Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20180127 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20180127

america first does not mean america alone — that's the message from donald trump, speaking at the world economic forum in davos in switzerland. the us president told an audience of business and political leaders that the us was doing "fantastically well" and was "open for business". but he hit out at what he called other countries' "predatory" trading practices. our north america editor jon sopel reports. wherever donald trump has gone in davos, the crowds have gone with him. and wherever the cameras have been, the president has been pleased to oblige. i hope we're going to bring back many billions of dollars into the us. i think that will happen. it's already happening. but billions of dollars is coming back into the us, and i think that willjust continue. how much today? how much? probably a lot. and that was the theme of his speech. america first, yes, but an america welcoming the world. i will always put america first, just like the leaders of other countries should put their country first also. but america first does not mean america alone. when the united states grows, so does the world. but at the end of a week in which the us imposed extra charges on some imported goods from china, he played down talk of a trade war. nevertheless, there was a warning. we cannot have free and open trade if some countries exploit the system at the expense of others. we support free trade, but it needs to be fair, and it needs to be reciprocal. because in the end, unfair trade undermines us all. some stood to applaud, but it wasn't the ovation given to president xi of china last year. this hasn't been a complete meeting of minds, but then again it was never going to be. that said, donald trump has been more conciliatory than many would have expected, and the audience have reacted more warmly. it may be that davos 2018 turns out to be a win—win. and the president was in conciliatory, almost repentant mood over those britain first anti—muslim retweets from last year that brought him to blows with the prime minister. here's what's fair. if you're telling me those are horrible people, horrible, racist people, i would certainly apologise, if you'd like me to do that. i know nothing about them. so, yes, he would apologise, he just didn't actually say sorry. the president has now left the swiss alps, and if not yet a fully paid—up member of the davos set, he will probably be invited back. there's a lot they liked about what donald trump said, and who would disagree with his central message, that a booming us economy is good for the global economy? jon sopel, bbc news, davos. in what could be seen as a blow to president trump's america first agenda, the aviation company bombardier has won its case against proposals to impose a tariff of almost 300% on its imports into america. in a surprise ruling, the us international trade commission rejected a complaint by boeing that bombardier was selling planes at below cost price. the bbc‘s samira hussain gave us this update from new york. bombardier had created a c—series fleet of planes. and some big american airlines had purchased these planes, one of these was delta airlines who purchased about 125. boeing, the plane making giant in the united states and globally, had cries of foul play, because they believed was bombardier doing was called price dumping, lowering the price of the planes in order to make it more attractive for american buyers. they took their complaints to the administration, to the commerce department, the us commerce department. the us commerce department. the us commerce department last year said last year, you know what, boeing, you are right, and levels a 300% tariff on any of those planes coming into the united states. that makes it really prohibitive. what bombardier did is that it appealed its decision to the international trade commission, which is a us agency, a us body, and that body has voted unanimously, 4-0, that body has voted unanimously, 4—0, in favour of bombardier. that 300% tariff that was initially put in place by the us commerce department is now void. samira hussein in new york. and you can find more detail and analysis about bombardier‘s victory on our website and what it means for trade battles worldwide. simply go to the entire board of the us gymnastics authority is to resign in the wake of the sexual abuse scandal involving former team on wednesday, nassar was sentenced to up to 175 years in prison for carrying out attacks on over 150 young girls under the guise of medical treatment. peter bowes is in los angeles for us. we have been hearing so many stories from the survivors and now we have these resignations and these are resignations that, they were not given an ultimatum, were they? -- they were. yes, they were given an ultimatum by the us olympic committee who essentially said if they didn't resign us gymnastics would use their authority as a body to govern the sport in the united states, to run the sport of gymnastics. it was not very long after that ultimatum that we heard that all 18 members had agreed to resign. in fact, five manors had already resigned from their positions on that