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us. this is a time when the peace process is going through a crucial point absolutely. i mean, we ve been hearing from the us was on time now calling for more pressure to be put by their key regional allies on hamas to agree to a ceasefire proposal. we heard from hamas yesterday. welcoming, be you when resolution put forward by the united states. but of course, blinken has also been meeting with key figures in israel as all we know he met with benny gantz, who of course, step down from the war cabinet we ve heard from benny gantz since saying that he wants to see maximum pressure being applied at all parties to come to some sort of ceasefire agreement. but of course we re hearing a lot of mixed messages as well while the united states continues to reiterate that this is an israeli proposal that they believe israel will back this deal. we heard yesterday from israel s representative to the united nations, so that is what he has to say to the cameras. i just met with the families of the american okay so that s a shame, but we re going to try and get that back. he s obviously says he s meeting the families of american hostages. i think that s where he was going. yeah. i mean, getting the hostages out continues to be a key priority for the united states. a key ally of israel that continues to be a key priority. of course, for the israeli government, the israeli prime minister, what we heard yesterday from israel s representative to the united nations is that israel does not want to engage in what they described as meaningless discussions and negotiations with hamas that they will continue with their objective, not only to get all the hostages out from captivity in gaza, but also to completely diminished downgrade hamas to the point where gaza no longer poses a threat going to israel to the state of israel. now of course, that sends somewhat of a mixed message given the fact that biden has presented this peace deal as one that is, and it s really deal that has the backing of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and we ve heard from the biden administration saying that the us assessment at this stage is that they believe hamas has been downgraded the point where they are no longer able to carry out an attack, such as the attack that we saw on october 7. and of course, this is a three-phase deal which does set out the parameters very peaceful exchange of all the hostages currently held captive by hamas in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners. so those parameters are set out in the deal. it is a deal that we ve heard from hamas now saying that they welcome that they are willing and ready to work with mediators and negotiators to secure this peace agreement. and of course, what we ve inherited from the us for some time now is that the ball is firmly in hamas s cool, but we ve also heard from the state department saying that they believe this is a deal which is almost identical to a deal that hamas agree two weeks ago. so the hope is that mediators and the middle east who have been working closely with hamas will be able to secure a firm agreement from hamas whether or not israel agrees to this, that remains to be seen. this is being presented as an israeli deal, but of course prime minister netanyahu is facing mounting pressure from right-wing elements of his coalition who do not want to see this deal approved. they want to see a continuation of the war. okay. i will have more on that. and the security council decision last night. but let john thank you. that. but now to two stories dominating the law and justice landscape us the historic meeting between the former president and his probation officers and the child of the current president s son, jury deliberations will resume today in delaware, where hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison if he s convicted of gun charges, he s pleaded not guilty for the first time ever. former us president has met with his probation officers ahead of sentencing for is 34 felony convictions. the source tells cnn trump s virtual interview was routine and uneventful. another said the former president was polite, respectful, and answered all questions cnn s a brynn gingras, as the details the former president finishing his meeting with a probation officer were told from a source that it lasted about 30 minutes and his camp calling it uneventful now it s notch clear exactly what sort of questions were asked in this meeting, but what is customary is the fact that this always happens after a defendant has either pleaded guilty or is convicted of the crime. that they re charged with. we know some of the questions that are asked are about the criminal history of that person, the family background, their financial background, did they ever abuse alcohol? for drugs, things like this? what s also not customary in this situation? of course, the fact that there is a former president as the person who is being interviewed by the probation office, but also they happen virtually. we know that the former president at mar-a-lago, he was there with his attorney. that was allowed by the judge in this case. now, what s going to happen next is that trump s defense team is going to submit their own sentencing recommendation and both that along with this report made by the probation officer, will be factored in to judge juan, were sean s decision about what sentence trump should face for being convicted on those 34 counts. just a few weeks ago. so we re waiting. of course for that. happened the sentencing date still said or july 11, brynn gingras, cnn, new york. the judge in trump s classified documents case refusing to dismiss a number of charges against the former president and his two co-defendants, judge aileen cannon did agree that some of the language in the indictment was legally unnecessary and should be removed trump is accused of keeping classified documents. so this florida resort, after he left the white house, he has claimed at various points that he didn t have the documents. he declassified the documents just by thinking about it. and that he had the right to keep the documents. the delaware courtroom, where hunter biden s federal gun trial. meanwhile, is being held, was packed with supporters of the president s son on monday. both sides presented closing arguments during the historic case, making their final appeals to the jurors cnn s paula reid has the highlights from day six of the trial in a major show of support, hunter s family members and pastor taking up three rows in court today have known the family you don t abandon your friends and family tough time. in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that, quote, no one is above the law, the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned or fathers card him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand, pay no attention to the other one he accused prosecutors of cherry picking thinking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attack, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018, he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing after she threw it out. hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case, a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will return to court at 9:00 a.m. on tuesday to continue deliberations now is in court monday morning as the jury heard instructions from the judge, she went through line by line explaining the rules that they have to follow as they undertake this historic decision. paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware, joining from new york criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor pinata, via luna. thank you so so much for joining us. why is it historic this case? because it isn t the president? it s still even though it s not the precedent, we re talking about, the president s son eighth, sit president son that s on trial, right now. i just to think that because it s a federal case, max biden, president biden, if hunter biden work to be convicted, he asked her ability to pardon him already said that he s not willing to part is his own son. he wants to make sure that people trust in our criminal justice system and that there s no favorites is but it s a historic moment in the sense that we are dealing with a sit-in president s son is on trial on felony charges and could possibly face jail which way do you think the jury appears to be going based on their responses to the judge so it depends. there haven t been any jury nodes, but it depends on are you judging this case based on sympathy? if you re not judging the case on sympathy and just on plain facts, and if we weren t dealing going with the son of a sitting president, doesn t the prosecution has proven this case beyond a reasonable doubt, not directly, but circumstantially with the testimony of hallie biden, with the testimony of the cocaine residue, haven t been recovered with testimony having to deal with biden s own words in his memory that he is a crack addict, was a crack addict at the time dealing with the text messages, those stories, dealing with a witness testimony, i think in its totality that the prosecution, the government has proven that hunter biden, it s guilty of being in possession of this firearm, haven t been under the influence. i m not a codex and also lying on that formula to update that by r. so what sort of sentence would you get from those parts of the trial so if hunter biden were to be convicted, he can face anywhere up to 25 years if he s convicted on all three of the couch highly own likely that he will see anything near 25 years. the judge has sentencing guidelines where it s recommended what is possible sentence good. because hunter biden doesn t have a criminal record because hunter biden, at this point now he said he has been cleaned because hunter biden also was dealing with a dependency on narcotic dependency, who s quite honestly it drug addiction that s been put on entre i think he can face anywhere from probation up until maybe a year or two years years in jail. my recommendation quite honestly is that this case does not is not deserving of any jail sentence. if anything, we re dealing with a drug program that hunter biden should go through quite nicely. i think this prosecution shouldn t have gone forward initially remained as a deferred prosecution disposition how might the president be implicated as part of this trial were not at all. i mean, he hasn t been mentioned in this trial aside from being a father of hunter biden, here we re dealing with a drug addiction. we know that unfortunately, hunter biden was going through some dark times and even admitted it. that s why he wrote that book. but to try to get others to get some insight as to what it is to go through a drug addiction. but there s no mention of president biting in this case. we know outside of the courtroom there has been mentioned having to deal with that laptop, but inside of the courtroom, he s not playing oh, role. it s not supposed to be playing a role and to deliberations and has nothing to do with the charges itself you ll see in america a, your a legal expert, but you also in america aware of the trump cases as well is there a way that donald trump can use this case against president biden campaign oh, absolutely. he s already using it and he s used it in a past. i ve been to deal with wears hunter biden especially doing his first time when he was running for president, actually a second time when he was running for president to try to take the is a away from what his insufficiencies are. instead focusing on president biden is saying that look, his son is on drugs, his son was participating and illegal activity that his son had some shady dealings with people well outside of america so of course to his people, that is what he s arguing. but of course, when you look at it and the eyes and the legal eyes, there s nothing having to deal with president biden and hunter biden, any illegality that s they re having to stem from these charges okay. pinata villa in new york, as ever. thank you so much for joining us now, spokesperson for giuliani predicts the former trump attorney. i will be fully vindicated. officials in arizona released his mug shot on monday or two, he posted a $10,000 cash bond giuliani and ten others have pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in arizona prosecutors spent weeks trying to track him down and eventually found him based on some of his own podcast, giuliani was served last month in palm beach, florida. at his 80th birthday party do you have any regrets about what you did in arizona after the election? oh, my goodness. no. why not? i m very, very proud of it. there was a substantial amount of vote for the one on here that was covered up probably one of the biggest conspiracies in american history and i think that s coming out over and over again new bombshell testimony and the bribery and corruption trial in new jersey, senator bob menendez businessman jose uribe, took the stand on monday, claiming he spoke directly to the senator and asked him to help quash a criminal investigation into one his associates who testified menendez agreed to quote, look into it, though he didn t specify what exactly he would do rebate also spoke about a 2019 deal. he made with the senators, then future wife to pay for her mercedes benz and exchange for the senator s help? menendez has been charged with acting as a foreign agent of egypt in government and assisting the government of qatar has also been charged with taking bribes from several new jersey businessmen instructors from an american college have been stabbed in china, will have a live report view next with detail. plus ukraine says it is focusing on rebuilding infrastructure destroyed in russian attack the chief of the country s restoration agency says a government is putting up too many roadblocks the most anticipated moment this election and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot trump, there is nothing we cannot do we ll make america powerful again, the president and the former president. one day. two, very different visions for america s future. the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th to live on cnn and streaming un-backed attention. former 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inspiration around every corner and through every window client mornings in the sun with porto s to new and fine dining with a view. your window treatments, vas inspiring is your home and the remarkable routine of your daily life feature for a normal guy like me, i ve given myself a small raise, join me at, cnn this morning with kasie hunt today at five eastern for us college instructors have been stabbed at a public park in china in a rare case of violent crime against foreigners, they were attacked in the city of jalen and worked at cornell college, a private liberal arts school in iowa. little is known about the instructors conditions and there s still no word on the motive, but china has now adjust the incident a christie joins us now with that response. kristie yes, it was a shocking incident. again, it took place in broad daylight, public park public holiday in china to place on monday involving these for educators from iowa s cornell college wounded in the stabbing incident while in jilin city. that s in the northeastern china. and china s foreign ministry in the lab that s our has weighed in. it says that the four americans are quote, received proper treatment and are in stable condition. now, we have video of the aftermath of this stabbing. it s bring it up for you and in this video, which was widely circulating on chinese social media, but taken down, you see three people wounded. they re lying on the ground in they can part in jilin city. we have blurred the video because of its graphic nature, but these individuals are covered in blood. they re there waiting for first responders the wounded individual in front is pressing his hand on the back of his waist and the three are conscious. they are awake, they re using their smartphones to try to reach out, get help and to reach others. now, the brother of one of the wounded americans, we have this photograph. his name is david zab nar, the brothers says that the visa abner is doing well now, the condition of the other three individuals at this moment not known, but according to china s ministry of foreign affairs, they say that they are in stable condition now, the ministry of foreign affairs also cited police saying that the stabbing was in isolated incident and investigations are ongoing. now, the president of cornell university, excuse me, cornell college, the four are in china because they re therefore a partnership with beizhan university and jonathan brand sent a statement to cnn. we have part of that statement for you. he said this quote, we have been in contact with all four instructors and are assisting them during this time, unquote, a brand says that they were with a patient faculty member when the stabbing took place and that there were no students taking part in the program. now, the us state department says, it s aware of reports of this incident and it s monitoring the situation. now, the stabbing has been trending high on chinese social media this day with a number of posts getting censored and some netizens have been calling it a terrible incident with some saying this, it s bring up some examples for you, quote, this current in state, a public security is not supposed to let such a thing happen. it will definitely further hinder foreigners from visiting china unquote. now, china, especially compared to the west, has low rates of violent crime, public attacks against foreigners are rare. this incident comes as xi jinping is trying to boost person to person exchanges, get more us students just to come to try to but this is going to have a chilling effect. one more point that we heard from ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson insisting that china is quote, when the safest countries in the world back to you, max kristie. thank you. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is in berlin to attend the crane recovery conference. mr. zelensky says the top priority for the conference will be ukraine s battered energy sector ukrainians have dealt with widespread blackouts for more than two years because russian forces have relentlessly targeted ukrainian power stations with airstrikes. but on the eve of the conference, the head of ukraine s agency for restoration and infrastructure development announce his stepping down. claire sebastian joins us now because this exposes some internal tensions. yeah. and look, it s not the headline that s key. once going into this conference where he s hoping to convince allies and foreign corporations to pay more to find ukraine s reconstructions. so this is most often am he is the head of the agency for restoration, infrastructure, development, and he is saying that the reason he s stepping down is because he feels he was unable to do his job because of all the roadblocks that were put up in front of him by the government. you could talks about bureaucratic nightmares, constant opposition, and resistance, which he says that the delays in getting projects off the ground which undermined ukraine s defense. so some pretty allegations. he also says he was prevented from attending this reconstruction conference this week, which may of course have been the last straw. no response officially from the government on this, but this is just a month after the minister for infrastructure was actually dismissed from his post. so ukraine will likely face some questions on this way. these two key reconstruction officials are not at this conference when as we know, questions of accountability of management of aid have been crucial all along. but because zelenskyy, who is already in berlin, he s met with the german president. we ve seen him now with chancellor olaf scholtz. this will be about the big picture convincing allies that they need not only money for reconstruction, but more immediately for things like air defenses. and of course repairing that electricity grid, which probably couldn t come at a more difficult time because we just have those european elections and chancellor scholtz, like other leaders in france and italy, for example, i ve got a very clear message that many voters aren t happy with the amount of money going into ukraine. yeah, i look, i think that s part of what came out as we saw the far-right do so well in these european elections, particularly in these key countries, like germany and france, is that there is a political reality of donor fatigue, right? and there are people who are now looking at the amount of money that they re having to spend on their daily lives. the result of inflation and all of that. and translating that into opposition towards aid for ukraine. so that is something that lenski we ll have to face. this is the third annual reconstruction conference, but the first one to happen in an eu country. so he will be hoping to really put that message across that ukraine is able to use that aid wisely. and of course this going in as well to the g7. and then ukraine s own peace summit at the end of the week. okay, claire, thank you. so 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designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurrying, they ll be gone in a flash design, a sales that up to 70% are shop today about sin and use hamas false if you re just joining us here are our top stories today are former president donald trump completed his pre-sentencing interview with the new york probation office following his hush money trial conviction. trump s sentencing is set for july the 11th the jury in hunter biden s federal gun trial will resume deliberations today. us president s son faces three felony charges related to a gun purchase. prosecutors say he was using illegal drugs and lied about it on a federal form you are sick, you state antony blinken will soon depart tel aviv for the gaza humanitarian assistance conference in jordan in israel. blinken met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and discuss the urgency in reaching a ceasefire agreement with hamas now to a renewed push for that ceasefire in gaza as the united nations holds a key vote on a plan to end the fighting between israel and hamas. un security council on monday, adopted a us drafted resolution which endorses a proposal for a permanent ceasefire and the release of the hostages held by hamas because elution calls on both parties to implement the terms, quote without delay and without condition. hamas said it welcomed the resolution and is ready to engage with mediators. but whether israel and hamas will move forward remains unclear. colleagues today, this council sent a clear message to hamas accept the ceasefire deal on the table, israeli israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today. if hamas would do the same we all learning more about that israeli military operation that rescued four hostages held in gaza. as new video gives us a sense of what that raid looked like on the ground. cnn s kylie atwood has more this is the view from the helmets of the israel defense forces. they unleashed heavy gunfire, searching for israeli hostages held by hamas a during daytime raid that freed four of those kidnapped by hamas on october 7 and held captive ever since. it was an operation that took weeks to plan after receiving intelligence that the hostages were being held hold an apartment buildings inside the nuseirat camp in central gaza on the way out from gaza. all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks and is rarely air force pilot involved in the mission told the jerusalem post, that is one of the hostages, noa argamani got into his helicopter, has units, quote, mantle of composure melted away the magnitude of the moment struck then he quote immediately reported that the diamond is with us and in good health, some of the special forces were disguised as displaced palestinians and members of hamas military wing, eye eyewitnesses told cnn there were also reports of large gunfire after the hostages were rescued at least 274 palestinians were killed in the operation and hundreds injured. that s according to the gazan authorities who do not distinguish between civilian and military casualties the israel defense forces dispute that number, saying the death toll was under one 100. i want to say thank you. thank god. in israel, the families of the hostages express their overwhelming joy and having their loved ones returned safely after eight months in captivity. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returning to me now is work continues for a ceasefire and hostage deal with 120 hostages still held by hamas there are some theories at this rate, could be a setback it s a legitimate question. i it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don t know exactly what it is that they re going to do as secretary of state, antony blinken travels to the middle east to continue ratcheting up pressure on hamas to take the deal. he also isn t sure what hamas will do. i can t put myself none of us can put ourselves suppose on the minds of hamas or its leaders. so we don t know what the answer will be. but wall in egypt, blinken also said that his egyptian counterparts had been in touch with hamas quite recently. i can t go into the details of our conversations today except to say that artists in counterparts were in communication with hamas as early, as recently as a few hours ago now, during his meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today, secretary of state antony blinken, ria there are rated that the united states and other world leaders stand by that comprehensive proposal that president biden laid out ten days ago, and they say that israel has put on the table people for hamas to accept. but so long as this period of uncertainty is extended, as us and other countries are waiting for hamas to respond to that proposal. the united states is concerned about the possibility of netanyahu changing his mind and deciding to reject that proposal, even though he signed off on it before it initially finally went to hamas joining me, not is back with more and what blinken was saying in the last few minutes. we know that blinken has been holding intensive discussions with his counterparts in the middle east, including of course, in israel with regards to this ongoing ceasefire negotiation. but he also spoke about, of course american families of hostages held captive by hamas in gaza saying that they were hopeful, of course, given the rescue of four hostages. over the course of what was unfortunately a deadly raid in gaza over the weekend, take a listen. 20th i just met with the families of the american hostages in gaza have the option to meet with him many times now on every trip here, the region when they visited but in washington and as always, it s an incredibly powerful thing. it s hard for any of us to put ourselves in there shoes to feel what they ve been feeling these many, many long months they were elated at the the rescue of four hostages just a couple of days ago but they continue to feel deeply power roughly this enduring separation from their loved ones men and women civilian and soldier a lot i ve and deceased. but for me all of the ha students, but especially are eight american family let s who have loved ones in gaza we are determined to bring them home the proposal that president biden put forward is the best way to do that with regards to that peace proposal put forward by the united states, we also heard from lincoln just then going on to say, that he had met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that he had reaffirmed his support for this peace proposal, which the united states has framed as and israeli proposal. we haven t yet heard a direct and public show of support from the israeli government for this peace proposal. in fact, yesterday, we have been hearing some mixed messages at the un security council. we heard from israel s representative to the un saying that israel would not engage in meaningless, endless negotiations with hamas, the objectives the israeli government and military remain the same that they want to see the full destruction of hamas and the full return of all hostages held captive in gaza of course, in this three-phase peace proposal laid out by the united states at the un security council there on the parameters, the provisions for the full release of israeli hostages held captive by hamas it s in gaza. in exchange of palestinian prisoners, but it also calls for the full withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza for the return of palestinian civilians to all parts of the gaza strip. and of course, what hamas wants to see ensured in this ceasefire agreement is the territorial integrity of the gaza strip. and of course, no demographic shifts crucially within the gaza strip. now, what we have heard so far from hamas is a statement yesterday of the back of that resolution vote saying that they welcome the deal. as you mentioned, they want to carry on with discussions with mediators that they are open to those ongoing discussions remains to be seen whether they issue a full and firm agreement to this deal. but we also haven t seen that fall and firm agreement by the israeli government, the us continues to reiterate that they believe that the israeli government will back this deal. but of course we ve been hearing at different messages from those far-right elements of prime minister netanyahu s coalition, who do not want to see this deal being signed thank you before she s in malawi are searching for missing military aircraft which was carrying the country s vice president in line. other people the plane left malawi s capital shortly after 9:00 a.m. local time monday. but never arrived. at its destination and authorities have failed to make contacts in as larry madowo following this from nairobi and apparently whether may be a factor here, larry that is the big thing here are those bad weather yesterday, according to president lazarus, to quadra. and that continues today. we now know that the search and rescue operation has entered de two. it s an air and ground operation. in the last hour, the malawi defense force has given an update on what s going on. they say their search and rescue is getting hampered by this uninhabited area where believed they believe this plane could have crashed. it s a rough and thick to rein in the chikunga forest they re also saying that this morning they had again bad weather conditions. the arrows foggy access has been difficult, but they have 200 soldiers actively searching for this plane carrying malawi s vice president and nine others. they also have the malawi police civil aviation authorities, and some forestry service officers. all actively involved in this operation. they using aircraft, fixed wing and roger aircraft, as well as some drones to try and locate this aircraft. this should have been an hour-long flight from the long with them allowing capital tomb zoos in the northern region but what happened next? here s president lazarus chakwera overnight explaining however, upon arrival and mzuzu, the pilot, was unable to land the plane due to poor visibility occasioned by bad weather and the action authorities advise their craft to return duly long way but they authorities soon lost contact with the aircraft. but i want to assure you that i am sparing no available resource to find that plane and i am holding on to every fiber of hope that we will find survivors it s been more than 24 hours now, so sadly, those chances of finding survivors, looking increasingly slim malawi has reached out to neighboring countries for assistance and also to the us, to the uk, to norway, into israel. and so far the us embassy in malawi says it has offered all its support, including a sea of military aircraft to help up in this search and rescue operation. but in malawi, defense force author saying one of the other problems is so much misinformation around social media, around this accident max yeah, absolutely. i larry in nairobi. thank you the port of baltimore s shipping channel is now fully reopened more than two months after that cargo ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge. the accident or killed six construction workers. and caliph access to the crucial waterway. crews had to remove about 50,000 tons of wreckage from the river. the container ship was stuck in the channel until it was hauled away on may the 20th, insurance experts estimate replacing the bridge could cost more than 1.2 billion those column a. woman in texas recounts her struggled to get routine care after what she called a horrifically painful miscarriage due to the states strict abortion laws this election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business hello though voters follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn you ve waited all week for this, mr. saturday morning, so rise and shine. your chariot awaits you didn t get a green one you ve just to hurt your 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more much more take your business to the next stage. when you switch to shopify violent earth would liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn a new figures show violent crime is on the decline across the us and could be heading for its largest annual decline ever. fbi reports, violent crime from january to march dropped while the 15% compared to the same period last year murders fell more than 26% and rapes decreased by more than 25%. us murder rate has been dropping since 2020, where the covid-19 pandemic brought a surge in homicides of nearly 30% across the country. a criminal justice experts say it s surprising that we re only now starting to see the level of gun violence going back to pre-pandemic levels now this month marks two years since roe versus wade was overturned changing the landscape of abortion access in the us, it also affected access to miscarriage care in states with abortion bans such as texas, so many lower-cost clinics they ve closed down sin as material speaks with a mother who suffered a miscarriage but struggled to find affordable options for care due to the strict abortion laws in texas two years ago, you were able to get into this yeah now, i can t believe it s closed marlena stele came to this abortion clinic and houston in the fall of 2021 after a miscarriage at 9.5 weeks pregnant, she needed a d&c a procedure to remove pregnancy tissue. the same procedure used for surgical abortions, but because texas had just passed a law banning most abortions after six weeks, she said doctors refused to provide the procedure at her hospital possibly fearing being sued. a story she shared two years ago with cnn, i get so angry that i was treated this way. again 123 in may of this year, still lost another pregnancy we were having a boy oh, so it s a little fuzzy outfit. so that s what hurt even more because that s what we wanted dr. say, texas law is clear that dnc procedures are legal in cases like steles. and she hoped to have one to treat this miscarriage. but as she hadn t planned get pregnant again, she didn t have insurance that covered it like i wanted to have that dan see, i didn t want to have to go through it at home knowing that it was gonna be horrifying, you thought that you d be able to schedule this at your local hospital up the road? then you checked the estimate they sent you? yes. i was shocked at how high it was. it s to be exact $14,368. and that s it with a discount. if i pay out of pocket and that s when it hit me like a break like okay, this isn t happening for me here so your doctor then said, look at a clinic. yeah. she said she actually said go to planned parenthood. it ll be much less expensive. that s your best option. and then i started google searching abortion clinics in the area and i was looking for the clinic. i went to last time then having that loss and searching for care. you looked here again thinking you d at least go back. and then i had no idea it was closed what s it like for you seeing imported up like this it s sad it makes me a little angry that clinic was one of 22 brick-and-mortar abortion clinics operating in texas in 2021, within a year after roe v. wade was overturned, only 12 were still in operation providing other services than abortions more latest start looking outside of texas. she ultimately booked flights to los angeles and an appointment at an abortion clinic there. that s able to perform d&c procedures at a lower cost than hospitals. all of it including the travel. she estimates for a quarter of the cost at her local hospital in houston. but before she left, she started bleeding and feeling extreme pain at home. that meant she couldn t travel, prompting fear over what she would then endure. this is the changing table we had for my daughter that we save and then in the end, not only not getting it, but going through something. so horrifically painful. and so traumatizing like i will for the rest of my life have to live with that image of what i saw when i miscarried at home some described as one of the most impactful social justice leaders of the 20th century has died. reverend james lawson junior was a civil rights icon who trained activists in nonviolent protest he died on sunday in los angeles at the age of 95. loss was imprisoned in 1951 after refusing to register for the draft. after his release, he traveled to india where he studied mahatma gandhi s use of nonviolence, which he later taught to students and activists in the southern united states lawson served as pastor of haldeman united methodist church in los angeles in 1974 to 1999 us president joe biden held in early juneteenth celebration at the white house. on monday, telling the crowd black history is american history, juneteenth is a federal holiday marking the end of slavery in america. mr. biden invited gladys knight, patty lewbel, and others to perform in a star-studded concert ahead of the actual whole day on june the 19th, vice president kamala harris also spoke saying this year s juneteenth would be a day of action for voting rights. biden signed a bipartisan bill into law in 2021. make it official federal holiday. thanks, joining me here on cnn newsroom. i m exposed to london. cnn this morning up after this short break one of water. i want you work in which and to be with my family i want you. to join your brothers in the rank. welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys one thing that matters to me iron claw, read it or no streaming exclusively on max. when you re cooking on a black stone you get a better cookies you ll have bigger adventures. a bucket, part of the outdoor cooking rebel do with your blackstone jolla every breakfast, lunch, and dinner you create from fast and font to low and slow anything, any time anywhere go to your nearest black stole retailer or blackstone now and make everything better on a blackstone name s eric and i am 39-years-old. i ve started thinking about getting botox cosmetic for the 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her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. debates, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max recordings of supreme court justice samuel alito discussing politics and ethics donald trump promoting values to christian conservatives and facing his new york probation officers. all on the same day during watch in the hunter biden trial, how the biden family might impact back the verdict. and this you re not staying, sir the georgia congressional candidate who just walked off the stage in the middle of a debate all right 6:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at the us capitol on this tuesday morning good morning, everyone and kasie hunt. it s wonderful to have you with us samuel alito s private beliefs apparently exposed in a secretly recorded audio tape, the conservative supreme court justice seeming to endorse a fight to return our country to a place of godliness and quote it was a liberal activist and filmmaker who secretly recorded the justice and his wife at a supreme court historical society dinner earlier this month people in this country, we re leaving that, keep fighting to return our country to a place the bottling names. i agree with important to underscore during that dinner, the activists misrepresented herself. she claimed to be a religious conservative the executive director of the supreme court historical society issued this statement on monday saying, quote, we