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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170701

combined with the most wifi hotspots. it s a new kind of network. xfinity mobile. the president arrived tonight in new jersey for a holiday weekend at his golf club in bed minister having already provide the fireworks back in washington. today his feud with joe scarborough and mika brzezinski and his rage at their criticism of him lit the capitol sky. for more on the fallout and what s next, let s go to cnn s sara murray. what s been the white house s response so far to the allegations by scarborough and brzezinski? reporter: well, anderson, we re now in day two of this. the president s fight with two cable news hosts, this time over a national enquirer story and whether there was an attempt essentially to go after these anchors with this story, whether they reached out to the president to try to get him to kill it. the president is insisting that joe scarborough called him, but officially there s no comment on this from the white house. sarah huckabee sanders says she wasn t even sure today if the president had seen sort of the news story that set this all off today. a lot of he said/she said in this case, but again sort of the broader narrative here is this in the minds of many people who are members of donald trump s own party was another day wasted, another day wasted for a president who has a lot to do but instead spent the day feuding with cable news hosts. sarah huckabee sanders said she wasn t sure if the president saw it? he actually tweeted saying that he watched morning joe for the first time in a long time, which is an arguable point. he responded. here s the tweet. watched low rated morning joe for first time in long time. fake news. he called me to stop a national enquirer article. i said no. bad show. seems like he watched it. reporter: it does seemed like he watched it. it also seems like he read that new york magazine story or at least coverage of it. i think it s a difficult place for those aides trying to defend this stuff at this point. i mean is this impacting the president s agenda? reporter: i do think it impacts the president s agenda in the sense that what we saw from senators as they were getting ready, like sprinting out of washington for this recess, was they were angry, and they were embarrassed by the president. and they were embarrassed by the way he is using the presidency. they have been sort of clamoring in many ways for the president to offer air cover on difficult votes, to go out there to make the pitch for health care and why this legislation is good for trump voters and for the american people, and that s not how he s using the bully pulpit. so in that sense, i do think it might make people more frustrated. it certainly makes it harder for him to build personal relationships with these senators. does that mean it s going to sway a vote? but he tweeted plenty of other erratic things today including on health care that will actually make it more difficult potentially for him to get the things done that he says he wants to do. right. he said just go for repeal and replace later on. thanks for the update. this story puts the spotlight on a publication that knows how to put it on others, especially politicians. lately given the publisher first, cnn s sarah ganim on the rest of the national enquirer s track record. reporter: despite the tabloid-y headlines, there are times the national enquirer has been spot-on with the big political stories. its most well known scoop, during the run-up to the 2008 election when it accused democratic front-runner john edwards of cheating on his cancer-stricken wife with his campaign videoographer re yell hunter. back then, an enquirer reporter showed cnn how he tracked it all down. i say to him, mr. edwards, i m from the national enquirer. we know that you ve been with rielle hunter. don t you think it s about time to actually tell everyone that you are actually the father of this child? reporter: still, edwards denied it for years. i ve responded consistently to these tabloid allegations by saying, i don t respond to these lies. reporter: most media stayed away, even when the enquirer published a photograph purportedly of edwards visiting hunter and their little girl. edwards called the photo fake. but eventually the lie unraveled. the enquirer did a victory lap, taking credit for edwards fall from grace. the publication was even considered for journalism s top prize, something candidate donald trump supported. i ve always said why didn t the national enquirer get the pulitzer prize for edwards? reporter: the enquirer declares it is the only publication with the guts to tell it like it is and that it s been proven correct about other scandalous affairs, like in 1987 when democratic presidential nominee gary hart had been forced to suspend his campaign after news reports revealed a relationship with model donna rice. the enquirer provided the visual proof, publishing this memorable photograph of rice sitting in hart s lap on a yacht. that effectively spelled the end of his political career. and in 2001, jesse jackson admitted to having a love child with a top aide. as the national enquirer prepared to uncover his affair in a story. then in 2003, rush limbaugh was forced to admit he had a painkiller addiction after the national enquirer paid his housekeeper to reveal that she d been supplying the conservative talk show host with prescription pain pills. law enforcement confirmed it, and limbaugh went to rehab. not to say they always get it right. they don t. week after week, farfetched stories accompanied by eyebr eyebrow-raising headlines give it a questionable reputation. the enquirer was just plain wrong when it published that congress man gary condit s wife attacked his missing intern, chandra levy in 2001 before her disappearance. the enquirer settled a million dollar lie bell suit over the story. and during the contentious 2016 primary campaign, stories about ted cruz, about alleged affairs and about his father were widely criticized and never proven to be true. sara ganim, cnn, new york. let s bring