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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240612

more want to hear about her as a teacher send pictures as well. joe thought it was june 10th so he threw a party i thought biden was raised in a black church not without rhythm he was dougie fresh wasn t so great either you can were pink tie but can t drink with a straw while. that s all for tonight dvr the show hannity is next always remember them waters and this is my world. sean: welcome to hannity tonight complete hysteria on the west wacko conspiracy theorist rachel maddow claiming she might be put in the camp of donald trump is elected aoc saying trump would throw her in jail the left losing their collective minds but we are ready knew that maybe they never noticed it s only trump people they get charged harassed and put in jail and so on far left, merrick garland called trump s criticism of his weapon eyes department of justice dangerous for people s safety we will address this later in the show and the president to your great country the united states of america is fear mongering about the second amendment calling for new gun restrictions on the day his very own sun is convicted of 3 felony gun charges tonight don t get distracted pay close attention to what i m about to say if you are listening to the media mob and pundits and democratic tax they have no clue about what really happened in the hunter biting case at all. it is deep and profound what has happened the major story they are not talking about or telling you about from the trial is not the conviction on gun crimes it s important because that s a low hanging fruit the evidence was overwhelming uncontroverted and unlike donald trump he had a fair venue and trial judge with real charges not ones that were made up and you didn t even know about the critical development from this trial is a single piece of evidence entered into the official record by your u.s. government and that is hunter bidens laptop not only did the u.s. federal government confirm his laptop is a real they confirmed its contents are real and the contents have not been tampered with by anybody in other words you were lied to on a very high level just before an election by numerous people and entire institutions lied to by hunter biden himself by his father your president joe biden lied to by nbc, cnn msnbc premuch everybody in the media mob the list too long to mention you were lied to by the former intel experts the ones that signed off on a letter insinuating that the laptop was most likely at all the earmarks of russian disinformation meanwhile not a single 1 did anything to investigate the claim examine the contents of the laptop you were lied to by klapper and brennan and by your own government. what do they have in common they all want to joe biden win by any means necessary and it s worse than that according to a report the department of justice new that the laptop was real since before the 2020 election instead of doing the right honorable honest thing telling the american people the truth the federal government was out there debunking laptop story big tech executives in the months leading up to the 2020 election fbi was having weekly meetings warning big tech companies they could be victims of a foreign disinformation campaign about the election and that misinformation might be about joe biden and hunter biden it gets worse they knew his attorney had a copy of the very real laptop they knew the odds were very high it would happen before the election and knew it would likely destroy any chance joe biden had to win the election and they had to act after then your post broke the story on facebook and twitter asked the fbi specifically this is what they were warning about was the laptop misinformation they refused to confirm the truth leaving those companies free to censor very real laptop stories and that is what they did. you couldn t even send a private message with a link to the new york post. big tech, the media mob happily gobbled up there fbi doj pro biden contribution misinformation by the way if it was an alvin braggs district they probably wouldn t be charged in the used as a basis to censor the most important information in the final weeks before the 2020 presidential election all because they wanted their guy to win it s beyond egregious intellection interference and frankly if it s not criminal, it should be criminal tonight none of the is liars having an ounce of remorse none of any regret for them it was a means to an end wanting trump out joe biden protected by scandal little cost and you better believe the content so that laptop were and are today damning for joe biden as well as hunter biden with the salacious photos of drug use in prostitution the real scandal is around the biden brand for look at the laptop and other information by the house we means committee the judiciary committee house oversight committee look at texts and e-mails and other files. as their raking in cash from top geopolitical foes and dictators and despots around the world because of keen intellect instead the laptop appears to show it was likely selling access to the biden brand and the big guy was apparently eager to participate in spite of publicly claims and otherwise indicates his own father numerous times in the very real laptop. these people also debunked of the joel ayayi never once not 1 time ever spoke to his son or brother or anybody for that matter about foreign business dealings according to testimony from the house oversight committee he participated in meetings with his foreign partners by phone dying with others at a café and that s not all 2017 you might recall the west it whatsapp message published where hunter wrote to a chinese business associate with their energy and oil conglomerate i am sitting here with my father and i d like to understand why the commitment wasn t fulfilled. i will make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows in my ability to hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction i am sitting here waiting for the call with my father. 2 days later magically according to committee $5 million way to a bank account associated with hunter biden and other texts and e-mails he allegedly talked about forking over half of his income to pops another e-mail talks about the big guy 10% for him allocating it as a cut in on 1 of his deals the hunter now convicted liars says he never intended to cut his father in on the deal according to a text uncovered by the new york post hunter paid for his dad s bills for more than a decade reportedly claiming his father was using it most lines of credit on his wells fargo account based on the contents of his real laptop it appears biden was participating in his son s business deals while also benefiting financially remember the testimony from his mane to business partner said joe biden participated in up to around 20 phone calls 40 never talk to business with hunter or his brother or anybody think about this donald trump was convicted on 34 felony charges of up charged misdemeanors passed the statute of limitations for mislabelling illegal for documents as illegal for expense trump ordered to pay hundreds of millions of dollars based on a far left new york judge unilaterally deciding in spite of evidence to the contrary that his estates only worth $4 million $20 million or 1 20th vacant lots go for $150 million and that s just dirt and yet nobody is above the law cult on the left they don t seem to care that joe biden now the president of our country was possibly selling access to the highest levels of the government and calyx in russia this is the reference they had for 4 years as according to neeson investigation he received $1.3 million from the wife of the former mayor of moscow former first lady of moscow if reports are true and evidence is accurate money went from russia to hunter to joe 1 way or another as devon archer saying they invested more than a real estate venture based on coverage fake news cnn the new york times washington post cbs they had no problem peddling the phony russian misinformation do dirty dossier they paid for to secure trump not 1 but 4 pfizer warrants where is their coverage of the events of the real laptop and the findings from the senate and house committees is joe biden about the law is hunter s current condition over a red herring 1 of his associates told him the gun trail was a distraction from the main event with their influence peddling he continued that i am convinced the entire justice system is an institution of people within agendas not in institutional flaws keep in mind the department of justice prosecutor tasked with investigating them let the statute of limitations ran out on the most serious allegations which could ve connected his business to the big guy himself sadly the department of justice isn t looking out for you. their primary concern revolves around protecting week democrats from scrutiny helping to elect joe biden while waging law fear against donald trump and needless to say massive reform and accountability as needed in washington and in the swamp by the weight starting in september early voting begins in 146 days election day only you can fix it reaction is jonathan turley we ve gone over the case evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible about the real big story to me which is now we know they ve known from the beginning the laptop was real all these people why glide the intel agents the direction of antony blinken they all lied. joe biden light hunter biden lied and alvin bragg recall an ftc violation i think. has us what they gave the laptop at the trial date had it established by the fbi agent is real authentic and so the media said the evidence was now used they forget all the other files on the laptop the laptop is authentic at the files are real then you have these detailed accounts of a multimillion dollar influence peddling operation run by the biden family also being authentic but the media doesn t want to go there and that s part of the problem of what the house committees have faced when i testified in the biden impeachment hearing i said there was evidence to do up impeachment inquiry i didn t prejudge the evidence but at every stage democrats have opposed inquiries into the president s role or knowledge and allotted these files in the laptop that s not likely to change even after this trial. sean: merrick garland to scorching donald trump and his allies for attacks on the justice department sing it s dangerous for people safety. first of all we need to protect every government official let me be clear of said on numerous occasions on this show but criticism and freedom of speech are different in the idea that his department of justice and his fbi knew about the laptop being real and they investigated it for 4 years i ve a message for him he has a lot of explaining to do just like what does he think of james and bragg running on a platform to get 1 man 1 organization and 1 family i thank you might speak out against that but he hasn t. i think a garland has a unavoidable test of principal they sent him referrals of perjury by biden and his uncle before that those referrals are compelling i don t see others a case to be made that answers were anything but falls now they were a hairtrigger to identify indict trump officials the question is whether merrick garland will scuttle any prosecution for perjury so this is the other shoe dropping. yes the laptop was authenticated these files are real but after that hunter biden reviewing those files testified in congress in congress believes and has a good basis for the belief that he committed knowing perjury these are questions he knew were coming and he gave false answers according to the committees so what will merrick garland do about it it s time not time to write another op-ed it s time to show that. sean: he will do nothing. i haven t been around yet i hope you re right and i m wrong. i don t think he will lift a finger i think this is what weaponization a justice looks like. i hope you re wrong to. i hope so too but i m not. you can give me an ffm wrong. joining us now we have great jur and alan. john solomon and editor-in-chief as well john let me start with the news you broke a lot of this news when did they know it was a real laptop is that the big take away in the story not the conviction. is reported in 2020 which is now been confirmed the fbi corroborated its laptop in entirety by 2020. 8 months before the so-called intelligence analysts called it russian disinformation when they did that i called law enforcement and they said no, we corroborated so the fbi was telling people if you are willing to make a phone call in fall 2020 that the laptop was real and it s a shame 51 men and women sign their names trying to mislead the american people days before an election they all had serious click their security clearances the could recall the fbi they chose not to instead misleading american people in the most awful way. sean: why was the fbi why were they meeting weekly with a big check in the months leading up to the 2020 election and why when twitter and facebook requested an answer as to whether or not the story was real and what they were being warned about misinformation about hunter and joe biden went they tell them the truth that john solomon reported in march of 2020 and what you called. you call it fraud exactly what he charged trump with that is making false statements in an attempt to influence an election there only 2 choices if the constitution will survive. you can say okay there s been a conviction of biden in a conviction a trump let s stop this weaponization let s call if all these cases happening all over the country. drum people are going off to jail stays being denied let s call that off either that or let s have absolutely equal treatment go after people who have committed election fraud by denying the american public the right to know the truth about everything. would that include the 51 intel people and joe biden. sean: is it comparable that joe biden if he lied to the american people in these follow foreign business deals and he is being paid by hunter and he was calling in with his business partners any light levied that money and they continue to get paid millions for a job he had no experience at a time emit admits he was addicted to drugs tell me why that shouldn t be prosecuted and how is that lost their. that sounds like equal justice applied to him it doesn t sound like i made up try like the trump case. if you take seriously the charges that alvin bragg brought against trump 1 of which is that he tried to mislead the voting public by not telling them and about to an affair which probably wouldn t have had an effect on the election you take that to its logical extreme and then you have to look and see whether anybody among the 51 people among even the president of the united states may have written something on a form that we give rise to exactly the same allegations that a fraudulent statement was made in order to commit a crime. the crime would be according to break somehow to the fraud you making people to vote for somebody they otherwise wouldn t vote for you have to have a standard. sean: going to the issue of the money as he implicates his real father half the income goes to the pops of the big guy that s on the laptop which is very real now paying for his home repairs the hunter complained bitterly about seems like jonah only lied to the american people but benefited from the lie and also took action as vice president leveraging a billion dollars to ukraine in loan guarantees and as a net result he could continue to get paid for work he had no experience in by his own admission at a time he was addicted to drugs by his own admission. your right the biden s are still getting their way with the most serious suspected crimes corrupt foreign influence peddling thanks to the protection racket run by a biden s ga doj. it s revolting to watch them take a victory lap in front of cameras this is a guy who struck the sleazy deal to let hunter biden skate only when it imploded was he forced kicking and screaming to prosecuted but he still running interference charging him with evading taxes on tens of millions and oversee it schemes but not not the enrichment schemes themselves which are bigger crimes the selling out of america. it was weiss remember let statute of limitations expired many of those crimes while they secretly scuttled the investigation to shield joe biden i tell you he s not done yet don t be surprised if him and garland conjure up another sweetheart plea deal on the eve of the trial to avoid embarrassing evidence of joe s corruption coming to light right before the upcoming election it will happen. i agreed that. sean: they knew about the laptop 4 years they haven t lifted a finger. they knew july to the country they knew he benefited financially didn t think. yep and in 2016 they got 3.3 million documents from business partners. on monday you will see a whole bunch of the documents public the fbi had them in 2016. unbelievable thank you all and i appreciate it that s my big take away when we come back talking about bad timing he spoke to a gun safety group hours after his conviction we have reactions straight ahead. sean: talking about bad timing after the guilty verdict the white house canceled the daily press briefing adding there to be with family. not before joe had to give a speech to a gun-control group has read after they were convicted for gun crimes he said that he spent much of a speech going after law-abiding gun owners and donald trump in fact the only hunter joe mentioned was when he met campaigning in delaware decades ago may be an uncle bo s the moment the cannibal guy take a look as we aren t stopping there. it is time once again to do what i did when i was assigned to and senator he said what you mean i need that done i said if you need 12 to 100 bullets in a magazine you are the lousy a shot i ve ever heard we told the convention recently proud i did nothing on guns when i was president and that by doing nothing he made the situation considerably worse give me a break. i mean it seriously. and by the way there talking that they need at 15 they don t need a rifle folks this is crazy what they re talking about biden and obama did nothing about gun violence in chicago in big cities here with reaction to the big news the new york post and former attorney general pam bondi. the laptop from hell as you guys were right as the verdict it was the right verdict evidence overwhelming bigger story is introducing that laptop into evidence and all the other contents in that laptop are now meaningful as it relates to the law joe and hunter biden do you agree? absolutely in the fact joe biden, the biden campaign the cia the fbi those 51 former intelligence officials went to such lengths to lie about the back laptop as we wrote about the laptop and the contents of it it shows they were absolutely terrified of about the contents of the laptop as they knew it would be so damaging to joe biden that would wreck the campaign has it they managed to suppress the story and as you said earlier as that s why none of those they all refuse to admit they lied and they knew it wasn t russian information disinformation they had the laptop since december to 19 well-known within the intelligence community has that information was real if they admit they knew it wasn t disinformation it was a part of an election interference and acute to ensure the president donald trump didn t learn this when a second term. it came down to this now that we know all of this we also know that merrick garland the doj, the fbi they have all known this for about 4 years. a lot of information, a damning information on the laptop implicating joe hunter and the brother and all these other people they haven t done a thing if this evidence. but she reaction to this that s the bigger story for me here. i m glad they got a conviction on this because they can use the gun conviction and the tax charge. the only thing left against hunter biden because the case in 2014 and 2015 have the statute of limitations they let it run about dealing with foreign agents the case that could most likely implicate joe biden and the entire biden family they let those run. but now they are faced with the tax charges let s see what happens let s see if there is not a plea deal i think there will be at this point because of the conviction everyone now knows the laptop from hell as she said his real and everything on israel including an evidence that could be great for prosecutors. sean: what about garland as what about leveraging a billion dollars so his son continues to get paid what about the money they are getting from an oligarch and what about the millions of dollars the families raking and they have no experience in energy as i was he making the money well addicted to drugs? remember president trump had that single question as they impeach it over it of course right all along as it was the talk about weaponization at the fbi and cia and it all starts at the top with merrick garland having to respond to this being held accountable being way too important for the american people and the justice system is at stake. sean: maybe now yearbook a laptop from hell can be a bestseller and people look a little more deeply as they have confirmed way back when. thank you straight ahead merrick garland attacking republicans for daring to question the law fair against trump warned that straight ahead raising twins and as a single mother, presented, quite a few challenges. the financial aspects of oh my gosh, how am i going to provide for my family? i m going to have to get two jobs. thomas kennedy, he was a major in the u.s. army. tom loved hockey. he went to west point, to play hockey. and ended up falling in love with the army. he was a father. he was, a great husband, he would give you a shirt off of his back for you. in 2012, tom was deployed to afghanistan. he was on his way to a provincial governor s meeting, tom was killed by a suicide bomber. when the bomb went off, tom was in a group of four that were, killed in the incident. the morning i found out. our world has just been upended. you know, with not having tom around to be here in our everyday life, my sister moved in with us, and she helped me with the day to day life of raising, two year old twins. in 2018 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. kind of threw a wrench in to what we had established as our, our daily life and our new normal. my mother-in-law had told me about tunnel to towers. and when i found out that i was selected to have my mortgage paid off, you know, it seemed like i had won the lottery. today, we welcome the kennedy family into their mortgage free home. the timing was just incredible. with everything that i m going through with my treatments for metastatic breast cancer. having our biggest bill being taken care of by tunnel to towers, i m able to on my children and my health. people should give to tunnel to towers, because it really helps family members of fallen service members know, first responders who they wake up one day and it s a normal day and then their world can just be turned upside down. to know that there is an organization that can step in irreplaceable. please contribute $11 a month. to help families like mine please visit t2t dot org. my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. .look at her and i said, the pain is gone. and she said, i m glad it helped. i said, no, you don t understand. it s gone. you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now and get 35% off your first order. sean: last wasted no time spinning in the verdict with some saying the justice system is rigged against conservatives. they called out republicans for daring to question are blatantly weapon eyes department of justice going so far to say they are dangerous for people safety let us be clear as we are consistently on the program as freedom of speech exists. as they are not immune from having to answer questions do they think it was appropriate for the trump hating new york attorney general and running on this platform take a look. with the fundamental rights at stake. i leave the president of the united states can be indicted for criminal offences. you know my name for personally. we need to focus on donald trump and his abuses and follow the money we need to find ways laundered money find it whether he s engaged in conspiracy. it s important they understand the days of donald trump are coming to an end. i look forward to coming into the office of attorney general every day defending rights and then going home and apply for neglect or 1 man and 1 family or is merrick garland who thinks it was appropriate for alvin braggs to run on this campaign promise. people are wondering whoever has this job are they going to convict donald trump that he is the number 1 issue. the times calls bragg at talented prosecutors suit of the trump foundation could be invaluable experience for the investigation he will take over. the chief deputy attorney general i saw some of the office biggest cases from exposing illegal behavior from the trump foundation. we know there s an investigation i have investigated him and his children and held them accountable for misconduct with the trump foundation also suiting that more than 100 times we know the da investigating trump when i was in the ag office i sued him over 100 times for misconduct and brought a case against the trump foundation. sean: 1 more question according to whistleblower testimony fbi didn t know since late 2019 the laptop was real so why hasn t merrick garland weapon eyes politicize department of justice investigated the contents of the real laptop why was the fbi meeting with big tech companies warning them they would be targeted for misinformation campaigns and they might be about joe and hunter biden after the new york times story broke that was real why didn t the fbi confirm what they knew to be true that it was real as we have rnc cochair laura trump. they knew it was real garland knew it was real now that we all know it was real we know that joel lida at the highest level and he was involved in all these foreign business deals in the millions of dollars they raked in including taking direct action by withholding money so a prosecutor investigating the company s sun was in business with paying him millions with no experience continuing to pay them millions. all of this is true and garland hasn t lifted a finger with you or eric or what they would go after they go after all of you. when in doubt which is no model that they ve always had its credible as it complained as with a bias justice system. should be concerning because he s the attorney general of the united states we can t live in a country if we do not trust our foundational institutions like this as everybody knows what the trial of hunter biden was about it s about smoke and mirrors or red herring a distraction and as we need to know as american citizens as president of the united states is making decisions for the country as they made decisions based on what s best for the american people and not what s best for the bank account for the family as they should really question what s going on as of the whole thing is well for me to watch when they go back into a 6 seen as with real estate and golf courses around the world in international business originally what did we do when they won they wouldn t do any new international business deals the opposite happened when joe biden became vice president to the united states that s when the biden family got into international business we went so far as to pay back the u.s. treasury every penny that we got from any foreign dignitary that spent money at a trump property we got no credit for that we didn t want the faintest hint of impropriety and look at the way they ve gone after donald trump for anything they could find. they have a treasure trove with this laptop the american people are demanding transparency again it s about national security we deserve to know and i want to tell people out there how you can actually make a difference, how you can rectify this it comes november 5th of this year coming the first day of early voting in your state get out and vote in this election our country depends on it the future of america depends on it we can t allow those things to stand we need to get to the bottom of this we need to save the country but you have to get out and vote. sean: early voting starts in september. in september in some states i hope people keep that in mind get over your reluctance and resistance to voting early i know you re working hard on legal ballot harvesting to surpass democratic efforts but if you want to change it garland isn t going to change these weapon eyes that the department of justice and it will remain that way probably getting worse if it was reelected. thank you. will become back of the biden campaign flailing the left is resorting to scare tactics weight till you hear what aoc and rachel maddow had to say with their tinfoil hats. straight ahead men tell us when they use just for men® to eliminate gray, there s a great “before and after”. then, there s the after the after that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that s why more men choose just for men®. weathertech products are designed and manufactured in america using only american raw materials. most competitors make things seven thousand miles away. and then wonder why they don t fit. with weathertech in your vehicle you may hear angels singing as you 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[sfx] water lapping. [sfx] water splashing. [sfx] ambient / laughing. sean: with the biden campaign floundering there resorting to fear tactics over a possible trump second term during an interview with fake cnn with rachel maddow the conspiracy theorist made the claim that donald trump could try to put her in other left-wing media personalities into massive camps. aoc says she s worried trump would throw her in jail take a look. if donald trump wins we are looking at potential dissolution of democracy in the united states of america it sounds nuts but i wouldn t be surprised if the guy for me in jail. he s out of his mind. he did his whole first campaign around lock her up that was his motto. sean: pretty ironic coming from the left and those are the people who have no problem using law fair against trump and conservatives or republicans the same people had no problem keeping trump off the ballot joining us now kristi noem. honey and think he even knows who rachel maddow is how they lost their mind out of fear of the biden campaign is floundering these ladies are insane the things they are saying and it proves once again the left would use fear to control people they ll use it to promote their agenda been clear that is only revenge she will get november 5th is america s success all he wants is america to be great again and successful people to have more money in their pockets and families to be able to afford groceries and fill their cars with gas he s been clear he wants america to be all that it s ever been on its greatest days. for him to say that stuff is so completely responsible that i hope every american gets a chance to hear them say that when they know for a fact is not true and they are saying it just to scare them and they are saying it to control them as many as 8 people who might have isis ties captured at the border tens of thousands from russia iran syria afghanistan yemen kazakhstan on the economy, 2 thirds of the middle class say they are struggling financially gasping for air adding to the within 25% of americans admitting to skipping meals because of a skyrocketing grocery cost they are paying those are the things americans are caring about democrats lie and tell us everything is fine at the end of the day will that be what america votes on. that s what every american that i ve talked to in the last 6-7 months the only thing on their mind at the top of their mind how is my family being impacted by the biden administration they feel it every day just got back from a sconce and spent days there talking to folks independence in women talking to different groups we ll be in michigan as well these are states where people are making at their mind for donald trump because they know he makes our life better and they have personal responsibility for their families doesn t want to take more money out of their pockets he wants him to be more successful the economy and inflation are still big issues in the country and the biden administration attacking donald trump because that s the only thing the left has they have fears and attacks taxable weapon eyes to judicial system. 1 of the reasons the red wave didn t happen in 2022 is abortion rate. will americans biggest democrats will demagogue that will be successful? they will try to use that in every single stage and use it against donald trump and against his supporters what is important for us is to recognize that issue people know where they are at. as that s the way it is. people decide what their laws look like and we as leaders don t get to dictate that. no matter how may times they have lied about it they can t run on it. thank you. where hannity straight ahead there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology ( ) and goes the extra mile ( ) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we re the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it s the only way we go. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they re gonna need more space. (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor. (man) wow. (vo) when life s doors open, we ll handle the house. sean: unfortunately that is all the time we have left set it on dvr so you never ever miss the episode of hannity monday through friday 90 eastern let not your heart be troubled because greg gutfeld is standing by the idea to put a smile on your face next. [ cheers and applause

Joe-biden , Want , Teacher , Pictures , Party , June-10th , 10 , Hunter-biden , Dougie-fresh-wasn-t , Tie , Rhythm , Black-church

