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riggs vehicle involving an overturned vehicle. and between connecticut and georgia avenue, going to step out and see what we can see from sky 9. look at all the heavy traffic. that means there is an accident there. police were just arriving on the scene. be aware of this delay. inner loop of the beltway eastbound 495 between connecticut avenue and georgia avenue this morning. i'll keep you posted on the situation. with the rain coming down, it's not helping things much here. we'll go to a live shot southbound on i-275 at clarks burke. -- 270 at clarks burke. you have off and on delays but the lanes are open. more on the situation on the beltway at 6:11. at the top of the hour, we are following breaking news now. two deadly stabbings in the district in just one hour. >> the investigation into one of the stabbings is tying up the commute. delia goncalves is live in northwest with the latest. delia? >> reporter: an update for you, andrea. traffic is flowing smoothly about four hours into this investigation here on 5th and florida in northwest. the crime scene tape has been cleared. however, the only indication of this crash is this pole, this light pole that is sitting in the middle of this corner here. apparently it appears that the car carried this pole, uprooted the pole from somewhere and take a close look a little further down the block. you can see it appears and as our cameraman is zooming in, kevin king zooming in to give you a closer look, appears that could be the source of where this light pole was first knocked over by this vehicle. let's take a closer look at some video that was fed into our newsroom a short time ago so you can take a look at yourself at what the scene looked like when our crews first arrived. around 2:15 police found the car smashed into the side of the tavern here on 5th and florida. the male driver we're told was not breathing and suffered a stab wound to the neck. he was later pronounced dead at howard university hospital. as you know, that is just a short distance, a few blocks away from the crime scene here on 5th and florida. however, interesting to note about the crime scene, police are trying to determine exactly where this male driver was stabbed. it is clear that he was driving his vehicle and he may have driven away from the crime scene. police at this point don't though in which direction he was coming from and how far he was traveling. so police are trying to determine exactly where this man was stabbed so they can put the pieces together and try to determine exactly what happened early this morning around 2:15. more details coming up at 6:30. back to you, mike, andrea. >> thank you for the update, delia goncalves live on this breaking news in northwest washington. prince george's county police are looking for the people who robbed two university of maryland students in their own home. police say it happened yesterday at their off campus house on curry place in adelphi. investigators say the three armed men broke into the home, took cash, drugs, and one of the victim's cars. one year ago today the news of one man's death sent people into the streets celebrating. this is the anniversary of navy seal team six taking out terrorist leader osama bin laden. the seals execute add 40-minute raid into -- executed a 40- minute raid into bin laden's compound and no americans were lost during this mission. president obama said it didn't mark the end of the war on terror though. even though bin laden is dead, the fight against al qaeda is ongoing. >> along with allies and partners, we have been unrelenting. and when we assess that al qaeda of 2012, i think it is fair to say that as a result of our efforts, the united states is more secure and the american people are safer. >> the first -- excuse me. the white house also confirmed for the first time covert drone aircraft strikes against al qaeda even though it was common knowledge already. the boondoggle that's the silver spring transit center is getting more expensive. we told you about the bad concrete work that's halted construction at the news bus, metro and rail hub. montgomery county leaders now put the price tag at $112 million. that's up another $11 million and triple the original estimate. the best case scenario for the transit center has it opening in august but they're still deciding whether to repair or bring it down and redo. at 6:05, jessica doyle is watching your money, her money, all of our money. >> apparently our nest eggs are getting a little bigger. >> that's right. workers are successfully stashing the cash. they're putting it in their 401(k) plans in the first quarter and a sunning market -- sunning market helped -- surging market helped increase numbers. the average balance the end of march, almost $75,000. that was up six grand from three months before. about 80% of the increase is a result of market performance. the rest due to contributions from workers and their employers. stocks rallied nearly 13% in the market's best start since 1998. the stock portfolios may be worth more but few of us are living the mental dream of owning -- the american dream of owning a home. homeownership is at its lowest point in 15 years. the rate of homeownership fell in the first three months of this year to 65.4%, down from 66.4% in the first quarter of last year, another sign of the slow housing market after the bubble burst. maryland's public service commission announced the standard