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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton 20171211 02:00:00

and also talk about facebook targeting sexual assaults also the tax reform build this week but can they get the job done is a the end of president trump? with the a coup to overthrow the president? all that and mortar fire was taking money from big business to screw small business we have that shocking story pearl we have a packed show tonight was so much going on you don t want to miss any of that but first to be issued that fuels the populist revolution the forgotten men and women left behind that made the rich richer and half of the country pour. new numbers came out on friday and more good news we were told. 220,000 new jobs the lowest unemployment in 17 years in the tax bill will make things even better that is the pitch to the way but
especially the senators who represents the states that president trump won its 16th day did not feel they were in peril if they opposed it but there are too many experts making the argument that the estimates are to hold little not trickle-down to labor but it will benefit corporations and not enough of wage increases. so there is some anxiety so first lead if we passed it? if they all feel that palpable difference in their lives with medical deductions what if they go on to the entitlement reform working for a middle-class black it does not feel that something has been taken away? that is a huge
political problem. so the quibbles with the tax code to have a pro-business president in the white house to give energy and momentum we can argue about how much so what will those critics do? when the economy does better and better?. base still say that it continues to get better we have a former president taking credit for that but the economy is doing better even president obama agrees with that. and i agree with what you were saying in part it is optimism and the republicans show but get this to say we need a victory. we all know this is not perfect we agree this is not what we wanted but it is a step in the right direction is send a message we will do something this president is pro-business and open for
business again and bad in itself will be the uptick in the economy with worker confidence and america s confidence for bad as with the president brings us. democrats have been telling us it will raise taxes on the of the class that is overwhelmingly live people will file their taxes and find that is not true. we will see. i am all for it is a step in the right direction but now the other big story where are you on the roy moore situation?. here s the deal. i don t think this is any place the republicans to be in it is not ideal but nothing this past year is ideal. when you have a debacle with the year book and the of forgery i think it is becoming a mass of voters are seeing back. some will not be happy because of the allegations but moving forward americans
care about the agenda for co at the end of the day i think the voters want to see the agenda to be flushed through so with those allegations going back and forth a think everybody is sick of that. i could not have voted for roy moore even before all the women came forward he is an odious character on the national scene. i do think he will win. i think the development in the last two days it turns out that the year book signature was not represented totally accurate the was probably the last broad that broke the camel s back from those wavering voters to say okay i can put this aside the they re not totally up front about that at the beginning is damaging to the accusers credibility i agree he will win.
there are not enough voters know republican senators, all of them for them to say initially they would expel him when he arrives. they absolutely will not under any circumstances. no way. democrats nominated a moderate he may have a chance to dave nominated the left-wing in an alabama. steve: not much longer to wait. coming up the ethanol industry that fills up the d.c. swamping and former campaign manager joins me from the trump campaign now the politicalization of everything continues. this week linsey von take said shot a president trump.
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first linseed on politicizing the upcoming winter olympics. how would it feel competing at the olympic games for the united states whose president is donald trump?. well i hope to represent the people of the united states. not the president want to represent our country well. i think there are a lot of people currently in the government not many do that. steve: also she stated she will decline and the invitation to visit the white house after the olympics but not to be outdone chelsea handler politicized the terrible wildfires raging here is a must angeles. just evacuated my house like donald trump setting the world on fire literally and
figuratively. dark times. what is next? what do you make of this?. when she said she wanted to represent the american people and initially was to represents the one dish she doesn t find it deplorable that is like hillary calling them names that seems to work so well for the democrats that is why we have president trump but they cannot help themselves these athletes instead of doing their support they are dried into it by the interviewer or they feel they must make a statement and all she will do is to send americans that probably loved her before the interview trump is supporting america by the way we are still americans mueller still representing as going to the olympic games. steve: the question was ridiculous but there is a simple way out to say i give
my support i don t get involved in politics. everything is politicizing. i just think it is since comparable. she was asked a leading question and there are many americans who find president trump the pauling says she answered the question she did not get on twitter to say on patriotic things i think chelsea and is a disaster and she says horrible things all the time i cannot compare the two. i am just exhausted the last time we were here talking about the nfl is exhausting i like to think of myself as kind of normal but it is exhausting to how politics shoved down my throat all the time there is somebody on the right he is a writer who was hilarious and talented talks about the
politicize how it is sold crushing and sold sucking so vineland s yvonne do your thing at all folie want twitter for reason chelsea handler if there is of fire coming to conceal their roster for spot is you donald trump and you need help. in 2012 he lied about day president over years. this will go on and? will rex i will say this about chelsea handler i debated her and i have to say speaking with her i think everything she stands for is ridiculous but as the upper said we had a good conversation. when she says this is that she doesn t realize it but she is donald trump s ago is on twitter she is as ridiculous things think it s a reaction and she is donald trump but she hates him for
that very reason. what about sarah huckabee sanders? you make a point. but they get away with it. tuesday i can do it because it is my art but it is also a woman who has done very questionable things. some people say that about sexual harassment. it is funny i can do it. chelsea handler is donald trump. she will love that. but is there a coup against president trump within his own party? i will ask the campaign manager that very question next percolator to take on the ethanol industry. stick around for that. evice
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pleased that you stop by on our little show it is great to see you. my pleasure to be here. thank-you steve. steve: i have seen you on different occasions i appreciate what you ve got to the trump campaign right into the lion s den on morning show on msnbc. how did that feel?. i don t think it does get much ratings it was like the octagon to get ready and prepared myself with a little martial arts ahead of time because you have a few people there who just don t want to give this president the credit and the big story this week that not enough people talking about is the decision the president made as to it relates to israel. tel president preceding him in on the first year in office to fidel another
campaign promise to recognize jerusalem as the capital is a huge steel not getting enough press. steve: i am glad you brought that up. you said drop the campaign led trump we trump this is a perfect example cerros saying something and sticking to with. i appreciate that but something that has been on my mind we talked about taxes earlier many agree that would be a terrific results but the question that i give to year-old to your that the fact that the republican establishment detest donald trump frankly they detest him now they will get the tax bill done and side but left period and i have heard is that
president trump s the many signs that the bill that they don t need him anymore that at that point all of the establishment republicans it is time to do get a good of you and we will try to move against him in washington. what you think about that very?. he is exceptionally popular to most of the republican base hit is stronger and more visceral more than it was on election day with those 10 democrats they re looking for his help and for his guidance in places where it is actually popular when it comes to the republican party if they are not willing to play ball they are willing to call them out to fulfill those campaign promises if he has
no problem to called about them out. can they take on that entire establishment and win? all you hear is the fact whatever they say impossible and public. the republican establishment those people have completely failed to be leaders in the u.s. senate jeff flake has decided not to seek reelection because he knows he will lose in the state of arizona because trump would support somebody else. those who want to keep washington the same way it has been the last 30 years is a failure. because the people of this great country voted for change and that changes donald trump and it has come to washington. steve: i agree because the
big thing that is missing is the populist revolution going beyond the of white house that is why your book is a useful reminder to be to that entire republican in the establishment. if you have questions or comments?. give is great to do see you and i agree 100 percent electron be trump he really is making america great again there are some better very happy right now but i get it all the time here is a question of republicans say the agenda is working and like what he is doing but i don t like his tweets he is mean what do you say? day miguel of the fact he tweets because donald trump is bypassing the mainstream
