Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20200714

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changes into the fall. three western states are reinstating restrictions put in place early in the pandemic. most notable is california where every county will have to shut down bars, indoor dining and other indoor activities. 30 counties with about 80% of california's population, that's 32 million people face additional closures. those counties include los angeles which faces a hard lockdown. >> while the city of los angeles's covid-19 threat level remains at orange, we are on the border of going to red. red is when it's -- everything shuts down again, everything, to our strictest level so i do want to warn people that we're close to that. >> look, the move leads a lot of uncertainty to millions of people. a 72-year-old catering business survived wars, recessions, even the owner's heart transplant but since no one is holding catered events, they cannot survive the pandemic. >> as i kept going, you see the writing on the wall. >> there is no light at the end of the tunnel. there is no time line, if you will. you don't know how long it's going to last. >> yeah, especially as there is a resurgence in cases. take a look. in the past two weeks coronavirus cases have increased 47% in california. hospitalizations have almost doubled since the end of june even though the rate of positive cases is down. >> california's two largest school districts will be entirely online when the new school year starts next month. this could have a domino effect on school districts deciding what to do next fall even as the trump administration pushes schools to return to learning. our nick watt in los angeles. >> reporter: christine and boris, massive news out of california. the governor always said he would do this if the numbers got worse. he has made good on his promise. could be a political risk, we will see, but he has now closed every bar in california. he has also closed indoor dining in restaurants and movie theaters and zoos and museums and also if you live in one of the counties in this state, such as los angeles that is on the governor's watch list because the numbers are particularly bad, then these things are also now closed down again. >> fitness centers, places of worship, offices for non-critical sectors, personal care services, that includes hair salons, barber shops and indoor malls. so, again, these are sectors to close indoor operations. >> also a huge announcement from the los angeles school district. the second biggest district in the country. more than 600,000 students. they say when students return at the end of august, it will not be to classrooms. it will be online only. san diego school district has said exactly the same thing. they both say they will watch the numbers and when the public health situation allows it, then and only then will kids be back in classrooms. listen, as governor newsome of california said, this virus is not going away any time soon. christine and boris, back to you. >> nick, thank you for that. money plays a big role in the decision to keep schools shut. san diego faced a $90 million expense for masks and disinfecting. some schools like new york are looking at hybrid model with students rotating between in person and online classes. >> everybody wants to reopen schools. i want to reopen the schools. everybody wants to reopen the schools. it's not do we reopen or not? you reopen if it is safe to reopen. how do you know if it's safe? you look at the data. we're not going to use our children as the litmus test and we're not going to put our children in a place where their health is in danger. >> now cnn has learned the white house wants to tie any new stimulus money for schools to their reopening. the administration has been told it cannot withhold existing funding to schools to bully them into reopening. big cities like atlanta, nashville, las vegas are delaying. cities like chicago, seattle, miami still weighing their options. speaking of miami, hospitals there are over 90% capacity. the positivity rate in miami-dade county, over 25%. all the major medical indicators heading in the wrong direction. >> miami's now the epicenter of the pandemic. what we were seeing in wuhan six months ago, five months ago, now we are there. so we really need your help. >> there were more than 58,000 new cases reported in the u.s. monday. a leading lab, quest diagnostics, says the surge is causing a delay. as long as seven days now turning around test results. that's a critical problem because people can be unknowingly spreading the virus while they're waiting for results. testing is up but cases are up much more. the virus surge in the south and west reviving one of the biggest concerns early on in the pandemic, a lack of personal protective equipment for health care workers. a cnn investigation finds nearly four months after invoking the defense production act to compel businesses to manufacture equipment, the white house has made sparing use of it. the department of health and human services listed 19 companies that received contracts, but experts say it's not enough and the efforts started far too late. get this, only about half of the masks ordered will be delivered before the end of the year. >> they want you to reuse that mask multiple times and they send it for cleaning. >> it's something we were talking about four months ago. >> the white house has