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Transcripts For CNNW The Lead With Jake Tapper 20190614

officials are dropped. the city s mayor will join us live. welcome to the lead. i m jake tapper. we begin request our politics lead. president trump bringing in his 73rd birthday at the white house. gifted with 50 minutes on his favorite channel of free wheeling opportunities to attack foes and air grievances. happy birthday mr. president. taking the opportunity to try to clean up the statement that many republican officials found wrong and outrageous that he would openly welcome and accept dirt on a political opponent provided by a foreign government and he would not necessary he call the fbi. national security experts from both parties as well as a bipartisan chorus on capitol hill condemned the sentiment. while republicans and mitch mcconnell acted as if it s no big deal for the president of the united states to tell the world he thinks there s nothing wrong with such collusion. mayor pete buttigieg said he is not concerned this will not just be a theoretical discussion for president trump. are your worried that president trump will accept help from foreign governments? he just said as much which is increasingly worrisome. extremely worrisome. we shouldn t be surprised. cnn abbey phillip kicks off our coverage from 1600 pennsylvania avenue. happy birthday to you president trump marking his 73rd birthday with a clean up call on his favorite morning tv show. attempting to explain his controversial claim ha he would accept dirt on a political po t opponent from a foreign government. i think it was accurately stated. then clarify it. i ve had a lot of support. reporter: a day after receiving blow back from both democrats and some republicans, trump attempted to clarify with one part double down. of course you have to look at it because if you don t look at it, you re not going to know if it s bad. reporter: and one part walk back. of course you give it to the fbi or report it to the attorney general or somebody like that. reporter: trump even expanding on his claim that a foreign government s attempt to interfere in a campaign is similar to his conversations with world leaders. i had dinner with the queen. i met with the prime minister of uk. i was with the head of france. i was with the head of an these nations. am i supposed to put the president of france, am i support to report him to fbi. reporter: as trump tap danced around his original claim, he may have made matters worse. now insisting he should sit down with a foreign government offering political help to listen first. if you don t hear what it is, you re not going to know what it is. how can you report? how do you know it s bad if you don t listen to it? to say, he would accept it. if i don t listen, you re not going to know. reporter: all this prompting an extraordinary rebuke from the election chair who wrote in statement, let me make something 100% clear to the american public or anyone running for public office, it is illegal to solic solicit, accept or receive anything of value in connection with a u.s. election. in is not a novel concept. even though russia did offer the trump campaign political dirt in 2016, trump is now claiming that he would never face that choice. i don t think anybody would present me with anything bad because they know how much i love this country. nobody will present me with anything. reporter: president trump called the russian investigation the worse political scandal in the country s history but in this lengthy interview on fox he did not say anything about russian interference in the 2016 election. nothing really to condemn it. jake. thanks so much. let s chew over this with our experts. did the president s clarification clarify anything for you, bill? it clarified he s fine with foreign governments approaching people in campaigns with information. he will look at it and decide whether it s corrupt or not. that s unbelievable. almost to go that far is unbelievable. shouldn t you say no thank you and call the fbi the next moment. what is this based on? in 2016, his son got an e-mail saying the russian government is interested in helping your father and we have information. dirt on hillary clinton. and donald trump junior e-mailed back. if fit s what you say, i lov it. donald trump has never denounced that, said it was a mistake. wishes his son hadn t said it. hostile foreign government, not just a random. people are trying ining to say you same some random person of another nationality, that s not what it was. it was the government of russia and they welcomed it. even during the kpacampaign 2016, he was very public about saying, russia, if you re out there, i ll take those e-mails. the other thing that s interesting about this is polling wise most americans know more about the second part of the report, the obstruction, not the first part. with the president talking about it so much, it s giving us to revisit this whole question about collusion with the russians and the russian involvement. i ll tell you the other thing, the majority of americans don t think you should take information from a foreign government. let s remind our viewers what the republican nominee, president trump said in july 2016. russia, if you re listening, i hope you re able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. later, the president said he was just joking. that wasn t meant to be taken seriously. it sounds like it s meant to be taken seriously. he s of the position, no collusion, no collusion. now he s saying yes collusion is fine. what he s doing right now with his comments is reiterating that russia, if you re out there, you can find those e-mails then find them. it s an invitation for other countries, foreign powers who are add ver sversaries of the u states and saying he would welcome it. not as a walk back but an attempt to really muddy the waters here. either it s that he misunderstanding what this actually entails which seems unlikely or he s trying to reframe this issue to try to justify his earlier comments. reframing the notion you have to look at the information. if it s bad then share it with the fbi which would probably have more interference than anything else. it raises a lot of questions. take a listen. the president is our leader. we follow everything he says as he said case by case basis. he said he would do both. low pressure to what they have to say and also report it to fbi. the fbi has been clear. you report it to the fbi and you re not allowed to accept it. by far most republicans have said we would go to fbi immediately and report to them. this shows how the president s comments, beyond the appropriateness of it, it also has put republicans in a difficult position once again. i had a really interesting, brief but interesting conversation with lindsey graham when he said i talked to the president this morning to try to get a bit of clarity on his comments and explained to him, these are times when conversations with officials are okay. you don t have to report it. if they are offering you something that s inappropriate then report it. it s just the fact they have to have these conversations with the president of the united states is a fascinating dynamic. they will not support legislation that would make this very simple legislation that if an agent of a foreign government or someone you think is an agent approaches you in a campaign for whatever reason, report it to the fbi. what s wrong with that? mitch mcconnell won t bring it to floor. lindsey graham won t put any pressure on him. all these republican senators are getting kr inting credit fo them sort of criticized the president with one or two sentences be sentences. they could do something about this but are unwilling to. mitch mcconnell seems to think it benefits the republican party to not put forward this legislation and not put forward any legislation that would protect our legislations at this point. all right. we re going to talk about mitch mcconnell in a second. every one stick around. you can see, my full interview with mayor pete buttigieg this sunday morning on state of the union. mpb it s not flattering so why is mitch mcconnell embracing the nickname the grim reaper. a u.s. official saying one of the iranian boats fired a missile at an american drone before the attack. stay with us. energizer.the power of because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. 