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240611

correctly that it s the next big thing and they re making a very similar bet right now in the world of robotics. so as that begins to take off, they re gonna continue to be ahead of everybody. phidias value just tripled from 1 trillion to 3 trillion in under a year but video doesn t actually manufacture anything. they outsource that. they design still. this is now the second largest corporation on our planet with all our futures in its manicured hands toward holding this is the most complex, highest performance computer the world s ever made. that s why you have to care now, in the next few years, the competition is going to heat up in this marketplace for making the chips that train ai. but some analysts say that right now nvidia has maybe up to 95% share of that market. they ve got a huge head start on their main competitors in intel and amd. amd just launched a new chip in video says are going to launch new chip every year, that 3 trillion valuation and peaceful world column just said maybe that s an undervaluation. credible. all right. thank you very much. nick watt and thanks to all of you as always, ac30, 60 starts now tonight on 360 real warriors and people don t. trump is now calling warriors, namely the violent mob that storm the capitol, keeping them on it let s take the difference also tonight, hundred biden s fate now in the hands of a jury, how the defense and prosecution did and making their case. plus the latest in a string of cnn exclusives on deck kids of sexual abuse, the coast guard academy. tonight of coast guard official breaks are silenced and says she was part of what she now calls a cruel coverup. good evening. thanks for joining us. we begin tonight. keep romanness with something the former president has been saying a lot lately. and what it says about him. sunday as president biden was visiting the american military cemetery outside paris and frehse, marking the 80th anniversary of d-day and at normandy, donald trump was saying this there s never been people treated more horrifically. then j6 hostages. but those j6 warriors, they were worries but they were really more than anything else. they are victims of what happened all they were doing is protesting a rigged election that s what they were doing and then the police he said, going go in, go in, go in water, set-up. that was that s the former president of the united states sunday in las vegas. and just to refresh your memory, these are the people he was honoring, specifically the ones in prison for crimes they committed on january 6 or jail awaiting trial. and it s certainly not the first time he s called these people hostage. ladies and gentlemen, please rise for the horribly at unfairly treated very six toss ditches it s now part of his routine that recording. he standing and saluting four features him saying the pledge but of allegiance while these inmates, whom he calls hostages sing the star spangled banner and calling them hostages in november after actual hostages were taken by hamas reading a daring military operation in gaza after almost eight months of mental and physical torment at the hands of hamas. and we ll have more on that tonight. but those are actual hostages. trump would have you believe the january 6 inmates are hostages and also warriors and victims? he said that two victims he also claims were invited in by police. so they re warriors and their hostages and their victims. and they re also according to him, lovers the love the love in the year i ve never seen anything like it. there was also a loved fast between the police, the capitol police, and the people that walked down to the capital so stir that in with all the rest. and here s the former president is reshaping the attack on the capitol. peaceful protesters full of love invited into the capitol by police who loved them and return, but who somehow tricked them and made them victims, who then turned into warriors who are now being held hostage. let me introduce you to one of these man who s presumably a warrior and trump s size daniel rodriguez, this is his photo was posted on social media by username deepstate dogs. rodriguez was part of the mob that attack police with metal poles and bateson stolen riot shields and chemical spray. and in his case has stun gun. he attacked officer michael fan-owned with it, who later suffered a heart attack and traumatic brain injury rodriguez pleaded guilty like so many others have and was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison. his is one he s one of the people, the former president is calling a hostage. and it shouldn t come as a surprise that trump is unfamiliar with what a warrior actually is. casey is watching, here s one from d-day technician fifth grade john jay pinto junior. he waited through machine gun and artillery fire carrying a vitally important radio assured omaha beach, which he did despite being wounded once then again, making several trips back through enemy fire to get more equipment ashore until he was wounded a third time and died technician pender was awarded the congressional medal of honor posthumously. president trump refused to visit the same cemetery that president biden. so many other presidents have over the years. and according to his former chief of staff, from being corps general john kelly, quote in the atlantic, he said, why should i go to that cemetery? it s filled with losers had he gone, he might have learned what being a awarded are truly means separately the former president now a convicted felon, met by video conference today for a pre-sentencing interview with the new york probation officer, joining us tonight, former republican congressman and house january 6, committee member adam kinzinger, also seen an chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst, john miller and former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, congressman. first of all, what is your as somebody who is actually serve? what is your reaction to the foreign president calling the riders warriors and hostages and victims? i mean, it s. it s thick and disgusting obviously i think we have to be careful to not allow this outrage to just numb us like this really should be. and thank you for putting this at the top of the show. there should be at the top of every new show anywhere in the country at how agreed jus and terrible, this as they re not for years. the ones that went into the capital, most of them, if not all of them, have been arrested and tried. and interestingly, anderson at the beginning when they started to get arrested, they were remorseful. and then this right-wing ecosphere put their arms around them singing the national anthem and stuff and in that process can vince them that they were victims and have made them martyrs and heroes. this is not something americans that aren t completely sold out to the cult should be, should accept and we should have this be a fresh outrage every day when he does stuff like this, it s also entering andrew. i mean, i know some actual warriors. they re not people who usually view themselves as victims or just sort of helpless victims. very often, how dangerous do you think it is for law enforcement and andrew and the public when you are the former president gaslighting his supporters because i mean back in 2022, there was a guy of set about federal authorities searching mar-a-lago for classified documents. he was killed after trying to shoot his way into an fbi field office in ohio. it feels like du the congressman s point the former president just says this stuff and people just kind of ignore it. but i mean it has repercussions potentially yeah. so let s get the facts out first on this warriors claim. so as of january 6, 2024, which is most recent numbers, i could find, we ve got 1,265 people have been charged in as a part of that january 6 case 718 of them on that by that de had already gone into court. raise your right hand, sworn to tell the truth, then said i did it. i m guilty to the weather. it s trespassing or obstruction of official procedure or assault on police officers and others. so the idea that these people are somehow being held against their will for political reasons is absolutely absurd. and donald trump knows that s absurd. he knows it because he spent four hours that day watching the video tapes from behind the cloister walls of the white house in the warm embrace of his secret service security team. so he knows exactly what happened that day. he knows those people were rioters and its direction us and many of them have to their credit stepped up and taken responsibility for that. the thing that i cannot get past anderson is how many people give him a pass for saying absurd and sickening only false things like this. and you re right, these false hoods that he, that he throws out in front of his rallies and supportive it is for political advantage, but it comes with the cost of driving up risk to people in the system, law enforcement prosecutors, and others. and you made the perfect example. ricky schifflin, who was outraged by what he undoubtedly heard the president say after the mar-a-lago raid decided to take it out violently on the fbi s cincinnati field office, that could happen any day anywhere around the country to any fbi agent or other federal officer by somebody similarly misguided. also, i m congressman. it s just i mean, it s kinda it s just i mean, it s sickening that the former president basically saw this so the october 7 hostages being held by hamas and islamic jihad and others as a branding opportunity and i think according the washington post in november s when he started using the term hostages for the for those who have been found guilty of crimes on on january sales x and re-brand braise, branding them january 6, hostages. i mean, it s it s really worked it is really warped in that was various student view to notice is that he never used hostages until there were real hostages. some of which are still being held, some have been killed that are being held against their will. i mean, look, i m probably started with marjorie taylor greene two she she came up with some of that, but i think the biggest thing to take off of what mccabe said is we re all the members of the house and senate, including the ones who after january 6 stood up, lindsey graham, i m done with this guy. we had a hell of a run, but i m done you think of like marco rubio, all these people that know better, that just keep their heads down and don t say a word. this is threatening the very fabric of domain microscopy because all we have to have for democracy to survive is a basic compact that your vote, you can vote, your vote will count and the person that wins wins. that s what donald trump was tearing apart that basic contact contract. that is the only requirement for democracy to survive. and he is turn these people that violated the rule of law into martyrs. and by the way, if we don t have rule and law in this country, democracy can t survive either and he is just an absolute il, fit mentally flawed is probably the nicest way i can say it. former president and candidate for future president in america has to reject him. john, i know you have new reporting on the former president s meeting today or interview with probation officials, which is a normal part of this procedure. what happened? so today donald trump with his lawyer, todd blanche, over a microsoft teams connection, had this virtual meeting to prepare to assist probation department in new york city with preparing the pre-sentencing report that goes to the judge it was an unusual meeting in that present there was the commissioner of the new york city department of probation wanted to homes her general counsel, bridget hamline, and the probation officer who would normally be there by himself or with another officer who would do the interview. the interview was led by commissioner homes and to the official who was briefed on the interview afterwards told me that at all times donald trump answered the questions which were things about what are your living situation, any health issues family history, where do you spend more time? new york or florida? a lot of things that donald trump, but thank every everybody already knows. but commissioner home said these are the normal questions. we re going to put you through these questions they said he was polite, he was respectful, and that at the end of the meeting, he wished them well and ended the call with be safe and we just got speaking in new york city mayor giuliani, former mayor giuliani s mug shot from arizona authorities. he s been he was hard to get a subpoena. subpoena to. he found they finally did. this is his his his mug shot that s not the mug shot. will try to get it he s pleaded not guilty there to charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election results what what happened to him well, this has been an amazing rise and fall from a kind of prosecutor built on the image of thomas dewey going after the mom i ve been crooked politicians to a mouthpiece for donald trump as president. and then the lead counsel by the way, this is the mug shot that was another mug shot of his, which clearly he s gotten a lesson from that prior mug shot because this one is smiling at least that s right there prior mug shot was from the georgia cases. so now he s on his second mug shot, but he has he has he has hitched himself to the donald trump wagon, but he s also been through multiple breakups and divorces. he s lost millions and millions of dollars. he s in bankruptcy see his apartment is up for sale and it was amazing to see someone who was the face and the voice of law and order in new york city for so long and then the mayor for two terms, a law and order meir, be someone who s going on his second mug shot and who has been disbarred and barred from the practice of law in multiple places. endrew in a series of interviews over the past week, the foreign president has talked about, been asked about this whole retribution seeking. he talked about running. i am your retribution. he had said months ago. i just want to play some of what he said well, revenge does take time. i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified. i have to be honest, you know, sometimes it can look when this election is over based on what they ve done. i would have every right to go after them and it s easy because it s joe biden, but very terrible thing. it s a terrible precedent for our country does that mean the next president does it to them? that s really the question so in terms of if he is president using the levers of the justice department, the fbi, to go after political opponents in a second term. how would that how would he go about that? i mean, how how feasible is that? well, i think it s entirely feasible. i mean, it s it s interesting to me that across those interviews, interviews with people who are like dr. phil and others who are trying to get him to walk away from those claims. he soft pedals it a little bit, but then you get down farther in front of the rally crowds and really hits at home it s it is absolutely clear, said it many times in front of many different people. he intends to take the levers of power if he is reelected and use them for his own personal retribution goals, which in and of itself is so unbelievably offensive should be to any american than any american president would purport to do such a thing. can he do it? sure, he can do it if he follows through with the plan that he s already laid out, this 2025 plan that they ve talked about. you ll replace those folks insignificant positions. the department of justice and the fbi and other lawn federal law enforcement entities with flunky who will do whatever he says. the first steps in this process of trumping up charges against people baselessly and throwing them in jail could actually happen. i think it gets tougher when those cases start to make their way through the courts but that takes a long time. and so i think it s reasonable that people who think they might be on the former president s enemies list start thinking about what does that look like? what could that, how can that actually play out? in your lives? and i think people are having those conversations just trying to figure those things out as we speak. interim cave, adam kinzinger, john miller. thank you. can we up next closing arguments in the hunter biden s federal gun trial. and what jurors are now deliberating and later the rescue of those four israeli hostages from gaza. how it wind down who helped and more of your back bike riders, some people would rather cry slowdown there was a golden age. motorcycles and took my breath away i built this club, added is his. my family the club is changing what do you want me to do mark writers were your door only beaters june 20, you give and you give. now you get with straight talk wireless, you get unlimited data and you get to choose who gets on 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rows in court today have known the parameter you don t abandon your friends and family tough time in closing arguments, prosecutors pointed to the gallery of supporters and said those people are not evidence and reminded the jury that no one is above the law. the prosecution directly address the most difficult element they have to prove that hunter biden knowingly lied on a federal background check form when purchasing the gun at the center of this case, the defendant knew he used crack and was addicted to crack at the relevant time period, adding that hunter would have been aware from his time in rehab that he had a problem with drugs maybe if he had never gone to rehab, he could argue he didn t know. he was an addict at the end of his closing, prosecutor, leo wise circled back to testimony from hunters daughter, naomi, on friday, when she told the jury that when she returned her father s car to him on october 19, 2018, she did not see any the evidence of drugs, but why is reminded the jury hunter s former girlfriend, hallie biden, his brother, beau biden s widow, had testified that when she found the gun in the same car days later, she found it alongside drug paraphernalia defense attorney abbe lowell countered, warning jurors not to convict his client in properly adding it s time to end this case. he compared the trial to a magician s trick, trying to dupe the jury, saying, watch this hand pay no attention to the other one. he accused prosecutors of cherry picking evidence to present a more timeline of hunter s drug use and said his client was not lying when he marked down that he was not an addict on that federal form lowell attack, two of hunter s former girlfriends who both served as prosecution witnesses in this case. he noted zoe kestan took pictures of hunter with drugs, but not in the key month of october 2018, he also reminded the jury that hallie biden could not remember specific details about when she found the gun in hunter s car? and noted hunter was the one who told highly to file a police report for the missing gun after she threw it out hunter did not take the stand to testify in his own defense in this case, a move that would have come with potential rewards and definite risks the jury will be back here at court tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. to continue their deliberations. it s impossible to say how long it will take them to reach a decision on these three counts? but i was important earlier today, and then we re also attentive as the judge explain the instructions page by page, line-by-line. these are of course, the rules that they need he to follow as they undertake this historic decision. anderson all right. thanks so much more now and how prison biden s handling the weight for the verdict and the biden family presence throughout the trial, including the first lady who went back and forth during the french visit to be in court with her stepson. cnn s mj leaves the white house for us tonight. what are things like in the white house as they await the jury? well, you know, the trial of the president s son has been an extraordinarily sensitive issue for this white house the president, and it is not a coincidence that the president himself has barely commented on the ongoing trial. we heard him, of course, make a statement at the beginning king of the trial thing that he loves his son and that he is proud of him for showing resilience as he has fought addiction issues. and then the other rare exception, of course, was recent abc interview where the president was asked whether he would pardon his son whether he would rule that out actually, and his answer, a one word answer was simply yes. he would rule that out. the president anderson has been really clear that he is going to accept the outcome of the trial no matter what happens. and that he s just not going to comment on his son s case as the jury is deliberating that, of course, is in line with the president s sort of broader view that you just don t comment on a trial file or a legal proceeding when it is still making its way through the legal system and i should just note that that is an important area where the president had sought to draw a contrast between himself and the former president, whom he has accused of trying to put his thumb on the legal system on an influence in a political way other areas and other issues at the former president has dealt with this. of course, the president has made clear he sees as being wholly inappropriate mj lee. thanks. much at the white house tonight, joining us now cnn legal analyst norm eisen and jennifer rodgers, also former federal judge. sure. shen lin norm what do you make of closing arguments? do you think he s gonna get convicted? i thought both sides did an able job in closing arguments. the prosecution hammering the evidence that hunter biden was using or addicted to drugs before and after this key october 12 two 23rd period. they don t have actual evidence throughout the day, but they have yes. and the judge in directed that you don t have to prove the de you have to show that hunter biden was actually engaged in using or was an addict around that time and they have him checking into rehab before and after the various witnesses. but anderson abbe lowell is a very capable defense lawyer and he leaned into that critical gap. and the state of mind question this has to be knowing. that means it hunter biden had to say on purpose, not by mistake i m not an addict. i m not a user. and lowell argues well, he thought he was not an addict at that time, and there s no proof he was using prosecution ahead on points not impossible. you get a defense verdict or a hung jury what, do you think? yeah, i agree. i mean, i think they ll probably get a conviction here. there s a very narrow path for the defense to win this. they really do have to lean into this knowingly and they can t prove it on these days, but prosecutors always say follow your common sense, right? like the guy has been in rehab, people around that time, there s these text messages it s about dealing and the hallie biden testimony about paraphernalia in the car. and so use your common sense, was that argument does that make sense to you that well, i didn t think i was an addict on that day and therefore, i signed this document, say i m not an addict. i think it s the only argument that the defense has a question is, can the jury accepted and i think contrary my fellows here, i friends here. maybe maybe some jury juror or more jurors who are sympathetic to what he s gone through and may have experienced something like that sometime in their life i m going to cut him a little slack and say well, on that day, maybe you didn t use so that takes care of the use. and as far as being an attic well, maybe that day he thought he d come out of it and was no longer an attic because he was doing better even if felt if he fell off two days later so they might have a basis to draw that distinction if they want to, in your experience on the bench, i mean, is it tough for juries to see past this is the son of the president or someone to be famous very tough, very tough. and the family is a cut one way or the other. i mean, just think, well, i think it could cut in his favor the families there. it s a high-profile family. somebody might indeed think that he s going through this because of that. and again, as we all know, it only takes one to cause a hung jury. so i m not as confident as my colleagues that there s gonna be a conviction here, but i wouldn t put my money on a non conviction either. you know, the prosecution is aware of this risk because the first thing the prosecutor said in closing was all those people sitting behind the defendant are not evidenced that s pretty unusual in my experience. that i actually has a little aggressive veto i mean, here are these people there to support him. lots of people on the jurors, the jury have had addiction in their families. and here s his loving family there to support them and they re going to point out of and be like don t pay attention to those people. i thought it was a little overly aggressive action, if anything, it could hide why it could have been it can boomerang because they re going to look over it when he said that, look right over at those three rows think about parents and sisters and children and all the rest of it. they could just override this if they want to know and there s also some breaking news in trump s classified documents. kids, judge aileen cannon denied the defense s effort to dismiss the indictment, but she also struck a paragraph from jack smith s indictment anderson this was a motion that the defendants had brought attacking this indictment every which way from sunday. they lost almost everything. and the question we should ask is, why did judge cannon for these relatively easy unexceptional challenges takes so long dragging it out. she didn t give one gimme to the defense it s one paragraph, paragraph 36. it has to do with what happened at bedminster that conversation about of the iran documents it s there as to give notice that the prosecution is going to introduce prior bad acts, but striking it was virtually or enough, judge and judge. judge, what what s going on? in my mind, i was pleased that she got this done so fast from may 22 to june content for her is practically speedy, so i was impressed that she didn t sit on this. obvious motion for very long. i have to tell you that motion is made in every case and it s never granted duplicitous snus multiplicities never works but they make it to preserve the record. nobody expects to win those motions. you do it to preserve so it didn t take her all that long to get this one done. i mean, given the history of other things, she has been delaying on our us surprised by the length. this thing is dragging out of in general in all the motions. but this motion was relatively fast. that s a good sign. maybe she s hearing us talking about her and she s getting her work done. who knows, but this i thought was relatively fast. and as far as that foro for be the similar act it is very clear that she that she is saying, but at trial, there may be a basis to offer this evidence, justice, and belong in the indictment. get it doesn t relate directly to the charge. jennifer, does this impact the the chance of this thing moving forward faster? i mean, the problem is we have so many outstanding motions that are complicated, time-consuming problematic seep emotions, the classified information, protection actin, and so on. it s just we re not moving forward in a way that it s good for going to trial. there s just so much should have saved those pages and all those words to resolve the other leg motions that she has on her show, she s trying to get one offer per desk. that s good. gentlemen. thank you. jennifer rodgers, norm eisen, thanks so much. i ve next new video that dramatic rescue four israeli hostages over the 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searching for israeli hostages held by hamas a daring data i m rate that freed four of those kidnapped by hamas on october 7 and held captive ever since. it wasn t operation that took weeks to plan after receiving intelligence that the hostages were being held in apartment buildings inside the nuseirat camp in central gaza. on the way out from gaza. all four this is rescued our hostages israeli forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks and is rarely air force pilot involved in the mission told the jerusalem post, that is one of the hostages, noa argamani got into his helicopter, has units, quote, mantle of composure melted away the magnitude of the muscle helminths struck. then he quote immediately reported that the diamond is with us and in good health, some of the special forces were disguised as displaced palestinians and members of hamas military wing, eye eyewitnesses told cnn there were also reports of large gunfire after the hostages were rescued, at least 274 palestinians were killed in the operation, and hundreds injured. that s according to the gazan authorities who do not distinguish between civilian and military casualties the israel defense forces dispute that number, saying the death toll was under 100. i want to say thank you. thank god in israel, the families of the hostages express their overwhelming joy and having their loved ones returned safely after eight months in captivity. i haven t stopped smiling since my mug was returning to me now is work continues for a ceasefire and hostage deal with 120 hostages still held by hamas there are some theories at this rate, could be a setback it s a legitimate question. i it s hard for me to put myself in the mindset of a hamas terrorists. we know exactly what it is that they re going to do. as secretary of state, antony blinken travels to the middle east to continue ratcheting up pressure on hamas to take the deal. he also isn t sure what hamas will do. i can put myself, none of us can put ourselves so the minds of hamas or its leaders. so we don t know what the answer will be. but wall in egypt, blinken also said that his egyptian counterpart had been in touch with hamas quite recently. i can t go into the details of our conversations today except to say that are different counterparts were in communication with hamas as early as recently as a few hours ago. now, during his meeting with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today secretary of state antony blinken reiterated that the united states and other world leaders standby that comprehensive proposal that president biden laid out ten days ago, and they say that israel has put on on the table for hamas to accept. but so long as this period of uncertainty is extended, as us and other countries are waiting for hamas to respond to that proposal, the united states is concerned about the possibility of netanyahu changing his mind and deciding to reject that proposal, even though key signed off on it before for it initially went to hamas. anderson probably i would thanks. coming up. cnn exclusive, a us coast guard academy official resigns and breaks her silence about sexual assault allegations. and a decades-long corrupt at the academy right now, pet dander skin cells in dirt are settling deep into your carpet fibers. stanley steamer removes the dirt uc and the dirt you don t your corporates aren t clean until there s stanley he steamer clean and the same your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pro enamel active shields because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works perfect de, for a family outing shingles doesn t care, but ingrid s ttx only shingles has proven over 90% effective shingle which is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older, ching-te mix does not protect everyone who is not for those with severe 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max ahead of what could be an intense congressional hearing tomorrow involving testimony from the command into the us coast guard academy official there has resigned and spoken exclusively with cnn about what she says was her unwitting role in a decade hades long cover-up of sexual assault allegations at the academy. one, so per say, persuade excuse me, pervasive. it prompted a detailed report that was eventually kept confidential, even from congress. tells cnn reported it s disturbing findings last year. this former official tells cnn she believes top officials used her to convince victims not not to tell their stories to members of congress. it says she has proof sunless are potty has the exclusive interview they put me in a terrible position. how dare they do this to me. but he had me standing up in front of cadets for 11 years talking about honor, respect, devotion to duty where is there where s the respect to any of us? i m disgusted. shannon norenberg spent more than a decade as the sexual assault response coordinator at the coast guard academy, it felt like an honor to be there and help them with this thing that is so hard and awful difficult and awkward and the coast guard did tell me they were taking it seriously. i felt like they meant it until she says she recently discovered leaders had used her to lie to victims, making her an unwitting accomplice to a massive cover up up decades of sexual assaults at the coast guard academy. i have no idea that what i was telling those victims was not true. it started several years ago when norenberg was asked to take part in informing victims about a sensitive investigation code named operation fouled anchor. coast guard leaders had discovered that dozens of cases of rape and abuse from the 1980s to the mid 2000s have been ignored and covered up the attackers usually left unpunished. i got a phone call from someone at headquarters saying, hey, we want you to help out. they told me at that time that all of those investigations had already been done and that at this point, we were going to call everybody up and offer them an in-person meeting so that we could say we regretful all the things that actually sounded amazing. i took these to every single meeting. the coast guard gave norenberg talking points to go over with the former cadet s who had been sexually assaulted. an apology tour where they were assured their cases were supposedly being handled properly after all these years, members of congress and staff and dhs have been briefed on the general outline of the investigation, what was found, and what disposition decisions were made. we assured them the hey we re handling this. we ve got this. we re taking this seriously. thanks for coming forward but it turns out actually the coast guard hadn t told congress, norenberg didn t know it, but the investigation was quietly closed. so the decades of assault were kept hidden from congress and the public until a cnn investigation revealed at all last summer, victims were never given any recourse. i trusted the coast guard implicitly and i assume that the talking point document they handed me was true i would never have considered that might be ally. the cnn reports about operation fouled anchor have led to multiple federal investigations congressional hearings in an apology from the head of the coast guard, we fail to provide the safe environment that every member of the coast guard deserves. norenberg says, after seeing cnn s report, she feared she had been used in the cover-up. she found the talking points in her files recently, which confirmed it and started to read it. and i was like, that s not actually that s not what happened. they lied to me they lied to us. they had me lie. oh, my god. they had me lie to them. and actually that s when i lost it because at first i was like, wow, that s crazy. the light and then i was like, wait they used me to. lie wow they planned it as far back as 2018, not to tell anyone about this. protect the precious institution. they be trade, the victims of fouled anchor over and over and over. this is my boot camp photo norenberg says she was raped by a supervisor when she was an army recruit in 1988 and says she knows how it feels to be told there s nothing that can be done she is resigning and going public about what happened. the public needs to know this is happening. people sign up to serve their country, and this is how they re treated like trash. it s not okay. in response to a cnn request for comment, the coast guard says the talking points were created months before the meetings with the cadets. and we re not updated and then another former a coast guard official who was present at the meeting said, no victim was informed that congressional notifications occurred. i want to tell the victims of fouled anchor how sorry, i am to be a part of this terrible scheme. but let me try to make it right now. and i m so sorry. i m so sorry sometimes diprotic joins us now, what can you tell us about this hearing tomorrow? yeah. anderson, the head of the coast guard admiral live. linda fagan, should we testifying before the senate intelligence committee tomorrow? so be talking about the change hinges that she promised to make in the wake of cnn s previous reporting. and she has repeatedly said that she wants to learn from the past. she wants to move forward, but shannon norenberg s account here certainly adds the whole string of controversies showing that this sexual misconduct remains pervasive across the coast garden and definitely under gore s, that this is far bigger issue than she has publicly acknowledged. and we certainly expect that she will get some questions about norenberg s accounting of all this tomorrow as well. for friday. thank you so much. next to independent presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy jr. are the latest on his effort to get on more state ballots. also, a fresh lucky kennedy supporters and who could be taking votes from the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher, biden democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot. trump, there is nothing we cannot do. we will make america powerful again, the president and the former president, one state two very different visions for america burke, his future, the weight only cnn can bring it to you, moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27, to night live on cnn and, and streaming on max cities, industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries, and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. together city in the world food programme empower families across the globe billy the kid. it s trying to take over the town what it needs is clean it up they ve appointed a new sheriff that garrett mean something to you sure not use the royal billy. now it s your job to 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wifi and savings? .i don t want to miss that. that s amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? this source. but kaitlan collins next independent 2024 presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. is trying to get more state ballots and the scene and debate stage later this month. so far has officially qualified to be on ballots in six days. you see here, including michigan and california. he says he s on more, but that s not yet verified. what is known as kennedy has double-digit support and some national polling better than any third-party or independent candidate at this stage, since ross perot 1996 yesterday i seen on state of the union, michigan governor gretchen whitmer, co-chair the biden-harris campaign said kennedy has a lot of quote, wild ideas and noted he does not have the support of his own family, but she also said this certainly kennedy or any third party candidate gives me some concern and it s to be taken seriously. we re now from cnn s even weekend, who spoke with kennedy s supporters on a 17 acre tree farm in sackville wisconsin, dells stan braunton rides around the land with hope with the 2024 election will bring monumental change shape in 2020 i voted for trump, but now he says the former president s sounds like a broken record. it s all about the election was rigged and the court system is rigged. this year. the wedding venue owner who plans to eventually transform his property into a wellness retreat is all in for independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. bobby this is the first candidate who i actually felt good about. i think a lot of people are very frustrated with voting for the lesser of two evils. is that how you view the major party candidates? yeah, absolutely. a self-described conservative, independent stan braunton shares kennedy s vaccine skepticism and learned of him through kennedy s work with the anti-vaccine group, children s health defense the 62-year-old typically votes for republicans, but he s attracted to kennedys anti-establishment message, ending the form was the financial corrupt sure within government agencies and the fact that we can t trust our government agencies to do their jobs because they ve been hijacked by corporate interests. you don t think are government agencies can be trusted know why? because they re bought and paid for. i found a video rfk jr. on youtube. recent college grad katie zimmerman voted for president joe biden in 2020. but now she spends her saturday mornings tabling at farmers markets like this one in wahba, tulsa for the kennedy campaign he s coming to all voters and saying that if you vote for me, like you ll be able to afford to buy a house. first is i haven t necessarily heard biden say things like that, that appeal to me. if ultimately trump gets reelected how would you feel about that? i would feel really great about that if he was elected into office. but i i wouldn t necessarily feel any guilt because i was able to have a choice and who i wanted to vote for dog denticola is a long time democrat who never thought he would find himself lobbying trump s supporters. just switched to kennedy. what do you think this guy s go to 24. go watch reasoning you haven t even given him a chance because he doesn t ever which answer anyway, is it hard to convince trump s supporters to vote for kennedy? yeah, i actually just appreciate that he was willing to stop and talk to me, fed up with political polarization, denticola thinks kennedy can bring americans together and isn t worried about him taking votes from biden or trump a person like bobby kennedy, who is really a message of unity, a message for all people i think that s why he s going to actually pull a lot of voters from both sides back on deal s farm. i shared desire for unity to address a deeply divided country. if we don t make some changes, if find somebody who has creative solutions and had somebody we can trust, who wants to bring us together? we re gonna be in a world of hurt if it does rfk junior seemed to be pulling more votes away from biden or trump based on who you spoke to anderson kennedy s coalition of voters, they ve really span the political spectrum polling data does indicate the largest contingent could actually be those who didn t support either candidate i didn t 2020 a lot of his support comes from these so-called double-haters. those holding unfavorable views of both biden and trump, anderson even can thank so much. the news continues, the sorts we count. collins starts now, i ll see you tomorrow. straight on the source tonight. the president and the probation officers were brand new details from inside donald trump s pre-sentencing interview that could have huge impact on his punishment, including whether judge, were shawn since him to prison, were to giuliani s latest mug shot this time in

