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Transcripts For BBCNEWS Business Today 20240612

facing a flood of cheap chinese cars, europe s expected to raise tariffs on electric vehicles today. apple investors push its value up to record highs following its foray into the world of ai. we ll look ahead to the uk s latest economic data as april s gdp data is released. will it spur a bank of england rate cut? plus, supplies are squeezed for the makers of orange juice with prices going up due to extreme weather and disease. welcome to business today. we start in europe, where china is accused of drawing upon surplus capacity to dump electric vehicles at artificially low prices into the european market. policymakers in europe and the united states claim hefty state subsidies in china allow ev manufacturers to produce cars at prices that are impossible to compete with. in the us the biden administration raised its tariff on imports of chinese battery powered cars from 25% to 100%. later today, the european commission is expected to provisionally raise duties on ev s imported from china from the standard level of 10% for third country imports to between 20% and 25%. here s some background from david waddell. there is a growing tussle between electric vehicle manufacturers in china, europe and the united states. in recent months tesla has been forced to cut the prices of its vehicles and of its self driving software. that is because it is facing stiff competition from the likes of china s biggest ev producer byd, another growing competitors. manufacturers want to start not only to their own domestic market but also explored. byd wants to sell to the united states and tesla wants to sell into china. there is human mask trying to smooth feathers on a recent trip to beijing. we see now the spectre of protectionism. china stands accused of unfairly subsidising its own producers. one way or another european consumers are faced with a choice and it includes expensive electric vehicles from the eu or cheap imports from china. i got into a report by this with bank ubs published in september, byd could produce cars at about 25% less than the legacy global carmakers. last month the us took decisive action, but meditation raised tariffs on imports of china s cars 25% to 100%. part imports of china s cars 25% to ioo%. part of a wider package of measures targeting imports from china. beijing condemned as naked protectionism. russell seems poised to take similar action. brussels. and tariffs could hurt european companies as well. for example, bmw is building its ix3 electric suv at a factory in dadong, to be exported to europe. the company also intends to import large quantities of chinese made electric minis. let s cross live now to anna marie baisden, head of autos & infrastructure research at bmi, a fitch solutions company. always good to see you. this is complicated. girly europe is fighting back as was the us. yes. we expect whatever tariffs are introduced will be something much more moderate than the us because trade is much more of a 2 way street between the ee and china than it is between china and the us. chinese imports to the us are actually very small. 100% is no good to have as much of an impact. whereas the european brands really don t want the eu to cause any kind of retaliation from china that would make it difficult for them to then export the chinese market which is still important. there are some european brands actually importing from china themselves. it has been a good balancing act for the eu.- balancing act for the eu. there seems to balancing act for the eu. there seems to be balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a problem - balancing act for the eu. there seems to be a problem with i balancing act for the eu. there | seems to be a problem with the audio but let s persevere. you may want to move your microphone or something like that because we are getting a bit of interference. to say as far as europe is concerned, this is a very important relationship for europe and some key economies in europe. china is an important market. a difficult balancing act between putting tariffs on goods such as electric vehicles and not burning bridges with china. absolutely. given that we have seen growth slowing in china which is one of the reasons, you mentioned the excess capacity for the chinese brands and the fact they are looking for other nuggets to now target. still very important, especially volume terms. the biggest market out there and still important for these brands to have a foothold. in terms of demand for electric vehicles in europe, what is that looking like in the moment? it is slowing down. this is another risk from all brands, european, chinese. we have seen a move away from electric towards hybrid. that is a big change for everyone in the market. obviously with the pricing the waiters, consumers who choose electric are likely to move towards these cheaper brands and it is why we start to cbe you take on more of a stance against this now. what i euro ean stance against this now. what i european governments - stance against this now. what i european governments doing i stance against this now. what i | european governments doing to try and help their car sectors as they transition to electric vehicles? as they transition to electric vehicles? ~ . , ,., vehicles? we have seen some companies vehicles? we have seen some companies actually, vehicles? we have seen some companies actually, some - companies actually, some countries rather, state national policies won t apply to chinese brands. there is certainly a belief among automakers that the eu as a whole could do more as far as your european support. something that helps brands as much as it does punish chinese brands. ~ ., . much as it does punish chinese brands. ~ . . , brands. we will watch this s - ace. brands. we will watch this space. good brands. we will watch this space. good to brands. we will watch this space. good to talk- brands. we will watch this space. good to talk to - brands. we will watch this | space. good to talk to you, thank you for your time this morning. let s stay with news coming out of china. latest inflation numbers. consumer inflation in the worlds second biggest economy held steady at an annual rate of 0.3% in the month of may. but the concern still is about what is happening in factories. the producer price index, which measures changes in the price of industrial products, contracted one point 4% year on year that is slightly worse than expected, still a marked improvement on april s 2.5% decline. live now to louise loo, senior economist at oxford economics. lovely to see you again. what are you reading from these numbers we have had today about how china is doing? how china is doing? today s numbers how china is doing? today s numbers are how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly - how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly in - how china is doing? today s numbers are broadly in line| numbers are broadly in line with what markets are expecting. china is a low inflation environment. what that suggests is for the rest of this year, at least when it comes to prices on short, we are likely to see a little bit of a u shaped recovery, it has been bottoming out for quite a while. the numbers you mentioned are slightly better than what it was a month ago. much of that is based on for, we cannot extrapolate improvements on short and we know it locally that there are depressed discounts happening. given the weak domestic demand and brands are still trying to push out to the consumer. china is viewed as push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory - push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory of - push out to the consumer. china is viewed as the factory of the i is viewed as the factory of the world and has been for some time. what does it mean this construction we are seen? it is improvement but not significant improvement. is that because of less experts going out of china? is it because of domestic demand being weak? what is happening? domestic demand being weak? what is happening? demand has been uuite what is happening? demand has been quite weak what is happening? demand has been quite weak and what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so - what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so far- what is happening? demand has been quite weak and so far what| been quite weak and so far what has been driving the going forward as exports. we know we re heading into the peak tariff risk season for china. might potentially see tariffs coming out of eu letter today. many see more momentum behind us tariffs. i think export resiliency we have been seeing so far this year is likely to really fade away quickly. which means the company s onshore when it comes to produce a prius indices, we might see a lot more downward pressure going forward than upward recovery many are expecting. i recovery many are expecting. i was talking to anne marie about the potential you referred to of tariffs on electric vehicles put on from europe today. what impact do you think that will have in your opinion? the quantity have in your opinion? the quantity of have in your opinion? the quantity of tariffs - have in your opinion? the quantity of tariffs will - have in your opinion? tie: quantity of tariffs will be small which is good news for the chinese. it is a big market and it will prompt some level of retaliatory measures from the chinese especially on them might potentially raise tariffs, we know they are picking up tariffs on eu motor levels. when it is attracting some pushback from european carmakers. the leaders of european car manufacturers. there is a balancing act the eu leaders have 2 way up against. when it comes to some of the tariffs forcibly the end result is we might see a smaller more politically significant tariff but not so much economically damaging. but not so much economically damaging- but not so much economically damauain. , ., damaging. give your take on the latest news damaging. give your take on the latest news out damaging. give your take on the latest news out of damaging. give your take on the latest news out of china. - latest news out of china. thank you for your take. let s get some of the day s other news now. the tesla boss elon musk has been accused of making billions of dollars by selling tesla stock with insider information. the accusation is made by an institutional investor in a delaware court. mr musk and his brother solder $30 billion of tesla stock between late 2021 and the end of 2022. the lawsuit accuses him of concealing plans to buy the social media platform then known as twitter. it also claims he knew that deliveries of tesla cars had fallen far below public projections. tehre has been no comment from mr musk or tesla. two former directors of the british department store bhs have been ordered to pay at least £18 million to creditors over their role in the collapse of the retailer eight years ago. a court found that lennars henningson and dominic chandler had breached their corporate duties after the acquisition of the retailer by continuing to trade despite knowing their was no reasonable chance it could avoid insolvency. the chain was sold to their employer in 2015 for one pound, but collapsed a year later resulting in 11,000 job losses and a £571 million pensions shortfall. now yesterday we covered the launch of apple intelligence, which initially triggered a bit of a hit to the company s share price. but that s now seen a reversal as wall street digested the news. apple shares leapt sharply on tuesday to record highs, and the company s overtaken nvidia to become the world s second most valuable company a whisker away from microsoft. our north america business correspondent erin delmore has more on the story in new york. investors have been waiting for month to see how apple would embrace ai. on monday they got their answer, a partnership with openai. an chatgpt powers for theory and some enhancements like proof reading and writing help and ai generated images and emerges. it was not until tuesday that the market rewarded apple s efforts. the new ai tools are only available on one models of apple products like the iphone 15 pro. the 1a series and order will not do it neither the base model iphone 15. will not do it neither the base model iphone15. ipads and macs will have to have apple pie oratory and one chip or neuro. investors are betting consumers will upgrade the devices to take advantage of the new tools that will lead to more sales for apple. well, let s explore that more now with susannah streeter, who s head of markets and money at hargreaves lansdown. apple back at number two. no big surprise deposit it was quite interesting to see beach up quite interesting to see beach up reaction in the other direction to its ai offering. it was. apple has been late to the ai party but now there is an expectation it will take up an expectation it will take up a big spot on the dance floor. in particular the way it will help drive the integration of ai into everyday life. through this deal with openai. essentially a big upgrade to the siri assistant. expectation it will develop a very powerful digital copilot for consumers. by digital copilot for consumers. by only being available in belated models, the expectation is it will drive product sales going forward. just how much remains to be seen. how infused and willing will consumers be to get the hands on the latest new kit. we see other iterations in the past, huge demand for the latest product and we just have to see how the technology plays out. just what it can do and may be able to do in the future to really get a grip on how much demand there will be. , grip on how much demand there will be. h . ~ grip on how much demand there will be. , ., ~ ., will be. let s talk about raspberry will be. let s talk about raspberry pie will be. let s talk about raspberry pie which - will be. let s talk about - raspberry pie which viewers may not have heard of, unlike apple. it also had quite an incredible day of the market yesterday. it incredible day of the market yesterday- yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo yesterday. it certainly did. this mo of yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo of this yesterday. it certainly did. this ipo of this computerl this ipo of this computer company that creates these low cost computers really thought it shares on their debut. only treated by institutional investors but they rose 43% and this offer among retail investors was seriously oversubscribed. we have where my clients that wanted to buy the shares than actually was provided for under the terms of this offer. it really shows there is a big desire among retail investors in the uk to invest in british companies and particularly in british technology companies that it has really lifted hopes of an ipo revival in london. there are changes afoot to try and create london as more attractive place to list, the conduct authority launching this review with expectation will have this coming perhaps in the next few months. that certainly would be welcome because at the moment lots of retail investors miss out from operas like this. and would like to see these types of ipos being open to many more investors in the uk. i being open to many more investors in the uk.- being open to many more investors in the uk. i get very much. investors in the uk. i get very much- the investors in the uk. i get very much. the low investors in the uk. i get very much. the low down - investors in the uk. i get very much. the low down on - investors in the uk. i get very - much. the low down on raspberry pi, a cambridge based business. shares are up some 40% on their debut. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. as you ve been hearing here in the uk the political parties have been unveiling their election manifestos this week as voters head to the polls onjuly 1l today we ll get a better idea of the health of the uk economy when the latest growth numbers are released in around 90 minutes time. it was in recession at the end of last year and managed to eek out 0.6% grwoth in the first three months of this year. so what is the picture now? i m joined by george buckley, chief uk & euro area economist at nomura. good morning. we hope we are still going in the uk, the economy? still going in the uk, the econom ? ~ ., , economy? we are. the recovery in the first economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter of economy? we are. the recovery in the first quarter of this - in the first quarter of this year, 0.6% is a strong quarterly rate of growth, may not sound it but on a quarter thatis not sound it but on a quarter that is very strong. have to bearin that is very strong. have to bear in mind it is coming on the back of the session, maybe not surprisingly was a bit of a balance in q1 of this year, more edges and to see where that growth rate settles. i doubt we will see 0.6% of all the way through the 2024, i suspect it will be weaker. the other thing to notice is we have not seen very back to back rises on a monthly basis in gdp and the size of the economy since 2022 but that is what we saw in the first quarter of this year. some strong numbers, i would not be surprised if we see a bit of payback in april figures today and the market, the consensus dictation is we see a very small fall in the month of april. see a very small fall in the month of april. part of that is to do with month of april. part of that is to do with the month of april. part of that is to do with the fact month of april. part of that is to do with the fact that - month of april. part of that is j to do with the fact that easter fell in march, also has been raining, orthat fell in march, also has been raining, or that affects how much we get out and spend money or do stuff or domestic demand. inflation has come down quite a bit. give us your take on how this will be read by the bank of england was that at the same time we have of this manifesto is launched this week but are promising all sorts of uk economy. it promising all sorts of uk economy- promising all sorts of uk economy. if you look the headline economy. if you look the headline rate economy. if you look the headline rate of- economy. if you look the | headline rate of inflation, economy. if you look the i headline rate of inflation, it has come down fairly materially and this is probably one of the reasons rishi sunak called the election when he data. it was no coincidence it was on the same day inflation figures were released and fell by almost a percentage point due to be to be low to use when you look at the details of the report, the services domestic generated inflation was still far too strong for what the bank of england would like to see. running at almost 6%. they have to be careful these numbers are still very high. we need to look outside of the headline numbers and into the detail to see this. the other thing is we saw labour market yesterday report very strong in the sense of wages that are still growing at an elevated pace. the bank of england won t be happy about that. i don t think there was any danger that next week we will see a rate cut, it might be delayed until later in the summer or possibly beyond. thank you for your time. now if it s not too late, it might be time to rethink your breakfast. the orange juice industry is experiencing an unprecedented price spike due to disease and extreme weather events in brazil. did you know brazil accounts for around 70% of global orangejuice production. the situation there has been exacerbated by declining production in other major orange growing regions such as florida, israel, spain and argentina. i have just the i havejust the present i have just the present to talk to about this. joining me now is kees cools, president of the international fruit and vegetable juice association. a warm welcome. what is going wrong in brazil at the moment? you already said a, two things, it is the weather. they had some unusually high temperatures in 2023. also the rain which normally helps the trees to grow and bring fruit. also the rain has been much less, 30% than usual. these are of the two weather affects that impacted growth. as you said, the more important thing is now becoming a disease that kills trees over a period of time. unfortunately, we have not been able to find any cure for it. it is a devastating disease. if you look at florida, which wants is to be one of the world s leading suppliers of orange juice and orangejuice juice and orange juice concentrate, juice and orangejuice concentrate, to give you a number, florida was harvesting some ten, 15 years ago some 242 million boxes and 95% of production has gone because of the same disease. you can imagine what it means for the global supply. imagine what it means for the globalsupply. now imagine what it means for the global supply. now it is in brazil in the biggest supplier of the markets. that is why prices have almost tripled beyond chipboard. that is a very negative effect. what impact does this have on the brazilian economy? produces 70% ofthe brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange juice. - brazilian economy? produces 70% of the worlds orange juice. the . of the worlds orange juice. the first thing that happens is farmers will have an impact on their income because there is less to harvest, less to sell. prices are going up. that is some factor. the same goes for the processors, about three or four large processor is that turn these fresh oranges introduce and concentrate and ship around the world. definitely has a negative impact on the brazilian economy and in particular on the economy of the joyce industry and suppliers. economy of the joyce industry and suppliers- economy of the joyce industry and suppliers. when it comes to the disease and suppliers. when it comes to the disease itself, and suppliers. when it comes to the disease itself, scientists - the disease itself, scientists are busy trying to combat this? it is really devastating crops in brazil and also in florida. what is happening in terms of progress in trying to overcome this disease? in progress in trying to overcome this disease? this disease? in florida, it has been this disease? in florida, it has been going this disease? in florida, it has been going on - this disease? in florida, it has been going on for- this disease? in florida, it i has been going on for almost this disease? in florida, it - has been going on for almost 15 years and we have not found solutions. all the super size we have nowadays, we have not been able to find a cure. people are working hard. in brazil, the united states and elsewhere to go and find trees resistant to the disease. also at the same time the new weather circumstances. work is going on the cure has not been found and bombers can keep attri alive by putting extra fertiliser but in the end but is also extra costs and they cannot save the tree. the time being, we will have to consume orangejuice as is being, we will have to consume orange juice as is still there but we can also move to other juices like apple, grape, tropical. juices like apple, grape, tropical- juices like apple, grape, troical. ., ., tropical. almost out of time but thank tropical. almost out of time but thank you tropical. almost out of time but thank you for tropical. almost out of time j but thank you for explaining the situation. it sounds very challenging. that is all. hello there. it s felt quite pleasant in any strong june sunshine. but generally temperatures have been below par for this time of year and wednesday looks pretty similar to the last few days. some spells of sunshine, variable cloud and further showers mostly across eastern areas. i think there ll be fewer showers around on wednesday because this is a ridge of high pressure, will tend to kill the showers off. the winds will be lighter, but we re still got that blue hue, that cold arctic air hanging around for at least one more day before something milder starts to push in off the atlantic, but with wind and rain. so it s a chilly start to wednesday. temperatures could be in low single digits in some rural spots. these are towns and city values. a little bit of mist and fog where skies have cleared overnight, but it s here where you ll have the best of the sunshine, northern and western areas. a bit of cloud across eastern scotland, eastern england, one 01’ two showers. through the day, it ll be one of sunshine and showers, but the clouds will tend to build most of the showers eastern areas, tending to stay drier towards the west with the best of the sunshine. so it could be up to 17 or 18 degrees in the sunniest spots, but generally cool, ten to 15 or 16 celsius. and then as we move through wednesday night, any showers fade away, lengthy, clear skies. the temperatures will tumble against mist and fog developing. temperatures in rural spots dipping close to freezing in a few places. generally, though, in the towns and cities, we re looking at 4 to eight degrees. now we ll start to see some changes into thursday. we change the wind direction, we lose that cooler air, something a bit milder. but this frontal system tied into low pressure will start to bring wet and windy weather initially into northern ireland, spreading across the irish sea, into western britain and pushing its way eastward. so we start dry with some early sunshine across eastern areas and it should stay dry, i think in eastern england, eastern scotland until after dark. we change the wind direction despite more cloud around, 17 or 18 degrees. and it means thursday night will be milder. so a milder start to friday, but low pressure across the country bring stronger winds, sunshine and showers or longer spells of rain. some of these showers will be heavy and thundery, particularly across southern and western areas. but despite that, in the sunshine, it ll feel a little bit warmer, maybe 19 or 20 degrees. not much change into the weekend, low pressure dominates the scene. it ll be breezy at times. there will be showers or longer spells of rain again, some of them heavy and thundery. but in the sunnier, brighter moments, it llfeela bit warmer, 19 or 20 degrees. and another thing you ll notice, it will feel milder at night. take care. good morning. welcome to breakfast withjon kay and sally nugent. hello. it s six o clock. our headlines today. the green party launches its election manifesto, pledging to increase taxes for higher earners to transform health, housing and transport. good morning. personal finances good morning. personalfinances and our nation s finance are at the heart of this election campaign. i ve come to newcastle to find out how businesses and households are feeling, and if it can swing the vote. good morning from munich ahead of the start of football s european championship, with the hosts germany taking on scotland in the opening match of the tournament here in

Prices , Orange-juice , Uk , Rate-cut , Supplies , Gdp-data , Data , Bank-of-england , Makers , Person , Product , Snapshot

