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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20180821 19:00:00

A newscast reviewing and analyzing top stories of the day as they happen.
going to plead guilty but there s no cooperation agreement. they ve been hoping for that, but there isn t one. what does that say in the bigger picture for the mueller investigation regarding the president, if anything? that litany you just laid out is correct. what it doesn t give the mueller investigation is any information mr. cohen has specifically about the payments to those women. not so much the taxi medallions. that doesn t interest mr. mueller. but certainly the women, the money paid for on behalf of candidate trump. you re depriving mueller of that inside information and you have to make the case some other case. if there s no criminal case to be made against the president, certainly a report to congress. shepard: either way, the items seized in the raid, if you will, on those three properties, those items can be used by the feds what ever way they chose to use them because they were legally obtained. you re right that is fair game for any prosecutor anywhere
in the country, certainly mr. mueller. shepard: good to talk to you. thank you. certainly. shepard: the other breaking news we re following a live look at allentown, pennsylvania where the district attorney is announcing the first charges to come from that bomb shell grand jury report on predator priests in six of the eight diocese in the state of pennsylvania. could justice finally come for some of the victims that have waited so long? we re monitoring the news conference and have developments in this hour. first, still waiting a verdict in the trial of president trump s former campaign chairman. jurors asking what it means for the entire verdict if they re not on the same page on at least one of the counts. we ll head to the courthouse for the new developments there. we re continuing to follow a jet that has been circling four hours now after it blew tires on take off from teterboro,
new jersey in route to london. among those on board, rapper post malone that last night won the record of the year at the video music awards. that emergency landing is coming at some point on a breaking news day on fox news. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear.
courthouse in alexandria, virginia where the jurors asked the judge what they can do if they can t agree on a single count against the president s former campaign chairman, paul manafort. in a note to the judge they wrote if we cannot come to consensus on a single count what does that mean for a final verdict? the judge told them to go back and go about their business. but then after the and continue deliberating. after the jury left the room, the judge said he would accept a partial verdict, not information that he gave to the jurors. paul manafort faces 18 counts connected to lobbying work that he did for a pro russian party in ukraine. he s pleaded not guilty to all charges. peter doocy is outside d.c.
live. shep, the wording of the letter that the jury sent the judge is somewhat vague. it s not clear that they cannot come to a consensus on one of the 18 charges or if they can t come to a consensus on any of the 18 charges. are you dead locked on every count or one count? we don t know. today i have spoken to someone that saw the note from the jury. they said it was edited. a word was crossed out. so the regional question from the jury is what happens if we can t come to an agreement on any of the charges. the judge said this has happened before and even though he can accept a partial verdict, he told jurors to go back and review all the evidence in this case and try to get 18 unanimous verdicts. shep? shepard: how did the jury react to the judge s
instructions, peter? one of the jurors nodded his head quite a bit when the judge told the entire group, all 12, that they need to respect the minority opinion among the jury and the judge said you re not partisan, you re judges, you re the exclusive judges to the credibility of the witnesses. first thing this morning before the note indicated that there might be a problem, paul manafort looked to be in very good spirits, which is unusual for him here. he was laughing, patting his lawyers on the back, a source close to the team said he s in good spirits because the deliberations have stretched passed the two days that he thought the jury was going to take. his legal team is off site with mrs. manafort, waiting for a call from the clerk that there s been another note or something else. shep? shepard: peter doocy monitoring developments. thanks. we ll continue with that. ahead, a former prosecutor and current defense attorney says
today s developments in the manafort case may not be good for his defense. i ll ask him why after this. dear great-great grandfather, you made moonshine in a backwoods still. smuggled booze and dodged the law. even when they brought you in, they could never hold you down. when i built my family tree and found you, i found my sense of adventure. i set off on a new life, a million miles away. i m heidi choiniere, and this is my ancestry story. now with over 10 billion historical records, discover your story. get started for free at
watch this. i want to vote for. obviously not you. ooh that guy. cast your votes during every live show. just say vote for agt into the x1 voice remote. shepard: more now on president trump s former campaign chairman, paul manafort. we await a verdict in his case for tax fraud. let s go to bob bianchi. so a jury passes a note. what do we do if we can t get a consensus? it looks like they reached a number on the 17, but i guess deliberations continue. yeah, we play this game all the time as trial lawyers trying to figure it out. when they come back and the judge gives the charge and says to them, you try to come without doing violence to your judgment
and respect minority opinions and they say it s about one count, that was a game-changer. that is a gone-through and due diligence, meticulously going through a document dump that the judge threw in there. they had to piece the documents together. they went through it all. just seems like they re hung up on a charge. i would suspect based on the evidence produced that the tax case is solid for the prosecution and those will be all guilty verdict. maybe they get a hung jury and a mistrial on one or two charges. i suspect they come back today or tomorrow. the question is how long do you get for this? i guess the foreperson will go, hey, we keep trying this, we can t get there. here s what we ve got. would they present the verdicts as reached from the charging document and decide whether they would go back and work on the last charge? in other words, we would know most everything relatively soon? i think the time will give
the allen charge, where the judge will say listen, without doing violence to your judgment, can you foreperson, come to a conclusion, do you think further deliberations will be useful with respect to the counts that you cannot come to an agreement on. if the consensus is if they can t, if it is in fact the number of counts where they made a finding, guilty or not guilty, he will take a partial verdict and mistrial where the charges they couldn t come to a conclusion on. shepard: this is really the beginning for paul manafort. there s another trial coming. that has more to do with activities with the president. this has nothing to do with it. right. sure. they got manafort in a bind here. if he gets convicted, here s the play, shep. it will be interested if prosecutors or the defense comes knocking and says, hey, you know, maybe we should talk before that other trial. they have him in the breach at that point in time if he gets convicted on any of these offenses. he has all the reason in the
world to cooperate. under sentencing guidelines, you get a sentence north of ten years under sentencing guidelines. absolutely. the judge will have a huge amount of discretion here. the judge is an interesting character. he wasn t friendly to the prosecution. challenged the prosecution in front of the jury, which was detrimental. i ve had it happen. it s an ugly thing. who knows with this judge and his personality would do when there s ultimately a lot of discretion with regard to sentencing. he s up to the ten plus point if he gets convicted of the tax case. shepard: on just this trial. yep. shepard: thanks, bob. the other big stories with new developments. we ll go live to iowa for the terrible ending and a month-long search for molly tibbets. her father says that investigators have found his daughter s body. cops say the dad charged with killing his family in colorado was cheating on his pregnant
wife and he s accusing her of strangling their children. also, there s word the russian group accused of hacking the 2016 election has struck again. just months before the mid-terms. what we re learning about the targeting coming up and in addition continuing to track the small jet with 16 or so people on board, including post malone, as it waits to make an emergency landing 4 1/2 hours from teterboro. stay tuned. since my stroke, he hasn t left my side.
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land in an emergency landing at stewart, new york, sometime in the next ten minutes. we believe it s shorter than that. they ve been burning off fuel. i mentioned the rapper post malone is on board. we mentioned his name because he s a famous guy you might have heard on. he won song of the year last night on the video music awards
sources tell fox news that a few minutes ago, this is a straight-up guilty plea. we don t know which charges that he s pleading guilty to. he has been accused of campaign finance violations or investigations for campaign finance violations and loans on taxi medallions. we re told whatever he s pleading to, it s a guilty plea and includes jail time. michael cohen has agreed for three to five years in jail. he will be going away. we don t know if he will be taken this afternoon or if the judge will give him some time to get his affairs together. looks like michael cohen will spent three to five years in jail on a guilty plea on charges
that were brought by prosecutors from the certain district of new york. the fact that he s pleading guilty would seem to indicate according to sources that i ve talked to there s no possibility that michael cohen is going to flip on president trump. if there was some inkling that he would flip on trip, he would have chosen some sort of cooperative deal. one source i said there wouldn t be any flipping because he has nothing to offer. he has no dime to drop on the president. so this michael cohen part of this whole investigation could well end within the next half hour when we learn details of the plea agreement and we find out exactly what his fate is going to be. at this point, looks like michael cohen won t be a witness for robert mueller. shepard: thanks, john. that is happening here in new york city. we re expecting that this
proceeding will begin 30 minutes from now and we ll have live coverage from lower manhattan. let s go to a.b. stoddard at real clear politics. your take on this, a.b. well, i agree with much of what john roberts is reporting except that in assessing how this is potentially linked and connected to president trump, we ll have to hear what he actually pleads guilty to today. he obviously is in trouble for some financial crimes. if there s campaign finance violations that have to do with stormy daniels or karen mcdougal on pay-offs connected to president trump that links a crime to president trump, we also don t know what although this is a case of the southern district of new york involving misdeeds, we don t know what the mueller probe could uncover from
this investigation and these pleadings that might speak to other issues connected to russia. michael cohen was involved with the trump organization. he was involved with deals that the trump family made. we don t know yet what is going to be revealed to investigators if not probably from michael cohen s guilty pleas. shepard: maggie haberman from the new york times reports that this agreement to plead guilty involves at least in part payments by michael cohen on behalf of president trump to stormy daniels and possibly others. right. this is the known direct link. that he was the fixer, that he likely did this in order to hide these revelations before the election in order to stave off some kind of political harm for president trump and president trump has not told the truth about whether he knew or didn t know. he said he didn t know about the payments and rudy guliani went
on fox and told sean hannity that he did know. there s a lot of confusion about that. what i m talking about with these other things, michael cohen this does not preclude him from telling robert mueller as he said six weeks ago, he might. not that he s a credible witness in every case here. but that the president was aware of the trump tower meeting before it took place. so just because he s not making a soup to nuts agreement that gets him out of prison time doesn t mean that in some way the overlapping and connections to president trump and exposure to president trump ends with the payment to stormy daniels. shepard: thanks, a.b. thank you. shepard: live coverage, top of the hour on fox news channel as the court proceedings begin. we ll learn then the details in the manafort case. first, the same group of russian
hackers that meddled in the election in 2016, about that we re certain. that same group is now trying to do it again before the mid-terms. that is the word not from the government, but from microsoft which reports that it uncovered the latest hacking attempts. the latest target, the u.s. senate and conservative think tanks that have criticized president trump and called for sanctions on russia. no big surprise. the claims are called unfounded by vladimir putin and it s unclear who the hackers are. it s not unclear. microsoft president says there s no doubt, none at all, that it is the same group associated with the russian government that hacked the clinton campaign and the dnc. this all comes weeks after the democratic senator claire mccaskill of missouri revealed that russian hackers tried to break into her senate computer network. she s running for re-election in a red state. susan lee is here.
we re told this would happen and alas, it has. microsoft has discovered six fake web pages that were meant to mimic conservative institutions even the u.s. senate. how the scam worked, you were sent e-mails to your inbox. you click through them thinking they re from legitimate institutions like the republican international institute. you were redirected to fake web pages. the hackers use your security codes to get to other sources. we asked about this. i think the smart thing for us to conclude as a nation is that everyone across the political spectrum is vulnerable and potential target of attack. we need to put aside enough of our differences to come together to do what it takes to defend the democratic process in this
country. microsoft has shut down 84 accounts the past few years. earlier this summer, facebook said they shut down 32 pages on instagram and facebook. they said they were fake and meant to basically divide the nation on progressive issues. technology companies, as they have been warned since we re three months away from the mid-terms, they need to be vigilant and on alert for russian interference in the vote. shepard: as i mentioned, microsoft s president said there s no doubt. no doubt. the kremlin denies this. shepard: okay. the national security adviser, john bolton is again saying yes russia could be one of the countries. watch out for north korea, china, iran to meddle in the mid-terms with under three months to go. all those security and intelligence officials say they have seen no hints of any other countries possibly trying to meddle. shepard: thanks, susan.
