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are saying that senior administration officials are saying president trump will not invoke executive president doesn t mean he couldn t change his mind. so the question he s likely weighing is what would be more damaging, comey s testimony or the way it ll look if he tries to silence him? yesterday white house press secretary sean spicer was noncommittal when asked if executive privilege was still on the table. that committee hearing was just noticed, and i think, obviously, it s got to be reviewed. so that s not a no. it s just saying i don t it literally, my understanding is the date for that hearing was just set. i ve not poken to counsel yet. spoken to counsel yet. i don t know how they re going to respond. reporter: now, in addition to the comey hearing, there s another huge hearing on capitol hill next weekday before comey s appearance. a senate panel will also hear from the nation s top intelligence officials including the intelligence chief, the nsa director, the acting fbi directer and the deputy attorney general who signed off on the special counsel. at the same time, we re also learning that that special counsel which is investigating possible ties between the trump campaign and russia, that it s expanding, and it s expanded to take over a separate criminal probe involving former trump campaign manager paul manafort. so with a all of these stories, all of these leaks, all of this potentially damaging testimony that s going to be taking place on capitol hill next week, you can see why this white house has been working hard behind the scenes to build kind of a communications war room. now, this has been talked about for some time, but it got some new legs yesterday when fox s ed henry reported that originally this war room was going to be set up inside the white house or perhaps in the next door executive office building. but now we re hearing that it ll be set up outside the white house, likely as a nonprofit organization and that it would likely be headed up by two of names we ve been hearing so much about, two former campaign operate i haves, coar operatives, corey lewandowski and david bossie. and the whole idea behind this is to let this outside entity handle everything to do with the russia investigation so that the white house and its staff can focus on the job of actually governing and getting the president s ageneral da through agenda through congress. arthel? arthel: okay. kristin, thank you very much for that update. meanwhile, the trump administration is asking the supreme court to reinstate the president s controversial travel ban. lower courts have so far ruled that the administration cannot legally keep people from six muslim-majority countries from entering the u.s.. will carr joins us live from lax now with more on this story. hey, will. reporter: arthel, the travel ban has sparked controversy and protest, it s snaked its way through the appeals process and now lands in front of the highest court in the country, a court that now has nine justices, five of whom are conservative. you ll remember that this is the second version of the travel ban the trump administration is asking for a 09-day 90-day halt on travel from iran, sudan, syria, libya, somalia and yemen, but the ban has never been enforced after the fourth circuit court of appeals ruled that it likely violated the constitution, a ruling that the administration strongly disagrees with. the president s not required to anytime people from countries to admit people from countries that sponsor or shelter terrorism. reporter: you ll remember that the first travel ban which went into effect without warning led to protests across the country. since then, neil gorsuch now sits on the supreme court, and this ll be the highest profile case that gorsuch will weigh in on, and vice president pence believes that court will rule in favor of the administration. they re going to recognize the right of the president in the constitution and in the statute of this country to control immigration in a way that puts the security of our country first. reporter: the administration is asking for the travel ban to go into effect immediately. as of now, there s no timetable on when the supreme court will make its decision. arthel. arthel: we ll keep an eye on it. thank you very much, will carr. eric: now to north korea and its continuing threat. secretary of defense james mattis is in asia this weekend calling pyongyang a clear and present danger to our country. he is attending an international security conference in singapore. mattis praising china s efforts to try and rein in be north korea and the regime of kim jong un, but he is also issuing a staunch warning to beijing. allison barber has the details from washington. reporter: when it comes to china, there are potential highs and lows in general mattis eyes. the secretary of defense says the u.s. is not pleased with their actions in the south china sea, but they are pleased and, quote, encouraged by some of china s actions in regards to north korea. here s mattis peeking to representatives speaking to representatives from more than 20 countries at the annual international security conference in singapore. as a matter of u.s. national security, the united states regards the threat from north korea as a clear and present danger. ultimately, we believe china will come to recognize north korea as a strategic liability, not an asset. reporter: north korea is carrying out missile launches more frequently than in the past. china is the reclusive regime s closest ally. on friday the u.n. security council voted to expand targeted sanctions against north korea. it took weeks to negotiate, but what they passed is noteworthy, because it s the first time since trump took office that china and the u.s. agreed to pass this sort of resolution at all. the u.s. wants china to help rein in north korea, but mattis says that doesn t mean they re willing to overlook china s construction and militarization of seven artificial islands in the south china sea, an area that s at the center of a prolonged territorial dispute primarily between six countries. mattis warned against showing, quote, disregard for international law. the secretary also fielded a question about global order and the u.s. decision to withdraw from the paris climate agreement. mattis promised the group the u.s. is committed to its allies. at one point he made reference to a quote that s often attributed to winston churchill saying, bear with us. once we have exhausted all possible alternatives, the americans will do the right thing. eric? eric: allison barber in washington. let s go live now to the kennedy space center, and this is the countdown to spacex at cape canaveral. any moment now we expect that rocket to take off. the private company sending 6,000 pounds of cargo equipment into low earth orbit. 3, 2, 1. and liftoff. the 100th liftoff from launch pad 39a as falcon and dragon take flight to the international space station. [inaudible] [background sounds] falcon power, telemetry nominal. everything s going according to plan. fall on the is falcon is on target for its rendezvous with the international space station. one minute into flight. falcon 9 is going trans-sonic at this time. standing by for maximum dynamic pressure. about one minute away from the first-stage engine cutoff and the begin of the boost back-burn. eric: man, oh, man, i don t care how many times i see this, mercury, a apollo, they re still powerful and majestic and pretty amazing that as a human race we can do that, send stuff up into space. arthel: spectacular sight, no doubt. now shifting gears to ariana grande making a surprise visit to young fans hurt in the manchester bombing. the singer sharing some of the images. look there. after stopping by the royal manchester children s hospital yesterday. 22 people were killed and dozens more injured when a suicide bomber detonated his explosives outside of ariana grande s concert last week. many of the victims were children and teenagers. arianna is back in britain for the one love manchester concert to benefit victims of that terror attack. everything, meanwhile eric: meanwhile, an eye in the sky helping police officers in virginia catch criminals. cops have used helicopters up in the air for years, but now drones are being used. they re not only saving lives, but also money, allowing departments to track down suspects with less manpower. ang lee hemple has the story. reporter: one of about only 30 police departments in the entire country now using drone technology to save costs and save lives. stafford county sheriff s office has officially taken their job of public safety to new heights. this is absolutely a game-changer. reporter: lieutenant ben warster says their new fleet of drones help catch criminals faster and with less manpower. on thursday investigators say this man, jeffrey owens, shot up a car and took off from police. a manhunt was launched with deputies and k-9s on the ground and a drone in the sky. this video shows how the drone used thermal energy to spot owens hiding in the woods. what i m seeing on my apple ipad is identical to what s being displayed on a 32-inch monitor here at the rear of the suburban. reporter: stafford county also used a drone to bust this local meth lab which gave deputies a lay of the land. drones can also help assess damage from natural disasters or the missing and endangered folks that we need to find quickly to safeguard their lives. the other time that we can do it is to alleviate immediate danger to any person. this is where law enforcement deploys the unmanned aircraft in an effort to safeguard lives in an active shooter incident. reporter: the department currently has eight drone pilots who completed 40 hours of training each to receive proper certification from both the county and the faa. however, along with this new bird s eye view does come some concern. the unmanned aircraft simply cannot be deployed just to keep a watchful eye over citizens. that s a concern of some, and it just can t be used in that manner, and we certainly won t be doing that here. eric: well, that, of course, from privacy advocates. man, oh, man, can t do that with 1 adam 12. arkansas and meanwhile, excuse me, multiple officers shot while trying to arrest a dangerous suspect. we re going to tell you how this all played out. and there are growing concerns among republicans about unmasking requests by the obama administration with several lawmakers saying they believe they have been surveilled. look, we should have a full investigation. and if members of the united states senate cannot have privileged conversations to talk about issues that are affecting our country because the previous administration is listening in and then leaking that information, that is a very serious breach of our national security protocols. fun in art class. come close, come close. i like that. 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(vo) purina pro plan bright mind. nutrition that performs. eric: time now for a quick check of the headlines. a murder suspect in laredo, texas, has been killed during a shootout with police. the gunfire also injured at least three other officers. they re said to be in stable condition at this hour, but the suspect was wanted for the alleged killing of his girlfriend. the former president of penn state university and two other former officials now behind bars, serving jail sentences for failing to report those allegations linked to jerry sandusky s sexual abuse. and remembering southern rocker gregg allman. president jimmy carter, along with thousands of people, attended a funeral service for allman today in georgia. the former president saying the allman brothers band helped him draw massive crowds during the 1976 presidential campaign. gregg allman was laid to rest near his older brother and founding band member duane. arthel: investigations into possible ties between the trump administration and russia heating up. fired fbi director james comey is set to testify next week before the senate intelligence committee, but house intelligence committee chair devin nuñes is more concerned about unmasking requests by the obama administration. nuñes calling for, quote, major changes to federal law on who can unmask u.s. citizens, tweeting today: seeing a lot of fake news from media elites and others who have no violations of americans civil liberties via unmasking. joining us now is, to discuss this, is tara mahler, a former cia analyst and senior policy adviser for the counterextremism project. good to have you here. thank you for having me. arthel: is there evidence to support claims that east the obama administration or the trump that either the obama administration or the trump administration made politically-motivated unmasking requests? we haven t seen the specifics about what motivated the requests and the nature of the request itself and what the intelligence itself was that warranted the request. to me, there s no evidence that it was political yet. in fact, you have requests for unmasking not just made by the obama administration, but there have also been unmasking requests by the house intelligence committee. so we ve seen these requests across time and space. this is nothing new. this is supposed to happen, and it s supposed to happen when there s a legitimate reason for an individual to be unmasked. usually that s to get a better understanding of the intelligence at hand, and in this case, it may have been related to american individuals or organizations that had contacts with russians or potentially related to russian hacking. but again, without seeing the intelligence itself, which i have not, it would be hard to say the motivation, and it seems like it was a very small number of requests. for something to be politically motivated, you d expect an unusual spike and for reasons that were unclear to those that were reviewing these requests. they all go through a reviews process. you can t just request to unmask and then just have it happen just like that. arthel: and in congressman nine necessary tweet, he s nine nuñes tweet, he s implying should americans be alarmed? and secondly, what s behind these allegations? sure. this is not a case where the government is listening in on americans. in fact, in all of these cases, i believe, this is intelligence collection that s happening, normal intelligence collection that s happening on normal intelligence targets. if americans happen to be picked up on those conversations, the purpose of masking their identity is so that their privacy is protected. that s always been the case. and then there s an unmasking procedure in place if and when it s necessary to do so. i think, you know, over the course of the past year it s a very small number of unmaasinging unmasking cases overall. from the obama administration, i believe probably in the single digits. i know the house intel committee has made about six requests in the time frame being examined according to the washington post. so we re not talking about hundreds or, you know, by the obama administration of unmaskings or thousands. i think in the entire year alone, i think there might be 1,000 in general, so we re not talking about a high number of americans being impacted by this. in some cases, it could be high-level american officials who are in potential diplomatic conversation with people overseas. arthel: so you re saying there are many safeguards in place that would prevent a sure. and this worry about american privacy, none of this intelligence was collection on americans. that s not the claim here. people are sort of blurring these issue areas. none of this was, you know, surveilling of american citizens being monitored unlawfully. this was all cases of normal intelligence collection where there were requests through the normal and appropriate channels to unmask americans. that s actually the system in place, and that s supposed to be what happens if and when need be for an official to unmask somebody who happens to be a citizen. arthel: i want to play some sound from senator lindsey graham. he was on america s newsroom yesterday. i have reason to believe that a conversation that i had was picked up with some foreign leader or some foreign person, and somebody requested that my conversation be unmasked. i ve been told that by people in the intelligence community. arthel: so what do you make of what senator graham said and also, again, wrapping that together with this question which is, you know, can americans trust the process, tar a rah, of gathering necessary intelligence to protect the country? sure, that s a really legitimate and fair question to ask. i m not saying these processes shouldn t be reviewed and to look into both the requests that were made by the house intel committee and also requests made by the obama administration. there are always potentially mistakes made in any large government bureaucracy over the course of time, and things should be reviewed. i m all for that. but to make claims of politicization without understanding the nature of the intelligence that was looked at and/or the reasons, and also, to be quite frank, the house intel committee was critical of the administration s unmasking requests when there were unmasking requests coming out of the intel committee itself. all those are fair game to assess and analyze and see, and that should be part of the investigation. but to make allegations of politicization when they could have been happening through normal and appropriate channels is, at this point, completely unfounded. arthel: tara mahler, thank you for joining us. thanks for having me. eric: they re out on the streets this saturday, some anti-trump protesters,rallying across the country. coming up, we ll delve into some of the answers that they re seeking. plus, defense secretary james mattis is in singapore with a new warning about north korea, and he s issuing it in asia, looking to keep china on its toes. and despite the warmer relationship with the trump administration, what does this trip mean? general jack keane is here on what could result from the defense secretary s strategy. lights. camera. strike a pose. your eyes work as hard as you do. but do they need help making more of their own tears? if you have chronic dry eye caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation, restasis multidose™ can help. with continued use twice a day, every day, one drop at a time. restasis multidose™ helps increase your eyes natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis multidose™ did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch the bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. your eyes. your tears. ask your eye doctor about restasis multidose™. to refinance your home.eding through financial documents or, you could push that button. 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[whisper: rocket] z282sz zwtz y282sy ywty arthel: protesters rallying today in dozens of cities across the country, calling for more investigations into potential ties between president trump s campaign team and russia. hundreds turning up in new york city and d.c. to demand real answers from lawmakers. the rally in the nation s capital taking place just blocks away from a pro-trump gathering near the white house. garrett tenney is live in washington with more. garrett? reporter: arthel, having covered a number of these protests, i can tell you that today s rally was much more of a grassroots effort, and the goal has morphed a bit over the last month. organizers want to insure that both robert mueller and congress fully investigate any ties between the trump campaign and russia. and while organizers of the rally said they were not anti-trump protests, i can tell you that is certainly what brought a lot of folks out today. i want to see the investigation of trump lead to impeachment. i m pleased to see that mueller s right on top of it and is proceeding quickly along with that half of the investigation, that part of the investigation, to bring criminal charges against those around trump and including trump. reporter: organizers say there are more than 100 marchs scheduled across the country today, and climate change was another issue. after the president s position decision to leave the paris climate deal. but over at the white house, the president s supporters came out as well to say thank you for keeping that campaign promise. well, it s unfortunate that the media that s making [inaudible] but the reality is people do support what he s doing. and hopefully, as he moves along his agenda people will see that he really has the best intentions. reporter: and activist groups have said that today s marches for truth are only the beginning of what they are calling a summer of resistance. arthel? arthel: okay. garrett tenney, thanks so much. while competition between the u.s. and china, the world s two largest economies, is bound to occur, conflict is not inevitable. be our two countries and do cooperate can and do cooperate, and we will pledge to work closely with china where we share common cause. eric: that is defense secretary james mattis addressing u.s./china relations in singapore. mattis, though, acknowledging there are peaks and valleys in the relationship between washington and beijing. and he says he s pleased with china s efforts to try and rein in north korea, but is beijing really doing enough? mattis also making it clear the white house is not okay with china s military buildup in the south china sea. all eyes are on the regime of kim jong un, so can china finally try and rein him in? let s bring in retired four-star general jack keane, a fox news military analyst. general, always good to see you. let me start, first, with the defense secretary, what he says about north korea. he calls north korea, a quote: clear and present danger. can you, first, translate what that really means, i mean, in military terms when a top official the top military official is so blunt and direct? yeah, what s got everybody s attention is the fact that they ve accelerated their ballistic missile program so rapidly as they ve fired off three in the last few weeks, nine in the last couple of months. and the whole the last year they ve been doing more than they did in the previous three years. so that s got our attention. second thing, they re trying to weaponize it with a nuclear weapon. they already have nuclear weapons, to be sure, and they re threatening the use of them against the united states and our allies in the region. that has our attention. the previous administration didn t do much with that rhetoric. they had a policy called strategic patience, and at the same conference that you cited general mattis at, he said strategic patience is over. and he s putting marker down that we ve got korea s attention, they ve got ours eric: and what is that marker, i mean, exactly? if there s no more patience, what does that mean, and how would the north koreans interpret that? well, we ve got three options that we re pursuing. one is diplomatic, the other is economic, and the third is we with put a military option back on the table again, i think which president obama never said he took off, but most people believe he did. we re using the, we re using china, as you mentioned, to try to denuclearize the peninsula. china told the president, their president told our president they re willing to cooperate eric: do you believe them? i think you have to have a real healthy dose of skepticism here, eric. here s what they have done on the positive side. they shut down buying north korean coal, at least that s what they said in february, but we have some evidence that they may have bought some since. and number two, in the u.n. resolution on friday for the first time they agreed to some sanctions against north korea by the u.n. they were against individuals and against some smaller entities in north korea eric: but, general they blocked a much more significant sanction against eric: general, if i can just i finish, eric, please? eric: i m sorry. they blocked a more significant sanction in that same afternoon though. so china gets mixed reviews from us. what s different is they said they re willing to help. and our president has believed that he s the one that s talking to president xi about this. and i think, certainly, every official in our government is skeptical about whether china s going to come through or not. and that puts us in a very difficult place if they don t. eric: you just hit it on the head, and i was trying to get out the fact that, yes, they did put sanctions on 15 people and individuals, but then again, you know, tougher measures were not taken by china. do you think that s strategically wise or, as you say, china needs to do more before they really get the attention of kim jong un? if you re sitting where they are, where china is, you ve got to recognize they tolerated north korea having nuclear weapons. they don t have a problem with it. they tolerated them having a ballistic missile program. now because of the acceleration and the fact that it s got the trump administration s attention, they re reacting. they did not react under the obama administration. so that s number one. number two is i think they re willing to do, push north korea with some sanctions that only they can impose because the economic ties are about 80%. but here s the problem they have. they cannot force the collapse of the regime. they don t want to do that. that would destabilize the peninsula, have huge impact on them from a refugee program and an incredible economic impact as well. so they re willing to do some measures, but they re probably not willing to do the full measure that we would want that would actually denuclearize the program in north korea. i think that s where we ll be. eric: what would that full measure be? they would have to really impose some tough sanctions that would put incredible finish from on the regime pressure on the regime and actually have to hurt the people as well. but if you look at the alternative, which is war if north korea gets to the point where they re willing to use a missile against one of our bases or an ally in the region or the continental united states, that means war. so the alternative there is absolutely unaccepting. so we re going to see how this works out. and i think, as i said, we have to have some skepticism here. i also believe that we need there s two major security issues going on in the pacific. this is one. the other one is china trampling on our interests, south china sea as general mattis, secretary mattis mentioned. we need a comprehensive strategy to get china to reverse the militarization that they re doing, breaking international law and also trampling on our allies and our interests. and we should not use the cooperation that we want to have with them over north korea as a reason not to do that. eric: that is we should absolutely move forward on it. eric: that is a great point. they ve got those manmade islands which are being, we re told, militarized. this at the same time you ve got them watching over kim jong un. 45 seconds, it would take a missile to go right over the dmz toward 8,000 of our troops. it would be the prospects would be horrific. general