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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Beat With Ari Melber 20180730 22:00:00

The day s biggest political and news stories, with interviews and reporting from around the nation.
donald trump saying bob mueller has a conflict of interest. what s he referring to? a dispute i imagine he disclosed it to rosenstein when he appointed him because it involved something last year wasn t settled to this day. that s up to the president and mueller to describe. what s the conflict? i can t tell you. are you saying the business conflict mueller and president trump had, is that about his golf course. i m not going to go any further. he s not going further on that. there were some specifics when guiliani talked about other alleged meetings before the trump tower meeting. the meeting with the russians, how can you be sure that the president didn t know before. it s he said she said. nobody can be sure of anything. in a situation like this you have two things that argue against cohen. two-on-one sorry, three
like an independent contradictions. he says there was a meeting with donald junior with jared kushner and paul manafort and deatgates possibly two others out of the presence of the president, discussed the russians. we checked with their lawyers, the ones we could check with, four of the six, that meeting never ever took place. didn t happen, a figment of his imagination or is lying. let s deal with the figments clearly. guiliani says the only reason he brought up this other meeting he says did not happen, that he wanted to get out in front of a leak. ruddy is saying michael s big secret evidence, if he has it, is actually nothing. you can think of this attack that is an argument, michael cohen is like geraldo but going to open this famous vault and the vault is actually empty, no
meeting. guiliani s right, if michael cohen s big vault of evidence doesn t have anything in it that will deal with the probe, we ll see. michael cohen and lanny davis are not geraldo, they re not standing in front of a vault. this whole thing is weird why we re reaching for weird references. how do you accuse someone going full geraldo, promising a vault, in this case, a meeting, when they haven t done it and there s no vault. i begin with this absurd line of questioning. member of the new york times editorial review board and wall street journal and former top aide to hillary clinton and ceo of the center for american progress. shelby, let me start with you. what does it mean when rudy guiliani says michael cohen might come forward in front of this vault but the vault is empty and yet we re at a period in this debate michael cohen haven t done that. there is a lot of ways to
that as a pretty big bombshell in and of itself yeah. a fact we should be deeply anxious about the legitimacy of this president. that s up on your screen, you see this news screen and see guiliani says colluding with russia is not a crime. that s a bad thing, whether colluding with russia or iran or whomever, that s a bad thing now being sold as not a crime. we have done reporting on this show and i think folks are aware depending what the collusion entails it can be a crime because an international conspiracy to get a thing of value or impact an election is criminal activity, it depends who knew what where or when. as experienced as you are of the campaign of media where these things play out, let s look why guiliani says he is the first mover bringing up the pre-meeting geraldo same thing. take a listen. why do i mention it?
because first of all, i thought it was going to come out. second, my experience is when you have stuff like this floating around it comes out. i don t want it to come out and be unrebutted when it originally comes out. got it. part of what we re trying to do here, the jury for this case is the american public. neera, given you re disclosed as an opponent to him, he seems to be telling the truth there how he views this and his motivations. absolutely. look, throughout this whole long national nightmare of this investigation where the president has seemingly lied regularly, what s obvious is that the trump legal team is their foremost goal is indict the prosecution and drive opposition to the prosecution, make it impossible for republicans to act because it s seen through a partisan lens,
and it s almost as if they concede on some level that they re guilty and their goal is just to make it impossible for a jury to convict. like in a normal trial, what this would be seen as trying to tamper with the jury pool. i think in some way that is what guiliani is confessing to, trying to throw up as much mud as possible so american people are confused with whatever mueller comes out with. let s be candid, do you that when you re guilty, not when you re innocent. you know, i m struck by something rudy said. he said nobody can be sure of anything. i think, you know, it sounds almost putinesque. like are we even here right now, man? is this happening? is there truth or is there truth? maybe we re still in class and this is a dream. exactly. you re right. that s a putin talking point. a very good point. that s very nefarious.
