Transcripts For BBCNEWS Outside Source 20171120

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angela merkel could be out of office by next year. it's not the most likely outcome, but it is possible. thatin that in itself is extraordinary. this is why the pressure is on. since the election, the chancellor's cdu party has been trying to form a coalition with the liberal fdp party and the greens. well, the fdp has pulled out of talks. ms merkel has now told german broadcaster zdf she does not rule out new elections and is ready for a new candidacy, and that she's reluctant to form a minority government. broadcaster asks, what now, and they may ask. the election in september delivered a shock. we knew that the block she led at its worst result in almost 70 years. it still has had the biggest number of seats in the bundestag, but it only had two clear routes to a majority. one — work with the social democrats, but they don't want to, so that's out. martin schulz has been clear he doesn't want to do that. or two, work with the greens and the free democrats. but, as we've now seen, christian lindner and the fdp have left the table. that leaves no options for a majority, and we know mrs merkel isn't keen on a minority government. you end up in a situation which isn't normal for you end up in a situation which isn't normalfor german you end up in a situation which isn't normal for german politics. there is the german president saying this is an unprecedented situation. it is hisjob now to this is an unprecedented situation. it is his job now to talk to all other parties and encourage them to walk together if need be, he can dissolve parliament. translation: this is the moment when all involved political parties should come to a standstill and reflect ha rd. all of should come to a standstill and reflect hard. all of the parties represented in the chamber of the german parliament are obliged to serve the country, to serve the general well—being of the country, andi general well—being of the country, and i would expect that the formation of a government would take place in due course. and just in case you're wondering about the right—wing nationalist afd, it took 13.5% of the vote, but no party will work with it, so it's not relevant to the coalition building. all of which means we may get another election. the reason that's so significant is that it's not a guarantee that the cdu party would want angela merkel to lead them into it. extraordinary times. petra pinzler is a journalist with die zeit. i asked her how she would describe where we've got to. it's a political earthquake in germany. something happened which hasn't happened ever since we had democratic government in germany. traditionally, the german political parties were able to form a government, at least the mainstream parties. this is what we've seen so far. yesterday evening, something new happened. three mainstream parties who, at the beginning, seem to work well together, after four weeks decided they are not going to form a government. this is really new. and why have the fdp decided to do things differently? he argues it's a question of principle. he didn't get anything through during these talks. but there is speculation out there that he is just gambling, that he might get even more votes after the next election. and what is the process, if there were to be another election, how quickly could it happen? not tomorrow. it's the german president who asks parliament, and he has to talk to every party possible. he will talk to the social democrats again, but they actually said, we are not going to form another government with angela merkel. we lost heavily last time. he will definitely talk to the greens and liberals again, but they will not restart the negotiations, so we will not restart the negotiations, so we might get into a minority government of angela merkel. it's a possibility. it's not there yet. the other possibility is new elections, but i would argue that we will not see them before early next year. lots of people watching in europe but outside germany will be thinking, does this mean angela merkel has to put more and more time into managing her country and her party than normally she would spend on european and international matters? there is a huge danger, yes. angela merkel is used to a position of huge power, and we all know that she was very much able to form coalitions, to form compromise within europe and also germany. now she has shown that she wasn't able to form a government in germany, which automatically reduces her power. in addition, we know that this might be her last term so, within the party and in other parties, people will try and grab for power, so the possibilities really warm europe is going to diminish. —— to really form. really warm europe is going to diminish. -- to really form. in september, analysts were saying that this result had the fundamental potential to shake up german politics. it is proving that it will perhaps fulfil that potential. elliptical pressure comes in lots of forms, from germany to zimbabwe, because president mugabe is about to see impeachment process beginning. and it will be led by his own party zanu—pf. its mps met earlier, and then we got this statement on how the impeachment process will move forward. this should take at most two days. we are expecting the motion to be moved tomorrow, and a committee to be set up tomorrow, and hopefully by wednesday, because the charges are so wednesday, because the charges are so clear, we expect that we should be able to put it into action. this story is primarily playing out in harare. yesterday, zanu—pf fired mr mugabe as leader and gave him till 10am this morning to stand down as president. that was always unlikely, and so we move to impeachment. reuters says it's seen the draft impeachment motion. most of this is to do with rex tillerson, and we will hear about him a moment, that writers say they have a d raft him a moment, that writers say they have a draft impeachment motion,. in it, it says robert mugabe is a source of instability, that he flouts the rule of law, and that he is presiding over an unprecedented economic tailspin. suddenly