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welcome back. we re learning more this morning about an alarming up-tick in the number of close calls between passenger jets and drones. it s been happening in the busiest airspace in the country. abc s david kerley now with this abc news exclusive. reporter: abc news learned that more of these type of drones have gotten close to passenger jet lines in the new york area, even forcing evasive action by some pilots. senior aviation source tells abc news in the past 30 days there s been an increase in incidents. one in just the past 48 hours. in two of those incidents, this source tells abc news, the pilots have turned their aircraft away, worried about possible collision with the unmanned drones. we ve heard those concerns before. a pilot on approach to jfk reported a close call. kennedy tower we just saw a little drone below us. reporter: the worry those small drones could do big damage to jet lines filled with passengers. the biggest worries one of the drones can be ingested by an engine at high power on takeoff and shut the engine down. reporter: in a statement the faa tells abc news in the past 90 days there has been a small increase in the number of drone incidents in new york due to increased awareness and the agency encourages pilots to report these close calls. our aviation source says as of friday controllers had been urged to make a report each time a drone gets close to a jet. a federal official tells abc news the reports varied from observation by pilots to actual evasive action. all of this as the faa considers rules for the explosion of inexpensive flying aircraft which can reach far into the sky like the one that flew by the space needle or the one that flew into a new york building fell and hit a pedestrian. the faa is going to have to work harder and faster to got these rules written. reporter: senator charles schumer recently called the new york area the wild west for drones and new rules from the faa are not expected until the end of this year. david kerley, abc news, seattle. so really is like the wild west out there when it comes to drones. so martha stewart and amazon beware when you re with your drones. i want to a drone convention in washington a drone convention? what? . last year, where they sell these things, trying to get them commercially launched. there are no rules. so many companies, including abc news, which wik to use drones are in holding patterns waiting to finalize these things. as david said there, probably not until next year. no faa regulations. if they did they dent hatch the teeth right now to make it really work. i would look to buy a drone. i just don t have the money. coming up it s taco tuesday and in honor of the day, we re checking out a new twist on an old favorite, in our insomniac kitchen, up next. ahead in our next half hour, crazed fans opening their wallet watching everybody eating what they want all day oh this tasteless cardboard brings me nothing but more shame turning every turn until i find something right and it.takes my breath away it s raining attack coast from out of the sky tacos no need to ask why just open your mouth nooul close your eyes always impressed with the music selection here. we are spot-on this morning. a good reason it is raining tacos in the studio this morning. because it is taco tuesday. in own of the day, our own tina trinh took a ride down to otto s tacos in this morning s insomniac kitchen . insomniacs, we re in the east village with otto s tacos. i m with the owner. welcome. you do l.a.-style tacos. what does that mean, exactly? where i grew up in southern california. the best tacos for me were always the simplest. meat, cilantro, onion, salsa. we re going to be making carne asada with chef joe and our deep fried taco dish. let s go. let s do it. get a nice local char, caramelize it. even as possible. everything is heating at the same time. cooking at the same time. now we get carne asada with the house blend taco seasoning we have made for us. different spices, onion powder, very minimal salt. we want to hit it kind of coat it, huh? be liberal. like to be bold. set that aside. set that aside. so we can build our taco. we re ready to make some tacos. i want to talk about your tortillas first because i know you make them in house. every single day. fresh massa we press and cook on the flat top, our secret menu. deep fried sensation. we are going to fill it with the carne asada, chef joe taught you to make. two scoops. carne asada load this up. tomato-based red salsa. got a nice spiky kick to it. garnish with cilantro. nice green color. yeah. and some raw white onions. give it a bite. two nice, big scoops of guacamole. i love guacamole. everybody loves guacamole. and we ll hit it with the serrano crema. what s in here? it s a mayo-based sauce we make here from scratch. charred serrano pepper, charred onion, and fixings chef joe puts in there to give it good flavor. there you go. that s our gorgon. awesome. mm. what do we think? oh, my god. good? i love the fried texture of this. so good. thank you so much, otto. you are welcome. hope you enjoyed learning how to make an otto s taco here. there isn t a pretty way to eat this. this is the most creative shell i have ever seen. it s puffy and crispy corn. look at that. just going to go for a taste. it s like a corn puff. i think it is really incredible. lot of cilantro. a lot of onion. that sauce sounded so good, crema with charred onion and charred pepper. i think everyone in america should be required to eat tacos this time. taco tuesday, baby. this time of night morning. our hats off to otto. tina. get down there. hope you make yourself a taco today. tweet us your favorite taco flavor. i think these are beef, right? they re so good. eating the vegetarian part. eating around the meat. which is possible. make a marinated tofu version for you. there you go. coming up an incredible way to pull a child s tooth using a rocket. coming up an incredible way to pull a child s tooth. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? 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[ male announcer ] don t wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. thereyou can do anything.ily. if you keep a good head on your shoulders. that s why we use head & shoulders shampoo and conditioners. it keeps us 100% flake free. so i just have gorgeous hair. head & shoulders. the world s #1 dandruff shampoo. it often means heavy duty ccleaning with bleach. but lysol power & free can change the way you clean. it cleans even better than bleach with its hydrogen peroxide formula, and it kills 99.9% of germs without the harshness. a powerful clean, that s family friendly that s what we call healthing. lysol power & free. start healthing. for healthy floors, try lysol clean & fresh. the only cleaner approved to kill germs, even when diluted. welcome back. time for the mix. we wanted to introduce you to this aspiring new tv anchor from wayne county, pennsylvania, who gives exceptional color from the sa scene. take a look. i have never been on live television before, but i really sometimes i don t watch, i don t watch the news. because i am a kid. tell me about the ride. what did you think about the ride? well, it was great! why? apparently you are spinning around, and every time you get dizzy. didn t really watch the news, could have fooled me. noah ritter, he is gunning for this chair. way to go. i feel threatened. he is hogging the microphone. he is more entertaining than us. i wouldn t go that far. well, coming up next is an interesting way to remove your child s tooth. i always did the string on the door and then you kind of yeah. well, this family used a rocket. a rocket? and back to the rocket. whoa. and tooth is out. that s 10-year-old allison. they used a rocket. they say it s less time and less painful. wow. score one for the tooth fairy. although she is left with the mouth full of blood. ew. there is no other way to remove a tooth. use the rocket. i wish i was that creative. ouch. looks like it would hurt too. all right. moving on. now, sometimes we all know it s so stressful being a little kid. take a look at this guy. getting his band-aids removed. i can t move my knee. i m sorry. i m so sorry. if you couldn t hear it there, he repeats over and over again, i can t live like this. reena, i just cannot live like this. such an adult phrase forethat little guy and we love it. how old is he? 2 years old. matthew reed from waynesville, alabama. and he cannot live like this. i don t blame him. it hurts when you take that band-aid off. just do it fast like mommy did. this next story made me feel like a dinosaur. do you believe there s a whole generation of kids who don t know what a typewriter is. there is a group on youtube that goes about showing different devices to kids and getting their reaction. take a look. i think you put a piece of paper in there. and then you, or for paper, i don t know? then you put that. and it stamps it on. in order to delete you need something called white-out. my favorite reaction the little girl who said, i feel sad for anybody who had to use this. my gosh. it was maddening. i remember the typewrite this morning on world news now stop fighting. that s the order to both israel and hamas at this hour as a temporary truce begins. who brokered the cease-fire and why world leaders are so skeptical. and hitting home. the worldwide ebola scare leads to an emergency at a new york hospital as a sick american missionary is evacuated from africa. get insight on the outbreak and cutting-edge treatments. dangerous trends teens who appear to set themselves on fire, only to videotape it and share the pictures on youtube. who s speaking out to stop it. and pay raises for the stars in the big bang theory. the sitcom actors not only looking for laughs but looking for millions. that s in the skinny on this tuesday, august 5th. announcer: from abc news, this is world news now. good morning. i m devin dwyer. i m reena ninan. so much to get to this morning but we get to the middle east as the world waits to see if the cease-fire there will finally take hold. this new truce brokered by egypt went into effect overnight after almost a month of bloodshe had. the israeli military announced now that all its ground troops have withdrawn from gaza. but there were also reports of last-minute bombings just before the cease-fire. for more, here s abc s karen travers. reporter: a potentially major step towards ending the violence in the middle east. israeli and palestinian officials have accepted an egyptian proposal for a cease-fire. but there is reason for skepticism. an agreement last week dissolved before it even took hold. for several hours yesterday there was a brief lull in the violence. israel declared a seven-hour humanitarian cease-fire to allow aid and supplies to be delivered to hard hit areas in gaza. at one crossing point between israel and gaza, a convoy of trucks lined up, carrying much-needed relief. they only bring flour, rice, and the foodstuffs that were ordered by the palestinians. reporter: the abc team in gaza came upon this exodus of palestinians, fleeing what s left of their homes and neighborhoods. gaza has been under fire for nearly 30 days. crowded shelters and a lack of sanitation and clean water means diseases are quickly spreading. we have the recipe here for a health disaster. reporter: the death toll in this 3 1/2-week war is staggering. 67 have died on the israeli side. all but three were military. nearly 1,900 palestinians have been killed. most of them civilians. another u.n. school housing refugees was hit by an israeli air strike. nine were killed. dozens wounded. it was the third u.n. school hit in ten days. the state department condemned the attack as a disgraceful shelling. but the white house reiterated that israel is one of america s closest allies. karen travers, abc news, washington. and now to the ebola scare here in new york city. doctors at mt. sinai hospital say a patient walked into their emergency room with a fever and gastrointestinal problems. he said he recently traveled to west african country struggling with the outbreak. so they immediately placed the patient in isolation and began testing. odds are this is not ebola. it s much more likely it s a much more common condition. and we re ruling those things out as well. the official results of the ebola test usually take 24 to 48 hours. the american missionary who contracted ebola in africa is on her way to georgia for treatment. abc s marci gonzalez reports from atlanta. reporter: a second american ebola patient heading home to the u.s. nancy writebol getting on this medical evacuation plane in lie beer, yeah traveling to emory university hospital in atlanta for treatment. she is still fighting, still weak, but able to sit up and receive treatment and even eat a little bit and take in fluids. reporter: we re learning more about an experimental drug she and her colleague, dr. kent brantly, were reportedly given in liberia. it was manufactured by a biopharmaceutical company in san diego. never tested on humans, but in a desperate effort to save their lives, sources tell us they took it and it works within minutes leading to a dramatic improvement in brantly s health leaving him strong enough to walk out of this ambulance and into the hospital this weekend. but experts stress there is no proven cure for ebola. doctors deciding both americans have a better chance at survival if their symptoms are treated here in the u.s. rather than west africa where the outbreak is still surging out of control. they know what they re doing. it s safe. people should be at ease about it. reporter: like brantly she will be treated in a especially isolated room away from other patients. marci gonzalez, abc news, atlanta. let s continue our coverage with dan child, managing editor of abc s medical unit. dan, thank you for joining us. thank you. good to have you here. both dr. nancy writebol and dr. kent brantly took the experimental drug and appear to be improving. what s in the drug? how do we know it is working? what we know this drug contains proteins, antibodies. these things actually target the ebola virus and actually attack it directly. so far this drug has only been tested in animals. so we really don t know exactly how it is going to happen in terms of the treatment of humans. people are going to be watching this very closely. because this is something that just hasn t been done before. so, is it a shot? is it a blood infusion? how do they take it? this is actually an intravenous infusion that the patient takes. and normally in the animal studies it s been delivered 24 to 48 hours after exposurexposu. one thing that we know about dr. brantly and nancy writebol is they were given this drug days after they started to experience the actual symptoms. so, it s really hard to tell what s going to happen in this case and what the effect of the drug will be. ers are on high alert across america. should americans be concerned? half a dozen people have been tested for ebola. how do you protect yourself? well, the way to protect yourself, the worst thing you can do is panic, to not go to the hospital because you are afraid that something is going to happen or worry about the flight. the chances of any americans actually getting this from someone who is sick in the u.s. is very, very slim. dan child, thank you so much for being here, managing editor of the abc news medical unit. thank you. thank you. stay with abc news as we cover the ebola outbreak. look for live updates later on america this morning and good morning america. southwest florida is recovering from a deluge this morning. more than 6 inches of rain fell in a matter of hours. floodwaters in naples overran roads, trapped drivers in their cars, and came right up to the doorsteps of many homes. a number of streets there were totally impassable. buried under more than a foot of water. flights were rerouted because of flooding on run ways. meanwhile, storms in the west unleashed soaking rain on las vegas. triggering widespread flash floods. troops from a nearby air force base pulled off dramatic rescue after several cars got stuck in the mud there. they saved an elderly couple, pulling them from the backseat of a car, seconds before fast-moving floodwaters swept it away. two wicked storms swirling in the pacific this morning. major hurricane, iselle, category 4, behind it, tropical storm julio, which just formed yesterday. both headed towards hawaii. iselle could reach the island thursday into friday. but probably will weak known a tropical storm by then. meanwhile, in the atlantic, tropical storm bertha has become hurricane bertha. on the move northward offshore. well offshore still. bertha is the second named storm of the atlantic season. something that hasn t this early since 1992. wow. and here s a look, though, at your tuesday forecast. bertha kicking up the high surf in the southeast. scattered showers along the gulf. in florida, rain today from pennsylvania through new england. thunderstorms from the northern plains to the lower great lakes. there will be rain and flash floods possible from northern california all across to the rockies. 