Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20170426

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speaker series that would include coulter said things are gone sour between his group bridge usa and berkeley college republicans. >> it was an immediate divide between us and the conservative groups organizing this because while we wanted the facilitation of dialogue, they wanted provocation. >> i don't believe freedom of speech is a partisan issue. >> reporter: still both bridge usa and berkeley republicans say they welcome her visit in the future. >> if ann coulter is willing to come to u.c. berkeley the invitation is open. >> all eyes are on us. it will be all eyes on us again. >> reporter: melanie woodrow abc 7 news. >> they have had their share of violent protests reese lently and there is some concern there to be more trouble tomorrow. abc 7 news report irlaura anthony live on the berkeley campus with that part of the story. laura? >> reporter: hi, larry. u.c. officials here at the police department wrapped up a press conference. they told us they are preparing for whatever might happen tomorrow with or without ann coulter. they told us they will have a very highly visible police presence on campus tomorrow. and a low tolerance for violence here on the property. >> we have received numerous threats threatening intels regarding tomorrow. >> reporter: ann coulter's speech may have been canceled, but u.c. berkeley officials say they will be ready if protesters still show up as promised on social media. >> there are also those individuals and groups who have indicated that they were going to come here to commit violence against each other or potentially endangering our community. >> reporter: on february 1st, a planned speech by milo yiannopoulos was canceled, too, but only after this violent protest began. we were on the ground at the plaza when an otherwise peaceful demonstration took a violent turn. mass protesters marched in. that night u.c. police were mostly inside the student union and on a balcony overhead, rarely venturing into the crowd. since then, in the city of berkeley, extreme groups have squared off twice in a downtown park exchanging punches. and though there were 20 arrests last time, some claim riot-clad berkeley officers didn't do enough. >> while there have been moments where police have been present and they appeared to be doing nothing, you see how close people have gotten to felony assaults. that's challenging for the police to inject force into because we're held accountable for every use of force on every person. >> reporter: though u.c. berkeley, administration and police don't know exactly what to expect thursday, officials told us they may use a different strategy this time. in berkeley, laura anthony, abc 7 news. >> and as news develops on this story, we'll report it first on the abc 7 news app. you can download the app now and be sure to enable the push alerts for updates on what's happening in berkeley. >> b.a.r.t. says investi have identified [ inaudible ] on a train over the weekend. b.a.r.t. officials tell us warrants are being drafted for suspects involved in the robbery. the identification came from video surveillance that is recorded inside the car where they occurred. 40 people streamed onto a train saturday night and robbed seven people at the coliseum station in oakland. >> some artists have been kicked out of their home in san francisco. it's one of the first court ordered evictions since the deadly ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland. >> yeah, the warehouse on paralyze that avenue was called the bernl house. abc 7 news reporter is live from the warehouse in the bernl heights neighborhood. lyanne. >> reporter: well, sort of these -- some of those warehouses remain sort of invisible. if you will, now, there are three counting one, two, three that are hidden behind the alemany farmer market. it was clear today the owner here in san francisco took what happened in oakland to heart. nathan cotton packed some of his belongings know that sheriff deputies would soon show up to evict him and seven others living in this warehouse called the bernal house. the occupants mostly artists have known the space was intended for commercial use only. >> it is a commercial lease, but like i said, people have been living here since 2004. there's no commercial activity taking place here since at least >> he claims the owner ron ericsson also knew. just days after the ghost ship warehouse fire in oakland, ericsson notified the san francisco fire and building departments. the occupants quickly tried to make structural changes to ensure they'd be safe in the event of a fire. still, because it's not zoned for residential use, they were told they could not stay. in late february, they were ordered by the court to leave the warehouse. >> having landlords are going to take this as a go ahead to evict, how many artists are we going to lose? are we talking hundreds of people being evicted? >> reporter: today at noon, deputies showed up. the locks were changed and the owner sent a representative who was upset to find they had not moved out. >> let me get in my pocket. >> reporter: the owner never returned our request for an interview. he says the warehouse