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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240612

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steve: final hour from new york and also dallas and italy, as well. hour three starts right now. ainsley: a fox news alert. concerns of a terror threat crossing our southern border becoming a reality. steve: eight suspects were arrested after being released into the united states. go wherever you want. lawrence: lucas tomlinson has more on that. lucas: this is situation many americans feared. suspected terrorists among them. eight suspects with ties to isis entered the united states illegally and received full vetting by authorities. the fact these eight isis suspects got through the border is travesty. isis-k is extremely dangerous, we must be vigilant. lucas: the suspects are from t tajekistan. back to the tajiks in the united states, they were arrested in los angeles, new york and philadelphia in recent days. according to the new york post, part of the investigation featured a wiretap which revealed one individual was talking about bombs, remember the boston marathon bombing, something like that might happen again or worse. same style and method as the moscow massacre. these suspects were from t tajikistan. steve: exactly right. lucas, thanks very much. when we heard of countries where various terrorists or suspected terrorists are from, tajikistan hasn t been on our radar. officials were able to hear somebody say something about bombs. they are cryptic about it. according to news reports two of the people snuck it were apprehended about a year ago. one of the guys who was arrested used the cbp app to apply to come into the country. ainsley: they were allowed to come across the border. border is a huge issue for every state, especially for texas. b brian, they let the guys in, they were in the u.s. and flagged and they started doing research and heard them talking about the bombs. you remember fbi director wray talked about this was his biggest fear. this was in june, of this year or last year? this year, i believe. we ve seen the threat rise to a whole other level, increasingly concerning is potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, not unlike the isis-k attack. lawrence: the fbi director has been warning about this. you can t have policy based on emotion. current president turned everything off at the border and decided to let people in. the former president warned criminals would cross the border and people that had terror ties and we cannot forget in the past administration, isis was destroyed and we re talking about isis again and members crossing the border. brian: couple things. put down the fbi and they have done things questionable and think about their job. thousands are crossing everyday, there are countries that don t cooperate with the terror watch list. people have to track them and communicate with ice and pick them up. ice group diminished and depleted by this administration. for people that want to feel better about a terrorist attack,et s6800 have come acros california sector. texas has done an effective job. 4900 got in. people get to stay and get a hearing in 10 years. i am here to be a terrorist, we track them and we got them ahead of time. i worry about the odds catching up quickly. steve: border patrol agents are told, there is a list of 100 countries, if they are from that country, they can t be returned, we don t have a deal. tajikistan will say, just ltd. them in. ainsley: this is just eight of them that they just caught. lawrence: such a good point, there is a volume issue, you have so many people crossing, there is going to be people. the former president gave an interview and goes, some reports came out about known terrorists that came across during this administration. he said, it was zero, i don t even believe that, there are people that cross we don t know. there are some that are criminals or part of terrorist groups. when you have an administration that does not understand, we have ia situation like this. i thank god they found these guys and got a wiretap. what about people we don t know about. moments ago, president trump go ahead. brian? brian: go ahead. lawrence: moments ago brian: go ahead, you got the prompter. president biden getting set to go to g-7. lawrence: president biden is on his way to base andrews before heading to the g-7 summit in italy. steve: this overseas trip after potus made unscheduled trip to delaware yesterday, last night, to see hunter on the tarmac following hunter s conviction on three federal gun charges. ainsley: jacqui heinrich is live where world leaders will be meet approximating. protracted battle to get u.s. funding secured and idea of trump presidency ahead and groups in europe gaining support in this weekend s parliament elections. g-7 will consider tapping frozen russian assets and there are divisions between these countries. biden is pushing to use funds and the interest and europeans have been pushing to use just the interest. the president suggested headway had been discussed during his trip to normandy. did you discuss russian asset issue with macron and come up with an agreement how to use them? yes and yes. there are other challenges, including threat posed by artificial intelligence, that will be talked about in a special session with the pope and issues in africa and trade im imbalance in china. stronger language calling on china to stop enabling russia s war machine. our commitment to ukraine will continue to be right up front and clear. take bold steps to show mr. putin time is not on his side. we support ukraine s fight for freedom. white house is not commenting on latest ceasefire talks. officials wouldn t comment on the w wall street journal repot that sinwar believe this helps their cause. the president is set to arrive in italy later today and end this trip with a press conference with zelenskyy tomorrow and if you re a president who does not like taking questions, zelenskyy s presence mean he will only have to take two. steve: speaks of press availability, any idea why yesterday it was on the schedule, karine jean-pierre was going to brief the press at the white house. out of nowhere, they pulled the plug, what happened? well, you know, they have not said anything officially about why that happened. we were all watching developments in court with the case. we saw the president leave from his remarks and went directly toil withmington from there. you have seen the white house not hold briefings if the president is not in town. he was scheduled to be around. we have seen them hold briefings when he was local, not in another state. a surprise to everybody when the reshuffling happened. steve: sad you have to go to italy to ask him some questions. two. ainsley: a at least good food and beautiful scenery. we have been wondering why the j juneteenth concert was held a few weeks ago instead of next wednesday. abc, is reporting now the politic will go to camp david when he gets back from the g-7 to start prepping for the debate, which is the last thursday much the month. lawrence: watching dana perino. always measured, she was talking about the president s ability. can he do the job. she has been in the room when tough decisionings are made. this is what she had to say on the five . watch. dana: father time is undefeated. what i find alarming is that there is only one person empowered in our government who can make national security decisions we need and have to be made on a trigger s notice and i do not feel watching him the last several months, in particular last three weeks, that you can have confidence that would happen. so for example, you are commander-in-chief and i say i m chief of staff or military aide, sir, this is happening right now, what do you want us to do, are you confident that he would be able to do that? i want him to be able to do that, i feel empathy for him and i worry for him, about him. i don t want to get mad at him. i love the fact people want to helpim had. everyone has to think hard about this. lawrence: many people in the media ask the same question with donald trump in the last presidency. should we question his mental f fitness and there wasn t a special counsel saying he wasn t fit to stand trial. why can t we ask that about joe biden when there are so many obvious signs of him not being the same biden. brian: two weeks, we will have a debate, my hope is they don t do to joe biden what they were doing with donna brazille did giving clinton the questions. and they don t spend the whole time on january 6. you can t hide from it. as jon stewart said, we keep hearing how crisp and how strong he is behind the scenes, can we see that guy? sooner or later, we ll see if that guy exists. then there is january june 11th. couple of campaign cycles ago, big question, is this person ready to take the 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. phone call. to dana s point, he s lost a step, a bunch of steps. that is something people are talking about. you are down at a place called k kubie s at schneider plaza. the own er does a lot of bake know on, it has to be killing him. brian: yep. john cubie, round of applause for the guy that put this place together. how many generations? i m first generation, my dad s family started in 1728. my son is 15th generation. brian: marvelous combination of restaurant and supermarket, how has it affected you and your prices? food cost has gone up, you have to pass it on to some extent, you can t overprice. brian: do you lose business? of course you lose business, mar margin goes down. brian: when people say bidenomics is working, look at the numbers, what do you say? no, no, it is not working. brian: your place is packed, because of us or packed everyday? we have a loyal customer base. brian: see what a great place this is. round of applause for yourself, getting up early for us. you have a breakfast crowd and lunch crowd, right? this makes this place great, it is supermarket. come in, shop and eat. what do we gotz? this is our market, it has been an evolution. it started there and my dad made his own sausage and cold cuts, we grew and opened a restaurants. cold cut, cheese, famous pimento cheese we make ourselves. pro produce section. groceries in the middle. brian: how much are eggs in dallas? $7 for cage free eggs. brian: taking your word on that, we have no footage. you have a supermarket, deli section. we make salad inhouse, bring in cold cuts, make sausage, have a full service meat market. brian: pictures of the local community. my son is there, who works with me. brian: he will take over next. he is. brian: does he know it? he is. he is the boss. brian: how do you feel about being the next generation? brian: he knows where he s getting his summer job each and every year. thanks for having us. congratulations on this. your final thought about the economy, if we could change one thing, what would it be? change the president. brian: see if that changes economic principleses. will cain just came into the building. we ll bounce back and forth and see what everybody thinks from the dallas perspective. steve: get a taste of the chicken salad, it is really good. i know you like chicken salad. brian: they gave me a pound to go home with, it is in the re refrigerator. steve: thanks. ainsley: another big story this morning, greatest of all time will not be on stage for annual nathan s hot dog eating contest for 4th of july. joey chestnut posting this after being banned from the event on coney island saying fans will be deprived of the entertainment of the holiday. it comes because of his deal with impossible foods which required him to eat their meatless hot dogs, a competitor of nathan s. lawrence: i don t understand what he was thinking. we sign with the network and decide to wear the banner of another network, you can t do that. ainsley: you have to eat nathan s hot dog when eat ing te in the contest. steve: i ve never had the impossible hot dog, it is veggie. ainsley: it is plant based. could be great. lawrence: it goes against the idea of the contest. it is street food, meat, disgusting. ainsley: i agree. we are veganizing it or plant-basing it, i understand trying to appease everyone. they should get their own hot dog eating contest. ainsley: they offered him a lot of money and said, we will pay you this amount of money. he should have thought, it is nathan s hot dog eating contest, he should have asked them. i m sure he signed a contract and it usually says you can t go to a competitor. steve: he has won 16 times, he s already greatest of all time by a longshot, maybe this was a business decision. i could win again or make a lot of money and probably providing for his family. lawrence: you should finish on top. it is like michael jordan, you sign with the bulls, you stay on top. you don t go sign with the lakers and destroy your legacy and i think that is what he just did. he has a chance to undo this. ainsley: they said if we can come to a resolution, he is welcome to participate in the contest. steve: i like your comment about the bulls, beef, it comes back to beef. they got a beef with veggie dogs. lawrence: full of puns today. progressive act vivist defendin her decision to secretly record supreme court justices. nothing illegal about recording people, please tell me how we ll get answers when supreme court is sclhrouded in legacy. lawrence: wow, she s bold. steve: trey gowdy. new centrum menopause supplements help unpause life when symptoms pause it. with a multivitamin plus hot flash support. ( ) daily zz for quality sleep. ( ) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts. in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. who recorded justice samuel alito, his wife and chief justice roberts is speaking out. audio recordings, nothing illegal about recording people as long as one person is a party to the conversation. people who want to pearl clutch, how do we get answers when the supreme court has been clshroud in secrecy? lawrence: here to react is former prosecutor, trey gowdy. trey, i got questions here. try to hit them fast. there are laws, you can t lie to federal prosecutor or agent, can you lie to a federal judge, supreme court justice and secretly record them? trey: not if you re a lawyer, you can t. i hope she does not have a law degree, she will not have it long. some states allow single party c consent. if you re a lawyer, there is a different rule of law. there are groups on the right that do it, i don t celebrate that group. when someone on the left does it, i say the same. if you want a conversation, be h honest about it. lawrence: i get journal ism side of it. court is different, especially the supreme court. there is a reason why they have life-time appointment. do we think this may be a bridge too far? trey: oh, for sure. thing about judges, they speak through opinions. i am at the age in life where my friends are older than yours. some are judges, they have personal beliefs. we pick them to be judges because we expect them to separate their personal beliefs. you may remember dianne feinstein quiz zing supreme cout justice that barrett could not separate from her writings. she s been able to do that. here are two conservative justices saying conservative things. john roberts showed more character in his answer than this reporter did in her conduct. lawrence: i listened to the answers and they did not say anything wrong, nothing breaking news, they did not violent the law or say it will impact their judicial decisions. i think they left the conversation looking better. what say you? trey: i do, too. here, news flash, two conservative justices that have conservative religious views said conservative things. if that is newsworthy, i heard two courteous men, here is the chilling effect, i don t think they will talk to anyone going forward they don t have pre-existing relationship with. she hasun radioed it for people that would love to have the opportunity to talk to judges. lawrence: good point. we rarely hear from them anyway, she ruined it for all of us. trey gowdy, thank you. always fair. don t move, brian is live from the lone star state with a special guest, i think you know him, his name is will cain. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. wanna know a secret? with new secret outlast, you can almost miss the bus. but smell like you didn t. secret fights 99% of odor-causing bacteria. smell fresh for up to 72 hours. secret works! it s a crime to smell that good. janice: good morning, a beautiful day in new york city. warm summertime heat this week. take a look at florida, i m concerned we have heavy rain in the forecast. this is 90 l, we are watching the tropics, we are seeing tropical moisture working into central florida. close to foot of rain and more on the way, 10 to 12 inches will cause flooding concerns through thursday, friday and saturday. keep an eye on florida and heat across the country, for it is west coast and central u.s., fox wea weath, for the latest details. carley: key inflation report released consumer price staying unchanged in may, better than expected, sign price pressure may be easing. year over year, prices still rising 3.3% compared to this point in 2023. america s crime cries striking close to home for republican congressman after his aide was robbed at gunpoint blocked from capitol hill. they joined us earlier. never think you would be the one in the next story headline, thank god nothing bad happened to us. what needs to happen, we have to get back to nation of law and order. carley: washington, d.c. police are searching for this car, which they say belong to the suspects. brian, over to dallas, texas. brian: all right, fox news alert. eight suspected terrorists with potential ties to irs isis arrested in new york, los angeles and philadelphia. we are learning the tajikistan nationals crossed the border. they were released into the u.s. and wiretap revealed, one of them now arrested individuals talked about bombs. will cain, round of applause for will, everybody. [applause] brian: will cain, well supported. every stat thats people of texas care about immigration of the border, a national problem. they may cross in texas, it becomes a national problem. will: it is an international problem. i point this out. the european union across entire co continent from italy to germany, swung right because of immigration. muslim countries over there. and changing the culture and laws, changing crime stats. they said enough. that played a role in 2016. explain donald trump in 2016 in part, immigration, it will play a role in 2024. especially i want to call it insane, it is predictable. we ve been saying this is going to happen. brian: we used to have a handle on it, we left afghanistan in an ill-planned exits and because of that little insight to the terror side. you are professional, texas, diner goer and reporter. let s go talk to the people. will: go talk to my people. brian: they are more fascinating, let s do it. you go right, i go left. this is your home game. will: you put me on the spot, where is my camera. bring it in. brandon, let s go, brandon, last name fox. what are you thinking about at your age of the state of the country? main thing i m thinking about is the economy, i just graduated from school here in texas, you are looking on and getting ready to start life. more important is safety of our country and reminding each other values we are built on. will: how old are you? 22 years old. will: they like that. brian: female perspective from mary. what is your number one concern? you know, i m raising two young kids and it is so important, safety aspect. we don t know who is coming across everyday. safety of border is number one, education number two. i m actively involved in pta, and things we ve unearthed in curriculum mandated is shocking and needs to change. brian: that is disturbing, more with will cain, toss to you. will: couple of guys, this is gabe terrell, terrell construction. cranes going up downtown. dallas has been insulated, everything is moving here. it is hard, inflation, interest rates, this area is place you want to be in the united states. absolutely, will, a lot of construction projects going on, great area to be in. brian: how hard to build will s mansion and how many cranes did will need? 10. i wasn t part of that project. brian: podcast pays well. brian: this is pulse of the people, will, thank you for getting up today. will: i usually am sleeping. brian: good job kuby s, i appreciate it. back to new york. you are watching fox and friends . dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that s not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun saying, this is my message to you-ou-ou singing, don t worry about a thing ( ) discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent and the grenadines now open. visit or call 1-800-sandals while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that s what we re doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it s a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. why won t scout play with us anymore? 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here to react is former white house senior counsel, kellyanne conway. good morning. we are seeing video of join base andrews, about to head to italy. there are reports he will go to camp david and hunker down and stay there 10 days while he does debate prep. the debate is two weeks from tomorrow. does he need that much time? kellyanne: he does need that much time. hillary clinton all but disa disappeared during debate time. donald trump stayed on the campaign trail. i think that benefited him enormously, if you over prepare, then you sound contrived and in the case of joe biden, you lie. news of the day out of the delaware trial, we have department of justice that conf confirmed hunter biden s lapd is real. hunter biden is guilty of three felonies in delaware and the biden family is connected through the laptop, hauling in money from chinese infrastructure company from hunter. why is this important? it was debate stage where biden lied to the american people in 2020 and said he never discussed business with his son and 51 intelligence officials claimed the laptop was russian disinformation. i think biden preparing is one thing. i wonder what is going to happen with him medically for 10 days, we have no hard evidence joe biden can stand intimidated by donald trump for 90 minutes without a teleprompter. ainsley: paul riyn versus joe biden, he sounds differently, he is understandably has more energy and paul ryun said, i ve known biden, he s aged quickly. the guy i debated 12 years ago is not the same guy we have today. what do you expect out of the debate and how is president trump preparing? kellyanne: president trump will review policies. look at polling coming out of pennsylvania. pennsylvania and americans think americans were better off under the trump presidency than biden. why is this important? a lot of questions being asked in polls are questions that will be asked in it is debate. if president trump gives everybody a bin ary choice and reviews economy, crime, quality of well, everyday affordability, border security, economic security, fair ness. one piece of advice to president trump is, let biden speak. numbers seem to numb his brain and if you let biden speak, his lack of ability and truthfulness will be on full display and un undergerred what is believed already, biden is not up to the job. ainsley: we talked about virginia, joe biden won that state by 10 points and now they are neck and neck. in minnin m, new poll shows trump within striking distance of biden. republican has not won there since nixon, that was 1972. kellyanne: minnesota and washington, d.c., only states walter mondale carried in ronald reagan s landsliez reelection victory. trump is expanding victory, minnesota, virginia, possible hamilt new hampshire. name one county where joe biden is trying to expand their map. one thing in all the polls, trump is doing well, each in the states among african americans, and young people. joe biden is bleeding voters, i don t think debate prep will help with that. ainsley: we re watching this live video, he is off to g-7 after this. thank you so much, kellyanne. great to see you. they play hard ball on capitol hill and they are bringing that same energy to nationals park, previewing congressional baseball game. let s check in with dana perino. dana: after tonight, i know what danea reads sports will be about. what we know about eight illegal migrants and where they are now, and andrew cuomo grilled and nicole malliotakis is not satisfied and will join us. and how a recovering addict reviews the hunter verdict. tune in at 9:00. targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. can neuriva support your brain health? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240611