while we wait for developments on the michael cohen plea deal, we re watching big news, including ending to the search for molly tibbets. bob tibbets tells fox news that investigators have found his daughter s body. we don t know of what she died. a truck marked state medical examiner driving passed an official road black earlier today near her hometown of brooklyn where she vanished. it s about an hour s drive east of des moines. molly was out for a routine run. molly tibbets boyfriend molly tibbets was dog sitting for her boyfriend. he said he heard from her that same night when she sent him a snap chat message. then no sign for more than a month. investigators launched a search
effort involving dozens of officials from local departments all the way up to the fbi. they search nearby ponds, farms and homes and interviewed hundreds of people we re told. molly s father and molly s boyfriend talked with us here on fox news many times pleading for anybody with any information to come forward. investigators set up a couple of scheduled to give a news conference matter at 5:00 eastern time, so less than 1 1/2 hours from now. matt finn has been covering the case and he s live outside of brooklyn, iowa where she was last seen alive. matt? shep, right now the swarm of activity is ongoing in the rural area, about 13 miles away from brooklyn, iowa. that s where the medical examiner s truck was spotted. fox news has a crew there where we ve seen a csi car recently leave the area. we cannot confirm if this is where her body was found but seems related to the discovery of her body.
we cannot confirmed the nature of molly s death, this area does not come as a surprise to us. it s close to the farmer s house that we saw questioned by the fbi three times. the farmer tells fox news that he took a polygraph and so far he remains a free man. no suspects named publicly. we re not aware of any arrests. but right now, investigators are back out in that rural area where we were many times. we ve wondered why investigators returned to the area. maybe her phone or fit bit pinged in the area. rob tibbets just returned to california a few days ago after being on the ground here a full month. he did many interviews with us. he did as many interviews as possible because he wanted his
daughter s name to remain on people s mind. he and molly s boyfriend went to the iowa state fair looking for information. the father just returned to california. now you can imagine he s on his way back. molly tibbets mother just changed jobs and start add new job. and dalton jack, her boyfriend, was likely scheduled to return to work today. shep? shepard: matt, local crimestoppers group with others involved have posted or offered a reward of close to $400,000 and they still plan to put it to use. is that right? yes. crimestoppers say they want to use the $400,000 for any arrest or conviction of a person involved. they would have to ask the majority of the donors is that s where they want to money to be used. shep. shepard: we ll wait for that news conference on fox news. a judge in colorado is denying
bail for a man accused of killing his pregnant wife and their two children. christopher watts in court today and for the first time he did not enter a plea. investigators say the man confessed to strangling his wife. but he claims she had already killed the children after he told her he wanted a separation. he claims he saw her strangling one of their daughters on a baby monitor. in a range, he strangled his wife. that happened in frederic, colorado,25 miles north of denver. authorities tell a different story. police say watts was having an affair with a co-worker. investigators say they found all three bodies on the property of an oil company where watts worked. his wife, buried in a shallow grave, his 3-year-old daughter celeste and bella submerged in
crude oil. i am shanann s dad. this is her big brother. we d like to thank all the agencies for working so hard to find my daughter, granddaughters. thank you for coming out to the candlelight vigil and saying all of your prayers. they re greatly appreciated. keep them coming for our family. shepard: he mentioned his two daughters and niko. that s the name that they were planning to give to their unborn child. we have late word that the plane carrying 16 passengers that took off from teterboro and lost a couple of wheels or couple tires blown is about to land. but flight air traffic control
has removed that flight from the systems which allow us to track it. that said, we re told that fans of the rapper post malone have gathered outside the stewart, new york airport and waiting for the jet to come in. it will be an emergency landing and we ll let you know what happens coming up. if you re turning 65, you re probably learning about medicare and supplemental insurance. medicare is great, but it doesn t cover everything - only about 80% of your part b medicare costs,
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17-year-old female. they called her jane doe. it included the use of snap chat and social media apps. martin says during the period of december 2017 to january 2018, this man electronically communicated with jane doe, many messages sexual in nature and he was sending nude photos of himself through snap chat. this is the first time charges have been issued sense the diamond was issued last week. this was not what we were reporting on the explosive grand jury case which listed 301 priests accused of sexual assault. kevin lonergan has been charged with a felony, which could bring him up to seven years in prison and one count of indecent assault if he s prosecuted. we ll continue to find out more.
shepard: thanks. we re following the developing news in stewart, new york where now we have live pictures. this is the scene at the airport there where this plane that has been circling now for about five hours burning off foul containing rapper and others, post malone. we re expecting it will land in the next few minutes. the original report is the two front tires had blown, two tires on the left, two tires on the right. now it seems that they were passing over another airport out in southern, connecticut and that the fly-by indicated it may have been the two tires under the left wing. so the information is a bit sketchy. it s on final approach. that appears certain on what is a very long runway with the emergency facilities necessary to take care of this sort of
thing. you can see our local station, wcbs 2 here in new york city and our network affiliate is on scene with live coverage. we ll have that for you after a quick commercial break on fox news. get up to $2,500 customer cash on select 2018 nx 300 models. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not a cream. it s a pill that treats moderate to severe plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don t use if you re allergic to otezla . it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with. .an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have  a history of depression or suicidal thoughts,. .or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight
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time earlier. ambulances numbers 6 or 7 were out there and fire trucks out the mind. now to live pictures. these are the fire trucks on scene and followed the jet in. i mentioned among those on board, post malone, the rapper that won record of the year last night on the vmas. and at the end of the night, post malone and 21 savage and aerosmith had a wild finish to the vmas last night if you stayed up for that. but it was quite a thing. he got a lot of face time last night. really one of the most popular guys out there. in fact, his song, which the album has been a top of the billboard r&b and hip hop charts for 76 weeks, which breaks a
record that was set by michael jackson back in the day for thriller to say he s popular these days is an understatement. they were headed over to london. he and band and pals and others for a series of concerts in an around london and were going to land at a municipal airport over there. but instead, for five hours, they circled around northern new jersey for an hour or so when they thought they might land at teterboro. they decided to go to an airport in massachusetts where gulfstream has a service center and about an 8,000 foot runway there. they circled over long island and the sound and connecticut for a couple of hours. and then they made the decision to go instead to stewart, which is this orange county airport where you see it now. stewart has a 12,000 foot runway and facilities. the air fort sent out some of their equipment to help. thank goodness, the jet landed
without incident. i felt like what we were hearing at 50 minutes past 3:00 here on the east coast was a roar after the plane landed without incident. we spoke with a lot of aviation experts the last few hours that said you need a lot of skill to get this thing down but with some skill and careful maneuvering almost under all circumstances, they ll do just that. cbs 2 just switched back for just a moment to local programming. that s the reason you saw dr. phil for a second. our coverage continues in just a moment. if a post malone comes out and gives us a hey, we ll do that. neil cavuto at the top of the hour minutes away.
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but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. shepard: on this day in 1959, hawaii became america s 50th state. polynesian explorers in the 18th
century, americans came to the island. some members of congress were originally hesitant to make hawaii part of the united states until they realized it was a strategic location for a naval base. the hawaiian people voted unanimously to become a u.s. state. 59 years ago, today. lots coming up here on fox news channel, at the top of the hour, we are expecting a court appearance by michael coren. new caboodle to provide life coverage as we wait for the details of the plea dea deal. pleading guilty to charges that would give him 3-5 years in prison. we don t know with any specificity what the charges are for pleading guilty. at 5:00 this afternoon eastern time, there is another event. that is the news conference from the authorities, at one point, a

4 , Judge , Paul-manafort , Fate , Jet , Teterboro , Tires , Route , Development , Upstate-new-york , New-jersey , Two

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180823 04:00:00

and say if you are in our country illegally, a single crime is too many. talk about adding outrage to insults. already breaking our laws, and then committing crimes. and there are an awful lot of crimes committed by people here illegally, and by non-citizens more broadly. the u.s. sentencing commission says 44% of all federal inmates are non-citizens. that s a huge number. why wouldn t we be upset by that? yeah, so, that federal data is only for federal prisoners, as you probably know. tucker: that s right. federal prisoners account for fewer than 10% of all prisoners in the united states, and that s not representative of other crimes. i ll give you an example in 2016, almost 18,000 homicide convictions in the united states, but only 85 through the federal court because they simply don t prosecute homicide. so if you want to take a look nationwide at convictions and incarcerations of people by immigration status, that s a much better way to do it. tucker: well, you can t. no. it would be. hold on, it would be. it would be, but we don t have those data. the most comprehensive data we have are from the federal
native-born americans in 2016. tucker: i understand that, and i m glad, but, hold on. murder is not the only crime. so you had 71,000 americans die last year of drug ods. the majority of opiates, heroin, come through mexico. so, mexican drug trafficking, conducted largely by people here illegally, is not a small thing at all and results in a lot of deaths. they re not counted as homicides, but they are, in effect, homicides. to listen to you, it s like we don t have a right to be worried about that. there are people who are dying as a result of prohibition. they absolutely do, but a lot of those problems are as a result of prohibition, just like people who died from alcohol poisoning during the prohibition in the 1930s. tucker: actually, they are dying because of the drug ods. actually, alex, people still die of cirrhosis and alcohol is legal. if you get so libertarian that you get demented so are you in favor of prohibition? tucker: okay, i m not in favor of prohibition. i m merely pointing out that these drugs come from mexico, and we have a right to be upset. are you bothered by the fact that this guy used a fake federal i.d. for a number of years? of course. tucker: okay, but why is it that apologists for illegal immigration like yourself gloss over that?
if i use a fake i.d. if i show up and i m hired under another name and a fake social security number, i go to jail for that. but it s totally cool when illegals do it because why? because they work for the companies that give you money? is that why? what is the answer? no, tucker. the problem is a lot of bad federal laws incentivize identity theft. tucker: so it s the law s fault. if you have to have a piece of paper in order to get a job in this country, then people are going to steal those pieces of paper in order to get it. it s going to create a black market. tucker: oh, so we re blaming the law. this goes back to the prohibition point. if you make illegal what people want, they re going to forge these documents in order to get what they want. tucker: okay, so if you want to reduce crime, make things legal. but you re not really answering my question, which is why should i live in a country where, as a citizen, i am gravely and profoundly punished for identity theft, but over 10 million illegals are not? and people like you don t think they should be? but i am punished for that. if i were to use someone else s identity have you committed identity theft? tucker: i certainly haven t, because i would be punished for
it. and i don t want to a lot of people are punished for identity theft, native and immigrants. what are you talking about? tucker: more than 10 million people are living and working in this country using fake federal identification. they are not punished for that. you don t think they should be punished for it. i would be punished if i did it. do you see the double standard? you defend the rights of people who aren t even citizens, and actual citizens like me would go to jail for it. do you see why that might grate on us a little bit? i don t think that native-born americans or foreign-born people should have to prove and ask the government for permission by showing a piece of paper to get a job. tucker: how about flying on an airplane? that s not what this country is about, asking for permission and showing a government piece of paper. tucker: slow down, how about flying on an airplane? how about operating a motor vehicle? those require state government ids. should we get rid of drivers licenses, too? well, some ids are necessary to protect people if you re going to harm somebody. tucker: oh, sure. oh, okay. how does me working at a movie theater or working at a nursery damage other people like that? tucker: but it s cool when illegals use fake drivers licenses. okay.