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240611

rican. oh, renaissance. when no way he can be his best in this country. no way, jose. judge. okay, who knew a tri dana:p te eye doctor could be so adorable. check out these penguin who took time out of their busy days for their routine eye exams as penguins age cataracts and other eye conditions can affect their vision, just like humans. so it s important that these impo get checked. and i m on the ingram mangle tonight. all right. and, richard, thistonight. 100 and two-year-old, 102 year old vet world war ii vet is retiring fromfrom being a crossing guard. he s also a postal worker. his name is tom bessette. he lives in greensboro, northwate carolina, 3630, just across fromr day! and that s it for us. have a great night. welcome to jesse wattersni primetime tonight. what is deal here and comghte to think about joe biden s advantage. eep ]. whatever we do, the left says off with biden s head. son of a . if donald trump wins, people will start flying out of windows. , they will end up in gulags. they will end up, as donald p ine, send themthe medi to gitmo. the media fantasizing about trumg aboup, the dictator. but what if biden loses. and he doesn t leave? no i m not going anywhere. oh, oh, it s a wild animal. summer across. it was a mostly peacefulnd i weekend in washington. the sun was shining, the birds the and little johnnyg. how jihadis surrounded the white house. rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah. oh, it was nice. i like outside, but you had a hard. the johnny jihadi is desecrating the statue of general roshan bo,oo the frenchman who, along with lafayette in washington, forcedchma the surrender of brih general cornwallis, effectively winning the revolutionary war. police made no arrests. actually, there was one arrest, but he escaped. nebiden says he s defending democracy but can t defend the demole of the genera who helped start it. it was also biden s biggestrt turnoued.t of the season.son, crowd size in the tens the of thousands more democrats protested biden in one night,n then showed up to support him all year. arris kamala also got showeredho with sharia love in michiganwer and we mourn all the innocent lives that have been lost in gaza, including those tragically los killed today.. for the past eight months,s, president biden and i have been workinpresidg every day to brins conflict. m sp i m speaking right now and i value and respect your voice, but i m speaking right now. while biden and kamala wereng getting heckled out of their own blue backyards, trump was on their homheckled owne turf g some california love for 40 five didn t come home empty handed. more on that in a minute. thene homended, mo he flew to va a campaign rally that was so hot, the teleprompter broke. could you imagine ifu biden was up? he iime s no good with the teleprompter is the worst i ve seen. but could you imagine of thepror teleprompters were of his biden is is. cu, oh oh. he wouldn t even say anything because he s incapable. he d probably go pause in a pause about what he s reading the teleprompter and thennd the they say pause, meaning, you know, maybe you ll get aboumaybe t three people clg and let s pause. now, he just walked off the stage like this teleprompter, but this guy is the worst. after the comedy show, trump revealed a new economi c policy that hard working americans are going to love. hard-wor you know, people areg to themselves, were we better off four years ago? are we better off now? and it wasn t even closeur o. we had the greatest economy in history. what we dif thd in taxes, nobod ever done. so thino hass is the first timee said this. and for those hotel worker s and people that get tips, you re going to be very happy, because whenyou will i get to o, we are going to not charge taxes on tips, people makingtips tips. ng and now, when i was a bellhop, they paid me about four, 25 an hour, but i made hundreds of dollars in cash tips, whichmn we didn t report, obviously, because they can tax dol it. tai but everything s on credit cards now. you can t hide i t. canno uncle sam, taxes tips. biden hired 87,000 extra irsn he agents, gave him guns to do it.t trump s tip tax cut makeske biden look like a sinister old geezer, and it s already movinlg the needle. i did talk with some hotel some servicerday, workers here in las vegas about how that is playing with theas howm. le tol and america, about six people told me that would change their vote, that is. enough to make them switch from voting democrat to republican ifoughke donald trump is promisg something like that to them. sources trump in delaware tell meble biden s a terrible tipper. usually has somebodyer else payh for him. but when he does pay no buen ho a bed tipping president who taxes tips doesn t get reelected. .a new cbs poll says the econom is the number one issue for america. hurricanes american, not the trump the conviction. that s at the bottom of the list. and it s not just the economy, stupid. turns out mosty, america wants a mass deportations, too. would you support a new program government program that would deport all peopl thae living ine u.s. illegally and that find a majority favor that fine. six and ten. , becausehat a bit this 62% of americans favor the deporting all undocumented immigrants. some of what mr. trump talks about could be illegal. it doesn t seem practicale to in some sense to round up trump holdren. so what exactlyp children do people think they re supporting? deporting illegals could be illegalse: depo. is the kind of brilliant analysis americans are blessed with on cbs sunday alysis as. execu remember biden s executive order to shut down the border ifti border crossings hit overr 2500 a day? well, border crossings have been over 2500 a day every day since biden signed the ordey er, and he hasn t shut it down. the day after he signed the ordeafter, they were 4000 border crossings. the next dayr they were 10,000. anybody hear anything about biden shutting down not the border? you didn t because he didn t. .why would democrats support a man like that? they don t?they dt. e show a friend of the show, nick shirley, went to compton. watch. votin who are you voting for in 2020 for obama. , obama s not even running. i don t know what i m voting for trump, but i m voting for trump because he put money in our pocket. i m. tyou pu say sleepy joe. sleepy joe? no, i m just plain probably trump. i ain t gonna go for trump. i will see whereus i go for trump because biden ain t showed us nothing for the people. give me his name. trump, bruh. and why so? because he for us. cheers to trump. joe biden has been president from 2020 to 2024. what differences have you seen t those past eight years? everything s going up. ass?food s going up.economie gas going up. the economy is going up. goin it s it s a difference, a major difference that can be done for our community. yet we re still in the ghetto. e we re still in the hood. whatever we do s. i haven t seen no changes, period. from compton to silicon valley,o democrats are walking away fromr the guy who can barely walk.$30l trump hauled in $30 million from his california swing. 12 million came straight at nancy pelosi s backyard. tech billionaire say they were impressed by how eloquentan and articulate trump was arti up their checkbooks. he wasn t the guy i seeon on tv, one source told the post. he was very thoughtfulce and self-deprecating. one of the billionaires who hosted the fund raiser forro trump was a lifelong democrat who says he s been forced into political homelessness as a democrat who has been left homeless, who is now deafw and only in the center, but probablyn th leaning increasingly right and left yet again with an appreciation . despite the messenger of the message of the jp administrationenger of t,s remorse is rippling through the democrat ranks. , and clinton guru james carville says, don t blame me on t. never i never wanted the guy isn t a choice. then i was crazy about. i actually was very public that i thought that president biden should not run for reelection, but he did. and it s him and trumpan h. and that s where i am. the lack of enthusiasm among young people for public policy or public service oror pub being involved in the publicli square is quite disheartening. and the democrat numbers guru nate silver announced today that the biden approvalan rating has reached an all time low and says biden is in much h worse shape than he was four years ago and is on track ack to to lose handily and suggests we might have hit the threshold loi where biden dropping out would help democrats more than if. he stuck it out. because what does it saybe about caus doea man who won t pt america s symbolic landmarks, mat our national sovereignty, and won t even protect workers meagert protec s from vicious irs agents during an inflationars fromy bubble tht he caused. if yy, ou love this countr you fight to protect it. number one, take any of thei greatest fighters of all time. trump is, number one, the most resilientrump ist human being t ever met in my life. and what respect? i keep doing this. you know, you got money, you got a great life. you got whatever. wha y keep doing this? and the one thing that i can tell you, and this is a factll. this guy loves this country, right? and he loves all americans, regardless of what color, religion. or whatever it is. he s not a racist. he s a good humais notn being. a and he loves america and he cares about this country. period. end of storynd. from waitresses to whales, from compton to venture capital to lafayette park, just yards from the white house. the antipark biden avalanche is building up speed and is taking all of us along forhe bot the ride from the bottom up to the top down this electio tn boils down to this reason triumphing over fear. if enough americans use their common sense and deliberaten and they don t allow their passions to be inflamed by demagogues, , joe biden will be soundly defeated in novemberll. investor and entrepreneur righd sacks joins me now. all right, david, you havee a few billionaire buddies. you re out there in silicon i valley. is it just you and a couple guys ois ir how big is this anti biden movement at the upper echelons? i think it s getting surprisingly big, jesse.ig you know, when we agreed to do j the fundraiser foresse d was president trump, the goal was just to raise $5 million. and we weren t even sure we could do that because, as you well know, silicon valley is pretty much a liberal sili in. now but we ended up raising $12 million. brawe had over 100 people ther. and it really was a total love fest. and then oved people out in theu the san francisco newspaper has been trying all week to get to gin up protesters and nothing really materialized at all. but hundreds of people came out to demonstrate in favor of presidentl bu? trump andeven they were cheering all along his motorcade, even in san francisco. so if that s the the enthusiasm gap in a liberal place like san francisco, what does that tell you about the rest of the country? it tells you a lot. and we ve seen the it all acrose the country. tree in the bodegas in compton ,pretty much everywhere. it just shocks you. you said there was a lot of love for trump in the room. that s obviously, you know, people definitely there to donaty the. the is it the anti biden feeling or is it the pro-trump feeling? how would you define it? well, we hadd a lot of people in that room who had never donated to republicans before p. to trumr dona they were new donors or they were had always been democrat donors. r theyand yet they came out. and i think i attribute that toy the fact that trump is makingg inroads in silicon valley and then als silicono biden is y alienating people. he s really pursued a very hostilpeople.e e program towards innovation. he s been very hostile towardspt crypto. he s wanted to overregulate a.i.. innovation -t downg that all m&a. and so i think there s a lot i of people in technology who are askinge in, what good is this fr us? how does it help us t ofour y have another four years of president biden? and i think that trump haseaf et basically declared that he s the crypto president. he s in favor of innovation. prhe s willing to listen. i think he listened extremely well to all the people in that roo ynem. and fundamentally, he wants america to do well. and i think that peoplhe ae in h who get to meet the president get to know him, they see that he really cares. and i think they can be won over by him. and reallyng they bei think then over by him. you say that the biden administration is trying to kneecap i think kamala might be the eye, s are i don t know f she s doing it or someone else is doing it. the age factor because kamalaus is in play. if biden is reelected, he s going to hand i it over to kamala probably in the first or second year. how much of a factor is thate i well, the white house had this a.i. summit, and they did trump kamala out with a 100 page pluas regulatory plan.p and it was just absurd in terms of the level of detail that they were getting to in terms of regulating this thing. loo the sink, a.i. is brand . at some point, we re going to need to regulate it, but nolt right now. and i think the feeling from a lot of people in tech was that if this was anoplee government reacted to the internet back in the 1990s, it never would have materialized. itet back 1990s never would hao into the revolution that the internet was the, which was vers very good for american jobs and productivity. and america s leadershipoductivs world. so what you don t want to do ai in in thegreaovatio kil cradle. and i think there was not a great deal of confidencet dew that kamala harris was w the person who was going to be the air czarasoing, who s going. to lead us into this glorious future. so, yeah, i think that they are just going to trigger yeah, the biden administration is way o trigger happyregula on regulation. i mean, that s the bottom line. all right. thank you very much. monetiy talkon ands and it te t 12 million things to say at this fundraisery . that s a lot of talking. david sax, thank you so much. everybody go check out the podcast. there he is. thanks, jesse. johnny goes to the puerto rican day parade. salot of puert pueo ricans are saying they re voting for donald trump. i say yes.h? 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the other is possession. the first is, did hunter biden lie to employ or is thegon wilmington, delaware gun store on october 12th, 2018, when he checked no to being a drug user or being addictedd to drugs? did he lie on the form itself when he checked? e . and did he illegally possess a gun for 11 day ts in octoberur 2018 if he was a drug user. now the government, jesse, does noe got t have to prove that hur was on drugs at the exact moment he bought the gun o momer even really in the whole month of october 2018. jurors have to look kindh of at the entire time frame, talking about months and weeks beforame after leah wise, a lawyer for the government, told jurors not to focuse jurors on the presencn of famous people sitting in the fa meaning the first lady and others. he didn t want jurors to be distracted. hunterd others, the attorney, pu to the gun for which says, are you in unlawfuchl use oro addicted to illegal drugs? it doesn t say, have you ever beenillegal abbe lowell sayingi it s all about hunter biden s frame of minngs ald? so those are some of the things the jury has to weigh. it has been quite a triae somel in just a week. it s been fairly short getting all this done in the courtroom e today, hunter biden seemed cheery. he was walking around, giving people hugs and kisses,x thanking them for coming to support him. there was a momentthankithem foe hallway where you could see he, the first lady and his wifwaeeas bowed their heads with some men who seem to be a religiousod figure, maybe possibly praying before they went into court. he could facorg toe up to 25 years behind bars. jesse, tomorrow, we re likely behi ag to get a jury if weheres don t. clearly, there s something going on with this case. if it doesn mething it comese:h back tomorrow. back to you. thanks. david carrier voank you?n. s legal editorcourth who was also in the courthouse today. ou, carry,carrie hunter looked happy to me, was smiling in goodot spirits. goodwhat does he have to be sou happy about? the aybe he s happy about the possibility that the showing of his family members is having an effect on the jury. it seems like doj is concerned about it becauseju.. a they opened their closing with a pretty stark statement. it was bold. y stark jeff. it was gutsy.ey wer and they were leaning in for a reason and they gesturede jut like this to jill biden and the family members. hi joe bthey re sitting right te several feet away. and they said this is not evidencend. and they went on to say, how do you know to the jurors,them they you may have watched them watching you. you may have seen their implied emotionat you,l you may have seen them on the news. but respectfully, none of thists matters. and then they presented what felt like, frankly, oveherf whelming evidence of hunter biden s drug useiden s d, both e during and after the time period in which he purchased that gun. time o i have the form right he, and it s as clear as day. heas are you an unlawful usera of or addicted to narcoticrcs? you do. why are they even still deliberating, carrie? well, we ve had we ve been sitting listenindeg to abbe lowell, hunter, biden s defense attorney, talk a lot about what doesde at are actually mean. a oh, man. right. we ve had a lot of that. we ve alsota had a lotion ab of discussion about when hunteor biden was texting the wife of his dead brother, who he is at that point in a relationship with, and saying he was smoking on ina car crack and, you know, these various drug dealers, mooky franky , seven elevens, his defense attorney says, well, he was justattorney was mad at holly, d saying stuff to get under our skin. we really don t know whern.y he said that. and if it was true and you w know what? he may have beeny bee getting p of coffee at 5 a.m. at 7-eleven. that s why he was there. oh, yeah. mooky makes the best decaf, s te man. that s where i go forstaf my coffee. mooky at 7-eleven. thank you so much, carrie. maybe we ll get some more may action tomorrow. we will se be you soon. n fox news alert. israeli forces pulled off a stunninglord rescue operationg in gaza, bringin rg four hostags back home. terry yanks is in israel with the story. yeah, jesse, we re learning more details about that. remarkablening hostage rescuet that took place on saturday morning. toce oisraeli special forces releasing new video captured by a helmet camera in centrala gaza as the imam and shin bet forces go into a building, g clear separate rooms and ultimately find three oftely the hostages that were being held by hamas. d the ofthey asked for their nai there, telling them to stay them in hebrew before takingng them out of the building through hamas exchanges of fir e into a waiting helicopter along the shores of gaza. ultimately back to a hospital bc here in tel aviv. the wall street journal reports the mission almost failed. the israelis were coming under rpt failedg and small arms fire, this operation was taking place and other local media is reporting it was weeks in the making. the israelisa orting using top t intelligence to try to locate as many hostageso as possibleim and bring them home jesse. y incredible. so what if it s biden who refuses, leave the white house? 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the fires were still from the summer of love in major cities across the country, boarded up to prepare for another round of democrat riots in case biden lost. but joe biden won. so the angry left stood down. but now that trump s beating biden in the polls, the angry left s predicting more violence. this time, they say trump will a dictator kill journalists, lock up and never leave office ? george conway is predicting some kind of purge. and yes, there will be deprogramming if this guy is elected president. we re going to have civil disorder like you ve never seen 60, 70, 80 million people who will vote for the guy. and we still have to live with those people and we re going to have to deprogram them at some point. trump says his revenge will be success. liberals say that revenge will be civil disorder and deprogramming. who s really inciting violence? and aoc says if trump wins, she ll be sent to prison. it sounds, but like i wouldn t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail. really? he s out of his i mean, he did his whole first campaign around lock her up. like this is his motto. i take him at his word when he says that he s going to round up people. i take him at his word when. he threatens journalists. if donald trump wins. we are looking at the potential disillusion of democracy in the united states of america. aoc is much more valuable to the republican party out of prison, speaking freely and sharing her brilliant insights with the country. trust me, michael cohen says the trump administration will shatter, but in a different way. and just like putin, once you start to get too big for your own britches, people will start flying out of windows. they will start like navalny. they will end up in gulags. they will end up, as donald says all the time, send them to gitmo, send them to guantanamo bay. joe biden says he s running to save democracy. if trump wins, america is over . an orange revolution will usher in a racist dictatorship and the constitution will be replaced with the art of the deal. which raises the question if trump does win, why biden concede? a new op ed from the hill wonders what if it s biden who refuses to leave the white house? while speaking with some democratic friends, a reverse scenario was brought up, albeit mostly tongue in cheek. that scenario being that what if, quite ironically, it was biden who either postponed the election out of fear of maga unrest and rebellion or simply refused to leave the white house upon losing in november. makes sense. if trump s hitler and you lose to hitler, why would you willingly hitler? the keys to the white house. former united states assistant secretary of the treasury for public affairs. monica crowley. joins us now. monica, do you think if trump wins, biden is going to go gracefully? oh, well, i mean, it s an outstanding question, isn t it? and there are a lot people who suspect that he might find some pretext, not to leave the presidency or i shouldn t be more accurate, jesse, and say the people pulling his strings would like to stay in power. by the way, that aoc clip, i think aoc is just mad that donald trump won t dater. she s only so obsessed right now, like god is watching you criticize me. it means you re in love with me. yes, that means we re deeply in love with aoc, that we re so gentle and kind with her. so if someone is going to destroy the country and lose, why would you say, okay, my transition team will be in touch? and these are the passwords to the eisenhower executive building. right. you wouldn t. right. you wouldn t do that. so what do you think joe s going to do? is this is this a realistic scenario? well, you know, what s interesting about the left, jesse, is that, you know, a lot of people are talking about projection that they. that s usually an unconscious thing where it s really a confession of what you yourself is doing right, what your side is doing. you blame the other side or you accuse the other side of doing it. it s usually intel, but it s usually, you know, an unconscious thing here. i think it s part of a deliberate strategy on the part of the left. they re lying to everybody about donald trump. they re lying to everybody about the right. and conservatives when they themselves for decades have spent a lot of time and resources burning down the country, literally, whether it was the weather underground, antifa, black lives matter, and now the pro-hamas protesters are out there. remember, the issue is never the issue. the issue was always the revolution. so they re trying to turn consent revolution, right, to destabilize american society . so they re trying to turn the conversation around and flip the script and say, donald trump and maga is going to do this when clearly we ve had now eight years of maga of donald trump on the national political scene and all he has done, jesse, is deliver a booming economy, an enforced border, peace, prosperity, world order. and they deliver civil unrest if he is reelected, that s what they believe them. the resistance colliding with people and causing civil unrest. because i m not going to be deprogram and peacefully, especially by george conway who no offense. but the really important piece about this is, you know, knowing what we know, the deep state and the left are capable of doing, they re not just going to allow donald trump to march back in. they re not just going to allow america first to come back in. so i think a lot of people are braced for something that the deep state that the regime might have up their sleeve. they re capable of anything. we ve seen that evidence very, very clearly. thank you, monica crowley. thank you. jesse watters. president trump campaigning in las vegas this weekend, offering his supporters a very interesting hypothetical. would you rather be electrocuted or eaten by a shark? the boat is sinking and water goes over the battery. the boat is sinking. do i stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do i jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted? because i will tell you, he didn t know the entry said, you know, nobody s ever asked me that question. i said, i think it s a good question. i think there s a lot of electric current coming through that water. but you know what i do? if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, i ll take electrocution every single time and i get near the shore. electric cars, electric sharks, electric boats that didn t come out of nowhere this weekend. two separate shark attacks sent a pair of teens to the hospital and left a woman armless. the attacks happened within miles of each other on separate beaches in walton county, florida, on friday, before 1:30 p.m., a woman swimming near a sandbar was bit and again lost her arm. an hour and a half later, another shark attacked two teenage girls. these people were hurt badly. life threatening, life altering. thankfully, no one died. but remember, a shark expert told us you re supposed to punch the shark in the face ,not swim away. and he s an expert land isn t any safer. a bull. did the lambeau leap at an oregon rodeo charging the crowd and flipping fans? oh, oh, johnny hits the streets . what s going on with the open border about a better border? down on the border. donald trump will take your seat. about cash back in.t pr not a game.acti not a game. not a game. talking about cash back. we re talking about cash back ish backn. we re not talking about bragging. no, we re talking about cash back. back. we re talkin we r talk about cash back. talking about practice for too long or no practice. make talking about cash back. i mean, we re not talking about a get cash back like a pro. well, chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash back, chase? make more of what s yours, quinces. quiet luxury at disruptive prices. because beautiful things should be for everyone. with quince, you can get more summer essentials, more high quality materials, and more of life s finer things. because quality should never be a luxury. when s it $20 off your first purchase at quince ecom? when i started mypillow, it was just a problem. solution one product company. well, since then, with the help of my dedicated employees, we now have hundreds of products. some you might not even know about to get the word out. we re having a $25 extravaganza to pack multi-use my pillows, $25, my pillows handle $25. and for the first time ever, our six pack towel sets. you guessed it, just $25. our brand new four pack dished out $25. and i ve never done this before. premium my pillows with all new keys of fabric, any size, any loft level, even king size for only $25. and there s so much more. so go to mypillow ecommerce, call the number on your screen, use your promo code for our 20 $5 extravaganza. order $75 and over your entire ownership s absolute, totally free. we had to take our old gas heating that was a huge project. i was so overwhelmed because i started contacting people off of energy to work with people that knew what they were doing . it was a game changer. get started today at and .com. he was only 47. aneurism. did he have life insurance? 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[sfx] ambient / laughing. beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. t pe the left s peddled myths for years convincing impressionable young americans to take out massive college loans for useless degrees, put off havingp children and rearrange their lives to account for ans impending climate apocalypse. the people who believe for lies are significantly worse off for it. anhese entire generation was convinced that college degrees were golde n to success. now they re beginning to beg the government to bail them out. climate hysteria has turned millions of youngns of americans into anxious wrecks. not to mention wg americe just 7 billion to install eight electric car charging stations. wit i m sure that helped with inflation a lot. inn a lot.t of all, women, we rl told, hold off on having kids, prioritizing individual fulfillment over starting families as if you couldn t do one or both. according to the new york times , the left sold its followers on a bill of goodk s that was childless. life was not only fulfilling ,it was good for you and for 4 the environment. choosing to not have children wasn t just about focusing on your caree cha it was about sticking it to conservatives who believed sticnty. clear famil 34% of people surveyed chose to not have kids themselves or s knew someone who was intentionallody y childless. turns out the women t who prioritize childlessurns liberalism are wracked with regret after missing their chances dless li to havn of their own. live action founder lela rose joins me now. so i see this as a good thing, lela, that finallysr liberals are waking up to the fact that this crazy propaganda is unhealthy mentally and physically. are we maybe shifting balance here? i think we re definitely shifting balance because the en andd game is this the d that rocks the cradle rules the world and the most meaning you can find in life comes from relationships, comes from love a . and the most meaningful relationships are within families, including parents and their children and in marriage. so i think marriage is going gre to be made great again. it s being made great again because people are realizing,ler that this epidemic of loneliness is only solved epid and fidelityt the and then opening up your love in a marriage to having children, that beautiful risk of children. and so, you knok of children even joke that, well, if the liberals aren t having kids, the conservatives, well, number them. i but i think as liberals wake upi and see the value of children, wake actually makes them more conservative. yeah, that s not how it works. my parents were liberals i had me, so you nevere know. well, is your special jessica special? even though my mom says i m not the one. thanen thougk you very much. this country was founded on creating a government eourage to encourage the pursuit of happiness. happiness involves pursuit o wo happiness involves family, happiness it involves tranquility where you re not worried about the earth ending in ten years. everything that they ve structured goeendingn 10s againe everything the founders prescribed. why woulfounders prescrid they ? yes. yeah, well, it s the propaganda, right? the propaganda of the climate crises people. and i would say marxis msaying and else. why the saying that children actually having childrenor happe is selfish, that the family project is selfish, that you should just care about the state or you should care about the environment to the degree that you are, race yourselfronmen. footp you know, the carbon footprint is the biggest problem in the world that we re facing. that seggest pr the all a the reality is we re actually facing demographic declinrealite in all of the wesw meaning we re not even replacing ourselves re becauseionse no people aren t having enough children. so we ve gone the far extreme and in the pursuit of what? right. i mean, what s the whole point of government? like you said, what s the whole poins e poinhet of the environm? it s for the future of humanity, for children. and so those that are having the children, those that are raising the families, the future actually will belong to those people. and i think more people be are waking up to that because so many people are so miserable right now. yes. se arand we can t have a countn of unhappy women. it wouldn t be good for womenohaveof an and it definitey wouldn t be good for my wife. happy life. jesse, you got it. love that. yeah. then the data is so interesting inteus: you go[ laughte it s al% of trump voters say that they of d about. they they prioritize family in society. rioritizand it s 19% of biden vt today are saying that family matters and children matter for the future. so even that just showdren matte politically the divide. there really is a stark divide by the. thank you so muc. a star h. thanks for having me. the puerto rican day parade marched in manhattan yesterdayyr . so johnny was there, obviously, to ask about our so john big pur rican president, joe biden, 40 five, with with me. let s go over here wheret ist i say, why, dwayne, what ihest the best thing about being puerto ricaning puer? we like to make the plan. x being toxic is .ic the more we ca pn go tueo the hh . bless me, father.nd bless i m about to send. we love that. we we love music.lo [ a? ke to salsve yes. i got my domain. what is the world not know about puerto rican? are we not yelling at you? that s just how we speak. we got that flavor. that s sluggers making you mess with over your thoughts on whether you re flip flop.e wl that s how proud are you to finally have the first puerto rican president of the united you t states and be , what? why about boricua? he says he s puerto rican. ahead. he lied. that s a lie. ,no. he s not puerto rican. you all think i m kidding, don t you? kiddi i don t think he got the flavor. he can be. he s messingored up this countrl you don t have none of our blood running through his veins. oorunning ugh his joe biden, wh, grows clean. white. he s brown. i mahe icheesey be a white boy,m not stupid. what is joe biden done for the latinos? nos? nothing. nothing. nothing. not a mother thing. nothin not, nothing at all. n coming from the top of my head, i m going to keep it on. thi ng.never, ever. one thing. not a thing. he doesn t feel like we re important enough for us to do anything for us. he hasn t donefo o crooked joe. you re fired. er get out of here. go.ayor a mayor adams. puerto rican community not happy with joeda r biden.n, wha and what s happening? well, you know, one thing. i don t know what they re happt ypp about. unhappy about, but i know thing they re happy about it. they re happy to be out here todat here and ty. and i m happy to be here today. and i want to enjoy this summer. nice life, ma am. it to test the prado.will what are we going to do about the open border? closed. that is done. everybody back home. too many dangerous people out there to be roaming around. worry about them better. so all of that on the way . to donald trump. go take your seat. i m the best thing that ever happened to puerto rico. what s going on with the migranmp: ond petert crisis? this country is open for everyone, but doing the rightdu way. this country doesn t even look like america no more. look like venezuele [ you have to take care of your how to be for anything that anybody thinks video but he s saying is a bunch of garbage a lot of latinos say they re voting for donald trump. who are you? i am not the guy trump. trump. oh, that s i say yes, my friends are going to kick my when i get back home. did i not? clearly believ back hoy explaine of trust to you, greg? donald trump did a great job in office. trump did way more than biden did. but i like did trump.becaus he speaks the truth that we pottery could speak the truth. maybe it s time for a feeline gr being offered. i m number one in the polls with hispanics and everyone s like, surprised? i m not surprisedut wit. a ca why don t they get positive? jesse watter s? they pass. i guess you ought to get back to my take. my destiny. what? i love you. mo, everybody, uh, more from our movement next. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become an everyday item to become dangerou tide pods. child guard pack helps keep your laundry packs intichiu safe place and your child safer to clothes. twist until it clicks. tide pods, child guard, packaging start your day with nature. meet the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand some people would rather crash than slow down. i built this club out of nothing. is this my family? 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guy gave m gave e $20 on valent day for his lexus convertibllexs valentine s day. bellhops clean uupp men are always trying to show off for the girl. tony from colorado saxe waslo outstanding, man. i listened to every word he had to say. then, he not mince words? tha yeah. day was great. harr y from marblehead, new jersey. hunter biden is a lawyer and he s confused he sd by a lel form. hard to believe he s the smartest man. hajoe biden ever met. if i can read the gun ford th him and, not misunderstand it. i think a yale educated harvard lawyer, can. heather from emmett, idaho.hv i m withard trump. electrocution over shark encounter. what say you , jesse i m going to try my hands with a shark. they said right hook to the othr gills. you swim the other way. a.j. way billings, montana. i thought we were supposed to swim away from the shark. noim awaw we have to punch the . which one is it now? you punch first, then you swim y away. i m telling you, an expert told me that s the wa.y to get out alive. scott from oceanside, california if biden refuses to leave the white house, it will be because he can t find his warefusey. maybe maybe he doesn t know he loses. k. fainiaom chester, virgini biden will be at the beach. it s jill who won t leav will bh the white house. oh, jill. drte house. biden. excuse me. that s all for tonight. dvr the show. hannity is up next. and always remember, i m waters and this is my world. and i woke up to. hannity and tonight, here- are six words in the english language that every democrat they love, lov englie to recites quote, no one is above the law. no n