electricity price that takes effect this june will transform to a cut of about 54 bucks a year. you can go out to dinner or something. >> something went down for a change. >> it's rare. >> it is. just about 6:07. here are some of the other stories happening today that we will be following. prince george's county police will unveil a new traffic safety initiative. it's called. [indiscernible] they'll be enforcing driving and pedestrian laws. >> there will be an emergency exercise all day today at bwi marshal airport. the training will involve several law enforcement and security departments. the d.c. city council is expected to vote today on the first of two antibullying measures. the goal is to help protect children and stop bullying in schools. the council hopes to get the bills to the mayor for his signature as soon as possible. 6:07 now. we're already in the 60-degree range. you can tack on 20 more. howard says there's rain in the forecast soon. he'll detail that when we come back. the showers and storms we have some spots this morning may be the most active weather we see all day. going to be much warmer as highs get into the low #s on. up -- low 80s. ups and downs for the rest of the week. the seven-day forecast in just a few minutes. we'll take a live look at the inbound side of i-66 where we're just getting word of an accident on the left shoulder on route 29 here in centreville with slow traffic getting by. i'll have more on this situation coming up in my next report at 6:18. back to you guys. >> thank you, monika. last weekend's deadly crash in new york city is being deemed an accident. but there may be problems with the highway where it happened. >> that's one of the stories making news now at 6:11 this morning. seven people died in this crash near the bronx zoo. aaa says the highway right there needs taller, stronger guardrails. this is the bronx river parkway. it opened in 1925 predating today's highway safety standards. 17 people are recovering from a hotel fire in california. many of them were treated for smoke inhalation. at least one person jumped from a second-story window to escape. the owner of the grand ole opry is suing uncle sam. it says the devastating floods were made worse by a lack of communication. they're seeking damages from the area corporation of engineers and national weather service. secretary hillary clinton will arrive in china. behind the scenes the focus will be on one man. >> a chinese human rights activist who had been under house arrest and nearly escaped. danielle nottingham has more on that man and how he may have taken refuge inside the u.s. embassy. >> reporter: secretary of state hillary clinton had little to say about chinese human rights activist chen guangcheng in the hours before her arrival in beijing. she did say that human rights would be discussed alongside other key issues of the u.s.- china relationship, including trade and the economy. >> a constructive relationship includes talking very frankly about those area where we do not agree. >> reporter: chen is believed to be under u.s. protection in beijing after his daring escape from house arrest last week. the blind lawyer had been detained for years after he exposed forced abortions under china's one child policy. he released a video after his escape asking beijing not to hurt the family he left behind. my wife, mother and children are still in the guards' evil hands, he says. the obama administration is being careful not to inflame the issue before diplomatic talks begin on thursday. >> i'm not going to make a statement on the issue. >> reporter: president obama side stepped the topic but said the larger issue is one his administration has discussed with china before. >> what i would like to emphasize is that every time we meet with china, the issue of human rights comes up. >> reporter: one possible outcome? chen is granted asylum to live in the united states, something he said he doesn't want to do. danielle nottingham, cbs news, the white house. >> so far no one has heard from chen's wife and young daughter since his escape last sunday. the third annual wounded warrior games are under way in colorado. first lady michele obama spoke at the opening ceremonies on monday. >> you can inspire these kids to get active. you can inspire them to overcome obstacles. you can inspire them to achieve things they'd never dreamed of. >> the event is hosted by the u.s. olympic committee. more than 200 active duty soldiers and veterans are taking part, including some of the troops from britain. there was a wounded warrior golf tournament monday in leesburg, virginia hosted by the river creek club. the fifth annual event raises money for injured soldiers and charities which care for their families. will golfers be able to enjoy some time on the links today? >> not very early. you have an early tee type, you may want to wait. it's not going to take much. another couple of hours and i think the radar is going to be quite clear so we'll be looking much better by the 8:00 hour. right now it's wet. lightning and thunder rumbling across charles county at the moment. here's a look at the regional radars in motion. with the lightning, you see it from new york there's lightning up there as well all the way through baltimore and washington, down toward areas in virginia now approaching fredricksburg into southern maryland. we'll switch it over to live doppler 9000 hd and get a better idea. we're starting to clear out west into maryland and