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Transcripts For MSNBC Alex Wagner Tonight 20240612

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and on that note, i wish you a very, very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. i ll see you at the end of tomorrow. exclusive never before heard audio recordings of justice samuel alito speaking to an undercover progressive activist. that s what we have tonight. that is in addition to the bomb shell recordings released yesterday and we will definitely want to hear these recordings when we play them. if you have been wondering how those secret tapes were made in the very first place, how activists and judges on the highest court in this land, that begins almost ten years add to this day when the supreme court handed down a major decision. supporters of the hobby lobby cheered today s victory. the oklahoma family that owns the chain of 500 craft stores claimed providing insurance coverage for some forms of contraceptives under obama care would be the equivalent of paying for abortion. that will allow companies to opt out of any law they judge incompatible with their sincerely held religious beliefs. the hobby lobby decision. the majority opinion was written by justice samuel alito and one of the first signs that conservatives on this court were willing to go after reproductive freedoms no matter the consequence. in the wake of the dobs decision, hobby lobby seems like the canary in the coal mine in more ways than one. november of 2022, the new york times offered key reporting about how the hobby lobby decision came to be. for years, conserve tiff christians had been engaged in a campaign called operation higher court. that operation was to personally court and influence the supreme court s conservative justices. it was spearheaded by a man named reverend robert shank who would recruit christian couples he called stealth missionaries to gain access to the judges and impress upon them the importance of conservative christian values. the justices were more likely to let their guards down at the historical genders. see a justice, boldly approach, he told the couples. if given the opportunity, bear witness to biblical truth, but don t push it. he said. your presence alone at the historical society events telegraphs a very important signal to the justices. christians are concerned about the court and the issues that come before it. that strategy appears to have paid off. some of shank s stealth missionaries were able to build enough of a relationship with justice alito and his wife martha anne they obtained advance notice of the hobby lobby decision before it came out. that breach, that unprecedented breach foreshadowed the leaked dobbs decision striking down roe eight years later and that specific strategy of using the supreme court s annual historical society dinners as a way to gain access to supreme court justices, turns out that, too, is relevant again just this week. the dinner is a yearly event where wealthy donors give money to a non-profit dedicated to supporting the court s history in exchange for their money, the donors get to rub shoulders with the justices and their spouses. as it turns out, conserve tiffs weren t the only ones in on this little arraignment. last week, lauren winsor who happens to be a member of the historical society bought a ticket tothe event. when she got in, she pretended to be a conservative donor. she approached some of the conservative justices and secretly recorded her conversations with them. nbc news has not heard the full tape of what was recorded so we cannot say for certain where edits were made if any were actually made. tonight, we have some brand new never before heard audio from that event to play for you. you will hear something familiar to what was on the tape s release yesterday. justice alito who is aggrieved and frustrated. who is nakedly partisan and totally unconcerned by appearing to be all of those things in front of a total stranger. remember, what we heard yesterday. as a catholic and as someone who really cherishes my faith, i just don t, i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in a way that like needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think that it is a matter of like winning. i think you re probably right. on one side or the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working together or living together peacefully. but it is difficult. there are differences on fundamental things that can t really be compromised. they can t really be compromised. so it s not like you re going to split the difference. that s what i m saying. i think the solution really is like winning the moral argument. people in this country who believe in god have got to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. well, i agree with you. i agree with you. remember, at this closed door cocktail party, windsor was able to get justice alito s wife to explain her deeply personal motivation for flying two insurrectionist flags in front of the alito homes. that is a story that had just scandalized this court and these recordings this week would seem to suggest mrs. alito has no shame about what she has been doing here. in fact, quite the opposite. after deriding feminazis who have been critical of the scandal engulfing her husband, she made clear these flags are explicitly her form of resistance and response. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly. and he s like oh, please don t put up a flag. i said i won t do it because i m deferring to you, but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send them the message every day. maybe every week i will change the flags. i made a flag in my head. this is how i satisfy myself. i made a flag. it is white. it is yellow and orange flames around it. and in the middle of is word vergogna. it means shame. just the be clear here, justice alito has publicly stated his wife did not fly the flags to associate herself with the stop the steal movement or any other group but it seems clear his wife very much sees the flags as a form of political expression and a response to what she believes are liberal attacks. it s okay. when they come back to me, i ll get them. i m going to be liberated and i m going to get them. what do you mean by they? there is a five year defamation statute of limitations. i don t know who you mean by they. get them. the media. okay. so, martha anne alito, the wife of a supreme court justice say she has a plan to get back at the media suing for defamation and thinks she will have the opportunity to do that in the next five years when she is free of all this nonsense. is sam alito s wife telling us something about justice alito s retirement plans? how concerned should we be that a supreme court justice s pows is talking about the american media with open contempt? tonight, we have brand new audio from that same event where justice alito himself tells us what he thinks about the fourth estate. the press. the other voice is an associate of lauren windsor s who was also at this event. i just wanted to ask you why do you think the supreme court is being so attacked and being targeted by the media these days? it is a simple reason. they don t like our decisions and they don t how we anticipate we may decide some cases coming up. that s the beginning and the end of it. and there are groups of very well funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. that s what it is. gets a lot of money. and they have spent a fortune investigating clarence thomas for example. you know everything he has ever done his entire life. and they ve done some of that with me too. but you know they look for nit little thing they can find and try to make something of it. nbc news reached out for comment from samuel alito and his wife but have not heard back. joining me now is lauren windsor. progressive activist. lauren, thank you for being here. i know you have had a busy week so far. let me start with the new sound your organization, your colleague