media with example after example of him being disingenuous he did it today with the washington post he put a picture out of the rally in pensacola and then guess what? zero accountability i think in general the american people love it because it is him unfiltered directly to them. steve: that is a good example of top twitter activity shows so i completely agree. corey allow to talk about the democrats in 2018 iran. couple of states where they are vulnerable or moderate democrats who might say they want to work with the president on some level that every single one of them vote no on tax reform. taco letting trump we trump to you think he will head to west virginia and montana and missouri and north dakota to call the about and
replace them with republicans next year court. i think he will hit the campaign trail hard to next year impresas he is popular if you look at the state of west virginia where there economy is going under the trump administration tel manchin could walk across party lines he has chosen to be an obstructionist and win trump goes there to campaign for his opponent that would be a problem. he is exceptionally popular because of the policies and the regulation taking place the regulation taking place. i am interested in a the disconnect led the president characterize this as the of the class. rigo steve spee and appointed a 44% rate over
$5 million now we are looking at basically those are great corporate cuts but not so much for the middle class. there is talk of the next agenda item in the election-year they are calling welfare reform. the president said he was not unlike those other republicans to take your safety net programs aware like medicare or medicaid and would not cut them what will president trump agreed to that makes up for that deficit spending? i cannot believe they tried to do this during the election year. what is the plan? seven channel began to move forward back quickly. to look what the president talked about on the campaign trail first, replace obamacare that still needs to get done it is a campaign promise that needs of the old. the largest tax cut since the reagan administration
that is on the cusp with transportation infrastructure spending bill that has the potential to be bipartisan support and a just one of these is accomplished it would be a very successful first years of the administration it took barack obama until february of this second year to get obamacare it looks like we get the tax cut done in the first 11 months of this administration and i call that success. steve: thank you so much the book is called what trump we trump by corey lewandowski sent the box to your of liberal friends. banks for joining us. steve: coming up blue newt that guest in your car was fuelling the d.c. swamp? we look at the ethanol
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steve: government subsidies for ethanol have long been a swamp the tradition in america dressed up as action to help the environment it is one more example of big government in bed with big business at your expense. you may have voted to drain the swamp in 2016 but with the ethanol lobby it is still business as usual. of a corrupt ethanol industry this week is on swap watch. ethanol a type of fuel used by a processing corn mixed with gasoline to have a few of the of the decree greener than traditional gasoline for the federal government ordered energy companies to produce a certain amount every year. the renewable fuel standard
of course, it is a racket because it artificially boost the ethanol market in turn boosted the demand for corn. sold get rich industry has a lobbying operation to keep this being produced. the big government boondoggle hurts the consumer of like the manhattan institute says the government run at the all system cost drivers ted billion dollars per year in extra fuel costs. when you buy your groceries because the ethanol back it raises corn prices artificially high. gary and chickens and cattle farms have to spend more to feed livestock so you spend more of your gavin immelt. here is the crazy part does the club agreed regulation is bad for the environment a report by the national academy of science s sake
those court based ethanol creates more emissions than that of production and use of regular gasoline also contributes to pollution in one study estimates over half of the nitrogen pollution was due to cornyn soybean crops so if that hurts consumers why on earth is it ought to by the federal government? as usual not just lobbying but straightforward al-anon corruption big business buying of politicians to get what they want. i what is the number one producer of corn and ethanol in the united states guess who gets thousands of dollars in donation from. ethanol companies and interest groups? iowa senator chuck grassley and t
negative v i space renewable fuel industry and monsanto and other giant and archer daniels midland. and other ethanol producers and of course the ringmaster the renewable fuels association spending nearly $8 million is lobbying but to really a understand all this works you have to understand why they need chuck grassley because these senators have themselves on that key committee to cable big business corruption earnst is a the member of the environment and public works committee that takes the adopt more negative the nomination to the that epa to administer the ethanol rex there.
earnst printer s row with democrats with the epa nomination did not promise to go with nt caved to the blackmail so he renewed it to keep that status earnst was proud of her work i was not afraid to put the squeeze on him this was important we have family farms here in iowa how dare senator earnst use hard-working family farmers in iowa to cover per corruption? cargill and monsanto these giant global corporations shovelling money in their pockets they are destroying family farms and in iowa and earnst is helping them do it. it isn t just those farmers with small or medium-sized
many don t have the infrastructure so unbelievably in order to comply with the federal government small refiners have to pay to produce more ethanol on their behalf and then this gives even more money so if you one day textbook example how does it system is rigged to this is it. this disgusting racket hafez incredible rocket and in 2012 philadelphia energy solutions had a patent million dollars for a battlefield that it could not produce itself. it would have spent 300 million that is twice as much the small independent refiners will get those
middle-class workers but because of that burden of the racket the philadelphia energy solutions have to pay off 17 workers from last year earnst when she first ran for senate remember this?. i have senator earnst i castrated hogs on dave iowa farm when i get to washington and know how to cut pork, senator earnst you joined the swamp just like the others you with the stooge with the agriculture corporation schering the businesses in your home state and beyond to the pig now? iowa congressional candidate is one of those
incumbents so you there in iowa campaigning for election but that ethanol racket is good for small family farmers?. it was always presented as a bridge deal and here in iowa we need to have that conversation. at the values as 40 percent of our corn so what will happen?. steve: how does that affect the small farmers compared to big agricultural companies?. this zero eager were they paid the money and the golan the committee s that is in the business s interests. but they are left out of the picture. totally.
we are actually negative we are on the verge of a farm crisis our debt levels are high you are seeing that conservation taken out to have ethanol but when you take that swamp money that is why it it is happening because the senator earnst and senator grassley. wade to talk about where lead going? ethanol is the bridge but that doesn t seem to be working dupont just closed a plant a plant so now what is the neck step? looking at your conversation it should be over solar with china flooding the market with solar panels but small farmers are struggling and it could get worse if we don t talk about this now.
steve: really what you think the government system is propping up the dying industry trying to help the farmers move to the next generation?. but with that industry and transition to show signs of weakness that is why i raise this issue but i will modify take that tech from monsanto because that is what many. that is what is going on with those big players dominating the policy with the smaller industries that are left behind.
steve: the controversy of the renewed statements when kids as young as six use social media? coming up next. they can even pay their bill- (beep) bill has joined the call. hey bill, we re just- phone: hi guys, bill here. do we have julia on the line too? k, well we ll just- phone: hey sorry. i had you muted. well yea let s just- phone: so what i was thinking- ok well we ll- phone: yeah- let s just go ahead- phone: oh alright- the award-winning geico app. download it today. i just want to find a used car start at the new
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steve: welcome back to you the next revolution this week the tech giant rolls out a new messaging gap between the ages of six and 12 facebook says it is in response to growing safety concerns from parents that many are asking if they should have such access is parent to prove contacts and they can control another device facebook says this is responsible although critics say if they are grooming future were customers with the market share of the young people of that is taken by snap chat. it is naive to assume that young kids are not on social media there are concerns ultimately led find this data collection of the big silicon valley companies but it is the reality.
comes down to parents if they want to make that choice and if they don t then don t do it. i think would be silly to say it should exist because there is a market. with a source very close to facebook my wife were to there in the executive royal but actually with the low income people working irregular jobs actually day keep in touch with their children through this kind of thing that is really helpful. with faddy the criticism. i could come up with a few examples with the social media of platforms can lead
to beneficial outcomes i dig for the developing mind on social media they could get into the goal problems there on it all the time they re not doing sports were their homework. but this does with neuron the sites you have a fake version of yourself to a market that and dealer now living your life spending hours a day developing that mine to always lived there. interesting. i agree with both of you but it always goes back to do parenting there are parenting uses technology and social vesa to say this is the fault of facebook and those that working companies and with the parents are asking for.
so let s be honest ago is back to the parent if you are a good parent you watch what you re children are doing it doesn t matter. steve: that is a good note to end on. and the truth of all of this aa. and i don t share it with mom! right, mom? righttt. safe driving bonus checks. only from allstate. switching to allstate is worth it. guess what i just got? hello again. hi.
