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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170606

lessee to go up to them and you are right? if you stop this latest attack it, would know? your prevention of the threat would remain invisible and so does the threat. it s the worst catch-22 ever. the travel ban insights debate for a similar reason. our media doesn t send the urgency, lightning is more dangerous, they always tell us. so they target president trump, not terror instead. you could say donald trump is a crude messenger. you would be right. if he is wrong on the little things, what if he s right on the one big thing? that s better than being eloquent on all things but wrong on what matters. we had that for eight years. the next step, treat terrorist not as fighters but as deadbeat deadbeats. anti-scare tactics must be unbending in the future. no motion, no politics as methodical as a garbageman on his morning run. he doesn t stop to ponder the empty egg carton or referred to coffee grounds as extremist coffee grounds with different beliefs. he just chucks it. the scum are the same. garbage deserving no confrontation. one need not be eloquent when taking out the trash. it just right. dana, i mean, a guy unfurled on isis homegrown terrorism. you would make me think dana: the catch-22 is right. what was illegal about that? if there is nothing illegal, then how do you stop somebody from doing something if they haven t done anything illegal up until that point? you can get some from drunk driving and prevent that but the problem is greg: assigned someone to him. dana: do we have enough resources to do that? greg: yes, you do. dana: okay, i m not they don t have enough resources for health care because it s in shambles. greg: all their money goes to the social programs. there was talk about how tight they are when it comes to this sort of stuff. it s time they reprioritize. they know that we will be there. dana: we can t be there to help them with this. we are not on their streets. we are not that good unless they want us to be. we can t help them. we are not in their communities. one thing about the travel ban, even someone like whatever his other nameless he was born in the u.k. the travel ban, if you think about it, it s long-term thinking. these are people who are grieved because their parents were refugees. how do you round them up, i don t know. greg: k.g. kimberly: it s all where you want to allocate your resources. you should do your level best to make sure you put forth the amount of manpower and hours and commitment to intelligence gathering and working with agencies to be able to stop this so that you are not thrown off by thinking oh, these guys are okay because they bought some kids some ice cream and had a barbecue before they decide to get there jihad on. we have to do a better job because they can t afford not t. that s what s so frustrating when you see a situation like this. united states and the u.k., these are wealthy countries. there really should be no excuse for not getting this right. i am not saying it s easy. it s very difficult. but you have to be smarter, more well-funded and more determined in your cause and they are. right now, they are showing more determination and that s the problem. that s why the president is frustrated. greg: do you think the president, jesse, is right? to exercise his rage or focus it on the other leaders like the mayor? jesse: yeah, that was a tough call. you are thinking it s our biggest ally and he s the mayor of the city of the biggest ally and they suffered a devastating terror attack again and you re picking a fight with him. on the other hand, is making a point. this guy has been going after him for quite some time, wasting his breath on attacking donald trump where he should have been using his breath to talk about the threat he faces in his own city. he said trumps travel ban was ignorant and the wall was a dumb idea. he said trumps red rhetoric was causing more terrorism. the attack happened in your city, not washington, d.c. it s a soft target over there. they ve imported so many of these radicals. there s so much enemy within they can t keep track of all them. what a president bush used to say? they can only be right once. now they have 400 people from great britain that have gone to syria and iraq, training and they ve come back and can t keep tabs on them because these left-wing civil liberty groups have chipped away at the authorities. when trump says he wants a travel ban, he knows it s open warfare across the sea. he just wants an extra level of security not because he loves hs muslims but because he loves america so much. kimberly: protecting the country, based on the intelligence he is getting, this is the means by which he is entitled and lawful to do it. it s a frustrated businessman saying i ve a business plan, i want to implement it. dana: however, i will let juan say something. juan: greg: do think terrl solve the travel ban? juan: given the terror activity in great britain, it explained why he needed a travel ban here. to protect the united states against terrorism. there s so many flaws in it. where did we start? even george conway, kellyanne conway s husband said if he s trying to hurt his own case, he couldn t have done a better job. greg: the specific tweets saying it s a watered-down version? dana: what george conway was trying to do was help the president. to try to be successful. asking for an expedited review of it. part of the problem has been comments about the ban being religious. that s what the issue was. juan: sean spicer said that that, john kelly over at the department of homeland security said oh, no, the president isn t talking about a ban. jesse: the president s words against him on this. then ruth bader ginsburg, she was scared of she was going to be president. she would move to new zealand. juan: you can say that about anybody. hold on, hold on, give me a shot here. what should we have said about antonin scalia? it s a public act. jesse: greg: juan, respons this. whether or not ginsburg should have to recuse herself if she were a federal trial judge and had said about the president what she did, she would be compelled by a higher court not to sit on a case in which the president was personally involved. if she sits in the case and her animus towards him as a person and human being is manifest in the questioning or the decision of the case and will damage the representative representation of the court. juan: by justice scalia that favored a conservative point of view nobody thought that. you asked me, what is the analogous situation and i m telling you it doesn t hold water. let me finish up with what i was saying. kimberly: have you ever make comments like that about president obama? juan: if you befriend people in the administration, how can you render a fair verdict to your friend? jesse: the code of conduct is not about being friends, jua juan. juan: you can t associate let me just say when he went on this twitter rant and goes after the mayor of london, imagine if people in london or great britain had gone after mayor giuliani after 9/11. greg: we would flip out. we would. juan: gee whiz, no problem here. if they had guns they would have done a better job of stopping this. everybody said wait a minute, if those terrace had guns, they would have killed more people. the police got them within 8 minutes, greg. jesse: the billy club was fighting the guy off for a long time. he would have been able to catch him if he had a gun. greg: you know what stopped them? guns, juan. juan: if they didn t have guns greg: no side can have guns, everybody works. juan: keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn t have them. kimberly: can our law enforcement here keep their gun guns? juan: in this country, it would make sense. but they don t have guns like we have guns in great britain. greg: certain groups of police officers do. that s how they died. they killed the three guys with guns. juan: theresa may, the prime minister greg: she said enough is enough. juan: we have too high a tolerance for tolerance terrorism in this country. we have to review the law. both in terms of how twitter and google allow people but secondly, the loss of the police operate under so they can be stronger in the police can take action. jesse: it s about time. juan: i think the people are trying to figure this out in a way that does not antagonize. that s the problem with greg s approach. jesse: maybe we should start antagonizing these people. juan: he says just go get them. you know what? you have to have a rational approach. you can t save them every muslim and country in the world, we don t care about you and expect them to help us. kimberly: no one is saying that. greg: do think there s actually going to be a difference between a travel ban and extreme betting? dana: actually, the president s team said in january, we need this travel ban for a temporary basis through july 16th in order to get in place our extreme vetting plan. can you give us an update on how that extreme vetting plan is going? they referred to the state department. they don t answer. they are for them to the cod. they don t answer. there s a question as to are you using a travel ban as a political tool? the other thing i would say is, another tool in the box there is twitter. it s very effective for him if he wanted to be. every reader gets to choose how they will respond to something. imagine burying the hatchet with sadiq khan. going after him was antagonistic in a way that we can t afford for western civilization. the war is against our way of life, not individual countries or cities based on whoever your political background is. greg: what s interesting is even when he does these kind of rough misses in the middle of the night, the next day when you talk to people who are british, he has the sentiment down. maybe you shouldn t do it. i talked to a friend of mine who is a brit. he goes, that s how everybody i know deals. they feel let down by the mayor. dana: he says there is a backlash coming. okay? that doesn t mean your political leadership has to fuel it in a way for something that happened 13 months ago on twitter. that s ridiculous. kimberly: he s talking about the diplomacy and working together cooperatively. we have a shared enemy to be other. he has to work with theresa may. greg: the issue is the u.k. has a big problem with this and their media. they refused to filter out the pro-islamists from everybody else. if you go out there, whatever brotherhood, it s like you re going after all muslim. jesse: why is there an extreme muslim group allowed to parade around the city? greg: the parades are insane! kimberly: dana: the docums called the jihadist next door. 130 mosques have said they will not perform funeral rites for these terrorists. there is a to try to get juan: part of what theresa may said, by the way, they have to have difficult, uncomfortable conversations with the muslim community about the extremists but greg, it s not stigmatizing people and not proposing a ban. in fact, you have to remember, most of the attacks in the united states since 9/11 they have been done by people who are u.s. citizens. greg: i agree. jesse: it s an extra layer. kimberly: extreme vetting or travel hiatus or travel ban, it s still constitutional. greg: we ve got to go. some on the left are trashing trumps attack on terror with ugly rhetoric. next the future isn t silver suits and houses on mars, it s right now. think about it. we can push buttons and make cars appear out of thin air. find love anywhere. he s cute. and buy things from, well, everywhere. how? because our phones have evolved. so isn t it time our networks did too? introducing america s largest, most reliable 4g lte combined with the most wifi hotspots. it s a new kind of network. xfinity mobile. kimberly: in the wake of the london terror attack, president trump is renewing his call for a travel ban. with its currently on hold with the supreme court deciding whether it will hear the case. that didn t sit well with cnn host raza a salon reza aslan, tweeting. things weren t any better over on msnbc with one host suggesting president trump actually wants a terror attack to happen on u.s. soil. speak of the president doesn t want us to be politically correct so let s not be pc about this. is he trying to provoke a domestic terror attack with this twitter rant? only to prove himself right? it seems like he s trying to provoke something that he can politicize more for his own gain in america. do you feel that way? kimberly: greg. greg: i think mr. roberts is a victim of projection. it s the left that often uses tragedy for political means. if there s global warming, they say oh, my god, they wanted to be real so they can be right. we see lots of that. i don t see that much on the right. and about reza, he apologized. he swears all the time. he also explores the fringes of religion on a show with religions that embrace death. and cannibal sex. the most biased show you could ever watch. he s never gone after i ve looked at his show. he goes after everybody from scientology to other unusual religions but he never touches islam. he won t go after it critically. kimberly: lying aslan. greg: nicely done. dana: i find that twitter and cable news in particular everybody gets a choice of what they are going to say. if you want to be per provocative and delete a tweet, you can be adults but president trump s nato presence. he didn t say article five which, i agree, he should have said it. his national security team said he was going to but he didn t. fine, why don t you say president trump, nato needs to do more to fight terrorism. the message to these people and their madness is that they are driving themselves crazy because of president trump rather than try to focus on the fact that what they really want it s trying to fight terrorism together to save western civilization from these radical islamic terrorists. instead they don t. they are tweeting comedy on twitter. think about what you are saying before you say it. it greg: i wouldn t have a job if i did that. kimberly: we like you just fine, greg. jesse: i want to pick up on something greg just said. this guy, asked lon, he s not going to respond in a derogatory fashion he called trump a pie of blank. he said go f yourself. he said of cory lewandowski, you are in a in and a hole. the crazier the left is becoming, i think it shows how effective president trump is being. he has had a beheading situation, chelsea handler saying crazy stuff. all this goofy stuff over at nb nbc, i think president trump is doing it to them. he s driving a stake right between the heart of the left and he s peeling the fringe left out this way. now franken has to distance himself from people like kathy griffin but he s also driving a real wedge between the mainstream media and american public. they are getting so loopy and crazy and the public is just tuning them out. juan: i don t think the public is tuning them out. i m just telling you, the ratings i think this is true across liberal or conservative outlets the thing that strikes me you don t like it when donald trump, our president, says things that are per provocative, insightful, rude and if someone strikes back and says why did you say that? why did you use language comparable to what he saying? he s a president. he is the president. greg: how many times have i gone after trump? juan: you said the left dana: do you remember last year. juan: who on the right uses the flag like a symbol? who on the right uses dana: i don t understand. why are you not allowed to embrace the u.s. flag? juan: no, i said to use the u.s. flag as their private symbol. kimberly: oh, my god, it belongs to everybody, juan. why all of a sudden juan: the bigger point to me is, it seems to me you have a lot of people who decided they are going to engage with donald trump on his turf and his term. kimberly: with these people did here, i assume you denounce it? it juan: i don t speak that way in general. donald trump s behavior and actions, kimberly, they invite this kind of response. greg: juan. this kind of response has been involved in progressive humor forever. this is not new. they would demonize bush, romney, bush was hitler for the longest time. trust me, i m old. juan: i am older than you, buddy. greg: [laughs] juan: he has everything to say about this latest terror attack. what about portland? kansas? greg: he did mention portland. juan: he did mention it a week later after people kimberly: you are objecting to his rhetoric but nevertheles nevertheless, he was elected. he is the president of the night did states. perhaps don t vote for him for reelection. it directly ahead, more wild claims from al gore about climate change. you won t believe this. details in a battle, up next i didn t really know anything about my family history. went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. i got a leaf right away. a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington s aunt. within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i m related to george washington. this is my cousin george. discover your story. start searching for free now at nothing performs like a tempur-pedic. and now is the best time to buy one. now through june 11th, save $600 when you buy select tempur-pedic mattress sets. find your exclusive retailer at dana: president trump outraged environmentalists with pulling out of the paris climate accord. al gore is so upset that he has taken to citing the bible. we still are not changing fast enough because it s not just the scientific in communiy warning us. it s like a book of revelations. dana: he also appeared on fox news sundays where chris wallace challenged him on one of his more controversial claims. you made the following comments, unless we took drastic measures, the world would reach a point of no return within ten years and you call that a true planetary immunogenicity. 