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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson 20150121

extending that invitation to prime minister benjamin netanyahu to talk about a run on terrorism without consulting the white house. the administration calling it a departure from protocol. speaker boehner explaining it this way. i did not talk to congress or the white house they can make their decision on its own. i don t believe i m poking anyone in the eye. there is a serious threat that exists in the world and the president last night kind of papere it. chief correspondent mike emmanuel on kwil capitol hill, to be clear it isn t just republicans worried about the negotiations with iran. right? gretchen, you are absolutely right. this is not partisan. we are one of the most vocal negotiations is a democratic senator from new jersey. iran is clearly taking steps that can only be interpreted as provocative. yet the administration appears willing to excuse away any connection between these developments and signs of iran s bad faith and negotiations. there are also republican was express concerns today about doing anything that might under mine these talks. so you really heard mixed opinions from both sides of the aisle, gretchen. okay. so there are those that worry that the administration has already given up too much. we heard the president say if you bring sanctions to me i m going to veto it? reporter: that s right. we heard some law makers today say they will pass a bill that says any deal struck between the white house and 18ians would have to get final approval here on capitol hill. here s the concern of the negotiations. when did we abandon the goal of not allowing them to enrich uranium? in the course of the negotiations with them, i think it became clear not only to us, but also to all of our partners, that iran was not going to give up as a practical matter some very limited forms of enrichment in the event of an agreement. reporter: the chairman of that committee, bob corker, says consultation from the administration has been a phone call in the morning to say that something is happening, so clearly, here on capitol hill, a lot of frustration that there has not been more communication on these critical talks. thank you. just four months ago the president called yemen a success story. but today, yemen officials in washington dismissing reports their president is actually under house arrest as rebel fighters tighten their grip on the capital city. shiite houthi militant, they re shelling the presidential palace. look at that video, reportedly taking control of the compound now, advisers insist the president is being held captive. but the u.s. government says he s still in charge. national correspondent jennifer griffin joins us live from the pentagon. jennifer, which one is it? reporter: jennifer we are getting breaking news across the wires. the state news agency in yemen says an agreement has been reached between the president and the houthi rebels keeping him, surrounding him inside his house. we don t have a lot of details but the state news agency is saying that the agreement would have the houthi rebels pull back from the presidential palace, which they took over yesterday and would remove their security corydoned around the president s house in exchange they would get more representation inside the government. this jives with what we have been hearing and expecting from officials we talked ifn d.c.. the pentagon officials said that they were not viewing developments in yemen today as a coup. they have been very careful all along, in fact, colonel steve warren, the spokesman here at the pentagon says i have seen nothing to suggest he was under arrest, the state department said the same. this is a very fluid situation on the ground. it s a challenging situation on the ground as i mentioned, the parties are talking. we are continuing to encourage that. reporter: yemeni officials here in washington said the houthi s were quote protecting the president s home alongside his security detail and he is free to travel and move around to meetings. but this new news out of sanaa we have to see how it plays out. we few they were trying to come up with some sort of politician solution to what had been a chaotic few days. so we are watching that video of what would be happening right now. how would the u.s. protect the embassy in sanaa if it had to? reporter: well, the pentagon is continuing to closely monitor the situation. there are american warships in the red sea, moved into the red sea, between the uss iwo jima and fort mchenry in the red sea, between those two war ships, colonel warren said there is enough fire power to respond to any contingency. no military reenforcements have been sent to sanaa. in the past year sources tell me the u.s. sent marines in a rapid force in benghazi, a platoon from the special marine air ground task force and also a fast team of marines to yemen. the intaes well protected and as one defense official put it to be, it would take a heck of a force to dislodge these guys from the embassy. very interesting developments. thank you so much for the breaking news. japan s prime minister vowing never to give into terrorism while they are securing the release of two hostages held by isis. in a new video a masked figure demands japan pays $2 million by friday or the hostages will be killed. we have learned one of the hostages shines light on refugees and children in war zones. the other, according to his blog, went to syria to train with militant fighters. major battle against isis under way if iraq now. kurdish peshmurga fighters with air support from u.s.-led coalition forces the large-scale offensive regaining control of several local villages there. iraqi and kurdish ground forces retook the dam from isis in august, but recent gains appear now to be under threat. this video released from authorities with no independent authors of authenticity. president obama not mentioning yemen or al qaeda last night and when he did talk about fighting islamic extremism, something else he refused to mention by name, the president had a lot of folks by wondering if he s divorced from reality. let s start with valerie jarrett. let s look right here at home, whether it s a seik temple or the holocaust museum right here in washington, d.c. those were terrorists, those were extremists but they weren t of particular faith. before we start turning around labels. let s look broadly at it, not limit it. let s attack it together. monica crawley, a fox news contributor, i have a problem with valerie jarrett saying let s attack all forms of extremism. let s call it what it is in each independent case. that s xa makes her case ridiculous. it s in perfectly keeping with the approach they have had in the beginning drawing an individual crazy acting out of madness or some other reason versus a global jihadi movement that we know is organized. we know it s supported by certain regimes like iran and in other cases saudi arabia. we are talking apples and oranges, to draw that diminishes the true threat. they are doing it for a reason. because if they told the truth about the true nature of the threat, then they have to go and do something about it. the administration can t call it what it is nerve mind counter it. he didn t want to talk about it last night. four months ago, he said the war on terror in yemen is a success story. we heard from jennifer griffin their president may be in trouble there right now. one of the big lessons of modern history is when the united states is weak, the good guys tend to retreat the bad guys advance and the wheels come off the world. we are certainly seeing that across the globe right now, in particular, across the middle east. this is a direct withdrawal of american power and influence across the region. in yemen in particular, we know that s the homebase for the sunni islamist group, al qaeda and the arabian peninsula. what you are seeing here the houthi s are shiites and proxies of iran. so what you are watching in yemen is actually a struggle between sunni and shia. this is the spread of iranian influence, which is another thing this administration does not want to take on. very interesting. i want you to listen to something, this is an nbc foreign correspondent. you wouldn t normally expect richard engel to criticize the president. listen to this. it sounded like the president was outlining a world that he wishes we were all living in, but which is very different tan the world that you just described with terror raids taking place across europe isis very much on the move. wow. well, the president did not mention al qaeda in his speech last night. the first time any president has not mentioned al qaeda since the 9-11 attacks if 2001. he did mention isis. he wants congress to give him an authorization to use military force there. richard engel who lives in that region saying he basically told a fantasy story. that s exactly right. again if he tells the nature of the threat and it is growing and spreading, then no. 1, his presidency looks like a failure and, number two, he looks like a liar, he has been telling us al qaeda and the islamist groups are on the run. we know that to be patently false. the killer, a man stabbed to death near our building here near time s square. the police are focusing now their manhunt on that block. as the world remains on high alert, president obama getting mixed reaction for ranking this a bigger threat to our future. should we really be prioritizing climate clang? we debate that next. you know, just because your bladder is changing, it doesn t mean you have to. with tena, let yourself go. be the one with the crazy laugh. and keep being their favorite playmate. with tena s unique super absorbent micro beads that lock in moisture and odor. tena lets you be you. why do i cook? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. before larry instantly transferred money from his bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an underserved season . and before he quit his friend s leaf-raking business for not offering a 401k. larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that s why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that s the power of streamlined connections. that s merrill edge and bank of america. welcome back to the real story terror attack in israel to tell you about. a man establishes a woman in the back. the palestinian man speaking into tel aviv on a public bus where he began to slash passengers, ten people injured, including the bus driver. the man was eventually shot by police in the leg, taken into custody the terror group praising the attack as a victory t. man was reportedly angry over past attacks in gaza. another stabbing attack to tell you about, right here in new york city the nypd trying to track down a murderer in time s square. the 36-year-old victim found last night on the hospital taken to hospital and pronounced dead. now, investigators are trying to find out who did it. we are keeping an eye on this developing story. a question for you, the greatest threat to america and for the future generations of the world for that matter is not terrorism. nuclear war or pandemic diseases? no, it s a much scarier scenario. no challenge, no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change. [ applause ] time for some real talk with chris plant and leslie marshall, fox news contributor. that is the greatest story. when i heard that last night, i had to readjust the volume. i don t care how much they change obviously something we might need to be paying attention to him but the biggest threat for my children will be climate change, australia, canada, etc.? it s like you are tied to the train tracks there is a train coming. you are worried that spot might be cancer. it s a slow burner. the worst case scenario is generations from now, it could be an issue. the president pretends by crushing our energy sector here, he s going to slow the rise of the oceans and change the climate. well, china will begin talking about it if 15 years and the rest of the world is effectively ignoring it. it s absurd. it really is sort of the fear of the absurd. leslie do you agree with the president that the greatest challenge facing our next generation is climate clang? . i don t. i don t think that the toward does. chris, we agree on one thing, maybe not the cancer analogy but i definitely do think this is something that will affect future generations. but it is a great threat. one of all i have to do is put one of the greatest threat many people will try. he did it, though leslie. he didn t put in one of the great. it was obvious that he said the greatest threat. i think chris, maybe people wouldn t be as upset about that if he had actually called terrorism what it is and actually might have said al qaeda in his speech somewhere. yes, getting his priorities in order would be a nice change of pace. they refuse to define radical terrorism as radical terrorism. are you reasonable and sensitive and intelligent person. they are terrified of the weather. i don t want to debate total climate change whether or not it s true or that. i was questioning to you whether it s the one most important thing. i want to move onto the state of the union response by joni ernst, freshman for from iowa. check out her heels it s a camel, a side note, a footnote, to pun intended. how d she do? actually, i liked her on. i must be honest. i like she was respectful of the president we thank you for him sharing that. then she went on to outline what the republican response was. i, too, wore plastic backs over my shoe, although i had more than one pair of kids with rain when i didn t have galoshes or rubbers back in the day when diane sawyers are on the earth. i have to say as a democrat, what i d like to see come forth from that is more policy proposals and legislation that would help the middle class and i just didn t hear that in her and the republican response. she only had seven minutes chris, how d she do? i think she did very well. she was brand spanking new to washington, d.c., to the senate. i think there was a lot of pressure under the spotlight on her. honestly, i think she had a minor case of the nerves for a few seconds off the top. but, honestly i think she did t. she s got bobby jindal with his you know, looking like he was being held hostage, marco rubio with the watergate issue, reaching out for the water. this is why i think you can t win in that whole setup and i m going to talk about that right now. chris, leslie thank you so much. tanks. time for my take now on this. could it be time for us to think the whole state of the union response thing to me it s not a republican or democrat thing. that doesn t really mat. it just when you are fought the whole home field team while the president is perched center stage jumping up and down and applauding after every other word, now comes the response no audience, no clapping, no ambiance whatsoever. you feel for the person in that role, right? you are kind of waiting for a pin to drop. some sort of mistake or a weird thing someone will talk about ad nauseum the next day. the one thing there appears to be plenty of is coaching. maybe over coaching. i choose a woman a younger person, but does it ever have the impact intended of is the comparison always that whomever does it can t live up to the prez? maybe a brain storming session to come up with a new fresh approach might be warranted. let me know your thoughts. coming up on the real story today a young college basketball player found dead. the autopsy may point to something you can buy in the candy aisle. plus, what you must tell your wife about your remodeling projects how one man s diy went overboard. announcing new tour dates girl, young and old swooning everywhere. that brings us to our question of the day. what band or musical act would you like to see reunited? tweet me at gretchen karlsson, use the hashtag my story. go to my facebook page as well. let me know. welcome back to the real story. so check out the front of this bus caved in after two city buses collide in baltimore. 20 people sent to hospital one if serious condition. four children were among those injured. so the two buses one carrying people with physical disabilities hit each other as people were headed to work during rush hour. the second bus empty according to transit authorities. so we re not sure what or who caused that crash but baltimore police are investigating. college basketball player found dead in her apartment and now investigators say 21-year-old california university of pennsylvania forward chanice clark may have died under very strange and sticky circumstances. trace gallagher live with more on what the cause may have been. trace, what d you find out? reporter: gretchen at 3:00 in morning, she fell out of bed. her college roommate went to fiend her and she was found unresponsive. she was taken to a local hospital and it appears she choked to death on chewing gum. we spoke to police. they say the final cause of death won t be revealed until after the autopsy to see if maybe she was drinking or had some other substance in her system. but at this point there is no investigation, because they believe she accidentally choked to death. the 21-year-old was from toronto. after spending two years at saint faye college in grains i gainesville, florida. she came to western pennsylvania at calu, the athletic director said, shanice was a bright student and talented player. her mile and personality will be missed. we are told after college she wanted to be a broadcaster. as you might imagine, her classmates are stunned by her death. listen. life is too short. you have to cherish it. you can t really go without cherishing every day. you have to make every day like it s your last. you know, she had a good future ahead of her, she s kind of gone now. it s hard to respect that. we did some research. we found while you can pretty much choke on anything, choking on gum is actually pretty rare. studies show children get hard candy stuck in their throat, not chewing gulf it s hard to know when her autopsy results will be released. a hard case condolences to her family. the white house is expressing concerns about benjamin netanyahu speaking to congress. why they are worried about upsetting negotiations with iran. bill belichick leads the patriots now to the super bowl again. so did he get caught cheating again? we are going to give you the legal side of all that coming up can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. .with indulgent streusel crumble, be from. fiber one. fiber one streusel. you re driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn t there and the next second. boom! you ve had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and. boom! you re blindsided for a second time. they won t give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don t those people know you re already shaken up? liberty mutual s new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. . here s a look at headlines we re following for you now. france announcing new measures in the wake of the attacks. they include giving better weapons and creating a database and dozens of cartoons k4r50ir the prophet muhammad. this happened in netanyahu some 40,000 crude after a pipeline ruptured over the weekend. the invitation is in the mail as prime minister boehner asked benjamin netanyahu to address a joint meeting of congress next month. the president pushed hard last week for a new deal withitarian, speaker boehner says this invitation was not meant to snub the president. but both the white house and the state department say, that it was a breach of protocol. certainly traditionally, we would learn about the plans of a leader to come to the united states separately from learning from it, about it from the speaker of the house which is how we learned of prime minister fetia huh s plans to come and speak to a joint session. all right a former white house press secretary ari fleischer and my guest and so much more. so there is a bit of a smackdown going on, how do you see it? as a white house guy, there is a lot i don t like. i think you need to have a executive to run foreign policy. you have to understand the relationship between israel and united states and iran is the central issue and the israelis and many in congress don t think the president is handling iran right. he keeps kicking it down the road trying to get it past his presidency while lives are at stake in israel. that what s at stake here. obviously the speaker invited netanyahu the president made it clear he will veto any bipartisan measure, by the way to induce more sanctions on iran. so that s why the speaker did it, right? well, i think it s out of frustration with the way the president does not take the iran threat seriously. i think what the president wants to do is keep post uponing the deadlines. he has threatened iran with sanctions if the talks don t lead to conclusions. all he does is kick it down the road. congress is upset and congress is going to invite the prime minister here so we can air these problems. i think it s a reflection on howed be things are. it s interesting, there were house hearings or senate hearings going on where the assistant secretary of state testified, you know, that, well, yeah, they are going to be allowed to enrich some uranium. right. now, i don t ever remember that being okay before. what was the policy under president bush? it was to end all of the nuclear weapons program, that meant no century new jerseys, no spending. what the president said is you can have them up to the point where you are about to break through, break out. ten you can t. that s insufficient. everybody will be nervous about that. that s like saying are you allowed to walk to the edge of the diving board you can t jump. once you take that next step no one can stop you. the president is willing to let them get this once they promise to stop. that s why democrats and republicans are speaking out against the president. his veto might get overruled. of course, does he need two-thirds? two-thirds. congress needs two-thirds or the senate? both houses. in order to override the veto. because there is so much bipartisan support it could happen. leading the opponent is robert men dead. the president and the state of the union acted as if his talking points came out of iran. this is democrat saying it. the president is on extraordinarily thin ice with israel, with iran, that s why you will see a huge bipartisan reception when he comes to the congress. it will be very interesting. now we will switch gears if you don t mind they are will be to consider the playoff game against the colts. 11 of the balls allegedly well below, two pounds below required pressure. all right. you are a sports media guru now. in your second part of your life. that s why, i run a sport communications company. how do you see this playing out? first i have a conflict of interest. i m a dolphin s fan. this is being taken seriously by the nfl. there is an issue here. if the patriots treated their balls one way and got away with it in the way the colts did not do. it is an issue that needs to be looking into. certain quarterbacks like to overinflate. certain players hike tom brady like to under inflate the balls. if they violated the rules about how much you can inflate or deflate the pats will be in trouble. yet another problem for roger goodell? i think it s another problem for new england. new england keeps doing this don t they? they always seem to be getting if trouble. ever sense they came on the field against the dolphins. it always comes back to your team the dolphins. great to debt your sports insight and your political insight as well. thanks, ari. tanks, gretch were. the deflated footballs are getting reaction from former players and politicians. i wouldn t think of it that way. whatever ball was, that s where i m from. you sigh what i m saying? it seems like can you throw it better. i want you to fill a ball like you normally would at about 13 pound per square inch. then i d like you to take one down to 11 pound per square inch. and let me grip the footballs and let me float around a little bit in the locker room, see what it feels like. there is no discernible difference to me. if i hadn t been a receiver, i like a softer ball, that s all i can tell you. there is a quote. so for more on deflate game and time to bring in defense attorneys and former prosecutors. all right. legal action. lawsuits, arthur. well i don t mean to steal my partner s thunder here. when we were discussing this we were saying, if they get caught red handed they cheated. the penalty here is a fine and they lose a 1st round draft pick. now it doesn t make such a big difference here because they f their opponents. it was mostly on running plays. so truly they didn t matter in the end run. right. but if you are cheating, you are cheating. we don t want especially young people watching this sport. it s all right if you are cheating. they say the penalty needs to be much more severe. first of all losing a first draft pick could be substantial. i think what people are asking, john, is whether or not it could get to the point where they will replay there game. no way. the rules are the rules. the rules for this type of cheating, and i think all greej egregious. they maybe lose the first round draft. maybe. that how you will prove when and how or why this happened. cameras. here s the thing i m a huge football fan. i never knew each team brings 12 balls, right. then they inflate them to the prescribed level of 12.5 to 13.5 then the referees are supposed to test them two-and-a-half hours before the game. they give them back to the side line ball attendant. the camera is on the field. will they see something? yes, possibly. they can do it like a investigation, they get the lowest person on the tote himm pole. after the refs had possession. if we find out you are the one that let the air out. it s the only way to get it done. the refs touch the ball all the time. joe theismann couldn t tell the difference when he was touching it with two pounds less air in it, which is the allegation here. will this change the nfl rules? not the rules but the policy. i think now that this has been brought to light there will be more, much more oversight on the equipment and i think it will go through all the sport. i think now basketball will take and keep a tighter eye on tear balls and baseball will keep a tighter eye on their ball. that s a different ball. no they have different balls. they change position when it s happening. it s not like football. what about baseball? there are dozens of balls. you have spoken way too many times here. it will shine a light on this particular issue. it won t change the rule. the only way they talk about this is it s the patriots bill bell ill check got the highest fine, a half ha million. having cheelted in the past, a legal precedent. that will be the next time. time to check in with sheppard smith back from d.c. and full from that big meal, reporting live. arthur consider saying footballs instead. just so it doesn t look so dang weird on the youtube. i apologize, sir. rewind the tape and watch it. point taken. thank you. there is word coming if from yemen of the deal to stop the potential coup there, the one that threatened to have potential consequences in the united states in the fight against terror. the country is home to what u.s. officials call al qaeda s most dangerous you ve shoot and yemen has been an allie against the terror group. they are calling for destruction of the united states. that s not the only concern. look at yemen s location. right along the red sea there. we will show you how the chaos out there could spell big flow at the top of the hour. president obama laying out a plan to improve the lives of working women. but could things like equal pay, better health care, actually tip the scales against some of us what women should take away from the state of the union. and check out this under surveillance tape. what on earth is this guy stuffing? a snake in his pants. speaking of what we were just talking about. plus one woman comes home to find her house in ruins. you will not believe the person who did it. major: ok fitness class! here s our new trainer ensure active heart health. crowd: yayyyy! heart: i m going to focus on the heart. i minimize my sodium and fat. gotta keep it lean and mean. pear: uh-oh. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium. and phytosterols, which may help lower cholesterol. major: i m feeling energized already. new delicious ensure active heart health supports your heart and body, so you stay active and strong. ensure. take life in. . it s time to check out what america is clicking on today. a group of researchers figure out a way to make metals repel watt. it s done using laser. this video shows water droplets bouncing off. a man is caught on a under surveillance video stealing a python worth $6 million from a kansas pet shop. you tow where he puts it? yeah stuffing it in his pants. from that to this. no easy transition president obama using a speech to highlight a few issues important to working women. they include affordable child care. paid sick leave as well as parental leave. also equal pay for women and access to women s health care. jerry willis is the host of the willis report welcome ladies, when i heard this last night. i thought, perfect for the fe pail panel tomorrow. katherine, populist message. they all sound fantastic. i m a working mom, then you dig a little deeper. what do you find? it s ridiculous, it s like the speech writer threw in child or children, it s not like republicans or libertarians want a bunch of unhealthy unattended children. he picks favorites and also this solution of dealing with high prices by having these subsidies increases the price even more. so when you look at it it s not fair. it doesn t work. jerry, it sounds so great. he s so great at talking a pop populist fair message. so, what do you need to do about who s going to pay for this? what the real story about that? this is the problem with everything that was suggested last night. there is no way to pay for this unless you go to taxpayers, right, $6,000 bucks is how much he wants parents to write off on tear tax returns. but that has to come from somewhere. it s not free money and unlike what the president says high school, it s not free. i don t know if you know that. it s not a free thing. right, he also wants to tax 529 plans. yes, which is not a part of the equation which is a savings vehicle for kids to go to college. the whole point is you saved taxes by putting it away. not to get too complicated. diana, the other way this hit me, this was a way to set it back up for democrats to talk about the war on women for 2016. well, if you look at that, that is actually a very interesting take. when i heard this, of course, you d think in a utopian society of course this is going to when you over. for the average woman, like you said if you gloss over this, yes, who doesn t want help? who doesn t want the opportunity to go back to work. right now, being a stay at home mom is a luxury for most of us. what else do you have as a take away when you heard these things? again, everybody wants that, if you are a business, are you not offering that. that s horrible. you shouldn t be offer that. but you have another option. if are you a business don t hire women. this could have unintended consequences negatively against women even more. that is a great point. if you have to provide maternity leave, full pay. some people may not paid sick and parental leave, could it be jerry, companies won t hire women, which would have the reverse effect? that s absolutely right. if you will penalize companies in some way, they will make up for it on the other end. the real problem here is that equal pay niv initiative the president talked ability. why do we feed that again? that s the kind of thing, the president is fighting wars that have already been fought. war on women 2016. keep if mind, maybe he was proping up hillary clinton as well. health officials scrambling to stop an outbreak of a contagious disease at one of the happiest places on earth. a woman comes home to find her place completely levelled. the person that did it says he gave her fair warning and was doing the right thing. none of my belongings were taken out. so egg was in the house? everything was in the house. i don t know what happened. i don t know anything. it s why edward jones is the big companyvgg was in the house? everything was in the house. i don t know what happened. i don t know anything. egg was in the house? everything was in the house. i don t know what happened. i don t know anything. rgg was in the house? everything was in the house. i don t know what happened. i don t know anything. ygg was in the house? everything was in the house. i don t know what happened. i don t know anything. tgg was in the house? everything was in the house. i don t know what happened. i don t know anything. hgg was in the house? everything was in the house. i don t know what happened.wa welcome back to the real story. new york woman comes home from work to find her house completely gone. everything but the mailbox. that s because her husband decided he wanted to demolish it without asking her. the man claims the house was de lap dilapidated. he also didn t pull any permits and charged with criminal miss chef. the man says he was just being a good husband. although, they are now homeless. california health officials are fighting to contain a measles epidemic after five disney land employees were diagnosed with the disease. joining us live from our west coast news room, adam, what is going on out there? yeah, we first heard about this back in december when the initial outbreak happened between december 17th and 20th. as of this morning health officials are saying at least 50 cases in the western states as well as in mexico have been tied to this exposure time. measles can lead to blindness infection of the brain. children are typically immunized between 12 and 16 months old. a significant number of americans have opted out of getting vaccinated for measles. but the belief is while americans are doing this in a greater number, this potentially came from a foreign child who was not immunized and infected with measles. two dozen unvaccinated students have been sent home from orange county high school because a student had measles there and could have exposed them to the disease. they want to make sure people are very vigilant. at the same time, parents are very concerned as well. much more so than the flu and other conditions. my kids are all vaccinated so i feel they are probably safe. still, i don t think it s right that people do not do everything in their power to protect their kids. also and your gent care facility in san diego was actually shut down for a while. a child came in with symptoms similar to measles. if you think you or your child have measles, don t go to urgent care, call the doctor. you would definitely put other people in jeopardy if you were to show up. well, they say college is for experimentation, right? that s sort of what this is as one student transforms his dorm room. where he got the idea and how he made it happen. i thought that was only for little kids. i love it. it s amazing. er morning i get to dive off the bed into the balls. it s the easiest way to get up in the morning. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you re like nothing can replace brad! then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we ll pay for a car that s a mo with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. all right. here s another ball story. college student loves getting up in the morning. that s what his parents are paying for. he transformed his dorm room into a little kid s dream. he said he was inspired after reading a comic. he had 13,000 plastic balls shipped to texas all for the bargain price of 500 bucks. big news today, you can catch the real story on podcast. download the real story commercial-free at legendary boy band new kids on the block announcing a new tour. we want to know which acts you d like to see reunite. alan would choose the bay city rollers. bar by would choose the oz man mothers and dan wants to see doctor teeth and the electric man from the muppets. do you remember that from when we were growing up? yeah. there was a girl with long black hair. she was my favorite. i m gretchen. hello gretchen. are islamic state militants getting stronger and more dangerous or weaker and more desperate desperate desperate? analysts now say the $200 million ransome demand suggests they could be running into money problems. a man armed with a knife going on a stabbing spree. and a security camera catches him plunging a knife right into the back of a woman. and should we treat the internet like a utility regulated so everybody gets equal access? or should they

Australia , Tel-aviv , Israel , China , California , United-states , San-diego , Syria , Washington , District-of-columbia , Mexico , May-point

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20150927

