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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170610 00:00:00

but when you compare director comey s testimony yesterday, which was quite compelling, believable and composed to the ways the president conducted himself today at the rose garden, i think james comey is going to win any credibility contest. what is your problem with how the president conducted himself today at the rose garden? this is a serious investigation, he was standing in quite a prestigious place, the rose garden and was asked if there were tapings, he sort of swintimated there were and said that investigation could be coming soon. there is not a reality show. this is the president of the united states with allegations of obstruction of justice taking place. the president did say he was 100% willing to testify under oath. will you call on the special counsel bob mueller to depose the president of the united
his side will be more believable? jeff sessions apparently was in the room, jared kushner was in the room. and apparently there s more to hear from admiral rogers and coats. i think that will be telling as to who you would believe in a situation like this. but by comey s own admission, there were never more than two people in the world james comot president trump and james comey. that may go to intent. if there are no taped produced by may 23, what are you prepared to do? i ll leave we re seeking
this voluntarily. and if that is refused then we ll see if a subpoena is appropriate. i know that he has been signing off on subpoenas, i think that s inappropriate. i hope he stops doing that because we still need to work with him on nonrussia related matters and he needs to have credibility when we do that. let s bring in our panel now, kirsten powers, laura coats and professor foley. i have never quite understood what the white house is playing out here with these tapes, the president said in that initial tweet, james comey better hope there are not tapings of this conversation. and then the white house refuseded to say whether or not these tapes exist. from a legal standpoint, what does the white house get for
being so vague? i don t know, a lot of speculation here, because we don t even know if the tapes exist, frankly, i these if the tapes do exist, one reason why the president might hesitate to turn over those tapes and be a little bit coy about that right now to buy some time for the white house lawyers and the legal team to assert executive privilege, that s a privilege that covers deliberations between the president and his closest advisors, so it may be that portions of the tapes are covered by the privilege and portions of them aren t. and i think they would probably want to get their little legal eggs in a row before they reveal if the tapes existed. and right now they re under no compulsion to turn them over. i have also never understood what the white house gets out of this game dancing around whether there are tapes? i don t know what the white house gets out of it either.
having been in the white house, i value the president of the united states being able to get candid advice in the oval office. if there would be publicly known that there was a taping system, to me that s a little bit chilling, i sort of hope that there aren t tapes because i think it s extremely valuable to be able to speak with the president candidly which you can t do if there are tapes there. if there are tapes, the american people need to know, correct? i think we re all out so far in front of our skis that we need to get back a little bit and get back in the chair lift. we could be talking here about a tape on a cell phone of a meeting we don t even know about or a partial meeting or whatever. right now what is clear to those of us who have studied this white house is that donald trump is engaged in a scorched earth
battle against james comey and he s playing to his base for all its worth. he s trying to discredit comey, he s trying to rouse his faith. he ee s somebody that s worried about down the line, he s gone to the question, comey is a leaker, thinking that is going to discredit him, particularly with his own base, when in fact donald trump is a leaker, he s been a leaker for all of his professional life, he s even leaked by falsely impersonating himself under another name. so this is a big game in which the president and the people around him know that he has been damaged, that these investigations are closing in on him and right now he wants to
push the weight of his followers behind him and he wants to keep them in place so republicans on the hill don t abandon him. he needs to have republicans on the hill saying we need to get to the bottom of whatever it is that this president doesn t want us to know. so he s playing a game here. susan powers, do you think there are tapes here? i think if there were tapings and they exonerated donald trump they would be released. maybe there are tapes that don t exonerate him, maybe that s why he s being coy about it. does anybody find this conversation bizarre, that this is a president of the united states, it s literally like talking to a 14-year-old, who won t answer a direct question. he s not acting like an adult. i ll tell you later, i don t know, it s this kind of
gaslighting and i feel he s the one who put it out there, he s the one who suggested it, we didn t come up with it, he did. now he can t answer simply yes or no? it s so disturbing i don t even know what to say about anymore. the president agreed to testify under oath saying he s 100% willing to testify under oath. next, business sizarre or not, the legendary tapes, perhaps doing what we re doing right now, telling you something is coming up very, very soon. and others are doing everything from obstructing justice to starting world war 3. when you have allergies,
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and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas® for pulmonary hypertension, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have a sudden decrease or loss of hearing or vision, or an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis. it may have been the breaking news as far as intelligence is concerned. the president said he would tell them if tapes exist in the very near future. which prompted the house committee to request tapes if any exist. the very near future never actually comes, he s made a
habit of tossing around all kinds of fakely specific time frames. you ve said that has given. i will let you know that at a future date. i ll let you know that at a future date. it they sent investigators to hawaii and they can t believe what they found. what have they found? we re going to see what happens. what have you come up with your investigators? i don t want to say that now, but it s going to be very interesting i interesting. if i decide to rung for office, i ll release my tax returns. maybe when we find out the true story on hillary s emails. wiretap covers a lot of different things, i think you ll find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks. is that a cause for concern,
a subject of ridicule or no big deal? maria, i m not sure whether dianne feinstein in judiciary committee is responding to that specifically, but she said she wants to launch a senate judiciary committee into whether there s obstruction of justice. this is dianne feinstein who in the past has said she has seen no hard evidence of collusion yet. so this is an interesting step for her. first of all, she s been somebody who s been incredibly concerned, i think as most americans are, as the crux of the issue, which doesn t seem to concern the president of the united states, that russia committed an act of war in cyber attacking the united states in interferes and meddling in our elections and it doesn t seem like the president of the united states has any interest in getting to the bottom of that,
number two, i also think it comes from comey s testimony. president trump and his lawyers are out there saying that what comey said vindicated him. what he said when he was fired, donald trump may not have been under investigation personally, but he also said now that given everything that has transpired as of now that bob mueller is going to launch an investigation into what trump did. and those things are key and it s why dianne feinstein has taken this a little more aggressively. maybe we ll find out if the president s under investigation at some point. i want to bring laura coats into the conversation, the other giant bit of notes that we haven t seen touched on, when the president says, 100% that he will testify. if he does in fact get called before robert mueller or agree
to sit voluntarily before robert mueller, he could be asked questions, could he not, that are somewhat different or are off topic from the russia investigation and he would be obligated to answers questions which can get him in trouble. president clinton was asked about things that weren t about white water originally. the term collusion should come back to haunt him in this instance. there hasn t been a criminal statute. you ve got an open investigation, that doesn t have the parameters that doesn t give you the wiggle room to not answer certain questions, everything is fair game. the president has put himself in a very precarious situation, when he said, look, believe jim comey, for the things that sound more credible and make me more believable. but when you say he s a liar,
you re opening up questions that robert mueller may ask, a whole host of things that are investi. if he actually does that, he will open himself up to more criminal exposure and criminal liability and the snowball he thought he had by asking comey about the flynn investigation will become an avalanche. scott jennings, on the issue of agreeing to testify or 100% he ll testify, saas a political advisor, if you were asked that question, were you psyched that he said that? or did you say now i know what he will be asked every day for the next five months. you have to admire somebody who has full confidence, what he s saying out loud, i m going to tell you here in front of the
press, and i m willing to tell that story under oath, that shoshow s he s very confident. i these we should take a step back and talk about what happened this week. pressure the head of the fbi to end, alter or change an investigation. he has a lot of explaining to do. the only person that we found out that jim comey said pressured him was lynch. not somebody from the trump administration. so we re painting a dark picture of what comey said about trump. that talking point right now i think underscores how desperate trump is and his supporters are, because they know this dark cloud they re trying to lift could become a funnel cloud.
he said a lot of things yesterday, including five times in different ways, that president trump was a liar. and he also did say that he felt that he was trying to get him to drop this case against flynn, he was very clear about that, that is how he interpreted what he said to him. so he said he felt pressured. so to the question you re asking him, about how should trump supporters feel when you hear the president saying he s going to do this. at the very beginning of this, i said, probably what s going to end up causing the biggest amount of problems for donald trump and his associates in the white house is getting put under oath and inevitably perjuring themselves. that s not anything against them, we have seen that happen over and over again, scooter libby was found not to be the leaker, but he perjured himself. what started out to be an
investigation of white water ended up being something that he perjured himself. carl bernstein, you have seen firsthand how something like a break in can lied to different things, a final word on this subject, we re just at the beginning here. i think the final word is, this is part of a huge, small investigation, about what the russians might have done in their context, about russians, ethno russians, former members of the soviet union, that became russia, there s a huge investigation going on, and it s closing in. think of all of this as a mosaic where the pieces are starting to come together.
under oath would be quite something about donald trump talking about what loans he has outstanding or had in the past against russians or ethno russians. and he s going to be asked about that kind of thing. so that s where we re heading. coming up, the president said he would testify under oath 100%. he won t be the first president to do that, and it s a pretty small club and it comes with pretty gargantuan consequences, we ll discuss it. americans - 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone.
