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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20140927

humvees and bunkers in iraq and syria. joins are retired major general. and at the brookings institution for cms policy. thank you for being with us. as you are there at the border. where that fierce battle has been going on between isis militants and syrian kurds. are you seeing any fighting going on now? what it s been like in the last couple hours. caller: rig reporter: right now we re hearing small arms fire out of eyesight. the kurdish forces have managed to push isis back. gaining key territory towards kobani. this is the effect liually the t town standing against isis. it does appear so from the cheering that perhaps the kurds have made more gains. whatever the crowd that s been here since this fighting first broke out this close to the turkish border yesterday they cheer whenever the kurds manage to make significant gains. now what the kurds are telling us is that they do want to see more coalition air strikes. they want to see more support here because they are barely holding isis back. and this is key territory. because if they do manage to breakthrough to kobani they will be right up against the turkish border. the fighting here that began well over a week ago with isis s first push through the villages and towns has sent some 200,000 fleeing from syria into turkey. to try to beef up the fighting force here we ve been hearing numerous report of the turkish kurds coming back across but people again need more reinforcements. they may not necessarily be out numbered but when it comes to the kwipt equipment and military at their disposal. the kurds have some weapons but they are up against isis s tanks. doing their best but again many people wondering how it is that the coalition air power can be flying over head and is not directly striking these various targets to break the siege on kobani. i feel like i m hearing popping and i don t know if that is gunfire or something that i m hearing behind you. is that what is happening right now? and i m just curious, how safe do you feel? what kind of safety do you have around you? because essentially nuryou are a war zone. reporter: well we re close to the war zone. the pop, the sounds are on the other sides of the hills we can t actually see whose firing from this vantage point but the news inoise does care carry. earlier the day the fighting a lot closer but we are still on the turkish side of the border so relatively speaking fairly safe. there had been yesterday some rounds that landed on the turkish side of the border we were hearing from the villages who are around us. but again this is it is this very odd and slightly surreal situation. because people have been watching this back and forth from the hill top. entire families gathering here since yesterday watching it unfold, again cheering whatever the kurds are able to make advances but all of them taking the opportunity of us being here to come up and ask the question, of again t coalition is in the air, how is it they are not coming to help us break the siege of kobani. thank you. do stay safe to you and your crew and thank you. let s talk more about the battle against isis. retired major general james marks and saadi, auto over the temptations of power. mark, good to see you. when do you think british jets are going to strike? and any idea what targets they are going to go after? will they be the same the u.s. fighters have gone after. the air tasking order could be as soon as possible. they could do that immediately. it is simply, and the brits and the united states have worked together for years. the united states central command is running this air tasking order so that integration will take place instantaneously. the brits i think initially will go after targets in iraq. the primary effort there is to continue to give the iraqi security forces and kurdish forces up north time and space to get their stuff together. i think they will go after targets initially in iraq. and the united states and other cohorts will continue to strike in syria to further isolate the forces in iraq. the priority is to reestablish the border with syria. clearly what you have now in syria along the turkish border is an example of where the enemy has a vote. the plan was to isolate in iraq first and then go after those additional targets. now isis has dispersed and is going in the direction of turkey. that would be a major problem were they to try to get up any closer or to engage turkish forces. if you were going to have the turks come across the border the isis forces in that area wouldn t have a chance at all. the growing coalition has been targeting isis through these air strikes, of course. what do you think? is that due to an overarching military strategy? or is it more about countries simply not eager to send in troops to fight on the ground. first of all ooempbs been quite reluctant in this. and even if we are talking about the british who are normally one o our closest allies they have said they will not launch air strikes in syria. to do that they would need another parliamently vote to authorize it. and one of the reasons for that that the labor opposition parliament was concerned that strikes in syria would actually end up benefitting the esed regime. there is a concern without a broader strategy to seriously support the so called moderate rebels, air strikes are not going to be enough. and they might actually benefit the assad regime. think the problem is there is still a gaping hole in your syria strategy and there is a lot of lack of clarity. with we just don t know what the end game is. general marks, something talked about on the pentagon broofing th in briefing on thursday i believe. this notion of a target rich environment becoming less rich over time. do you think there will be a point where the coalition has more or less maxed out the benefit of air strikes? you are not going to reach that point but that that statement really leads you to the understanding that isis is very adaptive. they understand the conditions they have created and the conditions they are in right now, which is they are going to disperse as effectively as they can so they make themselves more difficult to strike from the air. there are still targets in syria that the coalition can go after which will further isolate and degrade isis. primarily money making capabilities and its ability to continue to train and launch other operations. you are going after command and control, and head quarters. those fixed locations can be struck, not easily but can be struck with some degree of precision. you then have to, as we ve discussed all along in order to be truly effective against isis on the military piece of this strategy is you are going to have to have soldiers on the ground go after them. i guess maybe to both of you. when you look at the situation at some point, you know, watching all the different battles, you have to ask yourself, how long do you think these kurd fighters can actually hold out given the onslaught from isis? i think this is part of the problem here, that the kurds are confused. they have been hoping and waiting for u.s. support. and up until now it really hasn t been forthcoming and that is why they still are at risk of defeat. and if we look at the effect of more than six weeks of air strikes in iraq, even there the battle lines haven t changed significantly. yes, isis has not been able to gain more territory but they haven t lost significant territory either. so this shows i think the weakness of a strategy very much oriented around air strikes and doesn t have clear answers on what spider marks mention on the soldiers on the ground t local forces who need to actually take this fight to isis themselves. general? we can t want it more than the iraqis or the kurds or the syrian kurds or the turks. and right now we are demonstrating and we are trying to push. and that is what leaders do. we are trying to move in a direction that gets the locals to stand up. the only way isis will be defeated will be from the inside. it will have to collapse from the inside and that is moderate arabs standing up and saying we re not going to stand for this. shadi and major general, thanks to your both. meanwhile we have these fierce of an isis copy cat right here in the u.s. what investigators are saying about a man accused of beheading his coworker. plus he s boeen on the run fr two weeks. are police any closer to exchange catching the suspected cop killer? reporter: police are still confident they are going to get him. but how do they know he s still in the area? we ll talk about the new clues coming up i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i m still working. he s retired. i hope he s saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we re owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you re just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we ll help you get there. turn to roc® retinol correxion®. one week, fine lines appear to fade. one month, deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. after one year, skin looks ageless. narrator: these are the skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing. is your network ready? . so 14 minutes past the hour and the fbi is looking at whether the man accused of beheading a man in oklahoma, yes here in the states may be linked to radicals. he entered and beheads basically the first person he saw. witnesses say he tried to convert some of his coworkers to islam. bring in cnn s reporter nick valencia. certainly a barbaric act and has so many concerned this could be tied to something more. we know he has a lengthy criminal history, things like possession of a controlled substance and assault on a police officer. and one of our affiliates caught one a state trooper who had an encounter with the suspect here from a past arrest. and she talked about her reaction when she found out he was accuse odd beheading someone. in a split second he exploded out of the car, hit me in the chest and pushed me back. i lifted my hand up thinking my finger was gone it short bad. my fingers had gotten tied up in the chains. i wish i d have killed him, you know? i was never afraid of him or i would have. strong words that you are not accustomed to hearing from a state troop ore are law enforcement. we know the suspect is in stable condition, still in the hospital. so far police have not spoke on the him. up until last night he was still sedated. we know the police are looking to talk to him and into his social media footprint. obviously he s going straight from the hospital to the police department. we think. yeah. so we do know in the midst of all this have to recognize someone who deserves recognition this morning. and this is what the community a wants to talk about. this they want to talk about the person that stopped it from being any worse than it already was. mark vaughan. the owner and runs vaughan s foods. also a reserve deputy with the oklahoma county sheriff s department and he was armed at the time when he saw the suspect beheading one of his coworkers. the incident happened shortly after the suspect was let go from work and this man who the community is saying stopped so many more from getting hurt. the hero in all of this. nick, thanks for that. thanks nick. after two weeks of looking for the man police suspect of killing a the pennsylvania state trooper, investigators say they believe they are close to finding him. and it may all have to do with a cell phone call eric frein made to his parents. alexander live from monroe. what are you learning. reporter: we know this cell phone call was a key piece of this investigation. what we ve been told by a law enforcement source that last week he used his cell phone to make a phone call to his parents. it rang just one time and frein hung up but it was long enough for investigators to track him to this area where they have focussed had search for the last two weeks. a number of reported sightings and right now state police believe he is playing some kind of game with them. here is what they said. i suspect he wants to have a fact with the state police but i think that involves hiding and running since that seems to be the way he operates. he is probably not going to come out and have a face to face confrontation. reporter: while the search con continues there is also investigation into his background. they learned he had been planning for a confrontation with officers for months, actually years, saying that he had spent a lot of time researching things like policeman hunt, law enforcement technology, survival skills. they have also learned that frein had experimented with explosive and and that is why they are telling all the officers to be weary of the bob traps out there. have they picked up evidence he s still in the area. reporter: they continue to say they are confident he s out there. one they have found some of his possessions. they do still believe he s armed and dangerous. also some of his cigarettes. there have been the sightings and more recently police have been looking at structures out here. empty and abandoned houses and finding in i signs some of those structures have been tampered. so when you put that together police believe he s in the search area they have been covering and searching with up to a thousand officersex frankly. thanks for your reporting alexander. meanwhile, think about this. 2400 tips and still no sign of missing uva student hannah graham. reporter: jesse matthew spent his first night here at the regional jail and a brand new search has started for hannah gram graham. we ll tell you after this. means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it s data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what s coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. lots of them, right? 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humanistic behavior, wanting to help. if he knows anything, you know, he s been charged with abduction, which is kidnapping. right. so police have proubbable cae he was the last person to see her so he would have some answers and because they have had time to question on. not on his guilt or innocence but just where is she. has allowed under law. they obviously are searching today an area they believe could have possibility of finding her. they must believe it s credible. we just hope for her and her family they do so. thank you for the update. we appreciate it. reporter: thanks. coming up the politics of striking isis. lawmakers in london hold debate over the use of military force, while the united states congress runs for reelection. buzz the public discourse even matter? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.. can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. it s about getting to the finish line. in life, it s how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. so he talked to me about xarelto®. xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesn t require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. for a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. not this time. while i was taking xarelto®, i still had to stop racing, but i didn t have to deal with that blood monitoring routine. don t stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of dvt and pe, with no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. ask your doctor about xarelto® today. i thought it d be bigger. 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(vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it s what makes a subaru,a subaru. early on a saturday. i hope the day has been good to you so far. british fighter jets are flying over iraq and ready to attack isis following yesterday s vote by parliament to join the u.s. led coalition. prime minister david cameron made an emotional appeal to lawmakers who debated six hours before voting. this is not 2003 but we must not use past mistakes as an excuse. we will play our part. we are support our muslim friends around the world as they reclaim their religion and once again our armed forces will put themselves in harms way to keep our people and country safe. i pay tribute to their extraordinary service and i commend this motion to the house. in the meantime members of congress are in recess in home districts campaigning for reelection. joining me now our political commentat commentators. robert, did the british parliament handle this the right way? absolutely they did. and it is an important wakeup call for many members of congress. in fairness let s remember, that unlike saddam hussein was a sociopath but not a threat to our nation. and much of it was made up or false we know for a fact that isis the khorasan and others are great threat to our country. so it s clearly appropriate for president obama to take action in the short-term. but without question congress does have an obligation to engage in a very thorough debate, very aggressive hearings on this topic and to take action. and that is clearly what has to be done. go figure, joe, who would ever believe the one time they reach bipartisan consensus in our congress is to head for the doors in a time f crisis. kevin manner. john boehner the republican house speak. the republican said quote doing this a whole group of members on their way out the door i don t think is the right way to handle this. congress authorized use of force in a iraq a month before the 2002 mid terms. why is this different? isn t congress just puntic so members don t have to take a position before the election? i think what boehner is trying to do a explain the occurrence on capitol hill rather than justify them. i think the difference here is there does seem to be a little lack of clarity for exactly what the president would want the congress to vote on. the president has made the case that he has an aumf, autoed use of military force from 2002 he can use to take these strikes and he hasn t asked for a new one. so unless he does go up there and say to congress or john baner and the members of the senate they need a new level of authorized force to take action against syria, i don t see where there would be new congressional action outside of that. my point to you is members of the congress, some members have been complaining that the united states president has been euusurping their authority, and this would seem to be a chance for them to step up. doesn t it make them look weak or shirking their duty. that is the point. well in fairness to the congress they did in fact vote for the authorization for the aerial bombing missions into the syria and did stand in bipartisan fashion for that. but in the larger picture clearly congress has a responsibility to step forward. and this argument you were putting out that they don t have the constitutional right or there is not a clear plan. i didn t make that argument. that is not the argument i was making. well what argument were you making? i was saying that the president got exactly what he wanted as far as the authorization that he was looking for to take these strikes. outside of title 10 he was looking for funding and he was looking for authorization to fund or to train some of the troops over there. sure. and that is what he got. go ahead joe. i just want to move on quickly to chelsea clint. she gave birth to charlotte clinton mezvinski and some might argue that makes hillary clinton a very popular grandmother in politics. for anyone who s had the opportunity to be be president clintonen and secretary clinton really they can tell you their relationship with their daughter, their family is so beyond partisan politics. their pride about being grandparents trumps everything political but i will give you one heads up and we re watching and very astute to in terms of whether hillary clinton will run. and that is if the baby is wearing a the onesy pantsuit. keep an eye on that. i don t look at something like that through the lens of politics. i think that is something that, you know, they have a consideration as a family and they are just enjoying the joy of having a grandchild. i think some when they experience that they are less likely to want to go out and have to spend all that time at rubber chicken dinners in iowa and traveling and staying in hotels across the country but that is a personal decision. all right. kevin madden and robert zimmerman. thank you so much. thank you. good to see you. rubber chicken dinners don t sound good anywhere. grandparent or not. travel chaos continues with thousands of you unlucky flyers are. more than 600 flights are still canceled now in the wake of this fire and suicide attempt near one of the world s busiest airports. a home saved. a hero homebound for a new opportunity. a kitchen that kick starts careers wells fargo invests in our communities a little differently. small measures that add up to make our whole even greater. little by little we can do a lot. because. small is huge. visit to see how big small can be. all right the fbi has charged an faa contractor in connection with the fire that disrupted more than 2,000 flights yesterday and more than 600 more today. those poor folks at the airports. just unbelievable. police searched brian howard s home saying he sent a facebook message warning what he was about to do. he s accused of setting a fire in an air traffic control near chicago. he s now charge with destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities. even a day after the fact, more than 600 flights still? yeah. since this morning. so this created a ripple effect yesterday because flights couldn t get into chicago, they couldn t get out. so it grounded planes all over the country. we are still playing catchup. like you said about 600 as of today. so pack your patience if you are headed to the airports no matter where you are in the country. here is the misery math and its name says it all. 86 cancellations just in the past couple hours for chicago o hare. it s caused delays in d.c., new york. the most affected airport outside of chicago is here, right here in atlanta. so that is what we are going to see throughout the day. it could take several days to catch up. and this is flight aware. and you can see the planes coming in to chicago, and out of chicago and we are picking up but it is going to take time for things to get back on track. here are the latest cancellations from flight chicago o hare, outbound, 282 cancellations. inbound, 325. midway airport not quite as many. 35 outbound and 34 inbound cancellations and it trickles down. jfk la guardia, and atlanta also. thank you jennifer. just unbelievable the number of flights canceled. i hope you have good books and good reading in there. this is a question i think a lot of people have right now. wrsz congress in terms of their mind set when it comes tot the fight against isis. air strikes in syria already this morning. could u.s. boots on the ground eventually follow. congresswoman barb ra lee and ross lehtonen. can t wait to hear from them in a few minutes. which generously lowered its price and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm. chipmunk: there s a bad storm comin! narrator: the internet of everything is changing how energy works. is your network ready? take and. aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion. aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming. not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i 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this morning most congress members are back home campaigning for upcoming mid terms. both houses did vote though to fund and train syrian rebels. lawmakers have left them in syria. and barbara lee of california and republican ileana ros-lehtinen of florida. thank you for being with us. thank you. i want to start with you representative lee you. cast the sole consenting vote to authorize the bush administration in 9/11. now if congress were to authorize use of american force where would you stand? first we haven t had a debate nor a resolution to come forward and i must say we wrote to the speaker august 28th. congressman jones myself and mcgovern. requesting a full debate and vote. we have to talk about the consequences of this. and this is our responsibility so we haven t seen a resolution. i know several members are working on one but i think the first thing we are talking about is not why we are not in congress debating these grave issues and this is our duty and responsibility. we should be in washington talking about the costs, consequences and alternatives, non military solutions to this very, very grave war and crisis that we are in. congressman ros-lehtinen, what do you say to that? why aren t you