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240610

land. what has he done to deserve to be president? is he inspiring, does he give great statesmanlike speeches, is he securing our country from enemies without and within. izzy building up her institutions, is he encouraging young people to embrace our country and learn our history and our principles? is he bringing peace and prosperity to the country? is he doing things about crime in the inner city that are effective, what the hell has this guy done throughout 50 years that has been positive for this country, nothing. nothing. i will see you next time on life liberty and levin . . trey: good evening and thank you for joining us i am trey gowdy. it is sunday night in america . revenge is the best served cold but should always be on the menu? we can have the stuff go one. when biden goes out, everyone says bye-bye and then he gets indicted two days later and they go after him, the country does not want that. they didn t want it with hilary clinton either. i want to bring the country together. trey: some republicans and right-wing commentators are openly calling for retribution. for what alvin bragg and fani willis and other prosecutors have done, some are encouraging republican prosecutors, present and future to target democrats with an eye for night. to be sure one spiritual leader noted an eye for night leaves the whole world blind but it also ruined your justice system which ruined your country, simply turning the other cheek the high road does not serve as a deterrent, what is the right response when you been wrong the left and the media would understand the origins of the anger. it s very hard to become president, less than 50 people have ever done it in to have a cloud placed over your presidency because law enforcement and intelligence officials did not like you and manufactured a russian influence fantasy by the dnc that is anger and retribution provoking, then trump was impeached twice which leads some to want impeachment for the current president in retaliation and trump was indicted before the grand jury including the case in new york that never would ve been brought against anyone else the media could have a law find effective what company. instead it exacerbates the problem rather than shun the likes of peter strzok or indy mccabe, john brennan, andrew wiseman and jim comey, the media hires them and gives them a platform in a paycheck for their bias and laughs at their double standard. if you look at the white house now it s hard to imagine two fbi agents, how did that happen. i sent them all. something i probably wouldn t have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation more organized administration, the fbi wanted to send agents into the white house itself to interview the senior official and you would work through the white house counsel and discussions and approvals and who would be there and i thought it s early enough let s send a couple of guys over. trey: laughter at disparate treatment and treating republicans differently from democrats. laughter at unfairness. and you wonder why the victimize no longer value fairness as a virtue. here we are tempted to treat others as they have treated us rather than as we should ve been treated in the first instance. and yet we know fairness is an everlasting virtue, we know it stood the test of time in the cornerstone of any justice system worth having, what is the answer do we fight fire with fire or do we fight fire with water? righteous water, virtuous water as the prophet said letting justice roll down like water and righteousness like an ever flowing stream. so is it and i for nye or turn the other cheek or something in between? joining us guy benson fox news contributor host of the guy benson show and democrat strategist kevin walling. how should one fight real or perceived injustice by engaging in the same behavior and i for an eye or the prophet who wanted justice and righteousness to be an ever flowing stream what do you think retribution or righteousness. i would like to see the flames of unfairness extinguished with water i struggle to envision what that looks like under the scenario because time and time again donald trump we mentioned the russian collusion helps in 2016 and 2017 a cloud over his whole presidency they thought they had a beat that time, by 2020 they manufacturing the russian disinformation about hunter biden s laptop as you accurately described in new york for a lot of trump supporters that feels like one, 23 strikes in diffuse able to win the next election in spite of all of that i think there will be a concern on the left that there might be vengeance and a lot of people in the right saying the vengeance is earned for necessary. trey: kevin, the reason i like having you on i think you re a fair person even on issues upon which we disagree. i m not asking you if you agree with the anger i am asking if you understand it. i try to understand why the other side is angry even if i do not. i don t want to live in a country where this group is targeting back a real based on their political ideology, how do we get out of a real or perceived i for nye situation which we may be headed towards. i really appreciate what you just said. i fully understand the anger in the frustration. i don t think democrats in 2016 understood the anger and frustration not necessarily about donald trump of the grievances but about their stay in life, wages were up they were stuck in the same jobs for four years, the populist rage is donald trump selection in 2016. i double back to what you said an offset that there were four different grand jury s that have indicted t the president among these charges, we have got to somehow restore hope and faith in the judicial system of this country it was a injury of donald trump s appears that indicted him in each of in new york a jury of donald trump many of them have trump social and follow the president and support the president who ultimately decided against former president trump. i think what you seen from president biden with his son on trial this past week at least in his remarks from normandy with david mir when he sat down with him that he will abide with his ruling even if the jury votes to convict his own son and sentence his own son. and that he won t pardon his own son if it comes to that. i think that hopefully is the direction we can all agree on and work together to restore hope in the judicial system. trey: i actually don t think of the hunter biden case, i was a gun prosecutor, i would put him in drug court to be candid with everyone that puts me in the minority but i would put him in drug court, is hilary clinton that i think back on, kevin is correct the grand jury has indicted her but it s tough to get an indictment when you don t seek one. the way she was investigated is different from the way that donald trump or other republicans. i ve never heard of having witnesses sit in while you were interviewing, jim comey drafted his memo exonerating her months before he even talked to her. i worry about our justice sy system. guy, let me ask you a political question. i don t forget to solve the justice questions. we have three events the sentencing of donald trump, the debates coming up and his selection as a vice presidential running mate, which of the three do you think has the best chance of moving the needle polit politically. i m going to say the debates and i m not even sure about that, the obvious answer one would think under normal times or circumstances would be the felony convictions of one of the two candidates running for president that would be the bombshell that could change this race but i know it s early and i want to see the polling averages two or three weeks from now but the early indications including high profile high quality pulling suggest that that really hasn t moved the needle in terms of public opinion against donald trump. i m getting go with the debates but we will see this feels locked in stone to some extent in a house for months. trey: kevin, i owe you a question i ll pay you back some point in the future but i got way to caught up in the prophet amos, i apologize for that. you are taking us to church. my mom will be happy that i know the names of video the prophets. thank you both for joining us on a sunday nights. we will see you next time. both sides think the academy is a winning issue for them but they both cannot be right can they? kevin o leary is us thse ae anss next on sunday night in america . because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. when we say it ll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. being so tall definitely has 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liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it s not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there s only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. trey: welcome back to sunday night in america the dream of owning a home might not be dead but you might drop dead when you see the price of a new house. especially for young people starting out. it is dying because people are interested in the american dream anymore. it s too expensive we have our kids or grandkids. a car cost but my parents bought a house for. what we wanted when we were young is not something i kids can afford. trey: the question is why, is it a lack of inventory or has inflation hit the housing market, more dramatically than other sectors. by the way how can both sides run on the academy this nov november. republican side inflation, democrats say the stock market hit record highs, who is right at trump tax cut are set to expire, the marginal wage of 37%, that does not include state, local or sales taxes. god asked for tempers and how much is enough or government. here to make sense fame to investor in o leary ventures chairman mr. kevin o leary, thank you for joining us, let s start with housing, what do you think is driving up the cost of buying a home. if you can scrape together the money or get a loan is real estate in your judgment a good investment? real estate has always been a good investment for 200 years and it s proven up over history. in the rapid increase in of the interest rates in the anticipation was has not come down only 12 months ago you are thinking seven great cuts in which not have appeared because inflation remains rampant and north of 3% housing is adjusted on simple equations to interest rates. and they are higher than they were in the market so seven, eight, 9% depending on your economic status and that s a lot more than 3.5% four years ago. that is why housing cost have been up 30 or 40%, it s really hard to see the change, i m not sure that s going to change at all then we had the weird outcome of the pandemic where people moved away from metropolitan areas into areas where they wanted to live in better schools and everything else in it went way through the roof. it s a new america i digitized american housing is more expensive. trey: speaking of america we have an election coming up, early voting starts pretty soon, it s rare to see both parties running on the same issue but democrats site jobs numbers in the market hitting 40000 and republican side inflation in the general sense that all is not well in the market may be on a sugar high, which side has the more compelling argument when it comes to the economy. it doesn t matter who you are or what party you re associated with when you re the in cabinet in dealing with inflation. inflation is a simple equation, there are three aspects that really hurt you at the voting poll in its energy on transportation, that is oil and gas, is housing that we just talked about, then it is food in minutes chicken, fish, steak does have not gone down in value since the pandemic, there up 38% and your cna change the lives of fast food restaurants and everything else in those three actions are not good for the incumbent. inflation is never good. it having been repaired over the next four and half months i don t think so. we have inflation that is north of 30% when it has to be to, that is their mandate, it s really sticky in food prices that s where people go to the grocery store every two days and say this piece of chicken is worth 40% more than it was 36 months ago not hurts of the p poll. trey: for future president were to call you and say we can never tax our way out of this deficit there has to be a reduction in spending but neither side wants to talk about that. what is the right kind of mix of more revenue versus spending cuts or should we abandon the notion of a balanced budget, it s a fools goal to have that we can have a balanced budget in mind in your lifetime. that s a great question, here s the answer, 1974 in 1975 were getting given example to countries that solve this problem, canada was one in norway was the other, they did a different path, that massive energy reserves in there is a reserve in america with and warmer one of the largest oils on earth untapped, unused. what the canadians did they put a royalty on it same time as norwegians but those norwegians put into the law the all the royalties they charge the lawyer hundred royalty per barrel, every dollar of that had to be spent reducing deficit the canadians did not do that they let the government spend any way that they wanted to and governments waste money and they sponsor their wealth. if you look today kid of the verses norway it s one of the highest in-depth per capita nations on earth, norway are winners, and war is what s going to solve this problem. trey: mr. kevin o leary taken a ce conch class i wish i would ve had you on college i would had a better portfolio than what i have right now, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. up next another high-profile criminal trial, guns, drugs, girlfriends and hunter biden. all that next on sunday night in america . for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. a test or approve a medication. we didn t have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it s completely changed our lives. we re here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it s a permanent solution. you ll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that s amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we ll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they re sagging, we ll repair them. if they re broken, we ll replace them. if they re in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it s actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that s peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection. call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit welcome to fox news like i m ashley strohmier, far right party in france, germany austria and belgium making big gains in the parliamentary election that projected wrench president and manual macron to dissolve his country s parliament and call for snap elections. and belgium s prime minister resigned after his party suffered defeat, millions of europeans have been casting ballots this week and what of the world s biggest democratics elections, the flow comes at a pivotal moment that you which is grappling with a range of issues from wars in ukraine and gaza and immigration and climate change. closing arguments expected, hunter biden federal gun trial defense is trying to decide if they will call the president son to testify when the trial resumes tomorrow, prosecutors rested their case friday but it could call a rebuttal witness if hunter takes the stand. i m ashley strohmier, back to you in sunday night in america . trey: welcome back to sunday night in america . hunter biden is on trial for two things, lying on an application to buy a gun and possessing the gun while being an addict or unlawful user of the controlled substance. lying and buying cases are common, so to our cases against convicted felons. how many people have been prosecuted under this unlawful user or addict section of the gun law. for that matter how many people are being prosecuted for being mentally ill and possessing a gun or being illegally possessing account, i m all for enforcing the law, i prosecuted federal gun cases for six years. but i m also for fairness, donald trump was prosecuted on a manufactured felony because he was donald trump. the evidence is overwhelming that hunter biden was an addict and a user of cocaine base when he applied to purchase the gun, it s not a hard case for prosecutors to win. would drug court be a better outcome than prison, joining us two of my favorite legal minds constitutional lawyer mark smith and former u.s. attorney brett tolman. this case has me thinking if hunter biden had gone to a friend were neighbor to buy a gun there would be no federal form to fill out because private sales don t require sfl forms or background checks. two of the charges went to a licensed dealer and not a private person but the possession count would hold regardless because addicts can t possess firearms, is that right? you are right and this is a case, i m not sure in a vacuum that this case gets brought, you have the justice department being shamed into a case of the swirling obligations of what was discovered on the laptop. in the lesser of the evils that it can bring. i think they are refusing to open a legitimate investigation into what the irs whistleblowers are revealing, the hunter biden corruption that included his family and most likely his father all of that was thrown other the rug because they can go forward with this case and they could do exactly what many are saying they are fair and impartial justice system in the lesser of evils to avoid the real work that should ve been done in this case. trey: i m not a second amended absolutist, some of the gop are including candidates that ran for the nomination. i don t think convicted murderers should take fully automatic machine guns and kindergarten classes for some of my former colleagues believe there should be no restrictions on the second amendment, are there constitutional issues with parts of her federal firearms laws including this one being used in the biden case. absolutely considerable constitutional question with a large cloth of the federal gun control laws in the hunter biden case, the question is to what degree do individuals that use illegal drugs allowed to possess firearms, the supreme court is working their way through the case law as you know and right now we case before it that s going to speak to this issue. i think at the end of the day where the supreme court will wind up as to who can be disarmed. if you are established to be a violent threat of physically violent threat to herself or to others you can be disarmed, the question in the hunter biden constitutionally if you are a user of drugs but you do have any indication of physical violence, where on the spectrum does not fall are you a nonviolent felony that won t be disarmed i think ultimately or to a drug trafficker or a violent person who can be disarmed, i think the supreme court will need to figure out users of illegal substances fall on the spectrum we won t know that for a few years, this is a developing case law the supreme court has a lot to do in the good to be doing it for the next several years i guess. trey: i know brett knows this because he prosecuted them cocaine base, per se illegal. but value is also a controlled substance, so is lortab. , what kind of a defense to uc, i sat here and look at the case, no question he is a user no lawful user of cocaine base what is the defense other than jury nullification. this is an important point, in reality it s as close to a strict liability crime as you can get, it s not a difficult case why are they taking it to trial, they feel they can notify the jury, the arguments are going to be to get one or two jurors to appeal to their bias if they have some or their political interest, that is why you see joe biden flying back and going to the courtroom as soon as she can. i think the hope that the counting on somewhat in the jury that will be willing to convict hunter. trey: i want to play a little bit of a sound from the president and get you to react to the other side. as we sit here in normandy, your son hunter is on trial and i know you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution, let me ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, the verdict no matter what it is. you. have you ruled out a pardon for your son. yes. most of us would serve prison sentence for our children, he said he would not pardon his son and i m thinking there is controversial pardons since the beginning of time, why not pardon both of your son and donald trump, make everybody happy or unhappy, he was pretty quick on the no. my wife would want me to hesitate a little bit on that question if it was one of my kids. i think joe biden is going to pardon his son hunter biden but i think there is other reasons why you may want to do that if you joe biden not just the fact that he s your son but if you think about it there has been questioned about joe biden s behavior in the past and some of the alleged business dealings and the like and one can see a scenario where joe biden pardons hunter biden and associates associated with hunter biden in various ways so they don t turn state evidence against joe bi biden, one never knows how to any legal investigation goes but i think joe biden has a reason to pardon hunter biden hunter biden s associates not because of the family relationship other self-interested reasons. trey: who would ve ever guessed when we were sitting in law school that we will be discussing the intersection of law and presidential politics. i m glad you guys paid attention but i did not, i wish i could go back to that class in law school, thank you for joining us on a sunday night to the both of you. coming up, benjamin netanyahu will appear before a joint session of congress and already some democrats are plotting their protest while his cease-fire remains on the table on the g7 summit, benjamin netanyahu spokesperson and senator joni ernst on what s next for israel and the middlevs east and the united states, heaf on sunday night in america i g and starving myself just didn t work. what appealed to me about golo was that it focused on losing fat weight and maintaining my muscle. the golo plan and release has given me back my metabolism. golo has shown me how to lose the weight and keep it off. i will never gain the weight back again thanks to golo. switch to shopify and sell smarter at every stage of your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. trey: welcome back to sunday night and america, benjamin netanyahu will address the joint session of congress, likely in late life, i was on the floor of the house floor with benjamin netanyahu speech weeks ago he made a compelling case for what life is like is only democracy in the middle east, surrounded by unfriendly countries, some of whom want to push you injure people into the sea, from the river to the sea. that is the chant, thank surrounded by enemies should be a good preparation for benjamin netanyahu appearing before the squad if they show up for speech. and some other lefties in congress as well, the world has changed dramatically and says benjamin netanyahu was last before congress, there is been congress with abraham accord but now it s more the dominance. congress has jobs in both parties but there are democrats who will appear openly hostile towards the jewish state, some calling for regime change in israel which is rich since they haven t called for russia, iran or north korea to replace their leaders. , what will benjamin netanyahu say, what should he say, will he do a better job of really undergoing american politics and some democrats have done in ignoring israeli politics. are we closer to his cease-fire? is biden still pressuring israel to withdraw as histology and hostages remain kidnapped, tal heinrich is the spokesperson for the israeli prime minister and she joins us now. welcome, hamas to the south, has bullet to the south and american politicians calling for regime change, challenging times for the nation of israel. these are challenging times, thank you for having me on a matching list, and over a hundred overlooked aspect people tend to forget that this is not just a war between us and hamas iranian proxy in gaza we also have palestinian islamic jihad in gaza and we had constant terror attacks from emerging from the west bank from samaria just a few days ago we had missiles from the red sea targeting her territory with the houthis and other iranian proxy and thank you for mentioning hezbollah. notice this number since the beginning of the war on october 7, we have had more than 17000, 500 missiles combined targeting our territory from both north and south, hezbollah and hamas. we had 61000 residents to the north who are unable to the state for more than eight months to return to their home because of hezbollah over the past week we had to fight fires in the north and for more nine hours explosive drones targeting our communities and injuries and damage and whatnot. the prime minister took a tour of the north with the idea and there was a security assessment a few days ago and he said very clearly, one way or another we will restore security in the north, it is up to hezbollah to decide if it s going to be a diplomatic way or the military way. trey: congress has changed a lot in the time since i ve been there. i don t think prime minister benjamin netanyahu has forgiven he s going to avoid american politics and focus on what he focused on last time, israel is unique only democracy in sc of theocracies and nondemocratic governments. that is my prediction, he will resist the temptation to insert himself into our politics even though democrats do not resist the temptation to insert themselves into israeli politics. i think you re right will find out when the prime minister gets here in late july and he will speak to the american people and the american congress for the overwhelming support that we have been receiving and this is not what you see on tv and what s been highlighted by the media and we get the american people stand by us and you guys hate terrorists and we hate terrorist and were fighting against. evil as president biden called hamas early on when he came to israel to stand by us in the country. the prime minister will speak the truth about this in a very, very war objectives as we defined them on day one of the war to bring all of our stolen people the hostages back home in the hamas terrorist regime as a governing body in the military wing and gaza to make sure the territory i should call it a territory will never pose a threat to us and never ever again, this is not changed since day one of the war, this is time for moral clarity in the prime minister will think the american people and remind everyone that we need america by our side in the moral global leadership. mentioned evil and hamas, there is a cease-fire and a moss is not going to accept israel and accept the jewish state in the region. to me as cease-fire gives them time to regroup and rearm. i will give you the last word on whether or not it is worth pursuing. i think there s something i need to highlight there is a difference between a temporary humanitarian pause in the fight for the release of hostages, something we facilitated back in november and agreed to do again and the notion of a permanent cease-fire that would leave hamas in power, that s not going to happen. trey: thank you tal heinrich, we will see in late july exactly what prime minister benjamin netanyahu says as he addresses a joint session of congress, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. trey: president biden heads to italy for the g7 summit where a full agenda awaits. his cease-fire in the middle east will be discussed even as hamas holds israeli hostages. ukraine defies odd but needs more and better weapons, iran has a new leader in north korea is acting like a petulant child once again. joy did as iowa senator joni ernst who served our country in uniform and now serves on the senate armed services committee, welcome senator it s wonderful to see you again i guess we will start with israel stunning number of american politicians who called for regime change in newsreel even in the midst of war with hamas, what do you make a president biden s handling of this war and the impact of domestic politics on his decision-making. thank you, remember when october 7 happen shortly after that president biden said we had an ironclad commitment to israel, that is faltering over the months and it s very unfortunate to see not only as president joe biden waffling in attempting to tell israel how they should or shouldn t run their war but now we see a number of the other democrats serving in the halls of congress and following the lead by waffling and some of them outright pushing against israel and protesting supporting the palestinians and hamas. it s a really unfortunate situation to be in and israel is her closest friend in ally in the middle east. trey: a gop member of the house, just one but a gop member question if they should remain part of nato which is especially curious thing to say as we celebrate the day when the forces of good join hands to defeat the axis of evil, in your judgment what is the status of nato and with russia s continuing war against ukraine. you know me and most folks know where i stand on this issue i think nato has a role in the world but what we can do as america and as a world leader is encourager nato partners to do much more, they need to make their two requirement of spending on defense were their own countries of their own gdp. we need to push on them to do much more, this is something that president trump had engaged in when he was in the white house and was very successful at that getting our nato allies and friends to stand up and do more, joe biden has left a number of them wondering where is american leadership, this is why we need a change in the white house. nato does have a role to play especially as we see were continuing in europe, we cannot allow it to pervasively push all the crossed europe and threaten our national security in the united states of america. again i think nato is still valid under very relevant and very important to us today. trey: before i let you go, i have to get you to respond iran is going to have a new president he was killed in a helicopter crash, do you expect any change at all in the way that iran interfaces with the rest of the world. not such of a loss for any of us. i m not really mourning the loss of the leader in iran but i don t see any changes coming anytime soon. i think those in control and especially with the supreme leader in iran, he is going to pick and choose who he wants to follow racing, is not going to be good, i think we will continue to see iran in their nefarious actions all across the middle east and especially as they continue to chant death to america. this does not bode well for israel and certainly does not bode well for the united states, nor any of our partners. trey: i am afraid senator you are correct, thank you for your service to our country in uniform and your continuing service in the u.s. senate in joining us on a sunday night. great to be with you. trey: yes, ma am, you two. he s in the running to be donald trump s vice 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom 20240610