condemn any sort surreptitious recordings of justice s at the event which is inconsistent with the entire spirit of the evening. attendees are advised that discussion of current cases, cases decided by current sitting justices or justices, jurors, pure prudence is strictly prohibited and may result in forfeiture of membership in the society earlier. in the conversation, the activist told alito that she didn t think that the right could negotiate with the left. here was his response one. side or the, other. there can be a way of working, our way of living together it s different because they re differences fundamental things that really can t comment so it s not like you re going to see what the difference a little hard to hear their finals here. molly ball, senior political correspondent at the wall street journal, meghan hayes, former special assistant to president biden, and matt gorman, the former senior adviser to the tim scott presidential campaign. welcome to all of you molly ball. this of course, i think underscores the pressure that alito is at the moment in our highly charged political environment where the justices are about to decide whether or not donald trump is immune in the january 6 case clearly, he s in a situation where he is responding in the affirmative to someone he is encountering at a party and yet the remarks are still illuminating in terms of how he thinks about things. yeah. i mean, i think as you said on the one hand, we ve all done the thing where someone approaches you that you don t know and you just kinda play along. you just sort of say you re agreeing with whatever it is that they re saying. i m either end it s no surprise to anyone that he s a conservative right, and that he does view, society as, as somewhat corrupted by a lack of godliness or i wouldn t be surprised to hear him say any of those things in a judicial opinion for example. so it s all pretty broadly consistent with the judicial philosophy and the political philosophy that we know that he subscribes to. i think also the fact that the recording is coming out tells you that increasingly the supreme court is being treated as another political branch of government. the people are sending trackers after them basically like they would with a political candidate monitoring their every utterance and looking through it for potentially damaging or politically useful bits of audio that, that can be used against them in what s essentially become a full-time political campaign. and that i think as we and others have reported, has contributed to a very high level of tension and division on the court itself has made it increasingly difficult to function. yeah, it s it s speaking of division on the court itself. i mean in this highly fraught moment that we find ourselves in as a country where there does seem to be this kind of looming question about violence. certainly we have had more violence in our politics in recent years than we had seen in another monitor campaigns with what happened on january 6, john roberts was also approached by this activist and he approached this very differently and it underscores a little bit of tension on the court as molly was just touching on. again, john roberts, appointed by george w bush. he is the chief justice. he is also a conservative but has carved out a much different kind of role for him self on the court. so when he was approached by this activist and some of these same themes of godliness. the question i believe was is the us a christian nation? here s how john roberts responded since i put here a little 20 years, i ve been quieter times but the idea that the court is in the middle of a lot of tumultuous stuff going on. that s nothing new. the civil war, we did that very vietnam. you people getting killed and i was there. this is all right. i mean, it s it s not all right. but it s not like it s dramatic medically different people that s a common thing. people, their own perspective like this is so slow ordinary i don t know. heed the christian nation question. robert s actually responded that he has jewish friends, muslim friends who might disagree with that. he went on to talk about it a little bit, but megan haze, there. he was saying he was talking about other cataclysmic periods in our history, the civil war vietnam basically saying that we re going to be all right in the end. what is your view of all of this? and the way it s an unfolded, but particularly this difference between alito roberts here. yeah. i mean, i do think that we re gonna be all right. our democracy is built to survive and hopefully it will survive regardless of who wins the election in november. but i do think that there is a difference here, and i think that there was a difference. if you listen to alito s wife and how she responds and her reaction system of the questions that she got are also extremely stark. and so just just goes to show how these justices are thinking and how that they are forming their opinions. and it is, it is quite different and it is jarring when you hear their responses. let s listen to a little bit of what martha alito also who was approached by the same activist again, here s a little bit of what she had to say you know what i want i want sacred heart of jesus flag because i had to look cross the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. exactly and he s like, oh, please don t put several my heritage come after me away. it doesn t have to be away. debris don t worry about it okay. she also said that justice alito doesn t control her at one point. but you don t seem to admit their that he did ask her not to put up a flag in this case. definitely go we put the flag up let me look at this whole thing. i saw on twitter the person lauren windsor put up, that this is gonna be a big undercover storage tweeted out, tease that out. before it came out. and then when it came out like this, this is what this is. i mean, this was the same person that was the one reported by the intercept who sent the kind of democratic activists to charlottesville, dresses neo-nazi would tiki torches to kind of stand outside the glenn youngkin s yvette. but with the lincoln project. so i m not getting i m not surprised by this, but i will say that i think a lot of what molly said his right. it s also just his religious philosophy makes no bones that he s a devout christian now, i was at church over the weekend and a lot of those same themes. it s country but more about the world gold and sin and godliness. those same themes or what kinda prevalent. church, i m really not surprised. i mean, i think that the piece of it that i really i got caught on was where he seems to go on and say that there may not be a way to resolve these differences ever, which i suppose is part of what you re saying. i mean, it s it s again, i think we stepped back from the politics of it. i think the way the christians look at it is sin and whatever faith i m not putting it very eloquently. the priesthood better job in his homily over the weekend. but but no, i think that is more of the way that he was talking about it for me again, he s devout christian. i don t really see what the the big thing is, megan, but these people, i just think our supreme court justices sort of need to rise above this. and i agree with molly that like we ve all been in a situation where you just like nod and say, but he went further and then when his wife s comments, it just shows that like they re they re not viewing themselves as above and making laws for our country. it was his faith like it was not, it was not about politics. they re talking to say, it also she was goading him. she would want to introduce scholarliness into it. she was the one that he s just agreeing. yeah, i agree. like it s these ideas weren t germinated on their own. she was leading him. i don t agree with what she did. i think it s terrible and i think both sides do it and i think it s awful. i don t think we d be putting a lot more women pre haven t talked about project verisign s 09 and rightfully so i m fine, but the amount of media saturation i didn t read the new york times is covering this now it s ridiculous. who would never do this. it was james o keefe and practice, but that s not true. but i just think we owe nine we haven t done a sense so charade with acorn, that was the last time we actually my diary. i think we all project or testis sorry, because very, very different when there was a negative garrett ziegler who is sitting in court that clearly act when there was a new york times article on straight reporting, what was it ashley biden s journal. i don t remember it. like there was with this. i will be honest in this particular question, but i do think the big picture here. i mean, i think you guys are actually both an agreement what people should do is not correct this you know, i just i think molly to the big picture point this really underscores even farther just the significance of the moment that we are facing as a country, the role of the supreme court in our politics. it s been historically viewed as an institution that s supposed to be above all this i think those of us who cover this realize it s been political for awhile, but now the country is really starting to see that. all right, coming up next, donald trump meets with probation officers while his campaign asks potential vp candidates if they ever committed a crime. plus the dog days arriving early, millions of americans facing sweltering heat in this this is where i get back in my trunk and head make the southwest georgia. the congressional candidate who walked off the stage and went home in the middle of a debate hey, guys, i got spoken about got it right up do, we, have one to leave works all day? so i can keep working to take just one 12 hours of uninterrupted pain-related i ll leave you do you take it for and for fast topical pain relief, child leave x. this is a freemium hand 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. 1880 to three honor chains is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn former president trump had his first meeting with his new york city probation officer he s got off to a rough start when trump offered the probation officer or $130,000 so you re not doing that? the 45th president of the united states and the presumptive republican nominee for president this time around, met monday with his new york city probation officers think in a second with that, trump apparently answered all questions in the virtual interview and was described as polite, respectful, and accommodating to the probation officers. that s according to a new york city official familiar with the interview, trump even told the officers to be safe at the end of the session his approach might have something to do with the fact that his demeanor and cooperation could influence the judge s decision on sentencing de the hearing comes as his campaign moves forward with a more shall we say traditional process of selecting a vice presidential running mate? all of them have been asked to submit documents to be vetted you re not at that level yet? well, we ll look they argue they ve asked us for a number of things. i think that a number of people have been asked to submit this in your taxes or something i don t know everything but yeah, i mean, certainly like, have you committed a crime? i ve ever lied about this have you ever committed a crime? a matt gorman? apparently not. okay. for the vp i know what we laugh. i know we laugh. it does it does make sense why you d ask that. i mean, it does it does. i did the first of that of paul ryan when it was selecting his vp we re at the point now, where you re bringing in not just the candidate, but the family, the accountants, the lawyers, and you are asking we were just trying to get to the central question. number one, do we know everything about this person that we need to know? number one and number two if we don t, what is it that we don t know and trying to get that. so the candidate, no matter who it is, can evaluate and make a decision because let s face it this way, right? we know trump is indicted on four things, felt guilty on 153 others, right? in the limited space, we don t want a new one coming out all of a sudden that they can t price in that they don t have an awareness of. it does seem like an acknowledgment that committing crimes as bad, which the president has so far not seemed to want to cop to i don t think they have formally conceded that point but no, i mean, to matt s point, it s less about any particular dealbreaker than about not being surprised, right? that s what s running processes for it s just anything that s in there. the campaign wants to know in advance so they can get out ahead of it if that s the case or just again, just not to be surprised by something, it s one thing to say, oh, this came up in his first campaign and he had a good explanation for it, or the voters didn t seem to care. and so it s known part of someone s bio, it s another thing for it to be, you know, late october and all of a sudden you re finding out that someone was arrested for a felony 30 years ago, that they neglected to tell anybody about, and it becomes a big news cycle. i will just say that it also seems to underscore the difference between donald trump and the rest of the political universe where gravity still seems to apply even if it doesn t donald trump. all right, coming up next, hunter biden s fate in the hands of a jury. we re going go live to delaware pair of cover those deliberations plus it kite surfer scooped up by rescue crews after being stranded on a california beach the cnn presidential debates, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max with fast signs creates striking custom visuals. then inspire pride. district, fly that s sides. make you we re statement so i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i m taking over the company will rest assured companies in great hands marcy hit the we we ve done on your homework now that is worth celebrating i. love it thank you. home work very clever, very clever or ipo is coming up. how do we make sure we re ready to meet all the regulatory requirements? we need to ask markham wonder whether people with all the answers get all the answers. ask markham accountants and advisers. they say we should stop eating so much meat so we made meet out of plants because we aren t quitters impossible. we re solving the meat problem with 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a question about a farm bill and is running in a gop primary runoff next week new video of votes engulfed in flames over the weekend at lake mead he d in las vegas, two people were injured, 26 boats were damaged, 15 of them were destroyed the investigation into the cause of that fire is ongoing. a curious mama bear causing major headaches after breaking into three homes and multiple vehicles near sacramento eventually, she got too close to someone and as you can see, you got doused with bear spray can. i do hope she s okay alright. i ll check out this video. a brazen thief and columbus, ohio who stole a package seconds after it was dropped at the door while the driver was knocking that s all please. just don t do that. police say they re hunting for the thief all right. i stranded this one is incredibly stranded kite surfer rescued off a california beach after take a look at that, he used rocks to spell out the word health get this, it worked. the plea was spotted by a private chopper pilot flying overhead who alerted 911. so there you go if you ever on a deserted island, i m really worked for you all right. time now for whether excessive heat settling over the southwest from california through texas is the flood threat ramps up for parts of southern florida? or meteorologists derrick and dam here and break it all down for us. derek, good morning good morning, casey. so we re focusing in on southern florida because you re frankly going to get walked with heavy rainfall this week. in fact, the radar right now showing a band of moderate to heavy rainfall about to enter that busy corridor along i75 between tampa bay hey southward towards fort myers and naples. we currently have a flood watches. in effect this last right through wednesday will likely get extended because this stationary boundary is drawing and moisture from the gulf of mexico and it will send wave after wave of moisture flash, flooding, a real potential right through the week, fort myers to miami, even northward into fort pierce, some of our rainfall accumulation maps pick up more than a foot of rain through the end of week that would be very localized, but nonetheless, that could cause some problems. now the other big story has been the heat over the southwestern us, over 20 million americans, including fetus ics to las vegas. some authorities there warning people to avoid sun exposure from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. tonight, casey is busy. yeah, i don t like that. aren t are weatherman, derek van dam, derrick. thank you. see you tomorrow coming up next here. the fate of the president s son now in the hands because of the jury plus another monk shop for a trump ally assignments are going on. and the tornado here i m thinking, i m going to die and i thought that was it filing earth with liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn what would you like to pay for your hotel room tonight? 185, 169 or $155? same room. same surface, just different prices it s really up to you well, nobody asks you 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attorney argued the prosecutors case was similar to a magician s trick, adding quote, there is nothing there. joining me now from wilmington, delaware is alex thompson, the national political reporter for it? axios, who has been covering this trial day in and day out. alex, wonderful to see you how just catch us up with what you saw in court yesterday during these closing arguments. and i want to dig into how the family in particular is playing into this because my understanding is the jurors were told not to be intimidated by the fact that it s the families the president of the united states yes. so yesterday you saw bolt very lengthy closing arguments, i believe abbe lowell hunter biden s lawyer when for about 87 minutes and then the prosecution got two shots at it and they probably got about the same about 87 minutes. and to your other points the prosecution said, if they have not proven that hunter biden was a crack addict than no one is a crack addict. and it got a little chip between the two sides. abbe lowell at one point said that the prosecution had been quote enormously cruel two naomi biden hunter biden s daughter, the president s granddaughter, and how they cross-examined tr the government came right back and said it was then who put her on the stand that put her in that position. and it was hunter biden who according to text messages tom had been erratic and texting in the middle of the night and had i think they ve put it as said, blowing her off and so it got very personal in terms of how the family yesterday was the most family that we have seen in this trial. you had aunts, uncles cousins, the cousins, spouses. it was at least a full thing and it was interesting that both sides, in their closing arguments made you made allusions to the family. now, abbe lowell hunters lawyer has been really trying to portray hunter as a family person and has been referencing the family as as part of that that he is just i think one of you, whereas the prostitution is basically saying what? you just alluded to, which is don t be intimidated. this is not these people are not evidenced. these people are not really part of the trial how would you describe kind of the the mood among the biden family members who attended from what? you could observe it, what did what did that feel like yeah. i think they you can see a little bounce in their step after abbe lowell s closing, having just a fulsome 87 minute defense from of hunter when i think a lot of the family feels he has just been hit day after day after day for the last several years and i think i even saw bowel biden, the president, sister give them a go, give abby go, get them. right? right afterward. but after at the very end i don t think the family likes being at felony trial for joe biden s son, and you could tell there were certainly moments ashley biden in particular, the president s daughter and hunter sister has you been very emotional at moments in this trial having to leave at some point, plate lots of tears. and you can tell it s been harder on some than on the others. one of the arguments that came up was about hallie biden one of the attorneys said quote, poor hallie biden knew had to be dragged through this period of her life. again, who understandably did not remember a lot of the details well she remembering what she saw that day or dozens of other days when she too was using if you notice, she could remember what the prosecutors asked her. the prosecutors are also gave her immunity, but not so much for any number of things so that that i guess coming from from abbe lowell well, it clearly they felt like they needed to defend other members of the family. two, how did that fit in this been a key part of hunter biden strategy from the very beginning, which is to really try to undermine the credibility of hallie biden, who s beau s widow, who is also his sister-in-law. and the reason is because her testimony he is, very very troubling if you re a hunter, biden, the fact is that she was the one that found the gun. she and when she testified that when she went into the truck, she found crack cocaine, paraphernalia, suggesting that he had been smoking very recently, that she found powder that day, which also suggested he d been using am was the one that he was texting during the period he had the gun in which he said that he was smoking crack and this goes to a larger sort of dynamic within both the defense and the prosecution, which you at the very end of the day beyond the facts that case, i think it will really come down to you. do you relate to hunter biden or do you resent hunter biden and the prosecutor? the hunters team at basically wants to make you think he s a family man that he was suffering from a disease that he s one of you in delaware home grown. whereas the defense is saying no, this is a bad guy. this is the guy that what the little details that he was trying hundred $51,000 in cash withdrawal and just three months that he was a millionaire, that he was yael educated, that he gave $800 to his 24-year-old girlfriend to buy clothes for his daughters. these little details that are meant to portray a different sort of person and that may end up being the difference maker with this jury all right. alex thompson for us this morning. alex. thank you very much for that. meghan hayes, can i ask you, you know, someone who s been in the biden family orbit? how this all mean as alex said, that they entire family has shown up for him at this trial. understandably, but it s gotta be weighing on the president who of course has not made an appearance at the courtroom. yeah. i mean, i don t think anybody hit this table. be surprised. a hunter is at the forefront of the presence minor, it adds, it s an extremely challenging situation. he s a dad first and foremost, i think he said that in his statement, but i do think that this is someone who is an addict. he is a recovering addict right now and i think that the family is concerned and i think that s showing up to be supportive of him. i think that s what families do is show up and support people when in their time of need. all right. let s turn now to the 2024 campaign trail where donald trump de, virtual mark remarks yesterday to the danbury institute it is a conservative christian group. they call abortion, quote, child sacrifice, and quote the greatest atrocity facing our generation today trump, who just two months ago said abortion should be left to the states, didn t explicitly mentioned abortion during his remarks. that s an admission that for the presumptive nominee of the republican party says a lot about the politics of this issue in a post-dobbs, america. instead, trump said this we are a seriously declining nations, seriously serious and so sad. i know that each of you is protecting those values every day and i hope we ll be defending them side-by-side for your next four years. these are going to be your years so matt gorman, i mean, he obviously is trying to tell them something that they want to hear, but to not mention abortion at a group like this. i mean, it just shows what a tough position any republican is in, in a world where the protections of roe means that, well, if you say life begins at conception, suddenly are threatening. everything including in vitro fertilization. note we look at it, i think abortion is probably the best issue for democrats and it makes the most sense for him to run on it. and i think it doesn t make sense also for trump to give more grist to anything and that they re going to use against them already in a campaign. and i think what this is, i m more and more convinced that this an election in the sanctuary to come down either the economy hovering above all, an immigration on the right, abortion and left competing as the single issue crawl over broken glass type issues for voters. and which one wins out last couple years exceed abortion went out, could happen again, immigration has been very salient, loved what happens, and i think that s gonna tell us its substrate election. well, and i think the debate that i m hearing among my republican sources about how they and their candidates should message the abortion issue is very similar to it. why here democrats talking about immigration? the question is, do you try to keep it off the agenda and not talk about it in the hopes that you can raise the salience of some other issue, right. so if you re a democrat to ignore immigration and just tried to talk about abortion where you feel like you have a better message there is a school of thought, i think in both of these camps that says no, you have to go at it. you have to say to voters, i understand why you think this is important and here is my position so that they re not left guessing. so republicans have been having this active debates since the fall of roe, saying we do have to have a message for voters about abortion. we do have to have something to say to them. otherwise, we re just going to get clobbered and i think you ve seen democrats on immigration, the same thing. a lot of candidates have tried to avoid the issue, but there is a new conventional wisdom on the democratic side that says if you do that you re just gonna get killed on this issue. that is important to so many voters. you do need to have some kind of positive message, even if it s not necessarily going to be popular because in both cases, the parties are on the wrong side of these respective issue really interesting way to think about it, okay the house rules committee meets today to consider holding attorney general merrick garland in contempt. we re going to talk about that with a member of the committee recovery can ralph norman of south carolina plus donald trump questioning whether taylor swift is a legit liberal the most anticipated moment the election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one state, which are two 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malawi s vice president, malawi s vice president, and nine other people has been found. everyone on board was killed the plane went missing monday after it failed to make a scheduled landing president biden set to addressing major gun violence prevention conference in dc today, nearly two years after signing the first federal gun safety legislation to be passed in decades there you have it. rudy giuliani is mug shot after he posted a $10,000 bond in his election interference case in arizona donald trump s former lawyer showing no remorse as he left court do you have any regrets about what you did in arizona after the election? oh, my goodness. no. why not? very, very proud. there was a substantial amount of vote for the one on here that was covered up probably one of the biggest conspiracies in american history when just say there was no evidence of any of the things that he just said there, giuliani pleaded not guilty in may to nine felony charges stemming from his alleged role in arizona s fake electors scheme the port of baltimore is open for business now as the shipping lane into the harb fully reopened last night for the first time since the francis scott key bridge was hit by a cargo ship and collapsed in march from all those folks all right. let s turn now to capitol hill where the house rules committee will meet today to decide whether to advance contempt charges against attorney general merrick garland over his refusal to provide lawmakers the audio of president biden s interview with special counsel robert hur after her found the biden mishandled classified documents but would likely present to a jury as a quote, sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory and quote, the gop led push comes just a week after garland testified before congress, where he said this i will not be intimidated. and the justice department will not be intimidated and training. now, it s south carolina republican congressman ralph norman. he sits on the house rules committee a powerful one in the house. congressman. good morning. thank you for being here. my pleasure bladder be ready. so the attorney general, merrick garland has a new washington post opinion piece that s out this morning and he writes in that piece quote, disagreements about our politics are good for our democracy. they are normal. but using conspiracy theories, falsehoods, violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal. the short-term political benefits of those tactics will never make up for the long-term cost to our country continued unfounded attacks against the justice department s employees are dangerous for people safety, they are dangerous for our democracy. and they must stop. what do you have to say to his argument there attorney general garland is let s just say it s laughable. what he s taking party and he s not above the law. he says he s not going to be intimidated it s very simple. why don t think he s arguing that he s above you re saying he s not above the law in the context of the contempt charges around that that you are considering what what he s not above the law in is when congress has every right, an article one the whole committees that investigates the doj in any other agency. and what we asked for is the sense that president biden had an interview with robert hur asking for the audio tapes very, very simple. the audio tapes and he won t. they initially started back in february of this february 5th and we asked for the audio tapes which do exist and on february 16, the doj under the guidance of merrick garland said they weren t going to meet the timeline. they extended the timeline. so and then finally they came back and said there s no justifiable reason why you need the audio tapes that the biden has already waived executive privilege by printing the the interview so they re just want to tape to see if they match up with what s being reported. they redacted several parts of it. so but and it s saying he s not above the law. he s going to be in contempt. we will pass it, i think in the rules and will hold him accountable like he s doing every every other person has got an arb aside, their name and you re going to learn from the tapes that you can t learn from the transcripts the tapes were backup, will either justify what has been the the transcript say or they won t. do you think actually tampered with a the transcripts? is that what you re saying? we have no idea until we get them. they haven t. that s what attorney general garland refuses to turn over is very simple. turn turn the tape over, and so we can see if it matches with the transcripts either does or does it? and do you think that you have in the full house to hold the garland in contempt oh, i have no idea. we ll see what the evidence we will have testimony today that are probably last six to eight hours. you have a democratic witness, you have republican witness. james calmer well, it may be jim jordan, but one of the two will present what they re finding is, but it s very simple. turn over the tapes that will either validity the transcripts or they won t and let us see it congressman, i want to talk politics with you for a little while. your state, of course, has famously sharp-elbowed to put it politely, i would say politics, nancy mace congresswoman, who voted to oust kevin mccarthy facing a primary challenge today. could you underscore clarify for me who it is you re supporting in this primary. and do you think that mayes is going to hang on? i hadn t come out on either side. i know both. and i serve with nancy, catherine templeton was headed de heck under nikki haley who i like i think nancy will win this race, but i hadn t come out publicly for either one of them. i get involved in a lot of races but on this particular one, i decided just to let the low country decide who they want and net nancy s got a track record and catherine templeton has a record of so why once you endorse your college, you re not endorsing nancy mace. i mean, that s pretty normal worthy as typically y all incumbents usually stick together well, i didn t come out against are either. i just said let the voters decide and the low countries has a lot of different issues that they re passionate about. and i let them decide it and i m from the upstate and i did get involved. am involved with the timmons morgan rice. i came out against william terman s and but on the nancy may just decide to stay out of that sir, before i let you go we ve heard president former president trump. obviously, he has campaigned. we ve heard him say earlier in the show that america is a declining nation this is something that he talks about all the time. the governor of pennsylvania, which is a key swing state. he s a democrat but he had a different message about what he thinks republican should be saying about america. i want you to listen to what governorship hero said, and then i want to get your reaction on either side. watch all they hear from donald trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country. so i got a message to donald trump and all his negativity in his whining stops barking. america. this is the greatest country on earth, and it s time that we all start acting like it i m going to say, sir i m a patriotic american. do you does he have a point president trump as does the american people see what s happening to america. he is exactly right? look at what s happening in this country. talk to the average voter out there who is very upset with inflation. they re very upset with the 13 to 15 million illegals coming into this kind. would you still the greatest country on earth as many politicians often have it once was the greatest country on earth. we in the rapid decline, it s not anymore three-and-a-half years of this biden administration. pardon me. it s not anymore in which country would you say is greater than the united states of america? well, unless we get our financials in order, unless we stopped spin in, printing money, will we cannot continue what we have been in the past, which is a shining city on a hill, and the director result of the liberal policies that this administration has continues to put, put the american people through immigration, is leading the pack on. this is he s breaking the constitution. he s destroying the values in this country. so i think the american people show that at the pose all right, i sold them have the name of another country that s greater than the united states of america. congressman ralph north on norman, excuse me, ralph norman, thank you so much, sir, for being here. i really appreciate your time. my pleasure. all right, let s turn now to this i m still feature when i walk in the room why wouldn t we talk about taylor swift? and we can talk about taylor swift. she apparently has a new admirer in donald trump. in an interview for a forthcoming book about the former president trump raved about the pop star s looks, telling the writer quote, i think she s beautiful, very beautiful. i find it very beautiful. i think she s liberal. she probably doesn t like trump. i hear she s very talented. i think she s very beautiful actually unusually beautiful trump, however, clearly seemed unable to forget his bad blood with swift over her 2020 endorsement of joe biden and throwing into question her political beliefs that she is liberal or is that just an act he asked during the interview, she s legitimately he liberal, it s not an act. it surprises me that a country star can be successful being liberal meghan. i mean, i think it s creepy the way he continues to talk about how pretty women are that are significantly younger in age, very much younger. but that being said, i think that he he doesn t want to upset the swifties. i think we all know what happens when that when we awake a giant of the swifties. but i think it s very big. part of why we re talking about her. madame mean, disagree with me if you want to but she is actually probably the one celebrity. i think that actually has the power to move inefficient number of probably right? yeah, i think it s a matter of now whether she would ever want to get involved, i think in 2020, 2016, were i think we talked to this couple weeks ago, different time for celebrities inject themselves some politics become political actors very different now, outtake donald trump taylor swift, like it s like the page clicks like big bang, massive forces together for this this explosion. i hope for it. but yeah, i don t think she needs it out really good about i don t think he needs to go out and like i support you biden. she was already did that and then also in her documentary, if she s already said where she stands on a lot of issues and like wind to our family and said, i mean, so i don t think anyone s questioning where she stands politically here, but yeah. so i mean, i think he gets kind of i don t think she needs out really get involved, but i think it like donald trump as like a celebrity, celebrity pundit, right? like a celebrity handicap or he is really encapsulating so where she stands in like the firmament of sort of pop culture, right? yeah. he clearly has spent more time looking at her than listening to her. she hasn t been a country star for a long time as my swift the daughter could certainly the idea that like people don t necessarily see her as a political figure. and that s why a potential endorsement for her is so powerful, right? because to her legions of fans who just love her no matter what, the things that she says are, can resonate outside that political sphere. and that s why i think she does have the power to potentially move votes is even though she does have this history of endorsed pressing liberal politicians and taking liberal positions, she is not, i think pigeonholed as just sort of hollywood liberal, liberal celebrity. and so she s able to speak in an authentic way to her following it hearkens back to a funny time where donald trump was on twitter like talking about robert patents and kristen stewart member that ten years ago, remember this is very much like the page six, new york celebrity gossip world he had spent 30 years in. this is almost in a way like a very pure version of donald trump, like gossiping about celebrities. yeah, no it s, it s, it s it s donald trump, maggie haberman has been cut yeah. all right. i will leave you with this oh like she s still got it. courtney cox, letting the world know. she s still has the moves that she showed off in bruce springsteen s video for dancing in the dark, the friends star joining a social media trend where kids ask their parents to show them how they danced in the 1980s, cox famously appeared in springsteen s 1984 and music video. jumping on stage to boogie with the boss molly ball has your daughter made you do this yet no could you better or worse than a by way waveshape, let s put courtney back first quarter me and her dancing. there yep, there she is. i mean, honestly that i think i could do that might be the limit of my abilities, but that i could do i mean i don t know because i wouldn t want to do it in public, but i m not do not checked doing matt either. all right thanks, guys. every much. appreciate your time today. thanks for all to all of you for joining us. i m

