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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Your World With Neil Cavuto 20130731 20:00:00

fight between two powerful republicans going strong. rand paul is here and like mark levin, is ready to react to this. i have nothing personal against senator paul. if we disagree on certain issues we disagree. his response seems to be he has something personal against me. that s okay, can he just get in line on that front. and here we go, welcome everybody, i m neil cavuto and this is your world a controversial world. mark levin speaks as the top two low pressures raise a stink. we hope to get on chris christie soon, we ve had him on a number of times in the past so hope springs eternal. we have kentucky senator rand paul. do you think it s gone too far? i think it s time to dial it down. we have enough democrats to attack maybe republicans can quit attacking republicans.

york related republicans, including those who were pushing for sandy aid, the same aid that you had referred to as part of the gimme gimme mentality are angry at you. wait, you know some of this, neil, comes from people who aren t fully discussing the issue. i actually did support sandy funding. i supported doing it one year at a time and paying for it by taking money from money that we re sending overseas in foreign aid. i was objecting to spending four years worth all at once without sufficient oversight, without offsetting the cost by cutting so i was never against the funding. i was just against doing the funding without offsetting it with spending cuts. you know, senator, rifts come in both parties but this one seems to be particularly pronounced and one may be preceded by john mccain and your run-ins with him in the past and he told the new republic when asked whether he would support you if you were the party s nominee in 2016 over hillary
clinton he said it s going to be a tough choice. what do you make of that? i think there was a chuckle that supposedly went along with that interview, and you know, john mccain and i are friends. we don t always agree on everything. we had a dust-up today on the floor over foreign aid because i think it doesn t help our country to send money to egypt particularly when we have cities like detroit and chicago decaying in our country that i don t think we have money to be sending overseas and so i offered to try to obey the law that says when a military coup happens you have to stop funding, then that money could be used for some bridge projects in our country and to help infrastructure when we desperately need it. so we have a disagreement on that. that doesn t mean i don t respect john mccain as a war hero and i try to keep things on a less personal way, less personal kind of a battle and i think with governor christie it s gotten a little too personal, so we re ready to kiss and make up. all right, it doesn t look at

home because we were $1 trillion short. governor christie can t point to any votes that i ve ever voted to bring pork barrel projects to any state. i do work to try to bring money home from overseas and use it here at home but really it s just not accurate. i would probably say i m the most fiscally conservative or not one of the most fiscally conservative members of congress so it really kind of doesn t stick or make any sense. he s referring to the general sense of the states, sir, that new jersey spends roughly 38.3 billion in taxes that go to washington, and gets not nearly any of that back. in the case of kentucky, it s 26.5 billion and you get more than that back. none of that has anything to do with me. those formulas are based on poverty and i m one of the leading proponents of saying to folks who are getting entitlements that i think if you re working and able-bodied, you shouldn t be on the dole, and if you are, cannot help
yourself, then we ll find some way to help you but poverty formulas have nothing to do with me. i didn t create these programs so it s kind of a stupid point to blame me for poverty you tried to clarify that kentucky gets a lot of this because you have two big military bases. it is and it does have to do with military spending. they could say new jersey they have ft. dix, the weapons station, mcguire dix and air force base. the bottom line is what this is about is we re trying to figure out those of us who are conservative and who believe in a strong national defense how do you have enough funding? i m willing to cut entire departments. in my five-year balanced budget i cut entire departments but i actually bring in military spending above the sequester level. void the sequester for the military because that cuts so much spending. my problem with some of the more liberal members of the republican parties, they re not willing to cut spending other

cuts and i think, frankly, if the american people could vote on whether or not we send the money to egypt or to new jersey and new york, i m all with them. what if that takes a long time, senator? the frustration governor christie showed at the time was that this was taking really, really long and the folks in new jersey were really, really hurting and they needed it. my amendment was the same day that they passed the appropriation. if they would have passed my amendment they would have gotten their money but gotten one year s worth and it would have been offset with spending cuts. gotcha. and the spending cuts occur over time but the bill would have happened at exactly the same speed of time. it s really about whether or not you want to have responsible government or whether or not you want unlimited spending without offset cutting. do you like chris christie? i don t really know him but i think the party s big enough for both of us. you re off to a bad start it would seem, the two of you. excuse me? you re off to a bad start, it
would seem, the two of you. yes, but i think i m an easy going guy to tell you the truth. i ve had many dust-ups with the more eager for war faction of our party and we still get along, we sit next to each other at lunch and as far as i m concerned we re still personal friends even if we disagree on some issues. i m sorry, sir, if he were the nominee for 2016 for president will you support him? i will support whoever the republican nominee is? chris christie included? whoever wins and that includes chris christie. there had been thought the two of you would make a nice ticket, that had been bounced around. we re going to have to would you be interested in that? bell vae we ll have to patch up. i m inviting him for a beer any time he d like to sit down at the pub around the corner from the senate and have a beer. have you heard anything on that invite? it hasn t been formalized, i just thought of it. just now? we ll formalize it and put it in writing, i think we could sit
down, have a beer and mend things and at times people have said chris christie has some libertarian leanings so it s ironic that we see him criticizing libertarians in the party or libertarian influences because some libertarians had high hopes he had libertarian leanings. i don t really know. do you think he drew the line maybe because of the 9/11 experience and so many lost in his state that he drew the line when it compromised our national security? i don t know. that it put many peoples lives in danger and we to deal with a lot of victims of those disasters. i don t know. i think it really has to do with a bigger, broader issue about whether or not we re going to be the party that protects the fourth amendment and privacy. i think we need to be the party that protects privacy and internet freedom. i think that s the least of it, senator. you re closer to the fire than i am but that seems like a very big philosophical battle being waged right now within the
party. do you agree? we ll see. like i say, the offer to have a beer with chris christie stands. if he wants to break bread and see if we can find common ground i think it will help the party to not have us feuding. when you say break bread or have a beer you re open it to it being in trenton as much as d.c.. we could always negotiate a middle ground like philadelphia. real quickly, sir, while i ve got you here, you re very concerned about pouring good money after bad in egypt and you say the president pushed and already broken what is a recognized standard of giving money to countries when there s a military coup or an overthrow, whether justified or not, that the money stops. where does that stand now? well, we had a vote on my amendment today and i informed both republicans and democrats that if they voted against my amendment they were voting against the rule of law. the law is very explicit. it says if there is a military coup all aid must end but i also
think the aid is actually counter-productive. i think it s dangerous to israel because i think these tanks and weapons and planes could potentially be used by crazy strong man that could arise in egypt and used against egypt. i don t think they do any good for the people. they re not buying any bread. they re buying tanks that may well be rolling over protesters, they re buying tear gas made in pennsylvania that they spray the protesters with. we now have a military in charge that s disappearing people. we rightly criticized the soviet union for disappearing, torturing and putting people to death that are in criminal custody. they re not even announcing what s happened to the muslim brotherhood and i m not a fan of the muslim brotherhood but at the same time i m into the a fan of disappearing people without charges or trial either. senator rand paul, maybe governor chris christie is watching and we ll broker an agreement to get the two of you to chat.

Ring , Chris-christie , Front , Program , Families , Life , Terrorist , Mr , Nsa , 9-11 , Country , Republican