jack keane, always good to see you. thank you. good talking to you, eric. eric: arthel? arthel: an emotional memorial today in our nation s capital as world war ii veterans join to mark 75 years since the battle that turned the tide in the pacific, the battle of midway. plus, new developments on the president s stance on climate change following his decision to pull out of the paris agreement. but first, epa administrator scott pruitt. does the president believe today that climate change is a hoax? that s something, of course, he said in the campaign. a couple of days ago he refused to answer, so i m wondering if you can speak you know, i did answer the question, because i said the discussions we ve had have been focused on one key issue, is paris good or bad for this country. we focused our attentions there. he determined that it was bad for this country. managing blood sugar is not a marathon. it s a series of smart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. essential for him, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an unjection™ . xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma 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that they can be protected. we re the williams family, and we re usaa members for life. call usaa today to talk about your insurance needs. eric: well, there s been some type of incident, london metropolitan police. you can see live pictures. they say we are, quote: dealing with an incident on the london bridge. when we have more information, we will update this twitter feed. that from the royal police in london. meanwhile, some reports say a van has hit some pedestrians on that bridge. this, of course, quite concerning after the march 22nd westminster bridge terrorist attack. you may recall that one drove a car right on westminster bridge killing four people, injuring 50. we do not know at this hour if this, indeed, is related to terrorism, if this is a terrorist attack or an accident. but clearly, it raises concerns and worries about that possibility there at the london bridge which is north and just around the corner of the bend of the thames river. if you have been there, let s listen to live coverage of our sister network, sky news, in london right now. does not necessarily mean, of course, that this is a terrorist attack. no, but all the information that we re seeing and hearing does point in that direction. the information that is coming through, certainly from scotland yard, is that they are preparing to describe this as a major incident, to clear it as a major incident. and the fact that you ve got armed response vehicles turning up there in significant numbers tells you that that threat is uppermost in the mind. that is what we believe this may well be. there are reports now, numerous reports that it wasn t just the number of pedestrians that were knocked over by this van across the london bridge, but also that there may have been a knife attack after that van came to a halt. no real word on the number of people who have been injured except to say multiple injuries and reports we re seeing emerging through the usual channels such as social media talking about quite a number of people lying on that bridge and being treated by members of the public and the emergency services who are arriving on the scene carrying out this triage work that they do to evaluate the more seriously injured before dealing with then getting them off to hospital. mark, we ll be back to you in just a second. i want to bring in caroline who was at london bridge station when it was evacuated. caroline, thanks very much for speaking to us. just tell us how the events unfolded for you. caroline, can you hear me? yes, i can hear you. hi, caroline. you were in london bridge station when, i presume, it said to leave immediately. describe what happened to you this evening. so i just was walking out of the london station, and wiz walking to catch and i was watching to catch the bus. there were police in the streets, some of them were coming by car, other ones were running. then we just the traffic was stopped. we just saw police officers just running, and this was one guy telling them to go in this or this direction, but i don t know exactly where they were going x. then this specific guy just [inaudible] then i nubble was evacuated, so i went to the london bridge basement and five minutes after that the station was evacuated. so everybody coming out of the station, and now they, the police are getting us to move down the streets, and there s still people working in the street, but most of the people have left. but in terms of people who were in and around london bridge, it appears from the pictures that we re looking at at the moment that they re being directed out of the area by the police. well, the police asked people to move, and they did, and they moved and everybody left. and in terms of when the station itself was evacuated, how was that announcement made? was that by someone coming live over the tunnel, or was this one of their, one of the messages that they have pre-recorded? i m just trying to get a description what you were told when you were told to leave the station. i wasn t inside the station at the moment. i was outside the station. i just saw people coming out of the station as everybody was coming out, and like a few minutes after that, we were told to leave the street, to to we went down the street a little bit. so i wasn t inside of the station when they asked people to leave. and, of course, this being a saturday night in london, one presumes there are quite a lot of people on the streets at this time. yes, yes, there is. there were a lot of people coming out of the station. most of them are [inaudible] there was a few people walking by, but you can t go up the street. you can t access the area. and how have people been reacting? you will have seen many faces moving past you this evening as events on london bridge have unfolded, people responding with panic, with fear, with uncertainty? well, the people coming out of the station, they didn t they were quietly, calmingly. there was no panic. but i saw people running from near the scene of the incident, running down the eric: we re seeing live pictures and video from our sister station, the of fox news. meanwhile, as we have been reporting, the sun newspaper which is owned by our sister, news corp., is reporting that several people have been mowed down, pedestrians on london bridge and by the london station. there are a report that people were stabbed x there are also reports by witnesses of shots fired. this happening on london bridge and the london bridge station, of course, just five weeks after that horrible terrorist attack by an islamist radical terrorist, khalid ma pseudo, in which he mowed people down. this, of course, occurring on a saturday night in london, it is just before 11:00 there, 10:59 10:49 p.m. in london as we see these live pictures from sky news. this is what we fear about, this is what people are concerned about. these types of incidents that have been happening in israel where terrorists have been mowing down people on the street or driving cars into bus stations while they wait at the bus or, as the most recent situation there, stabbed a young british woman. she was 20 years old on the light rail in jerusalem. so the islamic radical terrorism certainly has spread through europe and has now hit london. no confirmation that this is, indeed, from authorities a terrorist attack. but certainly, the reports say that there are multiple pedestrians who have been mowed down by a van on the london bridge as well as reports of some people being stabbed and shots fired at the london bridge station. so let s go back to these lye pictures, the video from our sister network, sky news in london, with the latest. isn t too far from london bridge. these things can sometimes spill over. it might be people running away from london bridge and being mistaken for another incident [inaudible] i think it s always important in the early stages of these incidents just to fill out these caveats so that when information comes through of sometimes, you know, multiple incidents, multiple attackers and in the cold light of day once we get the full facts in there, it turns out often to be one incident and one attacker. but at this stage, it is certainly a very serious incident. we are talking about multiple injured people on london bridge itself, some we re told are very seriously injured and are being treated and triaged now by members of the emergency services, london ambulance service have confirmed that they have sent significant resources to that scene, but they have no more information at the moment. the british transport police say that london bridge station is currently closed while officers are responding to the incident, and they are understandably telling people to avoid the area. you can hear, of course, on our live shots there the police shouting at people to get away from the scene. again, this is just part and parcel of [inaudible] just creating [inaudible] getting people out of danger. i ll just pause for a sec and let you listen to that a. you can see our camera as well as members of the public being pushed back. when the police get significant resources in at the scene of an incident, they are then able to sort of push the cordon a bit further back, insure that people are out of harm s way, and that s what they re doing at the moment. you ve got lots of people in that area, out and about in the pubs and clubs of that area of london. it s a very popular area, of course, with people who want to enjoy a normal saturday night out. london bridge itself would have been very busy with pedestrians at this time of night. and as you see, more emergency services now arriving on scene. at this early stage, you re having plain clothes officers there who are having to act as those safety officers, shepherding people back to a safe location to insure they are away from the danger. we don t know as yet whether the danger is over. we certainly have these reports of a van that has knocked down a number of pedestrians but also the possibility of some kind of knife-related attack as well that took place just immediately after of this van came to a halt. mark, thanks very much. just in those pictures that we were seeing in the past couple of minutes, these live pictures just adjacent to london bridge where we are being pushed back, as you can imagine, trying to create some type of cordon, at least one of the motels has been evacuated, people in pajamas, a number of children being pushed away from london bridge. and it did appear at one point as well we saw police officers exiting a van and putting on some form of armor, certainly appeared as if there were a shield being held by one officer. we are too far away now to see that. i wonder if we have on the line nick archer who was in the area this evening as these events were unfolding. nick, i wonder if you can tell me what you saw. right. we finished drinking at a bar, and we came out onto the road and looked to my left, and there was a guy, to be honest, i thought he was drunk, he was lying on floor. and then a couple seconds later about three police vans flew past, and the guys who were with the guy on the floor managed flag one of these [inaudible] and just jumped out and started tenning to the guy on the floor. and then one of the other group who was this guy on the floor started leading officers up the road towards l we did walk past the guy who was on the floor [inaudible] what he was like, but he looked in a bad way. i can t tell if he was hit by something or if he was shot or anything like that. but, yeah, that s what we saw. people were coming from the london bridge direction telling us people had been either shot or stabbed and to get back. so we just sort of retreated back to the london bridge with we are now. there s no trains running. sorry, we re at waterloo. there s no trains running through london bridge, so we re now stuck at so, nick, just to try and work out the geography, where how far from london bridge were you, how far was this individual that you saw lying on the floor? it s difficult to say. we must have been i d say about a ten minute walk maybe from london bridge. and we were walking in that direction from this bar. but we, obviously, were then pushed back by members of the public, not by police, telling us that something had hand. so we turn ender ard had happened. so we turned around and walked the other way. they told us six people had been either shot or stabbed. but that was just members of the public telling us that. and just in terms of the number of the emergency service personnel that you ve seen, there have been a number of reports of armed police on the scene. have you seen any of those? there were when, i d say about 15 seconds after i saw this guy on the floor, they managed to flag down one of the, one of the armed police vans going past. about five, maybe, armed police jumped out of the van and started attending to the guy on the floor. they then, i d say maybe about three of them started running up off the street towards london bridge, away from us. couldn t see where they were going or anything like that, but they were definitely heading up, heading up to the london bridge area. and, nick, there have been some reports of a white van as being the vehicle responsible. did you see anything matching that description? i did not see any kind of white van or anything like that. we literally saw a guy, one single guy, he was maybe 20, 30 years old lying on the floor maybe unconscious. so i did not see any sign of a white van. nick, many thanks for speaking to us. we appreciate it. and we have now on the line tony murphy who was also in the area. tony, describe, describe to us what you saw, what you heard at well, i m actually, i m actually military. and about half an hour ago preceding all the problem i have a flat which is adjacent to southern bridge. london bridge is across the way. and, in fact, there was tremendous gunfire which started. i thought at first it was fireworks, but then i recognized it. it was significant gunfire. and that was the first incident. and only afterwards very rapidly, because i m up on thames street here, then the emergency started about ten minutes after. but the whole incident started with gunfire, and it was significant gunfire. it went on for quite a few minutes. which i other people would have thought it was fireworks but, of course, i recognized it immediately. i mean, that was the precipitating cause. and after that the whole shooting match of ambulances and police and what you ve seen on the television screen at the moment. i was worried about it. and, in fact, i text my family to the say there was gunfire even before they started. tony, so when you heard this gunfire, was it, was it in your opinion as former military yourself was that one weapon firing bursts, or did it appear that it was more than one weapon? well, there was rapid fire because that s whey i thought it was fireworks at the time. there was quite significant, it went on for quite a significant amount of time. sufficient for me to get out of the chair and have a look through the window to see if it was fireworks, and it was still going on. but that was before anyone, before there was any police response which took about ten minutes because they all passed my flat along upper thames street, which i saw them. and the helicopter in fact, the responses were unbelievably fast including a helicopter. all right. so, tony, roughly what time did it would have been about over half an hour ago, 40 minutes ago. it was about the police came about 10 minutes after. when they are on the scene passing the first police to go it would have been about 10 minutes after her the gunfire. i think you mentioned it was adjacent to the bridge. you actually have site? no i do not have site. i have the window of the flat open and i can hear the gunfire. thank you for speaking to me. and for many people to indicate that there was something happening on london bridge this evening. thank you for speaking to us. you are in and around london bridge. tell us exactly what you saw. i think it was about 10:10 or 10:15. i was in the back of - i was driving over the bridge. there was a small crowd around people clearly concerned about the welfare. i wondered what was going on. we drove a little further south across the bridge and noticed that there was another person on the right-hand side of the bridge. he was also not on the pavement this time. and suddenly basically, suddenly the traffic came to a standstill. and the driver said something is happening here. we looked around. we can hear sirens coming and suddenly there was another casualty in the road. and then the traffic coming from the opposite direction, coming from the south stopped and the driver of a car said there has been a terrorist attack.i think the phrase he used was it s westminster all over again. and then a second cab driver stopped and said there was a series of stabbings. i could not see that myself. i cannot confirm but those were the reports that we have. it certainly looked as people had been run over. from what you saw, and of course you so someone injured as you are driving. on your side of the bridge he then saw someone on the other side. in your mind is there any possible - we are going to pause for a station to let our fox stations join us. this is an incident in london tonight. it is an apparent terrorist attack. in a busy night, this is unfolding just a few weeks after the islamic terrorist mode people down on the nearby westminster bridge killing four people there and injuring 50. that bridge close to where this is happening, the london bridge. the newspaper, the son which is owned by 21st century fox reports that a white van apparently mode people down here there also reports of stabbings and shots fired. the police have not confirmed that. great britain has been under high alert for possible terrorist incidents. this, they are worried and their fear of many, they are at the heart of the west insulation and the heart of london. a potential attack with people mowing people down. reports of all this is not yet confirmed. the police, listen to the live coverage. courts we were basically guided out. there were a lot of police. armed police. we are basically guided away from the area. then we got kind of as far away from the area as we could as quickly as possible. entirely understandably for you say in your words you believe you arrived in the aftermath of the incident. one witness that we spoke you just before you suggested he had substantial gunfire, rapid gunfire. tremendous gunfire in fact he said. you did not. we do not have gunfire. but when we were sitting in the back of the taxi we were - for a moment. i said to the man driving, please, clearly something is going on. please lock the doors. we then saw a group of people running northward over the bridge. clearly, people in a real estate of something happening. we hope you get home safe and soon. many thanks for speaking to us. for the viewers just tuning in let s update you to what has been happening. police have described this as a major incident on london bridge. a number of reports and a number of injuries after a vehicle has said to have plowed into pedestrians. the gentleman we were just speaking to suggested that they were injured people on both sides of the road. and did not believe that it was an accident. we heard a little bit earlier from an eyewitness that lives in a flat just adjacent to the bridge just next to london bridge. he said he heard tremendous was before the police were there. certainly there have been a number of reports coming in. most recently and specifically from the - news agency. they say there was attack that happened in the immediate aftermath of the injuries caused by the vehicle. some suggestion of it being a white van and brought some people down. emergency services there in tremendous numbers. ambulance, police. and a correspondence there. i just was walking out of the station and there were police. in the street. some were coming by car and others were running. then we just got the traffic was stopped. one guy was telling them to go in this direction. but i do not know exactly where they were going. and then a guy was wearing - and then i went to the london bridge station. five minutes after that it was evacuated. everybody coming out of the station and now the police asked us again to move down the street and there are people in the street but most of the people are not. and it appears in the pictures we are looking at that they are being directed out of the area by the police. the police asked people to move and they did. and everybody left. when the station itself was evacuated, how is that made? was it one of the messages that they have? i m just trying to get an idea of what you were told when you were told to leave the station. i was not inside the station at the moment. i was outside the station. i saw people coming out of the station. and a few minutes after that we were told to leave the street so we went down a little bit. i was not inside the station when they asked people to leave. and of course this being a saturday night in london. one presumes there are quite a lot of people on the streets at this time. yes, yes a lot of people were coming out of the station. most of them are gone now. it is pretty empty. but the people walking by, you see them go up the street. how have people been reacting? we have seen many cases moving past you. have people been responding with panic or fear, uncertainty? the people coming out of the station are pretty calm. it was no panic. i saw people running from near the scene of the incident. they were running down the street. i saw two people running but mainly it was quiet. the police officers were shopping to leave. people didn t want to panic or anything. these are live pictures. this is the closest that we can get to the london bridge. in the direction that the police officers are heading. they are having shields and helmets. we should repeat we spoke a little earlier to a man who lives close to london bridge. he suggested that there was gunfire. and we spoke a few moments ago to who is traveling across the bridge in a taxi and what he thought was the immediate aftermath of the incident. he did not hear any gunfire however, what he did see were people moving away at speed. past his taxi having already seen a number of people injured to the sides of the road. and we spoke to another witness. we came out onto the road and looked to my left and there was a guy. i thought he was just drunk he was lying on the floor. and then a couple seconds later, about three people ran past the guys that were with him - they started to tending to the guy on the floor. i think they started leaving the officers of the road towards the london bridge. we did walk past the person on the floor. but we he looked in a bad way. i cannot tell if he was hit by something or shot or anything like that. people were coming from the london bridge direction. again we are reporting on an apparent terrorist attack that we are witnessing in real time at the london bridge. witnesses say a white van plowed into pedestrians there. multiple injuries have been reported.witnesses saying people are also stabbed and shots were fired. this is not been confirmed. british media reporting at this hour. three men jumped out of the white van that plowed over people and started randomly diving pedestrians. that is from the pedestrians, witnesses, media. but not confirmed by the police. clearly though there are concerns of terrorist attacks in london at - after the westminster bridge incident. that was four or five weeks ago. clearly the scene of panic and fear and concern in a saturday night. this speaks volumes of the threat of terrorism that we all now face. please stay tuned. fox news channel and this station will have continuing story. again, we are continuing our coverage of a terrorist attack in london today. it is just after 11:00 p.m.. witnesses say a white van on london bridge suddenly started plowing into people. they report people injured including a teenage girl lying on the street. they also say three men apparently jumped out of the van when it stopped and started randomly staffing people. we again said at least has confirmed by the police. they are not, gentleness is confirmed. this is yet another potential islamist terrorist attack by a potential cell like we saw in manchester and like we saw with the one lone man that ran over people in a nearby westminster bridge just a few weeks ago. we are following this for you out of new york. this is happening happening around 1030 there in a central part of london near the london bridge. on the london bridge. very very nice weather there. we want to point out 50 degrees. it is a time when london people are out from shopping, hitting the pubs. enjoying what they normally do gone about their normally peaceful lives and yet again, it looks like terror has struck again there in london. again, we are still waiting for lots of confirmation. facts and information are floating out at this time but as you know in developing stories as this, the facts do change. what we know now is that this is transcript appears that there are multiple people involved here they re driving a van hitting several pedestrians on the london bridge. seven people as he knows this point the reports of three other men jumping out of the van, stabbing other pedestrians. there is reports of gunfire as well on the london bridge. again, we have not been able to confirm any of this at the moment. we have been listening to our sister station sky news were interviewing eyewitnesses there on the scene. we will go back to sky news right now and listening. there were significant gunfire that went on for quite a few minutes. other people would have thought it was fireworks. but of course i recognize it immediately. i mean that was the cause. after that the whole shooting of ambulances and what you see on the television screen at the moment. i was worried about my family. she said it was gunfire even before they were started. when he heard this gunfire, was it in your opinion as former military, was it appear that there was one weapon or more than one weapon? that was rapidfire.that s why i thought it was fireworks at the time. it was quite significant! it went over a quite significant amount of time. sufficient enough for me to get out of the chair to see if it was fireworks for that was before anyone reported or thought that there was any police response. that took about 10 minutes because they all passed my flat. i saw them in the helicopters. the responses were unbelievably fast. including a helicopter. about what time were you hearing the burst of gunfire? i lost track of would have been over half hour ago or 45 minutes it appeared it was about the police came about 10 minutes afterwards. when they were on the scene passing with the first police to go. it would have been about 10 minutes after i heard the gunfire. these are live pictures on london bridge. the police have pushed back everyone to get them as far back from the area as possible. we saw a police office that appeared to be