Transcripts For HLN Morning Express With Robin Meade 20090825

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well, good morning. it is tuesday. how are you feeling, huh? a little tired. i know a lot of you are up early getting your kids ready for school. i'm robin meade. stunning new details about michael jackson. the associated press reports that it may be a homicide. find out the details about his autopsy. also new numbers out about the swieb flu that may have you concerned. why you may want to look at getting your family vaccinated when it's available. one student showed up with a vest full of pipe bombs. first, though, two months after michael jackson died, we now know more in the hours leading up to his death. the l.a. coroner ruled jackson's death a homicide. that's according to a single law enforcement official. the coroner's office has no comment for cnn. l.a.'s report says it was not come from there. the coroner conclude oed that jackson died of a propofol overdose and he was given a powerful dose after that. >> what i also draw from this is he probably was toll lent and potentially addicted to these o substances and even withdrawal which is why he could tolerate doses that could take down an el familiarity. these are truly massive doses of medications. the average person, that would put them to sleep for the rest of the day, no problem. it would stop them in their tracks. well, dr. conrad murray's attorney strongly disagrees with part of the report. he says much of it is police theory. court don'ts show that miscellaneous prescriptions from several dress could have contributed to jackson's death meanwhile jackson's family attorney says the report reaffirms a tragic and gross violation of duty and care for jackson. the jackson family publicist says the family looks forward to the day justice can be observed. correspondent richard lieuy is sorting through that. he'll have more for you. take a look around the breakfast table. the odds are somebody will get swine flu. it says about one-third or half the u.s. population could get the h1n1 virus this year. it could kill as many as twice the number of the regular flu. obviously parents are confused. >> now i'm concerned. >> we always have to be concerned with the kids. all the time they are together, they're suppose exposed to different viruses. >> in new mexico more than 100 students called in sick yesterday. they're looking into whether h1n1 is responsible. all dressed up, no place to go. the crew of the space shuttle "discovery" will have to wait. along with some science experiments and the colbert treadmill named after comedian stephen colbert. they're holding a student who was wearing a vest loaded with ten pipe bombs carrying a sword. there was little damage. thankfully nobody was hurt. >> i was in the classroom and all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off. we think, oh, yeah, somebody pulled it, ha, ha, ha. all of a sudden we see our teachers and principals coming and rushing it. >> i was getting out of class. we thought it was a fire drill. we were walking out to evacuate. we heard two big explosions. >> wow. police arrived soon after the suspect was tackled. they're not sure what his motive was. did you get to take advantage of the deal of the cash for clunkers program? >> the deal closed out but the dealers have until noon today to finish up all the forms since they were dealing with the customers last night. all the government paperwork involved in each and every one of these deals that on day one they would deny things because they couldn't read maybe a one that looked like a seven or, you know, any little -- there was 136 pages of rules. >> oh, yeah. that's right. cross your ts. >> the dealers want to get paid a lot faster too. let they think it's going too slow. there is widespread agreement the plan worked, right? it boosted car sales. to some extent it boosted confidence, but now what? their fear is anybody who was going to buy a car just did. the obama administration launch add criminal investigation into the cia's questioning of terror suspects. former cia director michael i had about wasn't happy about this. he said prosecutors already reviewed abuse allegations and didn't charge anyone. the white house says it won't be involved in the investigation and attorney general eric holder will make prosecution decisions. a grandmother -- come here and watch this -- was none too happy when a news crew started asking her about an investigation into underaged dancing at a strip club. >> don't put that camera in my face. >> oh, my gosh. she got upset when camera crews were filming her. detectives say her granddaughter and a 17-year-old were working at a club for months. you know, i receive grown men come at camera people with a fisk but when grandmother comes at you with a garden hoe, they moved out. we're into the tropics. you have to watch every little movement. you don't have to. bob van dillen is back. >> this is a pretty interesting area we're watching. it's really just a tropical wave right now. it's north of the leeward islands, but some of it's picking up and moving close to the northeast by tend of the week. it may be a tropical depression or a little bit stronger. this is one area we're going to be watching the next couple of day. otherwise high pressure dominating most of the eastern seaboard. thundershowers in the area. you'll probably get more thunderstorms tomorrow. but look at the heavy downpours coming in. we'll zoom on in toward the region. southern parts of minnesota now moving in toward western wisconsin. they're going to be strong for the morning. they die out for the late morning into the early afternoon and more thunderstorms possible later today. des moines, you're driving into showers. in sioux city, you're getting thunderstorms there too. showers come in off the atlantic ocean. thunderstorms off the coast of cape canaveral too. more of that coming up, rob, in just about a half hour. thank you. we're finding out more about the hours right before michael jackson's death. you'll not believe how many drugs were apparently in his system. and the reality show contestant believed to have killed a swimsuit model apparently had help checking into his final destination. what police are saying about her. in our salute to the troops today, today's salute is from a husband to his wife julie who is home after being deployed to arack. he says the whole family is so happy to have her home, especially the kids. >> hi, robin. my name is cody. i'd like to say hello to my wife julie schleppegrell. her time away was hard on her as well as the kids and i but there was amazing strength and everybody's pulled together. we're happy to have her back and the kids will be happy to have her back. thank you, robin. we love you, honey. >> that is such a sweet message to her and we're glad she's home too so that the kids are with her. how much fun is that. if you have somebody in the service go to so we can get your salute on the air. more details on our top story. michael jackson's personal doctor gave an account of what he says happened in the hours before jackson died. dr. conrad murray says he gave jackson four different drugs. correspondent richard lui is digging deep sbeer the time line. we're not talking he gave them each once. >> that's rye. dr. murray lays out what happened in this hour-by-hour 32-page detailed don'cument. he says he gave jackson 10 milligrams of valium. a half hour later -- stay with me -- he injected two milligrams of the antianxiety drug called ativan. at 3 a.m. very said. he said he monitored jackson's vital signs the entire time. >> it's an incredible tick-tock of what happened throughout the night. i assume the reason he injected that is because jackson wasn't sleeping. that jackson made repeated requests or demands for propofol. >> exactly. dr. murray says he gave jackson that morning an anesthesiologist told our sister network cnn a bigger dose could have been given. >> it has to be more than that. you know, 25 milligrams on top of the valium, the ativan, and the versed, also additionally -- >> more details on the time line. ten minutes after giving jackson propofol, he went to the restroom and according to the aft affidavit. when he came back, jackson was. breathing. he says he never told police he found jackson not believing at this time. >> i'm letting the whole idea soak in here. richard. it's incredible. >> this is preliminary. a bank robbery suspect is not camera-shy. soon for you you may be seeing this face all over town. ben bernanke has been at the center of the government's efforts to end the recession and now it looks like he may be staying on. you couldn't pay me enough. to be at that job right now. how about you? >> it's the second most powerful job in the world, robin. so -- me neither. you know, a job that a lot of people -- if you're an economist, wow, that's a job you aspire to. amid the financial crisis, there was a lot of speculation, was he going to be able to keep his job as chairman of the federal reserve. a senior administration official tells our sister network cnn that president obama is going to renominate ben bernanke. the senate would then have to confirm him for a second four-year term, but i would guess, right, based on where the economy srks it seems to be doing a lot better. the fed chief's job is to watch over the entire u.s. economy, including the soundness of banks, interest rate, credit, and so much, and, of course, the job market and housing market are so much, but a lot of people say they'll be following the economy and getting better in time. you take financial risks. if you do, it may have something to do with your testosterone level. now there's a new study by northwestern found that women with higher testosterone levels are more likely to take risky chances and trade out banking and they measured the women's sa lie a va. they found something that -- they found that married men and women have lower testosterone levels. you get married, i guess you're calmer. you're more secure, you don't take as many risks. >> i'll tell you what, behind the scenes we didn't know what to do with the story. we found it interesting. if you're a women with higher testostero testosterone, you take higher risks. i don't know. i see facial hair. an nba star has reportedly checked into a rehab center. here's rafer. >> it appears to be a story of a man who has it abu yet is still finding life to be a struggle. miami's michael beasley is reportedly trying to turn him around. how his twitter page may have helped land him in the hospital. we have new info on the murder of the model and the prime suspect. the police say they know the identity of the woman seen with the reality star two days before he was found hanged in a hotel room. >> she was about 20, 25, blond hair, very pretty. she was driving a silver p.t. cruiser with alberta plates. >> police have not identified her and have not said if she was in custody. autopsy reports show it appears that he killed himself. in 2007 he received 15 months probation for assaulting his ex-girl friend. his attorney told the associated press that the judge also ordered counseling for anger management, domestic violence and sexual addiction. a young nba star has reportedly checked into a rehab facility and his twitter page may rep explain why. rafer, what's it uncoverry or showing? >> it's showing a troubled individual is what it's showing, and, you know, this is a guy who has everything in front of him, robin. he's being billed as a budding superstar in the nba. it appears that this man is at a cross roads in his life. numerous reports say he checked into a houston area rehab facility for psychological issues. now, "the miami herald" says it's also for drug you and the whole saga started after a picture of him was posted on his own twitter page showing off a new tattoo. on the table next to hims with a plastic baggy. the contents were unclear. his team reportedly asked him to check in. there was a quote, feeling like it's not worth live eliving, i. crystal taylor, who is carrying nowitzki's child reportedly admit shd e did not check in with her probation officer in a 12-year-old forgery and check case. she said she plans on mary. we'll never fret you brent. it's supposed to be a humorous shirt. a couple of fans were reportedly upsechlt they were like, hey, man, you've got to take that down. >> yeah. he was -- >> there for a while. >> there for a long, long time, and they had a good, you know, parting. >> funny. >> we'll never forget you, brent. all right. wind is making all of a difference in a war. police say wildfires have spared athens thanks to a lull in winds. one fire is down but major ones are still burning. greek officials say a dozen nuns were rescued when flamed engulfed their con vent. you may have a lot of things on your list but you may not be getting as much done as you think you're getting done. some grim projections about the swine flu today. experts tell president obama that a third to half of americans could come down with it this fall and winter. a vaccine is expected in mid-october but experts warn the virus could kill up to 90,000 people, more than twice the seasonal flu. a teenager is under arrest after walking into a high school wearing a vest loaded with pipe bomb. police in san mateo valley say he was carrying a chain saw and a sword. he set off a bomb. no one was hurt. the number of citigroup's delinquent borrow ohher soared to almost 5%. it's the first to include results from president obama's loan modification program which started in april. it was a perfect lift-off. south korea's first rocket failed to put a satellite in orbit. it exceeded its planned orbit. they used foreign-built rockets to launch satellites. cnn analyst jeffrey was talking. let's talk to richard lui about this. so the big story is today that there is a single source talking to the ap says basically that it could be a case of homicide and that there was a huge cocktail of drugs administered to michael jackson in the hours before he died. >> that's right. we'll break it down a little bit more. legally it means the killing of one person by another. now, it means that michael jackson did not die of natural causes or commit suicide, according to