outcome. and so we want to really attack this from our local level to state level but we need sleeping legislation. the good news is that we have an opportunity right now. we have four the people act and we have the john lewis voter advancement act. both of those acts right now, given with their past in the senate, will actually provide the kind of federal protection that we need. and so we've got to put president, we got put pressure on democratic senators, we've got to put pressure--you know the unfortunate thing about this is this is not a partisan issue. you know, we should not allow the republic--having access to the ballot is a democracy issue. we have to really move it beyond democracy being propaganda and it being a core value in this country. >> latasha brown and maria theresa kumar, thank you for joining our discussion tonight. we appreciate it. >> thank you lawrence. >> and coming up in tonight's episode of defendant trump, alan weiselberg's daughter in law says the trump chief financial officer allen weisselberg committed perjury