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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240611

athletes from naomi osaka to michael phelps, and on it goes caitlin clark has a confidence about her that is very much in keeping with someone born in 2000 to getting full blast title nine she is also so comfortable in insider skin, so composed. i met her for the first time on friday. interviewed are for the first time and i was even more impressed and i had been from watching from far. do you think there s any chances were running out of time that they reversed this decision. i i think we should predict i won t put words in your i think they re going to reverse this decision. well, they re announcing it tomorrow and i don t think they ll do it then she would be an alternate and there could be injuries. in fact, one of the guards is injured, right now and that could be tuition. to keep an eye on because you re right. there s such an outcry and i don t think usa basketball i know for a fact, having interviewed these people, they had no idea the national outrage that they were going to unleash. there s outrage, and that is i can tell. well, kristie, great reporting as always. thank you and thanks for putting up with me at this late hour. it gets a little psalter whereas the hours go on. thanks very much for watching. i ll see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. i might be a little certainly than two right here on cnn, anderson cooper 360 as next, have a great tonight on 360, real warriors and people don t. trump is now calling warriors, namely the violent mob that storm the capital, keeping them honest on the difference. also tonight, hunter biden s fate now in the hands of the jury how the defense and prosecution did and making their case. plus the latest in a string of cnn exclusives on decades of sexual abuse. the coast guard academy tonight of coast guard official break silence and says she was part of what she now calls a cruel coverup good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep romanness was something the former president has been saying a lot lately. and what it says about him. sunday is president biden was visiting the american military cemetery outside paris and frehse from marking the 80th anniversary of d-day. and at normandy donald trump was saying this there s never been people treated. more horrifically. then j six hostages. but those j6 warriors, they were worries, but they were really more than anything else. they are victims of what happened. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that s what they were doing and then the police say go and go in, go in, go in, water is set-up that was that s the former president of the united states sunday in las vegas. and just to refresh your memory, these are the people he was honoring specifically the ones in prison for crimes they committed on january 6, or jail awaiting trial. and it s certainly not the first time he s called these people hostages ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the harb unfairly treated. january 6, tass ditches it s now part of his routine that recording he s standing in saluting four features him saying the pledge of allegiance while these inmates, whom he calls hostages sing the star spangled banner by the way, the former president began calling them hostages in november after actual hostages were taken by hamas, four of whom were freed in a daring military operation in gaza after almost eight months of mental and physical torment at the hands of hamas. and we ll have more on that tonight. but those are actual hostages. trump would have you believe the january 6 inmates are hostages and also warriors and victims? he said that to victims he also claims were invited in by police. so they re warriors and their hostages and their victims, and they re also according to him, lovers the love the 11 year i ve never seen anything like it. there was also a love fest between the police, the capitol police and the people that walked down to the capital so stir that in with all the rest. and here s the former president is reshaping the attack on the capitol. peaceful protesters full of love invited into the capitol by police who loved them and return. but who somehow tricked them and made them victims, who then turned into warriors who are now being held hostage. let me introduce you to one of these man who s presumably a warrior and trump size. daniel rodriguez. this is his photo was posted on social media by username deepstate dogs. rodriguez was part of the mob that attack police with metal poles and bateson stolen riot shields and chemical spray. and in his case has stun gun he attacked officer michael fan-owned with it, who later suffered a heart attack and traumatic brain injury rodriguez pleaded guilty like so many others have and was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison. his is one he s one of the people, the former president is calling a hostage and it shouldn t come as a surprise that trump is unfamiliar with what a warrior actually is. casey s watching, here s one from d-day technician fifth grade john jay pender junior he waited through machine gun and artillery fire carrying a vitally important radio assured omaha beach which he did despite being wounded once then again, making several trips back through enemy fire to get more equipment ashore until he was wounded a third time and died. technician pender was awarded the congressional medal of honor posthumously. president trump refused to visit the same cemetery that president biden. so many other presidents have over the years. and according to to his former chief of staff from being corps general kelly, quote, in the atlantic, he said, why should i go to that cemetery? it s filled with losers. had he gone, he might have learned what being a award are truly means separately, the former president now convicted felon, met by video conference de for a pre-sentencing interview with the new york probation officer, joining us tonight, former republican congressman and house, january 6, committee member adam kinzinger, also seen and chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst john miller and former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, congressman. first of all, what is your as somebody who was actually what is your reaction to the foreign president calling the riders warriors and hostages and victims i mean, it s, it s thick and disgusting. obviously. i think we have to be careful to not allow this outrage to just numb us like this really should be. and thank you for putting this at the top of the show. there should be at the top of but every new show anywhere in the country at how agreed justs and terrible this as they, they re not warriors. the ones that went into the capital. most of them, if not all of them, have been arrested and tried. and interestingly, anderson, at the beginning when they started to get arrested, they were remorseful. and then this right-wing ecosphere put their arms around them singing the national anthem and stuff. and in that process, convinced them that they were victims and have made them martyrs and heroes. this is not something americans that aren t completely sold out to the cult should be, should accept and we should have this be a fresh outrage every day when he does stuff like this. it s also entering andrew. i mean, i know some actual warriors. they re not people who usually view themselves as victims or just sort of helpless victims. very often, how dangerous do you think it is for law enforcement and andrew and the public when you have the former president gaslighting his supporters because, i mean back in 2022, there was a guy upset about federal authorities searching mar-a-lago i ll go for classified documents. he was killed after trying to shoot his way into an fbi field office in ohio. it feels like du the congressman s point the former president just says this stuff and people just kind of ignore it. but i mean it has repercussions potentially yeah. so let s get the facts out first on this warriors claim. so as of january 6, 20 in 24, which is most recent numbers, i could find. we ve got 1,200 and 1,265 people have been charged in as a part of that january 6 case, 718 of them on that by that de had already gone into court. raise your right hand, sworn to tell the truth, and then said did it i m guilty to the whether it s trespassing or obstruction of official procedure or assault on police officers and others. so the idea that these people are somehow being held against their will for political reasons is absolutely absurd. and donald trump knows that s absurd. he knows it because he spent four hours that day watching the video tapes from behind the cloistered walls of the white house in the warm embrace of his secret service security team. so he knows exactly what happened that day. he knows those people were rioters and it s directionless and many of them have to their credit stepped up and taken responsibility for that. the thing that i cannot get past anderson is how many people give him a pass for saying absurd and secondly, false things like this. and you re right, these falsehoods that he, that he throws out in front of his rallies in support first, it is for political advantage, but it comes at the cost of driving up risk to people in the system. law enforcement prosecutors, and others. and you made the perfect example. ricky schifflin, who was outraged by what he undoubtedly heard the president say after the mar-a-lago rate decided to take it out violently on the fbi s cincinnati field office. that could happen any day anywhere around the country to any fbi agent or other federal officer by somebody similarly misguided. also, i m congressman. it s just i mean, it s kinda it s just i mean, it s sickening that the former president basically solve this so the october 7 hostages being held by hamas and islamic jihad and others as a branding opportunity and i think according to the washington post in november is when he started using the term hostages for the for those who have been found guilty of crimes on on january said x and re-brand braise, branding them january 6, hostages. i mean, it s it s really worked it is really warped in that was various student view to notice is that he never used hostages until there were real hostages. some of which are still being held, some have been killed that are being held against their will. i mean, look, i m probably started with marjorie taylor greene two she she came up with some of that, but i think the biggest thing to take off of what m kay six stood up, lindsey graham, i m done with this guy. we had a hell of a run, but i m done. you think of like marco rubio, all these people that know better, that just keep their heads down and don t say a word. this is threatening the very fabric of democracy because all we have to have for democracy to survive is a basic compact that your vote, you can vote, your vote will count and the person that wins wins. that s what donald trump was tearing apart that basic contact contract. that is the only requirement for democracy to survive. and he is turn these people that violated the rule of law into martyrs. and by the way, if we don t have rule and law in this country, democracy can t survive either. and he is just an absolute il, fit mentally flawed is probably the nicest way i can say it. former president and candidate for future president in america has to reject him. john i know you have new reporting on the former president s meeting today are interviewing with probation officials, which is a normal part of this procedure. what happened? so today, donald trump with his lawyer, todd blanche, over a microsoft teams connection, had this virtual meeting to prepare to assist probation department in new york city with preparing the pre-sentencing report that goes to the judge it was an unusual meeting in that present there was the commissioner of the new york city department of probation wanted to homes her general counsel, bridget hamline, and the probation officer who would normally be there by himself or with another officer who would do the interview. the interview was led by commissioner homes and a city official who was briefed on the interview afterwards told me that at all times donald trump answered the questions which were things about what are your living situation any health issues, family history, where do you spend more time? new york or florida? a lot of things that don t while trump, but thank everybody already knows. but commissioner home said these are the normal questions we re going to put you through these questions. they said he was polite, he was respectful and that at the end of the meeting he wished them well and ended the call with be safe and we just got speaking in new york city mayor giuliani, former mayor giuliani s mug shot from arizona authorities. he s been he was hard to get a subpoena a subpoena to fund. they finally did. this is his his his mug shot that s not the mug shot. will try to get it he s pleaded not guilty there to charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election results what what happened to him i mean, well, this has been an amazing rise and fall from a prosecutor built on the image of thomas dewey going after the mom i ve been crooked politicians to a mouthpiece for donald trump as president. and then the lead counsel. by the way, this is the mug shot that was another mug shot of his, which clearly he s gotten the lesson from that prior mug shot because this one is smiling at least that s right. the prior mug shot was from the georgia cases. so now he s on his second mug shot, but he has he has he has hitched himself to the donald trump wagon, but he s also been through multiple breakups and divorces. he s lost millions and millions of dollars. he s in bankruptcy, has apartment is up for sale and it was amazing to see someone who was the face and the voice of law and order in new york city for so long and then the mayor for two terms. a law and order meir, be someone who s going on his second mug shot and who has been disbarred and barred from the practice of law in multiple places endrew in a series of interviews over the past week, the foreign president has talked about, been asked about this whole retribution seeking. he talked about running. i am your retribution. he had said two months ago oh i just want to play some of what he said well, revenge does take time. i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified. so i have to be honest, sometimes it can look when this election is over based on what they ve done. i would have every right to go after them and it s easy because it s joe biden but very terrible thing. it s a terrible precedent for our country does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question so in terms of if he is president using the levers of the justice department, the fbi, to go after political opponents in a second term, how would that how would he go about that? i mean, how how feasible is that? well, i think it s entirely feasible. i mean, it s it s interesting to me that across those interviews interviews with people who are like dr. phil and others who are trying to kind of get him to walk away from those claims. he soft petals it a little bit, but then you get down further in front of the rally crowds and really hits at home it is absolutely clear, said it many times in front of many different people. he intends to take the levers of power if he is reelected and use them for his own personal retribution, goals, which in and of itself is so unbelievably offensive should be to any american than any american president would purport to do such a thing. can he do it? sure, he can do it if he follows through with the plan that he s already laid out, this 2025 plan that they ve talked about. you ll replace those folks insignificant positions. the department of justice and the fbi and other lawn federal law enforcement entities with flunk who will do whatever he says so the first steps in this process of trumping up charges against people baselessly and throwing them in jail could actually happen. i think it gets tougher when those cases start to make their way through the courts but that takes a long time. and so i think it s reasonable that people who think they might be on the former president s enemies list start thinking about what does that look like? what could that, how can that actually play out? in your lives? and i think people are having those conversations just trying to figure those things out as we speak. interim cave, adam kinzinger, john miller. thank you. coming up next closing arguments in the hunter biden federal gun trial. and what jurors are now deliberating. and later the rescue of those four israeli hostages from gaza. how it went down, who helped? and more viroid that the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden democracy is on the back hello, your freedom is on the ballot. trump, there is nothing we 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arguments prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that no one is above the law. the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period, adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned her father s car to him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any other but in some drugs. but why is reminded the jury, hunter s former girlfriend hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick, trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand, pay no attention to the other one. hey, accused prosecutors of cherry picking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attacks two of hunter s former girlfriends, who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018. he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car? and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing gun after she threw it out hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case, a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will be back here in court tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. to continue their deliberations. it s impossible to say how long it it will take them to reach a decision on these three counts. but i was important earlier today, and then we re also attentive as the judge explain the instructions page by page line by line. these are of course, the rules that they need to follow as they undertake this historic decision anderson. all right. thanks so much more now. and how pros and biden mishandling the weight for the verdict and the biden family presence throughout the trial, including the first lady, who in back and forth during the french visit to be in court with her steps on cnn s mj leaves at the white house for us tonight. what are things like at the white house as they await the jury? well, you know, the trial of the president s son has been an extraordinarily sensitive issue for this white house. and the president. and it is not a coincidence that the president himself has barely commented on the ongoing trial. we heard him, of course, make a statement at the beginning of the trial thing that he loves his son and that he he is proud of him for showing resilience as he has fought addiction issues and then the other rare exception, of course, was in a recent abc interview where the president was asked asked whether he would pardon his son, whether he would rule that out actually, and his answer, a one word answer was simply yes. he would rule that out. the president anderson so it has been really clear that he is going to accept the outcome of the trial no matter what happens, and that he s just not going to comment on his son s case as three is deliberating that of course, is in line with the president sort of broader view that you just don t comment on a trial or a legal proceeding when it is still making its way through the legal system. and i should just note that that is an important area where the president had sought to draw a contrast between himself and the former president whom he has accused of trying to put his thumb on the legal system on an influence in a political way. other areas and other issues at the former president has dealt with this. of course, the president has made clear he sees as being wholly inappropriate. mj lee, thanks so much at the white house tonight joining us now cnn legal analyst norm eisen and jennifer rodgers, also former federal judge. sure. shannon lynne norm. what do you make of closing arguments? do you think he s going to get convicted? i thought both sides did an able job in closing arguments. the prosecution hammering the evidence that hunter biden and it was using or addicted to drugs before and after this key october 12th, two 23rd period. they don t have actual evidence about the de, but they have yes. and the judge instructed that you don t have to prove the de you have to show that hunter biden was actually engage aged in using or was an addict around that time and they have him checking into rehab before and after the various witnesses. but anderson, abbe lowell is a very capable defense lawyer and he leaned into that critical gap and the state of mind question this has to be knowing. that means it, hunter biden had to say on purpose, not by mistake i m not an addict. i m not a user. and low argues, well, he thought he was not an addict at that time. there s no proof he was using prosecution ahead on points, not impossible. you get a defense verdict or a hung jury what do you think yeah, i agree. i mean, i think they ll probably get a conviction here. there s a very narrow path for the defense to win this. they really do have to lean into this knowingly and they can t prove it on these days, but prosecutors always say, follow your common sense, right? like the guy has been in rehab, people around that time, there s these text messages about dealing and the hallie biden testimony about paraphernalia in the car. and so use your common sense. that argument does that make sense to you that well, i didn t think i was an addict on that day. and therefore, i signed this document, say i m not an addict. i think it s the only argument that the defense has. the question is, can the jury accepted? and i think contrary my fellows here, i friends here maybe maybe some jury juror or more jurors who are sympathetic to what he s gone through. and may have experienced something like that. sometime in their life i m going to cut him a little slack and say well, on that day, maybe you didn t use so that takes care of the use and as far as being an addict, well, maybe that day he thought he d come out of it and was no longer an attic because he was doing better even if felt if he fell off two days later so they might have a basis to draw that distinction if they want to, in your experience on the bench, i mean, is it tough for juries to see past this is the son of the president or someone to be famous, very tough, very tough. and the fans is a cut one way or the other. i mean, i think well, i think it could cut in his favor the families there. it s a high-profile family. somebody might indeed think that he s going through this because of that. and again, as we all know, it only takes one to cause a hung jury. so i m not as confident as my colleagues that there s going to be a conviction here, but i wouldn t put my money on a non conviction either. you the prosecution is aware of this risk because the first thing that prosecutors said in closing was all those people sitting behind the defendant are not evidence that s pretty unusual in my area is that that actually i thought a little aggressive i mean, here are these people there to support him? lots of people on the jurors, the jury have had addiction in their families. and here s his loving family there to support him and they re going to point out of and be like, don t pay attention to those people. i thought it was a little overly aggressive, if anything, it could have i liked it. it could have been it can boomerang because they re going to look over it when he said that, look right over at those three rows. think about parents and sisters and children and all the rest of it. they could just override this if they want to know and there s also some breaking news in trump s classified documents. kids, judge aileen cannon denied a defense s effort to dismiss the indictment, but she also struck a paragraph from jack smith s indictment anderson this was a motion that the defendants had brought attacking this indictment every which way from sunday they lost almost everything. and the question we should ask is, why did judge cannon for these relatively easy unexceptional challenges take so long dragging it out. she didn t give one gimme to the defense it s one paragraph, paragraph 36. it has to do with what happened at bedminster that conversation about iran documents. it s there as to give notice that the prosecution is going to introduce prior bad acts, but striking it was virtually or nothing, judge. judge. judge, what what s going on? well, in my mind, i was pleased that she got this done so fast from may 22 to june in tenth for her is practically speedy. so i was impressed that she didn t sit on this. obvious motion for very long. i have to tell you that motion is made in every case and it s never granted duplicitous snus multiplicities never works but they make it to preserve the record. nobody expects to win those motions. you do it to preserve so it didn t take her all that long to get this one done. i mean, given the history of other things, she has been delaying on, are you surprised by the length this thing is dragging out of in general in all the motion. but this motion was relatively fast. that s a good sign. maybe she s hearing us talking about her and she s getting her work done. who knows, but this thought was relatively fast. and as far as that foro for be the similar act is very clear that she had she is saying but at trial, there may be a basis to offer this evidence justice, and belong in the indictment. get it doesn t relate directly to the charge. jennifer, does this impact the chance to this thing moving forward faster i mean, the problem is we have so many outstanding motions that are complicated, time-consuming problematic seep emotions, the classified information, protection actin, and so on. it s just we re not moving forward in a way that it s good for going to trial. there s just so much should have saved those pages and all those words. to resolve the other leg gig motions that she has on her show, she s trying to get one off of her death. that s good. judge. edelman. thank you. jennifer rodgers, norm eisen. thanks so much. i ve next new video that dramatic rescue of four israeli hostages over the weekend plus their condition and the latest on attempts to secure a ceasefire 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israeli hostages held by hamas a daring daytime raid that freed four of those kidnapped by hamas on october 7. and held captive ever since it was an operation that took weeks to plan after receiving intelligence that the hostages were being held in apartment buildings inside the nuseirat camp in central gaza, on the way out from gaza, all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. and is rarely air force pilot involved in the mission told the jerusalem post that is one of the hostage it is noa argamani got into his helicopter, has units, quote, mantle of composure melted away the magnitude of the moment struck then he quote, immediately reported that the diamond is with us and in good health some of the special forces were disguised as displaced palestinians and members of hamas military wing. eyewitnesses told cnn we re also reports of large gunfire after the hostages were rescued at least 274 palestinians were killed in the operation, and hundreds injured. that s according to the gazan the 30s who do not distinguish between civilian and military casualties the israel defense forces dispute that number, saying the death toll was under 100 i want to say thank you. thank god. in israel, the families of the hostages express their overwhelming joy and having their loved ones returned safely after eight months in captivity. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returned to me. now is work continues for a ceasefire and hostage deal with 120 hostages still held by hamas there are some fears at this rate could be a setback. it s a legitimate question. it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don t know exactly what it is is that they re going to do as secretary of state, antony blinken travels to the middle east to continue ratcheting up pressure on hamas to take the deal. he also isn t sure what hamas will do. i can put myself, none of us can put ourselves in the myosin of hamas for its leaders. so we don t know what the answer will be but wall in egypt blinken also said that his egyptian counterparts had been in touch with hamas quite recently. i can t go into the details of our conversations today. except to say that artists and counterparts were in communication with hamas as early as recently as a few hours ago. now, during his meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today secretary of state antony blinken can reiterated that the united states and other world leaders stand by that comprehensive proposal that president biden laid out ten days ago, and they say that israel has put on the table for hamas to accept. but so long as this period of uncertainty is extended, as us and other countries are waiting for hamas to respond to that proposal, the united states is concerned about the possibility of netanyahu changing his mind and deciding to reject that proposal, even though keys signed off on it for it initially went to hamas anderson, probably i would thanks. coming up. cnn exclusive, a us coast guard academy official resigns and breaks her silence about sexual assault allegations. and a decades-long cover up at the academy aldrich james is cold calculating cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, they re skye rozi things are looking up. afghans in intimately control macron s means in feel significant symptom relief at four weeks with sky rosie, including unless abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements sky rozi is the first il-13 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improved damage of the intestinal lining the jordi of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or lower ability to fight them may occur tell you dr. if you have an infection or symptoms had a vaccine or plan to liver problems may 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decent people you want me we all belong with decent this is your last shot at home. one would fast at this due credit, we know running a business takes everything you have, and only a certain kind of leader has what it takes every new challenges years to solve. and there s no such thing as off the clock. you carry the weight of the problems for your resolved never wavers no one else can do what? you do we know your drive. we know your determination you ve come far enough to know successes for those who take this due credit funding. what s next? i m summons her body in washington and this is cnn ahead of what could be an intense congressional hearing tomorrow involving testimony from the command into the us coast guard academy official there has resigned and spoken exclusively with cnn about what she says was her unwitting role in a decades-long cover up of sexual assault allegations at the academy one. so per say, persuade excuse me, pervasive. it prompted a detailed report that was eventually kept confidential even from congress tells cnn reported it s disturbing findings last year this former official tells cnn she believes top officials used her to convince victims not to tell their stories to members of congress. it says she has proof. sunland safadi has the exclusive interview they put me in a terrible position. how dare they do this to me. they had me standing up in front of cadets for 11 years talking about honor, respect, devotion to duty, whereas there where s the respect to any of us? i m disgusted. shannon norenberg spent more than a decade as the sexual assault response coordinator at the coast guard academy, it felt like an honor to be there and help them with this thing that is so hard and awful and difficult and awkward and the coast guard did tell me they were taking it it s seriously. i felt like they meant it until she says she recently discovered leaders had used her to lie to victims, making her an unwitting accomplice to a massive coverup of decades of seconds sexual assaults at the coast guard academy. i had no idea that what i was telling those victims was not true. it started several years ago when norenberg was asked to take part in informing victims about a sensitive investigation, code named operation fouled anchor coast guard leaders had discovered that dozens of cases of rape and abuse from the 1980s to the mid 2000s have been ignored and covered up. the attackers usually left unpunished. i got a phone call from someone at headquarters for saying, hey, we want you to help out. they told me at that time that all of those investigations had already been done and that at this point, we were going to call everybody up an offer them an in-person meeting so that we could say we were regretful all the things that actually sounded amazing. i took these to every single meeting. the coast guard gave norenberg talking points to go over with the former cadet s who had been sexually assaulted. an apology tour where they were assured their cases were supposedly being handled properly after all these years, members of congress congrats and staff and dhs have been briefed on the general outline of the investigation, what was found, and what disposition decisions were made. we assured them the hey, we re handling this. we ve got this, we re taking this seriously. thanks for coming forward but it turns out actually the coast guard hadn t told congress. norenberg didn t know it, but the investigation was quietly closed. so the decades of assault were kept hidden from congress and the public until a cnn investigation revealed at all last summer, victims were never given any recourse. i trusted the coast guard implicitly and i assume that the talking point document they handed me was true i would never have considered that that might be ally. the cnn reports about operation fouled anchor have led to multiple federal investigations congressional hearings in an apology from the head of the coast guard, we fail to provide the safe environment that every member of the coast guard deserves. norenberg says, after seeing cnn s report, she feared she had been used in the cover-up. she found the talking points in our files recently, which confirmed it and start to read it. and i was like, that s not actually that s not what happened they lied to me. they lied to us they had me lie. oh, my god. they had me lie to them. and actually that s when i lost it because at first i was like, wow, that s crazy. the light and then i was like, wait they used me to. lie bow they planned it as far back as 2018, not to tell anyone about this. to protect the precious institution, they be trade the victims of fouled anchor over and over and over. this is my boot camp photo. norenberg says she was raped by a supervisor when she was an army recruit in 1988 and says she knows how it feels to be told there s nothing that can be done. she is resigning and going public about what happened. the public needs to know this is happening. people sign up to serve their country. this is how they re treated like trash. it s not okay in response to a cnn request for comment, the coast guard says the talking points were created months before the meetings with the cadets. and we re not updated then another former coast guard official who was present at the meeting said no victim was informed that congressional notifications occurred. i want to tell the victims of fouled anchor how sorry, i am to be a part of this terrible scheme. but let me try to make it right now. i m so sorry. i m so sorry something mr. product joins us now. what morning can you tell us about this hearing tomorrow? yeah. anderson, the head of the coast guard admiral live. linda fagan, should we testifying before the senate intelligence? committee tomorrow? so be talking about the changes that she promised to make in the wake of cnn s previous reporting. and she has repeatedly said that she wants to learn from the past. she wants to move forward, but shannon norenberg account here certainly adds the whole string of controversies showing that this sexual misconduct remains pervasive across the coast garden and definitely underscores that this is far bigger issue than she has publicly acknowledged. and we certainly expect that she will get some questions about normal bergs accounting of all this tomorrow as well. anderson, mr. friday. thank you so much. next to independent presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy jr. are the latest on his effort to get on more steep ballots. also, a fresh look he kennedy supporters and who he could be taking votes from three body serie a city client uses city financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving. some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward for the love of progress billy the kid, sderot to take over the town what it needs is clean it up they ve 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on ballots in six states. you see here, including michigan and california. he says he s on more, but that s not it verified. what is known as kennedy has double-digit support and some national polling better than any third-party or independent candidate at this stage, since ross perot 1996 yesterday, i ve seen on state of the union, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, co-chair the biden-harris campaign said kennedy has a lot of quote wild ideas and noted he does not have the support of his own family, but she also said this certainly kennedy or any third party candidate gives me some concern and it s to be taken seriously. we re now from cnn s even weekend, who spoke with kennedy s supporters on a 17 acre tree farm in suck ville wisconsin. dells stan braunton rides around the land with hope. the 2024 election will bring monumental change shape in 2020, i voted for trump, but now he says the former president s sounds like a broken record. it s all about the election was rigged and the court system is ray, this year, the wedding venue owner who plans to eventually transform his property into a wellness retreat is all in for independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. bobby s the first candidate who i ve i actually felt good about. i think a lot of people are very frustrated with voting for the lesser of two evils. is that how you view the major party candidates? yeah, absolutely a self-described conservative, independent stan braunton shares kennedy s vaccine skepticism, and learned of him through kennedy s work with the anti-vaccine group, children s health defense the 62-year-old typically votes for republicans, but he s attracted to kennedys anti-establishment message. ending the form was the financial corruption within our government agencies. and the fact that we can t trust our government agencies to do their jobs because they ve been hijacked by corporate interests. you don t think are government agencies can be trusted. know why? because they re bought and paid for. i found a video rfk jr. on youtube. recent college grad katie zimmerman voted for president joe biden in 2020 but now she spends her saturday mornings tabling at farmers markets like this one in wahba tulsa for the kennedy campaign he s coming to all voters and saying like, if you vote for me like you ll be able to afford to buy a house. first is i haven t necessarily heard biden safe things like that, that appeal to me if ultimately trump gets reelected how would you feel about that? i would not feel really great about that if he was elected into office, but i i wouldn t necessarily feel any guilt because i was able to have a choice and who i wanted to vote for dog denticola is a long democrat who never thought he would find himself lobbying trump s supporters. just switched to kennedy. what do you think this guy s go to 24. go watch when he s going to do you haven t even given him a chance because he doesn t i have a chance anyway, because it hard to convince trump s supporters to vote for kennedy. yeah, i actually just appreciate that he was willing to stop and talk to me, fed up with political polarization, denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump a person like bobby kennedy who is really a messenger of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters from both sides that s back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes and find somebody who has creative solutions and somebody we can trust who wants to bring us together? we re gonna be on a world of hurt even rfk junior seemed to be pulling more votes away from biden or trump based on who you spoke to anderson kennedy s coalition of voters, they ve really span the political spectrum polling data does indicate the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate in 2020. a lot of his support comes from the so-called double-haters. those holding unfavorable views