been reluctant to take too active a role in managing supply production and distribution. it is putting the onus on the states. the white house is walking back criticism of anthony fauci. they noted fauci's mistakes. the president himself has made several bad mistakes, misjudgments, false claims about this virus, and now a senior administration official admits the frustration doesn't stem from a lack of confidence in dr. fauci. they say it's them getting questioned about saint anthony. >> passive aggressive. they don't plan to fire dr. fauci. the white house has concluded he can't directly fire him even if he wanted to. >> well, i have a very good relationship with dr. fauci. i've had for a long time, right from the beginning. i find him to be a very nice person. i don't always agree with him. i get along with him very well. i like him personal zbli dr. fauci has been finding ways to be heard even as the white house keeps him off of tv at a webinar with the stanford school of medicine he said the u.s. is seeing surges because it failed to entirely shut down. >> all you needed to do was look at the films on tv of people in some states who went from shutdown to complete throwing caution to the wind. this is a really serious problem. it is truly historic. we haven't even begun to see the end of it yet. >> dr. fauci also says there is no good answer to the question of whether the states or the federal government should lead the way on the pandemic response. the coronavirus has cratered tax revenue and sparked record government stimulus to save the economy. the result, an exploding budget deficit. $864 billion in june alone. 3 trillion in the last 12 months. the government spent hundreds of billions of dollars to support businesses and unemployed workers. as a share of the economy, this deficit is now the biggest since world war ii and more stimulus may be coming. former white house chief of staff mick mulvaney said new stimulus must target the virus, stimulus. he says there are very real risks, including inflation and under delivering to voters ahead of the election. also, the last time in a rush to get checks out, stimulus money was sent to people who had died. now the irs says those checks have been canceled rather than forcing families to return the payments. this really caused a lot of people to be pretty upset about the idea that the stimulus checks were going to people in prison and dead. it shows you the rush to get money out the door, just how serious this coronavirus crisis is. >> yeah. mulvaney making clear it may not be something popular to talk about among republicans, just the idea that testing is inadequate across the country. >> right. ten minutes past the hour. antibodies that protect you from coronavirus may not last very long. we're going to break down what that means for long term and short-term treatments. we'll be right back. you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so when it comes to screening for colon cancer, don't wait. because when caught early, it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. tell me more. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your prescriber if cologuard is right for you. i'm on it. that's a step in the right direction. no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at to help the military community (vo) at whether on the track,that exhor the everyday drive.ty, today, that philosophy extends to how we connect with you. we call it, audi at your door. whether a remote test drive, shopping, trade-in, or even service pickup, audi at your door can do this and more at participating dealers. the premium audi dealership experience, on your terms. audi at your door. we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. welcome back. new york has a warning for visitors from high risk states and another big sporting event bites the dust. cnn is covering the pandemic from coast to coast. >> reporter: i'm diane gallagher in atlanta where georgia governor brian kemp reactivated covid-19 overflow hospital on friday. that's the same day the state hit a record number of new cases with nearly 4500. his relationship with atlanta's mayor seemingly recharged. the mayor is getting some support from a governor. new york's andrew cuomo offered some support to atlanta saying new york is in a more stable place now, new york could offer testing, tracing, and strategy resources to the mayor as numbers continue to rise here in atlanta. >> reporter: i'm erica hill in new york where governor andrew cuomo has announced an emergency health order to enforce the mandatory 14-day quarantine in new york state for travelers coming from 19 states that have a positivity rate of 10% or higher. when arriving at any airport in new york state, travelers will be given a form. they'll be required to provide local contact information so they can follow up to make sure they're following the quarantine. if anybody leaves the airport without filling out that form, without providing the information, they're subject to a summons and immediate fine of $2,000. i'm pete mondunteen, major airlines are calling for a recovery and they've seen a growing demand fall off. jetblue is blocking middle seats now through labor day. its policy was set to expire at the end of this month. delta and southwest are also keeping some seats empty while american and united are selling every seat. >> reporter: i'm ryan young in chicago where covid-19 has a lasting