spee form thank you, kat timpf, our studio audience, fox news at night is next. [ cheering and applause ] trace: good evening emma trace gallagher, it s alone pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles and this is a mega slate news, fox news @ night . breaking side, dramatic new media of the heroic military operation in gaza that rescued four s early hostages from a palestinian terrorist, eric cohen is here to give us a step-by-step of what happened but the media somehow condemning israel for saving its own citizens, and then and there is this. this is about what i will personally label, the idiocy of team usa women s basketball. how dare you make this decision? it is stupid. trace: national controversy after caitlin clark was left off of the 2024 olympic women s basketball team, should she have made team usa? it is eight the nightcap we need to input on. what happens when your employer forces you to embrace a progressive symbol that goes against your religious beliefs? when california christian lifeguard is suing the la county fire department, he would join us live on set with his protest. we begin with tall tales being called out. a lengthy fact check of the false stories and joe biden has told stroud his 50 years of public service, except the times goes to great lengths to call him everything but lies. kevin corke is live and in dc with more, good evening. tall tales indeed, good evening. he would never expect the left-leaning new york times to call it president biden but am doing is so, a pattern is now beginning to emerge with more and more usually reliable media outlets willing to point out mr, his attention for telling lies or as a times puts it, tall tales had an understanding mind you that any misstatements or statistical or factual errors from former president trump, those were lies but these are tall tales? nonetheless, of the times is keeping the score and mr. biden is openly racking up. for example,, he said he was nominated for an appointment to the naval academy, not so. no records of that. he also said he is to drive an 18 wheeler, he drove a school bus and he took a 500-mile trip as a senator, a cargo truck. he leaders that he was arrested during the civil rights movement, no record of that. but he did deliver the eulogy for former west virginia senator who had one point in his life had been an organizer and member of the kkk. biden also claims to be the first and his family to go to college and the nephew of a cannibalism victim. report in while she wrote of this, all of these claims stretching the truth or are downright false. she also edited by an often drastic, with different audiences through hyperbole. saying mr. biden s approval ratings have plummeted not the lowest level lever according to nati silvers 538, biden sitting at 37.4 percent just under five months to go before the american people decide about every election day. trace: low number, kevin corke live before us in bc. thank you. [ ] the fox news and add commonsense department has a question for the new york times got comic how much how come donald trump tells thais and joe bondy tells tall tales, hyperboles, exaggerations? it s funny because common sense is pretty in two and with the media and could swear that joe biden lies all the time, constantly, consistently. but for some reason in the liberal media, biden speaks only the truth. the new york times says that biden often tries connecting with his audience through hyperbole . we also told at times biden uses rhetorical flourishes back factual liberty . common sense is confused, is the uncle who was eaten by cannibals a rhetorical flourish or a factual liberty? how about a biden driving the big rig, being the first and his family to attend college, graduating at the top of his class? what about the phony laptop, never talking business with his son? the media will tell you it is not a lie, it is unverified, when that joe biden is just stretching to. mark twain said there are three types of lies, lies, it damn lies and statistics, clearly referencing to trump. sense think biden would know kinda joe would not tell a damn lie, he would simply stretch and embellish a rhetorical flourishing, factual liberty. and with that let s bring in a steamboat institute fellow kaylee mcghee white and princeton university put it was scientists, lauren a. wright. thank you both were coming on. kaylen to you for his, is the new york times kidding with this, this the torah goal flourish? others layers of the leaders of hypocrisy within this new york times report. firstly attempt to suggest that biden s lies is somehow less egregious than trump s plea because trump was making false claims about a so-called stolen election when the reality is, there are plenty of democrats have also made similar lies who have not wound up with lengthy new york times fact checks. also hypocritical fact that these lies that biden has told which are very numerous as you have pointed out in your segment , it s been around for decades to maggot they were around into the 2020 election. suddenly the new york times is just deciding to do fact check on them? the only difference to me it seems is that joe biden is no longer a good candidate for the democratic party. he is losing in the polls to trump when he wasn t back in 2020 and at the media is trying to turn on him. trace: mate taking a much closer look, a pole from care television out of minnesota, this is about how enthusiastic the candidate are they. look at the numbers, you have trump at 61.5 percent and biden added 30.9 percent. that is double the number. there s something going on here because we are constantly told the country doesn t like either of these candidates but clearly somebody does. to caleigh s point, the sad thing for democrats is biden is the best they ve got. harris is not electable, and he beat her fair and square along with the rest of the candidates in the democratic primary. yes, he stories are egregious. those are not the issues that will lead biden and the election on average, americans are angry and they feel less safe, last free, less prosperous than they did under trump. simple calculation they are making, yes at the age is an issue and it new york times and others are right to pointed out but but it s not at the top of welders minds. trace: this is from dana white, of the ceo of ufc, he said this about donald trump, watch. number 1, take any of the greatest fighters of all time, trump is number 1. you ve got money, you got a great life, you got whatever, keep doing it. this guy loves this country and he loves all americans. trace: talked a lot of americans, a lot of the straw he sat through day by day a mark a lot of them say yes, he is a fighter. you can say whatever you want but he is a fighter stone and that s a calculation voters have made, maybe if they don t like trump personally the appreciate the fact he is willing to go to bat for them. i think my own family members, who normally would vote democrats but they feel left behind by biden s democratic party. and trump was the only one willing to fight for the issues they care about. trace: canadians at colleges and conservative media commentator jordan peterson art of the animosity towards trump and the leaders, trumped arrangement. final thoughts on this. that degree upon musty or trumpet is somewhat of a mystery to me. i cannot quite crack it. there is a class paid their albot say. elitist people are annoyed that somebody like donald trump or somebody who they think donald trump is has dared to enter the upper echelons so there s something about it that is very classist. trace: something makes them hate him, but not sure why. 30 seconds. there is an elite coastal factor at play here, road about how trump came into the election with 95 percent name recognition but everybody was absolute shock t1. a beloved celebrity, and that s as simple as it gets. i think the real embarrassment, misunderstanding with trump is that you says all of these offensive things, but they care more by the cable what you promises to do and i will be the end of it. trace: i think that is right. lauren, caleigh, thank you both. meantime fog scammers are a document in large groups of migrants illegally crossing into the u.s. as a biden s executive order on to the border appears to have little effect on the continuing a surge marianne rafferty live without story, joins as on-site guy good evening. no signs of slowing down, migrants continued to pour over the border in a drones leg before the executive order. with many saying that they flew into mexico and made their way to the border, some even consulting the internet to find guides. one migrants tolling as they feel welcomed by the biden administration. what you think of president biden? biden, a love biden. biden help us. an internal border patrol memo instructing san diego sector to release single adults from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere, center and asked my said it s all part of the democrats plan. you don t have to be a citizen to go to the census that step one, and if they go to the embassy to vote, that is when they leave that s her road to more power and control. saying it s all about mike and safety, listen. our intent is to really change the risk calculus of individuals before they leave before the countries of origin and incentivize of them to use the lawful pathways who made available to them and keep them out of the hands of expletive smugglers. a senior patrol officer telling this newly uncovered memo only applies to the san diego sector and migrants released into the u.s. under its guidance are not actually eligible for asylum. trace: thank you tackles bring into the author of come on man, joe concha along with the federal staff contributor, evita duffy-alfonso. thank you both were coming on. i want to play this out, this is cbs face the nation, catches kind of stunned that americans [ inaudible ] would you support a new government program, that would deport all people in the u.s. illegally and that finds majority favor, six in 10. to unpack that a bit, 62 percent of americans in favor of deporting all undocumented immigrants. what mr. trump talks about could be illegal, it doesn t seem practical in some sense to round up children. what exactly do people think they are supporting? trace: i think they are exactly supporting the law of the countries, you? trays, market brandon is not unlike almost every other member of the media, to answer your question, yes, it s all about enforcing simple laws. it s a matter of journalists living in the safe spaces marianne rafferty ivory towers, new york, washington, not talking to anybody outside of their own ecosystem. here are the facts, majority of americans support a border wall construction. two thirds of that cbs poker nearly two thirds support mass deportation for those who entered the country illegally. illegal immigration as you know is a number 1 number 2 issue. for what is most important to voters marianne rafferty, and somehow shocked by this kiger shows how out of touch leads in the media are, not just on immigration but inflation, because neither impacts him the way he does the average voter. trace: here is as cnn legal analysts who thinks hundred biden, maybe he imagined when he thought he was clean. a jury could also say wait way to second prosecutors, needed not say are establish this individual used or possessed these drugs it during the october 2018, warned that the defendant knowingly did so. he may have thought he was cleaning, that he was fixing his life up and so on. trace: is a scripted? do you your thoughts? and they are doing the job of his defense team, working for the hunter biden defense team packets shock and. also using this from media right now, that he is an addict, we need to be compassionate towards him because other americans struggle with us. and it falls on deaf ears, somebody who has an addiction and my own family, that does not mean he have a free pass. this is what is interesting, we have preached by these individuals into the corporate media that the monkey have to be compassionate, rally against white privilege, nabo baby white privilege hundred biden comes in and break the law all of a sudden we have to break all the rules. and these are democrat laws. trace: i want to move through these two things quickly, in bc but this headline of, is really military rescues for hostages, more than 400 plus trains killed, then york times and the associated press have been saying the same stuff. unbelievable, you know, you thoughts? gaza health officials literally is hamas. you cannot take them at their word. did throughout 200 people, five minutes after something happens and in the new york times, almost every other media outlet echoes that. it s utterly ridiculous, we have lived with us since october 7th they continue to do it and where are the only network calling it out. i guess it s not enough? trace: the new york post, gaza journalist who wrote for al jazeera was holding three hostages in home with family. israel says, a journalist, for al jazeera, holding hostages. i mean the media has been discrediting itself over and over again, when it comes to any other story we see important in our country. the format, the russia collusion hoax, just discrediting themselves over and over again. trace: over and over again, thank you both. mean audrey to liberations underweight for hunter biden s gun track the defense closed its case without calling the president sent to the stand, live with more in willington, delaware, good evening. good evening, this trial of elite moving rapidly, only a week old, jurors will come back tomorrow and o clock eastern time after deliberating for about one hour before going home. evita duffy-alfonso hunter biden had a lot of family members inside of the courts today showing him support. he seemed upbeat, smiling, giving them xoxox as there were breaks in the courtroom which is significant. jurors have to decide whether hunter biden lied on the gun form in 2018 when he said he was not addicted to drugs, they say that he committed three different felonies, two of those felonies where it falls a statement, one deals with possession of that gun in 2018. now the government does not have to prove that hunter was on drugs and he bought a gun or even into the month of tobit. jurors have to weigh the general time period, prosecution showed text messages, hunter biden it texting his sister-in-law, talking about doing drugs, the lawyer for the government jurors told not to focus on the presence of famous people, meaning the first lady and others who have continuously showed up. it isn t wanted jurors to be distracted, wants them to focus on the actual evidence marianne rafferty hunters and attorney power did to the gun form that says are you on unlawful user or addicted to illegal drugs, it is and say have you ever been, it s about hunters a frame of mind is what i below says. again it jurors back tomorrow, if convicted hunter could face up and i say could, up to 25 years behind bars marianne rafferty is also possible the jury could have a split verdict, fighting him guilty on one and acquit him on two others. trace: see you tomorrow night. live it for as in delaware. let s bring in former deputy assistant attorney general john yoo, great to have a. hunter biden s attorney as david was saying, biden did not consider himself an addict when you bought a gun. it s not what he said, but what do you think? it is not a plausible defense. i don t think it s going to work. i think really the defense is hope is that the jury being in delaware just chooses not to follow the law, not to find the clear facts. and went to the defense put on to this idea that oh, hunter biden might have used drugs a few weeks before, maybe a few weeks after but not in that timeframe, it opened the door for the prosecution to introduce all of these tax and all of this geolocation data about where hunter biden was and his cell phone and he is texting a trying to find drug dealers at the 711 in wilmington. it s just the day before when the day after. so turned out to be very harmful to his case. i don t really see a defense that is going to work here. to really puzzling why the ever went to trial the first place. trace: try to find a guy named mookie, does he do jail time, hunter biden? no, he is looking at some come to thank he does jail time? i don t think so. may have to look at it this way, i think many people are thinking about it this, this is a prelude to the much more serious cage which is going to take place where you are in la, i think it wasn t rescheduled in september about millions of dollars in tax evasion. so here, hunter biden first-time offender, be he probably won t do jail time but he maybe a convicted felon. that means you have to serve jail if he s convicted in the second federal trial in september. trace: i have to go but here s the thing, in the drum document case today, breaking news, judge jeanine denied a motion to dismiss some charges but the new york times reports of fallen, of the government must remove it from its charges an episode in which mr. trump has been shown a highly sensitive military map to one of his close aides after he left office, of the decision by judge or was it more of a swipe at prosecutors working for special counsel. jack smith. what do you think? this is favorable for donald trump, there was no way they were going to wind of the motion on dismissing the case entirely, the prosecution can still go forward. but that was one of them more damaging facts in the indictment, and is key to them showing that the national interest was harmed in some way by president trump if he ask you had these documents, these classified documents in an unauthorized away. will make it harder for the prosecution to run its case there. trace: i think so. john yoo, going to have you on. coming up, dramatic video shows the moment is really hostages are recovered in a daring rescue? it is a video you have not seen, even if he had, we will have a eric cole and go through this and give you an idea what is happening. later in the the nightcap i get that woman s olympics committed to decision to leave caitlin clark off of the 2024 rosters sparking national debate with many calling the move eight snob, and mist opportunity to grow the game. caitlin clark does not deserve a spot ahead of any of the players on this roster. okay? we re talking basketball! you know were not! no, we are not. 4000 in attendance, now 18,000. this girl s box office. trace: meantime others point out at the olympics is not a popularity contest and she is simply not qualified yet as other woman who made the team, we want to know what you think, should caitlin clark have made team usa, why, why not, lead as snow @tracegallagher, coming up snow @tracegallagher, coming up in the the nightcap negative 80 have to see, that is next. at makes it possible is unmatched connectivity and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply s stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. arthritis pain? we say not today. tylenol 8 hour arthritis pain has two layers of relief. the first is fast, the second is long-lasting. we give you your day back, so you can give it everything. tylenol. number one doctor recommended for arthritis pain. [ ] trace: dramatic new vader tate of the rescue operation in gaza there in file that is really hostages their freedom, ashley strohmier with the details in the compelling images of the mission. good evening to. located the footage was captured of the helmet camera warned by an israeli operate of during the rescue mission, the video revealed just how dangerous it was to get out of the hostages from the hands of how w.a.s.p members of israel s yemen, in the operation unit it worked along the israel defense forces taking on heavy fire during the operation. now four more israelis have been reunited with their families after nearly 250 days in captivity. one parent of an israeli megan hostage who remains in captivity said about the return of noah. know saturday was the birthday of noah s data, also my birthday. is and as i heard the news is that he got the greatest gift in the world, distal a few few hours for me to get to get the same gift. hopefully soon. there s also been criticism from media outlets about the mission which resulted in the death of more than 270 palestinians according to the gaza health ministry. it is important to note that the ministry does not distinguish between civilians and hamas fighters and their data is often met with skepticism. was it today the united nations acadie council paused president biden s proposed cease-fire dale it has been approved by israel, hamas has yet to sign on. trace: thank you. let s bring in a veteran of azo special operations counterterrorism unit of aaron cohen out of the start of netflix skin it decision before and after pro- israeli activist dr. sheila nazarian, rabbi mentz and former navy seal who trained with the idea special forces, aaron ut you first, want to put this video up and go over this. give us an idea of what is going on here and how difficult was this mission? let me start off by saying that all of the intelligence that was harvested for this operation was do you to, and again in hebrew we have an expression, which means intelligence is born in the battlefield that s number 1. for the last eight months israel has been putting an incredible amount of pressure on hamas and that rolling intelligence based on blood pressure, s are competing we have discussed is the reason why this was actionable intelligence. what you re seeing here, is 18 or one asset working in conjunction with israel s domestic intelligence and security forces, and they are making forced entry into the structure from 360 degrees. useful as one of the only units in the world capable of doing that, they are literally the operators are flogging each other, crossing each other, the reason why is 360-degree assault overwhelms the tier risk, they can only point in one direction at a time when it is multiple barrels coming out of them of the violence of action and they attack, having the shots go straighter. these are behavioral-based tactics and the seventies israel team with their scientists and reformulated see qb which is what is this is, to be able to shoot straight or, should faster and get hostages home. trace: phenomenal. hamilton over to you, you can put the video back up, the washington post opinion, hamas is not interested in releasing hostages based on history the only way any additional is really hostages is getting freed is by rescue operations like the one the israeli defense forces launched on saturday. cameron diaz thank it is true that we can see more rescues like this, that we will need to see more rescue like this? absolutely. i think right now israel likely has the intelligence to garner more rescue missions, s sole purpose is to return the hostages safely and soundly and they continue the war against hamas. again we had to remind our viewers israel did not ask for this conflict, israel did not want this conflict. and want any unnecessary loss of life but hamas must come and release these hostages first and foremost. s will is taking tactics as covered by mr. aaron cohen had remarkable, trained a lot of u.s. military personnel as well. i think the dynamic scenario in the chaos is due to surprise of the hamas fighters when israeli forces encountered them in this building the. trace: amazing, it is. what you think of the biden administration negotiating could almost directly may be through qatar but almost directly with hamas? i think it is a waste of time, i think what you re seeing it here with this operation, whether or not hamas wants to give the back of the hostages or they would get of them back either way they are coming home. that is what i think. whether we got a kick down doors. by the way the operatives deployed on this operation, in his civilian clothing, dressed as local arabs, they pulled it off in broad daylight and the reason they were able to do that is because the element of surprise. i say to biden and his team, israel, we re getting back our people either way. trace: writes the following, at bbc anchor as exhibit israel forces worn palestinians ahead of the hostage rescue mission, i cannot imagine asking that question. it s a military operation that clearly took months to pull off and you gonna give notification? at the basic prerogative here is surprise and balance of action. if they lose the element of surprise whenever you engage in hostage rescue missions when he notified the assailants of what you are objectives, i think of israel were to engage in further conflict here and rescue more hostages it would be a categorical global skate mistake to modify how w.a.s.p you re potentially garnering a scenario will hamas will target and/or harm is really civilians for what? for the ultimate purpose of withdrawing israeli military, or engaging in bartered and shipped for further peace. we all want peace with it has to start with returning to the hostages, israel has to pull off what s necessary to return them home. trace: we said they would move all these college campuses and they have, they have surround the white house and called for a intifada revolution. here s some more video of these protesters, anti- israel pro- palestinian, very anti- just watch. [ bleep ]. trace: thoughts? listen, as an iranian, first-generation to america, we have been trying to warn the americans, america s next. americas now. and we are seeing it into these protests, weather defacing thinks calculated disrespecting america, they are just calling it out afford the killing of zionist, killing of jews out loud at this point. what is and how to take for americans to wake up? trace: rabbi mentz, he wrote let s not be distracted, how we know idea have could put all the hostages home wants ago and it would of the census murders of innocent palestinian children but we know their true motivation. it s kind of ironic, the jewish people have been we re about to salivate on wednesday, 3666 years since god came down and gave us the 10 commandments? thou shout not kill, thou shalt not murder. we the jewish nation never wanted to get into this war and if we were not hampered we would have done this in six days. the world has put handcuffs on israel and they allowed this is civilians not to leave to go to egypt. trace: camera here is in michigan giving a from the posting in his speech and she still gets heckled, watch. it we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in gaza, including those tragically killed today. for the past eight months, president biden and i have been working every day to bring this conflict i m speaking right now. i value and respect you voice but i m speaking right now. trace: the keep trying to ruin of these far left radicals and yet they are not going to, your thoughts? my thoughts as the innocent palestinians tell us where the rest of the hostages are, come out now. trays, if i knew my next-door neighbors had kidnapped people and i don t come out and speak about it, my innocent? like to all of the innocent palestinians, come out and tell us where the hostages are, show us your innocence. to kamala harris, you cannot play both sides. they are failing. kamala harris, he built the sub, you allowed them to speak, gave them free speech and now, you got a problem with it? [ laughter ] welcome to it free speech is from your party. trace: 10 seconds, aaron cohen? israel pulled out a doozy, that was a magic trick i was talking but eight months ago, they got the pressure on hamas for the past 8 miles, there s a reason why know what home in three hostages are home. trace: dr. sheila nazarian, is aaron cohen, photomac, speeding. a life guard came under fire after refusing to fly a part of flag in his workstation and what happened after that? common sense, captain jeffrey little joins his life. a live earth camera looking at north carolina, nicknamed the land of the sky. who knew? we re coming right back. [ ] trace: in a small victory for religious freedom, los angeles county has graded a christian lifeguard a partial exemption from flying a progress pride of flag in his workspace. let s bring in captain jeffrey little and his attorney, special counsel paul jonna. a thank you both were coming on. captain to you first, you were granted an exemption and then they revoked it and they ve given it back to you, you have to be thinking you don t trust these people? absolutely. this process all began last year, and i requested an exemption to not have to fly the pride flag and be responsible for supervising. trace: what you tell them, digitally listened this is the way i believe, what was your reasoning? i m a christian, and being a christian i want to honor god and will honor the bible and doing this action and endorsement, religious convictions i have, bringing this in the workplace. trace: paul jonna to you now, you don t have to abandon your phrase because you re working a job, right? soon obsolete not, the first amendment protects employees in the situation, a government employer like the county must accompany accommodate religious as it has birdiemac this is somebody without religious objection fly the flag but instead they are doubling down on a position in there forcing us to litigate of this issue. trace: part of the problem is, that you are, you don t have to raise a flag but he still have to tell some deals to do that. that is not a true remedy? correct, having to compel a subordinate and having to supervise the operation of that part like being raised, to me that does not honor god and it is really living a lie, continuing to do that. trace: i know this has been said to you many times but the whole idea of people saying while, it has nothing to do with you not wanting to rescue somebody who is gay. it has zero to do with that at all, and that s not even part of the case be when it s a complete diversion, i have been doing this for 22 years and had excellent feedback and hundreds of people saying, my job is to protect the public. and i will continue to do that for the rest of my career. trace: why do we have to legally force people to adopt somebody else s celebration which is against their faith? i don t get the reason for that. of the u.s. supreme court has held that a public school cannot require students to salute the american flag, government employees cannot require employers to salute the making of like what the county of los angeles is choosing to dictate its employees have to raise a progress part of flag which they owned document say promotes messages about his beard and magic, it s very controversial thing. and forcing religious man, a man of faith to do this is unconstitutional. trace: what you think about this, when they revoked it, did you think what are you doing? and how do you think this battle is going to go on for a while, or is it something you think could be fixed quick? it s a simple fix, it s a simple ask. but it seems as though my employer has not shown good faith and honoring the beliefs of people with faith. trace: what do you say? are you confident that you are going to go to the outcome you are fighting for? our small team has had nonconsecutive ones against the state of california, get a longer fight with the county in the past which resulted in them paying attorney fees marianne rafferty they dig their heels and co. push the envelope as far as they can, ultimately they lose these cases and were quite confident they will hereto. trace: captain, paul jonna, thank you for coming in. best of luck to you. i would rather watch grass grow, i would rather watch paint dry, i would rather watch it dirt be moved around because caitlin clark is on the team. you people, whoever did this, honestly, take your brain, put it in a museum and is studied for how dumb you are. trace: founder of sports bay, he is not the only one with a heck of a lot disabled of the decision to keep caitlin clark off of the woman s olympic basketball team roster. what do you think? was it a sound judgement or a complete an otter s now? let us know on x. and instagram, we will read your responses, @tracegallagher, coming up in the the nightcap . [ ] with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america using only american raw materials. most competitors make things seven thousand miles away. and then wonder why they don t fit. with weathertech in your vehicle you may hear angels singing as you marvel, how do they do it? simple. american technology and american workers deliver quality. not imported junk for a few bucks less. get the world s best floorliners and support america. find your fit at ( ) [ ] trace: they are battling online i can tell you that, we re back with the the nightcap crew, kevin corke, ashley strohmier, rabbi mentz, aaron cohen, tonight s topic olympic snob or not? the limbic women s basketball committee leaving the highest profile rookie in league history caitlin clark off the too for roster, many calling to the decision a snob and a mist opportunity to grow the game. other argue caitlin clark is not as qualified as some other woman who made the team and that she will most likely, make it the next time. and she will do a lot of other things snub should caitlin clark have made team usa, why or why not? ashley strohmier? i think she made such a splash in college basketball and there were 70 people who backed her, he did miss the mark with this withered she is ready or not i don t know, it sort of looking at dollar signs maybe they did miss the mark without one. trace: maybe the dead. our resident sports and knowledgeable person kevin corke, your thoughts? of the blue would, she should be on the team. sometimes you take the gift. the blue this one completely, she can play cash doesn t have to be top 12 best, thing they had a mist opportunity. trace: rabbi mentz? plain and simple, you people working their whole lives to get into the olympics and all of a sudden one person swoops in and says i m taking your spot? i think she could wait a few years and you get it like everybody else. trace: okay. dr. sheila nazarian? oleh same such a cool mom right now, my kids are obsessed with basketball and the fact that i m speaking on this topic, i think she is amazing. yes where they have made more money and more people were watching? yes, i think there are people who maybe more mature and qualified and should be on the olympic team instead. trace: interesting. marion? is. and she said i think his class act, we all know how good she is. able to see her soon. trace: she is fantastic, aaron cohen? snipers are like a french wine, they get better with time. trace: there you go. kevin, other side of this, i think look, she will have her time and maybe it s not the time for some because prepped. exactly right. trace: i think she will find her time, that is for sure. should caitlin clark have made team usa on x., 78 percent yes, 72 percent on instagram. michael, i never knew about women s basketball until caitlin clark, a lot of people have echoed that. if they wanted me to watch the should have included caitlin clark. kathy, she s not she hasn t played enough to be on the team, others are more deserving. s got says it does not meet olympic storage, best day in olympics her head. doctor danna said yes, if he has added christian, caitlin clark to the treatment team, why not? tommy said yes, if you want more eyes on women s basketball, she would help as she has for the wnba. and emmett w. such snot and the top temples it is a blessing that would have been awful. good stuff, good panel. thank you all for joining, s be think of her make us late news,a fox news @ night . angeles, i was he back here tomorrow night. and 5g solutions from t-mobile for business. t-mobile connects 100,000 delta airlines employees, powers tractor supply s stores nationwide with reliable 5g business internet, and partners with pga of america on game changing innovation. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you ll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it ll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. landscape and th [ ] dana: hello everybody i m per dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, richard fowler, jesse watters and greg but gutfeld. it s 5:00 in new york city, this is the five . [ ]