you are done with this? yeah, maybe, or maybe need some plastic surgery, who knows? you never know. it s usually settled by an arm wrestle. we should mention special guest on the tour is john wait is on first and then foreigner or stix depending on the night and who wins the coin toss. it is lot of hits on stage. i think there are four or five number ones and just a lot of great songs that you certainly will know. four hours of classic rock which is amazing to unfold over the course of 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. steve: we love both of you. the renegades and juke box hero tour kicks off tomorrow in grand rapids. kelly and lawrence, thank you very much and good luck to you. want to make sure everyone goes to live nation or ticketmaster. dana: and breaking news on the hunter biden gun trial. we re waiting to find out if the first son will take the stand. good morning. i m dana perino. bill is off today. good morning to you, john. john: good morning. i was surprised to see foreigner and stix. i will see them in hershey, pennsylvania in july. stix are good friends of ours. america s newsroom a live look at the delaware courthouse. this as the president s son tries to avoid conviction for allegedly lying on a gun application. dana: also in delaware president biden and first lady jill biden. they returned there after their visit to france for d-day and the first lady this morning is back in court to support her son. john: team fox coverage today. andy mccarthy is on deck but let s go to rich edson in wilmington, delaware with news out of the courtroom. we just got an update from the courtroom. what s going on now, the jury is not seated yet but there are some preliminary discussions underway right now. in it there has been an indication from the defense that hunter biden will not testify. that is not fully confirmed yet. we re still waiting to here if he will or will not testify. he arrived for his second week in court with his wife, melissa. jill biden is here and his aunt and uncle. james a business partner of hunter s. if hunter declines to testify it would have closing statements as early as this afternoon. if hunter biden testifies it will go deeper into the october. prosecutor allege in october of 2018 hunter was a drug user but he produced witnesses and passages from hunter s own audio book to try to prove their case. called hunter s ex-wife and ex-girlfriend and sister-in-law hallie who hunter had a relationship with after beau died in 2015. the defense has drawn testimony that none of the witnesses actually saw hunter use crack the week and a half he possessed the gun. if convicted the charges carry a maximum of prison and fine. hunter would be a first time non-violent offender. once this trial wraps it s september in los angeles. his court date on federal tax charges. we re waiting to see if he takes the stand here today. john, back to you. john: rich edson with the latest. the very latest coming out of the courtroom in delaware. thank you. dana: thank you, john. let s bring in andy mccarthy. you know if it s a monday we have more trials to talk about. today is hunter biden. with this decision it indicates that hunter biden will not take the stand. i don t think that would be a surprise to you. but his lawyers had really presented quite a bravado going into this case but it is unlikely he will testify. do you think that s a good decision? it is a good decision, dana. i think looking at his potential sentencing guidelines it looks to me like even if he gets convicted he has a good chance of avoiding a prison sentence. that calculation can change if a defendant takes the stand, gives a version of events that the jury obviously rejects, especially what we just heard is true, the government would come back with rebuttal witnesses. the consequences of that under the sentencing guidelines would be to add additional points to computing his offense level as it is called in the guidelines, which would lean closer toward a prison sentence. i think it is a smart move. john: they took the weekend to decide what to do. the way i looked at this on friday and turley and others have talked about jury nullification. members of the jury who know someone addicted to drugs or alcohol at one point. if hunter biden were to testify he could potentially present a very sympathetic character that the jury might look at and have sympathy for and say you know what? let s not convict him on this. what do you think the decision tree was over the weekend as to whether or not to have him testify? i don t disagree with that analysis, john. i think they may feel like they accomplished that with calling his daughter last week. i think factually in terms of the evidence in the case, that was not a great strategic decision but if what you are trying to do is gin up sympathy for hunter, i think his daughter s testimony may have done just that. my own view of it is, of course they are trying for a nullification decision from the jury but also tee up their appeal. the second amendment is a very live issue in the appellate courts on the federal level. and i think what they are trying to show is that his kind of cocaine use was more like alcohol abuse than mental illness because in this country, there is not much history for regulating drug use in terms of gun possession but there is a lot of history of taking rights away, including gun rights away, from people who are adjudicated to be incompetent. they are trying to set this up and why the stress on the fact that no one can say he was using crack with certainty in the days around the time that he purchased the gun. that s where they are going, i think. dana: listen to president biden last week. he did an interview with david of abc news and asked if he would pardon his son. as we sit here in normandy, your son, hunter, is on trial and i know that you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution. but let me ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, their verdict no matter what it is? yes. have you ruled out a pardon for your son? yes. dana: all right, give you a final word on that revelation. he says he is not going to pardon him. and i believe he won t right up until election day. there is nothing enforceable what he just said. that s about as enforceable as saying i can t do anything about the border because congress won t pass the legislation and then they don t pass the legislation and he issues this cockamamie order he did a week ago. it s the position he has to take in the run-up to the election. john: he also didn t say he would commute his sentence. dana: that s true. john: anti-israel agitators haar hasing police officers and defacing statues at president biden s front door calling on his administration to pull support from the top ally in the middle east. but one republican lawmaker is now pushing for an investigation into alleged crimes committed on lafayette square. they didn t get inside the fence to spray graffiti but did a lot of damage across the street. that s right. beyond yelling about a cease-fire in gaza there was also vandalism beyond the white house gates. statues outside the white house including one of andrew jackson were vandalized on saturday, desecrated by protestors, red paint hand prints and spray paint graffiti. national park service officials are assessing the extent and cost of the damage. arkansas republican senator tom cotton had photos of statues. free gaza sprayed on a number of the statute. it is a blatant violation of federal law and calling on the justice department to investigate. if not d.o.j. will next year. you have anti-american pro-hamas loon particulars desecrating the statues of our great veterans, which is a plain violation of federal law. but joe biden s government allowed it to happen and i bet we re not going to see any arrests or prosecutions for violating that law. saturday s protest was a combination of pro-palestinian and anti-war groups. protestors wearing red were forming a human red line around the white house with some saying they stand with hamas. white house spokesman andrew baits responded to that. president biden has been clear that every american has the right to peacefully express their views but he is also always been clear that anti-semitism, violent rhetoric and endorsing murderous terrorists organizations like hamas is repugnant, dangerous, and against everything we stand for as a country. his statement does not condemn the vandalism of those statues, john. john: all right, thanks very much, we ll see what happens across the street and whether or not the investigation results in any charges. a lot of people might think that s a foregone conclusion. thank you, now this. we re going to make our country great again and greater than ever before. it is going to be special. and the world is going to look up to us with respect. they aren t going to be laughing at us. they right now are laughing at us. dana: donald trump goes west on a campaign swing. it was hot out there. he made a major promise and hauls in a boatload of cash. we have that next. idf going deep behind enemy lines rescuing four hostages from the hands of hamas in gaza. retired four star general jack keane on how it all went down. and critics accusing usa basketball of shooting an air ball for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team. i ll root them top win gold. hopefully in four years i can be there. and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. don t wait, use promo code 25now to save. book at today. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog s food to the farmer s dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there s no magic involved. 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[shouting] dana: a buck wild scene at an oklahoma rodeo when a bull leaps over the arena fence and into a group of spectators. you can see it right there. they immediately descended on the action and eventually able to restrain the bull and put it back in its pen. four people suffered just minor injuries in the process, which is amazing. thank god. they are expected to make a full recovery. john: that s something. former president donald trump wraps up a four-day campaign swing out west including fundraisers in donor-rich california where the cash tap was on full blast. trump also made a no tax pitch to millions of people who work off of tips. senior correspondent alicia acuna live in vegas with more. that had to go over well in sin city, alicia. the crowd really loved it, john. he had a big weekend here in las vegas. former president trump also made a much-anticipated endorsement ahead of the gop senate primary race in nevada. after he left las vegas he endorsed leading candidate retired army captain sam brown who was injured in an explosion while serving in afghanistan. trump writing on truth social i have gotten to know sam and his beautiful wife, amy, first lieutenant and i know in the next chapter of their life of service together they ll continue to make us all proud. sam has already proven his love for our country being horrifically wounded and making a comeback of a lifetime. tuesday s primary winner takes on democratic senator rosen in november. rosen said donald trump endorsed my extreme maga opponent sam brown. banning abortion, gutting healthcare and slashing social security is wrong for nevada. we ll defeat maga extremism in november. on sunday trump also made that campaign promise. for those hotel workers and people who get tips you ll be very happy. when i get to office we re going to not charge taxes on tips. people making tips. the culinary union that represents 60,000 hospitality workers responded, relief is needed for tip earners. nevada workers are smart enough to know the difference between real solutions and wild campaign promises from a convicted felon. congress has the power to change the tax law. a trump spokesperson later told fox president trump will ask congress to eliminate taxes on tips. biden has stepped up the i.r.s. going after tip workers. we ll see where this goes, john. john: i wonder who the culinary workers union is backing in this election? alicia, thank you. dana: want to bring in kevin o leary, chairman of owe leery ventures joining us on the five once in a while. it would be popular for people who make tips but economically i love lower taxes, so what do you think? it is a very interesting proposal. congress has to approve it. tips have been controversial at the taxation level for decades because some of the tips they still are coming in cash are never put onto your form. a tremendous amount of leakage in terms of what s really due to the i.r.s. why not abandon these small amounts? tips are ten to 20% of a bill, maybe 150 or less for a meal in las vegas and so instead of going after these small amounts which for a i.r.s. are really $20, give it up, put some relief on these people squeezed by inflation both in their costs and labor costs for restaurants causing a lot of them to shut down in states like california. politically i see the point. it works. obviously if you are helping them out. a lot of these jobs are transient. you don t want to be a waitress in a fast food location for the rest of your life or waiter. and it s kind of helping young generation move forward. i like it. dana: let me ask you this. you are right on the politics. president trump at 50%, biden at 45%. i have a friend in democratic politics tell me they re writing off nevada at this point and thinking that trump will win it. i also wanted to ask you this looking forward the way the economy is going, there are many more people putting together their income based on the gig economy. a lot of that is based on tips. you re right, that s true. uber drivers, etc. that is a big boost. a tax gift, a giveaway. it may be political. in terms of changing the outcome of the election, i don t think anybody can call this election now. i ve never seen it tighter. dana: no, i just meant for nevada itself because it s looking really good for trump. i don t write off any state for any candidate. the polling has been so volatile over the last two election cycles i don t believe any of it. you have to show me the actual data the night of the election and then i ll believe anything. i would say the biggest issue for both candidates one way or the other is inflation and definitely playing up nevada on home and protein on energy. it s than issue. calling a state now impossible. that s certainly as an investor i m not doing that. dana: it was just a chat with my friend about politics. okay. let me ask you about home and auto insurance. this is the wall street journal earlier today in its editorial saying a politically-made insurance panic. auto and home rates are soaring and the causes are inflation and lawsuit abuse. look at the rates of insurance. it increases in homeowner s insurance. arizona a battleground state. a lot of this has to do with outside influences. listen to senator elizabeth warren and why she is blaming the insurance company. the insurance companies have kind of been playing every part of this game and now when climate risks are rising, they are trying to hang american families out to dry here and demanding either higher premiums or get out of the market all together. so there is a lot going on that poses risk to our economy. dana: i wanted to ask you about that. i ve been watching the costs of car insurance and home insurance really hurting people. while they re dealing with inflation they see at the grocery store. 100% right. 100% right. let me say out of the gate my family grew up in massachusetts. we don t live there anymore. a lot of it is because of elizabeth warren. a great politician, very successful. i don t like her management style and policies. she is wrong on this. the actual facts why inflation has hit insurance so hard is not just weather. there is a tremendous amount of contingency litigation going on here where a lawyer can take down capital from a hedge fund and litigate until the cows come home and get winnings. that policy should be changed. if you lose you pay the legal costs. weather is a factor as well. one sector in our economy that benefits from a.i. this is one of the biggest. so much investment going on trying to write policies from data to a micro level of your street address that it could bring some relief to people in the next 24 months. i m in the insurance industry and consumer goods industry. we look at this like a hawk. i have to buy insurance for my restaurants. are costs are up higher than our food and labor. we want relief there. elizabeth warren is not being helpful bashing the insurance companies. that s never useful. you have to look at why the rates have gone up. there are multiple causes. dana: i feel vindicated. i am obsessed with this issue and wanting to talk more about it and glad we did. kevin o leary, thank you, have a great monday. this whole thing, this whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal. john: a celebration of freedom after israel rescues four hostages from the clutches of hamas. new details on the daring raid and why the anti-israel mob just won t give up coming up next. plus potential crunch time in hunter biden s federal gun trial. will the president s son take the stand? we re watching. customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! 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(laughing) call 1-800-977-3322 to schedule a free hearing evaluation and unlock our best deal of the year! dana: we re learning new details about israel s dramatic rescue of four hostages in gaza over the weekend. the raid in gaza bringing home one woman and three men. the largest hostage rescue operation since the war began last october. trey yengst live in tel aviv with the latest. this morning i listened to a podcast where they had wonderful detail about how all this happened. tell us more. good morning. it was certainly the happiest weekend in israel since the war began, four hostages were rescued from hamas captivity. tears erupted across the country from the streets to the beaches of tel aviv. at a hospital here the israeli civilians were reunited with loved wonder. embraced, laughed and cried. part of what the daring operation to save them looked like. israeli special forces engaged in intense gun battles with militants as they stormed two apartment buildings. they later took the hostages to safety. one mother describes what her reunion was like. very happy to see he is healthy. he looks himonty and happy. he is infinitely happy he is back home and very happy to see him. for israelis it was a day of hope, for palestinians a day of death and destruction. hamas-run palestinians health ministry stays nearly 300 people, mostly civilians, were killed during the operation. videos showed a hospital overflowing with injured and dead patients, as we gather new information about the raid over the weekend there is some political instability in israel. two members of the israeli war cabinet resigned from their positions in the emergency government. dana: also secretary blinken is heading to tel aviv this morning expected to meet with president netanyahu? absolutely. he just made some new remarks on the tarmac in cairo before heading to israel. there is a deal on the table and israelis have accepted the cease-fire deal and now up to hamas to sign on. dana. dana: trey yengst, thank you. john: let s bring in marc thiessen. former speech writer for president bush and fox news contributor. here is what the national security advisor jake sullivan said over the weekend to free the hostages. we should point out that they released the woman seen being taken away in the back of the motorcycle. literally without incident. the idf tried to free the other three hostages a gun fight ensued and all hell broke loose. here is what jake sullivan said about that. civilians were killed and it is tragic. the whole tragedy could be over. all the hostages could be home. there could be a cease-fire if hamas would step up and say yes to the deal that the israelis have accepted and that president biden elaborated a week ago. john: could be over if hamas would surrender and give up all the hostages. we don t hear the administration calling for that. i ve been stunned by the response to this hostage raid in the media and other places. if your response to heroic rescue of israeli hostages and the scenes of these hostages being reunited with their families after 245 days is to blame israel and be outraged an israel you may be an anti-semite. the reason why were civilians killed? because they were holding hostages in civilian areas. that s why civilians were killed. when you hear the news that israel carried out a raid to rescue hostages in a palestinian refugee camp the first question should be why were hostages being held in a refugee camp? that should be the outrage. one other thing. one of these this young lady was being held by a wealthy palestinian family who used her as a housekeeper. they would call her out of her room after family dinner and make her wash the dishes. i m sorry, in the 21st century the days of used being used as slave labor is over. israelis were right to rescue the hostage. wall street editorial said. haters of israel will blame and excuse hamas every time. media are manipulated to playing along. has the west loss lot the moral instinct for self-preservation to defend itself in a world of killers? hamas could not survive if not for its enablers around the world. experts say hamas will not unconditionally surrender or agree to any cease-fire where it would lose power is because it is holding out long enough for the outrage to grow against israel and the pressure from this administration on israel to accept the cease-fire is great and finally everybody caves and hamas stays in power. as a p.r. strategy it s working. keep in mind these civilian casualties here were intentional on the part of hamas. they are responsible for every one of them through their decision. it was hamas who made the decision to start this war and massacre and rape israeli civilians. it was their decision to take israeli civilians hostage and bring them into refugee camps and hide them among the civilian population using palestinian civilians at human shields. hamas s decision not to agree to a cease-fire and release the hostages and hamas s decision to take weapons into the palestinian refugee camp and when the israeli rescuers come, to open fire forcing the israelis to respond. people blame israel for the civilian what hamas understands is that there are millions of anti-semites out there who will give them a pass and blame israel for every action it takes to defend itself. unfortunately this administration cowering and the israelis aren t listening doing what they need to do to protect their country and not allow another holocaust to happen and their people to be massacreed. john: the video of the woman being kidnapped and taken away on the motorcycle and the look of terror on her face. for her to be back home is a miracle. dana reads sports. dana: two heroic plays in men s college baseball yesterday as the florida gators stun the clemson tigers 11-ten ending their season. clemson center fielder making an unreal over the head catch at the bottom of the 10th. the catch saved the game with a 9-nine. it was michael robertson who played hero for the gators punching a ball for the win at the top at the bottom of the 13th inning. and sending his team to the college world series that takes place in omaha. i felt i was on a high wire without a net with that read. john: the top is the first part of the inning the bottom the last part of the inning. the catch was amazing. dana: you don t see that every day. john: we ll talk next hour about my favorite topic, caitlin clark being snubbed from the u.s. owe ole owe limb particular team. patrol agents are being told something far different. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love him? biden helped us. ild diagno sed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it s awesome. [music playing] it s time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer s dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog s needs. it s an idea whose time has come. our biggest challenge? uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges. who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple.with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. with absorbine pro, pain won t hold you back from your passions. it s the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. dana: a landslide causing part of a major highway at teton pass in wyoming to collapse. it forced the closure of a key transit route between idaho and the beautiful town of jackson, wyoming. state officials describe it as a catastrophic failure and it is not clear how long it will take to reopen the road. that s a tough one as we go into the summer. john: that s a big one. maybe the landslide will bring you down. not even a week into president biden s border action we capture migrants illegally pouring across the san diego border sector. border patrol agents getting word to let those people into the country. matt finn is live along the california border with the latest for us. matt. all weekend long we saw migrants illegally cross right here coming from places like china, india, egypt, africa and beyond and just last week president biden promised that his new executive order would suspend illegal migrants from being released into the united states. but now a new border patrol memo obtained by fox news seems to contradict what the president promised. that memo reads in part that agents here in the san diego sector should continue mass releasing single adult migrants into the united states from all but six countries in the eastern hemisphere including russia, moldova and bill: others are being released on the honor system. it reads border patrol agents are ordered to refer to ice single adults from hard or very hard to remove countries. all other migrants are processed and released with a notice to appear on their on recognizance. here in san diego we are talking to migrants coming from all over the world. many tell us they fly into mexico and are smuggled into the united states. did you pay anyone to help you get here? no, i just searched the internet and then follow those guy. can come here. what do you think of president biden? biden? i love biden. why do you love biden? because biden, we love. why do you love him? biden helped us. many of these migrants tell us that they pay $10,000 and beyond to find these cartel coyotes or human smugglers to help them get into the united states, john. john: wow, anybody who thought this executive order was going to change things is sadly mistaken. matt finn for us in california. thank you. dana: want to bring in retired border patrol chief chris clem. curious let s put up the memo again about releasing not releasing from those countries in the eastern hemisphere. why would they do that, chris? this is first of all it s a great topic, very telling about the administration. since day one they have been about catch and release. hard to remove or hard countries, those are mandatory referrals to ice. it doesn t mean it s a mandatory detention. border patrol is not going to release those themselves. it is ice that is supposed to put them in longer, sometimes indefinitely. but as we know and what we ve seen most likely they will be released if nothing has come up. i want to say it s very interesting that we are a week into this executive order, nothing has changed. the numbers continue to rise in san diego. it s another pull factor. if you are a single adult and not listed in those countries you ll be released. so guess what? they ll keep coming. dana: here is what mayorkas thinks about the timing of it all. what has the impact been? how many migrants have been turned away between those ports of entry? we re at a very early stage. implementation as you noted has just begun. our intent is to really change the risk calculus of individuals before they leave their countries of origin and incentivize them to use the lawful pathways that we have made available to them and keep them out of the hands of ex employ station smugglers. it s early. dana: he says it s early. the new york post says it s already failed. the headline, the border crack down has failed as illegals flood across. how do you see it and where do you fall? it s early and already failed. he uses fancy words that don t make sense. reality is this. they ve known since day one this has been a problem. they ve been working on catch and release and doing this the whole time. now they say it will take time. what have they been doing the last six months when mayorkas and blinken went to mexico and the foreign policy expert that sits in the white house who hasn t made arrangements. one last thing i ll say specific to the memo, it is not uncommon to have some specific efficiency directives in those correspondence going to the field. ice is not going to take certain people. let s not waste the time and process them. one particular pathway if it is not going to result in a detention. so there is some efficiency rules in that memo but at the end of the day what should be alarming to everybody is that single adults are being released if knee aren t from those six countries. who has been committing the crimes around the country have been single adults released out of border patrol and ice custody. we need to detain these folks. they have had years to plan for this. to sit there and say it will take time. how many more lives and migrants have to be exploited because this administration will not secure the border and hold people accountable? dana: chris clem, thank you for joining us today. we ll continue to watch it because the migrants continue to come. thank you. as i was turning, a shark grabbed ahold of my hand i looked down and there was a shark attached to my hand. i started punching it. john: a streak of shark attacks putting the florida panhandle on high alert. what authorities are telling swimmers. usa basketball under fire for leaving caitlin clark off the olympic team and how the superstar is responding. no disappointment something to work for. it s a dream. hopefully one day i can be there. they get it. they know how it works. more importantly, it works for them. i don t have any anxiety about money anymore. i don t have to worry about a mortgage payment every month. it allowed me to live in my home and not have to make payments. linda, dinah, joanne, very different people. but they do have a couple things in common. they love their home, and they know their stuff. they all talked about the counseling they got, so they knew how a reverse mortgage worked. and how it could be a real financial solution for their retirement. if you re 62 or older and own your home, find out how you could access your home s equity to give you cash now, and when you need it in the future. a reverse mortgage could put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards and covering medical costs. a person like me needed to get a reverse mortgage it changed my life, it was the best thing i ve ever done. really? 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listen to your heart. repatha plus a statin dramatically lowers ldl-c by 63%, and significantly drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. we won t let another heart attack set us back. and neither should you. listen to your heart. lower your ldl-c and your risk with repatha. talk to your doctor. john: fox news alert. firefighters in miami working to extinguish a three alarm fire at a multi-story apartment building after a person was found shot inside that building. police also investigating. more details as we get them. dana. dummies, for the first time in the history of basketball you have arguably a player the most popular player in the world. and you leave her off the olympics team? dana: basketball fans are slamming a decision by usa basketball to leave caitlin clark off the team for the paris olympics that takes place in eight weeks. mike tobin has more from chicago. what happened? the biggest name in women s basketball won t be on the u.s. team this olympics and indications that the decision to not include her on the roster didn t really have to do with who would play the best in the olympics. moment i million dollar sensation and name drawing eyes to the wnba caitlin clark is left off the olympic roster. she was excluded from team usa because there was concerns she would not play as much in the olympics as she does in the pros and concern her fans would have a negative reaction. they wrote it s an admission of tension that the old guard in women s basketball harbors for the rookie who has drawn worldwide attention to women s basketball. clark took the high road and took the disappointment in stride and says the snub from team usa gave her something to work for. the most competitive team in the world and it could have gone either way. i m excited for them. going to be rooting them on to win gold. i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics so yeah, it will be fun watching. the coach of the indiana fever for which clark plays says behind the scenes clark s reaction was more competitive. they just woke a monster. women have been dominant in basketball. they have won every gold in the olympics since 1996. dana: thanks. lots a chitchat on that today. appreciate it. john: weird changes coming up in europe. the european parliament swinging to the right as conservatives win elections in france, italy and germany. alex hogan in london has more on the shift. what s going on? we re starting to see these results roll in from the european unions parliamentary elections and results showing this right-leaning shift especially in countries that hold a large number of seats. let s look at france, for example. the right-leaning party is projected to get more than double the share of french president macron s pro-centrist europeans. m he called for a new election. they will take place at the end of this month set to take place before the country hosts the olympics. looking at germany, chancellor schultz social democrats saw their worst-ever result of 14% losing to the conservative opposition. and in austria, the right-leaning freedom party out performed the conservative party as well as the social democrats. meanwhile looking at italy, italian prime minister conservative brothers of italy s group doubled their seats in the e.u. assembly. why it all matters is the 720 seats will really determine the state of affairs of what takes place within the e.u. over the next five years and new data from today from the e.u. suggests those voters who made their way out voiced concerns, three main concerns at this point in time immigration, international conflicts and economy. definitely making those voices heard this weekend.