the economy zimbabwe is undoubtedly in profound trouble. this motion would need a two—thirds majority in both chambers of parliament to be passed. that won't be a problem if zanu—pf mps hold their line. if he goes, emmerson mnangagwa is favourite to take over. his dismissal as vice—president two weeks ago triggered this crisis. mr mugabe appeared to have favoured his wife, grace, taking over. she seems keen on that too. that's not looking likely right now. let's also remember what happened at the weekend in harare. these anti—mugabe protests were all the more significant because they were backed by war vetera ns. they fought in the conflict that led to zimba bwe's independence from britain in 1980, and they are still influential. their leaders want more action, and have launched a legal challenge to remove the president. we have gone to the court today, to say that mugabe, he was derelict of his executive duty, forcing the hand of the army to intervene to arrest criminals, and the army has now done itsjob, and criminals, and the army has now done its job, and the criminals, and the army has now done itsjob, and the people of criminals, and the army has now done its job, and the people of zimbabwe on saturday took over from where the army had left. while this is all going on, here's the bbc‘s stanley kwenda, telling us the president has called for a cabinet meeting tomorrow. this happens every tuesday. robert mugabe may want to carry on as normal, but this is not normal. and his days as leader look numbered. the bbc‘s africa correspondent, andrew harding, is in harare. some in zanu—pf are talking about stea m some in zanu—pf are talking about steam roller rink this parliament as quickly as possible, by the end of wednesday, so two days to impeach robert mugabe and kick him out of office once and for all. it's possible, it is uncharted territory for the parliament, for the country, and there are quite likely to be legal challenges or procedural problems, and the opposition, of course, which is fragmented at the moment, may see this as an opportunity for leveraged, to try and extract concessions from the government party on things like free and fair elections, but they would not want to be seen to be blocking the resignation of a man who it seems the entire country, the whole of zimbabwe now wants out as quickly as possible. resident mugabe may still try and stick in his heels and find ways to avoid getting kicked out, but his options and friends are limited these days. next, i want to show you this clip of the zimbabwean latrine making a televised address about president mugabe's future, and announcing talks between mr mugabe and the vice president, who he had sacked. following that, we have made further consultation with the president to agree on a road map on the prevailing situation in the country. the zimbabwe defence and security services are encouraged by new developments, which include contact between the president and the former vice president, comrades emmerson mnangagwa. we expect it —— who is expected in the country shortly. stay with us on outside source. still to come: currently in london, the european union picks paris as the new host of its banking authority. another key regulator will move to amsterdam. we'll get full details. the leader of sinn fein, gerry adams, who's announced his intention to stand down, says he wants to be " pa rt of a process of reconciliation." but in a bbc interview, he defended the ira campaign, saying it was a legitimate response to what he described as the oppression of a huge amount of people in northern ireland. i have condemned the ira at times. i have been hugely critical of the ira at times. but, at the same time, i did accept and do accept yet, in response to the situation of a state that didn't want a huge amount of its citizens, and repressed and oppressed them, and then the british government response to that was to militarise the situation, that the ira was a legitimate response to that. and i will never, till the day i die, move away from that situation. but i've also said on the record that i recognise the bravery of notjust ira people, but also those within the old ruc, within the british army, within the unionist paramilitaries. this is outside source live from the bbc newsroom. our lead story. german chancellor angela merkel admits that she could call a snap election rather than lead a minority government. some of the main stories from bbc world service. the us military has banned all troops stationed injapan from drinking alcohol or leaving their base. on sunday, a us soldier on okinawa island killed a driver of another vehicle in a crash that's being linked to drink—driving. the former wimbledon champion jana novotna has died at the age of 49 after a long battle with cancer. she captured the hearts of fans when she burst into tears after losing to steffi graf in 1993, and was consoled by the duchess of kent. she also went on to lose in another final before finally claiming the title in 1998. and these pictures show a lucky escape for all involved when a small plane crashed on a highway in florida. police dashcam footage shows the plane coming in dangerously low, before it crashes and swerves into trees on the side of the road. the pilot had suffered engine trouble, and was trying to make an emergency landing. president trump has put north korea back on the us list of state sponsors of terrorism. here is rex tillerson, the secretary of state, explaining the decision. it may help disrupt and dissuade some third parties from undertaking certain activities with north korea, as it imposes prohibition on a number of other activities that might not be covered by existing sanctions, but i think importantly this is just continuing to point out north korea's illicit, unlawful behaviours internationally, and we felt it necessary to reimpose the designation for that reason. lets talk to the bbc state department responded. what evidence have we been offered that north korea is sponsoring terrorism? good question, because although north korea is widely seen as oppressive, it doesn't necessarily have a reputation of conducting repeated a cts