in the panel, mac . scott, let me start with you. i mean the president in his tweet responding to this today seemed to indicate that he could have possibly gotten this story killed, but he said no. if, in fact, the president has used the national enquirer or has power over what the national enquirer covers, is that a problem? well, i think presidents by the nature of their office frequently have relationships with media outlets and the upper reaches of those media outlets to try to promote or kill certain things. i don t think that s new. i do think it s troubling that if a media outlet is being wielded we don t know that to be the case here. that s been an allegation. what i worry about in this whole episode is that we re now 48 hours of punching down. when you re the president, most everything you do to attack someone is punching down because no one s as famous or has the same stat you ure as you do. for 48 hours, he s punching down and that s not helping advance the republican agenda. i don t know what s going to happen with the national enquirer, but i know what s going to happen to republicans next november if the agenda doesn t get passed that they ran on. i think that s exactly right from what i m hearing. i think sarah had it right too. i don t think this is going to hurt him with the voters in that voters see this as noise. i do think that for republicans on capitol hill and particularly a group of moderate women in the senate republicans, i think this is very, very complicated for them to defend. this is not what they want to be talking about. there is the larger issue of health care and what is going to happen with efforts to repeal president obama s signature legislation, and this instead has been a week spent on it s not just something that voters really don t care much about. it s something that really is about the president talking about how he personally is being treated. and this president has an ability to turn himself into a victim, which to be clear, lots of presidents have done. but few have done it so frontally and forcefully and bluntly as this one has. it raises another question of we re now basically at the six-month mark of this presidency almost, and what is he pointing to beyond neil gorsuch for major accomplishments? maria? what he points to is he says he s passed more bills first of all, that s not true. really what do those bills do in terms of real impact on the country? in terms of the national enquirer story, it just again underscores how bizarre this presidency has been. we don t know what the issue is really there, but it really does look like he did have some influence with the enquirer. in fact, in tubin s awesome people in the new yorker, he talks about how the owner of it or the publisher of it talked about how he sees himself as the father of trump s presidency and that he wants to protect it. that is something that you see in third world countries, right? when presidents are either owners of media, or they control the media. jeff toobin in the article talks about i guess a former playboy playmate who is making allegations, and david packer, the head of the national enquirer, actually hired her to write a column for some other publications of his. as long as she didn t say anything bad about trump. catch and kill. that s the term used. how many other stories has the national enquirer caught and then killed? it s part of the pro-trump might ya universe. you think about shows on fax, breitbart, other websites. the national enquirer is a big part of this pro-trump media universe. if we take what scarborough and brzezinski are charging on face value, this is the president saying, call me. grovel, tell me you like me. tell me you ll be nice to me, and i will get rid of some bad news for you. in face value, that s very disturbing. it s not the first time there s been charges of this white house trying to neuter or silence critical voices in the media. again, we don t know if he did this. this is an allegation. at the time he told his colleagues, including the head of nbc news p.r., he started showing the text messages. so there is some contemporaneous we should point out they have not released it. the question is are they going to release it? it is interesting because it reminds me of something he allegedly said to director comey. it was something about, you know, i ve been good to you on that thing you talked about. sort of the transactional nature of things is something that we ve talked a lot about with this president. he treats everything like it s a deal. everything is a deal. everything is a sliding scale of what he can get out of a negotiation, which is part of why he has no problem changing his opinion, which we have seen over and over again. he will say something about something one day. for instance, on health care, on redoing the bill, he was all for the house efforts, and then said this is dead and i want to move on. then a week later we re reviving it. he said to my colleague and me in the oval office, this is part of a negotiation. don t you understand that? everything is a negotiation, and he doesn t see the limits or lines or the normal guard rails the way they exist in political and government media and in the white house. we ve got to take a quick break. we re going to have more on this in a moment. also tonight, what the women in the president s life have to say or not say about this and how they ve defended him over similar allegations over the years. also late details about that shooting in a new york city hospital and what may have driven the gunman. la quinta presents how to win at business. step one: point decisively with the arm of your glasses. abracadabra. the stage is yours. step two: choose la quinta. the only hotel where you can redeem loyalty points for a free night-instantly and win at business. what s going on? oh hey! that s it? yeah. everybody two seconds! dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald s helps more people go to college. it s part of our commitment to being america s best first job. i m ryan and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried to quit cold turkey. i tried to quit with the patch; that didn t work. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. for me, chantix worked. it reduced my urge to smoke. compared to the nicotine patch, chantix helped significantly more people quit smoking. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you ve had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. the most common side effect is nausea. i m so proud to be a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. many insurance plans cover chantix for a low or $0 copay. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis,. isn t it time to let the real you shine through? 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his own nature takes over. the person who he really is takes over. his instincts take over. it reminds me, anderson, of one of the shows where george costanza was saying that, you know, he has all these wrong instincts and then he started doing everything exactly the opposite of his instincts and things started going right. do you remember this? and everything started going right with him. and this is what this president and what people who support him are begging him to do, and it doesn t happen because it s no who he is. on good morning america, kellyanne conway said the coverage of the president is neither, quote, productive nor patriotic. i found it interesting because we re covering the president s own words. you know, i get that she thinks it s not productive. the idea that it s not patriotic, you know add that to the list of corrosive comments that contribute to the sense of hatred of the media. it s past just resentment of the media that s been fostered by trump and his aides. it s heatred among some of his loyal fans. she also said on gma that the president s being there s all this raw sewage on television, that he s treated so mediterraneanle mercilessly, there is a lot of negative and skeptical coverage. it is because there a lot of challenges facing the white house. we can t view the critical coverage in a vacuum. it happens for a reason. maggie, do you actually believe the president hates the media? i believe he does now, in all seriousness. i don t think he used to. i think two things were not the case before. the president would often say or was said to live by the belief that all press is good press, and i don t believe he actually felt that way because i think he was very bothered by a lot of the coverage. frankly when he was a civilian, he would get, you know, more or less positive coverage. generally speaking, sure. that was when he would say things like that. he knew how to deal and sort of beat down on bad coverage he didn t like. i think that that has changed. i think that the access hollywood experience, when that tape emerged that october weekend last year, i think that had a defining effect on him, and i think that he then believed that, you know, he won and that reporters were going to come around to him. and he believed he was going to be sort of praised for what he saw as great accomplishments, which was winning when most people didn t think he would win. he s furious that hasn t happened. to brian s point, i think he doesn t quite see that this is not happening, you know, on its own. and most every president feels like they are getting bad coverage. the clintons hated the new york times. he just sits and watches it in a different way. today president trump had the south korean at the white house. he did not take questions from the press. he s breaking with precedent in terms of not holding those kind of joint press conferences. he hasn t given a non-fox interview in two months. if he does hate the press, if that s true, he s now a reflection of his base. if you look at the trust among republicans for the media, it s historically low, which is dangerous. [ overlapping voices ] he is undermining faith in a key institution. the press, certainly we have done this to ourselves on certain things, but he is also helping to push that along. that s dangerous to the country. thanks, everybody. coming up, how the woman closest to the president defends his attacks on women. also, how it affects melania trump s stated anti-cyber bullying cause. more ahead. not at night. tempur-pedic breeze is now cooler than ever. to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer. and wake up feeling refreshed. 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he will fight for you and our country. reporter: when her husband needed her most, melania trump never wavered in her support. i m automatically attracted to beautiful. i just start kissing them. reporter: october 7, 2016, just weeks before election day. the trump campaign was in crisis mode. a recording of then-candidate trump on access hollywood in 2005 had just been released. on it, donald trump is heard bragging about not only kissing women but grabbing women s genitals all without consent. when you re a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. grab them by the [ bleep ] [ laughter ] you can do anything. melania trump insisted this was just locker room talk and that her husband had been set up by the tv crew. i was surprised because that is not the man that i know. and as you can see from the tape, the cameras were not on. it was only a mike. reporter: donald trump apologized to his wife, who called the words her husband used on the tape offensive and unacceptable. he apologized. i accept his apology. i hope the american people will accept it as well. reporter: donald trump s daughter, ivanka trump, also called his remarks offensive and inappropriate. he recognizes it was crude language. he was embarrassed that he had said those things, and he apologized. reporter: both ivanka and melania trump have long defended donald trump s treatment of women. well, my father can be an equal opportunity offender. if somebody said something against him, he will speak his mind, and he treats women equal to how he treats men. if you re a woman, and they attack him, he will attack back no matter who you are. we re all human, and he treats them equal as men. reporter: what makes their defense so curious is that melania trump says she will fight to end cyber