Transcripts For WJLA America This Morning 20170515

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good morning to you all. i'm diane macedo. >> i'm kenneth moton in for kendis gibson. we begin with the search for a new head of the fbi. >> as the justice department interviews possible candidates for the job president trump is facing bipartisan criticism. >> lawmakers are calling on the president to turn over any tapes he may have of his conversations with james comey. abc's lana zak has the latest from washington. good morning, lana. >> reporter: good morning to you, kenneth and diane. you know, the new fbi director will require senate confirmation but with the white house's changing stories about why the previous director was fired senate democrats are threatening to withhold confirmation until a special investigator is appointed. the hunt is now under way for a new fbi director as candidates arrived at the justice department for interviews, the president said james comey's replacement could be named sometime in week. >> i would encourage the president to pick somebody we can all rally around including those who work in the fbi. >> reporter: on "meet the press" lindsey graham said it's time to clear the air. >> time to call the fbi director and explain what happened at that dinner. >> reporter: the tapes in question, those referenced by the president in a friday tweet storm when he wrote, james comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press. >> we have to make sure these tapes if they exist don't disappear. >> if there are such recordings i think they will be subpoenaed and probably have to turn them over. >> reporter: for his part president trump declined to answer questions about those tapes at a golf course sunday. >> mr. president, are you recording any of your meetings in the white house, sir? >> there are still questions remaining about the meat vegas for the firing of comey and what it means to the ongoing investigation into russian election influence. members of congress are hoping to hear from comey himself who visited the theater and posed for a picture with the cast over the weekend. we may still hear from the man at the center of the storm. abc news has publicly, you know his associates say he's not after publicity but he does want to be able to answer some of those questions about his record. kenneth, diane. >> there are so many questions surround this whole story. many people looking forward to hearing from james comey, no doubt. lana zak live from washington. thanks. president trump's revised travel ban is back in the hands of a federal appeals court. three judges from the ninth circuit are set to hear arguments as they appeal a hawaiian judge's decision. he blocked the ban that would affected travel from six muslim countries. the appeals court is the same one that blocked the president's first travel ban but today's appeal will be heard by a different set of judges. a worldwide cyberattack is likely to get bigger today. the so-called wannacry ransom virus affects hundreds of thousands of in exploits a flaw in an older version of microsoft windows. many companies and organizations haven't updated their operating systems yet. the bug won't let users access their files unless they pay a fee to the hackers. although it has brought major companies in europe to a standstill few have paid the ransom. >> i think, you know, $20,000, $30,000 worth only i would never recommend you pay a ransom because you're dealing with a bunch of crooks. >> it may spread as more return to work after the weekend. president trump is ordering homeland security to look into who is responsible for the global cyberattack. microsoft says homeland security may not have to look very far. the company's president says the code to exploit the flaw was developed by the national security agency and then leaked to the public. he says nsa should have worked with microsoft to fix the problem rather than stockpiling it for a leak was inevitable. north korea is prompting new concerns over its latest missile launch and claims it has a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. kim jong-un is seen in new pictures celebrating the successful launch. he's quoted in state media as calling it the most perfect weapon system in the world. kim says he will use it to target the u.s. if provoked. it flew for 30 minutes and traveled 500 miles before landing in the sea of japan. >> it's the first time we've seen any military missile go this far. we can be sure they're trying to make it nuclear capable. because these are getting more and more capable shooting up towards russia allowed them to test the maximum range of this particular missile. >> this was the seventh missile test since president trump took office. the white house called the north korea and this missile launch, quote, a flagrant menace and is calling for tougher emmanuel macron is now the president of france. the winner of last week's runoff election was inaugurated yesterday at 39 he is the youngest french president since world war ii. in his speech macron promised to lift french spirits as it helps lead the world. he's getting right to work. today he meets with german chancellor angela merkel in berlin. now for a look at your weather. it may be the middle of spring but it was snowing in central maine yesterday. today it's raining throughout new england, severe storms are possible from western oklahoma and texas northward into the upper midwest. very strong thunderstorms could produce some large hail, damaging winds, even possibly a tornado or two. meanwhile, another storm system is moving into the pacific northwest bringing rain and cool temperatures into washington and oregon and you may also see some snow possibly in the cascades. the chicago area's cook county jail was in lockdown yesterday and officials are blaming mother's day. >> more than 200 corrections officers called in sick. about a third of the daytime shift. a significant number of the evening shift also didn't show up. >> the same thing happened last year on mother's day and also on father's day. the sheriff's office says the beautiful weather didn't help. still ahead the winner of the miss usa pageant starts her reign with controversy. a family kicked off a jetblue flight. they say all because of a birthday cake. a guy who admits he's lucky to be alive all because of what siri did to help him out. we'll be right