with an mba from new york university, and a keen sense of fashion, it didn't take long for the brand to become successful. >> the very first store that we shipped was barney's, new york. and it was a very auspicious start. and it kind of took off from there. next thing we knew we were in all the best stores in the country, and it was a pretty short period of time before we were a really well-known brand. >> for 13 years the company flourished. but julie ran herself ragged. as she describes it, she was burning it at both ends. >> you're exhausted. you aren't motivated. you don't make the best decisions. and i think that ultimately, it's setting it up for failure. >> unwilling to keep up the pace, especially with two young children at home, julie did the unfathomable. at its peak, she pretty much shut down her company. >> it really just was overwhelming. there was a lot going on in my personal life. there was a lot going on with the company. and i decided the best thing i