that definition. there are a wide variety of charges that fall under homicide. everything from first degree murder all the way to negligent homicide. that report you're alluding to only says it has ruled it but not o gone into specifics. it's preliminary. >> what does this mean for jackson's doctor, conrad murray. when you think about homicide, most people think murder. >> senior analyst jeffrey toobin, take a listen. >> keep in mind these sorts of medical situations it's very rare they give rise to criminal charges. license, yes, but very unusual. premedication. release add statement saying it has full confidence in the legal process an the investigative efforts going forward. >> the face we're about to show you will soon be famous or infamous. the fbi plans to put pictures of this guy on billboards throughout the south. he's a suspect in at least ten bank robberies in eight southern states. he's not even tried to hide his face from the bank cameras. so take a good look. well, we are getting our first look at the weekend's frantic storm off the coast of maine. you may remember hurricane bill swept 20 people into the ocean. you can see the coast guard trying to pull them from the water be u they were unable to save a 7-year-old gill. people say they were watching the waves and it whimly became dangerous. >> it was fun in the beginning when the wave height was smaller and nobody was getting worse but when the waves got bigger and people didn't understand it got really scary. park rangers say they warn people not to get too close to the waves. you heard about pick-pocketing? what about put-pocketing? it's when people put cash into the pockets of unsuspecting people. the man spearheading the campaign explains the reason behind put-pocketing. >> the public are very suspicious. if i was to say here's 20 pounds come and get it, they wouldn't. >> well, he has a team of people that do this. some of them are ex--cons and others are magicians who are good with the sleight of hands. what a cool thing. i do see a problem with someone trying to cop a feel. >> i was going to say. >> i was just trying to put money in your pocket. still think you would get punched in the nose if you did that in times square. i'm just saying. don't be touching my pockets, especially the insides of them. good morning to you, robin. there's a cold front that comes down through minnesota. rain showers and storms aligning themselves. they'll rain themselves out later this morning and later this afternoon more activity is going to develop. so it will come in two waves. right now it's rain and a couple of strikes of lightning around minneapolis. you can see the radar sweep as it goes on through. down to the south a little bit slower. these will fill in towarded your area later today an the rain goes back in toward nebraska and lower parts of south dakota. you get away from there and go down toward florida. lightning firing up just north of looks like port st. lucie. that whose thunderstorm line is dripping on in toward the middle part of the state. you're going to watch for showers and storms today. here's cape canaveral. that's why we didn't light up the space shuttle this morning. we have another shot coming in overnight tonight. more rain just offshore from the cape area. i think later today the carolina mountains will get thunderstorm activity. out west, not much going on, which is great news, but still heavy downpours. heavy rain for new mexico. it's there all day long again. flood warnings are out there. more of that coming out there, robin. good to see you on a tuesday morning. >> thank you. long weekend. are you all right? >> yeah. i'm fantastic. >> okay. everything has a price and the price for spending eternity above marilyn monroe is $4.6 million. that's more than 4 million dollars above it. a woman sells her late husband's kript is hoping to pay her mortgage. one person's insomnia may have saved another person's life. couldn't sleep so i started playing cards. >> how an online card game helped save an elderly woman. and a warning iffer you if you're in a job market. a new scam is out there that could take all of your hard-earned money. there's a classic, isn't it? a woman in oklahoma helped save the life of a woman in another state because of an online card game. the woman she was playing with started asking for help. turns out the online partner had her legs crushed after a chimney collapsed on her. medics say the woman would have died from blood los if no one had called 911. the size of your dining partner may affect how you eat. a new study says people tend to eat food portions similar to those they're o dining with. the most dangerous people to east with may not be the overweight. the thin people who are big eaters. the study looked at 210 college students. you know, you're look, look at them. they're just scarving it down. >> natasha curry. she can eat like crazy. and she's this big. >> you know, some people desperate for work say that the company that was supposed to help them find a job took all of their money instead. money expert jennifer westhoven is looking out for you. so this was -- this was something that we found in the local news but it could happen anywhere. >> that's exactly right. it happened in virginia but it could happen anywhere. the state of virginia is suing a small company. hundreds of people claim they got cheated. here they were. they paid hundreds of dollars. they got little or nor help, they couldn't get refunds. take a listen. i wish that the state do something and i really hope that i can get justice for what they did to me. >> so, again, the state of virginia is suing this company. wtkr in norfolk says des, the company in question, packed up its offices and disappeared overnight. des denies they did anything wrong. some say they were overcharged on their cards, can't get their money back. the lesson here is really not about this company's legal troubles in general, but to be wary of any firm that says they'll help you to find a job and charges you fees right up front before you get help. i want you to be careful about it, even though i know a lot of people are looking very hard to try to find work. >> if you fly a lot, you know the frequent flyer programs have within -- i'm going to say not so hot in recent years, and that's being kind. but that is changing. according to "the new york times," airlines are doing a little better. they're tweak some of their programs. i have heard some are switching back to the get your money back carding instead of air flights. united is cuts some fees. delta is going to introduce a knew tier of benefits. >> yeah. trying to win your business, so to speak. jen, thank you. are you a woman who is breaking your mold or do you know someone who is? starting in october we're going to be profiling the most inspirational stories in our new series "breakthrough women" to nominate somebody go to, scroll down to the "break through women" box. workers heard something crying in a car, and the cops ha tot come. plus -- >> well, i've done everything else i can do. why not this. >> it owes on her bucket list. >> a woman celebrated her 90th birthday with a sky dive and she does not plan to stop there. an anonymous blogger was outed by google and now she wants $15 million. rosemary port wrote derog torrey comments. now port says that she's suing google because it did not protect her prove sichlt. that's the latest on that story. rescuers had to drill through concrete to get a 3-year-old girl's arm out of a pool drachblt her arm got stuck. you can hear her crying in the back of the 911 call. >> i couldn't hear. part of the pipe was still around her arm when she was taken to the hospital. she is okay now, thank goodness. oh, my goodness, that's a parent's nightmare. bob is here for those of you watching from the airport. we're thinking about you. how's the flight. >> so far, so good. today's going to be like yesterday. decent day to travel, a couple of trouble spots. here's what it's looking like. 30 minutes coming at you. minneapolis, same thing. thunderstorms rolling in right now. and then later today, you're looking at seattle, showers throwing you down and for the morning hours it's going to be san francisco, morning fog, about a half hour, maybe a little bit longer. that's about it. more weather in just about 20 minutes. >> okay. good. i'm glad it's going to be good day. tire shop workers called animal control when they found a goat inside a woman's trunk. the woman told them about it and they opened it up when they heard the goat crying. it was painted purple and gold. the minnesota viking colors and it had brett favre's numbers shaved into it. >> almost like a child. >> it wasn't funny. if it was a customer and they were tied up in a trunk, they wouldn't think it was oklahoma. >> the goat is okay. it was taken to a nearby farm and named brett. >> what is wrong with people? >> seriously. here is rafer with more. >> good morning, robin. this south african runner, they're outraged over this gender controversy. it would appear in south africa in her home country where she was greet like a rock star. they were dancing and caring signs like caster, first lady of sports. some held up headlines, she's a girl. if you remember, she was asked to take a vendor test. there she is. police held off supporters and fans to try to get her in. >> that's a home coming all right. plaxico burress spoke for the first time. he talked about what will be the hardest part for him about going to jail. >> the toughest thing for me is being away from my family, my son, you know. i wake up with him every morning. it's going to be an adjustment. my wife. she's pregnant. she's due on thanksgiving day. i'm having a baby girl. i won't even be there for that. >> the full interview is going to be on k"360." arm strong says funding for his live strong remains the same despite the recession when most charities are suffering. some as much as 50, 60%. it appears it is working and he did a pretty good job. check out the series of crazy jumps. this guy is out of his mind. look at this one right here. no hands, mom. 2004 x games nate adams took home the top prize. look at this his feet. >> increedable! >> this dude is awesome! >> kids, don't try that at home. >> i wonder, how do you learn these things? you know you have to fall a couple times. >> i would guess lots of mattresses and cushions, things like that. >> that's cool. some of the stories we're watching in the "morning express" planner at 10:00 eastern. a government panel will look at what consumer products should be looked at for safety problems, and marking the 46th anniversary of the reverend dr. martin luther king's "i have a dream" speech. are you clueless when it comes to deciphering medical bills? "hln" money expert clark howard checks up on an online tool to help you track health expenses. >> you know something? when i get a statement from my insurer about medical bills or i get one from a doctor or worst case from a hospital, and i try to understand what's on that bill, i try to understand what my insurance company is trying to tell me on a benefit statement that i receive, i'm clueless. and it's a hard thing, because even people in the medical field have trouble figuring out what is actually going on with the bills, a fundamental you're responsible for a lot of costs, it can be big bucks out of your pocket. so what can you do about it? well, the folks at quicken have a new online tool you can use called quicken health expense tracker, and you can use it to make sure that the bills you're receiving are in fact coded properly and you're being billed right. i like ta. i'm clark howard. for more ways for to you stay smart with your wallet, go to >> he'll teach you to save more, spend less and avoid getting ripped off. that's why you need to watch clark on the weekends. and learning a student's name. one teacher has an extra talent. quintuplets and quadruplets, each! @ ú úpp good morning! how are you? i know a lot of you are sitting down getting back to the swing of things getting up early, got kids in school, starting early. i'm robin meade. today we're looking at stunning new detail about michael jackson. the associated press reports it may be a homicide. find out details about his autopsy. also, new numbers out this morning about the swine flu that will have you concerned for sure. you may want to look into getting your family vax'sated once there's a vaccine available. and a tragedy averted at a school in california. one student showed up with a pipe bomb. top story, two months after michael jackson died we now know more about what happened in the hours leading up to his death. the l.a. county coroner ruled jackson's death a homicide. that's from the associated press quoting a single law enforcement. cnn is working on the story. the coroner's office had no comment for cnn. l.a. police say the report did not come from them. court documents show the coroner preliminarily concluded that jackson died of a propofol overdose and given three other powerful drugs before that. >> there's simply no rational basis for this combination for the treatment of insomnia with no protocol including these substances. i also draw from this, tolerant and addictive substances and maybe even withdrawal, why you tolerate doses that literally would take down an elephant. truly massive doses of medication. to give two milligrams to a man who weighs under 150, the average person, it would top them in their tracks. >> dr. conrad murray's attorney strangely disagrees with parts of the report. he says much of it is police theory. court documents show that detectives believe miscellaneous prescriptions from several doctors could have contributed to jackson's death. meanwhile, jackson's family attorney says that the report reaffirms a tragic and gross violation of duty and error for jackson. jackson's family's publicist says the family looks forward to the day justice can be served. we're getting a better idea of a laundry list of drugs apparently given to jackson before he died. richard lucy sorting through that and will have more in about ten minutes. look around you at the breakfast table this morning. the odds are that someone sitting there will get the swine flu this year. a grim prediction