11 years later, what s going on? on a global basis, for the first time they have stabilized and started to decline. some of the responses in the last ten years have helped. unfortunately and regrettably, a lot of serious damage has been done. dana: i thought chris wallace was very restrained in the interview. greg: who was he interviewing? that was al gore. that wasn t al gore. that was al gore junior. his hair looks like a mini windfarm. a lot of stuff in my movie wasn t true but some of it was? that s an old psychics trick. knowing america will only remember one or two predictions that are right. he was wrong about mount kilimanjaro, the storms to get worse due to climate change, he said there would be no arctic by 2013. it s there. there s ice. the polar bears are doing great. imagine if this were a different topic and he was a lying about terror. the media would be all over him and they wouldn t be calling him out. you can lie about climate change because the media s assumptions match those lies. they don t call him on it. dana: asset did you see the tweet that nasa tweeted out? they said it may become it s not as bad as we thought? jesse: it s never as bad as we think it is. greg: that s a windfarm. jesse: i thought he got a nice haircut. he looks quite dapper. the guy has made millions being a climate change preacher. he saying this is where you have to send your money. to the right people. send your money to the right industries. he s preying on people s guilt and fear and doing very well. i love the 60 minutes expose about how actually green al gore lives. i m not quite sure kimberly: can we roll that sound bite? president trump has gone after you directly and talking about this issue of climate change. this is what we hear from conservatives all the time. you or elon musk or leonardo dicaprio. you have a large carbon footprint yourself. i don t have a private jet. what carbon emissions come from, my trips on southwest airline are offset. i live a carbon free lifestyle to the maximum extent. [laughter] kimberly: he saying he doesn t own his own private jet. dana: but he borrows them to fly them. kimberly: he flies private. has he been on commercial? he s not hurting, okay? to the extent possible, he lives a carbon free life, whatever. i m sorry, your predictions were way off. greg: and he s telling you how to live. kimberly: i m still wondering if he did really create the internet. dana: does al gore bear any responsibility for questioning the science or the outcome? juan: no. talk about inconvenient truth here. al gore legitimately has engaged in hyperbole. he makes you think the sky is falling at times. yeah, that s right. we don t say that about something else who tweets every morning, do we? hyperbole, excessive, offensive at times. i will say this jesse: people are dying from terrorism. nobody is dying from climate change. juan: we see the pentagon saying that maybe this causes war and instability in our nations. greg: why isn t there more in california with the drought? there has been a drought in california forever. where are the ices cults in california? juan: the fact that we are having droughts and have had five or six years in the highest temperatures greg: margins of error, juan. you know the facts. our audience has a memory from the last show. juan: you need some facts. dana: we need an entire show on climate change. some prominent voices on the left are saying that democrats are going way too far with all the russia-trump talk. that report, when we come jesse: there are a few subjects democrats love to discuss more than rush in collusion with s campaign. now some people think the left is gone too far. i think democrats are making a mistake going in russia, prussia, russia, all the time. i think democrats have to have a bold, inclusive populist agenda. fight on health care, jon scott. don t let it overtake it. i think that s about a party that needs to be one of proposition, not not simply resistance is not enough. jesse: she might be onto something. the head democrat on the senate intel community says he has yet to see any evidence. we haven t seen any smoking gun but there s a lot of smoke. the bipartisan approaches we will follow the patterns. jesse: juan, can they run a midterm election strategy on a russian conspiracy theory? juan: there s a lot of talk in fact what they want to do is something you suggested earlier run against the media. the problem for the republicans they can run against the media, trash the democratic whatever but then the democrats are saying you ve got the white house, the house of representatives and the senate and what happened to tax reform, repeal and replace? infrastructure? that s supposed to be a big deal but i don t see it coming now. again, this is the problem. i think that s a smart way for democrats to run against the party of trump. jesse: that s right. kimberly. if i hear russia will more time i can t believe it. as in the country sick of hearing about it? i hear people in the street, they are fed up with it. kimberly: it doesn t seem to be playing well for a large part of obviously the electorate and people that support trump. there is the abstract obstruct- for me so far, where s the evidence of any of this? there s a lot of big headlines and buzzwords being thrown around but there s no to suggest there was anything improper or illegal dumb between the trump campaign and anybody foreign agents in russia. the problem for them is, when this is in fact put to bed and to rest hopefully soon, what will they say? jesse: what will they say, dana, if some of these investigations come back? dana: let s say the investigations don t come back empty-handed what will people on the right say? they will say it s baloney. even if it s nothing, and the left will say it was something and it was hidden. i do agree with katrina vanden who goal. jesse: have you ever set up before? jesse: never. dana: the next six weeks, a health care vote in the senate. they will try to move on infrastructure and there will be iran sanctions and there is vote coming up. we re only talking about russia and not making your point for what you are for in those arena arenas? you are giving all that ground to. jesse: gragg. greg: i said this before but i think it s such a good point that i m going to say it again. 30-40 years ago, the left had no interest in the ussr. they felt the cold war was a joke and they were hyper focused on american evil. now it s 2017 and they are finally caught up. they are focusing on russia when the new threat is not russia, its islamism. maybe in 2057, they will finally catch up and say what about this radical islam thing i am hearing about? we will all be wearing burqas. juan: you think islam is as big a threat as russia? greg: about ten times as big. it s an ideology that wants to destroy us. in a popped up in apocalyptic . they are idea of heaven is killing all of us. they want to be competitive but they are not a party jesse: the 80s called, they want their foreign policy. you can t get in trouble for anything on hbo, unles juan: comedians bill maher has made a career on pushing limits. we would love to have you work in the field with us. senator, i am a house [bleep]. it s a joke. juan: in a statement, hbo called the joke completely inexcusable and tasteless. maher apologized for using the racial slur. greg: sorry, the dirty secret of white liberals is that they assume they are exempt from these kinds of controversies because they ve already embraced the liberal platitude. they have a get out of bed get jail card. shelby steele s book, he talks about how he had a white friend that made a racist joke in front of him because he assumed shelby was a black prop. here is my black friend, therefore i can use the n-word or say something. i think bill maher has talked enough on equality and being a progressive that he feels he has carte blanche. he can make these jokes but the fact is, the joke is real. house. he was making a joke about some kind of suffering. juan: the thing i don t get, k.g., we hear all these complaints about bill maher. why not about these black rappers who use these words to access? they are equally degrading. kimberly: if you are saying there s a double standard it s a word inappropriate to use. it should not be used by anybody. i think what bill maher did is absolutely reprehensible. i m shocked somebody like himself would do and say something like that. i don t know. if he thinks he s above it and isn t going to be held accountable, that s really sad. juan: i agree. jesse, what do you make of the fact that this comes on the heels of kathy griffin? it seems like the provocateurs are running wild. jesse: i think the left and the media have become the ones that are deplorable s. they warned everybody else against them. when it comes to offensive speech, it seems like liberals don t really care what is said, it only matters who says it. if it s a conservative says anything close to this, they would be off the air in a second. he s not really paying a price for this. i guess if you are bill maher, you are allowed to say that word on hbo and not get in trouble for it. i also haven t seen a lot of other people stand up and really condemn him that strongly. they did with kathy griffin. i respect that. i didn t hear anything about bill maher. juan: al franken, a senator from minnesota, he said he s not going to appear on bill maher s show. dana: you re basically carrying a liberal torch, give a book out that s getting all these great reviews and within five days, you have to cancel your event with kathy griffin and your event on the maher tour. it s basically like liberal cannibalism. jesse: [laughs] kimberly: that must taste really bad. juan: hey, hey. greg: very for 10 years my tempur-pedic has adapted to my weight and shape. so i sleep deeply and wake up ready to perform. now through june 11th, save $600 when you buy select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. find your exclusive retailer at greg: time for one more thing. let s do this. greg s guide news. the true measure of a man. take a look at this photo. this was taken on friday. this is you can see him. he s mowing his lawn as a tornado approaches. a small town in canada, and alberta. his wife was watching him and thought, he s interesting. don t you notice there is a tornado? he said yes, i am aware of it. i ve watched a lot of tv about them and i am monitoring it. this is how you measure your manliness. i go inside. dana: or your marriage. [laughter] greg: i go inside when i see a b. kimberly: maybe that should have been like, jessie s? greg: that s called irony. kimberly: clever and manly. juan: as you guys know, my kids think i am the least hip person in america. this weekend, i was introduced to this song and i want greg to tell me about it. play the music. juan: the number one song in the usa and it has been that way for four weeks now, despacito. at the first spanish song to hit number one in the usa since the macarena. greg: it s no macarena. when the macarena comes on at a wedding, things go crazy. juan: that s the thing, this song by daddy yankee and justin bieber and luis, guess what? i think something is changing when you have this on number one. greg: remember mamba whatever? that was a hell of a song. i don t care. wait, dana. dana: i listened to some music last night. in jersey. it was a great way to start the summer. it s a great show if you have a chance. patriotism, lots of fun. he was a surprise national anthem singer at the national predators game. even though he s been under the weather with a little bit of a cold. greg: did he get freaked out by you? dana: i m kind of embarrassed. kimberly: i think you guys are best friends now. kind of cute. it bloomed. all right, it was a concert that brought so much hope and healing to a country that has been torn apart by terror. arianna grahn day, one love manchester. i m sure a lot of you saw different clips of it. take a look at this. i love you guys so much. i think the kind of love and unity you are displaying to the world, it means so much to me right now. i want to thank you for having me back. i love you so much. kimberly: role model to young women, ariana grande. it reads more than $30 million to victims of the attack there two weeks ago. greg: it raised a lot of money. 13 million? jesse: it would make you a believer. kimberly: greg: i admiredt that they raised money for this. jesse: while greg gutfeld was doing his monologue, i was playing golf today. i hit the lakes to raise some money at the golf classic at mill river club. that was my caddy, al de blasio on the right. i never lost a ball and then that is steve on the left. another great patriot. dana: what was the big news today for you at golf? jesse: i did not cheat. it still didn t break 90. juan: trump i m glad you weren t golfing. greg: set your dvr is, never miss an episode of the five . hannity is next. watch it! coming up now. bret: this is a fox news alert. welcome to washington. i am bret baier. the show that it seems everyone in washington wants to see will go on. today, white house spokesperson said president trump will not stop fired fbi director james comey from testifying before congress this week. thursday, comey is scheduled to testify before the senate intelligence committee about whether president trump pressured him to drop the investigation into former national security advisor michael flynn s possible ties to russia. after all the leaks and the chatter, comey will finally answer questions. catherine herridge reports on what the senators want to

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170525

they hate everything that we love. the worst of humanity was on view in manchester last night. but so was the best. they queued up the blood banks. manchester has an undefeatable spirit, i assure you. greg: he is right. islamists see fun and evil. pop sing from the smiths went even further when the manchester mayor called the attacker an extremist, morrissey asked, and extreme what? an extreme rabbit? this is the same mayor that said the terrorist was a terrorist and not a muslim. don t avoid the truth. there s a pattern. the calls were made to a terror hotline about the bomber years before he struck. why no action? could it be again, the fear of seeming bigoted? at least some entertainers are starting to reject this. a willingness to fight you want to know how pop music actually florist? how the beatles were able to sing all you need is love? you can thank veterans who dispatched dana s enemies in some really ugly wars. giving pop music center stage and long enemies of peace. can music survive under a caliphate? i doubt it. isis has no use for coldplay. the pulse nightclub, all young people, all music fans, all targets. maybe it s time we speak less of love and more about evil. maybe it s time for all you need is guts. jesse, what do you make of bono? he is always a clear eyed thinker. i think he kind of explained it fairly physically. jesse: i think it was a very creative thing for bono to say. after 9/11, there is a lot of unity. you had people like bruce springsteen, liberal guy doing free concerts for a lot of these things. george clooney. even hillary was at ground zero. every bush. everybody was together. everybody came together after 9/11 and wanted to go after afghanistan. there was a lot of bipartisan support. but when pop stars, especially liberal pop stars, can speak the truth about evil, it galvanizes people that are apolitical young americans, liberal americans, to say you know what? it s okay to say radical islam. it s okay to describe the heinous acts these people are committing. it gives them license. when you are able to do that and you are clear eyed and united, it enables the country to come together and actually defeat evil instead of placating it like we have been doing. greg: kimberly, entertainers i think should step up. it seems to me recently with these examples, they are targeting their fans because i think the belief is you can t be a fan of their god if you are a fan of a pop star. it s almost like some kind of sacrilege. because you go to an ariana grande concert and not a mosque. should more pop star to be speaking up? kimberly: yes, i think it s courageous. bono is exactly right. they hate our whole way of life. they hate everything about western civilization. they can t stand the freedom that we have in this country. as women, how horrific the target specifically young girls, women, and their parents that are going to a concert like this. this was no accident. this was specific. if you see under sharia law, nothing but disdain for women, children. young girls being sold into slavery by isis. being tortured and raped. you don t even hear about some of these things in the media because they don t want to talk about it on the news. this is the reality of the situation. yet people to face it and deal with it. and to be able to target them. by that, yes, social media and pop stars and education. you have to be able to put out your own propaganda to match theirs. because otherwise, you have people that will be attracted to this. people like evil losers. people that are looking for somewhere to go, some relevancy in their lives. and they are sitting there, waiting period for jihad to soak into them so they can commit some act that they think is significant, that their life has some matter some importance. greg: dana, most entertainers go the safe route. let s go for love, live in harmony, that stuff. shouldn t they just opt out and say love is not enough? it s time to act? dana: musicians used to be radical. they pushed the envelope. especially on cultural things. one of the big stories especially out of the civil rights movement was really that musicians were actually helpful, with bringing people together. they were pushing the envelope and making people question. in western civilization, we send our children to concerts. abedi s father sent him to die. to kill other people. when you are dealing with that type of ideology, i m not sure how you fix it. i don t think it was on the air but we were talking about the toby toby keith concert. there weren t women allowed so it was a little controversial there. young muslim people like our culture. they like our music. they might have to listen to it privately but if i were a politician and there are some new people on the scene, president trump, theresa may, why not refute some of these musicians to actually help? call upon their patriotism. put on some big event. they actually have the power to reach a lot more people than we do. kimberly: should we call justin bieber? jesse: that ll solve everything. greg: that would be interesting. they had these amazingly historical concerts live aid. for global warming and climate change. celebrities can shop for that. but why not for this? juan: i am surprised you described bono as courageous. he just poked common sense. greg: but that is courageous. juan: i ve been here when you guys say these people, these artists are speaking out about climate change or discrimination. who listens to them? greg: because that is easy, juan. juan: terrace are bad, evil slimy people who want to kill us. is that so hard to say? you have to get away from the simple kind of if bono says that, we ve made a breakthrough. we have to find an effective way to combat. this is an age where we have to effectively produce our own positive images to contradict the idea that they are going to be martyred, that they are smarter or being courageous when they do horrific acts like we saw in manchester. jesse: i think what you are saying is, you want an all hands on deck philosophy. if it s just republicans or just right wing people leading the charge against isis, the country is not unified in the rest of the left is sitting around listening to katy perry and twiddling their thumbs. if you can get someone like bono or ariana grande to say hey, this is evil, you can rally people who don t pay attention. that s a good thing. juan: after 9/11 you are describing how people rallied. president bush s ratings were up through the roof. not only could you be in republican enclaves nc support, you could be in democratic enclaves nc support. everybody is behind. that s what we need here. what you hear is people say it s the immigrants. we have to slow down immigratio immigration. i think that s the wrong approach. greg: i think we need a crackdown on the left to have created relativism. we have gone down a dark, bad road where people are incapable or judging evil. when people call the hotline, nobody listened. juan: who is afraid of condemning bigotry? greg: who is afraid of condemning bigotry? juan: condemning bigotry and terrorism? greg: when you condemn it radical islam, you are called islamophobia. people are scared of being smeared. juan: i don t think that s true. jesse: did that happen to you on a plane? when someone comes on a plane and they are dressed a certain way you can get fired for that. greg: that s real islamophobia. kimberly: oh, my gosh. juan: that s real! what i think is, when you get these people i think that s who people need, especially in the arab world that s what greg: what more do you need for a call to action than someone slaughtering young girls? in the 70s, we had people come to our classroom to teach us about cults. it is the time of jim jones and sla and all these weird movements. we were scared out of our wits. jesse: how old are you? greg: i am a young. 52. the point is, we aren t doing that. if someone had written to me and said talk to kids about this? how? say that we have a planet of human beings and within that planet there is a roving army that seeks to destroy. it s that simple. kimberly: you can talk to kids. he had a really good idea. i think we have to go and bomb them. ronan said this. i know you would do a very good job to get them, if i dropped you as a bomb. jesse: what a sweet kid. greg: morrissey s other point, morrissey is an unusual guy. a militant vegan. if he has a concert, every single vendor cannot have meat there. it causes major help. not only did he go after the mayor of london for not condemning radical islam or isis, he also went after the prime minister and said it s easy to be tolerant when you are protected. jesse: they don t take public transportation. juan: for all your praise, exactly what is the real prescription to solving this problem? greg: last night i gave you a great prescription. juan: you were up to relativism. to me dana: juan juan: let s talk about what really is going to stop. it greg: i m pointing out how refreshing it is to hear this. juan: whenever you say something whenever they wheny something you like greg: the point is to call out it radical islam and risk being called a bigot. that s the guts he does move you can make. when everyone calls you a islamophobic, you say so what. i don t care. understanding live in a modern world in freedom and security go together. juan: yeah, i think most americans agree with you. i don t think people like being called a haters of people. greg: exactly. kimberly: you are making his point. greg: islam islamophobia is a term designed to shut people down. kimberly: it is designed to shame and silence. juan: you are very sensitive when people attacking christians in the middle east. kimberly: everybody should be. everyone should be sensitive to religious persecution. greg: there isn t a radical sect of christians beheading people. you are comparing radical with islam. you are the bigot. juan: you said islamophobia. that s the fear of islamic people. jesse: islamophobia didn t kill little children in manchester, juan. juan: i agree. greg: i said to get comfortable with the accusation. when someone says you are being sum of phobic for going after radical islam, you say so what, what do you got? kimberly: don t let the word or the label hurt you. jesse: you are out of control. kimberly: he is afraid of islamophobia. dana: there is lots of things we can do. one of them is cultural diplomacy. it works very well. the state department has an entire office that they use to try to spread the message is that we want to deliver. we should support them. i think the new politicians that are meeting this friday or tomorrow in brussels at nato work together and try to bring something together. greg: brussels. there is a protest against donald trump, a march against donald trump in brussels. where is your march radical islam? brussels, where there are terrorists and cells in belgium. they are having a protest against trump. i would use the finger but i realize it s inappropriate. kimberly: and we are alive. dana: we ve got to go. greg: the hunt for the bomb maker, next. details on the manchester attac attack. liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad. liberty did what? 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tremendous resources, they n hit them there. what about here? greg: all police officers should get guns. the fact that they don t have guns. nothing that would have prevented this but you might have an edge if you have guns. also you have to acknowledge there s a network involved which rejects the lone wolf assumption that we always go by. the network wants us to adopt the lone wolf assumption because if you only believe in lone wolves, he don t look for the network. whenever you hear the lone wolf story, say for now that something to entertain. his return was a red flag. we have to think about that. who is in charge of watching the red flags? do we need more people in charg charge? should we hire more and create a bigger industry? i returned to my earlier point, political correctness prevents you from focusing on obvious risks because that would be bigoted. you cannot profile. if you profile, you are done. kimberly: so true. political correctness it s making us weak. jesse: it is true. political correctness kills. we re talking about refugees. extreme betting. the trump travel ban targeted libya. family members who are implicated, trump was criticized for raising the issue. let s talk about what s really going on here. this happened from libya. president obama and hillary clinton toppled qaddafi. they left a failed state because they didn t win the piece. now there s training grounds there. is obama or hillary responsible for the failed state and libya? obama withdrew from iraq and created a vacuum where isis took over. is he accountable for that? he didn t enforce a redline in syria. which is now infecting earth. is obama responsible for that? no one is the same this is all the aftermath of the failed foreign policy. that s not the issue. not the issue at all, wolin. juan: let me help you. lock him up. what kind of foolishness is thi this? it s not a failed foreign policy. i think the situation has changed. it has changed. it greg: it s a positive. juan: we ve had a different situation. jesse: i call those failed situations. juan: what we have here is chaos in many situations. we have to come up with strategies that are expected. jesse: we didn t have a strategy for the last eight years. kimberly: and work together together. jesse: juan, we had a ton of terrorist attacks during obama! juan, where were you? juan: keep fear mongering. dana: i have to go pay some bills. a lot of fear mongering from the left. one. about president trump s new budget plan. hillary clinton joined in on the hysteria. when we return. stay with us. working on my feet all day gave me pain here. in my knees. so i stepped on this machine and got my number, which matched my dr. scholl s custom fit orthotic inserts. so i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my knee pain. find a machine at even if you re trying your a daily struggle, along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. let s groove tonight. share the spice of life. baby, slice it right. from the makers of lantus®, we re gonna groove tonight. toujeo® provides blood sugar-lowering activity for 24 hours and beyond, proven blood sugar control all day and all night, and significant a1c reduction. toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don t use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar or if you re allergic to insulin. get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash or trouble breathing. don t reuse needles or share insulin pens. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily. injection site reactions may occur. don t change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. check insulin label each time you inject. taking tzds with insulins, like toujeo®, may cause heart failure that can lead to death. find your rhythm and keep on grooving. let s groove tonight. ask your doctor about toujeo®. share the spice of life. jesse: some of president trump s top aides were on the hill today, it has predictably come under heavy fire from democrats. it s because this budget along with the relentless attempt to repeal the affordable care act shows an unimaginable level of cruelty. food out of the mouths of babies. from our seniors and veterans. it s like one punch in the face after another. to hard-working people. it s not an overstatement to say that some children will die because of this. jesse: okay. late-night hosts are on the attack as well. this budget made huge promises. it can t possibly deliver. it could leave millions of americans without necessary services. it s the fyre festival of budgets. i know this is an unpopular position but i believe children should go to the doctor and eat. jesse: kimberly, the trump budget is going to kill babies and take their food. kimberly: we have heard this before, haven t we? republicans or conservatives are demonized more than isis. they want to starve children. they don t want to take care of them. they re going to cause the death of everybody including people s favorite grandmother. it s really hysteria. it s really not trying to build and unite and make sure people have excellent health care coverage. this kind of hysteria is terrifying people and making people sick. physically. mentally. jesse: juan, you guys are attacking trump s budget harder then you attack isis. do you have a leg to stand on since president obama for eight years never even proposed a balanced budget? juan: i m just amused. let me treat you seriously for a second. [laughter] juan: because i want to honor and respect this you think it s just the left. i m reading in the newspaper, a good conservative says this is dead on arrival. nobody is taking it seriously. mark meadows, he says he draws the line at cutting meals on wheels. the republican study committee chairman, cuts for children health care? not going to happen. these are conservative republicans, jesse. jesse: look at who we are spending some money on here. $7 million on grasshopper research. a obesity study for lesbians. kimberly: did you read that one? juan: he stopped for the pictures. kimberly: juan. greg: juan. dana: the truth is, until people in washington are willing to come together and deal with some of the bigger things, discussion into programs like snap or chip. i think the democrats need to explain i know you increase snap and food benefits after the 2008 financial crisis. i get that. but if president obama had such a great economy, those numbers haven t come down at all why is that? there s a problem there that they can t answer in terms of the policy. i do think it s a little bit of rinse and repeat. until both parties are willing to come together and actually deal with the increase, social security and medicare, there will be less money for other things. that s just the way it s going to be. jesse: greg, what do you think about the budget? greg: it s time to start playing their games. we sit here and every year we are told that we kill children, the elderly, disabled, vets. i can do it too. if you can say it without any backup, i can say stuff like that too. de blasio says children will die. help me police officers have you put in harm s way by marginalizing their jobs, by saying he had to tell your kids to be careful with the police? how many cops lives did you put in jeopardy when you did that? screw you. you know the other thing too? some of these art reductions in increases. it s like saying you re going to give 5% raise instead of a 7% raise and somehow you are a monster. if you make any subtle, tiny changes at such a gimmick. they get away but they can make because the media lets them get away with it. if you say republicans are trying to make babies die, the media says republicans are trying to make babies die. it s collusion. yes, collusion. dana: jesse, one more thing tomorrow. can you find a clip of the epa musical? jesse: yes. up ahead, mayor de blasio marching in a protest honoring a terrorist. upng ahead. i think how much i can do to help change people s lives. that helps me to keep going to cure this. my great great grandfather lived to be 118 years old. i ve heard many stories from patients and their physicians about what they are going through. i often told people oh i m going to easily live to be 100 and, uh, it looks like i might not make it to retirement age. we are continually learning and unraveling what is behind this disease. i may not benefit from those breakthroughs, but i m sure going to. i m bringing forward a treatment for alzheimer s disease, yes, in my lifetime, i will make sure. i count on for tech advice. with one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. .doesn t happen by accident. dearthere s no other way to say this. it s over. i ve found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something. set it free. see you around, giulia not to be focusingo finaon my moderatepe. to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. ask about humira, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. clearer skin is possible. dana: major controversy here in new york city. the annual puerto rican day parade plan to honor a terrorist on june 11th. rivera has spent over 35 years in prison, a 100 terror bombing turned united states responsibl responsible. obama commuted his 70 year sentence before leaving office. new york s democratic mayor bill de blasio still plans to be there and marched behind rivera. i believe this parade is very, very important as a part of this life of our city. the parade committee made a choice this year on someone to honor. that does not change the basic nature of the parade. whether you agree with that choice or not, it s still the puerto rican parade. and my point is, i will be there to honor the puerto rican peopl people. i intend on marching. it s as simple as that. dana: greg, way to take a stand by the mayor. greg: he is the worst person on the planet. in manchester, they are searching for a bomb maker. he is celebrating one. this is a guy who started an organization that was involved in over 120 bombings. bombings that killed people and injured police officers. imagine the police officers that will have to protect this parade. that s their job. but celebrating someone that targets a type of parade like that. they claim to be for peace but then they drop to their knees for people like bill ayres in this joker. under the idea of the revolutionary. no, they are terrorists. they killed innocents. dana: it s a weird way for them to approach political correctness than what we re talking about earlier. juan: there is no defense for it, to my mind. that s why we see big companies. everyone, coca-cola, even goya a latin food companies said it, we are not doing this. greg: love the beans. juan: i remember back in the 80s, you had the irish parade. you had an ira guy. and it was cardinal cook who spurned him. we have to be consistent. dana: would de blasio get any blowback if she had said no? kimberly: it s so awful in so many ways. i m half irish, half puerto rican. i don t know why we re having all these parades. i don t know. i don t know. [laughter] kimberly: which side do you want? i don t know. de blasio doesn t surprise me because this is a man who has treated police officers and law enforcement with disdain and disrespect and really as you mentioned earlier, greg, made the streets less safe for police officers to be able to do their job. this is really just consistent with his lack of regard for public safety and for the men and women that serve and put it on the line for every day in blue. i applaud goya. i love your products. way to take a stand on this. dana: the more you think about president obama actually commuting the sentence, what message does that sound? jesse: surprise, surprise. that where you got your nice tan? were you doing research for the parade? kimberly: yes. just down the street. jesse: i love how he threw the parade committee under the bus. i don t like de blasio. he doesn t like me. i think he actually might win back the election. i can t believe i m saying that. greg: kimberly has to run. kimberly: a law-abiding irish-puerto rican. dana: president president tl be attending a big summit tomorrow. does he still think nato is obsolete? straight ahead. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. relieve heartburn with fast- acting, long-lasting gaviscon. and helps keep acid down for hours. usaa gives me the and the security just like the marines did. the process through usaa is so effortless, that you feel like you re a part of the family. i love that i can pass the membership to my children. we re the williams family, and we re usaa members for life. time s up, insufficient we re on prenatal and administrative paperwork. your days of drowning people are numbered. same goes for you, budget overruns. and rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. we re coming for you, too. for those who won t rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. rthat post lunch, post dinner, i need something sweet craving. new sargento sweet balanced breaks, natural cheese on one side, and sweetness on the other. new sargento sweet balanced breaks, find it in our cheese section. mattress firmness? 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juan: with a president absolutely right, five countries paid 2% of their gdp for defense but he was suggesting they paid for the united states. dana: i think i was just on the campaign trail. when you become president, you understand a little more fully how much you need organizations like nato. the two big issues are going to be counterterrorism and sharing. they have great reasons to talk about that. the nato allies i think are going to explain their concern about russian involvement in ukraine and the president had also set on the campaign trail that he would help protect ukraine. there s a lot of those issues and the other thing i think he will ask for because this is a decision he will have to soon. he will ask nato countries to help more in afghanistan and iraq are training and military and police. juan: jesse, what about that russia issue that dana raised? an attack on the nato country, the united states will honor its nato commitment? jesse: you know, russia is in bed with trump, juan. we will let trump walk all over nato. yeah, is that the conspiracy no now? i don t think there s anything to do without. greg is right. a strong opening bid. you say they have to pay up and they have to up now. they rattled their cage. obama asked nicely and no one listen to him. trump was tough and now they re coming to the table and it s working. juan: what about germany? kimberly: everybody s got to pay, juan. the military assistance from the united states, i think it should be equitable. people should pay their fair share to be part of this alliance. especially now more than ever we need cooperation. that cooperation goes across all lines. which is financial as well. sharing intelligence, working together in communication and standing united against terrorism. problems we are all facing and can all relate to. i think nato has a place. i think it can be very effective if we put in the right amount of resources and it just can t be the united states every single time. dipping into our well, every cycle time. juan: i am surprised that germany is not on the list of countries that paid 2%. where is germany? one more thing, upmy next. 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[speaking russian] jesse: democrats are now calling for a special counsel. greg: i just changed when jesse was talking. dana: now do you go to your other job? greg: don t miss an episode. hannity is up next. sean: a great show. many thanks to our friends on hannity. welcome the five . welcome to hannity. welcome, the district from media, it continues to breathlessly push the stents are tinfoil hat conspiracy. russia, collusion, no evidence to they have whatsoever. this has now become the biggest scandal in the history of the media and its country. it s time to get to the truth. we got to set the record straight. nobody else in the media will do it and that is tonight s unique in terms of media opening monologue

New-york , United-states , Canada , Germany , Afghanistan , Washington , Buckingham-palace , Westminster , United-kingdom , Puerto-rico , Russia , Brussels

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170525

view in manchester last night. but so was the best. as people took perfect strangers into their houses and queued up for blood banks. manchester has an undefeatable spirit, i assure you. greg: he is right. islamists see fun and evil. maybe because it is missing in their ghoulish, cowardly wise. pop singer morrissey from the smiths went even further when the manchester mayor called the attacker an extremist, morrissey asked, and extreme what? an extreme rabbit? this is the same mayor that said the terrorist was a radical and not a muslim. to avoid the biggest stigma, the mayor avoid the truth, which is a pattern. bbc news claims the calls were called to a terror hot went about the bombers years before he struck. why no action? could it be again, the fear of seeming bigoted? at least some entertainers are starting to reject this. maybe they realize hugs will big priest but a willingness to fight does. if you want to know how pop music actually flourished? of the beatles were able to sing all you need is love cracks you can thank veterans who dispatched heinous enemies in some really ugly wars. giving pop music center stage and long enemies of peace. can music survive under a caliphate? i doubt it. isis has no use for coldplay. the pulse nightclub, all young people, all music fans, all targets. maybe it s time we speak less of love and more about evil. maybe it s time for all you need is guts. jesse, what do you make of bono? he is always a clear eyed thinker. i think he kind of explained it fairly succinctly. jesse: i think it was a very courageous thing for bono to say. after 9/11, there is a lot of unity. you had people like bruce springsteen, liberal guy doing free concerts for a lot of these things. george clooney. with program raising a lot off money. even hillary was at ground zero. every everybody was together. everybody came together after 9/11 and wanted to go after afghanistan. there was a lot of bipartisan support. that dissipated. but when pop stars, especiallyar liberal pop stars, can speak the truth about evil, it galvanizes people that are apolitical youn americans, liberal americans, to say you know what? it s okay to say radical islam.. it s okay to describe the heinous acts these people are committing. it gives them license. when you are able to do that and you are clear eyed and united, it enables the country to come together and actually defeat evil instead of placating it like we have been doing. greg: kimberly, entertainers i think should step up. it seems to me recently with these examples, they are targeting their fans because i think the belief is you can t be a fan of their god if you are a fan of a pop star. it s almost like some kind of sacrilege. because you go to an ariana grande concert and not a mosque. should more pop star to be speaking up? kimberly: yes, i think it s courageous. bono is exactly right. they hate our whole way of life. they hate everything about western civilization. they can t stand the freedom that we have in this country. as women, how horrific the target specifically young girls, women, and their parents that are going to a concert like this. this was no this was if you see under sharia law, nothing but disdain for women, children. young girls being sold into slavery by isis. being tortured and raped. you don t even hear about somein of these things in the media because they don t want to talk about it on the news. this is the reality of the situation. you have to be able face it and deal with it. and to be able to target them.t by that, yes, social media and pop stars and education. you have to be able to put out your own propaganda to match theirs. because otherwise, you have people that will be attracted to this. people like evil losers. people that are looking for somewhere to go, some relevancy in their lives. and they are sitting there, waiting period for jihad to soak into them so they can commit some act that they think is significant, that their life has some matter some importance. greg: dana, most entertainers go the safe route. let s go for love, live in harmony, that stuff. shouldn t they just stop that and say love is not enough? it s time to act? dana: musicians used to be radical. that was one of the things sessions push the envelope, especially on cultural things. one of the big stories especially out of the civilth rights movement was really that musicians were actually helpful, with bringing people together. they were pushing the envelope and making people in western civilization, we send our children to concerts. abedi s father sent him to die. to kill other people. when you are dealing with that type of ideology, i m not sure how you fix it. i don t think it was on the air but we were talking about the toby keith concert.. there weren t women allowed so it was a little controversial there. young muslim people like our culture. they like our music. they might have to listen to it privately but if i were a politician and there are some new people on the scene, president trump, macron, theresa may, why not refute some of these musicians to actually help? call upon their patriotism. put on some big event. they actually have the power to reach a lot more people than we do. kimberly: should we call justin bieber? jesse: that ll solve everything. greg: that would be interesting. they had these amazingly historical concerts live aid. for global warming and climate change. celebrities can shop for that. but why not for this? juan: i am surprised you described bono as courageous. he just spoke common sense. greg: but that is courageous. juan: i ve been here whens. you guys say these people, these artists are speaking out about climate change orn discrimination. who listens to them? greg: because that is easy, juan. evil slimy people who want to kill us. is that so hard to say? you have to get away from the simple kind of if bono says that, we ve made a breakthrough. we have to find an effective way to combat. this is an age where we have too effectively produce our own positive images to contradict the idea that they are going to be martyred, that they are smarter or being courageous when they do horrific acts like we saw in manchester. jesse: i think what you are saying is, you want an all hands on deck philosophy. if it s just republicans or just right wing people leading the charge against isis, the country is not unified in the rest of the left is sitting around listening to katy perry and twiddling their thumbs. if you can get someone like bono or ariana grande to say hey, this is evil, you can rally people who don t pay attention. that s a good thing. juan: after 9/11 you are describing how people rallied. president bush s ratings were up through the roof. not only could you be in republican enclaves and see support, you could be in democratic enclaves and see support. president bush spoke about that when he was driving up to yankee stadium. everybody is behind. that s what we need here. what you hear is people say it s the immigrants. we have to slow down immigration. i think that s the wrong approach. greg: i think we need a crackdown on the left to have created relativism. we have gone down a dark, bad road where people are incapable or judging evil. for fearing of being accused of bigotry. when people call the hotline, nobody listened. juan: who is afraid of condemning bigotry? greg: who is afraid of condemning bigotry? juan: condemning bigotry and terrorism? i don t think that s there. greg: when you condemn it radical islam, you are called people are scared of being smeared. juan: i don t think that s true. c jesse: did that happen to you on a plane? when someone comes on a plane and they are dressed a certain way you can get fired for that. greg: that s real islamophobia. kimberly: oh, my gosh. juan: that s real! what i think is, when you get these people i think that s who people need, especially inec the arab world that s what greg: what more do you need for a call to action than someone slaughtering young girls? in the 70s, we had people come to our classroom to teache us about cults. it is the time of jim jones and sla and all these weird movements. we were scared out of our wits. jesse: how old are you? greg: i am a young. 52. the point is, we aren t doing that. someone had written to me and said how do we talk to kids about this? say that we have a planet ofhi human beings and within that planet there is a roving army that seeks to destroy. it s that simple. kimberly: you can talk to kids. my son, ronan, he had a really good idea. i think we have to go and bomb them. i know you would do a very good job to get them, if they dropped you as a bomb. jesse: what a sweet kid. greg: morrissey s other point, morrissey is an unusual guy.y. a militant vegan. if he has a concert, every single vendor cannot have meat there. it causes major hell. not only did he go after the mayor of london for not condemning radical islam or isis, he also went after the prime minister and said it s easy to be tolerant when you are protected. jesse: they don t take public transportation. they havee bodyguards. juan: for all your praise, exactly what is the real prescription to solving this problem?n: greg: last night i gave you a great prescription. juan: you were up to relativism. to me dana: juan juan: let s talk about what really is going to stop. we have to get beyond what the pop stars are going to do. greg: i m pointing out how refreshing it is to hear this. juan: whenever they say something you like it s good. whenever they condemn it, it s bad. greg: the point is to call out it radical islam and risk being called a bigot. that s the gutsiest move you can make. when everyone calls you islamophobic, you say so what? i don t care. understand you live in a modern world and freedom and security go together. juan: yeah, i think most americans agree with i don t think people like being called haters of people. greg: exactly. kimberly: you are making his point.t. greg: islamophobia is a term designed to shut people down. it s time to save kimberly: it is designed to shame and silence. and to censor the people who don t want to get involved who want to be something in to something. juan: you are very sensitive when people attacking christians in the middle east. kimberly: everybody should be.. everyone should bee sensitive o religious persecution. greg: there isn t a radical sect of christians beheading people. you are comparing radical with islam. you are the bigot. juan: you said islamophobia. that s the fear of islamicai people. jesse: islamophobia didn t kill little children in manchester, juan. juan: i agree. greg: i said to get comfortable with the accusation. when someone says you are being islamophobic for going after radical islam, you say so what, what do you got? kimberly: don t let the word or the label hurt you. jesse: you are out of control. kimberly: he is afraid of islamophobia. dana: there is lots of things we can do. one of them is culturalia diplomacy. it works verygs well. the state department has an entire office that they use to try to spread the message is that we want to deliver. we should support them. i think the new politicians that are meeting this friday or tomorrow in brussels at nato work together and try to bring something together. greg: brussels. there is a protest against donald trump, a march against donald trump in brussels. where is your march radical islam? brussels, where there are terrorists and cells in belgium. they are having a protest against trump. i would use the finger but i realize it s inappropriate. kimberly: and we are live. dana: we ve got to go. greg: more details on the manchester attack. the hunt for the bomb maker, next. for the bomb maker, next. details on the manchester attac details on the manchester attac atliberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad. liberty did what? 