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he gets picked at it but the fundamental point is they re trying to keep the 2016 election alive. reporter: in addition to changing the conversation for the president, mcconnell has been cleaning house in the senate blocking votes on any bill he chooses. since january, the senate has only passed 21 of the 264 bills already passed by the house which have become law. two more were vetoed by the president. some of the legislation passed include back paying federal workers during the shutdown and a 19 billion dollar disaster relief bill but mcconnell has blocked multiple bipartisan bills including a bill aimed at tightening security in u.s. elections. on thursday, was a bill from democrats requiring political campaigns to report assistance offers from foreign nationals to the fbi. officially blocked by republican senator marsha blackburn. presidential campaigns would have to worry about disclosure at a variety of levels. reporter: mcconnell killing of countless other bills have earned him a new anymore nnickn democrats. leader mcconnell, the grim reaper is creating this graveyard. he seems to take great pride in calling himself as grim reaper. reporter: he does seem to relish even selling a grim reaper t-shirt on his campaign website. mcconnell had this to say a few months ago. think of me as the grim reaper. none of that stuff is going to pass. none of it. reporter: the senate majority leader has been focused on one of his biggest priorities, nominations and confirming conservatives into judgeships now. he s up for re-election in 2020 where it is seen as staying in president trump s good graces that seen as being politically advantageous for him. thanks so much. i get why he s proud to be the grim reaper for the green new deal or for any progressive legislation. why is he the grim reaper for bipartisan election security legislation? why would that be something he kills? i think he s so writ large he has characterized that democrats are pushing, everything that the democratic led house is pushing as something that s tied to socialism even if it s not the case. that s been the broader republican message leading up to 2020 not just from the president trump s level but down to the senate races and down to the house races. mitch mcconnell is up for re-election and as part of the right as possible. my question is, do his republican members particularly the ones who are running in these at risk states. susan collins in maine. do they get impatient with a lack of legislative accomplish ms. right now we have seen no sign of that. you can t underestimate the suppressive effects these things have. african-americans were the ones targeted in 2016 by the russians and the bots. you have organizations like the na naacp trying to do workshops to train people. here s how you protect your elections and your communications because the federal government is doing nothing. there s such a concern about this and nothing is happening. at the same time people are talk about things like we should be doing paper ballots. what are republican governors doing? moving away from paper ballots. there s also a real strategy, i think, that is about suppressing the vote in way that i think they believe will actually benefit republicans. bill, house speaker pelosi tweeted out this photo of what she called mcconnell s graveyard in response to legislation. it goes to the senate and nothing happens. obviously some of this stuff they would never support but among them are bills like lowering prescription drug prices. the re-authorization of the violence against women act which used to be a fairly bipartisan piece of legislation. why kill those? i don t understand. if it s something that could be bipartisan and could pass. someone went to open the door, some bipartisan things, one or two republican co-sponsors, is it enough. it s easier. as long as they are not paying a price, it s easier to shut the door. mitch mcconnell has stopped this piece of legislation with ads. they re not putting much pressure. it does seem like the democrats in the house are voting for a lot of bills that will never become law. that might be fun and make them feel good but at the end of the day it s not legislating. i guess the question is will democrats use the argument that the president tried the make over the first couple of years which was democrats are obstructionis obstructionists. will the democrats take that and weaponize it against republicans to say look at all the bills we have tried to push over to the senate where republicans control things. where mitch mcconnell is refusing to take the bills to the floor. i think that s an argument we could see from democrats and an argument that the president made fairly successfully to voters previously. i think democrats would have a good amount of success making that same case. every one stick around. breaking news. cnn is learning what iranian boats were doing before the attack on two tankers in the middle east. that s next. award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. the volvo xc90. going to the shawn mendes verizon up concert was like an out of body experience. we were right in front of him. dead center. front row. cause actually, zarmina, you touched shawn mendes. yeah, i touched him! she touched shawn mendes! he like held my hand for a while. and then we got to meet him after, which was like. another surprise. yeah. we love verizon even more now. i ll never forget that day. ever. 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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it s just another way we re working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. we have breaking news on what happened before two tankers in the gulf of oman were attacked. president trump firmly blaming iran for the attack on the two ships. the u.s. releasing this video to prove iran is responsible. officials say it shows iranian boats removing an unexploded mine on the side of one of the ships. barbara starr has stunning reporting on what happened and what it means. reporter: a u.s. drone flying overhead saw iranian boats closing in on the tankers and then iran launched a surface to air missile at the american drone but missed. a u.s. official tells cnn. the source did not say the drone captured the iranian boats conducting an actual attack. now at the pentagon, tough words for iran. making sure that general mckenzie and the central command has the resources and the support that they need to conduct their missions. reporter: iran doesn t seem to be backing off. more provocation. iranian small boats are preventing tug boats from towing away one of the damaged tankers, a u.s. official says. president trump, this time, believing the intelligence he is shown. iran did do it and you know they did it because you saw the boat. reporter: u.s. officials pointing to these images as the proof. an iranian boat coming along side one of the two commercial tankers that had just been attacked in the sea of oman. iranians trying to remove an unplou unexploded mine so no evidence is left behind. we don t take it lightly. reporter: u.s. policy is to maintain diplomatic and economic pressure on tehran through sanctions. the focus for myself and ambassador