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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170819 03:00:00

may be more people to come, is the president has to get back on track.k. he has to honor the promises that he made during the campaign. he has to get a legislative agenda passed by 2018, the start of the new year, otherwise we re going to be consumed next year with the midterm elections. it will be every man and woman for themselves and they re going to be running for the hills. the president needs a staff t around him, that s congenial, and believe me, it s possible, it happens. i worked with two presidents and the staffs had disagreements but they were in the room and once that disagreement was over, and a consensus was had, policy was made and that s what we have to do. you also have to make sure the president understands that you make policy in washington but you sell it on main street. tucker: for sure. i think he already sold it on main street, though. that s what that campaign was about. he ran out a bunch of different things that everybody in hated but the public kind of liked, and he hasn t moved to make those law, for reasons that are not clear, but are a little clearer today.
little bit, but the president needs to get on the road and have an aggressive fall agendael traveling all around america talking about health care and talking about infrastructure and taxes, more importantly, because taxis are the key to picking up our economy and get a get moving again. we have the opportunity now, and donald trump does better than anyone else, to sell his policies. he is the salesman, he is the deal closer, the people around him, they are support staff. they are not the people who are going to be at the end of the day with their signature on the bills that are going to be signed. tucker: me ask you one last question. you ve been in washington a long time.r you ve been a republican in your entire life. rex tillerson said we are going to improvent the state departme. the most important thing you can do is enact a straight system and hiring.t that was sent out loud. he is the secretary of state for the republican administration.
that is going to be the state of play in the republican party, when your head have exploded or would you havetu dismissed it aa lie? my head would ve exploded. look, we ve got to, again, return to the basics of principal and the republican party, things that we believe in, not reinventing things, not things that are not part of our platform, not things that are manufactured by people outside the party who are not believers, we have to return to the core principles that make the republican party a great party. but you can t do that as a freelancer, you can t do that willy-nilly, and you can t do that out of thin air. you have to be principled and that s where your first question is very germane, who are the believers? tucker: i don t know the answer. we re going to try to find out. thanks for joining us tonight. pleasure.e. tucker: for more on the reaction to the departure of steve bannon, we are joined by author, columnist, and thinker mark styn.
mark, did this make america better or worse with bannon gone?or i inclined to the latter because i am worried that the departure of steve bannon makes the trump administration more ordinary and i think the people who voted for trump wanted something extraordinary. and at the risk of quoting myself, which is, i think the first sign of madness, over a decade ago i said it required some genius of for george w. bush to get demonized as a right-wing madmaniz when 90% of the time he was tony blair with a ranch. and i think the same process is underway now, trump is being demonized as the new hitler while inside the building they re basically trying to turn them into jeb bush with a kind of foulmouthed semi-tourettes twitter feed and i don t think that s going to work. the trump agenda, it was very interesting listening, and that was a very sane explication we just heard but he didn t mention the wall, it didn t mention illegal immigration, it didn t mention any of the issues that catapulted trump in june and
july of 2015 into the lead over all 17 sane governors and senators for whom there were no takers among the republican base. tucker: so his voters haveke put up with an awful lot. they are mocked as bigots for supporting him, there is a lot about what trump says it s hard to explain or understand, but they ve stuck with him because he speaks for them on those issues. how long will their patience last? how long until they say, you know what, he s not doing the things i voted for. what s the point of this? i think there s three groups of people. there are people who just loathes trump s style. that includes a lot of republicans. like your pal, bill kristol. then there is people who liketh the style, they like the ways he plays at smash mouth.
but there s a third group of people who recognize he is a curious and idiosyncratic character but he was the only one advancing policy is that cared about. and if you are in these states and towns where the mill has closed. in the factory has closed. and you re listening to these things from marco rubio about a second american century when all you want is for, you know, your remaining life expectancy to be marginally less work, then, i think, i think they do want the trump policies and they are disturbed by the fact that, for example, on national security, we essentially have, i don t know what he s complaining about, when you look at the options in afghanistan,, essentially bill kristol s foreign policy establishment is still in control of the joint. likewise, the obamacare skinny repeal was nothing like what trump was talking about.
[laughter]bo deepest thinker, what do you you make of that? i don t think she s very sound on either theology or the history. because there are actually a lot of satanic iconography is throughout thest history of the christian church. and indeed, these days, whenever certain liberal groups discover that there is a nativity scene on public land, they petitionis for a satanic seem to be included with it. i think there was a famous one in detroit a couple of years ago. but just to stick with her analogy, if the confederacy is satanic, the church, and i m just running with this because her thought popped into my head, then the church of satan is the democratic party. the democrats were the biggest institutional supporters of slavery on the planet in the 19th century, and they re the only ones to have survivedla ino the 21st century.