reputation of conducting repeated acts of international terrorism, which is the criteria needed to put it back on the list of states who sponsor it back on the list of states who sponsor terrorism. what we have heard today from mr trump and mr tillerson is that it has sponsored assassinations on foreign soil, and that being the critical one, kim jong—un's half brother, who was assassinated recently, which was blamed on the regime. mr tillerson mentioned the use of chemical weapons. there has been pressure from congress that this step take place, because of the recent death ofan place, because of the recent death of an american college student, otto warmbier, who died shortly after returning from north korean custody, although that might not technically be able to be called terrorism. whatever the case, that determination has been made, and there is a lot of support for it in congress and also in the state department. stay with us, because i wa nt to department. stay with us, because i want to ask you some broader questions about the state department. rex tillerson has been denying the state department is in crisis. it's in charge of america's foreign policy and diplomacy. this weekend the new york times editorial board published this — "the trump administration is making war on diplomacy". it accuses rex tillerson of being determined to dismantle his own department. today he responded — briefly. this department is performing extraordinarily well and i take exception to anybody who would characterise it otherwise. despite mr tillerson's words, there's no denying there are concerns. on friday, the department's spokesperson admitted there was a morale problem and asked staff to hang on in there. also last week, some us senators wrote to mr tillerson expressing concern about the long term health of the department. and at the beginning of the month this letter was by the head of an organisation that represents us diplomats. it also raised concerns about staffing at the department. what are all of these people so concerned about? what we have seen in the last week and a half are two main concerns. one is about the staffing at the state department. you're seeing senior diplomats needing the service because of a freeze in promotions, and you are seeing a freeze in entry—level positions, so a hiring freeze, and this is depleting the staff, or the qualified staff at the state department, plus you have anecdotal reports of senior staff members who have retired early, because they feel their expertise isn't valued. there has been reporting of that, and congress has responded strongly. the other thing is the redesign of the state department. secretary read tillerson —— rex tillerson is try to do that, but he hasn't given it much information, and congress people are getting more worried about what he has in mind, especially when you hear reports about the staffing changes. they are the main concerns. whatever people think of donald trump or rex tillerson's politics, they certainly know how to hire people. they both run huge businesses. what is their explanation for the situation? it's a difficult question to answer, and you have various degrees. from the state department put a view, and you heard secretary tillerson speaking there, they have their own defence. they say, first of all, they are responding to an administration wide directive to cut staff by 8%, which isa directive to cut staff by 8%, which is a budgetary requirement. secondly, they say this is not cutting the state department, and their roll—out figures say that we have as bad as many foreign service officers today as last year. and then they also say that the promotion and hiring freezes are temporary,, because promotion and hiring freezes are temporary, , because of promotion and hiring freezes are temporary,, because of the redesign, and eventually they will pick up. critics are worried first of all that you are still getting a depletion of senior diplomats, which isa depletion of senior diplomats, which is a big deal, because it takes a long time to grow diplomats, so that wea ke ns long time to grow diplomats, so that weakens the state department. also, that has been acknowledged, and they are wanting to hear more about what the redesign is going to be like. the state department has acknowledged that it could be putting out more information, and that there is a morale problem. ruck i like the idea of growing diplomats. you make them sound like pla nts diplomats. you make them sound like plants which need to be watered and fed! it takes a wild they go through a whole process and the promotion is an up and up system. at a certain point, if you don't get promoted, you are out. at that point, if you speak another language, you know another country, you know how to get people to do what you want, so you can't replace them overnight. us media is reporting that the department ofjustice is going to sue to try and block at&t‘s takeover of time warner. if it happens, this will be worth $85 million. why doesn't the department ofjustice wa nt doesn't the department ofjustice want this to happen? they are going to file an anti—trust lawsuit, so they are saying that it violates any rules around fair play. when this deal was first announced, many people in the industry and lawyers didn't think it was really going to face any sort of regulatory pressure. when you look at it, there are not many instances in which the assets of at&t and time warner actually overlap and violate any sort of competition. but, when this deal was announced, it was then the candidate for president donald trump who had said he was going to block the deal. in comes this new president, and it is still seemed like the deal was going to go through but, earlier this month, a request was made by the department of justice which request was made by the department ofjustice which led to at&t, if you wa nt ofjustice which led to at&t, if you want this to go through without any hassle, you are going to have to dump some assets like cnn. at&t absolutely refused to do so, and so, was that decision was made, everyone pretty much expected that the department ofjustice pretty much expected that the