board in the wake of the trial and the hearing we have been watching over the past week or so been watching over the past week or so and that quite gruelling test me from so many of those young people who are victims in this case the —— members. what is the deadline? they had initially been given a week. usa gymnastics have not said categorically in responding to this when they will resign. it seems pretty certain that they will resign pretty certain that they will resign pretty soon. the olympic committee has been pretty adamant in terms of what it wants to see what will happen in the future, it wants usaid gymnastics to agree to an independent investigation into what has happened —— usa gymnastics. there are questions over this case. did anyone else know about this abuse? were warning signs missed during the course of the past few months and years? and they want this organisation to agree to a significant opposition moving forward about how to combat abuse in sport. yes, how does this particular sport. yes, how does this particular sport move forward after we heard so many powerful, very distressing testimonies? they really have to start from the beginning. i think thatis start from the beginning. i think that is what the olympic committee want. they want new people in the posts. they want acknowledgement and agreement that they will look back over the last few years in considerable detail to see what went wrong and then potentially to learn from those mistakes. but this isn't just gymnastics. we have heard from the senate and the house of representatives, the department of education in the us about investigations looking at other sports and weather cases of abuse exist in other sports outside gymnastics and this is a much wider problem. in a sense it isjust gymnastics and this is a much wider problem. in a sense it is just the beginning. the beginning of multiple investigations to try to prevent this kind of thing happening in multiple sports in the future. yes indeed. thank you very much. much more on our website as well. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. formal coalition talks have begun in germany to try to break four months of political stalemate following september's inconclusive elections. chancellor angela merkel‘s conservatives are seeking to form a government with the country's second—biggest party, the centre—left social democrats. residents in the south african city of cape town have been warned to "save water as if your life depends on it" to avoid the supply being shut off. a severe drought has seen consumption limited to 50 litres per person per day. now officials are urging people to switch off their toilet cisterns and limit flushing to conserve water. top chefs from as far afield as the us and japan have attended the funeral in france of one of the prime exponents of their art paul bocuse. they filled lyon cathedral in their hundreds, dressed in their chefs' whites, to pay homage to a man nicknamed the pope of french gastronomy. canadian pharmaceutical billionaires barry and honey sherman were murdered in a targeted killing, according to police in toronto. the couple were found hanged in their home six weeks ago. officers originally ruled out murder. the couple's children disputed this and hired private investigators. now the police have changed their minds, as harvey biggs reports. their deaths shocked canada's business, and philanthropic communities. barry and honey sherman we re communities. barry and honey sherman were found dead in the schrotter home on december 15. in the days following, local media reported their deaths were being treated as a possible murder—suicide. the family denied that, saying no one close to the couple believed this. they criticise the initial handling of the case by authorities, hide their own private investigator, and conducted an independent autopsy and say they are not surprised that six weeks later authorities now say they are treating the death as murder. there are no signs of forced entry on all access points to the home. barry and honey sherman were found deceased in the lower—level pool area. we believe now, through the six weeks of work review, we have sufficient evidence to describe this asa sufficient evidence to describe this as a double homicide investigation. and that both barry and honey sherman were, in fact, targeted. he founded a pharmaceutical giant. he and his wife were both well—known for their donations to hospitals, charities, and jewish organisations. detectives do not yet have any suspects. the mystery of who killed them and why it continues. stay with us on bbc news, still to come: paris is braced for more flooding with water levels in the city set to peak this weekend. the shuttle challenger exploded soon after lift—off. there were seven astronauts on board, one of them a woman school teacher. all of them are believed to have been killed. by the evening, tahrir square, the heart of official cairo, was in the hands of the demonstrators. they were using the word "revolution". the earthquake singled out buildings and brought them down in seconds. tonight, the search for any survivors has an increasing desperation about it as the hours pass. the new government is firmly in control of the