if you look at other racist parties, the national party of south africa changed its name three times and then completelyo expired. same with ian smith s in rhodesia. and, and, and, and her father, her very own father presided over one of the great, just seven years ago, the funeral of one of the great satanic archbishops whom you mention the other night, robin seabird. never mind guys have been dead for a hundred 50 years, if you land in west virginia, everything in the state is named after him. yes directions, they say youou come out of robin seabird airport, you hang a left on robin seaboard parkway, turn it right, then when you get to the robert seabird sign, he was, and bill clinton said, well, you know, he had a little bit of a flirtation with e the klan.
but he had to do what he had to do to get elected and we ve all been there. let me just reread what he said. i don t want to get this quote wrong.o i d rather quote trampled in the dirt never to rise again then to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongols, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wild. this is not a young man, this is a middle-aged man far older than chelsea clinton an tucker: he is writing to senator bilbo, i think. that s right. and i am a foreigner so i can t tell a grand cyclops to a grand because due to grand wizard. but i think if you forgive a little bit of criticism from your grand public, i think this is what happens when you don t have titles and nobility. people invent stupid titles like grand wizard. but he was one and bill clinton delivered his eulogy. why doesn t chelsea take that up with the satan in her own family
household? tucker: because they are good people, mark. unlike you and me. they are just good people. thank you for joining us. thank you for joining us tonight. have a kliegle weekend. [laughter] tucker: the southern poverty law center is an ideological left-wing organization. the question is why cnn using it to decide what a hate group is? we will talk to the head of one group not a hate group that cnnnn lumped in with the ku klux klan and neo-nazis. we ll talk with someone who thinks it s just fine to silence bad thoughts online. this lovely lady has a typical airline credit card. so she only earns double miles on purchases she makes from that airline. what d you earn double miles on, please? ugh. that s unfortunate. there s a better option.
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tucker: yesterday, cnn published a story with the headline, here are all the active hate groups where you live. this was not a list narrowed to neo-nazis and anarchic, but also had regular conservative organizations like the alliance defending freedom, the family research council, and others. the list was too large and grossly biased and that s because cnn wasn t listing real hate groups they were just listing hate groups as defined by the southern poverty law center which is a totally responsible organization that left-wing organization that casuallyra throws around the tem hate group in order to raise money and it s raised a lot of money doing that. terrifying people.
it eventually scaled back its headlineut changing into the southern poverty law center s list of hate groups. why is cnn doing the bidding of the southern poverty law center? they are not coming on to tell c us why so we asked someone from the southern poverty law center to come want to tell their side but they decline like theyki always do, so instead we are joined by tony perkins was president of the family research council, one of the group slandered by cnn and the splc. thanks for coming on tonight. so, you wake up to see that cnn, which is a supposed news network is describing is a hate group? what is your reaction? it was the fact that it was irresponsible and reckless. this is troubling because the media should not be using the southern poverty law center and their hate map as a means of communicating what is hate and what is not. thert southern poverty law centr and their hate map have been linked in federal court to domestic terrorism and that occurred at our place when a gunman came in armed with 100
rounds of ammunition with the hit list that came off of the southern poverty law center s hate map. so this is real and it s dangerous and it s reckless for the media to use it. tucker: so a lunatic read that your organization was described as a hate group and showed up with a gun in response? it was five years ago that that occurred based upon thiss map that cnn put up, that s a new version of the map it has all of us listed, you can go to the web site and it shows you how to get there, and this gunman confessed to the fbi that s where he got his list was from the southern poverty law center. they want people to think that they re in the crows nest looking on the horizon for america s well-being when they are vultures that are preying on the fears of americans. they ve gone after ben carson and got after the president and even in minnesota they are pushing policy, they are not an objective arbiter sitting on the sidelines, they went into minnesota pushing a liberal policy in a local school, parents organized against them and instead of arguing the merits of whatever the policy was, the southern poverty law center slapped a label of hate
group on these parents. that s how they operate. they are a fearmongering organization that rings over 350 million back thousand dollars. which they are sitting on and offshorent accounts. it is irresponsible for the media to use them as a source. the department of the army has moved away from them, the department of justice, even under the obama administration moved away from them because of their questionable methodology. tucker: they are totally fraudulent and it s not even a close call. they re completely over-the-top. you spend 10 minutes on their web site and it s clear this is not a group concerned about hate, this is a fund-raising organization with a very specific political agenda. smearing people in order to raise money. no journalist, no honest journalist would ever use them as a source. it s shocking, actually. and that s the problem. tucker: last one, did cnn call you? cnn describes you as a hate group. you ve all ready had some
