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the well that became a trap. with a sling around him and a crane lifting, buddy was plucked from a well this evening where he had been shivering and struggling for more than two hours. >> way to go, way to go buddy. >> he was threading water with his head up. >> reporter: the ranch caretaker found buddy and thought he would drown. >> i actually thought he wasn't going to make it. someone came up with the idea to raise the water up. >> reporter: they raised the water to the top allowing buddy to float. but he still could not get out so they had to use a crane. he's new to the property. they never imagined he would step to the top of the wood and breakthrough but he says he is in inquisitive. >> he's a people horse. he's totally curious. he would probably want to play with something. >> reporter: the brick walls of the well left some scrapes on his leg. but nothing that won't heal. after buddy's ordeal everyone was amazed at how well he made it through. >> amazingly enough. when the horse was finally lifted out of the well and brought over to the side where it could stand on its own four feet it did exactly that. it stood up. it seemed like nothing had ever happened. >> i'm so happy with all the help. it's amazing, i'm thrilled. >> reporter: he's going to be sore, he's going to need rest and linda says buddy will be getting the extra carrots and the peppermints that he loves. her well by the way is getting a fence. reporting live in san rafael, deborah villalon, ktvu news. a body has been recovered from the sacramento river in rio vista near where rescuers were looking for a 17-year-old from vallejo that likely drowned. the 17-year-old they were looking for is candice knight. >> the other boy was saying, quit playing around, quit playing around. he thought he was playing. and he never came back up. >> reporter: the search for a missing man from alameda is over tonight. police had issued a silver alert for james ross. said he had dementia. ross was found about 6:30 this evening safe and unharmed. new at 10:00 tonight, friends and family of a man who was killed gathered tonight to offer for help finding the suspect. kidd was 30 years old, this was him maying with his children. he -- this is him playing with his children. kidd was driving home after working a double shift. his widow was his high school sweetheart and she says someone must have heard or seen something. >> somebody knows something. and i hope and pray that somebody can just find it in their t know help us out. because he didn't deserve this. >> reporter: police say the gunman's car may have been a late model audi with tinted windows. a $10,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the killer. police in culma says he was behind the wheel of a car that literally split in two after crashing this morning killing two people inside. amber lee live with information on winston -- information on one of the victims. >> behind me we can see that friends have re toowers to remember the three people that died this morning. friends console each other saying their loss is unbelievable and devastating. they're trying to make sense of a deadly car accident that took place this morning. when three passengers in this three mustang was killed. paul diaz is the sole survivor. the 26-year-old was driving the car that crashed. diaz rear ended a honda. the only person in that car suffered minor injuries. >> speed was a factor. high rate of speed and we're also looking for alcohol. toxicology reports are pending but we do believe alcohol was associated. >> reporter: investigators say the three passengers were ejected from the car. they are identified as 23-year- old rosa marie fala, vasquez and jonathan jaden. all three died. one person told me diaz was engaged to fala. >> the guy went up to the lady and say baby baby just trying to see if she was alive still. >> reporter: the witness says when there was no response. diaz walked away and did not return. later in the day, he surrendered to police. >> they were the type of people that liked to have 49er parties or bbqs things like that. on a whole off and on they'll have a lot of people come over. they were quiet people, nice people. >> reporter: about two hours ago we saw investigators remove evidence from the falla home after being there for hours. a relative tells us paul diaz appeared dazed. and h -- he said he did not recall details of the accident before turning himself in to police. a driver involved? a deadly crash on highway 101 in burlinggame. the chp says kline and husband raul padilla were in their car when it hit the center divide then collided with a party bus. several people on the bus suffered minor injuries. padilla had been drinking in the hours before the crash. toxicology reports will determine whether he was okay to drive. the fire department tells us the firefighter twisted his ankle. he was taken to san francisco general hospital to be checked out. the fire in glen park started around 3:00 this afternoon. it was contained wi45 aminutes hurt. president obama honored the nation's fallen service members on this memorial day as he called on americans to remember that the nation is still at war and u.s. troops continue to die. >> at