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20161027 01:00:00

national republican party to be clear, in context, there s a whole bunch of problems that the trump dpan has for the republican party. there s a new poll that puts donald trump nationwide 14 points behind hillary clinton. 14 points behind? now, that is not the only poll in the world, right? there s another national poll out also tonight from fox news that says he s only 3 points behind hillary clinton. we ll be talking later on in the show with an expert about how to read the various polls right now. how to know what s right, especially when you ve got results like these that are so disparate. in either case 13 points behind or 3 points behind, he is still behind. the headwinds seem very clear right now. tonight at they re reading those headwinds for the presidential race and looking at the senate polls.
fivethirtyeight is giving the republican party a 68% chance of losing control of the united states senate this year. so that is just one of the problems that it appears the donald trump candidacy has created for the republican party. here s another new one that i think nobody s been talking about thus far at the national level but this could be really important. today the national conference of state legislatures said that they re watching for party control to potentially flip this year in 11 state senates and in 7 state assemblies. in the vast majority of those they expect to flip they are republican controlled now, which means if they flip, they re ready to flip to democrat, if the now expected blue wave comes in just at the right time and the right way. that s another part of the bad news that the republican party i think can largely blame on the presidential candidacy of donald trump. so i get that.
but what we reported here on monday night that has now all of a sudden come to fruition as truly bad news for the republican party brought upon them by donald trump, it s a very specific thing. it s something that leading republicans are tearing their hair about tonight. and it is having to do with this. several of these signs were reported at polling places in newark s north ward. republican poll watcher, some of them off-duty policemen wearing guns and arm bands were also near the polls. it was all part of the national ballot security task force set up by the republican national and state committees to guard against vote fraud. but democrats charge it was a scare campaign to intimidate voters primarily in minority neighborhoods. this was 1981, the new jersey governor s race that year. we reported on this monday night. this is the case where the national republican party got involved in that gubernatorial
election. they flew in basically a goon squad of national operatives on election day and these guys flooded into minority precincts as basically vigilante poll watchers. governor s race in new jersey was going to be close that year. this group from the rnc decided they wanted to keep the vote down, so in trenton, camden, newark, they put up these big warning, warning, warning signs telling people that these voting locations would be patrolled by the ballot security task force and they brought in off-duty cops and off-duty sheriffs deputies who in many cases wore guns on their hips and these guys put on these hooptie ballot security forces arm bands which made them look quasiofficial, then they physically patrolled the voting sites in dozens of precincts that had mostly minority voters. if you did call the phone number that was listed on the big warning signs because you wanted to collect their thousand dollar reward for voter fraud, the
1-800 number reportedly went directly to the republican national committee headquarters at the time. so there was no obfuscating this. it was straight up an rnc op. and it worked. the republican won the governor s race that year in new jersey by a tiny, tiny fraction. both parties at the time claimed that this ballot security task force stunt is how they did it. these armed guys in semiofficial looking arm bands stomping around minority neighborhoods. both parties claimed at the time that was probably enough to make a difference in that race. so for the short-term political calculation that op worked for the republican party, but for the long-term that was a bad move because they re still living with the consequences of what they did there and the fact they got caught for it. because the democratic party sued them over what they did in new jersey that year and the democrats won. and now 35 years later the republican party is still trying to get out from under the legal
restrictions that were placed on them because of them getting caught and losing that case. and that is the problem that donald trump has now gotten the national republican party into tonight. in that news footage from that time in 1981, you saw those arm bands that the ballot security task force wore? you could go to a website called stop the steel or another called vote protectors, they directed you to the same place. if you went to those websites until tonight, you could use something called an i.d. badge generator. you enter your details and print out effectively this year s version of the republican party ballot security task force. this year in 2016, this is the badge you get if you use that thing onhine. a vote protector semiofficial looking i.d. badge. that s the picture there and the name of a reporter from the huffington post on the left. she also added in joe schmo, not
a real person and a picture of the frog racist trump character from online to show that you can enter anybody s photo and anybody s name and get one of these badges. makes you look quasilegit, right? back in the day when they got in trouble for it in new jersey, the republicans ballot security task force targeted 75 different minority heavy precincts. this year the pro trump vigilante effort. the forces using the fake i.d. badges, online tutorials teaching people to videotape and livestream video of voters at their polling places. this year they haven t pick just three minority heavy cities in one state. this year the effort is targeting minority heavy cities in swing states, cleveland, ohio, detroit, michigan, philly, las vegas, milwaukee, ft. lauderdale, richmond, virginia, fayetteville and charlotte,
north carolina. these are parallel efforts, right? what the republicans got caught for in 1981 was organizing these supposed poll watching intimidation schemes, specifically in minority-heavy areas. what s that list look like to you for 2016? right. they only did it in new jersey in 1981, now they re all over the map. but you see the theme there. also a key element of the intimidation back in the day that they got caught for was that they used off-duty law enforcement. that helped both in terms of you know, these intimidating ballot security task force personnel having firearms. they re off-duty cops, off-duty sheriff sheriffs. they had firearms. that added a quasiofficial character to it. random citizens can still be intimidating on their own whether or not they re armed. but when you get law enforcement to do it, that s like the gold
standard. we have a lot of law enforcement people working that day. we re hiring a lot of people. we re putting a lot of law enforcement. we re going to watch pennsylvania very quickly. we re going to watch pennsylvania go down to certain areas and watch and study and make sure other people don t come in and vote five times. let me just tell you, i looked all over pennsylvania. and i m studying it. and we have some great people here. some great leaders here of the republican party. they re very concerned about that. and that s the way we can lose the state. we have to call up law enforcement and we have to have the sheriffs and the police chiefs and everybody watching because if we get cheated out of this election, if we get cheated out of a win in pennsylvania, which is such a vital state, especially when i know what s happening here, folks. i know. she can t beat what s happening here. the only way they can beat it, in my opinion and i mean this
100% if in certain sections of the state they cheat. okay? so i hope you people can sort of not just vote on the 8th. go around and look and wam other po watch other polling places. you guys go make sure. you guys go watch. we have a lot of law enforcement. we have to call up law enforcement, we have a lot of law enforcement people working that day. we re hiring a lot of people. we re putting out a lot of law enforcement. a lot of observers of this election, journalists and just regular citizens have been a little ubbed out by the campaign. not just saying the election is rigged, it s being stolen but telling his supporters to go out and do this vigilante poll watching this swing state cities in particular. and when i say watch, you know what i m talking about, right? you know what i m talking about.
take a look at philadelphia, what s been going on. take a look at chicago, st. louis. it s not been a subtle thing. people have been ubbed out about it when trump has been calling for people, you know what i mean, go out and watch in these cities. but listen to what he s saying there about the getting law enforcement out there to do the watching. i mean, beyond the ick factor of what he s been doing, the fact that this just seems a little sketchy to a lot of people, but beyond that there is this now plainly observable fact and legally important fact that what the trump campaign seems to be ginning up for election day this year is really a carbon copy of what the republican party did back in 1981 with their arm bands and their off-duty cops and their targeting minority districts. that s what they did in 1981 in new jersey. that s very clearly exactly what they are trying to do now, targeting minority districts,
having off-duty law enforcement show up. right? identifying themselves as semiofficial officials of some kind. right? it s an exact parallel to what they did in 1981 in new jersey. that s not just an interesting parallel in history. it s now a huge, huge legal problem for the republican party. don t just take it from me. take it from the man who for many years was the top lawyer in the republican party. that s a huge problem for the republican party. the republican national committee is under a consent decree that severely limits its election day activities because of some actions back in the 80s. if they prosecute that the consent degree due to come off next year will not come off. the rnc is very eager to have that consent decree come off next year when it expires. this activity i can promise you will cause the democrats to go back into court to try to extend
it. ding. that was republican lawyer ben ginsberg warning after the last debate that what the trump campaign and republicans were threatening in terms of this poll watching effort that trump keeps talking about out on the stump, he was saying that is a clear and present danger to the republican party because when they got in trouble for that with the court, they ended up signing a consent degree that prohibits them from doing any poll watching like this whatsoever because of their terrible history with this stuff. the republican national committee is banned from any election day poll watching stuff at all that in any way targets minority districts. they ve been banned, legally banned from doing that stuff since the 1980s. and it s really important to them that they follow what they are legally bound to follow here because that consent decree restricts what they re allowed to do and that is finally due to expire next year. the only way it won t expire is
if the court finds the republicans are violating it, that they are doing racist poll watching again in defiance of the court in which case that consent decree won t expire next year, it will get extended for another, oh, eight years or so. ben ginsberg on our air sounded the alarm last week that the trump campaign was edging up against a legal line. we reported on monday in the activities very much looked like they are violating this order with the consent decree, then last night huffington post reported that the online training for donald trump poll watchers, for them to learn how they can livestream and videotape people while they were voting. and here s where you go online to down load your fake, semiofficial looking badge that defines you as a vote protector. and now tonight it s happened. the democratic party has just filed papers in court in new jersey asking that court to hold
the rnc in violation of that ancient consent decree to which they are still legally bound. they re asking the court to stop the rnc from helping the trump campaign organize these poll watch voter intimidation efforts in minority areas around the country. they re asking that the consent decree should be extended since they say the republican party is in violation of this consent decr decree, democrats say it should be extended another eight years until 2025. so those papers were filed in federal court tonight. i told you that donald trump was creating a big problem for the republican party here. this is going to prove to be a fascinating new test of whether or not the republican party thinks it is in its interests to officially try to dump him in some way ahead of this election that he really looks like he s going to lose anyway. we re told by election law experts tonight including rick hazen from the university of california irvine, we re told that this case, now that it s been filed, it may hinge on
whether or not the republican party can tell the court that they re totally divorced from donald trump, that anything highways happening by trump supporters, that anything that donald trump is asking him supporters to do, anything happening from the point of view of the trump/pence campaign, that has nothing to do with the rnc. he s not an agent of the rnc. they can t be judged by his behavior, held accountable for it. that may be the only way the republican party can legally save their skins on this. we re also told to expect that the court may act very fast on this case given that the election is two weeks away. one of the things the democrats are asking for is for the federal court to immediately step in and stop these poll watching efforts that trump and pence continue to try to organize. we re further told that if the court does move on this case quickly because of the timing, because of the stakes, this may rocket quickly right to the united states supreme court. as the republican party tries to
stop donald trump from burying them once again in a hole that they have spent 35 years trying to dig themselves out of. now, i should tell you, we reached out to the rnc for comment on this tonight after this filing went in. this is exactly what they told us. quote, the filing is completely meritless. just as in all prior elections in which the consent decree was in effect the rnc strictly abides by the consent decree and does not take part directly or indirectly in any efforts to prevent or remedy vote fraud. nor do we coordinate with the trump campaign or any other campaign or party organization in any tefrts they may make in this area. the rnc remains focus on getting out the vote. part of the reason ben ginsberg said that he could guarantee the democratic party was going to file this motion tonight in federal court is because the trump campaign was bragging,
they re bragging to reporters and bragging on the stump, bragging in interviews that they were working with the rnc, working with the republican party up and down the ballot, working with the national republican party, working with the state parties, working with the local parties on this effort to protect the integrity of the vote. watch those polls. they ve been bragging that they re working with the rnc on this. the rnc in this stam telling us they do not coordinate with the trump campaign in any efforts to prevent of remedy vote fraud. in order to save the republican party on this, they re going to have to divorce themselves from donald trump. i wonder if they ll think it s worth it? the candidacy of donald trump for president of the united states has not been a gift to the republican party this year. but on a night like this, with this much at stake for the party, this thing they ve been trying to defeat for 35 years and him plainly not caring about it at all, what does he care if the republican party is still stuck he doesn t care.
it s not going to affect him after this. the republican party s got to be looking at these court filings and looking at this guy thinking, what else can this guy do to us? i don t know what s going to happen here, but watch this to move quickly in federal court in new jersey. watch this space. my business was built with passion. but i keep it growing by mg every dollar count. that s why i have the sparcash card from capital one. with it, i earunlimited 2% cash back on all ofy purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cashack from spark means thousands of dollars each year gog back into my business. which dsuel to my bottom line. what s in your wallet? but the best place tostart. kubo: i spy something beginning with. s beetle: snow. kubo: no. beetle: snow covered trs. monkey: nothing to do with snow. narrator: head outsi to discover incredible animals and beautiful plants that come gether
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[smokey whistling a tune] i guessing smokey liked that idea. 20 years ago exactly, 13 days out before the election that year in 1996, senator bob dole was not just losing in the polls, he was getting eaten alive. in the three-way race between president clinton, senator dole and ross perot, dole was behind clinton by a margin of something like 17 points at this point in the race. and the republican party saw what was coming. the party leadership basically gave up on dole altogether. they told their down-ballot candidates to save themselves. feel free to distance yourself from the top of the ticket. and so 20 years ago, 13 days before that election, just as we re 13 days before this one
now, 20 years ago bob dole hatched a plan. he did something no one expected. good evening. it appeared to be an act of desperation. bob dole way behind in the polls sent an emissary to ask ross perot if he would get out of the race and endorse him. unfortunately for dole, it backfire. it gave perot an opportunity to belittle the dole campaign. dole sent his campaign manager to perot and perot dismissed his request out of hand, it was one more bad piece one for piece of bad news for the republican candidate. david bloom is with him tonight as he s been all during this campaign. bob dole not a happy man tonight. tom, unhappy is putting it mildly. a top dole aide said this was a hail mary pass and when it failed and the story quickly leaked dole was angry and it showed. spurned by ross perot and admittedly frustrated bob dole lashed out today at voters wake up, america.
at president clinton s ethics. this is a disgrace. and especially at the liberal media who dole blamed for trying to engineer his defeat. we need the media to tell the american people the truth and the truth is that bill clinton ought to be voted out of office in a landslide. in washington, ross perot called dole s maneuver weird and totalli totally inconsequential. some called dole desperate. and some admitted to being stunned and disappointed that dole would even try to court perot. but this afternoon in a huge rally in front of alabama state capitol, dole, former governor george wallace looking on, focused instead on questions of presidential character. is there no honor in this administration or in this white house? don t inflict this on america for four more years. the problem for dole is that he s having to spend much of this week campaigning in what
should be core republican states already, florida, texas and alabama. that was the bob dole campaign 13 days out from the 1996 election. that hail mary overture to ross perot. and ross perot swatting it down and leaking it. and we are also now 13 days out from our presidential election this year. it is a fair point there at the end of that package from nbc that to note that bob dole, one of the ways you can really tell he was in trouble was the fact that he was having to campaign in deep red states like alabama. republican leaders were abandoning bob dole all over the country, but he did go to alabama in the waning days where he at least got former segregationist jormg wallace to rally with him. really, bob dole? why did you do that? this year it s not alabama where pence and trump are campaigning. it s utah. that s where republican vice presidential nominee mike pence
