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shele s children are growing up without much contact with shele s side of the family. is there anything that you want the children to know about their mother and how you feel about them? their mother with every breath she took and every ounce of her, she adored them. that s all for this edition of dateline. i m andrea canning. thank you for watching. i m craig melvin and this is dateline. something is wrong here. the system doesn t want to acknowledge that they made a mistake, but you made a mistake. the detective was like you tell us you did this? i didn t do nothing. hearing the judge say guilty. two brothers convicted of murder fight back against the justice system. a pattern. how to gain a conviction. i knew they were innocent and the question is do we have enough? there are several witnesses saying the testimony is coerced. can they all be lying? if i have to die in this situation trying to prove i m an innocent man. never gave up. never. hello, and welcome to dateline. imagine spending nearly your entire adult life behind bars for a crime you did not commit. the man you are about to meet say that nightmare felt too real threat decades long journey to prove their innocence, they faced countless giving up is not an option, but, with their fight lead to freedom? here is the long road to freedom. tulsa, oklahoma. look at a list of top places to live and you will often find it. a city of promise of a new kind of energy, as its motto says. look a bit closer. just over the railroad tracks the separate the north from the south side, and you will find the city divided. segregated. if you walk deeper into north tulsa past boarded-up houses and broken basketball hoops, you will hear a story that s too familiar. the truth is, man, i ve had to deal with the pain and the anger and frustration, sadness, the misery. like the families of george floyd, breonna taylor, michael brown, and hundreds of other african americans whose names are chanted in protest nationwide, malcolm scott wants his story told. if we don t know it exists, how can we do anything about it? his story starts like so many other black lives that have struggled to matter. raised in poverty under the suspicious eye of the police and destin to a life of run-ins with the law. at its heart, it s a story about two brothers, malcolm and corey and the bond that could not be broken. not even in the face of unimaginable odds. what was it like growing up? you felt like you were always home. familiar faces around you. large family? 12 brothers and sisters. it was crowded. [ laughter ] me getting a hold of football and running, that was life. malcolm caught the football bug from corey who was his older half-brother and best friend. we have a beautiful relationship. my mom would tell me, he is crazy about you. he would do everything you do. as a young teenager, malcolm dealt with the father who struggled with alcohol addiction and sometimes abused him. corey was his safe haven. i had to protect him. did he start to play the role of dad? i could better relate to him. i did not fear him and i felt safe with him. feeling safe was rare in north tulsa. this is where the poor lived, a place with few social services, but lots of crack cocaine and gang violence. the night of august 3, 1990, was typical on the corner of atlanta and forth, a gun was fired. corey says he happened to be driving through. i look to where the shot came from and i see the dude fall. when we got there and i saw his chest was still moving, he was still breathing, and i was like somebody call an ambulance. when police arrived they found james, a smalltime drug dealer dead on the sidewalk. he had been shot once in the chest and wrapped. police stopped corey at the scene. some of his friends were known gang members and police thought corey was too. he had no criminal record. they ordered him out of the car and they searched us down and search the car. he let us go. investigators were not able to develop leads in the case when cold. six months after the death, a 16-year-old told police he saw the shooter. it was corey. police arrested corey and charged him with first-degree murder. i was taken to the homicide division and the detective is like, you cannot tell us you did this? i am like man, i ain t did nothing. at trial, thomas became the star witness and prosecutors had more evidence. they played an interrogation video corey s friend who was with him that night in which he too told detectives that corey was the killer. corey took the stand in his own defense and testified he tried to help the victim, not kill him. i remember the da said, you know they don t believe you you were going to the penitentiary for the rest of your life. i said, yeah, but the truth going to come out. the jury did not believe him and found corey guilty. june 25, 1991, he was sentenced to life in shift sent to a maximum security prison and like that he was out of malcolm s life. corey left and i was no more than 13. that was hard. to fill the void, malcolm started to hang out more with dimarco, a basketball player and neighborhood jokester. i used to think i was so funny. you know. i would tell jokes and get the girls and make them laugh. in north tulsa, fund could easily turn tragic in a split second. mel clement of marco were at a party spot in december 1993 when a drive-by shooter hit the place. malcolm was grazed but dimarco was badly injured. he was rushed to the hospital with malcolm by his side. hang in there. keep your eyes open. he was holding my hand hold them. hang in there. losing his brother to present then seeing his friend almost die hard and malcolm. he inched a bit closer to the streets. police caught him with a handgun, something he says probably would not have happened if corey had been around. he has always been one who said no. you need to be in school forget that football. malcolm had always wanted to follow when his brother s footsteps and he was about to soon, another tulsa murder and another shock for young malcolm. coming up. fingers are pointed at malcolm and his friend. these witnesses said they saw malcolm and demarco there. they identified them. everything froze. time suspended for a second. when dateline continues. c . this is the view i had of my baby in the nicu. my tip is: speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. 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.i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? here is an inescapable fact of growing up in a violence ridden low income community like north tulsa, then and now. if you are a 17-year-old black teenager like malcolm was in 1994? you are on police radar weather in a gang or not. i hear complaints from kids about being arrested for no reason. being hassled. being labeled gang members when they may of or in certain color. she was a coinvestigator crime reporter for the tulsa world newspaper for 22 years. i think the vast majority were good cops doing their job, trying to keep up. going from call to call but there were other reports of indiscriminate arrest. she said what she saw in tulsa reflected the stark reality all across the country. also was 10% african american both the arrest rate among african americans is 43%. it was easier to grab and south tulsa then north tulsa? absolutely. i raised to two kids in salt tulsa and i didn t have to worry about my boys being pulled over for no reason. i didn t worry about the safety of my sons. how bad was the gang problem? it was bad. people were afraid. reports by crips and bloods warring. they were trying to deal with a high violent crime rate. a lot of guns on the street. september 10, 1994 was just that kind of day in north tulsa . another drive-by shooting. another senseless death. this time, it was 19-year-old karen summers, then mother of a baby boy who was gunned down into: 30 a.m. as she was hanging with friends at a party. this kind of case while it did involve a tragic loss of life of a young mother who was an innocent victim, it was not highly unusual and tulsa. the murder had the signs of a gang crime and a lot of them were at the party. a day later, investigator paid a visit to michael wilson, a well-known member of the bloods. he noticed it was parked in his driveway. it matched the description of the drive by car. mike, i want to talk about the shooting and my goal is trying to hide a [sound of gunfire]. he takes the gun. ballistic tests showed it was the gun that was used to kill karen summers. it seemed dampening but he told detectives he was hiding the gun for malcolm s friend, de marchoe , and had given him the bullets. wilson was arrested for holding the gun but his story lined up with what police were hearing from two eyewitnesses, malcolm and de marchoe killed karen summers. the witnesses said they saw malcolm and de marchoe there and saw the shooting and identified them. suddenly malcolm was in almost the same situation his brother had been in three years before and telling eight tulsa homicide detective the same thing. i am innocent. i am like whoever is telling you this, they are mistaken. i didn t have nothing to do with it. despite the fact that no physical evidence pointed to malcolm and de marchoe, prosecutors believed they were the shooter so they cut a deal with michael wilson and they allowed him to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for testifying against malcolm and de marchoe. at trial, the prosecution presented the two eyewitnesses and what wilson had told them then de marchoe said the prosecutor approached him about a deal singing malcolm did and we will cut you a break. i thought he was insane for asking me that. you didn t even consider it. definitely not. why would i throw him under the bus? de marchoe turned down the deal but nine hours later, he stood up horrified as the jury delivered its verdict. the two friends were both found guilty of first-degree murder. i couldn t hear nothing. people was crying but i didn t hear nothing. a judged sentenced malcolm and de marchoe to life in prison plus 170 years. everything froze. it was like time just suspended for a second. malcolm thought of his older brother corey, now, they were both serving life for murders they said they did not commit. but, they were determined to stay strong and to help each other. we basically made a pact with each other. we said whoever get out first, gonna get the other one. odds mel clement corey could keep that promise were next to impossible. the road to freedom if it ever came would be long, filled unexpected twists and revelations. coming up. a private investigator tracks down one of the eyewitnesses who i date malcolm and de marchoe as the killers. he couldn t look me in the eye. i ve been carrying around a burden. when dateline continues. dat then i found a chance to let in the lyte.” discover caplyta. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar i & ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. anti-depressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. caplyta is not approved for dementia-related psychosis. report fever, confusion, or stiff muscles, which may be life threatening, or uncontrolled muscle movements which may be permanent. common side effects include sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. these aren t all the side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i & ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at [coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. i still love to surf, snowboard, because breathing should be beautiful, and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. corey atchison had been in prison for 28 years when i sat down with him. he said he spent almost every day of it trying to prove his innocence. but, he had exhausted his appeals and been denied patrol parole five times. was there a point over the last 20 plus years where you thought i am going to die here? times you get tonight in court you feel alone. you want to say give some time. what was your lowest point? in situations when i wanted to be out with my daughter and help her and i could not. corey s daughter was born a couple of months after her father started his life sentence. they sent me paperwork trying to forfeit my custody saying i was unfit because i was in prison. i felt like i was failing her. felt like it wasn t my fault. corey felt the sense of failure and helplessness again when he heard about malcolm. what did you think when you heard your little brother was convicted? at first, this is my fault because he follow my footsteps. i felt this was my child begin taken away. your brother told us he feels partly responsible for you going to prison. i mean there is no blame on my brother at all and i can t hold him responsible for something that i didn t even do myself. when malcolm entered prison he thought he would get out as soon as he filed his first appeal than his second and third. denied. denied. denied. malcolm and his friend de marchoe started writing letters. who did you right to? anybody in the legal field you could think. what would you say in the letters? i need somebody to look at this case and they will see. they wrote thousands of letters day after day for 11 years. finally, in 2006, a private investigator, the son of a tulsa homicide detective took on the case. i described their letters as scratches on a wall. i imagine what it must be like dropped in a whole 30 feet deep and good luck getting out. there is no such thing as a criminal justice system. it s just a system. it s not always fair. it s not always right. he track down the first eyewitness that what i.d. malcolm and de marchoe was the killers. he couldn t even look me in the eye . i have been carrying around of burden. those boys did not do the. the man told eric cullen he shot at the drive by car as it sped away and cleaned the detectives threatened to put him behind bars for firing his weapon if he did not testify against malcolm and de marchoe. he says they told him he could be charged with felony murder for firing the gun and it might ve been him that killed karen summers. now that he was making progress, cullen needed help so he turned to someone who has been a champion against wrongful convictions for years. tiffany murphy, then the director the oklahoma innocence project. it was not the first time a tulsa case had landed on murphy s desk. i was seeing a lot of cases where there were no facts that supported what i was seeing on these convictions. when you are seeing that lack overtime involving the same departments, sheriff s office, police department, prosecutors office, that s what bothered me. cullen and the innocence team tracked down the second i witness who testified he had seen malcolm and de marchoe but police records show he had been shot in the buttocks and his back was turned. common cells tells you if you re running away, you re not able to see anything. the eyewitness recanted and he claimed detectives had coerced his testimony too. this is a kid who got pressured into saying something he did not see. i was watching him. i could tell this was a man who remembered something that was extremely traumatic and as a black woman, i understand that. the fear of the police is a real thing. now, only one of the prosecution s q witnesses remain. michael wilson. michael is it. whatever he said had to tie everything together. the team knew exactly where to find michael wilson, on death row. coming up. i was incredibly nervous because i knew what was on the line for malcolm and de marchoe. his job dropping omission. i was not trying to shoot karen summers. what he has to say about the police. marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children s research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family s touching story that is still going on today. vicki: childhood cancer, it s just hard. stacey passed on christmas day of 1986. there is no pain like losing a child, but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives. for just $19 a month, you ll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. jessica: i remember as a child, walking the halls of saint jude, and watching my sister fight for her life. we never imagined that we would come back. and then my son charlie was diagnosed with ewing s sarcoma. vicki: i m thinking, we already had a catastrophic disease in our family. not my grandson too. marlo thomas: st. jude has helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% when it opened to 80% today. join with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month, and we ll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. jessica: for anybody that would give, the money is going towards research, and you are the reason my child is here today. charlie: i was declared this will be two years cancer free. but there s thousands and thousands of kids who need help. saint jude, how many lives they do save is just so many. marlo thomas: charlie s progress warms my heart, but memories of little angels like stacy are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing] is real war cabinet member benny gantz announcing sunday he is resigning from his post. netanyahu he stands in israel s way of victory in gaza. france s present called a snap legislative election after his party s defeat in the eu parliamentary elections by the far right national rally party. welcome back to dateline. convicted for murder, malcolm scott and de marchoe carpenter wrote thousands of letters asking for help to prove their innocence. finally, private investigator eric cullen answered. working with the oklahoma innocence project, cullen methodically poked holes in the prosecution s case and now they would visit key witness and death row inmate michael wilson. but, could they reach him in time? back to the long road to freedom. by 2013, malcolm had been in prison for 19 years. his brother corey for 22. ready to go home. the days when their mom came to visit helped them hold on. the brothers drew strength from her. man, that lady been bright there. i never had to wonder if she still cared her if she was fighting for me. still believing in me. malcolm was hopeful his mom s prayers would be answered. two prosecution witnesses told the investigative team that their testimony was a lie. that left michael wilson, the man who told police he had given de marchoe bullets and hit the murder weapon for him. if you recanted too, malcolm thought they had a chance. but michael wilson refused to talk, and he had a good reason. he was on death row for the 1995 murder of a convenience store manager. wilson, seen here in the surveillance video while he committed the crime was appealing, hoping he would get a lesser sentence of life without parole. if michael had been executed without talking to us, we do not have a case. we don t have enough with what we ve got so far to win. hoping someone can help me. de marchoe was not ready to give up. president obama, ice cube, shaquille o neal. you started making videos in prison. the last i checked you weren t supposed to have cell phones in prison. i had to do what i had to do to regain my freedom. i felt i had to take this risk. wilson lost his final appeal on january 2, 2014. he was set to die by lethal injection one week later. then, the phone rang. it was wilson s warrior. she said if you want to talk to him, this is the window. i think it was 48 hours before his execution. i am mike wilson. ben murphy melt with him, video camera was rolling. i was incredibly nervous because i knew what was on the line for malcolm and de marchoe. what might be their last chance at freedom came down to whether he condemned man would decide to come clean. within minutes, he did. i wasn t trying to shoot karen summers. she was one of those type of things in the wrong place in the wrong time. wilson convinced to killing karen summers and said he thought it was all over when police actually caught him with the gun he used. it blew me away that i got caught with a gun and they let me go. all i know is i had a murder weapon on me and they let me go. wilson said it seemed the detective had made up his mind that malcolm and de marchoe were the killers, and he played along. also had to do was answer yes or no. did i give bullets? i said yes. did de marchoe give you a gun? no. he asked did carpenter give you a gun? and i said yes. that s what i had to say and they let me out. that is why he was free to kill the convenience store manager. a murder that never would ve happened had wilson been in jail and charged with karen summers death. you have people who would be alive. families not affected. destroyed by this horrible crime. that doesn t happen if he s arrested for this. malcolm got the call soon after wilson s confession. it was all there captured on video. they didn t do this crime. the words he ached to hear for 20 long years. [ crying ] i stood on my faith. i stood on my faith. you never lost that faith. i refused to let it go. the team presented the evidence to the judge but police and prosecutors denied they coerced any witnesses and insisted that what wilson said on that video was a lie. the police from their standpoint and prosecutors say this guys going to die so be goes out and helps two of his neighborhood friends, what does he have to lose? would malcolm and de marchoe have a shot at freedom? it was up to a judge now . if i have to die in the situation, let it be said i died trying to prove that i was an innocent man. twice is a pattern. a pattern of conduct. a pattern of how to gain a conviction. a fresh look at corey s case including new evidence from three eyewitnesses. they describe someone 57, corey atchison is 6 2 . no one will misinterpret corey atchison for being 5 7 , okay? what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and