bolton and secretary pompeo is to build international consensus to this international problem. reporter: behind the scenes, all options are being reviewed. these unprovoked attack present a clear threat. reporter: cnn has learned another u.s. drone was shot down days earlier by iranian backed rebels in yemen. one of them say he doesn t his tanker was hit by a mine. jake. breaking in our politics lead. we re learning the justice department will respond to democrats in congress after the trump administration defied a subpoena of president trump s tax returns. what are you hearing? later today, the justice department is expected to release an opinion from the office of legal counsel known as olc over here supporting the treasury secretary s refusal to hand over president trump s tax information. you will recall the top democrat on the house ways and means committee has subpoenas for about six years worth of trump s personal and business related tax information. he said he needs it in order to understand better the auditing process for presidents. the treasury secretary has defied that subpoena along with the irs saying this is all politics. that s purely pretextual. the agencies said they were we lying on the justice department s advice. thank you so much. we ve got the line up for the first democratic debate but already questions are being raised if it s been divided even if it s just an accident into the jv, debate one night and the varsity another. is elizabeth warren getting the shaft despite her rise in the polls? that s next. and get an unlimited plan with the samsung galaxy s10e included. for just $35 a month. it s a big deal. for people with hearing loss, visit plants capture co2. what if other kinds of plants captured it too? if these industrial plants had technology that captured carbon like trees we could help lower emissions. carbon capture is important technology - and experts agree. that s why we re working on ways to improve it. so plants. can be a little more. like plants. if you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 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salami and capicola, hand-sliced provolone and salted butter on a baguette. this afternoon we re finally getting our first looks at the lineup in the debate. every front-runner will face off on the second night. the candidate whose star has been on the rise, senator elizabeth warren, will take the stage on night one. that s the luck of the draw or bad luck of the draw. the warren campaign is focused on one simple phrase that sums up her can ddidacy. reporter: for months the contender have spent their ti drawing ding drawing distinctions from a far. when it comes to health care, there s no middle ground. reporter: today they learn who they will be face-to-face with for the first debates. the first will feature ten candidates. joe biden, bernie sanders, pete buttigieg and kamala harris are among those going on the second night. i got a lot of plans so let me just mention a few. reporter: elizabeth warren calling the debate an opportunity to discuss my plans. the massachusetts senator s i have a plan for that strategy appears to be paying off as national and early state polls show her jockeying with sanders for second place behind biden. today warren unveiled another proposal. this one aimed at empowering minority entrepreneurship. she said her recent success is about making direct connections with voters. we re going to get some more people. one at a time, two at a time. five at a time. that s why i m working on a grassroots movement here. reporter: for now biden remains the leader of the pack. releasing a video calling out the president over foreign interference in u.s. elections. donald trump doesn t think it matters if candidates for presidency accept damaging information on other opponents from foreign governments. i believe he s dead wrong. reporter: the president appears to be keeping his eye on biden. everybody knows joe doesn t have it. reporter: the rest of the democratic field, including warren. i would love to run against her. i see that bernie sanders is not doing well at all. i would have liked to have run against. i don t see the other ones. they talk about kamala. i think it s probably between the three of them. i think mayor pete, i don t see that at all. i think it s a joke. it would still be difficult to prepare for and stand out in a massive crowd. there s only so much substance you can get into when you only have a few minutes to speak. it s true. thank you so much. i do want to start with something very interesting. you might remember a few weeks ago the new york times reported there were these internal trump campaign polls showing the president losing to joe biden in states he needs to win like pennsylvania or wisconsin. president trump took to twitter and went on interviews and talked about no polls. it s phony, fake and made up. abc got their hands on it and now the trump campaign is acknowledging these internal polls from march showing trump losing resoundingly to biden in states such as pennsylvania and wisconsin. once again, the president says it s not true and it s true. yeah. that s right fp for a while the president and his campaign couldn t decide whether they want to say the polls were misinterpreted or old or fake and now they are settling on they are old and we have new polls now. the new polls are issue polls that means they are asking voters leading questions like do you think it s a good idea for undocumented immigrants to get health care. that s one of the polling questions that they pointed to in this statement. that doesn t mean the president is winning. it gets to the notion about why is the president so adamant about denying why he s losing in the polls. it shows the president lagging in hypothetical matchups, losing in those rust belts that were so crucial to his election. i ve heard people theorize that one of the reasons the polls keep being mentioned to the press and perhaps, we don t know, why mb lesomebody leaked abc news is these people who are trying to get his attention. watch ourt, you re in trouble here and maybe trying to get him to change some of his erratic behavior. the president is constantly elevating biden. cheeps saying he want to run against him. we have seen from the early polling that he does appear to be the stronger general election candidate. we saw that split screen general election moment earlier this week in iowa. if you have politician of one party weighing in the primary of another, you kind of want to elevate people who you think are weak. biden does appear to be very strong against him and trump keeps pushing it up and making him seem inevitable. warren tweeted she s looking forward to the debate. in response to lineup, josh holmes tweeted quote, despite assurances to the contrary, the dems arevarsity debate. if i were warren, i would be hot. four are there the second night and elizabeth warren, sadly for her, is there the first night. i think great for her. she s got the first night all to herself. there are nine other candidates. yeah, yeah. i m kidding. she ll have a strong opportunity to make her case. to talk about all these various policy proposals. i think it will be i think for most of these candidates they are all trying to figure out how they will use their time. i think most will try to appear presidential. i would enjoy having that first night without the noise of those other front runners and being able to put forward her ideas. there s been some criticism of the dnc and the criteria for which they are doing this. steve bullock, who is the governor of montana, the only democratic governor running from a state that trump won, did not make the hand off. seth moulton who has received medals and fought in iraq, didn t make the debate stage. people who others might not know, andrew yang, will be