90s and humid in the south. seasonal in the northeast. temperatures going down in the midwest. hotter than usual, 80s in the pacific northwest. well, it was a beautiful day to catch waves along the english coast the other day. then this happened. one guy had his gopro camera there mounted on his surfboard when, look at that guy, a little baby seal arrived on the scene. he wanted to get in apparently on the surfing action. that little guy climbed on board. slipped off. climbed back on. slipped off. okay, you get the idea. this went on for a while. about an hour or so of playing. most importantly, the surfer seems like, everybody is having a good time there. the guy who captured the footage was concerned. he called the local marine wildlife officials just to make sure they could check out the seal to make sure everything was okay. i have never seen a seal that friendly outside the zoo. we promise you, this is not seaworld footage. this is an actual seal. look how cuddly he is. very cute. apparently they checked him out and he is fine. so he was just having fun. great whiskers. close shot there on the gopro. love it. well, coming up in the skinny, confessions from the sexy star of mad men why jon hamm struggled before his breakout role. and later, the app that could be more addictive than candy crush. could there be such a thing? see who can t get enough of the kim kardashian smartphone game. you re watching world news now. keep on don t stop until you get enough keep on don t stop until you get enough announcer: world news now weather brought to you by bounty. y bounty. y quit? and bounty has no quit in it either. it s two times more absorbent than the leading 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media stunt. watch, the teens first apply some kind of flammable liquid like alcohol. then flick that lighter. ooh. reporter: 16-year-old fernando valencia did it and burned his waist and neck. now he s sounding the alarm, posting video of his burns as a warning and speaking to our station in l.a., kabc. i couldn t see. you can t see when you are on flames. you just you see fire. you can t really see nothing. reporter: danger for the thrill of it. all the people that fail. i thought i could do the same thing but actually last longer under the flame. i can t really say nothing else besides it was a dumb idea. reporter: and that dumb idea is landing kids all over the country in emergency rooms. and sparking an urgent warning for parents everywhere. we re just asking parents and even other teenagers to sit down with each other and talk about what the real consequences are. reporter: and the trauma can be more than physical. experts say in the mind that image of fire can be tough to extinguish. it can create this feeling of risk that can be exciting in the moment, but then can also make some of the kids that we see have trouble with sleeping. they then become more fearful of other situations where they might be at high risk. reporter: gio benitez, abc news, new york. i m sorry, how ridiculous is that? where did common sense go? there s another challenge, the cinnamon challenge, where you eat a spoonful of cinnamon and you hold it down. what happens, it ends up getting into your lungs and could be deadly. right. people drinking hand sanitizer and getting drunk off it and sick as well. what s next the whiteout? we don t use whiteouts any more. typewriters. we established that last hour. when we come back, the gigantic payday for top players in the big bang theory. and the big confession jon hamm is making as his mad men days come to an end. that s ahead in the skinny. these people all love their dentist. they also have one other thing in common. we helped them find that dentist. because finding a dentist that you ll be comfortable going to, that you trust, is hard. at 1-800-dentist, we ve helped over 8 million people find that right dentist and we can do the same for you. so don t put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. skinny so skinny time now for the skinny. topping our headlines this morning the big pay day for the big bang theory actors. the three biggest stars on the top rated cbs shows, jim parsons, kaley cuoco and johnny galecki. did i say that right? is that how you pronounce it? johnny galecki. johnny galecki. they re set to sign three-year deals that will pay them each 1 million bucks an episode, or $90 million over the next three years. wow. amazing. million dollars for a 30-minute show. their contract is expected to include bigger shares of profits from rerun sales, development deals. bottom line here, reena, they are apparently now among the highest paid people on tv. far exceeding us. you don t get $1 million an episode, show. for a 30-minute installment of world news now. we need to talk to them about contract negotiations. clearly. that s right. remember friends they negotiated we heard rumors, they got like cars, not like a honda civic. like they got some pretty nice cars in their deal. because the show was doing so well. and big bang theory. cult following. incredible following. i don t quite get it. i have never seen one of the episodes. maybe i am going to tune in now. curious. next, confessions of a tv star whose sun is setting on his show. oh, yes. we are talking about jon hamm best known to all of us as don draper on mad men september cover story for g.q. tells us he will really be leaving mad men behind. so sad. you are on top. you don t have enough. you re happy because you re successful, for now. but what is happiness? it s a moment before you need more happiness. i won t settle for 50% of anything. i want 100%. you are happy with your agency? you aren t happy with anything. you don t want most of it. you want all of it. i won t stop until you get all of it. oh, don draper. you are so good. you tell them, don draper. hamm told the magazine that he failed at auditions all through the 90s and was told that he had to, quote, grow into being hirable. boy, did that advice ever pay off. i think he is the most gorgeous man alive. i hear you ran into him once. yeah, did you hear that story? we were both at the delta shuttle in laguardia. and? i kind of looked into his eyes, he looked into mine, and then ordered a coke. you looked into his soul. speaking of soul-searching and evolving, could there be a new twist to spider-man ? like spider-woman ? sony has announced plans to create a strong female superhero film. one of the front-runners could be an update to the spider-man franchise. yeah, according to the hollywood reporter the movie is being triggered by the huge box office success of the scarlett johansson thriller lucy. hitting theaters, the expendables 3. this is the third installment of sylvester stallone senior mercenaries franchise. premiered in london last night. there is new speculation there could be an all-female version in the pipeline. perhaps call it the expend-belles. on the short list for leading roles, sigourney weaver, who herself is no stranger to being a big, bad girl. i love me some sigourney, in her alien outfit. she s terrific. awesome. that would be great. looking forward to it. who is blowing out the birthday candles today topping our celebrity birthdays today. actress loni anderson. 69 years old. maureen mccormick marcia, marcia, marcia. of brady bunch fame. clearly too young for the brady bunch. this is traumatizing to me. hall of famer, patrick ewing, 52. johathon silverman is 48 today. we wish all of them happy birthday. including marcia. marcia, marcia, marcia. coming up, from birthdays to a big payday. kim kardashian has a new app. stay with us! coming up from birthdays to a big pay day. kim kardashian has a new app. stay with us! airactiv. the only technology that uses oxygen in the air to get rid of gray while leaving the natural variations in your hair. no ammonia. no peroxide. no overcoloring. just air. just you. and the look you want. just for men. you just can tider a 4-star know the name?p to 60% off, just no name? until you book. um. yeah, i d do that! i can feel the allergens. .in the crisp fall air. (sneezes) uh, oh! mucinex allergy. it s non-drowsy. it helps to stop mucus that causes runny nose. .and relieves your worst allergy symptoms for 24 hours. save up to nine dollars on mucinex allergy. from crest 3d white, new brilliance toothpaste and boost. after brushing, our exclusive boost polishes your smile and whitens with 3x the stain lifting ingredient for a smile that dazzles. new crest 3d white brilliance. keep on don t give up what were we saying yesterday, about a little michael jackson? billy jean, michael jackson, can never get enough. can t get enough. speaking of getting enough how much is really enough when it comes to kim kardashian? she is not stopping any time soon. i m not going to say anything. she figured out a new way to make money off of her millions of fans and as they say, there is an app for that. we re up all nightline with abc s nick watt. reporter: she is a modern day midas. it s an escapist fantasy into the world of kim kardashian which we have all seen put on tv for so long, it s this crazy life where there are no problems except for whether or not your selfie in rome looks nice. okay. so, can you make yourself a boy. reporter: erin, an intern, plays the game. she is my guide. i don t understand it. i really don t understand it. so this is a you are basically have to work your way up. reporter: from a nobody to an a-list celebrity like kim. which you achieve by unlocking certain goals. by putting on a nicer outfit. choosing the right shoes and impressing gentlemen. this is super cute. reporter: it s the angry birds, the candy crush of, like, totally right now. it even has addicts like tracy morrissey, she spent hundreds of dollars on her kkh habit. the money-making genius of this game as well as others is in the in-app purchases, extra energy and so-called k-stars that speed progress. it just doesn t really feel real until you get the bill later. reporter: which of course has spurred an online torrent of bile from parents who foot the bill. look, we all love to mock kim for being famous for just being famous, but this is actually a concrete achievement. she was, say the makers, glu mobile, heavily involved in every aspect. and glu s revenue rose 50% last quarter as a result. what it says about our society is a little saddening to play a game in which your charm and looks are prized above all and we put celebrity on a pedestal like this. reporter: why didn t i think of a game like this? because you are not kim kardashian. reporter: no, i am just nick watt, total z list in life and in her app. for nightline in los angeles. z list, i love it. nobody tells a piece like that like nick watt. i mean, there just are no words. kim kardashian, how was the weekend getaway? where did you guys go? no comment. did you use the app? he s blushing. you re blushing. good morning. i m reena ninan. i m devin dwyer. here are some of the top headlines we re following this morning on world news now. flash flooding and mudslides in the southern california mountains. has killed at least one man and damaged more than 30 homes. further north thunderstorms may help today in the fight against wildfires threatening hundreds of homes. details in the accuweather forecast in just a moment. after nearly a month of fighting, israel and hamas have agreed to another three-day cease-fire. both sides expected to hold indirect talks in cairo aimed at ending the conflict that has claimed nearly 2,000 lives. dangerous drones. the faa reporting a serious uptick in recent close calls between passenger jets and radio controlled drones in the nation s busiest air space, in particular over new york city. and 16-year-old charlotte samuels completed a 20-plus-mile swim from catalina island to the california mainland. she swam around manhattan island, the english channel might be next. those are some of our top stories on this tuesday, august 5th. announcer: from abc news, this is world news now. good tuesday morning to you. we begin this half hour with the wet and wild weather on both the east coast and west coast. floodwaters filling up a neighborhood across naples, florida, after a storm there dumped more than 6 inches of rain. it washed out roads and rerouted flights. drenching downpours, meanwhile, causing big problems in las vegas, leading to this daring rescue of a group of airmen pulling a couple to safety just before their car was washed away. in california they re struggling to cope with raging wildfires, floodwaters and tons of mud. here s abc s kirk hawkins. reporter: flash flooding sending a river of mud and debris through southern california, swallowing cars, campers and vans. it s unbelievable. reporter: thunderstorms brought flash floods, rain coming down fast and furious. as much as 4 inches fell in just one hour. 48-year-old ju wan li was killed after the rushing waters swept his car away. the flooding cut off access to two mountain towns in san bernardino, east of los angeles. this is the worst we have had since at least 1969. reporter: thousands still stranded monday. authorities urging residents to stay put while crews clear the roads. at least 31 homes damaged by the thick debris flows. it s too much. reporter: jake gustafson got married and cut his las vegas honeymoon short. his dream home, now a mud pit, and the family pets, missing. both of my dogs are gone. so, they were in a kennel and it got swept away. reporter: all that water is desperately needed elsewhere in the state. firefighters battling more than a dozen wildfires burning in northern and central california, a state of emergency after lightning sparked the most recent flames. 