tulsa county courthouse may 9, 2016. a day almost 22 years in the making. the last time malcolm and de marchoe faced a judge here, they were sentenced to life in prison but now they hoped another judge would set them free. if i have to die in the situation, let it be said i died trying to prove that i was an innocent man. never that i gave up. never. the judge agreed with malcolm and de marchoe that police pressured witnesses and that wilson s video confession was credible. they didn t do this crime. malcolm and de marchoe she declared were innocent of the murder of karen summers. do you remember the morning you got out? i remember the sky was beautiful. i looked up and it was right there. it was beaming on me. the first thing malcolm did as a free man, he says, was to let go of his anger. i had to free my mind. i had to free my heart. that felt good. i m not sure yet. i know i will get in the jacuzzi. actually, before he did anything, he called his brother corey. he said it s over with. i cried tears of joy. i felt like i was getting released. it was like a burden off my shoulders. even if it don t ever happen for me. you know. i m happy it happened for him. remember, they had a pact. the first one out gets the other one out. when i talked to the attorneys, what can we do about getting my brother out? they said you haven t even enjoyed being home yourself. i won t be completely able to. i need him home. eric cullen was now working on corey s case. as he poured over police and court records, he noticed just like with malcolm, there were several allegations of coercing witnesses. most investigators don t believe in coincidence and i did not believe that was a coincidence. cullen teamed up with a defense lawyer and he discovered a 15-year-old testifying at a preliminary hearing claimed police had threatened him with jail time if he did not say corey was the shooter. partway through the testimony he said you know what? i can t do this what i just testified to is not the truth. i was told to say it by detectives. i did not see corey do anything. norwood track down the star witness. thomas. he told them he had lied too when he identified corey as the killer. thomas s claim is that police pressured him to say it, and then the prosecutor tim harris got him through the trial getting him to say it. then, there was corey s friend who had been with him the night of the shooting, ben king, the one is set on the interrogation video that corey did it but king said he had told police twice before that corey did not do it. said he didn t do it. corey corey didn t do it. they didn t want to hear that. when police brought him in a third time and pressured him again, king said he had enough and just wanted to leave. they would not let me go. i didn t have an attorney or nothing. after being there all day, i thought, i ve been telling the truth. he didn t do it so i thought i will tell them a lie. and go home. king said when the prosecutor tim harris asked him to testify against corey at trial, he refused. he kept trying to get me to say he did it and i would not do it. that s when they went and brought the tape in and played it. i told him that was a lie. it was coerced. to norwood, the parallels between malcolm s and corey s cases were unmistakable. these teenagers were threatened with being charge themselves if they did not say what the detectives wanted them to say. you know, once twice is a pattern. a pattern of conduct. a pattern of how to gain a conviction. and corey s case, it wasn t just allegations of coercion. norwood found three different eyewitnesses who told police someone else was the shooter. none of them testified at corey s trial. they describe the exact physical appearance of someone. 5 7 150. that was the moment. corey atchison is 6 2 . he is a big dude. no one will misinterpret corey atchison for being 5 7 , 150. given this evidence, malcolm thought his brother had a chance to get out of prison. what s up? every time i talk to you, talking about you, coming home, i am like, i was just on the other side. you know what i m saying? grandeur locked up, it s like don t give up. one piece at a time. every step we take will get us to that big goal. you know what i mean? will corey and malcolm finally reunite? finally reunite? you know there are other witnesses who recanted. i do not know that. i do not know who said what. the da and corey s case faces questions. you can see is someone would say you ve got several witnesses all saying their testimony was coerced. can they all be lying? lying? now with skyrizi, i m all in with clearer skin. things are getting clearer. 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(announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. malcolm scott was exonerated but his freedom was only the beginning. he and his brother corey had a pact. first one out gets the other one out. as the focused turn to corey, investigators alleged they found a disturbing pattern of coercion by law enforcement. with his future at stake, corey s lawyers were determined to write the wrong. but, a judge would have the final say. now, the conclusion of the long road to freedom. is this going to happen this time? thinking about everything. it s one day before a judge will decide whether 47-year-old corey atchison becomes a free man or spends the rest of his life in prison. even if corey gets out, life will not be easy. take de marchoe. what s it been like being on the outside? it has been a struggle. i m trying to figure out who i am and what i want to do. i missed out on so much. malcolm on the other hand has adjusted well and lives in texas where he works as a personal trainer and he is in love. malcolm said his life would not be complete until the judge said those same words to corey that she said to him. when she makes that final decision you are a free man, i feel like [ laughter ] hey. how are you? i have been waiting for a long time. family and friends, a simple at the county courthouse. no cameras were allowed inside but i was there to hear the judge s words. she declared there had been a fundamental miscarriage of justice and found there was clear and convincing evidence that corey atchison did not commit this crime . his daughter courtney, 28 years old, a parent herself, was overjoyed. you heard the judge say you are a free man. there s no words to explain. i am so happy and ready for him to come home. dateline repeatedly asked the tulsa police department to respond to the allegations it threatened teenaged witnesses in both malcolm s and corey s cases and we asked the da and the mayor s office for interviews. they all declined. but, we did speak to tim harris, the former district attorney who prosecuted corey and to thomas said coerced him into lying the corey was the shooter. i said the allegations are untrue. they are lies. i says they elected district attorney in this community for 16 years, i have never coerced. i have never forced and i certainly never presented false testimony. not only of mr. thomas but in any case in my career. what about ben king? i can t remember what he said. that was 28 years ago. but you know there are other witnesses who recanted. i don t know there. i do not know who said what. you can see someone looking at the case from the outside who would say you ve got several witnesses all saying their testimony was coerced. can they all be lying? i don t know what they said, okay? but if they re present at the scene and they say corey atchison was not the shooter, then tell me who is. i presented the evidence presented to me at a jury trial and 12 citizens listened to all the evidence and decided that mr. atchinson was guilty of first-degree murder. the judge today said had the same jurors listen to all the evidence, they would ve likely reached a different conclusion. that is her opinion and i respect it. i disagree. the system doesn t want to acknowledge they made a mistake. but you made a mistake. you made a horrible mistake and the fact it happened twice in the same family, there are no words. in 2020, the oklahoma innocence project worked on a staggering 145 potential wrongful conviction cases in tulsa. there is a problem here and it continues to be a problem. and of course, it s a national problem, especially for african americans. a study of the national exoneration registry showed innocent black people are about seven times more likely to be convicted of murder the innocent white people, and that police misconduct is 22% more likely to play a role in their exoneration than white defendants. people are saying how can we fix it? very few people on the state side want to sit down and have a go on his conversation, how did we get here? in june 2020, weeks after george floyd s murder, a tulsa police major said the police are not systematically racist citing crimes statistics essential police shooting african-americans, quote, 24% less than the probably ought to be based on crimes committed. the first african american police chief and mayor in tulsa criticize those remarks. what came out of his mouth is in no way reflective of what we are trying to accomplish in the city of tulsa for the tulsa police department. this body cam video of tulsa police forcefully arresting a black teenager in north tulsa for jaywalking. meanwhile, malcolm and de marchoe are suing the city of tulsa and the individual police officers who they claim coerced testimonies used to convict them. the city and the officers have denied the claims that are fighting to dismiss the lawsuit. malcolm says he is not looking for blame. he wants to promote change. my heart is strong about every single one of those people going through their struggle to prove their innocence. i know the pain. i know the hurt. that is what this is about for me. giving the next man a chance. welcome to freedom. corey struggled to prove his innocence is done. malcolm, their mom, family and friends get ready to welcome corey as he takes his first steps as a free man. in 28 years. i imagine you spent many nights thinking how this would go? yeah, i had this dream. i woke up with tears in my eyes. one of my partners came in and said what s up? i said, man, we are going home. here he comes. a little over a year after his release, corey atchison sued the state of oklahoma for wrongful conviction. june 2021, the state settled the claim. while denying liability, officials paid corey $175,000, the maximum allowed under oklahoma law. that s roughly $6250 for each of his 28 years behind bars. from 2016 to 2020, 374 people wrongfully convicted of murder, 61% african-americans, have reunited with their families together they spent over 6000 years in prison. years. years they will never get back. that s all for this edition of dateline. i am craig melvin. thank you for watching. i am craig melvin and this is dateline. leading up to this assign what it was going to be like. i had so many thoughts leading