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Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240608-1560

Is because there are no facts to support anything like that. andrew weissmann, as always, thank you. you are welcome. still ahead, another jobs report and another big win for the u.s. economy and the president. how the biden economy keeps breaking records, coming up. co. y febreze air mist, to leave every room smelling fresh and clean. with that done, it s time to get to work. la la la la la if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks.

President , Andrew-weissmann , Facts , U-s , Economy , Anything , Win , Jobs-report , Records , Coming-up , Co , Blood

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240608 05:15

Us reverse course. in fact, i don t know that it s entirelyco kno possible to reverse the course of a woke military agenda and defense department a without a new commander in chief. although new co, whatever the outcome of a political election, we of t womenndhe outco who currently serve in uniform to exhibit the courage t s necessary to stand on principle and values and speak the truth when . when we start to see the censorship of the conservative voice s the, it s n harbinger of societal failure and the military has long been has a bastion of conservatism and patriotism. when they star lont calling youa patriot extremist like they called you and they start to make you feelextrem ashamedfl because you believe in a conservative or ashaw. em dorldvie respectfully, don t let them do that. it s time for you to exhibito t courage. ur it s a unique stage in world history, in american historyagey take this opportunity speak the truth. you did that. y you live that. the book is irresistible revolution, by the way, oron by matt lowe. check it out.

Fact , Us , Commander-in-chief , Election , Course , Department-a , Reverse-course , Military-agenda , Co , Outcome , Womenndhe-outco , Entirelyco-kno

Transcripts for MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240608 06:07

Going to be won by biden. all of our polling shows people are most concerned about inflation, they are most concerned about jobs and the co economy. democracy should be like this de wrinkles you get with the ice e cream cone. but we have a functioning democracy. you can throw your economy out the window. finish your thought. i was just going to say that if he doesn t win it on the record that he is running on, and which is a strong one. which is a pretty strong one. and a vision of the future. i don t think he wins by saying i am a democracy guy and that ha guy isn t. were talking about two different languages about the people who may vote for biden and who may vote for trump. this is not about issues at all. this is about personality. this is about who you believe. the people on the right, they talk about earth one and earth

Hunter-biden , Functioning-democracy , People , All , Economy , Jobs , Inflation , Polling , Wrinkles , Ice-e , Co , Cream-cone

