that 880 overpass. so sluggish there a bit. as you work your way out of the east bay into san francisco, once you are on the upper deck, i did not see any delays or troubles. san mateo bridge, off to a great stop. light traffic conditions there. things are moving nicely and 880 near the nimitz freeway, you can see traffic is moving as well. so not a lot of problems so far this morning. things are pretty light, looking good off the you sure freeway. if you plan on taking the altamont pass, getting a little bit busy there, but just the usual stuff for supercommuters. michelle? all right, gianna, thank you. happening today, an rv crackdown in fremont. the city plans to remove people living in rvs and trailers along 880. they will be using boulders to drive campers away. kpix 5's jackie ward is there now with a look at the situation. jackie? >> reporter: michelle, it does not matter if you live in an rv or trailer or you are a truck driver trying to catch up on some sleep. any moment now, the city of fremont is going to come here and get people out. they are going to tell these people to leave. signs like these are posted along the stretch of road, warning of what is to come. over the last several months, dozens of people have set up their trailers and rvs near tesla and seagate in fremont. starting today, the city said it will be telling people they have to go and replacing those vehicles with boulders to keep them from coming back. fremont has said it has received complaints from businesses and workers of the growing debris and crash on the side of the road. people who live here say they don't have another place to go. >> they are kicking us out. you know what i mean? instead of lifting us up. >> they are going to drag it out of the way. shame on them. they know we exist. they just don't want to have to look at us. >> reporter: the number of homeless in fremont has gone up by about 27% in the last two years to roughly 600 people. aside from the homeless, a lot of truckers are here waiting to load and unload tesla products. the city says it is working with tesla on finding a solution for those truckers. we will stay here on morning long monitoring the situation. live in fremont, diane king hall, kpix 5. residents of contra costa county neighborhoods say that their stories are overflowing with trash these days and one man claims that nothing is being done to stop the dumping. where the landfall located near -- not all the junk ends up there. there are piles of garbage. it has become so common there that some neighbors have just come to accept it. when man is so fed up, he but a gopro camera to document the trash piles. he complains regularly to city hall about it. >> they said they won't fine or site anybody because they can't afford it. maybe clean it up and stuff. >> he says that one of the big problems in the city allows trash and recycling hollers to park their trucks in the residential neighborhoods, which causes junk to pile up. people see the area as a convenient place to jump it. kpix 5 could not reach anyone from the city for common. new video this morning as the california highway patrol investigates a shooting on a freeway on rep in oakland. it happened a little after 10 clock last night on the ramp from 23rd avenue to northbound interstate 880. a chp says one vehicle was struck by gunfire. several times. no one was hurt. investigators are looking for a great nissan pickup that may be involved. the investigation shutdown inning of the freeway for a while. but it is back open now. >> another wild scene in oakland. arrested after ramming several police cars. police found the suspect armed with a stolen gun, sleeping behind the wheel on 89th avenue yesterday. when he woke up, police say he drove into four patrol cars and sped away, destroying all his wheels in the process. police say the car was stolen from san francisco. happening today, day two in the trial against the man accused of killing near wilson on the platform. defendant john lee cowell was booted from court after an outburst. the prosecutor showed surveillance video of the deadly stabbing. he noted that cowell ran from the scene, changed his clothes, and tossed the knife into a construction zone. the defense blaming l's schizophrenia, saying that he heard voices urging him to hurt people. i'm anne makovec after the live news desk. we have some new video from italy right now after a high- speed train derailed. two people were killed and dozens injured. this is in the northern part of italy. about 30 miles from the -- train traffic is now suspended on the high-speed line. we don't know what speed the train was going at the time. but it can go up to 186 miles per hour. the two people who died were conductors on that train and 28 other people were injured and the investigation into what took this train off the tracks is ongoing. back to you. >> new this monday, a driver rammed a group of people in jerusalem early this morning. many people in the group were 14. israeli police are investigating the incident as a palestinian terrorist attack. unrest between palestine and israel increased after president trump and prime minister benjamin netanyahu announced middle east peace plans last month. a live look at washington, dc, where in just a few hours, president up is expected to make a public statement on his impeachment acquittal. yesterday, the senate acquitted president trump on both articles of impeachment. the first one, abuse of power. the second one, obstructing congress. senators voted along straight party lines with one big exception, utah senator mitt romney was the lycan to vilthe charge. time now is 5:06. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area -- >> the dmv gives uber the green light to begin testing its self driving cars. coming up, the strict guidelines for thtegy lifornia roa. thadcoronavirus ic> it isa stao head out e and school. tracking our next weather system. i will have details on that coming up. and our maps and sensors are showing a lot of green, which means for the most pa uber now has a permit to test its self driving car. the company a student and a teacher that all autonomous vehicles have certified human drivers in the seat as a backup and vehicles have to be inspected and tested in a controlled environment. all right, let's get the cazana traffic right now. it is 5:10. how is looking out there? >> it is the survivable, not bad. for example, if you are supercommuter, you typically take the altamont pass, you know what to expect. got some brake lights coming out of tracy. you've got some slowing along delays there. also, we do have a crash. it is on surface streets. right at redwood hill road. there is a crash with some vehicles down in the roadways. so there's a lot of activity in and around that intersection. so try to avoid that area until they clear everything out of the roadways. those delays i was telling you about through the altamonte. you can see traffic stacking up. that is our indicator to let us know about slow speed >> when you see the red, that is not that. 16 mile-per-hour in some spots. it improves quite a bit with no delays heading towards the dublin interchange. your drive time to get you through that area, 36 minutes. everything else is in the green. so goodness for your ride along the eastshore freeway, highway 4 as well as 101. if you're looking at 80 right now, we're taking a look at our maps here, you can see traffic moving along lake so. are clocking in some nice speeds out of hercules. all the way into berkeley, where you are starting to see the brake lights. it is at the bay bridge. if you are commuting out of the north bay, on 101 southbound, give yourself about 19 minutes to make that trek. if you are traveling from the east bay over towards marin county, here's a live look at the san rafael bridge. very lightly travel. back to you. bay bridge, a little bit better with the cash lanes. it will get a little slower as the morning commute progress is. it is definitely chilly out there, though. yeah, that temperatures are running in the 30s and in the 40s to start off our thursday. not as cold as yesterday. but still, we are talking about some chilly weather. so definitely bundle up as you head out the door. here's a live look at our salesforce tower camera. this is looking south. contrica your coming in at 41 degrees this morning. a cool good morning. down to 39 in livermore. 38 in san francisco. san jose, at 42. 38 for santa rosa. 24 hour temperature change. we or anywhere from 1 to 9 degrees warmer compared to yesterday at this time. let's talk about your with your headlines. so clears guys. chilly temps. and also looking at some patchy fog, especially along the coast this morning with lighter winds. as we look ahead to our afternoon, sunshine and milder daytime highs, above average for this time of year. and i will continue friday as well as for saturday. big changes, though, on sunday with a dry cold front. they are will bring breezy and cooler temps for all of us to end of the weekend. satellite and radar view, there's that strong ridge of high pressure blocking any upather systems from coming ayaw ac. caand over n that strong ridge of high pressure. so really pushing the jet stream and the stormtrack well to to our north. so blocking ridge in place for sure. as we go through our afternoon, can see all of that sunshine and for tomorrow, mary similar with that chilly morning and then warmer afternoon with mild temps. so we are looking at that ridge of high pressure in place. it is going to push off to the west and as we look ahead to later in the weekend, on sunday, dry cold front, cooler temps. and also, it will kick off the winds for us. very similar to last week. there we go with our temps. and you can see above average for this time of year. plenty of sun. 56 in santa clara and for san jose. also for campbell, looking at daytime highs at 55 in concord and pleasant hill. san francisco, 60 degrees. also for berkeley, 63 oakland. and 68 for cloverdale. here's the extended forecast and what you can expect. so we are looking at and chilly morning as well as a mild to warm afternoon. tomorrow as well as for saturday, and there we go with those cooler temps, mainthe 50s. on sunday. so you definitely feels that ly icooler air to end out the weekend. all right, mary, thank you. a bay area company is working with china to see if its experiment drug could treat symptoms of coronavirus. gilead says its anti-viral drug showed some success treating mers and sars, illnesses that are similar to the coronavirus. the number of people killed by the coronavirus continues to rise. the death toll now stands at 563 with more than 28,000 people confirmed cases worldwide. joining us now from new york is cbs news travel editor peter greenberg. good morning, peter. we want to