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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20180821 13:00:00

succeeded where others failed. we have a president who really wants to fight for the american people and he wants to make sure that the rule of law is followed. and so when you have a case like this where in 2004 this individual is told that he is no longer a u.s. citizen and must be deported and consecutive administrations ignores that it tears down the rule of law. it takes somebody like the president to say this is a decision. he is no longer a united states citizen. we want him out. sandra: brian yenis joins us in new york. what more do we know about how this former nazi guard managed to get into the united states? look, this nazi guard has been living here since 1949 as a war refugee. he lied to u.s. immigration officials telling them he spent world war ii working on his father s farm in his hometown of what was poland, present day ukraine and said he worked in a
farming down of brooklyn, a close knit community of 1500 residents. it has been weeks where that community has come together. law enforcement officials both local and federal have been searching for this missing girl who was last seen while she was jogging. we have had her father on this program on multiple occasions. her brother, her boyfriend have all been part of this search. he had just recently in the past day or so reluctantly returned, her dad, returned back to where he lives in california as the search continued. he said very reluctantly i m being told i need to do this as the search continued. now this news this morning two sources telling fox news that her body has been found. mollie tibbetts, the 20-year-old rising sophomore at the university of iowa.
her disappearance was completely out of character for her. she had been staying at her boyfriend s home while he had been traveling. he was working on construction about 100 miles away from that home. she was dog sitting at the time, her boyfriend said. matt finn has been on the story from the beginning. matt, what are you learning? sandra, this morning two separate sources telling fox news that mollie s body was found near iowa. we don t know exactly where or the circumstances. just a tragic ending to the story. mollie tibbetts father just returned to california. he was closing the door being on the ground in iowa. his heart was still there and now unfortunately he is probably being called back, sandra. sandra: authorities had really encouraged this search to continue both locally and the surrounding areas as we know. again, matt, this news just coming. we don t know where about her body has been found. a local hog farmer had been interviewed on multiple
occasions. he had turned down a lie detector test and then agreed to one. he passed that. are you getting any indication whatsoever, matt, about where her body has been found or how wide the search had been at this point? well, you know, when we were on the ground as we were leaving iowa there were a couple key areas being identified that investigators were honing in on. one was a car wash where she was close to where she was last seen jogging. another area was a truck stop which is right off the exit of i-80 for brooklyn. as the investigation expanded and mollie could be anywhere investigators were closing in on an area. they didn t tell us why, the truck stop because so many people would have been getting on and off the interstate. sources not identifying where
her body was found but one law enforcement source saying that it s in iowa. we don t know the nature of her body or what exactly happened. the reward was inching closer to $400,000. i m told now that the motivation behind the reward will turn on a dime and use it to try to find who did this to mollie. sandra: it was an unusual search in that we didn t get a lot of updates from authorities on the ground there. they would schedule a news conference and then cancel it. it happened on multiple occasions. we still don t know why that was. there was speculation that the person of interest was so close. authorities had even suggested that the person who took mollie was searching amongst them, was attending the candlelight vigils. but the bottom line is there was really no persons of interest as this investigation continues, i should say, while
her body has been found, the investigation surely continues, matt. there was a lot of frustration on the ground. police were being so tight lipped. we all know if investigators release any information it can be used against them. so for quite some time people were pleading, give us more information, maybe we can help you identify a suspect. investigators never did that or let on if they had suspects or were completely at a loss for information. sandra: matt finn reporting on mollie tibbetts. two sources telling fox news her body has been found dead. we ll have more on this as we get it. thank you. eric: sad news for the tibbetts family. meanwhile president trump back in washington addressing the russia probe. in a new interview with reuters the president says he is worried about a potential perjury trap should he sit down and have an interview with the team of special counsel robert mueller. the president also talking about the ability, he says, to
control the investigation saying i could run it if i want but i decided to stay out. i m totally allowed to be involved if i wanted to be. so far i haven t chosen to be involved. what does it mean? hugo gurdon is from the washington examiner . as they say, anything you say when you sit down can be used against you in a court of law. the miranda spiel. does the president have a point in claiming a potential perjury trap if he sits down with investigators? sure he does. it s part of a negotiating employ. he and his lawyer want to limit the scope of the mueller questioning so it s useful for them to make this point. at the same time the president talks in a very undisciplined way sometimes and it wouldn t be very difficult for a trained lawyers, plenty on the mueller team, to catch him in inaccuracies whether they were deliberate deceipts or bravado. so yeah, it s legitimate but also convenient.
eric: how about those who say you don t have anything to worry about in a perjury trap if you just tell the truth? that s true. but just take for example what the president said about being able to run the mueller investigation if he wanted. that was i took that as a joke of bravado. it is an extension of the legal advice he has that he has lots of flexibility. he says things which get him into trouble and people take seriously. he is not the kind of witness that giuliani would like to put on the stand. eric: he also said if i say something that he, comey, says something and it s my word against his and he is best friends with mueller so mueller might say well, i believe comey, maybe even if i m telling the truth it makes me a liar, it is no good. eric: the one man jury is robert mueller. sandra: he can believe whatever he wishes to believe. president trump puts things in
a blunt way. the contrast between himself and comey. comey being mueller s friend is a good way of setting it up in front of the public saying it s a real problem. i don t know robert mueller would do such a thing. i kind of doubt it. eric: more on this throughout the hour. sandra: president trump ramping up rhetoric against the u.s. intelligence community. what he is saying about james clapper amid his growing feud are former c.i.a. director john brennan. senator james lankford joins us live. eric: iran reveals a fighter jet that they say is capable of carrying a variety of weapons. we ll discuss that and more with former governor mike huckabee. sandra: and a stunning development in a triple murder. we have got new details on this shocking confession from the husband just ahead. i just my god, who could do that to two little girls? it will be a one-sided story
A look at the day s news and headlines.
security clearance after they left the last administration. security clearance isn t a forever institution. it has to be renewed frequently and there for a purpose to have access to classified information when you need it. they don t need that classified information at this point. they aren t in the administration any longer or have a need to know on this. so it is very different. so for brennan to be able to step out and say the president is treasonous and attack him every day the president is simply responding with this person is irrational and doesn t need to have security clearance anymore. seems like a straight forward response. sandra: now the president and legal team saying bring it on if you want to take legal action, go ahead and do it. the president wrote this in another tweet yesterday. i hope john brennan brings a lawsuit. it will then be easy to get all his records, texts, emails and documents and show how he was evolved with the mueller rigged witch hunt.
sort of a taunting by the president. it s the president s style. not my style in any way. the president is pushing back on brennan and the president should rise above it and be able to say that previous administration with an axe to grind. they handed materials to president obama. i think he can step out and be able to stand above it and move on. the more he talks about it, the more he gives brennan the microphone. sandra: the big picture discussion here is the importance of the security clearances and who should have them. the president also said this everybody wants to keep their security clearance it s worth prestige, dollars and board seats. brennan is a political hack. last word on that and move on to something else. go ahead. my last word on that is secure clearance is not some asset you can monetize.
you have a security clearance to serve the american people. if you plan to monetize that after the fact it s a very different issue. the president has every right to be able to pull that away from somebody and he has exercised that right. end of the day the president can rise above. see the president of the united states. sandra: now this news. new evidence that there are foreign actors trying to infiltrate our election system senator lankford. microsoft is saying it discovered a shut down a russian operation aimed at hacking the senate and target conservative think tanks. that these attacks were thwarted last week. microsoft s president brad smith said this in a new york times interview we re seeing another uptick in attacks. what is particular in this instance is the broadening of the type of websites they re going for, the russians are seeking to disrupt and divide. what do you know about this, senator? the russians are not just focused on elections. a lot of our conversation in the last two years has been
fair focus around the 2016 election. they were engaged in 2014 trying to find ways to divide. the russians had more activity online trying to divide americans after at the election of 2016 than leading up to 2016. they ve not stopped. there is two different issues here. one is trying to get out and put out their version of propaganda to try to divide americans every way they can on social media, news. try to find ways to infiltrate and then the other one is break in, hack and steal. microsoft said they re trying to hack and steal information from think tanks which they did before the 2016 election and they re trying to do it again or trying to break into the senate and steal things. people forget the russians were able to break into the dnc with a phishing attack to pretend it was a legitimate site. john podesta typed in the password and gave them the password by hitting a phishing
scam. they are trying to do the same thing hacking into different systems now. sandra: senator james lankford. thank you for your time. nice to see you. eric: word on the tragic and heartbreaking end apparently in the search for mollie tibbetts. the 20-year-old university of iowa student who has been missing for just over the month. they re learning the sheriff s department in brooklyn, iowa, will hold a news conference at 5:00 p.m. eastern time tonight. this news conference coming as our own matt finn broke the news that mollie s body has been found in iowa. no other details at the moment. we ll get more on this story as it comes in. chicago police say it will take more than officers on the streets to try and stem that horrendous violence in the city that is under siege. 58 people shot over this weekend just alone. no signs that it will end.
garry mccarthy running for mayor against rahm emanuel will join us to talk about how to stem the carnage in chicago coming up on the fox news channel. do you need the most trusted battery in your wireless mouse?
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friday night until monday morning. seven of them killed despite the deployment of more than 600 additional police officers to neighborhoods hardest hit by this violence. garry mccarthy a former chicago superintendent of police is now also running for mayor against rahm emanuel. he joins us now and welcome back to the program. as you know, i m born and raised in chicago, hate to see this happening. you hear gunfire in some of the nicest neighborhoods. what is happening? what are we doing about it? we ve reached out to rahm emanuel s office for comment and haven t gotten a response. your thoughts this morning? you know what we re missing and you heard it said, we can t put a police officer on every corner. crime reduction is not about putting a police officer on every corner. chicago has more officers per capita than just about any large city in the country.
in fact, we rank number three behind places like baltimore and newark, new jersey. as far as officers per capita. crime induction is about who, when and where crime is committed and intercepting that from happening. it is not just about deployment. i m not sure that s being done. the crime strategy we put together was considered the gold standard in the country. people were coming from all over the country and internationally to look at our gang violence reduction strategy created in conjunction with some of the brightest minds in the country like charlie beck from l.a. who recently retired, helped us put together the whole concept of stopping the next shooting by deploying where the next shooting was supposed to happen, not everybody responding to the scene of the shooting. it is the same gun laws that were in effect three years ago when we had record lows. we had 50 year lows in the murder rate when i was superintendent. and at the end of the day, that
plan i don t believe that s being followed today. sandra: that seems to be the direction rahm emanuel has gone. we tried to dig up the last time he spoke publicly. his office hasn t issued a statement publicly that we can see since the weekend. he said who provides a 13-year-old a gun? why does a 13-year-old go to a basketball game with a gun when kids are having fun? he said that on monday. so he is going that route. but you clearly hear a very frustrated police superintendent eddie johnson in all of this acknowledging that the department can only do so much were his words. he is frustrated, garry. what do you do? what do you do to solve this? i don t accept the fact that the police can only do so much. we ve already shown look at new york, 290 murders in the city three times the size of chicago that had 770 in 2016. policing matters. and at the end of the day there
is blueprints out there of how to do this. but chicago refuses to do it. everything that is happening today is a direct result of rahm emanuel s actions in 2015 and 2016 when he drove the murder rate up by 80% by conducting a witch hunt in the department. the officers know that nobody has their back. they are concerned about their pensions, their families, their houses, and they aren t willing to be the next top news story, which is really problematic. these men and women are courageous, hard working. i always joked if you switched a new york city police officer and chicago officer, the only difference would be we have different accents. this can be done but we need leadership, a plan and execution. none of that is happening right now. it s all about the politics. sandra: we need to be talking about it. thanks for coming back on the program. eric: the jury in the paul manafort trial set to start deliberations moments from now. he is charged with tax and bank
fraud as his defense team is expressing optimism that the jury is going into day four but is that really the case? we ll take a look at that deliberation and the trial in a moment. sandra: president trump speaking out about the russia probe in a new interview saying if he tells the truth would robert mueller believe him? andrew mccarthy is here to discuss that and more next. you re headed down the highway
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counsel robert mueller. eric: the russia investigation now, president trump making headlines yet again in a new interview with reuters saying he could run the russia investigation if he wants to and expressing concern about sitting down for an interview with special counsel robert mueller s team raising the possibility of what his lawyer has warned could be a so-called perjury trap. the president saying even if i m telling the truth, it makes me a liar, that s no good. let s bring in andrew mccarthy former u.s. attorney and fox news contributor. you were a federal prosecutor and you know how cases are structured. does the president have a reasonable concern? of course he does. a lot of people like to say, eric, that the innocent, honest person has nothing to fear by going in to speak to a prosecutor. but that avoids or overlooks the fact that it s the prosecutor, right or wrong, who
makes the decision about whether the innocent, honest person is telling the truth or not. and most cases are fairly complicated, especially when you are talking about homing in on somebody s intent, what they meant by the things that they said. there are almost always multiple witnesses with different perceptions and recollections about the same events. and the prosecutor has to sort out whether, when these differences inevitably occur, they are the product of innocent mistakes of recollection or whether somebody is lying. so even if somebody is telling the truth and trying hard to tell the truth, the prosecutor could decide otherwise. we saw that in the case of general flynn where evidently the first people who spoke to him, the agents who were in the room while he made his statements decided he was telling the truth. and then later somebody from mueller s team came in and decided the opposite. so that can happen.
it is part of the way the game is. eric: as the president you have a witness, so to speak, who says two separate things. one hand he was in the oval office with sergey lavrov and kissingerly yak fired comey because he was a nut job and sits down with lester holt that russia was on his mind when he fired comey but no one tried to stop the investigation. he didn t stop the investigation. i want it done properly. how does mueller pick and choose? you can say on one hand take a and say that shows he is guilty, you take b and shows that the president there is no wrongdoing? yeah. well, you know, mueller has more information than i do obviously. but i ve always thought, eric, that what was going on here was that russia was on the president s mind but it was on his mind in the sense that director comey told him on multiple occasions he was not a
suspect and yet director comey then made public statements in congress that suggested that the president was a suspect. and i think russia was on his mind to the extent that there was a misimpression out in the public that he was a suspect in the investigation. that s what he was concerned about, not russia per se but what people thought of their president in connection with that allegation that there was collusion between the kremlin and the campaign. eric: why would comey say two different things? i would be very concerned about that if i were the president. i think the reason he said two different things was what he said to congress was the way they were carrying the investigation, which was collusion between kremlin elements and people who were attached to the campaign, not necessarily the president. and i think when he spoke to the president privately, he probably had a more descriptive conversation assuring the
president that he personally was not a suspect. eric: one other factory want to get into, the dynamics in a grand jury. you can t have a defense attorney in. the prosecutors run it. here is kristin davis, the so-called manhattan madam friends with roger stone talking to martha maccallum last night about what she witnessed in the grand jury. take a listen. i think they re legitimately investigating whether collusion happened but their attitude is that there are prosecutors in a room with a grand jury that they have a relationship with. they ve been there for months and seem to be on joking and fun sort of camaraderie in there, which is concerning. there is nobody there to present another set of facts and that also is concerning to me. eric: are jurors swayed by their relationships with the prosecutors if there is that connection and are you troubled by that? well, i m not troubled by it
because it s the way the grand jury works. but the fact of the matter is when you have the special grand juries i assume this is a special grand jury, they are together for 18 months and there is no defense lawyer. so you can expect that dynamic to take place. eric: andrew mccarthy who has done work on terrorism back in 1993 with the world trade center attack, the first one. thank you for joining us. thanks. sandra: colorado husband and father christopher watts has been formally charged with murdering his pregnant wife and their two daughters as watts claimed his wife killed the girls before he killed her. we have more on this from denver. according to the arrest affidavit chris watts is trying to put part of the blame on his pregnant wife, shanann. he is charged with killing her, their two daughters and their unborn child. at a news conference the district attorney announced the
charges shanann s father stepped to the mic briefly. i am shanann s dad. this is her brother. we would like to thank everyone, the police department and other agencies involved for working so hard to find my daughter, granddaughters and niko. that s the name of shanann s unborn son. chris watts told investigators his wife returned from a business trip around 2:00 in the morning august 13th and the two had a conversation about separating. he told law enforcement he had been having an affair and watts says after that conversation with his wife he saw her strangling one of their daughters on the baby monitor. that she had killed both celeste and bella. according to the arrest documents chris said he went into a rage and ultimately strangled shanann to death. chris said he loaded all three bodies into the back seat of his work truck and took them to an oil work site. you will remember chris watts
initially told police, his neighbors and the media that his wife and kids disappeared even asking for their safe return, although he did admit there was tension right before they supposedly vanished. it was an argument. i ll leave it at that. but i just want them back. i just want them to come back. chris watts is expected back in court this morning, sandra. sandra: thank you. eric: there is new reaction pouring in this morning after iran reveals a new fighter jet that they say is capable of carrying a variety of weapons and president rouhani was actually seen taking a seat inside that jet. we ll discuss what this means with former governor mike huckabee coming up. sandra: plus president trump calling ice agents heroes and slamming democrats for being soft on crime. former acting ice director thomas homan is our headliner this morning at the top of the
hour. president trump: the extremists who attack ice and cbc like to portray themselves as champions of social justice. they are not. to look at me now,
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weapons and used for short aerial support missions. serious stuff. yeah, we can t take anything for granted. i can t imagine they could build a fighter that is anywhere near the capability of america s new f-35 that both the u.s. and israel have but you don t want to take the chance. the one thing we ve learned throughout history is apiecement never works and we have to play tough with iran. they re dealing with a problem on two fronts. one is the external. the pressure we re putting on them and the sanctions we ve reimposed. this is very important. the president is absolutely doing the right thing in pushing for that. but the second issue is the internal. their economy is in tatters. their people are growing angrier by the day and between the two let s hope that something happens that will bring a collapse to this totalitarian regime intent on destroying everyone who isn t a shiite. sandra: trump and netanyahu have been closely aligned on
their approach to iran since president trump took office. he is consistently looking to put pressure on him and used words like what he has seen a change of behavior regarding its weapons programs, it s destabilizing activities in the region. accusations iran denies. what do you make of this administration s overall approach particularly since you ve seen president trump step in? i think it s an important alliance that has been rebuilt between the u.s. and israel. let s keep in mind the iranians have openly declare i m not talking about uncovered secret documents from some cache of hidden things. this is openly what they ve said in public, on television and at the u.n., that israel is the little satan and america is the great satan and they ll wipe us from the face of the earth. i ll ask you, if somebody said that they were going to kill another person, don t you think we ought to take that seriously especially when they are loading up every gun and bullet
they can and stockpiling them? of course we take it seriously. and we would be idiots and very dangerous idiots if we didn t take iran seriously because they ve never kept a promise. they ve always tried to kill americans and kidnap americans through terror-sponsored activities across the world and it will really come down to there will be a survivor, it will be us or them. i would like to vote for us. sandra: what did you make of the optics of that when they rolled out the new fighter jet. the state television showed live pictures of the ceremony they were holding in tehran? the actual jet flew in the presence of president rouhani and this is the day before the country s national defense industry day, governor. i think a lot of this is some bluster. the fact is if you really have an effective weapon, you don t have to announce it. it is kind of like having a mad dog in your yard that will protect you. you don t have to put the sign
out. you just need to let him be there. the fact they re making such a big deal of what they have tells me it is not that big a deal. but once again i want to emphasize you can t ever let your guard down when you are dealing with murderous thugs like you are dealing with with the iranian government. these are not nice people that want to sit down and negotiate. they want to blast the world back to the seventh century and we can t stand by and let them attempt to do it. they have to be stopped. sandra: there is a picture i was referencing with rouhani standing by as they unveiled that new jet. governor mike huckabee. always good to see you. thank you, sir. eric: thank you. a new debate over a 3d gun as a judge is set to decide whether to allow the public to have access to blueprints to make those weapons using 3d printers at home. we ll have a live report on that next.
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temporary restraining order a preliminary injunction to prevent the publishing of blueprints to make guns with a 3d printer until a law is decided. they wanted to put the codes for making a 3d handgun called the liberator. it would be undetectable by x-ray machine or metal detector. people say it could be used for people not allowed to possess firearms. they would of no serial numbers and be untraceable. you can make a gun for personal use but for the last 30 years it has been illegal to make a gun that is undetectable and president trump supports that law. the administration is being sued now because it settled a lawsuit brought by cody wilson, the owner of defense distributed which wants to public a 3d gun codes online. wilson argues that preventing him from publishing is a
violation of his free speech rights. the trump administration finally agreed. in issuing the restraining order last month the judge wrote the proliferation of these firearms will be many of the negative impacts on the state level. the issue has sparked protests by gun control groups. the fact is 3d guns are very expensive to make and unreliable at best. the cheapest 3d printer is $5,000. most guns would shoot once before breaking apart and the shooter would be in the most danger. the hearing today is looking down the road when technology will get better and making 3d guns could become widespread. eric: thanks so much. sandra: we re following the breaking news out of iowa in just a few moments where the body of college student mollie tibbetts has been found dead. more details as police prepare to hold a news conference. plus president trump honoring
ice agents at the white house while denouncing a blue wave saying it would mean open borders and more crime. former acting ice director and newly minted fox news contributor thomas homan will be with us next hour at the top of the 10. for the past five years, i ve spoken with hundreds of families and visited senior-care communities around the country. and i ve got to tell you, today s senior-living communities are better than ever. these days, there are amazing amenities, like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars, and bistros, even pet-care services. and nobody understands your options like the advisers at a place for mom. these are local, expert advisers that will partner with you to find the perfect place and determine the right level of care, whether that s just a helping hand or full-time memory care. best of all, it s a free service.
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they have found the body of missing mollie tibbetts. bringing a tragic epidemiology end to a search for a month. she was last seen jogging in her town of brooklyn, iowa. no details yet of the discovery of her body and we expect a news conference to be held in the 5:00 p.m. local time hour central time. we ll have more on this as it comes in. this is also a fox news alert. the defense team sounding upbeat on day four of jury deliberations in the paul manafort trial. welcome to a new hour of america s newsroom. good tuesday morning i m sandra smith. eric: i m eric shawn in for bill hemmer this morning. it looks like it won t be an open and shut case after the jury has had three-piece days of deliberations and no verdict. manafort s lawyer says he thinks it s a good sign for his
client. they ll continue to deliberate starting tomorrow morning at 9:30. mr. manafort is very happy to hear that and he thinks it was a very good day. eric: we re live outside the courthouse. what happened in the last half hour that the jury has been back behind closed doors? paul manafort looked as upbeat today as he has on any of the 16 days of this trial so far. he walked into the court and laughing with his legal team, patting them on the back and it s different than what normally happens. manafort enters, takes a seat in the courtroom and behaves in a very reserves way. we only ever see him whispering or passing notes to his lawyers. that s the only thing different about today. the jury affirmed to the judge that they haven t done any homework outside of court about the case which they do every morning and they did head to deliberate a few minutes ago for the fourth day. eric: any indication the verdict is being held up
because of a hold-out or is it still so early because it s such a complicated case with so many tax, banking and foreign documents? we have multiple sources close to the defense side telling us that if the reason that there have been three full days of deliberations that have been quiet and not produced a verdict is because of a problem with a juror, they think that that would be disclosed to reveal at some point today. on the way into court this morning manafort s attorneys said the defendant feels good, which we saw as well. and we understand he is getting at least one briefing from his legal team every day. that s about it in terms of updates for manafort on deliberations. while in the courthouse he is in solitary confinement and totally isolated. the jury has been deliberating for more than 22 hours and no more substantive questions for the judge since the first day since they wanted clarity about the fundamentals of the mueller
team s case. redefine reasonable doubt and asked if the judge could help them organize the nearly 400 exhibits that are not numbered. the judge or attorneys didn t help them do that. sandra: president trump honoring those who protect our borders in a special ceremony at the white house. the president calling ice and border patrol agents heroes in the battle over illegal immigration. president trump: we re here today to salute to incredibly brave patriots who keep america safe. i want to let you know that we love you, we support you, we will always have your back. any politician who puts criminal aliens before american citizens should find a new line of work. i think we ll have much more of a red wave than what you are going to see as a phony blue wave. blue wave means crime, it means open borders.
not good. sandra: let s bring in former acting ice director and fox news contributor thomas homan. welcome to your family. welcome. eric: good morning. sandra: first of all, what did you make of the president s honoring of law enforcement and ice officials here calling them heroes? they are heroes. i ve been saying that for a very long time. i watched the tape this morning and i knew it would be a great event. name another president that does something like this. stand shoulder to shoulder with law enforcement officers put on the line for this country every day. i ve been with this president numerous occasions where he met with state and local law enforcement, met with ice officers, border patrol agents. he has their six. i can t say think of another president who has had that position so strongly. this president is i said yesterday during an interview he talks the talks but he also
walks the walk like a lot don t. this president is proving he has the backs of these american heroes. eric: so moving and astounding about yesterday s event the president brought them some of the agents up. they didn t know they were going to talk in the east room in front of the world basically. one officer, border patrol officer, told about how he opened up the back of a truck and found 78 people who were illegals trying to come in and saved their lives. also others who were able to capture ms-13 gang members and take a lot of drugs off the streets and by doing that saves lives. we saw first-hand what these brave men and women of the service do. you know, it s the sad thing is they do this every day. last year alone border patrol saved over 2,000 people that were going to die if they weren t rescued by these border patrol agents. you don t hear that. they want to vilify these men
and women. i stood in back of a tractor trailer with 19 dead aliens and a child. 19? i was the lead investigators to victoria, texas, when there was 19 dead aliens that suffocated in the back of a tractor trailer. eric: what was it like when you have to deal with that and you see what the lengths some people go to to try to get into this country? it is shocking and sad and why i ve been preaching for a year and a half this isn t just about enforcing the law. this is about saving lives. these criminal organizations, that smuggle the people, they don t care about them. they smuggle drugs and guns. i ve been preaching to the far left, this isn t just about enforcing law but about saving lives. when you talk about sanctuary cities and abolish ice more people will make the trip and more people will die. not about just enforcing the law which we should do but saving lives of children and
women. it s the right thing this president has it. he understands it and asks the right questions. the first time i met with him he knew the subject matter like no other president i ve worked for. i worked for six of them. no one understands it better than this president. sandra: you ve been adamant about that and talked about the acting ice director, a man you have known for quite some time. and you fully have the back of him. he was on fox news yesterday afternoon and he was suggesting that unfortunately the american public doesn t see what ice agents do every single day putting themselves on the line. here he is. well, most of what cdp does, a lot of what ice does doesn t get seen by the american public and don t realize how valuable we are stopping opioids coming into the country and as we find gang bangers and send them away from the country. those important things are done and unseen by most of america. sandra: unfortunately these
days unappreciated by some americans. it s because of the false narrative from these groups on the far left. you have people like governor cuomo and gillibrand that want to go live for the citizens in new york. i ve known ron for 25 years. i hated to walk away from this job. my heart is still there and why i m hearing continuing to fight for them. if i would leave it to somebody to take over he is the man and ron is doing a great job. eric: the heartbreak in the families being separated at the border from babies being separated and children. and ice has had a lot of criticism about that. do you think it s appropriate and fair when you have cynthia nixon calling it a terrorist organization, her words? well look, i m a native new yorker and shame on all those folks in new york. let s understand family separation. the border patrol separated them. it wasn t ice. they had to do it. i don t vilify them for ask.