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tremendous resources, they can hit them there. what about here? greg: all police officers should get guns. the fact that they don t have guns. nothing that would have prevented this but you mightha have an edge if you have guns. also you have to acknowledge there s a network involved which rejects the lone wolf assumption that we always go by. the network wants us to adopt the lone wolf assumption because if you only believe in lone wolves, he don t look for the network. whenever you hear the lone wolf story, say for now that something to entertain. his return was a red flag. we have to think about that. who is in charge of watching the red flags? do we need more people in charge? should we hire more and create a bigger industry? i returned to my earlier point, political correctness prevents you from focusing on obvious risks because that would be bigoted. you cannot profile. if you profile, you are kimberly: so true. political correctness it s making us weak. jesse: it is true. political correctness kills. we re talking about refugees. extreme the trump travel ban targeted libya. family members who are implicated, trump was criticized for raising the issue. whether or not to take these guys out. let s talk about what s really going on here. this happened from libya. president obama and hillary clinton toppled gaddafi. they led from failed state because they didn t win the piece. now there s training groundse there. is obama or hillary responsible for the failed state and libya? obama withdrew from iraq and created a vacuum where isis took over. is he accountable for that? he didn t enforce a redline in syria. which is now infecting earth. is obama responsible for that? no one is the same this is all the aftermath of the failed foreign policy. that s not the issue. not the issue at all, juan. juan: let me help you. lock him up. what kind of foolishness is this?? it s not a failed foreign policy. i think the situation has changed. it has changed. greg: it s a positive. juan: we ve had a different situation. different situation in libya and syria. jesse: i call those failed situations. juan: what we have here is chaos in many situations. we have to come up with strategies that are expected. that s what we are trying to do. jesse: we didn t haveve a strategy for the last eight years. kimberly: and work together. jesse: juan, we had a ton of terrorist attacks during obama! juan, where were you? juan: keep fear mongering. dana: i have to go pay some bills. a lot of fear mongering from the left. juan. about president trump s new budget plan. hillary clinton joined in on the hysteria. when we return. stay with us. ia. when we return. stay with diabetes can be a daily struggle, even if you re trying your best. along with diet and exercise, once-daily toujeo® may help you control your blood sugar. get into a daily groove. let s groove tonight. share the spice of life. baby, slice it right. from the makers of lantus®, we re gonna groove tonight. toujeo® provides blood sugar-lowering activity for 24 hours and beyond, proven blood sugar control all day and all night, and significant a1c reduction. toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don t use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar or if you re allergic to insulin. get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash or trouble breathing. don t reuse needles or share insulin pens. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily. injection site reactions may occur. don t change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. check insulin label each time you inject. taking tzds with insulins, like toujeo®, may cause heart failure that can lead to death. find your rhythm and keep on grooving. let s groove tonight. ask your doctor about toujeo®. share the spice of life. jesse: some of president trump s top aides were on the hill today to go over a new budget, it has predictably come under heavy fire from democrats. it s because this budget along this budget along with the relentless attempt to repeal the affordable care act shows an unimaginable level of cruelty. food out of the mouths of babies. housing from seniors and our veterans. it s like one punch in the face after another. to hard-working people. it s not an overstatement to say that some children will die because of this. jesse: okay. late-night hosts are on the attack as well. this budget made huge it can t possibly deliver. it could leave millions of americans without necessary services. like health care or even food. it s the fyre festival of budgets. this budget cut things like the food stamp program and the children s health insurance program chipped. i know this is an unpopular position but i believe children should go to the doctor and eat. jesse: kimberly, the trump budget is going to kill babies and take their food. kimberly: we have heard this before, haven t we? republicans or conservatives are demonized more than isis. they want to starve children. they don t want to take care of them. they re going to cause the death of everybody including people s favorite grandmother. it s really hysteria. it s really not trying to build and unite and make sure people have excellent health care coverage. this kind of hysteria is terrifying people and making people sick. physically. mentally. jesse: juan, you guys are attacking trump s budget harder then you attack isis. do you have a leg to stand on since president obama for eight years never even proposed a balanced budget? juan: i m just amused. let me treat you seriously for a second. [laughter] juan: because i want to honor and respect this you think it s just the i m reading in the newspaper, a good conservative says this is dead on arrival. nobody is taking it seriously. mark meadows, he says he draws the line at cutting meals on wheels. the republican study committee chairman, cuts for children s health care? not going to happen. these are conservative republicans, jesse.tu jesse: look at who we are spending some money on here. $7 million on grasshopper research. $3 million on a a obesity study for lesbians. kimberly: did you read that one? juan: he stopped for the pictures. kimberly: juan. greg: juan. dana: the truth is, until people in washington are willing to come together and deal with some of the bigger things, discussion into programs like snap or chip. i think the democrats need to explain i understand why you increase snap and food benefits after the 2008 financial crisis. i get that. but if president obama had such a great economy, those numbers haven t come down at all why is that? there s a problem there that they can t answer in terms of the policy. i do think it s a little bit of rinse and repeat. until both parties are willing to come together and actually deal with the increase, social security and medicare, there will be less money forit other things. that s just the way it s going to be. jesse: greg, what do you think about the budget? greg: it s time to start playing their games. we sit here and every year we are told that we kill children, the elderly, disabled, vets. i can do it too. if you can say it without any backup, i can say stuff like that too. de blasio says children will die. how many police officers have you put in harm s way by marginalizing their jobs, by saying you had to tell your kids to be careful with the police? how many cops lives did you put in jeopardy when you did that? screw you. you know the other thing too? some of these are reductions in increases. it s like saying you re going to give a 5% raise instead of a 7% raise and somehow you are a monster. if you make any subtle, tiny changes it s such a gimmick. they get away with it but they can because the media lets them get away with it. if you say republicans are trying to make babies die, the media says republicans are trying to make babies die. it s collusion. yes, collusion. dana: jesse, one more thing tomorrow. can you find a clip of the epa climate change musical? jesse: yes. kimberly will perform it for us. up ahead, mayor de blasio marching in a protest honoring a terrorist. up ahead. up ahead, mayor dear predictable, there s no other way to say this. it s over. i ve found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced, our senses awake, our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say: if you love something. set it free. see you around, giulia be the you who doesn t cover your moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. be the you who shows up in that dress. who hugs a friend. who is done with treatments that don t give you clearer skin. be the you who controls your psoriasis with stelara® just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before starting stelara® tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. always tell your doctor if you have any signs of infection, have had cancer, if you develop any new skin growths or if anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. most people using stelara® saw 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. be the you who talks to your dermatologist about stelara®. whoa,i just had to push one button to join. it s like i m in the office with you, even though i m here. it s almost like the virtual reality of business communications. no, it s reality. intuitive one touch video conferencing is a reality. and now it s included at no additional cost with vonage business. call now and see why 3,000 companies a month are switching to vonage. business grade. people friendly. dana: major controversy here in new york city. the annual puerto rican day parade plan to honor a terrorist on june 11th.or rivera has spent over 35 years in prison, responsible for over 100 terror bombings here in the united states. obama commuted his 70 year sentence before leaving office.u new york s democratic mayor bill de blasio still plans to be there and marched behind rivera. i believe this parade is a very, very important part of the life of our city. the parade committee made a choice this year on someone to honor. that does not change the basic nature of the parade. whether you agree with that choice or not, it s still the puerto rican parade. and my point is, i will be there to honor the puerto rican people. i intend on marching. it s as simple as that.ue dana: greg, way to take a stand by the mayor. greg: he is the worst person on the planet. in manchester, they are searching for a bomb maker. he is celebrating one. this is a guy who started an organization that was involved in over 120 bombings. bombings that killed people and injured police officers. imagine the police officers that will have to protect this parade. that s their job.s but celebrating someone that targets a type of parade like that. what is it with progressives and terrorists? they claim to be for peace but then they drop to their knees for people like bill ayres in this joker. under the idea of the revolutionary. no, they are terrorists. they killed innocents. dana: it s a weird way for them to approach political correctness than what we were talking about earlier. juan: there is no defense for it, to my mind. that s why we see big companies. everyone, coca-cola, even goya a latin food companies said, we are not doing this. greg: love the beans. juan: i remember back in the 80s, you had the irish parade. you had an ira guy. out front of the grand marshal. and it was cardinal cook who spurned him. you havee to say no. we have to be consistent. dana: would de blasio get any blowback if she had said no? kimberly: it s so awful in so many ways. i m half irish, half puerto rican. i don t know why we re havings. all these parades. i don t know. i don t know. [laughter] kimberly: which side do you want? i don t know. de blasio doesn t surprise me because this is a man who has treated police officers and law enforcement with disdain and disrespect and really as you mentioned earlier, greg, made the streets less safe for police officers to be able to do their job. this is really just consistent with his lack of regard for public safety and for the men and women that serve and put it on the line for every day inin blue. i applaud goya. s i love your products. way to take a stand on this. dana: the more you think about president obama actually commuting the sentence, what message does that sound? jesse: surprise, surprise. that where you got your nice tan? were you doing research for the parade? kimberly: yes. just down the street. jesse: i love how he threw the parade committee under the bus. i don t like de blasio. he doesn t like me. i think he actually might win the election. i can t believe i m saying that. greg: kimberly has to run. kimberly: a law-abiding irish-puerto rican. dana: president trump will be attending a big summit tomorrow. does he still think nato is obsolete? straight ahead. president truml be attending a big summit tomorrow. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief, try doctor recommended gaviscon. it quickly neutralizes stomach acid and helps keep acid down for hours. relieve heartburn with fast- acting, long-lasting gaviscon. and helps keep acid down for hours. .doesn t happen by accident. when we take care of other nations and nato, 28 nations that laugh at us i think all but five are like way delinquent.ner i will ask very nicely. i will say you have to pay up, folks. we are defending these people. you have to pay up.wi it s obsolete. juan: wow. that was candidate trump voicing his opinion of nato. calling them obsolete because they weren t paying enough for doing enough to address terrorist. it will be interesting to see how tomorrow s summit goes down in brussels, where the president arrived today.te what do you think, greg? greg: about what? i wasn t listening. juan: you went on my kimberly: whoa! dana: wacky stuff. greg: an extreme position creates chaos, forcing the other side to respond. he gets them to move toward him. every position begins as an act i didn t set restaurants with my wife. she s always worried about how much i eat. i ordered a boatload of food and then she says no, no. i am left with what i really wanted which is the plate of salt and pepper pork chops. kimberly: you are sad, right? juan: with a president absolutely right, five countries paid 2% of their gdp for defense but he was suggesting they paid for the united states. dana: i think i was just on the campaign trail. when you become president, you understand a little more fullyhi how much you need organizations like nato. the two big issues are going to be counterterrorism and l shari. they have great reasons to talk about that. the nato allies i think are going to explain their concern about russian involvement in ukraine and the president hadd also set on the campaign trail that he would help protect ukraine. there s a lot of those issues and the other thing i think he will ask for because this is a decision he will have to soon, he will ask nato countries to help more in afghanistan and iraq are training and military and police. juan: jesse, what abouta that russia issue that dana raised? an attack on the nato country, the united states will honor its nato commitment? jesse: you know, russia is in bed with trump, juan. we will let trump walk all overa nato. yeah, is that the conspiracy now? i don t think there s anything to doah without. greg is right. a strong opening bid. you say they have to pay up ando they have to up now. they rattled their cage. obama asked nicely and no one listen to him. trump was tough and now they re coming to the table and it s working.s juan: what about germany? kimberly: everybody s got to pay, juan. the military assistance from the united states, i think it should be equitable. people should pay their fair share to be part of thismi alliance. especially now more than ever we need cooperation. that cooperation goes across all lines. which is financial as well. sharing intelligence, working together in communication andic standing united against terrorism. problems we are all facing and can all relate to. i think nato has a place. i think it can be very effective if we put in the right amount of resources and it just can t be the united states every single dipping into our well, every cycle time. juan: i am surprised that germany is not on the list of countries that paid 2%. greece, britain, estonia, and poland. where is germany? one more thing, up next. my belly pain is gy and constipation? i could build a small city with all the over-the-counter products i ve used. enough! i ve tried enough laxatives to cover the eastern seaboard. i ve climbed a mount everest of fiber. probiotics? enough! 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[speaking russian] jesse: democrats are now calling for a special counsel. greg: i just changed when jesse was talking. dana: now do you go to your other job? greg: don t miss an episode. hannity is up next. sean: a great show. many thanks to our friends on the five. welcome to hannity. newt gingrich, judge jeanine pirro, dr. gina loudon, maria bartiromo, austan goolsbee and herman cain are all guests joining us tonight. the destroy-trump-media it continues to breathlessly push the bizarre tinfoil hat conspiracy. russia, collusion, no evidence do they have, whatsoever. this has now become the biggest scandal in the history of the media and its country. it s time to get to the truth. we got to set the record straight. nobody else in the media will do it and that is tonight s unique in terms of media openingit monologue.