there. one person said he or she was for this candidate. i think thmoulton and bullock c say fine. i m going to do eight town halls the day before or something. i think they can take advantage of this. i agree with karen. i think the conventional wisdom of elizabeth warren, she has a really opportunity on the first night to frame her key issues. i don t see the other candidates go after her the first night. they may want to go after sanders to show they are more moderate or after biden to show he s yesterday s story. i think she has a good shot. if you said three months ago she would be tied with or slightly ahead of sanders, it s impressive. i think while we re focused very much on the head to head match ups on the debate stage, i think a lot of the candidates will try to introduce themselves to the american public. they may not want to go head to head or spar as much but we ll have to see. coming up, criminal charges pending against eight officials for the flint water crisis, the charges dropped. the investigation botched. we ll talk to the mayor of flint, michigan, next. people, our sales now apply to only 10 frames. a new low! at visionworks, our sales are good on over 500 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no two people are alike, so. limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. [ loud crash ] yeah. he ll figure it out. only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty the people of flint, michigan say they are horrified again. this time it s because prosecutors dropped all criminal charges against the officials who had been accused of being partly responsible for their poisoned water. it s been four years since lead tainted water was pumped through flint, michigan which has a population of just under 100,000. prosecutors have linked 12 deaths to a disease caused by the contaminate water. the long term health consequences remain unknown. eight state officials were facing serious charges raging from involuntary manslaughter to obstruction of charges. they dropped charges over lack of confidence in the investigation. they have pledged to start over. mayor, thanks for joining us. what was your reaction when you first learned that the attorney general was dropping all the charges? i got call from the attorney general before that release went out. one of the things they said to me even right after they got into office was they didn t know that they had confidence in what had been done and they thought there may be other evidence that needed to be looked at that had not been introduced and they were making sure they were able to do that. one of the things they said was with the amount of evidence that was left out and they said millions of documents and over 60 devices that have not been looked at that they felt like a new investigation needed to be done and needed to be re-opened. what i m hoping is this new evidence found will create cu culpability that people will be more than just charged and they will be convicted. that s what i m hoping what happens as a result of a new investigation. the people of flint, michigan, the ones that have had to deal with this for so long, are they hearing your message that this might be good news or are they worried that no one is going to be held accountable for this? we ve always had concerns and wanted people to be held accountable. that s why i wanted to explain to them. the headline is charges have been dropped or dismissed. i really do wish the headline read that new evidence found created culpability which would lead to conviction because one of the things we have said is no one has been held accountable for this criminal activity that took place in flint. you said people have died as a result of this and while charges have been brought, there hasn t been enough evidence to convict anybody. we know there should be evidence. when it said they found the amount of documents that had not been looked at, that s very troublesome to us. while one of the things i told people is recognize the wheels of justice moves slowly, justice delayed does not mean justice denied. i want to get some people convicted. we sure hope your positive interpretation is what will happen. how is the water in flint today? you know, we made a lot of progress with the water. the water tests good. we are ahead of schedule and will be finished with the line replacement by early fall. until we get everything we need from the state government which is new fixtures for people s homes, i m advising them to stay on bottled water and our public health, our scientists say they have seen enough testing and they are ready to sign off. i m taking my lead from the health community and we re going to always put health above profit. that s what i m leapi inleaning. stay in touch with us. help us help you to make sure people are held accountable for all of this. thank you so much. sarah sanders might be leaving but kellyanne conway is not going anywhere. why her boss is ignoring a recommendation to say you re fired. we got the idea that if we took two dimensional patient imaging and put it in holographic displays, we could dissect around the tumor so we can safely remove it. when we first started, we felt like this might just not be possible but verizon 5g ultra wideband will give us the ability to do this. you don t see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx. i was covered. it was awful. but i didn t give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. clear skin can last. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me now. i m still clear. how sexy are these elbows? 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[ laughter ] -everyone acts like their parents. -you have a tattoo. -yes. -fun. do you not work? -so, what kind of mower you got, seth? -i don t know. some kid comes over. we pay him to do it. -but it s not all bad. someone even showed us how we can save money by bundling home and auto with progressive. progressive can t protect you from becoming your parents. but we can protect your home and auto. president trump is not going to fire senior counselor kellyanne conway, at least not now. he s rejecting a recommendation coming from an independent federal government agency the fire her for repeatedly violating the hatch act that bans federal employees from playing an active role in a political campaign. the president disagrees saying they are trying to take away her first amendment right. i got briefed on it yesterday and it looks to me like they are trying to take away her right of free speech and that s just not fair. no, i m not going to fire her. i think she s a terrific person. is that what is happening? is this about free speech? no. i was in the white house and you are covered on the hatch act. y she continues to violate it. president trump doesn t hold people accountable for violating ethical norms. she weighed in on the alabama special election and why slovot should not choose doug jones. she was remind and she did it again. if you re frying to silence me through the hatch act. it s not going to work. let me know when the jail sentence starts. yeah, let me know when the jail sentence starts. this is a problem with the hatch act other than recommending a certain action. they have recommended and the president said, i don t care. maybe he should allow hope hicks and don mcgahn to use their first amendment rights to speak to congress. how about that. that s a whole different thing. i know. i remember during the obama years the hhs secretary and julian castro and the hud secretary were found in violation as the ahatch act. they apologized. what conway has not apologized but continue to violate it. this is by no means that white house officials in this administration had been reprimanded under the hatch act. last year i believe there were six for using their official twitter accounts for