served a purpose. >> makes it possible to not have to work so much to pay rent and to have the space to create. >> reporter: they now have 15 days to remove the rest of their belongings with the owner's permission. in san francisco, lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. >> 15 survivors of the deadly apartment fire last month in west oakland are suing over that tragedy. the lawsuit seeks damages caused by the march 27th fire that killed four people, injured six, and displaced nearly 100 others. the suit also accuses the landlord of failing to keep up the building. conditions the tenants lawyer described adds slum like. >> reason is there was lack of reasonable care or proper management at the property, which allowed these conditions and this tragedy to occur. >> also named in that suit are three nonprofits that ran the building, an attorney for the minority owner of the group that owns the building refused to comment saying he has not seen the lawsuit. >> today weather now, on and off showers peppered parts of the bay area today. abc 7 news san francisco, the umbrella were up and there were several spells of rain. >> a live look now from our south beach camera. you can see a mix of clouds. the sun is trying to peek through there. in spots, abc 7 news meteorologist drew tuma here to tell us, please are we finished with this rain, drew? >> that is what everybody wants to know. i can tell you this, today is definitely the worst weather day in terms of rain. we will have in the next 7. however, still pockets of drizzle out there. live doppler 7 tracking what's left of the weak moving system. the north bay saw the lightest showers and are still seeing that this hour. live doppler 7, specs of green on your screen, petaluma, vacaville, healdsburg as well. live doppler 7 along with satellite, we have been just dealing with clouds throughout the day, a veil of clouds overhead. that will be the theme through much of the evening hours. outside a live look from the golden gate bridge. showing you 101. change to emeryville, we are seeing some peaks of blue here and there. it is kind of a transition zone now we're in. your evening planner, going to keep that chance of some drizzle in at least through 6:00, but by 8:00 and 10:00, the clouds will start to thin out. the temperatures, show you this now, to our south we have 70s, 80s and 90s building. that is the air market heading our way. i cannot wait to show you the seven-day forecast. that is arno that is coming up in a few minutes, larry. >> on 101, a slide happened in leggett. images occurred as the slide happened. ridge ee o'keefe from abc mornings with a look. >> we're looking at some of the crazy est land slide video we've seen. we're taking you on 101 to leggett. beautiful scenery, last night it wasn't pretty. it was pretty scary. >> run. run! oh, my god! holy cow! >> that woman recording this, wendy, she was so worried about all the workers there at the bottom of the screen. fortunately they saw this was coming and they made a run for it. they're all okay. this area just can't catch a break. it was closed for a week after a different land slide. it had just been reopened for about 24 hours when this happened. now, 101 is the main life line between the small towns up there so this land slide is such a pain for those folks. fortunately everyone lived to tell the tale. and you hear her saying over and over again, oh, my god, and please run, get out of there. you're not hearing her curse. that's probably the most amazing thing other than the land slide itself. she was able to pretty much keep her cool during all of this. that road taking hours to clean up. back to you. >> thank you, rich. incredible video there. ridiculous, that's how president trump today is describing a federal court ruling against his order to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities. the president tweeted about the 9th circuit court of appeals in san francisco which earlier ruled against his travel ban saying, quote, first the 9th circuit rules against the ban and now it hits again on sanctuary cities. both ridiculous rulings. see you in the supreme court. in an exclusive interview with the washington examiner, president trump today said he has considered proposals that would split up the 9th circuit. >> the ruling was a huge sigh of relief for immigrant communities in san francisco. this morning mayor ed lee had a sell bra tori but conscious tone as he spokes with immigrants rights activists in city hall. the mayor encouraged immigrants to live freely and without fear. he said the city is prepared to keep fighting for its sanctuary city policy but must remain vigilant for further attempts to cut federal funds. >> we always have contingency budgets. i have things i have to put in reserve just in case, if it's federal mandates or federal cuts. i also have to be prepared for that. >> this is the 6th year city hall has hosted an immigrant resource fair. organizers say a new hot line to report i.c.e. raids has gotten numerous called from worried residents. >> a big day for raiders fans. oakland native marshawn lynch, beast mode is back. playing for the team he grew up watching. plus. >> the daily grind is more than just work for some people. but that ear shattering