know, what do travelers need to know about this worldwide coronavirus epidemic? >> reporter: well, at the bottom line is this. the chinese market was the largest in the world. essentially collapsed. and what that means is that the air lines have canceled their flights to asia. march, april, and some cases, even may. the air lines did not do this out of a abundance of caution. you want to practice personal hygiene. wash your hands. going to dinner, and of course, if you're on a plane, you want to wipe off anything that your skin is going to touch. but it is a silver lining for travelers. we're not just talking about the chinese market or the u.s. market, we're talking about where else did they travel? paris, london, other parts of asia like thailand, those markets have collapsed as well. so to give you an idea of what we're talking about, the round- trip airfare today between boston and london is $255. that will give you an idea of the capacity in the market place. once you get there, no lines at the restaurants. down as much as 19% or other parts of asia. it is a buyers market worldwide for travelers, especially if you look ahead. this is not going to go away anytime soon. the air lines are canceling the flights through may. so this airfare sale this buyers market may extend through july. >> it is even affecting the international travel. let's talk about the other economic impact with the tour companies and the other industries related to travel. >> reporter: right. the tour companies are hurting. we will have to reposition their trips. a cruise lines have to reposition their ships. you have one passenger exhibiting symptoms that might be the flu. might be the virus. so the cruise lines are working overtime to reposition their itineraries so they are going to miss a loe ports. theyll haveto do r those cabins. and basically, now is the time to start thinking about plan "b" if you want to travel. >> yeah, just flew from the east coast to the west coast and saw a lot of people on the plane in mass. cbs news travel editor peter greenberg, thanks for joining us this morning. time now is 5:17. >> still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area -- >> transferring money to the poor can benefit the whole economy. >> able to experiment that could make dividends here in the bay area. coming up, in our "project home" series, how a small infusion of cash could make a huge difference. let's taking a live look outside. a live shot of tom steyer: listen, every democrat running for president is better than the criminal in the white house. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. what'd we decide could save you 15%utes or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah. what are we gonna do with these? keep it at your desk, and save it for next time. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. othroughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. good morning. it is 5:20. if you're heading out the door, there is a travel advisory. it is shut down in both directions due to an accident. right between redwood hill road. he is kenko all turned in the meantime. those eastbound lanes should be opening up pretty quickly. there is traffic controller in place, though. bay bridge, look at this. a metering lights are on. you got a back up beyond that 880 over past. as you work your way out of the east bay heading into san francisco, no delays, though, once you get into the city. a new study shows getting cash to the poor is the best way to help someone break the cycle of poverty. >> in original series, "project home", susie steimle looks at the research carried out in rural kenya that could be applied to the bay area. >> reporter: it is a decision you have likely been faced with before could you give someone in need cash? can you trust them to spend it wisely? researchers at uc berkeley look at those questions on a larger scale and came back with a resounding yes. >> in our case, trusting the poor to spend money on what was best for them seemed to work very well. >> reporter: ted is an economic professor at uc berkeley who has been visiting rural kenya for 2 decades now. his team gave poor kenyans $100,000 in cash and saw a storm list. >> there's been a fear that by providing cash, you will be giving money to poor households that would be spending it in unwise ways, buying alcohol or drugs or gambling away. we did not find any evidence of that. >> miguel said most kenyans spent the money on food, home improvements and education for their children. every dollar spent through 2.5 times. to him, it is a message that needs to be more trusting of the poor. that we should explore the concept of universal basic income, an idea popularized most recently by potential candidate andrew yang. yang gave $1000 in cash to families on the edge and found it made a big difference. >> relatively small amounts of cash can help households that are really on the edge of assistance, avoid very painful choices. avoid setting off cycles of poverty. >> studies show 57% of u.s. families don't have enough cash to cover a $500 unexpected expense. so in the bay area, where the margin of error is so small, families can easily lose their footing because of a car crash, parking ticket, or health scare. >> reporter: that is something the richest society in human history, which is looking at the united states, it is unacceptable. >> reporter: rural