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male or female. the coroner will work to identify the victim. >> developing news from the east bay, antioch police trying to figure what led to a triple shooting that resulted in one man's death and two women wounded. it happened before 11:00 last night when police got reports of a shooting on yorkshire drive. officers found a man dead inside the home. we are told two women, a mother and her daughter if her 20's, were also shot but they survived. they were taken to the hospital in critical condition. abc7 news reporter amy hollyfield will have a live update in 30 minutes. >> developing news from washington, dc, use is reporting that democrats and republicans on capitol hill have reached a compromise on gun control. abc7 news reporter katie marzullo joins us with what the deal includes. >> the information we have is the deal is centered on background checks. it expands background checks to virtually all gun sales including gun shows and internet sales. there would be some exceptions for sales between family members and short-term hunter to hunter loans. the official announcement will come in two hours at 8:00 this morning. abc7 news report to key senators are responsible for the bipartisan deal. democrat joe manchin of west virginia and republican past toomey of pennsylvania, the two most conservatives of their respective parties with a ratings from the n.r.a. with the compromise not including everything president obama and gun control advocates wanted but it is being hailed as a breakthrough. it is likely to hold by a wide margin in the senate and majority leader harry reid says he will schedule an initial vote for tomorrow. first lady is scheduled to speak about gun violence in her hometown of chicago today. the white house says the first lady will speak as a mother, not as a gun control supporter and will not call on congress to take action. >> four people accused of killing a man allegedly pimping a 17-year-old girl are expected to face additional charges dug their rearraignment in san francisco today. the 27-year-old calvin sneed is the victim pimping the daughter of two defendants. he was shot to death after he brought the girl home as he waited to bring the girl back do los angeles where he lived. the girl's parents and two others are charged with murder in the case. >> a sonoma county teen is under arrest in connection with an attack on a gay teenager in a school yard. the sheriff deputies say the 19 -year-old from santa rosa was part of a group of gang members who beat and robbed an 18-year-old at an elementary school. southwest gays say the victim went to the school on march 29 to meet friends and the suspects took his wallet and cell phone. deputies arrested a 17-year-old on the case on friday and are treating the attack as a hate crime. >> the man who used to hold the top job at a sanitation district in marin conduct is a fugitive with a $1 million warrant out for stealing taxpayer money. this is the 45-year-old bret richards during an abc7 news interview two years ago. in july, richards resigned as the ross valley sanitation director and disappeared. the board president says $350,000 loan was a perk intended to help him buy a home when he was hired in 2008. instead, the d.a. says richards laundered it through several bank accounts and never bought a." he was elected before richards resigned and said there was little oversight. >> i asked, where is the security? do we have a second deed of trust on the property? i found out we held no paper on any property. >> richard could face ten years in prison and fines of more than $1 million? he is found and convicted. >> people would live in san scar lows could face 67 percent sewage hike with residents notified about the possible rate hike on friday phased in over the next couple of years. the city council take up the issue next month. some council members are saying they are not likely to approve the hike. under the land, the current $637 annual sewage rate could go all the way up to $1,000 by 2015. >> the bart board of directors will vote tomorrow on a plan to make it cheaper for workers at sfo to take the train to work. airport employees get a discount for take bart to sfo and under the new plan they would no longer pay a surcharge added to tickets in 2009 when the transit agency faced a huge budget deficit. the surcharge ranges from $1.50 to $4. the airport will pay bart $169,000 to make up for lost revenue. >> bart to the airport is always a good idea. if you can. how is the weather? >> you can walk because it will be so nice. we have a warm morning already. >> absolutely, with some areas in the 60's in fairfield where we have a breeze at 12 miles per hour. we are around 62 degrees. notice the wind. we have wind speeds and the win direction, and the arrows are pointing which way the wind is blowing and they are variable. that is a sign that high pressure is sitting on top. fairfield is at 64. antioch is at 65. oakland is at 63. mountain