noise from cal train could sooni be easing a bit. >> 7 on your side michael finney taking your questions on twitter and facebook. post them with the #ask finney. he will be along to answer the questions live in just a few minutes. >> and taking a live look at our traffic over 101 in san jose, southbound backed up as usual. pretty typical this time of day. northbound looking good. 880 moving in both directions over t cal train is warning people who live near its tracks they may hear noises in the weeks ahead. they have a big rail grinding project that starts today. abc 7 matt keller says all that noise will help ensure a quieter commute in future. >> reporter: the daily grind in the bay area will make way for a different kind of grind on the cal train tracks. >> that night there is going to be a large rail car going down the rails and sort of scraping down, keeping them smooth, making sure people have a smooth safe ride. >> reporter: the rail grind out is every five to six years. the project starts in san francisco and heads south ending up in san jose. work shouldn't take more than two nights at any location. but that may be the part that grinds the gears of residents who live along the tracks. this work takes place overnight, from 10:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. and could be loud. >> i don't know how much of an impact it will have on the people who like street side facing. [ inaudible ]. i don't see what other option they have. >> reporter: the entire project is expected to be completed by the 19th. in redwood city, matt keller, abc 7 news. >> a state judge has allowed the bullet train project to go forward. opponents 4 tried to block california from spending more than a billion dollars in bond money, saying that's not what voters authorized in 2008. the money will initially go to help elect the track from san jose to san francisco. the bullet train's future remains up in the air because it relies on significant federal funding and the republican controlled congress doesn't support the project. >> a group of seniors and people with disabilities urged city leaders to give all pedestrians a little bit more time to cross streets in san francisco. abc 7 news was in the bay view when that's where senior and disability action called to increase the amount of time traffic signals give you will to walk across the street. today's plea follows a similar one made five years ago. >> the streets have gotten worse. the timing remains the same. the number of fatalities remain the same. the number of injuries remain the same. >> organizers of today's rally claim that traffic accidents kill about 30 people a year in san francisco, another 200 or so suffer serious injuries. the city has launched the vision zero campaign which hopes to eliminate all traffic deaths by the year 2024. >> san francisco is mourning the loss of a chef and businessman credited with bringing the cuisine of china to the u.s. . >> the man behind the henry's chain passed away sunday and abc 7 news anchor kristen sze is here with his legacy. >> you may not know his name, but chances are you know his food with six henry's locations in san francisco. the iconic chain is synonymous with hunan cuisine, the style of chinese cooking that's hot, spicy and oh, so tasty. chun was born in china. he and his wife moved to the u.s. after world war ii. they opened their original hunan restaurant on kaerny street 1974, hoping to usher in a new era of diplomacy. with the signature meat pie, smoked ham and chicken, the new yorker magazine published an article in 1976 calling it the world's best chinese restaurant. >> it changed our lives and we went from a restaurant that was moderately successful to being so busy that we had lines that went around the corner. street performers would come and perform in front of the lines. >> in the chronicle, the rest is san francisco history. the chuns opened this much bigger branch in 1979 which remains today with five other locations all thriving despite changing public tastes. diana passed away in 2003. henry died sunday at home in the richmond district. the chuns leave behind eight chill drin and a legacy of giving. they built a school gym in china and endowed scholarships at sacred heart, u.c. berkeley and san francisco state. henry was 99 years old. his memorial is still being planned. it will be a celebration of an extraordinary life with no doubt extraordinary food. larry and alma? >> all right, thank you so much, kristen. well, some of san francisco's top decorators are showcasing their work to benefit scholarships for high school students. abc 7 news was in pacific heights for a preview of the san francisco designer showcase. the show opens to the public saturday and runs through late may. proceeds from tickets sold will fund scholarships at san francisco university high school. the though skas is celebrating its 40th anniversary and it's raised $15 million since 1977. >> all right. time to check back in withdrew tuma who assures me we have to endure just a little bit more gloom, a little bit more drizzle and then glorious sunshine will arrive. >> oh, it's going to be amazing. a gray day today. we had on and off light showers, a little bit of drizzle. rainfall less than a tenth of an inch in most