i m not sure about drivers licenses, but when it comes why do i have to ask permission from the federal government to get a job, tucker? why do you want me to do that? where does it say that in the constitution that i have to do that? tucker: why to drive a car? that s on the state level, tucker. tucker: i m not going to argue with you about ids. i m just saying, there s one standard for people here illegally, they have champions like you, and american citizens don t. and that s annoying to normal people. that s all i m saying. tucker, every law you want to use to punish illegal immigrants is going to be used against native-born americans, too. i have to fill out these stupid forms whenever i get a job because nativists want me to, to prove that i m legally eligible to work in the united states. if e-verify isn t effective, my job tucker: we re out of time. right. alex, thanks. instead of protecting america from potentially dangerous illegal immigrants one of the illegal immigrants one of the left s top political priorities is abolishing ice, the agency of course tasked with removal of dangerous immigrants violating our laws from this country. ice is never welcome here! and as a candidate for ag i
feel like it s really important to speak out to abolish ice. we should protect families that need our help and that is not what ice is doing today and that s why i believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works. abolish ice! abolish ice! tucker: a lot of concern for the families of illegal aliens. not much concern for the family of mollie tibbetts. former acting director of ice joins us tonight. thank you very much for coming on. let s just get to the practical part. there is a way of building on the left. i think it s possible, probably likely that democrats take the house of representatives. it will be a move to abolish ice. what would happen if that were successful? the president s right, it equals open borders. if you enter this country illegally and happen to get by the border patrol no one is looking for you. if you get arrested by the border patrol and get released because you are waiting to see a judge and you don t show up in court or you show up in court
and get an order of removal and don t leave mike over half a million that currently exist in this country, no one is looking for you. if you get a visa to come visit and you don t leave, no one is looking for you. the president s right, abolishing ice equals open borders. tries predators will be at arrested. less children will be safe from child predators? tucker: let s say you work for ice, and you did of course, you ran it. you are a federal law enforcement agent and you turn on the television and elected officials are calling you racist, they re comparing you to the nazis, saying your job should be eliminated because you are criminal. what s that like? it s insulting. they are pointing a finger. they are vilifying them for enforcing laws that congress enacted. i m a native new yorker and i m disgusted by the governor of new york. i ve done more for the safety and security of new york state by arresting 5,000 criminal
aliens off the street in new york. they also concentrated criminals, but you can t come into our jail. it s a ridiculous argument. but they are not going to bully ice for not doing our jobs. i had protesters at my house two weeks after i retire. they are not going to shut me up. i m going to keep fighting this fight and we will prove to the american people that ice is a very important agency that does a lot of important i said last year prevented 8,000 people from getting a visa to come to this country that had derogatory information to harm this country. ice arrested drug traffickers, gone traffickers, drugs. they saved almost 1,000 children from child predators. ice is an agency full of patriots that protect this nation. tucker: i think normal people understand that. thanks very much for coming on. you re welcome, thank you. tucker: the left doesn t want a debate over statues. they don t want a democratic
process to decide what happens to controversial statues, and said they sent the mob. so in north carolina they got their way, the used violence. we will discuss the growing threat of leftist mob violence to our democracy next. experience the great lengths we go to in testing our performance line. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2018 is 300
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tucker: for more than a century, the statues at university of north carolina commemorated alumni who died fighting for the south in the civil war. since then, it has been frequently protested. it has remained standing and has itself become a key part of campus history. none of that means anything to the modern left. two nights ago, a mob of angry children trying out for the red guard apparently pulled the statues down while law enforcement let them do it. d [inaudible] [screaming]
[inaudible] tucker: the point isn t how you feel about confederate statues. a lot of reasonable people think they are appalling. they make a strong case for that. it doesn t matter. what you just saw it as barbaric and it s an attack on democracy itself. polls consistently show that americans believe the monuments should be left standing. rather than change their minds, and you can make an argument, the left doesn t want to do that. it uses the mob to get its way and they keep doing it until the law stands up to them, which it these days really does. bob woodson s president and founder of the woodson center and offer of the triumphs of joseph and he joins us tonight. thanks for joining us. please to be here, tucker.s tucker: i assume you are not a supporter of confederate statues? but tell me what you think when you watch that video. i am outraged that as a veteran of the civil rights movement we fought to fulfill the dream of america. it we supported our founding values and our principles and we
also didn t destroy anything in the name of justice. for those people out there who are supposed to be heirs of that legacy, they are a fraud. i am against taking those statures down. to remember something that doesn t mean that you are celebrating it. the jewish people brought the holocaust museum because they said it s important to remember it. as a christian, we remember the cross not because it celebratesi roman oppression. because it is victory over death that we celebrate,ma resurrecti. it is important to apply your own narrative to the symbols but i think what is being done there is an outrage and these are anarchists. they are not freedom fighters. and those of us in the civil rights movement should speak out against this outrage. tucker: so you are sayingt that having the statue up is not a celebration of the
confederacy. it s a way for the rest of us to remember what it was in the triumph over it by thecy united states. that s right. it s also being just misused byw members of the left to really j denigrate the values of this nation. that s what it is. and they are using race, but what it does also is deflect attention away from the more critical issues that we are facing, particularly in black america where we have more blacks killed in one year than were killed in 70 years lynched in 70 years. between 1873-1950, 4,000 blacks were lynched brutally but 6,000 blacks were killed in one year. if taking a confederate statute down does nothing towards saving a life in chicago but we are talking about statues and not
the realities that are confronting thousands of people who are losing their lives today.ea that s where we ought to be putting our time and attention.l tucker: exactly. and none of these people care at all.pu thank you very much. it s an honor to have you tonight. thank you. tucker: a lot happened today with michael cohen. we will discuss the guilty plea of president trump s personal attorney and what it means. stay tuned. are you done yet?
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crime itself beginning with, was it a crime? chris hahn joins us tonight to sort this out. chris, thanks a lot for coming on. any time. tucker: if i had asked you 20 years ago, do you think thatt you would be leading the charge to remove a president from office over his sex life, you20 probably wouldn t have thought you would find yourself here. but let me ask you this if you are approached by someone who says give me money or i will embarrass you, isn t that extortion? it is extortion and i have no problem with the president s sex life. i think only melania should have a problem with it, if she does. but what the president is being accused of is directing michael cohen to commit a federal election crime, which is a felony. if that is true, this is something congress should investigate. tucker: it may or may notot
be a federal election crime. it may or may not be a felony. most are civil offenses, as you know. let s get back to the core event here. stormy daniels apparently sent to donald trump through his attorney, give me money or i will embarrass you. you just conceded that is extortion. if that happened to you, i think you would consider it extortion. i know i would if it happened to me. why do we not consider it extortion in this case? why are we celebrating her lawyer, celebrating her? you just said it was extortion. shouldn t someone get on this? i don t know that stormywy daniels said give me money or i will tell. i think stormy daniels said i will tell, and the president said wait, let me give you money so you don t tell, which is what happened with catherine mcdougall, and which may have happened with others, and i think we are going to find out. we won t wait, stop for one second here. so you are saying what we already know, which is she took money in order to remain silent, which means that if she hadn t
taken money she talked anyway of course, but the application trump doesn t like to spend money on anything, as you know.a the cheapest man in the world. she didn t stay quiet very tucker: but the deal was extortion. i m not defending this. i don t think the president is telling the truth about it. i think it probably did have a relationship with her. but it stillll extortion. so why are we excusing that? it s a sincere question. tucker, it s extortion if she asked him for the money. it s not extortion if he offere her the money. let s be clear here. in the president of the united states the crime is not extortion, the crime is directing someone to commit a crime. and who knows what else we are going to find out. tucker: let me just ask you, the idea here, and it s a stupid idea i would say, is that this was a campaign contribution and so the implication is it had come out that trump had a
relationship with a porn people would have been totally shocked and wouldn t have voted for him because that just doesn t sound like the donald trump they knew. that s ridiculous, actually. this wasn t a campaign contribution. this was hush money paid to a porn star and that s what it is. it s not a crime, it s embarrassing. honestly. according to what we heard in court yesterday, according to what we heard in court yesterday, the president was concerned that this and other things would come out and he directed michael cohen to commit a campaign finance violation. that is different than collecting a little bit too much money. he himself directed tucker: i got it. i read the newspapers. i watch all the other channels. how was it a campaign finance violation? speak slowly so i can understand. how was this a campaign donation? this is a payment to a former girlfriend. how was that a campaign donation? anything gained of value in a campaign is a campaign donation. that is very clear in campaign finance law.
information and particularly giving money to somebody. giving money to somebody for something of value is over the limit. tucker: no it s not. it is. tucker: what you just said is factually untrue. if i run for office let me finish my sentence. if i run for office i do not relinquish my right to make money. if i mow your lawn and i m running for the senate and you pay me for that, that s not a campaign contribution.nn not all money a candidate takes is it a campaign contribution. how is a payment to an old girlfriend a campaign contribution? it s not. how? 15 seconds, explain it. michael cohen paid that money to avoid the embarrassment the last stage of the campaign. at the direction of the candidate if that s true. and if that happens that is a o campaign finance violation. and it is particularly egregious if the candidate himself directed it. tucker: but of course he
directed it. i don t care what they say, of course he did. he s a married man with kids. t he still slept with a porn star. he s guilty of doing what like 50 people i know have done. he s done something awful and you pay the person off. it s incredibly common, as you know. he was a candidate that he still has a wife and kids. i was at a campaign contribution? it s not. it s an effort to keep your girlfriend from talking. there is a lawyer who went in federal court yesterday and swore an oath that it was for the campaign. that is what the president is dealing with and that s what congress should be investigating right now. tucker: they should impeach him then. congress should do its job and get to the bottom of it. tucker: we already got to the bottom of it! he paid off his girlfriend and he got caught! that s the bottom of it!t it so dumb i can even deal withw it. i don t think it s the bottom, i think it s just the c surface. tucker: there s more, there s more.. he paid off his girlfriend, there is no more. south africans government based on their stand don t like skin color.
does our government care? they applaud it. the state department just released an unbelievable statement and we will share that with you next. it is going to make you mad. it should make you mad. like this cuddeback black flash game camera for only $75. and these keen men s waterproof hiking boots for under $90. they re the moderne stone age family. from the town of bedrock. meet george jetson. his boy elroy.
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we called over to the state department for comment on south africa s land seizures, which should be getting worldwide attention because they are immoral, but are getting basically none, and the state department replied with what is honestly an unbelievable statement. we are going to quote it for you at length. here it is. we are aware of these reports and have been following this i issue very closely for some time. south africa is a strongep democracy with resilientnt institutions, including a free press and an independent judiciary. south africans are grappling with the difficult issue of land reform through an open process including public hearings, broad-based consultations, and active civil society engagement. president ramaphosa has pledged that the land reform process will follow the rule of law anda its implementation will not adversely affect economic growth, agricultural production, or food security. the state department does not mention that by following the rule of law he has changed the country s constitution to make it possible to steal land from people because they are the
wrong skin color. in other words, nothing to seeit here, says mike pompeo s state department. it s totally okay for south africans to steal property for racist reasons because there are a strong democracy and held public hearings. criminals take note, startt rubbing state department employees on the way to work, by their logic they will be okay with it because it s democracy. marian tupy spent a lot of time studying that country in wbr-id= wbr23070 /> the region. now looks at the center for global liberty and prosperity. we talked with him about this recently. here s our conversation. tucker: i thought the whole point of the new southre africa and the reason the rest of usve were excited to see it in 1994, take shape is because it rejected racial discrimination, and get the government is now embracing it, or am i missing something? no. in a free and civilized society we don t take people s stuff on the basis of the color of their skin.
it was wrong when it took place in the apartheid. it is wrong now, and it be a tragedy if south africa were to repeat the same mistakes it did in the past. tucker: so there are really two levels here, first is the more level and you and i are in agreement that it s always wrong to punish people for what they look like, but second is the effect that it will have. we saw something similar to this happen in neighboring zimbabwe. what happened when land was seized there on the basis of skin color? 18 years ago the governing party of zimbabwe was threatened with electoral loss and in order to shore up its support amongst the electorate it decided to expropriate the farmers of zimbabwe. what that led to, aside from horrific violence, was a total economic collapse of the country. half a century of economic growth was wiped out in zimbabwe was wiped out because of this
particular policy. the country experienced hyperinflation had to abandon its currency. the country s unemployment rate was roughly 90%. life expectancy plummeted. child mortality increased. and, of course, the agricultural production has collapsed and hunger ensued. tucker: so the western media, particularly the media of the united states has resolutely ignored this. it didn t just happen today. at this has been unfolding over a period ofn years. the trump administration has not weighed in on this.. how should the u.s. administration respond to this human rights tragedy that we are watching unfold? the first thing that needs to be made clear is to denounce the policy. t the administration needs to make it very clear that it is both immoral because it targets a specific group of people, and i thought we were beyond that, and secondly, that it could be economically destructive.