we ve asked congress to fix the loophole. if families want to come to this country illegally and claim asylum and see a judge we re for it. see a judge. we don t want them released from facilities never to show up in court or if they show up, not be removed because they ll ignore the judge s order and get into society and disappear. we ve got to enforce the laws. if you want to blame somebody for family separations, blame the ninth circuit who said you can t hold family together. blame congress. we told them how to fix it to could keep families together and see a judge. we ll abide by the decision. they want to make it a political issues. politicians and liberal judges want to put politics over public safety and over the sovereignty of the country. guys like me will keep fighting and telling the truth. you won t hear the truth from a lot of places. sandra: the president echoed that same sentiment in the tweet talking about the
consequences of crossing the border illegally. there are serious, unpleasant consequences to crossing the border into the u.s. illegally. if there weren t our country one overrun with people trying to get in and the system couldn t handle it. he said a blue wave means crime and open borders, a red wave means safety and strength. this is the former nazi labor camp guard in the news this morning removed by ice to germany. they found him, deported him. he had been here since 1949. you know, i m glad you asked the question. one more plug for president trump. when president trump came in office we had 21 countries that would not accept their people back even if they were convicted of serious crimes. they don t want these people back even if they ve been ordered removed by the immigration judge. when i left ice we went from 22
to 9 because this president came in and says enough. i m going to make sure these countries abide by the international treaties and take these people back. he put pressure on the department of justice and put pressure on department of state and department of homeland security and pressure on these countries. this is another example, this president stepping up and saying no, you are going to take this war criminal back and i ll hold you accountable. we ve been trying to remove this guy. in 2009 we tried to remove him. this president made it happen along with fine men and women of ice and d.o.j. the president changed this issue and put it on its head. american people need to realize what the president has done for this country. sandra: he lied to the d.o.j. and immigration for years about who he was. you ve been on it since 2009 and now it happened. for these people in new york who want to call ice nazis,
we ve removed many nazi criminals and people who violated human rights. it s the complete opposite of what these politicians are saying to the american people. even after all these decades after the holocaust justice is still getting done. yes, sir. eric: thank you, tom. hearings on u.s. and russia getting underway this hour. it s happening before the foreign relations committee and the banking committee are looking at the effectiveness on the new sanctions of russia coming amid the big bombshell from microsoft. it uncovered and shut down russian hacking against conservative institutions and think tanks that have been critical of russia. rich edson live from the state department. this seems to be moscow stepping up its interference, rich. it is according to this by microsoft saying it created the dummy websites, a group believed to be associated with russian intelligence for the hudson institute and the national republican institutes.
these dummy websites you would click on them and the websites would take your personal information and your credentials. microsoft said it shut down that as the senate is focused on these issues. the senate foreign relations committee has just started a hearing on the u.s. policy toward russia to combat issues like this. fox news obtained the opening remarks of assistant secretary. putin wants to break apart the american republic not by including an election or two but systematically inflaming the perceived fault lines that exist within our society. the most dangerous thing we can do is politicize the challenge which in itself would be a gift to putin. mitchell says the administration has sanctioned 217 russian individuals or entities and that they re having some success on that. he says if you are a russian firm and sanctioned by the u.s., your operating revenue has fallen on average by a quarter and asset valuation has fallen by half. senators in both parties say that s reason enough to keep
the pressure on moscow. the united states should only lift sanctions that have been imposed against russia if there is significant action by russia to either take responsibility for their interference in our last election, to pledge no interference in the next election. he says the united states is ready to talk to russia again in putin moves in certain directions and changes the behavior. the democrats criticized the president with his first meeting with putin. eric: doesn t seem they ve changed their behave area at all. sandra: politics taking the stage at another music awards show. do not worry because in this game you guys are allowed to kneel. no old white men can stop you. do it. sandra: comedian kevin art taking a nasty dig at president trump. should comedians and musicians stick to entertaining? we want to know what you think.
eric: overseas the surge of violence continues in afghanistan. the taliban launching rockets directly at the presidential palace. what about that cease-fire? sandra: president trump laying claim to his power over the mueller investigation. could he really take control of the russia probe and run it himself? former u.s. attorney alberto gonzales has thoughts on that. he ll join us. ooh, heaven is a place on earth
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xfinity mobile. it s simple. easy. awesome. click, call or visit a store today. sandra: president trump ramping up his attacks on robert mueller s russia probe saying he has the power to control the investigation himself should he choose to do so. the president telling reuters, quote, i can go in and i could do whatever. i could run it if i want but i decided to stay out of it. i m totally allowed to be involved in i want to be. so far i haven t chosen to be involved. i ll stay out. time for the a-team. charlie hurt is a senior editor of the washington times and fox news contributor. marie harf is a former state department spokeswoman and co-host of bren son and hart and brian brenberg is executive vice president and chair of business and finance from the kings college. marie, you were having a reaction as we read through the president s comments there.
i can run it if i want to but i ll stay out of it. that s ridiculous. this is looking into the president, his campaign and family. i don t know legally if what he says actually has any weight but just from a public perspective he keeps saying i didn t do anything wrong, i have nothing to hide. stay out of it. that s why you hear republicans from marco rubio to trey gowdy say let mueller do the investigation. let the mueller probe go forward. what s interesting is this week the president s tweets against mueller went to another level. something hit a nerve with him whether it was the don mcgahn story or other reports about the mueller investigation or manafort trial. something hit a nerve and his tweets went to a 12 in terms of going after mueller and that s not a good thing. he also has a reaction when i say that. if you look at the only thing that really matters here, the constitution, you look into article 2, it doesn t say
anything about the special counsel provision that is allowed to sort of subvert the powers of the president. of course the president is absolutely right. he can do whatever he wants. he can fire all these people and get involved if he wanted to. the point about it being politically unwise is a fair point. it probably would backfire quite a bit. but nixonian. the end of the statement is i m going to let it happen. he kept saying i m going to let it happen. is he trolling us? we focus on his words. sandra: what he won t let happen his legal team is making it clear through rudy giuliani. the interview says the president said, you take a look at what he did in congress he gave, leaked, lied, if he say something he says something and my word against his talking about this being a perjury trap
and best friends with mueller. mueller might say well, i believe comey. even if i m telling the truth it makes me a liar. that s no good. is that a legitimate concern? absolutely. i think his lawyers are smart to keep him and i get the sense that the president is coming along to that point of view. all along he said i m dying to testify and he does testify every day on his twitter account by weighing in on absolutely everything but i think the story we saw in the new york times last week about don mcgahn testifying, the president did waive executive privilege. that s a very significant thing. eric: he weighed down in that article said don mcgahn said he didn t see the president go beyond any legal requirements. that he didn t break the law. exactly. it does reveal that i don t think the president is concerned about any real issues. he is concerned about walking into some trap where he says
something, you know, unintentionally or intentionally and being misunderstood. eric: he is all over the place on what he says on different things in terms of right. some of that is intentional. eric: no, we ll have the investigation. how do they pick and choose what to use if they try to get a case against him? i think he is trying to work the rest. no matter what happens bob mueller is not going to be objective and trying to set up a scenario where mueller i think there are a couple of things. i think he is working them by saying no matter what happens they re going to try to say that i lied. i don t think bob mueller will automatically believe what jim comey or someone else tells him if the president says something different. sandra: where do you stand if you think he should or shouldn t. he should. only donald trump can answer them. i think he absolutely should.
bill clinton did. he was forced to. there are questions only donald trump can answer. if the goal is to get all the information how can we not interview the person at the center of so many of these questions? where is the evidence that suggests that s what s necessary here? that s what i m not there has to be some compelling reason for the president to sit down. we have nothing as far as we know that suggests he needs to do that and he is smart to say i won t sit down without that because indeed this does become a situation where i m going to get trapped for perjury. i don t want to be a part of that. tell the truth. what is the truth at suggesting he needs to sit down and be a part of it that mcgahn can t do? eric: the meeting with don junior and the russian lawyer where the email said it was the russian government to help your father. mr. president, did you know about that. did your son call you twice in an unregistered phone call. did you know about that? those two questions could be answered.
that only he can answer. a key component what was going on in terms of russian contacts working with the trump campaign. don t you want the answers? there still isn t a crime. eric: it could be if it s conspiracy. it could be if they re taking something in that meeting of value from a foreign government. they knew about that. sandra: i think the point is there needs to be proof of that before you ask about it. a lot of proof of that already. sandra: last night the president took another jab at governor andrew cuomo. let s watch that. president trump: many politicians get up and say our country was never great. you heard that. i think that s the end of that career. sandra: charlie? cuomo 2020, no, he is not going to let anybody forget this as much as cuomo might like to rewrite some of it.
eric: this is not i ve been a new york reporter for decades and i covered his father. this is about mario cuomo not helping president trump when he was the developer on the riverside yards getting the mortgage when andrew cuomo was the head of hud. they didn t back him and so therefore he had trouble with building the riverside. that s what i think. there is a lot of family history here. cuomo clearly flubed what he was trying to do. when was america great? when i couldn t get a credit card without my husband? sandra: whoa. you can t remember when america was great? i believe america is an exceptional country. when is president trump referring to. when a bunch of the country felt disenfranchised. the thing that s unique about america it is always trying to be perfect.
the make america great again slogan appeals to the effort to strive for our best selfs. something that mario cuomo would have agreed with. eric: former great governor would take some issue with his son. statements he made about america never been great is the most divisive statement you can make in this country. he should be careful what he says. eric: that s not enough. there is a more. president trump is continuing to step up his attacks against some of those former intelligence officials. what he now says the one-time director of national intelligence, james clapper. he is apparently playing nice. the president has his own views of that. sandra: senator sounding the alarm about this alleged isis killer captured in the u.s.
why he is up in arms that the suspect being here in the first place. plus. eric: stock market, look at that. 69 points, look at the number below. 25,000 plus, why they could mark the return of the american consumer as the bull market rages on. charlie payne will be here in a moment as it continues to go up. as moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. and we don t want something like meningitis b getting in their way. meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 10-25 year olds. even if meningitis b is uncommon, that s not a chance we re willing to take. meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. we re getting the word out against meningitis b. our teens are getting bexsero. bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose.
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after a month with her body being found. no details where or what. what do you suspect authorities homeed in on? we re waiting for more information. a tragic end to the family and friends holding out hope for a month. it will be a wealth of information from the body. first of all, what s the manner of death and time of death? was she killed a month ago or more recently and the location? who had access to the location where the body is found? was the body killed there or moved and dna and objects from the killer. police are combing through all of that. eric: what do you make of the fact she was jogging in the evening? that makes you more vulnerable. we don t know when she disappeared. she was jogging one of the last times she was seen. people are generally vulnerable when they re jogging. listening to music and not aware of all the circumstances around them. we ve seen other people abducted and killed. sandra: authorities during this investigation and search
have been tight lipped. it has been hard to get any information out of them. sometimes they had announced news conference and they would cancel them and now scheduled one for this evening at 5:00 p.m. local time, 6:00 p.m. eastern. more information on where they found her body hopefully. but why do you think that is? it s a smart investigative strategy. you don t want to give all the information you have out there both to the potential killer. and other people who may come forward with information. are they tailoring the information based on what they said in the news and you don t want to give everything out. the same thing will probably happen now. the types of information they ll find from the body. i would be surprised if they give the information out publicly. eric: could they announce an arrest later on this afternoon? it s possible. we don t know publicly where the body was found. maybe found in a place that belongs to one person or a small group of people. we ll find that out later today. sandra: i ll bring this in
because it is brought to our attention into the newsroom now. rob tibbetts, the father of mollie, is telling fox news channel that the body found is indeed his daughter, mollie. we were going off sources telling fox news up until now and he is now confirming it was indeed mollie, his 20-year-old daughter. he said that he will have more comment for us shortly. and remember her father had been on the ground involved with the search since he got that phone call she had gone missing that day in july and he just recently within i believe the last 24 hours or so returned back to his home in california. the prosecutor in the private sector dealt with a lot of missing persons cases. when you are working with the family time goes on and people hold out hope hoping their loved one will be found alive. a tragic end. as the family finds out more about how she died there is nothing more painful than that. eric: what lessons can we
learn when young women jogging who are brutally murdered? people jogging are vulnerable. we don t know if she was abducted when she was jogging. police are learning more by looking at the body now and finding out what happened. did she go with someone she knew? was she abducted by a stranger? a lot of information that police are trying to piece together now. sandra: the iowa division of criminal investigation has planned this afternoon news conference and we ll a get an update from them. it has been quite a journey for the community there, too, that rallied around this family and supported the father and the mother in the search for their daughter. and now her body has been found, the father just confirming. dan schorr, thank you. we ll have more on that later. meanwhile a suspected isis killer caught in northern california last week and now senate judiciary committee chuck grassley wants to know how he got into the country through a refugee screening process during the obama
administration. grassley is pressing the state department and homeland security for any answers. capitol hill senior producer is following the story for us. chuck grassley has written to the homeland security secretary and secretary of state of state mike pompeo. he has a lot of questions about this suspect omar amine and what his application for refugee status looked like. he wants this paperwork. grassley said it appears he may have concealed his affiliations with isis and also al qaeda in iraq. this is always the problem with these refugees. their paperwork is not necessarily pristine. how do you vet them? how do you ferret out someone who might have had some ties with questionable organizations? he is accused by the federal government of going with a caravan through isis-controlled territory killing an iraqi police officer in his home and the essence of the question that chuck grassley has for
pompeo and nielsen. the pentagon is very concerned about iraqi refugees coming to the united states. it is not the idea that there are too few, there are too many. they have a program set up to bring refugees who work with the federal government and contractors to the united states. a couple years ago they were up to 5100. it fell off to 3,000 last year and only 15 this year. they want to hold that out there as a carrot to bring good people to the united states. in the case of this suspect how do you separate the good from the bad? sandra: chad on that story for us. thank you. music at times taking a back seat at the vmas last night on mtv, the awards show targeting president trump with some profane insults. was this out of bounds? eric: a controversy over con federal monuments. they knocked down a statue on the campus of a prominent university. the a-team is on deck with both
those stories straight ahead. to look at me now,
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existed. when i watched it you had the great music videos with the little thing at the bottom. is it is same channel? i think the president should get royalties at these events. he is the center of the entertainment. without him there would be nothing to say for a funny guy like kevin hart. it was kind of funny. three lines out of this show. the president likes to go after people and likes to mix it up and comedians like to do the same thing. it is part of the media echo chamber we ve created right now. kevin hart went a little far with some comments. this is a video music awards. sandra: this wasn t the only moment. there was this moment as well if we can show that t-shirt. so this is an f the wall
t-shirt they brought out and it was a demonstration about i suppose you could characterize it as families separated at the border and an anti-trump message that they don t like what they re seeing. the brought the kids on the stage. do i need to say anymore? the strangest part of all is involving kids. i ll be interested to see what the ratings are. who wants to eric: why is there seemingly growing political messages in some of these award shows? and the language? it s innovateed every aspect of everything these days it seems like for better or worse. i think people are so fired up by this. the child separation issue galvanized people. they ve been immigration by the immigration policies and family separation. free speech in the country. turn it off if you don t like it. it is a platform to advance
political beliefs. sandra: a platform for profanity? what was profane? it is not advancing political beliefs. it is vulgar. there is nothing the kids weren t vulgar. that gets lost with the kevin hart, the language there and the offensive language and violent language. sandra: we couldn t play what kevin hart said on the open. i said it went too far. sandra: second of all it was an f the wall shirt was a profanity on the t-shirt. people don t like the wall and let s go back to the fact that donald trump is commander-in-chief is a bully, has said incredibly offensive things about people on twitter. i do think brian makes an important point. whose minds are being changed by all this? none. young voters who will vote in the mid-terms.
wait. young voters are fired up over guns and immigration. donald trump says incredibly offensive things on issues. he calls women dogs and says terrible things about people. why don t we ask for standards? eric: it s not a compliment. are young voters informed? no from the vmas. that s the problem. sandra: the university of north carolina and show what happened with another statute brought down. you ve been on this story. quite a visual to see the students yet again trying to change the way we re looking back at history in this country. it s such a sad thing. i know a lot of these kids think they re part of the civil rights movement. this is not the civil rights movement where you had people sitting on a bus or gathering at a launch counter peacefully trying to and successfully
undoing laws that were unconstitutional and disgusting. this is just trying to obliterate history because somebody is offended. this monument is a monument to confederate war dead put up by the wives and the children, the daughters and the widows of people who died in this conflict. these kids, all these spoiled brats should be rounded up, put in jail and forced the pay to repair this thing. if i were the university, i would kick them all out because this is not this kind of violent vandalism is not eric: deeply offend. okay, that s an issue. we can debate these things all we want and have debated for a long time and some have come down. it doesn t give right to a mob to go out there and vandalize and tear down something that is very sacred to the people who put that up. what i don t like it is always about trying to destroy something if you don t like the
narrative. the university had an opportunity here to leave the statue in place because it sparks good conversation about our history. after the story add another monument to the story that fills out the story, why do we have to tear things down? why can t we tell more of the story? there is a way to tell the story that doesn t offend people. honoring people like this exalted in the statues for people fighting to defend slavery is very offensive to people. there has to be a process. i lived in charlottesville for the city to talk about how to bring them down. vandalism isn t the way to do it. we need to figure out in this country how we wreckon with this history. you don t see in other countries where they ve had in germany you don t see people erecting statues to nazi leaders. sandra: thank you very much to the a-team. eric: charles payne will be here and why he says why the
american consumer has returned and look at the market and what it means for all of us as the dow is up, up, up. sandra: a big day tomorrow. hi i m joan lunden.
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longest in u.s. history. charles payne host of making money on the fox news network. we ve thrown around rallies before and bull markets before. what makes this one different? well first of all this is measured by uninterrupted move to the upside without a 20% pullback. that s the definition of a bear market. the bull market has had pullbacks but never to that degree. think there are a couple of things. we were oversold. i think we have to go to the very beginning in march of 2009. that was a classic panic. the market was extremely oversold. values out there back in the day in the 1800s, every time the market got hit they called it a panic. someone said it makes things worse. maybe we should use a different term. they came up with depression. we had the great depression. the bottom line is now what s different is we were oversold and rebounded but now gaining a new strength in the market. yesterday the airline stocks came out of nowhere.
today the home builders are doing well. the american consumer. i give most of the credit right now for this leg of the market to the trump administration s policy. the lower regulations, lower taxes. i looked at a couple earnings reports this morning and these companies themselves t.j. maxx said you know what? a lot of this is from the tax cuts but also i just think you get to a point where you start to do extraordinarily well and it is infectious and other people feel it. i tell you what, forget all the polls and the other stuff politically. this is 2/3 of the american economy and it is spreading. eric: how long can this go? i think we have a long ways to go here. i think the market is becoming undervalued because there has been so much focus on six or seven big tech names. i like it when t.j. maxx is leading the market higher and deere and the dirty fingernail stocks are going higher like caterpillar. those kind of names that you work with your hands.
sandra: you must not watch america s newsroom enough. he talks about those a lot. all right, charles payne. tomorrow could be the big day. tomorrow will be a good day. there is a little trepidation. sandra: thank you, charles payne. president trump taking his victory lap with running feud with john brennan and taking a dig at one time director of national intelligence james clapper in the process. the president reportedly leaning against an interview with robert mueller. alberto gonzales will weigh in on that and much more next hour on america s newsroom.
admitted it was just speculation but held onto the belief throughout this process that somehow mollie tibbetts was still alive. he just a short time ago as well as two law enforcement sources confirmed to us the body found is indeed that of mollie tibbetts. the search for the missing student investigators are tight lipped. the only information we have that foul play was involved is crimestoppers. they now say the $400,000 reward has now become a reward for information that captures her killer. she vanished on july 18th after going for jog. the next day her boyfriend texted her and didn t receive a response. when she failed to show up for work he reported her missing. the boyfriend was quickly cleared in the case as he was away on a job. information later was developed that she had returned to the house where she was staying
after her jog. nearby hog farm was searched, owner questioned, investigators knew she wore a fit bit and cell phone. they remained missing. we don t know if those items were found with the body. we simply have information from investigators that her body was found in a rural part of the county. the briefing mentioned that eric mentioned a short time ago is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. central time. back to you. eric: a tragic and heartbreaking end and search for her family and friends and that community. thank you. sandra: another fox news alert as president trump seems to be leaning against sitting down for an interview with special counsel robert mueller fearing a perjury trap while also making it clear he could run the russia investigation himself if he wanted to but has made the choice to stay out of it for now. andrew mccarthy, a former u.s. attorney was on america s newsroom earlier. a lot of people like to say, eric, that the innocent, honest person has nothing to fear by
going in to speak to a prosecutor but that avoids or overlooks the fact that it s the prosecutor, right or wrong, who makes the decision about whether the innocent, honest person is telling the truth or not. sandra: joining us now alberto gonzales former attorney general and dean of belmont university school of law. thanks for coming on the program and welcome back to the program. good morning. sandra: first of all, would you be with the president if he veered towards this is not a good idea to sit down even though he said in the past i want to sit down and answer his questions because i want to get it over with? they fear a perjury trap. there is always a concern that you misremember something, you don t intend to lie to a prosecutor but you saying something contradicted by other witnesses and that is a concern. but i think it s important for your viewers to understand that i think under current d.o.j. guidance the president cannot be indicted and the president
cannot be prosecuted for criminal wrongdoing. bob mueller may ultimately receive information, may ultimately receive testimony from the president and based on that he may conclude that the president is lying and has committed perjury and included it in a report that goes to the deputy attorney general. if the attorney general would receive such a report he would likely forward the report to the congress and congress would have to make a decision whether or not lying to federal prosecutors would constitute grounds for impeachment. there is a danger either way. even though the department may not believe it has the authority to indict and prosecute a sitting president, there is certainly a political danger of impeachment if the president were to be found to commit perjury by the special counsel. sandra: the concept of perception of the truth seems to be at the crux of this discussion right now alberto. here is andrew mccarthy expanding on that a few moments ago. almost always multiple
witnesses with different perceptions and different recollections about the same events. and the prosecutor has to sort out whether, when these differences inevitably occur, even if somebody is telling the truth and trying hard to tell the truth, the prosecutor could decide otherwise. sandra: that s to your point, right? that s true. it is not solely the prosecutor. the prosecutor has to make a judgment call is there probable cause to move forward? then it falls into the hands of 12 americans. 12 jurors who beyond a reasonable doubt have to reach some level of conclusion based on the evidence presented at trial. but there is no question about it, that humans are infall able. we have different memories about the same event and there is always a risk. you never want to be under investigation by a federal prosecutor particularly one like robert mueller. there is certainly a danger. it is easy to say if you re
innocent act like it. what have you got to lose by talking to the prosecutor, but there is a risk but also a down side. i think to some americans if the president does not cooperate they will conclude well, what is he hiding? that s something the president will have to deal with. sandra: how did you further perceive the president s comments i could run this if i want to referring to the mueller probe but he is going the stay out of it. well, i don t think that any investigation of the white house conducted by the president of the united states would have any credibility, quite frankly in the minds of most americans. having said that the president is in charge of the executive branch. i think as a constitutional matter would have the authority to conduct such an investigation. however, congress has delegated that authority to the attorney general and the department of justice to conduct investigations and prosecute wrongdoing. so as a theoretical matter i
think the president certainly could. honestly, speaking i guess in laymen s terms, it would be a dumb idea. sandra: if you were to step back from all this today and you look at this investigation as it continues and many feel it has been drawn out. some feel it s necessary that it continue in the manner that it is, where does it go next? does a sit-down eventually happen? i don t know, if i had to bet i would say probably the sit-down does not happen. it s possible that perhaps bob mueller will settle for answers to written questions from the president of the united states and so that in fact may happen. i for one believe this investigation should be continued to be completed. one of the main things aspects of this is getting more information about how russia interfered with the 2016 election. we re already hearing stories about how they re continuing to interfere and focused on the 2018 election. so i think in terms of the
length of this investigation, it s not it hasn t been, you know, unreasonably long compared to the length of previous investigations by special counsels. i think we need to let bob mueller complete this investigation so we know exactly what russia did in 2016 and what they intend to do in the future. sandra: alberto gonzales, great to get your perspective and thoughts this morning. thank you. thanks for having me. eric: a former nazi concentration camp guard to lied about getting into the u.s. was arrested this morning and deported to germany after calling our nation home for nearly 70 years. taken a long time for justice but it s been done. we have the latest. the last known nazi collaborator in the united states was deported yesterday, 95-year-old jakiw palij a former s.s. nazi guard landed
in germany this morning flowing on an air ambulance. ice arrested him in queens, new york yesterday without incident. he arrived in the u.s. in 1949. he lied to u.s. immigration officials telling them he spent world war ii working on his father s farm and also a german factory. they believed him and in 1957 he became a u.s. citizen. but in 2001 he confessed he was really a nazi guard who worked at the traa niki concentration camp. he trained there in 1943 the same year 6,000 jewish men, women and children were shot to death in one day november 3 in one of the largest massacres of the holocaust. according to the department of justice by helping to prevent the escape of these prisoners during his service at the camp he played a role that they later met their fate at the hands of the nazis. he was stripped of his u.s.
citizenship and ordered deported in 2004. it took 14 years to expel him. in that time protestors regularly gathered outside his new york home. this morning u.s. ambassador to germany richard grinnell explained why it took so long. he had his u.s. citizenship taken away so he technically was without a country. he was stateless. we presented to the german government was they had a moral obligation, not necessarily a legal one, with this individual but a moral obligation because he worked in the name of the then german government. he credits president trump for making this issue a priority or making it happen. eric: we ll never forget no matter how long it takes. brian, thank you. sandra: breaking news at this hour. the trump administration takes swift action to address the nation-wide epipen shortage.
in a moment we ll dig into the bold move and how it will impact families across the country. health and services secretary will join us in moments. eric: the debate over illegal immigration has been heating up as the president blasts the democrats who oppose the agency ice calling them open border extremists. are they? coming up congressman sean duffy will comment about that. sandra: president trump taking aim at james clapper in his feud with john brennan and former intel officials. the latest in the battle straight ahead. i think john is sort of like a freight train. he is going to say what s on his mind. but john and his rhetoric have become, i think, an issue in and of itself. 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long.