spots. and today was the gloomy est and gray est day we have. live doppler 7, we're still tracking a few light showers out there. want to press in a little closer on live doppler 7 you see a few specs of green over the bay bridge. there is some drizzle out there, but it's few and far between. and the system, that's what we want to call it, is getting out of our region tonight and that will set the stage for a beautiful day tomorrow. let's see you a beautiful picture. live in screws right now, we have baby blue skies out there. not so popular right now on a wednesday afternoon, but once you see the temperatures this weekend, you're going to want to find your swimsuit, the sun skreern. it is going to be absolutely gorgeous. and feeling like summer out there. right now the cloud cover, the limited sunshine really holding our numbers down right now. but where we are getting a little bit more in the way of sunshine like antioch, we're at 71 degrees, much color in san francisco with overcast skies, 58, oakland and napa 68 degrees. future weather as we go hour by hour for you later on this evening, perhaps a little bit of drizzle still lingering right along the coast, but the bigger story, the clouds are really going to breakdown overnight tonight and that's going to lead the way to a lot of sunshine on our thursday. here's the calm. overnight tonight, a lot of clouds early on. after midnight we'll start to see that clearing happen. that's going to keep temperatures mainly in the 50s right around the immediate bay. cooler in the north bay. santa rosa dropping to 47, 50 in napa, 54 the overnight low in san jose. heerds' your hour planner hour by hour. much different tomorrow than today. a few clouds to start off the day. we'll call it mostly sunny out there. the clouds are out 0 of here in the afternoon. it's bright. it is beautiful and temperatures responding nicely into the 60s and into the 70s. so, highs on your thursday, take a look. we'll have a lot of sunshine out there. much brighter than today. 71234 san jose, 68 in oakland. 65 in san francisco, 72 in vallejo, 74 napa, 72 santa rosa. however, what you are going to notice in the afternoon, the winds are going to pickup. future tracker shows as we go sbro thursday evening, by 7:00 right along the coast line, you can see the winds gufrting over 30 miles per hour, likely away from the coast. we'll have winds gusting anywhere from 15 to 30 miles per hour. but the winds will actually strengthen as we go into friday. future tracker wind showing you widespread breezy and to the work and school week, right along the coast winds likely over 30 miles per hour. but you can see around the bay we are seeing frequent winds gusts over 20 miles per hour. these winds are going to bring in much warmer air for the weekend. that is going to be the payoff. here's the accuweather seven-day forecast. here's what we have in store. breezy on thursday. the winds pickup on friday. but that's going to bring in summer like temperatures over the weekend. saturday and sunday we're soaked in sunshine and then the numbers climb monday into tuesday. wouldn't it be a surprise tuesday if we see a couple 90s inlands. it is going to feel like summer rapidly after a damp day. >> that's too hot. >> oh, we have to find the medium somewhere. >> thank you, drew. it is official, this is just right. marshawn lynch joining the oakland raiders. details behind that move ahead. >> and the pope gives some very special the director of the silence of the lambs has died. jonathan demi passed away this morning from esophageal cancer surrounded by his wife and three children. demi broke into movie making in the early 1970s. in addition to silence of the lambs, he directed tom hanks in his oscar winning role in philadelphia as well as something wild and melvin and howard. he died at the age of 73. >> beast mode is oakland native marshawn lynch, just came out of retirement and signed to play with the silver and black. a move fans have been waiting on for weeks now. lynch set out last season after the running back announced he's retiring from the nfl with the seahawks and he stepped out or steppedollowing a 2015 season. the raiders are swapping 2018 draft picks with seattle's compensation for releasing lynch from his contract with the hawks. raider quarterback derek carr reacting with the tweet, he's back. #beast mode. welcome to the squad, bro, at money lynch, glad to see him wearing silver and black. tickets for the warriors went on sale today. the dubs advancing to the western conference semi finals, that is round two sweeping the portland trail blazers. golden state will face either the utah jazz or l.a. clip erpz. looks like utah. they're up 3-2 in that series. if the jazz winfrey, game one of the second rounds will be sunday in oakland. if that series should happen to be go 7 games, the second round won't start until next tuesday. >> tensions are continuing to grow over north korea. >> the briefing. >> a major briefing today for lawmakers as the u.s. makes an unusual move. >> plus the president today took the first step toward ending protections from national monuments. we'll tell you what's going to happen. >> and more problems today for united. the new fall out today after a giant rabbit died on a flight. ♪ the sun'll come out for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow... ♪ i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure... ...kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. ♪ tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ♪ ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. ♪ you're only a day away. >> announcer: live where you live, this is abc 7 news. >> and here are the stories making heads lines at 4:30. conservative commentator ann coulter says she will not speak tomorrow on u.c. berkeley campus. she said she would show up despite the university saying it couldn't accommodate her because of safety issues. the school says it is still preparing for demonstrations tomorrow. coulter is scheduled to speak in modesto on friday. earlier today coulter tweeted i'm very sad about berkeley's cancellation, my sadness is greater than that. it's a dark day for free speech in america. a san jose man living with hi skrrks is being detained by i.c.e. in miami. reporter chris wynn has his story coming you. trump briefed all 100 senators at the white house this afternoon on the urgent situation in north korea. this is our military's move, anticontroversial missile defense system in south korea. abc news reporter janai norman live with a story. >> reporter: the big meeting at the white house is the latest development as the secretaries of state defends and other top officials brief all of congress on the situation with north korea. senators bussed down pennsylvania avenue for a rare white house meeting. following the briefing with four top administration officials, senator chris kunz weighed in. >> it was a sobering briefing and an opportunity for the entire senate to hear what the a real threat thwart security. >> reporter: a briefing tort entire house of representatives followed. the briefings come amid high tensions. the situation escalating overnight as they move anticontroversial antimissile defense system in place 155 miles south of seoul. >> which will become operational in a couple days better to defend south korea. >> the move prompting protests as residents there worry it could make them a target. and angered north korea, russia and china, which worried with the sophisticated radars on the system, the u.s. could be spying. during the house armed services committee hearing today, admiral harry harris testified that system is aimed north, not to the west toward china, and is a purely defensive system. >> i don't share your confidence that north korea is not going to attack either south korea or japan or the united states or our territories or our states. >> reporter: north korea has remained defiant against tough talk from the u.s., accusing the u.s. of pushing the situation to the brink of war and vowing to continue conducting missile launches. >> with every test, kim jong-un moves closer to his stated goal, nuclear strike capability against american cities. >> reporter: and during today's hearing, admiral harris testified north korea is clearly in a position to threaten hawaii today, adding we may need more missile interceptors and defensive radars in place to prevent this. larry? >> i understand north korea officials have been critical of the u.s. asking the u.n. security council to help do more with the situation. >> reporter: yes, the idea of possibly more sanctions, but north korea has been critical of that, saying both the u.s. and the security council would be responsible if a war were to break out on the korean peninsula regardless of which side strikes first. back to you. >> janai norman live in washington. thank you. >> so, the white house unveiled president trump describes as the biggest tax cuts in u.s. history. the sweeping proposal calls for slashing taxes for both individual tax payers and businesses. right now there are seven personal income tax brackets with the highest earners paying 39%. under president trump's plan there would be three income tax brackets, 10%, 20%, and 25%. he touts that his plan would overhaul and simplify the tax code. >> they are frustrated by a tax code that is so complicated they can't even do their own taxes. that's why tax reform is such a big priority to this president. >> [ inaudible ] plan will spur job growth and bring more wealth to america's middle class. critics claim lower taxes will drive up our nation's deficits. president trump has signed an executive order mandating the review of dozens of national monuments designated by his predecessors over the past 20 years. trump's move could up end protections of federal lands. the president says the order will end what he is calling an egregious abuse of federal power and give power back to the states. at least six sites in california could be [ inaudible ]. >> the department of homeland security wants you to be on the look out for a phone scam. scammers identified themselves as u.s. immigration employees and they make the call seem like it's coming from the d.h.h.s. hot line. they demand the individual provide personally identifiable information often by telling them they're victims of identity theft. the d.h.s. says if you happen to receive a call demanding information or a payment, hang up immediately. you can report the call by calling the agency's customer service