impact. the chicago mayrathon has been canceled for the first time in years. all 50 states were represented before and more than 100 countries. this race has a big economic impact, especially in the downtown area of chicago. more than 1 million people came to spec tate. with all of the covid worries going on organizers thought it would be safe not to have it this year. two experimental coronavirus vaccines have been given fast track status by the food & drug administration. these are biontech and pfizer. if the trials are successful, the company says they expect to make up to 100 million doses by the end of this year and potentially $1.2 billion doses by the end of next year. new research suggests immunity could be brief and that could have a significant implication for research. >> reporter: christine and boris, this study out of the u.k. does suggest that natural immunity from having covid could decline within months. now this study hasn't been peer reviewed yet and it was done on only 65 patients and 31 health care workers who got antibody tests done regularly. it found that antibody responses started to wane about a month after symptoms first emerged. now this has implications for vaccine development. it could mean that a vaccine has to trigger an antibody response that's stronger than what we might see naturally. it could mean we need boosters since anti body responses might diminish. it could mean we need a vaccine each year, kind of like flu shots. the study also suggests that there could be challenges with natural herd immunity. this is all new and emerging data that certainly needs more study. christine? boris? >> jaclyn howard, thank you for that. it did not take long for the bubble to burst for the nba relaunch. how this led one player into quarantine. d absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. the shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. and nutrients to i but what i do count on...ts anis boost high, w,here's 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go online to find out more. houston rockets superstar russell westbrook delaying his return to the nba after testing positive for coronavirus. andy scholes has more. andy, brody announcing the news on instagram. >> yeah, that's right. when the rockets headed to orlando last week to enter the nba bubble, russell westbrook and james hardin both were not account team. westbrook confirming the reason he did not make the trip was because he tested positive for covid-19. the all-star guard confirming that on social media saying he's feeling well and looking forward to joining husband teammates as soon as possible. he asked people to take the virus seriously, be safe and wear a mask. mike d'antoni said they were not with the team because they were dealing with some things and he hoped to have them in the bubble in the neblxt three to four day. two players inside the bubble have tested positive. they were still within the 48 hour quarantine. they have left the campus to isolate at home or are in isolation housing. the last two weeks, 19 nba players have tested positive before heading to orlando. now two other players are under quarantine after accidentally breaking the bubble protocols. they crossed the campus line to pick up a food order and rockets player bruno also broke the rules when he ip add verdict tently left his room during the initial quarantine period. now they have to self-isolate for eight more days before they can rejoin their teams. reining wnba elena della done's request to medically opt out has been denied. the 34-year-old has battled lyme disease since high school. she's at high risk for contracting and having complications but a panel of independent doctors approved by the league and up ondecided she's not at high risk. she said she's weighing whether to play when the wnba season tips off. finally, nfl players could be wearing a new mouth shield when they hit the field this season. the sports equipment maker oakley designed the guard with the help of doctors and engineers from the nfl and the players association. they're going to be sent to all teams over the next week. for now the league is just encouraging using this but not mandating it yet. the biggest concern for players right now are visibility and breathability. you know, christine, j.j. watt of the texans, he told pro football talk he once tried to wear a shield over his eyes because he thought it looked cool but even that, he count breathe out there playing in the heat in the field. he couldn't wear it. he says he's not a fan of any kind of shield. >> interesting. >> it will be interesting to see if these players are welcoming to this kind of shield if it becomes mandated. >> all of this macgyvering. the first shutdown was not enough. now california is closing down again. indoor businesses face an uncertain future as the state tries to slow coronavirus. but a resilient business can be ready for it. a digital foundation from vmware helps you redefine what's possible... now. 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that the pandemic that altered life as we know it will mean big changes into the fall. three western states reinstating restrictions put in place earlier in this pandemic. most notably california where they will have to shut down bars, dining, indoor activities. 32 million people face additional closures. >> yeah. this move leaves a lot of uncertainty for millions of people. 