bullying. we must find better ways to honor and support the basic goodness of our children, especially in social media. reporter: yet her husband uses twitter as a weapon, and ivanka calls herself, quote, a huge vadvocate for women and women s issues, has a blog, women who work, and writes op-eds about female empowerment. she also proudly tweets pictures of women and girls visiting the white house. meanwhile back during the campaign, trump s team also pushed back against allegations by dozens of women that donald trump had kissed them or groped them without consent. some of their stories dated back 30 years. mr. trump denied all of it, and once again his wife had his back. i believe my husband. i believe my husband. this was all organized from the oppositi opposition, and with the details, did they ever check the background of these women? they don t have any facts. reporter: ivanka trump, however, stayed oddly silent, at least in public. randi kaye, cnn, new york. with me now, maggie haber man, emily fox, mike al dantonio. the women who are closest to him have stood by him throughout all of this in the campaign, even before. well, this is not unusual for the trump family or the trump children in particular. they are his closest allies, sometimes his safest sounding boards, and they are the most loyal disciples to donald trump. i think what you have with ivanka trump is you have someone who does care about issues related to women and female empowerment. she happens to have a father who publicly says horrible things about women. so she is in a tricky position because she will never publicly say anything bad about her father. everyone who i ve ever talked to who is close to ivanka, ever worked with her, knows her personally says the one thing she will never do is publicly come out against her father. so whatever she s saying behind closed doors, she would never say that. maggie, we should point out we don t really know what, you know, melania trump says to him behind closed doors or what ivanka trump says to him behind closed door. we don t. i think emily is right. i think both women are in a tricky position because this is husband and father. i don t think that it is this is an unusual situation, less so for the first lady, but certainly to have a daughter of a president working in the white house. a lot of this is finding the right tone for a new dynamic. she has positioned herself as a champion of women, so that is part of why the focus goes to her. i do think it s tricky to expect any daughter of an elected official to openly criticize them. what matters is what s said behind closed doors. it s interesting, michael, because it s been commented that the president steps on his own message. he s also stepping on ivanka s message, and also what melania has indicated she would like her message to be about cyber bullying. you re absolutely right. i think in some respect, we could think, well, the only message that matters is the president s message, and that s been true for donald trump as a businessman as well. what s kind of sad to think about is that ivanka trump has been dealing with this problem of her father and what he says and does around women since her childhood. this was an issue in the divorce scandal that was played out over the tabloid press in the early 1990s, and it arose again with marla maples. time and again she s been put in this really difficult position of hearing and knowing these things about her father and being supportive but also quiet and abandoning herself in a way. i think that s a ter imthing to terrible thing to do to a daughter, to put her in a position where she has to choose between loyalty to her own ideals, and i think her ideals are more modern, more inclusive and advanced and mature, and her loyalty to her father. i think that last bit about whether mr. trump has evolved with the times is very important to consider. i think this is a fellow whose understanding of the relationship of the sexes and gender identity and roles is pretty well frozen in 1960, and it s almost a hugh hefner rat pack kind of idea. and i don t think that flies very well in our time. emily, it s interesting. you could also make the argument that he has surrounded himself throughout much of his life with strong women. melania trump, you know, i remember when i interviewed her last time. one of the things she said to me was, look, don t feel bad for me. i m strong. i m a strong person, and she certainly projects that. you know, i don t know her very well, but she certainly seems to be a strong woman and certainly ivanka trump and you think back to ivana trump, who was married to donald trump. ran his whole casino business in atlantic city. you think about who is the one adult child in the white house with him and it s his daughter, not his two sons who are still back in new york. i think ivanka trump has made the point over and over again when she s asked to he said i could be kwhawhatever i want to. i think we also have to step back and say ivanka trump is there in the white house, though, promoting these messages because her father is there. it s not like she earned a place in government beyond being her father s daughter. so while she really does care about these issues, she is there because of her father s message, and that message does clash with her own message. that s very true. she also, i mean, clearly projects herself as a has projected herself as sort of a moderating influence on her father. is it clear to you how much power she actually has because it feels like every time, you know, he makes a speech, that gets bipartisan praise until there s a leak that it was ivanka trump who pushed this part of the speech. but when something like, you know, this tweet happens, we don t hear anything about what ivanka trump is saying. yeah. look, i think that i think that it is complicated for her, and i think it is complicate the for her husband, but particularly for her. i think that there have been issues where they have pushed pretty hard. when my colleague and i interviewed her a couple of months ago, she did talk about how, look, i m not there to sort of be the moderate wing. she said there were discrete issues on which she was going to try to impact policy. but there really isn t this has been said by several people close to the president, and i think there is a case for that. there is not a huge constituency for her policies among his base, among the people who elected him. i just don t know how far that s going to go. as much as we say he is easily swayed by whoever he has last talked to, there are key issues he s firm on for many decades. coming up, the president s election fraud commission asks for. also a gunman in a new york city hospital. police say it was a doctor who opened fire. what we know about him in a moment. run away! 