held a campaign rally tonight in salt lake city, utah. tomorrow mike pence will be in nebraska. a second deep red state that republicans have not lost since 1964 and where they should never have to campaign. now, in the parallels aren t exactly the same. luckily for the trump campaign, there is no ross perot to humiliate the republican candidate this year, right? the trump campaign doesn t stand the risk of asking mr. perot to please drop out of the presidential race only to have it backfire, have perot call it weird and get, you know, ridiculed for it. the closest thing the trump campaign has this year the a third party challenger is not ross perot, it s probably the libertarian ticket of gary jo johnson and bill weld. today well, now bill weld has just endorsed in the other direction, although he s being a little coy about it. at a press conference bill weld released a statement saying if you re deciding between the two major party candidates don t vote for donald trump. not in my lifetime has there
been a candidate for president who actually makes me fear for the ultimate well-being of the country, a candidate who might in fact put at risk the solid foundation of america that allows us to endure even ill-advised policies and the normal ebb and flow of politics. i would like to address myself to those who are torn. i have come to believe if donald trump were elected president he would not be able to stand up to pressure and criticism without becoming unhinged and unable to perform competently the duties of his office, donald trump is not stable, donald trump should not, cannot and must not be elected president of the united states. but beyond that, no further guidance from the libertarian vice presidential candidate bill weld. his advice is if you re choosing between two major party candidates, don t choose that one. don t choose trump. but you can do the math yourself to figure out what you should do instead. i m not endorsing hillary clinton, but you can figure it
out. that s actually nicer than what ross perot did to bob dole in 1996. trump and pence should maybe be happy with that. before taking his team to e r the first time. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. .coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1%asck everhere, every time. places like the batting cas. [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now atholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his ayers somethg extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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intercom: the library [ kis now closing.] ok kid, closing up. goodnight. the hardest part about homework shouldn t be figuring out where to do it. through internet essentials, comcast has connected over 3 million people in need to low-cost internet at home. welcome to a brighter future. comcast. zblrkts when you woke up this morning and checked your phone or whatever it is you look at first thing to get your news, you probably saw a headline like this one declaring that the polls are tightening between hillary clinton and donald trump. we have seen some recent evidence of that. a bloomberg poll of florida voters today showed donald trump
actually up by two points in florida. most other florida polls have shown hillary clinton very consistently ahead in that state. we also have the nbc wall street journal marist poll today showing donald trump tied with hillary clinton in nevada. the early voting numbers for trump in nevada have looked terrible, but they re tied in the latest poll out of that state. then, as i mentioned at the top of the show, there was no national polling. there was this new ap national poll that s out tonight that puts donald trump nationwide, 14 points behind hillary clinton. trump is only at 37% in this new national poll that just came out tonight from the ap. for a little perspective on that, go back to 1984 when walter mondale only took one state in the whole election that year. if donald trump really is at 37% right now, which is what he s at in this new ap national poll that just came out, if he s really at 37%, then donald trump right now is polling 4 points
worse than mondale did in this electoral scenario. which is finito, right? just as we were digesting that mammoth new lead in that ap poll with trump down by 14 points, just as we were digesting that we got another poll from fox news. fox news is editorially conservative but their polling is for real. yes, hillary clinton is leading nationally by only by 3 points. and that s in a poll with a 2 1/2-point margin of error. so these winning nationwide by 14 points, she s winning nationwide by 3 points. i mean, obviously, it all comes down to individual states, but still i m popping numbers from the ap and fox today and ones that don t make much sense together. how should we make sense of these numbers? where exactly are we at right
now? we ve got expert help on that, next. honey.our turn?urn? ye, we go left right here (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we ll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it s whamakes a subaru, a subaru.
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they are going crazy because they put out these phony polls and then the real polls come out. so today bloomberg has a poll, they re very disappointed. trump is up in florida by two points. they re very disappointed. these crooked pollsters. got their thumb on this. joining us is a senior political writer for a young man we ve been increasingly turning to for poll interpretation help. thanks for being here. pleasure. what do you make of the ap national poll coming out tonight showing clinton with a 14-point lead right before fox comes out with a national poll showing her with a 3-point lead? how do we absorb that information responsibly as humans in. i would say what i always say and that s average them. you have to keep in mind we re getting 50, 60, 70 polls day now. survey monkey released all these
polls on the state level. you ll have a normal curve, some on the left part, some on the right part. the fox news poll was on the left part and the ap poll from the right part. and they had a poll from abc news this morning which had her up about 9 points. don t believe anything that looks too much unlike the other things you re seeing? essentially that s right. if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. or too bad to be true. depending on your angle. based on the way you look at the polls and your data and your systems for absorbing it responsibly, do you feel that the race is tightening a bit right now? if it s tightening, it s barely tightening. the last model had hillary clinton with a s7-point lead no it s 6.3. if donald trump continues to tighten that with two weeks remaining he won t be able to catch hillary clinton. unless he tightens the race
at a faster pace. part of that time calculation is how many votes have been cast already. well over 10 million votes cast already. is there anything that tells you that you re watching in particular that s particularly presiptive or illuminating in terms of the early vote? you have to be very careful because some states changed the way. in nevada, a reporter out there will tell you that the trends look the same as in 2012 and when hillary clinton carried that state sorry, barack obama carried that state by five percentage points. it looks different for hillary clinton but overall be careful about reading too much into the early vote. any one state you re looking at, whether polling or early voting numbers that you feel like you re counting on as a barometer in terms of how the state will go? one is florida and the other is pennsylvania. donald trump must win in florida and hillary clinton must win in pennsylvania. there were three other polls
today that had him down by three percentage points. that s very bad news for him in that state. if you could only look at two states per day from here on out, you d look at florida and pennsylvania. right. senior political writer for fithirtyeight, thank you for being here. using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i boug all the frawork. wire. anplan need to givey shop. a face. no one will forget. e wh the power of poin can do for your business. learn mo at i m one unlucky guy. the chance of being involved in a robry is 1 in 757. the chances of being struck by lightning. [thunder] [cous]
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independents, then finally the pirates. the pirate party of hackers and anarchists whoever else just feels like being a pirate. they re on course to win next week in the parliamentary elections in iceland even over the parties named bright future and regeneration. i m not jealous exactly, i m just thinking maybe we could aim a little higher when naming our own parties there. more from our own partially pirated election straight ahead. i love that my shop is parof the morning ritualround here. people rely on that first cup ani wodn t want to mess with that. t when (my) ck pain got bad, i coul sleep. had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a slp aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. look up at a new dada hey guys! now i m back. aleve pm fora better. now i m back. teachers, firefighters and nurss support prop 51.
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all right. the very first question in the last debate between the two presidential candidates was an open-ended question about the supreme court. where do you want to see the supreme court take this country? and hillary clinton went first. she responded in a sort of tight direct way. she said she wanted a supreme court that stood up for the people against powerful interests that otherwise get their way. she wants the court to uphold row v. wage and uphold major equality. she wants the court to overturn citizens united to get dark money out of politics. it was just title down the line name check several decisions. she was first. then the moderator turned the same question to donald trump. where do you want to see the court take the country. how in your view should the constitution be interpreted? and donald trump s answer was that there s this one justice on the supreme court who said a bad thing about me once and that was terrible. and if you think i m being hyperbolic, i understand, you
think i m being hyperbolic. i m not, though. that s exactly where i had went right off the bat in response to an open-ended question about the supreme court. secretary clinton, thank you. mr. trump, same question. where do you want to see the court take the country and how do you believe the constitution should be interpreted? well, first of all, it s great to be with you and thank you, everybody. the supreme court, it s what it s all about. our country is so, so it s just so impair ittive that we have the right justices. something happened recently where justice ginsburg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me and toward a tremendous number of people, many, many millions of people that i represent. and she was forced to apologyize and apologize she did, but these were statements that never should have been made. donald trump, what s your view of the importance and the proper role of the united states supreme court, thank you for being here, justice ginsburg
once said a mean thing about me, isn t that terrible? but enough about me. what do you think about me. that was just a weird moment to start the very last debate. right off the top, first question, what s important about the supreme court is something one justice once said about donald trump. on the one hand that was just a fantastic display of ignorant narcissism, right? hey, the supreme court isn t about you. but it s also possible that it was more than that as well. because justice ruth bader ginsburg having once said a critical thing about donald trump really isn t the most important thing everybody needs to know about the supreme court of the united states unless, unless the supreme court of the united states on which she sits is going to be called on to decide the presidential election between hillary clinton and donald trump. right now there are only eight justices on the supreme court since justice scalia died. four of the remaining justices were appointed by democrats, four were appointed by republicans. for more than seven months now republicans in the senate have refused to even consider plb b
president obama s nominee for the ninth seat on the court. and if the supreme court deadlocks in a 4-4 tie, they can t rule. i mean, if hypothetically clinton versus trump goes through a contested recount situation in one state like george w. bush versus al gore did and if that happens and if the supreme court was narrowly divided like they were in bush versus gore, we wouldn t have the option this year of getting a 5-4 ruling. if the justices broke on partisan lines, we would, in fact, get a 4-4 ruling and that would mean they could not issue a ruling to decide about the contested recount in whatever state was contested. and so some random lower court or some board of elections decree in some backwater would be left to decide 40 wwho was president of the united states. then hopefully, fingers crossed, hopefully we d all decide we d go along with it because some
partisan elected state judge said who the president should be so the whole country and the whole world would all salute and go along with it for four years, hopefully? just a nightmare a nightmare sc right, for the country. a nightmare scenario for the legitimacy of the presidency. a contested election and a 4-4 tie on the supreme court. that means it can t be nationally resolved. but you know what? nobody ever said you needed to have five votes to have a supreme court majority. right now it s an even number on the court. eight justices with a 4-4 ideological split, which could conceivably lead to a 4-4 tie. but if one of the justices was pressured into recusing herself, then the court would be 4-3, not 4-4. and 4-3 is not a tie. so if one justice could be persuaded to recuse from a case involving a contested presidential election, then a closely divided supreme court
could decide a contested election. it would just be a 4-3 ruling. and if justice ginsburg were the recusal, it would be a republican majority 4-3 split, donald trump win. justice ginsburg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me. when donald trump answered a question what is important about the supreme court and he immediately answered by attacking justice ginsburg for something critical she once said about him, i m not saying that wasn t a shocking display of raw narcissistic self absorption in terms of what s important about the supreme court. but it also may have been him laying the groundwork how he would contest the election if he can get it close enough or wild enough of that the election results somehow winds up in the courts. he is already laying the groundwork for demanding justice ginsburg s recusal. meanwhile, president obama s nominee to fill the vacant seat on the court has been weight 7 1/2 months since the president nominated him while republicans
won t give him so much as a single hearing. will that nominee, merrick garland still be the nominee for the supreme court if hillary clinton is elected in two weeks? or will she pick her own nominee once she is sworn in january? if clinton does win, will republicans suddenly change their mind about merrick garland and decide they want to confirm him after all, right after the election, so they can fill that seat with a known quantity before the new president clinton has a chance to pick somebody new for the bench? and in that instance, clinton s running mate, vice president-elect tim kaine, he would still be in the senate and able to cast a vote. how would he vote if that happened? if the senate goes democrat in november, and if you and hillary clinton win on november 8th, the republican-controlled senate will have the opportunity in the lame duck to change their mind about merrick garland. yeah. to try to approve him because they would worry that somebody more liberal would come along. or 20 years younger. yeah. even if it was the same person 20 years younger, i don t
know if i want that. if that happen, and that s not outside the realm of possibility, president obama would then have the opportunity to withdraw the nomination in deference to president-elect clinton. do you think president-elect clinton at this point would want merrick garland to be the nominee? what she pick somebody new? what would you want? i haven t talked to hillary about it. i have to tell you, this is in criminal of the republicans. mitch mcconnell has been very unequivocal, we re not take him up. we re not taking him up. but the prospect of seeing an election, boy, maybe we should, they will make that call. if he comes up for a vote in the senate, i m voting for him. because he so clearly gets over the hurdle of the fitness and character test that is supposed to be the test for advise and consent. but, you know, if the session ends and he is not approved, you know, then hillary should appoint the person that she thinks meets her criteria for being on the supreme court. should she consider merrick garland?
of course. that is who president obama said this meets my criteria. hillary will be the president. it s not bill clinton term 3, and it s not barack obama term 3. it s hillary clinton term 1. and she should make the decision what she thinks is her criteri for that vacancy. tim kaine speaking with me last night about whether or not hillary clinton is going to renominate president obama s pick for the supreme court, merrick garland if she is elected president in two weeks. no one, including clinton herself or kaine here last night or anybody associated with the clinton campaign, nobody is clearly stating that she would pick someone different than merrick garland if she is elected. i think, just my take from the way they all talk about it, though, that it s fairly reasonable to expect now that she would pick somebody other than merrick garland. if she is elected. and that s going to be really interesting. because if that happens, president obama is going to be in this position after the election where the republican-controlled senate really might all of the sudden be willing to approve merrick garland, his supreme court nominee. and at that point president obama will have to consider
whether he wants to have his nominee approved to sit on the supreme court or whether he instead would withdraw that nomination so hillary clinton would be free to pick her own choice when she is sworn in january. and i think i know what president obama would do in that instance. but are you sure? the supreme court and the presidency are always intertwined. this year it s starting to feel less like that traditional intertwining. it s starting to feel more like they re choking each other out. he is the steward of the office. part of our inheritance is our democratic system. that s what the office of the president of the united states is about. and when it s undermined by a candidate for the presidency, we have to understand how cancerous that is. thatchism did not rise in the 30s because it was strong, but because democracy was weak. we need to understand that.
[indistinct chatter] [telephone ring] man: hello? [boing [lghr] man: youay kiss e bride. [applause] woan: ahh. ndistit corsation] announc: a full life measurd seats starts with the right es early on. car crashes are a leading killeof children 1 t13. learn how to prevent deaths aninjuries by using the right car seat for your child s age and size. they offer alaim-freesurce smardiscount. because sa driversost less to insur which ses money. and en they ve, you sa. that s auto and home insance for the modernorld. esurance, an allstate mpany. click or cal ance ds auto insurance a ter way.
like their photo claims tool. it helps stle your claim money. qukly,which saves times and when they sa, you save. that s autand homeurance for the modernrnorld. esurancean allstate compan click or call. and something amazing ppens. th s our inspiration f fancy feast medleys. wild saln primaver tastes amazing. gfancy feast medley at the top of the show tonight, we broke the news that the democratic party has filed motions in a federal court in new jersey over the sort of vigilante poll watching stuff that the trump campaign has been threatening for election day. donald trump, mike pence, and some of their supporters have been talking about an effort to flood trump supporters into
cities in swing states, particularly minority heavy swing states, cities in various swing states to watch the vote in those places. to make sure that the vote isn t stolen. it s an inchoate effort. there has been some unusual stuff, including trump talking about including law enforcement to be part of that effort. and until last night when the huffington post started asking questions about it, there was apparently an online effort to sign people up for this vigilante approach of poll watching, an effort that included an online forum where people could printout their own semi official looking badge to make themselves look like they had a reason to be at poll watching places while they videotaped people while they were voting. and reported on whatever was happening there. tonight we reported that the democratic party has filed papers in court in federal court in new jersey, saying that the republican party is in violation of a on sent decree that they ve

