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rob mayeda. >> you can't see much of it right now. temperature temperatures, 40s and 50s outside. low clouds across the bay this morning but not enough wind to prevent another spare the air day. unhealthy for most groups out there in the east bay, inrand valleys. temperatures really starting to climb as early as lunchtime. mid 90s on our way today to 100 degrees inland, especially areas east of 680, south of san jose, mid to upper 90s again. tomorrow it looks to be a bit cooler. we'll talk about that in your full forecast, coming up moments from now. >> rob, thank you very much. gop presidential candidate mitt romney is expected to officially announce his running ma mate, wisconsin congressman paul ryan. this is a live look at the festivities under way in norfolk, virginia. romney making the announcement via phone app saying mitt's choice for vp is paul ryan, employing backers to spread the word. we're going to go to a special report right now. >> reporter: we just confirmed that it was the exact same day that mitt romney returned home from his trip overseas, where h visited london, visited with you, and israel before coming home on august 1st, now ten days ago that mitt romney made his decision and that he told the woman he put in charge of the process that he would be selecting paul ryan. here we stand now, less than two weeks later in front of the retired military battleship in norfolk, virginia. this is a dramatic backdrop for the announcement that will be made shortly. you could say they have brought out the big guns. the teleprompter has been set up. we got a sense that something big may be planned for today when it included five senior advisers to romney, usually a much smaller staff of advisadvi. he is here with his wife. paul ryan will be here and also suggests that his wife and three young children may be with him as well. the campaign is also giving us remarks we will be hearing from paul ryan. camp romney has been criticized as being cautious throughout the last several months. the realities of the campaign season has forced him to make a bold choice in many ways. polls recently showing romney trailing president obama. so here are some of the remarks you'll hear from that bold choice. >> well, right there, we just lost the audio. that voice there belonged to nbc's peter alexander, reporting live for us from norfolk, ver virginia, where gop presidential candidate mitt romney is officially expected to announce his vp running mate to-be, wisconsin congressman, paul ryan. a bay area marine was supposed to come home soon after four tours of duties and earning a purple heart. instead, family and friends of marine captain matt manoukian are mourning his death, killed friday in the province. today in the bay's george kiriyama reports. >> i had to call my son. not easy. to let him know. >> reporter: kevin mackley is not only the long-time president of st. francis high school but knew captain matt manoukian as a family friend. the death of the captain breaks his heart. >> as devastating a news as anyone could ever get. >> reporter: he and two other marines were shot and killed at a checkpoint in southern afghanistan. disguised in afghan police uniforms, they targeted the marines. >> he's such a wonderful young man, very popular student here. a leader type. >> reporter: manoukian graduated from st. francis in mountain view, star defensive lineman on the school's football team. the marine leader never forgot his roots, returning to his alma mater many times just to say hello. >> that's the kind of young man he was. you don't find these kids with this kind of character, you don't find them very often. >> reporter: the son of two judges, captain manoukian was headed to law school next year with hopes of becoming a public defender. >> what a fabulous young man. and his loss is crushing. >> reporter: george kiriyama, today in the bay. st. francis high says it will be holding a memorial service for captain manoukian soon. it's likely they will also honor him at the first home football game august 31st. we want to head back out to an nbc special report in regards to gop presidential candidate mitt romney. >> by some republicans that he doesn't have any detail. now he's running on some details. the negatives, and we'll have a race to define mitt -- paul ryan here on the romney/ryan ticket, the negatives this brings on and republicans have expressed them to it me. it puts medicare front and center, future of medicare. what is the relationship between medicare and older voters? does it put older voters in play? you'll hear democrats, the president, vice president biden talk about medicare, putting it front and center. it may be, as talked about of an issue, brian, as the economy itself. it will be interesting in the remarks you're going to hear from governor romney and paul ryan today, trying to diem fasize this a little bit. at the same time they're going to have to try to figure out how to defend the medicare part of this. one of the crucial swing states is the state of florida. >> david gregory, i got an e-mail from someone on the gop side reading flatly, mitt romney lo likes paul ryan's story. he really kind of enjoyed the company they spent together. he likes the idea of paul ryan. do you concur? >> absolutely. and let's remember, brian, its crucial underlying -- these are presidential