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Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning 20240610

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all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at capitol hill on this monday morning. good morning. everyone in kasie hunt, it s wonderful to have you with us. new details this morning about the israeli military operation that rescued four israeli civilians held by hamas this new video edited and provided by the israeli military appears to show some israeli soldiers escorting the rescued hostages toward military helicopters on a beach in gaza. these for israelis now reunited with their families and just beginning to recover from their months of captivity. among those rescued 26-year-old noa argamani, who is abduction during the october 7 attack was captured on tape. noa screamed for help as she was forced by hamas members onto the back of a motorcycle. and driven into gaza. the idf raid also resulting in the deadliest day of the war in six months. at least 274 people killed according to gazan health officials the idf disputes those numbers, saying that the number of casualties was under 100 cnn cannot independently verify the death toll and we don t yet know how many of those killed were hamas fighters and how many were civilians. but we do know that the hostages were being held in residential homes in a densely populated area cnn also learning this morning that some idf soldiers disguise themselves as hamas fighters and displaced palestinians to conduct the raid. joining me now to discuss, is cnn political and national security analyst david sanger. david, good morning. i m very grateful to have you here for folks just tuning in after the weekend. a very dramatic time for the israelis here at with this raid. how do you see the fallout here as we see these hostages reunited with their families, but we also try to figure out to count the dead among the palestinians good morning, casey. and i think you ve captured it right? it was an incredibly dramatic weekend. and i think there are three salient points about the rescue. the first is the operation itself was a miracle of terrific intelligence, great covert work, and getting in there and getting them out. then certainly something to be celebrated. there are more than 100 hostages left, but this was clearly a big win on saturday morning when when this all took place. the second is at once again, it came at a great human cost as many israeli operations in gaza have and this is the sort of brutal calculus of this, which is maybe it was under 100 pounds justinian s dead. maybe it was over 200 is a palestinian say, but the fact of the matter is that we saw a huge number of palestinian deaths in order to accomplish the long-sought release of these four and that seems to sum up much of what s happened during the war. i think the third thing we re discovering as monday morning rolls in here, is that after this dramatic weekend, the rescue did very little to change the fundamentals of the problem that is real faces benny gantz, the former defense minister and, and head of idf took a day off or pushed an extra day because of the rescue but resigned from the war cabinet shattering that view of unity and he did so saying that prime minister netanyahu who does not have a plan for the day after four administering gaza yeah, david, in fact, let me pause you there because i did want to get to that next with you and we have a little bit from gantz over the weekend and what he said, how he explained why he was leaving the war cabinet. let s watch sorry. can you regrettably netanyahu is preventing us from advancing toward true victory, which is the justification for the ongoing and painful cost of war that is why we are leaving the emergency government today with a heavy heart, but with full confidence i call on netanyahu, set an agreed election date. don t allow our people to get torn apart so david, he said there that netanyahu is preventing us from advancing towards true victory what does he really getting at here? because he also seem to suggest that netanyahu was unnecessarily prolonging the war right? this has been a long-held view, including among american officials that prime minister netanyahu knows that once the war is over, or at least a ceasefire takes place at the active fighting is done the investigations into october 7 begin in earnest. the intelligence failures israel obviously had a good deal of intelligence. this would happen that it did not respond to the idf s failures. that israeli defense force in responding that day. he assumption is that prime minister netanyahu couldn t not survive that and of course, one of the beneficiaries could well be benny gantz himself, who ran against the prime minister a few years ago, laws. but today is doing well enough in the polls, but it s not inconceivable that he could emerge victorious. also, not certain but what we re seeing now is the united states with benny gantz s help, tried to get the israelis to commit to what president biden called and israeli proposal for ceasefire and prisoner exchange and get hamas most importantly to agree to it may be difficult, more difficult it was difficult before the rescue. it may be more difficult now. and overnight, casey, the us has finally decided to go to the united nations security council with a ceasefire and hostage exchange proposal basically the one the president laid out ten days ago and try to get their approval of it to up the pressure on both hamas and israel very interesting set of developments here. david, very, very briefly does this move by gantz not pushed netanyahu farther into the arms of the right-wing and israel it does he s got a very narrow majority s holding onto. he didn t need gantz s party to stay in. he needed kansas credibility to some degree that deal with the us and the rest of the world. but if netanyahu agrees to the israeli plan which came out of the war cabinet, not out of the political atmosphere and the coalition. he s put together those right wingers have threatened to leave the government. that would bring about a government collapse all right. david sanger forces morning, david, very grateful to have you kicking us off today. i really appreciate it great to be with you coming up next here. french president emmanuel macron calling for new elections after the european union takes a hard shift to the right will explain plus a shooting and wisconsin rooftop party leaves ten people injured and donald trump, but his first campaign rally since becoming a convicted felon the most anticipated moment this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmatched. i got this thousand dollar camera for only $41 on deal that deal online auctions since 2009, this playstation five sold for only $0.50. this ipad pro sold for less than $34, and this nintendo switch sold for less than $20. i got at this kitchen aid stand mixer for only $56. i 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the majority. protesters taken to the streets in paris sunday after the far right in france, scored an unprecedented 31 31.5% of the road. and the french president emmanuel macron dissolved parliament, called for snap elections situ in situation. one like it is a situation to which i cannot resign myself. the rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger not only for our nation but also for our europe and for francis place in europe and the world. they don t all right, joining us now is cn an international anchor, max foster who joins us now, live from london max, good morning to you. this is a bit of a complicated situation for folks in the us who don t necessarily follow the ins and outs of the european parliamentary elections. but big picture is that we have seen kind of a across the continent these far right parties surging in a way that has really concerned the sort of center right? majority governing parties. and it so much so that you saw emmanuel macron take this pretty significant action. it s a risk for him to do this. why is he doing it and how does it help explain the big picture of what we re seeing here? hi, a lot of people quite baffled because off the back of a european election where in france at least the far-right, did extremely well he s now going into another election. he called it and it s going to benefit the right. many would argue because they can ride on that momentum, but he is effectively saying he wants to hand it over to the french people who he believes are generally moderate. and of his point of view. so he can prove that the european election, which is often a protest vote for european voters, won t actually hold in a national election. so a massive risk, and i think even the people closest to them realize that, but we ll see he, how marine le pen does out of that steadily over recent years she s been increasing in authority and power and she s doing what many of the european parties are doing, which is focusing on immigration. and ukraine and also environment. but on this basis that really resonates with a lot of people, which is that the cost of living is getting worse and worse inflation s going up. we can not afford to do all of those things. we have to hunker down a look at nationalism. and i think if you look at the overall parliamentary picture, then the moderate still hold it. but in the key country, the big economies, france, germany, and italy, the far right? excelled. so it s going to have a huge influence. yeah, we can put up on the screen for people to kind of see in color the way that this broke down in france. so let s set aside the yellow that s other, but that red piece which is clearly the most significant one for a named party, is the national all rally. those are the right wingers that 15% purple that you see the renaissance party, purple, blue. that s macron s party. and max, to be clear, we saw something similar play out in germany and in italy can you talk a little bit about how this strengthens the more right-leaning leaders who are in office in europe well you know, it s already got a right-wing prime minister. so she s empowered and marine le pen, as i say, he s been climbing steadily in germany. a lot of people would view that party. now the second most powerful party in the country as traditionally a very far right party. so it has huge influence because germany and france and italy are the three countries that have most influence over the european union i was interviewing a us expert based here in the. uk earlier on, and she was talking about how this will empower trump effectively. a lot of the wright was rising in europe before trump, but chump managed to popularize a messaging and they ve adopted a lot of that. so he certainly added energy to the rise of the right here in europe and it also means that the more senior these right-wing politicians become, the more contacts and power he has within europe. so it s very empowering to him and his foreign policy. he creates alliances specifically for him within countries which were traditionally us allies. so it has a it will have a big impact on trump if he gets into power and it will cause a problem for biden if it gets into power bi, it s going to be much less supportive of him and his policies going forward. yeah it s an interesting way to think about it. and i also think one of the things that donald trump has done that we remark on it, but i think perhaps not enough. and that is to normalize things that previously were considered out of bounds. and the politics and the way we re thinking about politics. and you can really see that in some of these right-wing up pushes, bringing things in that previously were considered to be verboten are not acceptable on our stages. max foster for us in london, max. thank you. always grateful to have you alright, coming up next cleveland police trying to uncover the origins of a cyber incident that s forcing them to close city hall plus president biden preparing celebrate juneteenth with a little help from some friends sirens are going off and playing the tornado here. i m thinking i m going to die. and i thought that was it. while and earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn. we have a new home. what s that? we have of garage door that doesn t lift and we have a gate doesn t open. so i went on. angie took me just a handful hello, minutes. the vendors who came through energy, you were more knowledgeable. they did higher-quality work. they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. we felt like we got the most value i have a contracted that we chose. it is a beautiful ghraieb. connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at andy there are giant so mug they are the minute woman building or daibes next generation submarines. de are giants and what they do because they work in a place we re, they can grow where they can learn the skills to build careers as 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those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. for certain hybrid hydrozoa alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn all right. 