has given us. there are two parts of this new tape that strike me as concerning. alito says the media has not liked how the court has decided cases and may decide upcoming cases, was that a window into what may be coming down the pike the next two weeks? how did you interpret that? i interpret it as a harbinger of bad things to come. did you get the sense when he was talking about the media and specifically citing propublica and their extensive investigating about clarence thomas. that these stories are very much being shared behind closed doors of the supreme court. his media awareness seemed to be relatively high. oh it s very high. he already had a sense of grievance when i first spoke with him in 2023. but it was much more pronounced this year. two conversations that ali and i had with him. can we talk about the context here? for those of us who have not been to supreme court historical society events, is this what happens at them? we have two bomb shell series of reports about conversations, advocacy campaigns and attendees from the supreme court. i initially read the report in the new york times about reverend shank. that played into my going in the first place. but i didn t read that report and think i should become a member now. it really was incited by the propublica reporting on clarence thomas. justice alito wants to rail about the money taken by propublica for invest good faithing public servants while clarence thomas is not disclosing millions of dollars of gifts from gop donors. i have no idea what propublica s finances are, but as someone who is an independent journalist, i would imagine that the money that clarence thomas has taken probably rivals the budget of propublica in any given year. it is such a good point. what did you hear in alito s explanation for that? did you hear, it seems there is no contrition. but is not even an acknowledgment there was any wrong doing on the part of clarence thomas in accepting potentially millions of dollars in unspecified gifts from conservative donors. i mean, you know, it is not vergogna bay verbatum. i don t consider that paying for tuition or getting a free rv loan. these are all things he has accepted from gop donors. it would be a different story if this was just about vacations he was taking with harlan crow and his wife and family. most people would write it off as oh, it was a trip. most people would not consider traveling with friends or associates as being something that is that big of a deal. but that is not what we are talking about with clarence thomas. it is another order of magnitude and it has been going on years. i guess some part of me is surprised that you not knowing the alitos, you are just a random member of the historical society is able to even get within shoulder rubbing distance of a justice and draw him into conversation about some of the incendiary topics in the country. the partisan divide. how did it unfold when you were in the room with the justice? it should be stated in the guidance for the events, the historical society says if you broach topics that are before the court, it may be grounds for you to be kicked out. so there is aprocess. how do i approach someone with that not only are judges supposed to be really the height of discretion. the height of you know, judgments. right? i definitely went into this assuming i was not going to get anything news worthy. in 2023, i did not get anything news worthy. the scrutiny has intensified so much and his grievance level is much more piqued that unlike clarence thomas who did not show up to this dinner. but has been reported to have shown up to it many times, and he didn t show up in 2023 by the way. that alito would probably attend anyway though he was undergoing this intense media glare. sure enough, he was there. and i think it was, i can t say what was in his mind so i don t know if in 2023, he had the the same level of grievance and it changed over the course of the year. there s a couple of options there. did it change? was it hard to get him to talk? at the very end of this conversation, he says are you a lawyer? it wasn t like you had offered any biographical information other than having a husband who was not in the room. how did you actually get into conversation with him? did you just go up to him and start talking to him? so the reason i brought up my husband was that in 2023, i came with a male friend. so, the context of it was we had a conversation, after dinner in 2023, my male friend was with me. he was not with me in 2024. so when i saw justice alito solo, it was one on one. it was hi there, my husband really wants to let you know we are rooting for you. you have all the grit. the reason i said you had all the grit, this is because donald trump had tweeted something out about how you know, there should be more justices like samuel alito with the grit samuel alito has so i felt like it was flagged if you will. to alito. that it was. a safe space for him. a safe space, yes. i was trying to signal to him coyly without saying trump. because it goes back to the way to broach who has the highest level of discretion. you can t talk partisan politics if i walked up to him and talked joe biden or donald trump, he would have shut down. so talking polarization was a way to, a way into the conversation that wasn t as aggressive. but also indicative of what we were trying to get at. was he acting on bias. and i do believe that american people deserve to know. is the supreme court so compromised that we do not really have impartiality that bedrock of our judicial system. i think hearing it from his mouth that he cannot be impartial that some things cannot be compromised, that needs to be fuel for journalists and congress to say what are the things that cannot be compromised? look, you brought us into a room that few people are ever in. these tapes are revelator. it is, we are not done having this conversation. thank you for bringing some of that to our air. we are really appreciative. thanks for spending some time with me tonight lauren. thanks alex. coming up this hour, we have new details about donald trump s presentencing meeting with his probation officer. turns out, he is being treated differently. just maybe not in the way he would like you to believe. the first hunter biden today joined donald trump in becoming a convicted felon facing possible jail time. does that mean the system is now unrigged? we ll get into the republican response coming up next. epubli response coming up next. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don t 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( ) ok, someone just did laundry. no, i add downy light so the freshness really lasts. yeah, most scented stuff gives me a headache, but this is just right. and i don t like anything. but i like this. get a light scent that lasts with no heavy perfumes or dyes. ( ) president biden s son hunter biden was found guilty on three felony gun charges and given this news you might have thought the maga conspiracy about president biden rigging the justice system, maybe you thought that is going to collapse. it did not. today is the first step in delivering accountability for the biden crime family. you have been saying two tiered justice system some time. the president s son being convicted three counts. every case is different. and clearly the evidence was overwhelming here. do you think the department of justice is still weaponnized against conservatives though we see this verdict? when they tell school moms they are domestic terrorists because they don t like what is taught in the classrooms. we could go into it but we won t. a trump campaign statement released today calls hunter biden s trial nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family. and in lock step with the party front runner, the chairman of the house oversight committee said the work will not be done until the department of justice investigates everyone involved in the biden s corrupt influence peddling schemes. joining me now is charlie