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across the country could take a very dramatic, new turn today. >> that's right. george zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer, who shot unarmed teenager, trayvon martin, could be released from a florida jail later this morning. and zimmerman's attorney is now looking to protect his client. george zimmerman could be free within hours. after a week behind bars, for the shooting death of trayvon martin, zimmerman's attorney believes his client will walk out of court after his 9:00 a.m. band hearing, leading to concerns for zimmerman's safety. mark o'mara hopes to keep court documents sealed and zimmerman's location a secret. >> so much animosity built up in this case so far. that people that get that information want to act on it prematurely. like actresses or witnesses. that's a real concern. >> reporter: one issue likely to weigh on the judge, how will zimmerman remain safe? law enforcement officials say there's only so much they can do to protect him. there's concerns about community violence. last night things got heated during a discussion on ways to improve operations in the city of sanford in the wake of this incident. >> we recognize that's the possibility. and i'm prepared for that. >> are you prepared? >> we are prepared. >> reporter: trayvon's parents' attorney says racial profiling is what led to martin's death. and the stand your ground law could possibly exonerate his killer. >> trayvon martin's legacy won't stop with the conclusion of this criminal matter because if that happens, then we've lost. >> reporter: meanwhile, zimmerman has requested to meet privately with trayvon's parents. but they have declined, saying it would be inappropriate to do so at this time. and the team at "good morning america" is also working this story. they've got a new clue that could weigh heavily on today's case. that exclusive information, coming up at 7:00 eastern. more embarrassing details in that secret service sex scandal. one of the agents forced out joked on his facebook page that he was, quote, checking out sarah palin, while he protected her during the 2008 campaign. more agents are expected to be fired in the coming day, according to top congressional leaders. eight men remain suspended and have had their top-secret security clearances lifted. the scandal also involves about ten military personnel and as many as 20 colombian women. investigators here in new york are hoping for a break in a three-decades-old missing child case. etan patz was the first face to be put on milk cartons. now, there's major developments in the case. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: 33 years ago, etan patz was going to school. his disappearance frightened an entire nation to parents. at a time when little attention was given to children who had gone missing. the case ignited a movement. president reagan at the time, declared missing children's day. three decades later, there is a break. it's possible etan never got further than his own block that morning. dozens of agents preparing to dig out a baitment in a nearby building, along the path the boy took that morning. abc news has learned in recent days, a carpenter, a handyman, who wasn't worked in that building has been questioned. a cadaver dog brought to the carpenter's old workshop, picking up the scent. >> we're looking for what the warrant indicates. for either human remains or personal effects and clothing. >> reporter: it's believed that carpenter, othneil miller, had been friendly with the boy years ago. giving etan a dollar for helping him, the night before he disappeared. authorities never searched that basement. and charges were never brought in the case. back in that soho neighborhood in new york, the patz family is still there, still torn. the father sitting down with abc news a little more than two years ago. >> i'm still with the fear of what happened -- when he realized he was betrayed by an adult. >> reporter: the story of his son, changing this country and the way of life for that new york neighborhood. david muir, abc news, new york. and we turn, now, to kansas, where the search is under way for two prison escapees, including one convicted of murder. the two men were part of a group that used homemade knives to overpower guards earlier this week. two escapees have been returned to that prison. the convicts were moved from a safe facility to a county jail because of overcrowding. four u.s. soldiers are feared dead after a helicopter crash in afghanistan. the army blackhawk went down during a nighttime mission. weather may have been a factor in that accident. the helicopter had been called to help the injured after a suicide attack in the helmand province. two years ago today, the deepwater horizon explosion in the gulf of mexico triggered one of the biggest oil spills in u.s. history. this week, lawyers submitted a plan to settle more than 100,000 legal claims that followed. fishing and tourism are recovering in the area. but scientists say an unknown amount of oil is still lurking in the gulf. and environmental effects are still unfolding. >> heard yesterday about the some of the effect bs it's having an fish and shrimp. >> deformed crabs and shrimp. it's scary. far from over. >> it's not good. time, now, for the weather from across the kags. stormy in texas, with golf ball-sized hail and 70-mile-per-hour winds from corpus christi to houston. rain from dallas into little rock, detroit and the ohio valley. sunny and warm in the northeast. thunderstorms from knoxville to the carolinas and miami. mountain snow in the northern rockies. showers in the pacific northwest. >> 55 in seattle. and a hot 95 in phoenix. 