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that, it doesn t make sense. and i didn t say the other. so if it actually happens, the president would not be the first president to testify under oath. bill clinton was the first sitting president to testify under oath about his own behavior. our panel is back. doug, it is very rare that presidents testify under oath. it has happened and as we said, president clinton is the first one to do it having to do with a criminal investigation of his own conduct. that s right, bill clinton and his presidential history was the hank aaron of judicial testimony. it ended up not particularly well for bill clinton, in the fact that he had to do five
hours with kenneth starr and had to go on to the public airwaves television and say i m guilty. but the key here is what happened with what ronald reagan did with iran contra, for lawrence walsh in 1998, reagan agreed to answer questions in writing. donald trump s a tricky character, he might say 100% sworn testimony, but i ll answer your questions in writing. you might see his lawyers to deal with it that way, because putting him from front of a mueller for 5 1/2 hours is pretty dangerous for trump. he said ronald reagan, so i had to ask you the next question by law here, do you think that the president should testify under oath or i should say out loud in front of bob mueller? i ll leave it to the lawyers,
but i like the reagan solution, do it in writing. this is about a war between washington and the washington establishment and a lot of the american people. and that really is what s going on here. and washington, i worked there for a long time, i love the place, but, boy, it is tribal warfare, these scenes that you would see of people lining up in bars in washington, d.c. to watch the comey hearings. i assure you right here in the middle of pennsylvania that was not happening to the best of my knowledge. 19 million people watched the hearings on television yesterday, which is as many watched the nba game three, and i don t think you would say that game three in the nba finals is tribal warfare. but i think on the issue of whether or not the president should testify, carl bernstein, you said it would be a
remarkable thing if the president answered questions under oath. one thing is once he got in there, if it was open ended it would be devastating and probably would be because it would be a license for a prosecutor to go into all of trump s history in terms of his finances, russian money, russian investments. but there is a problem that i think that he has. and i ll leave it to the lawyers to discuss. and that is activities that took place before he was president of the united states, because a lot of what we re talking about here, occurred before he was president of the united states, including the possibility of criminal activity then, i m not suggesting he engaged in criminal activity, but it certainly is something that pretti
prosecutors would want to puck talk about. and before a grand jury is nixon, after he was president of the united states, he did 11 hours before a grand jury and the testimony wasn t released until a few years ago and it was a horrible picture of president nixon angry, vindictive, and one that he did not want to see released. he thought that testimony would never be released. you know, douglas brinkley, one of the things that we have seen from the trump white house, and they have actually looked at the clinton white house how it behaved when the clintons were under siege and they have taken some lessons from that. if you have to look at bill clinton testifying under oath, what lessons should the trump administration learn from that? bill clinton survived all of
this, he was re-elected and after he left office in 2000, he was wildly popular. many people thought that al gore didn t win because clinton wasn t on his side. but one thing about bill clinton, he never gave up, he kept fighting and fighting, defending his honor, defending himself. eventually he had to admit guilt. but you have to be careful not to put sloppy sound bites up, i think that s going to be trump s problem, bill clinton now lives in history, it depends on what the definition of is. you don t want to see donald trump going down with it depends on what the definition that certain words are and split hairs because you look guilty when you do that. and donald trump appeared just in january in a civil
disposition. they said he lied a full 30 times there. is the president s past, could that be an issue if he appeared before bob mueller. one of the things we have learned from the comey testimony, is that he did various actions to tilt thing to bob mueller, which was that now h has. very clear that james comey admitted in his testimony, that he took various actions in leaking, so that he could get his friend bob mueller to act. now right there, that says that there s a problem here. he did admit that he did provide that memo to hiss friend
because he wanted to see a special counsel appointed, he didn t use the words bob mueller. he s manipulating things. i mean let s get beyond james comey one of the ways that pundits work occasionally is by taking leaps of logic here, and bob mueller, his name was not even mentioned, there was no special counsel appointed and bob mueller s name wasn t even circulated and you re saying that james comey wanted to see bob mueller appointed special counsel? i am simply observing the fact that by his own definition, he s great friends with bob mueller, i m simply observing that, that is a fact. let s talk about what really happened here, and it was one of the most fascinating moments of comey s testimony. he acknowledged and it was a spectacular moment, that he more or less engineered the appointment of a special prosecutor. that was his objective.
not necessarily robert mueller, and why was that his objective? because it is obvious from his testimony he thought there was a cover-up going on. a cover-up in which the president of the united states might well and probably was involved let me finish, please from his point of view, and also the role of jeff sessions, he went to the attorney general, and told him about his session, keep me away from the president. et cetera. and when that failed, yes, he indeed tried to engineer getting a special prosecutor and he has succeeded. and why has he succeeded? because there s an underlying case of perhaps the most important thing we have faced as a nation, in the kind of attack we have never faced before and and we have a president of the united states, who has
obstructed, question meandemean speakings volumes i m not saying he s obstructed justice, but we ll find that out, but that s where we are. jeff, you re going to be back with us and have a chance to respond to that. all the people that watched the comey hearing, all 19 million of them. they have different views that have formed of it. we re going to look at the wildly different takes on what happened, next. l here is supposed to be live streaming the wedding and he s not getting any service. i missed, like, the whole thing. what? and i just got an unlimited plan. it s the right plan, wrong network. you see, verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america. it s built to work better in cities. tell you what, just use mine. thanks. no problem. all right, let s go live. say hi to everybody who wasn t invited! (vo) when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. plus, get our best smartphones for just $15 a month. you can request a one-timehe access code to use the atm.
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so when it gets right down to it the comey hearing is really bad for the president or really good. it depends on where you get your information. the president said it was a total and complete vindication for him, which really is not true. and there were separate narratives going on simultaneousity, we re not talking about a mild spin, but wildly different takes, which makes you wonder if everyone was even watching the same hearing? a victory for donald trump today, and a massive defeat for the democrats and of course the propaganda media. reporter: and some conservatives are declaring victory and saying it s already over. i think comey s credibility is zero right now.
he can go back to doing what he promised he was going to do. trump s son says the clouds have parted, but if you change the channel, it is stormier than ever. today was really was as it was predicted to be the worst day of the trump presidency. it s about hearing from a different hearing. imagine right now at this moment, the seething rage that you know the president is living with. this battle is not going away. it s a choose your own news situation. where are we now? hundreds of hours of the shrillest television ever produced adds up to pretty much nothing. reporter: fox opinion hosts are hoping for the best knowing
there s more scandals yet to come. i think we have about 5% or 10% of the answers to the questions we need. we re sort of in the middle, the beginning of the middle of this process, certainly not at the end of this process. contradicting trump s son, experts saying this is far from over. it my general rule is if things look pretty bad from what we know, it s usually worse. this is extremely serious. reporter: try telling that to trump backers like cory lew wanw sky. blasting what he callings false statements and lies from comey, the two men can t agree on the facts and in a polarized
media world, neither can the country. brian stelter joins us. i was at an event last night and talked to you, everyone wanted to talk about the comey hearing, ea everyone wanted to talk about it, everyone watched it, no a single mind was changed about it. i was so struck by trump s son, it s over, the clouds have parted, now my father can get along with the issues of the country. and then reporters saying this is just the beginning, at the best, maybe the end of the beginning, and now we re in the middle stage of this investigation with so many questions unanswered. it what s so interesting is that i don t doubt either of your convictions on this or your sinceri
sincerity. that this was good for your side. i don t doubt that for a second, yet we all watched the same hearing, so i m going to try as an academic exercise to get you to agree on some points here, let s try. maria cardona, do you agree that james comey made crystal clear that while he was fbi director, donald trump was not under investigation? yes, and i even said that this morning, i believe. yes. but this is the problem, he also went on to make crystal clear that the behavior of donald trump, whether you call it inappropriate, whether it s going to come up as obstruction of justice, that he has engaged in up until now has now led to the appointment of a special counsel, and when comey was asked whether he believes that there was obstruction of justice, smartly so, he said that s not up to me, that is something that i am sure the special counsel will be looking into.
he said i am sure the special counsel will be looking into. that means that donald trump will be under investigation for obstruction of justice. we ll see. that was a yes, but, answer to my question, maria concedes that james comey said that donald trump was not under investigation. do you concede that the fbi director basically said that the president of the united states lied or was dishonest in varying degrees five times. james comey said that, you may not agree with with that but do you agree he said that? on april 10 of 2016, president obama was in an interview with fox s chris wallace. he was talking about hillary clinton s e-mails. he used the words careless or some version of that.
careless or carelessness and intentional. well, you move ahead three months later and there is james comey using exactly the same phrases in his press conference. now, what do we know from the testimony yesterday? that james comey says that the attorney general of the united states said to him he was not to use the word investigation. he was to use the word matter when investigating when talking about the clinton e-mail situation. i will say my point here is, the story is that president obama could well be accused of obstruction of justice. oh, come on. come on, jeffrey. we don t want to go down that path. desperation on your part, my friend. go ahead. folks want to talk about clin clinton because it s more convenient and comfortable. what s that? i want a single standard for everybody.
look, the testimony yesterday was james comey talking about his relationship with president trump. so that was the standard. that would be the single standard i think that everyone was looking at this hearing for. we appreciate you with us, jeffrey, maria, brian, thank you very much. it s unclear whether the president has recordings of conversations that he had with james comey. plenty of other presidents have had an open mike. we will look at that next. people would ask me in different countries that we traveled, what is your nationality, and i would always answer hispanic. so when i got my ancestry dna results it was a shocker. i m everything. i m from all nations. i would look at forms now and wonder what do i mark? because i m everything. and i marked other. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at
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to president johnson ordering pants. your father makes clothes? yes, sir. you made me real lightweight slacks. reporter: the most infamous taping system was during the presidency of richard nixon. nixon began secretly taping conversations and telephone calls in multiple locations of the white house in 1971, including the oval office. time and time again, the president s words were clear. the president was acting like he had absolute power.
