Transcripts For WNBC Today 20151018 :

Transcripts For WNBC Today 20151018

attacked by sharks. onlookers in disbelief and the concern there is mounting. this is the eighth attack in hawaii at the busy vacation season there is just getting under way. and tracy's triumphant return. >> people were wondering, can he speak, does he have 100% mental capacity? >> the truth is, i never did. >> tracy morgan's comeback on the "saturday night live" stage, his first appearance there since a car accident nearly killed him just over a year ago. we have the highlights today, sunday, october 18th. welcome to "today" on this sunday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm harry smith. good morning, everybody. >> did you stay up? >> i did. i didn't watch the entire show. the first 45 minutes or so. the first sketch was so great. all these people from rock center that tracy morgan starred with. tina fey, alec baldwin. so great. >> lots of funny stuff. we'll have all kinds of highlights for those of you who couldn't stay up. >> let's get to our top story. the chaos in ft. myers, florida, when gunfire rang out in the middle of a zombie convention. nbc's dara brown is here with more. >> good morning, harry. thousands of people were all dressed up as zombies out talking the streets for this big festival, but their fun turned to terror when someone opened fire, killing at least one person. >> reporter: people were celebrating zombicon in downtown ft. myers just before midnight when shots rang out. [ gunfire ] the gunfire sending masses of people running for their lives. >> oh my go. >> reporter: witnesses reported hearing firecrackers going off before emergency personnel responded to a victim laying on the ground. died on the scene. four others were taken to lee memorial hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. zombicon was expected to draw more than 20,000 people. in a statement, organizers said they were saddened by the news and the group takes the safety of its patrons very seriously. and at this point, police are still looking for the gunman and are urging anyone who may know anything to come forward. harry? >> dara, thank you very much. turning now to weather, where the extra blankets definitely coming in handy this morning. several states are seeing snow on the ground. as many as 50 million people are still under a free warning this morning. dylan has the latest on that. good morning. >> and i had no hot water this morning. the coldest morning we've had and i had to take a cold shower. but the snow in many areas was just a bit of a dusting, but it already has some winter lovers excited for what's to come. >> reporter: a bitter blast of winter across the northeast and parts of the midwest, from new york to michigan and pennsylvania, snow has arrived >> it was about 4 inches. it was gorgeous. >> reporter: vermont's stowe mountain resort isn't scheduled open until late next month but is already starting to look ready for business. >> the ski trails are covered in white. >> reporter: at mt. washington in new hampshire, temperatures plunged to 20 degrees, winds between 60 and 70 miles per hour. hikers are being reminded to stay alert. >> it's very dangerous conditions out there today. >> and it is still snowing in some areas this morning. we have that cold air crossing over the warmer waters of the great lakes that's producing lake-effect snow near erie, pennsylvania, around buffalo. and we are seeing this cold stretching all the way down into northern georgia and mississippi and alabama, including most of tennessee, which is under a freeze watch right now, freeze warnings in this lighter shade of blue with temperatures at or below freezing in several areas. it's 32 in charleston, 31 in cincinnati, philadelphia's at 40 degrees. later on this afternoon, it's only going to warm into the 40s, so temperatures running about 5 to up to 20 degrees below average. rochester, new york, 42 degrees, that's it for a high. but it's not going to last that much longer. this area of high pressure will slide to the south, winds turn to the southwest, cleveland is back up to 68 by wednesday, 76 in louisville, even new york city should get into the corner the lower 70s by the time we get to wednesday. so it's just a taste of winter to show you what's to come, but it's not all in just yet. >> appetizer. >> that's right. >> makes it so much harder to get on the golf course, frost warnings. >> yes. makes it tough. >> wreaking havoc all over america. speculation is still running high this morning, believe it or not, about when vice president joe biden will decide if he's running for president or not. during an interview in -- excuse me, during an event in new york last night he didn't speak about his intentions, but it does come as he has a call with a major labor leader. nbc's kristen welker is at the white house and has more. i thought this was going to happen yesterday. are we going to find out today? >> reporter: well, a lot of folks are hoping so because it is the big question here. according to a source