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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240611

that is tonight s last word. tonight, donald trump met his probation officer. we will look at a key step as his sentencing approaches. the fate of hunter biden is now in the jury s hands. why he declined to take the stand. kerr is here speaking out as the 11th hour gets underway on this monday night: good evening, once again, we are now 148 days away from the election. today, one of the leading candidates for president met with his probation officer. donald trump fresh off of his guilty verdict sat for a presentencing interview. nothing standard with how it was held. trump got permission to attend virtually from florida and have his attorney present. trump has been complaining for months about a 2-tier system of justice and he is absolutely right. as new york public defenders pointed out today most people do not get to log in remotely from a resort in florida to talk to their probation officers. as far as what happens in these interviews, probation officers generally ask about things like financial resources, mental health and any links to convicted criminals. they also have to ask if you feel remorse for the crime that you are convicted of. meanwhile n delaware, the hunter biden firearms case went to the jury after both sides made their closing arguments. hunter biden chose not to take the stand. here is my colleague with more. reporter: tonight, it is in the hands of the jury. six men, six women deliberating the fate of hunter biden. the first child of a sitting president to be charged with a crime. many of the first family in the courtroom throughout the trial. all of this is not evidence said leo wise while gesturing in the courtroom and in the direction of jill biden in the first row. people sitting in the gallery are not evidence, he said, adding no one is above the law. the special counsel is accused the president s son of liing on a federal background check, checking that he is not an active drug user to purchase a gun. they used evidence from his laptop and called 10 witnesses, many describing hunter biden s drug use including around the time he filled out the background check in october of 2018. hunter biden s ex-wife found drug paraphernalia and his ex- girlfriend who wasidating him at the time said is he was using crack all of the time. the evidence was necessary. the defense attorney gude the prosecution focused far too much on his drug abuse over a 4- year period and no one witnessed drug use during the window of time he purchased a gun. with that let s get smarter with the help of our lead off this evening. reporter with the washington post,, sam stein is here. a journalist and white house editor for politico, and former new york prosecutor charles coleman jr is here. a big legal night so you get first crack. donald trump met with his probation officer today, help us understand the purpose of these interviews, how do they usually go and what do we know about what was asked in this one? reporter: stephanie, when your probation officer will be asking you questions what they are trying to understand is basically what is your set up around your life? how do you live? what your financial resources are, what is the impact of the sentence if a judge decides for example to send you to jail. are there other people depending on you, put in a bad position? by that, are you associating with other criminals that we know in the case of trump. he is, we can go down the long list, roger stone, many others, flin, the list goes on and on. most importantly, the most important that they are looking to ascertain, and you talked about it in your lead in, if you have any understanding and appreciation for the crime that you are committed of. donald trump has a difficult tight rope to toe when it comes to this given everything given in the public around this, rather than what he knows prosecution by the da s office. that will be something that will be hard for him to get around. ultimately the report will be something that the judge takes into account when they make their decision around what sentence they ultimately imposed. the da s office is making a recommendation of trump s attorney, going to argue as lenient of a sentence as possible. sam, trump is arguing for months and months and months. a two tier justice system. there is. it is benefiting him. we got to meet virtually, his lawyer was there and when he speaks at his rallies he is always saying i am doing this for you i am standing here for you. but if any trump supporters were in his position they would not get these special privileges, why do they keep buying this? reporter: well, you are absolutely right. we wrote about that in politico, too, when you think of the gag order various points in the criminal case, that was almost done with reluctance compared to what would have been done for any other person in the justice system. trump is a unique person in the justice system that he is a former president running for president currently. it makes sense some leeway is given to him in that regard. the justice system works in this favor in this case. i would argue thereat second start, hunter biden is evidence that it is not a justice system. the president s own department of justice is currently bringing a case against his son f. there was a thumb on the scale of the system of the part of president bid pen. one would think he would do it to alleviate the burdens on his son but the president sat back and watched this thing progress to the point where we will get a verdict in the next day or so. i get it has been a crazy last eight years and people have become desensitized. it is not even remotely normal for the presumptive nominee to be meeting with his probation officer what is your treks this response. how numb the country has become to everything we watched in the last eight years. nobody can forget and yet we almost act like it was no big deal when then republican nominee for president donald trump was caught on live tape talking about grabbing women in the crotch using a course word and he can get a wid with it because lesay celebrity. starting then and continuing on, it is like a starting gun of new, every other week, every other two weeks, revelations about donald trump as candidate and as a president that made us all kind of gasp and wonder, like, can he survive this? well, donald trump is the nominee for president again. he is the front runner in this race by many polls, and, he is a felon who has been convicted of 34 counts of crimes in the state of new york. the city and the town, where he once ruled. and, all of us are kind of like oh, yeah, that is right, that is how it is. that is, that is sort of the standard now for the last eight years. it is really important for us all to step back and remember that no president and no former president has ever been charged with a crime. and now we have one that has been convicted and is seeking to return to the white house. charles, a lawyer wrote in the new york times today that donald trump s chances of winning an appeal are slim, what do you think? reporter: i think so, stephanie. when you are talking about what it is to appeal a jury the first thing that people need to understand is that it is a rare occurrence that the simple is going to have a decision made by our constitution where you get a dloons have your case heard by a jury of your piers which trump did and override the system and overcalculation by the judge or actions of the attorneys. the judge does not give enough credit for the way he ran this trial. i think he was very much aware of all of the eye s needed to be dotted and t s needed to be crossed that is why he ran such a tight ship. to make sure that there were as few for a po as possible. it does not mean that trump s attorney does not like to seek an issue. rather than it being successful is slim to none. sam, today, bragg says he will testify before the house about the trump case. most likely not until after trump gets sentenced. he knows what he is going to face with house republicans, how do you think he is going to handle this? well, i mean, it is, it, we knew the house republicans were going to do this. they signaled they want to protect trump. they want to go after the prosecution. you know, various over00turs. bringing it to hill. expecting it a long time ago. surprised they did not push harder prior to this. if i were bragg i would point to the fact that trump s piers made a determination guilty on 34 counts. that is the aspects of the american justice system that donald trump had right to the fence. he was given through the fence. there will be questions of who is on the team, funding him. what it comes down to, this is how the justice system would work. they had his defense and, and that is that. the decision was made by a jury of 12. you have to live with it. that is what we do. charles, let s shift to what sam was mentioning a moment ago. hunter biden case. what did you make today of both sides closing arguments, of hunter not taking the stand. go in reverse, stephanie. hunter bid den not take the stand for a number of reasons t is difficult for hunter bid tone give testimony in any way that is going to exonerate him or defend against those charges without either incriminating him or admitting publicly around his substance abuse. i think that is something that he wanted to avoid. his defense team wanted to avoid that. ultimately if you are looking at this from a 50,000 foot view it is something that would not have been well for the biden administration to have in the headlines, not that it has an impact on hunter s case or the charges but that was part of the calculus here. with respect of what you heard, this is straightforward. i think many legal experts myself included understand that when robert herr, the prosecutor on this case and joe biden allowed to stay on the case brought the charges this, if anything, we seen recently was the most political prosecution that we have seen. i say that because for these federal charges to be brought you typically don t see that absence of violent offense involving the handgun or the weapon that is in question. that is not the case here. hunter biden is not charged with that. we don t have the facts. yet, still, herr decided to bring the charges against hunter biden and the case for the prosecution is straightforward. none of it is. the defense is saying you work with the fact that you have. they don t have great facts. they have to call into question the time line. i don t know if it will be enough for a jury to acquit him or result in a mistrial. sam, the president has already said that he will not pardon his son f. he is found guilty he could be taken into custody. how is the campaign going to react to this? they have been hands off. it is taking a toll on the president to make had decision. he is his son, he is a father. when you ask about him and press him on it, they are hands off. as we reported they do not talk about the issue. he does not want to discuss it. not that he does not think there will be political fallout but it is too raw. the question that ultimately comes down to is will republicans try to potentially capitalize on a guilty verdict. we have a debate coming up and trump will use it during the debate. will say upon to this point where we are surprised to see how little republicans are talking about the hunter biden trial including trump himself. does not come up all that much. used to be a topic of a lot of discussion for media and trump but not recently. you wonder if they don t want to draw the attention to his own mishaps or perhaps they test today out and realize there might be effect where people are sympathetic or empathetic to joe biden if you go after his son when fundamentally part of what that issue is, an issue of addiction. now topic, your washington post has a story out trump allies with a post- constitutional vision for a second term. this man s name is russell voyt. what can you tell bus this? by the way, it is for beth reinhart on this team that presses the trump precedency and the people he is entrusting to make the plans for his new administration. he was a deputy director and in congress as a staffer for a long, long time and other federal agencies. he knows his way around both the legislative and the executive parts of our government and he is using that knowledge to broodily expand the powers of the executive if trump takes office. to the point of saying that he is going to find a way for the justice department to prosecute and imprison those who he feels have wrongly gone after the president in the past. that includes journalists, that includes political figures like biden family members and he is, rather, he would work very hard to loosen the militaries ability to take action at the president s command to stop protests that are against the president to interfere, perhaps, in elections. basically the military would be the entity could send into domestic situations. something that really we have avoided since the horrors of ken state for example. this is a person who believes definitely in the executive theory but, now proposing things behind closed doors. he may end up being the chief of staff for the president, we will see. proposing what will send a chill off of the spine of those studying democracy and its norms. here is my head scratcher, carol. a lot of conservatives out there. don t like trump but likes the policies, these are the same people who are all about small government and limited power. this, this man and this plan, isn t that the opposite of small government limited power. this is big, big government with ultimate power. i think that is something that you highlighted on your program consistently if i can give you a hat tip. this idea of the hypocrisy, right? the republican party for as long as i have been a reporter, embarrassed to tell you how long that has been has always been about criminal justice and top, forgive me, serious law enforcement. it has been a party. a concern. russia, chief among them. yet, that is all out the window now with trump as president. putin is a great guy in the new republican party. he is a fan of donald trump. therefore, he is for them. it is not important anymore. we really want to support. certain criminal that have been unfairly and i use this quotation marks persecuted. that is the line that the republican party is pushing. and, so, again, this notion of big government for the republican party that is sought the window as well. if it suits donald trump. that is the litnus test. people can vote however they like. it is our job to shine a light so people understand exactly who and what they are voting for. carol, always great to see you, sam, charles, thank you as well. when we return, nine months into the war, and five americans are still being held hostage by hamas. why the white house is considering a new strategy for negotiations. and, later, after months in a dead heat in the polls with trump. president biden is revving up his engines and maybe even changing lanes. 11th hour just getting underway on a monday night th hour just on a monday night and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live life and long live you. ask your doctor about kisqali today. you know what s brilliant? 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[crying] falling to his knees when he was reunited with his mom. while their celebrations in israel in gaza there is mourning the hamas-run health ministry that does not distinguish between combat onand civilian deaths, 270 palestinians were killed including 64 children, one woman telling us. my family is destroyed. my house is destroyed they are reporting that the u.s. is discussing a new move if seize fire moves fail, making a deal with hamas to release the remaining american hostages, negotiating through qatar and not with israel. according to two senior officials. my number one priority as secretary of state is to ensure the well being of americans who are in harm s way anywhere in the world. that is your top priority, wouldn t indirect talks for the americans at least bring those americans home, possibly? the most effective way to do that to achieve that is through the proposal on the table. so, let s see if we get an answer from hamas. for more. peter baker joins us the chief correspondent for the new york times, peter, is it a sign that the white house is frustrated with the pace of negotiations between israel and hamas? yes. of course, obviously. nine months, these american hostages have been there the entire time. the american government has basically taken, deferred the israeli government when it comes to dealing with the hostages, most of the hostages have duel citizenship, theyor the ground. the united states is not. it suggests an impatience at this point. its own hostage remain at, in limbo in effect. remaining at odds for this proposal. you heard him say. hamas at this point to accept this proposal. i think that is an important point that they want to make. israel has, in fact, despite public talk of benjamin netanyahu s statements, right now, frustrated that this has taken so long, seen not to be heading towards a conclusion and therefore, obviously, they will be willing to think about ways to get just the americans at this point out if there is a way to do it. president biden is not the only one expressing frustrations. benny gantz just resigned saying it is the prime minister, he is standing in the way of real victory. what does that signal to you about the state of the war effort and prospects for new elections over there? benjamin netanyahu not once but multiple times in elections for the idea they sat together and the work ethic is remarkable situations, hard to imagine joe biden, donald trump sitting together in a unity government. but, this point, they decided enough is enough. it is not working. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is an obstacle to resolution rather than a leader of it. it puts it. they may require on the far right, staying in power, he knows he will appeal. he may back himself up not finding himself comfortable. avoiding further elections. we would love to see where it leads and further elections and not much chance and not a lot of optimism for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to win another election. he has been a remarkable part of politics. let s sit with the right wing and change locations. you were just in france with president biden. when he was there he spent a lot of time trying to reassure nato allies who are nervous about a second trump term. i want to know how his message was received, a, and b, we keep hearing about our european allies that are worried about trump. there are a lot of elections that took place over europe and they were big, big wins for the far right. it happening over there as well? you are absolutely right. not just a u.s. issue. the european elections on sunday were a remarkable shift in power. for the right. you saw president macron from france that just hosted biden the night before, state dinner where they held hands in effect in favor of establishment politics so rocked he is calling new elections in france himself to see if he can not win over his own public where he is, in fact, not very popular, either. these guys will all get together in italy later there week at a g-7 meeting and talk about a lot of the issues like gaza and ukraine and so forth. hovering over it is their weakness, biden s approval is higher than some of the other leaders at the summit. it is a time where they are all on their back heels a little bit amid this right wing popularrism we are seeing in europe and the united states. peter, you always make us smarter, thank you very much for being here tonight. when we come back. biden getting a revamp. his new strategy to rev up the race, when the 11th hour returns the race, when the 11th hour returns good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. let s get started. bill, where s your mask? 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i think it is smart. reaching people where they are. we know people are getting news from a lot of less traditional outlets and people are watching the news less frequently any way and checking out politics. it is splart to find them when they are not paying attention to the new issues any way. biden campaign recognizes that it has to do with whatever it has to do as we head towards crunch time here. mark t is not just about his base. this is about nikki haley voters, trumpers, independents, these are the people who make or break the election. it is currently by a lot of polls in a dead heat. president trump, former president trump is not looking ahead of his base. is this going to work for biden? yeah. he has to look beyond the base. that is where the election will be decided. i remember when the bush campaign was in big, big trouble in 2000. we had to do a reset. we kind of got push into it. we did not want to do it. ultimately we decided we needed to because we had to. part of it was prescripted and part of it was making changes but a big part, just doing a reset for the press and the larger public to say okay we heard the message we are doing things differently. it makes sense practically speaking and broodily. you are sending a message to everybody. you heard the message. yes, we are doing things differently. again, in this campaign it is so razor thin. the bidens got to do literally everything right there is one of them. this is good. one of the things he needs to do is turn up the volume on the things that donald trump is saying. they are doing that. they are seizing on some of the comments that trump made at his nevada rally this weekend. i don t want anyone going on me, we need any voter. i don t care about you i just want your vote, i don t care. so, what i just heard him say, i don t care about you, i just want your vote. broy an, did the rally attendees hear this? what? did they hear that? no. they have selective hearing. trump can say anything and they will just cheer and cheer and cheer on queue. it is important that americans hear it. that is him giving the game away. he does not care about anybody out here. trump s only goal, first, second, third priority is to keep himself out of prison and make the prosecutions against them go away. he has brought forward no plans for, to lower costs, nothing to lower health care costs, nothing to increase the amount of jobs. no plans on housing or inflation. he is focused on keeping himself out of the courthouse and out of the prison. this is a rare incidents, less rare these days. he is just, he is just coming out and saying it. if you want an example of someone who treats their supporters with nothing but contempt, it is something like trump, standing there, on that stage and just basically telling them what he thinks about them. what i like to hear about is the truth. and billions in infrastructure funding made its way across the country thanks to the infrastructure bill now law. and suddenly we are seeing some house republicans taking credit for all of these jobs that were created but for facts sake, those same republicans voted against the bill. do their constituents who might not pay attention to traditional politics or watch the news, do they know the truth? they are taking credit for things they voted against? no, they don t know the truth because they are not going to hear the truth. it is hypocritical. let me make another point on the vegas speech and the ad and by the way there is another ad that i think the biden campaign has done and it is the best one. donald trump in his own voice talking about veterans. i think they should just leave that up through election day. it is specifically good. really impactful. by the way trump has been complaining about it. what we call that is hit dogs barking. [ laughter ] you know he is feeling the pain so it is working. as a former ad guy, i know the most effectiving you can do is not say what you think that person said but let them say what they said themselves, it is great. i want to go back to the infrastructure point. what do you do about the fact that you have house republicans patting themselves on the back, taking credit for passing things they voted against? i think they have done an effective job at exposing these people. biden said it out loud. he was in lauren s district and she is trying to take credit. going out there, getting in the districts and doing that. and basically where trump one day rallying against toilets nothe flushing and keeping himself out of prison and then biden talking about $35 inhalers and $35 insulin and $2,000 a month health care plans, stuff that is going to impact regular people. they are good-bye that, side by side, it is a matter of getting it out there and hammering the message, over and over and over again. they often say what is the one thing that a politician did to change your life or help you in some way and you just got to show people. thank you for being here. still ahead, you want to stay up for this. when coach steve kerr talks, everybody listens the nine time nba champion is here next. his big endorsement in this election and his take on caitlin clark s first month in the pros when the 11th hour continues the pros when the 11th hour continues some people just know there s a better way to do things. and some people. don t. bundle your home and auto with allstate and save. you re in good hands with allstate. hi, i m greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i m not an actor. i m just a regular person. some people say, why should i take prevagen? 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i mean it is clear that president biden is really interested in implementing gun safety measures. common sense gun violence pro vens measures. i have been doing a lot of work the last 10 years with a lot of gun safety prevention people like brady, giffords, sandy hook promise, march for our lives. i have learned so much. i know that we can prevent lives president biden is adamant he is going to push for common sense law that can do that. i know that president trump will not do that. so it is a simple choice for me. are you voting for joe biden or against donald trump. i am voting for joe biden. i think the biggest thing for me is, everybody needs to vote their conscious. on a few issues but this is the main one. i lost my father to gun violence when i was 18 years old. i know how much pain people go through every single day in this country. i know that, that gun violence is the number one killer of children in america. and, i know that there is so much that we can do about this. and, i think most people out there agree with me if you are republican or a democrat. 80% of people in this country want, want universal background checks. does not matter your political affiliation. we can do this. we kind of have to steer the cruise ship there. it is going to take time. we need to implement laws that the vast majority of our country want and president biden is willing to do the work to try to get those changes. you have said in the past that before you lost your father, as you said when you were only 18, you felt like your life was impentrable nothing bad can happen to you. what do you say to those people who don t say gun violence is a part of their life so they don t make it a priority. you don t know. the chances are likely that you won t be impacted. but there is a good chance that you will, also. and the that is a scary thought. i am a recent grandfather. i have a granddaughter that is 18 months old. i am thinking a lot about when she goes off to kinder garten and she kindergarten and she will have to go through mass shooting drills and the trauma our kids across america go through just from the drills and the possibility of facing that kind of situation. it is traumatizing and it is just it is a terrible thought that all of our children are feeling this way. and, again, we know that common sense laws save lives, they absolutely do. and there is so much that we can do and, and it is kind of my civic project that i like to work on. it is just, you know, trying to help get the cruise ship moving. it is going to take a lot of work. it really is up to us as private citizens toip sift that our government, you know, take the necessary moves to make that happen. there is a lot of other public figures that share their views, many endorsed biden in 2020. many are staying quiet now. expressing public views right now is getting more and more difficult. the backlash is real. this is not going to be easy for you. you will get heat from all sorts of people. why did you decide to speak out? well, it is too important to save lives. and to, i think, do something that is important for our country. not that i am going to be able to do anything by myself but i have a platform. if i can at least get the message out there. i think it is important for families to talk about this issue, neighbors, friends, you know, there is not an attack on the second amendment. this is about implementing things that can save lives. and, again, it could be your own child, it can be your own mother or father, could be you. we have to understand the gravity of gun violence in our country. and not just pass it off as well, this is the price of freedom, you know. that is what a lot of people say. we have to have the freedom that the second amendment provides us. freedom should also be kids going to school and not being afraid. and, there are ways to do this. we can protect the second amendment but protect our citizens with some really simple laws. we just have to get everybody on board. it is such a political hot- button. it is really not a common thought in our country that this is a controversial issue. it is not. as i say, 80% of people want universal background checks. we should have that. that alone would save hundreds if not thousands of lives every year in america. you said it right there. it is a political hot-button issue. not when you go in people s homes and sit at their kitchen tables and talk to them about what matters to them. i do want to talk to you about something else that matters to you that you know a lot about. obviously basketball. before you go. you played with michael jordan on the chicago bulls, you know how this super star was treated early and the attention he got. given your experience, your firsthand knowledge, what do you think about caitlin clark s treatment so far in the wnba? i think it is a rite of passage. wnba or nba. other players will test you. she reminds me a lot of steph curry. a lot of people may not remember this but in his first couple of years he was not a super star. he was not who he is now. he had to get stronger, he had to understand people were coming after him. that is what is happening with her right now. i think it is all in the name of competition she is handling herself beautifully. she is an amazing player. like any player that comes into the wnba, nba it takes time, they have to get stronger. get used to the athleticism. she will be fine. i think everything she is going through right now is all part of being a pro. what do you think about the fact that she will not be at the olympics, you will be there? i am so excited. i am sorry she will not be. i am sure she will have a chance in four years. when you put the olympic teams together all you care about is winning. and, you know, it is probably going to take caitlin a couple years to be at the top. i think the women s team is taking the 12 players that they think can help bring home a gold and that is exactly what the men s team did. you know, that is the name of the game. no politics in the olympics. we just want to win. and i sure hope you do this year. i can say, nobody remembers when steph curry was not a super star. steve, great to see you, thank you for joining us tonight thank you, great seeing you. we will have more 11th hour after the break have morh hour after the break you know what s brilliant? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240611

