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Transcripts For CNNW EarlyStart 20130314

that s it for us. thanks for watching. early start begins now. see you tonight. the first full day of pope francis. we re already talking about it. the start of a new era for catholics around the world. standoff with a suspected killer. right now, police think they have the gunman what killed four people surrounded in new york. a skydiver lives to tell about his terrifying plunge, after his parachute failed. that has to be one of the scariest moments ever. i can t imagine. good morning to you. welcome to early start. great to see you this morning. it is thursday, march 14th. it s 5:00 a.m. in the east. we re going to start with pope francis. you know this, is the first morning that anyone has ever said those words. this is the first full day on the job for the first latin american pontiff. he was scheduled to meet with a man he was to replace, pope emeritus benedict. that s not likely to happen today. he will hold a private mass with the cardinals that elected him at noon eastern at the sistine chapel. who is jorge mario bergoglio. we re covering this like no other network can. dan rivers is in assisassisi, i. hope francis touched the lives many in his service as archbishop. miguel joins us from rome this morning. reporter: good morning, john. the newspapers here are full of francis news today. but this is probably the most interesting and cool one. when s the last time you saw a newspaper in latin? fantastic. but the moments that he was presented to the world, that he met the people out there, was an unbelievable moment to experience. the anticipation, intense. the crowd, 150,000 strong, jammed into st. peter s square. white smoke billowed. and the largest bell signaled the election of a new pope. and within minutes, the square filled to capacity. and then this is the moment. the moment that the tens of thousands of people gathered here in the square have been waiting for. it s electrifying. it s an extraordinary moment. look at all of the cameras snapping a picture of the new pope. argentine cardinal, jorge mario bergoglio, becomes pope francis. he asked the crowd to pray for his predecessor, pope benedict. then, in a touching moment, he asked for a silent prayer. from the massive crowd, not a word, not a sound. the prayer, he said, was for him to help him in his new role. 100,000 people, probably more. and the silence. i know. i know. i was shocked, too. definitely. it was i think it s just you re in the moment. you wanted that one curtain to drop and see who it was. reporter: for his fellow argentines, it s a moment not only for their country. but the world. he s a very humble person. everybody in argentina knows that. he doesn t use a car. he uses the metro, the subway. he doesn t like to be called himself monsignor, your excellence. just jorge mario. you can call him is father. reporter: a humble man, about to embark on an extraordinary journey. now, even though you had this unbelievably enormous event last night, you still got the sense of the humility of the man. he left the stage. and he came back out to wish everybody a good night. and thank you for coming. and to ask people to pray for him. he is expected to then today he will meet today with 114 cardinals who elected him at the sistine chapel, where they will hold a mass. john, back to you. it was almost grandfatherly the way he spoke to everyone out there. it must have been so exciting to be in the middle. thanks so much this morning. pope francis is carving out a repetition of a pope of firsts. a humble man known to defy tradition and do things his way. here s jim bitterman. translator: let us begin, this journey. reporter: his journey began wednesday, when he was elected to lead the catholic church. he s the first non-european pope since the eighth century. and the first pope ever from south america. he ll be called pope francis, in honor of st. francis of assisi. he was born in 1936, in buenos aires, argentina. he studied to become a chemist before receiving a call to the priesthood. the 76-year-old was ordained a jesuit in 1969, and has served as archbishop in buenos aires. he was made a bishop in 2001. bergoglio is said to be the runner-up in the 20050 conclave. and in 2013, he was the oldest of the possible candidates. some argentines are looking forward to his new chapter in the catholic church. i think we want to move forward. hopefully make some good changes. hopefully, he ll be similar to john paul ii in some ways and being progressive. so, we ll just have to wait and see. reporter: bergoglio is the 266th bishop of rome. leader of the world s 1.2 billion catholics. but to many, he s known simply, father jorge. jim bitterman, cnn, rome. vice president joe biden, the first roman catholic vice president, will lead the u.s. delegation to pope francis formal installation next week. president obama said the e selection of the first latin american pope spoke to the region that is increasingly shape our world. the news seemed to energize american catholics. i ran to work. i had to come to the church. i work a couple of blocks down. i have to come to the church and thank god that we have this pope. we are not alone. it s exciting for the catholic church, to have a south american cardinal named pope. that s good. that s good for anyone. he s a man of the people. raised poor. rode buses. they made a wise choice. everybody seemed to have a positive opinion. house speaker john boehner who is catholic, called the selection of a non-european pope, a big step in the right direction for the church. we ve been talking about this all morning. something you said was striking. i was riveted and glued. and you were struck by his smile. he looked stiff and was uncomfortable waving his hand. when he smiled, it changed everything. even the people standing around them, if you looked at them, it changed their disposition, as well. he has a warm smile. the more you learn about him, the more interesting. it came across as almost gentle. and he asked the people of italy, everyone in st. peter s square, he told them, get a good rest. yeah. and there was silence. complete silence when he started to pray. and i thought that was significant, also. the fact he chose to ask people to pray for him first. i thought that was just poignant and very special moment. and i love that he s a big soccer fan. you have that in common. you can talk sports. coming up, what this means for the future of the church. we ll be joined by cnn senior vatican analyst, john allen and father edward beck, as well. eight minutes after the hour. and at this moment, there s a tense standoff between police and a gunman suspected of killing four people and blowing up his own house. we re live at the scene, coming up. looking for a litter with natural ingredients that helps neutralize odors. discover tidy cats pure nature. uniquely formulated with cedar, pine, and corn. from capital one. boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, please? thank you. that s three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken s testimony, please. buk, buk, bukka! [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase every day. told you i d get half. what s in your wallet? told you i d get half. let s face it. everyone has their own way of doing things. at university of phoenix we know learning is no different. so we offer personalized tools and support, that let our students tackle the challenge of going back to school, like they do anything else. their way. great first gig! let s go! party! awwwww. arigato! we are outta here! party.. finding you the perfect place, every step of the way. omnipotent of opportunity. you know how to mix business. with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. yes, you could. go national. go like a pro. but at xerox we ve embraced a new role. working behind the scenes to provide companies with services. like helping hr departments manage benefits and pensions for over 11 million employees. reducing document costs by up to 30%. and processing $421 billion dollars in accounts payables each year. helping thousands of companies simplify how work gets done. how s that for an encore? with xerox, you re ready for real business. a california skydiver whose frightening plunge to earth was caught on camera, is speaking out. on sunday, craig stapleton s main chute gets tangled up while diving over ell campo, california. his backup begins to spin. he hits the ground at an amazing 30 miles per hour. it s just a few feet from iron stakes that hold up the grapevines of a local vineyard. i landed parallel to the grapes. one of my last thoughts before i hit was, i hope i don t hit an iron spike because it would just be messy. i knew it was bad when i was living it. and when i saw the video, it was like, wow, that s a lot worse than i thought. how did i walk away from that? how did i manage to survive? i really hope i don t hit an iron spike. that would just be messy. yeah. my poor family. so, stapleton suffered a separated shoulder. that s it. and some bumps and bruises. and i can t believe this. he s going to take the weekend off. and then, resume jumping out of airplanes. he just does this for fun, seriously? that s not fun. right there, that s not fun. almost dying, rarely very fun. 12 minutes past the hour. let s get you up to date. guess who is back. christine romans. good morning. so much news today. day one on the job for pope francis. he was scheduled to meet with the man he replaced. but the vatican says that s not likely to happen today. the new pontiff will hold a private mass at noon, eastern, with the cardinals who elected him. prosecutors say two high school football stars from steubenville, ohio, sexually assaulted a visibly intoxicated girl. they are now on trial for rape. in the opening statemt, the state claimed the teenagers bragged about it to their friends. we know this photo is sent by trent mays to a number of other teenagers. and you will be able to read the text messages that were sent where these boys not only confess to the sex acts that were performed on my client. but they also bragged about their knowledge of how impaired she was. they used the word dead, over and over. mays, and richmond have pleaded not guilty to those charges. charmed? not so sure. president obama s latest move in the white house is so-called charm offensive fails to get republicans to move on budget talks. he entered a conference room in the capitol basement. but the meeting left republicans unmoved. the president spoke last night about those talks. over the last several weeks, the press here in washington has been reporting about obama s charm offensive. you know, the truth of the matter is, all i ve been doing is just calling up folks and trying to see if we can break through some of the gobbledygook of our politics here. drop the charm offensive and bring up the gobbledygook. several gop house members asked the president whether his motives were purely political. the president has chosen a new ambassador for libya. deborah jones will be his nominee for that post. jones also served in turkey, syria, the uae and ethiopia. she would replace the late christopher stevens in libya. he was one of four americans killed last year in an attack in benghazi. tough times in the motor city. rick snyder is expected to declare a financial emergency in detroit. sources tell cnn, he ll recommend an attorney from washington take over as emergency manager. snyder s announcement expected to come this afternoon. that s been a very difficult financial situation there for people trying to fix it and the people who live there. thank you, christine. it is 15 minutes past the hour now. happening now in upstate new york, police are believed to have surrounded a man wanted in a shooting spree that left four people dead and two others in critical condition. that s takes place in herkimer county, northwest of the state capital in albany. police are making loud noises to flush him out of an abandoned building. deborah feyerick is live with the latest. what s happening now? reporter: well, we can tell you that the standoff has been going on since early yesterday afternoon. we knew it was going to be a long night last night when they brought in floodlights. they have been trying to make contact with him throughout the evening. 64-year-old kurt myers is in that building, believed to be an empty store. there s a state and local presence here. other police forces from other jurisdictions. police are proceeding very cautiously. they don t want to lose anymore life. the police believe they have him in a location in the building that was just discussed. however, until he is apprehended, until the police are sure, we suggest that people in the immediate vicinity remain in their homes. and stay in a safe place and stay off the streets. in the meantime. at this time, you know, basically, we re concerned about officers safety. so, we re in no rush to bring this to a conclusion. we want to make sure no one else gets injured today. reporter: all of this is playing out on main street. not too far from the police and the firestations. just to locate you. it all began about 9:30 yesterday. police say kurt myers set his house on fire. they later discovered several guns inside that home. whatever set him off, he went to a barbershop, opened fire, killed two. injured two others with a long gun, with a shotgun. he then went to a local jiffy lube, where he killed two other people, including a former new york state corrections officer. police do not know what set him off, what triggered this rampage. but they believe he is inside that building right now. they re just trying to wait him out. it s cold. it s snowy. they ve been up all night. they re waiting to get him out and hope this ends peacefully. we saw they were using those little robots that are mounted with cameras in order to ensure safety. we re happy to see that. deborah feyerick, thank you. facebook s chief operating officer, cheryl sandburg, making waves in the workplace. the first day it went on sale. sandburg has faced a lot of criticism for suggesting that women share some of the blame, not sure i d use those words, for their failure to compete with men in corporate america. but she tells our soledad o brien, it s the men who can help change that moving forward. when you talk at your mentors in the book, it s mostly men. i ve never worked for a woman. i ve been really lucky. and i had great mentors and great sponsors. and part of lean in is to help people to find the right way to develop the mentors and sponsors. and saying to every man out there, it should be a badge of honor to mentor a young woman. not something you re ashamed to do. but a badge of honor that you re willing to spend your time, giving benefit of your experience to young women in the workforce. they need it. you can watch the full interview with sheryl sandberg monday morning. two winning streaks creating excitement. 20 in a row for the miami heat. and nine big days in a row for the stock market. we re going to celebrate both. i hope one streak continues. the chevy malibu offers an e.p.a.-estimated 34 mpg highway. amazing. see the grille? 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[ male announcer ] in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. minding your business this morning. and we ve been counting the dow s winning streak every day. happy. very good. there s a milestone today. the blue chip average has risen for nine-straight sessions. something we haven t seen in more than 16 years. our christine romans is tracking it all for us. remember that movie fargo ? that was the last time you saw a winning streak like this. fargo was in the movie theaters. just to give you perspective on how rare and long ago that actually was. i know. 1996. a long, long time ago was the last time you saw the stock market have a run like this. and this morning, dow futures are up again. looks like at least in the morning, we re going to try to hit another record here. let s talk about what was happening then. that was when, remember the fed chief, alan greenspan. he was saying, maybe there s nothing irrational about this xup rance? how do we know when irrational exuberance has its values. that time, we were having a run like this, the fed chief was concerned that this thing was overdone. and look at the stock market cha chart. you can see after he ushered those words, the stock market kept going up for a long time. that s the point here. people are concerned they re going to miss out on what is the most lucrative part of a bull market, the last fumes of it. that s why people are unwilling to give up on the assent of the stock market. the new fed chief, ben bernanke, he doesn t see an equity bubble. he is also spending $85 billion a month to stimulate the economy. he s putting money into the system, which is helping the stock market. and he s keeping interest rates low until the unemployment rate gets to 6.5%. a lot of folks are looking at this particular mix of factors and saying, the stock market could go excuse me. could go higher here. i m speechless. i had to admit, i had no idea where you were going with fargo. when you brought it together there. i like many men, are obsessed with the phone wars going on now. there s a huge announcement today. the samsung galaxy s-4 is released today. this is a food fight for the smartphone world. a lot of people are saying, if samsung could get some cool in this phone, the android market is huge. samsung and apple have been fighting over their share of this market. and look at the advertising of these companies, by the way. and you can see that samsung are 4 billion in estimated annual advertising. look at how that compared all of the other, like big names that you know. they re spending a lot of money to be sure you know their phones are cool. and they re going to have a new one out tonight. and the people that own them brag about them. you start comparing to see which one is better. that brings me to blackberry. blackberry popped overnight in the stock pop because the company said that somebody ordered 1 million of its blackberry ten. we ll be looking for those shares to be moving today. the phone stock wars, too. thanks, christine. 26 minutes past the hour. more than a billion catholics around the world have a new leader. more live from rome on the brand-new pope on his first full day. t with new lean cuisine salad additions. with grilled chicken edamame pineapple ginger vinaigrette and crispy noodles. just bring your own lettuce. new lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. find us in frozen. mr. wiggles and curling irons. for the little mishaps you feel, use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster neosporin. also try neosporin eczema essentials. no they don t. hey son. have fun tonight. back against the wall ain t nothin to me ain t nothin to me [ crowd murmurs ] hey! [ howls ] bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn s small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here s your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what s in your wallet? [ crows ] now where s the snooze button? it s the dawn of a new era. pope francis, now on the job, leading the roman catholic church. revealed for the first time, the man who shot mitt romney s infamous 47% video comes forward. and striking a pose. this is your new vogue cover girl, first lady, michelle obama, again, i suppose. she looks good. welcome back to early start. it s thursday morning, 5:30 in the east. history unfolding in rome at this very moment, as pope francis gets to work as leader of the world s 1.2 billion catholics. at noon eastern, the pope holds a private mass with the cardinals who elected him, inside the sistine chapel. this morning, we re learning a lot more about jorge mario bergoglio. known in argentina as father jorge. our coverage begins as it has the last few mornings, with miguel. good morning. reporter: good morning, john. the pope francis was off to a busy start already this morning. he was at the basilica. and he prayed to the virgin mary there. he interestingly went to the crypt, which is inside that church, one of the oldest churches in rome, also owned by the vatican. went to the crypt of st st. ignatius, who founded the jesuit order. and rome is crazy about the new pope here. it s top news here. the surprise of francis. the pope, this is really sweet one. thank you, rome. he came out last night and thanked the people for coming out. wished them well. said, i hope you get a good sleep. this is, perhaps, the coolest one. even the newspapers here in italy are beautiful. when the is the last time you saw a newspaper in latin? i won t be getting through this one anytime soon. but a beautiful keepsake for anybody in rome today. an amazing night last night. an amazing day today. he will hold mass with the 114 cardinals that elected him later on. and we expect to see that on vatican tv, as well. should be an amazing mass. as you said, it was an amazing night. and you were right in the middle of it all. what was that like? to you, what was the most interesting moment? reporter: well, a couple. when that crowd of 150,000 people went silent. it s very moving. it was shocking. and then, when he left the balcony, and then, when he came back out to thank everybody, for coming, to wish them well, and to have a good night, it was it said a lot about the man. he was humble. he was sweet. despite the grandeur of that event, you got a good sense of the man last night. we were talking. we were jealous you could be there and see that. and you should be. serious envy going on here. let s bring in john allen, cnn senior analyst, and father edward beck. i know you have been working very hard and around the clock. we appreciate your time this morning. let s talk about this selection. it was a very swift selection. i know we ve chatted a lot about that. but this particular when he was cardinal, appealed to two different voting blocks that were in that room. let s talk about that appeal. some are known as reformers. and the other one, they re pretty much the status quo within the roman catholic church. john, i m going to start with you. how is it possible that he can appeal to both sides? i think there s three blocs in the cardinals. one would be a bloc who wanted to vote for a pope outside of the west. to put a face on that burgeoning catholic footprint. the second would be those who wanted a pope that would speak for the aspirations of the world s poor at the heart of social teaching. finally, those cardinals, a good number among those 115, who wanted to shake things up in the vatican. who thought there was an old guard that was too wedded to traditional ways of doing business. and they wanted an outside to give it a new lease on life. pope francis has never worked a day in the vatican in his life. he s been in the trenches, running an archdiocese there. you ramp all that up and it s not hard to figure out how he got the 77 votes that represented two-thirds of this voting bloc. father beck, we didn t know much about this man. we re learning a lot about him. and the name he chose. what a humble man he is. so, when you look at the pomp and circumstance of the vatican, how is he going to be able to reconcile that with the life that he has led so far? i was thinking that a lot of people were hoping that the 115 cardinals would elect jesus christ, with an mba and a law degree. but he simply wasn t in the room. 115 flawed men were in that room. and they elected pope francis. a little historical perspective. we re sitting yards away from where the first pope was crucified upside down, st. peter. and jesus said, peter, you re rock. on you, i will build my church. but that was a cracked rock. peter, who denied jesus three times, first pope and a saint. now, we have pope francis, who may have had some things people don t like. but this is a humble man who walked out on that balcony and said, i want you first to pray for me before i can pray for you. this is an amazing testimony. this is a man who supposedly gave up his palace where he was living, to live in a simple apartment because he wanted to be more of the common person. he rode the bus, rather than be chauffeured in his vehicle. you wonder how he s going to be able to deal with the new life as a pope, which, you know, people kiss his ring. let s move on. let s talk about the flaws because this particular man is accused of failing to stand up to the military, dictatorship in argentina. this is back in the 70s, when 30,000 people disappeared or were killed in the dirty war. how is this legacy that is following him going to affect, now that he s pope? i m asking that question to you, john allen. well, listen. i think in the days to come, people are going to be digging extensively into the new pope s background. and his relationship to the military in argentina will come up. when cardinal bergoglio was asked that question, he was square against the militater dictatorsh dictatorship. what he resisted was an over politicization of the church. he didn t want to see priests getting directly involved in partisan politics because his argument was, the best way to save that society was by preaching the gospel and promoting a change of heart and mind. until the individual heart changes can the structures change. not everyone accepted that choice. i don t think once this dig is over, there s going to be a serious case that was he an apologist for that dictatorship. we re going to let you continue talking about our new pope. and what we can expect for the roman catholic church. edward beck and john allen, cnn senior vatican analysts. coming up, we ll speak with anne barrett doyle. she is part of a watchdog group that documents sexual abuse on the church. her thoughts on pope francis and how he will address this scandal. a second term and a second vogue cover for first lady michelle obama. what she say about her marriage when we come back. for those nights when it s more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children s motrin. i use bounce outdoor fresh sheets because they re just that much fresher and they help keep static off in the cold so my clothes will never embarrass me. mommy, i dressed the snowman! how do you get your bounce? 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[ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can t go wrong loving it. from capital one. boris earns unlimited rewards for his small business. can i get the smith contract, please? thank you. that s three new paper shredders. [ boris ] put em on my spark card. [ garth ] boris small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase every day. great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. read back the chicken s testimony, please. buk, buk, bukka! [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase every day. told you i d get half. what s in your wallet? welcome back to early start. first lady michelle obama is everywhere this these days. from late-night talk shows to the academy awards. and come april, she will be on newsstands everywhere, becoming the first american first lady to grace the glossy cover of vogue twice. cnn s first lady of fashion, alina cho, has more. reporter: second term. second cover. first lady michelle obama in vogue again. there s something so groundbreakingly modern about the obamas. they are the first black president and first lady. and anna wintour of vogue is crazy about them. reporter: vogue s editor in chief, once rumored to be the next ambassador to the u.k. it s her friend, the first lady, appearing on vogue s april cover, wearing a sleeveless dress by reed krakoff. the same designer mrs. obama chose for the inauguration. here she is in michael kors. but jonathan van meters spoke to both of them. them as a couple. how they live in the white house. how they deal with the bubble. reporter: what struck him? they re sweet with each other. if there s any married couple to whom the phrase, they finish each other s sentences, it s them. reporter: of their marriage, the president says, it would be a mistake to think of my wife, hey, honey, how is your day? let me give you a neck rub. it s much more. we re a team. of his clothes, she jokes, this is the man who still boasts about this khaki pair of pants i ve had since i was 20. and i m like, you don t want to brag about that. reporter: she very effortlessly tells a story that leads to a punch line that could crack you up. i loved that she and i weren t finished laughing. and he was done and ready to move on, the president. and she would sort of look at me and keep laughing with me. i just loved that spirit in her that jovial spirit, it really surprised me. reporter: a story compelling readers to go beyond the cover. alina cho, cnn, new york. 44 minutes past the hour. mitt romney s 47% comment didn t do his presidential campaign any favors. now, for the first time, the man who recorded it has come forward. scott crowdy was tending bar last year. this was in south florida. romney said 47% of votes would choose president obama. he didn t go in with a grudge jens romney and wasn t hoping for any gotcha moments. i had brought the camera. and a lot of other people brought cameras, like i said, thinking that he would come back and take pictures. clinton in the past had come back with the staff. and taken pictures. and that was, you know, really my thought. i had no idea he would say what he said. i thought it would he would say the same things he was saying in public. i had no idea it was going to be this big thing that it turned out to be. i had no idea. and i felt an obligation, in a way, to release it. i felt an obligation for all the people that can t afford to be there. you shouldn t have to be able to afford $50,000 to hear what a candidate actually thinks. prouty said he sat on the video for a couple of weeks and struggled with the idea of releasing it. he claims he didn t reveal his identity before the election because he didn t want to draw attention away from the video. and it got a lot of attention. this programming note. we re just days away from the launch of a new cnn show that will cover the world of politics and so much more. the lead with jake tapper, live from washington, premieres monday at 4:00 eastern time, right here on cnn. a lot of controversy over whether some small knives should be allowed on airplanes. ahead, why the tsa is some people will do anything to help eliminate litter box odor. discover tidy cats pure nature. clumping litter with natural cedar, pine, and corn. like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. once you try an oral-b deep sweep power brush, you ll never want to go back. its dynamic power bristles reach between teeth to remove up to 76% more plaque than sonic in hard to reach areas. oral-b deep sweep 5000 power brush. hi victor! mom? i know you got to go in a minute but this is a real quick meal, that s perfect for two! campbell s chunky beef with country vegetables, poured over rice! [ male announcer ] campbell s chunky soup. it fills you up right. earning loads of points. we ll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is! [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card and redeem them for just about anything. visit to apply. [ male announcer ] engine light on? come to meineke now for a free code scan read and you ll money. my choice. my meineke. 49 minutes past the hour. let s get you up to date. it is pope francis first full day on the job. he ll hold a private mass at noon eastern in the sistine chapel. he was supposed to meet with his predecessor. but that s not likely to happen today. john pistol is expected to defend his position to allow small knives on planes when he testifies today. earlier this week, he said he was sticking with his plan, which gets under way next month. it s designed to reduce waiting time at airport security checkpoints. three major carriers oppose that plan. a developing story for you. another carnival cruise ship having some trouble right now. while docked in port, uh-huh, at phillipsburg, st. martin. several passengers have contacted cnn, complaining of nightmare conditions there. listen. the bathrooms are not working. they re backing up. the toilets are backing up? that s correct. okay. go ahead. the elevators? the elevators have not been working. they ve been turning them on and off. it s only been a month since triumph was tugged to land, stranding passengers and crew with deplorable conditions in the gulf of mexico. this is the dream. it is docked in st. maarten. we will be watching that closely. and contacting carnival for reaction. 