New-york , United-states , Germany , Afghanistan , Washington , Buckingham-palace , Westminster , United-kingdom , Puerto-rico , Russia , Brussels , Bruxelles-capitale

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170606

lessee to go up to them and you are right? if you stop this latest attack it, would know? your prevention of the threat would remain invisible and so does the threat. it s the worst catch-22 ever. the travel ban insights debate for a similar reason. our media doesn t send the urgency, lightning is more dangerous, they always tell us. so they target president trump, not terror instead. you could say donald trump is a crude messenger. you would be right. if he is wrong on the little things, what if he s right on the one big thing? that s better than being eloquent on all things but wrong on what matters. we had that for eight years. the next step, treat terrorist not as fighters but as deadbeat deadbeats. anti-scare tactics must be unbending in the future. no motion, no politics as methodical as a garbageman on his morning run. he doesn t stop to ponder the empty egg carton or referred to coffee grounds as extremist coffee grounds with different beliefs. he just chucks it. the scum are the same. garbage deserving no confrontation. one need not be eloquent when taking out the trash. it just right. dana, i mean, a guy unfurled on isis homegrown terrorism. you would make me think dana: the catch-22 is right. what was illegal about that? if there is nothing illegal, then how do you stop somebody from doing something if they haven t done anything illegal up until that point? you can get some from drunk driving and prevent that but the problem is greg: assigned someone to him. dana: do we have enough resources to do that? greg: yes, you do. dana: okay, i m not they don t have enough resources for health care because it s in shambles. greg: all their money goes to the social programs. there was talk about how tight they are when it comes to this sort of stuff. it s time they reprioritize. they know that we will be there. dana: we can t be there to help them with this. we are not on their streets. we are not that good unless they want us to be. we can t help them. we are not in their communities. one thing about the travel ban, even someone like whatever his other nameless he was born in the u.k. the travel ban, if you think about it, it s long-term thinking. these are people who are grieved because their parents were refugees. how do you round them up, i don t know. greg: k.g. kimberly: it s all where you want to allocate your resources. you should do your level best to make sure you put forth the amount of manpower and hours and commitment to intelligence gathering and working with agencies to be able to stop this so that you are not thrown off by thinking oh, these guys are okay because they bought some kids some ice cream and had a barbecue before they decide to get there jihad on. we have to do a better job because they can t afford not t. that s what s so frustrating when you see a situation like this. united states and the u.k., these are wealthy countries. there really should be no excuse for not getting this right. i am not saying it s easy. it s very difficult. but you have to be smarter, more well-funded and more determined in your cause and they are. right now, they are showing more determination and that s the problem. that s why the president is frustrated. greg: do you think the president, jesse, is right? to exercise his rage or focus it on the other leaders like the mayor? jesse: yeah, that was a tough call. you are thinking it s our biggest ally and he s the mayor of the city of the biggest ally and they suffered a devastating terror attack again and you re picking a fight with him. on the other hand, is making a point. this guy has been going after him for quite some time, wasting his breath on attacking donald trump where he should have been using his breath to talk about the threat he faces in his own city. he said trumps travel ban was ignorant and the wall was a dumb idea. he said trumps red rhetoric was causing more terrorism. the attack happened in your city, not washington, d.c. it s a soft target over there. they ve imported so many of these radicals. there s so much enemy within they can t keep track of all them. what a president bush used to say? they can only be right once. now they have 400 people from great britain that have gone to syria and iraq, training and they ve come back and can t keep tabs on them because these left-wing civil liberty groups have chipped away at the authorities. when trump says he wants a travel ban, he knows it s open warfare across the sea. he just wants an extra level of security not because he loves hs muslims but because he loves america so much. kimberly: protecting the country, based on the intelligence he is getting, this is the means by which he is entitled and lawful to do it. it s a frustrated businessman saying i ve a business plan, i want to implement it. dana: however, i will let juan say something. juan: greg: do think terrl solve the travel ban? juan: given the terror activity in great britain, it explained why he needed a travel ban here. to protect the united states against terrorism. there s so many flaws in it. where did we start? even george conway, kellyanne conway s husband said if he s trying to hurt his own case, he couldn t have done a better job. greg: the specific tweets saying it s a watered-down version? dana: what george conway was trying to do was help the president. to try to be successful. asking for an expedited review of it. part of the problem has been comments about the ban being religious. that s what the issue was. juan: sean spicer said that that, john kelly over at the department of homeland security said oh, no, the president isn t talking about a ban. jesse: the president s words against him on this. then ruth bader ginsburg, she was scared of she was going to be president. she would move to new zealand. juan: you can say that about anybody. hold on, hold on, give me a shot here. what should we have said about antonin scalia? it s a public act. jesse: greg: juan, respons this. whether or not ginsburg should have to recuse herself if she were a federal trial judge and had said about the president what she did, she would be compelled by a higher court not to sit on a case in which the president was personally involved. if she sits in the case and her animus towards him as a person and human being is manifest in the questioning or the decision of the case and will damage the representative representation of the court. juan: by justice scalia that favored a conservative point of view nobody thought that. you asked me, what is the analogous situation and i m telling you it doesn t hold water. let me finish up with what i was saying. kimberly: have you ever make comments like that about president obama? juan: if you befriend people in the administration, how can you render a fair verdict to your friend? jesse: the code of conduct is not about being friends, jua juan. juan: you can t associate let me just say when he went on this twitter rant and goes after the mayor of london, imagine if people in london or great britain had gone after mayor giuliani after 9/11. greg: we would flip out. we would. juan: gee whiz, no problem here. if they had guns they would have done a better job of stopping this. everybody said wait a minute, if those terrace had guns, they would have killed more people. the police got them within 8 minutes, greg. jesse: the billy club was fighting the guy off for a long time. he would have been able to catch him if he had a gun. greg: you know what stopped them? guns, juan. juan: if they didn t have guns greg: no side can have guns, everybody works. juan: keep them out of the hands of people who shouldn t have them. kimberly: can our law enforcement here keep their gun guns? juan: in this country, it would make sense. but they don t have guns like we have guns in great britain. greg: certain groups of police officers do. that s how they died. they killed the three guys with guns. juan: theresa may, the prime minister greg: she said enough is enough. juan: we have too high a tolerance for tolerance terrorism in this country. we have to review the law. both in terms of how twitter and google allow people but secondly, the loss of the police operate under so they can be stronger in the police can take action. jesse: it s about time. juan: i think the people are trying to figure this out in a way that does not antagonize. that s the problem with greg s approach. jesse: maybe we should start antagonizing these people. juan: he says just go get them. you know what? you have to have a rational approach. you can t save them every muslim and country in the world, we don t care about you and expect them to help us. kimberly: no one is saying that. greg: do think there s actually going to be a difference between a travel ban and extreme betting? dana: actually, the president s team said in january, we need this travel ban for a temporary basis through july 16th in order to get in place our extreme vetting plan. can you give us an update on how that extreme vetting plan is going? they referred to the state department. they don t answer. they are for them to the cod. they don t answer. there s a question as to are you using a travel ban as a political tool? the other thing i would say is, another tool in the box there is twitter. it s very effective for him if he wanted to be. every reader gets to choose how they will respond to something. imagine burying the hatchet with sadiq khan. going after him was antagonistic in a way that we can t afford for western civilization. the war is against our way of life, not individual countries or cities based on whoever your political background is. greg: what s interesting is even when he does these kind of rough misses in the middle of the night, the next day when you talk to people who are british, he has the sentiment down. maybe you shouldn t do it. i talked to a friend of mine who is a brit. he goes, that s how everybody i know deals. they feel let down by the mayor. dana: he says there is a backlash coming. okay? that doesn t mean your political leadership has to fuel it in a way for something that happened 13 months ago on twitter. that s ridiculous. kimberly: he s talking about the diplomacy and working together cooperatively. we have a shared enemy to be other. he has to work with theresa may. greg: the issue is the u.k. has a big problem with this and their media. they refused to filter out the pro-islamists from everybody else. if you go out there, whatever brotherhood, it s like you re going after all muslim. jesse: why is there an extreme muslim group allowed to parade around the city? greg: the parades are insane! kimberly: dana: the docums called the jihadist next door. 130 mosques have said they will not perform funeral rites for these terrorists. there is a to try to get juan: part of what theresa may by the way, they have to have difficult, uncomfortable conversations with the muslim community about the extremists but greg, it s not stigmatizing people and not proposing a ban. in fact, you have to remember, most of the attacks in the united states since 9/11 they have been done by people who are u.s. citizens. greg: i agree. jesse: it s an extra layer. kimberly: extreme vetting or travel hiatus or travel ban, it s still constitutional. greg: we ve got to go. some on the left are trashing trumps attack on terror with ugly rhetoric. next. phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won t go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. when it comes to heartburn. trust the brand doctors trust. nexium 24hr is the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for all day and all night protection. banish the burn. with nexium 24hr. kimberly: in the wake of the london terror attack, president trump is renewing his call for a travel ban. with its currently on hold with the supreme court deciding whether it will hear the case. that didn t sit well with cnn host raza a salon reza aslan, tweeting. things weren t any better over on msnbc with one host suggesting president trump actually wants a terror attack to happen on u.s. soil. speak of the president doesn t want us to be politically correct so let s not be pc about this. is he trying to provoke a domestic terror attack with this twitter rant? only to prove himself right? it seems like he s trying to provoke something that he can politicize more for his own gain in america. do you feel that way? kimberly: greg. greg: i think mr. roberts is a victim of projection. it s the left that often uses tragedy for political means. if there s global warming, they say oh, my god, they wanted to be real so they can be right. we see lots of that. i don t see that much on the right. and about reza, he apologized. he swears all the time. he also explores the fringes of religion on a show with religions that embrace death. and cannibal sex. the most biased show you could ever watch. he s never gone after i ve looked at his show. he goes after everybody from scientology to other unusual religions but he never touches islam. he won t go after it critically. kimberly: lying aslan. greg: nicely done. dana: i find that twitter and cable news in particular everybody gets a choice of what they are going to say. if you want to be per provocative and delete a tweet, you can be adults but president trump s nato presence. he didn t say article five which, i agree, he should have said it. his national security team said he was going to but he didn t. fine, why don t you say president trump, nato needs to do more to fight terrorism. the message to these people and their madness is that they are driving themselves crazy because of president trump rather than try to focus on the fact that what they really want it s trying to fight terrorism together to save western civilization from these radical islamic terrorists. instead they don t. they are tweeting comedy on twitter. think about what you are saying before you say it. it greg: i wouldn t have a job if i did that. kimberly: we like you just fine, greg. jesse: i want to pick up on something greg just said. this guy, asked lon, he s not going to respond in a derogatory fashion he called trump a pie of blank. he said go f yourself. he said of cory lewandowski, you are in a in and a hole. the crazier the left is becoming, i think it shows how effective president trump is being. he has had a beheading situation, chelsea handler saying crazy stuff. all this goofy stuff over at nb nbc, i think president trump is doing it to them. he s driving a stake right between the heart of the left and he s peeling the fringe left out this way. now franken has to distance himself from people like kathy griffin but he s also driving a real wedge between the mainstream media and american public. they are getting so loopy and crazy and the public is just tuning them out. juan: i don t think the public is tuning them out. i m just telling you, the ratings i think this is true across liberal or conservative outlets the thing that strikes me you don t like it when donald trump, our president, says things that are per provocative, insightful, rude and if someone strikes back and says why did you say that? why did you use language comparable to what he saying? he s a president. he is the president. greg: how many times have i gone after trump? juan: you said the left dana: do you remember last year. juan: who on the right uses the flag like a symbol? who on the right uses dana: i don t understand. why are you not allowed to embrace the u.s. flag? juan: no, i said to use the u.s. flag as their private symbol. kimberly: oh, my god, it belongs to everybody, juan. why all of a sudden juan: the bigger point to me is, it seems to me you have a lot of people who decided they are going to engage with donald trump on his turf and his term. kimberly: with these people did here, i assume you denounce it? it juan: i don t speak that way in general. donald trump s behavior and actions, kimberly, they invite this kind of response. greg: juan. this kind of response has been involved in progressive humor forever. this is not new. they would demonize bush, romney, bush was hitler for the longest time. trust me, i m old. juan: i am older than you, buddy. greg: [laughs] juan: he has everything to say about this latest terror attack. what about portland? kansas? greg: he did mention portland. juan: he did mention it a week later after people kimberly: you are objecting to his rhetoric but nevertheles nevertheless, he was elected. he is the president of the night did states. perhaps don t vote for him for reelection. it directly ahead, more wild claims from al gore about climate change. you won t believe this. details in a battle, up next w n mountain coffee and fair trade? let s take a flight to colombia. this is boris calvo. boris grows mind-blowing coffee. and because we pay him a fair price, he improves his farm and invest in his community to make even better coffee. all for a smoother tasting cup. green mountain coffee. that s life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. .this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise. jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart- proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor about jardiance- the one and only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart. visit for a free consultation with a certified diabetes educator if you qualify. at bp s cooper river plant, employees take safety personally - down to each piece of equipment, so they can protect their teammates and the surrounding wetlands, too. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. ostriches don t really stick vitheir heads in the horns on their helmets. and a real john deere is actually real affordable. you learn something new everyday. the surprisingly affordable john deere e series tractors. dana: president trump outraged environmentalists with pulling out of the paris climate accord. al gore is so upset that he has taken to citing the bible. we still are not changing fast enough because it s not just the scientific in communiy warning us. it s like a book of revelations. dana: he also appeared on fox news sundays where chris wallace challenged him on one of his more controversial claims. you made the following comments, unless we took drastic measures, the world would reach a point of no return within ten years and you call that a true planetary immunogenicity. 