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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180818

newsroom starts right now. . we begin with a cnn exclusive. we re learning new and unsettling details about the air strike that hit yemen earlier this month. that bomb that killed as many as 50 people, 40 of them children, was supplied by the united states. nima elbajir reports and we warn you this contains disturbing images. reporter: every day he visits the graveyard. today he brought their 5-year-old brother along. he is all the man has left. translator: people were screaming out the name of their children. i tried to tell the women it couldn t be true, but then a man ran through the crowd shouting that a plane had struck the children s bus. reporter: on august 9, his son filmed his class on their long a waited school trip, a reward for graduating summer school. within hours, it had all gone horribly wrong. a plane from the u.s.-backed saudi led coalition struck a bus carrying them. dozens died. some of the bodies were so mutilated, identification became impossible. all that is left are the scraps of school books, warned metal and a single backpack. eyewitnesses say this was a direct hit in the middle of a busy market. translator: i saw the bomb hit the bus. it blew it into those shops and three bodies clear to the other side of those buildings. we found bodies scattered everywhere. there was a severed head. reporter: this video of shrapnel was filmed in the aftermath and sent to cnn. a cameraman working for cnn subsequently found these images for us. nmunitions experts say this was usa-made bomb weighing in at half a ton. the first five digits there are the cage number, the commercial and government entity number. this number here denotes lockheed martin, one of the top u.s. defense contractors. we re at the forefront of the science that makes it real. reporter: this particular mk 82 is the pave way, a laser guided precision bomb. its targeting accuracy a particular point of pride for lockheed martin. part of an arms deal with saudi arabia sanctioned and contracted out by the u.s. government. so why does this matter? because the devastation inflicted by the mk 82 is all-too familiar in yemen. in march 2016, a strike on a market using a similarly laser guided 2,000 pound mk 84 killed 97 people. in october 2016, another strike on a funeral hall killed 155 people. and wounded hundreds more. then the bus attack on august 9 where they are still counting the dead. the u.s. doesn t just sell arms to the coalition in its battle against the iranian backed rebel houthi militias, it provides intelligence, help with targeting procedures, midair refueling. president obama blocked sales of precision guided military technology to saudi arabia over human rights concerns. six months later under the newly elected trump administration, then secretary of state rex tillerson overturned the ban. there is a balance that needs to be struck. the president also noted that the saudis have a right to defend themselves. they were being attacked from across the southern border by houthis who were aided by iran and were launching rockets an missiles. what i would tell you is that we certainly had under the obama administration deep concerns about the way the saudis were targeting. and we acted on those concerns by limiting the kinds of munitions that they were being given. and stridently trying to argue for them to be more careful and cautious. reporter: saudi arabia denies targeting civilians and defends the incident as a legitimate military operation. and a retaliatory response. when asked to comment, a spokesperson tells us the coalition is taking all practical measures to minimize civilian casualties. every civilian casualty is a tragedy. adding that it would not be appropriate for the coalition to comment further while the investigation is under way. the u.s. wouldn t k34ecomment oe origins of the bomb, but the state department is calling for a saudi-led investigation which the u.s. defense secretary supports. wars are always tragic, but we ve got to find a way to protect innocent in the midst of this one. reporter: this cellphone footage is all that his father has left of the two boys. their last happy moments. he isn t optimistic that an investigation will change anything. in a country where loss has become commonplace, they aren t even praying for justice anymore, just peace. nima elbajir, cnn, london. just another unspeakable tragedy in this ongoing war. earlier i spoke with retired u.s. air force colonel, a cnn and military analyst, and i asked him if the trump administration should have overturned the ban on giving precision guided weapons to saudi arabia. the weapons aren t the problem, it is how they are employed. we ve spent years trying to teach the saudis how to employ them correctly and they have learned over time to do that. the decision that the president took was probably a good one at that time. but as the war progressed, saudis were using nonguided munitions that were causing more civilian casualties. when you use let s call them dumb bombs, you have to use a lot more to achieve the same results and you kill a lot of other people. using precision guided munitions actually prevents civilian casualties. i think that is what the trump administration was hoping for anyway. but then you have this terrible strike on august 9th where 40 children were killed. the u.s. says it doesn t make targeting decisions for the saudi-led coalition. the u.s. secretary of state said that i will tell you