72-year-old catering business that survived wars, recession, even the owner's heart transplant is struggling. since no one is hosting events, they can't survive the pandemic. >> as i kept going, you see the writing on the wall. >> there is no light at the end of the tunnel. there is no time line, if you will. you don't know how long it's going to last. >> especially with images like these. look at this chart. the past two weeks coronavirus cases have increased 47% in california. hospitalizations have almost doubled since the middle of june. even though the rate of positive cases is down. >> california's two largest school districts will be entirely online when the school year starts next month. this could have a domino effect. even as the trump administration aggressively pushes schools to return to full-time in person learning. our coverage begins with cnn's nick watt in los angeles. >> reporter: well, christine and boris, massive news out of california. the governor always said he would do this if the numbers got worse. he has made good on his promise. could be a political risk, we will see, but he has now closed every bar in california. he has also closed indoor dining in restaurants and movie theaters and zoos and museums. also, if you live in one of the counties in this state, such as los angeles that is on the governor's watch list because the numbers are particularly bad, then these things are also now closed down again. >> fitness centers, places of worship, offices for non-critical sectors, personal care services, that includes hair salons, barber shops, and indoor malls. so, again, these are sectors to close indoor operations. >> reporter: also a huge announcement for the los angeles school district. the second biggest district in the country. more than 600,000 students. they say when students return at the end of august it will not be to classrooms. it will be online only. san diego school district has said exactly the same thing. they both say they will watch the numbers and when the public health situation allows it, then and only then will kids be back in classrooms. listen, as governor newsome of california said, this virus is not going away any time soon. christine and boris, back to you. >> nick watt, thank you for that. there's no question that finances play a big role in the decisions to keep schools shuttered. san diego faced a $90 million price tag for support staff and disinfecting procedures to open schools. cnn has learned the white house wants to tie any new stimulus money for schools to their reopening. the administration has been told it can't withhold existing funding to bully schools into reopening. >> big cities like atlanta, nashville and las vegas are delaying the school year. cities like chicago, miami still weighing their options. in miami the medical indicators are bad. a staggering 28% of tests were positive. almost 200 employees from jackson health are currently out sick with covid-19. >> miami's now the epicenter of the pandemic. what we were seeing in wuhan six months ago, five months ago, now we are there. so we really need your help. >> there were more than 58,000 new cases reported in the u.s. on monday and this complicates things. a leading lab, quest diagnostics, says the surge is causing a delay as long as seven days for turning around test results. christine, i've dealt with this personally. i was in miami working reporting during the fourth of july weekend. i took a test that sunday. i didn't get the results until last night and obviously a delay is a critical problem. people can be unknowingly spreading the virus as they wait for these results. >> right. >> look at this, testing of course up in the u.s. last month but cases are up much more. >> wow. >> meantime, the white house is carefully walking back criticism of dr. anthony fauci. there was a coordinated effort to attack his credibility this week end noting that a white house official called fauci's mistakes. of course, the president himself has made several bad mistakes and false claims about the virus. now a senior administration official says the frustration does not stem from a lack of confidence in dr. fauci saying this, quote, it's just the white house tired about getting media relationships about saint anthony. >> the white house keeps him off tv. at a webinar with the stanford school of medicine, they are seeing surges because it failed to entirely shut down. >> all you needed to do was look at the films on tv of people in some states who went from shutdown to complete throwing caution to the wind. >> this is a really serious problem. it is truly historic. we haven't even begun to see the end of it yet. >> the states or the federal government should lead the way on a pandemic response. the u.s. military seeing coronavirus cases spike about 60% in july. military personnel and their dependents frequently interact with civilians. that increases the chances of exposure. many military facilities are in some of the hardest hit states like texas, florida, california. stations abroad in south korea and japan seeing spikes in recent days. 98 u.s. military personnel and their families have been diagnosed across six u.s. bases and japan since july 7th. a record number of workers have health care and it finds more than 5 million workers lost insurance between february and may because of job loss. to put that into context, it took a your for 4 million people to lose their insurance during the great