psychs. charlie, thank you for joining me. this criminal conviction is a distraction from the real crime family. is this going to work? it was awkwardment it is awkward for the talking point it was all rigged. that the biden justice department was weaponnized only against republicans. but, we live in a world in which the reality and the facts have a hard time catching up with the spin. and you can see how deeply invested republicans are in their talking point about the biden crime family so it is not a shock they will continue to repeat those talking points. over and over and over again. but i do think the contrast and the reaction to the conviction of donald trump and the conviction of hunter biden has been very, very telling here. this will come up at the debate and you though donald trump will try to make an issue of the fact that the president s son is a convicted felon which will be awkward being a convicted felon himself. but democrats have been making this point. and the media have been making the point that there are a number of democrats facing indictments under the biden justice department. not just the president s own son. they don t feel the need to explain that at all. they will just go with the spin. i wonder who the spin is for. you talk about the reaction. this was the statement from the president of the united states after his son is convicted of felonies. as i said last week, i am the president, but i am also a dad. jill and i love our son and we are so proud of the man he is today. so many families who have had loved ones battle addiction understand the feeling of pride seeing someone you love come out the other side and be strong and resilient in recovery. as i also said i will accept the outcome of this case and continue to respect the judicial process as hunter considers an appeal. jill and i will always be there for hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support. nothing will change that. i mean, that just, it is a very strong statement. it is a tough statement for a father to make. and i feel like that just undercuts whatever the republican argument is of the rigging of the system. among the voters that matter. the conviction of hunter biden shows the system is not rigged. it also shows this is the way the rule of law looks. this is what it looks like when no one is above the law. and president biden is also said, you know, has said on the record, that he will not use his pardon power to free his son if hunter biden gets a prison sentence. now, there are some people skeptical about that. but i don t think there is any reason to doubt his word at this point. and again, this creates a really significant difference between the tantrum donald trump and his supporters have thrown and the acceptance of the rule of law and the decision of a jury presented with all of this evidence. the point you are making is who is this for right now? almost everything republicans say is for the audience of one is for donald trump. this is what the base wants to hear. but, that is not the group of voters who will be deciding this election. and not to wax too poetic about it charlie. but embedded in biden s statement is a call to empathy. right? for those who have fallen for people who have addiction and are trying to make it through a dark, dark period. versus trump who is all grievance all the time. and i think we think a lot of things. we don t know a lot about where this country is headed but appealing to people s sense of forgiveness and empathy doesn t seem like a political strategy that has an expiration date. am i being too soft here? no. again it is an interesting contrast. joe biden s superpower is his empathy. and republicans are not going to give him any credit for it but a lot of americans will say okay. this is a tragic situation. you know, there are questions about hunter biden s judgment and his behavior. but also, what you are seeing from joe biden is, this is what a father, a father who has lost his other son, how they would react to something like that. and there will be a sliver of the electorate with crucial sliver that will look at that and say we understand that seems human to us. something we can identify with and admire in opposition to the conspiracy theories and the victim card playing and the really vicious attacks on the criminal justice system and the jury system coming from donald trump. yeah. it is a real choice ahead. and, this will be very, very indicative of who we are as a country. charlie, thank you for your time. it is great to see you. thank you. still to come this evening we have some new reporting about what appears to be a coordinated effort to broadcast disinformation about this fall s election on your local newscast. plus, when it comes to donald trump s criminal conviction, republicans need a reality check. we have one. that s next. eality check. we have one. that s next. 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this is something that is so routine and it typically takes hours. to the extent there have been things that have been different for him. they have only been different in his favor. most defendants have to come there in person. it is a drab office. these things take hours. there are reports his probation interview took half an hour. this is an opportunity for probation to ask the type of questions that a judge might want to know on sentencing that don t come out in the trial. so this is somebody obviously, this defendant is somebody who is so well vetted everybody knows everything. but for most defendants, the judge doesn t have a sense of who they are as a person. what their family situation is. their immigration status is. are they using drugs so a lot of people know this about donald trump. but, so you could say well, half an hour, maybe all you need. but the fact is this is them doing their due diligence. to the extent it is on zoom. the lawyers there. it is only half an hour to tex tent that it is rigged or different, it has only been in his favor. the other piece of this that he likes bringing up is the presence in this case on the da side of matthew calangalo. he previously worked at the department of justice and now works for alvin bragg and they have literally used him as the missing link of joe biden and alvin bragg. let me say for people who are not familiar, this is how trump talks about him. he is a radical left from the doj who was put into the state working with letitia james and put into the district attorney s office to run the trial against trump. we will take issue with it. put into? passive in that statement. but you have gone between the doj and the doj s office. is that a normal thing that happens and now in line with reality is this argument? in the letter, just today, the department of justice said this was conspiratorial speculation. i think it is something a lot more sinister. it is an attempt to undermine law enforcement. first off, the manhattan da s office and doj work together all the time. there are joint task forces on terrorism. on hate crimes. there is a joint task force that looks at the filings that banks file. the suspicious activity reports. there have been joint cases prosecuted by the department of justice and the manhattan da s office against banks like standard charter, ing. there have been cases every day that are deconflicted between the department of justice. they don t arrest the same person. people go back and forth. i went from the manhattan da s office and back. robert morgan, the most famous manhattan da who served for 35 years from 1975 to 2010, prior to becoming. he was an obama plant. is that you are telling me? a stooge of the administration. it is preposterous, there is no sense these cries of foul play will end any time soon. this is all coming to a head on july 11th when there is the sentencing hearing for trump and i guess i wonder what your expectation for that is. and whether there is anything to be done around the cries of foul play in a rigged system that are inevitably going to come up no matter what