that we help them plan what we call kind of targeting, we don t do dynamic targeting for them. what does that mean? this was probably a quick reaction strike. there was a houthi missile attack on saudi arabia the day before, one person was killed when the missile was intercepted. the saudis were looking for retaliation. and that is the story of this war, tit for tat. so the saudis wanted to strike back. they probably had a quick reaction package ready to go and they said we know houthis are using this particular area for their command and control and so they probably launched right at that. unfortunately, it happened to be in a crowded marketplace and that school bus happened to be there. i have no doubt that the saudis actually hit what they were aiming at. the problem is that the target selection process really needs to be looked at. we know the u.n. is investigating what happened, the u.s. is investigating. but the united states does support saudi operations through billions in armed sales, the s u.s. refuels saudi jets. so does the u.s. bear any moral culpabili culpability? that is something that we have to address. sawed is a key ally of ours in the middle east. they are part of the founders of the anti-isis companycoa a ligs. so if we don t apgts li t act l to them, they won t act like an ally to us. and it is critical that we have the saudis on our side especially as iranians can continue their operation in yemen, iraq, lebanon. so very important that we retain a good relationship with the saudis. unfortunately when these events happen, it call the value of that alliance into question. absolutely. and as you mention the school bus was right there at that market when it took a direct hit. the u.s. has worked with saudi arabia to try to protect civilians, but it is just not happening. is there an explanation? yeah, the explanation is the saudis are not following proper targeting procedures. there is a target validation process. and we ve gone over for decades we ve been working with them on this. and i can tell you from personal experience working with the saudis can be, i ll be poef lig polite, challenging and frustrating. you can teach them, but they don t al listeways listen. there you go. maybe they will now that another horrible tragedy has happened. and we have to instill that in them right now. absolutely. they must get it somehow, because what these civilians are going through, not to mention the cholera outbreak, it is horrible. always appreciate your expert, thank thanks, rick. and now the u.s. president doubling down on what many see as his enemies list. the white house has reportedly drafted several documents revoking the security clearances of critics the president wants to punish. one senior official says they have discussed timing the release of those documents to distracts from news cycles unfavorable to president trump, that according to the washington post. this comes as the president is being sharply criticized by 75 former intelligence officials. kaitlin collins picks up this on story. reporter: president trump lashing out at the russia investigation, reminding critics that his presidential powers go a long way. defending his decision to strip former cia chief john brennan of his security clearance, and rejecting criticism that he is trying to silence his critics. if anything, i m giving them a bigger voice. many people don t even know who he is and now he has a bigger voice and that is okay with me because i like taking on voices like that. i ve never respected him. reporter: that as sources tell cnn trump is prepared to reroke mor revoke more clearances in the coming day, his next target, bruce ohr. i think he is a disgrace. i suspect i ll be taking it away very quickly. reporter: trump has repeatedly targeted ohr because of his contacts with christopher steele, the former british spy who investigated trump s ties to russia. the department of justice has said ohr has no involvement with robert mueller s investigation. for him to be in the justice department and to be doing what he did, that is a disgrace. that is disqualifying for mueller. reporter: trump reveling in what he sees as rave reviews. i know that i ve gotten tremendous response from having done that because security clearances are very important to me. reporter: but the reviews haven t all been positive. in a stinking rebuke, more than a dozen former intelligence officials issued a joints statement criticizing the move, calling it ill considered, unprecedented, and an attempt to stifle free speech. the president in his own words drawing a direct line between revoking clearances and the russia investigation. look, i say it, i say it again, that whole situation is a rigged witch hunt. it is a totally rigged deal. it is not us. it is a rigged witch hunt. i ve said it for a long time. reporter: trump showing little interest in sitting down with the special counsel. he has a lot of conflicts, you know that. mr. mueller is highly conflicted. in fact comey is like his best friend. i could go into conflict after conflict. butted sad sadly mr. mueller is conflicted. let him write his report, we did nothing. there is no collusion. reporter: kaitlan collins, cnn, the white house. steven erlanger is joining us now. the chief did that lplomatic fo new york times in london. thank you for your final. several former indiana te intelligence officials are speaking out over the action to cancel jobrennan s security clearance and they say it should be based on national security concerns, not political views. so it does