teaming up to launch a super pac focused on attracting disillusioned young voters. will it work in italics? ainsley: plus. [laughter] ainsley: gosh, my voice cracked. [laughter] ainsley: seasonal allergies, right, steve? plus, supermodel nomani campbell message for young women skipping motherhood over economic. it will change her mind. as a study finds more trump supporters than biden supporters say marriage and children should be a priority. steve: look at that speaking of parents. this sunday s is father s day. we have the top of the line ideas for kids. ainsley: what is that? steve: waterproof. lawrence: what a tease because we are all interested. the second hour of fox & friends starts right now. and remember, mornings are better with friends. brian: get dressed. lawrence: make sure you are already dressed. so president biden hosting an early juneteenth celebration at the white house yesterday as his support among black voters continues to go down. brian: now one polling guru is suggesting that joe biden should drop out of the presidential race with less than five months to election day? steve: peter doocy just back from france joins us from washington. peter? good morning. and the president came back to the white house last night after a few days in france and a few days in delaware to host an early juneteenth celebration there on the south lawn. we have got some video of it. i don t remember ever seeing president biden try to dance on camera. last night was not going to be the night. did he briefly address the crowd on the south lawn though who accuse republicans of trying to take away black americans right to vote. trying to do anything to reverse this trend. he has shed 7% of his black voter support since october of 2020. trump has gained in that time 9%. things are bleak with young voters, too. so now we have got this headline from the wrap. snl and parks and recreation writers pitch ads to help biden reach gen z and young millennials. these ads are going to come out next month in july. and the organizer is claiming in this interview that it s not your average celebrity endorsement. rather they are creating content with millennial and gen z writers for millennial and gen z voters. at the same time, the pollster, nate silber is warning, biden just hit a new all-time low in approval. 37.4% at 5:38 yesterday. dropping out would be a big risk. but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know but it s more than fair to ask. we have no indication president biden is planning to drop out. is he going to go talk about gun safety before heading out to europe italy where the talk will turn, last week to russia v. ukraine. back to you. brian: peter, i was pretty stunned to say how much jill biden s trips back and forth across the oceans. ainsley: how expensive they were? brian: $345,000 it s cost taxpayers. peter: sounds like the dnc is going to reimburse the cost of some first class tickets. brian: that s like a few thousand dollars. ainsley: remember, peter, you told the story and you said how much is this going to cost the taxpayer? peter: you are welcome taxpayers for getting reimbursement for first class tickets. steve: nate silver, they should have liivesd to me in february. he should have dropped out last year. nobody at the white house or at the campaign saying okay we re going to lay low and just before the convention is he going to drop out. nobody is suggesting that he is going to say, you know what? i had a good year. so long. peter: no. there was a lot of talk about different prominent democrats months ago putting themselves in a position if biden decide he had he was going to bow out. that is all done. they are all systems go with biden at the top of the ticket and harris has the vice president and honing for the best. lawrence: peter, i m hoping can you put this into context. when you look at the numbers he is under water when it comes to young voters, obviously losing support amongst minority voters. and voters point to the economy. they say all of this is impacting them. they can t get a house and all that stuff. the white house already has some of the best hollywood people to produce their messaging and all of that. is it the position of the white house that people just don t understand the story of the administration? that they have actually done more and if they could just get these producers to make these little ads that they will understand more? i mean, i m just not understanding. peter: it is, lawrence, a lot of people you talk to at the white house or a lot of people from delaware have been say for a couple months now well, a lot of voters are just not paying attention, they are not as plugged into politics as we are, but, at some point, it s too late. at some point people do have to start paying attention because we are like two and a half months away from people forming opinions and then applying for ballots to get sent to their house. and so, it s the time for people to start paying attention is coming up quickly. steve: peter, here s date. june 14th, 2017. you were supposed to go to the congressional baseball practice that day over in virginia but you had an assignment and you couldn t make it. and now you have got a special on fox nation called strike zone, right? peter peters yeah, we have spent a couple months on this new project. this is the first time we are talking about it. nobody has done in the seven years since this congressional baseball practice shooting, nobody has done a documentary about it. and so, with the whole team at fox nation, we put together a three-part series and they are all my wife and i watched it last night. it was her birthday. this is what we did for her birthday. it is gripping the way that the story has been put together. we talked to the heroes of that day. we talked to some of the victims. and we were actually able to, with the input from the people who were at the shooting, including officer david bailey, who was one of the officers engaging with the gunman, we were able to go back to the baseball field with permits and recreate the shooting to give you an idea. steve: with real guns. peter: with real guns. they were out there just a couple days ago. the finished product it looks more like something you would see in a trailer for bad boys than in a trailer for something about a congressional baseball practice. but, it really shows how violent this action was. and we can you stream the whole thing now on fox nation. we also, for the first time on camera. took steve scalise back to second base on that practice field where he almost lost his life. and to hear him tell the story right there at second base is one of the most moving experiences that i have had in 15 years of doing different assignments. so, please do go watch it on fox nation. any time now. but start during the break. [laughter] peter: all right. ainsley: that sounds fascinating. i can t believe it s been seven years. we were all together reporting on that. steve: live on the couch. ainsley: yeah, we were. thank you, peter. he has a great wife who is also in the business and on her birthday they are watching peter on tv. lawrence: that s awesome. steve: honey, i have got a special get to see the fox nation three part series one day early. happy birthday, hillary by the way. secret recording by a liberal filmmaker captures samuel alito and john roberts discussing whether they believe compromise between the left and the right is possible. brian: wow. look at this. brooke singman is here with more. brooke: this is a wild story. this liberal documentary filmmaker who lied and represented herself as a religious conservative to get into the supreme court historical society s annual dinner last week secretly recorded a conversation with justice samuel alito and chief justice john roberts discussing the current political climate in america. so in the audio obtained exclusively by rolling stone, justifiable alito is heard questioning whether compromise between the left and the right is even possible. he said one side or the other is going to win. adding there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. the filmmaker justified her decision to intentionally mislead the justices telling rolling stone that she did it because, quote: the supreme court is shrouded in secrecy and they are refusing to submit to any accountability in the face of overwhelming evidence of serious ethics breaches. meanwhile when pressed by the filmmaker chief justice roberts says the polarization in today s society is nothing new. citing high tensions during wars of the past. however roberts focus might be elsewhere right now as senate democrats are currently debating whether or not to subpoena him in the fight over judicial ethics reform. at the moment, democrats seem to be divided on the strategy of issuing a subpoena as they acknowledge it s unclear whether they can even get majority support in the senate judiciary committee. guys? steve: all right, brooke. thank you very much. brian: there is all out attack on the supreme court justice. the flag controversy. what is justin thomas doing on vacation? what is justice alito think when being surreptitiously recorded. lawrence: that recording didn t even get anything. brian: didn t get much. lawrence: no one disagrees with the statements. steve: john roberts disagreed with what she said. ainsley: said he wasn t able to compromise her. some things you can t compromise. steve. lawrence: even if the statement is true nothing wrong with that statement. ainsley: we have ha h. a lot of the people. brian: they are attacking them. ainsley: what about her credibility as a journalist. if she lied to get into this event. steve: it looks like she had an agenda. it looked like she was trying to get that she got it. it was revealed. i m kind of curious about the circumstances. lawrence: they want to destroy the court. steve: meanwhile, talk a little bit about this. you know there is going to be an elections, first tuesday in november. and, you know, look at the polls. we were talking about them a little while ago. right now donald trump is leading in the swing states. and that is causing a number of people on the political left to say my hair is on fire. and their hair is on fire. because they are terrified that donald trump would be returned to the white house and there could be some revenge as well. ainsley: here is rachel maddow talking about her concerns if donald trump is elected. steve: she said this, is a quote. ainsley: i m worried about the country broadly. if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to root out what he describes in subhuman terms, as his enemy from within. what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? so, yes, i m worried about me. but, only as much as i m worried about all of us. steve: going to the camp? brian: andy mccabe, the fbi guy who was caught putting together a master plan to have this russia hoax put forward. lawrence: lisa page, peter strzok. ains. brian: he said the same thing. chris matthews said the same thing. i watched over the weekend the president was asked by sean hannity, dr. phil in another interview, do you plan on revenge for all the lawfare that has been put out on you. he said i m going to be too busy. you can t blame me if i did and people are mad because i didn t last time with hillary. took the second half he said and put a montage and said the president is out for revenge, why? because they are out to stop the president. they are not out to cover an election. they are out to stop donald trump. lawrence: it s so ironic that the people that has attacked not only the president of the united states, but all of his supporters, whether you are talking about donald trump or just mothers expressing some concern about their kids going after school board moms that are upset with the system, to then say they re going to be targeted, also, the former president has also said, ainsley, that part of his goggle is to make sure that no one else gets targeted. ainsley: where were they when this was happening to donald trump the weapons of our government, our justice system? they all loved that they loved that they were seeking revenge against donald trump, just for having properties in new york. they were running some of our elected officials here were run obligor then issue that i will take down donald trump. that s the weaponization of government. that s what they fear if trump gets elected? brian: that s why james carville came out and said the lawfare is not working here s what trump actually said. sean: on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political opponents. number one they are wrong it. has to stop. otherwise, we won t have a country. look, when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them and it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality all of the money going into the family and him. all of this money from china from russia. from ukraine. lawrence: you know, i think it s important. because it s been a quick four years. but, remember where we were four years ago when this came to the campaign back and forth. and you had the 40-plus intelligence former officials come out and say 50, right? it was russian disinformation the hunter biden laptop. and now right now four years later almost, we are in a court of law where they are using that same laptop and the judge has said that it s actually legitimate and not only that. the fbi knew that it was legitimate. but, because it s a campaign, all bets are off. let s scare the american people, let s use people with fancy titles, a part of the community. to say weaponize against and then donald trump can t even suggest? maybe we should undo some of these agents. that s what they are worried about. maybe break up. so agencies. maybe root out the political corruption. it s not like there is proof or anything that they have attacked the former president while he was president of the united states they said they weren t going to take the orders from him. read the goat from rachel maddow worried about a camp. not just people on tv. a.o.c. a congresswoman from here in new york she is worried that apparently trump will arrest her because she has been a big, you know, anti-trump person through the last. lawrence: so ridiculous. one day maddow is afraid of the former president as if he went after one day during the first four years. it s not like we don t have a record to see of the guy they said this the last time he was going to go after the political opponents go. after the journalists. last time i checked it was barack obama s administration spied on journalist spied on our own people at fox news. there is no reports about that. brian: all right. well, we ll see what happens. i just know this, 62% of the country is in favor of rounding up illegal immigrants into camps and sending them back. and that s margaret brennan of face the nation. still can t get her jaw off the ground. steve: she was shocked. it is 7:16 in new york city. carley has the news. carley: unbelievable scene unfolded. chaotic anti-israel protests rocking new york city. [chanting] carley: that s activists chanting long live intifada. victims of the nova music festival murdered by hamas on october 7th. protesters set off flares chanted anti-israel slogans. demonstrators could be seen carrying around a banner that said long live october 7th if you can believe it. maize praising the mass killing left bide hamas left over 1200 israelis dead. at least 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. a young missionary couple ongoing unrest in haiti have been laid to rest in home state of missouri. their parents joined us earlier on fox & friends first. all about sharing the love of christ with others. and just helping those that are in need. and they did that during their time there in haiti. it s truly beautiful to see what they did there and how much they loved the culture and the people. it is a dark place, but, you know, i believe that the darkest places need the light. and that s why davey and natalie were there. davey and natalie lloyd were married just two years ago. they had spent the majority of the last few years of their life devoted to god and serving others. an arrest has been made in northern china after four americans were stabbed in a park over the weekend. chinese police say a 55-year-old man is in custody for attacking four instructors from iowa s cornell college on sunday. the victims are now recovering. their conditions are not known at this time. this just in former president trump s legal team is filing a new motion to dismiss the classified documents indictment. this move comes as house democrats launch a group to respond to a possible second trump term. california congressman jared huffman is helping lead the effort. he said, quote. this stuff is going to be coming at us at light speed. and we are on our heels and reacting to it. we could lose our democracy according to that congressman. florida governor ron desantis is raising teacher pay. the governor announced 1.55 $25 billion in new education funding yesterday. while also take swipe at the state s teacher s union. salaries for teachers would increase f 40,000 per year to 47,000 per year. across the country and around the world. that s the one thing you hear about florida they don t pay their teachers a lot. ainsley: in florida. they used to now. brian: they just gave them a raise. steve: thank you, carley. apparently the teacher s union is talking about how carley is number 50 when it comes to teacher pay. ainsley: then i think it changed to 16 now. steve: 16th in the country. ainsley: 16th in the country. steve: i just saw what the teacher s union had said and they said that says florida is 50th in u.s. overall in teacher s pay and teacher short damage. brian: maybe after this increase. ainsley: we were talking about it before the show. you and i were on that with the producers say making them number 16 in the country. lawrence lawrence i just wonder for all the criticism of ron desantis, this is something that he has done and the teachers union, they have not been friendly to him. steve: no. brian: but you know, why, right? school choice. lawrence: 100 percent. steve: and books. lawrence: will they give him credit for signing this bill into law to give them the increases that he needs. so at least is he fighting the culture war as well as taking care of the teachers as well. ainsley: my mom was that teacher for 33 years. my sister is a school teacher in south carolina. i m all for this. they don t make the amount of money for the amount of work they put into it. steve: they do not. brian: i agree. steve: speaking of children naomi campbell has two children at home now. ainsley: her first one at 50 years old. steve: they were born by a surrogate. she talks in the london times now about, you know, i don t think she saw it coming. how much of an impact and how her life changed. she says, my children are my 110% priority. and she loves parenting. and she worries that a number of younger women who are not having children right now because of economy or for some other issue, they are going to some day regret not having a kid. ainsley: i know. she said i have heard a lot of young girls saying that it s too goive have children. they may not want them. and i have said you will change your mind. you will want to be a mom. i understand economically it s tough. but my mom, she is from england, had nothing. and she made it work. it s worth it. it is so amazing. i agree with her. i understand for women out there a lot of single moms, some people making decisions whether they want to raise a child by themselves. if you decide to be a parent, it is the greatest joy. jesus christ, i tell my daughter all the time, getting saved, knowing jesus christ was most important day of my life. my number two day was on november 6th, 2015. the moment that doctor put her in my arms, it changes your life forever. there is nothing sweeter, nothing better. everything you do is for someone else now. you come to work for someone else. it teaches you to be selfless, and it is such a joy. when she walks in that room. i light up. when your children walk in the room, when yours do, there s nothing better. brian: i will find out how much they like me on sunday on father s day. i will look at value that i get back and i will find out what i mean to them. ainsley: you love being a father you talk about it all the time. steve: brian, do you think they are going to be recycling that scottevest. brian: scottevest that guy got outed big time. remember? the leaked audio of him putting downtown fox viewers. attention family, no scottevest. i got enough pockets. lawrence: i will just say as the only one on the couch without children, i do think there is a legitimate fear, especially if you grew up in a family that struggled of what the right time is. ainsley: right. i agree with that. lawrence: we could do better job elders lived through some things to educate. we look at our parents and say they struggled and we don t want our kids to struggle the same way we grew up struggling. i think naomi was trying to do that of trying to say hey, you can make it. i know it s not the glamorizing thing but just put back a little bit more. you will be able to do this. i think my generation that s a lot of what we think of. ainsley: did i change my mind. i was probably like 34 when i said okay, i have done the career thing for so long. i definitely want to. lawrence: ainsley you are saying there is still time for you to change your mind l.j. ainsley: you will be a parent. you will be a great dad. brian: naomi campbell was married to david bow j y.? ainsley: no imam. lawrence: get them mixed up. brian: supermodel collection. ainsley: they are all gorgeous. brian: hard to know who they are married. to say. ainsley: we have a fox news alert. in 90 minutes jury deliberations resume in the hunter biden federal gun trial. we are live outside the courthouse. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. steve all right. 90 minutes from now 9:00 a.m. eastern time. day two of deliberations will start in hunter biden s gun trial in delaware. the fate of the president s son could be decided by a jury today after federal prosecutors told the jury to ignore the first family s presence throughout the proceedings. rich edson is live outside of the courthouse in wilmington. rich, yesterday, inside the courthouse, it looked like a biden family reunion. it did. we have seen a lot of that throughout the week. biden family members out of the courtroom first lady nearly every day. the jurors the next hour and a half. [chanting] deliberate berated for hour and 10 minutes yesterday when they began resuming here. prosecutors began closing telling jurors there is overwhelming evidence against hunter biden. they accused him of using drugs, lying about it on a federal form to buy a gun and illegally owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days in october of 2018. i don t think this guy is a juror. [man shouting] rich: referring directly to biden family. jill biden saying people in the gallery are not evidence. nobody is above the law. prosecutors highlighted testimony from hunter s exs detailing drug use and recapped messages. the defense basically says that the prosecution s case depends on, quote, a magic trick of relying on evidence of past. when he bought that gun. no photos or proof that he was doing so in october of 2018. brian, we will throw it back to you. brian: thanks so much, rich. i appreciate it. i know there is screaming behind you but nothing can rattle you. that s tremendous. awesome job. rich: not at all. brian: got it. let s move ahead. president biden is gearing up for a meeting g 7 in italy later this week to talk on the continued support for ukraine. and as a european union continues to count votes for parliament, get this, right wing parties have made significant ground across the continent, in countries like france. in countries like germany. and elsewhere. taking over a third of the country s seats. here to react, iowa senator joni ernst, senator, it s pretty stunning, i was just jotting this down before the segment. snap elections. right wing make huge progress with france and germany and other nations. what s the message they are trying to send? as you see in europe you will see that in the united states as well, brian. you see the folks in europe really pushing back against a lot of the migration that has happened. many of these countries just opened their doors to migrants that were sweeping across europe. we see that same thing here in the united states with an open southern border. the folks in those countries are so tired. their own government can t support their own people now they are expected to support migrants. we see that in the united states of america, you also see this huge push for green energy to bow to the idol of green climate ideas. of course, people are tired of that as well. you will see that here in the united states, too. with all of the regulation that president biden has been shoving down our throats. and just as we have seen in europe, i can expect that we will see that in november here as well. brian: i don t know if it applies but perhaps it does. remember in 2015 brexit happened and they bucked everything and england broke away. one year later donald trump happened. right. brian: that bucked tradition, too. it made the establishment extremely upset. we know at this point that it looks like france has about half of support of the le pen party. which is right wing. don t love how cozy they are with russia. but the right wing conservatives and in germany it looks like the socialist party took a beating, too. let s move on and talk about what is happening here. earlier we talked about in politico, the first story, talks about how wall street is lining up behind former president donald trump, big numbers. and then you cecil con valley huge $12 million raised for former president trump and does that play into where they think the economy is right now? absolutely it does, brian. you would not see wall street executives lining up to support the former president unless they knew go back, compare the four years of the administration under donald trump and how well our economy was doing then. compare that to today under joe biden. his administration has put so many regulations out there. the impacted to business over $400 billion worth of costs to businesses in new regulations. that s just with joe biden. small businesses are being strangled out of the marketplace because of these regulations. under donald trump, we saw a thriving economy. we can expect to see that again. people are really anxious for the november election. they are even more anxious for january of 2025 when donald j. trump is our next president. brian: the president is going to be addressing business leaders on thursday so that s going to be big. joe biden was invited but he has got to be in italy. oh well donald trump will have a captive audience. brian: absolutely, he answers questions. and he does other thing of listening to what the problem is. exactly. brian: senator, thank you so much. thank you, brian. brian: hundreds of migrants crossing after joe biden s so-called crackdown with one even saying he loves president biden. a live report, next. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] meanwhile, at a vrbo. when other vacation rentals aren t what they re cracked up to be, try one where you know what you ll get. i m not a doctor. i m not even in a doctor s office. i m standing on the streets talking to real people about their heart. how s your heart? my hear s pretty good. you sure? i think so. how do you know? you re driving a car, you have the check engine light. but the heart doesn t have a hey, check heart sign. i want to show you something. put both fingers right on those pads. there you go. in 30 seconds we re going to have a medical-grade ekg reading. -there it is! -that is you. look at that. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it s the only personal ekg that s fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this device costs? probably a thousand. $99! wow! that s impressive. this year, give dad peace of mind for father s day with kardiamobile for just $79. check out our father s day sale at or amazon. lawrence: so it looks like the biden administration is reportedly looking at more border action, including a proposal to shield illegal immigrants spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation. this as hundreds of migrants from countries around the world continue streaming into the u.s. despite biden s recent executive order. griff jenkins is live at the white house. griff, it doesn t seem like it s working. griff: no, it doesn t seem like that at all, lawrence. good morning. the white house tells fox they are continuing to explore a series of policy options but they are apparently elaborating on that to the new york times who writes this today. the biden administration is considering a proposal to protect undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation and allow them to work in the country legally. according to four officials with knowledge of the discussions and such any such program could also provide some spouses an easier route to obtain u.s. citizenship. the times says it s unclear how many people this could effect in the no final decision has yet been made. but it comes as you mentioned, lawrence, a week ago today, the president announcing he is cracking down on asylum seekers. so farther numbers have simply shown no decrease illegal crossings. and in places like the san diego sector, they are continuing to release migrants from eastern hemisphere countries that are hard too send back. fox news capturing these images of hundreds crossing in jacumba, california. turkey, india and yemen. one migrant told our colleague matt finn he believes biden is helping him. did you pay anyone to help you get here. no, no, no, no. i just searched the internet and then follow those guides. i searched the internet. a way you can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden, i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. griff: caribbean illegal crossers not so lucky. the u.s. coast guard says they returned a combined 305 migrants to the bahamas and haiti on sunday and monday. this was all a part of operation vigilant century where they are trying to crack down on merit me illegal crossings. lawrence: how could they hate him at least on that side of the border. griff, thanks so much for joining the program. griff: thank you. lawrence: los angeles is set to open what could be the world s fanciest homeless shelter and it s costing taxpayers. the 19-story apartment complex in skid row cost $165 million to build or almost $600,000 per unit. joining us is one taxpayer in l.a. business owner paul gentleman van know. paul, everyone wants to help the homeless get them off the st street. doesn t seem like a money issue. what is your thoughts about this program. it certainly isn t good morning, lawrence. it certainly isn t a money issue. this building is being built being built through what is known as measure h, which was it s maybe 6 years old now which was a bond measure to raise $3.75 billion over 10 years city hhh and counter measure h. another $3.75 billion half a percent sales tax increase in the county. combined $7.5 billion over 10 years and if do you that math, that s $2 million a day for 10 years. and that s just those two measures. maxine waters is in congress right now and i don t have the members but she has got two resolutions pimping for $150 billion for homeless and $100 billion for housing for five major cities around the country, los angeles, san francisco, denver, you know, so on and so forth. it is not a money issue. it s they i think what he are doing is artificially no what they are doing is artificially maintaining these monstrously high numbers to justify all this spending. but, it needs to be broken down because we don t have 100 if you use their numbers, we don t have 175,000 homeless people. we have, you know, thousands of homeless people, but we also have tens of thousands that are just drug tourists. we have tens of thousands who are not homeless. they have homes. they just don t like their parents anymore. so they come here and just live in a tent and live off the grid. the numbers you get to build $600,000, 900 square foot apartments because you have endless supply. you have endless supply of money because you have inflated numbers. and it s being being done [inaudible]. lawrence: paul, they keep taxing people like you. i have been down there. i have sat down with the homeless. i sat down on the beach and talked with them. i asked them where do you get the needles for the drugs in the government. give it to them on the street. where do you get the food in the government gives them the food. i asked them where do they get some of the enhanced drugs, the fentanyl and all that yeah, just a local supplier. they don t want to leave because there is really no incentive. so, we re praying for you guys. hopefully some things can turn around. lawrence, the biggest tax that they are taxing us is the effect on the streets. the effect on the retail scene. if it were a money issue, i m happy like, i will buy buildings like that all day long as long as the locks are on the outside. lawrence: you guys have a big heart out there. unfortunately, at love the businesses there are shutting down because they just can t take the taxes anymore. paul, thanks so much for joining the program. thanks, lawrence. lawrence: so, father s day is right around the corner. and skip bedell is here with gifts that any dad would love. we just trying to catch a good time even if it takes all night pass that bottle around theedr camp fire-f ig that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. life s daily battles are not meant to be fought alone. - we re not powerless. so long as we don t lose sight of what s important. don t be afraid to seize that moment to talk to your friends. - cloud, you okay? because checking in on a friend can create a safe space. - the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it s totally worth it. janice: good morning, everyone. a beautiful day in new york city. i have some friends here from arkansas. wave to everybody at home. yea. take a look at the maps. the heat is still a big concern in the west and throughout the southwest where we have excessive heat watches and warnings in effect. temperatures soaring well over 100 degrees. that s going to be continuing throughout the workweek. i mean, these are the types of temperatures you see, you know, into the summertime like july-august. we are getting them in just before summer. and it s really causing issues, you know, people are heat related illness are urged to stay inside. that heat is going to travel across the eastern u.s. over the next couple of days. so we will enjoy that. a little taste of summertime. but very warm in areas that i just mentioned across california and the southwest. also want to make mention in florida, heavy rainfall. this is not a three-point line system but it is deep three-point line moisture. we could get anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of rain friday through saturday. keep that in mind. fox for all of your latest details. look who is outside steve, ainsley, brian and l.j. and skip bedell. steve: thank you very much, janice. lawrence: thanks, j.d. steve: sunday is father s day this weekend. and if you are looking for the best outdoor gifts, have you come to the right place. brian: skip bedell is in the right place. skip: hi, guys. i have curated the best list for dads. starting off with montana knife company. hand crafted from master knife smith josh smith. look at the presentation on this. super quality. such a beautiful gift for dad. hunting knives from a hatchet and all the way up to the sweet piece culinary set. even when magnetic wood block dad can display his knives. steve: great. montana knife unbelievable. brian: or skip bedell. skip: rapid radios. communicating nationwide one touch radios. right in no bills, no contracts, no monthly service fee. $50 a year and nationwide communication. like a one touch walkie talky. lawrence: brian goes dallas this week can i communicate. skip: one push to talk nationwide radio. no monthly bills no contract. rapid unbelievable. steve: earlier, you i thought this was a fan. it s a speaker. skip: ultimate bluetooth speaker turtle box. check this out. loudest outdoor speaker. it s super adorable. it is 100 percent waterproof. marine grade. so this is a true waterproof outdoor bluetooth speaker that dad can take camping, take continue othe boat. best thing it s durable and 100 percent waterproof. brian: i don t know something like this existed. skip: i m wearing brunt work wear. dad works on the job site. any trade. trust me he will love if you give him from grunt work. real texas steel leather. unbelievable pants that are flexible. what you are hold something a uv protection shirt. like i have on. super soft. the fabric. feel, this brian. tell me it s not the softest shirt you ever felt. right? brian: first time i felt a man s shirt. skip: unbelievable work wear. steve: are those abs? skip: you felt that, right? a pencil holder on your hat. brunt work dad is going to love if you get him anything from brunt. this is a firestorm. check this out. this is a portable fire pit. this thing packs up flat, goes into a backpack. it is the only fire pit in the world that packs up and go into a case dad can take his fire pit with him anywhere. it s made 100 percent out of powder coated steel right here in colorado. steve: just need a can of propane. skip: smokeless. best part it goes into a case. steve: less than a minute the lightning round. skip: chill couth 15 by stone glacier. top of the mountain ultimate in sleeping bags. dad is into adventure, camping and hunting. going to keep dad warm and dry for days all the way in the back country. it s all about light weight and compact. this whole thing packs up into this tiny little bag. stone glasure,. brian: dad is sleeping alone in the backyard again. skip: couple different models available at stone glacier, check it out. ready wise pro-meals take camping and hunting, add hot water. they are delicious meals one month emergency food supply all from ready wise. going to make it easy for dad to have food wherever he goes. brian: this is what we gave to the ukrainians during the obama administration. mres. skip: pro-meal by ready wise. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! lumineux is the first fluoride free toothpaste i ve ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth are. my gums and teeth are so healthy. it s crazy. you can get lumineux toothpaste at walmart and target. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts. in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo hi, i m gina. i ve tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i ve surpassed it. and i m keeping it off. ainsley: it s 8 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, june 11, this is fox and friends . we are expecting to see hunter bide

Steve-scalise , Brian-goes-dallas , Lawrence , Friends , Mornings , Fox-friends , Tease , Waterproof , Person , People , Photograph , Product

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240611

that will do it for us tonight. i told you that tonight would be a show and have. now it s time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. i listened to episode one of the new podcast today. i got to ask you a favor. okay. did you stop doing this thing where you reveal really dramatic interesting stories about united states senators i ve never heard of? because one of the angles on me getting a paycheck out of this place is i pretend that i m like the senate expert because i worked there for a while. this is not helpful, rachel. i spend the day listening to you telling me that a senator i ve never heard of, and, by the way, the single most dramatic thing that has ever occurred in the building where i used to work at i did not know it happened until today listening to you, and it s not supposed to be like that. i will start doing podcasts that are about state legislatures in states you never been to. rachel, i am filled with questions and possible spoiler questions that you are free to deflect, could you possibly join me after i get a little work done here about trump s probation to talk about the podcast because there are so many things i want to see if you can answer, and then, of course, there might be things you don t want to answer. i would love that. i look forward to answering your questions and dodging them? getting your slippers while i chat with andrew weissmann and we will do that. thank you. today was a routine workday for america s probation officers. one of those probation officers had the least routine workday of that probation officers life today when that probation officer new york city became the first probation officer in history to interview a former president of the united states. his first probation interview today is a standard and necessary part of determining what sentence donald trump should receive after a manhattan jury found him guilty of 34 felony charges of falsifying business records with the criminal intent of violating new york election lot in the 2016 presidential election. the probation department will use his responses today to determine what sentence the probation department will recommend for defendant trump at his sentencing hearing on july 11th. in another demonstration of donald trump getting extra favorable treatment, while he is complaining of being persecuted, judge juan merchan allowed his criminal defense lawyer to attend his first probation meeting and the probation department allowed it to take place virtually with donald trump in florida. a special treatment for trump did not go unnoticed by the legal aid society, the bronx defenders, new york county defender services and neighborhood defender services. they issued a joint statement saying all people convicted of crimes should be allowed counsel in their probation interview not just billionaires. this is another example of the two-tiered system of justice. presentencing interviews with probation officers influence sentencing, and public defenders are deprived of joining their clients for these meetings. the option of joining these interviews virtually is typically not extended to the people we represent either. to ensure integrity and fairness, we call on nyc department of probation to ensure that all new yorkers, regardless of income, status, or class, receive the same presentencing opportunities. nbc news is reporting that the interview lasted less than 30 minutes and that trump s probation officer is a woman. cnn is reporting that the commissioner for new york city department of probation was present along with the general counsel for the department. joining our discussion is the former commissioner of new york city s department of probation. thank you for joining us tonight. first of all, we want to get a sense of how unusual this was. we already have a sense that it was a bit unusual. as to the presence of counsel and it being remote you have these people representing other defendants saying that is never available to us. that is correct. it is highly unusual. i think it is appropriate to make some accommodation and recognize the fact that when trump shows up he will be accompanied by the secret service, he will be accompanied by the press, and his presence may be disruptive. the idea of doing the interview remotely does not troubled me that much. i think it is somewhat appropriate. and certainly during covid probation made use of these kind promote interviews. i think you can make arguments both ways. the presence of counsel is highly unusual and the presence of the commissioner is something i ve never heard of in 40 years in this business. can you think of a reason for doing it? would you have done it. would you join that meeting? no. i cannot think of a reason to do it. i think it skews the interview. i think too many people in the room is distracting and disruptive and not conducive to candor. i definitely would not have done that and i don t think it should be done in this case. 30 minutes is the report we are getting. what you make of that? it sounds abbreviated to me. usually these things take at least one hour. the content of what this interview is supposed to cover and what this report is supposed to address is spelled out very explicitly in state regulations, and it goes on in some link that covers a wide array of issues. i don t believe they could be addressed in a half hour unless mr. trump just refused to discuss all of them, which is his right to do. there is reporting that he did cooperate and answer all the questions. i m not sure whether that is completely true. assuming that, what you think the most important things aren t that they should have obtained in this discussion? i think that the judge certainly knows this defendant. he does not need to know much more. i think the important question to be addressed here was aggravating or mitigating circumstances. this was an opportunity for the defendant to set forth mitigating circumstances and for the probation officer, on behalf of the people, to set forth aggravating circumstances. but most importantly of all is the question of if this individual is not sent to prison but is granted probation , is this an individual who is likely to accept the terms of that probation and the supervision of a probation officer. and what would the terms of probation be and what would that supervision be like? all i can speak to is the typical case, and obviously, this is not a typical case. typically, a probationer would be expected to report to the probation office periodically. certainly no less than monthly at first. and to keep the probation officer apprised of his or her comings and goings, certainly not to engage in illegal activities and not to associate with individuals engaged in illegal activities. and not to misuse drugs or alcohol. to fulfill his or her financial obligations both to his or her defend dependence or any fines or restitution that has been ordered. what about associating with people who have been convicted of crimes? many people around donald trump have been convicted of crimes. historically this has been discouraged by probation agencies around the country. it has been liberalized somewhat recently, but i think it is something that the probation officer appropriately would discuss with the individual to determine whether the association is occurring for a good reason or not. martin horn, thank you very much for sharing your expertise. you are welcome. this evening in florida, trump s favorite federal judge denied his request to dismiss the federal criminal case against him for violations of the espionage act and illegal possession of classified documents. the judge said that the prosecution documents are permitted by law, raise evidentiary challenges not appropriate for disposition at this juncture, and/or do not require dismissal even if technically deficient, so long as the jury is instructed appropriately and presented with adequate verdict forms as to each of defendant s alleged conduct. the judge did grant the request to strike a paragraph of the indictment about his alleged meeting with a representative of his political action committee believed to be his campaign advisor, susie wiles, at his golf club in new jersey in 2021. it says that trump showed that person a classified map at that time. judge cannon said because showing that map is not one of the charged crimes in the indictment, it is not appropriate to include it in the indictment. in the ongoing scandal that is the united states supreme court, now there are tapes thanks to warren windsor. lauren windsor is an activist known to approach important republican people attending to be an ally and making flattering comments and secretly recording the responses. she is a dues paying member of the supreme court historical society, which has corrupted itself into an organization that allows right-wing supreme court influencers to comfortably influence right- wing supreme court justices at the annual dinner of that organization. last year at the supreme court historical society annual dinner, lauren windsor made recordings of her chats with supreme court justices that even she found so uninteresting she did not publish them. this year was different. she got samuel alito to agree on tape to returning the country to a place of godliness. as a catholic and as someone who really cherishes my faith, i just don t i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think it s a matter of, light, winning. i think you re probably right. on one side or the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully. but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. so it s not like you re going to split the difference. that s what i m saying. it s just i think that the solution really is like winning the moral argument. like people in this country who believe in god have got to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. i agree with you. and by contrast, chief justice roberts responded very differently. but you don t think there s a role for the court in guiding us toward a more moral path? no. i think the role for the court is deciding the case is. if i start would you want me to be in charge of guiding morals? i believe that the founders were godly, like were christians, and i think that we live in a christian nation and that are supreme court should be guiding us in that path. i don t know if that s true. i don t know that we live in a christian nation. i had jewish and muslim friends that would say maybe not and it s not our job to do that. it is our job to decide the cases as best we can. and since justice alito made his wife a public figure by blaming her publicly for flying flags supportive of the january 6th insurrection, you might expect her to have little to say to strangers about flags. and you would be wrong. why do you think they are coming after you? i mean like, the whole appeal to have have been flag the other thing is they believe rush limbaugh coined the term when he was not just the center of right-wing media, he was the only real national right-wing media. fox news was not invented yet so samuel alito s wife is quoting material from rush limbaugh that is over 30 years old that s how long she has apparently been listening and taking direction from the likes of rush limbaugh. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he s like, oh please don t put up a flag. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send the message every day. maybe every week i ll be changing the flags. i made a flag in my head. it s white and has yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word shame in italian. joining us now is andrew weissmann. he is co-author of the best- selling book, the trump indictments. andrew, this is quite an interesting window of sound into the thinking of justice alito and chief justice roberts. well, it could not be more striking from both of them of where the country is and we are hearing from a man who is a principal architect for the reversal, after 50 years, of roe v. wade. his thinking is in that decision is just as weak as his thinking that was shown in the letter he submitted trying to justify the flag incidents. and you have this dichotomy because you have the chief justice saying, what is the correct thing to say. we are on the eve of getting a decision on presidential immunity. it is a real lot on this country and the judicial system and i hate to be so direct that you have justice alito and justice thomas sitting on those decisions. that is not the way the country is supposed to be operated and not the way the court should be operating. their conduct as reflected on these tapes but their conduct in many ways without these tapes is something that is besmirching an important branch of government in this country that we are entitled to count on and it s hard to have faith in the system when you have that kind of conduct in these tape recordings coming out. we also have in these tapes, something very close to proving that justice alito lied publicly about the flags and the reason for the flags being up because the person he s blaming saying she wants these flags because of the other ones people have including the pride flag that somehow is oppressive to her. absolutely. there is nothing in there that i did it just in response. and even that story, the timing of that story did not make any sense in terms of what it was supposed to be in response to. as referred with respect to the police report and the neighbor across the way. so what is just amazing to me is there is zero accountability of the supreme court. and that is where chief justice roberts, as much as he might be a good man personally and he obviously said the right things. you don t really get credit for that because that is what is expected, but that is where he is to blame in part for not taking stronger action and there are a number of things he can do that would put more pressure on two justices who are not upholding their oath of office and away that helps this country at large, whatever side you re on. if you saw this from a liberal justice, we would be just as outraged and, of course, you would hear just as much, but it s not appropriate behavior. you know, andrew, i will speak for me. i spent most of my life finding inconceivable that we would be doing a story about a supreme court justice lying. and lying about something important that affects the integrity of the course own decisions. and i am now realizing in retrospect that the reason it was inconceivable was the supreme court justices themselves who we grew up with who could not possibly step in these things the way that samuel alito has or that clarence thomas has but especially justice alito with the flags and his wife making these comments to stranger about the flags that have become something far beyond controversial. the flags that they are flying that shared the spirit of the january 6th insurrection, all of that completely inconceivable not because of any ethics enforcement body but because, who was actually serving on the supreme court, whether we agreed with them or not during most of our lifetimes. i just want to point out one other aspect of what he was hurt on tape saying is that this is a christian nation and should be brought more to be a christian nation. and is a jewish american, that is not what our country is about. there is an establishment clause that s is supposed to separate the religious beliefs, which everyone is entitled to their own, but it s not established by the government. and that principal is very much under attack right now. with at least five if not six justices. hearing that from justice alito s mouth basically rips off any sort of pretense as to what is going on and it really tells you very much how dishonest the dobbs decision was that reversed roe v. wade. the idea that we are just sending it back to the states. that is not what is going on. this is part of a religious fervor and you have justice alito saying it out loud and whether you like the idea of the tape recordings happening in the way they were done is neither here nor there because there was nothing that prevented him from responding the way that justice roberts responded, which was correct. and it reveals the profound depths of the stupidity of samuel alito. andrew weissmann, thank you very much for joining us tonight. you are welcome. coming up, our next guest needs either a long introduction or no introduction. i will decide which one during the commercial break. rachel maddow joins us next. this soil 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( ) craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. with 30 grams of protein. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. wyoming in the 1940s. horizons, promise, also pigeons. lots and lots of pigeons. there was a serious infestation of pigeons. that s roger mcdaniel, a wyoming historian and author. he served in both houses of the wyoming state legislature, and the pigeon infestation he s talking about was that his old workplace at the wyoming state capital. that is the start of season 2 of the podcast in which rachel once again introduces us to a u.s. senator i ve never heard of. lester hunt is the man who climbed out on the window ledges at the state capitol to drop poison to kill the pigeons. lester hunt, when he did this, was the newly elected governor of the state of wyoming. it gives me pleasure to introduce you at this time, the honorable lester hunt. he set his sights on the u.s. senate, and he won that race too. our distinguished guest this evening is the honorable lester c hunt. the most popular politician in his state, lester hunt, newly elected u.s. senator, he heads to washington to do what he has always done, to advocate for his constituents for the people of wyoming. and to do some good for the rest of the country through service in the u.s. senate. he is as poised as anyone could be for success in that job, but things are about to change him radically. what he is about to encounter in washington will cost him his life. he will not live to see the end of even one term as a u.s. senator. joining us now is rachel maddow. you can get the first episode anywhere you listen to podcasts. and you can subscribe to msnbc. him and get every episode. rachel, i cannot take it. listen. we have 10 minutes. tell me the rest of it right now. i cannot wait for the next episode. well, i mean, and then there is us. it becomes the america that we know. i will not tell you the whole story. thank you for letting me come to show and talk about it. lester hunt is i mean, he stopped completely forgotten figure, but things went so badly for him very quickly after he got to washington that what i was trying to do in episode one was create the sense of the lost possibility. he really did lose his life to the scandal that i am working on in this podcast. it is a huge loss for the country because he did have a bright future ahead of him and everything else in his life leading up to that moment was not anything to go by. and i think i ve become good at resurrecting old villains who we forgotten about from history, but lester hunt is one of the good guys that we need to remember his legacy and the loss of him to something that went wrong with extremism in american politics and it is something we should regret and remember and commemorate. he s a democrat getting elected in republican wyoming. a difficult thing to do and impressive no matter when you hear that. he s like the jon tester of his time in that situation. but apparently, very naove when he gets to washington in such a way and i m speaking beyond what i know. but clearly he gets eaten up by washington and this is the drama about more than him. so what happens with him, and you will get there very quickly in the next few episodes, is that he s confronted in the senate with the first major thing he does in the senate. there is another senator in the opposite party who is his opposite and this other senator gets involved in a propaganda campaign . a foreign influence operation, which is an outrageous, like, dirty, false conspiracy theory tale designed to hurt united states. and lester hunt realizes what the other senator is doing. he s repulsed by it, and they come to loggerheads in the senate over this thing that the other senator is trying to advance. part of the reason i wanted to do this story is that while this is happening and while they are becoming mortal enemies in the senate, they lived next door to one another and their backyards backup to each other s houses. and while they have decided they are out to destroy each other, they can see how each other are living. and it only ratchets up the repulsion that lester hunt has and he decides on to take the political risk and i have to stand up against a monster like this and he does. and it is for the good of the country and it costs him his life. what he is fighting for and the reason he s fighting against that foreign influence operation in washington and the lowdown depth that some people will go to for political gain is an inspiration to me, even though it cost him his life. the first season talks about the poll that fascism had in the united states. the attraction it had for some people, how far they were willing to go to advance the cause of fascism here, and this and that is pre-world war ii and into world war ii. and this takes us to a period after world war ii. those people, most of them disappeared and one of the things we talked a lot about was that it became a forgotten story. the great sedition trial and the americans that worked with a asian they were defeated one way or another. and that means that we forgot their stories. and it means we forgot their stories pretty quickly. when they were let go and didn t get prosecuted for it and in the case of members of congress, none of them were prosecuted at all. their story was mostly forgotten and those of them that stayed in public life kept being the same kind of people they were before. for example, one of the characters in season 2 is someone who was part of the silver shirts and was writing for and in season 2 he ends up being the subject of an international years long manhunt by the u.s. government as, they believe him not just to be an american fascist, but a traitor and a nuclear terrorist. so this stuff gets worse. and he ends up involved with the republican senator who is a sitting senator in the u.s. senate. so when you let these folks get away with things, it is important that you please keep tabs on them to see where else they re going to turn up because it is never good. how many episodes, rachel? there are eight. and those of us who want 16 or 24, what do we do so you tell stories in your show that are similar to this and they tend to be 20 to 25 minutes. each podcast episode is significantly longer than that. what is the difference for you, as a storyteller, in the way you approach the podcast as opposed to the way you approach the show? a very good question. the podcast is basically it s a little book. it s a tv show. if you put all the episode legs together it s something that i want to hold your attention for about 4 to 5 hours. so in order to hold your attention for that time, it has to be well told. we use a lot of archival audio and historical audio and the wyoming audio archives to get the sound of lester hunt s voice was an incredible odyssey and superfund. but this is a single story arc that cannot be told in the course of the tv show. you have to stick with it. but by the time you get to the end, you should ve learned a new thing about american history and be propelled along the way by the dramatic interest in it so it sticks. i want these stories to be memorable. i m interested in these stories because i think they should be well known and we should all remember lester hunt and we should remember there was an internationally wanted american fascist fugitive who was involved with the republican senate at the onset of the cold war. we should understand what happens when the great sedition trial of the united states and with all of those people getting away and those seditionist movements getting away without ever being criminally held criminally accountable for what they ve been charged with. i want those stories to be vernacular and be a part of the way we think about our history as americans in dealing with a really strong anti-democratic challenges. we have a strong anti- democratic challenge right now, so we should know what are the options for how to respond to it and what has worked well in the past and what has not. the key to this great drama is, even if you don t care about democracy, and i don t understand you if you don t, if you don t care about democracy, this is still great drama with great characters just perfectly told by america s friendliest boys to tell you scary things. the good news is these scary things are kind of over, except there are threads of them that are still with us now. an alternative name for ultra you could ve considered, but stuff that lawrence o donnell does not know. that could be the title. it s hard to squeeze it into that small space. but what did you say? the friendliest boys? i might hit you up for that. thank you. i cannot wait for more episodes. thank you. you can listen to the first episode of the second season everywhere you listen to podcasts. coming up there have only been two presidents in the history of the united states who have issued pardons to members of their family. joe biden has thomas he will not become the third as a jury deliberates a case against hunter biden. that is next with andrew weissmann. to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. when did i call leaffilter? for the love of progress. when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it s the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit limu emu. and doug. 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well, before i get to that, i want to point out that compared to the opening where we talked about justice alito and the concern about the rule of law in this country, this is an example of the criminal trial of the rule of law working where you see the court functioning, even when you re dealing with a former president, or, in this case, the son of a president. there focusing on intent. the proof here is very strong that there was possession of a gun. there is very strong evidence that the addiction that hunter biden had and the issue is, was he aware during the relevant time periods of when he signed the form that said that essentially he was not an addict and did he believe at that point that he was an addict. and at the time that he possessed the gun for that two- week period, did he also believe that he was an addict. there is an intent. making a mistake is not for criminal law. this is a criminal case and they will be focused on that. there is sufficient proof if the jury wants to find it. it is very strong case. but abby lowell is an extremely good defense lawyer and we will see if he pulls a rabbit out of the hat. the big picture for the public is less of what happens and the fact that you have a president of the united states living the rule of law in this country and you have the rule of law working for the president son. andrew weissmann, thank you very much. we will be right back. what causes a curve here? 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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240611

