i don t trust the college of their football team. greg: julia if these courses continue the country will go even further in that direction of screw you, where does. i think i m going to cede all my time on this question back to you, greg. you are so manly. greg: why thank you. did you hear that? by the way carrie, a guys name. by the way first of all when i was a kid i did get called, that s a girl s name and it really bothered me.
i have a different take on this. the guys who were signing up for this i m not so sure it s a good little boy. they re like the men who walk around brooklyn with the t-shirt. they re not doing that for women. they are doing it to be sensitive and get women. pat: the whole idea of empowering is to get women into bed. i have examined my masculinity, so you know. it s not about anything but trying to be like i m the sensitive one so go home with me. i m a good guy. the best way to tell a guys that good guy is if he says i m a good guy. that s how you know. greg: what if a guy comes up to you and says i m a bad guy? nobody says that. greg: people do that. do you want a drink, that s a normal guy. greg: wow that s strange. i don t know where to go with that.
masculinity if they had chapters or segments where they went over the number of men who died building things like the campuses that they are at or mainly construction workers who are men. some of them were injured in some of them died building bridges and if you look at the brooklyn bridge to see him and people died building that. you know your society has arrived when this is what you are worried about. we can t get any better than this. greg: and i can t get any better than this. men are supposed to be gross. greg: that s true. final thoughts, coming up next. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads. here. here. or here. today, there s another option. drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity,
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moves to monday night. also saturday january 28, join me for an event called short stories by short people. that s the warner theatre in washington d.c. you can get your tickets at we are almost out of time. if you wanted to say all show but didn t have a chance to say it, here s your chance, right now. you know how ron and i met? i actually accused him of stealing one of my jokes, a joke he came up with first. thank you for being the big man. i told him i was going to bring that up. america, give trump a chance. i know he looks like a lookout from a parlor from staten island and you hate them, but he s gonna shake things up. here s the alien air who made his daughter fly jetblue coach. i think that s a good thing. i look forward to it.
i right humor so it s gonna be a good couple years. i just want to wish my cousin brendan who s like my brother, get well soon. i love you more than anything pretty the best. very well. i hope he s doing okay. he is doing very well. jillian how are you doing. i m good. how are you. i didn t even have a chance to get checked in with you. i try to avoid you at all cost. who is this tucker carlson. he just showed up like out of nowhere. did you want to plug anything, is there anything interesting you want to say. i just want to go home. how honest can you get. oh my goodness. cat. okay so, i like the way men look in skinny jeans, but i don t like don t like the kind of man that wears skinny gins. so i like the pants on the man but i don t like the man in the pants, and i m i m wondering if this is a pants person dichotomy that s going to keep me single

Greg , Thing , Applause , Us- , Thanks , Intel , Joe , Eight , Kellyanne-conway , Election , Campaign , Russian