having that debate now. i hope the prosecute soon presents to congress an authorization resolution that would authorize these air strikes. he believes he already has the authorization. i believe that even if he does it would give him greater weight to have the u.s. congress backing him it. believe there is sufficient support in the house and senate support this military action. i disagree with my good friend barbara lee. i don t think there is a diplomatic solution to these monsters these barbarian who is just a few weeks beheaded a constituent of my district, steve sotloff, a journalist and these guys are going to continue. it is going to be a problem for us, our national security and for our interests in the region. so i think support what the president is doing. i support what our military is doing. and we wish that these guys, our enemies would respond to a non military diplomatic solution. i don t think it is possible. congresswoman lee go ahead. what do you think could be a non military solution to this. first let me say this. we have three branches of government. the executive legislative and the judiciary branch. the constitution requires the congress to authorize the use of force, to authorize war, to declare war. not the president. and so i fully disagree again with congresswoman ros-lehtinen and others who believe the president has to come and craft a resolution for us. that is the basic problem. we in congress have to do our job and debate would lay out what the options are. we are talking about a comprehensive solution. i think the president at the united nations and in other forms have talked about the regional strategies. there have to be political solutions to this. we have an operation now that s taking place with the military strikes we have to talk about ground troops. we know the strikes aren t going to work in themselves only with strikes. whose going to provide the ground troops there? so the debate in congress would lay out what the costs and consequences are and what the options are. but congress has to do that, not the president. this is not his job. we need to first of all repeal those first two resolutions because we are in a new war or a new front on the war and the american people deserve to hear members of congress talk about it, debate it and make clear hard decisions. congresswoman ros-lehtinen, what do you say to that. i agree we do need a debate. we did authorize to train these so called moderate syrian rebels, probably they are going to be getting trained in saudi arabia even though that was not as specific as where they are going to be trained. but i do agree that we should be debating. we should have a vote. and i hope that we have that vote soon. i don t know that logistically it is going to happen before the elections. but i hope that we do have the vote. my only problem with the president and what he s doing is that he won t carry it through. he doesn t seem fully committed. you are right, an air war is not enough. i don t think we should rule out troops on the ground. i know folks are sometimes agas when we say that. but if we are going to be in it, we ve got to be in it to win it with our allies. i m glad this has an arab face to it. there are a lot of those countries that are helping us. but we shouldn t rule out any option and we should give great flexibility to make sure we get the job done. isil is not going to stop. they may be calling themselves any other sort of name. it is a global jihadist terrorist network. and we ve got to be in a 9/11 mentality that this threat continues to this day. and there are people who fear that this threat is already here in the u.s. last word, congresswoman lee, what are your final thoughts here? i think first of all, homeland security i believe prepared. i believe that we have to be very careful. we have to make sure that all the strategies that our homeland security and police force have put in place are adhered too of course within the context of protecting civil liberties but i think that really makes the point with regard to military strikes and engaging in another war. we have to come up with solutions that are really going to address our own national security here in the united states, and also ensure that the region steps up and takes care of their region and makes sure that the war that is taking place in the sectarian violence and the varied horrific isis which we all agree should be dismantl dismantled, destroyed and really dealt with in a very strong way. but we have to figure how to do this in a very rational way from our country and ensure that more violence does not create more violence and more terrorist organizations which then will become even more of a threat. representatives barbara lee and ileana ros-lehtinen. thank you for taking the time for us this morning. sfx: opening chimes sfx: ambient park noise, crane engine, music begins. we asked people a question, how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $53, $21, do you think the money in your pocket could make an impact on something as big as your retirement? not a chance. i don t think so. it s hard to imagine how something so small can help with something so big. but if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge sfx: crowd cheering might not seem so big after all. on my journey across america, i ve learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want big savings on car insurance, it s a bit like asking if they want a big hat. . scuse me. .or a big steak. .or big hair. i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. having a new baby a jolt, right? we all know that but a new jersey mom is helping ore moms who know all too well how expensive a new baby can be too. and meet bridgette cutler and why she decided to step up and provide help to new mothers who really need it. i love being a mom. it is the most rewarding thing i ve ever experienced. on the flipside, the financial burden of having a child is just tremendous. so many people have such an abundance, and many other strive to afford even the basics. i remember reading an article and it was about a mother who decided to give her child up for adoption because she couldn t stand to hear her crying from hunger. here is declan s baby book. i just thought that no mother should be faced with that choice. that was when i decided that i needed to do something. i started to collect excess baby gear. and that was when moms helpi ims was born. boys clothes are to the right. girls to the left. we have drives at our storage space. we like to call them shopping space. because they are essentially shopping they are just not paying for it. i ve been out of work about ten months. new clothes, diaper asks wipe, they are a constant expense. these are great. just take one more. it was hard to afford what i needed if more my kids without an income. thank good. the things i got today will allow me to put that money towards rent or my bills. every child deserves a fair start. and if what we are doing helps bridge the gap between people from different backgrounds even in a small way it is definitely worth all the hard work. so thursday anderson cooper is going to announce this year s top ten heros and voting begins to choose the cnn hero of the year, next thursday morning an news day and more than 250 hiker are stranded after a japanese volcano erupted. they are scurrying to get away. eight people reported seriously hurt and seven knocked unconscious on the mountain. rescue crews dispatched. no flows reported. this volcano last erupted in 2007. i wouldn t want to be climbing and see that. not at all. go out there and make great memories today. we are so happy to have spent some of the the morning with you. and thanks for watching. stay there because there is much more ahead in the next hour of cnn news room. hey, good too see you guys. have a great morning. did i cut you off too soon? okay cool. make it a the great day. it is the 11:00 eastern hour of the news room and it begins the news room and it begins right now. captions by vitac the u.s. led coalition is growing to destroy isis. british jet fighterer now flying over iraq today. after a fight by isis and southeastern kurds erupting live from cnn cnn. we ll show you the dramatic viewpoint from cnn in turkey. and a gruesome beheading in america at a workplace. an oklahoma man severs a woman s head and then attacks another. how the company s creo stepped? and stopped what could be more bloodshed. and the suspect still believed to be hiding in the woods now a computer hard drive how he planned this attack for years. more air strikes rained down and more nations are going up against isis. overnight the u.s. launched additional air strikes against the extremists in syria and now more than 50 nations have joined the antiisis coalition. in fact british jets seen here taking off from cypress are today over the skies of iraq, just a day after parliament approved that move. let s turn to cnn s carl penhall in london. whose the objective of the british operation today. reporter: british s ministry of defense has not given a statement on the plans yet. in fact the details they have given are somewhat piecemeal and won t give us a running commentary top activities of the planes. but we understand from the written statement and photos the defense ministry provided that two british tornado jets were flying over the skies of iraq in the course of the morning. they did not from what we understand engage any targets at all though we see from photos they were armed with bombs and missiles. it simply seems they found no targets to engage. no targets to hit. which of course has been one of the problems in this fight against isis. it is a mobile enemy that can break down and move away from fix positioned when it feels it is under threat. also bear in mind that after parliament s vote yesterday britain has now said it will contribute only six fighter jets to this coalition effort. so let s keep that in perspective. that is fewer jets than both the countries of jordan and denmark have contributed. and so many people here in britain are saying that military britain s contribution is not at all decisive to this coalition. it is how somewhat politically more important that britain joins this coalition. so that it isn t left alone and also goes some way to repairing a consensus over syria and iraq that fell apart last year when britain refused to back the united states in its plans to bomb the assad regime. so analysts saying military not too decisive. politically yes quite important. thank you carl in london. and then in the u.s. led war against isis in syria we are hearing air strikes reached a battle scene cnn exclusively brought to you. it s nis actiisis in action neae town of the kobani. a watchdog group says air strikes have hit just west of kobani. cnn has not been able to confirm with in the pentagon. why did the u.s. feel comfortable launching these strikes in an area where at first many said you need spotters on the ground. but what changed? i think what happened is several things. one to get a little inside baseball there is an air tasking order that lines up the percentages of the types of aircraft and attack packages and those are all different air frames. each aircraft does not have a multiple capability of delivery means and all the ordinance necessary to go after troops in the open or to go after fixed facilities. and they have different types of attack type of profiles. so if you can alter that and there is some physics involved in that which clearly the united states did. now you are in a position to go after some different types of targets. the second part of all this is there is obviously some standoff distance. you don t want to achieve collateral damage in a situation like this. and clearly the concern we had is if you get aircraft too close to where apparently warfare has now become a spectator sport can and we have folks looking at this on going fight taking place, you want to make sure you preserve that type of situation and it doesn t go south quickly. so that is essentially what happened fred, is the u.s. and the coalition adapted. so with this fire fight involving isis taking place right there along the turkey border, turkey is now facing a crisis of its own with some 200,000 refugees fleeing their homes there in syria. will this compel turkey to get involved military? that is the question we re looking at right now. were isis to get any closer to the board or penetrate turkey, the turkish government would have absolutely every right to get involved military. and isis doesn t want that. you can see now why would they want to poke the turkish government now get involved. they wouldn t want to claim any territory but they could slaugt who are they engage with and pull back. isis does not want that type of fight. also turkey has a humanitarian disaster on the hand and that s been priority one for the turkish government to make sure they can provide access and they can provide an egress route for these refugees as they come into turkey. so if military turkey is very strong and isis knows that, why wouldn t turkey want to engage? what is keeping it from protecting its border? or even trying to assist its neighbor? i think number one is the humanitarian concern that turkey always has to address. every time there is a challenge, and in this part of the world there have been many as we know. and syrian refugees as a matter of routine move in the direction of turkey, secondarily in the direction of jordan. so in essence this has become like a cottage industry of governance to them to ensure these types of challenges can be addressed. isis has not gotten close to turkey in terms of challenging milita militarily. so now they might be drawn into a military response. all right. major general spiders marks. thanks so much. thanks. now a story generating fierce of home grown terror in the midwest of the u.s. the fbi called in after police say a man who lost his job beheaded a coworker and injured another at a workplace near oklahoma city. nick valencia is following this. where are we now? just a barbaric act that has a lot of concerned this could be tied with something more. i just got off the gone with ph with the governor s office saying this a tragedy. and they go on to say she believes we need to let law enforcement do their job and not jump to conclusions. because of the shear barbaric nature of this attack on american soil many theorize there could be tied to radical islam or extremism. we don t know that. we do know the criminal has a lengt lengthy rap sheet. also involved in a brief man hunt a couple years ago. would have been our reporters caught one a strait trooper who had a incident with this man. he exploded out of car. my fingers had gotten tied up in the chains. and i wish i d have killed him. you know? i i never i was never afraid of him or i would have. that s not something that you hear from law enforcement every day. we know the fbi is now involved in the investigation. what about the religious component as it pertains to this suspect? i spoke to leaders in the interfaith community there in oklahoma. after the moore today there was a huge presence, still a lot of those resources remain and they are a little reluctant that imbrace this theory that it had been to do with religion. what we doe do know there was a sharp change and he was let go from his job because he was trying to convert some coworkers to islam. so there is that component to the investigation but we don t know if one is tied to the other. if he carried out this grizzly attack because of hi religion. very complex case. thanks nick for bringing that to us. still on the run a fugitive survivalist evades a man hunt. how the suspect planned an ambush that left one state trooper dead. plus nearly 5,000 tips but still no sign of a missing university of virginia student. the prime suspect now back in virginia today. a live report straight ahead. í÷í÷n @ all right we are learning more now about the suspect in the deadly pennsylvania trooper ambush. police say they have evidence that fugitive survivalist eric frein planned the tack for years. he s still on the run at this hour, two week after the ambush left one trooper dead and another injured. cnn joins us from monroe county. alexandria what new evidence is there. reporter: they are taking a look at any supplies he may have bought before he went on the run and wondering if they could have been used to build a bunker. think they haven t found a bunker but say evidence has been found that he s been planning a the confrontation for years and that evidence primarily comes from a hard drive which shows them that etric frein had spenta great deal of time planning. he been on the run two weeks but police are still saying they are confident they are going to capture. here is what pennsylvania state police said. we know we ve had sightings. we ve found items to believe s believe he s in the area. i believe it is a matter of time until we apprehend him. up to a thousand different law enforcement officers from a number of different agencies have been involved in the search. they have been focus odd on a wooded area but officers are being warned to approach with caution. and possibilities of booby traps out in the woods. what about this phone call he allegedly made those parents. reporter: a key piece of evidence. he learned eric frein last week made a phone call. called his parent but hung up after one ring. it was long enough for officers to trace him and that s how hay ended up in this area where is the focus of their search and this is the same place where there have been reported sightings and where they have found the items they believe belong to him. that s why they continue to feel confident he s still out there. thanks. the retile in the so called loud music shooting is understood way in jacksonville, florida. look right now. live pictures from the courtroom where witnesses are taking the stand. michael dunn is accused of killing 17-year-old jordan davis nearly two years ago after an argument over loud music. earlier this year a jury found dunn guilty of second degreeem attempted murder but deadlocked on the more serious charge of first-degree murder. now the charlottesville, virginia where more peopling are flocking to a call center to help take in tips that could help lead to the missing student s location. police have received more than 2400 tips but still no sign of the university of virginia student hannah graham. he vanished two weeks ago. meanwhile the prime suspect is being held in isolation in a virginia jail. gene kah s gene, what is the suspect being charged with again. it is a felony and it s called abduction with intent to defile. so it is a kidnapping charge and what that is in plain language is kidnapping with intent to do, intent to do and a moral purpose with hannah. that is the charge now as he sits in the jail we understand that law enforcement is beginning a brand new search. they are going to bring out helicopters and the proofgsal searchers are going to look in the rural areas. there are 740 square miles of rural county here. that is a large amount of land and they are continually gradually trying to work their way out. but with this there are so many questions, what happened in those final moments that hannah was seen alive? the tempo restaurant has been a real focus. i spoke with them. he said in the early evening he saw jesse matthew right there at his report. he say he was excited and talking to everybody but he never saw hannah inside the restaurant. law enforcement disagrees but at least one person believes that is so. listen to this local radio commentator. i spoke with people who were partying with mr. matthew that night. i spoke with people in tempo and they described his behavior as disturbing, erratic, aggressive. he was constantly tracking these woman around the bar, putting his arm around them. touching their hair, touching their back, touching their legs and one young woman told me she finally had to tell him keep your effing hands off me. and that took place just about an hour before he ran into hannah here on the downtown mall. now jesse matthew, text court appearance here in this jurisdiction, will be on thursday. and it will be a district court judge or magistrate. so jean we still haven t heard from authorities about the detailable kind of forensic evidence they might have. we know many things were retrieved from jesse matthew s vehicle and even his apartment. but do we know really what led to his arrest? what did they have that they feel can at least substantiate the charge? reporter: as far as the forensics we were in touch with the department of forensic science here in virginia all week and we know they were testing the items. we don t know what they were. they wouldn t talk about the investigation. they believe they were going to have the results at the end of the week. but wie do know also from polic that now that there is a charge and this is a criminal prosecution those results they are not going release. now the question is what did they base the kidnapping charge on? they said relevant evidence, potential evidence found in the car and the apartment. but they wouldn t say what it was at all. but something that allows them to have the probable cause that he kidnapped her. all right. jean, thanks so much. keep us posted on that story. and much more with our legal guys next hour as well. the u.s. and several arab countries now the first to take on isis. but more than 50 countries in all are in the coalition, including british fighter pilots. will other countries be fighting? narrator: these are the skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing. is your network ready? that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve.. at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. so let s do it. let s simplify healthcare. let s close the gap between people and care. the coalition to destroy isis in the middle east is youing with britain, denmark and belgium on board. the coalition of more than 50 countries. and today british jet fighter began flying over iraq. and correspondent elise is joining us from new york. the brits have agreed only to fly in missions over iraq, not necessarily to take out isis in syria. is secretary kerry perhaps hoping to persuade the u.k. of more? well, fred, i think a this the plan is if you see how to u.s. did this, they started also with strikes in iraq and as you listen as the united states continued to build its kay then they move to syria. and prime minister cameron said there is a lot more i want to co-. so could britain follow the playbook? i think the u.s. is hoping. but symbolically yes it is very important for european nations to join the arabs and the u.s. in this coalition in strikes against syria. but militarily the u.s. feels it has the manpower that it needs and they say listen, you can t discount iraq. it is just as serious what is going on there and there are many nations. as we ve seen the brits and a lot of the nations in europe coming over the last few days saying they are willing to take part in iraq. and that s a equally as important. in this coalition it is clear u.s. with the air strikes, and great britain now with some air strikes. what are roles other countries will be playing such as denmark, belgium. all of them, denmark, belgium. the netherlands also. australia they have said they are going contribute fighters jets to strikes over iraq. and so between the united states and the arab states in syria and all these other states in iraq, i think they have the military coalition they need for right now. obviously the president said this is going to be a long-term endeavor. but what u.s. officials are saying is that the other part of this coalition is equally important. cracking down on the flow of foreign fighters and the flow of financing those oil sales which is all really the life flood of this group. so general former general john allen who s been appointed by secretary kerry and the president as the special envoy to the coalition will be heading next week to the region to work on this element. because ultimately it is not just the military operations that are going to stop this group. it is the flow of the cash and flighters keeping them alive. and will one of those missions they are likely to discuss also going to be that kind of post bombing mission? what happens on the ground in addition to what you re talking about following the money trail, but what about the rebuilding or i guess bringing some stabilization after these kinds of bombings take place. absolutely. and in iraq you have the government and i think they want to strengthen. there is all this talk about strengthening an iraqi national guard to be in charge of areas of the country hopefully to fill the void isis has now but in syria that is even more important because you need to build up the syrian opposition that s opinion weak over the last several years, not just on the military front that free syrian army but whose going to be the governor or the mayor in these areas that isis controls right now. certainly they don t want president assad to fill that void. you need to build up an humanitarian development and infrastructure is going to be very important going forward and that is something the general will be talking as he meets with these partners. thanks so much in new york. u.s. attorney general eric holder says it is time to leave. how will his departure impact the investigation in ferguson and who is the president likely to picks holder s replacement? of your daily routine. so why treat your mouth any differently. brushing alone does less than half the job leaving behind millions of germs. complete the job with listerine®. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. complete the job with listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® floss. its advanced 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[ male announcer ] and more of a journey. keep going strong. and as you look for a medicare supplement insurance plan. expect the same kind of commitment you demand of yourself. aarp medicare supplement insurance plans insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. bottom of the hour now. welcome back. here a look at the top stories making news now. more coalition air strikes? syria. a watchdog group reports an air strike hit the area of a battle scene cnn brought you exclusive it. kurds are battling isis on syria s border with turkey. the pentagon has not confirm an air strike in that location. also british air force are over iraq just a day after joining the fight against isis. and a fbi agents searched the home of 36-year-old brian howard. they revealed he allegedly sent a private facebook message to a relative before tahe incident. fbi on the ground found howard was inside the faa facility trying to slice his own throat. the fire canceled more than 2,000 flights at chicago o hare and nearby midway airport. it is having a ripple effect already. so far more than 600 flights canceled today at o hare. to japan now and a thick cloud of volcanic ash. this is mount atake. about 150 miles west of tokyo. erupted toot as hiker were trying to run for hiker. up to 20 inches of ash now covers the ground there, at least three people were injured in a nearby village and many people living near the volcano are refusing now to leave their homes. president obama will soon have to decide who will replace one of his closest advisers. u.s. attorney general eric holder. holder announced this week he s resigning. the president s choice for a replacement could play into midterm election politics as well. joining me from washington presidential historian and distinguished professor allen lickman. good to see you. and able freeman. avery, you are first. eric holder has a lot on his plate now. he started a high profile justice department investigation in ferguson, missouri when michael brown was shot. how will holder s departure impact that case? it will have absolutely no effect fred ree kah on what is going in ferguson. the fact is that the civil rights policies of the attorney general s office is actually assigned to the assistant attorney general for civil rights. that is molly moran. s she s also presidential a appointment. but this attorney general eric holder is the only attorney general in the history of the nation to ever have an official civil rights appointment with the department of justice before he took office. so the bottom line is you are not going to see any change in what s going on in ferguson or any place else. professor, do you agree with that? i absolutely with that. what eric holder is doing reflects the policies of the obama administration, not just the attorney general. and you know, when you look at his legacy, it is going to be very much in the eye of the beholder. supporters of obama and lib rers are going to love his civil rights investigation, his defense of the voting right act. republicans are going to hate all that. and it s interesting avery because, you know, eric holder has said clearly that he was inspired, you know, to go into law to be the attorney that he became by looking at bobby kennedy s history and his legacy. and now some are even comparing the way he s carried out his job as attorney general to kennedy. i have to tell you something. i think when you actually look at what bobby kennedy was, and it was one of my great heros, eric holder historically i think will surpass him. in the civil rights and voting rights and fair housing in special litigation such as the ferguson case. i think this attorney general will go down in history up to this point as the greatest civil rights attorney general in the united states history. and then professor, do you agree with that? given there were many controversy, many critics from capitol hill and beyond who wanted to see him resign long ago. some are celebrating saying it is about time. you have to understand the polarization in washington. the republicans have but one objective and that is to make barack obama look as bad as possible in anticipation of the mid terms and the next presidential election and if they can do that with eric holder, fine. i agree with avery in part. i do think his actions in ferguson, his actions on the voting rights act and challengings to voter id and discriminatory redistricting plans will go down in history but on the other hand there are things advocates of civil rights might not like. approval of certain surveillance methods and some liberals are a disappointed in his failure to criminally go after financial crooks who brought this economy down in 2007 and 8. i want to ask both of you about the potential successor. we have a graphic now showing some possible names and we know already that devaul patrick, the massachusetts governor already said he s not interested in the job. but it is likely that the president would pick someone he knows well. he has two years. he doesn t want to spend the last two years getting to know an attorney general selection. so of this list who do you think stands the best chance. camila harris. he s not even on here. california. well she should be. attorney general of state of california. she ools also very close with the president. she has the credentials and a very unique history about her. i think this president would make history by that kind of appointment. stunning candidates on the list. but i don t think anybody can touch general harris. and professor lickman? i m not going to speculate because every time we try to make predictions we are wrong. but i ll is a this, it is going to be very tough for him to get anyone he wants through this republican well he has to go through the senate and they can filibuster the deal that was made. the nuclear option doesn t apply to this appointment. and holder could be in office for quite some time. oh wow that would be interesting, right? well he promised not to leave until someone is confirmed. so if no one is confirmed, who knows. interesting story. professor lickman and friedman, thanks to you gentlemen. i appreciate it. thank you. thank you. still to come. hey chelsea clinton now is a mama. more about the newest member of the clinton family next. sfx: opening chimes sfx: ambient park noise, crane engine, music begins. we asked people a question, how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40, $53, $21, do you think the money in your pocket could make an impact on something as big as your retirement? not a chance. i don t think so. it s hard to imagine how something so small can help with something so big. but if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge sfx: crowd cheering might not seem so big after all. big news for bill and hillary clinton. they are now big mama and big papa. that s what i call my grandparents. they have a granddaughter. chelsea tweeted had good news this morning with her new baby. the baby s name charlotte clinton measuzvinskymezvinsky. we are still waiting for baby pictures of course and we ll post them when we get them. we meaning cnn, not bill clinton. next we look at new website that offers cash and companionship. the world of shooug daddies and sugar babies, next. [ aniston ] when people ask me what i m wearing, i tell them aveeno®. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients. [ aniston ] because beautiful skin goes with everything. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. .and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] .that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk that went to the store that reminded the man to buy the milk that was poured by the girl who loved the cat. [ meows ] the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here. i m on expert on softball. and tea parties. i ll have more awkward conversations than i m equipped for, because i m raising two girls on my own. i ll worry about the economy more than a few times before they re grown. but it s for them, so i ve found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we re owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we ll help you get there. all right there is a new program premiering on cnn this weekend. and it is going to have all of us talking. it is called this is life with lisaling. her first episode is about an online service for sugar daddies and sugar babies. a surprising amount of americans are ready for an old fashioned ki eed kind of love. and one man is capitalizing on that desire. seeking arrangement founder brandon wade. why did you start seeking arrangements. i was having so much difficulty with dating life. i would try to normal dating websites and it was difficult for me to stand out. and growing up being the nerdy boy i was, she said study hard focus on school and someday when you are successful you can use your success and generosity to turn your dating game around. so you started seeking arrangement because you were having difficult. right. and you are a very nice, smart guy. isn t that enough? apparently not. on most dating sites unfortunately there is no way for your intellect or perhaps your success to shine through. brandon set out to change that. in 2006 he launched seeking arrangement. today it is the most successful in a crop of sugar dating domains. the site also throws parties where babies and daddies can mingle and wear a mask if they want to go incognito. is there a typical profile on seeking arrangement. the average sugar baby is 27, typically with a college degree or going to college. the average guy is 40 and makes $250,000 or more every year. what percentage of sugar d daddys are married. roughly 40%. they are essentially trying to find mist residents. i would say so. they are looking for a relationship elsewhere to spice up their life okay. okay. i spoke with lisaling and asked her about the people that use this type of online dating service and their willingness to talk so openly about their preferences. el, you know, this is a recent phenomenon. not so much moneyed older men seeking out younger women, but these websites that are facilitating these relationships, and they re advertising at colleges around the country. and it s interesting, what i love about this series is when you hear these topics, you probably have a defined, preconceived idea about what the people are like and what the intentions are behind that kind of activity. but once you meet the men and the young women, my hope is that you might be provoked to think a little bit differently. in the case of these young women, a couple of them said to me, which really surprised me, because i hadn t thought about this perspective before, that we are the first generation that has been told consistently that we are never going to make as much money as our parents and that job prospects out there are so dismal and so this is a way for us to reduce our workload. a couple of them had been working three jobs and really unable to focus on their studies. and they said, by being a sugar baby, we re able to have our tuition paid for, among other things, and we re able to focus better on our studies. so, is that justification for it? not necessarily, but it was a perspective that i had never heard before. well, yeah. so you ve got young women who were saying, i m kind of giving up on my dream. i may not be able ever attain the kind of financial success that i want to, so instead i will attach myself to someone who has, who can provide for me, what is i want. simple as that? well, you know, the young women that i spent time with, they are still very ambitious. and despite the negative press, they haven t been dissuaded about wanting to pursue their dreams. they just, right now, are looking in many cases to these sugar daddies to help them to become mentors and to possibly pay for their tuition. but the ones that i spoke to, and this is why the phenomenon is a little different now, because the women i talked to still have every intention of becoming that ceo one day or wanting to have their own business. it s just right now, in this period in their lives, they re struggling with having to pay for college and being able to spend time on their studies, and so they seem to have found a way to do this. did any of them reveal whether their parents know? do their parents regret having spent all that money on college or in assisting in that, or having great aspirations for their kids, and then come to find out that the kids, or these young ladies are kind of throwing that away? it s a great question. if their parents didn t know, they will know very soon. i think that these young women have probably talked to their parents in advance of this episode airing, but it was really important for them to kind of convey their intentions. because they are very stigmat e stigmatized. and there s this perception that there are sexual expectations in every relationship that is, you know, constructed. and that is not necessarily always the case. i mean, what they say on the website is, what you should do in advance of even meeting the other person is negotiate the terms. figure out what you want out of the relationship and figure out, you know, what you aren t willing to give. wow, huh? all right. explore this world on the premiere episode of this is life with lisaling . coming up in the next hour of the cnn newsroom, british jets are ready to join the campaign against isis. plus, the former commander of the uss cole reflects on the deadly al qaeda attack on his ship 14 years ago. # ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you outlive your money? 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wherever you are. reporter: taking the plunge off this boat, at first glance, darren templeton appears to be a typical 20-something thrill seeker. whoo! he water skis. so you decided to make a skydive today, huh? yeah, that s right. reporter: and also skydives. but he s accomplished all of these amazing feats while paralyzed. that was insane. that was awesome. reporter: darren suffered a debilitating injury in the summer of 2004, breaking his neck in a diving accident, he was paralyzed from the shoulders down. i played a lot of sports growing up. it s changed a lot. it s gone from, you know, the typical focusing on rehab and becoming independent to where i am now. reporter: through his strength and commitment to intense rehab, darren inspired his mom, cynthia, to form push to walk, a nonprofit organization that provides individualized workouts and resources to people with spinal cord injuries and paralysis. she says darren s injury has not stopped him from living an active life. he lives on his own, he drives, he s gone to undergraduate school and graduate school. he just tries to live his life as fully and as normally as anyone else. it was, you know, just really slow but steady and you know, with working out and just, you know, things sort of naturally coming. reporter: but darren also credits team dynamics with aiding his recovery. he plays on a hard-hitting quad rugby team called the new york warriors. they compete nationwide in tournaments throughout the year. i was fortunate enough to learn through them and trying to help out others, exactly what they are going through. reporter: remaining active in triumph over adversity, darren s words of advice to anyone in a chair. get out there and meet people and don t by shy. it s the only way to really learn. and once you get out there, you gain more and more confidence as you go and things get better and better. reporter: holly firfer, cnn. much more ahead in the cnn newsroom and it all begins right now. hello, again, everyone. i m fredricka whitfield. here are the top stories we re following in the cnn newsroom. a gruesome beheading in an oklahoma company. new details emerging about the alleged suspect and why the fbi is now getting involved. and no end yet to a nightmare of travel. more flight cancellations leaving passengers strand. this as we learn more about the man police say set a fire in an air traffic control center. a big announcement from the clintons. the former president and former secretary of state have one little reason to celebrate big. all right. we begin with more flight delays and cancellations for thousands of travelers. a fire at a major air traffic control center outside chicago yesterday triggered a ripple effect of flight cancellations across the country. the faa is still working to get all the planes back in the air. diane pathview of cnn affiliate ls joins us now from chicago. so what is the latest? reporter: it is an absolute mess, fredricka. good afternoon too you. you know, usually, o hare on saturday is pretty busy, but o hare and midway, both major airports here in the chicagoland area, operating at what they re calling a reduced rate. and that s because of everything that happened yesterday at the faa facility in aurora, which is in the chicagoland area. let me give you an update about what happened here at o hare today. 600 flights here at o hare, 24 flights out at midway, proactively canceled because of everything that s been going on. this is the residual delay, of course, after that incident at the faa facility. the line of passengers just poured from inside at the ticket counter, all the way outside, and at midway, they canceled 450 flights, leaving so many people stranded with nothing else to do. and this morning, new passengers came here to o hare, only to find out that their scheduled flights have also been canceled today, with nothing to do but wait. some people just slept at the airport, waited here at the airport. some decided to do something else and kind of get a car and drive to wherever they need to go. so we should tell you, the faa, we did get an update. they call this a fluid situation. they re advising all passengers to call ahead. fredricka, back to you. a real nightmare there for folks there. diane pathieu, thank you so much, as investigators continue to intensify their look into why and how this happened. all right. on to oklahoma now. police say this man, alton nolan, beheaded a coworker and injured another, before being shot and wounded. nolan had just been fired by the company where the attack happened. and now the fbi is investigating whether he had any ties to radical extremism. according to police, he had converted to islam and was also encouraging coworkers to convert. cnn has learned that british fighter jets have been sent to iraq. this is a look at the type of combat jet that is flying over the country and it s in a position to attack when targets are identified. the jet has a top speed of almost 115 miles an hour and is equipped with cruise missiles. these british jets are flying just one day after a vote in the british parliament, allowing for air strikes in iraq, but not in syria. and they are joining america and its arab partners, who have been bombing isis from the air and sea. despite the bombing, militants are still putting up a fierce fight. so will it take more than just air strikes to destroy isis? let s bring in retired navy commander, kirk lippold, in washington. so you commanded the uss cole when it came under attack in yemen by al qaeda. you know how important air cover can be in winning a fight. is it your view that these air strikes alone can defeat isis? well, fredricka, i think you hit on a key point. air cover is essential to have when you are trying to defeat an enemy. air strikes alone will not do it. what s it going to take, the your view, then? well, right now i think we ve been assessing over the last few days and according to my sources, when you looked at what we have been able to hit and how effectively we ve been able to degrade isis, the bottom line is, we have not been as effective as we thought we would be. immediately after the strike started, they changed their communications security, their operational security, their pattern of doing business, they dispersed into smaller groups. we are now using very precise weapons to take out very small targets, and it is not being as good as we thought it would be. so consequently, while the air strikes will continue and we will continue to degrade them, i think that unless we get a larger and more robust sporespo, either in the air or with our arab partners leading the way, to start the ground war that is going to be necessary at some point, we re going to continue to not be able to stand up to isis, and they re going to continue to represent that existential threat here at home. so when you say not good as we thought it was going to be, what was the expectation, if not the results we re seeing? that s an excellent question. i think the battle damage assessment initially showed that we were hitting the targets we need to. but as always, it s not just hitting the target. it s then waiting to see, what is their regeneration capability? how quickly were they able to come back up? communicate with their forces in field. maintain control of the quasi-government they have established. being able to maintain the flow of funds and arms into the region, into raqqa and elsewhere, that shows that in fact they re an effective fighting force. they re not the junior varsity team. this is, in fact, a very disciplined, professional group that are showing their capabilities right now. so are you surprised by their regeneration, you know, capabilities, as you put it? or was there a pretty strong feeling that its network was very sophisticated and would be able to rebound in the way it is? i think like a lot of people, i m actually surprised at how well they ve been able to regenerate some of their capabilities. they, in fact, have shown that they are robust, they re more diverse, they have a better capability to recreate forces, to reestablish those lines of communication to forces in the field. and i think this is what s going to be very problematic for us, as we move forward, even with a growing coalition of people to help, and thankfully, great britain has now joined in that fight as well. is it your feeling, or are you in agreement with some analysts who say, if it comes down to ground forces, which many feel, inevitably, there has to be such to support, like you said, the air strikes that have taken place, is it your feeling that it should be led by arab nations, or perhaps even only involve arab nations in terms of ground troops? i think if you were to look at this in a regional perspective, it has to be led by the arab forces. while we can be there to provide some training, some guidance, some backup for them if necessary, give them some of the tools that they re going to need, they, alone, are in the first line and the first threat. i mean, look at one of our principle nato allies, turkey. while they are doing many things for us very quietly, they are right there on the border with isis. and clearly, they may not want to be seen as aggravating the problem to create issues with their own country right now, but they are being a tremendous help to us. other countries that are there, they are going to have to lead this fight. and while eventually we may need to become involved or probably will have to become involved with boots on the ground, the arab forces in the region need to do it first. otherwise, it will continue to expand and become more of an international problem. retired navy commander kicrk lippold, thank you so much for your time. coming up, the suspect in the disappearance of hannah graham is in a virginia jail today, but there s still no signs of the young girl. why realtors are now being asked to get involved in this search. and, u.s. military leaders say air strikes alone won t defeat isis. you just heard from one, a former retired navy commander. next, cnn s fareed zakaria tells me why the u.s. should be leading from behind when it comes to ground troops. at t-mobile, get 4 lines for just $100 bucks. unlimited talk & text and now up to 10gb of 4g lte data. plus get the best trade-in value on you current phone guaranteed. but i ve managed.e crohn s disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad? so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie s list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. the u.s.