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us. this is a time when the peace process is going through a crucial point absolutely. i mean, we ve been hearing from the us was on time now calling for more pressure to be put by their key regional allies on hamas to agree to a ceasefire proposal. we heard from hamas yesterday. welcoming, be you when resolution put forward by the united states. but of course, blinken has also been meeting with key figures in israel as all we know he met with benny gantz, who of course, step down from the war cabinet we ve heard from benny gantz since saying that he wants to see maximum pressure being applied at all parties to come to some sort of ceasefire agreement. but of course we re hearing a lot of mixed messages as well while the united states continues to reiterate that this is an israeli proposal that they believe israel will back this deal. we heard yesterday from israel s representative to the united nations, so that is what he has to say to the cameras. i just met with the families of the american okay so that s a shame, but we re going to try and get that back. he s obviously says he s meeting the families of american hostages. i think that s where he was going. yeah. i mean, getting the hostages out continues to be a key priority for the united states. a key ally of israel that continues to be a key priority. of course, for the israeli government, the israeli prime minister, what we heard yesterday from israel s representative to the united nations is that israel does not want to engage in what they described as meaningless discussions and negotiations with hamas that they will continue with their objective, not only to get all the hostages out from captivity in gaza, but also to completely diminished downgrade hamas to the point where gaza no longer poses a threat going to israel to the state of israel. now of course, that sends somewhat of a mixed message given the fact that biden has presented this peace deal as one that is, and it s really deal that has the backing of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and we ve heard from the biden administration saying that the us assessment at this stage is that they believe hamas has been downgraded the point where they are no longer able to carry out an attack, such as the attack that we saw on october 7. and of course, this is a three-phase deal which does set out the parameters very peaceful exchange of all the hostages currently held captive by hamas in gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners. so those parameters are set out in the deal. it is a deal that we ve heard from hamas now saying that they welcome that they are willing and ready to work with mediators and negotiators to secure this peace agreement. and of course, what we ve inherited from the us for some time now is that the ball is firmly in hamas s cool, but we ve also heard from the state department saying that they believe this is a deal which is almost identical to a deal that hamas agree two weeks ago. so the hope is that mediators and the middle east who have been working closely with hamas will be able to secure a firm agreement from hamas whether or not israel agrees to this, that remains to be seen. this is being presented as an israeli deal, but of course prime minister netanyahu is facing mounting pressure from right-wing elements of his coalition who do not want to see this deal approved. they want to see a continuation of the war. okay. i will have more on that. and the security council decision last night. but let john thank you. that. but now to two stories dominating the law and justice landscape us the historic meeting between the former president and his probation officers and the child of the current president s son, jury deliberations will resume today in delaware, where hunter biden faces up to 25 years in prison if he s convicted of gun charges, he s pleaded not guilty for the first time ever. former us president has met with his probation officers ahead of sentencing for is 34 felony convictions. the source tells cnn trump s virtual interview was routine and uneventful. another said the former president was polite, respectful, and answered all questions cnn s a brynn gingras, as the details the former president finishing his meeting with a probation officer were told from a source that it lasted about 30 minutes and his camp calling it uneventful now it s notch clear exactly what sort of questions were asked in this meeting, but what is customary is the fact that this always happens after a defendant has either pleaded guilty or is convicted of the crime. that they re charged with. we know some of the questions that are asked are about the criminal history of that person, the family background, their financial background, did they ever abuse alcohol? for drugs, things like this? what s also not customary in this situation? of course, the fact that there is a former president as the person who is being interviewed by the probation office, but also they happen virtually. we know that the former president at mar-a-lago, he was there with his attorney. that was allowed by the judge in this case. now, what s going to happen next is that trump s defense team is going to submit their own sentencing recommendation and both that along with this report made by the probation officer, will be factored in to judge juan, were sean s decision about what sentence trump should face for being convicted on those 34 counts. just a few weeks ago. so we re waiting. of course for that. happened the sentencing date still said or july 11, brynn gingras, cnn, new york. the judge in trump s classified documents case refusing to dismiss a number of charges against the former president and his two co-defendants, judge aileen cannon did agree that some of the language in the indictment was legally unnecessary and should be removed trump is accused of keeping classified documents. so this florida resort, after he left the white house, he has claimed at various points that he didn t have the documents. he declassified the documents just by thinking about it. and that he had the right to keep the documents. the delaware courtroom, where hunter biden s federal gun trial. meanwhile, is being held, was packed with supporters of the president s son on monday. both sides presented closing arguments during the historic case, making their final appeals to the jurors cnn s paula reid has the highlights from day six of the trial in a major show of support, hunter s family members and pastor taking up three rows in court today have known the family you don t abandon your friends and family tough time. in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that, quote, no one is above the law, the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned or fathers card him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand, pay no attention to the other one he accused prosecutors of cherry picking thinking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attack, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018, he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing after she threw it out. hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case, a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will return to court at 9:00 a.m. on tuesday to continue deliberations now is in court monday morning as the jury heard instructions from the judge, she went through line by line explaining the rules that they have to follow as they undertake this historic decision. paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware, joining from new york criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor pinata, via luna. thank you so so much for joining us. why is it historic this case? because it isn t the president? it s still even though it s not the precedent, we re talking about, the president s son eighth, sit president son that s on trial, right now. i just to think that because it s a federal case, max biden, president biden, if hunter biden work to be convicted, he asked her ability to pardon him already said that he s not willing to part is his own son. he wants to make sure that people trust in our criminal justice system and that there s no favorites is but it s a historic moment in the sense that we are dealing with a sit-in president s son is on trial on felony charges and could possibly face jail which way do you think the jury appears to be going based on their responses to the judge so it depends. there haven t been any jury nodes, but it depends on are you judging this case based on sympathy? if you re not judging the case on sympathy and just on plain facts, and if we weren t dealing going with the son of a sitting president, doesn t the prosecution has proven this case beyond a reasonable doubt, not directly, but circumstantially with the testimony of hallie biden, with the testimony of the cocaine residue, haven t been recovered with testimony having to deal with biden s own words in his memory that he is a crack addict, was a crack addict at the time dealing with the text messages, those stories, dealing with a witness testimony, i think in its totality that the prosecution, the government has proven that hunter biden, it s guilty of being in possession of this firearm, haven t been under the influence. i m not a codex and also lying on that formula to update that by r. so what sort of sentence would you get from those parts of the trial so if hunter biden were to be convicted, he can face anywhere up to 25 years if he s convicted on all three of the couch highly own likely that he will see anything near 25 years. the judge has sentencing guidelines where it s recommended what is possible sentence good. because hunter biden doesn t have a criminal record because hunter biden, at this point now he said he has been cleaned because hunter biden also was dealing with a dependency on narcotic dependency, who s quite honestly it drug addiction that s been put on entre i think he can face anywhere from probation up until maybe a year or two years years in jail. my recommendation quite honestly is that this case does not is not deserving of any jail sentence. if anything, we re dealing with a drug program that hunter biden should go through quite nicely. i think this prosecution shouldn t have gone forward initially remained as a deferred prosecution disposition how might the president be implicated as part of this trial were not at all. i mean, he hasn t been mentioned in this trial aside from being a father of hunter biden, here we re dealing with a drug addiction. we know that unfortunately, hunter biden was going through some dark times and even admitted it. that s why he wrote that book. but to try to get others to get some insight as to what it is to go through a drug addiction. but there s no mention of president biting in this case. we know outside of the courtroom there has been mentioned having to deal with that laptop, but inside of the courtroom, he s not playing oh, role. it s not supposed to be playing a role and to deliberations and has nothing to do with the charges itself you ll see in america a, your a legal expert, but you also in america aware of the trump cases as well is there a way that donald trump can use this case against president biden campaign oh, absolutely. he s already using it and he s used it in a past. i ve been to deal with wears hunter biden especially doing his first time when he was running for president, actually a second time when he was running for president to try to take the is a away from what his insufficiencies are. instead focusing on president biden is saying that look, his son is on drugs, his son was participating and illegal activity that his son had some shady dealings with people well outside of america so of course to his people, that is what he s arguing. but of course, when you look at it and the eyes and the legal eyes, there s nothing having to deal with president biden and hunter biden, any illegality that s they re having to stem from these charges okay. pinata villa in new york, as ever. thank you so much for joining us now, spokesperson for giuliani predicts the former trump attorney. i will be fully vindicated. officials in arizona released his mug shot on monday or two, he posted a $10,000 cash bond giuliani and ten others have pleaded not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in arizona prosecutors spent weeks trying to track him down and eventually found him based on some of his own podcast, giuliani was served last month in palm beach, florida. at his 80th birthday party do you have any regrets about what you did in arizona after the election? oh, my goodness. no. why not? i m very, very proud of it. there was a substantial amount of vote for the one on here that was covered up probably one of the biggest conspiracies in american history and i think that s coming out over and over again new bombshell testimony and the bribery and corruption trial in new jersey, senator bob menendez businessman jose uribe, took the stand on monday, claiming he spoke directly to the senator and asked him to help quash a criminal investigation into one his associates who testified menendez agreed to quote, look into it, though he didn t specify what exactly he would do rebate also spoke about a 2019 deal. he made with the senators, then future wife to pay for her mercedes benz and exchange for the senator s help? menendez has been charged with acting as a foreign agent of egypt in government and assisting the government of qatar has also been charged with taking bribes from several new jersey businessmen instructors from an american college have been stabbed in china, will have a live report view next with detail. plus ukraine says it is focusing on rebuilding infrastructure destroyed in russian attack the chief of the country s restoration agency says a government is putting up too many roadblocks the most anticipated moment this election and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot trump, there is nothing we cannot do we ll make america powerful again, the president and the former president. one day. two, very different visions for america s future. the weight only cnn can bring it to you moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th to live on cnn and streaming un-backed attention. former 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inspiration around every corner and through every window client mornings in the sun with porto s to new and fine dining with a view. your window treatments, vas inspiring is your home and the remarkable routine of your daily life feature for a normal guy like me, i ve given myself a small raise, join me at, cnn this morning with kasie hunt today at five eastern for us college instructors have been stabbed at a public park in china in a rare case of violent crime against foreigners, they were attacked in the city of jalen and worked at cornell college, a private liberal arts school in iowa. little is known about the instructors conditions and there s still no word on the motive, but china has now adjust the incident a christie joins us now with that response. kristie yes, it was a shocking incident. again, it took place in broad daylight, public park public holiday in china to place on monday involving these for educators from iowa s cornell college wounded in the stabbing incident while in jilin city. that s in the northeastern china. and china s foreign ministry in the lab that s our has weighed in. it says that the four americans are quote, received proper treatment and are in stable condition. now, we have video of the aftermath of this stabbing. it s bring it up for you and in this video, which was widely circulating on chinese social media, but taken down, you see three people wounded. they re lying on the ground in they can part in jilin city. we have blurred the video because of its graphic nature, but these individuals are covered in blood. they re there waiting for first responders the wounded individual in front is pressing his hand on the back of his waist and the three are conscious. they are awake, they re using their smartphones to try to reach out, get help and to reach others. now, the brother of one of the wounded americans, we have this photograph. his name is david zab nar, the brothers says that the visa abner is doing well now, the condition of the other three individuals at this moment not known, but according to china s ministry of foreign affairs, they say that they are in stable condition now, the ministry of foreign affairs also cited police saying that the stabbing was in isolated incident and investigations are ongoing. now, the president of cornell university, excuse me, cornell college, the four are in china because they re therefore a partnership with beizhan university and jonathan brand sent a statement to cnn. we have part of that statement for you. he said this quote, we have been in contact with all four instructors and are assisting them during this time, unquote, a brand says that they were with a patient faculty member when the stabbing took place and that there were no students taking part in the program. now, the us state department says, it s aware of reports of this incident and it s monitoring the situation. now, the stabbing has been trending high on chinese social media this day with a number of posts getting censored and some netizens have been calling it a terrible incident with some saying this, it s bring up some examples for you, quote, this current in state, a public security is not supposed to let such a thing happen. it will definitely further hinder foreigners from visiting china unquote. now, china, especially compared to the west, has low rates of violent crime, public attacks against foreigners are rare. this incident comes as xi jinping is trying to boost person to person exchanges, get more us students just to come to try to but this is going to have a chilling effect. one more point that we heard from ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson insisting that china is quote, when the safest countries in the world back to you, max kristie. thank you. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy is in berlin to attend the crane recovery conference. mr. zelensky says the top priority for the conference will be ukraine s battered energy sector ukrainians have dealt with widespread blackouts for more than two years because russian forces have relentlessly targeted ukrainian power stations with airstrikes. but on the eve of the conference, the head of ukraine s agency for restoration and infrastructure development announce his stepping down. claire sebastian joins us now because this exposes some internal tensions. yeah. and look, it s not the headline that s key. once going into this conference where he s hoping to convince allies and foreign corporations to pay more to find ukraine s reconstructions. so this is most often am he is the head of the agency for restoration, infrastructure, development, and he is saying that the reason he s stepping down is because he feels he was unable to do his job because of all the roadblocks that were put up in front of him by the government. you could talks about bureaucratic nightmares, constant opposition, and resistance, which he says that the delays in getting projects off the ground which undermined ukraine s defense. so some pretty allegations. he also says he was prevented from attending this reconstruction conference this week, which may of course have been the last straw. no response officially from the government on this, but this is just a month after the minister for infrastructure was actually dismissed from his post. so ukraine will likely face some questions on this way. these two key reconstruction officials are not at this conference when as we know, questions of accountability of management of aid have been crucial all along. but because zelenskyy, who is already in berlin, he s met with the german president. we ve seen him now with chancellor olaf scholtz. this will be about the big picture convincing allies that they need not only money for reconstruction, but more immediately for things like air defenses. and of course repairing that electricity grid, which probably couldn t come at a more difficult time because we just have those european elections and chancellor scholtz, like other leaders in france and italy, for example, i ve got a very clear message that many voters aren t happy with the amount of money going into ukraine. yeah, i look, i think that s part of what came out as we saw the far-right do so well in these european elections, particularly in these key countries, like germany and france, is that there is a political reality of donor fatigue, right? and there are people who are now looking at the amount of money that they re having to spend on their daily lives. the result of inflation and all of that. and translating that into opposition towards aid for ukraine. so that is something that lenski we ll have to face. this is the third annual reconstruction conference, but the first one to happen in an eu country. so he will be hoping to really put that message across that ukraine is able to use that aid wisely. and of course this going in as well to the g7. and then ukraine s own peace summit at the end of the week. okay, claire, thank you. so let s come search and rescue operations are ongoing in malawi after a plane carrying the country s vice president disappears you want them life kim boehner. i want to be world heavyweight champion and be with my family the iron claw now, screening exclusively on max. one simple but brilliant trick to get 100 milligram generic viagra for just $0.87 in less than two minutes cvs and walgreens don t want you to know about this because they sell the same tablets for 30 to $40 each. don t believe me. look at this. this is from cvs. look, nine tablets, 100 milligrams, sildenafil, aka generic viagra for $406 that s $45 a tablet this is from walgreens, 400 and $417 for nine tablets of 100 milligrams sildenafil, or $46 a tablet you can now get the same nine tablets, the same 100 milligrams strength from friday plans for just $0.87 each to get generic viagra from friday plans, texts, adu, lt adult, to 69069. once you text, they will send you a special link and all you need to do is select why you 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designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices new every day, hurrying, they ll be gone in a flash design, a sales that up to 70% are shop today about sin and use hamas false if you re just joining us here are our top stories today are former president donald trump completed his pre-sentencing interview with the new york probation office following his hush money trial conviction. trump s sentencing is set for july the 11th the jury in hunter biden s federal gun trial will resume deliberations today. us president s son faces three felony charges related to a gun purchase. prosecutors say he was using illegal drugs and lied about it on a federal form you are sick, you state antony blinken will soon depart tel aviv for the gaza humanitarian assistance conference in jordan in israel. blinken met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and discuss the urgency in reaching a ceasefire agreement with hamas now to a renewed push for that ceasefire in gaza as the united nations holds a key vote on a plan to end the fighting between israel and hamas. un security council on monday, adopted a us drafted resolution which endorses a proposal for a permanent ceasefire and the release of the hostages held by hamas because elution calls on both parties to implement the terms, quote without delay and without condition. hamas said it welcomed the resolution and is ready to engage with mediators. but whether israel and hamas will move forward remains unclear. colleagues today, this council sent a clear message to hamas accept the ceasefire deal on the table, israeli israel has already agreed to this deal and the fighting could stop today. if hamas would do the same we all learning more about that israeli military operation that rescued four hostages held in gaza. as new video gives us a sense of what that raid looked like on the ground. cnn s kylie atwood has more this is the view from the helmets of the israel defense forces. they unleashed heavy gunfire, searching for israeli hostages held by hamas a during daytime raid that freed four of those kidnapped by hamas on october 7 and held captive ever since. it was an operation that took weeks to plan after receiving intelligence that the hostages were being held hold an apartment buildings inside the nuseirat camp in central gaza on the way out from gaza. all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks and is rarely air force pilot involved in the mission told the jerusalem post, that is one of the hostages, noa argamani got into his helicopter, has units, quote, mantle of composure melted away the magnitude of the moment struck then he quote immediately reported that the diamond is with us and in good health, some of the special forces were disguised as displaced palestinians and members of hamas military wing, eye eyewitnesses told cnn there were also reports of large gunfire after the hostages were rescued at least 274 palestinians were killed in the operation and hundreds injured. that s according to the gazan authorities who do not distinguish between civilian and military casualties the israel defense forces dispute that number, saying the death toll was under one 100. i want to say thank you. thank god. in israel, the families of the hostages express their overwhelming joy and having their loved ones returned safely after eight months in captivity. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returning to me now is work continues for a ceasefire and hostage deal with 120 hostages still held by hamas there are some theories at this rate, could be a setback it s a legitimate question. i it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we don t know exactly what it is that they re going to do as secretary of state, antony blinken travels to the middle east to continue ratcheting up pressure on hamas to take the deal. he also isn t sure what hamas will do. i can t put myself none of us can put ourselves suppose on the minds of hamas or its leaders. so we don t know what the answer will be. but wall in egypt, blinken also said that his egyptian counterparts had been in touch with hamas quite recently. i can t go into the details of our conversations today except to say that artists in counterparts were in communication with hamas as early, as recently as a few hours ago now, during his meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today, secretary of state antony blinken, ria there are rated that the united states and other world leaders stand by that comprehensive proposal that president biden laid out ten days ago, and they say that israel has put on the table people for hamas to accept. but so long as this period of uncertainty is extended, as us and other countries are waiting for hamas to respond to that proposal. the united states is concerned about the possibility of netanyahu changing his mind and deciding to reject that proposal, even though he signed off on it before it initially finally went to hamas joining me, not is back with more and what blinken was saying in the last few minutes. we know that blinken has been holding intensive discussions with his counterparts in the middle east, including of course, in israel with regards to this ongoing ceasefire negotiation. but he also spoke about, of course american families of hostages held captive by hamas in gaza saying that they were hopeful, of course, given the rescue of four hostages. over the course of what was unfortunately a deadly raid in gaza over the weekend, take a listen. 20th i just met with the families of the american hostages in gaza have the option to meet with him many times now on every trip here, the region when they visited but in washington and as always, it s an incredibly powerful thing. it s hard for any of us to put ourselves in there shoes to feel what they ve been feeling these many, many long months they were elated at the the rescue of four hostages just a couple of days ago but they continue to feel deeply power roughly this enduring separation from their loved ones men and women civilian and soldier a lot i ve and deceased. but for me all of the ha students, but especially are eight american family let s who have loved ones in gaza we are determined to bring them home the proposal that president biden put forward is the best way to do that with regards to that peace proposal put forward by the united states, we also heard from lincoln just then going on to say, that he had met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that he had reaffirmed his support for this peace proposal, which the united states has framed as and israeli proposal. we haven t yet heard a direct and public show of support from the israeli government for this peace proposal. in fact, yesterday, we have been hearing some mixed messages at the un security council. we heard from israel s representative to the un saying that israel would not engage in meaningless, endless negotiations with hamas, the objectives the israeli government and military remain the same that they want to see the full destruction of hamas and the full return of all hostages held captive in gaza of course, in this three-phase peace proposal laid out by the united states at the un security council there on the parameters, the provisions for the full release of israeli hostages held captive by hamas it s in gaza. in exchange of palestinian prisoners, but it also calls for the full withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza for the return of palestinian civilians to all parts of the gaza strip. and of course, what hamas wants to see ensured in this ceasefire agreement is the territorial integrity of the gaza strip. and of course, no demographic shifts crucially within the gaza strip. now, what we have heard so far from hamas is a statement yesterday of the back of that resolution vote saying that they welcome the deal. as you mentioned, they want to carry on with discussions with mediators that they are open to those ongoing discussions remains to be seen whether they issue a full and firm agreement to this deal. but we also haven t seen that fall and firm agreement by the israeli government, the us continues to reiterate that they believe that the israeli government will back this deal. but of course we ve been hearing at different messages from those far-right elements of prime minister netanyahu s coalition, who do not want to see this deal being signed thank you before she s in malawi are searching for missing military aircraft which was carrying the country s vice president in line. other people the plane left malawi s capital shortly after 9:00 a.m. local time monday. but never arrived. at its destination and authorities have failed to make contacts in as larry madowo following this from nairobi and apparently whether may be a factor here, larry that is the big thing here are those bad weather yesterday, according to president lazarus, to quadra. and that continues today. we now know that the search and rescue operation has entered de two. it s an air and ground operation. in the last hour, the malawi defense force has given an update on what s going on. they say their search and rescue is getting hampered by this uninhabited area where believed they believe this plane could have crashed. it s a rough and thick to rein in the chikunga forest they re also saying that this morning they had again bad weather conditions. the arrows foggy access has been difficult, but they have 200 soldiers actively searching for this plane carrying malawi s vice president and nine others. they also have the malawi police civil aviation authorities, and some forestry service officers. all actively involved in this operation. they using aircraft, fixed wing and roger aircraft, as well as some drones to try and locate this aircraft. this should have been an hour-long flight from the long with them allowing capital tomb zoos in the northern region but what happened next? here s president lazarus chakwera overnight explaining however, upon arrival and mzuzu, the pilot, was unable to land the plane due to poor visibility occasioned by bad weather and the action authorities advise their craft to return duly long way but they authorities soon lost contact with the aircraft. but i want to assure you that i am sparing no available resource to find that plane and i am holding on to every fiber of hope that we will find survivors it s been more than 24 hours now, so sadly, those chances of finding survivors, looking increasingly slim malawi has reached out to neighboring countries for assistance and also to the us, to the uk, to norway, into israel. and so far the us embassy in malawi says it has offered all its support, including a sea of military aircraft to help up in this search and rescue operation. but in malawi, defense force author saying one of the other problems is so much misinformation around social media, around this accident max yeah, absolutely. i larry in nairobi. thank you the port of baltimore s shipping channel is now fully reopened more than two months after that cargo ship crashed into the francis scott key bridge. the accident or killed six construction workers. and caliph access to the crucial waterway. crews had to remove about 50,000 tons of wreckage from the river. the container ship was stuck in the channel until it was hauled away on may the 20th, insurance experts estimate replacing the bridge could cost more than 1.2 billion those column a. woman in texas recounts her struggled to get routine care after what she called a horrifically painful miscarriage due to the states strict abortion laws this election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business hello though voters follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn you ve waited all week for this, mr. saturday morning, so rise and shine. your chariot awaits you didn t get a green one you ve just to hurt your 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more much more take your business to the next stage. when you switch to shopify violent earth would liev schreiber sunday at nine on cnn a new figures show violent crime is on the decline across the us and could be heading for its largest annual decline ever. fbi reports, violent crime from january to march dropped while the 15% compared to the same period last year murders fell more than 26% and rapes decreased by more than 25%. us murder rate has been dropping since 2020, where the covid-19 pandemic brought a surge in homicides of nearly 30% across the country. a criminal justice experts say it s surprising that we re only now starting to see the level of gun violence going back to pre-pandemic levels now this month marks two years since roe versus wade was overturned changing the landscape of abortion access in the us, it also affected access to miscarriage care in states with abortion bans such as texas, so many lower-cost clinics they ve closed down sin as material speaks with a mother who suffered a miscarriage but struggled to find affordable options for care due to the strict abortion laws in texas two years ago, you were able to get into this yeah now, i can t believe it s closed marlena stele came to this abortion clinic and houston in the fall of 2021 after a miscarriage at 9.5 weeks pregnant, she needed a d&c a procedure to remove pregnancy tissue. the same procedure used for surgical abortions, but because texas had just passed a law banning most abortions after six weeks, she said doctors refused to provide the procedure at her hospital possibly fearing being sued. a story she shared two years ago with cnn, i get so angry that i was treated this way. again 123 in may of this year, still lost another pregnancy we were having a boy oh, so it s a little fuzzy outfit. so that s what hurt even more because that s what we wanted dr. say, texas law is clear that dnc procedures are legal in cases like steles. and she hoped to have one to treat this miscarriage. but as she hadn t planned get pregnant again, she didn t have insurance that covered it like i wanted to have that dan see, i didn t want to have to go through it at home knowing that it was gonna be horrifying, you thought that you d be able to schedule this at your local hospital up the road? then you checked the estimate they sent you? yes. i was shocked at how high it was. it s to be exact $14,368. and that s it with a discount. if i pay out of pocket and that s when it hit me like a break like okay, this isn t happening for me here so your doctor then said, look at a clinic. yeah. she said she actually said go to planned parenthood. it ll be much less expensive. that s your best option. and then i started google searching abortion clinics in the area and i was looking for the clinic. i went to last time then having that loss and searching for care. you looked here again thinking you d at least go back. and then i had no idea it was closed what s it like for you seeing imported up like this it s sad it makes me a little angry that clinic was one of 22 brick-and-mortar abortion clinics operating in texas in 2021, within a year after roe v. wade was overturned, only 12 were still in operation providing other services than abortions more latest start looking outside of texas. she ultimately booked flights to los angeles and an appointment at an abortion clinic there. that s able to perform d&c procedures at a lower cost than hospitals. all of it including the travel. she estimates for a quarter of the cost at her local hospital in houston. but before she left, she started bleeding and feeling extreme pain at home. that meant she couldn t travel, prompting fear over what she would then endure. this is the changing table we had for my daughter that we save and then in the end, not only not getting it, but going through something. so horrifically painful. and so traumatizing like i will for the rest of my life have to live with that image of what i saw when i miscarried at home some described as one of the most impactful social justice leaders of the 20th century has died. reverend james lawson junior was a civil rights icon who trained activists in nonviolent protest he died on sunday in los angeles at the age of 95. loss was imprisoned in 1951 after refusing to register for the draft. after his release, he traveled to india where he studied mahatma gandhi s use of nonviolence, which he later taught to students and activists in the southern united states lawson served as pastor of haldeman united methodist church in los angeles in 1974 to 1999 us president joe biden held in early juneteenth celebration at the white house. on monday, telling the crowd black history is american history, juneteenth is a federal holiday marking the end of slavery in america. mr. biden invited gladys knight, patty lewbel, and others to perform in a star-studded concert ahead of the actual whole day on june the 19th, vice president kamala harris also spoke saying this year s juneteenth would be a day of action for voting rights. biden signed a bipartisan bill into law in 2021. make it official federal holiday. thanks, joining me here on cnn newsroom. i m exposed to london. cnn this morning up after this short break one of water. i want you work in which and to be with my family i want you. to join your brothers in the rank. welcome to the show i just love being out there with you guys one thing that matters to me iron claw, read it or no streaming exclusively on max. when you re cooking on a black stone you get a better cookies you ll have bigger adventures. a bucket, part of the outdoor cooking rebel do with your blackstone jolla every breakfast, lunch, and dinner you create from fast and font to low and slow anything, any time anywhere go to your nearest black stole retailer or blackstone now and make everything better on a blackstone name s eric and i am 39-years-old. i ve started thinking about getting botox cosmetic for the 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Transcripts For CNN Laura Coates Live 20240611