familiar with that call, the vice president left the union leader with the impression he's likely going to run, and today biden supporters say a decision is imminent. accepting a human rights award in manhattan -- >> this may be the greatest honor i have ever received in my public life. >> reporter: -- vice president joe biden made no mention of his future plans but did pay tribute to his late son, beau, who had encouraged him to run for president. >> as my son beau used to say, just keep moving forward. >> reporter: and while a few supporters cried, "run, joe, run!" biden stayed on message. this comes as the vice president gave the clearest sign yet he's leaning toward yes, calling harold schaitberger, the president of the powerful international association of firefighters. it would be a key endorsement if biden runs. biden spoke at one of the union's events earlier this year. >> hello, firefighters! >> reporter: according to a source familiar with the call, they spoke for about 20 minutes friday, discussing strategy, infrastructure, and fund-raising. this source says biden's message to the labor leader, he knows he can get the political pieces in place. now he just has to make a final gut decision. secretary hillary clinton has heavily courted unions, but the iaff is not planning to endorse here. still, clinton is capping one of her strongest weeks yet with a post-debate bump in the polls. saturday she tried to build on that momentum in alabama, promising to work for voting rights and slamming the republican front-runner. >> when the election comes around, donald trump and the coke brothers for all their money, they only get one vote each, just like everybody else. the day in delaware today. secretary clinton takes a break from the trail to prepare for a critical test on thursday, her testimony before the benghazi committee. the benghazi attack and her e-mails will be a may focus, biden watching all of it. >> kristen welker, thank you so much. >> chuck todd is moderator of "meet the press." i like the way kristen put this, inching closer, because we've all been inching. >> yes. >> is it surprising to you he's leaning towards yes? >> it's not. i talked to a couple sources on friday who told me that the vice president was getting irritated with what he believes is basically stage craft pressure. look, in his mind, this was never going to be easy whether he made the decision to get in three weeks ago or makes the decision three weeks from now. he snapped, actually, at some aides who told the vice president, you need to make a decision, because if you're going to run, we've got a lot of work to do. that's when he said, i need more time. in the last 48 hours, the letter from his longtime close adviser who sent a letter to supporters saying there's still plenty of room and time, and then the leak there of what happened with the firefighters union. that was to me done on purpose to send a message, hey, he's not leaping no as everybody thinks he is, he's still very much leaning yes. >> we'll continue to watch it as i know you will too very closely. moving to the republican side, there's been a lot of talk since donald trump came out and basically blamed 9/11 on former president george w. bush. jeb bush, of course, hitting back. then the captain, jeb's campaign, released this commercial pretty quickly yesterday. let's take a look before i ask you about it. always felt i was in the military despite never serving. >> there's nobody bigger or better at the military than i am. >> donald trump said senator john mccain is not a war hero. >> he's not a war hero. i like people who weren't captured, okay? >> this is sort of the strongest pushback we've seen yet. what does that say about where the campaign is for jeb bush? >> it's interesting. i think jeb bush, to me that ad doesn't get made that quickly, erica. that's been ready to go is my guess. you don't have it all just cobbled together in a 12-hour period just simply to respond to this attack from trump. i think the bush campaign is looking to pick a fight with trump. i think they were hoping to find a moment that trump would target him again. look, jeb is -- there's something missing. we all know there's something missing with his campaign. the fund raising wasn't as good as he wanted it to be. he's not shocked and awed other people out of this race. 