virginia. got heavier showers just off to the southwest. you'll notice the light rains in fairfax county if fairfax out 66 in towards prince william county. gainesville, haymarket, chantilly some of the heavier showers there, especially south toward manassas. but the heaviest stuff we're seeing is now coming out of virginia, crossing the river into maryland. you see even moderate showers down toward goldvein but it's this stuff, lightning and thunder moving toward the east at 40 miles an hour. mar berry toward accokeek. this will past just south of fort washington. this is all moving toward southern prince george's county, calvert, maybe northern st. mary's. southern maryland is going to get the brunt of the weather for the next 30 to 40 minutes. bus stop forecast, got some showers out there obviously. but it's also winding up north and west of town or winding down i should say north and west of town. 50s and 60s. sunrise is just five minutes ago. we didn't see it with the clouds. we will see partly sunny conditions today at least. temperatures by noon in the mid- to upper 70s. highs low 80s. might get to 84, 85 as winds become westerly 10 to 15 and still in the upper 70s at 8:00 p.m. but more of a northerly push will keep us ath bit -- we'll struggle with the 80s and 70s the next commof days. 56 in hagerstown -- couple of days. 56 in hagerstown. rain on the way at patuxent river, 67. here in washington as we look outside on our michael & son weather camera, cloudy skies. light rain around and 62 degrees. dew point 56 so the humidity is up now 80%. the barometer 30.02. there's more stuff west of st. louis. we'll have to watch and see if that with arrive here or a piece of it overnight tonight. but the morning stuff, by 9:00 here it is. long island pushing off the jersey shore. we see an isolated shower or storm this afternoon, this evening. and then tonight we may see a little bit more. look what happens on wednesday. more scattered showers and thunderstorms. looking at the forecast, today we're in the low 80s. this might even be a little low depending on the winds. isolated storm. scattered showers and storms wednesday, 79. a few more clouds 78. southeasterly flow thursday. i know that's cooler than what i was thinking yesterday but i still think friday will be a very warm day along with saturday, mid- to upper 80s. then we start to cool off by monday. looks cooler next week. monika, 6:17, wet roads. never good. no, it's not been good this morning. we've had several separate accidents all around town. i'm going to start off with the north side of town. an accident quickly cleared luckily on the inner loop after connecticut avenue. let's take a live look on the outer loop. you have your normal slow traffic on our mdot camera as you travel from college park and into the silver spring area past connecticut avenue. your lanes are open. let's go back to the maps. now the bad news. on the inbound side of i-66, the accident in centreville near route 29 sitting along the left side of the road, first we'll take a look from our traffic land camera coming in from manassas. you'll watch out for all the slow traffic. now a live look from sky 9. ail step out on the inbound side of i-66. you'll have to expect quite a lot of slow traffic. i'm sorry we don't have sky 9 but it's slow and heavy from manassas into centreville with the accident at route 29 along the left side. i'll keep you posted on that situation coming up once again in a few minutes at 6:00:25. back to you guys. >> thank you, monika. next in sports we'll show you the goal that tied up the capitals playoff series and you can see how bryce harper is making some new friends here in d.c. right now time for another check of our question of the morning. every year men spend $100 million on which of these cosmetic products? is it a, moisturizer, b, hair dye or c, tanning lotion. >> moisturizer is getting a lot more expensive than i thought good. >> one person says, i spend a lot on all of them. i don't use b, hair dye so it's probably that. >> keep your guesses coming. we'll reveal the correct answer at 6:49. we'll be back. [ female announcer ] it all begin with our powder. then we introduced liquid detergent with stainlifters. followed by the number-one super-concentrated liquid detergent. and now, the most concentrated all ever! introducing new all mighty pacs™. packed with all's active stainlifters... each mighty pac delivers more cleaning power per ounce to help tackle your family's tough dirt and stains the first time, every time. new all mighty pacs™. powerful clean. mighty results. you see the line of showers across the region. especially heavy toward charles county right now. another band coming from fairfax down west of i-95. but this is moving quickly. we'll be getting rid of it quickly in just a little while. even by 8:00, 9:00 i think most of this is gone. 69 degrees by 9:00. 