Transcripts For CNN First of All With Victor Blackwell 20240608

class= nosel >
div class= colspacer >
div class= gutr > preservation, age e1 works by making foundation on nutrition easy here combining vitamins probiotics, and whole foods source nutrients into one comprehensive formula multiple billion with a b we ve got this honor. you got this. i m dr. sanjay gupta. and this is cnn welcome to first of all, i m victor blackwell. we re going to start today with a breaking news out of israel. the idf says it has rescued four hostages who were taken from the nova music festival on october 7. now one of those freed hostages is no argument. she was seen being abducted by hamas and driven away on a motorcycle in the aftermath of the attack, cnn internet national correspondent paula hancocks is in jerusalem. paula tell us what you know about the operation well, victor, we understand from the israeli sayyed, but this was a joint mission. they say a very highly complex mission between the idf, the israeli military, the isa, the security agency, and the police. they say it happened at 11:00 this morning and it happened in central gaza, the area of nuseirat camp now, we know from the israeli side that they say that for israeli hostages have been released. and as you say, one of those hostages is noaa. money, a 25-year-old chinese israeli citizen, who, as you say, we did see on the back of a motorbike on october 7 being taken away by hamas militants. she was at the nova music festival this potentially one of the better known that hostages the that we have been hearing about over the last eight months we also know that andre kosla for 27-year-old, russian israeli citizen, has been rescued as well. he was working security at the music festival when he was taken hostage shlomi sieve, 40-year-old, who was also working security at that music festival where hundreds were killed on october 7 and i ll maga media johnny 20 one-year-old. so the four according to it, israeli officials, that we ve heard from our in good medical condition, they have been taken to a medical center to check them over. let s listen to what the idf spokesman had to say this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza while under fire on fire, inside the buildings, under fire. on the way, on the way out from gaza, all forces rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks there are underwent intensive training they risk their lives to save the lives of all hostages but we also have to look at what is happening in gaza devastation left behind after this operation. we hear now from our producer on the ground, that at least 55 have been killed in the area that this operation happened is at the al-aqsa martyrs hospital and hundreds more have been injured hancocks with the reporting from jerusalem, paula, thank you. let s bring it back now, here state s sayyed and the 2024 race for president. now, 150 days until election day. but the election season starts far before that. first of all, this week, republicans can see the cracks in the coalition of black and latino voters that helped joe biden beat donald trump in 2020. but it s not clear that they have a seamless strategy to actually win those voters senator tim scott announced that he s giving it a shot this week. he s launching a multimillion-dollar effort to tor battleground states and recruit black and latino voters for trump and the gop here s the catch though, in the announcement a source told cnn the republican national committee, and the trump campaign are quote aware of the initiative and they plan to be resources where needed. but this was not a directive from the trump campaign. so it seemed like they know he s doing this, but nobody asked him to do this. and those no urgency to help him help them center is god s plan is expected to focus on michigan north carolina, georgia arizona, nevada, and pennsylvania. so let s go to philadelphia this past weekend trump campaign, they actually hosted a black americans for trump up prevent. this one is cognac and cigars because you know how much we love hennessy the philadelphia inquirer points out that the first event was in northeast philadelphia. one of the widest and most conservative parts of philly congressman byron donalds was the main speaker. and for the rest of the week, he had to clean up or explain or defend comments he made that day about black families being together during jim crow let s talk about this muddled messaging with michael harriet. he is a columnist for the grill and author of the black aif history, the and whitewash story of america. michael good to have you. thanks for having me. so let s start here with why is tim scott doing this? and is he the best? i guess ambassador for the gop to get black and latino voters. he s, he s expecting to get them for trump and the gop when he couldn t get them for his own campaign. well, no part of the reason tim scott is doing this is not like you said, trump didn t ask him to do it is part of like he has some leftover campaign money. any wants to be vice friend? so why not use this to by the vice presidency, he s best positioned out of all the candidates, like to be the black vice president. so that s part of it. and the other reason is, i mean, let s be honest, i d like you know, here black people talk about like, let s go to the tim scott party yeah, you don t want to go right out to the tilt kind of it. but tim scott is partially dorna s to kind of make a men s to his own black constituents in his own blackstone, which is also a part what i don t understand because the way tim scott speaks about race in racism in the country now and he says there is no structural racism, there is no institutional racism is not the way he has always spoken about. if this is tim scott in 2016 talking about racism and the scales of justice, watch this so while i thank god, i have not endured bodily harm i have, however, felt the pressure applied by the scales of justice when they are slanted i have felt the anger the frustration, sadness and the humiliation that comes with feeling like you re being targeted for nothing more. then being just yourself that was 2016 and he one on the same ballot is donald trump won reelection in 2022. what happened? there? donald trump happen right so i ve talked to tim scott about this issue about justice in policing. remember, for years tim scott was trying to push through police reform or the water scott notification act four years, but all that would away with donald trump, right? because this current republican party is not really a conservative party, is the party of fealty to one guy. and what one guy dictates is what you have to do or be on the outs with the entire republican base. and so tim scott has set aside all nest of this. he has been fighting for for his own self-preservation. and that is to serve donald trump, the lord and savior. here s what byron donalds said this week about black families and jim crow so one of the things is actually happening in our culture would your now starting to see in our politics is the re, in the region invigoration of black families with younger black men and black women that is also hoping so breed the revised hi have a black middle class in america. you see during jim crow going to go back to orange and grow back family wants together during more black people were not just conservative, but you always have 50 serving of my are more black people holy conservative leak and then hew, lyndon johnson. and you go down that road. and now we are where we are now he could. have made that point without invoking jim crow. why the frame work of american apartheid around families and families staying together? well, first of all, yeah, like you said, like, i don t even know why he spent the rest of the week defending stuff that he brought up. but i think that he was dog listening to a particular part of his base, white, not the black men, but there is a segment of black men who wish that they could return to the days when women didn t have all the rights that s one of the parts of that that we don t talk about that he s kind of dog whistling to like after the civil rights act women also got rights and that is why marriage rates in every race decline because they could have bank accounts, they could get jobs. and that s one of the things that he was dog whistling too. but the other thing is that he was dog whistling two part of his constituency because at those events, mostly white and at those events like those constituents who are gathered their they also are what to return to that jim crow time. that s the place that they want a return. that s what they re talking about, what they say make america great again. and that was also or not those people michael harriet. thank you for having us understand this outreach to black and latino voters. thanks so much for being with us. $130 billion. that s a lot of money according to the fearless fund. that s venture capital funding raised by us companies in 2018 the firm says that when they found out that only 2% of that financing with the companies founded by women. and less than 1% went to company started by women of color. it became their mission to close that gap with a grant program for black women entrepreneurs but their work is now on hold after a new federal well appeals court ruling fearless fund was soon on behalf of a group called the american alliance for equal rights. and they argue the program violates the law. and they say programs that excludes certain individuals because of their race, such as the ones that feel this fund has designed and implemented are unjust and polarizing. now, the aer is led by edward blum. now he s not a household name, but i m sure, you know, the fruits of his work recently he s the legal strategist who supreme court case dismantled affirmative action in college admissions. a blom is not trying to hide his continuing crew say this headline conservative activist who took down affirmative action is now going after law firms, diversity programs is featured on his groups website. his group is also going after a southwest airlines travel award program for hispanic students. the smithsonian institute, a national museum of american latino, in march blum touted as settlement that promised the museum s internship will now be open to all ethnicities but not just blum. it s taken up this cost since the affirmative action ruling conservative groups like here s have targeted a range of programs from those studying reparations to a program meant to help pregnant women of color now with that context, let s bring it now. ariane simone, she s the ceo and founding partner of fearless fund. thank you for being with me this morning. let me start here with i think is probably a pedestrian question, but i want to let you run a little bit with it. why socially, why culturally are these efforts successful, and why the fearless fund? i can t exactly tell you why the fearless fund, but what i can share is the impact that we have had prior to the fearless fund being in existence. black women had an average fund raise of $30,000 when the fearless fund was bounded, it came on the scene. we were cutting seven figure checks to black and brown women. our thesis is that a woman of color co-founder must be on the founding team and that is the impact that we have had. we ve raised somewhere over 60 million. we ve deployed investments at our investment vehicle and at our foundation, we have deployed grants as well as health education programs. i can t exactly say why we were targeted, but we this is the impact that we have and maybe some view it as a threat so among your list of investors, bank of america, jpmorgan, chase, mastercard, ally paypal does this ruling jeopardize that support that you then pass on to the women you award these grants well, there s two things going on. there s our foundation that s where grant programs are held. and there is our fund which is our investment vehicle, since the lawsuit, i can say that we have not had a closing on the funds sayyed, where we raise capital in order to invest in women of color since the lawsuit, we have had some corporate partners step up on the foundation sayyed, can continue those programs, but on the front side, we have not had a closing since the litigation has taken place. so there was a study from goldman sachs in 2020 that black business owners say that they were denied bank funding at a rate three times that of what we heard from are they heard from white business owners? what does this ruling practically mean for black women invest entrepreneurs and maybe other organizations that like yours target investment in this community that is at the front of the line when it comes to starting new businesses in this country it is very concerning. we only exist due to the racial disparities that exist as you stated, just recently, that there have been many times where people of color and black women and black people have been denied funding and financing there is no reason why black women are the most founded entrepreneur demographic, while receiving the least of the funding that takes place. there s no reason for that at all. these programs are at stake and they re at stake because this is a precedent case. this being used as a benchmark way to establish case law for what is either violating the law or accepted by the law. so yes, this is definitely very concerning and i hope everybody is taking note on simone ceo and co-founder of the fearless fund. thank you so much for your time this morning. well, he murdered a black lives matter protester in 2020. but daniel perry is now out of prison thanks to a pardon from the governor of texas, will speak to the district attorney who is now fighting to undo that. and the mother fighting for justice for her son, garrett foster plus id day medic, who s he wrote heroism, went unrecognized for decades because he was black we will show you the emotional tribute to corporate waverly woodson junior 80 years later the most anticipated moment of the selection and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president s one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27 the nine live and cnn and streaming on max now, at t professionally installs google nest products you re all set z, your home is safe and smarter. we re going to miss. you can check it on your home armed the system you should go manager system from virtually anywhere get intelligent alerts, like what a package has arrived are the most trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, you have a home with no worries brought you by adt. so how long have you lived here? 40 years. and how or the restaurants around here? are they good, bad man with the average household income? is there a mall? i don t know. a hair salon. where do you get your 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mockery of the laws of texas and the state constitution which give governor abbott this power well, travis county district attorney jose garza is with us now alongside sheila foster, garrett foster s mother thank you both for being with me. and let me start here with you, da garza, texas constitution, our region just a section of it. the governor shall have power on the written sine recommendation and advice of the board of pardons and paroles the majority thereof to grant reprise commutation of punishments and pardons. why is perry s attorney wrong? the governor s power to issue a pardon is not on limited and that s because the governor is not a king. he s not a monarch. keats still has to operate inside of our democracy and inside our democracy, there are rules that are laws that govern how pardons can be issued and what steps need to be taken before a pardon can be issued. in this instance. those laws were clearly violated. but texas also has defense council would read a little further in the constitution. he would also see that the texas this constitution has one of the strongest separation of powers clauses in the country. and as a result of that, it prohibits the governor from interfering in the role of the judiciary, which is exactly what he s done in this case. this pardon makes a mockery of our justice system. it has inserted politics above the law and above justice, and we intend to continue the fight. them to uphold this conviction or garrett and for his family ms foster, to you, you ve spoken about not just what this pardon means for you, your family, your son, but what this means potentially for other governors, for other offenders, the legal system it sets a precedent. it sends the wrong message it allows people to copycat what he did and how would everybody feel if that had been a trump rally? would he be pardoning this man if that had been a trump rally the garza, you say that this interferes with a judicial system if that is the threshold let me just give you some some room here to explain that. how does it interfere? i mean, the the guy oven or has the power after conviction on advice from the pardon and paroles board that happened here where did he interfere? let s let s talk about this from a couple of different perspectives. first of all this part is wholly unprecedented in many ways. the request for a pardon was issued less than 24 hours after the jury verdict the part in itself was granted after the appellate. i m sorry, before the appellate process even began it is the first time in the history of the state of texas that have governor has pardon someone before the appellate process has run its course. but the other piece of this is that the rules are clear. that in order for a pardon to be granted in the case defendant is asserting actual innocence. that the defendant has to either provide evidence from the district court or provide written letters from from two of the trial officials and in this case, none of that happened because all of this is political. let s remember that the governor old for this, pardon? i m after being bullied by tucker carlson and other right-wing voices on conservative media and so no one should be surprised that they circumvented all of the rules and all of the normal legal process to get to this political outcome. certainly the power of pardon is a strong one, but it is not an unlimited power. and it should be insulated from politics. that s not the case here sheila i having spoken with several parents in your position after losing a child, the conviction of the person who murdered that child is part of the healing not closure. i don t think there s ever closure, but healing how has this period since the pardon been for you i ve been sick ever since the governor announced his plans to pardon. i haven t been able to return to work because i am so sick because of the stress we waited nearly three years for a trial and when we finally got a guilty verdict, i was able to sleep fully for the whole night for the first time since my son s death. and then 18 hours after the jury verdict the governor announced his plans, departed it has wreaked havoc on my health and now that he s done it i don t i don t function normally anymore i m just honestly terrified how is weekend? i know saying yeah, i saw her last week and visited with her and she s she has struggling this is not right. there s nothing about this that is fair. there was nothing wrong done in that trial and they are just using this for political pandering. i should also say the documents show that perry texted in may of 2020 quote, i might go to dallas to shoot looters close. quote, and also shared racist messages, including white power memes, as well. now there are 14 attorney s general who are asking the department of justice to look into this see if there had been federal laws broken sheila foster, district attorney, jose garza. i thank you both for the conversation and we of course, will continue to follow this to see what happens next. a black d-day hero and his unit are finally getting the recognition their bravery deserves. will speak to the son of an army medic who treated the wounded on omaha beach and is being honored now, 80 years later this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters follow the results, follow the facts fall cnn nature you always know the right time to call when life plays dirty. water waves waterways pure, clean, healthy skin oh, no. running royal with chewy. always keep their bowl full, save 35% on your first auto ship order get the food they were delivered again and again sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep. so he takes z quell the world s number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like himself get the rest to be your best with non habit forming zeke. well, better days start with z equal nights and less time making cocktails and more time 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day, hurry. there ll be gone in a flash designer sales at up to 70% or shop today this weekend, june is an annual chance to remember the heroes that put their lives on the line for democracy on d-day even those who could not participate in that democracy fully themselves one of those heroes was corporal waverly woodson junior. he was an army medic, part of the 320th barrage balloon battalion that all-black unit landed on omaha beach june 6, 1944 and 80 years after spending hours treating wounded soldiers as he was injured himself. copa woodson was posthumously awarded the distinguished service cross that s the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the army. and on friday, the us army, the first army, honored woodson and his melody associated press took these photos of the ceremony and they described the metal being laid there on the sand and soldiers saluting it. the api described the metal being passed around among the soldiers delicately. and it was explained that we want to be able to say that this metal came from omaha beach and was at the site of woodson s actions corporate woodson son, steven is here also with this is shyam brown. she chronicled the stories of heroes like stevens dad in a new documentary a docuseries, in fact called erased world war 2s, heroes of color welcome to you both. and steven, let me start with you because i understand there was a reporter from the api who described to you over the phone what that ceremony was and what they did and as you heard it, what do you feel i was overwhelmed with emotion. victor, it was extremely well-done i actually did get to see portions of the video and on there s truly unbelievable and honored what does this mean for your family for your 90 mother? what does this honor, now, me it s a tremendous honor to our family. we ve been in pursuit for recognition for not only my dad, but just african american soldiers who participated in d-day invasion is 320th and by receiving this honor, it s just a little bit more of closure of recognition for all african american soldiers have participated in d-day. my dad s heroism was outstanding, but it s true honor, our family and shy. and do we know how many now black service members participated on that day in 1944? so with the free 20th, there were over 1,000 african american troops as a part of that barrage barrage balloon battalion and as well as the free 20th who were the only black combat unit to land on the beaches of d-day. there were also a lot of labor troops and so within our documentary series, we ve looked at combat unit combat units as well as people who would have been serviced troops at the time. so yeah, there s we re still discovering stories and it s just it s been an amazing journey to be a pole. according to the army, more than 1 million you in black people served during world war ii we know why they weren t recognized 80 years ago or even 50, 40 years ago. but why are they so under-recognized today, cheyenne oh, that s a tough question, but i think there s a way of rewriting history and what we mentioned in my film is that there are plenty or history books films, documentaries, which often leave out the black experience in world war two. but what we know is it was world war there were over 8 million people of color who served in world war two. and i think those stories need to be recognized and it s taken so long because i think it s hidden history and i think it s incredibly empowering and brave what these men and women do and had done there. so i think it s, i think it s who writes the history, what historians know, what archivists know. and another thing is a lot of the time to black troops what photograph, and they weren t recorded but in my film, you see black troops on in kettering in middle england. so we managed to discover that footage, but it was really, it s quite difficult to find a large array or photographs and footage steven, i understand that your family is now calling for your father to be honored with the medal of honor yes. matter of fact, we ve been in pursuit for this or with this for a number of years. my mom is really karatay, the torch or a majority of the time and with her being 95 now, she s doing great. but she has asked me to step up in and take her place in pursuit of my dad s recognition. so everything is going along fine senator chris van hollen from the state of maryland has been really instrumental and attempting to get recognition to him. well, i hope you are successful. steven woodson. thank you for your time. cheyenne brown. thank you as well. the d-day episode of erased world war ii, heroes of color is streaming. now alright, coming up we all recognize the regulatory and beat when we hear right but could a lawsuit over its origin bring down the entire genre will ask an expert? the athletes made you re pushing the limits of what is k before. ready to show the world how good i am. i train all over the globe. and that s what 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reggae tone with daddy yankee s smash hit gasoline up. but now more than 100 artists, including bad bunny and daddy yankee are being sued for copyright infringement the claim is that they are reggaeton songs derived from an instrumental by jamaican duo cleveland, cleaving brown. and white cliffs, steely johnson called fish market from 1989. listen to this three here. that beat is the beat you hear a lot in the genre s see, even just saying it because myself is moving. there were recent motions to dismiss this lawsuit, but a judge is allowing it now to move forward. wayne marshall is here. he s an ethnomusicologis t at berklee college of music and co editor of the book reggaeton weighing good to see you so this beat this dembo beat is everywhere. how foundational is it to the genre of reggaeton? oh, i mean that basic beat is absolutely foundational to reggaeton. a lot of people would say without that beat, that rhythm, it s not reggae tone. and you can find that beat propelling most reggae tone souls so this judge is now not determined whether the beat pattern is original work are warranted copyright protection you study this, does it first appear in fish market in 1989 or has it been around forever? well, yeah, it s a great question and perhaps a crucial question and one that will start to come out as the trial proceeds and it really depends on how you define it. obviously, steely and clearly or making the argument that they brought this rhythm into shape. and in an original and protectable way back back, then but it really is a question that basic beat that get to get, get to that we hear all the time and reggaeton. and that really define the sound of dancehall reggae in the late 80s and early 90s on the other hand, could be heard as a far, far older and more traditional rhythm these days we call it dembo pointing back to a dental rigueur record by sciubba ranks called dembo but 100 years ago, you would have heard somebody referring to that basic rhythm as the harb and anera because it was so closely linked to havana and in various other moments in time, it s been known as the tango. that s where tango gets its name. it s been known as bamboo law. according to robert farris thompson the great chronicler of afro diasporic culture in his work on tango he notes that back in congo, it was known as a mach-e new the call to dance. and so it s also not wrong for you to respond that way and apparently people have been responding that way to that rhythm for a very long time. one of the more than 100 artists who have been sued is, as i mentioned, bad bunny his album in 2023 was the most streamed album on spotify, 4.5 billion streams. what does this lawsuit mean in this moment of man? i save growth for reggaeton right? yeah, i mean, as you note reggaeton has been a massive growth sector in the music industry in general, bad bunny has been on top of the world more or less for several years. we had the story of days by sito back in 2017, making a record run up the anglo pop charts. so there s a lot of money, there s a lot of money, and reggaeton. and i think that s part of the backdrop here, is that jim making musical style has been a part of the global mainstream for quite awhile. and it has sort of defined the global mainstream through, through reggae tone for the last possibly 20 years, certainly the last decade or so. i think you ve got a lot of jamaican producers and artists looking around and seeing a lot of people who are not jamaican exploiting beats that they think really are from jamaica. and they re wondering what they ve been left out. yeah. and that is certainly the undertone of this now is reclaiming the origin of some of this music as so many around the world are profiting from it. wayne marshall ethnomusicologists. my first one on the show. thank you for being with me this morning to talk about reggae tone so he has are for sale paintings appearing exhibitions, a piece commissioned by the first lady of kanna. and he s not even 2-years-old yet meet the toddler who guinness world records just named the youngest male painter in the world. and artists like the assignments are going off and playing the tornado here. i m thinking i m going to die. and i thought that was it. marlin earth with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn homa glowed, just cleaned my entire house for $19. seriously, $19. they showed up right on time ended my dishes, my laundry they even cleaned my windows you just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. i love using glow and i think you will too i can via the windsor my daughter s mla she is 19 months old she is a little right of sunshine one of the happiest baby should probably ever made children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute mound looking at oregon, just looking in general here we are st. jude children s research hospital works day after day to find coors and save the lives of children with cancer. and other 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artists and ghana and doing interviews with international reporters, not bad for someone who in july will be 2-years-old. i met a slim and his mom after guinness world records named him the youngest male painter in the world. my name is chantel who am a visual act and full i gonna i am a mom of the current guinness world record holder as the youngest male he actually started painting at the age of six miles. i wanted to keep him busy while our supreme so i did put some on straight kind of us on the floor, gave you some pain. it was when he live in mind that when i introduced him to the traditional compass and easily brush and palette setup. but it might ahead. i thought i was going to now teach him how to do immediately. i put the set up in front of him. he took the rest. did they appear and started painting? i took out my phone and this is our old soul already knows what to do. i just have to be make sure that i m. opening the what s those core here you pled he couldn t do that. he as we speak, he had about 50 paintings so far, he has participated at just one wasn t. group is exhibition called sound out at an easier, more science and technology. people like lady of their public, of dana which keep committing a piece at some collective around the world. for me, i m very proud of him because having a child 8-year-old haven t such be liquidly, smith followed as good as the whole world recognizes came as judge not now okay the black one, the two canvases side-by-side that my favorite that is my favorite. so as liam is going to be part of another exhibition coming up next week for more information, check out his instagram page is run by his mother ace, underscore liam underscore paints thank you for joining me today. and every saturday at eight for first of all stay with us. we ll be back for a special our of cnn newsroom after a short break. you 19th cnn celebrates june with special performances by john legend, hadi lewbel, smokey robinson. we still have a lot of work 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Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240608