'needs sort of to step things up a bit. picking a fight with the front-runner right now isn't a bad idea. >> before we let you go, a couple of your guests this morning will be from the house benghazi committee. hillary clinton set to testify on thursday this week. is this sort of another make-or-break moment for her campaign? >> well, i think the campaign believes this, that this is the single most important event of her campaign of 2015. basically, not until voters -- the most important event until voters start voting. more important than last week's debate. that's why she's off the trail for four days. nothing but i say debate prep, they're taking it as if it was debate prep. it's going to be a long day. that testimony thursday, think 8, 10, 12 hours. don't be surprised. >> nice to see you this morning. thanks again. >> thanks, erica. and hi, harry. good to see you, buddy. >> we'll be watching that. >> it is niles to see you here. we agree. we should point out, too, for chuck this morning on "meet the press," one of his guests, an exclusive interview with senator ted cruz. the u.s. is stepping up -- let me try that again. the escalating tensions in the middle east. more of that and frances is here. >> that involves secretary of state john kerry who has just announced he will meet with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and palestinian leader mahmoud abbas this week as unrest in the region reaches a critical point. nbc's chief global correspondent bill neely is in jerusalem and joins us this morning. bill, good morning. >> reporter: yes, good morning, frances. john kerry will meet benjamin netanyahu in germany as israel reels after another day of attempted murders. all the attackers were shot. all were teenagers. they're so frequent now that people here are beginning to use the word "uprising." stabbed but alive, an israeli soldier survives an attack by a palestinian teenager. it was the fifth of the day. here an israeli civilian in white holds the gun he's just used to kill an 18-year-old police say attacked him with a knife. most of the attackers are from east jerusalem, and most are palestinian teenagers with israeli i.d. cards, free to move around with no criminal or terrorist record. for their families, the attackers, one was only 13, are heroes. israel disagrees. >> he's not innocent. he tried to kill, murder, knife to death an innocent israeli youngster. >> reporter: israel says they're terrorists. >> terrorists. 13 years and 15 years, terrorists. i don't -- i don't know what to say. they are children. >> reporter: new york city's mayor saw victims of the attacks and stands by israel. >> when you are going through pain, we feel pain too. when you're under attack, we feel under attack too. >> reporter: amid the daily stabbings, daily clashes, palestinians convince israel is eroding their rights. some marched for peace last night in jerusalem and called for calm. that seems a long way off. yes, no sign of that as israel promises what it calls an iron fist, and some palestinian groups urge their teenagers to keep up what are almost appear to be suicide stagings. all the signs are that israel is spiraling into a conflict that, frances, no one seems able to stop. >> bill neely for us in jerusalem. thank you very much. now to beachgoers in hawaii who are being warned to be on alert after two swimmers were attacked by sharks in separate incidents yesterday. both occur on oahu with one happening just 100 yards from the beach. the 44-year-old victim was rescued by horrified onlookers. >> i didn't realize the severities of his injuries until we pulled him out of the water. >> both legs just above the ankle were just hanging on. >> hours later, another man was bit in the foot by a shark, the third attack in oahu just this month, bringing the total number of shark attacks across hawaii this year to seven. a texas community is reeling this morning over the sudden death of yet another high school football player. kevin matthews was airlifted from friday night's game after collapsing from a suspected seizure. late saturday a vigil was held at the football field after school officials announced he died at the hospital. no word yet on the official cause of death, but matthews is believed to be the sixth high school football player to die nation wild since early september. there's apparently been a dramatic turnaround for lamar odom, found unconscious in a las vegas brothel last week. the "l.a. times" citing unnamed sources says odom is texting and speaking. and e-news reports he is moving around. odom's sister-in-law, reality tv star kim kardashian west has broken her silence on line, tweeting a photo with odom. her first post since the incident. the mets and the chicago cubs, another win for kansas city kansas city beating toronto 6-3 in game two. game three is set for monday, and the mets are back in action tonight. an then there's this. just when you think you've seen everything on the streets of new york city, maybe you haven't seen this. police caught up with a runaway kangaroo saturday. ladies and gentlemen, that is in staten island, new york, in a backyard there. the four-foot-tall kangaroo was apparently visiting neighbors in the area and somehow unlocked the gate in the backyard where it's staying. no charges were filed, but, you know, when you have a kangaroo and it wants to hop around outside the backyard, he does his thing. >> he was just visiting. >> visiting neighbors. >> avoid traffic, too. >> tell us there's a break for this cold weather out there. the eastern half of the country is just really chilly. temperatures still running very much below average. it's starting to warm up in the plains. some of that heat will try to spread eastward, especially as we started off the workweek. that's a look at the weather across the country. now here's a peek out your window. >> good morning, everyone. it's a jacket day out there. temperatures starting out in the 30s around much of the tri-state. breezy and chilly throughout the day. at least it's sunny. a high temperature of 51 degrees. less windy than yesterday, but temperatures are down for today. way down tonight. down to a low of 36 in the city. a hard freeze in the suburbs. freeze warnings in effect for much of the tri-state into tomorrow morning. not the city, though. tomorrow afternoon, a little better. 