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>> bret: i look forward to a meal sometime. >> judge jeanine: any time. >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. former president trump legal team tries to get his classified documents case thrown out. we will bring you down there. the squad member throws out f bombs drawing rebuke from his own party as he fights for a primary win, why electric vehicle owners aren't that you will charged up about their cars. but, firsts as president biden is sequestered at camp david tonight preparing for thursday's debate. his vice president is focusing on what democrats think will be a big issue this elections portion on this the seconds anniversaries of the united states supreme court decision dobbs that overturned roe v. wade. that ruling was the subject of an emotional rally outside the high court today. meanwhile, the trump team is trying to shape the outcome of the debate thursday night before it's even started. aishah hasnie starts us off tonight live from the north lawn of the white house. good evening, aishah. >> good evening to you. biden's surrogates ro khanna tells fox today that the president is sharp, engaging on the campaign trail and even remembers members by their name. he believes that is a joe biden you will see on the debate stage. >> in the case of the stealing of reproductive freedom from the women of america, donald trump is guilty. >> second in command, kamala harris throwing shade on the campaign trail as the commander-in-chief is hold up at camp david, surrounded by a whopping 16 debate preppers. getting the 81-year-old getting ready to go toe to toe with former president trump for 90 minutes. >> you will see energized president biden i ask assure you that. >> he does not have any public events until thursday's debate. the campaign is flooding the airways with new ad. marking the anniversary of the dobbs decision to send the abortion issue back to the state. >> decades of progress shattered just because the last guy got four years in the white house. >> trump on the offense going after the moderates. >> president trump is knowingly going into hostile environment on this very network. >> and trying to shape debate topics offering a few questions of their own for biden like why do you repeatedly lie about your record on inflation and whether he still thinks the hunter biden laptop is still russian disinformation. biden will receive infection jections before the debate. democrats lashing back. >> he lies and he lies, and he lies. so, joe biden needs to do what he always does, remain calm, tell the truth, be consistent and be steady. >> the administration is also swatting away criticism this week for promoting staffer tiley cherry called police a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs, now attempting to clean it all up he writes past social media posts from when i was younger do not reflect my current views, period: back on the debate issue, bret, trump just posted on truth social that he would be willing to take a drug test immediately if president biden takes one as well. both of these men will be back on the campaign trail right after the big debate on friday. trump heads to virginia. and then biden heads to north carolina and new york city on the same date. bret? >> bret: take the under on that drug test. aishah, what about the white house? how are they responding to the supreme court decision to weigh in, take the case of whether states can ban transgender care for kids? >> yeah. this is a win for them. we reached out for a comment from the white house. and we haven't heard anything back. they have actually told us they are not going to comment as of yet. the administration, bret, challenged tennessee's ban on purpurpuberty blockers. tennessee's a.g. says he looks forward to finishing the fight in front of scotus and bring much needed clarity on whether the constitution does afford special protections for gender identity. more to come on that, bret? >> bret: aishah hasnie live on the north lawn, thanks. >> got it. >> bret: breaking tonight former president trump's legal team trying to get a dismissal for his classified documents case in florida. they are insisting the appointment of special counsel jack smith was illegal. meanwhile, prosecutors, including smith, want to keep the former president quiet, again. national correspondent jeff paul is in fort pierce florida tonight with the latest. good evening, jeff. >> good evening, bret. that hearing just wrapped up here at the federal courthouse in fort pierce. with doj prosecutors arguing in favor of that limited gag order on the former president whereas trump's legal team saying it would be extraordinary move given he has a debate come up this week and lots of campaign events leading up to november's election. this all stems back from some language that trump had used after the fbi conducted that search warrant at mar-a-lago back in august of 2022. the former president made comments on social media this past may that the doj authorized the fbi to use deadly lethal force. trump on that same day said in a fundraising email biden's doj was quote locked and loaded ready to take me out and put my family in danger. the language in the court authorized search warrant was standard fbi procedure, prohibiting use of deadly force unless an officer is under imminent danger or death or serious injury. prosecutors say statements made by trump about the fbi are significant, dangerous, and they pose a poo fennel threat to fbi witnesses. but trump's defense argued the language in the limited gag order is very vague. they invested the statements made by trump were directed at president biden and not at law enforcement. adding that in their minds it's political speech. now, things got a little heated between judge cannon and david harr back. at one point judge cannon reprimanded the prosecutor for his tone in court. she said her court required decorum and in harr balk was unable to do that colleague could take over. he later apologized. we are expecting a written order to be issued in the coming days from judge aileen cannon tomorrow wraps up three day spree of hearings involving trump's classified