from a presidential advisory group says that about one-third to half the u.s. population could get the h1n1 virus this fall and winter, and it could kill as many as 90,000. more than twice of the regular flu. obviously, parents are worried. >> it's a concern. kind of a lag time. i was hoping it would be a little sooner than that. >> concerned with the kids. all the time they are together, exposed to different viruses. >> in new mexico, more than 100 students called in sick to a middle school yesterday. the state is looking into whether h1n1 is responsible. because of that, school officials are relaxing their policy for excused ab absences. the crew of space shuttle "discovery" has to wait another day for liftoff. bad weather postponed the launch until 1:00 a.m. tomorrow. delivering a new astronaut to the international space station along with science experiments and the colbert treadmill named for comedian stephen colbert. and police say a frightening incident at a california high school could have been much worse. they are holding a 17-year-old former student in san mateo saying he was wearing a vest loaded with ten pipe bombs and carrying a chainsaw and sword. teachers tackled him after he allegedly set off two of the bombs. there was little batch, no one was hurt. >> i was in the classroom, and all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off, and so we think that, oh, yeah, somebody pulled it, has, has, has, and then we see the principal and teachers coming in. >> i was just getting out of class. we thought it was a fire drill. i was walking, we were walking out to evacuate and heard two big explosions. >> police arrived soon after the suspect was tackled. they're not saying what his motive might have been. did you make it to the dealer in time to take advantage of the cash for clunkers? the program ended last night. money expert jennifer westhoven said dealers are getting a few extra hours because you are talking major paperwork for them. >> oh, yeah. the program closed out for you but dealers have today to finish up the forms. a lot of paperwork, you can imagine, for every deal. >> they couldn't read maybe a one looked like a seven or -- just any little -- there was 136 pages of rules. >> sounds like one of those real pains in the neck, making you use a black pen and use this and -- dealers also say, look, they want to get paid a lot faster. the agreement that the plan works. car sales, 600,000 cars sold in a month after the program and to some extent, it boosted confidence, too, an argument. but now what? i mean, you've got to think that most of the people who got a new car took advantage -- not a lot of people out now. we'll see what happens the next few moss. >> maybe the people who didn't qualify because one mile over the limit, hopefully dealers, they'll come in for new cars. thank you, whoever printed that behind me. scare me on the air. the obama administration launched a criminal investigation into the cia's requesting a terrorist suspect. this after terror tactics, the former director wasn't happy about this saying prosecutors already refuted these allegations and didn't charge anyone. the white house says it won't be involved in the investigation, and attorney general eric holder will make prosecution decisions. a grandmother was not too happy when a news crew started asking about her investigation into underage dancing as a strip club. watch. >> don't put that -- get out [ bleep ] right now! get! [ bleep ] -- get out! >> oh, my gosh, she's wicked! the woman chased off the camera crew with a garden hoe. she got upset when asked whether her 15-year-old granddaughter was working at the strip club. it is said she and another were working at the club for months. the second time i saw that tape. the first time i realized that she actually -- >> that was a home run swing. she stepped into and followed through. that was -- just a scary, you off the porch. that was an actual take your head off shot. you know? >> good morning. >> what's up, robin? >> the time of year, we've got to watch every little move in the tropics. here's bob. >> indeed. peak season hurricane season, september 10th. 2 1/2 weeks away. everything we see developing around, caribbean, western atlantic, to the coast of africa, keeping close tabs on it. this is pretty close to land, watching a tropical wave. a 50/50 shot of turning into a tropical depression. keeping our eyes on it. right now a massive thunderstorm with no low-level circulation. good news there. as for the rest kuchbt, high pressure dominating the east coast down to the gulf. the west side of that high, look at the showers and thunderstorms developing around minneapolis and stretching down towards nebraska for the morning. minneapolis, rain, stretching in towards wisconsin too. down south, filling in central i wye towards nebraska, south dakota as well. active for the morning. more activity developing by later this afternoon, i think. florida, didn't get the space shuttle up. the reason, thundershowers off the coast. most of the action is offshore. get towards port saint lucie, thunderstorms are working inward. cape canaveral is there, could see more thunderstorms there today, filling in towards orlando and over to tampa as well. as for the carolinas, most of it is offshore. the next couple of hours. more on that, robin, in about a half hour. >> i like that you can tell exactly what's going to happen. >> got it right. finding more about the hour right before michael jackson died. you will not believe how many drugs were apparently in his system. the reality show contestant believed to have killed a swimsuit model apparently was checking into his final destination. what police are saying about her. putting troops together, from a lus to his wife julie home after being deployed to iraq and he says, the whole family is happy to have her home especially the kids. >> hi, robin. my name is tony. i'd like to send a salute out to my wife, julie. she returned home from a 14-month tour in iraq this spring. time away was hard on her as well as the kids, and her amazing strength, and her family and everybody's pulled together. done their fair share. we're happy to have her back, and the kids will be glad to have her on their sidelines cheering them on this year. thank you, robin. we love you, honey. >> i think that we love you, honey, is for his wife. if you have somebody in the service and want to the salute them what a sweet one that was, go to more details on our top story. michael jackson's doctor gave an account what he says happened in the hours before jackson died, and according to police documents, dr. conrad murray says he gave jackson four different drugs. correspondent richard lui lays out the surprising details. i mean, your mouth kind of goes open. >> 18 of a 32-page warrant and affidavit. all the details here. what they lay out for us. 1:30 in the morning, according to what murray told an officer in this warrant, he says he gave jackson 10 milligrams of valium via i.v. a half hour later injected two milligrams of anti-anxiety drug ativan. then, 3:00 a.m., 2 milligram of versed, and at 5:00, ativan and 7:30 a.m., versed. >> said he wasn't sleeping and demanding, asking for propofol. dr. murray said he gave jackson 25 milligrams of you powerful anesthetic usually used inned operating room. listen to this. >> has to be more than that. 25 milligrams on top of the valium, the ativan and the other -- versed and addicted to narcotics which could have accumulated in the system. that could tip him over. 25 milligrams wears off with two minutes or so. >> robin, ten minutes after giving jackson that propofol we were discussing, murray says he went to the restroom and when he came back two minutes later, jackson was not breathing. murray's attorney denied the accuracy of the timeline given in this warrant. of course, it's all preliminary details. >> interesting that the anesthesiologist saying 25 milligrams wears off if two minutes. >> right. and said you'd have to continue to apply more of that drug. propofol, the one that keeps the patient under anesthesia. >> the question for me is, so did he suffer cardiac arrest with those two minutes? richard, amazing. thank you. so ben ber nananke may be staying on to finish the job. the future of the fed chief. that was not a fun job. >> no. not this time around. probably an easy choice at this point for the president, considering, you know, how far we've kun from when the economy was on the brichk of what could have been financial collapse. there has been a lot of talk, though, would ben bernanke be renamed, renormanated as chairman of the federal reserve? the second most powerful job in the world. a senior administration official is telling our network, cnn, president obama will nominate, renominate from in his vacation at martha's vineyard. the senate will have to confirm him. senators will do what they do, argue a long time. likely, he would be renominated and the fed's chief job to watch over the entire u.s. economy, including the soundness of banks, interest rates and credit. all right. your home. you're wondering how much is my home worth lately? going up, going down? are we ever going to see a recovery here? first the new list of some of the most affordable places to live. looking to move or maybe proud of where you live, great. indianapolis, youngstown, ohio, all the top five are big western towns there. no surprise on the least affordable. san francisco, honolulu, l.a. and california's in less than two hours an important gauge of the housing market. the indhaex will tell us more about how housing prices are doing. analysts say it's going up a little compared to last month but we're still way down from a year ago. got a long way to go when it comes to housing. what's happening this morning? people thinking, hey, i'm getting on a plane. what do they need to know? >> vacationland, especially across new england. it's going to be gorgeous. let me show you tape rolling about 15 minutes ago. hampton beemp, new hampshire. how pritsy that? still a slight risk of a rip current out there. be careful if you're headed throughout this morning. otherwise what it looks like on the flight explorer, rain showers out across southern parts of florida. orlando, planes coming out no problem. tampa, no problem now. showers and thunderstorms headed your way later today. that in mind, everybody should see a delay less than an hour orlando, tampa, minneapolis, rain overhead. no delays yet, that's a possibility. seattle, morning showers. san francisco, morning fog. 30 minutes, to one hour delay. nba star reportedly checked into a rehab facility. here's ray with that story. >> yeah, bobby. appears to be a story of a guy who has it all. has everything, money, fame, yet he is still finding life to be a struggle. talking about miami's michael beasley reportedly trying to turn his life around. how his twitter page may have landed him in the hospital. the nba star has reportedly checked into a rehab facility and a twitter page may help explain why. we have more on the story. >> good morning, robin. the twitter page show as troubled individual, which we latch on to it because, the guy has everything. he's a millionaire, he has fame. just a budding superstar in the nba. talking about miami heat star michael beasley. numerous reports say he checked into a houston area rehab facility for psychological issues. the "miami herald" says, being treat ford drug use. it all started after a picture was posted on the twitter page. it's no longer there. on the table next to him a plastic baggy. unclear what was in the baggy, but he also pleaded, feeling like it's not worth livin'. i'm done. i feel like the whole world is against me. the whole account shut down. >> i'm so glad that he apparently got help. >> exactly. that's the truth. michael vick has upset the man that worked the hardest to bring back the nfl. photographed allegedly drinking a cocktail, his drink. his mentor, tony dungy told, you can't do that. in an e-mail to the "philadelphia inquirer" vick didn't violate probation. he's not fully reinstated by the nfl. these circumstance, not a good idea for him to be out drinking. if he indeed was. behave like a monk until everything is over. and five years in prison for violating probation. the "st. louis post dispatch" says that woman, crystal taylor, admit shed failed to check in with her probation officer. arrested twice in texas. she says that she planned to marry dirk and is seeking custody of their unborn child. last week fans in wisconsin showing displeasure. we'll never forget you brent, t-shirts over brett favre leaving to play for their biggest rival, the minnesota vikings, and benedict brent t-shirts can be sold. a typo. they know how to spell. >> that is so funny. i love it. all right. you may have a lot of things on your to-do list but you may not be getting as much stuff done as you think. a multitasker. new scams out there and it could take all of your money. some grim perspectives about the swine flu. president obama was told more than one-third to one-half of americans could come down with it this winter. experts warned the virus could kill up to 90,000 people, more than twice as much as the regular seasonal flu. a 17-year-old is under arrest after he allegedly walked to his old high school wearing a vest loaded with ten pipe bombs. police in san mateo, california, say he was also carrying a chain saw and sword. he alongedly set off two of the bombs. no one was hurt. and more than 100,000 people avoid foreclosure in the second quarter but the number of citigroup's dlink went borrowers soared over 5%. citigroup is the first from the loan modification flam started in april. a perfect liftoff. the first rocket failed to put a satellite into orbit. the country's science minister said the satellite exceeded its planned orbit. south korea launched rockets up to now. how are you doing? wanted to check in with you. i see thru. i'm robin meade. breaking news today. the u.s. military is telling cnn that four american service members have been killed in southern afghanistan today after a roadside bomb went off. we'll get you more details. michael jackson overdosed on the powerful anesthetic propofol. that's according to preliminary findings