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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News Headquarters 20150103

his country. we begin this hour with the search for wreckage and victims from the crash of airasia flight 8501. officials in indonesia believe they have found a big chunk of it. sonar pinpointing four massive objects on the bottom of the ocean. crews are working in awful weather right now. divers can t even get to the bottom to see it. only a few dozen bodies now recovered nearly a week after the plane first went missing. david has the latest from bangkok and joins us now with more details. reporter: hi, kelly yes indonesia officials say search teams have found what they describe as four large objects on the ocean floor and seem confident these are parts of the missing airasia plane. translator: we found using our geo survey ship, the ability to find objects under water, four large objects from the aircraft that we ve been looking for. reporter: they are planning to send down a remotely operated underwater vehicle to take pictures of the objects which are about 100 foot down. the bad weather and rough seas continues to make that difficult. so far 30 bodies have been recovered. and indonesian officials quoted as saying some of them were belted in their seats. it s thought most of the bodies of the 162 people on board the airbus are still trapped inside the fuselage of the aircraft. a flotilla of ships including the uss sampson and ft. worth are searching for debris. the recovery of the black box is key to find out what caused the plane to crash. they haven t been able to pick up signals so forth. the weak signals from the black boxes are difficult to find because of the sound produced by so much ships in the area. it disappeared from surabaya to singapore last friday. he was facing bad weather and wanted to climb. the request was denied by indonesian air traffic control because another plane was above. it s also revealed air asia wasn t registered to fly the route on sundays. and the transport ministry has stopped airasia flying that route for now. back to you. all right, dave piper thank you very much. the u.s. imposing sanctions on north korea in response to the alleged cyber attack on sony pictures. the sanctions affecting three north korean agencies as well as ten officials who are barred from using the u.s. financial system. the white house says this is just the first part of its response to the hacking attack. the u.s. has already imposed tough sanctions on the regime s nuclear program. president obama wrapping up the last day of his holiday vacation. the commander in chief will head home early sunday morning traveling from hawaii to d.c., a new republican led congress set to convene on tuesday of the dan springer is love from honolulu with more details. reporter: president obama has stayed mainly out of the headlines during the two weeks here in hawaii as he s no doubt resting up for what will be a very interesting congressional session now that republicans control the house and the senate. there s been a lot of speculation whether mr. obama will step up the use of executive order adding to what we see on immigration and minimum wage and cuba. he will not sit down with republican leaders any time soon because as soon as he gets back to washington he s leaving again. the white house says the president will take off wednesday for a trip to detroit to talk about the rebounding auto industry. in there he goes to phoenix to speak about housing and on to tennessee for a speech on college and education, all themes he ll hit in the state of the union address. eric shultz said there are a number of issues we could make progress on but the president is clear he will not let this congress undo protection particularly in the health care and environment, vowing to make job creation a center piece. in the coming days the house will also act on legislation to approve the keystone xl pipeline and restore the 40-hour workweek for middle class families. from there, more good ideas for jobs and growth will follow. if the president is willing to work with us we ll have a real chance to address our nation s most pressing challenges. reporter: we ll have to see if the veto pen comes out more. president obama used it just twice in the first six years but that s because harry reid controlled the senate and a lot of stuff didn t get to the president s desk. in a year end interview president o manybama said it s likely the pen could get more work in the coming year. a man accused of helping al qaeda is dead, al libi died from complications after liver surgery. he was in custody in new york with the trial set to start january 12th. you may remember the bombings in 1998 at our embassies in kenya and tanzania. a dozen of those victims were americans. thousands more were injured. at one point the fbi had a $5 million bounty on al libi s het. the elite delta force snatched him off the street in libya. he was already ill with hepatitis c leading to his liver problems. mourners gathering for a wake in brooklyn to pay tribute to over wenjin liu. he and his partner were executed as they sat in their patrol car. friends and family remember the life in service. brian is live in brooklyn with more. reporter: good afternoon, we re 20 minutes away from where officer wenjuin liu and ramos were killed. we ve seen a few people going in and seen police officers and lapd officers from massachusetts and arizona coming in and in their uniforms ready to go in and pay respects to the officer, a 32-year-old and seven-year veteran of the nypd and we ve seen bill bratton who arrived in the last half hour and mayor de blasio show join any moment now. it is an open casket. he has his first rate badge pinned to his uniform. there will be no official eulogys or speeches. there will be one special room for his family with a photo of liu doing a ceremonial burning of paper objects representative of the some of the valuables for the afterlife. in many ways liu represented the bright future of the nypd in this country. arrived in 1994 when he was 12 years old and learned english in high school and friends and colleagues say he always wanted to be a cop and always kind to strangers. he knew several chinese dialects which is very valuable here because it allowed him to build a bridge with a wary chinese community here. he s somebody being remembered as someone who was really there for everyone. last weekend many officers you ll remember turned their blacks on mayor de blasio on ramos s funeral. the nypd commissioner sent out a memo telling officers that that motion was not onlydy disrespectful but discouraged it. i understand emotions are high. i issue no mandates and make to threats of discipline. when you done a uniform of this department, you are bound by the tradition and honor and decentcy that go with it. liu s funeral will be tomorrow beginning at 11:00 a.m. the fbi director will be speaking along with the mayor and the police commissioner. detective wenjian liu will be buried in the cemetery where miz partner was buried last weeken thank you. so many people will give their condolences and prayers tonight as well as tomorrow. thank you. turning now to weather and whiteout conditions in new hampshire leading to a massive pileup involving 35 vehicles. look at this video. what a mess. the chain reaction crash leaving a dozen people injured. this after officials say the highway went from dry to snow covered in just three minutes. janice dean is live in new york where we re seeing a dusting right now but nothing like that in new hampshire. it s going to remain really tricky all across the eastern seaboard as we see the new system move in along with the new year. let s look at the current temperatures. we re going to see or feel the coldest air of the season later on this week but six currently in rapid city. you can see where the cold front is. ahead of the cold front warm unstable air and potential for severe weather today. winter weather advisories over half a dozen states, blizzard warnings for parts of north dakota and freezing rain advisories down wind of the great lakes as well as western pennsylvania. really tricky driving if you re heading home this weekend especially across the southeast where we have a tornado watch in effect. we don t have warnings but just so you know you want to be paying close attention to your local weather stations. we have a lot of snow moving across the great lakes as well as interior sections of the northeast. several inches of snow over the next 12 to 24 hours and see the pink here that s freezing rain. so really dangerous conditions on the roadways not only today but into sunday and even monday as the next batch moves in with the colder air. forecast snowfall, several inches here for the lower elevations. higher elevations could get over a foot. skiers love it. across the upper midwest, the next weather maker moves in bringing several inches of snow along with the coldest air of the season. we re into january. it s going to feel like winter for a lot of folks, below zero for the daytime high pittsburgh how low will it go in chicago? 