rudy guiliani and the president, too, they have a long history of, you know, using new york city tabloids to do the same thing. you fight for you fight in the public arena. so what you can t do in the courtroom, you try and do, you know, in the court of public opinion. i think this is the case where they seem very worried about what will happen in the courtroom. about the real stuff. that s right. they can t control that, right? they re doing what they do best, throw a pr blitz and sew enough doubt if not the american people, their base, to prevent the political fall-out. there s a legal process here. when you talk about something like impeachment for example, that s a political process, not a legal one. they are laser focused on that. one more thing while i have mara, i want you to take a listen to anthony scaramucci, a pretty loyal trump aide but goes
possible for not directly lying and says that puts him closer and how we got here and there is a freak-out tonight puts him closer to advance knowledge of a potential conspiracy. we re at a point now every person in america needs to decide for himself or herself, are you going to believe what s in front of your eyes or are you going to see things through partisanship or tribalism in some never-neverland. i think unfortunately that s where we ve come to. we don t know what the outcome of the mueller investigation is yet. that s fine, let that process play out. we don t. we do have other reporting and indictments taken place so far we don t need to believe the president when he calls this a witch hunt. we know that s not the case. let s just stick to the facts. one other thing antetokounmpoant
because they love donald trump, even if you re inclined to give the benefit of the down, that was 2016, they were inexperienced, yatta yatta. 2018, not so inexperienced, has the full benefit of the national security apparatus and continues to go in, in an in-person public forum with the president of russia known to be a killer and have human rights abuses by the justice department and continue to take that side over the u.s., how does one look at this and say, it s a conspiracy theory, there s no support for it, it seems to be going on actively before our eyes. absolutely. let s point out, if donald trump did act improperly with the russians, obviously, vladamir putin would know that. the weird thing about this whole situation is trump behaves that way. he behaves as if the russians
have information on him. every political advisory in the world would say, go have a meeting with putin and act tough with putin. defend america s interests. he attacks all our allies yet almost cowers in front of putin. to americans living their lives, that behavior was inexplicable except for the notion putin has something on him, or there is something to the story. he really did prove, in a sense, give evidence in people s minds to believing the whole array of illegal acts in front of us. right. listening to you, i feel more informed but i don t feel better. nothing nothing is part of this will make you feel better ever? it s informational but not
cathardic. three experts tonight. coming up, trump may ease sanctions of a putin ollie guard. former ambassador michael mcfaul is here. and tampering with that infamous audiotape, what s up with that. we are 99 days from these pivotal mid-terms and a look how key women candidates and voters are. i will talk to two candidates whose victories could give victory back. and the judge talking about her workout and how long she may be on the bench.
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yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax.
of dollars in hopes of a good return. this was one of the first examples of paul manafort using offshore accounts we found, a practice that would later get him in trouble. trouble indeed. now is the moment for the trump administration to float sanctions relief for him. those original april sanctions mandated by congress made deripaska the biggest loser by those sanctions. i m joined by former ambassador michael mcfaul a sergeant by putin and he held a meeting at the white house about that issue. thank you for joining me. if they lift these sanctions, what message does that send? that they re not serious about changing putin s behavior. a series of sanctions is you go after companies and individuals
to put economic pressure on them to pressure their government to change its foreign policy behavior. it s a rickshaw thing, a bank shot. putin hasn t changed his behavior, if anything he s gotten more aggressive as we saw in helsinki, and against me, by the way. it sends a horrible message that the administration doesn t have a strategy for the sanctions they have implemented from the past. you mentioned that and as i said, spoken out about. why did my president, my commander in chief, my fellow american call putin s scheme about me an incredible offer. what did you get from the white house meeting. that s pretty over the top language. i didn t know i wrote that. just kidding. all getting hyperbolic these days. to be accused as a criminal by vladamir putin is a pretty
intense moment. i met with many government officials last week in the trump administration. my message was a clear one. i was happy they finally got to a position where they were rejecting this offer, this generous offer by putin to interrogate me and the other 11 americans. i think that s clear. i want them to reject preemptively the idea they might seek to detain us through the interpol system. what did you think of their response to you? you can ask them that. i m not going to read that out. they asked me not to. i will keep the focus on that. you want to respect the confidential as specific of that that involves national security issues, get that. you look at how deripaska operates, not that he s a free wheeling businessman but very much an agent or cutout or helper to the putin regime.