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Trump , Facebook , Assaults , Tax-reform , End , Job , Money , Mortar-fire , Coup , Story-pearl , Big-business-to-screw-small , Revolution

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180807 06:00:00

what was he projecting when he was tweeting that meeting at the trump tower was about getting dirt on hillary clinton? why would he tweet something that completely contradicts the statement that they wrote saying it wasn t about that and that he lied to us saying he had nothing to do with it. i rest my case. come on, he s saying exactly what is happening and exactly what is true about him. he cannot help himself. listen, you know, chris, we do not take this lightly. when this man was on the campaign trail with every being to be objective and report him in a fair equitable manner. and then when we became president of the united states, the same thing. it always gets me when people say this study shows there s 90% of the reports show about this president are negative, but they don t talk about the things that comes out of his mouth and the policies he proposes and what he says or does to people. how are we as media to report positively on something that s negative? the president called countries s-hole countries. oh, well, that s great. you don t do that. you don t do things like that.
you don t talk about people in the way this president does at least if you re a president of the united states you re not supposed to. so that whole thing about the media is biased and that 90% of what we report about donald trump is negative, if that is indeed true you need to counter balance that and weigh it against what comes out of this president s mouth and what he s doing. my concern is more what we re almost forced to let go by the flood of activity that i believe, again, is one of trump s signature traits. he know he floods the zone some of it s going to make it through. i worry about what we ignore, what we empower. i remember all the way back to paul manafort, with that silly speech ivanka gave that wound up being plagiarized melania. melania gave a speech and did a great job and michelle had that speech and it was a great speech. manafort said can we move on,
you said yourself melania gave a good speech. but i said i know but i can t move on because you keep lying about the plagiarism. we should have known. remember spicer said it was my sparkle phony, whatever the saying was. we should have known from then. i m fired up, and by the way before i let you go, i saw screening last night of black klansman. it brings everything into perspective, what s going on now as opposed to what s happening back in the 60s and 70s. this is cnn tonight. i m don lemon. i want to start by saying i wouldn t normally address this. because how important it is for each of us to stand up for what is right and what is decent i m going to tell you exactly how i
feel starting right now. so president trump is on vacation this week at his golf resort in new jersey, but he is not taking any time off from twitter and apparently from watching me on cnn, which he denies, by the way. i know this because he has tweeted a nasty hateful swipe at me and lebron james we ve been discussing here. you ve probably read about it or saw it somewhere. i sat down with an nba great after lebron just opened a school for 240 at risk third and forty graders. and during our conversation lebron said this. we are in a position right
now in america more importantly where this whole race thing has taken over, and one because i believe our president is kind of trying to divide us. but for him to like i said use sports to kind of divide us is something that i can t i can t sit back and not say nothing. what would you say to the president if he were sitting right here? i would never sit across from him. you would never? you wouldn t want to talk to him? no. i would sit across from barack, though. he made lebron look smart,
which isn t easy to do, i like mike. unlike this president who lashes out loudly at anyone who criticizes him, i have pretty thick skin and lebron james in addition to being a brilliant black man, a superstar in his sport and a hero to his community is taking a high road, which is exactly where he belongs. since this president has used so many insults so often, the president has called a lot of people stupid, some of those people are right. but i would like to note referring to african-americans as dumb remember this is america. referring to of concern american as dumb is one of the oldest parts of america s past and present that black people are of inferior intelligence. and pretty much everyone and anyone in this country reacted. here s what dan rather tweeted. i d much rather live in a world reflecting the values, philanthropy and yes intelligence of lebron james than the divisive peevish lies and narrow self-interest displayed by the president of the united states. this tweet from barbara streisand. why is he constantly projecting
onto others what he knows about himself. rather than criticizing@king james we can be celebrating him for his charity efforts to help kids. even michael jordan is weighing in congratulating lebron for the work he s doing for his local community. but maybe cnn commentator keith boykin listen to this summed it up the best with this tweet. in trump s world obama, maxine waters, low iq, black countries, shut holes, black athletes sobs, black tenants unwelcome, black workers lazy. central park five, guilty. mexicans, rapists. muslims, terrorists. indians, fake. nazis wait for it very fine people. notice a pattern? this president constantly denigrates people of color and
there s something on that birth certificate that he doesn t like. i brought it up just routinely and all of a sudden a lot of facts are emerging and i m starting to wonder myself whether or not he was born in this country. i would like to have him show his birth certificate. and can i be honest with you, i hope he can. because if he can t if he can t and if he wasn t born in this country, which is real possibility, if he doesn t it s one of the greatest scams in the history of politics. and black athletes who kneel during the national anthem as a former protest against racism and police brutality, well, they get this disrespect. wouldn t you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now?
he s fired. he s fired! this week marks the one year anniversary of that violent and deadly white nationalist rally in charlottesville. the one where angry white racists carried torches and shouted anti-semitic slogans including jews will not replace us. the one where heather heyer, a 32-year-old young lady was killed by a bigot who intentionally drove his car through a crowd, a crowd that was there to fight against the hate. but this is how this president famously characterized that. you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. you had people in that group excuse me, excuse me.
i saw the same pictures as you did. cross burnings, tiki torches, white hoods replaced by no hoods and khaki pants, these are the very fine people in the president s eyes. and yes, let me not mince words here. this president traffics in racism and is fueled by boule bulling. president trump is trying a divide and conquer strategy here and here s how it goes. he divides by race and tries to conquer decency by smearing and besmirching the truth and the people who fight to uphold it. i ve wondered sometimes, you ve seen chris and i, i wonder if he will succeed. if president trump who has his finger on his he s the one who has his finger on the pulse of this country. is he revealing who we really are? think about that. is this who we really are? the overwhelmingly negative response to his unfair and unkind attack on a good man, lebron james, shows america rejects what he is pedaling, most of america anyway, not all
of america. but what about the impact his policies have without a platform through sports like lebron or through media like me? what about those who don t have a voice? what is his presidency doing to them? the kids separated from their parents at the bord, the kids who don t have the chance to attend lebron s school or any halfway decent school, the parents who can t honestly you can t honestly tell their children to be proud of a president of the united states. the people of color who are attacked by their fellow citizens who feel emboldened to be publicly racist because the president is. will the country stand up for them?
A recap of the day s news.
hawaii is the first state in the u.s. to have 100% renewable energy goal. we re a very small electric utility. but, if we don t make this move we re going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaii s economy. verizon provided us a solution using smart sensors on their network that lets us collect near real time data on our power grid. (colton) this technology is helping us integrate rooftop solar, which is a very important element of getting us to our renewable energy goals. (shelee) if we can create our own energy, we can take care of this beautiful place that i grew up in. i knew at that exact moment . i m beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it s not just picking a surgeon, it s picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are.
visit we re back. president trump mapping out a larger strategy when he takes to twitter and goes on the attack, particularly when going after people of color like me and lebron james. so let s bring in charles blow, an op-ed columnist for the new york times, and annie karni, the white house reporter for
politico. you told me the white house you said that the president s tweet was wrong and you told the white house. i do. and i do believe that. i think it was a mistake to go after lebron james. look, i d love to be as dumb as lebron james if that s dumb because he s not only the greatest athlete in the world in my opinion, he also is an incredible businessman and he has a great heart. not just writing a check, that would be enough, because also being deeply involved in the curriculum. whenever i hear about him the last thing i think of is dumb. my advice to the president who as you know i have great respect for, my advice to him is he should follow his wife s lead. we can praise the great work he s doing there. we can ignore the fact he personally doesn t care for the president.