30 degrees as the morning low on sunday and it just drops significantly wednesday and thursday morning minus 13. that s an actual air temperature. that s not a windchill. so get ready, get set. oh, my gosh. how about my vermont ski trip next weekend? i think you re going to have a lot of powder and it s going to be cold but i know you ll enjoy it. i m used to the cold. i remember last year was the cold eflt ski season i ever experienced. you re set for it. thank you very much. lawmakers maying feeling heat right now a new poll shows what americans are most concerned about heading into 2015 and the number one issue is not the economy. and also a gut-wrenching story of survival after a plane crash in kentucky. a jazz musician looks back on her incredible journey and how she managed to turn adversity into beautiful music. okay, call me crazy, but i like it when my hygienist lets me know i m doing a good job. i like it when my toothpaste lets me know too. that s why i went pro. go pro with crest pro-health. it s specially formulated for an intensive clean. it s great. i can really feel it deep cleaning my mouth. for a clean that s 4x better try these crest pro-health products together. my hygienist is going to love this. crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most. go pro, with crest pro-health i knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! welcome back, we ve got an incredible story of survival. a 7-year-old girl getting released from the hospital after surviving a plane crash that killed four members of her family. will carr picks up the story with more. authorities are saying it is a miracle that this 7-year-old girl survived the crash and then managed to find help. a nearby resident, his name is larry wilkins, says he just finished watching the news when he heard a faint knock at the door. she thought her arm was broke. and her left foot was hurting pretty bad. she was bare footed by the way one sock on her feet. she walked all of that distance barefooted. wilkins says the 7-year-old managed to walk 3/4 of a mile from the crash site to his home through very rough terrain. she simply said she had been in a plane crash and that her parents were dead. authorities have identified the four victims in the crash last night as 48-year-old marty gusler and kimberly gusler and piper gusler and her cousin, sierra wilder all from nashville, illinois. the plane was going from florida to illinois when the pilot reported engine trouble. a short time later the plane crashed in southwest kentucky. it s always bad when there s a loss of life, especially near the holidays and when it s a family. we re thankful that there is at least a survivor. the faa and ntsb are on the scene at the crash site trying to figure out exactly what went wrong. very bitter sweet story. thank you very much. politicians may have a problem on their hands again a new poll shows what americans are most concerned about heading into the new year and believe it or not it is not the economy. topping the list, 18% say the biggest problem lies on capitol hill with our elected officials. let s bring in angela mclowan and senior strategist for this says a lot about the president s ability to see it both ways and when something reaches a republican in congress and falls on the desk of the president, he doesn t necessarily like to agree with the republicans on just about everything. you re exactly right. i m not surprised that government is the number one issue. americans have had a rude awakening, a costly one but with dysfunction in congress and the politics being played by the white house, it s been a costly experience where americans now know government plays a role in every aspect of our lives. i think they are afraid that president obama will not work with the republican congress as you just said. okay so then you tell me, ben. what is going to give? angela, actually surprised me. this president should be a little bit more like bill clinton and listen to republicans. i think this president is doing a lot of listening and what he s hearing is he? on what? things like immigration obamacare? the public wants a government that actually works for them. when you look at this poll, you see a public that feels like the government is working for special interests, for wall street banks and people with armies of lobbyists and lawyers rather than middle class families. ben i m sorry, julie. let him finish. he s at least trying to do something about the problems that face each of us in our everyday lives. that s what the government need to do and selling out to wall street banks is not the way to do it. ben it s because of president obama s failed policies and the fact that harry reid lost his job asthma jort leader didn t even pass a budget. under the auspices of the politics of president obama, democrats marched in line. bill clinton signed 70% of the contracts with america. that was a capital gains tax cut. it gave so much to the american people where they were in more control of their pocketbooks than the federal government. i m hopeful that president obama if he cares about his legacy, which we know he does he ll work with the republican congress to help it. i want to show you a poll that maybe you can comment on this. it s a fox news poll that shows you how the american public feels about the congressional job performance, republicans versus democrats. if you look at the bottom left hand number you have the disapproval, 64% democrats in congress and 66% disapprove republicans in congress. it doesn t seem anyone has any trust in congress whether it s democratic or republican led. how are any decisions then supposed to be made if there s such little trust in our government? well julie let i ve got to jump in here. typical americans have seen wages flat for the last 30 years. young people can t afford to buy a house. they can barely afford to pay student loans. when they look at congress in both parties they don t see a lot of leadership for tackling those type of issues. if republicans as well as democrats want to make a serious dent in how the public feels about them, they need to start focusing on issues that affect regular people and not just special interests. republicans should not vote 50 times to repeal obamacare, we got it the first couple of times i m with you there. democrats did the same in fighting what americans want to do and what she want to see republicans and democrats work together to create a better america. angela and ben thank you very much for your comments. we appreciate it. thank you. thank you. kelly? well it s the first beyond the dream of the new year and we focus on a woman known for becoming a first in jazz music history. it began in harlem, usa, a place of storied history and place where legendary performers and musicians gave birth to the most indigenous art form jazz. among the trail blazers working their craft in harlem nightclubs like the cotton club paving the way for fut or artists like a young girl named bobby hump free and she s our focus of today s beyond the dream. in 1971 i came to new york, $400. my flut and my faith. she is known as the first lady of flute came about after the jazz great dizzy gillespie heard her perform at smu. dizzy encouraged her to move to new york city where her musical talent could be discovered. taking that advice, bobbibecame a regular performer at the apollo theater. as the saying goes, the rest is history. her hard work paved the way for her to become the first female musician to sign a recording contract with the iconic blue note records in 1971. and she still is making music today. bobbi you became a pioneer for women in the jazz industry, a male dominated industry. how did you survive it and how did you succeed? of all of the things i ve been blessed with, i ve been blessed with a good heart and eagerness. and to keep after all of these years an enthusiasm about what i do her home state of texas, bobbiis big in heart, living with big faith and big dreams. i believe that we re all blessed with so many talents but there s one thing you do better than anyone else that you re not even competing, you re just fulfilling your mission. and really it s almost missionary work. after release of successful classics like harlem river drive, her star began to rise, earning praise from elton john and andy warhol. her most ar dent support came from the legendary stevie wonder who invited her to play on one of her most successful albums. he invited me to play on his album in 1976, that s me playing on another star the flute solo and so many places with him. he just has a good heart. bobbi has enjoyed performing around the world she did not like the business side of music. she learned it can be very cut throat especially when you re a woman dealing in a man s world. after going through tough legal battles with two record companies she eventually created her own record label, paradise sound. it enables her to have total control of her music and intellectual property like poems and photography. the record industry has certainly changed. when you get burned, but even a marketwise it s different. i m an analog girl living in a digital world. i had to adjust. for more than 40 years bobbi humphr humphrey has been inspiring millions with her music and becoming the pied piper of the american dream. the legacy i want to pass on is one of love, love one another and love what you do and try to motivate. advocate and also be a personal who makes a difference. and she is making a difference, her latest project by the way is fashion police. she s been playing the flute how long? 40 years professionally. about how long you ve been singing, i think, right? you should do a duet yeah, that s about a possible breakthrough in the search for wreckage and victims from the airasia crash. four big objects located on the ocean floor. are they closer to finding the critical black boxes? the new republican congress getting ready to act on the keystone oil pipeline, but some demonstrators in washington say the bill should never leave the president s desk. these ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but i m a bit skeptical of sure things. why s that? look what daddy s got. ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. out for a bike ride. i didn t think i d have a heart attack. but i did. i m mike and i m very much alive. now my doctor recommends a bayer aspirin regimen to help prevent another heart attack. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. you know your dentures can move, unlike natural teeth. try fixodent plus true feel. the smooth formula helps keep dentures in place. it s free of flavors and colorants, for a closer feeling to natural teeth. fixodent. and forget it. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that s right. it s just that i m worried about you know hidden things. ok, why s that? no hidden fees from the bank where no branches equals great rates. it is the bottom of the hour, time for the top of the news indonesia reporting a recovery crews may have found the main wreckage from airasia flight 8501. sonar picked up four massive objects on the bottom of the java sea near where the disappeared last sunday. now we re learning that the captain may not have had permission to even fly that route. let s bring in rob marr and fox news aviation analyst rob, thanks for joining us this afternoon. it s disturbing when people hear in the aftermath of this tragedy, that maybe this didn t have to happen at all since 8501 was flying the wrong route. how does that happen? that s a management oversight issue really. for listeners that it doesn t necessarily mean it would have been a safety issue because whether you flew the same flight on thursday or tuesday or monday, wouldn t really make too much difference but it does go to the fact they were not supposed to be doing it and nobody noticed it. and rob you and i discussed this the night that they made the initial discoveries and talking about the fact that this pilot was at 32000 feet for an altitude and had requested to go up to 34,000 feet to avoid heavy storms and heavy clouds as he reported. why didn t air traffic control allow that to happen? well most likely traffic. i mean really the only reason they would normally ever have to refuse a request is for other air traffic in the area. but of course what we re all wondering is that there were other airplanes operating in the vicinity. we don t know what happened to these guys that didn t happen to everybody else. let s center on the recovery efforts. 30 bodies have been recovered so far. we know that sonar has picked up pieces on the ocean floor. is it your belief that that could be the fuselage and that s where the bulk of the passengers and crew would likely be found? well, from the evidence that we have, i mean the indication is that this major piece was i believe almost 60 feet long. and the a-320, 123 feet i believe, nose to tail when it s intact. this is the largest section of the fuselage. again, what we re going to be looking for too is whether the tail section is one of these other smaller pieces. because, of course that s where the flight data recorders are. of course from those flight data recorders better known to many as black boxes. what can we learn or ascertain about what likely contributed to this crash? we ll know everything. we ll hear the last recording of the cockpit crew. their actual voices but all of the indications, every moment of the controls every moment of the engine thrust controls everything will be recorded on that data recorder. and we haven t heard that yet, it hasn t been found yet. does it appear that this crash may have may have been incurred some sosht of kas strofic failure once they did not get the go ahead to go to higher altitude? i don t know. that s a tough one. i mean, judgment call as a pilot, i would be very surprised to hear that they tried to get over the weather because the weather was way up in the high 40s, low 50s for the tops. this airplane didn t have the capabilities to climb that high. why they didn t just simply turn 90 degrees one way or another and kind of parallel it while they tried to figure out a way through it, that i can t figure out yet. or even return. well or we don t do that. we talked about that earlier. pilots don t ever turn around. they just don t. it s part of our ego, which is one of our great failings, actually. all right, rob mark, thank you. you re most welcome kelly. it s a new year and new congress going to work with construction of the controversial keystone pipeline the house plans to vote on the same measure it approved in november. but now there s a republican controlled senate waiting for it as well. the pipeline would move oil from canada to refineries in the u.s. but some people are not happy about it. molly is watching the story in washington. president obama says the keystone pipeline is quote not going to be a huge benefit to u.s. consumers but republicans believe it would be a big job creator and plan to move forward with it as the first order of business in the 114th congress. the senate reconvenes on tuesday as republicans take over the majority in the senate and expand majority in the house. on wednesday the senate energy committee would hold a hearing on the keystone bill with a vote expected on thursday. republicans plan to move that bill to a full senate vote soon after that. gop senator mitch mcconnell who will take over next week says the pipeline will create well paying high wage jobs. and said republicans are quote optimistic that a bill can get through the senate and house and get to the president s desk. president obama however has voiced concern that the keystone pipeline might contribute to global warming and says there are better ways to create jobs such as public works projects. whether the president would veto a keystone bill and set up confrontation with the congress or save it for another bill isn t clear. he will certainly veto anything he disagrees with i think he s looking forward to brandishing the veto pen because he s hardly ever used it. he may veto fewer things than we think. republicans would need democratic support in both chambers in order to get the 2/3 majority to override a presidential veto. thank you very much. closing the exit door for u.s. troops in afghanistan, the new afghan president says his country may still need american troops beyond 2016. how long will u.s. forces be fighting the taliban and their terrorist allies captain chuck nash will join us next with his thoughts. comfort keepers can provide a variety of in-home services for your aging loved ones. we ll assess their needs and create a custom care plan that can change as 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there are only about 10,000 american troops in afghanistan and after the u.s. officially ended the military mission last week president obama plans to bring the remaining troops home by 2016. but the deadline may need to be reexamined. if both parties or in this case multiple partners have done their best to achieve the objectives, then there should be willingness to reexamine. did you tell president obama that? president obama knows. we don t need to tell each other. joining us now to discuss this chuck nash, our fox news military analyst. good of you to join us today. hope you re doing well as always. indeed, thank you kelly. this deadline for a total withdrawal of troops from afghanistan is just two years away and now president beganny, rebegan reghani reexamining i think he s a realist. this guy is not somebody that just got plucked off the street. he s a well educated man, set on the faculty at berkeley and johns hopkins, doctorate from columbia, finance minister of afghanistan and worked for the world bank. he was ranked the number two intellectual in the world on a poll by foreign policy magazine. he is sharp and knows what he s doing. he s sharing power with abdullah abdullah who he ran against in the