National-republican-party , Marist-poll , Trump , Problems , Context , Bunch , Trump-dpan , 14 , Poll , Points , Fox-news , World

Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20161110 00:00:00

bitter campaign there was sadness, disbelief and tears shed around the white house this morning. but president obama stepped up and made a strong call for unity. i had a chance to talk to president elect trump last night, about 3:30 in the morning i think it was, to congratulate him on winning the election. and i had a chance to invite him to come to the white house tomorrow to talk about making sure there is a successful transition between our presidencies. and tonight there are peaceful anti-trump protests around the country. you can see some of them. people exercising their right. live pictures from new york city and chicago. hundreds have taken to the street. wall street in the meantime surging today. a steep drop overnight. election results first showing trump likely to win. the market fell over 900 points ending up with a swing up over
the president elect pulling off a stunning victory, capturing the key battleground states of florida, north carolina and ohio. and blasting through hillary clinton s blue wall in wisconsin and pennsylvania, which put him over the top. as i ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement. made up of millions of hard working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family. trump, the first non politician to assume the presidency since dwight eisenhower now shifts his focus to the transition of the white house and building a trump administration. once trump takes office in january he ll have republican majorities in both houses of congress to help push through through his agenda. i think what donald trump just pulled off is an enormous
joe johns is outfront live in chappaqua, new york. joe, that had to be the hardest thing she s ever done in her life. she indicated it was very painful. i think that is probably a huge understatement. what are you hear about her mind set right now? i think you hit the nail on the head. somber is the word. the speech she gave today visibly painful for hillary clinton. it is clear she wanted to try to console her supporters but frankly did just not have a lot to work with. the campaign did maintain a media presence on twitter and so on. the last tweet that we saw was a bible verse from the book of galatians. let us not what was it here? let us not grow weary in doing good. but it was not signed by hillary clinton with the character h, signaling it came directly from her. hillary clinton s bid to become
the first woman to become president came to a painful end. this is not the outcome we wanted or worked so hard for and i m sorry that we did not win this election for the values we share and the vix sion we hold r our country. the democrats urged the country to embrace donald trump as the president elect, her first public comments since the outcome of the election became clear. we must accept this result and then look to the future. donald trump is going to be our president. we owe him an open mind and the chance to lead. reporter: president obama echoing the comments from the rose garden. serve sad when their party lose an election. but at the end we have to
remember we are all on one team. we re all now rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country. the peaceful transition of power is one of the the hallmarks of our democracy. and over the next few months we are going to show that to the world. reporter: clinton not hiding the impact of the rebuke by voters. this is painful and it will be for a long time. but i want you to remember this. our campaign was never about one person or even one election. it was about the country we love. her voice breaking with emotion as she spoke to young women who believed in her historic candidacy. to all the women and especially the young women who put their faith in this campaign and in me, i wanted you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be your champion. reporter: in the end it was a
stunning defeat, clinton came up well short in the electoral vote despite holding a narrow lead in the popular vote with some still left to be counted. the defeat leaving supporters in a state of shock. some in tears. consoling each other. clinton tried to give them a lift today with her words. i know. i know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling. but someday someone will, and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. reporter: after the speech the campaign chairman and the campaign manager spoke to hillary clinton s staff in brooklyn urging them to stay in politics. since then pretty much radio silence from hillary clinton. though we were told we were expected to come back here to her home. back you do erin. thank you very much. and breaking news right now. we can now tell you hillary clinton has won new hampshire. certified vote totals in that state now in showing clinton did
win new hampshire. the electoral vote now 290 for trump, 232 for clinton. that of course still leaves michigan outstanding. outfront david gergen, mark preston, dana bash. kayleigh mcenany. bakari sellers. paris stenar the and george cord anyway. thanks all for being with me. obviously at this point the electoral, that is over. but that is still a victory for her to be able to say she has new hampshire. right. for her supporters. i heard a yes she lost though. the bottom line is she s lost
twice and she s got nowhere to go from this. to maria s point though they did pick up a senate seat in new hampshire which is critical. democrats are going to do have a lot of trouble in congress going into 2018 where the odds are stacked against them. no matter what happens in the trump presidency in the next couple of years, democrats have an uphill battle but the fact of the matter she wasn t able to excite her base in key states. so. and we re going to talk much more with a definitive electoral college win. the popular vote right now still indicating that she ll have that. that split we ve only seen once this century with al gore. dow futures plunging last night. traders outside of the united states sending it down nearly 900 points. it closed up today, resoundingly so. thousand point swing. after all the doom and gloom, you heard all of the people out there say all of these bad things would happen in the
market. today the exact opposite for a trump victory. good news for donald trump. just as early on for the brexit voters. you pointed out before we came on the air a big part of that swing is the initial reaction, the negative reaction came in the foreign markets where there is a lot of jittery investors and there is a lot of terror among foreign policy people. but when the u.s. markets open that is when the swing came. i think that is a big part of it. it is also true that investors here are taking a hard look at his economic plan and the fact that he s going to provide fiscal stimulus they think will be on large order starting with tax cuts and investments and infrastructure. both of those things add fuel to the economy and you can get higher interest rates and investors look at that and say that is good news, let s support it. and dana when you lock another what happened today, it was a country showing that people could rise to the best. and it started with donald
trump. at 3:00 in the morning. when he came down and he was gracious and he was generous. and he reached out. clinton took about nine hours. and one would presume she was probably physically unable to come out when she first heard the news. when she did speak there was a lot of emotion in her voice as well. here she is. i know how disappointed you feel because i feel it too. and so do tens of millions of americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. this is painful. and it will be for a long time. raw and personal. a side of her we didn t see this election. exactly. and it is the side of her we saw after she lost in 2008. the side of her we saw after within that primary process she lost the iowa caucuses and went on to new hampshire and she had that famous moment where she got emotional. i m not saying she needs to show
her emotions on her sleeve because if she did that all the time then she would have other problems. but what she did do there was appear to show her real self. and that is always what happens. doesn t matter who you are, what gender, what party, when a candidate lose, especially loses this big and in this much of a public way and, you know, in this case a big surprise for her, all of your defenses are down and you have nothing but your raw self. and i think that was so clear today. and it also happens, it is inevitable that people say where was that person? where was that candidate? and it is because they are not guarded in that moment. and when you know the winner and the loser it is easy to have empathy for side if you were on the other side. today, george w. bush, george h.w. bush, mitt romney, obviously you didn t support trump. but even on the other side. elizabeth warren, nancy pelosi saying they are going to work with donald trump.
elizabeth warren. right. i mean those two have so said. so naes nastiest things of anybody on. turns out after the election grown ups come back. the election really does change you. most of us at heart are partisan and we ve all been fighting and working for a long time on either end of it or covering it. and but at the end of the day the country still needs running and i so actually thought it was really nice to see people from both wings. the progressive wing, the right that didn t support donald trump come out and say listen, we ve got to grow up. we ve got to come together. this is going to be important. we still have a lot of challenges. and, you know, as crazy as this turn of events is, this is the reality. let s move on and get to work? let s talk this. definitive electoral victory for donald trump. when you lookout the popular vote hillary clinton is ahead there. even in state, trump won pennsylvania 16,000 votes out of millions cast.
you could call it a mandate or you can call ate the deeply divided country that needs outreach. will trump be able to do the latter? yes and i agree there is a country that does needs outreach. there are big divisions here. and when donald trump came out here and he was big in that moment and praised hillary clinton and praised her hard work. and then went on to say something really important. that is movement of people of all races and all religions and today i ve had a few emotional encounters with the hillary support who are said i can get behind taking my government back. that makes sense to me. when i take the partisanship out of it. what donald trump s say makes sense. bakari, kayleigh is saying she s cease it as outreach is needed. trump s campaign manager and paul ryan don t see that it way exactly. let s play what they had to say today. given a mandate. what donald trump just pulled off is an enormous political
feat. he just earned a mandate. mandate. twice. we ve had a difference of opinion in definitions of words throughout the campaign and we ll have a another difference right now. it is not a mandate. whatever we want to call it, i don t think it is that but he does come in today as the winner. and in politics all that matters is who wins the race. it doesn t matter if you get 270 not about the margin. it is about the victory. so donald trump is the president of the united states. i will do everything i can to make sure he s successful. any democrat that will not do anything he can to make sure he s successful is not doing the count ray service. how i will say that today is a devastating day for many people when we woke up this morning. my daughter was inconsolable this morning for many arab
americans and imgrants and african americans. many young women. today was a very difficult day. and the reason being is because there are many of us who will do everything we to make sure donald trump is successful but still believe he does not represent what s best for the country. does not represent who we are. and donald trump, his biggest burden is to unify this country. the conundrum is last night he showed that he didn t have to unify the country to be successful. so i don t know why anyone wants me to believe that he ll unify the country today. paris? at the end of the day there are a lot of fragile communities that are suffering. they are blacker this, brown. they are appalachia e they are republican, they are democrat and when you lookout at this decisive victory. i think it is a mandate. you look at the people who say we need change. we need somebody to help us.
we need jobs. student loan debt is out of control. and these people are the wons to vote. the pollsters mszed it. they didn t poll them. didn t talk to them. didn t understand where they came from. but a certainly people supporting donald trump. 8% african american. better than mitt romney. the national diversity coalition more trump was out there doing positive things and i believe mr. trump is going to continue this engagement and be the leader that people who voted for him know he can be. we ll talk about the polls and exactly how this happened in a moment. next how donald trump redrew the electoral map. and what trump s loil supporters got right yal supporters got right was your faith ever shaken? i thought the polls were wrong from the beginning. and donald trump s close friend of nearly 40 years was with trump last night as the results came in. tom baric is my guest outfront. we ll be right back
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president elect donald trump getting ready to lead. how did he do i? pulling off the biggest political upset in modern history. john king is outfront. and i like people around the world were glued to you last night. county by county, state by state. break it down how did trump win. remember in 2008, barack obama, then senator obama, president obama. he turned all those states blue? well that is what donald trump did last night. wisconsin here. ohio was a swing state normally. florida. iowa. what is the pattern here the sf a lot of the states across the american heartland. 2001, president obama carried them all. 2008 president obama carried them all.
donald trump literally rewrote the map of american politics. he did it by winning in the heartland, winning in the industrial midwest and running it up among whites without a college degree. who have been the base of the democratic party. this should be nine not ten in wisconsin. the math has been adjusted but a big win trump is over romney in 2012. a big win in michigan. same voters. a big win in pennsylvania. a big win in ohio. white, industrial state, middle class, midwest rust belt workers went for donald trump. millions of them that we didn t know existed came out and votes for donald trump is a myth. that s not true. donald trump will be the president of the united states. he won. the republicans won the election. donald trump got 1.1 million votes few ore than mitt romney in 2008. he won because democrats stayed home. not because the secret republicans came out to the polls. which obviously answers a big question a lot of people
watching have. and the other thing this came down to is something trump knew from the beginning and he pounded the table on it again and again and again. it came down to the economy. and took a lot of cues from the bernie sanders to be honest about this. and in national exit polls trump had the advantage over secretary barely. but on this question does trade take u.s. jobs away. two-thirds of the voters thought trade takes u.s. jobs away and view donald trump as more genuine on that issue and it mattered a lot where there are blue collar voters. back to 2016. let s pull this up. one thick about what happened last night. i m not trying to take anything from the donald trump. he won. a sweeping election. they did a fantastic job. but this is wayne county. this is detroit. hillary clinton got 517,022 in wayne county. four years ago president obama got 595,000 plus votes. that is an 83,000 plus different
between obama then and hillary clinton. now she s losing the state of michigan by 11,000 vote. she got the percentages in wayne county. 67%. the percentage looks great. the numbers, she didn t have the numbers. they stayed home. they didn t vote. thank you very much john king. and when you talk about who voted and who didn t. one of the big surprises here as we break this down was hispanics. there were many who said there is no way anyone who s hispanic is going to vote for donald trump because of the wall because of the mexican rapest comment and tho and those people were dead wrong. stunning numbers. what did you get wrong? i didn t. because these numbers are wrong. and i ll tell you why. i have talked about this. the polls, right, time after time in those panels about how they completely undercount the hispanic vote because they don t go where hispanics are and they
don t talk to hispanics in the spanish. same with the exit polls. time and time again this happens. 2004 bush got percent of the hispanic vote and it earned up being 40. and we never try to change the narrative because who cared. they won. what do you think the real number is going to be? i know what the real number is going to be. latino decisions which is the premier polling firm did a election link poll and precinct by precinct analysis today and the numbers are hillary clinton got 79% of all latinos and donald trump got 18%. the problem is because other democrats stayed home and there was a wave of white voters. we can t do it all. so we showed up but others didn t. very interesting. what john king said a second ago is really important. and i hope republicans especially whe especially are listening. trump won fewer votes than
mccain and romney. and that is because democrats stayed home. what i don t want republicans to think is that democrats have been wrong about the changing map of this country. democrats are right. the country is getting younger and it is getting more diverse. they just didn t vote in the numbers they needed to the point [chatter]. nevada, it was a big reason katherine cortez is now the first senator. and colorado a big reason bennett got reelected. and arizona a big reason joe arapayo is no longer in office. at the end of the day i think david gergen and dana bash and the mark preston sorry where are you going with this. [ laughter ] but it s very simple. either you show up or you don t.