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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240611

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oh, my goodness, no. i m very, very proud of it. it s been three years. we haven t found anything, haven t seen anything. many people have tried. many people are covering it up. like who? the president of the united states. do you believe you ll be acquitted am. this is a complete misuse of the criminal process to interfere with the 2024 election. so much to fact check there including his tie. meanwhile the biden campaign is out with a new ad that hits donald trump during a campaign rally he had in las vegas just this past sunday. take a look. because i don t want anybody going at me we need every voter. i just want your vote, i don t care. i m joe biden and i approve this message. short and sweet. in just hours the jury will resume deliberating for a second straight day in a wilmington, delaware, courthouse. the jury got the case late yesterday following instructions from the judge and after hearing closing arguments from both the defense and the prosecution. prosecutors lay out what they described as overwhelming evidence against the president s son. hunter biden s attorney argued that prosecutors had not met their burden of proof in terms of proving the case beyond a reasonable doubt. earlier in the day the defense rested its case without calling hunter biden to testify. first lady jill biden was present in the audience for yesterday s proceedings as she has been throughout the trial. hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to three felony counts tied to a possession of a gun while using narcotics and lying on a government form. it s unclear how this case will impact the presidential race, but certainly those close to president biden are deeply concerned about the personal toll it will take on hunter biden s father. joining us now anthony coley who previously served as the top spokesperson for attorney general merrick garland. anthony, good to see you here on set in washington. let s talk about the hunter biden case first. what s your read on yesterday s closing arguments? so here s what s so interesting about this case, jonathan, is that there s a lot of circumstantial evidence here. we talked a lot about the passages in the book and then there are the text messages that all suggest that hunter biden was not sober during this period of time. but there is no smoking gun. there s no eyewitness here, so you can see a scenario where a jury says, you know, the government has not met its high burden of proof. that s the first thing. the second thing to me is a lot of what s happening off the stand, the unconditional love this man is receiving from all of his family not just through this trial but through his period of addiction. and number two, this reiteration that we heard from the president last week that he s going to respect the jury s verdict, and even if they return a not guilty verdict, that he would not pardon his son. and i can tell you if the shoe were on the other foot not only would donald trump not make that promise, this case a case of a similar a case looking at his family, you can see a scenario where he would not even have let it get this far. you know, he would have practically burned down the justice department if an obama era u.s. attorney was investigating his family. and biden has been very hands off. and briefly, what s the rule of thumb in terms of how long the jury will deliberate? could we get a verdict today? we could very well get a verdict today. one day of deliberation for every day the trial went on. that s the rule of thumb. they could come back they told the judge we deliberated for a couple days and we don t have a verdict, they re split. we ll turn to trump for just a moment. do you think the prosecution proved their case? i m not the lawyer, so i m not going to render my verdict, but i hope that hunter biden will be able to move on with his life. let s turn to donald trump s probation interview yesterday. it s a standard part of the procedure, about 30 minutes or so, but tell us why it matters and that includes because if he ends up with probation, he s not allowed to associate with other people who have criminal records themselves, have spent prison time, and at that point that s a lot of people in his universe including just the other day steve bannon. that s exactly right. plus also interesting here are the factors that go into whatever report that the probation officer provides, right? and you ve got to imagine that they re going to consider donald trump s efforts to accept the norms and the rules, and we know from just looking at this case, this is a man who has violated the norms and the rules, you know, ten different times he refused to accept this, narrowly tailored gag order. so it s going to be interesting to see how this one plays out. we are now precisely one month from donald trump s sentencing. today is june 11th. that comes july 11th. this probation here scheduled yesterday, are there other markers, procedures or events we should be looking for between now and that sentencing at the end of the month. no, i think right now what typically happens in the process the probation officer will prepare a report for the judge, and the judge obviously is the one that s going to make whatever determination he feels is appropriate in this case. and we will see if that includes prison time. msnbc justice and legal affairs analyst anthony coley, thank you. good to see you as always. next up here we ll bring you the latest from the middle east amid new reporting the biden administration is potentially looking at negotiating a deal with hamas to release american hostages in gaza. it s not clear if israel would be part of those talks. plus, donald trump s repeat conviction in new york could means he loses the liquor license at some of his golf courses. we ll have those stories, the other top headlines, as well as a check on sports and weather when we come right back. a check when we come right back. sup? 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good morning, jonathan. it s looking real soggy in the state of florida for the next couple days. from west palm to miami and out towards naples interest 6 million people. i wouldn t be surprised if that expands and sticks with us through at least the end of the workweek. we ve got a stationary front hanging out in northern florida. it s going to leave us unsettled with a whole lot of moisture to tap into, and that means, yes, multiple rounds of rain, today, tomorrow and getting into thursday and friday we ll continue to see really heavy rain working in. with all this rain on tap we likely will see upwards of maybe 10 inches, 12 inches, up to over a foot to 15 inches possible specifically across parts of southwest florida, so we likely will have the flooding concern be there at least through the end of the workweek. this will be something notable to watch here over the next couple of days. meanwhile, out west it remains warm. temperatures triple digits in las vegas, phoenix headed to 110 today. el paso headed to 102. by the time we get into tomorrow this heat starts to expand further to the east. salt lake city 99 degrees. notice minneapolis headed to the upper 80s. temperatures way warm for this time of year, and we get the east coast in on the action, too. 36 degrees on thursday new york city 90s on tap by friday, mid-90s for richmond. the same goes for charlotte both friday and saturday and a warm weekend too for folks friday and saturday in atlanta. this is something we ll see last into the weekend. summer will be in full swing in this region before you know it. summer is here. angie lassman, thank you so much. we ll talk to you again tomorrow. still ahead we ve got new video that shows the dramatic moments israeli forces rescued some of the hostages held by hamas. plus the latest on a possible cease-fire deal. we ll be right back. sible cease-fire deal. we ll be right back. . supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. have you always had trouble losing weight now clinically proven and keeping it off? 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more than just my armpits stink. that s why i use secret whole body deodorant. everywhere. 4 out of 5 gynecologists would recommend whole body deodorant, which gives you 72 hour odor protection from your pits to your- (sfx: deoderant being sprayed) secret whole body deodorant. welcome back to way too early. it is coming up on 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this tuesday morning. i m jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. we re learning more this morning about the israeli military s daring rescue of four hostages over the weekend. newly released helmet camera footage shows forces rescuing them. the video has been edited by israeli authorities. the israeli military says the men were being held captive in the home of a hamas member. you can hear the operatives were under heavy fire when they entered the apartment. in an effort to give the rescuers ample cover the military says the air force started striking dozens of nearby targets. that led to scores of civilians including numerous children to be killed. gaza health officials say at least 270 people died during saturday s raid. israeli forces also rescued a fourth hostage, 26-year-old noa argamani. she was being held in a different building just 200 yards away. now, the united nation s security council has now adopted a u.s. backed cease-fire plan for gaza. 14 out of the 15 council members have voted in favor of resolution. russia abstained allowing it to pass. three other cease-fire resolutions had previously failed. this measure lays out a three phase plan to secure the release of hostages in exchange for palestinian prisoners. the second phase would continue as long as they negotiated an teend the war. this is the same proposal president biden outlined just a week or so back. israel and hamas are still in negotiations over the deal. if it falls through, the white house has discussed potentially holding its own negotiations with hamas to secure the release of the five americans who are still being held hostage. two current senior u.s. officials and two former officials tell nbc news those discussions would not include israel but would still be mediated by qatar. the white house has declined to comment on this possibility. joining us now white house reporter for the wall street journal, sabrina siddiqui. give us your latest reporting how much pressure is the white house putting on israel to take the deal, and is there any sense of optimism this time finally we can have a break through? based on the reporting and what we ve heard from the white house publicly, this is without question the most concerted effort that the biden administration has made in this eight month long war to get to some kind of deal. they ve been pushing for a temporary cease-fire for some time. obviously this deal as you note has phases, the beginning of which would be this six-week cease-fire when hamas would release israeli hostages in exchange for israel releasing palestinians who have been detained by the israeli government, and then of course negotiations over a permanent end to the war and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. what s interesting about it is the u.s. is saying prime minister netanyahu has accepted the deal although we haven t heard prime minister netanyahu say that in public himself. reuters is reporting just this morning hamas has accepted the deal and willing to negotiate over the details. i think what you re really seeing from the administration is a real push to bring an end to hostilities especially given this administration has come nod a lot of criticism for u.s. support for israel during the course of this war given the devastation in gaza, and i think they really want to get to a deal not just to secure the release of hostages and some of the suffering in gaza but with the election just months away, it s really critical for president biden i think to get to a deal. with the civilian toll rising and certainly there is the possibility of a u.s.-hamas deal and much prefer israel be involved too. you mentioned political fallout and let s turn your recent reporting how the war weighs on the president. you spoke to one family in pennsylvania divided over whether or not to support biden at the ballot box in november because of this very issue. tell us about it. this to me is microcosm of the debate many democratic voters have been having since the start of the war as you ve seen not just progressive democrats but a lot of voters who are part of the democratic base, question the biden administration s really unequivocal backing of israel during the high civilian death toll, given the widespread starvation in gaza, and this family is one of the many families split what to do about it. there are democrats still going to support president bide even if they re frustrated with the way he handles this war, also they want to prevent another trump presidency, but there are a lot of voters who i think frustrated with the way this war has played out and that the president has not just not been very critical of israel during this offensive in gaza but also the u.s. has continued to provide weapons and other military support. and i think that coalition or that constituency is really key because there s a lot of concern within the white house and even among the biden campaign not those voters would swing towards trump but vote third party or stay at home. in a key voter ground like pennsylvania where his family is based some of these states are separated by tens of thousands of votes. neither candidate and certainly not president biden can afford to lose any voters in november. certainly the biden team desperate for this war to end before november. we mentioned earlier in the show the jury is deliberating in the hunter biden case and a verdict could come as soon as today. we went through the legal implications then, and certainly it s reported the personal toll this will take on president biden. as you talk to republicans and democrats alike whatever the verdict is here, guilty or not guilty, is it actually going to change anything in the presidential race? we haven t really seen too much indication this is going to affect, you know, independent or swing voters when it comes to election and support for president biden. this is not an issue that is top of mind, you know, for a lot of the types of voters that biden needs to turn up in november, but it s going to be a key issue for republicans. i think it s something that animates their base and it s something they re trying to use a counterweight to, you know, the criminal charges against former president trump, of course, the former president was convicted in the hush money trial. i think there s a big difference, of course, in the former president who is himself on the ballot facing, you know, criminal charges and the president s son who is not involved in the administration, who has not held any formal role in the administration. but there is also this question of a toll it takes on the president himself that you spoke to. obviously it is a deeply personal issue for him. he s not going to be addressing it publicly. he said he supports his son, but of course i think he doesn t really want to he campaigned on restoring independence to the justice department, to the legal system especially given, you know, the charges against his opponent, i don t think he wants to be in the business of weighing in on the legal issues themselves, but just kind of going back to the big picture, you know, this is not top of mind for i think most of the voters who are going to the polls in november who it would make a difference, but it is something i think certainly a political issue that republicans are going to try and leverage and maybe use as a distraction. yeah, whether to say guilty the biden family is corrupt or not guilty, the justice system is rigged against republicans. covered a lot of ground this morning. sabrina siddiqui, thank you for being here. we appreciate it. next up we ll go live to cnbc for an early look what s driving wall street as investors await the federal reserve s decision on interest rates. plus apple joins the artificial intelligence race. what we re learning about the new technology the iphone maker plans to offer when we come right back. e maker plans to offer when we come right back [coughing] copd hasn t been pretty. it s tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there s still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. so this is pickleball? it s basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e trade from morgan stanley, we re ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i d rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that s a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one s free. a mystery! jessie loves playing detective. but the real mystery was her irritated skin. so, we switched to tide free & gentle. it cleans better, and doesn t leave behind irritating residues. and it s gentle on her skin. tide free and gentle liquid is epa safer choice certified. it s gotta be tide. time now for business, and for that let s bring in cnbc s arabile gumede who joins us live from london. arabile, good to see you again. so a two-day federal reserve policy meeting is set to kick off today. what s the market looking for, and how s it shaping up in the morning hours? yeah, good morning, john. look, certainly the impact then of this fed policy meeting will be quite significant for this market picture, right? because it determines ultimately what does the rate cut in policy pretty much look like? how all the data has culminated so far and you saw just last week friday that hot jobs report being the labor market still looked pretty robust, 270,000 jobs still being created. all of that plus the growth projection, the inflation trajectory remaining a bit sticky, although there seems to be a drop, though. has all that data meant the fed is little more comfortable with cutting interest rates a little bit later on this year? or are they still in wait and see mode? and how much more data dependent will it be? all of that has meant the market is pretty nervous ahead of this meeting and has remained pretty negative to start things off, although it is close to that flat line. so apple as we just teased has announced a major push into a.i. with a huge impact on how we all could use our iphones. so what have we learned so far as to how this company s going to use artificial intelligence. well, if you like emojis, you can use the as a key starter. they ve also included their partnership with open a.i. which means chat gpt ultimately forms a big primary part then of apple as well-meaning siri works with chatgpt to formulate responses on answers and questions you may certainly have to the chat bot, which siri was known for. of course the big question mark is whether they d use that ability then to grow the data model and also be able to grow the number of people who actually purchase iphones. a question mark, however, is whether this will be enough to do that. not entirely sure. investors didn t necessarily feel too enlightened by the story and perhaps underwhelmed a bit on the updates. so perhaps not enough to shift investors at their price went down nearly 2% yesterday. and lastly shares of the british personal computer maker known as raspberry pie jumped on its first day as a public company. what does it say about the market for new stock listings? yeah, that s a fruitful experience for the london stock exchange especially. raspberry pie coming up here, it s a really low cost computer model company that believes they ll sell at least 8.4 million new computers ultimately this year. it s because of the growth they still see in this a.i. sector. they believe semiconductors will formulate a great part of their growth. and they still believe even though the united states is where you get all the great valuations of companies, that investors will find you wherever you are as long as you re a great company. that s according to the ceo evan upton. that s the belief of a company thus far going up around 50% on the back of its initial ipo earlier this morning and limited in that it s only been able to a few institutional investors so far. we appreciate it. arabile gumede live from london, thank you again. next up here a controversial ukrainian military unit will soon be allowed to use u.s. weapons in its fight against russia. we ll dig into the brigade s checkered past and why the white house is lift its ban. more news from europe when way too early comes right back. s f too early comes right back. lp t high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she s sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn t know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you re sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you d like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. far-xi-ga welcome back. the washington post is reporting that the united states has decided to allow a controversial ukrainian military unit to deploy american weaponry on the battlefield. according to the paper, ukraine s brigade was banned from using u.s. weapons roughly a decade ago. at the time u.s. officials said some of the unit s founders espoused racist, xenophobic and ultranationalist views while u.n. and human rights officials accuse the group of some humanitarian violations. now the unit will be allowed to deploy the same weaponry any ukrainian crew can use as it pushes back against russia aggression. joining us now executive vice president at the center for international policy. matt, good to see you this morning. foreign affairs in the spotlight during this presidential election year of late. president biden heads tomorrow to the g7, and of course just concluded a trip to france to commemorate d-day but also to meet with world leaders including ukrainian president zelenskyy. how effective do you think this administration is right now in keeping the spotlight on the war in ukraine and the efforts to continue to supply kyiv? yeah, i mean i think the administration deserves a lot of credit for the work they did, you know, before the russian invasion and in the immediate wake of it and building real unity with european allies and building support from countries around the world. obviously the war in gaza for the last eight months has drawn a lot of attention. it continues to take up a lot of space on the agenda for very good reasons. i think the ukraine war has grown quite frustrating for them. it seems to be bogged down in a bit of a stalemate, so there are real questions about what will happen next there, although, president biden continues to make clear that the u.s. is going to be there, you know, supporting ukraine in the long haul. well, this is all happening in the midst of, you know, of a presidential campaign that they would really much rather be talking about domestic legislature accomplishments. so let s talk about where things stand in ukraine. as you said a bit of a stalemate at the moment, but russia made some progress in their offensive earlier this spring but not a lot. they continue to pound kharkiv with weaponry. tell us a little bit about the u.s. move to arm ukraine and allow them to strike within russia but also do you see much in the way changing on the battlefield or is this eventually going to turn into a frozen conflict that might eventually lead us to the negotiating table? right, i think if you go back about a year you saw a ukrainian counter offensive that surprised a lot of people in its effectiveness. the second counter offensive that began earlier this year was obviously not as successful. that has brought us to the situation where we are now, and that was not really a surprise because in the intervening year russia had the opportunity to really embed itself to lay a lot of mines, to dig a lot of trenches, so harder to root them out. but during the second counter offensive, so, yeah, it looks like we are there hasn t been too much movement. it looks like we might be in a frozen conflict for the moment. i think the ukrainian military hopes that a new strategy of striking russian facilities across the border could potentially change that equation. obviously, that s an escalation. the question is, is it a wise one? the question is, will that meaningfully change the situation here? you know, the kind of theory of the case that the administration has had up until now is to support ukraine s defense in the hopes that that would put them in the strongest possible position eventually around the negotiating table. i don t think that s changed. the question is, at what point does putin have interest in a negotiating piece? that s been missing up until now. there certainly will be ramifications coming out of elections in the eu, u.s. in november, and other european nations in the months ahead, as well. yeah. executive vice president at the center or international policy, matt duss, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. thank you. up next on way too early, we re seeing fewer arrests at the southern border. we ll break down the latest numbers now that president biden s executive order is in effect. coming up on morning joe, a louisiana woman is traveling across the country for the biden campaign, sharing her experience with abortion. she ll join our conversation with her story and why she says black women are disproportionately impacted. plus, jury deliberations resume later this morning in the hunter biden criminal trial. a panel of legal analysts are standing by with key takeaways from yesterday s closing arguments. also ahead, oscar nominated actress minnie driver will be in studio to discuss season two of her hit show the circuit queen. morning joe just a few moments away. it ain t my dad s razor, dad. ay watch it! it s from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga! .while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. sup? 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[ engine revving ] oh yeah man, horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. [ engine revving ] oh now we re torquin ! - i love car puns! oh, i know. pppp-powershot! [ engine revving ] [ laughing ] the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need. .without the stuff you don t. so, here s to now. boost. welcome back. the number of migrants being arrested at the u.s./mexico border is on decline days after president biden s asylum ban was rolled out. an official told reuters just over 3,000 people were arrested at the border last friday. roughly a 20% drop compared to the previous days. the new policy which had been implemented last wednesday, two days prior, bars anyone who illegally crosses the border from claiming asylum. the ban aims to maximize the number of migrants placed in the expedited removal process. joining us, politics reporter for semafor, dave weigel. headline, he is using tools donald trump used. how joe biden became a border hawk. it s been tougher at the border of late, this new policy. let s talk politics of it. if the numbers continue to be lower, and they usually rise during the summer, but if the new policy helps, do we think that the biden team will have perhaps neutralized, maybe not turned immigration into an advantage, but neutralize it for the gop? there s so many ways republicans attack this issue, and something that doesn t change is the hyper focus on crimes committed by cry mai migrants in the country illegally. there s always footage from border checkpoints. it mitigated some of the republican messaging, and it said to democrats that biden is willing to do things that are unpopular with the base. i think that s popular with some voters who are on the fence, who voted for biden last time. it s not going to mitigate the entire immigration issue for him. republicans, you know, are the ones who killed the bipartisan border bill earlier this year. democrats have really tried to make that point, but have we seen that has sunk in, changed the polling? it hasn t changed the polling, but democrats have the argument. they could say, we know what it takes to fix the border. republicans blocked this to help donald trump. what is donald trump s answer? what is he going to do? to make the space for the argument is what this executive order was for. but, no, they ve not found a way out of this since really early 2021 when border crossings were up because biden reversed trump s policies. republicans have a simple message here, which is, do you remember all the border crossings when trump was there? remember migrants coming to new york, chicago, et cetera? trump is going to reverse that. there is nothing as simple democrats have. they have been showing they re willing to say to the migrant advocates in their base that they re not listening to them. they re going to adopt policies the aclu is going to sue them for probably any day in california. let s turn to primaries. you ve been following it closely. nancy mace, representative of south carolina, her election is tonight. tell us about that race and also what we re seeing writ large about these intraparty battles. the mace race will be hard to follow. she won 2020. donald trump endorsed her opponent in 2022. donald trump is for her this time. she has one of several races where trump has intervened in some way and become the issue in the race. that s intensified since the convictions in new york. this one is kind of unique. her opponents have argued that whatever nancy mace says, she s in this for attention. if you want a true maga conservative who is not going to ever make you question where the next vote is coming from, vote for me. that s her problem. across the country in north dakota, trump has a candidate today in the open seat, next few weeks in virginia. i was just there where trump endorsed against bob good, and good was saying i m the maga candidate, campaigning with steve bannon. the elections are still about who is most loyal to trump. you mentioned the criminal conviction of trump. we re ten days from that news. what are we seeing so far as to how it is impacting the presidential race? as you talk to republicans and democrats alike, we ve seen polls move just slightly but move, just slightly, to president biden. do we think that s going to intensify, stay where it is, or fade away in the months before november? we were talking about immigration messaging for republicans. this is even more coherent. there is no one breaking against larry hogan, across the river from here, but almost nobody else in the republican party saying there is something legitimate in the court decision in new york. that matters. you have an entire party creating the structure for swing voters to say, i don t know about this conviction. they re trying to move the numbers. we saw two weeks ago the hypothetical conviction in new york was unpopular. we saw a fifth of trump voters said they might not vote for him if this happened. republicans are doing, day by day, saying, ignore this, forget about it. it is an attempt to get trump because they couldn t get him otherwise. let s see how far we can kick these other cases down the road. it has hurt on the margins, but and a two-point margin could matter in the race, but it is not the size republicans are worried about because of all the work they re doing in saying, pay no attention to the indictment behind the curtain. democrats had some focus on it but less coherent or consistent on the issue. yeah. politics reporter for semafor, dave weigel, thanks for being here. thanks for getting up way too early on this tuesday morning to all of you. morning joe starts right now. unlike the vast majority of felons out there, trump was allowed to do his interview at mar-a-lago over a video conference call. [ crowd booing ] yeah, must make the mandatory drug test difficult.