seem like an attack on one is becoming an attack on all. well, it does. and you ve heard president trump there who sounds sometimes rather hysterical on this russia issue. i mean, he really sounds like this is the one thing that bothers him most of all in the entire world. now, this is the same president who gave away an important israeli intelligence source through chatting in the oval office early in his time. this is not about national security. john brennan has been a sharp critic of president trump. and president trump has struck back. and if he does as he keeps talking about doing, taking security clearances away from people like susan rice, former obama officials who simply don t like the way he is handling the presidency, well, that will show us something about how president trump really defines national security. if he defines national security as his own security, i think people will not be very happy about that, including many republicans. we are hearing from the former cia director john brennan responding about having his security clearance revoked by president trump. let s listen. he is drunk on power. he really is. and i think he is abusing the powers of that office. i think right now the country is in a crisis in terms of what mr. trump has done and is liable to do. so are the republicans on the hill who has given him a pass, will they wait for a disaster to happen before they find their backbones and spines to speak up against somebody who clearly, clearly is not carrying out his responsibilities. brennan responding there in light of the washington post reporting that the decision to do so, to revoke his clearance, was based on switching news cycles. and more cancellations are on the way purportedly for the very same purpose. your thoughts here. well, john brennan is clearly angry about trump for a long time and he is feeling wounded. and you know, everything becomes partisan in washington. the hope is you keep national security nonpartisan. it is generally been nonpartisan. and what upsets some people, many people probably, is the way president trump is confusing national security with political criticism of his presidency. and that is a kind of barrier that president in the past have not crossed. now, the white house has always been used for partisan purposes. the president is a political figure. that is not the question. he is a republican president. he can do what he wants to help republicans. but this feels like to many people he is using the white house to protect himself and to shield himself from criticism from that group of people who generally don t really have politics, but have the interests of the nation at heart. and this is i think what bothers quite a lot of people is this confusion between national interests and self interests. steven erlanger, always appreciate your time and perspective. thank you. thanks george. the worst floods in nearly 100 years in southern india. we ve seen hundreds of lives lost there. we ll tell you about the story there and the very latest ahead. also, victims of italy s bridge collapse are being remembered at a joint state funeral, but some of the families are boycotting. we ll explain why later this hour. when i received the diagnoses, i knew at that exact moment . i m beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it s not just picking a surgeon, it s picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit and i m the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it s great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i ve got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything s pretty much done. it s so much easier so now, we re ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. the worse flot flooding in southern india in almost a century has killed hundreds of people. the prime minister of the nation modi has been visiting the flood damaged areas. the state s chief minister says the damage has reached nearly $3 billion. we re also learning the international airport has suspended all flights for one week because the runways are submerged. look at that. here is cnn news 18 reporter with more. reporter: they have seenfloo year. i m in one of the worst affected areas. as you can see behind me, this entire place is completely flooded. rivers are all flowing down and overflowing bridges which is why several districts are under water. rescue and relief operations are going on, several agencies from the center are doing the rescue operations, the army, navy, coast guard or the ndrf. and even local police officials and fire rescue teams are doing these rescue operations for the last couple of days. but the fact remains that this rescue operation has become enormously challenging because thousands of people are still stranded in many of these isolated places. and homes are completely flooded. people are calling out for help. so that is what we are witnesses. the challenges that they are facing, i will show you the situation here right now, this place is completely flooded. and i will take you through the challenges that the officials here are facing in terms of relief and rescue. several challenges, be it a landing area for boats, be it the flow of water which is extremely heavy, because of that, none of these are boats are going into the places which are severely affected because of the heavy flow of water and also lack of landing areas and lack of structure. so the state requires more services from the center, more armed forces to come in and do the rescue. and also chopper services. there are