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Transcripts For MSNBC Dateline 20240609

that s it for me. thanks for watching. tune in tomorrow where i am speaking with congressman jerry connelly. plus, senior adviser and spoke s person for president biden s campaign, adrienne elrod joins us to talk importance of border security to voters ahead of november s election tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. follow us on social media using the handle, at weekend capehart. listened every episode of our show as a podcast for free. scan the qr code on your screen to follow. but, keep it right here. a frightening film about a serial killer. robert barnsley: .he d say, when you re turning the blade, grit your teeth and really really show that you re enjoying it. we had talked about how would you kill somebody and get away with it. i had dark thoughts and shared them with the serial killer. it was supposed to be a movie, a frightening film about a serial killer. you grit your teeth and really show that you on bare enjoying it. but, was it really just pretend? eels get down on the ground and took out duct tape. i have never in my life felt fear like that. a rising young film director filming a murder, or actually committing one? he told me well, you liked dexter. when you take a step back you realize this is a real man who has been murdered. the script was darker than anyone knew. like holy mackerel. who are you, really? everyone was on the edge of their seat. and underground parking garage, you are watching a violent attack caught on tape. who was this? what is happening? or, did it happen at all? movies, like that one, are by design, deceptive. make-believe worlds, but have you noticed maybe it is all the technical doodads and digital cameras. some stories that claim to be true or not. anybody can manipulate reality, sometimes what they say is true is it. sometimes, fiction turns out to be fact, and then there are stories, just a few, and which fact and fiction fuse and that is where we are going tonight, a twilight zone world of illusion and deception and deceit. follow the howling wind north across a vast prairie through brief, brilliant summers and winters as frigid as any on earth to a metropolis canadians call the gateway to the north, the city whose police department stays very busy. this is detective bill clark. the city is edmonton, canada. today i got a call from a family whose son was killed in december. nothing in a career so strange as the case of a man who went missing and bill clark found himself in another world between fantasy and illusion. have you ever seen a case like this before? never in my life. when it started out, it seemed perfectly simple, a missing man, some guy just dropped out of sight, the kind of thing that tends to sort itself out once the so-called victim sobers up. i m not thinking much is going to come of this. after clark s decades of service in the city with the highest murder rate in canada, you can hardly blame them for getting a little picky. we don t usually go to missing person. unfortunately, for us to come out you ve got to be dead and it had better be criminal. if the patrolman doesn t know it s criminal, don t bother calling us. yeah, you got enough to do. which explains perhaps why some of the locals have taken to calling their city, deadmonton. our concern is, do we have a foul play. the missing person in this case is a man by the name of john altinger. 39, single, worked in the oil industry, liked to ride motorcycles. unlucky with women, yet, a wide circle of friends who are now telling the police altinger seem to have dropped off the face of the earth except the strange emails he was sending. i ve left with a woman, i m going to costa rica. one of the recipients of those old emails, his old friend, debra taichrob. i received several of them. i received six altogether, but in runs of three. the exact same message? hi there, i ve met a wonderful girl named jen. i m going to costa rica and i will keep in touch and call you when i get back after the holidays. johnny. almost formal, and away, suddenly like somebody you didn t really know was sending you an email. absolutely, and i was like that s really odd, it doesn t sound like john. it was odd, and even more so when another friend of altinger s received exactly the same message word for word and altinger s facebook status change from single to in a relationship. i think it was the following day, i was on msn messenger and johnny popped on mine, so i thought oh, he must not have left on his vacation yet, and it said johnny, his name, and then in quotations beside his name, who says i ve got a one- way ticket to heaven and i m never coming back. later that same day, debra got a call from the same friend who told her john altinger seems to be missing. it s surreal, you know. you don t expect your friends to go missing. soon, altinger s friends got together, unsure of what to do, really but before going to police, they decided to try to get into his condo, to see if they could find a clue what happened to get the guy in the break-in, actually. everything looked fine. nothing out of place, no sign of any struggle. the only things missing were his wallet, his keys and his red mazda coop, so it was as if he had gone out for a drive and could be back any minute. there were no answers to anything, like he just vanished out of thin air. except for those strange emails he had supposedly sent about falling in love and coaster rica, which to the cops, said clark, seemed perfectly reasonable. not hard to imagine that a lovestruck man might want to leave the snow and ice of edmonton behind and skip off to the tropics. the sky send these emails to his friends and we are going well, that strange, but maybe he did go to costa rica. stranger things have happened. you never know. that is how clark felt before he stepped through the looking glass. coming up, detective clark is about to follow john altinger s trail into a strange place of make-believe , and up-and- coming directors makeshift movie studio. it s a suspense thriller, actually. it s a short film. as soon as they called me on the phone, i got this weird chill. when dateline continues. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don t take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy® may cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes, especially if you take medicines to treat diabetes. tell your provider about vision problems or changes, or if you feel your heart racing while at rest. depression or thoughts of suicide may occur. call your provider right away if you have any mental changes. common side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. with wegovy®, i m losing weight, i m keeping it off. and i m lowering my cv risk. that s the power of we. check your cost and coverage before talking to your health care professional about wegovy®. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. introducing new advil targeted relief. the only topical pain reliever with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief. [coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. condominium, as you can see, looked like anything because breathing should be beautiful, but a crime scene. there were no signs of a struggle, no blood. it was like he just stepped out for a few minutes, could be back anytime. where was he? johnny s friends were convinced something awful had happened to him. so, day after day, they prodded the police; john altinger s condominium looked like anything but a crime scene. there were no signs of a struggle, no blood. it was like he just stepped out for a few minutes and could be back anytime. where was he? and johnny s friends were convinced something awful had happened to him, so day after day, they prodded the police and finally, seven days after johnny went missing, the cops agreed to open an investigation. we just started with the basics. i said with got to start out by finding out if we can find him first so let s find the car. since john altinger s email said he had taken off for costa rica, officers went to the airport to look for that red mazda. they searched every parking lot. it wasn t here. they come through airline passenger lists. he was not on any of them. johnny s friends, meanwhile, went back to the apartment for another look and found, stashed away among his important papers, his passport. they re going oh, not getting out of the country without your passport. seemed like he had to be within driving distance but what direction where? just as the police were contemplating that puzzle, one of altinger s friends came up with another email. this one, johnny had received from a woman he met online. janet was her name, the same woman with whom he had supposedly scampered off to costa rica. they had a date and were going out on the town the night he disappeared and because he had never been to her place, she sent him an email with directions on how to pick her up and out of an abundance of caution, he sent a copy of that email to a friend of his, just in case. i can t remember the last word of the email but he says if anything happens to me, you know where i m at, and you know, laugh out loud. it wasn t a phone number or an address, but there were detailed directions to her place, so the cops drove the root, and the directions led them to this neighborhood down this alley, and to this garage rented by a guy named mark twitchell. he happened to be, in the local arts community, local celebrity. he was making a name for himself in edmonton. he had recently made a low- budget sci-fi movie so they called him up, of course, and he readily agreed to come down and open the place up. when he got here, big surprise, someone had changed the lock. he could not get in, so with permission, officers broken, had a quick look around, and found nothing. just the same, with the changed walk in the weird coincidence of the email, there were things to figure out and mark twitchell was only too happy to tag along to the police station to help out however he could. the first thing i noticed is the padlock did not look familiar to me. twitchell explained he d been using the rented garage is a soundstage most recently for what they call a teaser, a short film designed to drum up publicity , buzz, with any luck, attract enough investor money to allow him to produce a full length feature movie. it s a suspense thriller, actually. a short film. okay, so yeah, suspense thriller? of course, he had a crew in and out of the place during filming, said mark. maybe one of them was up to something but it seemed unlikely, and none of them had ever asked to borrow the set for anything. so, if there was anything like that, if somebody needed to borrow the place or whatever, then they would let me know. they d let you know. they would ask, or something like that, so no, i don t know anything about that. anyway, he said, he had moved on for now to another project. i m working on a comedy right now which is actually a full feature, with a decent budget in the neighborhood of about 3 1/2 million. in the meantime, the garage comes studio was empty, so why would someone break into the place and then change the lock, he wondered. didn t make sense. i had a padlock previously but it wasn t the same one. it was silver on the outside with a black plastic dial in the center and this one was just all metal, so. so, you notice the different padlock on the door. mystifying, said mark. he had a bad feeling about this. a man disappears after telling police he was going to the very place his movie had been shooting. as soon as they called me on the phone, i get this weird chill. what about that woman john altinger had been flirting with online, the one who gave him directions to the garage, told him she would meet him there. the woman who signed her emails jen . does the name, jen, mean anything to you? no. we don t have a jen or anything like that. so, the name jen doesn t mean anything to you? you don t know an actress named jen? so, who was this mystery woman, jen? why in the world which she arranged to meet john altinger here in the very back yard garage and independent edmonton film crew was renting for use as a studio. how odd. especially since the movies producer director, mark twitchell, expressed exactly the same confusion as the police. he didn t get it, either. the dots did not connect. mark twitchell did not know johnny from adam and besides, there was no indication johnny ever made it to the garage at all. the close friends are the ones who have come to the police and they have nothing other than his emails. there was one thing, though, and it came from mark twitchell. he wondered if maybe somebody was being set up. it just doesn t sit right, so the first thing i started asking myself is, who all knows about what we do there and what our schedule looks like and stuff like that. is the disappearance staged somehow? if someone was being fooled, who was it, and why? was all this just some big stunt even a publicity stunt? detective bill clark was thoroughly engaged by now. he had spent a career listening to criminal spender stories. maybe you could figure out if this twitchell guy was trying to play the cops somehow. he pulled the recording of the interview. and i watch an interview, i listen to what the guy says but i m looking at body language, i m looking for signs of deceit. i remember coming out of their going you know, this mark twitchell guy interviewed really well. there were no signs of deception. he is free-flowing with the information. he has answered the questions logically. i don t see any looking away, nervousness, nothing. i see nothing. and then, when police looked into twitchell s production company, they encountered a perfectly legitimate company. more than that, actually. this was a promising effort to help edmonton get some national attention as a potential center of moviemaking. mark twitchell was very good at coming up attention and money from local investors. he was a very sharp, bright, young, articulate entrepreneur. exactly the kind of individual most of us are looking for. so, he checked out. hard-working local boy in the city of hard-working people. good parents, nice young wife, sweet little daughter, on his way to becoming a celebrity here in edmonton. detectives even got a look at the teaser film for twitchell s next projects, three and half million dollar buddy comedy. that is mark in the background playing the role of director even as he was the director, sort of a hall of mirrors type story, a movie about a movie about making a movie or something. fantasy and reality all mixed up somehow. just to cover the bases, police interviewed mark twitchell s crew members and they vouched for him completely. mark twitchell came off squeaky clean. his film company was respected, as was he, and bill clark and the edmonton police back at square one by the look of things. coming up, soon, this tough cop would catch a big break. we got a phone call from a detective. the detective says you won t believe it but this guy just told me he found a red mazda out there. the missing man s car turns up when dateline continues. urns up when dateline continues. -cologuard®? 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keith morrison: (voiceover) in fact, bill clark is an old-school detective, the sort that seems to exist more on the big screen than the mean streets. in fact, clark is such a throwback, the younger guys on the fourth kid him. they call him simple it s after the old hard-nosed detective on the top show, nypd blue. i still like coming to work every day. it s just part of my life. i still have the drive. i m still excited about it. in his decades on the edmonton police force, clark and scene murder take many forms, had seen the shattering effect it has on the family. you are the one the family depends on and i take that seriously. ultimately, that is in the back of your mind, that if you don t speak for the family or the dead guy, who is going to? for clark, there is no greater satisfaction than bringing in a killer. i consider myself a pitbull. you get a case and you get your teeth into it. we want to get the guy, we want to get this guy and put them away. as for the john altinger case, this wasn t even a murder, at least, not as far as anyone new yet, so clark kept himself on a tight leash . he had yet to smell blood. he must ve come to some point where you thought oh, there is definitely foul play here. no, not at all. all that they had, after all, was a missing man, johnny, who might just have driven off somewhere with her without some mystery woman named jen. certainly that would account for the fact that his red mazda coop was gone, too, but really aside from a few curious emails that might or might not make any sense, there was not much to go on, so being cops, clark and his colleagues employed standard procedure. they double back for a second look at things, like the garage johnny was apparently headed for when he vanished. we are thinking our next step logically as the garage. so, they applied for a search warrant and it was rejected. it gets turned down because we are told we have not proven there was a crime committed. so, the next step seemed simple enough. clark went to mark twitchell directly to see if he would give permission to search the garage. he goes yeah. i says i ll need you to sign a consent form. he goes no problem. they requisitioned the form, one of the detectives drove it over to mark s place to get a signature and then, the weirdest thing. i get a phone call from the detective. the detective says to me he says you won t believe it, but the guy just told me he bought a red mazda. a red mazda and didn t john altinger drive a red mazda and was in it missing? mark twitchell had not said anything about a red mazda when he came down to the police station and spoke to the detective the night before. he said he forgot. really? why would he forget i like that ? you don t want to get tunnel vision. i for homicide investigation, don t get tunnel vision so keep an open mind so i pull myself back. there is something fishy going on. clark invited twitchell to come back down to the station for a meeting at 10:30 on sunday night, and twitchell agreed. everything you do now, we are analyzing. we caught the up arrow down our scenario. the burial and up arrow for marcuse cooperative. the missing car, big down arrow. but, that s about all clark had to work with. we are just here trying to find this john fellow, john altinger. i don t know what s happened to johnny. because, once again, as the interview proceeds, the young filmmaker is the very picture of cooperation. he volunteers information, answers questions without hesitation or guile. his demeanor is expensive. even an untrained eye can see twitchell s body language is open, comfortable, and control. so, they get to the story about the red monster. he was approached, he said, a few blocks from his rented garage by an agitated man. it was the night johnny disappeared. the man seemed desperate to get rid of his car, said mark. he offered to sell it for practically nothing. he goes well, i shacked up with this really rich lady, you know, it s like a sugar mama kind of situation and she s going to take care of me and she s going to buy me a new car will we get back from a vacation regular take. and i and okay, is there like cocaine in the truck? i m trying to figure out what the catch is here. apparently, said mark, there was no catch, and nothing wrong with the car except that it had a standard transmission, which he didn t know how to drive, so he left it parked in a friend s driveway. does he live close by? yes, a couple of blocks away. is it finally a break? the detective monitoring the interview sent a patrol car to check it out and sure enough, there it was, empty, by the look of it. nothing untoward about the car. johnny is not in the car. meanwhile, bill clark left the interview room partly to regroup, but also to see how mark would act when they left him alone, and if he was rattled, he certainly didn t show it. here, he calmly placed a call to his wife. well, i tried to answer some more questions and fill them in and everything like that and it turns out that the car is, in fact, belonging to this missing guy and that it s a huge deal. that s what this whole thing is about. what in heavens name was going on? bill clark still did not have a clue. but he might in a minute, because bill clark good cop was about to become bill clark bad cop. coming up there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are involved in the disappearance of john altinger. you might be involved, but what was fact and what was fantasy? when dateline continues. when dateline continues. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more. all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus: the one you want for one-and-done protection. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. israel is saying they rescued four hostages during a raid in gaza. the hostages were kidnapped during the nova music festival october 7th last year. officials meanwhile say more than 200 palestinians were killed in strikes by israel nearby, marking one of the bloodiest single days seen in eight months of war. pro-palestinian protesters descended on the white house to voice their frustration with the president s handling of the israel hamas war so far. for now, back to dateline. almost 4:00 a.m. now, downtown edmonton. filmmaker mark twitchell was sitting in an interview room at the playstation tasking talking to his wife on the phone, fading a little. outside the room, detective bill clark watch twitchell, went over a few notes, prepared to switch tactics. it s already started. the game is on. it s me against him. i know it. he also knew, he was quite sure of it, that all evening, mark twitchell had been handing him a whole load of nonsense and expecting him to believe it but also, all evening, as detective clark listened carefully and contemplated his up arrows and down arrows i agreed with everything he said. this is not the time of the interview to start pushing. it was not the time to start confronting him. that would come later on. because, one of those down arrows led to a particular conclusion. mark twitchell thought clark was a dumb cop. twitchell was trying to play him. while you are reading him during that interview, he had been reading you. no doubt. he probably had made some judgments about your ability as an interviewer. what did he think of you, do you think? i think he didn t think i was that smart. i think he thought he was smarter than me and i believe that he felt that anything he told us, he could concoct to make us believe him. and of course, there is only one proper response to that. i just let him go then taken back through it. question-and-answer, standard procedure, just nail down the details now. now i m starting to see he s not remembering specific details. let s go back to your lunch. you are at lunch. would you go for lunch? don t remember. don t know where you want for lunch? no. so now, it was early morning. they had been at it for hours. they had taken a break and let mark twitchell sit by himself and perhaps stew a bit and now had time for clark to play a different role. we done the good cop routine. now my forte, the bad cop is coming in. this is what i like. this is what i relish. there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are involved in the disappearance of john altinger. no doubt in my mind at all. i? now i m going to start hammering him with what i know. the problem is, i know very little. but, now that was perfectly clear to mark twitchell that he was a suspect in the disappearance and maybe a murder, his easy camaraderie seemed to shrivel. his eyes glazed with something that looked like fear . was he truly innocent? or, was something else going on, something more in keeping with his role as a storyteller? why can t you give me the version of events that night? has i m scared. as the night dragged on, twitchell doubled something about reality seeming more like some sort of fantasy. but, in the face of all of detectives clark s accusations, mark twitchell never wavered. for nearly four hours, he answered clark s questions always polite, apparently helpful, did not as much as ask for a lawyer. a by the end of the night? i got nothing. my gut instinct at that time is that the sky is involved up to his neck in this but what exactly he s done, i don t know yet, but i m going to find out. finally, at daybreak, mark twitchell let clark know he d had enough. in my being charged? not yet. am i free to go? yes. and i will. okay. and then, as bill clark escorted mark twitchell out of the building and into the early morning dark, he ups the ante a little, told twitchell he was seizing his car . then he goes he almost stopped and pulled back and he goes well, i need to get something out of it and i says you re getting nothing. i m taking that car. and, it was then, as clark approached twitchell s car to take it to the impound yard, that he noticed mark s unusual license plate personalized dark jedi. coming up. i have never in my life felt fear like that. police find witnesses who saw something that seemed like a horror movie. it s like every nightmare you had as a child after watching a scary movie, every nightmare you ve ever had. all of a sudden it s right here. when dateline continues. here. when dateline continues. is no exception. it s time you had a proven choice to help restore what s yours. opzelura is the first and only fda-approved prescription treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo. proven to help repigment skin over time. restoring what s yours. it s possible with a steroid-free cream that you can apply yourself. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it s heading no fingersticks needed. now the world s smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. keith morrison: edmonton homicide detective bill clark, ask your eczema specialist along with other members of the edmonton police service, felt a little like alice in the rabbit hole. their missing man, johnny altinger, had vanished without a trace. and there were whispers his disappearance could be part of some publicity stunt. their only suspect was an aspiring movie producer, a storyteller, who stood up to a bill clark grilling with his manners intact, even though, by this time, clark couldn t edmonton homicide detective bill clark along with other members of the edmonton police service felt a little like alice in the rabbit hole. they re missing man, john altinger, had vanished without a trace and there were whispers his disappearance could be part of some publicity stunt. their only suspect was an aspiring movie producer storyteller who stood up to a bill clark grilling with his man is intact even though by this time, clark could not shake the gut feeling that this movie director was one very bad day. i was thinking he had filmed whatever he did done to johnny. i was thinking he had killed him and filmed the murder. so, as police looked through twitchell s car and home, they had the idea they might find videotape of her murder. instead, what they discovered was an affair. twitchell had a girlfriend and when his wife found out about that, she kicked him out. but, twitchell seemed, at least to the outside world, unperturbed and instead of falling apart, he simply retreated to his childhood home and moved in with his parents and so, clark paid twitchell s dad and mom a visit. they just struck me as a parent for her son does nothing wrong where s the father wanted to hear what i had to say, and he listened but he got over it. they set up a surveillance team, 24 hour watch to keep an eye on the house and twitchell, but his behavior was anything but suspicious. he went on about his business, took meetings with investors about his movie project, even picked up a $35,000 check from his financial backer. the mark twitchell i was dealing with was articulate, in control, running his project the way you would expect any entrepreneur to be running his project. in detective clark s world of up arrows and down arrows there was one more huge up arrow in twitchell s favor. motive, or that is to say the lack of one. there was no earthly reason for twitchell to kill altinger. there was no love triangle, no rivalry, there was no robbery and to put it more simply, twitchell was not a criminal. did not have a record, had never even been arrested. why would a young, married father killed a perfect stranger? so, besides twitchell, police also focus their attention on this quiet suburban neighborhood around twitchell s rented garage studio where john altinger may have gone to see a woman he met online. they went door-to-door , had anyone seen john altinger or his car or anything suspicious? they found this couple who told a story that seemed almost lifted from a horror movie. i have never in my life felt fear like that. these two, their names are marissa and trevor, were out for an evening stroll when they stepped through the looking glass. it happened when a young man came stumbling out of this alley and collapsed in front of them. he was on the ground and it was just an instant bad feeling. he looked up and said i m being robbed. can you help me? then, as if on cue, another man. in pursuit. as i looked up the attacker almost ran into me. the attacker was wearing a dark, hooded sweatshirt and a hockey mask. it s like every nightmare you have as a child after watching a scary movie. every nightmare you ve ever had. all of a sudden, it s right here. this was no bewitching hour. it was 7:30, and early autumn sun had just begun to take on the glow of a long, northern evening. neighborhood kids were still struggling home from soccer practice. is it believable to you? yes and no, because the way that he fell, to me, looked staged. to get us to stop so they could grab us. yeah, we thought it was a set up for us. so, you did not know whether he was going to assault you or whether he was running from that guy for real. exactly. then, so trevor and marissa, the masked man retreated into the alley to this garage. that is where he stood. he stood there like he was protecting something. i was like, i m getting out of here right now. trevor and marissa left the man on the ground pleading for help like some seasoned method actor and left. when i got home, they called the police, so squad cars prowled the streets as the autumn wind light angled toward the horizon but in that quiet, nothing seemed out of place. nothing amiss. that was that until weeks later when police came back here looking for john altinger . was the guy in the alley actually johnny, not an actor, was he a real victim? one of the detectives went downtown to check on the report taken from trevor and marissa, and it didn t fit. that call was taken a week before johnny disappeared. besides, no victim ever came forward. no one claimed to have been attacked by a masked man. the whole thing sounded almost like , well, like a scene from the movie. coming up, or just maybe, a tv show about a serial killer. what attracted you to director? what i loved about the show in the books is how he was able to explore that darkside, rationalize that it s okay to kill somebody because this person deserves it in a way. and dateline continues. y. and dateline continues. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here. disappear. and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser. (dad) we never thought that with verizon, saving on the the best in entertainment was gonna be so easy before. we had to pretend we had seen all these shows. now that we have verizon, we can stop pretending. (vo) disney+, hulu, espn+, netflix and max. all for just $20/mo. only on verizon. her uncle s unhappy. (mom) my turn. i m sensing an underlying issue. it s t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit. unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. to light under the northern sun, especially with the aid of a search warrant. as bill clark and his colleagues closed in on movie maker mark strange things come to light under the northern son, especially with the head of a search warrant. as bill clark and his colleagues closed in on moviemaker mark twitchell, they seized his office computer, found in his house, and on the computer s hard drive, they found this video that looked almost like a movie. a horror movie. no, it was not a snuff film, was not john altinger s murder caught on tape. it was raw footage of one of twitchell s tease films, the one he had told the detective about the first time he d talked to him. it s a suspense thriller, actually. it s a short film. house of cards is what twitchell was calling it. get enough people talking about this and he might persuade some investor to ante up the money for a feature-length film. in house of cards, killer poses online as a flirtatious woman to entrap her victim. in this scene, it is a philandering husband who tells his wife he s heading off to the gym. but, once he arrives at the rendezvous site, the victim is dropped with a stun baton. murdered, then cut up into little bits. imagine a cross between friday the 13th and dexter. the victim in this teaser version was played by edmonton comedian, chris hayward. so, police decided to have a little chat with mr. hayward, but when they showed up at his door, hayward, no slouch when it came to the entertainment business, thought it was a prank of some sort. i worked on reality television. it was one of the first things i got into television on. they throw you curveballs and they have writers and i didn t know. i thought somebody s making this up. this can t be true. this is not a real story. police also tracked down toronto actor robert barnsley who played the starring role of the deranged mass murderer. i was thinking great sure and fill out the short film. i like the idea of this. of course i want to try to be the killer. he seemed like a very normal guy trying to do a film. very nice, very pleasant. playing a serial killer was almost too much fun, said barnsley. it got kind of scary for i enjoyed it too much. you got to be a sadist big- time. absolutely. very fun for me to play. i rather enjoyed doing it. i was thinking my to myself, that i just think i could do this and make it believable? which, said barnsley, was exactly what director twitchell seemed to want. there s a point where i had to stab the dummy through the chest with a samurai sword and he was sitting behind the chair he d be leaning in and say okay listen, when you re turning the blade, grit your teeth and really show that you re enjoying it. wait a minute, was this all about enjoying some fantasy game, pretending to be evil? detectives surfed around twitchell s computer account and discovered a facebook relationship that was all about pretending. at about the time he started filming house of cards, twitchell befriended an animal trainer and aspiring filmmaker, a woman named renee wary. and edmonton detective flew all the way to cleveland to question her, where she, right up front about it, told him about clicking on an intriguing facebook profile, dexter morgan. there was a picture of michael c hall, the actor who portrays dexter morgan on showtime. did you think you are friending the actor himself? sure, you know. what attracted you to dexter? what i love about the show in the books is how he was able to explore that darkside and rationalize that it s okay to kill somebody because this person deserved it, in a way. we flirted back and forth and i kept asking him who are you really, tell me who you are because i want to see the man behind the mask. finally, rene s facebook friend relented. no, he was not actor michael c hall, he admitted. his name was mark twitchell. once he told me who he was, i checked them out, you know. i did a lot of research online and found out that he was legitimate and he was up-and- coming. for rene, the would-be filmmaker, this seemed like her big break. he expressed interest in me and my writing styles and my ideas. what did he like about your writing style? you never said specifically. he just said i think we have, you know, like chemistry together and how we would be able to work very well together , and that we thought a lot alike. this had to be pretty exciting. yes. soon, she was intoxicated by this online collaboration and then wonder of wonders, he offered her work on his next project, the feature-length version of his short film, a film, he told her, about a serial killer. we had talked about our hypotheticals about how to kill somebody and get away with it. he told me well, you do it like dexter because dexter shows you how to do it all the time. dark? yes, but all in fun, of course, like twitchell s playful advice on eliminating, and dexter -like fashion, one of rene s rival in romance. with both her hands wrapped in duct tape, free one arm and slit the wrist. a hunters game processing kit comes with everything you need to cut the body into nice, manageable pieces. disturbing? yes but remember, all pretense. but then, a couple of weeks later, and this is what she told the police, something happened, strange and unsettling. there was a weekend-long pause in their play talk about dexter the darkside. not a single email from her friend, mark twitchell. then, when they came in with it, an apology that also had something else keeping me busy, he wrote. i m really concerned about telling anyone because of the implications. suffice it to say i crossed the line on friday. and, i liked it. crossed the line? what did that mean? coming up. was this all part of an elaborate hoax? a staged fantasy were something truly terrifying, when dateline continues. truly terrifying, when dateline continues. (man) now that i got a huge storage and battery upgrade. i m officially done switching. (vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon what causes a curve down there? who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie s disease, or pd. you re not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. keith morrison: (voiceover) it was choose acid prevention. halloween in edmonton, canada. halloween, a highlight in most any child s fantasy calendar, the night to be the terrible creature she it was halloween and edmonton, canada. i highlight almost any child s fennessey calendar, the night the terrible creature could never really be. mark twitchell loved halloween. spent weeks, months actually, stitching together getups, outlandish costumes. in 2008, weeks after his wife kicked him out and cops began tailing him everywhere, he decided to be ironman. built the costume in his parents garage. but, on the very witchy afternoon, hours from his planned grand entrance to a gala halloween party, as he was walking to a local coffee house to meet with potential movie investors, he was thrown to the ground by men wearing their own unique costumes. members of the s.w.a.t. team. mark twitchell was handcuffed and charged with the murder of johnny altinger. that made big headlines. police even held a press conference to announce the arrest. the reporters who had gathered were left with one juicy tidbit. we have a lot of information that he idolizes dexter. we went to his facebook page. steve was a crime reporter for the edmonton journal. he had a post that said mark twitchell is too much in common with dexter morgan and the idea that there s a man out there who is attacking strangers, innocent victims, it s almost myth. something built up by hollywood. it didn t seem like it could be real. in edmonton, the question began to circulate. had the cops been played by a clever promoter? mark twitchell is known as a prankster. people thought it was a hoax. you almost wonder whether or not he was doing it as a publicity stunt. exactly. so maybe, bill clark and the rest of the police force would wind up with red faces and not just from the cold. except, there was one little bit of news police did not announce. when they searched twitchell s car, they found a laptop and on the hard drive at that laptop, very smart detective found a deleted temporary file. a document about 40 pages long. could be described as a diary, maybe a far-fetched novel right treatment for a dexter episode. it was called sk confessions. it was a first person account written from the perspective and aspiring serial killer. i remember reading this the first day when they brought it down and i said holy mackerel, this tells us everything. except he s a professional storyteller who tells, you know, movies. they are not real. weren t you afraid you might be about to be drawn into a rabbit hole? something that might be true or not be true, it might be f&s e- absolutely. we had huge discussions about this. it read more like a work of fiction. like a story that could not possibly be true. it seems like a hoax right from the opening paragraph. this is the story of my progression into becoming a serial killer. i don t remember the exact place and time it was i decided to be a serial killer, but i remember the sensation that hit me. it was a rush of pure euphoria. there was something about exploring my dark side the greatly appealed to me. the author seemed inspired by the tv show dexter. i m a huge fan of the showtime series dexter, as you may have guessed, if you re at all familiar with the show. and a particular scene played an important role. i watched an episode of dexter where the flashback showed his father showing dexter a scan of the human brain. he identify the difference between a serial killer sprain in a normal person s brain. i was convinced that what i was was my own decision, my own path, but now i truly wondered if i had little choice at all. of genetics play a bigger role than i thought. i knew i was a psychopath further than he sociopaths because i had the perfect upbringing and no history of abuse, violence, or trauma. in sk professions, it s graphic. how the killer dispatches victims with a mental mental pipe. i thrusted in his gut. his reaction was pure hollywood. the lurch forward with the grant was dead on tv movie of the week. the little i knew at the time and the things i found, thought it was true. cops can have hunches and think what they want, but this hunches really hold up in court. sk confessions could be a make- believe story, might not be written by twitchell. it could ve been downloaded from the internet . investigators started going through sk confessions line by line, to see if they could sort out fact from fiction. and, indeed, police found details that lined up with reality. the writer in his first person account tells the reader how he used a processing kit to dismember the victim s body and police found a processing kit in twitchell s garage. the killers said he tried to burn the victim s body in an oil drum and his parents backyard. at twitchell s parents backyard, they found a burned ring on the back lawn. there was a detail about the killer getting a speeding ticket and so did twitchell about the time that johnny altinger disappeared. he joked about it about how this dumb cop didn t realize he had just killed a guy. he was now going out to celebrate and have sex with his girlfriend. the cop remembered up. it came back and we know the conversation. it was basically word for word that story told us. exactly what the sheriff told us. there was a key part of the story that could not be verified. a passage that goes on for pages about an earlier attack, but that victim got away. that part of the story read like that directly from the house of cards grip where the victim is tasered by man wearing a hockey mask and hood. it s a big part to prove it s true or not. it was a huge part. if someone had been attacked that way, you would ve heard of it. exactly. we got nothing. no call. nothing that even matches the similarity. is seem to be one part of the story that didn t make sense. they went public and released a photo of the hockey mask. that what week somebody s memory that that was me. it was a longshot, really. maybe that person did not exist. they put it out there. they waited. not for long. because, that very evening, a lonely casino security officer named gilles tetreault was puttering on his computer and saw the newspaper article online. the police appeal. they felt the blood drain from his face. that person was him. i am like, oh my god. it s the same hockey mask as i saw, that the guy was wearing. i started reading the story. oh, my god, someone got killed. that terrifying evening came crashing back into his head. it was he, gilles tetreault, who so frightened that couple out for a stroll. he picked up the phone and before long found himself in a little room with detective bill clark. in my career, it was probably the most spellbinding interview i ve ever had with a witness. now, you are about to hear that story firsthand. coming up. all of a sudden i see this man wearing this black and gold hockey mask. this guy was bigger than me. the horror story really happened. life flash before my eyes. oh, my god. my family will never see me again. again. govy®. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. and i m keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i m reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that s proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn t be used 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[coughing] copd isn t pretty. i m out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won t replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. what a wonderful world [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. ceover) when gilles tetreault joined because breathing should be beautiful, the strange developing horror movie plot up in edmonton, gilles tetreault joined the developing horror movie plot in edmonton, canada. a man with a broken heart. lonely in a new city without the wife who had left him for another life. she just wanted to move on? she fell out of love with me, i guess. that s not easy. when he came across that lovely, intelligent woman on an online dating site and she seemed to like him? well, who could resist. she looked beautiful in her profile. i believe i made the first contact. what did she say about herself? she said she was new in town and looking to meet people. i found it a coincidence. so was i kind of thing. with a view alone and looking to meet someone. i thought this is perfect. sheena was her name. she said how about dinner and a movie. she started making excuses that i couldn t pick her up at her front door. so has stayed asked him to park in an alley and comes right back entrance, through a detached garage. she would leave the garage door open and i would go through the garage to the other side, get into the yard and knock on the back door to pick her up. i didn t have to crawl under it. i just had to squat. hopeful, unsuspecting, he walked through the garage door, the store, that leads to the back patio. i touched the not and all of a sudden somebody attacked me from behind. i turned back to look to see what s going on. that is when, all of a sudden, i see this man wearing this black and gold hockey mask. this guy was much bigger than me. prodding me with a stun gun. at first gilles couldn t tell what it was this stinging at the back of his neck. but listen to this from sk confessions? pressing the baton across the back of his neck, pulled the trigger. shocked and jump but did little more than merely alert him to what was going on. i tried to make a run for it. that s when he pulled out a gun. what is that like when somebody pulls a gun on you? terrified. i didn t know what to do. oh, my god, i think i m going to die and i cannot get away. there is no way i can escape a bullet. i felt a sick feeling. i pointed it at him and all of a sudden he took me seriously. his eyes wide. then he yells, get down on the ground. put your face down and close your eyes and put your hands in the back. he took out duct tape. he ripped off a piece. that s when he covered my eyes with them. just about then, gilles tetreault decided hits come to the moment of his death. i started tearing up. it was like life flashed before my eyes. it was quite emotional. oh, my god. my family is never going to see me again. i never told anyone where i was going that day. all of a sudden, by my legs, i hear his belt jiggling. what gilles heard was the sound of handcuffs as they neared his wrists. he said he felt the attacker was undoing his belt. i thought, he is going to rape may. i better fight for my life. i would rather die my way than his way. i knew he s going to pull the gun out again. you know what? if it kills me, it kills me. gilles makes his move. i darted for the gun. grabbed the end and pushed it away from my body. but this fight is far from over. he comes after me and grabs my legs. he starts dragging me back. me e of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. hi, i m janice and i lost 172 pounds on golo. now clinically proven a friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am on the inside. once i saw golo was working i felt this rush. golo really works. norman, bad news. i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is. xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal. i know. faster wifi and savings? 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what in the world just happened? who was the man behind the mask? and why had he been attacked? i decided i need to go back onto that online dating website. i want to get as much information as i can so i can give it to police. i go back on and all of a sudden, everything was gone. her profile was gone. although sent and received messages i got from the person were all gone. what is it like to be sitting alone in front of your computer with that realization in your head? it felt almost ashamed. i can t believe i got duped by this woman. i just want to put this behind me. i want to move on. and did not call the police. no, did not. i had no idea. for weeks, i had nightmares. i kept githinking, maybe this g is following me. maybe he s going to attack me again. i was terrified. i was facing him there with a gun. a month after his journey into the twilight zone, gilles tetreault was giving bill clark a videotape blow-by-blow of the assault. there s no doubt he is being truthful. the cops had real evidence that sk confessions was all true. except, it was not quite complete. it was a story without an end. the part we never had, we never had johnny. johnny altinger. the victim who it seemed did not escape from this suburban garage, still no sign of him. unless, just about then the detectives uncovered some of the, updated version of sk confessions. there was one more chapter. in which the killer leaves a clue. impossible to resist. the police take mark twitchell on a journey to the place where something evil had happened. here we are back at the killing garage. killing garage. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more. all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus: the one you want for one-and-done protection. i still love to surf, snowboard, or neurologic disorders. and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol s extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust. i m richard lui. is real saying it rescued four hostages during a raid in gaza who had been kidnapped by hamas during the music festival october 7. officials say more than 200 palestinians were killed by airstrikes nearby. marks one of the bloodiest single days and eight months of war so far. a 3-year-old horse took the victory in the 156 running of the belmont stakes. there was no triple crown champion is over two different winners in the kentucky derby and preakness stakes. loved the tv show dexter, was so taken with the whole idea the would be movie direction or dashed director loved the tv show dexter. so taken with the whole idea that he posted this online ad, attempt to sell the script for his house of cards short film as if it were an original dexter episode. in fact, the story of his computer, the one called sk confessions is a lot like an episode of the tv show. now, here in his rented garage, police found what looked like a kill room. there was plastic sheeting. autopsy table. all matching the careful descriptions in sk confessions. what the killer could not learn from dexter s how to dispose of the body. the tv dexter lives in miami, dumps his victims in the atlantic. but, edmonton in the middle of thousands of square miles of farmland and oilfields has hundreds of miles from the ocean and that fact seem to have stymied the sk controller who up had no idea how to get rid of the remains. perhaps it never occurred to him to put the body in the trunk of a car and drive it past city limits and bury it behind some old abandoned barn. so, according to sk confessions, tried burning them. that did not work. he thought about throwing them in the saskatchewan river there one town but was afraid someone would see him. he finally decided to toss them down one of the thousands of storm drains. the diary had got to a point where he talked about dumping the body in a sewer and then it ended. by this time, clark believed that the diary was true. all of it. without a body in a case as bizarre as this one, how could any jury be sure any important parts of this sk confessions wants some fantasy from the dark side? clark confronted twitchell with the evidence hoping he would confess. this reminds me of dexter. kill room. clean sweep. you were referring to your garages a kill room. your garage was a kill room. the table is the killed table. it s where you carved him up. i will show you that later but all the blood seeps underneath. the dude dna matching. when i say the show dexter, and you ve seen the show. it s all modeled after dexter. you know that. you kind of look like the guy. i look at that picture, i saw the one on your website, you even look the same. he kills people who needs killing. these guys who get off in court. the guys get off on technicality. he kills people who needs killing. the difference here is you killed a guy who really was no harm to society. there was no response at all. the next day clark and another detective took twitchell and drove him around edmonton hoping he would give up information. what was his demeanor like? defiant. assiduous show is where the body is. will show us where johnny is and drove right here. parked in front of his parents house. after that? mark twitchell was taken to a place that was the center of his life. here we are the killing garage. the dexter garage. look familiar? we parked on top of the sewer where you d dumped the body? jog your memory. clark even took twitchell to the back of the garage, the suspect a crime scene, hoping it would trigger some level of remorse. bring back any memories? want to tell us where the body is? get this over with? okay. back in the car, another detective heard of camera starts working on twitchell. you humiliate your victim. knocked him over the head. carve him up. chop him up. this pales in comparison. twitchell said nothing, at least not in person. he had said plenty in sk confessions, if he was the author. the document was incomplete, ending in a jumble of unrecoverable computer code. com hon, we are to the point where he dumped the body and we don t know the location. a detective did a slow, methodical search through the desktop computer found in twitchell s home, and it paid up. on the computer, once deleted but now found was yet another version of sk confessions with a view tantalizing paragraphs describing the location of the victim s remains. he talks about a specific sewer. how it s off an alley in a grassy area, and an old neighborhood. he talks about telephone poles in the alley. only certain neighborhoods here have telephone poles. the older ones. that s about the time bill clark became a man obsessed. we were pulling manhole covers up. i d be with a flashlight and looking down. we would call the city crews in. nothing. enough to make a person doubt his sanity. coming up. police were about to get some help. a man that open the case. they stopped right here. a year and a half later, where did you find the body? right down there. and with vitiligo, the pursuit for your pigment is no exception. it s time you had a proven choice to help restore what s yours. opzelura is the first and only fda-approved prescription treatment for nonsegmental vitiligo. proven to help repigment skin over time. restoring what s yours. it s possible with a steroid-free cream that you can apply yourself. opzelura can lower your ability to fight infections including tb or hepatitis b or c. serious lung infections, skin cancer, blood clots, and low blood cell counts occurred with opzelura. in people taking jak inhibitors, serious infections, increased risk of death, lymphoma, other cancers, and major cardiovascular events have occurred. the most common side effects were acne and itching where applied. repigmentation is possible. ask your dermatologist today about starting or refilling opzelura. pursue it. you re the one that i want nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,. you re the one that i want .the monthly one-and-done you want. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it s a great product. it s going to help a lot of patients. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions. like what is your glucose and can you have more carbs? before you decide with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose and where it s heading no fingersticks needed. now the world s smallest and thinnest sensor sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. the #1 cgm prescribed in the u.s. try it for free at stay ahead of your moderate-to-severe eczema. and show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don t change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. keith morrison: (voiceover) bill clark was one ask your eczema specialist deeply frustrated detective. for months he d been a man obsessed, bill clark was one deeply frustrated detective. for months, he d been obsessed. peering into the sewers of edmonton and search for the missing johnny altinger. then? after 1.5 years, call from the city jail, and meet wanted to talk to detectives. his name, mark twitchell. he handed over a print out of this google map. at the bottom of the page there was a handwritten note. location of johnny altinger s remains. it was one block south of his parents house and that alley. this is the alley behind the home. it matched perfectly with the description from sk confessions, and in fact, this area had been searched by police a year and a half earlier. they pulled all these sewers all the covers? all the covers. they searched each one and they found nothing. this block, this area, and they sent cameras down the lines where they go down the lines and sneak them down and found nothing. where do they stop? about where you and i are standing. a year and a half later, where did you find the body? right down there. five telephone poles down half a block from where we stopped the search. this was johnny altinger s tomb. there is a piece of trash he probably thought it would get washed away. deteriorate to a point where it would be unidentifiable or no one would look. no one would ever look. why weeks before his murder trial was set to begin did mark twitchell give up johnny altinger s body? there must ve been a reason. because of all the publicity the case generated, the judge slapped a gag order on the press, the police, everybody. which is one the first day of the trial, the disclosure that altinger s body had been uncovered catches everyone by surprise. the reporter is written a book about the case. it doesn t get more explosive than that. it was new information no one had heard before. the trial only got more bizarre is the prosecution unveiled for the first time sk confessions. sitting in the courtroom became a journey deep into the wilderness of a mind of darkness. horde details were written down. no detail was not told within this document. it sounds just like it is fiction, like a script, but when you step back you realize it s a real person. it is a real man who has been murdered. was johnny altinger murder? twitchell admitted he dumped the remains down the storm drain, he never said he murdered him. never admitted he was the author of sk confessions. detectives knew they would need more than this document to get a conviction. the quietly build a case on csi basics. take the garage. this is what it looked like during the normal light of day. and this is a photo taken from the same angle minutes later once the floor was sprayed with luminal, the chemical that makes blood glow. huge spots in the garage would indicate pooling of blood. we found a piece of a human tooth in the garage. we found blood spatter along the walls and the garage door. hundreds of spots where repeating had taken place. also? csi investigators found this gang processing kit. hunters would take it to cut up a moose or whatever they have killed. this is what he used and every single tool in the kit had our victim s dna on it. in his car, police found other hard evidence. we find a knife and there. a knife with blood. visible blood? visible blood and it matches johnny altinger. he left it in the car? and the car is a gold mine . it absolutely blows the case wide open. there are yellow sticky notes on the console. one has a map drawn from the garage to johnny altinger s apartment. he kept everything. wrote everything down. after the presentation of the hard evidence, his coworkers were called to testify. one of the first was the actor who played the victim in house of cards. on his way to court that morning, he worried. what would happen if twitchell is acquitted? i feel he would probably kill me. chris was not alone. rene was unsettled too the day she testified but for another reason altogether. i didn t want to feel judge. because? i have dark thoughts and i shared them with a serial killer. johnny altinger s friend testified. there was nervousness, for sure. and a lot of sadness that day for me. all i can do is speak for john and the person he was. a nice man. definitely. if things had not turned out the way it did, he would ve found what he was looking for in life. it was the first time she had gotten a clear look at mark twitchell . he seemed like a normal, average person off the street. that is what disturbed me. twitchell remained stonefaced even when his wife took the stand. she is crying through all of this. mark twitchell s reaction was nearly blank. when this video was shown a chord during bill clark s testimony, twitchell became unraveled. he starts to cry and tears are streaming down his face. he is getting hysterical. the judge recognized and they took a break. when it comes back after the break, mark twitchell is no better. still very upset and he is crying. he actually faces detective clark and he starts talking to him. he said i am sorry for lying to you. this is extraordinary. you never have the accused talking to one of the primary investigators in the middle of their murder trial. this was far from the strangest moment of the trial. that came in the case for the defense when the attorney called it one witness. mark twitchell. the room was packed. i think everyone was on the edge of their seat wondering what does this guy going to say? twitchell finally had an audience. when he had been waiting 2.5 years to tell. what a story it was. he said you could blend fiction and reality so closely together that everyone would be fooled. fooled. 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multi-angle psychosis/psychosis label entertainment. sitting on the beach and there s a palm tree and a beach in front of you but when you pull back, it s not a beach but a picture of a beach. the attack on geo tetra was just a stunt. he allowed his parade to escape. and johnny altinger? that was week too just like the first one. but johnny didn t get the joke and furious there was no woman to greet him, tap twitchell with a pipe. he s got this knife on his belt and he tells the jury in his testimony that he puts his hand on the handle of the knife and just as johnny is about to come at him, his lifting the pipe over his head and mark twitchell sticks his hands out in front of him and the next thing he sees is the knife in johnny s stomach and blood is on his hands and he collapses on the floor and dies. the only inaccuracy is the initial attacker was johnny altinger and he , mark twitchell, disposed of the body and the sewer. police have their answer as to why twitchell gave up the body. it was the prologue of his elaborate tail. his defense is a brilliant idea on the surface. he actually found a way to describe an entire police investigation that incriminated him to get him off scott free. in ohio, rene was following all of this online. i watched the live blog they had, and i was screaming my head off at home. you liar. were you afraid the jury would believe him? oh, yeah. you are looking at for the one person that has that doubt. take the doubt back to the deliberation room. gilles tetreault was in course dash cart the day it was completed. i got to sit in the second row. she looked back, my mom, and saw me. i didn t know how she would feel. she turned around and looked at me. she smiled. she grabbed my hand. she said i m so happy you are still with us. that meant so much to me. what was that like? i didn t know how she would feel toward me. when she did that, it was almost another closing moment for me. not for others in the courtroom. apparently not for the jury s deliberations dragged on. the time rolled on. people are thinking maybe there is someone out there who actually does believe mark twitchell. mark twitchell was a masterful liar, maybe this ultimate fantasy would beguile the jury. then that final audience trooped back into the courtroom and gave him his last review. they found him guilty of the premeditated first-degree murder of johnny altinger . he was sentenced to life in prison. i have never been involved in an investigation in my whole career. you theorizes someone has died. there is no doubt we don t always get it right. here we knew exactly what happened to johnny. because he told you. he told us. ultimately, johnny lettuce to a . and twitchell kept writing about it. he would ve kept writing dash cart killing. i did mark twitchell murder johnny altinger? was it a thrill killing? or something even darker? i think he wanted to experience the feeling of killing and dismembering a body. i think down the road, he was going to produce a film about it . he would be a producer who would tell his cast and crew and actors how to do it and only to himself he would know he has lived it. i think that is what he wanted to do. an ohio, rene, twitchell s friend, arrived at the same disturbing theory. i think he did it for artistic reasons. artistic reasons? i think he wanted to see how someone died so he could make a better story. film it better. write about a better. in fact, mark twitchell himself offered an answer to all the people who wondered why. he was different, he wrote in his sk confessions. he simply could not feel anyone. and so, intentionally or not, he offered a dismal reason for murdering a perfect stranger. it was a single line at the end of that horror movie of his house of cards when the killer tells his wife the best way to succeed is to write what you know. this is this is someone at a park at 3:00 am. i am andrea kncanning and this is dateline. i can t believe she would meet someone at a park at 3:00 a.m. i think she knew the second she got in his car that something was wrong. a college student disappears. i d liketo