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240611

teaming up to launch a super pac focused on attracting disillusioned young voters. will it work in italics? ainsley: plus. [laughter] ainsley: gosh, my voice cracked. [laughter] ainsley: seasonal allergies, right, steve? plus, supermodel nomani campbell message for young women skipping motherhood over economic. it will change her mind. as a study finds more trump supporters than biden supporters say marriage and children should be a priority. steve: look at that speaking of parents. this sunday s is father s day. we have the top of the line ideas for kids. ainsley: what is that? steve: waterproof. lawrence: what a tease because we are all interested. the second hour of fox & friends starts right now. and remember, mornings are better with friends. brian: get dressed. lawrence: make sure you are already dressed. so president biden hosting an early juneteenth celebration at the white house yesterday as his support among black voters continues to go down. brian: now one polling guru is suggesting that joe biden should drop out of the presidential race with less than five months to election day? steve: peter doocy just back from france joins us from washington. peter? good morning. and the president came back to the white house last night after a few days in france and a few days in delaware to host an early juneteenth celebration there on the south lawn. we have got some video of it. i don t remember ever seeing president biden try to dance on camera. last night was not going to be the night. did he briefly address the crowd on the south lawn though who accuse republicans of trying to take away black americans right to vote. trying to do anything to reverse this trend. he has shed 7% of his black voter support since october of 2020. trump has gained in that time 9%. things are bleak with young voters, too. so now we have got this headline from the wrap. snl and parks and recreation writers pitch ads to help biden reach gen z and young millennials. these ads are going to come out next month in july. and the organizer is claiming in this interview that it s not your average celebrity endorsement. rather they are creating content with millennial and gen z writers for millennial and gen z voters. at the same time, the pollster, nate silber is warning, biden just hit a new all-time low in approval. 37.4% at 5:38 yesterday. dropping out would be a big risk. but there is some threshold below which continuing to run is a bigger risk. are we there yet? i don t know but it s more than fair to ask. we have no indication president biden is planning to drop out. is he going to go talk about gun safety before heading out to europe italy where the talk will turn, last week to russia v. ukraine. back to you. brian: peter, i was pretty stunned to say how much jill biden s trips back and forth across the oceans. ainsley: how expensive they were? brian: $345,000 it s cost taxpayers. peter: sounds like the dnc is going to reimburse the cost of some first class tickets. brian: that s like a few thousand dollars. ainsley: remember, peter, you told the story and you said how much is this going to cost the taxpayer? peter: you are welcome taxpayers for getting reimbursement for first class tickets. steve: nate silver, they should have liivesd to me in february. he should have dropped out last year. nobody at the white house or at the campaign saying okay we re going to lay low and just before the convention is he going to drop out. nobody is suggesting that he is going to say, you know what? i had a good year. so long. peter: no. there was a lot of talk about different prominent democrats months ago putting themselves in a position if biden decide he had he was going to bow out. that is all done. they are all systems go with biden at the top of the ticket and harris has the vice president and honing for the best. lawrence: peter, i m hoping can you put this into context. when you look at the numbers he is under water when it comes to young voters, obviously losing support amongst minority voters. and voters point to the economy. they say all of this is impacting them. they can t get a house and all that stuff. the white house already has some of the best hollywood people to produce their messaging and all of that. is it the position of the white house that people just don t understand the story of the administration? that they have actually done more and if they could just get these producers to make these little ads that they will understand more? i mean, i m just not understanding. peter: it is, lawrence, a lot of people you talk to at the white house or a lot of people from delaware have been say for a couple months now well, a lot of voters are just not paying attention, they are not as plugged into politics as we are, but, at some point, it s too late. at some point people do have to start paying attention because we are like two and a half months away from people forming opinions and then applying for ballots to get sent to their house. and so, it s the time for people to start paying attention is coming up quickly. steve: peter, here s date. june 14th, 2017. you were supposed to go to the congressional baseball practice that day over in virginia but you had an assignment and you couldn t make it. and now you have got a special on fox nation called strike zone, right? peter peters yeah, we have spent a couple months on this new project. this is the first time we are talking about it. nobody has done in the seven years since this congressional baseball practice shooting, nobody has done a documentary about it. and so, with the whole team at fox nation, we put together a three-part series and they are all my wife and i watched it last night. it was her birthday. this is what we did for her birthday. it is gripping the way that the story has been put together. we talked to the heroes of that day. we talked to some of the victims. and we were actually able to, with the input from the people who were at the shooting, including officer david bailey, who was one of the officers engaging with the gunman, we were able to go back to the baseball field with permits and recreate the shooting to give you an idea. steve: with real guns. peter: with real guns. they were out there just a couple days ago. the finished product it looks more like something you would see in a trailer for bad boys than in a trailer for something about a congressional baseball practice. but, it really shows how violent this action was. and we can you stream the whole thing now on fox nation. we also, for the first time on camera. took steve scalise back to second base on that practice field where he almost lost his life. and to hear him tell the story right there at second base is one of the most moving experiences that i have had in 15 years of doing different assignments. so, please do go watch it on fox nation. any time now. but start during the break. [laughter] peter: all right. ainsley: that sounds fascinating. i can t believe it s been seven years. we were all together reporting on that. steve: live on the couch. ainsley: yeah, we were. thank you, peter. he has a great wife who is also in the business and on her birthday they are watching peter on tv. lawrence: that s awesome. steve: honey, i have got a special get to see the fox nation three part series one day early. happy birthday, hillary by the way. secret recording by a liberal filmmaker captures samuel alito and john roberts discussing whether they believe compromise between the left and the right is possible. brian: wow. look at this. brooke singman is here with more. brooke: this is a wild story. this liberal documentary filmmaker who lied and represented herself as a religious conservative to get into the supreme court historical society s annual dinner last week secretly recorded a conversation with justice samuel alito and chief justice john roberts discussing the current political climate in america. so in the audio obtained exclusively by rolling stone, justifiable alito is heard questioning whether compromise between the left and the right is even possible. he said one side or the other is going to win. adding there can be a way of working, a way of living together peacefully but it s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can t be compromised. the filmmaker justified her decision to intentionally mislead the justices telling rolling stone that she did it because, quote: the supreme court is shrouded in secrecy and they are refusing to submit to any accountability in the face of overwhelming evidence of serious ethics breaches. meanwhile when pressed by the filmmaker chief justice roberts says the polarization in today s society is nothing new. citing high tensions during wars of the past. however roberts focus might be elsewhere right now as senate democrats are currently debating whether or not to subpoena him in the fight over judicial ethics reform. at the moment, democrats seem to be divided on the strategy of issuing a subpoena as they acknowledge it s unclear whether they can even get majority support in the senate judiciary committee. guys? steve: all right, brooke. thank you very much. brian: there is all out attack on the supreme court justice. the flag controversy. what is justin thomas doing on vacation? what is justice alito think when being surreptitiously recorded. lawrence: that recording didn t even get anything. brian: didn t get much. lawrence: no one disagrees with the statements. steve: john roberts disagreed with what she said. ainsley: said he wasn t able to compromise her. some things you can t compromise. steve. lawrence: even if the statement is true nothing wrong with that statement. ainsley: we have ha h. a lot of the people. brian: they are attacking them. ainsley: what about her credibility as a journalist. if she lied to get into this event. steve: it looks like she had an agenda. it looked like she was trying to get that she got it. it was revealed. i m kind of curious about the circumstances. lawrence: they want to destroy the court. steve: meanwhile, talk a little bit about this. you know there is going to be an elections, first tuesday in november. and, you know, look at the polls. we were talking about them a little while ago. right now donald trump is leading in the swing states. and that is causing a number of people on the political left to say my hair is on fire. and their hair is on fire. because they are terrified that donald trump would be returned to the white house and there could be some revenge as well. ainsley: here is rachel maddow talking about her concerns if donald trump is elected. steve: she said this, is a quote. ainsley: i m worried about the country broadly. if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to root out what he describes in subhuman terms, as his enemy from within. what convinces you that these massive camps he s planning are only for migrants? so, yes, i m worried about me. but, only as much as i m worried about all of us. steve: going to the camp? brian: andy mccabe, the fbi guy who was caught putting together a master plan to have this russia hoax put forward. lawrence: lisa page, peter strzok. ains. brian: he said the same thing. chris matthews said the same thing. i watched over the weekend the president was asked by sean hannity, dr. phil in another interview, do you plan on revenge for all the lawfare that has been put out on you. he said i m going to be too busy. you can t blame me if i did and people are mad because i didn t last time with hillary. took the second half he said and put a montage and said the president is out for revenge, why? because they are out to stop the president. they are not out to cover an election. they are out to stop donald trump. lawrence: it s so ironic that the people that has attacked not only the president of the united states, but all of his supporters, whether you are talking about donald trump or just mothers expressing some concern about their kids going after school board moms that are upset with the system, to then say they re going to be targeted, also, the former president has also said, ainsley, that part of his goggle is to make sure that no one else gets targeted. ainsley: where were they when this was happening to donald trump the weapons of our government, our justice system? they all loved that they loved that they were seeking revenge against donald trump, just for having properties in new york. they were running some of our elected officials here were run obligor then issue that i will take down donald trump. that s the weaponization of government. that s what they fear if trump gets elected? brian: that s why james carville came out and said the lawfare is not working here s what trump actually said. sean: on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political opponents. number one they are wrong it. has to stop. otherwise, we won t have a country. look, when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them and it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality all of the money going into the family and him. all of this money from china from russia. from ukraine. lawrence: you know, i think it s important. because it s been a quick four years. but, remember where we were four years ago when this came to the campaign back and forth. and you had the 40-plus intelligence former officials come out and say 50, right? it was russian disinformation the hunter biden laptop. and now right now four years later almost, we are in a court of law where they are using that same laptop and the judge has said that it s actually legitimate and not only that. the fbi knew that it was legitimate. but, because it s a campaign, all bets are off. let s scare the american people, let s use people with fancy titles, a part of the community. to say weaponize against and then donald trump can t even suggest? maybe we should undo some of these agents. that s what they are worried about. maybe break up. so agencies. maybe root out the political corruption. it s not like there is proof or anything that they have attacked the former president while he was president of the united states they said they weren t going to take the orders from him. read the goat from rachel maddow worried about a camp. not just people on tv. a.o.c. a congresswoman from here in new york she is worried that apparently trump will arrest her because she has been a big, you know, anti-trump person through the last. lawrence: so ridiculous. one day maddow is afraid of the former president as if he went after one day during the first four years. it s not like we don t have a record to see of the guy they said this the last time he was going to go after the political opponents go. after the journalists. last time i checked it was barack obama s administration spied on journalist spied on our own people at fox news. there is no reports about that. brian: all right. well, we ll see what happens. i just know this, 62% of the country is in favor of rounding up illegal immigrants into camps and sending them back. and that s margaret brennan of face the nation. still can t get her jaw off the ground. steve: she was shocked. it is 7:16 in new york city. carley has the news. carley: unbelievable scene unfolded. chaotic anti-israel protests rocking new york city. [chanting] carley: that s activists chanting long live intifada. victims of the nova music festival murdered by hamas on october 7th. protesters set off flares chanted anti-israel slogans. demonstrators could be seen carrying around a banner that said long live october 7th if you can believe it. maize praising the mass killing left bide hamas left over 1200 israelis dead. at least 120 hostages are still in the hands of hamas. a young missionary couple ongoing unrest in haiti have been laid to rest in home state of missouri. their parents joined us earlier on fox & friends first. all about sharing the love of christ with others. and just helping those that are in need. and they did that during their time there in haiti. it s truly beautiful to see what they did there and how much they loved the culture and the people. it is a dark place, but, you know, i believe that the darkest places need the light. and that s why davey and natalie were there. davey and natalie lloyd were married just two years ago. they had spent the majority of the last few years of their life devoted to god and serving others. an arrest has been made in northern china after four americans were stabbed in a park over the weekend. chinese police say a 55-year-old man is in custody for attacking four instructors from iowa s cornell college on sunday. the victims are now recovering. their conditions are not known at this time. this just in former president trump s legal team is filing a new motion to dismiss the classified documents indictment. this move comes as house democrats launch a group to respond to a possible second trump term. california congressman jared huffman is helping lead the effort. he said, quote. this stuff is going to be coming at us at light speed. and we are on our heels and reacting to it. we could lose our democracy according to that congressman. florida governor ron desantis is raising teacher pay. the governor announced 1.55 $25 billion in new education funding yesterday. while also take swipe at the state s teacher s union. salaries for teachers would increase f 40,000 per year to 47,000 per year. across the country and around the world. that s the one thing you hear about florida they don t pay their teachers a lot. ainsley: in florida. they used to now. brian: they just gave them a raise. steve: thank you, carley. apparently the teacher s union is talking about how carley is number 50 when it comes to teacher pay. ainsley: then i think it changed to 16 now. steve: 16th in the country. ainsley: 16th in the country. steve: i just saw what the teacher s union had said and they said that says florida is 50th in u.s. overall in teacher s pay and teacher short damage. brian: maybe after this increase. ainsley: we were talking about it before the show. you and i were on that with the producers say making them number 16 in the country. lawrence lawrence i just wonder for all the criticism of ron desantis, this is something that he has done and the teachers union, they have not been friendly to him. steve: no. brian: but you know, why, right? school choice. lawrence: 100 percent. steve: and books. lawrence: will they give him credit for signing this bill into law to give them the increases that he needs. so at least is he fighting the culture war as well as taking care of the teachers as well. ainsley: my mom was that teacher for 33 years. my sister is a school teacher in south carolina. i m all for this. they don t make the amount of money for the amount of work they put into it. steve: they do not. brian: i agree. steve: speaking of children naomi campbell has two children at home now. ainsley: her first one at 50 years old. steve: they were born by a surrogate. she talks in the london times now about, you know, i don t think she saw it coming. how much of an impact and how her life changed. she says, my children are my 110% priority. and she loves parenting. and she worries that a number of younger women who are not having children right now because of economy or for some other issue, they are going to some day regret not having a kid. ainsley: i know. she said i have heard a lot of young girls saying that it s too goive have children. they may not want them. and i have said you will change your mind. you will want to be a mom. i understand economically it s tough. but my mom, she is from england, had nothing. and she made it work. it s worth it. it is so amazing. i agree with her. i understand for women out there a lot of single moms, some people making decisions whether they want to raise a child by themselves. if you decide to be a parent, it is the greatest joy. jesus christ, i tell my daughter all the time, getting saved, knowing jesus christ was most important day of my life. my number two day was on november 6th, 2015. the moment that doctor put her in my arms, it changes your life forever. there is nothing sweeter, nothing better. everything you do is for someone else now. you come to work for someone else. it teaches you to be selfless, and it is such a joy. when she walks in that room. i light up. when your children walk in the room, when yours do, there s nothing better. brian: i will find out how much they like me on sunday on father s day. i will look at value that i get back and i will find out what i mean to them. ainsley: you love being a father you talk about it all the time. steve: brian, do you think they are going to be recycling that scottevest. brian: scottevest that guy got outed big time. remember? the leaked audio of him putting downtown fox viewers. attention family, no scottevest. i got enough pockets. lawrence: i will just say as the only one on the couch without children, i do think there is a legitimate fear, especially if you grew up in a family that struggled of what the right time is. ainsley: right. i agree with that. lawrence: we could do better job elders lived through some things to educate. we look at our parents and say they struggled and we don t want our kids to struggle the same way we grew up struggling. i think naomi was trying to do that of trying to say hey, you can make it. i know it s not the glamorizing thing but just put back a little bit more. you will be able to do this. i think my generation that s a lot of what we think of. ainsley: did i change my mind. i was probably like 34 when i said okay, i have done the career thing for so long. i definitely want to. lawrence: ainsley you are saying there is still time for you to change your mind l.j. ainsley: you will be a parent. you will be a great dad. brian: naomi campbell was married to david bow j y.? ainsley: no imam. lawrence: get them mixed up. brian: supermodel collection. ainsley: they are all gorgeous. brian: hard to know who they are married. to say. ainsley: we have a fox news alert. in 90 minutes jury deliberations resume in the hunter biden federal gun trial. we are live outside the courthouse. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. steve all right. 90 minutes from now 9:00 a.m. eastern time. day two of deliberations will start in hunter biden s gun trial in delaware. the fate of the president s son could be decided by a jury today after federal prosecutors told the jury to ignore the first family s presence throughout the proceedings. rich edson is live outside of the courthouse in wilmington. rich, yesterday, inside the courthouse, it looked like a biden family reunion. it did. we have seen a lot of that throughout the week. biden family members out of the courtroom first lady nearly every day. the jurors the next hour and a half. [chanting] deliberate berated for hour and 10 minutes yesterday when they began resuming here. prosecutors began closing telling jurors there is overwhelming evidence against hunter biden. they accused him of using drugs, lying about it on a federal form to buy a gun and illegally owning and possessing that weapon for 11 days in october of 2018. i don t think this guy is a juror. [man shouting] rich: referring directly to biden family. jill biden saying people in the gallery are not evidence. nobody is above the law. prosecutors highlighted testimony from hunter s exs detailing drug use and recapped messages. the defense basically says that the prosecution s case depends on, quote, a magic trick of relying on evidence of past. when he bought that gun. no photos or proof that he was doing so in october of 2018. brian, we will throw it back to you. brian: thanks so much, rich. i appreciate it. i know there is screaming behind you but nothing can rattle you. that s tremendous. awesome job. rich: not at all. brian: got it. let s move ahead. president biden is gearing up for a meeting g 7 in italy later this week to talk on the continued support for ukraine. and as a european union continues to count votes for parliament, get this, right wing parties have made significant ground across the continent, in countries like france. in countries like germany. and elsewhere. taking over a third of the country s seats. here to react, iowa senator joni ernst, senator, it s pretty stunning, i was just jotting this down before the segment. snap elections. right wing make huge progress with france and germany and other nations. what s the message they are trying to send? as you see in europe you will see that in the united states as well, brian. you see the folks in europe really pushing back against a lot of the migration that has happened. many of these countries just opened their doors to migrants that were sweeping across europe. we see that same thing here in the united states with an open southern border. the folks in those countries are so tired. their own government can t support their own people now they are expected to support migrants. we see that in the united states of america, you also see this huge push for green energy to bow to the idol of green climate ideas. of course, people are tired of that as well. you will see that here in the united states, too. with all of the regulation that president biden has been shoving down our throats. and just as we have seen in europe, i can expect that we will see that in november here as well. brian: i don t know if it applies but perhaps it does. remember in 2015 brexit happened and they bucked everything and england broke away. one year later donald trump happened. right. brian: that bucked tradition, too. it made the establishment extremely upset. we know at this point that it looks like france has about half of support of the le pen party. which is right wing. don t love how cozy they are with russia. but the right wing conservatives and in germany it looks like the socialist party took a beating, too. let s move on and talk about what is happening here. earlier we talked about in politico, the first story, talks about how wall street is lining up behind former president donald trump, big numbers. and then you cecil con valley huge $12 million raised for former president trump and does that play into where they think the economy is right now? absolutely it does, brian. you would not see wall street executives lining up to support the former president unless they knew go back, compare the four years of the administration under donald trump and how well our economy was doing then. compare that to today under joe biden. his administration has put so many regulations out there. the impacted to business over $400 billion worth of costs to businesses in new regulations. that s just with joe biden. small businesses are being strangled out of the marketplace because of these regulations. under donald trump, we saw a thriving economy. we can expect to see that again. people are really anxious for the november election. they are even more anxious for january of 2025 when donald j. trump is our next president. brian: the president is going to be addressing business leaders on thursday so that s going to be big. joe biden was invited but he has got to be in italy. oh well donald trump will have a captive audience. brian: absolutely, he answers questions. and he does other thing of listening to what the problem is. exactly. brian: senator, thank you so much. thank you, brian. brian: hundreds of migrants crossing after joe biden s so-called crackdown with one even saying he loves president biden. a live report, next. this looks like an actual farm. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] meanwhile, at a vrbo. when other vacation rentals aren t what they re cracked up to be, try one where you know what you ll get. i m not a doctor. i m not even in a doctor s office. i m standing on the streets talking to real people about their heart. how s your heart? my hear s pretty good. you sure? i think so. how do you know? you re driving a car, you have the check engine light. but the heart doesn t have a hey, check heart sign. i want to show you something. put both fingers right on those pads. there you go. in 30 seconds we re going to have a medical-grade ekg reading. -there it is! -that is you. look at that. with kardiamobile, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation, one of the leading causes of stroke. and it s the only personal ekg that s fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. how much do you think this device costs? probably a thousand. $99! wow! that s impressive. this year, give dad peace of mind for father s day with kardiamobile for just $79. check out our father s day sale at or amazon. lawrence: so it looks like the biden administration is reportedly looking at more border action, including a proposal to shield illegal immigrants spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation. this as hundreds of migrants from countries around the world continue streaming into the u.s. despite biden s recent executive order. griff jenkins is live at the white house. griff, it doesn t seem like it s working. griff: no, it doesn t seem like that at all, lawrence. good morning. the white house tells fox they are continuing to explore a series of policy options but they are apparently elaborating on that to the new york times who writes this today. the biden administration is considering a proposal to protect undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens from deportation and allow them to work in the country legally. according to four officials with knowledge of the discussions and such any such program could also provide some spouses an easier route to obtain u.s. citizenship. the times says it s unclear how many people this could effect in the no final decision has yet been made. but it comes as you mentioned, lawrence, a week ago today, the president announcing he is cracking down on asylum seekers. so farther numbers have simply shown no decrease illegal crossings. and in places like the san diego sector, they are continuing to release migrants from eastern hemisphere countries that are hard too send back. fox news capturing these images of hundreds crossing in jacumba, california. turkey, india and yemen. one migrant told our colleague matt finn he believes biden is helping him. did you pay anyone to help you get here. no, no, no, no. i just searched the internet and then follow those guides. i searched the internet. a way you can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden, i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. griff: caribbean illegal crossers not so lucky. the u.s. coast guard says they returned a combined 305 migrants to the bahamas and haiti on sunday and monday. this was all a part of operation vigilant century where they are trying to crack down on merit me illegal crossings. lawrence: how could they hate him at least on that side of the border. griff, thanks so much for joining the program. griff: thank you. lawrence: los angeles is set to open what could be the world s fanciest homeless shelter and it s costing taxpayers. the 19-story apartment complex in skid row cost $165 million to build or almost $600,000 per unit. joining us is one taxpayer in l.a. business owner paul gentleman van know. paul, everyone wants to help the homeless get them off the st street. doesn t seem like a money issue. what is your thoughts about this program. it certainly isn t good morning, lawrence. it certainly isn t a money issue. this building is being built being built through what is known as measure h, which was it s maybe 6 years old now which was a bond measure to raise $3.75 billion over 10 years city hhh and counter measure h. another $3.75 billion half a percent sales tax increase in the county. combined $7.5 billion over 10 years and if do you that math, that s $2 million a day for 10 years. and that s just those two measures. maxine waters is in congress right now and i don t have the members but she has got two resolutions pimping for $150 billion for homeless and $100 billion for housing for five major cities around the country, los angeles, san francisco, denver, you know, so on and so forth. it is not a money issue. it s they i think what he are doing is artificially no what they are doing is artificially maintaining these monstrously high numbers to justify all this spending. but, it needs to be broken down because we don t have 100 if you use their numbers, we don t have 175,000 homeless people. we have, you know, thousands of homeless people, but we also have tens of thousands that are just drug tourists. we have tens of thousands who are not homeless. they have homes. they just don t like their parents anymore. so they come here and just live in a tent and live off the grid. the numbers you get to build $600,000, 900 square foot apartments because you have endless supply. you have endless supply of money because you have inflated numbers. and it s being being done [inaudible]. lawrence: paul, they keep taxing people like you. i have been down there. i have sat down with the homeless. i sat down on the beach and talked with them. i asked them where do you get the needles for the drugs in the government. give it to them on the street. where do you get the food in the government gives them the food. i asked them where do they get some of the enhanced drugs, the fentanyl and all that yeah, just a local supplier. they don t want to leave because there is really no incentive. so, we re praying for you guys. hopefully some things can turn around. lawrence, the biggest tax that they are taxing us is the effect on the streets. the effect on the retail scene. if it were a money issue, i m happy like, i will buy buildings like that all day long as long as the locks are on the outside. lawrence: you guys have a big heart out there. unfortunately, at love the businesses there are shutting down because they just can t take the taxes anymore. paul, thanks so much for joining the program. thanks, lawrence. lawrence: so, father s day is right around the corner. and skip bedell is here with gifts that any dad would love. we just trying to catch a good time even if it takes all night pass that bottle around theedr camp fire-f ig that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. life s daily battles are not meant to be fought alone. - we re not powerless. so long as we don t lose sight of what s important. don t be afraid to seize that moment to talk to your friends. - cloud, you okay? because checking in on a friend can create a safe space. - the first step on our new journey. you coming? reach out to a friend about their mental health. seize the awkward. it s totally worth it. janice: good morning, everyone. a beautiful day in new york city. i have some friends here from arkansas. wave to everybody at home. yea. take a look at the maps. the heat is still a big concern in the west and throughout the southwest where we have excessive heat watches and warnings in effect. temperatures soaring well over 100 degrees. that s going to be continuing throughout the workweek. i mean, these are the types of temperatures you see, you know, into the summertime like july-august. we are getting them in just before summer. and it s really causing issues, you know, people are heat related illness are urged to stay inside. that heat is going to travel across the eastern u.s. over the next couple of days. so we will enjoy that. a little taste of summertime. but very warm in areas that i just mentioned across california and the southwest. also want to make mention in florida, heavy rainfall. this is not a three-point line system but it is deep three-point line moisture. we could get anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of rain friday through saturday. keep that in mind. fox for all of your latest details. look who is outside steve, ainsley, brian and l.j. and skip bedell. steve: thank you very much, janice. lawrence: thanks, j.d. steve: sunday is father s day this weekend. and if you are looking for the best outdoor gifts, have you come to the right place. brian: skip bedell is in the right place. skip: hi, guys. i have curated the best list for dads. starting off with montana knife company. hand crafted from master knife smith josh smith. look at the presentation on this. super quality. such a beautiful gift for dad. hunting knives from a hatchet and all the way up to the sweet piece culinary set. even when magnetic wood block dad can display his knives. steve: great. montana knife unbelievable. brian: or skip bedell. skip: rapid radios. communicating nationwide one touch radios. right in no bills, no contracts, no monthly service fee. $50 a year and nationwide communication. like a one touch walkie talky. lawrence: brian goes dallas this week can i communicate. skip: one push to talk nationwide radio. no monthly bills no contract. rapid unbelievable. steve: earlier, you i thought this was a fan. it s a speaker. skip: ultimate bluetooth speaker turtle box. check this out. loudest outdoor speaker. it s super adorable. it is 100 percent waterproof. marine grade. so this is a true waterproof outdoor bluetooth speaker that dad can take camping, take continue othe boat. best thing it s durable and 100 percent waterproof. brian: i don t know something like this existed. skip: i m wearing brunt work wear. dad works on the job site. any trade. trust me he will love if you give him from grunt work. real texas steel leather. unbelievable pants that are flexible. what you are hold something a uv protection shirt. like i have on. super soft. the fabric. feel, this brian. tell me it s not the softest shirt you ever felt. right? brian: first time i felt a man s shirt. skip: unbelievable work wear. steve: are those abs? skip: you felt that, right? a pencil holder on your hat. brunt work dad is going to love if you get him anything from brunt. this is a firestorm. check this out. this is a portable fire pit. this thing packs up flat, goes into a backpack. it is the only fire pit in the world that packs up and go into a case dad can take his fire pit with him anywhere. it s made 100 percent out of powder coated steel right here in colorado. steve: just need a can of propane. skip: smokeless. best part it goes into a case. steve: less than a minute the lightning round. skip: chill couth 15 by stone glacier. top of the mountain ultimate in sleeping bags. dad is into adventure, camping and hunting. going to keep dad warm and dry for days all the way in the back country. it s all about light weight and compact. this whole thing packs up into this tiny little bag. stone glasure,. brian: dad is sleeping alone in the backyard again. skip: couple different models available at stone glacier, check it out. ready wise pro-meals take camping and hunting, add hot water. they are delicious meals one month emergency food supply all from ready wise. going to make it easy for dad to have food wherever he goes. brian: this is what we gave to the ukrainians during the obama administration. mres. skip: pro-meal by ready wise. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch. giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh, maria, i m wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier. apoquel. the trusted number one treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it! lumineux is the first fluoride free toothpaste i ve ever found that actually works. my dentist was blown away with how clean and white my teeth are. my gums and teeth are so healthy. it s crazy. you can get lumineux toothpaste at walmart and target. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts. in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo hi, i m gina. i ve tried so many things to lose weight. none of it worked. i would quit after a few days or a week at the most. golo is not like any of those. with golo and release i not only met my goal i ve surpassed it. and i m keeping it off. ainsley: it s 8 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, june 11, this is fox and friends . we are expecting to see hunter bide