we need to make it very clear where we stand. secondly, the south african government needs to be aware that the law, the african growth and opportunity act, under which south africa trades with the united states, requires the president of the united states to expel countries that do not respect property rights and due process. so the south african government needs to be aware that if it changes the constitution and it legalizes what is essentially theft of private property, it will be kicked out of agoa andga further negative economic consequences will ensue. tucker: why would former president barack obama just several weeks ago publicly praise and racist, why would he do that? a lot of people hope that ramaphosa is playing some sort
of a three-dimensional chess. that he is just trying to appease the far left of histh political party and the far left in the country, but ultimately he doesn t really believe in what he explicitly says he believes. ramaphosa has said that by expropriating the farmland, the privately owned farm land in south africa he s going to create the garden of eden in south africa. he s going to turn south africa into hell, just like zimbabwe is a complete catastrophe. if so barack obama should pick up the phone, call cyril ramaphosa and tell him that if he wants to continue to enjoy the good press he s been having, he needs to reverse policy that he has set and behave in accordance with normal rules that define and characterize free countries. tucker: i wish he had said
that in public when he had the chance. but of course he didn t, being a coward. thank you for your deep knowledge on the subject. i appreciate it. my pleasure. tucker: so that s a tragedy. you just heard that. keep in mind our state department right now supports race-based land seizures. we hope the policy changes. we will be keeping abreast of it obviously. ahead we have no information on the illegal immigrant suspected of murdering mollie tibbetts. we will have it for you after the break. 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. like these for only $2 or less i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor,
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beginning. today rivera s employees at a farm not far from here retracted their initial statement and now say that they did not use the federal e-verify system to screen rivera, and that he is not the man they thought he was. also, today a federal immigration official telling fox news that rivera never submitted a daca request and has no record of any immigration status in this country. earlier today cristhian rivera was led into the courthouse in prison garb and shackles. i was able to ask him if he killed mollie tibbetts, and he did not respond and remained stone-faced. in court, his defense requested the media be banned today arguing the case has become too political. even the president has commented on the case. the judge denied the request to ban the media today. representatives from the mexican consulate were in the courtroom and they tell fox news afterward they felt rivera was treated fairly. tonight rivera is being held on $5 million bond. tucker? tucker: matt finn for us
tonight. thank you. all summer they have blasted the administration for temporarily separating immigrant families at the border. unimaginably they have ripped children away from their parents. it is inhumane, it is cruel. when you take children away and separate families you are doing the complete opposite of the values of this nation. those children should be with their moms and their does the president think of children as accessories and not central to the purpose of family sanctity in our country?hi tucker: okay, the left says it s deeply opposed to splitting up families, so where the even more horrified watching an american citizen permanently separated from her family by an illegal alien? on cnn senator elizabeth warren provided a very clear answer, no. if the real problem, she said, his family separations of illegal aliens.
watch. i m so sorry for the family here and i know this is hard not only for the family, but for the people in her community, people throughout iowa. but one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. tucker: where real problems are. mary mendoza is the mother of police sergeant brandon mendoza who was killed by an illegal immigrant and she joins us tonight. thank you very much for joining us. thank you, tucker. tucker: when you hear a politician say someone died and that s sad, but the real problem is how we treat people trying to sneak in illegally, what s your response to that? i was disgusted by senator elizabeth warren, and what i want to say to her is stop lying to the american people. if you don t care what is happening to the victims of illegal alien crime. because if you did he would be standing up for us and you wouls be doing something about it. we have pleaded with these
politicians to do something to protect american citizens and they are ramping up their protection of illegal alien criminals. and i just want to say, there are so many victims, tucker, and when you think of courtney in texas and her husband and two children were killed in the illegal alien got two years. when you of sanders cohan and carlos wolf in maryland were killed on the side of the road, $140 for each of the men he killed and that s the only punishment he got. is this what an american life is worth? to our politicians and fellow americans who don t understand the disgusting narrative that is happening in our country? and this has become political because it s the very politicians who were elected into office who are not doing ap dang thing about this and they are ignoring the american people crying for help and they are stepping over dead american bodies in their rush to protect illegal alien criminals.
tucker: i don t think you re overstating that.he i agree with everything you said and i m really sad about it and i m sad that you felt of the sting of these insane policies. thank you very much for joining us. i want to say that my heart goes out to the tibbetts familyy and god bless them and i know what they are experiencing tonight and i m heartbroken. tucker: it s unimaginable. thank you very much.em thank you. tucker: one school district says, keep in mind is at revolution going on so you will be shocked by this, students can wear basically whatever they want because dress codes are sexist. any dress code of any kind. cathy areu will lead us through the mass of sexism and dress codes next. who was alzheimer s. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink, and they just came out perfect. - [announcer] check out our huge selection of custom apparel for every occasion.
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don t start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. since enbrel, my mom s back to being my mom. visit and use the joint damage simulator to see how joint damage could progress. ask about enbrel. enbrel. fda approved for over 18 years. tucker: dress codes are a tradition at pretty much every school in the history of schools.
if you want to go to school by the way, if you want to hold a job or look dignified in public, you have to dress a certain way. it s probably worth teaching kids that lesson but at various school districts disagree. now say students this year will be allowed to wear basically whatever they want.ud ripped jeans, bare midriff, pajamas. administrators say it will improve fairness and fight sexism. cathy areu s founding publisher of catalina magazine, our liberal sherpa. are you for this? absolutely, i m definitely for this. aren t you? tucker: i m trying to think think it through. if there s no dress code if dress codes are inherently sexist, then why are we allowed to tell kids to wear anything at all? w the girls felt that they were being objectified with the dress code. g that s what they were saying at this particular school district. they were saying the shorts were too short, that that was a concern.
that they were being told that the uniforms would cover their a body parts because their body parts are distracting, that a female s body is distracting. legs are legs. why would a girl s legs be more distracting than a boy s leg? so by removing the tucker: i don t know if that s a sincere question or not but let me just take it to the next stage and asked why shouldn t girls be allowed to come to school topless? exactly. why are boys allowed on track teams allowed to run topless and women are not allowed to be topless? in europe women are topless and it s no problem because women are not as objectified as they are in this puritan country of ours. tucker: obviously you ve never been to europe if you are saying that. the opposite is true, but whatever. because in europe the women are topless on the beaches, butc not here. here it s considered illegal. tucker: but not typically in the classrooms. not in the classroom setting. not at starbucks, but inas commercials. you would find people topless ia
commercials, shampoo commercials in europe. because it s normal and it s nom distracting. a woman s body is not only an object, it s not just sexual. tucker: try that in downtown rome and then call me, get back to me and tell me how that works for you. if there is no dress code, would you have a problem with kids coming to school, anglo kids, in a sombrero or a kimono?ng or a in seal fur inuit outfit? would that is cultural appropriation the one exception? if it distracts from education, they are not allowing it. if it doesn t distract, they are allowing it. it s a democracy actually. tucker: just to be clear schools are not democracies, they are authoritariant institutes. topless, okay, sombrero, not okay. right? who s to say that parts of the body are okay and parts are

Crime , Country , Lot , People , Crimes , Laws , Outrage , Non-citizens , Many , Insults , Tuckers-tucker , Data

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180823 00:00:00

A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and.
A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and.
identity i certainly haven t because i would be punished for it. a lot of people are punished for identity theft. what are you talking about? tucker: more than 10 million people are living and working in this country using fake federal identification. they are not punished for that. you don t think they should be punished for it. i would be punished if i did it. do you see the double standard? you defend the rights of people who aren t even citizens and actual citizens like me would go to jail for it. i don t think that native-born americans or foreign-born people should have to prove and ask the government for permission by showing a piece of paper to get a job. that s not what this country is about to have permission showing a government piece of paper. tucker: slow down, how about fly on an airplane, how about operate a motor vehicle? those require state government ids. should we get rid of drivers licenses too? some ideas i necessary to protect people who might harm people. how does me working at a movie theater working at a nursery damage other people like that?
i m not sure about drivers licenses why do i have to ask permission from the federal government to get a job? why do you want me to do that? where does it say that in the constitution that i have to do that? tucker: driving a car. that s on the state level. tucker: i m not going to argue with you about ids. i m saying there s one stand of the people here illegally, they have champions like you and american citizens don t. and that s annoying to normal people. that s all i m saying. everyone you want to use to punish illegal immigrants is going to be used against native born americans too. i i have developed these stupid forms to get a job because i have to prove that i m legally eligible. tucker: alex, thanks. instead of protecting america from potentially dangerous illegal immigrants one of the left s top political priorities is abolishing ice, the agency of course tasked with removal of dangerous immigrants violating our laws from this country. ice is never welcome here!
and as a candidate for ag i feel like it s really important to speak out to abolish ice. we should protect families that need our help and that is not what ice is doing today and that s why i believe you should get rid of it, start over, reimagine it and build something that actually works. abolish ice! abolish ice! tucker: a lot of concern for the families of illegal aliens. not much concern for the family of mollie tibbetts. former acting director of ice joins us tonight. thank you very much for coming on. let s just get to the practical part. there is a way of building on the left. i think it s possible, probably likely that democrats take the house of representatives. it will be a move to abolish ice. what would happen if that were successful? the president s right, it equals open borders. if you enter this country illegally and happen to get by the border patrol no one is looking for you. if you get arrested by the border patrol and get released because you are waiting to see a
judge and you don t show up in court or you show up in court and get an order of removal and don t leave mike over half a million that currently exist in this country, no one is looking for you. if you get a visa to come visit and you don t leave, no one is looking for you. the president s right, abolishing ice equals open borders. wes tries predators will be at arrested. less children will be safe from child predators? tucker: let s say you work for ice, and you did of course, you ran it. you are a federal law enforcement agent and you turn on the television and elected officials are calling you racist, they re comparing you to the nazis, saying your job should be eliminated because you are criminal peter what s that like? it s insulting. they are pointing a finger. they are vilifying them for enforcing laws that congress enacted. i m a native new yorker and i m disgusted by the governor of
new york. i ve done more for the safety and security of new york state by arresting 5,000 criminal aliens off the street in new york. they also concentrated criminals, but you can t come into our jail. it s a ridiculous argument. but they are not going to bully ice for not doing our jobs. i had protesters at my house two weeks after i retire. they are not going to shut me up. i m going to keep fighting this fight and we will prove to the american people that ice is a very important agency that does a lot of important i said last year prevented 8,000 people from getting a visa to come to this country that had derogatory information to harm this country. ice arrested drug traffickers, gone traffickers, drugs. they saved almost 1,000 children from child predators. ice is an agency full of patriots that protect this nation. tucker: i think normal people understand that. thanks very much for coming on. you re welcome, thank you. tucker: the left doesn t
want a debate over statues. they don t want a democratic process to decide what happens to controversial statues, and said they sent the mob. so in north carolina they got their way, the used violence. we will discuss the growing threat of leftist mob violence to our democracy next. you wouldn t accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from an allergy pill? flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion,
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tucker: for more than a century the statues at university of north carolina commemorated alumni who died fighting for the south in the civil war. since then it has been frequently protested. it has remained standing and has itself become a key part of campus history. none of that means anything to the modern left. two nights ago a mob of angry children trying out for the red guard apparently pulled the statues down while law enforcement let them do it. [inaudible]
[screaming] tucker: the point isn t how you feel about confederate statues. a lot of reasonable people think they are appalling. they make a strong case for that. it doesn t matter. what you just saw it as barbaric and it s an attack on democracy itself. polls consistently show that americans believe the monuments should be left standing. it rather than change their minds, and you can make an argument, the left doesn t want to do that. it uses the mob to get its way and they keep doing it until the law stands up to them, which it these days really does. bob woodson s president and founder of the woodson center and offer of the triumphs of joseph and he joins us tonight. thanks for joining us. please to be here, tucker. tucker: i assume you are not a supporter of confederate statues? but tell me what you think when you watch that video. i am outraged that as a veteran of the civil rights movement we fought to fulfill
the dream of america. it we supported our founding values and our principles and we also didn t destroy anything in the name of justice. for those people out there who are supposed to be heirs of that legacy, they are a fraud. i am against taking those statures down. to remember something that doesn t mean that you are celebrating it. the jewish people brought the holocaust museum because they said it s important to remember it. as a christian, we remember the cross not because it celebrates roman oppression. because it is victory over death that we celebrate, resurrection. it is important to apply your own narrative to the symbols but i think what is being done there is an outrage and these are anarchists. if they are not freedom fighter fighters. and those of us in the civil rights movement should speak out against this outrage.
tucker: so you are saying that having the statue up is not a celebration of the confederac confederacy. it s a way for the rest of us to remember what it was in the triumph over it by the united states. that s right. it s also being just misused by members of the left to really denigrate the values of this nation. that s what it is. and they are using race, but what it does also is deflect attention away from the more critical issues that we are facing, particularly in black america where we have more blacks killed in one year than were killed in 70 years lynched in 70 years between 1873-1950, 4,000 blacks were lynched brutally but 6,000 blacks were killed in one year. if taking a confederate statute down does nothing towards saving a life in chicago but we are
talking about statues and not the realities that are confronting thousands of people who are losing their lives today. that s where we ought to be putting our time and attention. tucker: exactly. and none of these people care at all. thank you very much. it s an honor to have you tonight. thank you. tucker: a lot happened today with michael cohen. we will discuss the guilty plea of president trump s personal attorney and what it means. stay tuned. as a co -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance just for owning a home, but i m not compromising. -you re taking a shower? -water pressure s crucial, scott! it s like they say location, location, koi pond. -they don t say that.