recession. there are more people under 65 without insurance in the southern states. no plan to replace care for people who would lose it. >> federal execution for the first time in 17 years. daniel lewis lee, this man was scheduled to die by lethal injection yesterday in indiana. a court order blocked the execution but the supreme court decision wipes that away. two more executions are scheduled this week. also breaking overnight, two shootings in the seattle area. in bothel, washington, at least two officers were injured. one was taken to the hospital. police are searching for a suspect in an earlier shooting inside a target store in roenton. they are about 20 miles apart. no known link at this point between those two shootings. a closely watched senate runoff election today in alabama. a former senator and attorney general jeff sessions facing former auburn football coach tommy tuberville. president trump has thrown his support to tuberville and continues to criticize sessions. he has not forgiven him for recusing himself. the winner faces the incumbent democratic senator doug jones in november. stay with "early start." we'll be right back. - [narrator] the shark vacmop combines powerful suction with spray mopping to lock away debris and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad. just vacuum, spray mop, and toss. the shark vacmop, a complete clean all in one pad. no matter what challenges life throws at you, we're always here to help with fast response and great service and it doesn't stop there we're also here to help look ahead that's why we're helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so you can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most and that's just one of the many ways we're here to help the military community find out more at we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. but what if you could startdo better than that? shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. like adapt. discover. deliver. in new ways. to new customers. what if you could come back stronger? faster. better. at comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back. but bounce forward. and now, we're committed to helping you do just that with a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution at a great price. call or go online today. if the basics aren't followed, there is only one way this pandemic is going to go. it's going to get worse and worse and worse. i want to be straight with you. there will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future. >> a sobering warning from the world health organization, but some countries struggling to contain the virus are still taking steps to reopen, including brazil. some universities and technical schools in brazil's most populus state are clear to resume in person classes if they're in cities that have been in phase yellow for more than 14 consecutive days. yellow is the third phase in brazil. they're reporting 260,000 new coronavirus cases in just the past seven days. less than a month after reopening hong kong disneyland is closing again after a surge in coronavirus. the park will close temporarily starting tomorrow. hotels at the resort will remain open with adjusted levels of service. disney parks and resorts have been hit hard by the pandemic. disney world florida just reopened this weekend despite a rapid surge of cases in florida. a story that's been over shadowed by the pandemic is a disastrous fuel spill in the arctic. 20,000 tons of diesel spewing into the ocean. russian authorities claiming it's contained but a whist whistle-blower tells a different story. >> reporter: it was one of the worst chemical reactions in the arctic. at the end of may a fuel spill burst releasing 20,000 tons into nearby rivers. there are clear signs the mining giant is dragging its feet in dealing with the aftermath. the company quickly claimed the damage had been contained saving a nearby lake, but whistle-blower says that's not true. >> translator: it is such an obvious childish lie i couldn't wrap my head around it. obviously i thought we must investigate the lake, but my management had a different view. >> reporter: he was working for russia's state environmental regulator at the time and was one of the first on the site the day of the disaster. he took cnn to the spot where puddles of diesel and gasoline streaks are still clearly visible and the water can literally be set on fire. >> translator: you can see the fuel is still burning and puddles like these stretch all the way down the river and will be polluting it for a very long time. >> reporter: activists say they tried to prevent them from independently investigating it but environmentalist managed to sneak past the guards. what he found was shocking. >> translator: you can see the contamination levels are two to three times what is allowed. >> reporter: it is guided on official data from local data as well as satellite imagery and it continues the cleanup. the company did not respond to cnn for comment. the disaster highlights a wider problem as they look to industrialize the arctic and exploit the natural resources. melting personal ma frost makes similar accidents more likely. some hoped the disaster could turn out to be a watershed moment for environmental protection in russia. fred pleitgen, cnn, berlin. >> fred, thank you for that. moments ago china with a harsh response for the u.s. after the state department