some in several areas, but more choppers are required. prime minister modi has been holding talks with the state government and has assured all the help to the state. but at this point, things are quite grim. many thousands still stranded. we will have to see how the situation will pan out in the days to come. and that report tells the story just standing in the water there. india s meteorological service has issued a warning for more heavy rainfall in some areas that have already been badly hit. let s talk with derek van dam about that and why this season has been so deadly for them. officially the monsoon rains started may 29 of this year. but it has been raining in-says san incessantly and heavy over the past two weeks. there is the prime minister modi visiting and look at his view. this is incredible to witness the devastation that is taking place here. and to put it into further perspective, we have satellite ima imagery. this is kochi, focus on this side of your television screen. i want you to see the difference between 2017 and just a couple of days ago. the flooding that has inundated this region. it is immense and widespreading across this particular area. by the way, there is a population of about 35 million people here. and we ve had over a month s worth of rainfall in just four days time. so that has created travel concerns. of course we know that the main international airport in kochi is now closed until august 26. in fact some of the images floating around social media believe it or not are actual floodwaters rising up to the engines of the jet lines that are park there had on some of the tarmacs. india s meteorological department still has orange alerts for the west facing shorelines. the good news here, i m seeing signs that the heaviest of rains will start shifting further to the north away and maybe giving them a brief respite from the heavy rain. we ll take that. that s right. thanks. it seems to be the phrase of the week, but just what are security clearances? after the break, we ll look at what they are, who gets them, who keeps them and why. plus, some of the victims families from the bridge collapse in genoa are boycotting the italian state funeral. we ll explain why. this is not a bed. it s a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from $899, during sleep number s biggest sale of the year . it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it even helps with this. so you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 24-month financing on all beds. only for a limited time. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. know about cognitive performance? as you d probably guess, a lot. that s why a new brain health supplement called forebrain from the harvard-educated experts at force factor is flying off the shelves at gnc. forebrain s key ingredients have been clinically shown to help enhance sharpness and clarity, improve memory, and 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officials say that financial damage has reached about $2.7 billion so far. it is the worst flooding to hit the state in nearly a century. the backlash is getting bigger, even more u.s. intelligence officials, 75 to date, are slamming president trump for evoking the security clearance of a former cia director john brennan. the white house is also planning to strip more trump critics of their clearances and according to the washington post reporting rolling the measures out to counteract negative news stories. so the issue around security clearances, we thought it would be a good idea to talk more about what access those security clearances bring. who gets them and why do some not currently in government have them. our tom foreman breaks it down. what precisely are security clearances and where do they come from? security clearances are issued by many government agencies and can come in several different levels offering different access to sensitive or classified material. and even if you have the highest level of clearance, that is not an invitation to plunder all files. you will likely see only materials you need to know about. who gets security clearances? as a practical matter, they go to people who are intimately involved in the safety and defense of the united states and its allies. this is not all military business. for example, there could be economic information or infrastructure details or negotiations with other countries which might be considered highly sensitive and fall under this umbrella. but all this has to do with active government service. so why should anyone who has left the government retain his or her security clearance? former employees of an agency have experience, they have institutional knowledge. the people who take over for them may need that. say you you worked on some classified matter involving other country and a new team comes in, they need to know what you did. this would assist the new team to be able to talk to you about the current situation as well. in addition, some private industries, defense contractors for example, do work that requires private citizens to deal with sensitive government matters. so having a security clearance outside the government can also be useful. so why would anyone lose or have their security clearance revoked? usually that happens because they truly no longer need it or some conflict has arisen for example they start working for a foreign hostile government, or they just get into trouble. they commit a crime or they are linked to some illicit or risky activity. but for criticizing or opposing