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who knows what lies ahead, but it does raise a number of interesting questions about the crime itself beginning with was it a crime? chris hahn joins us tonight to sort this out. chris, thanks a lot for coming on. any time. tucker: if i had asked you 20 years ago do you think that you would be leading the charge to remove a president from office over his sex life you probably wouldn t have thought you would find yourself here, but let me ask you this, if you are approached by someone who says give me money or i will embarrass you, isn t that extortion? it is extortion and i have no problem with the president s sex life. i think on the melania should have a problem with it, if she does. but the president is being accused of is directing michael cohen to commit a federal election crime, which is a felony. if that is true, this is
something congress should investigate. tucker: it may or may not be a federal election crime. it may or may not be a felony. most are civil offenses as you know. let s get back to the core event here. stormy daniels apparently sent to donald trump through his attorney, give me money or i will embarrass you. you just conceded that is extortion. if that happened to you i think you would consider it extortion. i know i would if it happened to me. why do we not consider it extortion in this case? where are we celebrating her lawyer, celebrating her? you just said it was extortion. shouldn t someone get on this? i don t know that stormy daniels said give me money or i will tell. i think stormy daniels said i will tell and the president said wait, let me give you money so you don t tell, which is what happened with catherine mcdougall and which may have happened with others and i think we are going to find out. we won t wait, stop for one second here. so you are saying what we already know, which as she took
money in order to remain silent, which means that if she hadn t taken money, she talked anyway of course but the application trump doesn t like to spend money on anything, as you know. the cheapest man in the world. she didn t stay quiet very tucker: but the deal was extortion. i m not defending this. i don t think the president is telling the truth about it. i think it probably did have a relationship with her. but it still extortion. so why are we excusing that? it s a sincere question. tucker, it s extortion if she asked him for the money. it s not extortion if he offered her the money. let s be clear here. in the president of the united states decried the crime is not extortion, the crime is directing someone to commit a crime. and who knows what else we are going to find out. tucker: let me just ask you, the idea here, and it s a stupid idea i would say, is that this was a campaign contribution
and so the implication is it had come out that trump had a relationship with a porn star. people would have been totally shocked and wouldn t have voted for him because that just doesn t sound like the donald trump they knew. that s ridiculous, actually. this wasn t a campaign contribution. this was hush money paid to a porn star and that s what it is. it s not a crime, it s embarrassing. honestly. according to what we heard in court yesterday, according to what we heard in court yesterday, the president was concerned that this and other things would come out and he directed michael cohen to commit a campaign finance violation. that is different than collecting a little bit too much money. he himself directed tucker: i got it. i read the newspapers. i watch all the other channels. how was it a campaign finance violation? speak slowly so i can understand. how was this a campaign donation? this is a payment to a former girlfriend. how was that a campaign donatio donation? anything gained of value in a
campaign is a campaign donation. that is very clear in campaign finance law. information and particularly giving money to somebody. giving money to somebody for something of value is over the limit. tucker: no it s not. it is. tucker: what you just said is factually untrue. if i run for office let me finish my sentence. if i run for office i do not relinquish my right to make money. if i mow your lawn and i m running for the senate and you pay me for that, that s not a campaign contribution. not all money a candidate takes is it a campaign contribution. how is a payment to an old girlfriend a campaign contribution? it s not. how? 15 seconds, explain it. michael cohen paid that money to avoid the embarrassment the last stage of the campaign. at the direction of the candidate if that s true. and if that happens that is a campaign finance violation. and it is particularly egregious
if the candidate himself directed it. tucker: but of course he directed it. i don t care what they say, of course he did. he s a married man with kids. he still slept with a porn star. he s guilty of doing what like 50 people i know have done. he s done something awful and you pay the person off. it s incredibly common, as you know. he was a candidate that he still has a wife and kids. i was at a campaign contribution? it s not. it s an effort to keep your girlfriend from talking. there is a lawyer who went in federal court yesterday and swore an oath that it was for the campaign. that is what the president is dealing with and that s what congress should be investigating right now. tucker: they should impeach him then. congress should do its job and get to the bottom of it. tucker: we artie got to the bottom of it! he paid off his girlfriend and he got caught! that s the bottom of it! it so dumb i can even deal with it. i don t think it s the bottom, i think it s just the surface. tucker: there s more, there s more. he paid off his girlfriend, there is no more.
south africans government based on their stand don t like skin color. does our government care? know. they applaud it. state department just released an unbelievable statement and we will share that with you next. it is going to make you mad. it should make you mad. flintstones! meet the flintstones. they re the modern stone age family. from the town of bedrock. meet george jetson. his boy elroy.
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heartburn and gas? now fight both fast new tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums new tums chewy bites with gas relief tucker: with got an exclusive investigation for use in a . the president of south africa has begun and you may have seen this in the press seizing land from his own citizens without compensation because they are the wrong skin color. that is literally the definition of racism. racism is what our elite say they dislike most. donald trump is a racist they say but they pay no attention to this at all. in fact, the president is one of barack obama s favorite leaders in the world. in a speech just a few weeks ago where obama praised him, he prays the racist government of south africa and the president by name for inspiring hope throughout the country.
does our current bureaucratic elite agree with that? apparently they do. we called over to the state department for comment on south africa s land seizures, which should be getting worldwide attention because they are immoral but are getting basically none, and the state department replied with what is honestly an unbelievable statement. we are going to quote it for you at length. here it is. we are aware of these reports and have been following this issue very closely for some time. south africa is a strong democracy with resilient institutions including a free press. south africans are grappling with the difficult issue of land reform including public hearings, broad-based consultations and active civil society engagement. the president has pledged that the land reform process will follow the rule of law and its implementation will not adversely affect economic growt growth, agricultural production or food security. the state department does not mention that by following the rule of law he has changed the
country s constitution to make it possible to steal land from people because they are the wrong skin color. in other words, nothing to see here, says mike pompeo s state department. it s totally okay for south africans to steal property for racist reasons because there are a strong democracy and held public hearings. criminals take note, start rubbing state department of employees on the way to work, by their logic they will be okay with it because it s democracy. spent a lot of time studying that country in the region. now looks at the center for global liberty and prosperity. we talked with him about this recently. here s our conversation. tucker: i thought the whole point of the new south africa and the reason the rest of us were excited to see it in 1994, take shape is because it rejected racial discrimination, and get the government is now embracing it, or am i missing something? no. in a free and civilized society
we don t take people s stuff on the basis of the color of their skin. it was wrong when it took place in the apartheid. it is wrong now, and it be a tragedy if south africa were to repeat the same mistakes it did in the past. tucker: so there are really two levels here, first is the more level and you and i are in agreement that it s always wrong to punish people for what they look like, but second is the effect that it will have. we saw something similar to this happen in neighboring zimbabwe. what happened when land was seized there on the basis of skin color? 18 years ago the governing party of zimbabwe was threatened with electoral loss and in order to shore up its support amongst the electorate it decided to expropriate the farmers of zimbabwe. what that led to aside from horrific violence was a total economic collapse of the countr.
half a century of economic growth was wiped out in zimbabwe was wiped out because of this particular policy. the country experienced hyperinflation had to abandon its currency. the country s unemployment rate was roughly 90%. life expectancy plummeted. child mortality increased. and, of course, the agricultural production has collapsed and hunger ensued. tucker: so the western media, particularly the media of the united states has resolutely ignored this. it didn t just happen today. at this has been unfolding over a period of years. the trump administration has not weighed in on this. how should the u.s. administration respond to this human rights tragedy that we are watching unfold? the first thing that needs to be made clear is to denounce the policy. the administration needs to make it very clear that it is both immoral because it targets a specific group of people, and i
thought we were beyond that, and secondly, that it could be economically destructive. we need to make it very clear where we stand. secondly, the south african government needs to be aware that the law, the african growth and opportunity act, under which south africa trades with the united states, requires the president of the united states to expel countries that do not respect property rights and due process. so the south african government needs to be aware that if it changes the constitution and it legalizes what is essentially theft of private property, it will be kicked out and further negative economic consequences will ensue. tucker: why would former president barack obama just several weeks ago publicly praise and racist, why would he
do that? a lot of people hope that ramaphosa is playing some sort of a three-dimensional chess. that he is just trying to appease the far left of his political party and the far left in the country, but ultimately he doesn t really believe in what he explicitly says he believes. ramaphosa has said that by expropriating the farmland, the privately owned farm land in south africa he s going to create the garden of eden in south africa. he s going to turn south africa into hell, just like zimbabwe is a complete catastrophe. if so barack obama should pick up the phone, call serial ramaphosa and tell him that if he wants to continue to enjoy the good press he s been having, he needs to reverse policy that he has set and behave in
accordance with normal rules that define and characterize free countries. tucker: i wish he had said that in public when he had the chance. but of course he didn t, being a coward. thank you for your deep knowledge on the subject. i appreciate it. my pleasure. tucker: so that s a tragedy. it you just heard that. keep in mind our state department right now supports race-based land seizures. we hope the policy changes. we will be keeping abreast of it obviously. i had we have no information on the illegal immigrants suspected of murdering molly tibbetts. we will have it for you after the break. keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. so you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need
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authorities say murdered mollie tibbetts. matt finn is in iowa. on the story from the very beginning. today rivera s employees at a farm not far from here retracted their initial statement and now say that they did not use the federal system to screen out rivera that he is not the man they thought he was. also today a federal immigration official telling fox news that rivera never submitted a daca request and has no record of any immigration status in this country. earlier today christhian rivera was led into the courthouse in prison guard and shackles. i was able to ask him if he killed mollie tibbetts and he did not respond and remained stone-faced. in court his defense requested the media be banned arguing the case has become too political. even the president has commented on the case. the judge denied the request to be in the media today. representatives from the mexican consulate were in the courtroom and they tell fox news afterwards they felt rivera was
treated fairly. tonight rivera is being held on $5 million bond. tucker. tucker: matt finn for us tonight. thank you. all summer they have blasted the administration for temporarily separating immigrant families at the border. unimaginably they have ripped children away from their parents. it is inhumane, it is cruel. when you take children away and separate families you are doing the complete opposite of the values of this nation. those children should be with their moms and their dads. does the president think of children as accessories and not central to the purpose of family sanctity in our country? tucker: okay, the left says it s deeply opposed to splitting up families, so where the even more horrified watching an american citizen permanently separated from her family by an illegal alien? on cnn senator elizabeth warren provided a very clear answer,
no. if the real problem, she said, his family separations of illegal aliens. watch. i m so sorry for the family here and i know this is hard not only for the family, but for the people in her community, people throughout iowa. but one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are. tucker: where real problems are. mary mendoza is the mother of police sergeant brandon mendoza who was killed by an illegal immigrant and she joins us tonight. thank you very much for joining us. thank you, tucker. tucker: when you hear a politician say someone died and that s sad, but the real problem is how we treat people trying to sneak in illegally, what s your response to that? i was disgusted by senator elizabeth warren, and what i want to say to her is stop lying to the american people. if you don t care what is happening to the victims of illegal alien crime.