politics have very very simple. the hillary clinton campaign had a model. and i stated this earlier that the winner of this campaign had to get 65 million votes to be president of the united states. the winner of this campaign got 59 million. you do have other people running. there was something lightly is different than last time. but you always have a third party candidate running. the model doesn t change. the fact is the fact is there were 6 million democratic voters. this is on us. this is not a wave this is not a tsunami. let s talk about the black vote. she did 88%. obama did better of course. gore did better. barack obama went out and said to the african american community you must vote to preserve my legacy. they did not comply in the numbers needed for her to win. first of all the premise of your question is off. but i will say that african americans did not come out in the numbers they came out with for barack obama. one, i don t know if we know yet but hillary clinton is white and
there was a lot of history with al doer gore did better. he was not african american. also you cannot denies some things that happened in this country. the different between donald trump and hillary clinton in wisconsin is 27,000 votes i believe jorng and we also know there are 23 thousand people who didn t comply with the voter since you clearly referred to us as gray beards, let me earn [chatter]. i said experts dana. experts. that is millennial for old. i get it. is he a millennial? candidates matter. and you can do all of the modelling and the demographics and the percentages and, you know, voters are going to vote and we have to get them out. they are not going get out and vote don t. hold on. until and unless they are not only excited about somebody but
really feel compelled by their story, by their message, by what they are going to do when they get into that building there. and hillary clinton was the wrong candidate for the wrong time so and donald trump captured lightning in a bottle. can we show because we talked about this over the past few days multiple times. and you said it was possible. and it happened. the polls did note show this. dewey defeats truman. it just happened. something that no one in this country. i just wanted to put it up again. obviously you didn t get the headline. it was too late to even get the headline but with online that doesn t happen. but right, you are a millennial you don t know what that it is. after we all got it so wrong, after we did not know what was coming. we did not anticipate. we spent a lot of money.
the day after it seems we ought to be a little humble in explaining what happened. i don t think we know what happens. hold on a second, you know, we go from saying here is what s going to happen with absolute certainty and it doesn t happen and we do know what happened. paris and i have been talking about this for months and months on end. when you circle wayne county and see that immense turnout of blue collar workers and disenfranchised workers who republicans haven t spoken to and democrats haven t spoken to. they showed up. wayne county nothing but black people showed up. and what john king showed is not enough black people. right. dana, that point was brilliant. and the reason it was brilliant you can stop. [ laughter ] finish and then we re going to stop for a moment. the people who did not come out for hillary clinton the way she thought were african american men. and you have to ask. they didn t show up because
they have been failed by the democratic party. but you have to ask yourself why? and one of the things that was a stickler nobody pays attention to is you have to go back to the 94 crime bill. somebody today actually said people do not forget there is a whole generation lost. the super predator comment. all of those things came back. the democrat pause for a moment. after you dmoit drinking before coming on the set, one of the reasons is the commonwealth of pennsylvania. defying uflt the polls. becoming the first republican nominee to win there since george w. bush. why in a state that seemed to be so reliably blue? miguel marquez is outfront. reporter: for the trump faithful, never a moment of doubt. i thought the polls were wrong from the beginning. i thought there were a lot of people out there like me that
didn t go out and talk about it every day or never got polled but felt very strongly about donald trump. did you think the polls are wrong? yes. because i never thought that hillary would get in. because she is just too sly. for months clinton was consistently up in the polls across pennsylvania on election day 70% of washington county voters stood in line. some for hours. most for trump. what is it about this place that made it tournament for donald trump? everybody is sick and tired of the lies. reporter: bill a house painter says work has been slim and expects trump to turn that around. he s not a politician. this is the problem. there are too many professional liars running our country. that is what they are, professional liars. they make a job of standing around and going i ll do anything you tell me to do until
i get in there. reporter: voters like this made trump president elect. clinton won 11 counties in pennsylvania, five by narrow margins. one of the biggest issues here? the cost of obamacare. my health insurance has blown. just for me you are looking at almost 360 bucks a month. reporter: for clinton s urban supporters, the trump victory? what is your over riding emotion this morning? disappointment. shock. shock. reporter: sfeels like the country has changed for worse. how did this happen? but it did. what do you feel today? what i feel today is just just preparing myself to see what s gonna happen. reporter: do you feel like something bad is on the horizon? oh yes.
oh yes. i definitely do. so this is washington, that other washington. washington pennsylvania, that went so big for hillary clinton. it wasn t because she didn t try. he had hundreds of staffers here. and 56 offices. this is one of them they are shutting down right now but no matter she did she could not overcome the desire on voters to dismantle the establishment. thank you miguel. when you look at the cost per vote, donald trump criticized for the lack of those field offices is his cost per vote also perhaps setting a record. the senior senator from michigan, senator svanaugh. looks like we are close to calling michigan for trump. haven t gotten there yet. do you think thagz the way this is going to go. i do. 13,000 votes, we ve never seen
anything so close. basically a tie. but it is extremely close. about 13,000 votes. .27%. .27%. close but as we ve been saying a win is a win. one more vote and you get the electoral votes. but you didn t think it was going to go this way. our jessica schneider was in your state asking you about this last week. let me play exactly what you said to her when she said is donald trump wasting his time coming to michigan again and again. here is swhae said. the trump campaign saying the hillary campaign is panicking, are they the. no. absolutely not. wishful thinking on their part. look you know the state. you have served in the state. you have served in public office for four decade this is the state of michigan. what did you miss? first of all let me say this really is about people. when we look at all the numbers you and everybody have been talking about. i think what is clear is that
the folks who feel left out and behind in this recovery wanted change and were willing to overlook a lot of faults, a lot of things in order to get change. for them, they don t trust any of the establishment. and they want change. so what i m hopeful for. because these are the people i fight for every day. these are the folks that i put bills to the floor to close loopholes to bring jobs home. and i m hoping to see that it will be interesting to see donald trump get his republican colleagues who have been proposing bills i ve had and other democrats have had to actually now come around and be supportive of things like my bill to support a loop hole that allows a company to leave and taxpayers to pay for the move overseas which is outrageous and i ve been trying to get that passed for six years. are you going to work with him? do you see room to work with
president trump? if he s willing to follow through on what he said about a rigged system and helping people in closing loopholes and supporting my bring the job home bill, sure. i think the challenge rigged system in some places. rigged system. we as democrats have been saying that there is a now i m not saying rigged voting system. i m saying economically, too many benefits go to those at the top. not enough to middle class people. too many people have fallen out of the middle class and that does mean closing tax loopholes that only benefit the rich. fair trade policies, focussing on the cost of college. all of these things that frankly we have been talking about for a long time and we couldn t and donald trump is a very unconventional republican. looks like he has very specifically on that tax loophole issue room to work with you. i want to ask you something really important though. we ve been talk about how the african american vote, the black vote, there wasn t the turnout. that hurt her. women women, in michigan.
53% voted for hillary clinton. that is a majority. but you know the numbers. barack obama he got 50% in 2012. he got 60% in 2008. women. why did women not support hillary clinton in your state? as the first female nominee for president of the this country? it is very disappointing to me and i think we re going to have to spend time listening and finding out why that was. because i ve said since the beginning if the women of this country want a women president we ll have a women president. and for those of us who really believe this is time, it is something that where he have to thoughtfully look at and figure out. and she s gotten closer than anybody else. and i m counting on the fact that sooner rather than later we re going to get all the way there. but that was disappointing. senator, thank you very much, i appreciate your time.
coming on, talking about this today. and next could rudy giuliani be the next attorney general? what about newt gingrich of secretary of state? new details on the trump administration. a lot of decisions to make really quickly. and the man who was in the room with trump when the results came. in joins me next i really did save hundreds on my car insurance with geico. i should take a closer look at geico. geico has a long history of great savings and great service. over seventy-five years. wait. seventy-five years? that is great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so. wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the a.
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house paul ryan and a contender for chief of staff. he already sounds like one. he s not calling for mass deportation. only people who have a committed crimes and only until all of that is taken care of do we look at what we re going to do next. secretary of state former speaker of the house newt gingrich is a maybe and more than willing to tackle trump s critics. you are fascinated with sex and you don t care about public policy. former new york mayor and prosecutor rudy giuliani has been a reliable public prosecutor too. that she was telling the truth, than you re too stoopd to be president. along with new jersey governor chris christie, one of the first big names to jump aboard the trump train. we need a first class president and we re going to have it in donald trump. other possible matches. bill their businessman carl icahn for treasury secretary.
retired army general mike flynn for national security advisor and jeff sessions, another early defender for secretary of defense. are you actively vetting people as we speak right now for positions? yes. because we re going to win so we have to get ready to form a government. even before the election the trump team was considering places for numerous strategists and aides. kellyanne conway. sean spicer. hope hicks and steve bannon. what question need to do is [ bleep ], the republican party and get those guys heaving too and if we have to we ll take it over. of course all of this is nothing really but educated guesses right now. we don t really know what they are going to be up to and certainly some of donald trump s more polarizing positions could keep some of the mainstream washington players at arm s length, unwilling to step into that white house. but we do know this about d.c., erin. whenever there is a job open
close to power, there is always someone ready to take it. that s for sure. all right tom. outfront now tom barrack, close friend and business associate of donald trump for nearly 40 years. we ve spoken time and time again throughout the process. there have been highs and there have been lows. president elect donald trump, has it sunk in for you and for trump himself yet? of course. like i think it sunk in, i was with him last night and this morning. and the best side of president elect trump has come out, which is empathy and humility and compassion. things that you and i have talked about in the past that the viewing population thought we were out of our miebds. so what s happening is you are moving from candidate trump to president trump.nds. so what s happening is you are moving from candidate trump to president trump. and i analogize it to president trump was like a ufc fighter in
the middle of an octagon and a martial artist using every tool he could to communicate a message. a message by the way only he really understood. we trying to get him to pivot. and he said of course i can do that. that is not the message i want to convey. and i think last night you saw the real donald trump, humble, kind, compassionate. with a simple agenda. and the agenda is to heal the divide, settle the wounds, calm the country. you saw the market this morning open down on fears. and by the end of the day it is up. so consistency, the ability to have consensus across the board. will be like president reagan. i think you can see in the next two weeks you are talk about the cabinet candidates. and one of the big telling signs how the position will operate is the first five big jobs. state, defense, treasury, chief of staff, homeland security. cia. and if you remember reaganing
with an actor for the eureka college with little foreign experience appointed james baker in the first week of his electorate. and then followed it with weinberg, schultz, allen and khan. so i think it is a great opportunity for america to come together. remember we re one team. put all of this anguish behind us. give this man a chance. i think him playing the role of president people will be shocked how good he ll be. so let me ask you that. because, you know, you were one of the people as you just you were open about it. be more presidential. pivot. and he didn t want to hear it. but you are now saying that he is going to be the man that this country saw at 3:00 in the morning giving a gracious and somber speech saying that he wanted to unify the nation, reaching outlet to hillary clinton. do you truly believe that that is the man that will govern? that that is the man that america will see consistently day in and day out?
look, a thousand percent. he knows that his first objective right now is to build a bridge to this divide, number one. first and foremost. reach out to the other side. unite this country and then create an agenda. so all of these things people are afraid of. what wall is he going to build? build a wall with understanding. this is america. you can t as a president be a dictator and walk out and be a brunt. he ll be calm, he ll be slow. he ll be considerate. he ll be thoughtful. he ll shock his offenders. and for the victors, i tell all of our peers today. you have to give up hubris. you have to give up the arrogance of victory and reach out to the other side and say now we re really going to build a consensus on these difficult issues together. on immigration, tax reform, foreign policy, on the misi on all of the items that were so
difficult in the past.ddle east on all of the items that were so difficult in the past. my panel is back with me. let me give you chance. tomorrow is a big day. barack obama going to meet with donald trump. michele obama going to meet with melania trump. that meeting is crucial tomorrow morning between barack obama and donald trump. yeah. and very historic. and i think based on what we saw with donald sorry w barack obama s speech today, i think he s really set a very conciliatory tone and i would give anything to be a fly on that wall in the meeting tomorrow to see how he interacts. and i think he really does want to see succeed and wants impart whatever kind of knowledge he has that can help him succeed and how will donald trump respond. and that is exactly how barack obama spoke today about
george george w. bush. i think president obama wants do that. i was at the white house with president bush and at the end of the term president bush went out of his way to tell all of the staff be respectful, be kind. do all you can do to make this the transition for the next guy coming in. and i he wants to do the same thing for mr. trump. because at the end of the that day he wants mr. trump to succeed and to phil in that legacy. talked about the secretary clinton filling the legacy? there is a gap and i think he s going to fill it. the tone trump used last night i think is the one we can count on but there is nothing he did in the year and a half of campaigning that leads us to believe that is the case. he s got to remember that he s not only the president for the people who came out to support him, he is the approximapreside many communities whom he has offended in the last year and a
half. right now they are hurting. kids are hurting. kids are worried about what s going to happen in these communities. i think you are going to see that kind of outreach. donald trump one thing i admired so much about him in the campaign. hoe brought in a diversity coalition. he brought in latino. he listened. he went to these community. first republican candidate to ever have a cohesive message to the african american community. he s going to be they don t feel that way right now. they don t feel that way. the majority, how about that? the majority of african americans and the latinos do not feel that way. not try. absolutely. the majority of did vote that way. coming up next bp engineers use underwater robots, so they can keep watch over operations below the sea,
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President-obama , Campaign , President-elect-trump , Chance , Call , Tears , White-house , Unity , Sadness , Last-night , Disbelief , Election