a politician? no, that has not been a typical reason for such action. steve hall is a cnn national security analyst and retired cia chief of russia operations. steve, thanks so much for coming on with us. john brennan, let s talk about him first. the former cia director. an agency where you you served. and you served with him. how would you describe his reputation? well, i can first of all just discuss who he was when he was the director and i was in the position that i was at cia. he was one of the most straightforward direct, honest, you know, full of integrity kind of director that you would want to work for. he was somebody that really command the room when he walked in. i saw him do it not only at cia, but in dealing with several foreign intelligence services. he was well respected within the building and he was just a very competent, honest, straight, direct guy. very apolitical. and inside the cia, that is a big deal when you can say somebody is not a politician. very true there. so the president has revoked his security clearance. what does this mean to national intelligence and do you think in any way this was merited? first of all, i think it is important to understand that this really isn t about security clearances. you know, john brennan as well as any of the other seniors that either had their security clearances revoked, right now just brennan, but they are discussing others, it is really not going to affect them. these guys have gone off and done other things with their lives. it is not as though they had access to classified information. so it is not really about that. what it is about is about an attack on people who have really difficult jobs, real patriotism, more than just putting on a hat and waving a flag at a rally. doing difficult work. and the muzzling of those people that this administration particularly president trump is trying to do, that is really what this is about. it is limiting their right to criticize, not to disclose classified information, but just to xrit size whcriticize what t administration has done. so it is less about the classification and more about that first amendment right issue. thanks for that clarification. 75 former intelligence officials have criticized president trump for revoking brennan s clearance. do you think this may backfire on the president in any way or will this help him silence his critics? i m not sure because that is sort of i guess a political question. but i can tell you this, when you have this kind of people, these kinds of people, people who served oversea, done difficult work, you have several former senior military guys who have also done that in very difficult places, when you have a group coming together like that and saying wait a second, this is way out of bounds, this is inappropriate, this is not what we fought for, this is not the kind of democracy that we have reptsd duriresented duringg careers, i think it sends a very strong message. and i think the president ought to be very concerned about the unanimity that these former officers are showing. mr. trump is threatening to do the same to a justice department official bruce ohr who mr. trump says played a part into starting the investigation into russian election interference. there has been no evidence of that. could mr. ohr lose his job if his clearance is revoked? it would be difficult i would imagine for somebody in that particular position, although i ve never served in the department of justice, i would imagine if you required a security clearance to have that position, if that security clearance is revoked, it is difficult for me to understand how you could be effective in that particular position. so again, this is sort of couched in a national security where protecting clear answers a and is that the president s prerogative, but i think what is going on is much more dangerous to our democracy. steve hall, always appreciate your expert teasise. a former aid to the trump campaign faces sentencing in three weeks for lying to federal investigators. robert mueller is recommending that the man seen here, george papadopoulous, go to prison for six months and pay a fine of $9500. sentencing is set for september 7. according to a federal court filing on friday, papadopoulous hurt the investigation by lying to the fbi more one dozen times about meeting a mysterious man known as, quote, the professor. that person has been identified by cnn as joseph mifsa who claimed he had damaging information about the hillary clinton campaign. jury deliberations in the paul manafort trial are set to resume monday. the former trump campaign manager is accused of extensive tax evasion and bank fraud. earlier friday manafort s former boss gave him a vote of confidence. reporter: the jury in the paul manafort trial deliberated for 15 hours over two days, but most of the activity was outside of the courtroom friday when president trump was asked if he would pardon paul manafort, he offered words of support for his former campaign chairman. i think the whole manafort trial is very sad when you look at what is going on. i think it is a very sad day for our country. he worked for me for a very short period of time. but you know, what he happens to be a very good person. and i think it is very sad what they have done to paul manafort. reporter: manafort s attorney spoke to reporters after court ended for the day thanking the president for his support. we were very happy to hear from the president and that he is supporting mr. plan fort. reporter: he also said the length of the