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war cabinet expires in the hours ahead the key member is demanding when it comes to the conflict. and what could happen if he carries through on his threat we begin our in paris where the close ties between the u.s. and france will be on full display as us president joe biden. continues his official state visit with a full day of events. french president emmanuel macron will welcome mr. biden and the first lady with a formal ceremony at the okta triomphe. there will be a parade precession to the least, say palace, followed by a working lunch in the evening. the macron s will host the bidens at the music duo say for a state dinner it s coming on the heels of the 80th anniversary of d-day will president biden on the allied troops of world war ii during a speech on the cliffs of normandy on friday, he evoked the legacy as he called on the world to defend democracies under threat. today but i ll ask us to give or risk our lives but they are asking us to care for others and our country more than ourselves they re not asking us to do their job. they re asking us to do our job to protect freedom in our time to defend democracy, to stand up aggression abroad. and at home read part of something bigger than ourselves. for more on this cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson joins us now live from london, nyc obviously president biden spending a full day really with his host. it s testament, i guess to the bond between these two countries. yeah, i think it is and it s testament in a way to how comfortable president biden fills in france has been that it will be probably, by the time he leaves expanded to leave on sunday, it had been there for five days. i don t think a us president in recent history spent so much time in one single country outside of the united states for, for some time this is a relationship that s important to president biden he needs strong allies and partners in europe. it s a relationship that s important to president macron. you who courted donald trump when he was president hosted him to dinner. i think it was in the eiffel tower so macron has always been careful to try to have a strong working on solid relationship with us president s, particularly now, britain is outside of the european union. france s it is one of the strongest partners, if you will, that the united states can look to to have influence in brussels within the european union there are differences, of course, between the two countries, but today, we ll be full of sort of ceremony and the symbolic nature of that relationship attending a ceremony at the de triomphe for a parade, dan to the elysee palace are working lunch and then back for a state dinner at the lee say palace in the evening. so this really is the french de, the french president, laying on the best of what france has to offer to visiting world leaders president biden is really getting the treat at the french today nick, yeah, as we know, over these last few days, present, button really has been front and center on the world stage during this this trip to commemorate d-day what impact will this have on us foreign policy, particularly on the wars in ukraine and gaza well when you talk about gaza, there are obvious differences between president macrons position and president biden s position. a stark contrast can be seen when the international criminal court, the icc, called for the request for arrest warrants for prime minister netanyahu so and the hamas leaders united states, condemned that even there was talk from within the united states of the challenge to the icc but what we heard from france, which is a signature signatory to the rome statute, which supports the icc. what the icc is doing. and if there was an arrest warrant for prime minister netanyahu, if he was to go to france, then the french will be obliged to arrest him. if that was to happen so the french said that they supported the move by the icc. so clearly, president biden and macron the sea differently on israel france is much more forward leaning. i wanted to see a sea as far in gaza, but it supports the united states position that calling for an independent palestinian state are recognizing an independent palestinian stay right now is not the right course of action. and on ukraine as well president macron is more forward leaning down the united states. he wants to form a coalition of countries that will send international military trainers. military trainers into ukraine praying nato try to train ukrainian soldiers. know nato nation has done this. at least publicly, yet, and this is much more than the united states wants to do when macron has taught about this in the policy united states has been very careful to say no. that s not where we are on this. so will it how will it change in shape that? will macrons going to do is back as the push the united states forward, but we know that president biden is constrained not just by his own worldview, but by domestic politics at home. he is unlikely to take a strong position that france wants on the war in gaza. and he s going to be very cautious about how he approaches involving us troops, potentially on the ground in ukraine, the domestic appetite for that this is perhaps not in the same place as domestic appetite and frances robinson that joining us from london, many thanks well, back in the us, mr. biden faces mounting pressure from within his own administration to change you as policy over the israel hamas war, cnn s kali atwood has more almost a dozen us officials who have resigned in protest of the biden administration s approach to the israel-hamas war. i want us to abide by our own laws. there s a real disconnect between what we and usaid are saying and every humanitarian agency is saying why should the rest of the world look to is as a leader, are banding together to explore how to use their voices effectively from the outside. it s kind of like an underground railroad. when i was having questions about when it seemed like i cannot work on this anymore but what do i do? stacy gilbert, who worked at the state department for more than 20 years. so she turned to members of the group when she was considering resigning. now she wants to help those who are fighting the system from within if we can be a resource to help others find their voice find a way to try to affect some policy change that would be useful. gilbert and the others who have left the us government in protest, like alec smith resigned from usaid last month, are also in public events and statements to shed light on all they ve seen. know that i m no longer at usa and i can speak publicly and loudly about what is actually happening on the ground in gaza and i can try to get attention pointed towards me, but people who are suffering there now gilbert s resignation came after her office at the state department, which focuses on global humanitarian crises, found that israel was impeding the delivery of humanitarian aid into gaza only for the final version of the report to say that israel was not to blame what are the implications of a report like this for the us government globally? to say it undermines our credibility is an understatement and for this report to say, conditions in gaza are dating dress, and these organizations don t have the capacity is just patently false. it is absolutely dangerous and it is difficult to do the work burke but these organizations can do it. they are not being allowed to do it the state department says it stands by its final report. we want to hear their opinions. we want to hear the expertise that they bring to bear, but ultimately it is the president, the secretary, other senior officials that make the decisions about what the policy of the united states out of beep. but gilbert says that many of her colleagues still working on the biden administration s policy and are seeing the death toll of innocent palestinians rise. harberger, same frustrations and continue urging policy changes from within. if i were the only one who thought this way, i would stay in the government. but you re confident they ll continue to have slowly absolutely i will i will be a voice for them on the outside, but i really am. i am determined to do all i can help from the outside because it s it s very, very hard doing this on inside. now, these warmer officials say they expect resignations and descend from within to continue. and one thing we ll be watching to see is if the pressure that president biden and his administration are putting on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to come to a ceasefire agreement, can do anything to quell this mounting descent, this mounting frustration, but from our conversations with these former officials, it would actually take the biden administration cutting off the flow of us weaponry to israel in order to do that kylie atwood, cnn, the state department will that frustration is being fueled by reports that are coming out of gaza. it seems daily. the director of rafah s kuwaiti hospitals is to workers there were killed and five others wounded by an idf strike last month kuwait hospital was forced to close after continuous israeli strikes, cnn has reached out to the idf for comment. well, the coming hours could be crucial for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he s facing pressure from the united states to accept a ceasefire and hostage release agreement. now it came member of his war cabinet could quit. benny gantz has threatened to leave the cabinet and the government. and he says, he ll take his party with him. well, meanwhile, the united nations is adding the israeli military, hamas, and palestinian islamic jihad to a list of groups that harm children the un secretary general s spokesman says the list will be presented to the security council next week gaza s ministry of hills sysml than 15,000 palestinian children have been killed in israel. hamas war israel denies deliberately targeting civilians cnn senior international correspondent has been weighed him and joins us now live from beirut and ben, let s start with that ultimatum by benny gantz word is that the united states is trying to get gantz to stay. what more you learning? yes. well, he last month has said that on the 8th of june today, he would resign if benjamin netanyahu did not come out with some sort of post-war plan for gaza. well, that hasn t happened. it s 8 june and it is expected that it s evening and around the 8:00 p.m. a. local time, he will be giving a press conference and all indications from the israeli media is that he will indeed carry through with his threat. now, what does this mean? what his party is actually not a member of netanyahu s code collision, which has 64 out of the 120 seats in the knesset. so it s not like netanyahu s government is going to collapse but good gantz s considered to be sort of one of the adults in the room and experienced military figure who was chief of staff for the israeli army later at defense minister, he is someone who is perhaps according to these ready media, trying to keep the government on an even he ll pull him out and that means sort of that sort of level of control goes and netanyahu will be under the pressure more pressure from the extremist ministers in his cabinet but fundamentally for instance, guns does not support the creation of a palestinian state he does not support the idea of palestinian authority, going into gaza to administer it in the post-war phase. so basically, the difference between netanyahu and gun on tone, not necessarily the actual action on the ground node guns has been in favor of some sort of rapid end, to this war, we have now beginning the ninth month of this war. netanyahu doesn t seem to be quite as eager for that but the end of the day, i think the expectation is the war will continue. netanyahu s made it clear that despite the 31 may biden peace proposal, that his goal is the complete destruction of hamas difficult if not impossible, as that maybe anna and ben the un s designation of israel as a state that harms children the israelis are incense to tell us about the announcement and this reaction well every year the united nations puts out a report on entities and country he s harm children in war. and now israel joins saudi arabia, afghanistan, the democratic republic of congo, hamas islamic jihad, sudan, syria, yemen, and isis on that list. as you mentioned in the introduction israel has, according to the ministry of health in gaza, killed more than 15,000 children. it s a lot of children and certainly what we re seeing on our screens, what we re hearing from the ground is yes, many children have been killed as a result of this war in gaza, where the death toll is approaching 40,000. and therefore it s not necessary it s essentially a surprise. it was a surprise to the israelis, the chief of staff of the un secretary general, antonio guterres, called the israel kylian vasodilate to the un, to inform him before this announcement was made, the israeli investor recorded video recorded that conversation and described the israeli army as the most moral army in the world. now, this is something that the israelis have repeated for decades, but certainly this war, in particular brings that claim. in 2000 15,000 children certainly is a huge number and wait a min, joining us from beirut. thank you the secret service is preparing for massive pro-palestinian demonstrations in washington dc today, putting up extra fencing to protect the white house. they ve also blocked off access to the white house gates service agent till cnn. they re expecting up to 12,000 protesters. us president joe biden will not be at the white house since he s attending that state visit in france? we are getting word of a new russian strikes on ukraine as the french president spills out, the timeframe, the starting to train ukrainian pilots on french fighter jets. that story, plus bouton is bragging about having many more nuclear bombs than the us and europe but that s not always he said at the st. petersburg economic forum hey, mom, how many should i decorated have ran have blue that s a. really tough call for you. that s john king from cnn. let s look at the data. your county leaned red eye 15 points in the last presidential election however, looking at the latest polling, you re going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles. how this guy really knows this stuff. $5 a cupcake you know, the average cost of a cupcake around here is $3. no comment dad is a legend and his legendary moves might be passed down to you dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with best of all, it s on sale for fathers de but get moving this sale is only for a limited time. attention former marines and family members stationed to camp plus june, if 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“the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. okay. alone this is a secret war. secrets and spies tomorrow at ten on cnn for. a seconds write de ukraine is reporting a wave of russian strikes across the country. officials say one person was killed at least six others injured in overnight attacks. that included drones. and artillery. some of the strikes cause more damage to the power grid and critical infrastructure lecture, that s coming on the heels of a un report that says may was the deadliest month for ukrainians in almost a year. more than 170 civilians were killed last month. about 30% more than in april and close to 700 were injured the increase is blamed on the growing number of strikes in the kharkiv region where moscow launched a new offensive. last month, well, meanwhile, french president emmanuel macron says his country will start training ukrainian pilots and mechanics in the coming days. he met with president volodomyr zelenskyy on friday de after pledging to send french fighter jets to give or meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin repeated threats to our adversaries of western nations that are supporting ukraine. he also boasted about russia s economy and military strength during a speech at the st. petersburg economic forum on friday, cnn s fred pleitgen as more lavender putin speaking at the st. petersburg economic forum, which of course is extremely important for russia and extremely important for the russian president remains bullish both on the russian economy and also on the war in ukraine as far as the economy is concerned, the russian president saying that despite the fact that russia is, of course, under immense western sanctions, that its economy is still going strong. essentially, what putin did in his keynote speeches, he outlined what he believes could be a new world economic order with of course russia being at the helm now as far as the war in ukraine is concerned, vladimir putin once again, pointing out that he believes russia right now is on the offensive. he said that russia, since the beginning of this year, has managed to take from ukraine some 47 towns and settlements near the front lines. so clearly he believes that the russians right now have the momentum. some other key developments as well. he says, right now there is no need for more mobilization on the part of the russian military because of course, he believes that they have enough troops for the front lines and also for the rear echelons as well. the other thing that we also saw was so vladimir putin, once again essentially telling western nations that russia has a huge nuclear arsenal and to be aware of that, but he did also elaborate on some remarks that he had made earlier where in light of the fact that western nations, some of them are now saying that you crane can use western supplied weapons to hit russian territory in a limited way that the russian since he believes, could also have the right to supply the same classes of weapons as he put it to adversaries of the west to put them under military pressure. the russian president now qualifying that somewhat saying that that is not something that is imminent. his exact words there, that is not something that s going to happen, quote, tomorrow, fred pleitgen, cnn berlin thank you for your company. i m anna coren for those of you watching internationally african voices changemakers is next for those of you in the us and canada. i ll be back with more news. just a minute. assignments are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this. you cannot outrun it. really terrifying experience. it is a stuff nightmares you just hear and feel it is in my throat or burning i m thinking i m going to die and i thought 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prosecutors in hunter biden s federal gun trial finished presenting the evidence on friday, and the defense called hunters daughter naomi, to the stand. the son of a us president is accused of having a gun while abusing drugs and lying on a form about his use of the contraband. cnn s paula reid has more the government rested its federal gun case against hunter biden immediately after a hunters lawyers began their defense, which included emotional testimony from his 30-year-old daughter, naomi, when she entered the courtroom with her husband, peter neil, first lady, dr. jill biden motioned for him to sit next to her in the front row with approximately a dozen other biden family members. once naomi was on the stand, defense attorney abbe lowell asked her about the two time she saw her father in 2018. he seemed like the clearest that i had seen him since my uncle died and he just seemed really great. she testified that she had not seen her father for a long time when she and her then boyfriend now husband, met him at a coffee shop along with hunter s sober coach. i told him that i was so proud of him and i was so proud to introduce peter to him. she then testified she saw her father again in new york city in october of 2018, during the time her father owned the gun at the center of this case, she said she met him to give back because car she had borrowed for a move and she testified the car was in good shape and had no evidence of drugs adding that he seemed hopeful, but on cross-examination, naomi and defense attorneys seemed caught off guard when prosecutors presented texts between her and her father during that trip, when he appeared erratic and went dark for long stretches, one of her texts reading, i don t know what to say. i just miss you so much. i just want to hang out with you. and from him one saying, i m sorry, i have been so unreachable. it s not fair to you, naomi testified that she returned the our on october 19 and that at that time she didn t see any drug paraphernalia in it a few days after that, her aunt hallie biden testified earlier in the trial that she found drug paraphernalia in that same car, prosecutors seizing on this and suggesting that the drug residue and drug paraphernalia must have been put in the car our after she returned it, timeline crucial as hunter is accused of lying on federal gun buying forms about his drug use at that time. now, the defense team has a weekend to decide i d if they want to put hunter on the stand and this is a risk reward calculus source familiar with their thinking tells me they think hunter could provide additional context. so those text messages you said hallie biden, where he suggested he was on a car doing crack or meeting someone they mci presumably to buy drugs. you would like to testify that he was just trying to we d seen hallie and he wasn t actually using at that time. he also believed that putting them on the stand could help to build some sympathy or empathy from members of the jury there is also a risk these prosecutors they are at the top of their game. and as we saw with his daughter, naomi biden, they will look for any opportunity to undercut a witnesses credibility paula reid, cnn, wilmington, delaware a witness in the trial of us senator bob menendez says, he gave a continent and his wife as a bribe. jose uribe testified friday saying that in exchange for a mercedes convertible, nadine menendez promised to try to prevent an investigation into rubies trucking business everybody testified under a plea agreement bob menendez and others charged in the case of pleaded not guilty. nadine menendez is facing a separate to trial later. this year. former trump white house chief of staff mark meadows is pleading not guilty to charges of conspiring to overturn the 2020 election results in arizona is one of 18 trump allies charged in connection with the fake electors case in the stage. cnn s crayon law has more on the latest legal issue connected to the former president arizona prosecutors arrive for the arraignments of some of former president donald trump s closest advisers. sir, could you state your name, please? mark randall matters. trump s former white house chief of staff. we do an enter a plea of not guilty, also, entering a not guilty plea. trump campaign operative, mike roman, could you state your name, please? michael roman and meadows both face charges in multiple states and the fake elector scheme aimed at overturning the 2020 election results in arizona and in georgia. roman, also this week was indicted in wisconsin the state cases, all date back to an alleged plan hatched in the days and weeks after trump lost his last reelection bid, where the underside being the duly elected and qualified electors in arizona calling themselves electors. these 11 people assembled on december 14, 2020 to declare the state s winner. donald j. trump, of his state of florida. number a bonus 11 but joe biden had won arizona arizona prosecutors say meadows, roman, and other trump allies charged in april, like former trump attorney john eastman. i of course, pled night guilty. and current rnc election integrity council. christina bobb will be what the case coordinated fake electors in arizona and other swing-state attempting to keep trump in power. perhaps the most well-known of the 18 indicted by arizona is former trump lawyer rudy giuliani who say arizona prosecutors, dodge them for weeks as they tried to serve him court papers there. so incompetent, they can find me they also can t count votes correctly live streaming has taunts right thing until arizona agents caught up with giuliani and he said his 80th birthday in florida now has two weeks to appear in person in court and post a $10,000 bond giuliani so far hasn t indicated exactly when he s going to be heading to arizona. we did check with the maricopa county sheriff s department. and so far, he has not yet been processed for his mug shot or his fingerprints we checked in to see where giuliani might be. he was live streaming has show from michigan young law, cnn, los angeles the judge who oversaw the trump hush money trial is dealing with a social media post. they claim to know the verdict before it was even delivered. a poster who claims to be the cousin of a juror, said that trump would be convicted in a message on the courts facebook page last month the judge has brief both the prosecution and trump s defense on the comment. it is not clear if there is any validity to the post. will meanwhile, judge juan merchan s is trump s attorney. can join the former president. saturday s pre-sentence investigation interview the interview will form part of the report. the judge will receive ahead of trump s sentencing next month. the former president has been boasting of his fundraising windfall on the heels of his hush money conviction and he s in california to raise even more who cnn s alayna treene with the latest well, just a week after the former president was convicted in manhattan, donald trump is back on the campaign trail and aggressively fundraising in cattle hello, fournier. now on thursday, donald trump attended a san francisco fundraiser at the home of silicon valley investor david sacks, that was organized actually by jd vance, one of donald trump s top contenders to become vice president. and i was told that advance it really spent months working on getting sacks to endorse the former president. they viewed that endorsement and the fundraiser as a sign as silicon valley starting to embrace donald trump. now on friday, donald trump also has a fundraiser in beverly hills this one home hosted by le samson, a very wealthy businessman, who has endorsed the former president the past and has donated to him before and then on saturday, donald trump have another fundraiser in orange county and luck, all of this comes as donald trump is continuing to rail against that verdict in new york, we heard him speak about that in thursday at a rally in phoenix it s where he called the conviction rigueur, called the verdict rigged, and the jury rigged, and also said that if his case did not win on an appeal, would be no country anymore foreign. we also have heard donald trump really escalate his rhetoric for retribution against his political opponents. take a listen to what trump to dr. phil in an interview on thursday retribution is going to be through success. we re going to make it very successful. we have to bring the country together the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we have revenge through success while revenge does time, i will say that does and sometimes revenge can be justified if though i have this b honest, sometimes it can. now what i find very interesting about that interview is that donald trump, over the past several days now, has done a series of what i would dries as friendly interviews where the host have really tried to get him to step away from these calls for retribution. but as we just saw in that interview with dr. phil he s refusing to do so. instead, he s doubling if not tripling down on his calls for revenge. and this is something we really heard donald trump talk about ever since he was indicted last year, he is called hold for potentially going after and prosecuting some of his political opponents. and i think we ll continue to hear that rhetoric when he speaks at a rally in las vegas on sunday alayna treene, cnn, los angeles well on the campaign trail, trump is also railing against biden s new executive order on immigration. he is what he told a crowd in phoenix, arizona on thursday you people know better than just about anybody about the southern border because they are pouring through your state at levels, nobody s ever seen before. two days ago, joe biden signed and executive order to officially declare his formal approval and support for the largest border invasion in the history of the world. so this has been the largest invasion in history. we ve never, we are being invaded well, the number of migrant crossings at the us, mexico border has not changed much since new asylum restrictions went into effect earlier this week. but senior white house officials believe crossings will drop homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas spoke to cnn about trump s three action to the executive order it s inappropriate for me to respond to a political candidates statements. let me just say that president biden has taken an executive action to strengthen our border security after congress has failed to act, but only congress can fix what everyone agrees is a broken immigration system it s done the immigration landscape is a volatile one. we know that for for many years, but this measure, this executive action, is far different than what the former president sought to deal we have not eliminated asylum. we are allowing between 14 and 1,500 individuals to use our processes the cbp one application to come to a port of entry at a predesignated appointed time and claim asylum in a safe orderly, and lawful way. that was not the case under the prior administration. in addition, this president president biden, has established an unprecedented number of lawful pathways for individuals to seek humanitarian relief in the united states including asylum outside of the grip of exploitative human smuggling, organizations. so this is far different than what the prior administration sought to do. we are adhering to our nation s values and strengthening border security surprisingly, strong jobs, growths in the u.s. is dashing hopes that the federal reserve will cut interest rates anytime soon the us added 272,000 jobs in may, far more than expected and american workers earning more as well with wage growth coming in stronger than expected average hourly earnings are now up 4.1 0.1% on the year outpacing inflation on the flip side unemployment rose to 4% for the first time in over two years, i spoke with analysts ryan patel earlier about what the mixed economic picture could mean for president biden s reelection. bid you ve got the economic fundamentals. you see the numbers and you look at the back end and when you see where prices have increased in what parts of the country what types of demographics it turns to be when you see these numbers? then you see your bank account. i think the word they d been using as vibes. you don t feel that you re getting the economic benefit out of what the market is doing. and i think for president biden is uphill battle for him to face these type of vibes or feelings that people are feeling because they re not spending as much even though consumer spending overall has been there fair, but that doesn t mean with all the different groups that are there and even certain companies and they are sitting on the sideline and holding cash instead of investing it. furthermore, because they don t, they re still not sure where the market is and things are expensive because of industries being high. so people are not taking loans out there are waiting and waiting to see when that occurs. and so it does cause is built up where you see shelter prices, rent increase in wages don t always keep up with that. and so it is interesting the dilemma that the president, president biden the white house needs to be talking about the rhetoric has been interesting and it hasn t been really working when it comes in some as exit polls and surveys we ll have more on the jobs report coming up in the next hour. i ve seen a newsroom, but i hit the brothers who made any exciting dinosaur fossil find that resulted in a museum exhibit. and the documentary assignment with audie cornish. listen wherever you get your podcasts pain means pause on the things you love. but brene me. go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going bio freeze green mean let s go a heart attack. do they have life insurance? no. but we have life insurance john, i m trying to find something we can afford fortunately, it only 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days three north dakota boys were out fossil hunting with their father a couple of years ago when they made an incredible find, a prime specimen of a juvenile tyrannosaurus rex. only a handful of ever been recovered. well now the bone it s a part of an exhibition at the denver museum of nature and science and the boys star in a documentary that premieres later this month my colleague, paula newton spoke earlier to the museum s curator and two of the boys this is just such a remarkable story of discovery. i mean, i think that s what makes it so special. i mean, sam kicking his boys, jessin and liam out and his nephew kaiden, going out and you re not stumbling on this fossil. they were out looking for fossils and they found a juvenile toronto a source rex. and to me, it s extra special because i grew up in that same area. i grew up walking sort of the same badlands and that s how you re salman. i knew each other where we re friends since high school. and it s just so cool to see these boys getting outside in making an awesome discovery, like they made and the find itself is it significant. i mean, we don t have that many juvenile tyrannosaurs that i ve ever been discovered. so this is only a handful that i ve ever been discovered so it s that s all remarkable find you use the correct word there. awesome boys. i have to turn back to you guys because you obviously didn t find out for quite awhile exactly that it was t rex. so when you found out it was t-rex what did you think i was very excited and it was me and hailar that found out first letter. it was a t-rex because we mean, i was sitting right across from tyler is that s when we found that first tooth but at that moment, i couldn t speak and jessin definitely 65 million years later, you got them you got the t rex. are there any names here that we re coming up with? do you get to name them? yeah we named it the brother because me and my brother and my cousin brothers to each other and the dayana shot feels like what. adorable boys youtuber is facing federal charges after posting footage that looks like it s straight out of the video game grand theft auto. the voice is called destroying a lamborghini with fireworks prosecutors say was filmed in southern california without any permits. the youtuber has been charged with putting an explosive on an aircraft. he could face up to ten years in prison when newly released bodycam footage shows golfer scottie scheffler telling police he s terribly sorry on the morning of his arrest outside a recent pga championship and louisville, kentucky so i m terribly sorry guys keep arms back. i promise i m about to trying to get to teach scheffler was on his way to the golf course when he came across the scene of what was a fatal crash, and officer trying to stop scheffler was dragged along by scheffler s kotb, but the officer didn t have his body camera on at the time. charges were dropped after the incident was deemed a misunderstanding united states cricket team is running high on confidence after they re shocking victory of the pakistan this week and the t 20 cricket world cup that s probably shocked the cricketing world and i know definitely here in the us it s been it s been a lot of media coverage of it, which is fantastic. i think usa cricket, as i guess not that well-known within america i think we ve put ourselves a little bit more on the map was very to hide team usa, like the chances and the upcoming matches against india and ireland in the final two group a matches and you book and a new movie are in the works and shorter delight fans of the hunger games. the first book in the franchise by authors suzanne collins was publishing 2008, turned into a hint series of books and movies. there s attracted legions of followers. now, yet another chapter of the dystopian fights for your life saga continues with a new book called sunrise on the reaping it s said to be published in 2025 and made into a movie the following year. the story revisits the world of panama, told in the hunger games, but goes back in time 24 years before those events are die-hard, fans predict the new book will feature the character of hey mitch abernathy played in the original movies by woody harrelson. hey, mitch was the victor that the 50th hunger games, which is the setting of the new book. well, that wraps up this. our, i ve seen a newsreel. i m in a car and i ll be back in just a moment you increase in wow fires is exponential on uncontrollable overwhelming consequences. the need to do something is urgent what we have schreiber, tamara, nine on cnn. pain means pause on the things you d love but breen means go cool the pain with bio free and keep on going. bio freeze. green means go. i m jonathan larson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program if your h 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget. remember the three ps what are the three p s the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget 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Member , Gaza , Benjamin-netanyahu , Frustration , War-cabinet , Conflict , Quit , Deadline , Eu , Meg , Share-luck , Company

