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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Sunday Night in America With Trey Gowdy 20240610

land. what has he done to deserve to be president? is he inspiring, does he give great statesmanlike speeches, is he securing our country from enemies without and within. izzy building up her institutions, is he encouraging young people to embrace our country and learn our history and our principles? is he bringing peace and prosperity to the country? is he doing things about crime in the inner city that are effective, what the hell has this guy done throughout 50 years that has been positive for this country, nothing. nothing. i will see you next time on life liberty and levin . . trey: good evening and thank you for joining us i am trey gowdy. it is sunday night in america . revenge is the best served cold but should always be on the menu? we can have the stuff go one. when biden goes out, everyone says bye-bye and then he gets indicted two days later and they go after him, the country does not want that. they didn t want it with hilary clinton either. i want to bring the country together. trey: some republicans and right-wing commentators are openly calling for retribution. for what alvin bragg and fani willis and other prosecutors have done, some are encouraging republican prosecutors, present and future to target democrats with an eye for night. to be sure one spiritual leader noted an eye for night leaves the whole world blind but it also ruined your justice system which ruined your country, simply turning the other cheek the high road does not serve as a deterrent, what is the right response when you been wrong the left and the media would understand the origins of the anger. it s very hard to become president, less than 50 people have ever done it in to have a cloud placed over your presidency because law enforcement and intelligence officials did not like you and manufactured a russian influence fantasy by the dnc that is anger and retribution provoking, then trump was impeached twice which leads some to want impeachment for the current president in retaliation and trump was indicted before the grand jury including the case in new york that never would ve been brought against anyone else the media could have a law find effective what company. instead it exacerbates the problem rather than shun the likes of peter strzok or indy mccabe, john brennan, andrew wiseman and jim comey, the media hires them and gives them a platform in a paycheck for their bias and laughs at their double standard. if you look at the white house now it s hard to imagine two fbi agents, how did that happen. i sent them all. something i probably wouldn t have done or gotten away with in a more organized investigation more organized administration, the fbi wanted to send agents into the white house itself to interview the senior official and you would work through the white house counsel and discussions and approvals and who would be there and i thought it s early enough let s send a couple of guys over. trey: laughter at disparate treatment and treating republicans differently from democrats. laughter at unfairness. and you wonder why the victimize no longer value fairness as a virtue. here we are tempted to treat others as they have treated us rather than as we should ve been treated in the first instance. and yet we know fairness is an everlasting virtue, we know it stood the test of time in the cornerstone of any justice system worth having, what is the answer do we fight fire with fire or do we fight fire with water? righteous water, virtuous water as the prophet said letting justice roll down like water and righteousness like an ever flowing stream. so is it and i for nye or turn the other cheek or something in between? joining us guy benson fox news contributor host of the guy benson show and democrat strategist kevin walling. how should one fight real or perceived injustice by engaging in the same behavior and i for an eye or the prophet who wanted justice and righteousness to be an ever flowing stream what do you think retribution or righteousness. i would like to see the flames of unfairness extinguished with water i struggle to envision what that looks like under the scenario because time and time again donald trump we mentioned the russian collusion helps in 2016 and 2017 a cloud over his whole presidency they thought they had a beat that time, by 2020 they manufacturing the russian disinformation about hunter biden s laptop as you accurately described in new york for a lot of trump supporters that feels like one, 23 strikes in diffuse able to win the next election in spite of all of that i think there will be a concern on the left that there might be vengeance and a lot of people in the right saying the vengeance is earned for necessary. trey: kevin, the reason i like having you on i think you re a fair person even on issues upon which we disagree. i m not asking you if you agree with the anger i am asking if you understand it. i try to understand why the other side is angry even if i do not. i don t want to live in a country where this group is targeting back a real based on their political ideology, how do we get out of a real or perceived i for nye situation which we may be headed towards. i really appreciate what you just said. i fully understand the anger in the frustration. i don t think democrats in 2016 understood the anger and frustration not necessarily about donald trump of the grievances but about their stay in life, wages were