department of justice was pretty much expected that the department ofjustice was going to come out against this deal. what about presumably, at&t and time warner start to compete but how long is this process taking? this could ta ke is this process taking? this could take a long while because earlier, when we heard about that rejection of the department ofjustice request to sell off some of its assets, at&t said, we're not going to, and it made hints that it was going to fight this in the courts. don't go anywhere, because i want to ask you about another story. plans for a huge oil pipeline linking canadian oil with the gulf of mexico have been approved by regulators in nebraska. this is the latest hurdle, the last significant hurdle ahead of the last significant hurdle ahead of the building of the keystone pipeline. we've talked about it a lot. you can see its proposed route marked. it has been opposed again and again by environmentalists, but it looks like they have run out of options, in terms of stopping this. well... maybe? well, in fact, the last state that had to vote in favour of this deal was nebraska, and there was certainly a lot of pressure on regulators to say, no, don't do it, and they only voted 3—2 in favour, but those groups that have been against the pipeline, and that would be environmentalists, landowners in nebraska and native american groups, they have said in the past that if nebraska regulators vote in this way, they will try and appeal that decision, so no exact word yet whether they have made any moves to make an appeal, but they certainly have said in the past that they would. and the environmentalists' gripe with this oil pipeline is what, specific to certain parts of the country it will pass through? just continual worries about what happens, first of all, when you have this kind of pipeline bringing in this kind of oil, there are worries about lea ks. just last week, we saw there was another massive leak with an oil pipeline that was made by the same company, and we saw 210,000 gallons of oil being leaked. the other environmental concerns are damage to the water table, damage to the ground. for landowners, it is worries about, now that they have this tube, despite going through their land, it's going to depreciate their land, it's going to depreciate the land. people are not going toward to buy land which has been used which has been abandoned. the chinese online giant alibaba has taken a near $3 billion stake in one of china's largest grocery retailers. the bbc‘s michael bristow says it's all about convergence between online and bricks and mortar stores. ina in a statement, released when they bought a stake, it says that essentially it wanted to link up the two, off—line and online, to use information you might collect by people buying in stores, collect that data and use it to better target them, essentially to enhance its profits in all areas of its business. one example of the way it is going, in china, for example, they have invested in convenience stores, unmount convenience stores, so people use a mobile phone app to go in and buy products. alibaba earlier this year launched a series of unmount copy shops, where people go in, same process, using your mobile phone to buy products. —— unmount coffee shops. it is marrying together physical stores and products when people have to go into shops with new technology and future technology, so it is harmonising those areas. in a few minutes, we will hear about a new initiative to end the rohingya crisis in myanmar, and two big eu agencies announcing where they will be going, from london to... we will tell you in a minute. i want to update you on a number of stories that have caught my eye right across the world over recent hours. first, i'm going to ta ke over recent hours. first, i'm going to take you to the middle of last week. at that point, we were dealing with a particularly vicious area of low pressure just at the eastern end of the mediterranean, and the thunderstorms associated with that system brought utter devastation by way of mudslides and flooding to mainland greece and also some of the islands, to the extent that, as i speak, over 20 people are killed or missing and it's the worst death toll from a flood since 1977, and many hundreds of homes and businesses have been destroyed. this is the satellite sequence of that particular storm at that time. i bring it to your mind because we haven't seen the last of it yet. it has drifted in the intervening days ever towards the east, good news for the area about greece, but bad news for eastern turkey, the cold air flooding in on its western flank, producing some snowfall there, not unusualfor producing some snowfall there, not unusual for the further south and east, an area badly devastated by the earthquake on the 12th of november. in the short term, no great problems, other than it is very wet. daytime and night—time temperatures are roundabout what we would expect for the time of year but, bring in that cold air, and notice by friday how the temperatures really plummet, and they will be even colder in the high ground to the east of halabja. moving to south america, our concern is that the intensity of rain spreading from the eastern side of brazil right up to the western side of columbia. mudslides again and localised flooding. for the usa, no great issues with this high pressure, except that it is quite cold in places. that's settled things nicely in the midwest as we move towards the middle of the week. following behind, a vigorous area of low pressure which, before it quits the south—west of canada and north—west of the usa, it will deliver hundreds of millimetres of rain and significant snowfall on higher ground. the warm air associated will tumble further east but, when the boundary between the warm and cold gets over the great la kes, warm and cold gets over the great lakes, we can expect to see disruptive amounts of snow, just in time for the big holiday weekend. no real signs of snow through the middle part of the week across the greater part of the united kingdom. that's thanks to the fact we are picking up a lot of warm, moist air from the atlantic and