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reporter: anderson, this certainly is a reverse here. patients critically listed at bronx-lebanon hospital after they were shot by this individual you just mentioned. here s what we do know about him. we understand he not only worked here at one point but practiced medicine here. he walked in, went to the 16th and 17th floor with that weapon you just mentioned and began shooting, wounds five individuals. one of those individuals a sixth person, a female doctor who we re told practiced family medicine did not survive. we re told she was shot and killed here in the same hospital that she practiced at. there is a sixth individual that is currently still in the hospital right now. this person was the only patient who was wounded. however, their injuries are relatively minor according to one hospital official i spoke to. but having been here this afternoon, i can tell you it was a fairly chaotic scene. there were family members that were searching for some of their loved ones that were being treated here. there were several i spoke to who were wanting to make sure their loved ones are okay. again, tonight at least five doctors, many of them young medical students doing their residencies are not saving lives tonight. instead they re fighting for their lives, anderson. it s hard to believe. do you know how long this went on for, this incident? reporter: at this point, investigators haven t said. but we do know it was relatively quick when this individual walked in, took the elevator up to the 16th and 17 floor, then opened fire before turning that weapon on himself. again those are all going to be key questions, and of course how was he able to get access to this facility if he had already submitted his resignation back in 2015. what were the security measures? all key questions as a family of one doctor continues to mourn. back on the national stage, the president s election fraud commission is requesting mountains of personal information on every voter in every state in the country. already many states are balking, including red states citing voter suppression concerns. voting rights advocates have been suspicious of the commission, concerned it may be a form of vigilante justice for the president to justify his claims that millions voted illegally in the last election despite having no proof. so many cities are corrupt and voter fraud is very, very common. reporter: in a quest to root out allegedly rampant voter fraud, the president s commission wants an ocean of sensitive information about every voter, include the person s full name, address, date of birth, political affiliation, voting, military, and criminal records, part of his or her social security number, and more. states, particularly some democratic blue ones, are pushing back hard. california s flat-out refusing to hand over the info. the president s allegations of massive voter fraud are simply not true. reporter: so is new york. we will not comply. and virginia too. there is no evidence of significant voter fraud. but amid privacy concerns, some states that went republican red for trump are also balking, including utah, alabama, iowa, and wisconsin. they ll hand over only some data and still others are dismissing the whole idea of voter fraud run amok. you might find some illegal activity, but not to the scale that s been described. people that have died ten years ago are still voting. illegal immigrants are voting. reporter: as a candidate, donald trump insisted fraud was a real problem. even after he won the electoral college, he lashed out at news more people voted for hillary clinton, tweeting, i won the popular vote. if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. so many things are going on. reporter: to help steer his commission, he chose kansas secretary of state kris kobach, who calls the state s complaints complete nonsense. we re looking at all forms of election irregularities, voter fraud, registration fraud, voter intimidation, suppression. reporter: kobach has zealously hunted vote cheaters back home for month, yet he s found less than a dozen provable cases out of a million and a half registered voters. he was fined by a federal judge in kansas just last week for his conduct in a lawsuit involving voting rights. connecticut s take? given secretary kobach s history, we find it very difficult to have confidence in the work of this commission. among the states raising questions about whether or not they can legally even comply with this is the vice president s own home state of indiana. with so much resistance, it s hard to see if this plan can even work at this point. anderson? tom, thanks very much. up next, president trump is fond of taking credit for a new coal mine in pennsylvania even though it got approval before he took office. i m keeping him honest ahead. david. what s going on? oh hey! that s it? yeah. everybody two seconds! dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. through the tuition assistance program, every day mcdonald s helps more people go to college. it s part of our commitment to being america s best first job. a trip back to the dthe doctor s office, mean just for a shot. but why go back there, when you can stay home. .with neulasta onpro? 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oh, wow. now you got me thinking there. reporter: though it ll create 70 to 100 full-time jobs, the town welcomes the news in a town and industry devastated with decline. 