and i encourage the president like melania did to reach out to him, i think that would prove a lot to country, we care about the great things you re doing, you re a private citizen and how can we learn from each other in that regard? i hope the president will do that. i m very glad the first lady did. i am a private citizen, and i didn t run for office but i am a public figure here but i take the criticism just the president of the united states should be better and should do better and should not be tweeting bad things about nba stars or cable news anchors. it s just beneath the office of the presidency and he should learn that. so i want to bring in charles in. charles, this is from one of your latest columns. thank you so much for writing it. donald trump has a pension for labeling particular people. it might strike some as just another insult from a petulant urchin of a man who insults everyone with who he takes
a tool, right? she s not involved with him on a policy issue, he just wants to say the word pocahontas. he just wants to use maxine you know a lot of democratic congressmen who vehemently disagree with this president are on television all the time saying how much they disagree with him, senators, too. he does not use them. he chose the black women and says this is their new hero, and no one is saying the mexicans are the face of the party, but he wants to make her that because it is useful to him. because it is a weapon and a tool. just say it because
because it s race and misogyny as well because he likes the idea of using her. and that happens over and over in his insulting. he will pick someone he ll pick, you know, athletes like lebron, pick you. but he wants to find a face. and he likes the fact that that face is female or minority. and it s easy to beat up on them in his mind. annie, the timing of this tweet from the president comes just about a year after charlottesville. and you in your piece for politico you write about the real lesson trump learned from that episode and ultimately he came out unscathed, right? in the short-term, absolutely. we saw a year ago republicans on the hill distancing themselves from him. we saw executives quitting his business councils. we saw a lot of hemming and hawing among white house staffers whether they would leave the administration and cohen privately expressing consternation. a year later everyone sort of has crawled back one way or another. the corporate ceos are having dinners privately just at ivanka s house or jared s house
and no one quit. i think in the short-term is that nothing matters. the fifth avenue principle, his poll numbers are at an all-time high of his presidency, his fox news crew is still behind him. and from a historical perspective will this put him on the wrong side of history, that is question we ll find out later. but a year later he s doing just fine. steve, i wanted to make sure you got in. i think that s unfair and the facts don t bear out. okay, i don t believe it s at all racial, and here s why no, here s why. i m about to give you facts, don. that was charles. sorry, charles. here, are some of the facts, people he s called dumb, people like mit romney. political opponent. like i said, political opponents. go ahead, keep going. how about the way he criticizes people like chuck todd and joe scarborough, if you want to go into media. he does not seem to hold back
look at those men who are kneeling to protect the lives of other black and brown boys and men who have been shot by the police and doing so quite frankly in one of the most peaceful ways you could possibly do it, not even saying a word, just going down on a knee, it is literally one of the most peaceful ways of protest you could think of. but he knows that people in those audiences don t see that. they see black men being disobedient, and that is what he is using. so you can charles, this is brown face he can tell another lie on tv, which what he does. can you stop calling me a liar? you lie all the time and this it s very apparent to anybody who s watching. let him say his piece. this is brown face, by the way, who appreciates very much what this president is doing for my community and communities of color in this country who are more prosperous and more secure they have been. and by the way, a brown face that is sick of being taken for granted by liberals who want to keep minorities in a political plantation where they are dependent on government and where their views are only respected at election time. and that i believe is real racism. players played well politically
for him. so he used them. they weren t constantly coming at him, which is the lie you just told. they never mentioned him. but y all let him come in here and lie. but he keeps coming back at them because it works for him, and look at those men who are kneeling to protect the lives of other black and brown boys and men who have been shot by the police and doing so quite frankly in one of the most peaceful ways you could possibly do it, not even saying a word, just going down on a knee, it is literally one of the most peaceful ways of protest you could think of. but he knows that people in those audiences don t see that. they see black men being disobedient, and that is what he is using. so you can charles, this is brown face he can tell another lie on tv, which what he does. can you stop calling me a liar? you lie all the time and this it s very apparent to
anybody who s watching. let him say his piece. this is brown face, by the way, who appreciates very much what this president is doing for my community and communities of color in this country who are more prosperous and more secure they have been. and by the way, a brown face that is sick of being taken for granted by liberals who want to keep minorities in a political plantation where they are dependent on government and where their views are only respected at election time. and that i believe is real racism. they constantly no, it s not a dog whistle. i m saying the democrats want that mentality. only black and brown republican use the plantation metaphor because they can get away with doing it. and it s the dog whistle to white people saying i would like to say that but they would call me racist so thank you black and
brown people because they would call me racist. why don t we take a break here? steve, i m going to let you talk on the other side. there is a difference between, a huge difference that america needs to understand about people who perceive themselves to be forgotten because of political strategy or because of politics or because someone is trying to use them in their vote. there s a difference between that and people who have been historically forgotten about and discriminated against. there s a huge difference in that. one is a perception, the other a reality. we ll talk about that when we come back. crabfest is back at red lobster, with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover s dream. but hurry in. cause crabfest will be gone in a snap.
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so i m back now with charles blow, steve cortez and annie karni. annie, do you see similarities with how the president he uses both to prop himself up. he does. they re both definitely tools. they re tools that democrats should be scared of in 2018 and 2020. i think that one of the most effective outcomes of his rhetoric is that it determines what his opponents, whether they be political opponents or as he branded us, the opposition party. what we talk about. democrats i ve talked to senior democratic operatives who say their fear in 2020 is that this conversation we have tonight will define the race, forcing them to maybe outleft each other in an attempt to win the primary and then come out too bruised and too far to the
left to win a general election. and the news you started out your show here tonight saying you don t like to be the story. we shouldn t be the story but then trump says certain things that demand a response. both of these tools are productive for him in that he is shaping what his opponents are discussing at all. steve, as of last week the washington post tallied up 4,229 false or misleading claims from the president in 558 days. they also point out how the president often repeats the same false statements. he s trying to get his narrative out there on the economy, on trade and on jobs. and when we call him out for getting something wrong, we re fake news? yeah, don, listen, i ve looked at that list, not every one of them because it s exhaustive. but i ve looked at that list and the vast majority of those are either opinions or hyperbole, so
cleary not lies. if you want to say the washington times then you ll have to deal with that that s right. the racism now unfortunately in politics has become the scarlett letter. it s an r instead of an a. once we put it on somebody because we disagree with policy they re marginalized and castigated and regulated to a spot. and that s ludicrous. the policies we ve been following for decade before donald trump is disastrous for people of color. if you talk about race, how would you relegate it people do it all the time. i m a liar, and i support a racist why because i believe in better trade deals to protect work, many of whom are minorities you don t think certain policies can hurt certain people of a certain ethnic background
and therefore by default are racist? you don t think it s okay to criticize people for doing that? you don t think it s okay to criticize you if you come on here and you tell a truth when there s demonstrable proof that what you re saying is false. of course, but i haven t said anything false. for example, is it racist, by the way to control our border or is it actually racist to say we re going to allow a million plus workers a year as we ve done for a generation in this country so they can compete against legal citizens, against african-americans in the labor markets, particularly the trades. i would say, sure, it is racist. the way you do it can be racist. can we deconstruct it? everything it s still problematic. so this idea of trying to pit minorities against each other,
which is what that does. you don t want i m your best friend because i m not going to let hispanics come in to compete with the other hispanics who are who are not citizens. let me talk. that framing is already problematic and already pits the minorities against each other. and what you need to ask yourself is why is it in america that the black and brown people in america would be the lowest rung on the ladder to be competed with, right? so what structures are creating the environment that make black and brown people competing at the lower end, and that white people are safe somehow at the higher end? all of that framing is problematic. yourself is why is it in america that the black and brown people in america would be the lowest rung on the ladder to be competed with, right? so what structures are creating the environment that make black and brown people competing at the lower end, and that white people are safe somehow at the higher end? all of that framing is problematic. when people try to say this is not no, putting those black or brown kids in those cages
that s a problem. because i don t see anybody from canada in a cage and i don t see anybody from a visa in a cage. there s a race problem there. to be continued. i appreciate your candor. go ahead quickly, please, steve. i agree with you by the lack of opportunity. you re exactly right. and what i m saying is donald trump is creating that opportunity. the numbers show it he s riding barack obama s wave. because he did not screw up the economy that barack obama created, that he deserves all this i m just being honest. imagine if he had inherited the economy that barack obama had inherited? do you think that he would be
do you think he would be in this place that he is now? i don t think so. he should be happy that he inherited a good economy and just move on and take ownership of it and stop demonizing the former president and the former president s policies and say i m glad i inherited a great economy that was on the up swing and we re going to keep it moving. that s the reality of it, but that doesn t play well to his base. no, it was great for upper, upper 1% of america, and unfortunately there aren t many black and brown people in that group. the working class wages had stagnated if you look at the graph of that it is a continuous line for black unemployment falling. i ve got to go. we re over. thank you, steve. okay, thank you, guys. i appreciate your time. we ll be right back. annie, thank you so much. sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. stadium pa : all military members stand and be recognized. sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform.