nutcase with a gun show up when this happened last time. that they call you and say hey, we are going to describe you as did they warn you? a hate group? we had a discussion about this, what s happening here in this last week is, again, another case of irresponsibly w from the media. you remember when james hopkins cameyo to washington, d.c., with the hit list. and we don t know the extent to which he was visiting with splc s web site but we know he was communicating with them. his web site his computer s showedal that. but he s dead so we don t know all the facts. steve scalise, a friend of mine, he was on splc s site multiple times. they went after him trying to deprive him of his leadership position. after that, the media then calls for hey, we ve got to ratchet down the rhetoric, we ve got to calm down here. we have not heard those calls this time. tucker: they re completelyar irresponsible. we are out of time. i feel for you.
i hope this doesn t expose you to any dangers. thanks. thanks for coming on. tucker: traditionally the left was wary of large, powerful corporations controlling people s lives. but not any longer. they are in bed with big tech companies who are now minoritieb suppressing minority news online. yes, some of it is disgusting, but a year from now will you be on the list? we are talking to a progressive radio show host who is defending it. stay tuned.
tucker: in the wake of charlottesville, tech companies have decided to start rolling back speech on their platforms. google, go daddy, and cloud fair have all cut surface to the daily stormer, that s a white supremacist web site. airbnb has banned whites the premises from using the site, paypal banned a site from using their service and said it won t stop there. spotify, the music service is purging its music library of hate bands using a list provided by the southern poverty law center. of course. most of these victims are not sympathetic at all, but the question is, in the long run, is it a good idea to allow tech companies this kind of power? we are joined tonight, ethan, what i find so fascinating about this is that liberals traditionally were free speech absolutistses and were deeply suspicious of corporate power. probably both good things. now, every level i know is a toady to big business and
whatever apple and google think it s a good idea, they kind of nod and say it s fine with me. what happened to liberals? in this case, you have speech, as you just pointed out, that is so reprehensible that we reach a line and say, look, this is not the government intruding on somebody s first amendment rights. the platform itself, whether it s google, facebook, go daddy, or others have terms of servicel which relate to things like incitement or violence toward others, or hate speech. so if you are violating a company s terms of service they have the right to pull the plug. that s what we re talking about tucker: you re smarter than that. you re smarter than that. i m not making a legal case. i m not saying that the government has a right to force spotify to play these songs. i m really saying there s a moral case to be made on behalf of free expression and not all of these groups, i don t actually know anything about the daily stormer, i know what v dare is, though, and you may not agree with that it, but they are not espousing violence, they are espousing views that these companies don t like. is it a good idea?
should liberals get behind the censorship of speech that they don t like? i can t believe the liberals are supporting this.ce you run into the philosopher karl popper put forth the paradox of tolerance. when somebody says, i don t tolerate anybody else, thatmi would be the white supremacists in this case, i don t need to tolerate their speech becausese they are intolerant of everything and everybody.o unless you happen to fit their very narrower worldview. i agree that there can be a slippery slope your but this is the free marketplace. if you want to support white supremacists, go create your own hosting company and go create your own music service for white supremacists. tucker: let me just say i m sure i m going to wind up on the splc web site for saying this, but i m not defending white the premises. i don t believe it in and ii don t approve of it. what i believe in his freedom of
expression. in a marketplace of ideas where they compete with one another. if you don t like what somebody saying, make the counter case. beat them in debate, don t shut them down. aren t you as a liberal may be a little bit bothered by the practice at google of eliminating things from should search results? t you don t even know it s there? google has a functional monopoly on search and you know that. let s not pretend. that doesn t bother you? in the case of google that would be the exception. search is like, the one area where they really are like a monopoly but all the other things that you just described are not monopolies, so there really is a marketplace for competition. search is a which is why google is running whole other w animal. into some trouble in places like europe. i don t like the idea that google remove search resultsov just because we don t like what the answer is.on i am with you i on that one. i think there is a dangerous precedent when we shutdown something. tucker: why don t liberals stand up and say that? i m glad to hear you say that. why don t your fellow liberals make their voices heard? this is a really important principle and only liberals can