he is sentenced. it is such a hard decision for the judge and you wouldn t wish it on your worst inny or both sides. nobody should want him to go to jail or want anyone to go to jail. it s a sad day. the prosecution is virtually going to be asking for jail time. the defense is virtually going to be asking for a sentence of a conditional discharge saying he has been punished enough by the felony. and there will be outcry on both sides. i don t know there is any way through the political thicket of it other than to say this is a judge who has been around the block. he will be taking this seriously and fairly and i think you will see a sentence that is sort of free of some of those political considerations. something that he will be, maybe down the middle. both sides will be able to make of it like a rorschach test and they will be able to argue around it. well, that is not exactly, you are not giving me the inside dope on what you think it would be. but look. for all of that we have seen, it feels like the volume will only increase into july 11th. thank you for helping us through this. coming up, trump appointee judge aileen cannon tosses out part of trump s indictment in the classified documents case. but first, some very orwellian messages being broadcast from your local news stations. that s next. your local news stations. that s next. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. 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[music playing] a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! in an order that otherwise denied yet another attempt by the defense to end the criminal prosecution of donald trump over his handling of classified documents, judge aileen cannon has given trump a partial win. the paragraph describing after he left the presidency, he allegedly showed a classified map to to someone. he admitted at the time he shouldn t show the map to someone without security clearance and told the person not to look too closely at it. while it illustrates how allegedly cavalier he was with classified information, prosecutors never charged trump with crimes involving sharing classified information and now the judge has struck it from the indictment. joining me now is bradley moss. bradley, how big of a deal is it for prosecutors that this map incident has been struck from the indictment? it certainly is not a critical factor, all this means is it is not sitting in what is otherwise known as a speaking indictment. it is still information that prosecutors can bring out at trial and will litigate to ensure that they can bring it out is sort of the evidence of a prior bad act in the context of mr. trump s intent. his motive. his willingness to conceal this information. that he knew he had this records. this is a minor victory for mr. trump. the issue is that it took so long. it could have been resolved weeks ago. it never needed to have taken this long. if it is not a significant win for trump, is it indicative of a broader tension? because throughout this case, it seems like it is ratcheted up in recent months. there is maybe not a volley. the judge does not seem happy with jack smith and his team. the tensions continue to boil. in a hearing just a few weeks ago, it got to prosecutors were so upset. and frustrated with their attempt to try to explain to judge cannon their view on the case law and how certain legal precedents applied, that the judge had to basically counsel them to calm down. none of us were there. i don t know how badly that got out of hand. but it is never a good sign if you are lawyer and the judge tells you to calm down. judge cannon has chosen to take a slow methodical approach here. she has not granted donald trump anything of substance yet at any point in this case. but because of how she has dragged it out, it is almost guaranteed this will never see the light of day. they will never get the trial before people go to the voting booth in november. that seems guaranteed. there is an open question about whether we will see the trial period. but that will depend on politics. i do need to ask trump filed another motion to dismiss today. this one says the fbi destroyed evidence by not showing where it was in contrast to nonclassified material. trump says he didn t pack the boxes and know what was in there. how substantiative is this or does it matter? is it just more delay? i think this largely is a delay tactic. if hope at best they might get an evidencey hearing. how the boxes were organized this way. whether or not there is something of allegations of bias and improper storage. on on the merits, it doesn t absolve trump of the idea that he willfully retained the documents. he knew he had them in 2022. when he turned stuff over to the archives. he is talking with his lawyers they are telling him to turn it over. we keep finding stuff. it will not ultimately change anything. but it will quite possibly the way judge cannon handles things but it will drag things out a little more. we are

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Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News 20240611

the un security council endorsed a ceasefire proposal for gaza on monday. it is the first time the council has passed a resolution demanding a stop in fighting, after eight months of war. the resolution urges both hamas and israel to fully and quickly implement the three phase plan. 1a countries voted in favour, and russia abstained. reactions to the resolution between the two parties have been mixed. hamas says it welcomes the endorsement, and that it s ready to work with mediators. a senior israeli diplomat said her country would continue to pursue its objectives. us ambassador to the un linda thomas greenfield says the resolution shows hamas that the international community is united. colleagues, today this council sent a clear message to hamas. accept the ceasefire deal on the table. israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today, if hamas would do the same. i repeat, the fighting could stop today. the bbc s nada tawfik has more from new york. and what we heard from the united states was that this was the best possible way to secure a durable end to the war, saying that it really is a deal that was israel s initiative, it outlined three phases that they said would eventually, you know, lead to the complete withdrawal of israeli forces, the release of all hostages, in exchange for palestinian prisoners, major reconstruction of gaza, eventually. but, i think, from different members, you heard different positions. you know, while the united states says this resolution passing means that the international community is united, and that this will help put pressure on hamas to accept the deal, you know, algeria said they still had some reservations about the text, but supported it, because they felt it wanted to give diplomacy a chance, wanted to give a glimmer of hope to palestinians. but from russia and china, a lot more scepticism. you know, russia said it didn t want to block this resolution, because the arab group of nations supported it, but it questioned whether israel had really accepted the deal, as the resolution states, and they pointed to a number of statements by israeli officials, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that they will continue the war until hamas is defeated. china, as well, questioned if, you know, parties will actually implement these three phases of presidentjoe biden s proposed deal, and china noting that the other security council resolutions that have been passed weren t implemented, including a permanent ceasefire, including getting more aid in at scale into gaza, questioning, you know, whether this will have a tangible impact on the ground. so i think it remains to be seen if this resolution will, in fact, be different than the other ones. meanwhile, us secretary of state antony blinken is visiting the middle east, for the eighth time since the october 7th attacks. secretary blinken is fiercely advocating for the ceasefire deal, outlined