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those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that s just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we re building a better california. well, prosecutors in the trial of president trump s
former campaign chairman paul manafort bringing out their star witness today. long time manafort business associate rick gates admitting to committing crimes both alongside and at the direction of paul manafort. joining me now is cnn s chief national correspondent jim sciutto and former u.s. attorney harry litman. you were inside the courtroom today. rick gates had some explosive and damning testimony. what did he tell the jury? i ll tell you, don, it was a remarkable standoff because you have rick gates sitting about 10, 15 feet away from manafort at the defendant s table staring at rick gates, rick gates avoiding the gaze of prosecuting attorney but manafort staring at him with arms crossed a as gates listed a series of alleged crimes that gates said he performed along with manafort at the direction of manafort
including setting up 15 foreign bank accounts that they deliberately kept hidden from u.s. authorities to avoid taxes, filing fake tax returns of course to avoid taxes. also things we did not know about prior to his testimony today including gates admitting that he stole money from manafort to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars by filing false expense claims. so a whole series of things there. and the key, gates saying not only did manafort know about it, not only did we do it together but gates saying that he did these things with manafort to rather under manafort s direction, don. listen, rick gates is expected to take the stand tomorrow and be cross examined by manafort s attorneys. how do you think the defense will counter gates testimony? they ll come at him really hard, and this is the big shot they re taking.
they said in opening this is what they were going to try to show. i think this rather than even manafort s testimony is where they ll roll all the dice. but he s been very well prepared as he showed on direct. and the key here is for him to very straightforwardly without drama admit to any kind of criminal conduct, give the jury reason to believe him now based on his motivation to reduce his sentence. so he s got to be calm and straightforward about it. i think you ll see a kind of dynamic battle in court and jim will hear if he s there, a sort of sneering, sarcastic aggressive questioning on the one hand by the defense attorney and a very straightforward, flat, yep, that s right by gates himself. so they ll only draw blood, i think, if they convince the jury he is lying now. he did a lot worse things than rick gates that s what i want to ask you. gates is an admitted criminal and liar who stole from
manafort. does that hurt his credibility with the jury? sure. but that happens in case after case after case when you have a cooperating witness. and that s sort of part of the prosecutor s art is how to present those crimes in a sort of non-squirrely straight up way and how to persuade the jury that he s telling the truth now so manafort s attorneys, it s important to undermine his credibility. as you were saying they re going to go at that hard. they want to get a rise out of him. they d especially love to catch him in a lie on the stand. what was it like to see them in the same room together?
it was remarkable. this is not a mob case, but where you have the capo as it were, the deputy testifying at length to numerous alleged crimes against his long time boss, someone he worked with for many, many years directly. and in a way, and it s interesting as harry mentions it, it struck me that he was a well-prepared witness. he had the answers to the questions. he answered listen, some of this is performance art i imagine. you answer like a boy scout. you have the details, you answer calmly. you re doing your best to be honest under the circumstances. when he is recounting a whole series of alleged crimes here in great detail, right, which is not an easy thing to do. and particularly as he had something of a surprise, something we didn t know about entering into today which is that he in addition to doing these crimes or alleged crimes, rather, with manafort that he committed a crime in effect against manafort. the deputy stealing money from the boss. yeah, it s interesting because giuliani last week
suggested that gates attended that trump tower meeting with the russians, right? a meeting about that meeting. so i m just wondering how that is going to play into the overall russia investigation. because they couldn t mention it in this trial that s happening now. i want to know how that s going to play and also what trouble, what does this mean for don junior. we ll talk about that when we come back. -i ve seen lots of homes helping new customers bundle and save big, but now it s time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower? -water pressure s crucial, scott! it s like they say location, location, koi pond. -they don t say that. it s like they say location, location, koi pond. since joining ninehahi, ubmonths ago,o.
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it s so much easier so now, we re ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. back now with jim sciutto and harry litman. okay, gentlemen. so jim, rick gates was part of the trump campaign for longer than manafort. and prosecutors have said russia won t come up at this trial. but should trump s attorneys
worry ability what more gates could tell mueller. well, that s been a running question for a number of months here, right? you have two ongoing trials one in alexandria, one in washington. those are purely about their business practice, alleged illegal business dealings prior to their work for the trump campaign. but as manafort is the former trump campaign chairman is facing if he s convicted of these crimes, the reasonable question is is that pressure the special counsel might use to extract information or is it incentive to extract information regarding the president if paul manafort is aware of any wrongdoing by the president? of course rick gates who was deputy to paul manafort arguably equally close, he s already a cooperating witness.
you don t need flip him. he s cooperating with federal investigators at least in the manafort case. has special counsel mueller asked him questions about for instance his knowledge about whether the president knew in advance of the june 2016 trump tower meeting? it s possible. we know that there s been discussion of a meeting prior to that meeting. was rick gates another of the very tight circle of campaign aides who was present for that? where they supposedly discussed strategy for the meeting that s in question, right? i m wondering if that goes to intent, and if so how much exposure does don junior have? we re always asking these questions based on what little if anything we know about what robert mueller has at this point, right? from private testimony, under oath, et cetera. but clearly he s concerned about donald trump, jr. s legal stating, what he faces here. and the very obvious legal questions are, one, did he lie
in his sworn testimony before the senate about the trump tower meeting, what he told the president, et cetera. did he lie in his testimony elsewhere, that s one question. and what does the special counsel have, if anything, to substantiate that donald trump, jr., knew or conspired in some way with russians, et cetera. those are the questions. we don t know what mueller has in the short time, i hate to rush you on this, but these are the shifting explanations for the trump tower meeting, okay? so first we have july 8, trump junior meeting was primarily about adoptions, july 9 the meeting was primarily about op research on clinton. e-mails were discussed in there and on and on and on. first we were told by trump, jr. it was about adoption and then the new york times and all the
reports come out. and you see them up there on the screen. it s about adoption, no it s not about adoption. no, it s getting dirt on hillary clinton. no it s about adoption, no it s about getting dirt on hillary clinton. so what is it? what is it, it s a world of hurt for donald trump, jr. because we know now from trump s tweet there was collusion, coordination from a foreign government to get dirt on an opponent and trump adds at the end i didn t know about the meeting and that implicitly and he knows about that pre-june the terp he knows about that pre-june meeting to prepare. there s no hold back on gates part. thank you both. i appreciate your time. when we come back don junior answering questions about that infamous trump tower meeting or
not. stick around you ll hear about what happened. crabfest is back at red lobster, with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover s dream. but hurry in. cause crabfest will be gone in a snap. introducing zero account fees for self-directed brokerage accounts. and zero minimums to open an account. we have fidelity mutual funds with zero minimum investment. and now fidelity has two index funds with a zero expense ratio. because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. so maybe i ll win saved by zero
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Being , Manner , President , People , Things , Thing , Negative , President-of-the-united-states , Reports , Study , 90 , Something

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180807 02:00:00

A recap of the day s news.