even the president s own family was taped. hello. reporter: it was among his recordings, one week after the watergate breakup that was the smoking gun. number on did everything he could to fend off the investigation. people have to know whether or not their president is a crook. well, i m not a crook. reporter: the taping system became public when deputy assistant to the president alexander butterfield confirmed its existence. are you aware of the inis installation of any listening devices in the oval office of the president? i was aware of listening devices, yes, sir. reporter: the tapes ultimately led to nixon s resignation to avoid impeachment. america needs a full-time president. reporter: when asked by
barbara walters in 1980 why he didn t destroy the tapes, nixon had this to say. are you sorry you didn t burn the tapes? yes. i think so. they were private subject to misinterpretation. president trump says we will find out if he has taped in the near future. the deadline to turn them over if they exist. our legal panel weighs in when 360 continues. y286ny ywty
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President , James-comey , Ways , Discredit-comey , Testimony-yesterday , Rose-garden , Credibility-contest , Investigation , Problem , Place , Tapings , America

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Ingraham Angle 20180512 02:00:00

i don t know. he doesn t seem to have core convicts or beliefs beyond whatever donald trump decided they are. he s striking this balance, trying to be the man that will inherit the mantle of trump. there are two vice presidents. those accused of being out for themselves that they are not serving the president who picked them and those accused of being slavishly loyal lap dogs. mike pence decided to be the latter. he is a titanic fraud. he s the most of all the cultists in the cabinet. we have never seen such slobberingebering in this countn we do with mike pence. laura: consider the source, my friend. is pence really the worst person
in government? why are the pence haters lashing out now? it s interesting. let s ask mark lotter, and democratic party activist, chris han. mark, let s go to you. i have known mike pence when he was in congress. i found that from george will really sad. he s had an unbelievable career as one of the premier columnists, writers in the united states, he doesn t like donald trump, that s fine. but i thought it was filled with such low blows. i wasn t even angry about it. i was sad about it. in 1986 he wrote a column called then vice president george bush a lap dog. he would go on to be a transformational president. he has a problem with vice
presidents who serve presidents of the united states. to get to use a baseball term i know george would like, the best players in the world miss seven out of ten times. he struck out in the dirt. laura: there were overtones in this column. he was picked up by media figures. he talks about how he genuflex at the alter. it seemed condescending about mike pence s face, questioning his face, you are not a real question. he didn t write that. you can read between the lines. i like george will. a lot of people don t like him. i have known him for a long time. it pains me to say this, but i thought the column was beneath him and filled with low blows
and not at all in any way illustrative of the man who mike pence is. he s a wonderful person and i think a very effective vice president. the column got picked up broadly because the vice president decided to plagiarize richard nixon. while i do think the tone was harsh, it s not like george will said his opinion doesn t matter because he s about to die, which is something that s been said inside the white house these days. we got to back off on this is such a bad thing. the vice president is the boot-liquor in chief in this administration. he praises the president, he kisses his butt. what s sad, in to 20 this president will drop him from the ticket because this president cares about ratings. who he picks at the convention will be the biggest ratings night of that week. mr. pence, you might want to stand up to this president
because he s not going to stand by you in the end. laura: were you concerned about vice president biden taking on obama? i m trying to remember, wait, he never did. when did vice president biden take on obama for crewing up the healthcare website, for hounding people who applied for irs status. when did biden come out and challenge obama s abuse of power? never. why go after mike pence. you didn t criticize biden because his role is to support the president of the united states. why is mike pence being attacked? it s about pride and eve go of these never-trump writers. they can t admit the aagain
today is the most conservative agenda. mike pence, a man with a 99% voting record, i don t know what he ever got wrong, but he got one thing wrong, one time, in all the time in congress, you get attacked by these people because they think we are deplorable. they don t think we have any moral standing to make the case that what donald trump is doing is the right thing. laura: when hillary talked about the basket of deplorables. george will, in this moment, has more in common with their view of middle america from where mike pence came than he does with the conservative voters across america who said we are fed up with these parties, we are going to take somebody who takes a wrecking ball. it s unbecoming.
numbers on trump on what pence is doing. i think george will had a feeling about mike pence based on what happened in arizona when he went out there. a lot of people have reason to think joe is somebody who not be touted by the vice president or the president. he disobeyed a court order what he did was racist. so i think george will sees that. this is not the republican party, this is not the conservative movement he grew up with. he would like to see mike pence be the backbone to conservativism. mike pence has been a conservative all his life. so if he s becoming more like donald trump, then conservatives will have a problem with that. that s what he was lashing out about it. you want people to talk about it, you better say some crazy things. you are going good.
all i would say this, do we want to win or do we not want to win? if the president talked about winning. conservatives are getting more done. we are in a window laura: azar is going to be big. he clerked with me. he could have been a cabinet secretary. he s doing this because we got to get this prescription drug stuff, this has to be tackled. he will do a lot more. these hold on, chris. these are people of real substance who are doing really hard work. i think it really urks people. when steve schmidt, because he ran a great campaign with
pailen. we have listened to this guy for many years on his moral high horse. assaulting the dignity of guy people, across the board. his moral preening is famous throughout the land. laura: he just swore in a guy american to be a new ambassador to germany. so if you are a faithful christian as he is, he s, by nature homophobic. you can t disagree. it s a litany. he panders to people who are homophobic. i think this is a great thing for the country, the administration and america. look at the timing. if you look at the polls, it s the right track, wrong track,
improving. trumps numbers get better. you know the only place he s weak? foreign affairs. what the democrats are seeing is this big blue wave is starting to go away. laura: chris, i want to play a byte from nicole wallace. why can t you say if he says that, she will be fired. laura: how do you resist the temptation to run up and ring her neck? she said it s getting to her, used poorly chosen word. for that i m sorry. they are talking about the comment made by stadler.
it was made in private. well, hold on a minute, guys. you know, look, matt, matt, nicole apologized, the white house should apologize about the american hero. i don t know why? john mccain, i don t agree with john mccain on a lot of things, he is a hero. you don t know what happened in a private meeting. none of us knows. they admitted it. i think john mccain deserves his peace and quiet. but he still has a voting record. it s okay to talk about it and okay to talk about him opposing the president s nominee. laura: you know what john mccain said? matt, so much rhetoric that needs to calm down, it start at
to say that was unfortunate, we apologize. they are going through a trying time. call them. let s not try she called megan mccain. sarah needs to say something from the podium. we have policy disagreements with msnbc. he calls the president and acts like he has the moral high ground. same thing for nicole and these people who attack all of us republican whose stand with the president. it s different when it comes from the white house. you used to work there. my wife works there, and i don t think you should smudge the characters. i m not. they are smudging their own characters. laura: mocking people s face, if it were done against ani an
islamic individual, mike pence has been mocked repeatedly by the popular culture that are fans and fanatics of the left. it s been tolerated, it s a wink and nod. they think christians are stupid. anyone who supports trump is an idiot. i think it s backfiring. so the left is going to try their at a tick. we are out of time, coming up, the angle dives into one of the most under-reportereported stor. it s a scandal about race and the media barely reports on. and save 25% on camelbak hydration packs.