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were rescued during a daring and deadly raid inside gaza. i get reaction from the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas-greenfiel d, chief standing by to join us lucidly, just minutes from now. and there s breaking news. the hunter biden case is now in the hands of a delaware jury the historic trial against the president since son potentially nearing an end as the panel waste three felony gun charges plus donald trump is taking the first step toward his sentencing. i m 34 felony convictions. the former president, holding a virtual meeting with a probation official this afternoon, and that interview could be a key factor as judge juan merchan decides on potential punishments for trump welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer, a urine the the situation room let s get straight to our top story tonight. the daring bloody israel kelly raid inside gaza, that operation successfully rescuing four hostages. but exacting a heavy toll on palestinian residents nearby the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas-greenfield, is standing by live will have a lot to discuss, but first, let s get all the latest developments from cnn s paula i hancocks in tel aviv new video from the israeli military shows the rescue of israeli hostages from central gaza. it says hundreds of personnel were involved in this rare daytime operation three hostages locked in an apartment in one multi-story residential building. another held in a flat 650 feet away in a densely populated neighborhood. models of the buildings were built weeks before to train in forces this is how israel s hostage rescue mission looked from the ground airstrikes explosions residents running to find safety. that doesn t have to exist in gaza hostages were flown by helicopter back to israel israel remains with family who had dreamed of this moment for eight months. families you only heard about the mission once their loved ones were safe. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returned to me, but the remaining hostages needed deal to get home safely there is a deal on the table we ask the israeli government to move forward with the deal the doctor who has treated the hostages since they arrived tells me, despite appearing in good condition, all for a malnourished or masses are extremely wasted. is damage to some other systems because of that, he says, they were moved frequently and beaten by their captors it was harsh, harsh experience with a lot of abuse almost every day, every hour both physical, mental, and other types and that is something that is beyond comprehension. dr. pessach also treated some of the hostages released in november and says the psychological damage of these four is significantly worse. all of them had faith but losing that faith. i think is where you get to the breaking point. and i m happy that this guy because i hear but there are others losing the faith in us. and human kinds residents in nuiseirat central gaza are in a state of shock, struggling to deal with the aftermath of saturday, which neighboring countries and the eu s top diplomat have called a massacre i m going to miss out this woman says, most of those trapped under the rubble of women and children. holmes s a filled with displaced people. israel committed a massacre the united nations security council passed a resolution votes this monday on a us proposal for a complete ceasefire in gaza. and the release of all remaining hostages. their work 14 votes in favor, zero against, and just one abstention from russia will follow. hancocks reporting from sylvia. thank you very much, sir. when i was in israel last november, i had a chance to meet with the family of almog meir, jan, one of the hostages just released by the idf i ll mugs a mother. all right. told me about the last time she spoke with their son as the hamas attack was underway. if you re me up and said to me, mom, they are rockets all over. and shooting. i don t know what happened. what is going? hey, non am i doing i ll call you every half an our mom, i love you i m so happy. of course, but i ll mug is home now with his loved one, sadly almost father yossi die just hours before his son s return to israel, authorities found yossi meir unconscious. and they went to notify him of all mugs rescue. he was later declared dead. i want to send my deepest condolences to the mayor family as they grieve yossi is passing and welcome almog home joining me mydata discuss all of this and more of the new united nations and to discuss the du, united nations resolution on a gaza ceasefire and all the other top stories from the region, the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas greenfield, ambassador. thank you so much for taking a few moments to join us. as you know, this is the first-time the un security council has officially endorsed they ceasefire plan. why now, after eight months of war we have been working on this for eight months for eight months. we have pushed for efforts to achieve a ceasefire. this resolution brings us the closest to getting that done. then we re ever been. and we thought it was important that the council s speak in a unified voice on that. and the boat today s show that if 14th or nothing with one abstention, that would be russia, president biden says this ceasefire plan is israel s, but prime minister netanyahu hasn t publicly accepted it, neither has hamas president biden has said it s time for this war to end. what will this resolution ambassador do to get both sides? to accept this deal? that s currently on the table i think the resolution is actually the opportunity to pressure hamas to accept the deal. israel has accepted the deal. the president has said that and now all we need is to have hamas, this deal, release hostages that they are required to do in phase one and move forward on an extended ceasefire this is an important effort that was made with the support of the qatari government and the egyptian government working with us on the ground as you said, you say, the israeli government has accepted this deal. that s currently on the table. but does the israeli leader, prime minister netanyahu, need to accept it himself he s avoided that but i can t speak for prime minister netanyahu. i can only speak what the president has conveyed and he has conveyed competence in the israeli acceptance of this. still, what we need dallas hamas to accept the deal, they welcomed the resolution immediately after it was passed. they need to take the next step and accept the deal and start to release hostages. as you know, ambassador this weekend s israeli operation freed four israeli hostages, but came with a steep to, of at least 274 palestinians killed. that according to gaza officials. are you comfortable with that trade-off luck? i can t get into the numbers for me. a singles civilian, innocent civilian killed is way too many. but what we cannot ignore the fact that hamas hides behind civilians they were holding hostages in civilian areas. they are firing at idf from civilian areas. so it is hamas that should be held accountable for any actions that are taken that lead to civilian deaths. they don t care about their palestinian billions. as long as they continue to use civilians as, as cover. but does this level of carnage ambassador risk? isolating israel even more so out there on the world stage. and is the us risky? it s international credibility by letting israel operate in gaza virtually unchecked well, if our international reputation is very strong and we have worked very closely with our israeli allies. they are not operating unchecked. we re engaging with them on a regular basis. du we agree 100%, not always but we re working very, very closely with them. israel has a right to defend itself from a terrorist group whose main purpose in life is to ensure that israel does not exist and all jews are killed. so we have continued to support israel s right to defend itself against these terrorists. ambassador, have there been any conversations inside the biden administration to try to negotiate what s being described as a unilateral deal with hamas to free the remaining american hostages who are still being held but we re trying to get all hostages released every single one we care very much about the american hostages who are being held. but all hostages should be released for hostages released who were actually brought home on saturday is just one small group. all of them could be brought home if this deal gets accepted by hamas ambassador linda thomas-greenfield, thanks so much for joining us and just ahead, there s more breaking news. we re following donald trump just finishing his meeting with a probation official in new york. what we we know about what the former president it was likely asked and how his answers will factor into his sentencing next month. plus a live update from delaware. the jury now deliberating in the federal case against hunter biden, stay with us during the situation henry james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secret in spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn before abigail chewable for allergic edge, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wanted to hear foolish game. he s gone, totally gone it s relief just got easier apa quell the trusted number one treatment for allergic, which is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day, do not use in dogs with serious infections may cause worsening of existence let s think parasitic skin infestations are pre-existing cancers and serious infections. new neoplasia is have been observed, do not use an dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for epa called chewable to it ms outdated, dmv has two forms of my id think of all the places that can expose your inference. lifelong monitors millions of data points for identity. if there s a problem, we fix 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vet help call 1807, 10000. do you have an invention idea, but don t know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called i ll now 800 100020 the following more breaking news, donald trump has just wrapped up in an interview with the new york probation official, a key step just ahead of his july 11 sentencing hearing our chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller, is here to break it all down for us. john we know, first of all, about this interview. well, this interview was conducted virtually via zoom meeting between the new york city department of probation which is run by a commissioner and has probation investigators their job in this meeting, which was attended by donald trump on the screen and his lawyer, todd blanche, was to gather personal information in background, which is interesting because there isn t an awful lot that is not known about donald trump his life and so on. but to gather the kind of background that they could put in their report that psr pre-sentencing report to the judge? so he can consider their findings about whether donald trump would be a better candidate to be sentenced to jail or prison, or whether he would be a better candidate for probation given his his crime. so they go into things like his personal life has financial background, education, family s situation ration, things like that. but it was a relatively short meetings. cnn s kristen holmes tells us that this meeting lasted not much longer than than half an hour and covered the basic information was uneventful. yeah, very interesting. only half an hour. interesting indeed, john miller, thank you very much. want to get some analysis? it s from our legal experts who are here with me in the situation room. at least adamson is with us former federal prosecutor, at least walk us through what you expect. actually happened during this half-hour meeting yeah. i think it s important to note that this was a psi that was conducted after a jury verdict. so when a defendant pleads guilty, i think you can expect these introduced to take longer because at that point, most defendants, but they ve already accepted responsibility. they re going to show some remorse. they re going to explain why their actions are bad. they re going to use that time as advocacy to tell the judge probation through the judge threw probation, why they should be giving a more lenient sentence. i think it s not unexpected that today s interview was very short because the former president wants to maintain his fifth amendment right. he s going to appeal. he is going to maintain his innocence so i think today it was just simple questions. he was not going to go into the conviction. todd blanche was there with him, so he was just going to talk about his education, his his characteristics, how long he had lived in the state of new york, probably as residency in florida and just very basic background because really that s all he could safely share it s interesting, tim, because todd blanche s attorney was there with them coaching and presumably about this probation interview that was going on, how do you think trump is handling it? what do you think he s trying to do? well, i mean, he s obviously he s not happy about the conviction itself. and so i think that todd is trying to keep him on task of let s just talk about the issues here at hand and is released. just said when i have a case like this where it is a verdict after trial you would tell the probation officer, hey, don t ask him any questions. he s going to invoke his fifth amendment rights. so just stick to the history of biograph biographical information. so i think that the idea of donald trump being interviewed by a probation officer about where did you grow up tell us tell us your parents names and things like that i m sure that he finds it somewhat direct, degrading, but it is the same thing that every criminal defendant in that courthouse go, sir yeah. that s an important point as well. judge. grass. so what do you make of the fact that this interview lasted what, a half an hour? well, i agree with what the other panelists said. we wouldn t really have expected donald trump to go on at length about a sense of accountability and the things he s learned from this type of a situation. i think it was pretty perfunctory i mean, if he wanted, he could have tried without it without admitting anything or accepting liability for the offenses that he s still going to appeal on. he could have tried to maybe couch and in terms of while i don t think i did anything wrong, maybe we could have done things better along the way. some sense of humility or something like that, because the bottom line is this probation officer, is going to be making a recommendation to the judge on sentencing. the probation officer could very well recommend jail or prison time in this case so theoretically, a defendant might try and appear contrite. i doubt that happen here just from what we ve seen being in court every day and the general persona of this defendant. so putting all of that in context a half-hour is not surprising at all at least i didn t think today s interview that trump had with his probation official will impact judge varchar decision on july 11 to announce sentencing. yeah, i don t think it ll have that great of an impact these sentencing recommendations are meant to be persuasive. so i think judge merchan will take it into consideration. but once again, since this wasn t a very fulsome interview, the defendant wasn t sharing a lot of information that the judge will take into account. and then i also understand from new york legal expert tim, that the psr is in new york state are not as robust as they they are in the federal system, in the federal system, the probation officer does their own investigation. they colored their own understanding of the facts, and they use that as the basis of the recommendation. it s my understanding that that s not the same here. so given the relatively short duration of the interview and the fact that judge merchan presided over the entire jury trial and is very aware of the facts and the defendant and its behavior. i think while it might be helpful, i don t think it s going to impact his ultimate decision-making to trump s team is scheduled to submit its sentencing recommendation. is this coming thursday? what do you think they re going to ask where there are clear then asked for some type of a probation in this case. i mean i think that what they would be smart to do is to focus on not just this case, but the history of what donald trump has done in new york city, they should be talking more about what he did for woman skating rink, what he did for revitalizing the area around grand central terminal, all of the things that he did for the decades before politic some of the positive thing exactly, exactly. they should talk about all the positive things that he s done for new york city and say, in light of all these wonderful things that he s literally changed the skyline the line of the city versus these false business records. this is not something that even accepting the facts as the prosecution claims them is something that he should get jail for, especially for class e felony with a cooperating witness who admitted to a class c felony during the trial, where somebody is no criminal history. so i think that they have a very good argument for some type of probation the difficulty is going to be of course, the prosecution is going to point out everything that he s done as far as violating the gag order the statement city made about the judge just minutes after the verdict. it s it s a very unique case. will know on july 11, what the judge decides everyone. thank you very much. just add a live report with hunter biden s fate doubt in the hands of a jury following a dramatic day of closing arguments in the federal trial of the president s hey, mom, how many 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taking up three rows in court today have known the parameters you don t abandon your friends and family in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that no one is above the law. the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period, adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned or father s car to him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any the evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick, trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand pay no attention to the other one. he accused prosecutors of cherry picking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attacks, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018. he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car? and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing gun after she threw it out hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case. a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will return to court here in wilmington tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to resume their deliberations. but it s notable the prosecutors pointed to the first lady and other supporters who are there for hunter and reminded the jury that they don t matter, that suggests that perhaps the justice department is a little worried about that let s show of force for hunter and what it means for their case. but i was in court earlier today and watch the jury. they followed by line by line is the judge went through the instructions but they ll have to follow for this historic decision. wolf paula reid reported for us, paula. thank you very much. let s discuss what s going on with cnn, legal analysts. carrie cordero, and our senior political analyst, gloria borger carry lab. you start with you based on the closing arguments. what do you think are the best strongest points of each sayyed that they made? well, from the defense perspective, the biggest thing that they have going for them is that the prosecution, if it s going to prove its case, is doing so by info in other words, there does not seem to have been at the trial specific evidence of a witness or documents like a video, for example, in actual physical piece of evidence demonstrating that hunter biden was using drugs at the specific time. what there is is there s sort of tangential evidence of circumstances that would lead the jury to infer that he was using at the time. and so that s that s really what the what the defense will point to the prosecution on the other side is going to say, well, look at all these different circumstance dances. those all add up to a conclusion that he was using and therefore, he knowingly falsified the form. well, it was interesting, gloria, in reference to the biden family. yeah. the prosecution said during their closing arguments, they said this, i m quoting people sitting in the gallery are not evidence. you may recognize them from the news, but respect thankfully, none of that matters. what do you make of the optics of the first lady, jill biden and other family members showing up almost on a daily basis. well, i think that the prosecution might be a little concerned that the jury would have a lot of sympathy for somebody with that kind of family support. don t forget a lot of members of the jury have gone through issues in their own lives with drug abuse and you have the first lady flying back from france to come sit at this trial. you have his children, you have his pastor you have friends, family. they took up three rows, i guess and that s something that jerry pays attention to. and so it helps in the portrait of hunter biden as not an evil, a drug addict. it portrays him as somebody deserving of your sympathy and your empathy. and i think that helps him think you re probably right. did you think it was the right move for hunter biden not to testify? he could have testified if he wanted to. his lawyers presumably said don t do it. but what do you think? i think that s right. i m certainly any defendant has the right not to testify. and i think in this case, probably it would have opened the cross-examination would have open him up to delving into so many other areas that are potentially would have been counterproductive. so i think most defendants don t testify on around behalf, and i think in this case, it probably makes sense that he followed the advice of his defense counsel not to, you know, in an odd way though, you did hear from hunter biden because you heard from his book in which he audio books, his audio book. he wrote about this. he wrote about his drug addiction and that was used during the trial against him. but it was used. and so you don t voice you did here, right? and you did here? voice. so he didn t testify. but you did hear him talk about his addiction. you know, it s interesting. the president has vowed to accept the verdict, but is ruled out a pardon for his son very definitively, if he s convicted, though, how s this going to play out politically? you know, it s, it s really hard to say. i m not sure that it plays out that much at all. what congress is worried about. its financial and propriety that may have been committed between joe biden and his son, and they ve presented no evidence for that. if you notice, they ve been a little quiet during this trial. and if a hunter biden is convicted, i think that there will be some sympathy for for joe biden and for the family and all of this. but i m not sure that it plays out in a large political way other than the fact that it will affect joe biden himself. i think sure. it will gloria borger. thank you. carrie cordero. thanks to you as well. coming up. attorneys, preparing sentencing recommendations for donald trump after his meeting with a probation official earlier today, we re taking a closer look. at the options the former president is now facing the assignments are going on and the tornado here. i m thinking, i m going to die. and i thought that was it violin earth with liev schreiber, sunday at now i know on cnn nine out of ten people don t get enough fiber. bennett fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. it s plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut, working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy benefit here is your fiber, your way look in the to find your perfect somewhere. ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better. who specialized treatment go to know to learn more? for me. it was that trouble losing weight and keeping our same discover the power of week-old denom 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comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! 090121. now chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts or this just in to cnn, look at this. officials in arizona have just released rudy giuliani was mug shot. giuliani has pleaded not guilty to charges of allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in that state. prosecutors accused giuliani and other trump allies of scheming to use fake electors to subvert the election there s more breaking news with donald trump taking a key step towards his july 11 sentencing today, judge juan merchan now is just over a month to determine how he ll punish the former president for his 34 felony convictions. cnn s bryan todd is taking a closer look at all of this for us, brian, what factors is judge merchan weighing as he decides sentencing? he s weighing several factors. wolf, including what trump might have just said at that pre-sentencing interview tonight, we have new information on the many possible forms of punishment the judge more sean could impose on donald trump i just went through a rigged trial in new york now that donald trump has completed his pre-sentencing interview with a probation official, a report on the interview will be sent directly to judge juan merchan, who has a few options for sentencing. trump, the most serious one, prison time, the crimes for which trump s been convicted, falsifying business records could carry sentences of up to four years, each, with a maximum of 20 years. but realistically, it s unlikely that someone convicted of this type of felony in new york with no prior criminal history would see much if any, prison time trump s advanced age experts say would also be a factor in not sending him to prison he turns 78 this week. another sentencing option, probation analysts say, well, that might be a more realistic choice. it would come with a host of inconveniences and indignities for the former president have it be drug tested, having to check in with a probation officer, there could be random visits by probation officers to your home, not with a search warrant, but they can come knock on the door. you need to let them in. home confinement also might be part of a probation sentence for trump, or maybe a restriction on out-of-state travel. if he were going to fly off to another state wisconsin, arizona, he would have to get explicit permission from the probation agency. trump could simply be fine for his convictions or he could do community service where he has to pick up trash on the subways. experts say a conditional discharge could be a sentencing option is a condition of your discharger, your release and you have to abide by those conditions. the court will say, don t get arrested, going, don t get in trouble for the next year or during the pendency of your saenz or for stated period of time. and that s it. you re not checking in? no one s following up with you. there s no probation is no oversight all options, experts say reflective of the striking uniqueness of this situation for the probation department, this is uncharted waters. they have never interviewed someone of this statute before. they know that their work their recommendation is going to weigh heavily in the judgment and decision by judge merchan legal analysts say acceptance of responsibility is often a key factor when a judge considers a sentence. and the fact that donald trump has shown no remorse for the actions he s been convicted of, and has repeatedly publicly attack the judge and witness in this trial could bring him a stiffer sentence. wolf, july 11 is a big day. we ll see what happens on that day, brian. thank you very much coming up back to politics with donald trump out there and the virtual campaign trail today, speaking today to an anti-abortion group but what it s what he didn t say that is making some news you 19th, cnn celebrates junzi with special performances by john legend hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do g10, celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn before abigail chewable for allergic edge, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wednesday or foolish game. he s had gone totally gone. it s relief just got easier. apa quell the trusted number one treatment for allergic, which is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day, do not use in dogs with serious infections may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations are pre-existing cancers and series infections, new neoplasia as have been observed, do not use in dogs less than 12 months old, ask your vet for apical chewable to it billy, the kid to try to take over the town what it needs is clean it up they ve appointed a new sheriff, pat garrett means something to you. sure does no use they re really with billy now it s your job to haunt them down the law doesn t take this an end 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former president address a group of christian political activists today we ve done things that nobody thought were possible to have gotten done. you just can t vote democrat. they re against religion there, against your religion in particular, you cannot vote for democrats or let s get some more analysis now from republican strategist. sure. michael singleton and democratic strategists, maria cardona, she s a cnn political commentator what do you think should michael he was speaking to a group that calls for abortion in their words to be eradicated entirely. direct quote eradicated entirely without ever saying the word abortion. yeah, i m familiar with the group. i understand why the former president s spoke before the group. this is obviously a very dicey and touchy topic for republic blinken s. on mature, maria will talk about, we have two years worth of electoral data that showcases, we just don t do well on the issue of reproductive rights with that said, in that clip, you showed a lot of evangelicals. we ll do believe the cultural behavior and customs of behavior in the country are changing particularly as it pertains to their religiosity and the religious views. and they sort of do want someone to be a protector or defender of those views, even if that person is the imperfect individual to do so, how do you think this is going to play with moderate voters out there? certainly that s a group that trump is trying to win over moderate voters, suburban women, for example, how s it going to play? not well at all. will fan this is where i think trump is trying to have it both ways. and while it s no question that christian groups, christian conservative groups, who are completely against abortion are going to support him because he is responsible for overturning roe v. wade and he brags about it every chance he gets, especially in front of these conservative groups. but then suburban women, moderate voters, and frankly, the vast majority of americans who believed that women should have the right to do what they feel is best for their own bodies and their families they don t support this. they think that roe v. wade should not have been overturned they believe that women should have this right. and they are going to continue to punish republicans and donald trump at the ballot box if they continue to push this massive goal of taking away women s rights and freedoms. and that s how the biden campaign s smartly is messaging this whole issue let s just get your thoughts, your mic alone. i have you vice president harris called out congress, republican congressman byron donalds for his controversial comments on jim crow. during an interview with politico. that s first watch what he said. listen to this during jim crow. go back family wants to get during black not just conservative, by who always a pink conservative library more black people voted conservatively vice president harris responded to that by saying this and i m quoting her now. it s sadly at another example of somebody out of florida trying to erase or rewrite our true history i went to florida last july to call out what they were trying to do to replace our history with lies. and apparently there s a never-ending flow of that coming out of that state. what are your thoughts on what he would this congressman were saying? congressman jim crow. the jim crow era. yeah, i ve watched several interviews wolf with the congress and i m going to take him at his word that his intent was not to romanticize the jim crow era. this is a black man i m really going to presume that he s very aware of our history. and in this country, i hope that isn t but, but i do think the point that there are some areas within our community that we as a collective group have to focus more on. i wouldn t disagree with with that should we do some things? a strengthened a family? absolutely. can you do that through the policy realm? i think so, but i do think as you talk about the past, you do have to be careful not to have the appearance that you re romanticized and something that was very horrible for the black community. i have grandparents that are still alive who went through segregation. my grandmother was the first to enter into her high school in new orleans and first-time desegregating the school. and so i think there are people that are still among us who have those very real and raw my experiences. and i would hope that republicans, whether they re black, white, or anyone else for that matter, would be sensitive to the experience of those individuals who are still among us that s interesting on another subject, trump is launching what he s calling a latino americans for trump campaign to reach out to hispanic voters. what do you think? noise when a wolf whole issue of wanting to launch a program called latino americans for trump a couple of days after he brings onstage in arizona sheriff joe are pio, who has the most racist, the most xenophobic v, most anti-immigrant current sheriff, i think ever at least in modern history. and for donald trump to bring him on stage and hug him, and kiss him is he hiring him to be the head of latino americans? for tropics? that s what it looks like. and it is just indicative of how empty and how wrong-headed and misguided donald trump s focuses when he talked it s about latinos in this country and that i think just gives the biden campaign more ammunition to make the contrast between a 34 times convicted felon who is the most racist and the most xenophobic president we ve had ever versus president biden, who has had record job creation in the latino community. record business growth in the latino community, and they have a record with which they can make that contrast and that at the end of the day is going to win joe biden, the latino vote oh, sorry, maria. sure. michael, to both. out of time. thank you very much coming up details on why a meeting at an italian restaurant in new jersey, is taking center stage 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now, jason update our viewers. in another dramatic day of testimony yeah. more testimony coming from jose uribe. this is the man who s already pleaded guilty to bribery charges. now cooperating with the prosecution and today we ll he gave more details about specific conversations he has. he says he had with senator menendez directly related to bribery. he spoke about one in particular, a dinner in 2019 at il bellagio restaurant in new jersey. he says, i get to ask again for the first time and explain what is worrying me so much. i asked him if anything in his power to stop an investigation. i ll explain about that in a moment. menendez is answer he would look into it. of course, you rebate was worried about these criminal investigations going on in new jersey wolf that could have implicated people that he was close to. so he told jurors what he did was he paid nadine menendez $15,000 so she could buy a brand new mercedes in exchange for the the senators influence. he then talks about another meeting at nadine menendez, his home, where he says he wrote down the names of people who were possibly implicated in this designation, put it on a piece of paper. he said senator menendez folded up the piece of paper, put it in his pocket, then in october of 2019, he says he got a call from senator menendez. he told jurors that he felt as though this situation had been resolved and he choked up. juror he choked up wolf as he was speaking about what had happened saying that this situation had been over, and he felt he was at peace then there was this