september election. that presents a problem because you ve got the military, which the u.s. has built and trained and it s a $5 billion a year operation to run that military. the government of afghanistan cannot afford that. so i think what ashraf ghani is saying, i have to share power with my political adversary and appoint people who are politically confident but also ethnically diverse, there are 11 ethnicities in afghanistan. and i have to pick people based on a little bit of spoils thing, the realism comes in. he s doing a two-fold thing. he s got to deal with the military situation and the security forces as well as the harder problem of standing up a representative government. it sounds a lot like iraq doesn t it? in days after the war ended there and the same problems existed in terms of tribal factions, how do you bridge that divide. with this kind of thing going on in afghanistan thehow should the united states be responding? the united states should look back at our experience in iraq and say, did we do the right thing? if we had a do-over, would we have stood down the iraqi military in the first place, but when we left, it we not in fact snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? history will tell us that. we ll see how it plays out with isis and everything. your point about the division politically and ethnically within iraq is spot on. we trusted the maliki government and gave them incentives to tune to take care of the sunni and they didn t. and that s what allowed isis to come into the sunni territories the extreme dissatisfaction with the government. we do not want to repeat that process in afghanistan. yeah, no, we don t especially with the threat of isis and taliban wanting to do something. let me ask you this in an upcoming interview, john campbell believes the afghan security forces are in fact ready to defend afghanistan on their own with minimal coalition support. is that forecasting really good or is he solid enough on footing to say that? well he s the expert he s there, the senior military officer. i have to go with his assessment. at the same time when he says the afghan military is ready to do that, they maybe trained and have the combat skills but if you don t have a government prepared to fund and supply the military in the field as we saw in iraq that s my point, the same thing we heard in iraq, the u.s. generals saying they are ready iraqi forces are ready and saw them get trained. when it came time to really put up or fight, they actually ran. well and again, it was a shia militia that took over the iraqi military. it s just gangs that came in off the street. they were selling appointments and commissions and then they were bilking the soldiers out of pay. there are 50,000 soldiers or so in the iraqi military that weren t really there. they were on the rolls and paying officers off so they could go back home and work. they were receiving military pay splitting with officers back homeworking. any time you have graft that s so indemic in a culture, it s going to be extremely difficult to operate anywhere close to what we see as military efficiency. captain chuck nash. i m not casting dispersions on the general but the optimism is something people have to analyze quite quite thoroughly because we ve seen i for one hope he s 100% spot on, we ll see. i do too. thank you, captain. my pleasure. a breakthrough medical study shedding light on how much we can and cannot control when it comes to cancer. you don t want to miss this next. okay, call me crazy, but i like it when my hygienist lets me know i m doing a good job. i like it when my toothpaste lets me know too. that s why i went pro. go pro with crest pro-health. it s specially formulated for an intensive clean. it s great. i can really feel it deep cleaning my mouth. for a clean that s 4x better try these crest pro-health products together. my hygienist is going to love this. crest pro-health protects all these areas dentists check most. go pro, with crest pro-health i knew i was going to nail it. yep, i did! is cancer beyond our control? a new study on dozens of different cancers linking a fraction of them to faulty genes or unhealthy lifestyle. scientists concluding most of them are simply the result of bad luck with stem cells. let s bring in dr. marty mccarey, a physician at johns hopkins as well as a cancer surgeon. you know, the reason why people develop cancer has been a mystery. a lot of people say it s her it tri and lifestyle and someone who smokes lives to be 90 and someone who lives a healthier age gets cancer at the young age. it s been a big dilemma for people not just in medicine but the general public, why someone who lives a bad lifestyle can live cancer free and someone who eats well and avoids uv light can develop cancer early in life. this new study shows that it may be related to factors that are totally random about 65% of the time. that is the normal cell growth can just randomly go wrong and lead to a mutation that causes cancer and about 65% of the cancers out there. the other 35% may be more susceptible to what we call the environmental or lifestyle factors. how do they do the study? what they did they did a pure mathematical model, calculated the number of cell divisions in 31 different tissue types and they found when there were more cell divisions or opportunities for mutation, there were higher rates of cancer. okay, so the question then is how does cancer start and we are we any closer to a cure for cancer? you know, for decades we ve been talking about the war on cancer. the truth is our death rates are about the same as they were a decade ago. sometimes we need to think of cancer as something to manage, not just try to cure but also to treat almost like a chronic disease in certain circumstances. we can cure cancer when it s in one spot and inject it or cut it out. but when it spreads through the body that s what we ve not made much progress on. the study does link cancer with stem cells and then there s the controversial issue of stem cell research. if your stem cells are copying each other, how could stem cell research potentially possibly be the future cure of cancer? well, a couple thoughts. stem cells are essentially rapidly growing early cells and some have thought we could replace cancer or normal tissue with stem cells, others have said it could create more possible mutations. what we know there s probably about 35% of cancers out there where we can effect the course of the cancer. most of them we can t. those who have stored cord blood and cord tissue, there have been cases where stem cells were used to cure children of leukemia and people in the blood line. so there s a lot to say about the ability that stem cell research could have on the future. very promising. thank you very much. thank you julie. that is going to do it for us. the journal editorial report is coming up next. great to have you back, kelly. good to be back. (scraping sound) what are you doing? the dishes are clean. i just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. ew. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through your toughest messes better than the competition the first time. cascade. now that s clean. does a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism? then you might be gearcentric. get a $15 gift card when you buy $75 in hp ink or any hp toner multipack. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. this week on the journal editorial report from washington to wall street and around the world the stories to watch in 2015 as the presidential field begins to take shape, will hillary clinton see a challenge from the left? will the front-runner emerge from the republican? will president obama cut a nuclear deal with iran and will vladimir putin push back as the pressure builds from home. is this a breakout year for the american economy or will new regulations keep the boom at bay? welcome to the journal editorial report. as we look at the stories to watch in

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Weekends With Alex Witt 20150103