carrying a riot shield. a number of ambulances, number of police vans, earlier we spoke with someone who was quick to identify that this is an armed response. the metropolitan police suggesting this is another major incident. then we were speaking to managing editor of the spectator. and his tweets from the scene with the first indication of something significant, something serious was taking place in london this evening. he was in a taxi on his way over the london bridge. this is what he said. i think it was about 10:10. i was in the back of a cab driving south over london bridge. suddenly, on the left outside of the bridge on the pavement there were somebody down on the pavement with a small crowd around them. clearly very concerned about the welfare. to be honest it looked like someone had collapsed on the floor. i sort of wondered what was going on. we drove a little further southward across the bridge and noticed there was another person on the right-hand side of the bridge. who was also not on the pavement this time but in the road. and suddenly, right there it was happening. basically, suddenly the traffic came to a standstill. our driver said something that is happening here. and we looked around. we could hear sirens coming and then suddenly, another casualty in the road. and then the traffic coming from the opposite direction. coming from the south stopped and a driver of a black car said there has been a terrorist attack.i think the phrase he used was the westminster all over again. there were numerous people in the road and the second cabdriver stopped and said they had been various stabbings. i did not see that myself so i cannot confirm but that is what we heard good assortments of people that will were running. that was will - speaking to me a few minutes ago. let s bring back our correspondence mark white. the metropolitan police are communicative your social media and via twitter that there were release facts when they can. in the past couple of minutes they said that this is an incident they re dealing with. that s right scotland yard now confirming their dealing with a second incident at a market. for those that know the geography of london it is not too far from london bridge. but it is still a bit away. it is a separate incident. not the same incident. and the scotland yard confirming that they have emergency services, personnel from three emergency service agencies also from policing point of view, armed police officers are reporting the incident. no idea at this stage about injuries by the market we have of course limits and reports no talking about at least half a dozen injuries on london bridge. and some people reporting quite seriously injuries and - no information yet on how many injuries if any at the market but we are told it is a separate crime scene. a separate incident. this is now a major incident that scotland yard is dealing with. the information i got from sources, all they - although they have not said this. this is a separate incident scotland yard will have to confirm this for themselves. the sources have told me that they believe this was a terrorist related incident. in the past few minute these pictures, these are pictures that we are replaying at the moment. we have seen a number of police officers with helmets and what appeared to be shields. why would they be wearing that sort of outfit? there are suggestions, and again we this is unconfirmed but there may still be a threat out there. that is why police are kicking off the protection and body protection as far as shields that they have and the body armor. armed officers have ballistic protection. again there s a person confirm that this stage but multiple gunshot fired. that does not necessarily mean that if there was an attacker it was onto something do unto - it is certainly possible that armed police have opened fire and someone was armed and we have report of a knife attack that happened following the incident involving this van that was involved in the incident on london bridge. there was a knife attack that happened in the immediate aftermath of that incident. it is possible that gunshots that you hearing may have been from a police rather than a suspect. that would become obviously we will get that information. but at this hour the police in london, scotland yard, the london police and the british transport police are responded to two separate incidents. you can see there on the map a short time ago one at london bridge and the other at borough market. you can see these officers from the territorial support group. they are putting their protective helmets and shields on as it would certainly suggest that they perceive there is a threat out there but there still may be a suspect or suspects who have not been accounted for. at this time. they are pushing forward to areas where the incident happened. if there are suspects at large, clearly that complicates the situation much more. one or more people out there with the potential to continue doing harm and they have got to be found. that is why you probably, the police are pushing forward. they may have a location that someone has been spotted. they are doing a systematic search of nearby streets. they are taking all of the precautions because a number of people have been injured and some of those we believe were injured as a result of a knife attack. thank you. as you might expect incident of this type and the response of this size. the prime minister is in contact with officials and continues to be updated on the situation on the ground. in and around london bridge. these are live pictures coming to us. they have been on the ground within minutes of the incident taking place. we managed to speak with one eyewitness? let s take a listen. there were gunshots. on the corner by high street there were shots. there is a van. that s by the market. i said why are there people running? there were shots being fired. [inaudible] there. there was a second witness to significant gunfire around london bridge. he also spoke of a van. the reason for being crushed it appears it might have been moving at speed. we know that there been a number of injuries reported on london bridge. we know there have also been a number of reports of a knife attack that followed. that of course is yet to be confirmed. the area we spoke about with a witness. he spoke of a rapid gunfire. tremendous gunfire.he believes happened before the police were there and numbers. he told me he was not in a position to see london bridge directly. that might very well be the case however, we have two separate reports of gunfire on london bridge. we spoke with will - a little while with others traveling over the bridge in the immediate aftermath of the incident. he did not hear any gunshots. but he did see a number of people moving away at pace from the bridge from his position. we also saw a number people that were injured on either side of the bridge itself. and that is elated that we have from this transfer police are that we have a number of casualties as a result of an incident that possibly involved a vehicle and a knife. i just want to listen again to that witness that we had speaking to her cameraman. speaking to her cameraman just a moment ago it appears that he saw both the van and heard the gunfire. let s listen. i heard this like that. gunshots. on the corner. to [inaudible] there is a crushed van. it looks like that s - by the market? no. that was the witness james again. we had a chance to listen to that bit more careful. he was close to a street very close to london bridge itself. as often happens at times like this, conflicting reports, separate incidents may well prove to be the same incidents here with her james was saying there is that he saw two arms police behind a bmw x5. a large vehicle. telling people to move within the area and then firing their weapons. it would appear to suggest that at least there are two incident taking place. one on the bridge itself. another that has happened at borough market. a popular area in the heart of london beer restaurants, bars, many people would be there. police believe that armed officers - they say armed officers are responding in both scenes. there are a number reports. there are injured people on the ground. we know that the transport situation and that part of london will be very difficult right now with the bridge and the local station being closed. it does appear that a vehicle has careened into a number of individuals on london bridge. these pictures that we are the outcome of this, these are live pictures. band of police officers have been brought in. they are putting on the body armor and picking up their shields. you can see a number of times this evening.there police officers have been assembling behind those, just a short distance away from london bridge itself. and then another person we spoke this evening - i just was walking to the london station and there were police there. they were in the street.some of them are coming by car and others were running. then the traffic was stopped. a police officer was running and there was one guy telling them to go in this direction. but i don t know exactly where they were going. then this specific guy was wearing then i, this area was evacuated. so i went to london bridge station and in five minutes after that they were evacuated. everybody was coming out of the station and now they, the police have begun to move down the street. they were people walking the street but most of the people left. in terms of people in and around london bridge. it appears in the picture we re looking at that they have been directed out of the area by the police. well, the police asked people to move and they did. they did quickly. everybody left. in terms of - when the station itself was evacuated, how was that announcement made? was it someone, one of the message i m just trying to see what you were told when you were told to leave the station. was not inside of the station at the time. i was outside. everybody was coming out. a few minutes after that they just told us to leave the street. so we went down the street a little bit. but i was not inside the station when they asked people to leave. and of course, this being a saturday night in london. one presumes there are quite a lot of people in the streets at this time. yes, yes there were a lot of people coming out of the station. most of them are gone now. the two people walking by, you can t go up the street. how have people been reacting? there are many faces moving past you. is there fear or uncertainty? the people coming out of the station went pretty quietly and calmly. there was no panic. but i saw people running from near the scene of the incident. they were running down so i saw two people running. it was mainly quiet. but the police officers were kind of shouting to leave. so people didn t, i think they just left. clearly, this is a fast-moving and developing story with a number of conflicting reports. let s just reiterate that which we know that which we have heard from official sources. metropolitan police and transport confirming that there is a major incident in and around london bridge. the bridge itself has been closed. we have had a number of reports of a vehicle causing injuries to several people on the bridge itself at the metropolitan, please also told us they are investigating and responding to reports of an incident at borough market. it is a popular area with tourists, bars, restaurants. but a short distance away from the bridge itself. it may well be the case that one incident has been confused into two. we spoke with a number of people this evening who have been pushed back as cameras have shown.the police have tried to create a corridor. reports unconfirmed that a knife attack followed the vehicular attack on london bridge itself. we know that there are as you can see, police there in numbers in riot gear carrying shields. there are arms police there in numbers as identified by our correspondent mark white. he also suggested that sources are telling him that there was an assumption that this was a terrorist attack. for many people, we first learns of this this evening on twitter. and was in a taxi crossing london bridge in the immediate aftermath. before we listen to him, just a line that we are feeding that we have come to that. spoke with me. listen in. i think was about 10:10, 10:15. i was in the bathroom and driving south over london bridge. suddenly, on the left outside the bridge on the pavement there were somebody down on the pavement with a small crowd around them. clearly very concerned about their welfare. [sirens] to be honest it looked like someone had collapsed and i wondered what was going on. we drove a little bit further southward across the bridge. and there was another person on the right-hand side of the bridge. who was also not on the pavement this time but in the road itself. and suddenly, it was apparent something was happening. basically, the traffic came to a standstill. our driver said something bad is happening here. and we looked around. we can hear sirens coming and then suddenly, there was another casualty in the road. and then the traffic coming from the opposite direction. coming from the south stopped and a driver of a black car said, there has been a terrorist attack. i think the phrase he used was, it was westminster all over again. they said there were numerous people in the roads. and then a second cabdriver stopped and said there had been a series of stabbings. i have not seen it myself so cannot confirm that. but that is the report that we have. from what you saw, and of course he saw someone injured as you were driving on your side of the bridge. and then someone on the other side. in your mind is there any possible this it could have been an accident? no. i do not think it was an accident.and i think i would say, particularly judging from the response of the emergency. something very serious was going on. we stopped after we saw all of that. he stopped and standstill for a few minutes. i turned around and i saw two policemen get out of a 4 x 4 and they were holding machine guns. they were putting on helmets. it was clear that at least they thought they were responding to something far more serious than a traffic accident. he was suggesting incident clearly for more serious than a road traffic accident happening in and around the area. leading up to the london bridge. we are putting the pieces of this puzzle together. as you are. we spoke to - who had been in a bar by the london bridge pretty came out of the bar and saw someone lying on the ground. he thought perhaps someone enjoyed themselves too much. but apparently that was not the case. he suggested that where he was was some distance, maybe five or 10 minute walk from london bridge. so that may well have been the vehicle that we are told is a van, and other witness spoken to us earlier suggested it was crushed as a result of the final impact. he may well have been the first stage in this horrific incident that was unfolding in front of us at the moment. we have now had two separate reports from witnesses of gunfire. nothing, i should reiterate that there is nothing from the police themselves. but whose flat is adjacent to the london bridge suggested that there had been gunfire. i head of the police arriving there in numbers. he said that they got there and set substantial numbers. some 10 minutes after the first tremendous gunfire as he described other witness that we have the spoke to was a little bit earlier suggested that there was gunfire in and around the area of borough market. we do know that the metropolitan police are treating this these are pictures that were taken on london bridge itself. in the instance at borough market just a short distance away from where there have been numerous reports of a van injury people by driving into them on the bridge. however as is always the case it sounds like this as you can see there this signifies just how close the borough market is. and the london bridge tube station. it is pretty clear that there is at least one significant incident that took place in london bridge. there may have also been another incident a short distance away from borough market. the latest rehearing is that the press association news agency, they have been telling us that members of the public were told to run away as fast as they could from the area. there is some video that has been circulating on social media. yet it is unconfirmed and will certainly bring to you when we are more certain as to the origin. it shows police officers emptying telling people to get out. they are also supposing a hotel in the area has been evacuated. the only evidence we have for that, certainly it is not from the police. we have not heard the hotel itself. we heard that there were people in numbers in their pajamas, moving away from the area of london bridge. and away from the police. as you can see they are now in place. armed police are in the area in numbers. british transport police suggesting that there are a number of reports, multiple casualties. and one man there said he received reports of an incident possibly involving a knife and also a vehicle. so much of this needs to be confirmed by official sources. we do know that the prime minister is being informed as to events on the ground. we are also hearing that the president is being briefed. all this being so soon after the incident on westminster bridge and of course in parliament square which led to so many people - this is not an area that would have had the same number of police, armed police ready to respond to any particular incident. however, they people we spoke to suggest that the police did get there quickly. as soon as it became clear that something has happened. the metropolitan police have tweeted this. officers responded to reports of stabbings by borough market. armed officers responded and shots have been fired. officers are now responding to an incident in the - area. that is south. but to the west. essentially all of these areas that we have identified, by the metropolitan police being involved, they re very close to each other. we can find this again, we spoke to a young man who had been in the area of borough market. we spoke with several people that describe seeing police officers. we now have heard from the metropolitan police themselves, confirmation. this may well be the incident that they are describing. [inaudible] there is a crushed van. it looks like that s obviously where is a van hit. let me read you the tweets from the metropolitan police. they said the police responded to reports of a report of people being hit on the bridge. they also responded to people being stabbed. they responded, shots being fired and are now responding to an incident in the - area. the more information as to what is happening. there were reports that a stabbing incident followed the collision between the vehicle and pedestrians on london bridge. which we know has led to a number of injuries. it may well be that the stabbing incident a number of people reported was not on the bridge itself. but in borough market. let me just remind you that the prime minister we have been told by - she is being regularly updated on what is happening in london. we may very well see the prime minister. let s listen in. [shouting] right police are telling us to leave. those are live pictures being provided to us by pete. hope you can hear me. i know the sound quality may not be great but i m wondering if you can tell us what exactly happened. it looks like it is someone in custody. [shouting] apprehended a guy. [inaudible] ladies and gentlemen would you please leave the area! please leave the area! sorry about that. leave the area! it is possible, from the attitude of the police were there saying for your own safety, please leave. we did see one individual being taken into custody there. acting with a certain amount of urgency. police - they are advising people on twitter. they have been providing a number of updates through the evening. they are now telling people to run, hide and - to bring up today, when the story develops and it was 10 past 10 this evening. they were reports of a vehicle running into a number of people. and a person passing over the bridge in a taxi at the time, he saw an individual lying on the pavement to his left as he crossed over the bridge. perhaps look like a traffic accident. then saw another individual lying on the road. it became clear at the point that it was perhaps something more than a traffic accident. the metropolitan police responded to the reports from will and others. they according to the metropolitan police twitter feed reported to reports of stabbings at nearby borough market. the only thing eric reporting is that armed officers responded and shots have been fired. there are there now responding. this is southwest from london bridge itself. this is a place where a lot of people walk. of course, very very recently there was a terrorist incident involving an individual driving a vehicle into pedestrians on westminster bridge.then that vehicle went into parliament square. just continuing to monitor the information which is coming to us from a variety of sources. yes the very latest that we can tell you, a number of people have been injured. the police, a number of casualties. no word as to any of those have been fatalities. we know that the cameraman has been pushed quite some distance from there. back from the bridge. there is an active investigation ongoing. it seems clear that police on the ground there are concerns. about there being subsequent attacks, subsequent that one that we know about on london bridge. let s scott who is an borough market at the moment. our cam has been pushed back some distance that will can you tell us? i am just been pushed back by officers. there are about 10 or 12 armed police with shields moving across of the past borough market. there are about three or four ambulance vehicles and they are blocking. there are a lot of police, coming down south in moving people inside the buildings, inside. you might be able to hear the police vehicle coming down the street now behind me. there are a lot of different emergency services. police, london fire brigades, officers, just behind me as well there is another police transport van. it is being ushered through the traffic. not a lot of people know what is going on. i think the cars are more in tune because they have the radio. people are out on a saturday night. they re enjoying. in the pub to my left there watching the news now and just getting drinks and being told by the authorities to stay inside. when you say, it it appears watching these pictures, seeing the police responding. there appears to be something of a sense of urgency. yes, i think been here i m just being told to move back and further back. i have artie moved about 200 meters since we have been on the phone. the london fire brigade is cutting off the area. you can see a live shot. there making a wide safe area. at last count about eight police officers assuring people out. there is a lot of people just trying to understand what is going on. there are people in front of me trying to determine what the best way to me. there are a lot of sidestreets by borough market. people are walking down there and not really knowing where to go. where it is safe. just for those who do not understand the geography of london. just described to us where we are in relation to london bridge and just have busy with these streets have been had this incident not taken place? i mean it is very busy. i am actually just south of the borough tube station. it seems to be more vast than we saw a few months ago. there are lots of different coordinating. i m kind of southeast of borough market. looking at the map on my phone i probably sort of maybe a kilometer away from london bridge itself. the police cars are driving up and blocking the road. the tape just came out after they really trying to seal off. a lot of shouting to save for your own safety, keep that peer people in the adjacent flat being told to stay inside. lock the doors. people behind here live in flats. they have red and white tape being placed around them and none of the police officers are giving any updates. i think the london fire brigade, there coordinating with the metropolitan police. i see a lot of plainclothes officers coming through. and they are heading towards the london bridge area.but for market, london bridge, there are a lot of popular clubs there. people are out on a saturday night. you know the pub that i m standing outside of at the moment they don t even have the news on the have some kind of entertainment program. people inside the pub now, they re not sure how they re going to be taken to safety. people and there are on the phone. i ve seen a lot of people about trying to figure out where to go. as we approach the end of the hour let s just remind the viewers this is what we know and what is conflicted in terms of the information we are receiving. we ll have from the police, from the metropolitan police based in london, they responded 10:08 o clock to reports of an incident on the bridge. you can see there london bridge. a number of injuries said to have occurred as a result of the vehicle bearing on and off the road. spoke to a journalist with the spectator magazine that was heading across the bridge at that point. he said that he saw first one individual lying on the ground on the left of his taxi. and then another. i asked him whether or not it could be the case that this was an accident. he said that he did not believe it was so. we spoke with a man that lives very close to london bridge. he described tremendous gunfire. prolonged. in his view before the police were there in numbers. this is what has become rather complicated. the metropolitan police have confirmed that there was another incident that they were dealing with. reports of staffing that took place in the borough market. arms police responded, shots were fired. the police are unable to provide any more information and this may have been the gunfire that we were told about. and we have diligently providing pictures to us this evening. he spoke to a young man james who had been in and around the borough market.he describes sadism armed police officers behind a bmw and a 4 x 4 vehicle. and gunfire. we are now hearing from metropolitan police. there is one third instance of they are investigating. at this time in and around the - area. no word from them whether or not as to the nature of the incident in the area. speculation on social media we will not give a specific spot speculation of their is police activity in other parts of london this evening. i ll talk to you about that when we have something rather more concrete. more sufficient than on twitter. of course police conforming there been a number of people in their concern that the injuries - we deny the ambulance service was there in numbers. these pictes

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180905