100 square miles have been charred and at least eight homes destroyed. defying mandatory evacuation orders and refusing to leave, some homeowners are sticking around to defend their homes. we re keeping sprinklers going to keep things wet and keeping the pets close. reporter: firefighters evacuated a long-term care hospital. more evacuations are still possible. the wildfires threaten more than 700 homes. kirk hawkins, abc news, los angeles. reena, devin. thanks so much, kirk. the west will not be getting a break today from mother nature. we re expecting more downpours on both coasts, along with hurricanes menacing in the atlantic and pacific. accuweather meteorologist jim dickey continues our coverage. good morning, jim. good morning. reena and devin, holding on to heavy downpours. eastern, south, and florida, down into florida as well. that s producing continued flooding issues. and, of course, keeping a close eye on hurricane bertha. the good news, this storm will not be making landfall on the east coast, but as it does turn to the north and east, it is going to produce some rough surf along the coast headed on through midweek. rip current threat will be fairly high all the way north towards cape cod. in the eastern pacific, tracking two storms, both of which, fairly rare are headed generally toward hawaii. this is monster hurricane iselle, category 4 storm, weaken as it moves its way toward hawaii. behind it right now, tropical storm julio. again, hawaii needs to be paying close attention to these storms as they approach into the weekend. reena and devin, back to you. jim, thank you. that bad weather in florida triggered severe turbulence in the air. an allegiant airlines flight, had taken off from ft. lauderdale to north carolina and hit a rough patch. a flight attendant was cut in the face and three passengers suffered minor injuries. the pilot diverted to st. petersberg where the flight attendant was taken to the hospital. now to a mystery off the coast of san francisco. the question is, what happened to the captain of a salmon fishing boat. the mystery off the coast of san francisco. the boat grounded 25 feet from shore early yesterday. the captain, a man named timothy lybrand was in touch with a another fishing vessel asking for help. then he said he was going to try to swim to shore. he hasn t been seen or heard from since. meanwhile, the coast guard is cleaning up leaking fuel and oil. there are some fumes in the air. so, some of it may have leaked already. we don t have any signs on the surface that it has. but i think it s a fair assumption. the search for lybrand has been suspended. eventually the boat will be removed from the water by a salvage crew. a lucky rescue in hawaii this morning. four adults and fourteens on their way from maliki to oahu, when their boat went down. they had three kayaks with them. latched together to make a sort of floating island. the gopro recording it all. you see it here. used their cell phones to call for help. the coast guard quickly found them because they had an emergency beacon with them too. the american missionary who contracted ebola while serving in liberia is headed to atlanta. nancy writebol is aboard the jet the same specialized jet, that brought her colleague saturday. doctors at a new york hospital were on high alert yesterday when a patient arrived suffering with fever and stomach symptoms. he recently traveled to africa. he was immediately placed in isolation and tested. odds are this is not ebola. it is much more likely it is a much more common condition. and we re ruling those things out as well. testing for ebola is done at the cdc. it s not performed at city, state and local labs. it can actually take up to 48 hours to get results. our coverage of the ebola crisis continues later this half hour. the managing editor of the abc news medical unit is here to explain how the virus spreads and address american fears. former white house press secretary jim brady is being remembered this morning as one of the nation s most influential gun control advocates. his life, of course, forever changed in the attack on president reagan in 1981. abc s chief white house correspondent jonathan karl looks back at brady s legacy. reporter: nancy reagan had reportedly said she wanted a young, handsome press secretary to represent her husband on tv. she got the 6 1 , 250 pound, mostly bald james brady. 40 years old, nicknamed the bear, and known above all for his sense of humor. brady had been ronald reagan s press secretary for just 69 days when those shots rang out in washington on march 30, 18981. one bullet striking reagan in the chest. another penetrating brady s skull. he was presumed dead. we are being told that jim brady has passed away. reporter: he survived making his first appearance back at the white house more than seven months later. partially paralyzed, in near constant pain, and for a while barely able to talk. morally, it s the right thing to do. reporter: brady dedicated the rest of his life to fighting gun violence. 12 years after he was shot, congress passed the brady bill, requiring a waiting period and background checks for all handgun purchases. in 2000, the place where he had held court was christened the james s. brady press briefing room. at the dedication, the brady smile once again brightened the place up. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. and an arizona courtroom will be back in the spotlight when convicted murderer jodi arias returns to court as her own lawyer. a judge granted her request to defend herself in a penalty trial set to begin september 8th. a jury convicted her in the brutal killing of her boyfriend but couldn t decide if she should be executed. arias has no law experience and didn t finish high school. stunning video here to share from a couple of surveillance cameras at a dick s sporting goods store. they capture a car slamming through the store s front doors last thursday narrowly missing a couple shoppers outside. then look there it plows through all the racks, to the store s back wall. the people outside were fine apparently. no word on the driver s condition, though, or why the crash happened. now, a snapshot of america s challenging eating habits. one financial analyst says the days of burgers being the essential fast food are outnumbered. the analyst says by 2020, mcdonald s will be the only burger joint in the top fast food restaurants in the u.s. another prediction is that chains like burger king and wendy s will lose ground to the likes of dunkin donuts and chick-fil-a. you know part of the reason why they re saying that is people are making more money, they prefer higher end fast food places that offer better ingredients like paneraing or chipotle. starbucks. starbucks, yeah. lower end income they still think those folks will continue going to mcdonald s. hmm. never much of a burger, fast food guy. interesting data given that the explosion of gourmetburgers. shake shack. fat burger. all those places. moving on to an out of the ordinary attraction. love the story. big motorcycle rally in sturgis, north dakota. this story happens to be our favorite story of the day. the attraction is tony. the dancing cop. you have seen him here before as he does his thing in providence, rhode island, during the holiday season. he is warming up for the gig with some traffic directing in the biker-filled streets of sturgis. tony started out there a couple days ago. he will be there directing the cars until end of the month. look at the hip action. look at that. dancing cop. his full name is tony lapore. the real guy. been dancing on the street since 1984. i wonder if i have good action like that? you have good hip action. good hip action and hand action. come on now. move it through. keep it moving. keep it moving. keep it moving. go this way. this way. this way. come on, now move it. move it. i m pretty good. see. you want to direct us to our next no. we re going this way now, baby. he said he did this in high school. minivan aisle. i did move the minivan moms, and the grocery grocery getters and the carpool lane director. in high school? now you know where he gets his moves. an acclaimed movie director exploring a very deep subject. that s right. he is headed 36,000 feet beneath the ocean surface. his daring solo journey and your chance to go along. also ahead, the mother of five wearing a bikini ridiculed because she had stretch marks. her outrage goes online and it goes viral. launching a debate about beauty. you are watching world news now. beautiful beautiful announcer: world news now weather brought to you by tide plus color guard. weather brought to you by tide plus color guard. and the colors started to fade, i freaked out. luckily, i found tide plus color guard. this stuff works so well that now, i use it every wash and all our colors stay colorful. so this will always stay true. enough with the shirt. oh! i m 17 mom. you re still my little baby. (laugh). tide plus color guard. for the amazing clean of tide plus longer lasting color. i can feel the allergens. .in the crisp fall air. (sneezes) uh, oh! mucinex allergy. it s non-drowsy. it helps to stop mucus that causes runny nose. .and relieves your worst allergy symptoms for 24 hours. save up to nine dollars on mucinex allergy. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary s identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock s bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock s credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today s world that includes identity theft. it s a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can t be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that s security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that s right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value, free! don t wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. back to one of our top stories. doctors in emergency rooms across the country this morning are on high alert for ebola. but is the fear justified? joining us is dan childs, managing editor of the abc news medical unit to help us. good morning. good morning. remind us what ebola is and how contagious is it compared to flu? well, it is something called a viral hemorrhagic fever. there are a number of different types. ebola is one of those types. in terms of how contagious it is, not as contagious as the flu. i m sitting six feet away from you. if i had the flu and you hadn t gotten the shot, i cough, sneeze, you have a high chance of getting this. it s not the case with ebola. not something you can get from breathing in when someone is near you. this is, talking about coming into contact with bodily fluids and having them mingle with your bodily fluids. the doctor and nurse infected everyone watching so closely were on the front lines dealing with ebola. a lot of people wondering how could they possibly have risked infekdz. what went wrong there? exactly. these are health professionals there are protocols for dealing with this. number one, doctors here don t often see these types of infections, kind of new territory for a lot of people. also this is a very messy disease. we talk about bodily fluids. there are a number of symptoms that actually put those bodily fluids out there, and people can pick up on those infections if they re not careful enough and if the area is not decontaminated. it does have such a high mortality rate. so many people die here. some people do survive. how do you know when it is safe to be around someone who has had ebola? right, right. in terms of the mortality rate. this outbreak looking at 60%. the good news about this, if there is any good news whatsoever, is that once the really bad symptoms, we call them the acute symptoms, just start to dissipate that generally means that people are out of the woods. that you really don t have to worry about it. a lot of the patients who have had ebola and recovered, two to three weeks afterwards, they re back with their families. now, there are certain things you need to look out for. we know for example the virus can persist in terms of the semen or sexual transmission of it for some months thereafter. so, the advice is always to wait three months before any kind of contact that would involve that type of intimacy. interesting. a lot of people have been tested for ebola across the country. if you are not traveling to these countries effected in africa, do you still have to be concerned? what should you really look out for? really you don t have to look out for too much. one of the things we know this is a type of virus that can live on a contaminated surface for one to two days. but your chances of living in this country and getting exposure to that sort of thing is extremely slim. so, really, it s people here are very safe. the most important thing to do is not to panic. dan, it s so great to have you here. thank you so much. great insight. dan childs managing editor of the abc news medical unit. thank you for joining us. thank you. we ll be right back. you are watching world news now. announcer: world news now after people find a dentist through us, they often say, i wish i had done this sooner. don t put it off any longer. call 1-800-dentist today. beautiful beautiful it s often said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but if you re not beholding beauty, should you also hold your tongue? a mother of five is biting back on facebook after being ridiculed on the beach for wearing a bikini showing off her less-than-tight tummy. reporter: the beach photo that tanis jex-blake posted to facebook creating a media frenzy. i put myself out there. i was vulnerable. they attacked me. and i just i was upset and i cried. reporter: she had not worn a bikini in public in 13 years. and when she did, she was tormented at the beach by strangers for the battle scars that make her a mom, her stretch marks. i heard the nasty words. oh, my god, that is gross. look at that. there was a group of two guys and a girl in my personal space. and gesturing that they were going to kick me. reporter: tanis bit her tongue. as soon as she got to her car she broke down and cried. that is until she started thinking about what her body really represented. my stretch marks are there for a reason. and the reason is because i had five kids. and my kids are perfect. and if having stretch marks comes with the territory. then i will take the territory. reporter: once home, tanis knew the world needed to hear her story. posting the open letter and photo to facebook, which now thanks to the local radio station has been shared over 1 million times. i m sorry that my stomach isn t flat and tight. i m sorry that my belly is covered in stretch marks. i m not sorry that my body has housed, grown, protected, birthed and nurtured five fabulous, healthy, intelligent and wonderful human beings. reporter: immediately supporters posting you are beautiful inside and sought. you are an amazing woman and mother. this mother has gone on record to say that even though she s not perfect, she is beautiful and she s done something amazing with her body. reporter: tanis empowering mothers everywhere to be at peace with a two-piece. good for her. way to speak out and tell it how it is. she got so much positive feedback from that open letter that she shared, she read a little there at the end on facebook. i think it s an issue that affects a lot of moms. she has a great figure, i think. there are stretch marks. baby weight after. when you are at the beach and wearing something comfortable. others feel they have the right to judge. almost borderline bullying. it is. you are right. a real-life journey to the bottom of the sea. don t want to miss this one. james cameron s mission. coming up. s one. james cameron s mission. coming up. to miss this one. james cameron s mission. coming up. hd 3 that s notthat s dirt r carpet, creeping in. send it running with resolve high traffic foam. its foam power removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. all while neutralizing pet odors. don t just vacuum clean . resolve clean. you think it smells fine, but your passengers smell this. eliminate odors you ve gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip. female passenger: wow. smells good in here. vo: so you and your passengers can breathe happy. the heavy lifters.ers. just for men does more than get rid of gray, your facial hair looks fuller, thicker, the best beard ever. after all, you re not just a champion of saturday afternoons.. you re a champion of facial hair. just for men mustache and beard. won t you stay with me because you re all i need this ain t that s clear to see every time i see that list, it reminds me i need to update my itunes. i still have shakira in rotation. soundtrack frozen at number two in the thick of summer. self-proclaimed king of the world has just one-upped the entire human race. plunged to the deepest depths of the planet earth alone in a submarine he designed and