Sat, 01 May 2021 19:10 UTC
A few thoughts on the connection between post-modernism and the new American communo-fascism are in order. The evolution from post-modernism to neo-communism, communo-fascism, or liberal fascism — whatever label one prefers — was predetermined by the similarity of the two
in terms of their methodologies and imperatives for controlling indeed monopolizing discourse and thus consciousness. This explains why postmodernism in the West and thus the U.S. is
a wholly liberal-leftist affair.
The elements that postmodernism and communism have in common is instructive particularly for understanding the instrumental contradictions used by the DP and other American leftists to shut down free speech and create a totalitarian information space and national discourse. [For more detail on the parallels between postmodernism and communism, see Mikhail N. Epstein, "Postmodernism, Communism, and Sots-Art," in Mikhail N. Epstein, Alexander A. Genis, and Slobodanka M. Vladiv-Glover,