who almost batch steph curry in a three-point shooting contest this past february at the starting name, what is it about caitlin clark? it s not just that she s white. steph curry stood out from other great black stars in the nba because he played in a way that was appealing and relatable. shooting from the logo, dr. jay was more appealing and brought in more fans and his teammate moses malone, who was a three-time mvp because dr. jay s game was more flamboyant. michael jordan wasn t just great. he was fun to watch caitlin clark is fun to watch. yeah. and she is going to be a star pretty much no matter what do you think she ll ultimately be an alternate for the olympic team? i think he could be. i think that s possible. and the concern that because she d be reserve and she wouldn t play that many minutes and therefore, her fans would be up in arms just put the point out there, educate them it would help the olympics. christine brennan made the same point. more eyeballs and limping straw. a lot of eyeballs to begin with, but it s a global event. more eyeballs on those games. how can that be bad caitlin clark is good for the league, good for everybody. in the league. i shall be good for the olympics to it if she got there, she will be there yeah. thank you. great. thank you. as always. and thank you for watching news night. laura coates live starts right now. tonight, donald trump tries to rewrite the history of january 6, yet again, as he now re-branded those who stormed the capital plus trump s interview with his probation officer. what we re learning about his virtual sit down and what it might mean for his chances at sentencing and new tonight, elon musk mad at apple over there, deal with openai, the threat he s now making good evening i m, jim acosta in for laurie votes on this monday night for months, donald trump has heatedly referred to january 6 rioters as hostages. there s obviously no truth to that, but trump has spent much of his campaign constructing an alternate reality for supporters so they can believe a different narrative when it comes to january 6, one that paints the former president as the real victim of the 2020 race. the race he lost the race. he tried to overturn, but now trump is road-tested. a new nickname for the people who attack the capital those j6 warriors, they were worries, but they were really more than anything else. the victims of what happened all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that s what they were doing. and then the police say go and go in, go in water, set-up. that was what a horrible, horrible thing. and you know, that blows two ways. warriors, he called them a reality check. if anyone was a warrior that de january 6, it was the brave police officers to face their wrath trying to defend the capital. people like my next guess, sergeant aquilino gonell, who was attacked and beaten as he tried to hold the line on january 6, he s here here s with me tonight, and i ll speak with him in just a few moments. but sergeant good now, is not donald trump s view of a warrior. know instead, this apparently is people like thomas webster. there you see him in the red jacket. prosecutors say he swung a metal flagpole at an officer before choking him with his chin strap. he was convicted and sentenced to ten years in prison. people like dominic puzzle prosecutor said he used a riot shield, a police riot shields is smashed through one of the capital windows, allowing the mob to storm in. he two was convicted and sentenced to ten years. in prison for his actions. now, trump is calling them warriors. trump has openly mused about issuing pardons for january 6 defendants. if he wins reelection advocating for their behalf has become a hallmark of his campaign. trump isn t running from january 6, in many ways, he s running on january 6. as you heard in that sound, a few moments ago, trump said, quote, what a setup that was, what a horrible thing. and you know, that goes two ways. that goes two ways. he said, joining me now, former us capitol sergeant aquilino gonell, he was he has been campaigning for president biden in some swing-state he s also the author of american shield, the immigrant sergeant, who defended democracy, sergeant canal. thank you very much for being with us. we appreciate it. i can t think of anybody better to join me. tonight s talk about this. you ve talked about january 6, the injuries that you suffered, the surgeries that you had to go through. i ve talked about this many times, physical therapy that you had to go through. you could have died that day and when you hear donald trump call these rioters and insurrectionists warriors what do you think? what s your reaction is a impudence to the sacrifice of many of the officers who risk at all to defend those electoral facial from the both parties we will protecting both nancy pelosi and kevin mccarthy the same thing. same way. we protect chuck schumer s much mechano and all the electrification from both party regardless of how political views. so we were actually doing our job and to hear those type of connotations coming from the foreign president is a desecration to a service we of officer who validly and bailey, definitely the kaprow a day. yeah. i mean, certainly going to you and i ve talked about this. i mean, one of the things that worries me about january 6 is that people are just sort of erasing it from their memories there s a lot of talk about whether we have trump amnesia going on. it sounds like there s a little bit of trump acceptance in january 6 upset acceptance what do you think is going on? why do you think there are people who go out to these rallies and applaud and shear when they hear him call people hostages. and in this case, warriors i mean, it s these are the same people that claim to be supported. the police officers. but yet they don t see us. the capitol police and metropolitan police those who defend the capital and our democracy on, that day as such they see us as an impediment to what they set out themselves to do, which was overthrown the world of people on jeremy six. and part of, part of that is the same people who we protect it. they had sided with the what the talking points, the foreign presence says that nothing happened if it did something did happen is not as bad as we say, but on jeremy six, there were scared. so scale of the mob that they ran for further live in fear. and that s unfortunate because he s talked about pardoning. yes some of these folks, all of them, i think what do you say about that? i mean, it s it s very unfortunate. again, we protected both parties the same. we were actually doing our job and those people who are in jail right now has been converted. i have been processed through the court system some of them today we re on trial and they were found guilty in a later date. they re going to be sentenced and some of the same people who assaulted me personally i ve gone through core multiple times, 23 so far and two weeks ago, one of them got 14 years for assault, multiple officers at the same time these are the type of people that he says that he s going to pardon rising up, telling them they are hostile years political prisoners and who are we the officers to them yeah. well, i think one of the things that is really disturbing about him referring to these individuals as warriors is it s almost as it sounds like he s thinking he sending these people into battle. well than sending them off to war against fellow americans. exactly. and that s the other thing is like he says, i think the same statement that it was oh, i set up well, who invoke them? to be there? the kaprow in the first place it wasn t capitol police. it wasn t metropolitan police. it was in the sayyed arms or anything like that jerry six wouldn t happen if he had not told those people in the middle of december 2020 to be at the end the capital for jeremy six, because i worked several chamfer power situation anyway, know that that was happening. that event was the last point of certification. i didn t know that. but i doubt that majority of the people in the american people knew that at all follower knew that onto he said such thing to bring him to invoke them, to come here to the capital four general six. well, certainly going now we cannot ever thank you enough for your bravery. what you did on january of six, what s your fellow officers? people like mike for now and harry dunn? we ve talked to them so many times over the year, over the years i really appreciate what you did that day. thank you so much. we can t forget and i know you and i were talking about this before the segment. you d like to see a plaque hanging in that tunnel at the capital that you and others defended that day, just so there is this recognition? correct. and this is something that was passed into law two years ago republican speaker of the house, mike johnson, continued to hold that plaque. approval in committee. and i want that plaque to be put in place for the next president, future president, to say. so they could see how a group officer, the name, read the names of the authors who risk at all to preserve our democracy and a day and very shameful for them to continue to hold it up. the same way that they say that they claim to be supported the police. but yet well, another thing that happened was somebody police officers, the capitol police union put a a proposal for two count some of the overtime service that they had done since january 6, to count tours, their retirement and republican on the senate, they blocked. all right we re going to continue to follow that as well. we ll stay on top of it. certainly can now great to see you. thanks for having so much today, donald trump clearing a hurdle on his way to being sentenced in new york city. he took part in a court-mandated pre-sentencing interview with a probational officer. normally they are done in person, but trump attended at virtually from florida, were told that took less than 30 minutes at a source told us that trump answered all the questions he was described as accommodating, respectful, and polite. that s quoting from that source, the probation department did not rule out the possibility of a follow-up meeting before his july 11 sentencing for falsifying business records and joining me now to talk about this, cnn legal commentator and former trump attorney chimp tim parlatore. and former commissioner of new york city s department of probation, martin horn. gentlemen, thanks for being with us late on this monday night. appreciate it, martin. this was bit of an unprecedented meeting today. a walk us through the kind of questions that the former president was likely asked well, he was sure asked to give his version of the offense. he was confronted with the charge against him and asked for his side of the story he was given an opportunity to put forth any mitigating factors that the judge should take into account in imposing sentencing. and i m sure or at least he was supposed to have been asked about his family situation is financial situation his education is employment history whether or not he s had any physical or mental issues that would interfere with his ability to support himself and i m sure that he answered them in a way that was favorable to himself yeah. and tim, 30 minutes. that seems kinda brief why do you suppose that is? well, the new york state presents interviews are much less involved than the federal ones. and so in particular, when you have a case like this where a defendant has been convicted after trial, but they do intend to appeal. they retain their fifth amendment rights through that those appeals. so i have no doubt that his attorneys advised him don t answer any questions regarding the offense and probably hold the probation officer look, he s invoking his fifth amendment. see, you can skip that part of the interview and just go straight to family history and things like that that really shortens the process. and martin, how much will the judge judge merchan take all of this into account hard to say. certainly this judge knows this defendants it s rare in new york for there to be situation where the defendant has been found guilty by a verdict at trial 95% of the findings of guilt or the result of a plea deal where the sentence has already been negotiated. so this is relatively rare, but again there may be factors that a defendant would want to bring to the judge s attention that has not previously been known. and remember, this interview is confidential, so it s an opportunity for the defendants to share with the judge mitigating factors that he or she might not i want to share with the general public and tim, what about all the comments that trump made outside the courtroom where he railed against the judge, blamed president biden for the prosecution, doesn t that get taken into consideration? and i have to ask you when here from sources that trump was bribed as a polite and cooperative sort of thing that doesn t sound like the donald trump that we saw outside the courtroom during the course of that trial. what do you make that? distinction there? for one thing, when he s outside of the courtroom in front of the cameras, he is both defendant trump, but he s also candidate trump. he s definitely playing it up for the purposes of the campaign. whereas he doesn t have to do that behind closed doors with a probation officer, a lot of the things that he said during those press conferences wouldn t be relevant at all. yeah. to this interview. so in fact, i m sure that todd blanche said we re not answering any questions about his opinions about the judge or anything like that. let s just stick to his history. and so to the extent that they re asking him questions about his family history is education is business history? i think that that s something that he would be very very common, very accommodating on. so i don t it doesn t surprise me at all, given the narrow scope of what they would be talking about. all right. will martin, tim? thank you very much for your time. i really appreciate a gentleman all right. just ahead. donald trump weaponizing religion, the former president speaks to evangelical christians who wants to a law abortion and claims democrats are against their faith, plus the secret reporting, raising new scrutiny for supreme court justice samuel alito find a great deal for your ideal hutto open javar vargo typing where you want to go, select your check-in and check-out dates and search compare prices for the same hotel and save up to $30.09 hotel. trivago one second. she can t walk she can one second. you re single. and then you don t want to be one second. it s a pipe dream and the next it s a dream come true one second. you feel safe and then these are all away. well you still do have heart failure with unresolved symptoms it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome shortness of breath and your irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called att rcn are rare under-diagnosed disease that worsens over time some like you call your cardiologist and ask about attr san the best things in life come into two scoops of ice cream, two thumbs up and now by any phone, when you switch to consumer cellular and get two months of service free, that s right, two months free all the fast, reliable nationwide coverage make this switch today. how anyone possibly know that every single one of these pistachios is guaranteed to be wonderful by reading, right here. wonderful pistachios are the pistachios at a wonderful with the word wonderful on them dad is a legends that his legendary moves might be passed down to you ancestry, dna can show you which traits were inherited where they came from and who he shares them with? 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i mean, he s he s basically saying we can t compromise, won one side or the other is going to win here. is that, is that how a supreme court justice should know? i mean, it would seem to me that supreme court justices, when they deliver eight, they compromise all the time as they should. and i think his comments, when contrasted two chief justice roberts are unmeasured. roberts was very careful in how he responded. these types of leading questions and, you know, alito was just at the very least, very sloppy in his answers, but i don t know that it revealed a lot other than the fact that justice alito has a very conservative viewpoint that came across, but he shouldn t be. necessarily articulating it in the manner he he just did. yeah, maria, this filmmaker, laura in windsor, we should though, she s the one who went out and did this she went on to say this to justice alito. we put it up on screen people in this country who believe in god have got to keep fighting for that, to return our country to a place of godliness to that justice alito replied, i agree with you. i agree with you. now, again, she was posing as somebody who was supportive of him and but she was able to extract some very notable comments and pretty remarkable comments. it is disturbing on so many levels because he is in a position we already saw what he did. he was the one who wrote the argument that got rid of roe v. wade. and he used in at some arcane 18th century law that essentially said that women should be subservient, that we don t have the ability to make these decisions. and what he just said to ms windsor i mean, it reminded me of i don t know if you all have washed your feet. audience has watched handmade, stale yeah. that was gilead but he was described as one thing i was terrifying. there s one thing i wanted to talk about and i don t want to jam the segment because there s other stuff i want to get to, but what s fascinating about this audio of sam alito is in charlie, you know this from these confirmation hearings that make headlines up on capitol in the senate when supreme court justices go through that process there, so choreograph there, so scripted they re told what to say, what not to say, and they re very careful and answering all these questions here is just like a few minutes of audio. got probably more candor from justice alito that we got during the confirmation process. yeah. i was just shocked by how unguarded he was. yeah again, these you re right. you ve watched these confirmation hearings and they are so scripted, they are so careful not to say anything that might impact how they would have to rule on some matter before them in this case? you just do that all away he thought he was just talking to a friendly audience here and was surprised by the by the recording. but again he s gotten himself in trouble for a number of reasons now, just because he s not careful. yeah. marie, i do want to ask you about this. there s new video tonight of rudy giuliani speaking at a christian event at a church where he speaks in very derogatory terms about the fulton county attorney, fani willis. let s listen to this then. i ve got to prosecutors. sandi the whole i mean, you know wow. america s mayor, ladies and gentlemen, that well, yeah. i mean, once upon a time. yeah. i mean it s almost unfortunate to even bring this up because obviously it s just a horrendous thing to say. but i mean, it also speaks at what in the world has happened to read giuliani the fall from grace was fast and furious and it you know, talking to so many people who used to work with him and know him. they don t know who this person is. they don t know who that man. i ve known this guy for over 25 years and i don t know that could all i don t recognize them. it sad. this is a man who was, he was pro-choice on abortion. he was pro gay rights and but he got swept up with all this. trump s stuff and you just can t is it something about there are so many of them. they just feel like they have to slothouber all over donald. it s like it s it s cultish is held. but it s also kind of want to be relevant to add and pathetic, like kinda hanging on kinda clam and he s getting older. you want to be relevant, you want to be in the conversation. and so you go down this row, you don t want to just be the guy that goes to denny s for the grand slam special. you want to still be invited to speak at events and stuff. i don t almost wonder if there s any sort of mental decline there because he had he s commanded such respect at one point in his life. is this all worth it now, like is this the legacy? the he wants to leave his family and the history books because he is now a laughing stock and he will be this is what he s going to be remembered for yeah. what what what a legacy. i mean, he had a he had a good legacy. legacy, get a good legacy going out and the throw it all away. hey, just to be in trump s good graces should have quit at four seasons landscaping. but you know, to your point, jim, he s not the only one i ve heard so many people say that the moment that they have come into donald trump s orbit, something happens to them. they leave their spines on the table. they leave their character behind, and they are there to just genuflecting the altar of donald trump. and that is sad with charlie s saying, it just, just to be relevant, it s just it s just but then there comes the exercise and reputational rehabilitation for many. once i ve done it, they ve been there the whole time and then they then they realized well, maybe i m a little dirty and i can t wash it off and now they think now, then they tried to make amends as best they can, you know, once once they re no longer no longer close to power, that moment says more about giuliani than fani willis, sorry. charlie, maria, thank you very much. i just had a jury now deliberating the fate of hunter biden. that is federal gun trial. and it was a dramatic day in court with one family member seen weeping someone who was inside the courtroom joins me the assignments are. going off and playing the tornado here i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it. violin earth with liev schreiber. sunday at nine on cnn lumina whitening strips know grok side, no pain i can use them every day if i want he what i want drink what i want, profit aluminium strip and l0 my smile is back on point easy is outdated. dmv has two forms of my id think of all the places that can expose your info, lifelong monitors millions of data points for identity theft. there s a problem. we fix it, guaranteed sentenced, you make a sale is now odd with race from 199 for a person per night. this is sad or call 1800 sand if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with part sega because they re places who d like to be for seeker can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar are rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin the perineum could occur, stop taking four sika and call your doctor right away at the symptoms of disinfection and allergic reaction or ketoacidosis find anything let me start when i do my friends, i can find anything with myself see something that you like we ll round it will be something wait. no, i m always hot sleep number doesn t match. can i make my side softer? 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that s pretty rough. great. i mean, the biden family was there, right? the whole entire trial. so first lady was there almost every day. his sister, his wife, they were their most days and i think throughout the trial, including on closings, they all had different reactions. sometimes strong reactions, right. i mean, i think one thing that sticks out is whenever they played the voice of hunter biden reading his memoir, particularly at the beginning, you saw real emotional reaction from someone the biden family, and i think today they went hard after the prosecutors went hard after his past drug use and used it in very vivid, brutal language. i m sure for the family to hear. so there was reaction to that yeah. tim, i mean, could some of this backfire? i mean, a lot of people have sympathy for folks who were battling drug addiction in the prosecution kind of going after hunter biden on addiction in that way could backfire with at least a couple of the jurors in a way that might. not bode well for the prosecution i think you can. i mean, it s something that we saw during the trial with jurors reacting to this they ve made him a sympathetic character, which is not something the prosecution normally, once do something also that they didn t really address so much during closing arguments, but i think that may affect the jurors is if you hit him so hard on his drug use do you undermine his ability to really think through and form the requisite criminal intent. so i do think that that could be something that would backfire. yeah. and perry, the prosecution during one moment, pointed to the three rows and the courtroom taken by the biden family biden supporters, including the first lady, saying that people sitting in the gallery are not evidence in the case, do we know how that played with the jury? and i mean, obviously that goes without saying, but how did that go over in the courtroom? yeah i mean, we don t write we don t know, but obviously the fact that prosecutors did that to me suggests that they feel at least that having the first lady right? the first lady always a pretty popular figure. jill biden is a popular figure, so they obviously were at least fearful of how that would play with the jury, right? this is a pretty remarkable thing. he s the charges themselves aren t the case is not it s a gun case, but the fact that you have the first lady, this this man s mom sitting there every day of the trial and it wasn t just her. i mean, this is, a jury of dealt people from delaware, wilmington city council person, a very popular are from what i understand a well-known pastor and wilmington as that first, there were lots of people that the jury could recognize and people do this all the time. obviously, they re there for support for hunter biden, but i don t know what the family exactly was thinking, but in lots of defendant s bring family with them, people that know them to show that the jury that they are loved supported person have people that early think they re good members good yeah. and tim, i was wondering about i ve been wondering about this the entire trial, whether or not the biden family s trying to send the message to the jury to the judge, to the courtroom. this is a personal matter this is a biden family matter what did you make of the family being there in the first lady i mean, being there throughout this case. i mean, it s certainly is a lot more sympathetic than back when i used to represent wise guys with their families there are but i think it is one the trump case. i mean, you saw some family members were there somewhere? it is. and it s something that if if in prosecution in this case is kind of on the underdogs politically with this jury, ordinarily said defenses, something you have to address. you have to acknowledge, hey, look, i recognize that there are these these passions and these things, but i m asking you as the jury to get past that. so i think that the prosecution was right to at least acknowledge it, but don t dwell on it. and i think that it is something that jurors look at it s one of the reasons why you want to have the family there if the family can be sympathetic. right. all right. tim perry thanks very much. really appreciate it in the meantime, elon musk giving a big warnings and iy is threatening to ban apple devices at his company s next you 19th, cnn celebrated juneteenth, his by john legend, eddie lewbel you robinson, we still have a lot of work to do. june team celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn in an detect this. living with hiv. robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that s why he switched to nevado divider was a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable, than davon detect this morning to learn that most hiv pills contain three or for medicines, devito is as effective with just two if you have hepatitis b, don t stop to vada without talking to your doctor. don t take to vada. if you re allergic to its ingredients are taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if you have a rash or allergic reactions, symptoms stopped to vado and get medical help right away, serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems or if you are pregnant? 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is this a threat? is that what s going on? it is so elon musk, just raise $6 billion for his own competitive ai company called xii and there s also some sort tensions and feelings because he was a co-founder of openai. many years ago, he left in 2015 teen arguing that they weren t doing the best at safety and data protection. and so you can see why he s going after apple now for this partnership. but honestly gym, the whole thing just feels really petty. yeah. why did he can t own everything? but when it comes to safety and security, does allowing open ai to integrate into the iphone make the product less safe? i mean, we know elon musk has he has issued these warnings. he was up on capitol hill recently saying ai could lead to an extinction event or whatever. we hear from folks who are concerned about this sort of thing. you don t want to conflate two issues. so if we don t regulate ai at all, yes, it could lead to some really bad consequences. but looking at this narrowly about whether or not apple partnering with openai is some essential privacy threat is not the same thing as it being a long-term threat to humanity. apple has rolled out so many different apps across devices. it has rolled out different privacy features that you and i are used to. how many times have you clicked? ask app not to track me. yeah, they have privacy measures in place and the other thing to note, jim, apple works with millions of developers anytime you re downloading an app in an app store, that s a third party developer that apple allows on its platform, there are plenty of sun security measures in place to make sure that it s safe. yeah. and we already have ai in our phones anyway. i mean, i was looking at instagram recently and i noticed, okay, there s an ai function on instagram, so it s there, it s happening part of the promisee, the privacy issue to jim is consumers have to be aware of what they re sharing. apple is going to protect your data from openai that s part of their promise here. but it s on you not to share anything that you think is so sensitive that you wouldn t want it to potentially be breached. they don t put your credit card information in chatgpt? yeah. and openai as deals with both microsoft and apple i mean, open ai seems to be kind of cornering the market here what are the implications there? so microsoft is a huge backer of openai. they own 49% of it. and that means that openai will be the primary company that gets access to all of its products, like linkedin et cetera. openai is also taking the lead on striking deals with a bunch of ip holders. think about news publishers, et cetera. they are competing against google and a few other companies. but really openai has become the most recognizable name because they re consumer-facing app chatgpt is so popular. and there s been a lot of talk at well, apple needs to make the iphone sexy again, it needs to make a cool again, it s sort of become like an appendage we re all used to having the iphone weathers does ai do this? does it get in the neighborhood of doing that, making the iphone more interesting? it helps. i mean, if you think about it in the us, jim, the vast majority of people use apple ios devices, but abroad that s not the case. so what they need to do is make sure that their phone is the best smartphone out there on the market so that they can expand their dominance globally. and then the other thing is apple is making more and more money off of services. so like payments that you get from itunes or from buying extra cloud storage or average pricing, because hardware sales have leveled off. and so if they re investing in ai, they re hoping you re going to spend more time with the app. they can eventually serve you more ads and all of their different functions. and they can up charge you that way. the thing with apple is and, you know, i figured this out. this is why i saw the iphone bove is because i got the screen protector, i got the case. i don t break it anymore. so they i m not getting new iphones every six months like i used to, but that might be affecting things. i want to work on that make them more breakable? yes. exactly. but this is how they re going to hook you, right? if they can get you to buy and transact more on the old phone that you have that s money for them alright. very good. sara fisher. thanks very much. i ll go back to my trying to figure out facebook with my reading glasses on here. all right. no, just kidding. sarah. thanks a lot. thank you. wnba star caitlin clark left. you heard about i m i m actually i might go off a little bit in this next segment. it s getting late. ep told me we can say anything during this hour. this may happen in the next segment, she was left off the us roster for the paris olympics. my next guest says it s one of the worst decisions she has seen and 40 years of covering the games. i agree. and we ll talk about those in just a few moments all right? this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team and the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts follow. cnn artificial intelligence it s transforming agriculture, advancing life-saving healthcare, and strengthening small businesses this game changing technology is supporting every sector of american because economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. are leaders in congress need to stand up for innovation and protect america s competitive edge. this is a futurama go daddy arrow creates a logo website, even social posts and minix ai hey, i like it was the gum, see the view, get your business online in minutes with godaddy arrow. find a great deal for your ideal hotel opened your vargo typing where you wanna go, select your check-in and check-out dates. search compare prices for the same hotel and save up to $30.09 hotel trivago nothing dems my light like a migraine with nortech ott. i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent all-in-one to those with migraine. i see you. review acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults don t take if allergic to in our technology team, allergic reactions can occur even days after using most common side effects are nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time. we all talk to a health care provider that nortech ott from pfizer work play link relief work play blinking really, the only three and one extended release formula for dry eyes like i consumer cellular, we pride ourselves on giving you fast, reliable, nationwide coverage and up to half the cost and the leading carriers, but don t worry, we ve got more than that going for us. new customers who buy any phone get two months of service. freeman who signed up by july 31st, color go online to switch today. lumen is the first fluoride free to paste. i ve ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth, my gums and teeth are so healthy, it s crazy you can get luminoso, toothpaste at walmart and target. one second. she can t walk. then she can one second. you re single. and then you don t want to be one second. it s a pipe dream. and the next it s a dream come true one second. you ll save. and then we solve away well we sti a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! go to deal and see how much you can save the cnn presidential debates. june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max closed captioning is brought to you by ucar, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora? hi, having utis for ten years. you, cora, we make uti relief products we also make proactive urinary tract health product. you cora is a lyptsi tried today at your core and just 46 days. look at this, right? you re looking live at paris 5:52 a.m. the sun just breaking their behind the eiffel tower beautiful morning. there in paris, the eyes of the sports world will shine on the city of lights for the 2024 summer olympics in paris but one name will noticeably be absent from the roster. wnba rookie sensation caitlin clark instead, a dozen veterans will take the floor as team usa goes for its eight straight when pick gold medal reports indicate clark could be an alternate of a for now, she has been lofted a left off the team. her reaction to the situation, humility. take a listen honestly, no disappointment. i think it just gives you something, something to work for you know, that s a dream, you know, hopefully one day i can be there and i think it s just a little more motivation you remember that and you know, hopefully in four years when four years comes back around, i can be there but her omission or snub depending on how you see it has ignited debate in the sports world this is about what i will, i will personally label the idiocy of team usa women s basketball. how did you make this decision? it s stupid. stephen smith there, even the x account of the republican house judiciary committee posted quote, caitlin clark should be on the olympic team cnn sports analyst in usa today columnist christine brennan broke this news over the weekend. it was a blockbuster. she joins me now, christine, great reporting as always okay. i was saying before the break and i was told by the i believe i was told by the executive producer i m i show that i could on this show that i can give my opinion on this and i m going to give my opinion this stinks. yeah, this sucks. i m sorry. but caitlin clark should be on this team and i m sorry if i m just no way you re aside here, but i am jim. you re not alone. there are millions of people who agree with you. caitlin clark is one of the most popular, if not the most popular athlete in the country, male or female? well, any sport. and this was an opportunity for usa basketball to really grow the women s game. and i can speak as someone who s been to ten summer olympics going all the way back to 1984 when i started in kindergarten. and i ve covered women s basketball at every olympics and what you see in the press tribune at the gold medal game for the us women s basketball team, tumble weeds. most female sports writers they don t want anything to do with the women s basketball team. they want to cover the men or people are covering other events. you bring caitlin clark to paris and the eyeballs of the entire world are on her. the media coverage you re going to have reporters from all over wanted to come and see this american sensation, even if she only played four or 56 minutes again. and all the other players would have gotten publicity in the process. the headlines that they so richly deserve. why was she left off the team? i m still reporting that i ve talked to people. here s what we ve seen in the wnba so far. it s been a chilly reception for caitlin clark with some of the other players might that have something to do with it? could, it could. i reported i have two sources actually now a third who confirmed for me that part of the conversation in the calculation of whether to put her on the team or not? was and this shock the living daylights out of me, jim, was that there was concern that if you put her on the team and she only gets a few minutes of playing time her millions of fans back in the united states and radio shows and whatever would create controversy about. now, i laughed when i first heard that i thought that cannot be something that s being you say can we say bs can i say? what can i say it at this hour? how about say enough, we should be able to say that is how about that? i m sorry. they re not going to ask you to fill in for laurie again. that is like seventh grade going on fourth-grade. okay. the reason why she is so special and we all saw this when she was out there on on the on the court. she can he that three-point shot from so i mean, it s just unbelievable. washington du and the passes that having you and i ve talked about this, what she does on the court is remarkable. it s the high-wire act at the circus. watch or bring the ball down, the logo 3s rebounding may be more important, but you ve got five or six people down there throwing elbows and i m a tall woman. i was the one under the basket. yeah. but for the uninitiated fan, people who are just coming to basketball, which is by the way, millions and millions of people to watch her they don t necessarily know that, but they can keep their eye on her. the singular figure down the court heaving that three, the beautiful passes and it s just great fun to watch it. as i said, it is that kind of trapeze act. and that s the entertainment value that the wnba and usa basketball, i m not so sure that that they re thinking about but the team and about who s been there before. and you don t want to miss this up. the cohesin lock around it all of a once in a lifetime for women s sports, growing the game. think of the number. there are also other great players. well, that would get the attention. fabulous players that they have never gotten that as i was saying earlier, how about the 20 to us? i say jersey. how many would have been sold in africa, in europe, and asia the money that could have been made for youth development programs for getting more girls in the game women s sports needed this desperately and it s just a huge missed opportunity and christine, the other thing that i wanted to say about this one, i saw caitlin clark s the comments, the way she handled this class act handily perfectly, which i have to think is probably irritating the living daylights or whoever is mad at her right now. jim scene is taking this out on her, is 22 22,000,000,040 the weight of the world dawn staley said it took the microphone at the women s final game and said, you ve been shouldering the burden for our league women s sports. we have never seen anyone quite like this. i mean, going back probably the billie jean king, she s bigger than the 1999 and women s world cup. and the big winner in all this at the end of the day, caitlin clark yeah, she s handling it. the sympathy, the support that she has. but again, just think of what could have been in paris and the thing that i worry about and maybe you can tell me because you know this better than i would know. i have started to worry about caitlin clark a little bit that we re going to get into one of these situations where we see these athletes and there s just so much piled on top of them because of the spotlight, because of the pressure, it can cause problems. and we ve seen this, we ve talked about sport, mental health of athletes from naomi osaka to michael phelps, and on it goes caitlin clark has a confidence about her that is very much in keeping with someone born in 2000 to getting full blast title nine she is also so comfortable in insider skin, so composed. i met her for the first time on friday. interviewed are for the first time and i was even more impressed and i had been from watching from far. do you think there s any chances were running out of time that they reversed this decision. i i think we should predict i won t put words in your i think they re going to reverse this decision. well, they re announcing it tomorrow and i don t think they ll do it then she would be an alternate and there could be injuries. in fact, one of the guards is injured, right now and that could be tuition. to keep an eye on because you re right. there s such an outcry and i don t think usa basketball i know for a fact, having interviewed these people, they had no idea the national outrage that they were going to unleash. there s outrage, and that is i can tell.

