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state dinner his visit to a military cemetery today. and what he says about america s relationship with its oldest ally ahead and report from friends and a catastrophic landslide closest part of a critical highway leaking idaho and wyoming indefinitely, the investigation happening right now, that s a little later. and a massive show of force expected and nassau county, new york today, as terrorist target, a key match in the cricket world cup on long island about the rescue of four hostages from a refugee camp in gaza. but there are questions about the israeli operation to get the hostages back, as well as about the number of palestinians reportedly killed the four former hostages are said to be in good medical condition this morning after more than eight months in captivity. but they were taken to hospitals for medical exams. so more to come on that that s where many were reunited with their families. now the idf released video showing some of the emotional moments. yeah, a very emotional those happy, of course first reunions are contrasted by the reaction coming out of gaza. israel carried out heavy airstrikes and shelling in central gaza during the hostage operation. one witness called it hell on earth? saw lots of juno and increasing bombardment started hitting everywhere. i have missed something we never witnessed before maybe 150 rockets fell and less than ten minutes while we were running away no more fell on the market i m good find her children during torn apart and scattered in the streets they wiped out nuseirat it is hell on earth hospital officials and gaza say at least 236 palestinians were killed. and more than 400 injured the idf says a number of killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers on either side on the streets of tel aviv, clashes between demonstrators and police. thousands protested across is across israel despite the hostage rescue, they re demanding the government do more to bring home all of the hostages many are also calling for new elections to remove prime minister benjamin netanyahu so we have team coverage on this, this morning, ben, wait a minute, standing by in beirut we re starting with elliott gucken though. elliot. hello to you. do we know anything about the conditions of the hostages now? victor, as you mentioned, the hospital said yesterday that they are in pretty good physical condition. we just heard a few moments ago, we spoke with the families and missing hot the hostages and missing families forum, excuse me, telling us that they were in their words relatively good psychological and physical states. but let s not forget, there are more test as you say, to come, they have been in captivity for some eight months, no doubt more information will come out in terms of the hostages in there, in terms of their individual stories. of course, noa argamani, the 20 woman who became the face of the october 7 atrocities that she was sped weigh on a motorbike, pleading for her life has her boyfriend was frog marched away as well by hamas militants. she i suppose has become much more iconic figures. she was reunited with her father and was actually her father s birthday as well. so that was a birthday present, and i suppose at the same time there was another side story there, which is that her mother, who was also so we chinese citizen, has been suffering and that you re suffering from terminal brain cancer and her dying wishes repeatedly been begging over the last few months, including to president biden to bring her daughter home so that she could see her daughter before she died. and now she has had that dying wish granted very emotional scenes there in terms of the other hostages, we had shlomi ziv was a security was a security guard at the nova music festival when he was kidnapped. he lives on an agricultural settlement with his wife, has been there for 17 years. there was also andre kozlov, a 27-year-old israeli, also a russian citizen. you don t need me due to israel several months earlier, he was also working as a security guard and his family flew in from russia. they arrive today, so they only reunited today after his rescue. and i suppose the other final story, the fourth hostage, who was rescued, also very bittersweet for him. this is almog meir, jan, 22-year-old was due to start a job in high-tech the day after he was kidnapped. so he was rescued as well yesterday. but when the idf went to the home of his father to tell him the news, they found that he had died. that very same day. his wife telling excuse me, his sister telling israeli media that tie died of grief. and i suppose overall, despite the joy and the euphoria for these particular families and their loved ones that they are finding a home safe in israel, many of them were saying directly to prime minister benjamin netanyahu, it s great, it s wonderful there unbelievably appreciative of these efforts made to bring their loved ones home but let s not forget, there are still 116 israelis remaining in captivity in gaza. about a third of whom are believed to be dead. and it is imperative to do a deal or to find a way to bring them home. so as i said, euphoria for the individuals and their families here s some bittersweet moment as well for them but the overall amid the overall joy, still not forgetting that there are still many more in captivity who still need to be brought home. victor unrwa, sweet moments indeed, le at gke and thank you for that. let s go now to cnn s, then we dimon in beirut. ben, tell us more about what you re hearing regarding this rescue operation that happened inside the nuseirat refugee camp keep in mind this is a refugee camp amara, that was full of people because many of them had come from the area of rafah where are the israelis are currently conducting an offensive a town that s basically now a ghost town everybody has left and so many of the people who were killed yesterday in nuseirat were in fact, coming from that area. now just received the latest numbers from the gaza ministry of health who say that yesterday s death toll from that israeli operation was 274 with 698 wounded. that brings the death toll since 7 october. in october in gaza, according to the ministry of health, there too 37,084. now, yesterday, this scenes in the hospital, were absolute pandemonium lots of wounded women and children, the morgues were full, they ended up having to put the dead simply on the pavement outside. we did speak to one doctor and one of those hospitals in central gaza who told us that yesterday was the worst day of his entire professional career, which is something given what people in gaza have seen over the last eight months so there is anger in gaza and there a feeling that certainly, once again, this shows just the completely different worlds his israelis and gazans live in. israelis yesterday, obviously, very happy with the news of the release of the freeing of these four hostages. but for palestinians yesterday was probably one of the bloodiest is rarely as salts send this since this war began amara, victor two very different perspectives. there have been redone for us and beirut. thank you, ben. we ve also learned that the us helped the idf prepare for this mission. a us official says that while there were no american boots on the ground, the us offered israel intelligence support. cnn s priscilla alvarez has more the united states on saturday commending israel for its rescue of four hostages with president biden welcoming the use alongside the french president. i i want to echo president macron comments, welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages that were returned to their families in israel we won t stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. that is essential to happen. are us official tells cnn that an american cell in israel supported the rescue efforts, working with israeli forces. that and reference to a team that has been assisting israel since october 7 to information gather on hostages. but a source also confirming to cnn that there were no us boots on the ground in this mission. now, of course, the us has been pushing for a hostage deal that would also include a ceasefire in gaza. president biden himself outlining that three-phase proposal that again would include the release of all hostages and a temporary chris cease and potentially a permanent ceasefire in gaza. in fact, just this week, u.s. and 16 other countries urged hamas to close, quote, close the deal. just another example of the ongoing pressure by the united states. senior us officials have also been back to the region to try to give more traction to those talks. and while it s still so unclear where those talks will lead the u.s. has a very least on saturday commending israel and applauding what they called a successful operation priscilla alvarez, cnn, washington all right. let s bring in seeing a military analyst and retired air force colonel cedric leighton and peter bergen, a cnn national security analyst welcome to you both gentlemen kernel, let s start with you and i m struck by a couple of things. the first thing that hamas was holding these hostages inside of a refugee camp, the second the high number of civilian casualties though those numbers we cannot verify here at cnn, but over 200 is the word from gaza officials. israeli officials have the number at about half. could this operation have been successful without this number, this high number of civilian casualties? emmer, good morning. it depends on a variety of different factors, but generally speaking, by initial impression is that yes, it could have been successful with far fewer civilian casualties. i think one of the problems that the israelis had was that it, the hostages were actually held in private homes, at least for part of the time during which they were being held captive and that presents some other difficult problems when you re going into conduct a hostage rescue operation. so that might have exacerbated this civilian count. plus of course, there was a lot of firepower. the israelis were using, and that should have probably he d been a lot, a lot less to achieve the same end as this unfolded yesterday, we were live on the air as we learned about the rescue of these hostages, peter and of course, we were also anticipating an announcement from benjamin netanyahu s war cabinet member, benny gantz, about his resignation. and then of course, the news came that the four hostages were rescued then that news conference was postponed, and then benjamin netanyahu called on benny gantz, not to withdraw that right now is a time for unity what do you make of this and why does netanyahu need benny gantz i think it s a parliamentary system in israel, so you need as many people in your as possible he doesn t have a huge sort of majority many answers are very popular figure and benny gantz is also basically, i think quite rightly said danielle netanyahu needs to have a plan for the day after in gaza that goes beyond just saying we don t really have a plan. i also want to return to what kind of leighton was saying. look if this was a us special operations raid? there s think about the asam have been loud and rave. the obama administration debated what to do for literally months. and one of their big considerations was dropping a bomb on the compound would kill by low of people in a city in about a bad thing. think about also the trump administration also debated for many, many weeks about killing the leader of isis in 2019 and syria. also with the issue of civilian casualties. and i kinda late and cook can correct me. i don t think there s a universe whether us special operations would have approved this raid with this level of casualties, whether it s 100, as the israeli say, or 270 is, we ve just learned from ben wiedemann clearly it s an unacceptably large number of casualties. it s great of the hostages were returned but i don t see a world in which this wish us special operations community would have gone forward with its raid, knowing what of having this level of potential number of casualties. de agree colonel lane? i do. i agree totally with what peter just said because he s right when it comes to the planning for these kinds of operations, us special forces are very, very meticulous and one of the key things is to avoid those civilian casualties kernel light. and what about the us role in this? i mean, we heard there from priscilla alvarez reporting that the us was obviously involved with the intelligence. but what more do you know or presumed in terms of how much the us was involved in this well what it sounds based on priscilla s reporting and some other reports emory, it sounds like this was an intelligence fusion cell that was set up in the us embassy and truce alum that is a very standard practice when we re helping a country with specific military operations now we do it in countries in asia, other countries in the middle east. i have done it in latin america in the past these are the kinds of things that we do where we bring together a fuse, the intelligence i helped them the host country. i look at that intelligence a added to their own intelligence. so this seems to be that same kind and of operation. and it s a multi-agency affair include just not just the military, but also the intelligence agencies and other elements that are necessary for that particular situation. a painter, before we go as you know, secretary of state antony blinken will be heading back to the mideast this week. i think it s going to be his eighth trip, obviously to put pressure on both sides get a deal, a ceasefire, a peace deal what changes on the ground include, especially the dynamics when blinken lands yeah. i mean, the people who know the answer that question. a very limited group of people i mean, yeah, i think president biden laid out the only plan which is the three-phase plan having some hostages released in the first six weeks, that getting to the second tranche of hostages that include male israeli soldiers and then getting to a final kind of deal where you begin to start reconstruction. there s no other deal that on the table that is the israeli deal, by the way, biden announced it, but it s the israeli deal. and it s pretty close to the deal. but hamas was looking for just a few weeks ago. so that is the deal. yeah. the question is, there sinwar, the leader of hamas, has some reason to keep fighting because every dead is dead palestinian helps his cool to these in his mind but we can only hope that on this eighth trip that secretary blinken gets everybody to begin to agree because as it there s no other plan, there s no other unless you re just going to fight this war indefinitely. all right. this is, i think the only way i m peter bergen, kernel, cedric latent. thank you very much. still to come, president joe biden is in france on a state visit and today he ll visit the american cemetery honoring world war i troops. so live report from france is next plus now that the prosecution has rested in hunter biden s gun trial, will take a look at the tangled backstory of these pretty unusual charges and isis k has threatened the men s t20 cricket world cup in new york. we ll take a look at the security measures to protect the players and the spectators. the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and death and our bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max car take me, home kharkiv, turning music devil. of course, james thank you car. this isn t the way home that s right. genes. it isn t car. where are we going for hair the future isn t scary, not investing in it is or were you in on this? nothing gets by year, james nasdaq, 100 innovators one etf before investing, consider the funds investment depth is risk 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france today following a string of formal events with french president emmanuel macron. saturday, biden called his visit to france the most remarkable trip as you showed off, the close ties with one of washington s closest allies well, before they return home, president biden and the first lady will lay a wreath at the end. modern american cemetery today thousands of american soldiers who died in france during world war i are buried there. so you didn t senior white house correspondent kayla tausche is live in pairs. so kayla, what else did the president had to say about this trip? good morning, victor and amara last night, the president praised the close ties of the us and france. he said that france helped the us secure its freedom in 17, 76 and a us repaid the favor 170 years later at the end of world war two he said he was touched by the memorials that took place here in france this weekend and and really touched by the warmth and the dignity with which president macron and the first lady in france memorialized american veterans in this country. but he said in his toast last night that with populism on the rise at home and autocracy on the rise overseas that he reiterated, once again, that he believes the world is it s at an inflection point. here s the president last night generation after generation. people across both our nations have upheld these ideals because they know where we stand as one our countries are stronger and literally the world is safer manuel, you ve heard me say before we stand at an inflection point in history the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come the ideals he was referencing there being liberty, equality, and brotherhood, the founding principles of the french republic. now where it, domestic politics are concerned, the white house believes that it s communicating just as much let s through what the president does as what he says. that s why it s so symbolic that he s going to be visiting the end. martin cemetery in just a few hours today located outside paris, where thousands of americans who died during world war one here in france are buried at notably his predecessor and current opponent, former president donald trump declined to visit the cemetery during a visit in 2018 at the time citing weather concerns and later reporting revealed that he said that the people who are buried there, he described them according to his aides, as losers. the biden campaign releasing two ads slamming trump s record on the military, in particular biden himself is going to seek to establish a contrast with that when he visits that very cemetery himself, victor and amara, kayla tausche for some pairs. thank you. kayla the hunter biden s gun trial is reaching a critical point. big question here we ll hunter biden take the stand? are rather should he take the stand will discuss next assignments are going on. and the tornado here. i m thinking i m going to die. and i thought that was it. 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prepaid card. call today! multiple meetings they billion with a b, we ve got this. honor. got this. i m even weekend in washington and this is cnn closed captioning brought to you by meso her firm only represents mesothelioma victims and their families. if you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelial, call us now as hunter biden s historical trial resumes tomorrow. one quick key question looms over the proceedings. will the first son take the stand? hunter biden struggles with drug addiction were a central focus last week with federal prosecutors trying to prove their claim that he lied about using drugs when he bought a gun in october 2018. jurors heard emotional and a time salacious testimony from a range of witnesses, including hunter biden s ex-wife, and former sister-in-law with whom he also had a romantic relationship. they testified that they found drug paraphernalia and they urged him to get help. and in his sister-in-law is case how she got rid of the gun at the center of this trial, but none was able to definitively say if he was on drugs at the time as alleged by the special counsel? well, hunter biden has pleaded not guilty to three charges of illegally purchasing and possessing a gun while abusing drugs. they were filed by the justice department after a plea deal fell apart last summer. let s bring a civil rights attorney and legal commentator or riva martin, or even good morning to you. let s talk about this testimony because it was very emotional and could be critical here, how effective do you think naomi biden s testimony was she is hunter biden s eldest daughter, and she testified that her father seem good around the time in 2018 when this is all happening, probably the best you d seen him since her uncle bo died in 2015 it doesn t matter much that to her. she see he seemed good. what s what s the relevance here if there is also this evidence of contemporary, contemporary evidence of drug use around the time generally yeah, i think that s the issue in this case. as you put it. so well victor is there s a lot of evidence has been introduced about his overall addiction and about his drug use during the general period. but there wasn t any evidence produced by the prosecution. no photographs, no text messages no, eyewitnesses. they could say that on the date in question when this form was completed, when signature was made in the gun purchase that hunter biden was addicted to drugs or some kind of unlawful or controlled substance and that could be a problem for the jury. another thing, victory, they could be real problem for this jury is the fact that the day or the day after the hunter biden was indicted, a conservative panel of judges and louisiana for the fifth circuit, they determined that the law that is being used here is unconstitutional as it related to an individual that was charged and convicted and he was found to have been using marijuana at the time that he bought a gun. so there s a real legal issues in this case. so even if there is a conviction, i believe that there s going to be a substantial chance on appeal or hunter biden to prevail there s also no underlying crime or attached to another crime, armed robbery or burglary. the use of the gun it was in his possession for 11 days and then it was disposed of the relevance of this being the only charge yeah, it s really significant and we heard victor from the head of the office, the office of prosecuting office assistance, u.s. assistance attorney s offices filed these cases. what this is a special counsel. the office they used to would ve been in charge, i should say a filing this case, it makes it they didn t never would have filed a case like this when you didn t have as you just said, someone who was a felon at the time that the gun was purchased or someone who did not commit a felony or even use the gun, as in the case of hunter biden. so this is a very unusual prosecution. cases like this aren t typically thought filed a particular we in this jurisdiction. and there s something called jury nullification victor, where jury decides that this laws unjust or this prosecution is unjust. so we may see that happen in this case. i would say that to the extent there s any case that would be a good candidate for jury nullification. it is this case and all the emotion we re seeing from the witnesses, my play into that as well. let me ask you the big question here. the prosecutors rested their case on friday. we heard from the first few defense witnesses. do you think that hunter biden should testify then i ll a couple that with do you think he will i don t think he will. and i don t think he should. i think his team has done a good job of cross-examining the witnesses that have been put on by the prosecution of, you know, really personalizing hunter biden telling the story in a way that i think pretty much else every jury, every juror, can identify with so many americans suffer from addiction, so many americans, i have individuals in their family who have gone through, are going through the same thing that hunter biden a width through them when you look at the fact that no crime was committed, the only had the gun 11 days. he wasn t a felony, has no prior felony or or criminal background. i think a sudden really, really hard on the basis of what has been put forward today for this jury to find him guilty all right. we ll watch his testimony resumes or even martin. thank you. security will be tight today for the india, pakistan t20 cricket world cup match following an isis k thread coming up. a look at the measures new york is taking too the event safe this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the grooves, on the ground. and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts, follow cnn today. and america s beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way thanks to you. we re getting 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trump s conviction in new york on all 34 felony charges of falsifying flying business records. in a letter to congressman jim jordan bragg said he would work with the house judiciary committee to set a date and understand the purpose of his testimony. but bragg indicated any testimony would only come after trump, essentially next month republicans have railed against the convictions and attempted to discredit the verdicts as they tried to defend trump will local officials are calling a catastrophic landslide is closed an important highway between idaho and wyoming a section of the road collapsed yesterday. look at this crews had tried to fix a crack that initially appeared thursday, but the road still collapse. good news is no one was hurt crews are now at the scene trying to figure out how long the road will have to stay closed new york officials are ramping up security for today s india versus pakistan cricket match and nassau county because of threats from an isis linked group targeting the game. yeah, the terror group issue, the threat earlier this year, followed by more specific warnings and even rafat france s to a viral video calling for lone wolf attacks cnn s gloria pazmino is joining us now from nassau county international cricket stadium. tell us more about these, these threats and the security that s in place. gloria well, they are amara, it is a massive as security operation here. this morning. as you said following that, alleged threat that police officials here and nassau county have been on watch for this is one of the largest the security operations here in nassau county for the cricket world, kopan, we have been watching since early this morning as all of the staff, the people that are coming into this event to work half been going through security. everybody is getting screened bags are checked canines are brought in, and i actually i do have the police commissioner who is joining us live right now. thank you so much for joining us. i appreciate it. talk to me about the state of the threat. where are we as of this morning as we prepare for this big game? so we received the secondary one that was more generic in as far as the threat goes, asking lone wolves to do and stand up against the event we are prepared for it. we ve been preparing for six months. we have extra resources that are out there today. and we got a great partnership with they police, fbi, over state and local partners. what is your message to the people that are coming out here today to watch this game in terms of their safety. and that everything here there s gonna go as planned, always concerned about alcohol because it doesn t help me but i will tell you one, once you come have a great time, but also be of your own situation nowhere. and it s nowhere you re standing nowhere where around it. if you see something call us, let us come and inspect it and talk a little bit about some of what we re seeing here. i ve been watching k9 unit let s backtracks metal detectors. the cars are being swapped mounted police, sum of all the different layers that we can t see. the ones that we can see talk about that. so in the world of security, we have layers, layers of protection. so it starts out with it s outside the park, outside by the colosseum, by the park in venue then as you start to come in, we ll tighten the security right now when you come through every car gets inspected, if they come into park, we will physically inspect it, will scan everyone. we do rather ready radiological detection we also do the physical inspections. everybody must go through a magnetometer, would come in today. you guys did today s you came inside, your camera, gets inspected. we ve got to make sure that nothing comes inside the environment that can hurt me thank you very much, commissioner. i appreciate it victor, i am right now as i send it back, i also have to be mentioned just what a big day this is for the sport of cricket, for the south asian community here in new york. this is the second biggest sport watch by millions of people around the world to also a really big moment for the south asian community, for this sport. and hopefully, everything set to go as planned here today, victor gloria pazmino thank you very much once he s already one of the most recognizable players in the wnba, one of the best in college ball. but caitlin clark would likely will not be representing the us women s basketball at the paris olympics coming up why so many are calling this a terrible decision today with president biden overseas? making the case for democracy, national security adviser jake sullivan joints dana plus the latest from the campaign trail with key governors kristi noem and gretchen whitmer state of the year junior live this morning, get nih now at t professionally installed google nest products you re all set. so your home is safe and smarts. we re going to miss the system should go with the most trusted name and home security 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and evan now the roster is expected to include wnba stars and past olympic champions, brittney griner, and five-time gold medalist dayana tarazi. every player has international experience and most are former olympians still some seek clark s exclusion as a snub, joining me now is usa today columnist and cnn sports analyst christine brennan, with a very strong opinion, good to see you, christine. let me just read a portion of your opinion on this in usa today and you you close it article by saying, i ve seen some bad team and athletes selection decisions in the 40 years. i ve covered the olympics, but this is the worst by far. then again, we probably shouldn t be surprised as we ve known for years, the last amateurs left in the olympic games are the people running them wow, okay, we know where you stand. tell me more why should caitlin clark have made the cut well, she has played on international teams as a younger players, so she certainly has international experience, not olympics, of course but caitlin clark has taken the nation by storm. this isn t just that s the story of a basketball player. obviously, everyone who is watching us knows her name. i arguably the most popular athlete in the country, male or female, right now. obviously people can argue about that, is they can argue about anything with caitlin clark. but she has just just been a terrific role model and a huge name in the sport. and you mentioned the attendance, the tv ratings records in the ncaa records in the wnba. and my point that i make in that column and usa today is simply this whatever you think about her guaranteed. if she s on the olympic team she will bring eyeballs and i ve covered it started in kindergarten, but i started covered the olympics for 40 years. and since ab four and la i ve covered reported on the women s basketball team every olympics in some way or other. and i ve covered at least five of their gold metal matches of the women s team. i am and the press tribune is basically tumble weeds. i ll be there couple other reporters and what the problem is, is this team is too good for their own good according to many of my male sportswriter colleagues, who don t want to cover them and this has been happening throughout the decades. they just do not get the attention they deserve. there great players, but they went all the time. they last lost in 1992. most dominant in the world is the women s basketball team from the us. it is better than any game. and yet they don t get the coverage. well, guess what? you put caitlin clark on that? a team and everyone is watching and all the players would get the attention, the coverage that headlines that they so richly deserved. so as an argument then based on the fact that clark is just an international sensation that she is so popular versus merit. and i guess you follow up would be will attend cal in which you bring to the team that s not there now? certainly a three-point shooter, which we know caitlin clark is that is always, always coveted in international basketball. and she was at the game the other day in washington, that one that you mentioned that first time in seven. and the biggest crowd and 17 years in the wnba, she had seven three-pointers electrifying crowd. it s extraordinary, it s magic, it s like the high-wire act at the circus. i m not saying other players aren t great, but what she brings to the table as grandma and grandpa in the produce section, who don t watch sports they ll tune in for her. but you asked about merit and i went through this statistics there in that column and in several categories that caitlin clark is ahead of diana taurasi we can go apples and oranges, we can go category by category. but it is not the notion that it would be some kind of gift or per play that is a huge piece of the conversation. caitlin clark has good and i think over the last couple of weeks in the wnba, there s been this idea that she s not playing well she s playing really well. she is getting statistically the toughest defense of any player in the wnba. any player. so i would make the case. she s most important and focused on player in the wnba at 22 in her first month she was the rookie of the month. she is leading or close to the lead in several statistical categories. fourth, and assist. second and three-pointers made again better than taurasi s, better than a couple of other women who are going to be on the team. so that argument about merit, you have to really push that aside because on merit, you can make the case. she deserves to be on the team great. i was just going to ask you before we go, who you would replace them if because you would have to make room for caitlin clark, but i think you just somewhat answered that question. we re going to have to leave with their christine brennan. thanks for the conversation. thank. you all anti-government protesters blocked roads in tel aviv s democracy square. the calling for the release of all of the hostages in gaza and a ceasefire deal. we ll have details at the top of the hour sometimes the best thing you can do with intelligence is share it with your advisor. cursory he had his secret is betrayed its bullet to the back of the hand. secrets and spies, a nuclear game. tonight at ten on cnn with carousel, my time patches she s improving the look of her fungus damage snail while she s only carousel patches worked for up to eight hours to reduce this coloration and thickness. now, that s what i call the udo easley kherson nighttime patches. we ve got you covered numbers, makes absurdly comfortable underwear made to move with you. knock on, you because their basic things should be your best thing. one purchase equals one donated visit, and get 20% off your first order hall mcglone just cleaned my entire house for $19 seriously, $19. they shut up right on time and did my dishes, my laundry. they even cleaned my windows. you just pick a date, pick a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19 i love 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Transcripts For CNN Secrets Spies A Nuclear Game 20240609