because if you did he would be standing up for us and you would be doing something about it. we have pleaded with these politicians to do something to protect american citizens and they are ramping up their protection of illegal alien criminals. and i just want to say, there are so many victims, tucker, and when you think of courtney in texas and her husband and two children were killed in the illegal alien got two years. it when you of sanders cohan and carlos wolf in maryland were killed on the side of the road, $140 for each of the men he killed and that s the only punishment he got. is this what an american life is worth? to our politicians and fellow americans who don t understand the disgusting narrative that is happening in our country? and this has become political because it s the very politicians who were elected into office who are not doing a dang thing about this and they are ignoring the american people
crying for help and they are stepping over dead american bodies in their rush to protect illegal alien criminals. tucker: i don t think you re overstating that. i agree with everything you said and i m really sad about it and i m sad that you felt of the sting of these insane policies. thank you very much for joining us. i want to say that my heart goes out to the tibbetts family and god bless them and i know what they are experiencing tonight and i m heartbroken. tucker: it s unimaginable. thank you very much. thank you. tucker: one school district says, keep in mind is a revolution going on so you will be shocked by this, students can wear basically whatever they want because dress codes are sexist. any dress code of any kind. cathy areu will lead us through the mass of sexism and dress codes next. advil is relief that s fast strength that lasts
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tucker: dress codes are a tradition at pretty much every school in the history of schools. if you want to go to school by the way, if you want to hold a job or look dignified in public you have to dress a certain way. it s probably worth teaching kids that lesson but at various school districts disagree. now say students this year will be allowed to wear basically whatever they want. ripped jeans, bare midriff, pajamas. administrators say it will improve fairness and fight sexism. cathy areu s founding publisher of catalina massacre, our liberal sherpa. are you for this? absolutely, i m definitely for this. aren t you? tucker: i m trying to think think it through. if there s no dress code if dress codes are inherently sexist, then why are we allowed to tell kids to wear anything at all? the girls felt that they were being objectified with the generous code. that s what they were saying this particular school district. they were saying the shorts were
too short, that that was a concern. that they were being told that the uniforms would cover their body parts because their body parts are distracting, that a female s body is distracting. legs are legs. why would a girls legs be more distracting than a boy s legs? so by removing the tucker: i don t know if that s a sincere question or not but let me just take it to the next age and asked why shouldn t girls be allowed to come to school topless? exactly. why are boys allowed on track teams allowed to run topless and women are not not allowed to be topless? in europe women are topless and is no problem because women are not as objective fight as they are in this puritan country of ours. tucker: obviously you ve never been to europe if you are saying that. the opposite is true, but whatever. because in europe the women are topless on the beaches, but not here. here it s considered illegal. tucker: but not typically in the classrooms. not in the classroom setting. not at starbucks, but in
commercials. you would find people topless in commercials, shampoo commercials in europe. because it s normal and it s not distracting. a woman s body is not only an object, it s not just sexual. tucker: try that in downtown rome and then call me, get back to me and tell me how that works for you. if there is no dress code would you have a problem with kids coming to school, anglo kids, in a sombrero or a kimono? or inacio for inuit outfit? without the cultural appropriation the one exception? if it describes distracts hn they are not allowing it. if it doesn t distract if they are allowing it. it s a democracy actually. tucker: just to be clear not democracies, they are authoritarian institutes. topless, okay, sombrero, not okay. who s to say that parts of

Immigrant , Mexico , Rivera , President , Murder , Idea , Body , Video , Twitter , Part , Molly-tibbetts , Cornfield

Transcripts For DW Kick Off - Matchday 5 20180928 16:30:00

what was at stake they came out flying just five minutes and it looked like the buttons of the season had been split their shoulders. centric toy step tom a loose bull at last the turn around. but the celebrations came too soon for bud so it was all side goal dismissed so let s go rotated his one heavily and switch to a back four against private but his back line still looked out of sorts post private rarely despite i but the urgency kept shelter trying times a mental was whisked away from sally in the forty first minutes of shock i could sense the tipping point and yet. they were ready to celebrate just full minutes later. once again milty by the post once again released just out. ross. i.
extensive wash obviously its a total disarray. the oil blues a turning point but it was not a one they wanted. forty minutes left in the match and they simply couldn t get out of their own way. out of ideas no pressure plenty of time and they still couldn t hold the ball. it s going hard to tell if they don t have a plan or just caught executed prostration quickly sets in and with it came fouls. and they got no closer to what they so nearly grasped in the first tough meanwhile a little fried but celebrated like they just won the champions league maybe to discos jealous of a low state job like strikes is the pressure too much for shellfish.
the biggest pressure is that which we put on ourselves with every game and the pressure from outside cannot be bigger than our internal pressure and it grows with every defeat. i thought they were so great to play good football and i think we deserve the win. a rosy review after a fifth straight loss sure shocker unlucky but they were outplayed and out of ideas lacking this signature stability it s one thing to lose the bar and another to lose to freiburg time for the disco to get real. so how s the competition looking. after. a. while shall come slowly fall apart things are picking up for other clubs let s take a look at some high flyers starting with hoffenheim they rotated in five players against hanover including yahshua planet who took the lead and delighted debutant
goalkeeper to thank all coble never heard of him neither have we. after a rocky start to the season marred by misfortune hoffenheim feel their luck s turning after dream goals like this one from pavel cattish abacha made it to neil catching it s looking like his first away win is in the bag but hanover weren t about to let go that easy. nicklaus to close penalty maybe to one green lighting the fire under hoffenheim. i. but this time around hoffenheim have a lock on their side and some skill to. just before the final whistle belfield deliver the final blow three one. this weekend toughen hines julieann novels martin faces future employers lot sake let s see. how they did.
but detecting steam are back on track and starting to climb. their new additions are starting to pay off especially allison a player of the twenty five million year old frenchman got his first at home and third on the season not that. old standbys are playing well too like top gun as are. the belgian playmaker showed no mercy firing home the two nil at that point frankfurt looked pretty spans until their croatia world cup runner up until you were a bit reduced the hosts leave. but the goal was a gift from the black box defense. it wouldn t be enough as nico albury put the cherry on top three one per club still there is one more club back on top of their pain. leverkusen
to have a state crisis after three losses they now have their second league win under their belt plus a win in the europa league. coach heiko helli finally has a little room to brief. against promising to still go for the guests looked to sleep the whole first half but still there was plenty to discuss i. thought from the break later cues and focused more on attacking this time with the ball they are based on a kick but it s a cannon ball and to seal the deal. which he repeats it when stalin can t have it shipped him a perfect assist. brace for fall and. finally a reason to celebrate after a catastrophic stuff. just love and goal came in the last minutes following a questionable penalty. proven hennings was on
target but it was too little too late in the end slave accuse and send a clear message look out with. its times of sudden all eyes to brain and a little known man is quickly gaining attention florin. the coach that s leaving brennan on the table has been on board since last november when he was bumped up from there is reserves he s only thirty five but he s got a clear cut football philosophy. have courage on the ball and don t worry about losing it we re looking to get up the pitch with a creative passing game but you also have to be ready to drop back quickly. communicator more than happy to take feedback from his players chief among them max crews or provide a school. and now the country s official on field assistant
a colorful character cruz was named britain s new captain over the summer the reasoning behind his somewhat unexpected promotion. whether we re training here at home or in front of eighty thousand at dortmund max just does this thing this remark is not fazed you know more likely give him an added edge his attitude sets the tone for the whole team. attractive attacking football. club inside it s a winning combination. i coach on the touchline from start to finish he lives and breathes football. in with. you know motional business for me that s a sign you re invested in it i like to see it in the players and don t mind showing it myself looking at the pictures i sometimes wonder what i was thinking at the moment but that s football. high
quality collective with individual difference makers like cruz or. maybe carson and clouding up it s out of the young coach and his team are generating real excitement in brains longsuffering football community the faithful the dreaming of better times ahead on the. all those years basically battling to avoid relegation it s about time the fans had something more positive to look forward to. i get the sense of that euphoria i like it and it helps us with the small but important that it has to be paired with a sense of realism. and vice. premier out to spring a surprise or two this season and that one of the few clubs you ve already gone public with a concrete target. be avoided we want to get to europe with the emphasis on want to go if we perform at the limit. we ve the
quality to do it and if one of our other rivals are not there best we can make it happen it s no pie in the sky it s an ambitious but achievable target. under cool filled braman still haven t lost the poem in the lead once but now the next visitors are second place after lookout sounds like a top notch match let s see if co fell can stay on target after braman. it s the top of the table clash no one saw it coming fourth place braman hosting second place for lin cosell doesn t just bring calm response brinkman marching to his speech. will face another dynamic young coach called dark time which would be surprise packages is the real deal here just didn t look right at the start i thought i. had loosed him back and inexplicably kicked the ball out of
his own keeper s hands. first wallace had to have played this season they re still haunted by the occasional mental lapse while this tobacco flipped out scorer martin hynix celebrated. they are middle class a share from one of my classic side saying it was not a didn t think much just somehow got it over the line those are the prettiest i think solution for me. no way shaheen put the ball in the mixer and harness finished it off co-found has signed experienced players that might not be big names are in high demand but they fit his system and their happily dancing to cull felts rhythm. and has supplemented harris s longstanding form with dynamic young players who have the speed and skill to play his game it is a family affair especially with stardust son palko getting his first start in midfield but characters youngsters. to cope with the veritas attacking onslaught
here to the class and pressed forcing a turnover of state on the ball and got a chance himself. coattails orchestrated a relentless attack that continuously one fact polls and followed three. premier league castoffs klassen drove the attack another solid if unsexy signing. while shot he did the dirty work on both sides of the ball helping to nullify here to smithfield. to show he did his part offensively setting up their second. milosz jelly coach climbed over here to a homegrown player in the clash stark to head home with ease. the serbian center back is already britain s eight store this season under coach felt practically the whole team is a scoring threat. i want them to score.
though it s hard for the opponents to try to find a player and this is what we want to try to play flexible and we want a lot of plays into the box always dardar had some regrouping to do it half time. and it seemed to work just to start our likes a direct assault on form youngsters a barrow delirious or put hair to the back of the match. up. i tell you since full finish was as impressive as his speed and it caught graeme and offer it up. but here time were simply outmatched verda were rarely off their game. you don t have to play like world beaters if your opponents are wrong mental holiday all match. yet another misplay from heritage in the box i heard lynn have conceded
penalties in all five matches. we re going to run the show at some point is bad from us we don t need to say anything the referee decides what s a penalty there was a penalty against a day but maybe it s better if i don t speak about this lineup that is better than that of anything. just watch them. coach else captain tell us man max positively punished our time for their mental lapse three one in the sixty sixth minute. it was the last goal in the battle of the league s surprise packages care to kindergarten crew got a lesson in how adults play football but the nice thing about such a young squad is there are still plenty of potential isn t worried. that the same we have the same point we ve had a really good start so there s nothing to be ashamed of but lots of teams will lose to braman more. brave men enjoy the night on a high note kept in close and experienced new comers alike chipped in with the
whole team buying into the system co-founders now want to record fifteen home league matches strange that he s looking forwards. this is not an exceptional. thing that we ve done today the most which must when we really want to go to europe very much repeat this every week. well they know what i have to do for braman proved they have the tools to be at the top they just have to keep it up. did you know kick off is now on you tube with the world of football. it was mexico. we travel the world can really feel how high fences are running i m going to say you know the stars never people of course so i just guess i am pretty serious. this is going to go on. as
a football kick off on you tube. it s. half. good now it s high time to love them all the way up top that s where the league s double zero seven reigns mikko basham seven wins from seven matches as byron coach. no one can stand in his way he is on a mission and his mission is to win titles. to found money while. sports coaches put on his smartest trenchcoat and investigated from the sidelines. of course byron had the better chances at the woodwork well i don t know sanchez just missed i put up sport held firm i the inspector had a plan it remains scoreless through half time the case looked close tell everyone
the man with the golden gun are going home and hits target diamonds really are forever will double o. seven in a row turned up in a way. not so fast coaches number one man manny while neuer made a deadly mistake just before and time. and spoke shot back off the chest of none other than felix gets a. little brother of world champion and expired man mario gets a inspector baum had just substituted him and of suspensions this was exactly the plan we supped him in we were prepared for it was that he should school there so never say never the fight for the title is still a thrill dortmund can deliver when it might still be up for grabs. which they did indeed bookman download it on your own but here you inveigle firehose the seven mil that s right. sevenoaks finally some competition for body
and stomach upset. will take a quick toll free dolphin squad because everyone was involved jacob rehm listen the young david opened his door when scoring a challenge one male. female came from a place and i didn t see her royce took one look past traffic amy the spanish born moroccan defender grabs goal number three on the stoep and debut. purebloods coach could only love at this point. and royce was all smiles to not see his one hundred goals but don t think for a little. man well i can she had never scored the don t believe that until this match but no.