11 years later, what s going on? on a global basis, for the first time they have stabilized and started to decline. some of the responses in the last ten years have helped. unfortunately and regrettably, a lot of serious damage has been done. dana: i thought chris wallace was very restrained in the interview. greg: who was he interviewing? that was al gore. that wasn t al gore. that was al gore junior. his hair looks like a mini windfarm. a lot of stuff in my movie wasn t true but some of it was? that s an old psychics trick. knowing america will only remember one or two predictions that are right. he was wrong about mount kilimanjaro, the storms to get worse due to climate change, he said there would be no arctic by 2013. it s there. there s ice. the polar bears are doing great. imagine if this were a different topic and he was a lying about terror. the media would be all over him and they wouldn t be calling him out. you can lie about climate change because the media s assumptions match those lies. they don t call him on it. dana: asset did you see the tweet that nasa tweeted out? they said it may become it s not as bad as we thought? jesse: it s never as bad as we think it is. greg: that s a windfarm. jesse: i thought he got a nice haircut. he looks quite dapper. the guy has made millions being a climate change preacher. he saying this is where you have to send your money. to the right people. send your money to the right industries. he s preying on people s guilt and fear and doing very well. i love the 60 minutes expose about how actually green al gore lives. i m not quite sure kimberly: can we roll that sound bite? president trump has gone after you directly and talking about this issue of climate change. this is what we hear from conservatives all the time. you or elon musk or leonardo dicaprio. you have a large carbon footprint yourself. i don t have a private jet. what carbon emissions come from, my trips on southwest airline are offset. i live a carbon free lifestyle to the maximum extent. [laughter] kimberly: he saying he doesn t own his own private jet. dana: but he borrows them to fly them. kimberly: he flies private. has he been on commercial? he s not hurting, okay? to the extent possible, he lives a carbon free life, whatever. i m sorry, your predictions were way off. greg: and he s telling you how to live. kimberly: i m still wondering if he did really create the internet. dana: does al gore bear any responsibility for questioning the science or the outcome? juan: no. talk about inconvenient truth here. al gore legitimately has engaged in hyperbole. he makes you think the sky is falling at times. yeah, that s right. we don t say that about something else who tweets every morning, do we? hyperbole, excessive, offensive at times. i will say this jesse: people are dying from terrorism. nobody is dying from climate change. juan: we see the pentagon saying that maybe this causes war and instability in our nations. greg: why isn t there more in california with the drought? there has been a drought in california forever. where are the ices cults in california? juan: the fact that we are having droughts and have had five or six years in the highest temperatures greg: margins of error, juan. you know the facts. our audience has a memory from the last show. juan: you need some facts. dana: we need an entire show on climate change. some prominent voices on the left are saying that democrats are going way too far with all the russia-trump talk. that report, when we come right back. ver. i ve found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced. our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say.if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia and my brother ray and i started searching for answers. 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juan: there s a lot of talk in fact what they want to do is something you suggested earlier run against the media. the problem for the republicans they can run against the media, trash the democratic whatever but then the democrats are saying you ve got the white house, the house of representatives and the senate and what happened to tax reform, repeal and replace? infrastructure? that s supposed to be a big deal but i don t see it coming now. again, this is the problem. i think that s a smart way for democrats to run against the party of trump. jesse: that s right. kimberly. if i hear russia will more time i can t believe it. as in the country sick of hearing about it? i hear people in the street, they are fed up with it. kimberly: it doesn t seem to be playing well for a large part of obviously the electorate and people that support trump. there is the abstract obstruct- for me so far, where s the evidence of any of this? there s a lot of big headlines and buzzwords being thrown around but there s no to suggest there was anything improper or illegal dumb between the trump campaign and anybody foreign agents in russia. the problem for them is, when this is in fact put to bed and to rest hopefully soon, what will they say? jesse: what will they say, dana, if some of these investigations come back? dana: let s say the investigations don t come back empty-handed what will people on the right say? they will say it s baloney. even if it s nothing, and the left will say it was something and it was hidden. i do agree with katrina vanden who goal. jesse: have you ever set up before? jesse: never. dana: the next six weeks, a health care vote in the senate. they will try to move on infrastructure and there will be iran sanctions and there is vote coming up. we re only talking about russia and not making your point for what you are for in those arena arenas? you are giving all that ground to. jesse: gragg. greg: i said this before but i think it s such a good point that i m going to say it again. 30-40 years ago, the left had no interest in the ussr. they felt the cold war was a joke and they were hyper focused on american evil. now it s 2017 and they are finally caught up. they are focusing on russia when the new threat is not russia, its islamism. maybe in 2057, they will finally catch up and say what about this radical islam thing i am hearing about? we will all be wearing burqas. juan: you think islam is as big a threat as russia? greg: about ten times as big. it s an ideology that wants to destroy us. in a popped up in apocalyptic . they are idea of heaven is killing all of us. they want to be competitive but they are not a party jesse: the 80s called, they want their foreign policy. you can t get in trouble for anything on hbo, unless you are bill maher. we will tell you why he is in hot water, coming up next. he d say i m gonna be like you, dad you know i m gonna be like you and the cat s in the cradle and the silver spoon little boy blue and the man in the moon. ray s always been different. last year, he said he was going to dig a hole to china. at&t is working with farmers to improve irrigation techniques. remote moisture sensors use a reliable network to tell them when and where to water. so that farmers like ray can compete in big ways. china. oh . he got there. that s the power of and. it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there s powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. how if guests book direct ater, and stay twice they ll get a $50 gift card? summertime. badda book. badda boom. got you a shirt! .i kept the receipt. book now at juan: comedians bill maher has made a career on pushing limits. we would love to have you work in the field with us. senator, i am a house [bleep]. it s a joke. juan: in a statement, hbo called the joke completely inexcusable and tasteless. maher apologized for using the racial slur. greg: sorry, the dirty secret of white liberals is that they assume they are exempt from these kinds of controversies because they ve already embraced the liberal platitude. they have a get out of bed get jail card. shelby steele s book, he talks about how he had a white friend that made a racist joke in front of him because he assumed shelby was a black prop. here is my black friend, therefore i can use the n-word or say something. i think bill maher has talked enough on equality and being a progressive that he feels he has carte blanche. he can make these jokes but the fact is, the joke is real. house. he was making a joke about some kind of suffering. juan: the thing i don t get, k.g., we hear all these complaints about bill maher. why not about these black rappers who use these words to access? they are equally degrading. kimberly: if you are saying there s a double standard it s a word inappropriate to use. it should not be used by anybody. i think what bill maher did is absolutely reprehensible. i m shocked somebody like himself would do and say something like that. i don t know. if he thinks he s above it and isn t going to be held accountable, that s really sad. juan: i agree. jesse, what do you make of the fact that this comes on the heels of kathy griffin? it seems like the provocateurs are running wild. jesse: i think the left and the media have become the ones that are deplorable s. they warned everybody else against them. when it comes to offensive speech, it seems like liberals don t really care what is said, it only matters who says it. if it s a conservative says anything close to this, they would be off the air in a second. he s not really paying a price for this. i guess if you are bill maher, you are allowed to say that word on hbo and not get in trouble for it. i also haven t seen a lot of other people stand up and really condemn him that strongly. they did with kathy griffin. i respect that. i didn t hear anything about bill maher. juan: al franken, a senator from minnesota, he said he s not going to appear on bill maher s show. dana: you re basically carrying a liberal torch, give a book out that s getting all these great reviews and within five days, you have to cancel your event with kathy griffin and your event on the maher tour. it s basically like liberal cannibalism. jesse: [laughs] kimberly: that must taste really bad. juan: hey, hey. greg: very good. i m so bored, i m dead. you can always compare rates on oh, that s nice, dear. but could you compare camping trips? 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(vo) call, click or come in today to learn how to start your better days. miracle-ear.hear a better day. thithis is the new new york.e? think again. we are building new airports all across the state. new roads and bridges. new mass transit. new business friendly environment. new lower taxes. and new university partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. learn more at greg: time for one more thing. let s do this. greg s guide news. the true measure of a man. take a look at this photo. this was taken on friday. this is you can see him. he s mowing his lawn as a tornado approaches. a small town in canada, and alberta. his wife was watching him and thought, he s interesting. don t you notice there is a tornado? he said yes, i am aware of it. i ve watched a lot of tv about them and i am monitoring it. this is how you measure your manliness. i go inside. dana: or your marriage. [laughter] greg: i go inside when i see a b. kimberly: maybe that should have been like, jessie s? greg: that s called irony. kimberly: clever and manly. juan: as you guys know, my kids think i am the least hip person in america. this weekend, i was introduced to this song and i want greg to tell me about it. play the music. juan: the number one song in the usa and it has been that way for four weeks now, despacito. at the first spanish song to hit number one in the usa since the macarena. greg: it s no macarena. when the macarena comes on at a wedding, things go crazy. juan: that s the thing, this song by daddy yankee and justin bieber and luis, guess what? i think something is changing when you have this on number one. greg: remember mamba whatever? that was a hell of a song. i don t care. wait, dana. dana: i listened to some music last night. in jersey. it was a great way to start the summer. it s a great show if you have a chance. patriotism, lots of fun. he was a surprise national anthem singer at the national predators game. even though he s been under the weather with a little bit of a cold. greg: did he get freaked out by you? dana: i m kind of embarrassed. kimberly: i think you guys are best friends now. kind of cute. it bloomed. all right, it was a concert that brought so much hope and healing to a country that has been torn apart by terror. arianna grahn day, one love manchester. i m sure a lot of you saw different clips of it. take a look at this. i love you guys so much. i think the kind of love and unity you are displaying to the world, it means so much to me right now. i want to thank you for having me back. i love you so much. kimberly: role model to young women, ariana grande. it reads more than $30 million to victims of the attack there two weeks ago. greg: it raised a lot of money. 13 million? jesse: it would make you a believer. kimberly: greg: i admiredt that they raised money for this. jesse: while greg gutfeld was doing his monologue, i was playing golf today. i hit the lakes to raise some money at the golf classic at mill river club. that was my caddy, al de blasio on the right. i never lost a ball and then that is steve on the left. another great patriot. dana: what was the big news today for you at golf? jesse: i did not cheat. it still didn t break 90. juan: trump i m glad you weren t golfing. greg: set your dvr is, never miss an episode of the five . hannity is next. watch it! sean: thanks for our friends on the five. welcome to hannity. a fox news alert on this very busy news night, europe is on the edge following yet again anr brutal attack and cnn facing other credibility crisis when a host calls trump a piece of well, you know what. talk about big news. liberal comedian bill maher under fire for using the n-word and we will also have the latest fallout from kathy griffin posing like an ices fighter with a muddy head looking like president trump. she s not the only one doing this. should the secret service be investigating?

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Five 20170601

first lady melania trump also expressed outrage, releasing a statement that said in part. the fellow, senator al franken said he will still appear with her at an event in july. kathy is a friend. she s a terrific comedian. this had no business being in our public discourse. can she recover from this? well, i think she did the right thing. asking for forgiveness and acknowledging this was a horrible mistake. i think she can. you will still appear with her? yes. jesse: wow. still appearing with kathy griffin. kimberly: guess who is not? anderson cooper. he canceled his big new york plans with her. i think he should have. we talked about this last night on the show. the fact that cnn acted decisively is good. and it s a little bit of a pushback on people that think they can just take shots, be disrespectful. it s fine to be able to disagree but to do something like that is so offensive and outrageous. this wasn t by accident. no. she planned this out. she knew it was going to be problematic. dana mentioned last night, you hear her on the tape ahead of time talking about we will have to move to mexico after this. she knew exactly what she was doing. good. she deserves to be punished for it. jesse: this absolutely backfired. yesterday the apology was already in motion. do you think kathy owes the trump family an apology because as we saw, it has a huge impact on the sun. dana: only if she meanst. if it was insincere then no, i wouldn t do it. i think i would never recover if melania trump or any first lady of the united states said they were disappointed in me. i personally would never recover. i would be in a fetal position under the table. feeling like a kicked dog. kimberly: true. greg: jesse: do you buy a griffin s apology? cnn, anderson cooper doesn t buy it. it was a stunt and it blew up in her face. greg: as dana pointed out, she lost her endorsement deal. which was funny because her career was already in the toile toilet. i do think this was a way for her i think she did it on purpose to catapult herself from the 2b list. if you lack talent the way she lacks talent, the best way to go forth is to take that express train to political relevance. in this case, the worst thing you can say about trump will make the best friends in hollywood. now madonna will call her back. now she will be able to say yeah, i am crucified because of trump. i have a bigger problem with the media saying this is a nonstory because they find trump as an acceptable villain. if you done this with anybody else, it would have been dealt with differently. the media calls the conservatives and republicans and right-wing hypocrites because we are the ones that always call people out on being too politically correct. we call people out on being snowflakes, a stupid word. however, unlike the left, we didn t actually call for her jo job. no one is rioting. we are not trying to ban her from speaking at colleges. at that something at the left does when they find somebody they deem to be evil. we think she s wrong, stupid, we think she s about as funny as syphilis. i don t really care if she keeps her job. she wanted to get out of the kathy griffin world and go to a different kathy griffin world which is the one of anti-trump political relevance. and she did it. kimberly: b list. juan: i don t think she s getting any book deals. i disagree on so many levels. greg: you are like a parking ramp. so many levels. juan: oh, it s the office of the presidency. what happened when conservatives and republicans were going so harshly against president obama? what happened with ted nugent? greg: exception proves the rule. juan: i could keep going with my examples. i could keep going. kimberly: did admin one to hold up a severed head of any other president? dana: they banned the rodeo cloud for life. rodeo clowns use the mask of every president. there are bush, clinton, obama masks. greg: he doesn t have transferable skills. when you are fired as a rodeo clown, where do you go? juan: in the case of ted nugent, you go right to the oval office because president trump will invite you in. jesse: president obama invited black lives matter to the white house and they chant for killing cops. juan: black lives matter has never called for killing cops. jesse: they say fry them out, pigs in a blanket. juan: that s how real debate in this country gets diminished because people say ridiculous, outrageous things. am i in the same world? kimberly: juan, the problem is you don t understand. no one would say it s acceptable if somebody did it to a liberal or democratic president. the conduct is unbecoming. i am telling you it s outrageous conduct. it s not acceptable to do. juan: i agree but i think republicans, especially some on the trump side, are reveling in this. we are so resentful of the hollywood elites and the kathy griffin s. this is our opportunity to tell them off. greg: i agree but maybe we deserve it. maybe you are right. maybe people are reveling in it because we ve been through it ourselves for for so long. jesse: sarah silverman says she wants an armed overthrow of the white house. there has been a lot of violent threats directed at this president in the last 100 days. you can name may be person said something. i think this is what ted nugent said. if barack obama becomes the president, i will either be dead or in jail by this time next year. juan: no, no, i will tell you what ted nugent said. jesse, you have just underinformed on this issue. ted nugent said the man was basically a subhuman mongrel. jesse: that s disgusting but that s not threatening his life. juan: jesse, look. he said here is my machine gun, put your mouth on it. that s pretty horrible. kimberly: nobody is saying here s what i m trying to say. we get that that is not appropriate and is offensive. so is this. juan: i agree! kimberly: what s your point? juan: when this happened on the other issue, i didn t hear outrage on the right saying mr. nugent, that s unacceptable. kimberly: we did. we talked about carl paladino and we said it wasn t appropriate. sorry, sorry. dana: i wonder what kathy griffin really thought was going to happen. she said i m going to go to mexico. the short-term pain of this. greg: cnn fired her for this. apparently they haven t watched the previous new year s eve. it s her performances on new year s eve that are actually worse than this one picture. dana: i remember that one thing she did. juan: she is no k.g. jesse: kathy griffin also sarah palin put those targets on the map of districts she wanted to flip. kathy griffin blamed sarah palin for the arizona shooting of gabby gifford. now, look what happens. she is holding the severed head of the president. will she ever be responsible if anyone