arlington national cemetery the president layed a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. >> not all americans may always see or fully grasp the depth of sacrifice. the profound costs that are made in our name. right now, as we speak. >> the president concluded by urging all americans to never forget and to be worthy of the sacrifices american troops have made for their country. at arlington the president also noted that this year is the 60th anniversary of the end of fighting in korea. and he said he wanted to give a special salute to veterans who fought in that war. our coverage continues with ktvu's david stevenson and how people in san francisco also remembered those from the forgotten war. >> reporter: the parade through the presidio led to the national cemetery and thousands of flags laid in honor of fallen military men and women. >> it brings tears to my eyes. the war is horrible. >> these people died to protect me, to protect this country. >> reporter: this year's ceremony focused on the 60th anniversary of the end of the korean war in what's often been called the forgotten war. north korea remains a threat 60. and the one thing that i think bothers them the most is we value lieu -- value the dignity and worth of every person. >> when they played the spangled banner i choke up. when they start playing military songs i kind of choke up. >> i came because of the way they treated veterans when they came back, and when i came back. i am looking to honor their service. >> reporter: in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. the united veterans council in san jose hosted a memorial day remembrance at oak hill memorial park. some 3,600 soldiers are buried there some from all the way back to the spanish american war and the civil war. boy scouts and girl scouts walk the ground to ensure all of their graves had american flags. we have late word from the pentagon tonight saying an air force f15 fighter jet has crashed into the ocean off of japan. the pilot ejected and has been rescued. the cause of the wreck will have to be investigated. officials have not released the pilots name. >> a busy holiday weekend for vacationers and patrols. we take a drive to see what they're doing. shuttle drivers near sfon strike. the new contract say they're not happy about. and why some lawmakers say it would affect more than just smokers. a wildfire burning in the mountains of santa clara has forced the evacuation of campers. 20-mile an hour winds are fanning the flames. the fire also burned a building owned by the national forest service and two vehicles. no injuried reported so far. the california highway patrol says just about every available officer is on the road tonight to try to make sure our bay area freeways remain safe at the end of this holiday weekend. and ken wayne has what officers found tonight. >> reporter: wet roads and high traffic makes for dangerous situation. >> of course distracted drivers. everybody is using their cell phone or texting while driving. they're going to get stopped. >> reporter: which is exactly what happened to the driver of this lexus who admitted he took a phone call. >> i was -- i just got a call and i was asked to go pick up my daughter. >> reporter: another had the nerve to pass the chp officer who was going 55 miles per hour. the biggest worry is duis. >> we've got a lot of dui checkpoints over the holiday weekend and those have been effective. i think the message is getting out there. >> reporter: as of 6:00 a.m. today 1,333 drivers were arrested by the chp for dui. that's down slightly from last year's 1161. in the bay area there have been 165 arrests compared to 166 this time last year. >> i would rather have a night where there is absolutely nothing going on. that means everybody is being safe, everyone has gotten home safely and that's our primary home. >> reporter: this family is almost home. the fun ended after witnessing the aftermath of a motorcycle accident. >> it was really sobering to see that. the kids saw it. >> reporter: take a deep breath, give yourself a little extra time to get home that way you can avoid the anxiety and the price of a ticket or worse, possible deadly accident. live in larksburg, ken wayne. now to the south bay where a driver was severely injured and may lose a foot after he crashed into a tree. this happened just before 3:00 this morning. the boy and 16-year-old female passenger were both trapped in that mangled toyota camera. firefighters used the jaws of life to rescue them. police say speed may have been a factor in this crash. more than two dozen shuttle drivers at a private san francisco airport parking lot have walked off their jobs. >> what do we want? when do we want it? >> reporter: employees of park and fly say the company imposed a new contract last friday. drivers say they make about $11 an hour and they say this new contract not only lowering their pay it also reduces their benefits. >> we don't want the things to be taken away from us. if they put -- they will give us the same thing as we were working before, we're happy we'll go back to work. >> reporter: arriving passengers trying to get back to their cars have reported some delays. park and fly says it's bringing in substitute drivers