23 minutes past the hour. here s your morning roundup. gleason, madison, wisconsin, looking for the gunman who injured at least ten people at a rooftop graduation party. the victims range in age from 14 to 23 police chief calling it a miracle no one was killed police in cleveland investigating a cyber incident that s keeping their city hall closed today. officials are only saying that they re trying trying to figure out the nature and scope of the incidents and the white house hosting the godmother of soul patty lewbel at the juneteenth concert on the south long today, other artists attending include gladys knight, charlie wilson, and brittney spencer and oppressive heat ramping up across the west today while drought stricken south florida braces for rain and flooding this week are weatherman derek van dam is here and he is tracking all of it for us. derek, good morning. yeah. good morning. casey. we ve got las vegas sin city. it has had its hottest start in the month of june since records began, that s since 1937, 11. yes, that s not a typo consecutive days where the mercury in the thermometer has reached 100 degrees or more. that is why we have our heat warnings in place for this area. and you know what it s not just inclusive of las vegas checkout, much of arizona and into the central valley of california. the heat continues. we know it was hot last week, but it s going to ramp up through the course of this week as well. if you re in phoenix, i was just there. we could go. yeah. it was sizzling as i stepped off the tarmac and this is 14 consecutive days temperatures above 100 degrees is all thanks to that heat dome. remember that s an area of high pressure that really reduces cloud cover in the sky. so you get maximum exposure from the sun, doesn t take much to heat things up, and we start to see this triple-digit heat blanket. the southwestern us. now the other big story that we have on the docket for today is the flood threat that s going to be ongoing this week across the state of florida, particularly across the southern portions of the peninsula. watch this. there s a cold front approaching an abundant amount of tropical moisture moving in off the gulf of mexico that will bring wave after wave of heavy rainfall starting today. but ramping up through the week, look at tuesday, wednesday, into thursday. we know that it doesn t doesn t take much to flood the streets of miami. well, guess what? more rainfall. we re talking up to locally, ten inches of rain through this week for portions of the southwestern florida peninsula that could bring some localized flooding to the area. so from heat to heavy rain, we ve got it all covered today for you today on monday all right. are weatherman, derek van dam, derrick. see you next hour. thanks very much. all right coming up next new details about israeli soldiers in disguise to pull off a derrick, hostage rescue, plus brand new polling are more voters turning to biden because they just can t vote for trump this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. and the threats go way beyond just credit card fraud today s identity thieves can use your information in ways that are easy to miss by just monitoring accounts and credit like opening loans, transferring home titles, even committing crime i m someone got my soul security number made a driver s license and was used for criminal 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brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy adjust two weeks here, i ll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals in a new fiber blend with a prebiotic i m tom foreman in washington. and this is cnn all right. 5:30 a.m. here in washington, a beautiful look at new york city on this monday morning, the sun is coming up. good morning, everyone. i m kasie hunt it s wonderful to have you with us. new details coming to light this morning about the israeli raid which rescued four hostages from hamas over the weekend. this new video edited and provided by the israeli military appears to show helmet camera from israeli soldiers coming under fire while rescuing those hostages. one resident of a refugee camp in gaza claims he saw special forces with the israeli military disguise themselves as hamas fighters. and palestinian civilians during the operation the operation did come at a great human cost. scores of palestinians dead, just how many? we don t know. gaza s health ministry says the numbers, at least 274. israel says it s fewer than 100. i am joined now by joel rubin. he is the former deputy assistant secretary of state in the obama white house. joel, good morning to you. wonderful to see you this morning let s start with the raid for people who are two doubt on a summer weekend, just waking up to this news, these four hostages rescued this clearly was something that i mean israeli families of hostages have been increasingly more and more upset about the fact that their loved ones have remained in captivity. what does this mean for them? yeah, it was a dramatic rescue without a doubt and have very high costs as you described with a palestinian loss of life what it means is that the israeli defense forces for a day for a moment, restored confidence in the israeli public about their capacity to deliver and to get their people out. but in the big picture, the best way to get israeli hostages out has been through deals, through a cease fire for hostage exchange, like one that we saw back in november. so a good day for israel, a unity didn t last long. obviously, the politics in israel very, very dicey with benny gantz. now exiting the coalition government. but it was something that the israeli public has been demanding. and now they want more action. they want to see the prime minister lean-in on getting a deal to get these hostages out. of course the toll here was very high in terms of palestinian life. it all so served to highlight some of the tactics that hamas uses talk a little bit more about where these hostages were found. and why there was perhaps so much collateral damage. obviously, much of it should be laying at the feet of the israeli forces that invaded here. but that s not the only thing at play, not at all. the case you re right, it was despicable. display of how hamas d values palestinian life. so many very clear these hostages were held in private civilian homes they were there for months and they were in the midst of what everyone in those areas new was a civilian areas. so israel, by finding these individuals, by rescuing them, it was clear that there were going to be civilian casualties. hamas doesn t care about palestinian civilian life. i i know we ve talked about this before, but this is perhaps one of the most a stark examples of that. if they cared about palestinian civilian life, they would be agreeing to the ceasefire proposal that has been out there and discuss secretary blinken s going out to the region to try to push for this, but in the meantime, hamas is embedding hostages in civilian areas with the clear understanding, this will cause palace let s see any civilian lives for a propaganda bonus may be for hamas, but i don t see how this is a real bonus for anybody in the middle of this conflict. they clearly are not looking at civilians as something to protect inside of gaza. so let s talk big picture for a second. you mentioned benny gantz, of course, announcing over the weekend and he s going to leave the war cabinet. he is, of course, someone that the us has really relied on in the course of these negotiations in this push for a ceasefire that president biden actually announced on a recent i ve friday. here s what jake sullivan, the national security adviser, had to say over the weekend. let s watch keith thinks the best way to get all of vestiges home is in a deal where they re brought out diplomatically, where there s no need for military operations to get every last hostage out. what we would much prefer to see is a ceasefire where the hostages come out peacefully. that is available. israel has said yes to it. now hamas needs to say yes to it. that s where president biden full effort, energy and attention is so bottom line, draw what s the holdup? while the holdup is hamas? the holdup is that hamas is i want to agree to a ceasefire that essentially pushes them out of the power. and that s the genius of this proposal, which is that it lays out a roadmap for preventing at the end state of resurgence of hamas in the gaza strip. and now that, that is, of course, very frustrating as well to the white house, because what we re seeing is the far-right ministers in israel s government rejecting that proposal as well. and now with ben against leaving the coalition it gives them a little more power in the near term, but it also puts the question to the israeli public. and i think this is why the president did go public with his proposal to get the israeli public to recognize the stakes, to put it back in the political arena. this question about how to end this war in a manner that we don t see a hamas resurgence in gaza and so the holdup right now is that hamas understands this proposal is against their interests and that s why we see the secretary going out. that s why it s frustrating that it s not yet done. but hamas, they re hoping for more days of violence, like on saturday where they don t have to make this agreement. and that means more palestinian lives are put at risk. machel rubin for us this morning, joel, always appreciate your experiments for being here all right, let s go now to politics. donald trump, tried to win over voters in nevada. a key swing state with his first official campaign rally since he was convicted on felony charges i tell you what? no third world country has weaponization, where they go after political candidates, like we have either this guy can get elected anything without cheating. the only way he can get elected is to cheat so all of those folks in during triple digit temperatures as trump rally them in an outdoor event in las vegas, nevada. of course, one of a handful of states that could help to decide the presidential election this fall, a new cbs poll shows trump in a virtual tie and a head-to-head race with president biden, both nationally and in these key swing states. today, trump is scheduled to have a hearing with his probation officer ahead of his sentencing next month in new york, cnn s learned. today s interview will be virtual with his attorney, todd blanche president trump me now to discuss nicholas johnston, the publisher of axios nick. good morning. great to hear so yeah, probation hearing for a presumptive sentencing name. you d sentenced you just read off the teleprompter there, i think speaks to the kind of interesting election where in, where that sentence one interest hide across as the country tied and state sentenced to one of the candidates will have a virtual interview with his probation officer. today yeah that s seen as pool. actually interesting because it s one of the first things, places where we seem to see maybe a little bit of movement. obviously the official way we talk about it is that it s tied. there s no clear leader, but there is a little bit get over movement toward biden compared to where this pole previously was. what does that tell you? it s pretty clear across the board that again, within the margin of error is and all of these poles we ve seen a slight polling bump four biden, and then a lot of the surveys were the vast majority of people say that conviction won t have any impact. there is 20, 30% of republicans who say it well, and remember, we ve been talking about for months and months it s in a month. this is a very tight election for donald trump to win. he needs to get more voters and he needs to get the last time. and so far, being convicted of a felony in new york is not leaving more voters for that. but again, all of these are the margin of error. it s like going from trump up to two biden up one that is essentially a coin flip election still. yeah, it is yes. very, very, very close. so let s listen a little bit to some of what trump had to say in this rally over the weekend because is there are a couple of things that stood out to us, including how the former president talked about, well, i mean, he he always uses very often inflammatory language about joe biden. but in this case, he was talking about suicide as