let me read in fairness what the treasury department is saying for your analysis. the sanctions have caused havoc in the global aluminum market, secretary mnuchin saying our objective is not to put deripaska s company out of business. first of all, they should have thought about that when they put deripaska on the list in the first place. measuring the unintended consequences of sanctions. i participated at many many meetings at the white house with respect to iranian sanctions in that regard. second, why do we care about the future of that company? why is it in our national interests to care about that company. i don t know. are these rhetorical questions? my answer is we probably don t. if it opens up space in the market.
mnuchin is a free market guy. if it opens up space, so be it. just to come back to the main point, the purpose of sanctions is to change putin s behavior. putin s behavior has not changed. when you lift sanctions before he changes his behavior, that sends a pretty powerful signal you re not serious about wanting him to change his behavior. ambassador michael mcfaul, who s been in the eye of the hurricane often not by choice, thank you for being on tonight. michael cohen saying the tape may be tampered with, and what s rudy trying to do? a break in just 30 seconds.
tampering. more than likely, he came back home, erased the portion he wanted erased and tried to tape record a conversation, it appears, with don junior and might have gotten that, too, and erased that. you ve spoken to don jr. what is the part that was erased? i have no idea. does donald trump remember? no. it could be good for donald trump. we have determined the fact he tampered with the tape in the sense that he abruptly, mid-conversation turned it off. i think they put it out because they wanted the doctored version to obscure whatever else might be on that type, i m sure it will be good for us. i m joined. thank you both for joining us. i don t know persuasive you remember the rapper, j.o. felony, he was very proud of his felonies. i feel like guiliani is
basically turning this into mike felony and if true turning this into a true crime. this if true would be a big deal and if false, the false accusation of a crime is also a big deal. rudy is gambling on the facts he s looking for court opinion. you re right. if there are tapes tampered with and offered into evidence that would be a big deal. huge. if you have just a tape recording on your phone, which is all these tapes cohen has appear to be and you cut it off inadvertently, or even on purpose while taping on your telephone, that s a very different thing than something you testify to in court and audited kate and offer as evidence. i take your nuance, joyce, very important. you re helping us understand this is probably hyperbolic and
not real tampering. it would be a big deal for them to go out and accuse him of tampering. it absolutely would be. guiliani is operating on the narrow edge of ethical rules courts expect lawyers to follow. it s surprising to a lot of people the bar has not yet sanctioned him for some of this conduct. as you say, that is where there are real rules that apply to anyone who say there s the practicing attorney for the president or anyone else. then the privileged part important even though rudy talks about it in a sort of loose manner. take a listen. we have complained to them that he s violating the attorney-client privilege publicly and privately. why did you waive the attorney-client privilege for the cohen tapes. because if i didn t waive it i wouldn t be able to tell you he cuts it off, which he does,
right after the word check. explain. it s very confusing. attorney client privilege is a rule once you let the cat out of the bag you can t put it back in. once rudy waives privilege there s nothing for cohen to violate in talking about it. rudy is talking a lot of word salad today and to see what will stick on the walls. this one will not stick and there s no there there. this is the point you don t need to be a lawyer, if your argument is, how dare you take advantage of the things i did privilege is out and it seems like we re done there. it is. word salad is one word and weaponized gas lighting is another word i would use to
describe what the trump administration has been doing a long time and what has been happening in the last few days with rudy guiliani. he is saying michael cohen doctored the tapes. if the trump administration wasn t smart enough to issue hush money, i don t think he s smart enough to doctor a tape. you don t imagine him in a basement? i don t know. i have trouble with that image. like making a second soundcloud. maybe. what we re seeing also is rudy guiliani is basically michael cohening michael cohen. michael cohen was donald trump s lawyer but he didn t do a lot of lawyering. what he did was a lot of trying to kill stories and threaten to kill people who had stories on donald trump. classic example during the campaign ivanka trump s own words had been leaked she felt violated by donald trump and he threatened the lawyer and tried