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240607-120

Kelly o grady on all the attention he s getting because he s back after 3 years. what s going on. this is 1 of the more wild i guess we have to call it investor call at this point that i ve attended and we had to wait quite a bit. keith gill roaring kitty showed up nearly half hour late but ultimately spoke to over 600,000 listeners and shared he had no game plan for this livestream. even admitted he might be cuckoo at 1 point. that s always been his appeal. he s very counter to the traditional investor. we did glean 3 key things from the stream that i want to share with you. first gill s gamestop position makes up the entirety of his portfolio so what you re looking at on-screen was the value following the markets close last night 500 a $6 million. of course the stock fluctuated wildly today finishing 39% down but it is still higher than when gil bodden.

Kelly-o-grady , Point , Attention , It-investor-call , What-s-going-on , Wild , 1 , 3 , Bit , Livestream , Game-plan , Listeners

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports 20240607-3000

Just like you know, we are all here for the same reason, and that s to make money. unfortunately, just like back in 2021, a handful of these people are left holding the bag, and it seems like that might be the case going on this time where, after market hours yesterday, we were up 45%, but now during normal trading hours gamestop is down 32%, giving back everything it gained after market hours and then some. sandra: here s the 5-year chart of gamestop, for example, from june 2019 to noon today eastern time. it has been extremely volatile, and that can be really tricky for an everyday investor. but we get it, we get that people want to be in there. what should happen here? do you think that there is talk of regulating activity like this? or do you think people should just be able to play in the stock market however they wish? now, my biggest issue with

People , Case , Back , Money , Handful , Bag , Reason , Where , 2021 , Sandra-smith , Everything , Gamestop

Business Today

They had a number of investors that have the ability to fund projects that are ready to go. the idea is to do a bit of matchmaking and tried to get more clean energy but also more sustainable supply chain projects up and running. tell us about green energy and the initiatives for the pesek at anything to do with the cherries overcapacity? i don t think at the moment it does. most of the projects being discussed were projects that have been under way for some period of time or been lined out. they need to be investor ready. that takes longer typically for the recipient countries to plan and execute than the relatively recent spike in concern over overcapacity. i think it s much more about how do you transition to a green economy in the future, what other projects that you need, wears a shortfall in funding and how can a private partnership model benefit you as the host country and benefit you as an investor? china bear so much economic influence in this region. tell us your thoughts

Number , Investors , Projects , Ability , Bit , Green-energy , Energy , Supply-chain-projects , Idea , Matchmaking , Running , Way

Business Today

More clean energy but also more sustainable supply chain projects up and running. tell us about green energy and the initiatives for the pesek at anything to do with the cherries overcapacity? chinese overcapacity? i don t think at the moment it does. most of the projects being discussed were projects that have been under way for some period of time or been lined out. they need to be investor ready. that takes longer typically for the recipient countries to plan and execute than the relatively recent spike in concern over overcapacity. i think it s much more about how do you transition to a green economy in the future, what other projects that you need, where is a shortfall in funding and how can a private partnership model benefit you as the host country and benefit you as an investor? china bear so much economic influence in this region. tell us your thoughts on how ipef can succeed without beijing

Initiatives , Green-energy , Energy , Supply-chain-projects , Cherries-overcapacity , Running , Pesek , Anything , Countries , Way , Projects , China