this is cnn tonight. i m don lemon. a little past 11:00 here on the east coast. live with all the new developments for you tonight. we re talking about journalist bob woodward dropping a book which has the west wing in fear rig damage control right now. and he says what s released from the book show s that the president s inner circle are worried that he s a danger to national security. so let s discuss now carl bernstein, max boot and timothy natalia. as you know bernstein and woodward, depending on who you re talking to, so carl i ve got to start with you because a couple of questions, no one knows his work better than you. many administration officials are being quoted in this book, right, and here s what he said tonight. he gave an interview. he told the daily caller it s just another bad book the president. the president said this, yeah. the president, not bob. he says disgruntled employees just made it up. it could just be made up by the author. talk to me about how woodward works, his methodology. well, the methodology goes back to the watergate reporting, particularly the final days of the book he we wrote about nixon s last year, the final year in office. of which we went to literally 100, 200 people, tape recorded all our interview, the major participants, those closest to the president. and what emerges and what s so important about this book is that it s not about using the word idiot. it s not about a phrase here or there. this is a disturbing narrative scene after scene after scene of those closest to the president of the united states in his white house and administration saying we must save the country from the president of the united states. what about don, that s nonsense. it s not a book about palace intrigue. it s about the most intimate of those in the inner secrets saying it s their job to save the country from the president of the united states s from his recklessness, from his lying, from his ignorance. now to hear these denials knowing the methodology and knowing how bob goes about his meticulous reporting and listening to the president talk about, well, maybe bob is a democratic operative. look, woodward has written books about democratic presidents that democrats presidents have hated. i ve written a book about hillary clinton that hillary clinton has hated. the idea of reporters as democratic operatives here, this is book by the preimminent reporter in america using the methodology that has given us the history tim can tell you we know what we know about the presidents of the united states going back 45 years because of bob woodward. more than any other thing in these books have held up book after book after book let me get into timothy here. the president s closest advisor and this is according to wood ward, the white house chief of staff john kelly, idiot, unhinged. former secretary of state tillerson, an effing moran, cohn, a professional liar. john dowd, an effing liar. two things, if you want to test the woodward and bernstein approach because you re sitting there, i would say go and look at their interviews for the final days at the university of texas and then you can say how they ve built the book. this is really damning because woodward is moving the story beyond where wilf or whipple took it. and let me tell you where it s different, mattis is in this story. in my mind the biggest deal that i ve heard so far is we re hearing not from the secretary of defense because he s in awfully quiet, but people close enough to him that woodward is confident that he has a sense what mattis is thinking. mattis is playing a role i believe in this administration similar to the way melvin laird played in the nixon administration. he is slow walking things, he is calming down the national security state because the president cannot be relied onto make smart national security or defense decisions. so one of the big windows woodward appear tuesday have opened in this case is the window to the dod, especially to mattis. and tillerson, and the assistant to the president, keep going through the list. let s talk more because, max, i want to bring you in. this is what chief of staff john kelly said, again according to the book, he s an idiot. he s gone off the rails. we re in crazy town. i don t even know why any of us are here. this is the worst job that i had. and kelly released a statement the idea i called the president an idiot is not true. it s another pathetic attempt to smear people close to the president trump and distract from the administration s many successes. maybe he called him a moron like rex tillerson. clearly when you get into a battle of credibility between bob woodward and this white house bob woodward wins hands down. i m sure he learned aeeverythin he knows from carl, he has a 50-year track record of get things right. on the other hand you have president trump, just today they came out with the latest fact checker saying president trump lies an average eight times a day. they lie more than the nixon white house did. they have negative credibility, less than zero credibility, so it s just hard to take on faith anything they say and denying anything in this book especially because it paints a consistent picture if you read like what michael wolf said or omarosa said, it s very similar where people around trump have contempt around him. they view him as an aidiatn idi liar. and it s very consistent the credibility yes, he adds details. this is something because when you were telling me to go down the line and name all these people. this is cohn and one that illustrates a level of distrust for president trump. president trump was about to sign a letter that would have ended an agreement with south korea, and gary cohn it could have destroyed a top secret program to detect top secrets launches. i stole it from his desk, i wouldn t let him see it. i ve got to protect the country. and rob porter also stole documents from the president s desk so he wouldn t see them. a third of my job, he says, was trying to react to some of the really dangerous ideas that he had and try to give him reasons to believe that maybe they weren t such good ideas. have you ever heard of that in. only in the final days of the nixon presidency where those around nixon were afraid of what me might do because of the pressure he was under. but what gary cohn concluded was that the president of the united states is a threat to the national security of the united states, that s what aide after aide, principal after principal in this administration will say about this book. and those who will recognize the truth about this book more than any others are republicans on capitol hill. because they have been sources for bob woodward in previous books. they know that bob woodward doesn t make these things up. so the question now is are some of the republicans on capitol hill going to finally put national interest above partisan interest and call general kelly in there for a executive session or kelly resign and have some principle and say i need to tell the congress of the united states in executive session what it is that this president has done, what he hasn t done, whether or not he is a threat to the national security of the united states. because that, if you read this book it is very clear that kelly believes that the president of the united states is a threat to the national security. well, that was my question. so enough of this nonsense from sarah sanders. let s get down to what this is really about. that was my question. why coo they continue to do this and standby because of what s happening in the senate today. i am convinced that a lot of this is a bargain is to bargain. what they re doing, these republicans that have decided not to tell the truth about or not to have a backbone. here s the thing, republicans used to believe in free trade. and the cohn antidotes are so powerful because they re showing that there were people in the white house, republicans were trying to stand up for republican values and the president has no interest in those. but here s what i think is going on, they have made a fostian burg bargain, and if we have to put up with short-term crazy, we re going to deal with it for the long-term. a lot of people support people who do the wrong thing. right, i mean there s no question that trump has done a pretty clever job of inoculating his supporters against believing the very credible reporting coming out about the craziness in the white house because he s attacked the fake news media, painted the media as the liars, and yes he maintains 78% among republicans which is also part of the reason why republicans on capitol hill are too cowardly to earn turn on him. but let s remember republicans are only 26% of the country and in the country at large people have woken up to what s going on. and more people approved of impeaching him than approved of his job performance. so with this nonstop stream of falsehoods and attacks on the media he s managing to keep his base together, but he s not convincing the rest of the country. and if that trend holds in november he s going to pay a big price montana mid-term election. another shocking revelation from bob woodward s book. why president trump called his speech denouncing white supremacists after charlottesville the biggest mistake he s made. with such a long history, it s easy to trust geico! thank you todd. it s not just easy. it s-being-a-master-of-hypnotism easy. hey, i got your text- sleep! doug, when i snap my fingers you re going to clean my gutters. ooh i should clean your gutters! great idea. it s not just easy. it s geico easy. todd, you will go make me a frittata. one look at you and i can t disguise i ve got hungry eyes i feel the magic between you and i i ve got hungry eyes now i ve got you in my sights applebee s new 3-course meal starting at $11.99. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. now t-mobile has unlimited 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blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death; decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. you re more than just your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. breaking news, a bombshell revelation of president trump s cleanup after his explosive both sides remark on the charlottesville attacks. according to bob woodward s new book trump called his revised comments on the white supremacist rally the biggest effing mistake i ve made. and to remind everyone here s what the president originally said after the attacks in charlottesville. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. on many sides. okay and here is that cleanup speech president trump was so reportedly upset about. racism is evil and those who cause violence in its names are thugs including the kkk, neo-nazis and white supremacists that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as citizens. i guess it s no surprise one day later the president backtracked saying this. i think there s blame on both sides. you had a group on one side that was very bad and another group that was very violent. notice the difference between the first one that he was read [the seco ing and the second one where he really said what he meant, just rolled off the tongue? and joining us now. must be a lot of love going around, amanda. good evening, everyone. i hope you guys had a great restful labor day weekend. so adam, woodward reports that president trump called his revised statement on the charlottesville rally the biggest effing mistake i ve ever made, you never make those concessions, you never apologize. i didn t do anything wrong in the first place. why look weak? okay, those were his words. that was stunning for what went on during that time. what we re talking about here is terrorist attack. the president thought it was a mistake to condemn a white supremacist terrorist attack because he was worried how it would play among his base. in fact when the president came back and repudiated his own statement, white nationalists said they were proud of him for drawing q drawing equivalents and that s just a disgrace. amanda, woodward reports trump went onto say this. i can t believe i got forced to do that. that s the worst speech i ve ever give mchb i m never going to do anything like that again. and he writes this was a turning point for a trump white house, for many of his advisers in the trump white house. i think more than anything this shows that donald trump isn t a team player even when he s leading the team. you know, his team tried to convince him to do the right thing. they marched him to the podium, gave it their best shot, gave him a script, he read it and it s like they re trying to stuff the genie into the bottle. and he gets out and hurts what he s saying. a lot of people when these incidents come up say, well, why do they stay? and i think you need to reflect on the title of that book, fear. someone like john kelly, you know, a lot of senior people have been quoted calling the president an idiot and then stay. i think they are fearful because of what happens when they leave and they re thought people like them trying to run into the gap to try to get him to do the right thing. let s admit, the president has leverage over them, over us, over the whole country. and someone needs to occasionally try to get him to do the right thing knowing full well that he ll probably undo it days later. and this is just a vicious cycle we re in. and frankly, i worry how many times we re going to go through this in 2020 and what this unleashes. you seem completely disinterested. you don t have anything to say about this conversation. i m kidding. i m going to give you a quote because everything else got a quote. in one instance trump said, this guy is mentally retarded, again according to the book. he s this dumb southerner, adding he couldn t even be a one person country lawyer down in alabama. so how do you explain that to folks in alabama, sessions home state and the state that voted for trump? well, you know, i explain it pretty easily, by the way. and to quote my favorite politician of all-time, ronald reagan, there you go again. there you go again, amanda, don when here you go with this mantra that somehow this president has hoodwinked people i think he s telling us what he thinks all the time so now you re blaming us for asking a question about book that was written about him? amanda, you re saying general kelly is fearful of the consequences of not serving him. yeah, i think he has a higher cause and he s trying to help america. u, i totally believe that. and to that i say there you go again because you know what, too, this is the attitude of elitism that cost you the 2016 really? yeah, that cost you the 2016 election and which will cost you the 2020 election. amanda is a republican, not a democrat. you don t know where i live, you don t know what i do. you have no basis for that. where you live nothing has to do with elitism. elitism is a frame of mind. steve, listen. i love having you on, but you re very good at sidetracking us and the panel into something we re not talking about because you can t really defend what s happening. so can we stick to yes, i can. so respond to what i asked you. let s talk facts, i don t believe any of this book. and you know why i don t believe him because i know john kelly and general kelly is an american hero. and if he says this is bunch of b.s., which is his act phrase, then i believe it s a bunch of b.s. and i will take his word over the word of a pseudo journalist any day. who s a pseudo journalist? bob woodward is a pseudo journalist? yes. did you think bob woodward was a pseudo journalist when he reported on nixon? the reality is when he says it doesn t matter no, i understand you have to repeat whatever dear leader says. that s the reality is you have to repeat it. so hold on, so what is unusual you re sitting here saying oh, it s b.s. but you you have no evidence that it s b.s. you re just saying whatever trump wants you to say. it s like something out of north korea. no, no, i m an american who loves what he s doing for this country. i don t work for this president. you just said i have to listen, guys, hold on both of you. please, please, steve. so listen, you re saying that general kelly is lying. we ve heard general kelly lie. remember he lied on congresswoman wilson when he lied about what she said? he s not above lying. he s lied before. we ve caught him in lies. there s a tape to show his lies, so would he possibly not be lying about this? i m saying that when i look at general kelly, a man who has served this country immeasurably, far beyond the way i have, the way any of us have it doesn t diminish his service to the country. you can serve the country and you can also be a liar. you can serve the country, you can also be complicit. you can serve the country, you can also be power hungry. you can serve the country and also be a bigot. you can serve the country is be a lot of things. i m giving you examples. hold on. but answer my question. you can be a liar and you can also serve the country. you don t think he can do both? you think he s capable of both? don, you are choosing because of your prism and bias no, because no, no, stop. because i sit here every night and boss i m not stupid and because i don t let someone hoodwink me, because i know the man donald trump from new york city, because i know when he lies, because there s a record of his lying, there is a record of his bigotry, there is no prism that you re talking about. this is about truth and this is about reality. so don t sit here and say because of the prism of my own bias. fact is fact, lies are lies. that s your perception. what i know is the truth in america right now is a country that s exploding with optimism, with growth. and thank you to the former president for putting us back on the right direction so donald trump did not inherit a bad economy. donald trump inherited a country that was positive. so i mean it s not just because of that. take a look at any survey and see the way what does that have to do with the subject that we re talking about right now. here s what it has to do it has nothing to do with it. it doesn t. it doesn t. we just got sidetracked again. no, here s what it has to do with it, don. i m the first to admit my bias. i am pro-trump and i love what he s doing for the growth. that s part of the reason i agree with general kelly, because you will not admit your bias. i m not bias. yes, you are. you believe any lie about him. i m sorry if the truth or facts or reality are not on the side of this administration, but that does not mean that i m biased. you may see it that way i will admit, you don t. well, speak for yourself. you call yourself biased, i am not. thank you. we ll be right back. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they re handing us more than mail they re handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you (door bell rings) it s ohey. this is amazing. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay? even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven t worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and 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responding to a new ad, and here is what he told the daily caller. maybe there s a reason they re doing it, but i think as far as sending a message i think it s a terrible message and message that shouldn t be sent. i guess he didn t like the message. there s no reason for it. joining me now is the chief national correspondent for the new york times and author of big game, the nfl in dangerous times. hold it up. yeah, it s a fascinating book and i ve seen some of your interviews and i thank you for coming on. my pleasure. give me the reaction to colin kaepernick and nike. well, first of all i think they re doing a great job trying to sell my book, which i think is there initial intent here. they ve had five, six years of either self-inflicted wounds or self-exacerbating wound. the season is starting in two days. you know this isn t going to be resolved. i m surprised it took the president as long as he did to weigh in on this. and he loves the issue. who knows if he ll ever get around to paying attention about football. what if the nfl said, listen, we don t tell people what to do. it s un-american to do that. if people want to sit, they sit. if they want to kneel, they want to kneel. that s their business. what do you think would happen? it would burn out. essentially that s what they did last year. they didn t slap any draconian rules on them. the people i talked to got a fair amount of praise and were just riding it out. conservative owners wanted him to do something more definitive, and the thing was basically dealt with. and then they kind of did this sort of haphazard, all right everyone stay in the locker room in may. and a lot of the owners were caught off-guard and now we re in this holding pattern. you say kaepernick was a trumpian villain straight out of the central casting big fro, swarthy skin and a san francisco jersey. if kaepernick did not exist some ingenious russian troll-bot would invent him. and colin kaepernick is like the vegan quarterback who is read meat for the base, right? he is just someone that the president seized upon and you just know that 60% of the population or a pretty good majority of the population is going to be behind him on this. so kaepernick is a perfect donald trump foil, and it s become like a culture war issue. you ve talked about how the nfl, you think if they responded what would happen. but this is more from your book. you say commissioner goodell, under his watch it s gone to being the most unifying institutions in america to the country s most polarizing sports brand. you look at these super bowls, the first super bowl after donald trump was inaugurated, about two weeks in the patriots were seen as trump s team and atlanta was like the heart of the resistance. rise up was their slogan. and you would have like okay atlanta, 7, trump nothing. i remember being on twitter for the first half of that game. and it was look, that s sort of where we are as a country. i asked the commissioner about this. i said how did this game get so polarizing and do you bear the responsibility? and he said it s part of the times, everything is politicized. i think he was not taking responsibility, but i think he s pretty right also. the people inside, the people who know trump, the people who know how he acted in business, how he conducted himself a lot of these people did have experience with him. you know what i m talking ability. how much of this antagonism in the nfl had to do with them blocking him most recently he tried to buy the buffalo bills. he tried to buy a number of teams over the years. he s always been thwarted by the owners. it s sort of a classic case of donald trump s nose being pressed up against a glass, and the ultimate club doesn t get to have him as a member. and you hear the degree of which they re all just obsessed with how do we not trigger the next tweet. there s a lot of people who have given them money and known for years. these are the two biggest reality shows we have going in america right now. i just can t believe the owners are that afraid. because how do you stand up to a bully, you stand up, you punch him in the nose. the book is called big game, the nfl in dangerous time. mark, thank you. good to be here. we ll be right back. detail. .ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from. .and the paths they took, to a new home. could their journey inspire yours? order your kit at they re the moderne stone age family. from the town of bedrock. meet george jetson. his boy elroy. with instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. electric cars are here. plug into the present. plaque psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that s why there s otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it s a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to 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yeah, nice tie there, bakari. so listen, james here s what you wrote, a hardy cheer for your selection for colin kaepernick as the face of your iconic just do it campaign. will his newest line include these sock beauties be advised cops buy sneakers too. respectfully law enforcement. let me put this in context first, my family goes all the way back to the civil war and fought for the union. i come from a long military history and lineage where we believe in first amendment rights, we believe in going after the oppressor, and listen, i don t think that colin kaepernick should not have a right to protest. i don t think he should do it on company time. it s like me coming on and saying i d like one minute just now for fallen officers. you can t do it on company time. it s not a company issue it s a civil rights issue. you re a not a poster child for your cause when you pair of socks that are defamatory like that, and you re not a great poster child when you send out birthday shut outs to who s in cuba right now who killed police officer in 1973. those things are visceral for us cops. and we struggle to deal withermentiwith respecting his and his views and the way he feels oppressed. bakari, go ahead. i want to acknowledge i have on nike shorts, so i did come dressed for the show tonight. first the odacity to say colin kaepernick cannot protest on company time, that s just simp lee like saying rosa parks should have just chosen one of the open seats she had. just because a protest makes you feel uncomfortable doesn t mean it s somehow incorrect. no, colin kaepernick may not be the perfect spokesman as you say, and yes even i had a problem with the socks and even a problem he didn t vote in the last election. but i think the ordacity for someone to have this level of outrage without having outrage about the level of injustice colin kaepernick is protesting is exactly the problem. i think i would want to see you and everyone else stand up with me when we re talking about young african-american kids unarmed being explain in these streets night and in and night out. i want to be sheer clear i m not saying every officer in this country is a bad officer. but what i m saying is far too many bad apples a wooeptd to call them are killing too many in this country. guys i m out of time. we ll be right back. protein recharge leave-in conditioner. in just one use, elvive s breakthrough heat-protecting formula leaves your hair with 97% less breakage and 15 times stronger. elvive revives damaged hair. because you re worth it. don t forget that the past can speak to the future. i m going to be your substitute teacher. don t assume the substitute teacher has nothing to offer. same goes for a neighborhood. don t forget that friendships last longer than any broadway run. mr. president. 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what s happening? what s going on? i took a regular job so i could support myself and my family and it all went crazy. i never in a million years would imagine i would be in this position. it s surreal. it s reader to me that this became an issue because i think you are a great actor and loved that you were so animated on the cosby show. i see actors taking other jobs and doing things between gigs. it s not unusual. no the at all. why the big deal? because i was on the cosby show which at the height of its popularity was one of the most famous shows ever view bide over 55 million people at a time. it was iconic and i was a member of that family. it s one thing if the average actor has another job and 98% of them do, but you know, for seeing somebody on that show working in the local grocery store is kind of jarring. i imagine and i can understand, imagine if i went into a store and saw al pacino working there. i would be sensitive and nice about it, but it would be shocking. that s what it s like for some people. it doesn t make sense. one would think you are on the cosby show and that was one of the biggest sitcoms. is it because the show was taken off or are you no longer getting residuals in. it ended 26 years ago. people don t realize that because they were watching reruns. for the past 26 years, i have been since that job ended, i haven t had a job that lasted more than 10 weeks at a time. most of the jobs are theater jobs that are a lot less than tv and film. there is the impression that because the reruns you see on tv all the time, i m still making that kind of money. residuals dwindle away and sometimes they don t i only did a certain amount of the shows. people have a very false erroneous impression of the kickind of income i make being on that show. do you think that you were shamed by the people who put those photos out or by news organizations? well, both. i think they both conspired to kind of exploit a shamed situation. the people who saw me in the store, i think tried basically to take advantage of me. i blamed the news organizations more. i understand the impulse to try to maybe take advantage of a situation. specifically how? because they see someone in my position recognize me and they know that there is a taste, unfortunately, there is a little bit of a taste in all of us that have a curiosity and a negative curiosity about seeing the exalted fallen. people offers you jobs now? i have gotten offers. none of them have been substantiated or worked out. why are you not comfortable taking a job now? if you note what i said, i didn t say i wouldn t take a job. i said i would be uncomfortable. i wanted to make that distinction. i m a kind of person that i always have been this way. it s strange. when i was in school, i was offered a scholarship and for some reason i was not worthy of it. i don t like getting anything that i feel like i haven t earned. that makes me more uncomfortable about something that i should have earned. that was the impulse behind what i said. if this situation leads to work, i would be very grateful, but i don t expect it. we can put up the tyler perry tweet. the number one drama. and now people like cruz said i would do it again. i worked in wether spoon s kitchen. i told you what i would do. i am going work in the home and garden department of home depot. i m serious. i get such zen when i go there. i agree with you. every job has value. it has nobility. they may be different jobs, but none is better than the other. thank you, sir. thank you, sir. it s a pleasure. good luck. i hope you get many, many jobs. appreciate that. thanks for watching. our coverage continues. etables thanks to our birds eye voila skillet meals. and they only take 15 minutes to make. augh! 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Cuba , Montana , United-states , Alabama , Russia , Russian , America , American , Al-pacino , Bob-woodward , Jeffrey-owens , Christine-bray

Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20180907

another step in the progress of this mueller probe. now, what you see is much to the white house s dismay, neither the complaints in rudy giuliani s interviews nor the endless witch hunt tweets are stopping this forward grinding progress of what mueller wants and what he s getting. so here s the news. a judge handing down a two-week jail sentence to the former trump campaign adviser who set the russia probe in motion, george papadopoulos. now, the very light sentence for the crime of lying to the feds. but it s also in its lightness and its leniency, a validation of the larger mueller strategy. defy him, and face an endless legal sledge hammer. paul manafort, of course, looking at years in jail with up to two trials remaining. or the alternative, cooperate with mueller, flip and tell, and get a sentence so light you might reasonably forget about it some day. note, the papadopoulos sentence is less time than any other person who have been sentenced. now, in this hearing, late today, and that s why we have so much different breaking news right now. george papadopoulos told the judge he made a terrible mistake and wants to redeem himself. he publicly argued he lied to investigators partly because he wanted to distance himself from what he thought was probably an illegal action for dangerous information within the trump world itself. papadopoulos not only flipped, which of course is formalized tonight, he also took another parting shot at his old boss donald trump on his way into jail. his lawyers arguing trump himself hindered this investigation more than papadopoulos ever could. george was listening to his preferred candidate, and his president of the united states opining that this was a witch hunt. but when george went in on january 27th, he was of the mind-set this was not as significant as we have now all learned it to be. that is legalize for a version of the coffee boy defense. trump also arguing papadopoulos not significant. i see papadopoulos today. i don t know papadopoulos. i don t know him. i saw him sitting in one picture at a table with me. that s the only thing i know about him. i don t know him. but they got him on, i guess, a couple of lies is what they re saying. now, flynn, where the fbi said he didn t lie, but mueller s people said he did lie. so i don t want to be set up with a perjury trap. now, here is that picture of that table. we ll put it up for you in that meeting in march 2016, papadopoulos lawyers also punched back about what happened in that room you re looking. they say while some rebuffed it, trump nodded, deferring to sessions who appeared to like the idea. now, mueller is now effectively done with that defendant. but today he was putting another witness into that intimidating grand jury room. it was a busy day for mueller, randy creditco who has links to julian assange and roger stone was back there testifying. of course, it makes you wonder, was mueller interested in wikileaks today or roger stone or both? we learned the answer. take a look. how much of the questioning have you of assange? very little. no, don t the major the majority of the questioning had to do with roger stone. specific questions we re not going to get into. you saw the lawyer trying to get creditco not to answer. that is big news tonight. roger stone was the focus of the questions today in that grand jury room. let s take it together. bob mueller is hunting right now. trump s lawyers, meanwhile, sending their own mixed signals about whether donald trump will ever face mueller. rudy giuliani announced to much fanfare that trump wouldn t answer any questions about obstruction of justice, even in writing. that made headlines, he added later, well, nothing s totally off the table. that is the public message from trump s lawyer. but remember the private message, according to bob woodward s reporting just this week is that it s all the opposite and that trump himself told one of his own lawyers he didn t want to face mueller ever. i m joined now by maya wiley, former counsel to the mayor of new york city. and msnbc christian ferragus and bill kristol. maya, when you look at the rudy argument there, if everything is on the table potentially, that means mueller would face trump in a certain situation, by woodward s reporting undercutting that and would make it seem like this is all posturing. put that not context of bob mueller sending a trump aide to jail today. well, if first of all, let s just say, a broken clock is right twice a day. and the broken clock of donald trump has said he s afraid of a perjury trap. that s actually rudy giuliani talking point, which is interesting that the president used that today. i think what we have heard from the president is that he is concerned, despite the fact that he has repeatedly expressed his willingness. if i m donald trump, i m going to listen to my lawyers and i m not going to talk to bob mueller. the reality is, it s going to call into question whether or not mueller s going to then take the step of a grand jury subpoena. i don t think you re going to see that anytime soon because of the midterm elections, obviously. but if you re donald trump, you are thinking about the fact that you have made inconsistent statements publicly and repeatedly. and therefore going in and having a conversation with bob mueller, very tough to thread that needle in a way that doesn t create a potential perjury charge. bill kristol, what message do you read in the legal strategy of bob mueller giving papadopoulos effectively two weeks in jail? they asked for more, the judge decided on two weeks. light sentence. you should cooperate with mueller, with the special counsel investigation, with the justice department, you shouldn t lie to the fbi. but if you do, you will be treated better. if it s a small lie in the context of operation, it s a big lie. it was interesting that trump cited flynn, that s very much on his mind, speaking of people cooperating, michael flynn who knows a lot more than papadopoulos i m going to guess is continuing to cooperate, i believe, with the special counsel and had his sentencing put off two or three times to continue the cooperation. so the investigation goes on. it looks pretty safe for the next two months. i hate to say that, don t want to jinx it. for trump to do god knows what. i do think on november 6th, november 7th, if the democrats win the house, which is likely, the degree to which things will start happening very quickly can t be it s just going to be remarkable. i assume mueller knows that as a political matter. i wonder how much he s aiming for that november/december window to bring things to a close, to wrap it up and have a report. christian? i m telling you the clock is ticking, i don t think, to be a contraryian, i don t think mueller is concerned about the election. trump is not on the ballot box. neither are his campaign aides, he s going to keep going with his work, all the hearings lined up in the coming days and weeks, the coming trial of manafort, manafort now in talks to possibly work out a plea deal. he s going to keep working. he is not concerned about political considerations because none of the people so far involved in this are up for election. so his work is going to continue unimpeded. and the president is going to continue raging against his work only to his detriment and the detriment of his allies. i want to reach more into the papadopoulos part, maya, so new, and if you think back to this, we don t often know this much in realtime. but we learned from new york times reporting it was papadopoulos who uncorked the entire investigation that began of course before there was any notion trump would be president and then of course turned into a special counsel probe. here was his lawyer in court saying, loo ck, he was unsophisticated, naive, a fool, and he misled investigators to save his professional aspirations and serve a misguided loyalty to his master. how does that fit in, again, to the choices that other former trump aides are making here? well, i think it fits into if you try to protect donald trump rather than telling the truth you will only end up not protecting yourself. you can t protect someone if they have actually committed a criminal act, or taken steps that makes it appear that they ve committed a criminal act, and you re actually going to do much more by coming forward and being honest. and i think with george papadopoulos and his situation has made clear is tell the truth. and we know from mcgahn, right, that mcgahn s approach has been to cooperate, to cooperate fully. he obviously is doing that in his own view for a variety of reasons, but that s another indication to the trump camp, if you are one of those people working for donald trump, that s a signal on how you should behave. i want the panel to stay with many e. i mentioned the breaking news. control room tells me we have the reporter who broke this story. this is from bloomberg, joining me on a breaking story, that according to a news source, confirming the trump executives face a federal campaign finance probe from the new york federal prosecutors handling the cohen case. greg, this is your story. what did you find? hi, ari. basically after cohen pleaded guilty last month there was a question as to whether the prosecutors at the southern district were going to stand down. and move on to other things or keep going. and they re keep going, they re going to look and see whether the conduct that cohen pleaded guilty to, the campaign finance violations, which involved payments approved by several executives at the trump organization, if this pattern of conduct was more widespread. in other words, they seem to believe that this didn t just happen on this occasion with stormy daniels, but there might have been other campaign finance violations. so that s what they re investigating. it s not clear that they ve found anything yet, but just that they haven t closed the door on this probe. what you re saying is significant, it s not pre-judging where the probe goes, but it says that michael cohen in the eyes of the new york feds is the beginning, not the end of those now a campaign violations that he himself pled guilty to, as you know from your reporting and as many of our viewers have come to understand the trump organization could sound like a big large thing to many people who watch the apprentice, but actually has a small number of executives including trump s family members. does your reporting shed any light? well, as you pointed out, right, it s not like a huge general electric or ibm, there aren t many people and a lot of them are family members who were there. so, you know, if any of them, if it turns out were involved in any kind of approvals or transactions that were labeled business expenses, but turned out to be campaign finance violations, you know, that could be a problem. so clearly the guy in the middle of this is the cfo, allen weisselberg, and it s clear that weisselberg cooperated on the very narrow way in the cohen plea, just around the stormy daniels payments and those issues. now, the question here is whether or not he s going to cooperate, you know, widespread because he saw or must have approved pretty much every type of expenditure that went out, or not. so that s going to be question one is to what degree he s going to be helpful because he literally knows like all the finances and all the, you know, payments that got made and approved, et cetera. can you rule in or rule out trump family members? no, to rule out because if they were involved, and clearly several of them were involved with the campaign. right. therefore it s quite possible some of them gave a green light like to paint it this way or that way. we don t know that. we don t know that. but you re not able to rule them out, and your reasonable inference, based on reporting you ve done is that the people who overlap between the trump organization and the trump campaign the most were the family members and michael cohen, michael cohen being the person who pled guilty himself to the campaign crime. i want to read from your story and press you a bit not on the identity of your source, obviously as a fellow journalist, i m not asking you that, but i will note your lead says after this conviction of michael cohen you have a person familiar with the matter telling you federal prosecutors in manhattan are investigating this. does that mean this entire story, in your reporting, rests on a single source? i m not going to go beyond that. so, you know, that gets a little too close to, you know, that s what we re saying. but, you know, we don t just go out with stuff unless we have an extremely high degree of confidence. i ll leave that at that. are you saying that there is something beyond a single person that gives you that confidence? not saying anything. i ll just leave it at that. when you say not saying anything, that s several words right there. technically, you are saying words, greg. it s my job to press you. i understand what i think you re trying to convey, which is that you stand behind the story. it s a big story. before i let you go, anything else that you would want to get to that we didn t? no, except there s a lot of news coming out tonight. we have a great story on manafort as well over and above george papadopoulos, which we were just talking about, there s a few other scoops we ve got here, one on, you know, talks in manafort s case of maybe a deal. so anyway i m sorry, greg, you re reporting new information about a potential plea by paul manafort? that s out on bloomberg now. check that out as well. not me, my colleagues. what can you tell us about that? i haven t even gotten it to her yet. i just finished my story. it s one of those nights. i think we ll stay on all of them. greg farrell, thanks for jumping on the phone. maya, your reaction? my reaction is that this is both meaningful, not surprising. it would be more surprising to me if the southern district of new york did not follow up on indications that there were ways in which the trump organization worked as we know from michael cohen that suggest that there may be a lot of improprieties here in how the financing worked. i also think that it suggests that this source is not someone from within the southern district of new york, but is someone who might be within the trump organization. we should remember that weisselberg did not cooperate. that s the wrong word legally. what he did was he no longer had the ability to assert the fifth amendment right not to incriminate himself because they said we won t come after you for what you say to us on this point so that he had to come and testify. which is an important distinction. a big distinction. we are over on time given all the breaking news. bill kristol, a final thought from you on how this all plays out if donald trump, given the week he s had, is learning as he does reportedly things through television, that there s this investigation into his organization which includes, of course, his family as officers, as well as a single source report from bloomberg, again reigniting speculation that mr. manafort himself could plea. it looks like the investigation is pulling on many threads. and a lot of them are proving fruitful, or at least are leading to further things, which is how successful investigations work, how watergate worked to go back to the one that everyone thinks of, but it s how generally good investigations work. the cohen thread, the thin papadopoulos thread. if i were donald trump, i would be very worried, does he have the nerve to fire people or pardon people? bill and christian, thank you, maya, stay, i have more with you. the other big story tonight, barack obama breaks his silence on donald trump, calling him out by name as well as the republican party. how hard can that be, saying the nazis are bad? the politics of division and resentment and paranoia, and they appeal to racial nationalism. what happened to the republican party? they re cozying up to the former head of the kgb. cosby actor is thrust back in the spotlight. jeffrey owens on the show tonight. fallback friday, an actress in the my movie blaze. here s. quit cable it came from the toaster. quit cable uh. quit cable now you can quit cable. switch to directv for $35 per month. rated #1 in customer satisfaction over cable. more for you quitting cable thing. that s our thing. call 1.800.directv. 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brian s back? he doesn t get my room. he s only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40 s. former president barack obama jumped back into politics today telling voters allow me to reintroduce myself and going at trump by name and going farther than many current democratic leaders to answer the question that many have been raising, what is the democratic midterm message beyond trump? democrats are still trying to find a unifying message as they seek to flip the house and the senate. there are a lot of people out there, particularly democrats, who are saying the democrats have no message. they offer nothing, they have no solutions, and they have no message, and there s a reason that they re not going to do well in november. that s it. is that true? well, president obama s remarks are making waves tonight right now, and they re important. so we re going to actually broadcast and break down the top ten points that obama clearly ra laid out in his speech today right now. i m going to bring in special guests to help us do that. columnist mike lubica and howard dean. gentlemen, listen first to barack obama making clear he knows he s departing from tradition. i was also intent on following a wise american tradition of ex-presidents grace fully exiting the political stage. i m here today because this is one of those pivotal moments. and howard, he makes it clear why he s doing this, but then in point number two goes beyond trump. who want to keep us divided and keep us angry and keep us cynical because it helps them maintain the status quo, and keep their power, and keep their privilege. it did not start with donald trump. he is a symptom, not the cause. howard, is that right? it is right, and i think this is a unique time. i think the president did not want to get involved in this as presidents traditionally don t. but barack obama has always been the moral leader of the country. you can say what you want about how effective he was or all these other things, but nobody questions his honesty or integrity. for that reason i think he s an extraordinary moral leader. i think he stepped in not for the sake of the democrats, i think he stepped in for the sake of the country. that s well put. and, mike, he also hit russia which, of course, is on the minds of many right now. what happened to the republican party? its central organizing principle in foreign policy was the fight against communism. and now they re cozying up to the former head of the kgb. mike? you know, it s funny, i ll put this in language i m sure senator dean will understand from one of his favorite singing groups, do you know what got real today, ari? it got extremely real. and howard s exactly right. barack obama sounded like the moral leader of the united states of america and i think he just got tired of listening to everything and seeing everything that has happened, whether he s talking about nazis or russians or freedom of the press. that you don t go after freedom of the press because you don t like that they re publishing stories that you don t like, or writing things about you. i was thinking today, you know, i would love for trump and obama to be in a town hall meeting, just the two of them, on a stage, if he thinks obama is so boring, and make it a pay purview event. i think we could raise a hell of a lot of money for charity. you say there are things barack obama may be tired of. he s tired of donald trump taking obama s economic legacy. when you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let s remember when this started. suddenly republicans are saying it s a miracle. how important is it, and what is he saying to midterm candidates there, howard, if democrats also need to run on that? well, i do actually agree with the thesis the democrats don t have a message. that s a lot of republican washington political talk. the truth is, in all the elections, off year elections, including the one barack obama lost 63 seats in, the main message is we re not trump. we don t have to say that because trump reminds everybody every day what they don t like about trump. what we have to have is individual messages, each district you ve got connor lam on one end of the democratic spectrum, cortez on the other end. locally, we need to talk and touch the people who want to vote for us. the message is we can do better, donald trump provides us an enormous amount of help in doing that. he s departing from tradition, to say that donald trump is undermining the department of justice which, again, is a big deal coming from this exclusive club of the president and former presidents. take a look. it should not be a partisan issue to say that we do not pressure the attorney general or the fbi to use the criminal justice system as a kujle to punish political opponents or to call on the attorney general to protect members of our own party from prosecution. mike, why is that important for him to hit? is that a midterm message or do you think that s just a moral message? i think it s a moral message. i agree with what howard said, not only do the democrats have a message, it is this, we re better than this. and now he wants the department of justice to go after the new york times because of this op-ed piece? go after the new york times and do what? and find out what? and do what to the writer of this piece if the department of justice finds out? i mean, come on. well, you mentioned the piece. and that was another thing he said that was very interesting. what i m going to do is fit in a break. we have five of the key points from obama left. so my thanks to mike and governor dean. when we come back, what he is saying about why that rebuke of this famous, anonymous author of the anti-trump new york times op-ed, why that wasn t good enough. back in 30 seconds. and packages. and it s also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they re handing us more than mail they re handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you we have been covering in detail president barack obama s strongest rebuke of donald trump since obama left the white house. i am joined by leah wright rigeur. i can hear you a little bit. you can hear me? low volume. i m going to try to play you something, if i lose you, i might go to howard dean. that s how you know it s a live show. okay, all right. what i was going to say is that it s been a point of debate across the whole country and certainly among trump critics, the relative weight of this rebuke of donald trump by this anonymous senior official. fascinating to have barack obama weigh in, and he is not having it, does not think it s good enough. take a look. the claim that everything will turn out okay because there are people inside the white house who secretly aren t following the president s orders, that s not how our democracy is supposed to work. they re not doing us a service by actively promoting 90% of the crazy stuff that s coming out of this white house, and then saying don t worry, we re preventing the other 10%. i m going to go back to dnc chair howard dean, what do you think of barack obama there saying you can keep your darn anonymous op-ed. i think he s telling the truth. i am surprised because i didn t expect him to get into this. i think he s just keeply offended at what trump is doing to our democracy and our country. that s striking. and as you say, a lot of this speech did seem to come from the heart. we have seen other obamas where he s very careful, certainly where he avoids criticizing people