we start this hour with breaking news. for the first time france has engaged in air strikes against isis targets inside syria. that report according to reuters news agency. the statement also said we will strike each time our national security is at stake. until now, france has only taken part in strikes in iraq. just friday, iraq s foreign minister said he wanted coalition forces to hit more isis targets. france has also been speaking out against the seer yn president. french foreign minister saying he has no future role in the country, despite the fact that western officials have said that about bashar al assad. translator: there has been a lot of comment on the role of assad and when he should or can be a stabilizing in syria. he s the main person guilty of the kay as. he s committed crimes against unity according to ban ki-moon and continues to be the origin of the tragedy. if we are to consider and say to the syrians that the future of their country lies with mr. bashar al assad, we will expose ourselves to failure. activists say a cease-fire in syria has been broken. according to the syrian observatory for human rights, they shelled a village idlib province. pope francis in the united states. resting up this hour for this final day of his six-day u.s. visit. he ended saturday with a festival of the families. he joked about the tensions and conflict common among the loved ones. listen. translator: families have the difficulties. families quarrel. and sometimes plates can fly. and children bring headaches. i won t speak about mother-in-laws. [ laughter ] translator: but in families, there is always light. and then there was this. another emotional highlight of the festival when the pope hugged and blessed the disabled man who came up on the stage with his mother. there was another moving moment of at that event. people from different countries shared stories of their struggles, that i triumphs and values and the role that family played in getting through those hardships. the marriage, we have blessed the holy father, we adored her. two weeks from our first baby, she took yil one evening and by the second day she was gone. we were heartbroken. [ inaudible ] we were confused. but god in his faithfulness and love brought up so much goodness from this, this death gave us life. my husband and i went in search of our faith. we had to seek god for who he is, then we met a gradually, we put our faith into our life. then in this way we had a better understanding of one another and happiness gradually came into the relationship. today we have four children. a touching moment there. it s very clear to see that each play that the pope visited during his tour in the united states, huge crowds were to follow. rosa flores was at that festival of families and has more on the people s reaction in the city of brotherly love. i got to tell you, one of my favorite moments is when pope francis popped jokes because that showed his character, his smile, his wit and everybody out here just really loved it. he said, you know, i m seeing all of these beautiful things about families and you re probably thinking it s because i m single and the crowd started laughing. he said, oh, i m not going to go into the mother-in-law. it s just these tiny little moments. but he connects so well with people because he identifies with chat like that. everyone does. because we all have families and we all joke about our families and even poke a little bit about mother-in-laws. but i to set the scene. all of these folks heading home. the last count we got, unofficial but from a police officer on scene. he says that maybe 250,000 to 300,000 people, we ll get the official numbers later, they re starting to disburse and head out. their hearts filled with emotion and faith as they saw the holy father on the pope-mobile and you saw the emotion and the electricity in the air as pope francis rode in his pope-mobile and waved and blessed everyone along this route looking at pope francis. then again, i talked to a lot of these folks and they were so excited. it was a moment of a lifetime. people came from all over the country and all over the world, quite frankly, because they couldn t wait to just set their eyes on the holy father to be able to be in the same space with him, to share a little space and a little moment with the pope, a pope of the people, a pope of mercy. that was our rosa flores reporting there from philadelphia. iran s supreme leader is demanding an apology from saudi arabia for the deadly stampede. ayatollah khamenei said that saudi rulers need to accept their responsibility over the tragedy. saturday the iranian president rouhani addressed a summit in new york. . translator: i express my to to the families that are mourning the loss of their loved ones in this tragic event and emphasize the need for attention to the injured as well as investigating the causes of this incident and similar incidents in this year s hajj pilgrimage. a saudi foreign minister met with u.s. secretary of state john kerry on saturday. he rejects iran s criticism of its handling of the pilgrimage and says it shouldn t be making politics of the tragedy. at least 769 died in the stampede and 136 of them were reported to be iranians. hundreds of people are still missing. powerful typhoon continues to strengthen approaching taiwan now and is predicted to reach land by monday. let s get information on this from our meteorologist derek van dam who is tracking the storm. this storm strengthened considerably, george. it s a formidable threat in the next 18 hours but northern sections of taiwan, including taipei from 24 hours out to 48 hours out. we look towards southeast china, that s tuesday and wednesday. we ll time this out for everybody watching. here s the latest from the joint typhoon warning center. 230 kilometers per hour. that makes this 10 kilometers below super typhoon status. gus at 280 kilometers per hour. that s around the center of this particular storm. that s called the eyewall. speaking of that, we re starting to see nightfall overtake this part of the world at the moment. what you re looking at is also visible satellite imagery. this is a zoomed in version of the eyewall. as it goes black, that s the sun setting. let me show you a few things on this. look at the dark center of this storm. that is the eye of the typhoon. that particular area is where we would typically find calm winds, even the sun comes out or in this case the moon comes out. it s the outer periphery of that eyewall where we find those 230 kilometer per hour wind gusts. let s time the storm going forward. the islands will start to feel the effects of typhoon force winds. that s 110 kilometers per hour or more roughly in the next 12 hours. that would be early monday morning. by late monday evening into early tuesday morning, we ll start to see the weather conditions deteriorate quickly across eastern sections of japan or rather taiwan first, then the western sections of taiwan and that includes taipei and then we start to focus our attention on the province across the taiwan straits. here s a look at the forecast for taipei. the wind gusts will exceed 100 kilometers per hour. it will only get worse from there. not only a wind maker, it s a rainmaker. over 300 mountains above 3,000 meters that will help squeeze out the available moisture and we could dump 250 millimeters of rain or more, by the way, george. that has the possibility of bringing landslides, mudslides, all kinds of problems associated with the strength of this type of a typhoon. something that residents in taiwan, the islands and southeast china need to hon. tore very closely and have final preparations under way. we talk about densely populated areas. especially on west side of taiwan. roughly 300 people per square kilometer. thank you very much. part of a campsite in queensland australia is underwater thanks to this massive sinkhole. it was opened off a busy beach in the region. this video shows the severity around 140 people were evacuated as the sinkhole swallowed a car. a caravan of campers. no one is missing or injured at this point. this is a natural process of erosion. that s all it is. just a gradual removal of the bedrock underneath the ocean, that sandstone is the bedrock. ee vicinitily the groundwater eventually the groundwater, the sandstone particles, it gets carried away and forms a void and that eventually causes a sinkhole. it happens to be that this was sudden and it eroded across that region. every country in the world is susceptible to sinkholes. take a look at the video there from the sinkhole. when you see it there alongside the beach. it s incredible. scientists need to go there and assess exactly what happened. more than likely, this is a process called execution it can be from lower of water tables and the natural water drainage patterns change along coastal areas like that. seen it happen on land. on a beach, first time i ve seen it. seen it in florida. under way in cat loan i can t, it is the largest scene of the largest proxy vote for the secede in spain. it s to form its own government. cat lans began heading to the polls. what it could mean for its place in the european union. scenes of unity and defiance in the streets of barcelona early this month. a human mosaic was formed pointing towards the new country they aspire to build. the independence further is expected to peak as catalans go to the polls. a proxy vote on independence. if a coalition of pro independence party even without a majority vote win at least 68 seat in the parliament, they hope to translate that win into forming an independent state. translator: we ve done everything we could to change the status quo and leave cat loan i can t to real change. central government is not authorized a vote on the ground it is unconstitutional and they came to avoid a political crisis, that membership in that with the newly independent region, it would by fact of its independence become a third country with respect to the union and may apply to become a member of the union. some argued that what catalonia is doing is that would be damaging to the country as well as the region. the country would be taken out of the european union. also, the the banks will lose access to the euro system. that will create problems. [ inaudible ] i think both spain and catalonia have a lot at stake. over 7.5 million people, it s been the industrial heartland of spain. it accounts for almost 20% and that s what the entire country s economic out pit. it s home to companies we know. as well as the airlines. the gdp is roughly on paragraph with portugal. it s such a critical part of the country s economy that already the government is wanting banking restrictions like greece could be imposed. economic threats designed to change direction of the vote. cnn, london. you re watching cnn newsroom and still to come this hour, u.s. and iranian leaders meet for the first time since signing the nuclear deal. that story coming up. you know, it s always bugged me that we couldn t say that, cheerios are gluten free. oats don t contain gluten, but sometimes grains that do, get mixed in. so we took them out! which means now, cheerios can be enjoyed by everyone! just original cheerios? honey nut cheerios too, buzz. we are getting reports of clashes between israeli police and palestinians outside the mosque in jerusalem. it s one of the holiest sites for muslims and jews. it s sheen its share of violence in the recent weeks. let s go to jerusalem, orien lieberman standing by. there have been similar incident in the past month at that very mosque. is there a sense that this could be related to the same group, the violence that we re seeing? no definitive answer on that yet, george. police say they were palestinian youths or arab youths. that s how they described the people a couple of weeks ago behind the clashes. it is possible but nothing definitive on the exact people here. what happened, according to israel police, this area, this holy site, the complex surrounding it was only open to muslim worshippers, no visitors because of the islam holiday. there were police standing outside of one of the gates and that s when they say there was stone throwing there and clashes that ended fairly quickly. this was on a much smaller scale than what we ve seen over the past months. this ended fairly quickly with no injuries and no arrests. as for previous clashes that have tied into this tension surrounding this holy site, which is one of the holiest sites for muslims in the noble sanctuary and the holiest site for jews known as the temple mount, a couple of weeks ago police say arab youths barricaded themselves inside and cleared out the arab youths and led to the tensions. they called it an attack on this muslim holy site and it s tied into the recent clashes. the tension and a lot of this anger going back and forth about one of the holiest sites in jerusalem. again, george, much smaller scale what we saw this morning but all tying into that same same complex situation and it s always a complex situation when it comes to the old city of jerusalem. a very similar storyline that we re sharing with viewers around the world from what we talked about oren, a couple of weeks ago. oren lieberman live from jerusalem. thank you for your reporting. iran s foreign minister and the u.s. secretary of state met in new york. iran s foreign minister, mohammed zarif and secretary of state john kerry sat down in new york at the united nations to discuss the agreement as well as regional instability in syria and yemen and the status of detained u.s. citizens in iran. zarif wanted to focus primarily on the implementation of the nuclear deal. cuba s president raul castro was among the leaders president at the u.n. this weekend. castro addressed the changing relationship between the united states and cuba after restoring diplomatic ties and he said there is still work to be done. translator: the re-establishment of the diplomatic relations between cuba and the united states of america and the opening of embassies an the policy changes by president obama with regard to our country constitute a major project that however, the economic commercial and financial blockade against cuba persists bringing damages and hardships on the cuban people and standing as the main obstacle to our country s economic development. also at the u.n., chinese president says it s the world s responsibility to help developing nations. he spoke saturday at the u.n. sustainability development summit in new york. mr. xi pledged $2 billion to help fight poverty. that will increase by the year 2030. translator: looking to the future, china will continue to take a right approach to justice and interests by putting justice before interests and join the other countries in their concerted efforts to realize the post 2015 development agenda. china has been under fire for not doing enough for developing nations. critics argue that china can afford to do more since this is the world s second largest economy. you re watching cnn newsroom and still to come this hour, the pope shares a message of freedom, family and faith. a closer look at pope francis speech at the festival of families as this broadcast continues around the world this hour on cnn international and cnn usa. oh, look. we have a bunch of. announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they re born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at female announcer: sleep traends event don t miss your chance to get sleep train s very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for three years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train s risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. but the best rest event ends sunday at sleep train. .guaranteed! sleep train your ticket to a better night s sleep welcome back to our viewers in united states and around the world. you re watching cnn newsroom. i m george howell. the headlines we re following this hour. for the first time, the french military launched air strikes against isis targets inside syria. france said that the strikes were based on intelligence gathered from air surveillance operations they conducted over syria for the past two weeks. until now, that country has only taken part in strikes in iraq. powerful typhoon is headed towards taiwan. it is set to make landfall on monday. the joint typhoon warning center says that the storm will continue to intensify over the coming hours. the wind gusts have been up to 240 kilometers or 150 miles an hour. iran s supreme leader says that his country is owed an apology from saudi leaders for the deadly hajj stampede. they say saudi leaders are dodging responsibility. they re still investigating what caused that stampede. you ll remember that it killed some 769 pilgrims. more than 130 from iran. live pictures from an important election in catalonia which could lead to the country becoming an independent country from spain. if it wins, a coalition party hopes to achieve independence with within 18 months. spain, however, says the vote is unconstitutional. more now on the pope s visit to the united states. in just a few hours, he will begin his final day of the trip. earlier, my colleague spoke with cnn vatican correspondent, delia gallagher about the pope s message at the festival of families in philadelphia. well, this was the reason that pope francis came to the united states in the first place to celebrate this world meeting of families and this was the event tonight. he electrified the crowd. he threw away his prepared remarks. he started in spanish with a translator, telling them why the family is important, telling us he understands that children give them headaches and that the mother-in-law can also be a headache. but that the family is the cornerstone of society and the pope s whole message in this as he s speaking to an immigrant community, a latino community here and he s saying that immigration breaks up families. so that is one of the reasons why the theme of immigration, which the pope also spoke about earlier today, is so important right now for pope francis. we know in europe, of course, it s a very big issue. he reminded the american people that their country is a country founded by immigrants, he said a country that remembers its path, welcomes the immigrants and continues to assimilate them. he had both political message and a very personal message for the people here. i must tell you, natalie, they have just been thrilled by him. it seems every stop of the way, the american people have been i want to point out as he was headed out of new york city en route to pennsylvania, he asked that his helicopter that was taking him to jfk airport circle the statue of liberty and ellis island. apparently, new york s cardinal dolan said you could see he was very moved. buenos aires was a city of immigrants too. we ve all been wondering what does the pope think of us, think of the united states and that gave us a little bit of inkling about his interest in this country. well, i have to say, natalie, he has received a very warm welcome in washington, in new york and now in philadelphia. they have really pulled out all of the stops to make him feel what they really do feel, that he is a superstar for them. he s very, very welcome here. one of the things that we ve noticed has been a very heavy security presence and so the pope hasn t been as free as he normally is, for example at the vatican or in other countries where he could get off of his pope mobile and greet people. but at the airport today when he was getting into his car, he s driving a small fiat car here in the united states, that everybody is kind of amazed at the size of this tiny fiat car compared, of course, to the big gmc trucks that all the security people are driving. he s in his little fiat car, got off the helicopter, comes driving away and sees a small boy in a wheelchair, puts his hand out, stops the car and is able to get out and embrace the boy. he hasn t had a lot of opportunities to actually move away, get into the crowd. he was able to do that today at the airport and that moved quite a lot of people, natalie. i understand. thank you so much, julia gallagher there. he s got a final mass tomorrow. thank you so much. the pope plans to meet with american prisoners later today. he will be the first pope ever to do so. the holy father will tour the fromm hold they sat down with several inmates preparing to meet the pope. it s a maximum security prison, housing 2800 inmates. some for the most brutal crimes you can imagine. others with long rap sheets, only too familiar with prison. you said to me, i m guilty. guilty as charged. how has faith shaped your time here in prison? it s all i got really. it s all i got. it may be the last place you would expect to see a pope. they want to have hope and this pope brings hope. how did this happen? the pope is coming here? divine intervention. on sunday, pope francis will meet with some 100 inmates here at the correctional facility on the outskirts of philadelphia. it is the first time a pope has ever visited a u.s. prison. you re the reason the pope is coming to this prison. it s a great honor and a great blessing. this father wrote a letter to the vatican asking for the pope to bless these prisoners, some of them here for serious, many would say unforgivable felonies. some still awaiting trial. how did you get him to come? i asked him to consider the people here who are the least of these that jesus talks about, the sort of little ones that he had a concern for. it gives them a sense of value, the fact that they re not forgotten, that there are individuals in the world that there are three inmates that meet the pontiff. i made a bad decision and i came here. i m a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. me being here in some ways feels like i m supposed to be here. what about those who would say, shouldn t the pope be meeting with the victims of those in here who are guilty? if a house is on fire, yes, you want to help the people who are getting out of there, you want to get them out. you also want to put out the fire. if you re going to help change society, the change comes in the heart first. they re part of a team that built this chair for him as a gift. what s that experience like? once in a lifetime thing. our supervisors came to us with the idea that they wanted us to make the chair, we were all ecstatic and excited. it was a lot of work. from woodwork to the upholstery work. with us collaborating on the job, everything came together and it came together nice. we tried to make it as perfect as possible. you re going to be able to say for the rest of your life, something i did is in the vatican. michelangelo and my work. pope francis made it abundantly clear, he s a pope of the periphery caring for those on the margin. he s washed and kissed the feet of prisoners in rome and visited the laerjs and most notorious prison in bolivia this year. what does it mean in your heart to know that he s coming to see you? means a lot. means he s stepping into a prison without passing judgment on anybody. that s hard for a lot of people to do. coming from him, it s peaceful and humbling. he s a man of faith and not above us. albert is a practicing muslim. he does not practice your religion, you do not practice his, but it doesn t matter to you. it doesn t. at the end of the day, it s not about religion. it s all about the peace and everybody sticking together. 2.2 million americans are incarcerated according to the international center for prison studies, leaving the u.s. with close to 25% of the world s prisoners despite being home to just under 5% of the global population. we really have to rethink the way we address a fence and the way we consider a fence. i think we ve gone too far in criminalization. we ve gone too far in criminalization coming from the man who runs this prison? yeah. even if you re in here, you re going to be free because god made you free. i think a lot of the inmates have received a message so often that they re not worthwhile, that they re somehow less and that they re not fully human, not worth what everyone else is worth. to have the pope come and visit them is to say yes, you really are create north dakota the image of god. you really have value. you are wonderfully made. i m hoping that the pope s visit says to them, maybe i am something worthwhile. the pope came to visit me. the pope came to see where i was. the pope inspiring all people. that was cnn s poppy harlow reporting there. you re watching cnn newsroom. the swiss attorney general officially launched an investigation into fifa s president. the questionable contract that caught their attention. plus, it s a simple enough move there, but it s the value in the game of rugby that is immeasurable. the importance of kicking in rugby as the news continues. we danced in a german dance group. i wore when i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasn t finding all of these germans in my tree. i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. the big surprise was we re not german at all. 52% of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. get started for free at go to and post your job to over one hundred of the web s leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. and now you can use zip recruiter for free. go to welcome back. the attorney general has officially launched an investigation against fifa president seth bladder. the swiss are examining a contract signed by with the caribbean football union and an alleged payment of $2 million to the head of the european football body uefa. alex thomas has the latest. the net is closing in on blatter who has not reached the tipping point. again, wants to stand in the next one scheduled for february. a statement an saturday appealed not to fans in the media but to the men on the executive commit eye. anyone on that committee, will they have the courage to oust him? after 40 years here at fifa and 18 years almost as president. the favorite to succeed him, his stock has been damaged by his association with blatter s tarnished regime. there s no criminal investigation into it. but he has cooperated with swiss police answering questions, certainly with an investigation. the u.s. and one here in switzerland. what is certain is that there will be further developments. alex thomas, cnn, zurich, switzerland. barcelona s leonel messi is facing up to two months on the sidelines. the star forward twisted his knee during saturday s 2-1 victory over lass palm as. he suffered the injury in the first ten minutes of the match. barcelona says the torn ligament could force messi to miss the class coe against real madrid in november. two powerhouse faced off against the latest round of the rugby world cup with wales defeating the cross-border rival and england in a thrilling come from behind victory. the 28-25 win, i should say, was an amazing fight for the welsh team. at one point they were losing 19-9. after 50 minutes of play and with several key players out with injuries in other rugby news, though, italy beat canada and south africa destroyed samoa. several celebrities took to twitter to express excitement including wales international star gareth bales. he s nursing a calf injury but tweeted this. what a game, come on #wales. wales will play fiji next. but the matchup versus uruguay. scotland versus the u.s. and ireland against romania are other matches. some terms are fundamental to the game of rugby and have one thing in common. they re different forms of kicking. a simple but important aspect of the game. phil black reports. kicking is a fundamental part of rugby unit. it s crucial to controlling and winning games. place kicking usually takes two forms. penalties and convergence. penalties are awarded when the opposition commits an infringement. if the kicker is within range, he can try to kick it through the posts. this is worth three points. a team can choose to kick the ball after a penalty triggering an attacking lineup. conversions are attempted after a team scores a try. adding another two points to the scoreboard. the kick must be taken in line with the touchdown. so the nearer the post, the easier the kick. there are several ways to kick the ball in play. the up and under is an attacking ploy where a ball is sent high into the air allowing others to chase and catch. even if the defending team claims the ball, they re often under immediate pressure from the chasing players. the up and under goes high, a grubber goes along the grouchbltd it s usually not much more than a nudge allowing players to continue the attack or score a try. variation on the grubber is the chip and chase. the ball is dinged over the first line of defenders into space. depending on the bounce of the ball, the outcome is unpredictable. kickers in rugby union always have the option of a drop goal. a quick shot at the post where the kicker lets the ball bounce fractionally before it s kicked. it s a difficult skill to masser with you worth three points when successful. these are only basic forms of kicking. players use many variations to gain an advantage and control a game. great report there by phil black. takes a lot of skill in rugby. you re watching cnn newsroom. still to come, a rare event is headed to a sky near you this weekend. coming up, everything you need to know about the supermoon eclipse. headed to a sky near you this if you look up in the sky this weekend, you could catch a very rare event. a perfect trifecta in the skies around the world. meteorologist derek van dam joins us now with more on the celestial event. derek? george, this is something that you and our viewers want to set their alarm clocks for. we ve got the rare celestial event as you put it, the trifecta of celestial events. that would be a total lunar eclipse, coinciding with a supermoon, coinciding with a blood moon. first, let s talk about where this will be visible. now, i m talking about the total lunar eclipse. this will be visible across the eastern and central half of north america. from the great lakes to the new england coastline. of course, weather dependent. you can see the cloud cover blanketing the atlanta, georgia area. unfortunately, where cnn is located. i was hoping to get my telescope out. doesn t look like that will happen sunday evening. west africa, western europe and even into portions of south africa. take a look at this video. we can explain what s actually about to take place. we know what a lunar eclipse is, when the sun, the earth and the moon align. there s a shadow casted on the moon. this is happening tonight, sunday evening, the 27th beginning at 10:11 p.m. eastern standard time when the full eclipse begins. ends at 11:23 p.m. it will coincide with the blood moon which is a red tint cast on the surface of the moon. that is because the earth s atmosphere actually bends and scatters the sunlight around the earth s atmosphere and leaves only the largest wave lights or the light waves which would be red to the visible eye and cast that red glow right on the moon. on top of that, there s the superman. we know that the moon revolves around the earth in an elliptical fashion. it makes its closest approach, well, this sunday evening and that is going to allow for the moon to appear about 14% larger than it typically would, george. and also about 30% brighter than it typically would. this is awesome. i mean, this is something that has only happened four times since the early 1900s and the reason why, george, that we need to set our alarm clocks is because this won t happen again until 2033. who knows where we ll be by then. but we ve got this pesky cloud cover in atlanta. i m out of luck, huh? i m just the messenger. i ll tell you about the triad, supermoon and total lunar eclipse. i don t do anything about the clouds. maybe our friends in one of the other bureaus could get a picture. we ll call up london. derek, thank you. we thank you for joining us this hour for cnn newsroom. i m george howell at the cnn center in atlanta. i ll be back after the hour with another hour of news around the world. thanks for watching cnn, the world s news lieder. leader. pope francis in philadelphia. the pope closes out his trip in the united states with a farewell mass at the world meeting of families. plus, violence at the mosque in jerusalem city. the latest on tensions between israeli police and palestinian youths. catalans go to the polls. why it could be crucial for the push for independence. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta. i m george howell. this is cnn newsroom. good day to you and welcome to oir viewers here in the united states and around the world. for the first time france launched air strikes against isis targets inside syria. france said that these strikes were based on intelligence that it gathered from air surveillance operations over the past two weeks. until now, france has only conducted air strikes against isis targets in iraq. those started a year ago. just friday, iraq s foreign minister said he wanted coalition forces to hit more isis targets and to hit them more frequently. pope francis in the united states. just a few hours from now the pope will start his final day here in america. he plans to meet with area bishops and to visit a prison in philadelphia. the pope capped saturday with an event called the festival of families. he spoke with the sanctity and the importance of relatives, but in a lighthearted moment. he also joked about the tensions and the argue ums that are common among them. listen. translator: some of you might say, of course, father, you speak like that because you re not married. [ laughter ] translator: families have the difficulties. families, we quarrel. and sometimes plates can fly. [ laughter ] translator: and children bring headaches. i won t speak about mother-in-laws. it s all very true. the spirited festival featured performances also from some big american stars. the queen of soul aretha franklin delivered a stirring rendition of amazing grac but the main spotlight was indeed on the pope. in one poignant moment, the pope embraced a disabled man who was on the stage with his mother and gave him a commemorative token. the pope s final day in the u.s. will be a very busy one. he is set to meet with prison inmates expected to be an emotional meeting for the pope himself as well for the prisoners that he will meet. cnn s rosa flores has a look ahead at the pope s remaining time in the city of brotherly love. it is time to say adios to pope francis. today is his last full day in the united states after a two-country tour that included cuba. now, today is an action-packed day for him. in the morning, he visit hes with the bishops. he s gone off script before when he speaks to his brothers. after that, he visits with inmates. now, that is expected to be an emotional encounter for the pope in bolivia, for example, he walked inside that prison and during his speech, he said i am here as a sinner. i am a man who has been forgiven. very touching for the inmates there. then the day wraps up with a giant mass here in philadelphia. this is expected to be the biggest mass in the united states because it s going to be at benjamin franklin park way, open air, tons of people. we don t have exact numbers yet, but it s expected to be the biggest mass in the united states. again, it s time to say adios to pope francis. he heads back to rome and, of course, we ll be following his every step. rosa flores, cnn, philadelphia. for more now on the pope s u.s. visit and its significance for catholics, let s turn to paul valley. he s a journalist and author of pope francis, the struggle for the soul of catholicism. paul joins us from manchester, england. paul, thank you for being with us. let s talk big picture first. the pope put the topic of family first and environmental protection first and asked americans to honor the ideals on the topic of immigration. all of this broke through what has been a thick election cycle and april lot of rhetoric. what do you make of the spirit that the pope brought to the u.s.? well, he s trying to come to a society which he sees as polarized between liberals and conservatives and so we need to find a way forward and find common ground. so he s been he s spoken in the voice of someone who is a guest in someone else s house. he s not been finger wagging at all. he s been fierce in global capitalism. in the states, he had had message that s soft but firm. he said to his bishops, i don t want you to speak in a harsh or divisive voice. put the culture wars behind you and he embodied that message. he tried to speak in that way, softly, gently, warmly embracing people but with a firm challenge. paul, you just returned to manchester from the united states. were there any moments about the pope s visit that stood out to you? there were a number of moments. i thought in philadelphia, when they played the fanfare for the common man, he s the pope for the common man. that was very, very moving. i thought when he began his speech to congress by saying, we, we americans north and south, that was a very stirring moment because it was something that would be expected. it was embodying a type of brotherhood. forget the idea of north and south. we re all americans. i thought it was marvelous the way that he when he cited the four great americans in the past, lincoln, martin luther king, dorothy day and thomas mer ten, he was saying look, you ve got this in your inheritance america. just live up to it and set aside this division and find common purpose. look for the common good. the pope, as you mentioned, walked a fine line when touching on those what are typically thorny issues in united states. but then we saw in philadelphia, this festival of families, a lighthearted moment and poignant in many ways. talk to us about that experience as so, so many people came together to hear what he had to say. well, there was a wonderful quote from one of the singers from sister sledge who said, this pope has got an ear for ordinary people, an ear for the poor and he s got a heart, a kind heart, a warm heart. that is what people respond to. there s a kind of he feels like your uncle, your favorite uncle. something about him that touches you in an ordinary kind of way, in a way which previous popes who were philosophers and thee loejians. this man is a pastor. that s what the family is about, a place where people speak to one another from nair heart. not a place where the father stands up on a sunday and carves the chicken and said what are the market doesn t enter into the family. he s setting up a different, an alternative way of looking at the world. a way about kindness and compassion and mercy and thinking about what s best for all of us, not just what s best for me. kindness, compassion and humility, paul. let s talk about the pope driving around on the streets of america in that fiat. really sent a message. yeah. he sent a message. he always does. his biggest messages are not in his words, they re in miss actions. living in a guest house. not in the papal palace. getting the bus with the cardinals, not in a limousine. here in the u.s., this little fiat. i made a joke out of that. in latin, there s a phrase fiat it means thy will be done. he was in the fiat doing god s will. am gestures are so important to him. he s going now to a prison. he thinks the prisoners are one of the constituencies in the modern world most neglected by us. it will be moving to see him there. he won t care what people have done. he just cares about how people are now and how they will try to make their life better going forward. paul, thank you for joining us from manchester england. thank you so much for your instiet and again pointing out the pope will be visiting this prison. the first pope to ever do so. paul thank you very much. it s been a pleasure. the prison inmates that the pope is set to meet probably never expected to meet with the pope. cnn sat down with some of them for an interview and later in this hour we ll show you exactly what they had to say. iran s supreme leader is demanding an apology for saudi arabia for the deadly hajj stampede. speaking to a group of clerics on sunday, the ayatollah khamenei says the muslim world has many questions in this regard and saudi rulers instead of shunning responsibilities must accept their responsibility, rather. in this grave incident by apologizing to the muslim uma and ber get families. i express my condolences to the many families who are mourning the loss of their loved ones in this tragic event and emphasize the need for attention to the injured as well as investigating the causes of this incident and other similar incidents in this year s fat pilgrima pilgrimage. the saudi foreign minister met with john kerry on saturday. he rejects the handling of the pilgrimage and says it shouldn t be making politics of this tragedy. nearly 800 pilgrims, you ll remember died in that sptampede. hundreds of people remain missing. saturday marked the final day of the hajj. we re getting reports of clashes between israeli police and palestinian youth outside the mosque in jerusalem. the mosque is one of the holiest sites for both muslims and jews, but it has seen its share of violence in recent weeks. earlier, i spoke with oren lieberman about developments there. police say they were arab or palestinian youths. it s the same wording they used to describe the people behind the clashes a couple of weeks ago. there is the sense that it s possible but nothing definitive on the exact people here. what happened this morning, according to israel police, is that this holy spot was opened only to muslim worshippers of all ages. no visitors because of the muslim holiday. there were police standing outside of one of the gates and that s when they say there was stone throwing there and clashes that ended fairly quickly. this is on a much smaller scale than what we ve seen the past couple of weeks and months. police say it ended fairly quickly with no injuries and no arrests. as for previous clashes that have all tied into this tension surrounding this holy site which is one of the holiest sites for muslim and holiest site for jews known as the temple mound. a couple of weeks ago police say arab youths barricaded themselves inside. the police moved in to clear out the arab youth and that led to the clashes and the tension. they called it an attack on this muslim holy site. that s tied with the tension and the anger going back and forth about one of the holiest sites in jerusalem. oren lieberman reporting there. switching over to weather. a powerful typhoon approaching taiwan now. derek van dam trackingit. it s just now been upgraded to 230 kilometer per hour sustained wind. that s only ten kilometers shy of super typhoon status, george. this is a formidable threat. taiwan, the islands as well as southeastern china needs to pay attention very closely to what i m about to discuss. here s the latest from the warning center. there s the sustained winds. that s formed around the center of the storm. really, we ve got in large diameter storm. basically the same length as the entire island of taiwan. that s why this is a threat to that particular region. wind gusts over 280 kilometers per hour. this is a visible satellite imagery of the eyewall. you can see how it s become. it s indicating that it s strengthening. there are intense winds. a quick fast fact about the powerful typhoons. at the center of these storms, the eye, that s where you tip clip would find calm winds and clear skies. but as soon as that eyewall passes over, that s when you start to feel the effects of the strongest part of the storm. by the way, the winds change directions depending on what side of the eyewall you happen to be located on. let s time this out. the ryuku islands, that s when you feel typhoon force winds. look at that. the joint typhoon warning center upgrades this to super typhoon status as well. about 230 kilometer per hour wind gusts possible as it reaches the eastern shores of taiwan. it moves over this mountainous country and then moves across the taiwan straits wrapping in a significant amount of moisture. creates a storm surge rah long the coast of taiwan as well as the possibility of extreme wind gusts for taipei. the infrastructure within that city is prone to hold up against powerful typhoons just like this. one can only hope that does take place. here s the forecast for the southern ryuku islands. wind gusts in excess of 170 kilometers per hour over the next 12 hours. the rainfall totals will lead to the possibility of landslides and mudslides across much of taiwan. george? a significant threat. we were talking about a densely populated area. especially on the western shores of taiwan. the east coast of taiwan, that is far more less populated than the taipei region. derek, thanks. stick around. i want to talk about this other story. take a look at this part of a site in queensland, australia. it s now underwater thanks to a massive sinkhole that opened off a beach there. about 140 people were evacuated as the sinkhole swallowed a car, a caravan and camping gear. no one is missing or injured. but derek, my goodness, never seen something like that along beach. that s right, george. sinkholes happen across the world, in fact, every country is susceptible to sinkholes. it has to do with natural erosion that happens. eventually, you get that gradual removal of the bedrock that holds up the ground above. in this particular case, that would be sandstone along the coast there. but the groundwater gradually disofls. that carbonated it s carried away. all the remaining particles. eventually a void is formed and the sinkhole starts to form as well. we start to see the erosion like you saw there. by the way, this happens, in florida for instance we see it across the caribbean as well and noup in australia. nothing new. but certainly scary for the people in that area. derek, thank you so much. you re watching cnn newsroom and still to come, catalonia, spain, once again butts head. the two butthead. there s an election kicked off that they hope brings them to independence as spain stomps its feet in rejection. we reveal the winner in the surprising wales versus england rugby game. that s news across the world on cnn international and cnn usa. you know, it s always bugged me that we couldn t say that, cheerios are gluten free. oats don t contain gluten, but sometimes grains that do, get mixed in. so we took them out! which means now, cheerios can be enjoyed by everyone! just original cheerios? honey nut cheerios too, buzz. 