back. investigators this morning are trying to find the cause of a massive fire that destroyed a historic new york city synagogue. you can see that thick black smoke over the city skyline. it took crews two hours to bring it under control. thankfully no injuries reported. more demonstrations in charlottesville, virginia, as the city debates the removal of a statue of robert e. lee. they held a candlelight vigil in opposition to a saturday night rally protesting the removal. >> that group was led by white nationalist richard spencer and arrived at the park with torches and city officials spoke out against the protesters. >> what a lot of this -- the alt-right and extremists trafficking in this theatrics wants is more oxygen so i really diversity, tolerance, difference, is the source of our greatest and we will not stand for this kind of despicable behavior. >> in april the city council voted to sell the statue but the judge ordered the city to wait six months. charlottesville is just the latest. they're mourning the school's quarterback days before graduation. bryant lee was shot at a party over the weekend. they say he wasn't the intended target. lee was an "a" student and planned to study engineering in college. he hoped to make the football team as a walk-on. the battle of safety versus privacy coming to a head over a text-alyzer. it allows cops to see if the cell phone was in use during a crash. privacy advocates worry textalyzer might gather all the personal information from a phone. the company making it says it's about nine months away from being finished. a new hampshire man says siri gave him a life-saving assist after his mother's house exploded. >> christopher buceh used it to call 911. the blast earlier this month left him with severe burns to his face and his hands so he couldn't actually dial 911 himself. he managed to get to his car and then he asked siri to dial 911. >> he asked siri to do it for him because, hey, everybody needs help and siri was able to do it and he's expected to recover. when we come back the guys who is giving take-out a new meaning. >> we'll hear from derek jeter as his number 2 is retired. when did anyone start calling this salad? so much more than a bowl of something green. more than an obligation to be good. more than just something you have on the side. more than just one flavor, or texture, or color. a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. abreak through your allergies.? try new flonase sensimist allergy relief instead of allergy 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especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. the most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. trintellix had no significant impact on weight in clinical trials. ask your healthcare professional about trintellix. an suv driver got quite the scare this weekend in seattle. a collision left his vehicle dangling over the edge of an interstate overpass. above the on-ramp below. luckily a tow truck driver quickly hooked a cable to the suv and managed to keep it from falling. >> roads will be wet again there in the pacific northwest today as well as new england but drivers should watch out for flooding in the central plains. roads will also be slick in the upper midwest. flying airport delays most likely in minneapolis and boston. well, yet another airline is defending itself after a done fronttation with passengers. this incident started over where to store a birthday cake. the airline says the father became aggressive. >> the family was kicked off that flight but the family says they did nothing wrong. abc's adrienne bankert has more. >> reporter: new video hilting the turbulent airline industry. a plane evacuated. a family kicked >> we didn't do anything. >> reporter: flight attendants asking the burke family to move it from an overhead bin to under a seat. >> i had to move my bag. >> but we moved it. but we followed the directs. >> reporter: before cameron burke starts recording an argument erupted. >> you know, when she told me i was not being compliant i said, ma'am, have you been drinking. >> reporter: jetblue saying they refused their repeated request, yelled at them and made false accusations about a crew member's fitness to fly. the latest airline drama. in april a mother bawling after an american airlines crew member nearly hit her with her stroller. members of the flight attendant union says this paint them in an unfair light. school officials are trying to stop a norovirus outbreak. nearly 100 near sacramento are sick with the virus. it's spreading at an alarming rate. parents of sick children are told to keep them out of cool for two days after symptoms are gone. we've seen russian president vladimir putin doing judo, horse back riding, hockey and now this. putin was in beijing to meet with the leader of china. but before the meeting, this happened. ♪ >> putin apparently played two songs both of them he said were from when he was a child in the late 1950s. onlookers were stunned when a helicopter landed on the lawn next to a mcdonald's in sydney, australia. the pilot just ran in, grabbed his meal, off he went. just took right off. the pilot says he had permission to land there. investigating anyway. i guess he didn't need the drive-through. >> he did not. a fly-through. >> i don't think they have those. maybe they do. time for sports. >> let's get highlights from our friends at espn. good morning, america. kevin conners, lisa kerney. so it goes the cwarriors keep o keeping on. >> popovich was asked how you beat this team and coming in he said pray. well, he did a lot of praying then because they got off to a hot start. spurs, warrior, game one of these western conference finals. kawhi leonard, scary moment, comes down on the foot of zaza pachulia and reinjures that left ankle. he did not return and left with 26 points, 8 boards and turned around after trailing by as many as 25, up one. steph curry hits the runner and golden state goes up three and hangs on to win it, 113-111, the fil. what a night in the bronx, yes, the yankees lost game two of the doubleheader but really the big story was derek jeter having his number 2 jersey retired. >> you know, i learned that time flies, memories fade but family is forever. and i'll be eternally grateful to be a part of the yankee family so i can't thank you guys enough. thank you very much. >> the great derek jeter, bernie williams, mariana rivera, joe torre was there. >> he is officially retired. have a great day. number 2, respect. up next in "the pulse," a special necklace that had a big secret. and history making skydive. a senior citizen who isn't letting age slow him down. get the details about the new charity created by nicki minaj meant to help students in need on doctors recommend taking claritin every day distracting you? of your allergy season for continuous relief. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. every day. for all kinds of things... like walking.ewarded hey, honey. dad, where's the car? thought we'd walk. he's counting steps. walk, move and earn money... goal! dad... hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. look at this dad, he's got some moves! money you can use on out-of-pocket medical expenses. unitedhealthcare ♪ time for "the pulse" and we start with the new mission usa. these 25-year-old kara mccullough of the district of columbia. >> she is the second straight miss d.c. to win the pageant. she is a scientist at the u.s. nuclear regulatory commission. >> but her reign starts with some controversy. so during her q&a she called health care a privilege instead of a right. that sparked strong online reactions both in support of her statement and against it. she was also asked whether she's a feminist. she said she doesn't like the term and she's for equal treatment of all people. that also is earning her some support and some critics this morning. >> those q&as can be tricky. >> yes, y'r there. >> you are. 30 seconds, answer, give me world peace. >> i want to know how you've never run into her. you went to college in the same town and now you live in the same city. >> we do. maybe i will ahe see her soon. in her duties as miss usa. >> there you go. next to a couple now engaged and the role a special necklace played in their lives. a guy named terry made it for his girlfriend for their 1-year anniversary. she wore it every day for a year and a half everywhere they went which lucky included when they traveled to scotland because terry decided to spring a very big surprise there. >> get this. there was an engagement ring inside the necklace the whole time. after she said yes, she told terry i could have lost it then called him a name we can't say here and it wasn't beyonce. >> i could have lost it you beyonce idiot. something like that. >> something like that. lose it and big, big congratulations to them. creativity points for you. >> way to go. world war ii veteran has taken a big leap into the record books along with three generations of his family. >> 101-year-old verdon hayes is the oldest person to ever take part in a tandem sky dive. look at him go there. hayes took the plunge from 15,000 feet with his son, grandson and two of his great grandkids. >> he foughtup with good morning washington. it's monday- may 15th. and starting today-- it will feel more like may when you step outside. meteorologist eileen whelan has your warm weather forecast, coming up. but first-- here are some of your morning's top stories.. large-scale, coordinated cyber attacks strike in at least 50 countries over the weekend. and experts say more organizations may be hit sometime in the next few hours. the "ransomware" hackers are demanding thousands of dollars in bitcoin, to allow hospitals and other organizations to regain access to international police are still looking for the people responsible. congress demanding more answers following the firing of fbi director james comey. republican and democratic senators now calling for comey to testify before a congressional panel. president trump says he may name a new director, sometime this week. good morning washington. toss to eileen - gorgeous start to the work week - hot & humid on the way - thunderstorm chances return midweek today: mostly sunny. breezy & seasonable. highs: 72-76 winds: nw 10-15 g 25+ tonight: mainly clear. comfortably cool. lows: 48-54 winds: nw 5 mph tuesday: partly cloudy. warmer. highs: 79-82 winds: sw 5 mph breaking right now. a huge sen a huge seven-alarm fire - burning right now in a downtown pittsburgh high rise. we know this is a residential building - and flames can be seen shooting out of the windows of the tower. people living inside are being e injuries. we will update this story as we get new information. covering metro - now we are less than 24 hours away from the start of safetrack surge 15. and this one will hit the orange line hard. starting tomorrow-- new carrollton, landover, cheverly, deanwood and minnesota avenue stations will all be closed. orange line trains will operate near normal service between vienna and largo town center. but the silver line will see some delays. surge 15 lasts for almost a month-- from from may 16 through june 15. another airline - under fire. a confrontation on a jeblue flight. a family - kicked off... over a cake. flight attendants asked the burke family to move their cake from an overhead bin used for emergency equipment... to under a seat. they did... but then an argument erupted. cameron burke says a flight attendant said he was being non-compliant. his reply: "ma'am have you been drinking?" airport police officer let them know that no one was in trouble, but they would all have to leave and take another flight. jetblue says the family did not follow other requests, starting yelling, and quote: "false accusations about a crewmember's fit-ness to fly." well it's something that doesn't happen often. firefighters-- called to stop a blaze, in their own house. take a look. this is all thats left of the fire truck at one fairfax county fire station. flames completely destroying the vehicle. it happened sunday morning when a truck caught fire in the edsall road fire station in springfield. the flames flames quickly spread to the building, reaching all the way up to the attic. everyone inside... sprung into action. because of the damage - firefighers cannot operate out of that firehouse. but no calls will be missed. the crews and appartus were dispersed throughout the county. it's xx and we're just getting started. breaking right now - a deadly morning on commuter routes shut down - and this morning seven is on your side with what you need to know. good morning i'm autria godfrey. and i'm larry smith. let's go straight to julie wright. - gorgeous start to the work week

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