-led coalition continued to hit isis with air strikes in iraq and syria. u.s. military leaders can see that air strikes alone won t be enough to defeat isis. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff says the best mix of ground forces to fight isis are iraqi s kurds and moderate syrian rebels. but he told my colleague, jim sciutto, he is not ruling out u.s. boots on the ground if necessary. i m not talking about a large presence, i m talking about, for instance, helping in targeting, targeting air strikes, or forward deployed advisers. are those specific missions that you might ask the president for u.s. forces? i i will i just stand by the statement. i will make a recommendation i haven t the president gave me a mission. destroy isil. and i will recommend to him what it takes to destroy isil. fareed zakaria, host of cnn s fareed zakaria gps tells me ground forces from arab nations are key. what is lacking in this campaign is ground forces that can stay there, so that, you know, ground forces that will be there, will be around in case you know, because there s going to be a lot of back and forth here. and the great danger with an expeditionary force from the united states or nato or whatever it is, one day you ve got to go back. turkey is right there, right there on the border, a very powerful army and a good air force as well. so if you imagine an american air operation or an allied air operation, including these states like saudi arabia, but then a turkish ground operation, that would be a very powerful one-two punch. and it s just what militarily the coalition needs right now. the great gap is a lack of an effective ground force. you ve got good air power, you ve probably now got good intelligence, good drones. but you have the weak iraqi army, you have the small kurdish peshmarga, what you need is a strong ground army, and that s what turkey has. and like in the u.s., there is concern in great britain about who would make up those ground forces. in fact, this is one british member of parliament. if there s a consensus in here that we re going to soon be bombing syria, the words don t mention boots on the ground, but there s a consensus here, that there will be boots on the ground. the only question, the only question being, whose boots are they? and is it your view, when it comes down to ground forces, that it will be most important to be involving arab states, the neighbors in that jurisdiction more so than to have u.s. ground forces or british ground forces? i think that the lesson of iraq surely is that when you introduce large number of foreign forces, particularly forces from the united states or the united kingdom or poland or wherever it is, these forces are foreign and they re seen as alien. and they produce some good results on the ground militarily, but they also come with a they also produce a whole host of political problems, which is that it s tough for locals to ally with these foreign forces. they it s viewed as an occupation force. you know, we saw the whole political dynamic of that in iraq. so, yes, it would be much, much better if you could have, first of all, hoaks, syrians, iraqis, and in the second order, if you could neighbors, in many cases, the turks have relations with the kurds across the border in syria. so there is a long-standing historical connection. the tribes in iraq are often related to the tribes in syria. the border is somewhat artificial. so if you have iraqi tribes helping their brethren in syria, that s a much more effective operation than having, you know, american kids from kansas go in there without much knowledge of the local landscape, custom, and are seen as a kind of alien, perhaps occupying force. and still seemingly a work in progress is that post-strike strategy. is that worrisome to you or is that just simply the way it goes? no, i worry about this. i think that we do not have a political strategy here. we have a military strategy, but what is going to happen after these bombs? after this phase is over? we always do well in the air phase of the campaign. think about afghanistan, think about iraq, think about libya. this part always goes well. the american air power is amazing. but what we know is, think of afghanistan, think of iraq, think of libya. after that is a very messy period. the ground operation involves irregular fighting with locals, gorilla warfare, a holding territory. it involves political deals, because you ve got to get the locals on your side, you ve got to win the hearts and minds. and for all of that, i don t think we have really thought through the strategy. the iraqi government is not inclusive enough. there aren t really syrian moderates who are strong enough. how those problems are going to be involved remains something of a mystery to me. fareed, thanks so much. always a pleasure. and a big announcement! why the former u.s. secretary of state has a new reason to celebrate. but first, according to the usda, it takes nearly $250,000 to raise a child. and that s just for the basics. this week s cnn hero is helping ease some of the burden for moms in new jersey. i love being a mom. it s the most rewarding thing i ve ever experienced. on the flip side, the financial burden of having a child is just tremendous. so many people have such an abundance and so many others strive to afford even the basics. who wants to water? 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i m going to let my comments speak for themselves. reporter: can you respond to your opponent, as well, who says you don t have a record in new hampshire to run on? [ door shuts ] reporter: so far, brown seems far more eager to nationalize the election, portraying shaheen and president obama, who has a 60% disapproval rate here, as one and the same. she has a record that can be readily summed up in one single number 99. 99%. that s how often senator shaheen votes in support of any policy of the obama administration, whatever it is. scott brown is just wrong and he s not running against the president. he s running against me. reporter: i talked to voters in new hampshire, many who do say that isis and national security are concerns and they want a change from shaheen. but just as many voters also say they want good jobs, higher pay, and local security. the ability just to walk home at night. but what was overwhelming, the number of voters who were suspicious of scott brown for moving from massachusetts to run in new hampshire. seen by many as opportunistic. suzanne malveaux, cnn, washington. and still ahead, where in the world is kim jong-un? the mystery about the missing north korean dictator may have been solved. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what s up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. 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well, i think the american government views it very seriously. and there s two types of people that they re concerned with. one is that the people that get motivated to actually leave the country, go abroad, get trained, and then come back easily with american passports. and the other is harder to find. those are the people who are sitting at home, maybe sociopathic, violent. they re looking for a cause and they find it in isis or al qaeda and through social media. so very different types of threats, but both exist now, given just the nature of globalization. and there was a u.n. resolution that was passed this week, calling for the restriction of travel for individuals who take part in terrorist training acts, those, i guess, who were caught doing so, the training. how effective might that be? it will be somewhat effective in the sense that once someone s on a particular nation s watch list, there will be sort of a global attempt to catch that person and make sure they don t get on flights. for people with u.s. passports, we have a pretty good system. it s not foolproof in terms of assessing where they ve been and then being able to ensure that when they come back in, lawfully, right, if they come back in through a legal border patrol, that they are caught. so there are different pieces, but, look, i mean, at any given moment, there s a million plus people on airplanes around the world. and it s just, it s just the nature of commerce and globalization now that makes it hard to find that one person who might be planning ill will. right. in fact, you mentioned there are watch lists, but not all of them are going to be on watch lists. that s why they might be enticing to be part of, you know, a terrorist group, that they are much more elusive. capturing is going to be very difficult or thwarting, maybe even nearly impossible, if they, you know, have american or british passports. they don t need visas to travel to certain places. getting on a plane and being elusive and just blending in is going to be very easy. so how do u.s. intelligence, you know, agents, how do they go about trying to you know see the red flags or notice them or capture them? there s a number of different tools. some come from the communities themselves, so there s a lot of outreach to communities of interest, diverse communities, immigrant communities, going on throughout major urban areas in the country. there is, of course, surveillance of social media and other means. and then there are border controls. and each of them serves as a layer. none of them perfect. we certainly know that. but the good news, i guess, as regards lone wolf terrorists, is that their capacity to cause major harm is somewhat limited. the bad news is, is because they re not affiliated with any group that we might be monitoring, they are hard to find beforehand. and that is why there is a combination of offense and defense that you see going on. the military action as well as fortifying the homeland. all right. juliette kayyem, thanks so much. have a good one. next, the suspect in the disappearance of uva student hannah graham is sitting in a virginia jail today, but still no sign of hannah. our legal guys weigh in. my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it s progressive pain. first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was. i just couldn t handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of karen s story, visit it s specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. i hait s tough, but severi ve managed.ease. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. if you re still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. overwhelming support today in the search for missing university of virginia student. folks from the charlottesville community are flocking to a call center to take tips that could lead to hannah graham s location. she vanished two weeks ago. police say they have received more than 2,400 tips and want the calls to keep coming in. realtors are also stepping up, searching vacant homes for graham. all of us have these vacant listings, and i don t have any farm properties, but there are still some corners around here that someone could hide something. so i came up here just to look around. we re all just trying to find her. meanwhile, the prime suspect in her disappearance, jesse matthew, is being held in isolation in a virginia jail. matthew was extradited overnight from texas. he is charged with abduction with the intent to defile. let s bring in our legal guys, avery friedman, a civil rights attorney and law professor, joining us from cleveland. and richard herman joining us from las vegas today. good to see you. so richard, this intent to defile, what kind of physical evidence would there have to have been in order to charge jesse matthew. even though we ve heard from the authorities that they haven t received the results yet from the forensic exams or at least they haven t made them public. yeah, it s a big difference there. i think that they have the results, and that s only way they possibly could have charged this particular aspect of the statute, fred. it brings a 20-year-to-life sentence for the second-degree felony conviction. but here, they must prove a kidnapping with an intent to have some sort of sexual component involved with the kidnapping. and because it s a circumstantial case right now, they re going to need either eyewitness testimony, a confession, or dna. and the dna is going to come from his apartment. they re going to look for torn clothing, blood, anything they can find in that apartment to suggest that there was nonvoluntary sex. not voluntary, non. and we know that people say that she was intoxicated that night. they have her at a bar with him plying her with drinks. so the question is, okay, did she have the ability to say yes or no? but what happened in his apartment? that s the whole focus right now, fred. that s the key to this case. and avery, clearly evidence for you know, the results of this forensic evidence, all of this will be very important. but are investigators at a stage now that they re even thinking about, as they question him, could they be offering a plea in exchange for more information? well, i think that s going to be part of the from the prosecution s perspective, that s exactly where law enforcement s going to go. but we re dealing with more, in my judgment, than a kidnapping. i jesse matthew has enormous problems. and frankly if i were prosecuting this case, between the credit cards and the statement by the owners of temple bar that hannah could barely stand up. and why in the world is jesse matthew 1,300 miles away on galveston bay? well, i think we all know the answer to that. but ultimately, yeah, if, ultimately, the defense team winds up being put together, it is not yet the first thing they re going to be doing is talking with prosecutors and asking, what kind of deal can we put together? and i think the prosecutors will say, we want to go forward with both kidnappings, and maybe something even more. when you say, he has enormous problems, avery, are you speaking because he ended up in texas and that seems suspicious, or is there more to that? well, what kind of inferences are you going to draw from a guy grabbing his sister s 1997 blue nissan and heading out towards galveston bay, probably on the way to mexico. he s fleeing from the scene. the fact is that the bar owner was saying that he was very aggressive towards women that night. and then he winds up with hannah graham, who could barely stand up. i think when you put all this evidence together, it s going to be overwhelming. go, richard. fred, there is an issue here. they want to find the body. they need the body. so in order to get the body, that might be the timp us the for some sort of paralegal here. they need to see the body. but the evidence that he took off and went to galveston, that s evidence of flight. and that would be admissible, that the jury could draw an inference on. but intent in this case is a very big hurdle to prove, fred. i was going to call you judge. hah! very big hurdle to prove. and in the community and in his church, he s known as a gentle giant. this is a very defensible case right now on the charges he s brought against him. the dna evidence, though, will be the key to where it s going. how much longer will that take? it seems a week out now from when we heard from the police chief who said, there was a collection of evidence from his jesse matthew s vehicle and apartment, and it would seem that more would be shared. or would they be reticent to share that publicly, because, you know, they don t want to they re sharing nothing. they re sharing nothing. we re seeing that. all right. avery richard, thanks so much. we ll see you again, that other case in which to delve into. we ll be talking about a court being underway right now in florida, for a retrial of the man accused in that so-called loud music murder. why prosecutors are trying to convict michael dunn again. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at people who know me, to this day they say,tix. i never thought you would quit. you know, i really didn t either but chantix helped me do it. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don t take chantix if you ve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i m a nonsmoker; that feels amazing. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. iwith something terrible to admit. i treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. i was an addict. i m recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. police, airline pilots, bus drivers. they re randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. but not us doctors. you can change that: vote yes on proposition 46. your lives are in our hands. court is in session in jacksonville, florida, where the retrial of michael dunn is underway. it s the second time dunn is on trial for the shooting death of 17-year-old jordan davis back in 2012. well, the case was dubbed the loud music trial, because davis was playing music in his car. and dunn has already been convicted in connection with the shooting, so why the retrial? here s cnn s alina muchado. reporter: fred, this case is move along at a fast case, especially after the judge says he intends to have this wrapped up faster than the first trial, which lasted about two weeks. the michael dunn retrial on a first-degree murder charge is in full swing. already, jurors have heard from more than a dozen witnesses, including devon thompson, leland brunson, and tommy storns, the three teens with jordan davis the night he was killed. the jury of eight men and four women includes two african-americans. earlier this year, another jury convicted dunn on three counts of attempted second-degree murder and shooting into a vehicle, but could not agree on whether dunn was guilty of murder. based on the jury s inability to reach a verdict as to count one, i will declare that mistried. reporter: davis was shot and killed outside a jacksonville gas station almost two years ago, when an argument over loud music turned violent. oh, my gosh, somebody s shooting! somebody s shooting out of their car. reporter: dunn fired into this red dodge durango which had davis and three others inside. in the first trial, dunn testified that he feared for his life and thought davis had a gun. i was looking out the window and said, you re not going to kill me, you son of a [ bleep ] and i shot. no weapon was ever found in the suv. dunn is facing a minimum of 60 years in prison for the previous convictions. davis parents are hoping the second trial will end with a verdict on the murder charge, so they can start healing. no matter what happens to michael dunn, whether it s a hung jury or whatever, i still have that loss, that s greater than any other verdict. testimony is expected to continue for a few more hours, and at this point, we don t know if michael dunn will be taking the stand again in his own defense, but we could soon find out, because if things keep going the way they re going, the state could be resting, as early as today. fred? all right, alina machado. right now they re in lunch break and then will resume this very unusual day of court there on this saturday there in florida. so for more, let s bring back our legal guy, avery friedman in cleveland and richard herman in las vegas. all right, so richard, you first. you know, he will be sentenced. he s still facing up to 60 years for those lesser offenses, the convictions. but why is the prosecution trying him again for premeditated murder? what s different this time? well, it s angela corey. remember our old friend from florida, who likes to bring these politically motivated prosecutions come on, come on. she was the one on zimmerman and she s licking her wounds from zimmerman. so here the guy is 47 years old, convicted, looking at 60 years, and yet she wants to go after him for second-degree murder, which was hung jury the first time, three jurors held out then. they re going to try to prove it now. it s going to be difficult to prove the premeditation element in this case, fred. why? because they don t have it s premeditated here. the difference in this trial from the defense perspective, and i do believe dunn will testify, i think he has to testify, because it s what was in his mind, what was his perception of whafgs happening. don t forget, florida has a stand your ground law, so if he had a reasonable perception that he was going to that the other person had a gun and was going to shoot him, he had a right to defend himself. the first case argued there was definitely a gun and they hid the gun and the evidence came out there was no gun. the jury didn t buy it. because there was no gun. but here, it s the perception of whether or not there was a gun or not. that s all they need to prove on the defense. the problem is, the bombshell here, the smoking gun, in this case, is the girlfriend who testified against dunn rhonda rule. who said, wherever he gave me renditions of the story, he never mentioned anything about a gun. so avery, i wonder, when we saw his testimony from the last trial, where he said, you know, you re not going to kill me, and he turned skpointed the gun, when he pointed the gun, doesn t that show premeditation? you re intending to bring harm. and is that what prosecutors are going to try to argue, that s what they mean by premeditated murder, that he intented for this gun to point at these kids and he intended to pull the trigger, which means he intended to harm if not kill? yeah, i mean, that is the whole case. in fact, he actually reached into the glovebox to get that revolver, that silver revolver. and frankly, a lot of people didn t predict he would testify. actually, i m in agreement. not only did he testify in the first case, he s going to have to testify because the evidence so overwhelming, and i also agree. the girlfriend s testimony that michael dunn never said anything, i totally disagree. i don t think this is politically motivated at all. i think this is exactly the principled, moraled thing that the state should be doing in this prosecution. and frankly, they re going to get that conviction this time around. you do? yep. even though the evidence is the same, testimony is the same. yeah, there were a couple of rogue juries, and that s why there was a hung jury and that s why we re going to see, i think, a conviction this time. the jury makeup makes a difference in your view? sure it does. more of a diversified jury the first time. now you have ten white people on this jury. i think he you know, yok he s going to get a conviction this time around either. i think this juror is more well, if race makes the difference, richard s right. if race doesn t make a difference doesn t it make a difference, really, in the end? it shouldn t. but that s different than whether it does or not, whether it should. i agree with you. okay. richard, avery i ll put my judge hat on. richard, avery, thanks so much, guys. always a pleasure to see you and hear from you. our legal guys are here every saturday about this time, giving us their take on the most intriguing cases of the day, week, month, you name it. they re always on the spot. thanks so much. coming up at the top of the hour, an up close look at just how the u.s. military carries out these air strikes on isis. becky anderson takes us on board the uss bush. nineteen years ago, we thought, wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad? 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(breath of relief) oh, what a relief it is. thanks. anytime. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo. startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at some might say it s kind of like royal hollywood kind of wedding, but it s taking place in italy. one of the most eligible bachelors now about to be off the hook. and there the groom, waving to everyone. george clooney. yes, they re in venice. how romantic. everyone arriving by boat. and you see the paparazzi there too. so apparently, he is on his way to the special location, where all of hollywood and some of the world s most glamorous people. you ve seen some of the pictures, anna wintour, vogue magazine, you saw andy gruber and his wife, cindy crawford. so george clooney is to marry a british human rights attorney. they re marrying in italy, but it will be a very special kind of civil ceremony, because neither one of them are italian. so it won t be your typical italian wedding, but it still will be considered official. and you see that groom, george clooney, he s smiling and grinning from ear to ear. so many people thought he would be a bachelor for life, because he just didn t seem to want to tie the knot with all those special babes he s had along the way, but this one is the special catch. amalla almuddin. i know i m not saying her last name right. but it s going to be a striking ceremony. it s starting out beautifully. who else gets to arrive by boat in venice for such a special occasion. so many congrats on their nuptials. we ll bring you more pictures as we get them. the bride, what s she going to be wearing, who is she wearing? and here s a little something else. all of the guests have had these special, like, emblems on their bags, on their jackets. all to say that they are special guests of george clooney and amalla, and apparently, they are all going to have like a chip, some sort of chip that s embedded either in their clothes or handbags, so that when they go through security, it s legit. they re invited guests. that s all i ve got. but happy marriage day for george clooney and amalla. hello, again, everyone. i m fredricka whitfield. here s the top stories we re following right now in the cnn newsroom right now. no end yet to a travel nightmare. more flight cancellations leaving passengers stranded. this as we learn more about the man police say set fire in an air traffic control center. plus, more air strikes on isis terrorists today. the u.s.-led coalition to destroy them is growing. british fighter jets joining the mission with planes flying over iraq. now to a murder in oklahoma, that s stirring up fears of homegrown terror. the fbi is on the case after authorities say a man who had just lost his job beheaded one coworker and injured another before being shot and wounded. the suspect, alton nolan, is no stranger to police, apparently. he was just released from prison in march. one state trooper recalled a run-in with nolan at a traffic stop four years ago. in a split second, he exploded out of the car, hit me in the chest, and pushed me back. i lifted my hand up, thinking my finger was gone, it hurt so bad. my fingers had gotten tied up in the chains. i wish i d have killed him, you know i i was never afraid of him, or i would have. nick valencia joining me now. so police say nolan tried to convert his coworkers to islam, but is at the root of what took place, the beheading? we don t know that for a fact. that hasn t been an official line from police. but we heard back from local officials in moore, oklahoma, who confirmed to us the images we re about to show you are from the suspect s facebook page. this is the suspect. he goes by a different alias on his facebook page. but these images and messages, afraid, appear to show support for islamic radicals. some show violence and gore. we re choosing not to show those images to you. but in other posts, he ridicules christianity. just because of the sheer barbaric nature of the attacks, some have mentioned that this could be tied to something larger, perhaps influenced by radical extremists, muslim extremists. we don t know that. when i spoke to the governor s office earlier, she urged caution in going down that road. she says the investigation needs to be complete. the fbi, we do know, is looking into his past as well as his social media footprint. i spent the last hour looking at his facebook page. it is graphic, to say the least. and he talks about judgment day. he goes through the history of islam, posts some quotes on there, scripture from the koran. we believe to be scripture from the koran, but it s very dramatic stuff to find all those posts there, and just the dramatic change from alton nolan, in the last six months, he goes from posting about jesus and football to posting about judgment day and radical extremism. is there interaction? there are likes, there are people who agree with what he s saying. i ve reached out to some of those people on his facebook page to see if perhaps they re willing to talk about alton nolan. he goes by hakim israel in his facebook page, so we believe he might have changed his name recently. but authorities are looking at everything to see if this may be connected to something larger. but right now, we don t know that officially. what kind of questioning, if any, has happened? that s a good question. because up until late last night, he was sedated in a hospital. she was shot by one of the owners of the store before he was going to continue on his rampage. police say it could have been much worse if it were not for the ceo who shot and stopped him. but we expect police to talk to him eventually, perhaps even today. it could be going on right now. very disturbing. nick valencia, thanks so much. you bet. now to get you updated on the manhunt for a suspected cop killer in pennsylvania. police in heavy body armor are still searching for eric frein. investigators say they believe they are close to finding him and it may all have to do with a cell phone call eric made to his parents. alexandra field joining us from pennsylvania. what kind of signals were they able to pick up on that phone call? reporter: that cell phone call is what led investigators to this area. for two weeks now, they re telling us they re confident he s in this area. we re learning that frein called his parents last week, let the phone ring one and then he hung up. that was long enough for law enforcement to trace him to this area. at this point, they haven t found him, but they have found some evidence of tampering with various structuring that are in the woods here. they re talking about mostly empty and abandoned structures is. that s one reason they have to believe that he s still out here. also, the there have been a number of reported sightings. that s another reason why they believe he is still out here. police are continuing to tell us that they feel confident that they will close in on him and capture him, but they are acknowledging that they believe that eric frein is playing some kind of game with them that he had planned for quite some time. here s what police said. oh, i suspect he wants to have a fight with the state police, but i think that involves hiding and running, since that seems to be the way he operates. he is probably not going to come out and have a face-to-face confrontation. i expect that he ll be hiding and try to take a shot from some distance, from a place of concealment, as he has done in the past. reporter: a thousand officers have been out here, looking for eric frein. they tell us that a lot of the difficulty has to do with the terrain out here. we re talking about very densely wooded area, an area that it could be easy to hide in. there are a number of caves in the area as well as those abandoned structures. that we mentioned. so all these things are adding to the difficulty. but they have found some belongings that they believe were with frein at some point in the last couple of weeks. that includes an ak-47. but, fred, they say they still certainly consider the suspect to be armed and dangerous. they believe that he has a rifle with him. and is it the case that investigators even suspect there could be booby traps that he may have set? reporter: yeah. and this is what s also making this so difficult. because they want to search aggressively. this has dragged on a lot longer that evening anyone would want it to. but they are telling all the officers involved here to proceed with caution. there s a parallel investigation going on right now. police are trying to learn more about eric frein, and fred, one of the things that they have learned is that he had been experimenting with homemade explosives, and that s reason enough for all officers here to be aware of the possibility that they could be stepping into a booby trap. alexandra field, thanks so much. all right, overseas, more air strikes rain down on isis targets in syria and iraq, as more nations join the coalition against the terror group. the pentagon says a total of ten air strikes have taken place in iraq and syria today. and friday. and among the areas hit in syria, the kobani border crossing by turkey. that s near a spot where cnn cameras captured exclusive footage of isis in action taking fire from syrian kurds. today, britain started its offensive against the extremists, sending its tornado fighter jets over iraq. let s turn now to cnn s carl penhaul in london. carl, let s focus on the missions over iraq and these british fighter jets are able to do. reporter: well, absolutely, fredricka. and you say iraq, because that is the only political and military mandate britain s fighter jets have if parliament did not authorize them to engage in any operations over syria for now, at least. now, britain has decided it s going to contribute six fighter jets to the coalition effort to strike isis positions inside of iraq, putting that in perspective, countries like jordan, denmark, and holland have contributed more or the same amount as britain. so many analysts here are suggesting that what britain is doing is making a politically significant gesture to rebuild a european consensus on what to do with isis. but not really a militarily significant gesture that will change the game against isis. now, today, for the first time that british fighter jets were in action over skies of iraq, their defense ministry here told us that two tornado fighter jets were flying. they were armed with missiles and laser-guided bombs, but did not engage in any attacks. that because the defense ministry says they found knno targets worth hitting. and that, of course, is one of the problems going forward, both for the britains and for other members of this coalition, to really find targets worth hitting, that will really make significant damage to isis forces, fredricka. and the united states remains the only western nation to take on isis in syria. any idea or sign whether great britain will reconsider it and commit itself to the syrian air strikes as well? not for now. and the reason, really, behind that lies in a parliamentary vote that took place back in 2013. remember, when president obama was looking for britain s key support to attack the assad regime after the chemical weapons attacks on his own population. and there was a divide in parliament here in britain. and there was a no vote. there was no british support for air strikes on the assad regime. and so british parliament now is very mindful of that. the prime minister, david cameron, is very mindful of his defeat last year. he wants to rebuild political consensus here in britain, bit by bit. so there is appetite to go after isis in iraq, the way that david cameron has sold that to the country is because the iraqi government has expressly asked britain to provide that kind of air support. but so far, britain doesn t see that it either has a political or military mandate to go after isis targets inside of syria. that could change over the coming weeks and months, possibly, but only if that kind of tactic gains popularity among a british public that, of course, has been very weary of these expeditionary wars, whether it be afghanistan, iraq, and now syria, fredricka. all right. karl penhaul, thanks so much, from london. a big target of those air strikes has been isis oil facilities. and cnn global affairs correspondent elise labott is joining us now from new york. so elise, we know that isis fighters are in the crosshairs of the u.s. and coalition members, but what s in the target of these oil fields and refineries, which provide a lot of finance, a lot of money for isis? reporter: well, fred, you ve heard president obama and secretary kerry say, this is not just a military campaign going after the flow of foreign fighters and finances that isis is awash with cash is really the lifeblood of this group. and going after that is just as important. and that s why the first strikes in syria went right after the isis pocketbook. isis is not just one of the world s most dangerous organization, it s also a ruthless terror corporation, earning millions of dollars every day from this. oil crude. pulled from beneath the sands of iraq and syria and sold on the black market at a discount. they use these financing to expand their recruitment operations. reporter: experts say isis intentionally focused on seizing large swaths of the most oil-rich areas in the region, and now controls as much as 60% of production in syria, along with seven oil fields in iraq. u.s. government sources tell cnn, isis takes some of that crude out of the ground and refines it for their own use, to fuel its trucks and tanks. overnight, the u.s. hits on the organization s mobile refineries. what s more concerning, sources say, is the rest of that oil, which is now being smuggled out of syria, not through pipelines, but by more than 200 icist tanker trucks, driven along secret routes, mostly in turkey s southern corridor. what s still not clear is just who is buying all of it. sources tell cnn, isis crude oil appears to be sold by middle men, intermediaries who sell the oil to legitimate refinery in the region. there are a number of tribes, local tribes, local families. they tend to handle these volumes and basically the smuggled oil. and eventually, basically, they either trade it to neighboring territories. reporter: and that, sources say, means some of isis oil may actually be making it into the world s market, undetected. before the u.s.-led air strike started this week, the iraq energy institute estimated isis produced about 30,000 barrels a day in iraq and 50,000 more each day in syria. at about $40 a barrel on the black market, that would fetch up to $3 million in profit each day. tonight, the u.s. government says it hopes it can take out isis ability to move and sell all of that oil, crippling a key profit center for this terror corporation. and fred, even as the u.s. tries to expand the military coalition, it is going to be looking to turkey and those other neighboring countries to crack down on those black market routes, those shadowy networks that are handling the sales to deny isis the cash to keep fueling the terrorist activity. that s a key part of this coalition, and that s one of the things former general john allen, the envoy to this globe coalition, will be discussing when he heads to the region next week, fred. elise labott, thanks so much for that. the first american jets to hit isis targets came from the uss george h.w. bush. the massive aircraft carrier moved into the persian gulf more than a month ago. and cnn s becky anderson is aboard that ships and tells us what she s seeing. reporter: what you re seeing behind me is the last of the fighter jets and helicopters coming back from their armed sorties. the f-18 hit the deck at 150 knots, in chase known as an arrested landing. and those trapses effectively pull them back. as you can see the end of the aircraft carrier with the white lights, just below me, here. this is 4 1/2 acres of vessel, just a very, very small area in which these pilots must land. it s 10:00 at night, and it feels a lot more peaceful on what is a 24/7 operation. but believe me, earlier on in the day, it was hectic out here, and by tomorrow morning, as the sun rises, they ll be doing it all again. becky anderson, thanks so much on the uss george h.w. bush. straight ahead, thousands of airline passengers are still stranded after a fire at an air traffic control center took place in chicago. how much longer will they have to wait? big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what s up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. at t-mobile, get 4 lines for just $100 bucks. with unlimited talk & text and now up to 10gb of 4g lte data. grab the hottest new phones. get the best trade-in value on your current phone guaranteed. let s see the other guys beat that. get 4 lines for $100 bucks. and the best trade-in value guaranteed. all right, flights in and out of chicago are still a mess after a man allegedly intentionally set fire to a major air traffic control center. the ripple effect canceled about 2,000 flights yesterday, 600 more today. the faa is struggling to resume normal flight schedules. passengers are trying to take it all in stride. i m frustrated, but what can i do? it s not like i can drive to miam miami. you re just waiting, just like everybody else, right? yeah, i m going to make the best of it, have a really nice dinner tonight and enjoy my additional night here in chicago. fbi agents searched the home of an faa employee, 36-year-old brian howard. they have charged him with setting the fire. agents say howard allegedly sent a private facebook message to a relative before setting the fire, threatening to, quote, take out the faa center. so what happened in illinois should sound warning bells throughout the faa. if one man can do that much damage with a fire, just how safe is our air traffic system? let s bring in cnn safety analyst david sousi. he s joining us now from denver. all right. good to see you. so, david, how concern hello, how are you? i m good. how concerned are you about the safeguarding of faa facilities just like that one? well, the safeguarding is not the primary question. the primary question is the mental status of the employee at the facility. and the faa has fought with this for many years now, not only at these facilities, but also in the cockpit itself. so this is an issue and there needs to be more done on this psychological testing of employees. so, like what? you mean those psychological tests should come more periodically? i mean, aren t there aren t they even executed initially when someone is hired? well, they are, but unfortunately, when they do that, there s not an expert separate analysis done. what s done is and this is the same with the pilots. the pilots are asked the question, has there been anything emotionally or has there been something going on with you whereby are you taking drus drugs for depression or anything and it s left up to their and their discretion. there isn t anything ongoing. some airlines do have that, that provide some kind of psychological analysis for the pilots. but it really doesn t extend down to this level of employee, which is a very vulnerable position. and then what about access. i mean, even if there are more evaluations, is it your feeling that perhaps, i guess, vital areas of an air traffic control center shouldn t be accessible to anyone. should more measures be put in place to try to beef up security or try to prevent something like this from happening again? well, i don t think that would have helped in this case, because of the fact that this employee actually worked in this area. he was a communications expert. he worked on the communications, the radios, every kind of communication that goes on between the pilots, between the controllers. all of that type of thing. that was his job and that s where he was supposed to be. so at best, i think there could have been a possibility of having supervision in that area and not letting someone be alone in those particular areas that are hypercritical for the safety of the system itself. does this incident shed light on a gaping hole in security, securities, in your view at control centers, or is it just simply an anomaly? no well, it is a little bit, but i think with security, such a broad scope, but with security, you also have to look at the efficiency, look at the ability to supervise within the control center itself. security is much more than putting up gates and cameras and what we typically think of as security. security talks about the vulnerabilities and what needs to be done to protect those. so, yeah, security does need to be improved, but this is much more detailed, this is much more into the works of how this system works entirely. all right. david sousi, always appreciate your expertise. a dire prediction about the ebola epidemic. health experts say more than a million people could contract the deadly virus by january. i wish my allergies would let me take you home. the power of allegra relieves your toughest indoor and outdoor symptoms fast and stays strong for 24 hours. stop suffering. start living. with the top speedou compare of comcast the top speed of business dsl from the internet. phone company well, there s really no comparison. why pay more for less? call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. all right. president obama is putting a spotlight on the ebola epidemic. he met with health officials from dozens of countries to rally them to come up with a stronger response to the outbreak in west africa. he did that at the white house on friday. well, the world health organization says there are more than 6,000 cases and nearly 3,000 deaths. the cdc says in liberia and sierra leone, the case count could rise to more than 1 million by january if nothing is done. a point the president made at the united nations. we are not moving fast enough. we are not doing enough. right now, everybody has the best of intentions, but people are not putting in the kinds of resources that are necessary to put a stop to this epidemic. all right, joining me now is stephen morris, professor of epidemiology at columbia university s mailman school of public health. good to see you. good to see you again, fredricka. you have heard the president saying, there has been a lot of lip service from countries on committing resources, but it seems to be slow in coming. so what will slow the death toll in west africa from reaching that potential million people by january? the quicker we can get people on the ground, and of course, have facilities, beds or tents in hospitals for isolation, appropriate personnel who can take care of the sick when they are isolated, and of course, that means a range of personnel, and others who can trace down the contact, that s going to take a lot of people and a lot of effort. and so far, after six months, you know, we haven t seen that kind of commitment yet. and so sanitation, personnel, infrastructure, as you point out, all big reasons why ebola has spread so quickly. but, you know, these are fixes that don t come overnight. and maybe even more than just months. you spelled out in six months, not enough has been done. so is this something that we need to be looking at in terms of years? i hope not. i think that it has taken quite a while, really, to ramp this up. but i think it is possible. i mean, we do this, you know, obviously when we have some sort of conflict in humanitarian emergencies. one complication, of course, is that this can be spread from person to person through close contact. the people who are taking care of the patients, obviously, have to be very careful to observe various infection control measures. it so makes it a little more complicated. but it s still, you know, largely a logistical matter, and having very experienced, appropriate personnel. but then we are a transient world, aren t we? i mean, is one of the big contributors to a potential global spread travelers who might inadvertently, you know, carry and spread ebola? oh, yes. and we saw that already, even early on, when patrick sire went from liberia to legos, nigeria, and there was a lot of concern that maybe there would be a major outbreak in a major city like legos, which could cause many cases and perhaps have people turning up in emergency departments all over the world. but in most parts of the world, ebola is not going to be able to establish itself and most places in the u.s., for example, in western europe, we ll be able to handle it. they do have the appropriate infection control, we do here, and people obviously are very aware of the problem. so it s in africa, especially, where ebola already exists, that it could spread further, and could very easily claim many more cases. are you optimistic that ebola will be contained, and perhaps we won t make it to that milestone in january of a million people? i am optimistic, but i think it s important to couple that optimism with some real action. if we act the way that president obama, for example, suggested, we could, i think we can contain it. if we know how to do that, and it s simply a matter of getting the people and resources on the ground quickly. so i am optimistic about that, but we obviously need to follow that up with action. professor stephen morris, thank you so much, from new york. thank you. coming up, in syria, there are at least three sides to this civil war. the syrian regime, those against the regime, and isis. so can the u.s.