for various reasons, the tradition he mentioned. here, he obviously read that op-ed recently and said that s no good. he also, again, took on the entire republican party, not just trump, which is key in the midterms because there are voters who might say, well, trump s not on the ballot, i ll stick with the gop majority. the paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the republican party. embraced wild conspiracy theories. what s he doing there? you know, just what you said, trump has branded the republican party, look, i have friends, people i have considered friends on the republican side of the senate, people who i think are good people, they have failed to stand up for our country. bob dole and barry goldwater went to tell dick nixon he had to resign. there is no statesmanship left in the republican party. they re manipulative, more interested in power than they are in the country. we need the republican to be back and strong. the republican party is absent in the throe of someone who is not fit to be president of the united states. that is, i think, what so upsets the last president of the united states. right. stay with me. i m going to continue our live dealer s choice by bringing maya wiley back in. two more key pieces, top ten from this obama speech. the first is him talking about what he views as criminal justice issues. if you are really concerned about how the criminal justice system treats african-americans, the best way to protest is to vote. and as for that voting, maya, he said this is even more important than any time he s been on the ballot. take a look at this one. now, some of you may think i m exaggerating when i say this november s elections are more important than any i can remember in my lifetime. is that true? yes. go on. so it s true because, number one, we are fundamentally having an election this midterm season that s about our democratic institutions. it s not actually an election about party right now. it s about whether or not we re going to restore a balance of power inside the beltway that starts paying attention to whether our institutions are working for all americans. and as we know, we re also in unprecedented times in terms of voter suppression. right. making it extremely difficult for a large percentage of the population to actually exercise the right to vote. we just heard that the department of justice is now being used basically, you want to talk about a witch hunt, talk about the department of justice trying to go find voter fraud when all the science tells us that this is not a real problem. and he s concerned that there s those efforts discouraging the vote as well as people saying, oh, well, maybe i m not excited about a perfect candidate, the hope obama inspiration message used against democrats. he s saying basically this ain t coachella. you cannot sit back and wait for a savior. you can t opt out because you don t feel sufficiently inspired by this or that particular candidate. this is not a rock concert. this is not coachella. we don t need a messiah. i mean, to be clear, maya, beyonce did perform at coachella recently, and she is many people s messiah. i would vote for her. what does he say there? because we all know that one of the weird defenses of democratic turnaround is, oh, we didn t have an obama this year. here s obama saying it ain t about having an obama this year. this is important. this is barack obama remembering what 2016 was, which was that if the black vote, if the latino vote had come out in places like wisconsin, had come out in milwaukee, had come out in detroit, the differences in point spread could have made a difference in the election. turnout is critical. and he s absolutely right, and i think the message is vote for the best person on the ballot, even if it s not the person that makes you want to go and dance like beyonce. and dance like beyonce. howard, did you ever expect american politics would turn on the presidential phrase this is not coachella? no. but he s right, of course. the issue is this, and i actually think i ve been very impressed by the graciousness which the losers in some of these upset races have turned around and said we re going to support you. to the new generation. it is not true that there is a left/center divide in the democratic party. that is easy for the press, easy click bait for the press, the truth is there s a young/old divide. the older people losing the races have been incredibly gracious about their defeats. and that is a very good sign for the party that we have matured and that we understand what s at stake here is the democracy of the united states. well, that s a whole other fascinating thing i d love to get you on on someone who did grassroots organizing, ran the party and might identify on the other side of that generational divide you mentioned, i d love to get you back on the beat with some of those new faced candidates. i m going to bring in a break. and my apologies with the deck call difficulties with ms. wright rigeur. geoffrey owens is on the beat tonight. first it s friday, and who needs to fall back, that s next. it lets you know when you go too fast. .and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can t do anything about that. now that you know the truth. are you in good hands? 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i don t want to be a star. i wants to be a legend. and also with us, liz plank. nice to see you guys. nice to see you, ari. who needs to fall back? who needs to fall back? i think that the attention around these new avatar kind of computer-generated models on instagram i ve been noticing lately. there s something wrong with it. it s an art project that they ve designed these computer generated models and millions of younger people follow them and it s messing with some form of reality. you think it s messing with our minds? yeah, lots of things are these days. but there s something about it that people believe it too much and then are defending it more than, you know, having real conversations. this is a fallback, but this is also, i think, news because some of our viewers are going to say, wait, if you re a parent at home, your kids are using these social media sites like instagram and they re following accounts they think are people that are actually just like bots. right. and then they think the bots have you know, i don t know if they are actually looking at something and believing it to be a real person. but they defend this person and would do, you know, would follow whatever this person s instincts are, what they would tell them to buy or do. so they become like people are looking up to these robots. it s scary. you know what needs to fall back, toxic masculinity. there s a new ad i keep seeing in new york city, it features michael phelps. therapy helped change his life. exactly. we don t talk about the gender therapy, which is real, women are more likely to seek therapy than men and we often talk about the fact that women have more mental health issues, but women talk about their mental health issues more than men, but men experience a wide range of mental health problems. and for someone like michael phelps, you know, an accomplished athlete, what is he, 6 10 , super tall, very quote/unquote masculine, with those standards, for him to open up and say that therapy changed his life and it really helped him i think is a really great message for men to hear. i have a fallback as well, and i think it s important, and it s senator susan collins. who runs as a pro-choice candidate who told voters that s what she is. you see as this abortion fight plays out in donald trump s nominee to be on the supreme court she suddenly changes her tune and says, oh, well, maybe basically i m okay with this. and by the way, if you run as being pro-life, and you support that, then you re being honest with voters. but if you run as being whoa-choice, and we re learning just this week, late in the week, that judge kavanaugh was privately telling the bush administration well, roe v. wade is not that settled and could be overturned, it seems to me like she needs to fall back from claiming she s really pro-choice if she s going to cast her vote and make her career about this kind of choice, liz. my favorite thing was camilla harris asking during the hearings can you think of a single law that regulates the male body? and, you know, judge kavanaugh not being able to name a single law. why do we have laws that regulate or, you know, sort of control women s bodies when we don t would never do the same thing for men. because they want to control women. and also the fact that it s still a conversation, it s so upsetting, especially in our country. but, i mean, the fact that also a woman herself can be changing her tune on something that s so strong as if it s just, yeah, some kind of law that involves like taxes or something. we re talking about our actual bodies here. and you re talking about something that is, for many people, a very significant choice that, again, the supreme court has said is there a choice? if you re going to change that, let s be honest about it under oath and in our politics. alia, liz, thank you for a very special fallback friday. up ahead, former cosby star geoffrey owens is on the beat tonight to talk about shaming, fox news attack on him and donald trump s values. who wants customizable options chains? 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i have no clue. we re just tv doctors. if this was a real emergency, i d be freaking out. we are the tv doctors of america. together with cigna reminding you to go, know, and take control of your health. schedule your annual check-up today. you wouldn t accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills don t. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist. you can barely feel. one look at you and i can t disguise i ve got hungry eyes i feel the magic between you and i i ve got hungry eyes now i ve got you in my sights applebee s new 3-course meal starting at $11.99. now that s eatin good in the neighborhood. many americans are fond of actor geoffrey owens for his iconic role as a doctor who married into the cosby family. he got unwanted attention from a photo circuit of him working at trader joe s. he was spotted bagging groceries, which was blasted as classist job shaming. owens is on the beat tonight to talk about this fake controversy and what it says about class many america. he s been on many shows since cosby days including cbs s elementary. you re wrong about the damages not being tangible. the release of this video has cost my clients a virtual king s ransom. the articles about owens quickly backfired, terry crews and tyler perry praising him and noting most actors work side jobs. calling owens hilarious about the dignity of work. thanks for coming on the beat. you re welcome. was f since his cosby days including recently, cbs s elementary. you re wrong about the damages not being tangible. articles about owens quickly backfired. most actors work side jobs. about the dignity of work. thanks for coming on the beat. you re welcome. how are you? i m great. was fox news job shaming you? i guess so. it is just an attempt to, you know, make someone feel small about what they have to do to make a living. to getting this onslaught of attention and getting a lot of people defending you and defending what it means to work? this has been quite a week. surreal is the word that best describes it. relative an no relative an none niche with t the pictures and the demeaning words. which made me feel humiliated. fortunately only lasted an hour or two. we started reading the posts and reactions all over the world. something awful became something wonderful. i want to read from some of the reporting. she said she can t sleep, she feels she is unintentionally hurt someone. she said i would tell him i was extremely apologetic of what happened. i would like her to know that i had no illfeeling toward her. i would tell her that i forgive her. i want to put up on the screen here, something that president trump has done. he has said he prefers hiring billionaires to anyone else and he prefers ivy eleague alums. take a listen to him explaining that choice. so somebody said why did you appoint a rich person to be in charge of the economy. i said that is the kind of thinking we want. really, they are representing the country. i love all people, rich or poor, in those positions i just don t want a poor person. does that make sense? does that make sense? i don t want to get into politics too much. but this is the man who said he preferred his war heroes who weren t caught. do you know what i mean? what do you mean? that is the kind of judgment we are dealing. anybody who can say that for instance, about senator mccain, i don t respect his opinion about these matters either is what i am saying. where do we go from here go ahead. i am taking in your question. you re so expressive. have you ever done dramatic work? i don t usually pause, but you went yeah, man, i should go into acting. how do you feel the internet has put you on blast wrongly and allowed a space for positivity as well. what i think is good about this is there is new sensitivity about what it means to work. we are rethinking, revaultieval what it means to work. and certain jobs are better than others or superior to others. . when i worked at trader joe s i had a tremendous sense of satisfaction of peace. you know the expression something couldn t happen to a nicer guy. it couldn t happen to a more thoughtful guy. i really appreciate you coming by. thank you so much i appreciate that. thank you. when we come back, what john dean told the senate today. you re headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you ve got a good record and liberty mutual won t hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20180905

now? top level allegedly slamming the president and woodward himself after some of those officials issued strong denials of the avarice that any of the things listed in books. we are digging into that. hello and welcome to fox news at night, i m shannon bream in washington. from the minute chuck grassley try to gamble in the supreme court nomination hearing for judge kavanaugh, it was clear that this would be no state capital capitol hill aff. dozens of protesters pepper the hearings time and again. his allegations to the highest court would be abortions and even outright death. mr. chairman, i d like to be recognized. if you are out of order, i will proceed. i would like to adjourn. tom tillis asked whether the democrats response was scripted over a weekend conference call. in reviewing a tweet from nbc saying democrats plotted a coordinated response over the weekend and all agreed to protest and disrupt the hearing. one of the discussions yesterday was this whole question of whether this committee is going to hear a nominee for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land without access to basic information about his public record. the paper trail was a primary objection today s claiming they have the fraction of the relevant documents from his time in the bush 43 white house. even calling on the nominee himself to slam on the brakes. i asked you to help us uphold that trust by asking this committee to suspend this hearing. grassley who today marked his 15 supreme court nominee for senator repeatedly pushed back. how ridiculous it is to say that we don t have the records it takes to determine this person qualified to be on the supreme court. kavanaugh joined the bench in 2006 and today the democrats insisted he was less than honest more than a decade ago about issues tied to his time in the white house. for 12 years you could ve apologized and corrected this record but you never did. the suggestion that you misled this committee at any point in your previous hearings is absurd. and finally the nominee got to speak for himself. i have given it my all in every case. i am proud of that body of work. and i stand behind it. i tell people, don t read about my judicial opinions, read the opinions. tonight the president praised his nominee, tweeting also and calling that hearing a display of how mean, angry and despicable the other side is. the real question start tomorrow, and today already plenty of fireworks. today president trump and top administration officials are fighting back against a veteran journalist. chief national correspondent ed henry has the latest fallout. they are pushing back but he s going to sell a lot of books. the president is fighting back and so are some of his top advisors. this is just another bad book about him, lashing out at bob woodward charging his credibility problems that some of the anecdotes are simply fake. the president is furious about specific charges like the one claiming retired general john kelly, and the chief of staff privately said to the president he is an idiot, we are in crazy town and i don t know why any of us are here. kelly says, that never happened. the idea that i ever called the president and 80 it is not true. as i stated back in may i still firmly stand behind, i still spend more time with the president than anyone else. he always knows where i stand, kelly says in the statement and he and i both know the story is total bull ps. i m committed to the president, his agenda and our country. there was also a practice session to prep the president for a possible interview with bob mueller and it went so badly that his personal attorney at the time john dowd allegedly said the following. he said he would either testify or end up in an orange jumpsuit. that never happened, there was no so-called practice session or reenactment of a mock interview of the special counsel s office. furthermore i did not refer to the president as a lawyer, liar, and it was a great honor and distinct privilege to serve the president. the president told the daily caller in that noon interview tonight, all of this is nasty stuff and he would have refuted some of the claims but says he did not get the messages that woodward wanted an interview. woodward seemed skeptical of that. i ve got to go talk to people and see them outside of the white house and outside of their offices, and i gained a lot of insight and documentation, and you know, it s a tough look at the world and your administration, and you know. right, i assume that will be a negative book. but i m sort of 50% used to that, that s all right. some are good and some are bad. some good, some bad. the book also claims former top beds like rob porter who left amidst claims of spousal abuse and would either s white papers off the president s desk or block them from ever getting there in the oval office in order to prevent him from taking what was seen as radical action. the president declares that is simply fabricated it. and back in 2013 the president as a businessman tweeted, only of the obama white house could get away with attacking bob woodward. that was over a different book and it seems to be now that the president is the one who is in a fight with woodward and we will see how it all plays out. yes we will. another claim in his upcoming book, he recounts, mattis was particularly alarmed saying he had the understanding of a fifth or sixth grader. defense secretary jim mattis is firing back tonight. former clinton advisor, and steve hilton, and chairman of the american conservative union, match lap. welcome to all of you. i want to read a little bit of what secretary mattis had to say about this today. he s at the contentious words about the president attribute it to me were never uttered by me or in my presence. while i enjoy reading fiction this is a washington brand of literature and his anonymous sources do not lend credibility. matt let s start with you. this is rather astounding. you have a four-star marine general, basically calling out bob woodward as i liar. and i like to see this type of pushback because of this book to be riddled with all types of people who are trying to kind of do payback on their time in the white house, may be disgruntled former employees. i like seeing the folks who are at the president side serving and really pushing a rather amazing agenda pushing back on a book that we all knew for decades how he does these books. he doesn t have actual quotes from the people, he has other people what they heard him say. and everybody knows bob woodward, but does he have tapes, who are these anonymous sources and where to go from here? years what i would tell you, i was in the clinton white house and he wrote about a lot of things i was involved with. i m proud to say but the events he described in many instances were in variance to my recollection. now i must say, i take some of what he wrote very seriously, i think you have to. but on the other hand as matt says, you when you have generals, you routinely, systematically and consistently denying in the same terms the reporting. it does raise questions and i think real questions that deserve exploration. we are having a lot of people going on the record specifically denying these things that have been attributed to them. by the way the president just tweeted this, he said the rad discredited woodward book with so many lies and phony sources has me calling jeff sessions mentally and a dumb southerner. i never said any of those things, he made that up to survive. and not by the way i agree being a southerner, it is awesome. of course he has to say that and all these people have to deny it. but the truth is, shannon, nobody comes out well from this book. the people outside the white house, the people around the president, his closest team have shown themselves time after time with the wolf book ended now this book as being a bunch of veiny, disloyal, incompetent egomaniacs frankly who are running around gossiping and backstabbing and talking to people like bob woodward and michael wolf, instead of doing what they should be doing which is taking the president s populist message from 2016 and turning it into a coherent governing strategy. also the people outside of the white house, all the people loving this, are also making a fool of themselves because what they are showing, all the people in the other networks jumping up and down, what they are really showing is that they are care much more about style than substance because underlying all this and despite all this, what you ve got is an administration making real concrete achievements. if this place is so chaotic, why is it getting so much done so quickly. and there s one last thing i want to say. if people want to buy good books, dumped by bob woodward s book, buy my book, is out today. laura: shannon: shameless. i want you to weigh in on this assertion, they have 2020 aspirations of themselves and they were chief among the disruptors this morning. also allegation that it s possible that there was coordination between the democrats and protesters and we watch them invited doesn t get dragged out today. i want to show you what president kennedy had to say to me right after the hearing wrapped up. i don t know whether it was coordinated or not, there was talk about a phone call or conference call last night. i do know there are very few coincidences that have been up here. matt, i will let you take the bite of that. we are not deaths negative. the democrat senator s number one goal was to try to shut this down. by any means possible. gone are the howard metzenbaums and ted kennedy s who could fight a republican nominee on the constitutional view. now it s turned into a game of tiddlywinks and it s a real shame and sham at the american people are smart and they see how silly this is. there was a lot of heat and fire there today but we will talk more with our legal panel about that and how they could possibly use this as a bench to propel them into 2020. doug, steve and matt, thanks for joining us. fox news alert, residents along the gulf coast are bracing for what could be the season s first hurricane to hit the continental u.s. good evening jonathan. it s bad news coming out of escambia county on the florida panhandle. emergency management officials confirming to fox one fatality. it occurred when a tree fell on a mobile home. and a reminder, that even in a relatively mild tropical storm, you are not out of danger and you need to take precautions. if you re in gulfport, mississippi, the winds are picking up and we actually have yet to experience rain, even though we are in the path of the eye. when you look at the radar, most of the rain bands are in the eastern side of the eye. so the section of the gulf coast getting hit the hardest right now, that includes portions of alabama. in fact, take a look at this video shot by some storm chasers from oklahoma. right now they are on dauphin island near mobile, heavy rain coming in sideways and driven by those heavy winds. in the nearby city of orange beach, alabama, they are reporting flooding on some of their roads. earlier in the day, residents and visitors all along the northern gulf coast were stocking up on food, water and emergency supplies but rather they canceled their vacation plans many torahs have decided just to hunker down. listen. i just decided that we would make a trip, and we are going to have an adventure. this is our first hurricane and we are excited to see what happens. we are going to watch it and if it gets any worse than we might pack up and leave but i think it will be fine. back here in mississippi, governor phil bryant has issued an emergency declaration that s freeing up state resources including the national guard which has already prepositioned personnel and some of these coastal counties so that they can rapidly deploy to emergency areas during and after the storm. back to you. thank you very much. when we return, a soccer in a massachusetts primary. attend term congressman concedes defeat to alexandria ocasio-cortez. we have breaking news and analysis coming up next. and governer ducey slides with john mccain, what does that mean for the confirmation vote for cavanaugh? and, we will talk with senator ted cruz and his battle for the election against david o rourke. in texas there are a lot more conservatives than are liberals. so if we turn out common sense conservatives in texas, we will have a good election. and we ve grown substantially. so i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. that s right, $36,000. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. my unlimited 2% cash back is more than just a perk, it s our healthcare. can i say it? what s in your wallet? (seriously, that s what we call tit. officially.all a huge drag. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we ve seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum this after two days of rocket atomic rockets hearing wrapped up, we talked about his reelection fight and today s political theatrics. i thought it was striking in the entire day, i didn t hear a single democrat raise even one concern about judge kavanaugh s qualifications to be a supreme court judge. laura: shannon: do you tht will come tomorrow? i don t think you can make a credible case that he isn t qualified. he has impeccable academic credentials, he clicked on the u.s. court, he s been an appellate judge on the d.c. circuit for over a decade. he s got over 300 published opinions. so by any major he s one of the most respected federal judges in the country. even the aba which tends to be a hard left wing concluded that he was well-qualified because that is objectively true. what i thought was interesting though was there was very little from the democrats, even criticizing judge kavanaugh s opinions, over 300 opinions. they have over 10,000 opinions of judicial pages that he s written. there was a little bit of criticism but not much and that speaks volumes, much like neil gorsuch, they tried to find a punch that they could land on him. i didn t see any democrats landing a punch on judge kavanaugh. what they did was rail on about procedure and then attacked president trump. well, at least so far the democrats have not had i think any attacks that have stuck. you bring up the president, how is he playing back in texas? talk about your tight race there. we have a real fight in texas. it s clear that the same anger we saw in this hearing room, the rage and anger, we are seeing on the ground and that s resulting in, in my race, is that the number one democratic fund-raiser in the country. he s raising tens of millions of dollars by going hard, hard left. like bernie sanders but even further left. he supporting impeaching the president and he is open to abolishing ice. he said that he has at least implied that he will vote no to brett kavanaugh. just this week he came out and was praising people who burned the american flag. a few weeks ago he praised nfl players who protest during the national anthem. those are extreme left wing views and that s why he s raising tens of millions of dollars. but is the money all out of state or from texas as well? millions of it are out-of-state. when he said talking about nfl players protesting the national anthem, he said he couldn t think of anything more american then kneeling and protesting during the anthem. all these celebrities retweeted him. ellen did retweeted him. he s going on her show this week. now, there are more conservatis than there are liberals and if t depends on turnout. shannon: and more from hearing coming up. score one for alexandria s ocasio-cortez. the candidate from the bronx has been crisscrossing the nation in terms of upstart democrats and trying to stick up establishments. polls have shown ayana presley facing a long odds even after her endorsement from ocasio-cortez. incumbent congressman michael cap will michael capuano. a better use the word wicked and they like i m from boston. her authenticity. while this gives you some credit. but this is a dash of this is another big name that has been knocked off. this is and we saw with joe crowley in new york, the one who alexandria ocasio-cortez took out, this is a guy who has been since this guy has been in congress. he s an institution. at the other thing about it is, he is hugely liberal. he s enormously liberal. it s not like she ran to his left, as she ran she basically had to say, we will vote the same way. i am as liberal as him. what you see here though, and i think this is also true, what we saw with ocasio-cortez in the bronx, this is demographic shift. so i m sure once upon a time this district was represented by somebody with an irish last name and then it was represented by somebody within its high and last name and now it s represented by a woman of color, an african-american woman. in these neighborhoods especially in the city areas, immigrant patterns and demographics change and what capuano thought, he thought he could hold out indefinitely. but when politics come for you, they come for you. so this is the fourth major house incumbent, so this is something that the party really has to think about. republicans have their issues to think about and democrats, too. when you ask them on the campaign trail, are you a socialist, how do you associate yourself. if you have these people going as far left and progressive as they can come in talking about abolishing ice and voting rights potentially for noncitizens and all kinds of things. and you see here in the graphic it s happening both parties. so i m sure let s take jim jordan or some super white rigg republican. conversely they want to talk about ocasio-cortez and districts were that doesn t work. so we have 435 seats and every district is a little different. what will work in one place doesn t work in another and what that does is nationalize the extreme. so the democrat says let s not talk about that guy, let s talk about jim jordan. so today during the hearing there was a lot of i guess we could say showboating. but there were people who were clearly trying to make points and some people say make a name for themselves, not just for this fall but for a 2,020. so let s talk about that. can thomas of the ap said this, he says that hearing showed the degree to which the senate could be the testing ground of resistance among democrats who are prepared to fight the republicans agenda and he deals without an obvious front runner. it hearkens back to obama and hiller clinton and how they battled before launching presidential bids of their own. cory booker was sending fund-raising information, like during the hearing. you know why ken thomas is such a good writer, they worked at the daily mail and that s why he is so good. kevin is 100% right and, it makes it so much dumber. i hate to say this, but the pointlessness of the exercise today was evident from the beginning. what i worry about is, congress has gotten so bad at holding hearings and it s just so despicable and ridiculous and how it s used is theater from both sides, what s the point? just about. if no one is going to debate, no one is going to listen, let s just do everything on raw exercise of power and whoever has the tyranny of the tyranny of the majority is not the fun place to be. there was question on whether democrats on the committee would show up and i talked to some republicans who said if they had walked out or not shown up then we might have gone ahead and voted and saved everybody three days. chuck grassley took a lot of heat from republicans, he let them exhaust themselves and go through that and i thought i handled it quite well. shannon: he says none of that tomorrow. we will see. up next, if you think there were fireworks today, wait till tomorrow when nominee actually gets to answer questions. you haven t seen anything yet, that s coming up f next. kids! kids vo: safelite repair, safelite replace jardiance asked: when it comes to managing your type 2 diabetes, what matters to you? you got a1c, heart, diet, and exercise. slide em up or slide em down. so let s see. for most of you, it s lower a1c. but only a few of you are thinking about your heart. fact is, even though it helps to manage a1c, type 2 diabetes still increases your risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease, significantly reducing the risk of dying from a cardiovascular event and lowering a1c, along with diet and exercise. this really changes things. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. man: ask your doctor about jardiance and get to the heart of what matters. but let s be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance. which is why esurance hired me, dennis quaid, as their spokesperson because apparently, i m highly likable. see, they know it s confusing. i literally have no idea what i m getting, dennis quaid. that s why they re making it simple, man in cafe. and more affordable. thank you, dennis quaid. you re welcome. that s a prop apple. i d tell you more, but i only have 30 seconds. so here s a dramatic shot of their tagline so you ll remember it. esurance. it s surprisingly painless. so you ll remember it. grandma, why were you not ready for thei you look like you re frowning. no, i m not. see my jheri curl? ancestry now has over 300,000 yearbooks from all across the country. start searching for your family, free, at shannon: a according to te associated press, special counsel robert mueller is willing to accept a written from president trump towards any potential coordination between the campaign in the kremlin s efforts to interfere with in the election. the offer was made in a letter that mueller s office sent friday to his legal team. he has not responded to it. tomorrow is judge brett kavanaugh s chance to answer questions. we will break down where we are by the numbers, and off to an interesting start today. it was a rocky start, a democrat started contesting the hearing right off the bat and buy one estimation, these were republican estimations and there were 63 interruptions by democratic senators calling to adjourn the hearings. 70 arrests, you had protesters heckling brett kavanaugh and heckling chuck grassley, the chairman of the committee. it was a pretty rough start to the hearing. shannon: it sounds like he picked up a new supporter. he absolutely data, john chi will be the new republican senator from arizona and he will succeed john mccain. he will be sworn in on wednesday. john kyle will inevitably support brett kavanaugh. why? he served as we call in the senate, the sherpa. he took brett kavanaugh to his 60 plus meetings that he had with both senators on both sides of the aisle. if he doesn t support brett kavanaugh, then we have a real story. shannon: so we have senators that i m keeping an eye on. who do you think we should watch? start with these six senators, democrats who are in swing states were up for reelection this fall. joe manchin, heidi heitkamp and joe donnelly, they all voted for neil gorsuch last year. also i would look at doug jones, democrat from alabama. this is for his first rodeo with the supreme court justice. he was not in the senate last year when neil gorsuch went through, he represents a red state. at that on the republican side of the all you have the moderates, . shannon: how will this unfold tomorrow? it will be a long day. again, we didn t hear from brett kavanaugh until 4:47 p.m. this afternoon, seven hours in 7 minutes after his hearing started. we ll probably go until 9:30 p.m. or 10:00 tomorrow night because each will ask questions about abortion, executive power and guns. shannon: we will see see you bright and early. it s finally time for brett kavanaugh to start fielding questions first thing tomorrow but will it be about substance or, as blumenthal said about sparks, heat and light? let s talk about it tonight with the legal eagles. we already witnessed this, tom dupree, welcome to all of you. thank you. thanks for having us. i want to get a reaction to a couple things at judge and kavanaugh had to say today. here s what he says about people who want to talk about his record, and maybe haven t read his opinion. i have given it my all in every case. i m proud of that body of work and icing behind it. i tell people, don t read about my judicial opinions, read the opinions. shannon: tom, how many of these senators how do you think of read his 300 plus opinions? that s a dangerous question, shannon. i m confident in saying probably not the majority, i think very few have taken the time to read through absolutely everything he s written, because he has written out a lot. from my perspective one of the great ironies of this whole thing is weird today, a lot of table thumping about, we haven t seen all of the documents. but for goodness sake, the most relevant documents in this confirmation are his judicial opinions. as judge kavanaugh pointed out, he has an extensive paper trail of these opinions he s written as a judge which are an excellent predictor of how he will be as a supreme court justice. interestingly enough, the federal society and, they talked about the fact that brett kavanaugh they say has signaled for decades where he stands on a number of issues and what a conservative vote he will reliably be. they say we know everything we need to know about him because what he s already signaled, but we need every single document he s already touched, so which is it? well i think they need what every nominee has had in the past. i agree that the opinions matter a lot, but he himself for example shannon said his time as staff secretary was the most formative for him and preparing him for the bench. they need documents about that to have a conference of look, it s the exact same thing that would happen with the leg and elena kagan. they have the documents when he was in sg, with chief justice rehnquist. that s part of the formative experience that forms the person. so i don t think it s an answer to say, you can simply look at the opinions, they are importan important. and it judge kavanaugh is right, to read them rather than read about them. but these other documents when his views are being formed and he perhaps he is more unguarded or something that there has always been access to, and this was the first time ever that essentially senator grassley just denied the minority. you know adam, he says he has turned over more documents page for page than any other nominee. in fact the last five nominees combined, the democrats are saying that is not the documents i want. of course the senate in the white house need to strike a balance between executive privilege and is closer to the senate. this is after all a lifetime appointment. but i agree with tom, with judge kavanaugh you have a nominee with an unprecedented paper trail and his written opinions and has in-depth legal scholarship that he s been writing from the bench. it s impossible to read his opinion and not understand that this is a serious intellectual and independent judge. and he got can i speak to that? of course he s a serious intellectual judge but that s not to say that the other things would be relevant. in the general argument, by numbers there has been more. that s kind of a silly argument. it s a very small percentage that was turned over. record was clear in those opinions on significant issues of regulation and constitutional structure and so on. it s not hard to see what his basic principles are, there s a full record of a decade of service on the bench. and there are a number of conservatives who say there are conservatives who say even they are worried about what they have seen in his work because, listen. he says what he is going to do is call balls and strikes and his clique say that s what he does to regardless of what the outcome is going to be. that s why everyone is not happy with him all the time. i met read many but not all 300 opinions. i want to get your input tonight on what mueller said about the key issues. i ve always been of the school of thought that bob mueller will sit down with the president and ask the questions face-to-face. typically prosecutors love that because you don t just have to accept a carefully structured written statement, you can actually engage in back-and-forth and ask follow-up questions and that sort of thing. i think it s important for us to take this with a grain of salt because from what we are hearing it doesn t sound like he s totally taken the possibility of an interview off the table. and it said he has indicated a receptiveness of getting written questions on at least some aspects of his probe. there are a couple of problems with the conspiracy and obstruction charges alleged, so we will see if he s willing to take those in written form. we are out of time, legal eagles, thank you very much for your time tonight. thank you. shannon: the headlines focus on cavanaugh and the woodward book. the white house is busy with foreign policy doubling down on north korea, russia and iran. plus, new details on the battle between ronan spero and nbc heats up over what network executives knew and whether they intentionally killed the harvey weinstein expose. that s next. wanna get away? 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[ engine revs ] arcade game: fist pump! your real bike s all fixed. man, you guys are good! well, we are the number-one motorcycle insurer in the country. -wait. you have a real motorcycle? and real insurance, with 24-hour customer support. arcade game: wipeout! oh! well. i retire as champion. game hog! champion. the difference you feel is a night. and day. feel the difference at our labor day sales event, purchase a tempur-pedic luxe, elite, or breeze mattress and enjoy up to $550 off. or get a free adjustable base upgrade. find your exclusive retailer at timeit should be measuredsured byby how long steak & lobster is back at outback. back by popular demand, steak & lobster starting at $15.99! and limited, so hurry in today. outback steakhouse. aussie rules. raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of my favorite things shannon: u.s. attorney john basch is speaking out tonight and he says, there is a conspiracy theory going around about his wife. she s accused of making a hand gesture associated with white supremacy groups while sitting behind kavanaugh at today s hearing. fash herself is a descendant of jewish and mexican heritage. they called the room are idiotic and sickening. there is some policy news, syrian forces are preparing a major offensive against the last major faction held by syrian forces. kristen is here to tell us all about it. president trump has proven twice over the last two years that he s not afraid to use military force against the assad regime. he appears poised to use it again as the assad forces backed by russia and iran are preparing to launch an offensive in a rebel held the province. in a statement the white house has let us be clear it remains our stance that if he continues to use these weapons, the united states and its allies will respond swiftly and appropriately. this comes on the same day as that bombshell claim in woodward s new book that president trump reportedly told the defense secretary jim mattis to assassinate assad after a chemical weapons attack in april of 2017. but the u.s. ambassador to the u.n., nikki haley, says she had no knowledge of it. i had the pleasure of being privy to those conversations when we ve dealt with each chemical whacked in the strike and all the responses, when we ve dealt with everything and i have not once ever heard the president talk about assassinating asada. haley also weighed in on the administration s ongoing efforts to do nuclearize north korea. listen here. we let chairman kim know that just because we shake hands and we smile at each other does not mean that the international community is okay with their building of ballistic missiles. and presidents trump spoke on the phone this morning with a south korean counterpart and the president moon told him that he is sending a special envoy to pyongyang tomorrow to meet with kim jong un kim jong un. shannon: all right kristin fisher, thank you very much. they are firing back at a major controversy. nbc news is clearly having trouble getting ahead of the story. first there was a bombshell accusation from former nbc news investigator and producer rich mccue who told fox news that back in 2017, the very highest levels of nbc news ordered ronan farrell to stop working on his height harvey weinstein investigation. now nbc news has released an internal report saying the reason the story didn t run is because of ronan farrell had taken sources comments out of context and had misrepresented sources willingness willingness to identify harvey weinstein by name. yet tonight, emily nester, one of the alleged victims is flatly contradicting nbc s internal report saying, farrell and i discussed and i had tentatively offered either to attach my name to the interview and silhouette or potentially even reshoot the interview with my face visible. however they come up meeting nbc, were not interested in this interview. ronan farrell who said he wouldn t comment on the matter is also not responding citing what he calls the internal memos numerous false or misleading statements saying the story was twice cleared and deemed reportable by legal and standards, only to be blocked by executives who refused to allow us to see comment from harvey weinstein. and his former producer rich mccue just doubled down saying the nbc internal report is far from objective, adding when you have an exclusive audio recording of harvey weinstein admitting to sexual assault, in addition to a rate survivor scheduled for an interview in three days, what journalistic ethics would cause a news outlet to cancel that interview? not air the audiotape and let one of the most defining stories of this decade walk out the door. nbc news chairman andrew lack maintains that at no point did the network obstruct his reporting or kill an interview. shannon? shannon: thank you, chase. when we return, i will take you inside the room that where it happened and show you some exclusive footage of the kavanaugh scene that you haven t seen before. stay right there. rate after the other car got a scratch so small you coulda fixed it with a pen. maybe you should take that pen and use it to sign up with a different insurance company. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won t raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty reon friday, sept 7th, tonijoin stand up to cancer for all the inspiration all the laughter kevin heart if you change one letter in cancer it becomes dancer , what!? all the stars tom hanks keep this movement going strong. every network every star kevin bacon dream big with us. one night to save lives get ready to see it all tune in live, september 7th 8/7 central shannon: it first day of the supreme court judicial nominee hearing is supposed to be the quiet, boring day with the real fireworks beginning as questions get underway. well, here s a look back at what actually happened today. of the committee received just last night less than 15 hours ago, 42,000 pages of documents that we have not had an opportunity to review. mr. chairman, i moved to adjourn. [cheers and applause] mr. chairman, we have been denied real access to the documents that we needed. we are rushing through this process in a way that is unnecessary. mr. chairman, i think we ought to have this loudmouth removed. now, what are we trying to hide it? i m doing exactly what i did during judge gore neil gorsuchs nomination. [yelling] if this were a court law that virtually every member on that side would be held in contempt of court. this process will be tainted and stained forever. shannon: well buckle up, day two and q&a actually starts tomorrow. it s slated to be a long day but we will be there for all your coverage. our midnight hero is jeffrey owens, the one time star that was seen recently working at trader joe s. some would debate whether that s a story at all, but i would like to praise owens for his comments in the aftermath of all of this. he says there is no job better than another, all job jobs are worthwhile. plus tyler peary also offered him a job. by the way, tonight, owens is saying he doesn t want any handouts, he wants to audition for the job and get the job because he s the right person for it. i love jeffrey owens. and i love you guys were watching tonight. most-watched, most trusting, most rightly spent the evening for us. we willoo see the kavanaugh hearing tomorrow, i m shannon bream. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. that s right, $36,000. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. my unlimited 2% cash back is more than just a perk, it s our healthcare. can i say it? what s in your wallet? we really pride ourselves on temaking it easy for youass, to get your windshield fixed. teacher: let s turn in your science papers. tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. student: i did mine on volcanoes. teacher: you did?! oh, i can t wait to read it. tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage. she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we d be there. teacher: you must be pascal. tech: yes ma am. tech vo: saving her time. 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Tonight With Don Lemon 20180905