70 to 100 families. reporter: trump mentioned the new mine as he withdrew the u.s. from the paris climate accord. his famous pittsburgh, not paris speech. a big opening of a brand-new mine, it s unheard of. for many, many years, it hasn t happened. they asked me if i would go. reporter: trump didn t go but sent video congratulations. as long as i m the president of your great country, each and every day, i m fighting for you. reporter: to hear the president tell it, coal is on a roll, and it is all due to him. the bureau of labor statistics said the u.s. added 400 coal mining jobs in may and 1700 since trump took office. is it a turn around? is this coal turning around? no, absolutely not. coal will continue to slowly die. reporter: art sullivan worked his way from the coal mine to the corporate suite and now consults the mining industry. where is that industry today? that industry is maybe at a temporary point of stability. reporter: that hardly describes a boom. more like a bump, as in a bump up, and not even a trump bump. sullivan says the new mine has been in the works for some time, long before trump took office. the planning was done during the obama administration. the permitting was done during the obama administration. the financing was done during the obama administration. reporter: this is not a donald trump coal mine? no, it is not. it is a coal mine. we have another 70 jobs. reporter: the new mine produces coal used to make steel, and that particular niche market accounts for most of the industry s modest gain. but most coal in the u.s. is used to make electricity. and power generating coal mines continue to suffer, losing 40,000 jobs in just four years. experts say the reason is simple. natural gas is cleaner and cheaper. markets, they say, not presidents, decide coal s future. here in somerset county, where three of four votes were more trump, they see it differently. do you think, because he is president, this helped to get the mine open? yes, definitely. definitely. reporter: a lot of people feel that way here. yes. he is a man of his word. reporter: many are feeling better than they have in a long while, thanks to a new mine and a new president. which is why instead of just another hole in the ground, here, they see hope. according to numbers from the u.s. department of energy, coal production in this country for the first six months of 2017 is up about 18% from the same time last year. which would sound good for places like somerset here. except the long-term forecast for coal, at least from industry analysts, is still very grim. anderson? coming up, what does health care battle have to do with amorous porcupines? the ridiculist is next. only eye drop approved for both the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don t touch container tip to your eye or any surface. remove contacts before using xiidra and wait at least 15 minutes before reinserting. chat with your eye doctor about xiidra. you re searching for something. like the perfect deal. .on the perfect hotel. so wouldn t it be perfect if there was a single site where you could find the right hotel for you at the best price? 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( ) nothing performs like a tempur-pedic. and our july 4th event is the perfect time to buy one. save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic mattress sets. find your exclusive retailer at time now for the ridiculist. tonight we present the first ever ridiculist award for excellence in describing health care excellency using animal imagery. senate edition. the winner is senator pat roberts of kansas, who when asked whether lawmakers could come together on a health bill said, quote, even porcupines make love. he went on to tell reporters, quote, once in glacier national park i saw two porcupines making love. i m assuming they make smaller porcupines. they produce something. it has to be done carefully. that s what we re doing now, making love. we actually found a video of sweet, sweet porky porn online, but couldn t get permission to use it. instead, here is a one picture of one porcupine giving another porcupine a flower. enjoy. then they ll go neck and make love. now, this is just one picture though. it is not scientific. we looked into the making love rituals of porcupines, just to see if the health care analogy holds up. he went to two source. we went to national geographic and, of course, snl. the description from national geographic is graphic. to get things going, the male douses the female in urine. i didn t know that. 100% serious. look it up. not to mention it was also confirmed by snl. the quills are important in the mating process. the male impregnates the female by spraying her quills. hush up! that dirty talk. i guess the health care debate is kind of like porcupines making love. there are other rodent analogies that work, as well. if it is hungry, it s hungry. ew, what s that in its mouth? oh, it s got a cobra? oh, it runs backwards? watch this. it sneaks up in the tree. honey badger don t care. honey badger don t give a [ bleep ]. takes what it wants. oh, it eats snakes. oh, my god. watch it dig. look at that digging. i don t care that it is six years old. it never gets old to me. but as always, honey badger s apathy has made me question my own capacity for compassion. now i feel bad, and i don t want to leave you with the image of porcupine copulation stuck in your head. here s a dog wandering on stage while an orchestra is playing at an outdoor festival in turkey. [ applause ] you re welcome. if any lawmakers who happen to be watching see some legislative analogy in that video, keep it to yourself. that s it for us. thanks for watching 360. our special report, the pulse of orlando: terror at the nightclub start news. the following is a cnn special report. on june 12, 2016, 49 people were murdered here at the pulse nightclub in orlando, florida. it was one of the worst mass shootings in u.s. history. in the year since, many of the survivors, as well as those who lost family, friends, and loved ones have tried to find purpose in their pain and turn their grief into action. this is their story.