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pushing back on brennan making all these statements over and over again attacking the president. i think the president should rise above it. the more he talks about it the more he gives brennan the microphone. eric: that is senator james lankford of oklahoma weighing in on the growing feud between president trump and former c.i.a. director john brennan. the president says he welcomes the lawsuit brennan is threatening after the president revoked his security clearance. the president took to twitter saying this about the former director of national intelligence. even james clapper admonished john brennan for having gone off the rails. maybe clapper is being nice to me so he doesn t lose his security clearance for lying to congress. what does it all mean? let s bring in republican congressman chris stewart who serves on the house intelligence committee. what do you make of this back and forth and do you think brennan will actually commence a lawsuit? well, i don t know if he will. i don t think it would be successful. i wish we didn t have this
continued back and fort honestly. if the president were to leave it alone evidence would convince the american people this is what we know about the former director brennan. the first is he is untrustworthy. we know that from his testimony before congress and the wild accusations he has made with virtually no evidence. the second thing we know is that he is overly political. he politicized the intel community, intelligence work. i have talked to a number of intelligence professionals as i do almost every day. they re embarrassed by this. they understand it isn t good for the american people and the work they do to have a former c.i.a. director be and sound like a political hack. it embarrasses them. eric: what would you say to those who think he served this country with distinction and is concerned in his own view of
russia interference and russia being threatening to the ten either of our democracy. he needs to make that argument in a reasonable and credible way. for him to say for example like he has said with a wink and nod i have the information that other people don t have and i think this president is in the pocket of vladimir putin. for him to say with kind of a wink and nod as if he has information that others don t have. oh my heavens, mr. brennan, if you have the information that would convince mr. mueller or others that this president has committed treason, which you have accused him of doing, then present that information. present that evidence. he hasn t done that. instead as i said he has made these wild accusations in a way that diminishes the intelligence community and the intelligence professionals. intelligence shouldn t be a political endeavor. it should be unbiased, measured, careful in its analysis and conclusions and mr. brennan hasn t done that.
eric: he did walk back that treasonous comment. do you buy that? i don t know. walk it back is helpful but made comments since then. this is a meaningful thing for a former c.i.a. director to make an accusation like that. eric: do you think that the president has basically threatened to revoke other national security clearances, susan rice among others. do you think as some say it s a danger to our republic or that it s political hardball and the president really is doing something that he shouldn t do going after people personally and because they are critics? i think the president is actually doing the right thing but for the wrong reason in this case. i think that most of these people shouldn t maintain clearances. there is no reason for it. why does hillary clinton have a top secret secure clearance? if there is a case-by-case necessity or if they re being asked to advise the government in certain cases, then let s do
a case-by-case review and allow them to maintain it but the blanket policy that allows all these individuals to maintain a top secret clearance. access to some of the most sensitive in the information for u.s. government for no reason other than in most cases it enhances their marketability, it enhances their value and the money they can make. i just think we should be careful in the number of people that we ve allowed to keep their clearances. eric: others would say it enhances the government aefs ability because they bring advice and experience. we re up against the clock on this, i m sorry. it will continue. congressman, thank you. sandra: a small plane crashes at a major intersection. couldn t believe it was happening. is this really happening or doing stunts? no, he ain t messing around. sandra: new dash cam video of the plane going down. what caused the crash? eric: ice has been coming
under fire more and more as illegal immigration especially over the illegal immigrant arrested at the gas station. the report he was rushing his pregnant wife to the hospital when they suddenly took him in? well, as we ve been reporting this guy is wanted for murder. my dad ain t done nothing. he is innocent. he is a hard worker. he has his own business. he has done nothing. insurance that won t replace the full value of your new car? you d be better off throwing your money right into the harbor. i m gonna regret that. with liberty mutual new car replacement we ll replace the full value of your car. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty lojust use on travel? you can save up to 60% on hotels. that s like $120 a night back in your pocket.
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i am going to vote ok, for myself using nothing but this remote and the sound of my own voice! vote for. wait wait, that s not a talent. any xfinity customer with an x1 voice remote can do that. watch this. i want to vote for. obviously not you. ooh that guy. cast your votes during every live show. just say vote for agt into the x1 voice remote. sandra: the department of health and human services taking swift action to combat the mass shortage of epipens in this country. with the fda saying it will
extend the expiration date of the lifesaving medication. we are joined about the breaking news. secretary, this is news that affects a lot of families in this country. what action are you taking? it does and this is a very important announcement that we just made minutes ago which is that for certain lots of epipens that have expired or are about to expire, we believe the data supports a four-month extension on the use of that product beyond the expiration date on the package. i would encourage parents or others to go to the website to see the announcement and look up the particular lot number of the product you have. this may provide some immediate relief for parents especially as kids are about to go back to school. sandra: a shortage of epipens and high cost, hundreds of dollars one of these epipens cost. some families that need them couldn t afford them. why is this action so important and why are you taking it now?
what we have seen are manufacturing and supply issues regarding the production of this particular epipen and auto injector device. we ve been working with the manufacturer on that to help resolve those supply disruptions. i would encourage anybody who needs a pen that milan has an 800 number that you can call to get more information about where product might be available in your area in case the particular pharmacy you are using doesn t have that. we re trying to make sure we have additional product available as well as lower-cost product available so we also very recently just approved the first-ever generic version of that epipen that should be getting on the market soon. sandra: any idea what it would cost for the consumer? i don t know what they ll price it at. the manufacturer who has been approved hasn t announced what the price would be to my knowledge. i ll have to leave that own.
we have always seen when a generic comes into the market and you get robust competition you do see a fairly significant decline in pricing and availability for patients. we very much look forward to that for the benefit of patients. sandra: you tweeted out the c change in drug markets. these are just a change. we have plans to deliver on every aspect of the blueprint and market actors who have responded to actions so far can expect reform that aim toward a new patient/friendly system to continue. can you explain that? what do you mean? we re today at the 100 day mark in terms of the president s blueprint on drug pricing. he has done more in 100 days than all presidents combined before him in terms of tackling the issue of drug pricing. historic levels of generic drug
approvals. we brought savings to senior citizens to the tune of $320 million a year of out-of-pocket spending when they get their drugs. we have banned gag clauses in our medicare program where plans might tell pharmacists that they can t inform a patient what the cheaper alternative is for their drug and the way they could buy their drug cheaper by paying cash to get that drug. we ve opened the door to negotiation in medicare for the first time ever to stop paying list price for some of our drugs and the president has opened the dorto importation of drugs where there is provides gouging of these single source drugs in the united states. just a bevy of changes and the result of that has been that we ve seen 60% fewer brand name drug price increases since the president announced his blueprint 100 days ago than we did last year. sandra: you went further to talk about that competition which families who know the
high price of these prescriptions no all too well. it s difficult. and you reference that in this tweet. together these strategies will work to build a new drug pricing system characterized by real competition, lower prices and healthy incentives for innovation. the most significant parts of the president s blueprints are in the works. what is the president s message on this. when you talk to him, what is his priority? so the president s priority is getting prices down. he wants lower list prices for drugs, better negotiation in our drug programs and wants to end foreign free riding and increase competition in our program. his objectives are very clear. anybody who basically underestimates his commitment or verb on driving forward this agenda will be sadly mistaken. sandra, you said it right. they have only seen the beginning. we laid out in a very
transparent way in the president s blueprint where he is headed and we re driving towards that and it is the tip of the iceberg so far. sandra: secretary azar, thank you for sharing this breaking news this morning. appreciate having you here. we ll look for those changes. eric: very important move. president trump heading to west virginia for a rally tonight. it s an interesting race. will he stump for joe manchin s opponent even though manchin has embraced some of the president s policies? what can we expect? chris stirewalt will be here to break it all down. er service are critical to business success. like the ones we teach here, every day.
the agency again arresting someone indiscriminately, breaking up a family, deporting an otherwise innocent man. in a cruel twist ice forced his pregnant wife to drive herself to the hospital. i m sad and disappointed with this country that they aren t doing their job correctly because my dad ain t done nothing. he is innocent. he is a hard worker. he has his own business. that wasn t the whole story, at least the one reported on radio and tv. it s true ice agents picked up the man at the gas station but ice says he wasn t driving, she was and they weren t rushing to the hospital but going in for a scheduled c-section. finally he wasn t just a working dad here illegally but was wanted for murder. far from an innocent victim. this person was wanted by foreign authorities for murder. like this arrest most of what ice does in cities and towns is
targeted enforcement. as the story developed, the media said ice picked up the wrong man, that the attorney said the real target was his brother. this he was the sole provider of five children with no criminal record. not even a traffic ticket. we know that under current trump administration that everyone is a priority. when a person is taking his wife having a c-section it could have been handled a lot differently. ice confirmed this morning the warrant is legitimate. the man is wanted for murder. many seeing or hearing this story this weekend are likely outraged but not fully informed. context provides a more accurate picture. back to you. sandra: william la jeunesse, thank you. eric: president trump hits the road again today with a rally in west virginia this evening strufrming for senate candidate state attorney general patrick morrissey.
he is challenge senator joe manchin in november. it is one of the red states the president won big. joining us now on what we can expect is chris stirewalt. it is a fascinating dynamic, manchin, conservative democrat has praised the president. president has done the same for manchin. now the president is going on gop on him tonight. everything is always better in west virginia, we know that to be true. and i m not just saying that because i m a west virginiaian. if you like politics the politics there are perfect because it gets awfully complicated awfully quickly. there will be a lot of ticket splitting this year in west virginia and there will be a lot of people in west virginia who in 2016 voted for donald trump who vote for joe manchin. what we re waiting to see and what we want to find out is, is donald trump coming to attack joe manchin, coming to elevate patrick morrissey or coming to have a campaign rally for
himself? those are three different things. eric: so what do we expect him to say tonight? he will back morrissey but manchin backed judge gorsuch and other policies of the president. and we expect manchin to not only be completely on board with trump on coal but on the supreme court. eric: breaking news. have to scoot. we ll see what happens back in your home state. thanks, chris. sandra: fox news alert as we alerted you at the top of the hour, we just got word the jury gave the judge a note in the courtroom there on the paul manafort trial and we re now finding out what the note said. it said if we if we can t come to consensus, what does that mean for the final verdict? the judge said this is not out of the ordinary for a jury trial. peter doocy is following all this and giving us the news updates from outside the courtroom. peter, what is happening? sandra, the jury is
deliberating on 18 counts. their question at least the way they framed it pertains to one of the counts. this is something that defense team sources close to the defense team have been telling us they thought they might be hearing today. sources close to the manafort said say they walked in this morning and believed to be a serious looking jury, which they believe indicated that there might be some problems behind the scenes and that if there was a problem, then at some point on the fourth day of deliberations, it would come out. and that s what we just got. they are apparently stuck on one of the counts and the judge told them that it is not exceptional and sent them back in to keep deliberating. this is the first word we heard from the jury in the last two days. they haven t had a lot of questions since the first day of deliberations which was last thursday. now it sounds like they re stuck on at least one of the counts. it is unclear when the next
time we ll hear from the jury is. that s what s going on upstairs on the ninth floor now. sandra: day four of deliberations and we ve been on stand by that a verdict could come down at any moment but the defense has given an indication that they see the timeline here as a positive for their team, for paul manafort. and that s obviously something a belief that paul manafort himself shares. he was in very good spirits this morning in court. came in, big smile, laughing with his attorneys and patting each other on the back. they believe the word we re getting from the manafort side was that they thought this thing was going to be wrapped up after about two days and at the end of business on friday last week would have been a really big motivator for the jury to wrap things up so they could go home and didn t have to come back. once that happened, the manafort team s perspective on
the case changed. yesterday they were describing it to me as though it was similar to the run-up to the 2016 election where they feel like the jury is on the verge of delivering a big surprise. but we don t have any indication of that right now. the only indication that we have is that the jury is stuck on at least one of these counts and it sounds like something else that i ve just had handed to me. something else the judge said is the jury can reach a partial verdict. he cited the u.s. versus taylor as an example. that s new. 18 counts, they re stuck on at least one. the judge says they can reach a partial verdict. so we don t know if that s something they re close to. we don t know how many jurors are possibly holding out. and we might not for a couple more hours or a couple more days, sandra. sandra: interesting.
peter, you are giving some color on paul manafort and his presence in the courtroom this morning appearing upbeat, patting each other on the back. the jury as far as it s been described by catherine herridge remains very serious in their demeanor and very flat. appeared spent. some red faced. this is a long haul. it is a long haul and remember, as far as we know, it is entirely possible that none of these jurors are experts on forensic accounting or on tax and bank records. that s what they are sitting in a room surrounded by. just hundreds of exhibits, thousands of pieces of paper that are not numbered sequentially and so the manafort the mueller team in this case is accusing paul manafort of violating 18 different charges but when they
made this 2 1/2 week long argument they were not specific with you take this piece of paper for count one, this piece of paper for count two. so part of the reason that it could be taking so long is they have a lot of dots they need to collect as they deliberate. sandra: if we cannot come to consensus on a single count what does it mean for the final verdict? the judge says it is not exceptional to a jury trial and the jury can reach a partial verdict. we re being told now they re in recess, a five-minute recess. again working under the premise that a verdict could come in at any moment. peter doocy you re there and will bring us the news when it comes in. thank you very much. eric: we ll be on stand by for that. if there is a hung jury on one count the federal government can always retry mr. manafort. sandra: the judge ellis says
this has happened before regarding a partial ruling from a jury. eric: they could come in with a partial verdict and could be retried. we ll see what happens. we re on stand by to give you the news when it comes. president trump not backing down when it comes to support for ice. how he is responding to some democrats who have called to abolish the agency. congressman sean duffy will join us next on that. president trump: this new wave of anti-borders, anti-law enforcement extremism and shameful, dangerous, horrible in every way and it is going to stop. to look at me now,
see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis find clear skin that can last. don t use if you re allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx, you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me now. i m still clear. how sexy are these elbows? get clear skin that can last. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. president trump: we will not stand for the vile smears, the hateful attacks and the vicious assaults on the courageous men and women of ice and border patrol and law enforcement. we will protect those who protect us. sandra: president trump supporting federal immigration agents at a white house
ceremony yesterday and blasting democrats who want to abolish it as open border extremists who just don t care about crime. joining us now is congressman sean duffy, a member of the freedom caucus. do you agree with the president on this one? he is absolutely right. we believe in enforcing our laws in the republican party and we believe in immigration but legal immigration, not illegal immigration. and so for the president to call border patrol agents who have been maligned and demonized by the democrat party to bring them to the white house and say we support what you do. thank you for enforcing our laws and risking your lives to secure our border. i thought it was fantastic. we have democrats who really the cover was pulled away with alexandria ocasio-cortez who said we want to abolish ice. some new york congress folks have called ice nazis. this morning ice is arresting
nazis and sending them back to germany. how rich is that? sandra: the former director of ice thomas homan on a short time ago and he had this to say and we ll get your response. we ve asked congress for a year and a half to fix the loophole. if families want to come to this country illegally and claim asylum and want to see a judge we re for it, see a judge. what we don t want is them to be released from our facilities never to show up in court or if they show up in court not be removed because they ll ignore the judge s order and get into society and disappear. we ve got to enforce the laws. sandra: we have to enforce the laws but his first statement is we ve been calling on congress to fix this loophole for a year and a half. and he is spot on. catch and release process where if you catch someone who is unlawful and they don t get a hearing for two to three years oftentimes they don t show up. they evaporate into the fabric of america. we have to close that loophole.
you know this but we have attempted to pass a number of different bills in the congress especially on the house side and democrats have been in opposition to all of those bills and these are ideas that most democrats agreed with, border security, dealing with the daca kids, dealing with folks who have come here no fault of their own by their parents and the work visa system expansion. we agreed with this and closing the loophole. democrats have been in opposition to all of our efforts because they believe in open borders. and how do you argue with people who don t want to be borders when we say we want to enforce our laws, secure our borders? wouldn t it be great if we could have immigration reform and people would stop crossing the desert and risking their lives and they could come in lawfully. eric: it appears the jury in
the paul manafort trial is stuck on one of the issues on one count. sending a note to a judge about that. what it means for the verdict. former federal prosecutor andrew mccarthy is here to tell us what we can expect. ok, show me what you got.
wait wait, that s not a talent. any xfinity customer with an x1 voice remote can do that. watch this. i want to vote for. obviously not you. ooh that guy. cast your votes during every live show. just say vote for agt into the x1 voice remote. eric: there appears to be a partial verdict in the paul manafort case. the jury sending out a note telling the judge that quote, we cannot come to consensus on a single count. what does that mean for the final verdict? former u.s. attorney andrew mccarthy joins us on the phone. do you think there is a verdict? what does it mean if they can t agree on all 18 counts? well, eric, it s interesting. we don t know what they mean by single. we don t know if there is a single count they can t agree
on or there isn t a single count they can t agree on. the judge s move here is usually to tell them to go back and do their best to try to resolve it. if it turns out there are some counts that they ve agreed on, they can take the importance of that is whatever counts they do resolve on the partial verdict, that s a final verdict. so in other words, if the judge gets them to then go back and deliberate on the counts that they haven t yet agreed on, they cannot reconsider the ones they ve already returned as part of the partial verdict. eric: there is no partial verdict reached at the moment. we just know as you just said that they apparently have agreed on some counts or have questions on one single count or maybe as you said not a single count. let s say they have reached a verdict and eventually come in with a verdict on some counts, can t the federal government
then and prosecutors retry manafort on those counts or count the jury does not agree on? yes, on any count where the jury hangs, that is where the jury cannot reach a verdict, the government is permitted to retry the count unless the court decides in a post trial motion that the court believes there was insufficient evidence to support that count. if the court were to make that finding in a post trial motion then the government would be barred. that s a decision on the evidence. but presumptively any count they hang on, the government would be allowed to retry. eric: do you think this apparent deadlock is good news or bad news for manafort? it s always good news for the defense if the jury can t resolve the case because of the great burden is really on the government to go forward. the government has to evaluate its case and decide whether it s worth trying him for a second time. eric: quickly from your long
experience as a federal prosecutor four days of a jury with all these complicated tax forms and financial forms, is this quick or is this what you would expect? we ve seen juries sometimes go for a week or more on complicated cases. it is not unusual. i think the two things that i would bear in mind, eric, are they really didn t organize the exhibits for them for these counts, which has complicated the jury s job. they ve had to organize the exhibits to match them up with the counts. i still think they re probably put off by richard gates s plea agreement which tells them that he basically got a walk on something that manafort may have to serve the rest of his life. eric: more in a moment.

Comey-being-mueller , People , Brought-to-trial , Where , Others , Rule-of-law , 2004 , Somebody , Decision , Individual , Citizen , Administrations

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With John Berman And Poppy Harlow 20180823 13:00:00

The latest news from around the world with hosts John Berman and Poppy Harlow.
listen. are you considering pardoning paul manafort? i have great respect for what he s done in terms of what he s gone through. you know he worked for ronald reagan for years. he worked for bob dole, i guess his firm worked for john mccain. he worked for many, many people. many, many years. and i would say what he did, some of the charges they threw against him, every consultant, every lobbyist in washington probably does. well, so much for draining the swamp. it seems very much that president trump is not at all concerned about those charges paul manafort was found guilty of. in fact he later told the fox news interviewer that one of the reasons he had respect for manafort was that he didn t flip like michael cohen did. this is clearly something the president believes is part of a broader conspiracy against him. he even went on to say that he believed his own justice department was still under the control of democrats, poppy.
abby phillip at the white house. thank you for that reporting. with me now, jeffrey toobin and eli hoenig, former federal prosecutor. the president says what michael cohen pled to is not a crime. is there any planet on which this is true? not this one. michael cohen was advised by very fine lawyers. he was perfectly capable of fighting the charges if he wanted to and it s worth remembering why people have campaign finance laws in the first place. we have them so we know where must be comes from in campaigns and where it goes, how it s spe spent. what michael cohen did, he says at the direction of the president, was he lied in both of those where the money came from and where it went on an extremely consequential subject. whether the president was providing hush money to these two women. right. that is a crime.
so let s listen to some of what the president is saying now and what he said then about exactly that, about these payments. so here is what was said to fox about these payments. let s listen to this exchange first. did you know about the payments? later on i knew. later on. but you have to understand, ainsley, what he did and they weren t taken out of campaign finance, that s a big thing. that s a much bigger thing. did they come out of the campaign? they didn t come out of the campaign. they came from me. but it completely contradicts, eli, what he is heard saying on tape with michael cohen. let s remind people. when it comes time for the financing which will be listen, what financing? well, i have to pay. pay with cash. no, no, no. they re talking about $130,000 payment to keep stormy daniels story secret leading up to the election and the $150,000
remember, too, he said in an interview on air force one that he didn t know about the payments at all. at all. so he has been he has said many contradictory things about the whole michael cohen situation already. can i ask you on that, jeff? he is playing down campaign finance violations. correct. another thing he said is that they re a really little thing. they don t really even matter. but could it wouldn t just be here possible that the president made a campaign finance violation. couldn t there be a conspiracy charge? well, of course there could be, but remember also we are talking about an environment where justice department policy says he can t be charged anyway. so this is not really parsing what legal what crimes may have been committed. this is discerning whether there are any grounds for impeachment. that is much more a political process than a legal process. sure, but that would be included if there was conspiracy in mueller s report to congress.
correct, correct. that is certainly a relevant concern and but it will be resolved not in a courtroom but in the court of public opinion in congress. so flipping, eli. the president said also in this interview it s called flipping and it almost ought to be illegal. so twofold question there. is that saying that telling the truth should be illegal or, of course, you can flip and you can lie but if you lie initially you have to stick with the lie? this is a subject close to my heart having been a prosecutor not long ago and this is lunacy. do you know who hates cooperating witnesses most? jeff knows this, the leaders of criminal organizations, drug traffickers hate cooperating witnesses. mob bosses, corrupt ceos and politicians because that s how they get brought down. to be discouraging and intimidating people from giving testimony is outrageous. and i will say this, the president went on to say now
they re saying michael cohen is a hero and they re going to build a statue. not at all. cooperating witnesses are bad people. that s what we say as prosecutors all the time, they re cooperating for a reason, because they re criminals. that s where the jury system kicks in. juries will evaluate the cooperating witnesses and they ll see them and decide do i believe this person, does the other evidence back them up? if not, they acquit. but if they credit the cooperator, as we just saw largely in manafort, they ll convict. but that s the system. elsewhere in the interview he says the justice department, with justice in quotes, which is amazing itself. but all of us who have been federal prosecutors, the whole structure of how federal prosecutions work is based on the idea of working from the bottom up. of getting low-level people to cooperate against people above them and that s why federal law enforcement is so successful and we are we were i mean, i m not there anymore but that s why we were so good at our jobs is because that structure works.
you were so good at your jobs. so why are you sitting here with me. they survived my departure from the legal profession. on the justice department, it s interesting you re hearing other other republicans like duncan hunter in california echoing the president saying this is the democrats justice department, sort of through the looking glass but here is what the president said about jeff sessions, his attorney general, this morning. he took the job and then he said i m going to recuse myself. i said what kind of a man is this? and by the way, he was on the campaign. you know, the only reason i gave him the job, because i felt loyalty. he was an original supporter. he was on the campaign. is that how you pick an attorney general? not because he s qualified, not because he was going to do a good job but the only reason he gave it to him is because he s loyal. he just said that. i was listening, poppy. elie, remind us who pays jeff sessions s salary. the federal government. oh, not the trump
organization? this is trump s problem. from day one he was shocked when he got in office and realized the federal government does in the work for me personally donald j. trump and he s been struggling with that everyday since. he thinks eric holder worked for obama. exactly. and he said why doesn t my guy protect me. these guys, you know, these attacks on sessions are far beyond anything i ve ever seen in terms of a president undermining and attacking the department of justice and half of me can t believe sessions stands for it. but half of me also is somewhat i guess grateful because if he did step down you know what would happen. the next ag would be someone who goes in there with a promise to the president of i will take over the mueller investigation and make sure it gets done your way. to that point, how important to democracy and the pillars of american freedom and what we live by is jeff sessions right now? goodness.
i don t know if i speak to the pillars of american democracy. that s a little grand. not sure if that s within my jurisdiction. look, he is not he s not leaving notwithstanding all these attacks. he is actually following a lot of donald trump s policies on immigration, on limiting voting rights for minorities. these are the kinds of things the president wants him to do. but in terms of staying in his post and not for now at least being held in his post and not allowing what elie mentioned to happen, to be replaced by, i don t know, someone who would carry out the druthers. the question would be would the republican senate confirm anyone? even some republicans have some misgivings about this endless trashing of the justice department. but look, one of the absolute touchstones of the trump presidency has been that republicans in congress occasionally say a word that is critical but they do donald trump s bidding over and over again.
and i suspect that if sessions were to leave, they would do his bidding and confirm whoever he appoints. gentlemen, thank you for being here, elie and jeff, toobs, that s what i get to call you now? i ve been called toobs since i was ten years old. ahead, the president says the stock market would crash if he were to get impeached. really? we ll talk about that. and the trade clash with china revs up overnight. we re talking to a business owner who supports the tariffs and will tell congress as much tomorrow. ine and see how activia yogurt with its billions of live and active probiotics may help support your digestive health so you can take on your day. start the activia probiotic challenge today. it works or it s free!