decisions. voters for the first time are seeing mitt romney as a potential president making that level of decision. when you make that decisions, of course, there's political implication implications. one reason it's so private and one of the reasons it's so tough to break as a story, it's pretty much the gut check of the nominee. president bush and how he chose dick cheney. personal chemistry. they look good together. but how will they govern together? mitt romney is thinking about that as well as all of these other considerations. >> tim pawlenty, rob portman came close to this decision. it's probably a good time to remind our viewers who are with us right now that tim pawlenty, who came as close as you could to being the guy with mitt romney today is your special guest andin a special edition o "meet the press" tomorrow morning, 9:00 am across the board on the nbc television network because of our olympic coverage time schedule. former minnesota governor. and, david, i guess over time, we will learn why it wasn't the others. and it will be probably obvious today why it's paul ryan. >> i think that's right. there's a line in ryan's excerpts today that reads we we lead. mitt romney wants to make a real statement with this pick. it is a bold and risky pick. the bold part of it is that it galvanizes fiscal conservatives. make no mistake, he is chairman of the budget committee. you said it, all important. he is a fiscal warrior when it comes to dealing with what he describes each days a debt crisis. he will be able to galvanize the base there. less cautious choice because of the potential downside. big bright lines between these two candidates and the issue of medicare. brian, mark my words, every day between now and election day you'll hear someone speaking for the president saying paul ryan and mitt rmny want to change medicare as you know it. the last time big social policy and entitlement positions were taken on with social security back in 2004 with president bush, that didn't go so well. >> here comes governor mcdonald of verirginia. we'll let the program unfold from here on out. >> good morning. what a treat to be back in my old home, where i raised all my five kids here in virginia beach. i just want to say, it is such a treat to be governor of the most visited, friendly state in america, the commonwealth of virginia. for all you virginians, i want to say thanks for having us here today. you know, this is the mother of presidents, the birthplace of democracy, where 400 or 500 miles ago, given birth to cape hen henry, the united states of america. and what a treat to be at the home of more veterans than just about any place in the world. the home of the greatest navy base in the world. all of you that are veterans, raise your hands so we can give you applause for what you have done. you understand, like the people that served on that ship for so many years, and you understand like mitt romney, freedom isn't free. it takes the blood, sweat, tears of american men and women in uniform to keep us a free and great nation. i just want to say it's a treat to be here with a guy that i think was the greatest reform governor of the modern era, he's going to be your next great united states senator george allen. and for you men and women in uniform or you veterans, you have no better friend than the united states congress than our great friend randy forbes. please help them get re-elected. and it's also a treat to be with my right-hand guy, our great lieutenant governor, our chief jobs creation officer bill boeing. he's done a great job creating jobs in virginia but, boy, we have some headwinds in washington. won't it be easier creating jobs in virginia if we've got a president mitt romney. [ cheers ] well, i'm delighted to be here with my wife, the first lady, and my sons, my daughters. how about that veteran jannine mcdonnell singing the national anthem. she do okay? [ cheers ] >> well, i am excited to have our next president here today. his opponent has been here a little bit. seems like every time he comes here he makes a little news. he was here last week and i want you to help me with this. he was here last week and he said "if i don't win virginia, i won't be president again." i want you to help him keep that promise. a couple months ago he came to roanoke, virginia and he said something i still can't believe. i'm still looking at that transcript to see if it was right. he said "if you are successful in a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen." ladies and gentlemen, i think that shows why we need a new president because that statement tells you everything you need to know. this is a president that does not understand the american free enterprise system and the great american dream and we need a change. now, let's suppose that you were interviewing for a job or you were interviewing to get rehired or your contract extended. that's what the president's asking us to do. and you go in, you got your resumé and you're trying to tell your boss the american people or the 8.2 million people of virginia you want to get rehired. let's look at the resumé of the president. how about jobs? we've had an 8% unemployment rate for 42 months and lowest number of entrepreneurs starting new businesses in over 30 years. not so good, mr. president. when it comes to -- when it comes to energy, his record is making it harder for our great