Name , Steph-curry , Shooting , Caitlin-clark , Stars , Nba , Three , Person , News , Phenomenon , Sky , Eyewear

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240611

thank you for watching, while we were just talking about this summer s o olympics it is also worth noting that just minutes from now we will officially be two years out from the fifa world cup which will take place here in the u.s. after 30 years and you re in luck. get your count down clock started now. and on that note i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks at nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. i ll see you at the end of tomorrow. thank you for joining us this hour. really happy to have you here. we have an interesting show for you tonight. i m particularly glad you re here for us. we re going to start a ways back as we sometimes do. when allied soldiers came ashore on the coast of france on the beaches of normandy for the d day invasion. they opened up new western front against the nazis in europe. and that of course was a shock to the germans right. this, the operation overlore, the d day invasion it relied on the element of surprise. and the germans really were shocked. they had been occupying france for four years at that point. they had installed a collaborationist regime that they fashioned from nazi forces inside france. the collaborationists and the nazis together were ruling france and they had been for years. there was a french resistance to the nazis but the nazis and their puppets were definitely in charge. they were actually heading into year five of being in charge. they were really settled in in france. and then here comes this shock arrival. this invasion, hundreds of thousands ultimately millions of ally troops landing on the beaches and the cliffs or the northwest of france and they are clearly planning to take it all back. the d day invasion, the allied invasion started on june 6th. now on this date, on june 10th, 1944 just four days into the d day invasion, the germans were reacting. they had been of course shocked by the initial invasion. but a few days into it they now realize the scale of what they were up against and they had started scrambling their units from all over france. turning all the available german troops in france toward the northwest of that country to try to stop the allied advance. and that included a nazi assess panser division that had been in the south of france down by toulousse. that division was ordered to essentially traverse south of the country and toward the beaches of normandy. and on their way north through france toward the new allied front lines the new western front, this panser division stopped in a village called orador, pronazi french collaborators had told them. they told this panser unit that the french resistance was active many this town and told them that the french resistance had killed a nazi officer. and in response that panser unit that yes they were on the way to go join the new western fronts and the battle for the whole war, right. to try to shore up the german lines against the big allied invasion but they decided that on the way they would stop and destroy that village and everyone in it. they rounded up every woman, and child in that village. they even rounded up people who did not live in the village but who were near by or had the misfortune of passing through the village when the nazi unit made this decision. that nazi unit killed every human being in orador or everyone they could find. they killed 643 civilians a vast majority of them women and children. they used machine guns and they burned them alive. they looted the entire village and then they tore down the village as best they could, they razed it. orador. this is what it looks like today. still in ruins. the french decided after the war they would never rebuild. they would leave the ruins, preserve them as they were left at the end of the war as a memorial to what the nazis did. and we have these photos of what orador looks like today. literally today because this morning the president of france and the president of germany visited the ruins at orador to commemorate what they called the martyrdom. now this is not the first time that french president emmanuel macron has visited orador. 10 days before he was first elected president he went there. he visited the village, just before he was elected president. he visited in the company of the man who was then the last living survivor of that massacre. i said the nazis killed everyone in the village. at least everyone they could find. the nazis kill over 600 civilians that day but there were about half a dozen people from the village who against all odds in a miracle managed to survive. the last one of the survivors was in his 90s when he brought emmanuel macron to orador. that last survivor has since died. but today macron went back to the site to orador to show this place to germany s president. now, in 1944 about six month, after orador happened, the germans were still hanging on. but thanks in large part to the d day invasion they knew by the end of 1944 that they were losing. they were losing to soviet forces in the east for sure. they were also simultaneously losing to the allied forces coming in from the west. once the allies opened that new western front with the d day invasion, they started pressing their advantage against the nazis ever where. they re not only liberating france. they re pressing toward germany itself. hitler knows they cannot sustain the losses they re taking on both the eastern and western fronts. so about six months app after d day. hitler decides he s going to form a huge counter offensive against the allies. the allies are closing in on germany s own borders. when hitler musters hundreds of thousands of men to mount a counter offensive against them in the forests of belgium, it absolutely is a surprise to the allies. nobody thought germany still had them in them. a lot of people thought that the war would be done by christmas that year. where did the germans muster 4,000, 5,000 men to counter this offensive but they did. that began a 6 week battle, that would become the biggest counter of the war. as far as that brutal war of that battle. that was the battle of the bulge. that battle also came with its own astonishing and unforgettable atrocity. it was another panser unit much like the one in orador. they ended up in the very outset of that surprise german counter offensive. they ended up ambushing a bunch of americans. the result was they took custody of a large group of american prisoners of war. unarmed american pows. and these pows they again they had surrendered, they had no weapons. the nazis lined up those americans on a field. they are pows, they had surrendered, had no weapons. but the nazis just massacred them on that field. and just like in orador is the fact that there were somehow miraculously some survivors. there were some american gis who had also been lined up on that field who nevertheless lived. americans gi who played dead, who hid under the dead bodies of their comrades. who managed in the end to drag themselves into the woods to get away. and what happened to them? you will not believe me when i tell you this but it would not be long before a sitting united states senator would vehemently object to them giving testimony of what they saw, to what happened to their platoon men. the other pows who were massacred by the nazis. a sitting u.s. senator tried to block those veterans from testifying. he said the american people shouldn t hear it. he said it would be inflammatory, it would inflame the americans against those nazis who killed the american pows. i find it absolutely insane to think about but this became a very strange thing in american domestic politics. i mean, there were unrepenitent left over nazis. they were trying to make americans the real bad guys. when you think about unrepenitent nazis who just lost the war. the thing that you wouldn t believe is that they enlisted a lot of americans to help them in that project. including taking a stand against the american soldiers who survived that pow massacre and demanding that the nazis who did it should be set free. this became a cause seleb in the right wing at the time. it helped launch the national career, the rocket ship ascendants of arguably the most radical figure in the last 80 years before donald trump. while he was swimming in these very dark waters. darker than seems possible in mainstream american politics he would go on to lead a movement of millions of followers who were increasingly radicalized by his increasingly radical rhetoric and tactics over time. his fellow republicans were both repelled by him, horrified by him. while they also wanted in on some of the massive political energy and fanatical devotion that he attracted. they thought very seriously about putting him forward for the presidency. and the reaction among close observers of him and his tactics looked so much like what you are seeing in the american press today about the fear of a second trump term you wouldn t believe it isn t just a straight up rerun. in his time the people who stood up against him, mostly got mowed down in politics by the strength of his fanatical following. that happened for a very long time. until eventually ultimately it stopped happening and the forces against him prevailed. and i m telling you this for two reasons. number one, this is the thing that i have been working on for the past year. my podcast rachel maddow presents ultra is out today. you can get it any where you get podcasts. if you don t usually listen to podcast you don t know how to do that. if you open your phone right now, open the camera, you click on the little box that pops up on your phone, it will bring you right there so you can listen to it. you can listen to it for free. it s free to listen to. there are eight episodes of this all together. episode one is out today. i hope you will want to listen. i ve been working very hard on it. i m very proud of it but i just, i hope you like it. i hope you will check it out. so that s one of the reasons i m telling you this story. i have been working on this story. i had been working in general on stories about other times in our american history that we have dealt with really terrible threats to the country. where we have confronted really radical people with really radical refine who get into political power and attract large followings. this has happened to us before. the reason i ve been working on this for the last couple of years including this new one that launches today, for me, i feel like i really need to learn this stuff and fast. for me there is a real urgency to learn these stories now. from when we have contended with terrible challenges before. particularly what we re talking about powerful americans, advocating for athoriatism. when it s about selling lies to the american public. and half is mortified by that but the other half of the public are super energized by it. they not only believe these lies they kind of become the new reason for them to live. the public gets gets like that, into earth one and earth two. and that place takes radicalizing them and it takes over their lives. we are living through a moment like that right now with what is ascendant at the american life. but we ve lived through this before. i feel i m racing to learn these stories about american who is have fought these kinds of fights before us for the simple reason that i feel like, i need their ideas about how to fight it. we need their ideas about how to fight these things. we need to see what worked and what didn t when americans faced threats like this before. and it doesn t mean that fighting them always works. sometimes they get away with a lot of this stuff and sometimes people take on incredible risk and danger to themselves. sometimes people risk their lives or give up their lives to fight these things but knowing the track records of americans who have stood up against these kinds of dark and authoritarian forces. knowing who else has tried it and what happened to them is helpful to us calibrating our available responses now and knowing what to expect when we confront these dark movements. so that is why i ve been working on this. and that is why that story is on my mind. tonight. but it is also what s on the news right now. i mean one of the remarkable things about seeing the french president with the german president at the ruins of orador today in france is they took that tour of the ruins of that village today. that preserved memorial to what fascism did in europe. they took that tour this morning. just one day after the german far right and the french far right won shockingly large proportions of the vote in the european elections that were held yesterday. in both of those countries the parties that did so well have ties not only to the old fascist parties of world war ii era germany and france but they both have tied to putin and russia. when president biden was in france, he and president macron agreed on a new plan to seize russian assets in the g7 countries and use those seized russian assets to provide more support to ukraine as ukraine continues to struggle against the russian invasion of that country. president biden is just back from france for these d day commemoration ceremonies. he heads back to europe the day after tomorrow to go to the g7 summit. among other things presumably to try to rally the other g7 nations to support this new plan. to support ukraine as much as possible including this new plan that he and macron have just agreed to involving seizing russian assets to help ukraine even more. and you know, in the american aperture here what s going on here in our politics while president biden is trying to you know rally the free world trying to strengthen our alliances as much as possible to lead collective international will, against a rogue dictatorship that has invaded one big european country already and has its sights set on more. here at home, literally while president biden and other american leaders were headed off to europe for the 80th anniversary of d day, while they were heading off to europe for that, what was happening in the american congress? a fifth of the republicans in congress just voted that we should leave our allies all together. that we should break up the big western alliance. that we should defund nato. and i think nobody really paid attention to this vote because this legislation was put forward by a very fringe member of congress. a member of congress who is known for her publicity stunts and she is therefor, i am eager, she is easy to ignore. but it wasn t just her. 47 republicans voted for this thing. a fifth of the republicans in congress last week voted to defund nato. don t just forget being the leader of the free world forget the whole idea of there being a free world at all. they saved that for the anniversary of d day. 46 republicans voting to defund nato. and as radical as that may seem, particularly when you think about where nato came from and why. the wing of the republican party that is pushing for this stuff, i mean on its face it seems unlikely that they would have such sway. right every few days we get a new mug shot of one of their leading lights because so many of them have been charged with crimes. today, it was their presidential candidates personal lawyer. who has had his law license suspended, who is under indictment rudy giuliani s mug shot just released today after he was arraigned in arizona. you can put it up on the wall with all the other maga republican mug shots we have accrued in the past year. their presidential candidate is a convicted felon. today he had to meet with his probation officer. people in his rallies not only fly t-shirts and fly flags that have his mug shot on them. they started carrying signs and wear shirts that say they are proudly voting for the convicted felon. at a rally this weekend, their presidential candidate described members of the mob of his supporters who physically attacked congress an injured dozens of police officers he described them in a speech this weekend as quote warriors. his warriors. people who took part in that mob attack on congress. his warriors. while a few days ago, two police officers who were both badly injured fighting hand to hand with that mob to defend congress, to defend the u.s. capital, those two police officers were jeered and booed by the republicans. they jeered them, turned their backs on them and walked out. these are two officers who were injured in that fight. they were literally injured defending our congress. but the republicans who jeered at them and turned their backs on them and walked out they want the attackers freed and they don t want to hear what these survivors of the attack had to say. they don t want to hear from the survivors and the witnesses they want the attackers set free. we are going through some weird stuff right now. but we have gone through weird stuff before. and i do think that we can learn from it and that we urgently need to. that s why i ve been working on all these projects. that s why i have this new podcast out and i hope you listen to it. it wasn t from the recent past, when we got donald trump in the white house in the first place. you may remember what proceeded. our shock presidential election result in 2016 was proceeded that year by some shocking and surprisingly right wing election results in europe. including the brexit vote which happened just months app months after trump s presidential win. was it right to see right wing election results in europe as a harbinger of what was happening to us in 2016. as biden has back to back trips to europe. he just got back to europe. he heads back to europe again on wednesday. do the election results from europe right now, this weekend have hallmarks that tell us anything about what to expect here and about how weird this is all going to get? president biden clearly sees our connections to europe right now as absolutely key to the future of the world. just what s going on in the european politics right now tell us anything to expect about the future of our world here? joining us now is ben rhodes. he s cohost of the pod save the world podcast. ben it s really great to see you. thanks for making time to be here tonight. good to see you. first, let me just ask you, for some of our viewers who may not have paid close attention to what was happening in the european elections this weekend. let me ask you two questions about them. do you think they are important for us to pay attention to, and can you give us a rough characterization of what happened in those elections? sure, these are elections for the european parliament. so the european union wide parliament. it s the only election that takes place every few years in which all of europe votes. so it s a good barometer of where opinion is in europe. i think the two headlines are, the far right made noticeable gains in the two largest countries in europe. france and germany. and france the national front party which is the far right party that used to be on the fringes of french politics, emerged as by far the largest vote getter in this election and just build on, what you were saying, rachel, this is a party that is far right they got a $10 million loan from russia in the last decade. this is reality. and in germany, the afd party which has ties that go back to the neonazi germany. they got 15% of the vote. not a huge total but very alarming given the source here. i want to be clear in other parts of europe, the center did hold. but the two most important countries france and germany we saw these far right gains. do you think that it s right to look back at 2016 to see some of what was going on in europe as a harbinger for the shocking election result we got in 2016 when trump won. do you think these election results should be read as a harbinger of what s coming down the pipeline for us this year? i absolutely do, rachel. the commonality about the brixit vote and the trump election was that it was a lot, it was a surprise. people did not think that brexit was going to win that campaign and they campaigned on a right wing populous message. the slogan was take back control. and they ran against globalists and liberal elites and against immigration and was very trumpy in its message. it kind of forshadowed what we ended up taling with in the fall. the warning in this election and you asked me a question to talk about my book a few years ago about far right parties and their commonalities around the world. you asked me what lesson should we learn. i always think about that. the lesson i take from this is there are incumbent parties in europe and france that have defended the status quo. emmanuel macron has been a defendant of the liberal union. people are not listening to that message right now. you cannot defeat these parties. these populous by beating the status quo. that s hard for the united states. but you have to tap into people s disfraction with globalization. dissatisfaction with inequality. that things are slipping out of control. it s not enough to say, we re the responsible adults you have to get down and have a message for how things are going change. i think that s the warning sign joe biden should hear. not enough to run on status quo. not enough to defend even things we think are very important. you have to meet people where they are and people are frustrated. ben rhodes former deputy national security advisor to president obama. ben, thank you for making the time. i feel like, when we need to like widen the lens a lot and look at america in the world, you re almost always one of the first people i think about on these things. thank you for being here. i can t wait for you to check out the podcast too, it sounds great. i appreciate it. thank you. we have much more ahead here tonight, please stay with us. that s why he 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against forming the basis for this sprawling damming criminal indictment. the other story of georgia since that election is all the work that protrump republicans have done to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. to make sure nobody can ever again get in the way of trump seizing georgia s 16 electoral votes no matter what the votes say. the most obvious thing georgia republicans have done is used every tool at their disposal to derail willis prosecution of trump. in the latest, two republicans judges have placed the trial on pause. guaranteeing they will not go forward on trump before the election. that s only the start. in georgia s most populous country, one republican elections board member last month refused to certify the primary results there. because you know, elections are scary. with the help of lawyers from a protrump think tank she has now filed a lawsuit seeking the power to block the certification of elections which would of course throw november s results in georgia into chaos. which is presumably the point. meanwhile just north of fulton county republicans recently started agitating to take over an elections board in cherokee county. now the board there like other countries in georgia, has always been evenly split between democrats and republicans. but republicans are no longer okay with that they wanted a full scale republican take over. when that was blocked they came up with an ingenious new plan. they decided they would replace one of the democratic commissioners who had been nominated by the local republican party with their own choice. their own choice for a democrat. a new guy that none of the local democrats have never heard of. but don t worry, the republicans who run cherokee county swear this guy they picked is definitely a democrat. the atlanta general constitution reported that the republican cherokee county commission chairman quote assured the board the new board member is a democrat even if the local democratic party is unfamiliar with him. i assure you, he s definitely on your team. i know you ve never met him, and i picked him but trust me. pinky promise. at the state elections board in texas, republicans there just started writing a new rule that would allow county elections board to conduct a reasonable inquiry before they certify any election results. so instead of signing off on election results as county election boards are now requiring to do by law they would be empowered instead to investigate those results as they see fit. the general constitution notes that quote the proposed rule doesn t say what a reasonable inquiry would entail before certifying an election. yeah why would you specify that. you want every election denying boards member in georgia just making it up as they go along calling their own behavior reasonable. while the presidential election potentially hangs in the balance. speaking of that state elections board, one of its republican members was ousted last month one of its republican members was ousted after trump reportedly spent months calling georgia republicans insisting that that election board member had to go. because that person was not backing trump s lies about the 2020 election. and so of course the guy had to go. trump s personal involvement in remaking the georgia state elections board, is just one of the revelations in new reporting from rolling stone. their new piece is headlined georgia is our laboratory. inside trump s plan to rig 2024. it details how trump s allies are working to make sure there will not be a straightforward election result in georgia this year. given georgia s status. what is happening there, what is happening to stop what is happening there. one of the reporters on that rolling stones piece joins us here next. stay with us. this soil will blow you away. it s the martha stewart of soil. when i was diagnosed with h-i-v, i didn t know who i would be. but here i am. being me. keep being you. and ask your healthcare 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problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. the ultimate authority is the voter. the secretary of state was reelected by the voters of the state by a larger margin than any other, excuse me. order, order. by a larger margin than any other statewide office. the voters. order, order. have demonstrated their faith and therefor i do not believe that at present we have the authority to oversee or investigate the secretary of state. when georgia s board of elections the lone democrat on that elections vote spoke out against doing this unprecedented investigation of rathenburger. she was loudly shouted down? in a new article titled georgia is our laboratory. inside trump s plan to rig 2024, rolling stone says this, they have been shaping electoral processes to his benefit. maga die-hards are intimidating officials and ousting election officials who haven t been initiated into the cult of trump. georgia is the sole battleground state where the republican party has total control over power. have wielded that advantage in a crusade to convert, discredited election conspiracy theories into policies. well ahead of election day 2024. it s an alarmingly experiment that trump planned and much of the republican party hope to take national. joinening joining us now is donald rolsing. thank you for joining us. thank you for having me. so what are the steps trump has taken to take the electoral of georgia. one of the most disturbing one. who an attorney, a republican attorney they are planning to challenge the electoral results regardless of the result. we think of, the threat to elections from trump s behavior in to 2020 as only occurring in the event that trump loses. at the current state polling, trump is ahead in polling. if you believe the polling. but what they told us is that quote, you can t let the left get away with this cheating just because it didn t succeed you know air qualities around cheating. and the plan is to, challenge the results regardless of the outcome. the intent behind that is essentially a permanent delitimazation. heads you win, heads i lose. one of the things people should be paying close attention to is that refusal to certify in the fulton county board of elections in the presidential primary: because one of the things that s very, very notable about that is that the attorneys who filed that lawsuit work for america first policies institute. which is a very trumpy organization filled with former trump folks. and what you see in those type of processes is the legal january 6th in miniature. you re taking someone who is you know, acting beyond their brief and trying to essentially insert themselves into the counting and you know assessment of vote tallies. adam, is this actually a fight in georgia? you note, i think importantly that georgia is a place where republicans control all of the levers of power. we just played a the sound of the state elections board getting shouted down when she objected to what they were trying to do in terms of targeting rafensburger. is this fight joined where there s push back against what they re doing. or are they essentially running the table by changing processes to their own benefit. they definitely have quite a built in advantage. and i think that s why georgia, you know relative to other battleground states is particularly interesting because it is more so than perhaps any other state a fight for the sole republican party es especially when it comes to their sole. yeah in fact, kemp which was in the way of trump. kemp signed procedural jim crow of the 20th century. even folk who is have proven themselves to be obstacle to some of the most overt processes of it sometimes just go along to get along. it definitely does have an advantage and they are running the table in certain ways but you see folks like ed lyndsey who s resignation letter we obtained in the story. people like that you still do have these kind of principal republicans who are willing to stand up for what they believe in. as you see ed had resigned from a great deal of pressure from not just president trump but the grass roots of the party who believe in a lot of election conspiracy theories. the bare fact that a presidential candidate is personally lobbying to remove individual state election boards members ought to be on the front page of every paper in the country. it s been reported by at rolling stone. adam, you were saying by line, georgia is our laboratory. great to have you back. thank you for having me, rachel. all right, we ll be right barack. stay with us. all right, sir, we ll be right back, stay with us. ects, including ketoacidosisects, that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga are your gutters clogged? cleaning them can be dangerous, mucky, yuck. get leaffilter. it s as easy as one, two, three. call or click today. get your free gutter inspection on your schedule and get 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you re convicted of felonies is if you ve been associating with anyone who has a criminal record. that s worth noting because if he is ultimately sentenced to probation next month, while he s on probation he will not be allowed to associate with anyone with a criminal record and for a lot of people that wouldn t be a big deal but for him that s a big deal. that particular restriction eats away at a lot of his social circle. so maybe that was all distracting him. i don t know. he maybe had a lot, i don t know. whatever the reason, he decided to venture into new territory in his campaign speech yesterday, with less than 5 months out he decided what the landlocked citizens of las vegas needed to hear about from him in order to be persuaded to vote for him was his fear of boats. heavy boats. boats with batteries near sharks. you know nevada sharks. i know you have heard that this happen happened. i know you may have scrolled past it. have you actually watched it like uncut, straight through, just watched it unfold. it is very much worth watching. it s astonishing. my favorite part is the people you can see at the rally behind him who are really trying to follow along but who clearly have no earthly idea what uncle ramblestander is on about. just watch this. what would happen if the boat sank from the sway and you re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now under water and there s a shark that s approximately 10 yards over there. by the way a lot of shark attacks lately. did you notice that. a lot of sharks. i watched a guy justifying them. they really weren t that angry. they bit off the young lady s leg because they weren t hungry but they misunder who misunderstood who she was. there s nothing wrong with sharks. so there s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards, or here, do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or to i jump over by the shark. because he didn t phroep know the answer. he said, nobody has asked me that question. i said you know i think there s a lot of electric current going through that water. i ll take the electricution every single time. so we re going end that. we re going to end it for boats. vote accordingly. to show him he s #1. etsy has it. 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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240611

that will do it for us tonight. i told you that tonight would be a show and have. now it s time for the last word with lawrence o donnell. i listened to episode one of the new podcast today. i got to ask you a favor. okay. did you stop doing this thing where you reveal really dramatic interesting stories about united states senators i ve never heard of? because one of the angles on me getting a paycheck out of this place is i pretend that i m like the senate expert because i worked there for a while. this is not helpful, rachel. i spend the day listening to you telling me that a senator i ve never heard of, and, by the way, the single most dramatic thing that has ever occurred in the building where i used to work at i did not know it happened until today listening to you, and it s not supposed to be like that. i will start doing podcasts that are about state legislatures in states you never been to. rachel, i am filled with questions and possible spoiler questions that you are free to deflect, could you possibly join me after i get a little work done here about trump s probation to talk about the podcast because there are so many things i want to see if you can answer, and then, of course, there might be things you don t want to answer. i would love that. i look forward to answering your questions and dodging them? getting your slippers while i chat with andrew weissmann and we will do that. thank you. today was a routine workday for america s probation officers. one of those probation officers had the least routine workday of that probation officers life today when that probation officer new york city became the first probation officer in history to interview a former president of the united states. his first probation interview today is a standard and necessary part of determining what sentence donald trump should receive after a manhattan jury found him guilty of 34 felony charges of falsifying business records with the criminal intent of violating new york election lot in the 2016 presidential election. the probation department will use his responses today to determine what sentence the probation department will recommend for defendant trump at his sentencing hearing on july 11th. in another demonstration of donald trump getting extra favorable treatment, while he is complaining of being persecuted, judge juan merchan allowed his criminal defense lawyer to attend his first probation meeting and the probation department allowed it to take place virtually with donald trump in florida. a special treatment for trump did not go unnoticed by the legal aid society, the bronx defenders, new york county defender services and neighborhood defender services. they issued a joint statement saying all people convicted of crimes should be allowed counsel in their probation interview not just billionaires. this is another example of the two-tiered system of justice. presentencing interviews with probation officers influence sentencing, and public defenders are deprived of joining their clients for these meetings. the option of joining these interviews virtually is typically not extended to the people we represent either. to ensure integrity and fairness, we call on nyc department of probation to ensure that all new yorkers, regardless of income, status, or class, receive the same presentencing opportunities. nbc news is reporting that the interview lasted less than 30 minutes and that trump s probation officer is a woman. cnn is reporting that the commissioner for new york city department of probation was present along with the general counsel for the department. joining our discussion is the former commissioner of new york city s department of probation. thank you for joining us tonight. first of all, we want to get a sense of how unusual this was. we already have a sense that it was a bit unusual. as to the presence of counsel and it being remote you have these people representing other defendants saying that is never available to us. that is correct. it is highly unusual. i think it is appropriate to make some accommodation and recognize the fact that when trump shows up he will be accompanied by the secret service, he will be accompanied by the press, and his presence may be disruptive. the idea of doing the interview remotely does not troubled me that much. i think it is somewhat appropriate. and certainly during covid probation made use of these kind promote interviews. i think you can make arguments both ways. the presence of counsel is highly unusual and the presence of the commissioner is something i ve never heard of in 40 years in this business. can you think of a reason for doing it? would you have done it. would you join that meeting? no. i cannot think of a reason to do it. i think it skews the interview. i think too many people in the room is distracting and disruptive and not conducive to candor. i definitely would not have done that and i don t think it should be done in this case. 30 minutes is the report we are getting. what you make of that? it sounds abbreviated to me. usually these things take at least one hour. the content of what this interview is supposed to cover and what this report is supposed to address is spelled out very explicitly in state regulations, and it goes on in some link that covers a wide array of issues. i don t believe they could be addressed in a half hour unless mr. trump just refused to discuss all of them, which is his right to do. there is reporting that he did cooperate and answer all the questions. i m not sure whether that is completely true. assuming that, what you think the most important things aren t that they should have obtained in this discussion? i think that the judge certainly knows this defendant. he does not need to know much more. i think the important question to be addressed here was aggravating or mitigating circumstances. this was an opportunity for the defendant to set forth mitigating circumstances and for the probation officer, on behalf of the people, to set forth aggravating circumstances. but most importantly of all is the question of if this individual is not sent to prison but is granted probation , is this an individual who is likely to accept the terms of that probation and the supervision of a probation officer. and what would the terms of probation be and what would that supervision be like? all i can speak to is the typical case, and obviously, this is not a typical case. typically, a probationer would be expected to report to the probation office periodically. certainly no less than monthly at first. and to keep the probation officer apprised of his or her comings and goings, certainly not to engage in illegal activities and not to associate with individuals engaged in illegal activities. and not to misuse drugs or alcohol. to fulfill his or her financial obligations both to his or her defend dependence or any fines or restitution that has been ordered. what about associating with people who have been convicted of crimes? many people around donald trump have been convicted of crimes. historically this has been discouraged by probation agencies around the country. it has been liberalized somewhat recently, but i think it is something that the probation officer appropriately would discuss with the individual to determine whether the association is occurring for a good reason or not. martin horn, thank you very much for sharing your expertise. you are welcome. this evening in florida, trump s favorite federal judge denied his request to dismiss the federal criminal case against him for violations of the espionage act and illegal possession of classified documents. the judge said that the prosecution documents are permitted by law, raise evidentiary challenges not appropriate for disposition at this juncture, and/or do not require dismissal even if technically deficient, so long as the jury is instructed appropriately and presented with adequate verdict forms as to each of defendant s alleged conduct. the judge did grant the request to strike a paragraph of the indictment about his alleged meeting with a representative of his political action committee believed to be his campaign advisor, susie wiles, at his golf club in new jersey in 2021. it says that trump showed that person a classified map at that time. judge cannon said because showing that map is not one of the charged crimes in the indictment, it is not appropriate to include it in the indictment. in the ongoing scandal that is the united states supreme court, now there are tapes thanks to warren windsor. lauren windsor is an activist known to approach important republican people attending to be an ally and making flattering comments and secretly recording the responses. she is a dues paying member of the supreme court historical society, which has corrupted itself into an organization that allows right-wing supreme court influencers to comfortably influence right- wing supreme court justices at the annual dinner of that organization. last year at the supreme court historical society annual dinner, lauren windsor made recordings of her chats with supreme court justices that even she found so uninteresting she did not publish them. this year was different. she got samuel alito to agree on tape to returning the country to a place of godliness. as a catholic and as someone who really cherishes my faith, i just don t i don t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end. i think it s a matter of, light, winning. i think you re probably right. on one side or the other, one side or the other is going to win. i don t know. i mean, there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully. but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. so it s not like you re going to split the difference. that s what i m saying. it s just i think that the solution really is like winning the moral argument. like people in this country who believe in god have got to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. i agree with you. and by contrast, chief justice roberts responded very differently. but you don t think there s a role for the court in guiding us toward a more moral path? no. i think the role for the court is deciding the case is. if i start would you want me to be in charge of guiding morals? i believe that the founders were godly, like were christians, and i think that we live in a christian nation and that are supreme court should be guiding us in that path. i don t know if that s true. i don t know that we live in a christian nation. i had jewish and muslim friends that would say maybe not and it s not our job to do that. it is our job to decide the cases as best we can. and since justice alito made his wife a public figure by blaming her publicly for flying flags supportive of the january 6th insurrection, you might expect her to have little to say to strangers about flags. and you would be wrong. why do you think they are coming after you? i mean like, the whole appeal to have have been flag the other thing is they believe rush limbaugh coined the term when he was not just the center of right-wing media, he was the only real national right-wing media. fox news was not invented yet so samuel alito s wife is quoting material from rush limbaugh that is over 30 years old that s how long she has apparently been listening and taking direction from the likes of rush limbaugh. you know what i want? i want a sacred heart of jesus flag because i have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month. and he s like, oh please don t put up a flag. but when you are free of this nonsense, i m putting it up and i m going to send the message every day. maybe every week i ll be changing the flags. i made a flag in my head. it s white and has yellow and orange flames around it and in the middle is the word shame in italian. joining us now is andrew weissmann. he is co-author of the best- selling book, the trump indictments. andrew, this is quite an interesting window of sound into the thinking of justice alito and chief justice roberts. well, it could not be more striking from both of them of where the country is and we are hearing from a man who is a principal architect for the reversal, after 50 years, of roe v. wade. his thinking is in that decision is just as weak as his thinking that was shown in the letter he submitted trying to justify the flag incidents. and you have this dichotomy because you have the chief justice saying, what is the correct thing to say. we are on the eve of getting a decision on presidential immunity. it is a real lot on this country and the judicial system and i hate to be so direct that you have justice alito and justice thomas sitting on those decisions. that is not the way the country is supposed to be operated and not the way the court should be operating. their conduct as reflected on these tapes but their conduct in many ways without these tapes is something that is besmirching an important branch of government in this country that we are entitled to count on and it s hard to have faith in the system when you have that kind of conduct in these tape recordings coming out. we also have in these tapes, something very close to proving that justice alito lied publicly about the flags and the reason for the flags being up because the person he s blaming saying she wants these flags because of the other ones people have including the pride flag that somehow is oppressive to her. absolutely. there is nothing in there that i did it just in response. and even that story, the timing of that story did not make any sense in terms of what it was supposed to be in response to. as referred with respect to the police report and the neighbor across the way. so what is just amazing to me is there is zero accountability of the supreme court. and that is where chief justice roberts, as much as he might be a good man personally and he obviously said the right things. you don t really get credit for that because that is what is expected, but that is where he is to blame in part for not taking stronger action and there are a number of things he can do that would put more pressure on two justices who are not upholding their oath of office and away that helps this country at large, whatever side you re on. if you saw this from a liberal justice, we would be just as outraged and, of course, you would hear just as much, but it s not appropriate behavior. you know, andrew, i will speak for me. i spent most of my life finding inconceivable that we would be doing a story about a supreme court justice lying. and lying about something important that affects the integrity of the course own decisions. and i am now realizing in retrospect that the reason it was inconceivable was the supreme court justices themselves who we grew up with who could not possibly step in these things the way that samuel alito has or that clarence thomas has but especially justice alito with the flags and his wife making these comments to stranger about the flags that have become something far beyond controversial. the flags that they are flying that shared the spirit of the january 6th insurrection, all of that completely inconceivable not because of any ethics enforcement body but because, who was actually serving on the supreme court, whether we agreed with them or not during most of our lifetimes. i just want to point out one other aspect of what he was hurt on tape saying is that this is a christian nation and should be brought more to be a christian nation. and is a jewish american, that is not what our country is about. there is an establishment clause that s is supposed to separate the religious beliefs, which everyone is entitled to their own, but it s not established by the government. and that principal is very much under attack right now. with at least five if not six justices. hearing that from justice alito s mouth basically rips off any sort of pretense as to what is going on and it really tells you very much how dishonest the dobbs decision was that reversed roe v. wade. the idea that we are just sending it back to the states. that is not what is going on. this is part of a religious fervor and you have justice alito saying it out loud and whether you like the idea of the tape recordings happening in the way they were done is neither here nor there because there was nothing that prevented him from responding the way that justice roberts responded, which was correct. and it reveals the profound depths of the stupidity of samuel alito. andrew weissmann, thank you very much for joining us tonight. you are welcome. coming up, our next guest needs either a long introduction or no introduction. i will decide which one during the commercial break. rachel maddow joins us next. this soil 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( ) craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. with 30 grams of protein. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. wyoming in the 1940s. horizons, promise, also pigeons. lots and lots of pigeons. there was a serious infestation of pigeons. that s roger mcdaniel, a wyoming historian and author. he served in both houses of the wyoming state legislature, and the pigeon infestation he s talking about was that his old workplace at the wyoming state capital. that is the start of season 2 of the podcast in which rachel once again introduces us to a u.s. senator i ve never heard of. lester hunt is the man who climbed out on the window ledges at the state capitol to drop poison to kill the pigeons. lester hunt, when he did this, was the newly elected governor of the state of wyoming. it gives me pleasure to introduce you at this time, the honorable lester hunt. he set his sights on the u.s. senate, and he won that race too. our distinguished guest this evening is the honorable lester c hunt. the most popular politician in his state, lester hunt, newly elected u.s. senator, he heads to washington to do what he has always done, to advocate for his constituents for the people of wyoming. and to do some good for the rest of the country through service in the u.s. senate. he is as poised as anyone could be for success in that job, but things are about to change him radically. what he is about to encounter in washington will cost him his life. he will not live to see the end of even one term as a u.s. senator. joining us now is rachel maddow. you can get the first episode anywhere you listen to podcasts. and you can subscribe to msnbc. him and get every episode. rachel, i cannot take it. listen. we have 10 minutes. tell me the rest of it right now. i cannot wait for the next episode. well, i mean, and then there is us. it becomes the america that we know. i will not tell you the whole story. thank you for letting me come to show and talk about it. lester hunt is i mean, he stopped completely forgotten figure, but things went so badly for him very quickly after he got to washington that what i was trying to do in episode one was create the sense of the lost possibility. he really did lose his life to the scandal that i am working on in this podcast. it is a huge loss for the country because he did have a bright future ahead of him and everything else in his life leading up to that moment was not anything to go by. and i think i ve become good at resurrecting old villains who we forgotten about from history, but lester hunt is one of the good guys that we need to remember his legacy and the loss of him to something that went wrong with extremism in american politics and it is something we should regret and remember and commemorate. he s a democrat getting elected in republican wyoming. a difficult thing to do and impressive no matter when you hear that. he s like the jon tester of his time in that situation. but apparently, very naove when he gets to washington in such a way and i m speaking beyond what i know. but clearly he gets eaten up by washington and this is the drama about more than him. so what happens with him, and you will get there very quickly in the next few episodes, is that he s confronted in the senate with the first major thing he does in the senate. there is another senator in the opposite party who is his opposite and this other senator gets involved in a propaganda campaign . a foreign influence operation, which is an outrageous, like, dirty, false conspiracy theory tale designed to hurt united states. and lester hunt realizes what the other senator is doing. he s repulsed by it, and they come to loggerheads in the senate over this thing that the other senator is trying to advance. part of the reason i wanted to do this story is that while this is happening and while they are becoming mortal enemies in the senate, they lived next door to one another and their backyards backup to each other s houses. and while they have decided they are out to destroy each other, they can see how each other are living. and it only ratchets up the repulsion that lester hunt has and he decides on to take the political risk and i have to stand up against a monster like this and he does. and it is for the good of the country and it costs him his life. what he is fighting for and the reason he s fighting against that foreign influence operation in washington and the lowdown depth that some people will go to for political gain is an inspiration to me, even though it cost him his life. the first season talks about the poll that fascism had in the united states. the attraction it had for some people, how far they were willing to go to advance the cause of fascism here, and this and that is pre-world war ii and into world war ii. and this takes us to a period after world war ii. those people, most of them disappeared and one of the things we talked a lot about was that it became a forgotten story. the great sedition trial and the americans that worked with a asian they were defeated one way or another. and that means that we forgot their stories. and it means we forgot their stories pretty quickly. when they were let go and didn t get prosecuted for it and in the case of members of congress, none of them were prosecuted at all. their story was mostly forgotten and those of them that stayed in public life kept being the same kind of people they were before. for example, one of the characters in season 2 is someone who was part of the silver shirts and was writing for and in season 2 he ends up being the subject of an international years long manhunt by the u.s. government as, they believe him not just to be an american fascist, but a traitor and a nuclear terrorist. so this stuff gets worse. and he ends up involved with the republican senator who is a sitting senator in the u.s. senate. so when you let these folks get away with things, it is important that you please keep tabs on them to see where else they re going to turn up because it is never good. how many episodes, rachel? there are eight. and those of us who want 16 or 24, what do we do so you tell stories in your show that are similar to this and they tend to be 20 to 25 minutes. each podcast episode is significantly longer than that. what is the difference for you, as a storyteller, in the way you approach the podcast as opposed to the way you approach the show? a very good question. the podcast is basically it s a little book. it s a tv show. if you put all the episode legs together it s something that i want to hold your attention for about 4 to 5 hours. so in order to hold your attention for that time, it has to be well told. we use a lot of archival audio and historical audio and the wyoming audio archives to get the sound of lester hunt s voice was an incredible odyssey and superfund. but this is a single story arc that cannot be told in the course of the tv show. you have to stick with it. but by the time you get to the end, you should ve learned a new thing about american history and be propelled along the way by the dramatic interest in it so it sticks. i want these stories to be memorable. i m interested in these stories because i think they should be well known and we should all remember lester hunt and we should remember there was an internationally wanted american fascist fugitive who was involved with the republican senate at the onset of the cold war. we should understand what happens when the great sedition trial of the united states and with all of those people getting away and those seditionist movements getting away without ever being criminally held criminally accountable for what they ve been charged with. i want those stories to be vernacular and be a part of the way we think about our history as americans in dealing with a really strong anti-democratic challenges. we have a strong anti- democratic challenge right now, so we should know what are the options for how to respond to it and what has worked well in the past and what has not. the key to this great drama is, even if you don t care about democracy, and i don t understand you if you don t, if you don t care about democracy, this is still great drama with great characters just perfectly told by america s friendliest boys to tell you scary things. the good news is these scary things are kind of over, except there are threads of them that are still with us now. an alternative name for ultra you could ve considered, but stuff that lawrence o donnell does not know. that could be the title. it s hard to squeeze it into that small space. but what did you say? the friendliest boys? i might hit you up for that. thank you. i cannot wait for more episodes. thank you. you can listen to the first episode of the second season everywhere you listen to podcasts. coming up there have only been two presidents in the history of the united states who have issued pardons to members of their family. joe biden has thomas he will not become the third as a jury deliberates a case against hunter biden. that is next with andrew weissmann. to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need. right when they need it. keeping more pets, and families, happy. for the love of moving our clients forward. when did i call leaffilter? for the love of progress. when i saw my gutters overflowing onto my porch. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so, you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again. it s the easiest call you can make. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit limu emu. and doug. 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well, before i get to that, i want to point out that compared to the opening where we talked about justice alito and the concern about the rule of law in this country, this is an example of the criminal trial of the rule of law working where you see the court functioning, even when you re dealing with a former president, or, in this case, the son of a president. there focusing on intent. the proof here is very strong that there was possession of a gun. there is very strong evidence that the addiction that hunter biden had and the issue is, was he aware during the relevant time periods of when he signed the form that said that essentially he was not an addict and did he believe at that point that he was an addict. and at the time that he possessed the gun for that two- week period, did he also believe that he was an addict. there is an intent. making a mistake is not for criminal law. this is a criminal case and they will be focused on that. there is sufficient proof if the jury wants to find it. it is very strong case. but abby lowell is an extremely good defense lawyer and we will see if he pulls a rabbit out of the hat. the big picture for the public is less of what happens and the fact that you have a president of the united states living the rule of law in this country and you have the rule of law working for the president son. andrew weissmann, thank you very much. we will be right back. what causes a curve here? 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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240611