the white house chief of staff told mpr: the vast majority of people that move into the united states are not criminal. but they are also not people that would easily assimilate into the united states. they are rural people in the countries they come from, 4th, 5th, 6th grade educations. they are coming here for a reason. but the laws are the laws. laura: malcolm nance said disgraceful. he would have been kicked out of the u.s. marine corps fractionally the same. the daughter of mexican immigrants, john kelley s words were ignorance. what do you say, that is his view on immigration? you see that throughout the
entire administration. to only call for those with certain backgrounds is a really narrow way of understanding how immigrants have helped to build our country. laura: attempts to brand the trump administration as racist. as the weather armed in april, 84 people were shot and nine were killed over a 7 day period in chicago. so where is the nonstop media coverage of that? crickets. racism going on in the chicago in his latest column in news week, also civil rights attorney and forest cooper, the cochair of project 21. i want to go to lee. you wrote this piece in news week. the numbers out of chicago in a short period of time, so sad, so depressing, reminiscent of the wave of shootings and murders
last year. almost no discussion of this as we obsess on a comment that john kelley made on npr. 84 shot in one week, laura, it s parkland every week in chicago. there is no media coverage. it turns out that when young black men and women die in chicago, the press only comes out if they are murdered or killed by people wearing blue uniforms. this is carnage in the streets of our inner cities. we know what the real problem is. it s not guns. there is gun role, it s not ar-15s, not the nra. we know that where there are no fathers and lots of guns, there is lots of crime. where there are lots of fathers and lots of guns, no one will
talk about it. the fact that the press won t cover black on black crime is a crime in itself. laura: leo, john kelley gets last rated for comments that are factually true from the research survey, looking at the education levels, poverty levels of illegal immigrants as compared to native born population. the numbers are devastating. address some of the points about the graduation rates and so forth. leo, your reaction? i m embarrassed. my mother had an 8th grade education. even though she wasn t educated, i m able to be a civil rights attorney. john kelley has irish ancestry. this country brought over irish who were criminals, uneducated
and had allegiance to the catholic church. he has the audacity to challenge people who are not educated? my mother, 8th grade education. it s not high smart you are, it s what you do with that opportunity. let me be clear. there is a guy in the white house who said, please play the tape, laura, hey, to detroit and all the african-american community, give me a chance. okay, what have you done for the community, you went into the community during election 17 months ago and said the democrats haven t done anything, give me a chance. what have you done, answer that for me. please? laura: first of all, calm down. what he s done, he s actually done something called improve economic conditions across the board, which is why his numbers, even among african-americans where he has a lot of work to do, his numbers among
african-american males are improving. i would assume jobs and wages are important to all people. white, brown, black, asian. he s trying to stop illegal immigration which hurts the people trying to enter the work force for the first time. that s a good thing for all americans, but especially for african-americans. go ahead. absolutely. first of all, we are talking about the 21st century economic environment, not an 18th century, 19th century. you could get off the boat, not know the language, not have any marketable skills and still succeed. today we are already seeing this. all you got to look and see is who came in the 1990s. their children are not doing nearly as well, i m talking about immigrants, are not doing
nearly as well as what we saw in the 1920s, 1930s, all the way up to the 1960s. we are marginalizing these people by encouraging them to come when they don t have the skills. laura: let me set the facts in place that indicate that john kelley is right. he said we want people to come into the country, we want people to be part of the american ideal and experience, that is our country, it s welcoming people in. but there are facts we have to confront. here are a few of them. 61% of illegal immigrants live in or near poverty compared to 31% of natives and their children. 62% of households headed by illegal immigrants, access some form of cash or non-catch welfare, 22% on food stamps, 51% on medicaid. they lack healthcare. the reason why that s important,
is it becomes another pressure point for those who need the access to those services in the united states. the poor, the marginalized. what happened to the american dream? laura: the american dream is harder to achieve if we have open borders and lawlessness. it s harder on people to achiev. leo, you can close it out. lee, this is always the case, people say what about the american dream. we have a lot of people in america who can t reach the american dream. fatherlessness. crime is another aspect. ms 13 have thrived in this open borders atmosphere. go ahead. we get to decide who comes here and when and what skill sets are determined to come here. it s america that decides, it s for its own people. americans don t have problems with immigrants. we are sick of this, legal and
illegal immigration. we have to have legal immigration. it s best for the immigrants themselves. my parents come from lebanon and sicily. they were taken and chosen because of their skill sets, ideas and what they can contribute to the united states, were picked for a reason, they wait years to come here. they thought it was unfair that people can cut to the front of the line and decide for themselves when they would come here and why. laura: leo real quick. it s a code for racism. we don t want you, you are not educated enough. that s the code. laura: leo, you have to come up with a new argument. they aren t working. latinos call into my radio show from l.a., san diego, oakland, texas, they are legal immigrants, they happen to be
latino americans and they say this has to stop. this is not how we came into this country and it s unfair and hurting our neighborhoods and our jobs and our environment. that s from them. we are out of time. i love you all. i love leo, i love leo s passion. he s the best. i m sorry. i will be on radio, we ll do this longer segment. maxine waters going on a tirade. legos. carfax. start your used car search at the all-new
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arroyo. remember those two african-american men, now he has announced a new policy. we don t want to become a public bathroom, but we are going to make the right decision a hundred percent of the time and give people the key. we don t want anyone to feel as if we are not giving access to you to the bathroom because our less than. we want you to be more than. laura: let me get it straight. when you go running on the mall, you get the drinking fountains, when i was training for the marathon years ago, people would be cleaning their socks. so you were desperate for water. then you see someone cleaning their socks. you don t want to drink when the
socks are rung out. we are not going to be a public bathroom, but you are. you are giving the keys to everybody. i have spoken to starbucks managers. they say it s a health nuisance. they have to go with the hazmat outfits to clean out these things. they clean articles and clean themselves. you attract the homeless and drive away. laura: time to go to pete s. rather than having this 8,000 store unconscious bias training at the end of may, the better is put public stalls, then you could call that unconscious common sense. laura: i just like what he said, we don t want you to feel like you are less than. we want you to be more than. that s a deep thought. we got mad maxine.
maxine waters, we have to play, she was upset about this is an obama era, anti-racism thing for car dealerships. the republicans repealed it, she went on a tear. we are trying to make sure we are making america great every day and every way. the best way to do that is stop talking about discrimination and start talking about the nation. we are coming together in spite of what you say. mr. kelley please do not leave, i want you to know i am more offended than you will ever be. this business about making america great again, it is your president that s dividing this country. i recent the mark about making america great again, he s making a speech for this dishonnable president of the united states of america. i reserve the balance of my time. i do not yield, not one second to you. not one second to you.
laura: i love it. i m not yielding a sec t seco you. laura: it s the bag. i wish she would get engaged and collaborate. she agrees on some issue. work with them. flood insurance, healthcare. she can find things. laura: that little act, that was dishonorable. that was lame. house rules. laura: we got racist legos. megan markle, they have created a lego, they are saying it s racist. she has the same skin tone as prince harry. i studied and found people saying the incredible hulk was lime green in his lego depiction. he s lime green and in the movie
he s dark green. we need to be consistent. lego has been charged with racism in the past. there was a job play set. he smoked a huka and that was a problem. so they werso they recalled tha. they are doing a fox set of play sets. the ingraham angle is it. this is from the collection. we ll put it up on the screen. this is you and i. just look. why do i have orange hair and you have big ears? i look like trump. i m upset about these depicks because my ears look nothing like that. you are a little lighter. i m finding that. there is inherent bias and
implicit bias against natural blondes. i take back the balance of my time. laura: i m not using. not a minute to you. laura: out. thanks, raymond. you know the more trump succeeds, the more media complained. this was a staged production meant for television, meant for the cameras. laura: she would know staged. we are going to expose the total hypocrisy, just one minute.
it s about donald trump, about the ratings. how long will it be before these images are turned around. donald trump is a former reality producer. this was a staged production meant for television, meant for the cameras. laura: maybe she s having amnesia. just four years ago president obama staged a photo op announcing the army. obama traded five terrorists who pled guilty to desertion. right from the beginning, obama, when he was nominated, he went to that invesco field speech in denver. they brought in the roman
columns. he was good at stage production. here we have trump at 3:00 in the morning going to greet the hostages and everybody is having a meltdown. the president went out to give them a hero s welcome. some have to minimize it. it becomes another anti-trump story. he didn t show enough empathy, he didn t bite his lower lip and feel their pain. same thing when he went to visit the hurricane victims. laura: leslie, here s a yahoo! headline. trump cheapens north korea hostage return. he made an off-hand comment about we ll get ratings at 3 in the morning. that s trump. he s not making it about himself
getting ratings. this compared to bill clinton in 2009, here s headlines, release of journalists, both clintons had key roles. bill clinton and journalists, emotional return to the u.s., august 5, 2009 when he got prisoners released from north korea. the double standard, whether you are a republican or diplomat, have some fairness. i have to say, i am a democrat who loves to attack the president every chance i get. but this one should be about these three men released, it should not be about politics. i didn t think and i know lefties get mad at me, i didn t think it was about the president. what bothered me when he gave credit to kim jong un. these men were imprisoned, they were in the dark, they were not allowed to go outside, not given proper food or water or medical
attention. that was the thing that bothered me the moment and the comments about the ratings. it is trump. we hope day after day, he will become more presidential and forget the size of cloud. there is a little inconsistency. when he was attacking little rocket man, he was denounced as crazy. yes, he s saying things about him because he s going to meet him and try to negotiate and try to negotiate a nuclear disarmament. a lot of things he does is controversial. bringing home american hostages, that s not controversial. laura: nobody thinks the president believes kim jong un is a nice guy. he says chuck schumer and i are pauls. pals. this is part of the art of the deal. he knows when he goes to
singapore on june 12, this is a dicey deal, no one trusts them, we have had a long history of them going back on their agreements. he goes in with eyes wide open. i think it s very, very important for all the americans who are watching the show tonight to remember how the press treat democrats when they have some good news for the country versus how they treat this president, he s had multiple successes and the coverage is not anywhere near balanced. before we let you go, do you think the american people are tuning out a lot of this given that the numbers are going up for trump? what. laura: the bias, treating the press like they are irrelevant. they have concluded this president is never going to get a fair shake from the media. laura: thank you, both. it may be the one question the
media is not asking about stormy daniels. we ll find out who is bank rolling this man. next. save big during the go outdoors event and sale at bass pro shops and cabela s. like bass pro or cabela s flag t-shirts for only $5. an igloo 48 qt. cooler for under $20. and save 25% on camelbak hydration packs.
to president clinton. do you think this article was going to take off. he s mad at you, avenatti. he s never challenged, did he get these bank record. is he a lawyer or political operative? no lawyer goes on 108 appearances. that s not serving his client. laura: this is what he said. too bad mark penn didn t do any research. had he bothered to review google or this seed, he would know who is paying him, we did nothing, raid of the financial info, true in bosta. he surfaces on march 7, which means he surfaced with a
lawsuit, he arranged to represent her sometime earlier. he was asked questions about being paid. it s not until march 15 he shows up with this internet gig. he raised $470,000. who originally paid for him. who paid and what operation gathered these kind of documents. laura: the banking records of michael cohn. it is criminal to release those records. they are obviously, any of us have those records, how he got them, we do not know, he hasn t revealed that. he s very loquacious, but he hasn t revealed that. the inspector is anxious to know and the treasury department. it s odd because you would think that stormy s first lawyer advised her not to break her confidentiality agreement, he says break t break the deal and then sue that the deal is
improper. the first lawyer is no. i wouldn t advice a client to break a deal. but it got him a lot of publicity. what lawyer would do that? do you think she s road kill for him? i don t know if he indemnified her. he did advise her. it s not just the inspector general. no judge is going to accept something like that without knowing where they came from and how he got to it. i think we are going to get to the bottom. laura: do you think for the democratic party, this aspect of this smaller off-shoot in the district of new york, is it working? cohn is cohn, who knows what they are going to mind about michael cohn. but with the president and democrats, they want to unseat
trump. they want to get. out, resist him, stop his policies. they would like to beat him by removing him or beat him. is this working? you have been around this town for a long, long time. i spent a year fighting ken star. i don t want to see a reverse repeat of 1998. this is backfiring, i don t know whether they are paying for it behind the scenes. i don t want them to. since stormy daniels and michael avenatti have appeared on the scene, the ratings have gone through the roof. you got to get him off the air, he s not talking about the real issues that people vote on. he s distracting the country. it s a circus. laura: mark penn, come back soon. we ll be back to close out the week. you don t want to miss it. some advisers have hidden and layered fees.