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240611

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(impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo hi, i m gina. i ve tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i ve surpassed it. and i m keeping it off. ainsley: it s 8 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, june 11, this is fox and friends . we are expecting to see hunter biden shortly, day two of jury deliberations in the federal gun trial get underway in one hour. brian: how many family members will be there. this as dad issis faing heat from a pollster. steve: and siri getting smarter, as apple rolls out a massive ai update. can we escape ai in every part of our lives? doesn t look like it. lawrence: mornings are better with friends. brian: get dressed. we are waiting hunter biden s arrival in delaware at federal court. steve: 9:00 eastern time, deliberations will begin. lawrence: rich edson is live outside the courthouse in wilmington, delaware. steve: with a heckler. i m surprised there hasn t been more of that. this was this morning. jurors are supposed to be here and will start deliberating in less than an hour. the judge will address them briefly. they are doing so without hearing hunter biden do so. the jury deliberates after an afternoon of closing arguments. there is overwhelming evidence against hunter biden, lying on a form, owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days, all in october of 2018. they led off their presentation referring to the biden family members, including first lady. people are not evidence and nobody is above the law. and his ex-girlfriend and ex-wife s testimony was discussed. he claimed he was meeting a drug dealer and smoking crack. the gun owner who was questioned about him being a drug owner. relying on evidence of past drug abuse when he bought a gun. lowell says there is no evidence or testimony or witnesses observing hunter using drugs then. week after hunter bought the gun, there was a text about him meeting a drug dealer. maybe he wasn t smoking crack. all in the hands of the jury. steve: during closing arguments yesterday abbe lowell was trying to inject reasonable doubt, he said hunter biden did not knowing ly lie, he was in a deep state of denial. that is their case there. that is the whole case there. there were times between 2015 and 2019, he was in and out of rehab, on drugs, at time he signed that form, he was under the belief he was not a user of drugs. the prosecution is saying that other stuff, they are contending he was on drugs and lied on the form. lawrence: so do other drug addicts that refuse to go to aa, but it is not a defense. interesting to see what the jury decides today. they continue deliberation. hunter biden has not arrived at the courthouse. brian: first lady will go on tuesday from washington to wilmington, wilmington to france, france to wilmington and france to philadelphia. she of course is back in wilmington, to show support for her step-son, i get it. but why are we paying for it? ainsley: it cost $345,000 for her to go back and forth and dnc is saying they will cover the cost. we asked peter about it, they will cover the cost of a couple tickets. steve: probably one first class ticket. if intent was to influence the jury, they will not be needed today. the president is leaving tonight or tomorrow for the g-7. they will be close so they can go back to court if the word comes down. lawrence: when they pay for the flight back and forth, is that a legal expense or campaign contribution? steve: probably campaign. lawrence: is it part of the election, how do you label these things? brian: juneteenth coming up thursday? ainsley: next wednesday next. brian: yesterday at the white house was time to celebrate, great roster of fantastic acts evidently, people looking at this shot and saying is the president freezing? is he frozen? is he okay in this or just refusing to sway with the music? steve: remember when you were a kid and played that game where you come up and say freeze and everybody else around you would move and you have to freeze. looks like he is playing that game right there. he moved a little bit. lawrence: or guy with lack of rhythm. it wouldn t be a problem if he did not lie and say he was part of the black church and he marched in the civil rights movement. that is all we do as a culture. someone hanging with the culture, you even have kamala, she does not have to lie or cackle. ainsley: if you don t have rhythm, you can clap. everyone can clap. brian: he was also brought up in a puerto rican church. he should sway, not sit still. that is all we got, no one in catholic church has any idea if we have rhythm or not. lawrence: he s a catholic part of all this culture. raised and marched. brian: it is a great way to go. steve: when he was not dancing, standing there, freeze, he was at the lect your honor and reminding those at the early celebration of juneteenth, i m doing a really good job for all of you and the other party did not mention political opponents by name, they want to take you back. watch this. president biden: let s be clear, they re all ghosts in new g garments trying to take you back, make it harder for black people to vote or have your vote counted, closing doors of opportunity, attacking, diversity, equity and collusion. about our present and future. brian: run on dei. that is popular in america. number two, what part is he talking about going back, taking us back? southern democrats separated and they were for jim crow and they are the ones that called themselves the kkk, not sure if he will be happy with where his party was. lawrence: whole celebration of juneteenth was donald trump s idea, he proposed the idea and joe biden lift said it and made it a national holiday. it is a fear tactic and they have been doing this nonsense ever since the bronx rally. look at numbers now, black people are leaving the demo democratic party, leaving the party and has nothing to do with race. it is one thing, the economy. it is one thing, the border and fact you decided to take schools away in black neighborhoods, shut down senior facilities and put illegals there. instead of focusing on issues, they plan to use a fear campaign not to talk to white voters, but to tell black folks, stay in your lane right where you are. better not shift your vote, if you do, donald trump is worst thing for you. don t forget tax credits, it is racial politics and to fear people and to brian: talk about georgia. lawrence: which was a lie. brian: senator warnock won again. he should apologize for his comment jim crow 2.0. lawrence: and all that revenue for the all-star game, the all-star game pulled out. business owners said, what are you doing? you are hurting campaigns, it benefited the party. ainsley: one-fourth of the black community is now voting for donald trump. almost 80% voted for biden and now 72% say they will vote for biden. the pollster nate silver is suggesting because of biden s low numbers and ashes proval rating 37.4% is cause for joe biden to jump out of the race. steve: in february, nate silver was saying democrats should think about substituting for the quarterback. yesterday he came back and post said on x, former ly twitter, h said democrats would have been better served if biden would have decided not to seek a second term and give voters a say across the democrats across the country. essentially bring in a new horse. he continued and joe biden hit all-time low in approval, dropping out would be a big risk. there is threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know. it is more than fair to ask. you have one guy who is smartest big data guy in the world saying it could be too late for him. lawrence: if you are the president, you can t feel good about this. the convention is two months away, i think. people are still suggesting maybe he shouldn t be on the ticket, almost convention time. brian: where do you go? it is kamala harris. governor whitmore will say, kamala, step back, governor shapiro? no. if you put her top of the ticket, numbers look worse, unless sonia sotomayors, i m going to retire and they say kamala, would you go to the supreme court. ainsley: don t even say that. you said all staffers don t want to lose their jobs and telling him to stay and run. steve: in a safe space. nobody saying, the numbers stink. he knows numbers are bad, he thinks and we ve been talking about this a long time, we heard last march what the plan was. joe biden may not be great, he is not donald trump. ainsley: beat him before. look at virginia. brian: one big advantage is money and that gap is closing rapidly, president got 12 million ainsley: president trump. brian: in silicon valley and story in politico talks how wall street is lining up behind him. and point bridge capital is in. blackrock labeled insurrection following trump, an asffront to democratic values is in, castleman and eric levine, gop fundraiser treasury official is in, shawn mcguire is in. he is getting wall street andic taking a piece of silicon valley. a lot of guys are citing court cases, civil and legal case because they are business people and you don t want to weaponize government to go after people s success. steve: what he did last night trying to court the black community and hemorrhaging young voters. you mentioned virginia, bellwether state for virginia, in latest poll, it s a tie, battleground state. brian: three straight polls. steve: 48%. governor youngkin said last night with sean hannity, anything can happen. sean: that is what polls are showing like georgia and pennsylvania and wisconsin, michigan, nevada and arizona, those battleground states are seeing same kind of statement that virginia is making. they want a strong america. an america that has economic strength, not biden generated economy that unleashed inflation. lawrence: as we get closer, the partisan divide was deeply emotional. the closer we get to election, only emotion that matters and their paycheck every two weeks, they are looking and don t have enough. they are going to the grand jury store. brian: i think security, too. i look at the border and foreign policy, 38% approval rating on foreign policy. lawrence: i agree, it was border at one point, closer to election, economy is number one issue. steve: to your point in our big packet of stuff, there was survey done by intuit credit karma and 27% of americans admit they occasionally skip meals because they cannot afford it, 30% sacrifice other things to buy crashes, other things are paying bills or rent because of cost of food. brian: hot water in a bag, if you are skipping a meal. i think this is country style chicken pot pie, come by my office today, skipping a meal in a bag. tells me where to cut it open, too. boil water, dinner is coming your way. ainsley: it is eza. we have machines right outside your office, put a cup of hot water. brian: and have friends and family over. ainsley: meal in a bag. brian: i m boiling the water, call your relatives. lawrence: i will toss to carley. carley: i always wanted to eat chicken pot pie in a bag. brian: you are invited, bring your own bag. carley: chaotic scene, p protest rocking new york city, watch this. [indiscernible chanting] carley: they are upon chants long live intifada. protesters set off flairs and chanted anti-israel slogans and demonstrators were carrying a banner that said long live october 7. praising the mas killings which left 1200 israelis dead. 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. hundred for two migrants who beat and mugged outside a four-star hotel. how to combat that significant uptick in crime. there was a shooting where a migrant shot two police officers trying to keep us safe, who were tailing him because he was a suspect in several robberies. now they shoot at our police officers. carley: the migrants are believed to be staying at nearby hotel shelters. terribles in california rescuing a kite surfer after a pilot spotted the word help in the sand. first responder was lowered down and the surfer was hoisted to safety. the surfer did not need medical attention. uconn head coach dan hurley is staying in connecticut after turning down $70 million from the lakers. he will look to lead huskies to a national championship, saying, i am humbled by this experience, i am proud of the championship culture we have built at connecticut. speaking of basketball, wnba star caitlin clark fouled hard as fever faced the suns last night. the connecticut player bumped clark. clark and chicago sky star angela reese have been in the spotlight. sales are up over last season. actress courtney cox recreating her iconic appearance in bruce springsteen s music video. it is part of trend where people ask their moms how they danced in the 80s. she wore a shirt similar to what she wore. she said it was one of the most importance of her career. brian: i thought it was spontaneous. ainsley: she looks amazing, she has not aged. carley: she is gorgeous and i hope my son does not ask how i dance. lawrence: how did you dance, brian? steve: dancing ymca. brian: no, no. cal mcginnis carley: he stays on one letter. lawrence: like biden. brian: i don t freeze, tomorrow i will be in dallas, klif is carrying the radio show. i will talk to people of texas, find out what dallas thinks what is happening in america and the border and food in a bag. steve: snyder plaza is just across from smu. brian: right where the bush museum is. lawrence: tell my people i said hello, texas, dallas. ainsley: go to the diner so he is not out by himself. steve: i will send sally. brian: i need help dressing casual, untucked shirt. lawrence: show your muscles. ainsley: gingham. lawrence: wear cowboy boots. brian: if we don t tease soon steve: real photos of children are being used to power ai. ainsley: who official and leading ai expert jamie metsel says this is tip of the i m going berg. brian: and he has a brand new book. only purple s gel flex grid passes the raw egg test. no other mattress cradles your body and simultaneously supports your spine. memory foam doesn t come close. get your best sleep guaranteed right now! save up to $400. visit or a store near you. 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no, we have large ai systems, they are collecting digital information and more information and data they grab, smarter they bottom. they will try to swallow up the internet, we need governance and regulations in place. brian: you made a readable book about something we all need to know. you said we can start curing cancer and you used ai to save your dad s life. it is really something so meaningful to me, while writing the healthcare chapter, my dad was diagnosed with the steve jobs cancer and i encouraged our oncologist, sequence his tumor cells. chem o did not work, we found a mutation by sequencing the cancer cells. he has seen two super bowls and ashes tended his granddaughter s graduation and celebrating the book launch. brian: i can understand the book, we all need confidence in this. we ll talk more about it. primary day in nevada and polls are opening soon, candidate sam brown picking up major endorsement, he is straight ah ahead. there are many ways to deliver a shipment. at old dominion freight line, we deliver them this way. this way uses technology and goes the extra mile to do things the right way. the delivering promises on time, every time, way. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she s sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn t know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? 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[panting] janice: good morning, it is a beautiful day here in new york. we have temperatures going into the 70s. across the west, we have extreme heat. phoenix 110, in houston, heat will feel oppressive. above average temperatures thursday, friday and saturday for two-thirds of the country. in florida, tropical moisture, could see 6-12 inches around tampa and fort myers. fox, for the details. inside to you. ainsley: polless opening soon for highly anticipated senate primary in nevada. lawrence: donald trump endorsing army captain sam brown. sam, thank you for joining the program. lawrence: thank you for your service. how does it feel to have the former president endorse you, do you think it will give you last boost you need? it is humbling to have president trump s endorsement. i started in 2016 as trump voter and a business owner of a small business. i volunteer at the mindon trump rally. polls open in 90 minutes. president trump at top of the ticket and i ll be there with him taking on joe biden and jackie rosen and their failed policy. path to senate majority run through nevada. ainsley: captain, sienna polls have you neck and neck with jackie rosen. senate balance of power, 49-51. why is this seat important to you? this seat is not just important to me, but to the entire country. we have seen contrast between joe biden and left leaning congress lead by chuck schumer compared to how things were under president trump s wellership. nevadans are hurting. the american dream is at risk and people are looking for hope. i know power and importance of hope when all seems lost. my own soldiers came to my rescue saying, sir, i have you. that is what president trump is doing for americans and gaining in the polls and i seek to do in nevada, give them something to hope for. country and struggles we have now do not have to persist. we can get back on track, become strong and have an economy that works for all. lawrence: captain, many would argue you have given the country enough, almost dying in combats, decided to serve again. ainsley: god bless you, thank you for your service. jury deliberations will resume in hunter biden gun trial in 20 minutes, will we get a verdict today? my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we re taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 do you ever have a run-down feeling, lack of energy or just not up to par? 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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. steve: 14 minutes from now, hunter biden s trial will resume. former federal prosecutor joins us with what to expect. the yesterday they went in 3:33 in the afternoon and deliberated one hour. what do you think? this case is open and shut in terms of facts and laws. prosecution has presented strong evidence of his drug use. it is up to the jury here. steve: and we re talking about a jury in bidenville, joe biden has been there forever. you know that leo, the david weiss wes / weiss took into effect the biden family was in the front row saying this is not evidence. we will see. people talk about idea of jury nullification, that means facts and law 100% lined up. it is not supported by what was supported in court and this case has that written all over it. even if they have hung jury or acquittal, which would be outrageous. all from hunter s text messages and laptop, of course. steve: you think he will be convicted? i think he should be convicted based on legal analysis. not sure how political this jury is. you can t read into anybody or a jury until after the fact, of course. steve: we ve all been watching and this case has been salacious, the family dragged back and forth through the trial. he could have done something about this a long time ago. that is a very interest ing part to me. hunter could have pled guilty, you don t need a plea deal to plead guilty, by taking it to trial, we have all the behind the scenes from his o this ws all going down, that is interesting, as well. steve: if convicted, i know the president said he will not pardon him. he s going to pardon him. after the election is over, he will get a pardon, joe biden does not have anything to lose there. they said this is a political prosecution. do you expect a verdict today? i anticipate a verdict today, streamlined case. steve: thank you very much. meanwhile, 10 before top of the hour, kicking off summer of soccer on fox. fox soccer analyst stu holden and alexi lawless will preview it. check in with bill hemmer. bill: taking a few headers outside, see how that works out. we are on verdict watch. about 10 minutes away. dramatic body cam video. hits keep coming over joe biden s age and cans day from the left. one week later, is the border any better? join dana and me top of the hour, we ll kick things off. see you then. it s kubota orange days, shop the year s biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i m doing something about it like millions of others. preservision. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step s standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it s the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don t receive botox® if there s a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. in a survey, 92% of current users said they wish they d talked to their doctor and started botox® sooner. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you. learn how abbvie could help you save on botox®. brian: it s the summer of soccer all season on fox sports. two largest tournaments in the world. joining us now is two guys that didn t need me to tell them what s coming up this summer. with their predictions for the two tournaments. welcome, guys. great players in your day. hard to believe your day is done but you look like he could still play. back in the 1900s. he played in italy. brian: let s set the table for people. the tournament begins june 14th, correct? which one can we see first? the euro, our first time at fox sports covering this event. it feels like a mini world cup. you have england, germany, spain, italy, all the big players and tournaments. the teams in this big tournament and that s what we re excited. you think about renaldo, his last international tournament. and france and then messi. fox sports we talked about the big teams and stars on display every summer. an opportunity even for the united states this summer in the copa america to show what they ve got. brian: who comes in favored and who do you pick to emerge? euros, france, england. from an england perspective is it coming home being able to win a trophy? they re very good. incredible talent and confidence. france, also the last stand when it comes to renaldo and portugal. the big teams and stars and then a couple days later we roll right into copa america. u.s. hosting this tournament that in normal times is for south america but u.s. is hosting it and everybody is coming and argentina and brazil. messi in his new neighborhood here in the united states, or vinny junior when it comes to brazil. brian: u.s. against boll ive yeah. they re getting respect internationally, right? you make a great point here. we talk about this generation of players and they ve been dubbed as the golden generation. this is a team you should be excited about this summer. really this summer we ll find out if this team actually has what it takes to play against big teams and it is kind of a dress rehearsal for two years from now, the world cup in the united states and expectations are sky high. uruguay is one of the top teams now and then brazil or columbia. chances for these guys to prove what they have what it takes. otherwise the coach could lose his job and maybe i m excited and hope they make us excited getting it done on the field. what have you done for me lately. you should expect this team to do big, bold things. i think as you said for coach and the team to a certain extent. brian: i didn t know where he was going with that. now it makes sense. it works. i think it works. new material. open source, it is all yours. brian: let s talk about this on radio, too. congratulations, a fun summer. the world cup right after. thanks, guys. watch the euro cup and cabo america. steve: meanwhile. brian: i m in dallas tomorrow. breakfast with friends and live there. we ll talk to a lot of people on camera and buy a lot of food. steve: things kick off at 5:00 a.m. central time until 8:00 a.m. lawrence: pack the house for kilmeade, my dallas folks. ainsley: do you want them to get dressed? i will be dressed. stay within yourself. [chanting]

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240611

following that bull. they said he was out to get to safe place. they initiated protocol. and i haven t timed the video, but i would say that they had him in less than 30 seconds roped and contained. todd: wow. they were amazing. todd: we got to run. will you bring your family back to the rodeo ever again? 5 seconds to you you, danielle. most definitely. not only the sisters rodeo every year but every other rodeo that is close. we are definite rodeo fans. todd: danielle smithers thank you for that video. the bull was named party bus. more like the bachelor party at the end of the night at the beginning. carley: not a busy would want to be on. todd: fox & friends begins right now. carley: have a good day, everybody. the sitcom begins. brian: sounds liked i should be walking and the kitchen et, hi, hone i m home. it feels like that. go ahead, steve. i digress. steve: it s 6:0-:35. ainsley: 30 seconds until 6:01. steve: this is not a sitcom it s a news program. tuesday, june 11th my parents anniversary, welcome aboard. president biden appearing to freeze up during a unity is jun. accusing republicans of disenfranchising voters. they are all ghosts in new garments trying to take us back. taking away your freedoms. making it harder for black people to vote. i don t think he has any rhythm. this as a feigned pollster say items should still consider dropping biden from the ticket. uber driver going viral for. lawrence: look at her. she has rhythm. ainsley: karaoke sing along. karaoke. lawrence: that woman can dance. brian: jimmy failla has a new idea to start his show. fox & friends starts right now. remember mornings are better with friends good morning, get dressed. steve: all right. in just a couple of hours. day two of deliberations are going to start in hunter biden s gun trial in delaware. brian: yep. the fate of the president s son could be decided as soon as today after federal prosecutors told them to ignore the first family s presence through the proceedings. ainsley: there were about a dozen of them in the courtroom. rich edson live in wilmington outside the courtroom. what can we expect today, rich? will we get a decision? we very well could. jurors are back at it 9:00 a.m. judge mary ellen neighbor can a will deliberations will resume. they deliberated yesterday about one hour and 10 minutes after hearing an hour of clo close arguments. using drugs lying about it on a federal form and legally owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days all in october of 2018. they led off their presentation referring directly to the biden family members in the courtroom including the first lady saying people sitting in the gallery are not evidence and that nobody is above the law. prosecutors highlighted his ex-girlfriend zoe kestan and high hallie biden s drug use. reviewed text messages he sent hallie days after buying that gun claiming he was meeting a gun dealer and smoking crack. watched hunter testify fill out that federal form and check no to the question about being a drug user. ababe magic trickrelying on paso prove hunter was using drugs when he bought that gun. there are no photos of him using drugs in december of 2018 or testimony at this trial of witnesses actually observing hunter use drugs then. as for those texts in the week that hunter bought the gun, claiming he was meeting a dealer and smoking crack. lowell said hunter had lied to hale biden before about where he was. if hunter is convicted. he faces $757,000 in fine and 20 years in prison. that s the max he would though be a first time nonviolent offender if he is convicted. back to you. steve: so, rich, the conventional wisdom if there is a verdict today, a quick verdict, that would probably not be so good for hunter. but, if it dration on there could be one or two or a couple of jury members who are going i got some doubts. yeah. absolutely. if this happens quickly. and this is just reading the tea leaves here how things have gone before. if the jury comes back very quickly and says hey, we have a decision. probably a bad signal for hunter biden. if this drags out, as you said, steve, they have a handful of jurors i don t know about this, i don t know about that. really all they need is one is to not go along in this hung jury. you are the one outside. keep us posted rich edson live in wilmington, thank you very much. lawrence: it s going to be interesting. if the verdict comes back today and hunter biden is now a convicted felon, if the president continues to use the rhetoric on the campaign trail. as we know he says hunter biden is the smartest guy that he knows. if his son is now a convicted felon is this something that he still uses on the campaign trail. steve: about trump? lawrence: about donald trump. i think he will probably limit it if hunter biden is convicted. steve: but, you know, it s a great point, lawrence, he has kind of limited it so far. maybe is he telegraphing it. i m not going to say it about donald trump i will let my other people do the talking like that. brian: i will ad something else about that. when they talk about a convicted felon. that s going to come up in the debated, i guess, perhaps, when he brings that up. also, i think the best thing to happen for president trump would be for this hometown jury to exonerate this guy and say oh, is he just an addict and the problem is, too, it could have been so much worse. ainsley: are they going to do that for everybody else that does the same thing and breaks the law. brian: everybody there knows the bidens. ainsley: he made the decision to do the drugs. if he lied about doing drugs on a drug form that s illegal. it doesn t matter whose son he is he decided not to testify. there were a bunch of biden family members inside the courtroom which could sway the jury. they might see all of his relatives. the first lady and say oh, gosh, they are powerful people. i m i m not going to brian: the prosecutor to your point, ainsley, addressed that in the closing yesterday and said that the people that are in the crowd is not a body of evidence. essentially telling to the jury, listen, follow the facts as they i don t care who is in the courtroom. you should ignore that. ainsley: none of that matters he says. brian: almost like a script writer. you literally have the texts of him doing drugs, the name of the drug dealer and location is he giving it. almost as if he wants to be caught. might be great psychologists dr. phil should sit down and look at this because he seems to be so resentful of his family and the pressure on his shoulders. next thing you know the laptop is out there. in it is everything the family has been up to. the denials the family went through. the flipping to now all of a sudden understanding everyone understands it is real. and then waiting long enough that his foreign agent the charges of him being unregistered foreign agent the fara charges evaporate. those are the real things. nobody wants him on the gun charge. they wanted to find out why was paul manafort in solitary confinement when you are doing the same thing, worse, on a multiple of countries? ainsley: maybe he was high when he was writing those text messages. think about we don t do drugs, we have had glasses of wine, maybe you are overserved a little bit too much. you say something to someone that you regret the next day. then can you understand how that could happen. maybe when he is texting people, talking about his dealer and he is sitting in the car smoking crack, he might have been high. brian: perfect punctuation for a crack guy. better than mine and i m not on crack. right? steve: that is true. i have seen some of your text messages. brian: my dashes and my commas? steve: ultimately, the bigger issue here is this law that he is accused of breaking is to make sure that people who are not addicts or addicted to drugs get guns. that s really what is all with . the prosecution proved yesterday they said that he did. leo weiss, the prosecutor said if this evidence didn t establish that hunter biden was a crack addict and unlawful user then no one else is a crack addict. ainsley: gun laws. lawrence: interesting thing happened at the white house. juneteenth musical festival yesterday at the white house. and the president was there. and many people that were observing it can you go to twitter and see it. they think that the president froze during that moment. i think that the president just has no rhythm. and is not a part of it. steve: that s what mike lee the senator says. lawrence: i agree with the senator. the reason why this is important is because if know joe biden. he always says it was a part of the black church. he marched through the civil rights. naacp. joined the naacp very early limit for someone that has been around black people his entire life, been in the church dancing with him and everything. he has no rhythm at all and i don t know but, but the white people there that i grew up. ate at the dinner table that went to church with us. they can dance just as good as we could. can you clap. anybody can clap. brian: lawrence, don t overstate it. don t overstate white people. got it wrong though. white people i grew up with could keep up with you. steve: the president is certainly motionless kirk franklin. brian: maybe so much. steve: they celebrated last night. they observed juneteenth early. but it did give the administration the chance to talk a little bit and joe biden never mentioned his political opponents by name. but you could tell who he was talking about. listen to this from the president last night. clear, they are all ghosts in garments trying to take us back. they are. taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. i will have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity. attacking the values of diversity, equity and inclusion. it s about our present and our future. it s whether that future is a future all of us, not just for some of us. brian: dei down # 4% among corporate america. it s not republicans. by the way, if you want to go back into the past. and that s what he is inferring or implying, i think it s democrats that put on the hoods and were kkk. i think it was democrats that wanted separate but equal. wanted segregation. do you want to keep hearkening back to when your party was confused about equality for all was all about and why he keeps going back to a time in a country that he runs to paint such a brutal scenario as if it were premandela south africa is beyond me. steve: he wants to look, it s a political season, he wants to say hey, i m protecting you, donald trump is going to take your rights away. that s one of the reasons why the vice president was there she ticked off the administration s accomplishments. she went on and on. tapped the first female black supreme court justice. signed the gun law. the white house issued a fact sheet outlining measures to protect black history all at the hands of joe biden. brian: republicans are looking to take it away. ainsley: look at the polls though, they are about one fourth of black voters are liking trump. his poll numbers have dropped among black voters. steve: biden s? ainsley: 79%. now 72%. polling guru nate silver who runs 538. is he suggesting that biden s latest approvallor disapproval ratings might be cause for him to get out of the race. i don t know, but it s more than fair to ask this. so, the approval rating for joe biden is now 37.4%. steve: posted two things on x. he said, first of all, what, clear my opinion is that democrats would have been better served if biden had decided a year ago not to seek a second term which would have allowed he them to have some semblance of a primary process and give voters a say among many democrats across the country it. continues, biden just hit a new all time low. 38. dropping out would be a big risk but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger threat risk are we there yet? i don t know. it s more than fair to ask. keep in mind, nate silver back in february, we talked about it on the couch. actually couch in the other room, said, you know what? his numbers stink. and they would be smart, the democrats would be to find somebody else. lawrence: it s important to realize who joe biden is talking to when he makes inflammatory comments like that. he is not talking to democrats at large. is he not even talking to republicans. he is talking to the black and hispanic voters that are shifting to the other direction. and he is saying don t you move. he is saying if you re thinking about going for donald trump, forget about the economic success. forget about where you may stand on the issues. you cannot move. and i need to remind you of the fear campaign for years and years that we have done as a democratic party. and so this is not a president that wants to be inspirational. this is not a president that wants to say that you do better. is he not even a president that says that i m pushing you forward as a community. i need to remind you that the republican brian, you laid out the history in great way. but he said dismiss that don t worry about the history. you need to understand that the republicans wanted to put you in chains and if you vote for them. brian: you ain t black. lawrence: you ain t a part of the community. brian: he said you ain t black. lawrence: he said it on the campaign trail last time don t you dare move. i predicted this. ainsley: lawrence says last i checked, yes i am. lawrence: bingo. i predicted. this ever since the bronx rally if you pay attention to the democrats. the heat is turning up because you have been seeing the crowds and you have been seeing these diverse faces. and it s freaking the democrats out. if they if they get half of what the polling is suggesting in the next election, republicans, then it s over for the democrats. so they need them. and so they can t talk about the issues. they have to run on fear, brian. brian: yeah, i think it s so you irresponsible to the leader of the country to talk as if america is 1972 or 1958. run on the country. inspirational message what you will do. barack obama, anyone was going to say president obama. he didn t have that message. wasn t he the vice president during that time? steve: sure. lawrence: in his defense he could have forgotten what year we are in. brian: the speech writer didn t because more morehouse and charlamagne tha god,. ainsley: might be white or hispanic saying they re trying to take us back, excuse me, trump is trying to take us back. that s just not true. the black community knows that is so wrong, correct? steve: ultimately, what they are trying to do it s an election year, going back to where we started, he, joe biden is in trouble with a number of his core item gratification. that s one of the reasons right now they are freaking out at the white house that across the river from the white house is the commonwealth of virginia. right now, the latest poll we showed it s neck and neck between donald trump and joe biden. i think they are tied at 48 or 49%. brian: three straight polls. steve: 48% right there. joe biden won that pretty reliably blue state by 10 points four years ago. glenn youngkin, the current governor was on with sean hannity last night and said, you know what? this state is up for grabs. i believe it is. and that s exactly what the polls are showing us. just like georgia and pennsylvania and wisconsin, michigan, nevada and arizona. those battle ground states are seeing the exact same kind of statement that virginians are making. they want a strong america. they want an america that has economic strength. not the biden-generated economy that s unleashed inflation. brian: new hampshire same thing. i haven t seen a poll in minnesota. but if minnesota is also in play? my goodness you are talking about 40 states that could be going into the former president s column. i just saw a fascinating story on politico. the lead story how wall street is now coming to the president. silicon valley over the weekend, you saw what happened. lawrence: huge event. brian: david sacks came out and said i expected 45 million ended up with 12 million. john cass that meets blackstone steven shoultsman. port bridge capital. ackman, ken griffin from citadel all saying in the past i had a problem after january 6th. i voting for desantis. i supported desantis. i m. in part of it is these court cases. they see the way the businessman is being secured and on manufactured charges. ainsley: and inflation and how that is affecting their bottom line, too. president trump is meeting with 200 ceos on thursday for a round table discussion about his business plan and how you will be better off with my economy versus joe biden s. lawrence: do you know what i worry, about though, ainsley, when you look at the polling and see minority voters. see the business community. you see republicans uniting behind the president, we still got a long way until the election. and so i worry with the polling data being where it is and everyone being on fire. that some people may stay at home. i just think it s important as the president and the former president campaigns because the republicans already have a problem with he shallly voting and mail-in ballots as well. and to the former president s credit. he is telling republicans now that they need to use all measures all tools of voting. but you don t want your side to get too excited and to say well, it looks like it s in the bag. i m going to stay at home. i worry about that. brian: the national poll has been a dead heat, one or two points, all in the margin of error. july 11th will be the biggest day. ainsley: 4 #-49. steve: how the white house is enlisting hollywood to try to get those kids interested and where are they going to advertise? tiktok. brian: robert deniro doesn t seem angry. ainsley: their pac is called i have it on here somewhere. what is the name of their pac? it s won t back down. liberal grirts park and liberation and snl. steve: we won t back down. 20 minutes after the hour. brian: what do you mean. ainsley: i will share them. turning now to your headlines beginning with chaotic anti-israel protests in new york city. [sho [chanting] ainsley: honoring victims of the nova music festival murdered by hamas october 7th. protesters set off flares and set off anti-israel slogans. elsewhere in the city could be seen carrying around a banner saying long live october 7th. can you believe that? praising the mass killings committed by hamas. which left over 1200 israelis dead. at least 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. house republicans release never before seen footage from januar. appearing to show former house speaker nancy pelosi make a stunning admission on camera. why weren t the national guard there to begin with? they thought they had sufficient yeah not a question if they have they don t know. they clearly didn t know and i take responsibility for not having them just prepare for war. lawrence: wow, huge. ainsley: remember they requested. and they requested and denied. brian: she takes responsibility. ainsley: pelosi seemingly taking responsibility for the failed response in the clip from three years ago but the down playing those remarks. the fact is that the president of the united states, the former president and his to does do not want to face the facts. they are trying to do revisionist history on january 6th. lawrence: she is such a liar. ainsley: pelosi s team maintains the former speaker was not in charge of security at the capitol complex at the time. brian, would you like it share the headlines? brian: officials in california rescuing a stranded kite surfer after the pilot spotted the word help on the sand. genius. a first responder went down from the helicopter and the surfer was hoisted to safety. it is not clear how long they were stung on the beach. officials say the surfer did not need medical attention. ainsley, you take it back. ainsley: all right. uber driver in florida going viral after hitting all the right notes with passengers. i usually only have one rule in my car everybody dance now i got karaoke we need you to take us watch this, watch this. low, low, low, low, low ainsley: i hope she is at a stoplight there she even has a microphone. she lives in tampa. if you are in tampa. you might get her as an uber driver. one of a kind karaoke experiences where riders choose a song and they sing their hearts out. five star rated driver says, quote: i realized when people got in my car we weren t going to agree on religion or politics but music is a uniter. music touches everybody s soul. steve: she is absolutely right. she gives everybody. okay. here is my spotify list. go ahead and hit something. the words come on. she has apparently got props in the back where there is like a microphone and some michael jackson glasses and stuff like that. can you act it out. brian: i bet she doubles her salary a year because of tips. apple boughten jeans with the fur. ainsley: apple bottom jeans flo rida. steve: she is in florida. brian to your point about she probably has doubled her pay. just the fact that she is on tiktok. she is making money on that tiktok thing. we just showed it and probably a million people. brian: now the chinese have seen and it using it against her. you know the problem wither h right? chewing gum. lawrence: come on. brian: i have to ask her. ainsley: what would you do in her backseat. brian: have to ask people to take it out. steve: it s her car. get out of her car. ainsley: music is so loud. would you sing karaoke? i don t think you would. lawrence: imagine seeing all that talent and you see gum in the mouth. unbelievable. brian: coming up next. it s a bit of a mystery. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology ( ) and goes the extra mile ( ) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we re the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it s the only way we go. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let s be honest. all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn t have to. when you sign up at, you ll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. 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very bad. tremendous uptick in criminal activity. we want to talk about there was recently a shooting where the migrant shot, two of our police officers. our local cops. trying to keep us safe who were tailing him because he was a suspect in several robberies. now, they shoot at our police officers. we have stealing packages off the stoops. hundreds and hundreds of motor scooters using to commit crime. prostitution shelters outside. roosevelt avenue plagued by a wave of lawlessness. that wave is clearly coordinating to what what has been coming in and our lack of effective response by those in government today representing us. brian: how would you describe the neighborhoods, the ethnicity, the income that are being abused like this by these illegal immigrants who obviously are ungrateful despite getting free room, free shelter, free board? the majority of the district that i represent as district leader and i represented in the past is council member, is he a working class of people of color community overwhelmingly latino and african-american, asian, and south asian. brian: how angry are they. very angry. the fact of the matter in my community, a lot of homeowners, there is taxpayers. residents of our community who really are important part of our city, the fabric of who we re. and they support all the good things and then now they are in a good decent neighborhood and they have all these shelters coming in and really negatively impacted. very poor planning by all at the table. brian: 19-year-old involved in the gang. neck tattoo. bulls jersey that says they are involved in these gangs. out to kill people. the guy that shot the two cops was still struggling. they were still trying to get him in the car there was no contrition. they are sending us their worst. there s no doubt about it. based on my experience, living in queens in the community that literally is the pertinent of epicenter.large segment of peopy part of organized crime networks operating in the borough of queens. brian: democratic administration. democratic officials. some for some reason washington doesn t want to hear from the cities. doesn t want to hear from queens. doesn t want to hear from the mayor. but i m glad you are speaking out and taking action. listen, the bottom line is we all want to be safe. we want public safety and we want everyone in office to understand that our community deserves to be safe just like any other place in america. brian: keep on demonstrating and we will keep on covering it. all right, hiram hopefully things will change. installing vape detectors in bathrooms to crack down on troublemakers. music unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. was that necessary? 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steve: i m doing okay. i understand this was actually the idea of a student who said, you know, there are people vaping in there. i remember when in high school they were smoking in the boys room. now they are just vaping in the boys room and girls room, right? absolutely. one of my students that sits on my principal s council now a ninth grader brought this to our attention and really wanted us to do something about it. steve: with this a.i. technology it can actually detect vapor. and apparently it can tell the difference between nicotine and pot? yes. it actually can determine between different chemical signatures in the air. so even if the girls are spraying perfume it won t go of o. but if they re using a vape and let s say it has nicotine or marijuana it will send a signal to us right away. steve: you get an email immediately, what do you do? well, i have security officers in my building that carry ipads who they get the alert just as quickly as i do. so then they go to that bathroom and they check on see holt students were that were in the bathroom in a time frame. we bring them down to the office. we can do backpack checks. we can talk to the kids a lot of times the kids will del us straight upfront. kids are usually good. they tell us they are try these things because it s cool. steve: right, indeed. the peer pressure. hey, look at this. i got a vape pen, whatever, try it. and that s how it starts. in addition, apparently there are no microphones. but there is this a.i. technology algorithm that can hear sounds. so, that, you know, if people are involved in a fight or roughhousing, but it can differentiate between like a toilet lid slamming and, i know, somebody getting a haymaker. yes. it can definitely. what it does, it registers the decibels in the room and sends us annual alert if it is over a period of time. but, also realize middle schoolers are loud no matter. what sometimes when they are in the room it s a little loud. steve: i would imagine just knowing that they have got the vape detectors in the bathrooms now, that s got to be some sort of a deterrent. they have to find some place. absolutely. the whole idea behind this was to stop new kids from vaping. so, that, you know, the ones who are already doing it and are addicted trying to help. the ones we want to stop are the ones before they start. steve: it s great idea. frank, thank you very much for joining us from new york. and congratulations on your retirement. at the end of this season as an educator frank is going to go fishing. thank you very much. have great day. steve: you too, have a great life and summer as well. all right. you too. steve: thanks, frank. 17 minutes before the top of the hour. serrie is getting senatorrer as apple rolls out a massive ai update is there any way to escape ai in every part of our lives? now in the bathroom at the middle school. kurt the cyberguy is going to join us live here in new york city mr. roboto i don t care if we ever come back that i always remember the fun we had i love fishing with dad now through june 14th save 10% on dad s favorite gift, special father s day gift cards, bass pro shops and cabela s. with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. fastsigns. make your statement™. 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ainsley: what if you miss something? what if the narrative is controlled it s not controlled by me it s a machine and someone else programming that telling it to summarize in a certain way. ainsley: elon musk if apple integrates open ai at the of level apple devices will be banned at my companies. that is unacceptable security violation. kurt: two things there. is he right. is he right about being a more of a private and security risk. if you noticed in the announcement yesterday what tim cook said is we re bringing in the opportunity on top of apple intelligence work on a machine. we re now going to connect this outward and allow you to ask chatgpt things that you might want to know. you can share a document with them. photos, videos so, now you re inapparently very private stuff is being encouraged to share outwardly to chatgpt s open ai. i don t know if i m comfortable with that yet. i have a lot of questions about it because that s not how i m used to apple being. ainsley: our children. i don t want a.i. to necessarily have that. kurt: the second thing with elon musk that you have to measure there, he has a beef with open ai. he has a dispute with them. at first when i heard that i thought, all right, is he just mouthing off on his dispute. but, he has got a point. he has got a point that we have to really measure our privacy here. and we have to start asking ourselves bigger questions about ai. because now apple is in the game. and they are writing the ticket for everybody in the world in terms of what we do with technology. we need to ask ourselves to what extent do we want ai to control our lives? because a wave of unmeasured, unbounded ai is going to be coming at us, and we may not have decisions to be made it may not be easy to make our own decisions in the future what machine is doing it for you again and again and again. people s mindset gets into that direction. ainsley: all these tech companies taking advantage of it. cutting edge and they want to bed first. hand it over to brian. hi,brian. brian: hi, ainsley. keep in touchy will try to see you during the break. arrest made after three alarm fire tore through miami complex yesterday. a 73-year-old man allegedly got into an argument with an employee, shot them, then set the place on fire. that worker is in critical condition. four others required medical assistance for smoking inhalation including three firefighters. authorities say over 40 residents. most of whom are elderly, were rescued. now. this shocking video out of jefferson county, colorado. showing a person proudly tearing up an american flag. it was planted on the side of a road to honor a fallen police or fallenpolice officers after e creating a total of 7 flags the vandal gave the surveillance officer the middle finger. sheriff s office is asking for help to identify the person so so she quotes gets the encore she deserves. remember the man in michigan who went viral during his court appearances for driving without a license? just give me one second. i m parking right now. so maybe i don t understand something. you are driving without a license suspended? that is correct, your honor. and he was just driving and he doesn t have a license? based upon what the court looked at he has never had a michigan license, ever. and has never had a license in the other 49 states and commonwealths that form up this great union. brian: you can t suspend something you never h corey harris now has his learner s permit after passing a theory test. he was seen dancing after getting the good news and could get his full license as soon as next month. i don t understand how can you actually get a license after it was suspended after not having had one and being in trouble for driving anyway. steve: it s this easy, brian, he never had a license. he thought he had a license but then it was apparently suspended because he wasn t paying child support. so he never had a license. so it was impossible to suspend it. lawrence: this is after we apologized. we ran the story. and we ll found. steve: the state got the story wrong. lawrence: apparently all this outrage on social media you just embarrassed this guy. it was a court error. and then the judge comes upped from the secretary of state the judge goes there was no error. he just never had a license. so. ainsley: how do you think he had a license. he took the license test or he didn t. brian: either a stranger got in your car with a clipboard or it didn t happen. or did you just pick up somebody in the street and say would you judge my driving? lawrence: that is true. a little too in my opinion is he a little too old for a learner s permit. steve: never too old. lawrence: i got a learner s permit when i was 14. ainsley: is he up to date on his child support payment? steve: we don t know about that. once again a great guy to have on the show we have a million. lawrence: ainsley wants to know if he is taking care of the kids. ainsley: take care of your babies. maybe is he now. they wouldn t give him a permit before because he wasn t. steve: learner s permit so he can officially get a license. good luck. lawrence: we ll cover it. more fox & friends. we still got two hours. brian: if they want to wrap us. now playing the music before we wrap. the control room is taking control and joe bide