Transcripts For MSNBCW MTP Daily 20161102 21:00:00

if you are talking about a way for us to actually win and not just bust the blue wall, you are assuming we are winning states that mitt romney and john mccain both lost to president obama including iowa, ohio and florida. of course north carolina the first time. here s the important thing and momentum and enthusiasm matter. in addition us closing the gap from 12 points to being ahead or being tied. by the way, let me ask you this. have you had a poll move 13 points in a week? have you had a poll move 13 points in a week? that you didn t wonder something must be wrong with the poll. i m not wondering at all. we can t play that game. i can t have your network calling the race over because of the abc news washington post moving and say that may not have been right. i didn t hang my hat on that
poll then or now. a lot of people in your network did. i want to make the point that the lines are clearly going in our direction and i think the most fascinating numbers in abc washington poll are not the horse race numbers and they show hillary clinton s unfavorable ratings are high and donald trump is trusted more than she is by the american voter and most importantly, something we have talked about, the attribute that goes to empathy and compassion with voters and the question of who cares more about people like you. clinton and trump were tied on that. that s remarkable and all the trends are going our way. job creation and politicians. that plays well in the upper midwest. you concerned that you go to
wisconsin and you go to nevada and joe heck, the senate candidate has not decided what he is going to do. new hampshire is another state thaw brought up. i m going to can the question. are you concerned that you may come up short and in new hampshi hampshire. three of the leading republicans and in each of those places may be holding you back somewhat. and whose fault will that be? mr. trump endorsed kelly ayotte and endorsed john mccain and has been gracious. he has done his part to unify the party by becoming president. you don t think he could have done more? it s time for republicans to come home. i like governor pence s message. mr. trump went to wisconsin for a great event with senator johnson and governor walker. anyway, i wanted to say this to
you. for a president trump to have a republican senate. like missouri and north carolina where donald trump is ahead of the senate candidates and in terms of the gubernatorial candidates, trump is ahead of the republican gubernatorial candidates in indiana, missouri and new hampshire. one final question. in the early vote on one hand we have seen good news on your side depending on the racial make up and good news on different make ups. there is one part of this that to me doesn t look good for your side. while african-american turn out may be down, hispanic turn out is on the way to record breaking. how much does that concern you in. it all concerns me because that s my job. we top the make sure we invested early in the absentee ballot and early voting. if you have to go through the
budget and decide where to put your resources, we like the early returns that we are getting in the states where we are on par or ahead of where governor romney was in terms of early returns. we are keeping a close eye on that, but you have the states like pennsylvania and new hampshire which are day of voting. there is absentee voting of course. you will see mr. trump and governor pence in those states. we are happy with what we see with requests for absentee ballots. do you acknowledge that the hispanic vote is on the way to a record high, did that make it more difficult some. not necessarily. there will be millions of votes cast in florida and we feel good about mitt romney got 27% and a little bit better in florida.
a lot of voters would surprise you and the number of people who are excited about the trump message with job creation and renegotiating deals and make us more safe and prosperous. people of all backgrounds want change. there is only one clear choice. i have to ask you this. there was an incident today that some supporter of donald trump s yelled at the media pen a pretty horrific thing. take a listen. you are an embarrassment. the guy yelled you sell out for a few scheckles. you were asked about the jew sa chant that he had. donald trump is not doing this, but it is surfacing supporters with a lot of anti-semitic rhetoric. what is your campaign doing?
it is not a lot and i would not be part of this campaign and you know it. it keeps showing up. in arizona it keeps showing up. the first amendment right. you can sound like a fool and hear people sound that way every day. the fact is that in the case of arizona, i checked the with the head of security and he plus the guys on the ground in arizona tell me they removed that protester. i didn t hear that covered in the news or whatever he is saying idiotic things that do not reflect the campaign or the candida candidacy. donald trump said he will be the president of all people and even those who don t agree with him. with the outbursts like. that. i think she is corrupt and lied
and you should criminal investigation. the rhetoric that has been thrown at the media, i have been experienced it in ways i have never experienced about. i m donald trump s campaign manager and i don t appreciate the death threats. it s not fun to have a death threat. i get it completely and think everybody should tone it down. that includes everybody. i am yet to hear hillary clinton distance herself from the antipolice rhetoric. she ignores it like she didn t hear it. six more days and six very, very long days. i will see you victory night. be our guests. see you victory night. joy reed is host of msnbc.
kasie hunt. a slew of new polls and the post important is wisconsin. donald trump s path still has to breakthrough the blue wall of the industrial midwest. when you look at the three states, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. romney and mccain went searching for them and here comes donald trump. they realize i can win all the toss ups and not get there. in wisconsin, it is the market et poll. the good track record. plus six. clinton and romney won the state by seven. even obama won by seven. wishful thinking in retrospect. you say it looks like 2012. the other thing is what ron johnson is behind and the senator and republican by only a point. the polls can be off within a poll and the comparisons are real because it s the same people. ron johnson is running five points ahead.
that toll me that are johnson had a nice come back. that are is probably max. the five-point marker is as good as it gets for the candidate running above trump. the fact that trump predicted that he will be five points behind. what s interesting now, you are a michigan native and say keep your eye on michigan. he s another that has been saying you guys don t know what s happening here. trump can carry really well in the midwest. we haven t seen the cracks yet. it s hard to believe it is closer. i think it s possible that there is a surprise lurking in michigan and we are not picking up on it. if there is an x factor in polling where white working class voter who is voted democrat in the past and are excited to vote for trump. that has been the question mark all the way along. some of this is my sense for having covered bernie on the
ground. i had republicans raise flags about it and at least one democrat who tried to raise flags in the past and vanish wrong. still it seems to be a place that has come up with for repeatedly. there could be something going on. there is a reason of nervousness in team clinton. not about michigan, but what it takes to win. they need a good turn out and overall early vote has shown maybe african-americans turn out. that doesn t help you in michigan and wisconsin. that doesn t help you. it still exists and the reason democrats had the white whales. republicans have them. you and bill both. the reality is that pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan will go democrat and keep going democrat because those big cities. those big urban centers go for the democrats and the suburbs go
for the democrats and you have a state like ohio and the reason they are more viable is you have a smaller african-american population. whether or not you have the robust turn out when the first black president and the reelect happened. you can t compare that. barack obama running in 8 and 12, the first black president potential existing. you are never going to get that back. i keep wondering i should we use 2012? not quite. it may be too long away. we go back to 2000 which is a generic race and michigan, i believe it was like plus 4. it s not as democratic as people think. who was the governor? detroit is a lot smaller. you know what michigan is lacking and what pennsylvania has and ohio has. it s big suburban centers with a
lot of well educated white voters. they are not voting for donald trump at the moment and that exists to a lesser degree in michigan. oakland county by the way, a county that used to be a republican county is likely going to end up voting for her. two non-college whites in the congress. you have to remember that when they talk about the suburbs in the 80s and 90s. now what you are seeing is a lot of african-americans and a lot of others are moving out and it s the city that is expensive. gentrification is pushing a lot of af kanch americrican-america. they have college educated white voters and nonwhite voters. ohio has less of all of that and they have the largest non-college educated white populations and an ache% white
population. trump can win ohio, but not michigan. something we are starring to stumble into the result and may throw up a bunch of cnn polls and they have problems with the nevada numbers. let me throw them up. really said don t believe the numbers and the clark county split is so wrong which it is. the florida poll looks like what others look like. pennsylvania and cnn has at four. that would surprise people and clinton had 48 and 44. arizona with 49 and 44. taken together it is starting to look like 2012. all together. here s the funny thing. it is an extraordinary year. it is extraordinary. a week from now if you looked at the results, it can look like an ordinary race.
the democrat could win and the senate could be democrat and the republicans might hold the house and it would be an interesting question if we were all too call the up in the drama and we had an ordinary election. we didn t have an ordinary election and may have stumbled on an ordinary result. i think the martians could be confused. you get to that because they are shifting underneath. white women shifting and a higher i hhispanic turn out. this will be important november 9th as we unpack the election. we look into the states and the map will look within the states. you guys are sticking around. coming up, trump and the establishment and how the grass roots movement stumped the elites. how the filmmaker is warning about what could come next. live in studio next. stay tuned. new bikes aren t selling guys. what are we gonna do?
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he said clinton s e-mail saga is enough to get her impeached democrats are hoping to keep fine gold on top and it will be tough for democrats to take back the senate without flipping wisconsin. up next, filmmaker michael moore talks with me about trump s grass roots appeal. [beeping] take on any galaxy with a car that could stop for you. simulation complete. the new nissan rogue. rogue one: a star wars story. in theaters december 16th.
military failure and success, incumbent charisma and challenger charisma. on six of these measure, the white house goes to trump. the professor said trump can start measuring with six days to go. he is sticking to that prediction and hasn t been wrong in the last eight presidential elections. he is a professor of history in american university and he is correctly predicted the results of every presidential election using this matrix since 1984. i will say i know you are not a supporter of donald trump and i think you ran as a democrat back in the day. what is it and what is the missing seventh key for hillary clinton that your system says is going to keep her from the white house. all right. you have gone through the keys and you are right. my predictions are nonpartisan. ninth predictions. five democrats and four
republicans. you can t be more nonpartisan about that. they took a pasting in the mid-terms. incumbency since obama is not running. third party. gary johnson is polling way above what any libertarian has done. he might be fading and the lack of policy change given the gridlock in the second obama term. it goes term boy term and the lack of a big splashy foreign policy success in the second term like dispatching bid laden and number six the fact that hillary clinton is not a once in a generation charismatic candidate like a kennedy. i never hedged a prediction. it sounds like you might hedge. you want to hear it? let s hear the hedge. i m not locking at a crystal
ball and i m not ben carson. i m basing my predictions on history. and they go all the way back to 1860. in donald trump we may well have a history-smashing candidate who so much of the american people regard as unfit for the presidency who have done a dozen things that would have driven any other candidate out of the race. when herman cain was in the nomination, that drove him out of the race. donald trump has been accused of sexual harassment by 12 woman and openly bragged about assaulting women and continues on. he is the only candidate ever to question the peaceful transfer of power. he could break the pattern. he can break the pattern, but there is a chance that hillary clinton basically gets this last
key and it goes to the third party. what is your level, what is the level on your key for a third? the collective 30 party vote and at a 5% frethreshold and that mt be the that might flip it for you if it did fade? check, as usual you are right on point. obviously we don t know what gary johnson is going to poll. it s just gary johnson. my typical methodology they will use is to take the highest polling numbers for a third party and cut it in half. that worked invariably. gary johnson was polling about 13%. he is about 6 or 6.5. and it shows he is in decline. i don t know what gary johnson is going to do ultimately.
i am not going to change my predictions before the election. if he ends up less than five, that s one less key and that would mean what? your system works and clinton wins? the system works if clinton wins. that s right. we will be waiting to see and maybe it s all about gary johnson s number to find out the future of your keys. anyway. always good to see you, sir. same here, chuck. still ahead, michael moore joins me in his new movie trumpland and whether the nation can come together after this devicive election. stay tuned. eyes open? good. because it s here. cue the confetti. say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. xiidra is the first prescription eye drop solution approved to treat the signs and symptoms of dry eye.
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filmmaker michael moore has been warning about a trump ground swell for months. now moore has a new documentary about michael moore in trumpland. it is part soliloquy and part focus group. he speaks to a theater full of trump and clinton supporters in ohio and sets out to see if there is such thing as middle ground to be found between the groups of voters. every beaten down nameless forgotten working person who used to be part of the middle class loves trump. he is the human molotov cocktail they have been waiting for. the human hand grenade they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives with them. who are doesn t like the supreme court system on gay marriage. you don t support it.
anybody else? sir, then don t get gay married. right? michael moore joins me now. i have to say i loved the idea of what hyou had to do. it is what the two candidates should be doing and what many in the media should be spending more time doing. you put them together. how did they interact? people were with each other. that room was about a 30 trump people, one half hillary and the others were not going to vote. why do they trust you? i am them in that way. i am trump s demographic. an angry white guy over 35. on that level. you would like to throw a molotov cocktail at washington. yes, i have known that feeling. let s blow this up and start
over. not violently, of course. i understand mainly because my friends who lost their jobs and the people who suffered some of them for decades because it started in the 80s, i understand why they are angry and i understand why they want to do that. if i can bring them in the room, maybe there was common ground and maybe i can convince them to not use the ballot next tuesday as an anger management exercise. we played the gay marriage excerpt not because you pointed to a couple of people who raised their hand. nobody really did. i feel as if one way we will look back on this election and it s the end of another long time strategist and he believes this too. our divide had been social issue based and we are seeing the year that trade shakes up both
parties. do you think we are headed to a new divide based on and this is the end of the cultural wars. a lot of liberals are saying after the election even if hillary wins, the other side. there are pockets on both sides. the big issues are over. they are not going to go to the map on gay marriage or pro choice. that s over. that s good. we are moving into the future now. the issues are going to be economic-based. does the government help me as a working person, as a family member or are they more concerned about wall street? trump has been able to speak to people i know when he goes after hillary for the peaches to goldman sachs or against ford motor and say if you build the cars in mexico, we will put a tariff on them. there are obama trump voters.
mostly they thought mitt romney didn t understand their problems and didn t identify. the same people who voted obama in iowa will vote clinton. do you think there are enough in michigan. that will flip iowa. are there enough of those guys in michigan? i think and i want to warn everybody, do not trust these numbers. look, i m in michigan. on the morning of the primary in march, all the polls on this network and all the networks, everybody missed bernie. they have 8 to 25 points and she lost 12 hours later. i think that there is so much despair in the state and so much anger at the system and when people hear clinton, they hear bush. when they hear bush, they hear clinton. that has been their life and that s the system. he has been able to manipulate and it s a conjob to my friends and people i know in michigan who are thinking of voting for
him. i am not sleeping basically because i m spending this week and last week in these brexit states and talking to people in michigan and ohio and pennsylvania. it s interesting that you call them brexit states. the angry used to be the middle class and now they are people that work two jobs and are struggling to get by. if hillary clinton is elected, what s your advice to her on connecting with this? whoever wins has to reach out to this angry other side. if she wins, does she have this theater? should she have a theater of just trump supporters? she will win them over because what she does is all things that help them. she will make sure that the women are paid the same as men. she will support legislation that has a family leave and a paid maternity leave and support the things that help them.
she will fix the pipes in flint so people are not drinking poison water. they will see that and go you know what, i saw it in the republican tone and i had trump people who said they will think about it. they didn t me they were voting for hillary, but he said you showed the picture of her holing that baby when she was out doing research on her health care plan and they said you made her look like a human being. she is a human being. a wonderful human being. her problem is she plays by her own set of rules that means she helps her friends before she helps me. the perception that the media created. she had been through so much abuse. she is thinking to herself, i want my private life to be private. it ended up exploiting and her
favorite show is the good wife. i know everything about her. the opposite of what she wanted to happen, but people have to get a reality check. we are talking about e-mails versus everything that he is going to do to blow up the and wait until the president trump is elected. the way you tell the person, clinton, bush. clinton, bush. pick clinton over trump. they say oh, yeah, but bill clinton signed nafta. why should they believe that? you are picking the right clinton this time. you are picking the clinton. she is going to you find her a better clinton than bill.
absolutely. no disrespect to him, but she is a woman who had to go through the first feminist of the 60s and 70s. she had to suffer. she walked through the fire. that are scar tissue is going to the memory of what it has been like to be the minority and be the person who has been harassed and attacked. all the things that is in donald trump, she lived that. she is going to sit in the oval office and the first thing on her mind every day is let s make sure we don t hurt anybody, especially the children and the family. the i totally believe that as someone who never voted for her. i m a bernie voter. i m excited to vote for her on tuesday. it s getting views. it s quite a few people are watching this. number still in the country. i m stunned by it and happy. if people watch it, especially
people thinking of not voting, that s the worst thing. if you are thinking of not voting. michael moore. thanks for having me in person. my politics sports obsession. wait until you see how i turn tonight s game seven into a very important election night-related issue. we ll be right back.
game seven of the world series is tonight between the cubs and the indians. as predictable as any guy as a time cubs fan when she is not a yankees fan, clinton has every reason to root for the cubs. when the national league teams win game seven, the party in power holds the white house. the yankees won and so did are now. the same two results. the yankees and ike dominated the 50s. in 1960 it was the pittsburgh pirates who won that heart stopper and a democrat, jack ken see did the same. it was the national leg s cardinals in and linda johnson. the tigers won game and richard nixon took the white house. the oakland a s and all of their
long hair and the american league won in seven and nixon in a landslide. there have been plenty of gamel the same year, believe its and plenty of presidential elections but never in the same year. so what do you do? i guess you hope history doesn t repeat itself. have a great time watching this game tonight. i know i am. well, if you want to sing out, sing out and if you want to be free, be free cause there s a million things to be you know that there are and if you want to be me, be me and if you want to be you, be you cause there s a million things to do you know that there are
least the rage from pro trump. all these republicans, late. they went ten months without the trump tattoo and they re all going to the tattoo parlor going, yeah, put it on me. put on it me. is this a risk? are they hedging their bets? i think they re being foolish and a little cowardly. i think what happened is they were sort of comfortably sitting back. they were voting for trump and never talking about it. then the access hollywood video came out. there was that crazy weekend. not crazy, an appropriate in my response as saying i can no longer support trump. they had not imagined the deluge of activists. i ll just take back lash. 98% will vote republican at the end of the day and said, it went back the other way. now they just look silly. what good comes out of this for any of these late trump supporters if he doesn t win?
i don t see any upside to be honest with you. i m trying to find it. i didn t either but i was like, hey! i do think that a lot of these, they ve always been in a difficult spot. john mccain is probably the best example of this. because for the most part, they ve the republican base has been animated by trump. it is like you can t win with him or without him. what are you going to do? he has so far stuck to, he came out and stuck to, in the wake of that access hollywood tape. he has not flipped back. you re entitled to one flip and not two flips. that s my general rule in politics. he is farther ahead. i feel like nothing epitomizes this more than david saying i can t tell my 15-year-old daughter. look her in the eye. then gets outcurse of the fbi which i think caused a lot of republicans to think, wait a minute. this fbi thing might make trump
win. so he scurried back on the trump train within 36 hours literally of the fbi thing. and marco rubio who has been on record saying that trump is dangerous. that he had no business having his finger near the button. then he flees to the trump side. do you know what he got? nothing. his poll numbers have flat lined. he is in a virtual dead heat. patrick murphy is not a great candidate and he is within a point of rubio. a good point. it hasn t gotten i think a big distinction is to say, look. my problem is with donald trump. i m a republican. but i think a trump administration would be better for the country than a clinton policy. that s very different than saying once you re for trump you start down the slippery slope of rationalizing everything he says and does. saying as he man of good character. that you didn t have to do.
my colleague wrote, once start for trump, somehow they start going down the slope. but they take themselves by becoming rationalizers instead of reluctant voters. i think he tweeted before the fbi news that he had gone back. and i think that s because he wants to be able to investigate hillary clinton with a clean slate. and i think he may have been thinking about a house leadership race. and i do think, can you be anti-trump and be in house leadership? thank you much. after the break, the future of the news. stay tuned.
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The-way , Mitt-romney , Barack-obama , Ohio , States , John-mccain , Iowa , Blue-wall , Thing , Points , Momentum , Course

Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20161227 09:00:00

presenti prerogative. calling for genocide of all jews is celebrating this decision. and celebrating it because it distances the chances of peace. reporter: we pitch pushed is on this decision that the u.s. was behind it from the beginning. they have not put any evidence forward. in fact, saying in an odd twist, they will provide it to the next administration after this is out of office. mean while, obama s administration going on television to defend their decision. by definition, this is not an ambush when president obama and secretary kerry have been saying in hundreds of conversations and public comments that israeli settlement activity was pushing into the west bank in a way that was making the two-state solution unachievable. netanyahu has made it clear he is not backing down. last night, he called his
because i m con iffdent if i f i had run again and articulated it, i think i could have mobile ey a majority of the american people. trump said he should say that but i say no way. jobs leaving, isis, obamacare, et cetera. trump taking aim at the u.n. at the anti-israel resolution. saying this, the u.n. has great potential, but it is just a club for people to get together and talk and have a good time. so sad. there is more. trump taking credit for the busy holiday shopping season. the world was a gloomy place before i won. there was no hope. now the market is up nearly 10% and christmas spending is over $1 trillion. no sourcing on that $1 trillion number. the national retail federation
and as president obama and japanese s prime minister shinzo abe visit pearl harbor and the uss arizona together. president obama arriving in hawaii monday for other ceremonial events. among them, a visit to the cemetery where he laid wreaths to remember those killed in the pearl harbor attack. today, he will mark the first formal trip by a japanese leader to the site of the japanese air attack that killed more than 2,400 americans and drew the u.s. into world war ii 75 years ago. we get more from athena jones in honolulu. reporter: this visit by prime minister abe coming seven months after president obama made historic trip to hiroshima. he became the first sitting u.s. president to pay respects to the tens of thousands of people who lost their lives there. now prime minister abe will do the same at pearl harbor. the white house says these two visits which are serving as book
ends to one another highlight the power of reconciliation. the ability for former adversaries to become the closest of allies. president obama made the point at hiroshima that 75 years ago in the immediate aftermath of pearl harbor,lliance could never have been imagined. we expect the leaders to have a formal sit down. the white house calls a bilateral meeting. they will visit the uss arizona to visit and pay respects to those 900 soldiers who remain entombed in the watery grave. we will hear from president obama and prime minister abe. we expect prime minister abe s remarks to echo the message that president obama delivered in hiroshima. before coming here, prime minister abe said this visit will be a visit to soothe the
souls of the victims. we should never repeat the ravages of war. that is one of the themes we expect the prime minister to touch on in his remarks here. there are certainly people here in hawaii looking forward to the visit by prime minister abe. i spoke to a 95-year-old witness to the pearl harbor attacks. he said it is a healing between the two countries. back to you. athena jones in honolulu. that s a pretty good trip to do. never got to do that. the weather looks great. christmas is over. the christmas spirit vanishing quickly in malls across america. violent fights and chaos breaking out in nearly a dozen cities. more coming up next.
money. inauguration just a few weeks away, but the cabinet confirmation process has a long and monumental journey ahead. the nominees include five billionaires and six mul multimillionaires. according to the wall street journal. bernie sanders spoke out on twitter yesterday. saying donald trump, the anti-establish republican is building a cabinet worth at least $13 billion. the hypocrisy astounds me. all this could be a slow process. to get through the lengthy application process, nominees have to list all of the organizations they have been affiliated with since they have been 18 years old. name the clients who could pose a conflict of interest and all real estate holdings as well. it is unlikely the process could change the outcome of the
nominations, it could take a lot of time and that could slow trump s agenda in the end. that is the intangible of all of it. you have 100 days for the first president to make his initial mark and if his process of nominees get slowed down dramatically, it slows down the process and takes away from him trying to push the agenda. trump has made promises he would do certain things on day one. i think reality is setting in, maybe that will not be possible. speaking of reality, we have reality to tell you about on the day after christmas. violence erupting at several malls across the nation. just one day after christmas. take a look at this video out of manchester, connecticut. you can hear people screaming. punches thrown in the shops at buckland hills. a large chase ensues. our affiliate in harthand says one was assaulted. a mall in texas on lockdown
after the fight involving 100 middle school and high school students. where are their parents? exactly. maybe they should be in school. officers had to go store to store to let people out once the lockdown was lifted. look at aurora, illinois. this is the start of what evolved into a massive fight at fox valley ball. teenagers sprint down the stairs after this fight breaks out. the mall was forced to close for the day. you know what it is? all of the kids are off school and nothing to do. you are looking at beechwood place mall in ohio. the mall on lockdown after unfounded reports of an active shooter. this started after a fight broke out among teenagers in the food court. and panic in chattanooga, tennessee. shoppers mistook the fireworks for gunshots.
the aurora town mall in colorado evacuating after fights in the mall involving at least 500 people. it started with a social media post prophet muhammmising a fig. and in north carolina, people forced to evacuate after a fight in the food court. a report of a suspected gunman turned out to be false. homework is the solution. bloody holiday weekend in chicago. at least a dozen people shot dead. authorities say it appears the majority of the shootings were targeted attacks by gang members against potential rivals who were at holiday gatherings. the police chief saying it is time to lay down the law. i just don t believe that we hold repeat gun offenders accountable for their anxiousct.
we don t. the justice system in cook county is a joke. until we change the narrative of individuals to make them not want to pick up a gun, we will continue to see this cycle. chicago police say there were at least 27 shooting incidents all over the christmas weekend. authorities in tennessee looking for the last remaining prisoners following the christmas day escape from the county jail. suspect david frazier along with five other inmates fled from the facility through a hole they discovered in the wall which led them outside. apparently the hole was behind a toilet. the men managed to move the toilet back to cover the hole and conceal their escape. the other five are now back in custody. when you have a lot of time on your hands, you find the hole behind the toilet. the world is paying tribute to george michael.
remembrances pouring in from around the world. we are live in london coming up next.
london, people are coming. the weather and temperatures bitterly cold overnight. through the night and morning, people are still leaving flowers and candles and messages expressing shock and grief and very much love and affection for the pop superstar. we heard tributes from fans and colleag colleagues. what we have heard are words of grief from those who knew george michael best of all. including the man who was with him on the day he died. his partner has posted this in a tweet overnight. he says it is a christmas i will never forget. finding your partner dead peacefully in bed first things in the morning. i will never stop missing you. they had been together for a number of years. prior to that, george michael was in a relationship for 13 years with american kenny goss.
he spoke over his heartbreak of losing a dear friend. he says this, he says, he was a major part of my life and i loved him very much. he was an extremely kind and generous man. the memories and music he brought to the world will always be an important part of my life and those who also loved and admired him. now what people are still waiting for here are official answers on the cause of death at such a young age. that is expected to come with the results of the post mortem examination. thank you for your report, phil black. this morning, russia s defense ministry says divers found the black box data recorder from the russian military jet that crashed into the black sea on sunday. the plane s cockpit voice recorder is still missing.
strong currents and deep water have complicated the search. authorities say large pieces of the wreckage have been found in the water. the plane was carrying 92 people when it went down sunday en route from sochi to western syria. the passengers included more than 60 members of the red army choir. india announcing the latest test of the nuclear ability missile. officials say it is the fourth successful test firing of the missile. india s prime minister tweeting the test makes every indian proud saying it will add strength. in australia, seven people reported missing after heavy rain and flooding in the northern territories. in the meantime, the record-breaking rainfall triggered flash floods and created breath taking images of water running off the iconic
sandstone rock formations. beautiful, but scary. as for the weather back home, cooler temperatures moving in. meteorologist karen maginnis has the forecast. good morning, karen. joe and alison, it may not have been the heat wave we looked at on christmas day, but monday, the big shopping day, people heading back to work we saw a dozen states with record high temperatures. shreveport, louisiana, 83 degrees. and houston, 84. tupelo, 89. all of the records even into ohio. columbus, ohio. a number of cities reported record-high temperatures. wait. frontal system will sweep through and as it does temperatures drop a bit. nashville from 74 degrees on monday as we go into today with the temperatures only up to
around 51 degree. the frontal system heads to the east. colder air behind it. a bit of rainfall for new york, but later on in the week, there could be another system in new england. could produce a bit of snow in new york and boston by thursday. back to you. karen, thanks very much. the warmer temperatures don t last here in the east. not for long. in other news, secretary of state john kerry getting ready to layout a plan for peace in the middle east. is it mysewise to float a plan before leaving office and after the u.s. refused to protect israel at the u.n.? that s coming up next. we live in a pick and choose world.
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to achieve peace as israelis put working ties on the countries voted in favor of the measure. donald trump out of the public eye, but by no means silent. unleashing a tirade with the media and u.n. and president obama. he is doing it on twitter. and a historic moment in hawaii today. a visit by japan s prime minister to the site of the attack on pearl harbor more than 75 years ago. we will have a preview from h honolu honolulu. good morning. welcome back to early start. i m joe johns. i m alison kosik. it is tuesday, december 27th. 30 minutes past the hour. john and christine are off. despite the administration having less than a month to go on the job, secretary of state john kerry is expected to deliver a speech later this week outlining the obama administration s vision for peace in the middle east. this comes as relations with the u.s. and israel appear more
strained than ever. with israeli officials claiming there is proof the obama administration pushed for the u.n. resolution condemning settlements. in the meantime, prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordering a limit on all working ties with the 12 nations which backed the u.n. vote. oren liebermann is live for news jerusalem. oren, it looks like netanyahu is escalating this controversy by limiting these working ties with the countries that voted for the resolution. reporter: he hasn t backed down at all. under terms of what he said lashing out at the u.s. and showing angry remarks at countries that voted for it. he act the diplomatically. summoning the ambassadors of the countries that voted for it on christmas day and wrapping up the visits of the countries that voted for it. as for how his response is being taken, he says he is not concerned about that.
he says his response is quote responsible and vigorous and stood by it at every point. what is the next step? it could be secretary of state john kerry s vision for peace. he would lay that out in a speech with his view of the conflict. netanyahu s team not backing down in the last weeks of the obama administration. they accuse obama and his administration of being behind this u.n. resolution. drafting it, writing it and pushing it. here is the netanyahu spokesperson david keyes. we have ironclad information from sources in the arab world and internationally. we will share that information with the incoming administration through the proper channels. if the new administration chooses to share that information, that s their prerogative. it should give us pause that a terrorist organization like hamas which is calling for genocide of all jews is celebrating this decision. celebrating it because it distances the chances of peace. reporter: as for what that evidence is, this information,