well let s watch this du are there this is a front row joe. he said everyone this guy wouldn t it be incredible. he s gone to 250 if he voted for biden, even for by now, i don t think so. i think it would be suicide before by dry a bit extreme i don t know how a front row you thought about that. i think we re seeing that this is trump being trump, like they re even though there s a big conversation a lot about how much will they stick to the issues there s pulling out over the weekend that shows what a strong conjugation issue the economy is as opposed to conviction. and so can trump come out and just talk about the economy and immigration for the next six months. i think that little snippet shows that will been a challenge for some of the president s former president s advisers. they gotta to do that. yeah, let s talk about nevada specifically for a second at trump also was up there. this is sort of a typical line, but he said it in front of it. a crowd. again, it s a very heavily hispanic at stateless watch. what trump had to say about hispanic and african-american voters joe biden is also weighed. you re going all out war on the workers have america, especially african americans and hispanic in america i spanish americans and african americans are the ones suffering most with his incredible illegal alien group that s coming in so this is, this is pretty typical for how trump talks about this kind of thing. but i think what s going on in nevada is particularly interesting. i will say i have okay to a lot of sources recently who think that it actually may go for trump. this time around and it s part of it s part of the reason is because of some of the themes that he is talking about. there, there are a lot of workers that tourism economy, cassino workers, who in the past had gone for democrats who may actually go republican this time you hear this was a big, i mean, again, this is a point-slope election. there s a lot of things happening that people don t really understand because this is such a different election than ones previously. and i think one of the ones that republicans are trying to capitalize as those capitalizes, in row on minority voters with hispanic americans or african americans, as well. that s clear on the polling data that donald trump is doing better with those groups in previous republican candidates. and i think his campaign, his advisers, he, that is a huge, massive opportunity. again, the same way that if a small amount of those republican voters are moved by the conviction, if a small amount of minority voters are moved by some of the present former president s economic arguments that the election right, they re all on the line. all right. nick johnson for us, nic, always great, to have you. thank you all right. come on up next and update on the condition of those just four rescued israeli hostages plus caitlin clark rebounding how she s trying rejection into motivation silent burst with liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn i m getting vaccinated and pfizer s pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine syllabi because i m at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia already gotten pneumonia vaccine. but i m asking about the added protection of krever 20 if you re 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia, prevnar 20 is approved in adults to help prevent infections 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia in just one dose, don t get prevnar 20 if you ve had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients adults with weekend the immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. want to be able to keep my plans. i don t want to risk 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easy for you call 800 630741 all right, welcome back. eight months of prayers for for families. finally answered this weekend as the israeli mannose military managed to pull for hamas hostages from two locations to safety one of the hostages were rescued noa argamani. she was kidnapped by hamas from music festival and was seen on video being forced onto the back of a motorbike? know his father said that the reunion that she had with her family was difficult. her mother has late-stage brain cancer and was unable to express her feelings professor hagai levine is the head of the health team at the hostages and missing families forum and joins me now from tel aviv, professor, thank you so much. for being here at noaa is being treated at the same hospital as her mother is. what are the primary concerns for her as she tries to recover after spending eight months and kennedy e-tivity when of course it s very motion to be back in his word to meet their mother. unfortunately, my there is very very sick and i m not even sure if she understood that noise here. that s the bet. that s shows that when the camo send people were kidnaps, also the families were kidnapped. and we see and we also almog father yossi meir funeral was last night and he did not he just died. a few hours because he received before the news that design is about no, i cannot disclose personal information, but i can say is that also in general and she s in a much better shape than what we were well, concern. there are not only psychological, but also physical issues related to captivity. i bought her personally the. last says that she needed for eight months where she had to use contact lances. obviously, it s not good for eyes and it s now she has struggled because, you know, a massive is so sick so with the joy, joyfulness of coming back home, and she cannot be completely happy and with friends, 120 the hostages, including friend, had been done while still in captivity can you give us a sense for the others who also were rescued, what their physical condition was like, what their mental state was like, and what the coming months you re going to look like for them so i ll morgue and why and shlomi, were together for long period of times. i must say this zero resilience and zero support of each other. i ll remarkable. it s really showed us what the human spirit can do. and, you know the stress anytime in captivity could be your last moment it sometimes it s the small anecdote as they talked each other languages. and andrei i taught them rushing and zealand the some arabic. i m saying together with all the physical and mental and other assaults, it s also very they re showing in a sense to see how they will able to cope with the situation. which reminds me, you know, the story is about cml gut with the student at the hebrew university where i teach 42 or therapy. and she provided yoga lessons for foil mates in captivity. we don t know what is going with her right now. it s clear they will need a very long recovery process shlomi cannot return to his home up in the nose because there is well, when gonzaga and is home is attacked and it will take months and the ears, it s also for the house. the other families. it s great joy, but the concern is enormous. they cannot really the release hostages. they cannot really full when they know that their friends are still there. and i must say with some void because because today in the israeli parliament, the families of the hostages were attacked by the extreme right-wing members of the parliament, which in a way told them that they should be sacrificed i m sorry to say that and we we know that the only way to get all the 120 hostages back dead or alive is by a deal. there was a deal that was put on the table by president biden, and i think it s all of us and i m through your show, i want to deliver to the world. we must put the pressure on the hamas and it s allies to accept the offer and to stop the bloodshed and released all those just because all of them are entitled to go back home. all right a professor hagai levine for us this morning, sir. thanks very much for your time. i really appreciate it thank you very much case. all right. time now for sports, the boston celtics. now just two wins away from a record-breaking i think 18th nba championship. after rallying and then holding off the dallas mavericks in game two of the nba finals coy wire has this morning splits your appoint coin. good morning. thanks up of the morning to uk s see the celtics faced pressure all season of past play off failures and being the league s best team. but it looks like they have what it takes this time around masdar luka doncic pre-game was all wrapped up in ice and up was potentially going to miss game to with everything from his chest to his knee banged up, but he did go any did register struck triple, double, 32 points, 11 rebounds, 11 assists for the celtics, just too much. one of the unsung heroes, jrue holiday clamped down deif calls himself for utility guy, but it leaves a team in scoring last night with 26, he was nine for nine in the paint and watch this effort. maths have a chance to bring it within three with under a minute to go. but jaylen brown and derrick white hustle block the shot. brown finished with 21 white and tatum 18 celtics take a 2-0 series lead with a 10598 when here s a two-time awesome an olympic gold medalist holiday, or what makes this year celtic so special i think when you sacrifice together, you do something together brings you closer i think being able to go through wins and losses and to build something it means a lot. i think the best with this team has done from from one to 15, somebody sacrifice something. so it s been great in the journey has been awesome, but i ve been in the day the judge and scottie scheffler has been through it all over the past month. de and his wife, meredith, welcoming their first child his arrest at the pga championship in louisville, then having the charges dropped yesterday, he found themselves back on top winning the memorial tournament, finishing eight under its fifth win in his last eight starts, his first wins is baby bennett, though. scheffler, full of emotion after the win that s pretty fun it s one he s getting sunburned out, looks like but it s this tournament is a very special to us and it will be for a long time because this the future of tennis is in good hands with 21-year-old carlos alcaraz, who rally from being down two sets to one to claim his first french open title. he s now the youngest man to win a grand slam on all three surfaces running around like the tasmanian devil, bewildering alexander zverev on the famous play algorithm, falling to the ground and victory then had gone over to give mom and dad of big o hug. he said he s been dreaming of winning the french open since he was 5-years-old. finally, caitlin clark park is commented on not being picked to play for team usa at the paris olympics next month, the indiana fever rookie phenom, who has helped shatter women s hub s viewership and attendance records so being left off the roster will only make her better listen honestly, no disappointment. i think it just gives you some them something to work for. you know, that s a dream hopefully one day i can be there and i think it s just a little more motivation. you remember that and, you know, hopefully in four years when four years comes back around, i can be there. i m going to be written commando it to win gold i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics. so, yeah, it ll be it ll be from the washington or fever coach christie sides said the kaitlan, texas sinner about not being selected, casey and she said they woke a monster. the us women are seeking an h street gold at the olympics and they don t have any players currently on the roster under 26. katelyn, just 22, plenty of time to still get some of that red, white, and blue she does have plenty of time. we ll all be pulling. well, i ll be pulling farm coy thanks. i really appreciate it coming up next here. more details on how four israeli hostages were rescued in a deadly operation in gaza, plus oh. my god. oh, my god. oh my god oh my god. beachgoers on high alert after two shark attacks leave three people hurt in florida alder chains it s cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money. not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies. a nuclear again, sunday at ten on cnn or your cooking on a black stone, you get a better experience. you ll have bigger adventures it but part of that outdoor cooking revolution with your blackstone doula, every breakfast lunch, and dinner, you create from fast and font it s a low and slow, good. anything anytime, anywhere go to your nearest black stole retailer or blackstone now and make everything better. on a blackstone today. at america s beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way 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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240608-1260