view at 60 and the rest of us in the 50's but napa and santa rosa sheltered from the wind overnight in the upper 40's today, look at the 80's, a five our newer reporting stations, concord and napa and santa rosa, your airports could set records with 70's around the bay and 60's at the coast. moving forward temperatures are much cooler tomorrow through the weekend but still, above average away from the coast. leyla gulen? >> a brand new issue in the santa cruz mountains if you are headed along highway 17 in the southbound direction beyond highway nine the main street overcrossing a big rig crashed into that blocking a lane and it looks like we are seeing slow traffic there moving along southbound as we head further to the north to the east bay as we look at 680 northbound at mission boulevard the off-ramp is shut down because of an overturned big rig and 18,000 pounds of cargo will be off loaded taking until 7:00 to clear up and you can take this alternate. as we head out to the altamont pass we have some construction scheduled until 11 a.m. and eastbound 580 between greenville to north flynn road. eric and kristen? >> it doesn't feel like 2012 presidential race just ended and everyone is talking about 2016. the bay area support one potential candidate is getting. >> first, a close call this southern california, the mistake that ended with a semi truck crashing through a kitchen. >> two of silicon valley's largest tech companies want toes expand >> covering cupertino, wine country and all the bay area this is abc7 news. >> the long view from the sutro camera across the bay what you can see in the distance, mount diabolo, you can see high thin clouds and when the sun comes up it will be beautiful. >> what do you think of when you say things we might find in the kitchen? >> toaster. pots and pans. >> coffee maker. >> how about a semi truck? a woman in san diego county escaped injury after this semi crashed into her home yesterday evening in spring valley. the truck went 15' into the house before stopping in the kitchen. investigators say the truck was parked on a hill and the brakes were not open. the driver was not in the truck when it crashed. >> if i want an addition i will build it myself. >> we hear the emergency call from a company bound up in their condo by a fugitive former police officer dorner. he was found if their condo february 12 and three tied them up and took off this their s.u.v. and they called 9-1-1. the command post in the search was located right across the street from the condo and it took officers about 15 minutes to respond. >> he came in, and he had guns at our head. >> how long ago did he try you up? >> 15 minutes to 30 minutes. >> so this all happened today? >> yes. we are still tied up. >> you are still tied up? >> yes. >> investigators say dorner shot and killed himself hours later during a stand off with deputies he was accused of kill willing four people during a rampage to avenge his firing from the lapd. >> two of silicon valley's largest tech companies could be ready to expand a partnership. the "wall street journal" reports that yahoo and happy are discussing how more yahoo services can play a more prominent role on apple's iphone and ipad. a new arrangement under consideration could get more contents from yahoo news loaded on to apple devices. appear lists say the discussion shows yahoo c.e.o. is trying to increase the company's presence on mobile devices. >> forget the full page resume the new version is only 140 characters. the "wall street journal" reports that some job recruiters are turning to twitter to find out more about those who apply, and helping them find candidates they would not fine otherwise. job seekers are turning to the site to connect with hiring managers. as one hiring manager put it twitter is the new elevator pitch. >> days after jc penney fired a c.e.o. over plungeing stock price retailers weighing in. they fired former apple executive after less than two years on the job. johnson got rid of sales and promotions and now analysts say though need to drive new traffic into the stores. analysts say the retailer should focus on the strong customer base in the hispanic community and among baby boomers. >> northern california who want former secretary of state hillary clinton to run forment -- for president are not waiting around. many of her california supporters are mobilizing and raising money to entice her to run in 2016. among her backers is former east bacon man and house minority leader nancy pelosi want clinton to run and is said so on the record. >> the first lady is headd to her hometown of chicago today to discuss the city's prolonged wave of violence among young people. mrs. obama will address a lunch meeting hosted by the mayor rahm emanuel before headed to harper high school where she will hear from students who have personally been impacted by violence. she also is expected to call on business and community leaders if chicago to invest if more outreach to young people. i was