51 minutes after the hour. cold temperatures are hanging around the northeast. and it is soggy in parts of the pacific northwest. alexander steele is live at the weather center. tell us what will be happening today. good morning to you guys. record heat in the southwest. burbank, california, in the 90s yesterday. good morning. waking up boston, albany, to hartford. we have lake-effect showers in the northeast. a clipper is coming. quicker clipper. it s quick. and drops half an inch, to an inch of snow. and father north, there s that rain. pretty dry today. in earnest, the rain will move in the pacific northwest tonight. another soggy night. the big picture, the warmth in the southwest. it s warm here in the southeast. and only getting warmer, as we head through the next couple of days. look at st. louis. friday, 72 degrees. almost 20 degrees above average. but then, a pretty cold weekend. the northeast, the next couple of days, below average, from new york to washington, to upstate new york. atlanta, temperatures warming up into the 70s. the southeast, atlanta, nashville to charlotte. each day getting warmer. thanks so much. 52 minutes past the hour. busy first day for the first pope from the new world. we re live in rome. and next, veronica mars fans have bought themes a big-screen sequel to the cult series. it is trending high this morning. bacon?! gotta get that bacon! yummy, crunchy, bacon bacon bacon there in that bag! who wants a beggin strip? me! i d get it myself, but i don t have thumbs! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm it s beggin ! mmm, i love you. (announcer) beggin strips.there s no time like beggin time. #%tia[ what do 5% cash back atit cardrestaurants?you generous. get the new it card at and sign up for 5% cashback at restaurants now through march. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet. dragon is captured. is connecting today s leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. a confident retirement. those dreams have taken a beating lately. but no way we re going to let them die. ameriprise advisors can help keep your dreams alive like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that s what ameriprise financial does. and that s what they can do with you. that s how ameriprise puts more within reach. we re taking a look at the top cnn trends on the internet this morning. you can call it the first fan feature. an online kickstarter campaign is bringing back the much-loved tv series, veronica mars to the big screen. kristen bell launched the drive yesterday. they were hoping to raise $2 million over the next month. they reached that goal in less than 24 hours. can you believe that? i am not a fan. i ve never seen the show. but i know people who are crazy about this show. and the fans have been hoping for a new version since the series wrapped up its third season around 2007. they plan to shoot the film over the summer and release it early next year. a lot of people say this sunday raising and funding could change the film industry. could you imagine? unbelievable. 24 hours, right? very quick. unbelievable. and time to get your geek on for pi day. that s pi, in the mathematical constant. beginning with 3.14, hence the march 14th celebration. there s pi day festivities all over the world. many beginning at 1:59. the first five values of pi. one way to celebrate with pies for pi day. peach mango, apple pecan? people like to get creative and fruity to mark this occasion. i would say pizza pie. an overwhelmingly about of nerdyness associated with this thing. to check out our trends, head to as we all know, the big news is that the catholic church has a new pope. and that means the late-night comedians have a lot of new jokes. here s some late-night laughs. the big news, of course, is that we have a new pope. though, there was a little uncertainty, when the cardinals released smoke. it was hard to tell if it was white or black. it s true. or as most people put it, the pope is vin diesel. yesterday, two different times, coming out of the vatican chimney, black smoke. and it s not the first dark cloud hanging over the vatican. thank you so much. this is crazy. we have a new pope. the vatican has chosen the first-ever argentinean pope. yeah. yeah. so, once again, a bunch of old white guys got a hispanic to do a job they didn t want to do. you go. early start continues, right now. the first full day for pope francis. the start of a new era for catholics around the world. standoff with a expected killer. police think they have the gunman who murdered four people surrounded in upstate new york. and developing at this hour, word of another cruise ship with overflowing bathrooms and passengers not able to get off. uh-oh. and survival, against all odds. ridiculous pictures. skydiver lives to tell about his terrifying plunge after his parachute failed. wait until you hear what he s planning to do next. good morning. welcome to early start. we re glad you re with us this morning. great to see you today. it s thursday, march 14th. it is 6:00 a.m. in the east. we re going to start with history unfolding in rome this morning. this is the first full day on the job for the first latin american pontiff ever. in the first order of business, a private mass in the sistine chapel with the cardinals who elected him. the new pontiff was expected to a question a lot of people are asking what do we know about jorge mario bergoglio and what will his pappacy mean foorr the catholic church? argentines know the new pontiff simply as father jorge. our coverage begins with miguel marquez live from rome this morning. good morning. reporter: good morning, john. one thing we do know for sure about pope francis, rome is pretty darn crazy about him. the newspaper, check this out, thank you, roma. they thanked them for coming out. wished them well. this is the coolest one. even the newspapers here are beautiful, in latin today for this newspaper. the moment that he was named out there in that crowd of 150,000 people, the grandeur of it, unforgettable. the anticipation, intense. the crowd 150,000 strong, jammed into st. peter s square. white smoke billowed in the largest bell in the basilica signaled the election of a new pope. within minutes the square filled to capacity. and then this is the moment, the moment that tens of thousands of people gathered here in the square have been waiting for. it s electrifying. it s an extraordinary moment. look at all the cameras snapping a picture of the new pope. reporter: argentine cardinal jorge mario bergoglio becomes pope francis. he asked the crowd to pray for his predecessor pope benedict, then in a dramatic and touching moment he asked for a silent prayer. from the massive crowd, not a word, not a sound. the prayer, he said, was for him, to help him in his new role. 100,000 people, probably more, and there s silence. i know. i know. definitely. i think it s just here in the moment, you wanted that one curtain to drop and see who it was. reporter: for his fellow or t general tynes it s no a. moment for him and his country. he doesn t use car. he used the metro, the subway. he doesn t like to be call himself monsignor, his excellence. just jorge, mario. maximum, you can call him is father. reporter: a humble man about to embark on an extraordinary journey. perhaps the most telling moment of the night was when this humble man came back out on to the balcony almost sheepishly and thanked people for coming out, almost i m bars rased that they were there. bid them, have a good night, and safe travels home. really sweet. back to you. miguel, he did it with a smile that almost seemed to melt the mass wees. miguel marquez in rome. he s a funny guy. a funny pope. i would agree. he has a sense of humor. he s also a pope-firsts. a humble man who likes to do things his own way. here s jim bittermann. translator: let us begin this journey. reporter: his journey began wednesday when cardinal jorge mario bergoglio of argentina was elected the lead of the catholic church. he s the first non-european pope since the eighth century and the first pope ever from south america. he will be called pope francis in honor of st. francis of assisi. he was born on december in 1936 in argentina, a railway worker, he had four brothers and sisters p. he studied to become a chemist before receiving a call to the priesthood. the 76-year-old was ordained in december 1969. and has served as archbishop of buenos airs. bergoglio is said to have been an runner-up in the 2005 conclave. and in 2013, he was the oldest of the possible candidates, barely mentioned as a topic. some fellow argentines are looking forward to his new chapter in the catholic church. i think we will move forward. hopefully make some good changes. hopefully he will be similar to john pope ii in some ways in being very progressive. we ll just have to wait and see. reporter: bergoglio is the 266th bishop of rome. leader of the world s 1.2 billion catholics. but to many, he s known as simply father jorge. jim bittermann, cnn, rolle. that was jim bittermann. we want to talk more now about pope francis and the new challenges facing him going forward. we re joined again by john allan, senior vattian analyst and father, a cnn contributor there in rome. during this time we talk about miracles. one of the miracles is that you guyses are shill c s ares are sr the amount of work you ve been doing. john, let me start with you. one of the striking things about yesterday was your surprise, frankly, your shock when cardinal bergoglio took the name pope francis. it may mean wonder. what did those first few actions of this pope mean, do you think, about what he will do going forward? well, you have it right, john. this is a pope of firsts in many ways. you picked off the first. but the most remarkable first is he is the first pope to take the name st. francis. this may be a slightly insider catholic thing. i think you have to have grown up in a catholic environment to get this all at once. but there s sort of two faces to the catholic church in a way. there s the face of the institution which is the face of the bureaucracy and power and social influence and wealth and all that. and then the face of the gospel, the face of closeness to the people, particularly the poor and suffering. for catholics, iconically, it s the st. francis of assisi. for the new pope to make his very first decision remember, john, the way it works, as soon as the pope gets two-thirds of the candidate gets two-thirds of the vote, a cardinal comes to him and asks, do you accept your election. if yes, at that moment he becomes the pope. the second question is, by what name will you be known? this is his very first decision as pope, his first decision was to embrace the second face of the church and try to put that institutional powerful face of the church and that humble closeness to people face back together again. to me, john, it s a whole program of a governance in a name. let me ask this of you. what do you think that americans can expect to see? people here in the united states, the catholics here, what can they expect to see, what do they want to see from this pope going forward? well, we ve heard a lot about we want a reforming pope, right? we want a change in image, a change in perspective. certainly we do get that in pope francis. just think about the fact that the papacy used to be like a coronation. you would have the pope crowned. he would be like over the futile system. this pope, though, will not have any of those trappings, it seems. we ve gotten away from all of that. the humility represented in this man is stunning from what john was saying. i think what we re going to see is all of the critique of the wealth of the vatican and not in touch with the common person, i think we re going to see a pope francis who wants to be more in touch with the common person. we heard that he rode the buses in argentina. i m not sure he s going to be able to ride the buses here, obviously. it will be interesting to see how will he make that connection and keep that connection that has been so important to him in the past. john, what do you think he needs to do in the next couple of months? what are the first few actions you expect him to take? well, first of all, he s projectioned an image of humility and closeness to the people. i think we re all going to be watching for the follow-through there. will there be additional changes in papal style, as father ed said, will he tone down the pomp and circumstance. then there are the hard governance questions waiting for him. let s face it, there s unfinished business wait for pope francis to take up. leading the recovery t from the child sexual abuse scandal. will he enforce accountability and not just for priests who abuse but for bishops who covered it up. that s one thing that critics would like to see. in terms of financial transparency in the vatican, will he push forward the reform that began under pope benedict. the most important thing he needs to do is build on that performance of his first five minutes on the public stage last night. if he can keep striking that tone the world is going to continue to fall in love with this man. that is what we will be watching for. thank you so much for your hard work and thanks again for joining us this morning. when pope francis is formally installed last week vice president biden will lead the u.s. delegation to the vatican. the selection of the first latin american pope highlights the strength and vitality of a reason increasingly shaping our world. it s also energized american catholics. i ran from work and i m like, i have to come to the church. i work a couple of blocks down. i have to come to the church and thank god that we have this pope that we are not alone. it s exciting for the catholic church, especially in america to have a south american cardinal named pope. that s good for anyone. especially he s a man of the people, raised poor, rode buses. they made a wise choice. house speaker john boehner calls the election of a noneuropean pope a big step for the church. coming up in the next half hour we re going to speak with ann barrett doyle, codirector of a group. her thoughts on pope francis and how she hopes he will address the scandal. developing story at this very minute. another karnal cruise liner having trouble. this time it s the carnival dream which is docked right now in st. mten in eastern caribbea. complaining of night marrish conditions. the bathrooms are not working. they re backing up. the toilets are backing up? that s correct. okay. go ahead. you said the elevators? tell vaters have not been working. they ve been turning them on and off. karnal representative told cnn he was not aware of the problem. several calls since to the cruise line have r. not answered. last month they were stranded on triumph for four days. that ship was towed closely to shore. i guess the good news here is we believe this ship in st. maarten is docked right now. that is bad. we re continuing to check that for you. right now there is a tense standoff under way between police and a gunman suspected of killing four people and blowing up his own house. you are watching early start. [ jen garner ] what skincare brand is so effective. so trusted. so clinically proven dermatologists recommend it twice as much as any other brand? neutrogena®. recommended by dermatologists 2 times more than any other brand. now that s beautiful. neutrogena®. to book this fabulous hotel. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deals well, you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it. and i got a great deal without bidding. and where s your furry friend? oh, i don t have a cat. priceline savings without bidding. dad: you excited for day? dad: you ll be fine, ok? girl: ok. dad: you look so pretty. i m overprotective. that s why i got a subaru. love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru. [ male announcer ] how could a luminous protein in jellyfish, impact life expectancy in the u.s., real estate in hong kong, and the optics industry in germany? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it s just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. with investment information, risks, fees and expenses oh, hi thehey!ill. are you in town for another meeting? yup, i brought my a-team. business trips add up to family time. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality. start. a small town in upstate new york is the scene of a very tense standoff that s happening right now between police and suspected gunman wanted in a deadly shooting spree. the shootings at two different locations and standoff at a third scene happened in herkimer county and albany. debra feyerick is live for us. deb, what s happening right now? you can know right now, zoraida, this is a waiting game. it began early yesterday afternoon. the police still don t have the suspect in custody. 64-year-old curt miers, a local man who had never been in trouble before by all accounts. he had a dui about 40 years ago. the building just behind me down the block there, and to is it ch this is main street right by the police and the fire stations. he has been barricaded inside an empty store for the last 16 hou hours police are preceding very cautiously after he went on yesterday morning s early morning rampage. the police believe they have him in a location in the building just discussed, however, until he is apprehended, until the police are sure we suggest that people in the immediate vicinity remain in their homes and stay in a safe place and stay off the streets in the meantime. at this time, you know, basically we re concerned about officer safety. we re in no rush to bring this to a conclusion. we want to make sure no one else gets injured today. reporter: now, it is very cold. it is very windy. snow has been kicking up all night. sharpshooters are on the scene as well as s.w.a.t. teams, police officers have various agencies. the shooting began yesterday about 9:30. curt myers allegedly set his own home on fire and they discovered other guns inside that home. he went to a nearby barber shop, killed two people, injuring two others. and then went over to a jiffy lube where he opened fire on two others. no motive as to what triggered this, why he is doing this. police have been trying to make contact with him throughout the evening. they ve been using bullhorns to try to get inside. initially there had been lorts they were going to use some sort of tear gas. but right now they still have that building under surveillance. that is the target. they re waiting for either him to come out or for an opportunity for them to go? we appreciate the update. thank you. 16 minutes after the hour right now. we have been just plain ridiculous pictures to show you right now. california sky diver who survived a fall to earth after two parachutes look, look. he said he was going to be jumping out of airplanes again by end of the month. he got tangled up last sunday while diving over california. backup parachute also got tangled up. began to spin. hit the ground at 30 miles an hour. that s worse, he hit the ground just a few feet from iron stakes that hold up grapevines at a local vineyard. i landed parallel to the grapes. one of my last thoughts before i hit was, i really hope i don t hit an iron spike because it will be messy. i knew it was bad when i was living it. and when i saw the video i was like, wow, that s a lot worse than i thought. how did i walk away from that? how did i manage to survive? short of a miracle there. it is. miraculous he suffered only a separated shoulder and some b p bumps and bruises. i jumped with golden b knights and i was scared to death. i would never, ever, ever jump again if i was that gentleman. look at you. no, i was scared to death. i can t imagine surviving something like that and saying, hey, i m going to go back up again next week. all right. so how long is your commute to work, 15, 20 minutes or is it much, much, much longer? there s a growing number of what experts are calling extreme commuters in major cities across the country. christine romans is here to tell us all about that in this morning s education of road warriors. extreme commuters. traveling upwards of 90 minutes to work each way. according to a study by the nyu center extreme commuting is on the rise, especially in texas. in fact, in both dallas and houston super commuters make up 13% of the workforce. despite the economy, more americans are opting for marathon commutes because they re taking advantage of higher salaries in one area and lower housing costs in another. super commuters typically make less than $40,000 a year. the nyu study also finds some extreme commuters are stuck, unable to sell their homes while others would rather work far from home than uproot their families. contributing to the trend are mobile devices like smart phones, tablets, laptops. they make it much easier to connect to the office while on the way to work or working from home. the fastest growing super commuter community included not only houston and dallas but new york city, los angeles, and chicago. and the fastest growing super commuting trek, john berman, boston to new york. that is a super commute. that s beyond 90 minutes that s insanity. i talked to people in scranton, pennsylvania, coming in here and that s far. it s far. and you re sensitive to gas prices. you re saving on housing or getting a higher salary, don t want to up root your kids from a good school district but the gas prices. i had a girlfriend from chicago come in from wisconsin, hour and a half every single day. you do what you have to do. thank you. all right. look across the breakfast table right now. whether you re looking at a mother or a father you are looking at one stressed out person. we will take a closer look. can i say especially a mom, or no? can acne cleansers be tough on breakouts and be good for your face? 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[ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals. minding your business this morning. stock futures are pointing up. that means it could be another record high and this would be the tenth tenth straight win we ve had on wall street. we haven t had a streak that good since, wow, 1996. also this morning, a major thank you difficult showing the roles moms and dads play. in this day and age it s all of a all hands on deck attitude. but parents are still stressed out. cyhristine romans has the details. women at work and meni at home, men at work and women at home. they examined what it was like in 1965 and today. i want to show you today how men and women are spending their time according to this very, very deep pew analysis. look at this. mothers today, 21% of their hours are work. 18 hours housework. 14 hours of child care. look at fathers. fathers are working more than women are but they re starting to spend more time on housework and a little bit more time on child care. that s vastly different from a generation ago. how are they feeling about it, what are they saying a it? working mothers, 56% of them say pretty difficult or very difficult for them to manage it all. they are stressed out. working dads, it s about 50%. so we re changing our roles and we re stressed out about it and conflicting about how much time we re spending with our kids. we want to spend more time with our kids, both genders want to spend more time with their kids. true? interesting, right? so women are working more outside of the house but they re not giving them themselves as much grief as fathers seem to be. 46% of them. i also found what was very interesting about this study and i ll put it on facebook and tweet it out so people can look at the nuances of it. i found it interest that men and women both said they feel pretty good about the job other doing overall. they are stressed out, want to spend more time with their kids. men are working more hours outside the home but overall they feel like they re getting it all done. maybe they compare it to how they were raised. it s just so different now. it is very, very different. what is the one thing we need to know objeabout our money? the housing market is moving forward. the foreclosures, the lowest level since 2007. that is a cause for celebration. most states including california, georgia, arizona, the places hit hardest by the housing crisis, they dropped the lowest level since 2007. very good news. excellent. thank you. 26 minutes past the hour. coming up, so-called study drugs under the microscope. a warn for my parent who is giving their child adhd medicine to try to give them a bit of an edge. 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[ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card and redeem them for just about anything. visit to apply. it is the dawn of a new era. pope francis now on the job meeting the roman catholic church. the boston hot seat, tsa cheap. jonathan facing questions a few hours from now about knives on planes. and developing at this hour. passengers aboard a cruise ship telling cnn the bathrooms all backed up. sound familiar? that s something we want to share first thing in the morning but you need to know. we ll tell you all about it. welcome back to early start. i m john berman. i m zoraida sambolin. up first, a new pope and the dawning of a new era for the catholic church. history is unfolding in rome this morning as pope francis prepares to hold a private mass with the cardinals who elected him. the new pontiff was also supposed to immediate with pope i m herris benedict but the vatican says it s not likely to happen today. this morning we re learning a lot more about jorge mario bergoglio fondly know in argentina as father jorge and what it might mean for the catholic church moving forward. the coverage begins with my yig marquez live in rome. papa franchesco or father francis, one of the oldest in rome vaticans, interestingly enough, while there he went to the tomb of st. ignatius who was the founder of the chezowit order, praying to mary there, pray for help in a very big job ahead. for now it is a lot of joy and celebration here in rome. i want to show you the newspapers here, the national newspaper. pope francis, of course, is one of them. here s one the surprise of frances francesco. he came out last night after he spoke and came out again and thanked the people, grazie roma, thank you, rome. h this is the coolest paper ever, even the newspapers here in italy are beautiful, collector s item, celebrating the new pope in latin on the observatory. amazing night all around. just an incredibly touching to see everything happen last night. when that moment of silence happened across the square, it was it was a very moving moment. is that your take away, was that like the most special moment of the evening? we were riveted watching and watching the crowds and everybody that you stopped seemed to be excited. it was that. it was the sense of nationalism and coming together but when he you know, he took he left the balcony. when he came back out and almost sheepishly thanked people for coming out, wished them well and a good night, it was a very sweet and humbling moment with 100,000 people watching. amazing how intimate it was. yeah. and the order was kept. it was really very special. we were watching and we were super gjealous as well. miguel, thank you for the coverage. the name cardinal bergoglio was not on many short lists to be pope here in the united states but full disclosure here. the first time i heard the name was from our very own chris cuomo who had been hearing rumblings and first reported it well before we saw the white smoke from the chimney. take a listen. a name we have not heard yet that was offered up to me is cardinal bergoglio which you may or may not know, john allen reported to us many times, that what we believe from the last conclave is that bergoglio was number two to then joseph ratzinger, now pope benedict xvi. bergoglio is the perfect compromise candidate, 76 years old. but that he could be a unifier. clearly cuomo had sources inside the closed off conclave there. it has been spilling over from vatican city all around the world, including in his home country of argentina. shasta darlington joins us now with reaction from buenos aires. good morning. reporter: reporter: it took argentines by surprise, as well. they were expecting another argentine cardinal could become a pope but this was the big surprise. hundreds of people came right out here to the cathedral right behind me where now pope francis celebrated mass. they were jumping up and down in the streets as though they had just won a soccer match. it was a lot of excitement. this is a man who is celebrated here because of his dedication to the poor. in fact, when he was named archbishop he rejected the official residence. instead, chose to live in a simple apartment right here on the other side of me, the third floor. he cooked his own meals. he traveled by bus. i just talked to the man who sold him his newspaper every day. he came out, bought his newspaper and chat with the homeless people who slept here on the streets on his way to get the newspaper. on the other hand there is controversy around here, not the same controversy, but about what some observers say was his proximity to the argentine dictatorsh dictatorship, they feel he didn t do enough to those who suffer editor chur and perhaps even enabled it. that, is of course, never been prov proven. but that s the controversy here, john. interesting reaction. shasta darlington, our thanks to you. if pope francis takes his place as the leader of the catholic church many hope he will address the priest sex abuse problem more aggressively than his predecessor did. let s bring in anne barrett doyle, she s co-founder of a watchdog group that is the largest library of sexual abuse within the church. very grateful to have you this morning, anne. what was your first reaction when bergoglio was elected pope? well, my first concern was that the cardinals chose not to make a statement that clergy sexual abuse would be the next pope s priority. they did not choose a cardinal who has dealt extensively with this issue. of course, i am hopeful. i was in st. peter s square when the white smoke came out. and as a catholic, i feel profound hope but i have to say nothing in bergoglio s past is making him seem like a particularly leader on this issue. not had the extensive experience that, let s say, in the united states we ve had with the sex abuse scandal. i was looking to see what is his position. i found in a newspaper where he stated that he had profound embarrassment and he felt profound pain because of the sex abuse scandal. it was directly relating to one priest in argentina. but his words were very strong. and that is good and let s cling to that and hope it man vests itself in strong action because so much needs to be done. we don t know yet the crisis has not yet emerged publicly in south america and for that matter in the institution in south america we know very little. we know that the abuse crisis exists there. it s erupted in the u.s., can a canada, australia, but africa and south america are the two continents where we know there s tremendous problem but it s been suppressed. this cardinal so far has not spoken out with notable courage on the issue. he did express sorrow for the victims of that particular priest. right now though he does not seem to be someone who will be a reformer on the issue. we need someone who will require reporting of all allegations to police. we need someone who is gutsy and outspoken. let s hope this particular cardinal now pope francis has a change and becomes the leader that we desperately need to resolve this issue. i think there are a lot of people within the roman catholic church and outside that would absolutely agree with those statements you just made and hope that will happen. anne barrett doyle, co-director appreciate it. this just in to cnn. four people now under arrest in the latest investigation into britain s phone hacking scandal. the journalists all work at the mirror group newspapers in 2003-2004. authorities say it s being treated as a separate conspiracy from the two involving the now defunct news of the world. the hacking scandal led to the shutdown of rupert murdoch newspaper. a developing story right now as well, word of problems aboard a cruise ship, another one. it is karnal dream. it s docked right now in st. maarten. several passengers telling cnn, are calling us with stories of power outages and overflowing toilets. listen. the bathrooms are not working. they re backing up. the toilets are backing up? that s correct. okay. go ahead. you said the elevators? the elevators have not been working. they ve been turning them on and off, on and off. when told about the complaints, the carnival representative told cnn he wasn t aware of a problem. several calls since to the cruise line have gone unanswered. the u.s. coast guard said there were no reports of an incident. so last month an engine fire left the carnival cruise ship triumph crippled in the gulf of mexico. you remember that. stranding thousands on board without power and working toilets for four long, long days. 40 minutes after the hour. kids taking drugs for adhd even though they don t have adhd. a warning about an alarming trend that really a lot of parents are part of. we ll tell you all about it, coming up. re bill. hey! are you in town for another meeting? yup, i brought my a-team. business trips add up to family time. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality. with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation s largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. there s a lot i had to do. watch my diet. stay active. start insulin. today, i learned there s something i don t have to do anymore. my doctor said that with novolog® flexpen, i don t have to use a syringe and a vial or carry a cooler. flexpen® comes prefilled with fast-acting insulin used to help control high blood sugar when you eat. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. no drawing from a vial. you should eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes after injecting novolog® (insulin aspart [rdna origin] injection). do not use if your blood sugar is too low, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause symptoms such as sweating shakiness, confusion, and headache. severe low blood sugar can be serious and life-threatening. ask your health care provider about alcohol use, operating machinery, or driving. other possible side effects include injection site reactions and low potassium in your blood. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat, or sweating. flexpen® is insulin delivery my way. covered by most insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay cost at ask your health care provider about novolog® flexpen today welcome back. 40 minutes past the hour. soledad o brien is with us. lots happening this morning. pope francis is going to hold his first mass today as leader of the world s 1.2 billion catholics. we re going to look at what this means with live reports from rome and buenos aires. it is believed police surrounded a man going around on shooting spree. we have this latest on this dropping situation. conservatives across the nation are gathering for the conservative political action conference today, or cpac, from the gop find its message and standout leaders, too. we re going to talk with wyoming senators about that. he will be joining us. texas a&m university surprised president george h.w. bush with a flash mob dancing. this morning the story behind the line dancing. interesting. we talked to them who helped craze this viral tribute. that was so cool. so cute, right? thanks, soledad. 45 minutes after the hour. here s an interesting question. have you ever given your child a pill to sharpen up his mind, make him more focused? prescription med to give him a little edge at school? you know, there s a name for that, it s called neuroenhancement. a new report says it s not just illegal, it s also just plain wrong. senior medical correspondent joins us now. elizabeth, explain this to me. what exactly are parents doing here? this group of pediatric neurologists got here and said, hey, we re notice that parns are coming in and saying they want their child to have a adhd drug, not because their child has adld, but because they want their child to do it better in school. even if you don t have adhd they will often help you focus better and they are homing their b student might become an a student. some parents go so far as google the signs of adhd and parrot them back to the doctor in the hopes he will diagnose them with adhd even when they don t have it. so, here s what s interesting. if you take a look at these numbers you will see that they just don t add up. so, the number of kids with adhd has gone up 21% over a certain period of time. the number of adhd prigss has gone up 46%. in other words, there s a big chunk of kids who don t have adhd who are getting adhd medications. and it doesn t make sense. we only medicate children when they re actually sick. and these neurologists have gotten together to say this is wrong and parents need to stop. that just seems crazy to me. like such a big risk. what are some of the possible side effects of giving your child the medication that they don t need. like there are side effects and a lot of parents think and even kids think, oh, well, you know, it s just adhd drugs. all my friends do it. what s the big deal. it s like eating candy. in fact, it s not. here are the 150side effects. irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite and even in unusual cases heart arrhythmias. this is not just like, you know, taking candy. this is a serious drug and it can have these side effects. john, as far as long-term side effects go, we don t know because we haven t studied kids who are on these drugs for years and years. we don t know what that means for them later in life. who are the doctors prescribing these drugs? it sounds like dr. feel good for kids. right. in some ways it really is. sometimes it s doctors who just about to acquiesce the parents. doctors like to make their patients happy and so they say, well, maybe he s having a little trouble focusing we ll prescribe it. some doctors are tricked by parents who make up the symptoms when they don t really exist. elizabeth cohen, thanks so mu. that s amarming. i thought my childs a adhd. he doctor said i m sending you to a specialist before i prescribe medication. there are doctors who push to do the right thing. good. tsa administrator to testify today before the house homeland security committee. he is expected to defend his controversial decision to allow small knives on planes. this is starting next month. earlier this week he won firmed he was going ahead with the plan. the new policy is designed to reduce waiting time at airport security checkpoints. three major carriers, delta, american, and us airways, oppose this plan. 48 minutes after the hour right now. in just like rocky and apollo at the end of rocky ii take a look at this. wow. two fighter goes down at the same time. who wins, what happens? stay with us. if youthen this willbrids arbe a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v and we haven t even mentioned. c-max also gets better mpg. say hi to the super fuel efficient ford c-max hybrid. like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. the lakers kobe bryant hurt his ankle pretty bad last night after stepping on a defender s foot. he s not happy about it all all of t it went down. greenberg is here with more on that. yes, this is the worse kind of loss. a painful loss to the lakers, clinging to the final playoff spot in the western conference. l.a. fell in atlanta and that s the least of their concerns. down by as many as 13 in the third quarter, kobe bryant rallied the lakers within two. kobe with the chance to tie it. tough shot. doesn t go. more importantly, kobe in serious pain. straight to the x-ray machine. results negative. he s out indefinitely. did the hawks win because of a dirty play? he believes that jones did it on purpose and didn t allow him a safe landing. first and foremost, i think officials really need to protect shooters. defensive players you can t walk underneath players. it s dangerous. jones with 134 character responses. tape doesn t lie. ankle was turned on the floor after the leg kicked out. that knocked him off balance. i would never try to hurt the man. you decide. nothing slowing down miami, 20th straight win. heat built a 13-point lead in the second half before philadelphia put the streak in serious jeopardy. late fourth quarter enter that man. lebron james misses not once but twice. his sidekick, dwyane wade is there to steal the heat win. miami becomes the fourth team in nba history to win 20 games in a row. one of nfl s most sought after free agents is quarterbacks fan favorite in new england, wes welker is leaving tom brady to become manning s knee chufeatur contact. $12 million. you may know him as kim kardashian s ex-boyfriend, he hopes his stint with the lions will last longer. four-year deal. must see fight where nobody wins. don t blink. here it comes. a man down. no, wait, two men down! just 14 seconds into the fight. it s a double knockout. you ve heard of the saying there will be to two hits. me hitting you, you hitting the floor. this is two hits and they both fall flat. it is ruled a no contest. oh, no. nothing worse. no kidding. somebody wins. all right. amazing. our thanks to you. all right. 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20130312

shepard: by way of observation and something unusual, look at this. that s the dome on the sistine st. petitioner s basilica. it s always lit up at night. always. one of our employees, lived here 23 years, the dome is right outside he sees it out his win develop it s always lit up at night. always. not kinda sometimes; all the time. it s gone up. very super bowlesque, isn t it? that s it for studio b. hopefully by fox report we ll have resolution to the mystery of the night the lights went out on pope land. we ll solve this one for you. cavuto is coming up next. i ll see you tonight, 7:00 eastern. are you kidding me? the nation s biggest tax preparer, now has to prepare 600,000 of its customers, that refund they have been waiting on? keep waiting. at it going to be a little late. try like six weeks late. h & r block bungling that many returns, 10% of the more than 6-1/2 million tax returns the company has handled thus far. the problem? they left a crucial line blank. according to market watch, which broke the story, the h & r block improperly filed a form to claim educational credit. that s a no-no because when it comes to these forms you can t leave anything blank. when you mean the word no, you have to say no. otherwise the irs can t really discern your real answer and just fixes the return, which means all returns have to been reprocessed, significantly delaying refunds and lots of anticipated bang for the economy. refunds usually find its way to retail stores and helps lift economic activity in the crucial spring shopping season. let s just say, not this time. and charles payne is on the phone. this comes at the same time that government bricksmanship we saw at the end of last year was already delaying the i.r.s. processing refunds. so we could have a delayed bump here. you re absolutely right, neil. the fiscal cliff drama delayed most returns, at least two weeks. these new ones from form 8863 that was mishandled by h & r block means at least another six week. that s edition separation for a whale lot of people and not good for the economy, considering let s say the average return at $3,000, we re talking about 1.8 to $2 billion, and most of that, almost all of it, probably would have poured directly into the economy. neil: thank you very much. just to bring you up to date again. folks looking to get refunds, going to be delayed. we re still looking at a record. takes another seven or so minutes to get the official closing numbers-but any gain would be another record and we re at another record on the s&p still not at another record but away we go. and then there s this. on supersized drinks, to a supersmackdown. the battle over bigged so daz is now bubbling over, the day the judge shut down his soda man, new york city mayor, michael bloomberg, with 64-ounce cup in hand is firing back. we think the judge was totally wrong. an awful lot of people are dying. this is not a joke. i know it makes good theater but the bottom line is 70,000 deaths every year in america from diabetes, 100,000 from all the effects of obesity. healthcare is running away with the budget and obesity is one of the primary drivers. just cannot afford it. miami, whether they like it or not, have to face it. neil: the judge labeling the ban arbitrary and capricious and full of loopholes. most agree with the judge. but the mayor certainly not giving up, hoping to change his luck. with a stop at lucky restaurant which is implementing the ban voluntarily. the mayor comparing it to banning smoking in bars and other places. vowing not to stop the fight. it could be a very long fight if my next guest is right. you said, dan, it was unconstitutional to start, and now the judge seems to agree. yeah there was three problems. first awful, arbitrary and capricious. doesn t apply to the 7-eleven because the city doesn t serve it. it cut out the legislature. city council did not contracted a law and we re the representatives of the people and put it forward for the mayor to sign. he did this by executive fiat. neil: he has a council that he hand-picked, sort of just reflects whatever his the department of health has the commission. there s a group of commissioners, eight to 12, and they sit bay appointment of the mayor, and they get to make this decision unilaterally because they re considering it a rule of the department of health. so that s the second problem. the third problem, which is the bigger overarching issue, is it the role of government to regulate the food intake of its citizens? neil: when nothing was appeales when the mayor went after saturated fat and had all these fastfood plays and others changing out their oil, and that the council passed a law. neil: in this case, what this defense? the department of health did this by fiat. and unlike tobacco, which is regulated, there s already state legislature action that labels it as a potential hazard for your health. so, therefore you have to be over 18 and show i.d. this, anybody can buy a soda, and neil: that s 16-ounce. this bigger. neil: 700? 32 ounces. neil: you don t go into the avatar. no. not a bad idea. neil until but the mayor was saying, it s okay to get maybe four eight-ounce servings, but the judge found that was capricious. if you ordered the pizza at the pizza store and they re delivering to your family a large pie think can t bring you a two-liter bottle of soda. neil: that s where the judge said, wait a minute, might be an argument to be made. even that he didn t but then it got weird when down to deliveries to your home and that s where he overstepped his bounce. the arbitrary and capricious nature, could buy six smaller ones and that s okay, but this could 7-eleven and it s perfectly fine in this form. it s not okay at wendy s. and so you have neil: capricious. exactly. counsel, thank you very minute. michelle says the nanny just got a kick in the fanny. michelle, with only a few months left in the mayor s term, it s very unlikely this would be completed through the legal challenge of appeals in time, and then whoever comes after him, unless it s a rabid liberal democrat which choo which could happen the odds of succeeding are declining rapidly. right. both legally and from a p.r. perspective. this is the smackdown of all smackdowns for nanny bloomberg, and i just love the judge s name is tingling. somebody s backside is tingling. it was significant this wasn t near lay temporary reprieve for consumers and for business owners. the fact that the judge issued a permanent injunction based not only on the merits of the case but also the ashe temporary arbitrary and capricious nature. it shows there are consequences for overreach and i hope the anymore washington are watching carefully. neil: when the mayor cracked down on smoking, second-hand smoke is dangerous, second-hand diet coke assumption, i don t know if it s a big deal. maybe that where is the judge was getting at, this capricious. exactly. but this is the hubris of these lifestyle jack boots. when they claim this power and authority over their constituent s and reach all sorts of regulatory and executive norms to do so, they really do see themselves as our lords overlords and saviors. it s interesting to look at thi. thesees their consequenceses of junk science and nanny states. the fact it that soda consumption peaked in 1998, and here he is on this ongoing eternal crusade at a time when fewer people are actually consuming. neil: it is weird. michelle, thank you very much. we re going to have the folks who actually filed the suit that got this result, that got the judge to rule on this, tonight on fox business network. when you fine out how this was put together and how they really fought this uphill legal odds to get this result, it really is amazing. but that s coming up tonight. you don t get it. or guzzle it. we can t predict who cardinals will choose as the next pope but we can predict democratic reaction to a guy named paul. all right that s a fifth-floor problem. ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? 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ten years? do any of you even remember what you were doing ten years ago? what was going on ten years ago? let s go back in time. just started launching shock and awe in iraq space shuttle columbia broke up in the atmosphere. and lance armstrong, he had won his fifth straight tour de france. fifth. we know how that turned out. get the pick schnur you get the picture? jimmy demeant said, doing anything that has an expiration date more than a year and we re already hanging our hats on something we hope, pray, cross our fingers, will materialize over ten years. you re right, neil. i don t think the democrats have a right to criticize. the only budgets we have seen from this president have been double digits that nearly double our debt over the next ten years. harry reid and the democratic control senate have not produced a budget in the last three years. i applaud paul ryan and the republicans for stepping out, being willing to take the criticism. like you said, neil, balancing the budget over a ten-year period is hardly extreme and if we don t do it, all of us know we re going to bankrupt our country. neil: what worries me is he is getting a lot of heat for this ten-year plan, even though as you educated me in the past, under the most draconian on plans so many out there we were looking at still more spending ten years out than we are doing now bigger debt ten years out. so, we re just shrinking the increase in the amount of penning, still spending more. he doesn t cut spending, he just grows spending slower than the economy grows, so eventually the economy and tax revenues overtake spending and we balance ten years out. that is not an extreme thing at all, particularly when you consider that we have almost doubled spending over the last ten years. so restitution that rate of growth will not even by noticed by most americans unless the president does what he is doing now, trying to make it look like there s a problem when it really doesn t exist. we need to be on the same page as the country that balancing the budget should be a national goal over the next ten years. then we can debate how to do it. if the democrats want to present a budget where they balance in ten years, with all tax increases, let s debate it. but there shouldn t be a debate whether or not we re going to balance our budget. everyone knows, a fifth grader knows, if we keep spending more than we re bringing in, we re going to bankrupt our country. neil: everyone says that s a far off problem, and i agree it s not. and i agree with your editorial, each party has to address its sacred cows. republicans, defendant. democrats, entitlements. on the latter i got a little worried when i heard this from jay carney. the president s position is that raising the eligible age on medicare is not good policy. it does not save money significantly, especially in the first ten years. neil: this is talking about raising i gradually over men years. that was essentially idea non grata right off the bat and i thought that closes a lot of possible solutions. they don t present any solutions, and that s their whole strategy, not to put anything out on the table and just criticize the republicans who feel like they have a responsibility to rein in this spending. so i hope america will see through what the president is doing. paul ryan has begun the debate with a clear gold. discuss medicaid without affecting anyone over 55. he does this in a most transitional and thoughtful way you can. a lot of us would try too balance it in five years, but i think he is on a good path. i m just hoping americans will see through this rhetoric from the president. he has been irresponsible as a leader. we elected him to solve these kind of problems. he has ignored them and made them worse. it s time the americans figure this out. neil: republicans need to man up to your point earlier, everyone put something on the table. and this isn t as tough as it looks. neil, we even had one of the largest tax increases in history in the last few months. defense has been cut more than anything else. and that s the primary function of the federal government. so, we shouldn t be too quick to say, well, we need to cut defense just like weed in to cut all these social programs. a lot of them aren t working. so we need a balanced approach. but we need one with also common sense. neil: senator, always a pressure. thank you, sir. thanks, neil. neil: his polls are a far cry from what they used to be. maybe because he has been crying wolf more than he should be? it s not what you think. it s a phoenix with 4 wheels. it s a hawk with night vision goggles. it s marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it s big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there s always more in the world to see. it s the all-new lincoln mkz. neil: probably feeling it. week two of sequestration hell. okay, so far no hell but a few weeks. remember, when the cuts kicked in homeland security janet napolitano said there would be two hour die lays. never happened. fortunately this is one of the lighter travel periods of the year. neil: lucky for you. the poll numbers show the sequestration scares are backfiring. can i say, cousin janet, stop trying to scare us? the government can live with this? they re still preaching that line, and the polls are showing that the public is not believing the president, or, most respectly, cousin janet. i kid about the nickname and it s hurting them. they overthreatenned neil: the president s approval rating, among other things. what do you think is going on? i think people after a while say, all right, i remember this record last year. i remember this record the year before. i remember this tune. it s a familiar tune. i think the president misread his victory, neil. i think he decided he could turn hard left. i think he forgot the people have a substantial republican majority intending to put a brake on the president. the voters obviously want a divided government. we had it in for years with president bush, president clinton, and now president obama. they will be tempered by other powers. this president doesn t want to hear that. so, to go around the congress, he ll scare the daylights out of people, and the people recognize that, and they don t like to be misled. neil: you know, you can only play this game so many times. right? and it might have had the desired effect i say desired in the fiscal sense of getting people annoyed to the point, fix it, quit whining at it. or aim being needlessly optimistic? i think the president thought the people would say to the republicans, you heavens are going to fall, you heard what the president said, what eric holder said, what janet napolitano said you ve can t let the sequester happen. even though the president pushed for and it said veto if congress attempted to dismantle it. i think the people recognize it s time for the government to tighten its belt a little bit. i wasn t the cut in spending. it was the reduction in the increase in spending, even though the president misled the public into thinking the republicans are taking food out of mouths of babes. public didn t buy it. the polls are always a few weeks behind the events. now we see the people reacting to the government scare tactics of a few weeks ago. neil: thank you, judge. the man who laid it out. said it would happen. and he has been hungry. pizza smells terrific. neil: it dot. don t you touch . the pizza guy celebrating. [ male announcer ] how can power conmption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it s just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. twe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. if you have high cholesterol, here s some information that may be worth looking into. in a clinical trial versus lipitor, crestor got more high-risk patients bad cholesterol to a goal of under 100. getting to goal is important, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. and that s why when diet and exercise alone aren t enough to lower cholesterol i prescribe crestor. 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[ female announcer ] if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. neil: well, he took to the streets, pouring a nice big soda to celebrate after the judge shot down the new york city mayor reside ban down. frank is the opener of the prince street pizzeria in new york city and has become an instant hit here because he brought some pizza with him. bus these no-good crew members of mine have eaten it all! frank, what do you think? not that i m eating my pizza but the mayor losing. well, i feel bad he got defeated. not! i m actually happy about it. neil: what would it have meant for you? it would have meant forcing down any customers throats i thought would have been very unfair, and as americans, we are supposed to have a choice in what we say and what we do. and little by little that would have been eroded had the mayor s plan gone through. neil: what would you have done? you have a very successful, thriving business. so what s the big deal to swap out cups. what would you say? it would have been a big deal insofar as a financial setback. you got to remember, coca-cola would have turned around and complied with the order had it gone through. but would they lower their prices? no. they would have stayed the same. sold a 12-ounce bottle for the same price a 16-ounce or 20-ounce, whatever coke neil: is that the plan? absolutely. i m a distributor. and they told us, we re not lowering our prices. so, you bet neil: this would apply to sugary and diet drink as i like. everything. the only thing he would have allowed is a 20-ounce diet soda to be 20-ounce, which is neil: but not 32. the diet soda is more poisonous? neil: it is? of course, it contains more chemicals you can imagine. neil: i m going back to regular junky stuff. here s what was odd about and it those who support the mayor, everyone said it was okay when he went after saturated fats. maybe there were attempts to appeal it and no one ever did. he got away with that. why not this? he was too forceful. he tried to jam it down everyone s throat. you can t do that to new yorkers. neil: what would have been the middle ground for you? maybe a possible committee, appoint a committee to oversee the problematic neil: rather than ramming it down your throat. right. sugar is a problem. the mayor and his idea i don t think was wrong. i think this heart was in the right place. neil: do you have to post calorie counts? not yet but we have it on the labels. that s going to happen soon. neil: you just dodged the bullet but you have other bullets. a lot more. neil: a lot of people say this has been the first sign of the death of the nanny state. you re not so sure of that. no. i don t believe it until it s over. i think got to approve i feel it might still get passed. neil: i m wondering if it would be passed in time for his mayor he only has a few months left. i guess unless a liberal mayor come monday and just picks up the 32-ounce cup i don t think another mayor is going to override another mayor. i historically i don t think that s been the fact. neil: what would your customers think? i ve gotten a lot of complaints because they feel how much more can you charge for a soda? this is the hard-working people that can t afford have lunch every day, and i try to put my price quote where the working men can come and enjoy a slice and a coke on his lunch hour, before dinner, and there s got to be a point of, how much can you charge force this product before you re hurting people? that s what is going to happen. you re hurting people. neil: frank, just a side note. if you come again, the pizza is phenomenal. thank you. neil: could you look at these. my god. devoured everything. neil: could you separately come a little early, bring my pizza. then i might share with them but i ll never see hide nor hare. definitely. don t you worm your way back to me. you were terrific. did the judge make the right call to can the ban? our legal eagles are here. the judge didn t strike down the law because the thought it wasn t right. the said it wasn t legal and the way it was brought about because mayor bloomberg didn t dough goh through city council-went through the department of health. so your point you mentioned earlier, in 2006, the trans-fat ban implemented in the city of new york, that was actually implemented through the department of health and not through the city council. so, here the department of health has the same authority, whether it s trans-fats or the sugary drink ban. so i think there s a good chance the ruling by the judge could be overturn an appeal. i don t agree. the second propping of the decision second prong of the decision was the ban is arbitrary and capricious, anded had so many loopholes, it was wildly inconsistent. you would have 7-eleven selling the big gulp and the restaurant couldn t do it. it was not enforceable the way i was written. perhaps if they go through the proper measures-don t overreach, go through city council there may be some measure that may pass. but the way this measure was written, there s no way. neil: that ultimately is what might have killed it. the method it was thrust on new yorkers is what destroyed it, and whether it was a wise idea or not, it stuck in a lot of new yorkers craw when it affected even what was delivered to their homes. large bottles of soda could not be delivered to their homes. and this city which lives on food deliveries, that was big no-no. so the implementation was so big-brotherrish, even people who i consider health food nuts and take care of themselves, found that a little over the top. as a practical matter, it s going to be very hard to implement a law like this. neil: then don t start. that s not going to happen, i don t think, neil harwell because it s not because it s not up the mayor. the same argument was made about trans-fat. what going to happen here is this law is meant to simply raise awareness about obesity, about diabetes, which is an epidemic in the city of new york. you re not really going to actually be able to stop people from drinking as much soda as they want in reality as long as there is free pretail. neil: this is when it got be capricious, the willy nilly way it was forced on you, and you had outs to it. you couldn t get a 32-ounce cup but you could get four eight-ounce cups. it got stupid. and you don t have to have a law degree to realize, this is as nine. exactly right. there s ways these measures can go through, and you can t have a ban like that, that for some is enforceable and for those down the block it s uneven forcible. those convenience stores are not regulated by the city. they re regulated by the state. they don t even have to look at it. you can t just willy nilly come up with legislation like this, do it on your own, unilaterally, and think it s going to work. there s other televize raise awareness. neil: that s where i going to this issue that michael bloomberg, who i think has been a very good mayor just went too far, me and might be perfectly right in talking about the obesity epidemic but it s not up to the mayor or anyone else to police the drinks or the size of the drinks we have. this over his tenure we now have kolery counts throughout small restaurants new york but they re way off but putting an own news on small businesses that can ill afford them, and i think that gets back to this nanny culture that new yorkers are a lot of americans find offensive. that s a great argument. and a valid argument and why i m sayre there s 50-50 chance the ruling could be overturned on appeal. neil: no way. i m not a lawyer but i ve watched enough perry mason there s case law for it being turned over on appeal, and as long as the again, broad discretion is given to the department of health here and anytime you re talking about an issue, they re calling it an epidemic of obesity neil: we had the epidemic. this esolution, to forcibly police americans what they eat and order the size of drink that s can consume well-don t just have an obesity epidemic, we have sweden on our hands, which looking at some swedish people, not a bad thing. ladies, thank you both vary, very much. forget hitting the books. spring breakers are about to hit the beach. this year s hot spots, they may surprise you. [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face, we understand. our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. life brings obstacles. usaa brings retirement advice. .. [ male announcer ] our usaa retirement guide provides advice for current and former military members and their families. get advice from the people who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. neil: the dreamliner might be ending this batter are nightmare. the faa just approved boeing s plan to fix 787 dreamliners fire prone batteries. the one that would mysteriously ignite. the company has a plan to test them and make sure nothing happens because that would be a. and that s a big, big hurdle out of the way for boeing because this has been stalled for government examination. so a green light for boeing to get the battery thing fixed and get the dreamliners back online. students are ready to ditch the books for the beach. spring break is almost here. exactly where is everyone headed? on this stunningly important business story we want to keep you on top of the develops that matter. travel expert, gabe, with the latest hot spots. it s branched out considerably from when i was in school, where a weekend the cat skills would suffice. the popular ones are the beaches. so head for places like south texas, miami, florida, internationally speaking, the caribbean and mexico are actually offering great values. we re on the tail end of peak season on plays like the caribbean. look for islands that offer a lot of lodging options. budget to luxury, like they bahamas, dominican republic, jamaica, puerto rico. if you don t have a passport, puerto rico is the place to go. and the seasons have blurred and you can find a great bargain in places like cancun or cabo san lucas anytime. the hitch might be your air fare but on the ground, especially all-inclusive. the value can be pretty nice. neil: it spreads out way beyond what used to be daytona, daytona, daytona. and then other florida cities. mexico comes up. not so much on the part of kids but their parents who often times foot the bill who saying, i ve been hearing about the violence and problems. you re not going there. how much of an impact does that have? you know what? it s actually having a minimal impact in some of the very popular tourist destinations. the reality is a lot of the violence is occurring very close to the u.s.