politicking messages. the leader of the office of special counsel told us it is unprecedented that our office recommend firing someone, dismissing someone but what she did is unprecedented. there s this flouting of rules. the president is not covered by the hatch act. he or she is allowed to do or say whatever they want. there s a principle behind it. it s taxpayer money. these are government jobs. government resources shouldn t be used for partisan, political campaigns. that s a pretty reasonable principle you want to uphold. government is not the same as partisan politics. it s a principle the trump administration doesn t believe in. it does play to this idea they pitch and choose which laws and rules they want to follow and this idea he s above the law. thank you so much. have a great weekend. make sure you tune in to cnn tonight for a special report. we have an inside look at the east wing and first lady melania trump. tune in to cnn sunday morning for state of the union. you ll see my interview with pete buttigieg. plus i ll talk to beto o rourke of texas. that s 9:00 a.m. and noon eastern on sunday. you the follow me on facebook, instagram, twitter. our coverage continues right now. see you sunday. happening now, breaking news. trump s taxes. tonight the justice department is just released a lengthy legal opinion that supports the treasury secretary s refusal to hand over president trump s returns. will house democrats turn to the courts? if presented with campaign dirt by a foreign source, he would give the material to the fbi after taking look. international situation. a u.s. official says a drone spotted ie ro eted ie yan yan ti

New-york , United-states , Montana , Texas , Iran , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , Yemen , Wisconsin , Russia , Michigan , Oman

Transcripts For CNNW Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20190614

they showed iranian removing a mine from one vessel proves they did it. now the pentagon says we have an international situation. plot twist. stunning new twist in baseball legend ortiz as the trigger man says ortiz was not the target while he already admitted to killing ortiz. i m wolf blitzer. you re many t you re in the situation room. breaking news, the justice department released a legal opinion supporting treasury secretary steve mnuchin refusal to give congress president trump s tax returns. he has rejected a request and a subpoena from the powerful house ways and means committee chairman. president trump is trying to clean up his comment about being willing to accept campaign dirt from foreign sources. he now says he would give them material to the fbi after checking it out himself. also breaking tonight, we re learning before two tankers were attacked in the gulf of oman, a u.s. drone was fired on after spotting ie y inting iranian bo in. the u.s. release ed video that shows the iranians removing an unexploded mine from the hull of the ship. our correspondents and analysts will have full coverage of the day s top story. let s begin. what are we learning about this new justice department legal opinion? in a very aggressive 33-page letter sent tonight from the office of legal counsel from the justice department, detailing the legal argument why the trump administration will not turn over president trump s tax returns. six years of his tax returns for the house ways and means committee despite facing the subpoena. in this opinion the justice department calls this quote unprecedented. this request. calls it a serious risk of abuse. what they are accusing neil of trying to do is release these tax returns publicly. they believe that the comments made by the chairman suggest that perhaps he could do something that would undermine the secretty and sensitivity of president trump s tax returns. now one of the things they are arguing here as a treasury department did in rejecting the subpoena that richard neil issued was saying this lacks a legitimate legislative purpose. this is an argument they have been making in this fight and in other court fights as well. richard neil, the chairman of the committee has said there is a legislative purpose. he said one thing they are examining is whether or not the presidential auditing system on tax returns needs to be overhauled in any way. whether there need be anymore legislation to change that. that s been the justification as to why the president has not released his tax returns despite his predecessors doing so while campaigning for president. they are making the argument here there s no legitimate legislative purpose even though courts in separate court battles have rejected the notion that congress is not have a legitimate purpose when seeking separate records, including financial records but that is the argument here accusing the chairman of the committee doing something whag they are saying unprecedented and something that could risk abuse of the president s tax returns. what s the next move for democrats? democrats are setting the stage for a legal fight in acknowledging this could play out for months, if not years behind closed doors. the house general counsel said this fight could take some time potentially until 2020 maybe even beyond. no one quite knows but democrats are trying to efficient that lawsuit sometime soon. some members of that committee, that house ways and means have expressed concern they have not moved more aggressively. not filed a lawsuit earlier. they believe the committee needs to be more aggressive filing lawsuit. saying that could help their efforts to get information including the president s tax returns. expect that debate among democrats to continue but the best way to pursue this kind of information but nevertheless at the moment what s going to happen is litigation. democrats will fight to get the tax returns and the justice department now ray llaying out rationale of why the trump administration should not turn over tax returns. president trump is backtracking about being willing to accept campaign dirt. let s go to jim acosta for the latest. reporter: he s caused confusion saying he would inform the fbi if a foreign government tried to offer him political dirt. the president has been all over the place on this. president trump is doing some collusion clean up insisting he would go to fbi if a foreign power handed him damaging information about a political rival. the president seemed to leave some wiggle room conceding he might look at it first. of course you give it to the fbi or report it to the attorney general or somebody like that, but you do that. you couldn t have that happen with our country. everybody understands that. i thought it was made clear. i actually said, at the beginning, i think i said i d do both. if you don t hear what it is, you re not going to know what it is. reporter: it s an attempt at damage control after sounding curious about collusion. i think you might want to listen. there s nothing wrong with listening. it s not an interference. they have information. i think i would take it. if i thought there was something wrong, i d go maybe to fbi. reporter: one aide sees the president s comment as a directive. the president s directive, a case by case basis. he said he would do both. listen to what they have to say but also report it to fbi. reporter: mitch mcconnell appeared to dismiss the remarks. they can t let it go. i said weeks ago, case closed. we got the mueller report. reporter: some republicans are taking issue with the issue of accepting foreign dirt. nobody should ever, ever take any foreign intelligence or any information from any foreign government. if that s not the law and i think it is, if that s not the law, we need to make that clear. reporter: the president got testy with the notion he evaded questions on obstruction during the russia investigation. i answered a lot of questions. i