class= nosel >
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div class= gutr > that is it for us, thank you so much for watching. remember, if your friends are busy tonight, had a hot date, you and can watch the nightcap tomorrow night, saturday at 11:00. he s turn right here on msnbc. for now i am signing off and on that note i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with me, i will see you tomorrow. i think back and i go, this was such a senseless murder. and why diane? why, when she was ready to start a brand-new life? i will never know that answer. spectacles kept coming. hi diane, it s 2:00, just making sure you are here today. at 2:00 it was too late. simone have killed her. we had her body at the scene, that was all. she had a fiance. they argued a lot. we had our ups and downs, no question. and a coworker with a crush. he was an odd character. i was always very spoiled lead to her. everybody was suspect. then the break. tips from other women. he wanted to get me in there and i didn t budge and all of the bells were going off. i jumped in my car and took off. i felt i had dodged a bullet. the who was frightening, but the y was much worse. in my wildest rooms i would have never imagined something like this could even exist we you certainly had a motive. yes, we did. it was the afternoon of november the 15th, austin, texas, 4:00 p.m. something ominous in the air. suddenly, the familiar feel of it against the skin, comping. something big. they did tell us on the news, if you don t have to go out tonight, don t, because we are going to get relentless reins. and then the sky overhead turned dark, like midnight in the afternoon. when stuff like that is pitch black out and you have the fear of tornadoes. sure enough, so the announcers on tv, twisters had been spotted heading towards the city, including northwest. diane lived in the northwest and i called her i said, hey, girl, they just said there is a tornado heading in your direction, and she said my direction? and she s like, i don t know what to do. i ve never been in a tornado. so, she was kind of freaked out? she was very freaked out. then the ferocious rain and heavy wind, the thick funnel clouds dipped around the city. the next morning, a friday. it was all over. friends checked on friends. but no one could reach diane. the freaked out one. diane holik work from home, for ibm. that morning, so unlike her. she missed the conference call. hi diane, it is to:00. i am just checking to make sure you are safe. all day, phone calls from ibm and friends went to voicemail. diane, hey, this is sharon, i was going to see if you are going to show up tonight or not. she didn t. i got to the club and i was waiting, and she didn t come, she didn t come, and i spent all of my time wondering when she was going to show up. had she been caught in the storm? had her house been hit? a coworker called the police. they cruised over to diane s neighborhood and found her big house unscathed. they. through windows, the security key. they went upstairs. there, all but hidden behind a guest room bed, they found diane. someone had killed her. i actually had a scream of some sort, just like, you can t it is not true. that is not what happened, that is not diane. but of course it was. diane holik, 43 years old, suddenly the unlikely center of a strange and disturbing mystery, and a most unlikely victim, murdered. absolutely lived life with gusto. she was a vivacious, beautiful woman. reporter: lynn had a known diane since the 90s when they started working together at ibm. she let her friends, she let her family. we would vacation together. we would have so much fun and just laugh and laugh and laugh. well, a lot of things we like to do altogether was we hit the clubs a lot. lots of dancing. lots of dancing. diane met anita and cheyenne cooper at the ladies room of an austin bar. she was in there, she said oh, you have cowboy boots, you must know where country barn is. we said yeah, i do. our best friend is coming and we are going to go when she gets here. and she said cool, i m going to go with y all. first time i had ever met her, never seen her before. she was in town for 3 weeks. diane said well, not just for the club, so she gets into the truck where her clothes are and starts pulling at something western and starts putting it on right there in the parking lot. she was crazy. she was throwing things on that she was stripped right there in the parking lot. right there in the parking lot. we danced all night long, she was having a blast, so happy that she had met the two of us, because she said, now i have me some dancing buddies. so magnetic. which, said her colleague, helped make her a fine recruiter for ibm. i would center off to colleges, and these kids, they would just gravitate to her. she had a personality that just stood out. and her attitude? endlessly adventurous. one time i remember sending her off to do a recruiting trip, and she got out there and they were doing a balloon fest, and she called me up and said, i need half a day off. and i said why? she said, i m jumping in a balloon and going. she would always test the edges with you? always, yes. she would throw all kinds of parties at her house and invite everyone she knows. so, they may not know each other, but everybody knew her? yes. yes. and she was great, she just loved having all of these wonderful people around her. in any room, any crowd, diane was the lure, especially to men. it was never a problem going out with her, because she was like a magnet for all of us. yeah. there was always been around when diane was there. always. so there were. now she was dead. and the one thing that seemed obvious, there is that second floor bedroom, what happened to diane for the mark of a man. coming up, a killer is calm and cool as he is coldhearted. you commit the act of murder, and then you leave, you don t want to get caught, the that person didn t do it. that, in itself was odd. someone close to diane? an interesting thing happened when she had 40. i need a partner, i want marriage. when dateline continues. tel all bundled with progressive you ve got the peace of mind to really wander. yeah. yeah, i just hope it stays this way. once word gets out about these places they tend to -are you done? -aaand there it is. willll (rebecca) it wasn t until after they had done the surgery to remove all the toes that it really hit me. you see the commercials. you never put yourself in that person s shoes until you re there. 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(energizing music) i got a page from the supervisor in homicide saying that a woman had been found deceased in her home in northwest austin. narrator: detectives tracey gerrish and eric de los santos i got a page from the supervisor and homicide, saying that the woman had been deceased in her home in northwest boston. detectives tracy garrett i long since learned that if didn t tell them much. but when diane was murdered? we had the body, and that was all in the beginning. they looked for evidence of forced entry, there was none. the doors were locked and windows were attacked. either the killer knew her, or she let the person in. in any event it certainly didn t look like a robbery turned deadly. she still had her watch on, she still had a tennis bracelet on, and she had a charm that was in her hair that had obviously been on that was not around her neck. she also had some money that was sticking out of her pocket. so, maybe diane s body would tell them the story. the killer had hidden her under a bedspread. it appeared that she had been strangled, a ligature mark around her neck. it could have been a rope, it could have been one of those flecks fans that you used to exercise. clearly not somebody s had? clearly. what about her eyes and her face? was there any sign there? she definitely had in the eyes sign strangulation. she appeared to have a bruise on her cheek. it was like a rubbing type of a bruise on her cheek and she had four of them on her stomach. rubbing type of ruse? as if you are being dragged across the carpet and it was a rug burn. they discovered sponges of lipstick and mascara on the carpet. we also found a spot of urine, where her body would have been, had she been strangled. so, we knew something that happened there at that particular spot. she must have been killed there. and behind the bed where they found her body, was there any indication that she had been sexually assaulted in any way? no. her clothes weren t messed up. there was nothing indicating that she had been fighting, she had no scratch marks on her neck. why didn t she try to defend herself? so, as we continue to look at the body we notice some red marks on her wrist. that was interesting, because you don t usually see that. there was no ties, there was no rope, there is no tape around her in the room. just red marks. just red marks. little red marks that look, somehow familiar. it looks like two parallel lines, and then perpendicular to those lines were little lines , probably a 16th of an inch apart. i ve seen these marks before, sometimes on the flex ties that we use. ties. zip tied binder. but then he would have cut them off afterwards. he obviously cut them off afterwards, and we knew that immediately. detective santos s mind went to the darkest of places. diane must have been restrained with those zip ties, helpless, terrified as she watched her killer preparing the ligature and put it around her neck. what kind of horror did you go through? what was going through your head? after she was dead, the killer must have stayed for a while, carefully erasing any sign of his or her presence. so, that in and of itself was odd, that doesn t happen. you commit the act of murder and then you leave, you are scared, you want to get out of there, you don t want to get caught. this person that we didn t know, if they were male or female, didn t do that. with this person? so deliberate, so cold-blooded. this was no straightforward case, nothing simple about it. i probably didn t sleep for 72 hours. as they chased down their endless questions. so, what does that leave you with? was it a targeted killing? the one who is angry with her? those were all possibilities. most of the time you are going to be killed by someone you know. sometimes it is someone you know very well. and of course, we are all familiar with domestic violence, so, you know, we want to see who is in the immediate inner circle of her life? diane s friends, they learned, she had been married years before, but had spent most of her adult life as a single woman and happily so. until she changed her mind. she left her single life, and she loved her independence, but an interesting thing happened when she had 40. she decided, i need a partner, i need somebody like my friends have. i wanted marriage, i want the things they have. so, diane set out to find a mate. with the help of the dating service, it s just lunch. and pretty soon she met a divorced father of two, named dennis connolly. i think they truly, immediately had a chemistry. i think they were in love. he was a successful businessman, he was handsome, he took her everywhere, and that is what she was looking for. just two months later, dennis presented diane with the bubble of a lifetime, a $20,000 engagement ring. he loved her, he put her on a pedestal and treated her like a queen. she likes his daughter, she cared very much for his daughters. and that was a strong point. they make plans, as lovers do. dennis had moved from austin to houston. the idea was diane could sell her big house and move down there too. it was a downmarket then, but as diane told her friends, there was one potential buyer. now diane was dead. and there were all of those questions. not a robbery, and yet, as the detectives soon discovered, something was missing that $20,000 engagement ring nowhere to be found. so, police wondered, where was fiance, dennis, during the violent storm? and did he know something? coming up. the storm outside and in. they argued a lot. we had our ups and downs, no question. you know, it wasn t like physical? never. when dateline continues. lin it s okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. ask your eczema specialist it was true, all her friends knew it, diane holik was in love with the man it was true. all of her friends knew it. diane holik was in love with the man she met , smitten like a teenage girl, but the road of love, as we all know isn t always smooth. they were engaged so quickly. too quickly? before long they encountered some serious issued set her friends, anita and jared. they argued a lot. about, one example? her dogs, were like children to diane. but she told her friends, dennis didn t want any dogs in their new house in houston. they fought, set her friends, about what he seems to want her to be. she was always talking about, hey, didn t want her to do this or didn t want her to do that and that will cause arguments. she would not go along with it? no. she was independent? what was he? controlling. oh. very controlling. that can be a difficult combination to so, it was confusing, she probably wore this spectacular ring, but the engagement was off and then, maybe on again. and yet, that very week, set her friends, diane told them she still didn t know what to do. so, she had gone back and forth and back and forth? emotionally she was a roller coaster, because she just couldn t see how it was going to work and none of us could see how it would work either. especially when she told sharon she had made a date with another man. we kept telling her, if you are still wanting to do these things, you are not ready for that. but she had her house for sale? yes, she was going to downsize. if she didn t get married, she was going to downsize anyway, because this house was just way too good. waffling under plans for dennis? a date with another man? she said she had seen dennis angry, so, after diane was murdered, she wondered maybe he had just lost control of his life and killed her. that was my first thought. detective gerst ash dennis to come to the station to speak without the aid of a lawyer. the detectives focused on the timeline. they believed diane had been killed that stormy thursday afternoon or evening. her body was discovered about 5:30 p.m., friday. we were definitely interested in where he had been for the last three days. he knew he was going to verify his alibi to us. at the station, dennis seemed upset, but composed. as he told investigators, he was in his office in houston the night of the big storm, but exchange online messages with diane, back in austin that afternoon. it was just, you know, like, hey, i m working late, i m getting ready to go home, and she just send me, you know, i love you. that was it. and you were at the office? okay. dennis said he got home from work late thursday evening and was back on friday. we looked at the conference, could he have driven down to austin for diane and theoretically driven back in time for work? and yes, he probably could have. they checked diane s answering machine and found messages from him, this one was left on friday, the day after the big storm. she was dead by then. hey, you, if i don t hear from you in about an hour, and calling the freaking police. and have to go by your house okay? another message, saturday morning. diane, what is going on? give me a call. you have me worried to death. by. which could have been some sort of cover-up, of course. dennis admitted, their relationship was iffy. we ran into rough spots. we were going to build a house in houston and i decided that, you know, given the fact that we weren t getting along to gather, very well i mean, there was no fight, we all fight, it s just everybody carries baggage of your relationships at this age, and and our baggage was clashing, and we were working on it, but we decided not to be engaged anymore. okay. and stop holding a house. but he said they were going to therapy, which was hoping. i mean, we were really, really making breakthroughs, you know? about diane s dogs, for example. she saw that i was accepting the fact that, you know, her dogs were going to be in the house. and not long before diane was killed i remember her saying you know, that she would she loved me and that she would jump at the chance to be in a relationship and marry me, and, you know, no matter how long it took. yeah. we had our ups and downs, no question, but it wasn t like no physical fights? no. never, never, never even angry or loud words. it was just it s stupid, you know? she thought i should be more of a like, handyman kind of guy, like her dad, right? and and i thought she should be more appreciative. what she faithful to you? i would i would be shocked if she wasn t. i would be stunned. everyone has his or her version of the truth, of course. dennis story, not at all what diane s friends said they had been hearing from her. i wanted so many times to just say, dude, you are just so stupid, because she did want to marry you. detective geyer garrett took fingerprints, collected dennis s dna and check his alibi, and dennis? before he left, dennis brought up another name. has anybody gotten a hold of ray? no, we are trying to figure out who ray is. ray was a colleague of diane s at ibm. he seemed to worship the ground she walks on. he seems to be attracted to women that are not attracted to him. honestly, if i was if i was a woman, i would he would be giving me the creeps. and according to dennis, he and diane were not on good terms. now, they had a falling out about a month or so ago. don t know the exact nature of it. so, time for a talk with ray. coming up. a coworker, with a crush, but did he want something more? i was always very spoiled to her, and very affectionate to her. when dateline continues. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ingrezza everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. i ll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors.yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that s why i love my swiffer wetjet. it s a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet. i am just collate in with the hour s top stories. the united nations is answering adding israel and hamas to its military forces harming children amid military conflict. the news comes as israel faces new criticism for an airstrike in central gaza that killed dozens of people at a u.n. displacing palestinians. and president biden spoke of the need to protect democracy while fighting dictators and hateful ideology, as he honor the sacrifices of soldiers 80 years ago on the beaches of normandy. now, back to dateline. suspicion. there was lots of it to go around after diane holik was choked to death in her own guest bedroom. at least one of diane s friends directed her suspicion at dennis. the man who said he was her fiance, but was he anymore. dennis swore it wasn t him, but maybe he was suspicious too. what about this guy? he asked? what about ray. there was a man that she worked with, by the name of rafael chauncey, and she had actually hired him at ibm, so she was kind of his boss. maybe more than his boss? here s what diane s friends told the police about ray. he was johnny on the spot every time she needed something. he always called ray and ray was there. honestly in my heart i believe that he truly loved her and would have varied her. if she would have him? yeah. if she would have him. it seemed off to dennis. s relationship with diane he told the police, it was a little too cozy, obsessive maybe? he always felt like maybe ray kind of took a liking to her was very infatuated with her, and he would always offer to take care of her dogs when she was out of town. always wanted to be kind of close to her. so, he thought maybe that he had too much of an interest in diane. what s more, ray had his own personal key to diane the house and remember, there was no forced entry. the killer was either invited and or had a key. so, detective gerrish asked ray to come into the station and answer a few questions, except it was ray who seems to be full of questions. working on it. unfortunately i don t know anything about diane holick when until i went to her house last night. he seemed excited to share what he knew. how long have you known diane? two years. he was an odd character, eager to help us, almost too i eager, to the point where throw us off a little bit. my group, my payment to her was not to always take care of her dogs. in two years she didn t have a dog sitter, i even change my schedule so i could walk her dogs. he told you a lot didn t he? man, i can t believe it. i always had a crush on diane, since i was younger. to diane reciprocate your feelings? no. did that ever cause problems to you? no. in the beginning argument that stuff? no, in the beginning we have some i was always very spoil- ey to her, very affectionate, she didn t like it. they played good cup, that cop. another detective came in, frustrated. no sexual relationships? you want to? i always wanted to, but never did. know, it was a little bit more formal than that i guess. you never had a sexual relationship? no. never. so, your dna shouldn t be found on her? you are not giving it to us? if you wanted. ray agreed, he did have a key to her house, but he also had an alibi, he was at work the day diane was murdered. i had the badge. there s cameras all over the place too at work. you can ask for the records. that day, ray said he stayed late at work and then drove home through the terrible traffic created by the storm. and after that, stayed home. stayed home and didn t go anywhere. back to work this morning at 8:00, 8:00. of course they needed to verify all of that. but when they asked ray about dennis, the fiance? that is a loaded question. it is and. i mean, i want the truth. there were some problems or whatever? they were going to get married this november. clearly diane had complicated relationships with dennis and ray. so, just as they had done with dennis, police fingerprinted ray and took a dna swab and went on looking. sharon told the detectives done had a date with the man and they couldn t figure out who that man was, but they tracked down every man she had met from the dating service. i interviewed every single day she had through that service. too many options. police wondered, has diane been strangled by a man she had met through the dating service? or a man she knew well? even left? and yes, something seems to be missing, but what? this wasn t going to be easy. coming up, a funeral and a wedding, and what some say was a former fiance s extremely strange behavior. oh god, we did a morbid thing. i mean beyond belief. and finally a clue. was this one of his stakes? when dateline continues. first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. that is an affluent neighborhood. it s not normally where you find murder victims. narrator: darla davis was worried. that is an affluent neighborhood, it is not normally where you would find murder victims. tyler davis was worried. diane s ball body was there barely cold. prosecutors jump on the case and encountered a problem. the fact that she lived by herself. there were many wanted to change that single status and there was certainly reason to look at them carefully. but the prosecutor worried too. about another possibility. we might have a stranger on stranger offense, which is way harder to solve. so, essentially a dead body, not much evidence? right. no idea who did it. exactly, and i had an idea that we would have the crime scene. that meant she had investigators went back to diane s house to take a look. and went over it with the alternate light source. we have to do it in the dark. we just take it and put it in carpeting or on any kind of fabric or anything. and certain things will fluoresce. for example, if there is blood. the alternate light search source we are looking for. it didn t look like diane had been sexually assaulted. but they had to know for sure. and when they tested? there were no indications that there was any semen anywhere. and that room are different parts of the house. nothing. no semen, no blood, no evidence of sexual assault. and apart from her missing engagement, nothing in diane s house seemed out of place. except, in the middle of the otherwise brisk living room. there, on the loveseat is this tower just thrown open. weird. it was definitely out of place. maybe it was left behind by the killer? was this one of the mistakes? there were hairs later on. her hairs? no. there were seven hairs on that terrible. they sent the hairs to the dna lab. her friends plan the excruciating details for diane s memorial service here in austin. sharon found the funeral home and the lady to do the makeup and everything. we went in with them and help them pick out a casket and all. and her dress for an open casket. i need to make sure that whatever we got looks right and covered the appropriate parts of her. seeing where the wounds were, seeing where the ligature marks were, probably just as difficult as the day i found out that she passed. dennis came to the service, as expected, but he tended to not speak with anybody, which i found somewhat strange for a man, who was so in love with diane. front and center? no, he did not sit front and center, which somewhat surprised me. watched through a haze of grief and suspicion. when diane s parents moved her body from austin to their home in new york for the funeral, diane s friends as was dennis. and as diane lee in her open casket something very strange happened. oh god. he did a morbid thing that just infuriated her parents. i mean, beyond belief. dennis had brought a minister with him to the funeral. to actually say the marriage vows to him, as she was laying in the coffin. and then took her hand and put that gold band on. i thought mom was going to come unglued. diane s parents removed the ring, said a friend. but, the diane s family was appalled and her friends were deeply suspicious, back in austin, investigators were looking at all kinds of possibilities. dennis, ray, and other men diane had left remained on the list of statements, their alibis checked and rechecked. and the first time love. but that murder prosecutors talked about, was that really what happened? was the killer some random predator? is not a great feeling to know that you are going to have to expand out into the possibilities that this was somebody who was a stranger to her. because that makes it so much harder. that second, more intense search of the crime scene detectives found the first time, including this killer, where the lover has been careful and clearly prepared for what he, or she was going to do. this person, who is trying to avoid being captured. yes, so he cut the zip tie off of her and took the zip tie with him. and thus removed the evidence, but there was this one other thing, just a passing comment. they heard it from anita, on the phone with diane. she said that she had somebody that had come by earlier and had looked at the house, was very impressed with it. i said that is good. she says, yeah. i might finally sell this thing. good that visitor be connected to diane s murder somehow? or that discarded what towel? with those seven tiny strands of hair. coming up, a stranger knocking on doors. what happened next. i felt i had dodged a bullet. he wanted to get me in there and i didn t budge. i stood there with all of the bells going off. when dateline continues. ne this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you re over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don t wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. 