twitter and apparently from watching me on cnn, which he denies, by the way. i know this because he has tweeted a nasty hateful swipe at me and lebron james we ve been discussing here. you ve probably read about it or saw it somewhere. i sat down with an nba great after lebron just opened a school for 240 at risk third and forty graders. and during our conversation lebron said this. we are in a position right now in america more importantly where this whole race thing has taken over, and one because i believe our president is kind of trying to divide us. but for him to like i said use sports to kind of divide us is something that i can t i can t sit back and not say nothing. what would you say to the president if he were sitting right here? i would never sit across from him. you would never? you wouldn t want to talk to
him? no. i would sit across from barack, though. he made lebron look smart, which isn t easy to do, i like mike. unlike this president who lashes out loudly at anyone who criticizes him, i have pretty thick skin and lebron james in addition to being a brilliant black man, a superstar in his sport and a hero to his community is taking a high road, which is exactly where he belongs. since this president has used so many insults so often, the president has called a lot of people stupid, some of those people are right. but i would like to note referring to african-americans as dumb remember this is america. referring to of concern american as dumb is one of the oldest parts of america s past and present that black people are of inferior intelligence. and pretty much everyone and
anyone in this country reacted. here s what dan rather tweeted. i d much rather live in a world reflecting the values, philanthropy and yes intelligence of lebron james than the divisive peevish lies and narrow self-interest displayed by the president of the united states. this tweet from barbara sttrisa. why is he constantly projecting onto others what he knows about himself. rather than criticizing@king james we can be celebrating him for his charity efforts to help kids. even michael jordan is weighing
in congratulating lebron for the work he s doing for his local community. but maybe cnn commentator keith boykin listen to this summed it up the best with this tweet. in trump s world obama, maxine waters, low iq, black countries, shut holes, black athletes sobs, black tenants unwellic, black workers lazy. central park five, guilty. mexicans, rapists. muslims, terrorists. indians, fake. nazis wait for it very fine people. notice a pattern? this president constantly denigrates people of color and women too. congress woman maxine waters his
new favorite target. maxine waters, a very low iq individual. maxine waters. a low iq individual. she is a low iq individual, maxine waters. i said it the other day. i mean honestly she s somewhere in the mid-60s. maxine waters. very low iq. low iq. but then again this is the same man who for years tried to deny the legitimacy of america s first black president by questioning over and over and over and over whether barack obama was born in this country. i want him to show his birth certificate. there s something on that birth certificate that he doesn t like. i brought it up just routinely and all of a sudden a lot of
facts are emerging and i m starting to wonder myself whether or not he was born in this country. i would like to have him show his birth certificate. and can i be honest with you, i hope he can. because if he can t if he can t and if he wasn t born in this country, which is real possibility, if he doesn t it s one of the greatest scams in the history of politics. and black athletes who kneel during the national anthem as a former protest against racism and police brutality, well, they get this disrespect. wouldn t you love to see one of these nfl owners when somebody disrespects our flag, to say get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now? he s fired. he s fired! this week marks the one year anniversary of that violent and deadly white nationalist rally in charlottesville. the one where angry white racists carried torches and shouted anti-semitic slogans including jews will not replace
us. the one where heather heyer, a 32-year-old young lady was killed by a bigot who intentionally drove his car through a crowd, a crowd that was there to fight against the hate. but this is how this president famously characterized that. you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. you had people in that group excuse me, excuse me. i saw the same pictures as you did. cross burnings, tiki torches, white hoods replaced by no hoods and khaki pants, these are the very fine people in the president s eyes. and yes, let me not mince words here. this president traffics in racism and is fueled by bouleyinboule bulling.
president trump is trying a divide and conquer strategy here and here s how it goes. he divides by race and tries to conquer decency by smearing and besmirching the truth and the people who fight to uphold it. i ve wondered sometimes, you ve seen chris and i, i wonder if he will succeed. if president trump who has his finger on his he s the one who has his finger on the pulse of this country. is he revealing who we really are? think about that. is this who we really are? the overwhelmingly negative response to his unfair and unkind attack on a good man, lebron james, shows america rejects what he is pedaling, most of america anyway, not all of america. but what about the impact his policies have without a platform through sports like lebron or through media like me? what about those who don t have a voice? what is his presidency doing to
them? the kids separated from their parents at the bord, the kids who don t have the chance to attend lebron s school or any halfway decent school, the parents who can t honestly you can t honestly tell their children to be proud of a president of the united states. the people of color who are attacked by their fellow citizens who feel emboldened to be publicly racist because the president is. will the country stand up for them? we, the decent and truly patriotic people who really love america and believe in its greatness have to because clearly donald trump won t. i want to bring in now cnn commentator charles blow, steve cortez, former trump campaign advisor and annie carny white house reporter for politico. we ll discuss all of this right after the break. with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab
with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover s dream. but hurry in. cause crabfest will be gone in a snap. what does help for heart the beat goes on. it looks like emily cooking dinner for ten. the beat goes on. it looks like jonathan on a date with his wife. la-di-la-di. entresto is a heart failure medicine that helps your heart. so you can keep on doing what you love. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. it helps improve your heart s ability to pump blood to the body. don t take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don t take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren,
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i do. and i do believe that. i think it was a mistake to go after lebron james. look, i d love to be as dumb as lebron james if that s dumb because he s not only the greatest athlete in the world in my opinion, he also is an incredible businessman and he has a great heart. not just writing a check, that would be enough, because also being deeply involved in the curriculum. whenever i hear about him the last thing i think of is dumb. my advice to the president who as you know i have great respect for, my advice to him is he should follow his wife s lead. we can praise the great work he s doing there. we can ignore the fact he personally doesn t care for the president. and i encourage the president like melania did to reach out to him, i think that would prove a lot to country, we care about the great things you re doing, you re a private citizen and how can we learn from each other in that regard? i hope the president will do that. i m very glad the first lady
did. i am a private citizen, and i didn t run for office but i am a public figure here but i take the criticism just the president of the united states should be better and should do better and should not be tweeting bad things about nba stars or cable news anchors. it s just beneath the office of the presidency and he should learn that. so i want to bring in charles in. charles, this is from one of your latest columns. thank you so much for writing it. donald trump has a pension for labeling particular people. it might strike some as just another insult from a petulant urchin of a man who insults everyone with who he takes issue. but i believe the nature of his intults to specific kinds of people say something more about the character and nature of the man, something which he may or may not be aware. i believe that the fact he so often attacks the intellectual
capacity of women and minorities exposes a racial and gender bias. you think there s a pattern? absolutely. the new york times does a great job of keeping track of literally every insult. i went through that database and tried to see what patterns emerged from that. there are political opponents and he would say a lot of things about them. and people who would disagree with him on specific policies and he would attack that person because of that. but only with minorities and women did he use them as tools of division, right? so these were not his political enemies. they had no impact on policy. these were just people who disagreed with him, and he would in many cases some people had difference in some policies so elizabeth warren, he uses her as a tool, right? she s not involved with him on a policy issue, he just wants to say the word pocahontas.