deliberations was in his favor. the jury reconvenes on monday where if convicted manafort faces at least a decade in prison. cara ask a nell, cnn, alexandria, virginia. a colorado man is in jailas, virginia. a colorado man is in jail suspected of the deaths of his wife and two daughters. new court documents show that some of them may have been strangled. the suspect seen in these family photos has not been formally charged. he is expected to appear in court on monday a week after his wife and children were reported missing. on friday mourner in the state of colorado paid their respects to the murdered woman and children. in italy, 18 of the 38 victims of the genoa bridge are collapse are being remembered at a joint state funeral. and these are images of the funeral in progress from the genoa convention center. you see people coming together remembering the dead. some families though are boycotting this commemoration, they are protesting the negligence they claim caused the bridge to come down. burial services for four of the victims were held friday. our cnn contributor is joining live from rome with the details. and barbie, again some boycotting this state funeral as again not all have been accounted for and crews continue to search through the rubble. reporter: that s right, george. it is a sad national day of mourning here. and those that were buried yesterday, one of the fathers of one of the young victims said that they didn t want to be part of a, quote, parade of politicians. there is so much finger pointing going on yet about the cause of this disaster. we ve seen before in the past these sorts of state funerals and natural disasters like earthquakes, but in this particular instance, they are considering this of course a human disaster. this is something that was caused most likely by negligence, lack of maintenance, or some sort of human error. and that is what has angered these families who have chosen not to participate in the state funeral. and also talk to us about the efforts there, they continue searching through rubble for people not accounted for. that s right. now there are four people still unaccounted for according to the authorities in genoa. the number was five, but they got a hold of someone who they thought might have been on that road and they found that person alive. so there is some relief at least for that family. but these remaining four people are officially still missing, but they don t know for sure if there could have been a car they are unaware of, there is still a lot of rubble. the big chunks of cement are hard to move and they are treating it very much like they treat an earthquake or other natural disaster, going through it, trying to break up the concrete, hoping that there could have been some pocket of air inside there that someone could still survive. but as time goes on of course they are losing hope for any survival. barbie, thank you. turkey stands up against the united states and faces economic hardship as a result. now turkey s president has to reassure a nervous country. and he s been doing that in the past few minutes. we ll take you there live in a moment. united states and faces economic turkey s president recep tayyip erdogan is expected to speak soon at his party s grand congress. just moments ago he spoke to the crowds outside. the justice and development parties congress comes as the country s economy is in free fall, this thanks in part to a trade war with the united states. and let s get a closer look. erdogan apparently talked about what he was going to say to the people, the congress, inside. did you hear what he had to say? yeah, natalie, he said that he was going to be going into the congress and delivering some of those strong messages that he has been reiterating over the last week as this spat with theist has been really hitting the turkish economy. he came out to his supporters and once again called for basically a rally along the flag. and asking for the country to stand as one nation. and he said that as long as the people are behind him and that people stand strong, that no one can bring down the turkish nation and he reiterated one point that he s made before, he said if they have the dollar, then we have god. now, that is not something that necessarily is going to be calming the markets because no one really knows what that means. but it just goes to show you how defiant erdogan is in the face of this trade war that he has been waging with the u.s. and of course that rhetoric has really been helping him rally turks around the flag and really come together in national sentiment. he frames the economic crisis that has been unfolding here over the last week as an economic war that they are trying to bring down turkey, that with threats they are trying to make this country come to heal and that basically saying threats will not work and that turkey will not bow down. but at this point, with erdogan and trump publicly sparring, it is really detrimental to the relationship that these two country which is are of course are nato alleys haies have buil over the years. and we re seeing live video as he is greeting supporters. the question is what can he do at this point to make the financial situation better? well, that is the million dollar question because so far the markets have been calling for a series of economic actions for turkey to take. one is raising interest rates which erdogan himself has said he is not willing to do. aside from that, there have been a series of steps taken by economic institutions here to try to ease this and to try to hold the crisis off. but really there is not much that he can do. erdogan has said that turkey doesn t have to beholden to the united states of america, that it has other options, that it could look to russia or china. but whether or not that will be enough to stem the depreciation of the lira is something we just don t know. we ll have to wait and see what he has to say. we know that he will get back to us after he is finished talking. thank you, gul. this next story that we ll cover is interesting. bright red receptacles are popping up across paris. they look a bit like mail boxes, but here is the thing, you don t want to drop a postcard in any of these. we ll explain. ! 