from outside of the bay area to try to reduce the impact on passengers. concerns about crime and underaged smoking are at the center of a new proposed ban in a smoke shot in antioch. eric rasmussen found that they were making cuts. >> reporter: antioch police handled 100 calls for service related to smoke shops. owner nasser says that does not tell the whole story on this corner. >> the smoke shot, even if they close it, i think so, they're going to be safe. before the store they had a lot of problems too. >> reporter: naser says he will stop selling if he is asked to do so. >> some people are smokers out there that over all we're thinking about the health of individuals so i'm all for it. >> so many smoke shops in this city. nobody can make money. >> reporter: shop owner, shison says he supports a new ordnance. >> now it's dangerous for the people who run the store. the answer is we don't care we have to enforce the law. >> reporter: the proposed moratorium on new smoke shops goes in full force tomorrow. research published today in the journal of the american health association found that one person had become hill for marijuana poisoning. that's the year federal guidelines were modified opening up medical marijuana use in that state. there were no such poisonings at the hospital in the prior four years. a soggy holiday continues at this hour. take a look, a new batch of light rain moving into parts of the north bay sliding in to the peninsula. if we get in a little closer, the light rain pretty much widespread. moves off to the east to fairfield, concord, richmond. areas looks like close to oakland, concord, antioch and if we go west toward the peninsula you can see san francisco. the sunset district, daly city down into pacifica as well as montero. some light rain at this hour. this system is continuing to the east. by tomorrow morning just a few residual showers will be left with us. i don't think you're going to need your umbrella for tuesday. we will everyone see partly cloudy skies. temperatures rebounding for tomorrow afternoon. so as we get into tonight. the light showers will continue. cloudy conditions. temperatures in the 50s right now. perhaps some patchy fog with all that moisture laying around. it'll be dry and mild for the afternoon. temperatures will take a big rebound and in the extended forecast a big warm up in time for your weekend. i'll have a look at your numbers coming up. discovery about the weather phenomenon known as el nino. the researchers say detecting that wind pattern can give forecasters weeks maybe even months of advanced warning. the l.a. river is now open for recreation. the river hasn't been opened like this since the 30s. when it was encased in concrete to prevent flooding. now people can bike and kayak. people can use it from dawn to dusk until labor day and it's free. i predict at some point we may have to slow things down a little bit. >> only on 2, we talk to one official about a possible delay in the opening of the new bay bridge. >> a top republican makes a secret trip to syria. the message john mccain hopes to send to the obama administration. you kids should count yourselves lucky. we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to 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[ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ caltrans and the metropolitan transportation commission are set to meet this wednesday to decide whether the bay bridge will open or opening will be delayed. >> reporter: it all boils down to bolts that haven't been broken since they were cranked down. >> do you want to have people traveling on a bridge you know is unsafe in the event of a major earthquake while you replace bolts on the new bridge that haven't broken. >> reporter: but should those unbroken bolts say on now and be repaired after the bridge opens? >> we need to make a call about the remaining maining bolts on that bridge. >> reporter: likely caltrans will propose to keep the broken bolts in place. >> they're still keeping their sights on a labor day opening but, i predict at some point we may have to slow things down a little bit. >> reporter: alamedans we met say there's only one thing to do. >> i think if it already broke. and it's similar construction they should replace them all. >> fix it now. >> i would say fix them all. and if you're going to fix them do it. >> that other bridge just went down, i think i would rather them finish it the right way and you know, safer. >> reporter: supervisor cortesi tends to agree. >> all the bolts need to be replaced until someone can satisfy me other wise that's going to be my position. >> reporter: we'll be at the ntsb wednesday to see how >> at today began clearing submerged cars and mangled steel from a collapsed bridge on i5. once that debris is removed. crews will then conduct an underwater structural construction of the bridge supports that are still standing. over the weekend the governor of washington plans to install a bridge in the next week. maridas traveled to washington memorial cemetery. it is where her son is buried. he was killed in iraq in may 30, 2004 which also happened to be memorial day. his grave is in section 60 in arlington dedicated to those killed in iraq and afghanistan. meredith