announced it rejects most of china's territorial claims in the south china sea. cnn's ivan watson is live with more. the long list just gets longer, everything from the mass incars ser rag of the weiger minority and the south china sea claims. >> reporter: absolutely. i mean, we've been watching the relationship between the world's two largest economies deteriorate throughout 2020. the south china sea has always been a bubbling area of tension but the rhetoric has ramped up after the u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo announced the trump administration was taking a new position, which is to consider china's claims to virtually all of this heavily trafficked body of water, about 1.3 million square miles to be illegal and that the u. sms. wo view any chinese action to harass fischer men, harass hydrocarbon development as unlawful as well. pompeo going on to use tough words saying that the world will not allow beijing to treat the south china sea as the maritime empire. they fired back. the foreign ministry spokesperson calling the u.s. a troublemaker that seeks to undermine regional peace and stability, irresponsible and neglecting history. the fact of the matter is this. there's a huge body of water. there are a number of other countries alongside it that have claims to territory there, including the philippines, vietnam, malaysia, indonesia, brunai and i have flown over the region and i've seen a network of islands that china has built up, manmade islands to help lay claim to almost all of this body of water and the u.s. is positioning itself as kind of a big brother to smaller countries against china, which kind of dwarfs all of these countries that have competing claims to this strategic sea. christine? >> it's been remarkable to watch. almost the militarization of these scholes and small islands so that china can try to make that claim. thank you so much for that, ivan watson for us. dozens of sexual assault allegations are rocking the prestigious saint andrews university in scotland. several women say they were sexually assaulted by a fraternity. they were made anonymously of saint andrews survivors. it's reached out to owners of the page to assist with counseling or reporting some of their claims. fox news host tucker carlson is publicly addressing the revelation his former head writer published racist and sexist material in a forum. >> what blake wrote anonymously is wrong. they have no connection to the show. it is wrong to attack people for qualities they cannot control. we should point out to the ghouls now beating their test in triumph of a destruction of a young man that self riotousness has its costs. we are all human. when we pretent we are holy we are lying. at the end of the show carlson announced he is heading on a long-planned tradition. there's a long tradition of anchors going on vacation when facing controversy. the body of naya rivera has been recovered from the lake. authorities say there's no sign of foul play. >> the idea being that the boat started drifting, it was unanchored and that she mustered enough energy to get her son back on the boat but not enough to save herself. >> the 33-year-old was best known for her six seasons on the musical "glee." cast members are mourning the former co-star. they write how can you summarize a decade of friendship and laughter with words alone. if you were friends with naya rivera, you simply can't. i've seen the models, the mockups. my main concern is whether they'll still install my air conditioning duct. >> tom bergeron, the long time host of "dancing with the stars" will not be returning after 15 years. the producers say they're taking the dance competition series in a, quote, new creative direction. erin andrews also out. bergeron called his 15-year run, quote, the most unexpected gift of my career. taking a look at markets around the world this tuesday morning. asian markets are closed now. they closed lower in london. paris and frankfurt closed down. take a look at futures. futures moving up a little bit. stocks surged. previously turned positive before they fizzled and closed lower. the dow had been up as much as 563 points before ending up 11. the s&p 500 and nasdaq both closed lower. take a look at how stocks have performed during the pandemic. the longest bull market came to a screeching halt in march. since then stocks have rocketed back more than 40%. china's exports and imports unexpectedly increased as countries began to reopen the economies. imports increased 2.7%. exports of smart phones jumped as global consumers bought more electronics during a lockdown. the u.k. economy is starting to slow down after the worst contraction. the gdp grew 1.8%. still well below pandemic levels. we're in a very deep hole, and just starting to show signs of crawling out of it. >> a lot to be concerned about but there is a bit to be happy about. we end on a happy news. you notice laura jarrett is off. she is celebrating a birthday, but not her birthday. laura's son james turns one year old today. it has been quite a first year for james and mom and dad to say the least. we hope they are getting some much deserved rest and sleep although we doubt it. happy birthday to james. here is to many, many more. >> i tell you, that first year is so exciting. lots more fun coming ahead, i know. thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm boris sanchez. 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