center. >> we're learning more today of the arrest of former ambassador chris. he was arrested near his hometown in iowa. fleeing the scene of a deadly accident. abc news reporter ariel has the latest. >> you are charged with leaving the scene of an accident causing death. >> reporter: this mug shot, a far cry from the midwestern megawatt smile america grew to adore. >> chris, 3 years old. >> reporter: he quickly capturing hearts as he famously tried to find love as the bachelor. >> you plant a seed, you hope it grows. >> reporter: but today he is driving a very different headline. the 35-year-old farmer booked into jail early tuesday morning for leaving the scene of a fatal crash. authorities saying that collision happened around 8:00 p.m. on monday night in a rural iowa about 15 minutes from his home. documents show he was at the wheel of a pickup when he allegedly rear-ended a john deer tractor sending both vehicles flying into a ditch. >> what's your name? >> chris soules. >> reporter: calling 911 to report the collision. >> is the tractor in the ditch? >> yes, yes. >> okay. and the guy was thrown into the ditch? >> yes. >> reporter: but then taking off. >> one of the subjects involved just took off northbound in a red truck. >> reporter: killed in that accident, his neighbor 66-year-old kenneth mosher. the county sheriff's office say he fled to his farm house where he was later arrested. alcohol was found at the scene of the crash, but investigators don't know who it belonged to. he is out of jail on $10,000 bond. his next court appearance is may 2nd. ariel, abc news, new york. >> the rain is finally stopped in north carolina. that doesn't mean the flood danger is over, though. officials really concerned about rising rivers after more than 8 inches of rain fell around raleigh since sunday. it is at 9th highest three-day total on record. meanwhile a school district has fired a school bus driver for driving down a flooded road. the passerby who captured the scene on his cell phone said the driver actually got out of her bus, took the barricade and tloechl through water up to the bus's headlights. the kids did make it to school safely. >> they add one more thing to united airline's problems. the death of a giant rabbit. take a look at this picture. it is a darius which is the longest record. this is the father of simon, the bunny that died. the 10 month old rabbit had a vet check shortly before traveling from london to chicago. she says simon had been purchased and was being shipped to the states. united says that the animal was [ inaudible ]. no signs of distress upon landing, but died at a pet holding facility at the airport. >> a surprise from the pope where he popped up recently. >> plus nasa's continued spacecraft hits a major milestone today. >> meteorologist drew tuma live from our south beach camera. we're starting to see a little bhit of sunshine. we have a lot of the u.s. air force launched an unarmed inter-continental ballistic missile from van den berg air force base in santa barbara county. it lifted off after midnight. they released these photos. they issued a statement saying the launches are essential to verify the status of the u.s. nuclear force and demonstrate nuclear capabilities. >> nasa's spacecraft today ventured into the never before explored region, saturn rings. they want know how everything went until tomorrow when they are back in touch with the craft. this is nasa animation you are looking at. today's voiage is the first of 21 [ inaudible ] between saturn and its rings before the demise in september. the spacecraft was [ inaudible ] 1997. it's been orbiting saturn since 2004. >> announcer: now your accuweather forecast with drew tuma. >> and live doppler 7 along with satellite showing you we've been socked in with the clouds today. but that is going to change over the next 12 hours. future weather as we go hour by hour later on tonight, 10:00 you can start to see the clouds are clearing out of the north bay and the clouds will continue to clear in the early morning hours on thursday. that is going to lead to a brighter day tomorrow afternoon. so, overnight tonight, the call, clouds early on. we'll see the clearing happen as we approach midnight tonight. but those clouds early on will keep temperatures on the mild side. a lot of spots falling into the low and mid 50s. only exception parts of the north bay will droop into the upper 40s. the clouds out of here on thursday, but the winds will pickup in the afternoon. frequent gusts over 20 miles per hour, but it will be a sunny day. 71 high in san jose, 65 in san francisco, 68 in oakland, 72 in vallejo, and 72 that number in santa rosa. accuweather seven-day forecast, that sunshine continues and the warmer weather just continues to rise. windy, but warmer on friday. saturday and sunday, if feels like summer around here. just down right warm monday and tuesday, even along the coast we're in the 70s and the warmth continues mid week next week. >> thanks so much. >> all right. actress eva longoria taking time off from acting to help bay area women while she is encouraging them to go into technology. >> 7 on your side michael's finish i, how can you find the best wi-fi carrier for your home? i'll have some tips coming up in ask finney. >> and