takes a swing at president trump? by her very logic, she would have to hold whoever made a threat responsible. greg: democrats use that with the montana the guy shaking up the reporter on trum trump. juan: this is reprehensible. chelsea clinton said today vile, wrong, not funny. i don t see democrats somehow supporting kathy griffin. jesse: i think democrats finally woke up to the fact that what is going on in their party is unacceptable. kimberly: kathy griffin on one side with our president and on the other side, isis. there you go. greg: how much you want to guarantee that because she has insulted the acceptable villain in hollywood and the media, how long will she be down? dana: she will be presenting at the oscars in february. greg: if it was reversed, your career would be over. jesse: some shocking statement from a bitter hillary clinton, that s up next. dana: hillary clinton spoke at a tech conference in california where she had quite a bit to say about her loss in november, including her email scandal and russian meddling. the use of my email account was turned into the biggest scandal since lord knows one. this was the biggest nothing burger ever. they covered it will like it was pearl harbor. the russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign, to influence voter voters. they would talk about my emails but not about the investigation with the russians. people went to vote on november 8th, having no idea that there was an active counterintelligence investigation with the trump campaign. dana: president trump weighed in on twitter. writing. i feel bad for her because she s got grandchildren, a long career. she could move on and enjoy life but instead, she seems very bitter. she s really raking over some old ground and coming up with fake news herself. kimberly: this is where you are with a best friend you talk to her and you say, listen. you are better than this. rise above it. someone who is on her team, on her side, saying it s really not a good idea. be presidential even though he didn t win. show that you are the bigger person. inspire people that believed in you and supported you, you are a class act, someone who will have relevance based on the issues you want to propel forward and not based on your grievance. dana: to think anyone in the democratic party is telling her? joe biden will announce tomorrow that he is having his own pac. democrats are trying to move on but she is kind of not letting them. juan: i don t think that s a problem at all. i think her base celebrates hillary clinton. that s like telling president trump to stop tweeting. it ain t happening. there s an audience for what hillary clinton says. dana, i don t know why you said that thing about the the dash dana: all of dana: all of a sudden president trump got command thousand twitter followers. it was very specific. juan: that s different. i think what was going on during the campaign i don t think there s any question i think when john podesta got hacked, it was just hours after the tapes were released and he said hey, there s some collaboration, collusion going on here. dana: chelsea clinton, jesse, said she doesn t know how she will explain president trump to her grandchildren. jesse: they will be living in an america that will be great again. hillary says this scandal was a nothing burger. dan why did everybody plead the fifth? she s also blaming the new york times for losing. that s like when you lose a baseball team for fans not cheering loud enough. and she also said just weeks ago that the russians that means america was not sexist on the 27th and then became sexist on election night. she s also been claiming russia she was telling everybody in saying that no one would listen to her. the most powerful people in america and no one is listening to you hillary? not a very good look. dana: she did more in arizona than in wisconsin. greg: someone to tell her that people see the harlem globetrotters play, not the washington generals. this is a traveling roadshow. the fact that she said nothing burger, which is the washington deep equal word, stop using it. especially in that star trek chair. you know what? she was speaking at a tech conference. isn t that hilarious? she was speaking at a tech conference. it was tech that caught her at the election. she blames misogyny? she s an expert. i d this is from ted nugent. he says i never threatened the president. juan: after the secret service investigated. now they claim i shot an obama effigy. it never happened. i believe this over to the 30-40 million viewers that are watching the show right now. dana: what you think about the joe biden pac? i love a name dropper. juan: i just saw him yesterday. kimberly: you rode in together? juan: i think joe biden is popular. i think he has an ability to do something that so critical for the democrats right now which is to reach out to the working, white americans. and remind them that the democrats are their party. not this populist ideologue. dana: if that is true, then wouldn t the democrats prefer hillary clinton to focus on bigger picture issues? rather than treading on ground over and over again? kimberly: yeah, but it s all about her. she won t let it go so she has to take him down again. she will do it. that someone who completely is not thinking about what s in the best interest of her party. if she thought about that, she would have let joe biden run last time. she felt cheated out of the last time. it s like oh, it s me again. jesse: hillary is behaving exactly how she said trump was going to behave if he lost. conspiracy theories. the media. kimberly: she is blaming waters where jesse watters. greg: she should start her own little shadow government. she could create a little white house somewhere. she could have press conferences and invite people over. she couldn t think in her own little mind that she s running the country. kimberly: and how to delete and destroy evidence. dana: beat that horse. greg: by the way, that s a metaphor. kimberly: dana: trump twe, kimberly: dana: trump twe, including this word if you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn t cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn t pay. so don t wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they re the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now s the perfect time to learn more. go long. kimberly: oh, yeah. just after midnight, president trump put out the following tweet. despite the constant negative press covfefe. the media like most of the country spent a lot of time figuring out the pronunciation of the word covfefe. what you right, george. that tweet word covfefe, covfefe covfefe, covfefe. we will let you make the call this morning. covfefe. yeah, good morning. i am not sure what the meaning is. i m still figuring out how to pronounce it. i will go with corncob. kimberly: asked about the tweet, sean spicer said the president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant. jesse, care to decipher question marks before it was a typo, obviously. i think everybody knows. they covered his typo more than his beheading. i am a little bit of a grammar nerd. he doesn t drink so i don t know why he misspells things. kimberly: haven t you ever tried to type on a phone? autocorrect? coverage? jesse: what it shows is that he does have a lot of power on his fingertips. he can send out a typo and send the media on a wild goose chase. next time the russian subpoenas start coming up, send some emoji s. kimberly: all right, jesse. that was a good one. juan, did you find this funny? juan: initially it was funny. it was funny how he was saying they were getting negative press coverage but to me at midnight, this is a lonely guy watching tv. he wakes up early and watch as more tv. he s got nothing else to do. dana: how do you know all this? juan: people then buy into this as this correction distras entertaining. this is the way the media has gone these days. it s all about entertainment and personality. lighten greg: that s true and beautiful because at least all the problems they are talking about have to do with words and not deeds. we are talking about a tweet. usually the things that he says, it s not like he s going around killing people or making horrible deals. kimberly: just bad guys. greg: he s not doing things that bring shame to the oval office. i mean sure, he says things that your eccentric uncle might say. but they are to sayings. i don t worry too much about it. the media who spent so much time on the story it s so low. it s just a tweet. you can go crazy on it forever. the mistake is that we find it so meaningful because it so easy. kimberly: the chief communicator. dana perino. dana: he handled it well. he was funny. who among us hasn t spelled something wrong on twitter? the media was having fun with i it. we criticize him for something and then have having fun for it? what i don t like when the press secretary sean spicer said well, actually, the president and a small group of people knew what he meant. he already made it funny, can t we all laugh about it? he violated one of my rules. no twitter after midnight. nothing ever comes that is good out of that. and no hats on tv. i also think it s top strategic. hillary clinton tweeted. dana: now that s not funny. let him be funny and let the press laugh about it. jesse: it sounds like a nothing burger to me. kimberly: your champ right there. greg: covfefe sounds like the two twins that bill clinton is dating. juan: 1:00 in the morning, the whole world is paying attention. it s crazy. kimberly: i think it s good we have a president who has that stamina, awake at midnight. greg: covfefe. kimberly: covfefe. president trump might pull out of the paris climate accord. good idea? greg: president trump may have us pull out from the paris climate agreement. the question isn t why we pull out but why we pulled in and in the place. obama, it was his choice. it s a bad decision but you can t stop him. that s what the paris accord is. the world s worst lottery ticket. where the prize is way smaller than the price of entry. a ticket that cost ten grand and get to five bucks in 100 years. that is the accord s most optimistic prediction. let that sink in. in scientific terms, it s trivial. in human terms, it s homicidal. it would be no difference if it turns nothing. the things we might have done instead with all those trillions of dollars. you could solve everything from malaria to malnutrition. for $75 billion a year, you could give education, basic health care, sanitation, clean drinking water to every person on earth. that s what this is really about. guilt, the climate accord is fueled by a lie that the west is so foul that only chucking trillions at a problem will absolve us of our exaggerated sins. the paris deal makes life a whole lot worse. kill it and let s dance on his you know who signed the accord? north korea. even north korea is doing it. dana: they might have nuclear powers in it. greg: they would prefer to spend trillions of dollars on this day and leave north korea alone read dana: we were making fun of them for saying that president obama deserved all this credit because it actually will achieve nothing. if you look at the massachusetts mit assessment, it was something like global temperatures will be reduced by 2200. i think he can explain it either way. it doesn t matter because it doesn t really have any teeth in it. he can say this is important for diplomacy. he can say doesn t matter. either way, it doesn t matter. greg: jesse, what you think he s going to do? jesse: it s worthless, like a piece of paper. i actually read what it said. it set goals and then every year, they meet at a fancy plac place. they talk about whether or not they have met those goals. it s nonbinding and there is no penalty for not reaching a goal and you can plot a bit and there s no penalty for that thing either. the whole thing is worthless. under trump s current policy approach, by 2025, our carbon emissions will be going down 19% lower than they will have been in 2005. they are already projecting lower emissions significantly if we just continue down the path we are going. much better than china. greg: this is about five-star hotels they get to go to the best places in the world, hang out and meet leo dicaprio. kimberly: and then elon musk. fine, get back to doing your fancy cars. basically a transfer of wealth, developed economies to the less fortunate. you give them grants so that they can then say we are fighting climate change, right? the u.s. this is about we are going to be penalized? we are actually doing the right thing here. we want to continue to do that deal, punish ourselves and lock ourselves in climate handcuffs? for what? greg: you just don t know what you are doing here, juan. juan: this is unbelievable. wow. i will give you a bunch of facts. you are talking about 0.5%. kimberly: that s from mit, that s not from dana. juan: oh, so that means it s not rising? it s not continuing to rise? oh, okay. you talk about things like scarcity, floating cities? don t talk about that. you know how ted nugent tweets you? al gore is in mine. i see, that is your conservative quote the usa and nicaragua, the only countries in the world, saying nothing is going on. temperatures aren t changing. this is steve bannon and make america great again. greg: you ve been talking talking about this for years. kimberly: why are you blaming this on the nationals? you want this country to be dry of money and resources just to say we support climate change? greg: the good things are the things that they are neglecting. good water, hygiene, malnutrition. kimberly: wrap yourself around us. we will spend at least $100 trillion in order to reduce the temperature by the end of the century by a grand total of three tenths of 1 degree. juan: to keep the temperatures from rising is essential for us. greg: if you have a slight increase, that helps with education which helps with lifespan. dana: president trump can reverse president trump s to make s mistake. decisions that it s not willing to make legislatively. greg: exactly. and on that note, you could have put that in your journal and i m glad you didn t. dana: you will be out tomorrow. greg: md congested. i am d congested. ahh. where are mom and dad? saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico! goin up the country. love mom and dad i m takin a nap. dude, you just woke up! i m goin up the country, baby don t you wanna go? i m goin up the country, baby don t you wanna go? geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. you won t see these folks they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? 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jesse: i don t see that happening. they have to ride the guy s coat tails. they are in there for a reason. 12 years being out of power in the white house, then trump came along. it s a small window. it can change. two years now. it changes very quickly. we have to get everything done. if you don t get it done, then you will have the democrats have the house. and then what? impeachment. then they want to impeach your guy. kimberly: they are not going to really do that. jesse: build a wall, cut taxes, get people back to work. juan: would you agree it s republicans blocking trump? jesse: dana: part of the m is, the president made promises on health care the bill that he endorsed does not meet. it s hard to go out and sell those things until those fundamental questions are answered. there is no one who can sell this like the president. juan: what you say, greg? come on donald trump? greg: the answer is somewhere in the middle. you have these joest men. they give you support but they also indulge your worst instincts. yes men. then you have critics who are a pain in the neck but they bring out the best in you. i don t like when people say you better get on the trump train. shut up. then you have other people saying i am a never trump person. both of you are almost the same. kimberly: a lot of similarities. greg: trump haters or trump trainers. have some croissants. jesse: there won t be any croissants on the trump train. juan: video of tiger woods dui arrest is coming up approaching medicare eligibility? 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i had no idea. so, she said look for. .one that s shaped like a dental tool with a round. .brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b s rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to. .gently remove more plaque and. .oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to. .remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i ll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. jesse: time no further one more thing. juan williams. juan: the multicultural media correspondence selectively at their 2017 broadcast journalist of the year! here i am receiving the award but here i am talking about the good of the five and fox news. it has dominated not only cable news but how we hear and understand politics in america. not under pressure by a committed news team, that s one of the highlights of my career. thanks so much to the correspondence and i ve got to tell you, it was a thrill. dana: well-deserved. after hurricane mathew hit south carolina, it was a very devastating hurricane but eclipsed by the election. she wanted to see how many women had become pregnant during their vacation. she found all of these women. all residents of south carolina coastal towns and they are all due to give birth very soon. she took them to all sorts of different places in south carolina on the coastal areas. juan: where are the guys? dana: they don t need their pictures taken. kimberly: here s something you don t see every day on the streets of new york city. greg: i will be the judge of that. kimberly: a carriage horse broke loose yesterday. it began running like the wind. from its stable and went through midtown manhattan in the middle of rush hour. look at her go. people were stunned to see her running through the streets. no one was hurt, this is real. after 8 minutes or so, she found her way back to the stable. it s not so cute? there s no grass. greg: you know what he says when he is trying get a cab? hay. jesse: here is a video of tiger woods dui arrest. say the alphabet in a slow, nonrhythmic manner. to understand the instructions? yes. what were the instructions? not to sing the national anthem backwards. jesse: poor guy. greg: that is definitely ambien. it always makes you confuse things and you end up eating a jar of peanut butter in your underwear. jesse: one more thing, greg. greg: snowflake. it started out people were using it to describe sensitive safe spacers but now it s a name we call everybody. you know a word is over when people are using it too much. let s stop using it. jesse: if hillary uses it, then it s really. greg: it was that or nothing burger. kimberly: out of time. juan: it s getting hot in here for snowflakes. kimberly: good old glassy eyes over there is about done. jesse: never miss bret: this is a fox news alert. welcome to washington, i am bret baier. breaking news on the house intelligence committee s investigation into the unmasking of american swept up in government surveillance. there are two tracks to the investigation into what the term campaign did or didn t do, and also with the obama administration did or did not do with surveillance. breaking tonight, new details on the second tract. chief washington correspondent james rosen is here with details. good evening. fox news has confirmed that the fbi and cia and national security agency were all served today with subpoenas issued by the house intelligence committee. sources said

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