Brian , Lawrence , Ainsley , Karaoke , Jimmy-failla , Woman , News , Person , People , Text , Product , Fan

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240611

we re available 24 hours a day. legal injury advocates to discuss your case now call legal injury advocates at one 800 8855599. that s 1-800- 88555991 800 8855599 call now. as events unfold, news is live at nine. a lot of moving pieces we ll take you through all. bill and dana have unmatched insight on america s newsroom. then at 11, we will cover every move they make. harris says that top stories covered on the front. their focus only on fox news channel ingr laura: good evening, everyone i m laura ingrahamm command this is the ingraham angle from washing thank you for joining us. protesters with voyages thean focus of tonight s angle. they want to destroy our his history. [screaming] [screaming] laura: it is a disgrace, that is the statue across from the white house in the lafayette park. was a commander in the french army who helped america during the revolutionary war. that is what happens when radical leftism and sympathizers take over the ark. thousand showed up towedo prote. the question i had all week, where as law enforcement? there was this poor guy. [chanting]d st laura: assaulted up youappe would when the police tried to step in the one time, this happened. [chanting] laura: the park place, the d.c. metro police, secret service knew this testst was happening weeks ago, so it is unclear why the statutes weren t protected, given what w happened to the sameer park in e same park memorial day 2020. we cri were there. now, we have no my criminals onu video assaulting police officers, committing crimes, and look, we understand there are no plans to prosecute anyone here that the protest is described as largely in florida, iowa, tennessee, vandals were caught on camera doing with these friends arr wet doing they would be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. but in liberal areas if you are a democrat or someone the democrats are trying to court to vote for them, they don t have to worry. and these protesters knew this. s president biden certainly unlike president trump supports the freedom of expertise andt freedom of expression. so they are exercising their rights and that is their right toare do. laura: these are among the most privileged people outrisd there. they can do stuff in blue states, liberal jurisdictions or as we saw on college campuses, and they can get away with it,su total impunity. here are the laws that can and should be used against anti-american anarchist.fe 1361 is the destruction of federal properly and authorizes a penalty of up to ten yearst fo imprisonment for the willful injury of federal property. an aunt amidst of remember the 2020 riots, the trumd smpan administration issued smartly in the executive protecting american monuments and memorials, noting it is the department of ps. justice to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyin person destroying, damaging, vandalizing or desecrating aor monument memorial or a statute within the u.s. or otherwise damages government property.ffic but with biden in office, common sense and the rule of law are out the window. law is supposed to apply across the board to all, but we have two sets of laws cured one for friends of the regime, and one for the enemies of the regimehe where they think of the enemies of the regime who should expect to be persecuted whenever possible. so, what happened to the pro-life demonstrators put in prison for years, the janppen january 6th defendants hunted down, and of course, what we sea happening to president trump. but the fact is biden, kamala harris, merrick garland and college administrators will always cut a break to the people who hate america. look, as long as you areu defending traditional americansa christians, others or if you potentially help democrats, why basically you can do whatever you want to be or that is why those people are spray painting statue and throwing stuff at thh police officer.endi this is what they mean when they talk about defending democracy. if a bunch of twentysomethings oklahoma though through red paint on thel black lives matter mural on 16th street across from the park, they had beenwoul arrested. they had been arrested on the spot. the doj would hold a press conference and it would be a big deal, large, large forces of doe prosecutors would be bearing down on these people right now here to becausthe e we know what looks like when the doj wants to get serious and send a message f deterrence. the fbi is quite familiar with large-scale, complex and fast-moving investigations.ity we are up to the challenge. the brutality the american people watched with shock and disbelief on the sixth will not be tolerated by the fbi. the men and women at the fbi will leave no stone unturned in this investigation. laura: even this yearts, thes are still sending doj alerts about january 6th and you seeid this guy, the democrat on the hill put a statement out callina for the prosecution of the people who did that in lafayette park? it is clearly the policy at this point of the administration and thdothe doj that left-wing grous can destroy any statute, they can block any road, they can do any of that as long as the democratic party doesn t have to pay any political price. the doj doesn t work for you. y it works for joe biden and the democrat party. we told you this from thehe outset. the statute takedowns and destructions, it was never about the confederacy or property lee or slaveholders or the 1800s, this was about their hatred of the american story. they do not believe in the constitution. they do not believthere in the n declaration of independence or whether we win another war, they don t care about that. for that matter, they don t cara california, illinois, new york, they don t care if it goes downs the drain, look what they were doing to migrants. it doesn t matter to them. as for the democrats in congress, they, too, know theey rules of accountability do not u apply to them not the same way as republicans. asy pe we told you from the very beginning, if nancy pelosi had done her job before january 6th, the breach never would have happened at the capital. and now, we have proof that shes knew she was responsible. this was footage taken by her own daughter of the day the attack. any did not have any accountability for what was going on there and we should ha. this is ridiculous. you are goin g to ask me in the middle of the thing, they have already reached the inauguralce? stuff that should we call the capitol police? t i mean, the national guard? why would the national guard not there to begin with? speak what they thought thatth they had sufficient they don t know! they clearly didn t know, and i take responsibility for not having them. laura: she said she was responsible not once but twice on that tape.da the democrat leadership in charge that day was responsible for how it got out of hand.ei no wondellr they kept those thousands of hours of surveillance videos secret until the republican house speaker ordered thease.e release. so by now, i think more americans see the real privilege out there.t co the privilege that protects some of the most corrupt people. the political write a report ony the vat money trail is interesting to me, but we know they will never be held accountable. it doesn t matter how shady their money of sources are ors oflong time drifter racking up tens of billions of dollars forr their whole family tree for thao joe biden lied about not talkind to hunter s foreign business contacts. it is the ultimate privilege,nd and thats is the angle. late hunter s future now lies in the hands of the jury started late this afternoon with jury deliberations in the federal gun trial. irea if convicted on all three counts lying on a federal firearms form october 2018, he faces a maximun sentence of 25 years in prison. instead of focusing on what the actual crimes are come at theki ngmedia spends most of its time lamenting about what a heartbreaking moment this is for the biden family.g no this has been an emotional trial from the start unfolding not only in front of a jury but in front of the eyes of hunter biden s diversely the jill biden, and other members of the so the closest people in the biden circle inside the courthouse, the force is no different withfa the women in hs familyrect all side-by-side andn directly behind hunter biden. nw the 120 may now judge janine. pyro, host of the five and it is interesting job there jill biden flew from france for a day to sit in that courtroom as the jury was still there. the she flew back to france, huge expense of the taxpayers and a lot of people wondering about that what that might have said to the jury. clebut is this a clear case her could weal expect acquittal in u liberal jurisdiction? first of all, you are absolutely right, laura, solo transatlantic flight so she could stay as long a bs she coud with the trial and then get back to the trial. look, the biden family is trying to put on a united front here, when in truth, laura, they are as dysfunctional as a family caa get for getting what was going on in that family.on a and giving all the trauma visited upon the biden women as a result of what hunter did and, you know, whether his ex-wife to g,his brother s wido hw who endp testifying, his daughter endedll up testifying, his stepmother, jill, day in and day out. t what the prosecutor actually had to say, actually, ladies and gentlemen the fact that the powerful biden family sittingel there is not they have the power to try to sway this jury and intimidateeyp them in whatever way theyr possibly can. to answer your question directly, laura might never been in a criminal court room we can literally hear the voice of the accused defendant bellowing out and basically admitting he is an addict and involved in all kinds of debauchery during the period ofy du time that he signed thisn pistol permit application. so the evidenc impe is there ane american people should be impressed this judge wasn t trying to string outthey the trh so they could keep someone off ofdeli the campaign trail.tomo they got it done pure they will deliberate. they will have ado verdict tomorrow and only issue, do they want to convict him or not push mark because it s all there. this is a friendly democrat delawarei ju jury. laura: i don t see itt ju happening, but i was wrong and. you were right about that jury in new york, judge. i held out hope. cnn thinks the jury would vote to acquit fowar this reason her at a watch. a jury could also say waitsdl at the mic wait a second,ri prosecutors you didn t establish used or possessed these drugs ta during october and the defendant knowingly did so. he might have thought so in his mind that hehat a was clean, fg his life u.p and so on.fore that is like saying aally defendant coming before me on a murder case, i really wasn t was murdering him. your actions speak louder thanty your supposed thoughts at this point. but what they ve got and you have to give every laura credit though my credit for this, basically we don t know if he was using thboe day he filled ot the form. baloney! the statute says are addicted to end the prosecutor shot holes through it and every 20 minuteas he was smoking crack according to his girlfriend zoe. within minutes, he is with w mookie picking up crack and abby comes up with, well maybe he was lying and with another woman. and then abby says maybe he was an alcoholic. according to abby, you have to have the crack on the pistol the application.tion but the truth is, the biden administration has increased the penalties for people lying on these applications. but they think they are above the law and shouldn t have to apply to hunter. laura: judge him up before we let you go, the desecration of the statute in lafayette park and the assault of a park polic. officer, no arrests, no pressag conferences, not a democrat that i have heard to speak out against this talk about two tiers of justice, and were six defendants in this? i love your angle there. look, january 6, they found. them, got there bank records to find them. it is almost as if it s not aes big deal.peop they did nothing to prevent it. these are people and so right, u they hate america. they want to bring anarchy to this country and the biden administration is aiding and abetting and complicit whether the southern border or whether lafayette park. this is why america can no longer handle the way that theno bidens for running the country.e and hopefully, things willl ri change in november. laura: judge, great to see you tonight.ario thank you so much. biden porter cracked down, this is hilarious and infuriating all at the same time. we will have the details next. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? we are at a very early stage. implementation come as you noted, has just begun. it is early. the signs are positive.y jo our personnel have done an extraordinary job in implementing a big shift how we operate on the southern border. laura: biden has made a big change on the border! and just hours ago my niece leper of a piece ofos es the new york times says it all, days after border closes for most migrants, most manageable crowds but more anxiety i think that migrants feel fearful and stranded. of course, the the times worry about bit the feelings? they are biden. what do you think of president biden?yeah i love biden.urse biden help us. laura: that says thathi all come t of course. this is illegals the key to securing a permanent, democrat majority. so the democrats don t care whatns. it cost me even to nationalned security concerns. according to thethe border patr memo obtained by fox, the administration s basically ordering a catch and release.nos we knew this before, but agents in the san diego sector areadul being told to release single adults from every country on thn face of the earth but six countries in the eastern hemisphere: russia, georgia, moldova, kirk a stand. noticeably missing from that t list, china, cuba, north kore, they can get right in apparently and get a notice to appear or three years, fivthe years, seven years and who knows what happens after thatof t. just more confirmation o f the biden team radical plans to permanently alter the america that wve.e love. these are so committed to importing new democrat voters that they will waive that anyonf except a very small sliver ofwh russians and otherils from thead republic.e meanwhile, the biden family made millions in china and they have no problem waving in the 100,00c chinese in the united states. of course, china was an adversary the last time i checked and also a communist country the last time i checked. it is disturbing, but not surprising because this is all politics are joining us eric schmitt, senator, why is the biden administration fine with migrants from places like syria, iran, china, but not russia? they have a long-term play here as you know to because you don t need to be a citizen to be counted in the citizen, that is one. they believe that is a path to more power and more control.trol if you need further evidence number one, joe biden isvide a . and two, there would be open borders crowd appearances as exhibit 5,438. it is in plain view now and thig memo confirms with everybody that this is window dressing anu they know exactly what they are doing. the as you mention only six m countries noted in the easternsp hemisphere. that means from china, a spy from china you can get her $5,000, $10,000 and you ca n be in the united states with catch and release. a touriseal.t from it this hh never happen in the history of anywhere in ther world, laura. laura: never! this has never happened. no one has done this aloud and been complicit with an impatien of our country. they don t believe in real borders. sapling malcolm americansould literally are dying and i fear it can be worse. there were terrorists here operating in the united states. and the biden administration is ready to trade that for an electoral event. laura: the media seem to not really comprehend. we saw what happened in europe p on european elections over the weekend. a populist i came in, globalists for the most part on the run, people tired of mass migration, but the media are stilisl clingg to this notion of globalism that they don t understand american s feelings on this puree to watch. speak with a 62% of americans favor deporting all undocumented immigrants. s alreso homeland security says president biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any yearwhat since 2010. some of what mr. trump talks about could be illegal. it doesn t seem practical in some sense to round up childrenr laura: oh, my god, they are still doing the round up of children. senator, the american people have seen how this has already change their communities, they are schools, compromised our health care, rooms, and a porchr toob my course the huge budgetay problems along with the other problems we have you or but the media are like, what about the families? what about the american families? get ready for space bowl style ludicrous speede fearmongering in october. that is what all the democratsi. are left with.port and conveniently sort of reported on this stuff, thet threat to democracy is actually people voting. that is what happened in europem yesterday and what is happening here in the united states, another tsunami is coming because if they would get out of coastal bubble and come to real america and actually talk to people, real people don t understand how the president ofs the united states is willingly opening up the border for theth fentanyl killing people in the communities. the crime you see every day anld the terrorism and don t understand it but all politicsen shot in november here. laura: thank you, senator. next biden doj targets a doctorl after he blew the whistle on sex change for kids. he is here for an exclusive interview next. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? 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what is that all about? it is unbelievable. my wife, she was undergoing ae background check because she goa hired as an assistant u.s. attorney in the northern district of texas. in a letter my attorneys wroteav outlining the behavior, she said my wife andrea will not have problems with her background check unless she becomes difficult. e what she was referring to was my wife encouraging me. she knew mike to choose my constitutional right to not speak to the agents with a came to my home three hours before my graduation from surgery residency. laura: is there any doubt l, tthat this is political attet to intimidate you and others for speaking out, in a dell? no doubt because that is what he told us. laura: doctor, we can talk to you foryou an hour. thank you for joining us. look, making inroads into deep red wyoming. it may be because that h is whee radiologists say he was punished for speaking out against transgender surgery for childreh there. dr. eric lubin said he wrote an email urging state legislatures to endorse a bill banning it. the bill passed and signed by d governor mark. but after that dr. cubin said he got a letter from the governor removing him from the state board of medicine before eventually allowed to resign. joni meet dr. air cuban, interventional radiologists. this became law banning the surgery in wyoming. texas did the same. what is their real beef with you? what is it customer i wish ie knew what they are real beef wah but what is concerning the woke mob in this country has so much power and influence that they can even affect the weekin governor in the state of wyoming, the most republican state in the country and somehow cores him into silencing the voice of reasoning his state.i a i have no idea, no idea who it sort of the influence here and who caused this to but if it s really scary is that if this can happen wyoming whatr is going on in the rest of theh country? the spokesperson for the governor s office said that you resigned after receiving a letter from the governor reminding you of theto policy fu medical board members toti remai objective withon duties tounds maintain the confidence of medical professionals on the board. sounds like a lot of bureaucratic nonsense. that says nothing and that is typical bureaucratic speech. i hate people that write that way. it is like cia statement. but your response to whatever that was suppose id to mean. it was difficult to read andc made no sense. he also accused me ofssib potentially having a conflict of quite frankly, that is not possible because it is the i law in the state. somthough mike violates the lawd comes before the board of medicine we enforce that no conflict of interest but we arei enforcing the law appeared s laura, what i would really like to talk about is the children if that is okay. make no mistake about it, this is not gender-affirming care we are talking about. this is gender denying care. these children have a delusion similar to anorexia. what we have learnedcan with anorexia, you don t treat ittrea with liposuction. the treatment these kids need is love and kindness and psychotherapy. they don t need surgical mutilation of hormones. only reaffirming for these children is that we love them, cherish them, and we are sur committed to making sure they are okay and they get the care that they need. we should not laura: thrae word gender s phrase, gender is so orwellian.. orwellian would be rolling in his grave, doctor, thank you. the media, are they preparing to kick joe biden to the curb? a what else might be afoot?we h a big development next. whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america s mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we re the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they re willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it s a labor of love. it s a noble service. and that s what we re all about. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. laura: more post than a democrat contingency plan may be underway to swap biden from the democratic ticket. the over the weekend the new york times published s gentle fact-checked of biden s tall tales. well, they said biden might use antidotes in order to win over his audiences and appear more charming. is this charming?armi i used to drive an 18-wheeler. i wa as sort of raised in the r puerto rican community at home. i like allow for a lot of people in this audience and happen t o be the first of my family to go to college. and my uncle posey who got shot- down in new guinea. e wehe never found the body bece there are a lot of cannibals, for real comment that part ofya the community.rn laura: for real pures the new york times calls these yarns. but the fact is they catalogued them to me was not significant.c then, there is the political piece exposing how biden s closest aides were deeply n his family business dealings .te for years he shared a bookkeepe with his son, hunter my personal lawyerr with his brother jim. he had secret service investigated a chinese executive doing business with hunter.tale well, that might be another tall tale. never discussed with my sontn or my brother or anyone else o business, period! laura: jordan may ned ryans and founder of ceo majority andt sean davis, the federal spirit what is going on here? i think some of the corporate propaganda and who is pushing for stories because someone is pushing it in a coordinated fashion thinks joe biden is the real problem but that is not their real problem here are the real problem is leftist policie. they are pushing your list notor forget why they have joe biden, pure joe biden is the basebut putting on for obama s third term to beat trump and pace of the mirror on obama s third term and radical policies androja the trojan horse for leftist ideas. they are focused on joe biden as the real problem but it s thee a essence and the american people are waking up and understanding what the modern-day democraticna has become, a neo-marxist un-american party. the american people we don t agree with you o on n immigratin and we don t agree with you onsr the economy and we don t agreesi with you on your ideas or peo illusions of law and order. that is what is happening. i people are focused on the real problem pure the real problem it they want to take off joe biden and smear fresh lipstick on nasty, ugly pig of her left of american ideas. they are focused on the wrong problems and the wrongd fo solutions. laura: polling has been so bad for biden even cnn as of late can t avoid covering look atou this tremendous shift, oh, my goodness gracious, now 2024, biden s drop eight points and trump up 44%. he is losing. he is under water the israel/moss war in russia and ukraine war. donald trump seems to have an edge in this race. what is president biden doing wrong that this is the case? laura: sean, i had to cover this sooner or later you re to be we saw crowds in californiaa turning out for trump. they are lined the streets form. him. and very few trump haters at least which wakly.s shocking tos frankly, i don t know, there is a lot going on they are gettingy a little nervous about, sean.n. i think that is exactly what is going on here they are not trying to dump biden yet but if it gets to that point, they definitely will pure the bobr th race in 2002 where he was dead in the water so they swapped him out at the last minute andhey through an wrinkle altenburg.he about what they were trying to do is raise the alarm bells, hey, guys, your whole strategy of throwing trump in prison is not working anymore. it is time to panic and start changing things up because of the way things stand now, it isu not going the thing about the propaganda press and corporate media, they never tell the truth and theyow always have an agenda. i think their agenda right now is to get the regime reelectedu and they need to make sure thepp people in the white house and the people running in the white house know they are in trouble.e wi laura: ned, do you agree with that? i do agree with that but ther. problem they have is they have the scranton show good old joe from scranton and this moderate and now what the problem is if they replace joe biden without an out leftist on top of the leftist agenda, i think the gig is up in the masquerade is over.y i totally agree with sean, howre do they retain power? at some point, they will panic because joe biden grandpa dimension is amala hard seller d kamala harris is even worse. laura: floated a scenario on x, biden hit all-time low a approval rating paying dropping out would be a big wrist but threshold continuing to run is o bigger wrist the mic risk. are we there yet i don t knowm. but it s fair to ask appear to think it is that point for them in incredibly risky for them to lose this last touch stone to the old seemingly more reasonable democrat party and f that.row o they lose that and look, it is the free palestine protesters in lafayette square spray painting commander rochambeau. it is that chaos.e that is it, and the border. right, that might explain that very odd, june 22nd debate they scheduled the pier thatst might beil joe biden s last chae to prove that he still has it.wn i can t recall in memory when we had presidential debates before there was even a convention. it is very strange. laura: that is the last chance for joe. ned and shawn, thank you both. seen and unseen with raymond arroyo is next. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade. it s 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we ll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you ll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions. plus, get this $200 discount certificate to get your sunsetter for as little as $799. there are so many incredible styles to choose from. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! turn your patio into an instant oasis. add led lighting for evening enjoyment. call now for your free awning idea kit, local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!” after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline and memory issues. i m trying to get a.a thought across and i can t find the right way to say it. i noticed as i ve got into my 50s i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetful, a little more brain fog. introducing neuroq, the breakthrough multi ingredient, multi action brain care supplement developed by one of the world s leading brain doctors, dr. dale bredesen. neuroq is the result of years of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. neuroq contains a key ingredient clinically shown to influence brain performance in as little as seven days. and within just two months a combination of ingredients found in neuroq has been shown to help improve memory focus and concentration. we ve all seen other brain supplements that only focus on one or two factors, but neuroq is different. it s the multi ingredient multi action formula that helps fuel, boost, renew and protect your brain for more comprehensive brain care and noticeable results. in an internal study, 4 out of 5 neuroq users saw significant improvement in just 30 days. i would say within a week s time i was able to. think clearer was the first thing. i can see that there is an improvement just in the tasks i have to do around the house. once i started taking neuroq, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus and getting things done. as well as my memory and recall. call or go online now to find out how you can try neuroq for $49.95 plus get free shipping. act now and you ll also receive neuroq s fast dissolving sleep now oral strips, to boost brain recovery while you sleep. laura: time laura: it is time fordlin seen and unseen where we revealedes the stories behind te headlines.ntri raymond arroyo. biden is said to take part in a big fund-raiser this weekend. ti the slabs will lift him up your jimmy kimmel, george connie, julia roberts command more. lore, dire warnings aregs coming from hollywood like this. ro how do you feel about the specter of the second trump administration? ie will move. w ili can t live in this country f he became president. understand why people are not taking him seriously. i think hitler i would rather push in our life and be stopped by that is what the choice will be in 2024.. a response to all of this,a, ricky drop this over the weekend. as a celebrity, science andor politics, trust me when i tellot you you should vote for. if you don t vote the right wayh a hate crime and it makes me sad and angry, and i will leave the country. and you don t want that. laura: they never leave the country. if only they leave the country. please leave. you can t bully and harangue people into a political conformity, laura. it is only news if suddenly sean foyt said i m supportingg bi joe biden. that is news but theselebr celebrities have always been in his corner reporting oppositionh to the candidate here that is hardly news and i think he is right. laura: they are not affected by biden s policies. they floated of adverse effects of the policy so they are totally fine . i want to talk about caitlin clark i know a lot of people are interested in thee story. she is probably thpre most important player in the nba. period she left off the olympicc team and reacted with enormous grace though appearance because she had great poise and humility and took it in stride. her record is not perfect andscr the pro, 14th in scoring, but still i tend to agree withs. stephen a. smith on this. this girls box office! i said a rise in tide, but whate you do, especially if team usa and you re trying to be globalized, it is an opportunitn to globalize the wnbita brand! you don t sit up there and pass on caitlin clark! it is stupid, team usa, it was a dumb decision! well, look, she still has aau shot. chelsea gray with a leg injury and if she she gets out of that roster, there might be room for caitlin clark. but it does seem they missed an opportunity for marketing and publicity in a big way. but she has time he or she is young. laura: my free said though my friend said rookie larry johnson and larry bird, it all works out. i have to say that i haven t followed the wnba that closely but she should probably be on the team.. what else? the number for joe biden amongjo black voters is a rolling tragedy and trump s best performance in black voters in 60 years for republicans. some polls say 63%, a drop from 91% in 2020. part of this is attributable for trump making attributes to blacks in the bronx appeared to try to turn the tide, trump s june s juneteenth concert june 10th at the white house. patti labelle, gladys knight, as we like to say new orleans, the essence festival. i don t know why you need aou campaign and basically aaign campaign event being sponsored by the taxpayer. a comedian roy would open the festivities this way. we get thfestatche day off jt that is right. we get the day off june 19th. i don t know about some of y all, but i think we need ai week off.thk i m not here to tell you thank you for what you did, but a week i don t know if you ve been black before, but there are some stressful days. when you are black, i need a week. speed he ran through hit list accomplishment of winning over black voters. i don t think this helps. . forura: it is late that is it for us.foll follow us on social media and thank you for watching. it is my son 16th birthday today. that is what hy soe looked liken i saw him for the first time.r h and that is what he looks like now. a madelei carley: a fox and friends first exclusive, father of the missionary couple murdered by gangs in haiti are speaking out for the first time in an