usthere was hope that, hey, they might still find him. i just i pray that nobody else has to go through this. trent okerson: we have so much technology, we have the ability to control so much in our lives these days. you still can t control mother nature. you can t control a tornado. you can t control what it does. and no matter how prepared you may be, you re still at the mercy of what these storms decide to do. autumn kirks: i have a very healthy respect for mother nature and tornadoes and what they can do. it can ruin your entire life. it can destroy everything you know. in 2011, after the joplin tornado, amber munson had lost her house, most of her possessions, and all of her treasured photographs. but months later, a miracle. there was a craigslist post from a stranger over 50 miles away who had found a photograph in their yard. it was a picture sucked up by the tornado. a baby photo of amber. the only one to survive. the woman mailed it back to amber along with $5, all she could afford, but wanted to give to help amber start her life over. for more information on what you can do in a tornado and what you can do to help combat the growing climate crisis, go to i m liev schreiber. thanks for watching. good night. [dramatic music playing] [raymond asquith] the listeners, as they were, the kgb, who had all the surveillance equipment, lived on the floor above us in moscow. and you knew they were there. on the whole, one just endured it. i mean, i remember my wife and i had some kind of argument about where we re gonna take the children for a weekend picnic. in a rather unmanly way, i sort of addressed the ceiling and said, well, you up there, which did we agree? and to my amazement, within about two or three hours, somebody had slipped in a note under our front door saying, well, you had agreed on koskovo, or timiryazev. or whatever it was. anyway, some picnic place. and i thought that was a kgb surveillant who had a good sense of humor, actually. [crowds cheering] [narrator] this is the unseen story of the cold war. fought not by politicians. but by secret agents. [jack barsky] there was complete misunderstanding on either side. it s very difficult to determine whom you can trust. [narrator] as the soviet union faces off with the west in the early 1980s. two spies play a dangerous game from the shadows. they seek to win the upper hand while the world stands on the brink of nuclear war. these are their stories in their own words. testimony pieced together from interviews over the years. [oleg gordievsky] after 11 years of secret work, maybe i develop paranoia. [narrator] .and never-before- heard recordings. [aldrich ames, on recording] [narrator] .that reveal the deadly intrigues at the heart of the battle between east and west. [alexander vassiliev] look, this is a war. a secret war. [dramatic music playing] [menacing music playing] [marina litvinenko] 1982 was a time when people in soviet union still believe reality of nuclear war. confrontation between west and east was very serious. sometimes, it was not only iron curtains, it was like an iron sphere. [narrator] this is a dangerous moment for the soviet union, almost 40 years into the cold war. their economy is overstretched, the military entrenched in afghanistan, and support for communism in decline. the soviet leadership, led by leonid brezhnev, stockpiles nuclear arms in a show of strength against the west. but there s a much subtler weapon too. secret intelligence. yuri andropov is the head of the soviet intelligence service, the kgb. the kgb have been running the russian life for years. andropov was getting more and more convinced of the menacing west. he was a full-blown kgb person who thought that it s either us or them. and basically, it better be them. [tim naftali] yuri andropov concludes that the superpowers are on the verge of a nuclear war. and so he begins a process of collecting information that would be indicators of the approach of nuclear war. [narrator] this running tally of signs is called operation ryan. and every time andropov gets new intelligence, he takes note. [nina] there is a chart for americans said this, and the brits said that. somebody was caught here. and, the plane crossed that border. and i think in andropov s mind, he was absolutely convinced nuclear confrontation is coming. [narrator] once his chart is full, andropov is convinced the soviet union should strike. and so he uses every resource to keep close watch on his adversaries. [marina] oleg gordievsky was a very high-qualificated intelligence officer. he was born in a family working for kgb. his brother working for kgb. [knock on door] i think he was a good example of soviet intelligence service. soviet union always keen to put agents all around the world. [door opens] [narrator] in 1982, the kgb sends gordievsky to the u.k., disguising his identity as a soviet diplomat. his posting comes at a tense time. relations between east and west are at a knife s edge. [tim] in december of 1979, the soviets had invaded afghanistan. soviet allies in central america were making gains in nicaragua, and were trying to make gains in el salvador. meanwhile, in africa, soviet allies were fighting in angola and were making new friends in other parts of sub-saharan africa. this picture seemed to contradict soviet commitment to better relations with the united states. why are they behaving this way? if they really want better relations with us, why are they on the march in what was then called the third world, but we now call the global south? [narrator] there s a political standoff, and neither side shows any signs of backing down. [ken adelman] the cold war was a view of the world where you had a communist totalitarian empire run out of moscow, and western countries led by the united states but including western europe and britain, facing off against each other. you have the soviet union, which is at this point a dominant superpower, a nuclear leader, neck and neck with the united states in terms of innovation and development. but at the core, their ideologies, as we know, are completely different. democracy versus communism. [narrator] what began as an ideological conflict has escalated into a terrifying nuclear arms race, and neither side wants to appear weak. the soviet union had something like 33,000 nuclear weapons. we had something like 22,000. way too many and way too scary. [crowd cheering] [reporter speaking russian] [tim, in english] the cold war was an existential struggle over the future of world civilization. and this is what makes this moment in history so dangerous, is you have both sides completely misunderstanding both the power of their adversary and the intentions of their adversary. [dramatic music playing] [dramatic music playing] [narrator] as a staunch anti-communist, ronald reagan crusades against everything the soviet union stands for. and he s not alone. [news reporter] president reagan s vast limousine has just drawn up here outside the norman porch, having come from buckingham palace. this is going to be the first time that an american president has addressed both houses of parliament here in westminster. [ken] ronald reagan met maggie thatcher, and was amazed that they thought alike. prime minister thatcher really did, despite her uptight bearing and her hairdo, really loved to be with ronald reagan. there was a certain magnetism. there was a certain glory to him. and she felt that tingling. [applause] [reagan] my lord chancellor, speaking for all americans, i want to say how very much at home we feel in your house. [ken] ronald reagan said that soviet communism will lie, cheat and steal to advance its mission around the world. that was the idea that ronald reagan had to delegitimize the soviet union. the decay of the soviet experiment should come as no surprise to us. we see totalitarian forces in the world who seeks subversion and conflict around the globe to further their barbarous assault on the human spirit. [ken] even before he became president, ronald reagan said, the cold war will end, and i know how it s gonna end. we win, and they lose. [narrator] and he s about to ramp up the rhetoric even further. the march of freedom and democracy will leave marxism/leninism on the ash heap of history, as it has left other tyrannies which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people. [applause] [tim] ronald reagan is rallying the troops. he s rallying the nato alliance, trying to send a signal that the united states should be respected and even feared. the america of the 1970s, which was licking its wounds after losing the vietnam war, that s over. we re back, we re strong, and we should be feared. making america great again, if you will. we re gonna win. in the end, we will outlast them. [ken] people like me, hard-liners, thought that was terrific. most of the people in attendance of the speech didn t think it was terrific at all. why? because he was too radical. and it did cause a reaction in the soviet union. [nina] that speech, it was offensive. and it was actually offensive to a lot of people. a lot of people i remember saying, well, who the hell are you to tell us that we are in the heap of history? [tim] that fed into the sense in moscow that ronald reagan was a cowboy, and that he intended to use nuclear weapons against the soviet union in a war that is really fought psychologically. think about how dangerous that is. [narrator] closer cooperation between the u.k. and the u.s. is exactly what andropov fears. and in this cold war, andropov looks to his agents for proof. [ken] what intelligence did in those days were they gave us details of the overall picture. we could follow the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles that they had deployed. we could follow the number of new submarines. we could follow the number of new tanks. we could follow all these things that you could see from the satellite. and we could hear about rumblings from poland, or czechoslovakia, or hungary, or bulgaria, or the soviet union to russia. [raymond] this is very typical of my wife and my aunt eating ice cream in the snow outside the bolshoi theatre. i was head of sis station in moscow in early 1980s. civil servants are all signatories of the official secrets act. and what s not in the public domain is rarely not for discussion by us. our station in moscow was quite a small one. the whole apparatus of control and surveillance was very sophisticated. i mean, they used to paint radioactive paint on the bottom of our cars, you know, in order to track us. we were thin on the ground, really. it was extremely hard for outsiders to discover anything significant about the soviet political intentions. [indistinct radio chatter] [narrator] while british agents seek a foothold in moscow, in london, oleg gordievsky joins his fellow spies. [alexander] london was one of the major cities where soviet espionage was going on. the kgb quarters in london, it s called a station. kgb station. it s located in the russian embassy. that london job was extremely advantageous for gordievsky. it means that he was trusted, and that he was a decent operative, and it was good for him. [dramatic music playing] [narrator] at the kgb station in london, there are two agents above gordievsky in the hierarchy. one of them is the kgb station chief, arkady guk. [alexander] gordievsky was supposed to spend most of his time, 9:00 to 5:00, in the embassy doing his official job, being a diplomat. and then, during the evening or on weekends, he became a spy. the job was to get british secrets, especially secrets concerning britain s foreign policy. [narrator] gordievsky is under pressure to send intelligence to moscow that validates operation ryan. at the same time, he s had to hide the fact that he is a kgb spy from the british. in their eyes, he s just a diplomat. if he blows his cover or fails to feed the soviet leadership with good intel, he ll be on the next plane to moscow. [alexander] it was a very bold career move for gordievsky. but the british counterintelligence service, mi5, is considered one of the most professional services in the world. so i m pretty sure he knew that it wouldn t be a picnic for him. a slow network is no network for business. that s why more choose comcast business. and now, we re introducing ultimate speed for business our fastest plans yet. we re up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds. at no additional cost. it s ultimate speed for ultimate business. don t miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! [lord robin butler] well, i ve got various newspaper cuttings, but also photos with mrs. t. margaret thatcher was uncompromising in her dislike of socialism and of communism. and that is what drove her. i look so young and innocent. my job was really to make sure that 10 downing street worked well for the prime minister. yes, okay, certainly. margot! [narrator] margaret thatcher knows that it s not just politics that dictates the key moves in the cold war. [lord robin] margaret thatcher was fascinated by intelligence. part of it was the glamor. but also, she liked to collect as much information as possible, and intelligence was one of the sources. [indistinct chattering] there was a special box in number 10 in which there would have been regular reports of anything which became known about soviet activity in the u.k. [narrator] mi6 has a very big secret they are keeping from the prime minister. [narrator] but he isn t just a kgb spy pretending to be a soviet diplomat. [narrator] oleg gordievsky is a double agent. [narrator] in the 60s and 70s, gordievsky was based in denmark as a loyal and dependable kgb agent. and it s there that he begins to see things in a different light. [tim] the turning point for him was the soviet decision to crush the prague spring. an attempt at liberalizing the soviet-style regime in czechoslovakia in 1968. gordievsky has had an internal personal shift. he recognizes the inherent repressiveness of the soviet system which, as a kgb officer, he s sworn to defend. this is an ideological decision for him. [baroness meta ramsay] there are some things that i really cannot go into. i know you ll understand the nature of what we re talking about. when oleg arrived in london in 1982, it was invaluable to have the views of an insider in the russian embassy in london who knew the meaning of everything that was happening. [narrator] only eight people in the country know about this highly sensitive operation at a highly sensitive time. [baroness meta] it would be very, very few people anywhere who knew about oleg. you don t want anybody at any stage to betray the source, because accidents happen. usually, things are very, very carefully contained. only people who need to know. that s a great principle, need to know. you have to keep completely tight to a very few people. [announcer] a specially extended nine o clock news with michael buerk. [buerk] president brezhnev, ruler of russia for nearly two decades, is dead. for the soviet people tonight, five days of mourning begin. for the leaders who ve grown old in his shadow, the chance of ultimate power. who will take over? [news anchor] administration officials said there will be no change in u.s. foreign policy toward the soviets until there is a change in soviet policy. [narrator] the soviet union finds reagan s aggressive tone not just insulting, but an existential threat. right now, the last thing the communist party wants is to be seen as weak. so it decides to promote someone with a very clear agenda. [news anchor] one advisor called front-runner yuri andropov a hard-line man who would be tough to deal with. [somber music playing] [narrator] just two days after leonid brezhnev s death, the head of the kgb, hard-liner yuri andropov, is promoted to the top job. [nina] andropov was quite a terrifying man. he came out of the apparatus of control, and he then ran the soviet union as a very controlled environment. [news anchor] tomorrow, vice president bush arrives. also, secretary of state shultz. bush s visit is intended as a gesture of conciliation according to western diplomats here. these diplomats worry that new communist party chief yuri andropov may have had to pledge a tough anti-washington line and big weapons buildup to win military support. they would like the american delegation to meet with andropov after the funeral monday, but have no assurance the meeting will be arranged. [susan eisenhower] here was a guy who came out of the soviet intelligence community. you had the feeling during andropov s period that, you know, things were really inert, and the old generation was still running the country. [nina] my family was simply terrified. my great-grandfather was khrushchev. he was the general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union. khrushchev dismantled, or as much as he could, he dismantled the kgb after stalin s death. so andropov, as my mother was convinced, was going to come back at us and the family with a vengeance. and, you know, there was even a talk that the gulags are going to be reinstated. he is going to push forward certain policies, including international policies. [narrator] as leader of the soviet union, andropov takes his operation ryan charts from the kgb back rooms to the heart of soviet policy. [tim] yuri andropov is a very conspiratorial figure. he is convinced that the united states is seeking domination over the soviets, and ultimately a nuclear victory. [nina] and so the soviet union has to be completely and utterly prepared to push that button. [narrator] all eyes are now on reagan in this uncharted new landscape. [nina] reagan was adamant that he s not going to deal with those red bastards. [dramatic music playing] and for andropov, reagan was that cowboy who is going to destroy the soviet union because he was playing in all these films like john wayne. reagan and andropov in some ways found each other. neither of them would back off. this was the moment when we were really scared of the nuclear war. that really stayed with me as the scariest time that i ve ever experienced in my life in the soviet union. [narrator] the opposing sides in the cold war could not be further apart. britain s double agent is now vital to understanding the level of andropov s paranoia. [sir david omand] he s got access to the operations being run against the united kingdom by intelligence officers in the embassy. and he s got a knowledge of the politics of moscow. gordievsky, of course, was able to brief his handlers on the dossier. he knows a lot of people in the system, and therefore he s got this unrivaled insight into how decisions are taken, how they think in the senior reaches of the politburo. he would be able to leave the embassy on a regular basis and to a safe house, where he would be debriefed. and if he could smuggle documents out of the embassy, so much the better. there d be arrangements for copying those in the safe house. [narrator] gordievsky s actions make him so valuable, mi6 decides to inform 10 downing street. in december 1982, margaret thatcher is told that a highly placed kgb spy now works as a double agent for the british. but she isn t told his name. two months later, gordievsky provides crucial intelligence. operation ryan is now official soviet policy. [tim] what the soviets didn t understand is that there was a possibility that operation ryan could be a self-fulfilling prophecy. operation ryan was a perfect example of starting with a conclusion, and then looking for justification for that conclusion. agents weren t asked, are the american and the british on the verge of nuclear war? they were asked, prove to us, find the evidence that they are so that we ll be ready for it. and that was the fundamental flaw with operation ryan. [baroness meta] what oleg gordievsky really brought was an inside understanding of what operation ryan was really about. it was showing a paranoia. but the paranoia was real. when two sides don t know one another, they both misread signs. you can see how dreadful things can happen by that kind of misunderstanding. [narrator] gordievsky s intel on the deepening soviet paranoia is so vital to the british that they must conceal their source even from the americans. [tim] the reason the british did not want the americans to know who gordievsky was was the more people who know the name of a source, the more imperiled the source becomes. [narrator] reagan doesn t have the luxury of the brits inside knowledge. he feels the most effective approach is to scare the soviets into backing down. he takes a brazen and terrifying new stance. [dramatic music playing] [man] ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, ronald reagan. [applause] [ken] in 1983, i was arms control director. thank you. [ken] ronald reagan gives his speech before the evangelicals, of all people. saying that the soviet union is the evil empire. the focus of evil in the modern world. the soviet leaders have openly and publicly declared that the only morality they recognize is that which will further their cause, which is world revolution. [applause] [ken] ronald reagan felt that there was a tendency in the world to equate the two sides. they re both to be blamed for the cold war. they re both to be blamed for all these nuclear weapons. there s a moral equivalence between the two. ronald reagan was saying, there s no moral equivalence. let us pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness. they are the focus of evil in the modern world. [applause] [ken] and everybody s aghast at how provocative this was and how inflammatory this was. people worried that this cowboy from the west was irresponsible, and he could blow us all up. [applause continuous] [narrator] reagan s approach is to aggressively arm europe as a way to force the soviets to back down. the whole idea of whether you were tough or soft on communism was still very much part of our political landscape. he decided to assure the right wing of the republican party that he was tough on communism. and i was dismayed, because what is the strategy to call somebody, you know, the global center of evil? if you insult people publicly, you ll have a hard time getting cooperation out of them. [narrator] reagan also promotes a defense system nicknamed star wars. these space lasers would identify and prevent incoming nuclear missiles. its critics ridicule it as unrealistic. but the prospect of taking the nuclear arms race to space terrifies andropov. [ken] there s the idea that we need to be very strong. the only way to deter the soviet union from any kind of aggression is to show them that they cannot win in anything. second thing that was going on was that we re going to increase our defense spending quite a bit, and the soviet union can t do that. they can t keep up with us. so we re gonna spend them into oblivion. [narrator] as reagan ramps up his rhetoric, a drama unfolds on the other side of the world that threatens to push the cold war over the edge. governments around the world have expressed indignation over the soviet union s action in shooting down a korean jumbo jet over the western pacific. the u.n. security council will take up that incident later today. that tragedy later today. it s now reported that at least 50 of the 269 people on that jet were americans. the search goes on for the plane s wreckage. [reporter] the crisis over flight 007. just about half were korean, japanese and taiwanese. [crying] the free world was outraged. [sobbing] for once, it s no exaggeration to say that western governments have been stunned and even a little frightened. [ken] once the news comes that a soviet had shot down the korean airliner, ronald reagan immediately goes on national television and uses every dirty word for their behavior that he can find in the thesaurus. what can be said about soviet credibility when they so flagrantly lie about such a heinous act? the soviet union becomes very defensive, very quiet, and makes no apologies at all. [reporter] the military in moscow explain, the korean jumbo was spying, so our missiles brought it down. what is this all about, gentlemen? [man] hi. my name s robert reynolds from cable news network. -yes? -wondering if you would be having any type of statement, or. -not at the moment. -.anything to say about the korean airliner? nothing? expect one soon? [ken] so that drove people in the west, especially conservatives like me, to think, boy, they are even worse than we thought they were. the incident raises the frightening thought that the finger on the soviet nuclear trigger could be as unstable as the individual who gave the order to shoot down the korean airliner. [narrator] it sparks protest and condemnation around the world. [crowd shouting] [susan] i mean, there was really significant fear that this was going to lead to something, you know, big. and extremely, extremely dangerous. [dramatic music playing] [narrator] in late 1983, peace hangs in the balance between the east and the west. in a bid to be ready for a soviet nuclear attack, the west launches able archer. it s an annual military operation, but this year s exercise is more realistic than before. forty thousand u.s. and nato troops gather across europe, right on the u.s.s.r. s border. [ken] able archer was a normal military exercise by nato command. to prepare nato forces in europe. for an attack from the soviet union. but the way it was done was not normal at all. the nuclear component of the exercise was hyped up. [indistinct radio chatter] the idea of it was, make this as realistic as you could possibly make it. [narrator] the western powers show an almost naive ignorance of how this huge training exercise will be received in the u.s.s.r. for andropov, it looks like his operation ryan prophecy is coming true. [indistinct radio chatter] [bianna] and it came at a very sensitive moment for moscow, that it had been humiliated on the global stage following the downing of that jet in particular. so every move was interpreted probably to a larger degree than it should have. [narrator] b-52 bombers with nuclear capabilities now arrive at the u.s. air base in germany. andropov watches everything unfold from his hospital bed. the soviet people are unaware of their leader s declining health, as he keeps his hands firmly on the reins of power. [nina] andropov is dying, but he is clutching that red button. he really thinks if it s not him, who else? he is in charge. [narrator] the soviets scramble to respond. nuclear submarines are primed and ready. soviet troops are put on a 15-minute combat standby. [bianna] oleg gordievsky probably was the one person who could convey to western sources what was going on inside the mind of soviet leadership at the time of able archer. gordievsky helps his handlers realize that they re dealing with sheer paranoia at the hands of the top leadership in the soviet union. now unfortunately, it didn t come in time enough for this exercise to be canceled. [narrator] the exercise continues, oblivious that a nuclear confrontation is now just a phone call away. [susan] oh, it is a game, but, i mean, but it s not a game too. and i think what happened is that everything got out of control. this is just something that people can t comprehend, that a human error could bring the end of the world. people just can t absorb that. [nina] ultimately, you kind of have this mendacity. you believe in your own propaganda of your own greatness. you re in the control of the state. [suspenseful music playing] all russian and soviet dictators, their problem is they always think that they re the last line of defense. you are in power. you have the right to, if you decide, to destroy it so nobody else will get it. the united states doesn t even notice that the soviets are on edge. they didn t even put the soviet reaction into ronald reagan s presidential daily brief. [indistinct radio chatter] [narrator] before andropov can act, the able archer operation wraps up on schedule. [pilot] roger that. [narrator] andropov is finally persuaded that this really was just an exercise. this time.