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to discern poppy is how damaging this news is for the president. it s never a good day when your lawyer stands up in court and says you are part of a crime. that said, he could survive this as well just like he said a number of issues where at the time it seemed of consequential importance and he moved on. but here is a way that it makes me wonder if it is different, josh, for him. legally putting that aside because if you ascribe to the precedent that you can t indict a sitting president, what about among voters? you quote a man i ve interviewed for years, dan everhart, a republican who made a ton of monoin the north dakota oil boom, who s a huge advocate for the president, he seems to be changing his tune. he told you guy this is cohen stuff is an earthquake. cohen admitting trump told him to commit a crime. people in trump world have been spinning and spinning, how do you spin a fact? this is a hard fact in a formal setting that is unavoidable.
how much of a threat is it to even staunch supporters of the president? well, it s do what the president s supporters do. we quoted josh holmes, a respected gop strategist who said yesterday on the phone i don t think trump voters care that much if he had an affair with stormy daniels or telling the truth about it. i don t think anyone has been banking on him to tell the truth about it. i think the gop establishment will follow the cue of what voters do and if you see him dragging down his numbers, if you see new revelations on the mueller probe, if you see cohen come out with more damaging facts i think you could see slippa slippage. i m not sure among the president s supporters they ll see this as a reason to move away from him. a lot of folks i talked to say this is baked 234 and you have to remember the access hollywood happened last fall and he was elected three or four weeks later.
a lot of his voters and supporters don t think he s perfect. they like what he s doing on policy and i m not sure this moves him away. mind you, i think we re at chapter two or three in the book right now. i think we have a lot to go this fall and we ll see what else comes out. on the issue of impeachment, the president spoke bluntly about it and threats of impeachment this morning on fox. let s listen. you know, i guess it s something like high crimes and all. i don t know how you can impeach somebody who s done a great job. if i ever got impeached i think the market would crash, i think everybody would be very poor because without this you would see numbers in reverse. it depends on how you parse that but it s high crimes and
misdemeanors are not about a great job and how the economy is doing but is he banking on the belief and line james carville made so famous it s the economy stupid, saying this i going to matter more than anything? there s no act of self-confidence they said how would you grade yourself and he said a plus. what the president knows intuitively is that impeachment is a political fight not a legal fight and how much republicans support him, what his strength looks like nationally, whether democrats win the chamber, the house in november, one of these issues are political ones and whether impeachment is a thing or not i think is a political fight and he s saying to supporters look at the things i m doing, under dismiss all of this other noise and i think one of the things we wrote in our story today, poppy is that the president has begun discussing impeachment with his advisers and saying he thinks democrats might overreach if they go after
him. you also saw my colleague had a great piece on the front of today s post where he said nancy pelosi and others are saying don t mention the word impeachment yet. we don t think this is an effective talking point among more mainstream democrats so i don t know that we re quite to that being fully formed yet and seeing the contours of our debate. i don t think we re there yet. let s check the market before the opening bell. u.s. stock futures look like they ll open flat as the trade war intensifies overnight. all of this as the u.s. and china slap retaliatory tariffs on one another. we ll have much more on that ahead.
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dream faster, and above all. now, i ll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america s largest gig-speed network. . welcome back. trade tensions wean the u.s. and china, president trump s latest round of tariffs kicked in at midnight. a 25% tax on $16 billion worth of chinese goods. china of course immediately retaliated with a 25% tariff on meat from auto parts to leather goods. the two counterparts sit down for trade talks. now we have the ceo and owner of a leather supply company happy to see these tariffs. he s set to fly out to testify
before congress tomorrow. thanks for being with me. thank you, pleasure to be here. i should note you said just a few blocks away from where your grandfather started the company in cincinnati, right? that is correct, in 1917. this is a true american business and a true american success story. you re going to go in front of congress and say this is okay. let these tariffs continue, let this trade tension trade war if you will escalate. why? well, i believe it s good for our business and good for the american manufacturing worker. what i m going to tell them is that we re one of the few remaining companies in our sector, in our industry that survived the onslaught of chinese imports that began in earnest in the late 1970s after i started my career.
by 1980, most designs that had been duplicated in china and sent back to this country cost below anything we could produce and by 1982 we lost 30% of our sales because of china s lack of respect for our intellectual property and because of china s subsidies to their industries with the clear intent of taking over our manufacturing base. roll the clock forward to 1999 now china has slapped 25% tariff on leather goods, your goods. so how does that help you guys? yeah, poppy, but the thing of it is, there are two sides to it. one, are you if you re manufacturing and selling into the u.s. market obviously additional tariffs on imports from china help level the playing field and allow us to compete, hire more workers and have increased sales in the u.s. on the other side of it, exporting to china, something we d love to tell and i ll tell
you i wouldn t be in favor of this if the chinese market had been open to our goods. the truth is the duties already in our category i shouldn t say duties but other barriers to trade, taxes, et cetera, equal almost three to four times depending on the product of what it takes for them to come into our country. so if china wanted to be fair with us, i would not be in favor of tariffs. i hear your argument. these tariffs on china you say will help our business, you, your workers, you even said in different articles will help you hire more and expand your business. what about critics that say look, you re only looking out for your own business. look at the big picture here, look at the federal reserve warning yesterday that if this escalates it will depress the
economy, look at soybean farmers in the middle of if countly who have taken a huge negative blow because of the tariffs and the serious damage that it caused them. what about those american workers? i believe the net-net will be good for american workers. when you implement bad trade policy for almost 40 years and do business with a partner that doesn t respect your values or laws, some day there s a reckoning. you have to show them if you re going to enjoy their market, they have to support certain values you have and allow you access to theirs. the pain will be far less, poppy; than people say. in our industry there s been an exodus out of china to other asian countries for the last ten years. how do you know that, michael? how do i know that? all of these tariffs have not
changed china s behavior when it comes to sintellectual property et cetera. how do you know the pain will be less than what is being predicted? we have not had restrictive tariffs on china. it s like the albert einstein thing, you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. we ve done the same thing for 40 years and the result is not good. so if we are going to turn this around we have to do it while our economy is strong, while we have leverage to bargain china, by the way something they respect very greatly, and we need to turn this thing around. just the discussion of these duties, it s not that we might be hiring, we are hiring and have been hiring since the news started coming out that there may be duties. there are new american manufacturing jobs being created as we speak. and we applaud that and that s good to see. i think the question is and this
will be a heated debate tomorrow, how many industries are feeling that, right? does the benefit outweigh the pain across the sectors? it s an important conversation and i m glad you re here for it, michael. thank you. thank you, poppy. ahead for us, the president says michael cohen was, quote, not somebody with me that much. we seem him right there and there and there. the president says cohen, who has called himself the president s fixer and said he would take a bullet for him, what was their relationship actually? we ll fact check it ahead. seeny tours of duty. and for the past 15 years i ve been a navy federal member. thanks to their fast approval process, when it came time to buy a new car, we got everything we needed to transport my wife s little bundle of joy. . who i just adore.
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that was with me that much. they make it sounds like i didn t live without him. i understood michael cohen very we well. turned out he wasn t a very good lawyer, frankly but he was probably with me for about ten years and i would see him sometimes. all right. so that was the president this morning distancing himself from his former attorney michael cohen, a man who once said he would take a bullet for the president. joining me now, a reporter with a look at this relationship that was either really close or not close at all, i suppose it depends when you ask the president, right? here is how he described michael cohen previously. listen to this. believe me, michael cohen got calls at 3:00 in the morning, michael and i would be at dinner, the boss would be calling him all the time. michael cohen s attorney talking about their relationship. fact check it for us. were they close? were they not?
their relationship goes back to 2001 when michael cohen started buying condos in trump-owned buildings and they really forged their bond then because there was a condo dispute and michael cohen decided he was going to back trump the developer. from that point on trump hired him and he d been working with him at the trump organization since 2007. and over that period of time david schwartz, that lawyer we listened to, he described it as a hot and cold relationship, father and son like. but he was certainly someone trump trusted. michael cohen was trying to develop branding for the trump tower in moscow which was a project trump was interested in. he was on the road when trump was considering whether to run for the presidency. michael cohen went out to test some of these states. he wouldn t do that if it was someone that was not someone he trusted. and as we see in what michael cohen just pled guilty to, he was someone that trump turned to when he wanted to keep negative
stories out of the press. so michael cohen was there for him for that. as we know. good point. let me read something else. this is from a vanity fair article talking about their relationship, et cetera. let me quote this. cohen became executive vice president of the trump organization and special counsel to trump, setting up shop in ivanka s old office, making him one of the highest-ranking employees without a shared last name. and then in a fund-raiser for trump s 2020 reelection, this is a fund-raiser held in june of last year, the president said, quote, michael s a great lawyer, loyal, a wonderful person, talented and loves being on television. i mean, a completely different story from the president now. right. once even if you remember when the fbi raid of cohen s hotel room, apartment yes. trump was out there he was in a cabinet meeting talking about it. he said it was an attack on america, that was trump s quote because he could not believe the
fbi would raid his lawyer s office. and then since that period, though, you started to see the distanci distancing, both trump directly saying cohen had done a very, very small amount of legal work for him, that they weren t that close and that is only now as we see today become even more of a the effort to distance themselves, they re not that close. thank you for the important fact check. we appreciate it. ahead, a crucial choice for democrats ahead of the midterms. will running on impeachment help them or hurt their chances. we ll ask a congressional hopeful what she plans to do next. add the activia 2 week probiotic challenge to your healthy routine and see how activia yogurt with its billions of live and active probiotics may help support your digestive health so you can take on your day.
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just 75 days until the midterms. democrats are wondering whether to run on impeaching the president. listen to what michael caputo told me last night. with this one charge that cohen has made apparently at the president, we know that they have enough now to do it. it s about impeachment in november. i gotta go. quick yes or no. is the president closer to impeachment today than he was 48 hours ago? i believe so. i believe we have got real problems in the house of representatives. if democrats want to move forward with impeachment, they will need to win back the house. a new record number of diverse candidates are trying to do just that. which brings us to congressional hopeful sharice davis, she s a former sonic drive-in car hop. the first in her family to go to college. raised by a single mother. if elected, she would be the
first gay native american in congress and the first to represent kansas on the federal level. she joins me now. a lot of attention great to be here. a whole lot of potential first there. let me get to the issue of impeachment. then we will move on to your story. you said, look, we have to wait for the results of the mueller probe before we start talking about impeachment. i wonder if the felony conviction of paul manafort, the guilty pleas from michael cohen, as it relates to the president and what he said about the president in court, does that change your opinion on impeachment? i would say it definitely makes me that much more adamant that we have to protect the special counsel s investigation and make sure that mueller is able to continue the work that he is doing. it doesn t change my thoughts on it. it just makes me that much more
adamant that we have to protect the special counsel s investigation. let s talk about you and the potential firsts, if you win in november. you said you started running, you started this campaign because you felt called to use your skills differently. what do you mean? so, i had actually been focusing a lot on policy. and i think that had a lot do with my background, you know, as you mentioned, a first generation college student. i started off getting an associate s degree at a community college here in the third district. i definitely saw that there were a lot of experiences that weren t represented in policy making. as i move forward and learn more about how the federal system works, i definitely saw that i could put my skills, you know, and need to make change to use by getting into the political sphere here. i know you have said you have felt discriminated against in
your life before, for example, when you were barred from certain housing in south dakota, i believe. that happened to you. can you talk about your personal experience with discrimination? so, it s interesting because i actually while i have definitely experienced forms of discrimination, i also recognize that i have been very fortunate in my life. and actually, the third district has provided me with a lot of opportunity. i like to think that i can take the experiences that i ve had that have been negative as well as the ones that have been positive and use that to help create new open new doors for folks and there are certainly a lot of people that experience discrimination in a way that i don t fully understand. and i think that s part of why i know that i have to listen to people and hear what they are
experiencing so that we can take all of that to d.c. to help make new legislation that s going to be provide opportunity for everyone. your opponent come november, kevin yoder, said of you recently, quote, she isn t from around here. and then he said this, listen. they don t know kansas. they don t know our values. and neither of them should be our voice in washington, d.c. he is talking about, you don t know the values of the people of kansas. to that you say? it s laughable. you know, i think i think trying to say that i don t understand kansas values makes me wonder if he is talking about listening to people or if he is talking about wanting to have, you know, a system where people who work hard are able to make their way and have opportunity. that s what i think kansas
values are. if kevin doesn t think those are kansas values, then maybe he is not the best person to represent us. let s talk about your party and specifically leadership. because as you know, when it comes to nancy pelosi, she s getting a lot of attention from the republican party and your fellow democrats right now. there are some of your fellow democrats who say she does not represent the future of the party. she does not represent democrats. and she shouldn t be leader if democrats retake the house. you are not among them. we do know that she is a phenomenal fund-raiser. i mean, since $83 million is what she has raised in the 2018 election cycle. more than double the next democrat. i wonder if you think that she s worth more to your party than your fellow democrats know right now who are opposing her. that s an interesting question. you know, i think that, actually, the framing of the
question makes me think about how often i hear from people that they are concerned about money and politics in general. i think the value of fund-raising right now in politics is probably too focused on, especially as someone who comes from i don t come from a family with money. i don t have access to networks. you know, i didn t come into this with access to networks of people that can write large checks. that has called a lot of us to want to run for office. it shouldn t be about how much money you can raise. it should be about the value that you can bring as a length lay to legislator, to serve your community. i think it s interesting for us to frame a person s value by their fund-raising capacity. do you think that she represents the future of the democratic party, or do you think that democratic
leadership, especially in the house right now, is too old and too white? i definitely think as somebody who is younger and part of this more diverse group of people, i would love to see more diverse leadership at the table for sure. and i think that with everything, the future is going to include change. it s going to include more diversity. is it too old and too white, sharice? i mean all of congress on both sides is probably definitely not diverse enough. all right. i think i get your point. i appreciate you being with me. thanks very much. thank you. have a good day. we ll be right back.

President , Something , Poppy-harlow , White-house , Controversy , Lights , 2018 , 1984 , Michael-cohen , The-one , Things , Life

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer And Sandra Smith 20180823 13:00:00

wasn t a player of significance? president trump: he was a lawyer for me for one of many. they always say the lawyer and they like to add the fixer. i don t know where that term came from. he has been a lawyer for me. didn t do big deals, did small deals. not somebody that was with me that much. they make it sound like i didn t live without him. you hear the president s description there cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations which is an interesting thing to plead guilty to, considering there are a great many attorneys, including some i ve spoken to here, who don t think that rises to the level. see how that all plays out in sentencing and moving forward. jon, back to you. jon: more to come on both of those cases. kevin corke at the white house. sandra: another exclusive interview for fox news shan an bream sitting down with one of the jurors in the paul man fort trial and how close the jury
because they know they had 11-1 in favor of conviction even on the counts that ended up being dismissed. that s the only real legal implication. otherwise it s just interesting color. sandra: we re hearing a lot from the president this morning via the exclusive interview with ainsley on fox & friends this morning. the key question is and if i could ask it simply to you, did president trump do anything wrong when he gave cohen money out of his own pocket to make those payments? absolutely not. if he gave the money out of his pocket. that has been disputed but if the president gave the money out of his own pocket he can give a billion dollars. he could have put a billion dollars in the campaign and paying 100 million of women who accused me falsely, etc. it wouldn t be a violation of any campaign law as long as he reported it. if the campaign failed to
regulating campaign contributions are so murky that justice scalia once said he couldn t figure out what these laws mean. but the one thing that is clear is that a candidate is entitled to pay as much money as he chooses to to support his own campaign and that paying hush money is not a crime. so i would love to have an opportunity to debate my friend lanny on your show or any other show and we can see whether there is any question about whether there is a crime. i think the answer is clear. there are deep and difficult and troubling questions and the criminal law shouldn t be used against people when it s up in the air and confused and subject to questions. thomas jefferson once said the criminal law should be so clear that you can understand it while running. i couldn t even understand these laws while sitting. so they re not as clear as lanny claims they are. so lanny, i welcome you to come on show and let s have a debate, a friendly discussion and let s see who wins.
sandra: we ll see if we can arrange that. see you again soon. jon: new details about the illegal immigrant charged with the murder of iowa college student mollie tibbetts. his former employee said the e-verify system was not used to vet cristhian rivera who is also believed to have faked his identity. matt finn live from brooklyn, iowa. jon, rivera s attorney said in court that rivera is in the country legally but so far immigration officials have challenged that saying that rivera never submitted a daca request. there
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simply enter your destination and dates. and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. to show you the lowest prices. so you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. dates, deals, done! tripadvisor. visit president trump: i got rid
of regulations, the tax cut was a tremendous thing. but even before the tax cut right from the first day i got rid of regulation. i approved the pipelines, 48,000 jobs. but i did a lot of things. had hillary and the democrats gotten in, had she been president, you would have had negative growth. jon: president trump touting the strong u.s. economy in an interview with fox & friends as the latest fox news polls show the president s approval rating at 45% and republicans trailing democrats in favorability as the mid-terms approach. let s bring in fox news politics editor chris stirewalt. interesting stuff in the fox news poll. normally the economy trumps everything. i m not trying to issue a pun there. normally that s the number one issue on voters minds. here you have a pretty strong economy and the president s approval rating stands at 45%.
why? never forget. americans like divided government. people always say i wish washington could get things done. but americans tend to have a preference for divided government because they re distrustful of government when it gets going hot down one path or the other. mid-terms have historically and traditionally been a moment when voters say let s put a check on the party in power when you have unified control in washington that s a big part of what republicans are running against this year. jon: let s look at how people feel about the respective parties. right now this sort of generic poll asked if people across america if you were going to vote for a member of congress this time, would you vote for a democrat or republican. 49% say democrat. 38% say republican. and, you know, that s got to have the folks at the rub can national committee a little worried.
it has been consistent and hard number. republicans have tried to change the dynamic here but that kind of gap has been really consistent all along through this year. now we do remember one thing. always when we re talking about this poll in any year for republicans. republicans enjoy a fundamental built-in advantage in these elections for a couple of reasons. they generally have a higher propensity for voting. a given republican is likelyer than a given democrat to go to the polls. the way some of the districts are gerrymandered. the republicans get a three-point edge on democrats. but when democrats start to get out to 8, 9, 10 points you get the makings of a potential what they re calling a blue wave but you have the makings of a big shift in a way of election. jon: you have a 10-point spread right now when asked voters who voted for hillary clinton in the last election
are you interested in the 2018 elections or how interested are you? 58% of clinton voters are extremely interested versus 48% of trump voters. there seems to be a certain complacency that sets in when your guy occupies the white house. it s a double whammy for republicans this time around. in the first part there is complacency. we got what we wanted, averted the disaster. we made it and got it done. then there is the other part which are those disaffected voters we re talking about a lot of female voters, a lot of suburban voters who don t feel comfortable with what s going on inside the administration and the scandals and tweeting and for those voters, it may feel like a good time to hold back a little bit and let the river flow against republicans for a while. sometimes not voting, sometimes a reluctance to vote it was getty lee who said if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
jon: i would love to discuss this with you but i just want to mention it, 36% of american voters in this fox news poll say it would be a good thing for the u.s. to move away from capitalism and toward socialism. all you high school teachers out there, take that up with your classes. because that number as tounds me frankly. we ll talk about that another time. next time. sandra: meanwhile, we re watching hurricane lane already drenching parts of hawaii and the worst is yet to come as the category four storm moves closer to the islands. how residents are now preparing. that will be next. we are anxious. we looked at the track this morning and saw that it is coming nearer than we thought. even if we dodge it, it will be a lot of rain, a lot of strong wind, and i m expecting and fearing damage for my house.
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we begin with meteorologist adam tracking lane from the fox extreme weather center. it s a big storm. 145 mile-an-hour winds kicks it up to the category 4 level spinning off shore but everything in front of it, heavy rounds of showers beginning to fall particularly on the big island where at times there have been down right downpours coming across that region. as much as 2 to 3 inches and hour in some locations. as you continue to run up along the islands, this is going to be a weakening system. by the time you get parallel to honolulu perhaps weakening to a category one storm. as it gets closer to population centers it is weakening but a wide berth for track and leaves indecision. how quickly and sharply it turns back out to sea. when that turn happens it will make a big difference what folks feel. these are several different
forecast models, each one a possible track. some turning out earlier and others landfall before turning out. whether we hit or not it will be a huge rain maker and the big island from 15 to 20 inches of rain in some spots. it will be a problem whether it makes landfall or not. sandra: now let s go to live to adam housley live on the ground in maui. adam. you heard from adam what the storm is doing. we just got a report in hawaii talking about that wind sheer. two things, one preparation and second is wind sheer. we see heavy rain bands at times. the seas are calmer than yesterday this time but that is expected to change. we also have some video coming in from the big island. they are are getting drenched right now. the rain expected to come here and moving across the islands. we re expecting to get some rain this morning in maui.
potentially as much as 3 to 4 inches and hour as adam talked about they re getting on the big island as the rain move towards us and a new update in hawaii in an hour and a half where the storm is going. we re being told by some forecasters they expect it to be downgraded but not for another hour and a half. preparations, we got here yesterday morning and everybody is prepared. oahu and the other islands did not take it lightly. it is the third in modern history to hit the islands directly. the first one in 26 years. we aren t overly we have been lulled to sleep by having these storms in the past. they know this is serious and the governor and other officials in the state have for two or three days said you need to make sure you are prepared. take a listen. just want to remind everyone to be prepared to shelter in
place. get food, supplies and water, medicine, other necessities that they would have. people should not go through floodwaters. don t assume that you can make a safe crossing if water is crossing the highway. all the talk here is about those potential flooding rains. the big island of hawaii 26 miles to my right already getting them. then comes maui, and then on to the other major islands in the chain. everybody bracing for the rain and hoping that wind sheer will calm down. sandra: be safe adam housley covering it on the ground in maui. jon: wall street it is officially the longest bull market in history and the markets are set to open a couple minutes from now. will the arrows continue to point up? we ll wait and see. sandra: president trump calling for tougher immigration laws after the tragic murder of mollie tibbetts. can congress get anything done? president trump: dealing
with the democrats is very tough. the immigration laws are horrible. we re doing an incredible job. a record-breaking job but we have bad laws. to pinpoint our perfect location. once locked in on our target, we knew we had to move fast. fortunately, we were already pre-approved for a no money down loan with navy federal credit union, and were able to put an offer on this place immediately after it went on the market. i see you dad! how are my tomatoes doing, babe? ah, pretty good. navy federal credit union our members, are the mission. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. mom: okay we need to get all your school supplies today. school. grade. done.