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neutrogena. a big election is happening in catalonia which could lead to region becoming independent from the nation of spain. catalans are headed to the polls. these live images are here. they re hoping to create an independent state. it must win at least 68 seats in the 135-seat parliament. spain calls the vote unconstitutional. chinese president says it s the world s responsibility to help developing nations. he spoke saturday at the united nations sustainability summit in new york. mr. xi pledged $2 billion to help developing countries in order to fight poverty. that amount will increase to a total of $12 billion by the year 2030. translator: we chinese say, eat according to the size of one s stomach and dress according to the size of one s figure. it s necessary for them to formulate strategies that fit their endowment and national conditions. the international community has a duty to help developing countries with capacity building and provide them with support and assistance tailored to their actual needs. looking to the future, china will continue to take a right approach to justice and interest by putting justice before interests and join the other countries in their concerted efforts to realize the post 2015 development agenda. china has been under fire for not doing enough for developing nations. critics argue that china can afford to do more since it is the world s second largest economy. iranian foreign minister and u.s. secretary of state john kerry metaphor the first time since signing the nuclear deal in new york. the pair sat down at the united nations to discuss the agreement as well as regional instability in syria and yemen and the status of detained u.s. citizens in iran. zarif said, however, that he wanted to focus primarily on the implementation of the nuclear deal. switching now to rugby. a thrilling victory in the 2015 rugby world cup as the welsh defeated their cross-border rivals and the world cup host england. the 28-25 win was an amazing fight back for the welsh team. at one point they were losing 19-9 after 50 minutes of play and with several key players out injured. wales will play fiji next. several celebrities took to twitter to express their excitement about the match. including wales international star gareth bales. he s nursing a calf injury but had enough strength to tweet this. what a game. come on. #wales. let s bring in peter fitzsimmons, writer with the sydney herald. he has more on the rugby world cup. peter, good to have you with us. a stunning victory for wales over the host england. what went wrong for england or maybe i should say what went right for wales? you d have to be english to say it went wrong. for the rest of us, it was a fabulous match. they were expected to win. england at home on their famous ground against wales. they re the hoegss, they re the superbly well prepared. wales had lots of injuries, hasn t had a great track record. of course, england was expected to win. but wales kept going and going and going. with two minutes to go, maybe five minutes to go, lloyd williams, the welsh winger burst down the left hand wing, gets through. suddenly three english man are on him. he does a kick for the ages. the welsh forward picks it up to score the try. it was a wonderful, wonderful try. it was a bit like last week, at the gichkt week, tiny little japan took on the mighty south africans and beat them. that was japan that hadn t had a world cup win in had one win in 30 years up against south africa who were two-time world champions. and results like this of japan beating south africa and wales beating england bring the whole world cup alive. makes everybody interested. it s not just the result. it s the way the teams have played. it s wonderful rugby, great for the game, great for this world cup. everybody, i speak to you from sydney town. but all over the world on twitter, e-mails, phone calls, everybody is talking about the world cup at least in the world of rugby. that s awesome. look, england faces australia next weekend. it really is do or die, isn t it? are there hopes of getting out of the group stage slipping away. i happen to be the chair of the australian republican movement wanting australia to become a republic. even those not those that are monarchists. it s in our dna. there s no nationwide on earth that we like beating more than england. the reckoning is after england having lost lost to wales this morning, they will be desperate to beat australia. but i must say, england to do them their due, they had aid chance this morning when they were playing wales with a minute to go, they had a chance for a penalty for a draw. in rugby it works out. down 28-25. had the chance for a penalty goal. that would have been three points. england to their credit said we want a win. they went for the win and didn t get there. even though they failed, they failed gloriously. last week, japan against south africa. japan, too had a chance against south africa to come away with an honorable draw. they said no, we don t want the draw. we want the win. they went for the win and they got it. they re heroes. the wonderful thing about both of those matches and this world cup today, it has been played in that spirit of damn the torpedoes. full speed ahead. let s go for the victory. peter, you re right. this is the talk around the world. peter fitzsimmons thank you so much for taking time to give us your insights. today s big matchup is australia versus uruguay. other games include scotland versus the u.s. and ireland against row han i can t. you re watching cnn newsroom. still to come, prisoners prepare to meet the pope. some of the inmates sat down with cnn. ahead, we ll show you what they have to say. plus, protesters in mexico demand answers from mexican authorities in the disappearance of 43 male students now missing for a year. details on this protest demands and the clashes with police as the news continues on cnn newsroom. at&t and directv are now one. which means you can watch movies while you re on the move. sitcoms, while you sit on those. and even fargo, in fargo! binge, while you lose weight! and enjoy a good cliffhanger while you hang from a. why am i yelling? the revolution will not only be televised. the revolution will be mobilized. introducing the all in one plan. only from directv and at&t. i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. that s huge for my bottom line. what s in your wallet? hp instant ink can save you up to 50% on ink delivered to your door .so print all you want and never run out. plans start at $2.99 a month. the most affordable way to print. hp instant ink. welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. you re watching cnn newsroom. good to have you with us. i m george howell. the headlines we re following this hour. a critical election now under way in catalonia. which could lead for the region becoming an independent area from spain. live images here as people go to the polls. catalana at the polls in barcelona and across the region. if it wins, a coalition party hopes to achieve independence within 18 months. spain, however, says that this vote is unconstitutional. for the first time ever, the french military has launched air strikes against isis targets inside syria. the french president s office says that they were based on intelligence gathered from air surveillance operations. until now, france has only conducted air strikes inside iraq. pope francis spoke about the importance of family at a festival saturday in philadelphia. the event called the festival of families capped off a very busy day that included a mass with about 2,000 people. in the coming hours, the pope will meet with area bishops. the pope also plans to meet with american prisoners later today. he will be the first pope to ever do so. the holy father will tour the curran fromm hold facility near philadelphia. poppy harlow sat down with several inmates preparing to meet the pope. it s a maximum security prison, housing 2800 inmates. some for the most brutal crimes you can imagine. others with long rap sheets, only too familiar with prison. you said to me, i m guilty. gaeltd as charged. how has faith changed your time here? prison? it s all i ve got really. is faith. it s all i got. it may be the last place you would expect to see a pope. they want to have hope and this pope brings hope. how did this happen? that the pope is come here? divine intervention. on sunday, pope francis will meet with some 100 inmates here at the curran-fromhold facility here in philadelphia. it s the first time the pope has visit a u.s. prison. you re the reason the pope is coming to this prison. it s a great on or and blessing. this father wrot a letter to the vatican asking for the pope to bless these prisoners. some of them here for serious, many would say unforgivable felonies. some still awaiting trial. how did you get him to come? i asked him to consider the people who are here the least of that jesus talks about. the sort of little ones that he had a concern for. a sense of value. the fact that they re not forgotten. that they they re individuals in the world that hope for their success. we met three inmates who will meet the pontiff. i made a bad decision. i came here. i m a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. me being here in some ways it feels like i m supposed to be here. what about those who would say shouldn t the pope be meeting with the victims of those in here who are guilty? if a house is on fire, yes, you want to help the people who are getting out of there, you want to get them out. but you also want to put out the fire. if you re going to help change society, the change comes in the heart first. they are part of a team that built this dhar for him as a gift. what s that experience like? once in a lifetime thing. once our supervisors came to us with the idea that they wanted us to make the chair, we were all ecstatic and excited. it was a lot of work. from the woodwork to the upholstery work. with us clab raiting on a job, everything came together and it came together nicely. we try to make it as good as possible. something i did is in the vatican. michelangelo, and my work. pope francis made it abundantly clear, he s a pope of the periphery, caring for those on the margins. he s waurkd and kissed the feet of prisoners in rome and visited the largest and most notorious prison in bolivia earlier this year. what does it mean in your heart that he s coming to see you. means a lot. he s stepping into a prison without passing judgment on anybody. that s hard for a lot of people to do. and coming from him, i mean, it s peaceful, it s humbling. he s a man of faith and he s not above us. i m just a human being. albert is a practicing muslim. i represent peace. he does not practice your religion and vice versa, but it doesn t matter to you. it doesn t. at the end of the day, it s not about religion. it s about the peace and everybody sticking together. 2.2 million americans are ins cars rated according to the international center for prison studies, leaving the u.s. with 25% of the world s prisoners. despite being home to just under 5% of the global population. we really have to rethink the way we address a fence and how we consider a fence. i think we ve gone too far in criminalization. coming from the man who runs this prison. yes. even if you re in free, you ll be free because god made you free. i think a lot of the inmates received a message so often that they re not worthwhile, that they re somehow less, that they re not fully human, not worth what everyone else is worth. compared to the pope s this is to say, yes, you really are created in the image of god. you really have value. you are wonderfully made. i m hoping that the pope s visit says to them, maybe i am something worthwhile. the pope came to visit me. the pope came to see where i was. so many people inspired by pope francis. that was our poppy harlow reporting. stay with cnn as we follow the pope on his final day in the united states. coverage begins at 2:00 p.m. in the u.s. 7:00 p.m. in london. 8:00 p.m. in berlin right here on cnn worldwide. india s leader is looking to deepen ties with the tech industry. this year, he s taken his digital india drive to silicon valley. later today, he ll take part in a facebook question and answer session. the facebook page has more than 30 million likes. on saturday, he met with apple s chief tim cook. apple is reportedly looking to expand its stores in india. now to mexico city. tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets. they are demanding justice and the truth about the disappearance of 43 young men. the protests that ended in violent clashes with police. saturday marked one year since these students, teacher trainees at a local college all went missing. the mexican government says they were abducted by corrupt police and then handed over it a drug gang. a gang who burned their bodies, believing that they were part of a rival gang. but a recent independent report contradicts those findings. cnn s rafael romo has more from saturday s protest. reporter: thousands upon thousands of people participating in this march. participants are calling it march of national indignation. they say that they can t believe that it s been a year since 43 students from a rural teacher s college disappeared and nobody can give them a straight answer. they finally arrived to the main square here in mexico city known to the spanish. that s the cathedral within the one side and on the other side, the national palace. this is the location where they wanted to get. they say this is the best place to send a message to the mexican government. i wanted to show you what we found here at the main square. that is a banner that shows three victims, three fatal victims of that night, september 26th. the three faces in the middle are three students who were shot and killed. all of the faces that you see around are the faces of the 43 students who have been missing for a year now. the other phrase that we ve been hearing repeatedly here, they were taken alive. we want them back alive. why did you write this song? this song, it was meant to inspire people about injustice happening in mexico, especially. it s not only about 43 missing. it s about so many injustices happening around here and we need to a voice. something else that has gotten our attention. a large number of modified mexican flags. normally the mexican flag is green, white and red. but people are carrying these flags where you can see black and white. i m sure. because we re still seeking for justice and because we re mourning the disappearance of of course, three students. it s now been raining for several hours in mexico. city. as you can see, many people carrying umbrellas. that hasn t stopped these protesters from coming to the main square to make a point and the point is that they won t stop until they know the truth about the 43. rafael romo, cnn, mexico city. you re watching cnn newsroom. a young shiite man is awaiting crucifixion for charges that he denies. coming up, human rights groups are pleading with south america america to spare the life of ali nun powell. the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi, and streaming entertainment. that s. seize the journey friendly. welcome back to cnn newsroom. i m george howell. the united nations experts there and human rights groups are all calling on saudi arabia to halt the execution and crucifixion of a young shiite man. he was arrested in 2012 for crimes he reportedly committed as a teenager during arab spring protests. our becky anderson explains the case of ali alma miles an hour. friends and family describe this man as an optimistic and outgoing young man who loves photography, movies, cars and motorcycles. today he sits in a saudi prison condemned to death for the crimes he allegedly committed as a teenager. he was arrested in 2012. during pro-democracy protests inspired by the arab spring when he was just 17. convicted of charges, including belonging to a terror cell, attacking police with molotov kong tai cocktails. now, he is set to be executed, beheaded in this public square in rye add with the added crucifixion. they re displaying it as a warning to others. a source close to the family tells cnn, although he took part in the protests, he is innocent of the charges and that his conviction and harsh sentence are revenge against his uncle. the uncle, the protest leader was convicted by saudi authorities last year. he s also facing the death penalty. cnn has reach out to saudi officials for comment on the case. but there have been no response. previous attempts by cnn to contact officials for comment on the case of his uncle also went unanswered. human rights groups, journalists and politicians have expressed outrage over the case on social media. with many activists calling on saudi arabia s king to commute the young man s sentence. the london-based legal charity says much of his case has been held in secret. his final appeal denied last week without the young man or his lawyer present. but with all legal options exhausted, it s feared that he could be executed and crucified any time. becky anderson, cnn, abu dhabi. you re watching cnn newsroom. still to come, plenty of high notes for pope francis in philadelphia. up next, we ll bring you extra special moments from his first day in the city of brotherly love. around here, i m lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent, it couldn t keep up. it was mostly water. so i switched to tide pods. they re super concentrated. so i get a better clean. i mean i give away water for free. i m not about to pay for it in my detergent. 15% cleaning ingredients. .or 90%. don t pay for water, pay for clean. that s my tide. mine hurt more.. mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. fights the pain. use with band-aid brand. you know, it s always bugged me that we couldn t say that, cheerios are gluten free. oats don t contain gluten, but sometimes grains that do, get mixed in. so we took them out! which means now, cheerios can be enjoyed by everyone! just original cheerios? honey nut cheerios too, buzz. this bale of hay cannot be controlled. when a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring, the owners had to act fast. thankfully, mary miller banks with chase for business. and with greater financial clarity and a relationship built for the unexpected, she could control her cash flow, and keep the ranch running. chase for business. so you can own it. ch[engine revving]. when you re not confident your company s data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that s where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can t. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. you forgot the milk! that s lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want. .with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some. mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream. welcome back to cnn newsroom. i m george howell. so if you look up this weekend, you could catch a very rare event. a perfect trifecta in the skies around the world. meteorologist derek van dam joining us now with more on the clesial event. derek? what was that term you coined. the celestial trifecta. that s what it is. it s so rare, only happened four times since the early 1900s. the next time it s going to happen is in 2033. so set your alarm clocks, people. this is important. you want to see this. who knows where you ll be in, well, 15 or 18 years time. we re talking about a total lunar eclipse coinciding with a supermoon and a blood moon. it s a mouthful. i ll try to describe it all to you. let me show you who is the lucky few to see it. say lucky many. the eastern and central half of all of north america. we ve got the entire south america continent enjoying this celestial event. portions of south africa as well. let me explain what s about to happen. take a look at these vish us. you can see the solar eclipse taking place. the sun, earth and moon. there s a shadow cast on the moon. this is happening tonight, the 27th. it s going to take place for a good hour or so beginning at 10:00 p.m. eastern standard time. the blood moon occurs when the red tint is cast on the surface of the moon. that s because the earth s atmosphere actually bends and scatters the sunlight and by the way, george, the supermoon is all thanks to the moon s elliptical rotation around the earth. it will be its closest approach to the surface and that makes it 14% bigger in the sky, at least visibility-wise. amazing. derek, though, the problem for us here, though in atlanta, we ve got this cloud cover so we somebody has been paying attention to my weather forecast. unfortunately, our telescopes won t be working for this event in atlanta. before we go, let s recap the top story. in the coming hour, the pope is set to start his final day in philadelphia or maybe he s an early riser. maybe he s already awake. who knows? what thing is for sure, he brought a message of faithful and freedom. we d like to bring you some of the best moments of the pope s visit to philadelphia. we are family i got all my sisters with me translator: families have the difficulties. sometimes plates can fly. [ laughter ] there right there was truly the voice of an angel. but then he whispered in my ear that he loved the movie ted. thank you, holy father. this mural will be a lasting testament to the world meeting of families and your visit. we end with that. we thank you for joining us this hour. i m george howell at the cnn center in atlanta. for viewers in the u.s., new day is next. for other viewers around the world, best of quest is ahead. you re watching cnn, the world news leader. count. that s why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. that s huge for my bottom line. what s in your wallet? hp instant ink saves you up to 50% on ink .so you can print all you want and never run out. plans start at $2.99 a month. which means you can watch movies while you re on the move. sitcoms, while you sit on those. and even fargo, in fargo! binge, while you lose weight! and enjoy a good cliffhanger while you hang from a. why am i yelling? the revolution will not only be televised. the revolution will be mobilized. introducing the all in one plan. only from directv and at&t. go to and post your job to over one hundred of the web s leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. and now you can use zip recruiter for free. go to pope francis ending a whirlwind trip to the united states. one more very packed day, including a meeting with prison inmates and celebrating mass in front of more than a million peop people. families have the difficulties. translator: sometimes plates can fly. yeah, the lighter side of the pope before he heads home. pope francis a little fun, we saw last nig

Jerusalem , Israel-general- , Israel , Australia , Paul-valley , Western-australia , Madrid , Spain , Mexico-city , Distrito-federal , Mexico , China

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20160111

tonight. reporter: in a political season dominated by outsiders, hillary clinton in iowa today continued running a conventional insider campaign, rolling out an endorsements from transportation secretary anthony fox. i feel really good about where we are but i m not taking anything for granted. reporter: she no longer has that luxury since democratic socialist senator bernie sanders keeps soaring in the polls putting both iowa and new hampshire up for grabs. we have received two and a half million individual contributions, more individual contributions than any candidate in the history of the united states of america. reporter: three weeks from the iowa caucuses clinton s massive edge has vanished. she leads sanders 48% to 45% within the margin of error in a new wall street journal /nbc and maris poll. new hampshire shows bernie sanders ahead. and wrapping her arms around president obama giving gun manufacturers immunity. we vote nod. senator sanders voted yes. that is a big difference between us. because i believe we got stand with president obama now. reporter: in an interview with fox campaign chairman said the clinton team is still confident she has a fire wall with southern states in march. where her alliance with the president could help with african-american voters. yet in the the washington post today if sanders can win iowa and new hampshire, the momentum would be quota total nightmare for clinton period. another potential nightmare the ongoing fbi investigation over e-mail server especially after a newly released e-mail showing clinton told top aides to send classified information. aren t you violating it? no. as the state department said just this week that did not happen and it never would have happened because that s just not way i treated classified information. reporter: fox is reporting the fbi probe may expand to look at the intersection of clinton foundation work and state department business violated the public corruption laws but moments ago in iowa clinton told the des moines register that said that s an irresponsible claim and not true. clinton anticipated said she heard nothing from the fbi so it s unclear what she knows and does not know. obviously a game changer. on the republican side tonight new polls suggest donald trump and ted cruz are first and second, or second and first just three weeks before the first votes are taken in the iowa caucuses. senior political correspondent mike emmanuel looks at a wealth of information tonight. reporter: the latest polling out of iowa feature as two man race in the hawkeye state between donald trump and ted cruz. a new quinnipiac virtual has t donald trump with 31%, ted cruz at 29% and marco rubio at a distant 15%. today in new hampshire trump continued his attack on cruz s citizenship being born in canadian to an american mother. ted cruz is a problem. he s got a problem. you can t have a nominee who is going to be subject took thrown out as a nominee. reporter: over the weekend in iowa cruz said he s always been an american citizen and fired back at trump. candidates are throwing whatever rocks they can. that s fine. i like donald trump. i respect donald trump. he s welcome to toss whatever attacks he wants. reporter: in new hampshire a new poll shows donald trump growing his lead in a three candidate race for second place. trump leads with 32% support up from 26% in november. then cruz is at 14, tied with ohio governor john kasich. and then marco rubio at 12%. in sarasota rubio ripped cruz s tax policy calling it sneaky like a european value added tax. republican candidates today try to hide their support for the value add tax by renaming it, a business flat tax. don t be fooled. fit acts like a vap and taxes as a vap and grows government like a vap it s a vap. reporter: superp.a.c. supporting jeb bush released this ad attacking marco rubio suggesting his opinions blow with the wind. he supported his own dream act and then abandoned it. marco rubio just another washington politician you can t trust. reporter: dr. ben carson was on trail in iowa today. even though carson has faded in recent polls after being near the top, he sounded upbeat with this reference to the powerball lottery. because i was born in america and i know the lord. reporter: that quinnipiac survey revealed 46% of those in iowa who named a republican candidate said they might change their mind. that suggests there could be some movement over the next three weeks. we are just few days away from the next republican presidential candidate debate in south carolina. the undercard begins with trish regan and sandra smith fold by the main event at 9:00 p.m. immigration will no doubt be a big issue thursday. but in germany tonight the practical and political dangers of the subject are in an especially sharp focus. new year s eve attacks on german women are putting pressure on chancellor angela merkel s open door policy towards refugees. senior foreign affairs correspondent has the latest tonight. reporter: it was refugee friendly germany s worst nightmare. a thousand rowdy and drunken men mostly migrants and asylum seekers from north africa or middle eastern countries on new year s eve in cologne, germany, cornering young women, taunting and molesting them. translator: these men began groping us and grabbed between our legs. they touched us every where. reporter: 516 criminal complaints have been filed so far. 40% for sexual assault. two rape were reported. police were overwhelmed. the mob was in charge. translator: they felt they were in power and could do anything with women out in the street partying. it was terrible. reporter: this past weekend police were out in force dealing with demonstrations including anti-migrant protesters upset about german immigration policy. it raises spectre of impossibility to integrate all these rivals and what do you do? you can t kick them out. reporter: also authorities now say the man claiming allegiance to isis killed trying to attack a pairs police station last week had been staying at a german refugee shelter. under fire for her open door refugee approach german chancellor angela merkel is proposing tougher deportation procedures for asylum seekers who have committed crimes. and a reduction of migrants coming to germany in 2016. the country took in 1.1 million last year. translator: now all of a sudden we re facing the challenge that refugees are coming to europe and we re vulnerable as you see because we do not yet have the order, the control that we would like to have. reporter: events in germany not overlooked on the u.s. presidential campaign trail. donald trump today describing the attacks there as incredible, angela merkel he observed has quote gone off the reservation and quote when it comes to immigration. thank you. pope francis is insisting europe has the moral responsibility to welcome middle eastern refugees. he says european nations must not let security fears replace the principles of respecting the dignity of others. the pope is calling for a bold and creative strategy to deal with the issue. up next, the new islamic tlor threat to police officers in one major american city. fox 4 in dallas as a judge lowers bond for the mother of the so-called affluenza teen, tonia couch s bail was reduced from $1 million to $75,000. she s charged with interfering with the apprehension of her son. fox 45 in baltimore with the delay in the start of a second trial in the death of a man in police custody. jury selection in the case of police van driver susan goodson was put on hold after a judge ruled last week that officer william porter whose trial ended in a hung jury must testify against goodson. this is a live look at new york from our affiliate fox 5 the big story there and all over the world the death of iconic british singer david bowie. the pop and rock legend became a trail blazer in the packaging of music stars with his ziggy star dust persona. he battled cancer for a year and a half. david bowie was 69. that s tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. as we go break a david bowie classic. just the one day art healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? 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(children giggle) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. if you can t afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. they are. do i look smarter? yeah, a little. you re making money now, are you investing? well, i ve been doing some research. let me introduce you to our broker. how much does he charge? i don t know. okay. uh, do you get your fees back if you re not happy? (dad laughs) wow, you re laughing. that s not the way the world works. well, the world s changing. are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management, at charles schwab. . tonight isis terrorists are claiming responsibility for an attack on a rocky shopping mall that killed 18 people. iraqi officials say they stormed the facility in eastern baghdad after setting off a car bomb. four police officers are among the dead. officials say two terrorists were killed and four arrested. the threat and reality of islamic terrorism here at home don t keep the city of philadelphia and its police officers on edge tonight. there is concern that last week s targeting of a philadelphia cop by an isis inspired shooter could be just the beginning. senior correspondent rick leventhal is in philadelphia tonight. reporter: philadelphia police officers are now traveling in pairs on heightened alert after a tip that the gunman who said he shot the officer last thursday night in the name of islam may not have been acting alone. according to an incident report a woman approached an officer over the weekend and told him the threat was not over. that the suspect 30-year-old edward archer was part of a group of three others and of not the most radical of the four. the tipster said other officers could be targeted in the same neighborhood and police should be careful. it s the new normal. it s what police officers will face every day in this country from now on whether the person is radicalized or an agent of isis. this is what we ll see in the future. reporter: law enforcement forces tells fox they get tips like these all time and it may or may not be credible and wouldn t have been made public if somebody didn t leak the incident report. detectives and fbi are investigating, including searches of residents used by archer looking intoys hudson valley 0 to saudi arabia and egypt in 2011 and 2012 and checking his internet history for terror ties. the new mayor angered many in the department when he down play played archer s allegiance to isis. it has nothing to do with being a muslim or following the islamic faith. five year veteran remains in intensify care in critical but stable condition at penn presbyterian medical center with family and friends apartment his side. he had surgery last week and was scheduled for more today. i m shot. i m bleeding heavily. the officer took three bullets in i had left arm at close range and he is still struggling according to the police commissioner. his arm is broken and he suffered extensive nerve damage. the white house is not calling this a terror attack. not yet. secretary said he s waiting on the philly police department to conclude its investigation. rick leventhal live in philadelphia. rick, thank you. the brutality of isis throughout syria and iraq has been on full display for months but perhaps no religious group has been a targeted more than the yazidis in northern iraq. isis goes by many names. in the region it s called daish. a woman is helping families brutalized by isis with an organization called seed. reporter: one woman is trying to put her life together after being held by daish for three months. it haunts her. she says she was eventually taken to mosul and held with other women in a wedding hall. some were beaten and stripped. her friend slit her wrist. women being captured subject authored rent douse brutality and violence. their husbands being killed. sometimes their children being killed. the women were abducted. they were sold all over iraq. some many times. and they are there to service the soldiers. i think the best way for them to heal at home in kurdistan where people speak the same language. if we had the same resource to support them in kurdistan they can rebuild their lives and communities where they are. there are many more stories of yazidi women escaping isis. see the full interview and more of that discussing the seed organization. still ahead, what you will not hear from president obama in tomorrow night s state of the union address. first, some teachers say paying mandatory fees to unions violate their first amendment rights. the u.s. supreme court hears arguments. relying too much on auto pilot eroding the flying skills of airline pilots responsible for your safety and your family s. correspondent doug mcill wway looks at a shocking report. reporter: as planes become more automated pilots are spending less time flying the airplane and that led to fwrobs. decline in seat of the pants flying skills and in some cases weakness by some pilots to fully understand the limitations of automation. we saw that in the acie anna airlines crash in san francisco where the tail clipped the seawall at the end of the runway. the ntsb concluded the pilot mismanaged his approach and selected the wrong auto pilot mode which no longer controlled his air speed. these types of problems are worsened by long hours in the air where pilots are not flying but rather just monitoring computers. as they are coming in to a crowd area like los angeles or new york from a long flight, maybe four, five hours how do they stay in your mind to be sharp and proficient as they come in. reporter: a 1994 ntsb study found pilot monitoring errors in 31 of 37 accidents. a new report makes two recommendations. that the faa set metrics that air carriers can use and train airline pilots in automation and it develop standards to determine whether pilots are getting sufficient training. the faa has agreed to fully adopt that second recommendation but only partially adopt the first one pinpoint has another month to address the unresolved differences. stocks were mixed today. dow gained 52. the sapp sapp was up two. the nasdaq lost six. tonight the u.s. supreme court justices are weighing arguments in a case that could have a major effect on public labor unions. at issue whether teachers in california are having their rights violated by fees they are required to pay. chief legal correspondent looks at both sides tonight. i m here today with my fellow plntiffs because our voices have been silenced by first unionism for decades. reporter: rebecca is a california teacher who fought all the way to the supreme court over tissue of being forced to support a union which she adamantly disagrees. california recognizes the right of a public employee to refuse to become a member of the union that represents her, but also requires that nonmember employees pay what s called a fair share fee. in our society, typically people think if you gate service and a benefit you should pay for it. you shouldn t get things that other people provide for free without paying for it. reporter: but the teacher challenging the arrangement say their first amendment free speech rights trump any obligation they ve a union they argue doesn t speak on their behalf. a win for the plaintiffs would require the court to overturn a supreme court precedent that s been on the books for nearly four decades. justice steven breyer called that a concern. you start overruling thinks what happens to the country thinking of us as a kind of stability. the supreme court has found an interest in make being sure there aren t so-called free riders, employees who benefit from a union s negotiations but refuse to support it financially. weighed against first amendment free speech concerns today it appears justice anthony kennedy was poised to strike down the currents framework asking is it not true that many teachers strongly, strongly disagree with the union position on teacher tenure, on merit pay, on merit promotion, on classroom size. the union is making these teachers compelled riders for issue on which they strongly disagree. 23 states have laws like california s meaning a win for teachers in this case could significantly cripple public sector unions across the country. 