help preserve it. conservatives are not taken seriously on this issue but liberals are and yet they are all toadies, as far as i m concerned, to corporate power in this case and it s really distressing. i hope you will raise your voice. we are counting on you. thank you. i will, tucker. thank you. tucker: yesterday s terror attack in barcelona wasar very similar to countless other islamic attacks. naturally the press is scrambled to compare to charlottesville instead. we ll talk that over with radio show host tammy bruce who joins us after the break. plus, are you ready for next week s solar eclipse?? should you stare directly at the sun, or not? fox meteorologist janice dean will be here to tell us. when you have something you love, you want to protect it. at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you
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yesterday s attack fit perfectly into this wider trend but i dont tell the press in the united states. years spent trying to downplay islamic terrorism may reach they are peek yesterday when multiple figures trying to tie the barcelona tactic, not to thi islamic terror attacks that have come before, that would seem an obvious part of the chain but instead, somehow, to the attack in charlottesville. there will be questions about copycats, questions about what happened in barcelona, if it b wasn t all a copycat version of what happened in charlottesville, virginia. with the intensity of information that we ve had relatedh to the charlottesville incident over the last five days, it s quite possible that may have precipitated this terrorist group s desire to gain the limelight and carry out a similar attack. tucker: needless to say,
this is news stretched to the point of propaganda. the public isn t learning anything except that maybe they shouldn t trust the media and that sad, because over time, one day the media will wake up to discover the public puts more faith and trust in conspiracy theories than they do in the official story. that s bad for america and bad for the press. maybe they should think it through before they spread garbage like you just saw. tammy bruce is a new york city radio host and she joins us tonight. so, tammy, when you saw the atrocity, maybe charlottesville inspired this? every normal person looks at something like that and we are crushed and we know it s a touristy area, we know multiple countries will be involved, we know people were enjoying their day in a beautiful city, and just walking through a promenade, and the next thing, it was like our american who was killed on his anniversary, first year anniversary gets up to use the bathroom, walks away from his bride and he gets murdered. so these are the things that
remind us about how things can change in a moment. but horribly for american news, americans rely on news networks to find out what s going on around the world especially in tragedies. and you have wolf blitzer. immediately saying that as ani political opportunity. but let me tell you, it s not about downplaying the event. yot i would argue with you in that regard. they see in that example for that network everything through the prism of hating trump and so they saw tartlets bill. charlottesville. they said that we ve attached them to that now, we ve achieved that, so we say that that s a copycat in barcelona, barcelona is his fault as well. so that i think it is more of what we are watching is this inability to see anything t outside of the prism of hating donald trump and when you ve got viewers who are relying on the facts of the matter on thena ground, my goodness, they can t even get straight news anymore from individuals who are pathologically fixated at this
stage. tucker: exactly. i this is an opinion show. you re watching the show and you know you are getting opinions. but if you re watching a news show or reading the front page newspaper, there s an expectation that you are going to find out what actually happened. and the description is not going to be colored by the opinions, political opinions of the person who wrote it. isn t this making all of us just too cynical in the end? on average people going to conclude there is no absolute truth, there is no way to find out what reality was? i think if we refuse to allow that kind of cynicism on, let s say, cnn s part, we see what they re doing and it s obvious but what americans are doing instead is they are cutting the cord, aren t they? the cable companies havehe realized that people are turning somewhere else. but this is a problem for our democracy because media and news, and even opinion is meant to be an estate here, it s meant to really contradict power, tos really be serious about contradicting power, asking the hard questions, and when you
move from not caring what the answers are but making things up in order to achieve your political role, even abandon your job, so that harms all of us and it certainly harms the viewers over at cnn and that hao got to be our commitment with either opinion or news. tucker: nicely put as always. tammy bruce, thanks a lot. tucker: you remember that trump s fall with cuba was supposed to have a better relationship and why is there no evidence that a dozen or more american diplomats have been injured in an attack on americans in cuba? a story you may not have heard before, but an amazing one. stay tuned.
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tucker: the u.s. government recently established diplomatic relations with cuba but all is not well in that communist paradise. recent official that said that six diplomats came in with mysterious illnesses that are believed to be for a hidden sonic device. in response, diplomats have been expelled from the united states. now the washington beacon reports that the attacks were more frequent and affected far more diplomats than had been reported. susan crabtree is a writer, lieutenant colonel scott is a veteran of special forces, they will join us tonight. this is an amazing story, susan, i don t think most people are aware of this. give us the outline of exactly what happened. last week we discovered that the state department finally admitted that six diplomats,