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breast cancer experts at cancer treatment centers of america. visit appointments available now. sandra: fox news alert. a quick look at the dow opening three minutes ago. markets are opening to the down side, down 56 points out of the gate sitting pretty just below 26,000. wall street marks the longest bull market in history yesterday. the milestone was hit. president trump celebrating it on twitter saying this. longest bull run in the history of the stock market. congratulations america. we ll keep an eye on the dow for you and talk about how long the good times could continue to roll. we ll have that coming up later in the show. jon: after the downfall that began in 2007 it is nice to see things pointed north. sandra: this bull market has been in place since 2009. it is unbelievable run. jon: that s the resilience of america. sandra: more on that coming up.
president trump: she was killed by a horrible person illegally here. found by ice, our great ice who are abused by the democrats and left. dealing with the democrats is very tough. the immigration laws are horrible. you can do a lot better if you have good laws. they ll all get changed but we have to elect more republicans. sandra: president trump pushing for immigration reform as an illegal immigrant charged with the death of mollie tibbetts goes to court. reigniting a heated debate on immigration. kayleigh mcenany joins us now. a horrific tragedy that as a country we all saw this play out. we did not know it would end like this. it did. the president now in the wake of mollie tibbetts murder by an illegal immigrant is calling for tougher immigration laws in this country but how tough it is to work with democrats on
this issue. can congress get anything done? my heart felt thoughts and prayers are with the family of mollie tibbetts. a heartbreaking tragedy. i prayed for her multiple times and i encouraged the nation to do so as well. democrats, you re right, they aren t working with us. case in point the president put forward a very smart compromise on immigration where we gave daca recipients some sort of legalization in exchange for the wall, in exchange for the funding, in exchange for an end to chain migration. 67% of americans supported the plan. schumer and pelosi threw it aside and talked about daca and used it as a talking point rather than making meaningful change. one question i want to ask is why is it with democrats that they don t seem to care about the american citizen, the american citizen is last? when obama s intel community warns about refugee flow and the fact that isis is trying to infiltrate.
they talk about more refugees. when ms-13 invades our countries, 10,000 members across 40 states nancy pelosi talks about the spark of divinity and when mollie tibbetts loses her life, elizabeth warren says let s talk about the real problem. let s talk about illegal immigrants on the border and how to help them. the american citizen is also last. sandra: it may not be the most important election issue as polling for americans the economy and healthcare are up there. but immigration is a close third and you hear the president and he tweeted about it yesterday saying democrats are not going to do anything about this. and looking at what democrats are saying in the wake of mollie tibbetts murder iowa democratic party chairman troy price says the iowa democratic party will honor the wishes of the tibbetts family to let them grieve in private. it will not turn that senseless tragedy into a partisan fight. so how will that message or lack of a message it seems like they want to avoid the issue,
how is that message going to play for democrats? this is to me one of the most underreported issues. when we survey the whole mainstream media, it will be one of the most important election issues. when you have the left saying let s abolish ice on the heels of us seeing this tragic murder, it is not about abolish ice, it s about protect americans. that message resonates and throughout the elections and will in the mid-terms. it s a big problem. sandra. you look, 1/5 of those in custody in federal prisons are illegal immigrants. you look at some of the state data, texas alone between 2011 and 2018, 663,000 criminal offenses from illegal immigrants. most illegal immigrants are good, hard working people but nevertheless the crime rate for illegal immigrants should be zero. not a single american should lose their lives. sandra: lieutenant governor kim reynolds said she is angry
that a broken immigration system allowed a predator to live in our community. a fair point to be made that when we talk about immigration and our border, we re often talking about this problem existing in states like arizona, texas, other border states. this happened in middle america, iowa. and in iowa republicans are defending two congressional seats that democrats have high hopes of winning. you wonder how this is going to change the dynamic in iowa. it will definitely change the dynamic. ms-13 aren t relegated to border states. they re in 40 states. the example in iowa is another example this happens in the heartland. it happens across the country. i sat across from a mother that lost her son, dominic. i ve seen her tears and i ve seen the locket she wears around her neck with his ashes. it s a real problem. not a single american citizen, not the tibbetts family steinle
or any family should lose their child and be permanently separated because the laws were not enforced. american citizens must come first. sandra: our thoughts and prayers are with mollie tibbetts and her family. the debate continues. kayleigh mcenany, thank you. thank you so much, sandra. jon: florida s supreme court clears the way for the release of new video from the deadly shooting at parkland high school that left 17 people dead. media outlets pushing for its release hoping to learn more about the police sponsor lack of that day. phil keating live from miami. a total of three florida courts all ruling that these videos are in the public interest defeating the efforts of the school district and prosecutor to keep them secret. what many were expecting to see and hoping to see is not in the video. all of the footage comes from five cameras around the outside of the freshman building where
the valentine s day mass killing happened. as bullets fly for the first two minutes students are seen going to the school gates to escape. somebody redirects them and run north towards the shooting. another video shows responding officers locked out of the gate finally let in and then trying to assess the situation. we know now that at this point the shooting actually had stopped and the killer was walking away. what the videos do not show is what some police officers allege, when they arrived at least four broward deputies on the scene were taking cover behind cars or trees instead of storming the building as trained while students were bleeding and dying. much like this previously-released video showing the school resource officer assigned to that school doing just that. if his fellow deputies did the same it is simply not seen on this external camera footage. additional footage shows what you would expect at a high school shooting.
terror and chaos during the six minute, 150-bullet rampage. this angle appears to show a wounded student being rushed to safety on a golf cart. none of the released videos came from interior cameras in the freshman building. nobody sees the shootings or carnage nor the movements of nikolas cruz that day, a former student and confessed killer. jon. jon: thank you, phil. sandra: the leader of isis making his first statement in years. what he is urging the terror group s followers to do. congressman adam kins with join us next. president trump: we re gathered together this afternoon to pay tribute to a fallen warrior, a great warrior. a hero our nation will forever
remember, technical sergeant john chapman.
sandra: president trump awarded the medal of honor to chapman. he gave his life to help save his fellow troops in the early days of the war in afghanistan. the president praising his courage. president trump: in this final act of supreme courage john gave his life for his fellow warriors. through his extraordinary sacrifice, john helped save more than 20 american service members. our nation is rich with blessing but our greatest blessings of all are the patriots like john. sandra: chapman s family accepted the award of his behalf. the first member of the air force to receive the medal of honor since the vietnam war. jon: french authorities say they are not investigating a knife attack that killed two people as terrorism despite isis claims of responsibility.
as the leader of isis issues a new message acknowledging the loss of territory but urging his followers to keep on fighting. joining us now illinois congressman adam kinzinger a member of the house foreign affairs committee. to the french situation the number of people stabbed to death. french police say it isn t terrorism even though the suspect was on the terrorism watch list and isis is claiming responsibility. your thoughts on that. i mean, they may have information i don t because it sounds like a terrorist attack from what i ve heard. maybe they know something. i think it s important to note that any time anybody just randomly stabs people that it is an act of terror. whether this is linked to isis or not i guess will be up to the french. the point is this is going to continue in europe and continue around the world for a long time because frankly we re fighting an ideology that has no regard for innocent life.
has no regard for humanity and actually thinks that somehow there is a god that is going to reward them for randomly killing innocent people. frankly if that s god, that s no god i want to follow. jon: we have heard this message from baghdadi, the isis leaders urging his followers to fight on. what is the effect of that do you think? sounds like adopt hitler in the waning days of world war ii. it s a losing organization but still a mindset. we need to realize that this is a generational fight. probably for the rest of my life we ll be battling terrorism in some form. what s important is when you have a group like isis that claims that they are the coming caliphate and land is very important to that prophesy, when you destroy that land holding and you take away their
holdings basically you re saying this is the caliphate. the u.s. marines and air force and army wouldn t be crushing your face and taking away your territory. with that happening he has to send out this desperate message this is just a test for followers. in depriving land to these groups we re depriving them of their recruits. it is important to keep in mind there will be an isis ii or al qaeda iii. we ll have to stay on offense probably for the rest of our lives. jon: the new commander in afghanistan has essentially said that. despite the longest war that america has fought in its history, the taliban is still a very potential opponent there, a very potent opponent. that s right. we have gotten used to having this sudden end to a war, world war ii for instance ended in a massive victory. the new way of warfare will be
the perpetual low-grade fights. it isn t fun. i wish it was different. we re a popular force in afghanistan. we aren t an occupying force. the afghan people want the united states to stay engaged and we ll continue to embolden the afghan soldiers as well. if you look at south korea and bosnia, areas we ve engaged in the past we have a residual force there to embolden. if you look in afghanistan as we leave you ll have resurgence of the taliban, afghan government will fall and have another safe haven for al qaeda and isis. absolutely, look. there is concern that the russians are actually supplies the taliban. the russians have no interest in the united states gaining a victory or the afghan people gaining a victory. these are the same people in syria are bombing hospitals indiscriminately every day. i think this is something the president is right in
negotiating with the taliban. every war ends in a negotiation at some level but the russians can t be involved in this. they are a failing economy, weak army and not the future of this world. jon: adam kinzinger, republican from illinois and member of the house foreign affairs committee. sandra: more senate democrats set to meet with supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. some are demanding a delay in confirmation hearings. jon: congressman duncan hunter and his wife set to face a judge on a slough of corruption judges. he says he is innocent. we ll look at the case against him next. it s my responsibility and my account didn t have as much visibility on my personal finances as i should have.
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sandra: duncan hunter and his wife due in court today days after being charged with campaign finance charges. what is the congressman saying about these charges? like president trump hunter claims it s a political witch hunt. timing is proof. after a two-ier investigation why now just after the primary and before the general. too late for a new candidate and if he resigns republicans hand the seat to democrats. i m not going to resign with a bunch of leftist government folks throwing allegations at me. there is a trial. this means nothing. the indictment is all they have. they only have what you have now seen. that s it. i ve done nothing wrong. prosecutors say hunter and his wife used $250,000 in
campaign money for private they claimed golf shorts and golf balls for wounded warriors and they overdrew their bank account 1100 times. there is nothing illegal about being poor. i don t think there is anything illegal about not having money in your bank account. arraignment at 10:30. no cameras in the courtroom. sandra: how are voters reacting to all this? republicans out number democrats by 14 points. this now moves from a safe gop seat to a competitive one. along with his father, the hunters have is represented the district for 38 years. some are loyal, others are not. i m not going to judge congressman hunter. and i m not going to judge anybody else. and let the cards fall. let them have their day in court. you can t believe someone
will take $10,000 for vacation, tuition for his kids and etc. and has no knowledge of the fact he is misusing funds. it is obvious. hunter now campaigns and we ll see if voters believe if he deserves the benefit of the doubt or not. sandra: we ll be watching it. william la jeunesse, thank you. jon: white house launching a full floated defense of president trump saying the president is not implicated in any wrongdoing despite his former attorney pleading guilty to campaign finance violations. the a-team takes it up at the top of the hour.
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sandra: a fox news alert. president trump and the white house doubling down insisting the president did nothing wrong when it comes to michael cohen s hush money payments. welcome to a brand-new hour of america s newsroom. i m sandra smith. jon: i m jon scott. michael cohen s legal team disagrees with in the after he told fox & friends that he never used campaign finances to make payments to stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. they didn t come out of the campaign. they came from me. i tweeted about it. i tweeted about the payments. but they didn t come out of campaign. in fact, my first question when i heard about it was did they come out of the campaign? because that could be a little dicey. and they didn t come out of the
campaign. that s big. but they weren t it s not even a campaign violation. jon: rick leventhal joins us. bring us up to speed. things have only gotten worse for michael cohen since he pled guilty in federal court. he got a demand he dissolve his taxi business. you may recall cohen testified before the senate intelligence committee last year saying he didn t know if the president had advance knowledge of the trump tower meeting with russians. last month cohen was quoted saying the president did have prior knowledge. the intel committee now says we recently reengaged with mr. cohen and his team whether he stood by his testimony. they responded he stood by his testimony. now they re asking him to come back and testify again. there is information about russia. if he has information about it, we need to know that for what we re doing in intel.
in new york investigators from the tax department issued a subpoena to cohen after his admissions in court to see if he may have information whether the trump foundation violated state tax laws and new york s taxi and limousine commission has given cohen two weeks to sell his yellow cab medallions. their value has plummeted from a million bucks each to less than $200 grand. in an interview at the white house ainsley earhardt asked the president for reaction to his former attorney s troubles. he didn t do big deals. he did small deals. not somebody that was with me that much. they make it sound like i didn t live without him. i understood michael cohen very well. turned out he wasn t a very good lawyer, frankly. the president said cohen flipped on him to get a better deal for himself. cohen, because of that deal, he will be sentenced 3 to 5 years
in december. jon: thanks. sandra: thanks. for more on all this we have a newsroom a-team leading off the 10:00 hour. jessica tarlov, brad blakeman, former deputy assistant to george w. bush and tom rogue an a commentary writer for the washington examiner . examine this for us, tom. the white house seems to be doubling down. you heard the president in that exclusive interview with ainsley this morning saying he did not do anything wrong when it came to these payments. unless there is some forensic financial link that the f.b.i. can show that ties the president directly towards it, i think it s sort of i don t see the connection point that cohen brings down trump. the problem is two-fold. it presents this image of the president as someone who is connected to bad people. we have two felons now. sandra: that s not illegal. no, but what else comes out
in terms of the mueller investigation. right now we have two indictments on the book. two effectively prison sentence and plea deal on the books. so does other stuff come out? if it doesn t the president if i was a white house advisor i would say to the president stay away from this a little bit and let it die down and see where the cards are in a week. lanny davis needs to show how it was a campaign violation. we need to know exactly where the finances came from and actually i think the point should be raised again we need to know if this was a business expense that he deducted. there are a lot of people saying we need to see his tax returns, which is something people have been saying for years. now we have good cause to ask that question again. it is my understanding that it can be a campaign finance violation if this was an elaborate plot to cover it up. if cohen paid this for trump in order to circumvent registering it and making it formally available for everyone to know,
that can be a campaign finance violation as well. whether the money came from his private account. we know cohen submitted a bill for $400 grand with the payoff. it was padded up. was it because that s what lawyers do. it s more than hyping up your hourly bill if he was taking care of something to protect the campaign and then on top of that deducting it as a business expect which paying porn stars for sex and to be quiet afterwards. he didn t pay for the sex, he paid for the being quiet after. i think the president is a victim of having some really bad people around him. having said that there is no guilt by association in america. they are stand alone crimes. based on what i ve heard and seen and made public, i don t think the president committed a crime. i think he hired a lawyer to try to get him out of a situation that was an embarrassment and if having an
extramarital affair is criminal, then bill clinton should be on death row. he paid off in the same situation to try to prevent embarrassment to himself and family and leading up to his presidency. if anything, the president is a victim of having some really bad lawyering and cohen is paying the price. he is a grown adult. he hired michael cohen decades ago and surrounded himself with people who didn t serve him well. if you re a lawyer he is not a victim is the point. he had an affair. he paid them off. got to have people who would end up in jail. cutting bad deals. what the lawyer did on behalf of him. lawyers aren t hired to commit crimes. if donald trump asked him to do something that was criminal, the lawyer says no. imnote doing it. get another lawyer. jon: there is a difference in the kind of lawyer you might hire if you re a new york developer versus the kind of lawyer you might turn to if you re the president of the united states, right?
right. that s why the president has many lawyers. he testified himself he had cohen as his personal lawyer and lawyers in his real estate and lawyer in the white house. sandra: i m hearing a lot from you the president has surrounded himself with bad people. that s not in violation of the law. alan dershowitz was just on the program at the top of the last hour making it very clear that the president has not broken law here, watch. president trump, candidate trump paid the money himself there would be no violation of law at all either for cohen or for trump. if on the other hand cohen did it on his own and made a campaign contribution of $280,000 to pay hush money to these women, that might be a campaign contribution but that would be on cohen and not on president trump. sandra: i did share with him the frustration a lot of people have right now in the varying interpretations of the law. how can there be so many interpretations of the law? the law has to be the law, right? we re a democracy.
law is defined by the best lawyers and the court. but i think the broad point here is dershowitz is correct. that if this is all there is, there isn t some tangible audio of the president explicitly saying that would seem to contravene campaign finance law it won t be prosecuted. it is not going anywhere. political scandals come and go. this doesn t go to that level at the moment. we have to wait and see. more interesting is the manafort stuff because of the ukrainian organized crime figures and their connection to the kremlin. so we have the audio of president then candidate trump talking to michael cohen about these payments. that was something he lied about with ainsley where he said he didn t know. but if he did order michael cohen to take care of this, which is what michael cohen is alleging and we have audio confirms he knew about it ahead of time and michael cohen said i m sorting it, doesn t mean it
could be responsible for this? he asked his lawyer to take care of something and expected his lawyer to do it within the bounds of the law. cohen is responsible for his own actions. if cohen knew he was breaking the law, then he had an obligation to tell his client that he is breaking the law. sandra: do you agree he changed his story? he is saying he found out after the fact. before he said he didn t know at all. let s go with what we do know. that he lied. that s the tape. lying is not necessarily i m not saying he is going to jail for lying to ainsley earhardt. the fact they discussed a settlement is not criminal. even alan dershowitz said that. so you can make settlements with people. the problem is when you hire a lawyer, you expect them to act within the bounds of the law. cohen did not do that. the fact if a client asks you to do something that was illegal it is up to the lawyer to tell the client i can t do that. jon: it bears repeating, tom, i find it so interesting
that all this started with a charge to robert mueller to go see what the russians were doing to try to meddle in american elections and now we re down a bunch of side paths that don t have anything to do with russian election meddling. we are. i think there has to be a distinction here. f.b.i. agents in this case find stuff they have to follow the evidence. but the broad point i think, jon, is correct. that in a country where the investigative process is a democracy should be based on identifications of laws broken, follow that train. we re pretty far away from where this was set up. as senator rand paul yesterday or the day before, it brings into a concern the perception of law enforcement, the g men and g women is politicized. that by itself is problematic. sandra: perhaps more interesting is what is going to happen next with paul manafort and the president. the president was asked by
ainsley about a possible pardon. here was his response and we ll get a quick response. are you considering pardoning paul manafort? i have great respect for what he has done in terms of what he has gone through. he worked for ronald reagan for years, worked for bob dole, he worked i guess his firm worked for mccain. he worked for many, many people, many, many years and i would say what he did, some of the charges they threw against him, every consultant, every lobbyist in washington probably does. sandra: it wasn t a no or a yes, either. i m a consultant and a lobbyist in washington and i didn t do that. most of the people i do know have done that or come close to that. paul manafort is a bum and he needs to face the music. he is a traitor to america. he didn t pay his taxes, he lied to banks to get loans that he did not deserve. no, the jury did the right thing. and the president, this is where i disagree with the
president. he owes nothing to paul manafort. sandra: what would the fallout be if he decided to pardon him. great. paul manafort faces another trial within the mid-term season. the court should hold off until the mid-terms. democrats will politicize it and make it a campaign. he is a convicted felon and await trial after the mid-terms. jon: meantime, all of this is throwing new fuel on the fire in the battle over supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. some democrats calling to hold off his confirmation hearings. mitch mcconnell says any delay is not in the cards. our doug mcelway live on capitol hill with the latest on that. doug. good morning. it s plainly obvious that senate democrats don t have the votes to block judge cavanaugh s nomination to the
supreme court. they re now portraying the pick as the illegitimate choice of a corrupt president. feinstein writing about cohen s plea deal. if true the president committed a felony in addition to guilty verdicts for his campaign manager and scandals around his top advisors and cabinet. in light of these developments kavanaugh s hearing shouldn t move forward on september 4th. the senate minority leader said what he has often said in the past. he believes judge kavanaugh is president trump s get out of jail free card. here he is. i asked him that in the most extreme situation a criminal investigation against a sitting president where our national security is at stake, could the investigator subpoena the president. he wouldn t say he would. the chairman of the senate judiciary committee who will preside over kavanaugh s hearings is having none of what he considers to be nonsense on the part of democrats.
other member said judge kavanaugh threatens destruction of the constitution of the united states. the goal has always been the same, delay the confirmation process as much as possible and hope that the democrats take over the united states senate in the mid-term elections. no senate democrats, many of whom are former prosecutors themselves, have an explanation for the cohen deal. prosecutors as we see happen in courtrooms across america pile on excessive charges. threaten the defendant with decades of jail time and say you have a choice. spend time in jail or sing like a bird. as we all know many defendants choose to sing like a bird. president trump addressed that this morning. president trump: i ve seen it many times. i ve had many friends involved in this stuff. it is called flipping and it
almost ought to be illegal. one of the iron east in all this is process of impeachment is a remedy. the mid-term elections are shaping up as a referendum on impeachment. jon: a lot of talk about that on capitol hill. sandra: a juror in the paul manafort trial is speaking out. convinced me he was guilty of all 18 counts but it just didn t end up that way. the paper trail was just there was so much of it. sandra: how the evidence swayed the jury and what they saw about the credibility of a key witness. jon: president trump using the longest bull market in history to tout the economy. so what s next? will the upswing keep going despite president trump s recent legal blows? president trump: black
unemployment, asian unemployment, women unemployment, hispanic unemployment, historic lows. it has been an amazing thing. to rent a movie?
moves there, charles payne. you got them. the red hot economy bringing no pain as it surges ahead. president trump taking a victory lap trying to put it all in perspective. president trump: we have the best economy we ve ever had in the history of our country. and more jobs today, literally today we have more jobs and people working in the united states than ever before in the history of our country. sandra: charles payne from the fox business network. you are touting the economy, one of the strongest period of times this country has ever seen. i m looking at the numbers. it s remarkable for two reasons. we wrote it off. we got to the point where we said this couldn t happen, that 3% growth was unimaginable, bringing back manufacturing jobs was ridiculous to even think about anymore. that this sort of enthusiasm. a couple months ago 600,000 people came back into the labor force. so, you know, you couple that with what we saw early on
immediately after the election with the sort of surveys, consumer sentiment and confidence. they went through the roof. now we re seeing the manifestation of it. yesterday target reported earnings. the ceo said it was the best retail environment in its entire history. this morning children s place posted their earnings. the number one sales in the history of the country. something is happening. forget about polls. wal-marts was phenomenal. jon: the 600,000 people came back into the workforce. unemployment numbers are still strong despite the new additions. last month almost 500,000 high school grads came back to the labor force and have found employment. it s remarkable. sandra: the president was asked this morning by ainsley in a sit-down interview at the
white house what would happen if, as the democrats keep calling for, he was actually impeached. he said this would be the result. president trump: i ll tell you what, if i ever got impeached i think the market would crash. i think everybody would be very poor because without this thinking you would see you would see numbers that you wouldn t believe. president trump is the architect of this market rally based on fundamentals, it s not based on gimmicks or the fed pumping money into it. you go back in history. i use the clinton impeachment saga. the market in july 1998 the s & p is when all the ken starr rumbling started to get high. it crashed. it went down 19%. ironically the ken starr report in september was the low point. we started to climb up and went sideways when it went through the house and senate. it would be more severe. we would have a minimum of a 20% correction, which is a bear
market and crash. sandra: you are saying it s largely fundamentals that have resulted in the market and the robust economy we ve seen. a lot of it is rhetoric, too. the business-friendly rhetoric that has been coming out of this administration. you talk to so many small businesses and they were longing for that for so long. i remember in new york where people were if you did shop at a place like bloomingdales you brought a different bag. you didn t want people to know you were shopping at that point. so profits became a four-letter word. no longer. the psychological cap which meant business investment. this is one part of the story not being told. business investment through the roof. sandra: maria bartiromo told that story here yesterday. jon: it is also about the reduction in regulation this administration is pursuing. it has a huge effect. it does. here is the thing. when president obama was
elected the pendulum has gone so far in the wall street shenanigans went so far we put clamps on everyone. when we do this it s the big companies that survive, right? the big banks got bigger. they were too big to fail before, how do you like them now? it s the small businesses that can never compete when we go crazy over this kind of stuff. sandra: charles payne bringing the pain. always good to have you. jon: an illegal immigrant working in this country for years now charged in the death of mollie tibbetts. we are still shocked to learn that one of our employees was involved. jon: the iowa student s death reigniting the immigration debate in this country. sandra: iowa senator joni ernst is calling for the passage of sarah s law who was killed in a car crash with an illegal immigrant. jon: dan patrick, lieutenant governor of the border state of texas weighs in on all this straight ahead on america s newsroom.