evidence they have of the obama administration is behind this u.n. security council resolution, they have not put that evidence or information forward. we pushed israeli officials here in israel and jerusalem and officials in the u.s. so far all they say is they will present it to the next administration. obama s team has taken to the air in the u.s. and here to defend their decision to abstain. here is what ben rhodes had to say. it is not an ambush when obama and kerry have been saying if hundr in hundreds of conversations israeli settlement was pushing into the west bank that was making the two-state solution unachievable. reporter: we knew the relationship was strained. now we are seeing how quickly it is falling apart. netanyahu is clearly making it
known he is thrilled to work with incoming trump administration. should israel be concerned about other moves that the united nations could take in the next few weeks? reporter: alison, you are right. this resolution is essentially a recommendation or guideline. it has no teeth. there are no punishments in here. israel s concern is the follow-up on parameters. setting conditions for negotiations with israelis and palestinians. that would address the sensitive issues. that s what israel is concerned about. they know that could come in the next few weeks. it seems unlikely the obama administration would want to do that after what they had to go through with this one. israel knows the possibility is still out there. it is something they are trying to avert. originalen, thank you. it is back to work for the trump transition team today.
24 days before he takes the oath of office. spending the holiday at the mar-a-lago resort out of the public eye, but not on twitter. the president telling the podcast he could have beaten trump believing his message of hope could resonate if a third team was allowed. listen. i am confident in this vision because i m confident if i had run again and articulated it, i think i could have mobilized the majority of the american people to rally behind it. trump not buying it. tweeting. this president obama said he thinks he would have won against me. he should say that, but i say no way. jobs leaving, isis, obamacare, et cetera. trump taking aim at the israel resolution. saying united nations has great
potenti potential, but right now it is a club for people to get together and talk and have a good time. so sad. wait, there is more. trump taking credit for the busy holiday shopping season. the world was gloomy before i won. there was no hope. now the market was up 10% and christmas spending is over $1 trillion. so there s no sourcing for that $1 trillion. there was a survey predicting it would be spent. this survey was done in september. i digress. the retail federation close to $655 billion. it is a good year. still not in line with the tweet. trump defending the charity days after announcing plans to dissolve it to avoid impression of conflict of interest. he said this. i gave millions of dollars to djt foundation. raised or received millions more. all of which given to charity and media won t report.
djt foundation, unlike most foundations, never paid fees, rent, salaries or expenses. 100% of money goes to wonderful charities. trump hasn t donated to the foundation since 2008 according to the foundation tax reports. then there, non tweeted development. steve miller will write the inauguration speech. we are told this one will address trump s stump and thank you speeches. a day of remembrance and reconciliation and president obama and japan s prime minister shinzo abe visit pearl harbor and the uss arizona together. abe arrived in hawaii monday for events. among them, a visit to the cemetery where he laid breawrea
to remember those killed in pearl harbor attack. today is the first formal trip by the japanese leader to the site of the japanese air attack that killed more than 2,400 americans and drew the u.s. into world war ii 75 years ago. we get more from athena jones in honolulu. reporter: this visit by prime minister abe coming seven months after president obama made a trip to hirmoshima. the first sitting president to pay respects to tens thousands of people who lost their lives. now prime minister abe doing it at pearl harbor. the white house says the visits serve as book ends to one another highlight the power of reconciliation. the former adversaries to become the closest allies. 75 years ago in the aftermath of pearl harbor, the close friendship and alliance with the two countries could never have
been imagined. as for what is on the agenda, we expect them to have a formal sit-down. after they, they will visit the uss arizona to pay respects to the 900 soldier whos who remain entombed in the watery grave. we will hear from president obama and prime minister abe. we expect prime minister abe s remarks to echo the remarks from hiroshima by president obama. before coming here, prime minister abe said this visit will be a visit to soothe the souls of the victims. we should never repeat the ravages of war. that is what we expect the prime minister to say here. there are people in hawaii looking forward to the visit by prime minister abe. i spoke to a 95-year-old witness to the pearl harbor attacks who
said prime minister s visit is the greatest thing in the world and culmination of the healing of the two countries. back to you. thank you, athena. a crazy day after christmas or violence breaking out across malls across america. what sparked the chaos that played out in nearly a dozen states. more next.
time for an early start on your money. inauguration is coming up in a few weeks. the cabinet confirmation process still a long way to go. so far, the president-elect s nominees include five billionaires, six multimillionaires. according to the wall street journal. that sis a net worth close to $0 billion. bernie sanders tweeting yesterday. saying this, donald trump, the anti-establish republican is building a cabinet worth $13 billion, he is saying. the hypocrisy astounds me. sifting through the holdings could be a slow process for the nominees. they have to pay enormous legal fees and also make sure their books are in order. also on the list of things they need to do, they have to talk
about all of the organizations they have been affiliated with since the age of 18. they have to name clients who pose conflicts of interest and all real estate holdings as well. wh while it is unlikely it will change the nominations, it will take time. that could slow trump s agenda. it will take time and money for the nominees who have to shell out money to make sure the ts are crossed and is are dotted. this is why public life is hard coming out of business into government. they start getting into your business. there is all this information that maybe you would not like everybody to know about at the end of the day. still possible. violence erupting at malls across the nation one day after christmas. look at this video. manchester, connecticut. you hear the people screaming and punches thrown in the shops
at buckland hills. our affiliate in hartford says an officer was assaulted. a mall in ft. worth, texas on lockdown following the fight involving 100 middle school and high school students near the food court. officers had to go store to store to let people out once the lockdown was lifted. in aurora, illinois, this evolved into a brawl at fox valley mall. teenagers sprinted down the stairs to get out of the mall. take a look at beechwood place mall. the mall in ohio was put on lockdown after reports of an active shooter. all this started after a fight broke out among teenagers in the food court. then panic at hamilton place mall in chattanooga, tennessee. teenagers setoff fireworks. shoppers mistook the sound for
gunshots. the aurora town mall in colorado. closed and evacuated after fights broke out in the mall involving 500 people. police say it all started with a social media post promising a fight. and in fayetteville, north carolina, people forced to va evacuate after a fight in the food court. the suspected gunman report touch turned out to be false. where is the holiday spirit? bloody holiday weekend in chicago. a dozen people shot dead. authorities say it appears the majority of the shootings were targeted attacked by gang members over rivals at holiday gatherings. the police chief says it is time to lay down the law. i just don t believe that we hold repeat gun offenders accountable for their actions. i don t.
they think that justice system in cook county is a joke. until we change the mental narrative of individuals to make them not want to pick up a gun, we will continue to see this cycle. chicago police say there were at least 27 shooting incidents all over the christmas weekend. authorities in tennessee are looking for the last remaining prisoner following a brazen christmas day escape from the county jail. david fritz azier along with fi other inmates fled the facility through a hole they discovered in the hole which led them outside. apparently the hole was behind a toilet. the men managed to move the toilet back to cover the hole and conceal their escape. the other five are now back in custody. they have too much time. absolutely. they caught them. they were not that smart. exactly. the dow has been pushing closer to 20,000.
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finding your partner dead peacefully in bed first thing in the morning. i will never stop missing you. they had been together for a number of years. before that, george michael was in a long relationship, 13 years or so with american kenny goss. he issued a statement. talking about his heartbreak at the loss of long-term love and dear friend. part of the statement goes on to say this, he says he was a major part ever my of my life. he was a kind and generous man. the memories as music will always be an important part of my life and those who also loved and admired him. here in north london outside george michael s home in the city temperatures have dropped below freezing overnight. that hasn t stopped many people from coming here to lay flowers and candles to express shock and grief, but of course, great love
and affection. the question is why did he die at such an early age. that hasn t been answered beyond the suspicion of those who knew him who say they suspect it was heart failure. we are waiting for a formal response from authorities. formal reports of the post mortem. people are keen to know what the funeral service will be and perhaps a wider public event. we don t have those details yet. you can be sure it will be an emotional vastly attended event. joe. phil black in london. thank you. this morning, russia s defense minuistry says divers found the black box from the jet that crashed into the black sea on sunday. the cockpit recorder is still missing. deep water and currents have complicated the search. the plane was carrying 92 people
when it went down sunday. it was en route from sochi to western syria. the passengers included more than 60 members of the russia s famed red army choir. despite growing concern of nuclear proliferation, india announcing the most powerful nuclear capable missile. it is the forurth success frfult of the missile. in australia, seven people reported missing after days of heavy rain and flood in the country s northern territories. meantime, the record-breaking rainfall triggered flash floods in the national park in central australia. creating breathtaking images of water running offer t the iconi sa sandstone. as for the weather here at home, cooler temperatures coming
in. meteorologist karen maginnis has the forecast. don t put the winter coats away. christmas got off to a very crazy start with the very mild temperatures across the southeast and mid-atlantic and deep south. say good-bye to the fairly mild temperatures. colder air starts to move in behind it. you will definitely need the coats. in the meantime, a lot of people trying to head home from the holidays. shreveport managed to see a record high. 83 degrees. the old record was last year. even all the way into detroit with temperatures in the upper 50s for detroit. day after christmas. not so bad. louisville, kentucky, 56 degrees. a dozen states with record-high temperatures. not so fast. chicago, 55 degrees. that was yesterday. today, 34. still looking pretty good.
nashville from the 70s to the 50s. bundle up. we ll see a bit of leftover rainfall in new york city and boston. a dry spell. a cold spell. a clipper system by thursday. sn joe and alison. let s get a start on your money. markets reopening today. the question is does the dow have a chance to hit 20,000 before the year is up? there is not much significance to the 20,000 number other than an impressive way for the stocks to finish the year. we are not holding our breath. the week between christmas and new year is quiet. ta tax planning could make it dichlt sto. stocks in europe and asia are up. and the world s biggest banks agreed to pay $60 billion if fi in fines to the department of
justice. the multibillion investments will go toward programs that are designed to help homeowners and borrows. next could be barklclays. and trump s twitter fingers are causing trouble for businesses. after he wanted to break the government contract with boeing, we saw shares dip, but recovered. he said he may tap boeing to replace lockheed martin. tall though trump has been a boo boone for the market at large, the tendency to single out companies have the companies fearing his twitter wrath. the stocks of ten u.s. companies that trump took jabs at during the campaign and after, they
actually rose on average 9% in the month after election. it really points out how a president s words can move markets. and his words matter. early start continues right now. the diplomatic fallout grows following the anti-israel resolution at the u.n. the jewish state putting limits on working tie was countries that voted in favor. now where the u.s. could be ready to rock the boat more. we have more from jerusalem. donald trump unleashing on twitter. going after the u.n., media and president obama. we ll tell you why. and a historic moment on tap today in hawaii. japanese s prime minister set to visit the site of the attack on pearl harbor.

Decision , Reporter , Peace , Chances , Genocide , Jews , Calling , Presenti-prerogative , Administration , Us- , Office , Evidence