from 1 trillion to 3 trillion in under a year. but video doesn t actually manufacture anything. they outsource that. they design still this is now the second largest corporation on our the planet with all our futures in its manicured hands toward holding this is the most complex highest performance computer the world s ever made. that that s why you have to care now, in the next few years, the competition is going to heat up in this marketplace for making the chips that train ai. but some analysts say that right now nvidia has maybe up to a 95% share of that market is they ve got a huge head-start on their main competitors intel and amd. amd just launched a new chip in video says are going to launch new chip every year that 3 trillion valuation peaceful world column. just said maybe that s an undervaluation medical. all right. thank you very much. nick watt. thanks for joining us. the situation room starts now property now, israeli police have just released video the moment hostages were rescued during a daring and deadly raid inside gaza. i get reaction from the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas-greenfiel d, chief standing by to join us lucidly, just minutes from now. and there s breaking news. the hunter biden case is now in the hands of a delaware jury the historic trial against the president since son potentially nearing an end as the panel waste three felony gun charges plus donald trump is taking the first step toward his sentencing. i m 34 felony convictions. the former president, holding a virtual meeting with a probation official this afternoon, and that interview could be a key factor as judge juan merchan decides on potential punishments for trump welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. i m wolf blitzer, a urine the the situation room let s get straight to our top story tonight. the daring bloody israel kelly raid inside gaza, that operation successfully rescuing four hostages. but exacting a heavy toll on palestinian residents nearby the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas-greenfield, is standing by live will have a lot to discuss, but first, let s get all the latest developments from cnn s paula i hancocks in tel aviv new video from the israeli military shows the rescue of israeli hostages from central gaza. it says hundreds of personnel were involved in this rare daytime operation three hostages locked in an apartment in one multi-story residential building. another held in a flat 650 feet away in a densely populated neighborhood. models of the buildings were built weeks before to train in forces this is how israel s hostage rescue mission looked from the ground airstrikes explosions residents running to find safety. that doesn t have to exist in gaza hostages were flown by helicopter back to israel israel remains with family who had dreamed of this moment for eight months. families you only heard about the mission once their loved ones were safe. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returned to me, but the remaining hostages needed deal to get home safely there is a deal on the table we ask the israeli government to move forward with the deal the doctor who has treated the hostages since they arrived tells me, despite appearing in good condition, all for a malnourished or masses are extremely wasted. is damage to some other systems because of that, he says, they were moved frequently and beaten by their captors it was harsh, harsh experience with a lot of abuse almost every day, every hour both physical, mental, and other types and that is something that is beyond comprehension. dr. pessach also treated some of the hostages released in november and says the psychological damage of these four is significantly worse. all of them had faith but losing that faith. i think is where you get to the breaking point. and i m happy that this guy because i hear but there are others losing the faith in us. and human kinds residents in nuiseirat central gaza are in a state of shock, struggling to deal with the aftermath of saturday, which neighboring countries and the eu s top diplomat have called a massacre i m going to miss out this woman says, most of those trapped under the rubble of women and children. holmes s a filled with displaced people. israel committed a massacre the united nations security council passed a resolution votes this monday on a us proposal for a complete ceasefire in gaza. and the release of all remaining hostages. their work 14 votes in favor, zero against, and just one abstention from russia will follow. hancocks reporting from sylvia. thank you very much, sir. when i was in israel last november, i had a chance to meet with the family of almog meir, jan, one of the hostages just released by the idf i ll mugs a mother. all right. told me about the last time she spoke with their son as the hamas attack was underway. if you re me up and said to me, mom, they are rockets all over. and shooting. i don t know what happened. what is going? hey, non am i doing i ll call you every half an our mom, i love you i m so happy. of course, but i ll mug is home now with his loved one, sadly almost father yossi die just hours before his son s return to israel, authorities found yossi meir unconscious. and they went to notify him of all mugs rescue. he was later declared dead. i want to send my deepest condolences to the mayor family as they grieve yossi is passing and welcome almog home joining me mydata discuss all of this and more of the new united nations and to discuss the du, united nations resolution on a gaza ceasefire and all the other top stories from the region, the us ambassador to the united nations, linda thomas greenfield, ambassador. thank you so much for taking a few moments to join us. as you know, this is the first-time the un security council has officially endorsed they ceasefire plan. why now, after eight months of war we have been working on this for eight months for eight months. we have pushed for efforts to achieve a ceasefire. this resolution brings us the closest to getting that done. then we re ever been. and we thought it was important that the council s speak in a unified voice on that. and the boat today s show that if 14th or nothing with one abstention, that would be russia, president biden says this ceasefire plan is israel s, but prime minister netanyahu hasn t publicly accepted it, neither has hamas president biden has said it s time for this war to end. what will this resolution ambassador do to get both sides? to accept this deal? that s currently on the table i think the resolution is actually the opportunity to pressure hamas to accept the deal. israel has accepted the deal. the president has said that and now all we need is to have hamas, this deal, release hostages that they are required to do in phase one and move forward on an extended ceasefire this is an important effort that was made with the support of the qatari government and the egyptian government working with us on the ground as you said, you say, the israeli government has accepted this deal. that s currently on the table. but does the israeli leader, prime minister netanyahu, need to accept it himself he s avoided that but i can t speak for prime minister netanyahu. i can only speak what the president has conveyed and he has conveyed competence in the israeli acceptance of this. still, what we need dallas hamas to accept the deal, they welcomed the resolution immediately after it was passed. they need to take the next step and accept the deal and start to release hostages. as you know, ambassador this weekend s israeli operation freed four israeli hostages, but came with a steep to, of at least 274 palestinians killed. that according to gaza officials. are you comfortable with that trade-off luck? i can t get into the numbers for me. a singles civilian, innocent civilian killed is way too many. but what we cannot ignore the fact that hamas hides behind civilians they were holding hostages in civilian areas. they are firing at idf from civilian areas. so it is hamas that should be held accountable for any actions that are taken that lead to civilian deaths. they don t care about their palestinian billions. as long as they continue to use civilians as, as cover. but does this level of carnage ambassador risk? isolating israel even more so out there on the world stage. and is the us risky? it s international credibility by letting israel operate in gaza virtually unchecked well, if our international reputation is very strong and we have worked very closely with our israeli allies. they are not operating unchecked. we re engaging with them on a regular basis. du we agree 100%, not always but we re working very, very closely with them. israel has a right to defend itself from a terrorist group whose main purpose in life is to ensure that israel does not exist and all jews are killed. so we have continued to support israel s right to defend itself against these terrorists. ambassador, have there been any conversations inside the biden administration to try to negotiate what s being described as a unilateral deal with hamas to free the remaining american hostages who are still being held but we re trying to get all hostages released every single one we care very much about the american hostages who are being held. but all hostages should be released for hostages released who were actually brought home on saturday is just one small group. all of them could be brought home if this deal gets accepted by hamas ambassador linda thomas-greenfield, thanks so much for joining us and just ahead, there s more breaking news. we re following donald trump just finishing his meeting with a probation official in new york. what we we know about what the former president it was likely asked and how his answers will factor into his sentencing next month. plus a live update from delaware. the jury now deliberating in the federal case against hunter biden, stay with us during the situation henry james is cold calculating, cynical, and needs the money not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secret in spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn before abigail chewable for allergic edge, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wanted to hear foolish game. he s gone, totally gone it s relief just got easier apa quell the trusted number one treatment for allergic, which is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day, do not use in dogs with serious infections may cause worsening of existence let s think parasitic skin infestations are pre-existing cancers and serious infections. new neoplasia is have been observed, do not use an dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for epa called chewable to it ms outdated, dmv has two forms of my id think of all the places that can expose your inference. lifelong monitors millions of data points for identity. if there s a problem, we fix 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vet help call 1807, 10000. do you have an invention idea, but don t know what to do next. collin van help today, they can help you get started with your idea called i ll now 800 100020 the following more breaking news, donald trump has just wrapped up in an interview with the new york probation official, a key step just ahead of his july 11 sentencing hearing our chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller, is here to break it all down for us. john we know, first of all, about this interview. well, this interview was conducted virtually via zoom meeting between the new york city department of probation which is run by a commissioner and has probation investigators their job in this meeting, which was attended by donald trump on the screen and his lawyer, todd blanche, was to gather personal information in background, which is interesting because there isn t an awful lot that is not known about donald trump his life and so on. but to gather the kind of background that they could put in their report that psr pre-sentencing report to the judge? so he can consider their findings about whether donald trump would be a better candidate to be sentenced to jail or prison, or whether he would be a better candidate for probation given his his crime. so they go into things like his personal life has financial background, education, family s situation ration, things like that. but it was a relatively short meetings. cnn s kristen holmes tells us that this meeting lasted not much longer than than half an hour and covered the basic information was uneventful. yeah, very interesting. only half an hour. interesting indeed, john miller, thank you very much. want to get some analysis? it s from our legal experts who are here with me in the situation room. at least adamson is with us former federal prosecutor, at least walk us through what you expect. actually happened during this half-hour meeting yeah. i think it s important to note that this was a psi that was conducted after a jury verdict. so when a defendant pleads guilty, i think you can expect these introduced to take longer because at that point, most defendants, but they ve already accepted responsibility. they re going to show some remorse. they re going to explain why their actions are bad. they re going to use that time as advocacy to tell the judge probation through the judge threw probation, why they should be giving a more lenient sentence. i think it s not unexpected that today s interview was very short because the former president wants to maintain his fifth amendment right. he s going to appeal. he is going to maintain his innocence so i think today it was just simple questions. he was not going to go into the conviction. todd blanche was there with him, so he was just going to talk about his education, his his characteristics, how long he had lived in the state of new york, probably as residency in florida and just very basic background because really that s all he could safely share it s interesting, tim, because todd blanche s attorney was there with them coaching and presumably about this probation interview that was going on, how do you think trump is handling it? what do you think he s trying to do? well, i mean, he s obviously he s not happy about the conviction itself. and so i think that todd is trying to keep him on task of let s just talk about the issues here at hand and is released. just said when i have a case like this where it is a verdict after trial you would tell the probation officer, hey, don t ask him any questions. he s going to invoke his fifth amendment rights. so just stick to the history of biograph biographical information. so i think that the idea of donald trump being interviewed by a probation officer about where did you grow up tell us tell us your parents names and things like that i m sure that he finds it somewhat direct, degrading, but it is the same thing that every criminal defendant in that courthouse go, sir yeah. that s an important point as well. judge. grass. so what do you make of the fact that this interview lasted what, a half an hour? well, i agree with what the other panelists said. we wouldn t really have expected donald trump to go on at length about a sense of accountability and the things he s learned from this type of a situation. i think it was pretty perfunctory i mean, if he wanted, he could have tried without it without admitting anything or accepting liability for the offenses that he s still going to appeal on. he could have tried to maybe couch and in terms of while i don t think i did anything wrong, maybe we could have done things better along the way. some sense of humility or something like that, because the bottom line is this probation officer, is going to be making a recommendation to the judge on sentencing. the probation officer could very well recommend jail or prison time in this case so theoretically, a defendant might try and appear contrite. i doubt that happen here just from what we ve seen being in court every day and the general persona of this defendant. so putting all of that in context a half-hour is not surprising at all at least i didn t think today s interview that trump had with his probation official will impact judge varchar decision on july 11 to announce sentencing. yeah, i don t think it ll have that great of an impact these sentencing recommendations are meant to be persuasive. so i think judge merchan will take it into consideration. but once again, since this wasn t a very fulsome interview, the defendant wasn t sharing a lot of information that the judge will take into account. and then i also understand from new york legal expert tim, that the psr is in new york state are not as robust as they they are in the federal system, in the federal system, the probation officer does their own investigation. they colored their own understanding of the facts, and they use that as the basis of the recommendation. it s my understanding that that s not the same here. so given the relatively short duration of the interview and the fact that judge merchan presided over the entire jury trial and is very aware of the facts and the defendant and its behavior. i think while it might be helpful, i don t think it s going to impact his ultimate decision-making to trump s team is scheduled to submit its sentencing recommendation. is this coming thursday? what do you think they re going to ask where there are clear then asked for some type of a probation in this case. i mean i think that what they would be smart to do is to focus on not just this case, but the history of what donald trump has done in new york city, they should be talking more about what he did for woman skating rink, what he did for revitalizing the area around grand central terminal, all of the things that he did for the decades before politic some of the positive thing exactly, exactly. they should talk about all the positive things that he s done for new york city and say, in light of all these wonderful things that he s literally changed the skyline the line of the city versus these false business records. this is not something that even accepting the facts as the prosecution claims them is something that he should get jail for, especially for class e felony with a cooperating witness who admitted to a class c felony during the trial, where somebody is no criminal history. so i think that they have a very good argument for some type of probation the difficulty is going to be of course, the prosecution is going to point out everything that he s done as far as violating the gag order the statement city made about the judge just minutes after the verdict. it s it s a very unique case. will know on july 11, what the judge decides everyone. thank you very much. just add a live report with hunter biden s fate doubt in the hands of a jury following a dramatic day of closing arguments in the federal trial of the president s hey, mom, how many 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taking up three rows in court today have known the parameters you don t abandon your friends and family in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said, those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that no one is above the law. the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period, adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned or father s car to him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any the evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick, trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand pay no attention to the other one. he accused prosecutors of cherry picking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form. lowell attacks, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018. he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car? and noted hunter was the one who told hallie to file a police report for the missing gun after she threw it out hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case. a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will return to court here in wilmington tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. to resume their deliberations. but it s notable the prosecutors pointed to the first lady and other supporters who are there for hunter and reminded the jury that they don t matter, that suggests that perhaps the justice department is a little worried about that let s show of force for hunter and what it means for their case. but i was in court earlier today and watch the jury. they followed by line by line is the judge went through the instructions but they ll have to follow for this historic decision. wolf paula reid reported for us, paula. thank you very much. let s discuss what s going on with cnn, legal analysts. carrie cordero, and our senior political analyst, gloria borger carry lab. you start with you based on the closing arguments. what do you think are the best strongest points of each sayyed that they made? well, from the defense perspective, the biggest thing that they have going for them is that the prosecution, if it s going to prove its case, is doing so by info in other words, there does not seem to have been at the trial specific evidence of a witness or documents like a video, for example, in actual physical piece of evidence demonstrating that hunter biden was using drugs at the specific time. what there is is there s sort of tangential evidence of circumstances that would lead the jury to infer that he was using at the time. and so that s that s really what the what the defense will point to the prosecution on the other side is going to say, well, look at all these different circumstance dances. those all add up to a conclusion that he was using and therefore, he knowingly falsified the form. well, it was interesting, gloria, in reference to the biden family. yeah. the prosecution said during their closing arguments, they said this, i m quoting people sitting in the gallery are not evidence. you may recognize them from the news, but respect thankfully, none of that matters. what do you make of the optics of the first lady, jill biden and other family members showing up almost on a daily basis. well, i think that the prosecution might be a little concerned that the jury would have a lot of sympathy for somebody with that kind of family support. don t forget a lot of members of the jury have gone through issues in their own lives with drug abuse and you have the first lady flying back from france to come sit at this trial. you have his children, you have his pastor you have friends, family. they took up three rows, i guess and that s something that jerry pays attention to. and so it helps in the portrait of hunter biden as not an evil, a drug addict. it portrays him as somebody deserving of your sympathy and your empathy. and i think that helps him think you re probably right. did you think it was the right move for hunter biden not to testify? he could have testified if he wanted to. his lawyers presumably said don t do it. but what do you think? i think that s right. i m certainly any defendant has the right not to testify. and i think in this case, probably it would have opened the cross-examination would have open him up to delving into so many other areas that are potentially would have been counterproductive. so i think most defendants don t testify on around behalf, and i think in this case, it probably makes sense that he followed the advice of his defense counsel not to, you know, in an odd way though, you did hear from hunter biden because you heard from his book in which he audio books, his audio book. he wrote about this. he wrote about his drug addiction and that was used during the trial against him. but it was used. and so you don t voice you did here, right? and you did here? voice. so he didn t testify. but you did hear him talk about his addiction. you know, it s interesting. the president has vowed to accept the verdict, but is ruled out a pardon for his son very definitively, if he s convicted, though, how s this going to play out politically? you know, it s, it s really hard to say. i m not sure that it plays out that much at all. what congress is worried about. its financial and propriety that may have been committed between joe biden and his son, and they ve presented no evidence for that. if you notice, they ve been a little quiet during this trial. and if a hunter biden is convicted, i think that there will be some sympathy for for joe biden and for the family and all of this. but i m not sure that it plays out in a large political way other than the fact that it will affect joe biden himself. i think sure. it will gloria borger. thank you. carrie cordero. thanks to you as well. coming up. attorneys, preparing sentencing recommendations for donald trump after his meeting with a probation official earlier today, we re taking a closer look. at the options the former president is now facing the assignments are going on and the tornado here. i m thinking, i m going to die. and i thought that was it violin earth with liev schreiber, sunday at now i know on cnn nine out of ten people don t get enough fiber. bennett fiber is the easy, gentle solution for every day. it s plant-based prebiotic fiber nourishes good bacteria in your gut, working with your body to promote digestive health with so many ways to enjoy benefit here is your fiber, your way look in the to find your perfect somewhere. ocd is more than what you see on tv. and in the movies, it comes with unrelenting intrusive images, thoughts, and urges. if you have ocd and need help, you can get better. who specialized treatment go to know to learn more? for me. it was that trouble losing weight and keeping our same discover the power of week-old denom 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comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! 090121. now chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts or this just in to cnn, look at this. officials in arizona have just released rudy giuliani was mug shot. giuliani has pleaded not guilty to charges of allegedly conspiring to overturn the 2020 presidential election in that state. prosecutors accused giuliani and other trump allies of scheming to use fake electors to subvert the election there s more breaking news with donald trump taking a key step towards his july 11 sentencing today, judge juan merchan now is just over a month to determine how he ll punish the former president for his 34 felony convictions. cnn s bryan todd is taking a closer look at all of this for us, brian, what factors is judge merchan weighing as he decides sentencing? he s weighing several factors. wolf, including what trump might have just said at that pre-sentencing interview tonight, we have new information on the many possible forms of punishment the judge more sean could impose on donald trump i just went through a rigged trial in new york now that donald trump has completed his pre-sentencing interview with a probation official, a report on the interview will be sent directly to judge juan merchan, who has a few options for sentencing. trump, the most serious one, prison time, the crimes for which trump s been convicted, falsifying business records could carry sentences of up to four years, each, with a maximum of 20 years. but realistically, it s unlikely that someone convicted of this type of felony in new york with no prior criminal history would see much if any, prison time trump s advanced age experts say would also be a factor in not sending him to prison he turns 78 this week. another sentencing option, probation analysts say, well, that might be a more realistic choice. it would come with a host of inconveniences and indignities for the former president have it be drug tested, having to check in with a probation officer, there could be random visits by probation officers to your home, not with a search warrant, but they can come knock on the door. you need to let them in. home confinement also might be part of a probation sentence for trump, or maybe a restriction on out-of-state travel. if he were going to fly off to another state wisconsin, arizona, he would have to get explicit permission from the probation agency. trump could simply be fine for his convictions or he could do community service where he has to pick up trash on the subways. experts say a conditional discharge could be a sentencing option is a condition of your discharger, your release and you have to abide by those conditions. the court will say, don t get arrested, going, don t get in trouble for the next year or during the pendency of your saenz or for stated period of time. and that s it. you re not checking in? no one s following up with you. there s no probation is no oversight all options, experts say reflective of the striking uniqueness of this situation for the probation department, this is uncharted waters. they have never interviewed someone of this statute before. they know that their work their recommendation is going to weigh heavily in the judgment and decision by judge merchan legal analysts say acceptance of responsibility is often a key factor when a judge considers a sentence. and the fact that donald trump has shown no remorse for the actions he s been convicted of, and has repeatedly publicly attack the judge and witness in this trial could bring him a stiffer sentence. wolf, july 11 is a big day. we ll see what happens on that day, brian. thank you very much coming up back to politics with donald trump out there and the virtual campaign trail today, speaking today to an anti-abortion group but what it s what he didn t say that is making some news you 19th, cnn celebrates junzi with special performances by john legend hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work to do g10, celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn before abigail chewable for allergic edge, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wednesday or foolish game. he s had gone totally gone. it s relief just got easier. apa quell the trusted number one treatment for allergic, which is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day, do not use in dogs with serious infections may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations are pre-existing cancers and series infections, new neoplasia as have been observed, do not use in dogs less than 12 months old, ask your vet for apical chewable to it billy, the kid to try to take over the town what it needs is clean it up they ve appointed a new sheriff, pat garrett means something to you. sure does no use they re really with billy now it s your job to haunt them down the law doesn t take this an end 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former president address a group of christian political activists today we ve done things that nobody thought were possible to have gotten done. you just can t vote democrat. they re against religion there, against your religion in particular, you cannot vote for democrats or let s get some more analysis now from republican strategist. sure. michael singleton and democratic strategists, maria cardona, she s a cnn political commentator what do you think should michael he was speaking to a group that calls for abortion in their words to be eradicated entirely. direct quote eradicated entirely without ever saying the word abortion. yeah, i m familiar with the group. i understand why the former president s spoke before the group. this is obviously a very dicey and touchy topic for republic blinken s. on mature, maria will talk about, we have two years worth of electoral data that showcases, we just don t do well on the issue of reproductive rights with that said, in that clip, you showed a lot of evangelicals. we ll do believe the cultural behavior and customs of behavior in the country are changing particularly as it pertains to their religiosity and the religious views. and they sort of do want someone to be a protector or defender of those views, even if that person is the imperfect individual to do so, how do you think this is going to play with moderate voters out there? certainly that s a group that trump is trying to win over moderate voters, suburban women, for example, how s it going to play? not well at all. will fan this is where i think trump is trying to have it both ways. and while it s no question that christian groups, christian conservative groups, who are completely against abortion are going to support him because he is responsible for overturning roe v. wade and he brags about it every chance he gets, especially in front of these conservative groups. but then suburban women, moderate voters, and frankly, the vast majority of americans who believed that women should have the right to do what they feel is best for their own bodies and their families they don t support this. they think that roe v. wade should not have been overturned they believe that women should have this right. and they are going to continue to punish republicans and donald trump at the ballot box if they continue to push this massive goal of taking away women s rights and freedoms. and that s how the biden campaign s smartly is messaging this whole issue let s just get your thoughts, your mic alone. i have you vice president harris called out congress, republican congressman byron donalds for his controversial comments on jim crow. during an interview with politico. that s first watch what he said. listen to this during jim crow. go back family wants to get during black not just conservative, by who always a pink conservative library more black people voted conservatively vice president harris responded to that by saying this and i m quoting her now. it s sadly at another example of somebody out of florida trying to erase or rewrite our true history i went to florida last july to call out what they were trying to do to replace our history with lies. and apparently there s a never-ending flow of that coming out of that state. what are your thoughts on what he would this congressman were saying? congressman jim crow. the jim crow era. yeah, i ve watched several interviews wolf with the congress and i m going to take him at his word that his intent was not to romanticize the jim crow era. this is a black man i m really going to presume that he s very aware of our history. and in this country, i hope that isn t but, but i do think the point that there are some areas within our community that we as a collective group have to focus more on. i wouldn t disagree with with that should we do some things? a strengthened a family? absolutely. can you do that through the policy realm? i think so, but i do think as you talk about the past, you do have to be careful not to have the appearance that you re romanticized and something that was very horrible for the black community. i have grandparents that are still alive who went through segregation. my grandmother was the first to enter into her high school in new orleans and first-time desegregating the school. and so i think there are people that are still among us who have those very real and raw my experiences. and i would hope that republicans, whether they re black, white, or anyone else for that matter, would be sensitive to the experience of those individuals who are still among us that s interesting on another subject, trump is launching what he s calling a latino americans for trump campaign to reach out to hispanic voters. what do you think? noise when a wolf whole issue of wanting to launch a program called latino americans for trump a couple of days after he brings onstage in arizona sheriff joe are pio, who has the most racist, the most xenophobic v, most anti-immigrant current sheriff, i think ever at least in modern history. and for donald trump to bring him on stage and hug him, and kiss him is he hiring him to be the head of latino americans? for tropics? that s what it looks like. and it is just indicative of how empty and how wrong-headed and misguided donald trump s focuses when he talked it s about latinos in this country and that i think just gives the biden campaign more ammunition to make the contrast between a 34 times convicted felon who is the most racist and the most xenophobic president we ve had ever versus president biden, who has had record job creation in the latino community. record business growth in the latino community, and they have a record with which they can make that contrast and that at the end of the day is going to win joe biden, the latino vote oh, sorry, maria. sure. michael, to both. out of time. thank you very much coming up details on why a meeting at an italian restaurant in new jersey, is taking center stage 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constipation really tries seneca. it works differently than others laxatives, because it s made from the center flat and natural vegetable active ingredient, gentle, dependable seneca also available in delicious gummy he s like minute 30 minutes okay one, remember, i don t want surgery for my duper trends contraction to i don t want to wait for my contract i m sure to get worse. three, i want to treatment with minimal downtime for i want to non-surgical treatment. good boy. and five and if not surgical treatment is an opera i ll get a second opinion let s go take charge of your treatment. if you can t lay your hand flat, visit, find a hand to get started. i m jessica schneider at the federal courthouse in washington and this is cnn we re following the federal bribery trial of democratic senator bob menendez on the stance at a key witness for the prosecution, detailing the alleged scheme to trade favors for influence soon as jason carroll is joining us from outside the courthouse right now, jason update our viewers. in another dramatic day of testimony yeah. more testimony coming from jose uribe. this is the man who s already pleaded guilty to bribery charges. now cooperating with the prosecution and today we ll he gave more details about specific conversations he has. he says he had with senator menendez directly related to bribery. he spoke about one in particular, a dinner in 2019 at il bellagio restaurant in new jersey. he says, i get to ask again for the first time and explain what is worrying me so much. i asked him if anything in his power to stop an investigation. i ll explain about that in a moment. menendez is answer he would look into it. of course, you rebate was worried about these criminal investigations going on in new jersey wolf that could have implicated people that he was close to. so he told jurors what he did was he paid nadine menendez $15,000 so she could buy a brand new mercedes in exchange for the the senators influence. he then talks about another meeting at nadine menendez, his home, where he says he wrote down the names of people who were possibly implicated in this designation, put it on a piece of paper. he said senator menendez folded up the piece of paper, put it in his pocket, then in october of 2019, he says he got a call from senator menendez. he told jurors that he felt as though this situation had been resolved and he choked up. juror he choked up wolf as he was speaking about what had happened saying that this situation had been over, and he felt he was at peace then there was this