Amazingly not. i cannot believe that donald trump seems to be the only that donald trump seems to be the only presidential candidate in rny the only presidential candidate in my lifetime that when convicted gets stronger poll numbers. nobody plays a victim better numbers. nobody plays a victim better than donald trump. in the rally better than donald trump. in the rally in arizona clearly shows the rally in arizona clearly shows that. the rally in arizona clearly shows that. court cases are also featuring shows that. court cases are also featuring the - shows that. court cases are | also featuring the president biden as well. his son is on trial over gun charges this week in delaware. lt trial over gun charges this week in delaware.- week in delaware. it is unfortunate, week in delaware. it is unfortunate, an - week in delaware. it is - unfortunate, an unfortunate time unfortunate, an unfortunate time in unfortunate, an unfortunate time in american history that we have time in american history that we have a time in american history that we have a former president who is going we have a former president who is going to we have a former president who is going to be the nominee of one of is going to be the nominee of one of the two major parties in this country and the president s son who, unfortunately has been cast into unfortunately has been cast into this unfortunately has been cast into this because so many former into this because so many former intelligence officials under former intelligence officials under democratic administrations lied during the last presidential election and said that hunter biden s laptop

Europe , Us , Something , Question , Void , Case , Talking , Enemy , Weapons , Money , Gap , Leadership