woodward, depending on who you re talking to, so carl i ve got to start with you because a couple of questions, no one knows his work better than you. many administration officials are being quoted in this book, right, and here s what he said tonight. he gave an interview. he told the daily caller it s just another bad book the president. the president said this, yeah. the president, not bob. he says disgruntled employees just made it up. it could just be made up by the author. talk to me about how woodward works, his methodology. well, the methodology goes back to the watergate reporting, particularly the final days of the book he we wrote about nixon s last year, the final year in office. of which we went to literally 100, 200 people, tape recorded all our interviews, the major participants, those closest to the president. and what emerges and what s so important about this book is that it s not about using the word idiot. it s not about a phrase here or there. this is a disturbing narrative scene after scene after scene of those closest to the president of the united states in his white house and administration saying we must save the country from the president of the united states. what about don, that s nonsense. it s not a book about palace intrigue. it s about the most intimate of those in the inner secrets saying it s their job to save the country from the president of the united states s from his recklessness, from his lying, from his ignorance. now to hear these denials knowing the methodology and knowing how bob goes about his meticulous reporting and listening to the president talk about, well, maybe bob is a democratic operative. look, woodward has written books about democratic presidents that democrats presidents have hated. i ve written a book about hillary clinton that hillary clinton has hated. the idea of reporters as democratic operatives here, this is book by the preeminent reporter in america using the methodology that has given us the history tim can tell you we know what we know about the presidents of the united states going back 45 years because of bob woodward. more than any other thing in these books have held up book after book after book let me get into timothy here. the president s closest advisor and this is according to wood ward, the white house chief of staff john kelly, idiot, unhinged. defense secretary, a fifth or sixth grader. former secretary of state tillerson, an effing moran, cohn, a professional liar. john dowd, an f ing liar. two things, if you want to test the woodward and bernstein approach because you re sitting there, i would say go and look at their interviews for the final days at the university of texas and then you can say how they ve built the book. this is really damning because woodward is moving the story beyond where wolf or whipple took it. and let me tell you where it s different, mattis is in this story. in my mind the biggest deal that i ve heard so far is we re hearing not from the secretary of defense because he s in awfully quiet, but people close enough to him that woodward is confident that he has a sense what mattis is thinking. mattis is playing a role i believe in this administration similar to the way melvin laird played in the nixon administration. he is slow walking things, he is calming down the national security state because the president cannot be relied onto make smart national security or defense decisions. so one of the big windows woodward appear tuesday have opened in this case is the window to the dod, especially to mattis. and tillerson, and the assistant to the president, keep going through the list. let s talk more because, max, i want to bring you in. this is what chief of staff john kelly said, again according to the book, he s an idiot. he s gone off the rails. we re in crazy town. i don t even know why any of us are here. this is the worst job that i had. and kelly released a statement the idea i called the president an idiot is not true. it s another pathetic attempt to smear people close to the president trump and distract from the administration s many successes. maybe he called him a moron like rex tillerson. clearly when you get into a battle of credibility between bob woodward and this white house bob woodward wins hands down. i m sure he learned everything he knows from carl, he has a 50-year track record of get things right. on the other hand you have president trump, just today they came out with the latest fact checker saying president trump lies an average eight times a day. they lie more than the nixon white house did. they have negative credibility, less than zero credibility, so it s just hard to take on faith anything they say and denying anything in this book especially because it paints a consistent picture if you read like what michael wolf said or omarosa said, it s very similar where people around trump have contempt around him. they view him as an an idiot, a liar. and it s very consistent the credibility yes, he adds details. this is something because when you were telling me to go down the line and name all these people. this is cohn and one that illustrates a level of distrust for president trump. president trump was about to sign a letter that would have ended an agreement with south korea, and gary cohn it could have destroyed a top secret program to detect top secrets launches. i stole it from his desk, i wouldn t let him see it. i ve got to protect the country. and rob porter also stole documents from the president s desk so he wouldn t see them. a third of my job, he says, was trying to react to some of the really dangerous ideas that he had and try to give him reasons to believe that maybe they weren t such good ideas. have you ever heard of that in. only in the final days of the nixon presidency where those around nixon were afraid of what me might do because of the pressure he was under. but what gary cohn concluded was that the president of the united states is a threat to the national security of the united states, that s what aide after aide, principal after principal in this administration will say about this book. and those who will recognize the truth about this book more than any others are republicans on capitol hill. because they have been sources for bob woodward in previous books. they know that bob woodward doesn t make these things up. so the question now is are some of the republicans on capitol hill going to finally put national interest above partisan interest and call general kelly in there for a executive session or kelly resign and have some principle and say i need to tell the congress of the united states in executive session what it is that this president has done, what he hasn t done, whether or not he is a threat to the national security of the united states. because that, if you read this book it is very clear that kelly believes that the president of the united states is a threat to the national security. well, that was my question. so enough of this nonsense from sarah sanders. let s get down to what this is really about. that was my question. why coo they continue to do this and standby because of what s happening in the senate today. i am convinced that a lot of this is a bargain is to bargain. what they re doing, these republicans that have decided not to tell the truth about or not to have a backbone. here s the thing, republicans used to believe in free trade. and the cohn antidotes are so powerful because they re showing that there were people in the white house, republicans were trying to stand up for republican values and the president has no interest in those. but here s what i think is going on, they have made a faustian bargain, and if we have to put up with short-term crazy, we re going to deal with it for the long-term. a lot of people support people who do the wrong thing. right, i mean there s no question that trump has done a pretty clever job of inoculating his supporters against believing the very credible reporting coming out about the craziness in the white house because he s attacked the fake news media, painted the media as the liars, and yes he maintains 78% among republicans which is also part of the reason why republicans on capitol hill are too cowardly to earn turn on him. but let s remember republicans are only 26% of the country and in the country at large people have woken up to what s going on. and more people approved of impeaching him than approved of his job performance. so with this nonstop stream of falsehoods and attacks on the media he s managing to keep his base together, but he s not convincing the rest of the country. and if that trend holds in november he s going to pay a big price in the mid-term election. another shocking revelation from bob woodward s book. why president trump called his speech denouncing white supremacists after charlottesville the biggest mistake he s made. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely. 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shelves at gnc. forebrain s key ingredients have been clinically shown to help enhance sharpness and clarity, improve memory, and promote learning ability. and now every man and woman in america can claim a complimentary bottle. just use your smartphone to text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20. scientific research on cognigrape, a sicilian red wine extract in forebrain s memorysafe blend, suggests not only sharper recall, but also improved executive function and faster information processing. your opportunity to get into harvard may be gone, but it s not too late to experience a brain boost formulated by some of their brightest minds. just text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20 with your smartphone to claim your complimentary bottle of forebrain. do it now - before you forget. that s the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20. breaking news, a bombshell revelation of president trump s cleanup after his explosive both sides remark on the charlottesville attacks. according to bob woodward s new book trump called his revised comments on the white supremacist rally the biggest effing mistake i ve made. and to remind everyone here s what the president originally said after the attacks in charlottesville. we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. on many sides. okay and here is that cleanup speech president trump was so reportedly upset about. racism is evil and those who cause violence in its names are thugs including the kkk, neo-nazis and white supremacists that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as citizens. i guess it s no surprise one day later the president backtracked saying this. i think there s blame on both sides. you had a group on one side that was very bad and another group that was very violent. notice the difference between the first one that he was read ing and the second one where he really said what he meant, just rolled off the tongue? and joining us now. must be a lot of love going around, amanda. good evening, everyone. i hope you guys had a great restful labor day weekend. so adam, woodward reports that president trump called his revised statement on the charlottesville rally the biggest effing mistake i ve ever made, you never make those concessions, you never apologize. i didn t do anything wrong in the first place. why look weak? okay, those were his words. that was stunning for what went on during that time. what we re talking about here is terrorist attack. the president thought it was a mistake to condemn a white supremacist terrorist attack because he was worried how it would play among his base. in fact when the president came back and repudiated his own statement, white nationalists said they were proud of him for drawing equivalents and that s just a disgrace. amanda, woodward reports trump went onto say this. i can t believe i got forced to do that. that s the worst speech i ve ever give mchb i m never going to do anything like that again. and he writes this was a turning point for a trump white house, for many of his advisers in the trump white house. i think more than anything this shows that donald trump isn t a team player even when he s leading the team. you know, his team tried to convince him to do the right thing. they marched him to the podium, gave it their best shot, gave him a script, he read it and it s like they re trying to stuff the genie into the bottle. and he gets out and hurts what he s saying. a lot of people when these incidents come up say, well, why do they stay? and i think you need to reflect on the title of that book, fear. someone like john kelly, you know, a lot of senior people have been quoted calling the president an idiot and then stay. i think they are fearful because of what happens when they leave and they re thought people like them trying to run into the gap to try to get him to do the right thing. let s admit, the president has leverage over them, over us, over the whole country. and someone needs to occasionally try to get him to do the right thing knowing full well that he ll probably undo it days later. and this is just a vicious cycle we re in. and frankly, i worry how many times we re going to go through this in 2020 and what this unleashes. you seem completely disinterested. you don t have anything to say about this conversation. i m kidding. i m going to give you a quote because everything else got a quote. in one instance trump said, this guy is mentally retarded, again according to the book. he s this dumb southerner, adding he couldn t even be a one person country lawyer down in alabama. so how do you explain that to folks in alabama, sessions home state and the state that voted for trump? well, you know, i explain it pretty easily, by the way. and to quote my favorite politician of all-time, ronald reagan, there you go again. there you go again, amanda, don when here you go with this mantra that somehow this president has hoodwinked people i think he s telling us what he thinks all the time so now you re blaming us for asking a question about book that was written about him? amanda, you re saying general kelly is fearful of the consequences of not serving him. yeah, i think he has a higher cause and he s trying to help america. u, i totally believe that. and to that i say there you go again because you know what, too, this is the attitude of elitism that cost you the 2016 really? yeah, that cost you the 2016 election and which will cost you the 2020 election. amanda is a republican, not a democrat. you don t know where i live, you don t know what i do. you have no basis for that. where you live nothing has to do with elitism. elitism is a frame of mind. steve, listen. i love having you on, but you re very good at sidetracking us and the panel into something we re not talking about because you can t really defend what s happening. so can we stick to yes, i can. so respond to what i asked you. let s talk facts, i don t believe any of this book. and you know why i don t believe him because i know john kelly and general kelly is an american hero. and if he says this is bunch of b.s., which is his act phrase, then i believe it s a bunch of b.s. and i will take his word over the word of a pseudo journalist any day. who s a pseudo journalist? bob woodward is a pseudo journalist? yes. did you think bob woodward was a pseudo journalist when he reported on nixon? the reality is when he says it doesn t matter no, i understand you have to repeat whatever dear leader says. that s the reality is you have to repeat it. so hold on, so what is unusual you re sitting here saying oh, it s b.s. but you you have no evidence that it s b.s. you re just saying whatever trump wants you to say. it s like something out of north korea. no, no, i m an american who loves what he s doing for this country. i don t work for this president. you just said i have to listen, guys, hold on both of you. please, please, steve. so listen, you re saying that general kelly is lying. we ve heard general kelly lie. remember he lied on congresswoman wilson when he lied about what she said? he s not above lying. he s lied before. we ve caught him in lies. there s a tape to show his lies, so would he possibly not be lying about this? i m saying that when i look at general kelly, a man who has served this country immeasurably, far beyond the way i have, the way any of us have it doesn t diminish his service to the country. you can serve the country and you can also be a liar. you can serve the country, you can also be complicit. you can serve the country, you can also be power hungry. you can serve the country and also be a bigot. you can serve the country and be a lot of things. i m giving you examples. hold on. but answer my question. you can be a liar and you can also serve the country. you don t think he can do both? you think he s capable of both? don, you are choosing because of your prism and bias no, because no, no, stop. because i sit here every night and because i m not stupid and because i don t let someone hoodwink me, because i know the man donald trump from new york city, because i know when he lies, because there s a record of his lying, there is a record of his bigotry, there is no prism that you re talking about. this is about truth and this is about reality. so don t sit here and say because of the prism of my own bias. fact is fact, lies are lies. that s your perception. what i know is the truth in america right now is a country that s exploding with optimism, with growth. and thank you to the former president for putting us back on the right direction so donald trump did not inherit a bad economy. donald trump inherited a country that was positive. so i mean it s not just because of that. take a look at any survey and see the way what does that have to do with the subject that we re talking about right now? here s what it has to do it has nothing to do with it. it doesn t. it doesn t. we just got sidetracked again. no, here s what it has to do with it, don. i m the first to admit my bias. i am pro-trump and i love what he s doing for the growth. that s part of the reason i agree with general kelly, because you will not admit your bias. i m not bias. yes, you are. you believe any lie about him. i m sorry if the truth or facts or reality are not on the side of this administration, but that does not mean that i m biased. you may see it that way i will admit, you don t. well, speak for yourself. you call yourself biased, i am not. thank you. we ll be right back. i landed. i saw my leg did not look right. i was just finishing a ride. i felt this awful pain in my chest. i had a pe blood clot in my lung. i was scared. i had a dvt blood clot. having one really puts you in danger of having another. my doctor and i chose xarelto®. xarelto®. to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner that s. proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt or pe blood 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one of the faces of the new ad campaign on the 30th anniversary of the just do it slogan. now the president is responding to a new ad, and here is what he told the daily caller. maybe there s a reason they re doing it, but i think as far as sending a message i think it s a terrible message and message that shouldn t be sent. i guess he didn t like the message. there s no reason for it. joining me now is the chief national correspondent for the new york times and author of big game, the nfl in dangerous times. hold it up. yeah, it s a fascinating book and i ve seen some of your interviews and i thank you for coming on. my pleasure. give me the reaction to colin kaepernick and nike. well, first of all i think they re doing a great job trying to sell my book, which i think is there initial intent here. they ve had five, six years of either self-inflicted wounds or self-exacerbating wound. the season is starting in two days. you know this isn t going to be resolved. i m surprised it took the president as long as he did to weigh in on this. and he loves the issue. who knows if he ll ever get around to paying attention about football. what if the nfl said, listen, we don t tell people what to do. it s un-american to do that. if people want to sit, they sit. if they want to kneel, they want to kneel. that s their business. what do you think would happen? it would burn out. essentially that s what they did last year. they didn t slap any draconian rules on them. the people i talked to got a fair amount of praise and were just riding it out. conservative owners wanted him to do something more definitive, and the thing was basically dealt with. and then they kind of did this sort of haphazard, all right everyone stay in the locker room in may. and a lot of the owners were caught off-guard and now we re in this holding pattern. you say kaepernick was a trumpian villain straight out of the central casting big fro, swarthy skin and a san francisco jersey. if kaepernick did not exist some ingenious russian troll-bot would invent him. and colin kaepernick is like the vegan quarterback who is read meat for the base, right? he is just someone that the president seized upon and you just know that 60% of the population or a pretty good majority of the population is going to be behind him on this. so kaepernick is a perfect donald trump foil, and it s become like a culture war issue. you ve talked about how the nfl, you think if they responded what would happen. but this is more from your book. you say commissioner goodell, under his watch it s gone to being the most unifying institutions in america to the country s most polarizing sports brand. you look at these super bowls, the first super bowl after donald trump was inaugurated, about two weeks in the patriots were seen as trump s team and atlanta was like the heart of the resistance. rise up was their slogan. and you would have like okay atlanta, 7, trump nothing. i remember being on twitter for the first half of that game. and it was look, that s sort of where we are as a country. i asked the commissioner about this. i said how did this game get so polarizing and do you bear the responsibility? and he said it s part of the times, everything is politicized. i think he was not taking responsibility, but i think he s pretty right also. the people inside, the people who know trump, the people who know how he acted in business, how he conducted himself a lot of these people did have experience with him. you know what i m talking ability. how much of this antagonism in the nfl had to do with them blocking him most recently he tried to buy the buffalo bills. he tried to buy a number of teams over the years. he s always been thwarted by the owners. it s sort of a classic case of donald trump s nose being pressed up against a glass, and the ultimate club doesn t get to have him as a member. and you hear the degree of which they re all just obsessed with how do we not trigger the next tweet. there s a lot of people who have given them money and known for years. these are the two biggest reality shows we have going in america right now. i just can t believe the owners are that afraid. because how do you stand up to a bully, you stand up, you punch him in the nose. the book is called big game, the nfl in dangerous times. mark, thank you. good to be here. we ll be right back. man: are unpredictable crohn s symptoms following you everywhere? it s time to take back control with stelara®. for adults with moderately to severely active crohn s disease, stelara® works differently. studies showed relief and remission with dosing every 8 weeks. woman: stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, 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war and fought for the union. i come from a long military history and lineage where we believe in first amendment rights, we believe in going after the oppressor, and listen, i don t think that colin kaepernick should not have a right to protest. i don t think he should do it on company time. it s like me coming on and saying i d like one minute just now for fallen officers. you can t do it on company time. it s not a company issue it s a civil rights issue. you re a not a poster child for your cause when you pair of socks that are defamatory like that, and you re not a great poster child when you send out birthday shut outs to who s in cuba right now who killed police officer in 1973. those things are visceral for us cops. and we struggle to deal with respecting his and his views and the way he feels oppressed. bakari, go ahead. i want to acknowledge i have on nike shorts, so i did come dressed for the show tonight. there is so much wrong with that statement. let me address it. first the audacity to say colin kaepernick cannot protest on company time, that s just simp lee like saying rosa parks should have just chosen one of the open seats she had. just because a protest makes you feel uncomfortable doesn t mean it s somehow incorrect. no, colin kaepernick may not be the perfect spokesman as you say, and yes even i had a problem with the socks and even a problem he didn t vote in the last election. but i think the audacity for someone to have this level of outrage without having outrage about the level of injustice colin kaepernick is protesting is exactly the problem. i think i would want to see you and everyone else stand up with me when we re talking about young african-american kids unarmed being explain in these streets night and in and night out. i want to be clear. i m not saying every officer in this country is a bad officer. but what i m saying is far too many bad apples as we want to call them are killing too many in this country. guys i m out of time. we ll be right back. join t-mobile, and get netflix included for the whole family. so you can get lost in space in your own backyard. or get pumped up for your grand entrance. t-mobile lets you watch your favorite movies and shows in more places, without paying more. get an unlimited family plan with netflix on us. and right now at t-mobile, buy one samsung galaxy s9 and get one free. are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec®. it s starts working hard at hour one. and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. hundred roads named park in the u.s. it s america s most popular street name. but allstate agents know that s where the similarity stops. if you re on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. and that s very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? celebrities coming to a tv actor s defense after he was job shamed on line, best known for the role on the cosby show in the 1980s and 90s and now he is making headlines for these photos showing him working as a cashier at trader joe s grocery store. jeffrey owens joins me. they were photo shopped. yes. you were just back from the gym. absolutely. they call it hair brushing when they make you look worse. it s a pleasure to meet you. i grew up with cosby and i watched you. what s going on? what s happening? what s going on? i took a regular job so i could support myself and my family and it all went crazy. i never in a million years would imagine i would be in this position. it s surreal. it s reader to me that this became an issue because i think you are a great actor and loved that you were so animated on the cosby show. i see actors taking other jobs and doing things between gigs. it s not unusual. no the at all. why the big deal? because i was on the cosby show which at the height of its popularity was one of the most famous shows ever view bide over 55 million people at a time. it was iconic and i was a member of that family. it s one thing if the average actor has another job and 98% of them do, but you know, for seeing somebody on that show working in the local grocery store is kind of jarring. i imagine and i can understand, imagine if i went into a store and saw al pacino working there. i would be sensitive and nice about it, but it would be shocking. that s what it s like for some people. it doesn t make sense. one would think you are on the cosby show and that was one of the biggest sitcoms. is it because the show was taken off or are you no longer getting residuals in. it ended 26 years ago. people don t realize that because they were watching reruns. for the past 26 years, i have been since that job ended, i haven t had a job that lasted more than 10 weeks at a time. most of the jobs are theater jobs that are a lot less than tv and film. there is the impression that because the reruns you see on tv all the time, i m still making that kind of money. residuals dwindle away and sometimes they don t i only did a certain amount of the shows. people have a very false erroneous impression of the kind of income i make being on that show. do you think that you were shamed by the people who put those photos out or by news organizations? well, both. i think they both conspired to kind of exploit a shamed situation. the people who saw me in the store, i think tried basically to take advantage of me. i blamed the news organizations more. i understand the impulse to try to maybe take advantage of a situation. specifically how? because they see someone in my position recognize me and they know that there is a taste, unfortunately, there is a little bit of a taste in all of us that have a curiosity and a negative curiosity about seeing the exalted fallen. people offers you jobs now? i have gotten offers. none of them have been substantiated or worked out. why are you not comfortable taking a job now? if you note what i said, i didn t say i wouldn t take a job. i said i would be uncomfortable. i wanted to make that distinction. i m a kind of person that i always have been this way. it s strange. when i was in school, i was offered a scholarship and for some reason i was not worthy of it. i don t like getting anything that i feel like i haven t earned. that makes me more uncomfortable about something that i should have earned. that was the impulse behind what i said. if this situation leads to work, i would be very grateful, but i don t expect it. we can put up the tyler perry tweet. the number one drama. and now people like cruz said i would do it again. i worked in wether spoon s kitchen. i told you what i would do. are you a christian author with a book that you re ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! well, it seemed like change is on the way. another democratic challenger pulls off a major primary upset. tropical storm gordon turning deadly as it makes landfall near the alabama/mississippi border. the trump white house blasting the explosive allegations in that new book from watergate legend bob woodward. protesters rattle the

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