he just wants to use maxine you know a lot of democratic congressmen who vehemently disagree with this president are on television all the time saying how much they disagree with him, senators, too. he does not use them. he chose the black women and says this is their new hero, and no one is saying the mexicans are the face of the party, but he wants to make her that because it is useful to him. because it is a weapon and a tool. just say it because because it s race and misogyny as well because he likes the idea of using her. and that happens over and over in his insulting. he will pick someone he ll pick, you know, athletes like lebron, pick you. but he wants to find a face. and he likes the fact that that face is female or minority. and it s easy to beat up on them in his mind.
annie, the timing of this tweet from the president comes just about a year after charlottesville. and you in your piece for politico you write about the real lesson trump learned from that episode and ultimately he came out unscathed, right? in the short-term, absolutely. we saw a year ago republicans on the hill distancing themselves from him. we saw executives quitting his business councils. we saw a lot of hemming and hawing among white house staffers whether they would leave the administration and cohen privately expressing consternation. a year later everyone sort ofs has crawled back one way or another. the corporate ceos are having dinners privately just at ivanka s house or jared s house and no one quit.
i think in the short-term is that nothing matters. the fifth avenue principle, his poll numbers are at an all-time high of his presidency, his fox news crew is still behind him. and from a historical perspective will this put him on the wrong side of history, that is question we ll find out later. but a year later he s doing just fine. steve, i wanted to make sure you got in. i think that s unfair and the facts don t bear out. okay, i don t believe it s at all racial, and here s why no, here s why. i m about to give you facts, don. that was charles. sorry, charles.
here, are some of the facts, people he s called dumb, people like mit romney. political opponent. like i said, political opponents. go ahead, keep going. how about the way he criticizes people like chuck todd and joe skacarborough, if u want to go into media. he does not seem to hold back regardless of gender or ethnicity at all. and in all those cases, by the way, i ll also defend him on this again i don t think he should go after lebron because he s not in politics. in all these cases these are people that come at the president first. he s probably going to punch back harder than you gave it to him in the first place. he s the floyd mayweather of politics. i don t want him to do it against people who aren t in the
political arena but he does it regardless of gender or race. i just want to say, you re going to get in, but i didn t attack him. i was interviewing lebron james. he chose to attack me. you didn t that night, but, don, you have called him a racist you ve called him a racist. it is a punch to the throat of the president and he punches back and that s totally fair. how much more evidence do you need? how much more evidence do you need? being a racist does not mean walking down the street calling people the n-word. it is what you do, your practice. it is what you say, how you treat people, who you hang out with, it is what comes out of your mouth. it s not active like, oh, my gosh, you catch someone in the act being racist. you judge people on their lies and their action. and that s what i ve judged from his action. and know this administration is
fact challenged but all you have to do is look at the facts. no, i m not yes, you are. this is again a whole bunch of things that are not related to each other and tries to get around the actual facts we put on the table. that s what you do. i ve seen you on television a million times and it s kind of clever but it s not clever with me, right? the idea that he uses particular people as as weapons, as clubs when he goes to his rallies, that he constantly comes back, and this has been reported out, that he thought that him attacking those nfl players played well politically for him. so he used them. they weren t constantly coming at him, which is the lie you just told. they never mentioned him. but y all let him come in here and lie.
but he keeps coming back at them because it works for him, and look at those men who are kneeling to protect the lives of other black and brown boys and men who have been shot by the police and doing so quite frankly in one of the most peaceful ways you could possibly do it, not even saying a word, just going down on a knee, it is literally one of the most peaceful ways of protest you could think of. but he knows that people in those audiences don t see that. they see black men being disobedient, and that is what he is using. so you can charles, this is brown face he can tell another lie on tv, which what he does. can you stop calling me a liar? you lie all the time and this it s very apparent to anybody who s watching. let him say his piece. this is brown face, by the way, who appreciates very much
what this president is doing for my community and communities of color in this country who are more prosperous and more secure they have been. and by the way, a brown face that is sick of being taken for granted by liberals who want to keep minorities in a political plantation where they are dependent on government and where their views are only respected at election time. and that i believe is real racism. they constantly no, it s not a dog whistle. i m saying the democrats want that mentality. only black and brown republican use the plantation metaphor because they can get away with odoidoing it. and it s the dog whistle to white people saying i would like to say that but they would call me racist so thank you black and brown people because they would call me racist. why don t we take a break here? steve, i m going to let you talk on the other side.
there is a difference between, a huge difference that america needs to understand about people who perceive themselves to be forgotten because of political strategy or because of politics or because someone is trying to use them in their vote. there s a difference between that and people who have been historically forgotten about and discriminated against. there s a huge difference in that. one is a perception, the other a reality. we ll talk about that when we come back. -morning. -morning. -what do we got? -keep an eye on that branch. might get windy. have a good shift. fire pit. last use 0600. i d stay close. morning. get ready to switch. protected by flo. should say, protected by alan and jamie. -right? -should it? when you bundle home and auto. run, alan! .you get more than just savings. you get round-the-clock protection. .you get more than just savings.
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karni. annie, do you see similarities with how the president he uses both to prop himself up. he does. they re both definitely tools. they re tools that democrats should be scared of in 2018 and 2020. i think that one of the most effective outcomes of his rhetoric is that it determines what his opponents, whether they be political opponents or as he branded us, the opposition party. what we talk about. democrats i ve talked to senior democratic roperatives wo say their fear in 2020 is that this conversation we have tonight will define the race, forcing them to maybe outleft each other in an attempt to win the primary and then come out too bruised and too far to the left to win a general election. and the news you started out your show here tonight saying you don t like to be the story.
we shouldn t be the story but then trump says certain things that demand a response. both of these tools are productive for him in that he is shaping what his opponents are discussing at all. steve, as of last week the washington post tallied up 4,229 false or misleading claims from the president in 558 days. they also point out how the president often repeats the same false statements. he s trying to get his narrative out there on the economy, on trade and on jobs. and when we call him out for getting something wrong, we re fake news? yeah, don, listen, i ve looked at that list, not every one of them because it s exhaustive. but i ve looked at that list and the vast majority of those are either opinions or hyperbole, so cleary not lies. if you want to say the
washington times then you ll have to deal with that that s right. the racism now unfortunately in politics has become the scarlett letter. it s an r instead of an a. once we put it on somebody because we disagree with policy they re marginalized and castigated and regulated to a spot. and that s ludicrous. the policies we ve been following for decade before donald trump is disastrous for people of color. if you talk about race, how would you relegate it people do it all the time. i m a liar, and i support a racist why because i believe in better trade deals to protect work, many of whom are minorities you don t think certain policies can hurt certain people
of a certain ethnic background and therefore by default are racist? you don t think it s okay to criticize people for doing that? you don t think it s okay to criticize you if you come on here and you tell a truth when there s demonstrable proof that what you re saying is false. of course, but i haven t said anything false. for example, is it racist, by the way to control our border or is it actually racist to say we re going to allow a million plus workers a year as we ve done for a generation in this country so they can compete against legal citizens, against african-americans in the labor markets, particularly the trades. i would say, sure, it is racist. the way you do it can be racist. can we deconstruct it? everything it s still problematic. so this idea of trying to pit minorities against each other, which is what that does. you don t want i m your best friend because i m not going to
let hispanics come in to compete with the other hispanics who are who are not citizens. let me talk. that framing is already problematic and already pits the minorities against each other. and what you need to ask yourself is why is it in america that the black and brown people in america would be the lowest rung on the ladder to be competed with, right? so what structures are creating the environment that make black and brown people competing at the lower end, and that white people are safe somehow at the higher end? all of that framing is problematic. when people try to say this is not no, putting those black or brown kids in those cages that s a problem. because i don t see anybody from canada in a cage and i don t see anybody from a visa in a cage.