by the l.a. coroner, and the associated press is quoting a single law enforcement official who said the coroner ruled jackson's death a homicide. cnn is still working the story. correspondent richard lui, exactly what would homicide be? when i say homicide i think most people say, murder? >> right. the first thing that comes to mind, robin. legally it means the kills of one person by another, therefore excluding death by natural causes or suicide in this case pap wide variety of charges fall under homicide, first-degree murder, neglect homicide. jeffrey toobin told our sister network cnn he doubts this could lead to a murder charge. >> some version of manslaughter, an unintentional killing but you could still go to prison several years. keep if mind, these sorts of medical examination, it's rare they give way to criminal charges. malpractice, yes, losing your medical license, yes. in actual criminal cases resulting in jail, very few. >> manslaughter meaning homicide without malice here, robin, oh premeditation. >> the question now, who authorities might be targeting in this alleged homicide case. >> right. >> you would think -- well, your mind automatically goes to the people around him. >> who were the people involved? we don't know the specifics yet but we have that information from the preliminary warrant and affidavit and according to that there were bottles of drugs used to treat insomnia sitting by jackson's bed at the time of his death including drugs described by jackson's physician, also zaniflex prescribed by his dermatologist, and conrad murray wasn't the only one to prescribe propofol in the past and he was actually trying to wean jackson from it. a lot of details that are still out there. >> richard, thank you so much. in the face we are about to show you will soon be famous or infamo infamous. the fbi plans to put pictures of this guy on billboards throughout the south. a suspect in at least ten bank robberies in eight southern states. several robberies have happened in just the last few months. he hasn't even tried to hide his face from the bank cameras. we're getting our first look at the weekend's frantic rescue off the coast of maine pup may remember, a huge wave from hurricane bill plucked 20 people into the ocean. right here you can see the coast guard trying to pull them from the water. they were unable to save a 7-year-old girl. witnesses say that people were watching waves, and it quickly became dangerous. >> it was -- it was fun in the beginning when the wave height was smaller and nobody was getting hurt, but then when the waves got bigger and people didn't understand how serious it was, it got really -- it got really scary. >> park rangers say they warned people not to get too close to the waves. you've heard of pickpocketing. what about putpocketing? when someone puts cash into the pockets of unsuspecting people. a british company loves it and it handing oefb herb $150,000 in cash. the man spearheaded the campaign explaining the reasoning behind putpocketing. >> it's actually some sense to this, because the public is very suspicious when it comes to here's 20 pounds, i'm guessing they wouldn't. >> a team of people that do this. some are ex-cons and others are magicians. pretty good with the sleight of hand. you know what? i get the one putpocketer trying to cop a feel, my luck. >> you don't care for it. i don't either. some kind of, you know, about somebody sticking his hand in my pocket. you know, like? >> yeah. i'm with you on that. >> what's up, rob jn show you what's going on. the most active spot of the nation, central plains. look at line of thunderstorms. a cold front coming through wisconsin, through minnesota. down towards nebraska and colorado, too. towards minneapolis, the radar picture. active the last couple of hourmost of the rain lining up down south. and up towards the west all drifting eastward. we're going to get heave rain, not severe. looking at heavy rain and occasional lightning flashes as well. iowa, okay so far. northern iowa getting the action. filling in later this afternoon with more rain coming in. decent rain across lower nebraska and south dakota. on the east coast, more rain across central florida. we scrubbed that space shuttle mission, supposed to lift off early this morning. because of the rain off cape canaveral. gulf coast, more showers coming through filling in later this afternoon. typical summer-type day in florida. watch for showers right around places like orlando stretching all the way in to tampa by this afternoon. carolina coastline, most of you are dry. in your area, about there, notice the rain just offshore. that's going to build back in later today. myrtle beach, all the way down towards charleston probably going to get pop-up thundershowers this afternoon if the energy is still in place with the frontal boundary out there. west coast looking decent. towards new mexico, heavy rain out of the south. two inches of rain possible in western sections of new mexico. flash flood watch is out there in the areas shaded in green. dallas, immediately towards the east, 9 8, the high today. how nice is that? union tower. pretty nice. going to be dry. showers and thunderstorms develop by tomorrow afternoon. there you go. it's going to be hot, though. 98, the high. >> that's beautiful. >> right now, the coolest part of the day. enjoy it. if you have to run, definitely do it now. >> thank you. everything has a price, and the price of spending eternity next to marilyn monroe, $4.6 million, the ebay auction for the crypt above marilyn monroe's wrapped up yesterday afternoon. more than $4 million above the opening bid. selling the crypt of her late husband hoping to make enough money to pay off her $1.6 million mortgage. all right. one woman says insomnia may have saved another person's life. >> i couldn't sleep. so i just got on and started playing cards. >> how an online card game helped save an elderly woman. well, a woman in oklahoma hedged save the life of a woman in another state online because of a card game they were playing. she was playing canasta when the woman she was playing with started asking for help. turns out her online card partner had her legs crushed after her chimney collapsed on her. >> she said, hurry, hurry, hurry. well, i told her i would call the police department first and then they got in touch with nebraska, finally got the correct address. i talked to them, be calm, they're on their way, on their way. >> medics say the woman would have died of blood loss had nobody called 911. okay. the signs of your dining partner may affect how much you eat. at the size. people tent to eat food portions as the one they're eating with. the most dangerous to eat with may not be the overweight. the thin people are the big eaters. you look at them and go, look at all they're eating? the study looked at 210 college students. the thin people, you get to eat and eat and eat. >> okay. people? i have trouble keeping weight on. you just want to go -- yeah. large plate over here, please i. love taco bell. eat there every day. >> if i even touch some of the stuff, sodium for a week. >> some people desperate, for a company supposed to help them find a job took all of their money. don't you fall for the same scam. money expert jennifer west shoev hovan will help you with that. >> we'll talk about this story specifically but it's really not about what happened there. we want toful you the story because if it happens anywhere i want you to be really careful. virginia, the state of virginia is suing this small company after hundreds ever people claimed they were cheated. paid hundreds of dollars for help finding a job, got little or no help. >> i wish that they would do something and i really hope i can get justice for what they did to me. >> not only did some of the people say they got little or no help, others said they had all kinds of unauthorized transactions on their card. norfolk says the def basically disappeared overnight. packed up offices and left a little note on the door with a phone number. now, they deny it did anything wrong but the real lesson, it's not about this company specifically. it's that you should be careful and be very wary about any firm that says they're going to help you find a job but charges you fees up front before you see evidence they're really able to help you at all. you know that the frequent flier program -- not so great in recent years. that's being nice. because, really, they've been stinking. but the "new york times" says that's changing. airlines are pumping up their frequent flier programs to try and keep customers loyal. better benefits for you, good news in a bad economy. american airlines has a new one-way award you can book after just 12,500 miles. united is cutting fees and next year delta will have new benefits. let's hope they're helpful. in some cases you think you're getting a free flight and they charge you almost $100 to book the flight. >> check in your bags? forget it. >> yeah. at that point, getting closer to -- >> thanks. >> now trying to win your loyalty. are awe woman who is breaking the mold? maybe you know a woman who is. "morning express with robin meade" is looking for strong women who have overcome big challenges to make a difference in their lives, and in the lives of others. so starting in october, i'm going to be profiling the most inspirational stories in our new series called "breakthrough women." nominate somebody, go to and go to the breakthrough women box. workers heard something crying in the trunk of a car. plus -- >> well, i've done -- done everything else i could do. why not this? >> it's on her bucket list a. woman celebrated her 90th birthday with a skydive and does not plan to stop there. breaking news. the u.s. military is telling us four american service members were killed in southern afghanistan today. a roadside bomb weekend off. working on the story trying to get you more details. as soon as we get them. more than 30 american members of the military have died in afghanistan already this month. and an anonymous blogger now wants $50 million. rosemary had written a derogatory comment in her blog about a new york model. the blog was on a google-owned site. the model went to court and the judge ordered google to hand over identity. she is suing google because it did not protect her privacy. oh. hard to be critical when they know who you are. isn't it? easier to be a tough guy in secret. >> the person talked about kind of got a little -- the person who did the talking, why were you being anonymous? take it, bob. >> what's going on? tell you what's happening now. one delay. minneapolis-st. paul, msp. ground stop, until quarter to 9:00 eastern time because of the thunderstorms. otherwise, orlando, you'll see die lays pop up shortly. showers coming in mainly in the afternoon. minneapolis, already had your delay. then out towards the west coast, seattle, morning rain showers. watch for about a half hour delay and san francisco, morning fog. again, less than an hour. yesterday, i didn't see one. hopefully that's the same for you today. i think a short one. 340r on that, robin, in about a half hour. a champion runner at the center of a gender controversy has quite a homecoming. we have more on that from ray. >> yeah. south african runner caster semenya rallying around her back home. she was greeted like a rock star in her native south africa. hundreds of fans turned out not only to meet her but the entire south african people in johannesburg, dancing carrying signs that said, caster, first lady in sports. the head line. asked to take a gender test before winning the race. look how police had to keep fans away from her. former nfl player plaxico burress spoke for the first time since sentenced to prison for carrying a gun into a night club. he talk about would be the hardest part about going to jail. >> i will be away from my family, my son, and -- i wake up with him every morning. it's going to be an adjustment. and going to be away from my wife. she's pregnant. she's due on thanksgiving day. i'm having a baby girl, i won't even be there for her. >> the full interview can be seen tonight at 7:00 eastern on cnn. a pitcher killed by an alleged drunk driver will see his name live on. because of the efforts of his mom, 150 people turned it out including his mom. the man accused of killing him goes on trial in november. let's leave you with wacky video. this is from the red bull championships. 2004 gold medalist, look, mom, no hands! medalist. nate adams. that is -- i'm sorry, but it seems like these guys get better and better as time goes on. look, on his feet. and without even touching the hand -- i'm just speechless. just look at it. that's unbelievable. >> and how do you learn it? do you do it on a bungee jump or something? >> a toy bike with some mattresses? >> yeah, how does that work? interesting. thank you. if you feel clueless when it comes to understanding your medical bills, don't feel bad. hln money expert clark howard checks on a new online tool that can help you track your health expenses. >> you know something? when i get a statement from my insurer about medical bills or i get one from a doctor or in the worst case, from a hospital, and i try to understand what's on that bill, i try to understand what my insurance company is trying to tell me on a benefits statement that i receive, i'm clueless. and it's a hard thing, because even people in the medical field have trouble figuring out what is actually going on with the bills. and if you're responsible for a lot of the cost, it can be big bucks out of your pocket. so what can you do about it? well, the folks at quicken have a new online tool that you can use, and you can use it to make sure that the bills you are receiving are, in fact, coded properly, and you're being billed right. i like that. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to be smart with your wallet, go to >> well, clark will teach to you save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped off. catch him at noon eastern on saturdays and sundays right here on hln. it takes teachers a few days to learn their students' names. one teacher has to tell quintuplets and quadruplets apart. hey! how are you? it is 8:00, straight-up. i'm robin meade, and we are so glad to have you today. let's jump right into the news stories. >> there is simply no rational basis for this combination for the treatment of insomnia, no protocol on earth that would include these substances. >> that is doctor drew pin ski that said michael jackson had enough drugs in his system to take down an elephant. now the "associated press" reports that jackson's death may be a homicide. what can mean for one of the doctors who treated the late singer. also ahead, alarming numbers out this morning about the swine flu that will surely have you concerned. how long you would have to wait for your family to be vaccinated. and -- >> i think he's an angel. and i think that, you know, he's going to -- he's giving me the gift of life. >> one taxi driver does a lot more than collect fares. he did something for one of his passengers to give her a new lease on life. really great story. first, though, our top story. after two months after michael jackson died, we now know more about what happened in the hours leading up to his death. the l.a. county coroner ruled jackson's death a homicide. now, that's from the "associated press" quoting a single law enforcement official. cnn is working on the story. the coroner's office has no comment for cnn, but l.a. police say the report did not come from them. court documents show that the coroner preliminarily concluded that jackson died of a propofol overdose, and he was given three other powerful drugs before that! >> there is simply no rational basis for this combination for the treatment of insomnia, no protocol on earth that would include these substances. however, what i also drew from this is he was potentially tolerant and addicted to these substances and potentially in withdrawal that could truly take down an elephant. to give two milligrams of ativan to a man that weighs 150 pounds, the average person, that would put them to sleep for the rest of the day, no problem. it would stop them in their tracks. >> well, doctor conrad murray's attorney strongly disagrees with parts of that report. he says much it is police theory. court documents show that detectives believe miscellaneous prescriptions from several doctors could have contributed to jackson's death. meanwhile, a jackson family attorney says the report reaffirms a tragic and gross violation of duty and care for jackson. jackson's family public listist says they look forward to the day that justice can be served. of. you know what? we're getting a better idea about the laundry list of drugs given to jackson hours before he died. and correspondent richard lui is sorting through that, and has more for you in ten minutes. unbelievable. police say a frightening incident at a california high school could have been much worse. they are holding a 17-year-old former student in san mateo. they say he was wearing a vest loaded with ten pipe bombs and carrying a chain saw and a sword. teachers tackled him after he allegedly set off two of the bombs. there was little damage, and no one was hurt. >> i was in the classroom, and all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off. ask so we think that, oh, yeah, somebody just pulled a ha-ha-ha. and all of a sudden we see all of our teachers and everything and the principal coming and rushing in. >> i was just getting out of class, because we thought it was a fire drill. and we're walking out to evacuate and heard two big explosions. >> well, police arrived soon after the suspect was tackled. of they're not saying what his motive might have been. i want you to take a look around the breakfast table this morning. the odds are that someone sitting there will get the swine flu this year. a grim prediction from a presidential advisory group says that about 1/3 to half the u.s. population could get the h1n1 virus this fall and winter. and that it could kill as many as 90,000, more than twice the total of seasonal flu. obviously, parents are worried. >> now i'm kind of concerned. it's kind of a lag time. i was hoping it would be a little bit sooner than that. >> we are concerned with the kids. all of the time they are together, they are exposed to different viruses. >> well, in until, for example, more than 100 students called in sick at a middle school yesterday. the state is looking into weather the swine flu virus is responsible in some of those cases. now, because of that, school officials are relaxing their policy for excused absences. there is breaking news this morning. the u.s. military is telling us that four american service members have been killed in southern afghanistan today after a roadside bomb went off. the group was on patrol in one of the most violent areas in the country. more details as they slowly come in this morning. did you make it to the dealer in time to take advantage of cash for clunkers? the program ended officially last night. money expert jennifer westhoven has learned that the dealers are getting a few extra hours, because honey, you're talking major paperwork. more than hours, i've got to tell you. >> maybe. and they're saying it's not just like the many forms, but they say the government is getting all crazy about, you know, dotting your is, crossing your ts. the program, closed out for you as a buyer last night, but the dealers get a little more time to try and finish all that paperwork. >> from day one, they would deny things, because they couldn't read maybe a 1 looked like a 7 or, you know, just any little -- there was 136 pages of rules. >> and as you can imagine, dealers are saying, hey, we're sending all this stuff, where is our money? they're upset they're not getting paid quickly enough. i always feel that way about the tax refund, too. but there is widespread agreement about this plan that it worked, that it boosted car sales, more than 600,000 cars in a month. ford and gm had to boost reduction, and a lot of people argue this plan boosted confidence, too. that was part of the main reason for it. there is some fear, though, about what's next that anybody who needed a car sped up their purchase, so there may not be much demand left for a little while. robin. >> yeah, that would seem to be logical, unless you're the person who had like 19 miles to the gallon instead of 18 miles to the gallon and you didn't qualify. the obama administration launched a criminal investigation into the ci a's question of terror suspects. this comes after a cia report describing tactics. michael hayden was not happy about this. he says prosecutors already reviewed abuse allegations and didn't charge anyone. the white house says it won't be involved in the investigation, and attorney general eric holder will make the prosecution decisions. what are the odds? a woman's taxi driver offered her his kidney. and they are a perfect match. her son was about to be tested, but it was a man who drive drove her to her dialysis appointments that matched. >> at night when i went home, i was in the shower and the good lord spoke to me and said thomas, you give her a kidney. >> next week, we did the cross match where they look at different markers on our blood, and they told him that if we were any closer in match, we would be siblings! >> well, the driver's company says it will pay his wages while he recovers. what a great story! >> amazing. i love that guy. >> i do, too. >> what a guy. >> seven minutes after the hour. all right. let's talk weather today. okay. tuesday. what tongdo you think? >> a great day shaping up northeast to the southeast until you get around georgia coast through florida. showers and thunderstorms bubbling up south of the front. but if you're on the west side of the front in atlanta through charlotte, ought to be dry for the most part. live to atlanta, here's what is looks like. warming up more today. 88 degrees. and i think we could see a couple pop-up storms in the north georgia mountains and the north carolina mountains, too. but that's about it. looks like a good day to travel if you're headed this way. not so good day to travel. let me take you to the upper midwest and plains. the cold front dropping down through minneapolis, a steady train of rain this morning right through minneapolis itself, you can see in the heart of you guys getting big showers coming in with the occasional flash of lightning, too. it's not severe. it's more of a heavy rain morning for you, and you'll see this redevelop later. farther south toward the des moines area, right now you guys are dry, sunshine, and you know what happens, thundershowers for the afternoon. you'll find them in nebraska toward second quarter south carolina and decent rain for south florida. miami, showers and thunderstorms, all afternoon long off and on. same with fort lauderdale toward west palm. supposed to launch the space shuttle overnight tonight. showers in the forecast, though. more in a half hour. >> thank you. we have our salute to the troops right here. today is from a husband to his wife julie. she is home now after being deployed to iraq. now he says the whole family is happy, especially the kids. >> hi, robin. my name is cody. i would like to send a salute out to my wife, julie. she returned home from a 14-month tour in iraq this spring. time away was hard on her, as well as the kids. but there is amazing strength in her family and everybody has pulled together and done their fair share. so we're happy to have her back and the kids will be glad to have her, cheering them on this year. thank you, robin. we love you, honey. >> i'm so glad that mom will be able to cheer for her kids in the sidelines. we will salute your troop, we are finding out more about the hours before michael jackson died. you will not believe how many drugs were apparently in his system. more details on a top story right now of michael jackson's personal doctor gave an account of what he says happened in the hours right before michael jackson died. and according to police documents, doctor conrad murray says that he gave jackson four different drugs! correspond richard lui lays out the time line. weaver talking intravenously, aren't we? >> that's right u robin. 32-police affidavit lays it out and page 18 gives details of what they're saying doctor murray told detectives. first of all, around 1:30 in the morning, he says he gave jackson ten milligrams of valium, the i.v., and half hour later, the anti-anxiety drug ativan, and at 3:00 a.m., two milligrams of the set aactive versed, and monitored his blood oxygen level throughout all of the injections. >> and despite all of that medicine, doctor murray is saying that michael jackson was still awake, and he was demanding more drugs! >> that's correct. he wanted more. the warrant says that jackson and requested a stronger drug on top of the others, propofol. now, doctor murray says he gave jackson 25 milligrams of the powerful anesthetic around 10:40 that morning. that was nine hours since the beginning of his time line that we have been telling you. one anesthesiologist gives perspective to our sister network, cnn, on these injections. >> you know, 25 milligrams on top of the valium, the ativan and the other versed, and supposedly he was also addicted to narcotics, which could have accumulated in his system. that could tip him over. but 25 milligrams usually wears off within two minutes or so. of. >> well, robin, ten minutes after giving jackson the propofol, murray says he went to the rest room. and when he came back two minutes later, jackson was not breathing. murray's attorney denies the accuracy of this time line given in the warrant so far, robin. >> it's incredible when you look at the different number of drugs. richard, thank you so much. the hunters could soon become the hunted in a couple of states. many people are lining up to get a license to hunt wolves. that story is new for you in about 20 minutes. ben bernanke has been at the center to end the recession, and now he may be staying on to finish that job. our money expert, jennifer westhoven has more on the future of the fed chief. i don't know about you, but you couldn't pay me enough to do that job. >> this is some job, the second most powerful job in the world, the federal reserve, being trusted with the entire u.s. economy. and some people saying he might not bed asked to stay for a second term. keep in mind this is someone who was a depression era scholar who got thrown in the crux of this whole financial crisis and said i'm going to do my best. cnn is told that later this morning, president obama will renominate bernanke from his vacation in martha's vineyard, coming up in about 45 minutes. the senate would then have to confirm him for a second four-year term. you can expect a lot of argument, debate, as the senate autos does. but some of the experts are saying they expect a confirmation, considering although the economy is by no means healed, we have come a long way from when we were on edge there in september and october. okay. ikea, you have a desk or glasses for cheap and have some of those swedish meatballs where in beijing, thousands of chinese are flocking to the stores, and not necessarily buying anything. they're just hanging out. entire families reportedly. they come, they eat the meatballs, bounce around on the couches. >> they even sleep, apparently. >> yeah n the beds, and one of the only places where security guards let them take pictures of each other, checking stuff out and hanging out in the cafete a cafeteria. they call it ujia, instead of ikea, and for a lot of families the only way they can take advantage of air conditioning. >> i guess there is some concern, because they're there all day. you can't boot people. interesting. new details in the case of the reality show contestant believed to have killed a swimsuit model. a mystery woman apparently helped him check into his final destination. what police are now saying about her! we have new information on the murder of model jasmine fiori and her husband, the prime suspect. canadian police now say they know the identity of the woman seen with the v h1 reality tv contestant ryan jenkins two days before he was found hanged in a motel room. motel workers say she checked in and left. police have not publicly identified her yet. cnn has not confirmed early reports that jenkins and fiori's marriage was