-mexico border. so we re not suggesting crossing the border on your own. places like cancun, cab bow san luke car the safety factor is high and everybody coming back from these locations have great stories to tell. safety is a priority for authorities. they stepped up presence, and it s showing in that the travel to these destinations is not necessarily softened, but because mexico is dealing with this image we re seeing unusually good values even during the months which should be peak travel season, which are now and certainly april as well. neil: just wanted to help the nation get handle on that and where to go for fun, and fun, and all of that. always go north and go hiking. visit presidential museums but that s just me. the president is kicking off three days of visits to the capitol. a joke or genuine gesture? would you believe one of his own people just said, a joke. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? we wanna be our brother s keeper. at s number two we wanna do? bring it up to 90 decatherms. how bout ya, joe? let s go ahead and bring it online. attention on site, attention on site. now starting unit nine. some of the world s cleanest gas turbines are now powering some of america s biggest cities. siemens. answers. neil: i d walk or drive two miles for two miles to set a trap. president obama taking the first of three short trips in as many days to capitol hill this afternoon. the president saying the recent he is reach ought to lawmakers is to help forge a budget deal. michelle steele sees a trap for republicans. explain. this isn t a new and improved obama who suddenly reaching out to republicans and cares about their opinions. this is a president who exhausted his political capital too early in his second term and sees his approval ratings going down. they re now at 45%. so he has this new strategy, which is destroy and undermine your opposition, but make sure that there are stories in the media that are published that show pictures of you and stories about you meeting with republicans so it appears like you re reaching out and trying to get their advice and work together. neil: but the president says just the opposite. in fact what he ising too is something he wants to do. that maybe operation kindness will get more results than operation vinegar or whatever. and maybe given the benefit of the doubt and see how this works out. where is the trap part? you can t honestly believe that. this is all a photo op. he is wining and dining run runs not because he wants to hear what they have to say, because it s providing an image. look at the sequestration. the scare tactics. now he is being flippant because he realizes americans are tired of sealing the administration medical from one self-inflicted crisis to the next, and if you look at the polls americans aren t just blaming congress. they re also blaming this administration during. neil: the national journal looked at this and maybe there are a couple of different a senior white house official said this, we re wasting the president s time and ours. i hope y all in the immediatear happy pause we re doing it for you. i m going to go so far as to say, let s say we can be that cynical and jaded and he is. i think it s incumbent on republicans to take the olive branch even if it s fake, and not ignore it, because the president can say, i tried, i took the tour of pennsylvania avenue and i tried and they didn t do anything. look at what happened when he met with paul ryan last week. looked great. reaching out to republicans. amazing. great stories about him trying to create a coalition. then on monday he blasts paul ryan and blasts hit medicare proposal. if he is serious about working together you can t go and meet with people and pretend like you re work with them and then the next day blast them. neil: paul ryan said the same thing today. the white house talks out of two ends of its mouth. two can play at this game. but if you expect any great kumbiya, it ain t happening. exactly. i you want to build a coalition, you need to work together and try to talk things out. not meet with them and the next day just destroy them. i just want to remind you, this is the first time in 92 years that congress, instead of the president, is kicking off budget the budget process. this is a failure in leadership. neil: all right. i take it you re still doubtful about the president. michelle? the search for a new spiritual leader in rome, budget love in washington, whether real or imagined. blessed piece of cash registers everywhere. all three things were happening simultaneously today. what do you think i m following today? with hotwire s low prices, i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend s wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire so i got my hotels for half-price! men: h-o-t-w-i-r-e at a dry cleaner, we replaced people with a machine. what? customers didn t like it. so why do banks do it? hello? hello?! if your bank doesn t let you talk to a real person 24/7, you need an ally. hello? ally bank. your money needs an ally. neil: finally, i hear that retailers are feeling the pinch these days. their sales are getting soft. they re blaming it on payroll taxes. but i think there is a bigger culprit. it s them. that s right. them. their stores. their workers. they re getting pushy. too pushy. particularly the way they badger you at the register. this is something i noticed. it happens to me all the time. the few times i do go shopping. the other day. it step in the register and the cashier asks if i d like to open an account. it say no. they tell me i d save 10% off the first per chase. no. thanks anyway. 10% is a lot of money, he continues, and you get cash back where every additional purchase. thank you again but no. now he gives me incredit clous look to say okay, this is your loss. while he is shaking his head, he reminds me i played $10 more than i had to, if i had to, as i leave to another store. same thing. this time i m not at the register. it make a mistake of asking for help while wandering a store aisle. it must have had a deer in a headlights look because the assistant store manager bounces. oh, you ll find all of our

Miami , Florida , United-states , New-york , Cabo-san-lucas , Baja-california-sur , Mexico , Texas , Dominican-republic , China , New-zealand , Washington

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catholics around the world. he started it with meeting with meeti meeting pope benedict the 16 td. lauren green is live with more for us. this is the most exciting day. we made the comment it is sunny this morning. yesterday we were waiting for the white smoke it was raining and pouring and frenching. pope francis made an appearance. there s a lot of ex ub brakes because of that. let me bring in father melcher. before we knew anything about the conclave now we have pope francis. he s a series of first a first from the southern hemisphere the first from america the first jesuwit he is the first pope francis. because there are so many unprecedented situations i was shocked. i looked around i said who is this guy? whaerd the word in latin. there are only two georges, george pell and hojorge. he appeared on the balcony all of us rushed to look at him and to welcome him cheering and the crowds were going wild. the parps were saying talking about the odds makers they had their favorites and long shots. he was on nobody s list. why is that? if you look at perhaps other segments of society other people had perhaps had him on their list. on my short list of 24 he was on my list. a long list. a long short list. nevertheless we know in the previous conclave a lot from favoring him as potential candidate as pontiff. in so far as we see he is a man of humility, a man of deep prayer, a man that is concerned about the needs of the poor, but also a man that is very orthodox and faithful to the teaching of the church. morally speaking he is will remain true to pope benedict xvi has taught and john paul ii has taught. two things that kept him off the list. everyone thought they were going to go for a much younger man. he is 76 years old. how do you think his age will play as to how he can handle the office and all of the challenges that lay ahead? this will be a situation that we must look at very seriously. we have a pontiff who has retired because of age and infirmity. hopefully this will not become a precedence. we will see what happens. this pope is now two years younger than pope benedict xvi when he was electd in 20056789 as a result we see more vigor but also more wisdom in age and experience that will come. in 2005 when cardinal he was 8 years younger than he was. he has brought with him perhaps more experience. thank you very much father. we will be here for more talking about the new pope, pope francis. he will be visiting pope benedict today. he asked his fellow cardinals if he could delay his mass so we could he could visit pope benedict not far from horome he. that s the situation. back to you guys ainsley and patty ann. lauren green live for us in rome this morning. it is time for your 5@5:00. we start with a news alert. a police standoff underway in up state new york. cops say they have cornered an armed man in an abandoned building who is suspected of going on a shooting spree. it is unclear if he is alive after exchanging gun fire with at least one officer. it is scary. this is a spall town. this stuff shouldn t happen around here. basically during the whole valley area into a ghost town. people aren t out. they usually are. 64-year-old kurt meyers set fire to his apartment drove to local businesses and shot four people dead. six months after the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi libya s prime minister is promising his government logical find whoever is responsibilile and put them on trial. they named deborah jones as ambassador. stevens and other three americans were killed in the september 11th attack. the gulf of mexico still burning more than 24-hours after it caught fire. it will may take a day possibly through tomorrow before the fire is entirely out. a tug boat was pulling a barge it hit a pipeline. the captain suffered serious burns. three other workers were treated for minor injuries and released. the head of the tsa heads to capitol hill to defend his decision to allow knives on planes. he is not backing down and the administration needs to focus ob things that are most destructive such as bombs. it would allow pocket knives and sporting equipment on board. razor blades and box cutters are still banned. thousands of conservatives heading toward the nation s capitol as cpac kicks off. some of the people speaking today florida senator marco rubio and kentucky senator rand paul. that is your 5@5:00. time for the dpooirgs weather update with janice dean. i heard spring is around the corner. we have a winter storm we will talk about i promise across the northeast. look at those temperatures, 24 in chicago, 26 in minneapolis. 32 in chicago. 32 in atlanta where they have freeze warnings in effect across georgia and south carolina. 49 in dallas. the one warm spot is the southwest where it is already 70. 70 in phoenix and they are going to hit the 90s today. satellite radar not too much to talk about. we have snow across the eastern great lakes as well as parts of the midwest and ohio river valley. we have another storm system moving in the west. this one will bring rain and snow. another system dies across the upper midwest toward the ohio valley and northeast as we head into the weekend. our highs today still cool along the northeast. warming up toward the south. phoenix they could set records in phoenix, arizona today and tomorrow. 93 and 93 as we head into the weekend. little early for 9 0s. maybe they are used to it. i am not sure in phoenix. i would say 9 0z are a little early. i agree with you. whatever you say. maybe they are jumping for joy. back to you. in a few hours samsung is unveiling it s new galaxy phone and it could give the iphone a run for its money. adam shapiro is here. can anything give the iphone a run for its money? i am a little prejudiced i am an iphone guy. it surpassed samsung they ha ip they have 29 percent of the market iphone has 22. it will be pretty much the same old thing with improvements to the camera that kind of thing. smart phone experts say you won t see changes in apple and samsung until a year and a half where you get bendable screens. you know all of them with smashed screen that is may be gone forever. that is when you drop it and it breaks. bendable screen. nothing surprises us any more. march madness just a few more days. brackets on sunday. how does it effect productivity at the workplace? people tend to watch the games during the workday on computers. don t you love that you can get video on the computer. none of us at fox news do that. to show you how much productivity is lost, they have an lal sis abonal sis 134 doll million $134 million. cyber monday 488 million. summer olympics 650 million. fantasy football 6.5 bill. march madness no hangovers. social media. wasting time going to facebook or twirt. none of us at fox do that either that costs productivity, $650 billion. a lot of offices don t allow it any more. they don t allow it they monitor you. we are always on our scripts researching when at the computer. thank you for coming in this early. it is 10 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up when he was candidate obama he said our nation s debt was irresponsible. now he s changing his tune. we don t have an mead yacht crisis in terms of debt. what changed besides the sky rocketing debt? this teacher in trouble for inventing her own curriculum. how she made it so preschoolers have an extra long nap. 1.76 the average for gas. unchanged since yesterday. 3.70 the average for gas. unchanged since yesterday. whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ sigh of relief ] sometimes life can be well, a little uncomfortable. but when it s hard or hurts to go to the bathroom, there s dulcolax stool softener. dulcolax stool softener doesn t make you go, it just makes it easier to go. dulcolax stool softener. make yourself comfortable. 14 minutes after the hour. here are quick headlines. the house passing a bill preventing the obama administration from waving work requirements for federal assistance. it passed 246 to 281. a disturbing study out of california where a kiddie academy teacher has been raised. she is accused of lacing sipy cuts with sleeping aids. they are 1 and 2 years old. someone saw her put something in their cup. they found evidence at her home. she has since been fired. what is it like to fly in the danger zone? lockheed martin has set up cockpit sim tlierts for x 35 lightening 2 in arizona. it s as single seat single engine aircraft for the u.s. military. 16 trillion and counting. obama says the country does not have a debt crisis a much different story compared to what he said as senator in 2008. we have the latest on this story. this entire week the president put out a renewed effort to reach a budget deal with republicans. the white house wants to pass a budget for next year and raise the debt ceiling but during an interview with abc he said the u.s. doesn t have an immediate debt crisis. have an immediate crisis in terms of debt. in fact for the next ten years it will be in a sustainable place. that is a startling different stance than we heard from the president during his 2008 campaign. number 43 added $4 trillion by his loan some so we have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back. 30,000 dollars for every man, woman and child. that s irresponsible. it s unpatriotic. republicans kararen t takinge comments likely. they approved paul ryan s blue print plan that would balance a budget in a decade with $4.6 trillion worth of cuts. the house will consider it on the floor next week. republicans say the debt needs to be handled with more urgency. my view is, i think he and many like him, many democrats on capitol hill for that matter don t think of this as a debt crisis because things haven t imploded yet. it s not a question of if it s a question of when. on wednesday patty murray has a plan that leaves the country $556 billions in shortfalls. after ten years the president will be back meeting with house republicans. thanks so much elizabeth. it is now 17 minutes after the hour. coming up on the rundown do you want to get hired? cheryl casone is here to help you get pooir hired. share something really caring. what she gave her classmates that probably made her one of the most popular girls in school. it is 21 after the hour. new information on a dead licks employings in a restaurant in kansas city last night. the tragedy came one hour after construction crews hit the gas fliern the restaurant. a former department of veteran affairs said he was told to ignore data. he denies this. despite the drop in unemployment 3,000 people left the work force last month. cheryl casone is here featuring three companies hiring right now. hi, cheryl. good morning. one of the trends we saw during the recession is americans were trying to keep their cars longer. keep them on the roads as long as they could. nasa is benefitting from that. the 700 jobs opening right now. this does not include 4800 s own franchises across the country. there are even more jobs across the country. you can be an owner of a store. 80 percent are independently owned franchises managers, counter sales. there are 100 new stores throughout the year. if you are full-time you get full benefits at this company. i always look at the benefits a piece of the job puzzle. and they have part-time jobs as well. boxing becoming biering and biering. this is a new franchise. title boxing. they have 2800 new team members right now. 2013. 30 clubs across the country under construction. they have 200 more planned. there are 1,000 calories you can burn during these boxing classes. obviously this is a great opportunity for veterans. physical job you can keep the shape going when you were overseas or in the military. you can save money. true communications. yes, they are actively looking for veterans. it s voice, data all of the things we use the internet for which is basically our lives. looking at 120 people you can be a cell tower technicians. you can be an engineer or project manager. those jobs range 55,000 to about 70,000 or more. again they are actively looking for military personnel. there s training. right now there s big government contracts they are working on irs, va and also working with verizon and at&t. we like to highlight companies that are looking for veterans to get them back on their feet. you can log in and apply for the job. e-mail me fx job if you are lacking to hire a lot of companies are coming in reaching out to us saying here s the jobs here s the information. it works on both ends. cheryl casone, thanks as always. the time 24 half the hour. still to come it s their job to spot and stop weapons from getting through airport security. wait until you hear why the agency says it missed a bomb. government spies don t want to go through your history. number one on the billboard charts from tim mcgraw. [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face, we understand. our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. life brings obstacles. usaa brings retirement advice. great first gig! let s go! party! awwwww. arigato! we are outta here! party.. finding you the perfect place, every step of the way. and these come together, one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell s. it s amazing what soup can do. i m kirk cameron, 400 years ago our forefathers risked their lives to bring this bible to the shores of america, because it contained the principles for economic liberty, political liberty and religious freedom. it was the first complete english translation, complete with chapters, numbered verses and over 300 thousand utterly unique study notes. it actually came out before the king james version, and because the government didn t authorize it, it was outlawed. but it was a bible by the people, for the people. the book that built america. and now for the first time in 400 years it s available again in a beautiful leather edition. i have one and i want you to have yours too. please visit and get your copy of this rare and historic version of god s word today. order today, and get a free dvd of kirk cameron s latest film, monumental, the untold story of americaís beginnings. you don t decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pk vegetables only when they re perfect. then freeze them fast so they re are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. green giant for current and former military members and their families. get advice from the people who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. good morning everyone. you are watching fox and friends first. i am patti ann browne. i am ainsley earhardt. it is 5:28. the new pope schedule already filling up on his first day. pope francis already visiting one of the major basilicas in rome to pray to the virgin mary. later today he will meet with his predecessor pope benedict and celebrate mass with the cardinals who elected him in the sistine chapel. lauren green is live in rome with more on all of this. good morning, lauren. good morning. the setting of the conclave is no more. his name is pope frantis the first. he is the former hojorge an argentine. 8 years ago he was second to joseph cardinal raf singer who became pope benedict xvi. he has turned that second into a series of firsts. he is the first from south america, the first from the americas. the first jesuit the first outside the europe in centuries the first from the southern hemisphere. the crowds were intensely jubl lent seeing him for the first time. the reaction is unbelievable. take a listen. it was amazing. it was very emotional. i am catholic, and so this was a dream come true for me and for my family and so it was amazing to be here. we were right up in the front. everybody was chanting. francisco. i hope he will bring unity to all of the catholic people around the world that they will come back to the church and forget about thaefrg has happened and all of the problems of the past. this afternoon he will have mass with the cardinal electors who elevated him to pope. he will have a series of events this week. he will meet with the press also this saturday. the people who have been covering the conclave being included excited about that. the installation mass will be next tuesday to officially put him as the successor to saint peter the 266th successor to saint peter. back to you patti ann and ainsley. lauren green live from rome. thank you. the secret service helps keep the president safe but he s blaming them for cancelling white house tours. despite out of control spending president obama saying there is no debt crisis. doug luzader joins us with more on the president s claims. a lot of finger pointing on the tour issue. we will start with the budget. the president telling wealthy donors they should prepare for the battle ahead. he told abc news the national debt now approaching $17 trillion may not be the crisis some make it out to be. we don t have an immediate crisis in terms of debt. in fact for the next ten years it will be in a sustainable place. with another day of meetings with both democrats and republicans on capitol hill that sentiment may create deeper division with deficit hawk that says democrats plan to raise taxes almost a trillion dollars over the next decade are simply a deal breaker. i love to hear the president s answer as to why he doesn t believe we have a debt crisis or why he doesn t believe we have a spending problem. there is the matter of the white house tours. who ordered them closed for budget cuts. the white house initially said it was the administration s call. the president then claim blames the secret service. leaving it to white house spokesman jay carney to explain. the secret service made a decision about the budget and with draw personnel from tours. we had to cancel the tours. it s our job to cancel the tours. the decision has caused all kinds of headaches for the white house which may now have to reopen the dours on at least a limited basis. even the lib berled toreial page of the washington post reopened the white house doors. they call this the equivalent of bureaucratic hostage taking. thanks, doug. it is time now for your 5@5:30. the top five stories making news at this hour. more than 800,000 of your tax dollars were spent on a lavish conference by the gsa. now a marriage board has ruled that a fired senior executive with the general services administration must get his job back. paul will get 11 months of bag pay while gsa officials claim he should have known about the excessive spending the board said because he didn t attend the 2010 conference he is not guilty of misconduct. the agency may appeal the ruling. 67 people charged with using a veteran s charity as a front for illegal gambling. 