-led coalition take down isis without building up president bashar al assad? 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well, the sitting government has welcomed the air strikes against the so-called islamic state and other militants, but it has complained that the united states has not coordinated the air strikes with damascus. there s also anxiety in damascus that this particular coalition would turn its guns against the assad regime. remember, american strategy has two major objectives. the ferris objective is to degrade and defeat the so-called islamic state or isis or isil, whatever we call it. but the second objective is to train a large component, a large continge contingent, free syrian army rebels and create conditions on the ground in syria for a diplomatic solution. so translation, what the united states would like to do is to change the balance of power on the ground inside syria and force assad to sign a deal with the opposition in the next one or two years. so, yes, the syrian government is happy to have the american air strikes, but, no, they re terrified that this particular coalition could easily bring about to downfall of the assad government in two or three years. well, that s interesting, because even if the u.s., the goal is, you know, to degrade, take out, dismantle isis, does it not, inadvertently, if it succeeds in doing that, does it not inadvertently also empower the assad regime, even if, as you were saying, the u.s. goal is to also change the balance of power in syria. because isis has been an enemy of the assad regime. so if the u.s. takes out one of those enemies, then does that not assist the ajad regime? i think you re raising a very important point. initially, that was a major fear behind the reluctance of the obama administration and some of its allies, european allies and middle eastern allies. but most of the bombings are taking place far away from the areas where the assad regime controlled. in the countryside of aleppo, on the syrian and turkish borders. the syrian government has lost these areas almost two years ago. what the american administration is trying to do for your own viewers is to basically degrade and paralyze and basically weaken the forces of the islamic state and train free syrian army forces, the so-called moderate free syrian army, in order to fill the vacuum and basically have them reoccupy the areas in the nerve center of the so-called islamic state. but this is all theoretical. you re absolutely correct. the question is, will this particular coalition succeed in paralyzing and defeating the forces of the islamic state and other militant groups. the so-called islamic state is not the only extremist group in syria. secondly, will the united states succeed in training and strengthens the forces of the free syrian army, because they are the weakest link in the chain of the armed factions inside syria. so there are many ifs. in the meantime, the syrian government is consolidating its position, is basically speeding up its attacks against all armed groups inside syria, and there is a probability that the syrian government would benefit greatly from the american air strikes against the so-called islamic state in syria. all right, thank you so much, from rome today. appreciate it. a pleasure. all right, straight ahead, hidden cameras capture what life is like under isis control. why a woman risked her life to shoot this video. i thought it d be bigger. 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[ female announcer ] over 100,000 businesses have already used zip recruiter and now you can use zip recruiter for free at a special site for tv viewers; go to all right. right now to a rare look at civilian life inside raqqa, syria, the isis stronghold, bombed by the u.s. and its allies. risking her own life, a woman secretively filmed video while roaming the streets of the city. here s our jim clancy. reporter: with a hidden camera recording as she walked, a syrian woman risked arrest or worse to document the scene inside raqqa, syria. the so-called capital of the islamic caliphate if. the video was taken in march of this year. walking through the heart of that north central syrian city, completely under the control of isis, she showed how the city had changed. the isis flags, the spray painted slogans, and even incidents where people were forced into public prayer. she went out of her way to interact with isis militants, showing whelm in conservative dress, one carrying an ak-47, and even her own experience being stopped. what some might find astonishing is the enthusiasm that some women have for life under isis. her visit to an internet center revealed how women speaking fluent french interacted with concerned family members in their home countries. i don t want to cop back because i feel good here. it s not a question of coming back or not. if i want, i can come back. i just don t want to come back, because i feel good here. clearly, this family member wasn t convinced and was pleading for this young woman to come home from syria. translator: stop it. it doesn t help me if you re scared or if you cry. do you hear me? i m telling you, there s not point to you crying or being scared. what you see on tv is wrong. do you understand? they re exaggerating everything on tv. they amplify everything. everything, everything, everything. reporter: that was in march, fully six months ago. today, the situation has changed. in the wake of u.s. air strikes on raqqa, activists told cnn many isis leaders had fled the city. many civilians, including women and children, were also moving out. others were keeping a low profile. many are in fear civilians will be caught in these intense air strikes. some isis fighters, we were told, had moved into civilian areas, effectively making the local population human shields in what is expected to be a long fight for survival. jim clancy, cnn. some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster. something safer. something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it s always about the very thing we do best. but it s always about the very thing we do best. fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they re looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there s someone around the office who hasn t had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i m looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can t offer faster speeds or save you money we ll give you $150. comcast business built for business. all right. the southwest is bracing for more heavy rain and the possibility of severe storms and even flash floods. jennifer gray joins us now with more from the severe weather center. wow, what a mess. we have seen already so much rain in portions of arizona and we are continuing to see it this morning. we have lightning strikes, also severe thunderstorm watches in effect for those areas. and this is going to stretch all the way up to salt lake city. so much rain has fallen in this area over the last month or two, any additional rain is going to be a problem. so be careful. that moisture from the gulf of california pulling in, combining with a cold front, it s going to produce a slight risk of severe storms as we go through the afternoon today, so just be on the lookout. we also have a flooding threat right there, flash flood watches and warnings already in effect. what are we going to expect through today and tomorrow? we could see an additional 1 to 3 inches, just to the north of phoenix. we could see 1 to 3 inches on the south side of grand junction and also 2 to 4 inches in salt lake city. i want to mention, though, northern california received quite a bit of rain yesterday. napa, 4 to 6 inches of rain received yesterday and even some hail. you can see that hail core, some areas recorded up to 6 inches of hail. and look at this video, fred, it looks more like snow in napa. people were making hail angels instead of snow angels out there. scary situation. it s a rare occurrence for this area. but the rain was definitely much needed. wow, that s incredible stuff. i m glad they finally got a little bit of the rain. thanks so much, jennifer. all right, chelsea clinton announces the birth of her new baby girl with this tweet. saying this, marc, and i are full of love, awe, and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter, charlotte clinton mezvinsky. new grandparents, bill and hillary clinton, also releasing a statement saying this, we are blessed, grateful, and so happy to be the grandparents of a beautiful girl, charlotte clinton mezvinsky. chelsea is well and glowing, marc is bursting with pride. charlotte s life is off to a good start. congrats to everybody. all right, still to come, venice is all abuzz with wedding news. george clooney is about to say i do to his beautiful laid, amal. that s keeping you from the healthcare you deserve.. at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. so let s do it. let s simplify healthcare. let s close the gap between people and care. no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that s why we use fedex one rate. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it s affordable. 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[ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50. all right. there he is. maybe the last moments of the world s most eligible bachelor, because now he s in a water taxi, his dad is there too. george clooney, about to take his vows today. marrying amal alamuddin there in venice and a beautiful weekend. and why not, to have all the paparazzi and the other water taxis alongside. we have not seen a picture of the bride, however, but we do know that good friend, giorgio armani did the special tux for the groom, george clooney. so cnn s erin mclaughlin is reporting from venice where clooney s wedding is drawing some of hollywood s biggest stars. reporter: hollywood couldn t have scripted it better. george clooney and human rights lawyer amal alamuddin are in venice to get married and a whole host of a-list celebrities are in town for the four-day celebration. that s one of the best hotels in venice. you can see preparations well underway. it s a hive of activity. people stopping outside to take photos, paparazzi camped outside. you can also see them lurking around the city s canals on speedboat. this city is buzzing. i guess venice is the land of wealth. yes, my heart is broken, but i m excited. reporter: city officials put out a notice that they ll be closing the grand canal for the clooney wedding, leading to speculation that he s having a civil ceremony in the town hall, just over that way. perhaps the perfect end to a fairy tale wedding in one of the most romantic cities in the world. erin mclaughlin, cnn, venice, italy. and hello, again, everyone. i m fredricka whitfield. welcome to the cnn newsroom. t growing in number and firepower. a u.s.-led coalition launched ten air strikes today and seven in syria,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20180203

surveillance laws. democrats claim the memo is incomplete and partisan. critics of the memo worry the white house will use it to discredit the russia investigation. and use it as an excuse to fine deputy attorney general rosenstein. the democrats are warning the president may face a constitutional crisis if he were to use this memo as a reason to fire the deputy attorney rosenstein, so what is the white house saying about all this? the president actually fueled speculation about the fate of the deputy attorney general yesterday. when he was asked if he had confidence in rozenstein, the president saying, quote, you figure that one out. he was asked about the nunes memo and he said it was a disgrace and said a lot of people should be ashamed of themselves. further fueling that speculation because the deputy attorney general is named in the memo. we did hear from deputy press secretary as shaw on cnn last night. saying there will likely not be any changes coming to the department of justice. here s more from raz shaw. i m saying it on behalf of the white house, no changes are going to be made. we fully expect rosenstein to continue on as the deputy attorney general. now, fred, that confirms what sources familiar with what the president thinking at this time, that at this time, no considers of firing the attorney general. in part because the president fears firing him would prolong the russia investigation. we should note that this administration has voiced confidence numerous times in white house officials who have then shortly after being shown the door. ultimately this illustrates where the president s thinking is on the russia investigation. whether it was firing james comey or reports that he was aggravated by the attorney general jeff sessions recusing himself from the investigation, or reports last week that he was trying to fire robert mueller, but ultimately relented at the advice of his attorneys. it s clear that the president is frustrated by his inability to influence this investigation and he wants it over immediately. in part because it s been a cloud over his agenda and his administration. despite the ongoing probe, his approval numbers are rising and the president tweeted about that earlier today. here s that tweet. he writes, quote, rasmussen just announced that my approval rating jumped to 49%. higher than certain sacred cows. other trump polls are way up also. so why does the media refuse to write this? oh, well, some day. i reached out to a white house official to ask for insight into what the president meant by sacred cows. i have yet to get a response. boris sanchez, thanks so much. all right, so this republican memo, very critical of the leadership of the fbi and the justice department. and in an effort to boost morale perhaps, leaders at both agencies are speaking out. fbi director christopher wray strongly objected to the release of the memo prior to it happening. and now that that memo has gone public, ray is telling his staff to stay focused and not be swayed by the political fallout. cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider joining us now. what more did director wray have to say? how important is the feeling that he did that? fredricka, the fbi director defending the rank and file, you know, somewhat discretely though. he put out a video message to the 35,000 members of the fbi yesterday, just right after that memo was released. it was director wray s way of showing support for the bureau that has really come under constant attack from the president. and wray s words, they were somewhat symbolic. director wray wrote this or actually said this in a video message. he said the american people read the newspapers and watch tv, but your work is all that matters. actions speak louder than words. so implying there that it s the actions of the fbi agents that matter more perhaps than the president s words or tweets. wray did continue in that video saying he know, it s been a tough unsettling time, but he is inspired by the men and women of the fbi and all they do. and when it comes to defense, that also seemed to be the mode of attorney general jeff sessions. again, as this memo came out yesterday, jeff sessions was at the department of justice here in washington, leaving an unrelated symposium, and here s what attorney general sessions had to say about deputy attorney general rosenstein, along with associate attorney general rachel brand. take a listen. rod s had 27 years in the department. rachel s had a number of years in the department previously. and so they both represent the kind of quality and leadership that we want in the department. so the attorney general there coming to the defense of his deputy, after really what has been a rocky week and a rocky year for the department of justice, as well as the fbi. fredricka, we ve seen the attorney general, as well as deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein, now come under fire from the president, sometimes directly, sometimes in tweet, sometimes behind closed doors. but it seems the law enforcement community and the intelligence community really rallying together here to kind of push back, fred. all right, jessica schneider in washington, thank you. release of that memo is also pitting members of the trump administration at odds. president trump and attorney general sessions as you just heard both with very different views on deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. does it make you have confidence in you figure that one out. rod s had 27 years in the department. rachel s had a number of years in the department previously. and so they both represent the kind of quality and leadership that we want in the department. all right, let s zero in on that contrast. here to discuss, republican representative tom garrett jr. from virginia. congressman, good to see you. so attorney general sessions has great respect for rozenste nrodn but the president says, you know, you figure it out. where do you stand on this? well, i think that s a trumpian way of saying no comment. yes, but he could have said he has nothing to worry about, he s doing a good job, and he didn t do that. because he has done that before for other people. fire him, but let me be clear, i ve worked with the fbi as a prosecutor. it is replete with fine women and men. however, most law enforcement professionals are good too. that doesn t mean there are bad ones, right? i think the nuance being missed here is the fbi is good. there may be some bad folks who have done bad things inside of it. okay, so where are you on whether rob rosenstein should be worried about his job? ultimately, i have to flesh out the information i m given and arrive at conclusions. i would certainly suggest, based on what i do know, having read both the republican and democrat men e yous that there s certainly smoke there. i think this is an aplop party circumstance for an independent investigation. so does the memo reveal there are some real problems that need to be addressed as it pertains to fisa court or does this memo reveal something about how the mueller investigation is not being conducted fairly? i mean what was the primary objective of this memo? how do you interpret it? i think the american public needs to know if there s an incident where the levers of political power has been leveraged against u.s. citizens. goes back to the things like the irs scandal. it goes back to, things for example like the george w. bush memo that said he didn t show up to his international guard training that we never got to the bottom of what do you want people to understand about this don t be surprised when it happens again, right? here we are today, this memo, with the investigation about russia and its interference with u.s. elections, what do you want people to grasp from what just transpired yesterday, that this memo was released? what do you want people to know, understand, have clarity on? somebody doesn t care about getting a prosecute. delaware versus franks for the attorneys watching would preclude the use of anything gathered by virtue of the false statements or lack of statements before the fisa court in court. they wanted to get the information in a hurry. any prosecutor understands delaware v. franks and that obviously has shot the opportunity to use any of this in the foot. we know fisa courts, the washington post reported, has been weaponized against american citizens before. that s what we hope will be gleaned from that memo? i hope so. regardless of your political affiliation, you should be fearful of the government leveraging power against private s citizens, contrary to their reasonable expectation of privacy. you don t believe the fbi or entity like it should be able to investigate any american who may have some interaction with an adversary? because isn t that what s at the core of the carter page/fisa warrant request, application? not at all. i do believe, however, that due process and a duty of candor before the court undergird our legal system and that s not here. so that s the problem. we ve sort of owe mimitted information as convenient as the facts supporting probable cause, thrown it before the court and gotten surveillance permission against american citizens. that s draconian at best and really, really big brotherish frightening at worse. okay so congressman adam schiff weighed in on this. and he seems to believe that if this memo release is to be used to help get rid of the deputy a.g. rosenstein, that really it would spell big trouble for the president, this is adam schiff. but his statements today are very concerning about rod rosenstein. fact he s sort of dangling rod rosenstein s job. the firing of rod rosenstein in my view would be an act of obstruction of justice, just as firing bob mueller would be. it would be further evidence that what happened with james comey was not an isolated act. so to me that would be a very definite part of a pattern of obstruction of justice. do you think that this memo release was kind of a prelude to, you know, rosenstein or justification for his firing i would direct shift to article 2 of the constitution of the united states and ask him what part of executive authority is difficult for him to grasp. ultimately this is in the purview of the president, right? is it the feeling that this memo release is a prelude to some justification for the removal of rosenstein? i think rosenstein should be removed if he should be removed. i don t have that information yet. regardless of your partisanship, we need to understand that the levels of government power are being leveraged against american citizens outside the realm of due process and our inherit rights to privacy under the fourth and fifth and 15th amendment. that s the scary thing. we saw that with the irs scandal if there were some real violations, the way in which these four judges went about grab thing a warrant for fisa, there is already a mechanism in place to investigate that. there has been since the 70s when this fisa court came about. why do you not trust that there isn t that investigation under way or a sound investigation that could be trusted if, indeed, there were some violations or due process not met or the fisa warrant not taking place correctly? we know the information was withheld. we know that. there s no allegation against the judges on the fisa court. the allegation would be against the presenters of the evidence how do you know that? it s in the memo. why do you feel so confident about that? the memo doesn t include all of the information. it s just an extrapolation of there is just some permitted information. right, but understand probable cause standard would be more likely than not and then your guilt phase would be beyond a reasonable doubt. the information in the memo gets us to probable cause. that s not any dispersion on the fisa court judges. you have a duty when you re an officer of court, which means any lawyer, a local ambulance chaser or somebody with the doj. you have to give them all relevant information. but you haven t seen all the information and the american public hasn t seen all the information and potentially will never see all the information. i hope we do. and will only be this portion and then what portion the democrats put out in their memo. no, i really hope we do. because i think that s the thing here. again, really trying to take away from the partisan angle. the american public should feel secure in their personal paper, their privacy, due process, due exercise. you do not really believe all of the information would ever be publicly released in a fisa court? let me say this. i m privy to information all the classified information would be declassified, all of it? i would like to see more information be classified on everything from private servers to irs scandals. anywhere where there s an allegation of realistic though are very different i think the real danger to national security and who we are as a nation is that the levers of power can be leveraged against american citizens without their knowing, so more truth sooner. congressman tom garrett jr., thank you so much. thanks to you, have a great day. okay, you too. all right, straight ahead, democrats say this memo is the republican s way of undermining the russia investigation. this, as they work to release their own memo to combat what they call misleading information put out to the public. your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. let s team up to get the lady of the house back on her feet. and help her feel more strength and energy in just two weeks yaaay! the complete balanced nutrition of (great tasting) ensure with 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. always