documents case. tomorrow it deals with the actual seizure and the going inside mar-a-lago and the legality of that, bret? >> bret: jeff paul in florida, we will knoll as well. thanks. immigration likely to be major topic of thursday's debate. much of the public considers president biden's policies not working as far as border security. but former president trump is also taking hits for his recent suggestion about providing green cards for college graduates from other countries. at least taking hits from those on the extreme side of border security and immigration. correspondent bill melugin is in los angeles with all of this the right now. >> this is a joe biden invasion. >> i will never demonize immigrants. i will never refer to immigrants poisoning the blood of a country. >> president biden and former president trump on on a collision course likely to clash on immigration on the debate stage thursday night. >> and on day one we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. >> now i is proposing to written families and place them in detention camps. >> for president biden the border has been a rocky road politically. earning him criticism from conservatives and progressives alike. his administration has overseen three years in a row of the highest illegal crossings ever recorded. after boasting about reversing trump's policies. >> we have is rescinded so many trump immigration policies it would take so much time to list them. >> now, in response to the bipartisan criticism, the president has issued a flurry of executive orders in recent weeks, banning asylum to some illegal crossers and offering basic to citizenship to half a million illegal immigrants married to u.s. citizens. and he points the fixer at trump and republicans for killing a bipartisan border deal negotiated in the senate. >> every nation must secure its borders. it's that simple. and if trump and republicans wouldn't do it, working with me, then i would do it on my own and i did. >> the debate comes after a week of high profile migrant crimes with illegal immigrants charged in the rape and murder of maryland mother rachel morin. the rape and kidnapping of a 13-year-old girl in new york and strangis galatian murder of jocelyn nungaray in houston. >> day after day, week after week, joe biden is releasing illegal criminals into our communities to rape, pillage, plunder and to kill. >> and, bret, trump is also taking some heat from conservatives regarding a pitch he made last week where he said he would like to give green cards to international students who graduate from college here in the u.s. his idea being he would like to keep the talent here in america. well, his campaign is now clarifying saying they would fully vet those students and that, quote, hamas supporters and america haters would be excluded. we will send it back to you. >> bret: bill melugin in los angeles. thanks. nvidia dow surging 261. the s&p 500 lost 17. the nasdaq dropped 193. ♪ israel's prime minister says he will accept only a partial cease-fire deal that would not end the war in gaza but prime minister benjamin netanyahu is already hedging on that statement a bit he says the current phase of fighting in gaza is winding down that would free up troops to confront hezbollah terrorists in the north. correspondent trey yingst reports tonight from tel aviv. >> all eyes are on northern israel as the country braces for another large war. the iran backed lebanon needs military gant group les launch daily drone and rocket attacks. they are wrapping up offensive operations in gaza, something that will allow them to shift their focus to the northern front. >> after the intense face is finished we will have the possibility to move spartan of the forces north and we will do this first and foremost for divisible pushes. >> israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu overnight said he would not accept a please cease-fire at odds with the american-backed plan to get some of the remaining 120 hostages freed from hamas captivity. he later walked back those remarks. as the war in gaza winds down, israel is still launching large airstrikes in heavily populated areas, killing dozens of palestinians this weekends according to a local hospital director. netanyahu has clashed with the biden administration in recent days about the americans withholding weapons shipments over concerns about the rising civilian death toll in gaza. israeli officials say those weapons will be needed in case of a larger regional war. a source of knowledge ongoing talks to avote such conflict tells fox news that qatar engaging to diest have a late. coupled with american measure's efforts to do the same. >> in areas where we have disagreements we discuss everything in detail and reach agreements and solve issues. >> fox news has learnt that before meeting with secretary of state anthony blinken, israeli defense min gallant signed a state department guest book auto with a message are for the hostages and fallen israeli soldiers. bret? >> bret: trey yingst in tel aviv. thanks. a russian powered submarine heading hold following military drills with cuba earlier this month. u.s. northern command is tracking that subas it travels north in international waters. three other russian ships are now in international wawshtsz in the caribbean sea. up next, brit hume on bibi netanyahu throwing cold water on president biden's cease-fire proposal and what is coming out of that first, beyond our borders tonight, princess anne sustains minor injuries and a concussion following what's being described as an incident on an estate in southwest england. the exact cause has not been confirmed but there were horses in the area and her medical team is saying the injuries were consistent with a potential impact with a horse's head or legs. russia's southern region of dagestan holds the first of three days of mourning following rampage by islamic terrorists. authorities say 20 people were killed. most of them police. the terrorist attacked houses of worship in two cities during what were apparently coordinated asawlts. this is a live look at australia. one of the big stories there tonight. australia plans to outline the sale of vapes outside pharmacies in what would be one of the world's toughest restrictions on electronic cigarettes it. will be unthrough supply, manufacture, import or sell a vape outside a pharmacy. the ban applies to all vapes whether they contain nicotine. just some of the stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back ♪ dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there's leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- 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come clarify and i'm glad we did. >> bret: state department tried to interpret some confusion after prime minister of benjamin netanyahu israel reaction to a u.s.