momentarily distracted reading that story looking at her outfit. i don't know of any other women... >> kristen sze looking at outfits. >> she is a style icon. >> gorgeous morning we are weighing up to and warp, too. >> do not be distracted while driving. here is the big story today, a beautiful picture from our roof camera under the bay bridge toward the port of oak. 24 hour temperature change, this afternoon, our highs are anywhere from two degrees warmer to eight degrees warmer compared to yesterday. we were in the 70's to near 80, pretty impressive by april standards and today most of us are in the 80's and more impressive by april standards. live doppler 7 hd showing how dry it is outside, and high pressure over us right now, and the sinking air is going to bring us sunshine and our warmest afternoon in the seven-day outlook is today. clouds return to us with a sea breeze that will bring us mild temperatures starting tomorrow, but not so warm as today, and a breeze will develop headed through the week. mount diabolo from sutro tower is clean and beautiful with a too clouds to make it a colorful morning. 58 in san francisco, if you headed out in oakland, 62 degrees and 52 in san jose, and 50 in walnut creek and near that in palo alto and 60 in mill valley. from the east bay hills, along 24, over toward another perspective of mount diabolo we have santa rosa and napa in upper 40's and livermore is 50 and union city is 52 and los gatos is 57 degrees. high pressure is building right now and that will dominate our weather today. here is tomorrow's weather, a trough of low pressure will induce the sea breeze to. could back and bring us the schooler weather. today the warmth peeks and look for an asterisk with a few new reporting stations that could set record highs, not in the santa clara valley and low-to-mid 80's elsewhere, and 81 in san jose, on the peninsula we will have low do mid-70's for millbrae and san mateo and everyone else is flirting with 80 degrees. mid-to-upper 60's along the coast and not a brisk day. low-to-mid 70's downtown and santa rosa and napa, possible record high at 83 and 84 and beaches in the mid-60's and upper 70's to low 80's with hayward at 78 and possibly a record high and same in concord, and mainly mid-80's through the east bay valley. headed to the game today, 12:45 first pitch is gorgeous, low 70's, with a lot of sunshine so be presented for that. the seven-day outlook shows six to 12 degrees cooler tomorrow than today. temperatures will hold above average through the weekend. >> driving into san jose, downtown san jose, it looks quiet with headlights northbound along highway 87 coming away from 17 and it is looking clear for you. headed out to your walnut creek drive if you are making your commute through concord down to 24 southbound 680, building up on the 24 junction. now i will take you back down to los gatos where we had the report of a big rig that hit the overcrossing of main street along southbound 17 and that has been cleared so it is not affecting traffic, and a quick look at the travel times slowing down between antioch and concord and the 580 him a 40-minute drive to head out of the central valley and into dublin. eric and kristen? >> we are just 145 days away from the opening of the new bay bridge and questions still surrounds broken bolts on the bridge deck. the answers caltran is expected to provide today. >> an unexpected rescue on the peninsula. [ virginia ] i do have a healthy diet... but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice, softens the enamel, so that then it can erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love. i can have the best of both worlds. we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ the delightful discovery. the sweet realization that you have a moment all to yourself. well, almost. splenda® no calorie sweetener. splenda® makes the moment yours™. aúes0p0pdays of walkingweetener. to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful >> a baby seal is recovering this morning after being rescued from the wetlands of palo alto. the pup was discovered by a city worker in the park near a floodgate yesterday. an animal control officer captured it with a net and arranged for the mammal center to pick it up. the baby seal did not appear tobin juried but it may have been distressed or abandoned. >> new member of the penguin family will make the public debut today at the california academy of sciences hatched a couple of months ago, the first one in the new building. he got a clean bill of health and will be introduced to his swimming mates. the biologists are on hand in case other person -- penguins gang up on this new cover. the academy is holding a contest to make the new penguin. the winner received a painting created by the penguin with artistic direction from the staff. go to and click on "see it on tv." >> the white house is ready for a major announcement this morning. >> ahead at 6:30 the budget plan president obama is getting ready to unveil