take a look. yes, that's really actor john gold bloom selling the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. a conference this week is celebrating martinez in technology. actress eva eva eva eva eva evaa speaker. >> it is not every day we get to talk about latinas. >> actress and philanthropist ee eva longoria is encouraging women to find jobs in math and science. she got her degree from cal state northridge. and wrote a thesis about the value of latinas in stem careers. right now latinas makeup only about 1% of the nation's work force. >> you cannot be what you cannot see. >> longoria talked about her conference at the campus and led a discussion with top science and tech executives from all over the nation. on the panel were women like vp at qualcomm muriel burke. >> if today we reach one young latina in the audience who wasn't really thinking about pursuing a stem career and now does, it's well worth it. >> reporter: it is more than a one day conference or a catchy name. it's also a group of young women looking into local outreach. they hold jobs at nasa, pinterest and google to name a few. >> it's a window to share this message that no matter where you are, who you are, what you like, you can do it. >> reporter: women like carina from peru whose megasuccessful youtube channel in her country reached over 20 million views. she now works at google. >> i work in this building. >> reporter: they commit to doing at least four events with local girls like visiting schools or talking at other conferences targeting teens and preteens. >> really, because for our culture, it has been a history of different expectations for women and that's part of what we're trying to change. >> reporter: in mountain view, jessica castro, abc 7 news. >> pope francis delivered a message of humility today in a surprise address at the ted 2017 conference. the pontiff urged people to show solidarity with one another and called on world leaders to act with humility. he spoke about his family's life as immigrants in argentina in the context of present day immigration controversies. ted is short for technology entertainment design. holds an annual conference in british columba about a wide range of topics. he took them on a spin right around st. peter's square at the vatican. this is a practice pope francis began a few months back. always a great reaction from the thousands on hand and to the lucky kids who get a chance to ride with him. >> all right. time now for ask finney 7, questions sent him via facebook twitter and e-mail. first from south san francisco, is it smart to buy a home when interest rates are low and home prices are high or vice versa? >> it's hard to pick between the two. you generally don't get to pick. the market is what the market is. but cheap property is always good because down the road you might be able to refinance to a lower interest rate when for sure you can't go back and get a lower price. >> okay. rosa from millbrae asks, work for ride sharing companies haven't been able to work for two weeks. is there anything i can do to get compensated for time missed? >> this is a huge problem growing in the bay area. right now drivers who work for ride sharing companies like uber and lyft are considered independent contractors in the state of california. not employees. so, companies are not obligated to compensate the drivers for their time off. the difference between an employee and independent contractor is the company does not have to pay contractors for overtime benefits, or even lunch breaks. if you have any questions or feel like you need to file a complaint, post a link to the labor commissioner's office. you can check it out on never hurts to complain either. >> marshawn from oakland asked how do you find the best wi-fi hot spot carrier? >> if you need internet access while on the go -- pardon me -- without using your cell phone data, a hot spot might work for you. pc magazine says verizon wireless jet pack is their top choice for five gigs it will cost you 50 to $60 a month. another choice is freedom pop. i've reported on that here. it offers a 500 megabyte plan for free. it charges $20 for two gigabytes and $25 for three gigs. if you have a question for me, you can record a ten to 15-second question on your smartphone or tablet and share it on social media using the #ask finney and then i'll answer your question. thank you. >> all right. thank you, mike many. >> sure. >> all right. well, the first humans may have arrived in north america tens of thousands of years before scientists had previously thought. and the evidence suggested that was right -- suggesting that was found right here in california. researchers found animal bones at a freeway construction site in san diego that appear to have been smashed by rocks. scientists say only early humans would have been capable of doing that. the bones date back at least 100,000 years. previous estimates had humans living in north america near 15,000 years ago. >> actor jeff gold bloom returning to the sequel, they will also be returning. the film is set to open in 2018. meanwhile gold bloom is churning out some rather unusual new work. that is indeed jeff gold bloom. imagine walking up to the food truck and it's jeff gold bloom there. he's working