-backed cease-fire proposal that comes to israel and hamas. let's bring in fox news chief political analyst brit hume. brit, good evening. reading through the tea leaves there, i think state department wanted to believe one thing, it doesn't seem like that much has changed from netanyahu's original decision on all of this. >> yeah, i agree with you, bret. i don't think much has changed at all. netanyahu is in a situation where he has two goals, not always entirely compatible. one of them obviously is he wants to finish the job of defeating hamas militarily and he hopes as a political force as well and the second object, of course, this is on something is he under tremendous domestic pressure about is to get the hostages out. so he is willing to go along with cease-fire proposals that entail the release of hostages but is he not prepared to say is he going to go along with a permanent cease-fire leave hamas in place and extent it can be and empower in gaza. let us also bear in mind, bret, when this mid i don't say attack on october 7th occurred there was supposedly a cease-fire in place which hamas roundly broke and also, there is this: there have been, what 8 cease-fire proposals bandied about in recent weeks, and hamas has not accepted one of them. so, i don't know what the to do about israel. what's the point in making cease-fire proposals or blaming israel for their failure which when hamas has not accepted any of them. >> bret: right, still hostages there, americans as well. we don't know how many of them are still alive and we haven't seen much evidence that there is movement. >> not on that front. and, of course, the biden likes to talk about israel and cease fires, it never says anything that we can hear about the american hostages nor has it said anything about what it is doing or trying to do to get them out. so, i think that is where we are. but, i think pressure on israel why the administration is something useful for ghenks political reasons because some people in the democratic party do not support israel. >> bret: speaking of which l.a. synagogue beating as someone it appeared swore worshipers trying to go senegal and gets beaten outside of a los angeles synagogue. we have seen incidents in new york and other incidents of anti-semitism pure and simple, and it is striking, still, as we have seen these protests and these incidents increase. >> bret: you and i, bret, have talked about visible anti-semitism in the united states since almost from octobe. and i think we have both been kind of stunned by it and i continue to be. i mean, there is no way that you can say that that episode outside that synagogue in l.a. over the weekend had anything to do with, you know, anti-zionism. i mean, that was plain -- you are blocking somebody from going into worship and then beating them up on the street. that isn't anti-zionism. that's anti anti anti-semitism. the effect it is going to be if the administration does not appear and the president did issue a very strong statement about this if this administration and the democratic party do not appear to be stronger on the issue of anti-semitism than they have been so far. i have to think there will be political consequences for them in the fall. >> bret: be fascinating to sees a always, brit, thank you. up next x rated tirade from the squad member on the issue of israel. that squad member facing a difficult primary election tomorrow in new york. we will bring you there first, here is what some of our fox affiliates are covering tonight. khon in honolulu professional lifeguard dies being attacked by a shark surfing off the island oahu. former professional surf e it's the second such death there in that reach this month. fox 32 in chicago as the longest serving alderman in chicago's history sentenced to two years in prison and fined $2 million. 80-year-old ed burke 13 political corruption charges. he served for more than 50 years in the chicago city council. >> this is a live look at the maryland zoo in baltimore. one of the big stories from fox 45, the ship that crashed into the francis scott key bridge in late march, tabs sits to the port of virginia. the coast guard oversaw that journey. the dali will have roughly 1500 cargo containers virginia international gateway. it will then go to norfolk for additional salvage and repairs. that's a live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ sail on, sail on sailor ♪ sail on, sail on sailor ♪ introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. otezla can help you get clearer skin. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people 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>> bret: william, thanks. there are new delays tonight for the crew of boeing's star liner spacecraft. the two astronauts are getting an extended stay on the international space station while their ride home is being checked out matted son scarpino has the latest tonight. >> glitches with the spate craft are keeping the astronauts docked in space for weeks longer than expected star libor's first manned mission began on june 5th and supposed to last a little over a week. now nasa saying the star liner won't return to earth until at least july. nasa is blaming small helium leaks and problems were thrusters for delays. engineers are using the time to study the spacecraft's issues and to prevent them from happening again during future missions in an emergency the star liner would be cleared to return to earth. nasa says the spacecraft is doing well overall in orbit. farmer nasa astronauts not too