coal industry to have new permits, making it harder for our people in the great new natural gas industry to engage in fracking, making it harder to dispose of nuclear materials so we can't build new nuclear power plants, refusing to allow virginians to use their god given natural resources off the coast of virginia to drill for oil and natural gas. when it comes to the debt, let's look at that record. the largest increase in the american national debt in the history of our country, $5.2 trillion. all you young people here, you're paying that bill. that's the record. and no plan to get out of it, only a budget that gets to us $25 trillion in debt by the year 2021. so i'd say if you walk into an employer and you got that kind of resumé, there's only two word that come to mind, you're fired. but thank good we've got a great choice this election, and this election is about really one thing and that is which candidate's got the vision and the ideas to get the greatest country on earth out of debt and back to work. on the one hand we've got this obama vision of more entitlements and more guarantees and more taxes and more government is the way to prosperity. mr. president, with all due respect, that's failed america now for the last three and a half years. but then we've got the gop, the great opportunity party and its vision and its candidate. we've got that incredible reagan/romney enthusiastic vision that recognizes the american dream that if you work hard and you dream big and you pursue opportunity and use your god-given talents, you can still be anything you want to be in this great land of freedom america. a hundred years ago a poor farm boy from mayo county ireland left on a ship and landed in boston, massachusetts. that was my grandfather. he worked as a laborer in a glue factory and as a tanner. he never thought a hundred years later his grandson would end up with the same job as patrick henry, being governor of virginia. but that's the united states of america, the land of dreams and opportunity. so much f being an average kid from fairfax, virginia i'm thrilled to being the governor of virginia. we offer hope and opportunity for our middle-class families in america. governor romney has put forth a visionary five-point plan to get people back to work, promoting entrepreneurship and you did build it. and if you do, you build opportunities for other people. to get our great country out of debt by balancing the budget within the next eight years and he's going to have somebody to help him do that. to be able to get people trained in the skills and the workforce in math and science and the other disciplines that are necessary to create the workforce of the future, to be able to have a sustainable energy future. this president's got no plan. governor romney's got an all of use all of our god given resources that's going to create jobs and opportunities for a long time. so, ladies and gentlemen, you know the issues and you know the ideas of mitt romney. but i want to say above all those policy issues, what really matters is heart and character and vision and passion. the scriptures say for lack of vision the people perish but just the opposite is true. with vision the people prosper. one of the loneliest places anywhere you can find is the inside of that oval office. when the cabinet members leave and advisers are gone, the president of the united states has got to have faith and know what they believe and make the right decisions for the people of the united states. that's what you get from mitt romney. he's a man of faith, a man of principle, a man who has been successful as governor, successful in the private sector, successful running the olympics. he's a great family man, five kids, 18 grandkids, he's been incredibly generous to people all over the country and all over the world. he's got an amazing passion and vision for the country. he's got a deep and abiding love for america, what it stands for and the great american dream. so, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next president of the united states, governor mitt romney! [ cheers and applause ] >> this is a big day for the man who in 16 days will enter the gop convention in tampa, florida, to officially take the nomination of his party and he enters, great drama, through a side portal from the greatsh sh "wisconsin," coming down the stairs and he will designate paul ryan as his running mate. the governor of virginia last night got a phone call saying, and he was on the list of possibles, that it wouldn't be him. now here's mitt romney. >> what a welcome. thank you so much virginia! hey, guys. thank you so much. what a great governor you have. what a terrific man and a terrific leader. way to go! thank you so very much. it's great to be back in virginia and here in norfolk. your city's beauty is matched only by its proud heritage as a defender of freedom. thank you, virginia, thank you norfolk. today we take another step forward in helping restore the promise of america as we move forward in this campaign and on to help lead the nation to better days, it's an honor to announce my running mate and the next vice president of the united states, paul ryan. [ cheers and applause ] his leadership -- his leadership begins with character and values. paul is a man of tremendous character, shaped in large part by his early life. paul's father died when he was in high