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don t use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don t take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you re allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. these can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. to help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. laura: that s all the time we have tonight. tune in monday night. we have a story that might change the course of the mueller

Trump , Man , Balance , Core-convicts , I-dont-know , Beliefs , President , Vice-presidents , Mantle , Two , Mike-pence , Most

Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180804 10:30:00

topics: The Crazy Inventor; Spiekeroog - Island of tranquility; The perfect summer dish; Modern house altars
have a short lifespan he can store them in a small workshop anyway usually either gives them away or perhaps to scrap them. from the drawing board to completion it took you from a round of three weeks to make his writing robot and this time he s printing a very special message on the beach in san sebastian. just for our right moving on now to a brief look at other stories making headlines on the cultural scene starting with a look back at berlin in the ninety s that and more coming up in today s express. a new exhibit opened in berlin on this day that takes visitors back to the nine hundred ninety s. begins that followed the fold of the building will i consider it she checked in the post-war history of the german capital. they was it that they said
a sense of freedom and creativity back that. the song tricked out so one of the soundtrack of those years was techno music stood for progress the future expectations and all. that music was full of hope for change it was like in the year two thousand and something we ll all be dancing naked around the victory column and there will be world peace fleet. the exhibition called night she s been also teaches the left parade which was held every year from nine hundred eighty nine to two thousand and three. swedish model combat turns fifty on saturday in the one nine hundred ninety s. he was one of the world s best known models. designer gianni versace often used chunky bag in his fashion shows he s an imposing figure at one meter ninety three he also holds stocks in u.s.
island of speak. it s one of the east friesian islands located located off the north german coast because it is only reachable by ferry thanks to only a few hundred residents and abundant natural landscape the island has a very tranquil feeling about it. these seventy beaches stretch for kilometers on all sides is the water and sea world heritage site this is to be eight hundred square kilometer island appreciate the tranquillity. you know to play i don t mean five i definitely like the absence of cars and it s got a bit of the quality of zoot but without all the hubbub of in the way he told me and i don t know if you just keep coming back. of the east freeze an island is the green one trees line the roads but no cause trouble them and no spotlights would slow them down if they did the holiday makers enjoy the slow pace. it s an ideal
place to start the day with a bit of yoga on the water. with yoga mat here is a stand up paddle board the boards and get in a smaller goon ninety minutes will make everybody fit to meet the day. thirty year old moxie noise came to the island three years ago she can t imagine a better place to live and work. in enough to here in the midst of nature breathing in everything that s around you and you come out of the water and think cool and glad i did that and it doesn t matter what it looked like . at the eastern end of spiegel is a bit built a national park cost and high tech a shows visitors the beauty of the all splatter will be hard to speaker boehner is part of the lower saxony watching c and when you speak of the girls are convinced that it s the prettiest part but the whole
coastline here is there watch and see national park or the basic idea is to let nature be nature to let the natural processes unfold with as little interference as possible. and that s been especially successful here on the last platter. when you need some people come here to be seen others go out to sea they just have to set sail once out of all top class in tests his students knowledge of the rope in one hand the tiller in the other people robes ropes are for mountain climbing in the pony stables but for sailing we ve got lines earrings azer is when there is thick as there. arm but in general the most torn up of this is a sheet a main sheet you have to gather up the main sheet so tight that the sale won t spill over or spill means flaps you see it s flapping all over so halid up tighter pull your right hand to your left just don t let it go here oh no it s great exactly but more. the north sea is one of the most challenging areas on earth for sailing the sand banks the ebb and float and currents have spelled many
a sailor s do. back on land it s like a ride in the park with a one horse power engine speaker is famous for its horse drawn railway the last to survive in germany. tama pulls the cars along one hundred thirty year old narrow gauge track in line is also there was a popular destination for daytrippers back there at the time of the kaiser s a restaurant on the dune with a view of the sea the gift to buddha as a frisian were a gift but for something to be had to be improved or drink. as in order to be for the real way it was built and i just said to walk that one point seven kilometers mostly across the sand. i expect ten minutes so they realize that something had to be done to make the trip a bit easier. in that fifteen minute rail journey ends at the west end
terminal decline in a genuine east frizzy and runs the old lever me cafe in what used to be that heated pool. with information of where a little off the beaten path even for the day trippers where there are more for our many regulars and so you know this of course is the last stop for the horse drawn railway many older people take it to the beach since the paths can be pretty long here so they can walk some and then take the railway it s quite a good thing it s all little i won t say alternative but hey we re no fast food place. sides resume kind friendship was. an alternative to speaker hoops many hotels would be the campground behind the dunes right on the beach in the don t days of summer the fine sandy beach draws tourists here in droves. at the end of a long day we put back out to sea in captain will jacobs fishing boat no visitors
complete without a trip to the seal called in these. harbor seals and rare grey seals bost in the evening sun as laid back as most everything else some speak of the green knight and . time now to disclose the winner of this week s a drop now we have asked you what you would take to a desert island here s some of the answers our viewers sent in oh no for india is from sri lanka would take his wife with him and francisco martinez from venezuela his middle and danielle sierra from hunter s. chose a special japanese and knife and christina kind of from bucharest would take sunscreen quite a wise choice but the winner is linearly intel from germany who would take her cat with her very cute cat. congratulations you ve won yourself
a euro max watch. when it is hot outside like it is here in berlin and also in many parts of europe right now the appetite tends to wane so fish is always a good summer alternative to a hearty meal for today s all our cards we re going to sample a special team from northern spain as you can find out what that is right now. during a summer vacation by the mediterranean nights if she seems to go down past. they can be found among the old cuisine dishes served at the sun pad boss questran in a full mana stream a lot x. demand. shafik to come as favorite dishes a song called salads simple yet sophisticated i mean for me memories play an important role in dining that s when you need something that s top quality and at
the same time it reminds you of your childhood and it s the best sensual experience you re going to have as a man you re the. taste buds have already learned this in our childhood. your emotions about ike s dining out experience i mean we have your emotional muscle and they gave us an idea. to come as fine as the vegetables from my salad at the street market in the nearby town of plan as tomatoes sweet green onions bell peppers and green beans. then he heads for a fish store that only sell salted and dried card preserve using a traditional method card has almost no fat so it absorbs the salt completely through the pores and the fish doesn t spoil.
is that we buy this piece here the midsection from the back of the it s been soaked in water for five days and then another two days with the water being changed three or four times a day to draw out the salt. and now it s become quite a bit thicker again as it s to take this piece here are going to have got its original coloring back and it s ready to take it with i will call or. card is a staple in catalan cuisine it s eaten fried steaming little roll it was once considered a poor man s food but now it features on the menu seem to. restaurants back in the restaurant it doesn t take long to make the sound. that cut the green onions marinate them away a cherry finish and set them aside and. dice that to
mars has his hands greenbelt has. quickly launched the flat. plunge them into cold water and come into slices. now the fish by hand. but again you do it by hand because you have to separate the fish from the white nerve fibers running through it. you want to get rid of them to make the fish clean and transparent. but it s a lot of work but it produces a wonderful purity a flavor that it is. going to want to get the work that. makes the vegetables and the bone. dress the salted fish with chinese blossoms and all the foil. ideally easterner it with a fork. now it s time to serve the sound layer for when they are.
the tomato then the fish and then the rest of the vegetables. and. when a fish is deep frozen to preserve it as it is done nowadays that changes the taste but i m planted remembers what it once knew that s rooted in our memories not less there s a lesson all of us never forget is the authentic tanks to fix he was one of them and that s why soldier carter has a pot of gold made cooking today top. song contest salad. a traditional danish from catalonia that s the chief of cult status. want to know more about european lifestyle and culture visit euro max on facebook.