77 at noon. look at the afternoon temps into the low 80s as wind shifts from the southwest to west, northwest late. just a tad cooler next couple of days. we'll tell you about that in a few. >> thank you, howard. the capitals are coming back to washington with their playoff series tied at a game a piece. it happened in their last series and ended pretty well for caps fans. >> they got their mo jo back. caps up 2-1 in the third period. rangers on the power play. ryan callahan gets the shot through traffic. that score ties the game at 2 with 13 minutes left. the caps go on a power play and it is time for alexander ovechkin with the bullet to the back of the net. didn't play a lot of time in this game but that proved to be the game winner. caps over the rangers 3-2. the series tied at one game a piece. game three tomorrow night in d.c. at verizon center. an embarrassment on and off the court for the new york knicks. first they lose game two of their series to the heat 104-94 the final. after the game amare stoudemire apparently punched the glass case around a fire extinguisher and cut his right hand. he left the arena in a sling. no word how long he will be out. >> anger management. the nationals begin a six- game home stand tonight. they host the arizona diamondbacks. the nats are trying to snap a a four-game losing streak. tonight will the home debut of bryce harmer. he's already played a little bowl in washington. check out this video of harper playing softball with some people on the grounds of the washington monument. he took a few swings. it was all in good fun and hopefully will have made a few new nationals fans. you can watch the entire clip on trying to give some hitting pointers to fans. >> hope it doesn't throw off his timing. slow pitch softball. too much thought. still ahead, which one of our three airports is the cheapest to fly out of these days? >> video games can keep you healthy. coming up a new effort to make screen time an active time for the entire family. >> unhappy commuters on the inbound side of i-66. delays begin manassas into centreville because of an accident on the left shoulder. again very slow getting by. i'm have more on this situation coming up in my next report at 6:30. you're watching nine fine now. stay with us. -- 9news now. stay with us. [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? upgrade to verizon fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month guaranteed for two-years with no annual contract required. this is a limited time offer, so don't wait. get fios at this great price. act now and get $250 back, if you sign a 2-year contract. hurry! call 1.888.get.fios. or visit us online to save even more. fios. a network ahead. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. we're back at 6:28. this is always the place to get your weather first. here's a live look at route 301 and route 5 in brandywine, maryland. the roadways there are slick. storms are moving through the area quickly now. 65 degrees there. it's going to be a great day today. thanks for joining us. it's tuesday morning. we're glad you're here. i'm mike hydeck. >> i'm andrea roane. meteorologist howard bernstein is on the weather terrace to confirm whether the rain will stay or go away eventually. >> we're in northwest where the rain is coming down. we'll have a much better day once we get rid of the rain the next one to to hours over the region. by 9:00 69 degrees, mostly cloudy. by noon 77. by 5:00 about 83 or so. 82, 83. those will be the highs for the day. you see this line of showers that's been coming toward the region and now across the region this morning, especially south and west where it's the heaviest. we've got the moderate showers here in the metro region. let's give you a quick tour on live doppler 9000 hd. upper monday gomry -- montgomery clearing out. more moderate rain from northwest here at channel 9 out 66 through vienna and fairfax, annandale and springfield and burke. that's moving off toward the east. we'll be dealing with that. maybe another 30, 45 minutes. that goes down 95 but we're clearing out of warrenton. then in charles county, southern prince george's county, this is headed toward calvert. that's about the heaviest stuff we're looking at. some lightning and thunder with that all moving east at 40. warm this afternoon, partly sunny, going into the low 80s. monika santami will update your time saver traffic. i can hear all the rain coming down on your umbrella. it's closing things down and causing big backups. an accident inbound # 6. look at -- inbound 66. look at this backup. maybe 29 miles an hour continuous up to the accident again with the main lanes open. it's going to be slow again as you leave route 50 off and on to the beltway down on virginia side of 95. you've got the slow traffic coming up from woodbridge to springfield. we'll take a live look inside springfield and again very slow and heavy exiting to the beltway or continuing north on to 395. we'll take a live look there at well in landmark on the northbound side just slow and heavy. luckily no big problems to report. coming up in my next report at 6:43, another look at area roads. back to you. we're just six months away from the presidential election. our partners at cbs have an indepth interview with the likely republican nominee. erica hill joins us now. plenty to talk b. where do you start? >> you know, you're right, there is so much to talk about. we're looking forward to having mitt romney and his wife here. that's ahead for you this morning. we'll ask about politics surrounding osama bin laden's death. the search for a vice presidential candidate getting some ink in some of the papers this morning as well and an romney's role in the campaign. we probably won't talk about this on the show but it might make you happy this morning. there was a big hockey game, caps and rangers. normally the back page of "the new york post" there's loot of stuff. amare stoudemire has taken up that real estate. inside it may make you happy to see, rangers guilty of capital crime. >> i like that. >> now