2016 will be a busy year for the court with yet another obamacare case. a fight over abortion restrictions in texas, and within days we ll know whether or not the justices will take up the legal challenge to the president s executive actions on immigration, all those decisions including one from today s case are due by late june. thank you. more than half of detroit s 100 public schools were closed today because of a teacher walk out. educators are upset over pay and the district s poor finances. the system s facebook page put the number of closed schools at more than 60. there are no ongoing negotiations between teach earns school officials. ruthless drug lord or misunderstood folk hero, the recapture of el chapo and his interview with actor sean penn in rolling stone magazine. equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like ordering wine equals pretending to know wine. pinot noir, which means peanut of the night. defiance is in our bones. citracal pearls. delicious berries and cream. soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. only from citracal. on location with the famous, big idaho potato truck. our truck? it s touring across america telling people about idaho potatoes. farmer: let s go boy. again this year the big idaho potato truck is traveling the country spreading the word about heart healthy idaho potatoes and making donations to local charities. excuse me miss, have you seen our truck? you just missed it. ahhh! aw man are you kiddin me? iall across the state belthe economy is growing,day. with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. and on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. let us help grow your company s tomorrow, today at [so i use quickbooks and run mye entire business from the cloud. i keep an eye on sales and expenses from anywhere. even down here in the dark i can still see we re having a great month. and celebrate accordingly. i run on quickbooks.that s how i own it. sean penn says he has quote nothing to hide following his interview with drug lord joaquin el chapo guzman. both men find themselves in familiar surroundings tonight. el chapo back in a maximum security and penn back in the spotlight for his choice of companions. we re following the story from los angeles tonight. i want to do this monolog and then go into hiding, okay. not even sean penn will find me. reporter: no stranger to controversy actor sean penn is again the center of attention after meeting the world s most wanted man, joaquin el chapo guzman in a mexican jungle. penn interviewed guzman for rolling stone magazine after mexican actress set up the meeting in october. after dinner and shots of tequila guzman agreed a two day interview. however police later raided his ranch. guzman escaped and responded to penn s questions on video. proud offing the world s biggest drug dealer he took no responsibility for other s addiction. penn is now taking fire for the interview. if one of these american actors that benefitted from the greatness of this country and made money from our free enterprise want to fawn over a criminal they have a constitutional right to do it. i find it grotesque. reporter: others say a scoop is a scoop. fellow actor had another explanation. i m sure he was pursuing something creatively. reporter: mexico s attorney general said penn s meeting was essential to guzman s capture. they took the surveillance photo of the two men. guzman is in a prison under heavy guard. new video shows he almost escaped friday s raid slipping out of a back into a tunnel and sewer system. he came out of a manhole cover but acts caught him in a getaway car. getting guzman into a u.s. courtroom could take up to a year. preparations are under way for president obama s final state of the union address tomorrow night. don t expect a traditional send off from this president. reporter: optimistic how white house officials are describing the president s state of the union tuesday night. the speech is not about him it s about the american people and future of our country. reporter: the president is expected to paint an optimistic view for 2016 based on 2015 which saw u.s. auto sales hit an all-time record of 17.4 million. and the creation of 2.7 million new jobs second best for job creation since 1999. also on the president s checklist, renewed relation with cuba and iran nuclear deal and initiatives on climate change. the bigger things will make america more prosperous for our kids. reporter: the list of items the president promised on but failed to deliver on is long and well documented including the failure to get comprehensive immigration reform and the fight in iraq and syria and closing the prison at guantanamo bay, cuba. i said repeatedly i intend to close guantanamo. reporter: a pledge eight years in the making but one he intends to keep. he feels an obligation to his successor to close that. that s why we ll do it. so, you were going to do it. reporter: critics aren t so sure. another detainee was release this week after 14 years in the prison leading some to believe the prison may attempt tomorrow ti the facility unilaterally or use more executive action to close it once and for all. what obama is doing is preventing any successor president from undoing what obama has done. if the president is going close off the option for the next president to re-open gitmo he s uestion is will he rise to the moment? based on what the white house has been saying in the media it s unlikely we ll hear a unifying message for our country tomorrow. reporter: we re told the president will likely be very conversational in his style and tone tuesday night sort of a campaign mode if you can think of it that way. we also learned the family research council made it possible for kim davis to attend the state of the union on tuesday night. you may remember she s the county cleerk from state of kentucky who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses are a for their part the white house invited one of the plaintiffs from same-sex marriage that made it the law of the land. our state of the union coverage begins tuesday, 8:55:00 p.m. hillary clinton just can t put bernie sanders away in iowa. we ll talk about that, the closing poll numbers in iowa and new hampshire on the democratic side with the panel when we come back. ing to give it a try, but i didn t think it was going to really happen. after one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor abo any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or 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confidence. you directed him to quote turn into nonpaper with no identifying heading and send nonsecure. aren t you ordering him to violate the laws on handling classified memorial there? material there? no. as the state department said that never happened and would never have happened because that s just not the way i treated classified information. headings are not classification notices and so oftentimes we re trying to get the best information we can and, obviously, what i m asking for is whatever can be transmitted if it doesn t come through secure to be transmitted on the unclassified systems. okay. hillary clinton on face the nation this weekend being asked about this e-mail that came out late last week we first reported on, which was an e-mail with jake sullivan, an aide at the state department. you see it here. the line is they can t turn into nonpaper with no identifying heading and send nonsecure. they say they had issues sending secure fax. they are working on it. she said essentially take off the headings. this comes at fox is reporting the fbi is not pulling back but expanding the investigation into hillary clinton, not just temp mail but also looking at she says the co-mingling of her work as secretary of state and the clinton foundation. just moments ago hillary clinton was with des moines register in iowa. jennifer jacobs tweeted thought not true hillary clinton says of a fox news report that the fbi is investigating whether any public corruption laws were violated. hillary clinton tells the des moines register she s not heard anything from the fbi. however, in iowa, there are problems for hillary clinton at least when you look at the polls. essentially a tie in the latest nbc/wall street journal maris poll and within the margin of error. let s begin our panel. tucker carlson, charles lamb, and charles krauthammer. what about that explanation over the weekend? greatest explanation ever. first of all turning something into nonpaper. i hope she doesn t tell somebody to turn me into a nonpaper. it s not true because that s not the way i do it. it s basically their explanation for the catherine harris story on the fbi. can t be true and isn t. they are telling this out loud because they want donors to hear it. there are a lot of democratic donors that are concerned. they don t want an fbi investigation hanging over them with no budget or time constraints. it s really, really troubling, obviously. but it also suggest as very high level of denial when she says that you get the sense she believes it and this is of a piece with a lot of other evidence we have. that s not what i want reality to be and therefore it isn t. let s be clear. the investigation, the problem is the server, not any specific e-mail. but the server in general to begin with. the fbi is continuing its investigation. the real circumstances whether they move forward and suggest prosecution to the doj which then would have to make that decision. right. i got to say, i mean i don t nonpaper is a term of art within the state of department bureaucracy that means an unofficial document without the headings and so on. the underlying substance of this was these were talking points for some meeting she was going to have with a foreign official. not like nuclear codes. having said that i would not like to be hillary clinton today because it reminds everybody of an issue that bernie sanders had told her you don t have to worry. her own opponent. he s regretting that. it s always twoshs running for president with an fbi investigation going on against you than without one. up look at new hampshire. charles, the nbc poll in the new hampshire democratic polling you have sanders up within the margin of error there, it s 50-46 plus or minus. then the fox news poll which we reported on friday has sanders up much bigger in new hampshire, and there you see 50-37. so the reality is sinking in these early states may be difficult. even if she loses iowa and new hampshire, it s hard to see sanders goes anywhere particularly down south when his constituency is essentially rich, white liberals who live on the coast, some in university towns. it s a big constituency but not big enough and he has, as far as we can see, no appeal or maybe low appeal to minorities and african-americans. without that you can t win the nomination. but if i get to return to the explanation on the emails. i don t think it s denial. it s worse. it s cynicism. look at the logic of what she said. i asked him to do this but she says it didn t happen, well that s irrelevant. it wouldn t have happened. well why wouldn t it have happened? you asked him to do it. it wouldn t have happened because that s not how i do things. but she just did it. that was the instruction she gave. and the other part is this is completely innocent and routine, why would you scrub the heading? it makes no sense. she knows it. she puts a smile on her face. she brazens her way through it. i have to admire her for that. but i think she knows this is a real vulnerableilty. in the end it s about the legality of this and will there be a criminal referral. if there isn t her nomination isn t in jeopardy. the fbi does have notify the subject of the investigation, so it s important to note that in the clinton statement to the des moines register and also just breaking now the state department is going to release 29,000 pages of your honor m a s official e-mail. that s coming in tonight. that raises more questions and a lot more e-mails. that s for sure. i think charles analysis is absolutely right. nobody outside of the clinton campaign believes bernie sanders has a chance. it s a boutique campaign. but it s going nowhere. hillary doesn t know that. the hallmark of a mediocre mind is one who fights the last war. losing to obama during those primaries and she will do anything to avoid that happening. that s why she s moved so far less, endorsing drivers license for illegal aliens. everything she says is designed to fight off the threat that doesn t exist for bernie sanders. next up too close to call, three weeks ahead, the ohio caucus. try phillips fiber good gummies plus energy support. it s a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips . parking is hard to find. seems like everyone drives. and those who do should switch to geico because you could save hundreds on car insurance. ah, perfect. valet parking. evening, sir. hello! here s the keys. and, uh, go easy on my ride, mate. hm, wouldn t mind some of that beef wellington. to see how much you could save on car insurance, go to ah! 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meaning born on the land? in that case, he is not. but you nobody knows what what it means. it hasn t been adjudicated and it hasn t gone to the supreme court. i m only saying this, and i speak well of ted, i m only saying that ted has to get this problem solved because if he is running against a democrat, and they bring a lawsuit, he has got a hell of a thing over his head. well, talking again about ted cruz as a natural born citizen, donald trump, obviously he is getting asked these questions but he is bringing it up on the trail on his owns a well. let s take a look at the real clear politics average of polls in iowa. this includes new polls out today. here it is. cruz up 2 points in the average of recent polls. there you see rubio and carson. one poll out today had this question. we ve asked this too before in fox news polls but the quinnipiac poll who would you definitely not support in iowa and there you see the top leaders there in not supporting bush, trump, tied at the top. christie, kasich and paul. we re back with the panel. what about this back and forth and is trump having success along the margins? it didn t feel that way but boy, it s not going away. look, this issue with ted cruz s citizenship, i have done my best to educate myself about the law and trump is wrong, okay. that because the man s mother wasn t an american citizen, not with standing the fact he was born in canada he is a natural born citizen. trump is right there. has never been a supreme court case on that. there is a sliver of ambiguity that he can exploit to raise in issue to pester ted cruz and try to get inside his head the way he got inside jeb s head. what it shows you is that there is really no substantive difference between the two. there is not much anyway on the issues. he is trying to can you tell him down as a person. both of them are competing in the same antiestablishment space in iowa. the most remarkable thing about the poll numbers that you put up add them with what little is left over for ben carson 63% of the iowa electorate is leading toward one of the antiestablishment candidates and jeb, as you showed is number one in terms of who they reject. what s interesting is rtd evangelical vote is obviously crucial in iowa. cruz plays heavy there so does carson and so does santorum and huckabee there is a split there. is that potentially a problem for cruz? he needs tofçp clean up as much of what is left over for the marginal candidates as he can. the race is neck and neck. the most recent quinnipiac that came out for today has trump up in iowa by two. all, you know, again, all these polls are within the margin. within the margin of error but they are basically tied. i disagree that trump is trying to pester cruz. i think you are all too cynical. tramp has explained he is just trying to help cruz. that s because he likes him. as he said, he would hate to see anything get in the way. so i think this is helpful advice. but you know what s so amazing. trump has the capacity because of his command of the media, the so he manship of creating issues at will. no matter how irrelevant. i mean, look at all the issues he has created. the natural the birth citizea you can exclude muslims or not, i mean, all these issues never raised before. he says it and then all of the sudden the nation is seized with a debate over the merits of this. three days later, if he doesn t need it anymore, it disappears like the wind. by the way, wires reporting senator rand paul is talking about the debate coming up thursday and that he has been told that he is not on the top tier. and that now. actually officially comes out in about seven minutes on fbn. but if that s the case, what does that say, you know, you have got probably seven candidates, and if rand paul, he has threatened not to be on that stage second tier, what does that say about the paul campaign? there is going to be interesting postmortem hopefully some of them will be smart about why a lot of these guys didn t catch fire and most of the analyses will point back to trump. there was a huge market for someone who wasn t who was telling the truth or a version of it or at least seemed honest and direct. everybody in power lies all the time so the guy who doesn t is obviously going to do well, trump just cornered that market, unfortunately. i think where i live in washington, everybody thinks ted cruz is going to win iowa. i would throw up one caution flag here, a, the guy with the best ground game doesn t always win. i was there in 2004 when howard dean had the best ground game ever. every teenager showed up in a orange cap to get out the vote for him he came in third. how many people do you know who kind of like trump but embarrass to do say so at dinner parties because they don t want to be attacked, a lot. if there is ever a candidate under polled, i know these people, they are not going to say it. new hampshire, real clear politics average of polls in new hampshire trump up big, rubio in second and kasich in third. kasich hanging around, chuck, and saying that he is going to make his mark in new hampshire. if he is going to make it anywhere it s got to be new hampshire. he has poured a lot of resources and time in there it s the place where you might see the sort of liberallish ohio governor catch fire. but going back to tucker s point rand paul s flop in this campaign is going to be interesting part of postmortem. theory was libertarian lane opening in the republican party and people missed the authoritarian lane that was seized by donald trump. rand paul ran into isis and he never recovered. that is it for the panel. but stay tuned for questions you may have wanted to request ask the democratic presidential candidates. one late night host did. you show up. you stay up. you listen. you laugh. you worry. you do whatever it takes to take care of your family. and when it s time to plan for your family s future, we re here for you. we re legalzoom, and for over 10 years we ve helped families just like yours with wills and living trusts. so when you re ready, start with us. doing the right thing has never been easier. legalzoom. legal help is here. he ran for senate saying he opposed amnesty. then he flipped, and worked with liberal chuck schumer to co-author the path to citizenship bill. he threatened to vote against it. and then voted for it. he supported his own dream act and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just another washington politician you can t trust. jeb bush. he s a leader, so you always know where he stands. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. finally tonight the fbn is working on the debate. when moderating a presidential debate it can be hard choosing which questions to ask one late night host narrowed it down to the pressing question he had for the candidates in his version of the democratic debate. senator sanders, your hair looks terrific tonight. did something happen to your old hairstylist? we fired that person. [ laughter ] secretary clinton, question for you, who painted this picture? george w. bush did this, and i give him credit. that is correct. this is a george w. bush painting. governor o malley, a serious question, what would do you about people who still have their christmas decorations up? mark their homes for demolition. [ laughter ] senator sanders, what would you be doing right now if you weren t running for president? hanging around on street corners, potentially getting into trouble. oh, yes. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that s it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. don t forget the state of the union coverage tomorrow night 8:55 p.m. greta goes on the record right now. tonight a new tip just in and it s frightening. at this hour it s new fierce that philadelphia police officers are facing a specific threat. new threat coming days after self-inspired isis attack. accused shooting jesse hartnett as he sat in thinks squad car. a fee nail tipster gave police the unsettling chilling news that three radical associates of archer are still out on the streets and may strike again. philadelphia police commissioner richard ross goes on the record. good evening, sir. good evening. sir, before i get to this tip that the philadelphia police have received. tell me

New-york , United-states , Canada , New-hampshire , Germany , Texas , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Kentucky , California , Syria

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20160112

hillary clinton in iowa today continued running a conventional insider campaign, rolling out an endorsements from transportation secretary anthony fox. i feel really good about where we are but i m not taking anything for granted. reporter: she no longer has that luxury since democratic socialist senator bernie sanders keeps soaring in the polls putting both iowa and new hampshire up for grabs. we have received two and a half million individual contributions, more individual contributions than any candidate in the history of the united states of america. reporter: three weeks from the iowa caucuses clinton s massive edge has vanished. she leads sanders 48% to 45% within the margin of error in a new wall street journal /nbc and maris poll. new hampshire shows bernie sanders ahead. and wrapping her arms around president obama giving gun manufacturers immunity. we vote nod. senator sanders voted yes. that is a big difference between us. because i believe we got stand with president obama now. reporter: in an interview with fox campaign chairman said the clinton team is still confident she has a fire wall with southern states in march. where her alliance with the president could help with african-american voters. yet in the the washington post today if sanders can win iowa and new hampshire, the momentum would be quota total nightmare for clinton period. another potential nightmare the ongoing fbi investigation over e-mail server especially after a newly released e-mail showing clinton told top aides to send classified information. aren t you violating it? no. as the state department said just this week that did not happen and it never would have happened because that s just not way i treated classified information. reporter: fox is reporting the fbi probe may expand to look at the intersection of clinton foundation work and state department business violated the public corruption laws but moments ago in iowa clinton told the des moines register that said that s an irresponsible claim and not true. clinton anticipated said she heard nothing from the fbi so it s unclear what she knows and does not know. obviously a game changer. e > on the republican sid tonight new polls suggest donald trump and ted cruz are first and second, or second and first just three weeks before the first votes are taken in the iowa caucuses. senior political correspondent mike emmanuel looks at a wealth of information tonight. reporter: the latest polling out of iowa feature as two man race in the hawkeye state between donald trump and ted cruz. a new quinnipiac virtual has t donald trump with 31%, ted cruz at 29% and marco rubio at a distant 15%. today in new hampshire trump continued his attack on cruz s citizenship being born in canadian to an american mother. ted cruz is a problem. he s got a problem. you can t have a nominee who is going to be subject took thrown out as a nominee. reporter: over the weekend in iowa cruz said he s always been an american citizen and fired back at trump. candidates are throwing whatever rocks they can. that s fine. i like donald trump. i respect donald trump. he s welcome to toss whatever attacks he wants. reporter: in new hampshire a new poll shows donald trump growing his lead in a three candidate race for second place. trump leads with 32% support up from 26% in november. then cruz is at 14, tied with ohio governor john kasich. and then marco rubio at 12%. in sarasota rubio ripped cruz s tax policy calling it sneaky like a european value added tax. republican candidates today try to hide their support for the value add tax by renaming it, a business flat tax. don t be fooled. fit acts like a vap and taxes as a vap and grows government like a vap it s a vap. reporter: superp.a.c. supporting jeb bush released this ad attacking marco rubio suggesting his opinions blow with the wind. he supported his own dream act and then abandoned it. marco rubio just another washington politician you can t trust. reporter: dr. ben carson was on trail in iowa today. even though carson has faded in recent polls after being near the top, he sounded upbeat with this reference to the powerball lottery. because i was born in america and i know the lord. reporter: that quinnipiac survey revealed 46% of those in iowa who named a republican candidate said they might change their mind. that suggests there could be some movement over the next three weeks. we are just few days away from the next republican presidential candidate debate in south carolina. the undercard begins with trish regan and sandra smith fold by the main event at 9:00 p.m. immigration will no doubt be a big issue thursday. but in germany tonight the practical and political dangers of the subject are in an especially sharp focus. new year s eve attacks on german women are putting pressure on chancellor angela merkel s open door policy towards refugees. senior foreign affairs correspondent has the latest tonight. reporter: it was refugee friendly germany s worst nightmare. a thousand rowdy and drunken men mostly migrants and asylum seekers from north africa or middle eastern countries on new year s eve in cologne, germany, cornering young women, taunting and molesting them. translator: these men began groping us and grabbed between our legs. they touched us every where. reporter: 516 criminal complaints have been filed so far. 40% for sexual assault. two rape were reported. police were overwhelmed. the mob was in charge. translator: they felt they were in power and could do anything with women out in the street partying. it was terrible. reporter: this past weekend police were out in force dealing with demonstrations including anti-migrant protesters upset about german immigration policy. it raises spectre of impossibility to integrate all these rivals and what do you do? you can t kick them out. reporter: also authorities now say the man claiming allegiance to isis killed trying to attack a pairs police station last week had been staying at a german refugee shelter. under fire for her open door refugee approach german chancellor angela merkel is proposing tougher deportation procedures for asylum seekers who have committed crimes. and a reduction of migrants coming to germany in 2016. the country took in 1.1 million last year. translator: now all of a sudden we re facing the challenge that refugees are coming to europe and we re vulnerable as you see because we do not yet have the order, the control that we would like to have. reporter: events in germany not overlooked on the u.s. presidential campaign trail. donald trump today describing the attacks there as incredible, angela merkel he observed has quote gone off the reservation and quote when it comes to immigration. thank you. pope francis is insisting europe has the moral responsibility to welcome middle eastern refugees. he says european nations must not let security fears replace the principles of respecting the dignity of others. the pope is calling for a bold and creative strategy to deal with the issue. up next, the new islamic tlor threat to police officers in one major american city. fox 4 in dallas as a judge lowers bond for the mother of the so-called affluenza teen, tonia couch s bail was reduced from $1 million to $75,000. she s charged with interfering with the apprehension of her son. fox 45 in baltimore with the delay in the start of a second trial in the death of a man in police custody. jury selection in the case of police van driver susan goodson was put on hold after a judge ruled last week that officer william porter whose trial ended in a hung jury must testify against goodson. this is a live look at new york from our affiliate fox 5 the big story there and all over the world the death of iconic british singer david bowie. the pop and rock legend became a trail blazer in the packaging of music stars with his ziggy star dust persona. he battled cancer for a year and a half. david bowie was 69. that s tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. as we go break a david bowie classic. just the . tonight isis terrorists are claiming responsibility for an attack on a rocky shopping mall that killed 18 people. iraqi officials say they stormed the facility in eastern baghdad after setting off a car bomb. four police officers are among the dead. officials say two terrorists were killed and four arrested. the threat and reality of islamic terrorism here at home don t keep the city of philadelphia and its police officers on edge tonight. there is concern that last week s targeting of a philadelphia cop by an isis inspired shooter could be just the beginning. senior correspondent rick leventhal is in philadelphia tonight. reporter: philadelphia police officers are now traveling in pairs on heightened alert after a tip that the gunman who said he shot the officer last thursday night in the name of islam may not have been acting alone. according to an incident report a woman approached an officer over the weekend and told him the threat was not over. that the suspect 30-year-old edward archer was part of a group of three others and of not the most radical of the four. the tipster said other officers could be targeted in the same neighborhood and police should be careful. it s the new normal. it s what police officers will face every day in this country from now on whether the person is radicalized or an agent of isis. this is what we ll see in the future. reporter: law enforcement forces tells fox they get tips like these all time and it may or may not be credible and wouldn t have been made public if somebody didn t leak the incident report. detectives and fbi are investigating, including searches of residents used by archer looking intoys hudson valley 0 to saudi arabia and egypt in 2011 and 2012 and checking his internet history for terror ties. the new mayor angered many in the department when he down play played archer s allegiance to isis. it has nothing to do with being a muslim or following the islamic faith. five year veteran remains in intensify care in critical but stable condition at penn presbyterian medical center with family and friends apartment his side. he had surgery last week and was scheduled for more today. i m shot. i m bleeding heavily. the officer took three bullets in i had left arm at close range and he is still struggling according to the police commissioner. his arm is broken and he suffered extensive nerve damage. the white house is not calling this a terror attack. not yet. the press secretary said he s waiting on the philly police department to conclude its investigation. rick leventhal live in philadelphia. rick, thank you. the brutality of isis throughout syria and iraq has been on full display for months but perhaps no religious group has been a targeted more than the yazidis in northern iraq. isis goes by many names. in the region it s called daish. a woman is helping families brutalized by isis with an organization called seed. reporter: one woman is trying to put her life together after being held by daish for three months. it haunts her. she says she was eventually taken to mosul and held with other women in a wedding hall. some were beaten and stripped. her friend slit her wrist. women being captured subject authored rent douse brutality and violence. their husbands being killed. sometimes their children being killed. the women were abducted. they were sold all over iraq. some many times. and they are there to service the soldiers. i think t for them to heal at home in kurdistan where people speak the same language. if we had the same resource to support them in kurdistan they can rebuild their lives and communities where they are. there are many more stories of yazidi women escaping isis. see the full interview and more of that discussing the seed organization. still ahead, what you will not hear from president obama in tomorrow night s state of the union address. first, some teachers say paying mandatory fees to if one of these american actors that benefitted from the greatness of this country and made money from our free enterprise want to fawn over a criminal they have a constitutional right to do it. i find it grotesque. reporter: others say a scoop is a scoop. fellow actor had another explanation. i m sure he was pursuing something creatively. reporter: mexico s attorney general said penn s meeting was essential to guzman s capture. they took the surveillance photo of the two men. guzman is in a prison under heavy guard. new video shows he almost escaped friday s raid slipping out of a back into a tunnel and sewer system. he came out of a manhole cover but acts caught him in a getaway car. getting guzman into a u.s. courtroom could take up to a year. preparations are under way for president obama s final state of the union address tomorrow night. don t expect a traditional send off from this president. reporter: optimistic how white house officials are describing the president s state of the union tuesday night. the speech is not about him it s about the american people and future of our country. reporter: the president is expected to paint an optimistic view for 2016 based on 2015 which saw u.s. auto sales hit an all-time record of 17.4 million. and the creation of 2.7 million new jobs second best for job creation since 1999. also on the president s checklist, renewed relation with cuba and iran nuclear deal and initiatives on climate change. the bigger things will make america more prosperous for our kids. reporter: the list of items the president promised on but failed to deliver on is long and well documented including the failure to get comprehensive immigration reform and the fight in iraq and syria and closing the prison at guantanamo bay, cuba. i said repeatedly i intend to close guantanamo. reporter: a pledge eight years in the making but one he intends to keep. he feels an obligation to his successor to close that. that s why we ll do it. so, you were going to do it. reporter: critics aren t so sure. another detainee was release this week after 14 years in the prison leading some to believe the prison may attempt tomorrow ti the facility unilaterally or use more executive action to close it once and for all. what obama is doing is preventing any successor president from undoing what obama has done. if the president is going close off the option for the next president to re-open gitmo he s got to give it back to the cubans. question is will he rise to the moment? based on what the white house has been saying in the media it s unlikely we ll hear a unifying message for our country tomorrow. reporter: we re told the president will likely be very conversational in his style and tone tuesday night sort of a campaign mode if you can think of it that way. we also learned the family research council made it possible for kim davis to attend the state of the union on tuesday night. you may remember she s the county cleerk from state of kentucky who refused to issue same-sex marriage licenses are a for their part the white house invited one of the plaintiffs from same-sex marriage that made it the law of the land. our state of the union coverage begins tuesday, 8:55:00 p.m. hillary clinton just can t put bernie sanders away in iowa. we ll talk about that, the closing poll numbers you directed him to quote turn into nonpaper with no identifying heading and send nonsecure. aren t you ordering him to violate the laws on handling classified memorial there? material there? no. as the state department said that never happened and would never have happened because that s just not the way i treated classified information. headings are not classification notices and so oftentimes we re trying to get the best information we can and, obviously, what i m asking for is whatever can be transmitted if it doesn t come through secure to be transmitted on the unclassified systems. okay. hillary clinton on face the nation this weekend being asked about this e-mail that came out late last week we first reported on, which was an e-mail with jake sullivan, an aide at the state department. you see it here. the line is they can t turn into nonpaper with no identifying heading and send nonsecure. they say they had issues sending secure fax. they are working on it. she said essentially take off the headings. this comes at fox is reporting the fbi is not pulling back but expanding the investigation into hillary clinton, not just temp mail but also looking at she says the co-mingling of her work as secretary of state and the clinton foundation. just moments ago hillary clinton was with des moines register in iowa. jennifer suggest as very high level of denial when she says that you get the sense she believes it and this is of a piece with a lot of other evidence we have. that s not what i want reality to be and therefore it isn t. let s be clear. the investigation, the problem is the server, not any specific e-mail. but the server in general to begin with. the fbi is continuing its investigation. the real circumstances whether they move forward and suggest prosecution to the doj which then would have to make that decision. right. i got to say, i mean i don t nonpaper is a term of art within the state of department bureaucracy that means an unofficial document without the headings and so on. the underlying substance of this was these were talking points for some meeting she was going to have with a foreign official. not like nuclear codes. having said that i would not like to be hillary clinton today because it reminds everybody of an issue that bernie sanders had told her you don t have to worry. her own opponent. he s regretting that. it s always twoshs running for president with an fbi investigation going on against you than without one. up look at new hampshire. charles, the nbc poll in the new hampshire democratic polling you have sanders up within the margin of error there, it s 50-46 plus or minus. then the fox news poll which we reported on friday has sanders up much bigger in new hampshire, and there you see 50-37. so the reality is sinking in these early states may be difficult. even if she loses iowa and new hampshire, it s hard to see sanders goes anywhere particularly down south when his constituency is essentially rich, white liberals who live on the coast, some in university towns. it s a big constituency but not big enough and he has, as far as we can see, no appeal or maybe low appeal to minorities and african-americans. without that you can t win the nomination. but if i get to return to the explanation on the emails. i don t think it s denial. it s worse. it s cynicism. look at the logic of what she said. i asked him to do this but she says it didn t happen, well that s irrelevant. it wouldn t have happened. well why wouldn t it have happened? you asked him to do it. it wouldn t have happened because that s not how i do things. but she just did it. that was the instruction she gave. and the other part is this is completely innocent and routine, why would you scrub the heading? it makes no sense. she knows it. she puts a smile on her face. she brazens her way through it. i have to admire her for that. but i think she knows this is a real vulnerableilty. in the end it s about the legality of this and will there be a criminal referral. if there isn t her nomination isn t in jeopardy. the fbi does have notify the subject of the investigation, so it s important to note that in the clinton statement to the des moines register and also just breaking now the state department is going to release 29,000 pages of your honor m a s official e-mail. that s coming in tonight. that raises more questions and a lot more e-mails. that s for sure. i think charles analysis is absolutely right. nobody outside of the clinton campaign believes bernie sanders has a chance. it s a boutique campaign. but it s going nowhere. hillary doesn t know that. the hallmark of a mediocre mind is one who fights the last war. losing to obama during those primaries and she will do anything to avoid that happening. that s why she s moved so far less, endorsing drivers license for illegal aliens. everything she says is designed to fight off the threat that doesn t exist for bernie sanders. next up too close to call, three weeks ahead, i recognize that there are candidates in the field that don t want to talk about those you. and they want to instead encourage the good people in the media to go down rabbit trails and engage in circus side shows. i don t think the american people are interested in that. does natural born mean born to the land? meaning born on the land? in that case, he is not. but you nobody knows what what it means. it hasn t been adjudicated and it hasn t gone to the supreme court. i m only saying this, and i speak well of ted, i m only saying that ted has to get this problem solved because if he is running against a democrat, and they bring a lawsuit, he has got a hell of a thing over his head. well, talking again about ted cruz as a natural born citizen, donald trump, obviously he is getting asked these questions but he is bringing it up on the trail on his owns a well. let s take a look at the real clear politics average of polls in iowa. this includes new polls out today. here it is. cruz up 2 points in the average of recent polls. there you see rubio and carson. one poll out today had this question. we ve asked this too before in fox news polls but the quinnipiac poll who would you definitely not support in iowa and there you see the top leaders there in not supporting bush, trump, tied at the top. christie, kasich and paul. we re back with the panel. what about this back and forth and is trump having success along the margins? it didn t feel that way but boy, it s not going away. look, this issue with ted cruz s citizenship, i have done my best to educate myself about the law and trump is wrong, okay. that because the man s mother wasn t an american citizen, not with standing the fact he was born in canada he is a natural born citizen. trump is right there. has never been a supreme court case on that. there is a sliver of ambiguity that he can exploit to raise in issue to pester ted cruz and try to get inside his head the way he got inside jeb s head. what it shows you is that there is really no substantive difference between the two. there is not much anyway on the issues. he is trying to can you tell him down as a person. both of them are competing in the same antiestablishment space in iowa. the most remarkable thing about the poll numbers that you put up add them with what little is left over for ben carson 63% of the iowa electorate is leading toward one of the antiestablishment candidates and jeb, as you showed is number one in terms of who they reject. what s interesting is rtd evangelical vote is obviously crucial in iowa. cruz plays heavy there so does carson and so does santorum and huckabee there is a split there. is that potentially a problem for cruz? he needs tofçp clean up as much of what is left over for the marginal candidates as he can. the race is neck and neck. the most recent quinnipiac that came out for today has trump up in iowa by two. all, you know, again, all these polls are within the margin. within the margin of error but they are basically tied. i disagree that trump is trying to pester cruz. i think you are all too cynical. tramp has explained he is just trying to help cruz. that s because he likes him. as he said, he would hate to see anything get in the way. so i think this is helpful advice. but you know what s so amazing. trump has the capacity because of his command of the media, the so he manship of creating issues at will. no matter how irrelevant. i mean, look at all the issues he has created. the natural the birth right citizenship, the idea you can exclude muslims or not, i mean, all these issues never raised before. he says it and then all of the sudden the nation is seized with a debate over the merits of this. three days later, if he doesn t need it anymore, it disappears like the wind. by the way, wires reporting senator rand paul is talking about the debate coming up thursday and that he has been told that he is not on the top tier. and that now. actually officially comes out in about seven minutes on fbn. but if that s the case, what does that say, you know, you have got probably seven candidates, and if rand paul, he has threatened not to be on that stage second tier, what does that say about the paul campaign? there is going to be interesting postmortem hopefully some of them will be smart about why a lot of these guys didn t catch fire and most of the analyses will point back to trump. there was a huge market for someone who wasn t who was telling the truth or a version of it or at least seemed honest and direct. everybody in power lies all the time so the guy who doesn t is obviously going to do well, trump just cornered that market, unfortunately. i think where i live in washington, everybody thinks ted cruz is going to win iowa. i would throw up one caution flag here, a, the guy with the best ground game win. i was there in 2004 when howard dean had the best ground game ever. every teenager showed up in a orange cap to get out the vote for him he came in third. how many people do you know who kind of like trump but embarrass to do say so at dinner parties because they don t want to be attacked, a lot. if there is ever a candidate under polled, i know these people, they are not going to say it. new hampshire, real clear politics average of polls in new hampshire trump up big, rubio in second and kasich in third. kasich hanging around, chuck, and saying that he is going to make his mark in new hampshire. if he is going to make it anywhere it s got to be new hampshire. he has poured a lot of resources and time in there it s the place where you might see the sort of liberallish ohio governor catch fire. but going back to tucker s point rand paul s flop in this campaign is going to be interesting part of postmortem. theory was libertarian lane opening in the republican party and people missed the authoritarian lane that was seized by donald trump. rand paul ran into isis and he never recovered. that is it for the panel. but stay tuned for questions you may have wanted to request ask the democratic presidential candidates. one late night host did. need to hire fast? go to and post your job to over one hundred of the web s leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. and now you can use zip recruiter for free. go to finally tonight the fbn is working on the debate. when moderating a presidential debate it can be hard choosing which questions to ask one late night host narrowed it down to the pressing question he had for the candidates in his version of the democratic debate. senator sanders, your hair looks terrific tonight. did something happen to your old hairstylist? we fired that person. [ laughter ] secretary clinton, question for you, who painted this picture? george w. bush did this, and i give him credit. that is correct. this is a george w. bush painting. governor o malley, a serious question, what would do you about people who still have their christmas decorations up? mark their homes for demolition. [ laughter ] senator sanders, what would you be doing right now if you weren t running for president? hanging around on street corners, potentially getting into trouble. oh, yes. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that s it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. don t forget the state of the union coverage tomorrow night 8:55 p.m. greta goes on the record right now. it is tuesday january 12th. inside the take down of the most famous fugitive. gunfire and grenades exploding in a brand new video of the recapture of el chapo. sean penn breaks his silence about the secret meeting. boycotting the stage. i won t just say anything that s not first year because we have a first year campaign. why rand paul says his campaign is too good not to be featured on prime time. the morning jolt by putting buzz in your baked goods. fox & friends first starts right now. you are watching fox friend first. i am lia chillheather chelledei. i am lea gabrielle. an explosion rocking the entire community, neighbors running to the rescue kicking down the front door and screaming for the family inside. but no one answered. firefighters arrive to find flames shooting from the house so bad they couldn t make it inside. a mother, father and two daughters 8 and 12 years old all killed. a family dog managing to escape. fair crews remain on the scene at this hour trying to figure out what caused the blast. mama is now beigoing home. the mother of the affluenza teen, tonya touch. they posted bond after a judge lowered it from $1 million. she pled not guilty for helping her son escape to mexico. his defense claims he was too rich and spoiled to know better after killing in a