by president biden ten days ago. mr blinken met with egyptian president abdel fattah al sisi, before heading tojerusalem for talks with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a state department spokesman said secretary blinken assured mr netanyahu that the proposal would unlock the possibility of calm along israel s northern border. our state department correspondent tom bateman is travelling with the secretary, and has more from jerusalem. publicly, we re seeing the americans come here and try to press arab leaders to put pressure on hamas to accept this. but hamas is going to want, and basically wants, you know, a far clearer guarantee that this would mean the end of the war and a full israeli withdrawal from gaza. clearly, they don t feel like they ve got that yet, because we re not seeing a formal response from them, or the resumption of these indirect negotiations. but there is something else going on beneath the surface and this isn t part of the public presentation, but what mr blinken is trying to do is bind the israelis into this and the israeli leadership, because although mr netanyahu has said that his war cabinet has authorised the deal, we haven t heard unequivocal support from him, and crucially, in his wider cabinet, that fractious cabinet, including far right ministers, some of those have outright rejected this proposal already, and some of those have said they would quit the coalition, precipitate its collapse, if this proposal were to go ahead. so that puts pressure on mr netanyahu, potentially, to pull back from it all. so i think the white house is trying to bounce the two sides into making progress. that is why mr blinken is here. there are also some strong motivations, really, for the israeli leadership, to some extent the top echelons of hamas, to play for a bit more time here, but among those who are trying to rush this through, the white house, president biden, desperately seeking an agreement, before the us presidential election campaign gets under way proper later in this year. but so far, here from the region, few signs of any imminent breakthrough. for more on the resolution in the midst of the secretary s visit, i spoke to james jeffrey, former us ambassador to turkey and iraq, and chair of the wilson center s middle east program. ambassador, i want to start with the un security council adopting this resolution that welcomes this 3 phase ceasefire agreement that was outlined by president biden on may 31. do you think israel is going to accept this ceasefire? yes, in the sense accept this ceasefire? yes, in the sense that accept this ceasefire? yes, in the sense that israel, - accept this ceasefire? yes, in the sense that israel, first. accept this ceasefire? yes, in the sense that israel, first of| the sense that israel, first of all, it is an israeli proposal, it is a proposal that the president, basically, underlined basically, outlined a week ago, friday. but the important thing is the ultimate departure of all israeli troops from gaza and a permanent ceasefire, which is at the end of what we call the second six week phase, that is an automatic. that requires negotiations. these negotiations. these negotiations could go on, and in terms of the agreement, although president biden has tried to break this down, the israelis or hamas could break off at the end of the initial ceasefire at the end of a six weeks could be terminated. if you look at what s on the table, what is the difference between what president biden outlined, and what is really want and what have us ask for? the israeli said things that some hostages come back, there is aid pouring in, people can go back to their homes, but basically for six weeks, the israeli military stops fighting and pulls out of the major urban areas, so basically where all the strategic terrain along the egyptian border, the sea and other places, but stops fighting, and in return, as will hamas, and in return will negotiate on a possible permanent ceasefire during those six weeks. if they haven t achieved a breakthrough by then, they can extend about six weeks ceasefire while they continue to negotiate, but, importantly, they don t have to, and if one or the other side decides after the six weeks to break off the negotiations, we would go back to fighting. so this puts pressure on hamas. that is the israeli proposal. president biden is stressing how important it is to keep those negotiations going on forever, because then the initial six week ceasefire will look like a permanent ceasefire. right. that s very interesting. you look at one part of this proposal it does lead to the release of hostages who are in gaza. do you think the freezing of four hostages over the weekend, four israeli hostages were being in gaza, changes the equation at all for prime minister netanyahu? we know that families of the remaining hostages are putting even more pressure on this government. first of all, it overshadowed the departure of minister gantz, which was an important blow i think to netanyahu, and it will lead to i think less moderate israeli policy, but we will see. but nevertheless this was a military victory, at huge cost from the palestinian side, but it was a military victory and it so strengthens netanyahu s position, not only inside israel but also viz a viz haouas. inside israel but also viz a viz haouas. ~ ., , ,., viz haouas. we have seen some consternation viz haouas. we have seen some consternation course viz haouas. we have seen some consternation course across - viz haouas. we have seen some consternation course across the| consternation course across the world over the loss of palestinian lives in that raid that led to the freeing of those hostages, and as you said, benny gantz has left the war cabinet. what impact is not actually have on prime minister netanyahu? does it mean he is more beholden to the right wing forces in his government? fin forces in his government? on the margins, yes, but he forces in his government? (m the margins, yes, but he has support from one of the opposition leaders, minister lapid, who said he and his party would support netanyahu if netanyahu went along with this ceasefire, and thus netanyahu, even if the two very right wing ministers in the party pulled out of the 64 out of 120 contested coalition, netanyahu could stay in power, so i think all in all we are in the potential endgame. the key will be what is in those negotiations for the second phase. it won tjust be how israel leaves, it will be who governs gaza. you notice no one is talking about this. there is a third phase of major reconstruction. i have provided my recommendations to both the us and the israeli government, as have others come on how to do this, but what s important is, and this is new, israel has signed up in this agreement to the eventual, under the right conditions, departure of all israeli forces. that means that the idea of permanent israeli occupation of gaza, which we feared was the position of the netanyahu government, is no longer really on the table, if they can get the right conditions. they can get the right conditions. ., , , ., conditions. so what is your recommendation conditions. so what is your recommendation to - conditions. so what is your recommendation to the - conditions. so what is your| recommendation to the us, conditions. so what is your - recommendation to the us, to the israelis come on what the post war governments would look like in gaza? fit, post-war governments would look like in gaza? like in gaza? a stand down of hamas, like in gaza? a stand down of hamas. i like in gaza? a stand down of hamas, i think like in gaza? a stand down of hamas, i think there - like in gaza? a stand down of hamas, i think there will- like in gaza? a stand down of hamas, i think there will be l hamas, i think there will be negotiated in the second phase, where it is a ceasefire not only against israel but against the people and anyone who tries to govern gaza, then an international presence in the various ideas of arab, european, other players would come in and do governance, due reconstruction. reconstruction. would palestinian reconstruction. would palestinian leaders i reconstruction. wouldj palestinian leaders be reconstruction. would - palestinian leaders be open to that? i palestinian leaders be open to that? 4 , ., , that? i think they would be sub ect that? i think they would be subject to that? i think they would be subject to an that? i think they would be subject to an awful - that? i think they would be subject to an awful lot - that? i think they would be subject to an awful lot of. subject to an awful lot of pressure and they would also want a certain role, that is where you get the negotiations with the israelis, but that is normal and everyone a fair may be two dozen ceasefires i have been involved in the last 60 years. this can be an end game. it isn t an end game yet but we re moving in that direction. 