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240610

her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. the raw to 369369. today this source, but kaitlan collins, week nights at nine right? so the european level as a result of the european elections held over the weekend we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to revive friends you moon me. tell one regrettably netanyahu is preventing us from advancing toward true victory, which is the justification for the ongoing and painful cost of war. we didn t have any us forces on the ground. second, we ve been working for months to support israel and its efforts anything that it s an illicit activity, they re going to engage in for a profit. the fbi el paso can confirm that members of brynn have crossed into the united states from london. this is cnn newsroom with max foster hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers, joining us from around the world. and max foster is monday, june the 10th, 9:00 a.m. here in london, 10:00 a.m. in paris brussels, and berlin as europe s starts the week on a shifting political landscape that seems to be moving further and further as well to the right, results are coming in for the next european parliament and far-right parties are projected to win a record number of seats after four days of voting in 27 countries. exit polls show the mainstream center-right european people s party will remain the largest group. european commission chief ursula von der leyen celebrating her party success, whilst acknowledging that extremes on both ends of the spectrum are gaining traction. the center is holding but it is also true that the extremes on the left and on the right have gained support and this is why the result comes with great responsibility for the parties in the center we may differ on individual points but we all have an interest in stability and we all want a strong and effective europe will protesters in paris express their outrage at gains for french right-wing parties, which took more than one in three votes cast according to the official results french president emmanuel macron has dissolved parliament and called snap elections in the coming weeks, johnny s now claire sebastian, we re focusing on france because it s the most dramatic story but if we take the top three mayes, germany, france, and italy whilst the bigger picture is that the center ground held their position in key countries. the right surged, yeah. i mean, obviously particularly dramatically in france where the national rally, which is a big yes, far-right party, took more than 30%, more than double what emmanuel macron s renaissance party took. but the afd in germany, they ll turn to for germany party also was second place. this is a party that has been deemed so far, right. that marine le pen of the national rally actually kicked them out. you can say they re of the id grouping which was already seen as the most the extreme right grouping in the european parliament today. now gained seats in germany and in italy, giorgia meloni s brothers of italy, he had a really strong showing as well. so it is, as you say, these key, these key countries, these key parties that are now really mainstreaming these far-right policies. and in terms of those policies, take a listen to it. marine le pen said in france after this result ready to exercise power if the french justice during these future legislative session, we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to defend the interests of the french, ready to put an end to mass emigration, ready to make the purchasing power of the french a priority? pretty ready to begin the re-industrialize creation of the country. overall, we are ready to rebuild the country, ready to revive friends ready to put an end to mass immigration. no surprise that, that is always been the sort of core focus of the european far-right, as at, as it has been gradually rising over the past years and decades, purchasing power interesting one there. this is of course, an appeal to people in europe who have been suffering under the weight of a cost of living crisis are worried about the cost of policies like the green deal support for ukraine, things like that. so i think this is a real show of where we are, right? we ve seen five years where we ve seen increasingly more europe with this green deal with the joint approach to covid with the solidarity. have ukraine, these parties and are looking not to exit europe like we saw with brexit, but to control europe from within and to reduce its influence over these kinds of, these parts of life. and the most profound immediate impact is this french general election it s not as if macron is gonna be out completely, but he may end up having to deal with a far-right prime minister effectively. and this is just ahead of the olympics. why on earth did he choose to call this election? many people are baffled by it. yeah, i mean, the eyes of the world will be on france at this point. he says that he s looking for clarity, right? he needs to have clarity for the people effectively for the legislature to reflect the will of the people given the strong showing for the far-right, but it s a gamble, right? he wanted to go his way and it leaves a source telling cnn that convinced, convinced, convinced will be the approach in the lead up to the election if it does go his way, he then we ll gain a greater mandate among it for his liberal agenda right now, he has lost the already has absolute majority who s already struggling to get policies through. so in that sense, perhaps it has nothing to lose, but if not, he then has to, perhaps if the far-right gain the most seats in parliament, cohabit with the far far-right prime minister. and then we look ahead. of course, the 2027 when francis having presidential elections, when marine le pen has her sights clearly set on that i think claire. thank you wasn t just emmanuel macron, but faced a stinging rebuke in germany, as claire says, the social democrats of chancellor olaf scholtz score their worst ever result, just 14% that was the moment that the far right party alternative for germany learn the exit polls show it winning 16% of the vote to take second place. they re the party known for its anti-immigrant policies has risen from a fringe group to a huge mainstream presence. now now, let s even do maury is the head of the us and america s program at chatham house joins us from london because lesly a lot of people suggesting that without trump, none of this would have happened well, i think that might be a stretch. i mean, if you really think at the global context which is driving so much of what we re seeing the covid, pandemic, low growth in europe the effects of climate change, the pressure on the energy transition in the aftermath of russia s invasion of ukraine. the far right has been gaining traction for some time in europe. this is clearly at a different level, and there s no doubt as you ve suggested, max, that that donald trump and those around him have worked in insignificant ways below the radar, above the radar to try and give a voice to far-right elements across europe and certainly we ll see this as a success story for the conservative movement to which they re committed. but i think that they, as we ve said with donald trump and with trumpism, there is an argument to be made that trump is a symptom of a number of underlying causes that are leading. many people to suffer much more harshly the effects of those, those constant, those sort of global factors that i ve just outlined. the unequal effects of low growth are significant and the ability of the far-right to displace that frustration onto immigrants, which in fact what we need is a sound immigration policy to help solve some of the problems of labor shortages that europe will face two and the us is obviously needing to think about this instead, we re seeing quite the reverse that even the center is tacking to the right because of the pressure from this far-right s it would strengthen though. donald trump wouldn t it arguably in terms of foreign policy, because lead is like marine plant will lappin would be expected to closer to his alignment. and work more closely with him. and many of the far-right leaders du, identify with a lot of what trump says. so if he becomes president, he would have more allies in europe i think that s right. i think it s clear that donald trump has last i ve said ben a fan of those. he was quietly and sometimes not so quietly supportive of brexit and the far-right in the uk, certainly in europe. but if you look at the broader a european pushing right now, some of it in light of the anticipation of a possible trump election, is to work together to build strategic autonomy and coherence within europe. this will see anything but that right now we re seeing really a pull inwards france is going to be focused very much internally two days before the washington summit, before the native summit in washington, dc france will be admired and in a domestic elections. so the focus internally this will inevitably make it more difficult for europe to think strategically about the possibility of a trump election. but yes, you re absolutely right that for donald trump and those around him, this is a movement that they would like to see a focus more on sovereignty, on nationalism anti-immigration, and especially pushing back against the climate change agenda, oil and gas being absolutely critical to the trump s supporters so that, that movement i think is one that the former president we ll, certainly welcome you ve mentioned environment, you mentioned immigration, one of the key elements of the right-wing campaigns appears to be inflation as well, cost of living and that s appears to be what has tapped into this election. a tapped into people and got them a lot of support, something that the mainstream moderate parties haven t really managed to do. and then this second issue, which was ukraine, which ties into it because of the cost of supporting ukraine. we don t know exactly where trump s stands on ukraine, but where does all that tie together? well, as you rightly pointed out inflation, low growth, stalled growth, the effects of that are highly unequal. we re seeing that even in the united states where the growth has been much stronger when jobs have been a job creation has been very good for the whole. but the effects are still so highly unequal and it s those voters that are suffering the effects not only of the invasion of ukraine, of the sanctions of the so-called poly crisis are our voice finding their voice through leaders that are mobilizing them around and gender that isn t clear will actually deliver for that the benefits that they need to see the question of how you invest in a way that distributes goods more across the whole of society is an absolutely critical when it s one that people on the left are thinking very seriously about. but the right has been much more effective in certain corners at mobile slicing, those voters were simply not seeing the benefit they re experiencing, the hurt of those problems of growth and they re attributing it to the migrants that are coming across the borders they re seeing climate change is increasing their cost of living. so that message has been very powerful and one that europe is struggling with asieh is, is president biden in the united states to communicate a new way of thinking that can really put forward and broad and longer-term agenda very difficult to see those games if you re on the bottom end of the income scale. yeah, let s even geomorphic in london really appreciate time has ever now in the coming hours of probation officer is set to interview donald trump as part of the sentencing phase of his hush money trial. the meeting will be virtual with his attorney present as trump is back on the campaign trail, trump s advisers are eager for him to leave, talk of his legal troubles out of his speeches. but so far, that s not the case. cnn s alayna treene reports former president donald trump in his first campaign rally since being convicted in a manhattan courtroom last week surprisingly, did not talk about that trial specifically during his speech. instead, he spoke about his legal troubles more broadly. he also criticized special counsel jack smith, who was not part of this case referring to him it s a quote, dumb son of a and also claimed that the weaponization of the justice department in this country is worse than what you would find in a third world country. take a listen to how he put it i tell you what. no third world country has weaponization, where they go after political candidates, like we have either this guy can t get elected anything without cheating. the only way he can get elected is to cheat. now, despite that rhetoric, i will tell you that from my conversations with donald trump s campaign, they really do want him to leave this weekslong trial in the past and really begin turning back to a general election and pain message that includes talking about immigration, something he spoke about at length on sunday as well as the economy and crime and he did make one new announcement on sunday. he said that in a second administration of his would eliminate taxes on tips and that s something particularly important to voters here in nevada, especially given in the state s reliance on tourism and transportation. now, just looking ahead, to monday, donald trump is set to have a pre sentencing hearing with a probation officer. now this is pretty routine. following a conviction like his however, what s not normal is that it is going to be virtual will towed. he ll be at his mar-a-lago home with his defense attorney, todd blanche that alayna treene, cnn, las vegas, up next a shakeup inside israel s emergency government after key official says he s quitting the war cabinet, the announcement of blow to israel s prime minister even as he celebrated a rare rescue of hostages, why that operation in gaza is now drawing scrutiny. a reaction from across the globe ahead, how the us national security adviser responded to questions about the death toll in israel s latest operation i m out here telling people how they can say you ve money with experience, you got subscriptions. yeah, netflix, hulu, retrial, forgot to cancel it. they re hoping that actually mean what am i told you that experience has description cancellation we re you can just 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guard free to help you say goodbye to that hard to clean gunk between your stove and counter-top, just pay a separate processes. this is not available in stores, go to so right away or scan the qr code on your screen order now it s already war cabinet member benny gantz says he is stepping down from the country s emergency government. here s departure comes just weeks all three issued an ultimatum to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as he called on him to lay out a new plan for the war against hamas by june the 8th, netanyahu ask gantz to change his mind saying, now is the time to join forces. but gantz made his thoughts clear accusing the israeli leader of putting his own political considerations ahead of a strategy for post-war gaza. here s part of what he said in a televised statement on sunday it s can you tell only regrettably netanyahu is preventing us from advancing toward true victory, which is the justification for the ongoing and painful cost of war. that is why we are leaving the emergency government today with a heavy heart, but with full confidence i call on netanyahu, set an agreed election date. don t allow our people to get torn apart the announcement came a day after israeli forces rescued four hostages in an operation in gaza where officials say scores of palestinians were killed, were tracking all these developments from here in london not as here also, elliott, not if i can just start with that operation we ve had more detail about the wider effects of it effectively. yeah, absolutely. and this has been described as perhaps one of the deadliest days that we have seen in gaza in months. gazan authorities saying at least 274 people were killed over the course of this operation, nearly 700 others injured. and we have seen the graphic and again, distressing images emerging from they know said refugee camp, this was an area of course where we knew thousands of civilians had been sheltering. it has of course, come under heavy bombardment as we have seen in recent days and weeks. and of course, we ve been hearing from civilians on the ground have described the chaos and carnage which took place afterwards, the heavy bombardment, the lack of anywhere really to escape to for safety, we ve also seen images emerging from the nearby al-aqsa martyrs hospital, as we know, this is a hospital which was already severely overrun given recent airstrikes that we have seen in the area. but again, bodies piled up in these overrun malls. we ve seen casualties being treated on the ground according to some eyewitnesses on the ground, ambulances weren t actually able to get into the area to provide support for those injured because it had been deemed a military zone in that environment had a contingent, of course. this is really stoked concern over really what the actual purpose of this operation is. in terms of the protection of civilians. we ve seen those warnings from world leaders at calling for the israeli military to do more to protect civilians over the course of their military operations, be that targeting hamas are trying to rescue of hostages held captive by hamas in gaza. but again, this is one of the deadliest attacks that we ve seen in recent days and weeks earlier to play into gantz s resignation. it did. he was due to announce his resignation on june the 8th. that was the deadline that was saturday. as a result of the rescue of four israeli hostages, which you ve just been talking about, of course, on the other effects of it, gantz postponed it by a de sunday evening goes before the cameras and announces his resignation interesting, because at the beginning of the war, ganz joined the government. he formed this national unity government because israel, he said, you know, we needed to be united now in this war against hamas. and they form this war cabinet, again, specifically insisted that he be a part of the war cabinet is basically him, defense minister yoav gallant and prime minister netanyahu. there are a couple of observers as well and specifically ensured that the far-right ministers in prime minister netanyahu s governing coalition. we re not in the war cabinet, so all of what we ve seen in the war, the decisions have been made by israel in the actions have been a result of the israeli war cabinet. now gantz has gone from that. we ve already got national security minister itamar ben gvir hey, who never even served in the israeli military, by the way, because his views were considered to be two extremist. he s now clamoring for inclusion in the war cabinet. and i suppose what we ve had until now is that ganz provided an element of cover for netanyahu to say to his right-wing coalition members, look, this is the way that we re doing things because this is our war cabinet. now that cover but has gone. i think that you could see the war cabinet taking decisions which may be gantz would not have approved netanyahu is beholden to the right-wing more than he was quite because he d still has the numbers in the knesset, the parliament, his government is not under threat. his position as prime minister is not right now. the threat, unless his coalition parties leave the government, he s got 64 out of 120 seats and the coalition right now, next election, elections are planned for october 2026, but now, absolutely, he s more beholden than ever to those right-wing members of his government. and i think in addition to the war, the other thing that way of course, paying attention to is the ongoing hostage talks. now we had president biden come out couple of weeks ago with that ceasefire plan, which the americans say israel has already accepted. and the ball is now in hamas has caught israel likely to go forward with a deal that those right-wing minister s have already said would cause them to leave the government, leaving prime minister netanyahu the unpalatable prospect of elections, which opinion polls say that he would lose well, it s one would imagine that given what gantz has been saying that netanyahu is now acting more out of his own personal political self-interest. that that is something that would come into play even more with his peaceful, a peace deal or israeli proposal becomes more right-wing it makes it less likely to be achieved absolutely. and i m sorry, these ongoing attacks that we re seeing targeting areas or we know civilians are sheltering. i m making it more difficult. of course, when it comes to hamas is perspective on those ongoing ceasefire negotiations that s been the warning for some time now from regional leaders who ve been playing a key part in mediating talks between hamas and of course, israeli officials and the united states. we ve heard from egyptian officials just yesterday saying that because latest round of strikes on the nuseirat refugee camp will have a negative impacts on those ongoing discussions. we heard that previously, of course, with regards to the situation in an offer that any sorts of ground operation in rafah would scupper ceasefire negotiations. and what we ve seen, this supposed peace plan put on the table by president biden supposedly with the approval of the israeli government, calling for a peaceful exchange of hostages for palestinian prisoners. clearly, what we ve seen now is released. thankfully of israeli hostages. but at the cost of more than two hundred lives. of course it in gaza. and so that has really put concern four regional leaders, particularly in the middle east, who have been pushing for this piece band, the united states of course. but in more pressure on the israeli government and on hamas to both accept this peace proposal. but if we continue to see these rounds of strikes that we are seeing in gaza, where we aren t seeing these significant civilian casualties as a result, that is likely to suffer any sort of ongoing peace negotiations. and of course, we ve got blinken now traveling to the middle east, meeting with officials in both egypt and of course in israel and of course there is that mounting pressure from the us government, from the biden administration for both sides to come to a lasting agreement but clearly we are not seeing those movements on the ground with regards to any sort of attempt to actually push towards that peace plan. okay. matter, elliott. thank you both very much. us national security adviser says the an enduring ceasefire deal between israel and hamas is the only credible path forward and is calling on hamas to accept the latest proposal. those comments from jake sullivan coming just a day after the israeli military operation that rescued those four hostages from gaza, where officials say scores killed as nauta was saying, sullivan was asked about that during an interview with cnn we didn t have any us forces on the ground. second, we ve been working for months to support israel in its efforts to rescue and recover hostages from gaza. civilians were killed, and that is tragic. it is heartbreaking. i ve said before that the palestinian people are going through hell in this war. their caught in the crossfire hamas hides among civilian infrastructure hides underground, and puts the palestinian people in harm s way. and this whole thing, this whole tragedy could be hoover all the hostages could be home, there could be a ceasefire if hamas would just step up and say yes to the deal that the israelis have accepted in that president biden elaborate did a week ago. so the world should call on hamas to take this deal. the united states will support israel and taking steps to try to rescue hostages who are currently being held in in harm, held by hamas. and we will continue to work with israel to do that, we will also we ll continue to reinforce the point that all of their military operations, including hostage rescue operation, should take every precaution to minimize the amount of civilian harm arm or civilian casualties that is a point we will reinforce in all of our engagements with the israelis after the break, hunter biden s trial set to resume hours from now, will the president s son take the stand in his own defense? we ll have more on that plus a venezuelan gang has so to terror in several central and south american countries now, us officials warned they are entering the united states russian, her trying to spy on us. we were spying on them. this is a secret war secrets and spies sunday at ten on cnn attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june. if you lived or work that can t lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days? he is from august 1953 to december 1987 and has been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be available, called legal injury advocates. now, to discuss your case, got 1805 013636. that s 1805 013636 called now, why is no novi is perfect for allergies, people who have allergies will have lots of problems if 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274 palestinians israel says it estimates the number of casualties from the operation to be under 100 cnn can t independently verify either sides. bigger s former us president donald trump is stepping away from the campaign trail today for a pre-sentencing interview with a probation officer, trump was convicted of falsifying business records in new york as part of a hush money scheme is sentencing is scheduled for july the 11th on to biden s federal gun trial resumes today, but is not yet clear if the president s son will testify in his own defense, hunters accused of having a gun whilst being addicted to crack cocaine and lying on a form about his drug abuse soon as marshall cohen has more president joe biden s son, hunter biden has a huge decision to make. will he testify in his own defense at his criminal trial? that s currently underway in wilmington, delaware. he s facing three felony charges for allegedly lying about his past and continuing drug use in 2018 when he bought a gun, it s against federal law for a drug user or a drug addict to buy a gun or possess a gun in this country. so why might he want to take the stand? because it s a very risky move. there are so many things in his past that the problem prosecutors could throw at him if he s on the stand. well, for his part, the defense attorneys that have been representing hunter throughout this case have said that one of the things they want to make sure that the jury hears, if he does testify is that he can tell them that he has been clean and sober and law abiding since 2019. the jury in this case has heard so much about his rampant and almost unstoppable drug abuse in the years, including when he bought that gun in 2018 18 that s a big part of the prosecution s case. so the defense might try to rebut some of that by telling the jury about his subsequent sobriety and how he was trying to get sober not too long after he bought that gun. now, the prosecutors have said in pretrial court filings that if hunter does testify, they might want to ask him about his discharge from the navy in 2014 because he tested positive for cocaine back then and also they said they might try to undermine his credibility. you might try to impeach his credibility they said, when they charged him, that he loved biden federal background check forums about his drug use. they said in these filings that if he testifies, they might also try to convince the jury that he lied. also about his taxes. they have charged him in a separate federal indictment in california all about his taxes and alleged tax evasion. and the prosecutor said that they may try to bring in some of those allegations into this case. to demonstrate to the jury that in their view, he cannot be trusted on the stand on his tax forms are on a gun form, either so we ll find out monday when the proceedings resume in delaware at 9:00 a.m. eastern we should learn pretty soon. if you ve got going to testify, if he doesn t, then we will probably be heading straight to closing arguments in this historic case. marshall cohen, cnn, washington the governor of, texas says president biden is gaslighting americans with his new action on the southern us border. mr. biden s executive order bars migrants crossing the border illegally from seeking asylum. if that number exceeds a daily average of 2,500. but greg abbott says that policy and now it s less than a week ago, isn t aggressive enough all this new button policy is going to do is to actually attract an invite even more people to cross the border illegally. and you ve seen on videos now, ever since that biden order went into place, there s no slowing down of people crossing the border in fact, is just accelerating. and so this, this is gaslighting less, pardon, as soon expected to follow up on this order with another move, this time focusing on providing legal status to long term undocumented immigrants married to a us citizens us officials say members of venezuela s most notorious gang are taking advantage of southern migration routes and now established in the united states, the trend are gu again, is allegedly running a multistate human trafficking ring attacking police officers and dealing drugs. rafah romo tells us how they entered the country and how law enforcement is trying to counter the threat for the last several years they have terrorized multiple south american countries police so the region see, i ve been a swollen gang known as that in their agua has victimized thousands through extorsion, drug and human trafficking kidnapping, and murder. and now you as law enforcement including customs and border protection and the fbi, say the gang has made their way into the country the fbi, el paso can confirm that members of thread day have crossed into the united states is about a vasa a former venezuelan police officer now living in florida, says he fled his country in large part because the gang had become so powerful, they could kill law enforcement like him with impunity. boza says, a fellow police officer who refused to cooperate with the gang was shot 50 times. its enable you refused and was murdered. he tied his body to a motorcycle and dragged it throughout the san vicente neighborhood to demonstrate the power of the tren de aragua. they have followed the migration russian paths across south america to other countries and have set up criminal groups throughout south america as they follow those paths. and that they appear to have followed the migration north united states. you as border patrol chief jason owens, who has confirmed multiple arrests of our members over the last year, issued a warning in early april after reporting yet another arrest, watch out for this gang, he said, it is the most powerful in venezuela known for murder, drug traffic king six crimes extortion, and other violent acts. the challenge for law enforcement officials is that it s very difficult to know how many members of friendly aragua are already here in the united states. what somebody venezuelan immigrants are telling us here in florida and other states is that they are already beginning to see in there the communities, the same type of criminal activity they fled from in venezuela. will they do have their hands and prostitution contract killing, selling of drugs selling of arms you name it. they just all types of criminal activity that they can engage in. anything that s an illicit activity. they re going to engage in for a profit trend, de, aragua, a violent venezuelan street gang it is operating in the united states. a judge in miami-dade county sit in a hearing that one of two suspects in the murder of a former venezuelan police officer in south florida, allegedly is a member of the gang and more recently, a new york police source told cnn the 19-year-old who allegedly opened fire of two officers there s after they tried to stop them for riding a scooter in the wrong direction. has tattoos associated with the gang illegal yet no north sadducee boza, the former venezuelan police officer says the us government has no way of knowing if we re going to swell and immigrant asking for asylum at the southern border is in reality, a criminal. because venezuela, as a matter of policy, does not share intelligence with the united states our biggest concern would be making sure our partners are aware to be on the lookout. and that s the key federal officials say when it comes to making sure this new thread than the united states, that s not growing to the national security challenge. it s become in several latin american countries rafael romo, cnn me now coming up, north korea is sending more trash balloons over the border to south korea and seoul is weighing its options details ahead the. most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and 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card. call today! i m can measure you right now. i m taylor on ios or android as he looks to washington s nato summit in the lion us president joe biden is warning against isolationism, is back in the us after wrapping up, is five-day visit to france a chip that kicks off a diplomatic blitz that s also going to include the upcoming g7 gathering in italy on the last day of his visit, president biden s stress the importance of alliances whilst playing, paying tribute to the world war one cemetery. he says that stop was a symbolic show support for partnerships that can prevent future conflicts and the idea that we were able to avoid been engaged in major battles in europe just not realistic that s why it s so important that we continue to have alliances. we have continued to be be fulfilled continue to keep names so strong. continue to do what we ve been able to do for the last since the end of world war ii us officials are trying to persuade the g7 to approve a massive loan to ukraine using profits from frozen russian assets $50 billion will become available to ukraine for use in the war with russia. but some details must still be worked out before the deal can be finalized. sources say us president joe biden tried to fast track the process. so an announcement can be made in the g7 communicate this week us officials say the deal would send a message to moscow that it won t outlast international support for ukraine. ukrainian forces say they ve destroyed a state of the russian stealth fighter jet. meanwhile, in a drone attack over the weekend, there are only a few reportedly income that and it was nearly 600 kilometers from the front lines in the war the decades old balloon feud meanwhile, between north and south korea, picking up speed over the weekend, north korea sent dozens of trash balloons into south korean territory. and south korea responded with loudspeaker broadcast. but one south korean politician is urging both countries to stop the quote childish chicken games might valeriia joins us now from sold, we ve had another update as well about a response from north career, i believe max it s right and we were able to confirm through south korea s joint chiefs of staff that they have seen indications that north korea appears to be preparing loudspeakers of their own along the border of the dmz to blair propaganda messages from the northern side to here and the southern side i d, of the dmz. so again, max, if you re just following this whole drama, this is all resulting from dueling balloons from south korea for years, sending slices of life, slices of freedom via balloons to north korea and north korea in recent days responding by calling those deliveries filth and sending trash balloons here to the soul metropolitan area. and in different parts of south korea. so yesterday, we saw south korea respond with loudspeaker propaganda broadcasts for the first time in about six years. and max, it s worth pointing out when we say propaganda broadcasts coming from south korea, we re not talking about old cold war stuff we re talking about a song from bts that played on these huge military loudspeakers emanating from the roofs of these trucks that you re seeing on the screen right there. other k-pop songs. so we re talking about soft power blaring from south korea to north korea also, south korean news reports detailing human rights abuses perpetrated by kim jong un and his regime in north korea. north korea for its part kim yo jong, the sister of the northern leader, saying that this could be a prelude to a very dangerous situation, warning of more consequences. but max earlier last week we were able to speak to the founder of a south korean group. he defected from north korea in 2000 and he justified sending these balloon deliveries north. and what was sent in those deliveries. here s what he told us now, me will one we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love. but to send filth and trash in return that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so max, a lot of mixed feelings about this. the main opposition leader here in south korea, ej him young, a saying that this is essentially a game of chicken from his point of view. and it could lead to a localized conflict or very absolute worst-case scenario and all-out war that seems to be mu during the points of views of many constituents we, we ve been talking with over the past few days, specifically farmers who live near the dmz, who have said, you know what, we re just trying to live our lives here and we want this all to stop. but in some max, we here at cnn have counted 1110 trash balloons from north korea to south korea everybody living here in seoul just wants it to stop. they ve said that this is getting old really fast, but it s all about the tempo of how this for tat increases, or hopefully slows down over the next few days, max okay. my malaria live in seoul. thank you so much now a bit arrivals india and geopolitics on that in a much-anticipated and 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to washington abuse women have won gold at seven straight olympic games. going back to 1996, they ll play their first game in paris on july the 29th there s a new king of clay, carlos alcaraz of spain won his first french open title on sunday, the beat germany s alexander zverev in five sets to claim his third grand slam victory overall at age 21 out grass is now the youngest man to win a grand slam title on every surface he won the us open in 2022 and wimbledon last year is the youngest man to win at the french open since rafael nadal back in 2000. 2007? bugs on cricket fans and jude heartbreak and the t20 cricket world cup in new york on sunday as india edge to win by just six runs in the bitter rivals nail baiting, nail-biting encounter. after a rain delay in gia batter is batted first managing our getter ball, total of only 119 runs. but in response, with pakistan leading 18 runs from the final over, they came up just shot parks on. now have lost two matches in a row, which means their fate will depend on results of the us. the usa team who dealt pakistan a shock defeat in that previous match my god, oh my god. oh my god in the spotlight, officials in florida s panhandle are asking beachgoers to exercise caution after three people were injured in two separate shark attacks over the weekend are 45-year-old woman was suing with her husband when she was attacked on friday two teenage girls were also attacked on the same day, according to the local fire department, the south walton fire district said yellow and purple flags are being used to warn people of the hazards but apple wants to hang with the big kids in the world of artificial intelligence. the tech giant is expected to announce a partnership today with chatgpt maker openai, and unveil its first generative ai tools for iphones. those tools are expected to be called apple intelligence and they re likely to be used to ramp up series usefulness thanks jaume here on cnn newsroom. i m exposed to in london, cnn 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Transcripts For MSNBC Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire 20240610