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Transcripts For CNN Violent Earth 20240610

magic with nothing and even if they take everything, like for a month we re still going to find a way to put on a show to entertain the thing i ve found is people love drag if we have a chance to put on a show for you, you re going to fall in love legal battles over drag performances continue. so far, laws proposed in florida texas, tennessee, and montana had been blocked by federal judges on constitutional grounds. the states are appealing those decisions. thanks for watching the whole story. i ll see you next sunday [siren blaring] police officer: i need traffic stopped, southbound 10. steve pyne: fire has been on earth as long as plants have been on land. police officer: follow me! follow me! steve pyne: but we get a big shift when a species arrives who can start fire at will. police officer: go, go, go, go! go south! steve pyne: i think humans have been changing the earth for a long time. police officer: come down this way! come down this way! steve pyne: we ve lost the ability to understand how fire works and how it can be used to our advantage. police officer: [indistinct] the fire has jumped the road. this is bad. steve pyne: we ve mismanaged fire. now we get fires that are really off the scale, shouldn t be here, shouldn t be behaving in this way. and now we re left with these monsters. and it is remaking the world. police officer: (voice breaking) it s all bad up here, brother. it s all bad. oh, my god. [thunder crackling] welcome to violent earth. i m liev schreiber. scientists say wildfires are more frequent and burning bigger. in the past, a 50,000 or 60,000 acre fire was considered big. these days, firefighters are often dealing with fires well above 100,000 acres. according to government statistics, during the 1990s, an average of 3 million acres a year burned in the united states. since 2000, that number has more than doubled. in 2020 alone, over 10 million acres were consumed. the experts say 85% to 90% of wildfires are caused by human activity. tonight, violent earth takes a look at this roaring force of nature, starting with the mega fire that burned through paradise, california, in 2018. [police radio chatter] kory honea: the camp fire was the deadliest and most destructive fire in california s history. [shouting] john messina: it was almost 200 days since we had received any rainfall in that particular area. the wind was very dry and blowing in gusts of 70 miles an hour. kory honea: the town of paradise at the time of the camp fire was about 26,000 people. alexander maranghides: a town built in the forest. there was a lot of vegetation, topography, wind, drought. all these things contributed to make this event unfold very rapidly. police officer: go double lanes! go double lanes! and very catastrophically. kory honea: the fire was caused by a downed electrical transmission line. camp creek road was the nearest named road to the ignition. and that s why this is the camp fire. tamra fisher: oh, this is horrible. oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. these poor people. i ve lived in paradise since 1979. i prepared for years for this exact moment. i knew fire was was bad. i ve always respected it. tamra is my little sister. she s raw, and she s funny. this, too, could be you. tamra was not as concerned about the wildfires as i was. and that morning, i got out of there pretty fast. tamra texted me and asked me what was happening. and i said, get out, t. get out. paradise is going to burn down. but possibly, the cell towers were starting to burn in that area. i don t believe she got my text. tamra fisher: can we please get out of here? larry laczko: tamra had her three dogs in the car with her. tamra fisher: it s 9 o clock in the morning. larry laczko: she was recording the events on her cell phone. tamra fisher: i m really scared. and i don t got that much gas! she was stressed that she was not making progress getting away from the fire. tamra fisher: come on! just go! i m so scared! [honking horn] todd abel: these fires, it s very, very intense heat. ignite a tree without flame touching it. all at once, the tree lights up sort of like a roman candle. paul hessburg: and when a wildfire is really moving fast, it can burn five to 10 football fields in a second. it s millions of hot embers that can find so many places to ignite a fire. sometimes the winds are so strong that they are tossed up to five miles. brad elder: the drier it is outside, the probability of that ember is going to stay lit and the fuel that it lands in is approaching 100%. [police radio chatter] paul hessburg: paradise, california, burned from an ember attack from a plume miles away from paradise. kory honea: this is, like, 9 o clock in the morning, and it s pitch black. given the smoke, it almost appeared as though it was the middle of the night and it was snowing. ash and embers began to rain down. john messina: the fire was moving at a football field per second. and the way it did that, of course, was by jumping ahead and starting these fires. they would immediately take hold and rapidly grow into a 100-acre, 200-acre spot fire. that was happening all through town. alexander maranghides: that resulted in the town starting to burn all at once. 30,000 people were trying to be evacuated while being overran by fire. police officer: go forward and turn around. turn around and go north. turn around and go north. [bleep] this is bad. larry laczko: a firefighter told tamra to follow him down pearson road. cindy christensen: tamra was behind them. but the traffic stopped. tamra fisher: no! [honking horn] larry laczko: everything around her was burning. tamra fisher: look at that. cars on the side burning. and nobody was moving. tamra fisher: go! it s so hot. todd abel: these fires, they can be well over 2,000 degrees. they melt metal. they melt cars. and you can hear her dogs panting in the back. [dogs whimpering] tamra fisher: ugh! and her despair. tamra fisher: what did i do? come on! paul hessburg: the increase in wildfires in the current 21st century is exponential. california is seeing its worst year ever for wildfires. canada in general right now for this fire season. 33.8 million acres have already burned. brad elder: and we generally think of fire as bad because most wildfires are dangerous. mark finney: but it s very important to try to understand really the essential role that fire has in our ecosystems and the beneficial role. steve pyne: fire is not some kind of alien visitation on the landscape. fire has been on earth as long as plants have been on land. we can go back 420 million years and find fossil charcoal. these landscapes have, in a sense, co-evolved with fire. kristen honig: fires are good for the planet. they have lots of roles in ecosystem health. brad elder: there s so many different plants and animals that respond positively to fires. paul hessburg: the varied habitats come from the byproducts of a wildfire. the forests of western north america, including the western united states, need fire. they evolved with fire. what is new is the frequency of very large fires is increasing. steve pyne: it kills people, threatens properties and towns. they re essentially uncontrollable at scale. paul hessburg: wildfires are burning at the rate of 7 to 10 million acres of the us every year. this is unprecedented. it s getting worse. paul hessburg: we expect double to triple the amount of area burned between now and 2050. well, how did that happen? [music playing] [siren blaring, police radio chatter] karen davis: i was a registered nurse at feather river hospital in paradise. we received a code black get patients out now. and the flames were unbelievable that came up the canyon. my best friend, nichole, was also a nurse at feather river hospital. we worked together. karen davis: ambulances were not able to get to us. patients had to be put in employee vehicles. dispatcher: 10-4, chief, go ahead. karen davis: after we got all the patients in vehicles, nichole and i left following each other. steve pyne: 1910 was really the founding year for the american way of firefighting. reporter: the big blowup. a wild surging firestorm started near elk city, idaho. paul hessburg: the 1910 big burn. it burned 3 million acres across three states, killed 87 people, mostly firefighters. and our awareness and our whole consciousness about fire pivoted in that moment. reporter: this is a picture of tragedy, a tragedy that happens year after year in our great american forest areas fire. fire became public enemy number one. and wildfires were to be put out at all cost. steve pyne: and at that point, we almost militarized firefighting. kyle dickman: we were really good at it. firefighters could put out 99% of fires before they grew bigger than an acre. paul hessburg: and from about 1935 to about 1985, you see not much fire burning. and it made our fire suppression look great. steve pyne: and that was a very poor judgment. well, they completely misjudged the character of the overall fire scene. paul hessburg: what s happened since the exclusion of fire is forests have gotten denser. the forests of today look nothing like they did in the 1930s. there are 10 times even more trees than that on the landscape of the historical condition. and they will burn bigger and they ll burn hotter than they burned historically. and what we didn t know in those days and we ve learned later through research is, fire is medicine on the landscape, and it s how we can live safely. and here s why that s so critical. it was the frequency of the small- and medium-sized fires that blocked the flow of very large fires. you might burn out a patch in a forest, but the bulk of the force is still standing there. mark finney: fires that just burn underneath the trees, maybe some grass, maybe some downed logs. paul hessburg: so there s power in the patchwork to regulate how big and how severe the fires got. so fires would be rarely very large. so after a century and a half without fire, fuels have built up over many large areas to powder keg conditions. but the worst part of it is, we re actually building homes in the middle of this mess. and so when we get a large fire, houses and forests literally go up in smoke. and as the climate continues to turn up the heat and dry out the landscape, what we see after 85 is that area burned increases exponentially. and it continues to increase today. fires like paradise, the camp fire. alexander maranghides: the town of paradise had not seen any fire history in the past 100-plus years. paul hessburg: they re setting new records for area burned and structures that are burned. and it s because the fires are literally uncontrollable. police officer: i copy that. [honking horn] tamra fisher: i m scared! cindy christensen: tamra was beating on her horn, screaming to go, go, go, go. tamra fisher: come on! cindy christensen: nothing was moving. larry laczko: tamra was driving a yellow volkswagen beetle. somebody shot a video from behind her showing her out of her volkswagen. that firestorm came roaring through. it was unreal. her car was on fire. she was screaming for help. tamra fisher: help! cindy christensen: tamra was on pearson road. alexander maranghides: pearson is one of the top five worst situations in all of camp fire. the fire overtakes evacuating, gridlocked traffic. everything is on fire all at once. vehicles start catching on fire. 40 abandoned vehicles in that 6/10 of a mile. and this created a very, very dangerous situation. nichole s car was trapped with me right on pearson road. nichole jolly: that tree could come down on me at any moment. this is ridiculous. and i m stuck. [bleep] tamra fisher: oh, my god. it s everywhere. in tamra s video, you could see my white truck, and you can see nichole s silver sedan. people just sitting there. nothing was moving. tamra fisher: this is a [bleep] nightmare. just come on! oh, my god. karen davis: all of a sudden, i could feel my truck drop, which meant my tires were burning. and right in the middle of that, i heard a knock on the window. nichole got out of her car because her car had caught on fire. she tried to open the door, but the handles were gone from the outside. they had melted away. so she ran off. i had no idea where she was. [music playing] craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. s greater than 100,000 acres, we term it a mega fire. some of the biggest fires are a million acres or more. big, hot fires create their own weather. suddenly, this really white cloud start developing. it was being made by the moisture being driven off by the fire down below. and in the most extreme cases, they have lightning, and they have rain. they have very strong downdrafts that can create very, very strong winds right down at the surface. paul hessburg: sometimes wildfires are so loud, associated with the wind and weather that the fire is creating, it sounds like a 747 flying overhead. tornadoes, they call them firenadoes, will happen as a consequence of these phenomenal surface wind speeds. woman: oh, my they move incredibly fast when they get up and go. and they re really quite horrific. mark finney: wildfires ignite from lots of different sources. steve pyne: before humans were around, this was almost always lightning. volcanic activity can start fires. that s a natural ignition, we often call it. steve pyne: humans probably account for 90% of the ignition in the united states and probably around the world. reporter: investigators say a wildfire near yosemite national park was started by an unattended campfire. reporter: power lines were blamed for starting 10 fires this year. violent and explosive wildfires in hawaii fueled by strong winds from a hurricane 800 miles away. reporter: maui locals have never seen anything like the firestorm that obliterated lahaina. winds of up to 80 miles an hour. erin burnett: tee dang was on vacation with her family. the flames so dangerously close that they were forced to jump into the ocean to save themselves. tee dang: it was just like a hot oven fire flaming, blowing at us. and then we started just huddling in and trying to keep our family tight so we won t get burned from the fire and then get washed away from the water. reporter: the lahaina fire is now the deadliest fire in the us in more than a century. reporter: this will rank as one of the worst disasters in american history. it s as bad as paradise, california, the deadliest fire from a few years back. larry laczko: that morning, when i turned on pearson road, i hit gridlock. we were just inching along when i came upon tamra and her burning vw beetle on the side of the road. she just opened her door. i heard tamra say, i need help putting out this fire. i told her, you need to get into my truck. but she seemed like she wanted to stay with the car. i know she had some treasured belongings. but she had to get away from that. tamra fisher: i m sorry, lucky. i m crying. karen davis: nichole got out of her car because her car was on fire. she knocked on my window. and she tried to open the door, but couldn t. so she ran off. i was dazed from the smoke. and i didn t know where she went. everybody was in a panic, just trying to survive. larry laczko: i did witness people running to a cal fire fire engine. we couldn t believe that they were outside. the temperature inside the engine at that point was probably around 150, 160 degrees. at some point, the outside of the engine probably took temperatures of 600 degrees. we started pulling people into the engine, as many as we could. but we just didn t have any more room. larry laczko: we were still trying to inch along. tamra fisher: [indistinct speech] [crying] and suddenly, out of the darkness came the headlights of a bulldozer driven by a cal fire hero, pushing burning vehicles off the side of the road beside us. john jessen: joe kennedy, he was able to get those cars out of our way and be able to open up that road and give us a means of escape. alexander maranghides: the dozer comes in, helps clear the area, and enables the first responders to escort the convoy out of harm s way. karen davis: that eventually saved our lives. i did wonder what happened to nichole. i remember it was so hot, my eyes and my throat were burning. i ran up the road. and i m closing my eyes because you can t see anything. and i touched the back of this fire engine. the firefighters looked at me, and they were like, oh my gosh. karen davis: and i later learned nichole was one of the people that ran into the fire engine. nichole jolly: the firefighters absolutely saved our lives. i waited all day for tamra. i didn t hear anything. i was so scared. if i wouldn t have had my dogs, i probably would have ran on foot. having larry open the truck door and tell me to get in and then said, bring the dogs, it was like a knight in shining armor. i got a text from somebody i didn t know, this gentleman, larry. i found out that he had saved tamra. i feel that i was in the wrong place at the right time. tamra fisher: oh, my god. karen davis: and when we finally did get through, it was like an apocalypse. tamra fisher: oh, my gosh. it s like you re seeing this destruction that you only see in, like, movies. it s gone. larry laczko: it s gone. tamra fisher: it s gone. look, that house is gone. larry laczko: yep. tamra fisher: and that house is gone. and to see that devastation, it was surreal. yeah, my sister s just right up here. it s all gone. cindy christensen: our neighborhood, our house, there was nothing left. nothing. it was decimated. we lost everything, except for the clothes on our backs. nichole holly: the flames engulfed the hospital, and the roof collapsed. kory honea: it consumed 18,000 structures. 15,000 of those structures were homes, places where people lived. karen davis: and i learned. the next road up from where we were trapped, that s where five people died trying to run from the flames. 85 people lost their lives. there s nowhere you can go in butte county where you don t run into somebody who was burned out of their home or knew somebody who perished in the fire. todd abel: all over the western united states, these fires are more intense. wildland firefighters are a big part of trying to mitigate these natural disasters. hotshots are sort of a breed of their own. kyle dickman: hotshot firefighters are crews of 20 people, men and women. desiree steed: they fight fire from the frontlines. kyle dickman: their job is to go anywhere in the country where there s a bad fire. and they ll spend as long as two weeks or three weeks on a single fire. i m a former granite mountain hotshot. it s really not a job. it s a lifestyle and career. kyle dickman: the granite mountain hotshots were a hotshot crew. came from the city of prescott, arizona. eric marsh was the superintendent of the granite mountain hotshots. a very meticulous man, very intelligent. and then there was jesse steed. desiree steed: jesse was the captain. so he was second in command. prior to that, he was also in the marine corps. he was tough, 6 4 and 220 pounds. always put his family first, his kids first. brendan mcdonough: jesse was a mentor, and he was a dad that i so desperately wanted to be like. desiree steed: he could handle all kinds of excruciating, backbreaking labor and work and actually enjoyed it. [music playing] todd abel: in arizona, june is usually kind of that month where everybody s hair on the back of your neck stands up, and we start getting higher temperatures. the relative humidity drops. the fuel moistures drop. kyle dickman: it was just perfectly primed for extreme fire behavior. todd abel: we start getting monsoon buildups, which sometimes throw out the dry lightning, which starts fires. the morning of june 30, the hotshots on the crew were woken up by a phone call. we got to go. we got a fire in yarnell. a lightning strike from a couple of days ago started multiple fires. it was about 500 acres. the reason this fire was concerning was that it was on a ridgeline above a town. todd abel: there was peeples valley to the north. and then to the south-southeast was the town of yarnell. i remember getting out of the buggy, and jesse was like, hey, grab grab extra water today. it s going to be hot. todd abel: there s different strategies in wildland firefighting. we use fixed-wing airplanes and rotor-wing helicopters to help reduce the intensity of the fire. then we can get our men and women on there, our boots on the ground i call it, to actually finish putting it out. [chainsaw buzzing] john jessen: most effective, especially when fires are larger and stuff, is removing the fuels, creating control lines. kyle dickman: what they re doing is they re taking away what the fire eats so the fire can t burn it. once you get to the edge of the fire, that s when the work really starts. yeah! ow! it s not just the backbreaking work of digging. digging, digging, digging for days on end. kyle dickman: they use chainsaws a lot. brendan mcdonough: you re removing everything for miles on end. so if that tree is 60 feet tall, you re cutting that entire tree down. it s not for the faint of heart. sometimes we do use fire to fight fires. kristen honig: using drip torches to burn the fuel in a controlled fashion so that by the time the main flaming front got there, there would be no more fuel for it to burn. and that would stop the fire s advance. todd abel: a lot of times, we ll do a lot of those firing operations at night, where we have better control over what that looks like. kyle dickman: so june 30, the yarnell hill fire is just ripping to the north. and the priority is to stop this fire on the northern edge. and we start hiking in. we were on the fire s edge. the flaming front was two to three miles long. probably had 20-, 30-foot flame lengths. kyle dickman: jesse steed asked brendan donut mcdonough to act as a lookout down in the valley below the ridgeline. brendan mcdonough: and i hiked into my lookout spot closer towards the active edge of the fire, and i m at a lower elevation. [music playing] i got the word from our fire behavior analyst that called and said, hey, we got some thunderstorm developments developing north of us. kyle dickman: thunderstorms are extremely dangerous to firefighters because they create erratic winds. and erratic winds create erratic fire behavior. todd abel: that s what changes our environment. and that s what causes our injuries and some of our fatalities. kyle dickman: it was a warning to the hotshots that by the afternoon of june 30, they could be dealing with a fire that was completely different than it was behaving in the morning. [music playing] kyle dickman: two things that firefighters pay the most attention to, fuels and weather. paul hessburg: weather is one of the ficklest parts of a wildfire. mark finney: aside from drought or dry conditions, the wind is probably responsible for the greatest variation. another aspect of the wind that makes wildfires dangerous is the shifting direction. the wind can be coming out of the west, for example, and suddenly shift to coming out of the north. todd abel: so thunderstorm developments, it ll push wind multiple directions. [lightning crackling] brad elder: we ve all been standing outside watching a front hit and suddenly get hit by this wall of wind. kyle dickman: what happens with these thunderstorms, they start to rain. brad elder: and that water is now falling, and it s pulling air with it. so we have this rush of air coming down, slamming into the ground and moving out in all directions. wherever that cell is, it could push winds from the north to the south, the south to the north. brad elder: if you don t know that s going to happen or know how it s going to shift, that s a real dangerous situation. [music playing] kyle dickman: june 30, the yarnell hill fire is just ripping to the north. kyle dickman: and the hotshots were down on the southern edge, what s called the heel of the fire, which is essentially where it started. they were just supposed to start building line up around the fire to make sure that it didn t escape. and late in the afternoon thunderstorm hit probably around, i don t know, 4:15-ish. kyle dickman: all this cool air comes rushing down, and it races out across this desert. and it hits the fire. and suddenly, the fire pivots and turns direction. it had been running north. but it turned and ran south. brendan mcdonough: that s pretty uncommon to see a fire completely shift 180 degrees. kyle dickman: and it began running straight at brendan donut mcdonough, the lookout. brendan mcdonough: captain jesse reached out because he could see where i was from up top. and so he called over the radio and said, hey, donut, i think it s about time for you to get out of there, man. move fast. and i did that. got a ride down. and so now this fire has turned around. my brother is on the complete south end, and i am on the north end, opposite ends of this fire. so the granite mountain hotshots were in what s called the blacks. the best safety zone, where fire s already burnt. kyle dickman: all they were doing is watching the burn. they can just look down and see this ominous scene. there s these black smoke. it s dark. and it s just all the colors of hell sweeping down this valley toward this town. [music playing] it became very clear that the town of yarnell was imminently threatened by this fire. we started evacuating yarnell. man: we just pulled out. yarnell is blowing up. kyle dickman: the granite mountain hotshots, they weren t doing a whole lot. they couldn t do a whole lot. so the hotshots decided to leave the safety of the black and move back toward the town of yarnell, where presumably they could do something to help the people that were soon to be threatened by the fire. and they re essentially climbing down these rocky cliffs into that canyon. and when they do, they know they re going to lose sight of the fire. they can t see the fire. and suddenly, the fire turns the corner of this ridge, pivoting and sweeping in front of them, fanning out into this flaming front. at exactly that moment, they realized that they are out of options. todd abel: it was moving so quick that there was no way that a human could outrun that fire. kyle dickman: suddenly, they come over the radio. and what he s saying is, we need help, and we need help right now. they re in trouble. brendan mcdonough: and i remember them trying to call in water. and that s when it became very frantic. kyle dickman: at that moment, nobody really knew where granite mountain was. todd abel: the last conversation i had with them was granite mountain was in the black and that they were in a good spot. no one knew that they had moved to the south end like that. they are forced to do the only thing they can do in that instance, to deploy their fire shelters. fire shelters are just these small, thin blankets that reflect heat. that s all they are. they are tents that you pitch up and you climb into. if you re deploying your fire shelter, it s a last-case scenario. that fire crew s in trouble. they re in trouble. a lot of things going through my brain at the same time of my heart being in my stomach. brendan mcdonough: the helicopter s trying to find them. and it s the smoke is just so thick. bravo 33: operations bravo 33. [music playing] kyle dickman: you have 19 firefighters standing in front of a flaming front. every firefighter on that fire, their jaws dropped and i m sure their hearts broke because they now knew that their brothers, their colleagues were in very real danger. todd abel: we launched some helicopters to try to find them. i absolutely had all kinds of hope that the crew was going to be fine. and i m just waiting on the radio and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. and i hear there s 19 confirmed. there were 19 dead bodies in the canyon. i can feel it in my heart right now and in my stomach right now talking about it. it was devastating. absolutely devastating. i remember just sobbing. every negative emotion that could be felt, i just felt in that moment. i remember walking in, and they re just everybody was crying. and we were told that they were all gone. kyle dickman: and this was the worst fire tragedy that had happened in a generation. todd abel: they were fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, the whole nine yards. they were good people. they enjoyed wildland firefighting. they had the passion for it. the fact that i can tell my children that their father died a hero has made a huge difference. they can be proud of him for everything that he did. kyle dickman: the nation was captivated by it for months. and they ended up making a hollywood movie no matter what you hear we ve got several aircraft coming to you. no matter what s going on we can t go back up there. stay together tell me when you hear the aircraft, ok? and look out for each other because you re a family. no one could be prouder of his boys than i am of you guys. and the fires that we fought when when we were young are nothing like the fires of today. they re really, really dangerous. and they re very, very threatening. todd abel: longer duration, definitely larger fires. how do you manage something like that? paul hessburg: in the western united states, the fire season is 40 to 80 days longer. in california, the fire season is nearly year-round today. steve pyne: the climate is is morphing in ways that enhance fire. it s acting as a performance enhancer. smoke has been carrying the fire problem to areas that otherwise are immune to it. reporter: smoke from those fires traveling more than 500 miles. it s philadelphia, boston, new york city, all the way to the nation s capital. paul hessburg: the air quality index just ballooned in many of these metropolitan areas. more people are being challenged by smoke-related injury to human health. reporter: wildfire smoke contains particulate matter, or pm 2.5. among the tiniest and most dangerous pollutants, it s able to infiltrate the lungs and enter the bloodstream and has been linked to conditions like asthma and heart disease. the need to do something is urgent. we have a lot of tools in the toolbox. one of them is using prescribed burning. prescribed burning is intentional burning to invite the right kind of wildfire back to the forest. there s a tremendous amount of science and skill that go into this prescribed burning. 99.8% of them stay within the line. it produces a tenth of the smoke. so the numbers are really good. steve pyne: some of these areas, we can go in, we can thin. not log, thin out. it s a kind of woody weeding. but it s the fire that matters most. if you do the thinning but don t do the fire, you re not really solving the problem. burning where you ve got residents or small communities embedded in the landscape around, very difficult. but almost certainly, they are going to burn. and if we don t do it in some way, then they re going to burn probably in the worst possible way. kyle dickman: it s like, you can pick your poison, right? like, you re either going to have prescribed fires, or you re going to have more big wildfires. [music playing] steve pyne: well, all this requires a political and social mechanism for us to come together and argue over differences in values, what we want public lands to be, how we want to do it. and we re facing the point where we simply cannot pretend that we can control all these fires as we would wish. [music playing] kyle dickman: we can only do so much to insulate ourselves from those tragedies. like, the way that the system works and the environment is changing, like, these are just they are realities. desiree steed: i want jesse to be remembered for his strength of character. he had a lot of integrity. he was a great dad, a great husband. brendan mcdonough: everyone s journey after the tragedy has been different. there s a lot to learn from it. for me, it s been giving back and, you know, paying it forward and trying to help people understand their sacrifice. karen davis, the nurse who survived the entrapment in the mega fire in paradise, california, says she lost everything in the inferno. battling the trauma from the flames, she decided to move to las vegas to be closer to her daughter and rebuild her shattered life. once there, karen continued her career in health care. she also decided to become a member of the henderson, nevada, community emergency response team, aiming to help others in future emergencies. a testament to her inner strength and resiliency. for more information on what you can do in a wildfire and how to combat the growing climate crisis, please go to i m liev schreiber. thanks for watching.

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