concerned. >> you remember when we first came out with the spults, falling left and right. we had a lot of problems. that's what happens when you first introduce a new space vehicle, you get the kinks out. >> but one expert in the space field says the delays don't look good for boeing. >> here we have china returning a mission with examples from the far side of the moon, a first in human history and it looks like nasa canned get their own people back from orbit. >> nasa having setbacks, space walk scheduled for today was scrubbed because of a water leak in the cooling unit on one of the astronauts space suit. it is the second time issues with space suits led to canceled space walks in recent weeks. >> a lot of water flowing. >> is it still coming out? >> i don't think we can do it. >> literally water glemp we are going to terminate for the day. >> and if the star liner's leaks are not repaired, it could put future missions at risk. nasa says that the leaks could push back another star liner launch that is scheduled for early next year. bret? >> bret: madison, thanks. up next, the panel on the presidential race, the abortion issue, and fundraising, when we come back. >> donald trump, obviously, nominated three supreme court justices to the bench, who made right decision. >> this is a healthcare crisis. and we all know who is to blame. donald trump. d plaques in the b. visit ♪ behr behr behr behrrr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behrrr behr behr behr behr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ right now, get america's most trusted paint brand at an everyday low price. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ no, no. starting at $29.98. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you'll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it'll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. for moderate to severe crohn's disease, skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. >> we have seen the impact of these trump abortion bans, the horrific, heart-breaking reality, a second trump term would be even worse. >> we have gotten abortion out of the federal government and back to the states the way everybody and all legal scholars. >> the only thing he can say about abortion i took away a woman's right to choose that is his talking point. >> this is the only thing democrats think they can run on this election cycle. >> bret: well, on this, the anniversary of the dobbs decision overturning roe v. wade, june 24th, 2022, this is a big issue. and it's going to be a big issue politically. if you look at the latest gallup poll, there is a record number of people saying they will only vote for a candidate who shares their view on abortion. there you see now at 32%. and clearly democrats, the biden campaign is banking on that. especially in swing states. we will start there with our panel. fox news state department correspondent gillian turner. julia manchester national politics reporter for the hill and former republican committee communications director doug heye. obviously democrats really see fertile ground here politically. do republicans have a pushback that deals with this issue that is effective so far? >> so far, no. it's interesting to see what donald trump is doing. donald trump is trying to do something he doesn't do often be nuanced. he gets this has been a loser for republicans. trump is usually blunt force trauma all the time e has seen what happened in midterm elections and what is happening in state. the problem for republicans we can't define this as a party in washington, d.c. we see legislators lentil lating out loud, arizona puts a restrictive law in or south carolina. that defines it nationally and makes it harder for republicans to campaign on this. this is where democrats see opportunity. >> bret: 21 states, julia have had serious restrictions off banning of abortion since the overturning of roe v. wade. and the question is how big an issue does that becomes a we head to november? >> look, we saw, obviously, democrats after the dobbs decision in 2022, really seize on this with the threat of these bans and these various states. and it worked at the state level, and it worked in statewide races in 2022. the problem though is i think this issue for democrats, potentially, could be coming a bit stale. these why you see them continue to push it out front and center. you know a few weeks ago after the mifepristone ruling from the supreme court. there was this fear that democratic voters or voters who might be leaning democrat on the abortion issue could become apathetic and i think that's why you saw the vice president come out and label this the trump they don't want the economy or the border to eclipse this. so they are zeroing in on it. >> bret: obviously this week we have the debate thursday. >> we do? >> bret: i think we do. >> bret: seen right here on fox. simulcast it will be fascinating to see 90 minutes of these two together. president biden is going to use this issue at least in one of those exchanges whether it's from a question from cnn or on his own. >> absolutely. that's one of the things that sources from the white house have been telling our reporters this week one of the i that he is really beefing up on while he is hold up at camp david, something he has taken flack from a lot of critics they are accusing him of staying home, going back in the bunker as he is approaching big moment rather than getting out there. i will say if i was going to be in the presidential debate three days from now i would be at home studying too. there is not necessarily a problem with that i would also point out to folks that the biden campaign is not, you know, in the bunks err right now. they are hosting 200 events this week in georgia ahead of this thing on thursday. they are trying to get the message out there even if the president himself is not the face of it. >> bret, there is a reason that they're emphasizing this issue democrats are and biden certainly will. they are on offense here but everywhere else they are on defense. if you look at polling on issue after issue. obviously the border and prices and what things cost 1 and 2. biden is under water