told us it is a very active part of the cemetery. >> we do things differently. we decorate our graves and we decorate the trees around them. so section 60 is very special. >> reporter: president obama visited section 60 today and spoke to the families. more than 20,000 americans have been killed in iraq and afghanistan. in alameda, a wreath was cast from the uss hornet this afternoon to honor veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice. people then threw flowers into the sea to honor the dead. one woman held back tears saying today was her son's 18th birthday and there's no greater way to celebrate his milestone than to remember the men and women who are serving or have died for america. republican senator john mccain quietly slipped into syria to meet with rebels who were seeking to oust azad. a member of the syrian group posted a picture of mccain on instagram. rebels could also be getting some help from the european unions. eu members asked to lift arms embargo. secretary of the state john kerry met with his -- washington and moscow have yet to agree on the participants. so far about 70,000 people have died in the two year civil war in syria. i think there's always lessons to be learned. >> it's crucial to memorial day services, actually this is a story about a bay area police chief who is being called upon by colorado authorities to help explain what happened in a movie theater massacre there. >> this is video from russia all the damage crashe it did and you'll be surprised with what it didn't do. >> and go to our facebook page, click on like and you can watch all the live newscasts on your smart device. only on 2 from california to colorado. officials in aurora colorado have tapped a police chief. ktvu's heather holmes here after speaking tonight with vallejo's former top cop. >> he's one of four people picked to sit on a panel that will examine that horrific movie theater attack. it's all in an effort to update how officials respond to an attack. next year will mark two years since the horrific attack. this year the panel will meet for the first time to reenact the attack moment by moment. robert nicolini will serve as the law enforcement expert. he plans to interview officers who were first on the scene to see how they reacted and suggest improvements if needed. >> i think there's also lessons ton learned. police work, there's no cook book for police work. >> during his 17 years as vallejo police chief, nicolini looks at police shootings, hostage situations, child abductions. he also spent 24 years with the oakland police department. and he was on duty during the oakland hills fire storm in 1991. experiences that nicolini says will help him in drafting the aurora report. >> the aurora report includes multiple agencies. and things we did in oakland involved multiple agencies. it'll be used hopefully nationally to help other law enforcement agents prepare for a similar incident. >> frank and gasia on this first trip, nicolini is expected to meet with the district attorney as well as the chief of aurora. authorities in texas say the gunman responsible for a weekend shooting rampage was an active duty marine. state troopers say 23-year-old esteban ed choose his victims at random about 4:30 yesterday morning. one woman was killed, five were injured including the sheriff. smith was later killed in a shoot out with other officers. smith was stationed in north carolina. other current and former marines are reportly under investigation for posting messages about president obama and a congresswoman. a secret service interviewed a marine for making threats against the president on social media and three active marines are thought to make lewd comments about congresswoman speier. more than 450 people have died in iraq this month in a flair up of sectarian attacks primarily against shiits and sunnis. it is the worse violence since u.s. troops left in december of 2011. in london a far right group numbers about 1,000 marched to protest the killing of a british soldier last week. the group yelled muslim killers off our streets and taunted police. at least 13 protesters were arrested. ethnic and religious tensions have been rising in england since that soldier was killed. in russia, a construction crane tipped over and crashed into a nine story apartment building. it tore off balconies and damaged several parked cars incredibly no one was injured. the crane was being used at another building near by. officials say they don't yet know what went wrong. the sound of taps filled the air today at memorial day ceremony but it's becoming more difficult to find buglers to play that solemn song. ruben garcia played taps at the ceremony in san jose in memorial park. he says it's a debt that he owes to veterans like his grandfather and father. but with a shortage of horn players he says it's common to hear recordings. >> it's a lot of places that have the habit of using a recording, but it's not really the same thing. you get a lot more feeling when it's a live trumpeter. >> reporter: organizers of the event played a recorded version. a world war ii veteran has been reunited with his dog tag that he lost 69 years ago. irving man says he lost his dog tag in france the nazis. he said he recently heard from a woman in normandy who found her dog tag. >> i think it was incredible that someone went through that trouble. >> the dog tag now goes with a purple heart and a bronze star he received for showing valor in action. a photographer returns to the scene and talks to the man who was keeping the memorial there alive. >> meteorologist rosemary orozco is tracking the wet weather across the area and how long it will last. >> more trouble on a cruise ship. the incident that cut short a vacation to the bahamas for thousands of people. ♪ ♪ [ engine revs ] [ female announcer ] small... [ engine revs ] wicked... ♪ and now... ♪ topless. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio. ♪ why shop t.j.maxx and marshalls? one. you get all the the fiat awesome brand names. two. you get them for less than department stores, and that's awesome. three. she'll think you look stylish and awesome. four. you'll actually be awesome. which is awesome. t.j.maxx and marshalls. two awesome ways to score. an american flag was spotted today in the midst of the tornado strewn town of moore, oklahoma. last week's tornado killed 24 people and it destroyed more than 12,000 homes in that area. a terrorist scare today in new york where police closed down the brooklyn bridge to investigate an abandoned vehicle. police discovered the suspicion vehicle at around 3:30. nothing suspicious was found, police gave the all clear and reopened the bridge after about 90 minutes. an investigation is now under way after an early morning fire broke out on board a royal caribbean cruise ship. this is amateur video after the crew on the grandure of the sea. took about two hours to get the fire under control own the ship was able to sail into free port. royal caribbean is flying the passengers back to baltimore where the cruise originated. tonight ktvu's photo journalist chris humper shows us the site that is being guarded. >>bostonians bounce back. we're a rugged people. >> these kind of spontaneous memorials are from the heart. from people that were involved and impacted and you know, i find comfort in the comments and the messages from people here. >> it's kind of at this point the people's project. >> people feel like, they're paying their respects. you know. you can see it on people's faces, you can see them thinking, you know. and you know that it's touching them. it's affecting them you know in their heart. >> it's a lovely thing. you know to see so many people gathering and bringing notes and flowers for those who got hurt and those who have passed away. >> this little 8-year-old boy that died. i mean he didn't even get to grow in his life and he ends up getting killed like that, you know. >> i have not been back here since the bombings. so for me it's kicking in pretty hard. for the entire time i lived here i also presenced that i'm from chicago. but i'm not going to say that anymore. i think people need to know that i'm here. this is where my family is from. i couldn't be prouder. >> i've been out here for a month. i started it with three flags and people just kept bringing things. i decided that this would be a good thing to do. probably the most self-less thing i've done in my life. >> i come up here in the morning, and i stay until about 3:00 and just try to keep it orderly. >> i play the harmonica. i like to help people when they come here. >> it takes a long time to recover when there's a sleepless nights because of the nightmares. >> i know. >> we're going to survive. america is going to survive and go on and we will just learn from this situation. >> once again that piece was shot by chris paxton. our web team has posted that photo, essay and more at just look under hot topics. a multi million sale of a popular eye care company. >> plus how severe weather affected an american past time this memorial day. >> and a first for the bay bridge series. what got the giants and the a's to set their rivalry aside. ♪ [ male announcer ] when the a.c. goes out in a heat wave, it's nuccio heating and air conditioning that comes to the rescue. at&t helped nuccio put a complete mobile solution to work. mobile routing to send the closest technician and mobile payments to invoice on the spot. where do you want to take your business? call us. we can show you how at&t solutions can help you do what you do... even better. ♪ an orchestra played patriotic songs this morning at the the annual memorial day service in walnut creek. they closed it with the laying of a wreath at the near by veteran's memorial plaza. the a's and giants honored fallen troops as they played the first game of their bay bridge series. troops from travis airport base unfurled the american flag. both teams wore special camouflage hats and jerseys. retired staff sergeant batey a double amputee threw out the first pitch. >> it was pretty intimidating seeing all those screams fans but i knew they were cheering me on and i got a standing ovation. so obviously that always makes you feel great. >> reporter: money raised at the game goes to help injured veterans as for the game itself. joe fonzi will have highlights coming up in four minutes. baush and lombe says it's being purchased for eight -- $8.5 million. bausch and lomb has been considered a deal until this purchase. some