and the spending cuts outlined in the proposal. >> live on the scene of antioch where three people were shot overnight we now have new information from police. officers think they know would shot the three people. we have the story coming up. >> here is a look at the next 12 hours. we are starting the morning with temperatures near 50 to 60 and this afternoon we are in the 70's to low 80's and in the evening, temperatures in the 60's and 70's. enjoy the spring warmth. >> from the abc7 news traffic center, traffic is pouring in to the toll plaza along the bay bridge with a sig-alert if fremont with the details on that when abc7 news >> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. good morning. it is wednesday. april 10. here is a live look outside. the sun is just about to rise. it is a gorgeous day shaping up. a warm start for us in the bay area with lots of sunshine. by the way, april 10 is also national siblings day, eric, so the message to kids, be nice to your siblings. do something awesome for them today. >> even grown up siblings. >> time for a check on the forecast. it is a beautiful picture. >> absolutely. from a different perspective from sutro tower looking at mount diabolo you can see the high clouds uplift by the sun that is cresting the horizon and it will be a gorgeous day. look how dry it is. you may need an umbrella to keep yourself from being so sunny today and getting burned. we are 60 in some areas around the bay at 7:00. low 70's at noon. upper 70's at 4:00 and a gorgeous evening, a few clouds and temperatures in the upper 60's. inland neighborhoods we are milder this morning with 50's around but check out mid-70's by noon and the low 80's as we head throughout the afternoon hours. we could top out in the mid-80's and a calm day at the coast compared to the first few days. 55 this morning. low-to-upper 60's from noon to 4:00. enjoy the warm weather. leyla gulen has the commute. >> as we track the sig-alert northbound 680 in fremont it is not causing too much slowing. mission boulevard off-ramp will be shut down until 7:00 due to an overturned big rig carrying 18,000 pounds of cargo so crews will have for take that cargo out. mass transit looks like everything is running smoothly with no delays on bart or caltrain and central san rafael southbound 101 with no accidents to report. kristen and eric? >> developing news from antioch, now, in the last hour, police released new information on a triple shooting that left a person dead and two others hospitalized. abc7 news reporter amy hollyfield joins us live on the violence in this typically quiet neighborhood. >> police have told us what they think happened. they say the man inside the home shot two women and then himself. police got the call before 11:00 last night. inside the home on yorkshire drive in antioch they found three people remain shot. the man died. they have just told us his name, 22-year-old jimmy bill. the two women survived. neighbors say they were stunned. >> on my way out my girlfriend and i and we saw this and i said, what is this? then, to hear about someone being, you know, shot. it just devastated us. >> the two women survived. we are told they are in critical condition. police have not told us the relationship between the three people but neighbors say it was a mother, her adult daughter, and the daughter's ex-boyfriend and she had a temporary restraining order against him. he did die. police believe he killed himself. they have not told us why they thing this happened. >> thank you, amy hollyfield. >> the body of a soldier from san jose is back on united states soldier after being killed over the weekend in afghanistan. the 24-year-old specialist was among five americans killed when a suicide car bomb detonated on sunday in afghanistan. also kill was a state department diplomat. he was guarding a convoy taking textbooks to children when the explosion happen. his sister said the family is heart broken. santos was a glowing example of what it took to be a soldier. >> we honor him as a soldier myself and as a brother. all the other soldiers that have done this. all the other families that have sacrificed. >> he didn't fear. he just said, if i'm going to be gone, that is it this is my mission. this is what i have to do. i'm accepting the fact. if it happened, it happened, mom. >> sap toes was on the second deployment after joining the army in 2007 and he previously served in iraq. for our americans were killed in the explosion. >> president obama's long awaded 2014 budget is on the way to congress this morning and guaranteed to anger both ends of the political spectrum. the president is looking foe a deal to reduce runaway deficits that is topped $1 trillion in east of the last four years but the left is bashing the spending plan saying the poor and elderly would suffer from the proposal to slow down the growth of social security and medicare. conservatives are unhappy with the plan because it calls for a new tax to reduce the deficit. >> tensions are