funnelling it right across the british isles. but it will produce an awful lot of rain, which could be a problem in its own right. we have already seen the consequences of this change to mar their heirs, the consequences of this change to martheir heirs, and the consequences of this change to mar their heirs, and we will have more ina mar their heirs, and we will have more in a few minutes. —— this change to milder airs. hello, this is outside source. angela merkel‘s feeling the political pressure. she's been chancellor for 13 years but her two routes to a new majority coalition government are now blocked. now europe's most powerful politician admits another election may be necessary. remember, the one in september was a disaster for her. robert mugabe is also feeling the heat. he's ignored a deadline to resign and now the president faces impeachment. we expect the motion to be moved to doral. a committee to be set up tomorrow. —— moved tomorrow. by wednesday, we should be able to vote in parliament. china's released a plan which could solve the rohingya crisis in myanmar. we will talk about that very shortly. as always, if you have questions on the stories we're covering, get in touch with us on twitter. the hashtag is bbcos. china says it's come up with a plan which could solve the rohingya crisis in myanmar and bangladesh. here's a chinese foreign ministry official. translation: v3 stage approach has been accepted by bangladesh. —— the three stage. we hope this can not only help the current rohingya crisis but resolve the problem from the records. china is proposing a three point plan — first, a ceasefire, then refugee repatriation and then what's being called poverty alleviation. evidently, it won't be as easy as one two three to actually do this. stephen mcdonell, bbc beijing, said... it's not normal for beijing to stick its neck out like this. the plan was presented at a meeting in myanmar. a number of foreign ministers from asia and europe are there. i was going to show you this picture of everyone gathered. so is aung san suu kyi — myanmar‘s de facto leader. she is right in the middle. and despite her country hosting what the un has called "textbook ethnic cleansing", she didn't address it in her speech. here's some of it. conflicts around the world are giving rise to new threats and emergencies. illegal immigration, spread of terrorism and violent extremism. it causes disharmony and even the threat of nuclear war. conflicts take away piece from societies, leaving behind development and poverty. pushing countries away from each other. aung san suu kyi decided against talking about the rohingyas. we're not going to do that. more than 600,000 rohingyas are now believed to have crossed the border from myanmar to bangladesh. these are pictures that have come in today. these people are fleeing a military crackdown in rakhine state that began in august after attacks by rohingya militants. many have undertaken perilous journeys and now live in camps in bangladesh. oour south asia editor anbarasan ethirajan now. china hopes that levels it together and talk. people were asking questions. the myanmar government said about five or six weeks ago that there were no more operations. an ceasefire because the norton sublet the area. myanmar and bangladesh are already talking about a deal which would allow these refugees to come back. thirdly, they talk about poverty alleviation. the myanmar army clearly states that those will not be accepted. only those will not be accepted. only those who can prove that they have lived in myanmar‘s gratin state —— mark carney. the army chief has been releasing separate statements on his facebook page. how influential is china when it comes to what happens here? can lea n it comes to what happens here? can lean on adding some should she —— aung san suu kyi. when you see what has happened in the last few weeks, myanmar and is leaning more towards china and preventing adverse sanctions from the un security council. you have been to myanmar recently. aung san suu kyi is getting huge criticism abroad over this. is it the same over there? completely different. people wholeheartedly support aung san suu kyi. if you speak to stu d e nts san suu kyi. if you speak to students and even buddhist monks, they don't want to use the term rafinha. —— rohingya. the opinion coming from these people is the same. that they don't belong to myanmar. they came from bangladesh and have to go back. what is coming out of the western media they think is propaganda. and events in the area and in refugee camps across bangladesh have been highly exaggerated. two important eu agencies will be relocated to other countries. we knew they would be moving because of brexit — today, we found out where to. both the european medicines agency and the european banking authority used to be based in london. but in future, the ema will be based in amsterdam and the eba in paris. the relocation of the two eu agencies is a direct consequence and first visible result of brexit. let's talk to professor amelia hadfield, director of the centre for european studies at canterbury christ church university. good to have you with us. what you make of this decision?” good to have you with us. what you make of this decision? i think the commission is right. it is the very first step and think that we're going to see about brexit. it is a sign that things are actually happening. that brussels is very much getting its ducks in a row. four people in britain who were perhaps a little bit unaware of the step changes, this might come as a bit of a shock if they had not been aware of it. the european medicines agency has been here since 1995 and employs 900 people or even more. it is based on canary wharf. the european banking authority was set up european banking authority was set up in the wake of the eurozone crisis in 2011. it employs about 150 people also in canary wharf. two major european agencies now being plucked up and deposited in the winning cities, in amsterdam for the european medicines agency and paris for the european banking authority. there is fierce competition amongst other member states with regard to which of the