annulled. court records show in 2007 he got 15 months probation for saul. remember, he is on vh-1's megan wants a millionaire. the production company says they didn't know about his record when they cast him. here is the woman who did the casting. >> ryan was ideal contestant for these shows, you a big personality, you want loud, you want someone that's entertaining and that is going to cause conflict in the house. >> well, jenkins mother doesn't believe he killed fiori. she says his name will eventually be cleared. a young nba star has reportedly checked into a rehab facility and his twitter page might shed some light on why. here is rafer. good morning. >> as you said, it's good that this guy is at least getting some help. and it's interesting that somebody with all of this fame and all of this money still can suffer regular problems like the rest of us. we're talking about miami heat star michael beasley. reportedly he checked into the rehab facility we're talking about in houston, for, quote, psychological issues. now, the "miami herald" also says he is being treated for drug use, and this all started after a picture was posted on his twitter page showing a tattoo and on the table next to him was a plastic baggy. that page has been taken down. and he also tweeted, feeling like it's not worth living, i'm done. i feel like the whole world is against me. not clear when he'll get out. michael vick is upset, the man who worked the hardest to bring him back to football. after allegedly having a cocktail in a bar, his mentor tony dungy said, michael, you can't do that. vick has not been fully reinstateded yet by the nfl. under these circumstances probably not a good idea for him to be out drinking. even if dungy is not pleased, you know the eagles aren't pleased. dirk novitzke's ex-girlfriend was supposed to five years in prison for violating probation. she is in custody carrying his unborn child. novitzke is seeking full custody. taylor was arrested twice in texas and was on probation for a forgery and theft case in missouri. all right. fans in wisconsin are showing their displeasure over brett leaving. we'll never forget you, brent t-shirts. they know how to spell his name. then there is the benedict brent t-shirts. >> traitors is what they're calling him. but no all of them. >> a couple walked in and said, hey, you shouldn't have those t-shirts up. oh, come on, they're funny. >> a warning if you're in the job market. there is a new scam that could take all of your money. ♪ ♪ your hands are mine to hold the l.a. county coroner ruled michael jackson's death a homicide. at least that's from the "associated press" quoting a single law enforcement official. cnn is working on the story. the coroner's office has no comment, however. l.a. police say the report did not come from them. court documents show that the coroner preliminary concluded that jackson died of a propofol overdose. some grim projections about the h1n1 virus. experts tell president obama that a third to half of americans could come down with it this fall and winter. now, a vaccine is expected in mid october, but the experts warn the virus could kill up to 90,000 people, more than twice as many as the seasonal flu. citigroup helped more than 100,000 people avoid foreclosure in the second quarter. with the number of citigroup's delinquent borrowers soared 5%, they're the first to include results from president obama's loan modification program, which starred in april. it was a perfect liftoff, but south korea's first rocket failed to put a satellite into orbit. the country's prime minister says the satellite exceeded its planned orbit.' south korea has used foreign-built rockets to launch satellites up until now. those are some of the headlines. you're stretching, ready for tuesday. i'm robin meade. welcome, morning sunshine. more on our top story. michael jackson's family said they have confidence in the legal process. that follows an ap report quoting a single law enforcement source no who says that his death has been ruled a homicide. correspondent richard lui, when you say homicide, i think most people think murder. >> yeah, right, robin. legally, it means the killing, though, of one person by another. excluding her by natural causes or by suicide. a wide variety of charges fall under homicide from first degree murder to negligent homicide. senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin told our sister network cnn he doubts it could lead, though, to a murder charge. >> it would be some version of manslaughter, an unintentionally killing, but you can still go to prison for several years. keep in mind, though, that these sort of medical situations, it's very rare they give rise to criminal charges. malpractice suits, yes. losing your medical license, yes. but in actual criminal case resulting in a jail sentence, very unusual. >> more on what jeffrey toobin was saying there. manslaughter means homicide without malice, robin, or premeditation. >> okay. so the question now, who authorities might be targeting in the alleged homicide case. >> right, right. and there are so many details and players in this. we don't know the specifics as of yet, because this is preliminary, as we have been saying. but according to this preliminary warrant and affidavit, there were bottles of drugs used to treat insomnia sitting by jackson's bed at the time of his death including clonopin and dsryl and also zanaflex prescribed by doctor arnold klein. and doctor murray says he's not the only one to prescribe to jackson propofol and he was trying to wagon wean jackson from that, robin. so a lot of players so far. >> richard, thank you so much. incredible. the face we're about to show you will soon be famous or at least infamous. the fbi is going to put pictures of this guy on bill boards throughout the south. he is a suspect in ten bank res in eight southern states. an fbi agent told our sister network, cnn, he is concerned about how brash the guy has been. >> this guy has made no effort to hide the gun. he has threatened the use of it in every bank robbery that he has committed. he has put the gun in the faces of tellers, threatened to use gun against them, and threatened violence against the bank themselves. so certainly, we need to get this guy in custody before he does harm someone. >> well, a billboard that the fbi put up yesterday roughly follows the path that the robber has taken across the south. we now have pictures of two buffalo, new york firefighters killed on the job. the fire commissioner says that the floor collapsed as lieutenant chip mccarthy was searching this burning building. firefighter jonathan crume went after him and fell through the floor, as well. it took colleagues hours to recover their bodies. >> this is a very, very lengthy operation to reach them. and when they were, they were -- they were placed in stokes baskets, and they were draped with american flag and brought out and probably about three or four hundred firefighters paid respects to them. >> the cause of that fire is still under investigation. those pictures are so moving. people are lining up for e chance to hunt wolves in idaho. of it will be legal next week there for the first time in decades. gray wolves were just taken off the endangered species list. 13 environmental groups have filed suit to stop the hunt, saying the wolves are still at risk, but hunters say that they're a danger to livestock and other wildlife. >> over the last seven to ten years, i've seen the elk and deer heard depleting at a rapid rate of speed. >> we filed our litigation last thursday, a motion for injunction which we did last year, and we were successful last year, so we're hoping, given this is the same plan that we're fighting against, that we'll also be successful this year. >> well, a judge agreed to hold a hearing next monday about the wolf hunts. he has ruled in favor of the environmentist once before. a champion runner at the center of a gender controversy. in other words, is this person a boy or a girl. had quite a homecoming. here is rafer on that. did we ever get the results of those so-called gender tests? >> no, those take a long time, rob i think, a couple weeks. that's how extensive the gender test has been. but caster semenya take exception to it. they greeted her like a rock star when she came back to her native south africa. thousands turned out to greet her and the entire joe han he is berg carrying signs like she is a girl, and police had to hold fans back as they walked her through the crowds. she was asked to take a gender test before she won the 800 meters in the world championships in berlin. it's a very extensive test, robin, even includes a psychologist. we'll have more sforts later on. >> well, thank you. i don't know what would be worse, to be the person whose asked, are you a boy or a girl, and you be offended or the person who has to bring it up. and bring it up to you, and test you for that. wow. >> tough situation. >> yeah. interesting, anyway. of bobby! weather-wise, what's going on? >> a couple things i'm concerned with right now. number one, a cold front extra stretches across the upper midwest and plains. you can see right there, pretty active this morning, lots of clouds. you can see satellite picture. also put the rain over the top of it. so we have had some thunderstorms training off and on, right through the heart of minneapolis. so that's been there for the morning. but then you look out across the east coast, things are drying out. farther out toward the western atlantic, though, let me show you what's brewing in the tropics. this is something we're concerned about, could be our next tropical depression by this afternoon or tomorrow. right now, it's a tropical wave, and you can see the proximity towards the u.s., all the models we have, four or five, drifting toward the carolinas, and then bended northward. so almost like a bill-type scenario. but right now a tropical wave could become a tropical depression. many after that, a storm to hurricane. let's hope this doesn't turn into anything, just a decent rain-maker for areas that need it like the carolinas. rains and thunderstorms around minneapolis. you can see there. zoom toward the city, msp, just a glow of showers, thunderstorms around the region. that's going to be like that the next couple hours and then it lulls and comes back this afternoon with a little daytime heating. fills in towards iowa and nebraska, too. of you pull the picture out farther, things are quiet until you get to southern florida. here is miami, radar picture picking up most of the activity off shore. take you live to the city itself, here somewhat miami looks like. a high of 92 to 93. leave it that's what it's going to feel like. look at the nice clouds building up already. and showers and thunderstorms moving in this afternoon. typical summer type day, southern florida, but i just had to show you that picture. gorgeous. more on that in just a little bit, rob. rob, you used to live there, right? >> yes, take a vacation, would you? >> you passed the pretty test. i could not live there. you know what i mean? you have to be pretty to live down there. >> it's the reputation that everybody in miami is pretty. thank you, rob. >> you got it. it takes teachers a few days to learn students' names. but can you imagine the challenge of telling quintuplets and quadruple let's apart! snoud noult so . so an anonymous blogger was outed by google and now she wants money because of it. she posted derogatory comments about a new york model. the model was on a public site, and a judge ordered google to hand over port's identity, and now port is suing google because it did not protect her privacy. you know, one colorado kindergarten teacher is having a tough time telling some of her students apart. her classroom is full of quadruple lets and quintuplets. can you imagine? more than a third of melissa coleman's class is from two families. think about it that way. much but that's not the only challenges she faces. >> i didn't say anything the first day. the second day, i asked them, what have you noticed about our class, and they said that, kid looks exactly like that kid. gosh, i want to learn to tell the identical ones apart. that's the first challenge, to figure that out. >> the teacher herself is no stranger to multiples. she has twins. but was there no other kindergarten class at that school in only one class? you know, you would saddle one teacher with quads and quints? i'm just asking. some people desperate for work say the company that was supposed to help them find a job instead took all of their money. we want you to watch out for scams like this. money expert jennifer west hoerch is going to show you how it works. >> yeah, and that's the red flag here, robin. i'm actually going to do the end of the story first to get you right to the good points. if there is an employment company asking you to give the money up front before you see any evidence what they're going to do for you, put your big, red flags up, right? your antenna. this story happened in virginia but it could happen anywhere. so be careful. the state of virginia suing a small company. hundreds of people claimed they were cheated. they paid hundreds of dollars for help finding a job, they said, but then they claimed they got little or no help at all. ves has denied any wrongdoing. according to the the lawsuit, des would tell people that it had set up interviews for them with local employers, but then when they called the local employers, they said, what, we don't know anything about you. >> i wish that the state would do something, and i really hope that i can get justice for what they did to me. >> and now wtkr in norfolk is reporting the ves packed up its offices and disappeared. so just a lesson again. watch out for any company that says they're going to help you find a job, but wants to charge you hundreds of dollars before you see any evidence of their work. all right. if you fly a lot, you know that the frequent flier programs, not so great in recent years. they have really made some changes there that have made it almost hard to redeem your miles. but that is changing, and that is some good news in a bad economy. the "new york times" is reporting that airlines are doing a