drivers needed help after they tried to drive through the high water then their cars stopped. the storm also took down power to homes and businesses and it delayed the start of the cardinals game this afternoon. a dreary and damp memorial day around the bay area. the light showers are still falling at this hour. an interesting tidbit. the first time it has rained on memorial day in 20 years. giving you a look here. this is going to be tapering off in the overnight hours. the storm is pushing east but not before bringing up another batch of rain. i want to head to the north bay because this is where we've seen on and off showers since this morning. santa rosa picking up .01. these are a couple of locations that have picked up the most. most areas picking up a few .01s. if we slide a little bit closer to san francisco, you can see a little bit here on the west edge of the city. at the sunset district. across the bay bridge perhaps the light rainfalling. san mateo crossing the bridge, going to find some light rain there into the eabay. we have hayward, fremont. most communities along 880 getting into oakland a few sprinkles here. orinda along highway 4. areas right around concord, clayton, pittsburgh. stretching into antioch. so the light rain continuing to fall. again it will be subsiding as we get into the overnight hours and i think we will see a few residual showers tomorrow morning. 59degrees in fairfield. low 60s in oakland. under mostly cloudy skies. additional cooling expected as we get closer to sunrise. here we are into the evening hours. not really picking up the last batch of rain. but tomorrow morning we're going to wake up partly cloudy. a lot of moisture residing throughout the area. maybe some drizzle per happen some fog. we start to see those clouds part. and by noon 1:00 we're dealing with partly cloudy mostly sunny skies. that's what's in store for your tuesday. as we start the morning, 50s around the region. and here's what you can expect throughout the afternoon. low 70s for the inland north bay. upper 60s for the east bay shoreline. into the santa clara valley, 75 morgan hill. 69 redwood city. 67 san mateo. low 60s at the coast. still a little cool there. but notice here we dry out. temperatures remain on the mild side. then as we get into the weekend it's going to be hot in some areas with the inland communities reaching into the mid-90s. mid- to upper 60s at the coast. >> thanks rosemary. >> you're welcome. a minute ago we showed you how the giants and a's came together to support veterans after that they battled it out. >> as they always do the bay bridge series is only four games this year. two at the coliseum and two at at&t park. both the giants and athletics wearing camouflage in honor of memorial day. most of the scoring was done by the a's. josh donaldson goes to the opposite field. the a's had all the runs they need on the eighth homer of the year for donald southern. the a's doubled that run. total an inning later it's cespedes with a run. off george cantos this one doesn't get out but it does drive in. 4-1 with help from two relievers no questions,straley was dialed in today. >> i finally was able to breakthrough that and be myself. work quick, fill up the strike zone. i've always said i'm a strike throwing not really a pitcher and that's what i truly believe. >> it doesn't get more exciting than what the san jose sharks face tomorrow. we take a look at one story line that could develop. we'll be right back. what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. oh, yeah! once you experience it, there's no going back. now, save on the closeout of our classic special edition bed set. just $1299, a savings of $600. plus, 36-month financing on all beds through memorial day. only at the sleep number store. sleep number. comfort individualized. >> the grizzlies didn't put any where near fit. running the floor artistically here. miller with the steal and passed to tony parker who finds a trailing tim duncan. the spurs shot 74% in the first half. watch this play, parker with a fake. nobody can stay with him. he maybes it look easy on the way to a 34 game. lionel helps davis to his feet. that kind of thing happens when you get swept in four games. they will wait for miami or indiana. the san jose sharks and kings have played six times to get where they'll be tomorrow. the seventh game of the series. neither team has won on the road. that's the challenge they want to face. an unlikely player emerged. a hand injury had kept adam burresh out. his effort was noticed by his teammates. >> we decided not to sit back. and it was great. did an unbelievable job tonight. burress was huge for us. tired out their players. >> so a seventh game needed there. a seventh game will be needed. >> nothing like game seven of the stanley cup play offs. >> thank you, joe. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time news breaks. >> the ktvu morning news begins at 430 tomorrow. they'll be tracking any effects of the lingering weather as folks return to work after a long holiday weekend. we're always here for you on and mobile ktvu. have a good night. here you go. you, too. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? 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