cities was going to be able to present itself as prime real estate for these two agencies. amsterdam and paris have come out on top. don't go anywhere, amelia. i won't explain how this process works. we found this bagram that explains it all. —— this diagram. this was a complicated voting process. here's a representation of how the countries were chosen — it made it very difficult to predict in advance which way it would go. and this was a common comparison. and just to hammer home the point, one of their articles was titled... fight! it's a free—for—all. they will be many countries who wa nted they will be many countries who wanted on but did not get these agencies. i think so. there was some wish it would be more geographically distributed, if you like. having said that, you do have eu agencies right across the length and breadth of the european union. you have some in warsaw and eu agencies in each of the baltic states as well. they are not doing too badly. it is just that these were the sort of best brexit prizes, so to speak. the idea not just of having 1000 members of staff relocating but somewhere between 30,000 - 36,000 relocating but somewhere between 30,000 — 36,000 scientists and regulators who fly in every year and most significantly the hospitality industry, if you like, of the city. that gets the ability to host it. same with paris. the european banking authority as well. a tremendous amount of european expertise there. it gets the opportunity to become the new financial centre. it tremendous win from france and macron. there's something to be said about the eurovision song contest in terms of the voting. thank you very much indeed. good to talk you. come back again. they had to end these votes by drawing straws in both uses. don't forget, you can get much more detail on our top stories on our website. the address is we talk about saudi arabia most days at the moment. there are lots of reasons. one reason is that tensions between iran and saudi arabia has been causing political havoc in lebanon. two weeks ago, its prime minister saad hariri announced he was stepping down. he made the announcement in saudi arabia. many thought he had been forced by the saudis. there is essentially a cold war playing it in the region between saudi arabia and iran. saudi arabia is currently blockading yemen, and it'sjustified that as a way of stopping arms reaching rebels. iran denies that. whatever the justification, it's deepening a desperate humanitarian situation — the un says thousands will die as a direct consequence. i asked our chief international correspondent lyse doucet whether political pressure on saudi arabia was beginning to have an effect. there is no doubt that international pressure is mounting on saudi arabia for imposing this blockade a little more than two weeks ago after the ballistic missile was fired into so dear... —— saudi arabia and intercepted over the airport here. saudi arabia said it was an act of one and blamed iran and hezbollah. they said it was part of the growing threat from iran and this region. that is how they retaliated. saudi agents say they will all lift the blockade once they are clear there isa blockade once they are clear there is a better inspection at the ports and main airport and seaport. they say that it is been used for smuggling. iran wants all the ports to be opened immediately and then they said will talk about inspections. there is a bit of a deadlock on these issues. on the ground, we hear from deadlock on these issues. on the ground, we hearfrom the un that deadlock on these issues. on the ground, we hear from the un that the situation for people's deadly deteriorates. dire warnings about how many people will suffer and possibly die if this blockade is not com pletely possibly die if this blockade is not completely lifted. some critics in the uk argue this blockade is only possible because it is supported by the uk and us. is ita possible because it is supported by the uk and us. is it a fair analysis? well, the saudi arabian -- saudi arabia has powerfulfriends and not just the saudi arabia has powerfulfriends and notjust the uk and us but across the region and europe. they feel very strongly about this. they believe that now is the moment where they have to start getting tough with iran. because if they have the missiles coming right into sodhi 1080 -- missiles coming right into sodhi 1080 —— saudi territory and as far as the capital, now is the time to react. they do that you only have power behind them. but it is also pa rt power behind them. but it is also part of a much more assertive foreign policy being conducted by the 32—year—old crown prince mohammad bin salman. he regards iran as the prime threat in this region and believes he has the backing of donald trump and benjamin netanyahu. they all agree that iran has to be tackled and tackled now. the question is, how do you do it? saudi arabia is finding out they do not have the levers of power to tackle it. the question is, what will happen next? at the same time as this is all happening, crown prince mohammad bin salman is pushing an ambitious reform agenda. socially, the most high—profile move has been allowing women to drive. that gives you idea of how low the bar's being set, but still, that will happen from nextjune. economically, there's multiple initiatives to wean the economy off its oil dependence. plus, you may have seen the high—profile anti—corru ption crackdown. more then 200 high—profile men were taken into detention. so what does this add up to? lyse has been speaking with the saudi economic minister about those still being held. there is a process, the public prosecutor is in charge. we will wait to see what will happen in this investigation. observers have described this crackdown as a seismic shock. unprecedented in saudi history. you must have got nervous phone calls from investors. no, i made them also. they do come here. the majority of investors are saying, look, this is the kind of environment we like to see. most of them, because they invested here, they know as well that going forward is what really matters. it is dealing with a well governed institution that matters to them. there was talk of hundreds of billions of dollars that could be taken in assets that are frozen in the cases you have got. is that part of it, that you need this money and thatis of it, that you need this money and that is how you decided to get it?