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240608-1200

There is a weirdness that is there is a weirdness that is the relationship gets closer it becomes fragile. irate the relationship gets closer it becomes fragile. the relationship gets closer it becomes fragile. we saw while ukraine was becomes fragile. we saw while ukraine was waiting becomes fragile. we saw while ukraine was waiting on - becomes fragile. we saw while ukraine was waiting on us i ukraine was waiting on us congress to agree to extra funding that europe did step into the breach there and provide funding.- into the breach there and provide funding. there is no question provide funding. there is no question that provide funding. there is no question that europe - provide funding. there is no question that europe is i provide funding. there is no question that europe is an l question that europe is an important part of the effort in ukraine. at the same time it really is the united states that provides the back bone of it which in some sense provides the strategy which makes most of the major decisions even if a lot of money and weapons are coming from europe. so more importantly maybe and this is something we don t think about often it is the united states that holds europe together on the question so without the united states there it is really not the case that the europeans would be able to fill that void in the void that you are talking, the gap you are talking about over the last six months, europeans were able to partially fill that but there was a gap of money and weapons

Europe , Relationship , Congress , Fragile , Weirdness , Ukrainian , Funding , Breach , Step , Us , Part , Question

Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240608 00:20

Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240608 00:20 - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.

Europe , Us , Weapons , Money , Void , Gap , Case , Talking , Six ,

BBC News

Enough time before 4.00 tomorrow, to stand in every seat and. the deadline stand in every seat and. the deadline which stand in every seat and. the deadline which is stand in every seat and. the deadline which is the - stand in every seat and. the | deadline which is the deadline. stand in every seat and. the i deadline which is the deadline. if ou are deadline which is the deadline. if you are standing deadline which is the deadline. if you are standing in deadline which is the deadline. if you are standing in every - deadline which is the deadline. if you are standing in every seat i deadline which is the deadline. if| you are standing in every seat and it is at short notice, how have you vetted candidate, we already have problem with some. some. you have had a candidate convicted of attacking, abusing a dog you have had to drop some of racist comments. let us be fair we have to be sympathetic and i won t throw the first stone, but in the police and crime commissioner election in wiltshire, in which i stood, the first election was void because the conservative candidate had a disqualifying criminal conviction, he had got through vetting, with 100 plus years, pare he had got through vetting, with 100 lus ears, ,, plus years, are you vetting candidates plus years, are you vetting candidates this plus years, are you vetting candidates this minute? i plus years, are you vetting | candidates this minute? we plus years, are you vetting i candidates this minute? we are vettin: candidates this minute? we are vetting candidates. candidates this minute? we are vetting candidates. you - candidates this minute? we are vetting candidates. you don t i candidates this minute? we are i vetting candidates. you don t know how many will vetting candidates. you don t know how many will stand vetting candidates. you don t know how many will stand you vetting candidates. you don t know how many will stand you can t i vetting candidates. you don t know| how many will stand you can t have vetting candidates. you don t know. how many will stand you can t have a erfect how many will stand you can t have a perfect system. how many will stand you can t have a perfect system, and

Candidate , Seat , Some , Standing , Problem , Stand , 4-00 , Comments , Dog , Attacking , Stone , Election

Transcripts for MSNBC Ana Cabrera Reports 20240604 14:27:00

Upholds our priorities. our priorities are to maintain order, protect public safety and treat people with dignity and humanity. we ve been able to do that through cooperation with the white house, with fema, with resources. those resources are stretched, and so the president is doing what needs to be done within his authority in the void of congressional action. last year at the u.s. conference of mayors, cities, bipartisan leaders of cities all across the country got together to support the actions that were being announced by a good faith group of senators on the bipartisan border deal that would have reformed some of the policies that were needed, but nothing has been done and inaction is not an option, and i appreciate the president stepping into the void with something that needs to be followed with more comprehensive action. you mentioned some of the bipartisan border policies that would have surged more resources to the border, more border

People , Resources , White-house , Order , Dignity , Priorities , Humanity , Cooperation , Public-safety , Fema , Hunter-biden , Cities

Transcripts for BBCNEWS Politics Live 20240604 11:19:00

Calculated tides and tempestuous weather. and as normandy slept, the stage was set for a day that would change the world forever. the paratroopers prepared for their perilous passage. the royal air force soared toward enemy lines. and a naval fleet, of a scale unrivalled, traversed a channel chocked with mines. and soldiers, most barely in their 20s, armed with fortitude so few acquire, faced with a fate we just can t fathom, each charged head first into that fire. for a second, contemplate that courage, that sacrifice, so void of self to give your life to foster freedom for the benefit of someone else. when the longest day was finally finished, and they d seized a foothold on that ground, because of all who bravely bore that burden,

World , Stage , Normandy , Weather , Tides , Soldiers , Paratroopers , Fleet , Passage , Scale , Acquire , Enemy-lines

Transcripts for FOXNEWS America Reports 20240604 17:37:00

They are going with biden. it is too late to do all of the infrastructure even if gavin newsom were to be willing to step up to the plate to fill that void. i remember a time when the convention decided who the nominee would be. they can handing the protesting. they will nominate the president early to get him on the ohio mail and do most of the things in chicago via zoom and other meetings. similar to the 2020 campaign. john: great to see you again. now this. 3. 2. 1. ignition. sandra: finally launching into space. following the historic maiden voyage. john: president invited in france today. peter doocy there with the president. john, we are in paris. the president is a few blocks away. there s a lot going on even

Hunter-biden , All , Gavin-newsom , Convention , Nominee , Plate , Void , Infrastructure , John-roberts , Things , Campaign , Most

Transcripts for CNN CNN NewsNight With Abby Phillip 20240604 02:21:00

Violin earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn when it comes to the trauma of covid, some people seem to have amnesia. they forget that americans were dying at record rates. all ages, all races in all parts of the country we didn t know what we were dealing with at the time and it makes things worse that there was a void, a federal leadership and because of that amnesia, there is now a vacuum and it s being filled with self-righteous and dumb politicians that and politics that don t achieve anything and the consequence is that we don t legitimately focus on the actual mistakes that did happen and what needs to change for the next emergency. like,

Cnn , Earth , Violin , Liev-schreiber , Nine , People , Parts , Covid , Races , Americans , Amnesia , Record-rates