53 for your high temperature. lots of sunshine. getting much milder by the middle of the week. >> and that's your latest forecast. coming up next on "today," tracy morgan's comeback. we have all the highlights from "snl" last night right after this. >> i hear somebody! es... or there's a fee to use them. i know. it's so frustrating. they'd be a lot happier with the capital one venture card. and you would, too! why? it's so easy with venture. you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. just book any flight you want then use your miles to cover the cost. now, that's more like it. what's in your wallet? this moment is perfect in every way just like my kid gooey...flaky...happy. toaster strudel. now with more icing. lowe's presents "how to lay down the law." i thought i told you not to come around here anymore. now get a husqvarna backpack blower for only $249. this guy is not a life coach. >> yes, i am. i have my degree right here! >> tracy morgan on "saturday night live" in a comeback so many have been waiting for, knocking it out of the park. he was back on stage in studio 8h saturday night look like he never missed a beat, i think it's fair to say. >> his first time back on "snl" since a terrible car crash last year that critically injured him. if the early reaction to how he did is any indication, you can safely say tracy is back. here's nbc's ron mott. >> ladies and gentlemen, tracy morgan. >> reporter: it was a heartwarming intro. tracy morgan hosting "saturday night live," a comeback performance after escaping death 16 months ago. >> thank you so much. nah, i'm just playing. >> reporter: he wasted no time getting right to the punch lines, his brain injury among them. >> people were wondering, can he speak? does he have 100% mental capacity? but the truth is i never did. i might actually be a few points >> reporter: it was also a homecoming, returning to stage that made him a household name, familiar characters like brian fellows, out-of-control camel and all. >> i can't see, camel! where the heck are you, jackie chan? >> throwing in new ones for merry measure. >> this jukebox every night hoping someday someone want to share the magical rhythm with me! not with these! but with these. >> it's me! s a -- astronaut jones. >> reporter: morgan's hallmark is a deadpan delivery often punctuated with a dash of zany, and it was on full display last night, facing off against his ex-wife, morgan's old family was ready for a feud. >> commitment! >> oh, here we go. >> reporter: tracy morgan's long road back now paved with humor, driving fans to a happier place. >> we don't know if he's going to make it. >> boring! >> good god, tracy! >> i'm back and better than ever. >> reporter: funny is his currency, still accepted and welcomed by millions. >> and i love y'all. thanks for being here with me. >> reporter: for "today," ron mott, nbc news, new york. >> you just saw there it wasn't only tracy morgan making a comeback last night. you saw some of his co-stars. and larry david back for the first time in decades. >> used to be a writer for the show. last night he appeared as senator bernie sanders. >> senator sanders, how are you? >> i'm good. i'm hungry, but i'm good. and now if you don't mind, i'm going to dial it right up to a ten. >> go right ahead. >> we're doomed! we need a revolution! millions of people on the streets! and we got to do it now! ah. >> he had the hands down. he had that hands -- >> the whole thing. >> he really was bernie -- it was perfect. larry david, bernie sanders, might have been my favorite. good stuff. when he was a writer for "snl," there for a year, got one skit on the whole time. that's why he left apparently. >> he did okay. >> i think it worked out all right. we'll be back right after this. look at you, saving money on your medicare part d prescriptions. at walgreens, we call that "carpe med diem." that's almost latin for "seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d." from one-dollar copays on select plans... now reward points on all prescriptions, walgreens has you covered. so drop by and seize the savings! walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. still to come on a sunday edition of "today," want to make a cool million? who doesn't. all you need to do, get on youtube. how some online stars are making big bucks. plus, we are tagging along as one of nfl's biggest stars makes dreams come true for some deserving kids. but first, these messages. hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. ...with no discomfort? exactly. 