|j think of corruption not only in financial terms, it is the misuse of authority and favouritism. it is negligence and actually way beyond the sums of amounts people are talking about. i cannot comment on these amends. we wait for the investigation to finish, and i am confident the leadership will make the right call on the use of these proceeds. the economy minister is involved in effo rts the economy minister is involved in efforts to diversify the saudi economy to reduce its reliance on oil. lyse again in riyadh. they announced quarterly results today which said revenues from now sectors increased by 80%. they are putting money into new technologies and trying to diversify, going into renewable energy and creating jobs, jobs, jobs. they have so many renewable energy and creating jobs, jobs, jobs. they with so many renewable energy and creating jobs, jobs, jobs. they with scholarships best offer. and - want offer. and want “5 ' offer. and - wa'éfi prince, that. he has a mutation were knows that. he has a population were 70% of the population is under 30. that is his thinking was the social freedoms. it makes economic sense. a huge benefit economically. that is what is driving making them know as much as anything, to use the word. —— the kingdom now. much as anything, to use the word. -- the kingdom now. this is a city and all very well. can you feel a difference in social attitudes? —— that you know very well. every time i visit saudi arabia, even the trips several months apart, something has changed. the pace of change is staggering. even saudis are surprised. i went to a youth forum where men and women and mingling. last year, that was segregated with men in one room and the woman in another. two years ago, i came here and the big story was women would finally be allowed to work in shops. we went to see a night market where women were notjust at the tills of the drugs, they were actually owning the drugs, they were actually owning the food trucks. it is taking place ata the food trucks. it is taking place at a dizzying speed. while it might seem very small by the standards of the western society, by the standards of saudi arabia, are very conservative kingdom, and it still is very conservative, it is nothing less tha n is very conservative, it is nothing less than revolutionary. now to california. charles manson has died in prison. he was a convicted cult leader and 83. he had orchestrated a series of murders in the 1960s. in august 1969, members of his group killed seven people. manson believed the murders would start a race war, allowing him to seize power. james cook reports. charles manson. the name itself is synonymous with evil. a killer who did no killing but whose crimes shocked the world. in august 1969, followers of his cult broke into hollywood home of sharon tate. the pregnant actress, who was married to the director, roman polanski, was brutally murdered along with four of herfriends. the next night, the so—called manson family killed again, tying up and murdering a wealthy couple. manson was arrested at the desert camp where he and his followers were living. this was the ramshackle ranch in death valley where manson lived in a commune with his young runaway fans. they apparently used lsd and saw the guitar playing ex—convict as a kind of saint. or perhaps a devil. charles manson was charged not with wielding a knife or firing a gun but with controlling and directing the killers. i was iwas in i was in the desert, minding my business. this confusion belongs to you. it is your confusion. i don't have any confusion. i don't have any guilt. i know what i have done and no man can judge guilt. i know what i have done and no man canjudge me. what guilt. i know what i have done and no man can judge me. what have you done, charlie? and why had he done it? apparently to spark a race war that would be called helter—skelter. and he would use it to seize power. in 1971, manson was sentenced to death on seven counts of murder. later commuted to life in prison. he gave several rambling television interviews in captivity but never explained how he persuaded his followers to kill for him. are you scared to die? sometimes i feel i'm scared to live. living is what scares me. dying is easy. over the years, charles manson applied for parole time and time again. but he died a prisoner, having shattered the peace and love of the 19605 with diabolical violence. we have talked about kenyan politics and all —— a lot in the last few months. we could be approaching some certainty now. kenya's supreme court has upheld last month's rerun presidential election. that means you can expect uhuru kenyatta to be inaugurated for a second term later this week. in the rerun, mr kenyatta took 98% of the vote on a turnout of 39%. both figures only make sense when you put it in the context of the fa ct you put it in the context of the fact that the main opposition leader pulled out. he argued the irregularities that undermine the original election had not been dealt with. support us have already said they would not recognise this government. mercyjuma reports from nairobi. they filled the streets around the supreme court, singing and chanting in celebration of president uhuru kenyatta's victory, just moments after the chiefjustice appealed his re—election. kenya in the last two months has gone through serious constitutional procedures... i think that we embark on the swearing in of the president. the sixjudge bench has dismissed two petitions presented before it that were challenging the results of the october 26th presidential election. the judges dismissed the petitions on what they say is merit and in 21 days, even as the country prepares for the swearing—in of president kenyatta, which will happen in tuesday next week. that is the 28th of november. the judges found that the two separate petitions failed to show that the poll was flawed. the court has unanimously