little bit better with some of their frequent flier programs. that is some good news. american airlines is offering a new one-way award ticket that you can book with 12,500 miles. united is cutting fees, and next year, delta will introduce a new tier of benefits. robin, i want them to eliminate -- sometimes it's a $75 fee to book your award ticket. >> we doesn't seem right. >> yeah. >> how is that an award? >> that's the point of frequent flier miles. >> yeah, how is that an award, if you've got to pay for it? okay. are you a woman who is breaking the mold or do you know someone, a woman who is? morning express with robin meade is looking for women who have made a dink in their lives and the lives of others. so we'll be profiling inspirational stories in our new series called "breakthrough women." go to and scroll to the breakthrough women box. this is a motorcycle rider getting off big jumps here. rafer has more on that. and so i always wonder how they learn these things. >> you know how? they learn by giant foam pits. they do. they need giant foam pits to learn how to do that. there is a term they use. it's called wfo, which means wide-freakin open. this isn't even the guy who won this competition. you've got to see the guy who did. we are getting our first look at the weekend's frantic rescue off the coast of maine. you may remember, a huge wave from hurricane bill swept 20 people into the ocean. we can see the coast guard trying to pull them from the water, but they were unable to save a 7-year-old girl. witnesses say the people were watching the waves, and it quickly became dangerous. >> it was fun in the beginning when the wave height was smaller and nobody was getting hurt but then when the waves got bigger and people didn't understand how serious it was, it got really -- it got really scary. >> park rangers say they warned people not to get too close to waves. this morning, we have been telling you that someone bid more than $4.5 million for crypt above marlin monroe. looks like they're backing out. the ebay bidder is citing a paying problem. you don't say! the woman who put up her late husbands crypt for sale says she will contact other high bidders. i just wonder how many of the bidders were intent on paying. a picture killed in a car accident will have his name live on on the little league field where he learned to play. rafer with this touching story. good morning. >> ever since this tragic accident, this pitcher's mother has said that her number one goal has been to get this field named after the pitcher. the pitcher is nick adenhart. the angels' pitcher was slain in april by an alleged drunk driver. there is the little league field named after him in halfway, maryland where he played. 150 people showed up, including his mother. much police say adenhart's driver is going to be going on trial in november. plaxico burress spoke for the first time since being sentenced for carrying an unlicensed club into a nightclub. he talked about what will be the hardest part about going to jail. of. >> the hardest thing tore me is being away from my family and my son. i wake up with him every morning, you know. and it's going to be an adjustment. and i'll be away from my wife. she's pregnant. she is due on thanksgiving day. i'mwife, she's pregnant. she's do on is thanksgiving day. i won't even be there for it. coming out of retirement has helped the cancer research foundation. foundation for the live strong foundation has lived the same when a lot of charities are the same. they've suffered 40 to 50 dropoffs. las arrived specifically to fight against the local disease and he didn't do too bad, as i recall. and check on the the series of crazy bumps. nick adams who won the games in '04, this is just amazing. it's the 2009 red bull games. >> no fear. >> no fear at all. i wonder how many times he had to fail before he became a suck sis. >> love it. >> thank you. okay. now, you're doing a fine different kind of day. here's more for a dour kind of day. >> let me show you a little high from the region. crows crossing the mountains and drip off due to use as yell. just a yourge as they remain. it ought to le pean dry. minneapolis, more showers and storms after you. seattle, morning rain and san francisco. more on that in just a little while. how would you like to buy a house for a dollar in a dollar. >> you really want to see the potential for what they do be. how one town hopeses that they can rebuild the neighborhood. ñññoññ ooñ it's 9:00 eastern. time for you to wake up on this tuesday. i'm robin meade. morning sunshine. disturbing new reports about michael jackson's death suggest that prop pal is only part of the problem and it's going to be ruled as a homicide. temperatures drop and your chance of getting the swine flu go up. staggering new predictions go up this morning for the flu season and stay tuned for that. first, our top story. after michael jackson died, we know hours before leading up to his death, they ruled michael jackson's death a homicide, which is according to a senior law enforcement official. they have no comment for cnn. court documents show that the coroner concluded that jackson died of an overdose and given three other drugs before that. >> there's simply no rational basis for insomnia and other drugs that with include this substance but he was probably tolerant even maybe addictive which is why he would tolerate doses that would literally take down an elephant. these are truly massive amounts. the average would put them to sleep for the rest of the day, no problem. that would stop them in their tracks. >> dr. conrad murray strongly disagres with much of the report and disagrees that is the theory. court documents show that several descriptions could have resulted in his death. reaffirming a gross violation and duty for jackson. they say that the family looks forward to the day that justice can be served. we're getting a laundry list of drugs that he may have been taking. take a look around the table and the odds are that somebody sitting there may be having the swine flu. about one-third of the u.s. population could get the h1n1 flu this winter and it could kill as many as 90,000. obviously parents are worried. >> now i'm kind of concerned. i was hoping that it would be sooner than that. >> i was hoping that they would be with the kids. >> in new mexico, more than 100 students called in sick at a school. now they are looking into whether h1n1 is responsible. the school officials are relaxing their absent policies because of this. after a roadside bomb went off, a group was on patrol in one of the most violent areas of the country. more details as soon as we get them. the cash for clungers program ended last night. jennifer westhoven says it hasn't ended yet. they are pouring over a lot of paperwork right now as they try to get everything all fixed up and sent into the government. they have until noon today to do that. >> they would deny things because they couldn't read maybe a 1 that looked like a 7 or any -- there was 136 pages of rules. >> the dealers also said, they want to get paid a lot faster. they have been fronting off of this paper. they have to finance it. they owe it. there is agreement that the plan worked. it boosted car sales, and to some, tent it boosted confidence. think about how many times you saw this on television as opposed to this kbhik number. it's helping the economy in general. there is fear that neb that needed a new car just bottom it. there may not be a demand for a while. >> realistic there with the thinking. police say a frightening incident at a high school could have been much worse. and carrying a chainsaw and teachers tackled them after they set off two of the bombs. there was little damage and thankfully nobody was hurt. >> i was in the classroom and all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off and we think that, oh, yeah, somebody just pulled it. and then all of a sudden we see all of our teachers and people come rushing in. >> i was just getting out of class because we thought it was like a fire drill and we were walking and out and there was a big explosion. >> police soon arrived after the the explosion. president obama is nominating ben bernanke for the second term to the federal reserve. >> the man next to me, ben bernanke, has lead the fed through one of the worst financial crisis that the neags in this world has ever faced. he's an expert on the great depression and i'm sure that ben never imagined that he would be part of the team responsible for preventing another. but bus because of his background, creativity, that's exactly what he has kree atded to achieve and that's why i'm repinting him to chairman of the federal reserve. well, the senate bo still have to confirm him as a second four-year term. >> it's not a job i would want. not me, any way. six minutes after the fact. weather-wise, let's look at our folks on the west coast. you early risers there. >> i want to stop with the pacific coast. light rain around the puget sound. if you zoom down towards new mexico, look at the tread dee stretch of rain through the south. now it's beginning to develop on the strong side and falling shy of al occur key. those are the counties shaded in dark green. the reason why? two to four inches of rainfall and watch it going on later this afternoon. to the east we go. this is tropical depression number five. towards puerto rico and espanol. look out because there's a good chance of it becoming a depression and tropical storm. that's what we're going to be watching over the next couple of days. high pressure is dominating across the northwest. not so nice across the north northeast. minneapolis and wisconsin, the line dripping towards the east, through chicago and des moines, stretching all the way back towards omaha and eastern nebraska decent day for the northwest. if you're traveling out here for the week. high today, 88 degrees and mostly sunny skies at nyc. that's in the northern and east side. and in washington d.c., whoa, it looks like we're being invaded by iraq. any way, i guess it's a lady bug. it's going to be nice out at the dc area, more in a bit, rob. >> thank you. you know a. grandmother was none too happy with a news cruise started asking her about an operation and then at a strip club. >> she got the camera cruise with a garden hose. she was upset about her 15-year-old granddaughter working at a strip club. they were working there for months. i don't think she got threatened with that. new details in the case of reality show contestant who killed a model wife. a mystery woman apparently helped him out. what police are saying about her. time right now for our salute to the troops. his wife's name is julie. the whole family is happy to have her back, especially the kids. >> hello. i'd like to salute my wife. she returned home to a 14 manufacture month trip to iraq. it was hard on her as well as the kids and i. but there's amazing strength in our family and everybody has pulled together and done their fair share. we're happy to have her back and the kids will be happy to have her. they are cheering them on this year. thank you, robin. we love you. >> i think we love you honey was for the wife. >> do you have someone you'd like to salute? go to a georgia police and the enning to the chase you have to see. we have the info of jasmine fiore. ryan jenkins was found hanged in a hotel room. >> she was about 20, 25, blond hair, very pretty. she was driving a silver pt cruise we are alberta plates. she was -- she had rented it the room and we haven't seen her since. >> preliminary autopsy results show that he killed himself at this hotel. you know, are you wondering how much your home is worth? is it going up? are you upside down in your home? money expert jennifer west hoff ven, good morning. some good news? >> yeah. there is. these are the latest indexes and it shows the home prices on an upswing. it's called an impressive turn around. the first quarterly increase in three years for your home price. it rose almost three percent for your first quarter and two the second quarter. if i could show you a chart, it would go -- and up 15% from where we were a year ago. seeing it go up is very encouraging. if you fly a lot, you know the frequent fly we are plans are not so great. it's changing. airlines are doing better by their frequent flyer programs. that is good news in a an economy. american airlines is offering 12,500 miles and united is cutting fees and next year delta will introduce a new tier of benefits. for people who are getting on planes this morning, traveling, you're going to have to figure out what is going on. >> good morning, jen. a couple showers showing you what is going on. a 15 to 30-minute delay and here's what we have for the rest of the day. a lot of the moisture right around florida. so far it's not inland. give it some time. a little bit of gulf breeze. we'll get delays specifically around miami and orlando. minneapolis, your current half hour delay because of the thunderstorm. then out west, showers for seattle and showers for san francisco. it was big bucks for a burial spot directly above marilyn bun row. now the ebay bid may not be the same. michael jackson gave a report of what happened right before he died. he gave jackson four different drugs. correspondent richard lui lays out the time line. we're talking intraven yously, aren't we? >> yes. this gives details about what he told detectives. first of all, at 1:30 in the morning he gave 10 milligrams of valium. and then a half hour later he inappropria inappropriate injected two mill drams of atavan and then at 7:30 a.m. more versed and then the blood oxygen level throughout all of those injections. >> and despite all of those medicine, he says michael jackson was awake and demanding more drugs. >> that's right. he said that he requested a stronger drug, and above all, pro-poe pal. that was nine hours since the beginning of the time line that we've been telling you. this gives an analysis of the cnn of these injections. >> it has to be more than that. 25 milligrams on top of the valium, ativan and versed, and supposedly he was addicted to narcotics, that could tip him over. but 25 milligrams usually wears off within two minutes or so. >> ten minutes after