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championship series tonight after last night's big win. sheldon dutes joins us with more from citi field. >> reporter: i've talked with baseball fans who don't normally cheer for the mets. even though their teams haven't made it this far, they are just as excited as die-hard mets fans for tonight's game here at citi field. mets fans have sometimes felt like the underdog over the years, but they are riding a wave of pride right now. the mets beat the cubs in the first game of the nlcs at citi field last night. it has been nine years since the team made it this far in the postseason. >> i don't cry about a lot of things. if the mets win the world series, i will cry. i would actually cry. >> reporter: and the championship series continues tonight here at citi field. first pitch at 8:07. at citi field, sheldon dutes, "today in new york." and look who hopped by for a visit to staten island over the weekend. that's buster the kangaroo. he actually lives upstate. he was visiting the city with his owner when he decided he wanted to see some sights he wasn't seeing. he hopped the fence, spotted hopping around the neighborhood in travis. then his owner and the police caught him, wrangled him in. we're told he's a legal pet, and his owner won't face any charges. check on your weather forecast. going to be sunny and chile l chilly. highs in the 50s. tonight, mostly clear. still going to be chilly. lows in the mid-30s. might want to turn that heat on tonight. in the meantime, stay tuned for more of "weekend today." gus and i will see you back here trouble with the snap and the ball is free! it's picked up by michigan state! jalen watts jackson, it's picked up by michigan state's jaylon watts jax son. he scores on the last play of the game! unbelievable! >> wow. >> oh, my gosh. >> lot of people feeling that way this morning. >> that was harbaugh. everybody was ready to sing "hail to the victors," right? hail to the victors, the conquering heroes to michigan, the leaders of the best and with ten seconds left, this guy -- >> look at that face. the faces in the crowd. >> so my wife went to the university of michigan. >> okay. she was there. >> she was in ann arbor yesterday. >> was she at the game? >> i haven't heard from her. i'm afraid she might have gotten -- i don't know what. anyway. >> it was a rough one. it was quite a ten seconds there. let's get you caught up on what's making headlines at half past the hour. the coldest air of the season, you may have noticed, sticking around for another day. some seeing temperatures in the 20s waking up to their first snowfall. here's the good news, thanks to our meteorologist dylan dreyer we know we'll start seeing a warm-up tomorrow. >> that's a fact. >> she promises. >> well, tuesday. >> we have some sobering news to talk about a little bit here this morning. at least one person dead and several others injured after a gunman opened fire during a busy zombicon festival in ft. myers. police are still looking for the shooter. in philippines a powerful typhoon destroying homes, knocking out power, officials worried the typhoon could actually bring dozens of inches of rain to some areas, so keep a close eye on that as well. first, as we get ready to head back to work tomorrow -- wait a minute. we're at work. >> yes, we are. >> as you get ready to think about going back to work, how would you like to make millions of dollars just by making little videos? some 20-somethings are doing it all thanks to youtube, of course. this is well-known. frances has more on that. >> after watching these guys you will agree we are in the wrong business right now. you may not realize it, but all those goofy videos your kids are obsessed are on youtube and they're actually they're millionaires and it is a multimillion-dollar industry. >> i told you it was the best game ever. >> this should be good. >> hootie pie. smosh. and the fine brothers. you may have never heard of them, but chances are your kids have. >> feel kind of bad. >> reporter: according to forbes they're the world's top-earning youtube stars. the next time you're tempted to scold the kid for posting video, stop. this could be their road to riches. but how much money are we really talking about here? >> a couple gs, maybe, a year? >> probably between $45,000 and maybe $60,000. >> hey, girl, what's up? >> get this. felix made $12 million last year for playing video games and making jokes. >> this is ridiculous! >> reporter: comedy duo ian and anthony may know them as smosh, $8.5 million. the fine brothers keep it simple. seeking out funny reactions to ordinary, sometimes outrageous things. >> this robot is -- i have no idea what it would do. >> reporter: now they're laughing all the way to the bank to the tune of $8.5 million. >> i have no idea. >> reporter: violinist lindsey sterling arguably the most conventionally talented of the bunch, $6 million. >> contour because it looks more natural. >> reporter: and makeup guru michelle $3 million. >> are you kidding? >> that's crazy. >> reporter: the average household income in the u.s. is $53,000. >> follow me on twitter -- >> reporter: so why so much? it all comes down to the eyeballs. their channels have 10 million, 20 million, 40 million subscribers. >> this is a generation fast-forwarding commercials, not watching regular tv. advertising agencies have to learn how to reach them and youtube is a great way to do that. >> reporter: don't be so quick to dismiss those goofy videos. they may just be the next hottest thing. >> what do you bros think? >> and here's thing, youtube is just the start for many of these stars. it's the springboard for a lot of them and they've gone on to develop their own product lines, book, or tours as well. my kids love the toy collector. you don't even see their faces. you see their hands. they unwrap toys and test and demonstrate and narrate and they're millionaires. >> crazy how kids go to that now. they're not really on the computer but know enough to say we can just look it up online and look at the youtube video. >> youtube kids makes it crazier. they press the mike, say it, and that's it. >> how about some good news, pal? >> tuesday, wednesday looks much warmer. i'm breaking out one of my new storm coats. this will be seen in a snowstorm somewhere along the lines. but today it is a little bit chilly. in the southwest, though, it is continuing to be very rainy. we have the potential of some flashflooding as that low moves through the area. but you can see as it lifts to the north and east will decrease the threat of those thundershowers that produced the heavier rain. but today we're still looking at another couple inches of rain again. if it falls in a short period of time it could lead to flashflooding. elsewhere, the eastern half dealing with chilly temperatures but the plains warm up into tomorrow. that's a look at the weather across the country. now here's a peek out your window. >> good morning, everyone. jacket day out there again. temperatures starting out in the 30s around much of the tri-state. breezy and chilly throughout the day. at least it's sunny. high temperature of 51 degrees. a little less windy than yesterday, but temperatures are down for today. heading way down tonight. down to a low of 36 in the city. a hard freeze in the suburbs. freeze warnings in effect for much of the tri-state into tomorrow morning. not the city though. tomorrow afternoon is a little better. 53 for your high temperature. lots of sunshine. getting much milder by the middle of the week. we have a pretty incredible story this morning, exploring why alaska is sinking. as the state warms up, the icy earth it sits on called permafrost is thawing out, and that's causing homes to sink and releasing dangerous green house gases. the weather channel investigated. >> this is ruth's house. >> i'm ruth. >> reporter: and this is her late husband, peter. >> december will be 30 years since he passed on. >> reporter: the house peter built never had a chance. much of alaska sits on a foundation of ice. >> the floor will get wavy like this. >> reporter: when that ice warms it swallows buildings. >> you don't want your soup pouring over here when you're supposed to be eating up here, right? >> reporter: what is causing alaska to sink like this? to understand that, we need to take you underground. >> right now we're about 70 feet below the surface inside of permafrost. >> reporter: permafrost is frozen soil and other stuff too. >> probably a shoulder blade, probably of a buy son. >> reporter: as temperatures rise, this permafrost thaws out. >> home is where your heart is. >> reporter: that's what turned ruth's life upside down. >> that thermal environment has been changing because her house is there, and when you have a permafrost there, which is really hard, it's solid ice. and when you thaw that out, it turns into mud. >> reporter: and just sinks down. >> subsides, yes. where you don't want it to go is into the atmosphere. >> reporter: that's exactly what's happening today. permafrost is really the world's freezer, locking ancient dead plants and animals underground where they cannot rot and give off green house gases like methane. eve an few degrees of warming here starts to unplug the freezer. >> and life in the north is being impacted really heavily by what's going on now on the planet. >> reporter: as this permafrost thaws, the ancient world is coming back to life. in fact, scientists found living bacteria 25,000 years old inside this ice. a microscopic version of "jurassic park." for today, dave malkoff underneath fairbanks, alaska. >> getting underneath and understanding how that works. >> amazing. >> you can see more of this for the alaska state of emergency special on the weather channel wednesday night at 8:00 p.m. up next here on "today," our sunday stories from the massive efforts to save african penguins to how bicycles are changing the lives of many school kids. and how one nfl superstar is making moves off the field for a bunch of deserving kids. ll inside for a while, it gets pretty stuffy. when dad opens up the window, what's the first thing he does? the tobin stance. but when we open up the windows, you can see the dust floating around. there's dog hair. pollen. more work. 