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presidential daily brief before andropov can act, the able archer operation wraps up on schedule andropov is finally persuaded he that this really was just an exercise. this time life contribution was explained that this is dangerous you ll playing with fire the liver simply daughter the stands and intelligence. old russian leaders they able archer exercise world came very close to nuclear war the united states didn t know the ratchet down the tension when it really matter that is an indicator of just the lack of understanding that the united states and the soviet union headed each other. but in a nuclear confrontation, lack of understanding can have catastrophic consequences when adversaries have nuclear weapons pointed at each other and don t understand each hello, and welcome to our viewers, watching around the world. i m in a car part in hong kong, a hit on scene and user in high risk rescue. the idf rescues four hostages during a raid in central gaza. but as israel celebrates the reunions palestinians mourn the lives of those killed during the operations. details on how the mission unfolded ahead president joe biden commenting on the rescue during a state visit to france, what he had to today and the role the us played and trash talk between north and south korea were alive at the demilitarized zone with a look at how the latest tension are unfolding and israeli military raid on a palestinian refugee camp lead to emotional reunions for for newly freed hostages. and their families. but now there are questions about the deadly toll of the rescue mission well, this was the scene at a hospital in israel where the four hostages met with family and friends for the first time in eight months. the israeli military released this video showing some of the reunions. the idf says the rescued hostages are in good medical condition, but were taken to hospital for medical examination israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with the former hostages and their families. he told one of them, quote, we didn t give up on you for a moment. cnn spoke with a doctor who examined the four about what they need to recover from the experience they don t need politicians visits for pr purposes. they need some quiet they need to be able to recover to think, to regroup to get more into some kind of routine. it s personal, it s dependent on the people and, you know, i just was in the hospital. when are more visitors is friends visited him and it was important for him too. thanks is france to wear for him for the last eight months, walking to listen. but still they need comfort. they need what we call a tender love and care and examine all the medical conditions. but try to get them back to life. try to get them more independent because they didn t have any control what despite the rescue, we are seeing new protests calling on the government to secure a deal to free the remaining hostages in gaza. many of the demonstrators are also calling for new elections to remove prime minister benjamin netanyahu civilians in gaza describing the scenes of horror they witnessed as israel carried out its operation to rescue the four hostages. cnn has been wiedemann has the details hello, on earth is how one palestinian in gaza describe the situation in the nuseirat camp saturday to cnn as his israeli forces carried out their operation to successfully free four hostages and indeed the scene in the sedaghat and the nearby al-aqsa martyrs hospital. can only be described as held israeli operation killed at least two 230 people and wounded more than 400 according to doctors in gaza, who spoke to see and then the hospital was overwhelmed by the injured many of them women and children the corridors jammed with staff trying trying to treat the wounded with desperate relatives begging for attention for those awaiting care. the morgue is full the dead, some shrouded in white sheets, others still in their blood soaked clothing were laid out on the ground surrounded by weeping and praying, loved ones. the rescue operation is being lauded by israel s friends with little if any reference to the palestinian death toll. but the reaction elsewhere was one of anger, palestinian authority president mahmoud up best called for an emergency meeting of the un security council and the eu eu s top diplomat, josep borrell, described your ports of what he called another massacre of civilians as appalling i m ben wiedemann, cnn reporting from beirut would generalists still here go can join us now, more on the rescue and the aftermath. elliott, tell us what more you learning about this operation? from what we understand this was an operation that was weeks in the planning. in fact, they d aborted plans to carry out this rescue mission. a couple of times previously, but this time it got the green light it went ahead around about 11:00 in the morning local time, israel taking the view that hamas would be unlikely to be expecting some kind of death hey, time operation. and that would give them an additional element of surprise. so under cover of airstrikes, they knew that noa argamani, who became the face of the october 7 terrorist attacks or she was sped away on a back of a motorbike, pleading for her life. she was in one building and then 200 meters away, where the three male hostages so the rescue operation was carried out simultaneously in both apartments. they went in there, they the israeli defense forces say that they rescued know where they took her captors by surprise and rescued her without too much fast, but an intense gunfight ensued with those who were guarding the three male hostages they managed to extricate them from the building. and as they left with the hostages, israel says they came under intense fire, including from rocket-propelled grenade. they were given further cover by airstrikes and managed to get the hostages to the waiting helicopters by the beach and then flown back to israel for emotional reunions with their friends and family elliott prime minister netanyahu, who as we saw, has met with the hostages, release hostages. he has faced enormous pressure from all sides to secure the release of those hostages this obviously is a win for him. does it in bold in him, does it by him time it may embolden him. i don t think it necessarily by so many time because one of the first things the families of the hostages who were rescued when they met with the prime minister yesterday, was, we re very, very grateful that israel and the armed forces together with the shin bet and the counterterrorism unit of the police, rescued their loved ones but let s not forget that it is imperative that israel get back the remaining hundred and 60 hostages who were kidnapped on october the seventh, around a third of whom are believed to be dead. so there s no let up in terms of the pressure. i don t think it buys netanyahu time. it may buy him a few points in the opinion polls, which have repeatedly and consistently shown that were an election to be held tomorrow, that he would lose it. and i think it would also give him an other members of his governing coalition perhaps a bit of vindication from their perspective that as they ve been saying all along, it is military pressure on hamas that will ultimately lead to the release of the hostages rather than solely negotiation that said, the deal that president biden announced that he said was a israel s proposal for a hostage deal and a ceasefire that would ultimately lead to a full cessation of hostilities. hostilities that remains on the table, but there are still very large gaps between israel and hamas and they seem to be the same gaps that have been there for months, namely, that israel wants to be able to return to fighting after a temporary ceasefire. hamas wants guarantees of a complete end to the war. and unless they can square that circle and there is not going to be a hostage deal. it go can we appreciate the update? thank you we re us president joe biden is hailing the rescue of the four israeli hostages and vowing to help secure the release of the remaining ones. cnn s priscilla alvarez has more the united states on saturday commending israel for its rescue of four hostages with president biden welcoming the use alongside the french president. i don t want to echo president macron comments welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages we re returned to their families. it is you won t stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. that is essential to happen. a us official tells cnn that an american cell in israel supported the rescue efforts, working with israeli forces. that and reference to a team that has been assisting israel since october 7, to information gather on hostages. but a source also confirming to cnn that there were no us boots on the ground in this mission. now, of course, the u.s. has it s been pushing for a hostage deal that would also include a ceasefire in gaza. president biden himself outlining that three-phase proposal that again would include the release of all hostages and a temporary ceasefire and potentially a permanent ceasefire in gaza. in fact, just this week u.s. and 16 other countries urged hamas to close, quote, close the deal. just another example of the ongoing pressure by the united states. so your us officials have also been back to the region to try to give more traction to those talks. and while it s still unclear where those talks will lead us at the very least, on saturday, committing ending israel and applauding what they called a successful operation priscilla alvarez, cnn, washington meantime, pro-palestinian protesters are keeping up the pressure around the world. this was the scene outside a museum in spain on saturday as hundreds of demonstrators lay on the ground to mimic casualties in gaza tens of thousands of protesters also marched through central london. the scenes were similar in the us as thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the white house demanding a ceasefire in gaza. cnn s bryan todd has the details it s been a day of high emotion and heavy symbolism here on the grounds of the white house on the south lawn here at the ellipse, and on the north sayyed at lafayette square park. what s going on here behind me is a symbolic court of justice, the palestinian, the pro-palestinian protesters here have prepared what they call an indictment of aged war criminals from the us and israel. they re reading some charges here. they have judges sitting behind them on the dais, their again, as symbolic court of justice for what they believe are war crimes committed in israel and gaza earlier. what they did was they unfurled a huge red banner symbolizing what they call a red line. they called it the people s red line, symbolizing what they believe is president biden not sticking enough to a red line that he drew with the israelis regarding the incursion of rafah, this red banner was two miles long and 100 foot sections. it was unfurled and protesters ring the entire white house complex earlier with that banner. that banner is now on the ground here late in rows, but it had a lot of writing on it, messages, signatures that was part of the visual earlier today. you ve got crowds here watching now the mock trial at the ellipse here on the south side of the white house earlier, we did witness two statues in lafayette park with graffiti written on them by protesters. so that was part of the kind of a dustup that happened earlier with police moving in and trying to get protesters off of the statue, but that didn t last very long. but two statues in lafayette park were the did have graffiti written on them these protests leaders tell us they hope to come out of this is a growth of this anti, anti israel and pro-palestinian movement and a lessening of us military and other aid to israel. bryan todd, cnn, washington well, there s much more to come here on cnn newsroom after the break. a strong show of unity between the u.s. and france during president biden s visit to paris plus mr. biden s rival for the white house, donald trump, is set to hold his first rally as a convicted felon in the punishing nevada. his that story much more tell me what you want from this. want to be a star cool to be normal? i d like this is waiting for who knows where it i promise you, i will not let you down hi. well, you know, i had to stopped talking you ve. waited, all week for this, mr. saturday morning. so rise and shy, your chariot awaits you didn t get a green works just to hurt your windshield gas mower, feelings you got it because greenwood s perfected lawn care on the world let s most powerful commercial platform and use that innovation to develop the ultimate platform for home maximise. see all in one utilities hero from greenwood s with more power, more runtime, and all the versatility of one battery powers over 75 products. you ll forget all about yeah. long have you been out here? no. 45 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the same symmetry, former president donald trump reportedly said was quote, filled with losers or french president emmanuel macron on mr. biden with a state dinner on saturday during his toast, biden called this visit. the most remarkable trip and stress the close bond shared between the us and france we stand at an inflection point in history the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. we have a lot of opportunity, but a lot of responsibility. and it gives me hope to know france, the united states stand together now and always cnn s kayla tausche joins us now, live from paris and kayla obviously this triple an incredibly important one for president biden. what has he achieved? well, the main goal of this trip was to send a signal to the world and to voters and citizens of the united states that the relations didn t kinship between america and france and america and europe more broadly, remains iron clad in the face of conflicts around the world, as well as a rising surge of populism on both sides of the atlantic. if that was the goal, then the trip by that measure was a success when the two liters delivered statements together, those statements reflected the closeness of the alliance, the closeness of that bond, and the areas of alignment on policies like the continued need to support ukraine. the need to contribute to more collective defenses at nato as well as the need for an immediate ceasefire in gaza. all of those were part of the part of the statements that the president s made, as well as the 13 page roadmap app that they released a following that so by that measure on it, it is safe to say that this trip was a success for both presidents. now, the hard work is what happens now. the leaders are going to be going to the g7 then taking some of those discussions on the road and figuring out what they can get other allies to agree to as well yeah, obviously the optics have been incredibly good for, for president biden whilst he s been in france, how is this trip been received back in the us, considering there were plenty of messages aimed at here he s domestic audience messages aimed as well as imagery aimed at the former president and now opponent on the campaign trail for president biden, of course course, former president donald trump. that was one of the main through leinz of this trip was that president trying to strike a contrast with what his predecessor did when he made a similar visit to normandy for the 75th anniversary and two other visits to france, where he has you mentioned did not visit that ceremony that sarah cemetery where world war one dead are buried and reportedly called the american war heroes, buried their losers and sucker s something he has denied, but something that cnn has reported on extensively it takes a few weeks for anything like what happened in this week to be reflected in the psyches and the mindsets of voters back home and to show up and pulls to really see whether it made a difference right now, the race is really at dead heat. it s been an a tie for a very long time with a small share of voters expected to decide the election. by that measure, most independence. recent polls show that independence favor trump by about 12 points. but certainly there s still about six months to go before the election on a those reported comments from trump truly unforgivable. kayla tausche in paris. we thank you. the world s largest multi-country election is underway for the next european parliament today, spain, france, germany, and several others open the polls on the final day of voting. millions of people in 27 nations are deciding what the next five years will look like for the european union. italy voted on saturday and like some people on the small island of lampedusa, many europeans are grappling with issues like immigration and the war in ukraine what i meant as what i mean, there s certainly expect to europe, there s more inclined to think about the conflicts in the world when that seeks not to arm, but to disarm with words using words have peace misleading words liberty thousand stuff. i was very undecided whether or not to go and vo actually, i was thinking of not going to vote because europe is not felt here. but in the end, out of sense of civic duty, i will go and vote. i don t expect a huge change, but some new faces might be there massive grounds protested in berlin on saturday, slamming germany s right-wing party demonstrators carried eu flags and signs urging people to vote polls a suggesting right-wing parties in a number of european countries. we ll see big gains in this election will south korea says it will resume broadcasting propaganda messages on loudspeakers over it s heavily armed border with the north today. well, that s after north korea, once again started sending hundreds of balloons carrying trash to the south, the mood by the north comes days after south korean activists sent hundreds of thousands of leaflets condemning kim jong own over the border. well along with 5,000 usb sticks loaded with k-pop music and k-dramas well, say in as mike valeriia joins us now, live for, for more on this season. south korea, near the korean military zone demon demilitarized zone. micah, great to see you and it would appear the south koreans not deterred by all that trash that fell across the country right? and it was striking to see those images, which we ll get to in a couple of seconds. so if the latest balloons falling into the middle of seoul, i would say that the south korean government is not deterred from having some sort of a response here. it s going to be delicate, is what we re expecting, but there are so many people like farmers. we talked to you on thursday after your new nana, who want this back-and-forth to stop, they want things to go back to where they were like in 2018, for example, the last military agreement between north and south korea when both sides somewhat pulled back their military presence from the dmc. so in terms of why we re here and what we re waiting for, it s exactly what you described the top of our segment, we re waiting for new loudspeaker broadcasts from south korea to the other side pointed towards the north with propaganda announcements, but we ll be talked about propaganda announcements, these are loudspeaker broadcasts of k-pop music albums and also news reports of human rights abuses perpetrated by kim jong-un un s regime. again, pointed in the direction of the north in some instances, audible for about 20 kilometers. so to sound the message loud and clear. but what exactly precipitated this latest at heightening of tensions are the the photos that we have new this morning of at trash balloons reaching the soul area, the heart of soul, one balloon. there s an image floating in the middle of the hunt areas in the middle of this megalopolis. so south korea is saying, okay, well, now that you ve had this response we re going to go back to where we were in 2018 before the last military agreement, which since has been technically abandoned as a few as of a few two days ago. so we re here at the gateway unification bridge and poggio, south korea. this is one of the last spots ana, you can get where you can. travel to get to north korea before you are restricted from going any further. all of these cars have civilian permits to work in the restricted zone. so we re gonna be waiting to see what we can hear from these latest loudspeaker broadcasts. and we ll be back in the next hour with a checkup on that front like you enjoy that k-pop music macular the demilitarized zone. thank you well, us supreme court justice clarence thomas is finally acknowledging that two trips he and his wife took back in 2019 we paid for by republican megadonor harlan crow one trip to bali on crows private plane was the focus of reporting by pro propublica last year, there are about 20 years of lavish vacations funded by the billionaire until now, thomas had never previously disclosed the 2019 trips and didn t place a value on them either. our ira enten crunched the data and found that thomas has received many, many more gifts than others. supreme court justices look at this amount of gifts accepted by a supreme court justice clarence thomas, 103 gifts over the last 20 years amount greater than 2 million. now, you ll see there are other justices on that list too. of course, have received gift amounts. samuel alito, north of 100,000, 170,000 but the fact is the amount that clarence thomas, not just the number of gifts, but the amount of money that he has received. i think these numbers will do nothing to quell the idea that supreme court justices have to be much more transparent with the gifts that they ve received. perhaps have to step back from issuing or taking part in certain opinions. and more than that, we ll do nothing i think the quell the thoughts from a lot of liberals who think that clarence thomas should not be on the united states supreme court. now, of course, he s probably not going to listen to them, right? he hasn t listened to them all along. but these types of numbers are something that just puts the political pressure on the united states supreme court. and that low approval rating that we ve seen, that historic low approval rating from the american public. i think this super charges that and it s just something that i think a lot of folks wouldn t necessarily have expected, but a lot of watchdogs on the court s certainly did. and these numbers definitely bear that out israel as sha daring and deadly hostage rescue in gaza will, let s take some of the pressure off israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will ask an expert and have a report from jerusalem i hate seen in user russia. we re trying to spy on us. we were spying on them this is a secret war. secrets and spies tonight at ten on cnn it s hard to run a business on your own make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you have 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call today! montgomery and tokyo and this is cnn well four israeli hostages are now free after an israeli military raid on a refugee camp in gaza. the idea says the rescued hostages are in good medical condition, but were taken to hospital for medical examination israel says the right happened in civilian areas because that s where hamas was holding the hostages but the rescue mission appears to have had a deadly toll. hospital officials in gaza say at least 236 palestinians were killed. and more than 400 injured the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side cnn s paula hancocks has more on the risk rescue mission the first video, cool, in eight months friends of former hostage almog meir jan. welcome the 22-year-old homo his night, right the hi hallelujah child, get each other. yeah. yeah we re so happy to see me. john raised his hands in the air in celebration as he touched down on israeli soil. one of four hostages rescued in what was called a high risk complex mission saturday morning in nuiseirat, central gaza the idf says all four were taken captive by hamas militants at the nova music festival on october 7, where hundreds more were killed. noa argamani has become a symbol of israel s hostages being held in gaza, filmed on the back of a motorbike being taken into gaza by hamas militants from the first civil used and hamas propaganda videos while in captivity. today, she is free, hugging her father, waiting to visit her terminally ill mother in a separate i d hospital. andrey kozlov and shlomi ziv were working as security at the music festival when they too were taken hostage. all four were brought for medical checkups once back on home soil, or four are said to be stable and in good medical condition in this hospital just outside tel aviv now israel s military security agency and police say that this mission had been planned for weeks israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu given the green light on thursday this was a high risk complex mission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in two separate buildings. deep inside gaza israel s prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited the rescued hostages we re committed to getting the reuse of all the hostages. and we expect hamas do reach them all out if they don t, i ll do whatever it takes. we ll get them all back. the hostage and missing families forum says 120 more captives remaining gaza. the way to rescue them is with a ceasefire deal. that s not the way we can win 100 hostages back home. we must all of us together the word follow president biden speech. and go with the deep that the price paid in gaza for these rescues that has been unquestionably high more than 200 killed, more than 400 injured according to the enclave s government media office there is no clarity on the breakdown of civilian and military casualties and got bone on this man says, there are children torn apart and scattered in the streets. they wiped out nuseirat. it is hell on earth an endless cycle of dead and wounded rushed into al-aqsa martyrs hospital saturday a medical center already well over capacity and dangerously understaffed and under supplied it is a jarring view of two clashing impacts of one rescue mission. pull hancocks, cnn, tel aviv joining me now from london is gideon at levy column is for haaretz and israeli newspaper. he was also an advisor to former israeli prime minister shimon peres. great to see you get in the jubilation with within israel clearly shared by the prime minister who has been under a normal this pressure from all sides to secure the release of hostages does this rescue alleviate that pressure and perhaps by him some time no buys him only short time. israel is now in euphoria. but this euphoria will pass very quickly. i mean, it s so human soul nature so happy about really the release of four people getting united with their families. nobody can remain in indifferent. allow me just to remind our viewers that 230 palestinians at least hey, in their lives for this brave operation. and they shouldn t be forgotten. it s one thing to have the hostages released, but the price was almost unacceptable. in any case, in ateneo, israel will face the reality few days again because most of the programs were not solved. we are still stuck in gaza. we are most of the hostages are not released and the war goes on without having any clear goals. gideon, does this embolden netanyahu s government? will it make them less likely to come to some sort of deal where they would have to give concessions to hamas so far, i don t see them getting to again, i don t think they wanted deal because this government wants to continue the war in any price. and if this is the priority, then there is no deal this has nothing to do with the dramatic events of yesterday any guns might leave this government and still this government is quite solid and say i think that there s a lot of wishful thinking about this government to see them fall very, very soon. they might stay quiet as you say, the fallout of this rescue incredibly high. some would say too high. the idf claims that killed less than 100 gaza health officials say it s more than 200 dead and more than 400 wounded. i mean, i cannot imagine that this death toll, whatever it is collateral damage is some may see it for saving these, these four hostages will help any peace deal. us secretary of state antony blinken, he s flying to the region this week, you would have to assume he s meetings will be unsuccessful losses ford about it this does it really matter if it s 100 or 200 look at the scenes in the hospitals of gaza. lucky the scenes in the streets. it s horrifying by the way, i believe more to the palestinian figure because they know how many for this were brought there. i m not sure there are me these very aminos exactly how many they actually but any case this leads us only for another deadlock, not the de changed much. we will not close to the red for sure you mentioned piece pieces beyond horizons. now, nobody even mentioned species but a deal was quite far before this operation and is still very far after this ration, as long as the united states will not be decisive enough. and put some conditions to the aid of two israel as long as this continues to flow in an unconditioned way, israel is free to do whatever it wants gideon, despite the rescue of these for israelis protest is still took to the streets and we know that the families of some of those rescued hostages, they implored the prime minister to save the other hostages in gaza. do you see this, this pressure remaining, i mean, how, how is this going to play out as you say, this is this is momentary temporary. the relief and jubilation that israelis are feeling exactly and throughout the last month, those demonstrations were very impressive. and had very, very little influence. we have to face it my heart goes to all those demonstrators but they don t touch the core issue in the core issue is stopping the war the core issue must be stopping the war. it s not the case. they want to see that and you fall and they want to see the hostages being released. both are very important goals, but they don t call to stop the crimes, to stop the killing hearings, to stop the war. now, unfortunately, this camp of demonstrators is not the political base of this government and not the political base of netanyahu and therefore, from their point of view, this pressure is not a real pressure on them because they are much more concerned with their political base. and let s remember there is a majority of israelis who wants to see this. wo continue and there is a growing number, again, growing number of israelis who support netanyahu and his government so it will not be easy gideon, just before you go, benny gantz, the former defense minister, he appeared to have postponed his decision to quit the war cabinet, canceling his press conference at the very last minute after the news of the rescues what do you think he will do? and how will that affect the prime minister? and his government i might surprise you or not, but i think it s quite marginal and not important. benny gantz was in the government the last months and had very little influence if at all he justified joining this government by believing that he can moderate this government and have some influence you see what these government had done. you see the outcome in gaza. you see the killed you see everything. benny gantz wasn t there. he didn t have any influence and the fact that he might leave. now is not a very dramatic question because this government has still a solid, solid, the majority, as long as the right-wing us are salt leaving and it s always aiming everything to the right fingers, those extreme racist, nationalistic here, right wing partners and as long as de stay and they have no reason to leave, this government will continue, will benny gantz and also without him gideon lavy, we always appreciate hearing your perspective. thank you so much for joining us. thank you well, one tragic note to what is otherwise a joyous occasion in israel the father of one of those rescued hostages, almog meir jan died in his on saturday. that is according to israel s emergency services authorities found you ll see me unconscious when they went to notify him of his sons rescue and he was later declared dead in his home stay with cnn we ll be right back the most anticipated moment of this election. and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max why is no vihj perfect for allergies? people who have allergies will have lots of problems if someone s exposed to allergens, they can get rid of those immediately by washing out the notes have hush works by pulling saline in one nostril through the nose and out 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because they work in a place where they can grow where they can learn the skills to build careers as powerful as that. they we build giant. because it takes to veterans go to de somehow in the northern hemisphere is still more than a week away, but things are already heating up. some cities in the southwest is saying temperatures above 38 degrees celsius, or 100 degrees it s fahrenheit. and there s not much relief in sight or cnn meteorologist, at elisa rafah has over the last couple of days, we just wrapped up some of the season s first and record earliest 110 degree temperatures for places like las vegas and phoenix. now that extreme heat is easing summit as we go into the weekend, were a little bit closer to average for those temperatures in palm springs, i want 102 degrees, about five degrees above average in las vegas. temperatures at 103 by tuesday, we re going to start to find those temperatures, get back up to that 110 degree mark from phoenix to las vegas and palm springs is some of that more extreme heat continues to build until then. again, we re on the warm side of things above average still in the 90s. and salt lake city triple-digits in las vegas, overnight lows still above average as well, not quite giving you too much relief where those overnight temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s, just again, getting a little relief at night. now we do know that the summer season is warming since 1970 in las vegas, it has a 5.6 degree fever summer is literally hotter than it used to be. and what that looks like is more warm and above average days, we have 39 more d s that are warming above average since 1970 as the these and it s just more extreme and longer that heat starts earlier and last later as we go through the summer months. now on the overnight temperatures, we actually find some of the biggest fever s since 1970 overnight temperatures are nearly ten degrees hotter than they used to be on average. now that s bad news because we just don t get that relief at night after the extreme heat during the de it would be nice to cool off and get some of that relief so we can cure themselves from some of that heat sickness at night. but with trends like this, that s just not happening. and for a lot of cities across the us, the overnight temperatures are warming faster than the daytime temperatures two people remain hospitalized in florida after separate shark attacks, neighboring beaches. one incident lift a 45-year-old woman with significant injuries that caused her to lose part of her arm another attack kill a little later in involved two teenage girls cnn s rafael romo, has a story it happened in an area that is very popular with tourists especially in the summer water sound beach and secrets beach are located in an area between destine and panama city beach, florida officials are trying to determine the cause of the two separate shark attacks friday afternoon that happened the span of less than two hours and only about four miles apart, according to authorities are 45-year-old woman who was attacked just after 1:15 p.m. suffered significant trauma to her midsection and pelvic area, as well as the amputation of her left lower arm and then a 2:56 p.m. two girls between the ages of 15 and 17 teen were also attacked. the first victim suffered what officials described a significant injuries to one upper and one lower extremity, both requiring the application of turning gets the second victim has minor wounds to her right foot. walton county official said, what happened is both tragic and terrifying, but historically, shark attacks are exceeded eating the rare. they re highly unusual and it s extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon when four miles of one another is the sheriff mentioned we re reaching out to to speak to subject matter experts as to what may what may be causing that what the golf temperatures, the steering current, whatever that is it is rare. it s exceedingly rare to have three victims in one day du walden county sheriff s office marine unit was monitoring the shoreline early on saturday deputy spotted a 14th food hammer head and santa rosa beach that morning from their boat. but they say this is not uncommon. officials said that before those two attacks on friday in walton county to last one in the area occurred in 2021 and 14-year-old boy was swimming near the fishing line 40 yards from the shore, and he survived. and then you would have to go back to 2005 when a 14-year-old girl was attacked on a boogie board 250 yards from the shore and died they re being bold under by the shark, while the risk of being bitten by a shark is extremely low, florida tops global charts for the number of shark bites according to the florida museum of natural history s annual shark attack report rafael romo, cnn atlanta spacebar off sad a lot to be revved up about this week. still ahead, one space docks with the international space station for the first time while another picks 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space flight for the boeing starliner successfully docked at the iss on thursday and is now part of a shortlist of u.s. spacecraft like mercury, gemini, apollo, the space shuttle, and the space x dragon to successfully carry nasa astronauts into space. the mission had its glitches. there were helium leaks and a temporary loss of thrusters, which delayed its arrival to the iss clock stopped at p minus three minutes, 50 seconds, and two previously planned launches we re scrubbed. nasa says it was historic deck. i m really looking forward to seeing two u.s vehicles at the international space station. i know butch and suni, you ll probably get a kick out of that if they get a chance to look out the windows and cia a dragon there, cia starliner there. it s something that i think all of us it should be proud of spacex starship also reaching new heights. its fourth test flight was a thrilling success for the first time completing its journey from liftoff splashdown spacex says the uncrewed two-stage rocket system achieved several milestones and gathered critical data needed for the ultimate goal of returning asteroid knox to the moon. and nasa is planned artemis missions and that s generating a lot of excitement from people following its progress. or i can feel it vibrating my clothing, which i wasn t expecting i don t have any pointer reference are allowed. it was going to be sounds really exciting, but it wasn t exciting time for china to its uncrewed total is six lunar probe, which landed on the far side of the moon about a week ago, successfully transferred samples from the lunar surface into the lunar orbit. last week, from there, they will travel back to earth s later this month hopefully providing new insight into uncharted territory at a time when technological gains are being achieved to better explore it when for space exploration all around sienna thank you so much for joining us. amount of current in hong kong and we ll be back shortly with more seen in 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Tension , Look , Demilitarized-zone , Trash-talk , North-and-south-korea , Andropov-can-act , Archer , Schedule-andropov , Airplane , Aviation , Aircraft , Air-travel