kenya, of course, is a far cry from life here. miguel says when it comes to to giving the homeless cash aid, our population does have more mental health and substance abuse issues that are not paralleled in the developing world. >> where there is a high level of mental health problems, substance abuse, maybe the best thing to do would be to combine cash with assistance. >> reporter: for miguel the study found a simple truth, this cash infusion in kenya helped everyone and it might be able to help people here, too. >> transferring money to the poor does not just benefit the recipients but can benefit the whole local economy. >> reporter: next miguel and his te to study juow far thrip the people that the he18 months ago are better off than when the study started. and if that continues, miguel says it is proof of a poverty gap that can be closed with cash. susie steimle, kpix 5. keep setting your stories and ideas to "project home" at you can see awe of suzee's reporting on our website. we are getting a first look inside some new condos. his. those views of the bay, they won't come cheap . it will have 124 units. studios are listed for $800,000. one-bedroom condo, 1 million, two bedrooms, 1.7 million. and $3 million for 3 bedrooms. still start in spring with moving set for mid-2021. time now is 5:21. >> still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, the senate. with president trump on impeachment charges, sparking protests nationwide and in the bay area. new investigation underway this morning. and we are going to go live to the national prayer breakfast going on in washington, dc, where president trump is and speaker pelosi are back together again. we will be back. and forget don't forget, we are streaming now on cbsn bay area. you can find us on can my side be firm? and my side super soft? yes. with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. can it help me fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise. prove. and now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all smart beds. only for a limited time. thistwo bacotwo eggsausage,lam. hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. bay area studios, this is kpix 5 news. right now, on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area, the iowa caucus results are still trickling in. but we could learn the final results in just hours. how candidates are moving forward today. plus, master sterilization effort in china in hopes of stopping the spread of the deadly coronir. and it is going to be harder to find certain flavors of e-cigarettes. good morning, and everyone. it is thursday, february sisk. i'm michelle griego. >> good morning. ly ienny . ch start. it we are looking at temps in the 30s and in the 40s this morning. not as cold as yesterday. othe finitely a chly start. door for work and school. looking at clear skies. patchy fog along the coast. light winds this money. we will see sunshine and milder temps as morrow, on saturday. the change is on sunday with breezyand cooler temps as a dry cold front pushes in for the end of the weekend. for today, many locations in the 60s. 60 in san francisco. 63 in oakland. coming in at 64 for mountain view and fremont. later on this afternoon and 66 for san jose. we will talk about that weather system that pushes in for the weekend coming up and now let's check in with gianna. it is getting busy as we make that trek out of tracy over into the altamont pass. westbound 580, definitely starting to load up this money. you see that line of red there on our maps. that's where all these delays should are. the good news is once you're past that, you will have no troubles over 680. making the connector in the dublin interchange is clear. and no accidents or stall >> that is goodness. definitely a slow ride as you head through there with your drive time now, 40 minutes over towards 680. a couple of accident to look out for. they did open the eastbound lanes right at the redwood hill road. there is still some activity for a crash as well as power poles down on the road way. traffic controller in place due to an accident. between skylight. just a heads up there. we are seeing some delays in that area. new video of a major sterilization and disinfection program is underway in the chinese city of you chain. that is about 200 miles west of wuhan. the epicenter of the current coronavirus outbreak. everything from main roads to farm producers is being sterilized in hopes of preventing further spreading of the illness. americans evacuated from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak are spending their first morning at travis air force base in fairfield. those 178 americans are now quarantined in a hotel within the air force base. so far, it is not known if any of them are carrying the virus. but it a child is in the hospital for testing after getting a fever. sam has two young daughters at >> it is not sound like she is bound inside. it seems like she is able to go llbe de and most of the people s monitored at the base for 14 days. the number of people killed by the coronavirus continues to rise. the death toll now stands at 563 with more than 28,000 confirmed cases. stay with kpix 5 for the latest information on the coronavirus. you can always get news updates anytime on cbsn bay area and it is available on all your favorite devices. i'm anne makovec in the live news desk. in washington, dc, the national