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>> what are you doing here? >> reporter: laughs on late night. and more magazine covers than a supermodel. how do you stay focussed? >> football is always priority number one because everything else stems off of that so it's easy to stay focused. that's why every time i do a commercial shoot or photo shoot or the magazine cover, the workout is done before it starts. >> reporter: watt says these are the moments that matter. >> show him how hard you've been working. >> reporter: a young amputee who wanted his hero to see that even with one leg he could stand. >> wow. that is -- to be able to come in here and see these kids having fun and smiling is pretty awesome. >> reporter: an october surprise from a megawatt star with a supersized heart. >> i know far fact that is all going to end someday, so i'm trying to enjoy it as much as i can right now because i don't want to be at the end of my career and look back and say i wish i would have done more. >> reporter: for "today," janet shamlian, nbc news, houston. >> talk about a great story. who's in the orange room with today's plaza fan of the day. guys? >> they're so excited, jillian, her daughters sara and claire from springfield, pennsylvania. sara hit the jackpot today because not only does she love sundays with harry, harry is here. great to have you with us. harry, you made their day. welcome. >> thank you. still to come on "today," adorable african penguins. come on over here, harry! and then erica too! so stinking cute. >> i love them. >> right? >> you know, the truth is penguins are a bit of a mystery to most of us. i think we don't really understand some of the challenges that they face. >> no. hey, how's the college visit? you remembered. it's good. does it make the short list? you remembered that too. yea, i'm afraid so. knowing our clients personally it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. thanks, bye. and with over 13,000 financial advisors, we do it a lot. it's why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way. look at you, saving money on your medicare part d prescriptions. at walgreens, we call that "carpe med diem." that's almost latin for "seize the day to get more out of life and medicare part d." from one-dollar copays on select plans... now reward points on all prescriptions, walgreens has you covered. so drop by and seize the savings! walgreens. at the corner of so stinking cute. >> i love them. >> right? >> you know, the truth is penguins are a bit of a mystery to most of us. i think we don't really understand some of the challenges that they face. >> no. >> as a species. >> that we don't, especially a lot of people don't understand there area actually penguins in africa, southern africa, never danced on the ice as much as we would like them to. penguin awareness today, zoos around the globe were hoping to change that by teaching visitors about the many different species including the african penguins we recently met in san francisco. >> reporter: it's feeding time at the california academy of sciences. >> try and feed this one to him. >> reporter: they're a little leery. they don't like the new girl. >> excellent. good job. >> reporter: twice a day, vicky and her team share this ritual with visitors. >> if you do see some matching colors, that is a mated or bonded pair in this exhibit right now. >> reporter: an encounter designed to stay with them. >> we want them to feel empowered to help in conservation efforts. i don't think a lot of people realize that penguins are in danger. a lot of people don't realize there's penguins in africa. >> reporter: in 1930, an estimated 1 million penguins roamed the coast of southern africa. today there are less than 25,000 pairs. the sharpest decline coming in just the last 30 years. the main threats, overfishing and climate change. >> the birds are having a hard time finding enough fish. the parents are not able to feed the chicks as much as they normally would. >> reporter: facing possible extinction, biologists like vicky are stepping in, helping to feed chicks in the wild. in 2014, they nurtured more than 500 chicks that likely would have starved. >> it's a stopgap measure. we're just trying to make sure that the population doesn't decrease any more than it already has. >> reporter: they're protective of one another it seems. >> yeah. they bond. they'll bond for life. you have a good pair, they are very protective of each other. >> reporter: what would happen if the african penguin did become extinct? >> well, african penguins are actually kind of a middle species in the food chain, so everything affects everything else which ultimately affects us. >> reporter: a message vicky hopes these 18 penguins back in san francisco can help deliver. the california