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we now know that mollie was murdered by a 24-year-old undocumented immigrant who has been in the united states illegally for four to seven years. this raises questions about his immigration, employment, and criminal history, and we must receive answers. sandra: chairman chuck grassley sounding off there. one of many republican lawmakers calling for tougher immigration laws after learning an illegal immigrant has been charged with the murder of university of iowa student mollie tibbetts. the president echoing that call from the iowa senator. we now know the farm that hired the suspect did not use the e-verify program and the 24-year-old faked his identity to get a job there. let s bring in texas lieutenant
governor dan patrick. thank you for your time this morning, sir. if you could, let us know your thoughts as we re hearing republicans and democrats on this issue as well as the president this morning. well, it s time for the republicans and democrats in congress to do something about it. don t misinterpret my passion for anger. anger gets us nowhere but passion can. i m tired of mitch mcconnell not changing the rulers to by pass chuck schumer and the democrats. it is time for the republicans who are in the majority to follow the president s lead, fund the wall and secure this border. when i look at what happened just on msnbc or cnn, one of their professor says fox is talking about a girl in iowa, this isn t a girl. this is a young lady whose name was mollie tibbetts. i can only imagine the fear in her eyes, her heart beating in terror as her life was taken away. she will never get
married, have kids, the blessing of grandchildren and a career. everything was taken away from her. i look at chuck schumer and in my view from pure politics the blood of her and kate steinle and the thousands across america who have been killed by criminal aliens, many of them here illegally. the blood is on chuck schumer s hand and every democrat and the republicans who won t change the rules. we had a few knucklehead republicans and democrats that blocked it. we changed the rules in the senate so it wouldn t happen. we banned sanctuary cities. sandra: she was killed in iowa. we talk like it s a border state issue. she was in rural iowa. i have been saying for years
with you and other fox shows, every sheriff in america is a border sheriff. they will tell you that. when criminal aliens brought here by cartels you don t cross the border without the cartels allowing you to cross come to the heartland of america and grab this poor girl and take the life out of her, the town of 1400 people, america better wake up and in the states like indiana and montana and missouri and north carolina and west virginia that have democrat senators, republicans better get up and get out and vote. if mitch mcconnell won t change the rules we ll have to get close to 60 republicans in the senate so chuck schumer can t block these bills. this is pure politics. it s not just about the american lives who i don t think they give a damn about but the people who want to come to this country through people came through ellis island legally.
most of the people that cross the border and come here for a better life. they don t want to swim the river or stuffed in an 18-wheeler. they want to come here legally and live out of the shadows and be part of this country. but until congress fixes this, it s not going to happen and we ll see more americans die. in texas in the last seven years we ve had hundreds killed by illegal immigrants. we ve had over 150 kidnappings. nearly 6,000 people sexually assaulted by criminals and we re spending billions of dollars of our taxpayer money to do what the federal government was not doing under obama and this president is doing everything he can. sandra: he can only do so much. he needs congress to act and he needs republicans to change the rules, to get around the democrats. the people of this country, if this doesn t wake them up, you aren t safe anywhere from ms-13 or illegal aliens.
and bill and jon on this issue, this company, this is a game they play. they turn in fake social security numbers until they get caught up by the social security system and you know what happens? under the laws you can t ask them about it. you just say we have a false hit by social security on you. did you make a mistake? that illegal person goes to another company and does the same thing. sandra: in the interview this morning the president made very clear he can only do so much and congress has to change the laws. here he is. president trump: the wall is going up. a lot of people don t know it. i would like to build it even faster but dealing with the democrats is very tough. the immigration laws are horrible. we re doing an incredible job. we re doing a record breaking job but we have bad laws. you can do good but you can do better if you have good laws. we have to elect more republicans. jon: the president made the building of the wall a cornerstone of his campaign. he won the office and yet congress is balking.
why? on the left it s pure politics. they are playing with people s lives. again, american citizens and people who legitimately want to come here aren t criminals. they re playing with their lives for politics. the democrats have this wrong. in texas i ran on a very strong border security campaign four years ago as lieutenant governor and i got nearly 50% of the hispanic vote. hispanic americans want law and order. they don t want hardened criminals talking the border into their neighborhoods. a lot of this crime goes on in their neighborhoods. republicans need to get a backbone and change the law. jon: they want people to follow the laws. i ve spoken with legal immigrants who waited my turn and i m proud to be an american. absolutely. and there are more people who want to come to this country. we re a country of immigrants. we honor legal immigration. but the president has to get the funding for this wall. mcconnell has to change the rules and the voters in this country in november have to be
sure we don t lose congress to the democrats and we have to be sure we get more senators. sandra: politics in the state of iowa where mollie tibbetts was killed senator chuck grassley he said districter border security measures including increased personnel. listen. stricter border security measures, including increased personnel, enhanced technology, and modernize infrastructure could have prevented this man from crossing the border. in other words, secure the border. stronger interior enforcement and addressing weaknesses in e-verify could have prevented this individual from working and would have allowed immigration enforcement authority to initiate removal proceedings years ago. sandra: he says e-verify
could have prevented this. we passed e-verify in texas for all of our government contracts and private business as well. we ve put billions into border security, added 250 state troopers another texas ranger company. the president is right on this. look, i ve lived this issue as a border lieutenant governor and senator. i ve been down there many times. congress has to act. you know, again, the cnn, msnbc s, most of the print media and democrats are all accomplices in the death of this young girl and the death of everyone else. even geraldo rivera, i ve never met to guy. seems like he has a good heart. i saw him on fox saying i feel badly about this but. there is no but. i ll be happy to debate geraldo rivera any time, any place, anywhere on this issue. we have to secure this border and protect the lives of american citizens. sandra: we hear your passion.
it is my passion. sandra: thank you for being on the program this morning. sometimes there were two, one would turn around and change her vote from one day to the next. jon: an exclusive interview. one of the jurors in the paul manafort case describing the emotionally charged deliberations inside that jury room. peter doocy is live at federal court in alexandria, virginia. peter. there are apparently tears in the jury room that was mostly filled with democratic jurors. she says with the exception of one hold-out they were ready to convict manafort on all counts even though, she says, the mueller team had a hard time keeping their eyes open. a lot of times they looked bored. other times they cat napped, two of them did. they seemed very relaxed, feet
up on the table bars and they showed a little bit of almost disinterest to me at times. the mueller team s star witness rick gates whose secret life was exposed during pros examination was not much of a factor in the trial s result. i think he deserves a special place in hell. he was just as guilty as paul manafort, maybe even more. he embezzled from his employer. he seemed very nervous, did a lot of closing his eyes, squeezing them tight, opening them. a lot of us said even if rick gates didn t testify the paper trail pretty much led us to what we decided. duncan is a supporter of president trump who believes the manafort trial was a witch hunt looking for dirt on trump
and still voted to convict him even though she doesn t think he would have been caught without his work with the president. i wanted so badly for him to be innocent and no one said anything other than he was a brilliant man who did his job very well, which is why president trump had hired him to help in his election. but it s hard. he still broke the law. duncan also told us she plans to vote for president trump in 2020 and drove to court in alexandria every day with a make america great again hat in her car, jon. still voted to convict. she has the courage of her convictions. thank you very much. sandra: dueling messages in the mid-terms. democrats and republicans taking different tacks to make
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sandra: sizing up the state of play with the mid-terms back with the a-team. jessica tarlov, brad blakeman and tom rogan. this week s news hasn t been conducive for the president and paints that it s the party ever cronyism. when you look at the fact of this election cycle different stories every week, when you see the strength of the economy, when you see some pretty good republican candidates in certain places in marginal districts, i don t think i think there is much more to play for here including in the house than people say. i think republicans hold the senate but as a conservative i m optimistic. i m optimistic. i think history is against us since the civil war.
on average the party that controls the white house loses about 33 seats in the house. about two in the senate. we can t afford that. don t underestimate the power of the president. this president has defied the odds every time. i agree we ll probably hold the senate. i think the house is still too close to call. i think we have another week before we actually head into the mid-term season after labor day. we have to focus like a laser beam on the economy. jon: you re the democratic strategist here but listen to newt gingrich has to say. we re in the middle of a two universe fight over the nature of america. the left would like paul manafort and all these other legal things to be the deciding issue in september and october. we want to have a debate in which our universe is universe of real accomplishments and their universe is a universe of
essentially trying to block everything. and i think if we communicate that correctly, we ll win by a huge margin. jon: what do you think how he assesses that? it makes a lot of sense for him to be saying that. that s what republicans have been focusing on saying that we re just the party that talks about russia all the time. the fox news poll came out yesterday there is heartening news. we saw obamacare has a higher approval rating than the gop tax bill. 51% for the tax cuts. that should be the message of every republican that s running. they are getting pulled into the other stuff and asked questions about michael cohen and paul manafort. immigration, 51% disapprove of the way president trump is handling immigration, 47% say it s an important issue. healthcare is also the key to the mid-terms. democrats are running on it all over the country and very successfully. winning by large margins on the
issue of healthcare. the number one issue especially among women. the gop failed to replace obamacare. that was the big promise for years and years. sandra: republicans can tout the economy, jessica. why is obamacare more popular? sandra: people responded it was the most important issue, economy, 18% say it s the most important tied with healthcare. control of the house 14% president trump, 13%. these are the issues. economy is number one. no doubt about it and it always will be. when people walk into the voting booth. am i better off today than previous administration? yes on every metric of the economy, whether the stock market, tax cuts, jobs. the president has this president, who we know has a lot of bluff and bluster, he has under promised and overdelivered. he has done it on jobs, the
economy, across the board. we re actually doing better than even promised when people like jessica in the campaign democrats pooh-poohed it. sandra: promising the growth in the economy the sustainable. and one of the challenges i think democrats would have a lot more opportunity if they had tried to embrace the notion of the party of fiscal restraint alongside that we ll be pragmatic. the how do you pay for healthcare for all? i do think with the economy if you look especially with the terms of the long-term structural things. reinvestment of money from abroad, job growth, increase in labor participation, business investment, it is hard for a republican politician to make the case corporate tax cuts i think were superb but you can do that if you look at this graph, bring out trump
should bring out the graph. look at this. sandra: i don t know. maybe karl rove can lend him his white board. jon: thank you. facebook is banning a popular personality app saying it mishandled user data. the app makers are firing back. 24/7 crew weighs in on that next. are you a homeowner age 62 or older that would like more money to live on each month? would you like to reduce or eliminate your monthly mortgage payment?
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jon: another big headlines this morning. let s get help from our friends the 24/7 crew. facebook in trouble again, brett. we ll have red spots on our foreheads from hitting our palm against it. once again facebook having to step in after the fact and say one of the apps that many of us may have used, the my personality quiz was capturing data there by in violation of our terms of services. they wouldn t allow us to do an audit to see what data they collected and the data may have been shared with other people but it becomes an oops, sorry, guys. sandra: people don t change their behavior. people keep using facebook. the reality is facebook easy way to stay in touch with friends around the globe. sandra: a lot of people
could have had data compromised. urban meyer, if you can win three national championships maybe they go easy on you. the ohio state foot ball coach was suspended three games by university. not going to coach the buckeyes for the first, second and third games all about what he knew or didn t know about the former wide receivers coach because of alleged domestic abuse he was fired. it comes down to did urban meyer fail to prevent further abuse. they found that in his phone that his text messages only went back one year. when he recently found out the story was blowing up there was a conversation he had with the football staffer trying to find out how do we change the settings on the phone so we only see the texts? a lot of people are saying so much seems dirty here but if you re a three-time national champ and bring in that much
money and owed millions of dollars. jon: people complain his players have gotten more punishment for less offenses. he is a big fish. he has succeeded the most and get the shot to keep going. sandra: urban meyer and facebook. thanks to you this morning. our 24/7 crew. no place to run as hurricane lane takes direct aim at hawaii. we re live on maui where emergency preparations are in full swing at this moment. that will be next. w, you don t see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx. i was covered. it was awful. but i didn t give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. clear skin can last. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate
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sandra: top of the hour. a fox news alert on new reaction from president trump after the convictions of two of his former top aides. welcome to a brand-new hour of america s newsroom. i m sandra smith. jon: i m jon scott in for bill hemmer today. in an interview with fox news the president did not seem to rule out a pardon for paul manafort praising his former campaign chair who faces serious prison time. on michael cohen the president makes it clear he did nothing wrong saying he reimbursed cohen for those pay-outs with his own money and not with campaign funds. alan dershowitz here on america s newsroom agrees with him. he could have announced i m putting a billion of my dollars into the campaign and paying 100 million of women who
accused me falsely, etc. it would not be a violation of any campaign law as long as he reported it. if it the campaign failed to report it, it would be on the campaign, not on the candidate himself. jon: john roberts joins us now live with more. good morning. the president and white house continuing to insist that the president did absolutely nothing wrong in connection with payments to two women in an interview with ainsley earhardt on fox & friends this morning the president strongly disagreeing with what michael cohen said when he said he worked at the president s direction to pay for non-disclosure agreements. the president said he didn t know anything about the payments ahead of time and they do not constitute campaign finance violations. president trump: latter on i knew. did they come out of the campaign? they came from me. i tweeted about it. my first question when i heard about it was did they come out of the campaign? because that could be a little
dicey. and they didn t come out of the campaign. that s big. cohen s attorney lanny davis said if cohen is guilty of a campaign finance crime then the president is, too. davis gets strong disagreement from alan dershowitz who said if the president paid the money, it is not a crime. if he had written a letter to these two women saying you are going to hurt me in my campaign and i ll pay you $150 or 130,000 delay and you have to keep it quiet it s hush money. no crime. i challenge any of those saying it s a crime to find me anything in the criminal law that would make it a crime for a president or candidate personally to pay in order to save his own election. the president minimizing his relationship with michael cohen even though cohen worked for him for more than a decade. the president with glowing things to say about paul manafort and the way he
conducted himself throughout his trial. president trump: i have great respect for what he has done in terms of what he has gone through. so look, i didn t know manafort well. he wasn t with the campaign long. they got him on things totally unrelated to the campaign. they got cohen totally unrelated to the campaign. i m not involved and not charged with anything. as you pointed out at the top the president not ruling out but not ruling in a potential pardon for paul manafort. it is in his interest to talk nicely about paul manafort. manafort, unlike cohen who agreed to a certain amount of jail time. doesn t know how much time in prison he will face and there is another potential trial that he is facing here in washington, d.c. so robert mueller could use that to put a lot of pressure on him to cooperate with the special counsel s investigation. jon: some are suggesting the second trial should be moved until after the mid-terms. we ll see if that happens.
john roberts, chief white house correspondent. sandra: for more on this let s bring in karl rove former deputy chief of staff to george w. bush. good morning to you. good morning. sandra: we all see your opinion piece in the wall street journal. cohen, manafort and the mid-terms talking about the impact of these two cases on the mid-term elections. you write the convictions make the democrats hand stronger but they could overplay it. are democrats in jeopardy of overplaying their hand with this? sure they are because the american people are not really excited about having the country plunged into a political battle over impeachment. democratic leaders like pelosi and schumer understand that. the democratic base and many democratic candidates inflamed by the california billion onwho is spending tens of millions of dollars on this issue are taking a different tact. sandra: some of the latest polling as far as preferred
candidates in congressional races. vote for congress in your district. democratic candidate 49%. republican candidate 38%. seems to be moving slightly in favor of democrats there since the last time polling took place, karl. that s a big number. that would show that the republicans would lose the house and lose the house badly. the good news is we can take these polls, polls there are outliers. it is better to take good polls and average them together. the pattern on the generic ballot. in the real clear politics average the democrats had a 3.2 advantage. by the middle of july grown to 7.3. mid august it claimed to 3.9, which would point to the republicans keeping the house. but as of today it s back up to 6.6. as you can see reuters had it at 4, fox at 11, monmouth at 5. events have an impact.
my sense is this number is likely to get a little worse here in the week or two ahead because of the information of the cohen and manafort guilty pleas and convictions get built in. but this number will flow back and forth. the question will be where is it toward the end of october when people start early voting and make up their minds finally to go to the polls in november? sandra: i haven t seen the white board in a while. let me ask you about this other fox news poll. of those interested in the 2018 elections, clinton voters 58% of them extremely interested. 10 point difference of trump voters, 48% extremely interested. what does that tell you? well, not as much as you might think. look, this number will matter more the closer we get to the election. the democrats have an advantage. but i m a little bit dubious of the extremely and somewhat.
you can be somewhat enthusiastic and likely to turn out as somebody who says they re extremely. again, this we have to watch it. democrats have an advantage today. how much of an advantage do they have as we go into the election? there is one number i watch more than others. that s the presidential job approval. i look at the generic ballot first. presidential job approval has a great deal to do with enthusiasm and turnout. i compare here the fox news polls between july and today. in july strongly favor of trump s performance was 28. it is now down to 26. somewhat 18, now down to 15. somewhat unfavorable steady at 10 and the strongly unfavorable is up from 41 to 46. the election will be determined by how well the president does in the somewhat unfavorable and somewhat favorable and the democrats how big can that number? how strongly unfavorable? sandra: this just coming
into us. a new tweet from john brennan. the first that we ve seen a tweet since the day he tweeted when the president revoked his security clearance since august 15th. i take no delight in seeing the steady collapse of a u.s. presidency but i take strong comfort that the rule of law and great government institutions are prevailing. things ultimately will get better and we will heal as a nation. wanted to make sure i got that in there. karl, your response. well, i think he is right, the rule of law will prevail and the country will get better. i don t think john brennan has contributed to it. i accused the president of treason. if he has that knowledge and knew it at the time he was director of the c.i.a. he had a moral responsibility to come forward with it. i think senator burr is accurate. if he thinks the president has committed treasonous act. simply meeting with vladimir putin is not a treasonous acts.
remember when president obama tell vladimir i have more brennan served our country well as c.i.a. director and intelligence community but served our country ill by the kind of over the top comments he has made. he has dishonored the role he played in our country and he is not contributing positively to america s political circumstances by making these over the top and outrageous comments. sandra: great to have you on this morning. thank you. jon: fox news alert and all eyes on hawaii as the islands brace for hurricane lane. right now the powerful category four storm is south of the big island. get a load of this. nasa capturing these images of the monster storm from space. the president already issuing a
disaster declaration. adam housley is somewhere under that cloud cover live in maui. adam. cloud cover breaking up a little bit. new category is coming in keeps the hurricane at a 4. we re told they haven t flown any planes into it this morning here in hawaii. they re basically estimating all this off satellite imagery. they hope to get a better idea when the sun comes up here. meantime it has been a rain event. the rain stopped in maui for a short time but getting heavy bands coming through here. to the east of here on the big island 25 miles from where i m standing the rain has been coming down in some places torrential rain for 12 hours. in fact, on the hilo side, the east side. areas have gotten 13 inches of rain already. when you go to the west sign on kona, the big island, they have only gotten .400 of an inch. maui starting to get the rain.
oahu getting rain as well. the next 24 to 48 hours will be very wet hours here in the hawaiian islands. if the hurricane continues north it would be the third major hurricane to hit the hawaiian islands. the first one in 26 years. people have been prepared. they ve been preparing for a couple of days. no one took the storm lightly. we were at stores all day yesterday. the shelves were empty in some cases, restocked in others. now it s the watch and wait hoping the wind shear knocks this thing down. people are waiting for the rain throughout the island chain. jon: first volcano, then hurricane. thank you very much. welcome to hawaii. sandra: as the u.s. works to keep our election secure for the mid-term elections the dnc says an apparent cyberattack on
their voter files was not what it seemed. we ll explain. jon: is the white house strategy on russia working? new signs moscow is feeling the pain from economic sanctions. as president trump pushes back against his critics. president trump: my meeting with putin was a tremendous success. i got killed by the fake news. they wanted me to punch him in the face. with putin they said i was too soft. my meeting with putin was a tremendous success. - why are drivers 50 and over switching to
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jon: first a cyberattack, the dnc said it was an unauthorized test of its security system. a third party set up the simulated attack which committee officials mistook for a fishing attack. the dnc reassuring voters no sensitive data was compromised. sandra: the state department now confirm that secretary of state mike pompeo will travel to north korea next week. scott taylor, a former navy seal. thank you for your time this morning. your reaction to that that s coming in to us from the state department. great to be with you again. thanks for having me. i like this approach. no question about it. when you are engaging at this high level of diplomacy and building trust and being there and have taken a hands-on
approach enable secretary pompeo to fill in gaps and put meat on the bones to have details in the plan to move forward that we can obtain. it will take persistent diplomacy to be able to actually get something in terms of this nuclear deal. i like the fact he is staying engaged and going over there and meeting with kim. sandra: we ll await more information on that. the only other bit of information we have there is that pompeo will be joined by the state department s new special representative for north korea, a man who was just announced to that position. is the strategy there working, congressman? the strategy in north korea? sandra: yeah. i don t think anybody was under any illusions it would be a quick things. you haven t seen missile tests or nuclear tests. you have had reports of them engaging in some activity there. you ve seen better relations with the south, of course, you just had pictures of reuniting
families. i think it s moving in the right direction. this is something going on for a couple of decades, right? i m under no illusion it will be very quick and cautiously optimistic this will bear results. sandra: wondering whether or not the white house strategy in russia is working. the president was asked in this exclusive interview on fox and here is what he had to say. president trump: my meeting with putin was a tremendous success. i got killed by the fake news. they wanted me to punch him in the face. i want to get along with russia. i want to get along with everybody. they said i was too rough on north korea. but with putin they said i was too soft. my meeting with putin was a tremendous success. sandra: is the strategy there working? there were things in the presser i was not happy with. at the same time you look at
we should get along with them in some respects in certain areas but no question they ve been bad actors in syria, ukraine, subverting western democracies. we need tough measures on them. the house and senate passed new authorities for the president to put sanctions on russia. there have been some strong sanctions. in syria there were hundreds of russian soldiers unmarked that were killed because they came within danger close to some of our ally folks. there has been some tough actions against russia and obviously the sanctions that just happened with the freezing of their assets, $5 billion by a swiss bank is a big deal. sandra: credit suisse has frozen money because of the u.s. sanctions. switzerland is one of the most important destinations for money and for the wealthy for that money leaving russia. how overall are you seeing these new sanctions are
affecting moscow? you are having reports of moscow and russia, of course, shoring up their gold reserves in response. so they are definitely having an effect. no question a lot of russian elite put their money in swiss banks because of the political stability and now you are hurting that. the president has the authority and the ability to step it up if necessary for imports and exports in russia as well. i think that you have to have a balance. no question. i ve been an advocate in terms of having a policy for the united states that tells the world they will not interfere with our elections or our power grids or financial systems in cyberspace. we need to have a definition of what is an act of war, aggression or disruption. you have to take a balance between russia. there are things that we have to work with them on the international stage, no question. but at the same time they need to know where they will not go in terms of meddling with our
elections or anything on our power grid or cyberspace. sandra: a big move by credit suisse. jon: a major phone company is facing sandra: the murder of mollie tibbetts sparking a debate on immigration as an illegal immigrant is charged with killing her. president trump: we re building the wall. it already started. he we spent 3.2 billion on it. asking for $5 billion for this year s funding. the wall is going up. while i was in the navy,
president trump: mollie is this beautiful young girl. she was killed by a horrible person that came in from mexico illegally here. i just think it s so sad. we re building the wall. it has already started. we re doing a record breaking job but we have bad laws. you can do good but you can do a lot better if you have good laws. we have to elect more republicans. jon: president trump calling for tough new immigration laws after the murder of mollie tibbetts in iowa. an illegal immigrant is now charged with killing the college student. let s talk about this case with francisco hernandez. why should her death not be atrit uteable to lacks immigration. it s a shame we re politicizing this murder. the problem is yes, the laws do need to be changed. yes, president trump, you promised to change them. congress has a majority. electing more republicans won t get it done.
we have a majority now. why can t we do immigration reform now? what happened to mexico building the wall? you want to stop illegal immigration i ll tell you how you stop it. stop using drugs so the cartels don t bring them and stop hiring people. you don t need to change the laws except we have to go back for ratings and vilify 11 million people to blame for the murder of one person. it is a shame that we re politicizing that event. jon: but it has happened again. we saw the murder of kate steinle in san francisco at the hands of an illegal immigrant. you can t use a broad brush to label all of the people who come in here illegally but at the same time when you have cases like this, it certainly sets back the argument. let me tell you the kate steinle case. did you realize that the murderer had an immigration hold since he was in l.a. he didn t go to san francisco.
he was taken there by law enforcement authorities. why wasn t he in federal prison five years ago for a 20-year sentence? that s under existing laws, under enforcement under existing laws. now we re trying to blame 11 million people that have nothing to do with that one. it s a shame we re politicizing those events. jon: the president says he wants the wall. if it were in place, would it not make it tougher for the cartels to bring not only drugs but people across the border? no. okay, build a wall. we ll have to legalize 100,000 mexicans to build it. that s a good start. we cut deals. our government cuts deals with certain cartels to be able to manage the flow of the drugs and the people. we re as much to blame but i just told you, you know how to solve it? stop using drugs and stop hiring illegal aliens. let s fix it that way. we can t. we re not going to stop using drugs because we don t want our
roofs to cost three times as much we need to manual labor. we are at a severe labor shortage. separate the people who want to harm our country from the people who want to build our country. dan dan patrick is fired up. every sheriff in america is a border sheriff. they ll tell you. you don t cross the border without the cartels allowing you to cross. when they come to the heartland of america and grab this poor girl and take the life out of her, the town of 1400 people, america better wake up. jon: it happened, francisco. it may not be he is running for governor. jon: it may not be the case with all the 11 million people you re talking about but it happened. how do you look mollie s parents in the eye and say this
was just a paperwork snafu. you know what? i can t look at their eyes. i can t feel their pain. i can t say i know what it feels like. i know not to go on as a politician on national television pandering to the fear of people in this country. dan patrick wants to be governor and that s all he is doing. according to him his sanctuary bill fixed the entire issue in texas. it didn t. let s get on to true immigration reform. the good, bad and ugly. we re going to have to get to it. a republican majority, republican president. get to it. jon: you call it pandering, he calls it passion. thank you very much. we ll have more on this later with iowa senator joni ernst. she will join us to talk about her push to pass tougher immigration laws. sandra: we look forward to that. isis claiming responsibility for a deadly knife attack in france. why authorities there are not
investigating it as a terror attack. jon: also turkey still detaining an american pastor on espionage charges. national security advisor john bolton says our nato ally is making a big mistake. senator thom tillis also weighs in and he will join us next. i hope this is the last time that i have to come to this floor to talk about releasing pastor brunson. i hope next week i m coming to the floor thanking the turkish leadership for doing the right thing. t see psoriasis. you see clear skin. you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx. i was covered. it was awful. but i didn t give up. i kept fighting. i got clear skin with cosentyx. 3 years and counting. clear skin can last. see if cosentyx could make a difference for you. cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate
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sentenced yet. a pardon in this case would be viewed as self-serving to the president and i would advise against it. jon: president trump expressed sympathy for manafort. he was found guilty of eight counts of tax and back fraud and faces up to 80 years in prison. sandra: french officials saying a knife attack that left two people dead was not an act of terrorism even after isis claimed responsibility for it as the leader of isis issues a new message urging his followers to keep fighting. while acknowledging that the group is losing ground. benjamin hall is live in london with more details on this. this is the first that we ve heard from baghdadi in 11 months. since then there have been numerous reports about his death. this audio tape is proof of life and a rallying cry to his followers. 54 minute audio tape entitled give glad tidings to the
patient he urges lone work attacks in the west using cars, knives and whatever they can get their hands on. it was released wednesday evening. in the tape baghdadi makes reference to to current he convenience including turkey s row with the u.s. over brunson s release. it comes as the syrian allies and the u.s. have an offensive against isis in syria and it is thought where baghdadi is hiding. prosecutors say it was a domestic issue. he killed and stabbed his own mother and sister isis claimed responsibility. although isis has lost 95% of their territory they ve morphed
into a group carrying out lower level attacks in iraq and syria and that is important report that came out by the u.n. and u.s. that said up to 30,000 isis fighters and supporters still live in iraq and syria. the territorial battle may be almost won but the ideological one is far from that. this audio tape is proof of that. jon: national security advisor john bolton calling out turkey slamming the turkish president for not releasing american pastor andrew brunson saying the curbing turkish government made a big mistake. that mistake continues. this crisis could be over instantly if they did the right thing as a nato ally, part of the west and release pastor brunson without condition. joining us now north carolina senator thom tillis from the armed services committee. what do you think what bolton has to say there?