answered them in writing. not on obstruction. you re being a wise guy which is typical for you. very simple. it s very simple. there was no crime. there was no collusion. reporter: mr. trump rejected former white house counsel don mcgahn s claim he was asked to fire robert mueller. i don t care what he says. it doesn t matter. that was to show every one what a good counsel he was. why would he lie under oath? because he wanted to make himself look look a good lawyer. reporter: the president is standing by kellyanne conway after a government watchdog recommended she be removed from her position for violating the hatch act by engaging in political activity in her official capacity. looks to me like they are trying to take away her right of free speech and that s not fair. reporter: that s not exactly true as the law does limit political advocacy for federal employees. the president also talked up mike pence but not enough to guarantee he would support him in 2024. i love mike. we re running again. you re talking about a long time. you can t put me in that position. i would give it very strong consideration. the president s re-election campaign is acknowledging it s seeing polling numbers back in march that it showed joe biden leading mr. trump in key states. in statement from the campaign they put out a short while ago aides argue a lot has changed since march and adding these leaked number ofs are ancient in campaign terms but make no mistake they are concerned about joe biden inside the tlurump campaign. thank you very much. joining us democratic senator from hawaii. thanks so much for joining us. you heard it reported. the office of legal counsel over at the justice department has just released this very lengthy and i have it here, 33 page opinion siding with the treasury department s refusal to hand over president trump s tax returns to lawmakers, tax returns from the last six years. does that hurt congress s case right now? where do you go from here? this is totally not unexpected. the law, the relevant law says that these returns must be turned over. the word must says must. whatever attorney general barr and the officer of legal counsel is arguing does not comport with the plain meaning of the statute. it s not surprising. you have an attorney general who continues to act like the president s personal lawyer and not lawyer for the united states. once again, sadly, i m not surprised because basically what the president wants are people around him who will protect him and who will make sure that he gets his way. the law says that the treasury department shall hand over the tax returns. that s the argument that the congress is making. the letter from the office of legal counsel over the justice department says congress request raises, in their words, a serious risk of abuse. do you have any concerns about lawmakers abusing they powers in cases like this, releasing that quiet information about someone s tax returns making it public. the president said himself during his campaign that he would release his tax returns and he says a lot of things and he said a lot of things during his campaign but p he hasn t delivered on very many of them. here is another instance. the word shall is in the statute. shall means must. that s how i look at it. i m really disappointed. more than disappointed in the attorney general for not reading the statute the way it should be read. this is an attorney general who believes in a unitary executive which means all power goes with the executive, ie, the president. there s a lot of danger in that the perspective of the attorney general with regard to not just this but so many other issues that will come before congress. and their attempt to get to the bottom of what the administration going including obstruction of the mueller report and what that portends. what do democrats do now in. we have to go to court. i just think that every time that the trump administration makes a decision or he does an executive order, somebody has to go to court. what a waste of resources and time. that s what we re having to do. that s one of the reasons that this administration is so intent on packing the courts with the complicity of mitch mcconnell. so intent on packing the courts with people who will side with the president on this as well as so many other issues. just about everybody this administration does leads to a court battle. let s turn to the president s admission he would be willing to accept foreign dirt on a political opponent including di dirt provided from russia and china. many of your democrat colleagues still very much reluctant to open a formal procedure. do you think comments like this from the president will convince lawmakers who might be on the fence right now that it s time to begin impeachment proceedings? i ve said that it s time to begin impeachment inquiries which means that we re going to be very focused on all of their different aspects of what this administration is doing this including the obstruction of justice claims that are examined by mueller. yes, i say it s time to be very focused on what we need to have the country focused on. it s been said and framed this way, people will watch the movie. they will not read the book. they will not read the 400-page mueller report. particularly the part two that talks about and lays out the obstruction of justice activities that this president has engaged in and continues to engage in. the senate majority leader is dismissing your concerns, the democrats concerns about the president s latest comments. he says democrats are trying to keep the 2016 election alive. what s your response to mitch mcconnell? i think it s sad that mitch mcconnell continues to support the president and everything he does. hesitate li he s like a total apoll giogist the president. every member should be asked would you accept dirt on an opponent. i noticed that mitch mcconnell couldn t answer that. i consider that pathetic and unpatriotic. let s turn to another sensitive issue. you ve in the armed services committee. the attacks on the oil tankers in the gulf of oman. the trump administration says iran is behind the bombings. have you been briefed on the attacks? no. i think congress needs to be briefed. this administration s reputation for honesty is not exactly high. ie roon couran could be behind s but i d like to know for sure. the president needs authorization from the congress and he is not moving in that direction. as our european allies have said, this is a time for maximum restraint because we hardly need to be bungling ourselves into yet another middle eastern war. senator, thanks so much for joining us. thank you. up next, more on the pra breaking news. the justice department has released a lengthy opinion which supports the treasury secretary refusal to hand over to congress president trump s tax returns. when crabe stronger.strong, with new nicorette coated ice mint. layered with flavor. it s the first and only coated nicotine lozenge. for an amazing taste. .that outlasts your craving. new nicorette ice mint. they re america s bpursuing life-changing cures. in a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. like a way to fight cancer by arming a patient s own t-cells. because it s not just about the next breakthrough. it s all the ones after that. when i needed to create a better visitor experience. improve our workflow. attract new customers. that s when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. yeah, and now business is rolling in. get started at to complement a sandwich. the all-new frenchie, a combination of all-natural salami and capicola, hand-sliced provolone and salted butter on a baguette. i come face-to-face with a lot of behinds. so i know there s a big need for new gas-x maximum strength. it relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort fast. so no one needs to know you ve got gas. gas-x. so no one needs to know you ve got gas. no matter how much you clean, does your house still smell stuffy? 