academy of sciences is partnered with a number of zoos and aquariums to help maintain a genetically diverse captive penguin population which ultimately means a healthier captive population, and while they of course can never be released into the wild they do help educate as we saw and help biologists learn more about the species and serve as a backup plan. but they don't want to have to go to that. >> don't you love to be able to do a story like that. >> it's cool. back there with the penguins. how riding bikes is helping "how to lay down the law." i thought i told you not to come around here anymore. now get a husqvarna backpack blower for only $249. i love yoplait greek 100 whips. the texture's quite nice. it's like...a little fluffy cloud in my mouth. fluffy, fluffy cloud. mmmm, yoplait. we take away your stuffy nose. you keep the peace. we calm your congestion and pain. you rally the team. we give you relief from your cough. you give them a case of the cold helps relieve even your worst cold & flu symptoms. so you can give them everything you've got. it'll be here before you know it. hello, halloween. it's the one night when everybody dresses up. and that includes dinner. unleash the power of dough. give it a pop. it's always worth remembering... that icing the cinnamon rolls is a privilege not a right. unleash the power of dough. one of our favorite moments of the week, "sundays with harry," nearly 6 million kids in the united states have been diagnosed as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or adhd. >> that's a lot for kids. many parents worry about the medications often prescribed to help the children. help may be as close, though, a your garage. this is that kind of dreamy shot you'd find at the beginning of a stephen spielberg movie. it reads a lot -- suburbia, exuberance, fun. and here's the early plot twist. this is a junior high gym class taught by jennifer braithwaite in utah. >> good job. i'll ask them to run 20 minutes and everybody groans. but if i ask them to get on a bike, you bet, let's go, whoo-hoo, out the door. >> reporter: while obviously jumping jack, this bikes in gym class thing has a higher purpose, something specialized bicycle founder mike has been thinking about for years. >> this isn't about our brand. this is about making a better world for kids getting out on bikes and for us to stop overmedicating our children. >> reporter: what if, thought sinyard, a good hard ride could replace ritalin orred a adderall? time on the bike, performance in the classroom. guess what? >> before and half the riding, we could see a dramatic effect. but what's really more important is the behavior, is the behavior of the kids was so different. >> reporter: jennifer is a true believer. she has seen the difference. >> they will in their own words tell you, i'm a better person, i can sit still in class, i can focus, i'm more happy. i can tell you story after story after story where the kid became a leader. it saved their life because it gave them purpose to come here. >> reporter: richard davis is one of those adhd kids. his mother said bikes at school came along just in time. >> i was, like, well, you know, i've tried different things and why not give it a shot and see if this will help him as far as his confidence and his ability to learn more at school. and so -- and it's done night and day difference for him. >> reporter: night and day. >> yeah. >> reporter: really. >> yeah. >> reporter: yes, a real game-changer he says. >> i notice after i done getting riding bikes i would get in class and i'd be kind of tired and just would calm down. i'd pay attention better. i don't know. >> reporter: and for school administrator jesse sorenson, it's a no-brainer. >> there's something about the rhythm of the bike, the balance, the fresh air, it helps his focus, it helps clear the thoughts and why not provide that opportunity for kids? >> there was a great article in bicycling magazine a couple years ago called riding is my ritalin. it was about a high school kid who went to his parents an said let me get off the kids. i feel so much better when i ride. i don't know if it's all as simple as this, but certainly i think the idea of trying to figure out what alternatives are available, and especially if you can get these kids out there on bikes in the morning before school starts, at least in this school they're saying this is making a big difference. >> it's great. what a fantastic program. are they starting to do it in other schools? >> they've got it in a couple different places and they're trying to collect all the science they can to say is this really real? the indications are very positive. >> the kids love it and their parents to see the difference and -- >> would you rather ride bikes than do sit-ups and pull-ups? >> sign me up. >> tune in to "meet the press" this morning. senator ted cruz among chuck's guests. >> that does it for us on a sunday morning. thanks for being with us. thanks for being here this weekend.

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