Transcripts For MSNBC The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart 20240609

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[crowd cheering] it may not seem like it, but this, is actually progress in play. a shell energy 100% renewable electricity plan lighting every soccer match at shell energy stadium. we re moving forward with the houston dash. because we re moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. is it for us. thank you so much for watching. remember, you can watch the nightcap again tomorrow night, saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc but for now, i am signing off and on that note, i wish you a good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late with me. tonight, we are following breaking news and the israel- hamas war. four israeli soldiers are now reunited with their families after being rescued alive in gaza by the israeli defense forces. all four were transferred to a hospital near tel aviv and are in good condition according to medical officials. the free hostages were kidnapped from the music festival on october 7th. that noa argamani,includes seen in this disturbing video being kidnapped and driven away on a motorcycle. it was an emotional reunion for him and his loved ones, including her father, whom she is seen hiding in this video. earlier, president biden reacted to the news during his trip to paris. before i begin my remarks i want to echo president macron s comments welcoming this hostages that were returned to their families and is real. we won t stop working until all the hostages come home and the cease-fire is reached. joining me now from tel aviv is nbc s raff sanchez. what more do we know about how and where this rescue operation was executed? reporter: this rescue operation took place in broad daylight in an area called dave surratt in central gaza. the israeli military says this was based on weeks of intelligence and that they simultaneously stormed two apartments in buildings around 200 yards away from each other. in one of those apartments, they found noa argamani on her own and in the other, they found those three male hostages who were also kidnapped from the october 7th music festival. when those israeli special forces had the hostages in their arms, they gave the agreed-upon code word over the radio. they said we have the diamonds, we have the diamonds. they got the hostages out in armored vehicles. noa argamani was flown back and israel by a helicopter and taken to the hospital here in the greater tel aviv area. i met her father on october 8th. the worst day of this man s life, his world crumbling, his only daughter kidnapped by hamas and i saw him again today exactly 8 months later, and you can only imagine the joy exuberant rating out of this man to have his child back. we had a chance to speak to some of his friends and listen to what they told us about how she is doing. how are you guys feeling? amazing. you saw noa? how is she doing? she s laughing, she is strong, it s amazing. reporter: now, this moment of joy for noa and her family is also tinged with sadness. noa s mother is dying of brain cancer. for these last eight months, it has been her final wish to see her daughter once again and tonight, that wish was fulfilled. noa s boyfriend was kidnapped alongside her on october 7th. he remains inside gaza is one of the 120 hostages still being held there and jonathan, i should tell you that while there are celebrations here in israel tonight, there is absolutely searing grief inside of gaza. the health ministry says at least 210 people were killed by israeli forces during this raid, many of them, women and children. our team on the ground inside gaza sat many dead and dying children being brought into that facility there, so it is a painful split screen tonight between the joy in israel and the grieving going on inside gaza. indeed. thank you. we have also learned that one member of the israeli police counterterrorism unit has died from injuries during the operation. we will be monitoring the story and bring you updates throughout the evening on msnbc. we are also monitoring this out of washington, d.c. where thousands of pro-palestinian demonstrators have gathered outside the white house to protest the united states support for israel amid its war in gaza. they formed a redline around the white house blocking traffic and calling for an arms embargo against israel. white house staff had increased security around the residence and put up protective fencing. now, we put turn to disturbing developments in the presidential election. ever since donald trump s guilty verdict last week, the four times indicted president is vowing revenge in dangerous ways. this week, the presumptive republican nominee for president told us exactly what he plans to do if he gets back in the white house. i think you have so much to do, you don t have time to get even. you only have time to get right. well, revenge does take time. i will say that and sometimes revenge can be justified. reporter: in your first term you did not arrest any of your political opponents but after your conviction last week, has your approach to that changed? the world is different now so when you asked me the question would we do it, i ll talk to you in about three weeks from now. wouldn t it be terrible to throw the president s wife and the former secretary of state think of it. the president s wife into jail. it s very possible that is going to have to happen to them. speaker mike johnson is not waiting to exact revenge on trump s behalf. this week, he laid out how he plans to weaponize the houses oversight powers to go after the federal investigations into trunk. we are working on a three- pronged approach through the appropriations process, through the legislative process, through bills that we will be advancing through committees and putting on the floor for passage and also through oversight. those things will be happening vigorously because we have to do that because the stakes are too high but, as scary as that is, the new york times reports that prominent republicans in and out of government art demanding quote, that elected republicans use every available instrument of power against democrats, including targeted investigations and prosecutions. take, for instance, former trump aid, election denier and soon to be prison inmates, steve bannon, who is urging the prosecution of democrats telling the new york times quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and district attorneys who need to seize the day and on this moment in history. and, bannon is not the only one calling for revenge. i m talking about to it for tat. you just wait and it won t be hunter biden the next time. it s going to be joe biden. it could potentially still be barack obama. it could still potentially be hillary clinton. you have to get in the game, republicans. as every house committee controlled by republicans using its subpoena power in every way it needs to right now starting every investigation they need to right now? we need some brave district attorneys in the united states to step forward and take aggressive action. incredible rogues gallery there, but you notice, there is no mention of actual crimes committed. only enemies to be targeted in a tidal wave of vengeance and retribution. as the new york times knows, quote, the intensity of anger and open desire for using the criminal justice system against democrats after the verdict surpasses anything seen before in transnational tumultuous years in national politics six. what is different now is the range of republicans saying retaliation is necessary and who are no longer cloaking their intent with euphemisms. this is why, for the sake of our democracy, we need to take all of what you just heard, the snarling threats of revenge and the actions to come, very seriously. joining me now, olivia troy, former top aide to former vice president mike pence and anthony coley, former legal affairs analyst and former senior adviser to attorney general merrick garland. thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. i would love to get both of your reactions to trump suggesting that he s going to jail political opponents. i drama trump projects and says what he plans to do so i think we should take it very seriously but i don t think it s going to stop his political opponents. i think he means anyone who is ever crossed him. he will start with people like you in the media, people like me who have been outspoken critics and there will be actually no justification for it, exactly the point you made it the end of your opening. right now, what is the crime? what are you trying to investigate? but it doesn t matter to trump, because he will bend the rules and put enablers in place to go along with it. before you give your reaction, to what you just said, olivia, what is really scary to me is yes, he is saying all of this stuff and he will try to do all of this stuff and my fear is, i m not sure that the american people will rise up to try to stop him. that s exactly right. what you just said about putting enablers and places key. donald trump has learned one key fundamental truth about washington which is that people our policy. what we have seen here in d.c., they hire people, they surround themselves with people who share their vision and their values and thankfully and his first term, we had enough conservative republicans around him who resisted his very worst instincts, people who put their oath to the constitution, like olivia, ahead of their loyalty to him. they are not going to be that, those people, in the second term. he s going to surround himself in the white house with yes men and in the congress, just imagine if donald trump is president, he is more likely than not to have a republican majority in the congress. they are not going to do legitimate oversight. they re going to do rubberstamps and then we cannot look to the judiciary to save us. he has openly talked about eileen cannon, who i believe is deliberately slow walking this documents case. he talks about how we need more judges like her and i think your viewers have got to understand he has already appointed three justices to the supreme court. so, five of nine justices could be donald trump appointees and that should send a shiver down anyone s spine who loves our country and our constitution. yes, i m trying to remember who it was. oh, it was dan pfeiffer during a podcast interview for he made this exact point. if donald trump gets re-elected you can see thomas and one other justice, alito, retire and he would get at least two more but let s talk about speaker johnson since you invoked congress. speaker johnson, among the things he wants to do, he wants to theoretically allow trump to move state-level charges he is facing in georgia to federal court with the option to then issue a self pardon if convicted. that would totally upend the rule of law in this country. yes, and it is shameful to be someone who supported the republican party for so long to watch this, the party that used to stand for freedom, liberty, the rule of law. now we have completely flipped the script on it but that is a very serious thing in the fact that they are just openly discussing it and saying yeah, this is our plan, and it is for a pardon and they are all on board with it. it doesn t matter. this person committed a crime. there was an entire process that happened. it was a jury of his peers who decided on the conviction. these are cases going on in georgia where there are republicans testifying who are involved in this process, who saw the whole sedition happening firsthand so i think this is a disturbing on so many levels because it is the speaker of the house and he knows better. the other thing is, not for one second should anyone believe these people don t understand exactly what they are doing because they are intelligent and they know exactly calculated what the plan is. what really bothers me is the sense that these prosecutions were not deserved. this is politicization of the u.s. justice department. nothing could be further from the truth. i spent two years at the u.s. justice department. i saw the attorney general put in place people and processes to make sure that facts and law, not politics or anything else, would be the determining factor for investigations and prosecutions. you want more evidence that is what is happening now, look at the fact that right now, the u.s. justice department under joe biden is prosecuting joe biden s son. right, right. i love how joe biden s justice department is going after donald trump but they leave out that joe biden s justice department is not only going after joe biden s son, but also a prominent democratic senator. two prosecutions, so if joe biden has weaponize the justice department, he is doing it all wrong. i can t believe we just got started talking and it s all done. olivia, anthony, thank you very much for coming to the saturday show. up next, hunter biden could take the stands next week as his trial on gun charges enters its next phase. i m officially done switching. 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testifying on one s own behalf is probably the most difficult decision the defendant has to make and something that the lawyer will sit down with them and discuss the pros and cons. i think on the pro side, the defense here has been that hunter biden did not consider himself to be an addict at the time he filled out that form, that he may have been addicted before and after but that he wasn t, and the question asks, are you addicted to drugs and so if he were to testify, he could say i did not believe i was addicted to drugs at that time. that could be enough to create reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. on the other hand, when you testify, it puts into play anything that might tend to impeach your credibility, so any prior inconsistent statement, any bias that you might have, any bad things you ve ever done before come into play that would otherwise be not told to the jury, so that is a balance that the defendant really has to decide for himself based on the advice he gets from his lawyer. and barbara, if hunter decides not to testify, where does that leave his defense? it could be that they are done, and i think it leaves that were most cases really end, which is arguing that the prosecution has not prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt so i think what the defense would argue is that although they don t really contest what happened, that yes, he did buy this gun, all the facts that happened, that he was using drugs and all the dates that have been introduced, he did not believe himself to be an addict at that time. proving a defendant s intent and knowledge and mind-set is always the hardest thing for a prosecutor, because you can t read another person s mind is so much of the testimony has been that you know, you didn t see him on that day. you didn t know if he was using on that day. there certainly has been testimony that he was using right up around that day so it requires a little bit of circumstantial evidence for the jury to find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt but it seems like there is plenty of evidence there from which they could draw that inference. let s turn to donald trump s criminal convention. the judge sent a letter to both sides yesterday about a social media, reporting to preview the guilty verdict. how seriously do you take this potential claim of a jury week? not at all. it is interesting. many courts have these, which are unmoderated message boards where people can comment. they were set up with the idea that you could engage in good public discourse but of course there are all kinds of people out there who engage in mischief and worse, so this person has said oh, my cousin says a verdict is coming. i think the judge here, out of an abundance of caution, wanted to be up front with it and not try to hide it. certainly there would be people out there who would point to this as some sort of conspiracy that the fix was in, and so the judge has disclosed this to the parties so that if they want to explore this, they may do so. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg told the house judiciary committee he will come testify about the case but not until after trump s sentencing. should brag actually show up? would he be walking into a show trial whose sole purpose is to discredit him and his successful prosecution of the case? yes. i really worry about this idea of the accusations of the weaponization of criminal charges. donald trump that due process every step of the way in this case and i worry that there is a real separation of powers issue here to try to probe into the mind-set of what prosecutors are thinking when they bring a case, so that is a risk. certainly there is oversight that exists when there are federal prosecutors but there really isn t that kind of oversight over state court prosecutors. there could be [ inaudible ] to the extent that alvin bragg s office accepts federal funds so the thing to do would be going after this case is over. all right, we re going to have to leave it there. thank you, as always, for coming to the saturday show. up next, brace yourself. with three weeks left in the supreme court session, there are several decisions to be handed down that will be consequential, even life- changing for americans, from donald trump s immunity claims, reproductive rights and more. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. if you spit blood when you brush, it could be the start of a domino effect. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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of the two abortion cases, that s the one i m most optimistic about. i think that they will leave it alone? that s correct. almost half of all abortions in the u.s. are performed with mifepristone and if they accept the lower coats reasoning to bennett so many other drugs would be banned. these guys don t like abortion but they don t want to ban antibiotics. that s the good news on abortion there. thank you for the help. don t worry, i ll spoil it in just a second. exactly the next one is whether federal law regulating hospitals trumps abortion bans when it comes to performing emergency abortions. i m worried about this case. there is a federal law that does not refer specifically to abortions but it says that if you go to an emergency room and you have a medical emergency they have to stabilize your health condition so if the appropriate treatment is on abortion, the law right now says you have a right to an abortion. i think based on the oral argument, they are likely to write that out of the statute or at least put some kind of limits on it so that people who need life-saving or health saving abortions will be able to get them anymore. now, here is the case that i don t think a lot of people even know about, and this is euphemistically known as the> case and this is whether to overturn the landmark supreme court ruling in the case that gave federal agencies leeway to interpret the law. sounds very dry, but explain why this case, to your mind, is the most important case decision. this is most hypertechnical but also the most important. there are scads of federal laws that delegate power to a federal agency. everything from how mac how much emissions come from power plants to who gets overtime pay is controlled by federal agencies. chevron is a case from the reagan era that said courts should generally let agencies do what they need to do and defer to them. what the court is likely to do here is essentially give itself a veto power over everything the agencies do, so it s not just at the huge transfer of power and a huge transfer of power from the democratic biden administration to a supreme court that has a 6-3 republican majority. to your point about regulating antibiotics, that would give them purview over the fda, right? potentially. the fda has its own statute, which is different than the regulatory regime that concerned chevron but what we seen from the supreme court overall, they ve been making up all these things with names like the major questions doctrine that lets them interfere with agency so. in the u.s. versus rohini case allowing domestic abusers to have access to firearms, will the supreme court make that happen, let that happen? i think they realize they screwed up. they handed down a big program decision that led to this decision. i think they re going to have to walk it back. you ve given us hope on two cases. thanks for coming to the show. still to come, president biden delivers a powerful speech in defense of democracy as he commemorates 80 years since americans landed on french shores to defeat the forces trying to destroy it. my political panel joins me next to talk about the message, and more. more. hello. my smile is back on point. easy. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years. if you re over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. 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someone to say yes, and someone to not detract from his ticket or in the case of bergen, someone who could write a really big check to support tom s campaign and what bergen has going for him as we could go all the way to november for the nation knows who this guy is. maybe he is a very nice guy. we saw him try to be somewhat reasonable during the primary. we know he has high marks as governor but donald trump is looking for somebody to fall in line. marco rubio has long been my dark house horse. he s now moved up. he s in the final four because he played the politics of donald trump right. he didn t relitigate his flip- flop for the past eight years, he just flopped. he reminds nikki haley voters that there are people like nikki haley still supporting donald trump but the vice president is not going to change. the vice presidential nominee is not going to change donald trump s behavior nor the parties platform. what the country should hope for is somebody capable of governing should donald trump end up not being able to serve. so, alencia, of those four people , who do you think he s going to pick? it s a crap shoot however, i think he might pick someone like tim scott given that it gets diversity on the ticket. in air quotes. they ve been trying to run black candidates in certain areas. republicans are trying to get away from being called the party full of white supremacists and racists, so tim scott falls in line and he happens to be a black man. maybe. i heard there s an awesome new book written by jonathan capehart that s about to drop. the wager will be the new k part book that it s not tim scott. well, that looks not coming out until later in the year, knock on wood. am excited about it. thank you very much. that s very nice of you. in the few seconds we have lester left, i will say the one thing we know about donald trump as he is biggest on appearances. he gave somebody the department of defense secretary job because he looked the part and so of those four characters we saw before, governor bergen looks the part to donald trump s mind, that is. in the time i spent in his head. former congressman david jolly, alencia johnson thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show. up next, the trump campaign is making a big play for black voters but given the former president s rhetoric and disrespect for topline officials, i m not buying it. charles coleman junior joins me after the break to discuss. jo after the break to discuss. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there s no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it s two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don t receive cabenuva if you re allergic to its ingredients or if you re taking certain medicines which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you re good to go. ask your doctor about switching. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn t ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue. and stop further joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what s yours. abbvie could help you save. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. donald trump and his campaign are making a very public play for the black vote. even vice presidential hopeful tim scott, the african-american senator from south carolina, the only black republican in the chamber, has started a political action committee to target minority voters and good for them. they should ask for our vote, but scott told the ap quote, much to the chagrin of many folks, there is no doubt that african-american men are wide open for a political shift of partisanship. i don t know about all that. but, black voters all voters should be aware that while they are smiling and black men s faces, trump and his campaign are denigrating black men in plain sight. for instance, michael tyler is the communications director for the biden-harris s re-election campaign. quentin fox is the principal deputy campaign manager. these two black men you see on the screen of the most senior african-americans on the campaign, role models and yet, the trump campaign and the rnc continually refer to these two black men as quote, junior staffers, or junior biden campaign spokesman. some of you might think, what s the big deal, it s just a title. when you re african-american you learn quickly the ways in which her stature, prominence or authority are undermined in the eyes of white people, and that is exactly what trump and his campaign are doing, but we shouldn t be surprised. trump is running his campaign the way he has lived his life. going after black men. trump did it in the 1980s when he went after the central park five, demanding they get the death penalty for a crime they didn t commit even after dna evidence exonerated them. he did it in 2004 when jackson was a finalist on the apprentice reportedly sign quote, what america aye a blank winning? n word. the spokesperson from the trump campaign has denied the story calling it completely fabricated but trumps disrespect for black men was evident when president obama was in the white house. trump actively undermined obama s legitimacy by promoting the racist brother lie that he was not born in hawaii, but can you. now, he s doing it to quentin foltz and michael tyler and i m here to call it out. don t ask for our votes in one breath then denigrate someone who looks like us in the next. but, let s be real. this is not about getting our votes. it s about setting up a permission structure for white voters to cast a ballot for him. after all, how can he be racist if he s asking for their vote, right? wrong. joining me now, msnbc legal analyst charles coleman junior, civil rights attorney and host of the charles coleman podcast. charles, i wanted you to be with me in the segment specifically because of that pin you where every day and every show. what does that pin say? yes, this is my black brilliance pen and i m so glad you asked about because for me as a black man who is a professional who walks in different spaces that in many cases, i find myself being the only one of many. i am someone who understands the importance of affirming myself and my brilliance because as is the case with quentin and michael, i can expect that even as i have done the work, even as i have gotten the title, is an as we have ascended through the ranks that other people are going to affirm it as well so it s a soft affirmation and an affirmation for people like you, as well, who find themselves trying to make their way in worlds that are often not friendly to us. what you say to that question saying how could donald trump be racist, you know, if he s going for their votes? why is that that s not good enough. this is a very nuanced question because i think what people have to understand when they re talking about black men and their voting patterns, particularly as it relates to the selection, the biden campaign is battling two major campaigns. the first one is misinformation. there are a lot of voters who are misinformed or underinformed about the progress that administration has made on their accomplishments and in some cases, they ve been told wrong information. the other thing they are battling, is regardless what it is you re saying, people are going to vote how they feel and that s why it s even more important that outreach occur on a proactive level. if you are talking about, for example, a record low and unemployment of black men but that low is still higher than the national average and higher than other white men, then it still feels like your last. it looks do we have charles? let me buffer for a second. there you go. real quick, finish the last part of your answer, charles. what i was saying is that it is something the biden campaign has to be aware of, regardless of the notion of racism in terms of how donald trump tries to siphon off voters from a pretty solid democratic block. that is an important point people have to understand. people are going to vote how they feel more than anything else. and i hope people feel that they should not vote for somebody who says vote for me, well you know, around the corner is denigrating people who look just like them because you are setting yourself up for failure. charles coleman junior, thank you very much. sorry the conversation was so quick. i hope to see you soon. or of the saturday show on msnbc after a break. msnbc after a break. 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raid on a refugee camp in gaza. but there are questions about how many palestinians were killed in the operation and how many of those were civilians? the idf says the rest you d hostages are in good medical condition, but were taken to hospital for medical examination. the former hostages were reunited with their families in israel on saturday. israeli military released this video showing the emotional moments when their families and friends saw them for the first time in eight months. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu also met with the former hostages and their families he told one of them, quote, we didn t give up on you for a moment. and he vowed to get all of the hostages home one way or another. we re committed to getting the release of all the hostages by hamas and they don t. i ll do whatever it takes as israeli families are celebrating, civilians in gaza are descending, describing the scenes of horror. they witnessed as israel carried out its operation to rescue the four hostages. cnn s been wiedemann has the details how long earth is how one palestinian in gaza described the situation in the nuseirat camp saturday to cnn as israeli forces carried out their operation to six excessively free four hostages. and indeed the scene in the say, sedaghat, and the nearby al-aqsa martyrs hospital can only be described as hell israeli operation killed at least 230 people and wounded more than 400, according to doctors in gaza who spoke to cnn, the hospital was overwhelmed by the injured, many of them women and children. the corridors, jan amd with staff trying to treat the wounded with desperate relatives begging for attention for those awaiting care the morgue is full, the dead, some shrouded in white sheets others still in their blood soaked clothing. were laid out on the ground surrounded by weeping and praying loved ones. the rescue operation has been lauded by israel s friends with little, if any reference to the palestinian death toll. but the reaction else swear was one of anger palestinian authority president mahmoud up best called for an emergency meeting of the un security council. and the eu eu s top diplomat, josep borrell. describe your ports of what he called another massacre of civilians as appalling i m betting and read them been cnn reporting from beirut gentlest elliott go can joins us now with more on the rescue. and the aftermath. elliott, for israelis rescued more than 200 palestinians, reportedly killed. explain to us the fallout of this rescue operation. hunter in israel, it s been greeted as a major success with, euphoric and emotional scenes as we ve seen, the hospitals where those who were rescued were met by their loved ones. there s also one kind of, i suppose, side story to this, which is that the father of one of the hostages almog meir jan 22-year-old who was due to start a job in high-tech the day after when he was kidnapped on october the seventh, the idf, when they went to share the news with his father that he d been rescued. they found that he had died that very same bay. they four hostages rescued, but the the overriding message coming from all of those hostages and their loved ones to the prime minister when they met with him on saturday, was we re very grateful and thrilled, obviously, that their loved ones at home, but they must not forget the hundred and 16 remaining hostages who were abducted on october the seventh as part of the hamas terrorist attacks about a third of whom are believed to be dead, that the government needs to do everything that it can to bring them back home as well. so although this will be greeted and has been greeted very joyfully by israel and prime minister netanyahu and some of his allies will see this as a vindication of their belief that it is military pressure on hamas that will eventually lead to getting the hostages back home. the pressure will remain on netanyahu to du the deal that can bring them home. that said, and the united states has repeatedly said this, the ball is in, hamas has caught right now to respond to the hostage and ceasefire deal that president biden outlined just over a week ago, anna elliott, as we know, this is the third successful rescue operations since the war began us secretary of state antony blinken, he is traveling to the region two to try and continue these, these torques, these peace talks will these developments put those talks on? is does this embolden netanyahu s government and its use of military force to defeat hamas the egyptians happen quite clear that this operation in the refugee camp to rescue the hostages, not the rescaling of the hostages itself, but the death toll among the palestinians will, in its words, complicate and make more difficult the negotiations towards getting a ceasefire and the hostages home. but i think it s important to note that the two sides are still yards apart, miles apart in terms of their positions because they are diametrically opposed israel will not do a deal that commits it to a permanent ceasefire at the outset and hamas will not do a deal that does not see israel committing itself to a permanent ceasefire out there at the outset. so unless that circle, that circle can be squared if you like, then there isn t going to be a deal and we ve seen this over months and months of on-off negotiations. and i suppose it brings to mind the old saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. they are continuing to have the same talks and they are continuing to remain a part on the same issues when it comes to getting a deal done and so with or without this operation by israel that saw it rescue four hostages and also a large number of palestinian deaths as well, according to for the palestinians, it s unclear that that will complicate matters and the negotiations anymore than they were already been made complicated ana. leah gucken, we certainly appreciate you covering the story for us. thank you. well us president joe biden is hailing the rescue of the four israeli hostages and vowing to help secure the release of the remaining ones cnn s priscilla alvarez has the united states on saturday commending israel for its rescue of four hostages with president biden welcoming and use alongside the french president. i want to echo president macron s comments, welcoming the safe rescue of four hostages we re returned to their families in israel. you won t stop working until all the hostages come home and a ceasefire is reached. that is essential to happen. a us official tells cnn that an american cell in israel supported the rescue efforts working with israeli forces. that in reference to a team that has been assisting israel since october 7 to information gather on hostages but a source also confirming to cnn that there were no us boots on the ground in this mission. now, of course, the us has been pushing for a hostage deal that would also include a ceasefire in gaza. president biden himself outlining that three-phase proposal that again would include the release of all hostages and a temporary ceasefire and potentially a permanent ceasefire. in gaza. in fact, just this week, u.s. and 16 other countries urged hamas to close, quote, close the deal. just another example of the ongoing pressure by the united states, senior us officials have also been back to the region to try to give more traction to those talks. and while it s still unclear where those talks will lead us because the very least, on saturday commending israel and applauding what they called a successful operation priscilla alvarez, cnn, washington us officials or denying claims that a temporary pier installed in gaza was used for israel s hostage rescue operations. in a statement, u.s. aid spokesperson says, quote, humanitarian aid workers are operating in extremely difficult and insecure conditions. and any claims of their involvement in this operation are false us central command says, quote, the piers only purpose is to help move additional urgently needed life-saving assistance into gaza. the pier was built by the us military to transport aid into gaza a little later in this hour, i ll speak with a cousin of someone s still being held hostage. in gaza. but after the break, president biden, and it has one more stop in france before he hits home. we ll look at the symbolism of where he s going next plus some. say the us and its allies should be preparing right now for a great power war. we talked about that with the top us commander in europe and donald trump is set to hold his first rally as a convicted felon on sunday and the punishing nevada h that story and much more after the break centrum, it sayyed difficulty formulated to help you take charge of your home. central gives everybody a healthy foundations putting your you did plus tries centrum silver. now clinically proven to support memory in older adults there are giant so mug gosh. they your the 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joe biden will wrap here as five-day trip to france, just hours from now with a visit to a world war i military symmetry. same symmetry. former president donald trump reportedly said was quite filled with loses well, french president emmanuel macron on mr. biden with a steak dinner on saturday during his toast, biden called these visit the most remarkable trip and stress the close bond shared between the us and france we stand at an inflection point in history the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. we have a lot of opportunity, but a lot of responsibility. and it gives me hope to know france, the united states stand together now and always cnn s kayla tausche joins us now, live from paris and kayla, i guess the importance that symbolism of this trip and talk to us about that. and in particular about where president biden is headed today. we ll enter this trip, served a clear purpose for both presidents and that was to send a message to adversaries allies, and american voters back home. that the alliance between the us and france is as strong as it s ever been at a time when and populist forces at home are on the rise and autocratic forces around the world are beginning to challenge western ideals and the resolve of the nato alliance to that end to 13 page roadmap that the two countries produced at the close of this visit underscored first and foremost, then need to continue supporting ukraine, both militarily and financially and committed to having discussions with the g7 in the coming days to find new and novel ways to do that, they also called for an immediate idiot ceasefire in gaza and reaffirmed the commitment to defend every inch of nato territory. in addition to announcing a new cooperation plan to secure the indo-pacific it was a wide variety of policies discussed, but i think that at a high level, it was the symbolism and it was that message sent around the world. that was the primary goal of this trip. ana and kill it till is how is this trip been received back in the u.s. we heard president biden during these speeches and it seemed like there were plenty of messages aimed at his domestic audience certainly, were for the white house. this was an opportunity for them to try to distinguish president biden from his predecessor and current opponent, donald trump especially on issues of military and defense take normandy for instance, where president biden honor, the d-day heroes for the 80th anniversary they tried to set up a contrast to when trump was their five-years ago and mr. some opportunities to recognize fallen american soldiers. one more opportunity awaits today when president biden will visit the end, martin cemetery outside of paris he will pay his respects to the american war dead. you may remember president trump declined to visit that cemetery when he was here at the time, whether was cited as the concern, but then his comments about american war heroes was later reported and revealed as one potential reason why he decided i did not to go as far as how this helps or hurts president biden will independence right now still favor president trump over biden by a pretty sizable margin. but it could be a few weeks before any change in biden s low approval rating are reflected in the polls because it takes a little time for the messaging from trips like this to really sink in. and then for some of that data to be collected. did anna you certainly the optics have been incredibly good for president biden, kayla tausche in paris. thank you very much well, but and stroop comes against the backdrop of russia s invasion of ukraine. cnn s christiane amanpour spoke with general christopher cavoli, the supreme allied commander in europe, who was also in front and she asked him to evaluate the security situation on the continent. now that a war is raging, they re again so it s it s a very serious situation, obviously, right? we ve seen large scale aggression state on state, returned to the european continent. it hasn t been here for decades for 80 years. it hasn t been here really because of the nato alliance and so it s a very serious situation. do you feel like many du who i talked to that europe, the united states, should be preparing for a great power war. well, the military should always be preparing for war yes, to peace, it s more imminent than it s ever been. well, i think serious times, as we said a minute ago but the alliance is reacting exactly as the alliance should by focusing on its readiness, by focusing on its plans and being able to deter any conflict cnn also austin general cavoli, if ukraine can recover from missing us military aid for months while it was held up in congress and this is what he had to say. we had things stacked up ready to ship. so as soon as we got the authority to ship things into ukraine, week began to do that again with a couple of hours, literally. and so a vast quantity of stuff has been moved in and a very short amount of time and it s making a difference on the battlefield as you can see in addition to that, the ukrainians, the ukrainians understood they re keen observers of us politics and western politics in general. they understood what was going on and they cleverly and strategically husband and their resources and manage their operations accordingly. the fact that the sack year, the supreme allied commander for europe, is always an american, is just one small representation of how committed we are to this, to this cause. the united states has always been here. it s always been a member of nato. it always will be a member and we re right here. we have thousands of soldiers that we deployed over here. at the initiation of the war in ukraine, so that we could help our european allies to deter any further aggression. and as our allies have generated force, we ve been able to pull some of those guys back. but the fact is when the u.s. is needed, the u.s. is there general christopher cavoli speaking to cnn s christiane amanpour the world s largest multi-country election is underway for the next european parliament. france, spain, germany, and several others open their polls today on the final day of voting millions of people in 27 european union nations, deciding the blocks political direction for the next five years will easily voted on saturday, like some small island of lampedusa are many europeans are grappling with issues like immigration and the war in ukraine what does it, what are certainly expected europe, there s more inclined to think about the conflicts in the world when that seeks not to arm, but to disarm with words using words if peace and not misleading words, you have any thoughts on stuff i was very undecided whether or not to go and you actually, i was thinking of not going to vote because europe is not felt here but in the end, out of sense of civic duty, i will go and vote i don t expect a huge change, but some new faces might be there massive crowds protested in berlin on saturday, slamming germany right-wing party demonstrators carried eu flags and signed urging people to vote poll suggests right-wing parties in a number of european countries will see big gains in this election, well back in the us, presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump is set to hold an outdoor rally in las vegas on sunday as first since his recent hush money conviction, temperatures are expected to be extreme. cnn s alayna treene has the details former president donald trump is back on the campaign trail a week after there are manhattan jury found him guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records earlier in the week he was in arizona and had a fundraising swing through california yeah. then on sunday, he s going to be holding a rally in las vegas where temperatures are potentially dangerous for his rally goers. this event is going to be held outdoors at las vegas is sunset park and the trump campaign is trying to take extra precautions to make sure people are safe. the temperatures currently showing that it could reach 104 degrees on sunday and due to that, they are doubling the amount of emergency medical staff plan on the ground for this event are also going to have 38,000 water bottles that they ll be giving out to attendees. they ll have misting fans also have more magazines to help speed up the security process. but luck, this, these precautions come after 11 people were transported to the hospital on thursday around his phoenix arizona town hall and keep in mind that town hall was actually in doors. this event is going to be outside. and so it s very much concern for the trump campaign. now, i also just want to bring your attention to some of the rhetoric we ve heard the former president using over the past week, he s in a series of what i would argue you are friendly interviews in the days after his conviction and donald trump is really escalated his rhetoric is seeking revenge on some of his political opponents. now one of the interesting things i find about this is that in these interviews, some of the host of tried to get him to take a step back from that language. however, donald trump is doubling down listen to what he told dr. phil on thursday. retribution is going to be through success. we re going to make it very successful. we have to bring the country together. the word revenge is a very strong word, but maybe we have revenge through success while revenge does take time, i will say that as does, and sometimes revenge can be justified. so i have to be honest, sometimes it can sometimes revenge can be justified. very strong language from donald trump there, but luck. this isn t exactly new either ever since donald trump was first indicted last summer, he s been saying that he would potentially want to prosecute his political opponents, including people like president joe biden. so it s just more present i would argue in the aftermath of that guilty verdict last week, alayna treene, cnn, las vegas the four israeli hostages rescued in gaza were held by hamas for eight months ahead, a doctor who met with them explained to cnn what it might take for them to feel normal. again what s now anti-government protesters in israel are reacting to the hostage rescue russia for trying to spy on us. we were spying on them this is a secret, war. secrets and spies tonight at ten bond see an isotonic was sleeping, okay. but i was waking up so tired then i tried new z equals sleep nasal strips. they re four point lift design and opens my nose for maximum amount flop. so i breathe better me both free better and stay better days. start with z equal nights dad is a legend and his legendary moves might be passed down to you dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with best of all, it s on sale for fathers 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[ bird squawks loudly ] to a pet shop. meg s moving company uses t-mobile. so she scaled down her fleet to save money. and don s paying so much for at&t, he s been waiting to update his equipment! there s a smarter way to save. comcast business mobile. you could save up to 70% on your wireless bill. so you don t have to compromise. powering smarter savings. powering possibilities. in paris. and this is cnn welcome. back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m anna coren. this is cnn user. will four israeli hostages are now free after an israeli military raid on a refugee camp in gaza. the idf says the rescued hostages are in good medical condition that would take into hospital for medical examinations. israel says the raid happened in civilian areas because that s where hamas was holding that the hostages. but the rescue mission appears to have had a deadly toll. aasb, it ll officials in gaza say at least 236 palestinians were killed and more than 400 injured. the idf says the number killed was less than 100. cnn cannot verify the numbers from either side. israeli physician who met the four rescued hostages is describing their mental and physical health and the recovery ahead. well, here s what he told cnn s jessica dean earlier when they bother thing that there are back home. and clearly it was a very emotional day for them, for the families, for many people in israel and all around the world that i spoke with the four of them and with the families they are much better than now. weight is concerns but i must tell from my experience with the others hostages that sometimes after the first day we see the marks of the long period in captivity in terms of mental health and then need for rehabilitation to tell you the tooth jessica, when i see the footage that you are putting with prime minister netanyahu visiting them. and that s a great worry because let s not the first thing they need to see when they are now hearing these words, they don t need politicians visits for pr purposes. they need some quiet. they need to be able to recover, to think, to regroup, to get more into some kind of routine. it s personal with the other families. i must say it s great. excitement, but also great, glowy that this heroic population will confuse the government form understanding that the only way to bring on back all the one 120 hostages is by adding with the hamas and we need after president biden speed which we need all the world leaders to put the pressure on hamas and its allies to accept the israeli and suggestion on the table to ever deal for a ceasefire and release of the hostages? police into they ve said they arrested 33 people at anti-government protests on saturday they say hundreds were blocking traffic and lighting fires at one site. officers say they arrested those who were blocking major roads. the protests is a demanding the government do more to bring home all of the israeli hostages many are also calling for new elections, remove prime minister benjamin netanyahu would join me now from israel is maya roman, two of her relatives were taken hostage by hamas. maya, thank you so much for joining us first, we d like to hear your reaction to the news those four hostages had been freed i m of course, elated like everyone here and all of the hostage families getting even a single person back as for us amazing and it comes with all sorts of mixed feelings because our loved one, carmella, who is still over there, was not released and we don t know how this release is going to impact the ongoing negotiations but first before all those other things we re just extremely happy to have ms people back home with us it come a look cause being your sister-in-law? i want to speak about her and your cousin a little bit later, but we just heard from the doctor treating those rescued hostages he made that passionate plea for a ceasefire. what do you want? do you want to see more during high risk rescues like we saw on saturday or do you two want the government to push? for a peace deal ceasefire to ensure the release of the remaining hostages in gaza we are i am still advocating for a ceasefire. and so do most of the families as well as the families of those hostages that came back who many of them spoke about the need for a ceasefire and for bringing the current deal and making it short passes because as we ve seen these operations come with a great for both sides. and also do not appear to be the way to release all of our hostages, seeing as there are dozens of hostages still held by hamas hundred and 20, and most of them are still alive. and so we don t see how we re going to get all of them a column by military operations. and yeah, and that is why we are hoping that this operation will help drive the hostage deal forward right before the operation we had heard that hamas did not accept the current ceasefire deal we were working very hard here in israel to make sure toward that our government does accept the deal and i do believe that we ve finally gotten to a place where the government was willing to accept this deal. but hamas, it said that they are rejecting it. and so i hope that perhaps this release operation might put more pressure on hamas and make them come back to the table as well as all the american government has been trying. and the pressure that has been put on them by qatar and egypt my you also concern that perhaps is rescue operation will in fact do the opposite, that hamas will be in rage and that it will further complicate talks and negotiations i mean, yeah, you never know i think it s a problematic situation. whichever way you look at it. but from my understanding, it did seem as though hamas was not willing so much to accept a deal despite this deal being very, very close to what hamas wanted and allowing both sides to have a ceasefire and get our hostages back so i do feel we were at a point where our ability to put more pressure on hamas is diminishing people don t necessarily notice this, but the way the world is currently speaking about the situation makes it so that hamas doesn t have a lot of incentive to reach a deal for them. they are they are a terrorist organizations, while known as the butcher from khan younis is a terrorist who does not care about the hostages or his people. and so for him, the fact that there s internet additional pressure on israel makes it so that his situation is pretty, pretty good i need doesn t necessarily need to reach the ceasefire deal if he sees that the world is going to pressure israel to end the war. either way and so i do believe it was important to get more pressure on him and on hamas, which again, the american government is trying to do. and i believe it s doing all that they can and i think i hope that this operation will help. but as you say, you can never know yeah my or your cousin, you hadn t was released in our hostage swap last year and your sister-in-law, cml, who just looking at her image there. she is still being held in. gaza what have authorities told you carmel is, is your dense sister-in-law, just to be exact. and we know we don t know a lot what we know of carmel. we know from the previous hostage deal in november. so that was already hey, six months ago but we that then knew that pedimental was due to be released. we believe that the deal was for all the women and children. that was the deal that was struck. and so when y all dan came back, all of us were convinced that carmel was coming back within a day or two and then the following day, the deal fell through hamas did not give us the names of ten women that they were going to release only seven and negotiations broke down. that was actually the first time i believe that the den broke down since she came back when we realized that carmel was not coming back it s been over six months since then. so things are quite, quite difficult in that previous deal two of the teenagers that were released told us that they were held with carmel and so they were able to tell us that she is alive and they also told us that they were being held in quite harsh physical conditions and that she really helped to them. she made them keep a journal and she practiced yoga and meditation with them that really strengthened us to know that she s still who she is. she s a caretaker at heart. and knowing that that s how she continues to be in that she continues to care for those around her really helped us understand that. she s still her but as i said since then, it s been over six months and we haven t had any further information about her. so we re obviously extremely concerned i can only imagine how agonizing the past eight months have been for you. my roman, we re thinking of you and your family. thank you for joining us from tel aviv we ll probably palestinian protesters are keeping up the pressure around the world. this was a scene outside a museum in spain on saturday as hundreds of demonstrators lay on the ground to mimic casualties in gaza we ll tens of thousands of protest is also much through central london. the scenes were similar in the u.s. is thousands of demonstrators gathered outside the white house demanding a ceasefire in gaza. cnn s bryan todd has the details it s been a day of high emotion and heavy symbolism here on the grounds of the white house on the south lawn, here at the ellipse, and on the north, sayyed at lafayette square park. what s going on here behind me is a symbolic court of justice palestinian, the pro-palestinian protesters here have prepared what they call an indictment of alleged war criminals from the us and israel. they re reading some charges here. they have judges sitting behind them on the dais. there again, as symbolic court of justice for what they believe are war crimes committed in israel and gaza earlier. what they did was they unfurled a huge red band and our symbolizing what they call a red line. they called it the people s red line, symbolizing what they believe is president biden, not sticking enough to a red line that he drew with the israelis regarding the incursion of rafah s this red banner two miles long and 100 foot sections. it was unfurled and protesters ring the entire white house complex earlier with that banner. that banners now on the ground here laid in rows, but it had a lot writing on it, messages, signatures that was part of the visual earlier today. you ve got crowds here watching now the mock trial at the ellipse here on the south side of the white house. earlier, we did witness two statues in lafayette park with graffiti written on them by protesters. so that was part of the kind of dustup that happened earlier with police moving in and trying to get protesters off of the statue, but that didn t last very long, but two statutes she was in lafayette park were the did have graffiti written on them. what these protests leaders tell us they hope to come out of this is a growth of this anti, anti israel and pro-palestinian movement and lessening of us military and other aid to israel. bryan todd, cnn, washington the cross-border for tat between north and south korea resumes with the hermit kingdom sending hundreds of trash-filled balloons into the cell when we return, south korea s response to the north, dirty tactics the most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmet. the darkness of bipolar depression make me feel like i was losing an interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the light discover, capitalize. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar one, cabin lighter is proven to deliver significant symptom relief from both bipolar one and two depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain, we re not common capital ida can 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south korea says it will resume broadcasting propaganda messages on loudspeakers over it s heavily armed border with north korea today well, that s after north korea, once again started sending hundreds of balloons carrying trash to the south, no hazardous substances have been found in the trash the move by the north comes days after south korean activists and hundreds of thousands of leaflets condemning kim jong going over the border along with 5,000 usb sticks loaded with k-pop music and k-dramas. we ll see in its microfilariae joins us now, live for more on this. he s in south korea near the demilitarized zone and mike has the propaganda began well, we re not sure but we do have new video that is in new this hour showing from the south korean joint chiefs of staff, about nine or ten military vehicles that have loudspeakers that come up from the top of those trucks. the military vehicles, and are prepared to begin blaring a korean propaganda messages. so we ve been talking to military officials all day today and they ve said that these messages are going to begin at some point today, but we don t have timing or where exactly they re going to be happening from. but it s important to note that when we re talking about propaganda messages coming from south korea, we re not talking about old timey cold war stuff. we re talking about south korea and soft power. k-pop news bulletins, audio of those new news bulletins that come from the loudspeakers talking about human rights abuses perpetrated by kim jong-un s regime in north korea. heard for as far as 20 kilometers northbound into north korean territory. so what exactly precipitated this to things? we had 300 trash balloons come from north korea late last night into early this morning, one balloon we have a photo of landing smack dab in the middle of the han river in the heart of soul, about 80 of those 300 billions actually made it into south korean territory. and then on thursday, we had a south korean group decide to send ten billions of their own ana, northbound towards north korea that have slept basis of life, of what it s really like in south korea with those flash drives you were talking about. now, we did manage to speak to the founder of that south korean group. here s just a slice of what he told us before the balloon launch yeah, i mean, google and we send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love. but to send filth and trash in return. that s an inhumane and barbaric act. so, anna to, give you some perspective, we re here in pod you, south korea, we are standing on the unification bridge in power jew, which is one of the last places you can go as a civilian before you head into north korean territory this is one of the bridge s when there have been very rare unifications between people in south and north korea, where there s those diplomatic moments have happened, those of course fewer and fewer nowadays, but we re going to be here waiting to see what, if anything, we hear and it s worth noting before we go into, we ve been on this story for days we ve been walking around the country, sayyed that borders the dmz. and i thought it was so notable when we spoke with a farmer on thursday who said, he wants this to stop he wants this for tat the south korean sending their balloons and the north koreans retaliating with trash balloons just mapped to stop because he thinks that it won t lead to anywhere and that it s certainly childish. but at this point, we re just waiting to see where is this for tat going to lead anna? my valera in south korea, good to see you. thanks for joining us will still to come one team dominated the opener of the stanley cup, scoring just a minutes into the game that will break it down. that s when migraine strikes. you re faced with a choice. right it out with the trade-offs of treating or push through the pain and symptoms with you real gain. there s another option one dose works fast to eliminate migraine pain treated anytime anywhere 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brilliant performance in the first game of the stanley cup final scene in sports correspondent carolyn menno joins us now, we have much more, hello, caloric, carolyn hi, how are you after coming up short in last year s final, the panthers back with a vengeance less than 30 seconds into game one on saturday night, they really proved why they want this so much more than everybody else edmonton. zach hyman, the leading scorer in these playoffs, giving a golden chance here, but stopped by sergei. but barofsky to keep it nil nil, but it s certainly wouldn t be that way for long in this game. a couple of minutes later, florida captain alexander barkat helping break the ice, feeding sam ray iii for the goal, giving the panthers the lead. euler s captain konrad can make david trying to respond, but he too is denied by barofsky in this white here was the story of the night big bob, as he s called, making 32 stubs and becoming just the fifth goaltender this century to pitches shut out in the opener of the stanley cup is the panthers go onto win it three tonight a thing meantime, the us women s basketball olympic roster has been leaked. and the most notable absence is nba rookie caitlin clark, the former college phenom has been off to a bumpy start in the process so far, she s put up 30 points on a couple of occasions. she s also had games where she s been held to single-digits. she struggled with turnovers and the leaks physicality. every player on team usa has senior level international experience. eight have played in the olympics still, you could make the case that at only 22-years-old, clark has created an absolute frenzy of interest in women s basketball, which has already led to a tangible boost in the wnba s development. so the big story, there are a lot of people we ll have mixed feelings about it. there are three olympians on the court for a tilt between the wnba s top two teams. those his last night s debris, unesco, breanna stewart for the new york liberty, facing alyssa thomas and the connecticut sun. and in this case, two is better than one. you net skew on fox hi are draining couple of three-pointer scoring, ten over game-high 24 in the fourth quarter. last year s mvp runner-up, alyssa thomas, just a few assist shy of a triple, double as well. sealing it from unesco, letting it into the sunlight, entering the fourth button, york outscored connecticut by ten in the final frame, knocking off the last term reigning undefeated team at 82, 75, the final there saying with women at the top of their game, iga swiatek, once again, a champion in paris, the world number one from polin, beating the 12th seed jasmine fell lena and a dominant straight sets win on saturday to earn her third consecutive french open title. and the fourth in five years. and it just 23 years of age should be on tech already has five majors to her name it s amazing to be here. i i love this place. honestly, i wait every year to come back here. and um, yeah thank you. oh my god. sorry turns out today it s the men stearns bader, carlos alcaraz trying to get three fourths of the way to the career grand slam, which is 21 years of age, taking on germany s alexander zverev, who is looking for major title number one. and you could maybe call him or alito s kryptonite because sasha is five and four head-to-head against al-qahera is including a win in the quarter-finals of this year s australian open. so with the big three out of the way, we re starting to see a lot of these new big names emerge. carlos alcaraz at the top of that list yeah, it s going to be exciting match. carolyn, good to see you. thank you for that. and that wraps up this. our have seen a newsroom. i m on a current view as in north america, cnn this morning as next for the rest of the world. it s marketplace age i m thinking, i m going to die and i thought that was it one would with we have schreiber tonight. it now all right. in on cnn. we have a new home what s that? we have of garage door 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Joe-biden , Cnn-newsroom-israel , Mission , Protesters , Community , Involvement , United-states , Extent , Washington , 200 , Deal , Line