prayer breakfast is now underway. among the 3000 people there, president trump. we can see there on the big screen. fresh off his impeachment acquittal and house speaker nancy pelosi, who, of course, just wrapped up his state of the union address on live tv. this is a gathering of christian lawmakers, an annual event with the purpose of unity through the power of prayer. pelosi is set to give the prayer for the poor and pea soup you did prayer according to the program. president trump also said to address the crowd. we will be keeping an eye on it. thank you. even though the impeachment trial of president trump is over right now, the fallout from the historic vote is just beginning. >> and he is hereby acquitted of the charges of said articles. >> the senate vote on abuse of power and obstruction of congress fell mostly along party lines. senate democrats voted guilty on both counts, only one republican mitt romney, from utah, voted to convict. >> corrupting an election to keep oneself in office is perhaps the most abusive and destructive violation of one's oath of office that i can imagine. >> direction inside the gop was swift and severe with the president trump's son, tweeting, mitt romney is bitter that he will never be potus. he is a member of the resistance and should be expelled from the gop. protesters took to the streets from san jose to oakland to san francisco. about 20 rallies were held in the bay area. hundreds more erupted across the country. >> i'm pretty mad. >> i think what they did was seal trump's re-election. his fundraising has been record breaking. >> chants filled the intersection of grand and lake park avenues in oakland. meanwhile, in san francisco, a large group gathered at powell and market. protesters say they will continue demonstrations until the november election, hoping to have their voices heard. campaign 2020, pete buttigieg and senator bernie sanders have good news. all the caucus votes are finally counted in iowa. the latest results showing buttigieg with a slight lead in state delegates and sanders ahead by a small margin in the popular vote. in each category, senator elizabeth warren, former vice president joe biden, and senator amy klobuchar are coming third, fourth, and fifth. respectively. the results include 97% of the precincts reporting. another update, though, is expected later today. monday's caucuses, of course, were marred by technical problems and glitches and reporting delays. candidates have already shifted their focus to new hampshire this week. we're told it is the nation's first primary this coming tuesday. to stay up to date during campaign 2020, had to janitors are demanding a new deal for immigrant workers. many janitorial and maintenance personnel are immigrant workers. they are demanding building owners respect the right to unionize for fair pay and conditions and they want to eliminate exploitation and sexual harassment in the workplace. they will march in oakland today. events kick off at11:30. ngain e- cigarette flavors may be harder to find. the fda's new push to clear the market is officially in effect. last month, the fda set new rules on the flavors manufacturers are allowed to produce. only tobacco and mental flavors will be allowed in stores but the call it policy comes to address concerns about young le businesses have until may 12th at the same time, comcongress d juul is still marketing its products to minors overseas. it finds the company may continue to be advertising its products or safer than traditional cigarettes. juul declined to comment on the findings. reported cases of coronavirus on the rides, economists are trying to quantify the impact on the globe. jill schlesinger is joining us live. joe cook one of the chance is that this tips the world into a recession? >> i think pretty unlikely. economists are estimating that the virus will cause chinese growth to drop by anywhere from a half to a full percentage point. 6% before the virus hit. now down to about 5%. as the world's second largest economy, any drop-off in china is likely to cause damage to treating partners in asia, europe, south america, even here in the u.s. in total, we're looking at reduction of global economic growth by maybe .2 or .3%. not recession numbers. economists say similar past epidemics have had short-term impacts usually reversed in the subsequent period of time. >> all right, so deal, there's concern. how is the virus affecting the u.s. economy so far? >> i think limited. air lines are obviously taking a hit because the suspended flights, multinationals halting travel to china. big retailers like apples, mcdonald's, starbucks shuddering their outlets. some automakers say they are closing these manufacturing facilities. really, the first real impact has to be with tourism nationwide. china is the third largest source of overseas visitors to the u.s. see might feel that in the bay area, l.a., new york, a lot of analysts think we're going to see $6 billion less in chinese spending in the u.s. this year. for more on the economic impact, you can go to >> jill schlesinger in york city. thank you. united airlines is launching its own flight it can be. the united aviation academy will recruit and develop and train future pirates in phoenix. the air line expected about 300 students to graduate from the economy the first year and hopes to hire 10,000 pilots by 2029. the time now is 5:38. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area -- pa pe sts focalirniaputh stisudenshts aft er some parent made some discrimination claims. it is a chilly morning across the bay area. we are going to see plenty of sunshine, mild temps as we head through the afternoon. changes are coming. tracking our next weather system. i will have growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. good tuesday morning to you. we are almost to the end. it is 5:42. here's a live look at our treasure island camera. clear skies and chilly temps this morning in the 30s anyou dn head out the door for work and school. we will talk about some changes on the way in the extended forecast coming up in. thanks, mary. 5:42 this morning. in san francisco, the unveiling of the wars the newly re fustreet rbis near the ucsf medical center. the event starts at 4:00 today. sent us this mayor london breed as well as donald foil are expected to take part in the dedication. a wars put out a statement ahead of the big reveal writing part that this program underscores the importance that oufranchaspepsico, infoidgthe e te> ysicphpastfin tnessts california. governor gavin newsom is imposing a suspension on the test over concerns they discriminated against nongendered students but the state said it forces students to enti toas fy inform students about their overall health. some parents worry a test suspension could mean less physical fitness time at school. >> can't afford to lose anymore physical education. we have to have these kids have good fitness every day. >> they could find ways to be inclusive for all students to ensure everyone is getting the physical activity dating. >> physical education courses would still be required for graduation. florida assoc plenty of visitors last week for the super bowl. but some unwanted guests may be visiting certain parts of the state. >> authorities are warning pet owners to watch out for a species of poisonous toad that was introduced to parts of southern florida as a kind of natural pest control. they secret a poison that will kill small rodents and other pests. however, experts think that climate change is forcing the toads to migrate north. >> the first thing you will notice, the toxic tides, the gums of your dog will be bright red. it is like a brick, bright red, was like they are bleeding. >> they could have stumbling, circling. they could even have seizures. >> authorities believe that warmer winters in general are making more errors of florida potential have that for the toads. i'm anne makovec in the live news desk with the big old welcome home for a woman who just made history. a female astronaut just landed right now. part of the nasa crew. christina cook landed in kazakhstan early this mornen mo mission than any other woman ever. 328 days. there, she is. she also participated in the first all-female spacewalk in history. nasa is getting a lot of the data that she collected. yeah, 328 days, you guys. what would you do after leading back on earth from that? >> eat a cheeseburger. >> that is where i am at. i would be looking into whatever good food options. space food is nasty. >> go for a walk, home, cooked meal. go to thach. befor granted. >> totally, yet. glad she is back on earth. and thanks so much. very cool, right? >> that is amazing. i love that. i have a podcast. and i interviewed astronaut nicole scott. she was saying when you look at her from that perspective, it is incredible. it makes you so appreciative to think, we live on a planet. we live on earth and being so grateful and wanting to take care of our earth. >> beautiful. >> that is really cool. well -- back to earth, back to reality, you know, i will get you on the freeway. if you're to get the bay bridge this morning, the metering lights are on and it is a slow and go rider. if this is your usual commute, this is what you can expect. no accidents or incidents. it is the usual stuff here at the bay bridge. it is starting to trickle in but we will start seeing some delays off the essure freeway as well as west point i-80. morn your drive times, about 60 minutes.t 1. ward, fostetygoin lookpretty good. 101 through this portion, north of there, though, i was looking at our maps this morning. i did see some slight delays southbound 101, right before nstructi. t is an area where still a little slow. 21 minutes to go from 37 down to the golden gate bridge. speaking of 37, we do have a crash here, 37. was bent at wilson avenue. so just a heads up. you may see some stop-and-go conditions because that. not miles per hour. not too far. trekking across the, at 36 minutes to go from 80 over towards 101.. we are seeing brake lights here. it is the typical slow-and-go conditions. to expect those delays there. it is going to be chilly. yesterday at baseball practice, i had my jacket. i had my scarf. i had mike beanie. everybody was bundled up. >> i love it. keeping it warm out there. we are looking at a chilly start to the day. online. so 41 for you in concord. oakland, good morning to you. 36, livermore. you are down to 39. santa rosa, 38. 48 in san francisco. 