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Transcripts For MSNBC Ayman 20240610

on this new hour of diamond, a key member of israel s core cabinet has resigned. what does this departure mean for netanyahu s war on gaza? also, tonight, extremism on the rise, hate group surge across america and why are migrant family still being separated at the u.s. border and being left in limbo. here with is live, let s do it. we began with an important seismic shakeup in the israeli government. benny gantz, one of the three core members of israel s war cabinet and vitamin netanyahu s top clinical rival has resigned. in a press conference today, he said, quote, netanyahu prevents us from moving forward to real victory and accused his far right coalition of prioritizing political considerations over war strategy. last month, gantz gave netanyahu an ultimatum, present a plan for the day after the war in gaza, by june 8th, or else. it was one of the most visible signs of division within the emergency wartime government, a team of political rivals who had until recently projected unity. but netanyahu has not produced a plan for gaza s future beyond rejecting a two state solution and insisting on israel s long- term security oversight over gaza and the west bank. so gantz followed through on his threat to step down, delayed by one day due to the brutal israeli attack to rescue hostages in gaza. today, netanyahu, for a second time, publicly urged gantz to stay, posting on x, quote, israel is in an x essential war on several fronts. benny, this is not the time to abandon a campaign. this is a time to join forces. with gantz s resignation, it will not merely think netanyahu s government but it does mean that he now needs the far right members of his coalition more than ever to stay in power. already, the national security minister highly controversial figure, ben-gvir, one of israel s most radical nationalists and is now demanding a seat in the war cabinet. he is saying he was the power of his party to be given expression and not as it has been until now. gantz was asked today whether his resignation leaves the israeli government without any adults in the room. here is what he said. i was very privileged together with my friends to bring to the cabinet room all the experience we have. i know that the other people, mainly off-balance and they know it should be done hopefully they will stick to what should be done, and it will be okay. this is the biggest shakeup to israel s leadership since october 7, and comes at a critical moment in the war. a comp room hostage deal is on the table right now. the world is waiting for a response from hamas, but it is not clear if israel will also accept the terms outlined by president biden. netanyahu says there are gaps between the proposal biden described and the one he approved, and even ministers like ben-gvir have rejected it. netanyahu will make his case for what he describes as israel s just war when he comes to speak before the u.s. congress. we must ask, will gantz s departure result in real fundamental change for the war in gaza? the problem does not lie singularly with netanyahu but with israel s ideological and institutional approach to the palestinian issue, largely speaking. the policies preventing, for example, palestinian statehood and liberation are deeply entrenched in israeli society and the resignation from one so- called moderate cabinet minister will not necessarily change that. joining me now to discuss this ambassador alan pincus, the formal israeli consul general in new york and chief of staff are four is really foreign ministers and eastern africa studies on the council of foreign relations. he is also the offer of the book, the end of ambition, america s past, present, and future in the middle east. gentlemen, it is great to have both of you with us. ambassador, i will start with you and get your take on this is recognition. does any gantz is recognition change anything about how israel conducts this war in gaza or these talks for a cease- fire and hostage deal? high, good evening. it looks like a drama. it looks like a political earthquake. it is not but it does have the potential to evolve and do something very dramatic if mr. gantz resignation. which is according to most of his critics was related by at least five or six days months. to a large extent, any guest in decision-making and the cabinet was marginal. his ability to affect change in both the prosecution of the war and in developing and crafting a strategy for postwar in gaza was marginal. he essentially became an enabler. i think if you read stephen cook s article on foreign- policy yesterday, even the americans got him wrong in terms of thinking he is some centrist, even left of center. in terms of policy, he is a decent man. there is no malice there. he meant well when he joined the government. it was a time of emergency. effectively, he enabled netanyahu. he is complacent and he is an accomplice to every mistake, every strategic fluid assumption that this government made. now, in terms of how this will affect the war, it doesn t change the fundamental element, the fundamental parameters of what needs to be done. israel still faces a binary choice, except the plan or not except the plan. it sounds bizarre, i m in, netanyahu rejects israel s plan. it is like, you know. 1994. george orwell except that it is netanyahu s 2024. so in that respect, nothing changes as a result of his departure. stephen, there is an interesting element in his press conference, i should say, a fact that came out and that is he is honestly calling for new elections in israel this fall but that was somewhat echoed by chuck schumer here a couple of weeks ago. senate leader chuck schumer, the highest making jewish official american history demanding that netanyahu step aside and calling for early elections, as well. first of all, do you see that happening? what are the chances that the next reiteration of the israeli government does not move further to the right, if you do bring in somebody like ben-gvir or give more power to the more right of netanyahu elements in the government and society. there is pressure coming from the outside for a new elections, and certainly from within, from benny gantz. the other major figure in the opposition. but netanyahu, even with gantz s decision to leave the government has a solid majority in the knesset so he can stick it out as long as he has the support of his partners, the radical right. think of a. this government is likely to move further to the right, as a result. however, it is true, any gantz has played essentially a marginal role. now that you have ben-gvir demanding on a greater say in the war effort, that is likely to move things to the right in ways that are not good for the palestinians, obviously, and the israelis, as well. gantz poss resignation is actually quite puzzling to me and ways. if he is concerned with national security and israel, if he is concerned about the war effort, it strikes me that he would want to remain in the war cabinet and insert himself rather than take himself out and let the country continue its march to the right. and who knows what will happen. ben-gvir and most of us want to resettle the gaza strip. that is an ultimate disaster so it may be that gantz thought he could save himself but fight for another day and improve his political chances. but it leads to a suboptimal outcome for everybody else. what does that mean, stephen, for the united states in the situation? you got the secretary of state, antony blinken now heading to the region for the eighth time since october 7th. they are on the cusp of waking up to an israeli government that is more extreme and, as you just said, potentially calling for the resettling, the full reoccupation of gaza and the displacement, perhaps, of the palestinians. if you do bring in people, or not bring in, but to give people like into mark ben-gvir more power over the conduct of this war and gaza policy. i was perhaps the least optimistic person in washington when it came to a cease-fire anyways. and i am even less optimistic about this. there is no basis for agreement at this point. unfortunately, it seems, after all this terrible bloodshed, that the conflict is not yet ripe for a resolution and secretary of state tony blinken is going to find the same problems that he found on his previous trips. ambassador, your thoughts on what america should do now? as you probably heard my previous hours, spoke to former u.s. army major who resigned saying that america actually does have a lot of leverage over israel. perhaps more so than any other country in the region. he needs to step up and exerted to change course. as a diplomat, former diplomat, i should say. what you think america should do now as it sees this israeli government, and even just consistently moved to the right and to the extreme right with no fundamental change in policy, vis-@-vis the palestinians? in president biden s credit, to president biden s credit. he warned mr. netanyahu, the government was informed that this is an extremist government and then when mr. netanyahu instigated a constitutional coup in january of 23, it was followed by biden not refraining from inviting him to washington, to the white house for nine full months, and then the war rocha, et cetera, et cetera. so yes, the u.s. has all kinds of levers that it can use. it chose, until now, not to use them. and i heard your interview with major, and you made actually, you presented, submitted two premises, and you are right on both. both has letters and chooses not to use them, and, to a large extent, most of its lovers, because mr. netanyahu has been entranced and defiant and is actually seeking confrontation with biden. his plan right now is to try and stall and waste time and wait until america is sucked into its election cycle, full force. around september. and then he hopes that mr. trump will be elected. there is no question and there is no doubt about that. what the u.s. needs to do now is one of two things. it needs to do its basic calculus of how much our american interests being sergeant here. and that pertains to a possible escalation in lebanon and direct feed, rather than what the palestinians or pull out, meaning, you know, say to mr. netanyahu, do what ever the hell you want, but leave us out. which is obviously not a reasonable or realistic option. but what they can do. i know we don t have time. the u.s. can do and has not done until now is for president biden, not anyone else, not secretary of state link in, not national security advisor sullivan. for biden himself, for the president himself to stand out, stand up, and make a speech differentiating, drawing a distinction, a clear distinction between israel and mr. netanyahu and calling mr. netanyahu s bluff, if he believes that is going to be a blow. i don t know. will have to wait and see if the president is watching this, maybe he will heed your advice. ambassador, i noticed very late in israel. thank you so much for staying up for us. i really appreciate it. we appreciate it. we greatly appreciated. stephen cook, great to see you, as well. my friend, congratulations on the book next up, why a man dressed up as an exterminator started a hateful conspiracy theory that is spreading like wildfire ahead of november s election, then later on, caitlin clark left off with team usa. was she snubbed? a treatment ca. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 17 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion, memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. there may be other side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions, including immune system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant, received chest radiation or have a nervous system problem. keytruda is an immunotherapy and is also being studied in hundreds of clinical trials exploring ways to treat even more types of cancer. it s tru. keytruda from merck. see all the types of cancer keytruda is known for at and ask your doctor if keytruda could be right for you. i use febreze fabric refresher everyday. to make my home smell amazing. on my bed. my couch. my jacket or jeans in between washes. even shoes. febreze doesn t cover up odors with scent, but fights them. and freshens! over one thousand uses. febreze fabric refresher. 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first, thanks for having me on. i think it is right on target. what we saw after january 6th, 2021 was a period of time where you know, extremists kind of went into a short period of trying to regroup obviously the arrests and prosecutions had some substantial impacts on that world. but arrests and prosecutions aren t enough, and when you re not dealing with the root causes of the problem, these groups are able to kind of essentially regroup and then re- emerge even stronger. and i think that is exactly what we are seeing and what the southern poverty law center is pointing to. how does conspiracy theories play into the activity and rise of hate groups right now thinking about the harassment we saw play out at a migrant shelter in san diego. what led people to the january 6th insurrection, how is it that these baseless theories are resonating so much with people on the far right driving them to make these both online and real-life threats, even things like pizza gates that we saw several years ago? and menus, conspiracy theories are kind of a defining feature of extremist hate groups. one of the things that they do that is so important for them is that they offer a bridge of sorts and that conspiracy theories can reach a much broader audience. of course, we saw that on january 6th, in terms of the attack on the u.s. capitol. lots of different sorts of folks that ended up showing up by the thousands at the capitol that day. you had the proud boys, you had the three presenters. oath keepers, neo nazis, neo- confederate, a lot of folks that weren t necessarily affiliated with those groups. one thing they had in common is they all believed in this conspiracy theory about the stolen election. and you know, these kind of ideas are really, provide people a special sense that they are aware of things that the average person isn t aware of, and provides them with this kind of special knowledge, secretive knowledge, special insight. it really goes along with the idea, the that extremist groups offer to their adherents, that you re a part of a special population, special culture, special country, special race, special religion that is different and, quite frankly, superior to other groups. when you look at this record number of anti-lgbtq+ and white nationalist groups in 2023, numbering 186 and 165 respectively, why are these groups specifically, in your opinion, growing so significantly as they have grown? has there m.o. shifted and having this kind of hatred towards the lgbtq+ community? that is 18 many hot button issues that these kind of groups are good at identifying and then targeting and really spending a lot of time directing disinformation towards and propaganda and really trying to highlight the supposedly dangerous and risk a so that go along with, from their perspective, these hot button issues. immigration has been one for years, as well. and frankly, right now, they have at their fingertips, some of the most powerful technology in human history, in terms of social media platforms and the problems that you mentioned, the root problems that we are really not addressing, social media platforms, the lack of regulation around those. that will certainly be one of them coupled with national leadership that is helping essentially espouse some of the same ideas using literally, in the case of donald trump, the language of nazi germany to help promote these ideas. so they had these megaphones, whether it is national leaders or social media platforms at their disposal, that really empower them to a substantial extent. do you think that we have the adequate legal tools to take on these organizations x when you think about, as you were just mentioning, the issues of social media. it obviously rubs up against the issue of free speech in this country, that is always a find point when you re trying to go after these groups, he almost kind of have to wait until the free speech becomes actionable and they go out and carry out some kind of attack or potential violence. at which point it violates the law but up until the point of actually doing something about it, it falls, some would argue, under free speech. we have the legal tools the way that we have designated foreign terrorist organizations to go after isis and what have you? do we have enough adequate resources and tools to go after domestic terrorist organizations? i think we do have, i don t think a new statute is the answer, per se. i do think essentially utilizing resources that we have, being more aggressive, understanding that arresting and prosecuting is an important part of it, it is a necessary part of it but it is honestly not the only part of it. and then a civil issue, in terms of talk about the law. i do think that it needs some changes in that realm as it relates to social media platforms and being able to hold them more civilly accountable for the material that they are publishing and, of course, that means congressional changes to section 230. and i do think it is clear that social media platforms are not willing to take the kind of aggressive actions that are necessary to essentially cleanup their platforms. all right, professor pete sent me, it is a pleasure, thank you so much for joining us. i greatly appreciate your insights. thanks for having me. next, families are still being separated at the southern border. and why. and why. the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. ( ) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. while lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. that s wonder made possible. evernorth health services (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin . no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . [sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. last october, a peruvian family was taken into border patrol custody in the san diego area, during the process the parents were separated from their 18-month-old son, then released without him, according to a report from prison. if it wasn t for several military organizations that stepped in to help, that family may have never been reunited. they were able to track the boys whereabouts to a detention center hundreds of miles away, in texas. according to this february reporting from prison, legal advocates have accounted for at least 1000 instances of family separation across san diego county under this tactic known as street release, where migrants in custody are released without resources or shelter. at the start of his presidency, joe biden officially rescinded trumps zero-tolerance policy in the reunification task force that, according to dhs, has reunified 795 children with their parents, as of march. but despite those efforts, families are still being separated under a president who campaigned on a humane approach to immigration and strongly denounced the policies of his predecessor. now despite that, biden has signed an executive order this past week that drastically curtails humanitarian right to seek asylum. joining me now to discuss this, and more, is president and ceo of global refuge and a former policy director on the obama admin, and msnbc contributor who has done a lot of reporting on this and many other issues. it is great to have both of you with us. i will start with you, under a settlement reached in december with the families who were separated under the trump administration, border officials can still separate families in limited circumstances, such as if an adult poses a danger to a child or to national security. that didn t appear to be the case with the family that we just mentioned. to what do you oh these types of policies still taking place today? i think most people would be hearing about this now and still be shocked that this policy is still happening in this country? i think part of what we are seeing is a situation where policy does incentivize family separation. and that is true not just on u.s. soil but at the u.s.- mexico border, as well. when you think about even the new executive order, which exempts unaccompanied children, what that means is that a family that is fleeing for their lives, makes a possible choice of either allowing their children to travel unaccompanied across the border so that they can reach safety, or to remain in mexico obviously, families have experienced assault and far worse. in terms of the specific case that you are describing. i think this is where you know, there still some confusion on how policies are being implemented. we care for unaccompanied children and, obviously, it is horrific to see that even under this administration, we have echoes of what we saw as a real policy under president trump, which was essentially government sanctioned kidnapping. this report the site a difference between the family separations under trump versus biden, under trump federal immigration officials separated small children from their parents, whereas under biden, officials separated different family four nations, mainly parents and their adult children what does this say overall about our immigration system, specifically that these policies are continuing under a democratic president? is that just the result of vague policies and the lack of clarity as to how this should be implement it? or is it because there is something different at play here? i think what you re seeing is a biden administration that is falling into a political trap i do think we have to be very clear when we are talking about zero-tolerance, going back in history, that was such a dark chapter in our history, we had a trump administration that made decisions out of cruelty and made decisions out of the action of dehumanizing others. and here we have a biden administration that is falling into a political trap. over the last four years we have seen this admin that has made promises and that suddenly, it is shifting to the right. as you pointed out, ayman. i want to remember that the very very last week of the 2020 november election, the biden campaign released a video call separated. and in that video, just five days before everyone went out to vote, he specifically highlighted trumps zero policy initiative. he highlighted the cruelty. in here we are, just five months before the election, and as we have been discussing, he has been starting to sound and use language that does sort of remind us of donald trump. and at the end of the day, that is a political trap because the bottom line is, you cannot out trump trump when it comes to immigration and the border. what worked in 2020 was that humanity, as you described, anything that tries to shift to the right of donald trump is a failed political strategy. so to that point, krisher. makes a really good point with this flaming framing of a political trial when it comes to the issue of immigration. i do want to turn to biden s new executive order. any any time the seven day average of a legal border crossings reaches 2500 migrant entering the u.s. between legal ports of entry, with some exceptions, will be banned from claiming asylum and deported talk to me about how this is implemented. several department of homeland security officials responsible for carrying out the actions. on the condition of anonymity to msnbc, there is concern that the tension facilities across centers for migrants could quickly become overcrowded. what are you hearing about this and why? it is such an important question because for organizations like local refuge who work with asylum-seekers, the executive order raises a number of concerns. for one, there are very significant questions about its ultimate legality and enforceability. you know, the trump administration used the same authority to shut down the southern border and that was also really locked by federal courts. also raises some serious locations for asylum seeking families who are trying to seek protection because of these arbitrary numerical limits. i think the final important point is just understand that we know from trump era policies that were hard-line restrictions. they don t actually deter people from crossing the border. so we are perplexed by a policy that isn t going to actually be effective, that is harkening back to the trump administration, and i think it is a result of congressional inaction. but the administration could put in place a system that respects our border, but also respect our humanitarian and legal obligations. back in april, reported on how migrant women are being targeted by cartels as they wait and limbo at the mexican border to hear back about their asylum claims. i remember talking to you about it back then. how do you see biden s new order exacerbating this specific issue? i mean, as all of us know, the desperation isn t in there. what we are seeing is simply a more dangerous situation. what this means on the ground is that more families, their lives will be in the hands of the cartels. they will be held hostage. they will be exposed to sexual violence and sexual assault. many families will be sleeping in tent cities. many families will go hungry. many families will be repatriated to countries that are death sentences. many families will set a suddenly be staring into the united states at this time them, no matter the violence that they are facing, no matter the inhumanity, no matter the cruelty. no matter how many attempts there are by the cartels to end their lives, in this country, or try to make it harder for them to seek asylum. we all know that that desperation will only mean that these families will literally put their lives in the hands of the cartels to find other routes to cross into this country. that is what we are facing. a troubling situation for every one involved. thank you so much for the both of you, greatly appreciated. coming up, far right extremism spreads across israel, sanctioned by one of the country s top government officials. i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well jardiance! it s a little pill with a big story to tell i take once-daily jardiance at each day s start! as time went on it was easy to see i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! it s never a good time for migraine, especially when i m on camera. that s why my go-to is nurtec odt. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. people depend on me. without a migraine, i can be there for them. talk to your doctor about nurtec odt today. what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile s reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. (dog bark) it s just smarter, healthier pet food. it s amazing what real food can do. this week, israeli extremist marched through the streets of jerusalem they were celebrating jerusalem day, which marks the conclusion of the june 19th 1967 war, that is when israel and conquered and occupied the territory including the west bank and east jerusalem. israelis claimed it to be a reunification of jerusalem, despite east jerusalem largely being inhabited by palestinians, and all attempt at a peace accord envisioning jerusalem as a capital for both israel and palestine. while marching through densely popular to palestinian neighborhoods, some of them are tours chanted death to arabs and may your village burn and other racist and violent slogans. the most troubling things were attacks on journalists. these are palestinian journalists, clad in a press pass, being threatened and physically attacked by a mob right wing israelis. he was kicked and pummeled by the mob, had objects thrown at him and sustained a head injury. even more troubling, it was the journalist who was detained by police, who confiscated his equipment after he was attacked. i known right-wing activists contacted the police and claimed that he was a hamas operative. that is all the evidence the police needed to detain him. also reported that the police did not arrest any of the at at attackers. intimidation from the palestinian sections of jerusalem not new. this mart has been and will for decades. we re not just dealing with outlaws or a fringe group this is appearing at the core of israel s power structure. take for example, national security administer, ben-gvir. here that this week s march and visited the complex that palestinians referred to, israelis called the temple mount. israeli journalist called the move a, quote, shattering of the status quo, since the rules about who is allowed where at this compound are extremely delicate. in the far right israeli leader marching through the muslim holy site is typically seen as a provocation of violence. case and point, september 20th, 2000, right wing opposition leader in the and infamously made the same track. a move that helped spark the second palestinian intifada. went on to defeat labor months later, which ended any hopes of an israeli-palestinian peace accord and ushered in years of increased violence. so been here knew exactly what he was doing. when the u.s. government continues to give israel unconditional financial military and diplomatic support and aid, american should know exactly who and what their tax dollars support. more ayman after a quick break. ak. will if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum 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season, the first wnba clash between former college rivals, and now start rookies, angel rees and caitlin clark. the most notable moment came in the third quarter, when chicago sky guard kennedy carter hit checked caitlin clark before the ball is inbound, essentially pushing her to the floor your average fan but what a cheap shot, it is also the kind of hard lay one occasionally sees in pro sports. regardless, the incident sparked hot takes galore across the sports world. with many mostly male commentators calling on league officials to protect caitlin clark. other reactions were plainly inappropriate. espn host called mcafee called her, quote, a white b word. he later apologized. the chicago ran an editorial calling a hip check to sold. the median meltdown is part of what the atlantic dubs the one downside of gender equality in sports, a movement in women s basketball means more commentary from men who don t know what they re talking about. join me now to discuss this is the author of that piece, contributing writer for the l.a., jamel hill. it is great to have you on the show. you know, so much to unpack here. let me start with charles barkley and other male commentators who accused the wnba layers of being jealous of clark s popularity, the carter foul seems to have supercharged that view. what do you think that type of criticism gets wrong about how veterans are treating clark? well, one, thanks for having me on. one, i think a lot of them and who are commenting, they seem to come at the same time, forget about how they competed if they were former players in the way that charles barkley was , forget about how they commentate and frame a lot of the story lines that happen on the men s side, whereas when men challenge each other, when a new rookie comes in and there is some kind of. were, of course, you have want to see how misses person really who they say they are, it is often considered a competitive and natural part of the game. yet, with women, they seem to reduce their level of competitiveness to something that is very triggering, particularly when we are talking about a leak that a 70% black. they go with these code words, petty, jealousy. making it sound like we re talking about a real housewives reunion on bravo. this is not what this is, this is a competitive fire. and naturally, of course, when you are the talent, the generational talent that caitlin clark is, there s going to be a lot when you come to the next level. the women in the wnba are the escalators of the world at their sport. it is a reason why the olympic team has won seven gold medals in a row. it is a reason why they are 70 and three and they haven t lost a game since the 90s. where did the thing is women were coming from? this leak. if they re that good that would me naturally for any rookie, there s going to be a bit of a learning curve where they can understand the physicality and the way the game is played. it is very natural in men s sports when you go from college to the pros, that in college, you can t get away with in the pros. that is what makes it the pros. but the men who commentate seem to forget all of this when it comes to caitlin clark. you bring up an interesting point. i do want to ask you about that. there has been an obvious racial component to some of these debates. carter and angel rees, who were seen cheering after the foul are both black. and people are talking about that and explained that point how does race play into the media s explosive reactions to the story lines? will this is a collocated question, and a complicated answer. so let me go back and sum it up correctly. okay, again, the wnba is 70% black. so the face of the caitlin, they made out to be black. one of the tropes, and many of the tropes about the black women is that there confrontational, aggressive, petty, jealous, all the things. so when those traits are ascribed to women in general, when people want to talk competitively about women. i think, in this case, particularly sticks because you have that object of black versus white. let s be honest, another white player had done, it would not merely have been as inclusive as it was. because you have the dynamic of her and angel rees, a black player and a white layer having a personal rivalry, it becomes racially charged by the optics. i m old enough to remember when johnson, when they were college rivals came over to the pros. a lot of what people talked about then, how their talents are characterized was based off racial perceptions in this country of both of them. i don t know why people think that this wouldn t be alive and well in this rivalry, but it is. and angel rees has bore the brunt of a lot of this because she chose to, you know, sorta be confident about the level of play that she has when they were in college. and listen, i don t agree that she should have been clapping when kennedy carter took her down but at the same time, within the context of a broader rivalry. they took some cheap shots at each other, that s what happened. again, it is interesting how the same things that are celebrated, marketed, and that fans love on one side of the game, a totally different gender, they are suddenly clutching their pearls on the other side. i grew up a little bit in detroit. i know very well what a violent or tough basketball game looks like. but to ask you about something you brought up really quick. we are almost out of time, though. the debate that was parked this weekend about caitlin clark being left off the u.s. olympic rascal team. some describe it as a snub. she is still a rookie, though. she s a two-time nieces mentor winner. has not included the standout rookie before or any rookie is before, what is your reaction and do you agree with calling it a snub? i don t think it is a snub and i honestly wasn t surprised. i thought this months ago. i think she is going to have a pretty hard time making the team. and that is not about her ability. i think eventually caitlin clark, i think this is almost a guarantee. about the transition, she went from playing college ball to play in a professional league within a matter of weeks, when they were holding the child in their camp, she wasn t able to play in any of that. she has some international experience but not a lot. she is at a position where it is a little bit tougher because you are a guard a little bit on the slight side. she is adjusting to the physicality where the international level is more. it is a very successful team there is a lot of people that do not get on this team and work this time around. and so i think if we just take the caitlin clark nests away from it and people will probably better understand the decision. like you said, the women s team is the most dominant team in the sports. it is tough to break into at any level, let alone your rookie year. thank you so much, greatly appreciate having this conversation with you tonight appreciate you. always. that is it for me tonight. thank you for joining us. make sure to catch ayman, follow us on x and instagram. after the break , and encore presentation of prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. until we meet again, have a good night. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. 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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Weekend News 20240610