inside the food truck in sydney, australia, giving away free sausage sandwiches of all things. apparently he's doing research for a new project. according to the vine, the actoor is promoting a new restaurant called jazzy snags, which is good just by itself. a snag is an australian slang for sausage. in any case, gold bloom took some time out to snap a few selfies and sang hey jude with one of his fans. >> that's a lot of fun. well, a gold medal group is now dancing back in the u.s. >> all the group, who is the best dancer? >> me. [ laughter ] >> a lot of laughter and a lot of dancing. what they're doing now just ahead. >> now kristen is here with a look at what is coming up on abc 7 news at 5:00. kristen? >> thanks, guys. the fight over the internet, the president's plan and the local tech companies promising a tsunami of resistance. the kids who say art is peace, and why they say everyoe deserves to know it. and scientists are stunned by the discovery of hump back whales and what they do when predators are around. this and more on abc 7 news at 5:00. tonight in primetime on abc 7 at 8:00 it's the goldbergs followed by speechless. then back to back episodes of black-ish. 10:00, a new episode of designated survivor. stay with us for abc 7 news at 11:00. >> group comes from ourselves to do things we've never done before. >> for a special group on the peninsula it led to a special winter olympics in austria. >> david louie has inspiration from redwood city. >> reporter: developmentally disabled clients at the training center learn skills to develop independence such as cleaning and doing laundry at the ymca. but they were offered a chance to do something they've never done before. dance. and to go before an audience of 15,000 at the winter international special olympics in austria last month. they practiced for three months using choreography from a special olympics ambassador and performer on abc's dancing with the starz. >> they didn't know going in. they worked so hard in their performance and the way they express themselves just won over every judge. >> reporter: here's a close up look at the gold medals in redwood city, a source of pride for extraordinary achievement. >> i'm sure it's just going to be very, very life changing for them. and just in terms of their self-confidence. >> reporter: how does it feel to have that gold medal? >> it makes me happy. >> reporter: he it was a first for julie. >> this is my first. >> reporter: what did you think in >> i liked it. i don't like bumpies. >> reporter: did that scare you? >> a little bit. >> reporter: she was confident she could teach this clumsy reporter the dangs moves that turned her into an international celebrity. the truth is -- who was the best dancer? >> me. [ laughter ] >> reporter: in redwood city, david louie, abc 7 news. >> dance is currently an exhibition sport at the special olympics but may soon become an official competitive medal event. >> that is so need. the group friends with children with special needs opened a new community center this afternoon in san jose. the new 8,000 square foot south bay center will have training facilities and classes for people with special needs. and the facility is located on south claesson avenue. >> you can download the news app for free. be the first to know about breaking news where you live. >> thank you so much for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00. i'm alma daetz. >> i'm larry beil. abc 7 news at 5:00 starts right now. >> this is what ee reform looks like for the s.f.p.d. we're in big trouble. >> the public defender and the police shooting, a new push to clear the name of a mentally ill man. >> and coulter's speech is off. why police say they are still planning for the worst. >> i.c.e. dee tanz a san jose man in florida. now there is a fight to get him released. >> and in oakland, the little est protesters and these carry some very big signs. >> announcer: live where you live, this is abc 7 news. >> this was the scene in january. body cameras capture a mentally ill man who is agitated and aggression i have. later police fired their weapons. >> now a judge is stepping in, partly because of what this video we're watching shows. good evening, i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm kristen sze. thanks for joining us. the judge says the two police officers who shot the man were trespassing. now the judge is dismissing most of the charges against the man. >> abc 7 news reporter vic lee is live in san francisco with more. and, vic, the public defenders office is pushing for even more action, right? >> reporter: well, dan, the judge did make some significant rulings yesterday from the bench in this offer certificate-involved shooting case. and on the heels of those rulings, public defender jeff adachi wants the district attorney to drop the whole case saying his client wasn't braeking the law. it was the police. >> a judge yesterday dismissed most of the charges in the criminal complaint that was filed against sean moore. >> reporter: sean moore, the man standing at the top of the stairs in this body cam video from one of two officers. they were responding to a neighbor's complaint in early january that moore was actin

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