0ne quick final question, secretary of state clinton is again in the region. what do you think his aim is in this visit? ,, , , ., you think his aim is in this visit? ,, ., you think his aim is in this visit? ,, , , ., ., visit? simply to say we re not auoin to visit? simply to say we re not going to spend visit? simply to say we re not going to spend a visit? simply to say we re not going to spend a week - visit? simply to say we re not| going to spend a week without at least one senior official visiting israel in the region, but the real work is between channels between washington and jerusalem. around the world and across the uk, this is bbc news. let s look at another story making headlines in the uk. an initial postmortem concluded that dr michael mosley died of natural causes, brought on by the conditions of a strenuous walk. the bbc presenter s body was found in a rocky area of the greek island of symi, sunday, four days after he went missing while on holiday. joe inwood reports. it was just near the beach bar that his body was found yesterday, not by search and rescue teams, but by local journalists, the mayor and the staff here. he journalists, the mayor and the staff here- staff here. he passed out of the land- staff here. he passed out of the land. michaelis- staff here. he passed out of the land. michaelis was - staff here. he passed out of the land. michaelis was one j staff here. he passed out of. the land. michaelis was one of the land. michaelis was one of the first on the land. michaelis was one of the first on the the land. michaelis was one of the first on the scene. - the land. michaelis was one of the first on the scene. he - the land. michaelis was one of the first on the scene. he is i the first on the scene. he is still in shock and feels guilt for not finding him sooner. we did our for not finding him sooner. - did our best. we gave whatever we can to do, and i m very sorry about it. i m very sorry about the end. cctv footage, which has not been released, shows the final moments of dr mosley s life. it confirms that the presenter died before his family had realised he was missing. he was 67 years old. you re live with bbc news. french political parties are scrambling to prepare for legislative elections, less than three weeks away, after president emmanuel macron s surprise decision to dissolve parliament and call a snap vote. mr macron made the announcement on sunday, after his allies suffered a resounding defeat by the far right in european polls. but, as nicke beake reports, his first day of the campaign was marked not with a rally, but with a memorial service. emmanuel macron visited the site of one of the worst nazi massacres in france, perpetrated 80 years ago today. he s been drawing on the past to highlight what he claims is the current threat confronting the country from the far right. in the face of his opponents success this weekend, the president has taken an almighty gamble in calling a snap election. 40 miles outside paris, this is coulommiers, the land of cheesemaking, where support for macron has crumbled. the members of the monday club said they hadn t veered to the right. but then we met 31 year old mum of three, noemi, a worker in an elderly care home, who says she s desperate for something new. translation: what frightens people could actually do them j good, so we should try the national front, because france is getting worse. i m scared to leave my house and the public transport is not safe. whatever the result of these snap parliamentary elections, emmanuel macron is set to stay on as president for another three years, but a national rally victory could have a huge impact here and in many parts of france. it would also be hugely symbolic, too, because injust six weeks time, the country will host the olympic games and by then, france could have its first far right government since the second world war. this is the 28 year old who could be france s prime minister in a month. through his social media, jordan bardella has been winning young supporters in particular, focusing on the cost of living, softening the image of a party once condemned as unelectable, and working alongside marine le pen. she hopes to replace macron as president in 2027. so can national rally translate their victory at the european elections to the national vote? so they have some kind of, say, a political virginity people say, we do not know what they will do if they come to power but nevertheless, let s give them a try, and if we are not happy, we will have election next time and we ll get rid of them. it s not clear what the president s thinking is, but his legacy will be defined in the coming weeks. nick beake, bbc news, outside paris. france s snap election is just part of the fallout of this year s european parliament election, with 373 million eligible voters across the eu s 27 member states. the centre right european people s party, led by european commission president ursula von der leyen, gained seats, and is still the largest bloc. ms von der leyen said the centre has held , but she acknowledged that more extreme parties also made gains. in her native germany, chancellor 0laf scholz s social democrats were pushed into third place by the far right alternative for germany, afd. unlike president macron, the chancellor rejected calls to hold early elections, following these results. in italy, the party of populist prime minister giorgia meloni secured a clear victory. but elsewhere, right wing parties did not perform as strong. in poland, the governing centrist civic coalition claimed victory. live now to kristine berzina, from the german marshall fund of the united states, a transatlantic policy organisation. she specializes in us eu geostrategic ties. uncertainty after far right parites made major gains, great to have you on the programme tonight. what you think of emmanuel macron s move to call these snap elections? this is quite a gamble. it is a ve bi this is quite a gamble. it is a very big gamble. this is quite a gamble. it is a very big gamble. there - this is quite a gamble. it is a very big gamble. there was i this is quite a gamble. it is a i very big gamble. there was an earthquake in france with the european parliament elections. already there is an expectation the far right pretty well in europe, and we saw that in france, where the shock to the system, they shocked to macron s party and to his base was so significant that he has called for this snap election. this is a gamble that could determine what is the opportunity for the national rally to be a real political force, with the opportunity right now to also lead to the parliament. of course, president macron stays for the next three years, but his further agenda will be in many ways defined by his relationship with the parliament, and his leadership of european politics, of security policy, of europe as a global force will be called into question, if he has to be set against a parliament that is far more isolationist and uninterested in the world, in fact very concerned about immigration, has a very different approach than he himself does. so we see a gamble and