rising higher on the korean peninsula this morning with concern that a north korean missile test could come any day now, a south korean defense official warns the north has completed preparations for such a test and that the would expect of a north korean missile launch is considerably high. the missile is expected to have a range capable of reaching japan. japanese defense officials are inspecting missile interceptors deployed at tokyo headquarters. >> governor brown is heating with chinese trade officials in beijing today after signing a landmark agreement to strengthen economic ties between california and china. the governor is leading business leaders from across the state including the bay area on a week-long trade mission. their signed memorandum of understanding establishes a working group made up of dozens of business and government leaders from california and china. >> this morning, we should learn why the steel rods on the new eastern span of the bay bridge broke. in a few hours caltran will address the metropolitan transportation commission and is expected to answer questions on whether testing let calls were followed a nearly three dozen steel rods snapped beneath the bridge deck. engineering experts and a private consultant have criticized caltran saying the failure was preventable. it estimates to cost $1 million to fix the problem. the new span is scheduled to open labor day weekend 145 days from now. >> the city of santa clara is moving a step closer to having a large scale entertainment hub the next to the planned 49ers stadium agreeing to let a developer launch a $200,000 study of building options at the on 230-acre 58 with city-owned land maybeed near great america parkway to make room for shops, housing, and restaurants. the proposed project is five times larger than san jose's santana row. >> the golden state warriors are going for the playoffs for only the second time in 19 seasons of at the first time since 2007. it has been a long-term coming much the warriors clinched the playoff berth in oakland last night by routing the minnesota timberwolves 105-89. thompson led with 30 points. the warriors are 6 out of 8 late off spots with only four games left in the regular season. >> such a young team. >> they have the confidence. >> we are continuing to follow develop news from san jose. the late-night deadly discovery firefighters made after responding to a brush fire. >> first ever powerball drawing with california taking part is just hours away. ahead, the response that players in the golden state are giving to the game so far. >> live look at the bay bridge toll plaza the backup starting there, and we will find out if the metering lights are on from leyla gulen coming up as well as a look at the trust with >> we are back at 6:40 and time for the at&t park forecast. rockies and giants, look at that sunshine, low-to-mid 70's and purse fitch is at 12:45. we have clouds along the sierra but mostly sunny, 64 in tahoe and low-to-mid 80's through the central valley and headed to san diego about 72 degrees. safe travels. leyla gulen? >> the berkeley drive to the berkeley curb along westbound 80 it is loaded up. away from highway four, down to the maze you are looking at a 20-minute drive. headed into the toll plaza, we have metering lights on and the traffic is becoming with plenty of headlights moving over to treasure island and into san francisco. sig-alert still in affect with the overturned big rig that was carrying 18,000 pounds of cargo that has to be off loaded and we are 7:00 re-opening of that mission boulevard off-ramp so take durham instead. >> california is looking for a new gold rush: powerball is off to a strong start in the first week in the golden state. tickets for the multistate lottery game generateed $3.1 million in the first 24 hours and closer to $4 million last night. lottery officials say they are blown away. the period of first day sales record was set by florida in 2009 and that was $1.million. -- 1.5 million dollars. >> people are dreaming big. >> are you organizing the office pool? >> i'm on my own. >> title no one wants, a bay area company earning the distinction as "worst company in america." >> speaking of companies, the big board shows the dow is up 47 points and ahead we will go live to the new york stock exchange and jane king. >> we have developing news from the south bay with questions police trying to answer after finding a body burning near a >> covering novato, oakland, sunnyvale, and all bay area, this is abc7 news. >> it is 6:45 and time to check with josh for a look at what is coming up on "good morning america" at 7:00. >> good wednesday to you, kristen and eric. great to be with you and with everyone in the bay area. coming up much more on the florida couple accused of fleeing to cuba with their kidnapped sons and have returned to the united states in the custody of f.b.i. agents. we will have the latest right here on "good morning america" this morning. >> developing news, san jose police