witt. i am in for alex while she takes times off. a story from kentucky a 7-year-old girl the only survivor of a small plane crash that left four people dead her parents, her sister and cousin. state police say the girl was in emotional distress but walked through the dark woods to get help. she knocked on the door and she had to walk close to three quarters of a mile through woods with downed trees and everything else and she told me when she got here she said her mom and dad were dead. the girl was taken to the hospital for treatment of nonlife threatening injuries. anthony, a very busy past week for you and we appreciate you being with us as well. an unfortunate week for aviation. what do we know this far? does it seem suitable for this long of a trip? yes, this aircraft is a pa-34-200 turbo charged. it s approved flight for known icing conditions. it s quite a capable small corporate or family airplane and it s suitable for this kind of travel and for flying in somewhat bad weather. we know there was a distress call made so when the pilot of this type of plane calls for help what can be done by air traffic control? very little can be done other than to direct the pilot to the closest suitable airport that they can land. if there is no airport within the distance the pilot reports he can make the air traffic controller will try to assist him to guide him to the highway to known open fields where the pilot can put the aircraft down. this aircraft is suitable for travel. this plane was making a trip from key west florida, to mt. vernon, illinois. it s capable for that kind of travel but when you have an investigation like this so far, is the process a lot different for this plane than for a commercial jet? no the process is very very much the same. as a matter of fact i received the information this morning about this aircraft and we were able very quickly, just before the broadcast, to put together a probable scenario. we learned that the conditions at the time of the flight near where the plane went down were somewhat marginal. it was overcast. surface temperatures were 33 to 35 degrees farenheit, just above freezing. more importantly, the dew point was approximately 35 degrees as well. when you have dew point and temperature meeting like that, it s likely you had diminished visibility conditions and fog and mist and drizzle. we are now combining that with a northeast wind. that brings in moisture from the ocean and the mountains lift up the air, and the air cools as it goes up and at altitude it s likely this pilot may have encountered icing conditions. when the kentucky/tennessee area in the blue ridge mountain area this area can develop severe icing very rapidly, and although the aircraft is a known icing aircraft, it is designed to only spend sort periods of time in icing, and so it may be that the pilot encountered overwhelming icing conditions. really tragic overall and astounding to hear that 7-year-old survived. joining me now on the phone is the man you heard in that interview, larry wilkins. i can imagine the kind of whirlwind night you had with that little girl knocking at your door. tell us how that girl was telling you the story, what was your first reaction? just try to help her as much as i could. the little girl was dressed for florida weather, and she had on short pants and a real light blouse, and her shirt and she was barefoot and she had one sock on her foot. her nose was bloody and her legs were all scratched up and arms were all scratched up and she had walked about three quarters of a mile through terrible terrain, woods that in 2008 we had a ice storm here and knocked down a lot of trees, and it s woods that never have been cleaned up. i wouldn t want to walk through that woods after dark. i can t imagine not only in the dark but after a plane crash and seeing your parents and plane upside down. what did she tell you the moment you opened the door? she just told me her mom and dad were dead and she had been in a plane crash and the plane was upside down. i brought her in the house and elevated her feet called 911, and got a wash cloth and cleaned her up the best i could, and fortunately, they were here in less than ten minutes. i can t imagine the emotional trauma and the psychological distress she was in. how did she seem to you? did she seem like she was in shock? probably. i mean she is only 7 years old, and for a 7-year-old she was very, very composed. like i said to the other news agency, i am getting a lot of attention here but she should be getting the attention. i am sure the attention should be on her physical recovery and emotional and psychological recovery after experiencing that and seeing her family. what did you do while you waited for the authorities to arrive? was she talking to you at all? yes ma am, she was talking, but she was very very difficult to understand because she was her lips were trembling and she was crying on and off a little, but not like you would expect a normal 7-year-old to do, so i am assuming she was quite a bit in shock. i understand that you also tried to accompany her to the hospital but you were not allowed, is that correct? that s correct. what happened there? well she wanted me to go with her, because i guess i was the only person she recognized you know and of course the emt s scared her when they put the neck brace on her and put her on the board that they put her on and strapped her down and she was scared. and she said you go with me but like i said they wouldn t allow that. i even said well i will just go to the hospital, and they said it won t do you any good because they won t let you in. sir, for what you went through you sound very composed yourself, you have had time to settle in and realize what happened to you and what happened to her? no not really. i just get kind of emotional talking about it. naturally after seeing and experiencing what you went through and hearing her story. let me ask you this is there any indication that you might see this girl again just to kind of give her a hug if anything? i can t imagine what she is going through in the days to come knowing that the family was traveling from florida to illinois, and she is there in kentucky without any family members as of yet, and if they have to travel are you going to try and make any attempt to see her if that is possible? if they notified her family they will be here. she was from nashville, illinois and probably 110 miles or so so her family should be here if she has any family left. i don t have any idea. our hearts go out to her and her family. we so thank you for your time this morning sharing that astounding story of hers with us. we appreciate it. a brave little girl. and then some. absolutely. larry, thank you very much. yes, ma am. i want to turn to the weather this morning and the arctic blast gripping part of the nation blinding snow in amarillo, texas, as a huge storm system moves across the country. the storm is expected to drop more than a foot of snow from kansas city to maine. ice storm warnings remain from west texas into central oklahoma. more than half an inch of ice could accumulate on roads and power lines, and drivers had a tough go of it in wichita falls, texas. it was worse in new hampshire on friday when a squall surprised drivers causing a chain reaction crash. some drivers say it was sunny one minute and then the next it was a whiteout. the squall came in and cars were just spinning out one after the other. you have to be super careful. i grew up in canada so watching the cars go by and they are going much faster than we are, and i am anything that s not an intelligent approach. police say there were a few injuries, all of them minor. in arizona, much of the talk was, look at this white on the red rocks of the grand canyon. reynolds wolf? reporter: i am coming from mobile, alabama. today we have got a chance of severe storms, and we also have a bowl game that is going to be here, the go daddy bowl game and that game is tomorrow and many festivities today. we have a outdoor party, a pep rally, and the israel severe weather. we will see storms roll in from the west and some might produce strong winds and hail and large amounts of rainfall and the chance of tornadic activity. you take a look at the national perspective over towards the central plains could see snowfall and rain move into the ohio valley and some into the great lakes, and we are going to see the chance of scattered showers. we could see widespread delays and in the deep south. sfl many headaches for a lot of americans on your saturday. so it looks like the weekend of troublesome weather. we will send it back to you. thank you for the update. indonesia officials say search teams have located two large objects in their search for the wreckage of the air asia jet. they are about 90 feet underwater and teams are attempting to get images of the objects. the air asia airbus afplt crashed and 30 bodies have been recovered so far. we will get a live report on the new developments in moments. the iraqi government released video of its forces in another area retaken from isis terrorists. isis used a factory to make bombs and suicide vest and ieds, and the iraqi military says it s forces killed more than 400 members of isis. and then monks will lead a ceremony for lieu on sunday. he was murdered in his patrol car two weeks ago. california is turning a corner in the immigration debate. the golden state began to let undocumented immigrants apply for driver s license on friday. this is a dream come true, pretty much getting my driver s license. i was dreaming about it three years already, since i came here, that s the time i started to dream about that. the new law requires the proof of identity and a state residents. what your first grade life says about the rest of it. it s about breaking the cycle of poverty. and then the iwatch not living up to the hype. stay with us. but i m a bit skeptical of sure things. why s that? look what daddy s got. ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. the question i get get the most is probably, do you feel fear? what s the closest you have ever come to death? they re boring. i have a website because i need a way to put myself forward in my own way. this is my story and and this is how i want to share it with people. i m alex honnold and this is my squarespace. does a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism? then you might be gearcentric. get a $15 gift card when you buy $75 in hp ink or any hp toner multipack. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. ring ring!. progresso! it s ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it s our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i m watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself when heartburn comes creeping up on you. fight back with relief so smooth. .it s fast. tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue .and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum, tum tum tum. smoothies! only from tums. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that s right. it s just that i m worried about you know hidden things. ok, why s that? no hidden fees from the bank where no branches equals great rates. the white house is taking its first action in response to the hacking of sony with a new round of sanctions on north korea. it would affect three north korean entities including the primary intelligence organization, and officials of the north korean government. americans are prohibited from doing business with them. and then weather is hindering the search for the wreckage of air asia. teams have located two large objects in their search. no survivors have been found and 30 bodies have been recovered so far. and kelly brings us those details. kelly? reporter: they are still struggling with the high waves in terms of getting a camera below the sea surface underwater to get a view of the two very large objects they spotted by sonar, one of them 30 feet long and 15 feet wide. search crews bring more bodies to shore, ships at the wreckage site see the most promising clue yet, two large objects. the head of the search said i can confirm that this is part of the air asia aircraft we have been looking for. investigators believe air asia 8501 may have stalled mid flight in bad weather and fallen out of the sky. the pilot may have landed the plane on the water and passengers were unable to get out before it sank. i find it very unlikely that this crew was intentionally trying to put the plane down on the water from a high altitude especially if it s going to be a loss of control, it s going to be high speed or high energy impact. and the family buried the flight attendant, and the airline now under more scrutiny. some flights are grounded because air asia did not have the right permit. at this home they are planning more funerals. this man lost his brother, sister-in-law and mother and 9-year-old niece. he told me he is optimistic they will find the bodies but it s in god s hands. his sister-in-law was the first plane crash victim to be identified and that happened on thursday, and she was laid to rest later that day. francis? thank you very much for that report. the cdc declares the flu outbreak an epidemic so how bad will it get, and what your holiday tweets revealed about the shopping season. curl up with their favorite man. but here s the thing: about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and remember, you only take it when you need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra. esurance was born online. which means fewer costs, which saves money. their customer experience is virtually paperless which saves paper, which saves money. they have smart online tools so you only pay for what s right for you which saves money. they settle claims quickly which saves time, which saves money. they drive an all-hybrid claims fleet which saves gas, which saves money. they were born online, and built to save money, which means when they save, you save. because that s how it should work in the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. ugh. .heartburn. did someone say burn? 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s.a.p. did a analysis and they measured two things did people shop and what did they say about it? if you bought electronics, didn t always have the best experience. maybe they were sold out and complained about the price. if you bought other categories toys, you would say, i love diamonds. they also noticed people bought for their significant others 21% of the tweets they analyzed and they looked at 28 million of them before thanksgiving so maybe you move up your advertising accordingly. by friday people are burnt out on christmas and the tweets tended to be more negative interesting stuff. yeah we will see christmas tweets this year after halloween. right now, early 2015 and that probably means february. they are not taking preorders, and i think it will be a big hit. what are you going to do with your other watch? and then the venture capitalist said quote, might not be a home run and that create add big swirl, but as was discussed extensively on cnbc if you look at it it s all relative. some people say it will sell 10 million or 30 million, and in the first quarter they only sold 10 million ipads, and the sequence, as they launch these, some will get whatever the price they want to be and then they lower the price and go after the mainstream audience and so would you bet against apple? i certainly wouldn t. i wait for my techie friends to get it and then i try to frigid with it and decide whether i need one of those. two wrists two watches. we will double fist it. thank you very much. with the flu becoming a dangerous and deadly epidemic how could the current vaccine not be able to protect you from the most commune strain of the flu? how will news scandals affect congress to get something done? we ll take a look. fifty omaha set hut losing feeling in my toes nothing beats that new car smell chicken parm you taste so good nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm thanks. [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to enable global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin) cut it out. see you tomorrow. the schelp then the spill. now the scrub and the second guess. finally, the rewash. or you can make it easy and do the pop with tide pods. the first 3 in 1 laundry pack. it cleans, brightens, and removes stains in one step. tide pods one step to an amazing clean. welcome back to weekends with alex witt. here is your fast five headlines. australia, wind-whipped wild fliers chase people from their homes. six homes have been destroyed with hundreds more in jeopardy. and then the body of a missing american hiker has been found. authorities say it appears he fell off of a cliff. and in cleveland, the investigation into the fatal police shooting to the 12-year-old boy has been shifted to the county sheriff. the transfer was made to insure impartiality. and then little jimmy dickens passed away yesterday at the age of 94. he stood just 4 11 and performed almost continuously since 1948. a rider on a zip line in las vegas has a story to tell got stuck 80 feet above the street and he dangled for almost an hour before the fire department got there. those are your fast five headlines this morning. now back to the developing story out of kentucky where a 7-year-old girl is the only survivor of a plane crash that left her parents and sister and a cousin dead as she walked through nearly a mile of dark woods to get help. reporter: the small plane crashed in the heavily wooded area in kentucky friday night. state police identified the victims as a couple from nashville, illinois. their 9-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old cousin also died in the crash. their 7-year-old daughter survived. friday night a man heard a knock on his door and was stunned to find the little girl outside with blood on her legs and face. she had to walk close to three quarters of a mile through woods with downed trees and briers. the family was flying from key west florida, in mt. vernon. she told me when she got here, she said her mom and dad were dead. reporter: that little girl the sole survivor now recovering at a kentucky hospital. john yang nbc news. such a remarkable and tragic story. new concerns today about the severity of the flu season. the cdc says many states in the united states have reached epidemic levels and this year s vaccine is not a direct match for the strain spreading right now. our medical contributor joins me now. good morning and happy new year. i got my flu shot and is this reason for alarm here we are talking about january and february considered peak for flu season, so with the increased flu activity it s the strain and should i be worried the vaccine may not work? yes, we are predicting a much more severe season this time. the n3n 2 strain it s a virus, and the vaccine is not a perfect match for this particular strain and this is not atypical. we know