up they were stuck in the same jobs for four years, the populist rage is donald trump selection in 2016. i double back to what you said an offset that there were four different grand jury s that have indicted t the president among these charges, we have got to somehow restore hope and faith in the judicial system of this country it was a injury of donald trump s appears that indicted him in each of in new york a jury of donald trump many of them have trump social and follow the president and support the president who ultimately decided against former president trump. i think what you seen from president biden with his son on trial this past week at least in his remarks from normandy with david mir when he sat down with him that he will abide with his ruling even if the jury votes to convict his own son and sentence his own son. and that he won t pardon his own son if it comes to that. i think that hopefully is the direction we can all agree on and work together to restore hope in the judicial system. trey: i actually don t think of the hunter biden case, i was a gun prosecutor, i would put him in drug court to be candid with everyone that puts me in the minority but i would put him in drug court, is hilary clinton that i think back on, kevin is correct the grand jury has indicted her but it s tough to get an indictment when you don t seek one. the way she was investigated is different from the way that donald trump or other republicans. i ve never heard of having witnesses sit in while you were interviewing, jim comey drafted his memo exonerating her months before he even talked to her. i worry about our justice sy system. guy, let me ask you a political question. i don t forget to solve the justice questions. we have three events the sentencing of donald trump, the debates coming up and his selection as a vice presidential running mate, which of the three do you think has the best chance of moving the needle polit politically. i m going to say the debates and i m not even sure about that, the obvious answer one would think under normal times or circumstances would be the felony convictions of one of the two candidates running for president that would be the bombshell that could change this race but i know it s early and i want to see the polling averages two or three weeks from now but the early indications including high profile high quality pulling suggest that that really hasn t moved the needle in terms of public opinion against donald trump. i m getting go with the debates but we will see this feels locked in stone to some extent in a house for months. trey: kevin, i owe you a question i ll pay you back some point in the future but i got way to caught up in the prophet amos, i apologize for that. you are taking us to church. my mom will be happy that i know the names of video the prophets. thank you both for joining us on a sunday nights. we will see you next time. both sides think the academy is a winning issue for them but they both cannot be right can they? kevin o leary is us thse ae anss next on sunday night in america . because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. when we say it ll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. being so tall definitely has 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question is why, is it a lack of inventory or has inflation hit the housing market, more dramatically than other sectors. by the way how can both sides run on the academy this nov november. republican side inflation, democrats say the stock market hit record highs, who is right at trump tax cut are set to expire, the marginal wage of 37%, that does not include state, local or sales taxes. god asked for tempers and how much is enough or government. here to make sense fame to investor in o leary ventures chairman mr. kevin o leary, thank you for joining us, let s start with housing, what do you think is driving up the cost of buying a home. if you can scrape together the money or get a loan is real estate in your judgment a good investment? real estate has always been a good investment for 200 years and it s proven up over history. in the rapid increase in of the interest rates in the anticipation was has not come down only 12 months ago you are thinking seven great cuts in which not have appeared because inflation remains rampant and north of 3% housing is adjusted on simple equations to interest rates. and they are higher than they were in the market so seven, eight, 9% depending on your economic status and that s a lot more than 3.5% four years ago. that is why housing cost have been up 30 or 40%, it s really hard to see the change, i m not sure that s going to change at all then we had the weird outcome of the pandemic where people moved away from metropolitan areas into areas where they wanted to live in better schools and everything else in it went way through the roof. it s a new america i digitized american housing is more expensive. trey: speaking of america we have an election coming up, early voting starts pretty soon, it s rare to see both parties running on the same issue but democrats site jobs numbers in the market hitting 40000 and republican side inflation in the general sense that all is not well in the market may be on a sugar high, which side has the more compelling argument when it comes to the economy. it doesn t matter who you are or what party you re associated with when you re the in cabinet in dealing with inflation. inflation is a simple equation, there are three aspects that really hurt you at the voting poll in its energy