you ll find highlights from our programs. three hundred sixty degree videos of the most beautiful places in europe and snapshots taken by our reporters take an exclusive look behind the scenes at how the program is produced and follow us on facebook line. we love it when fans visit our facebook page and give us their feedback visit d.w. euro max on facebook. normally when we visit a place and it pleases us we want to take a bit of it back home with us so we take a photo or buy a souvenir but what do you do with all of those kitschy little things once you have them at home wells with a fresh heart refer. to ranges hers in a kind of altar dedicated to her memories of places and people well it seems that a lot of folks do that so she decided to photograph them and it s all come together in a book entitled alter. vacation souvenirs
knickknacks every day odds and ends arranged at home or at the office like designing little still lifes just about everyone has them it was photographer who also shall macaws the house all to us. i. have got a whole bunch of them. so naturally she took her first photos of these altars in her own home in zurich. look at these astronauts my kids parties kitsch objects from a machine instead of up like they were doing a circle dance so he could stay. constant or pick and said hey look gay astronauts on the moon goes down wall and here we have a whale from one of my daughters it s quite artistic. i ve got a lot of this stuff millions of objects really it s like a collective work of art
a little like. joseph boys once said that everyone is an artist you can t deny that there s a certain amount of style in these kinds of alters fearlessly composed and shaped into a simple arches but it can be confusing for other up service. what is the connection between these animals and walnut oil. and what s this. human it s not to collect things but why we also have the photo of a alter asked a psychotherapist to write some text to accompany the picture this. is a physical these secular alters have one thing in common with religious orders. and is there really great so repositories you know the items on display you have no
religious structure you meet they simply remind us of something that was important or personal to us. you know. that makes sense. so what s all that behind him. and. dustin those are terra cotta figurines from africa and the main reason i have them is that i couldn t afford egypt and statues and. show me your altar and i ll tell you who you were. who knows what personal stories lie behind the photographs that appear in the book. by the way all the first house have had some details removed for privacy reasons only the photographer knows the whole story. this is. this photo comes from an elderly woman who ended up in a retirement home all her clocks show a different time. and that s one of the major themes here the trends in nature of
time and. we still have a loss of questions why would anyone build a computer of cardboard. and antos flying swatches leaning on the wall you can kind of you can t really decipher the meetings behind these things and if this were for example it doesn t have to mean that there s likely ninety or that the flyswatter represents sato mazo tendencies or anything like that. all sleep time. we did manage to find out that the flawless watches belong to the photographer herself she bought them one day on a whim at a flea markets now because of her collection of. small missions it can become a bit obsessive if every object you discover suddenly becomes worthy of collecting and presenting. but i m not the only one who has these kinds of alters my friends
have them too so i just asked them whether i could photograph them yet. it s so gross this project took on a life of its a. and entertaining collection of private shrines to pay tribute to some of the treasured possessions. there were that we were wrapped up today s show if you missed any of our reports be sure to check us out online of course follow us on facebook we will be back tomorrow with the highlights and the best picks of the week until then thanks for watching and so. time on your own max the highlights of the week tropical dream caribbean islands with an unmistakable european flair. ancient legend count dracula as medieval home in romania. and free right eighteen year old europeans try can. throughout the continent would for. next time i m highlighting.
the be. the be. the be. the be the the. law the be. the be. the be. the be. the be.
the law but the the the but the but. the body. clock. the ball round the b.m.w. the best guy is the best school cheers the be .
moving on beethoven. his work goddess fortuna. the maestro and famous. beethoven insist upon twenty. it s all happening so it s a visit. to a link to news from africa and the world. your link to exceptions stories and discussions can you and welcome student news african income family life from. time for an upgrade. how about sure that grows on buying. a house with no. poor design
highlights you can make yourself. trends tips and tricks that will turn your home to special. upgrade yourself with d w s interior design channel on you tube. we make up oh but we watch as of half of them and at the age of five we ought to seventy seven percent. want to shape the continent s future. be part of it and join african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. to the seventy seven percent . platform for africa charge.

Mother , Ivan-miranda , Invention , Necessity , Carers , Desktop , Inventions , Objects , Sorts , Sand-drawing-robot , Goal , Fun

Transcripts For DW Close Up - Cigarette Butts - Poisoning The Environment 20181001 19:15:00

all the women in iraq who are using the internet to build up their profiles and will be tracking a story of course charge at rates social media the fact. essential of today it s more the talk of the hour and of course around the clock on a website that s t w dot com a day. cut cut. cut cut. cut cut cut cut cut it s all happening don t show it coming. your linked in news from africa and the world your link to exceptional stories and discussions can you one welcome to the debut african program tonight from funny to me from the z tower i would say down to the close next africa and join us on facebook and d.-w. africa. on.
cigarettes cause sickness and death they don t just calm people they also laid waste to the environment many of the toxic dangers lurk in cigarette butts. it s all going off to make given the amount of nicotine they contain cigarettes are hazardous waste and many people don t see the problem or even regard the butts as trench. growing tobacco is a resource intensive and requires large amounts of pesticides huge areas of rain forest like here in africa for example have been cleared to make way for plantations. you re not in a gets a regional catastrophe it doesn t just change the local climate but makes rain less frequent and beneficial insects don t come. into. and sifter back of farming and
discarded cigarette butts cigarettes are an environmental problem. amy cream is on the hunt for old cigarette stops for research purposes the american scientist works at butlins technical university she s looking for places where lots of cigarettes are discarded like the entrance to this railway station. she wants to find out how long it takes for the toxic substances to reach out of the stops. no other trash is so casually thrown away on the street a cigarette butts. on average she finds about three per square meter of course it s
a lot more in some places. this is the island at the entrance to the suburban railway you find a lot of stubs because people are rushing to get their train. and they don t have time to finish their cigarettes to get out there s still quite a lot of tobacco in the bus. and that s how the more tobacco there is the more nicotine to of course. the butts may be small but they still contain nicotine. even if city authorities clean this area regularly it would be impossible to remove them all. as the number of bots accumulates served as the poison they contain. the ones it isn t as you can see there are lots of bicycles locked up here and if you can t get in here with a broom i can only really pick them up by hand and no one goes to the trouble as my
kind of life they stay here and the next town rains the nicotine will be washed out and then enter the sewage system through the storm drains loosed on get done in the oval office and up with the spices getting equal time it takes or just a few minutes to collect an entire bag of butts will have a study. in the office and in front of this station alone there are probably thousands of butts and the numbers grow every day we can be sure that a high concentration of nicotine is being released here every time it rains i guess it s. worldwide approximately five point six trillion cigarettes are concealed ideally four and a half trillion of them end up being discarded outdoors on the pavement or down storm drains. in the northern german city of hamburg your ferret is a busy or hear around trying to keep the one hundred thirty storm drains free of stubs. the trash that s extracted is later burned in an
incinerator. but if those stubs and the toxins within them actually reach the serape system they become a problem. but are grabbing first of all their trash and belong in the trash can gift nicotine as a toxin pollutes the rain water runoff and then can get into the sewage system as. waste water needs to be cleaned but the microorganisms in the sewage treatment plant aren t there to really minute nicotine. they re also not able to completely eliminated. it s almost impossible to completely remove nicotine from waste water plant. here at the hamburg sewage works the microbes intended to tackle nicotine and not
one hundred percent effective. and the size of cigarette filters is a further problem most slip through the screening units that have to be removed using final filters before being incinerated otherwise the stubs would end up in the elk river and of course butts tossed straight into rivers and lakes affect the water directly. cigarette stubs contain more than four thousand toxins some in the tobacco itself some in the filter other toxins are created during the burning process they include arsenic and dangerous heavy metals like lead and copper but it s nicotine that has the most immediate effect on flora and fauna. nicotine is nicotine is a very potent one or zero toxin it was used in farming because it s very good at killing little creatures it s planck institute. with the aid of
a special machine the research a wants to find out how much nicotine the bots release into the environment. she s. particularly interested in what happens to the toxin when it comes into contact with water when it rains for example. the toxins from the stubs that amy greene has collected have already been washed out so she s producing her own butts three point seven centimeters long the average length of a discarded cigarette. according to e.u. regulations tobacco waste products containing more than half a mill a gram of nicotine should be categorized as dangerous. but scientists then exposes the bots that she s created to artificial rain showers the water runs over them leeching out the nicotine inside she analyzes this water the findings on average
a cigarette but releases two milligrams of nicotine into the environment in some cases as much as six that s four to twelve times over the danger limit. must think if we have discovered that the nicotine dissolves in a very quickly it s water soluble some sixty percent of the nicotine leeches out just after two rain showers. it takes just half an hour for the majority of the nicotine to leach out and pollute the water. the consequences of this process of being studied in san diego and smoking bans in california a much stricter than in germany and they also apply on the beach you can expect to find for smoking here. thomas novotny is a public health expert and c.e.o. of the cigarette butt pollution project he s made it his mission to curb the damage
done by cigarette butts. the results of his research. alarming. he s revealed that nicotine and want to homs the creatures living in it. he s experimenting with young rainbow trout at the moment that swimming in clean water. professor novotny would release them into a wheelchair polluted with nicotine the dose ten bucks for every four liters of water. well they re preparing the leach eight which means that these cigarette butts are sort of like a tea bag they. will emit some of the chemicals that we think are toxic to living creatures and would be. a way of getting some exposure in an aquatic environment for fish and other animals that might be affected by sugar but waste. the
water is mixed with a nicotine leech eight and allowed to stand overnight. the research is then pulled this mixture into an aquarium. they introduce the young rainbow trout from the clean water aquarium into the nicotine both. after just a few seconds the fish reacts at fust it s just a few but then more and more are affected by the nicotine. they don t paralyze. some. of those tunnel mess side twitch. the creatures go into toxic shock.