that does it for me today, but we ve got a big show planned for tomorrow night. my guests will include pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and new york congressman dan goldman. i m very excited to talk to both of them. in the meantime be sure to follow the show on twitter, tick tock, and instagram, and a reminder you can listen to every episode of the podcast for free. we ll see you back here tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern, but stay right where you are because there s much more news coming up on msnbc. . jill > . jill jill and i wanted to pay our respects. it means a hot. everybody was worried about you and they nerve mentioned me. i m up here sweating like a dog. there s no quit in america. none. there s no quit in america. secret service says we have to keep everyone safe. i said what about me. they said we never thought about that. the best way is to stay strong with our allies. to not break, do not break. do you feel the breeze because i don t want anybody going on me. we need every voter. i don t care about you. i just want your vote. president biden wraps up a visit to france honoring both world war i and world war ii veterans while donald trump campaigned in las vegas post-criminal conviction. we ll have more on the split screen from over the weekend. plus, israeli forces rescue four israeli hostages kept in captivity. what we learned about that operation and the emotional reunion that took place. plus, will hunter biden take the stand today in his federal gun trial? we ll go over what to expect when court proceedings resume later this morning. good morning and welcome to way too early on this monday, june 10th. monday again, folks. i m jonathan lemire. thanks for starting your day and week with us. president joe biden is back in the united states after a very busy week in france that focused on reaffirming america s commitment to its allies and commemorating 80 years since d-day. yesterday the president and first lady capped their trip with a visit to the american cemetery, the resting place of more than 2,300 war-dead with over a thousand names missing inskrieshed on the interior wall of its chapel. the low caution saw heavy fighting nearby during world war ii while the chapel still bears a hole caused by an artillery shell which is left as a reminder of what took place there. the president finished his trip by paying his respects to the fallen. afterward he spoke to reporters about the sacrifice those troops made and the importance of standing by our allies. we stopped the germans. we stopped the germans. and the idea we were able to avoid being engaged in major battles in europe is not realistic. that s why it s so important to continue the alliances we have, continue to keep nato strong, continue to do what we ve been able to do for the last since the end of world war ii. so i just wanted jill and i wanted to come and pay our respect. more marines were lost than any battle in the middle of world war ii. the idea that i come to normandy and not make the short trip here to pay tribute, it s the same story. think about it. america showed up. america showed up to stop the germans. america showed up to make sure that they did not prevail, and america shows up when we need it, just like our allies show for us. mr. president, what do you hope americans take away from you coming on this interest in? that the best way to avoid these kinds of battles in the future is to stay strong with our allies. do not break, do not break. this trip to honor d-day was also about establishing an implicit contrast with donald trump. biden never mentioned trump by name, but he touted alliances, allowances that trump has threatened. he s promised to stand strong with ukraine while trump has time and time again sided with russia and then even yesterday he concluded his trip with a visit to that world war i cemetery. it was the same one that trump skipped when he was president because it was raining. and while the president was saluting the veterans over the weekend, trump was delivering an off the rails campaign speech in las vegas. in sweltering heat yesterday trump struggled to speak and dealt with teleprompter issues throughout the afternoon. that caused him to go off script, results in some revealing and some confusing moments. he just came up and i said, did the teleprompters not work? he said not a bit. and then they came up with a story and said, trump doesn t pay. i don t paycor tractors that do a [ bleep ] diop. that s a [ bleep ] job. that s a [ bleep ] job. this is the worst border in the history of the world. no third world country has a border like that. i ll tell you what. i hope the military revolts at the voting booth. i went to a boat company in south carolina. the boat i said, how is it? he said it s a problem, sir. they want us to make all electric boats. i said, let me ask you a question. he said nobody asked the question. it must be my relationship to mit. very smart. i said what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery s now under water and there s a shark and there s a shark approximately ten yards over there? did you notice that? i watched some sharks. well, they weren t that angry. they bit off the young lady s leg because of the fact they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was. these people are great. hi said there s no problem with sharks. they just didn t understand a young woman swimming. a lot of people were in shock. i said, so there s a shark ten yards away from the boat, ten yards over here, do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking and water goes over the battery. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? he didn t know the answer. he said, nobody s ever asked me that question. i said i think there s a good question. i think there s a lot of electrocution in the current. i ll take electrocution over the shark any time. really not sure what he was talking about there. we move on now to far more important news. israeli forces have rescued four hostages from hamas captivity. on saturday they found noa argamani, almog meir jan, andre kozlov, and shlomi zee you. the hostages were being held by armed captors. no argamani was in an apartment alone while the three male hostages were held together. on the ground troops provided heavy shelling to provide protection for the forces trying to rescue the hostages. one was killed in the raid. more than 200 palestinians also died during saturday s operation. it s not known how many of these were militants. four four had been kidnapped during the nova music festival on october 7th. the hostages were found in good medical condition. they were taken to an israeli hospital for evaluation where they were reunited with their families. some beautiful scenes there. joining us now retired cia officer mark papadopoulos. marc, first of all, tell us about this operation, how difficult was this. do talk to us about the civilian toll, and do we the it could foreshadow other similar rescue operations. good morning, jonathan. a really extraordinary recovery operation. it s going to go down in my history of the world of terrorism. they had their undercover police tactical unit infiltrate into the area. they went in there, they recovered the hostages. upon exfiltration is when they had contact with hamas and that s when a lot of casualties ensued, but that s after they were removing the four hostages. it s reallying they assisted with this. they used three september services for this. of course, one part of this is that the commander of the israeli tactical team was killed in the operation. it reminds many of us of what happened in 1976 in an airport in uganda where they rescued hostages back then. the older brother of the prime minister was killed in the special forces utility. huge relief in is real. there was joy. tv commentators were crying. my contacts were absolutely relieved and overjoyed. one key point on this, jonathan, the us raleys that i talked to said while this was a one-off, the real way to get back the hostages is through the cease-fire deal which we know is still pending right now. let s talk about that. in moments secretary blinken is set to touch down in ee 1yi79 to try to push for that. benny gantz is resigning from israel s war cab it citing prime minister netanyahu is not capable of going forward. talk about that seismic development. it s interesting. there was a sense of relief and you forrial, but the political reality of what s happening with the israeli fast has now crept back into the equation with benny gantsz leaving. what does this really mean? he s left the war cabinet. another observer also resigned and now you have prime minister netanyahu really reliant on much more extreme kind of nationalist hard-liners, even harder to come by. secretary blinken arrives in the region amongst this political dysfunction. let s not forget it s actually an israeli deal that they re backtracking from now. you can use all sorts of words to describe what blinken has done. it s pretty damn difficult, but the administration is right to try. that s a deal hanging over the israelis. they have something historic at their fingertips. can netanyahu deliver now? it s skeptical. good on the administration for trying. you said that well. euphoria about this rescue operation. retired cia officer marc polymeropoulos diop lus. still ahead, manhattan attorney alvin bragg, he sets his own timeline. plus, we ll take a look at election results from overseas as far right parties make big gains in the european parliament. those stories and a check on sports and wler when we come right back. we come right back so this is pickleball? it s basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e trade from morgan stanley, we re ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i d rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that s a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one s free. missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don t stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it s right for you. 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( ) and enxtra for focus and clarity. centrum, powered by clinically studied ingredients. it s derm s day off, but neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen is still on the clock. vital sun protection goes six layers deep blocking 97% of burning uv rays. it s light, but it s working hard. unlike me. neutrogena ultra sheer sunscreen. welcome back as we turn to some of the morning s other headlines. alvin bragg will testify in connection to former president trump s hush money trial conviction. bragg responded to requests from trump ally and judiciary committee chairman congressman jim superior is dan on friday saying he s willing to testify but not before trump s sentencing date next month. jordan had originally requested a hearing next week. bragg s response counters that date saying the court proceedings are simply not yet over in the case. the d.a. s letter also asked to speak to the committee about the scope of the proposed testimony. congressman jordan and numerous other republican lawmakers have publicly blasted trump s hush money trial corrupt despite finding him guilty on all charges. turning overseas, early forecasts show that far right parties have appeared to have made major gains in the european parliament elections. they will still maintain a majority of the parliament, but conservative groups in france, germany, and austria appear to be making major inroads in those nations. the results in france were so significant president emmanuel macron hot off the heels of a meeting with president biden called for snap electionings at the end of the month. meanwhile the leader of awe try ja s right wing party gives them momentum for a national race, adding, quote, one election influences the other. to india now where narendra modi has been sworn in for a third consecutive term as that nation s prime minister. modi and his cabinet took the oegd of office yesterday at the presidential palace in new delhi. the 73-year-old leader narrowly won his position by relying on coalition parties after his party failed to win the majority. modi is only the second to retain power for a third five-year term. next up here, we ll turn to sports and the winners of the men s and women s french finals over the weekend. plus we ll bring you the recap of game two of the nba finals before the game shift this week to dallas for games three and four. those highlights and a check on monday morning forecast when way too early returns. n monday morning forecast when way too early returns. but no matter what business i m in. my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you verizon business. 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also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what s my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you re age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. options start at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate-lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information, and you ll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it s yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. blocked, jones, reserving. a buzz. what a buzz from white. derek white s chase-down block preserved a five-point lead for the celtics in the final minute, helping seal another boston victory last night over the dallas mavericks in the nba finals. great play. jrue holiday s 26 points led another all-around effort by the celtics to overcome a triple-double over the mavericks to take a 2-0 series lead. the team is traveling to dallas for a game on wednesday. the celtics have not lost on the road this whole postseason. they didn t even play that well last night. they shot terribly from three, yet, they win. 2-0. meantime tonight in the nhl the florida panthers host the edmonton oilers. the panthers have a 1-0 series lead after shutting out the oilers, 3-0 in saturday s opener. to tennis now, carlos alkaraz is the french open champion. the 21-year-old spaniard won a five-set thriller against alexander to win the third grand slam title of his career. he eclipses fellow spaniard rafael nadal who collected championships on three major surfaces. this trumps the che and on grass at wimbledon last year. such an exciting young player. on the women s side, iga swa tech expressed her dominance, taking just over an hour on saturday to complete the three-peat for hur fourth french open title in five years and fifth major. wimbledon, a few weeks off. turning now to major league baseball, the dodgers were looking to sweep a three-game sweep at yankee stayed you. bottom of the sixth, yankees trailing by one with runners on the course. they took on the lead. aaron judge added his league-leading 24th home run in the eighth. lots of dodgers fans in the bronx all weekend long, but they beat them to avoid the sweep. time now for the weather. let s go to meteorologist bill karins for the weather. i know you re rooting hard for the celtics. by the numbers, this is one of the best teams ever in nba history, a top 15-20 team ever. those of us who watch all the time knows that s not quite trier. but this time of season, they tend to blow at thend. dallas has luca. sometimes irving. perry was not good last night. boston has four all-stars. holliday is a legit he s on his way to a second title. so, yeah, are you going to go to the parade downtown? we re not there yet, bill, come on. a lot of areas are going to have a beautiful day, but the problem areas are going to stay problematic all week long. so here s all the rainfall we re going to see in florida. today isolated. but watch what happens. this is not a tropical system, but it is going to pour. if you chose this week, it s going to be umbrella weather like on and off every single day. these are the rainfall totals. it could rain ten inches. florida has sandy soil, so hopefully the flooding won t be too bad. urban flooding will be a problem. in the west t heat will be back on. it s going to be one of those summers, almost like last year, endless heat. so phoenix to tucson, expect hot temperatures in the middle of this week. 110 to 112. even today, california, reading, 104. sat lake city not bad at 8 8. we do it again. great weather. low humidity. beautiful morning in the great lakes. no problems whatsoever. and as we go into tuesday and wednesday, it starts to get warmer. we should be looking at our first 90s later this week. be prepared for that. can t say i m looking forward to it. bill karins, thank you so much. still ahead on way too early, we ll turn to politics and donald trump s potential vp contenders hit the sunday morning talk shows as the rate for the number two spot on the gop ticket heats up. we ll take a look at who may be at the top of the list as well as some possible dark horses. we ll be right back with that. ks we ll be right back with that. in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr a once-daily td treatment for adults. as you go with austedo austedo xr significantly reduced kate s td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds (kate) oh, hi buddy! 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(old spice mnemonic) welcome back to way too early. it is coming up on 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this monday morning. i m jonathan lemire. thank you for being with us. the auditioning for donald trump s vice presidential pick continued yesterday with several of the contenders hitting the sunday talk shows. senators j.d. vance of ohio and tim scott of south carolina both answered questions about the veep stakes. take a look. have you sent the necessary paperwork inin terms of vetting, the vice presidential spot. yeah, i haven t spoken with donald trump. until i do, this is a lot of media speculation. do you think you satisfied the requirements and could help him win and become president. there s no question we have a great republican party. president trump doesn t need any help. what he needs is amplifying his voice. joining us now, national politics reporter for the hill julia manchester who s watching the veep stakes so closely. in a minute we ll talk about them. give us a sense right now as to people you talked to. where do they think things stand? look, right now at the top of the list is south carolina senator tim scott. he s seen as someone who might be more of i don t want to say more of a moderate voice, but someone who could reach out past conservative circles and maybe bring outside voters in, a person who could particularly play well with the suburban female, for example, or even black voters. we re unsure of how big of an impact that will be. that s the logic i ve gotten coming from some republicans. them you have doug burgum. they say he doesn t have as big of a chance as scott, but he s someone who s proven himself to be a good fund raiser and he s built his public profile in recent weeks. he s been a regular on cable news and conservative media, also seen as someone who could be palatable to a voter outside of the maga or very conservative circles. then, of course, you have senator marco rubio, one-time rival of the former president going back to 2016. but the issue for marco rubio is that he is from florida and we know that former president trump is now a florida resident, so there would have to be some way to skirt the 12th amendment or some sort of a loophole, but that seems to be the biggest issue for the senator from florida. so let s talk now about the potential dark horses. share some of names. the number one person is nikki haley. we know this has been a very, very contentious primary between donald trump and nikki haley, but things appear to have somewhat smoothed out in recent weeks. we know haley said she would vote for trump, saying he was a better ailtive to biden. trump has said she would be an integral part of the trump team, she served in the trump administration. just as i was saying about marco rubio before, trump has a history of having these very contentious primary competitions and then essentially smoothing things over with those former rivals. so we ll see what happens there. then you have a few lesser known names like, for example, congresswoman maria salazar from florida. she s been a name that s been floated, someone who could play very well with the latina vote. once again there s that 12th amendment issue. if there s someone who s going to be looked at from florida, it s going to be marco rubio. then there s the candidate from new york. he s very important because he s very much a very good fund raiser and he s someone that certainly made inroads in a very blue state, losing to governor kaly hochul in the 2020 midterms by less than ten point. that s sort of an improvement for republicans in that state. you ve heard his name quoted. there are some like trump s last vice president, threat of being hung. trump seems in no hurry to make a decision. julia manchester. thank you for joining us this morning. still ahead we ll go live to cnbc for an early look at what s driving investors as the feds meet on interest rates. that s going to be held later this week. we ll be right back with busy news. right back with busy news nice to meet ya. my name is david. i ve been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it s effective. does not require a prescription. and i ve been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, david, that really works so good for me. makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. 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yeah, good morning, jon. certainly it would be a question mark of the repercussions, how they make this marketable move. so far you re seeing a little bit of a downtrodden week. it manned to move up. significant gain. passed $3 trillion in market cap. just last week they re losing its place to apple at some stages when it valuation. but those tech counters are the ones to look out for. there s the fed putting out their interest rate decision this week. it s not going to be about this decision. what happens in the future? will they be cutting any time soon? so job growth in the u.s. shot up much higher than expected last month. we got that data during morning joe on friday. so what does that mean for the state and trajectory of the economy, arabile? yeah. so it actually falls hot and cold a little bit, jon, believe it or not. it was more than the 190,000 anticipated at best. it means it s still a fairly hard labor market in that respect. you saw the jobs numbers head out to 4%. that could be perhaps a little bit worrying for the fed. they didn t want that figure to ultimately reach there. it shows the level of buoyancy in the labor market that still kept up and remained below 4%. could this weakness ultimately mean they now have to begin to cut interest rate as little bit in order to ease the pressure on that labor market? so those are key questions the fed will have to answer this week as they kick off the fomc meeting. lastly, according to a new study, the u.s. has outpaced the rest of the world in making new millionaires. tell us what fueled that growth and commonwealth last year. yeah. so, i mean a lot of growth has been seen just out of stockmarket growth. that s pretty much what happened. a lot of people are investing in equities all over the world and particularly the united states. a lot of that growth, particularly the tech shares that have been able to move things quite significantly, they have invested quite significantly in artificial intelligence. you re seeing they have invested, your nvidias, the likes of your microsofts and apples, all managing to move significantly higher as you have seen as well with even the billionaires whose growth has happened over the last four years or so. that has continued to be at play. you re seeing 6,000 new millionaires out of the united states. cnbc s arabile gumede live from london. thank you as always. next up here, donald trump is reportedly set to have an interview with a probation officer today. what that means for the former president as he awaits sentencing for his criminal conviction in the new york hush money case. way too early will be right back with that. ney case way too early will be right back with that and keeping it off? 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jonathan, let s start in the reverse. i think hunter biden would not testify. i think the law he s being charged with is so straightforward, it s going to be difficult absent any other testimony we would not know about to have him take the stand and it would be beneficial to him. i think if there is a proto him testifying at all it s possible that he could human ietz himself in front of the jury, but i don t see how he would do that without taking the fifth a number of times in which he criminalizes himself, but he runs the risk in front of the jury of looking like a guilty man. ultimately a his attorney i m advising this would not be a good idea. walk us through the case. so far you ve mentioned the evidence seems somewhat clear. give us a sense as to the timeline as to when this may wrap up, when we may get a verdict, and your sense of how the prosecution has done? i think the prosecution had a relatively low bar given the elements of the crime. it s a straightforward case and has essentially two elements. the first is that hunter biden possessed a gun while he was addicted to a controlled substance and the prosecution is establishing that through circumstantial evidence. the other is he lied in order to get the handgun. two straightforward charges. they don t need hunter biden s testimony to refute that. whatever it is they re putting on regarding the gun store owner handling the app indication, those things should be sufficient if it s compelling. this is a case that should wrap up at least in terms of the cases both by the defendant and the prosecution this week along with closing statements. so we could be looking at a case going before the jury before friday. donald trump has got a presentence interview with the probation officer today. you re familiar with these things. give us a sense as to what that s like and we, of course, can only imagine how unhappy trump will be to participate in such an event. listen, jonathan, these are probation officers who handle things in volume, so it s going to be very straightforward, and these questions are relatively routine. you alluded to a lot of it. they re going to want to know who the contacts are, who s living with you in terms of income. they re also going to want to know what your propensity is for a flight risk and also what respect you have for your the law in general. so done is going to have to toe a particularly tight line given everything he said publicly and basically feign respect for the law, feign an understanding of his conviction, and basically convince this person he should not be put in some sort of 40e78 confinement or more serious custody. all right. msnbc legal analyst, we appreciate you helping us out this morning. up next here on way too early, donald trump continues to offer his sympathy for those who stormed the capitol on january 6th. we ll play for you his comments at a rally in nevada yesterday. and then coming up on morning joe, a radio host is raising awareness about antiabortion with the story of his wife s devastating miscarriage and the treatment she was denied. plus, we ll bring you live reporting from israel just days after forces rescued four hostages in gaza. the latest on that operation, and the political turmoil within the israeli government as a key member steps down from the war cabinet. what that means for prime minister netanyahu. also ahead, oscar-nominated actor jude law will be live in studio with a look at his new film fire brand. morning joe just a few moments away. you won t want to miss it. just w moments away you won t want to miss it. 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it s going to be really important for the biden campaign and other democrats to remind people what the trump years were like, including how they ended. president biden was in france for several days last week, and his team really set about creating an implicit contrast with donald trump. biden was there for all the d-day events praising alliances. we know trump has tried to sabotage nato and other american alliances. president biden reiterating commitment to ukraine. we know trump frequently backs russia and not kyiv. then even yesterday, president biden was at the world war i cemetery that trump, when he was in office, skipped a ceremony there because it rained. do you think this messaging is breaking through? the biden campaign is going to be about contrast. they ve been very, very clear about that. lifts it upside by side. one guy who is serious, one guy who is stands for the gravitas and great things america is about. another guy is about negativity and tearing it down. i think you ll see a lot of this, one side talks about how america sucks, and the other side talks about elevating america and the greatness of america. i think the message is going to resonate. you re an expert on branding, advertising, and breaking through. no doubt, it was noted in wilmington by the biden camp this biden trip did break through. they acknowledge, a lot is because the eyes of the world would be on the 80th anniversary of d-day. they were pleased how front and center the president was. talk about the challenge they re going to have keeping him front and center going forward. look, they have to. the american public has a great sense and a great sniff test. if all of a sudden he s not around, they re hiding him, and only doing certain events, and we re going to coddle him this way, he s got to be out there, aggressive, front and center. this all, of course, leads up to june 27th and the debate, which is going to be huge. president back on the world stage in a few days, heading to italy for the g-7 later this week. let s talk about the debate. still three weeks off, two and a half weeks off. he has time to prepare. what are some of the things he needs to accomplish that night? first and foremost, and there s not a close second, and it happened in the state of the union, he has to answer the question, is he too old? has he lost his fast ball? does he not have his punch anymore? i don t want to say substance over style, but he has to come off as full of vigor and ready to go and answer that one, oh, well, you know, he s too old, and just answer this off the bat, the same way he did state of the union. second thing, and this is why the style plays with the audience, it s about content and about who has a better grip on things. i think trump does not have the bells and whistles around him, so i think this plays to biden. first and foremost, he s got to come off full of vigor. lastly, donald trump has a probation officer interview today, something he deeply detests. just talk about how you think he ll take that, and what sort of impact you know, sentencing, month off how is that weighing on him going forward and how it may impact what he says. i think it is weighing on him. obviously, the sentencing is going to be interesting. most people don t think he ll get a prison sentence. neither do i. look, you know all this just eats away at him. probably, he ll be sitting there like this at the probation meeting. we know his court stance. he certainly ain t loving this. the good news is, he s back on the campaign trail, saying the things he says. i think the great news about the trial was a guilty verdict, and he is back on the streets now. biden team thinks that, as well. the trial sheltered him. yes. now that he is out and about, americans will be listening to him and turned off by what he says. the biggest moment is the debate, underscoring how large that looms. donny deutsch, thank you so much. we will talk again later this morning on morning joe. thanks to all of you for getting up way too early with us on this monday morning. morning joe starts right now. i wanted to come and pay respects. it matters a lot. everybody was so worried yesterday about you, and they never mentioned me. i m up here sweating like a dog. there s no quit in america, none. none, there s no quit in america. secret service said we have to make sure everyone is safe. i said, what about me? oh, we never thought of that. the best way to avoid these battles in the future is to stay strong with our allies. do not break. do not break. you feel the breeze? because i don t want anybody going on me. we need every voter. i don t care about you. i just want your