agree completely and appreciate his work and the work of the president to make this a top priority in terms of the relationship between the united states and turkey. jon: turkey has been moving more and more in a religious direction. their secular presidency seems to have sort of gone away under president erdogan, a mistake on their part? i think it is. if you take a look at that move which is largely against the wishes of a good number of turkish people and you add to that some of the decisions they ve made economically, i think those are the key factors driving the economic problems they re having today. jon: the president is continuing to put the squeeze on turkey through some of these sanctions. is there more that should be done or do you think that they should be given time to take hold and see what happens with regard to pastor brunson? i think that first off we need to keep in mind that pastor brunson is the one who we focused on. there are others we also need
to have a discussion with but the first positive step they could take is to release pastor brunson. i think that now we should have them look at the actions that we ve taken and understand there are far more actions that the administration and congress can take. if we will and don t see relief. jon: this is a nato ally, after all. how do we walk that fine line between trying to lean on the turkish government without essentially punishing an ally? at some point a nation needs to send a very clear message that one illegally-detained and properly detained person is sometimes more important than an alliance. turkey is an important nato ally. we would like for them to be a tighter economic ally. an important partner in the middle east and done great work with us in afghanistan. i appreciate that. i want to get to the point to where i become a cheerleader for increased positive relationships with turkey. but if you look at the details
of this case as i have, spent time in turkey, spent time in a turkish courtroom you could not leave without the conclusion that this man should be and must be freed. jon: how do you avoid pushing erdogan into, you know, vladimir putin s embrace? he is looking for friends right now. how do you have avoid doing that? i think that turkey has to take a look at the other consequences that would come from a large step in the direction of vladimir putin. it would have economic consequences, it would have their own homeland security consequences. taking too far a step at acquiring the s-400 missile defense system from russia raised concerns with those of us in nato. those wouldn t be helpful to what he needs to do to heal the turkish economy. i think there are other factors that would come into play. i don t see a big step towards
putin. i know it s a threat but if you take a look at what is at stake for the turkish people i think president erdogan knows that as well. jon: hard to see a nato ally purchasing russian military equipment. that has serious security implications with a nato partner. sandra: we re awaiting remarks from the white house. president trump is hosting a round table discussion event with members of congress at the white house right now. we are expecting some playback from the president s remarks. this particular round table discussion is on the foreign investment risk review modernization act. they re in the roosevelt room right now. the administration says they hope to have something fully implemented when it comes to that in 18 months. the president could answer questions. we don t know. he could talk about the latest cases involving paul manafort, michael cohen, you never know.
we re waiting on the comments from the white house. we ll play those for you when we get them. the murder of mollie tibbetts reigniting an immigration debate sparking new calls for congress to take action. senator joni ernst pushing for sarah s law named for another iowa woman killed in a car crash involving an illegal immigrant. she will join us live next.
become available. sandra: the murder of mollie tibbetts. it s a case that is sparking new calls for tougher immigration laws and a push for congress to pass sarah s law. legislation named for another iowa woman sarah root, who died in a 2016 car crash involving a driver who was here illegally. her mother talked about the case earlier this summer. when sarah was killed january 31st of 2016, i had nobody. but i was thankful for my politicians in my area and you know president trump was one of the first ones to reach out to my family. sandra: iowa senator joni ernst who first introduced sarah s law in 2016 joins us now. thanks for your time this morning. this is an issue you re passionate on. what is sarah s law?
sarah s law is in honor of sarah root, we heard her mother, michelle, speaking there. michelle has been a great supporter of this initiative. it would require the federal government specifically ice, to detain those that are here illegally and those that have harmed other people whether they have maimed them or killed them. it would require their detention. what the legislation would also do is force the federal government to provide timely updates to the families of those that have been affected by those injuries by illegal immigrants. we think it s the right thing to do. it would have helped in sarah s case. in that case her murderer was released on bond. he was probably gone from the country before sarah was even laid to rest. that can t happen. we need to prevent those types of actions. sandra: it sounds so simple and straight forward and i m sure it does to many people at home.
we re all left wondering, especially in the wake of the president s recent comments about getting anything done in congress, can this pass? can you get anything done when it comes to tougher immigration laws in congress? well, certainly, sandra, it has passed through the house. we need it to move through judiciary and onto the floor of the senate. it is simple and straightforward but unfortunately we have a very heated argument surrounding anything that deals with immigration reform. we have to get beyond that as politicians. we have to focus on the policies that are right for the united states and not get caught up in just all the anger and the hurt that s out there. we need to focus on good policy. i think this is good policy. sandra: a response from iowa democratic party chairman troy price. he said this to fox news. the iowa democratic party will honor the wishes of the tibbetts family to let them grieve in private and will not
turn this senseless tragedy into a partisan fight. what does that tell you about democrats in your state and how they are dealing with now a story much like sarah s in the case of mollie tibbetts? unfortunately they are letting evil in the world continue. we know that he was an illegal immigrant. we also know he was a stalker. there are several different issues that need to be addressed in this particular case. it is largely about illegal immigration. but it is also about other types of violence and stalking. we need to focus on those things. if there are loopholes that exist in our system we need to fix those. you know what? if our immigration had been fixed and we were able to close up the loopholes, she would be with us today. mollie tibbetts would be with us today and her family would not have to grieve. sandra: how are the people of your state doing in the wake of mollie s death? they are not doing well.
i will be honest. over the past month any time an iowan was visiting in my washington, d.c. office they would wonder when is mollie going to come home safely? is she going to come home safely? we have been on pins and needles and we ve seen resolution in the past week. unfortunately it is not the resolution we had hoped to see. now we have a state that is grieving the loss of a beautiful, caring, loving young woman. a young woman who won t ever receive your diploma from the university of iowa and never walk down the aisle with her father, a woman that will never experience the joys of being a mother herself someday. she has been cut forever from that life, from that path. and we have to do better. sandra: senator joni ernst pushing for sarah s law. thank you for coming on america s newsroom this morning. jon: let s take a look at what s coming up on outnumbered. melissa francis and harris faulkner are here.
good to see you. the president talking exclusively to fox saying his payments to michael cohen were not a crime and criticizing jeff sessions saying he failed to take control of the justice department. president trump also saying he may order the release of those controversial fisa spying documents. we ll hash that out. good thing we have an hour. democrats call to delay brett kavanaugh s confirmation hearing keep growing with more democratic senators refusing the meet with kavanaugh at all. the white house is calling it desperate. we ll talk about it. all that plus the #oneluckyguy. outnumbered at the top of the hour. jon: see you then. new information on the deadly parkland, florida school shooting as authorities release new surveillance footage of what happened during the time of the massacre. what it reveals about the police response that day. and i m still going for my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem.
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jon: new information about the deadly school shooting in parkland, florida earlier this year. authorities releasing more than two hours of new surveillance video showing the scene outside the high school as a former student gunned down 17 people inside. we have more on that live from miami. phil. the state supreme court ruling that these long sought-after videos are in the public interest to assess the performance and response of the broward county sheriff s department and a big defeat for the school district and state attorney who didn t want them released. what people were expecting so see isn t there. the footage comes from five external camera. two minutes into the six minutes massacre dozens of students are seen running for
the school gates. someone redirects them and they run north. others responding officers locked out of a gate let in and trying to assess the situation. at that point the shooting had stopped and the killer was already walking away. what the videos do not show is what some corral springs officers allege. when they arrived on scene at least four broward deputies already there were taking cover behind cars or trees instead of storming the building to engage the killer and save students. like this the previously-released school shooting. resource officer assigned to the school doing that. if his fellow deputies did the same, it is not seen on the external camera footage. additional footage shows what you would expect on the day of the high school shooting. terror and chaos among the fleeing high schoolers. this appears to show a wounded student being rushed to safety on a golf cart.
none are from internal cameras inside the freshman building. none of the carnage and shooting and the victims on the floor of the classrooms and hallways was made public. those are still off limits to the public. but the confessed killer, his movements that day also not seen on these videos. he remains jailed charges with murpds and attempted murder. jon: thanks, phil. sandra: a reminder we re awaiting remarks from the president at a round table discussion meeting with members of congress at the white house. we should get those comments just a few minutes from now. stay tuned. we ll be right back. reak a trip. and at expedia, we don t think you should be rushed into booking one. that s why we created expedia s add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave.
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President , Michael-cohen , Description , Jon-scott , Thing , All , Violations , Level , Back-to-you , Finance , Who-dont-think , Attorneys

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Outnumbered 20181024 16:00:00

later tonight in wisconsin and we ll see what and if that event is affected throughout the day. a statement from sarah sanders and i imagine we ll see the president in front of a camera soon. mcconnell condemns the acts of terrorism today. that s it for us from america s newsroom. outnumbered now melissa: fox news alert, a full-scale criminal investigation underway. right now on your screen we are watching a suspicious device in transit. it was removed from the time warner center which has a cnn new york city offices. we are awaiting a news conference with the new york city police department. this is after the secret service intercepted two s position packages carrying potential explosive devices. one was addressed to hillary clinton at her westchester county, new york home. the other two former
president barack obama in washington, d.c. both were intercepted prior to delivery to those locations. as the time warner center in new york city hosts the cnn offices was evacuated after a suspicious package was found in the mailroom. that s what you re watching bear the left side of the screen. the devices traveling out of new york city. we have seen reports that it is going to a facility right outside the city where they can examine and potentially detonate the device. it s in something that looks like a cement truck almost, to keep it safe on that transport. they did not want to detonate it on-site. catherine herridge catherine herridge has the latest from washington on this. catherine? thanks, melissa. in the last few minutes we have been able to confirm that the secretary of homeland security, kirstjen nielsen, has been briefed this morning. she is currently monitoring the situation. we also confirmed that we have and i think it very significantly two federal
agencies who were sharing the lead on this investigation, secret service, and then also the fbi. as you mentioned, these devices have been discovered in a very short time frame. 72 hours. also, targeting high-profile political individuals. as mentioned, the former secretary of state hillary clinton. that home in chappaqua, new york. also, former president barack obama here in washington, d.c. both of those devices come i want to emphasize, were intercepted before they reach the residences. this is part of a routine screening that is done by the secret service for the protect tees. this is done at an off-site facility. we have also identified the suspicious device that was removed from cnn. we are looking to confirm our reports from another media organization that it was addressed to former cia director john brennan. we are also learning more information this morning about a device that was recovered on
monday at the home of george soros. a billionaire who supports the democratic party. the device, i m told, was contained viable explosives. an individual close to the nypd, which is where the state police are investigating the incident, said that the individual or individuals who made that device knew what they were doing. the reason i raise this device that was discovered monday is that my contacts are very focused on the number of devices unfolding or rolling out in a very short period of time. 72 hours. very high-profile targets. if they are linked through the forensics, dna, or the style of the device, that is often found with the detonator because that has the most elements of a bomb-maker s signature, if you
will. this will be something that is preplanned, and one or more individuals being involved at this point. melissa? melissa: catherine, let me ask you about some of the reports that have been circulating. tell me if you know if these are correct or incorrect, if there s anything to back it up. what about the report of something going to debbie wasserman schultz of florida? i don t have independent information that a suspect package has been found. there is just what i heard on all reporting at fox news that the office was evacuated in florida. i think that we need to understand, having been through these situations before, quite rightly people are pretty tuned in now to this issue. suspect packages. i reported early this morning that a number of federal facilities here in washington are kind of scrubbing their mail inventories to see if there is anything that might be suspicious. that is the right thing to do, and people are looking at what they have got in their mailbox, as well. to understand whether that might be suspicious.
we sometimes have events i m not saying that s what s happening in florida but we do, as we see in the past, reporting on these events, there are incidents where it sort of a false flag, if you will. it doesn t actually turn into something. but sometimes there are additional devices recovered. again, let s stick to what we know. we know that two suspect packages were intercepted by the secret service targeting the former secretary of state, hillary clinton, the former president of united states, barack obama, and also this device that was recovered at cnn. then, he forced device that we are trying to understand from monday. the home of george soros. whether they are all connected in some way, melissa. melissa: got it. harris: catherine, it s harris. we are working now to remind our viewers, it s pretty thick with trees now the bomb-carrying vehicle heads out of the city toward a detention bomb location where they can set it off.
what we are getting reports of, catherine and this is what i want to ask you about the things that happened along the route in terms of writing ourselves what they re going to find. forensically, what are you hearing about how they will connect these and how soon they think they can do that? i only ask that because this is the only one we know of yet that they are planning to explode. the other two, from what i m reading, have either a flaw in design or some purposeful design set so that they don t explode right away. let me just talk you through what i know happens in a standard situation. i don t want to speculate on what s happening here, because we just don t know the facts of how they are going to roll it out. but, what is standard is that ieds are handled by the fbi and they are taken typically to a specialist lab which is in huntsville, alabama. this is their premier lab for ieds. not only domestically.
they handled the devices texas earlier this year, but also devices that are recovered overseas. by analyzing the device, they look at a handful of issues. they look at the components, and if the reporting is accurate that we are talking about pipe bombs come in this case how long is it? what is the diameter of the pipe? are they able to tie the purchase of the pipe back to one or more locations? or an individual, for example? you can do that through credit card transactions or if the individual uses cash you can do that through closed-circuit tv. they are also going to look at the explosive powder contained in the device. explosive powder can also be traced to a point of purchase, or a point of origin. sometimes even to the lot number, in terms of when it was manufactured. that s a much longer process, though. that s a days and weeks long process. the part of the device, if you will, that often reveals the
most information as to whether it s connected to something else is the detonator. that s where you kind of see the craft of the bomb-maker, just in the way the fuse, the detonator, is made, developed, or whether there is a consistent flaw across the devices which explains why they haven t detonated. then there is the obvious, which is fingerprints, as well as dna. this fbi bomb lab in huntsville, alabama has a giant repository of ied components. they tag all of them, and they often are able to make arrests and prosecutions over time by making that link either with the components or the dna. or, the fingerprints. it can be if i could, it can be a pretty quick process, but you re talking about multiple devices. there would have to be a lot of commonality in order to identify
an individual within a day or two. harris: catherine herridge, a very detailed standard procedure here. we will be watching for this point that you have given us as we see this unfold. which ones they will be heading in terms of their forensic look. thank you very much. we are bringing back, as the news warrants. we are waiting this hour, and the scene you see is outside time warner center. we are waiting for a news conference, we think it will happen in less than 40 minutes. we will bring you that life. in the streets outside come at about eighth avenue for those who are familiar with new york, activity alert from police went out a short time ago telling people who live or work in this area to shelter in place. while there wasn t a whole lot of detail that was given as people s phones were receiving this, what we do know is that they don t want people crossing into this area. for two reasons one, they have now left with the bomb. the explosive device that has
been described to us as a pipe bomb-type device. they have left with that. it has arrived now at the nypd facility, at the tip of a park. if you re watching, that s less than the 30 minute drive from the city. that s where the bomb squad is headquartered. there s too a shooting range there. if they are going to detonate and try to save forensics from that device, it may be where they you choose to do that. anyway, we are waiting. while people might want to shelter in places, they might to want to make shelter. they want to start a news conference and be able to talk without distraction and having to keep up with other people who are on, quite literally now, what is a crime scene that we are watching unfold. melissa? melissa: on a national level, we know that the secret service and the fbi are working together on the collection of all of these different devices that we have heard about. we know here in new york city it is the new york bomb squad.
specifically, the ied group, that is working with a device that we just saw her leave the city and go to pelham bay. they are also working in conjunction with the fbi. best to look at that specific device. we are lucky to have pete hegseth on the couch with us today, because of your expense in the field, of course. tell me, what would you say about what s going on right here? what do you notice? obviously, very serious situation. you look at the manner they are pushing it. they all fearlessly take it serious he prayed to me it points to the fact that it s a viable device. it wasn t just a complete dud sitting in a package meant to scare someone. they took it so seriously, someone knew enough to take it seriously and to remove it. but the forensic will be important here. the technique that was used to build the detonator, to build that pipe bomb, the materials, how quickly they can gather together. what catherine was reporting, hearing that word ied, that s not something you usually hear or think about in a domestic
context. it s an improvised expose the device. it s a weapon of war, a weapon of terror. whoever built that wanted to send that kind of message. finding that person will take the same approach we have on the battlefield, which is the gear bomb experts in their prey disassemble the device, look at the pieces. see if there s a pattern and find out all the different aspects of what it could be. harris: so far we have heard from the vice president, mike pence. we have heard from sarah sanders. the latest little while, we now have heard from advisors of the president. of longer term, rather. i would like to review her tweets. i strongly condemned the intended act of violence against president obama, the clinton family, cnn, and others. there is no excuse. america is better than this. gratitude to the secret service and law enforcement for all they do to keep the nation safe. of course, we have been following the develop minced today of when we might see people, as well.
the campaign event in scranton, pennsylvania, i m getting now the statistic device alert on my phone. it s taken over my phone. i m just going to read it too. emergency alert: the suspicious device on west 50th street and eighth avenue was safely removed by nypd bomb squad. they are letting people know simultaneously here in new york city and burrows added together about 8 million people prayed i would imagine many of us getting this on our phone instantaneously. as of now, just to finish who might see and when, we do know that the president is scheduled to be at the white house for an opioid event. then he will depart from there for his rally tonight. that is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. eastern today, and it s a combination of things. senator lamar alexander working bipartisan lean on opiates. we knew the president was going to be but it s very, very
probable. i m hearing in my ear that we might have john roberts. tell me that again? melissa: i think we have john roberts or enough in the white house, standing by. harris: john, are you there question there? hey, harris. good afternoon. everyone there on the couch. we have not yet heard from the president. as you mention, we heard from vice president mike pence, sarah huckabee sanders, the united states secret service, which has now turned the devices over to the fbi and the atf. they put out a lengthy statement about the timeline of all this. nothing from the president at this point. i suspect this opioid event which is coming up in about an hour and ford hood minutes, we will hear from him then. he will likely probably also included in his remarks in wisconsin tonight, for that political rally. just to reiterate here, there were reports this morning there was something address the white house for the secret service said that, in fact, is not true.
mail from the white house and for former president barack obama does get sorted at the same facility. just outside the downtown area of washington, d.c. so, perhaps that was the reason for some confusion there. nothing addressed to the white house. two packages, went to president obama and one addressed to hillary clinton at the chappaqua address, as well. clearly the white house apartment of homeland security, all the federal agencies are hopefully involved, here. something like this is clearly treated with the utmost seriousness. the united states secret service has got tremendous investigative abilities when it partners together with the fbi, state, and local law enforcement. people have been talking about all day today, your analysts and you are learned guests, there is a signature to these things. even if it can be or to metric a mother some sort of signature. the devices do come accruing to some reports, seem to be
similar. tracking down the source of these probably will be something that law enforcement will get done in short order. harris? harris: catherine herridge has absolutely given us to quite a tutorial. the specifics and a standard sense of what they will do forensically to try and tie these together. you are standing outside the white house, obviously. i have just read a tweet from ivanka trump. we heard from white house press e as well, sarah sanders, and also the vice president. i just wanted to share this, too, because this neighborhood it s unfolding chelsea clinton also treated in the last hour or so every day i am grateful to the women and the men of the united states secret service. thank you. you mentioned the corneille defect my phone is going off again. the coordinated effect that the fbi and all of these agencies have when working together. you mention the secret service. i wanted to hear that from chelsea clinton, as well. we re getting all sorts of
alerts. as the journalist, you know john, we get reached out to with all sorts of information. i m curious from the white house perspective, though and something like this, since we have already heard from three members, are we going to see something more coordinated from the president? you and i have talked about that opioid event today, but might we expect something else? again, i think the president will probably wait until we see them in person to make remarks about this. i have been moderating monitors twitter feed 24/7. harris: you are so good at that. nothing so far from the president. i imagine if he hasn t tweeted about it so far, he will likely save his reaction until he s on camera. that should be a short time from now. we will carry that event for you come alive. we will have it for you. melissa: you have it on twitter right now? the president has not put out an official stephen from the press e but he has tweeted
mike pence that he wholeheartedly agrees with the statement. press e sarah sanders has also updated her statement earlier, saying it s an ongoing situation and president trump and his situation or monitoring closely. our condemnation certainly includes threats made to cnn as well as current or former public servants. it will not be tolerated. they are updating as they go along as they receive that information. melissa: john roberts, thank you. we want to bring in chris, he s a former fbi assistant director. i want to also tell people that we have mentioned debbie wasserman schultz and her office in florida earlier. we are going to see if we have if he can hear us. let me just tell you, it was, in fact, the sunrise police in florida who tweeted out alert: we are working an investigation of a suspicious package near snodgrass corporate parkway. please stay out of the area. and they give the address. we will provide further updates
as available. this is the location of her office. that s where the report was coming from. we have not confirmed there was a device found there. we just know that they have left the area. do you want to see that? there s one that s a different report. that s a couple things on representative debbie wasserman schultz. you can see the reporting here. melissa: okay. i think we have chris with us right now. chris, obviously, we are looking at now four confirm devices. what is your thought on the pattern, here? are you with us? it seems like we lost chris. if you want to move back to capitol hill, as we talk about the congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz. mitch mcconnell, the majority leader, has also released a statement condemning the act saying that they are attempted acts of domestic terrorism. he says we continue to learn more, americans are united in gratitude for the first responders, the
secret service, the postal service, and other law enforcement that protect leaders from such unconscionable acts. the majority leader who is now on capitol hill not now, but he obviously has a huge role there. he is watching this closely as we have seen over the past week weeks. some of these coming in. harris: i was just showing this, we were reading this together. the sun sentinel. suspicious package sent to the office of debbie wasserman schultz. i was just way to read this report really quickly. police are invested getting a suspicious package discovered at the sunrise office of scholz. it was a package found at the building. a sunrise police officer. it wasn t necessarily addressed to her. the congresswoman was scheduled to be about 35 miles south, in miami-dade county at the coral gables women s club when this was found. so, this is kind of filling in some color. i know you ve got a report from the sun sentinel. this could be, then, another device. we are watching this closely to
see if it s melissa: steve rogers is a member of the joint task force, he s a retired lieutenant for the nutley, new jersey police department. thank you so much for joining us. tell me what jumps out to you about what is happening so far today, and back to monday? the number of packages we are beginning to find, this was a well-coordinated individual that planned to have this happen simultaneously. number one. number two, i will tell you what s going for my mind right now. that person is watching us. that person is looking at all this footage, listening to everything that we are saying, and that person if they are watching they need to know that this is not the way to communicate. this is not the way to get a point across, because in effect it s causing a lot of terror to a lot of innocent people. melissa: i m sorry to interrupt, could you stand by for once i, steve? these are great thoughts but vice president pence is speaking right now.
we want to listen to what we have to say and will get back t to. vice president pence: those responsible will be brought to justice. [applause] it is great to be back. in scranton wilkes-barre. i will never forget the first time i gathered in this city, just a few days after the republican national convention where i got added onto a national ticket. i was here with a friend of min mine. i saw the enthusiasm for his vision for america melissa: obviously, he s not talking about the situation that s going on today any longer. he said that they are going to prosecute whoever did this and go after them. let s go back to steve rogers. steve, you are in the middle of the thought that the person who did this is most likely watching right now. yes, i m sure they heard the vice president say they will be brought to justice. they will. but it s best that they turn themselves in prayer they re
going to get caught. all the resources of the united states government, law enforcement agencies are involved in this. you heard about the forensic studies, the analysis, the comparative analysis of each device that s going to be made. they are going to get caught. they always get caught. it s best that the person turn themselves in, and but let s gt this over with. it s going nowhere fast. melissa: but none of the devices went off. what does that tell you? thank god for that. you ve got to really look at how these devices were made, what material was used, and if they were actually made not to go off and just to spread terror or at least not to go off at a particular time. that s where you are fbi forensic psychologists will come, and they will try and build a psychological profile of the person that committed these acts. melissa: yeah. would you guys like to get in?
i want to add, that you and i were just talking about debbie wasserman schultz. they were not there when the device was found. now, the office has been evacuated after that rep packag. i was quitting that sun sentinel report just minutes ago w local police saying that they are looking at this. now we are seeing something kind of similar to what we saw at time warner center. a suspected device is found, the evacuate, they continue to investigate at that point. if that is the case, that would bring our number to four. see, are you still with us? yes, i am. harris: you are. from what we know in the last 72 hours and we can fold into one of the home of george soros, as well that brings the number higher. they are looking to see if those things are connected. what does that tell you if they are, and what does that tell you if they aren t, these devices? i happen to believe, based on
mike s period, that they are connected. because they have all been found pretty much within 24 hours or so. there is at least one person trying to send a message to whomever, and they are doing this by targeting high-profile individuals. former president, george soros, debbie wasserman schultz they are all high-profile people who may not be in line with the thinking of the individual who committed these acts. the common denominator is, it seems that the person committing these acts has more of an ideological dispute with these people than anything else. this is not the way to send a message prayed let s hope to god we don t find anymore as move on today. harris: it s interesting because, as you re talking, of course, we don t know the details or the motivation behind all this. we are looking at it with your forensic background. katie, i know you are falling a lot on social media right now. what do you see? katie: yeah, there is no
new information from any of the sources we been hearing from. paul ryan has also issued a statement. we should also clarify, again, debbie wasserman schultz office, the one we are referring to, is in florida not on capitol hill. as you keep moving here we continue to see these devices showing up throughout the day. at the clintons, at the obama s, then to cnn. down in florida, all over the country. this certainly is not over and law enforcement, according to what we are seeing with what they are putting out through the secret service and the fbi, they are continuing to treat this as an ongoing event. harris: that s an important point, too. early on, detectives and investigators had been kind of looking forensically at theirs as well. trying to extrapolate. if they are all close to one area, what does that mean? if, in fact, some rice florida comes in to the point with debbie wasserman schultz s office, that takes it in a difft direction question marks because it sure does. but the common denominator i see
here is the politics. the political ideology pray that s what i m driving at. no one has yet seen any of these packages except for conservatives. here s where the concern is. you just don t do these things. melissa: no sane person would, sir. we have to be careful. when we saw these bomb threats being phoned into the jccs, and ended up being a jewish man calling the men. we have to be very careful about speculating who is behind this until we actually have evidence of a suspect. harris: yeah, we don t know yet. that s my point. but for a law enforcement back on for me look at common threads. common denominators. you start from there. obviously, you have your physical evidence on the crime scenes, then your forensics. that s what you look at, common denominators. harris: we have a veteran on the couch with us, pete hegseth.
i assume there are ways that he is talking about the military looks at, as well. ieds prehearing that that acronym today is jarring. that s what we are talking abou about. pete: whatever individual or group that his response will for this, that s exactly the phraseology they want. this is domestic terrorism. it is either politically motivated, religiously, we don t know what the motivations are. clearly it was by some group of people to make a certain group of people afraid. or make them stop doing what they re doing. that is terrorism. when you use pipe bombs and ieds to do so, you re hoping to get at the consciousness and change the way we do business. can i ask a question about the device customer xp when let s reset the picture of people at home or work or wherever they are tuning in anda very large police presence on the left side of the screen. that is the lectern where we expect that the microphones for the nypd and federal authorities to step up in the next 20 minutes or less, for the first news conference. several devices have been found.