to kill the story and when he couldn t said it is not a crime to rape your wife and a different yes-man with the same sort of strategy. one other contrast is we know trump and cohen were having a lot of conversations. one difference with rudy is they literally seem to speak through the television. this is something i think leads people to underestimate them, this idea, rudy is making it up and is so sloppy. no, i think there s a method to it. the method is, if there s no professional or personal pride in the words you say and work you do, you can do a rough draft on live tv, and he did a few hours later calling in to another interview. it s all just content and if it gets over the line of ethical standard, there is a bar that can do things to rudy. with all of that, i want to play about michael making news that
there are other case, other women, at least one he alleged involve the tabloid company doing favors for trump could be a new and separate legal in fraction. take a look. > have three clients that have hired me as their counsel. each of them had a relationship with president trump and each were paid prior to the election. that s previously disclosed and not karen mcdougal, correct? correct. what about the significance of a whole other case like stormy daniels we don t know about yet? i think you will need a whole new second hour for your show because there s so much to do to cover these stories. i want to come back to what you were saying before, there s a strategy rudy guiliani uses, the same that donald trump used, call in to shows and say one
thing and another thing. this is a weaponized form of gas lighting but weaponized incompetence, sounding like they don t really know, they re dumb, they re not dumb, they know exactly what they re doing, doing it on purpose, a cover-up. they re trying to cover up something and we saw them say michael cohen can t be taken seriously, but the republican party are complicit in that they don t know what crimes they re covering up. i think you re making a point that overlaps some of which joyce was putting out, if the details of the facts doesn t favor you, you turn to the mush. people say, what is this? it isn t a legal brief, it s applesauce. what is applesauce? it is a cynical play and doesn t mean it won t work and why we
will keep reporting on the vigilance of it. my thanks, to joyce and liz. coming up, justice ruth bader ginsburg, i have to get her name right about her exercise routine and time on the court. and democrats say they can take back the house and gain subpoena power. we will speak with two candidates on the front lines live next. and i can do it with what s already within me. because my body can still make its own insulin. and once-weekly trulicity activates my body to release it. trulicity is not insulin. it comes in a once-weekly, truly easy-to-use pen. it works 24/7. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. don t use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don t take trulicity if you or your family
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running that fight there are a record number of women running for office, some emerging out of tough and contested primaries and 307 on the democratic side looking to reshape the face of the democratic party. that s me. an air force combat veteran to a mom. lucy went from a mom to powerful voice. national teacher of the year. i m jahana hayes. i know my truth. i know it does not reflect us. life gets haerther for women like me. after i served our country in the air force, i came home to take care of mom. through my work as a nurse. i know how critical it is to get healthcare coverage. two of the women you just saw are joining me now. running to be the first latina to represent texas in that capacity and lauren underwood, a registered nurse to be the first person of color to represent her
district in illinois. thank you both. gina, why are you running? thanks for having me. i d be a couple of first, the first out member of congress from texas and first asian-american member from texas. we have two great latinas, that will represent us in washington. as we say in the business, my bad and my apologies. it s all good. i m very excited to be running and just spent the last couple of days in west texas. this district spans san antonio to el paso and the largest district that is not its own state. folks are so excited, it s not about winning. for many folks they know what is on the ballot. healthcare is on the ballot. it s the issue that come understand the most, can t afford it today or fearful they
can t afford it tomorrow. 70% of this district is rural. folks know we need representatives to fight for healthcare. 1 in 6 texans is uninsured. 1 in 6 kids in texas here go to school and rely on c.h.i.p. or medicaid for insurance. we know we re 99 days away from the most consequential election of our lifetime but know we re celebrating the 53rd anniversary of the signing of medicaid and medicare by another great texan leader, lbj and programs are so vital to so many americans everyday. we have to protect these programs and i look forward to protect opportunities to allow me to grow healthy and have opportunity. i assume everyone is talking healthcare out there. is that your most experienced? absolutely. i m a registered nurse decided