viruses can mutate and it happened last spring too late because we are already manufacturing the flu vaccine, but roughly 50% will be susceptible to the vaccine, and even if it s not a perfect match, you are going to get partial protection. we are still advocating to get your vaccine. i definitely feel better about that. a lot of people may not realize the strain of the flu vaccination is chosen months ahead of time and for doctors it s an educated guess. is it correct to say they got it wrong this time this year tphao no, well okay so did they get it correct in that we were having an h3n2? they got that correct. but nobody can predict it will start to drift. and it needs to begin that early they can t make adjustments that late in the game you know to satisfy the strain that is now circulating, unfortunately. this happens year after year in a sense we only ever predict 55 to 60% coverage on a regular basis. so it s not too late for some of these people to get that. let s say you were vaccinated and still get the flu, and that still happens, what is out there, antiviral drugs that can help you when it comes to actually getting it, especially when it comes to children and the elderly, right? yeah and we want to stress the vulnerable or susceptible population are young people, and elderly and pregnant people and people with chronic illnesses or compromised immune systems. there s a number of anti-vie rulz available, and there was s a one-shot iv therapy, which would be used in the emergency room sample and it s a easy flu test and you will have an answer within minutes and you can start the anti-viral therapy, which is not a cure, but it can lesson the duration and symptoms. and i have grown to just not be offended when people don t shake your hands this time of year? yeah, and carry the alcohol-based sanitizers, and avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth, that s the portal entry for the virus. the stunning free fall at the gas pumps continues, and the average price is up to 53 cents. reporter: if you are looking for the cheapest gas in the country, 97% of the stations in missouri are selling regular for under $2 a gallon. nationwide gas prices down $1.08 from today. remember just a month ago we were at $2.76. really staggering. reporter: how staggering? in 38 states motorist can find stations selling gas for less than $2 a gallon and it s uncharted territory. the suspect that we never witnessed before is gas prices plunging even as the economy is still chugging. what stunned the global market is saudi arabia s decision to keep pumping oil to drive down prices and drive out competitors, like iran russia and even the u.s. this seems to be the beginning of the end for opec. and venezuela and nigeria and libya, they want saudi arabia and kauuwait to turn off the spigot. reporter: pennsylvania raised the gas prices at 10 cents a gallon, and up a penny in north carolina and nearly 3 cents in maryland, and up 5 cents in virginia. i don t like it. i think i pay virginia enough taxes. if it helps it s okay it s fine. i don t think it s a big deal for me at least. i think the lower gas prices overall have been great. if we were paying $4 for gas right now, and there s a 5 cents increase, but if you are paying 2 and change it s a big difference. reporter: economists say the big drop in pump prices should mean big savings for families in 2015 $500 to $700 per vehicle. in three days lawmakers will head back to d.c. to start the 114th congress where there will be a different makeup. both chambers controlled by republicans. skau lease came under fire for attending a meeting held by a white supremacist group in 2002 when he was a legislature. in a statement he said it was a mace particular i regret and i am oppose the divisive retial and religious views groups like these hold. and joining me now is our congressional reporter for the washington post. happy new year. thank you. this is the worst fallout for these for the republicans. unless something new surfaces regarding the associations with the white supremacist in louisiana he should pretty much be scott free. i think you will see democrats at different times try to remind voters about this but, you know he seems to have admitted that this was a one-time thing, and it s an anomaly, and top republicans and aides stand with him and agree with him, and they acknowledge if something else were to surface and provide more evidence of his associations with these people then he might be in trouble and might have to relinquish that leadership post. he got out ahead of it, and boehner as well the speaker supported him, and said there was nothing more to see and we will see what happens. why just not relinquish it right then and there, you know? because they said you know beyond just attending this event, there is no sense that he actually agreed with the group. if you go back 12 years, this group of people was still a very influential and sought after voting bloc in what became his congressional district and just because he attended it i think he made clear that he didn t agree with them. and the fact that he also had democrats in louisiana saying look, the guy doesn t have a racist bone in his body and i have been working him for years, and that provided him the political cover needed to hold on. let s talk about the 114th congress here. priorities given this is behind them what priorities do these republican leaders have in mind for the first day of charge here? in the senate, bipartisanship bipartisanship, and doing whatever they can to help improve the republican brand among independent voters and maybe democrats ahead of the election. in the house it s try to get as many things done and pass that were passed in the last two years and get them over to a now republican-controlled senate so they can be sent on to president obama. how many times over the course of the campaign did we hear republicans say, bills are piling up on harry reid s desk? now they will sit on mcconnells desk. and then we are talking about 296 bills signed into law in the 113th. 283 were signed in the 112th. both of them had split party control. is there any way to age in the 114th congress they will be more productive than the last two? i think you will probably see more passed by congress but whether or not they get signed by the president is the big question, and that will be part of the hang-up, to what extent are they willing to work with the president and how will something the white house willing to work with congress? lots of things have passed in the last weeks, and i suspect you will see republicans, especially trying to highlight the accomplishments in the new year as they send them on to the president for his potential signature. while people sit at home and watch, and you i sit and watch to see what they can get done. how does the lack of productivity affect all of us here as we watch? you know it depends on who you ask. a lot of republicans will say just because we are in congress doesn t mean we have to be passing new laws and maybe we should be repealing laws and that also requires passing something. right. right. and democrats on the flip side turn around and say we still have big issues with income inequality and women s rights and trying to raise the minimum wage, and this is what phased republican opposition and they will try to get those done in the next two years, but they will face a lot of resistance. it depends on who you ask and to what extent congress is doing or trying not to do. thank you very much. take care. achieving the american dream. what chance to children born in poverty have? d you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? you got to know when to hold em. know when to fold em. know when to walk away. know when to run. you never count your money, when you re sitting at the ta. what? you get it? i get the gist yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. does a freshly printed presentation fill you with optimism? then you might be gearcentric. get a $15 gift card when you buy $75 in hp ink or any hp toner multipack. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. questions? anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! live the regular life. phillips . growing up poor in america. the economic divide that many in this country face can have a multigenerational impact so if you are born poor you may be likely to remain poor throughout your life. johns hopkins followed a group of kids for decades, and this is what the university study found. thank you for being with us emily. thank you for having me. how many people did the study follow and for how long? these researchers were looking at a group of first grade kids that started in the baltimore public system in 1982 and initially they were 790 of them, and what was so remarkable about the study is the researchers were able to keep track of all of them over the life of the entire study which wound up spanning 25 years until these people were almost 30 and today they are almost 40 years old. you wrote a mere 4% of first graders classified as the urban disadvantaged had by the end of the study completed the college degree that has become more valuable than ever in the modern economy. are there any signs those numbers could improve? i think overall the findings of the study are a little bit sort of discouraging especially if you would like to think that children go into the school system and receive an education and have an opportunity, if you work hard you can do better than your parents did, and so many of the children wound up in life in very much the same position they had been born into and the same position their parents had been born into. we saw a lot of children who had been born of single mothers and themselves wound up to be single mothers, and children had no high school degree after their parents had no high school degrees. it was poverty perpetuating itself repeating from one generation to the next is a discouraging way. yeah i want to bring numbers that speaks to that. 33 of 314 in the study left the low income socioeconomic status and that s probably the american dream, usually people have kids that say i just want you to have a better life than i had, so where does that put that dream for these parents who were hoping for that? i mean i think that we like to think that if children just work hard and we give them opportunity and if they have good teachers, the school system in particular can create that opportunity for them, and one of the study tells, disadvantage surrounds children in so many different ways and you have disadvantage in your family, and if they did not go to college they are less likely to talk to you about going to college, and they had disadvantage in the neighborhood they grew up in and i think part of what this suggests as far as policy solutions is that we need to think about all of the different ways the disadvantage is baked into the environment of children growing up in these circumstances. it s tough, the study began in 1982 and hopefully the outlook for kids born now in 2015 will be a little bit better. we thank you for that perspective. thank you for having me. the alleged mastermind one of the worst terrorist attacks in america is dead. the latest on what happened in a moment. and the threat of isis to american troops in iraq. it could be growing even more dangerous. the alleged plotter of one of the worst terrorist attacks against the u.s. is dead this morning, abus al libi was accused masterminding the 1988 bombingsment u.s. embassies in tanzania. he reportedly died of sudden complications from chronic liver diseases. he was captured in a daring raid in libya in 2013. 12 americans and more than 10 americans were killed in the embassy bombings. joining me with more is he was accused by the united states of being the mastermind and a master plotter behind major bombings of u.s. facilities in tanzania and kenya. he spent time in sudan with osama bin laden and was seen as a number of other plotters that were throughout africa trying to basically bomb u.s. ships, military installations and in his case two embassies. wow. just a huge development there knowing that he died while in custody from health problems there. want to ask you while we have you here switching gears especially when it comes to the foyt fight against isis. yesterday saw an uptick in u.s. led air strikes against isis 23 in iraq and syria and the rumors of the failed rescue attempt in the stronghold of isis. the pentagon has denied it but there are some thoughts it could have been a jordanian mission to get their kidnapped pilot back. what are you hearing in that sense? i m hearing there was an action and the united states was involved attempting to rescue the jordanian pilot taken by isis. there was a combined attack by u.s. forces in the region and then some that had been reporting inside including some important networks inside rocka who are anti-isis spreading information back about what happened. and you so you had both that attack and then you had over in mosul a very important u.s. attack of a meeting of 15 senior isis leaders who were reportedly killed there so there s a very very big push boy the u.s. forces and its allies in both places. thamt coming amid reports that isis fighters are getting closer and closer to u.s. troops in iraq both the bbc and the washington post have recently recorded on the situation at the al assad air base. if we can pull up this map. it s been repeatedly attacked and 300 u.s. troops are posted here. just how close are these so-called advisers getting to the actual combat and how much is this reason for alarm? well i think there s huge reason for alarm. we re getting reports that the front may be as close as ten kilometers or just about six miles from this important base. it s the largest military base a former u.s. military base that we used during the iraq war in anbar region i think what s important to remember geographically is that isis in october already took three other military bases. smaller ones but important ones between baghdad and this base and so this base can t be reached in any other way than by air. and so it is very isolated. it s important. and there are 300 u.s. military advisers there right now, not in combat roles, but one has to assume we re not just going to let those people sit there if isis continues to encroach on this base and potentially attack it. some thinking is that isis is trying to take other parts of anbar and leave this till later but it s a very dire situation and i think that the u.s. military and its allies are going to have to look at what to do with this base. thank you for that insight. steve clemens, we appreciate your time. that wraps up this hour of weekend with alex witt. thanks so much for being with us. straight ahead, up with steve kornacki. i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. i better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn t treat chest congestion. really? 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Louisiana , United-states , Alabama , Australia , Amarillo , Texas , California , Tanzania , Syria , Wichita-falls , Russia , Washington

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20141210:06:09:00

Were waterboarded than the three that had been previously acknowledged. you were at the waterboarding of khalid sheikh mohammed, right? any other waterboardings that you saw. we waterboarded three people during the life of the program. that s it. three persons. i don t know where they get the other numbers. would we have gotten bin laden without the intelligence of ksm during the waterboarding released to you guys? didn t he open the door to the courier which led us to bin laden, is that true, sir? actually, the initial information came from a facilitator called hassan ghoul going back to 2002 and 2003, he actually told us about the courier. that s when we first heard about the courier. al-libi told us that he knew about the appointment to become

People , Waterboarding , Three , Waterboardings , Khalid-sheikh-mohammed , You-saw , Intelligence , Program , Bin-laden , Life , Numbers , Guys

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20141210:03:09:00

Didn t he open the door to the courier which led us to bin laden, is that true, sir? actually, the initial information came from a facilitator called hassan ghoul going back to 2002 and 2003, he actually told us about the courier. that s when we first heard about the courier. al-libi told us that he knew about the appointment to become the chief of operations through the courier and then ksm, of course, we intercepted a message that he sent to his fellow prisoners in which he says do not say a word about the courier. so we gained a lot of insight from our prisoners at the black sides about the importance of the courier, which eventually led to the takedown of bin laden. so in other words, you re saying that the accusation that these enhanced interrogation

Information , Courier , Sir , The-american , Bin-laden , Didn-t , Door , True , Facilitator , Hassan-ghoul , Al-libi , Appointment

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20140628:01:19:00

Is rendered and turned over to one of the most brutal intelligence services in the world. this is al libi years later in a libyan prison being visited by his family. this video was recently located by michael isikoff. within weeks of his interrogation in egypt, al libi coughs up this story that he hadn t told the fbi before, that saddam was training al qaeda in chemical and biological weapons. it s the single most frightening story that could have been told post-9/11. almost from the outset the intelligence community has doubts about the claim. a 2002 cia report states that questions persist about al libi s forthrightness and truthfulness and that in some instances he seems to have fabricated information. after the invasion, al libi will recant the story that was

Intelligence , World , Al-libi , Prison , Family , Services , One , Saddam-hussein , Al-qaeda , Story , Michael-isikoff , Egypt