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it doesn t. there s two things that president trump has wanted to achieve. he wanted the iranians to go back to the negotiating table. on the other he wanted things to calm down especially in the area of the persian gulf and also the gulf of oman as well. you have the stand off between the u.s. and iran which is still going on in the gulf of oman and has been going on. the tension has been high in the entire persian gulf region. if you look at some of things the iranians have been saying over the past 24 hours and especially today, they believe that iran supreme leader humiliated president trump by rebuffing a an offer from president trump which was brought over here by the prime minister of japan for new talks to happen. right now the iranians not willing to talk and the situation heating up rather than cooling down. absolutely right. very tense. thank you. coming up, we re going to have more on the breaking news. the justice department backing the refusal to release president trump s tax returns to investigators calling the request unprecedented. the president trying to tamp down the furor on he would take remarks from foreign add ver sars. wit looks like jill heading offe on an adventure. jill has entresto, a heart failure medicine that helps her heart so she can keep on doing what she loves. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. it helps improve your heart s ability to pump blood to the body. don t take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don t take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren or if you ve had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto, for heart failure. where to next? 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it s a pretty aggressive argument. basically what the justice department is saying, look, we recognize that the top democrat on the house weighs and means committee has brought authority to get the tax returns under this little known provision. it says it shall furnish. that means the treasury secretary shall turn them over. however, the justice department concludes that because chairman neil doesn t have a legitimate legislative purpose here, therefore mnuchin doesn t have to turn them over. they look at a litany of statements that chairman neil and other democrats have made and the justice department concludes that the true purpose was to make the tax returns public and they don t see that as a legitimate legislative interest even though neil has said he is interested in looking at how audits are done on presidents and looking into other legislative proposals. the justice department doesn t buy any of that and says mnuchin had a duty not to disclose the returns. the justice department doesn t have the last word because chairman neil has subpoenaed for the tax returns and so this is likely a battle that is heading to court. the fact the justice department has weighed in is trying to give heft to the administration s position. looks like the democrats will challenge this. they could go to court. it would wind up when all is said and done in the united states supreme court to make a decision. it will take a long time to get there. i assume the president would rely on the conservative majority in the supreme court to back him up and refuse to release the tax returns. he s been trying to play this out and run out the clock as long as he can. there s no law that says if you re running for president you have to turn over your tax returns. that s something that has been done. however, his insistence not to sth show them and say he s under audit leads you to believe what is in the tax returns that he doesn t want us to see. we know he s worth a lot of money but what is in them he s so in insistent about them. that is his down fall. this process could drag on for many months. this is what the president, when he was a civilian used to do. he would go into court battles knowing he would make the other person lose interest. he would wait it out for so long and play this gotcha game. this is a different stage. he s trying to play it out in the court of public opinion but it could backfire on him because as he s going through, information is leaked and what if there is information that he can t refute. this is a dangerous game he s playing. he s done this before and if it does go to the supreme court he s hopeful that majority, that conservative majority will look in his favor and the question is, what is the justice department doing also. is this checks and balances or i m in your court? the office of legal counsel is supposed to be nonpartisan, very legal. you used to work there. what s your experience? is it non-partisan? no. that s a different question from saying whether they are excellent lawyers there. there are excel atlanta lawyers just as there are at is supreme court. would you look back and say there s no politics there. you can be a great lawyer and still be hired by the republicans or democrats and have a political view. one quick story, when i was at the ci helping to run the counter terrorism, we asked for opinion on tech neniques. president obama told us publicly that we tortured people. if you want to look at divides about how the office of legal counsel looks at issues, you can go back over time and you can t escape the fact there are some politics here. the president is trying to walk back this stunning admission he would accept dirt on a political opponent from a foreign government including a hostile foreign government like russia or china. listen to this. i don t think anybody would present me with anything bad. they know how much i love this country. number two, if i was, of course you have to look at it, you won t know if it s bad. of course you give it to the fbi or report it to the attorney general or somebody like that. he says you have to look at it. you won t know in the information is good or bad. does that make any legal difference? not at all. there s no exception in the law in order to take a look or take a peak at something to decide whether or not you should turn it over to the fbi. the law is pretty clear here despite some back an ford forth. they were sort of inexperienced on the campaign. the law is pretty clear. you cannot take a thing of value from a foreign government. you cannot do it. the interesting part is if you look at the special counsel s report in the mueller investigation, it shows in the case of sochl the me instances, was a question about the intent to receive information and at least in that case mueller concludesed they couldn t concludes that trump junior knew what he was doing was wrong. that s why you ve seen legislative proposals bubbling up with other congressmen saying we need to make the law crystal clear here. what do you think about the president s clean up effort? i want to piggy back offer of something that laura said. after two plus years the president understands and after this mueller investigation, he understands stakes are very high. when you deal with this issue saying he would take dirt from another country, our founding fathers put that into their pillar, the pillars of this nation to thwart the french and the british from coming and infiltrating into our government. now, the house foreign affairs committee, chaired by ranking member greg meeks will look into this next week. they will talk about way forward with this. they want to make decisions. this goes right back to the mueller investigation. if the president meant it or not, it does not bode well for him. this is a very serious situation. everybody stand by. there s more news we re following. president trump compared her to jackie o. cnn is taking a closer look at the first lady. weigh you down.your lonr new infallible fresh wear foundation by l oreal. with up to 24 hr wear. now, get longwear coverage from our most lightweight, breathable formula. for makeup that won t weigh you down. defies sweat and transfer. stays fresh. feels light. all day to night. in 30 natural, matte shades. new infallible fresh wear foundation by l oreal. because you re worth it. award winning interface. award winning design. award winning engine. the volvo xc90. the most awarded luxury suv of the century. our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy! whoo-hoo! great-tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. ensure, for strength and energy. and twenty-six vitamins and minerals. is this ride safe? 