closer to finding that out. well, collecting sounds as they strip away from other noises and segments, they will put some in the segments and pieces them into those signs each as symbols that are similar to the alphabet. and they found they made different parts. they speak differently too. in the meantime, that s it at 5:00. we ll see you back here at 6:00 for an hour of tonight, the battle for the white house intensifies. president biden visits america s war dead in france, reminding voters of donald trump s presidential past. every marine i know knows about the battle. trump today combative in nevada. nobody loves the military more than me. nobody. nobody respects it. nobody s treated it better. nobody s done as much for the military as i have. it s his first official campaign rally since his historic felony conviction. new cbs polling tonight on the state of the race. also tonight, fury and blood shed in gaza. new details about israel s daring and deadly hostage rescue. reporter: i m chris livesay in tel aviv where israelis hope the hostage rescue is a turning point in the war. spring scorcher. the heat dome expands heading east. we ll have the forecast. plus, why tornado alley is shifting and threatening more people. restaurants rebound. why this could be their biggest sales year ever. and later, double dutching. how a group of women is making this playground pastime new again. this is the cbs weekend news from new york with jericka duncan. good evening and thank you for joining us on this sunday. we begin with breaking news from israel and a major blow to prime minister benjamin netanyahu s hold on power. opposition leader benny gantz announced he was quitting the country s emergency government. gantz, a former general, criticized the lack of a long-term strategy for the war in gaza. his decision follows this weekend s daring and deadly israeli commando mission to rescue four hostages. the shakeup comes as the u.s. pushes for a cease-fire deal with hamas that would free hostages and end the war. cbs s chris livesay is in tel aviv with more on that. chris? reporter: good evening, jericka. new details continue to emerge of that risky rescue operation, an enormous morale boost in israel, a stinging blow to hamas, and more suffering for civilians caught in the middle. israeli commandos storm the residential buildings in gaza where hamas was hiding those four hostages. a deafening hail of gunfire, but on the other side, their first steps of freedom in 245 days as they re ushered on a beach and aboard a ch-53 sea stallion helicopter. once home, almog meir was swarmed by friends at the hospital. his uncle relieved. there was a big party for him. all he wants is a cigarette and friends. reporter: but in a cruel twist, that party was interrupted. in the same hours israeli forces made their daring rescue, meir s father, long suffering from an illness, died, never to see his son again or even know he would soon be saved. today was his funeral. a day of smoldering rubble and horror in gaza. we were sitting on our living room and suddenly we heard strikes targeting our neighborhood, says this resident. i went outside and saw dead people. apartment buildings now flattened where hamas had embedded the hostages among palestinian families. the israeli military says about 100 were killed or wounded, including hamas combatants and civilians, a distinction not drawn by the hamas-run ministry of health, who say the dead and injured number nearly 1,000. like this 4-year-old boy hit in the head with shrapnel, severely brain damaged and fighting for his life. i thought he was dead, cries his father. i had already dug his grave. before saturday, israeli military ops had saved only three hostages, with the latest able to penetrate so deeply behind enemy lines israel hopes hamas will be pressured to finally come to a deal. but so far, jericka, hamas remains defiant. chris livesay tonight in tel aviv. thank you. tonight, president biden returns to the u.s. from his five-day visit to france, but he won t be here for long. on wednesday he heads to italy for the g7 meeting with america s allies. cbs s skyler henry is at the white house with more on what we can expect there. skyler, good evening. reporter: good evening to you. there will be work cut out for the g7 leaders dealing with several of those issues as president biden juggles multiple international challenges and deals with his main political challenger here at home. without naming his predecessor, president biden jabbed at former president donald trump today during a wreath-laying ceremony at a world war i cemetery in france. i think as a measure of a country s support for democratic values that they honor those who have risked their lives and lost their lives. the idea that i come to normandy and not make this short trip here to pay tribute. and it s the same story. think about it. america showed up. reporter: the former president skipped that same cemetery during a trip to france in 2018 and reportedly afterwards called those who were buried there, quote, losers and suckers. this afternoon in las vegas, trump said that never happened. for me to say suckers and losers about people that died in world war i, in front of military people, it s not a possibility you could say a thing like that. reporter: sunday was trump s first official campaign rally during a west coast swing where i saw thunderous crowds since being found guilty in the so-called hush money trial in new york. cbs news confirms he s scheduled to meet via zoom with his probation officer on monday from his mar-a-lago home. likely voters say that guilty verdict pales in comparison to other issues like the economy, inflation and the border. if joe biden truly wanted to sign an executive order to stop the invasion, right now all he needs to do is say i hereby immediately reinstate every single border policy of a gentleman named donald j. trump. reporter: new cbs news polling out sunday shows the likely rematch between biden and trump neck and neck with the former president ahead by 1% nationally and president biden ahead by 1% in the battleground states. as for president biden, he will also make a trip out west for a star-studded event in los angeles next weekend, but not before that g7 trip to italy. jericka? skyler henry, thank you. well, this weekend hundreds of airline passengers had an extremely close call with disaster. it happened at india s mumbai airport. video posted on social media shows one jet landing just as another jet was taking off on the same runway. the country s aviation authority says it is investigating. to ohio now where at least 43 horses were killed in a barn fire in logan county northwest of columbus. firefighters from multiple counties responded. one official said by the time they got there the 60,000-square-foot barn was fully engulfed. tonight, the sprawling heat dome that broke records across the west is on the move. meteorologist andrew kozak of cbs philadelphia joins us with the details. andrew, good evening to you. yeah, jericka, once again excessive heat affecting nearly 20 million people across the desert southwest. up to 112 in arizona. for vegas, inland california, up to 110. it s all due to this area of high pressure, the heat dome that s driven by the jet stream. that s well to the north. that s to start things off. but by the end of the week, it does shift to the east coast, giving perhaps some of the hottest temperatures across areas like new york, down to d.c. and baltimore. switching gears, real quick, 180 down to florida, 6 to 8 inches of flooding rain by the end of the week possible for miami, fort lauderdale, and that s due to this area of high pressure, bringing in that caribbean moisture. we re watching that by the end of the week and watching potentially a heat wave for the east coast as well. remember, if we re hot, the pets are hot, bring them in as well. jericka? good advice, andrew kozak of cbs philadelphia. thanks. now to a concerning number of tornadoes. more than 500 have been spotted in the u.s. since april. and there s new evidence tonight that tornado alley may be expanding beyond the midwest. cbs s dave malkoff shows us why. reporter: april 2nd, 2024, an ef-1 tornado sliced the roof off a funeral home in sunbright, tennessee. noah and lexi hamby were next door, outside. we was probably about right here when it hit us. reporter: he was carrying their 4-year-old. she had their baby in her arms. i mean, it literally swooped me up off my feet with the baby in my hands. he had me by the hood of my jacket and was like choking me. if she wasn t wearing a hoodie, she would be gone. reporter: they were trying to find a basement to take cover in a part of the country that s not used to tornadoes. the most likely place in the world for a tornado is right here in tornado alley. in fact, look at the 1950s. you can see a clear line right through the center of the country. but if you fast forward to the 2010s, tornadoes don t necessarily stay in their alley anymore. dr. timothy coleman wrote a study released in april after researching tornado locations dating back to the 50s. the tornado alley now in the united states in terms of the maximum area for tornadoes is an area from the southeastern u.s., parts of mississippi, alabama, up into tennessee, kentucky and even parts of southern indiana and illinois. reporter: meteorologists have not settled on a definitive reason for this change, but the shift can be dangerous. a lot of that increase in the east has been at night into the winter when people don t expect tornadoes and may not be as ready for them. we really about lost our lives. reporter: as the hambys tried to get to a safe place, they found their neighbor, kevin daniels, just in time. and he grabbed hard, i grabbed him. they both had a baby in their arms. i drug everybody out of here. that s where me and my daughter were. reporter: learning what so many in tornado alley were taught, that seconds count. two seconds slower, me and her would be gone, absolutely. reporter: dave malkoff, cbs news in sunbright, tennessee. well, here s something to chew on. inflation has not stopped americans from eating out. new numbers this month show restaurants are having their biggest year ever. cbs s elise preston is in los angeles tonight to explain how this is even possible, especially with the cost of food. elise? reporter: well, jericka, there s renewed optimism with nearly half of restaurants putting out help wanted signs to help them meet the dining demand. it s chow time at america s eateries. restaurant sales are projected to break records this year, but for many diners inflation is taking a bite out of their budget. going to dinner is one of those dopamine hits that s like, i can t afford it. even if i can t, i m still going to enjoy it. reporter: this appetite for dining out is fueling what s expected to be $1.1 trillion in sales nationwide. a big jump over the $864 billion restaurants made before the pandemic. after years of struggling, restaurants seem to be having a really good year right now. it s been a banner year for restaurants. and ultimately what we re seeing is, many are celebrating in this year of strength, but it s a have and a have not. reporter: still, higher prices for food and labor have forced some restaurants to declare bankruptcy or close locations, including red lobster, applebee s and california-based rubio s. when our minimum wage, it s been the dagger for california restaurants. reporter: 80% of americans now consider fast food a luxury item and they re looking for ways to save by choosing cheaper restaurants or eating at home. if you look at the lower end consumer, that s where you re seeing much more pressure. reporter: also boosting interest in restaurants, social media, from tiktok trends to better takeout and delivery options. jericka? i prefer to eat out, elise, i have to admit. thank you. wnba rookie caitlin clark confirmed today that she is not on the roster for this year s olympic team. in clark s words, she s not disappointed and will be cheering on the squad. of course, she s no doubt helped draw attention and record crowds to the wnba despite her short time in the league. today at the french open, carlos alcaraz battled back to make grand slam history. the 21-year-old phenom from spain defeated alexander zverev. alcaraz is now the youngest man to win major championships on all three surfaces, clay, hard and grass. straight ahead on the cbs weekend news, french connection. the scouts mapping american history in paris. and how the golden age of double dutch is about joy, fitness and tradition. if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you ve had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. ego, the number one rated brand in cordless outdoor power brings you the select cut mower. customize the cut with three interchangeable blades. it cuts for over an hour on a single charge. ego - exclusively at lowe s, ace and ego authorized dealers. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. in 99% of people over 50. and it could strike at any time. think you re not at risk? 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( ) why did i keep missing out on this? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta? do you remember the pain, the worry, the canceled plans? and look at me now. you ll never truly forget migraine but qulipta reduces attacks making zero-migraine days possible. it s the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget you get migraine feeling. don t take if allergic to qulipta. most common side effects are nausea, constipation and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta, the forget-you-get migraine medicine. this weekend france honored president biden with a state visit. the president s five-day trip marked 80 years since the d-day invasion, and it celebrated the alliance between the united states and france. our ed o keefe traveled with the president and discovered the two countries have more in common than you might think. reporter: all along the streets of paris french history is baked into the balconies and boulevards. but if you know where to look, you may also just find some americana. there are hints of it all over the city. you just have to dive a little deeper and then you ll see, oh, that s a connection to so many parts of the states. this particular statue is lafayette and george washington. reporter: these are scouts of america. boy scouts in paris. past members of their troop plotted out a 10.5-mile trail across the french capital, hitting stops of importance to both americans and the french. it s just also a really great way to bond with other scouts and americans out here and, you know, learn history. reporter: we walked a part of the trail that runs through familiar parts of the city. stops on the walking tour include this quarter-sized replica of the statue of liberty which was gifted by france to the united states in the 1880s. and another statue dedicated to our frank o phile founding father, ben franklin. he was sent to france at the start of the american revolution and was key to securing french support for the war back home. we honor him because he has built this massive alliance and holds these two countries together 250 years later. reporter: other landmarks may be harder to spot, at least at first. under signs for the home of a wework just a small plaque marks what was once thomas jefferson s home during his time as america s second envoy to france. you can see the building has changed a little bit. reporter: oh, just a little. still, the plaque reminds us he used to be here. reporter: and their troop leader hopes they learn a greater appreciation for the same history she taught her own now grown son when he was in scouts. we just had mother s day in france and he wrote, mom, you gave me just the right amount of americanism. and i thought that was sweet because i thought, oh, good, my son at least can say he s a bit of an american even if he never actually lived in america. reporter: a cultural connection as we walk a path together as allies. ed o keefe, cbs news, paris. still ahead on the cbs weekend news, a box office comeback for bad boy will smith. i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. jardiance! -it s a little pill with a big story to tell. i take once-daily jardiance at each day s staaart. as time went on it was easy to seeee, i m lowering my a1c! jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. jardiance is really swell the little pill with a big story to tell! hi, i m greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i m not an actor. i m just a regular person. some people say, why should i take prevagen? 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ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. three in the front. you take the six in the back. looks intense. the fourth installment of smith s series with martin lawrence, bad boys: ride or die appears it s what hollywood needed. it took in an estimated $56 million at the box office, the highest grossing r-rated film since oppenheimer last july. well, today we say happy 90th birthday to walt disney s famous fowl. come in! on this day in 1934 donald duck made his first appearance in the cartoon the wise little hen. he has appeared in more than 150 short films, more than any other disney character. take that, mickey mouse. next on the cbs weekend news, double dutch is not just for young girls anymore. be usedh your albuterol asthma rescue inhaler, but it s a bit of a dinosaur, because it only treats your symptoms, not inflammation. treating both symptoms and inflammation with rescue is supported by asthma experts. finally, there s a modern way to treat symptoms and asthma attacks. airsupra is the first ever dual-action rescue inhaler that treats your asthma symptoms and helps prevent attacks. airsupra is the only rescue fda-approved to do both. airsupra is an as-needed rescue inhaler and should not be used as a maintenance treatment for asthma. get medical help right away if your breathing does not improve, continues to worsen, or for serious allergic reactions. using airsupra more than prescribed could be life threatening. serious side effects include heart problems, increased risk of thrush or infections. welcome to the modern age of dual-action asthma rescue. ask your doctor if airsupra is right for you. (hamlet) it s beggin ! smoky beggin . meaty beggin . tasty beggin . beggin !!! oh, i love you, i love you. (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin ! vote for your chance to win free beggin ! on your period, sudden gushes happen. say goodbye gush fears! thanks to always ultra thins. with rapiddry technology. that absorbs two times faster. hellooo clean and comfortable. always. fear no gush. i m a rusty old boat hitch, and i am barely hanging on. ha ha ha. and while we re still miles from the lake, i m gonna launch this boat right here. see ya. [rusty creak sounds] ahoy! [traffic noises] so get allstate, save money on auto insurance and be protected from mayhem. yeah, like me. i won t let my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ) finally tonight, double dutching. it took off in america during the 1940s and 50s. many black girls would jump to songs and chants in the streets with their friends. well, it quickly became a symbol of community. and as i found out, it is still tying together generations today. reporter: mastering the fast-paced footwork between two ropes comes naturally for these women. who have been captivating crowds through double dutch. rockin robin and what might be even more impressive, everyone you see is at least 40 years old. they have over 10,000 active members. we re in germany, israel, canada. reporter: 53-year-old pamela robinson of chicago started the 40-plus double dutch club in 2016. the 40-plus double dutch club. reporter: interest and membership grew after they appeared on a local television station in 2019. so eah, we went from 30 local chicagoland women to over 1,000 women in two days. reporter: the only cost, a $25 t-shirt that proudly displays your name and age. get it, miss shirley. reporter: shirley wilfred is 88. it s a movement on a mission, to promote friendship, fitness, fun and fellowship. the group has grown beyond the ropes with a podcast. we do all of the things we did when we were growing up. reporter: and a documentary, featuring members like 46-year-old shelli edwards. i almost can t see me doing anything else. come on, come on, come on! reporter: and now that i m officially over 40, i was allowed to try. and try. until i finally got it. [ cheers ] reporter: these women 40 and over are bonded by an old pastime, brought back to the future and made new again. [ cheers ] all right, all right! all right, all right, all right! well, that is the cbs weekend news for this sunday. thanks so much for joining us. i m jericka duncan in new york. have a great night. now at 6:00, a fire in a building spreads to a tough one to fight. hit by strong winds, blowing through the strait. a car on fire in the middle of the embarcadero. fireworks in the mission, and the wild side shows that ended without any arrests. and getting paid for your work seems bold, but many aren t getting their full paychecks. our investigation looks into the growing problems of wage theft. the final race day at golden gates fields. what they have if stored for northern california s last remaining horse track. the crisis that became a victim of it as well. the story of the journalist, randy schultz a little later in the newscast. live from the studio in san francisco, i m brian hackney. i m andrea nakano. we start with breaking news out of the east bay, fire crews are battling a fire in pittsburg. this is a live look at the fire as you can see the large plume of smoke near the hills. cal fires says it has grown to 48 acres. the fire br

Segments , Sounds , Some , Noises , Person , Newscaster , Newsreader , News , Television-program , Media , Snapshot , Conversation

Transcripts For MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show 20240610

after 22 witnesses and 16 days of testimony, donald trump has become the first ever american president to be convicted of a crime. this trial will go down in history. but without cameras in the courtroom, americans never got to see the evidence for themselves. they didn t get to see trumps eyes close and his mouth go slack as he sat slumped at the defense table. they didn t get to hear stormy daniels salacious testimony, firsthand. i didn t get to watch the judge clear the courtroom, seemingly in anger, as he butted heads with one particularly truculent witness. instead, americans have to rely on word from the few reporters who were actually in the room, making notes, writing down, committing to memory the things we saw and experienced. things that a transcript cannot capture. take a look. that was something to behold. i could hear gasps all around me . i wasn t sure we are going to get to a place where we had any guilty verdict against donald trump, let alone all 34 counts. donald trump was crying from the oval office. he was writing checks from the white house. this is a professional jury as you can get. and you can never read anything from them. in terms the vibe from the room, you heard about it being kind of a courtroom, it s real. i was in the courtroom, his eyes have been close most of the morning. i can t say what is happening behind those lids. one simple work, guilty, repeated over and over and over. something we have never seen before. , tonight we welcome you to the special msn ec event, prosecuting donald trump a witness to history. over this next hour, andrew weissman and i will lead you through what you missed inside the courtroom. not the line by line details of witness testimony, but with the help of our msnbc colleagues, will tell you what it was really like to sit just behind donald trump as the details of the case spilled over. we will tell you what it felt like in the room when witnesses took the stand just a few feet away from the former president. the unscripted, unpredictable moments when the former president seemed to be nodding off, uttering curse words. what people said to each other in the line for the bathroom after that riveting controversial testimony from stormy daniels. from andrew weissman and best legal minds, we will hear from what they saw inside the court, that the nonlawyers, like the rest of us, might have missed. start things off with our first impressions from inside manhattan courthouse. it is a surreal moment going for the first time. and see a former president of the united states, who is simultaneously the world s greatest con artist. those two things at the same time as a criminal defendant, just spends things in a way that nothing else can. and the weirdness of that alone is your first in the courtroom. in that first hour, it is hard to take in anything other than the weirdness of donald trump. anticipating going into the courtroom, i was actually excited to do it. but first of all, because i feel like a somebody who has written a trump book and has been covering this man from the beginning of his presidential campaign on, this kind of felt like a crescenta moment for him , and for the country. it is the only trial that he is going to face. so it definitely felt like a big moment and something that i really did want to witness for myself. having worked in another investigation, and we could not charge the sitting president and donald trump, that was a department of justice rule. now, in a full-fledged criminal case, it was kind of remarkable. i thought there would be a lot of people there. a lot of pro trump people, in particular. and they really weren t. and then found my nbc pham, around the spot where we do stand up, found all the producers and camera operators and everything and stood in line for a really long time. i will say, the thing that i learned was it is not what you are wearing that makes a difference. it is what you are wearing on your feet, because where you are going to get caught is through the soles of your dress shoes, you idiot, why didn t you wear sneakers? people understand, it is not you just walk up to the courthouse and they whisk you in and it was this easy breezy kind of thing. you line up outside, across the street from center street because they anticipate a number of people showing up. so you have three different lines, it is, flake flying on an airline was actually kind of put you in a different group of people to board. two courtroom that look identical, the only difference being the judge and the jury, et cetera, are in the overflow. the overflow room hold other members of the media and also withhold members of the public. the overflow room has a very large monitor at the front of it that shows directly councils table. so you have the prosecution on one side, the defense on the other. what you very clearly see donald trump. it was like a spa compared to the courtroom. you can go to the restroom whatever you want to. you can, and there is this absence of tension. in the overflow room. that i didn t know i was feeling in the courtroom. until i wasn t in the courtroom. and it is almost like, you know, you re standing in this very difficult window all day. and then the wind stops. it is that kind of very different sensation in what seems to be the same place. the day before senator tommy tuberville of alabama had gone to the trial and said it was the most depressing building he had ever been in, and he scorned on it. and i take that man s statement with a grain of salt. but it was perfectly nice. it was a good, highly functioning municipal building. it kind of struck me how much a certain class of americans are used to very elite spaces, and they are not used to public spaces. in a simple spaces, bureaucratic spaces, you have to spend a lot of time in those kinds of spaces. elite people, people of power and money, they tend to be in grandeur. donald trump in that setting, both when he is walking past you, he walks in and out and you kind of seen for the first time. this was the first time i have seen him in person, he was less than expected the first time i was in the courtroom, donald trump was very surprised to see me because i had been mostly reporters, very few anchor types showing up there. and donald trump has hated me longer than anyone who was going to walk into that courtroom. he was once very fond of stormy daniels and you know, very fond of michael cohen. in 2011, when donald trump started about the presidential birth certificate, i said he was lying about it and i called him on the lie and donald trump had never been called a liar before in his life when he was leaving that day, he just did the stupidest thing you could possibly do, he looked right at me, in this grand way, that everyone in the courtroom could see, and he was trying to do a face that would be tough guy and scary and threatening and full of hate, but he is a terrible actor. and so it came out as just an insanely twisted face that meant nothing but madness. and i loved it. if there were cameras in the court, people all over america in all 50 states would be calling in sick to work in order to stay on and watch this thing. i mean, it is so freaking compelling in person. and the drama of this particular criminal case against trump is both lurid and cogent and full of amazing characters, and has just enough surprise to make every witness kind of a cliffhanger. it s, you can t. i don t know if trump is falling asleep or if he is just resting his eyes, but it is not boring. it is riveting. riveting is the perfect word to describe what it was like inside donald trump s trial. every trial is dramatic, it is why we all get addicted to tv shows like law and order and the wire. this is real life, and it was no exception. but it is one thing to hear the news about it, or if you are a nerd like me, to read the cold transcript. but tonight, we re going to continue to learn from people who were inside the courtroom, day in and day out, waking up at the crack of dawn to wait in line to get one of the few seats available to the public and the press at 100 center street here in manhattan. so tonight i m joined by a very special legal panel, who also spent many hours in the manhattan criminal courthouse, please welcome nbc senior legal correspondence and attorney, laura jarrett, in legal contributor, and former terminal trial attorney, katie fang, and msnbc legal correspondent, law litigator, lisa rubin. they are here with us for the whole hour, along with msnbc hosts giving us their impression from inside the courthouse. lisa, obviously, some of these witnesses got a ton of attention. they may not have been the most important witnesses. but stormy daniels, michael cohen. maybe the most surprising witness, which was the defendants last witness, the last anyone heard from bob castillo s. the big picture, what was your impression of how they did that people might not get from just reading accounts and hearing from us about what was technically said what was the sort of demeanor and tone that people might get i think the most important part about the witness that you can t get from reading the transcript, or sometimes even watching our coverage is the entrance and the exit. because all the witnesses were brought in through a side door to the courtroom, instead of the traditional back door where you walk along the entirety of the gallery, he watched through the center aisle and walked to the witness stand. here, each and every witness, no matter hostile to donald trump or friendly, had to walk by his first row of surrogates on their way into the courtroom. went by corporal security officers and those of them who had counsel, their counsel then load thereafter. in some cases, trump really wanted to have an interaction with the as with rona graff, his former executive assistant and other cases, the body language was as hostile as hostile could be. michael cohen looks like you wanted to vault over the courtroom doors so that he could avoid being even proximate to donald trump. that that entrance and exit was really fascinating to watch. katie, i had a question to you is somebody who spent so many years as a criminal prosecutor. lots of people have talked about how there should have been cameras in the courtroom, at least audio. and let s leave that aside for a moment. how do you think, if there had been cameras, that might have affected witnesses, the lawyers on either side, or even the defendant, donald trump, if this had been televised. i think it would ve increased the intensity of the experience for everyone involved, especially the witnesses. you kind of ask yourself on and off, donald trump himself would have maybe reacted to more visibly than he did. maybe she wouldn t have acted or looked like he was asleep if you knew that there was a camera trained on him. but when it comes to the witnesses themselves, it is important because if they knew, just like we have seen in other trials, that they would be on the witness stand. i think it would ve amplified maybe even performances that we saw from some of the witnesses. i think you are more hyperaware. i also think the jurors would have been aware, even if you never saw their identities, i know that they know it is important, what is at stake. but when you re in a courtroom, it is a small space. people need to understand this is not some huge cavernous federal courtroom. it is a small state courtroom and so people are within very close proximity, within feet of each other. and that is the jury. so if you know also, does not just people in the court that are watching or the overflow room, is america and the world, i think that amplifies the intensity. i was really surprised by how close the witness stand was to the jury box. really close. and actually the witness stand for donald trump was much, much further. so that was something i think you don t get from being there. much more for supersmart legal panel who were inside the courtroom, coming up. first, it is one of the most shocking testimonies of the truck, when stormy daniels took the stand, all while apparently, unbeknownst to us, wearing a bulletproof vest. after the break, our team takes us not only inside the courtroom, but inside the elevators and, wait for it, bathroom lines. where reporters try to process what they had just heard. you re watching prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. many of the journalists in the room are looking at each other think, my gosh, i can t believe that this is happening. i cannot believe this is actually being set on a public state. either way, how am i going to communicate this on television? everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. head & shoulders 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her lawyer says she wore to court. here are some more firsthand accounts from my colleagues from inside the room. when she came in, all of us kind of took a deep breath. no one expected we don t know who the witnesses are until that day. for a reason. right? the prosecution always protects their witnesses. resources we might figure out who witnesses maybe an hour beforehand. that morning, donald trump had posted on truth social that they had just informed of who the witness was and they had prepared and that person shouldn t be able to take the stand. and so the minute he had posted that, and then, by the way deleted it an hour later, we said, it is going to be stormy. i have compared this trial to watching two movies that are made eight years apart. and none of the central characters look the way you remember them in 2016. that is true of michael cohen, for example, as it is stormy daniels. on day one, she came in in a jumpsuit with her hair sort of haphazardly piled up on top of her head, wearing glasses, and not looking at all like the adult film star that we remembered. i have since come to learn, because her lawyer said this on another media outlet, she was wearing a bulletproof vest. and that accounted, i think, for her appearance, as well. she was wearing an outfit that accommodated her wearing a bulletproof vest because she felt that her life was at risk in coming to court and testify against former president trump and the reaction of people in margo world, who are loyal to president trump, i could just tell you this by looking at my twitter feed, reinforced why she felt she was in danger. we know trump reactions to stormy daniels thing, you can see. but there s donald trump, known to millions of people as the orange turned that has to sit there for the first time in his life and listen to himself being called the orange, his defense lawyer thinking that somehow harms stormy daniels. that she flippantly refers to donald trump as the orange turd. there s not a juror there who cares that stormy daniels refers to him as the orange turd. not one, they re not offended by it. these are new yorkers, these are people who have hurt worse in every trip on the subway. so we leave the courtroom, we walk out, there is like a row of bathrooms during breaks. everybody kind of lines up in the bathroom like you would in any kind of public place. we are all online looking at each other, giving eyes to each other. oh my gosh, that really what happened? getting onto the elevator, going down for lunch, did she just accuse the former president of this? did she just say this happened with the former president everybody s kind of mulling over and digesting what it is we all just heard the jurors, i think, have been admirably sort of stonefaced. i know i have seen reports, i didn t see it with my own eyes, but i ve seen reports of some jurors kind of involuntarily reacting to some of the more salacious details i came out, particularly during stormy daniels paths tory., the jury was like stonehenge. like they were very restrained. this is a case about falsifying business records and the defense team made it sound like a 1970s rape case. they went after her about really hard about the fact that she has been in the porn industry for years. you have been in more than 200 porn films, how could you be a damsel in distress in the hotel room? in that moment, look at right at the jurors faces to try to see if i could read anything and get any glimpse of what they were thinking. they were inscrutable. they are maintaining a poker face the whole time. this is the same courtroom that harvey weinstein was tried in. this is a storied courthouse. this is a storied prosecution team. they have done sex crimes before. this was such a momentto have the woman at the center of this case basically told she couldn t have possibly been a comfortable because she had been. she was treated so differently than other witnesses. hope hicks and david pecker, the person at the head of the national enquirer, were devastating witnesses. they are sensitive testimony is so damning for donald trump and their cross-examination was kid gloves. nobody s testimony is in some respects, more devastating than hope hicks, because of her proximity. nobody questioned her credibility but if you take a step back and you separate these women and you forget about the accident of their respective births, hope hicks, for example, coming from very wealthy, greenwich, connecticut. sort of the academy of poise and grace in the trump white house, contrasted with stormy daniels, who had, by contrast, very rough childhood, a mother who abandoned her. all this comes out on her direct examination. but the difference in how they were trusted, i think, is really palpable. sort of a toxic brew of class and misogyny. there was absolutely a judgment about her credibility based on what she did for a living. and then you have to think to yourself, well, wait a second. hope hicks may look the way that she did, but she not only worked for trump once, she worked for trump twice she left the white house in march of 2018, came back to work for the former president, and stayed after he lost the election, despite the fact that she was privately advising him that he had lost in the things that his lawyers and allies were saying about his not losing the election and his winning were fraudulent. she still stayed. i have to question, who lacks credibility now? so fascinating to hear their stories. the legal brains in the room or hyper focused on the defenses strategy to go hard after stormy daniels on cross- examination. but not hope hicks or david pecker. our panel had a front row seat to it all is back. so, katie, from your spot in the courtroom, what do you think of stormy daniels? how did she do from actually seeing her life, as opposed to just reading it cold? she did a spectacular job. stormy daniels s testimony did not come across as rehearsed. whether you liked it or not, because of the sincerity. didn t seem like she rehearsed or practiced her testimony. given, she had prepared and that is the big difference. preparing with lawyers is totally different. but she prepared for that and she did a great job and i think she knew that even though, i call it a detour, not a sideshow but 80 torr of the case took a detour to export what happened between her and donald trump because he had to create the foundation of why the payment was made by michael cohen. how it got to the level of the business records being falsified. but you needed to have that dialogue. and what is really important, everybody likes to say that this is a paper case but is about humanity in some way, right? people s courage, people s involvement with others. extramarital affairs, hush money payments, all that is a very human thing and she brought that humanity to the case. i had the same reaction. i thought, in many ways, she did better on cross, because you got a better sense of her as a person. and she was responding sort of naturally to questions that she didn t know what was coming up and she really got a sense of her and also i thought how smart. exactly. you know, the sort of assumption, as you said, are ones that are sort of, i sort of found myself checking myself saying why am i so surprised? i should not have been. so laura, so one of the more unusual aspects of this case was how it ended with bob castillo being called by the defense. i did not see that coming. lisa always thought they would call him. i thought they wouldn t do it. i am with you. one of the reasons i m with you is that bob castillo, if you remember, was somebody who donald trump said before this case was indicted, that he wanted the grand jurors to hear from you that well, okay, that is a really stupid move because it is never going to stop the grand jury from indicting, you just revealed something to the prosecution. and as a defense lawyer, one of the things you have, sometimes almost the only thing you have is surprised. and so here they sort of, it was flopped out to the prosecution a year ago. so obviously, the call record here does give some flavor to castillo. i don t know if he explains the clearing of the courtroom and how dramatic it was to be in the room with the judge who was so fired up. i thought he was going to throw him behind bars. so bob castillo gets on the stand and right away, he is combative, he is aggressive. he is rolling his eyes, he is muttering audibly. could you hear it? i am in the courtroom, lighting up the chat like, guys, this is going off the rails fast, okay? we had a sense it was going south but i didn t know it was going to go as south as it did. in the overflow, by the way. you are also communicating to your colleagues? we sort of have a bizarre pony express situation now. allow do some electronics not also we can use our phones in the physical courtroom because i think there s a concern that somebody is going to mess up and tape it, even though we had been admonished not to but we can use our laptops. and so we can send messages by email, by slack, by dm but we can t use our phones. so in the chat, we are all sitting color from the courtroom about what we are observing, that tone, about how things are going. i often just focus on the jury is i m very interested in what they re picking up on. right away, the jury is looking at each other like something is about to go down here. so it had been a sleepy morning. everybody was sort of feeling monday, all of its glory. and then bob castillo get on the stand in the afternoon and we are off to the races. so because he was so, i think, contemptuous of the judge and the process and did not like being interrupted this is a federal prosecutor who really felt like he should be respected and he thought susan hoffinger, the prosecutor, was telling him in a way that he didn t like and he didn t like interrupted when she was objecting. most of those objections were sustained. so in the room, the tension is boiling, okay? and finally, the judge sends the jury out. i go oh god, here we go. but then, robert costello is giving it back to the judge, and the judge got so upset he clears the courtroom from the press, which is highly unusual, okay? usually, there s a security situation, that is one thing. this was not that. the judge was fired up and i think he was worried about what he might say and so he clears the courtroom for only a few minutes, we should make that clear. it wasn t long. we all come back in and he is still kind of rolling his eyes for the remainder of the afternoon. there is a period, the period where everyone gets out of the courtroom other than, you have honestly the defense team, on the prosecution table. but then the public and the press are out of the room. not all of them. that is what i was going to say. so it is really interesting because i think as we mentioned, the first two rows, which were sort of friends of, like bride and groom. they are still there. but this is what, all of us have to go through, the cold record. it is chaotic. the media is screaming we have a right to be here. our media lawyers trying to object. the court officers are having none of it. everybody is ushered in. thank you, the judge to make a record of what happened. so in a couple of hours we also the transcript, we know what happened. in the moment, we all were sent out but obviously should not have happened. this legal panel the state put four more of our excellent discussion. but first, you could feel the tension in the courtroom when trump s one-time fixer, michael cohen, took the stand and came face-to-face with his ex-boss for the first time in years. he was like sammy groove on a and he just skillet and can weigh, a long line of under links flipping on their bosses. after the break, our team gives us their first-hand account of what that moment was like. the first moment when trump s lawyer, todd blanche, gets up and asked cohen, did you call me a little crying [ bleep ] or whatever it was, and the judge immediately instructs them to approach as the d.a.s office raises an objection. everyone was talking about that. 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[vroom] [train horn] [buzz] clearing the way, [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong. once the testimony from stormy daniels was over, we didn t have to wait long before the next very dramatic testimony , michael cohen, trumps former fixer and loyal attack dog. now a star witness for the prosecution. and his testimony placed the former president at the center of this alleged criminal scheme. so what was it like in person? what was it like when michael cohen saw his old boss for the first time in years? and what was it like to witness the showdown between cohen and trumps defense lawyers? during what turned out to be just a brutal cross examination ? let s go back inside the courtroom with our msnbc and nbc colleagues. the jury has been waiting for this moment as long as we have. it is highly anticipated. they have come face-to-face before in the civil fraud trial, but this is criminal this is different. and he is the only one who can tie donald trump directly to this crime. he is the linchpin of the prosecutor s case and he has given up the goods. he has put him from trump tower to the oval office in a way that nobody else can. there s a few moments that really stood out. the first moment wins trumps lawyer, todd blanche gets up and asks cohen, did you call me a little crying [ bleep ]? the judge immediately instructs him to approach, as the d.a.s office raises an objection. everyone was talking about that. everybody was talking about how strange way for blanche to open up the proceedings. when you prosecute cases whenever but he has her hands dirty. that was michael cohen of the time when he was working for donald trump and doing these things for him, it always, always captivates and captures the interest of the jury when they hear from the fixer, when they hear from the henchman, when they hear from the guys that did the dirty work for the kingpin. i did not notice any interaction between the former president and michael cohen. but i did notice how closely michael cohen is making i can t with the jury, especially when he is describing some of the most emotional parts of the story. when he is describing his come to jesus moment when why he decided he is going to choose his family over donald trump i think cohen was successful in maintaining control over his own demeanor. he did not get agitated. he did not act out. there were times where he got short or little snippy but mostly maintained the kind of equilibrium throughout that i think was probably helpful with the jury. i think he did do a pretty good job of humanizing himself look, there are many people on the jury that will never know a person whose loyalty to an accused criminal defendant was as extensive as michael cohen s was by his own admission. of course, michael cohen is a person who pled guilty on two different occasions to a panoply of federal crimes. one of the federal judges called it a smorgasbord of crime. i think you humanized himself? yes. i think it is necessarily relatable? not quite. but he doesn t have to be a person that they want to have a beer with. these are some the most stunning days in court when michael cohen finally took the stand. as the piece mentioned, the jury seemed to have been waiting for that moment as long as the journalist in the room had. but being there, in person, there s some really noticeable differences between the michael cohen we have gotten to know on cable news shows or maybe his podcast versus who we saw testifying. his demeanor, how he sounded i will have to say, i posted a double take when the defense played a clip of cohen from his podcast, when you heard his voice from the podcast, and compare that to what you had heard from the stand over the last day. in that contrast is something that can play very well for the defense in summation to argue there are really two michael cohen s katie, lisa, and laura are back with us. i wanted to ask about that issue of how you thought his very polite, unflappable, even killed demeanor. solemn. which, in many ways, is what you want a witness to be. i thought that played given that they did see this other piece, they actually heard his voice and he also was describing the way he behaved in bullying people and acting as, a phrase that i hate but i m going to use, as sort of trumps pitbull. he has done that the moment is coming for a long time, for anybody getting up there, it is rattling and he kept his cool, even when things got thrown his way that he was not prepared for and that were a surprise and made him look like a liar. even he was crossed at some point about his information about his wife and his child. that i thought oh, okay, what is going to happen, i was waiting for fireworks. but they didn t come, he kept a calm, and i think that he came off as, on the stand, sort of hat in hand on his. there were times where i felt like he was sort of resisting in terms of like, well, that doesn t play alive. i thought just tell them, of course, just own it. you have already come this far. they heard two on the podcast talking about revenge is a dish best served cold. let s lay it all out there and they won t punish you for it. the jury think you re being authentic. even if what you said is horrendous, right? jurors are like drug dealers and they think they are being honest, they have to come off as authentic. so i m surprised there were times where there was like, you could feel that resistance. katie, wanted to talk to you about juan merchan, the judge overseeing this. full disclosure, i now have a man crush on him. i just think he is just a spectacular judge. the first thing when i went to court, the very first time, i was struck by his voice and we have all been in court, we have seen judges and seen judges who can t control a courtroom. we have seen judges who control a courtroom by raising their voice and through histrionics and hear, he controlled the courtroom by being the adults in the room and had such a calm judicial temperament. and i just felt like he wasn t going to tolerate and he expected everyone to behave properly. it was just, i thought, sort of remarkable. that is sort of my view. don t let me influence you. how do you think he did? this is the first ever trial of a current or former president, enormous pressures, enormous claims of violations of the gag order that he found 10 times and a lot of novel legal issues to deal with, how did you think he did managing this case? we have been inside courtrooms, in front of judges, very high-stakes cases, the one thing that we know is the person who is gatekeeping everything is the judge, right? and to laura s point that she made earlier, the jury looks to the judge, sometimes as a paternal figure or a maternal figure or somebody who is going to be there to kind of guide us through this process, which can be confusing it can be mazelike for some people. the thing about donald trump is he has introduced us to different judges, right? we have seen the brett kavanaugh s of the world, and his demeanor during a confirmation hearing. we have also seen justice arthur engoron through the civil fraud trial. we have seen judge kaplan from federal court for e. jean carroll s trials. we have seen different judges. the thing that i think is so, so poor in terms of america not being able to know judge merchan is not being able to see and hear him because he is measured and he is calm, even in the face of all the scrutiny and all these complex legal issues. why? because this man came to the united states, he immigrated at the age of six from columbia. he is one of six children. he was washing dishes. he went to school. you know, he graduated at the first member of his family to go to college. he lived in queens. he worked at the new york d.a.s office, and the new york state attorney general s office and has been a judge since 2006. if there is anyone who isn t, i beg you, find somebody else that is not more new york than judge juan merchan. a lot of new york are, when you think about donald trump having a jury of his peers in this trial, but having a man like judge or sean who is overseeing just the personalities, right? and having to be able to manage that. he has done a fantastic job and i think it is just not good that we haven t been able to see that in terms of on video. i love your response, because donald trump has attacked this judge, is not the first time he has attacked judges because, as donald trump says, he is unfair because of where he comes from, to quote. we all know what that means. and your answer tells us exactly where this judge came from and there will be controversy from this trial, one side or the other, in every trial, one side is disappointed or not, as to what happened. and the fact that we were all there, inside the court, i think we can all agree. this is such a fair trial, and such a fair process because of the judge, there are really good lawyers on both sides. whatever was happening, it is not because the process isn t working. again, it is really important, and i think the judge is primarily responsible for that. so, all right, we re not the only ones consumed by this trial. our viewers also have a lot of questions, we ll answer a few of them. you re watching prosecuting donald trump, witness to history. ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you re off the racking. .or crab cracking, you re cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i m working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. welcome back to prosecuting donald trump a witness to history. a special report on in person, in the courtroom reporting of the first ever criminal trial of an american president. over the last 50 minutes or so, we have given you an inside look at the trial through the eyes of our msnbc team . but we know that you have lots of questions about what you saw over the last several weeks here is andrew wiseman and our legal panel. jakes, rachel. let s get right to your questions so meritor from new jersey asks, the gap city courthouse, why were special accommodations made for trump and his allies? i know you have been very fixed on the last part of his allies. for example, he was allowed to rent and against the judicial system in others and lie blatantly, and his son and allies were allowed to keep their phones while in court. so, why was that? i will give you what i think is the only reasonable argument for it, and then stipulate that it has been abused and wildly so. i think the legitimate reason is for his own security. these are arrangements that are made between the court, the nypd and the secret service. for example, trump enters through a separate entrance to the courthouse. there is a street that is blocked off for his motorcade to approach that entrance. these separate elevators, he s got his own holding rooms. when he appears for the press conferences, he comes through a set of darkened glass doors beyond which are those holding rooms however, there are some things that are going on here that definitely have been abused. the first of which is the reserved seats those are supposed to be for extra members of his defense team, and that is the way that the d.a.s office has used their side of the drive side, as you said earlier. in trump s case, he is using it for sort of rotating surrogate operation. and those surrogates not only have their phones, but they are tweeting from the courtroom. we can prove that they are tweeting from the courtroom, timestamps on their tweets or truth social post, and there often doing it to circumvent the gag order, which one of them admitted on another media outlet last week. there are some special arrangements here, that should have been made for former president security and yet they have been rampantly abused by him and his friend. including the group of people from congress wearing sort of identical uniforms, sort of mini me s of the former president. i should note, all former presidents are given secret service. donald trump has not been treated differently. from the netherlands, she asks, is the decision of the jury final? well, welcome to gain a panel of lawyers. this is the kind of question where, his lawyers don t have a great name, which is it depends. but here is like a one key answer if there is a conviction , that is something that can be appealed on the law. if there are legal mistakes that were made. the jury was instructed improperly on the law, is evidence was kept out that was material, improperly. those kinds of things can be appealed and it can take quite some time. so there is recourse there. so it s really complicated. let me just say, thank you so much to our incredible team. it is really great to be here, nerdy out with lawyers and all of us having been in the courtroom. thanks so much for your perception and insight and personal stories. and thank all of you for spending the last hour with us. if you can t get enough trump news, and you want to take even deeper, try the msnbc podcast, hosted by mary mccord and me. have a