40 of the world parlors claim to use gambling to raise money for a charity. in reality only 2 percent of the 290 million raised was actually donated. the rest spent by executives on cars boats even donations to political campaigns. lieutenant governor jennifer carol who once did marketing for that charity has also stepped down after being questioned by authorities. she has not been charged. they are extremely hard to spot. that s the quote from the tsa explaining how the agency let a mock bomb into the security airport. they are trying to defend the security lapse. last month a federal agency was able to sneak a fake bomb into his pants through two levels of security. the excuse comes as the head of the tsa, john pistol prepares to testify today in front of the homeland security committee. governments may soon be able to look at your financial information so they can site terror. they are claim to go give them financial data on every person who banks in the u.s. according to the routers report. the government said data will be used to look at suspicious activity which clou plots against the u.s. while she was probably the most popular girl in school for a short time until she got caught a fist grader brought 20,000 dollars of cash and handed it out. another student asked about her pack back and the girl started handing them out like a mini atm machine. word got around and kids started coming to her asking for the money. she started giving it away as much as $500 to one student. a couple hundred to some other students. it was very, very unusual. something that we don t usually deal with. our students don t come to school with that much money if any money at all. the girl says a neighbor another child gave her the bag full of cash. police are trying to figure out who it really belongs to and how it all happened. that s your 5@5:30. before you leave the house this morning let s get your first degree weather update with janice dean. we are talking about spring. you know how many days we are looking at on the calendar? how many? 6. the 21st? the 20th this year. i can t believe that. die know if this is wishful thinking or not we have another storm system we are going to be tracking that could bring more snow to the midwest and northeast. i know. unbelievable. the satellite radar imagery right now not too much. we have a clipper system across the upper midwest. light snow flurry activity across the northeast and rain and snow for the next couple of days in the northeast. light snow across the area nothing too major. however let s take a look at next week. we are going to be watching a developing system that moves across the rockies into the midwest. that will determine whether it is rain or snow. this is an impressive storm acrosses the midwest for monday. we will see a developing section along the coast. it would be mainly a rain event for new york and boston. but the computer models keep flip flopping. this is something we have to monitor as we head into early next week. we could have a developing snowstorm. it seems to be the rural for winter. i am all tongue tied because we have another storm. it makes you speechless. i second that. it is time toent tan this. the top ten finalists vying for the title of american idol. last night they performed songs made popular by past winners. flush wow, there s some talent there. we will have one contestant being sent home tonight. we have the newly released 911 calls revealing the moment after ed aznar got seriously ill during his one man show in indiana. we have some type of play going on and one of the performers is sweating profusely. we need a medic. what do you need a medic for, ma am? the performer is on stage and has gotten sick. aznar was rushed to the hospital and treated for exhaustion. the 83-year-old most famous for his role as lou grant in mary tyler moore show. miranda lambert coming to the rescue of this historical pooch. she tweeted the picture saying she found him on the side of the highway in oklahoma. she will care for him until she finds a home. now for your starting lineup. the top stories this morning it didn t come easy but the miami heat kept their streak alive. duane wade added 21 including that late game shot put in 98-94. miami becomes only the fourth team in nba history to win 20 straight season games. an nfl free agent saw big moves but none bigger than the denver broncos signing wide receiver wes welker. he agreed to a two-year $12 million deal with denver. he spent the last 6 seasons with the new england patriots. a serious sight for lakers. kobe bryant severely spraining his left ankle with seconds left in the 4th quarter. x-rays were negative. not known how long he will be out. it is 20 minutes until the top of the hour. coming up they were supposed to be a sweet treat for his friends but the brownies had something extra sending a lot of kids to the hospital. gone in 24 seconds. stealing cars a family business for these two brothers. they ate brownies lace withed marijuana. they were take tone the hospital for dizziness and nausea. they got the brownie from a classmate and shared it on recess. no words how they got their hands on the brownie. researches say those treated with radiation are more likely to develop heart problems later. the doctors say you should not panic. the chance of suffer ago radiation induced heart attack is very small. counties are struggling to survive. new sense sus data shows 1.3 counties seeing decreasing populations. experts blame aging population and struggling economies that force younger people to go elsewhere for work. rural communities hit hardest. nearly 50 percying population decreases. the conclave elected a new pope. the cardinal from argentina is a jesuit who has been described as one word, humble. what can we expect from this new catholic leader? we are joined boo a jesu by a jesuit priest. thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. how can this influence his leadership as our new pope? i think with this pope we will see a man as you mentioned very humble deeply spiritual and informed by the spirit. he will be a man of great prayer who will bring great change to the church. certainly hoping he will be a man who will reconnect the church with the people on the ground level. i want to ask you about that. i am hearing from a lot of catholics who say they want to combine the tradition with the modern world. he s known to be a reformer. will this happen? i certainly hope so. that has always been the indication with him. we heard he is a man urging the priest to leave the rector res to get out on the street to be akty with the faithful to work with the most marginalized. he has done this in his own ministry. we are hoping for this whole vision of returning to what was the original ideal of the church. that takes us to his name he choose the name francis. the st. francis i heard as ad t always. if necessary, use words. we have a pope now who helps the poor, he washes the feet of aids vic patients, he is actually letting his actions speak and preach. do we expect to see more of that in the church? i certainly hope so. by all indications last night the fact that he presented himself to his own people in rome asked for their blessing. i think that is a major step forward. it s a signal of pig change in the papacy. he will be asking priests to be more involved in this direct ministry of the poor. that is echoing the great message of the second vatican council which was a bit muted in the last few years. i think will be something that will be on the scope of the whole church. many say that is the point of the church. i think that is a message the cardinals are trying to send. this is a church they would like to see in many ways a return to the second vatican council. the idea of engagement with culture working with those who are most in need of the ministry of the church in some ways. so i think it s a very exciting time for the church. how is he different than pope benedict xvi. what were the cardinals looking for voting at this time? they are looking for a reformer of the curia. this is a man who is not an insider. he has practically no roman experience. it is interesting they would bring someone with the vision of dedication to the people on the street level and not someone who would be thought of as being an inside roman reformer but who has had a lot of experience reforming a large metropolitan like society. that will be very exciting the fact that he is a latin american is also very, very interesting. right. first time. i think it s exciting for u.s. catholics as well. i think we can expect a great resurgence in the faith. we are hoping for that in the united states and latin america. we will see. thank you so much for being with us. thank you for having me. it is now 48 after the top of the hour. forget esp. could reading someone else s mind be as simple as a brain test? seems they weren t only creating a fantasy world. those living in oz will cost taxpayers millions. we have more on what s coming up on fox and friends. i told you in the elevator. why do i have to repeat it to everybody. you know this already. roman times will be here. he s the best singer ever at least the one we know. he will clean out everybody s sinuses. white house tours this thing couldn t get any more controversial. the president yesterday had to tell everyone to be respectful of his own explanation. james inop is live he s upset as you are upset. tuition aid is going to the veterans because of the sequester. he wants to bring it back. only on fox & friends. see you then. i am taking attendance. you get better quality control. so our test flights are less stressful. i ve got a lot of paperwork, and time is everything here. that s why i upgraded to sprint direct connect. 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[ .] [click click] [ .] nissan is recalling a call it covers the altima, the leaf, path finder sentra infinity jx 35 suv. they are not sure how many are affected. they will start notifying car owners next month. if only i could read your mind that. saying is now true. for the first time they are now able to see what you are thinking thanks to a brain scan. the area scans the same place in the brain where personalities are processed. meaning we are likely predicting the behavior of someone before we even meet them. patti ann? in 2010 michigan was expecting a $1.58 billion deficit. why did millions of tax payer dollars go help disney make the movie oz? diane macedo has this story. despite the financial trouble michigan is contributing roughly $4 million to production of disney s oz the great and powerful thanks to an incentive program aimed at making michigan the hollywood of the midwest. according to the mackinac center the public policy in 2010 the program included a 42 percent refund of all in state movie production costs which lawmakers opened would persuade film studios to relocate to michigan and create long-term economic growth there. roughly $100 million budget that left the great and powerful left michigan taxpayers with a $39.7 million bill while disney went on to post a profit the michigan studio where the film was made missed 3 payments to investors which the state of michigan retirement system has to pay and the state is also on the hook for another 18 million if the michigan motion picture studio is unable to make payments to the bondholders. the fiscal agency for 2010 to 2011 even the most optimistic the subsidy costs michigan taxpayers $125 million and only returned $13.5 million of the money. the most surprising part of this report could be the response after capping the subsidy at 25 million after he took office in 2010 michigan governor rick snyder and the legislature later agreed to raise the cap to 50 million for fiscal year 2010. diane, thank you so much. still at the top of the hour next on the rundown one teacher going to extreme measures to find out who was stealing from the candy jar. apparently it runs in the family. two brothers caught on camera mastering the art of stealing cars. e announcer ] the rhythm of life. 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New-york , United-states , Miami , Florida , El-paso , Texas , Argentina , Atlanta , Georgia , Kentucky , Boston , Massachusetts

Transcripts For CURRENT Liberally Stephanie Miller 20130315

folks, have a great weekend. we will see you right back here on monday morning. this is the bill press show. [ theme music ] stephanie: hello. well you know it that s day before vacation jacki, why in chris is wearing shorts and t-bone said the flirt teeny bar is over. are you really wearing shorts. yes i am wearing shorts. let s just pop out leis and call it a day. stephanie: and senator feinstein is still scraping ted cruz off of her shoes. that was awesome. stephanie: thank you for the lecture i appreciate it. i m going to play that all morning. yes, she says to him essentially i have been here longer than you have been alive. stephanie: we ll it is just awesome. and speaking of awesome chicks. jacki schechner in the current news. happy friday everybody. president obama is travelling to argon today, a department of research that specializes in advanced battery research. you may remember during his state of the union address, the president stated he is prepared to use executive action should congress fail to act on alternative energy. he is going to ask for $2 billion over ten years. the money would come from royalties from offshore drilling. rob portman has changed his stance on same-sex marriage because his son is gay. he said his son will came out to him back in 2011 and then he realized he wanted his son to have the same opportunities as everyone else. senator portman was a potential date for romney last year. he was a sponsor of the 1996 defense of marriage act. he now says that voters in each state should have the right to approve same-sex marriage should they so choose. and mitt romney is speaking at cpac today which has plenty of allies and conservative activists wondering why. they wonder what he could possibly say that would have any impact or be of any interest. we re back after the break. stay with us. going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we re honest. they know that i m not bs ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i m going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i m right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. you re invited to take the lysol wipes challenge. try lysol dual action wipes and see the cleaning power. lysol dual action wipes have 2 sides instead of one. a scrubbing side that cleans tough stains better than clorox. and a smooth side for everyday touchups. all while killing 99.9% of germs. take the lysol wipes challenge today. available at walmart. [ male announcer ] it s red lobster s lobsterfest our largest selection of lobster entrees like lobster lover s dream or new grilled lobster and lobster tacos. come in now and sea food differently. visit now for an exclusive $10 coupon on two lobsterfest entrees. [ male announcer ] to many men, shaving can be a sensitive issue. but take comfort. it may not be you; it may be your razor. upgrade to gillette fusion proglide. our micro-thin blades are thinner than a surgeon s scalpel to put less stress on your skin by gliding through hair. switch to fusion proglide. number one dermatologist recommended on sensitive skin. and now introducing new fusion proglide sensitive shave gel. gillette. the best a man can get. [ theme music ] announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it s the stephanie miller show ! i m walking on sunshine woe ho i m walking on sunshine woe ho it s time to feel good hey all right now it s time to feel good stephanie: it is the stephanie miller show. people on tv can see us screaming at each other before the show. yeah, you are screaming at things 20 seconds before the show is over. stephanie: you know what, you are fired. take next week off. okay. stephanie: but then make sure you are here next monday. uh-huh. stephanie: let s just pretend you are fired to get it out of my system. you still have a job jim. really? he shows up late and he still has a job. i could push the buttons. stephanie: all you sneed a muscle-bound chimp for that. oh okay. stephanie: he ll wear oven mitts. all right. see you later, bye! stephanie: jim you know how to get the door-slam sound effect, don t you? i m sure it is under d. what can possibly go wrong? there has to be only 17 entries that begin with d. there is the david shuster jingle, ducks, dog growl, drama string stephanie: play them all! you are a douche bag. don t speak. don t speak. and thank for playing in denial. oh. dropped things. that was the george tikai thing. drink the sand. i want leadership. i m thirsty for it [overlapping speakers] [ laughter ] stephanie: we ll keep hitting the delete movie. there s a lot of d stuff in here. stephanie: you are not deleting any of my rob reiner stuff. oh, my! stephanie: wow, we have good stuff in there. i ought to spend vacation rummaging through your box. you should. stephanie: don t [ censor bleep ]! stephanie: why don t you ever play that. oh, my god, you are so fired again. dr. furrier. stephanie: dr. haris next. door knock then open. [ knocking ] stephanie: this is like old timemy theater gone amuck. then the drunk. stephanie: why do we have that in there? stephanie: i have some musty things in there. i have musty old things in my box. it s full of cobwebs and spiders. no wonder you can t get a girl. [ buzzer ] oh, yeah it s a the day before vacation stephanie: i would stay tuned, because you never know what is going to happen before vacation. we re going to have a brand new congressman on next. stephanie: yes. representative mark pocan. stephanie: you don t know if you are saying that right. i asked t-bone before the show. stephanie: we have john fugelsang in hour three. and next week hal sparks in live for us all week jacki schechner live in studio for him. and then coming up in april this is where i point to you, and you take too long to get it to. i love the sexy liberals i m going to get all my sexy liberal stephanie miller takes up a flight to the windy city with see singing with babies of three and the wine that she keeps in a box by the door that s what it s for on to sexy liberal, where do they all come from all the sexy liberals chicago s where they ll come yay! and i did all of the string arrangements myself. stephanie: i m flying tomorrow. and the tsa said yep we re letting the knives on! [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie: yeah and a novelty bat. stephanie: i can tell your right now i m going to get hit by a drunk with a novelty bat. that s whiz clunk just so you know. snoo you ll stephanie: you ll need to know that i ll probably just hit whiz. [ water rushing ] that s whiz. stephanie: would you like an all-time radio fun fact about momma. one of my partners we were recording a radio bit, and we needed that sound affect and we didn t have it so he created it himself in another studio in a jar. uh-huh. took the tape recorder in too. stephanie: yeah. all right. stephanie: all right. that s what us old timers call bullying. stephanie: some old timemy radio fun facts about momma. speaking of which we have a brand new picture up on the stephanie miller show facebook. guess who was right there yesterday? steven stills. momma s new best friend. he has a new album. he was doing phoners, and i got in the studio right over there. and he is bringing me his new box set soon which is coming out. and there s a picture of me and him and hot brie out there is. stephanie: melissa fitzgerald we were out having a a drink, or 12 stephanie: or 15. or a bunch. it looked like a pretty swanky restaurant stephanie: well, it was near his house, so yes, i was. okay. stephanie: and i m flying tomorrow just in time for the tsa to say what could go wrong they say they plan to allow small knives on the plain. can t someone overrule mr. tsa. i pity the fool! stephanie: i don t think they should allow pistollies either. the head of the tsa said he stands by his plan to allow passengers to carry small knives despite a growing backlash. shocking flight attendants are like, excuse me? excuse me now? it s unlikely he said in these days of hardened cockpit doors that these small knives could be used by terrorists to take over a plane but they could stab other passengers. stephanie: yes. and searching for knifes is time-consuming. they confiscate 2,000 such knives a day. how come everyone is carrying a knife? that is their yob isn t it? stephanie: what aim thinking of jim the [ inaudible ]? stephanie: no. where the guy has 17 different kinds of knives. swenny todd? [ buzzer ] noo stephanie: no. but isn t that their job? no their job is to iradiate you while looking at your junk. stephanie: he said it is not their job to prevent disturbanced by in all right. high-speed rail can t come soon enough. stephanie: there are already items that can be used to harm someone. [ buzzer ] this guy is as competent as michael brown. stephanie: he said there s already items on board that can be used to harm people so why not let everyone know. stephanie: whether it s in first class with a metal knife and fork oh thanks for the tip. can i borrow your knife stephanie: or whether it s a wine glass or wine bottle that they break and use. [ buzzer ] stephanie: stop but the wine bottles are like this big oh that s whiskey bottles. stephanie: no they use real wine bottles. stephanie: yeah. they are protected by that curtain. do not go through that curtain. it s an iron curtain. stephanie: now i got to worry about a bar fight on my flight tomorrow. i think they need to hardened doors behind first class and let everyone else drown in steerage. stephanie: get out of my wood plank. splish. do we have a splish. stephanie: i think we do. it s under splash jim. [ water splashing ] stephanie: besides knives passengers can include novelty-sized baseball bats less than 24 inches. there s something there. stephanie: toy plastic bats billiard cues ski poles those don t fit in that little sizing box. how are those allowed on board? stephanie: i don t know. the policy is apparently allowed at allowing passengers to carry penknives, corkscrews oh, now you are talking my language. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] a drone. stephanie: that s right. you can just fly it up to first class stephanie: sure and get something sharp. i m sending my drone to first class to break off a wine glass. yet i m not allowed to bring shampoo. stephanie: no. nicely done. fly safe everyone. [ applause ] you are allowed a pen knife but not shampoo. stephanie: right. drive by hair dressings. one by fruitings. that comes with the hair dressing. stephanie: dyneianne feinstein is still scraping ted cruz off of the bottom of her shoe. we ll have that for you next. announcer: it s the stephanie miller show. this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it s not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding. announcer: going to make me lose my mind y all going to make me go out all, up in here up in here y all going to make me act a fool up in here up in here not in there. no, up in here. stephanie: thank you. oh dear. white people show good morning. twenty-three minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2. this is nothing but awesomeness. senator feinstein, i solute you. it was full of awesome sauce. stephanie: right. all of that and i can t even count the bags of chips. steph that was from 1994. stephanie: i know it. up in here. ted cruz what a what a douche nozzle. there are not 205 communists in the state department or the harvard law school. stephanie: right. republican ted cruz the teeny tiny, little junior senator from texas. it really was unbelievable. dianne feinstein regardless of your politics i mean give me a break. this woman has been in the senate how long? and as she was pointing out she has literally put her finger in a bullet hole. yes. i remember that. i remember hearing about it on the radio were you in san francisco? no, but i could listen to kcbs from l.a. okay. stephanie: a lot of old timemy radio stories. i used to be on the big 50,000 watt power blaster back there. i remember when mr. marconey gave me a ride in his model t. when i lived in phoenix that s how i used to listen to you. you could hear koa denver from almost anywhere. stephanie: we had callers from iowa. really? that must be some skip. back to dianne feinstein. stephanie: right, what was i saying? [ laughter ] stephanie: i m not sure if it s drinking or early on set, but whatever. i frequently don t know where i am. early onset admiral stockdale is what you have got. stephanie: i sometimes pause and i don t recognize you two. oh! okay. okay. anyway, yeah, he just so he was just being a douche, basically. he was. stephanie: she was talking about they are obviously debating reinstating the assault ban weapons. i m not a sixth grader. i walked in. i saw people shot. i have looked at bodies that have been shot with these weapons. i have seen the bullets that implode implode. sandy hook youngsters were dismembered. it s fine you want to lecture me on the constitution. just know i have been here for a long time. i have passed on a number of bills. i studied the constitution myself. i am reasonably well educated and i thank you for the lecture. stephanie: rock and role! [ cheers and applause ] nobody lights lighters anymore. they light their cell phones. stephanie: oh, right. i haven t been to a concert since they ain t related but they do be brothers. nobody smokes anymore. they use the smokeless cigarettes nowadays. stephanie: yeah, he did the you get easily side tracked stephanie: i love you. wa wa wa. it turns into charlie brown s teacher. stephanie: yeah, and we went crazy in buffalo. [ cheers and applause ] you get so easily sidetracked. stephanie: what were we talking about? oh, dianne feinstein. incidentally this was not prohibit you use the word prohibit. it excerpts 2,271 weapons. isn t that enough for the people in the united states? do you need a bah zoo ka? do they need other high powered weapons that military people used to kill in close combat? i don t think so. [ cheers and applause ] stephanie: i love her. you are a chick, you understand army stuff. wait until you hear what ann coulter saying about her. they say she was whining and crying yesterday. stephanie: oh sure. and how classy is this after the vote feinstein said to him, senator i want to apologize to you. you sort of got my dander up. really? i would have kicked him in the nads. i don t think senator cruz has nads. stephanie: yeah he is like the army guys he plays with with no gentles. he s a smoothie. stephanie: right. gi neuter. stephanie: right, exactly. all right. things are only going to get weirder. and an culter s hair looked awful last night on hannity. hannity was wearing her hair? stephanie: we ll do right-wing world next on the stephanie miller show. compelling true stories. jack, how old are you? nine. this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. everyone in michael jackson s life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. break the ice with breath-freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. stop looking at car interiors. get inspired by other stuff. yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah. touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn t your car? you can t do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever. and that s how you do it. easy. a closer shave in a single stroke for less irritation, even on sensitive skin. gillette mach3 sensitive. gillette. the best a man can get. announcer: stephanie miller. the only way to make things happen in the real world is by taking akctions. i have taken action it drives your [ inaudible ] but the sex is amazing. what? stephanie: what is this? craigslist men for men ads. people want some sex on the dl as the kids say around cpac. stephanie: yikes democratic what do they call it? hate sex? [ buzzer ] presumably they all love their wives! stephanie: presumably they like their hair pulled. oh, let s not get into that again. did i make left-wing hate speech last night on hannity? you did not. i think he is on to you. [ wah wah ] stephanie: that tick tack brain inside of that giant noggin, yeah, he is easily tricked. stephanie: everybody enjoy your hate sex [ applause ] i don t know if you can actually read these stephanie: no but people can see my thought bubble. oh, it s dirty. [ giggling ] stephanie: let s dive into the right-wing world. ann coulter she needs a good talking to by taylor swift. dianne feinstein like her other i am woman hear me roar democratic female hillary clinton as soon as they get a question they don t like they start crying. i used to think women just shouldn t be able to vote now i think liberal women should not be able to hold office. that is not an answer. i m offender. stephanie: she makes me want to scream like a goat. in the wores of the immortal taylor swift no opalgy, he s the reason why you re drowning you re drowning you re drowning oh, come on stephanie: all right. it s all i ll ever be stephanie: all right. okay. all right. whatever. whatever! stephanie: yeah. ann coulter is just wow. uh-huh. yeah she s [ sighs ] liberal women should haven t office. stephanie: right. did i say she s not supportive of her fellow women. well, that s a loaded question. stephanie: let s not take that joke. all right oh my god i am more of a man than any liberal is she admitted it. stephanie: thank you. all right. bill o reilly. there have been no real cuts. democrats are just slowing down the rate of spending. but the sad fact is barack obama not going to change his opinion. he believes a massive federal debt will not harm the country, period. stephanie: the deficit is going down, down down. george bush ruined the economy. obama is trying to save it. stephanie: yes, lowest level of spending since eisenhower. rush limbaugh so what the left tries to do you ll hear this fill this pulpit praise for his behavior towards the poor and people in the thir world, and it s going to be an attempt to soften him up, because eventually what they want him to do is renounce christ. that is the objective of the progressives who oppose the catholic church. stephanie: oh! oh! it s progressives that you mean alter boy rape? what do we oppose? no progressives want the pope to renounce christ. stephanie: oh yes, that s on the top of my list. huh? he is just making stuff up. stephanie: and that s why pat boon would come in on fox business channel. he is following his play book which is [ inaudible ] rule for radicals. come on. this is the guy that trained him to be a marksist, a socialist, a progressive those are not the same things! but there has to be some kind of reasoning for what he does. he has a plan which he thinks is good for america, virtually socialist america, the government is in charge of everything. i was on his enemy s list on the first year of his presidency. what? nixson has the enemies list. stephanie: my number one priority. get pat boone. osama boone ladin. stephanie: what i meant to say is pat boone is going down. why is he on fox business channel. why is there a fox business channel? stephanie: right. how was he talking about the economy or dow. stephanie: dr. keith a-blow. abblow. abblow. stephanie: i always get that wrong like roger hedgehog cox! stephanie: excuse me? roger hedge cox. this is like the husband who beat you coming back, saying i have changed! i have changed, honey. look, know you haven t, because you haven t been in therapy with dr. keith abblow the president believes everything he believes in based on being abandoned by everybody where are you getting this crap? oh, right out of your ass, of course. stephanie: psycho babel was that also on the fox business channel. stephanie: has roger hedgehog ever been on cox! stephanie: excuse me in roger hedgehog. stephanie: all right. dick what? stephanie: morris. he was accosted by a reporter at cpac. any new thought on what brought that about? i love fox and you come and you go in this business. i ll come again. do you think you ll return to fox again? yes. when do you think that would be? oh i don t know. stephanie: i m sorry dick said he ll come again? really? he needs to be on dr. ablow s couch for that. he was winded. i i i stephanie: anything wrong with you being wrong about everything in this history of everything! winded by a run-on sentence. [ applause ] stephanie: and then he fell on a sack of hammers. i i [ gasping ] you soundlike slep car from wonder bug. stephanie: i can t get enough of his impression. i know. [ applause ] stephanie: that was a weird right-wing world. let s go to eric in albuquerque. caller: i love you guys. stephanie: thank you. caller: i have a question. what do you tell somebody that has saved their life with a handgun? do you tell him that his life is worthless than someone else s life. stephanie: yes, exactly. no, eric you would tell them you are very lucky, because most people actually injury themselves or someone else that they love with a gun. caller: i have another question stephanie: i m not saying it doesn t happen caller: more lives than they take? stephanie: pardon me caller: guns save more lives than they take? stephanie: no, i do not. i think they take many more lives caller: you think so. stephanie: no, this is statistics caller: well [ inaudible ] anywhere from 600,000 to 2.5 million are saved by handguns. stephanie: where are you getting that from caller: that was [ inaudible ] from years ago. i m just wondering and i am that somebody stephanie: okay. caller: i was able to save two lives that would not be here today but they don t keep those kinds of statistics eric? and you have a sucky phone which is driving me crazy. yeah, you spent too much money on guns. stephanie: you bought the sneaker phone because you spent a billion dollars on bush masters. and ammunition. stephanie: oh i m enjoying myself too much today. he saved people s lives because he had a gun, good for him. stephanie: yeah, exactly. but stephanie: all right. and thank you for your freshly made ass facts. forty-five minutes after the hour. right back on the stephanie miller show. god what did you have for breakfast this morning? carnation instant bitch? announcer: it s the stephanie miller show. billy zane stars in barabbas. coming in march to reelz. to find reelz in your area, go to lobsterfest is the king of all promotions. there s nothing like our grilled lobster and lobster tacos. the bar harbor bake is really worth trying. [ male announcer ] get more during red lobster s lobsterfest. with the year s largest selection of mouth-watering lobster entrees. like our delicious lobster lover s dream, featuring two kinds of lobster tails. or our savory, new grilled maine lobster and lobster tacos. my favorite entree is the lobster lover s dream. what s yours? come celebrate lobsterfest and sea food differently. [ male announcer ] visit now for an exclusive $10 coupon on two lobsterfest entrees. you re invited to take the lysol wipes challenge. try lysol dual action wipes and see the cleaning power. lysol dual action wipes have 2 sides instead of one. a scrubbing side that cleans tough stains better than clorox. and a smooth side for everyday touchups. take the lysol wipes challenge today. available at walmart. he opened his mind and let the music flow but in his attempt to break on through, he found the end. of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones you ll never forget. announcer: stephanie miller. is everybody going crazy is everybody going crazy tell me what is going on if you open your eyes i don t think any of us do. stephanie: this hour brought to you by sherwin williams. make the most of your color with the very best paint. ask sherwin williams. wow! that last caller was using his cell phone for target practice. stephanie: yeah. [ gunfire ] pull! i just killed siri! stephanie: this thing sounds like crap! i can t talk to that liberal station anymore! [ gunfire ] i killed siri! i done it! stephanie: please, this is a quick tip from the stephanie miller show, do not use your cell phone for target practice before calling a radio talk show. what what i save million i i stephanie: at attention gun nuts, here are some talk radio tips. wow, it s exciting cpac is going on. it is. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: what it is called ? i don t know. a bunch of right-wing crazies convening in dc. stephanie: and they are not allowing the gays. no, rob portman now allowed anymore. stephanie: no, rob portman came out and announced his acceptance of marriage equality because his son is gay. let s hear it for the boys stephanie: that s why he didn t come romney s running mate. yes. stephanie: a lot of us cannot read on my little family radio show, i want to [ censor bleep ] a lot of guys looking for guys at cpac. there is a lot of guys looking for some strange. stephanie: woe! this is kind of this one is kind of festive. [ fun-facts music ] stephanie: hey, guys he means in a gay way. hey. stephanie: hey girl! [ laughter ] stephanie: i was wondering if there were any gay, bi or curious guys going to cpac. computer says yes. stephanie: i m not looking for anything crazy. just a little [ censor bleep ] stephanie: just a new friend oh, that s totes adorbs. stephanie: we could maybe escape the crowd and head up anything can happen smiley face. and he does the kind with the nose. i always do the nose. stephanie: i don t, but we went the extra mile and did the nose. smiley face. i just learned how people do that little while ago and now you overuse it you have an overused colon. you have emogi, and you can do animals, flags stephanie: oh, no! all of my friends that are listening right now just went oh thank god. [ wah wah ] look what i can do. now if we can just get you to use capitalization and punctuation stephanie: i don t have time for that. i m ddf drug and disease free. stephanie: oh. most of my friends that will be there won t know i am gay, so it would be cool if you are discreet as well. if you are also a self loathing gay. yeah. stephanie: it would be helpful if you were also cloaked in shame. i don t mind people knowing, just want to control the time and place they find out, get my drift? i think his time line is never. that s what that sounds like. stephanie: if we meet up and it turns out we don t really hit it off, no worries. no pressure for anything sexual. just mostly looking for a cpac buddy. however if you do want to [ censor bleep ] that would be a bonus. that s adorbsadorbs. stephanie: hit me up. and since most of the guys reading this are liberals, i would be happy to explain why the agenda is more really! what do they call putting the liberals in concentration camps with pink triangles on them. that would kind of kill the mood if you started getting a lecture. stephanie: buzz kill. oh here is one more. [ fun-facts music ] stephanie: these are happy and sunny and 50s like. clean cut prep type in town for cpac. [ bell chimes ] stephanie: looking to mess around with hot tops while i m here. not like the four tops i want that shirt, give me that shirt. not that kind of top stephanie: give me that shirt. not that kind of top. stephanie: we re in detroit for two days you brought how many? [ laughter ] [ fun-facts music ] stephanie: can sneak away for fun any time in my hotel room. white disstreet guy discrete. stephanie: discrete guy here. look for tall inshape guys with big [ censor bleep ]. 21 to 30. two tops are cool too. stephanie: if you brought a lot of shirts like me. not that kind of tops. stephanie: oh, really? the singers? no. stephanie: oh, he only wants two tops not four. i don t know if he could handle four. stephanie: oh okay. betty in tennessee. caller: hi, how are you. i was calling about the ted cruz and feinstein thing yesterday. stephanie: yeah. caller: i was watching and, you know, he was so cold and everything towards her, i think he owes her and also those people in sanity hook an apology. he is just so over you know like pushy and like he doesn t care like they were shooting duck not children that morning. stephanie: i know. caller: i have never seen a senator act in such a way. stephanie: i agree, betty. you only get three shots if you want to go duck hunting. someone tweeted that they don t think the gaylord hotel can provide enough closet space for cpac. stephanie: that is a good one. [ circus music ] stephanie: it s smells of self loathing in here. my room is just a closet. oh my! how did i wind up here. stephanie: oh, clutch the pearl necklace. oh really. stephanie: fifty-eight minutes after the hour. right back on the stephanie miller show. [ theme music ] stephanie: hello, current tv land. hour number 2. i now have a bone to pick with chris. stephanie: huh oh. you are not to turn him on to more smileys. i m sorry. i know. i know. she oversmiles as it is. stephanie: i m going to text you with emotocons right now. i can get colorful ones from my iphone. you are not helping chris. she is going on vacation and get drunk and send me pages and pages of smileys. you and hal are smiley face. chirping frog. yes, jacki schechner will be right here live in studio with hal sparks. that s vacation for you. i get to hump him in person on wednesday. stephanie: hello, now. not really. stephanie: here she is jacki schechner. good morning, everybody, the white house has just launched a new feature called being biden. if it s a photo online and vice president biden tells the story behind the image. the first one shows the vice president serving rolls in delaware earlier this month. and they go out and they hunt for wild game that they then cook up and serve at the fire hall that you see in the background. all of the money goes to charity, and then there s an auction. he goes on to say that that auction offers up guns and bows with the money going to help money in need. he emphasizes the right to own firearms, but also for self protection and hunting. the nation has been crying out for responsible action and he called on congress to seriously debate gun-control legislation to make all of us safer. a federal grand jury in miami is investigating senator bob menendez and his ties to a wealthy donor and friend. they are interested in how the center may have intervened on his behalf to encourage the dominican government to honor a contract with the port security. and why he intervened on his behalf as they were looking into allegations of medicare fraud. we re back with more show after the break. stay with us. all the time now. she gets the comedians laughing. that s hilarious! .and the thinkers thinking. okay, so there s wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you re telling me. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. absolutely! and so would mitt romeny. she s joy behar. and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? only on current tv. build a ground-breaking car. good. now build a time machine. go here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. bring future guy back. watch him build a tft display like nothing you ve ever seen. get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin film transistor display. [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash give it park assist. the fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home his work here is done. destroy time machine. win some awards, send in brady. that s how you do it. easy. [ male announcer ] ah. retirement. sit back, relax, pull out the paper and what? another article that says investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars in hidden fees on their 401(k)s?! seriously? seriously. you don t believe it? search it. 401(k) hidden fees. then go to e-trade and roll over your old 401(k)s to a new e-trade retirement account. we have every type of retirement account. none of them charge annual fees and all of them offer low cost investments. why? because we re not your typical wall street firm that s why. so you keep more of your money. e-trade. less for us. more for you. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. [ theme music ] announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it s the stephanie miller show ! i m walking on sunshine woe ho i m walking on sunshine woe ho it s time to feel good hey all right it s time to feel good are you torturing everyone you know. stephanie: jacki is going to kill you. i just sent her like 25 emotocons in a text. oh, boy. and you saw how many the iphone provides. stephanie: oh, my god. i m going to do it my whole vacation now. oh, god. stephanie: 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. stephanie miller the website sexy liberal tickets going very quickly. sexy liberal hal sparks filling in for us next week. i don t even want to do my show now. want to go back to texting people with my emotocons. i was like chris, you broke my oh it was just that thing. yeah. stephanie: we were talking about cpac and reading craigslist ads. they won t allow the gays but they sure are busy looking for them. stephanie: my new favorite writer writes the annual conservative gathering is always bad, but this year s choices of main speakers seem designed to alienate as many americans as possible. the trajectory is down on a scale so tedious i have difficulty comprehending it. can these people really believe they are accomplishing something? they are showing america they are mad at hatters. it is amazing. right it s sarah palin, trump, nobody with any chance of getting elected. he says they aren t the most articulate policy thinkers. they are the most adept red meat throwers. cruz is new to the game but what with his recent prove you stop beating your wife attacks he has risen up the ranks pretty quickly. suppose you are organizing this conference your party just got thumped, and there s inevitable talk of rebranding, what do you do? you throw out the gays and deny the invisitation to one republican on the scene who has an ounce of appeal, and then you choose to highlight two aging averaging blow hards? i love this. so he finishes he says conservatives today isn t a political movement it s a therapy style. this conservatism serves primarily as a negative reinforcer a convening place for those who feel the same social rage wanting to get together for drinks and shouting and another thing. it s tea party harmmy. we re trying to help we really are. i created tea party harmony. we re the only site that has the patented 19 dimensions of douche bagry. when i met sam for our first date at the firing range, it was just boom. i m afraid of brown people. don t tread on me. i found out he kind ofs like it. found that one person who is going to love you passionately for that gun-toting nut you really are. review your compatible wing nuts for free right now at tea party harmony. stephanie: okay. marco marco rubio. we don t need a new idea. the idea is called america. that solve it! yes, america! stephanie: sure, yes. what is two plus seven, america. what time it? america! stephanie: how are we going create jobs? america! i don t think he really understands what america is. stephanie: that s the idea? that s it? how are you going to balance the america! ermahgerd. stephanie: they need to change their slogan to herb derp. just because we believe that life, all life all human life is worthy of protection at every stage of its development just not make you a chauvinist. stephanie: some of those people applauding ron grinder on his cell phone. oh, yeah! oh, i m sorry, what were you saying? america. right. stephanie: senator rand paul. the gop of old has grown stale and moss covered. the new gop will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and personal sphere. stephanie: america! [ patriotic music ] stephanie: liberty. stop signs. stephanie: regulation of any kind that would restrict eye doctors in any way. taking machine guns on airplanes. stephanie: yeah, in america where you are free to do eye surgery on someone with a rusty railroad spike. one of those grapefruit spoons with the serrated edge. stephanie: oh, i got to get this out of there. does this look infected to you? i can t tell, i m blind! stephanie: should you really put poison oak on there? there are no regulations against it. stephanie: it s a libertarian pairradise paradise. welcome. caller: wow what a show you are putting on today. i think it s combined hysteria. okay. i have to call him a moron that called you before would like to have background checks on gun ownerships so he didn t have somebody threatening him and two other people with a gun. stephanie: yeah exactly. caller: here is what i m saying, the gop this right-wing paranoia that they have, they have a total lack of military experience other than hagel and mccain, you look at cheney fife all of those guys got out of doing anything. so i decided to counter with my own liberal paranoia. i need an aircraft carrier parked on the mississippi river where a fleet of b-52s can take off i don t think they can take off of a stephanie: it was all plausible right up to that. caller: well i was trying. i need f-14s stephanie: yeah, but not in the rain. caller: make sure i m covered 24/7 with a blanket of security so nothing bad happens to me. it s ridiculous. they don t allow proof. they are the ones who stopped the cdc from compiling the statistics on this. they are far-wing nut bagdads out there i have got a brother-in-law like this stephanie: don t we all? caller: i don t even visit the family on that side anymore because of it. stephanie: well you are the smartest boy in class today. [ bell chimes ] well thank you. what time it? america! stephanie: katherine in california. caller: good morning. stephanie: good morning, and america. what is for breakfast? america. caller: it is becoming increasingly apparent that we have a number of republicans in the united states senate that managed to skip the fifth grade all together. between marco rubio saying because he supports traditional marriage doesn t make him a big got. yes, that s exactly what it makes you. bigotry is the square root of ignorance. and i m asking to teach them some vocabulary and ted cruz harvard is calling and they want their degree back. stephanie: exactly. caller: we have someone who lives in the white house who has a constitutional law degree and he might explain to him the restrictions on the bill of rights that we all know. it s just i feel like i m in the twilight zone. stephanie: yeah don t lecture dianne feinstein first of all and she was talking about the heller decision like she s some idiot that doesn t understand the issues he is talk about she has dealt with these issue issues issues for a long time. stephanie: yes. senator [ inaudible ]. criminals will have access to a whole range of weapons that they will have access to because they don t care about the laws that are passed. and we re going to give the american citizen a pea shooter to defend themselves with. come on! the revolver is not a pea shooter. ass! we need rpgs in every household! why have speed limits because people are going to drive fast. stephanie: exactly. she said i m not a lawyer but after 20 years i have been up close and personal with the constitution, this doesn t mean that weapons of war and the heller issue clearly points out two exceptions so i mean ted cruz. seventeen minutes after the hour. right back on the stephanie miller show. the following program is close captioned for the thinking impaired. announcer: it s the stephanie miller show while your carpets may appear clean. it s scary how much dirt your vacuum can leave behind. add resolve deep clean powder before you vacuum to expel the dirt within your carpets. resolve s deep clean powder is moist. absorbing and lifting three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving you with a carpet that s truly fresh and clean. don t just vacuum clean. resolve clean. [clucking]. everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! viewpoint digs deep into the issues of the day. has the time finally come for real immigration reform? with a distinctly satirical point of view. if you believe in state s rights but still believe in the drug war you must be high. only on current tv. announcer: people here you talking like that because i about it no holla back girl stephanie: this hour brought to you by therabreath mouthwash and toothpaste. available at target wal-mart walgreens and other fine stores. you know what else knocks out bad breath? america. stephanie: that s the cpac theme. that s their solution to everything. [ magic wand ] stephanie: okay. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. mike in salt lake city, hi, mike. caller: how are you today? stephanie: good, sir, go ahead. caller: i m latino and i see ted cruz, you know up there just you know it makes us look bad because this man is mccarthyism, he lies he cheats innuendo innuendos, and he was trying to do that to feinstein, and he was doing it to hagel and he was trying to discredit him by saying oh, you have a special interest. is he getting money from the nra? now should he defame and lie and make people try to look bad i cannot even look to this man and talk to my children and grandchildren and say this is an honorable man. when you defame people and spread lies about them how many of us have had that happen to us? you have to have integrity to run a country. those guns are going to come back and bite them. stephanie: yep. caller: and this man that is doing the things he is doing to try to hurt individuals even the christian people, the bible says you cannot back bite and bare false witness. the christian young generation don t even want to get involved in christianity these days because there s no integrity there. stephanie: absolutely. the only thing that can cleanse it is dianne feinstein s ass whooping. i have looked at bodies that have been shot with these weapons. i have seen the bullets that implode. in sandy hook youngsters were dismembered. it s fine you want to lecture me on the constitution. just know i have been here for a long time. i passed on a number of bills. i am reasonably well educated and i thank you for the lecture. stephanie: bam! yeah, but . . . america. america. stephanie: america! could i have my breezy music back? sure. [ fun-facts music ] stephanie: more craigslist gay ads. there is not enough closet space at the gaylord hotel. in town for cpac let s [ censor bleep ]. [ laughter ] stephanie: okay. let s get this out of the way. i don t like you and you don t like me. well, then. okay. stephanie: we both had reservations about obama last election, but mine more because i thought he was too moderate. and you, you probably think paul ryan is something other than a charlotteton. i think you are bat [ censor bleep ] crazy. but may i suggest to you a sort of bipartisan coming together. oh. stephanie: oh, i m sorry, this isn t an attempt to strike a grand bargain. i have just heard that sex with someone you actively dislike can be a lot of fun. i ll even offer an olive branch and buy you a drink first. we can have an argument before we get down to business. [ applause ] stephanie: that s my pickup line, in town for cpac let s [ censor bleep ]. and i love how he says i m on the green line. stephanie: bill in albany is loving our downward spiral to vacation. caller: i was just going to say the same thing, how much i enjoy this week before vacation and the downward spiral that it becomes. it s the best. stephanie: bill, really historically the hour right before vacation, really it s like a scrabble board exploded. yeah. caller: it degenerates into fart jokes and mensa meetings and all of the other crazy stuff i love listening to. stephanie: we may just send the last hour rummaging through my box willie nilly. and there s stuff in there that we didn t even know we had. [ tires squealing ] if you are going to san francisco stephanie: you are going to spend the whole vacation cleaning out my box. we have to understand barbarians need educated. they need to be disciplined stephanie: i want that in my box. i need that in my box. uh-huh. stephanie: tiffany s. stiffnys. why did you have me put that in there? stiffny tiffany s. stephanie: breakfast at stiffnys. that s anywhere mitt romney is, is stiffnys. stephanie: there you go. loretta in st. petersburg. stephanie: good morning. america! caller: i want to ad kristin gillibrand to the dianne feinstein hearings. she did a masterful job of take apart the general who had the [ inaudible ] has the responsibility of keeping the [overlapping speakers] caller: and she just took him apart and said not only shouldn t be you, you are not doing a very good job. stephanie: good for her. i got to meet her. she is awesome. that s right. stephanie: twenty-nine minutes after the hour. right back on the stephanie miller show. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we re honest. they know that i m not bs ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i m going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i m right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. announcer: stephanie miller. i can t believe i m actually meeting you. you know, the news is so much better with you on it. stephanie: thank you. our house in the middle of the street in america stephanie: mark pocan took tammy baldwin s seat. good morning, representative. good morning, stephanie. stephanie: thanks so much for taking time with us. absolutely. stephanie: you have said about paul ryan his budget does not reflect wisconsin values. ain t that the truth? probably why his hometown voted against him so overwhelmingly. yeah, we share a county and when we go home he must take a very different route through that country than i do. a very different reality. stephanie: the biggest throat our long-term economic security at this time is not the deficit. it s a the economy. the lack of jobs. the future are the united states cannot complete with his global peers. and this is what paul krugman and others have been talking about. absolutely. we all know in the real world that what is important is getting the economy going again and creating jobs. and the ryan budget is the same recycled ideas from last year except now it is intensified because now they are trying to do it in ten years. and 2 million jobs could be lost just next year alone due to their budget. this is going the complete wrong direction. we should be investing, getting people back to work and making people taxpayers and that s how you really solve the economy. stephanie: isn t it interesting. that s exactly what the president just said the other day. he basically said i m not going to play on paul ryan s home field he said no. my number one job is to create jobs, and that is the number one thing that brings the deficit down, right? yeah and you will see the democratic versions of the budget released in the house next week. we put a lot of money into making sure we create jobs. half of the deficit from this year and three-quarters of the deficit next year is due to economic weakness. under employment, unemployment we ll being told that by the official agencies, and yet we re off on this search to destroy medicare and medicaid and the whole budget that paul ryan has out there is based on falses a sump assumptions. so it s based on imaginary math like we are going to grab the pots of gold at the end of rainbows, and that will create revenue. that makes as much sense. noo stephanie: yes, i love this. republicans falsely claim democratic budget increases taxes by $1.5 trillion. as you know the republicans have spent years pressuring democrats to write a budget so they can criticize it and attack it so they are assuming the sequestration stays in place which everybody thinks is dumb. so if we re just going to have these fault math arguments i don t know how we re going to get anything done, do you? and the false math goes even further, stephanie. their budget wants to reduce the rates on the top wage earners, but they don t tell you how they are going to do it. but in the end it give people who make over a million dollars a decrease in taxes every year. so $200,000 more in tax breaks for the richest that sounds fair. it makes no sense. and then when you ask how they are going to do it? they still protect the tax exemptions for companies who send jobs overseas oil companies, corporate jets it s almost too hard to debate something that is this silly. stephanie: i know you new there, but do you see any way out of this, that we we literally are so far apart at this point. what is going to happen is we are going to have to sit down and discuss the budget. the real problem i can tell you from my vast ten weeks of experience and they separated democrats and republicans for almost two weeks except for one dinner and one reception. so i think the washington way is so different than the way in wisconsin or anywhere else. and we have to break ours of it. when you get a budget, and a day later we mark the whole thing up without any thought. you are not advancing a serious plan that we can have a discussion about. we have to sit down and do some work and have a discussion here. stephanie: representative mark pocan thank you so much. i met both awesome legislators from wisconsin. yeah, tammy is awesome. stephanie: you are all about the awesomeness in wisconsin. thanks so much for taking time for us. and good luck. just eat more cheese. yeah, we got that covered on this show. thanks a lot. stephanie: thanks congressman. it is st. patrick s day on sunday so we will be [ inaudible ] leprecons, get them drunk enough and they won t miss it. stephanie: leprecons and fart jokes. [ farting sounds ] [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: patty murray from the great state of washington wrote a budget. this is the problem so that s what i mean the congressman just saying they are assuming false things in their budgets that just make what is the point of making a budget based onning is that is not going to happen, first of all. republicans are faultily claiming the democratic budget calls for $500 billion above the sticker price. mitch mclipless said this is the largest tax hike in the history of our country. [ buzzer ] pulled completely from his turtle ass. stephanie: a miss reading of the democratic budget it s a. here is mclipless now. we ll see where we go from here, but it was a great meeting. where i go from here is back to my terrarium. stephanie: yes, very slowly. very. slow and steady wins the race. stephanie: not in your case. you guys lost. representative [ inaudible ]. i think the economy is giving us sign that its wants to launch, and the president wants to be there to be sure that the 535 elected members in congress and the people of the united states are ready to launch with the american economy. javier. stephanie: sorry chris la-bat. republicans told the president to turn down his attacks, and support controversial changes in medicare if he wants a compromise. whatever! you want compromise you have to give us everything we want. they told obama to calm the [ censor bleep ] down. yeah. because he is such a hot head. and furthermore, america. stephanie: yeah, mr. president. how about that? participates at the 90-minute closed door meeting, noted that republicans criticize him freely, politics ain t bean bag he said. obama said we re making progress. i i guess. the senator from south dakota refers to a prevent interview, nobody here believes medicare and medicaid needs to be gutted. senator alexander said obama must also go against the grain in his own party as much as lyndon johnson or richard nixon did in forging ties with china. [ buzzer ] stephanie: bad analogy. so the president must go against his party by gutting medicare which is just like lyndon johnson getting civil rights. stephanie: we have a dusty jingle for that. thanks for playing really bad analogy! [ applause ] stephanie: thank you for playing in my box. i ain t going anywhere near your box. stephanie: you just found a little magic. amy from chicago. caller: hi, guys i was thinking about those grinder ads you have been reading this morning. craigslist. stephanie: craigslist. caller: i m sorry you are right. stephanie: grinder is not for the kids. caller: well, know. i was thinking maybe it is a big ploy to convert the gays or out them, punish them. stephanie: hum. caller: i don t know. stephanie: it s har only dr. keith a-blow can figure that out. is grinder sort for organ grinder does that doesn t sound like much fun. stephanie: no. chuck from atlanta. caller: i m kind of exasperated with these gop but also i am a little exasperated with the liberals too. you know why? because all of this stuff stems around the fact that we allow them to identify us. in other words they call us liberals and now everybody was afraid to use liberals and then that started to get just a be nine statement stephanie: then we took it back with the sexy liberal. caller: you did and now they want to mark us with markxistmarxists. stephanie: that s right. we ll be right back. that is the most hilarious show ever! announce it s the stephanie miller show. to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room monday to thursday at 6 eastern dude, i need your help fast. well, clearasil s fast. yeah, but is it this fast? faster! how about this fast? clearasil s faster! this fast?? faster!! woh! that is fast! fix breakouts fast with clearasil ultra. it starts working instantly, sending the max amount of medicine allowed deep into your pores for visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. yeah, it s fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin. current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries. on current tv. s announcer: stephanie miller. it s incredible stephanie: uh-huh. it is the stephanie miller show. fifty minutes after the hour. john fugelsang coming up for fridays with fugelsang. we are in a little cpac frenzy. yeah. stephanie: the big conservative political something going on in washington this weekend. and we re trying to help. we really are. don t cry for mr. argentina stephanie: no that s for another thing. oh. stephanie: okay. oooooooooh. stephanie: or not. do you want to leave for vacation now well if you would stack these correctly. white house just rammed it down our throats. just record the conservative phrase and then press the translate button. i can t handle having a black candidate. their weighing businesses down with too many regulations. i can t handle having a black president. i ll be glad when we get our country back. i didn t stand having a black president. if you can t understand red-state gibberish, at last there is an app for that red stateus stone. [ applause ] stephanie: all right. and also america. that s marco rubio s one idea. stephanie: yeah. america. can we recrew that marco rubio. i ll tell you what the criticism on the left is going to be. that they didn t offer any new ideas. and there s the fallacy of it. we don t need an idea. the idea is america. right. stephanie: america. uh-huh. whoo doggy. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: speaking of big parties. the what do we call it the painel invocation i don t know what it is. the invocation. stephanie: i thought it was a royal thing we re going to be in vacation next week. stephanie: right. but i m still hoping because he is from argentina that they play the disco version of don t cry for me argentina. stephanie: and we ll will on stage like in zanadu. i bet that is playing at cpac. you are a little scattered today. stephanie: no, you suck today. [ buzzer ] you are the suckiest of all. bouncing ash from thing to thing. stephanie: how many times do i have to cue you for a sound effect, my arm almost flew off. like heather mill s leg in dancing with the stars now, plait. [ laughter ] [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: okay. my point is speaker boner jim has turned down an invitation to the papal installation is it installation or invocation. a little of both. stephanie: they install you and then invoke you. stephanie: there s be there between like noon and 5:00. i have stuff to do. i have to play golf and drink. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie: yeah. he declined an invitation to attend the installation of pope francis. i m going to be drinking stephanie: drinking orange beer. green and orange beer. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie: that s the reason why he can t go. getting a visit from the ambassador of ireland is a euphemism for drinking green beer. [ inaudible ] stephanie: don t you just wish you could say that sometime, i can t go because i have to [ glugging sound ] i have to meet with the irish ambassador. [ glugging sound ] stephanie: i want to make that my ring tone. [ applause ] [ glugging sound ] you are on your own with that. i showed you emogirk. stephanie: jacki thanks you. oh i m sure. stephanie: we have been talk about this all morning. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: this is huge. huge! stephanie: gop rob portman announces support for same-sex marriage after his son came out. yeah. stephanie: we ll take them how ever we get them. because a lot of people are like until it s personal yeah. stephanie: he said the government shouldn t deny them the opportunity to get married. that isn t how i have always felt. then something happen that led me to think through my position in a much deeper way. his 21-year-old son will who is a junior at yale. his son said his sexuality was not a choice. and i am a dad who loves his son. and want him to have a relationship like jane and i have had for 26 years. he was considered a vice president candidate to mittens. and he said he told mittens that his son was gay. oh for pete s sake. gays are not the right height. [ mocking laughter ] stephanie: portman believes the issue of same-sex marriage is more generational than partisan. his daughter told him to follow his heart. and he considers his christian faith that lead him to decide in a way this strengthening the institution of marriage. i believe we re all cured cured? created by our maker. not like bacon. created by our maker and his son tweeted especially proud of my dad today. [ applause ] i wonder if flron or snorg came out if mittens would embrace that. stephanie: yeah. states right was the cover for racism for a long time. yep. stephanie: i have to read totes adorbs letter but we don t have time. it s amazing what you find on the interwebs. it s a note that a dad wrote to his son. it s a very touching. are you going to cry. stephanie: uh-huh. after the top of the hour. can we get [ inaudible ] blosz blossom. stephanie: maybe a surprise appearance by blossom. all right. john fugelsang next at the top of the hour on the stephanie miller show. [ theme music ] stephanie: oh chris. jacki wants to speak to you. m i in trouble? no, we did this already. stephanie: why didn t you send any back? because i m not 14? [ laughter ] [ wah wah ] there s that. stephanie: you made my bff turned opme turned on me you bastard. it will wear off in a day or two. and guess what i got you just by way of making up to you, eye candy. john fugelsang will be in just a couple of minutes. he s here in stephanie: no, but you will be able to see him on the tv [ buzzer ] stephanie: i m wrong. i forgot. i m going to send you a lot of i m sorry emotocons now. you can hear him. and that s close enough. you can see him tonight on viewpoint. nice save miller. stephanie: nice save [ inaudible ]. [ laughter ] stephanie: here she is. good morning, everybody. it s quite the day at cpac today. wayne lapierre is speaking right now. the president of citizens united gives his speak at 3:45, and tonight there s a vip gathering sponsored by koch industries. paul ryan started off with bathe of snark about the senate plan. they call their budget a foundation for growth restoring the promise of american opportunity. wow. i feel like saluting already. [ laughter ] but when you read it, you find that the vatican is not the only place blowing smoke this week. pot calling the kettle black there. the committee voted to pass his budget last night. it should make its way to the floor for a full vote next week. unlike paul s plan the senate budget seeks to raise $975 billion in tax revenue over the next 10 years. and as stephanie mentioned senator rob portman s son has tweeted out a thanks to his dad saying he is especially proud of his dad. will portman by the way now has hundreds of new twitter followers. we re back after the break. very, very excited about that and very proud of that. beltway politics from inside the loop. we tackle the big issues here in our nation s capital, around the country and around the globe. dc columnist and four time emmy winner bill press opens current s morning news block. we ll do our best to carry the flag from 6 to 9 every morning. while your carpets may appear clean. it s scary how much dirt your vacuum can leave behind. add resolve deep clean powder before you vacuum to expel the dirt within your carpets. resolve s deep clean powder is moist. absorbing and lifting three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. leaving you with a carpet that s truly fresh and clean. don t just vacuum clean. resolve clean. [ theme music ] announcer: ladies and gentlemen, it s the stephanie miller show ! i m walking on sunshine woe ho i m walking on sunshine, woe ho it s time to feel good hey all right now it s time to feel good stephanie: welcome to the last hour before vacation. nothing will take sense at all. [ applause ] stephanie: six minutes after the hour. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. in fact, dan in madison says steph we all know you guys aren t ready for vacation until we cover the old dusty lawn darts, and the songs about shooting the sheriff. i shot the sheriff stephanie: and seasons in the sun which i totally forgot about. that s a great song. good-bye to you my trusted friend [ sobbing ] we have known each other sin we were nine or ten that s enough of that. you have got to hear black box of quarter s version of that song. stephanie: what? what is that sound? it s sexy! fugelsang just all right with me fugelsang is just all right, oh, yeah whoo whoo! stephanie: good morning, sexy liberal john fugelsang. good morning. sorry it was another slow news week. stephanie: yeah, right. what is your favorite 70s song about somebody dying. billy don t be a hero. [ applause ] stephanie: oh very good. jumping off the bridge no, that s in the 60s. the harper valley pta. stephanie: no stop. john [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: isn t it great rob portman s son has come out isn t that great. can his son come out caring about climate change? stephanie: it s funny because it s true. i know pot heads who knew doma was wrong. stephanie: i need love music. [ romantic music ] stephanie: this is a note that a dad left for his son. yeah. stephanie: he writes nate i overheard your phone conversation with mike last night about your plans to come out to me the only thing i need for you to plan is to bring home orange juice and bread after class. i have known you were gay since you were six, and i loved you sin you were born. ps, your mom and i think you and mike would make a cute couple. ah. [ applause ] that s adorable. stephanie: by the way your son is one. yes and we re hoping he comes out as gay. stephanie: you said that before he was born you said we don t care if he s a boy or a girl as long as he s gay. that s right. stephanie: [ inaudible ] you are on with john. caller: hi, steph this is this is i m a dirt farmer here in pennsylvania. okay? and i love that walking on sunshine that you run on the show all the time. stephanie: thank you. caller: but some of us farmers we re in the a farmer s group, and it seems to us that the media and the talk show people should start putting out there about this paul ryan and his budget. what even qualifies this guy to work on a budget? stephanie: clearly nothing. caller: [ inaudible ]. stephanie: yeah. it s ridiculous. john how can you make what is the point of making a budget that are based on things that are not going to happen. it s a completely fictional document. and the congressional caucus put out a budget as well and it s very sensible. they are both political documents, and neither one will get passed. i call the paul ryan budget the boo radially budget because it will never leave the house. stephanie: that s right. it calls for the repeal of obamacare. and he also factors in the same $716 billion in medicare provider cuts that paul ryan ran against and demonized last year. so paul ryan is doing an airborne two flip flop hypocrisies in the same budget. stephanie: exactly. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: i know what america needs? more america. we re getting a new conservative television channel. great. stephanie: the station is called one america news network. that rolls off the tongue. america! america! agree with us. why do i think they are going to hate more americans. stephanie: right. it is slated to launch at cpac this weekend. great. stephanie: it is a production of herring broadcasting. hum? as in pickle? stephanie: or red. the san diego company behind wealth tv. any questions? okay. stephanie: yes. who pays for cpac by the way? stephanie: would you like to know what is on wealth tv currently? it now broadcasts such as shows as mediterranean mega yachts and boys toys about muscle cars and high-end tech gadgets. that sounds like something on grinder. can you imagine grinder ads going off at cpac. self loathing seeks self loathing. sorry, stephanie. stephanie: a jam-packed nerve filled event about mothers who pull out all the stops for their little darlings. the herring family has weighed into political controversy before robert herring he offered the husband of terry shybah $1 million if he would transfer the rights of his dead how many [ overlapping speakers ] stephanie: for one america news network, the tag line l be your nation, your news and the target audience will be a little more educated looking for substance in their news. stephanie: can i just say this is going to su-u uuck. every night at 8:00 pm it s standing your ground with george stephanopoulos. stephanie: no yelling, no shouting, but really trying to get down to the core of why people believe what they believe. right. snore. so fox news with people with double-digit iqs. stephanie: exactly. early in west virginia hello earl. caller: good morning. how are ya? stephanie: good, go ahead. caller: i am a relocated d.c. native, and i just wanted to talk about the budget, and i think we have to talk about this every day. revenue, revenue revenue revenue. go back to 1960 look at the top tax rates. corporations paid 20 to 30% of the tax rate it s down to like 5. you see am paying 2.2% and facebook of all horrible things paying no tax gating a rebate. come on, people it s about revenue, revenue, revenue. stephanie: yep. we don t have a deficit problem. we have a deficit symptom and a revenue problem. the economy got better when bill clinton took over. stephanie: yeah. j.d. in san diego welcome. caller: hi, you guys good morning. stephanie: good morning. caller: i want to talk about rob portman. i m astounded that it took rob portman two years to finally realize the marcus bachmann method to pray the gay away doesn t work. stephanie: exactly. he probably came to that conclusion by spending time with marcus bachmann. [ laughter ] stephanie: sorry, go ahead. caller: no, i m sorry. i didn t mean to step on you. but i just want to say from newly blue san diego. yay. caller: thank you very much. stephanie: home of the health network. lots to get to. we have a fugelsang-ian friday. right back on the stephanie miller show. announcer: it s not radio. it s stephanie miller. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. [ male announcer ] it s red lobster s lobsterfest our largest selection of lobster entrees like lobster lover s dream or new grilled lobster and lobster tacos. come in now and sea food differently. visit now for an exclusive $10 coupon on two lobsterfest entrees. he opened his mind and let the music flow but in his attempt to break on through, he found the end. of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones you ll never forget. dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life electric word life that seems forever, and that s a mighty long time, but i m here to tell ya, there s something else announcer: stephanie miller. yay! let s go crazy stephanie: uh-huh. it is the stephanie miller show. welcome it to. fridays with sexy liberal john fugelsang in the new york bureau. holla. holla. [overlapping speakers] stephanie: is coming up. anything like pour-um. stephanie: no. exactly the same thing, chris. stephanie: [ inaudible ] in chicago. caller: hello. what i would like to hear is more simple terms you talk about tax loop holes. all of my adult life everybody around the water cooler talks about oh geez exxon mobil paid zero taxes. joe six pack understands tax loop holes and the unfairness. the gop has done a great job at equating revenue to taxes and somehow charging billion dollars corporations taxes equates to joe six pack who only wants to watch espn every night when he goes home, somehow that equates to his $30,000 a year salary being taxed more which is nonsense. but you talk tax loopholes, specific loopholes, rather than this general concept of more revenue. stephanie: yeah. caller: so joe six pack will get it. stephanie: yeah, that s right. by the way we were talking about you know, it s not just fox us in [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: it s cable news in general like picks up a meme. obsessively covering the white house tours virtually ignores cuts to the poor. yep. that s our liberal media. stephanie: the media has latched on to preserve the white house tours while largely ignores other devastating cuts. i mean you know it s why i you know the thing that irritates me more john are the meet the presses of the world where even the chyrons are both sides to blame for the sequester. don t even get me started. it is only here that we have shotty journalism. yeah, there is shotty journalism all over the world. the media is profit driven. the media is corporate, and they are more concerned about being called liberal than whether they are or not. which is why they have to have this false equivalency. now that we have heard from the man who is against kicking puppies, let s have some balance. yeah, and you can t be sponsored by ge and have a fair discussion about [ inaudible ]. stephanie: yeah, there you go. jim in florida. caller: hi, there. you don t suppose that ted cruz was in the least bit phased by dianne feinstein s comeback, do you? i mean really? really? stephanie: no, probably not. because he is at that level of douche baggery. but that s the thing that most need to listen to this, to hear your show for example, are the very people that would never tune into it. stephanie: we that is not necessarily true we have right-wing nimrods that call in all the time. i m not a sixth grader. senator i have been on this committee for 20 years. i was a mayor for nine years. i looked at bodies that have been shot with these weapons. i have seen the bullets that implode. in sandy hook youngsters were dismembered. it s fine you want to lecture me on the constitution, i appreciate. just novi been here for a long time. i passed on a number of bills. i study the constitution myself. i am reasonably well educated. and i thank you for the lecture. [ applause ] stephanie: love her. [ inaudible ] 205 [ inaudible ]. and she is talk about harvey milk and [ inaudible ]. stephanie: yes. she went on incidentally this does not prohibit you use the word prohibit, ex-searchs 2,271 weapons. isn t that enough for the people of the united states. do they need a bah sue ka? i don t think so. [ applause ] but we have to kill cops and soldiers some day. stephanie: exactly. stephanie: i think this brings us to a dumb cook stack. [ bell chimes ] stephanie: gawker brings incredibly unsuccessful bank robber probably needs a hug today. the new york post says this guy, mr. arch criminal walked into a bank saying i have a bomb give me some money now. a bomb, lol. okay? who has a bomb really. people just do not have bombs. it s just a poor threat. even a finger pointed in a jacket corner is more threatening. the teller said to the robber. i do not read notes, and gave him a withdraw slip. he responded by writing i have a bomb and handed it back to her. mr. arch criminal did not have an account or bomb, he became so frustrated and left with nothing but lollipops. he went on to rob three other places in the same fashion for a total of $300. that won t even cover his bond. oh, bless his heart. stephanie: buddy in columbus. caller: hey, john your dr. seuss got me so inspired. i wrote a little song in your honor. it goes you can do the dr. seuss and drop it real and drop it real good, the fugelsang man can, the fugelsang man can, because he mixes it with love and he has got mad skills stephanie: oh that s precious. gong. oh was that is gong. that s one thing that is not here in your box. i did our very first sexy liberal show in new york with a song called the lieberman can. stephanie: yes. linda in atlanta real quick. caller: hello stephanie. hi, john. good morning. hi, linda. what are you wearing linda? caller: i have a solution for the ryan problem. he tried that during the election and what he had was he just totally he totally got shut down by joe, and i want them to now release the biden to shut down stephanie: that s almost like the cracken, but a little worse. twenty-nine minutes after the hour. back with more fridays with fugelsang on the stephanie miller show. laughing. that s hilarious! .and the thinkers thinking. okay, so there s wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you re telling me. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. absolutely! and so would mitt romeny. she s joy behar. and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? only on current tv. uh, i m in a timeout because apparently riding the dog like it s a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment! luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on e-trade. check my investment portfolio, research stocks. wait, why are you taking. oh, i see.solitary. just a man and his thoughts. and a smartphone. with an e-trade app. nobody knows. [ male announcer ] e-trade. investing unleashed. [clucking]. everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. cause only he brings delicious cadbury crème eggs, while others may keep trying. nobunny knows easter better than cadbury! announcer: stephanie miller. the story of my life my cuteness interferes with people hearing my message. stephanie: it is the stephanie miller show. what? stephanie: yeah. 1-800-steph-1-2 the phone number toll free from anywhere. fridays with sexy liberal john fugelsang. hi, john. good morning, children. stephanie: we have a thing for sexy liberal chicago. april 13th. get your tickets going very very quickly. hal sparks john fugelsang and i. a great show. lot of new material. stephanie: right. chris in pennsylvania you are on the stephanie miller show with john. caller: hi, stephanie. i wanted to give you my theory about gun owners and why it will be very hard to get control of the problem. i think most gun owners see themselves as a sort of george zimmerman kind of person. they are drawn in by the idea they can be a hero. jumping in at the last minute and saving the people around them. they are not going to everyone pa empathize with the people at sandy hook because it is not their kids and if they had been there, they could have shot this guy exactly. stephanie: chris we had a right-wing caller earlier that say are you saying that you don t think that guns save more lives than take them? and i m like no i don t. yes, our guns sometimes today you are going to see wayne lapierre at cpac telling us that all of our allies that have far less murders are less safe than us. because it s all about their toys of choice. it s entertainment and that s all. stephanie: absolutely. and their entertainment matters more than your kids life, not you steph. stephanie: thank you, i m a childless loser, and i appreciate you pointing that out. caller: good morning. i just wanted to jump on the bandwagon for the revenue push. john boehner after the fiscal cliff said you vt gotten all of your revenues that s all you are getting. but it seems to me if i remember right that at the end of that bill right before they got ready to pass it didn t they tack on like four or five amendments that gave loopholes to like nascar and a bunch of other ultra rich people? yeah. the government will bring in a few billion, but let s be honest here. with boehner talking about how the president got the tax increases he wanted that s a lie on several levels. the bush tax cuts were supposed to expire in 2010. number 2 under president obama, i hate to tell ya but over 80% of the bush tax cuts were made permanent. so where is the revenue. and all obama was talking about is closing loopholes which is exactly what governor romney talked about in a vague way last year. stephanie: exactly. hi pam. caller: hi all. love your show. stephanie: thank you. caller: i have been listening to the conversation about fine fine and ted cruz and i have to say dianne feinstein is awesome. stephanie: yeah. caller: there are many things we are not allowed to have nunchucks, brass knuckles sawed off shotguns. best i remember a sawed off shotgun is a gun. why aren t we allowed to have those? they want to raise hell about the assault weapon s ban? stephanie: exactly. the only guy that stops a bad guy with weaponized anthrax is a good guy with weaponized anthrax. stephanie: exactly. you know who else is going to sexy liberal in chicago john? who dat in stephanie: chris lavoie. oh, yeah. getting fired up for sexy liberal waiting patiently for my meet and grope with john fugelsang, hal sparks, and stephanie ermahgerd! that s so cool. there s john and pam. oh, i love john and pam. they gave them a jingle. i know. i look to my left i look to my right is that road flair mary? oh, my gosh there s rocky mountain mike. oh, that steph she s a cutie she s totes adorbs. check it out for yourself sec sex, saturday april 13th in chicago! going to be a good time don t you know. stephanie: thank you! [ applause ] stephanie: speaking of big represents, john fugelsang it s the pope installation. oh, that s right. yeah, i hadn t heard about that too much in the news. stephanie: yeah. that s why i m letting you know. it s very exciting. stephanie: rocky mountain mike saying pope francis taking over after showing us the only way to stop a bad guy with a funny hat is a good guy with a funny hat. [ circus music ] yeah, we have been covering that heavily on viewpoint. but i applaud the vatican, they finally found a way to have the new pope be from latin america but still be a full-blooded italian. stephanie: exactly. he s italian all the way. stephanie: and he has one lung. you know that, right? yes, and he is 76 years old. which is two years younger than joey rats was when he became pope. it seems like they don t mind his age. because there is not a lot of money for the vatican to suck out of south america. so you will probably have a pope for ten years, but cement your standing in latin america for 20. stephanie: yep. michael you are on the stephanie miller show. caller: i was watching c-span the other day on banning assault weapons, and listened to a little dialogue from lindsey graham, and i think this goes to the core about what the gop is about. he was talking to the mayor of philadelphia, and he was stating stating stats for gun violence and murders. and lindsey graham kept repeating that there is only 2.5% of all gun murders are related to guns other than shotguns or handguns. and my question is what does the word only mean? those 250 death out of the 10,000 murders by weapons are insignificant? what does that mean, only 2.5%. those 250 people that die every year from assault weapons are inanything can t in his mind. and that s something that i think comes to the core of their argument stephanie: michael that s why dianne feinstein part of why it was so powerful what she was saying, because she is talking about real people and real bullet holes she has had her finger in a real human being who was dying. and i think that s what we re trying to do is humanize when you hear these parents talk from newtown, it s like how can you not understand they keep trying to take the human face off of this issue. caller: he was talking to the mayor of philadelphia who has seen his police officers ripped apart by these assault weapons. will lindsey graham write a letter to all of the people who have died from assault weapons, their family members and say that s not a significant enough number for me to do anything about it. stephanie: right. kathy in chicago. hi, kathy. caller: hello. oh my god, i m with stephanie miller and jim ward. oh, my god. ermahgerd! caller: ermahgerd. i had a comment about paul ryan and his budget and i definitely believe that [ inaudible ] i m a small business person and when my business went downhill the first thing i thought of doing was go out and try to find more business, more revenue. yes, i cut a few things but i wanted more revenue. thank you. stephanie: yep. yep. oh, it was short and sweet. thank you. [ applause ] stephanie: her idea was america. and it was a good one. yeah. that s marco rubio s idea. stephanie: there you go. speaking of bad ideas i m just looking at the chyron so tsa says yes knives on planes. yes knives but your flip flops are still a threat he says screw you and your concerns. stephanie: yeah. screw your concern about being schiffed by a drunk on the plane. he said it s really not our problem. it kind of is. stephanie: right. that s kind of what they are there for. stephanie: i don t get it do you john? i really don t. and when you upset the pilots that much you can bring 2 inch knives on the plane but your water is still a threat? stephanie: yeah. it s all a plot by disani. because as soon as they announced no water on the planes that was the only water you could buy in an airport. stephanie: that s right. all right. forty-five minutes after the hour. back with the remaining moments of the stephanie miller show with john fugelsang. that is great radio. announcer: it s the stephanie miller show. jack, how old are you? nine. this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. everyone in michael jackson s life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go! dude, i need your help fast. well, clearasil s fast. yeah, but is it this fast? faster! clearasil s faster! this fast?? faster!! woh! that is fast! fix breakouts fast with clearasil ultra. it starts working instantly, sending the max amount of medicine allowed deep into your pores for visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. yeah, it s fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin. he opened his mind and let the music flow but in his attempt to break on through, he found the end. of all the hours in all his days, these are the ones you ll never forget. announcer: announcer: stephanie miller. and i still haven t gotten over you yet, vacation all i ever wanted, vacation time to get away stephanie: you-hoo! it is the stephanie miller show. on vacation next week. sexy liberal hal sparks filling in live in studio for us along with jacki schechner. will all be here in captain america s underpants. john fugelsang is on the viewpoint every night on current tv. you have done a great job with that show. thank you. it has been a whole new ball game. we re making the first half all electives, and congress people and rolling stone writers, and bill bradley, and the second half we re doing all comedians, and it has been a lot of fun. stephanie: i love the meet the press. love that. you were talking about wayne lapierre. after sandy hook, nra told gun makers law pierre will handle it. i swear to god talk about not getting that real people were involved. parents of newtown were still burying their children and that s all they were worried about. it s disgusting because any time anyone tries to use this tragedy to present the next one, they will say you are trying to exploit the last one. it s too bad that it wasn t enough. it s too bad that the democrats in the senating didn t have the stones for it. harry reid is going to let the assaults weapon ban die because he doesn t want to lose his seat. it s really sad. what is the tipping point going to be? what is it going to take for people to wise up, and look at crime rates in other countries that have sensible gun control. and i had this talk with michael moore, and he wrote about an op-ed about it last week, that it would take releasing photos of the victims. because americans watch too much tv. we have a shock level of about five weeks and then we move on. stephanie: you know what the real evil is chris? facebook. stephanie: actually i think it s twitter. photo of man watching porn at work goes viral. within hours it had been retweeted over 2500 times. he has a big windows yeah and a big computer monitor too. stephanie: student who bad-mouth teacher on twitter found out that teachers use twitter too. i hate you mr. terrence you said the test was on tuesday not wednesday. the test was scheduled for tuesday. the kid didn t pay at attention. and another reason, mr. torrence has a twitter account. [ wah wah ] stephanie: the tweet was retweeted by one of his classmates who made sure to include the teacher s twitter handle. so then mr. terence hung the tweet on to the chalkboard. oh that s funny. looks like he projected it on the chalkboard stephanie: oh, right. they don t have spirit masters anymore. stephanie: right? other porn news what? stephanie: what is better than panda porn john? nothing? nothing, really. although it is creepy with the kids. stephanie: in a last stitch effort stein advertises at the base for giant breeding turned to good-old fashioned panda porn. [ porn music ] stephanie: a five year old female was refusing to cop pew late with her mate finally came around when she was shown an instructional video after studying the video with great interest call incame on to her mate. porn is illegal in china, but apparently exceptions can be made for national treasures. wow. stephanie: we did porn searches around the world, and in china the number one porn search is japanese. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie: because you watch it and an hour later you are hungry for more chinese porn. [ circus music ] when men watch porn their testosterone surges and when women watch porn, their testosterone surges. stephanie: really. in iran one of the top tenser. terms for porn is hotel businessmen. [ dramatic music ] stephanie: at it of the top ten searches were for gay porn. but they don t have that yesterday. stephanie: yeah. we were like that was pretty specific stephanie: yeah, when jim left with his roller case i am like are you playing hotel businessman. i m only having sex with this other man to remind myself i don t like it. stephanie: you know i m team jen, and jim has always been team i don t give a flying [ censor bleep ]. i have moved over to that too. stephanie: john which side are you on? i have always been on team angelina. [ buzzer ] judging by their films? angelina has put out better films. [ world news tonight theme ] stephanie: speaking of iran an iranian news agency reports that argo is iran announced they are suing hollywood. it s like let s get the lawyer for hollywood on the phone. [ laughter ] stephanie: iran s press tv raised the possibility that arco is an overt operation disguised as a movie. oh, my god they are going to love zero dark thirty. stephanie: bill and hillary clinton were spotted at the [ inaudible ] show. yeah. stephanie: gabby giffords and her husband, and meryl streep. yeah they used to have liberals in texas. stephanie: i got to hang out with her one night. she was amazing. ann richards? stephanie: yeah.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The FOX Report With Shepard Smith 20130314