are trying to determine the identity of a person whose body was found burning on a freeway on-ramp. firefighters were putting out a brushfire on an on-ramp after 9:15 and investigators believe the victim may have been sleeping at a nearby hopeless encampment. >> unfortunately, we have not been able to identify whether the gender is male or female or the age of the individual. >> investigators believe the victim may have lived in home less encampment after discovering some belongings in a tent. >> the new york congressman who resigned in 2011 over a sexting scandal is considering a comeback. former u.s. representative anthony weiner says he is weighing a run for new york city mayor this year. the democrat tells "new york times" that "it is now or never" for me. he concedes he would be appear underdog and represented queens and brooklyn for more than a decade until it came to light he was texting naked pictures of himself to young women he met online. >> the people have spoken and gamemaker electronics arts is named the worst contain in america. consumer affairs blog on tuesday wrapped up the annual poll where readers picked the worst company, they were up against bank of america in the final round of the competition and claimed the title with overwhelming 78 percent of the vote. comcast and ticket master topped the list as being the best of the worst. >> occupy. the worst of the worst. >> right, worst of the worst. home values are moving. that is not good for a south bay city. >> with tax day a few days away, you can rest easy if you are worrying about appear audit. >> we will explain. jane king? >> the chances of getting audited by the i.r.s. could be slimmer than you think. unless you are wealthy. a study quoted by "usa today" says that the i.r.s. is indicating audits dropped last year and this is an exception of two cater goes those in the $200,000 income range and those in the $1 million range. speaking of $1 million you can spend that much in a home in san jose and on some blocks you would have trouble finding anything less than that. but san jose is the city most likely to see rice decline followed by los angeles, portland, and san diego. zillow says it is becausian in-- because the median incomes are not going up enough. the fed released minutes of the last meeting this morning said they were mistakenly sent to some people yesterday and the minutes indicate that the fed could begin scaling back the massive bond-buying program this year. however, the markets are still higher and the dow had a record high topping an october 2007 peak and the silicon valley index is higher. apple shares and could release the new iphone 4s in different scene sizes over the summer. researchers in germany say they found arsenic in hundreds of samples of beer some twice as high as what is allowed in drink water here in the united states according to a national public radio. they say the sources say filtering agent toxin used to make beer be crystal clear is causing the arsenic. >> thank you, jane king, thank you for mentioning beer. >> and now the weather forecast? up arrows? >> temperatures are going up. we will look outside to show you what is going on, 6:50 this morning, we will jump right into what is happening you can see over the east bay hills and valley how clear it is with temperatures from nine to 19 degrees above average in the 70's and 80's today. live doppler 7 hd showing how dry and calm it is this morning because of high pressure sitting on our neighborhoods and it will bring us a calmer day today and cooler air arriving as quickly as tomorrow and it will be breezy but mild for most us away from the coast this weekend. here is a look from sutro tower across the bay bridge, to emeryville and berkeley and san francisco is at 58 and mill valley, and warm spot is oakland at 62 and we are in the low 50's around san jose and palo alto coolest at 49. downtown san francisco shows the sun is shining, temperatures are coolest around santa rosa and napa and upper 40's and fairfield is holding at 64 and livermore and young city and lows get low-to-mid 50's. the high pressure is keeping us warm today. here is tomorrow's weather, the trough of low pressure will put a crimp if the high so the warmth today with high pressure and the trough brings the sea breeze back and cools us down tomorrow. upper 70's to mid-80's from north to south through the santa clara valley and well start at 80 in palo alto and drop to 72 at millbrae and mid-to-upper 60's at the coast with calmer conditions than yesterday. low-to-mid 70's downtown, and mid-60's at the beaches and a five our newer reporting stations where you see the at terrific that could be a record high at 78 in hayward and 84 in concord and most of us in the mid-80's in the east bay valley. tonight our temperatures are in the and 50's and cooler this morning but notice the cloud cover along the coast and spilling into the bay is the sea breeze returning and that is what drops our temperatures six to 12 degrees but we