we found that one cigarette butt or water kills half the fish that are exposed to that water in and out for. and we call the lethal dose fifty in this experiment and you can see that there are now some cute facts of the fish that have just been placed into this. beach eight of ten votes for leader and the fish are experiencing some sort of neurological toxicity i mean it s not surprising aside from the heavy metals and and all and some of the chemicals that nicotine is probably the key element that s produced in the syrup but the solution that we ve created here and clearly these fish are suffering from that exposure. after just a few minutes some of the fish recover from the shock but if they stayed in the water for longer the toxins would kill them. professor
novotny and his team prepare a chemical analysis of the bodies of the contaminated fish that did not survive the earlier experiments. the researches find toxic substances from the cigarette butts stored in the fish s bodies. novotny and his colleagues fear the impact on humans. there is no on tobacco. and there are naturally kind of exit present in the tobacco and tobacco smoke and they are in the lead of the cigarette butts but in the more important some of these are highly a few really into fish so that means that if we eat the fish and there we are exposed to those chemicals that. the neurotoxin nicotine moves through the food chain back to humankind. professor novotny believes that cigarette filters play
a big row. i think what we have to think about is not picking up cigarette butts not just going on collecting him because that s not going to do very much good we might collect a million of them and it still wouldn t touch the burden there we need to look at ways of regulating the product from an environmental standpoint and the number one objective but i have is to ban the sale of filter cigarettes. without filters smokers will be exposed to even more toxins so it s a radical proposal. but it s one that at least spares other creatures and the environment. this is i would focus is really cool like that we really have to you know scientifically we think we. just call it a cigarette butts in the environment and we think that they re just gone you know
and they re not going to be harmful. but in the end it s coming back to us. smoking isn t bound on this beach on germany s baltic sea. and even though it s officially frowned upon people still smoke cigarette butts are the most common form of refuse found on the. each. coastal environmentalist in van i m going to discover that in a number of litter collecting initiatives. they ve responded by installing several receptacles for the cigarette ends. to me like how long should have been twenty meters and fifteen meters fifty meters but the environmentalist want to do more than that they want to change the behavior of the smokers. in just a few minutes they find fifty bots in a small radius around one of the ashtrays. it s
not just the toxins in the cigarette ends that are the problem it s the material itself that the filter is made from. as it is in empty air we can see some here where the cigarette filter is still covered with paper and the ones that are older it has a border where the paper is no longer there it has already detached and probably brought it from that but it s the filter that s the problem is that the so most acetate isn t biodegradable we know from freshwater studies that a filter like this needs roughly ten to fifteen years to decompose in some water if we put this into the sea many can take up to four hundred years for something like this to decompose so that s. that s how long filters can inflict damage in the sea . the german cigarette association the tobacco industry lobby here has
a different view. if you haven t for the august so normal cigarette filter is made from cellulose acetate are biodegradable i guess ever acquires a certain amount of time and that varies to. the way they decompose in the soil depends a bit. the degree of exposure to light it depends how wood decomposes in water that s a longer process and we re working together with the manufacturers in the chemicals industry to reduce these tire spans that tighten this for quite some. of the german company that has already produced a filter to it made from paper that decomposes in just a few weeks. the firm has long manufactured filters for roll your own cigarettes thinner than the conventional ones but identical apart from that. smokeless is passed through normal filters made from cellulose acetate feels less harsh
according to managing director christiane hands. but the disadvantage is that the fighters are dense get come dark and as a result unless biodegradable then paper filter tips. here is emitted classism it well here we see the classic method for producing our suited filters not just in our company but throughout the industry. when you pull it stretches like elastic. thus far that they re going to fall do not itself like in war but. not much of them once not their own but now this material is from the paper filter mission. well of course that also passes through the machinery that far but you can already see the differences as far as biodegrade ability is considerable work on get. this machine produces filter tapes made from unbleached paper better then folded together with a magically at the moment it s the only one of its kind in germany the unbleached
paper isn t very popular with some customers the draw isn t a smooth on the smokers hotshot some cigarette manufacturers started using the paper filters but then gave up again. but he s at once to stick with the new chips despite the extra work involved. they ve got some to put this is the whole process is more expensive because i m slower and the output is considerably smaller but theoretically at least everyone in the industry can do it if they tried to move on thing but. the filters may decompose more quickly in the environment but the problem with the toxins inside remains. when bazza just flicked away no one feels responsible for them despite letter collection efforts from local pressure groups and green organizations like here in the eastern john and city of
slide. they say that people aren t aware of the scale of the problem. every year cigarettes generate an incredible volume of waste. much less models how many cigarette butts are there wild why d they fly it worldwide about four and a half trillion and if we place the butts into any time they would encircled the earth two times over that s how many bites there are and it s not just raising awareness with smokers i hear it should really be classified as hazardous waste. and so on your phone i phone is meeting with a man lives but. even politicians and public officials aren t always aware of the danger that cigarette butts pose to the environment. as if he has to be to get it is for first important lesson for me was to learn just how toxic stubs are and what a bird moriarity the environment might have to admit i didn t know that i hadn t
thought about it was something else to be done to ensure cigarette butts end up where they belong with. one discarded cigarette might seem harmless but they add up. annually discarded bots worldwide generate a mountain of trash estimated to weigh seven hundred and fifty thousand tons. and cigarettes also cause other types of environmental degradation. sanya an ice bomb collects information about tobacco plantations worldwide in emerging or developing economies such as in africa entire forests of cleared to make way for tobacco good. it s also used in the drying process in tanzania and malawi five hundred to six hundred square kilometers of woodland are cleared annually for this purpose alone globally that amounts to two thousand square kilometers an area
roughly the size of rivers a narrow cairo egypt. and deforestation is not the only problem to back across also remove nutrients from the soil then. went to back it was planted after two or three years the ground is so lived out that nothing will grow there for a long time afterwards go order. from the line you have and if the soil is dry and promptly in areas like southern africa then it and roads and leaves the desert like conditions that are all. tobacco is a sensitive crop and requires a lot of cash for most farmers artificial fertilizers and other chemicals are essential. that are run by tobacco cultivation requires a very intensive use of pesticides because it s a monoculture and in every type of monoculture there are certain types of pasts
that can wipe out all the crops that s why a lot of it has to science are used many different ones including some that are banned here again and as is always the case with pasture sides they don t leech into the soil and remain there or are washed into the ground water. five point six trillion cigarettes a year is big business. in germany alone the turnover amounts to more than twenty billion euro zone you really. the german cigarette association says tobacco is not a major cause of deforestation. they cite studies that claim the toxicity of nicotine depends on its concentration and often pocket sized ashtrays to deal with . but that s we have. of course people have become more environmentally aware and consumers pay a lot more attention to the way products are made they have every right to. and it s right that the industry should be put under more pressure to create these
products more carefully and check entire supply chains more closely. it s in our own interests to take a long term and sustainable approach so that these products are deemed acceptable and that consumers are kept informed. so there is concern for the environment but only when it s customer driven. tobacco can be grown organically as it is here in southwestern germany like his grandfather and father before him marcos fish is a family as well as growing tobacco conventionally he also cultivates it organically without the use of chemical fertilizers pesticides or insecticides that s a lot more work for the tobacco farmer but it s better for the environment as yet
it comes at a price. a key level tobacco is about two euros more expensive than conventional tobacco. in viewers on. your it s not like i can just take a sack of fertilizer and dump it in. there really is biological we use dried cowpats dissolved in water and as we say locally. even tadpoles are happy here that wouldn t be the case in conventional tobacco. we treat a field with an agent to kill the wire worms that would probably kill the tadpoles . if you would manage to survive but you wouldn t see such a swarm of conventionally formed as you do among new york. we needs and grass grow on the organic tobacco field and can t be treated with
artificial pesticides a lot of environmentally aware smokers happily pay the price of organic tobacco but it has a difficult future in germany. in europe it s no longer allowed to describe itself as natural pure after the consumer advice agency brought a court action they say the advertising is potentially misleading as cigarettes also damage your health. yeah maybe that s the problem is that consumers tend to understand these terms as having very positive connotations and could there be cigarettes really must harmful to their health and unfortunately that s not the case defy in. the industry is now likely to turn its back on the organic farmers because they can no longer expect to attract added sales through advertising marcus fisher now plans to plant maize or wheat on his organic field no manufacturer is prepared to buy organic tobacco to make normal cigarettes it s too expensive he
blames the consumer protection advocates. of the day. as you can see american spirit made lots of swag t. shirts rain coats and such and then two years ago i got a call they told us we had to destroy all the t. shirts because they were no longer allowed to bear the words natural american spirit. only american spirit i think that sadly it s an organically produced product like cauliflower broccoli it s organically grown tobacco. why shouldn t it be called natural. pretty perplexing for tobacco grower like me. and talked long. it s a huge. tobacco is better for the environment in terms of conservation but that s still the problem with the toxins in the filter. for decades smokers have been used to focus the flicking away the cigarette butts modifying that behavior
will be difficult and it s not just the environmentalists on amanda who think so. smokers like to get rid of that stuff as quickly and easily as possible research has proved that. it s coming in as we found out that they estimated they would walk at least twenty meters but we could see from the data that they only walked ten meters. and an ashtray every ten meters is pretty unrealistic. even if it were possible to almost no vault me in san diego believes that many smokers are resistant to change. while this is a you know ineffective way that it publicizes the issue i think by having it here very visible and tells people why they re doing this it s not just an ashtray this place out here in front of the smoke shop but as you can see that even though there s this facility and there s after syllabi right here there s. a but.