been reporting new york city mayor michael bloomberg has been pushing a ban on high sugar beverages that exceed 16 ounces and a judge ruled last week that the mayor overreached. well, no matter how you feel about that, here is one instance from our friends at fox 5 new york where maybe the larger drink size is not necessarily a better choice. and that monster super big gulp is still commercially viable. (laughter) sorry, i apologize. oh! don t, don t i thought you were going to sorry! (laughter) oh, wow. we get new computers. first of all, i m sorry to you, i m sorry to you. i m sorry to you, are you okay? i m fine, a little wet, a little wet and an ice cube on my skirt. (laughter) dangerous business with those drinks. our friend greg kelly there in new york. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that s it for this special report, fair and balanced. this is a fox report, tonight, fox news confirms a person has been detained in libya in connection with the attack on our u.s. consulate in benghazi. we re at the very beginning stages of learning details and working the story. also at the beginning the new pope for the catholic church. day one on the job. he now leads a flock of more than 1.2 billion. i m excited. i think it s a blessing, for all of us. the catholic church s humble new leader began his first day by settling his own hotel bill and grabbing his own luggage. plus, another carnival cruise ship stranded, just one month after the now infamous fiasco aboard the triumph. new reports of power outages, overflowing toilets and broken elevator. tonight, just how bad is it aboard the carnival dream , and a whole new slew of celebrities roped into a hacking scandal that s already involved, some of the most powerful people in washington and hollywood. but the question remains, is this all just one big hoax? first tonight, a major milestone on wall street and uplifting news anybody fortunate enough to have a 401(k). i m harris falkner in tonight for shepard smith. the dow jones industrial average gaining nearly 84 points on the day. this has the not happened since 1996 and also the 8th day in a row finishing with a record close, putting this into perspective now for you, the dow has only had three longer winning streaks in its entire history of 120 years, it was also a good day for the s & p, which jumped nine points to close just two points below its record high and the nasdaq rose 14. fox business network anchor gerri willis live from her own studio, her show just wrapped up. what is behind today s rise and overall the streak in general? you know, harris, it s fascinating to watch the stock market take off. today the news was filing for unemployment benefits for the third week in a row. those filings actually fell and that s good news for what s going on in the markets, we like to see that because it means the economy is doing better. of course, we talk how the federal reserve is playing a role in the rallywell. standing behind the economy and keeping the interest rates low and making sure that we can keep this economy bubbling along. so, every day we re watching this and every day it s going higher, harris. so you re sitting at home and not a big time investor. watching your retirement funds, is now a good time to put money in stocks. the people we re talking to saying he we could have a retrenchment, 2, 5, maybe more on the big board, the dow stocks and that s an opportunity for people to get back in if we have a pullback, that s what i would wait for. if you ve got a long time horizon, be in stocks, you want to make sure you re going to fund your retirement with investments that last over a lifetime, not over 20 minutes or two seconds, like the pros sometimes do, harris. gerri willis, thank you very much. libyan authorities reportedly holding a person in custody tonight in connection with the terror attack on the u.s. outpost in benghazi. it left our u.s. ambassador and three other americans dead, as you know. that is what sources are telling fox news at this hour. we do know the person is a libyan citizen. and we know investigators are questioning this person to figure out whether or not he s a witness or actually took part in the killing. as you ll recall, terrorists raided the u.s. complex on september 11th of last year, killing u.s. be ambassador christopher stevens, state department official sean smith and two former navy seals, tyrone woods and glenn doherty. pope francis already living up to the title the people s pope on his very first full day as head of the catholic church. the pope shaking hands with the people at rome s main basilica earlier. the vatican reports he refused to take a limousine last night and rode the bus with the the other cardinals back to the guest house after he became pope. of course, he was known to ride the bus and cook his own meals back in argentina and also today, officials say pope francis went to his hotel, paid the bill himself and picked up his own bags. leland vittert mrlive from rome tonight, tell us about the first mass. the first mass continued the theme of humility and simplicity and many who watched say he sounded almost like a parish priest as he talked to the cardinals of his church now, more than a hundred gathered this in the sistene chapel, he spoke with no notes, but a powerful message. he says the church needs to return to the gospel, it needs to continue to tend its flock and also go back to its roots in terms of teaching what jesus did as well and much is being made about what pope francis wore in his very first time this in the sistene chapel. look at the pictures, pope benedict there, known for gold cross, ornate crosses and gemstones often times in the cross. pope francis, an old wooden cross he used back in his time back in argentina, harris. i know they re minor details, but they talk to the larger fabric of things, if you will, that are really changing that we can see before our eyes. what about the cardinals who like their fancy accoutrement? well, there s a lot of people here who say the old west saying might apply, there s a new sheriff in town. remember, pope francis has some serious issues to deal with, the sex abuse scandal, vatican leaks scandal, the vatican banking issues. from the very beginning he has set a tone here in rome they say really shows things are about to change. the cardinals and bishops who are used to the trappings of their office may be getting the hint here they should start asking what they can do for the church, what they can do for the poor and their flock, rather than asking what the church can do for them. read into this what you will, harris, we were told that pope francis was going to go meet with pope benedict today, he did not. and according to the vatican spokes people that should happen, quote, in the next couple of days, read into that what you will. it might say a lot about the new papacy. and we will continue to follow. lelan leland, thank you very much. house speaker john boehner turning down a chance to attend the to rome. and he says he s grateful for the invitation, but my duties in the house including hosting the president and prime minister in the capital and the debate on the budget makes that impossible, end quote. and also in washington, a senate committee passed a ban on assault weapons as lawmakers got into a fight over the u.s. constitution. ahead, the fireworks on capitol hill and what happens to that bill now. and the discovery that could help us understand so much more about our universe. what happened today and why it s important. and youngsters reportedly forced by their own teacher to take a lie detector test. is that okay? parents say it happened in one classroom and now they want that teacher fired. stay close. you want to make sure it goes up and stays up. 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reporter: the point he s making the second amendment allows people to keep and bear arms and should not be infringed including by senator feinstein s bill, harris. harris: in that clip or video, senator feinstein was doing all the listening. she s a veteran of the senate and how did she respond. reporter: she replied saying she s not a 6th grader and if a well-educated and on the committee for 20 years. and thanked ted cruz for the lecture and made this point. it exempts, 2,271 weapons. isn t that stuff for the people in the united states? do they need a bazooka? do they need other high-powered weapons that million people use to kill in close combat? i don t think so. reporter: the bill passed the committee on a partyline vote, 10-8 although when it gets to the senate floor there are a number of rural state democrats who are not looking forward to take this tough vote, harris. harris: it will get interesting from here, mike emanuel, thank you very much. scientists now say it s clear, they have discovered an ill lewis seive building block of the universe, one that could help explain what gives all particles their size and shape. it s called the higgs boson. others know it as the god particle. scientists are working on an enormous atom smasher found evidence of it last summer and say their analysis strongly indicates it s indeed the hig boson which caused a particle to exist back in 1954. a giant electronic samsung perhaps taking a page out of the apple handbook. samsung is expect toded to unve the fphone. it s a fancy party going on at radio city music hall, down from the fox headquarters. the follow-up to the popular s-3 which has taken a bite out of apple the not so much here, but around the world. and apple is feeling the heat and the marketing chief trying to take his korean rivals down a beg. we re hearing this week that samsung galaxy s-4 shipped with an operating system that s nearly a year old. no word whether that s actually true. blackberry getting a huge shot in the arm, announcing, an undisclosed buyer picked up one million of the devices. the canadian employer saying it s the single big s in its history. and blackberry has been struggling in the consumer marketplace, but still has tens of millions of subscribers out there. a mysterious website adding celebrities and politicians to the very long list it s claimed to have hacked. and cruising takes a bruising on the high seas again. another carnival ship breaks down. yeah, i know it s dinner hour for some of you, but it appears the toilets have overflowed again. and that s not all. l stationso mission a for a final go. this is for real this time. step seven point two one two. rify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet. dragon is captured. is connecting today s leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. you name it.i ve hooked it. but there s one. one that s always eluded me. thought i had it in the blizzard of 93. ha! never even came close. sometimes, i actually think it s mocking me. [ engine revs ] what?! quattro!!!!! [ babies crying ] surprise your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. it s not rocket science. it s just common sense. from td ameritrade. a carnival cruise ends with toilets overflowing. sound familiar? well, just one month ago there was that huge carnival triumph mess. this time it s the carnival ship dream docked in st. maarten now on the last leg of a seven-day trip when it had some sort of technical issue. officials with carnival say it was not every toilet that overflowed and that things are now repaired and work a few hours later. the cruise liners are offering passengers home from st. maarten on charter flights. and last month triumph stranded passengers in filthy conditions in the gulf of mexico for five days. you may remember that and there were lots of pictures as you see to go along with it. the ordeal was a public relations nightmare for the entire cruise line industry. but according to the port authority, some 14 million americans take cruises every year. and an apparent hacking scandal that hit some of the most popular people in washington and hollywood, more big names nan music, sports, politics, a mysterious website has been posting what it claims is sensitive personal data of people, including first lady michelle obama, vice-president joe biden, fbi director robert mueller and attorney general eric holder. the site posted social security numbers, home addresses, phone numbers. so far some of the information appears to be bogus. now on the list, kanye west, tiger woods, mitt romney, bill gates among others. the fbi and secret service have been investigating, but so far revealed very few details, but the he credit reporting service equifax report that hackers did indeed gain access to four credit reports. fox report s chief correspondent jonathan hunt live with this. some of it is real and some is not. yeah, but the sheer number of the investigations underway, including the fbi and the los angeles police department would tend to indicate that they are concerned that a lot of this material, including the credit history, may well have been real. having said that, some of the phone numbers made public, we don t believe were real. we told you about a few of those the other day. for instance, the phone number published for vice-president biden was for the delaware seed and garden supply. again though, we called a number today that was published on this website for governor chris christie, our produce are first got a voice mail which said this is the christie s and we called the governor s press secretary and said this numbers appear to go to somebody saying this is the christies. the press secretary said we ll call you back in a few minutes and tried the same number a few minutes later, it was already disconnected. now, the website has also put up, frankly, errant nonsense such as this picture of president obama with the caption, hey, mitt, you mad bro so a lot of this just seems to be almost kids kind of hacking, harris, but when you get your credit report out there, if they indeed are true, that s obviously a he very serious issue, harris. harris: somebody mess was your credit, it s like your dna these days. this is obviously, from what we re seeing, a hassle for the individuals concerned, but jonathan there s a much larger cyber attack that officials are talking about. u.s. officials talking about it again and again and getting your credit history is published is annoyance, but when we re getting cyber attraction, millions if not billions of times every month now, according to officials, it s very serious. and a lot of these alleged attacks apparently coming, originating in china. now, the state department talked about this today and said they constantly raise this and other internet issues with the chinese. listen. we go into these conferences looking to create openness and fair level playing field and equal access to citizens across the country, across the world. we sometimes encounter in those for efforts to use international mechanisms to actually close the internet. so, this is one of the things that we ll talk to the chinese about, that as major economies, we have responsibility as leaders to ensure that international mechanisms are used to protect freedom of expression, and not to impinge on it. president obama spoke with the new chinese president by phone today. president obama s spokesman, jay carney, would not confirm whether cyber attacks were one of issues the two men discussed. harris. harris: jonathan hunt, thank you very much. the motor city s financial mess. today the governor of michigan took a major step to try to save detroit. plus, we re learning more about how the new pope, once a cardinal from argentina, came out on top in the voting. insight from one of the american cardinals at the vatican next. and a memorable at one school, where a 6th grader walked in with a backpack full of cash, a lot of cash. and guess what? she started handing it out. dos favorite recipes? just begin with america s favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell s. it s amazing what soup can do. are proven to be effective pain relievers. tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. bayer back & body s dual action formula includes aspirin, which blocks pain at the site. try the power of bayer back & body. but we can still help you see your big picture. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary, you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity s analytics to spot trends, gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i m meredith stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. it s one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. all right that s a fifth-floor probleok.. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. well, she certainly didn t have to worry about lunch money. a 6th grader showing up at school with $20,000 in her backpack. this happened in michigan about ten miles southwest of detroit. the police chief says another child who lives across the street gave the 12-year-old the money, all of it in $100 bills. word got around and kids actually started coming to her asking for the money and she then started giving it away. as much as $500 to one students. a couple hundred dollars to another student. she added, this is a real first for the police, do you think? it s not clear how the child s neighbor had the money or why she was intent giving it away. parents in lynchberg, virginia upset after they say a teacher forced their children to take a lie detector test. the teacher accused the kids of swiping some candy and used the lie detector app on her o own. how do you feel? scared. i thought it was supposed to be me. and a lot could have been done not a lie detector test. and the teacher said it was all in fun and the students idea in the first place. so far no comment from the school or the superintendent s office. i m harris falkner in tonight for shepard smith. this is the fox report. electing pope francis, a shot in the arm for south america and latino catholics. those words from timothy cardinal dolan from new york, he says he acknowledges the importance of electing the first pope from the western hemisphere, but that s not why they elected the argintin. cardinal. we spoke about him often because he was widely known and respected. he s a senior archbishop of one of the most complex, large largest archdiocese in the world. and when making the decision, they all smiled because they knew people would be surprised. amy kellogg live for us tonight live from rome. what did the other cardinals say? well, harris, there s just so much joy and enthusiasm about the new pontiff and, yes, he s the first latin american pope, he speaks lots of different languages, the first jesuit, but we spoke to cardinal dolan today about what really got the cardinals excited about jorge bergoglio and they said there were some pretty lofty criteria from radiant faith to good record of pastoral government to an interior sense of peace and those were the drivers when it came to making this man the pope. it s the other things enhance that, south america, being able to speak many languages, that s gravy on the meat, okay? but the meat is the human nature that he s bringing to the office upon which the grace of god builds. reporter: harris, he said that they all really reveled in the fact that they had kind of outsmarted the vaticanistas and the journalists and the named outside the conclave, not a household word. harris: vaticanistas and sources we ve talked to all along, what are they saying about pope francis? we re learning, harris, he was a strong contender the last time around. we re learning that he may have had an inkling himself that he was going to get the job because he ran into one of the vatican media people just before the conclave started, shook his hand and said, please pray for me. also, sean o malley a bit of a darling here among the romans, relieved that he was not elected pope and he said it s like being a prisoner in a museum and he s happy for pope francis and says he hopes he gets to sneak out from time to time and catch a tango show, harris and hopes the new pope will come visit him and all the latinos in boston soon. harris: and some inside stuff. amy kellogg, thank you very much. president obama back on capitol hill for the third straight day as house and senate leaders battle over rival budget plans. the president has now met with members from parties of both chambers. and mitch mcconnell said it was a quote, great meeting, but senator mcconnell added, we ll see where we go from here. the city that gave us the model t, supplied the allies during two world wars and reinvented soul music is now the biggest city in american history to lose control of its own finances. michigan today appointing an emergency manager to oversee the troubled city of detroit. we knew this could be coming, people had hoped it would get worked out, it hasn t. governor rick snyder tapped bankruptcy expert kevyn orr, he helps with chrysler, but the detroit is a different thing altogether. a budget deficit more than 320 million right now and what that s translating as is things like this. the fire department stretched so thin it s proposed just letting vacant buildings burn if they catch fire. the city cannot afford to keep all of its street lights on, some city streets are just dark at night. trace gallagher with the news. trace, how long do they think the restructuring will take? reporter: well, the new city manager says he signed a 12 to 16 month contract and hopes it can be done sooner than that. as the governor said today, the problem took more than a half century to create. in 1950 the population of detroit, 1.8 million and today 700,000 which means that tax revenues have plummeted. so if raising taxes is not the answer then of course you have to lower spending and today the mayor said that everyone is going to have to give a little. listen. bottom line here is that we must stop fighting each other. we must start to work together and so, i m happy that now i ve got teammates. i ve got partners that can help me do some of the things that need to be done in our city. reporter: of course, if they can t work it out, detroit would likely have to file for bankruptcy, which that would be the largest u.s. city ever to do so, harris. harris: you know, part of what we ve watched in that city is their own internal politics and workings keeping them from going forward, in some cases. the city council, i understand is not exactly embracing this plan to go forward. no, and the city council had threatened to sue and late today decided against that, but the city council president still called the mayor a quitter for agreeing to this plan. i mean, you think about it, the public unions certainly are not happy because a big part of this restructuring, that 14 billion dollar liability means renegotiating pensions and benefits, but the new emergency manager says, bankruptcy would be even more painful. listen. the one thing everybody needs to know if you go into bankruptcy, chapter 9 of the bankruptcy code is weighted towards municipality and i don t want to pull that cudgel out unless i have to. i prefer to per sue a consensual resolutioresolution. he says let s deal now unless a judge would mandate at a later time. harris: thank you very much. the fbi added another suspect to the ten most wanted list. and investigators say he s wanted for the brutal murder of a 69-year-old man in the colorado mountains and they say he tried to suffocate a man and then when that failed, he scabbed the man nine times. all i want is for justice to be served. it s hard for me to get over it. i m still suffering and it s he could be it would be so great and i would just want justice to be served because i would be able to sleep better at night knowing that everybody is paying for what they did. harris: all right. so it s important i get this name right, i didn t before. edwin ernesto rivera gracias, it s important because they re looking for him. likely hiding in the central american nation of el salvador where he apparently has ties to a notorious gang. today is the the first time in a long time jodi arias did not take the stand in her own murder trial. she s accused of shooting and stabbing her ex-boyfriend dead and she said she could not remember some of it. and we talked to an expert who gave possible reasons for gaps in her memory. plus, a car slams into a restaurant. you may not believe who was inside the vehicle, and who was not inside the vehicle. neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can t create the future. by clinging to the past. and with that: you re history. instead of looking behind. delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions. in everything from the best experiences below. to the finest comforts above. we re not simply saluting history. we re making it. if youthen this willbrids arbe a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v and we haven t even mentioned. c-max also gets better mpg. say hi to the super fuel efficient ford c-max hybrid. 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well, first of all, people if you talk to anybody who is a court observer or a lawyer, they say that having a defendant on the stand is kind of unique in a lot of ways, anyway, but for that long 18 days, extremely unique and add in that arizona jurors are allowed to asker had questions. a lot of people do not believe it went well for her. a lot of the questions continually were suspect of her details, of her member rischi memory and what she can claimed. and when she said she climbed up shelves to get the gun he supposedly owned. and knows when you put 120 pounds on the end of the shelves things would move, but nothing was disturbed as she hastily climbed up the shelves. the jury is suspect of her story. harris? adam housley, thank you. a rather odd crash scene as a car speeds through oncoming traffic and slams into a restaurant. you ll see why it s odd. it s our top story as we go around the world in 80 seconds. china, here is the red electric car darting across the wrong side of the road, just missing two bicyclists before crashing into a building. witnesses rushed to the vehicle and found no one inside. its owner soon arrived and said she left keys in the ignition and police say circuit trouble caused it to start up and drive off on its own. nobody hurt. brazil, security cameras catching a doctorcking a biometric punch in clock at the hospital. using dozens of silicone fingertips and bore the fingerprints of 21 doctors and nurses and the woman confessed to fake how many overnight shifts she and the others worked. she could face up to six years in prison. chile, science is launching what they call the world s largest and most powerful radio telescope at an observatory high above the desert using more than 60 antennas to search for clues to the origin of the universe. japan, a dog circus entertaining youngsters in tokyo all from an animal shelter. and they say teach kids about owning pets and not rescue animals. and 100,000 animals are destroyed there each year. that s a trip around the world in 80 seconds. republicans who may want to run for president getting a chance to make their case at a large gathering of conservative voters. we ll hear from two rising stars who spoke today and we ll find out who won t be there. you cannot escape the rebel forces ! ahhh. got you ! got ya ! gotcha ! got . that s all you got, brother ? take that. never having to surrender the things that matter. gotcha. that s powerful. verizon. been waiting for the price then hurry, sleep train s beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale is ending soon. save up to 40% on closeout sets from beautyrest and posturepedic. save hundreds on floor samples and closeout inventory. these prices are falling fast, but these deals won t last. sleep train s beautyrest and posturepedic closeout sale ends soon. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. sleep train your ticket to a better night s sleep a fox urgent now. the pentagon apparently taking seriously north korea s threat of nuclear war. sources have just confirmed to fox news the military is beefing up the nation s missile defenses. congressional sources are telling us the pentagon is ready to deploy 14 new missile interceptors at silos in both alaska and california. those interceptors are designed to stop inter-continental missiles. president obama stopped deployment of additional reenforcements when he took office you may remember back in 2009. now administration officials are saying they ve reconsidered, in the wake of those escalating threats from north korea. last week north korea officials vowed to bring it to washington after the tough economic punishments. and now move to the persian gulf where an iranian fighter vet approached a u.s. drone in the skies above the gulf according to the pentagon. defense officials say it got within 16 miles of the unarmed drone while it was conducting a classified surveillance flight over international waters on tuesday, but what of the two u.s. military aircraft escorting that drone fired a warning flare and after that the iranian jet broke off pursuit. you may remember in november, the pentagon reported fighter aircraft from iran actually fired at one of our drones, but did not destroy it. u.s. officials maintain they have the right to protect our military assets. well, it could be a preview of the 2016 presidential race. some possible republican contenders speaking back-to-back at cpac, the political conservative action conference. this year, a couple of potential candidates did not get an invitation. and campaign carl cameron, i haven t said that in a while, is at the conference in maryland. good to see you, it sounds like two speakers had very different visions for the future of the party. there s an awful lot of debate what the republican party should do for the 2012 and how to prepare for 2014 mid terms and 2016 open white house seat and today, we have the opportunity to hear both marco rubio and rand paul, both u.s. senators, both tea party favorites, with divergent views and conservative as well. marco rubio did not talk about his comprehensive immigration reform and bipartisan proposal, with a total of six members, three republicans and three democrats. focused mostly on social conservativism and made the argument that in the wake of last year s defeat the republican party doesn t need new ideas, maybe just stick to principles, listen and the contrast with rand paul. i ll tell you what the criticism on left is going to be, that he did didn t opt for any new ideas and there is is the fallacy, we don t need a new idea. there is an idea, the idea is called america and it still works. . the g.o.p. of old has grown stale and moss-covered. the new g.o.p. will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere. reporter: rubio s obviously recognized as a hispanic american who can help the republican party grow appeal with minorities and women. rand paul, the kentucky senator who wowed the country with a filibuster a week ago was definitely pushing a strain of libertarian popularism. two members who weren t invited. chris christie and bob mcdonnell, and didn t align with what they wanted to talk about. maybe depending next year depending on their records. harris: and cpac is planning a straw poll and gosh, is it too early for all this? it may not mean much, but based on who is showing up and running? we have people like paul ryan, the vice-presidential running mate, rand paul, marco rubio and a host of others and in addition to the newcomers who were eyeing the white house for 2016, folks like mitt romney and sarah palin who have run in the past who aren t necessarily planning on any kinds of runs, in the case of romney said they won t, but definitely want to share lessons learned with those who might as the conservative in cpac learn how to hold on to principles and in the last election haven t been looking at the g.o.p. harris: the answer to my question, is it too early? no, never too early. reporter: no, they re in the planning. harris: and what i got to say tonight, campaign carl, you tell mark lee, and tim scott spoke at cpac and they will go on the record with greta van susteren tonight at 10 p.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. well, senator john mccain is looking back at the day he and more than 100 servicemen went free from a prisoner of war camp. he talks with fox news about that very moment. stay with us. just one bite opens a world of delight. a flavor paradise of delicious fishes friskies seafood sensations. feed the senses. 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