it's tied 1-1 and they head to washington for the next three games, best of five. >> rocking the red here in d.c. here, erica. >> may the best team win. >> like i said, rock the red. >> have a good show. >> we'll be watching. thank you. 6:32. we want to get you up to speed on the breaking news we've been following all morning. two deadly stabbings in the district. >> one of them ended bizarrely with a car crash. delia goncalves is live in northwest washington with the latest. >> reporter: some major developments since we last spoke to you last half-hour. you can see crews have arrived here and they're removing the light pole that apparently was uprooted, smashed and moved by this car that crashed into a bar here on 5th and k. crews are using the crane trying to remove the base of that pole. it is a heavy job and probably more difficult to do in this rain. let's take a close look at some video so you can see for yourself just what our crews saw when they first arrived at the scene just after 2:00. police responded to this crash at 2:15 this morning. they say they found the male driver inside the car. he was unconscious and he was not breathing. apparently that man was suffering a stab wound to the neck and he died just a short time later at howard university hospital which you may know is just about two blocks from the scene. that car crashed into shaw's tavern here on 5th and florida avenue. it is unclear exactly what happened. however, just from our time here on the crime scene, it appears that the driver may have been traveling westbound on florida avenue. as i said, he was just two blocks away from howard university hospital. police are trying to determine exactly where the stabbing occurred. it appears since he was in his car driving, he drove away from that crime scene presumably heading to the hospital. however, it is unclear and police are not confirming that at this point. we are waiting for more details from detectives as they continue to comb the scene and try to figure out exactly what happened early this morning. back to you, mike, andrea? >> delia goncalves live on this breaking news story out of northwest washington. thank you. jury deliberations should begin today in the child sex abuse trial against michael gardner. the falls church businessman is accused of molesting three young girls invited to sleepovers for his daughter last summer. gardner took the stand in his own defense yesterday. he said on one occasion his daughter asked him to come into her bedroom during a thunderstorm that night. however, he denies inappropriately touching any of the other girls. the occupy movement hasn't gone away. today in fact it's calling for a general strike in four specific areas. the occupiers are calling for work shutdowns and blockades in new york, chicago, san francisco and seattle. they hope for 30,000 people to join the march if manhattan today. occupy supporters call this the start of the spring offensive to get their call for economic equality back in the headlines. good news keeps coming in on gas prices. that sounds nice. in our region the average price is down yet again. the numbers we got from aaa in the last 90 minutes, regular grade glass, $3.89, down 2 cents from yesterday and down 8 cents in the last week. nationwide the average sits at $3.81 a gallon. the cost of flying out of town is not getting any cheaper. the department of transportation says ticket prices out of our region's three airports jumped 10% over the last six months with southwest and air tran being the biggest players. the average ticket out of bwi marshall $322. out of reagan it's $381 and with all of its international service, the average ticket out of dulles is $474 for round trip. nationwide the average was $368. at 6:38, we have a health alert. d.c. is a great place for women. yes, the rankings are out from the social science research council. it looked at 25 metropolitan areas and ranked them on life expectancy, earnings and education for women. the district came in number one followed by san francisco. then boston. baltimore came in eighth. riverside, california ranked at the bottom. video games can be a chance for children to get healthy. the president's council on fitness, sports and nutrition held an event monday encouraging healthy lifestyles through active games. pong the athletes on hand, tennis legend billy jean king and olympic gymnast and silver spring native dominique doss. >> today we live in a culture where one in three young kids are overweight and obese. we need to make sure they understand that they've got to be physically active. they've got to have proper nutrition. it really does start within the home. >> quarterback drew bres is also part of the president's council. i'll be talking with him later this morning about his role in getting youngsters fit. don't be surprise if you see dozens of prince george's county officers and cadets going for a jog in your neighborhood. the runs are a part of the transforming neighborhoods program. it's a community outreach program to residents living in six communities that have been crime hot spots for years. county executive rushern baker joined the group for the jog through langley park yesterday morning. >> it's about education, about health care, about social services, job opportunities in working with our nonprofit communities in these areas until we actually see them change. >> similar two-mile runs are planned for east riverdale, suitland, palmer park, hill crest heights