we are saying u.s. personnel, had come down with some mysterious symptoms involving hearing loss to begin with. there are other symptoms, too, that we have learned about, they were pinpointing this as happening late last year in their residences outside the embassy in havana. this supposedly affected six people, that s what they said last week but we have learned that actually it was more like 12-18 people, definitely in the double digits, our sources say, and also, that this occurred much earlier than we previously thought, months earlier, actually, and that timing is critical when you think about the normalization process and president obama leaving his administration and his policy directive. which came october 14th. tucker: right. scott, tell us about these devices, sonic weapons, what do they do and what are the effects? thanks for having me on. it s just another type of a nonlethal weapons system, andn. this one sounds more like an
infra- sonic or ultrasonic type weapon which can, you know, it s physically undetectable really to the victim and it can put in physical pain, harm, even death if exposure is long enough so, it s a nasty weapon. tucker: you can kill someone with a sound he can t hear? prolonged exposure, there been studies that this can possibly lead to death. i don t think there s a lot of, there s not a lot of documented use of this other than riot control, but then the audio harassment is what this really is, is what it sounds like, is that targets were identified and then audio harassment was employed where they lived and operated over a prolonged period, and yes, that can have significant damage on humans nervous system. tucker: that s just shocking. susan, is there any indication your reporting of why the cuban government would want to do this? they hate us, of course, on ideological grounds, but why now?
why u.s. diplomats they are? that s what everyone keeps asking, including myself. the cuban government has denied this, of course, and they are saying, we didn t know anythingg about this, but other people are suggesting that it could be russia that was in cuba at the time, because of the canadian connection, we learned last week that canada is saying that one of its diplomats, too, had come down with similar illnesses, at least one that we know of, and that they are not adversarial, they don t have an adversarial relation with cuba, they don t have a huge trade embargo with cuba, so why would they be targeted at the same time? people are suggesting that it could be russia and their motivations are clear. they don t like this trade embargo, they don t like this new detente that we have with cuba, they would like to have more control over goods andhe services going into cuba,mo they don t want the u.s. to have the embargo with that, that s one speculation, one theory that i ve heard, but, yeah, it s really mysterious especially
because everyone that you ve talked to knows that they know exactly what s going on. tucker: it s just a shocking story. thank you both for that insight. we will keep track of that. for my constipation,
tucker: i will trade my tickle me elmo. [laughs] it s just a reminder that there are some things that are not in our control. this eclipse is going to bring all of america back together. you know the anatomy of anal eclipse? where the moon passes between the sun and the earth, blocking all or part of the sun. the penumbra is the partial a shadow, which the whole u.s. is going to experience. a very small little widespread region, the umbra, that s the full shadow. the totality that s going to go coast-to-coast, tucker, for the first time in 99 years. from the northwest to thee southeast. this area is going to experience total darkness for over 2 minutes in the daytime. it s going to be crazy. it s going to be amazing. it s going to change our lives. yes. the only thing that could ruin the eclipse is the cloud cover.
don t get mad at your local meteorologist if the clouds cover the eclipse. tucker: so you know what that narrow band is? are there any population centers?ha absolutely, nashville. i m going to be in greenville, south carolina, for fox & friends. lincoln, nebraska. the rest of the u.s. is going to get partial eclipse. it s going to be kind of dustyip around 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 in the afternoon. there is your monday forecast. the midwest, that s where we will see the cloud cover. i m hoping we are getting this full effect in greenville where i m going to be. this is a big deal. tucker: you can see why people 300 years ago, beforere they explained the phenomenon might think the world was ending. absolutely. what i want to do for fox &
friends is have a rooster close by. you know what s going to happen? it s going to get dark and the roosters going to think morning has come again. the roosters going to grow. yes, animals could freak out a little bit. the big deal is, if you don t have the sunglasses, they have to be iso 12312 2. they have to be approved. nasa will tell you what you need to be looking for. the last time we had a coastal eclipse coast-to-coast with 1918. do you remember, tucker, back in 1979? i was eight years old. i know i am giving away my age. how exciting that was. it is also very scary. it was almost like don t look at the sun, you could go blind. it s very true.s you cannot look at the sun. an ophthalmologist likens it to being out when it s cloudy and it still getting a sunburn. if you are more apt to look at the eclipse because it s dark out but you re still getting the full effect at that uv light. that s why you have had these really cool sunglasses. tucker: i m going to try to
control myself. i might not be able to. does your new book about on monday? yes, it does. freddie the frog-caster. it comes out on eclipse day. here s a couple of tips. don t look at the sun directly. sunglasses have to provide sufficient protection. these babies. only look at the sun through an approved filter. and remember when you were a kid? we made the filters out of a cereal box and pinhole. those are safe. go online and learn how to do that. you cannot look at the sun. tucker, thank you for promoting freddie the frog-caster. i will be in greenville, south carolina, for the totality. it s going to happen. it s going to change our lives. i love you. tucker: i will be lying in bed, watching you, janice.lo you are theg best.