potentially a play at the future role that france has in europe. france is in the world. and if this gamble does not work out for macron, it will provide an opportunity, in fact a necessity, for other europeans, for the germans, for the polls, for the north before the polls, for the north before the east, to step up and provide a much more ambitious dr tom ., , ., ., provide a much more ambitious drtom ., , ., ., ., dr tom to “ump in and ask about this and dr tom to jump in and ask about this and other dr tom to jump in and ask about this and other countries, - this and other countries, countries like germany, austria, italy also saw these far right surges. what consequence could we see there, is it something we will see is a knock on effect from france? germany had a blow to some of its major coalition parties, the social democrats and the greens suffered across all of europe we have seen pushback on the green agenda, some of the car policies, admission policies in particular. this is going to be hard for the coalition but it appears that the coalition is going to hold. there are elections coming down next year and there are regional elections that are worrying, and the far right party, the afd, is making gains, but again this is not going to be quite an earthquake in germany as it is in france. georgia maloney in italy is a far right leader and the domestic policies are very harsh and objectionable to many people but on foreign policy she has been an ally for many of the pan european and pan nato foreign objectives such as helping ukraine and we can see that continue. in other parts of europe we have seen the success of the right. but not of the far right. we have seen a drop in support for more than s party, we have seen a drop in support for donald tusk s more centrist, again right but centre right, not far right. if right but centre right, not far riuht. .., right but centre right, not far riuht. , ., ., right but centre right, not far riuht. ., ., , ., right. if i could follow up on that and right. if i could follow up on that and ask, right. if i could follow up on that and ask, what - right. if i could follow up on that and ask, what are - right. if i could follow up on that and ask, what are we l that and ask, what are we witnessing, is this a broader shift towards more conservative policies, orare shift towards more conservative policies, or are we seeing a trend we could then see swing the other way in another election? the other way in another election? ~ ., , ., ., election? we are seeing a lot of concern election? we are seeing a lot of concern about election? we are seeing a lot of concern about fiscal - of concern about fiscal responsibility, being something thatis responsibility, being something that is across the continent. we are seeing an opposition to green politics. there are many things that europe has been trying to do recently. there is economic birth, a very ambitious green agenda, as well as security and defence, and the thing we are seeing a lot of opposition is specifically on the green agenda. so we are seeing more support for stricter and more restrictive immigration policies. this is something that is a far right issue, but ever more of the centre right is taking this on. where we are not seeing the far right flourish is along the eastern flank or in a lot of europe that feels most at risk, say the far right in estonia, the far right in finland, the far right in sweden suffered serious losses, and we also talked about the polish case, and so you see the areas of europe that are at most risk for some kind of aggression from russia holding to a centre far more firmly than we are seeing the large western european countries hold and have their relationship with the far right right now. some could say that this is because there hasn t been an opportunity for the far right to have significant power in places like poland, where this has been a recent phenomenon, or in hungary still today, where this has been experienced, we are seeing a backlash against it. backlash against it. great to net our backlash against it. great to get your analysis backlash against it. great to get your analysis tonight, i get your analysis tonight, thank you forjoining us. uk prime minister rishi sunak and the conservative party are expected to unveil their election manifesto tomorrow. in an interview with the bbc, mr sunak detailed many of the party s initiatives, including addressing the growing challenge of homeownership, and a plan to cut a further 2p from the national insurance. with the country s snap election just weeks away, the party hopes the manifesto s promises will help close the gap in the polls with the labour party. nick robinson questioned the prime minister on the conservatives many campaign promises. we ve had endless promises. i ve got all your tory press releases here. a promise of national service. a couple of billion there. a promise for a tax cut for pensioners. a promise of a tax cut for parents. more apprenticeship, more police officers. endless promises. of more and more money from the conservatives. have you found the magic money tree? ., , , ., ., tree? no, every single one of those policies tree? no, every single one of those policies that tree? no, every single one of those policies that you - tree? no, every single one of those policies that you have l those policies that you have ust those policies that you have just been through is fully funded and costed, as is explained in every single one of those explained in every single one of those press releases, as indeed of those press releases, as indeed when we have set out our manifesto indeed when we have set out our manifesto tomorrow, people will be able manifesto tomorrow, people will be able to see all the details behind be able to see all the details behind it even further. and tomorrow behind it even further. and tomorrow you behind it even further. and tomorrow you will - behind it even further. fific tomorrow you will promise more tax cuts? we tomorrow you will promise more tax cuts? ~ ., ., tax cuts? we will have a manifesto tax cuts? we will have a manifesto tomorrow - tax cuts? we will have a | manifesto tomorrow that tax cuts? we will have a - manifesto tomorrow that builds on all manifesto tomorrow that builds on all the manifesto tomorrow that builds on all the things you just gone through on all the things you just gone through that we have just built just through that we have just built just announcing this campaign, but does continue to cut people s taxes because i believe cut people s taxes because i believe in a country where heartles believe in a country where people s hard work is rewarded. meanwhile, the labour party gave details of its childcare plan for england, pledging to create 100,000 additional childcare places and more than 3,000 new nurseries. liberal democrats are pledging everyone in england would be entitled to free at home care, the two child benefit cap would be lifted, and people in england would have the right to see a gp within seven days, or 24 hours, if urgent. the us president s son, hunter biden, tells the bbc he believes his federal gun case now before a jury has went well . jurors began deliberating monday, after closing arguments wrapped. 