be you. a heart transplant. that s a whole different ballgame. i was in shock. i am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. i never felt i was going to die. we know so much about transplantation. and we re living longer. you cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that a transplant would offer. my donor s mom says you were meant to carry his story . it s a lot easier to make decisions when you know what comes next. if you move your old 401(k) to a fidelity ira, we make sure you re in the loop at every step from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new retirement account is funded. oh and at fidelity, you ll see how all your investments are working together. because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. just remember what i said about a little bit o soul things are just clearer. new year, new phones for the family. join t-mobile, and when you buy one of the latest samsung galaxy phones get a samsung galaxy s8 free. yahoooo! ahoooo! plus, unlimited family plans come with netflix included. spectacular! so, you can watch all your netflix favorites on your new samsung phones. whoa! join the un-carrier and get a samsung galaxy s8 free. all on america s best unlimited network. oh thanks. say, yeah, i took your advice and had geico help with renters insurance- it was really easy. easy. that d be nice. phone: for help with chairs, say chair. phone: for help with bookcases, say bookcase. bookcase. i thought this was the dresser? isn t that the bed? phone: i m sorry, i didn t understand. phone: for help with chairs, say chair. does this mean we re not going out? book-case. see how easy renters insurance can be at but their nutritional needs (vremain instinctual.d, that s why there s purina one true instinct. nutrient-dense, protein-rich, real meat number one. this is a different breed of natural nutrition. purina one, true instinct. all right, less than 24 hours after the highly disputed gop memo s release, president trump declares himself vindicated in the russia probe. some republicans, including trump, have said the memo shows the fbi abused its surveillance powers. democrats, meanwhile, are fuming, the chairman of the dnc, calling the nearly four-page document, quoting now, a sham. joining me now to discuss, michael blake, vice chair of the democratic national committee. good to see you, michael. good to be here. so how much more complete do you believe this democratic memo will be that perhaps might eventually be released next week? substantially, fred. when we think about that trump seems to be more worried about vindication rather than getting to the truth, that s the exact reason why we should be concerned here. when we have the intelligence community, has repeatedly asked to not release this memo, because they indicated it would be reckless and dangerous. when we see that within the memo itself from nunes, at the bottom of it, it actually communicated that the investigation began because of the information from p papadopoulos which discredits the core of this memo. that s why we need the democratic memo. let s let people decide from there. what in your view was the damage done by the release of this gop memo? it s clear, it s intended to try to undermine an investigation. you know, when president trump is communicating that it s a disgrace that this is happening, the real disgrace is he doesn t want to get the truth out there. the real disgrace is he s not helping the people of puerto rico still without people, the people of the bronx without heat, by making sure the people in our country understand what s happening here. when they try to communicate that this is some sort of democratic farce, let s be clear, five entities in the justice community, as well as four justidges, were the reason that not just once but three additional approvals of this warrant to move forward. it s clear trying to undermine the investigation. if the intent behind the memo releasing it is to undermine the investigation, a, do you believe that happened, that it has undermined the investigation? and then, b, what would be the intent of the democrat s memo? one, it has not. we know mueller and his team are going to continue to do their job by finding out was there collusion, coordination? now obviously looking at obstruction of justice potentially. secondly, to your question around the memo, on the democratic side. not just on our end. the intelligence community and others are communicating. there were facts that were omitting from the nune ease ms that still as of today cannot communicate he actually read the associated material. he is supposed to be recusing himself. all we re saying is let s have a fair conversation. as we know, the investigation continues. look, my oldest brother, fred, served in the u.s. army for 29 years. anyone who is in service in any aspect, whether it be fbi, the justice department, et cetera, we have to give them the responsibility of helping our country and what president trump is doing today is a continual disgrace in attacking those men and women in uniform. i ve talked to a couple lawmakers today. and two lawmakers, winstop and tom garrett are arguing it s an issue of transparency and the american people need to know fully about the fisa court, the process of applications, of surveilling americans who happen to be interacting with, you know, adversarial countries, et cetera. and that is at the root of why this memo was put together and why it was released. it s pretty comical listening to them about their arguments here. let s be very clear. for days, they ve been communicating, the republican leadership and the republicans in congress on this committee, that the reason we have to share this is for transparency. because this will show the core impact of what s happening in the investigation. are the american people owed that kind of transparency? absolutely. people are absolutely owed the transparency. let s be clear. the end of the memo indicated because of the research and what happened with papadopoulos is the reason the investigation should move forward. secondly, why then would the republicans not release the democratic memo? why then, number three, would they push back on the intelligence community saying don t release this because this is an inappropriate process, that would be wreck winstrup argued earlier today democrats didn t want their memo released simultaneous. there seems to be a lot of shifting conversations that are happening here. but the reality is, look, measure all communicating. why would there be a rejection from the republicans in congress to say let s not move forward on this memo? why would you not share what the senate intelligence chair richard burr, the information you have, if it s truly about helping the country, other than undermining an election? when people are wondering here and now, today, why should we still care about this? because russia is still trying to undermine our elections currently. it s not just about 2016, it s about moving forward as well. michael blake, we ll leave it right there, thank you so much. thank you, fred. still much more straight ahead in the newsroom. first, cnn money takes a look at a rather unique way to grab a bite and then soak up some local flavor when you re traveling. food is a big part of any city s culture. so why not experience it with new friends and in a unique location? companies like outstanding in the field host pop-up dinner like this one in some of the most breathtaking places across the country. we re on anna maria island in florida. where 200 travelers and locals are coming together today for family-style dinner. tonight on the menu we have a lot of seafood of course. we re on the water. did you catch all of the fish for tonight s dinner? yes, ma am. i caught the stuff right out there. right out there? and it s right here on the table now. wow. and that s that s not farm to table, that s ocean to table. exactly. so we re in florida. where did you travel from to get here? 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rachel crane has this look at what it may be like living in the future. reporter: so we re surrounded by screens. they re how we entertain ourselves. but how we ll watch them, the form factor, is changing too. the size, the shape and even the idea of needing a screen at all is evolving. this french start-up thinks your future entertainment system will look like this. it s a projector sound system and security system rolled into one. so it s kind of like an obedient dog? that s right. just really useful. it can be there to give you your music, your tv, and it can be away if you don t want to see it. it s designed to do a lot, but it isn t perfect yet. hey, keeker, come to the living room, stop moving, please. like a petulant version of the amazon echo. you think there may be a day when keeker replaces the tv? i think the tv has to be replaced by something. turning tvs into something more than just a black box is a challenge lots of companies are tackling. some are making screens more flexible. or getting rid of them entirely. others are designing screens to blend in. but what if your screen could actually talk to you? the biggest advances we re going to see in home entertain are going to be augmented reality systems and then also artificially intelligence characters that start to become part of games and other experiences. just like ar s going to replace some screen applications, screens are going to survive and hang in there. all right, welcome back. two dueling memos. only one made public thus far. republicans have released their assessment of how the fbi used the fisa surveillance program during the 2016 campaign. but, the committee and president trump have yet to okay the release of the democrats document. as for the gop memo, it claims the fbi abused the fisa program to spy on trump campaign former foreign policy adviser carter page, who also had multiple contacts with russians. so what exactly is the fisa process all about? and what does it take to actually get a surveillance warrant? all right, avery freeman, a civil rights attorney and law professor in cleveland, we called in the best, per usual, and richard herman, a criminal defense attorney, joining us from las vegas. good to see you both. all right, so avery, you first. this is going to be almost like a fisa 101 but a real truncated version because it is really complicated. we ve got the gop memo that s been released. it s very critical of the process. first off, avery, tell us what the fisa court is generally used for, what exactly is required in order to get a surveillance request approved. well, usually, if you re 99.999% of americans have never seen a fisa application. right. orlanyou have an investigati substantial evidence in which the justice department merely has to establish pribl cause. that is a very low standard. ultimately a judge, a panel of foreign intelligence surveillance judges, and it s a secret court, needs that evidence. and while they don t automatically grant necessarily a warrant, ordinarily they do. but it is substantial evidence, which a fisa judge requires. i guess that s the point here, with a 3 1/2-page memorandum, there is no possible way that you can really understand what the court did in this case. so, richard, in the case of carter page, former, you know, trump campaign adviser, it has been stated that the fbi had been looking at him for a very long time. it goes back as far as 2013. but this gop memo is kind of zeroing in on 2016, and the interaction that this adviser had with the trump transitional campaign and even how the surveillance continued of carter page, even after he left the campaign. so i m saying all that to say there were many renewals for carter page. and the renewal comes up every 90 days. the deputy attorney general rosenstein signed off on a warrant renewal, as did his predecessors. so the gop memo is trying to establish that, you know, rosenstein and others unfairly targeted, you know, carter page. so help people understand, you know, what it means to get a renewal. it s nots no carely just a stamp of approval but there s a lot that s entailed. there s a few things to digest here. number one, there were four applications made on carter page to suggest that either he was a spy or he was a foreign agent working against the united states. they base that on a lot of information. including the steele dossier. which substantial portions of it were corroborated. the republicans claim the steele dossier is a fake document made politically by the democrats which, by the way, began by conservative republicans, a billionaire conservative republican funded it initially. but the point is this, fred, an application for a warrant. the source of the information doesn t matter. the credibility of the information is all that matters. and they were already looking at carter page. there were other things. but the dossier came kind of late in the game. go ahead. this is nothing more than a propaganda machine to lay the foundation to fire rob rosenstein. that s all this is. for the president today to get on and tweet that this four-page memo by nunes, this opinion letter by him, for which he never even read the 400 pages of underlying documents, which supported the fisa application, he cherry-picked and put this together with no knowledge of criminal law, no knowledge of criminal procedure, no knowledge of the fisa application. he puts this together. for the president to say this totally exonerates him, it s scary, fred, because it shows a complete lack of intellect, of knowledge of criminal procedural, of knowledge of criminal law and common sense. it s absurd. we re on the level of absurdity right now, fred. this kevin nunes in our lifetime could well be the most corrupt, dishonest oh, now, wait, that s not fair congressman we have ever seen. yes, it is. avery, if the memo some worry that the memo might undermine the mueller investigation. is it your view or concern that the memo in anyway undermines the fisa, you know, process? does it potentially jeopardize other cases down the line? because of what was released in this memo? well, it might, but and that s why the department of justice said that there are material omissions. and that s very important. but at the end of the day, let me explain this in a little bit different way. my colleague and i disagree on thing, but i bet we ll agree on this. in any kind of legal proceeding, forget the political part, in any legal proceeding in a courtroom, a judge always says to the jury, fredricka, you ve heard some of the evidence and the judge admonishes don t make a decision you re not permitted to render a decision until you hear all the evidence. so, yes, there s a lot of evidence. i don t understand if the president wants the truth, why would you hide one interpretation by the democrats and release the republican version? the fact is, that information look, americans are good and righteous people. and they want the truth. let s get as much evidence as we can out so americans can understand this. all right, richard, last word. yes, to answer your question on that. this is an issue of national security, fred. it will feel to the public and to the russians and a lot of other people the inner workings of the fisa court. that is national security. just like when the president invited the russians into the white house and breached national security with them. think about your lifetime how many presidents have breached national security. this was a complete waste. this is a propaganda machine on predicting, fred, within 72 hours, the president will terminate rozenstein, put a political hack in there, in an attempt to curtail mueller or fire him. won t happen. that s the sole purchase of nunes even though jeff sessions, the ag came out, sending out a video message saying actually that he backed, you know, rosenstein, he actually said his quality and leadership is what we want in the department, so that reendorsement by sessions, perhaps that helps protect rosenstein sessions, not true, that s not true. avery richard, always a pleasure. appreciate it. see you soon. thank you. up next, the man behind the false missile alert in hawaii is talking. why he thought the drill that sent the state of hawaii into sheer panic was 100% real, that s what he thought. stay with us. samsung galaxy phones get a samsung galaxy s8 free. yahoooo! ahoooo! plus, unlimited family plans come with netflix included. spectacular! so, you can watch all your netflix favorites on your new samsung phones. whoa! join the un-carrier and get a samsung galaxy s8 free. all on america s best unlimited network. we danced in a german dance group. i wore when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn t finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we re not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at but if i ever feel like things are getting hairy, i can call or chat with an expert. so, no matter what, i know i m making the best financial decision. do you live in a tree house or what? 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[ engine revving ] yes, i was busy! -24-hour roadside assistance. from america s number-one motorcycle insurer. -you know, i think you re my best friend. you don t have to say i m your best friend. that s okay. welcome back a. stunning admission from a man who sent out the misleading missile alert, because he is now saying that he thought that it was 100% the real thing and that is why it sent is out more than half an hour of panic and more than that. we areal following the developments, polo, and what are you seeing? well, first of all he is saying that he is the subject of civil death threats and not willing to e show his face, but he is willing to share his part of the story saying that he was simply following protocol when he issued the false missile alert are. the man has not identified himself, but it is a employee told cnn that he is feeling terrible what happened that day prompting the panic, but he did what he was trained to do on that version of events. on january 13th, the phone rang and he did not hear the word exercise repeated so he went to the computer and issued the alert. this is how he described it for cnn. the protocol is that the person answering the phone answers the speaker button so that everyone can hear the message. but that didn t happen. someone lifted the receiver, so the message, the beginning of the message was not being able to be heard. the man says that when he heard this this is not a drill is when he went to the computer and issued the alert, and then the state of hawaii fired this man this week saying that after the investigation, there they were able to determine that he in the past had trouble or at least confusing the real life events with drills and that the day of the incident he apparently froze and did not know what to do and prompting another employee to step in and resolve the issue, and however that man disagrees saying that there was nobody else in the room on that day that indicated that it was the drill. it is seeming to be his stor every are and what he is sticking to. polo sandoval, thank you for bringing that to us. appreciate it. we will be right back. and had geico help with renters insurance- it was really easy. easy. that d be nice. phone: for help with chairs, say chair. phone: for help with bookcases, say bookcase. bookcase. i thought this was the dresser? isn t that the bed? phone: i m sorry, i didn t understand. phone: for help with chairs, say chair. does this mean we re not going out? book-case. see how easy renters insurance can be at yes! ours is still buffering. what s happening? you re experiencing a network delay. you both need to be watching that on the iphone with verizon. the best streaming network. how long have you been here? i ve been here a couple days. 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Russia , Virginia , United-states , Whitehouse , District-of-columbia , United-kingdom , Ireland , Hawaii , North-korea , Bermuda , France , Florida

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20190316

wall and what he did, he told me no, no, and i ran back in and next thick he shoot the guy. blood is spitting on me, splashing on me. an i m thinking oh, my god, it will happen to me now. and here is what we know about the man accused of carrying out the attack. 28-year-old brenton harrison tarrant has been charged with murder and police say more charges are coming. he made his first court appearance today where he appeared to flash a hand gesture associated with white supremacy. and right now authorities are combing through an 87 page manifesto filled with anti-muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric that the shooter posted just minutes before the attention. new zealand s prime minister said the gunman had planned to continue the shooting spree beyond the two mosques. alexandra field is in christchurch. where is the investigation now? reporter: well, frederica, certainly authorities named brenton tarrant as their suspect in the shooting, they say they are not actively looking for others who may have been directly linked to the incident itself, though the investigation of course does have to continue. they will be delving into tear tarrant s background. and they are poringoff the manifesto. this is not his community. this is where it is said he came to spread hate. he had do in and out of new zealand before. they want to understand where he had been, why he chose this place to carry out what they say was an act of terror in these two mosques. and you did hear the prime minister say that they believe that this is somebody who continued who planned to continue the attack. he had five firearms on him, they say they found two in the car at the time of his arrest. they say that they had also found ieds. authorities now saying that they were able to take the suspect into custody some 36 minutes after the first call to emergency officials when the shots began to ring out on friday. and you ve been talking to survives. how are they coping, how are they reflecting on what they have just experienced? reporter: they are simply stunned. they did not expect it here. no one expects it anywhere. but certainly this is the largest mass shooting that new zealand has had in its history. it has caught the entire community off guard. we ve seen an outpouring of griev grief, people offering flowers, to take a moment to consider what has happened here and how to stop it from happening again. we also spoke to two men who were inside each of the two mosques when the attack s unfolded. here is the terror that they described. some of my friends died yesterday. some of them this morning. and one of my friends is still in the hospital. i ran back to the mosque and tell everyone just go to the ground because there is someone with a gun that will shoot everyone. reporter: 49 lives lost in these attacks. nearly 40 people still in the hospital. we are beginning to learn the names, we are hearing more of the stories. we know that these are people who came to new zealand from a number of different countries, some of these survivors who escaped from those mosques say that they were fleeing more dangerous circumstances in their home countries. they came to new zealand because they believed that this was the safest place to be. alexandra field, thank you so much. let s talk more about this. with me is a former senior adviser for technology at the u.s. state department and worked with the obama administration on combatting online extremism. thanks so much for being with me. so the suspect in these mosque shootings in noouew zealand released a long rambling manifester to describing his hateful views. so what role do you think online methods may have played in his beliefs? well, if you compare this for example to osama bin laden and the way that he tried to lead a global fight against the west, this is another fight that is happening and it is organized a little bit more on the internet and he literally put the dots on his gun. he made the connections between what he was doing and what other people were doing in questibec y and norway and you cited the themes of white supremacy. so we have to make a shift now from thinking about this as a domestic threat or an isolated threat into a global transnational threat and allocate the resources toward it that we have allocated previously. and i think this is the turning point. clearly the internet is a tool, right, for absolutely. folks carrying things like this out. so how can that be, you know, controlled? how can that be guided differently? i mean access cannot be reduced. we re in a turning point now. information now you flows freely. there is really no way to stop it all. we learned this of course with isis. the trick is now how do we take the vast majority of people who abhor this and mobilize them so that they can kind of isolate, report, put these back into the fringes where they belong. the trouble with this particular type of violence is that frankly we didn t take it seriously enough and people were allowed to traffic in some of the underlying ideologies that support this. and i think that now we have to recognize it for what it is. we need to have people that are willing to speak up in those forums, have people who can recognize the nuance of these themes and get them banned off of certain platforms and i think we ll make a step in that right direction. again we learned a lot in our fight against isis. the suspect in this attack appears to be motivated by whites susupremacy. i want to listen to what the president had to say about white nationalism. do you think white nationalism is arising threat around the world? i don t really. i think that it is a small group of people that have very, very serious problems. so you worked in the obama white house where there was a very different approach. what do you make of this president s response in that manner? well, the thing is that if you stop looking stop tracking this, that is when people feel emboldened to say what they did and the most extreme will take it to violence. this is part of the problem. we have to take a look at how you are behavior allows and enables people to do these things and particularly those people who are cited as inspiration. even if they don t think of themselves as violence. they need to take a long hard look at the things that they are saying and the fact that they are inspiring people and either change the way they do things or marginalize those voices. and i think the president has a strong role to play in this. so you mentioned in a tweet today that this attack should be a real wake up call about far right extremism around the globe. if people are awakened at this point and they haven t been before, what do they do with this awareness? that is a great point. i think that the first thing we need to do is we need to rephrase the way that we look at this type of extremism. we have looked at it primarily as a domestic threat, we ve looked at it as a localized threat. we have not made it global. because when you look at it as a global framework, then we have resources in place to deal with that. when i was at the state department, we barely ever touched global white supremacist violence because we didn t look at it that way. but now that we have those frameworks in place, i think it is time to take what we ve already learned and start applying it aggressively and work with our partnersoff s ove as well to track these people and look at the means and ideologies that they are spreading and counter them. all right. appreciate your time and expertise. for more information how you can help the victims of the terror attacks, still ahead, president trump keeps his promised veto after congress blocks his national emergency declaration to build a wall. i have the duty to veto it and i m very proud to veto it. congress isn t done yet. more on that straight ahead. you. to captivation. to enchantment. to distinction. we invite you to more than an exceptionally crafted vehicle. we invite you to an exceptionally crafted experience. this is the invitation to lexus sales event, with generous offers now through march 31st. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient with generous offers now through march 31st. originally discovered. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. this is charlie not coughing because he took delsym 12-hour. and this is charlie still not coughing while trying his hardest not to wake zeus. delsym 12-hour. nothing lasts longer for powerful cough relief. dealing with your insurance shouldn t be more frustrating than the accident itself. that s why esurance makes it simple. just take some pics. [picture noises] go to sleep. wake up. grab a bite. maybe some racquetball. and boom - your money s on the way so you can get back on the road fast. well, not that fast. the editor had to make it fit in 30 seconds. it s pretty tricky actually trying to . and . tagline. when insurance is simple, it s surprisingly painless. when insurance is simple, chicken! that s right, chicken?! candace new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat. mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken! president trump is once again doubling down on his campaign promise for a border wall. he has now signed the first veto of his president is president is i to protect his national emergency declaration. he says it is his duty he says to veto it. and the u.s. attorney general also weighing in on the veto. it is definitely a national emergency. rarely have we had such a national emergency. therefore, to defend the safety and security of all americans, i will be signing and issuing a formal veto of this reckless resolution and that is what it was. mr. president, your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law. and consistent with past rece precedent. joining me now congressional reporter for the post and also senior editor for the atlantic. ron, you first. this is an interesting moment. there will be more challenges from congress. there will be lawsuits. and not only does the president justify his veto, but he hears from the u.s. attorney general who does the same thing. yeah, the u.s. attorney general is going to have to convince someone other than himself very shortly because we already have a coalition of 20 states that has gone to court and obviously this is something that will be fought all the way to the supreme court. and the issue may ultimately be not only how the supreme court decides, but how long this takes. because i think the opponents of this believe that key part of any kind of legal strategy against it is simply running out the clock until 2020 and preventing the president from doing much. if he gets reelected it is a different story. but don t forget behind the litigation from the states and other critics, you may see individual land holders pursuing litigation in states like texas and arizona over imminent domain and that will be a huge headache for some of the republican senators who are up for re-election in texas and arizona next year. john cornyn in texas, martha mcsally voted for the emergency declaration and may now spend the next months defending eminent domain efforts by the federal government. so rachel, how come you see t do you see the road ahead? you can t understate the significance of the number of 12 republicans voting against the president especially when the republican party has largely fallen in line with trump. and on this issue in particular, a lot of people who voted against him support the wall, but they think this is unconstitutional and the foun r founders of our country gave congress the power of the purse and the president is trying to find the way around that to make his oewn choices. but as ron was talking about, there were a whole bunch of republicans up in 2020 who wound up voting with the president. thom tillis was one the first that said this is not constitutional and i m going to vote with the democrats and he flip-flopped. embarrassingly so. and ended up voting with the president on this. and it was all because of 2020 a lot of people would say. and all the 2020 republicans except one, susan collins of maine who is a more moderate type of lawmaker, voted with the president. and that depend speaks to how much power he still has over the party even when a lot of them like thom tillis thought this was unconstitutional. and it is not just the 12 who said we re not supporting this, but it is the others who said we re still with you. look, you had essentially 80% of the senate republicans voted for an emergency declaration that all of them would have opposed if it was a democratic president. and it is consistent with what we have seen the way the president has pulled the party not only toward being a we cohi but 80% of the senate republicans last year vote for the biggest cuts in legal immigration since the 1920s. and back to 2016, there were few republicans echoing him in making the case for the wall. most opposed it. so now you have the vast majority of senate republicans have voted to support a mechanism, a means this national emergency that over 60% or more of americans have opposed in polls off about a of on behalf of a wall. and now the seats are right on the battle for senate control. cory gardner was the most vulnerable before this vote. and after, the post revoked their endorsement of him. and texas and arizona the president is only around 50% or slightly below and both republicans i think have sent a pretty clear signal if you don t oppose the president on this, when are you going to vote on constrain him. and then another way the president has been challenged this week, the senate approved ending u.s. military support for saudi arabia in the civil war with yemen. so might this however be an indicator that there are more republicans that are willing to break, rachel, with the president? yeah, it is both sides at once with. this is certainly a new chapter for the president right now. in the past two years before the democrats took over the house, there is no way that republican controlled house would ever bring up a resolution rebuking him for calling on using the national emergency declaration to build this wall. this just wouldn t have come up. now you have democrats controlling the house who are pushing back on the president and there is a sliver of republicans in the senate who are willing to break with him. so now that group of people has always been there. we just didn t hear from them a lot. republicans falling in line with the president. but now you have democrats who are forcing this issue and there are senate republicans who will side with him on some of these matters. now, overall the party again is very behind the president, he has a very solid approval rating. they are 100%. but you re right, he will have to do another veto in the next couple weeks because this resolution rebuking with the united states has done in terms of supporting saudi arabia, that will pass the house too and he will have to veto that as well. it will be the beginning of probably a number of vetoes on foreign policy. all right. let s change topics and talk about the hateful massacre in new zealand. the prime minister there disagrees with the president of the united states when he said, you know, this to the question of whether white nationalism is on the rise. do you think white nationalism is arising threat around the world? i don t really. i think that it is a small group of people that have very, very serious problems. so just look back at when the president is asked about other incidents, charlottesville for one, pittsburgh, and this is how he handled those matters. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. on many sides. it is a terrible terrible thing what is going on with hate in our country frankly and all over the world. and something has to be done. something has to be done. so ron, is there a pattern of a sort of reluctance and ambiguity? absolutely. it is always a mistake for those who treat the president s comments particularly on race as impulsive or off the cuff. he is very careful in what he says and what he didn t say. and you go all the way back to march 2016 where he would not condemn david duke s support in a conversation with jake tapper right here on cnn just before a clutch of southern states voted through charlottesville and on. he is not he goes out of his way to avoid condemning the violence that is ascending in white nationalism and continues to use language that resonates with those groups, describing immigration as invaders. even this week. and what is at the root of this, rachel? will we ever know with clarity? i m not going to speculate what is in the president s head and why he doesn t take a more forceful line pushing back against white supremacy and rebuking it. and i can say though that this has been an issue that has really befuddled republicans as well who know that long term they can t be even remotely seen as condoning such actions because that will shrink the party s participation in the future. this will be a problem for them going forward. how do you win in 2020, how do you win re-election without rebuking things like this. it should be a no-brainer. and it is not just democrats. it is republicans too. and they want him to take a more forceful line. and even on the whole wall issue knowing that and that pattern and the confusion, you know, it is confusing why there are some who emphatically are for it, those against it, but they vote differently on other matters. it is a continuum. it is not that all of trump supporters are sympathetic to white nationalism. it is that he doesn t want to draw a clear line between the white nationalists and others who are uneasy about demographic change in the world. because that is the audience he is pitching at. that is why the wall is such a powerful symbol to him because he believes it embodies his commitment to his supporters that he will fight the changes that they view as threatening them. and i think he is unwilling to draw a line somewhere along that continuum between those voters and those who take this to a radical extreme. but that might speak to a small segment of the republican party, but that is a small segment. you can t win a re-election that way. and that s why you have other republicans who are like what is going on with you. we ll have to leave it there because we are breaking news. thank you so much. and this breaking news out of paris right now, we re just learning that police have detained at least 109 people in their clashes with yellow vest protesters. the protests turned violent as people used water cannons, tear gas to disperse the crowds. protesters could be seen throwing rocks and setting up barrica barricades. they have been demonstrating for months now starting with a tax on gas and evolving in to a push against french president emmanuel macron s policies. back with more right after this. more than half of our community have discovered their irish roots. which means your smiling eyes, might be irish too. order ancestrydna, and find the surprises in you. just $59 through march 18th. get your kit today. it s taking over there s no escape you better get moving ready or not it s about to go down here it comes now get ready oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh get ready moving ready or not get ready oh oh oh oh oh hey and back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i m back. aleve pm for a better am. this is the avery s trying the hottest new bistro.ery s. wait.and the hottest taqueria? 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(team member) this is wells fargo. billions of problems. morning breath? garlic breath? stinky breath? there s a therabreath for you. therabreath fresh breath oral rinse instantly fights all types of bad breath and works for 24 hours. so you can. breathe easy. there s therabreath at walmart. all of you. how you live, what you love. that s what inspired us to create america s most advanced internet. internet that puts you in charge. that protects what s important. it handles everything, and reaches everywhere. this is beyond wifi, this is xfi. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity, the future of awesome. welcome back. new zealand sip goiynagogues ha closed their doors as a sign of solidarity, the first time the country s jewish community has ever done that on the holliday of shabbat. at least 49 people were killed and dozens more injured in the horrifying massacres inside two mosques in christchurch. but as some religious communities ban together in the aftermath of the terror attacks, so are far right extremists around the world. clarissa ward has more. reporter: chants on the streets of charlottesville, virginia echoed in a suspected terrorist manifesto thousands of miles away. we will not be replaced. reporter: white supremacists and neo-nazis who believe their culture is being erased by a growing population of minorities. in chat rooms and on the dark web, they talk about the invasion of muslim migrants who threaten to replace them. one of their greatest inspirations, the are nr norweg white supremacist who murdered stunts he says was intended to defend western civilization from a growing policy of multiculturization. the far right is on the rise bringing with it a vicious uptick in hate crimes and terrorist attacks. just in 2017, muslims were targeted and killed in a quebec islamic center and in london and a train in portland, oregon a man shouting anti-muslim slslim fatally stabbed two people. last year in berlin, we attended a rally of hundreds of right wing extremists. close the border, they shouted. resistance, resistance. their hatred is not reserved for muslim migrants. this man told us a globalist controls the world. when you talk about elites and finance, is that another way of saying jewish people? yes. reporter: yes, let me say this way, the banking system for sure he tells us. banks, finance, the economy mainly jews. in his 87 page manifesto, the suspected terrorist praised his predecessors and made nods to the line oonline community thatd his views. but ideology of hate has creeped out of the margins in to the mainstream and is growing. clarissa ward, cnn. the new zealand attack is the latest example of hate being disseminated online. social media companies scrambled to remove any videos showing the alleged attacker s live stream of the massacre. let s bring in now our business reporter. good to see you. this is a really huge challenge for all of these social media online companies. they are struggling, are they not, with the responsibility they have versus the technology to kind of stop, you know, people from live streaming or, you know, really seizing on the opportunity to spread hate? yeah, i mean they absolutely are struggling, fred. i mean, particularly facebook, a platform of more than 2 billion people sharing billions of posts every day. and sort of now they are trying to figure out a way how do we police that, how do we prevent somebody like this streaming live on their platform for more 17 minutes a massacre with gunfire and death and weaponry. and we ve heard a lot from mark zuckerberg and facebook s executives given how much scrutiny they have been under with disinformation and hate speech about all the steps they have been taking to try to crack down on this. they say they have hired more than 30,000 contractors and employees to try to human moderators to search for and remove this kecontents. and investing millions in artificial intelligence that could detect videos like this. this week that didn t work, it was the police that told facebook that something was going on. and facebook actually released a statement saying new zealand police alerted to us a video on facebook shortly after the live stream commenced and we removed both the shooter s facebook account and the video. so while facebook did act as fast as it could, how concerning is it i guess for other media outlets or even consumers that police would be notifying these companies about the type of kept that could be on? sure. i mean, i think a lot of people do have sympathy in some ways for the social media platforms in that this is obviously not an easy thing to find. but at the same time, this is the platforms that they have bril built. recently in fortune magazine, a technologist from facebook who is developing this artificial intelligence software to sort of figure out what is going on gave an example of how their technology can determine the difference between pictures of broccoli and pictures of marijuana. wh with about a 90% accuracy rate. that is an example of how that technology could be used to curtail of sale of narcotics on the platform, but even at a 90% success rate, 10% when you are talking about billions of posts, that is a lot of stuff that this technology is missing. and experts are telling us that in terms of a.i. being able to do what a human moderator could do, we re years away from that. facebook says they have hired literally tens of thousands of people. but they haven t told us how many people they need. all right. thank you so much for your time. appreciate it. still ahead, uc berkeley is now considering revoking admissions offers and diplomas if any student is involved in that cheating scheme. will students be forced to pay for the legal sins of their parents. we ll discuss. we don t follow the naysayers. sarah s last tuition payment, sent off. feeling good? 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well, it is a class action case for over $5 million. and essentially it is a consumer law case. and the lawyers are saying, well, if i applied at a university and i spent $80 and there was fraud going on and i didn t get in, that means they owe me $80. how in the world that they will connect these things is anyone s guess because while it sounds like a legitimate case, this lawsuit involves two stanford students, now only one. one dropped out. and that student is saying, well, i lost the $80 and the degree that i get from stanford isn t going to have the value that it had before this scandal. i think these plaintiffs, these lawyers, are going to have a very, very difficult time certifying the class action. so richard, prosecutors are saying the universities many of them are also victims because they didn t know. do you agree? well, they know, did they not know, should they have known. those are some of the issues in the class action suit. some of the faculty did notice because some were allegedly accepting pavement. they were taking bribes. but a lot of the university offices with are saying we didn t know this was going on. that is the shaggy defense, it wasn t me. they are seeking class action status for this one case. they don t have it yet. but you can just imagine what will go on nationwide from this. this could be the tip of the iceberg. if you think about the tutoring that goes on in elementary schools and just the prep to take these exams and the s.a.t. preps and graduate programs and the pressure to get into these schools and the groups that help you write essays and help you do it the right way. and then there are the groups that pay for you to get in, the pressure to get into these higher echelon schools is enormous and we re seeing what can happen here. and the question is, what happens to a student who got in based on this, excelled at the school, are they going to lose their diploma, will they get thrown out? i m sorry, yeah, cal berkeley is already saying that if it turns out those who have earned their diplomas already and they were part of any kind of pay deem like th scheme like this, they would lose it. but did they even know what their parents were doing. so who has to prove that? yeah, but who is to say that during the course of their education they weren t cheating also to get the grades to get through the program. it just opens up a whole pandora s box here. they are seeking punitive damages also because they are saying that when they applied to the university, they were entitled to a fair application process. and that the thing was rigged and no good and it wasn t fair. and they got their hopes up and they got 4.0 great point average, perfect a.c.t. scores, all the extra curricular and wee hot getting in because the process was fraudulent and rigged. we ve seen it before. we have seen in fact we did some commentary years back on a kid on long island who actually sent in his buddies to take s.a.t. and a.c.t. tests. that was a big case. kids are doing terrible thing and mothers and fathers, should the children bear the sins of the fathers and mothers for what they are doing? it depends on the facts. i don t think most of the kids had any idea what mom and dad were doing about this. you don t think they should be paying the price particularly if they have already graduated. that is for sure. exactly. all right. fascinating stuff. avery richard, always good to see you. happy st. patrick s day. appreciate it. still ahead, president trump calls it fake, but there is new evidence that could further support the infamous steele dossi dossier. details on that next. lisa jones! hey carl, what are you charging me for online equity trades? laughs/umm.. and do i get my fees back if i m not happy? like a satisfaction guarantee? ugh. schwab! oh right, i m calling schwab. thanks, carl! 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