school. that forced him to grow up earlier than any young man should, but paul did with the help of his devoted mother, his brothers and sister and a supportive community. and as he did, he internalized the virtues and hard working ethic of the midwest. paul ryan works in washington but his beliefs remain firmly rooted in janesville, wisconsin. he's a person of great steadiness, whose integrity is unquestioned and whose word is good. paul's upbringing is obvious in how he's conducted himself throughout his life, including his leadership in washington in a city that's far too often characterized by pettiness, paul ryan is an exception. he doesn't demonize his opponents. he stands honest people have honest differences and he appeals to the better angels of our nature. a lot of people in the other party might disagree with paul ryan. i don't know of anybody who doesn't respect his character and judgment. [ cheers and applause ] paul is in public life for all the right reasons, not to advance his personal ambition but to advance the ideals of freedom and justice and to increase opportunity and prosperity to people of every class and faith, every age and ethnic background, a faithful catholic paul believes in the worth and dignity of every human life. [ cheers and applause ] with energy and vision paul ryan has become an intellectual leader of the republican party. he understands the fiscal challenges facing america, our exploding deficits and crushing debt and the fiscal catastrophe that awaits us if we don't change course. he combine as profound sense of responsibility for what we owe the next generation with an unbounded optimism in america's future and an understanding of all the wonderful things the american people can do. paul also combines firm principles with the practical concern for getting things done. he's never been content to simply curse the darkness. he'd rather light candles. and throughout his legislative career, he's shown the ability to work with members of both parties to find common ground on some of the hardest issues confronting the american people. so paul and i are beginning on a journey that will take us to every corner of america. we're offering a positive governing agenda that will lead to economic growth, to widespread, shared prosperity and that will improve the lives of our fellow citizens. [ cheers and applause ] our plan to strengthen the middle class will get america back to work and get or country back on track. we offer solutions that are bold, specific and achievable. we offer our commitment to help create 12 million new jobs and to bring better take-home pay to middle-class families. to strengthen the middle class we'll provide our workers and our children with the skills to succeed. we'll cut the deficit, have trade that works for america and champion small business. and, finally, we'll unleash our energy resources to achieve north american energy independence. [ cheers and applause ] we will help care for those who can't care for themselves, and we will return work to welfare. [ cheers and applause ] as poverty has risen to historic and tragic levels with nearly one out of six americans now having fallen into poverty, we will act to bring these families into the middle class, unlike the current president who has cut medicare funding by $700 billion, we will preserve and protect medicare and social security and keep them there for future generations. [ cheers and applause ] and under the current president health care has only become more expensive. we're going to reform health care so that more americans have access to affordable health care and we'll get that started by repealing and replacing obama care. [ cheers and applause ] at a time when the president's campaign is taking american politics to new lows we're going to do something very differently. we're going to talk about aspirations and american ideals, about bringing people together to serve -- to solve the urgent problems facing our nation. and when that message wins in america, it will be a victory for every american. today's a good day for america and there are better days ahead. join me -- [ cheers and applause ] join me in welcoming the next president of the united states, paul ryan. >> and here's the other half of your gop ticket, vice presidential candidate, the same age as one of mitt romney's own sons. paul ryan makes his way down the gangway to the man who will head the gop ticket. again, 16 days from now they will enter their convention in tampa, florida. 42-year-old member of congress from the state of sconsin, there you go. ♪ ♪ ♪ wow. hey. and right in front of the "u.s.s. wisconsin," huh? man. every n-- >> everyone now and then i'm known to make a mistake. i did not make a mistake with this guy. but i can tell you this, he's going to be the next vice president of the united states. >> governor romney, ann, thank you. i am deeply honored and excited to join you as your running mate. [ cheers and applause ] i want to tell you about mitt romney. mitt romney is a leader with the skills, the background and the character that our country needs at this crucial time in its history. following four years of failed leadership, the hopes of our country which is inspired the world are growing dim. they need someone to revive them. governor romney is the man for this moment. and he and i share one commitment. we will restore the greatness