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(vo) a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? ozempic®! ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not share needles or pens. don t reuse needles. do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to ozempic®. stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, itching, rash, or trouble breathing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. tell your doctor if you have diabetic retinopathy or vision changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i discovered the potential with ozempic®. oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! (vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4 week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again and it s time to get outside. pack in even more adventure with audible. with the largest selection of audiobooks. audible lets you follow plot twists off the beaten track. or discover magic when you hit the open road. with the free audible app, your stories go wherever you do. and for just $14.95 a month you get a credit, good for any audiobook. if you don t like it exchange it any time. no questions asked. you can also roll your credits to the next month if you don t use them. so take audible with you this summer. on the road. on the trail. or to the beach. start a 30-day trial and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime, and your books are yours to keep forever. no matter where you go this summer make it better with audible. text summer5 to 500500 to start listening today. a book that you re ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! funeral arrangements are set for music legend aretha franklin. franklin died thursday of cancer at the age of 76. what a giant. a private ceremony for friend, family and invited guests will be held in two weeks, august 31, at detroit s greater grace temple. afterwards she will be entombed at woodlawn cemetery. and the public can pay their respects during a two day viewing august 28 and 29 at the museum of african-american his other. a tribute concert is scheduled for november. if you are scared of heights, this might make you queasy. might freak you out in fact. the new glass bottom suspension bridge just opened in northeast china. it is almost the length of four football fields. and 158 meters high. that is about 170 yards. more than 10,000 people showed up to take those stomach churning steps. could you do it? i can t even think about it. stretching between two cliffs over a canyon. it is quite the sight. vertigo must be a national sport. china has dozens of these walkways, so what is up? someone tell us why. so a bold and verse experiment is under way in paris to deal with the problem of public urination. but critics say the proposed solution is only making matters worse. lynda kinkade as this one for us. reporter: paris, the city of lights and love. a place to admire beautiful landscapes, streets lined with historic landmarks. and maybe catch a local relieving himself as a tourist boat floats down the river seine. a new addition has many residents peeved. the viiew of a loo. translator: seeing people urinating right in front of your door is not the nicest thing. translator: it is not very private. and also i don t know how they are going to solve the issue you of the smell. reporter: to try to solve the problem of public urination, city officials have installed open air urinals, one not far from notre dame. putting them red and putting a flower box on them didn t do much to hide a very public privy. translator: i think installing a urinal in the streets is a good idea, but in my opinion this model is not being a trayvon martin temperature and where it has been set up is not appropriate. reporter: the city says the devices are eco-friendly since they turn waste into compost for parks and gardens. neighbors and businesses say there is nothing pretty about them. writing to town hall to demand their removal. some have taken to social media asking why they are only catering to men. with four around paris and a fifth being planned, there is no relief for some who believe some moments are best behind closed doors. lynda kinkade, cnn. good luck with that one, paris. our top stories are just ahead. stay with us. it s a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from $899, during sleep number s biggest sale of the year . it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it even helps with this. so you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. and now, all beds are on sale. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 24-month financing on all beds. only for a limited time. sleep number. proven, quality sleep. i start at the new carfax.comar. show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. 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