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reasons trump is doing so well. video capturing the moment that 1400 employees learn they are losing their jobs to mexico. is to move production from our facility in indianapolis monterrey, mexico. wait until you hear how the company is trying to spin it this morning. fox & friends begins right now. ?b the three front running candidates, at least coming out of iowa, we have an entertainer, a guy who is a reality tv star, who has been successful in his own life, but he also pushes people down to make himself look better. jeb, oh. [crowd booing] jeb, he s asleep. he s asleep at the wheel, folks. then you have others. you have cruz. you have cruz. find out where he gets his money. there is more than a little irony in donald accusing anyone of being nasty given the amazing torrent of insults and obscenities and vulgarity that come out of his mouth. unlike some well, that was marco rubp$ frozen in motion. sorry, that was the tape locking up. it was not the actual rubio campaign which isñ fighting. and on the modify. yes, for a strong second in south carolina. good morning. good morning, everybody. new poll out of the all-important state of south carolina where a big debate tonight among republicans. take a look how it stacks up at this hour. donald trump way up on top 34%. coming off the huge win up in new hampshire. you know what s amazing about this? south carolina and new hampshire couldn t be more different. they really are at the opposite ends of the spectrum, geographically, historically, one thing they have in common is that trump is dominating in both of them more than twice his nearest competitor ted cruz in south carolina. if it was other candidate we would say in the press, come on, he is going to be the nominee. one of the only lanes is the evangelical side of things. he crushed in every other candidate. moderate. people pro-immigration, people anti-immigration he won. evangelicals, that is one of the big areas that differs from new hampshire. but the latest polls though trump is leading with the evangelicals in south carolina as well. right. so even though yous6jjjz at ted cruz 15% right now to donald trump s 34%. the evangelical vote there are enough for him to close that gap. do you know what it s time for, i think? it s time to figure out what this means. wife is this happening? if you said donald trump was going to be so dominant in this race the second place guy sitting united states senator super articulate will be more than half his place in the polls that can t be true. it s the anger moment. interesting this week george w. bush is going to be out on the campaign trail for jeb bush. former president hugely popular in south carolina. private poll.z 84% approval rating does george w. bush. he is not an angry guy george w. bush. it s an angry moment. is it transferable. a friend of mine worked for the mccain in south carolina back in the day. he had an article came out just last week. he talked about the popularity of the bush family in south carolina, specifically and referred to it as the kill zone for the bushes. when they come in there they can sweep in and pull people together. they will obviously try to do in this time around as well. you have got to wonder about endorsements any way. the most popular figure in the democratic party by far is bill clinton. bill clinton was out in new hampshire every single day giving heart felt and good speeches on behalf of his wife hillary who lost by he a greater margin than anyone who has ever l.s.u. in the history of the new hampshire primary. does it work whether you have surrogates out there for you? it doesn t seem to. it didn t help last time when bill clinton was out there speaking on her behalf and she lost last time. rough state for politics. nasty ads running through right now. doesn t mean south carolinians are rough people at all i was born in south carolina. why does it get so bare knuckled. former campaign manager for mike huckabee had this to say. watch. this is going to be be a bare knuckled brutal blood bath in south carolina. south carolina is the pivotal pleas for a lot of these candidates. it can springboard your campaign. it can sink yourt campaign. the thing about south carolina is we do it with a smile. we say bless your heart while we re slitting your throat. you don t know what happened. all of a sudden you sink in the polls and you wonder what just happened to me and you got gut the like a fish. bare knuckle and tough. sounds pretty exciting. i can t wait to get there. do you know what happens in south carolina having covered a lot of these is you often see these fliers appear and robo calls get recorded. i have suspected from day one often these things are produced by the people attacked in them. it s basically a hoax so the people can stand up and say my opponent is saying this about me and my family. there is always a mystery about these robo calls. you remember the famous robo calls during the bush-mccain campaign and where do these mysterious calls come from? where do these mysterious ads come from. it s happening again. i guess rubio calls from the cruz campaign andjy cruz campaign saying they are not responsible for them. a lot going on beneath the surface. democratic side really no moment captured the disaster for hillary clinton and was the new hampshire primary more crisply than madeline al albright s claim that women have a obligation to vote for hillary or else they are going to hell. watch this. hillary clinton will always be there for you and just remember, there s a special place in hell for women who don t help each other. can i speak to this as a woman on the couch? she is saying she thinks people are offended and she took it back and walked it back saying she didn t mean to say women were going to hell and any of any political asituation is probably get into heaven. she said probably. people offended by this is determining gender or using gender to cast your vote. and that offends me. that i would vote for a woman because she is a woman versus voting for policy. it s so patronizing. they re definitely caught in the 1970s. she walked it back. albright wrote an article on, this secretary of state at one point. i believe what i said women should help each other, this was the wrong context and time to use that lynn. my hope is that young women will build on the progress we have made that will only happen if women help one another. in other words, sorry, not so sorry. i m sorry it didn t help hillary but i m not sorry i said it. walk it back and reiterate what she said previously. incredibly pray tonnice attitude about all demographic groups. we will shovel a bunch of money to pastors and get the black vote. people think for themselves, don t they? i think they do. patronizing it to think because someone looks like you earn their vote because you look the same? it s insane. i m a woman but smart enough to vote on policy. amen, thank you heather childers. we have a fox news alert now because terror in ohio. the investigating now investigating a bloody machete attacked inside a packed suburban restaurant as terrorism thisyt morning. the aalleged attacker a possible lone wolf. garrett tenney is live for us in washington, d.c. breaking on the details of this. good morning, garrett. good morning, y all. law enforcement sources close to the investigation tell fox news that the fbi is now investigating this incident as a potential lone wolf attack. we re told that at this point the fbi hasn t found any evidence to suggest the attack was directed by isis or any other terror group specifically, but investigators are now digging into the background of 0-year-old mohammed barry to see if there is any kind of connection. they are also looking into the connection that barry was simply inspired by terrorist propaganda and are looking at his travel history and his digital footprint for any evidence of propaganda or of communication with extremists. we re also learning more of the terrifying details of the attack thursday night at a popular mediterranean restaurant near columbus. the owner of the nazareth, who is israeli, says barry came into the shop that evening, chatted with him, asked where he was from. and then left. coming[ - half an hour later with a machete where he began slashing other customers, seemingly indiscriminately. take a listen to this 911 call. how many people were stabbed? there is like five people. noble knows who he is. he just came in and started stabbing people. oh my god, oh my god. we need an ambulance here now. he s come back? yes. [screams] get an ambulance here now, now. we have five victims. we need an ambulance here now. other customers inside eventually fought barry off until he ran away taking police on a car chase. he eventually got out of his car, lunged with police with knife and was shot and killed. four of the customers he attacked were taken to the hospital. as of last night, at least one of them remains in critical but stable condition. heather, clayton, tucker? garrett teny, boy, that was shocking. thank you. now we will take a look@; at other headlines i do believe. begin with explosive discovery. this is at a texas middle school. two potentially explosive devices were found in eighth grade boys locker at a school southwest of austin. aanonymous tipster alerted the district which then evacuated the school. no one was injured. the principal says that she saw the student holding what looked like a prescription bottle and a pvc pipe wrapped in duct tape. police still not clear if they were actual bombs. friendly fire harry reid toward another democrat who made headlines back in 2009. the republican healthcare plan is this: die quickly. that s right. the republicans want you it die quickly if you get sick. representative allen grayson who viciously defended the affordable care act now being asked by reid to drop out of florida senate race. grayson has been fighting accusations of dirty money connected to one with of his hedge funds. and a mother and her baby rescued from after their car plunges into icy canal in amsterdam. four heroic bystanders took off their coats and jumped right into the frigid waters to save them. quartet of strangers using a hammer and some rocks it to smash the windows of the car. all their hard work though paid off. they rescued the mom and the baby swimming them to safety and both this morning are doing just fine. thanks, heather, life threatening cold weather on its way. that s the headline zero it could reach in central park. tonight. tonight into tomorrow morning. we have got really cold air coming. certainly the coldest maybe about the coldest in the last so years. when you think about the cold winters the last couple winters that s saying something. i want to point this out 32 degrees in anchorage, alaska right now. go to the east of that that s where all the cold air is settle in across much of the eastern part of the country throughout the day today. and in throughout much of again pretty quickly. this is our big trough we call it and there is a big ridge. because of that ridge, we re breaking all kinds of high temperature records all across parts of california and arizona. now we re going to break all kinds of records tonight across the northeast. it s also going to be windy today so we have all sorts of wind chill advisories in effect. here is where the start of the cold weather is. you factor in the wind there, it feels like minus 6 in des moines. colder throughout the day today. take a look at what happens throughout the great lakes and northeast today. it gets colder and colder. by tomorrow morning right around here guys, it is feeling like around minus 15. minus 3 0-ish around boston. what does that even mean? stay inside and watch fox news. that s what it means. you bet. well, coming up next. hillary clinton is betting big on president obama. i think president obama has set a great example. i don t think he gets the credit he diseerves. maybe because i understand what president obama inherited. he is just so great. but iö tieing herself to president obama a winning strategy or the biggest mistake she could make? we ll tell it you coming up. if you re totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody s everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn t think a flood could ever happen. the reality is, floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. visit to learn more. incredible bladder prthat lets from always diyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. the always discreet double your money back guarantee. always discreet is for bladder leaks and it s drier than poise. try it. we re so confident you ll love it, we ll give you double your money back if you don t. incredible bladder protection. double your money back guarantee. that s always discreet. (toilet flush) if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go .except you. tried many things? still struggling to find relief? you may have opioid-induced constipation, oic. it s different and may need a different approach. opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. i will also build on the progress that president obama has made for our country. don t sell president obama short. what he got done is pretty remarkable. thank goodness for president obama passing the affordable care act. president obama, he s incredible. that s basically hillary clinton s strategy going into the south carolina primary, tieing herself to the president. she even mentioned president obama 21 times during the debate on thursday night. but is tieing herself to obama really a winning strategy for her? joining us now a man who has thought about it. bill cress, the author of the book buyer s remorse how obama let progressives down. he serves as the chairman of the democratic party. hosts a show with me and a great guy. good to see you. i get tactically why she is doing. this she wants to win the southern states. the famous official she feels she needs to hug obama. it prevents her from telling the truth about the economy when she does that. doesn t it. this is all about south carolina, right? totally all about south carolina. and she abandoned the strategy she has used in other states. i don t know. it may work for her in south carolina. i don t think it s a good election strategy for sure. the wrap onner she is a nominee this is a third term barack obama. right? which is certainly not going to pick up any republican votes and maybe not that many independent votes. that s right. but for now she sees this as a short-term way that she can come back because, look, she had a very embarrassing win but embarrassing win in iowa and total blood bath in new hampshire. we don t give a lot of third terms to presidents i would say. no. your book, here it is, buyer s remorse became an issue in the last democratic debate. here is a clip from it. yeah. senator sanders said that president obama failed the presidential leadership test. this is not the first time that he has criticized president obama. in the past he has called him weak. he has called him a disappointment. he wrote a forward for a book that basically argued voters should have buyer s remorse when it comes to president obama s librescu and legacy. and i just couldn t agree disagree more with those kind of comments. wow. you couldn t get better advertising. sanders came back with a great line. he said this is america. you are allow to do criticize the president if you want. are you not allowed to now. i would hope so. this is like every author s wet dream. this is a presidential debate. candidate mentions your book, right? i don t know whether to send hillary flowers or to get really upset because she got it all wrong. bernie sanders did not write the forward-to this book, my book, he wrote the book. we love people who give us blushes, so did congressman ellison, bernie s blurb says the president has a duty to rally the people behind him if he wants to get things done in congress. whoa, that s really. making the statement by the way in this one specific way i m on bernie s side. and on your point of course you are allow to do criticize our president. may i point out in this debate, right? , hillary clinton said she opposed obama on(x the transpacific partnership. in this debate she said she opposed obama on deportations going on right now. she ran against it as bernie pointed out. bill press, the book is buyer s remorse, if you want to he know the case against the left this is your book. great to see you, man. coming up, caught on camera, a boy nearly dies while skiing, how one father rescued his trapped son. that s ahead. does everyone have a right to a lawyer. democrats want to provide government funded lawyers to illegal immigrants. good plan? we ll debate it. how can anyone sleep like that? well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right withof my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. ordinary objects often seemed. intimidating. doing something simple. meant enduring a lot of pain. if ra is changing your view of everyday things orencia may help. orencia works differently by targeting a source of ra early in the inflammation process. for many, orencia provides long-term relief of ra symptoms. it s helped new ra patients and those not helped enough by other treatments. do not take orencia with another biologic medicine for ra due to an increased risk of serious infection. serious side effects can occur including fatal infections. cases of lymphoma and lung cancer have been reported. tell your doctor if you re prone to or have any infection like an open sore, the flu, or a history of copd, a chronic lung disease. orencia may worsen your copd. if you re not getting the relief you need. ask your doctor about orencia. orencia. see your ra in a different way. no, you re not yogonna watch it! tch it! we can t let you download on the goooooo! you ll just have to miss it! yeah, you ll just have to miss it! we can t let you download. uh, no thanks. i have x1 from xfinity so. don t fall for directv. xfinity lets you download your shows from anywhere. i used to like that song. welcome back. government funded legal help. that s what the senate democrats are proposing sponsored by harry reid. is that a good idea. here is chuck, a fellow at the senator for national policy and president of solidarity strategies. chuck, you don t think this is a bad idea, do you? well, i think it s a reflection of our broken immigration system. last cycle congress actually took this up. they passed a border security bill that was tied to an immigration bill. it passes the senate with democrat and republican votes and went to the house. the house, because of political reasons, chose not to do it. now you have people trying to hurricaney hurricaney h7pricaney jerky. we set up refugee courts. what they are trying to do determine whether we will return these children back to certain death or refugees or not. it s a systematic problem of a broken system. lisa, just a symptom of a broken immigration system in this country? you think this is outrageous. i think it s outrageous because the system is already being addressed. in 2008, homeland security said that any unaccompanied minor that comes to the united states within 72 hours will have social services and legal services. not one-on-one legal representation but legal services. now, if you lock at the numbers they re overwhelming. 65,000 unaccompanied immigrants came here between 2013 and 2014. i would like to help every child. we simply can t afford to do it and we are not helping our own. in the united states we have 2.5 million homeless children who are not guaranteed legal services. what do we do in that case? chuck, what about that point that these services are redundant in the only thing that critics seems this is going to dojm is delay court dafts and therefore taxpayers are going to be footing the bill while they are here. you can argue about the budget all you want to but the bible i grew up reading and the sunday school i grew up going to you don t turn your back on these children. you can t return them to certain death. the government actually says let s have refugee courts make sure if somebody harmful or violent come in they have to be sent back. unaccompanied minor children who mothers are putting on trains and sending them to another country. you can lie long enough about having a horse because somebody buys you a saddle it isn t right. we can t provide for our own children. you have have millionaires and millionaires you can t take care of poor children? it s a reflection of our values as american people. that s what this is. we have to take care of our own first. read the bible. the bible says you don t turn your back on the children. lisa give the final word on senate minority leader harry reid. bill would allow illegal immigrants to court date. if we send is them back it s certain death for these kids. certain death? that s a quote from senator harry again, we do recognize the dilemmama. we want to help other child. what are we doing to the children that are coming here and they are being told that they can come here to freedom, everything will be provided by them by human traffickers. by drug cartels using them as mules. we are creating another system and putting the burden on the american people. the american people want to help, chuck. we all want to help the children, but we have to be able to help them and we can t put them in an overburdened system already. there is nowhere to put them. this is a crying shame this is even happening. it s a refliction of values as americans. i don t want any taxpayer dollars wasted on anything. i also don t want to harm children in any form or fashion. it s a dilemma. chuck and lisa, great to see you this morning. thanks for having me. we appreciate it it this could be the reason donald trump is doing so well. video capturing the moment that 1400 employees learned they are losing their jobs to mexico. watch this out of indianapolis. to move production from our facility in indianapolis toto monterrey, mexico. [crowd booing] wait until you hear how the company is trying to spin it this morning. yesterday we introduced you to the perfect valentine s gift bacon rose bouquet. this morning we are learning how to make it of course tucker is hovering near the bacon. doctor doctor give me the news i got a bad case of loving you no pill okay ladies, whenever you re ready. thank you. i got this. no, i ll get it! let me get it. i don t want you to pay for this. it s not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it s her treat. what about a tip? oh, here s one.get an allstate agent. nice! switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-788-0900 now. here we go, hold on man, is that a leak up there? that s a drip. oh ok. now that s a leak. that is a leak! and if you don t have allstate renters insurance. game over. protect your valuables from things like water damage for as low as $4 a month when you add renter s insurance to your allstate auto policy. call 866-788-0900 now. and if you re a safe driver, you can save up to 45%. just a few more ways, allstate is changing car insurance for good. call a local allstate agent today. here is your shot of the morning people going banana for bacon roses dipped in chocolate. so great. forget the flowers this valentine s day and say i love you with a bouquet of bacon, the rewards are demonstrable. we have got james brisconi, correct. yes. author of the couple s kitchen ton show us how to make them. they definitely smell good. they smell as good as a regular rose to me for sure. was it hard to make. they could not be any easier. i got you guys set up here. you take some bacon, lay it out on your cutting board. start at the end and roll it up. so double up the bacon there. this is a thinner cut so we double it up so you get a nice full rose. okay? it s just that easy, right? but you know pee, we are going to throw some cheese on here favorite>o sartori. wisconsin. beautiful cheese. you roll that up and heather i m going to pass you one. i m throwing it at you. put a little pick through the bottom and you make sure when you bake them stand them up on a rack like that. so when they bake it drips away. how long do you bake them? these are going to take because they are so thick, they are going to take about 30 minutes or so in the oven at 357 degrees. you keep an eye on them and they will come out like, this then, then you have given these to your wife. dip them in a little chocolate. i was making them yesterday and i tried to give some to brook she is at home, hi, honey, with the kids, but i ate them all. when you give the lady bacon roses. what s the significance of that? what are you saying to her? you are saying i don t think you need to go on a diet. i love you just the way you. not that i love you, i really love you. i m not kidding i really really love you. one thing i learned from wife, you have got to let them! know exactly what you want for valentine s day. my wife doesn t anything. she doesn t drop hints. she tells me what she wants. we set up the guy s ultimate. cheese, summer humus. bacon roses dipped in there with a little bit of humus. this is definitely for the guys. this is guy s valentine s day. all my relationship tips from you and it s worked. thank you, james. thank you, guys. thank you so much. email us on facebook this morning or tweet us what you are getting your love for valentine s day. share them. kettle chips. get outside to rick reichmuth we stuck him outside on this brutally cold valentine s weekend. standing by. this is true. the wind hasn t picked up all this much yet. it s not as bad as it is going to get. a lot worse throughout the day today. people need to be ready it take a look at this guy, mailman in utica. there you go. this is what is going on yesterday. a lot of lake-effect snow going on. the great lakes last year this time were 63%!s frozen over. this year only is 11%. because of that you still have a moisture source. when the wind goes over and cold air masses we get a lot of lake-effect snow. this is what it feels like across into canada. feels like minus 35 in winnipeg. minus 18 in fargo. that cold air is going to continue to slide down across the mid-atlantic and middle east. 20 in atlanta. florida, you are not going to be that bad. you are not getting this cold air mass which is good. across the northeast actual air temperature. see very heavy lake-effect snow. down across the southeast mostly sunshine. 65 in tampa for a high. look at that sex 77, spectacular. the northern plains are also going to see a system drop down bringing snow, a little bit of the clipper system that will spread down across parts of the ohio valley throntáthroughout the night tonight. now we will take a look at other headlines for you. 17 years after the deadly shooting at columbine high school you can believe it s been that long? mother breaking her are silence. sue klee bold, mother of dillon tells abc diane sawyer she feels guilty for not knowing anything was wrong with her son. i know that just saying i m sorry is such an inadequate response to all this suffering. there is saver a day that goes by where i don t think of the people that dillon harmed. 13 people killed when dillon and one of his classmates opened fire. mother and son s brush with death caught on camera. watch as the duo runs into a dangerous situation while skiing in idaho. ethan! [screams] heads up. it s okay: here we go. here we go. i got look at that. the boy jumped and landed in a hole at the base of a tree only to be covered by snow. he she she shrieks. both are doing okay this morning. horrible moment caught on camera. watch as more than is 100 employees at carrier air conditioner in indianapolis learn that they are losing their jobs to mexico. best way to stay competitive and protect the business for long term is to move production from our facility in indianapolis to monterrey, mexico. [crowd booing] the company says it will help employees transition into a new job and maintains that it is just business. not just business to all those folks that lost their jobs. i wonder why trump and bernie are doing so well. it s a super hero movie like you have never seen before. do a super hero landing. wait for it woo, super hero landing. it s really hard on your knees. totally impractical. they all do it. dead pool is the movie from the x man franchise taking the lead role. step into the spotlight with michael tammero. super hero? kind of antihero. all i have to say is heather and i were both in san francisco last week for the super bowl. i think i had the better of the assignments i got to sit down with dead pool stars with ryan reynolds and t.j. miller. check it out. you are probably thinking that s a super hero movie that guy in the suit turned that other guy into a cabob. surprise, this is a different kind of super hero story. this is a real passion of yours, 11 years. 11 years a waited. to bring it to the screen? yeah. movie that you kept sticking with it? for starters deadpool occupy as state in x men no other character could occupy or will occupy. so he is obviously he is hyper violent but also hyper funny and that intersection i find very interesting. is he a guy that is metta. he will break the fourth wall. wait. particularly this day and age we li in a world of super heroes. everybody is talking like this and always the end of the world. dead pool doesn t care about t@ñt. i don t have time for your dead man poole. besides, nobody is getting hurt that guy was up there before we got here. this someone of those movies people are going to be quoting for a long time. so many great lines. early screening we greatest feedback i love the movie so much. it s that i have to watch it again because i missed some he can jokes laughing. one thing that never survives is a sense of humor. we will see about that posh spice. come on, leave me alone here with less angry rosie o donnell? is this one of those movie characters you can see us playing over and over again? see playing for a decade. dead pool. well, if you can be any super hero character who would it somebody in dead pool, it s the greatest. but no one is dead pool more than him. yeah, this is certainly a world that i would love to exist in for a while because totally so different. it s dark, it s antihero. oh, god, you are hard to look at. you look like the topographical map of utah. exactly. i appreciate it. okay that will be 6.50. i m serious. did you pay? well, dead pool everywhere this weekend, guys, as always. for all my celebrity interviews check in in the fox follow me on instagram fox light michael. but wear sunglasses. it could burn yourqi retinas. it s been known to. coming up, don t think donald trump can go all the our next guest says he is likely to go all the way with the help of one person as v.p. pick. you have might see president trump in the white house next year he picks. tell you who it is kurt the cyber guy is here with high tech gloves. even leather ones that work with your touch screen device. we will show them to you next. tired of working for peanuts? well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you? that s right. i m talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don t think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. thisever since i hadw me. a pretty bad accident. the medical bills all piled up. so i signed up for experian. they helped educate me on how debt affected my fico score. now my credit and i - are both healing nicely. go to and start your credit tracker trial membership today. but i ve managed.e crohn s disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. welcome back to fox & friends. politicians and pundits have called donald trump an unserious candidate despite the fact that he packs venues for rallies and town halls but our next guest says that if the donald follows his ad vice come january 2017 we will be calling him mr. president. economist and professor of business at the university of maryland he joins us now from washington, peter, we know that mr. trump is watching this morning.q+7(p&c @&c@ he usually does. what s your advice? how does he get elected president? my trump has the best political ear in america right now and a the pulse of the american people he doesn t know anything about government. the best thing to do is to pick a competent governor as voice vp. one who can move to his positions that s john kasich. is he the logical choice. great governor, likeable guy. i think he would blend well with trump. peter it totally makes sense but do we have any evidence that in any provous election voters, a substantial number have said i m not sold on the candidate but i love his running mate i will vote for him. great assistant to kennedy. great for help trump. not ordinary election governed by ordinary rules. two political parties have absolutely failed america and that s wife we have trump and sanders. they are looking for a new formula. when you take a look specifically at south carolina, the majority of the voters there, i think it s something8h like 73% make under $100,000 a year. those families. how significant will the economy and the state of the economy play into what happens in south carolina, specifically? well, in south carolina, it s not soon enough for the deteriorating economic environment to help. for example, sanders knock off clinton. however, the economy is not going well. it s likely to not be going welcome fall. and clinton is attaching herself to obama may not help member in south carolina but it s not going to help her with regard to trump. story about carrier air conditioner today repeats itself over and over again. this administration has driven jobs from america s shores and they need someone to hammer that and hammer that hard and that s trump. but they also have to have someone who is going to explain how trump is going to turn his proposals into tangible policy. and that s where kasich comes. in. peter, the wall street journal had a page one story yesterday that wrecked my breakfast and probably that of,1 a lot of other people headed into a recession if predicted. do you think that s true? i don t think anybody can call a turning point with that kind of certainty. the odds that economists are giving are 20% to 25%. i peg it more at 5%. the fed is pursuing reckless policies. it s rudderless. doesn t grarpt consequences of the strong dollar. and structural problems that obamacare and other heavy handed regulations have created there was no mention of the ladder in yellen s testimony. that s the reason europe doesn t grow and the more america becomes like france, the more we have france s unemployment problems. not good news for south carolina where their unemployment rate is above the national average already. thanks globalization. and thank you, peter. good to see you. take care. coming up, while you were sleeping, a brand new terror warning why world are bracing for the worst. it s t. is freezing now. no kidding. cold as it has been all year. what are the best gloves to wear if you want to use your iphones in cold weather? kurt the cyberwx guy knows. he is going to tell us coming up. you never take advice some day you ll pay the price i know he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there s no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. i tried depend last weekend. it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. only depend underwear has new confidence core technology for fast absorption and the smooth, comfortable fit of fit-flex™ protection. get a coupon at i provide for my family. i will use my education to help my community. i will inspire our next generation of leaders. i am a college student, but i am only 1%. only 1% of college students are american indian. donate now, and help our numbers grow. if you are trying to communicate in the cold weather, you know this, that the the freezing temperatures and the texting do not mix. so some company cans they have actually made some tech compatible gloves that let you text andcl stay warm at the same time. kurt the cyber guy is one of them. i have been playing with these right now and texting on the