and glass manor. our time is 6:38. howard says we'll have some showers this morning and maybe thunderstorms this afternoon. highs will be around 80. next learn how long the warm weather will last. last summer's comedy horrible bosses looked at bosses who are bullies. in nine minutes, jessica doyle tells us how to deal with bullies at work and how to realize if you're actually one yourself. welcome back to 9news now on this rainy tuesday morning. it's 6:42 and 62 degrees. we've had a lot of show traffic. even on the beltway north side of town it's jammed from 95. you can see the redheading into silver spring before the pace improves. we'll take a live look at 270. the initial slow traffic out of frederick to clarksburg and here in germantown it looks like this off and on all the way to the spur where the lanes open. let's go back over to the maps, this time to the other side of town. inbound 66 has been in trouble all because of a minor accident in centreville. it's been sitting on the shoulder at route 29. 29 miles an hour if manassas past the earlier accident and as you traffic through fairfax. a live at the 14th street bridge northbound. it looks like this off and on leaving the beltway past landmark to the bridge span on 395. another look at area roads at 6:58. back to you. >> monika, thank you. looks like this weather is going to stick around at least for the morning commute. howard expects it's going to move out in allege bit. it's 62 -- in a little bit. it's 62 degrees. we could tack on maybe 20 degrees before the day is through. >> the rain we're having now seeing the back edge closer and closer to us. the worst weather we're going to see all day we're seeing right now. improving conditions the next one or two hours. definitely will see some sun. it may take a few hours but we'll see sun and a warmer day than yesterday when we were only in the upper 60s for highs. today low #s on. get ready -- low 80s. get ready for the change. just want to show you the pogues of the rain. everything -- motions. of the rain. everything moving to the east. by far the heavy stuff on and east of us as we speak, this line of showers lining up right up and down i-95 all the way to new york for that. but when you get into areas of upper montgomery county, past gaithersburg, you get past dulles, it's drying out. you get in toward prince william county, west toward haymarket and gainesville, they're done with the rain. however, in d.c. right now, moderate showers extending up toward silver spring and parts of howard county. we'll go down 95. still looking at some of that moderate rain from woodbridge and lorton down toward around stafford and western charles county. look at this. this is a thunderstorm here in calvert county now coming out of southern prince george's county, eastern charles, east of benedict. watch out for plum point. it's going to past north of st. leonard as well. chesapeake beach, you may get in on some of this but the heaviest stuff just off to our south. the bus stop forecast still a few showers out there especially east of i-95 with temperatures in the 50s and 60s, rather mild. sunrise occurred at 6:10 this morning. today partly sunny, mostly cloudy early. we become partly sunny. mid-70s by 11:00. near 80 by 1:00. we'll be in the low 80s this afternoon with westerly winds 10 to 15 mile an hour. we have 55 in leesburg. 58 great falls. it's 60 in springfield and alexandria and college park and crofton with columbia at 58. outside looking at our mieg cal & son -- michael & son camera, cloudy skies, 61 degrees. south wind 8 miles an hour. the humidity 88%. bigger picture of the showers and storms dog through this morning, there -- coming through this morning, there they are. when we get back towards st. louis, notice the showers and storms there. another chance later tonight just past midnight and even tomorrow a few showers and storms around with a front in the area. that front is going to sort of dangle itself across the region the next few days. today 82. tonight 50s to low 60s. tomorrow 79 with scattered showers and storms. thursday i had to lower from yesterday. thinking upper 70s now to around 80. but friday still very warm. saturday as well. before we start a cooling trend by monday with a chance of storms returning. it is now 6:46. i go over to jessica doyle. thank you. bullies don't fade away on the playground. they turn into adults and then turn into your co-workers. how do you deal with a bully at work? joining us with advice this morning is sandra crowe, the author of the book "i didn't sign up for this." just out last week, correct? >> yes. >> that's exciting. >> yes, thank you. >> a lot of us have had this situation where at some point in our career, for me it was very early on in my career, you encounter a bully who turns out to be your boss. i had a huge container of tums on my desk every day, didn't sleep at night and had to deal with that situation. how should we deal with bullies who are our bosses in the workplace? >> the first thing you need to understand, jessica, is that bullies mostly want control. and the reason they mostly want control is because inside themselves they feel that they are lacking control. so there's this propensity to want to control everyone else, including themselves. so that's why they act the way they do. people need to understand there's a deep insecurity underneath the dysfunctional behavior. >> but there's also an insecurity with the person being bullied. we were talking