now he has the movie to prove it. here s abc s cecelia vegas. reporter: on a mission to get to the deepest point on planet earth, the only person ever to go at it alone. hold on! reporter: it might sound like another james cameron blockbuster, but this is a real life exploration. this is james cameron s most ambitious production yet. reporter: the oscar-winning director in 2012 locked in a one-man sub, just 24 feet long. the space so tiny he couldn t stretch out his arms. here we go. reporter: traveling to the mariana trench in the western pacific, he says hunting for clues to better understand our world. his dive so deep he passed the last place in the sea where light penetrates. so deep, it s even farther than the titanic s final resting place. deeper even than the height of mt. everest. a seven-mile voyage nearly 36,000 feet to the ocean s floor. feeling of complete isolation from all of humanity. reporter: i can relate. i took a dive with scientists exploring the sea. we re on the bottom of the arctic. but while i saw a world teeming with life whoa, it s huge cameron s world was pitch black, desolate. but what he could see, a whole new frontier. i ve seen some pretty astonishing things in the depths. things that fill your soul with wonder. reporter: cecelia vega, abc news, new york. i m kind of fascinated by that. a new frontier? places man has not gone before. but can i tell you, i feel like this i could never do that because going down and the lack of air pressure. but he s my buddy and i m willing to go anywhere with him. go in his submarine. little pod. arms can t stretch out, right. little pod. arms can t stretch out, right. this morning on world news now deadly virus. the ebola outbreak hits home. an emergency declared at a new york hospital. we re going to work carefully with the cdc to make certain that this patient does not have the ebola virus disease. as another american missionary infected in africa is being evacuated to the u.s. courtroom drama. the white man accused of shooting a young black woman at his front door. his testimony in the high-profile murder trial. i wasn t going to cower in my house. i didn t want to be a victim. the tough questions in court today. air scares involving drones coming dangerously close to passenger planes. the outrage from pilots and demands for safety. it s an abc news exclusive on this tuesday, august 5th. announcer: from abc news, this is world news now. good tuesday morning to you. i m devin dwyer. i m reena ninan. great to have everybody with us this morning. the drone story is fascinating to me. it s a big warning to martha stewart and those deliveries she plans with the drones, or the surveying of her territory, aren t a lot of drone rules out there. she has one now. she does have a drone now. we ll talk more coming up. first we begin with the ebola virus, getting a lot of attention. a special plane transporting the second american infected with the virus left liberia s capital en route to atlanta. a man treated a new york hospital does not have ebola, despite earlier concerns. steve osunsami with the story. reporter: while physicians in atlanta fight to save the life of dr. kent brantly, administrators at mt. sinai hospital in new york sharing quite a scare. a patient they worried might be sick with ebola. he is isolated after walking into the emergency room with a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. he had recently traveled to a west african country struggling with the outbreak. we ll be able to hopefully find there is a more common cause of fever and other symptoms that the patient has. but using an abundance of caution, we re going to work carefully with the cdc to make certain this patient does not have the ebola virus disease. reporter: only 40% of ebola patients survive. and the atlanta doctors treating brantly are hopeful he will be one of them. he arrived stateside saturday, climbing down from this ambulance in a full biosuit and walked into emory university hospital. he s been taking an experimental drug that his missionary organization tells us is working wonders, after he was on the brink of death. we learned his fever is lower. the 33-year-old doctor from tennessee had just moved his family to liberia. his aid organization tells us he and others at his field hospital were infected by someone who was sick on their cleaning crew. nancy writebol from charlotte helped decontaminate doctors and she s seen here and got sick, too. she s on a flight to atlanta on the same specially outfitted transport that moved dr. brantly. she too received a dose of the experimental drug and her condition is improving. nancy is able to walk around. there s some signs of strengthening. reporter: we saw the ambulance that will drive her to the hospital, scoured down by paramedics after moving brantly on saturday. the bleach that i m smelling is because we re dealing with ebola? correct. reporter: after writebol is hospitalized, they ll throw away or burn protective covers and blankets used inside. the disease has already killed almost 900 people in three african countries. a sick person flew from liberia to nigeria and now the doctor who treated him is also sick. dr. brantly s wife is with him here in atlanta, but she cannot hold her husband s hand. she has to speak with him through a phone and a thin glass. steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. our coverage of the ebola outbreak does not end here. during our next half hour, the managing editor of abc news medical unit will be here to explain the treatments and address americans fears. once again it s safe to drink the water in toledo, ohio. public health investigators sounded the all-clear after the water got a heavy dose of chemicals to clear out toxins. huge algae blooms in lake erie were suspected as cause of those toxins. experts blame increase in fertilizer runoff, sewage and climate change for the increase in algae. jodi arias whose five-month murder trial got wall to wall media coverage will defend herself in a penalty trial. a jury convicted her of brutally killing her boyfriend but they couldn t decide whether she should be executed. a new penalty trial begins september 8th. arias has no law experience and didn t finish high school. she did get a g.e.d. in prison. a detroit area man accused of killing an unarmed teenager who showed up at his home in the middle of the night will take the stand in his own defense today. the prosecution says he should have called police and have charged him with murder. he is now telling the jury that he feared for his life. here s abc s ryan smith. so devastating. it was it was this poor girl. she had her whole life in front of her. i took that from her. reporter: 55-year-old theodore wafer, wiping tears from his eyes, as he testified in his own defense, as he testified about shooting and killing 19-year-old renisha mcbride on the porch of his suburban detroit home in november of last year. why did you pull it? total total reflex reaction defending myself. reporter: prosecutors charged wafer with second-degree murder in mcbride s death, saying he shot her in the face through a closed and locked door after witnesses say she was disoriented following a car crash a mile from wafer s home. wafer has pled not guilty. the racially charged case for some drawing similarities with the trayvon martin case. a white defendant shooting an unarmed black victim. i wasn t going to cower in my house. i didn t want to be a victim. reporter: prosecutors fired back. do you remember ever crying within 2 1/2 to 3 hours after you shot renisha mcbride? no, i don t think so. you didn t cry, right? i don t think i did. there s no jury there at the time you were talking to lieutenant, right? objection, argumentative, your honor. reporter: will the jury believe him? if convicted, wafer could face life in prison. ryan smith, abc news, new york. everyone is talking about how this is going to be a big trial focused on race. what s interesting neither the prosecution or the defense have actually mentioned race during this entire trial. but there is a law, 2006 law in michigan that says if you believe your life was in danger, you have the right to use to defend yourself, but you have to prove your life was in danger. the defense attorney is saying there is actually some evidence that the woman here, mcbride, had showed some signs of being out of sorts. showed up according to the autopsy with blood alcohol level of 0.218 at his home, so perhaps that was a contributing factor here as well. interesting case. we ll be following. parts of southwest florida will have a chance to dry out today after getting slammed by drenching storms. more than 6 inches of rain came down in naples leaving people stranded in their cars. parking lots turned into ponds. many roads were totally impassible. buried under more than a foot of water and flights had to be rerouted because of flooding on the runways. heavy rain also moved into los angeles, las vegas area, triggering widespread flash flooding. cars and suvs had a tough time getting around. cautiously making their way through the mud and water. emergency crews spent the day rescuing stuck vehicles and drivers of dozens of cars were cut off when a mudslide shut down a major road. flash flood and mudslide in southern california are being blamed for at least one death. a man killed in the resort town of mt. baldy. his car was swept away, in the rain swollen streak. sunday s storm created a giant wall of thick mud and debris that damaged more than 30 homes. at least a dozen of them have been deemed uninhabitable. mountain roads overnight were reopened, now freeing thousands of people who were trapped by the mudslide. many areas along both coasts could see even more flooding downpour tuesday. accuweather meteorologist jim dickey has the latest on the storms and hurricanes in atlantic and pacific. jim, good morning. good morning, reena, devin. holding on to heavy rainfall across the west. drying out as we look forward in time. this is the heavy rain we have been seeing since the weekend. produced by an upper low spinning over southern california, pumping in the moisture this weekend breaks apart through the next couple of days, allowing the rain to taper off a little bit. southeast, downpours along the coast. gulf coast, across florida. of course, watching hurricane bertha. now good news, this storm will not make direct landfall. it will turn out to sea the next couple of days. keep the rip current threat fairly high. eastern pacific, tracking two storms. this is hurricane iselle, this is tropical storm julio. both making a path toward hawaii. iselle first to move in. powerful storm right now but it will weaken significantly before it passes over hawaii later this week. reena, devin, back to you. thank you, jim. moving on, some congratulations this morning to a remarkable young swimmer. yeah, 16-year-old charlotte samuels, you see her there, last night completed a gruelling 20-mile plus swim from catalina island to the mainland. 20 hours start to finish. that means she s just one more long swim away from being the youngest person to complete the triple crown of open-water swimming. she already swam around manhattan island. and now she just need to complete a swim across the english channel. just needs to complete a swim across the english channel. you know, the previous recordholder was 20 years old. so, if she does this, she would beat it by four years. wow, what a feat. pretty impressive. got a lot of jelly stings along the way. dodged a lot of sharks. didn t think about that. listen up, parents a unique way to remove your baby s tooth. and it s actually painless. and we re declaring this taco tuesday. could these tacos, take a look, be the most authentic ones we can find here in new york city. it s spicy stuff from insomniac kitchen. you are watching world news now. raining tacos out in the streets tacos on the street announcer: world news now weather brought to you by lifelock. announcer: world news now weather brought to you by lifelock. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary s identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock s bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock s credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today s 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[ dad ] tide and downy together. welcome back. welcome back. we re learning more this morning about an alarming up-tick in the number of close calls between passenger jets and drones. it s been happening in the busiest airspace in the country. abc s david kerley now with this abc news exclusive. reporter: abc news learned that more of these type of drones have gotten close to passenger jetliners in the new york area, even forcing evasive action by some pilots. senior aviation source tells abc news in the past 30 days there s been an increase in incidents. one in just the past 48 hours. in two of those incidents, this source tells abc news, the pilots have turned their aircraft away, worried about possible collision with the unmanned drones. we ve heard those concerns before. a pilot on approach to jfk reported a close call. kennedy tower, we just saw a little drone below us. reporter: the worry those small drones could do big damage to jetliners filled with passengers. the biggest worry is one of these drones can be ingested by an engine at high power on takeoff and shut the engine down. reporter: in a statement the faa tells abc news in the past 90 days there has been a small increase in the number of drone incidents in new york due to increased awareness and the agency encourages pilots to report these close calls. but our aviation source says as of friday, controllers had been urged to make a specific report each time a drone gets close to a jet. a federal official tells abc news the reports varied from observations by pilots to actual evasive action. all of this as the faa considers rules for the explosion of inexpensive flying aircraft which can reach far into the sky like the one that flew by the space needle or the one that flew into a new york building fell and hit a pedestrian. the faa is going to have to work harder and faster to get these rules written. reporter: senator charles schumer recently called the new york area the wild west for drones and new rules from the faa are not expected until the end of this year. david kerley, abc news, seattle. so really is like the wild west out there when it comes to drones. so martha stewart and amazon beware when you re with your drones. it s interesting. i went to a drone convention in washington a drone convention? last year where they re trying to sell these things, trying to get them commercially launched. there are no rules. so many companies, including abc news, which would like to use drones, are in holding patterns waiting to finalize these things. as david said there, probably not until next year. no faa regulations. even if they did, they don t have the teeth right now to make it really work. i would like to buy a drone. i just don t have the money. coming up it s taco tuesday and in honor of the day, we re checking out a new twist on an old favorite, in our insomniac kitchen, up next. ahead in our next half hour, crazed fans opening their wallets and, yes, giving money to kim kardashian. the secret behind her latest business venture. you re watching world news now. announcer: world news now it s raining attack coast from out of the sky tacos no need to ask why just open your mouth nooul close your eyes always impressed with the music selection here. we are spot-on this morning. a good reason it is raining tacos in the studio this morning. because it is taco tuesday. in own of the day, our own tina trinh took a ride down to otto s tacos in this morning insomniacs, we re in the east village with otto s tacos. i m with steve otto of otto s tacos. welcome. you do l.a.