Pennsylvania-mine , California , United-states , New-york , Alabama , Paris , France-general- , France , Washington , Turkey , Florida , Somerset-county

The 'Indigo 11': Group of 'hate-motivated' vandals or unconnected activists?

Eleven people face charges in relation to the 'hate-motivated' defacement of an Indigo bookstore in Toronto. But who is this group of Torontonians? And how are they connected?

Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Gaza , Israel-general , Israel , Jerusalem , United-states , Vancouver , British-columbia , Jamaica , Ottawa

York University professor among those charged with defacing Indigo store

Lesley J. Wood, an associate professor, was charged this week with mischief over $5,000 and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence by Toronto Police

Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Israel , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United-kingdom , New-york , United-states , Gaza , Israel-general , Germany

Poverty activist group OCAP ceases operations

The organization was founded in 1990 by British-born union activist John Clarke who ran the operation out of an office on Sherbourne Street.

Canada , Toronto , Ontario , United-kingdom , Jim-flaherty , Francine-kopun , Duff-conacher , John-clarke , Mac-scott , Don-young , Young , Twitter

Solar power customers see delays in some areas

Solar installers are targeting homeowners in many new, suburban neighborhoods, hoping to cash in. But some are running into problems that can be costly for customers.

Colorado , United-states , China , Utah , Mac-scott , Solar-energy-industries-association , Better-business-bureau , Colorado-solar-and-storage-association , Solar-energy-industries , Problem-solvers , Better-business , Solar-and-storage-association