entire republic of uganda. moscow got its first taste of western fast food as mcdonald's opened their biggest restaurant in pushkin square. but the hundreds of muscovites queued up today will not find it cheap, with a big mac costing half a day's wages for the average russian. welcome. this is bbc news. the latest headlines: donald trump has told the world economic forum in davos that he's putting america first, but that doesn't mean america alone. aircraft manufacturer bombardier has won a trade case in the us, overturning a decision to impose an almost 300% tariff on imports. britain's future relationship with the european union is again causing tensions in the country's governing conservative party. the chancellor of the exchequer philip hammond had suggested the relationship post—brexit might only be a little different from now. that sparked an angry reaction from those in the party who want a clean breakfrom europe. the minister in charge of brexit has denied a split, and today outlined plans for the transition period after britain leaves the eu. alex forsyth reports. in teesside today, the brexit secretary was trying to calm troubled waters. surrounded by businesses dependent on eu trade, he promised certainty and continuity when we leave. david davis set out the government's plans for a transition period of up to two years after brexit. this is a bridge to a new future partnership, where crucially the united kingdom is outside the single market and outside of the customs union. he said for business there would be no dramatic change, but the uk would start to talk trade with other countries, all to be negotiated with the eu, but for now it's comments by his cabinet colleague that are causing problems. the chancellor said there could be very modest changes in eu relations. if the cabinet can't agree on its position, how can you possibly negotiate with brussels? look, i'm in politics, and people debate, and they have different views. there's a diversity of views on this subject, in all parties. that doesn't mean that we don't have or can't have a coherent and forceful view, in the interests of the united kingdom. ministers don't always want their divisions laid bare. today the chancellor insisted he backed the government's view. i was speaking about our trade relationship with the eu, and it is the government's policy that we want to maintain the maximum possible access to markets, and the minimum friction at our borders. nonetheless, his comments angered some tory mps, although they insisted they are still behind theresa may. downing street has made it clear that the chancellor did not represent government policy, and government policy remains as set out by the prime minister. but the businesses brexit will affect say the political discord is damaging. this car—parts manufacturer in redcar relies on being able to import from and export to the eu, and its boss wants far more clarity from the government about its long—term brexit plan. i think it's been pretty shambolic, and ijust want them to get on with it. from the contrary statements coming out and infighting that is happening, i don't know what they're expecting to achieve, i don't know what their targets are, because it's just wishy—washy. businesses like those here which rely heavily on trade with the eu crave certainty. the government says that's what the transition phase will offer. the trouble is the conservative party simply cannot agree on what should come beyond. and as talks slowly approach future trade relations, what has so far been a fragile truce among the tories looks rocky. alex forsyth, bbc news, teesside. african migrants in tel aviv and jerusalem have been protesting this week against a government programme designed to remove people who've entered the country illegally. an estimated 40,000 africans there are affected. they've been offered $3,500 cash to leave before march, or face arrest. yolande knell reports from tel aviv. african migrants are angrily protesting outside israel's rwandan embassy. but why? israel has eight controversial plan to force out thousands of illegal african migrants. it will pay $3500 and airfares to anybody who voluntarily goes to a third country, at uganda 01’ goes to a third country, at uganda or rwanda. those who stay after much face arrest. about 40,000 african migrants live here and illegally. most are from sudan and eritrea.|j let my country because there are is no rights for human beings there. i had no rights, i was imprisoned. i was forcibly drafted to the army. this man may be dangerous journey, paying people smugglers to smuggle him to egypt and israel. there is a long fence on the desert border. him to egypt and israel. there is a long fence on the desert borderlj prefer long fence on the desert borderlj p refer to long fence on the desert borderlj prefer to go back to my home when it is safe for me and my community. i doubled as stay here in israel. israel is the israelis. i am asking for asylum. nearly all the migrants move to rundown areas of south tel aviv. lots of immigrants, and lots of older people used to live here, fighting to go out. last year, israel's prime minister came to see the problems. the mission is to return south tel aviv to israeli citizens, he