on transportation, that is oil and gas, is housing that we just talked about, then it is food in minutes chicken, fish, steak does have not gone down in value since the pandemic, there up 38% and your cna change the lives of fast food restaurants and everything else in those three actions are not good for the incumbent. inflation is never good. it having been repaired over the next four and half months i don t think so. we have inflation that is north of 30% when it has to be to, that is their mandate, it s really sticky in food prices that s where people go to the grocery store every two days and say this piece of chicken is worth 40% more than it was 36 months ago not hurts of the p poll. trey: for future president were to call you and say we can never tax our way out of this deficit there has to be a reduction in spending but neither side wants to talk about that. what is the right kind of mix of more revenue versus spending cuts or should we abandon the notion of a balanced budget, it s a fools goal to have that we can have a balanced budget in mind in your lifetime. that s a great question, here s the answer, 1974 in 1975 were getting given example to countries that solve this problem, canada was one in norway was the other, they did a different path, that massive energy reserves in there is a reserve in america with and warmer one of the largest oils on earth untapped, unused. what the canadians did they put a royalty on it same time as norwegians but those norwegians put into the law the all the royalties they charge the lawyer hundred royalty per barrel, every dollar of that had to be spent reducing deficit the canadians did not do that they let the government spend any way that they wanted to and governments waste money and they sponsor their wealth. if you look today kid of the verses norway it s one of the highest in-depth per capita nations on earth, norway are winners, and war is what s going to solve this problem. trey: mr. kevin o leary taken a ce conch class i wish i would ve had you on college i would had a better portfolio than what i have right now, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. up next another high-profile criminal trial, guns, drugs, girlfriends and hunter biden. all that next on sunday night in america . for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. a test or approve a medication. we didn t have to worry about any of those things thanks to the donations. and our family is forever grateful because it s completely changed our lives. we re here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. 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belgium making big gains in the parliamentary election that projected wrench president and manual macron to dissolve his country s parliament and call for snap elections. and belgium s prime minister resigned after his party suffered defeat, millions of europeans have been casting ballots this week and what of the world s biggest democratics elections, the flow comes at a pivotal moment that you which is grappling with a range of issues from wars in ukraine and gaza and immigration and climate change. closing arguments expected, hunter biden federal gun trial defense is trying to decide if they will call the president son to testify when the trial resumes tomorrow, prosecutors rested their case friday but it could call a rebuttal witness if hunter takes the stand. i m ashley strohmier, back to you in sunday night in america . trey: welcome back to sunday night in america . hunter biden is on trial for two things, lying on an application to buy a gun and possessing the gun while being an addict or unlawful user of the controlled substance. lying and buying cases are common, so to our cases against convicted felons. how many people have been prosecuted under this unlawful user or addict section of the gun law. for that matter how many people are being prosecuted for being mentally ill and possessing a gun or being illegally possessing account, i m all for enforcing the law, i prosecuted federal gun cases for six years. but i m also for fairness, donald trump was prosecuted on a manufactured felony because he was donald trump. the evidence is overwhelming that hunter biden was an addict and a user of cocaine base when he applied to purchase the gun, it s not a hard case for prosecutors to win. would drug court be a better outcome than prison, joining us two of my favorite legal minds constitutional lawyer mark smith and former u.s. attorney brett tolman. this case has me thinking if hunter biden had gone to a friend were neighbor to buy a gun there would be no federal form to fill out because private sales don t require sfl forms or background checks. two of the charges went to a licensed dealer and not a private person but the possession count would hold regardless because addicts can t possess firearms, is that right? you are right and this is a case, i m not sure in a vacuum that this case gets brought, you have the justice department being shamed into a case of the swirling obligations of what was discovered on the laptop. in the lesser of the evils that it can bring. i think they are refusing to open a legitimate investigation into what the irs whistleblowers are revealing, the hunter biden corruption that included his family and most likely his father all of that was thrown other the rug because they can go forward with this case and they could do exactly what many are saying they are fair and impartial justice system in the lesser of evils to avoid the real work that should ve been