58 in minneapolis. and 52 in chicago. 70s from boston to atlanta. 84 in miami. 81 in new orleans. well, next on this friday morning, sounds good, doesn't it? friday morning. >> yeah. >> getting the bugs out. insects as a food additive. one chain says no more. plus, a bird strike forced that famous landing on the hudson river. and almost did the very same thing again yesterday. we have new details from overnight. and the heights one mom is going to help elect her daughter prom queen. or welcome back, everyone. there are signs that the u.s. economy is chugging along. the strong earnings reports this week from two of the nation's biggest freight railroads show the u.s. economic recovery is continuing both cxs and union pacific are hauling more goods and raw materials. overseas markets are off a little as investors play it safe. tokyo's nikkei average falling 27 points today. hong kong's hang seng was off 24 points. in london, the ftse opened just a fraction lower. on wall street, the dow slipped 69 points yesterday. and the nasdaq index lost 24. american airlines' unions are expected to announce today that they support a takeover of the bankrupt airline by u.s. airways. something of a slap in the face, though, for american's current management, which will ask a bankruptcy court monday for a chance to terminate its union contract. as the rhetoric heats up in the presidential campaign about working women, here's some interesting statistics for you. more young women than men say it's very important to have a high-earning career. when the pew research center checked a few years ago, the percentages were both under 60%. women also outnumber men on college campuses. an interesting story here this morning. starbucks is debugging its drinks. the world's largest coffee chain says it will no longer use a red dye that's made from crushed bugs in its products, such as its strawberry-flavored drinks and red velvet cake. other companies use cochineal extract, as it's called. but there were protests to this. so starbucks will use coloring made from a tomato extract. the change should be complete by this june. this jug extract is in meat, alcohol, cookies, cheddar cheese. no longer with your starbucks coffee. up next, police trying to find the basketball fan who attacked a player in the middle of a game. plus, a bird strike caught on tape nearly brings down a flight right here over new york city. [ male announcer ] raise your hand if you've got savings whiplash. you know, from car insurance companies shouting, "save 500 bucks over here!" "no, save 300 bucks over here!" 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"sportscenter" update. the rangers in detroit. and a breaking ball. later, alex. swinging gets in. and prince fielder, swinging as well. darvish. top of the eighth, nelson cruz doubles to right center. young comes in from first. it's 6-1, rangers. down the right field line. coming in to score. the rangers, they go on to win, 10-3. to the nba. no derrick rose for the bulls. taking on lebron james and the heat in miami. second quarter. we go for the jam. and heat down by one. third quarter. hamilton to d. wade. wade shoving hamilton. back on the ground. wade getting a technical on the play. later in the third, again, james. exchanging words. no foul on that play. later in the third, james hitting the jump layup. 27 points for the king. and waiter, wade baseline fadeaway. 18 points for him. the heat, they go on to win this one by a score of 83-72. the nba friday, coming your way on espn. the celtics taking on the hawks at 7:00 p.m. and coming up next this morning, "the pulse." running for prom queen. taken to a whole new level. >> a ridiculous level, too. and is this the worst song ever released? hot problems. "hot problems" is going viral. thanks for babysitting the kids, brittany. so how much do we owe you? that'll be $973.42. ya know, your rates and fees aren't exactly competitive. who do you think i am, quicken loans? [ spokesman ] when you refinance your mortgage with quicken loans, you'll find that our rates and fees are extremely competitive. because the last thing you want is to spend too much on your mortgage. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪ did you know when heartburn, it's too late to take prilosec because... but it's but zantac® works differently. it relieves heartburn in as little as 30 minutes. in fact, so, when heartburn strikes, try zantac® this has been medifacts for zantac® they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™. it is time to check "the pulse," stories you will be talking about today. unfortunately we're going to be talking about this. move over, rebecca black. her song "friday" has new competition. >> get this, everybody. another young tone-deaf act has gone viral. and you might want to keep your finger near the mute button for this one. ♪ people don't know what we go through ♪ ♪ they see my blonde hair blue eyes ♪ ♪ but they don't know i have a really big heart ♪ >> oh, where is the nearest bridge? that's the newest teen duo, double take, singing their youtube hit "hot problems." this video has gotten 1.5 million views. >> what? >> they are well on their way to kind of success. and rebecca black received for her musically-challenged song, "friday." >> double take? i think single take. one time is enough. >> let's move on. >> okay. so, a texas mom may have gone just a tad overboard trying to help her daughter's chances of becoming prom queen. the mom paid for this billboard to showcase the girl's talent. >> but the billboard is just the beginning. the mom has taken out several newspaper ads. even recruiting a local restaurant for help in all this. you see it right there. you think the daughter might be embarrassed by the over-the-top display. but brandy says she's quite grateful. we'll see if it pays off this saturday night. enearlier, rob and i relived a little of our youth. getting into the prom. >> that is paula, wearing her actual prom dress. that's my god-awful dancing. >> you saw -- i ripped the seams trying to get it out. but i used orange gaffer tape to hold it together. >> a beautiful couple. look at that. beautiful memories. good times. >> for the show. abc's got more next. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] jim's allergies are becoming an issue. [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] what can he do? he can get answers at walgreens with the guidance and information he needs to help manage his allergies. like claritin. only claritin is proven to keep you as alert and focused as someone without allergies. right now, buy a 45 count claritin and get a 20 count free. find answers at walgreens. there's a way to stay well. start out softer and more vulnerable? new aquafresh kids fresh and fruity toothpaste gently cleans their teeth with natural calcium and fights cavities with fluoride. try new aquafresh kids fresh and fruity toothpaste. ♪ [ birds chirping ] unh! [ female announcer ] oikos greek yogurt. possibly the best yogurt in the world. >> , the neighborhood watch volunteer accused of shooting and killing an unarmed black teenager heads back to court. >> and the photo that could offer a new clue in the case. why ross mirkarimi may have lost today's battle before he stepped into court. meteorologist lisa argen has the forecast. warming temperatures, 14° above normal. >> frances has traffic so please join updating our top stories now. george zimmerman, the neighborhood watchman who shot trayvon martin, could be released on bail later today. zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder charges in that case. investigators will be back in a manhattan basement, looking for clues into the disappearance of etan patz, 33 years ago. new clues indicating that the boys' remains may be in the building. and abc news has learned that more secret service resignations could come later today. three agents have lost their job over that growing scandal involving heavy drinking and prostitutes in colombia. looking at today's weather, mountain snow in the northern rockies. hail and gusty winds in texas. rain from little rock to the ohio valley. and a little levity today. it's time for your "friday funnies." the secret service sex scandal, of course, provided a whole lot of material this week. >> but also getting some attention, diane sawyer's big chat with mitt romney. >> you or president obama? >> i have no idea how funny he is in real life. and people don't know me terribly well. the kind of pranks we play. what it's like at home with five boys. but most of our dinner table events were involving humor of one kind or another. most of which can't be repeated on the air. >> i'll bet his pranks are hilarious. you should see the look on his face when i put the left shoes on the right side. >> 32% of our taxes go to defense. and the rest buys hookers for the secret service. >> on the secret service, these men and women perform extraordinary service on a day-to-day basis, protecting me, my family, u.s. officials. they do very hard work under very stressful circumstances. and almost invariably do an outstanding job. >> you see there. >> the main target of the committee's wrath, gsa conference organizer, jeff neely, seen here enjoying a drink in his window-mounted bathtub of the future. this is a man ready for an erectile dysfunction ad. >> who is really responsible? it happened under the president's roy watch. >> that blame has to go to the president. >> the president is responsible for anything the government does when he's in office. and come to think of it, who took the photo? someone else had to be in that bathroom. and when you eliminate everyone i don't want it to be, there's only one person it could be. barack obama. [ laughter ] >> well done, mr. colbert. oh. those guys always get us, every week. that's what's making news in america on this friday morning. >> stay with us for "good morning america." have a great friday. have an even better weekend, everybody. er closed captioning by closed captioning services,inc

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