to run coming out of a broken promise from my representative. he said he would protect people like me with pre-existing conditions and he broke his word. as i travel around the seven counties in northern illinois, folks are talking about how can we afford our prescription drugs and how we pay our premium prices when folks are facing astronomical prices rising. healthcare is the forefront issue of this campaign. we have to fix our system. a question for both of you as women running in a year we re seeing historical records broken with women candidates and there s so many references to the aggregate view of politics of trump and that seems to obscure something i know you both know about, a gender gap. look at the support among women, a higher negative view of trump, 65% negative than when you break it out otherwise. to both of you, what does that mean, starting with lauren?
i think that what we see among women, we are energized and motivated to do the work. in my community, women have been leading in every area of life. pta leaders, our neighborhood association and church groups, but not necessarily running nor office so we have seen an unprecedented number of women stepping up and being candidates in this era and unprecedented number of women stepping up to be activists and leading groups in our community. we have a huge number of women getting involved because we know what s at stake this year. gina, actually, let me ask you, as you know when ever you run for office, people always say, what do you think of the political advice of fat joe, right? that s just a thing every time you run. the rapper and activist was on the beat, one of our favorites, he s very adamant and active and
act like trump is winning. listen to what he said. you have to act as if he s up 100 points. that s it. fuss because everybody was going to lose. everybody will get more and more depressed. all the polls said he would lose and he won. you have to run like we re losing, even if you re ahead. gina, are you following that advice or going a different direction? i am somebody that recognizes at my core there are not a lot of kids that go from reduced lunch to executive office of the president, right? that doesn t just happen. my country and my community invested in me. i am very much running to protect those opportunities. i think he s right. if we think we re working hard we have to work harder. 29 counties and texas, 23, we re working throughout them. in this race, 3,000 votes, 3,000 votes is all that separated them at the congressional level in 2016 in a district hillary won.
that s a high school in texas. we have to run like healthcare is on the ballot, because it is. we have to run like say gun laws are on the ballot, because they are. we have to run like this country is worth fighting for. we clearly see we re under attack and the key role congress plays in oversight and no small part of national security and we re not seeing enough courage from congress to keep us safe. it s very interesting to hear directly from people running the races we hear about. thank you both so much. up ahead, a report on why this controversial stand your ground law now has even the nra criticizing one sheriff s application. plus, rbg saying how long she ll be on the court. traumatic injury, we have a short amount of time to get our patient to the hospital with good results. we call that the golden hour.
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don t put your hands on people. don t slam them to the ground. and if you do you re taking a chance that that person might be a concealed carry permit holder and they might decide that they re in fear and they re going to defend themselves. legal experts say the sheriff is actually wrong. the victim s family also speaking out. we need to put an end to this. the man that pulled the trigger don t even get fingerprinted? it needs to stop. something needs to be done. florida senator bill nelson calling for a federal probe. he s also defending his seat against florida governor rick scott, who signed a enlarged version of stand your ground just last year. now, tomorrow the sheriff, who says that law ties his hands-s actually co-hosting a fund-raiser with candidate rick scott. so the question for them tomorrow is do they actually maintain that this state law prevents any investigation or
prosecution in this situation? and if so how do you defend a law that seems to protect one-sided deadly escalation in that kind of conflict? up next we will bring you that much-promised message from ruth bader ginsburg. severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores.
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that s your family. which is why you didn t grab just any cheese. you picked up new kraft expertly paired cheddar and swiss for eggs. beat that! kraft. family greatly. one of liberals favorite members of the supreme court has an announcement. ruth bader ginsburg says, i m now 85. justice john paul stevens stepped down when he was 90. so i think i have about at least
five more years. as they say on the court, count em up. now, she certainly will be busy. justice ginsburg also having a bit of her own busy time in the culture. there s that documentary rbg which has made more than 13 million at the box office. she s also the subjective a film coming out this winter where she will be played by felicity jones. and her workout routines have led to moments in the culture like this in late night. why are you on your knees? what? i m cramping. working out with an 85-year-old woman can i ask you a question? and i want you to give me an honest answer. are you juicing? no. always honest. you don t want to commit perjury. now, i have a quick programming note before we go. i am in for rachel maddow tonight, and i am deciding whether to bring back an old tie from off the rack. so if you tune in tonight at