done in this case. trey: i m not a second amended absolutist, some of the gop are including candidates that ran for the nomination. i don t think convicted murderers should take fully automatic machine guns and kindergarten classes for some of my former colleagues believe there should be no restrictions on the second amendment, are there constitutional issues with parts of her federal firearms laws including this one being used in the biden case. absolutely considerable constitutional question with a large cloth of the federal gun control laws in the hunter biden case, the question is to what degree do individuals that use illegal drugs allowed to possess firearms, the supreme court is working their way through the case law as you know and right now we case before it that s going to speak to this issue. i think at the end of the day where the supreme court will wind up as to who can be disarmed. if you are established to be a violent threat of physically violent threat to herself or to others you can be disarmed, the question in the hunter biden constitutionally if you are a user of drugs but you do have any indication of physical violence, where on the spectrum does not fall are you a nonviolent felony that won t be disarmed i think ultimately or to a drug trafficker or a violent person who can be disarmed, i think the supreme court will need to figure out users of illegal substances fall on the spectrum we won t know that for a few years, this is a developing case law the supreme court has a lot to do in the good to be doing it for the next several years i guess. trey: i know brett knows this because he prosecuted them cocaine base, per se illegal. but value is also a controlled substance, so is lortab. , what kind of a defense to uc, i sat here and look at the case, no question he is a user no lawful user of cocaine base what is the defense other than jury nullification. this is an important point, in reality it s as close to a strict liability crime as you can get, it s not a difficult case why are they taking it to trial, they feel they can notify the jury, the arguments are going to be to get one or two jurors to appeal to their bias if they have some or their political interest, that is why you see joe biden flying back and going to the courtroom as soon as she can. i think the hope that the counting on somewhat in the jury that will be willing to convict hunter. trey: i want to play a little bit of a sound from the president and get you to react to the other side. as we sit here in normandy, your son hunter is on trial and i know you cannot speak about an ongoing federal prosecution, let me ask you will you accept the jury s outcome, the verdict no matter what it is. you. have you ruled out a pardon for your son. yes. most of us would serve prison sentence for our children, he said he would not pardon his son and i m thinking there is controversial pardons since the beginning of time, why not pardon both of your son and donald trump, make everybody happy or unhappy, he was pretty quick on the no. my wife would want me to hesitate a little bit on that question if it was one of my kids. i think joe biden is going to pardon his son hunter biden but i think there is other reasons why you may want to do that if you joe biden not just the fact that he s your son but if you think about it there has been questioned about joe biden s behavior in the past and some of the alleged business dealings and the like and one can see a scenario where joe biden pardons hunter biden and associates associated with hunter biden in various ways so they don t turn state evidence against joe bi biden, one never knows how to any legal investigation goes but i think joe biden has a reason to pardon hunter biden hunter biden s associates not because of the family relationship other self-interested reasons. trey: who would ve ever guessed when we were sitting in law school that we will be discussing the intersection of law and presidential politics. i m glad you guys paid attention but i did not, i wish i could go back to that class in law school, thank you for joining us on a sunday night to the both of you. coming up, benjamin netanyahu will appear before a joint session of congress and already some democrats are plotting their protest while his cease-fire remains on the table on the g7 summit, benjamin netanyahu spokesperson and senator joni ernst on what s next for israel and the middlevs east and the united states, heaf on sunday night in america i g and starving myself just didn t work. what appealed to me about golo was that it focused on losing fat weight and maintaining my muscle. the golo plan and release has given me back my metabolism. golo has shown me how to lose the weight and keep it off. i will never gain the weight back again thanks to golo. switch to shopify and sell smarter at every stage of your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more. take your business to the next stage when you switch to shopify. trey: welcome back to sunday night and america, benjamin netanyahu will address the joint session of congress, likely in late life, i was on the floor of the house floor with benjamin netanyahu speech weeks ago he made a compelling case for what life is like is only democracy in the middle east, surrounded by unfriendly countries, some of whom want to push you injure people into the sea, from the river to the sea. that is the chant, thank surrounded by enemies should be a good preparation for benjamin netanyahu appearing before the squad if they show up for speech. and some