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe Weekend 20240609

100%. judy s family says they can finally move on with their lives. there is one thing that brings them peace. you are religious. does that give you any comfort to know your mom and dad are now together? they are in a better place than we are. what would you say to judy? i will tell her that i love her and i would give her the biggest hug. that is all for this edition of dateline. thank you for watching. ank you this sunday edition of morning joe weekend. it was another fast-moving news week. here are more of the conversations you ekmight have missed. donald trump and his allies are ratcheting up their calls for revenge against democrats in response to trump s conviction in his new york city criminal trial. some examples. in a fox news interview on friday, former white house advisor stephen miller called le on republican secretary of state and attorneys general to quote, get in the game and use every facet of power to go toe to toe with democrats. florida senator marco rubio who is reportedly in the mix to be trump s running mate which would make sense given his behavior wrote on social media quote, it s time to fight fire with fire. in response to a new york times piece about recent calls for refry abuse, former white house chief strategist steve bannon echoed stephen miller telling the paper quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and ne district attorneys who need to seize the day and own this moment in history. then there is trump himself. in s an interview earlier this week he suggested hillary clinton be jailed in response to his guilty verdict. and here s what he said at his florida home yesterday in a fox news interview last night with sean hannity where you see hannity trying to get him to the right answer but no. take a listen. you can t gag a nominee. can you imagine you re running for office and you gag. you re not allowed to talk. when that happens we are no longer a democracy. and we re not going to let that happen. and i know a lot of republicans who want retribution. they want to do that we re going to see what happens. people are claiming you want retribution. people are claiming you want u what has happened to you done to democrats. would you ondo that ever? look, what s happened to me has never happened in this country before. and it has to stop because wait a minute, i want to hear that again. it has to stop. we re not going to have a country. if you re elected awhat doe that mean? define that. what i ve gone through nobody s ever gone through. i m a very legitimate person. i built a great business. focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemies. number one, they re wrong. it onhas to stop. otherwise we re not going to have a country. look, when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them. it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality. will you pledge to restore equal justice? equal application of our laws? end this practice of weaponnization? is that a promise? you have to do it. but it s awful. look, i know you want i m asking. i don t want to look naive. what they ve done to the republican party, they want to arrest on no crime. i will do everything in my power not to let, but this tremendous criminality here. what they re doing to me if it s going to continue we re really not going to have much of a country left. okay, willie. help me out here. first of all, no criminality. this was not biden s justice department in the criminal trial in new york city. it was a yjury of donald trump peers, 12 people and alternates. just to fact check him right there. but also hannity, mr. softball, setting him up saying come on, come on, you wouldn t actually have retribution. you don t mean that. of course he s like yes, i do. just like what the documents. when hannity was like come on, you didn t actually take the documents. donald trump is kenot messing around. he promises retribution and as he even told hannity when hannity gave him a chance to semi cover it he will serve it up. so, with that, i mean i m not sure what more people need to know given a lot of things donald trump has promise have had come to pass. i m not smiling about the substance of what the president said, i m smiling with what you put your finger on which is this entire genre of interview where sean hannity embeds the answer into his question and tries to lead donald. i wish my oral exams in high school and college were like that where the teacher would just nod along and give you the answer. that s the way they do it. he said donald trump in the remarks we played before that clip he said a malot of people are saying they re going to want retribution. so he likes to separate himself but obviously he means himself and obviously sending cues to others about what should happen. again, he was charged, he was tried, he was convicted by a jury of his peers in new york. the fact that he took classified documents back to his beach club is not some imagined conspiracy against him. he did. hing we ll see what happens in that trial as it moves forward. he wants retribution against people, the justice department, the fbi who are actually bringing him to justice on things that he did or is alleged to have done. let s bring to the conversation yeah. one thing before we get to our guests. it s so interesting to me that n he says this has never happened before and that s why something needs to be done. in every case, well, i will say in the most clear cases because obviously we have to wait for the law to play out. but in the case of the documents you see the pictures. he says he took them. he says they re his. he admits to the crime. in the case of the hush money. criminal trial where 34 felony counts against donald trump came up guilty, there was evidence presented in court that backed it up. so yes, yes, mr. president, former president trump, this hasn t happened before. there hasn t been a former president who had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and then years later before a campaign was to get into full swing paid off through hush money through a fixture breaking campaign finance laws and having fraudulent business records. i mean that is not happened before. he s right, otit hasn t happene before. but it s unfortunately what happened to him because of his own actions. right. and change the suspect from subject to some imagined conspiracy that suggests the government is out to get him. let s bring in ceo of the massina group jim massina. and ran obama s 2012 reelection campaign 20successfully, of course. jim, great to see you. you often are the guy who comes in and sort of tries to calm the nerves a bit of democrats b when they get panicky. not in some polly anish way, but looking at data, looking at normals. let s talk about the fundraising that scared a lot of democrats after donald trump was convicted last week on 34 felony counts. raised a boatload of money. put that into some perspective though as compared to how the biden campaign is doing. yeah, if you look at the overall numbers biden continues to have a very healthy fundraising lead. has way more money in eathe ban i know this sounds geeky, but the truth is joe biden s money is all small donors whereas donald trump s money is from m big donors who are giving to his super pacs. that ad buying later in the campaign is more expensive. they can t get the lowest unit rate. most importantly, the one thing you can t make more of in a presidential election is time. we re 152 days out and the biden campaign has over 150 field offices staffed with paid staffers in the battleground states. donald trump has zero. so every day these people are talking to voters both their own base and these swing voters and you just can t replicate that with money. we always knew that trump was going to catch up weafter he go the nomination. he clearly had an outstanding day after his criminal conviction. it s a little cynical they raised a bunch of money after he was found guilty of 34 felony counts. it y is what it is. overall the biden campaign is doing what they need to do which is build a massive army in these battleground states. the biden campaign looking forward to that first debate as a moment to change fra joke tour of the race. we re seeing polls shift a little bit towards the president. let s owget you to weight in yesterday. this wall street journal story about the president s age. we can set aside the marriage of the journalism. there were flaws in the story we covered at length yesterday. polls suggest some americans think the president is too old for office. we know donald trump just a couple years younger. if you were still in the white house, what would your communication strategy be to simply manage the issue. fair or not it s out there. how would you suggest the white house and campaign handle it? by doing exactly what they re doing. getting him out there as much e as they can. about getting an early debate. you re exactly right. it is an issue. people have questions about it. we all remember at the state of the union he did a master performance and looked on top of his game and the polls rose then. this debate moment is really, really big for them. i can t believe donald trump is letting them have it. people expect joe biden to not be as good as donald trump. trump has set all the expectations to the top activity moon. he s this great or tore. he s this great guy. joe s sleepy joe, et cetera. joe biden goes in there and has a good debate and it s going to significantly make people think about their perceptions of this race. i think it ll be a very big moment and i think biden was very smart to ask for a debate as early as he could get it. we ll be right back with much more morning joe. ore morn. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. listen. 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they were going to fight for democracy. all these years later, 80 years later, democracy is again in peril. that s a fact. that s a fact. listening to donald trump, that s a fact we have to live with. that s a fact that americans are going to have to make up their minds about. what kind after country do we want going forward? we may hear some of that theme from president biden tomorrow at normandy when he delivers the address. he ll be there all week as you reported yesterday. he ll be at bella woods later in the week the world war i site. talking about the young men who frankly saved the world in those days, weeks and months but also about bringing it to today and the threats of democracy here. it s hard not to be almost emotional thinking about this scene with eisenhower. we ll hear from the president several times this week. his remarks tomorrow will be relatively brief. it s the next day, the friday where he goes where ronald reagan delivered his famous speech. talking about yes, the sacrifices of 80 years ago that helped save the world. but connecting it to today. the battle we re seeing in ukraine. also just the need to affirm and rebuild democracies across the globe. i m told the odds are against him invoking donald trump by name. trump will shadow this. he will draw an implicit contrast to the future that trump will bring versus the one that he would. one with allies. one with defending democracy. we know donald trump will take a different approach to the ukraine war working to be returned to office. he almost pulled autoof nato on the eve of going to helsinki. we ll hear that in grand terms from president biden in what aides tell me will be one of the most important speeches he delivers this year. one that will not on the surface be a campaign speech. yeah. we just talk about the choices. mike talking about the choices. we hear what he said about hillary clinton. we re talking about nato. donald trump trying to undermine nato. said he wanted to undermine nato. said a couple months ago he encouraged vladimir putin to invade nato countries if they didn t have sort of defense structure that he wants them to have. of course he talked about putting hillary clinton in jail. throwing political opponents in jail. his people have talked about throwing us in jail. throwing people that run this show in jail. they ve talked about throwing media companies in jail that are insufficiently loyal. he talks about executing chairmans of the joint chiefs of staff who are insufficiently politically loyal to him. he talks about terminating the constitution. he talks about using seal team six to execute political opponents and says that he would be immune from that. he had his lawyers argue that in court. go through all of it and it is extraordinary. it s extraordinary that this man is talking like an autocrat. talking like putin and that right now this race is too close to call. i think it s really worth pointing out that the difference between trump in 2020 and trump in 2024 and trump in 2016 is this time around his team and campaign are much more focused on how they would do exactly the kinds of things you ve spoken about. they ve drawn up the policy papers. they ve dug in to the workings of the american government to see how they could effectively take control of the fcc. of the doj. use the irs against political opponents of theirs. they ve been very honest about the idea of using this second administration for retribution against those people who have counted donald trump. it s sometimes easy with donald trump because we hear so many things that are out of the norm they go well, it s just another thing donald trump says. behind donald trump in 2024 is a whole infrastructure of people putting in place the plans to follow up with the kinds of things that donald trump is saying out on the campaign trail. they didn t manage to do much of it in 2016 because they weren t prepared. this time around they re making sure they are prepared. so the group republican voters against trump is launching a new billboard ad campaign looking to persuade moderate republicans and republican leaning voters in four swing states. the billboards feature former trump voters who now say they won t vote for him in the wake of his conviction last week in his new york city criminal trial. let s bring in the executive director of republican voters against trump sarah longwell. she s also a publisher and host of the focus group podcast. thank you so much for joining us. to tell us more about this campaign and what you re hearing from republican voters. question after the conviction, the political question is will voters care? and from our perspective you have to help make them care. the republicans are out there right now and they are building their own narrative. building their own echo chamber. they are all singing from the same song sheet that this was rigged, that we have a two tier justice system. we have to go on offense right now and make sure voters understand how unique, how historically unique in a desperately dark way it is to have a convicted felon running for president. so our program republican voters against trump, it hick hinges on a key theory which is you need credible messengers to speak to these vote percent. we have hundreds of people who voted for trump in the past, many voted for him twice who are explaining and there s testimonials all over our website explaining why they won t vote for trump again. but after the conviction we wanted to make sure that it stuck with people. we have watched donald trump extraordinary things have happened. like his own vice president not endorsing him. and yet it kind of just rolls off voters minds. trump s been around for a long time. we have two functional incumbents and that create as dynamic where voters aren t as tuned in in ways they might have. you have to go on offense. you have to have strong affirmative messaging to make sure things stick in the mind of voters. you can t count on the idea that voters hear conviction and walk away. you have to help them understand why this is so extraordinary. why what he defense wrong and why he s too dangerous to be in the white house. to that point about the difficulty in making things stick to trump. we live in a world where it seems like everyone s attention span is a few fleeting moments. so it s not just there s a conviction. conviction happened at the end of may. here we are the first few days of june. we re still five months to the election. how do you get it to resinate to stay in the forefront of voters minds not just now but as they head into the ballot box? this is one of the ways democrats have to figure out how they re going to do their messaging strategy. i think that oftentimes they get really fractured around messaging and have a difficult time going on offense as opposed to playing defense. so part of this is to make sure that acknowledging donald trump s conviction is a regular feature in the way that democrats are talking about him. and not just joe biden. joe biden as a messenger has a particular role i think to explain to the country what he s going to do over the next four years. but democrats need an army of surrogates who are out there making an affirmative case. going on offense. going on attack against donald trump. making sure the countriens understands. and that he s a been convicted of sexual assault and that he s been convicted for, you know, the things he did with the trump org and reminding people of january 6th. it is really, this is going to be a choice about who is the the lesser of two evils and you have to have voters understand trump is the greater of evils. liable of sexual abuse, defamation and massive fraud. and then convicted felon who is openly hell bent on revenge. that s what voters have to consider. sarah longwell. thank you for being on this morning. coming up, new reporting on how closely europe is watching the upcoming u.s. election. we ll be right back. l be right. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i ll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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( ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. november s presidential election has implications well beyond our country s borders. in a new piece entitled what europe fears details how european leaders and nato are preparing for the potential reelection of donald trump and joining us now the author of that piece staff writer at the atlantic mckay coppins. tell us what these leaders are saying. i was struck by two things. they re watching the u.s. election very closely. the state secretary in germany told me that in a year when billions of people around the world will have the opportunity to vote the one election everyone in europe cares about and is paying attention to is the american presidential election. the other thing that struck me is almost every official i spoke to believed that donald trump was going to win again. and they say that with a sense of dread in some cases bordering on panic. the word that i heard most often in these interviews was existential. if donald trump comes back, we made it through the first trump term. and it took a toll on the transatlantic relationship. but they made it through. they said if he comes back given what he s been saying about nato, given what he s been saying about russia, the war in ukraine, they re really afraid that it will be the end of nato and the beginning of a new stage of russian aggression that europe frankly isn t prepared for without america s support. so mckay, let s dive into that more. there s been from president macron of france this effort to make europe less dependent on the u.s. in terms of our military and financial strength. what other steps are he and his fellow european leaders taking to try to if you will trump proof what they re doing right now ahead of his possible return? yeah, there have been a number of efforts recently proposed. one of them as you mentioned is, you know, developing defense autonomy in europe in a way that would potentially channel funds away from nato which really does rely on america and toward the european defense alliance. there s been talk of taking the responsibility for arming ukraine, literal logistical responsibility out of america s hands and putting that in nato s hands because they don t know if a future trump administration would abandon the war or not. really the biggest change has been that a lot of european allies are spending a lot more now on their own defense. and this is one thing that, you know, trump takes credit for and i have to say a lot of the european officials i spoke to grudgingly gave him some credit for. they said trump by kind of being so vociferous about this issue that european allies aren t spending enough on defense has sort of bullied a lot of these countries into spending more, but it s come at a cost. and that cost is that these european countries while they are now spending more on collective defense, contributing more to nato, also don t trust america as a long term ally the way they have for the last 75 years. when america becomes an unpredictable power or a transactional power, that changes the entire global order in ways that i don t think we can predict right now. sure does. and we heard back in i think it was 2018, 2019 angela merkel saying we can no longer depend on the united states basically with trump because he s so erratic. we ll have to defend ourselves. it s something macron said as well. if donald trump s making them spend more money on defense because they re spending more money on defense because they know they can t count on the united states in their minds if donald trump is president of the united states. mckay writes this also, that almost every official i spoke with believed that trump is going to win. i hear that an awful lot from europe and i hear from across the world. i think claire, we should probably tell our friends not to bet too many euros or pounds on that fact because what you see on tv may not be what ends up happening at the voting booths for swing voters in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. yeah, those three states particularly where really biden has never been more than a point or two behind and in polls has been ahead. those three states are incredibly important. mckay, i wanted to ask you about what s going on in europe domestically in terms of their politics. we have seen in the united states populism and anti- immigration that has really roiled our politics here. what is happening in that front in europe? it looks from a distance that they re having some of the same issues internally within the conservative parties there. the antiimmigration, the populism. is that something that europe is also worried about? oh, no question. the fear of trump s return in europe is of a piece with the fear of a broader rise of right wing populism and nationalism. we ve seen it in the uk. italy. in germany the afd party. the far right party. there was one recent poll that found 25% of germans now identify with that party. and that s a pretty extreme party. so there s no question that throughout western democracies and really in europe especially we have seen a lot of the same forces that contributed to trump s rise. in some ways the europeans understand trump through that prism. they re saying, you know, we get it, we have our own issues here. if some of our allies have elected leaders like donald trump. it s different when it happens in america. america is not only the lynch pin of the nato alliance. it is in a lot of ways seen as kind of the big brother. european countries rely on america for security, they rely on it for leadership. they rely on america to set an example to the world for what a well functioning western democracy should look like. a lot of the anxiety about this election in europe stems from the fact that they re seeing this chaos in american democracy and wondering if the city on a hill can still be looked to as an example. and that causes a lot of alarm among our friends in europe. the new piece is online now for the atlantic. staff writer mckay coppins, thank you for writing the piece and being on the show this morning. next, former capitol police officer harry dunn will be here to talk about why he is starting a new pac to support candidates running against pro- trump republicans. trump republicans. slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell 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like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. some of the police officers who defended the united states capitol on january 6th are continuing their fight to protect democracy. harry dunn, daniel hodges to make the case for reelecting president biden in november and stopping donald trump. today coming off an unsuccessful bid for congress which saw him bring in more than $5 million for the campaign, dunn is launching a new political action committee. i was always ready for game day. two teams lined up. it s us versus them. you leave it all on the field. i m harry dunn and on january 6th the good guys won. they fellow officers and i fought as a team. we had each other s back. and we didn t do it for one person or one president. we did it for our country. to make sure everyone s vote counted. that s what democracy is. that no one person s voice is greater than another. when i ran for congress, hundreds of thousands of regular people stood with me and we broke records in fundraising. but our system still allows the wealthiest americans and their corrupt super pacs to support insurrectionsists and drown out our voices. our team has got to change that. we need to support candidates committed to getting money out of politics and defending our democracy from donald trump and maga extremists. nobody said it would be easy, but for our country, fur our team, we can t stop now. and former u.s. capitol police officer harry dunn joins us now. he s the author of the recent book standing my ground. thanks for being with us again this morning. you ran for congress in the state of maryland. fell a little short l but did have some money leftover from that campaign. tell us more about what you plan to do with it. thanks for having me on. always good to be on with you all. we did fall short, but the reason why i ran was to do everything i can to continue to fight for democracy. to fight to preserve our constitution. and to fight to stop maga extremists. at the very top of the ticket, donald trump. we did raise millions of dollars in a very short period of time and what that told me is that a lot of people across the country that message of our democracy, the threat of losing it. the threat of this being our potential last free and fair election resinates with a lot of people. it s at the top of peoples minds. what we ll do is continue to use that momentum to continue to go across the country. up and down the ballot. and elect democrats and stop maga republicans. also fight to continue to get big corporate money out of politics. and support those candidates that really want to do that. so harry, when you re out there, when you re out there running for congress and meeting a lot of people and talking to a lot of people. that aspect that you just mentioned the threat to democracy. when you would talk to people about the threat to democracy, how many of the people you spoke to thought it was like real? that it could happen? as opposed to no, it worries a lot of people. it worries a lot of people. because like i say, a lot of the issues that we talk about. common sense gun reform, lowering inflation. all of those things as important as they are, if we have a dictator in the white house, a dictator over democracy, what is the purpose? those issues really don t matter because the dictator gets what he wants. everybody is definitely worried. even people that voted against me tell me they are worried about our democracy. so i think it is very front and center with a lot of people. being out here on the campaign trail for president biden i m in pennsylvania right now, one of the things people are definitely worried about. it resinates with people and as people talked about, he s talking about retribution and imprisoning his political opponents. and people are really worried about that. next, actor bill pullman on his new life time movie that was ripped from the headlines as he plays alex murdaugh who was found guilty of murdering his wife and son. morning joe weekends will be right back. right back. of finding psoriasis can t filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re 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without surgery. say goodbye to searching online. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. visit today. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. ancestrydna can show you which traits were inherited, where they came from, and who he shares them with. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. this is alex murdaugh. alex was a loving father to paul. and the loving husband of maggie. alex murdaugh is innocent of all these crimes. a lifetime original movie. i had the embarrassment of bouncing a check. don t worry. we re making plenty of money. ripped from the headlines. you don t have a problem? not at all. based on a true story. how are we going to explain this? i ll think of something. tell me what you ve been keeping from me. i have never kept anything from you. look at the lifetime original murdaugh murders. the movie the two part miniseries follows the down fall of the murdaugh family. the heart of the family s demise alex murdaugh. once a successful lawyer from a team with a rich history in south carolina, his trial made headlines last year when he was convicted of murdering his wife and his son and stealing millions from his legal clients while blaming an addiction to painkillers for his crimes. join us now, bill pull nba who plays alex murdaugh. good to see you. you re kind of like i was with this trial which i didn t really know a ton about it and then i tuned in late and kind of couldn t get enough of it. so when you first heard about this role what were your impressions of this guy? yeah, i realized everybody else in the world in america knew about it. i think i, you know, i didn t know if i was going to do it. kind of had to be a fast decision. but my first thing was i don t know if i want. i don t know anything about it. then you start watching something and they ve got body cam and dash cam and of course the courtroom scene. so much there. and then i realized but as i first started into it i was nauseous. i was nauseated. i thought i can t do this part. then it tripped over into i m excited to do this part. that s what i was going to ask you at some point as an actor as repulsive as the man is there s something about getting into the character and playing it that s rich for you professionally, i think. yes, yes. really you re going to enter into you ve got to put on armor about your morality and everything else and you become, you know, a jedi knight of denial which we have a few of those these days. we do. seems to be going around. i remember talking to a friend connie who said yeah, that murdaugh guy it s like old satan looked at him and went whoa, dude. like you re bad. how did you prepare for the role? not just someone who satan would say that about but someone who is so timely. who is alive. who their developments in the case as we speak. how much did you study him? how do you decide on your performance? there s a lot to look at. you can go lateral, long time. researching and looking. i had to get moving pretty quick because production thing was so fast. i think there s certain amount of things you can make yourself similar to and then because there s other things you re just doing your own interpretation. so you re trying to, you know, channel those aspects as they would occur to you rather than just mimicking him. it was also really heard because he lost a lot of weight and there were those issues and i had to go with my weight and we don t have a lot of time to shoot this movie. you capture him well. let s take a look at another clip where alex confronts his son paul about the boating accident that killed his friend. besides a dead girl and our financial ruin. stop. i am not finished. talk to me. talk to me. she was my friend. huh? i didn t mean for it to happen. i didn t mean to hurt anyone. the hurt you cause that night hasn t even yet been felt. i m ashamed. and embarrassed of you. get out of my sight. in addition to having to capture the darkness of the man you have to capture a southern accent too, bill. if you get it wrong people will let you know. and there s a lot of different accents. south carolina, but even the low country they call it. there s a lot of different accents. you can always go check it out. tough scene. it s a tough scene. oh my god. they would let for years and years i did of pulling it off. could see him just on the stand his friends saying to say i had no idea but i do know he did it. they know he was capable of it and all caught up to him. both installments are streaming now on amazon prime video, as well as on my bill pullman, great to have you with us this morning. great to be here. we ll get you back into the new york city theater. putting out a call to directors. this man. don t go away. we have a second hour of morning joe on this sunday morning. coming up right after the break. after the break. chevy trucks advanced camera technology lets you see over, under, 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(fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we re clearly different. welcome back to morning joe weekend. it is now 7:00 a.m. this sunday morning. here s more of the stories we covered this week. writing about president biden s visit to normandy this week in your latest column for the washington post , with some reflections on history, not just the invasion in normandy on d-day 80 years ago but where america was on the precipice of world war ii in terms of the division we saw in this country, not unlike what we are seeing here now. we look back at world war ii and the d-day invasion and we see this incredible national unity. everyone was polling in the same direction in this great struggle that engulfed the entire world and american society was transformed and everyone had to pitch in and there was national purpose and national unity and we forget that in the years before the war, our country arguably was as divided as it is now. it was divided over a number of things. one way it was divided was racially segregated. that continued even during the war. the units that went ashore at d- day were all white and one all- black unit that morning. of course, once they got on the beaches, they were, there was no color and i write about one soldier, a medic in the one black battalion that landed that morning. there were others who came later. he was wounded as he landed with german shrapnel, pretty serious wounds but he was well enough to set up a medical aid station on the beach and he stood there and he treated the wounded four 30 hours before he collapsed and had to be taken to a hospital ship. he survived the war, came home to a racially divided nation and was a second-class citizen until the civil rights movement triumphed and he died in 2005. it was just this week awarded posthumously the second highest honor in the army. that wasn t the only division. there were bitter divisions about whether the united states should get involved in the war. isolationism, you think it is something no, isolationism was a major strain in our politics. there were bitter divisions over franklin d roosevelt s new deal policies, which were being described as totalitarianism and communism and socialism. the rhetoric we hear now, we have heard before. the difference is there cannot be another world war ii unite us. we can t have another one of those after hiroshima and nagasaki. we simply cannot have a world war like world war ii. so, we are going to have to find a different way to get past these divisions that beset us now. we have a barely functional political system but that is what we ve got and we are going to have to find some way to make it work so that we can, we can continue because there can t be another d-day like there one, the one there was 80 years ago. as you point out in the piece, america first, the term we hear from donald trump and his supporters, coined in the years leading up to one or two. i m so glad you are pointing to the heroism of so many black men who helped to liberate the beaches and treat the wounded on d-day. the military was desegregated by president truman three years after the end of world war ii largely because of the heroism we saw. president biden will meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy a short time from now before traveling back to normandy. meanwhile, the war in gaza rages on. the leader of hamas says he will only agree to the latest cease-fire proposal if israel commits to permanently ending the war in gaza. the statement made in response to the three phase plan president biden publicly until last week. under the proposal, phase two would be an end to the war. that is a sticking point for israel. far right drivers of israel s government say the conflict can only end once hamas is eradicated. dozens of people, meanwhile, including children, were killed in an israeli airstrike at a united nations school in gaza. it happened overnight thursday. the israeli military says it was targeting a hamas compound embedded in the school. the idf claims about 30 terrorists were using the classrooms at the base. the strike, however, drawing international criticism as gaza health officials say 40 people were killed. israel so far has only released the names of 9 terrorists it says died in the attack. meanwhile, the united states says it will wait and see what information israel releases about the strike before considering any action. the state department says it expects the idf to be fully transparent. this comes as the washington post reports a u.s. made bomb was used in the strike at that school. president biden addressed israel s war with hamas during an interview with abc news yesterday in normandy. the president says he believes pre-minister benjamin netanyahu has acknowledged concerns from the white house pointing to the way israel adjusted its strategy in russia. is benjamin netanyahu listening to you ? i think he s listening to me. they were going to go into rafah fullbore, invade all of rafah can go into the city, take it out, move with full force. they haven t done that. what they have done is they have agreed to a significant agreement that if, in fact, i must accept it, look, it is being backed by egypt, being backed by the saudis, being backed by almost of the home arab world. we will see. this is a very difficult time. richard hoss, he s right about who s backing it, everyone except the two parties involved in the war to have this cease-fire come about and perhaps an end to the war. hamas says it will not agree to the terms. israel says it will not agree to anything that does not include eradicating hamas as israel puts it. where does that leave us ? it was exactly a week ago today president biden went out and announced this three phase plan and the wait was represented a week ago that it was sent to the israel s plan and the idea was to get hamas to sign on. israel backed away from it, if they ever signed onto it to begin with. hamas, as you saw, has now said it won t accept a temporary cease-fire, which is phase one of the plan. it seems to have been stillborn. what we are looking at is the other part of the news this morning. you are going to have continued israeli military operations, inevitably, no matter how careful israel is, because of co-location of hamas with civilians, you will see this kind of stories you have for people, innocent people are going to be killed, along with hamas militants. my guess is we will see this for some time. this will go on, the israeli national security advisor said military operations will continue through the end of the year. i don t see any reason to doubt that. i think the real question is whether we see an escalation of fighting as things dial down somewhat in gaza in the north between israel and hezbollah. that has been the most recent news out of israel. the idea that we are on a precipice of peace somehow, actually, the opposite is more the reality. i hate to be so depressing this morning but i think we are looking at open ended but low level war in gaza with the danger of escalation in the north in southern lebanon. coming up, ed luce of the financial times, will tell us his new piece, titled biden respects the law, trump does not and what that could mean for the election. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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everything else pales in comparison. i think that is why wall street journal, article does when it was so frustrating because of the difference between these two candidates. the moral equivalence. we talked about you can look at that article versus donald trump for getting up world war ii existed, forgetting barack obama is not still president and then also you could just do, again, the false moral equivocation between january the sixth, the riot, trump s role in that and joe biden forgiving student loan debt. we get all these false comparisons. i ve got to say one of the most maddening has been donald trump stealing nuclear secrets versus hunter biden and whatever republicans decide at the time is a great risk to america s national security because of what hunter biden did. the key point here is america s system is working, it is intact. both donald trump last week and hunter biden in wilmington for the next couple of weeks are receiving trial by jury, due process, they will have the right of appeal. i ve no idea whether hunter biden will be convicted or acquitted but i do know that he has two cases against him. the second of which, the tax case starts on september the fifth at the beginning of the general election in california. biden could at any point to stop this from happening. he s not, he s not interfering. there is no rigging coming from this president. where it is coming from is the supreme court. we will get them later this month, presumably later this month. they might prevaricate even longer. later this month, finally coming down with their ruling on what should have been an open and shut case about whether the resident has immunity for whatever he does in office, thereby ensuring trump will not be held accountable for january 6th in court before november the fifth. that is the real story going on here. the trial is in wilmington. i have no great insight to what is going to happen there but the trial in wilmington is the rule of law taking its normal course, as was the case in new york last week. what is happening in the supreme court is judicial interference in the political process. so, ed, you have the gift of being able to look at america and american politics from the distance created by your birth. you are not from here. you weren t born here. so, when you look at it and you write about it, as you did today, and you mentioned the supreme court slowing things down, making it almost impossible for a trial in the january 6th or the papers kept at mar-a-lago, a trial for most things are happening prior to election and hunter biden on trial today in wilmington, what is your sense of what would happen to the system, and the rule of law if hunter biden is acquitted and what is your sense of what other countries, other nations think and view this when they look at what is happening in america? that is a great question. it is a remarkable moment that we are having. the first conviction of a former president and the first trial of a child of a sitting president happening in the space of a few days of each other. i have no doubt if hunter biden is convicted, there is not going to be an uproar on the democratic side, there isn t going to be accusations of bigoted justice, even though the judge is trump appointed, there s no reason to believe that judge is a hatchet job kind of charge. if, however, hunter biden is acquitted, all conspiratorial hell will break loose. you mentioned the other trump trial that isn t going to happen, the one in florida, the federal trial that judge aileen canon is in charge of. she is finding extraordinary time delaying tactics, once that nobody had ever thought of. the latest is whether the special prosecutor, smith, was unconstitutionally appointed and she s going to hear arguments about that. she is finding any and every excuse, including invented ones not to hear this case. it is an extraordinary example of justice delayed being justice denied. and, i think that is what foreigners are kind of gob smacked by when they watch this. it is, you bring up judge aileen canon in florida on the documents case, which is really one of the most serious cases against donald trump and resounding as well, given all the documents were hidden at mar-a-lago and he tried to hide them again as the government was trying to get them back. and, the, it is frustrating to see what is happening. it is also the judge that we got, the judge that is, in this case, the judge that was given this case. that is the way it goes. you will not hear, unlike on fox news, that this is a weapon based justice department. you will not hear, unlike on fox news, that somehow joe biden is up to this or donald trump is up to this and somehow he s polling the strings here. you will not hear that here because this is the judge we got and that is the way it goes with the rule of law. we have lots more to get to this hour. morning joe weekend continues after a short break. break. the only migraine medication that 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werewolf. the judge announced next month, steve bannon will start serving his time in prison. in prison? he looks like a guy who just got out of prison. steve bannon goes to prison on july 1st. it s too bad we will all miss out on something that summer beach body. former trump advisor steve bannon has been ordered to report to prison next month. the judge ruled yesterday steve bannon must begin his four month sentence on july 1st. a stay on bearman s sentence was lifted after his appeal in the case was denied. as nbc news reports, steve bannon could still appeal the ruling. he said yesterday his team plans to appeal all the way to the supreme court. we are going to go all the way to the supreme court if we have to. i want to say something specific about the justice department. merrick garland, lisa monaco, the entire justice department, they are not going to shut up trump, they are not going to shut up navarro, they are not going to shut up brandon and they are not going to shut up maga. steve bannon was found guilty in judge aileen canon force of defining subpoenas from the january 6th select committee. let s bring in nbc legal correspondent lisa rubin. this is always been, we will hear from president trump s on this interesting moment, as a personal attack, as president biden ordering his opponents to jail, except, when you don t answer a subpoena, no matter who you are in our society, just like if you cook the books at your organization to pay off an adult film star to stay quiet before the presidential election, there are consequences. there are indeed consequences. there is some connective tissue between this and the other case you mentioned, the recent conviction of former president trump. that can connective tissue is robert castillo, steve bannon s attorney and the attorney on whose advice he says he relied in ignoring that congressional subpoena. steve bannon wanted to argue, this was the crux of his appeal, that he was entitled to reasonably rely on bob castillo s advice that he should blow off the subpoena because trump was going to invoke executive privilege. the only problem with that is twofold. one, he was repeatedly advised by trump campaign lawyers that is not, in fact, what the former president intended to do for steve bannon, in part because steve bannon had been out of government for three years. the other problem is there is a 1961 case by the d.c. circuit this is where contempt charges are concerned, it is no defense to say i relied on the advice of counsel. it was that decision that a recent d.c. circuit panel reaffirmed and it is on that basis that yesterday, judge carl nichols of the d.c. district court said, you know, sir, vista longer presents substantial questions of law. i m going to the the state of your sentence and you need to report by july 1st. will come as no surprise to anyone that donald trump took to social media to really get this, calling it, a total and complete american tragedy that the duke joe biden department of justice is it is interesting. steve bannon has said he will appeal again and looking to push off the july 1st report date. tell us what mechanism that would be. is there a chance of success? or, is he going to go in july 1st ? steve bannon does not officially work for the trump campaign. he is an informal advisor and a large maga voice. if he goes in july 1st, he will be silenced for the stretch run of the collection. that is likely true when i think it is likely, if not highly probable he will go in july 1st. let s talk about his mechanisms for appeal. he can ask for a rehearing in the d.c. circuit. he has and june 24th to make that request. in all likelihood, they are not going to respond to that request before his july 1st reporting date. he can also file a petition with the supreme court but the deadline for him doing so comes after his july 1st date. either of those options, they could reimpose a state of his sentence. and i believe it is likely they are going to? i don t. i think steve bannon will, in all probability, serve that four month sentence and be silenced in the lead up to the election. that is particularly important because steve bannon was a huge voice for maga in the lead up to, and more importantly, after the 2020 election. there is still a phone call between donald trump and steve bannon on january 6th that no one has quite explained. up next, melinda french gates announces major donations for gender equality. our conversation with one of the recipients is straight ahead. ight ahead. curry from deep. that s caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don t think so! steph, one more thing. the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i ll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what s yours. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete 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( ) start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today. philanthropist melinda french gates has announced she will be donating $1 million over the next two years to support women s rights. in a guest essay for the new york times , french gates writes, in nearly 20 years as an advocate for women and girls, i ve learned that there will always be people who say it is not the right time to talk about gender equality . it is frustrating and shortsighted. decades of research on economics, well-being, and governance make it clear that investing in women and girls benefits everyone. one of the recipients of the great was the american institute for boys and men. joining us now is that organizations president, richard reeves. also with us, repressor of marketing at the nyu stern school of business, scott galloway. good to have you both. richard, i will toss to you first and ask why this grant makes sense overall for women s rights. well, i think what melinda french gates has realized is that a world of floundering men is difficult to be a will to flourishing women. we do have to rise together. and, the young men and investing in education and mental health is going to be good for women. men and women will be raising children together. there s evidence that many young men are struggling in education and mental health, especially young men and men of color above all. i think it is a recognition that the gender equality movement has to expand to include boys and men as well. coming from figure with such prominence of melinda french gates was such a strong track record of leadership, i think it sends a strong signal that we do need to include boys and men in this conversation. to your point, scott galloway, you have been a great force on this on the state of young men in america right now. explain the challenges. equality doesn t necessarily mean that each side is the same. men and women have differences. what is happening to young men is equally, potentially as disturbing. could be with you and congratulations to my friend richard reeves. this is a great american story. unfortunately, young men are paying for the advantage that me and my father received. so, there is a lack of empathy. richard turned me onto this great quote, empathy is not a zero-sum game, civil rights didn t hurt white people. to richard s point, what he s always said he s who wants more economically and emotionally viable young men? women. women, of the tract, as they are doing, especially younger men, they are more prone to nationalist content, they are more prone to misogynistic content. you know, richard, it is so fascinating. maybe five years ago, when people like scott galloway three years ago were talking about this and a lot of people through their hands up, my god, how dare you talk about boys when men have been dominant through, you know, for thousands and thousands of years. you heard those complaints. on a very personal level but so much anecdotal evidence that i suspect a lot of people here in this are young women talking to mika and me going where are the men to date, where are the men that understand the basics? and, there s this horrible choice. on one side, you do have again, all anecdotal but you have, well, i m not going to wander into that minefield what i was about to say. let s just say younger women are understanding the costs of the mail crisis right now. they are living the cost. they are living the cost of it. what is interesting, these stories you say anecdotal but it is in the evidence, it is in the data. there is a big gender gap in college today than there was in the 70s. the biggest rise in suicide rates, tragically, has been among young men. we are losing 40,000 men a year to suicide. what i discovered is, among parents if you have a boy in the k-12 education system, you kind of get this immediately. if you have a doctor in the dating market, you kind of get this immediately too. and, realizing you just can t separate these things out and it is not a betrayal of the ideals of gender equality to start dealing with issues of boys and young men. it is the application of the ideals of gender equality. it is not a zero-sum game. i think that penny is dropping. the people are realizing we cannot neglect the problems of boys and men if we want a world that is better for all of us. i was particularly interested with what ms. gates has done. i salute her for it in terms of investing also in young boys and men and i think you or richard mentioned young boys and men of color. many of us in any study has shown disproportionately are raised by single mothers. i was one of them. to help those young boys and men that are buttressed by programs like yours, and to develop them, also helps the single mothers who are trying to balance life. talk about the challenge of that and how this could be helpful. reverend, you and i said that, we were raised by superheroes. my mother was an immigrant who lived and died a secretary, raced me on her own. what the research shows is the single point of failure, if you were to reverse engineer and why men are struggling is when they lose a male role model. the second most single-parent household, which is latin for a woman heading a household alone, just behind sweden. as richard s work has pointed out, the vast majority of people in primary school education are women. a boy is twice as likely to be suspended for the same behavior in school and five times as likely if he is black boy. would you have is an entire cohort of men being raised without male influence. what is equally interesting is girls have similar outcomes in single-parent households, same college attendance, same rates of self-harm. what richards research has shown is that while boys are physically stronger, they are mentally and emotionally weaker and we need to knowledge that. we need a group of thriving gunmen. how many times have we heard people say i know it time of young single women who are great and i can t find men for them. you can t find men for them, just not any man they want. we need to level up young people in general, specifically young men. coming up, historian doris kearns goodwin on how looking at america through a historical lens can help make sense of the issues facing our country today. try today. 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doris kearns goodwin. so good to have you with us. what a time. let s start with president biden making some of his most candid comments yet about former president trump s criminal conviction at a fundraiser in connecticut last night. the president called trump a convicted felon who stopped after the 2020 election. the president addressed the attacks trump and his allies have lobbed at the justice system. biden s of the former president, wants you to believe it is already. nothing could be further from the truth. it is reckless and dangerous for anyone to say it is rigged just because they don t like the outcome. biden added, the justice system is a core of american democracy and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. biden continued, here is what is becoming clearer and clearer every day. the threat trump poses in his second term would be greater than his first. this isn t the same trump that got elected in 2016. biden said, he is worse. doris, this is joe biden using the term convicted felon, a private fundraiser in connecticut, as john has been telling us, this is something we may hear more of from the biden campaign. they now officially are running against a man convicted of 34 felonies. how do you think that figures into the race ? every event affects the next event and i was going to think this project will affect how the conventions will happen. president trump has put out is we are a backward country, we are a country that is corrupt, we are a country that looks like a third world country and all of our systems are corrupt. i just don t think the american people are going to feel that way. one of the things i look at when i look at history is the backward look and the negative look as not working campaigns. i think biden understands that. when dragon was running against carter, carter talked about the malaise of the people, that it was a crisis of confidence in the people and we can comes along and says it s not the people, it s leadership that has failed and i am here to provide the leadership. the same thing happened when hoover talked about there s not much he could do about the depression because the government would weaken the people and he was going to hope we were getting through it somehow around the corner prosperity would come and fdr says it s not the people that is the problem, it is your leadership and i m going to do action. biden is on a good stand, in a certain sense, to talk about the rule of law, to talk about the country being a country that is not corrupt and to make that a contrast. i think this is going to be something, we don t know how. the debate could change everything, the conventions could change everything, events could change everything but right now, this will affect the tone of the campaign. this darkness, this dim view of the country presented by donald trump, this american carnage as he called it in his inauguration address way back. i guess it resonates with his base, it resonates with some people but the point you re making is you have to win more than your base to win an election. perhaps an optimistic message is the way to go for president biden. i think about the fact that when you are nominated, and he s about to be, you have to expand your base. i think back to 1964 in the republican convention and barry goldwater. what happens there is governor rockefeller, new york governor rockefeller, popular person in the party is trying to argue for a different platform, a civil rights platform. he gets shouted down and it all on television and it looks like the party has narrowed itself. they said in many ways, goldwater lost the election at that convention. when you do something like canceling larry hogan out, you need him, you need him in the senate and you are narrowing your party by saying you can t even say this verdict should be followed because it is a verdict that it is the rule of law. it hadn t even begun yet, he had said it before, it was a natural thing to say about our system. we have the moment you describe just from 1964. let s take a look. i would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. let me remind you also that moderation and the pursuit of justice is no virtue. doris, 1964 is really instructive. i will also say, obviously, fdr, a sense of optimism, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. the band play in happy days are here again. ronald reagan, it s morning in america. i truly believe america s greatest days lie ahead. it is always the optimism that rules the day. still ahead, legendary e street band guitarist steve van zandt on his remarkable life and career in music and show business. business. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. it s hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial 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godfather. i heard it was really great. i don t remember a thing but that s what i heard. that was a look at the new documentary titled steve van zandt, disciple. the film follows the life of the musician and actor from his humble beginnings in new jersey to the apex of his one-of-a- kind career, performing along bruce pristine and james gandolfini in the sopranos. tuning is now, stevie van zandt, also the films director. i can t wait to see this. tell us why now, why did you decide this was the moment? he chased me for how long ? a long time, 2006 and years and years of trying to get, let me do this film. i m not comfortable being the center of attention. that is just a fact. i didn t even want to be in it at first. he s not in the early cut. you have to be in the movie. it would be hard to do without him in it. there s a lot of footage out there. anyway, they worked on it for two years before i agreed to be in it. i think, look, and and, we talked about what is the purpose of this thing and it is about the work. getting the work exposed as much as we can because, you know, that is one of the things i ve always had trouble balancing that art and commerce thing. can you explain how hard is it to explain the coordination of a band? you are in a big and, in a group of guys on stage in the synchronization of the shows always amaze me, you know what someone is going to do before they do it and you do your thing. well, we really have a long time. let s face it. that helps. a bit of esp goes on after a while. in the beginning, we had to be really good before we even got in the business. we had to be good life. that really, we had very high standards, growing up in the 60s. we had to compare ourselves to the beatles and the rolling stones and the who, very high standards. a lot of history, i think, bill got into it in the film. tell us exactly that. what are some of the things we will see, people who know stevie van zandt from the states or the screen, what are they going to see, what are they going to learn from this film ? telling them the whole breath and scope of the work and career and love of rock n roll is interesting. i think people may know him from television, from his acting, or they may know him for his music but they don t know he had the first branded satellite radio station, the first streaming television show. was a producer and writer and director. they may not know that the way, the things he does for education and they may not know his record label. there s so much to stevie van zandt beyond that music and we also get to expose the story of his amazing music, his friendship with bruce, his beautiful love story with his wife. he sees all thing. and then south africa. people may not know that silvio dante helped free nelson mandela and end apartheid. it is a pretty good resume. did you ever think from watertown, massachusetts to where you are today, the envelope you had to shoot through in terms of fate and lack is incredibly small. how often do you think about that ? about every hour. no doubt, we are the luckiest generation ever and i am the luckiest guy in the luckiest generation. i m so grateful, first of all that somebody would have an interest in making a movie about me. that is incredible already. i am honored that bill and the guys really spent their time doing that. destiny plays a role. if my mother hadn t remarried, my father adopted me and brought me from boston to new jersey, you know, i would have never gotten into the new jersey scene. if david chase hadn t happened to be clicking around, he wouldn t see me in dr. rascals and i want to get that guy on my new tv show the sopranos. there s a lot of detail in my book and i think bill, bill was, the conversations we had, i haven t seen the film myself at ceramic just to see what happens. you haven t seen it ? that is all the time we have this weekend. we will see you tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. eastern for more morning joe. until then, enjoy the rest of your sunday. your sunday. good morning. it s sunday, june 9. i m alicia menendez. with michael steele and symone sanders townsend. we are following president biden on his final day in france and the appearance of his message