says. said it threatened the social fabric and jewish character. because " illegal infiltrators" not do so. my parents we re infiltrators" not do so. my parents were immigrants also. they came from europe. —— not refugees. i do know, 200 to 500 people living amongst us, thatis 200 to 500 people living amongst us, that is the problem. but to put 40,000 people here, that is a huge problem. already, some migrants have begun receiving official documents, meaning they are likely to face difficult choices sooner rather than later. yolande knell, abc news, tel aviv. hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes in paris as the city braces itself for more flooding. residents of this suburb in the south of the city were among the worst affected. and it's not over yet — flood waters are expected to peak this weekend. the bbc‘s hugh schofield has been stepping out to bring us the latest. the second time in the year and a half, paris is waking up with its feetin half, paris is waking up with its feet in the water. it wasjune 2016 that we were reporting the same story. heavy rain upstream from paris. hitrova trees of the river seine filling up with water. the land was unable to absorb the excess water and it all came into the capital. —— the tributories. this was a residential building. it will have at about. looking across the river to the other side, that is where the commuter network comes into the city, the rer. that is flooded and shut down. if you live ona barge, flooded and shut down. if you live on a barge, you have been told about the time being, and the big have started moving their precious items from the basement to higher levels. everytime there a flood in paris, they said is this the people in? because there is a prediction that every 100 years or so there will be a big flood, like there was in 1910. this will peak on saturday at about six metres above the normal level. it is not the big one. hugh schofield they are in a flooded paris. now to some tennis news. roger federer has strolled into the australian open final after hyeung chung's retired injured in their semi—final on friday. the result was never in doubt, with the 36—year—old swiss leading 6—1, 5—2 when the south korean called it quits with foot blisters. he's still his country's most successful player in a grand slam. federer will now play maran cilic in sunday's final. i thought the first that was normal. i could not do was going on with my opponent. —— the first set. i was astray to protect the lead, but in the second set, i felt he getting slower. —— i wasjust the second set, i felt he getting slower. —— i was just trying to protect the lead. i hope that a blister, but i did know how bad it was. i have played with blisters in the past and it hurts a lot. at one point it isjust the past and it hurts a lot. at one point it is just too much and you cannot take it any more. you realise there is no where you can come back and you will only make things worse and you will only make things worse and it is but to stop. that is why it is bittersweet. i am incredibly happy to be in the finals, but not like this. he played so well. he tried so hard to day. a very gracious roger federer. three billboards outside ebbing missouri is a story about a grieving mother's fight forjustice. it's been nominated for seven academy awards, and after her best actress win at the golden globes, its star frances mcdormand is getting plenty of oscar buzz. the bbc‘s arts editor will gompertz has been speaking to the film's writer and director, martin mcdonagh. my daughter angela was murdered seven months ago... francis mcdormand as mildred hayes, the uncompromising, unflinching and very angry grieving mother... you drilled a hole in the dentist? no agent. —— know i didn't. —— no. who rents three billboards outside ebbing, missouri, a fictional town created by martin mcdonagh, the film's london—born irish writer and director. martin mcdonagh has got an oscar nomination for his writing but not for his directing. i wonder if he's a little bit disappointed. no, not really, particularly because the mates got nominated in the other categories. it would have been nice, but seven's good. you get over here. no, you get over here. all right. one of the criticisms that three billboards has is that the sam rockwell character, dixon the policeman, who is a racist, is treated sympathetically by you. well, he's definitely a racist and a bully. i wouldn't say he's treated sympathetically. i was trying to see, i think, the hope in all of these people. so if you say that's treating characters symathetically, to a degree it is. but the point of the film, and i think the thing that i hope people come away with, is the possibility of changing people. if it was me, i'd start a database. every male baby that's born, stick them on it, and as soon as he'd done something wrong, cross—reference it, make 100% certain it was a correct match, then kill him. we've heard many speeches from many people in the movie industry saying it is time for a change. do you think that's just lip service, or do you think something actually quite fundamental is happening? it feels like something really new and really great is happening. like, i've been in the rooms at the last couple of