Both , Me-today , Josh-shapiro , Dan-goldman , Big-show , Guests , Pennsylvania , New-york , Person , Eyewear , Facial-expression , Chin

Transcripts For CNN Real Time With Bill Maher 20240609

Geopolitics of the cold war through the lens of two double agents who were pulling the strings behind the scenes threatening, did he stabilize diplomatic efforts? all right i always i think the early version, at least from the agency who really had a pretty good understanding of how the kgb worked there are no other the powers our everyday was so for little black he d write these studies. everybody would read them and say, oh, that s really great work, rick and then that would. be the end of it. you know, they didn t really send it anywhere and all new episode of secrets and spies, a nucleus and now, the hbo original series, real time with bill maher . how are you doing? how are you doing? thank you very much. i appreciate it. thank you, people. thank you very much. i appreciate it. all right. good to see you. thank you. please, there s so much to get to. oh, wow. i feel great about that. yes, the big news this week is hunter biden s trial. let s get right to that. it led to absolutely fucking nothing, but let s get right to it. i know the republicans they are like, if you take down trump, we are going to take down hunter biden and the democrats are like, knock yourself out, we barely care about joe biden. [ audience reacts ] but, this trial is only about one thing in america which is very important, you cannot mix drugs and guns! seriously, we don t take a lot seriously in this country, but this is one we are very serious about, and hunter biden was buying a gun on crack i mean, at the moment, he was literally on crack and buying a gun, he almost had the gun in his hand. so, the prosecutor gets up and says, no one is above the law in this country, it doesn t matter who you are or what your name is and all the republicans stood up and fist pumped and went, yeah. and then they went oh, wait. yeah, that s [ audience reacts ] that s not what they were saying last week, was it? interesting. in april, they took a survey, 17% of republicans said it was okay only 17% okay for a felon to be president. now, they took the survey again, 58% said it is okay for a felon to be president. gosh, what happened? usually, to change this drastically in the space of two months, hormones are involved. i [ laughter ] but, if hunter biden does get convicted, this will be a historic first. it will be the first time republicans ever objected to somebody buying a gun. [ audience reacts ] and there was testimony from hallie biden, because she was married to hunter biden s brother, who sadly died, beau biden. and then, hunter went out with her. so, she is the ex-girlfriend and the widow. i know. she is she testified that when he was with hunter, she got her into crack, and she is ashamed and embarrassed about that part of her life. really? [ audience reacts ] you bang your dead husband s brother and the part you are embarrassed about is the crack? okay. but [ audience reacts ] she said she found hunters going at one point, she knew she couldn t have it, so she took it away and threw it away in the supermarket dumpster, perfectly. [ laughter ] so, when hunter throughout found out she threw away his gun, he called her insane, called her stupid, said, are you on crack? if you are, can i have some? we all saw this stuff from hunter biden s laptop, right? they did a reality show about hunter biden, it would be called naked and afraid of running out of crack. and it s just [ audience reacts ] and it is just bad optics for the president. the jury is looking at sex tapes of hunter biden and the rest of us are worried about if his father can walk all right. kidding. well, actually, joe was doing the d-day thing. you saw that yesterday? he did very well. i thought he did very well. he was over there commemorating the 80th anniversary of d-day. in america, you know what they did? non-congressman oh, gosh nine congressman dressed up as military people. world war ii, you know, vintage stuff, and jumped out of a world war ii vintage plane to commemorate d- day. sadly, they were wearing parachutes. [ audience reacts ] [ laughter ] and george santos you know, when i do dress up, you bitches make a whole thing out of it. well, yes, it is pride month again, and the spirit of pride [ audience reacts ] so, listen to this. this is a pride month story, five dry greens in philadelphia did a children s books reading as they do, made a guinness book of world records for the fastest way to get trump re- elected. [ audience reacts ] not that there aren t still bigots in this country, but did you see this? this is the head of the colorado republican party sent out an email saying, calling gay people godless horrors, which in california is not even an insult. i get my hair cut at a place called godless groomers. we have a great show. we have matt welch, abigail shrier, but first up, the democratic senator from the great state of pennsylvania, john fetterman! welcome back, it s been too long! good to see you. welcome back to the show. it s been 13 years. it s an honor to be here. i am a fan boy, so right back at you. i have been badgering my staff for a long time now to get you on this show, and i will tell you why i have been badgering them, and eyeglass i guess they badgered you. when i have seen you the last couple of years, you speak so freely. you speak like politicians who i get on this show who aren t in politics anymore, the ones who are out of office, and they can be honest, that is the way you speak now, and it is a beautiful thing. [ audience reacts ] well, honestly and this is true you speak for a lot of democrats that are afraid to say a lot of that stuff. it is a lot of release for a lot of democrats who are like, thank god, somebody is actually platforming like that. no, i think we are very much on the same page. but, it is very rare i don t have to worry about being re- elected, except by the audience. [ audience reacts ] it is, i think, even more brave for you to do it. the question i want an answer to is, is this connected to some of your health issues? when you have gone through what you have, both physical and mental health issues, does it give you a freedom? like, what can you yeah, absolutely. there is a line from the first batman, joker is like, i have been dead once already, it is liberating. that is not reckless, that is really just freeing. it is just freeing, in a way. and i think after being all of that, i would just be able to say the things that i really believe in, and not be afraid if there is any kind of blowback. and what about mental health in america, at-large? what is the prescription for this? because we are going to talk about it on the show to a degree tonight. it is certainly a big issue in this country. we have, what, 50,000 suicides in the last year? absolutely. this is an outstanding number, i think. what are your thoughts on this? well, actually, after i signed myself in to walter reed to get help, with depression, it is not really a big clinical winter, to talk about depression. and when i started to have that conversation, i realized that if i started to be honest, i have to talk about self-harm, you know, harming myself, because you pointed at the 50,000 americans who took their lives, and i started talking about that and said, hey, i have been in that place. i now tell people, i promise you, i am begging you, please, don t harm yourself. stay in the game. now, i am being contacted by people on the regular saying, hey, thanks to hearing this, i got help, or it even saved my life. i never thought that would resonate and that is why i decided to have that conversation, because i was lucky i got help and got better, and now i want to be the kind of guy that can say something, that could have helped someone like me, who was in that situation. [ applause ] so, let s talk a little politics here, because that is your game. pennsylvania is going to be probably, could be, come down to three states, pennsylvania will definitely be one of them. i have always said, pennsylvania picks the president and there really is no legitimate path for the president if he doesn t win, and i believe he will win, actually, because trump was able to flip pennsylvania and that helped deliver his first victory. but, joe biden carried it in 2020 because he has a really strong connection thereto pennsylvania and i believe he will again, but it will be close, and that is the same conversation i have been having with pennsylvania, that it is going to be very close, because trump has a strong connection in pennsylvania and it will be very competitive and all of that. i have also been saying, i don t think that whole trial is going to be anything meaningful with people who have already decided, that is my guy. i will never understand why somebody would say, i love that, or i want four more years of that. but, i do believe joe biden is going to carry pennsylvania and he is going to win. [ audience reacts ] but, as he was as he has not, yet, officially been nominated by the democratic party, is he really the best one to put forward? joe biden? yeah. yeah. he is actually the only american that has ever beat trump in an election, and i do honestly believe that he is actually the only democrat that could win. and let me just say this let me just say this, i know it might be provocative but the last time there was a hotshit governor with $2 million, thought he was going to beat trump, then trump through him in the wood chipper and he finished third in his own state, in florida. and again, trump is pretty tough, and that is what the republicans want and i can t imagine why how he is feeling right now, but trump has a very and i do believe joe biden has that ability to win, and we have a great bench. it is a distinct kind of situation right now. i m surprised at that, but i will move on. i m sorry, i m not on the same page there, but okay. it is probably going to be joe biden and i will vote for him. but, you mentioned desantis. this is very curious to me, desantis wants to ban fake meat in florida, and you agreed with him. i don t get this? really, it is not so much about making it illegal, but it is also just talking about i really wanted to stand with american farmers and ranchers, and those kinds of things, and i don t believe it is helpful, and that is the direction i want to move in that. but, if somebody wants to consume that, that is okay. but, i think there are going to be states that are going to decide, i don t want to ban this, or i really want to invent and create that time, so the product stays the same. i wouldn t eat it either, quite frankly, but i wouldn t ban it. that is what desantis wants to do, so you can t get it. i thought that was the freedom part of this freedom country. if people want to have fake meat or fake anything, fake tits, fake anything. it is los angeles. [ audience reacts ] i don t yeah, i don t know about that, either, but i don t know if that is going to solve anything other than i don t get why that would appeal to anybody. you have been very up front about legalizing weed, marijuana. yeah, of course. i ve heard that from you, too. [ audience reacts ] i heard that, john, that is just a character i play on television. never in my life look, i heard you once say, or maybe read it, a tweet, you said once, i am not a progressive, i am a democrat. what does that mean? because i don t think i have used the word progressive, i think i have said woke. i know that word triggers a lot of people because it has a great beginning as a meaning, but words migrate and it went to something else. i think there is a difference between an old-school liberal and woke person, you say old- school democrat, how do you describe this? look, i agree and i have been saying that for years, actually. i didn t leave the label, it left me on that front. and after that happened on october 7th, i really knew that the whole progressive stack would be blasted apart and they are not going to have anyway for the democrats to reply to that, or respond to that, and i really decided early on that i was going to side with israel throughout all of that, and i knew that democrats would continue to peel away and kind of walk away from standing with israel on that, but that is where i decided how do you explain that, if you can, that the people who considered themselves the most liberal have abandoned israel which was always a liberal drawing for the terrorist organization, for the people who outwardly say that they want a genocide, who outwardly are the one side of this who is against the two state solution. so, now that they wound up with then, why do you think that is, and will this split the democratic party? well, it does, because there is an appeal there. and you talked about it, last week, you really hit it with the gender apartheid. talking about some of these issues, some of the most progressive and left parts of the democratic party are standing for the kind of side that has organizations like hamas, or these kinds of nations where there are no rights for women and they certainly don t embrace the lgbtq lifestyle, and even in philadelphia, the queers for palestine blocked the pride parade in philadelphia, and i never saw that on the bingo card. but [ audience reacts ] all right, well, it may seem lonely out there sometimes when you are brave like you are, but you have a lot of fans. you have a lot of fans here and a lot of fans all over the country. when i told people you were coming on, a lot of them were really excited that you are here, but they all have one question they wanted me to ask you, which is, what is the deal with the wardrobe? [ audience reacts ] people are very curious. it doesn t involve me, i m just saying, people are saying, p please ask him. last year, i know this, you had a great joke, you really nailed it, you put up a picture of me, you said, she dresses like a guy where the airline lost his luggage. and it s true! it s funny, because it s true. and i know i dress like a slob and i am not making a statement or anything, but, i am into comfort, it is just comfort, and it is kind of like i don t have to iron, and [ audience reacts ] but, it is kind of hard to find suits and all of those things. but, i never understood why anybody thought that was interesting. and i want to be clear, i wasn t behind the changing of the dress code or anything, i really wasn t. but, more people seemed more concerned about me wearing a hoodie on the floor, as opposed to, we have senators taking bribes from foreign entities, and [ audience reacts ] but, i m learning. i m learning. i m still a freshman. you seem like you are in a really good place. oh, well, i m sitting across from a great person. but you know, having a near- death experience and going through that kind of a blowtorch of $100 million and attack acts and all of those kinds of things to emerge on a side where i am grateful to be sure, both with you and back with my kids, my family, everything, and i just decided, i really want to be the kind of voice that is consistent, and has a moral clarity on issues that may not be controversial for democrats, but i am not sure why any of that is democrat controversial for democrats, whether it is about israel, or the border, or because people just want to bitch these days, john. everything is controversial to everybody, but you keep doing what you are doing. i appreciate it. [ audience reacts ] all right. see you again, john fetterman. hi! all right, here is the editor at large at reason magazine, met matt welch is back with us. a journalist and author of the new york times best-selling book, bad therapy , abigail shrier. great to see you. okay, so, this is the week where we celebrated the greatest generation saving democracy so we can learn about hunter biden smoking crack. i feel like that has been this week in a nutshell. i feel like this is one of those stories where both sides have a lot of wrong in their handling. i remember when the laptop came out, the left-wing media would not even admit it was a thing, it just had to be a hoax, or it had to be russian disinformation, it just didn t exist. they went right about it, that was wrong. and the right is wrong to pretend it means something, except possibly about joe biden s parenting. the question i want to ask because i know your book is about it, you have written about parenting okay, why do all of the political families have this fuck-up family dynamic? is it just because they are famous, and if we went into every family that had a billy carter, a roger clinton george bush himself was the ne er-do-well. since the beginning of time, we have learned that children basically need three things, and these are essential. they need parental authority, they need to hear no, they need independence, and loving community. kids with high profile families often get none of those. no one is willing to tell them no, they don t get independence because they don t want anyone to make them look bad, and they don t have loving community they are raised in a political battlefield. unfortunately, too many american kids today also don t have those. the way you describe it, it sounds like everyone is from a prominent family, because i read in your book when kids go off to college and they have never heard the word no, or the word wait, then that s right. kids today are under a microscope, they are under a microscope, literally, because of the projection of social media and whatnot, but also because their parents are so afraid of traumatizing them, they have been told by mental health experts that saying no, can be punishing and traumatizing, so they don t assert their authority. we basically have a generation raised with these kids that are miserable. and a link with your d-day tie in, which is that we understood that generation and others, but especially that one, to have a sense of stoicism. like, you are going to go through some bad stuff, you are going to fail, there is going to be unfair things that happen to you. the question is, what are you going to do with that? a 15-year-old and a 9-year-old, they are not teaching a lot of stoicism in the public school system, last time i checked. at some point, she starts to use it as an excuse to get out of chores. like, that is not my journey. [ audience reacts ] [ laughter ] it doesn t make sense to fold the laundry, so they are making fun out of it, but there is something to that. but also, when you think about the greatest generation, they probably could have used a little bit more therapy than they got, right? yes, there is a happy medium. you mentioned d-day, but i couldn t help but think of it because the new york times said ptsd among adolescents is surging. ptsd. the fact that we have so [ audience reacts ] my father was in that campaign, he wasn t in omaha beach, but he was on that campaign. anyone who would allow kids to think they have ptsd? that s right, they don t have ptsd. kids raised gently in suburbs don t have ptsd. but, combat those our combat vets sometimes do have ptsd and they need treatment when they have it. always. it is real. but, that is not what kids that universities have. what they have, what i call in my book, bad therapy , they have emotional hypochondria. they have focused so much on their own bad feelings that they magnify these feelings, they make them an organizing principle of their lives, then they have trouble escaping them. so, here is my thing, we had a reckoning of my sex in 2017, a racial reckoning in 2020. i feel like there is a parenting reckoning coming. a lot of rollback, pushback on gentle parenting. i think people are realizing that this kind of stuff has raised a lot of fucked-up kids who have [ audience reacts ] another statistic, but 49.5% so, let s just say half of adolescence, at some point have a mental health disorder. so, half of the kids in the country are diagnosable? either they really are that fucked-up, or we are over diagnosing. it is the latter. we are way over diagnosing them. this generation has had more mental health intervention in schools, more mental health treatment, 40% of them have been in therapy, they have had therapeutic parenting, and it is making them worse. these kids don t need therapy, they need less therapy, they need to be told, i love you, you will live, now get out of my house and have an adventure. [ audience reacts ] and it is worth pointing out that this generation, let s say 15 to 22, they got banged up during covid pretty bad and the more you were in places with schools and society bogged down, the more banged up you got, and also that is tied up with social media, and what you are doing on your phone all the time, like john hyde talks about. so, i think there is a legitimate mental health thing going on with teenagers, and especially teenage girls in this country. the question is, are we teaching them to get out of it, and also to have fun, and take some kind of initiative in their lives? or, are we encouraging them to think of themselves as victims? and i hope it is not the latter because you are not going to get much past your 18th birthday walking around and saying that it is somebody else s fault. [ audience reacts ] so, this is so obvious and we all agree, who is still defending this? i think the trauma industry is. the trauma industry? right. you are right. that is basically what we have now, we have convinced this generation any stress is trauma, now you have a disability and you have to live with that forever, and these kids are behaving like mental patients. right. [ laughter ] right. i mean and they are medicated, then. that, to me, is when it really goes off the rails, because a lot of them are on whatever psychiatric drugs they put them on. you know, when i think about the two big ones that i see always talked about that are now pathologist, shyness which is social anxiety disorder, as we pathologist isaac. and depression i mean, that is just being bummed out. my whole adolescence, my whole childhood, past college, was about those two things. i just had tons of both of those things and drugging me would not have helped. i discovered part when i was 19, that drug helped. organically. but, yeah, okay. so, i read about sel, and for those that don t know what this is, this is social emotional learning. this takes front and center this explains a lot to me, one, why they are so stupid. because this is the priority above learning, is that right? that is right. and what is obviously, it sounds like it is? reportedly, it is supposed to teach kids like things like emotional regulation, which we want them to have. but, how do you teach kids to handle bad emotions? because we are not worried about them having too much joy, we are worried about them having too much sadness, regret, bad feelings, so it always goes negative, it becomes a kind of group therapy, and it forces kids to ruminate, to pathologically focus on their bad feelings, on their pain, and those are the number one symptoms of depression. and it is interesting, 70% of very liberal students, they say this is from the american enterprise institute, so they are a little right- leaning reports feeling anxious 52% of conservatives. but, it does seem like the liberals are more in their own head, and are suffering from this. is that right, and why? i have seen that statistic and looked, the reason why i think so, that might be, is because those are the parents, in general, who are getting their kids more therapy, they are highly educated, and they are more anxious because they are highly educated, they are more anxious themselves, they are pushing their anxiety onto their kids. we know you can communicate anxiety. parents need to be tougher for their kids. they need to set an example here and they need to stop obsessing over kids happiness and start worrying about making kids strong. [ applause ] all right. so, parenting is also involved in the other book you ll wrote, that book you wrote that was banned, irreversible damage, which is about gender reassignment, as we have called it. now, we have the cast review from england which says, you must feel somewhat vindicated by this because america is now an outlier country with this. the scandinavian countries that were doing it, england that was doing it, they all pulled back. the cast report says the evidence of using puberty blocking drugs and other hormonal medications is remarkably weak. why is america so behind? usually, when we look at those countries, we say, this is what the liberals are doing, so we are just going to no, we are alone on this. yes, we are. two reasons, england had national, centralized healthcare, so they got into this faster, and they were also able to shut it down faster, and because our healthcare is obviously decentralized, it is harder to shut bad medicine down in this country, but there is something else but i have to say. they had something really special in england, they had a j.k. rowling, and she helped gender critical feminists pry away from the progressive left on this issue and stand up to the bodily integrity of girls, and stand up for the integrity of medicine. [ applause ] i think as part of that peer pressure element, it is worth pointing out to the extent that your audios audience might not, that abigail s book was targeted by people who work for the aclu saying, it will be the highest thing to do, to block the distribution of this book. it speaks to a kind of aggressive, illiberal conservative that takes place. not just on this issue, but many other issues, dealing with covid. i think it is kind of a new thing. the last 10 years, especially, there has been a semi-deranged moment, were people who were involved with journalism, or academia, or whatever, have said we have created a new taboo, you are on the wrong side of the taboo, we must attack this person, other people who have been working in this. yes, it hurts their careers, but we don t necessarily have to cry to them she is on bill maher, so she is doing okay. but, it hurts them. that is what people don t get. when you block off the information that is coming in, particularly on a contested subject, particularly that is affecting kids in life and death situations, and you are blocking off the information by enforcing a taboo, you are hurting yourself. it is one thing to critique, it is another thing to say, nobody should even be able to look at this, to even read it, as if you are some sort of crazy person. i will just say one thing, in the three or four years it took between the time i wrote my last book and talked about the same risks that are in the cast report, two until the mainstream media worked up the backbone to actually do some reporting, tens of thousands of american children were harmed. and what you are saying i certainly wouldn t be the one saying that there aren t trans folks who, we do need some transitioning, sometimes. what you were just saying is, there are no guardrails on desperate and these are children. this is not the bodies of adults, they can do whatever they want with their bodies. using children as cannon fodder in their culture wars, is what it looked like to me. i don t want you to move. i m gonna miss you so much. you realize we ll have internet waiting for us at the new place, right? oh, we know. we just like making a scene. transferring your services has never been easier. get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. i see this week s google has been caught doing something why did the tech companies do this? they have been caught collecting and sometimes leaking personal data of users, so you might want to erase that browser history. but, we thought it would be a good time because of this to do one of our favorite bits on the show, called revealing google searches. [ audience reacts ] we believe here at real- time, that when you look at somebody s google search, it does look a lot about them. for instance, melania trummp google, two felony convictions violate a prenup? rfk jr., where does brain work brain worm go? nick cannon, how many kids does nick cannon have? elon musk, baby names that sound like license plates. oh, justice samuel alito googled fit flags that mean not fascist, just pussy- whipped. richard dreyfus googled safe amount of opiates to take before a public appearance. wow. ben affleck googled divorce lawyers that accept batman memorabilia. kanye west googled, what to say when woman asks if anyone else at the party will be naked. rupert murdoch, name of woman who recently married rupert murdoch. and lauren boebert, could you get an std on your hand? terrible. terrible, terrible. [ applause ] all right, airlines configure these first-class seats that feature a for curve the 22 inch screen for a cinematic experience but only if they are paired with those double-decker seats in economy. [ laughter ] on a new carrier called inequality airlines yes, inequality airlines there is something special in the air, it is just not you. [ applause ]. don t bring your kid to the office if your office is the united states congress. tennessee representative john rose did just that while making a furious speech denouncing trump prosecution, and look what happened? someone acted [ audience reacts ] yeah, someone acted like a goofy, childish more on, and this poor kid had to sit through it. [ laughter ] new rule, let s stop rewarding every family that has too many kids with a reality show on tlc. [ applause ] the latest one is the baldwin s. seven kids born in a 10 year span. wow. guess there were no blanks fired in that house. [ audience reacts ] well, they shouldn t prosecute him. that is the serious point. they should not. , now that a remote amazon tribe has connected to elon musk s starlet styling internet and become addicted to , i say, congratulations. oh, sure, the liberal inclination is to promote the encroachment of modernity on such an innocent, unsettling people, but that is not what the amazon tribes themselves are saying. they are saying, thanks, elon, it sure beats jerking off to this tree. [ laughter ] new rule, now that researchers say marijuana use has surpassed alcohol as america s drug of choice, they have to answer this [ audience reacts ] you re welcome. they have to answer this question. if alcohol use is declining, why is it still not safe to eat at a waffle house? i mean not to always be the marijuana advocate, but do you know what the stoners are doing while the fight is going on? eating their waffles! [ audience reacts ] and finally, new rule, someone has to look into the puzzling paradox of why it is that rape jokes are completely unacceptable, unthinkable, and totally out of bounds, but raped-in-prison jokes, fucking hilarious! never a bad time to do the one about how you drop the soap in the prison shower, better not bend over for it. and look, with all the talk now about trump possibly going to jail, we have all been doing it, i mean, it is not just trump. given the opportunity, it is natural to want to imagine him getting fucked in the ass. [ audience reacts ] i m just saying, maybe we shouldn t. if not for him, then for the nearly 2 million people behind bars at any given time during this country. that is more people than 12 states. they should have their own two senators, and one can be bob menendez. america has a higher incarceration rate than russia, or china, or almost any of the other evildoer countries who we are always shitting our pants over, and for someone, everyone everything at walgreens is still locked behind plexiglass. but, for some reason, americans simply accept that not only do we lock up way more people, but that if you are a criminal of any time, yes, sodomy is the appropriate comeuppance. they say, if you want to survive prison, the first thing you do when you get there, what you have to do, is go up to the biggest, baddest guy, and punch him in the face, which i find also works if you are a passenger on delta. [ audience reacts ] as a prisoner here in america, you will either be alone, in solitary which drives you out of your mind or, completely on top of everybody else heard inmates in america are routinely forced to sleep on the floor and to fight for access to toilets and showers. of the world s 25 most dangerous prisons, four are here in the u.s., the san quentin, the super max in colorado, and the state pen in new mexico. where, for $45, oh, yes, you can tour the cellblock, where 33 inmates were killed in one of the worst prison riots in history. so, bring the kids, and don t forget to get that salt for the gas chamber. [ audience reacts ] here in california, the prison in dublin made headlines because it is where they sent lori loughlin after her college cheating scandal, but have since closed. why? because the rape club that the guards had going was so impervious and ingrained it was just easier to shutter the whole place. and prison in america is a place that forces the people in it forces them to become racists. if you are black, you are with the brothers, if you are white, you have to join the aryans in it. there is no leave me out of it, i like everybody. let s just all get coexist tattoos on our knuckles. yeah. i mean [ audience reacts ] what kind of society is cool with all of this? we call them correctional facilities, but that is like calling the nfl a brain development program. and look, i am not saying that it is not okay to lock people up. it is. of course it is. diddy does it all the time. [ audience reacts ] but, it is not okay to deliberately violate the eighth amendment s prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. fake tough guys think, hey, if prison is bad enough, it will incentivize people to stay out of trouble after they get out, but they are long. it actually does the opposite. within a year of released, around 40% of prisoners are rearrested. within 10 years, it is 82%. and i don t think they want back in because they miss the toilet one. if we are trying to make inmates into criminals for life, it is working, because prisoners like linkedin for lowlifes, you can t beat the networking. it is a taxpayer-funded criminal mentorship program. but, here is the thing. around 95% of all inmates eventually to get out, so the question becomes, who do we want returning to society? some hapless broke dude goes in for selling drugs or passing a bad check and if you years later, he comes out a sexual predator with white power written on his neck. and we sort of just accept that light, that is how prison words. you go in bad, you come out worse. if you are lucky, when you get out, we will let you work the carnival, or the toll booth, or date britney spears. [ audience reacts ] jesus. it almost makes stealing catalytic converters not worth it. but, it doesn t have to be this way. we could change. there are even places in the world that offer a model as to what that would look like. norway s recidivism rate is 20%. prisoners there do yoga, they learn a trade, there is a playground for their kids when they visit, and the guards aren t maniacs who failed the police psych exam. and it is a place that looks less like our prisons and more like what you would find on an american college campus only, of course, with less anti- semitism. [ audience reacts ] of course, the big difference is that unlike here, scandinavian countries don t have private, for-profit prisons. that is what we have here. and corporations, it turns out, don t run prisons to improve society, they run them to make money, which means putting more people in the system, and the more prisoners, the more profit. this is why they lobby congress with three strikes rules and keeping weed illegal. they don t want them rehabilitated. they want to return customers. all right. that is our show. if you enjoyed this editorial we have more just like it for you, right up there! if that is not a father s day press, i don t know what is! june 21st and 22nd, with the music hall in boston june 26th. thank you, matt welch! now, we are going to watch overtime on youtube. thank you.