earlier that you need to assert yourself in this situation. >> yes. what happens is bullies look for victims. and the way the victims shows up is someone who is typically very insecure or they can find the insecurity and they can prey on that. they literally act like an animal looking for prey. >> if you're the prey and you're working for a bully, what do you do in this situation? >> here's the most important thing to realize. first of all know there's a pattern going on between you and the bully and the bully has sought you out. once you see that, you have to find your internal warrior. there's a place inside all of us that we've all experienced which is a place of strength. we've also experienced the weakness. the bully tends to bring out our weaknesses. what we want to do is in the midst of that access our inner strength. one way you can do that is to find your belly button and there's actually two fingers below that is the center of your being, the center of your body. people who do pilates oreo garks they're familiar -- yogaing, they're familiar with it. when you access that part of it, it naturally brings up that internal strength if you can't access it any other way. that will begin to have you be stronger in the face of the bully and change that pattern. >> immediately deal with the situation is one tip that you were giving me earlier. >> yes. one thing you don't want to have happen is have that pattern go on for a long period of time because then the bully feels privileged in the pattern. then it just repeats. >> you basically taught them to bully you. >> exactly. that's an important point. we teach people how to talk to us and how to treat us so change the way you act and you'll reeducate the bully. >> we love the advice. thank you so much for coming in this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> i'm going to send it over to mike. >> all right, thank you, jess. 6:49. time to reveal the answer to the question of the morning. here's the question one more time. every year guys spend $100 million on one of these products. is it a, moisturizer, b, hair dye, or c, tanning lotion? >> the answer is b, hair dye. checking the news before you go coming up next. with no added sugar. just one glass equals two servings of fruit. very "fruit-ritious." or try ocean spray light 50, with just 50 calories, a full serving of fruit, and no added sugar. with tasty flavors like cranberry pomegranate and cranberry concord grape, it's like a fruit stand in every bottle. [ splashing ] just, you know, demonstrating how we blend the fruits. ahem. try all our tasty ocean spray 100% and light 50 juices. at 6:53 still rain in the immediate metro. the next hour the stuff will be moving quickly to the east. by noon partly sunny, 77. stray storm this afternoon with highs in the low 80s. andrea? >> thank you, howard. today is tuesday, may 1. here's a check on the news before you go. d.c. police are investigating two deadly stabbings this morning. this one happened at 5th street northwest. police say someone stabbed the driver in the neck forcing him to crash into a restaurant. investigators are also looking into another stabbing on quarrel street in northeast. the man who rescued children from a pack of dogs is going to be honored at nationals park today. andrew hawthorne it an usher at the stadium and he's been recognized for rescuing those kids in the attack that was caught on camera last month. the great number 8 came through for the capitals last night. alexander ovechkin 3rd period power play goal was the game winner. d.c. tops new york 3-2. the series is now tied at a game a piece. game three is tomorrow night here in washington. every day i'm looking through the daily deals, e- mails and retailer websites so you don't have to we'll do some saving for you. dine on a dime today on this deal on google offers. pay $15 and get $30 of deli food and drinks at woodside deli in rockville. there's limited availability on this one. here's a tool to add to the workbench. is offering a craftsman cordless rechargeable work light priced at $19.99, a savings of $15. a different type of tool from, one to style your hair. this is a daily deal, the goody quick style paddle brush. it promises to style wet hair faster. $8.99, 25% off and free shipping. if you have an offer you've seen or you're a local merchant with a deal for our viewers, i'd love to hear from you on facebook. one more check on traffic and weather is next right here on 9news now. 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(man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. we're looking at the badge ec approaching i-9 -- at the back edge approaching i-95. low 80s today. partly sunny, stray storm. near 80 the next couple of days with a couple of showers and storms. friday and saturday really warm. lots of slow traffic because of the rain. luckily no big accidents right now. here's a live look first in springfield. look at that ugly from dale city to springfield and on to 395 and a quick look as well on the other side of town. same sorry on the beltway in silver spring. for wall street we're looking lower. a lot of earnings and economic reports due out so we'll see ow things going. cbs this morning is next. more on the anniversary of osama bin laden's death and the tony nomination. howard and i will be back in just 235 minutes with a -- 25 minutes with a live update. you can follow us on have a great day,

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