there s a race problem there. to be continued. i appreciate your candor. go ahead quickly, please, steve. i agree with you by the lack of opportunity. you re exactly right. and what i m saying is donald trump is creating that opportunity. the numbers show it he s riding barack obama s wave. because he did not screw up the economy that barack obama created, that he deserves all this i m just being honest. imagine if he had inherited the economy that barack obama had inherited? do you think that he would be do you think he would be in this place that he is now? i don t think so. he should be happy that he inherited a good economy and just move on and take ownership of it and stop demonizing the former president and the former president s policies and say i m glad i inherited a great economy that was on the up swing and we re going to keep it moving. that s the reality of it, but that doesn t play well to his
base. no, it was great for upper, upper 1% of america, and unfortunately there aren t many black and brown people in that group. the working class wages had stagnated if you look at the graph of that it is a continuous line for black unemployment falling. i ve got to go. we re over. thank you, steve. okay, thank you, guys. i appreciate your time. we ll be right back. anne annie, thank you so much. wake up early, o. slap on some cologne i m 85 and i wanna go home just got a job as a lifeguard in savannah i m 85 and i wanna go home
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harry litman. you were inside the courtroom today. rick gates had some explosive and damning testimony. what did he tell the jury? i ll tell you, don, it was a remarkable standoff because you have rick gates sitting about 10, 15 feet away from manafort at the defendant s table staring at rick gates, rick gates avoiding the gaze of prosecuting attorney but manafort staring at him with arms crossed a as gates listed a series of alleged crimes that gates said he performed along with manafort at the direction of manafort including setting up 15 foreign bank accounts that they deliberately kept hidden from u.s. authorities to avoid taxes, filing fake tax returns of course to avoid taxes. also things we did not know about prior to his testimony today including gates admitting that he stole money from
manafort to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars by filing false expense claims. so a whole series of things there. and the key, gates saying not only did manafort know about it, not only did we do it together but gates saying that he did these things with manafort to rather under manafort s direction, don. listen, rick gates is expected to take the stand tomorrow and be cross examined by manafort s attorneys. how do you think the defense will counter gates testimony? they ll come at him really hard, and this is the big shot they re taking. they said in opening this is what they were going to try to show. i think this rather than even manafort s testimony is where they ll roll all the dice. but he s been very well prepared as he showed on direct. and the key here is for him to very straightforwardly without drama admit to any kind of criminal conduct, give the jury
reason to believe him now based on his motivation to reduce his sentence. so he s got to be calm and straightforward about it. i think you ll see a kind of dynamic battle in court and jim will hear if he s there, a sort of sneering, sarcastic aggressive questioning on the one hand by the defense attorney and a very straightforward, flat, yep, that s right by gates himself. so they ll only draw blood, i think, if they convince the jury he is lying now. he did a lot worse things than rick gates that s what i want to ask you. gates is an admitted criminal and liarwho stole from manafort. does that hurt his credibility with the jury? sure. but that happens in case after case after case when you have a
cooperating witness. and that s sort of part of the prosecutor s art is how to present those crimes in a sort of non-squirrely straight up way and how to persuade the jury that he s telling the truth now so manafort s attorneys, it s important to undermine his credibility. as you were saying they re going to go at that hard. they want to get a rise out of him. th they d especially love to catch him in a lie on the stand. what was it like to see them in the same room together? it was remarkable. this is not a mob case, but where you have the capo as it were, the deputy testifying at length to numerous alleged crimes against his long time boss, someone he worked with for many, many years directly. and in a way, and it s interesting as harry mentions
it, it struck me that he was a well-prepared witness. he had the answers to the questions. he answered listen, some of this is performance art i imagine. you answer like a boy scout. you have the details, you answer calmly. you re doing your best to be honest under the circumstances. when he is recounting a whole series of alleged crimes here in great detail, right, which is not an easy thing to do. and particularly as he had something of a surprise, something we didn t know about entering into today which is that he in addition to doing these crimes or alleged crimes, rather, with manafort that he committed a crime in effect against manafort. the deputy stealing money from the boss. yeah, it s interesting because giuliani last week suggested that gates attended that trump tower meeting with the russians, right? a meeting about that meeting. so i m just wondering how that is going to play into the overall russia investigation. because they couldn t mention it
in this trial that s happening now. i want to know how that s going to play and also what trouble, what does this mean for doon junior. we ll talk about that when we come back. like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover s dream. but hurry in. cause crabfest will be gone in a snap. hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. we re the most isolated population on the planet. hawaii is the first state in the u.s. to have 100% renewable energy goal. we re a very small electric utility. but, if we don t make this move we re going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaii s economy. verizon provided us a solution using smart sensors on their network that lets us collect near real time data
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illegal business dealings prior to their work for the trump campaign. but as manafort is the former trump campaign chairman is facing if he s convicted of these crimes, the reasonable question is is that pressure the special counsel might use to extract information or is it incentive to extract information regarding the president if paul manafort is aware of any wrongdoing by the president? of course rick gates who was deputy to paul manafort arguably equally close, he s already a cooperating witness. he s cooperating with federal investigators at least in the manafort case. has special counsel mueller asked him questions about for instance his knowledge about whether the president knew in advance of the june 2016 trump tower meeting? it s possible. we know that there s been discussion of a meeting prior to
that meeting. was rick gates another of the very tight circle of campaign aides who was present for that? where they supposedly discussed strategy for the meeting that s in question, right? i m wondering if that goes to intent, and if so how much exposure does don junior have? we re always asking these questions based on what little if anything we know about what robert mueller has at this point, right? from private testimony, under oath, et cetera. but clearly he s concerned about donald trump, jr. s legal stating, what he faces here. and the very obvious legal questions are, one, did he lie in his sworn testimony before the sent about that trump tower meeting, what he told the president, et cetera. did he lie in his testimony elsewhere, that s one question. and what does the special
counsel have, if anything, to substantiate that donald trump, jr., knew or conspired in some way with russians, et cetera. those are the questions. in the short time, i hate to rush you on this, but these are the shifting explanations for the trump tower meeting, okay? so first we have july 8, trump junior meeting was primarily about adoptions, july 9 the meeting was primarily about research on clinton, and then e-mails were discussed in there and on and on and on. first we were told by trump, jr. it was about adoption and then the new york times and all the reports come out. and you see them up there on the screen. it s about adoption, no it s not about adoption. no, it s getting dirt on hillary clinton. no it s about adoption, no it s about getting dirt on hillary clinton. so what is it?
what is it, it s a world of hurt for donald trump, jr. because we know now from trump s tweet there was collusion, coordination from a foreign government to get dirt on an opponent and trump adds at the end i didn t know about the meeting and that implicitly c l iplies donald trump, jr. and he knows about that pre-june meeting to prepare. there s no hold back on gates part. thank you both. i appreciate your time. when we come back don junior answering questions about that infamous trump tower meeting or not. stick around you ll hear about what happened. skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx. i was covered. it was awful.
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RONDA RICH: Getting to Know David - Part One

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