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[cat meow] is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. the detectives investigating the death of diane holik were all too aware that stranger killings are among the hardest to solve. at the point when you were driving around talking to people here, did you have any idea what you were looking for even? no, nothing. narrator: especially if that stranger is as careful as diane s killer appeared to have been. i mean, it was true whodunit. narrator: the medical examiner looked carefully for evidence of sexual assault, semen, the killer s saliva, dna under her fingernails, that sort of thing. and there was none, none at all. though, police 101, maybe one of the neighbors saw something or someone suspicious. and sure enough, not one, but several neighbors had seen a stranger, a potential homebuyer, who was a welcomed visitor, frankly, in the difficult housing market that year. they all agreed he was tall, had dark slicked back hair, and a big nose, and that he said he wanted to pay cash for a nice house. so was he the man who toured diane s house day of the storm? you always try to find the last person that saw sure. the victim alive. and we thought, well, this man could be the last person to see her alive. narrator: who was this phantom homebuyer? interviewer: did anybody get a name? we did get one name, walter miller and a number. narrator: walter miller? of course, they looked up the walter miller s around austin and found two of them. neither one fit that description, though. and the phone number the man left course they looked up to walterg miller around austin and found two of them. neither one fit that description though. and the phone number the man left? it ended up being a fax machine. it ended up belonging to the wife of a guy, by the name of matthew supolsky. matthew supolsky. what with you? he had a background involving a drug addiction, the muscles, a restraining order against him. and we eventually tracked on matthew and they realized right away he could not be the killer. he was in a neck brace, he had been in a bad accident, he had paralysis on his arms, so we knew it couldn t be in. meeting, this visitor, whoever he was, left a fake name and a big phone number. who would do that? then they found another neighbor, who had talked to the guy, heard his story, got a good enough look at him to help with a composite sketch. and we aired it on the 10:00 news. boston police have asked for help in solving a murder. police questioned a man seen in the day before that murder. they described his wife between the ages of 35-45, he s about six feet tall and neatly dressed. and we were hoping to get tips. what you know? before long women started calling. tales about a man who wanted to buy a house. so, what were you hearing from people who may have had a visitor? was at the same story they were hearing? pretty much. yeah, they were getting the story about this guy that sold his ranch in south boston he and his wife are looking to do this quick in the physical description were all the same. some colors, like tammy, had curious details. he had on brand-new gene that were probably three sizes too long. it was the kind of strange thing you remember said agent, tammy. he had on a shirt, a striped shirt that had wrinkles in it. i mean, pulls. just came out of the box? he just bought clothes, i m sure of it. he had suspenders on, which i m sure nobody wears suspenders and it wasn t like his pants are falling off. but it is when she showed him into the house that her nerves went on alert. he said oh, after you, after you. it was a standoff at the bottom of the stairs, wouldn t go. my stomach is tight. tammy was where a. years earlier, she had been raped by a customer. i knew all my instincts, all that i have learned and been through were the reason i was nervous about him. he said his name was jim sage. he kept trying to get her into upstairs rooms. he wanted to get me in there, and i didn t budge, i stood there and all the bells were going off. the next day tammy called the police to report this jim sage. did he hurt you, did he threaten you? did he put his hands on you and i had to say no to all of that. he said i m sorry, there s nothing we can do. but now, diane had been murdered, strangled, tammy remembered the man s odd suspenders use them on diane pop holick s neck. when did that hit you? after. after i found out she was strangled. the calls kept coming in. women, with stories of a strange man posing as a homebuyer, some truly hair- raising stories. like what happened to x real estate agent melanie blunt, six months before diane was murdered. a man had called about one of her houses. it was a vacant listing, and i asked him if he had been prequalified by a lender, and i am paying cash, and so i drove over to meet him at the house or go to the door to greet him. and immediately he was behind me. he would never walk in front of me. which made melody uncomfortable. especially because he only wanted to see vacant houses, and the whole time that i was showing him the home he was never looking at any room. he seems to be more interested in looking out windows than he did the actual room. she said something else seemed off about him. he has a ticket in his neck, constantly cracking, and popping his neck and breathing very heavy. melody wanted to leave, but then the man noticed the detached garage. he was adamant about getting in the garage. he said i really want to see inside the garage. he started that neck popping. her hand shook as she tried to work the key in the door. it didn t open. i just turned to him said i m leaving, jumped in my car. locked the car and took off and i left him. she drove home, still shaken. i have never cried, nor prayed so hard in my whole life , because i felt i had dodged a bullet. melody called the police too. got the same message as tammy. they did not believe me. did he touch you? did he hurt you? no, he did not. when she saw the story about diane and the sketch? i looked at it, and immediately knew that it was the same man. well, the police and prosecutor investigating diane s murder were working every angle they could think of. we were just coming up zero. he knew what he or she was doing and very careful. that was the impression we were getting, and that is what was increasing our anxiety. so, they waited for dna results from those tiny hairs found on the towel in diane s living room. and they listened to the women who called to tell them about being frightened by a mysterious would be homebuyer. who was he? and then one more call and they knew this could be their breakthrough. she said that she had seen the news and she thinks that that man had come to her house and she possibly had a flyer that he had handled that he had left behind. we were really excited about that. which meant that, maybe there might be fingerprinted. did she say this thing? she did it by accident. she didn t just throw it away? no, she actually picked it up and put it in a sack. a story by this time sounded all too familiar. she was excited to sell her house. she was going to pay cash, wanted to bring his wife back to look at the house and he asked her if she could look around. so, she kind of followed him into one of the bedrooms and when he got to the closet he turned around on her and she said there was this awkward silence and he just stared at her, she just became so uncomfortable she thought something bad was going to happen. and just then, in a nearby room, the woman s baby cried. and it gave her the opportunity to break the encounter with him to grab the baby and he followed her into the room and was standing behind her, when she turned around with the baby in her arms and it must have spooked him. and he just left? leaving behind the flyer? leaving behind the flyer. so they picked up the real estate flyer and brought in a latent fingerprint those prints might just belong to their killer. remember, they found no prints in diane s house to compare them to. in fact, this was strange. even diane s (hard to find. as if the killer may have wipe them clean. it was really not even the fingerprints that you would think you would find in a house that was occupied. that is very rare. yes, it was very rare and scary. scary because they wouldn t know who he was. scary because if he was a stranger just looking for a convenience target he had probably seen the stories on tv with a composite sketch and knew they were looking for. so he could have changed his appearance or left the area, or even worse, my strike again somewhere else. but then? there was this one more phone call from a woman, who said she too had an experience with a male homebuyer and this call just might lead them to an actual person. coming up. she immediately got a creepy feeling from him. the brick detectives had been waiting for. she actually wrote down his license plate and called police. when dateline continues. co keith morrison (voiceover): the idea that the murder of diane holik had something to do with her attempt to sell her house the idea that me tthe murde diane holik had something to do with her attempt to sell her house was gaining some traction. even the friend who remained so suspicious of diane s fiance wondered about that. i had a fleeting moment that maybe it was somebody dealing with the realty and selling of the house because there were quite a few people that came in. i thought maybe a husband found her attractive, you know? made a move and she didn t go for it. calls were pouring in to the police station from women who all shared a similar story. they described a man who claimed to be in the market for a new home but seemed to be shopping for something more sinister? one woman provided police with the mystery man s fingerprint. detectives thought the crime scene had been wiped clean so there was no way to match it back. there was a new caller and she was about to give them more. and she basically had told us that months earlier that this man with the same story had come to her home but in a different neighborhood. but very affluent so it kind of matched. he was insistent about wanting to go in and see that house. and she immediately got a creepy feeling from him and told him no and her husband said well if he ever comes back you need to call the police or get his license plate because it really scared her. and about six months later he came back and was very insistent on going in to see her house and she told him no she was not going to allow him to come in. and so she called the police. nothing happened then. the reaction she got was like those other women. the police could hardly arrest some guy for just seeming creepy. but this woman did something different. she wrote down the name and phone number the man gave her but more important his license plate number. stuck it on her fridge. instinct? luck? maybe both. she didn t know if he would come back again. she thought it was concerning enough that she would just leave it on her refrigerator just in case and she gave us the original piece of paper she wrote his license plate down with. and. well we immediately ran his license plate and it was a minivan and it was registered to patrick russo and his wife janet russo. patrick russo. his last known address was in a rural area about a half hour outside austin. so they decided to pay a visit. it s a pretty drive to bastrop county. the live oaks, the cypress trees. at 4:00 a.m. the detectives weren t exactly taking in the view as they drove to russo s home. hoping this is a lead that could shed some light on the murder of diane holik. all they had were stories about a creepy guy looking at houses for sale. was patrick anthony russo that guy? maybe, maybe not. dawn was hours away when they knocked at his door. the man who woke up to answer it looked like the composite sketch. coming up. patrick russo seemed an unlikely killer. i ve got my ged. i went to college. i studied for theology to become a minister. but an odd coincidence. he was in diane s area the day she was kills. you remember ever talking to her? when dateline continues. dat (amanda) my name is amanda, and i smoked while i was pregnant. this is the view i had of my baby in the nicu. my tip is: speak into the opening so your baby can hear you better. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. shingles. the rash can feel like an intense burning sensation that can last for weeks. shingles could disrupt work and time with family. over 50? the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. don t wait. ask your doctor about shingles today. head & shoulders bare clinically proven dandruff protection with just 9 essential ingredients no sulfates, no silicones, no dyes. dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. hi, i m michael, i ve lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. a new toothpaste from most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i ve got my life and my health back. scout is protected by simparica trio and he s in it to win it! simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! ( ) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection go with simparica trio. craig here pays too much for verizon wireless. so he sublet half his real estate office. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. [ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. keith morrison retrack: a torrent of tips called in to austin police led detectives tracy a tore rent in to austin police led to detectives to the doorstep of patrick russo. a man matching the description of the mysterious stranger seen in diane holik s neighborhood the day of the murder. we told him his name had come up in an investigation in austin and he basically just told his wife that these things will happen from time to time because he s a convict and out on parole and not to worry that he d be back in a couple of hours and we left. on the ride to the police station he went by his nickname, tony. he wasn t surprised they wanted to talk to him. things go wrong in your town or something, it s a possibility people would look at you. and that s okay. i understand that. he seemed eager to help and wanted detectives to know he d turned his life around when he was in prison. i spent my entire eight years in prison doing nothing but engulfing myself in a better life. i got my ged. i went to college. i studied for theology to become a minister. it was behind bars where tony met his wife janet. she a church volunteer. since his release, he said, he d published an autobiography about his tough childhood, his battle with drugs and his redemption. i have a ministry they go into prisons with. i go to churches and share testimony with them on how they can deal with, you know, youth or whatever that are headed in the wrong direction. at his local church he said he d become the minister of music. what is your job at the church where they pay you for? my job is to make sure that the music for the praise team or any kind of music that s being done for church services is handled, whether i play it or have someone play it. and in his spare time? he fronted a christian rock band. what s the name of your band? it s broken silence. broken silence. that s a good name. again, said tony russo. he was more than willing to cooperate with the investigation. i will be happy to do of what you guys need. so i don t have any problem with it at all. so they asked him, where was he when diane was murdered. did he have an alibi? thursday? um, that was that big storm day, wasn t it? thursday, i spent some time at the church again. i went to go to knle here in austin. knle is a christian radio station. tony said they were helping him create a website for his christian rock band. okay. about what time was that? uh, i think it was about. let see, i talked to my wife. i was pulling into the parking lot so that would have been about 4:00, i believe. when no one came to the door i went ahead and left. so you made the trip up there for nothing basically? pretty much. then of course he got caught in that awful storm. i got lost for probably a good hour or so. i got on the phone with my wife. she stayed on the phone with me. it started getting later. that s when the heavy winds started coming and the tornadoes, i guess. so what time did you get home finally? um, my wife s better at the timing on this than i am. 5:30, i guess or 6:00? i m not really sure exactly the time frame. thing was, diane s house where she was killed was not far from the radio station. you remember ever talking to her? no, sir. tony was adamant he d never seen diane. you never talked to her? no. interesting. then detectives asked, had he been doing some house hunting? is there any reason why you d be in a neighborhood looking for a house? no. none whatsoever? uh-huh. of course they knew a thing or two about that. so the detectives leaned on him a little. do you want me to tell you how serious this is? i would appreciate it. i feel like i m getting pretty banged here and i don t even know what it s for. she s dead. i don t know if you noticed when you walked in here, this is the homicide unit. i ve done a lot things wrong in my life. i m telling you that as badly as i feel for this woman here, i m sorry, but you guys are barking up the wrong tree. go ahead, he said. search my house. my car. he even offered to take a polygraph. i don t care how hard you dig, you re not going to find me committing any crime like that. any crime, period. tony s wife janet was very helpful too. and her story about that day was just about the same as his. yeah, i was telling him where the tornadoes were. he doesn t know his way around austin all that well. next thing he knew he d circled back around going west because he was he said well there s candle again. candle is the nickname for knle the christian radio station. when the interviews ended tony asked to see janet. i promise you i never did anything to anybody. i promise. and all i think about is how this affects you and our church and everything we worked so hard for. i know. tony and janet russo had answered all their questions. had been cooperative. and tony even gave them a swab of his dna and his fingerprints. so the police thanked him and took them home. coming up. the interview part two. this one a little tougher. is there any reason why somebody might have seen your van over there? surely i don t have the only pewter ford minivan in this entire town. you have the only pewter ford minivan that has that license plate on it. that is true. when dateline continues. ne started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ingrezza ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don t take ingrezza if you re allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ingrezza it s hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial today. hi, i m jason. i ve lost 228 pounds on golo. changing your habits is the only way that gets you to lose the weight. and golo is the plan that s going to help you do that. just take the first step, go to if you re one of the millions of people with diabetes who suffer from low and high blood sugar, dexcom g7 is one of the easiest ways to take better control of your diabetes. my blood sugar would suddenly spike or really go low out of nowhere. it was really scary. (dr. swamy) this small wearable alerts you 20 minutes before you go too low or when you re high so you can take action in the moment. now we re talking a game changer! i m back in control! (announcer) dexcom g7 helps protect against highs and lows. call now! hi, i m jason. i ve lost 228 pounds on golo. i don t ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i m committed to golo for life. after police interviewed tony russo and his wife, they brought him back in. the day e.after police interviewed tony russo and his wife they brought him back in. again he was cooperative. said he was surprised to be a suspect in of all things a murder. two years i ve done everything i can to make the best life for my family and myself. being caught up in this whole thing is such a mind boggler that i feel like i m in a nightmare state right now. bits of information and the women s stories about a creepy man who looked a lot like him were stacking up. detectives asked him about the upscale neighborhoods where several women had reported seeing him. often driving his minivan. is there any reason why somebody might have seen your minivan over there? surely i don t have the only pewter ford minivan in this town. that has that license plate on it. that s true. that is true. by the time the detectives interviewed tony they d checked for priors and guess what. that conviction the one he was on parole for was for kidnapping with a very particular twist. he had gone into an office where a woman was alone and tied her up with zip ties and choked her. did not kill her but choked her. disturbingly familiar given what happened to diane holik. back then a decade before diane s murder tony confessed to kidnapping and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. it was there he met and married janet and soon after was paroled after serving only one- third of his sentence. but the kidnapping charge wasn t all they found at tony s record. even earlier, years earlier, there it was her. it had actually been a quiet day. donna shank encountered tony when she was an apartment manager. all alone late one afternoon in her building rental office when a