above average away from the coast all the way through saturday and back to average on sunday and maybe cooler on monday with a storm system passing us and, unfortunately, not bringing us any rain. have a good day. hague -- hague -- leyla gulen? >> the drive on northbound 280 is slowing down as you come away from 17 to the san mateo bridge, unhazy skies you can see traffic is moving well. here is the update on the sig-alert. we have a clear up at 7:45 so that has been extended northbound 680. mission boulevard remains shut down because of an overturned big rig. kristen? eric? >> thank you. >> ahead five things to know of you go. >> the use morning news >> as we get ready to hand things off to "good morning america" here are five things to know. one, developing news in the east bay a man is dead, two women are in the hospital after a triple shooting in antioch. police say the man shot the two women before turning the gun on himself last night. the women were a mother and her daughter in her 20's are said to be in critical condition. >> two, use has -- abc7 news has learn two key senators are reached a compromise on gun control but there are special exceptions being made. >> three, a north korean missile test could come any day, a warning from a south korean defense ministry official who says the north has ended completions. >> four we could learn why steel rods have snapped on the bay bridge and whether testing protocols were followed after these dozen steel rods snapped. >> five, the warriors and the fans can look forward to the post season. the team clinched a spot in the playoffs by beating the timberwolves last night 105-89. it will be the first trip to the playoffs for the warriors since 2007. >> final accweather forecast. >> look at the sunshine, it is the east bay valleys that will have the warmest temperatures and the north bay where we will be around 80 to 86 degrees. we will have mid-to-upper 60's at the coast, warmer than normal without the breezes of the early parts of the week. sunshine around the bay, at 71 to 82 degrees. temperatures are well above average today and maybe a record or two will fall so check in tonight and see if your neighborhood. right now we turn it over to leyla. >> a sig-alert in fremont is in affect until 7:45. the mission boulevard off-ramp is shut down because of an overturned big rig and coming from the central valley, the speeds are down to 21 miles per hour and they pick up a little bit as you head into livermore and still on the brakes headed into dublin/pleasanton. now, before highway 4 it is slow and you looking at 55-minute drive headed out of antioch to concord. here is the bay bridge: look at that, plenty of traffic but the sun is starting to rise over the toll plaza and it is looking beautiful out there, although it is busy. >> it is beautiful. going east right now you are staring into the sun, right? >> true. >> we will see plenty of sun. >> warmer-than-average temperatures but they will not last. captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. good morning, america. breaking overnight, a dramatic end to that international kidnapping incident. the two parents who fled to cuba after abducting their children are whisked back to the u.s. by federal marshals a few hours ago. booked in jail. why did cuba make a deal? brand-new video of those terrifying stabbing attacks on that campus and students tackling the 20-year-old deaf classmate to the ground. 14 injured. we hear from the survivors. brand-new details on that holy hoax. meet the man who tried to take down one of america's famous pastors, revealing overnight why he went over joel osteen. an abc news exclusive. ♪ ♪ i'm proud of where i come the song raising eyebrows. from two of the biggest titans in entertainment. brad paisley and l.l. cool j. their song, "accidental racist," is sparking an international debate. they speak about it only on "gma." >> only love can so what we're talking about on the song is forgiveness and compassion. and good morning, america. robin off today. great to have elizabeth vargas here. boy, we have a whole lot going on this morning. all that you just saw, plus two more major stories we're reporting on right now, and we just learned that a deal has been reached for expanding background checks on gun buyers. the president and those newtown families have been pressing for it and looks like a major breakthrough. and we're also standing by for a possible north korean missile launch, we're standing by that could take place at any time. we'll go there for a live report. >> tension keeps on building. but let's get to that florida couple who kidnapped their own children and fled to cuba back in florida this morning in custody and abc's gio benitez has all the details. good morning, gio. >> reporter: good morning to you, george. that couple now facing serious kidnapping charges, locked up in this tampa jail. just before dawn, joshua and sharyn hakken were led into the

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