Rudy-guilliani , Defense , White-house , Denial , Mood , Murder , Donald-trump-jr , Dispute , Bob-mueller , Conflict-of-interest , President , Something

Transcripts for CNN Erin Burnett OutFront 20240604 23:20:00

In and shows that the king is not wearing any clothes, that putin, basically isn t the strong man, that people put flowers and took selfies with the invading prigozhin mercenaries as they rolled through different towns in russia. it shows that putin s not popular. it sthhows that putin s not the strong man, and prigozhin was more popular than putin, and the fact that putin hasn t taken this guy to red square, put him in a guillotine and chopped his head off, shows that he s scared of him. it s really something in terms of the power, and putin saying these things publicly in that interview, scared of him as you point out. i also want to talk to you about, i know that next week you re going to be giving testimony before u.s. government commission about russia s ability to avoid sanctions, launder money in switzerland. where putin s inner circle has

Fight-inside-putin , People , Russian , Clothes , Isn-t-the-strong-man , Selfies , Towns , Flowers , King , Prigozhin-mercenaries , Man , Fact

Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 02:41:00

Clearly an unpopular war in the sense that 200,000 russians are dead or wounded in this war, it does not seem to excite the kind of nationalist fervor that putin was hoping for, and what prigozhin is doing, he is almost giving license to people decide that the whole thing was started on false pretexts. that is a big deal and it punctures the aura that putin hasn t tried to create around him. does that lead to the toppling of the regime? i do not think so, i think putin is firmly in control. we are just playing the video of people waving at and taking pictures of prigozhin as the flood. putin is not usually the type to take two challenges to his power very easily. should we be concerned at this moment that he could lash out in some way to just to show the world, and to show russians that he is still in control? i think that he will

Vladimir-putin , Kind , Sense , Russian-civil-war , Russians , Fervor , 200000 , People , Deal , Thing , Doing , Putin-hasn-t

Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 06:41:00

But, what he did was not just challenge but assault the rationale for the war and it is clearly an unpopular war in the sense that 200,000 russians are dead or wounded in this war, it does not seem to excite the kind of nationalist fervor that putin was hoping for, and what prigozhin is doing, he is almost giving license to people decide that the whole thing was started on false pretexts. that is a big deal and it punctures the aura that putin hasn t tried to create around him. does that lead to the toppling of the regime? i do not think so, i think putin is firmly in control. we are just playing the video of people waving at and taking pictures of prigozhin as the flood. putin is not usually the type to take two challenges to his power very easily. should we be concerned at this moment that he could lash out in some way to just to show the world, and to show russians that he is still in control? i think that he will certainly do some kind of purge. that is very typical in russian history. there is a doctor s plot

Vladimir-putin , Kind , Sense , Russian-civil-war , Doing , Russians , Rationale , Fervor , 200000 , People , Thing , Deal

Transcripts for MSNBC Katy Tur Reports 20240604 19:17:00

Any more blood. he urged them to contact the ministry of the defense or to go home. he said it s a choice of each of you, essentially join the russian army or go home. masha, you re still with us. what do you make of what you just heard? it seems putin hasn t decided what he s going to do. he s keeping his options open. his reference to the wagner commanders who made the decision to turn around and go home is i think purposely vague. it could even include prigozhin himself if prigozhin were to exhibit necessary contrition. putin also blamed this he use rhetoric that a leader would notally use when talking about a terrorist attack, right, which is saying, you know, it s an attack on the whole country, criminal activity, and particularly the blackmail line

Choice , Home , Defense , Each , Russian-military , Blood , Ministry , Wagner , U-s , Masha-gessen , Options , Putin-hasn-t