giving him the propol and when he came back two minutes later he was not breathing. a jackson attorney does not agree with this time line. a dash cam recorded a wild police chase that started with a traffic stop. check this out. a driver of a stolen car after winding down the road, the driver decided to keep watching and bail out. bail out with the car going. i don't mean just like crawling. wait for it. out he goes. like 30 miles per hour. the cop still caught the driver on a foot chase. well, a young nba star has checked into a rehab facility and his twitter page may shed some light on why. >> yes. michael beesly has been bid as a young star and he's at a cross roads in his career. he's checked in to rehab for psychological issues after a picture was showing him posting a new tattoo and a plastic baggy with unknown contents. feeling like it's not worth living and i'm done and i feel like the whole world is against me. michael vick is upset. the man who brought him back to the nfl, after he was photographed in new york, allegedly drinking in cocktail in new york, tony dungy call said, michael, you can't do that. he's not been fully reinstated by the nfl. it's not illegal but he should probably behave like a monk. the team, though, says that it's not an issue. sentenced to five years in prison for violating her probation, crystal is currently in custody. the unborn child is seeking sole custody of that child. she was arrested in texas twice. and lastly, fans in wisconsin are showing the love of brett farve. that's not how they spell his name. the benedict brett t-shirts are being sold. brett left wisconsin and went to go play for wisconsin. so they are going to have fun at his expense. >> love that. we'll never forget you, brent. someone stole $4.5 million for the marilyn monroe. an e bidder for ccrypt up for sale. a taxi driver made an offer for a woman that she couldn't refuse and now it's going to save her life. okay. the new york stock exchange opens for business and stocks are higher this morning. we have a live report from wall street in just a few minutes. experts tell president obama that a third to half of americans who come down with this this fall and winter, a vaccine is expected and 930,000 people, more than twice as many as the seasonal flu. a 17-year-old is under arrest after walking into his high school loaded with ten pipe bombs. police in san mateo say that he was also carrying a sword and a chainsaw. thankfully nobody was hurt. it was a perfect liftoff. the satellite exceeded the plan for it. okay. good morning, sunshine. how are you? i'm robin meade and let's go to our top story. two months after michael jackson died, we now know more about what happened hours before he died. the l.a. coroner ruled his death a homicide. quoting a single law enforcement official. cnn is working on the story and they have no comment for cnn but l.a. police say that the report did not come from them. court documents say that the coroner preliminarily cop concluded that a pro-po pal overdose and looks like a doctor desperate tea trying to change the meds on michael jackson and why is michael jackson receiving these medications in the first place? why is he receiving versed, ativan, valium, propopol? i don't think you need to look at the time line. why are these being administered without appropriate backup and i think dr. murray has a problem. >> dr. conrad murray's attorney says that he strongly disagrees with the report. court documents show that miscellaneous prescriptions from several doctors could have contributed to jackson's death. me meanwhile, a jackson family attorney says that a gross violation of jackson's care and duty and they look for to the day that justice can be served. the face we're about to show you, the fbi will soon put pictures of this guy on bill boards. he's the suspect in eight bank robberies. the suspect is extremely brash. >> this guy has made no he haef to hide the gun and has then tended and put guns in the faces of fellers. >> one billboard that -- >> a champion runner at the gender controversy had a huge -- >> good morning to you, robin. south african runner was greeted like a rock star in her native of south africa. thousands of fans showed up to greet her and the entire team in johanasburg, carrying signs saying first lady of speed. we have the birth certificate to prove it. police had to hold back fans as they prove it. she had a gold medal around her neck and she was asked to take a gender test before running the 800 meters. robin? this is our first look for the day. you may remember hurricane bill swept 20 people into the ocean. you can see the coast guard trying to pull them from the water by they were unable to save a 7-year-old girl. witnesses say that people were watching waves and it quickly got dangerous. it was fun in the beginning when the wave height was smaller and nobody was getting hurt but then when the waves gotbigger and people didn't understand how serious it was it got really scary. >> well, park rangers say that they warned people not to get too close to the waves. 35 minutes past the hour. so there was no shuttle launch because of bad weather in florida. they are going to try again at 1:10 a.m. tomorrow. what is the weather like there, rob? >> hi, robin. it's a stationary boundary. you can see right there, most of the action is off shore and a little bit of an ocean breeze coming in. gulf breeze coming in as well. that's one thing we're watching near florida. farther towards the western part of the atlantic, let me take you to the tropical picture. tropical wave and it could become tropical depression number five. it's drifting to the west and northwest. we're watching this get organized and maybe t.d. number five. it's a tropical storm making strength. this is what we have to watch as the eastern seaboard may be affected later this week. as for what is happening this morning, it's all thunderstorm action. right around minneapolis towards western wisconsin, heavy downpours and it's been there most of the morning. and then down to florida, showers off shore and going towards miami radar, just off shore and to the west side by the gulf, too. it's going to be picture perfect. it's going to be really nice looking. plus 90 degrees is the high temperature. watch for thunderstorms developing there in that tropical atmosphere but north of that, around the boundaries in d.c., it's going to be a better day for you. the high there 188 degrees. more on that robin in half an hour. >> okay. good. look how pretty. >> pretty there. yesterday was a slow day on wall street. today it's a different story and stephan stephanie elam is at the new york stock exchange. >> reporter: robin, not a lot of economic data but today banks took a hit because of the commercial real estate market but today we are expecting consumer confidence to rise and, of course, keen to an economic recovery. that report is due at the top of the hour so we'll be watching that one. in the meantime, the report shows that home prices in the 20 biggest cities rose 3% in the first quarter and that's the first quarterly increase in three years. it's a sign of stabilization but we have a long way to go. quarterly profits rose 60% and that beat expectations. burger king still came out on top because it managed its costs well. fed chief ben bernanke, as one points out, the president did not reappoint ben bernanke, that would have caused a response because wall street does like bernanke. so, for now, not much movement there but all major indices are in the green now. okay. don't fall for this. hundreds fell for a scam and had their accounts wiped up. . twenty minutes to the hour. people are desperate to get a job and the company helping to find them a job took their money. hundreds of people claimed that they paid more than $300 for help getting work but then didn't get it. >> i wish that the state did something and i hope that i can get justice for what they did to me. well, the company denies any wrongdoing. jennifer west hoff ven says be wary of any firm that charges you fees upfront before giving you help. a world leader wants to pitch a tent in new jersey and one town is not happy about that. richard is working on a very strange story for us. good morning. >> good morning. coming up in 15 minutes, he would like to pitch a tent and he's the leader of libby yeah and he wants to pitch a tent while he's here for the u.n. assembly and some are saying, not in their backyard in new year see. and plus, your facebook status hopes that you're watching us but it's all about loving yourself. while you're looking for the latest gossip, robin, you might end up exposing your own secrets. be careful. it's all new for you in the next hour. >> all right. very good. thank you. rescue we ares had to drill threw concrete. the little girl was in the pool with her mom when her arm got stuck. you can hear her crying in the background of a 911 call. >> sorry, i couldn't hear. there is a baby screaming here. >> part of the pipe was still wrapped arp the girl's arm when she was taken to the hospital. thankfully she's okay now. are you cluesless when it comes to paying your medical bills? clark howard is here to help with your medical expenses. >> when i get a statement from my insurer about medical bills or i get one from a doctor or, in the worst case, a hospital, i try to understand what is on that bill, i try to understand what my insurance company is trying to tell me on a benefits statement that i received, i'm clueless. and it's a hard thing because people in the medical field have trouble understanding what is going on with the bills and it could be big bucks out of your pocket. there's a new online tool that you can use that is called quicken heal quicken health expense tracker and you can find out if you're being billed right. i like that. i'm clark howard. for more ways for you to be smart g. go to >> on saturdays and sundays right here on hln. people are lining up for the chance to hunt wolves in idaho. great wolves were taken off the endangered species list. 13 environmental groups have filed lawsuits saying that they are still at risk. hundreds say that they are a danger to wildlife. workers at an auto shop heard something crying in a trunk and then the cops had to come. @ a jury says that philip morris should pay 13$13.8 milli to a smoker's daughter. this is for prod and product liability. her daughter took over the lawsuit when she died in 2003. a different jury awarded her to 28 million. you've heard of pick pocketing. what about put pocketing. that's when somebody puts cash into the pockets of unsus spkting people. over $150,000 in cash. the man spearheading the campaign explains the reasoning behind put pocketing. >> the public is very suspicious and here's 20 pounds. come and get you. they wouldn't. >> well, he has a team of people that do this and some of them are ex cons and some are pretty good with a slide of hand. >> wouldn't you love to be the one getting the money. animal control was called when they found a goat inside a woman's tlung. they heard the goat crying and there it was. the poor thing. he has brett farve's number 4 hafed into his side. what is wrong with people? >> it sounded like a child almost. >> but it's not funny. >> no. if it was a customer and they got tied up in the trunk, it wouldn't be funny. >> the goat was okay. it was taken to a nearby farm. they named it brent. on the little legal field where he learned to play, here is rafer with that story. >> that's right, robin. ever since her son died, it has been her dream to get her son's name on this field. it's been her trop priority. on sunday that came true. nick adenhart had the field dedicated to his name. that's where he learned how to play. about 150 people, including his mother, turned out for the ceremony. he was killed by a drunk driver in april and the man accused of killing him goes on trial in november. former nfl player burris talks for the first time about what is going to be the hardest part about going to jail. >> the hardest part is being away from my family and my son who i wablg up with every morning. it's going to be an adjustment. and my wife, she's going to have a baby girl on thank giving day and i won't even be there for that. >> that's tonight on ac 360 at 7:00 eastern. lance armstrong says that armstrong says funding for livestrong remained about the same as last year, despite the recession when a lot of charities suffered. lance returned to cycling to raise awareness against the global fight against the disease and did pretty well at the tour de france to boot. check out this series of crazy jumps. nate adams gets big air here, as the kids say. look, ma, no hands. these are the red bull "x" fighters in london. look at this one. >> like ballet in the air. >> there is a saying, wfo stands for wide-freaking open. that's what he was. and that's a look at sports. >> hey, thank you. just into hln, election officials in afghanistan are saying partial election results show a slim margin separating the incumbent president karzai and his rival. but this is only a partial count of last week's presidential election and the margins may change. once again, karzai slightly ahead in this partial count. travelers, we're thinking about you. know a lot of you are watching from the airport today. so, everybody's together, good travel day. is it, bob? >> yeah. so far it's pretty good. we have the typical delay around san francisco right now. that just popped up. it's a 56-minute delay. that's what the average is because of low clouds. also, minneapolis right now, a 30-minute delay because of the thunderstorms. here's what we have for the rest of the day. orlando, thunderstorms developing inland across florida. watch for a few short delays out of there. minneapolis, you already have your 30-minute delay. that will be basically this morning and late this afternoon. seattle, some showers this morning. san francisco, there's your morning fog. right now it's 56 minutes. won't get much more than that. more on that in just about a half hour. >> it usually takes teachers a couple of days to learn their students' names. what about one teacher with quintuplets and quadruplets in her class.

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