in all of those. is he in quick sand everywhere else. >> bret: president trump asking supporters what he should do and how he should act in the debate. >> how should i handle him? should i be tough and nasty? >> yes. >> or should i be -- should i -- she says no. >> should i be tough and nasty and say you are the worst president in history or should i be nice and calm and let him speak? >> bret: so the latest polling for who is going to win, you know, you have got this 50-45 over biden. expectations game is fascinating to watch in these days ahead of thursday, july yanchts yes. it's been interesting to see a lot of trump surrogates including doug burgum come out and say biden is actually very much on his game. he could very much rise to the occasion. i would say that doug burgum is right. going back to the state of the union, biden very much rose to that occasion. i would say it was a good night for the president. a good night for democrats some of the what donald trump needs to be not doing repeat of first debate 2020 and came in way too hot and on the offense. he needs to stick to policy as much as he can whether he will do that? who knows. >> bret: trump folks critical of the moderators particularly jake tapper. what they said about the former president. their spokesperson went on cnn today and got cut off. >> take seven five minutes to google jake tapper and donald trump. >> ma'am, we are going to stop this interview if you are going to keep attacking my colleague. ma'am, i'm going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues. i. >> i would like to talk about donald trump how work for. if you are here to speak on his behalf i would love to have this conversation. >> i am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past. >> i'm sorry, guys. she is welcome to come back and speak about donald trump. >> bret: she did not come back. at least today. it was an awkward moment. cnn put out a statement defending jake tapper and dana barb ahead of this moderating job. they will be in the focus of a lot of attention as well. >> absolutely. it's odd to me that maybe this anchor was not entirely prepared to go down. >> these are standard trump campaign talking points. it's not as if she proposed something that blew everybody's minds we hadn't heard of before. this is what owe himself says over and over every single day he believes cnn is biased. >> bret: he took the debate. they agreed to the debate and moderators. >> i talked to casey hunt earlier today. she is a good friend. i know if i came on the show and gave out all the things i find objectionable about shannon bream there is zero by the way. >> bret: evil san none bream? >> you wouldn't put up with that. casey was right to defend her colleagues. that's what you should do. defend your colleagues. tough time on your hand when you get campaign surrogates on your show. that happens everywhere. stand up for your colleague. that's formal. >> bret: she could have moved on and come back to a different topic. i get it, one last thing, fundraising, the fund raising in may for the trump campaign pretty strong. i mean, if you look at the numbers, they have closed the gap and surpassed the biden campaign in may, specifically. >> yeah. and what happened that month also was the i guilty verdict. in terms of fundraising it's helped the campaign. lead up to this verdict during the trial there was so much chatter about how trump was going to be able to afford all his legal bills and fund raise and run for president and such. at least on the fundraising part is he very much closing the gap with biden which is obviously very important. >> bret: up next, look at some of the big house races coming up and then the world's ugliest dog. are we giving it away? 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do you want me to be in nice guy focuses on issue or bombat stick guy. this is what the democratic voters in new york. >> bret: i will say a.o.c., congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez was very critical of donald trump, the former president showing up in the bronx saying all these people were from other places alleging all kinds of things. he got thousands and thousands of people to show up and only 300 at that event this weekend. >> i think at most i saw photos on stage. some of them looked like maybe 50 people in that crowd as the to the behavior, the best thing to say is you do you congressional generation. if you want to wear basketball shorts and hoodie on the senate floor fine. if you want to get on the stage and act like a rage rapper at a rally, that's fine, but the context here is important while it is going on cuttersing out aipac a jewish rights organization. and jews being attacked in overseas in russia. jews being killed while they were worshiping inside a synagogue. anti-semitism up 400 percent sinceth. you might want to tone it down. >> bret: balance of power in the house look at it 218, it really have on a razor's edge on the house and senate control of both chambers, doug and obviously the presidency. >> it's going to go the way of the presidency. what you highlighted there, i don't think it's getting enough attention. donald trump is campaigning in very strong democratic yaris, philadelphia, richmond, the bronx, is joe biden going to go ruby red districts and rural areas? he needs to. >> bret: yeah. panel, thanks. appreciate it. >> bret: finally tonight, a special day. >> the world ugliest's dog is. [cheers] >> bret: okay. we gave it away there it is. i think it's the tongue. it took five tries. peek con knees wild thang battled a virus causing his tongue to hang out. three time runner-up in the competition from california. this is his first win, congratulations i'm sure his family loves him. tomorrow on "special report." our common ground feature, features democratic senator michael bennett and roger marshall. remember if you can't catch us live set your dvr 6:00 in the east and 3 p.m. on the west coast. don't forget complete conch of that debate on thursday. fair, balanced and still unafraid. here's laura. ♪ >> kayleigh: i'm kayleigh mcenany in for laura ingraham. this is a specia

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