phone. they work. so you have the ar, ur powered aden gloves. these are about 68 bucks. what you are looking at though is an entire table of gloves that we have tested out that really out of the hundreds upon hundreds of pairs of gloves that people are going after this winter. these are the winners. these make it to the top of the list. and 70 million people under a freeze warning throughout america this weekend, today alone, are those conductive gloves the white ones. no. so try it on the map, it doesn t work work, does it. no, it doesn t. try on. jump over to the next winners right here. these are right here these are really cool. these are the a gloves. polar sport gloves. now you are going to be spending considerably less about $20 for these. it is based off of a lot of customeró reviews that these are real winners. u.s. patent. thin but not big and bulky. there is a grip. material which the patent is all about all throughout the material. if you use the word polar here you get a discount. get 5 bucks off if you use the code polar. we will put that all on the website in 2 0 minutes. we have them all there if we take them out of the way and look at the next. these are amazing. these are moshi digits. $30. conductive fiber. designed so you don t lose your technology while you are holding it. it grips on. oh, okay. it s a very smart design. it gets really good reviews. microfleece lining inside. technology, wow. seems like maybe 20 or 30 degrees. going to be zero tomorrow. you want to put on a north face, right? north face thermal ball. 50 bucks. conductive fibers. fleece are are in the palms. you can probably feel the padding in the palms of those. those are going to be very, very warm. great taking taken out cold weather. working out, handling things. and then these. those are similar. just a little thinner, but also north face eat this-tip gloves. make sure if you are at the store try them on technology because chances? are you have your phone with you. don t try anything super, super expensive that you are going to use. i don t like gloves that are too bungly. if that s a word. glrm feel like you can can hold something and not on an artic expedition. streamlined. streamlined. use it on all my technology. this isfr a glove leave that i m wearing. this is also ashton kutcher s favorite. he likes to give to people. what the real bonuses of this is not only are they extremely warm and a well designed. not only do they have conductive thread all through it really smart, they have a little their own logo turns to magnets to keep your gloves together. screen cleaner built. rei, outdoor outfitters. i think these are the ones you are wearing rei gloves. this is going to be doing sports. wonderful glove the grip glove about $30. really just great for tactile. grip on to something and use this. it s freezing out. kurt, great to see you this morning. so you you need your gloves. now we need ear muffs for crying outloud. do a segment on that. the v.a. claims it is trying to clean up its act. this morning a brand new investigation into another v.a. hospital. wait until you hear this one. this couple handcuffed themselves to each other for 24 hours to see if they were ready to get married. that was just one of the6 challenges. could you guys do that? i don t know. in the next hour they join us live. the ultimate test to see if you are really ready to walk down the aisle. stay with us i love you like a love song, baby i love you like a lo song, baby i, i love you like a song baby hes and i keep salad. dominique wilkins are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn t get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it s taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. (male vo) victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza® including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn t giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it s covered by most health plans. good morning to you, this saturday, february 13th. i m heather childers in for this is a south carolina showdown, hours away from the candidates taking the debate stage and the g.o.p. frontrunner rallies the crowd. [chanting] trump launches a new threat against senator ted cruz. and then it s a television moment that has lit up social media canadian rocker comes on to american soil and says this. i just want to say election year in the u.s. the u.s. has a lot they can learn from canada. u.s. can learn a lot from canada. you won t believe what he says we can learn from canada and how espn reacted to it. stay tuned for that. could get behind the candidate as the election season is 60 days long. you know the saying the old ball and chain? this couple took it literally. handcuffing themselves to each other for 24 hours. why they say you should try it, too. no way. fox & friends hour two starts right now. go, go big or go home go, go go big or go home it s almost spring. you wouldn t know it by our frozen fingers after that last segment. the bass pro shop is kicking off spring fishing classic. five time angler of the year gary parsons stops by with some of the best deals to kick off your spring. do some ice fishing out there today. you know what? it s such a good reminder it is going to be 14 degrees below zero in western maine tonight. i just checked but it won t always be 14 degrees below zero. spring is coming. meteorological spring is only two weeks away. two weeks away? that s right. march is 1st as rick reichmuth the most hopeful man in america. hard to believe. ground man said that always which i know isaq where you get all your weather. south carolina primary next saturday a week from today. outline for the race is going to be a lot clearer when that takes place. first, there is a campaign in progress and it s getting pretty intense. here is part of it? the three front running candidates, at least coming out of iowa. we have an entertainer, a guy who is a reality tv star, who has been successful in his own life, but he also pushes people down to make himself look better. jeb, oh. [crowd boos] jeb. he s asleep. he s asleep at the wheel, folks. then you have others, you have cruz, find out where he gets his money. there is a more than a little irony in accusing anyone of being nasty. given the amazing torrent of insults and on obscenities and vulgarity. i oppose common core. when i am president we are getting it out of your schools. build that wall. build that wall. build that wall. the gloves are off. and you can taste you can taste the back and forth there in south carolina. of course, the big debate and here is how the polls stack up at this hour with donald trump coming off of that huge victory in new hampshire basically running the table in new hampshire. he is at 4% right now. ted cruz at 15%. and sort of vying for that second place spot right now, kasich, and rubio and ted cruz. you know what s so interesting you see trump build that wall. a year ago anyone who said that would be written off as a crackpot. trump has said it without apology. i m convinced no matter who gets elected i don t know if we are going to build the wall. it s no longer a fringe position. this campaign has changed the baseline of american politics. i was in south carolina right after he made those comments, and overwhelmingly, i m telling you, everywhere i went and these were completely different groups of people, overwhelmingly supported him. what s the argument against it? it s mean or something? i don t know. we have half of a wallí& already. in new hampshire he won in the anti-immigrant headquarters and pro-immigration in new hampshire. ran both sides of it. meanwhile, he is now having to fire back at some negative ads that are popping up against donald trump. you saw that criticism of him there in that speech making fun of jeb bush saying he is asleep at the wheel. he has no energy. he has an answer for that, right? jeb bush s super pac come out with an ad showing he is the only one going to stand up to donald trump. watch this one. while some candidates suck up to trump or run away from him in fear, jeb bush isn t afraid. that is down right wrong. he stands up to trump for his liberal democratic positions, calls out trump for insulting women. attacking the disabled, even trashing a decorated war hero. i like people that weren t captured. john mccain is an american hero. jeb bush the better man, the real conservative. a commander in so they got that moment in the debate when trump and carson were standing and jeb just taps him on the shoulder and walks out. i think it s a good ad. will it work. bush campaign spent $1,400 for each vote they got in new hampshire. against rubio, too. rubio is the robot there. do these ads work? do they move voters? i m wondering if they do? we have been hearing rumblings about jeb bush s ground game in south carolina that he has built a large operation there. is he bringing hillser were out george w. bush will campaign on his behalf in south carolina. interesting to see if that moves the needle at all. he is hugely popular george w. bush is is 84% of south carolinians love george w. bush. as popular as nikki haley down there. can it help him? one of the ways it may help him. we were referencing the unemployment rate 5.5%. maybe that is why trump s popularity is up. this video specifically showing 1400 employees losing their jobs to mexico. became c8ear that the best way to stay competitive and to protect the business for long term is to move production from our facilityóñ in indianapolis to monterrey, mexico. [crowd booing] bleep. this is really what this is all about. how can people support candidates like this? it s about the moment. it s about the economy. it s about moments like this. i m not attacking the carrier airconditioning company in indianapolis. they probably have to dis or tho out of business. right. for all the glib analysts who say you can t stop globalization and you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet you will enjoy your new job at a wal-mart. waited a second. i m getting hurt in this. you are getting rich, i m getting hurt. i m not taking sides in the debate but you can understand why they are angry. definitely understand it? donald trump has been hitting the drum about losing our jobs to mexico and china and here you have a perfect example of what is happening in indianapolis at the carrier airconditioning plant. i talk to contractors there they don t use the carrier air conditionerscch!ecause they are way more expensive. hear what he is saying in video can t compete with other airconditioning companies because those jobs moved overseas. it wasn t inevitable. i don t think you can stop globalization. i honestly don t think you can it is the result of conscious decisions that the congress made by the way and there are a lot of winners, but awful lot of losers too. we should be honest about it. things like obamacare that does not help when business owners have to spend more money in order to keep the employees that they have. people want to be able to raise their families. they want to be able to have a job and have a promise of a better future. the company says we will help you transition to another job. that s what carrier is saying. by the way to lecture of the employees be quiet this is really important, i m sorry, we are firing you? keep your voice down. my favorite. and trump supporters are not keeping their voices down. that s one thing we do know. we will take a look at other headlines for you at this hour though. an explosive discovery at texas middle school. to potentially explosive devices found in an eighth school southwest of austin. anonymous tipster alerted of the district and the school was evacuated. the student was arrested. the principal says she saw the student holding what looked like a prescription bottle and a pvc pipe wrapped in duct tape. police still not clear if they were actual bombs. and a brand new terror warning overnight. france s prime minister says there will be more, quote, major attaches in the near2 future. that s concerning. france declared war on terror after 1 0 people were killed in the november paris attacks. french officials say that the threat is long term and the world has, quote: entered a new era in the war against terror. the u.s. set to sign a major deal with cuba this week under that plan commercial flights between the two countries could start up again for the first time in five decades. while state your name still illegal. day-to-day restrictions. part of president obama s attempt to normalize ties with cuba before he leaves office. is he expect to do visit at the end of march. and stick to sports, eh, that was awful. a canadian singer getting a shutdown on espn for plugging politics. i just want to say as an election year in the u.s., the u.s. has a lot to learn from canada. healthcare, taking care of people. we are talking about celebrity stuff. not politics. congratulations on your mvp. wynn butler the front man forzy the band fire, talking universal healthcare receiving mvp award. reporter doing a good job enforcing espn s no politics policy. and those are a look at your headline. i was in toronto, recently the number of sort of self-righteous lectures i got from people. every time didn t you just have that mayor of toronto? don t lecture me. they do have one thing going for them rick up there. their election is 60 days. you blink and it s over. you can imagine. elect a crack head mayor and move on. certainly maybe somewhere in the middle. take a look at this. talk about the cold almost always if you have a really cold air mass in one part of the country, you have the really warm air mass in another. can you see the divide there. today we are going to be well above average out across the west in really below average all across much of the east. tonight into tomorrow morning get ready look at all these cities that i think are going to be breaking records or right around at boston, providence, new york, pittsburgh, and every one of the small towns in between likely going to be seeing your record cold temperatures tonight. it is 2 degrees in fair banks, alaska. 3 degrees in chicago. and this is that cold air mass that s going to continue to dive down across parts of the south throughout the day today. much of florida doesn t really get in on this, especially south florida, good news. it s going to be really cold and really windy. because of that wind chills tonight dropping as much as minus 35. actual air temperatures across interior sections especially with some elevation likely may be up to# around minus 20. a really really cold night, guys, in store. talk about how it s cold and make jokes about it but also really a dangerous situation for a lot of people. this is really cold. really cold. minus 35? one of those times you have to take care of your pets and take care of the elderly, people who don t have a lot of money. yes. and don t turn on their heat or maybe the heat is broken and haven t been able to pay for it watch out for your neighbors. valentine s day nine months see valentine s babies. hey. what else are you going to do? stay inside, right? what are you getting your valentine? we asked you on the show this morning. 13% of you said you are going to be picking up flowers for your love on this valentine s day. 16% candy. then there is jewelry. and 65% nothing. ladies and gentlemen, the winning category 65% nothing at all. jay wrote us this morning my wife and i decided years ago to not celebrate v-day. we don t2ç need a holiday to show. we definitely need a holiday to show our love. i like your idea. i think i will make my man a bacon bouquet. if you do that for real, you will have the happiest husband in america. if you do the bacon bouquet please send us photos today and we will show them on fox & friends tomorrow morning. a challenge for you. bernie sanders and hillary clinton battling over the african-american vote in south carolina. in our economy, a whole lot of those poor people are african-american. we are seeing the dark side of the remaining+y systemic racism that we have to root out. another lecture from hillary clinton. has obama done much for that community? we have details. and if you do zero work, you get zero credit, right? not so much in one school system. that s apparently too harsh. the new grading policy that you will not believe get funky how barzee how bizarre. how bizarre oh, baby it s making me crazy it s making me crazy hi hey you look good. thank you, i feel good. it all starts with eating right. that s why i eat amaz!n prunes now. they re delicious and help keep my body in balance. i love these. sunsweet amaz!n prunes, the feel good fruit. (toilet flush) if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go .except you. tried many things? still struggling to find relief? you may have opioid-induced constipation, oic. it s different and may need a different approach. opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody s everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn t think a flood could ever happen. the reality is, floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. call the number on your screen to learn more. donald trump: pedonald trump. look past the boasting and you ll see right through him. he supported partial-birth abortions. his phony trump university? accused of fraud. he tried to seize private property to line his own pockets. four bankruptcies. and small businesses screwed over. poll after poll shows him losing. to hillary clinton. if trump wins, conservatives lose. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. hillary clinton and bernie sanders in a battle for black voters. they each pulled the race card in the democratic debate on thursday night. here is part of what they said. there are other racial discrepancies really i systemic racism in this state as in others in education, in employment. the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer and sadly in america today, in our economy, a whole lot of those poor people are african-american. we are seeing the dark side of the remaining systemic racism that we have to root out in our society. so hillary making the case that she deserves, she s entitled to the support of black voters, is she? should give republicans a closer look. she is the founder and president center of urban renewal and education. she joins us this morning. star, it s great to he see you this morning. wonderful, thank you. hillary clinton is making the case that she will basically provide a third term of barack obama and this will be good for black let s take a look at some numbers you are familiar with you about i think a lot of our viewers may not be. this is black poverty in america. in 2009 essentially 26%. five years later it was at 27%. that s according to pew. the net worth of black americans under obama 2010. it was 16600. three years later it was 11,000. that s a success? it doesn t look like a success. it s not a success at all. this is pathetic. and when you start thinking about it s black history month. blacks have been saying every black history month we shall overcome. when are they going to overcome this political rhetoric. this political pandering from left wing liberals who are trying it outdo each![ other with handouts. this is just insulting. well, i have got to say. it is totally patronizing at the very least. hillary campaign s view of this we know all the key black pastors in south carolina and get their vote. as if they can t think for themselves or female voters can t think for themselves is. the blacks have become so accustomed to these handouts when you think about the last 50 years of social engineering. liberals have collapsed their family lives and then they have hired all of the blacks that wanted and willing to work for government. 25% of african-americans who are on government and then you have 23% that work for government. there is a dilemma. for african-americans to move away interest that social welfare state. i m hardly endorsing bernie sanders but i m so struck how much less patronizing message is. i went to sanders rally the other day they tell you it s 5%, actually it s 10%. they tell youáobamacare fixed all the problems? you are paying higher premiums. that is the truth. is he going to be rewarded for that in south carolina? he might. if they do not connect, tucker. the reasonable their communities are in despair is not because of racism but because of socialism. this message we will take carol of you resonates when your family life is collapsed. when we look at the damage that has happened as a result of the war on poverty, black family life is in trouble. so i don t know. we will see. 50 years of programs hasn t helped much. not at all. thanks for telling the truth. i m sure you will get slammed for it but we appreciate it good to he so you this morning. happy valentine s day. happy valentine s day. the v.a. claims it s trying to clean up its act. this morning, there is a brand new investigation into yet another v.a. hospital. it s sad, it s depressing, but you have got to hear it this couple handcuffed themselves to one another for 24 hours to see if they were ready to get married that was one of their challenges. up next join us live with the ultimate test to see if you are ready to tie the knot. stay tuned. love and marriage love andj2 marriage go together like a horse and carriage dad was told by mother you can t have one you can t have none you can t have one the nissan rogue. with the power and performance of our intuitive all-wheel drive. now get a $189 per month lease on the 2016 nissan rogue. see see me. don t stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i m not contagious. see me to know that i won t stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. .such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have crohn s disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me on my way. find clear skin and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. watching tvs get sharper, you ve had it tough. bigger, smugger. and you? rubbery buttons. enter the x1 voice remote. now when someone says. show me funny movies. watch discovery. record this. voila. remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back. the x1 voice remote is here. welcome back. time for news by the numbers. don t worry it s your headlines just in numerical form. first zero. that s how many will see the foot long robo boat. it s it an army of ghost boats. they are set to set sail in april. a ghost boat. next, january first, 1970. that s the date you don t want to set your iphone to. it could break it. apple users who tried to set this date on their phone somehow gets bringed and won t reboot properly. why would you want to set your phone to 1970? it is 2016i after all. i blame you. finally 900, that s how many carnations a utah high school bought, one for every girl at his high school. hayden godfrey said he wanted to make sure as many people as possible were happy this valentine s day. that s pretty nice. 900. how do you know if you are(m ready for marriage? one young couple wanted it find that out. so they created had 0 challenges to put their relationship to the test. for a month we traded credit cards so we can only buy things with the other person s money. going on a lunch date with our ex s. many of the things that ultimately break up marriages are really hard to practice for until you are actually married. [screams] how will we raise kids together? what would it be like if we combine our finances. no money. oh, oh. a little bit of money thrgets is our chance to simulate some of those challenges that we know we will face if we merry each other. and it worked. joining us now husband and wife silvabraga authors of the marriage test. most people me included marry someone attractive and hope for the best. good place to start. what is the÷ toughest of the tests you administered on your relationship. a lot of them were hard. a lot of them were really hard. we did two dates would we be as parents? so you borrowed kids. we borrowed a baby. one of my friends said we would be happy for you to take our 9 month old. spent a week where we didn t sleep. set alarm to go off every three hours pretend we had a newborn. these were very, very hard. we have a ton of respect for parents now. especially sleepless ones. i learned that brook would be a great dad and he wanted kids. how about the credit card one? i think that would be a good test. switched credit cards for a month buy things only with the other person s money. for me at first it was emotional. i was surprised how weird it was to spend somebody s else money poker night i lost 40 bucks if i m married do i not get to play poker? what about the ex s? you actually went out to lunch with the ex s in the other relationships? we did. that one was awful for me. first we go out with jill s exand spends the whole lunch how he has never met a better woman. slip her a note. we go out with my ex, and she spent 90 minutes detailing how her husband is better than me. he is not that bad. the point of that. that s unbelievable. learn more about the person and the background. exactly. you want to know hey are there patterns? wait a second. should you know? if you are going sky diving count to know the risks of dying? no. that was another date we went sky diving. [ laughter ] sky over a whole lot quicker than a marriage. i don t know it sure seemed like a long time. for that one it was basically saying, listen, if we are going to marry each other we want a partner who is going to test things, things we might be scared of. he said is you are jumping out of a plane and i like froze and shivered and i made him go scuba diving which is a passion of mine. you really want to know. ignorance has worked for me. you want as much marriage as you. britney spears had a marriage that went faster than a sky diving thing. wearing handcuffs. was it 24 hours? 24 hours. it was the last day. cuffed together for 24 hours. it was likes a rough as you think it would be. what was the hardest thing? about being handcuffed? what do you think. the most dangerous is ck coulding. you said it, heather. i had some head phones. most couples aren t going to do all these crazy dates. we do hope that people would at least think a bit]l how they make the super important decision. wherever you are in life, it s always a good point to work on relationship. we show the video of you have walking through the store did. they think you were or on the run. no one talked to us but we just got looks. you got married in the end which is the best thing. so great to see you. i m going to read your book. good idea. try some of the dates. i m going to. do you want to borrow some of my kids for a weekend. we have already done that one. a and 3. give us the weekend off. thank you so much. thank you. coming up next can, a fox news alert, a man walks into a restaurant in ohio and starts stabbing random customers with a machete. was it a terror attack? we will tell you what the fbi is saying this morning. that s coming up. plus, so long winter. wouldn t that be nice? we are skipping right ahead into spring at least mentally. we are fishing with bash bass pro shops on the plaza next. i ve smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that s why i choose nicoderm cq. thwe d like to open a savingsake account for him. yes yes. great thanks to mom and dad and their safe driving bonus check from allstate. oh. look at this. safe driving bonus. are you a safe driver? lucky little fella. only allstate gives you two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safe. see how much more an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. like in most families, dad s always the last to know. that s why accident forgiveness was the first thing he asked for when he switched to allstate. michael james! middle name. not good. get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. find out how a local allstate agent can help better protect your family. call one right now. plus, drivers who switched saved an average of $446 a year! just a few more ways the good hands are doing more than ever before. see what the personal service of an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100 we are back with a fox news alert this morning. terror in ohio. the fbi is now investigating a bloody machete attack that took place inside a packed suburban restaurant. they believe it could be terrorism. the alleged attacker a lone wolf. garrett tenney has the details on this story out of ohio. good morning, y all. law enforcement officials close to the investigation tell fox news that so far the fbi has not found any evidence suggesting that the attack was directed by isis or any other terrorist group, but they are investigating this incident as a potential lone wolf as a potential lone wolf attac9.@q! attack. 30-year-old mohammed barry and searching for possible connections to terrorism. specifically we are told investigators are looking into the possibility that barry was simply inspired by terrorist propaganda online and looking at his browsing history and digital footprints as a whole for evidence of that as well as if he has had any communication as a affiliate. our fox affiliate in ohio is reporting that law enforcement sources have indicated barry was on an fbi data base of people potentially relate to do terrorism. we re also learning more of the the attack thursday night at a popular mediterranean restaurant near columbus. the owner of the nazareth, who is israeli, says barry came into the shop that evening, asked about where the owner was from, and then left before coming back half an hour later with a machete and knife and began slashing people people inside. take a listen to this 911 call: ée the opener says one of the customers and employees there fought back and ran barry off. he car chase and shot when he lunged at police. four were taken to the hospital and as of last night one of them remains in critical but stable condition. back to y all. thanks a lot, garrett. what a sad story. machete control? yeah, right. horrible 911 tapes. now you to other headlines that we are following for you. more trouble for the v.a. fox news has learned a formal probe has been launched into allegations of misconduct at the cincinnati v.a. calls were not met with answers as to what thepb department is specifically targeting. we can report that the investigation focuses on, quote: misconduct that adversely effects the care of veterans. not real specific. more special tests for the dangerous zika virus may be available within a few weeks. the speed would speed up research about the mosquito born virus and help diagnose and track it zika has been found in 20 u.s. states and washington, d.c. with all cases contracted outside the u.s. and nearly three dozen countries have been infected. a vaccine may not be available for at least one year. and they can cheat, they can plagiarize and still get grade. a greenville, south carolina school district is starting a no zero policy. and that means instead of zeros on assignment, middle schoolers who fail to turn in work at all will get a 61%. that is still a failing grade but the district says it will help motivate kids rather than discourage them. however, not all parents agree. so you don t evenwr need to try, do anything at all and you get a 61%. i go ahead get behind that. rick reichmuth is tracking our brutally cold valentine s day weather and what it means for millions of us. good morning, rick. yeah, a lot of people. obviously big population zone impacted by this and that s why we talk about it so much. take a look at the maps and show you what i m talking about. very cold obviously when you go to the north and into northern canada. those are your current wind chills. but nine news 24 right now up in baker lake and get ready because that cold air is going to settings way down across much of the eastern seaboard and in across parts of the great lakes today and tonight. take a look at this picture that we have coming out of maine. it is going to be cold there in valentine s day fashion. here you go, a little heart freezing on somebody s wind chill looking very, very nice. get ready for more images like that. going to be cold throughout the day today and tonight breaking all kinds of records for cold temperatures across much of the northeast and great lakes. it s the time to stay inside. hard to imagine that it is potentially about to be spring. we are two week~ away. two weeks away from meteorological spring. i told my wife that. she said is rick telling that you? it is true. props kicking bass pro shops kick canning off spring fishing classic. for more on that from the natural fresh water fishing hall of fame angler gary parsons is here with bass pro shops joining us. welcome. good morning. good morning, guys. you need some gloves. well, you know, it s been a long, cold winter. i have a little bit of cabin fever. taking the gloves off and getting red to go fishing. hard to operate a bait caster with the gloves. this is one of the johnny moore signature series and reels. you have a deal with the spring fishing classic comes out every year. you have a trade-in, right? the spring fishing classic is going on now all the way through february 21st. it s like the greatest show on earth. there is crazy good deals in this sale during the course of the year. fishinga5 seminars. rod and reel trade-ins. a lot of fun for the family. it s a place to be. so if you have got a rod and reel and one tangled up in there and cast out about 10 feet which a lot of people have. you can bring that in and trade it in. it s a really cool thing. during this week. if you you have an old rod and reel lick you said, bring it in and get up÷ to $100 off on a new reel. if you want to trade in a rod. you can get another $100 off on a new rod. it s a crazy deal. but it s awesome. and fly rods this year are included in that deal. are they really? they really are. goofed news f ? this one. you like fly rod. what s a bassmaster university, a lot of the stores will bring in pros during the course of the spring classic. and they will give seminars. for instance, i m going to be in gurney illinois next weekend talking about walleye fishing. they also have a really nice workshop on february 20th for women. what does that cost what you are holding right here. we will get into that. let s say, for instance, you want to trade in your old rod and reel, you can come in, this is actually brand new johnny morris signature series tie taken numb caster. brand new reel. highest speed retrieve in the industry. got a continuous reverse. when you stop, it locks into place. super system up to 19 pounds max. if you trade in an old reel you can get this reel for $114.99. total? for the reel, it s awesome. and then the rod? you have you have got to hava good rod, right? this is a john any morris signature series rod, it s a perfect match for. this if you trade in your rod, you can actually get this for $104.97. so, you know, this rig would normally be in the $500 range, anything comparable to it. it s an incredible. if you get out there and don t fish, don t fear, you don t have to go this nice. can you get a great rod and reel for a lot less thanhñ that. you should learn to fish. it s good for you and you can do that at bass master s university. are you you from wisconsin. yes i am from wisconsin. you could tell. maybe the greatest state in the union. go pac. come back with gary later in the show. back to you. rick also know for speed and release. coming up the presidential election has been the wild ride to say the least. what is next. we will take a look into the past to predict the future. that s up next. the pope is known for many hats. in mexico he is taking his head ware game game to a whole new level. you have to see this. o4 like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis and a $200 savings card stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. i tried depend last weekend. it really made the difference between a morning around the house and getting a little exercise. only depend underwear has new confidence core technology for fast absorption and the smooth, comfortable fit of fit-flex™ protection. .com the flame is out. the flame is out, tomorrow my attitude. your mother. antonio. antonio. que? the stove. it s not working. campbell s microwaveable soups. made for real, real life. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. oh, look at you, so great to see you! none of this works. come on in. welcome back. we are only one week away from another primary in south carolina. all important primary in south carolina. front liner feud. donald trump threatening to it sue ted cruz over citizenship stalls. the threat coming as cruz piles on aa tack ads. we are seeing some for jeb. before we can look ahead. look back at past elections and polling trends. kyle is the uva center for politics and managing editor of sab toes crystal ball newsletter. also the they re of the new book the bellwether why ohio picks the preshu will be out later this year. kyle, nice to see you this morning. welcome to the show. thanks for having me. let s go back to 2000 2008. seven days to go, mike huckabee coming off that victory in iowa. how similar you know, what do you make of what happened in 2000 2008 to what we are seeing today? fairly similar in that had you mike huckabee kind of like ted cruz winning iowa and john mccain winning new hampshire in 2008. trump and mccain aren t all that sim already but they both won new hampshire. what happened in 2008 is that huckabee was leading in south carolina about a week before and then mccain kind of surged into the lead in south carolina and then he ended up winning a lot of close contests including florida put the race with him pretty quickly. and then on the go ahead. on the democratic side then senator obama winning iowa and clinton winning new hampshire. so what happened in 2008 was that obama took a lead in south carolina in mid december and never looked back. african-american voters who were kind of skeptical of obama throughout 2007 moved to him by the end of the year and stuck with him hillary clinton is hoping to have the support of african-american voters this time. we will see he if sanders can cut into that at all. we saw a lot of last minute movement in new hampshire. are we going to see the same thing like we saw in 2012 in south carolina? because here is where romney was 27%, newt gingrich wasí& at 22%. and then during that last debate right before the primary newt gingrich was asked a question about his ex-wife and fired back at the media and this happened. watch. take an ex-wife and make it two days beforehi the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything i can imagine. [cheers and applause] and then we saw that huge graph we saw spike for newt gingrich right after that moment. look at that huge spike because of that comment and the attack on the media so did south carolina voters wait until the last minute? yeah. they absolutely did. and here s the thing is that trump has led 19 of the last 20 polls in south carolina. and we don t have a debate, you know, right on the eve of south carolina. tonight s the last one. it does show he if someone has a big night tonight, that they can maybe storm back and take the lead because these polls move around quite a bit. i would think that the polls will tell us who the winner is probably going to be, you know, a day or two before. but maybe not necessarily now. a lot of attack ads coming of a donald trump in this last week here from both cruz, jeb bush and others. will that amount to much to moving the needle against him, do you think? certainly could. i think trump has been fortunate in that he has been the clear frontrunner for months. yet, the other candidates are squabbling amongst themselves. i think the other candidates are realizing we have got to stop trump now or he may just waltz to the nomination. yeah. run the table. clawing after that second and third spot right now. kyle, great to see you this, no, thanks so much. thank you. interesting to look back at all of that. hard to believe that was a few years ago. coming up, they had only seconds to react after a mother and baby crash into a river, sinking under water. we will see the amazing rescue caught on camera straight ahead. and after 70 years the purple heart earned by grandfather finally found its way home. the grangsd children of this world war ii hero is going to join us live with a piece of their family they didn t even know they had. in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in utica, where a new kind of workforce is being trained. and in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. let us help grow your company s tomorrow, today at watching tvs get sharper, you ve had it tough. bigger, smugger. and you? rubbery buttons. enter the x1 voice remote. now when someone says. show me funny movies. watch discovery. record this. voila. remotes, come out from the cushions, you are back. the x1 voice remote is here. welcome back to fox & friends. we love our veterans here. [vur+qq% jean victor call. he was killed in germany during world war ii and posthumously received a purr heart. 