24-hour temperature change, and we are a little bit warmer compared to yesterday. it was a very cold morning yesterday. looking at just 1 to 7 degrees warmer. and that 24 hour temperature change compared to yesterday at this time. now let's check out the visibility because many of are starting off the day with clear skies. but dealing with patchy fog along the coast. half moon bay, zero. dense fog for the visibility for you along the coast it is looking good. santa rosa, 5 miles for the visibility as we head through the afternoon, upper 50s toward the coast with that sunshine. for the bay. low 60s that are in the locations topping up in the mid to upper 60s this afternoon. so even a little bit warmer this afternoon compared to yesterday. we are looking at that pattern continuing with chilly mornings and warm afternoons as we head through the nedays. all of because of this ridge w high p ressure feblocking any weather systems, from coming our way. you can see all of that sunshine and and then for tomorrow, very similar. so mild temps for most of us as we go through the next couple of days. but watch as we see some changes. this low pressure system will drop a dry cold front that will bring much cooler weather, breezy conditions, late in the weekend. so on sunday, really feel that their in temperatures. very similar to last week. our sunrisers 7:09. and outer sunset at 5:38. so daytime highs for today, with that sunshine. above average for this time of the year. to the south bay we go, very pleasant. 65 in sunnyvale. 66 in campbell. santa clara as well as for san jose. 55 in concord, pleasant hill. 65 for a high in pleasanton. san francisco, topping at 60 degrees. also for berkeley. 61 in alameda and send letter. 63 for you in oakland later today. popping out at 68 for glover double here's that extended forecast and would you can expect. friday as well as for saturday. there we go that drop and temps for your sunday. in your best in the 50s with breezy conditions. mild monday, tuesday. much cooler, though, next wednesday. tributes pouring in for legendary actor kirk douglas who died at the age of 103 yesterday. fans are placing flowers on his star on the hollywood walk of fame. there is start in more than 80 films over his six decade career. >> i'm spartacus. >> i'm spartacus. >> he was best known for classics like spartacus, 20,000 leagues under the sea, bad and beautiful, and the champion. douglas went on to produce, direct, and right 11 books. he is the father to actor michael douglas. the time now is 5:50. still ahead on kpix 5 and streaming on cbsn bay area -- still ahead this animated short film getting much-deserved oscar buzz. how it is defying stereotypes obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. growing up in la, bad air forced and now we deal with climate change is an emergency. that's why i wrote the nation's most progressive climate law. and that's why i'm endorsing tom steyer. because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. same with the keystone pipeline. when tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. the thursday morning to to you. it is a chilly start, so bundle up. mid-40s in oakland. upper 30s, livermore and santa rosa. upper 40s for san francisco right now. we are going to warm-up. above average for this time of year. today, we will talk about some changes with our next weather system coming up. grab that jacket. get going. if you're taking the altamont pass, the delays have begun. it is slow as you work your way out of tracy. that was bound commute, 25 to 680, 40-minute drive time. the good news, though, is getting on to 680. interchange, not seeing any delays. 680, both attractions, off to a good start. no delays. kenny and michelle? we want you to see a beautiful short-term that was nominated for an oscar. >> it is but the relationship between a father, his daughter, and her hair. the short film, hair love, was just nominated for an oscar for best animated feature. it follows the story of the young african-american father who has to do his daughter's hair for's the first time. the director says the story is universal and representation is important. >> sometimes 70 that lets you asks you to do something and you don't know how to do it, your dwelling to try to figure it out but i felt like it was a good opportunity to show a young black father, a certain stereotype about him, but you would not know that he is a loving father. >> if the film wins, the producer will become the first african-american woman to take home an oscar in the animation category. jerry will have a special guest with him, deandre arnold. he made national headlines last year when he was told he would not be able to walk at his graduation unless he cut his pistreaminon cbsn bay area , the 49ers have something new to tackle on the november ballot. the latest battara county. and we are following the investigation into the second east bay freeway shooting in just 24 hours. the details coming up. well, today is the day the city of fremont says they will be replacing the rvs and trailers parked here with boulders. we will tell you what we know about the situation next. and don't forget, we are streaming now on cbsn bay area . you can find us on, th this is the denny's super slam. two bacotwo eggsausage, hash browns and pancakes and now make those pancakes all you can eat for a buck. that's where the duper comes in. the all new super duper slam just seven ninety nine. see you at denny's. - is there a better alternative to braces? - only invisalign aligners use smarttrack technology. it moves teeth more comfortably and predictably. and in many cases, it works faster than braces. 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