one in the hometown of the clintons, it had gone through the mail situation and it did not reach them. that is chappaqua, new york. one at cnn time warner center, and that is the home of cnn. we saw a massive evacuation thereby warn warner, several floors there. they took the device there and took it to a different location in new york, a detonation center for bombs. now we are learning of potentially another, in sunrise, florida, with the offices of debbie wasserman schultz. we are following this trade that is just in the last short little while. previous to this, george soros home, also president obama and the first lady. jessica? jessica: i am curious about the order of things, and obviously we don t know who did this i wouldn t say they are not seen in any way to have done something like this. but i m wondering how normal the
practice would have been to have done george soros yesterday monday. jessica: on monday, and then wait. then carry this on. whether that might lead us to believe this is someone doing some sort of copycat-type-thing. and the george soros incident was isolated. he s very lucky his mail gets clicked outside his compound so it doesn t get inside there or anywhere close to his house. harris: pete, i wanted to ask about actual device per the term pipe bomb is very general term. we don t know the details of the device they drove out of cnn earlier. based on your experience, can you give a little bit more detail about what that could been done i can mean question my people think about pipe bombs are ieds, it can be very serious. pete: they can be sophisticated or rudimentary. they can be large, they can be very small. it all depends on the type of explosive. are there nails close to market their buckshot in there? how badly is this person trying to injure or maim? the size of it is not going to cause structural damage, say,
the cnn building. but it can kill. what does someone used to build zoning like that customer what kind of household products? pete: you can buy black gunpowder, the triggers are more sophisticated. the actual pipes themselves, nails, anything you could think of maim or injure. they could also be remote-designated or on a timer i m curious how they were supposed to go off. pete: and where they supposed to go off? they could have been sophisticatedly put together. this person is going through all this length to mail these things, they would want to put it off. that gets rid of some of the evidence easier to find. you will still have evidence. melissa: one thing that s interesting one thing to note is where these were collected. you talk about the timing and are not sure we understand the timing, because of the mail situation. the one at george soros on monday made it to the permit of his property. when you look at the one that was sent to either the clintons or the obama family in d.c.,
both of those are picked the vet emailed this region center. they didn t get even close to the home that they were intended for. because of the procedures for the former president, they wear melissa: at different times. the one that went to cnn, we understand from reports, was actually dressed to the office as it shows up on the internet, not where the actual cnn newsroom facility is. so the person didn t have a lot of knowledge about how cnn works. and, where they actually are. it was also reportedly addressed to john brennan, who is a contributor for msnbc, not cnn. i want to clarify the timing on the packages sent to the clintons and obama s. harris: hillary clinton is speaking now. let s watch. obviously, never more than today. but it is a troubling time, isn t it? it s a time of deep division,
and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together. we also have to elect candidates who will tried to do the same. who will set goals that will lift up every single floridian and american. who will look into the future to understand, what are the challenges we have to meet today so that our children and our grandchildren have the quality of life and the opportunities that we hope for them? usually, when people ask me how i m doing which happens quite often [laughter] i say as a person, i m great. as an american, i m worried. is actually for the same reason.
partly why i am so great is no offense to anyone i have the most fabulous grandchildren in the entire world. [laughter] but, because i do now have these little precious people, i worry about the direction of our country. i worry about what kind of world will be waiting for them. when they are teenagers and young adults, and beyond. so, it s a special pleasure for me to be here to support the candidates that you have running in florida. harris: there you can see hillary clinton speaking. she happened to bring up these remarks at an event in florida about what has happened with these suspicious devices. she said we must work together to bring the nation together. and she says to elect candidates
who will do the same prayer this is obviously a political event, but it is also the first time that we have heard, on camera, m anyone in the clinton family since the device was found off-site of the residence at a mail center. but, addressed to them. we know we saw chelsea clinton, her daughter, tweeting earlier to think of secret service and all of this. just to reset here, we are waiting for a news conference to start now in just a few minutes. less then ten, we are told. this will be in new york city. we fully anticipate that they will tell us about the situation, and the explosive device that was found at the time warner center. the home of cnn, and the evacuations that took place. to give us some information about that. but we may even learn in a wider scope what else they are learning about whether or not that device was connected with any of the other sound. we want to bring is bob still available to us? a former federal agent. former cochairman of new york state s antiterrorist
task force and ceo of the investigative management group. glad to have you here with your expertise. first of all, if you can, just look at this and tell us the points that are the highlights to you that we need to be focused on. well, i think you have covered it very well. i think the main thing is that these devices are all being found within a short period of time. if you look at cases in the past, this is a pattern. usually it connects back to one organization or when an individual everything is that the secret service and are in the management group, we investigate a threat. they have an immense amount of intelligence information on individuals who potentially would do something like this. not only are you dealing with all of your current forensic and dna evidence and witnesses, cctv, but you are dealing with a tremendous amount of intelligence. in a fluid investigation like
this, or something is happening as we speak, you have to put all this together and try and quickly go to those organizations but you know those individuals have the capability of doing something like this. harris: as a former member of the federal force, as we like to say when these news conferences pull together, you are one of the feds. we see them putting on the microphones, the jackets, they are getting ready to go, here. what type of information do you anticipate is necessary for the public to know? very quickly, in new york city, john miller is the head of the terrorism task force. he s doing a great job here with jimmy o neill. what they want to do is to be able to quickly get in front of the public. they use social media, as you can see your phone has gone off several times. they get out there with the citizens to try and share information, to try and have them look around, anybody who has some kind of suspicions about somebody you might be involved. they want to get that information into the police department, into the fbi tax
force as quickly as possible. one of the things we have learned in law enforcement over the years is that you have to work with the public. social media, with the regular media, but to be out there and communicate. that s a big assistance to resolving situations like this. harris: i m curious because after 9/11, if you see something, say something. if that has made a great deal of difference, and how you look at an investigation of the kind of information that comes in right away. absolutely, look at today. even as we speak, have found these devices. there may be other devices out there. if you have the background here in new york city, you will hear sirens. nypd is all over the city today, putting people on high alert, telling people that if they see anything suspicious, they should report it. this is a fluid situation. there are people out there right now that could be in danger. you have to be aware. the police can t do it alone. the fbi can t do it alone.
it is really part of a bigger picture involving all the public. not only in terms of prevention and hopefully stopping something from detonating, and causing injury or death, but also in identifying who the culprit is. identifying who is responsible for these bombs. it is really a partnership between the public and the police. harris: how complicated is that now that we have two devices in the state of new yor new york, one in washington, d.c., and now potentially one within evacuation of the offices of debbie wasserman schultz and sunrise, florida? this is going to add to the investigation in terms of what size of an organization. is this an individual who could have done this at different times, been on a flight and come to new york? someone who could have driven from george soros house to chappaqua where hillary clinton lives close to mark what is the time difference? that s part of the equation and trying to determine who is response will. couple that with the intelligence formation and other information coming in from the
public, and even though it s very quick, it s happening instantaneously. every second we are getting more and more information. melissa: if i could jump in and ask him is actually three devices in the state of new york. let me ask you including george soros . how significance we ve been asking everyone this how big a deal is it to you that none of these went off? do you think it was a lucky break that they weren t intended to be, what does that tell you? we just don t know yet. we don t know whether this is something because it s so new and it s happening at this time, we don t know whether this is a ploy to have all of the resources from nypd and the fbi and the secret service focused on new york, perhaps washington. there is something in another state or in another part of the city. we don t know the sophistication behind the developer. the person who has put this together, or the people who have put them together.
there is no answer yet until you actually take a look forensically at that bomb to see how it was made. harris: bob, thank you very much. sorry for the little pause there. you ve got some breaking news coming in to lay on top of what we are already covering. bob, we really appreciate your expertise and time. thank you so very much. we are now finding out that the u.s. secret service has intercepted another suspicious package. it was sent to the office of former attorney general eric holder, that s in florida, we are told. we have not confirmed this yet at fox news, but it is per multiple media outlets. i want to bring in chris, a former fbi assistant director. chris, you are with us by phone? yes. harris: oh, you are on screen. there we go. thank you very much. i want to drill down because the situation seems to be widening even further. that is where the feds come in, and they have more of a gestalt of you. walk me through what happens
next as we begin to find more devices. right, we are starting to see a pattern. we were already seeing a little bit of a pattern. we have unexploded devices that were screened by some very effective male screening centers, and it highlights the effectiveness of these male screening centers that have come into being since 9/11. we ve got a forensic bonanza. there will be plenty of evidence that will be exploited by the fbi s evidence response teams on all of these sites. i expect with george soros, if it is in fact related, the george soros expose of device to be further along since it was delivered earlier. probably because it was not screened. of course, they are going to be looking at this as a potential terrorist motives, whether it is on one side or the other. as you correctly pointed out earlier, this does not necessarily mean that someone is espousing some sort of conservative ideology in targeting democrats.
it could be someone who is trying to get the democratic vote out and incur sympathy. it could go either way. melissa: that s interesting point. harris: that s why we always caution against that speculative and i understand why investigators say we want to start, end of arrows are pointing in one direction, follow that. but they could be the same facts for different reasons, as you re pointing out. correct. the investigation will reveal much of their thinking. when they do their press conference, they will walk a fine line between giving the public the information they need to protect themselves and not releasing important facts that they can use to check against tippers or people who might call in with serious information. harris: you know, melissa, you and i were on the couch together when the austin packages were exploding. we were learning so much in austin, texas, cobra doughnut, a
month ago know. i remember they told the public which look for but there was not a lot of specific specificity. what can they tell us to help? there are more packages out there and it would seem there are some of the very trend now. what are we looking at and how can they tell us without sipping on their own probe? sure, i think they will be very general in telling people to be to have their mail screened. particularly, high-profile political figures. they are all probably being contacted behind the scenes anyway as potential victims. they are going to describe the types of characteristics of these types of packages, probably. so that they can be rapidly identified. again, i mentioned earlier, male screening centers these came in after 9/11 because of all the activity, the male activity post-9/11. most large corporations, most political offices have an
off-site screening center. someone like george soros, obviously not. melissa: when you look at her to contact in order to tell them to protect themselves, as it is laying out, these are all people that were connected to members of the former administration. it you look at john brennan, as we report, that s how the cnn package was addressed. he was obviously a ca director. eric holder was obviously the attorney general. debbie wasserman schultz was the chairman of the dnc. president obama, obviously. hillary rodham clinton was obviously secretary of state at that time. george soros, a donor to that campaign, or to the administration. that lays out at least we are just saying, as you look at it and try to see a pattern where you would kind of put out feelers to see where else to look or who to protect in the near term, that does seem like a pattern you would reach out to of people. i m sure, as you said, the secret service already is. or, the fbi out there, trying to look for similar things and
other people connected to the administration, potentially. what do you think? yes, there is an obvious pattern coming here. but you can make any assumptions either way. melissa: sure. let s hope this is a loan, demented individual. by definition they have to be mentally disturbed. when you mix political ideology or any other kind of politics with mental illness, it s a pretty toxic combination. these people can be mentally ill, but also capable. as i mentioned earlier, pipe bombs are very easy to make. unfortunately. that is probably the most prevalent type of explosive device that you see by amateurs. we will see how this plays out. we don t have a lot of facts here, but it does appear to me at least at first glance, at first blush this is a sort of amateur operation. harris: formerly leadership of the fbi, we appreciate your time and your expertise. we will bring you back as the news warrants. great to see you. thank you. on the left side of your screen,
here s what you are watching. we have no inch passed by a minute and a half, when he thought this news conference or, had been told it would be starting. we are all very anxious to get information, here. it was drawing to say the least to see a major news outlet spill out into the streets on 58th and eighth avenue here in new york, evacuating. also, shops and other things that were located at that time warner center that they felt like they wanted to get people out of the way. there is a very large hotel there, the mandarin. we understand they did not evacuate. they re kind of on the other side of the building from where cnn is. now the news conference begins. let s watch together. good afternoon, everyone. i just want to announce partners from the fbi. of course, the fdny, oem. the state police, and the secret service. today, nypd and all of our law enforcement partners
responded to reports of a suspicious package at cnn. our intel emergency services and south responded mutely, secure the area, and began a search of the building. responding to a device that appeared to be alive explosive device. the bomb squad responded, secure the device, and we moved it to investigation. additionally, there was an envelope containing white powder that was discovered as part of that original packaging, and we are in the middle of investigating that right now. the area has been scrubbed with dogs and equipment and found no additional threats besides the white powder. we are working with our law enforcement partners, and responded strictly to secure the scene. nypd is currently deploying resources around the city out of abundance of caution. if anyone see something that looks suspicious, please call 911. anyone with information about this incident today, about
incidents in the new york area, please call 1-888- 1-888-new-york-city-safe. will not be intimidated and we will bring these perpetrators to justice. mr. mayor ? thank you very much, commissioner. we saw today was an effort to terrorize. this clearly is an act of terror, attempting to undermine our free press and leaders of this country through acts of violence. i want to make very clear that the people of new york city will not be intimidated. that we are going to go about our lives undeterred because the very concept of terrorism is to change us, and we will not allow that to happen. you cannot be terrorized if you refuse to allow the terrorists to win. people in this city have shown time and again that they stand up in the face of these efforts to intimidate.
i want to think the people of new york city for the way they are handling the situation today. i also want to think our first responders. commissioner, to you, and all the women of the nypd. thank you for the insert in your efforts today. fdny, officer of emergency management, our state and federal partners, everybody worked swiftly to address this situation and contain it. i also want to commit everyone at cnn for the professionalism with which they handled this very troubling incident. we, at this time, do not have other credible and specific threats against locations in new york city. i want to let all new yorkers know, you can go about your daily routine knowing the nypd and all of these other agencies are here to protect you. it is important to note that this is ongoing, as we have more information we will provide it. i emphasize, there is no
specific threat against any other location in this city at this time. that said, the nypd and all of our partners have reinforced our very clear, visible presence at key media locations around new york city and other important locations. you will see a lot more police presidents don t act presence. that should be reassuring to all new yorkers. finally, i want to say, this is a very painful time in our nations. it s a time when people are feeling a lot of hatred in the air. incidents like this exacerbate that pain, and exacerbate that fear. we cannot let the acts of the very few change who we are. it s really important at a moment like this to remember the vast majority of americans, the vast majority of new yorkers, are good people trying to live in peace with each other. there are a few people and we
don t know who they are today but there are a few people trying to tear us apart through acts of violence. it is imperative that we ensure they fail. it is imperative that we act as the good and decent people that we are. this is a moment in history that is painful, but it will pass. this, too, shall pass. today, the important point is that everyone can rest assured the nypd and all other agencies are out in force to protect the people of this city. to make sure that they can go about their lives safely. thank you. governor cuomo? thank you. thank you, mary. thank you commissioner. first, let s member that we have the best police force and the best law enforcement agencies on the globe. we want to thank the nypd, the state police, and the fbi. the joint terrorism task force. the secret service.
all who have worked seamlessly together and are coordinated. we should take comfort in that level of professionalism that we have in the city. and, in this state. as everyone is aware, there have been a number of packages that have been received. last night, there was the secret service they detected a package at the residence of president clinton and hillary rodham clinton. they notified the state police and the nypd. we personally checked on the president s residence in chappaqua at about 4:30 this morning. everything was fine there. this morning, obviously, we have the cnn package. i want to echo the
professionalism with which cnn has handled this situation. at the cooperation that they have brought to the situation. i would like to thank them for that. this is the world we live in. terrorism, the attempt to spread fear, is the world that we live in. it is heightened lately. the mayor is exactly right. there are more tensions than usual, but this is the world we live in. also, a little perspective the first terrorist attack in new york city was 1993. 25 years ago. that was the bombing of the world trade center. in some ways, this is nothing
new. we have lived with this for a long time. actually, my father was governor at that time. this has been a circumstance of being who we are and where we are. we are new york, and we are an international icon. for some, we are an international target. terrorism only works if you let it work. what they are trying to do is scare us and destabilize us, and we will not allow that to happen. we are new yorkers, we are smart, we are tough, we are resilient, and we will not allow these terrorist thugs to change the way we live our lives. they fail unless we allow them to win. we will not allow them to win.
as the commissioner said, you will see increased police presence from the nypd and the state police, the mta police, the board authority police. you shouldn t be alarmed. there will be more police on subways, more police on the streets, more police at crossings. as the mayor said, that s not because we know any specific threat. it s just a precaution, because we are smart. and, because we have the best talent on the globe when it comes to this. we will take every precaution we can. but, we will not let terrorism win. not today, not ever. thank you. good afternoon. i have with me special agent in charge, brian. special agent in charge of the
fbi s joint terrorism task force your new york city. as the governor outlined, this begins on monday night with a package that was delivered to a resident in westchester county. that was responded to by the westchester county police, the bedford police, and fbi special agent bomb technicians. that package was disrupted and taken to the fbi lab. overnight, late last night, we received word of the package delivered to the clinton residence that was intercepted before delivery to the clinton residence in chappaqua, new yor new york. that was also going to the fbi lab. we were notified by the secret service that they have received a nearly identical package in washington, addressed to the obamas. at that point, we began to take additional proactive steps. we have gone to locations the day before, associated with the first individual who was targeted. today, we went out to offices of
elected officials, media outlets, television, and in fact when the package was discovered here in the cnn mailroom we had nypd personnel present, showing them what these look like and what to be on the lookout for. at this point, we are talking with other fbi field offices at the gatt f about other incidences unfolding in other places. suffice it to say, it appears that individual or individuals sent out multiple similar packages. we have been working with corporate partners in the private sector. we have prepared a product through the nypd shield program which goes to approximately 20,000 of our private security partners, instructing them on what to look for, what the characteristics are, and renewed tips on handling of suspicious packages. at this point, we are at the
very early stage in the investigation. this is being led by the joint terrorism task force here in new york city, with the fbi and the nypd. we have had assistance from the new york state police, who are a part of that task force. and, assistance from the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. it is a big group effort. the incident here today, once the package was discovered, emergency service was notified. they called the bomb squad. the bomb squad was able to safely remove a device contained in that package, using the total containment vessel. the tcv, or in simple terms, the bomb truck. that has gone to our range at rodman s neck, where the special agent bomb technicians will work with people on how to get it to the next stop, which should be the fbi labs. all this evidence would be examined together. there is an additional issue, which is being worked on now.

Cnn-newsroom-facility , News-conference , New-york-city , Devices , Hillary-rodham-clinton , Secret-service , New-york , The-other-two , Westchester-county , New-york-city-police-department , One , Position-packages

Transcripts For DW Shift - Living In The Digital Age 20181113 15:45:00

you know the stereotype classics but if you think the future of the country that i don t. think. it s all that. you. post. here. you. shift. to a special program about internet equality with programming lessons for girls medical support by smartphone and life s little injustices but first programming together for more equality open source software is free of charge and accessible to everyone enabling programmers from all over the world to cooperate on social projects for
instance. the says. person s water bill online the u.s. donation platform the human utility is helping citizens of detroit who cannot afford running water program or tiffany ashley bell founded the online initiative using simple means people should be able to have water in their houses were garley regardless of their financial situation so me being a developer the first thing that we kind of did was shorting the game was throwing up a website to try to find people who needed help with their water bills. tiffany ashley bell uses open source code for her donation platform it s a source code which is available to everyone other users can see the code on the open source. and use it for their own projects or proposed changes. we started on literally and again it was just like some tape together bootstrap code google for. and it looked like it was something more expensive than it was but it
was just posted there and get how you can contribute so like a real type on the website people would like to pull requests to fix it or whatever but again it was just a matter of just like seeing this is a community effort. for some time now and hasn t only been small initiatives which is open source march foundation such as the bill and melinda gates foundation are also discovering the benefits of free software with their project. the open source project aims to make it easier for users in developing countries to pay their bills online pay platforms such as m peyser are often incompatible with banking systems the open source platform will connect them to the relevant banking system what s special about it is that the foundation publishes the source code instead of delivering a finished cloud solution programmers can use this code and adapted to their local needs their foundations all across the world its foundation is the largest of them
all who are investing incredible amount of resources in addressing the social problems that we see in the world around us but the fact that they re now looking to open source as a tool i think is incredibly scats formative and i want to see more foundations and philanthropic after look to technology as a possible solution for many of the world s problems solving social problems with open source software is already common in africa one example is got to vote from kenya which helps citizens master the complicated registration process for elections programmers from ghana malawi and zimbabwe like the idea and adapted the open source code for their countries the app dodgy doctors enables users from kenya to see whether their doctor is registered practitioners with no formal qualifications are common there the open source code was then used for a similar project in south africa program where brisson can train software developers all over africa and advises. them to use open source.
as a release to african countries open sores has a big. impact in terms of helping africans build products to solve for african challenges and problems. open source projects of come up in the recent years in order to enable the warpers and everyone to be able to use the m to build products and solutions for us. it s the sharing spirit that motivates programmers to use open source the more people help improve the code the better it is for social projects. shift says free software for better world. and now that workers digital makers and shakers today coding feminist berets hang mia. her mission is training underprivileged girls in cape town to get
a head start in technical professions the south african founded the charity girl hype thirteen years ago it s all about programming. someone taught me how to code like an hour i realize beautiful this year that everybody should know every tat and having being on their feminist side as you know what it s i should focus on what i know which is guess. parents hang me regularly visits the townships to teach programming basics she gives afternoon classes at several schools. is funded by donations and joint ventures with tech companies. over ten thousand girls have been sponsored so far. and. so that s why we exist.
to have top one hundred thousand girls by two thousand and twenty so women too can shape the future of south africa. and now more justice through internet access open and affordable access to online information ought to be guaranteed worldwide but just over fifty percent of the world s population have it even in germany the situation isn t optimal everywhere. where in the middle of the forest as soon as the trees move or weather conditions are unfavorable there s no internet reception. it s a distinct disadvantage to have a fast and stable internet connection no matter whether you re in western australia or in germany or mountain region modern communication technology is
a prerequisite to development both socially and economically. digital inequality no longer arises from a lack of access to the internet alone nowadays it s about the speed of the connection and the costs germany is not particularly well equipped when it comes to digital infrastructure in terms of availability and speed of four g. networks it s behind turkey and. germany is a digital third world country to be frank we lag behind in all the statistics we re not just talking about people being able to download a film faster. we re talking about the neural pathways of the german economy. it s already the case that nobody wants to set up a business in rural areas where there is no decent internet connection. or mountain region in eastern germany is digitally cut off from the rest of the world
so it s not possible for the saxon hotel owners. to offer a modern internet connection a distinct disadvantage. it s very annoying we pay our taxes to the government has to intervene and build an appropriate infrastructure to support business owners the small and medium sized enterprises. investment in digital infrastructure is crucial worldwide and the only way to reduce digital inequality between rich and poor old town and country but in order to create more equality the internet has to be universally accessible and affordable. from the remote australian town of. calling for the. sooner they get it the better so they can get in touch with the outside world you know. there is hope for the community in the australian outback
a new radio mast is due to be put into operation soon. she says high speed internet for everyone. now digital medical aid for crisis areas a smart phone is all it takes to support doctors there that s the idea behind area . even complicated cases of illness can be discussed via video call or whatsapp. afghanistan a country struggling to find peace basic medical care is a problem to doctors and hospitals are. complicated external support can be useful. which is why wahid arianne founded the charitable organization army on television in britain the physician fled from afghanistan himself as a teenager when i came at the age of fifteen in ninety nine to go into the u.k. on my own that brought with me to be able to one day become
a doctor and then to be able to contribute to the communities where i live which is the united kingdom but also go and help globally to as many people as i can we have a vision his organization offers remote medical aid in its simplest and most effective form of advice via skype what s up a text message or email around one hundred registered voluntary doctors can be called on for advice because of security they cannot come to. and it s a very easy way to contact with them and. consult. patients through the telemedicine it s a direct and and bureaucratic way to help patients in crisis areas. where medics where the doctors and nurses and staff or other health care professionals that we re here for because it s a vocation for us and using simple technology to be able to give that advice in conflict zones is one of the best ways to get that reward and simply. what he s the
audio on has received several international awards for his work. shift says technology enables essential aid. and there s always a shift we leave through the exit our internet find of the week today totally unfair we re all familiar with these situations it s close but not quite close enough. the graphic designers from the french company parallel studio feel duped by fate they ve turned their negative experiences into brightly colored animations. sometimes you re just out of luck many users feel the same the clip has been
watched on vimeo around two and a half million times. and next week the first e-sports world champion from the arab world abdul aziz al shehri player name mr dunne the east sports scene is booming worldwide the middle east in particular has huge potential as a future market a role model for young arabs next week on shift. eco india i m one of the countries of biggest problems waste from the media the majority of the things is not processed and most often ends up in landfill but not in missouri the sheer garbage is turned into a resource and even makes a profit. all schemes of the and sustainable is the slogan let s find the. camp thirty minutes from the d w.
c her first day of school in the jungle. first including listen. then doris granger moment arrives. join the regulating on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary the floor of the following attained returns home on t w dot com times. in history that show for the story. of the first one more told from different perspectives by peter craig come from the eastern european perspective from the african perspective from the perspective of turkey on the our new book. the w. to come slash w w one. you can tell a lot about
a society by its garbage. just some worthless for the rich but for many poor people it offers their chance of survival. and i could be lunch for today just like that s. our reporters travel to nairobi and work and meet people who know the true value of courage. it has created a surprising paralleling claim. what does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting class war the response to that statement should be yes we are starting to let s walk it because we re tired. actually disrupt any kind of play bridge to the truck seclusive report starts nov seventeenth on g w.

Citizens , Water-bill , Donation , Human-utility , Who , Us- , Detroit , Can-not , People , Ashley-bell , Situation , Running-water-program