of this country. i want to you meet my family. my wife, janna. our daughter liza, and our sons charlie and sam. [ applause ] i'm surrounded by the people i love. i love you, too. and i've been asked by governor romney to serve the country that i love. janesville, wisconsin is where i was born and raised and i never really left it. it's our home now. for the last 14 years i have proudly represented wisconsin in congress. there i have focused on solving the problems that confront our country, turning ideas into action and action into solutions. i am committed in heart and mind to putting that experience to work in a romney administration. [ cheers and applause ] this is a crucial moment in the life of our nation, and it is absolutely vital that we select the right man to lead america back to prosperity and greatness. that man -- that man is standing right next to me. his name is mitt romney, and he will be the next president of the united states of america! [ cheers and applause ] my dad died when i was young. he was a good and decent man. there are a few things that he would say that have just always stuck with me. he'd say "son, you're either part of the problem or part of the solution." well, regrettably president obama has become part of the problem and mitt romney is the solution. the other thing my dad would always say is that every generation of americans leaves their children better off. that's the american legacy. sadly, for the first time in our history, we are on a path which will undo that legacy. that is why we need new leadership to become part of the solution, new leadership to restore prosperity, economic growth and jobs. it is our duty to save the american dream for our children and theirs. i believe -- i believe there is no person in america who is better prepared because of his experience, because of the principles he holds and because of his achievements and excellence in so many different arenas to lead america at this point in our history. let me say a word about the man mitt romney is about to replace. no one -- no one disputes that president obama inherited a difficult situation. and in his first two years with his party in complete control of washington, he passed nearly every item. on his agenda. but that didn't make things better. in fact, we find ourselves in a nation facing debt, doubt and despair. this is the worst economic recovery in 70 years. unemployment has been above 8% for more than three years, the longest run since the great depression. families are hurting. we have the largest deficits and the biggest federal government since world war ii. nearly one out of six americans are in poverty, the worst rate in a generation. moms and dads are struggling to make ends meet. household incomes have dropped more than $4,000 over the past four years. whatever the explanation, whatever the excuses, this is a record of failure. president obama and too many like him in washington have refused to make difficult decisions because they are more worried about their next election than they are about the next generation. we might have been able to get away with that before but not now. we're in a different and dangerous moment. we're running out of time, and we can't afford four more years of this. politicians from both parties have made empty promises, which will soon become broken promises with painful consequences if we fail to act now. i represent a part of america that includes inner cities, rural areas, suburbs and factory towns. over the years i have seen and heard from a lot of families, from a lot of those who are running small businesses and from people who are in need. but what i've heard lately, that's what troubles me the most. there's something different in their voice, in their words. what i hear from them are diminished dreams, lowered expectations, uncertain futures. i hear some people say that this is just the new normal. higher unemployment, declining incomes and crushing debt is not a new normal. it is the result of misguided policies, and next january our economy will begin a comeback with the romney plan for a stronger middle class that will lead to more jobs and more take-home pay for working americans. [ cheers and applause ] america's on the wrong track, but mitt romney and i will take the right steps in the right time to get us back on the right track. i believe that my record of getting things done in congress will be very helpful complement to governor romney's executive and private sector success outside of washington. i've worked closely with republicans as well as democrats to advance an agenda of economic growth, fiscal discipline and job creation. i'm proud to stand with a man who understands what it takes to foster job creation in our economy, someone who knows from experience that if you have a small business, you did build that. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. at bain capital he launched new businesses and he turned around failing ones. companies like staples, bright horizons, sports authority just to name a few. mitt romney created jobs and he showed he knows how a free economy works. at the olympics he took a failing enterprise and made it the pride of our entire nation. that's something. as governor of massachusetts he worked with democrats and republicans to balance budgets without increasing taxes, lower unemployment, increase income and improve people lives. in all these things mitt romney has shown himself to be a man of achievement, excellence and integrity. janna and i, liza, charlie and sam, america is a place where if you work hard and play by the rules, you can get ahead. we look at one another's success with pride, not resentment because we know -- we know that as more americans work hard, take risks, succeed more, people will prosper, our communities will benefit and individual lives will be uplifted and improved. america is more than just a place, though. america is an idea. it's the only country founded on an idea. our rights come from nature and god, not from government. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. that's who we are. that's how we built this country. that's who we are. that's what made us great. that's our founding. we promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. and this idea was founded on the principles of liberty, freedom, free enterprise, self-determination and government by consent of the governed. this idea -- this idea is under assault. so we have a critical decision to make as a nation. we are on an unsustainable path that is robbing america of our freedom and security. it doesn't have to be this way. the commitment mitt romney and i make to you is this: we won't duck the tough issues. we will lead. we won't blame others. we will take responsibility. and we won't replace our founding principles. we will reapply them. that's what we will do. we will honor you, our fellow citizens, by giving you the right and opportunity to make the choice. what kind of country do we want to have? what kind of people do we want to be? we can turn this thing around. we can. we can turn this thing around, real solutions can be delivered, but it will take leadership and the courage to tell you the truth. mitt romney is this kind of leader. i'm excited for what lies ahead. i'm thrilled to be a part of america's comeback team and tonight we will unite america and get this done! thank you. thank you very much. thanks. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i was born free >> the gop ticket is now complete. there you see mitt romney and his new running mate, paul ryan, 42-year-old member of congress from the state of wisconsin. you noted at the top perhaps some damage control on the fly by mitt romney, who introduced his number two man as the next president of the united states. i am reminded barack obama did the very same thing four years ago when introduces joe biden. romney hopped right back up there and said i makes mistakes on occasion, i meant to say the next vice president of the united states. they'll be joined by the combined families up on stage. congressman ryan's wife, janna, and the three kids. just as that battleship they've been standing in front of, the "wisconsin" saw heavy action in in battle, once rumored as possible candidate himself, here now the ryan family of the state of wisconsin. chuck todd watching all of this with us in our washington bureau. i'm watching the response from the obama campaign machine. they didn't waste any time. >> in naming congressman paul ryan, mitt romney has chosen -- the next sentence then goes on to say "his plan, talking about ryan, would end medicare as we know it." two key phrases you're going to hear a lot from the obama campaign, that is house republican because right now congress very unpopular, the house republicans perhaps the most unpopular part of the overall unpopularity of congress these days and that phrase "would end medicare as we know it," this battle to define now romney/ryan as the budget plan is going to happen. it going to be interesting to watch. the third stop on this bus tour to roll out the vp goes to virginia today, north carolina tomorrow and then they hit florida and that messaging to florida, same holds true in a place like iowa also with an older population. but how the romney/ryan ticket tries to frame the medicare argument, know from months of campaigning against the ryan budget, we know how they're going to frame this thing. this is going to be the tough part of the next two weeks. >> david gregory, you've done this as a correspondent now, the tenor of the campaign changes, the pace changes now and for a guy like paul ryan, this selection means he's been vetted presumably to within an inch of his life and this is his welcome to the nfl moment. >> now the media crush starts. the obama team is ready and they're going to come at him very hard and it a battle to define ryan before ryan can define himself. these images we're looking at are giving mitt romney and paul ryan their due. this is his unveiling day. ryan has a terrific family, a beautiful family. it's a very good political image. he'll be a great fund-raiser, a strong surrogate, can take that criticism to president obama. they can split off as they will soon and go in different directions on the campaign trail. i've talked to a romney adviser in the last few days who say now it's the time for romney to not just say the economy's bad and obama's done a poor job but to turn the corner and offer some real solutions to how they get the economy going again, how they actually solve the debt crisis and i think paul ryan is going to be somebody who is going to go to work on helping to frame that message. >> so we now have the duo that will step forward on stage, tampa, florida. i noted that the biggest