0ur correspondent carl nasman spoke to mr hunter biden, as he was leaving the courthouse. how do you feel today when? i think it went well. we ll see, though. we ve got to wait for the jury to come back. thank you. hunter biden is accused of lying about his drug use on a federal form while buying a weapon in 2018, and of illegally possessing a firearm while he was allegedly a drug user. for more on this, our correspondent carl nasman has this report. of the 0f thejury will of the jury will return to this court behind me here in delaware on tuesday morning to continue its deliberations, to weigh the evidence and testimony that they have heard of this trial over the past week or so. much of that has been very detailed, and sometimes difficult to listen to. the prosecution has laid out its case that hunter biden was addicted to crack cocaine, that he was using the drug on or around the time that he purchased that revolver in october 2018, that he then lied about that on a federal form. of course all of this evidence, of course all of this evidence, the text messages, audio, video, some snippets from hunter biden s memoir has played out notjust for the jury played out notjust for the jury but also for the biden family itself. many members of herfamily were again family itself. many members of her family were again in court today, sitting just behind hunter biden in a show of support. among them was the first lady herself, jill biden. this is already a historic case, a historic trial, but a conviction he would also be historic. hunter biden would become the first son of a sitting president to be convicted in a federal courthouse. that would carry a maximum penalty of about 25 years. it is unlikely he would say that amount of time, the discretion would be up to the judge but of course it is in the hands of the jury now, and they will continue those deliberations on day two here on tuesday. carl nazam and reporting. before i go, an iconic event in hong kong. 0n before i go, an iconic event in hong kong. on monday, hundreds of paddlers took part in the city s annual dragon boat festival. they made a splash in the waters of aberdeen harbour with 29 races. similar competitions take place in singapore, australia and the us. that is our programme at this hour. thank you for watching bbc news and stay with us. hello, there. for most of us, it has been a disappointing start to the week, in terms of the weather. a frequent rash of showers, particularly across scotland, gusts of winds coming from the north, and in excess of 30 mph, at times. temperatures struggled to get into double figures, but it was a slightly different story, further south and west. just look at anglesey beautiful afternoon, lots of sunshine and temperatures peaked at around 18 or 19 degrees. high pressure is continuing to nudge its way in from the west, so west will be best, through the course of tuesday. there s still likely to be a few showers around, but hopefully few and further between. most frequent showers, certainly, are going to be across eastern scotland and down through eastern england. so, sunny spells and scattered showers going into the afternoon. that will have an impact with the temperature, 14 or 15 degrees, but again, with a little more shelter, a little more sunshine, 17 or 18 celsius not out of the question. a few scattered showers moving their way through northern ireland and scotland. hopefully, some of these will ease through the afternoon, but you can see those temperatures still really struggling ten to 15 degrees at the very best. now, as we move out of tuesday into wednesday, this little ridge of high pressure will continue to kill off the showers. so, wednesday is likely to be the driest day of the week and make the most of it there s more rain to come, but it will be a pretty chilly start, once again, to wednesday morning. single figures right across the country, low single figures in rural spots. but, hopefully, the showers should be a little bit few and further between and more favoured spots for those showers, once again, to the east of the pennines. more sunshine out to the west. temperatures, generally, similar values to what we ve seen all week, 10 to 18 degrees the high, but the wind direction will start to change as we move into thursday. unfortunately, towards the end of the week, this low pressure will take over. we ll see further spells of rain at times, some of it heavy. but the wind direction will play its part, a little a south westerly wind means that we will see temperatures climbing a degree or so. don t expect anything too significant, because we ve got the cloud and the rain around. but it s not out of the question that across eastern and southeast england, we could see highs of 20 celsius. take care. apple enters the race to bring generative al to consumers with a big partnership. we ll have all the details. and we ll take a close look at the chinese electric vehicle market which is set to be hit by tariffs from the european union. hello and welcome to business today. i m arunoday mukharji. let s begin in the us, where apple has made a splash with its announcements on artificial intelligence. the much anticipated worldwide developers conference kicked off on monday, and the company spelled out the new features for iphones, ipads, and macbooks. 0ur north america business correspondent erin delmore has the latest. the hottest abbreviation in tech these days is easily ai. apple is taking its shot at redefining artificial intelligence into apple intelligence. the company unveiled a series of ai related announcements at its worldwide developers concerts on monday. chief among them, a partnership with the artificial intelligence juggernaut 0penai. that will allow apple to integrate start up s cutting edge chat bot chatgpt into its devices including a superpowered siri. the voice assistant will be available with chatgpt features for free later this year. other new additions include ai generated images and emojis and help with proofreading in tone adjustment. these announcement are the big stand apple integrating ai features that have captured viewers attention and spending the big bucks. rewarding terms that are not onlyjumped up

Country , Resolution , Hamas , Visiting-israel , Parties , Russia , Countries , Diplomat , Plan , Mediators , Favour , Reactions

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608-720

Answer them mr speaker you have a corrupt national establishment hating to america what we store stood for desperate to change every rule whether there are 2 sexes whether or not you should stand and pledge allegiance to the flag and go down there if you look at the work for example that scott ran to me soon as done on the top 1% of the financial elite to they literally are a different planet and donald j trump starting in 2015 was threatening to destroy, literally destroy their world my advice to the trump campaign a simple it s about to hit the left everything they ve done has failed which is what the polling

Speaker , American , Answer , Corrupt-national-establishment , Work , Allegiance , Rule , Flag , Example , Sexes , 2 , Trump

Transcripts For CNN The Source With Kaitlan Collins 20240608-2400

Tom bergeron is here with me the increase in wildfires is exponential uncontrollable overwhelming consequences the need to do something is urgent earth would we have schreiber so get knocked on cnn lumina whitening strips. no. broadside, know okay i can use them every day if i want. what i want drink what i want poppet aluminium strip and l0 my smile is back on point a. heart attack. do they have life insurance no. but we have life insurance john, i m trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only a few minutes. select pope found john a $500,000 policy for only $29 a month, and his wife and a bipolar thousand dollars policy for only $21 a month, go to select now and get

Tom-bergeron , Consequences , Increase , Wildfires , Something , Cnn , Alumina , Earth , Whitening-strips , Broadside , Life-insurance , Smile

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240608-1560

Trial in delaware the first lady flew all the way back from france to be in court today the prosecution arrested and the defense began to make their case is the first call to employees and they called their and the court adjourned for the day and over the year whether they would call hunter to the stand next week earlier tonight that s huge. the judge from the trump trial with both sides in the case as before the verdict was announced a facebook user and they left a comment on 1 of the state court systems post and my truck and was to fix them from the beginning is this because for a mistrial and fox news legal land

Court , Way , Case , Prosecution , France , Employees , Defense , Call , Hunter , Facebook , Judge , Trump