the final j consensually cooley made it seems. don t coach lucy and bob didn t want to forget school goalscorers. well here above we re just glad it was over. and that just leaves bloodsport who are suddenly also up top can they reach new heights. and bring back their attacking football against minds . short answer no. their first match after their home loss to freiburg was simply mediocre few chances ugly play and no goals we did you a favor and kept the only scoreless match of the week short.
let s sum it all up for you one last time. ok we have the final results of course i m seven mil which catches the eye it was the biggest win in thirty two years congratulations for the draw of us sitting by in and out but maybe even sweeter on the back chasing fine style the proof is in the table. here it is in black and white or rather plumed white garment are only two points short of the record champion s not so boring any more eight as for the unusual suspects braman have to plant their way to third. alone. in the bottom of the table it s obvious that sheldon needs some show of success to get them going any sign. from shaka both stuttgart and hanover are still winless after five but can we please see that dortmund thrashing once more.
for roy sprite technique for royce knocks it all summer and so possibly. just one hundred call it all competitions force you to. mark arroyo scored his one hundred goals adult. stuff. right up a notch in his nights you going to goals. and assists are quite the showing. when you play like this it s going to be really good for us but yeah we could pick up. seven mill opened up firing on all cylinders. it may fail next week.
offensively we have the quality and we have the players who can score the goals and that s what we saw today and the best way to get the big fifty seven elena shows made tracy come a mob. the big. dogs. come on. come. on.
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Season , Buttons , Shoulders , Celebrations , Stake , Centric-toy-step-toma-loose-bull , Five , Bud , Side-goal , Switch , Back-line , Sorts

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20180924 21:00:00

serious allegation she took time and she is putting all of your doubts out in public. she is not trying to say oh, i m certain when she is not certain. she is saying i m not clearly certain. i was drinking. so i think that is pretty straightforward. ronin farrow says he considers what he did high level of evidence. i m quoting. and says that direct account from people she told right afterward this happened with kavanaugh. that is what farrow says. he says he applied that in other stories of similar instances of sexual misconduct and says it has proven to be ironclad and a good way to do it and he considers this is a high standard of journalism. jesse: i didn t know that is the way he went about it. thought he found someone who heard something like that had happened. not that this woman had told a friend about it afterwards. lisa: the piece says they have not confirmed with other
now? greg: dianne feinstein could run an airline with that kind of timing. i was perfectly timed. you have a long-time friend, fourth person in the story with no recollection. boom! it was a saturday. sunday you had new accusation. what worries me in the big picture we are shifting the meaning of the word corroboration before an accusation would require collaboration, which meant witnesses and evidence which the ford case seemed to look. now this other one seems weaker than ford. so you corroborate one allegation with what? another allegation. so what happens is the media is less inclined to dive deep in the story. instead just pile well, it must have happened because now it s quantity not quality. there is an additional point. i have never seen anything like this in my career over three decades. i ve never seen so many repressed memory cases in my life. especially against one guy. greg: yeah. so the question is, if there is something awry going
party. he says i don t know when the party was. how can he deny he is at a party she hasn t identified? first, let me explain something. when she says something, he has the right to know specifically what it is. juan: okay. but in the end, there is no way you can even consider bringing in the f.b.i. my question to you is a simple one. everybody is talking about let s bring in the f.b.i. why the hell haven t you asked the f.b.i. to get involved? why did dianne feinstein sit on this for six weeks? why did she sit on it for 36 years? juan: it was anonymous. it was. no they knew who she wednesday. juan: who she was. juan: she was anonymous. this is something you asked about. in this case, when someone is nominated for the supreme court and suddenly you have all the world s eyeballs fixed on this guy. now they are going to fly speck him. i don t care who you are. that is a fact. so suddenly a lot of people who knew him and had questions. remember, in the second case, that woman wasn t coming forward.
the woman at yale. how did they find her? juan: the democrat heard stories about well then where is the cob rating corroborating witness to say they heard from someone. i m with you, judge. bring in the f.b.i. in. no. the f.b.i. doesn t do these cases. that is why they haven t answered yes. juan: i ll tell you what is interesting going on today this is all confusion and all juan: no, no. what is interesting that martha maccallum tonight is going to have kavanaugh and his wife on her show. to me this is like wow! you mean a guy who is up for a supreme court nomination decides it s important to take a break and do tv? jesse: i think he is trying to defend himself. greg: wait, wait, wait. you can t smear a guy from trying to defend himself. juan: i m saying boy, did you see the fox poll? the fox polyped kates now more people believe ford than believe kavanaugh. greg: what a surprise after what has been done to him. if allegations are enough without witness or without
evidence, you should worry about your husbands, your brothers, your sons and your fathers. and yourself. greg: there needs to be a new woman movement called momma bear because they are coming for your sons. can you be part of it if you are not a mom? don t exclude me, greg. greg: what is going to happen is because you can t nominate men anymore? you know who is the supreme court justice? judge pirro. not a chance! let me tell you, all i d like to do is question the two of them. that is all i want to do. jesse: more proof that the facts on kavanaugh don t matter to democrats. the latest left wing smear ahead. plus, martha maccallum joins us to preview her exclusive interview with brett kavanaugh and his wife. got directions to the nightclub here. and if you get lost, just hit me on the old horn. man: tom s my best friend, but ever since he bought a new house. tom: it s a $10 cover? oh, okay.
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any time in her life. judge pirro: supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh denying allegations against him in an exclusive fox news interview. while at least one senate democrat appears to admit that the facts don t matter. doesn t kavanaugh have the same presumption of innocence as anyone else in america? i put his denial in the context of everything that i know about him in terms of how he approaches his cases. he has an ideological agenda and it s outcome-driven. it sounds like because you don t trust him on policy and you don t believe him when he says he does not have an opinion on roe v. wade, you don t believe him about the allegation that happened at the party in 1982. is that fair? this is why it s important there is an investigation so there is some effort at collaboration. judge pirro: greg, effort at collaboration. i think it s called
corroboration but i ll let that go. listen, i haven t asked the question yet. you have a senator saying that she doesn t believe him in the context of this decision. what is she trying to tell us? greg: the mask dropped there. she is putting denial in context. meaning, she doesn t deserve the benefit of the doubt because of his politics or his potential policies. for example, if i said, it would be like me saying i m skeptical of progressive mem anymore so i don t think a progressive progressive feminism so i don t think a progressive feminist should get due process. we are not one people. we are now tribes. this is not going to end well. this is not going to be the republicans versus democrats or men versus women. it will be everyone for themselves because accusations and allegations require no proof, no evidence. that means i can do it to anybody i want. juan: but we used to live in a country where, you know what? we were americans and you could go to the court and get
a fair hearing. in this case, orrin hatch already said forget about it. i don t care i don t know if that is what he said. he said he would vote on it. lisa, in a he said/she said, does anyone win? the scales of justice are like this. preponderance of the evidence is slight. beyond a reasonable doubt is like that. that is the world i have dempt dealt in. now it s not preponderance of the evidence. if he said and she says, she wins. lisa: we used to live in a world with the presumption of innocence. and senator hiraman senator hirono is saying she is not going to believe him because of his politics.
she said that men should fundraise as well as she is fundraising off this as well so she is the only one showing the democrats cards that it s political. they have been trying to take down judge kavanaugh from the beginning. now they are weaponizing allegations not corroborated to do that. juan: the other side is republicans are trying to push through judge kavanaugh. you have president trump tweeting you know, let s forget about whatever this woman had to say. and you have people now like susan collins saying i m appalled that the president would say such a thing about a woman who has a serious charge. lisa: but, juan, can you deny we were at the 11th hour? judge pirro: it was about to go for a vote. and they now say come one a whom who doesn t know anything, doesn t have a corroborating witness, says she can t fly. she has to drive across the country. now the second delay is the c mon! how much of a delay? we have to go to the f.b.i. what doesn t someone go to f.b.i.? i have been listening to this
for three weeks. go, get it done. juan: wait. i thought you said you oppose the f.b.i. looking at this? judge pirro: because they won t look at it. they don t do local crimes. they don t do sex crimes. juan: excuse me. they do. supreme court nominees. judge pirro: they do background checks if you are over 18. juan: so this is a background check. judge pirro: they did six of them. they didn t know about the woman. if the dems found the woman, they found the second one, ramirez, why didn t the f.b.i. find her in the six background checks? juan: remember with the anita hill case, again, the democrats were the ones who kind of forced her to public. judge pirro: jesse, i need your opinion. jesse: voice of reason needs to step in. i will say this. if you go to a party with your best friend and it s a house party and something happens. and you don t tell your best friend about it afterwards. and then the person, your best friend, who you say was at the party where the incident happened says i was never at this party and i don t even know brett kavanaugh and i
have never even really met brett kavanaugh. and everybody else you name at the party has never met you or doesn t know you or know anything about the party. doesn t that make your story a little bit suspicious? and then you bring on to your legal team andrew mccabe s lawyer. what does it say about how politicized this has gotten? the democrats completely destroyed the confirmation process. judge pirro: you are a reasonable man. what will happen when trump and rosenstein meets face to face this week? the president explains next. no matter when you retire, your income doesn t have to.