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240609

normandy, she s unbelievable. there is faulkner with her father, tracy simpson and vietnam, it brought tears to my eyes. he takes us was combat veteran in two theaters, is there anybody more decent pete hegseth as last week and others, who got to remind us, you sure are going to find it in the networks or read about it. the new york times and washington post, this is a very special place. i don t have to say this, i want to say this. twenty tomorrow on life, liberty and levin sunday when we have the governor of florida and america s wiseman, see you then. welcome to one nation, i am brian kilmeade. tonight on the show, dana white, ceo of ufc most successful sport entity in the world and pete hegseth, unwind what s gone wrong before it s too late but first, i want to start with th this, the polls in november and battleground states in many cases are closer but i don t get it when it comes to crowd sizes and enthusiasm it s not a competition. president biden, despite the political power of the white house, the oval office built in everyday can t seem to attract anyone outside his own campaign or perhaps his family. as an trump on the other hand control and enthusiastic crowd wherever he goes. south bronx or rallies, in the winter like conditions at wildwood, new jersey to events that aren t even his like this past weekend ufc event, the passion that surrounds him something to see. ufc ceo, donald trump and a former president. unbelievable. even joe rogan was moved into loyalty from his loyalists coming from the octagon and ufc. watch what the fighters were saying. pretty cool to have a moment there with donald trump after a win. president trump, you re the man. a travesty what they are doing to you. i ll be donating to you, my man. let s get it done. [cheering] a moment with donald trump. one candidate proving america more unobtainable, more than ever before. the other crime is turn time and time again, he wants to give you and everyone the opportunity to experience success he s had. dana white has witnessed growth firsthand. support for president trump unwavering because trump was there for him from the beginning believing in the little engine that could now known as one of america s premier sporting events, ultimate fighting championship. i had a chance to but talk about the relationship with president trump and steadfast support. part one of two parts we have tonight. the one thing that stands out is realty and the one thing appreciate about the former president, maybe future president he was there early, how much does that matter to your relationship? the mark realty is important to me he s been a good friend and he s a massive white man and it s not it was popular but trump was the guy who reached out to us when we couldn t get venues and had us come. we had our first two shows over there and when you think about it, trump here, she print here. he showed up the first fight stayed until the last. the guy who would reach out to me my entire career when things happen say congrats. he was guy who got in with another group who started to compete against us that i would never say anything negatively about trump because it is such good friend and sport. how has that grown? promoter, entrepreneur and builder, president of the no space, does he still call you? yes, i talked to him last night. we talk all the time. he s a good friend of mine. i really care about him as a person. his family, and incredible human being. i m close to him and his family and it will be that way until we die. her family shmuley boteach? connect there doing digit do which is brilliant so what s crazy is your and jared came, i think it was miami the last time, their first fight for four days, they couldn t stop texting me saying this is crazy. we have been to ever think you could go to come up with never been to anything as vanessa. maybe 300, i remember. what is your audience like the president so much? fan base and fighters, we are all aligned in life and everything and it s not that it s any real political side. [chanting] it s common sense, everybody wants the same thing. there s no difference in anybody in this room, if you let the media fiasco away, who want to make a good living in your hou house, want nice cars and kids, who want to take care of our kids. our kids to do well and go to college, everybody wants the same thing, it s not like we don t. it s just the media has created this divide in this country that needs to go away and hopefully soon it will. i know you hate the media you made that clear. thankfully for now i made the cut president s you to speak at the rnc and said defense said don t do it, you did and i was there and you killed it. we need somebody who believes in this country, we need somebody who s proud of this country and who will fight for this country. [cheering] are you glad? everybody told me not to but this is a guy thing gave us a sharp will always hit me up when good things happen at a guy i considered a friend, why what i say no? when he called me, this is what he said. he said if you don t want to do this, i completely understand but i would be honored if you speak at the rnc for me and i said i ll be there, brother. if yes to get? i ll be there. the former president wants to be the next president again, you stare and more fighters eyes than anybody else, where does he rank? number one. take any of the greatest writers of all time, trump was number one. the most resilient human being i ve ever met in my life. in what respect? why keep doing this? got a great life, why keep doing this? the one thing i can tell you and its effect, this guy loves this country and loves all americans regardless of what color, religion or whatever, he s not racist, his good human being and loves america and cares about this country. end of story. if he wasn t that type of guy, i ve never associate myself. prediction? how is he going to do in 2024? looking good, they are trying the kitchen sink and like i said most resilient human being government and keeps marching forward. a little bit more my exclusive interview with dana white later in the show including his latest mentor that could even be bigger than ufc on day one. i do threat china, communist party recruiting u.s. military pilots to train their own army to join intelligent bulletin boards this, china s liberation army pla skills and expertise of these individuals to make its own military air operations more capable any insight into western tactics, techniques and procedures not even hiding it. when they do the west into military submission, chinese nationalist across our southern border at alarming rates. 3500 crossed he legally and make the loan, this may increase over the last three years, less than 2000 in 2022. 2023 24000 plus in the same expected, if not more this year. what are they up to? to assess the stress and so much more is this nation s number one best-selling author, pete hegseth who wrote a book about the challenges here and what we are up against. the war on warriors in the now we will get to more of that in a second. to give the numbers 24000 on the southern border, what are they up to? they re not even hiding it. rolodex and money. not hiding at all. chinese communist party definitely no two individuals are and they ve left nothing happened. everyone has a social critic or, they know if you re coming and going and if you go for reasons unapproved, they know where your families living in these people are on assignment were allowed to be let go did come to the united states, what is the mission and purpose? when you mentioned habits, they are doing it in the open speaking about it starting private companies that look legit and recruit house to train but it s run by the chinese so they create shell companies to make them think they re making a little more cash. this is full-spectrum warfare from every direction. why would anybody in america air force pilots train pallets try to help out the chinese? are they aware you re not on board? this is not qb, we re just giving a speech to the chinese. this is the intel agency doing its job putting out notices and if you are approached by companies never heard of has bags of cash is not your time to cash in because you might be working for somebody working against us. they are trained on our stuff the french and british and they might be open so it s a problem you see from a senior member of the republican side ranking member of the armed services committee and says it s time for a major expansion of the military industrial complex and says we have to invest in the defense plan to make and massive need to make it a for-profit expand the base in which we can make tanks, planes. expand manufacturing you showed me this op-ed i had a chance to talk to staff yesterday just to get insight and it s ascending in the next five to seven years and opening a window where they are going to challenge us in the military capable to meet that. i want to throw money at it but if your auditing making sure money is in the right spot and modernizing to meet the threat of china, that something we have to do. the problem is we are broke vertically spend money it needs to be on the ability to defeat the communist chinese because they are coming for us eventually. the chinese and like 7% of the gdp, with got to get up to 5%. i think it s doable especially if it s for-profit industry, everybody wants patriots, our clients so we could sell them are stuck, there s a market for us. as our allies want to buy more in western europe and we do it through the american industrial base, great. your book is out, it paints an ugly picture where we are with our military but it s all simple. excerpt your book to emphasize for everyone at home. an example of a soldier i spoke to who said thursday is our leader time my platoon leader and skill level stuff for our jobs. training for transgender burning session. chain of command cannot question of someone in the unit want to change their gender. listing of the one in the dod changes to another gender. by the time they transition, three year enlistment is a because they are on medical and not available training, the entire time they hardly served a day in field artillery and i ended with look at china. will not pay for your transgender surgery. he did and obama didn t at the end but biden has broadened with. plus electric stuff, it s so divisive. we have the best and brightest right now, i love this institution but it s gone sideways and we need to fix it, trump is a big chance to fix it. we will keep you in the same thing sunday morning fox & friends . make sure you order the book and watch the show on fox nation. pete, great job. next ahead, you are welcome to watch agreement, one of the most important issues facing young voters in this election cycle it might surprise you. charles payne is here to unwind. ufc president dana white, keep it here. you re watching one nation. we re talking about practicing practicing good financial strategy. .by cashbackin. what d you think i was talking about? 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i m not the only one who runs the numbers of the date and looks of the budget and is like there s no you work hard, you get what you want. no matter how many hours putting, you get nowhere. we bought our house in 2018 and we buy it today 2024, we wouldn t be able to afford it so monthly payment in 2018 was in $2894. today that would be 6000, 776. if you didn t get fixed right now in soaring interest rates, low inventory, how you buy your first home in this impossible market? is the american dream, or should we change? joining us now to offer solutions and allies of the pa park, those making money, charles payne. you ve heard this before, what you say to these people. the last guy was humble bringing a little bit. i like what he did there. the young lady was interesting because working hard looking at her age it s been listed to buy a house of this age. first and foremost, do not give up on it. they ve done terrible things with respect for flooding economy and so much money sparking inflation that does not go away. also because the federal reserve has gone involved, you got this whole thing so skewed people have locked in rates reluctant to sell. he will sell a house even if you made big money on it with 2% mortgage and traded in so you don t have a lot of sellers, no incentive for builders. the neuropathy, it s really crazy, really tough. this is going to bug her mind because we have the almost unaffordable housing market in the history of america and in the world. if you want to make housing market affordable, you can do one of three things. housing prices have come down 41%. income on average would go up 69% mortgage rates on average would have to confirm 4.3% instead of over 7% like about three and a half. which it was. not too long ago. the last one is the only one that can happen in the only way interest rates will come them is the economies will go into a deep recession so my advice to people is a couple of things. we are in this new age, work from home so the beautiful thing is you have to overprice to get jobs and consider working further from the city getting a bigger house or smaller payment. the that everyone at the bottom. right now you have to make sacrifices. a couple weeks ago, you got to get these things up. you can t have an only fans account, the public health, you can t go out for avocado toast every morning, you just can t have that. nobody ever could have it all. i said that for long time to buy my house. the little things matter, it s a mindset. say the cash so when circumstances change in the table change and become into recession and housing prices plummet in mortgage rates plummet, you will be in control. it could happen soon. 1981 average person who got the first house, 29. 2013 was 31. 2023 west 35 so that s what s frustrating people. how to bring him something new market the stock market go to texas? looks like they will launch the top texas stock market with the help of rock in citadel in 2026. how real is this? very real. what s ironic, the same week, the same couple of days the news came out, they dropped congestion pricing scheme. charge everyone to drive through the city. you already paid a ton of money and of course parking is crazy so it is ironic governor say let s hold off on congestion pricing. they are chasing businesses out of america. these are major companies and if they are getting tired of new york, don t you think other people will follow? of course because these are companies trying to attract top talent out there, smartest people out there. they have choices. when you graduate from your school in the top of your class, you may not want to go through vatican city that is expensive and a crime-ridden city so they have to make adjustments like every other business and that s why businesses have fled from california and new york, huge. using the numbers and how much it costs to rent u-haul as opposed to one going to new yo york. everybody wants one. i think we should keep our eye on that and see what s happening and i see you and your company s ongoing public and keep it private, they just don t want the scrutiny and others looking over their shoulders; public became a scam in my mind the last 20 years, they ve ripped american people off by a trillion dollars. this is my personal opinion. what used to happen is 25 years ago the company would go look at $30 a share and later trading at $60 a share and everyone says look at the money. you could have sucked up and now they stay private and keep raising money privately start with some family in the first round and then another round and every time the raise money natalie, they hike the value of the company it doesn t matter how much. a company could be worth five billing and hike it to 40 billion and then go public at 80 billing. the public has caught on. if you want to go public, go public at a reasonable price because no one should buy these. thanks so much, appreciate the passion and insight and so does america. coming up on the rest of the joke the rest of my interview with dana white from the u.s. these rise relationship with joe rogan, we covered all. don t miss a minute of one nation. listen to the music. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don t know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you re a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i m proud of it! 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(vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington s disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don t take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. as you go with austedo ask your doctor for austedo xr. austedo xr more not on my interview with the great dana white. he started his career as a bouncer, climbed the ladder to become one of the most successful businessman in sports around the world. president of the usc, a billion-dollar company. the company is breaking records quickly and venues around the world boosting almost 100 million supporters on social media, all platforms and or young, they understand the sport and appreciate the effort and excitement each week fighters. exciting and something like it. i love jujitsu at all, sports. even if the can t walk afterwards, to put it on for you guys. these guys always put it on for the fence connect different styles fighting against each other and i love the background stories about letters and i love getting into it. the unpredictability. every night. negative passion? travel to find out about the magic behind man that runs the autopsy. he said easily this is the number one sports league in the world and in the country. what you think about ufc when you are working here people would laugh if you thought it would overtake boxing good luck you ve taken this hard work that america, i like to shine here but i want to be a force around the world. what you do without gabi and to expand this global brand? the beautiful thing upset stay one, this will eventually be the biggest in the world because no matter color country or language you speak, we are all human and fighting is in our dna. and make sense and everybody understands and when you find a guy who s the baddest dude a woman in the world and they speak like you speak and look like you, everybody rallies around them so there isn t a fighter in the world the country we can t find a fighter from like i told you, he continues to expand, we are streaming and go to places with never been about saudi arabia for the first time working on africa. we haven t been to spain yet. i opened an institute in mexico city. some of the baddest dude to other mexicans so imagine the mexicans that will come up in the next five to ten years you build a facility fighters become? one 100%. when you think about business in the history of the world that produced trillions of dollars in revenue like boxing has in the end of the day is nothing there, we built a leak and reinvest in the sport and ufc every year. millions, tens of millions the hundreds of millions of dollars we invest into the sport to reach this vision i have. you can have a sport where you allow blows to the brainstem paralyze your opponent. he tried to stop it. and here we are today it s a global sport. we break records after work and i m pretty sure will break the record this week so when we going to venues like rolling stones and massive acts in these arenas, i love that about it. they keep saying america has gone soft, there s a lot of adrenaline in your stands and the octagon and people promoti promoting, are you the anomaly? probably. i agree the world has gone soft and agree that we are not in any way, shape or form. if you say you are savage, to make a killing easier. when i grew up there was old money and in the, it was harder there s a lot of disruption now. there s never been more opportunity in my lifetime than there is right here and right now. if you are one of these young kids who has heart and grit and determination and want to win, there s never been more opportunity than right now. a 19-year-old dana white had to go, you had to have side jobs or there s no safety net. for people who have a safety net, how do you keep the hunger? different than hunger i say this all the time, the problem with people as they don t know what they want to do the rest of their life. i was lucky that i always knew what i wanted to do. it wasn t this, i wanted to be in the fight business no matter what it was and i started my way in the bottom and worked my way up but these jobs like paving roads and being a bellman, these are the jobs you have to have growing up like people tell me, he worked hard. when i get to work everyday nine to nine, you know who works hard? the guys paving roads everyday digging ditches and guys who pour concrete in roofing jobs. that s hard work so you have to have those jobs to understand what real hard work really is. i just watched you and people would be happy with that turner let alone away in. when you come to fight week you have my favorites from a number one is the fight. number two are face-offs and the press conference leading up to it. when you are a fight man, those are usually the three things. wayne is the opportunity where you get to see how mentally, physically in every way shape or form how prepared are the fighters? if the guy looks away during the face-offs or doesn t look in shape, that s when you look to see who s going to win. i think your checking out the fighters, you re looking at th them. i love this game. i love everything about it. two be able to stand in the middle every saturday between the best fighters in the world getting ready for the fight the next day is one of the coolest things you see behind us, they pay to have that experience and i pulled a young kid right there and the main event, it s like what the once-in-a-lifetime type of stuff. it is the man in me is what it is. i love you so much and i do it 23 years now so i can imagine what it s like. can was on never dig up aga again. do you remember a time when they said he dies in the ring and said in modern america, there s no place, it s too brutal. contact sports are dangerous. la crosse, boxing, mma, the list goes on 30 year history, there s never been a death or serious injury. how many sports can say. and you made it, he put a time limit and put white president, that s a lot to do with the rules you put in. is it the way it started? who want to regulated sports and we spent millions in health and safety. if you take athletes into the proper medical testing. make it as safe as you can possibly make it. the one thing that sticks with me is loyalty. i think about the story the boys wanted how joe rogan went from the guy on fear factor he looked like an athlete the whole time. i did not know he worked for y you. when we first company basin new york, i had to fly and go through and figure out what would come back and what i would throw away. will credible is because this will hear so i had to go through every single tape and one tape he had his top show and joe rogan on, the fear factor guy. you are the biggest [bleep] on the planet. what you doing? you can t assault people. you can t run up to him and hit him. this open fighting stuff and broken goes into this talking about how incredible the sport is, what these guys would do to movie stars and what they would do to boxers and stuff and i saw him and it clicked and i go, this is the guy i need, who i need to be my commentator so i reached out and we hit it off and that s it and he said wait a minute, you re telling me the sport i love the most in the world but the best seat in the house and talk about it on tv, i haven t reheated the first 13 for free and the rest is history. the biggest podcast are in the world, brady greatest commentator of all time. your latest. he sent us through the roof. can you describe it and why it works for you? the most successful thing about a part of in such a short amount of time. in 15 months it s a massive social media juggernaut and financial beast. i love it. you seem to love it. everything the people are saying is exactly what they said about the ufc in early days and plenty of people don t like it. plenty of people didn t like the ufc but there are 8 billion people in the world, believe me. enough people like it to make it incredibly successful. congratulations. thanks. can t go wrong with him. very nice and sit down and get politic time. big fight at the end of the month. i ll be back on stage, history, liberty and flask to her and i ll talk patriotic, inspirational, motivational. indianapolis june 29. towards the end of july in pennsylvania, i ll be driving there and i get a chance and go to the meeting great, i ll sign your book and take some pictures if you go for the vip treatment. next, they ll never guess what undercover spy joe biden claims to have known for 40 years. we ll take the next is tom shillue joins us on news dua centrum! it s scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults. time no, great graphics feature best cocteau. joining us now to talk about tom shillue. are you ready? i m ready. let s hear the music. first appears on news dual connective know him for over 40 years. he s not a decent man, he s a dictator acting as a dictator. forty years ago he was in new zealand. vladimir putin seen as the photographer during the years and deputy mayor. is no way he knew him 40 years ago. this could be one of those great joe biden stories. he tells great stories are apocryphal site was a double agent, he was in new zealand until name : pop and we are on the beaches. hold on. i m going to get in trouble. the 20 always says, i m going to get in trouble. a story that and never happened want to go on record, i ve never trusted giraffes. do .? we have the footage? a draft picks up taller during the wild safari right and i m not surprised. if you look at the faces, we think the drop is a cute animal that kids have in the playset, the draft with the long neck. this dress, noting, picks up 2-year-old paisley and out of the moonroof in the car. can you imagine the horror? i m prepared. when i go to the zoo, i tell my kids, stay away from the draft, they are vicious, picnics. you see the veins in the next? they are bulging. huge next. our thinking no moon works on a safari but that s different next, michigan man had a court date, he has a suspended license. he called in the car to the court date and we thought that was the big story. then we find out he didn t have a suspended license but it thickens, it turns out he never had a license to suspend, his driving without a license so now we see cory harris never should have been driving when he came for his court date, he was driving. but he didn t like, it s a clintonian defense like the meaning of is, is, you can t suspended license that never existed in the first place you have another one? look at these nuns. they were part and it s nuns gone wild. they whether habits in the water. look at this. they are having a great time, it s great the nuns are getting out. there is a sense they don t have a good time and thus not true, is that what you re trying to say? to have a great time and i could hang with them because when i go to the beach, i cover-up i m an spf guy but stuff washes off of the waterpark. even the stuff that says it s waterproof, it s not so cover- cover-up, i look like a nun or muslim woman. this isn t the first time we ve seen nuns having a good time. remember this documentary? you re going to go straight to hell. connect seems like a good movie. being a nun is more fun than i could ever imagine. [laughter] i ll never go to the beach with you. thanks so much. you do a better than joe biden. don t forget to take one nation on vacation with you, send us a photo of you and i ll put you on an international audience show called one nation and there is. let us but it s handsome. one nation on vacation from north carolina, she took it to the wonderful west virginia she writes, i never leave my fox news behind. thank you, brooke. thanks for going on vacation with one nation. we re talking about cashbackin. not a game! we re talking about cashbacking. we re talking about. we re not talking about practice? no. cashbacking. word. we re talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can t filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it s not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there s only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. force factor total beets is the number one beets brand in america. that s why friends and family recommend total beets. now you can find total beets blood pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide, support blood pressure and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total beets. organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. finally, good good news for going. they successfully launched first mission to space. commanding like 61-year-old which will more, former u.s. navy captain. before that dock, he gave an all-american speech. listen. we tell many american lives and many are waving flags of us. we know that represents unity and resilience and unified efforts with a common thread and we all know when the going gets tough as it often does, the tough get going and you have. we are honored share spaceflights with each and every one of you. some fire in the rocket and push to the heavens for the tough americans prepared to be. they go to the space station and they are there not. good to return product and we have another way to get to space. congratulations, guys. that doesn t for us. send us videos we will send you one nation legacy behind me and take us on vacation, take a picture with something you bought from us. also, one is our address. tune in sunday morning the great guest they lined up over the course of four hours governor doug burgum, running mates with donald trump. catch my radio show 9:00 to noon fastest growing in the country. brian will be with us, as well as doctor marty makary. meanwhile, fox news saturday night starts right now with the great jimmy failla. i will stay in studio.

U-s- , Eyes , Tracy-simpson , Faulkner , Normandy , Tears , Veteran , Vietnam , Person , Community , Event , Tree

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240608-600

Fordyce resigns, there is a move to impeach him, which he has to get out ahead of. and the chief justice calls them. professor, there are people, the argument, the best i can tell, on behalf of thomas here is that it was oversight or misinterpretation of the rules of disclosure, a. b, there is nothing illegal about having phenomenally rich friends who shower you with largess. in c, he believes what he believes, and this would have no influence on him. what do you make of that defense? well, a year before his confirmation hearing in 1990, the aba delegates convened in order to put together rules of professionalism and ethical conduct for judges. and the very first canon addresses matters such as this. which is that judges are not to engage in matters of impropriety, or even the perception of impropriety. this

Clarence-thomas , People , Chief-justice , Fordyce , Professor , Best , Move , Behalf , Argument , Friends , Largess , Nothing

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240608-720

Recuse myself. and the same thing with thomas. you have both the financial scandals, you also have the scandals of his wife s involvement in a coup attempt. i mean, we have become acculturated to such a level of miss doings by these people. and there is no longer a sense that it kind of matters if half the country believes that the court is legitimate. in fact, they almost seem to revel in that they can exercise this authority against people that they hold in contempt. yes, and it is interesting, professor, that the staunchest ideological allies of justice thomas, including some of the people in that really quite beautiful painting of him hanging out with harlan crow, just an incredible work of art, they have been rushing to his defense. yes, of course. of course you think this arrangement works. it works for you.

Clarence-thomas , Thing , Wife , Scandals , Coup-attempt , Involvement , Level , Court , It , Fact , People , Kind

Transcripts For MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes 20240608-480

Just as fordyce resigned in disgrace. in fact, the american bar association then introduced a new code of conduct for all judges, including new regulations on, wait for it, outside income. although it did not apply to the supreme court itself. but at the end of that scandal there was a public reckoning in response to a crisis of legitimacy at the court. and i don t think it is crazy to say we need another public reckoning like that right now. because the supreme court is contemplating some of the most important cases of our lifetime, including an eminent ruling on whether or not donald trump or any president has near- total impunity as president. and the american public cannot be expected to trust those decisions are legally sound if they cannot trust the court is acting without outside influence. a professor of constitutional law at georgetown university law center. michelle gord worked as an op- ed columnist writing the politics of the new york times. i just can t, michelle, get over that chart. it just tells such a story. there is a broader question about gifts, and there is

Court , It , Fact , Crisis , Scandal , Supreme-court , Judges , Reckoning , Fordyce , Legitimacy , American-bar-association , Response