People , President , Agenda , Promises , Campaign , Trackk , 2018 , Him , Man , Staff , Presidents , Hills

Comedy club's take on cross-cultural humor comes to Richmond

Stand-up comedian Shi Yu brings his take on life as a Beijing native studying in New York to the Richmond Cultural Centre

New-york , United-states , China , Beijing , Canada , Vancouver , British-columbia , America , Chinese , Canadians , Canadian , Hao

Transcripts for FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240604 05:22:00

His superpower. so that was an interesting point. sittinn ing there and i was one watching the jurors faces this afternoon. one trieand d not to laugh as a message was read from hunter to howie, where he called her unhinged and crazy for calling the fbi about his gun. meanwhile, she called them thed because he had left it in an unlocked car with the windows down. and she was afraid wit the kids were going to find it. and she also was afraide also he was going afrai to either hao himself or others, given the fact that he had just the daotherst y before been texg her about being on a caring and smoking crack and talking about doing a drug deal with a guy named mooky. ing da so it was an interesting day. all right. so the jurors think hunter suror funny and they re witnessing the bide n family cry. i don t think this is going the way the prosecution thought it would. well,y the pros what else had today? was there anybody else who cried? were anybody e they bored? the jurors were paying the jurors. were

Hunter-just-didn-t , Jurors , Point , Howie , Gun , Trieand-d , Sittinn-ing , Message , Superpower , Fbi , Unhinged , One

Transcripts for FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240604 09:30:00

With graphic details that had nothing to do with the alleged crime that donald trump was charged and convicted with. i don t want to hear the media clasp their pearls about graphic detail. so much hypocrisy. i will say in comparing this to the trump trial and what he was charged with and election interference. a lot of this case revolve around the laptop we were told was russian disinformation by officials and joe biden himself. if you want to stalk about election interference, we ll hear more about that laptop. last thing, also interesting to hear media clutch their pearls about preshunter biden, they hao love for gun owners or right to bear arms.

Trump , Media , Nothing , Details , Pearls , Crime , Convicted , Election , Lot , Case , Laptop , Trump-trial

Transcripts for FOXNEWS The Five 20240604 09:07:00

And some would say you re rigging it wouldr you abuse it. you know, that s why weur have appellate courts. lee first say that i wit agree with harold that partisan inappropriate as a day. i would tell my prosecutor inasf they came down from court, they out of conviction, i would hao, no. no, no, ny we don t do this.s someone s life has been forevele changed. e will some of them will probably lose their civil liberties. something enormous proba has happened. so i agree with harold in that regard. so i wity disagree with joebi biden. it was a state case, not a federal case, exceptep you sentence an adversary your to number three from your department to prosecute a crime to thertment t local d.i and you know what? people weren t saying it was rigg of verdict. and in fact, i don t blame this jury. t the did what they were suppost to do based upon the charges that were give bn to them.becaus it was rigged because outnowh of nowhereer, a local d.a. told his the jurors in a case tha

Some , Prosecutor , Lee-first-say , Weur-have-appellate-courts , Wit , It-when-me-wouldr , Something , Someone , We-don-t , New-york-city , Conviction , Court