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speculation as to whether he will resign or be fired. the president addressing it earlier. president trump: we will be meeting at the white house. we will be determining what is going on. we want to have transparency. we want to have openness. i look forward to meeting with rod at that time. juan: rosenstein facing intense scrutiny over a stunning report on friday that he suggested secretly recording the president. he talked about apparently invoking the 25th amendment to try to remove trump from office. rosenstein has denied those claims. judge, what do you make of it? judge pirro: i have to tell you. this guy rosenstein, you know, it doesn t matter. to me, the new york times article doesn t matter, juan, because the first time i heard that he wrote the memo telling the president all the reasons why comey should be fired, and now is in charge of the investigation that includes part of it the president may
have obstructed justice in the firing of comey. once i found out that rosenstein signed one of the fisa applications and one of the recurring applications which required additional information. and then you find out that rosenstein when he appears before congress has a smug look like yeah, we ll get you the reports. we are working on it. we are working on it. then all the reports are redacted. i say to myself, self, what is this guy doing controlling this investigation? he should be fired. but now i don t want him fired. i don t want him fired. i don t want the president firing him. i want the memos to come out. i think that there is something in the memo. lisa: rod rosenstein is also guy that laid out the case for firing comey and then there was the obstruction of justice and that is questionable in itself. there are suggestions he was joking but does it matter?
the bigger problem is it could be true. if you look at things like the new york times op-ed and the text messages about stopping president trump. you look at the fact that the f.b.i. used the democrat opposition research to obtain a fisa warrant against carter page. it s troubling that it wouldn t be out of the realm of possibility for rosenstein to tell the truth and it not be a joke. juan: so today, rod rosenstein met with john kelly, the chief of staff. as he was going over to the white house, the thought was he is going to be fired. then came the report maybe he is not going to be fired. but he is going to resign. and prevent himself from being fired. then they have a meeting and now we hear no, it s simply a meeting on thursday with trump. what is going on? jesse: thursday is a big day. i want i can t wait until thursday. i don t know if he got set up by mccabe or the white house. i don t know if he got set up
by someone who wants to set a trap to fire rosenstein. i don t know. but i know this. rosenstein is not a good faith actor. he has been playing this game of throne stuff with the white house and everybody for quite some time. when you play that game, sometimes you get knifed. remember, he signed all the fisa warrants and he was the one that oversaw the firing of james comey. then he oversaw the obstruction case about the firing of james comey. total conflict of interest. he is not giving any document that the house judiciary committee wants. he is stonewalling for the last year and a half. time for him to go. if he does go, the next person in suck sex is noel francisco. he seems like a straight shooter and he has been critical ofcomey for giving hillary clinton the kid glove treat. and if rosenstein does get dropped i think he is a good replacement. jesse: apparently the juan: apparently the
president was polling the staff on friday whether or not he should fire rod rosenstein. what do you say? greg: that is normal. the c.e.o. often asks a staffer about stuff. that is what bosses do. normal behavior. i m with the judge. i don t think he should be fired. i have a different reason. i think whether he is joking or not is important from my perspective. as someone whose life is regularly punctuated by events where i have to explain to people, honey, i was just being sarcastic. i have to defend him on this one. the possibility that his comments were sarcastic, that could be said about everything that trump says. people get upset about trump. because they took him literally when he was just making a joke. so the same thing is happening to rosenstein. jesse: which is it? greg: the point is, the point is, the bottom line is people who condemn anonymous sourcing of the times op-ed now embracing this anonymous sourcing are hypocrites.
it was likely sarcastic remark because i m a guy who makes sarcastic remarks. judge pirro: what context? we need the comment. what do you want me to do, tape him? greg: have you ever said that, what do you want me to do and you say something you didn t mean and then have to buy flowers. if you are a sarcastic person side with the excuse it s a joke. i always is a joke. juan: i generally don t agree with this guy but i agree with this for a different reason. i don t think there is any evidence to say he did anything. judge pirro: oh! jesse: rosenstein! juan: brett kavanaugh is speaking out against sexual assault allegations in an exclusives fox news interview with martha maccallum. martha is here next with a preview.
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in an exclusive interview airing tonight on the story brett kavanaugh and his wife ashley sit down with martha maccallum to address decades old nomination of sexual misconduct against the supreme court nominee. here is a preview. we are talking about sexual assault. i never sexual assaulted anyone. i did not have sexual intercourse in high school or for many years thereafter. the girls from the schools i went to and i were friends. martha: you are saying through all the years in question, you were a virgin? correct. martha: never had sexual intercourse with anyone in high school? correct. martha: and through years of college since we are probing in your personal life. many years after. i ll leave it at that. lisa: wow! that entire interview airs at 7:00 p.m. eastern tonight on fox news. martha joins us live from washington, d.c. hi, martha. martha: hi, lisa. lisa: i m looking forward to the interview. i have no dough it will be
phenomenal. my question is this is a risky strategy for him and his wife to sit down with you ahead of thursday s hearing. democrats are looking for anything to use against him, anything he says can be used against him. what is the strategy behind him sitting down and agreeing to the interview? do you know why they did the interview? martha: that was my first question. i wanted to know what prompted them to speak out prior to thursday s hearing. he said he wanted to clear his name, which he said many times and he looks forward to doing that thursday in the hearing, if indeed it happens on which i feel everybody thinks there could be twists and turns before that. i wouldn t be surprised if it was sort of an effort to kind of kick the tires and get the tough questions and go through it to see how he stands up. because we literally asked him ever single allegation. we did not hold back of the detail and the graphic nature of the allegations against him. i wanted to hear his answers and i wanted to ask him questions in front of his wife. i asked her did you ever become doubtful or angry when all of the allegations came
forward? did you ever look at him and wonder? she says she did not and she never wavered in her support and she believes that the allegations are lies. lisa: wow! we will take it around the horn. jesse? jesse: i m just kind of still reeling from the sound bite we played at the top, martha. the democrats have played the race card. the gender card. he is now playing the v card. he is a virgin. that is the defense he is going with. was a virgin until i guess early in the mid-20s. what kind of impact do you think that will have on this debate we are having in this country? do you think he will get teased now by the left? martha: probably. jesse: how do you think it will play out? martha: i thought it was a difficult thing for him to say. my guess is it may have come up in preparation and the discussions he has had about all of this. in his defense of himself. he probably said look, i didn t sleep with anyone. he wanted to make that point today which i thought was very
interesting. it doesn t necessarily, you know, go fly in the face of some of the allegations which fall short of that. jesse: that is true. martha: but it does, you know, continue to paint the picture of him as someone who was very much on the straight and narrow. so, yeah, i think he will probably get ribbing for it. i think he feels like it s something he wanted to be honest about and he wanted out there and he feels like it speaks in his favor. juan: i think it s pretty clear why he talked to you, martha. i think it s the polls, the fox polls that clearly show there are fewer and fewer people who think he should be confirm and who believe him. more people believe professor ford than believe judge kavanaugh. so to my mind, the key issue is here how did you, martha maccallum, react? did you come away from it feeling you know what? i think this guy is bearing his soul? or did you think well, this is a political step being taken by someone who knows that he
is losing political support, especially among suburban women? martha: it s clear he believes he did not do anything along the lines of the accusations. i pressed him. is it possible that you had a physical interaction with chrstine blasey ford, that she misunderstood? were you ever so drunk that you forgot what happened one night? because he admits in the interview that, you know, they were all drinking. that there were nights that they drank too much. i said did you drink too much so that you forgot what happened? he says no. i came away believing that he believes that he never did anything along the lines of what he is accused of. i also went in the michael avenatti claims, which are egregious as well and he claims he was never at a party where anything along those lines happened. so he is really far out on a limb here in saying, you know, unequivocally that the things didn t happen. he is not saying i had a
relationship with this woman. maybe she misunderstood. or anything like that. he is saying absolutely not. i mean as a reporter, i m listening to what he is saying and i m taking it in and we weigh it against the evidence on the other side. judge pirro: you know, martha, a lot of times jurors when they listen to witnesses or the accused, they are more focused on their visceral reaction to the individual, as opposed to, you know, the testimony itself. and we haven t seen dr. ford yet. but two questions. your visceral reaction to kavanaugh being closer to him than just a television camera? and then number two, what shocked you the most? or surprised you the most about his answers? martha: you know, i think that he is obviously this has really been hard on the two of them. he is very nervous and pent up about all of this. you can just imagine what this is like. when you go to bed at night and the two of you are there alone and you are thinking
about what you are going through with all of this, regardless of where everything lies. it has to be devastating. so i walked away feeling he is a person who believes many his convictions and he believes he is innocent. she clearly believes he is innocent. she is sort of a calmer center and she definitely believes that he is innocent. what surprised me, i think the virgin comments surprised me because he is willing to bear the inner most secrets to clear his name. it also surprised me that there was no nuance. there was no sort of i asked him, you know, do you think this is a hard question to answer. but i asked him do you think separately from your experience, a teenager, someone who is 17 should be held responsible for what they do the rest of their life? he said i can t say. i have led a good life. i said no, but if it wasn t you. you re the judge. you are look at someone 17 and younger should they be held
responsible if for actions? he would not answer that specifically. i think when you think about it, you sort of damned if you do and damned if you don t with the question. if you say yes, you are culpable for what you did prior to 17. the headline becomes judge kavanaugh becomes that it s okay. nothing is off limits. if you say you are not, then the headline becomes he thinks everything you do before 17 is okay. so, you know, that surprised me. lisa: i want greg in here as well. greg: remember, it used to be threatened it s on your permanent record. you brought up avenatti. i don t know if the judge wants to respond to this. or you, martha. but i saw the tweets. what he is suggesting is grotesque. he is suggesting gang rape. how can someone put that forth without evidence? i would assume that the bar association would be all over this. how can he do that? it blows my mind. martha: i can tell you i
asked him about that specifically. and he was emphatic that he had never been anywhere where anything like that was going on. i said what about sort of things that were happening behind closed doors at parties that you were maybe aware or should have been aware of that seemed more innocent than they are described in the tweets? he claimed that he had never been at any event where anything like that happened. now michael avenatti says he has witnesses. and that they have specific allegations and the specific facts they can attribute him being there to. we will see. judge pirro: quickly, this kind of thing should go before the grievance committee. i sat on them. and accusing someone of a gang rape is slander per se. and avenatti ought to be concerned about his law license if he isn t already because he is $10 million in debt. in taxes and to people juan: martha, did you ask judge kavanaugh if he thought that michael judge, his friend who keeps writing, he has written about the mark
judge. greg: mike judge is somebody else. juan: did you ask him if he thought that judge should testify or come before the senate? martha: yeah, you know, he basically said everyone in his life corroborated his story. he didn t answer whether or not he should come before the court. but i did ask him about the other guy who just came out. roche. who was his roommate at yale and said he found the stories to be credible. he didn t have firsthand evidence but it didn t surprise him that these things would happen. his answer is interesting on that one. stay tuned for that tonight. lisa: martha, we will be watching. thank you for being with us today. martha: good to see you. lisa: more of the five coming up next. stay tuned. when you rent from national. it s kind of like playing your own version of best ball. because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if it s a better car class than the one you reserved.
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standpoint the worst thing is to find out that nothing happened. there you go. jesse: russia collusion. nothing happened. this is what i was thinking about. how would you conduct yourself if you were smeared and you didn t do it? if you felt you were being smeared by someone in that way? i would be so angry and intensely upset about the accusations and upset it was destroying my family and vehemently denying. he came off to me a little sad, and he came off a little soft spoken. i understand he has to conduct himself like that because he is a measured guy. he is going to be on the supreme court we believe. but i don t know, is he going to be like that at the hearing on thursday? i don t know how it will play when you have a female who is up there and, you know, she could be emotional and she
could be very believable. thursday is huge. i don t know if that is going to play on thursday. judge pirro: jesse, i wouldn t be surprised if he changes on thursday. because then he will be confronted with the specifics of this alleged assault. right now, you have to admit that he is sad and exhausted. i understand that his little girls are upset about this. the man left an exemplariry life at the citadel of the judicial life and supreme court. and now they are trying to bring him down as a sex offender. i don t know if i d get out from under a rock. lisa: you have two women making sanction with no evidence or corroboration and can plo tenially derail someone s career. he has two daughters and a wife as well. you don t think the lawyers hear about this at school and it will change how they look at their dad? it s dangerous that the new yorker ran a story when hay said they couldn t find someone with the firsthand
knowledge it had happened. this is in a terrifying world in my opinion. jesse: i was very open-minded about ford from last week. i wanted to hear what she had to say and i was willing to believe what she had to say if she came through with facts. but if you add the second woman and add the gross stuff that avenatti is doing, the timing is political and suspicious. it ruins the original accusation in terms of the credibility. juan: here is the real deal to me. you have now republicans up for midterm elections. i m talking about susan collins, lisa murkowski, jeff flake is not up but you have people are aware of how republicans will be seen. do they really want to hear this woman? or the case you want her out of way and then solidify a hard right conservative majority on the court for generations to come? conservatives and republicans have to play it carefully. greg: i think they have been accommodating. i don t think so.
greg: they want a conservative court. judge pirro: that is the day that a witness tells me she is coming court. who does that. greg: one more thing up next. i know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance that s the last time.
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All , Allegation , Drinking , Public , Doubts , People , Evidence , Ronin-farrow , Level , Account , Brett-kavanaugh , Way