man walked in. he wanted to look at a two bedroom apartment for his self and his girlfriend, he says. donna showed him an available apartment. we re walking down the hallway. we get back to what would be the master bedroom so i open the closet door and went into the closet to turn the light on and in a split second he had me by the throat. she struck out at him. tried scratching and slapping him in an effort to get away. he took her down. before i knew it i was on the floor. i was on the floor face up and he was straddling me with both of his hands around my throat just squeezing. tight. very tight. i wasn t able to speak. i wasn t able to breathe. i was thrashing and. grabbing at him and things. bucking, you know, everything i could do. until he grabbed my hands and panned them i guess under his knees. i couldn t move my hands. it just, you know, dawned on me okay well this is it. is this absolute terror? it is absolute terror to where your life flashes before your eyes and. you think i m going to die. and this is it. then she thought no, this would not be it and she thrashed about until she was able to free her hands. and i put my hands on his forearms trying to pull him away. i had sort of a high neck sweater on and he kept pulling my sweater down to look at my neck and his eyes are very different, very scary. it was completely different. it was like flipping a switch. it was a very scary crazed look. then donna in a panic said all she could think of saying. i ve been gone too long, they know what apartment i m in, they will come looking for me and he would say you re lying don t lie to me you better not be lying to me and would call me profanities and would strike me. he s still holding on to you, your throat. yes. but he seemed to realize yes, there was a possibility somebody would be coming to look for her and as quickly as he had become a monster. his expression changed again and his eyes went softer. then he completely took his hands off of me and just went like this and just covered his face and then sat back up and he said i can t believe i did this. are you okay? like he s a different person now. yes. to the point that he was apologizing profusely for doing it, asked me if i was hurt. asked me if i was okay. helped me up off of the the floor. helped me collect my necklace that was torn off and thrown about. he begged donna not to call the police, but she did. and he confessed. he was convicted of misdemeanor assault. and was put on probation. but as the years went by, he had attacked five other women in similar ways. including his kidnapping victim. now he s being questioned about a murder involving zip ties and choking and was denying he knew anything about it. saying the similarities with earlier incidents were merely coincidence. it s disgusting to sit here and listen to you talk about being such a devout christian and forgiveness and how much you ve turned your life around when this one coincidence after another this whole thing goes back to similarities that i m sure coincidental back in 1989, 1990, 91, 92. but you re this reborn christian? and you re going to sit here and lie about it? but the truth was at that point police could only prove patterns of behavior. patterns tony insisted he broke when he became a born-again christian. but really? so the detectives set up a little trap and asked him if his fingerprints could possibly be found on a real estate flier. have you ever handled aureoles flier for a house for sale in west austin. no. then your fingerprints shouldn t be on there. correct. but even as tony insisted otherwise they already had received the test results from the real estate flier saved by that woman. thank you lord tony russo s fingerprints were positively on that flier. what happens in the old gut when that? we knew it was him. we just weren t able to put him anywhere and now we had him. true, they had him recently in the home of a woman who d been terrified by his behavior. but they didn t have him in diane holik s house. to get that evidence they needed time and they worried would he run? then the prosecutor had a canny idea. when tony russo said he didn t touch the real estate flier, that was a lie. and lying to the police was a parole violation. so the da s office came up with this charge that allowed us the time we needed to send off all the dna and physical evidence to see if it we could actually put him at her house. bring your right hand back. so into jail went tony russo. coming up. there were five guys standing like a theater setting. show time. with a script. as his victims come face to face with tony russo. repeat the following phrase. do you have any information about the floor plan of the house? do you have any information about the familiar plan of the house? i did not expect him to be right in front of me. so that was extremely frightening. when dateline continues. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. 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[ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. to make clothes softer, outdoor time is me time. i hear that. that s why we protect all your vehicles here. but hey.nothing wrong with sticking it to the boss. ooooh, flo, you gonna take that? why would that concern me? because you re.the. aren t you the..? huh.we never actually discussed hierarchy. ok, why don t we just stick to letting dave know how much he can save when he bundles his home or auto with his boat or rv. wait, i thought jamie was the boss. [ laughter ] it s funny because i m not boss material! choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. a slow network is no network for business. becau that s why more pain at choose comcast business.n. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! the hour s top stories. in financial disclosures released friday, supreme court justice clarence thomas acknowledged that he did in fact accept luxury vacations from harlan crow. republica was the first to uncover the gifts last year. families of the standee hook massacre accept a proposal from alex jones friday to liquidate all of his personal assets including infowars to pay some of the nearly $1.5 billion awarded in that defamation case. and now back to dateline. it was a bit of a reach, franky. jailing tony russo for lying about leaving thinger prints. still, tony was on parole and his lie was technically a parole violation. but mainly detectives wanted him safely behind bars while they looked for evidence to tie him to the murder of diane holik. mind you, they d already noticed something. like the fact that tony changed the look of his van after he became a suspect. he took off the pinstriping off of his van which several of the women noticed. so he went to some trouble to make his car look different. he didn t change the symbol of the christian fish that was the sticker on the back windshield. of course they searched tony s van top to bottom but they didn t find diane s engagement ring or anything else that belonged to her in the van. a search of tony s house came up empty too. a rolled up wire fencing outside the house they found zip ties which appeared to match the markings on diane s wrists. they tracked down his alibi too, of course. asked employees of the christian radio station if tony could have knocked on the door without being seen that afternoon of the big storm and the radio people said no, not possible because. as part of their tornado protocol everybody in the building had to go to the front lobby of the radio station. there s no way he could have shown up there with them not knowing because there s probably 20 people sitting in the lobby and they would have seen him. yet his cell phone pinged in the area, which happened to be near diane s neighborhood. those women who d been calling in who described a tall dark- haired man with a big nose and beer belly. could they help make a case? we had so many women that had let him into their homes in different neighborhoods all over austin, south austin, north austin, even real estate agents that he had called when he wanted to look at vacant houses. but could any of those women actually identify tony russo as their guy? we felt like we needed to do a live lineup because the phrasing and his ruse that he used was so specific and the women remembered his voice and they remembered his story. so they rounded up some austin police officers who looked like tony and put him and them in a lineup. and brought the women in. and there were five guys standing like on a theater setting. number one, take one step forward. couple of feet above me and we re down below. number two, repeat the following phrase. you have a beautiful house. you have a beautiful house. we had a script that each person had to step forward and exactly repeat what the detective was telling them to say. i m going to pay cash for a house. i m going to pay cash for a house. it was everything that was said to each one of these women when he went into their homes. i came to this house before, didn t i? i came to this house before, didn t i? repeat the following phrase. do you have any information about the floor plan of the house? do you have any information about the floor plan of the house? he was number one right in front of me. i did not expect him to be right in front of me. so that it was extremely frightening. i picked him out of a lineup immediately. i was feeling a lot of guilt. i don t know why. you just feel what could i have done? somebody s dead and this man was with me. how many of those witnesses picked out the right guy? i believe it was 15 women. out of the total of how many? i think it was 30. eyewitness testimony is notoriously not great and often doesn t carry much weight in a trial so you needed something more. yes. what they needed was something definitive to put tony russo in diane holik s house. they d sent off dna samples from diane s finger where her ring had been yanked off and from that towel on her couch. finally the results. what did the dna tell you? the swab on her hand was a mixture that was consistent with a combination of diane holik and russo. was it enough to say for sure though because dna. no. no, no, no. we can t exclude him. it s consistent with him. but it s not the kind of dna that you can eliminate the rest of the world. right. just really increased suspicion is all. it was helpful. it was dez positive. we sent the hair off to a lab and they did a may toe conacre dry corral dna test. we could not exclude mr. russo. but you couldn t say for sure. no. so close. just not quite the absolute proof they d been hoping for. but the dna did provide one very helpful service. police had confirmed the alibis of diane s fiance dennis and her ibm friend ray. these tests definitively eliminated them as suspects. but we could not eliminate mr. russo. finally six months after diane s death, tony russo was charged with murder. the risk? maybe. they d only get one shot. and the evidence they were going to take to court did not absolutely link him to the murder of diane holik. then the trial was almost upon us. they found something. something almost beyond belief. in my wildest dreams i never imagined that a website like this could even exist. coming up. the dark side to the web. and tony russo. you certainly had your motive. yes, we did. when dateline continues. ths what hd to me. 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not so easy. it was the most complex murder case definitely the most complex murder case i ve ever tried. that s because without hard evidence linking tony to the murder or even putting him in diane s house she d have to assemble all the jagged puzzle pieces of coincidence into a coherent pattern. when you re getting ready for trial you put it together almost like a play. what are you going to tell them first so you script it out. there were the zip ties on his property that seemed to match marks on diane s wrists. his cell phone pinged near her house. the radio station alibi was a lie. the dna, though it wasn t absolutely definitive, could not eliminate him. and all those women that identify him as that creepy guy claiming he wanted to buy a house with cash. cash which he certainly did not have. but then. he really wasn t looking for houses he was looking for victims. like realtor melody blount who cried and prayed after her encounter she found it so terrifying to testify. but did. i did not expect for patrick anthony russo to be sitting across from me within 10 to 12 feet and having to testify with that man looking at me, it was petri fying. and most unsettling when she noticed something all too familiar. now i m glaring at russo and what does he do? he starts that tick in his neck. starts that popping and i raised my hand up and i said there he goes. he s doing it right now. the state also called tony russo s victims from earlier years. including donna the young apartment manager he attacked in lake jackson, texas. this phone call just out of the blue after all of that time. she was not only surprised, she was angry. very angry. why did that have to a. why did someone have to be killed before this man was stopped? and the emotions of that whole ugly ordeal flooded right back. my heart started racing. it was just being terrified all over again. but some of the compelling evidence came courtesy of tony s first wife. as he d been married once before. the first wife said he could not get aroused sexually unless he was choking her and that he choked her when they had sex. and the second wife? the second wife confirmed he also choked her while they had sex. i mean i will say that he does tend to put his hand on my neck. any time i feel like my airway s getting restricted, you know, and he s, he always lets go. so a strange and potentially dangerous fetish but was that all it was? isn t it possible though that he really didn t want to kill diane holik? that s just my belief that he did. that just choking and not killing it was no longer enough. it wasn t enough any more. and why was she so sure? because of what turned up during a forensic analysis of tony russo s computer. the i.t. people landed on it just as the trial was about to begin. disturbing is perhaps too bland a word to describe what was in there. he was a member of a website one that you had to pay money to see. it s described as tastefully erotic death scenes and mr. russo had chosen the subcategory of asphyxiation. omg. uh-huh. in my wildest dreams i never imagined a website like this could even exist or that anybody would want to look at it. you certainly had your motive. yes, we did. it s called sexual sadism. he felt a compulsion to go and choke people. yes. he was sexually aroused by women being choked. oh boy. that gets into pretty dark territory. yes. they nailed him big time. diane s friend anita was in the courtroom as the state rested and she waited to hear tony s defense. we were all thinking okay, well, here we go. we re really going to hear a whole bunch of stuff. the room was packed solid with people. so his attorney just stood up and said defense rests. there was like a huge gasp in the room and then totally silent. diane s friend lynn arrived just in time to hear the closing argument. he stood quiet for a minute and walked over to the jury and he looked them all in the face. he said i need you to understand what happened to her that night. he put his hands up in the air like this and he put his thumbs down and he shook his hands like this as do though he was choking someone. he said, imagine. it took her two and a half, maybe even three minutes for her to die. as he s holding on to her. yeah. stood there and he looked at his watch and just waited. and for at least two and a half minutes nothing moved in that courtroom. and it was silent and he held that position with shaking hands until enough time had passed that a person would have died from being choked. and all of a sudden slams his hand down on the table. i mean, that s how long it took for her to die. and the whole courtroom just, i mean we all broke down at that point. to think that s how long it took for her to die. how long she suffered. the defense, which did not call a single witness made the case in its closing argument for all the drama the state, they said, failed to prove, because it couldn t prove, that tony russo was ever in diane holik s home. couldn t prove he killed her. tony did not testify. but he did talk to us. coming up. the verdict. when the jury walked back in to the jury box i can t even look at them. when dateline continues. lin the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. in 99% of people over 50. it s lying dormant, waiting. and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you re not at risk for shingles? 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oh, we know. we just like making a scene. transferring your services has never been easier. get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. davis had put everything she had into the case against tony russo. darla davis nohad t put everything she had into the case against tony russo. when, not if, will the sexually sadistic psychopathic predator strike again. she believed he was a dangerous man who should never be set loose to victimize another woman. her circumstantial case was powerful, overwhelming. but nothing, not even the tiny bits of recovered dna could absolutely prove beyond all doubt that tony russo killed diane holik. so prosecutors, investigators, friends and family were anything but calm as the hours passed. they waited for the jury. then after 11 hours. when the jury walks back in to the jury box i can t even look at them even now. i just looked down at the table and i wait for the judge to read. then. we the jury find the defendant patrick anthony russo guilty of the offense of capital murder. it was great. we really worked for this one. so they did. and won a case which remains as relevant a cautionary tale as it did in 2004 when the jury pronounced its verdict. seller beware. that was quite eye opening. the effect on not only her friends but the community as a whole and the real estate business. people need to see this and be aware so maybe this will stop that from happening. and tony russo? his hair has gone silver now. he s in prison for life. and here one friday morning he brought his bible to the barrier that separates his world from ours. his holy staff of assurance that what he was about to tell us about his role in the murder of diane holik would be god s truth. that jury comes back and says guilty, what s that like? devastating. when you re innocent, it s devastating. innocent? yes. and so i hear from the warden that you got your bachelors in divinity. yes, sir. if i had to spend the rest of my life in here i want to use it for christ. throughout our talk he wore his christianity like a badge and like an accusation. i noticed that in the media they love to sensationalize any christians or people that claim to be christians that somehow they just they ve got it, there s some hidden secrets in their life. but your victims were christians too. saying you re a christian and being a christian are two different things. in other words you have to be totally honest? i don t think you have to be totally honest but i think there s things in your life that you ll exhibit whether christ is in your life or not. the evidence against him? he had answers for everything. like why he lied to the police when he said he wasn t looking at houses when in fact he was. i did deny in the interview because i felt like i was going to incriminate myself in the original interrogation. i did, however, share with my attorneys what had been going on. which was, he said, perfectly innocent research. looking at the different designs and things. for a long time we had talked about building a house, one of my friends from church had lived in a mobile home while he built a house on the back of his property. so we wondered, why did he behave in a way that terrified all those women who testified in court against him? you got to admit that was a pretty creepy thing to do. i don t know how creepy it is to look at houses or designs of houses. to tell people a whole shaggy dog tale about why you re there, to follow them around the house, to make them nervous. i preferred not to follow anybody through a house. they re the ones that want to show you the house so they tend to lead you. the rental agent he attacked and half strangled back in 1989. what do you have to say to a woman like her? okay, i don t remember her at all. i don t. and yet he actually confessed to attacking that woman back in 1989. and what about the witness so frightened by his visit to her house that she and her husband saved his license plate number? they kept the license number. they kept about four license plate numbers of people that looked at their house or wanted to look at their house without a realtor. not true, said darla davis. his license number was the only one they saved. i also asked him about his decision to take the pinstriping off his van, just then. he said that wasn t because police were looking for it but because it had been vandalizes. i was going to redo the pinstriping since i had originally put it on there. the zip ties police found wrapped around fencing on his property? they belonged to a friend, he said. and the statement by his wife janet that he would sometimes choke her during sex. i mean i will say that he does tend to put his hand on my neck. i never choked anybody. you choked your wife. no, i did not. she said you did. no, she didn t. she said you choked her as part of a sex act. that s how you had sex. that s not true. that s a manipulation of what she said. i m just telling you that s what she said. we reminded tony he d been married twice and in marriage number one same issue. but your ex-wife says you choked her. okay. and that s how you got sexual arousal. the only way you d get sexual arousal. i m not going to go into detail to embarrass her so i d rather not say anything about her. you know that s a tactic, don t you? i ve seen this done a thousand times. you can call it a tactic. if you ve got something to say about the woman, say it but don t do that where i m not going to say a bad thing about her because it would be mean to her. that s bs and you know it. well, under the world standards yeah that would be bs. but as a christian it s not. we asked about that pornographic website reporting to show the killing of asphyxiation of women. the one he had to register and pay for before he could access it. i cannot help that porn sites pop up on a computer. they don t pop up unless you look at some porn site. so there s an explanation for everything. there s a truth to everything. oh, yes, tony russo had an answer for everything. i am absolutely innocent and it disgusts me that every time you try to say you re innocent everybody says isn t that what everybody says? have you confessed the ultimate sin to god? what s the ultimate sin you re talking about? murder. if i had murdered someone i definitely would have. be you you say with your hands on your bible. i will die claiming my innocence and people can believe it or not believe it. i absolutely am innocent and i don t care how guilty i look. he couldn t convince any courts of that though. all his appeals failed. here he will stay. outside this institution, several women still struggle with the anxieties and fears and prisons of their own created by him. come back any time i get a call from a man that wants to see a house who is single. every time. i could have been a victim. i was an intended victim. that s a hard thing to think about. and they told us, the trauma lives on. though. it s comforting to know he s in there. that he can t hurt anybody else. they are sorority sisters of a sort who unwilling to live their lives as silent victims came together to help get tony russo off the street for good. we did our job and we got him convicted. so they did. this sisterhood. for the sake of a woman whose fate might have been theirs. diane holik. whose friends came together to remember how they miss her. even after all these years. she was a constant friend. she was in my life every day and all of a sudden she was gone in an instant like blowing a candle out. you see the smile on all these photographs. was she always smiling? always. always. she had a magic smile. it was infectious. if she was smiling everybody else had to. we had to. i m andrea canning, and this is dateline. andrea canning: it was one of the most harrowing days in our history. i hear