professor novotny believes the buck should stop with the tobacco industry he thinks manufacturers must pay more attention to environmental factors both in terms of tobacco cultivation and the toxic waste created by filters he hopes that stricter laws will force them to do so. and what we need to do is try to change the product for the behavior doesn t matter nearly as. well the important thing is that banfield cigarettes you know i think that s a simple. offer. any money to do for the tobacco industry that people won t be smoking these products that are. harder to smoke but i think what we re end up with is a far safer. route to do this but we could also think people are going to think twice about their smoking reduce the quantity that they re smoking anywhere and that will help. his vision is quite simple without filters there would be fewer
smokers and fewer problems for the environment. in which. the fast pace of life in the digital more. shift as the lowdown on the web showing new developments and providing useful information the wittiest finds and interviews with makers and users will shift next on digital you ve.
entered the conflict zone with tim sebastian. has been challenging those in power asking tough questions demanding ourselves. as conflicts intensify i ll be meeting with kid players on the ground in the stands as of. cutting through the rhetoric holding the powerful to account facts of conflict zone. conflict zone with tim sebastian on t.w. . thank you. for the. shift hashtags. today a special edition focusing on digital berlin. with hyper lapsed views of the city gaming grannies on the internet and the pair of them on alter in three d.

Dw-africa , Tower , Funny , On , Facebook , Cigarettes , People , Sickness , Death , Nicotine , Environment , Cigarette-butts

Transcripts For DW Shift - Living In The Digital Age 20181001 23:15:00

a museum says mr lucas let s see the unsub. slaves on the so called change to suck up to his confidence boost such. a. place that people have put big dreams on the big screen play. movie magazine on the w. . cut. shift patched. today a special edition focusing on digital berlin. with hyper lapsed views of the city gaming grannies on the internet and the pair of them on alter in three d.
but first female startup founders berlin is seen as one of the most important cities in the world for startups many of them are digital and most are set up by men but women in the german capital are looking to conquer the tech world too. in the bench and that there are lots of situations where i wish women just had more guts. instead of all this self-criticism and self-doubt i wish they d just take a leap of faith get out there and get something of their own going. sophie chung from austria had the guts to do it in twenty fifteen she founded a health platform which supports patients around the globe in their search for the right doctor over four thousand inquiries come in every month so if you re trying regularly seeks out cooperation partners for portland hospitals most of our business partners are male so when you. look at. the end of course it s frustrating to see that there is still inequality between
men and women. with my platform i feel that i m doing my part to change that imbalance. according to a current report in a magazine startup monitor only fifteen percent of balance startups were founded by women there are presently around three thousand startups in the german capital they are young companies with innovative ideas promising growth around three billion euros were invested in a scene and twenty seventeen startup city is booming. one success story is the readies. school of digital integration founded by danish national and carry share at an early twenty sixteen she set up a school where refugees can learn or brush up their skills to prepare for the german job market the ready school also offers women only course are. the most important thing for us in the women of course this is really about empowerment and that s where we can see the biggest difference women maybe coming in
a little bit shy or maybe they re coming in with their friend and after just a three month course we can really see that they re standing on stage they re proud and we ve even seen that some of these women just after three months of course have actually become real jobs. lisa lange has also founded a successful startup in berlin a fashion tech label that electro couture it combines digital technology with selling a five figure prices as a founder lisa benefits from her experience working in various i. actually where electrical to start it was the point of frustration while i was working in a tech environment surrounded by boys and there was a uniform and the only for t. shirts i never wear jeans and t. shirts. i love technology and there was a point where i got really really frustrated like why can t i look smart and pretty at the same time. women such as lisa lange reach out and sophie chong other
living proof that female founders can succeed in a male dominated scene it takes good ideas guts and a decent network and on a definitive on five it was definitely a lack of role models i can see that for myself there are hardly any successful women founders i can look up to or draw inspiration from in cancer research has shown that in the age group between sixteen and twenty a lot of women are told maybe it s not a good idea to start over it s a little bit risky maybe you should consider. i think that it s more safe and i think it s critically important that we need more role models we need young women to really see that of course they can found it s not something that only men successful female tech entrepreneurs like they can inspire more women to set up their own businesses. shift says more girl power in tech
and now networkers digital makers and shakers and their projects today quit the entrepreneur dominic s. his mission to set up a network of machines with the help of a digital cryptocurrency called the iota the twenty two year old is engaging in global marketing and has published the code of his software. it s not only our mission to automate times machines but to make them independent and the way we re doing that is to give the machines a digital wallet this means we re enabling the machines to make transactions and paycheck for example how a car might pay for fuel or parking in future all of these transactions will take place automatically between the car in the parking ticket machine the charging station or the toll station. another example is buying groceries the fridge organizes the grocery shopping and pays the bill itself using a digital currency. the algorithm behind i other allows thousands of parallel transactions to take place per second processing them much faster than rival
cryptocurrency bitcoin experts see great opportunities for the use of iota in industry. as firm is currently worth four billion euros for now it s still humans not fridges who do the shopping but dominic sheena hopes to make iota a standard currency in future this means machines will be able to trade with each other. and now berlin at turbo speed photographer shot up gabriele best sumi created a stunning clip of berlin s landmarks. using hyper lapse viewers are literally drawn into the city s sights. berlin hyper labs is the no frills title of this dynamic time lapse clips that relapse films or time lapse recordings where the camera is moved over large distances. the sights of the german capital form a spectacular backdrop. the entire film is the work of
one photographer and his digital single lens reflex camera shot gabriele best sumi spent six days snapping his way through berlin. was rushed to ghana i want to make things perceptible to people things they don t normally know tears. by using this time lapse and also the spice lapse feature. yeah i can show things in a different perspective. it s a pretty arduous task for just one minute of film he needs two thousand photographs . to show i was on our she why i see myself as an archivist. taking as many pictures as i can to try and outsmart my own transience all the sin. laughs films they may race ahead for the viewers but the makers need real patience
to create them. shift says what of rush. and now to the silver haired set more and more online gamers are over fifty there are even you tube channels showing senior citizens gaming online they re proving a real hit with young people in particular. on this you tube channel produced in berlin the point is to have fun not necessarily when just ask regular players evelyn good luck and who she says. thank. you. carolyn good laugh he s eighty seven years old she says on is eighty when they were born there were no video games but two years ago the joy became game testers and filmed in a small studio while on the job most of us who today they re having a little trouble getting the game started i don t really understand the controls on
that if this isn t real mental training for us but i think he s a commie that you want this combination between using your hand was thinking and speed it really declines in old age this time they re playing one to switch they have to move their controller to match the task and press the right. they re battling it out in a virtual milking contrast slowly but surely the two pensioners are conquering the digital world. i divided by war both on what s up. i m on facebook i m on instagram i m able to keep up it s tough. to camera operators are on hand to film the games tasks the resulting videos have made mine a stars of the two pensioners over three hundred fifty thousand fans have subscribed to the you tube channel xenu on suckin up to a million viewers follow the over eighty s generation fascinated to see how they
handle the digital world. and they re not just becoming famous with online gaming but with music videos to hear is the pension a pair with german rapper romana. shift says go for it. now short and sweet fish if snapshot. the two thousand year old paradigm on alter is a masterpiece of ancient greek culture the phrase depicts the mythical battle of the gods and the giants due to elaborate restoration it can currently only be of mired online the berlin state museums along with the found hoffa institute for computer graphics research have created an impressive three d. model. a laser scanner was positioned at fifty one different points
researchers determined a total of one hundred seventy six million three d. points per measurement online viewers can get closer to the one hundred thirteen meter long relief than they ever could in the museum. that was our snapshot and now. as always we leave shift through the exit our online find of the week today the so. sounds of berlin. around three point five million commuters hear these sounds every day in. the subway squeals and rumbles in and around the german capital. the concert house orchestre berlin has interpreted the city s typical noise as. several video clips at a soundtrack to local sites. of
course the soundscape pass to include a curry sausage stand what would berlin be without them. cheers. and next time. fighting global inequality with digital technology aid organizations such as germany s deltona held firm are using new apps like the child growth app one click can detect malnutrition in children smartphone eight next week on shift. the debate about that. because i. thought it was weak and it was. playing music was humbled by how tough then it. got months late enough to turn around to let the kids in. and the club what must be the only goal of
a big. kid go. karts lawyer. high culture. car hair. superman. superfood style and the icon. lifestyle you re a. sixty minute. her first day at school in the jungle. first the clueless and.
then doris crane the moment arrives. join the ring intending on her journey back to freedom. in our interest in such an injury. to her reputation returns home on d. w. dot com tang s. what s coming up for the book display you ll have plenty to talk about. this league of every weekend here. an unusual friendship this is the story of paul and. is a student from cameroon other a filmmaker from germany he s read about likely never be able to say whether he chose me or i chose him this is the story of how. europe s most first
class. what began as a documentary. by parents are professed everything from. a story about those seeking. and those ready to help. when home came over the city from cameroon to berlin starts october fourth on detail. well you. stick all twist it makes a huge difference in football hold on to

Women , Capital , Men , World , German , Most , Many , Guts , Sophie-chung , Something , Lots , Situations