explosion of applause that prompted a spontaneous cheer of identify usa" was the line our rights come from nature and god and not from government. that is a team paul ryan has enjoyed and returned to both in washington and on the trail. you see the two men and their families flanked by secret service now, working the rope line in front of this display, the battleship "wisconsin." before as we mentioned, they will hit the road now and sell this idea of a ticket. we wanted to let you know there will be rolling coverage all day long on while be back on the air from here in london with our special reporting tonight on "nbc nightly news" and not to forget that special edition of "meet the press" tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. in all time zones because of our olympic coverage. tim pawlenty will be with our friend david gregory. for our entire team yes, we are still here. thank you for sticking with us through the nbc special report. big news out of virginia this morning, mitt romney announcing hi running mate, paul ryan out of wisconsin. let's check that forecast now. hour by hour quickly as we go toward lunchtime, it is going to get hot again. tri-valley, same locations, by the way, where we'll see unhealthy air quality, another spare the air today. peak heating will lead to near 100-degree temperatures out toward antioch, brentwood and fairfield today. later on the sea breeze picks up. seven-day forecast starts to cool it down. just a little bit tomorrow and then more so as we head toward the middle part of the week. heat wave about to break. still toasty inland today. >> rob, thanks so much. we'll be right back. 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'cause we love chex. ♪ [ male announcer ] and now try new gluten free apple cinnamon chex. in london, we are winding down the olympics with two days ago. 15 gold medals yet to be awarded. u.s. has a chance to win several today. let's go live to dave wagner in london with a look at who has the best shot, plus an early look at tomorrow's closing ceremony. dave, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you as well. let's talk a little bit about the closing ceremonies, if we can. a compelling story to tell here, shot while he was a student at usc back in 2008, actually shot in both legs. last night, he won a silver in the 4 by 400 relay and it's the women's turn tonight. u.s. women's relay team starts this afternoon's 4 by 400 meter final in first place and not feeling the pressure. >> man, what an exciting race. these young ladies are a pleasure to run with. >> reporter: half an hour later, men's shorter relay, team u.s.a. in lane seven. >> we have safe passes, trust each other. i think we can stick around and turn it up a couple of notches. >> reporter: flower power could send -- three americans take on brita britain's favorite. >> we lax and, you know, try to get that gold that i'm looking for. divering nick mccrory and david bodia. u.s. versus brazil in volleyball, like four years ago. brazil won last time. this time the u.s. is top ranked, seeking their first gold medal. basketball, women's final against france tonight. >> at this point you just have to trust the players, because there's really not much that you're going to change or add, you're going to do different. >> the u.s. is hoping to preserve a 40-game winning stre streak. and i just spoke about an hour ago or so with three of the four members of the 4 by 100 relay team, shattering the world record. i was talking to caramelita jeter. she says she is definitely eyeing rio. she said i definitely knew because i was the anchor and i was looking up at the clock. she knew going into this that she definitely was on world record pace. want to share real quickly, plus all about the bronze, silver and gold around here. obviously a lot of pin collecting. these are not mine, because i'm kind of a loser and not collecting pins around here because i don't really have time. this is one of the pins a lot of people like around here, nbc pin, london 2012. maybe you've seen this. it has a tally light on the camera, tv camera. this is one of the hot ed commodities. these are my producer's, not mine. >> i need to get our producer to hook us up with one of those. thank you so much, dave. very cool. >> it is pretty cool, yeah. >> lots of pin collecting going on there. >> and a whole lot of heat throughout the bay area. >> around the bay area, yes. not much change from yesterday. inland, you'll see the temperatures soar to near 100 degrees. that will be the temperature we'll see in our inland valleys. through the next few days, seven-day forecast, starting to cool things off a little bit tomorrow. more noticeably so monday, tuesday and wednesday. we want to show you what's going on quickly in london. things are wrapping up this weekend. another storm system there along the way. how this will impact closing ceremony time. we'll see some showers. you may not need those artificial rain showers. there you go. cooler weather on the way back to london. >> rob, thank you so much. next newscast is at 5:00 tonight. olympic zone show at 7 0k, thanks for making us part of your saturday morning. enjoy the olympics. go u.s.a. here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ...and now... you! [ giggles ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios

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