-style tacos. what does that mean, exactly? where i grew up in southern california, the best tacos for me were always the simplest. meat, cilantro, onion, salsa. we re going to be making carne asada with chef joe and our deep fried taco dish. let s go. let s do it. you want to get a nice local char and carmelize it a little bit. we want to make sure it s as even as possible so everything is heating at the same time, cooking at the same time. now we get carne asada with the house blend taco seasoning we have made for us. different spices, onion powder, very minimal salt. we want to hit it pretty liberal. yeah, kind of coat it, huh? like to be bold. set that aside. set that aside. so we can build our taco. we re ready to make some tacos. i want to talk about your tortillas first because i know you make them in house. every single day. fresh massa we press and cook on the flat top, our secret menu. deep fried sensation. we are going to fill it with the carne asada, chef joe taught you to make. two scoops. carne asada load this up. tomato-based red salsa. got a nice spiky kick to it. garnish with cilantro. nice green color. yeah. and some raw white onions. give it a bite. two nice, big scoops of guacamole. i love guacamole. everybody loves guacamole. and we ll hit it with the serrano crema. what s in here? it s a mayo-based sauce we make here from scratch. charred serrano pepper, charred onion, and fixings chef joe puts in there to give it good flavor. there you go. that s our gorgon. awesome. mm. what do we think? oh, my god. good? i love the fried texture of this. so good. thank you so much, otto. you are welcome. hope you enjoyed learning how to make an otto s taco here. there isn t a pretty way to eat this. this is the most creative shell i have ever seen. it s puffy and crispy corn. look at that. just going to go for a taste. it s like a corn puff. i think it is really incredible. lot of cilantro. a lot of onion. that sauce sounded so good, crema with charred onion and charred pepper. i think everyone in america should be required to eat tacos this time. taco tuesday, baby. this time of night morning. our hats off to otto. tina. get down there. hope you make yourself a taco today. tweet us your favorite taco flavor. i think these are beef, right? they re so good. eating the vegetarian part. eating around the meat. which is possible. make a marinated tofu version for you. there you go. coming up an incredible way to pull a child s tooth using a rocket. redible way to pull a child s tooth using a rocket. coming up an incredible way to pull a child s tooth. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? 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[ male announcer ] don t wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. thereyou can do anything.ily. if you keep a good head on your shoulders. that s why we use head & shoulders shampoo and conditioners. it keeps us 100% flake free. so i just have gorgeous hair. head & shoulders. the world s #1 dandruff shampoo. it often means heavy duty ccleaning with bleach. but lysol power & free can change the way you clean. it cleans even better than bleach with its hydrogen peroxide formula, and it kills 99.9% of germs without the harshness. a powerful clean, that s family friendly that s what we call healthing. lysol power & free. start healthing. for healthy floors, try lysol clean & fresh. the only cleaner approved to kill germs, even when diluted. welcome back. time for the mix. we wanted to introduce you to this aspiring new tv anchor from wayne county, pennsylvania, who gives exceptional color from the scene. take a look. i have never been on live television before, but i really sometimes i don t watch, i don t watch the news. because i am a kid. tell me about the ride. what did you think about the ride? well, it was great! why? because apparently you re spinning around, and apparently every time you get dizzy. don t really watch the news. could have fooled me. his name is noah ritter and he is gunning for this chair. i feel threatened. he is hogging the microphone. he is more entertaining than us. i wouldn t go that far. well, coming up next is an interesting way to remove your child s tooth. i always did the string on the door and then you kind of yeah. well, this family used a rocket. a rocket? and back to the rocket. whoa. and tooth is out. that s 10-year-old allison. they used a rocket. they say it s less time and less painful. wow. score one for the tooth fairy. although she is left with the mouth full of blood. ew. there is no other way to remove a tooth. use the rocket. i wish i was that creative. ouch. looks like it would hurt too. all right. moving on. now, sometimes we all know it s so stressful being a little kid. take a look at this guy. getting his band-aids removed. i can t move my knee. i m sorry. i m so sorry. if you couldn t hear it there, he repeats over and over again, i can t live like this. reena, i just cannot live like this. such an adult phrase for that little guy and we love it. how old is he? 2 years old. matthew reed from waynesville, alabama. and he cannot live like this. i don t blame him. it hurts when you take that band-aid off. just do it fast like mommy did. this next story made me feel like a dinosaur. do you believe there s a whole generation of kids who don t know what a typewriter is. there is a group on youtube that goes about showing different devices to kids and getting their reaction. take a look. i think you put a piece of paper in there. and then you, or for paper, i don t know? then you put that. and it stamps it on. in order to delete you need to use something called whiteout. my favorite reaction the little girl who said, i feel sad for anybody who had to use this. my gosh. it was maddening. i remember the typewriter. there s no backspace. helping you find a dentist you ll want to go to for the rest of your life. we ve helped over 8 million people find that dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. i m a journalist. -i am a singer. a businesswoman. -i am an artist. an educator. -a sister. an advocate. -a leader. a queen. -i am a friend. i am. i am one of more than a million people living with hiv in the u.s. we are not alone. this morning on world news this morning on world news now stop fighting. that s the order to both israel and hamas at this hour as a temporary truce begins. who brokered the cease-fire and why world leaders are so skeptical. and hitting home. the worldwide ebola scare leads to an emergency at a new york hospital as a sick american missionary is evacuated from africa. get insight on the outbreak and cutting-edge treatments. dangerous trends teens who appear to set themselves on fire, only to videotape it and share the pictures on youtube. who s speaking out to stop it. and pay raises for the stars in the big bang theory. the sitcom actors not only looking for laughs but looking for millions. that s in the skinny on this tuesday, august 5th. announcer: from abc news, this is world news now. good morning. i m devin dwyer. i m reena ninan. so much to get to this morning but we begin with the middle east as the world waits to see if the cease-fire there will finally take hold. this new truce brokered by egypt went into effect overnight after almost a month of bloodshed. the israeli military announced now that all its ground troops have withdrawn from gaza. but there were also reports of last-minute bombings just before the cease-fire. for more, here s abc s karen travers. reporter: a potentially major step towards ending the violence in the middle east. israeli and palestinian officials have accepted an egyptian proposal for a cease-fire. but there is reason for skepticism. an agreement last week dissolved before it even took hold. for several hours yesterday there was a brief lull in the violence. israel declared a seven-hour humanitarian cease-fire to allow aid and supplies to be delivered to hard hit areas in gaza. at one crossing point between israel and gaza, a convoy of trucks lined up, carrying much-needed relief. they only bring flour, rice, and the foodstuffs that were ordered by the palestinians. reporter: the abc team in gaza came upon this exodus of palestinians, fleeing what s left of their homes and neighborhoods. gaza has been under fire for nearly 30 days. crowded shelters and a lack of sanitation and clean water means diseases are quickly spreading. we have the recipe here for a health disaster. reporter: the death toll in this 3 1/2-week war is staggering. 67 have died on the israeli side. all but three were military. nearly 1,900 palestinians have been killed. most of them civilians. another u.n. school housing refugees was hit by an israeli air strike. nine were killed. dozens wounded. it was the third u.n. school hit in ten days. the state department condemned the attack as a disgraceful shelling. but the white house reiterated that israel is one of america s closest allies. karen travers, abc news, washington. and now to the ebola scare here in new york city. doctors at mt. sinai hospital say a patient walked into their emergency room with a fever and gastrointestinal problems. he said he recently traveled to west african country struggling with the outbreak. so they immediately placed the patient in isolation and began testing. odds are this is not ebola. it s much more likely it s a much more common condition. and we re ruling those things out as well. the official results of the ebola test usually take 24 to 48 hours. the american missionary who contracted ebola in africa is on her way to georgia for treatment. abc s marci gonzalez reports from atlanta. reporter: a second american ebola patient heading home to the u.s. nancy writebol getting on this medical evacuation plane in liberia, traveling to emory university hospital in atlanta for treatment. she is still fighting, still weak, but able to sit up and receive treatment and even eat a little bit and take in fluids. reporter: we re learning more about an experimental drug she and her colleague, dr. kent brantly, were reportedly given in liberia. it was manufactured by a biopharmaceutical company in san diego. never tested on humans, but in a desperate effort to save their lives, sources tell us they took it and it works within minutes leading to a dramatic improvement in brantly s health leaving him strong enough to walk out of this ambulance and into the hospital this weekend. but experts stress there is no proven cure for ebola. doctors deciding both americans have a better chance at survival if their symptoms are treated here in the u.s. rather than west africa where the outbreak is still surging out of control. they know what they re doing. it s safe. people should be at ease about it. reporter: like brantly she will be treated in a especially isolated room away from other patients. marci gonzalez, abc news, atlanta. let s continue our coverage with dan child, managing editor of abc s medical unit. dan, thank you for joining us. thank you. good to have you here. both dr. nancy writebol and dr. kent brantly took the experimental drug and appear to be improving. what s in the drug? how do we know if it s working? what we know is this drug contains proteins called antibodies. these things actually target the ebola virus and actually attack it directly. so far this drug has only been tested in animals. so we really don t know exactly how it is going to happen in terms of the treatment of humans. people are going to be watching this very closely. because this is something that just hasn t been done before. so, is it a shot? is it a blood infusion? how do they take it? this is actually an intravenous infusion that the patient takes. and normally in the animal studies it s been delivered 24 to 48 hours after exposure. one thing that we know about dr. brantly and nancy writebol is they were given this drug days after they started to experience the actual symptoms. so it s really hard to tell what s going to happen in this case and what the effect of the drug will be. ers are on high alert across america. should americans be concerned? half a dozen people have been tested for ebola. how do you protect yourself? well, the way to protect yourself, the worst thing you can do is panic, to not go to the hospital because you are afraid that something is going to happen or worry about the flight. the chances of any americans actually getting this from someone who is sick in the u.s. is very, very slim. dan child, thank you so much for being here, managing editor of the abc news medical unit. thank you. thank you. stay with abc news as we cover the ebola outbreak. look for live updates later on america this morning and good morning america. southwest florida is recovering from a deluge this morning. more than 6 inches of rain fell in a matter of hours. floodwaters in naples overran roads, trapped drivers in their cars, and came right up to the doorsteps of many homes. a number of streets there were totally impassable. buried under more than a foot of water. flights were rerouted because of flooding on runways. meanwhile, storms in the west unleashed soaking rain on las vegas. triggering widespread flash floods. troops from a nearby air force base pulled off dramatic rescue after several cars got stuck in the mud there. they saved an elderly couple, pulling them from the backseat of a car, seconds before fast-moving floodwaters swept it away. two wicked storms swirling in the pacific this morning. major hurricane, iselle, category 4, behind it, tropical storm julio, which just formed yesterday. both headed towards hawaii. iselle could reach the island thursday into friday. but probably will weak known a tropical storm by then. meanwhile, in the atlantic, tropical storm bertha has become hurricane bertha. it s on the move northward but still offshore. bertha is the second named storm of the atlantic season. something that hasn t this early since 1992. wow. and here s a look, though, at your tuesday forecast. bertha kicking up the high surf in the southeast. scattered showers along the gulf. in florida, rain today from pennsylvania through new england. thunderstorms from the northern plains to the lower great lakes. there will be rain and flash floods possible from northern california all across to the rockies. 