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Transcripts For CNN Secrets Spies A Nuclear Game 20240610

, u know, paying it forward and trying to help people understand their sacrifice. karen davis, the nurse who survived the entrapment in the mega fire in paradise, california, says she lost everything in the inferno. battling the trauma from the flames, she decided to move to las vegas to be closer to her daughter and rebuild her shattered life. once there, karen continued her career in health care. she also decided to become a member of the henderson, nevada, community emergency response team, aiming to help others in future emergencies. a testament to her inner strength and resiliency. for more information on what you can do in a wildfire and how to combat the growing climate crisis, please go to i m liev schreiber. thanks for watching. good night. [crowd shouting] [narrator] previously on secrets & spies. [ken adelman] in 1982, the soviet union had something like 33,000 nuclear weapons. [ronald reagan] they are the focus of evil in the modern world. [applause] [oleg gordievsky] the confrontation between west and east was very serious. there was really significant fear that this was going to lead to something extremely, extremely dangerous. [oleg] [crowd cheering] [narrator] this is the unseen story of the cold war. fought not by politicians. but by secret agents. [jack barsky] there was complete misunderstanding on either side. it s very difficult to determine whom you can trust. [narrator] as the soviet union faces off with the west in the early 1980s. two spies play a dangerous game from the shadows. they seek to win the upper hand while the world stands on the brink of nuclear war. these are their stories in their own words. testimony pieced together from interviews over the years. [oleg] after 11 years of secret work, maybe i develop paranoia. [narrator] .and never-before- heard recordings. [aldrich ames, on recording] [narrator] .that reveal the deadly intrigues at the heart of the battle between east and west. [alexander vassiliev] look, this is a war. a secret war. [dramatic music playing] [dramatic music playing] [ken] 83 had been a horrendous year for u.s.-soviet relations. really one of the worst. various things were done which scared the daylights out of the soviet union. you had the military exercise abel archer. [inaudible] the soviet union was unconvinced that if there was a bolt out of the blue, if there was an unprovoked attack by nato, by the united states, against the soviet union, it would be under the guise of a military exercise. we d also just gotten over the shoot-down of the kal airlines. we had gone through the evil empire speech. and so it was a real time of high, high tension. what we ve been concentrating on in the last ten days is the most important relationship in the world, and it makes an enormous difference to the world community when soviet-american relations deteriorate to the lowest point in 20 years, which they have. [tim naftali] when the competition is a nuclear competition, the uncontrollable risks of misunderstanding could have catastrophic consequences. and that s that was that s really the lesson of 1983. the stakes are uncontrollably high. it will be a miracle if there is not one or two major dangerous confrontations, direct confrontations, between the soviet union and the united states. [narrator] on the world stage, president reagan is determined to defeat what he calls the evil empire. but another battle is playing out in the shadows. [jack] for me, becoming a spy for the kgb was ideology. i am jack barsky. that s not the name i was born with. we stole the identity of a jack barsky who passed away at the young age of 11. i spent ten years as an illegal undercover agent for the kgb in the united states. i was 100% convinced that communism was the right thing. that the world eventually would wind up being one happy communist family. [narrator] in moscow, soviet leader yuri andropov continues running operation ryan. it feeds into his paranoia of a nuclear attack from the west. he has over 100 kgb spies overseas whose job is to win the struggle for global supremacy. but not all of them are loyal to the soviet union. top london agent oleg gordievsky has a dangerous secret. [ken] there is a cat-and-mouse relationship between the intelligence agencies. it was white-hot with the emotions on both sides. [narrator] in america, the cia builds a network of their own, recruiting kgb agents willing to turn traitor. and the new boss of this desk is aldrich ames. known to colleagues as rick. [diana worthen] i liked rick. i enjoyed being around him. i used to work for the central intelligence agency. rick ames was my boss there. i was loving it. [laughs] i really liked working on the soviet target. it always felt like important work to me. plus, watching my boss in action with the meetings he was going out to and what he was bringing back. [narrator] he is newly in love after a failed marriage. [diana] while rick was still married to his first wife, he met rosario. this is rick and rosario at the beach in puerto vallarta. they were in love. in a way, he was very good for her and she was very good for him. [narrator] ames s job is to protect the cia s growing portfolio of soviet agents. [tim] a very important part of the mosaic of information about the soviet menace comes from spies, human agents, each of whom is taking an enormous risk. and those spies are sending their information, ultimately, via aldrich ames. his job is to be sure that the information that these agents provide in the field is in a useful form for policymakers in washington. but he s also in a position to shape how washington uses this material. through this man goes the most important human intelligence that the united states is collecting in the soviet union on the soviet menace. through this one man. so he knows their names, and, of course, he s supposed to keep those names secret so that they don t die. [ominous music playing] [narrator] in london, one soviet double agent is more valuable than all the american assets. [narrator] the british source, oleg gordievsky, is third in command at the kgb london station. [narrator] gordievsky s intelligence revealed that the west s military exercise, able archer, provoked the soviets to seriously dangerous levels. [bianna golodryga] the security was heightened around the perimeters of the nato-u.s. exercises. russia interpreted that as not just another exercise, but perhaps posturing from the united states and nato to actually deploy a nuclear weapon. [helicopter blades beating] [narrator] yuri andropov, the leader of the soviet union, is so paranoid that one misstep could take the world to the brink of nuclear war. this misinterpretation about what the west s intentions were was something to be worried about. [narrator] and president reagan has no idea. [bianna] then the british decided it was time to start telling washington a little bit about who their new spy was, and some of the information that he was feeding them. in particular, that russia was indeed alarmed and russia was fearful. [narrator] but these insights come just as americans watch a nightmare scenario unfold onscreen. [laughing] [man] have a good weekend. [glass shatters] [ken] in late november 1983, abc put on a movie special called the day after. it was a movie of a town in kansas getting blown up by nuclear weapons. it s very powerful. president reagan watched it at, i believe, at camp david, with nancy. and he told us that he was kind of devastated by the whole thing. it was watched by over 100 million americans. and it was the rage. ronald reagan doesn t want to be seen as someone who brought the world close to nuclear brink. so he wants to be the peace-lover president. and he was flopping around wondering what to do about it all. [narrator] shocked by the reality of nuclear war, reagan offers his first olive branch to andropov. i believe that 1984 finds the united states in the strongest position in years to establish a constructive and realistic working relationship with the soviet union. just suppose with me for a moment that an ivan and an anya could find themselves, say, in a waiting room, or sharing a shelter from the rain or a storm with a jim and sally. as they went their separate ways, maybe anya would be saying to ivan, wasn t she nice? she also teaches music. jim would be telling sally what ivan did or didn t like about his boss. they might even have decided they were all going to get together for dinner some evening soon. people want to raise their children in a world without fear and without war. a nuclear conflict could well be mankind s last. reagan s big point was not the day after. the big point was the day before, and let s try the day before to make sure that the day after never happens. if the soviet government wants peace, then there will be peace. let us begin now. thank you. [applause] [narrator] but before any new strategy gets underway. a major tragedy rocks moscow. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? [reporter] it is after midnight in moscow. the soviet flag, the hammer and sickle, has been lowered to half-staff over the kremlin. yuri andropov, the soviet president, dead at 69. [ominous music playing] [nina khrushcheva] people knew that he had kidney problems. everybody knew he was sick. people were comparing his skin color whether greenish, or whether bluish, or whatever. so it wasn t really a surprise that he was dying. but at the same time, because of tensions with the united states, with the west, there was uncertainty. it turns out that yuri andropov had much more than a bad cold for the past six months. his funeral will be in moscow tuesday, and although a number of prominent american politicians urge president reagan to attend, he will not. [narrator] reagan s olive branch does not extend to a trip to the ussr. instead, he sends vice president george hw bush. andropov s death has left many russians feeling uneasy. they have now lost two presidents in less than a year-and-a-half, and that s bound to unnerve a people who crave security. [ominous music playing] [narrator] during this critical moment, british prime minister margaret thatcher is one step ahead of reagan. [lord robin butler] the intelligence reports from oleg gordievsky were very important because you are, as it were, seeing behind the curtain. margaret thatcher began to feel that there might be an opportunity for her to open a relationship with the soviet union. which would also be a platform on which united states could build. [narrator] thatcher will cross the iron curtain and attend andropov s funeral. her first visit as the leader of the british state. gordievsky s insight into the soviet leadership s mindset is critical. [woman] yes, hello, it s the duty clerk here. we have an amendment to make to the prime minister s travel arrangements for tomorrow. [narrator] gordievsky s briefings advise her to be formal but friendly, and soften her normally tough image. the soviets don t react well to shows of strength. on a human level, i think this briefing was extremely important. it s body language. it s style. it s smiling at the right moments, but not smiling at the wrong moments. it s how you appear. [reporter] [dramatic music playing] [narrator] the funeral provides an opportunity for margaret thatcher to meet the new head of the ussr. [reporter 1] the new leader of the soviet union is 72-year-old konstantin chernenko. [reporter 2] mr. chernenko had moved up to the graveside for the final salute. he s known to have had health problems of his own. moscow rumors have spoken of pneumonia, but say he s recovered. for a brief moment, he seemed to have difficulty raising his hand. now, more than ever, he ll need his strength if he s to consolidate his power. [reporter 3] the prime minister got a few minutes with the new leader and the foreign minister, andrei gromyko, immediately after the ceremony. she behaved in a very dignified way, but also in a. in a charming way. we know from our intelligence source that her behavior made a very favorable impression on the russians at that moment. we were very courteously received, and i very much valued the opportunity of half-an-hour s talk with mr. chernenko this evening. it s in the interest of the peoples on both sides of the political divide to live in peace and security. let s start on that basis and try to build up. [narrator] thatcher seizes the opportunity to put britain at the center of a new kind of relationship. a relationship that could shift the balance in the cold war. [news anchor] the new leader of the soviet union, konstantin ustinovich chernenko, immediately dispelled any suggestion that he might take a softer line with the west. [nina] for most of us, this kind of exhibition of state power was so tiresome. another old guy died, and now we re gonna have another old guy ruling over us. well, good for them. congratulations. it was a dying joke. it was an absolutely ossified system. [narrator] ronald reagan remains remarkably quiet following his ivan and anya speech. he s reluctant to invest in a leader who might not last long. [ken] ronald reagan is dying to negotiate with any soviet, but he says, they keep dying on me. they keep dying on me. he wants to have a real summit, and that chernenko was about 105 years old at that time, and drooling, and had trouble walking into the room by himself. [narrator] chernenko is so frail that there s no guarantee he ll rule for long. both sides of the iron curtain begin to look to the future. gordievsky picks up on rumors of a new young contender. mikhail gorbachev has risen quickly, from secretary of agriculture to the second in command in the politburo, a part of the country s ruling elite. [speaking russian] [in english] if it is self-evident that chernenko cannot survive very long, then the quicker we start having real contact with mikhail gorbachev, the better. [narrator] reagan is unaware about the new rising star of soviet politics. president reagan was very hawkish and had been very vocal about his views on communism and needing to break it down. not necessarily viewing the soviet union as a partner, but as somebody who the united states really needed to one-up in terms of this overriding issue of democracy versus communism. [narrator] but thatcher has moved beyond this and sees a bigger picture, thanks to gordievsky s intel. this is her opportunity to take control and steer the cold war away from its stalemate. [sir malcolm rifkind] a decision was taken to see if we could persuade gorbachev to come to the united kingdom. [narrator] they wait with bated breath to see if their offer will be accepted. [ominous music playing] [narrator] in 1984, the political relationship between east and west is as fractious and dangerous as ever. the spies continue their cat-and-mouse game to gain the upper hand. i lived in the united states with an established identity as an american. but i was actually spying for the kgb. the tensions were very, very high. the russians were trying to spy on us and recruit our people. we were spying on them and trying to recruit their people. oh, that s me. [jim laughs] i worked the soviet target. kgb, mostly. they were interested in me living behind enemy lines as an american. somebody who, if necessary, could do a lot of damage. what i loved most about the job, i think, was the, um. was the kind of the chessboard game with the russians. [jack] our goal was to weaken the enemy and eventually, you know, help the quote, unquote, working class, the suppressed, to rise up and build another communist nation. [narrator] the handling of the kgb double agents is coordinated by the fbi and cia working together. [jim] rick ames was responsible for monitoring every soviet case. all the important agent cases sort of had to pass by his desk and get his seal of approval. for him, it was probably quite an exciting time. is this motorin and martinov? they were both kgb officers. martinov was a joint effort between the bureau and us. sergei motorin was a line pr officer in washington, d.c., who we recruited. hmm! this guy i know very well. this is major general dmitri polyakov. i worked with him quite a while myself. [narrator] cia agent aldrich ames is in a powerful position. he has 20 soviet double agents all under his protection. [diana] we were responsible for these assets. it s a job i really took seriously. their lives were at stake, and they knew that risk when they were. had joined up to sign. [narrator] but ames is beginning to feel frustrated, and his endless daily commute gives him time to think. he d write these studies. everybody would read them and say, oh, that s really great work, rick. and then that would be the end of it, you know? they didn t really send it anywhere. [narrator] ames is feeling undervalued. the white house seems much more reliant on mysterious briefings from london. [starts engine] [ken] the intelligence from the cia was very good on military technologies. it was just not good at the main thing we needed. what is going to happen? you re asking to read the mind of somebody and to understand human motivations. that s tougher than what is happening or what has happened. [narrator] the intel the brits receive from gordievsky gives them just that. and there are frustrations for ames at home too. [diana] he was also having a hard time, in his mind, trying to figure out how to get the divorce from his first wife. and how much that was gonna cost him. [honking horn] [jim] he gave rosario, i think, an exaggerated sense of both how much money he had and his lifestyle. i think he exaggerated that to her. his old car was always breaking down. everybody talked about his old junky cars. why he didn t buy a new one? he probably couldn t afford one. [tim] he is leading a banal, middle-class life. with the important distinction that he has access to some of the top secrets of the united states. he feels that people don t recognize his importance. they have underestimated aldrich ames. [ominous music playing] [narrator] oleg gordievsky has proven so valuable, the british risk a bold move. they revoke the head of the station, arkady guk s diplomatic status. it forces guk out of london and back to moscow. when you do that, you open up the possibility that moscow will start asking about why the british are doing what they re doing. and moscow, which was already conspiratorially minded and paranoiac, might start doubting the loyalty of the people who were gonna benefit from the fact that resident guk had just been sent home. so that was a risk that they took. [narrator] it leaves an enticing opening. [sir david omand] with guk out of the way, mi6 could plan for gordievsky to step up a notch. could he become the actual head of the kgb residency in london? it would give him much better access to intelligence operations being run from london. [alexander] after arkady guk, the number two, it was comrade nikitenko, who was the head of the counterintelligence line in the station. of course there was a rivalry. but espionage is a teamwork, so you need a good member of a team. [sir david] mi6 have to be extremely careful. he s got to show that he s really on top of the job, and that he is the right person to lead the kgb effort in the united kingdom, yet not be so good and so provoking that jealousies and suspicions will come about. [narrator] mi6 might want gordievsky in charge, but their puppeteering can t be discovered. their strategy is a bold gesture with a potential double payoff. impress oleg s kgb bosses while making a strategic political move. [sir malcolm] with gordievsky s help, we invited gorbachev to come to the united kingdom. we waited a rather long time. then, suddenly, we got an answer. saying, i d like to come in the next couple of months, and i d like to bring raisa, my wife, with me. then we had to go into overdrive. [narrator] it s a momentous event with a lot at stake. gordievsky steps up and helps both sides to prepare. gordievsky is shown a copy of the foreign secretary geoffrey howe s brief, so he knows exactly how number 10 is gearing up. [sir malcolm] how do you get across the reality of what your actual position is? sometimes, the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your adversary. he s then able to, in his own words, tell gorbachev, this is what you must expect. these are the issues, for example, human rights, that the prime minister is going to raise with you. [narrator] gordievsky shares information on arms control, trade and economics, along with personal notes on thatcher. [baroness meta ramsay] oleg is telling the kgb what the attitude towards gorbachev would be, and what sort of things would go down well with mrs. thatcher, and what wouldn t. oleg was making sure that the right messages went in both directions. [sir david] the reaction of gorbachev reading his briefs was fed back to gordievsky. there were ticks in the margin. passages were underlined. it s very rare in any intelligence operation to have real-time feedback on whether you re actually having the effect that you hope to have. having someone in london who was in on the political line could produce world historically important information. that s why he was an unusually important spy. he was at the right place at the right time. a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! [dramatic music playing] [reporter] a decade after gromyko and 28 years since bulganin and khrushchev mr. gorbachev arrived to do a little ice-breaking. [camera shutters click] [sir malcolm] i was at chequers when he arrived with raisa, his wife. [camera shutters clicking] [reporter] it was an unusual affair. the man who arrived was good-humored, informal, and with a taste for well-cut suits. gorbachev seemed a new kind of russian. big smile on his face, as if he s meeting an old chum. [reporter] his wife, raisa, showed not every soviet woman was a 23-stone babushka. thatcher s deciding to be very open and very. she wasn t stiff at all. [indistinct chattering] [laughter] the photograph is taken of us all standing on the steps and so forth. now, have you got enough? -[photographer] thank you. -a handshake. madam, could we just turn. could you. [sir malcolm] margaret thatcher, in her usual taking control fashion, said, no, no, i think we have to have one shaking hands. and you ll stand on the end. -all right. -[all laugh] yes, now, i think. [robin] so at this moment, gordievsky s role was very important, actually, in creating a bridge between the british and the russians. [sir malcolm] and then the first thing to happen is lunch. she hogged him to herself for the whole luncheon. he behaved, if i can put it this way, he wouldn t have liked this, but he behaved like a western politician. [dramatic music playing] [thatcher] i like mr. gorbachev. we can do business together. we both believe in our own political systems. he firmly believes in his, i firmly believe in mine. we re never going to change one another. so that is not in doubt. but we should both do everything we can to see that war never starts again. [bianna] a lot of the tension going into these meetings, the agenda that was set, the topics that each side was going to bring up and discuss, was known ahead of time. in large part thanks to the messages that were received and delivered by oleg gordievsky. [narrator] the visit is a success. gorbachev and thatcher find common ground. thatcher immediately flies out to make the case to reagan. [camera shutters click] [susan eisenhower] imagine, in 1983 ronald reagan said that the soviet union was an evil empire. and then margaret thatcher says to mikhail gorbachev this is a man she can do business with. what an extraordinary shift. and, of course, ronald reagan was not only an admirer and a friend of margaret thatcher, but he really respected her viewpoint on this. and she gave him some political cover to begin to look at the changes that were underway in the soviet union and take them more seriously. [narrator] while chernenko is leader, full dialogue with the soviets remains a long way off. her approval of gorbachev legitimizes reagan s desire to approach the soviet leadership himself. and he is intrigued by her very well-informed insights. but the cia wants to know exactly who is keeping the british one step ahead. [bianna] the cia had this we are holier than thou position, and thus have the right to have access to all of the information that we would like. and so they were itching to find out, who is this mystery spy? [narrator] ames and his colleagues scour the list of soviet diplomats in london who had worked in denmark. [narrator] ames now knows the double agent who s been swaying thatcher and reagan s thinking. unbeknownst to oleg, there was a growing list of people in the cia who were aware of him, his background, what he was doing, and his exact identity. [narrator] and if the cia can work out who the mole is, how long until the kgb finds out? the more people who know the name of a source, the more imperiled the source becomes. if his secret is betrayed to the kgb, it s a bullet to the back of the head. the risk for gordievsky is death.

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