Diane-pop-holick , Life , Answer , Spectacles , 2 , 00 , Grassland , Pasture , Nature , Natural-environment , Plain , Meadow

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240608

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him. that s the focus of tonight s angle. five months from election inues toshe list of democrat failures continues to grow by the day. now it s friday, so let sonds have fun and quickly categorize them in chronological order. der.first, the biden team and tr press homies thought they could use jan six to intimidate trump supporters and scare away all the independents. history is watching, just like history watched three years ago on january 6th when insurrection storm. this stormed very capital and pe a dagger to the throat of american democracy. dagger the threat of a total flop. trump left office. january 20th if he didn t remember, and an insurrectio if the u.s. government without weapons. is that what? oh, okay. democrawell, then, of course, democrats using january 6, peacm thought a second impeachment trial would do him in. enulbut few paid much attention, according to the reuters ipsos poll. fewefewer onr than one in five d they watched multiple hours jus of testimony and most 55% have seen just clips or no excerpts at all. woops. then there wer te the efforts to remove trump from the ballot. well, we knothatw where that all ended up overturned by the supremes. n s greagreat defenders of demoy were goose egg nine zerowerful. and trump. he only grew more powerful . f of they also ended up unleashingntn a barrage of indictments and civil suits lawfare, spending tens of millions of dollars t in taxpayer money on cases in georgia, d.c., a new york that they thought would help biden because trump would be seen as a bad guy a crook and that he d just end up bleeding suppor he ist he is facing multiple charges, multiplments,e. and they still expect to get at least another indictment, possibly two every time there are more charges. every time there is anothero up indictment. his poll numbers actually go up, as does his fundraiser as d but while jack forney and alvin and the rest of woe bideann apparat chipmunks were doing their dirty work, inflatioion stayn too high. and as americans struggled to pay for gast basi food and jt basic necessities, they saw waveeas of stream across our southern border, wrecking , eatities, eating our resources and committing crimes. when yon you receive immigra, you have to check them. you have to know who arehow ar the how you re going to receive people that you don t know who. thenar you don t have an ideoloy and you don t have any idea if they were in prison. had the white house didn t care, though. they had no democrat votervoter but the polls kept slidingth foy biden. but they really thought they really thought a guilty verdict in that hush money cas e would do the trick. he believes that they a one year ter.m in prison. s be and that is because whencaspend you spend a year prison in new york or under you serve in rikers island, he absolutely deserves jail time because co is an ongoing threat to society and, to ouril community, to dope. one problem biden s polls are still terrible and trump mor. strong and the more desperate the democrats are, it turns out, the dumber their ideas are getting. now, someone probably in th e biden campaign believed that if they could get the press on board, americans would watch list to joe biden and normandy and think, wowan he s really reaganesque. and today d todas unintentionaly hilarious headline is from political playbook. biden storms the beach for democracy, but biden storms. re well, sort of, because with him, it s the forecast is mory toe to be mostly cloudyo with a chance of afternoon confusion by sending biden to normandy. the only thingced convinced americans of was that he should preft home watching jeopardy with a warm blanket across his lap, preferably a plaid one. now, the bottom line is none of their attacks and none of their attempted biden pivots rebranding. i mean, none of it has worked. the poll ne of its are simply mind blowing. and arizona and nevada. trump is uy p by five. but most shocking of all is virginia, a state that biden won by ten points, which is now, tied 48 to 48. come on, virginia, save telli yourself the once credible democrat party. ngyi m you. creted they deserve everything they re getting here. remember, they ceded their influence to the far left. they cater to theme on issues, the trans push and all that. and on the border. and now they re all sinking. and how to think that aum campaign to destroy trump would somehop woulw make bad policies that produce bad results. populapular?r before he died.ima radio legend and mugy friend rut limbaugh predicted much of this. i knop gonew they desperatela trump gone, and i know that they desperatelnt iy it, ma codified that trump cannot runke agai mistan because make no mis they remain scared to death of you trump and. they remain scared to death of trump no matter what they ve thd. tried they can t separate you from trump, and more importantly, they can t separate you from sep the ideas. they can t separate you from gre maga. they can t separate you from makeat america great again.noug, god, we miss them. and sure enough, trump is crushing fundraising goals, raking in nearly $300 million in may from over 2 million liber donations. and there are even signs of life in liberalal l lala lan. silicon valley investor david saks hosted a fundraiser r here last night in san francisco. ani and gavinlos newsom s home. that s progress. and that s.joinin the angle.ntur joining me now is david sacks, kraft ventures co-founder, co-hoser co-t of the all in podcast. david, now prett it s pretty in-your-face to host trump in one of the bluest cities in the united states. and this was scene outside of the fundraiser, only a smattering of anti-trump protestersg ofi-trump. so what was the turnout like inside? azing, the turnout was amazing, laura. you know, we. originally triedd up to raise $5 million for president trump and we ended up raising 12 million. e hae a hundred. lik people there. every seat was taken. we literally couldn t fit one more person in the house completely sold out. and by the way, those protesters who were outsid.eoplw those were actually pro-trump demonstrators. there were hundreds of peoplhode who turned out along the motorcade for trump to basicallallyy wave signs in favr of him. the number of people who actually wer oe protesting against trump there was maybe, you know, a couple of dozends o versus hundreds of people who are pro-trump. so even out on the streets was a tremendous enthusiasm gap. and if that s what s happening in liberaltrasm gap. san franci, what does that tell you about what s happening throughout the country? now, what is silicorossn valw and a couple of these guys i know we re from silicon valley. what do they hope for e for their support? honestly, it s not that transactional or, there is, it s not like there sj some sort of overt quid pro quo. most of these people just reallyreally they wa love amerit they want to see america doing better. now, in termryuts of whatden ad the industry cares about, the industry wants to be able to innovate and bidenit s b administration has been very hostile towards innovation that s beeeeextremelhostiln exte towards the crypto industry. it s already trying to overregulate ai. it s basically put the kibosh on any m&a. and so i do think that thee industry would like to haveashig more pro-innovation policies coming out of washingtontothis e and that does lead to support for president trump. but again, it s not anything transactional. it reallgy is about having a better administration in washington. now, what message does i what happened last night? i know he was alsow he in l.a.,- a west coast swing. but what is message is thisvy have is it sending to other heavy hitters and you and i know them who are maybe nikki haley fans or otheley fansr thet really uncomfortable with trump. does this brinm moreg them overi make them more likely to support him? i thins tk so.wh i think this is going to melt the ice. i mean, look, i know there s alreadpporterse out therehe who are already trump supporters and they re just afraid to stick their their neck s out. i mean, that s the reality of the situation because they re afraid of getting are afraid of cancel culture. they re afraid of of punishment . and they re afraid becauseid the biden administrationf puni l political prosecutions and political investigations. sove t people have reasons to bu nervous about expressing their support for trump. but with each incremental person who sticks their neck re it, makesink,akes the rest of them feel more comfortable doing it. and you re seein a g think a cascade starting to happen now where more and more people are goingoing tog come out for . and to that point, david, i ve been urging them not ral to just fundraise in california, but to do a rall iy in california. t i would think the central out valleyside would get a little outside, you know, san francisco or imperialalley. valley, get into an area wherek are more working class people. i think people need heartradt this message beyond justioink ev the traditionaenl states and i think even if it you know, even if you can t win california cal yet, i think it helps the entire party apparatus to see himthere. ther. yeah, absolutely. i mean, trump has immense supporgt, blue collar workers, middle class workers throughout californiathroughoe whol. he does throughout the whole country. and there is absolutely a receptive audience for trump.a trump we saw that even in san francisco. again, the enthusiasm for trump wa. itves it was really a loved fest. we were sold outth and the protesters couldn t really amount to anything, though the liberal publications had been sort of egging themg to come out all week o and nothing materialized. so there s a tremendoufs amount of enthusiasm for trump in california. well, what are they cheerin g at this point? more decline in san francisco. i mean, it makes no sensy eks that he s your only hope at this point. david. great to see you tonight f. m in thanks for coming on. take trump off the ballot. put him in jail now. just forget actual reporting. we need slanted should more slanted coverageh.. and i think we got to recognizet the threat that this guy in the maga, not just him, the entire maga movement from oneto and trump on down is a serious it s a clear seriousconsti and present danger to the existence of the constitutioed n. our state. and i mean democrats don t even believe in the constitution. trythe nejames nice try, thoug. and the new york congressional candidate is insisting on mega deprogramming project. even if we were to have liresounding blue wave come through, as many of us would like putting it all back together again after we ve gone this maga nightmare and basically would you that sounds like a rather a reeducation camp. ri think we really want to call it that. i m sure we can find another wa y to phrase it. this is why these have people love china. we already have reeducation camps are called the public schools. joining mejoining vivek now, vivek ramaswamy, former gop presidential candidate vivekviv that really does say it all slanted and reeducation camps. that s it. l this is orwellian. but the best part of this, laura, is theythey don guessin . guessing, i guess they gave as to what they re actually doing. contromedianl media, control. te every other institution, reeducate the masses . and then she catches her mistake and says that that s not exactly what we want to call ieian movet, whiche orwellian move at the end of this. but the good news is the american people are seeingg thr, through this, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shamamericane me.stemat ic americans understand that they have been lied to systematicall then y on the e of the last election, from everything about the origin of covid 19. during that to the one hunter biden laptop story suppressedg the eve of the 2020 election, people are seeing through the lies they ve been toldth . i don t think those tricks are going to quite work the same way this time arouns g which is good news for us. and i mentioned the attempt to make biden reaganesque in normandy, whichn as someone who worked in the reagan administration, i just scream laughingi sc laughin when i heae but biden spent the dayspent grovelinthg to zelenskyy and basically throwing americans who are hesitantin about spending another hundred billion dollars. they re under the bus. this i. ttch. i apologize for the first weeks of not knowing what s going as a funding. and because we had trouble getting the bill that we had to pas ms, had the money in itve from some of our very conservative members m wer who holding up the fake. he acts likmoe monee our mont and the money they print and borrow belongs to.owin zelenskyy that s right. i mean, he s bowing to aif h new kind of idol, and if he wants to imitate reagan, look, peace through strength, different from peace through frailty and weakness, which is what biden s actually exhibitinfrailtied wetr the reality is that we have been forking over more moneye moneaine t to ukrait actually have, even accounting for how it s been spent in the s first place. so i think the apology, with all due respect, laura, need s to be running in the other direction, to say that we apologize for not being able to teloul you how your first hundred billion dollars was spent. and instead we have the us presidentsis is th on, his k. this is the problem with the american culture. boder the leadership of bide and the democrats is that we re taught to apologize for who we are. bothn th at home and on the glo stage to flog ourselves forothe actually helpingies we other countries. we re helping enough of that. we are done with this cultur oev of apologies, and i think weiv need to revive that sense of americafn exceptionalism that the actual ronald reagan stood for and that i think donald trump stands for unapologetically today. and you know t a lot what, a lot of people are hungry for it. we re done apologizing for our identity , for engagings sl in this self-loathing. i think that phase and that clou pashed slowly passing acros the country. laura and americans are hungr actually hungry for being proud of who we are again. that in well, i think that when you listen really carefully to biden and unfortunately, we all had to listen to him ov is sure soundsrussia like they re getting ready for war with russi sounda. t it sounds like it s the, you know, rallying everyone not to defenainet tod, but to go onn offensive push inside russia to defeat putin. and regimi guess, do regime che and if that s what they re planning, they better tell the voters now before election day. but it certainly sounds like this is wherwh headed.e they re. well, victoria nuland may not be in the building anymore,d but that s still the same spirit that pervades the current state departmentthit and beyond. and this is part of the reason, laura, why you have never heard articulate articuthisd what exactly is a goal of this war in the first place. there as not been a war goaln a that s been articulated in part becas the whoe stri are pulling the strings to count for regime change as the ultimate goalngs accore that they re playing for. you ve got to be careful what you wish for if you re actually going to root for regime change in russia, you think what succeeds putin is going to be betteime.ter thae what you have right now. we ve played this game before. it does not en well.d. this road does not end in aa res place that advances american interestson. g and i think a reasonable deal to bring this to resolution is the w right way to go. and sadly, when i said that a year ago, people thought th controversial. unfortunately, the facts have vindicated that view. in the meantime me.e, we have no clear answer of what the next hundred billion dollars is going to do. and laurai think you re right, laura, smoking out a more subversive intentione we ne here that i think we need to step to the side of now, reagan was peace through strength , h weak their war through weakness. vivek, thank you so much. bu verall team biden says they d a really hot jobs report, but who s really getting hired? hmm. thinthink thrderk border next. o imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but insteadod remade over and over intod ou the things that keepr our food fresher, our families safer,to t and our planet cleaner to help us get there. america s plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovativec products and new recycling technologies for sustainable changean. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. for years i ve been sharing how creperie has helped my skin look smoother, firmer and younger. and now the system i ve loved for almost a decade is even better. now you can transform your skin from this to this with new crepe erase ultra crepe grease really works. that s why real women have given thousands of rave reviews. it s the 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in may than numbe economists had expected. these are incredible numbers. rs problem , yoone problem here, ys the skirt a bit on the reportth and you see some disturbing trends. the job growth, the 272,000ther that the new york times and others are crowing about today comes with a higher unemployment rate. it went up t to 4%, fewer full time workers and more holdingp i multiple jobs because they just have to. now, let sg digging deeper. the number of foreign born workers, illegals jumped 414,000 while native borne bo workers dropped 663,000. on cue, though, politicoo tried help the biden team deflect that story. someone named amarme moosa frome the biden reelection squad called the foreign versus native born jobs comparison racist nativist attacks. now, how weak is that? a tight labor market, one that s not saturated by illegals is actually the best thing for minorities and others, because thens be was are not suppressed. and this graph captures how americans are literally being replaced in the job. but look, why is anyone surprised the biden regime doesn why ist in americans firs, they ve proven that becaus fe all citizens of the world and they will always and i mean salways immigrants, legal or, ea illegal, first. joining me now, sean duffy, co-hosyt, the bottom line on fox business, and ben domenech, editor at large of the spectator. both are fox news contributors. now, sean, i. they keep going back and take another bite at thtake anoeo su biden-nomics apple thinking that it will translate intok? support, i guess, among independent voters. is thi have s going to work soos they have to be shocked that the american voter still is concerned about economyere so as the number one issue and inflation as the number one issue. if these numbers were so but to your point, laura, these are these are part time jobs that are being created that are going to foreign born, legal or illegal workerkers. as. the american workers are losing jobs. and in the household surved thi. mentioned this as well, there s been a loss of 408,000 so there are less jobs out there. workinbut more people working two jobs, which is why. and in virgini,a, the race is tied at 48 to 48 betweenrump donald trump and, joe biden and why donald trump is winning or improving his numberscause th with hispanics, blackses and young young americans underj the age of 30, because these are the issues they care about. ans ane not getting the jobsob and they can t buy homes because of joe biden s stupid spending and hig h rates and inflation. and now ben biden s chiefy to economic adviser was on fox today touting the of this labor market. as we we have one of the most persistently strong labors markets this country has ever seen. not only i ls labor marketrg amntinually offering up large numbers of good jobs for working americans, we re alslso wages beat prices. ben wages are beating a prices. i don t know a singl sine who fs that way tonight. do you? me i can t. i can t believe. you want me to respondbern to someone as stupid as jared bernsteistruel to n? i thi you re cruel to me, lara. i m sorry, but loonke shouldk, the things that i think we should actually appreciate about this is thatthat some of the thing that we should understand is that a lot of this is happeningifk by. if you look back at may of last year to today, you have 2.8 million, 2.6 million, something somewhere in that range. created 1.1 million of thosetho jobs are in health services,u social services. you know, anotheknowr 400 pluse thousand to 600,000 of them are government jobs. so what does that mean? it means that they re directlyie ,indirectly funded by the taxpayer, essentially because, o joe biden doesn t know how to create a thriving economn doesnl in which people can get good jobs. good job your moneymaking to hire a bunch of people, making them both dependent on taxpayer funds and equivalently dependenton th. the democratic party, which is going to flow all of keep to, their jobs, keep them employed, etc.. and that s something that is happening by design. they want to dramatically increase the number of peoplasee who are dependent on taxpayer funding for their jobs . and that s not and that s not by accident. that is intentional. rchan this is all been intentional. sean judge merchan from trump fs new york hush money trial sentro a letter to both prosecution and the defense notifying them about a comment that leftfacebo on the new york state unified court systems facebook page app that is from the day before the trump verdict. and it said, my cousin is aonvi juror and says trump is gettince convicted. thank you, folks, for all your hard work. now, sean, we have noten confirmed right who left that commenant, but any thoughts? but this story continues to be this this the verdict. everything is strange with the former president. but, yeah, there s got to bent b investigation, not just probably by the judge, but also by the donald trump teamhe eam.. s some find out was this just some rando who didn t know anybody that posted on the sitoe ? was this actually a cousin of a juror? juror.t, if any,t information flowed to that juror and what impact does this have on their verdics thatt. sn that only time will tell. but again, strange, stranggeeh e case. as can i make one last point? i disagree with ben on the last questionquestion t. by design, they think they can be the old soviet union. soen they want government jobs, government led economies, but they thinktheys goin that sg to work and drive the private sector. we know wherever i that tried, it s called socialism or communism. it always fails. so aeconom they re trying to juo economy not by free enterprise, it a state run economies.bu and it never works. so i personally agret noe with , ben, but not fully. well, we ll see if they trye to play around with the interest rates. is the last gasp her ande right. sean and ben, thank you. all right. coming up, how democrats just gave a slap in the face to a thn police officer s family. he was killed in the line the of duty. plus, hunter biden may be gearing utand.p to. take the stand. a live report next. we partners, we brothers and we friends. how are you doing? what is it? it s your new best. bueller. bueller. let s get like. like moves pretty fast. you don t stop and look around once in a while. you could miss it. our military has been by a woke revolution. the military, i think we grew up. and you left your politics at the door. it s difficult to overstate the vision that is being sown into our military, about our sovereignty. it s about our liberty. it s about our constitution. these veterans are putting the record straight. pete hegseth hosts the war on warriors streaming now only on fox nation. if you re an active duty military or military veteran, sign up now and get your first year free. what is it about cindy crawford? the secret to cindy? surprisingly ageless skin is meaningful. beauty supreme. created by french anti-ageing 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latest news and news headlines on sirius xm anytime anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. news is hunter biden about to take the stand in his trial? davifox news justice correspondent david span is here with all the details. david. laura, abbe lowell hunter, o makebiden s attorney, has a ba decision to make whether or not to put the president s son one g the stand. he said today in court that he was done presenting witnesses. wid the judge the only witness that he would present potentially would be hunte mr biden. on monday, he said he ll make his decision this weekend. n emotmeanwhile, an emotionally charged day in court with the eldesttaking t daughter of huntr biden taking the stand. her name is naomshe is ai biden. she s an attorney as well. she took the stand in defense of heru ser father. you see her leaving with the black blazer and the sunglassesh on. as i said, she s hunter s oldest daughter. diedr his sistero who died as an infant in thatg car crash in delaware in 1972, along with hunter s mother, neilia. now, naomi hunter s daughter painted a picture of a clear minded, hopeful hunter biden when she saw him in late summer 2018. laura, this was weeks before he allegedly b on a federal gunnaomi form in october 2018. naomn wai she was uncomfortableo on the stand. she answered in a soft voice. shus.e said was nervous and she said she was well aware her dad was addicted to drug, s, said, quote, things got bad after my uncle died, end quote. tecalledshe recalled talking abu biden, the late beau biden. dad k ealls trying to se her dad in new york in october 2018, but did see him laterll that month and said that he seemed good. now, the first lady,was the to r was there today. she was there monday, tuesday, wednesdangy on yesterday. she was attending d-day eventsyk in france only to fly back to wilmington to sit in court today. she s turning back around to go back to france for a state dinner with he r husband and thelmingt french president and his wife tomorrow. then she s cominonnday.g to wiln on sunday. quite a schedule there. now, abbw, abbe foce focused hr on this gun form. that s hunte gun form that huntr biden filled out. you see his name. he argued that different itemsts were put on the formt or at different times, including hunter s signature was notigin originally on there. hunter had to sign it later. bottom line, hunter biden testifies we could see a day, but he s really openingcs himself up with cross-examination. if he does nots-ation. testify, will likely move right into closing arguments. jury instructionjurytructions, y could get this case and render a verdict by monday afternoo atn at the earliest. laura. wow. david, thank you so much. all right. they deny it, but democrats really d s reallyo despise lawor enforcement. and this next segment is oneesd more confirmation of that. thousands gathered on wednesday to mourn the loss of connecticut state trooper kiron pelletiekentuckyr, who wad in a hit and run duringll a traffic stop just last weea t to honor his memory, a town council member in,blue lin wethersfield, connecticut, suggested flying the thin blue line flag., but democrat members refused, citing concerns of racism.dia, w ik i quickly went on to the wikipedia. wikipedia s indicating the thin blue line symbol to be used by thelives ma lives matter movt since 2014. it says here it s become emblematic of white nationalist, neo-nazi and all right movementd neo-hites in.atd the united states, particularly just displayed by attendee tsf h of the unite the right rally in 2017 and the january 6 storming of the capitol. e well, what they did instead watowns order flags outside town hall to be flown at half mast. thnow the american flag and thew pride flag. joining me now is briana kimbrough, one of the republicans on the town counci ted inl voted in favorn blue of flying the thin blue line flag. councilwoman, aside from fac the fact that your colleague that on wikipedia for all of his historical knowledge, what does this tell connecticut voters, frankly, voters everywhere about what democrats reallysreally t of the police?e, well, i i honestly, it shows that more and more republicanssi are representing views of the majority. and sometimes takes situations like this to bring that out. i flabbergasted, you know, not sitting on the council. we did notate it it to go in ths direction at all. and honestly, what was cited was extreme, in my opinion. so it was very unfortunate, especially in a time when the entireas state was mourning the loss of trooper first class aaron pelletier. well, i grew up in glastonbury. my aunt in wethersfield, so. i know the area very well. and connecticut t iss always kid of a quirky political state, t it was always very pro police, first responders, you know , honorings their service. and this democrat party has gotten s o bollixed up and floyd riots all that so that they wikipedia says, wow, that s long since, what, 2017 is honoring the fallen officers ,those who are injured.e and that s a threat. but the pride flag gets to befl flowow n half mast. i mean, i m sure a lot of people don t want that flown at half mast, right? no, absolutely. and i think that know not only the wikipedia reference, but the comments were doubled down in news interviews and ate the pride ceremony saying that it was out of respect, that it was at half mast forl the fallen officer. so, againy , i will say, though, that the outpouring from wethersfield and from the statsee has been largely in favor of the thin blue line flag. i did want to make a note of that because that has been incredibly encouraging to see. and what i say, brianna, is that connecticut needs to vote to save itself, save its manufacturing, save its economy, save its safety. and one of the council members, mickey derek ,ba said unfortunately, our town has far too many people with bad intentions. of tsome of them are willing e the death of a state trooper just to gain some politicaine p. points apparently at attacking you. yha doingt what you re doinge or you re trying to make political pointsn,? ain, all yeah, i mean, absolutely not. again, all republican, all tn a the councilors who brought this have law enforcement familiemy my father in law served for over 30 years. thethe other two councilors, their father served for over 30 years. and the honest was to justth honor and respect the fallen officer in the way that we felt fit best for the situation. t wawe asked for one daynythin in addition to what was already being flown, not take anything down that postpone any ceremony. just in addition. eve so i honor the fact that that even said is is very disturbing. they re saying it s a processing issueed 30 dayso pr. we need 30 days to process a request that just i mean, come doesn on. that doesn t even pass the straight face test. but that s what they re arguing here. councilwomane test thank n, you s thanko much y. we ll be following this. and coming up, we ll recap tumultuous morning in france. plus, i grant raymond three wishes. it s frida sy friday follies with raymond is next. artificial intelligence is agriculture advancing life saving health care and strengthen these small businesses. this game changing technology is supporting every sector of america s economy. today, america leads the world in ai because our companies are investing billions in this new technology. but china wants to leap ahead of america and become the global leader in technology. in technology. our leaders in congress to stand up for innovation and protect america s competitiv t to enje edge. tracl we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck patio too hot to enjoy. now, thanks to our new sun set ,a retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shadet instae in just 60 second. the sun setterfor and wesform get instant protection from livis and. sun glare. for pricing starting at less for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform living space 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deadline, call 800 5717272 saturday calling out the president. elise stefanik breaks down biden s struggling her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. and relax. ellipse does all the work for you. call now and order. it is friday. and that means it s time forx ne friday follies. and for that, we turn to foxwsg, contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond, as we mentioned earlie wmentior, bided another pretty rough day yea in normandy. yeah. laura, that that speech at point to hark was choppier than the actual surf on d-day. and thand there were almost as y bombs, the cliffs and, mines planted on the beach by field marshal romneyy , rommel,rgeant sergeant leonard. well, sergeant leonard, that s what the rangers and put up pump point. ma is honywasked hard many ways we re asked to walk away. insti how many instincts are to a walk away. the most naturalwa instinct is o walk away. well, walking awaytura is natural instinct, laura. until biden tries to do it, laura, why does he never know which way to go? do i go i left? do i go right? you you know, when john kerry is staring at yoh just au with t a look of shock, something is very wron g. rry. although mayer looked like he was melting out there, top gear. i well, i could see the melting pot on page. biden also held a press avail with ukrainian president zelensky wity, and his note cards took center stage. yeah, you know, as iple said yesterday, creative people have been incredibly brave, never giving up, never say never, never even yielding. and, you know, you haven td bowed down. you haven t yieldeatd at all. you continue to fight in a way that is is this remarkable, just remarkable. and once we got to national security bill passed, that was political fruition. tony blinken, looks like he s going to crack in halnyf. - he looks terrible. it s like ready to jump in, right? he s like, o th, hubba, hubba, hubba. please don t talk any moment. cost tnuse the america taxpayers $225 million, which he announced today a in aidoney to ukraine. this is just unbelievable. money growrowsn s trees or the apprentice. now, one of the two cards. ge i am feeling very f generoueg to you tonight, so i am wishe granting you three wishes, aren t sweet. my first wish is that that those host. i didn t bring the lamp today. i figure you could. you could improvise. but lookmy firstish is my firstt those hosting the miss usath pageant would actually crown misses. the other day, the winner of the miss maryland pageant was a biological malt wae. a the u.s., laura baileys and kelly is now a miss contender. the trans beauty contestant is not eveiseven then the first biological male to compete. miss nevada crossed that barrier in 2021. why don t they jusll it call it the person usa pageant at this point? well, againi guess i guess s is what women want. this is this is women, though they came a long way to have their own space, their competitions. and i guess that s jusust t t it s it s this is insane. well, all right. we re going to talk what s your second wife? remember during the trump trial, for weeks and weeks, we were subjected to those deformed sketches that seemed to be created by a toddler with a crayon? look it looks like you joined the cast of planet of the apes. well, i wish trump would have had hunter biden s sketch artist, who appears to be norman b rockwell. look at the flattering lines, the details of these drawings. i mean, hunter biden, make it look so good. laura, can you answer ca of th? me is can we get rid of the court? sketch artis?t is this 1812? the can t they just have a photographer come in and letsit the judge approve the photos and release them? why do we need a sketch artist sitting there with gray hair in norman rockwell? but he looks like it s a throw. it looks like it s a throwback to to like my three sons or something, right? oh, looks so polished. oh, it s not that one. but th t e other one. i don t need to look at the nice line on his nose. it s a dick tracy. it s like a tracy moment. i don t know. he looks like a matinee idol. my third wish concerns the plusl plus size influencer, jaylin chaney. we discussed her las t when shene urged the airlines to give free seats to obese passengertos. this would be like delta granting private bathrooms to those with crohn deltas dis. but i digress. the influencer now has a new n sht. r she s upset that rideshare companies like uber and lyft don n t havet seatbelt extenderr her. so on tik-tok, she wants the tm reimburse the drivers for plus size belt extendert extes. e i wish she would just call thinc override next. ps they can accommodate wide loads and the straps come with every model com every. . tand why raymond, i don t understand why. thinks they re a victim. you re not a victim. you re a strong person. you can do it. this is completely. raymond. thank you. your three wishes, grant, have a great arachnophobia. spi beware. all right. flying spiders. you know how afraid of them i am. could wenow ho soon coming to a city near you. and that s next. you know what s crazy? that this is better than cooking at home, you know? i mean, more affordable than groceries, of course. okay, groceries are 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me on social media. you watch the show. you knowme o media , i am terrified of insects, especially zeropecil spiders that well, they re now spreading, making their way uplp . the east coast. i hope they re skipping over the d.c. are theast.a. these things are huge. of upthesesleg span to four inches. and one is apparently here right along with andy davis, ecologist at the university of georgia s autumn school of ecology. andy, it s nice to see you.the i the cicadas, this year, we re going to be the worstcar tog have to deal with. but now i.but no i understand your spider friends are back. yes. thanks. thanks for having me back. you know, it s weird how these zero spiders seem to get in the newsd s all the time they re they re a bit of a media sensation, are they? mediaion.well, tell us, do youv have one with you or that? my staff just teasing me about that. was si, i do, yes. you know, but first, you need to know that a t this stage are of their life teasing, they are very, very small and.a grai so think of a grain of riceth with some legs. so i have one right here h in this little jar. and so small you can barely see it. but okay, so it s not veryhat so dramatic. look, container heret very d ann set it up on my microscope right behind? me so you can see it. there is. c and so you can see that itt looks like a little tiny spiderr right now. it s very small size of a grain of ricsmall,of ae. the e at the end of the summer, there will be a sort of spider size. that s when everybodnd for arts to see these for real. and do they fall off trees? i is that just an urban legend?an i mean, do they jump off treesss ? they jump off bushes. where are they jumping? not really, no. they re very jumping not sedet like any other spider. they ll set up a webentary i and they ll be in that web for three or four months. and you ca b for thn walk by them the and they won t bother you if you don t bother them. nowill notr w, you walk through, you know, you ll get a face full of we facb and, then, you know, then they ll be some on ying, wait, wait. but when they land on you, which i so every time i walk in the woodsal with my dogs andi do that a lot. yeah. i seem to walk through these webs. i don t know anyone ever walks. that seems to always happen cor to me. and i scream. of course, i m trying to throw the web off, but ise ai throwf f the spider ends up on yourr an person, will it bite you or will it it just crawl? oh, my god, i would die. it migh yeah, it might. and so how great. you would have to really tussle with it a lot for it to bite you, because really becard thatte shy as a spide and i ve actually tested that in my labn my and. what i get from what i ve heard, their bite is kind of like a bee stinerebisg. and so it s not going to killli you. you know, you won t likeke it b but most of the time iff you just leave them alone, they l leavel be fine and you are reassuring. now, you were so nice e on.m thank you so much. great to see you. great to see you. gu,k you. oh, boy. it was a very emotional day fort the ingram, my oldest and my only daughter, maria. mycaroline graduated high school today. can you believe it? it was a beautiful ceremonhay, h and like all parents all the time, i m saying where did the time go?d she was three years old,co 2 seconds ago, and now she s off to texasnds ag for coi soon. and i m going to be an absolute wreck. you re all going to have to help mente wreck it give me some advice. but we re all so proud of the so aren that she s become. she loves the lord. she loves her family and hershe friendlove s. and, boy, do we love maria.a. that s it for us tonight. it s americas at now and foreveu enjoy your weekend. see him monday. jessi s next next.

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