90s and humid in the south. seasonal in the northeast. temperatures going down in the midwest. hotter than usual, 80s in the pacific northwest. well, it was a beautiful day to catch waves along the english coast the other day. then this happened. one guy had his gopro camera there mounted on his surfboard when, look at that guy, a little baby seal arrived on the scene. he wanted to get in apparently on the surfing action. that little guy climbed on board. slipped off again, climbed back on, slipped off okay, you get the idea. this went on for a while. about an hour or so of playing. most importantly, the surfer seems like, everybody is having a good time there. the guy who captured the footage was concerned. so, he called the local marine wildlife officials just to make sure they could check out the seal to make sure everything is okay. i have never seen a seal that friendly outside the zoo. we promise you, this is not seaworld footage. this is an actual seal. look how cuddly he is. very cute. apparently they checked him out and he is fine. so he was just having fun. great whiskers. close shot there on the gopro. love it. well, coming up in the skinny, confessions from the sexy star of mad men. why jon han struggled before his breakout role. and later, the app that could be more addictive than candy crush. could there be such a thing? see who can t get enough of the kim kardashian smartphone game. you re watching world news now. keep on don t stop until you get enough keep on don t stop until you get enough announcer: world news now weather brought to you by bounty. bounty. y bounty. y quit? and bounty has no quit in it either. it s two times more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand. and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets, just quit. why use more when you can use less. bounty, the no-quit picker-upper. and try bounty napkins. that s notthat s dirt r carpet, creeping in. send it running with resolve high traffic foam. its foam power removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. all while neutralizing pet odors. don t just vacuum clean . resolve clean. b i m burning i m burning i m burning for you i m burning i m burning welcome back. well, burning for the tube is apparently a new crazy among teenagers with potentially fatal results. the new dangerous online trend is called the fire challenge, and it has teenagers purposely setting themselves on fire. here s abc s gio benitez. reporter: they are the disturbing videos on youtube. oh [ bleep ]! reporter: this is the fire challenge. teen after teen posting videos after turning themselves into human torches. all for a social media stunt. watch, the teens first apply some kind of flammable liquid like alcohol. then flick that lighter. ooh. reporter: 16-year-old fernando valencia did it and burned his waist and neck. now he s sounding the alarm, posting video of his burns as a warning and speaking to our station in l.a., kabc. i couldn t see. you can t see when you are on flames. you just you see fire. you can t really see nothing. reporter: danger for the thrill of it. all the people that fail. i thought i could do the same thing but actually last longer under the flame. i can t really say nothing else besides it was a dumb idea. reporter: and that dumb idea is landing kids all over the country in emergency rooms. and sparking an urgent warning for parents everywhere. we re just asking parents and even other teenagers to sit down with each other and talk about what the real consequences are. reporter: and the trauma can be more than physical. experts say in the mind that image of fire can be tough to extinguish. it can create this feeling of risk that can be exciting in the moment, but then can also make some of the kids that we see have trouble with sleeping. they then become more fearful of other situations where they might be at high risk. reporter: gio benitez, abc news, new york. i m sorry, how ridiculous is that? where did common sense go? there s another challenge, the cinnamon challenge, where you eat a spoonful of cinnamon and you hold it down. what happens, it ends up getting into your lungs and could be deadly. right. people drinking hand sanitizer and getting drunk off it and sick as well. what s next the whiteout? we don t use whiteouts any more. typewriters. we established that last hour. when we come back, the gigantic payday for top players in the big bang theory. and the big confession jon hamm is making as his mad men days come to an end. that s ahead in the skinny. announcer: world news now continues after this from our abc stations. skinny so skinny time now for the skinny. topping our headlines this morning the big pay day for the big bang theory actors. the three biggest stars on the top rated cbs shows, jim parsons, kaley cuoco and johnny galecki. did i say that right? is that how you pronounce it? johnny galecki. johnny galecki. they re set to sign three-year deals that will pay them each 1 million bucks an episode, or $90 million over the next three years. wow. amazing. million dollars for a 30-minute show. their contract is expected to include bigger shares of profits from rerun sales, development deals. bottom line here, reena, they are apparently now among the highest paid people on tv. far exceeding us. you don t get $1 million an episode, show. for a 30-minute installment of world news now. we need to talk to them about contract negotiations. clearly. that s right. remember friends they negotiated we heard rumors, they got like cars, not like a honda civic. like they got some pretty nice cars in their deal. because the show was doing so well. and big bang theory. cult following. incredible following. i don t quite get it. i have never seen one of the episodes. maybe i am going to tune in now. curious. next, confessions of a tv star whose sun is setting on his show. oh, yes. we are talking about jon hamm best known to all of us as don draper on mad men september cover story for g.q. tells us he will really be leaving mad men behind. so sad. you are on top. you don t have enough. you re happy because you re successful, for now. but what is happiness? it s a moment before you need more happiness. i won t settle for 50% of anything. i want 100%. you are happy with your agency? you aren t happy with anything. you don t want most of it. you want all of it. i won t stop until you get all of it. oh, don draper. you are so good. you tell them, don draper. hamm told the magazine that he failed at auditions all through the 90s and was told that he had to, quote, grow into being hirable. boy, did that advice ever pay off. i think he is the most gorgeous man alive. i hear you ran into him once. yeah, did you hear that story? we were both at the delta shuttle in laguardia. and? i kind of looked into his eyes, he looked into mine, and then ordered a coke. you looked into his soul. speaking of soul-searching and evolving, could there be a new twist to spider-man ? like spider-woman ? sony has announced plans to create a strong female superhero film. one of the front-runners could be an update to the spider-man franchise. yeah, according to the hollywood reporter the movie is being triggered by the huge box office success of the scarlett johansson thriller lucy. hitting theaters, the expendables 3. this is the third installment of sylvester stallone senior mercenaries franchise. premiered in london last night. there is new speculation there could be an all-female version in the pipeline. perhaps call it the expend-belles. on the short list for leading roles, sigourney weaver, who herself is no stranger to being a big, bad girl. i love me some sigourney, in her alien outfit. she s terrific. awesome. that would be great. looking forward to it. final we check out who is blowing out the birthday candles today. topping our celebrity birthdays today, actress loni anderson, 69 years old. maureen mccormick marcia, marcia, marcia. of brady bunch fame. clearly too young for the brady bunch. this is traumatizing to me. and nba hall of famer, patrick ewing turns 52. actor jonathan silverman is 48 today. we wish all of them happy birthday. including marcia. marcia, marcia, marcia. coming up, from birthdays to a big payday. kim kardashian has a new app. stay with us! coming up from birthdays to a big pay day. kim kardashian has a new app. stay with us! airactiv. the only technology that uses oxygen in the air to get rid of gray while leaving the natural variations in your hair. no ammonia. no peroxide. no overcoloring. just air. just you. and the look you want. just for men. you just can tider a 4-star know the name?p to 60% off, just no name? until you book. um. yeah, i d do that! i can feel the allergens. .in the crisp fall air. (sneezes) uh, oh! mucinex allergy. it s non-drowsy. it helps to stop mucus that causes runny nose. .and relieves your worst allergy symptoms for 24 hours. save up to nine dollars on mucinex allergy. from crest 3d white, new brilliance toothpaste and boost. after brushing, our exclusive boost polishes your smile and whitens with 3x the stain lifting ingredient for a smile that dazzles. new crest 3d white brilliance. keep on don t give up what were we saying yesterday, about a little michael jackson? billie jean, michael jackson, can never get enough. can t get enough. speaking of getting enough how much is really enough when it comes to kim kardashian? she is not stopping any time soon. i m not going to say anything. she figured out a new way to make money off of her millions of fans and as they say, there is an app for that. we re up all nightline with abc s nick watt. reporter: she is a modern day midas. it s an escapist fantasy into the world of kim kardashian which we have all seen put on tv for so long, it s this crazy life where there are no problems except for whether or not your selfie in rome looks nice. okay. so, can you make yourself a boy. reporter: erin, an intern, plays the game. she is my guide. i don t understand it. i really don t understand it. so this is a you are basically have to work your way up. reporter: from a nobody to an a-list celebrity like kim. which you achieve by unlocking certain goals. by putting on a nicer outfit. choosing the right shoes and impressing gentlemen. this is super cute. reporter: it s the angry birds, the candy crush of, like, totally right now. it even has addicts like tracy morrissey, she spent hundreds of dollars on her kkh habit. the money-making genius of this game as well as others is in the in-app purchases, extra energy and so-called k-stars that speed progress. it just doesn t really feel real until you get the bill later. reporter: which of course has spurred an online torrent of bile from parents who foot the bill. look, we all love to mock kim for being famous for just being famous, but this is actually a concrete achievement. she was, say the makers, glu mobile, heavily involved in every aspect. and glu s revenue rose 50% last quarter as a result. what it says about our society is a little saddening to play a game in which your charm and looks are prized above all and we put celebrity on a pedestal like this. reporter: why didn t i think of a game like this? because you are not kim kardashian. reporter: no, i am just nick watt, total z list in life and in her app. for nightline in los angeles. z list, i love it. nobody tells a piece like that like nick watt. i mean, there just are no words. kim kardashian, how was the weekend getaway? where did you guys go? no comment. did you use the app? she taught me how to use the app. he s blushing. you re blushing. sounds good. that s what s making news in america this morning. making news in america this morning, deadly virus. a second american on her way to the u.s. to get treatment for ebola. what we re learning about the experimental serum. plus, the scare in new york. another american being tested for possible exposure to the virus. with seconds to spare, drivers are pulled to safety while their cars get swept away in a flash flood. the dramatic rescue caught on camera. shoppers and employees run for safety as a car careens out of control smashing through a store. new details this morning about why it may have happened. an amazing encounter. two surfers get an unexpected guest while riding some waves.

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Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20140522

i m betty whim. in california, they are warning thousands of homeowners to be prepared to evacuate if a wildfire continues to grow. it is near slide rock state park, and 500 fire fighters are working to contain the flames. more crews are own their way. we have the latest. reporter: flames leap up steep canyon walls, growing from 400 to more than 4,000 acres in less than 24 hours. the winds continued to grow and pickup. it s pushed the slide fire kwabt. reporter: those winds pushed the slide fire to the west. residents like the hyde family scrambled to get out of harm s way. shelters are set up to help those forced from their homes. that s close to where we were. reporter: they had to evacuate the campground and spend their honey moon in a red cross shelter. that s our camp gear, that s $300 worth of stuff we can replace. their homes are destroyed if the fire gets that far. reporter: stopping the progress is the primary goal. resources are pouring in on the ground and in the air. more than 500 fire personnel taking aim on the blaze. but with no containment, authorities are warning more than 3,000 residents be ready to go at a moment s notice. get ready to evacuate. things will change very, very rapidly. reporter: in a fire season that s off to a fast start. dan, nbc news. the threat of strong storms continues in colorado. at least six tornados in the denver area wednesday. none caused serious damage. the same cannot be said for the hail that fell. check out this damage. several homes were severely damaged from hail the size of ping-pong balls. first it started off nice and soft rain. and then it started coming down with pea-size hail and then holy hell broke loose. did it. 13 flights from denver international airport were stopped because of the hail damage. and we will have more in just a few minutes. if you buy or sell things on ebay, you want to listen up. the online auction site is telling its 145 million customers to change their passwords immediately after a massive data breach. as nbc news national correspondent peter alexander reports, it could be the big nest history. customer names, encrypted passwords, e-mail and home addresses, and dates of birth. it occurred in late february, but discovered two weeks ago. no evidence that financial information was compromised. we are taking every precaution to protect our customers. mark rash. the hacker only needs one way in, and the defender has to defend. we play whack a mole. they pop up, knock them down. reporter: we keeping up? we are not keeping up. the hackers have the advantage. reporter: hackers could be looking to take advantage by selling data to criminals who could try to steal your identity. ebay owns papal, but they were not affected. it s not enough to simply change your ebay password. if you use the same password on mull. sites, change them. we are racing to change them before the bad guys can use them. reporter: another breach that could cause problems for consumers. a missing california woman allegedly being held captive for a decade has been found. she vaned in 2004 as a teenager and contacted authorities on tuesday. she told them her captor repeatedly assaulted her physically and sexually and forced her to marry him. according to officials, the missing woman had been in touch with her sister on facebook and helped her to gain the courage to come forward. this is the captor, 41-year-old garcia, he is accused of lewd act with a minor and false imprisonment. and president obama has assigned to troops to find the missing schoolgirls. they are heading to chad, and it s mainly surveillance support through the use of drones. they were did napped by beoko haram last month. and president obama responded with outrage to the scandals at the v.a. hospital. on wednesday, he spoke. it is dishorn and disgraceful, and i will not tolerate it. he did stand by eric shinseki, at least for now, and ordered him to launch a full-scale investigation into allegations that some v.a. health facilities had been cooking the books and keeping waiting lists, sometimes with deadly consequences. i said it to him today. i want to see, you know, what the results of these reports are, and there is going to be accountability. we re going to shift gears now and see the results of several sports games out there. richard has the action. start with san antonio, now the closest to the nba trophy. san antonio, boy, yesterday, putting on a clinic. fancy passes, monster dunks. nailing three. oklahoma city jabbing back with a that s a nice alley-oop. that s a nine. doesn t stop san antonio, they had a 25-8 run. danny green here with one of seven three-pointers. seven. san antonio crushes, 112-77. now 2-0 in the western conference finals. an alleged racist owner, a surreal season, so good an l.a. restaurant congratulated him in the l.a. times. the lakers? no, it was the clippers. the lakers missed the playoffs in the worst season in history. yeah, put up your lands like that guy. and los angeles scoring five goals on just 30 shots, beating chicago 6-2. now tied 1-1 in the western conference final. to the ballpark, tied in extra inings. watch the pitcher s left hand, he started and stopped the pitching motion, which allowed runners to advance. watch. oh. on a miscue by albuquerque, let s take another look, yes, he did. he flinched. did he? yep. he stopped. close. and because of that, they called a ball. runner walks in, cleveland beats detroit, 11-10. and another gaffe. you see golfer g eer rory mcilr. and it s off? yes, invitations sent, he gets cold feet, calls off the wedding. they are now splitsville. i wonder if there s more to that. i have a feeling there is. california chrome gets his first belmont workout after getting the green light on his nasal strips. winning belmont, as you know, will make him the first triple crown winner since 1978. that s good for everybody. attendance and ratings are double than when there isn t a contender. i considered letting sherman up her to the podium today. giving him the mic, but, you know, we have to go in a little bit. yeah, richard sherman didn t mind president obama ribbing him. heck, he s probably saying i m making $56 million right now, you can do what you want. exactly. the seahawks got a tour of the oval office. not bad. given the chance, he would not be short on words. no, he would not. thank you. bill is here with more on the severe weather outbreak and where it s headed next. boy, a lot of damage in its wake. the stuff out of california was impressive. the houses. the pictures of the airport rare you can see hail that can do damage like that. has anyone ever been kill would by hail? there have been documented cases not in this storm. no, we were okay with this one. that s over with. we have severe weather early this morning. wind and hail in the ohio valley, and a few around d.c. an overnight complex rolling through new york city. now rain on long island. rain from allentown, and rumbles of thunder in the trenton area. and we re seeing another complex to the south about to go through the baltimore/washington, d.c. area. heading out to drive between baltimore and d.c., you have a half hour and the rain and storms move in. additional storms later this afternoon, and a few on the strong side. slight risk of severe storms, baltimore, washington, trenton, new york city. not a lot of times they get severe weather. no tornados, but damaging wind and hail. all right, stay tuned for that. thank you. two u.s. states to want green bag the firing squads. tell you which ones. a spanish bullfight is called up a for first time in 35 years. can you guess why? first look is back in three. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could ve had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. but they don t yet know we re a family. we re right where you need us. at the next job, next adventure or at the next exit helping you explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. so wherever you want to be, whatever you want to do, chances are we re already there. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at save up to 25% and earn bonus points allthat s it?go out to dinner. i mean, he picks up the tab every time, which is great. he s using you. he probably has a citi thankyou card and gets 2x the points at restaurants. huh the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out, with no annual fee. go to all right. let s get down to business with cnbc s seema mody. a big deal may be in the news to reshape the tobacco industry. maker of camel cigarettes is in talks to merge with the maker of new ports. they are the leader in the fast-growing eastern market with the blue brand. a congressional aid said mary barra briefed lawmakers on the ignition switch recall. they could release results of an internal probe and to compensate victims within a few weeks. and carnival is spending $45 million to reduce the diesel engines. they will cut sulfer dioxide emissions and plug into the electrical grid rather than idle in port. some other news making the news today, pennsylvania s government will not stop the gay marriages in the state. he posed the ruling, but said an appeal would be unlikely to succeed. the supreme court halts the execution of a man in missouri. you might have heard this already. yesterday, the second delay in as many days. justices want a lower court to look at the case again. he s arguing a rare birth defect would mean pain and death if he is legally injected. mine while, two states considering death by firing squads. they are citing shortages of lethal injections. they say firing squads would be preferable, wouldn t have to feel the needle and wait for the drugs to work. well, a bullfight in spain had to be shut down. all three matadors were injured and no one was left to fight the bulls. the men are expected to recover. guess the bull finally won that time around. toronto mayor rob ford s escalade was impounded, not for reasons you might think. why did elmo and cookie monster go to washington? we have that next. if .hey breathing s hard. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my obstructed airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. does breathing with copd weigh you down? don t wait to ask your doctor about spiriva. captain: and here s a tip. bellman: thanks, captain obvious. when you save money on hotel rooms, it s just like saving money on anything else that costs money. like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it s earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa s commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. here is this this morning s dish of scrambled politics straight to you right now after a heated deliberation helps minority leader nancy pelosi officially named five democrats to the select committee on bengha benghazi. elijah cummings will be there with adam smith, adam shift, sanchez and duckworth. president obama took a rare walk after making remarks on the veterans affairs scandal yesterday afternoon. he strolled along the national mall to the interior adopt where he signed a proclamation to make 500,000 acres of land in arizona to be a national monument. john boehner says the president s unilateral move could undermine security along the southern border. he explains in part, quote, at a time of continued cartel violence in mexico, we should not be putting additional restraints on efforts to protect our borders. and congressman vance mcallister will not seek re-election this fall, but maybe one day. he says, quote, no, i wouldn t rule it out. for future politics, i don t know what it holds. but if there s a possibility the people want me to do it again, maybe i ll do it. toronto mayor s rob ford s escalade has been impounded after a woman driving it got a dui. doug ford seemed relieved to hear his brother wasn t involved. i don t think it s good news anyone driving with dui, i think it terrible. but he wasn t in the car. and members of congress arranged care packages for troops with a little help from elmo and cookie monster. they teamed up to make around the 1500 warrior care packs for wounded, sick, and injured troops. and that, my friends, is your morning dish of scrambled politics. now to washington. i am joined by syndicated columnist bob franken. good morning. good morning. i was thinking what happened happen in the cookie monster was arrested for dui. don t go there. we won t. but speaking of that, rob ford can t stay out of the news. this time it wasn t him, it was a woman driving him got a dui. is this an indication, on a serious note that rehab hasn t kept him from being around drugs and alcohol? it s an indication that he probably should hire new pr people. because the guy just seems to constantly be getting in trouble. i thought he was in rehab, perhaps the woman needs to join him there. oh, goodness. looks like the traffic troubles aren t the only problems for governor chris christie. could a gaping budget deficit rerail running for president? one of his selling points had been he had turned the fiscal problems around. now we re finding out that is not the point. it looks like his star is getting a little bit more tarnished than it was before. and this is definitely a talker. wyoming, utah, considering executing death row inmates by firing squad. with the problems around lethal injection, could we be going back to the days of firing squads? there have been various proposals. the problem, of course, is that they have not been able to pull off the humane way of avoiding cruel and inhumane punishment, which was supposed to be a drug cocktail. perhaps all of this is is going to get people to really start thinking about should the united states be one of the few developed countries that still has executions? yeah. i think one interesting point that a proponent of that made said that, well, this way they don t have to go through the pain of a needle being injected and waiting for the drugs to take effect. that s an interesting way of spinning it, wouldn t you say? i can t speak from experience, i expect there s a little bit of pain from bullets entering your body. call me kraecrazy. the point exactly. let s hope you never experience that. certainly i would join you on that. take care, bob. first buzz is just ahead. we re talking about the world s happiest countries and the mail slots. say it isn t so. plus in a california teen channels michael jackson. you don t want to miss this. your first breath, your first grasp, your first smile. we were there. your first roll, your first friend, we were there too. and swaddlers blanket-like softness, that you ve loved since day one, is available through size 5, for many more firsts to come. wishing you love, sleep & play. pampers. we know we re not the center of your life, but we ll do our best to help you connect to what is. all stations come over to mithis is for real this time. step seven point two one two. verify and lock. command is locked. five seconds. three, two, one. standing by for capture. the most innovative software on the planet. dragon is captured. is connecting today s leading companies to places beyond it. siemens. answers. all right. time for first buzz. are you happy? i am. that s right. that s what we re asking. because richard has all the goods on that. just too much happiness. all right, bear with us, bill, just a little bit more happiness. these are the happiest countries in the world according to gallup. it show you the top five. denmark s normally at the top of the list. guess they hit the button. it s paraguay. landlocked, no ocean, all they do is barbecue. good ones, and it s the happiest. it doesn t snow in any of those countries. does. but not all the time. central america. this is not going to make people happy, especially if you have a mailbox up by your door, supposedly the postal service is looking at possibly removing that from the delivery. they are not going to go up to your door shot anymore. this has to be put through a vote and whatnot. why? but it s going to save them $2 billion annually. i didn t know it cost that much more to walk up to someone s door. by time. it s because of time expended. the big mailboxes and make everyone walk to them. walk or drive by. speaking of walk. how about a moon walker? billy jean, michael jackson, 32 years ago. but this high school senior nailed it at his talent show. take a look and listen. it s really he did win it. wow. and over a nine-year period through youtube studied every move to perfection. he got it. he hit it. guy s got skills. thank you, way too early with thomas roberts starts now. when i hear allegations of misconduct, any misconduct, whether it s allegations of v.a. staff covering up long wait times, or cook the books, i will not stand for it. not as commander in chief, but also not as an american. none of us should. so. if these allegations prove to be true, it is dishonorable, it is disgraceful, and i will not tolerate it, period. the president vowing to get to the bottom of the v.a. scandal. but standing by the guy in charge of it. calls for secretary shin se key to go. no boycott, nancy pelosi selects her members on the benghazi panel, and one is talking about his mission. and president obama tackles comedy hard when the seahawks visit for the super bowl win. this is way too early. it sounded like people were applauding. that s for the president, but gets me going to have applause. we need that. it s thursday, may 22nd. welcome to way too early. the show that plans a visit to the white house, but only if the full-time has the best to go. if he watched this show, he would have good material too roast us. and manipulated wait lists at a growing number of v.a. hospitals across the country. after meeting with

New-york , United-states , Chad , Missouri , Afghanistan , California , Ohio-valley , Eastern-market , District-of-columbia , San-antonio , Texas , Toronto

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 430 20100819

afternoon. still well below average temperatures for this time of year. about mid 50s. 54 in san francisco. 59 in san jose. not much of a temperature change, a couple degrees lower than yesterday. unfortunately things will be going lower soon. get outside and enjoy. more coming up in a bit. now let s check in with mike inouye who has a look at the commute. hopefully with inflated tires. make sure you check those tires before you head out on the roadway. we have eastbound 980, an earlier accident there. the car slid off the roadway, some injuries as a result. there may be some paperwork going on. chp officers heading up towards the interchange. that s all that s going on around the maze. a few cars waiting in the cash lanes, not all of the toll gates are open. that typically happen between now and 5:30. all gates open when more people head across the bridge. back to. seven and a half years after the first u.s. air strike, the last combat brigade is now out only iraq. kristen dahlgren is monitoring developments in washington this morning. reporter: overnight an historic moment. we just crossed, cleared all our weapons. reporter: the last major combat brigade rolling out of the border, out of iraq, into kuwait and the end of operation freedom. richard engle made the crossing with the fourth striker brigade and lieutenant steven dewitt. it s a good feeling. reporter: back home in san jose, dewitt s parents watched their son make it safely out of iraq. great knowing he s heading for home. we knew it would be early september. it looks like he s on track for that. reporter: the crossing came ahead of schedule before the president s august 31st deadline and seven years and five months after the war began. we have the element of surprise. reporter: 50,000 troops will remain behind to train iraq s security forces. but today, for these soldiers, it s the end here. we re going home! reporter: and the beginning of whatever comes next. some of those troops from the 4th striker brigade will be deployed again to afghanistan. the u.s. defense department is reporting 4,419 u.s. military deaths since the 2003 invasion. kristen dahlgren, nbc news, washington. steven dewitt is from the bay area. his parts saw their son on television as his convoy rolled out of iraq. vicky nguyen watched that emotion and important event with them. reporter: between juggling phone calls hey, mom. reporter: the dewitts watched their son on nbc nightly news in a moment of history. the war that lit up tv screens seven years ago fittingly ends in a live broadcast from dewitt s convoy. we were the last combat unit in i rachblgt we were the ones that finished that combat mission. we did a really good job. this is the most we ve heard of what he thinks of the duty. he, at 16, at september 11th he said i m going to have to go. and he did. when various family members would say why can t you talk him out of it? why should i? he knows this is what he has to do you want nothing more than your child to feel like they have a duty to the world. i was 17 when i watched, you know, third i.d. cross from kuwait into iraq. reporter: now seeing their son healthy, if a bit thin, the dewitts know he ll be home at least a year, but the worry of war is not far off. i do get concerned, he s coming back and the afghanistan situation is this big elephant now in the room. so, you know, the potential is there that in a year or two he may end up over there. a war that has defined this generation of military men and women. and today it s over. reporter: lieutenant dewitt s family knows he ll be out of reach for days as they prepare to welcome him home, they continue to think of the 50,000 troops who will remain in iraq and the thousands more still fighting in afghanistan. hoping for the day they all come home. vicky nguyen, nbc bay area news. it has been a big year for lieutenant dewitt in and his tour of duty he earned a bronze star for his service. he is expected to return to washington next month and he ll be in the bay area by october. 