awards things, and it is palpable, and it does feel angry, and it does feel like it's not going to go away, and i think that's great. it feels like a change is properly happening. i'd do anything to catch your daughter's killer. the oscars ceremony at the beginning of march might well point towards that change, with some surprising winners, and quite possibly a forthright acceptance speech from this lady. will gompertz, bbc news. we do have a full list of all denominations on our website. of course, we will have extended coverage of the oscars and all the speeches on the fourth of march. lots more on our website. don't forget you can get in touch with me and some of the team on twitter — i'm @bbckasiamadera. thank you for watching. goodbye. the weekend is not looking too grey for most of us. it would be that bad, but there will be a lot of cloud around. it is to be mild, though. this is what is heading our way. it looks like a lot of cloud streaming in our direction. we'll be stuck under this during the course of saturday. it is already coming m, of saturday. it is already coming in, bringing rainfall to western parts of the country. head of it, you can see is still dry even through early saturday morning. here we would have had a touch of frost around. ithink we would have had a touch of frost around. i think by about 6am, the temperatures are above freezing already. attaching freezing earlier in the night. this is what happens in the night. this is what happens in the morning. gofundme is leicester east. you can see the back edge and rain getting into the western isles and northern ireland. the morning, in belfast, for the weather will be improving. —— you can see it moving west to east. across the east midlands and east anglia than to the south—east, it is actually bright. i would not be surprised even by some blue sky for a time. but not for long, because by the latter part of the morning, the weather front moves in and it is overcast a cross weather front moves in and it is overcast across many parts of the country in eastern, southern, and central areas. in scotland, country in eastern, southern, and centralareas. in scotland, bright and windy, very windy in the western isles and the far north of scotland. balfou rs isles and the far north of scotland. balfours twins at 70 miles an hour. compare to the rest of europe on saturday, london will be about 10 degrees, paris at eight. madrid nine degrees. pretty much the same across many parts of western and south—western parts of europe. the will be about 15. back home, he was the low pressure late on saturday into sunday. that will bring severe gales to scotland. blustery conditions in the pennines as well. but the isa buyers are coming from the south—west, meaning that the south—westerly winds will continue into sunday. in this weather situation, we have a lot of cloud. it is mild. temperatures might even touch about 14 or 15 degrees, mother this start of years. with that, rain around. particularly across northern and north—western areas of the uk. still staying mild in the south—westerly winds. a bit of rain around in this on monday. that will move southwards, but a shift in the wind direction in the north means that it will turn a little bit colder. citing single figures, even about five degrees, they are. no more than that. have a good weekend. this is bbc news. the headlines: president trump has told the world economic forum that the us will no longer tolerate unfair trade practices, defending his ‘america first‘ policies against accusations of protectionism. but mr trump said ‘america first‘ did not mean america alone. the canadian aircraft manufacturer, bombardier, has won a trade case in the united states, overturning a decision to impose an almost 300% tariff on imports. bombardier said the ruling was a victory for innovation and would save thousands ofjobs. police in toronto say canadian pharmaceutical billionaires barry and honey sherman were murdered in a targeted killing. the couple were found hanged in their home six weeks ago. the entire board of the us gymnastics authority is to resign in the wake of the scandal involving the sexual abuse of over 150 female athletes by the former team doctor. now on bbc news, it‘s time for inside out south west. jemma woodman investigates the truth about free—range eggs.

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China , France , Canada , Tel Aviv , Israel , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Belfast , Missouri , United States , Uganda , Sudan , Switzerland , Northern Ireland , Craigavon , Germany , Toronto , Ontario , New York , Yolande , Limpopo , South Africa , Madrid , Spain , Rwanda , Cape Town , Western Cape , Eritrea , Midlands , Leicestershire , Japan , Davos , Switzerland General , Egypt , Paris , France General , Jerusalem , Israel General , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Israelis , Canadian , America , Swiss , Scotland , South African , French , Britain , David Davis , Sam Rockwell , Kasia Madera , Samira Hussein , Roger Federer , Hugh Schofield , Alex Forsyth , Samira Hussain , Peter Bowes , Harvey Biggs , Angela Merkel , Jemma Woodman , Martin Mcdonagh , Mildred Hayes ,

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