determined that the petitions are not merited. as a consequence, the presidential election of the 26th of october is hereby upheld, as is the election of the third respondent. raila odinga, however, still maintains that uhuru's re—election is illegitimate. the supreme court decision is final, according to the constitution of kenya. what has been decided is final. in the next... on tuesday 28th of november, kenyatta will have to be sworn in as president according to the constitution of kenya. so whoever is not pleased has nothing else to do but maybe wait for the next election that is five years from now. in some opposition strongholds, violent demonstrations are under way. supporters of raila odinga took to the streets to express disappointment with the judgment. perhaps the biggest task for president kenyatta is reuniting a nation visibly divided by these elections. let's quickly go back to our lead story. the problem is, difficulties informing a story. the problem is, difficulties in forming a new government in germany. it might affect how brexit top score. angela merkel‘s facing a deeply political crisis following the collapse of talks to form this new college in government and the failure of those negotiations are really a consequence of an unusual september election result. here is jenny hill. she promised germany and government for christmas. instead, angela merkel has delivered an unprecedented political crisis. not muchjob lot. in unprecedented political crisis. not much job lot. in the earlier laws of this morning, she admitted she could not form a government. —— not much to applaud. translation: i will do everything i can delete the through these difficult weeks. later, crisis talks with the german president. this country could get her to go back to the box. what is uncertain as whether angela merkel‘s party will want to lead them into a fresh election. —— want her. translation: this is the moment for all involved to reflect and reconsider. all parties of the two serve the common good. i expect them to have a discussion about creating a government in the near future. german voters have changed. the far right now sits in parliament. a week and mrs merkel doesn't have many options. i will see you tomorrow. goodbye. hello, where our ear comes from governors to large degree the sort of whether we get. but also the temperature. the feel of the weather. —— air. there was a lot of cloud around on monday. but temperatures were well above normal for the time of year. influential, up for the time of year. influential, up to 17 celsius, where it reminds else's is the average for this time of year. the reason? the isobars all the way to the south of the uk. at any time of year, this is a warm direction and this is unusually warm air. spreading northwards, geta beach novel in scotland budget in tuesday, even your temperatures will be heading up. it will be a wet day, mind you. this now we have had in the hills will gradually turn back to rain. there is a lot of cloud with the moist floor there from the south—west. again, sunshine had to come by. those that this is sunny spells across england and wales could see temperatures higher than this, though we will see pics of rain in parts of wales and england into the afternoon, feeding south eastwards during tuesday's evening. the winds pick up and we are concerned going into wednesday about this flow of mild, moist air. rain especially in parts of north east england and cumbria. 25 millimetres possible, maybe up to 100 and hills. the winds pick up and rain also across parts of the country. central and eastern england staying mainly dry. some sunshine, and again could see 1617 celsius. but look at this. going into thursday, a cold front moving southwards and changing the direction of the isobars to a more north—westerly direction. what does that mean? cold ear coming back into scotla nd that mean? cold ear coming back into scotland and northern ireland but drier and brighter with that floor there —— flow of air. so at the end of the week, it looks like cold air is beginning to move its way southwards once again. is he going into the weekend, it looks like it will have completed asjohnny southwards. brisk and chilly winds for the north and north—west. in that floor they are, we brighten things up to get brighten spells. maybe something less cold from the atla ntic maybe something less cold from the atlantic coming in right at the end of the weekend, at least into western parts. we can't looks like a cold start. robert called froch with frosty nights and the risk of wintry showers. a hint of something less cold from the atlantic later into the weekend. and then into the following week, it looks like we are still seeing milder i atlantic are fighting with this cold air from the north. it looks like it will swing between the two again as we go through the week. we have a cold air from the north and north—west comes m, from the north and north—west comes in, it will likely be brighter but of course cold and frosty with the risk of wintry showers. in the milder spells, where the atlantic pushes the air in from the west, we might see some rain at times. but even the milder spells, it looks like it will not be as wet and windy as it is pounds this not as mild. —— as it is pounds this not as mild. —— as it is this week, nor as mild. tonight at ten — robert mugabe faces a formal process of impeachment following his refusal to step down as president of zimbabwe. a day after his defiant appearance on national television, the 93—year—old is still clinging to office. on the streets, more voices raised against the man who's ruled forfour decades, as the military suggest there might be a way forward. we have made further consultation with the president to agree on a road map on the prevailing situation in the country. we'll be reporting from harare on the likely moves in the days ahead. also tonight... at no 10, ministers are said in principle to have agreed on an increased brexit divorce payment to the eu. but in germany, the future of chancellor merkel, one of the eu's strongest voices, is in doubt after the collapse

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