70 years later that medal brought together middle family members that never met him thank to purple hearts reunited with more on the emotional reunion is mark and vicki greco grandson and granddaughter and the founder of purple hearts reyiewble nighted zachariah explain what it is your organization does. renoon night family reunite family members. we find lost medals of valor and attempt to return them either to the veterans or to their families. believe it or not, we receive three to five medals a week and we currently have over had hundred medals we are attempting to return to these families. specifically mark, i start with you. what did it receive to receive this metal? we knew we had grandfather that was killed in world war ii. and that was about the extent. it brought a lot of knowledge of who the man was and connections back to our east coast family. vicki, how did they manage to track you down to begin with? i know you said something about facebook? yeah. social media. through, a couple pages on there, but not complete. they found out that my dad had four children. so through socialú my coin ellen in vermont called me two weeks ago on the phone in the morning saying that he was my cousin and they were looking for the blood line of my grandfather. so what did you know about what did you know about your grandfather before all this transpired? nothing. nothing at all. of them until 2004 after my father died. talking to al lep hearing their story first reaction hearing the news he was killed in the war. stories about him on a motorcycle with a side car and giving cousins rides. it made him human to us. they remind dollars us of our history. and, mark, the ceremony itself is, you said, was emotional for you? oh, yes, yes. just seeing all the personal items and stuff, yes. brought back just a flood of emotions that had been it was just a big gap missing from a side of our life. he is a hero. brought back all of a sudden. we are showing some of that the ceremony there. zachariah how does your organization do this? how are you ablen to put these families together? what is the cost to you? yeah. through the names engraved on the backs. typically these are posthumous medals. soldier killed in combat. research not only their service but their family history and we don t stop until we find a descendent. it s getting pretty overwhelming for us at this point, the number of medals that are coming. in we ll could really use americans help to help fund this organization. well, thank you all so much for sharing your story today and great work that your organization is doing zachariah. and anyone at home that would like to donate, can you text phr to 41444 or visit purple hearts we ll be right back. stay with us. dna test through ancestry. and my results ended up being african, european and asian. it just confirmed what i guess people had seen in me all my life. i do feel like ancestry helped give me a sense of identity. what are you? now i know. discover the story only your dna can tell. order your kit now at in my business i cbailing me out my i.all the time. i m not the i.t. guy. i m the desktop support tech supervisor. and my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. introducing real-time delivery notifications. learn more at and you re talking to yourevere rheumatorheumatologistike me, about a biologic. this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work. paragraph good morning to you, it is saturday february sp th. i m heather childers in for anna kooiman. the frontrunner gets all fired up. build that wall, build that wall. and this morning, a brand new threat from trump to take ted cruz to court. meanwhile as trump focuses on cruz, cruz hammers away at hillary in a new ad. here is part of it. watch this feel good to be a server full of secrets that s what it means to wipe the server apparently. should clinton be more worried about bernie sanders, the brand new polls from the state she banking on, south carolina. we have the latest. only seconds to act. four strangers to jump in a river toed rescue mom and child stuck in a car. fox & friends hour three starts right now. there it is bass pro shops. probably the most important thing you can do is teach fishing with your kids. do you fish, t clayton, either one of you. try to fish every day. are you serious? e was born with a fly rod in his hand. bass pro shops kicking off spring fishing classic five time angler of the year. gary parsons is out there to tell us how to start fishing for $40. whole new generation. take to you south carolina now. that s the next primary on the list. and it may be the most significant one of all. we have the very latest polls from that state. it s a week from today, saturday, next week. these six republicans will be facing off inv;q lead by a massive margin is donald trump. he is at 35%. ted cruz at 16%. bush 13%. rubio 13%. kasich 9%. so donald trump feeling it from all sides. but he is not sitting back and letting all of his opponents attack him. is he going after ted cruz and threatening to take him to court over being born in canada. he said this in a tweet. if ted cruz doesn t clean up his act, stop cheating and doing negative ads, i have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen. that s something, of course, he said i mentioned that during the debate of course a few months ago. you have got to look out because that s something that democrats could do. use it down the road. of course, cruz has a comment in return. well, i will say there is more than a little irony in donald accusing anyone of being; nasty. given amazing torrent of insults and vulgarity that come out of his mouth. on any given day, i have to admit it s amusing. a couple months ago donald said i was his friend. he liked me. i was terrific. when you are being attacked by donald, it is always colorful. i will give him this, he is not boring. it wasn t just trump who was saying cruz was great. cruz was saying trump was great. i think this relationship may be on the rocks. bromance? the bromance may be over. ted cruz, by the way, probably running the most sophisticated advertising campaign i have seen not just in his ads on the internet and on television but in his email pitches. he has raised a lot of money on these pitches really clever. the debate has not happened yet. it happens tonight. as we know anything could happen. things could change drastically. do you think that s an indication that cruz and trump are really going to go at each other? take a look at this ad. because it seems like while he is being attacked he is putting the focus back on hillary clinton, so he is saying wait a minute, donald, you attack me. i m going to go after hillary clinton right now because that s what people are going to be interested on the republican side. here is an aad ted cruz. fan of the office space. smashing the printer and angry about the printer in the office. this is hillary clinton attacking this server. watch damn it feels good to be a clinton always plays the cards right submit to let dogs in the press keep them out of sight because thekn1%9q=9 never needs to explain why it is what they have done or with who a real clinton knows that they are intoiddled and you don t get to know what they do what difference does it make? for clinton, what motive clinton plays the victim for promotion a clinton kills it off with a smile. hillary said do you wipe a server with a cloth? no, you use a baseball bat and you are fit. most effective way. by the way. it doesn t work. the fbi has those emails. right. it s crazy because anything can happen tonight. so next week we will see jeb bush bringing his brother out, george w. bush campaigning on his behalf. you have marco rubio coming off terrible debate performance last time and saying that he takes all the blame for it can he rebound from that? it will be interesting to watch rubio. is he not like rick per arey of texas who had that blunder. he was not a good communicator. marco rubio is a good communicator. can he bounce back from that tonight? he doesn t have chris christie. exactly. great point. chris christie is not on the stage who can go after him. john kasich coming off a nice, impressive second plates finish in new hampshire coming to south carolina are all his eggs in one basket in new hampshire? so much to watch. i m going to watch. meanwhile on the democratic side, really a near collapse for the hillary clinton campaign. calling o5xx hillary as weak and ineffective saying what nobody had said before. and the numbers are starting to back it it up. they believe they were going crush the nevada caucuses, which are coming up. here are the numbers. they have moved dramatically. you are seeing a ted tie. clinton 45, sanders 45. this is not what they expected at all. not at all for the clinton campaign. it will be interesting to see how they respond to that. bernie sanders has been running this narrative. at every turn at every debate, hillary clinton is having to respond to bernie sanders narrative. he has been controlling the entire. he is totally in charge. by the way, they have been saying, the hillary people if you talk to them in the last year, bernie sanders is a boutique. man buns and face piercings, all the pot smokes like him. is he going to collapse. black and hispanic voters, union members are never going to vote for him. really? look what s going on in nevada. across the board in new hampshire. he won the women vote. he won the young vote. i live in new jersey, pretty liberal state. you drive down the street and see bernie signs all over the place. i only saw one hillary sign. do you know a person who is not.÷ standing to materially benefit from her election who is thrilled about hillary clinton s presidencies? on either side either republicans or democrats, it s the candidate who is speaking out against the establishment or the perceived installment that is in the lead. exactly. more on that coming up later in the show. first some headlines. headlines for you right now. we begin with a fox news alert. terror in ohio. the fbi now investigating a bloody machete attack inside a packed suburban restaurant as terrorism, the aalleged attacker, a possible lone wolf, he has just been identified as 30-year-old mohammed barry, a muslim refugee well known to the fbi, apparently. the terrifying 911 calls just released. listen. how many people were stabbed? there is like five people. known knows who he is. he just came in and started stabbing people. oh my god, oh my god. please, please. we need an ambulance here now. he has come back? oh my god. we need an ambulance here now. now. they have got five victims. we need an ambulance. soht terrifying. five victims you heard him say. four people were hurt. one critically. barry was killed in a shootout with police. and a commercial test for the dangerous zika virus. it may be available within a few weeks. the test would speed up research about the mosquito born virus and help diagnose and track it zika has been found in 20 u.s. states and washington, d.c. with all those cases contracted outside the u.s. near three dozen countries have been infected. a vaccine may not be available for at least one year though. and a mother and her baby rescued from frozen waters after their car plunges into an a icy canal in amsterdam. four heroic bystanders took off their coats. they jumped into these frigid waters to save them. the strangers using a hammer and rocks to smash the windows of that car while it set submerged and all their hard work, it did pay off. they rescued the mom and baby, swimming them to safety. look at that and both are doing fine. and finally pope francis getting a change of hat while on board his flight from rome to havana. a mexico journalist gave the pontiff a traditional sombrero. the hat features the coat of arms and image of v the vir i didn t know mary seen in mexico city. pope francis is now in mexico for a week long trip and those are a look at your headlines, so i wonder is it as cold in mexico as it is here? i have a feeling not. rick knows. is it? no. not at all a. not at all. let s go there. never that cold in mexico as it is here. certainly not the case. in fact, all the cold air is really bottled up across the eastern part of the country. eastern part of canada as well with. western canada really warm. if you had this kind of cold air one spot kind of the continent, the other side is generally warm. that s what s going on. you see the cold air has settled down across parts of the mid-atlantic, in toward tennessee valley, even. much of florida looking good tonight. the front goes through a little bit and cools you down. it s not going to be frigid. very windy as well. wind chills are going to be very dangerous thought throughout the day today. here is what it looks like across the northern plains. actual air temperatures. factor in really cold. much of the great lakes in the northeast. watch what happens throughout the day today. wind picks up. temperatures throughout the day are going to be feeling well below zero pretty much for everybody. by the time?á you wake up tomorrow morning, it s going to be incredibly cold. along with this another system coming. in by the time we get to tomorrow, we start to see some snow falling across the tennessee valley and maybe a little bit of icing for sunday into monday across parts of years of the carolinas. watch rain move in. watch this warm up a lot, guys. by tuesday, a lot of us back into the 40 s and 50 s. it s a very, very quick shot of cold air. dangerous one but short. that s kind of the welcome news. thanks, rick. thanks, rick, coming up the republican candidates are all talking tough on terror. who can back it up? from a white house security counsel official here to grade the candidates. you think those hotel safes are secure? no. put it on there oh now watch it, not going to open. there we go. it only took him six seconds and anyone can do it. and a sock. got a sock can you oopen a safe. rbefore i am through i want to be yours, baby boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain and rain. water got inside and ruined everybody s everythings. the house thought she let the family down. but the family just didn t think a flood could ever happen. the reality is, floods do happen. protect what matters. get flood insurance. visit to learn more. (toilet flush) if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated it feels like everyone can go .except you. tried many things? still struggling to find relief? you may have opioid-induced constipation, oic. it s different and may need a different approach. opioids block pain signals, but can also block activity in the bowel. which is why it can feel like your opioid pain med is slowing your insides to a crawl. longing for a change? have the conversation with your doctor about oic, and ask about prescription treatment options. made on behalf of those living with chronic pain and struggling with oic. a fox news alert this morning. terror in ohio. apparently where an armed man, a muslim immigrant with a machete entered a columbus restaurant and attacks people as they ate dinner. the restaurant is owned boy a christian arab from israel. the man behind the violence a refugee from syria settled in ohio. should it serve as a warning as we consider our refugee policies here in the united states? that and other questions are on the table. fox news contributor julian julian president bush is current president barack obama. good to see you this morning. thank you. how do we assess this and how are law enforcement agencies assessing this attack? it s too early now today determine whether it was a lone wolf terrorist attack or whether this was just another not politically motivated, you know, crazy person perpetrating an attack. what s interesting to notice is that the fbi has taken over the investigation at this point. and that leads myself and others to believe that there are at least harboring suspicions now that this may have connections to terrorism. what s so frustrating for, i think, a lot of americans and one of the reasons some of these insurgent candidacies are doing pretty well is the establishment in washington tells us we have to resettle refugees because we are bad people if we don t and never answers the question what do ordinary people get out of this? why does it help us? i don t think we are bad people if we don t. i m actually on board with the edministration s policy of continuing to accept syrian refugees and refugees from all across the middle east because i think that it s what we have historically put it this way. we have never historically excluded people from entering this country based solely on theirqdreligion. and that s what some of these g.o.p. candidates are calling for. and i think that it s unamerican. if you look back at the trajectory we have taken over the last past couple hundred of years. it s been toward inclusion rather than exclusion. we shouldn t let the terrorists change that about us. untrue. 1965 immigration pretty much to european immigrants. all right so maybe not over the last 200 years. in modern times. last 50 years. what do you make of the republican field on foreign policy. it s been a component of their campaigns, maybe not the central issue but how should voters assess who is ready to take over the responsibility of commander and chief? my take is to be very candid. none of these candidates on the g.o.p. side are really qualified, have serious credentials on foreign policy, national security, so we are force to do choose from a below average bunch in this election cycle. that said, i think that there is a few candidates who have proven the ability to be pragmatic, to approach foreign policy from a position that s somewhat objective. they have shown willingness to listen to military advisors and i think that s what we re going to have to really take into consideration. so let s put your yadz up on the screen. different would their administrations be from the george w. bush administration, from the barack obama administration in their posture toward the rest are of the world? well, some of them we don t really know, right? right. so i gave rubio the top grade because i believe he issue-by-issue understanding of the situation we face in the world at large, but he has also provided the american people with sort of strategic vision for the direction. he seems to take it seriously. he takes it seriously as does kasich. i brought kasich, you know, kind of in as number two because he has demonstrated a pragmatic aapproach. he has north really articulated a vision. i think you really want both things when it comes to voting for a commander and chief s foreign policy and approach to national defense. do you think that these three candidates or any of the candidates have learned hard and lasting lessons from the foreign policy of the last 15 years? well, one thing about jeb bush, when prodded about the iraq war and his brother s administration s is that he is has actually shown the capacity to be reflective, to it approach the issues objectively and i admire that i have to say it s very difficult for him to talked about iraq war because of the family connection. yes, it is i m not toe to toe with him on the issues but i like his approach. anybody who canu reflective and learn from mistakes gets my support. great quality. great to see you this morning. thanks. coming up, a young boy skiing falls into a tree well and gets buried alive. watch this. ethan. [screams] his father saved his life. and finding yourself single this valentine s day? don t fret, make a change. the homes you are sure to fall in love with in the best markets for bachelor s andachelorettes. that s coming up next. momma saidome is where the heart is when i left that town i made it all the way to west virginia and that s where my heart found exactly where i m u okay ladies, whenever you re ready. thank you. i got this. u no, i ll get it! let me get it. ah uh, i don t want you to pay for this. it s not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it s her treat. what about a tip? oh, here s one.get an allstate agent. nice! switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call 866-788-0900 now. here we go, hold on man, is that a leak up there? that s a drip. oh ok. now that s a leak. that is a leak! and if you don t have allstate renters insurance. game over. protect your valuables from things like water damage for as low as $4 a month when you add renter s insurance to your allstate auto policy. call 866-788-0900 now. and if you re a safe driver, you can save up to 45%. just a few more ways, allstate is changing car insurance for good. call a local allstate agent today. welcome back to fox & friends. 3 minutes now past the hour. quick headlines for you. a father and son s brush with death caught on camera. watch as the duo runs into a dangerous situation while skiing in idaho. it s okay. it s okay. [screams] here we go. here would weqr go. i got you. the boy jumped and then landed in a hole at the base of the tree only to be covered by snow. he shrieks in terror as his dad calmly pulls him out. both are doing okay this morning. a california officer assigned to president obama s motorcade crashes on the freeway. this all happened while escorting the president to the airport. watch this. look at this camera video through west los angeles. the officer though is okay. heather? thank you very much, clayton. home is where the heart is is since it s valentine s day weekend is here are to show some affordable listings you are sure to fall in love with anthony moore joins us with listings for best market for families, young couples and singles. thank you for joining us, first of all. how are you, heather? i m doing great this morning. let s start with the best market for families. what do you think? well, let me start by telling you that these are places where unemployment is below average, homes are affordable, anddí we predict prices and sales are going up. i went on in raleigh, that s got a high high percentage of home owning families i saw this stately colonial so well appointed with wood trim wayne s coating. the kicker is it s in the middle of the wood. warm interior is matched by those inviting outdoor views and a family would love it here. plus, there is a large formal dining room that s perfect for entertaining. $350,000. wow. nice deal. and raleigh is a nice place to live, i have to say. i went to school near there. tough markets for young families, dallas being one of them? well, dallas is also great for families, too. because same price, $350,000 get you this beautiful house on a culled sack. there is private space for every family member because it s got four bedrooms it s in the lake highlands area. i used to live in dallas. can i tell you it s a great place but hard to find outdoor areas there big deck and backyard. very unusual. nice. and then something in minneapolis to tell us about? well, let s go to if you don t have kids but you are a young family, that s where you want to be. minneapolis. i love this house because of light. the completely renovated open plan living space is great for parties. there is a downstairs family room so you can have overflow as well. it also backs up on to a park and walking trails. that looks beautiful. so sticking with young couples, no kids, denver a lot of folks young and and $300,000. three bed, four bath. the chef s kitchen is the catch here. it s great for friends. it s been renovated in trendy style. gray cabinets long thin tile back splash. that s key theist days. my wife religion know g-8ed our house that way because it s the thing to do. backyard barbecue. trendy but something you could make your only. singles, you are not married and don t have any kids. where is the best place to live? think indianapolis. okay. we have got a cute two dead, one bath that i found on a little bunk glow. it s on the market for less?7 than $150,000. i bet those young millennials who want to find a home can find it there. um. um what makes it a standout is not so much the house itself it s walking distance to shops. week ride village cultural entertainment district. not only that the monan hiking trail is a block away. i think it s a super find for someone who is a single who wants to find love because there there is a lot of singles in indy and a nice house. check out indianapolis as well. thank you so much for joining us, happy valentine s day by the by the way. you too, heather. find out more about these wonderful homes and orioles by owned by the same company as fox news channel. thank you so much to anthony moore joining us today. coming up. this outrageous comment, listen. that s right. the republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick. now, his own party wants himfg out. we will tell you why up next. and george w. bush ready to hit the campaign trail for his brother jeb on monday. but will it actually help him in the polls? the hill s a.b. stoddard is up on deck next to talk about that. plus, we are fishing on the plaza with bass pro shops up next. this just got interesting. so why pause to take a pill? and why stop to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don t have to plan around either. it s the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, or adempas for pulmonary hypertension, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any symptoms of an allergic reaction, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. and for a $200 savings card, go to romantic but i think i m too young to have a boyfriend. he likes me and i don t realli i guess i will just tell him it s time to break up. good call, quinn. she is 5 years old. she is wise beyond her years. and she is our shot of the morning this morning. her mother posted this video on facebook discussing boy problems she is having on the playground. so far about 20,000 people have watched and agreed. i love it it smart little girl there. i got married to megyn lewis in first grade. how did it work out. during recess. there was only like a little ceremony. only had 15 minutes it was recess. we had the ceremony. i reminded her of that years later. really we got married? it didn t hold up in court. if you are watching this morning megyn lewis send us a picture of clayton in first grade. valentine s day soon some time in the next couple of days. question is what are you your lovered oneñn to celebrate look at that number on the bottom nothing. 61% are saying enough with this madeup holiday. didn t hallmark create this holiday? bacon rosespa not on there. it s a totally real holiday. no, it s madeup holiday. trina writes this on twitter my hard working man gets all paid expenses weekend golf resort. my cad would like this. this is from robert. will buy my wife wide have a right of yummy twreets and ice cream that i like. charlotte on twitter writes this wants a trump make america great hat. i think if you go his website you can get one of those. if you said nothing you would be 611%. what are you getting your ladies on valentine s day. can t give that away. that s code for we haven t shopped yet. you do have time. few hours left. take a look at headlines right now. we begin with a serious one. 17 years after 17 years this deadly shooting at columbine high school. the mother of one of the shooters is breaking her silence. for the first time on television sue klebold says she feels guilty not knowing anything was wrong with her son. i know saying i m sorry is such%w an inadequate response to all this suffering. there is never a day that goes by where i don t think of the people that dylann harmed. kleebold says she is speaking out so other people can realize things can seem okay when they are actually very wrong. victims of the shooting have come forward to forgive the mother all these years later. well, friendly fire from senator harry reid another democrat who made headlines until 2009. the republican healthcare plan is this: die quickly. that s right. the republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick. remember that? who viciously defended the affordable care act now being asked by reid to drop out of a florida senate race. grayson has been fighting allegations of dirty money connect to do one of his hedge funds. to new jersey, a new jersey actor facing prison time for using a fake gun to film a movie. police when they saw him using the prop pistol on location. police arrived, guns ablazing him, arresting him and. the comedian is banned from leaving new jersey and facing up to five years in prison for all of that. next time you are in a hotel don t trust that safe. a locksmith claims he can unlock had any electronic safe in five seconds use ago magnet and a sock. i put it on there. oh now watch, it s not going to open. there we go. the flaw, apparently in the safe is a nickel piece from china. the locksmith terry wynn united yates. open up most hotel safes and apartment buildings. that s scary stuff there. those instructions, of course, are online. as is most things these days. well, some extreme weather talk about now. brutally cold valentine s day weekend is settling in for millions of americans. rick reichmuth is tracking it if not enjoying it. which is it. a little bit of of both. bright side to this. stay inside don t go out if you don t need. short lived which is also good0 xnx news. you don t have your pipes freeze. lots of things you need to do to stay safe this weekend. take a look at maps. we will show you what we re talking about how cold it is. interest is the current wind chills. you see that maroon color across eastern parts of canada and northern parts of th- u.s. that is a cold air mass diving down across the area right now and the wind is going to kick up this afternoon and make it really cold. here is what the northeast looks like throughout the day. pick your city. go throughout the day today. you see temperatures by tonight. actual air temperatures minus five in albany and windy. down to the southeast cold start for theggáh morning. cold for a lot of folks in the northeast. southern plains you are looking great. by tonight we will cool down a little bit in toward central florida. need a jacket. in across south of the northern plains starting off very, very cold. snow moving in by this afternoon. and some spots, maybe three to five inches of snow along with that clipper system. finally out across the west, we are warming up. it is hot there. we are going to be seeing some spots 90 degrees in across arizona and california. can we go? we need to hop onlane right now. colder in the northern territories than it is in the united states right now. it is. something like that. something like that. i don t know. i will ask my weather guy. in the meantime i want to talk to gary parsons from bass pro shops. we are thinking about the spring fishing classic getting out there for springtime. you have a great kids weekend lined up so kids can come in and learn how to fish. the spring classic goes all week, next weekend february 20th and 21st is the next generation kids deal. they can come in for a little seminars. craft workshops. fishing workshops. they fry up some fish. i m sure you would probably be stealing those. your reputation proceeds you. tucker says so true. is fishing with my dad. and will still some of my favorite times fishing with my dad. such an important thing. brings me memories of my son. i started him out when he was four. gave him a bucket of minnows to play with. get used to them and have fun. the thing is you have got to take the kids out and make take the camera and make good memories. actually teach them how to get started. what do you need to do maybe the dexterity not there yet. what are some of the things that you as a world class fisherman teach a young kid what to do. first of all, always keep it fun. then you have got to basically, you can do the whole thing for around 40 bucks, really it s easy to get started. a lot of lakes and stuff usually close by. you can take everybody out and get started. so $40, this is like a starter set. mp yeah. what are we looking at here? you want to start with rod and reel. don t get a toy rod and reel unless it s going to be used for a toy. like one of those spiderman ones or tinker bell one? teach the kids to fish. get a good rod and reel like this crappie max rod and reel spin cast outfit. it s the real diehl. the rods tough enough to handle the kids playing around with it it okay? a spin cast reel is actually one of the easiest reels to use. basically push the thumb in, let s it out and reel it in. already spooled with line. you don t have to worry about that. and it s easy to cast. it s not going to get tangled? that s the thing. frustrating if the line gets tangled. it s tough to get started. you can get that plus all of the gear this tackle here for 40 bucks? in that neighborhood. you are looking at the kids fishing sun fish, pan fish. keep them active. fish that will bite. one of the simplest setups is a bobber, a hook, and a sinker. going into the water a little bit. little piece of night crawler, a grub or something like that on. always going to it be the kids that don t have the patience. for those kids use like this little baby spin. you tie that on because they want to chuck it out there and wind. chuck and wind. that s okay, too. and the thing is this thing caught a ba jill i don t know fish. there is no more fun than with a watching that bobber for hours waiting for it we have more with you coming up. send it back to you. thanks, guys. tucker? hillary clinton barely won in the state of iowa. help surprisingly lucky coin flips and crushed in new hampshire by epic margin. why does she have huge lead in delegates? is the system rigged? a.b. stoddard here to explain. the turf your kids may play sports on is under investigation by the feds. why the government say it may be dangerous. you can t go home who says you can t go home there is only one thing that call me one of their own it s the hometown boy former rolling stone says you can t go home who says you can t let s get out there. let s meet these people. announcement: thisbiggest of the decade.the with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell s soups go great with a cold and a nice red. made for real, real life. welcome back to fox & friends. some quick consumer headlines for you. dollar general store facing multiple lawsuits over allegations the store brand motor oil is outdated. on the back of three grades of oil there are recommendations not to use on engines built after 1988. the store maintains that that language is, quote, ambiguous. facebook stepping up its fight against terror. the social media giant plans to offer ad credits to some users who speak out against terrorism. facebook has also put together a team solely for terrorism content to help promote what it calls counter speech feds finally taking action on synthetic turf. the safety product safety commission planning to answer questions that have been raised about turf made from recycled tires and possible risk for young athletes. plans to have a report by the end of the year. those are your headlines, tucker. why thank you so much, heather. former president george w. bush is gearing up to make his campaign debut on monday in south carolina. the state where both he and his father won their respective primaries. will this move help jeb win? everyone beats up on washington but as long as a.b. stoddard lives there, that s not entirely fair. she is the associate editor of the hill and all around great personal. she joins us thisa morningment great to he so you a.b. great to he so you. thanks for having me, tucker. will this campaign help do you think? i think we won t know for several days. the madness of this cycle could actually bring out a fondness for george w. bush. he is real little kind of coming out of his undisclosed location after years of staying on the sidelines and not commenting on obama and not being in the political debate. and i think that even though their relationship, the two brothers is not even really close, we just don t know. it actually could end up having a beneficial effect for jeb. at the same time, if the well of fond feelings in south carolina for the bush family is just not what it used to be, if it looks like it s just, you know, too establishment, and too stale, then, you know, that could just, you know, put another nell in the coffin of jeb bush s campaign. you have covered this stuff for a long time. explain to our viewers exactly how hillary clintoné loses huge in new hampshire but winds up with more delegates than bernie sanders. that doesn t sound like democracy to me. right. when the young people supporting bernie sanders figure out what a super delegate is. they are going to flip out. he has got around 8 of them and she has now 359 or 360 by last count. these are people in the party who can pledge their support in advance, before the balloting even begins. and they did. because they thought she was a safe be it was pretty much between a socialist democrat martin o malley, governor of maryland, and hillary clinton who is, you know, is still retains a position in the strongest political machine in the democratic party in this country. people were did not see a downside to supporting her with super delegates right away. the trick is just like in 2008 with obama, if the support starts to move away from hillary towards bernie sanders as it did with senator then senator obama, the super delegates can bail on her and switch their pledge to someone else. right now, there is nervousness and a lot of them are really acknowledging privately the pressure that it their state or their district or the national vote count, you know, definitely steam rolling towards bernie sanders, they would have to vote with the person with the most momentum and they couldn t block the will of their constituents. so, it s sort of meaningless but it looks intimidating now. but, i mean, it s kind of amazing super delegates still exist since the whole purpose of them is to minimize the power of actual voters. really quickly, the dnc has changed its fundraising rules allowing hillary clinton allowing lobbyists to donate money directly. does this hepburny sanders? does this enrage his supporters so much to give him more doe, do you think? tucker, i have been waiting to seed2 if bernie sanders is going to turn and say to his supporters it s not just a rigged economy. it s a rigged political system and it s rigged against us. if he does that they are not going to support hillary in the fall. if he tells them i ask for a recount in the morning in iowa i was refused one by a w. a state party chair who drives around with a charter chair that says hrc 2016. they have left me out of all the debate consulting shoe. he is piling up the super delegates. if it starts to become a narrative in the sanders campaign and she and the dnc put too much of a boot on the neck of the momentum of bernie sanders and use that machine so explicitly i think it s going to be really problematic for her. i think so, too. the whole thing is turning them into a bernie guy. not really. can you see why they are mad. a.b. stoddard, thank you for that explanation. that was really smart. thanks, tucker. good to see you. coming up, the justice department suing the city of ferguson claiming the city rejected police reforms. the mayor of that town says that s not the mayor of that town says that s not the case at all. he joins us next hour to tell us what the fed is doing to him. and does your kid love batman or superman? how about captain america. we ve got the new toy trends, coming up. clayton, diving in. what super poligrip does for me is it keeps the food out. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. super poligrip is part of my life now. (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) (flourish spray noise) the joy of real cream in 15 calories per serving. enough said. reddi-wip. (flourish spray noise) share the joy. welcome back. oh, to be a kid again. some of us are still stuck in that phase, like myself. but with the latest toys and hottest trends, today is the 113th annual toy fair here in new york city. the show is closed to the public, but meredith sinclair is here with her annual look. you have the best job in the world. i do. you get to preview a lot of these toys. some of them are not out yet, some of the dolls are. but we ve got the big wig? these are the big movie trend toys, batman versus superman. check out these giant action figures. they re amazing. so this movie is coming out in the summer. and we ve got the civil war, captain america. this is the war i m looking forward to the most, captain america. really interactive, fun, role-playing gear. this is the blaster there we go. and they also shoot the foam darts, too. really fun. bam! hours of fun. kids are going to love these to play along with the movie. this is really fun. hasbro just got the license for disney princesses and they ve redone them all. they have all different molds. check out the giant castle. this castle comes out in the spring, right? yeah. and what s cool is all the different rooms are themed for the princesses. and what s cool is all the princesses actually look like the characters, different sizes, they re all from different molds. so moving on to play-doh, it s play-doh s 60th anniversary. this is going to be coming o out in the spring as well. this is a three in one town center. and they now have little figures. you can make their hair, they ve got a bakery and mechanic s shop and a florist. smells the same as always, we still love it. and as delicious as ever. and brick sticks? you can make them into different scenes. and now they have a license for nickelodeon, so you can create ninja turtles, spongebob, really cool. and this is pretty cool. hand-crafted play sets? this is once kids, as you can see, beautifully hand crafted. this is the wanderlust line. different cities, paris, hong kong. and these are eco heros. you can design themselves yourself with a pen. so i showed props in a box, which i love. it is imaginative play. it comes with a backdrop and some props. now they ve made props in a the. puppet shows and come up with different plays. and there s a movie maker app with it. you download the app, your kids can make a movie with sound effects and backgrounds, really imaginative play, chi love. hands on play. props in a bag, this is out now. some of it coming out soon, some coming out later. some are just launching at the toy fair, really exciting. i m going to continue to play in the commercial break. coming up, the candidates are swarming south carolina and things are getting ugly. governor mike huckabee nearly upset john mccain there in 2004. he is going to be live with his advice for the candidates in south carolina, next. and he saved her life through an organ transplant, but it turns out they were a match in more ways than one. now they re engaged. that couple joins us on this valentine s day. this little guy is about to make his first deposit. we d like to open a savings account for him. yes yes. great thanks to mom and dad and their safe driving bonus check from allstate. oh. look at this. safe driving bonus. are you a safe driver? lucky little fella. only allstate gives you two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safe. see how much more an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100. like in most families, dad s always the last to know. that s why accident forgiveness was the first thing he asked for when he switched to allstate. michael james! middle name. not good. get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. find out how a local allstate agent can help better protect your family. call one right now. plus, drivers who switched saved an average of $446 a year! just a few more ways the good hands are doing more than ever before. see what the personal service of an allstate agent can do for you. call 877-644-3100 bush s baked beans. mom totally forgot to give us vegetables. i know. it s awesome. boo-yah. blow it up. bush s baked beans. slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with a hint of sweetness. they re the vegetable kids love. they re totally eating their vegetables. boo-yah. blow it up. whaaat? bush s baked beans. the veggie kids love. try our newest flavor, asian bbq. available for a limited time only. you re down with crestor. alright! now there s a way you can get crestor for $3. adding crestor, along with diet, lowers bad cholesterol. crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing,pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. ask for the crestor $3 card. ask your doctor about crestor. good morning! it is saturday, february 13th. i m heather childress. this is a fox news alert. the fbi now investigating a machete attack by a muslim refugee as terror, as we hear the moments of horror. listen. how many people were stabbed? there s like five people. nobody knows who he is. he just came in and started stabbing people. what we have just learned about the suspect and why there is a chance that it could have been prevented. and getting ready for a showdown, a significant one, in the state of south carolina tonight. the six republican contenders going head-to-head in just hours, as the front-runner gets wound up. build that wall! build that wall! build that wall! the target on donald trump s back has grown this morning, his poll numbers reveal, he s not just leading, he s crushing the competition. we ll bring you the latest. and it was one of the most talked about super bowl ads this year. puppy monkey baby. puppy monkey baby puppy monkey baby. yep, puppy monkey baby. what in the world? that was one of the most trending topics. it may be making a come back, puppy monkey baby. creepy. puppy monkey baby. a guy who is a reality tv star, who has been successful in his own life, but he also pushes people down to make himself look better. jeb, ugh. jeb! he s asleep. he s asleep at the wheel, folks. then you have others. you have cruz. you have cruz. find out where he gets his money. there s more than a little irony as donald accusing anyone of being nasty, given the amazing torrent of insults and obscenities and vulgarities that come out of his mouth. unlike some of the other candidates running, i oppose common core, and when i am president, we are getting it out of your schools. build that wall! build that wall! build that wall! get your puppy monkey babies out. there he is! the republican front-runner. the south carolina primary, a week from today. it really matters. it has a tendency to choose the next nominee in the republican party, anyway. and there s a debate just hours from now. big night tonight. take a look at this new poll, take a look at where we sit this morning, ahead of the debate tonight. donald trump at 34%, coming off that massive victory in new hampshire, where he really ran the table there, in every major category. people who oppose immigration, people who are pro-immigration, he cleaned up in every category. ted cruz in second place there. it will be interesting to see tonight, can any of them tip the scales, move that needle further down the line. so who s not going to be there? chris christie. he really was the headline. he was just ferocious. going after rubio it was just all fur and teeth. that was unbelievable. will he endorse before the primary saturday? will he endorse donald trump? i don t know the answer to that. but, boy, that s one endorsement that might make a difference. and if you look at that poll, 11% still undecided. a lot of those candidates vying for those votes as well. and there s a lot of late movement, especially in the debate, that can really tip the scales. we all know what happened with rick perry, he had that epic meltdown moment where he couldn t remember the third department he wanted to cut. marco rubio had a similar meltdown at the last debate. can he rebound tonight? but remember in 2012 when this was the case. mitt romney was up 27% to newt gingrich, 22%, with seven days remaining until the south carolina primary. then, during the debate, newt gingrich was asked about the question had come up about his ex-wife, to which he attacked the media and everything changed. watch this moment. to take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary, a significant question in a presidential campaign, is as close to despicable as anything i can imagine. huge spike then right after this. yeah. these matter. you forget. there are so many debates, that they kind of blur together. but as the primaries get underway, they can voters this shows what happened. for sure. you just saw that last week in new hampshire. it seems very obvious that christie s attacks on rubio really hurt rubio with voters. i wonder where that list-minute shift will come. you know, george w. bush is hugely popular in south carolina. of course, jeb on monday is going to be bringing the former president there on the campaign trail. he had an 84% approval rating in that state. will that help move the needle for jeb bush at all? donald trump really ran the table up in new hampshire. maybe one area where he may not do as well might be among evangelicals. can ted cruz pick up a bit of that? but he won. trump won the evangelical vote in new hampshire and he s in the lead with the evangelical vote so far in south carolina. the headline here, who donald trump, who people laughed at a year ago. the huffington post, when trump announced, we aren t even covering this as a news story, this is an entertainment story. not one person i knew believed he had any chance of being taken seriously, much less moving voters. he just won the republican new hampshire than a bigger margin than any candidate ever. this is not what we re expecting. and holy smokes with jobs in this country, moving to mexico, moving to china. something that donald trump has been talking about out on the campaign trail routinely, now we see it in the flesh in indianapolis. the carrier air-conditioning company there cannot compete, they say, with some of the other air-conditioning companies, they re more expensive, and this was the announcement they made to their employees just yesterday that they re moving their entire operation there to mexico. watch. it became clear that the best way to stay competitive and protect the business for long-term is to move production from our facility in indianapolis to monterrey, mexico. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] to wonder people are mad. no wonder bernie sanders and donald trump just won. this is the downside of globalization. i m not against globalization, by the way, and i don t know what we do to stop it. but to all the politicians who said, there s no downside. everyone s going to benefit. cheaper consumer products, it s good for everyone in america, this exposes that as what it always was, it s a lie. of course there s a downside to it. across the board in south carolina, if you look at democrats and republicans, their number one concern is the economy. yeah, of course. those dinner table issues. why is that good for the average person? i don t know. that s the question. and that s why sanders, i m totally convinced, and trump, are leading right now. one of the other big topics the candidates have been talking about, and they had to address this at the last debate, is terrorism. now to a fox news alert, the fbi now investigating a bloody machete attack as terrorism. the alleged attacker a possible lone wolf. so what exactly has happened. garrett tenney is live in washington with the breaking details on this story and they are grim. garrett, good morning. good morning. law enforcement sources close to the case tell fox news that the fbi is now investigating the incident as a potential lone wolf attack. so far, we re told the fbi hasn t found any evidence suggesting that this attack was orchestrated or directed by isis or other terrorist groups. instead, they re looking into the possibility that 30-year-old mohammad beri was inspired by terrorist propaganda. and our fox affiliate is also reporting thatb beri was no stranger to the fbi. law enforcement sources tell us that investigators are now digging into beri s background and travel history for any possible connection to terrorism. checking his digital footprint for any communication with extremists and his browsing history for any evidence of propaganda. we re also learning more of the terrifying details of the attack thursday night at a popular mediterranean restaurant just outside columbus. 30 minutes before the attack, the owner, who is an israeli immigrant, says beri came in and asked where he was from. and then returned with a machete and a knife and began indiscriminately attacking people inside. take a listen to this 911 call from one of the customers. how many people were stabbed? there s like five people. nobody knows who he is. he just came in and started stabbing people. oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god! he s come back? [ inaudible ] we need an ambulance here now! no! five victims. so hard to listen to those phone calls. four people were taken to the hospital. one of them remains in critical condition. the restaurant owner says it could have been much worse, though, from an employee hasn t courageously chased beri away with a bat. after a car chase, the 30-year-old was shot and killed when he lunged at police with the knife and machete. heather, clayton, and tucker? it s just awful. you go out to dinner and never expect anything like that to happen. garrett, thank you. now to some other headlines. we re going to talk a little bit more about terror. a brand-new terror warning overnight. france s prime minister says there will be more, quote, major attacks in the near future. france declared war on terror after 130 people were killed in the november paris attacks. well, french leaders say that the threat is long term, and that the world has, quote, entered a new era in the war against terror. and an explosive discovery at a texas middle school to tell you about. two potentially explosive devices found in an eighth grade boy s locker. an anonymous tipster alerted the district and the school was evacuated. no one was injured, though. that school was arrested, and the principal says she saw the student holding what looked to her like a prescription bottle and a pvc pipe wrapped in duct tape. police are still unclear whether or not those were actual bombs. and remember the bizarre mountain dew super bowl commercial puppy monkey baby? puppy monkey baby. puppy monkey baby. puppy monkey baby. that s the thing of nightmares, thing. well, you haven t apparently seen the last of that character. the ad was one of the most talked about during the big game. it has 19 million views on youtube, which convinced mountain dew to sign a deal, making puppy monkey baby t-shirts, toys, key chains, and even bobbleheads. now, that would make a good valentine s gift. and rick, we got word that puppy monkey baby just got an agent, too. puppy monkey baby, like a frankenstein baby. very weird. all right. puppy monkey baby to you. no pants. you better put some pants on, baby, puppy monkey. here you go. these are your records across much of the northeast tonight. record low temperatures. and this is what the forecast is for tonight. all the big cities looking to break records tonight. in fact, some areas will be as cold as it s been in about the last ten years. so some very, very cold air coming. we also have a lot of snow. clipper system will drop down across the northern plains with this head down across parts of the tennessee valley. this is through monday. we re going to see some snow and ice across parts of the carolinas and virginia. that s sunday night into monday. certainly watch out for that. here s your temperature. currently, we ve got the trough across the east. that s where the cold air is. out across the west, we re breaking all kinds of opposite temperatures. very nice across the west. not the case in the northern plains, and across the northeast, very windy today, and the high temperatures for today are likely right around now. temps will drop throughout the day today and get colder. that s the case across parts of the northeast and the northern plains, where it s windy and it s very cold. and tonight, the cold air really settles in. guys, get ready, by tomorrow morning, temperatures around zero and windchills around minus 20. and you said a high temperature now, around 9:00 p.m. in the morning. should be getting colder throughout the day. you can t scare us! i try. viking blood flows in his veins. i believe that. coming up, the justice department suing the city of ferguson, missouri, claiming the city rejected police reforms, but the mayor of that city says that is not at all the case. he joins his next with his side of the story. yes, there is one. stay tuned. you can t breathed. through your nose. suddenly, you re a mouthbreather. a mouthbreather! how can anyone sleep like that? well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right well, the obama administration s department of justice, the most activist doj in history, suing the city of ferguson, missouri, for civil rights violations and resisting reform to its civil rights system in the wake of michael brown. the city says the deal would bankrupt the city. joining us now with his side of this is ferguson mayor james knowles. thanks for joining us this morning. so, the obama administration is basically implying that the city is refusing to get its house in order. and you re saying is they re pushing you towards bankruptcy. tell us your side. well, i think it s unfair that they ve said that we ve rejected police reform, when we ve actually started instituting police and court reforms in our city long before the justice department even completed their report in march of 2015. and so when he started after the events in august of 2014, the events related to the protests around the shooting of michael brown, we started looking at ways we could reform both our police department and our court system, taking that introspective look and adopting reforms such as putting vest cameras on all of our police officers, changing the way our fines and fee structures are in our courts. we started the beginning of forming a civilian review board, so the civilians can have oversight of our police department. the whole host of reforms, all of which is also contained in the center decree they wanted us to sign, we said we could only sign that decree if we were able to make a few modifications this were able to make it affordable for our citizens. we didn t reject it. we voted for it so the federal government is trying to tell you how much to pay your cops. if the feds can tell you that, they re basically running your city, aren t they? that s a takeover, is it not? it is. and unfortunately, you know, they continue to claim that what we re rejecting is constitutional policing. there s nowhere in the constitution where it says that you have to pay your police officers, quote, among the highest in the area. i mean, this is not an issue of constitutional policing. we have adopted safeguards. we have adopted policies and procedures and we ve adopted overnight to ensure the constitutional policing exists in ferguson, from here on out. we have not rejected any reforms. the justice department is, unfortunately, overreaching on these points. because the government has done such a good job running the country, maybe they can run ferguson even better. do you think in the end these reforms will make ferguson a safer, better city and that in ten years from now, it will be more prosperous and peaceful than it is now? yes. and we ve committed to making these reforms, regardless if we have an agreement with the department of justice. we ve already begun implementing many of them, they are going to continue, as they sue us, we are going to continue making these reforms and moving this community forward. what we re not going to be able to do are those things which we amended last week during the council meeting. we re not going to be able to pay a bunch of money to a federal monitor. we ll have to have a cap on that. we ll not be able to pay our officers among the highest in the st. louis region. it s just not possible. the federal government gets to print money wherever they need it. we have to leave within our means, just like every american family and that s what we re trying to do. i hope that the media stays with the story and hope we revisit ferguson. mr. mayor, thanks for joining us. thank you, tucker. coming up, the v.a. claims it s cleaning up its act, but this morning there s a brand-new investigation into yet another veterans administration hospital. wait until you hear what that investigation found. shocking. and he saved her life with an organ transplant, but it turns out they were a match in more ways than one. in a day with a lot of bad news, this is great news. stay tuned for it. welcome back. some quick headlines now for you. a new smoking ban may soon be effect in virginia. the proposed legislation would let cops fine drivers $100 if they are caught smoking in cars carrying children if they are 7 or under. and utah is looking to add an 86.5% tax on all ecigarettes and vaporizers. the state legislature wants to add them to the tax code as nicotine products. the bill aimed at cutting down vaporizer use by teenagers and adding extra revenue for area health care. heather? thank you very much. well, the heart is usually the organ known for love, but for one illinois couple, their romance began with a liver transplant. joining us now with their incredible love story is heather krueger and christopher dempsey. thank you so much for joining us. this is a wonderful story for valentine s weekend. and it begins with a diagnosis that happened to you back in 2014. can you take us back to that? march 2014, i had been sick for the past year and finally at the university of illinois in chicago, they diagnosed me with stage iv liver disease. then two months later, i went into liver failure, and at that point, they said i had less than 50% chance of living another two months. and christopher, that s something you heard people talking about. you were just standing around, you overheard this conversation about her plight. yes, yes. it was at lunchtime, i overheard a coworker talking about his cousin who was in a situation, and i just thought, you know, if i was in this situation, if somebody in my family was in this situation, i would want somebody to help out, so i decided i was going to go get tested. that s so remarkable and you say that as if anyone would do that, but that s certainly not the case. you went and were tested and found out you were a match. i found out i was a match, and right after i found out, i had called heather and that was the first time i had spoke with her on the phone and let her know i was going to be her donor. that was the first time you spoke and you go through the surgery and you wake up and you re in the icu. where does the love story begin? kind of beforehand, actually, before the surgery. we started hanging out more, our families had met, gone out to dinner, and that s kind of when i knew this was going to be more than just how? how did you know? well, like she said, we started spending more and more time together, and my motorcycle club decided they were going to host a benefit to raise money for her hospital bills and stuff like that, so we spent more time together, get donations and stuff for this benefit. i just thought, she was going through this whole thing with a smile on her face, and i just thought this would be somebody i would want to get to know. and 12 days after you left the icu, you weren t just thinking about it anymore, you wanted to make it official, right? right. so how did you do that? i just kind of asked her if she would be my girlfriend and we could make it official and she said yeah. perfect. and so you re engaged? we are engage to be married? and what other message would you share for young couples or anyone at home. what do you hope their story inspires them to do? i hope this brings awareness for the organ donation process and let people know they can change somebody s life dramatically by being a donor, if it s something they can do. i know it s a big commitment and stuff like that, but you can change somebody s life drastically. and everyone, i m sure, wants to know, how are you both doing today? absolutely perfect. doing great? great. and when s the date for the wedding? october 15th o f this year. very soon, coming up. before you know it, it will be here. happy valentine s day. a beautiful story. still to come, governor mike huckabee nearly upset eventual nominee john mccain in south carolina back in 2004, so, what did the candidates need to do tonight at the debate? the governor is live with his advice to the remaining candidates, up next. mplgs and it is the tv moment lighting up social media. a canadian rocker comes on to american soil, and then he has this to say. i just want to say, it being an election year in the u.s., the u.s. has a lot they can learn from candidate. now that espn reporter shut him down, up next. well, tonight, a showdown in south carolina, as the six gop presidential candidates face off in the final debate before the election. governor huckabee placed second in the primary and joins us now. governor, nice to see you this morning. good morning, great to be back. so you know the south carolina primary very well, of course. and the evangelical vote, incredibly important. so let s put up this latest poll this morning. 34% for trump and 15% for cruz. donald trump doing very well among evangelical voters. ted cruz, could he narrow the gap in south carolina among evangelicals? what do you make of it? i think it s an unusual year, in which evangelicals are not necessarily breaking towards their faith. they re expressing the same kind of anger and frustration with a very rigged game, that they all know is happening. and that s why donald trump is winning among every kind of demographic, except the old-fashioned hard-core establishment donor class, that doesn t fund donald trump. and i think that s one of the reason he s so attracted to voters, because he s not funded by the traditional donor class. right. so his critique of cruz goes like this. cruz is running as an he s dis, and evangelicals will recognize that and not vote for him. do you think that s a resonant line of attack? we ll find out when it comes up for the vote. but i think tonight what you re going to see is the long knives come out. look, south carolina, the one thing can i tell you from having played on that field, if you can t stand the sight of your own blood, just don t go to south carolina. because it is it is masked all in southern gentility, but the politics of south carolina, it s rough and tumble. it s i mean, it s old school, bare knuckles, brutal kind of politics. yeah. and if you ve been in it a long time, it s kind of interesting, but it is not for the faint of heart. it is old school, but they definitely pay attention to the policies that the different candidates have to talk about. back in 2008, you won the evangelical vote, compared to mccain, i think it was 45 to 21%. will that be the difference or will it be independents? will it be women? what do the candidates need to concentrate on, in terms to have demographics in south carolina? well, i think, as long as you don t do something that overtly offends the evangelicals, you still have an opportunity to get their vote, because they re not breaking again toward their faith vote. if you saw, and i know you did, because you played it several times this morning and it was very powerful, that scene in indianapolis, at the carrier air-conditioning plant? yeah. the visceral reaction of those workers, that is america right now. that s not just the carrier employees in indianapolis. that s america. so what s the answer to that? people are fed up with policies. they sure are. i think the answer to that how do you respond to that? you look at that video, what s the republican response? i think one thing, you quit pandering to the special small donor class of washington and wall street. i ve been railing against this for years and get my head handed to me over it. but donald trump taps into that fact that these trade deals we have entered into have not gone well because we didn t enforce both sides. and you get labeled an anti-trader. it s not about being anti-trade, it s about being pro-globalization versus americanization. people are sick of corporatists and globalists. they want somebody who will stand up to america. and that s what we re seeing in this election. you haven t thrown your support behind anyone yet. does that mean you re going to support donald trump? going to make an announcement? i m not endorsing anybody. i m endorsing the basic principles that i believe. i don t think an endorsement does a lot to matter to one candidate or to another. but what i will stand up for and continue to endorse is that we start acting in the best interests of america s working class, for the people who are standing on those concrete floors, coming home bone tired every day, who are walking into an employee meeting and hearing announcements like they did in indianapolis. and i m just saying that we ve got to have candidates who not only speak policies to them, but for gosh s sake, understands what those folks are feeling out there. and i don t think a lot of the candidates have fully connected to them. governor, in just like ten seconds, the winnowing of the field after each of these primaries, who s on watch tonight? who are you most interested to see if they can have a stellar debate tonight to kind of hang on? you know, it seems like bush and rubio may be going after trump and cruz is obviously doing that, but the real fight is going to be among the three of cruz well, it will be between cruz, kasich, bush, and rubio. one of them is going to emerge as the option to donald trump, if there s going to be one. and that s where their focus, if i were advising them, needs to be turned to each other, because at some point, only one of them will probably emerge as that alternative fwb, as i say, if there s going to be one. governor mike huckabee, joining us live. great to see you, governor. thank you. good to see you guys. now we re going to take a look at some other headlines. we have more trouble to tell you about for the va. fox news warning. a formal probe has launched into allegations of misconduct at the cincinnati va. now, we don t know specifically what happened or what area the department is targeting, but we can report that the investigation focuses on, quote, misconduct that adversely affects the care of veterans. a mystery stomach virus sweeps across a pennsylvania college campus. at least 192 students are now sick. classes and weekend activities have been canceled. the college is working with montgomery county health authorities to find the cause of the illness. the school s dining hall has also reopened. health inspectors did not find an issue there. that s good news. it was closed after students became sick on tuesday night. faith under fire. a school bans a former football player from putting a bible verse on a fund-raising plaque. and now michael lucas is dropping a federal lawsuit against the colorado school of mines, after the said school i m trying to figure out what this is saying. the school was ending the fund-raising program and they ve removed all the donor plaques. that s what happened. the school has said allowing the verse would violate the separation of church and state, so a lawsuit has been filed. bottom line. and stick to sports. a canadian singer getting shut down on espn for plugging politics. i just want to say it s an election year in the u.s., the u.s. has a lot they can learn from canada health care, taking care of people so we re talking about celebrity stuff, not politics. congratulations on your mvp! wynn butler, the frontman for the band arcade fire receiving the mvp war. the reporter doing a good job enforcing espn s no-politics policy. and those are a look at your headlines so far. thank you, heather. extreme weather, brutally cold valentine s day weekend and we mean brutally cold, is settling in the eastern half of the country. rick, an expert on cold weather and joins us now with details. and you know it s bass pro shop s spring fishing classic. yeah, it is. so, spring. so i hopped on the boat, which has leather seats. not a good idea in these cold temperatures. it s really cold. take a look at the maps and we ll tell you exactly how cold. it s a really rough weekend, actually. fairly dangerous. you need to do everything you can to keep yourself safe right now. here s the current windchill. you see that blob of cold air across eastern canada. that s what s headed down across the mid-atlantic into the northeast. those temps moderate the farther south they go, but the cold air is going to be begin and tonight will be the coldest air we ve seen in likely about ten years across parts of the northeast. here s your high forecast for the day today, getting up to 1 in rochester. that s the actual air temperature. and a lot of lake-effect snow this weekend. be prepared for that. some whiteout conditions in those heavier bands. down to the southeast today, the cold air down, 35 in charlotte, 56 in melbourne. the southern plains, spectacular. a warm day. the plains, the beginning of a clipper system moves on in. we ll see that little strip of snow, the cold temperatures in there, we ll warm up a little bit tomorrow, and out across the west, it s warm, breaking all kinds of high temperature records from california and and arizona. the ying and yang. coming up, it sure sounds good. bernie sanders wants everyone to have free stuff and a lot of it. tuition, free. free. free. free, as in no cost. but wait, someone s going to pay for it. who is that person? our next guest will tell you. but first, let s check in with david asman with a look at what s coming up in the cost to have freedom business block. the markets keep whipsawing across the globe. is it because the economy is in shambles across the globe? and iran mocking u.s. sailors, showing pics of them crying. donald trump tells us what he thinks about that. plus, bernie says he can help bring back the middle class with more big government programs, but some say all the big government programs what we already have is what s causing the middle class to shrink. we debate it, you might want to hide. we ll see you soon. at ally bank, no branches equals great rates. it s a fact. kind of like social media equals anti-social. hey guys, i want you to meet my fiancée, denise. hey. good to meet you dennis. iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that s why i choose nicoderm cq. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime. .why settle for this? enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he s more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store, right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed, plus 24-month financing. hurry, ends monday. know better sleep with sleep number. i believe that public colleges and universities should be tuition free. make public colleges and universities tuition free. public colleges and universities tuition free. tuition free. tuition free. tuition free. free. free. free. people like free stuff. bernie s own democratic voters seem to love the free college idea, but that s not his only costly plan. yeah, we re going to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. we must strengthen and expand social security. i believe in a medicare-for-all single-payer program. so who s going to pay for all of this? brian brenberg is an associate professor in business and economics as well as a chair in the program of business and finance and he joins us now. his argument, of course, is we need a thriving middle class, and that s how we can see growth in this country. will those programs do it? the problem is, the programs that he s talking about are actually going to cause really high taxes on the middle class. if you look at what he s proposing to do, he s talking about $18 trillion in new spending over the next ten years and he said that he s going to pay for that by taxing the rich. but there s absolutely no way that you can fund a 40% increase in the size of government by taxing the rich alone. he s going to have to tax the middle class. that s not gong to help the middle class. they re already struggling, there haven t seen their wages go up. how is taxing them going to make their lives better? let s address the $15 minimum wage. there are some economists who said that this would not cost us jobs. in fact, this is exactly what the economy needs. do we have any data to support that? no. you have to suspend reality to think that a $15 an hour minimum wage isn t going to change things. you think about a business in middle america who s paying its workers a federal minimum wage, that s what they can afford to do. they ve got to jack that up to $15 double the minimum wage for their workers? how in the world are they going to handle that cost? they can t handle that cost. we ve seen estimates from the former director of the cbo say, look, this could upwards of 6 million jobs if we move to this level. even alan krueger, who s the champion of minimum wage increases on the left has said, look, we re going into uncharted water ifs we go to $15 an hour. i just don t think there s any evidence that suggests that this could be on net a good thing for american workers. and there s a lot of reasons to say it could be very, very dangerous. because there was a move to move it to $10 an hour. bernie and others have come out and said, let s just shoot for the stars. even at $10 an hour, you re talking about half a million jobs lost. there s no such thing as a free lunch. you raise wages for workers on businesses, that creates higher costs for them. they have to adapt to that. at the end of the day, they can t afford these things. bernie sanders also wants to increase health care for more americans, beyond what obamacare does. let s put up some of the costs associated with his plan, berniecare, it s being called. obamacare, $900 billion over ten years. his plan, according to the new york post, $14 trillion. yeah. in one year, berniecare costs more than ten years worth of obamacare. and the question, again, is how do you pay for this? and senator sanders said we re going to pay for it by taxing the rich. you cannot tax the rich enough to pay for this. there is no industrialized country that has a single-payer plan that only taxes the rich to fund it. all of those countries, you talk about the european countries, they re taxing the middle class to do it. let s be honest, if you re going to move in that direction, everybody s taxes are going to go way up. why is this plan that much higher than obamacare? because he s talking about, it s single-payer. every single health care transaction is going to be run through the federal government. everything that we do when it comes to health care in this country is going to be funded by the federal government, which means it s going to be funded by tax dollars. that s it. there s nothing private in bernie sanders plan. brian, great to see you this morning. great to see you. coming up here on the show, the calendar may say it s winter, but it s already warming up in our minds. we re live with bass pro shops to hit the water right here on the plaza, their spring fishing classic. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. and on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. let us help grow your company s tomorrow, today at rethink. reimagine. because right here, right now. it s time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crow s feet. see what real results can really look like. so talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. and make it part of what you do for you. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threathening condition. do not take botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, eyelid drooping and swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. look me. in the eyes. and see what s possible. botox® cosmetic. it s time to take a closer look. facebook has put together a team, solely for spotting posts with suspected tied to terrorism. and someone caught comedian bill murray on a bad night. see the groundhog? yeah. think it will be an early spring. didn t we do this yesterday? i don t know what you mean. don t mess with me, porkchop! tmz reporting that he threw a pair of fan s cell phones off a california rooftop lounge after he caught them snapping photos, but no charges were pressed. the actor actually offered to pay for the damages. and if you know him, you would expect to see that. he s a great guy. so fishing, is that what we re doing here? that s it! today s chilly weather would have you believe that it is spring, but spring is just around the corner and we have proof, because of bass pro shops in this spring classic. gary parsons, you re back! yes, bass pro has a wonderful event going on, from now through february 21st is their spring classic. it s a place to go, you go to the stores. there are sales all over the place. there s fantastic rod and reel trade-ins. there s free seminars. fun for the whole family, really. that s awesome. and you have a mastercard? i have no idea what to do. we have a mastercard situation, where, you can actually get an instant rebate, rick, of $100 when you purchase products during the terms of this spring classic. so, you go to the checkout, you put your stuff down, if you re using a bass pro branded mastercard, you re going to get that instant rebate, all the way up to $100. the more you spend, of course, the more first, you re going to pay us to fish by the end of the day. that would be awesome! you re one of the best fishermen in the world. have you ever fished into a new york city cab before? have you ever managed to hit one? i ve never done that. how about a gypsy cab? not really, but i ve fished out of a moving boat a lot. tell us about this. this is the pro team 190, this whole rig, boat motor, clayton, goes for under $20,000, if you can believe that or not. you know, it s a heck of a deal. the boat itself is a fantastic rig. it s got what we call a revolution hull. it splits through the waves and it basically gives you smooth, dry, ride. okay. the whole works here is just incredible. tracker is known for building boats that basically fit the customers needs. they build boats from small lakes all the way up to giant ocean-type rigs. the one cool thing about this boat is that during the bass pro spring classic, you can get this boat for $1,000 less than what it was offered in 2014. i thought you were going to say for a thousand dollars. no, it s $1,000 less than 2014. that s deflation. yeah, like i said, bass pro will be paying you money before the end of this. not only that, but honestly, when you go, if you buy the boat during the spring classic, you ll get a $500 gift card also from bass proshops. and i don t know about you, but i can always use i like the direction this is moving. cheaper every year. pretty good stuff. the spring classic, tractor boats. i don t know if it gets any better than this whole week. what s up with the raccoon? he comes here every time. he s the mascot. i tried to take him once. that comes with the boat. bass pro shops always has amazing stuff. we re happy you re here again with us. and we ll have you around a little bit later on adds well. thanks, gary! we ll be right back. that actually happened. what are you getting your loved one this valentines day? survey says, nothing. 62% of americans didn t bother to buy a valentine s gift. when women say stay don t want anything, that s a lie. don t make that mistake. yeah? kevin wrote us, i bought scratch-off lottery tickets for my wife. after all, she married me 30 years ago so i fixed she ses a real gam pler. emily says we are celebrating by selling our signature candy for a celebration sunday. ashley says i think i ll make my man a bacon bouquet. ashley, you are a good person. i bet he loves you for a good reason. tomorrow newt gingrich. more spring fishing. happy valentine s day. when is valentine s day? wild swings. not just hire, but everywhere that s fueling new worries we are swing back into a new recession. are we? this is bulls and bears. the bulls and bears this week welcome to everybody. gary bear, are we looking at another bad recession? i think we are every single sign i look at whether you look at macrosigns from

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