50,000 troops will remain in iraq on noncombat missions. sadly during the more than seven years at war there, more than 4,000 u.s. service members were killed in operation iraqi freedom some 32,000 were wounded. a month after a virginia man was shot and killed over just $17, oakland s chinatown community is reaching out to his wife and family this formally. wendy kang flew 3,000 miles to say thank you to dozens of chinese americans who donated money and offered support. jinghond kang was in oakland and preparing for a job interview at google when he was robbed and shot to death. the pain and impact to my family is beyond words in our most difficult time, we got support, prayers and love and care from so many of you. the gathering also drew many oakland city leaders who wanted to pay personal respects to wendy kang. she says raising three sons on her own will be a challenge but getting support from the bay area will make it easier. that nationwide egg recall is getting bigger. hundreds of people are getting sick and the tainted recall is much more vast than first thought. now 32 million dozen egg cartons are on the do not eat list. this recall will get olympic gold. it s going to be large and it will bring this problem forcefully to the attention to all of us as consumers. the eggs are linked to salmonella, the most common form of food poisoning. they were sold under 13 brand names between june and august. brand names including lucerne, albertson, mountain dairy and farm fresh. 266 people have gotten sick in california. the symptoms from salmonella poisoning usually last three to four days. when i m in a bed, i can t leave the house. i become housebound, and for me it can last up to a month before we get it under control. how can you prospect yourself? washing the eggs does not help. the only way to get rid of the bacteria is to cook the eggs thoroughly. so no soft boiled, overeasy, or soft scrambled. health officials say better yet just return the eggs for a full refund. it can be really serious for little kids and others with health conditions. people who have had food poisoning say it s just awful. it is 4:38 now. time to check the commute with mike. good morning to you guys. taking you to the south bay, boulder creek, highway 9 at tubar road, a car went into a pole just after 1:00 this morning. this is on monterey, is the report, that s how far south it is. minor injuries that pole has to be fixed. the rest of the south bay, san jose through santa clara, sunnyvale, looking smooth right now. no major delays. construction clearing up on 101 over the next half hour, 45 minutes. back to you. and ria taormina has a look at our forecast. good morning. today will be one of the nicest days of the next week ahead a bit of a school start. it will be warming up as the day goes on. plenty of fog, but that will be clearing by mid afternoon. sun comes up at 6:29. mid 50s by 8:00 in the morning. as lunch time approaches, things will be warming up a bit. about ten degrees or so. by 4:00, still below average temperatures for this time of year. but we will see some 80s inland. of course 60s along the coast along with the clouds. more coming up in the full forecast in your seven-day planning forecast ahead. thank you very much. 4:40 is the time. a social network at school? the new rules banning facebook between teachers and students. and commercial fishing is on again in the gulf. but how safe is the catch? we ll show you how inspectors there are making sure it s good for us to eat here. technology meets medicine. see a bay area invention making life easier for millions of americans. this hearing aid can do something that no other hearing aid can. looking live at oakland, 880 streaming along nicely. mike inouye has his finger on the pulse of the commute. an update from him andiae ll lk ria about the forecast coming up. so what is that smell at san jose airport s renovated terminal a? passengers don t smell it in the lobby, but in the offices the sewer smell is so bad sometimes workers have to leave the building. some airlines are threatening to withhold rent until the problem is fixed. the city already has run cameras through the plumbing lines and fixed some minor leaks but things still stink. here is a question for you this morning what s worse, service cuts or paying more for the service you are getting? caltrain riders will get their say on how to solve a $2.3 million deficit. today the transit agency kicks off a series of meetings to get rider feedback. here is what is on the table, 25 cent fare increase, fewer trains in the week or complete suspension of weekend service. meetings start tonight at 6:30 caltrain stations. if you can t make those meetings, don t fret. we have a caltrain spokesperson here to answer your questions in the next half hour of news. studies show one in ten americans suffers from hearing loss, but only 20% of them wear a hearing aid. why? patients say hearing aids can be uncomfortable, inconvenient and embarrassing, but that can be a thing of the past with a new device created here in the bay area. reporter: rob burn is a swimmer, a runner but marathon after marathon, byrne never heard people cheering when he crossed the finish line. you hear race instructions, announcement as the beginning of the race. reporter: he couldn t hear anything at all. there we go. reporter: until now. other hearing aids didn t fit within his active lifestyle, so his audiologist fitted him with a fitting aid called the lyric made here in newark. we think of hearing aids that our grandparents had and they re not bad at all anymore. reporter: this is the lyric hearing aid. it s small, lightweight and flexible. a doctor inserts it deep in the ear canal and it stays there for four months. it s an extended wear device. you wear it 24/7. you can shower with it. you can do everything with it. just put them in and you can hear. reporter: each device is specifically programmed for the patient who can control the volume using a small magnetic wand. can we crank this one up volume-wise? now he can enjoy the splash of the pool, the wind in his hair and the steady trot of his feet. it s amazing. reporter: garvin thomas, bay area news. a new study backs that lyric is safe for swimming pools. it is the only extended wear hearing aid on the market now. the motor city is getting ready to repay uncle sam. courtney reagan has more on gm s big plan. good morning. reporter: futures are higher this morning. wall street struggled yesterday for a second day of gains. asian markets were higher overnight on speculation that japan is considering more stimulus measures to prop up the world s third largest economy. data on new filings for unemployment benefits this morning as well as manufacturing conditions and sears reported a loss for the quarter but a smaller loss than expected. we hear from hp and dell this afternoon. the dow gained nine points yesterday for trading to begin at 10,415. the nasdaq was up 6 points to 2215. general motors files its much-anticipated ipo a year after the auto america was fighting for its life in bankruptcy court. gm will list shares in new york and toronto. the u.s. and canadian government owns stakes in the company after bailing it out. it s unclear how many shares will be sold or at what price. the u.s. treasury will still have say on some day-to-day decisions. back to you. thank you. now to a story that has people talking. should students be allowed to friend their teachers on facebook? the lee county school district in florida says no. we have a look at the new guidelines that are getting strong reaction from people on both sides of the debate. reporter: everybody is doing it. like being able to communicate with family. reporter: logging on to swifter, myspace and facebook. but now the lee county school district is asking teachers to watch up who is showing up in the friends list. they recommend teachers and students not be friends online. and teachers should be careful what they post. we don t want them to be doing things that they think may be innocent or innocuous and then three or four months down the road it rises to the level that it s a problem. reporter: joe donzelli says there are more appropriate ways for students and teachers to communicate. he uses district e-mail as an example. we can monitor that. we can determine the proper use and abuse. facebook is a third party system. we have no control over it. reporter: for the most part teachers we spoke to say they re okay with the new guidelines. had a student request me as a friend. you know, i responded. i said i m not friends with students. i had a couple students, but obviously i will now not have them. reporter: for this high school student, he says he doesn t see the problem. he says facebook is the most effective way to reach a student because kids are on the site all the time. if you need to talk to your teacher about something and you don t have their e-mail or anything, you can probably go online and talk to them. reporter: the new rules are simply recommendations. the district is not telling teachers to sign off completely, but instead to be careful when they log on. that is interesting. always wanted to moon walk like the king of pop? you can be just as bad as m.j. himself thanks to a new video game. there is now a michael jackson game, which will feature hits like bad, beat it and billy jean michael jackson the experience will be among the first games to use connect a move which is the new gesture recognition system for x-box 360 and play station. one of his signature moves. i m not sure how that will work. ria taormina is dusting off her red-zippered leather jacket as we speak. i could never do that, but i tried when i was younger. we all did. in privacy. these temperatures, at least it would warm us up to be dancing. we will be cool this morning. mid 50s. things will be warming up as the day goes on. it is one of the nicest days of the week. the east bay will see some 80s this week. 54 in san francisco, 56 in oakland. 59 in san jose. it s a bit of a temperature change from yesterday. four degrees cooler in the east bay than this time yesterday, but four degrees in novato than this time yesterday. just about the same, one degree below where we were yesterday. pretty calm outside. winds are not bad. not much to speak of. a bit in the east bay, breezy, but not too bad. sun coming up at 6:29. mid 50s at 8:00 in the morning. by lunch time, things warming up about ten degrees, that s when the clouds and the marine layer will begin to clear. as always in the afternoon, the sun begins to clear it off, but it s back every night. 4:00 we are in the 70s. highs of the day, still below average. san jose, possibly reaching 79. we should be at 82. let s look around the bay area. some nice temperatures out there. san jose, close to 80. dublin, 78. we will be reaching 80s just about out in livermore. san francisco in the mid 60s or so. along the coast, we are in the 60s. as we go to the north, things warm up a bit more. the sun gets more intense as the day goes on. not looking too bad. it will be the best day of the week as we look ahead at our seven-day forecast. you know, today will be one of the warmest until we get about this time next week. a cooler weekend unfortunately. ria, thank you very much. let s check in with mike now and traffic. mike will take us to the east shore freeway. you won t be there for long because travel is smooth there. a nice drive westbound 80, just 18 minutes registering on my speed sensors coming off the carquinez bridge, around the berkeley curve. the earlier incident still has chp activity, eastbound 980 before you get to the 24 interchange. not a big problem, that s why the cruiser is there. we ll watch that speed because that cruiser is there. bay bridge toll plaza, a back up in the cash lanes a few minutes ago it s still there. these lanes off the fast track off the hov lanes. look at that. a couple lanes going back to the parking lot. unusual for that level of back-up. usually when one lane is closed, people shift over. i have the folks checking things out as well as chp, but no reported incidents there. it looks like one of those cash lanes. another reason to have fastrak. looking at the related freeways approaching the maze, no delays. caldecott tunnel, 580, 880 moving nicely through oakland and towards that maze. a live look at oakland itself, 880 past the coliseum, north and southbound past high street, light, easy drive. we have been seeing the volume on the nimitz increasing over the last week or so as folks return from summer vacation. we expect the same today and the a s playing here at 7:05. garvin, back to you. thank you very much. since the oil spill crisis began, health departments have been testing thousands of pieces of gulf seafood, so far nothing has come up contaminated. but with the gulf shrimp season in just its second day there is new concern. camille whitworth has behind-the-scenes look at what inspectors are doing to make sure louisiana seafood is safe to eat. this is considered an initial first line of defense prior to laboratory testing. reporter: our first stop, a sensory test in new orleans. simply put, it s a smell test. here we take drum from lake pontchartrain, filet it and then the department of health and opts inspector gary lipinto puts it to the test. after careful examination and several smells, he says it s good. 500 and 1,000 samples. no sample has come back showing any oil con tom nation on it. reporter: he is the only state inspector for 14 parishes. since the oil spill he tested hundreds of pieces of seafood. if it s bad, he says, his nose will know it. it will show a gas smell or a petroleum smell if it was highly contaminated. you would get nasal burning if it was more contaminated. or you would get eyes watering, which would be an instant rejection. reporter: our second stop, the lab in mederey. takes about three to four days to completely perform the method that we use to do contaminant tests. reporter: it works like this. seafood is collected from the water, checked in and properly i.d. d based on who brought it in. samples are taken to an extraction lab where contaminants are tested from the seafood and processed for final inspection. then final stop, another lab, where final analysis is done. here to evaluate the samples and report the data that we get from the state to make a decision on whether the samples represent a health threat or not. reporter: the results then go to scientists at the state health department who make the final decision about whether the seafood is safe. we have yet to find anything that is even close to a level of concern that would indicate there s any kind of a human health risk. that s a good statistic. that was camille whitworth reporting. armed with a gun and a hardhat. the robber who is terrorizing bay area stores. mission aco accomplished? the story of a bay area soldier on his way home. and the bay area egg recall is growing this morning. we have the latest on the salmonella outbreak that is sickening hundreds of people. we ll show you what you can do protect your family. good morning. thanks for joining us. i m kris sanchez. i m garvin thomas. brent and laura are off this morning. so is rob. but ria taormina is here to fill in

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