Everyday , Agency , Version , Understanding , Kgb , Right , Strings , Double-agents , Scenes , Threatening , Efforts , Geopolitics

Transcripts For CNN Violent Earth 20240609

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[theme music] welcome to violent earth. i m liev schreiber. 2023 set an all time record for weather and climate related disasters in the us. 28 events with losses over $1 billion. wildfires, hurricanes, and floods are more frequent than ever. the earth is changing. tonight, we delve into one of the most powerful natural hazards in the world, tornadoes. terrifying vortexes unleashed from thunderstorms that can cause unimaginable destruction. few examples of their power are more definitive than the 2011 twister that hit joplin, missouri. categorized as an ef5, the highest level possible, with maximum winds over 200 miles per hour, the tornado cut right through the center of the city. storm chaser: oh my gosh. oh my gosh. jim riek: late may is the bull s eye in the midwest for tornadoes. joplin was under a risk of a tornado, but not a great risk. storm chaser: that is a tornado, people. there was a complex of storms that came toward the city. oh my gosh. the tornado formed just outside of the joplin city limits. storm chaser: listen to it! jim riek: and then it just started racing into joplin. [indistinct shouting] all the alarms are going off on my computer, and here it comes. storm chaser: there! storm chaser: i see it. i see it. just straight through the heart of joplin, missouri. storm chaser: oh gosh, that is a monster tornado. i couldn t really see anything because it was obscured by rain. jim riek: it was rain rain. i think that s why so many people died. they did not realize that what they were seeing was the tornado. in this case, an ef5 tornado that is catastrophic. and by the time they did, it s too late. jeff piotrowski: as the tornado went by, everything was gone. it was like a bulldozer, and it leveled everything in its path. kat piotrowski: i just couldn t believe what i was seeing, the millions and millions of pieces of debris. jim riek: the tornado was on the ground for 32 minutes. storm chaser: the sirens are going. jim riek: it hits a convenience store on east 20th street. they had locked it just so the door wouldn t fling open. jim riek: listen to the audio. [screaming, rain pounding] jeff piotrowski: as the tornado entered the center part of the city, it hit the high school, and that s where the max damage occurred. jim riek: that surveillance video from the high school is no more than a hundred yards from amber munson s house. donna kerry: in 2011, amber was 40 years old. amber has always been amber, just always generous and kind and hospitable and just fun to be around. amber was home that afternoon. she wasn t aware that the tornado was coming. she didn t have her tv on and no indicators that it was gonna be that severe. i had spoken to her. she said, oh, it s just turned really dark here. and then she said, um, now the sirens are going off. and that s when i said, you know, go take the quilt off the top of your bed and get in your bathtub. i said, and then call me back. very few houses in joplin, particularly in the path of what turned out to be this tornado, had basements. so the best place to go is either a closet or in your bathtub. harold brooks: you wanna get as low as you can and put as many walls between you and the tornado as possible. storm chaser: oh gosh. i was concerned when she said the sirens were going off. i wouldn t even have imagined the magnitude of what was gonna come. jim riek: amber munson, probably 15 seconds before the tornado hit, realized just how bad it was going to be. and bang. the tornado hit. for tornadoes to form, you have to have a certain set of ingredients. first of all, you have to have moisture available for thunderstorms to develop. you have to have a source of lift or a trigger for those thunderstorms to get going. you have to have unstable air, which is temperatures that get colder with height and that allows the thunderstorm to rise and develop vertically. the most important ingredient is you have to have wind shear, which is changing of wind direction with height and also changing wind speeds with height. there s all sorts of different shapes tornadoes can take. we have a stovepipe, which is kind of like a straight up and down type tornado. we have obviously a cone. that makes sense. it s a cone shape. another one is the wedge, and that s usually the most intense. different tornadoes have different smells. when a tornado is going through a densely wooded area, you can smell the fresh cut wood, the fresh cut pine, whatever the tree is. paul markowski: the typical widths are anywhere from probably 25 to 50 yards across on the low end to, on the high end, a mile wide. tim marshall: the largest one i ve ever seen was the el reno, oklahoma tornado, and that was over two miles wide. kim klockow mcclain: the joplin tornado became a mile wide wedge right on the edge of town. kat piotrowski: the tornado was massive. it was chewing up everything in its path. there was no mercy at all. er: breaking news here at cnn. joplin, missouri, suffering the devastation right now of a very powerful tornado. jim riek: amber lived in what i would call a very middle class area of joplin. jeff piotrowski: this beautiful, quaint subdivision, and now it s level. kat piotrowski: it was just total devastation. our phone rang, and it was her, and she was screaming, mother, my house is on top of me. that s when i said, amber, that s not funny, because we would always kid back and forth. and she said, no, mom, my house is on top of me. and then her phone went dead. so there s a lot of myths that have been passed down through the years. reporter: doors and windows on the north and east sides were open. trent okerson: whenever i was growing up, i heard you ve got to open up the windows to equalize the air pressure. well, pressure is not what will cause damage to a home. it s wind getting up under the roof, blowing the roof off. another big misconception is if you re out in a vehicle, that an overpass is a great place to take shelter. that is not a good place to go. scientists have realized that being in that overpass creates a bit of a wind tunnel effect, that the wind is blowing through a smaller area so it can actually accelerate the wind speeds. so you re putting yourself in greater danger. kim klockow mcclain: there s a really popular misconception that mobile homes are like tornado attractors, and what s behind that is undoubtedly that people hear about mobile homes getting hit more because that s where people die. harold brooks: roughly half of the deaths in tornadoes occur in mobile and manufactured homes. they re much more vulnerable to a tornado and tend to turn into debris quicker. there are myths that tornadoes can t cross bodies of water. oh, tornadoes can t go through cities. jeff piotrowski: but there are no rules when it comes to tornadoes. they go where they wanna go. harold brooks: the deadliest tornado in us history is march 18, 1925, the tri-state tornado that went across southeastern missouri, southern illinois into southwestern indiana, and it killed 695 people over about a two and a half hour long period. generally, after the tri-state tornado, we see, like, a 10-fold decrease in the fatality rate from tornadoes as compared to 1925. we think there are a lot of things that could be going on behind that. there was the emergence of radio and people downstream could hear about it immediately. radar has had something to do with this, increases in our understanding of storms, and now the ability to push warnings to people on their cell phones. harold brooks: but the may 22, 2011 tornado at joplin, missouri, was the deadliest tornado in decades in the united states. being the seventh deadliest in us history. jim riek: on that day, it didn t matter what type of forecasting skills you had, what technology. the tornado won. [dramatic music] jeff piotrowski: everything basically was a three foot, four foot pile of debris everywhere as far as the eye could see. just debris everywhere. there s really nothing standing. donna kerry: in her immediate neighborhood, there were 16 people that perished. jim riek: jeff piotrowski sees a lady who is hysterical, has no idea what has happened to her. and that s amber munson. you could hear amber before you saw her, and that s what i remember more than anything is hearing her cries out. amber munson: can i use your phone? jeff piotrowski: what? kat piotrowski: and coming towards us. jeff piotrowski: yeah, all the phones are jammed. kat piotrowski: jeff jumped out of the car immediately and raced towards her. i m ok. i m ok. jeff piotrowski: come here. come here. hello? hello? how did she survive? amber munson: once the tornado sirens went off and the lights started flickering, i grabbed a pillow and a blanket and my phone and i jumped into the bathtub. i decided to roll over on my right side and i kind of got into a fetal position and covered myself up. but as the pressure started coming, the bath started bouncing. so it was very minor at first, not realizing that you re gonna get sucked out of your house. after the tornado hit, i remember hearing the glass shatter, but i don t remember flying in the tornado. amber munson went flying, ended up in someone else s yard. amber munson: when i woke up, i just remember being upside down, buried within the rubble. i knew i was alive, but i still questioned whether or not i was gonna survive because of the stuff that was falling on me. i think just wanting to survive kicked in for her. i kind of wiggled myself out so that i could get up, and that s when i got out of the hole. i had twisted my knee and i had a puncture wound in my back. but she s alive. it was a miracle. amber munson: the joplin tornado, having lived through it, made me realize that people don t take them serious enough. you see people that go stand on the front porch wanting to capture these things, not realizing how risky they really can be. storm chaser: oh, we got lightning. her uncle s unhappy. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. trent okerson: storm chasing has gotten extremely popular over the past couple of decades. storm chaser: get the best footage. harold brooks: people do it, in large part, for the thrill and for the excitement of seeing the event. storm chaser: tornado number one. tornado number two. the original tornado is still on the ground. tim marshall: once you get out there and you see a storm in the open plains and the amazing structure that it has, it s mesmerizing, and it can become even addicting. storm chaser: my goodness. that is a thing of beauty and violence. max olson: there s a side to it that s almost like a hunter, because you re trying to narrow down where in the country this relatively rare phenomenon is gonna take place. storm chaser: come on. tim marshall: now there are thousands of people who do this. there s even tour groups nowadays, and you can get in a van and go with a group of fellow enthusiasts and drive out onto the plains and see the majestic skies. allison chinchar: in the united states, we average more than 1,200 tornadoes per year. that is number one in the world by a long shot. the second closest is canada, which only gets 100 per year. you could actually add canada, australia, and all european countries combined, and we still see more than they do. tornadoes are most common in the midwest. max olson: we also have another area that s really prone to tornadoes in our southeastern states. harold brooks: the tornado season depends on where you are in the country. in the plains, tornado season is typically over a relatively short period of time in the springtime. in the southeastern united states, tornadoes are more likely to occur at any time of the year. tornadoes actually can and do strike all over the country. tim marshall: tornadoes have been known to be in every state of the us. they have been in the highest of mountains, beaches, and offshore. harold brooks: over the last 50 years, what we ve seen has been an increase in the number of tornadoes in what we think of as the mid-south. it looks like it s associated with physical changes in the atmosphere, but we don t have a real underlying reason of why that s occurred. reporter: a rare sight in the skies over japan. a powerful twister ripping across the eastern part of the nation. tornadoes occur worldwide. jeff piotrowski: europe has tornadoes. south america has tornadoes. australia, japan. trent okerson: but the united states has a unique combination of geographical features that can lend itself to a lot of tornadoes. the gulf of mexico, that provides the very warm, humid air. then you also get cooler, drier air that s either coming down from canada or off the rockies. there s really no other place in the world that has the exact combination of ingredients like we do here in the united states. storm chaser: zoom in. storm chasing has definitely evolved into this kind of social media era. storm chaser: where are we? northeast nebraska? max olson: and people wanna be seen. they wanna be, you know, the chaser that everybody thinks of, doing the live streams, posts in front of a tornado and whatnot. trent okerson: storm chasing is a double edged sword. it s very valuable when it comes to learning more about the science behind storms, but it can also be dangerous if you re not 100% sure of what you re doing. the biggest danger of storm chasing has always been the driving. storm chaser: let s go back. we re going back. we re going back. you tend to judge where the tornado is going, but that doesn t always happen. there are so many people who chase now on some storms that traffic is actually a serious problem. when i m chasing out in the plains, i m apt to see dozens of other chasers. when i began storm chasing, there were no other chasers. tim marshall: david hoadley, whether he likes it or not, is the father of modern day storm chasing. max olson: david hoadley is the first person to truly go out and seek tornadoes, driving long distances, attempting to come up with some sort of formula to see tornadoes. he holds the record for the longest consecutive years of storm chasing. i ve been storm chasing 66 years, and i ve seen 265 tornadoes. i saw my first tornado in 1958. i think this is one of the things that appealed to me was the element of, really, mystery. what causes these storms? there was so much that was unknown. 2023, i saw david hoadley out chasing. the man s 85 years old. he s been doing it for most of his life, and he s still out there doing it every single year. david hoadley: it s not like spelunking or surfboarding. you can return to the ocean. you can climb the mountains again and again and again. but that one tornado, that one storm, once it s gone, it s out. it s history. to have a picture of it, have a video or anything else of it, is to say that i ve captured something that will never happen again. tornadoes are most common 4:00 to 8:00 pm. because that s when the atmosphere is warmest, you get the sunshine, heats things up, creates the most instability. that instability is fuel for thunderstorms. mason lillard: may 22, normal sunday. we went fishing for a little bit and we were getting ready to take my cousin lage home. i was 10 and lage was 14, and my grandpa was like, hey, i need some wiring for my garage at home depot. i would say probably around 5:00, 5:15-ish, the sky s starting to get a little kind of weird looking. my grandpa went inside of home depot and my cousin, my grandma, and myself were all sitting in the truck. we heard the sirens go off, but we just ignored them like normal. and then all of a sudden it went from kind of dark to, like, midnight black, almost. we were trying to open up the doors of the truck and the winds were just going too fast. and then my cousin, he was like, whoa, the truck s tearing up. and then at that moment, the truck flipped on its side and got sucked into the vortex. we could kind of hear everything, like the hail hitting the truck and stuff. it felt terrifying to be in that tornado. you see, like, the wizard of oz, and it s almost like that. but in real life, it s loud and you don t know what s going on. lage was sucked out of the truck. i felt like i was slipping out of the truck. i was holding on to my grandma s hand, and then i felt the truck land, like, the tires bounce. and i was like, ok. i m alive, at least. all i felt was, like, my ribs were broken. i realized that something was actually in me. most people are killed in tornadoes by flying debris. storm chaser: that s the most violent motion. kim klockow mcclain: tornadoes consist of anything the tornado brings into the air. so often a lot of dust and dirt and plants, branches. and then if it s a more violent tornado, that can include debris like planks of wood, shards of glass. mason lillard: i hear my grandma. lage, lage. and i was like, mama, i hear him. he was outside of the truck. it wasn t like a, i m here, or i m ok. it was moaning. storm chaser: oh, no. there are the lines. oh my god. oh my god. look at that. harold brooks: one of the things about a tornado is that it s producing a lot of small pieces of debris that are flying at, you know, 150 miles an hour. and even ordinary objects, dinner plates, two by fours, become really, really deadly at those kinds of high speeds. jim riek: i knew after joplin how destructive a tornado could be. it was moving so slowly that it was like a blender. everything on the ground was getting totally mixed together. and it just hits you again and again and again and again. i saw a piece of cardboard that actually penetrated into the exterior insulation finish system on a school. at the hospital, they had $1 million helicopter. all of the rotors are gone. if a rotor of a helicopter is flying by at 100 miles an hour, what is that going to do to a human body? paul markowski: how far the debris goes is going to depend on essentially how heavy it is. the heavier stuff gets centrifuged out, so big chunks of structures or automobiles. lighter debris, though, like a piece of paper, that won t get centrifuged out. that ll instead go up through the funnel, can end up reaching altitudes of 40, 50,000 feet, and there certainly testimonials out there, people finding pieces of paper or photographs 50 to 100 miles from their origin in the wake of a tornado. mason lillard: we thought it was only, like, 20 minutes before help arrived. it ended up almost being two hours. jim riek: when the paramedics came, they spotted lage first because he s outside. they carried lage out on a two by four, and they brought him to the ambulance, and the paramedic jumped out and said he s not gonna make it. the other ones were trying to cut me out. i had a one inch piece of angle iron go through my right shoulder, break seven ribs, puncture my lower lung, and come out my back. a fourth inch away from my spine and a fourth inch away from my liver. they ended up having to use an electric saw. it felt like 5,000 bees stinging me at one time. and i had arrived sitting on the stretcher, sitting up. once they took my cousin to the hospital, they black tagged him and put him in the morgue. left him for death. a nurse came in and she touched his arm and he let out a horrifying scream, and she grabbed a doctor, said, i think we can save him. two hours later, he was in the or. after the tornado, i had 13 surgeries in total over the course of three years. lage was on the ventilator for at least two weeks. he has a brace on his leg and he can t really use his right arm. but he did survive. the may 22, 2011 tornado killed 158 people directly, and there were three indirect deaths. we did not know that we could experience tornadoes this deadly in modern times. harold brooks: nighttime tornadoes are more dangerous than the same tornado in the daytime, for a lot of reasons. we ascribe this to the fact that people are just less aware at night. [ominous music] i was chasing that day. what was that? oh, i think i see it. i start to see the shape of the tornado come into view. i know this is a significant tornado. oh, wow. that is huge. holy [bleep] ok. ok. ok. we got it. and then i just see the tornado, an absolute beast marching off to the northeast. ah, man, it s moving towards populated area now. it was headed from one small community to another small community, and we knew, based on where this was going, if you draw a line, it s coming right to mayfield. the mayfield event was moving at the upper end of tornado speeds, 60, 65 miles an hour. this was something that is very high end. harold brooks: speed certainly can play an impact on how dangerous a tornado is. a faster tornado is gonna give you less time to react. the speed at which the tornado is going to move along is going to roughly match the speed that the parent thunderstorm s moving along. in some cases, we ve seen storms move as fast as 60, 70, 80 miles per hour because they re embedded in very strong winds. allison chinchar: there is one example of a man in illinois back in 2013. he s filming a tornado that is off in the distance, but he quickly realizes it s actually headed right towards him and his home. man: all right. i got to go. i m coming, honey. woman: [screams] man: aw, man. woman: oh my god! allison chinchar: about 45 seconds later, he gets the look at the scope of the damage that s been done to his house. man: oh my god. our house is freaking destroyed. kim klockow mcclain: the survivors i ve spoken with, they just experience what feels like a building dissolving. one minute i was in a building and the next minute i just wasn t. like a bomb has hit it. it s obliterated. [ominous music] derek vaughan: so at its maximum intensity, the peak winds were up to 190 miles per hour. that s enough to just destroy anything in its path. nothing can stand up to that. you knew people were gonna lose their lives that night. once the tornado approached mayfield, it came in from the southwest side of town. derek vaughan: i had a few officers on shift with me that night. we had decided that we were gonna go ahead and meet at the police department. the services all started going down suddenly. the power in the entire town went off. and of course, when that happened, we knew that it was probably about to hit. i remember officer simpson went to the front window and he just yelled, there s debris coming in. and as i watched him turn and run towards us, the whole front of the building just exploded inward on us. you almost couldn t even tell which way it was up, there was much wind and debris. it was almost like being underwater. trent okerson: mayfield water and electric, their facility was just on the edge of the worst damage path. even there, you saw the massive amounts of debris that was blowing, pieces of wood flying through the air like missiles, and they weren t even directly in the core of that tornado. one of the buildings that was close to the police department that got hit real hard was the f&b bank right there on the court square. and all of a sudden, boom. the tornado hits. it s that fast. trent okerson: the candle factory is a major employer in mayfield. this was right before christmas, and a lot of people that were working extra hours trying to do overtime, and their facility was packed that friday night. autumn kirks: i was working at mcp, the candle factory, that night. me and joe did work together at the factory. usually they try not to put couples together, but for some reason, we ve always made it work. he was so goofy. he d do anything to put a smile on anybody s face. kim klockow mcclain: the night of the storm, the couple were sheltering together when the tornado hit the candle factory. i didn t hear a single thing at all. all i heard was people talking. and then all of a sudden someone said, take cover. brad copeland: the best way i can describe it would be a war zone. i remember thinking the amount of force that could have caused that, you know, how could anybody survive what i was looking at. autumn kirks: joe and i were 10 feet from each other when it first hit. trent okerson: kyanna parsons was an employee there at the candle factory, and kyanna goes on facebook live that night to try to get help from the outside. storm chaser: there s two of them. in 2011, we saw one of those generational tornado outbreaks that doesn t happen in our country but every couple decades. storm chaser: oh, dude, that looks wild. storm chaser: oh, it s right there. that s that tornado right there. storm chaser: [bleep] harold brooks: april 27, there end up being a number of storms that produce tornadoes from central mississippi eastward through alabama. and many of those storms produced multiple tornadoes. just in the state of alabama there were 62 tornadoes that hit that day. seems that every hour that passes today, the news out of the south just gets worse. kim klockow mcclain: after the alabama outbreak, there was kind of a renaissance in our field because we hadn t experienced an event that deeply catastrophic in so long. there were hundreds of fatalities, and we hadn t lost that many people in a tornado outbreak since 1974. storm chaser: oh my god. harold brooks: one of the silver linings of the april 27 outbreak was an understanding that we need to do a whole lot more work on social science with respect to forecasting. i describe myself as a tornado epidemiologist. it s really someone who tries to understand the circumstances that lead someone to be injured or die from something. what are the factors that explain fatalities, and what kinds of interventions can we design, whether in our communication system or structurally in our communities, to help mitigate that threat? among the things studied was the amount of time given to warn the public about tornadoes. a tornado warning is issued when a storm is either actively producing a tornado or it looks really likely to. and we re starting to explore what is the right amount of lead time to give people. what they figured out was there is such a thing as too much lead time. if you give people too much time, say, it s going to be 20 minutes before the tornado arrives, many people will look out their window and see that it s still blue skies. the storm hasn t gotten there yet, and either they think they have more time than they do or they think the storm isn t really going to hit them. so there is such a thing as too much lead time. also what they re studying is how people react to the warning they re given. kim klockow mcclain: fear is a really challenging component of this entire equation. there has been no example i ve seen that is clearer of this fear effect than what happened in oklahoma in 2013. on may 20, we had the tornado that went through oklahoma city and moore and killed 24 people, including several children at a school. and after that, we had just days and days of storms and everyone was just on edge. and when may 31, 2013, a two mile wide tornado hit el reno just west of oklahoma city, we saw spontaneous mass evacuation ahead of that tornado. highways were clogged for over 30 miles. they found out because of fear, people actually did the opposite of what they re supposed to do. they fled their homes. they fled their businesses, places that normally would have been safe. when that happens in mass, that becomes very dangerous. you end up getting stuck in traffic as a tornado hits. reporter: and we re still waiting to hear word on what happened to the 110 people who were inside this candle factory. derek vaughan: once we were able to get down there and assist, i saw that this whole building was just gone. so one of the things that you ll notice if you see kyanna s facebook video was how resilient she was and her efforts to stay positive. kyanna parsons: i was under the rubble approximately about three hours. i see one of the rescue people, and i m crying. i m like, please don t leave me. he says, no, no, no, we re not gonna leave you. a trooper that was at the top grabbed my arm and he pulled. and so got out, and every step i made, there was someone grabbing my hand, someone grabbing my hand, and just there for me. autumn kirks: it felt like a wall on top of me and the three girls next to me. and i don t know who it was, but somebody came and lifted it up and got us all out. the minute i actually got out, i fell to my knees and just broke because i had no idea where joe was. i wanted to go back and look for him. i was told i was not allowed. it hit friday night, and at 9:30 monday morning his mom called me. she s like, autumn, they found him. i m like and i had hope for all of two seconds. she s like, autumn, he didn t make it. i wish i could go back to not knowing because there was hope that, hey, they might still find him. i just i pray that nobody else has to go through this. trent okerson: we have so much technology, we have the ability to control so much in our lives these days. you still can t control mother nature. you can t control a tornado. you can t control what it does. and no matter how prepared you may be, you re still at the mercy of what these storms decide to do. autumn kirks: i have a very healthy respect for mother nature and tornadoes and what they can do. it can ruin your entire life. it can destroy everything you know. in 2011, after the joplin tornado, amber munson had lost her house, most of her possessions,

Joplin-tornado , Storm-chaser , One , Everything , Two , Oh-my-god , Chaos , Three , Line , News , Bad-news , Norman

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