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. reporter: not to mention coping with the intense scrutiny of her marriage. i get the feeling she cares less about what people think than any of her predecessors. kate bennett is joining us. i want to talk about the new documentary in just a moment but first i want to get to the shake up inside the white house now that the press secretary sarah sanders is stepping down. why do some think melania s trump communications director could be next in line for the job and how does the first lady feel about that? a couple of reasons is one s she is an original of the trump campaign. she started as a press wrangler for the president during his campaign. he worked in the west wing and the first lady pulled her over to the east wing. she has relationships in audiotape factiall factions of the white house. she s demonstrated she s a fiery defender as we have seen with the first lady of this administration. she could be the sort of vocal mouthpiece that the president needs as he goes into the 2020 election season. i think the first lady, if her name is being mentioned and it is, i don t know this from reporting, it means the first lady endorses it because i know she would not be leaving the first lady or considering if melania trump said it wasn t okay. the president unveiled a new design for air force one that has more or less looked the same. he made a notable comparison between his wife and a former first lady. listen to this. i like the concept of red, white and blue. i think it will look much better. the baby blue doesn t fit with us. people get used to something and it was jackie o. and that s good. we have our own jackie o. and it s called melania. melania t. how do you think she feels about the comparison to jackie o.? i think first ladies would be loved to compared to sense of style and history. i don t think she likes any sort of comparisocomparison. she s very much her own person. we watched her be very different than most modern first ladies. i m not sure how she would feel about the comparison. she wore a very jackie-esque t outfit. i think she s her own person. tell us more about your documentary, woman of mystery that airs later tonight at 9:00 p.m. what can we expect. no one has been to the east wing since the trump administration has begun. we see what s happening behind the scenes and learn about what most of the country still has questions about. we re looking forward to seeing it. kpa excellent reporting. once again be sure to watch kate s special report, woman of mystery. melania trump airs later tonight 9:00 p.m. eastern. mpb coming up, surprising twist as investigators try to figure out why someone shot david ortiz. the question is. is fast enough? or, do you want speed and style? power and attraction? 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the new plot twists are stunning. we have learned that two of the suspects are wanted in the u.s. for violent crimes. layers of this plot are peeling away. suspects are talking and one of them is desperately trying to save his own skin. a shout from a dominican jail cell. the trigger man yells to reporters ortiz was not his intended target. he was confused by his clothes. it was confusing. i was told the color of the clothing, nothing else. i didn t see him. a prosecutor in the dominican republic disputes that saying the gunman is seen going up to ortiz and shooting without hesitation. the suspect admitted to being part of a conspiracy to kill ortiz and they believe he s making up a story to avoid being killed in jail for allegedly targeting such a beloved figure. a former u.s. marshal agrees. i think that s probably a bit of self-preservation on his part. mr. ortiz is a pretty renowned figure. the slugger for the boston red sox was shot in the back sunday as he sat in a nightclub in the dominican republic. a total of nine suspects have been taken into custody and prosecutors tell cnn some have been cooperating. it tells me there s a potential organization here. it is not just a case of naxen identity. it s probably an organization and there s some reason for why mr. ortiz was targeted. officials say the alleged gunman is wanted in new jersey for two armed robberies in 2017 and authorities in redding, pennsylvania are investigating whether another suspect is the same man who is wanted by authorities in an teamed murder there last year. we feel that it is the same individual that is charged with both crimes. rivas is still on the run tonight. how could two suspects in violent crimes in the u.s. have made their way to the dominican republic? former u.s. marshal james shield said it s possible one or both of them may not have been entered into a database of criminals. they would have traveled before the warrant was issued. they would have traveled before there was an agreement to put sbiit into the system. police are not talking publicly about what the motive could have been for the targeting of an athlete who was more popular than most presidents in the dominican republ republic. david ortiz is larger than life figure not just in boston but in the dominican republic. it could be any kind of slight. it could be freezing out a former friend. this is an athlete with enormous amounts of money. i m guessing it s probably a deeply personal reason that david ortiz was targeted. tonight prosecutors in the dominican republic are telling cnn they believe some of the planning took place in prison. some of the people charged were already in prison for other crimes and believe they were involved from prison in setting up the hit. ortiz is in guarded condition in a boston hospital. thank you very much. coming up, the breaking news. the justice department releases a legal opinion which supports the treasury secretary s refusal to hand over president trump s tax returns. will house democrats turn to the courts? 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[ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it s just another way we re working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. happening now, breaking news. with holding taxes. tonight the justice department is backing up the administration s refusal to turn over the president s tax returns. it s a new flash point in the democrats battle against stone walling by the white house. cleaning up dirt. mr. trump is trying to walk back some of his most stunning comments yet that left impression he have open to foreign interference in the 2020 election. fliynn back the court. he s expected to face a judge next week. we ll tell you what his urgent court appearance is all about. global threat. the pentagon chief warns iran is not just the problem of the united states as the trump administration pl administration blames tehran. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room. we re following breaking news on the trump administration now doubling down on its refusal to release the president s tax returns. the justice department just issued a lengthy opinion. it side with the treasury secretary to defy a demand

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