other lefties in congress as well, the world has changed dramatically and says benjamin netanyahu was last before congress, there is been congress with abraham accord but now it s more the dominance. congress has jobs in both parties but there are democrats who will appear openly hostile towards the jewish state, some calling for regime change in israel which is rich since they haven t called for russia, iran or north korea to replace their leaders. , what will benjamin netanyahu say, what should he say, will he do a better job of really undergoing american politics and some democrats have done in ignoring israeli politics. are we closer to his cease-fire? is biden still pressuring israel to withdraw as histology and hostages remain kidnapped, tal heinrich is the spokesperson for the israeli prime minister and she joins us now. welcome, hamas to the south, has bullet to the south and american politicians calling for regime change, challenging times for the nation of israel. these are challenging times, thank you for having me on a matching list, and over a hundred overlooked aspect people tend to forget that this is not just a war between us and hamas iranian proxy in gaza we also have palestinian islamic jihad in gaza and we had constant terror attacks from emerging from the west bank from samaria just a few days ago we had missiles from the red sea targeting her territory with the houthis and other iranian proxy and thank you for mentioning hezbollah. notice this number since the beginning of the war on october 7, we have had more than 17000, 500 missiles combined targeting our territory from both north and south, hezbollah and hamas. we had 61000 residents to the north who are unable to the state for more than eight months to return to their home because of hezbollah over the past week we had to fight fires in the north and for more nine hours explosive drones targeting our communities and injuries and damage and whatnot. the prime minister took a tour of the north with the idea and there was a security assessment a few days ago and he said very clearly, one way or another we will restore security in the north, it is up to hezbollah to decide if it s going to be a diplomatic way or the military way. trey: congress has changed a lot in the time since i ve been there. i don t think prime minister benjamin netanyahu has forgiven he s going to avoid american politics and focus on what he focused on last time, israel is unique only democracy in sc of theocracies and nondemocratic governments. that is my prediction, he will resist the temptation to insert himself into our politics even though democrats do not resist the temptation to insert themselves into israeli politics. i think you re right will find out when the prime minister gets here in late july and he will speak to the american people and the american congress for the overwhelming support that we have been receiving and this is not what you see on tv and what s been highlighted by the media and we get the american people stand by us and you guys hate terrorists and we hate terrorist and were fighting against. evil as president biden called hamas early on when he came to israel to stand by us in the country. the prime minister will speak the truth about this in a very, very war objectives as we defined them on day one of the war to bring all of our stolen people the hostages back home in the hamas terrorist regime as a governing body in the military wing and gaza to make sure the territory i should call it a territory will never pose a threat to us and never ever again, this is not changed since day one of the war, this is time for moral clarity in the prime minister will think the american people and remind everyone that we need america by our side in the moral global leadership. mentioned evil and hamas, there is a cease-fire and a moss is not going to accept israel and accept the jewish state in the region. to me as cease-fire gives them time to regroup and rearm. i will give you the last word on whether or not it is worth pursuing. i think there s something i need to highlight there is a difference between a temporary humanitarian pause in the fight for the release of hostages, something we facilitated back in november and agreed to do again and the notion of a permanent cease-fire that would leave hamas in power, that s not going to happen. trey: thank you tal heinrich, we will see in late july exactly what prime minister benjamin netanyahu says as he addresses a joint session of congress, thank you for joining us on a sunday night. trey: president biden heads to italy for the g7 summit where a full agenda awaits. his cease-fire in the middle east will be discussed even as hamas holds israeli hostages. ukraine defies odd but needs more and better weapons, iran has a new leader in north korea is acting like a petulant child once again. joy did as iowa senator joni ernst who served our country in uniform and now serves on the senate armed services committee, welcome senator it s wonderful to see you again i guess we will start with israel stunning number of american politicians who called for regime change in newsreel even in the midst of war with hamas, what do you make a president biden s handling of this war and the impact of domestic politics on his decision-making. thank you, remember when october 7 happen shortly after that president biden said we had an ironclad commitment to israel, that is faltering over the months and it s very unfortunate to see not only as president joe biden waffling in attempting to tell israel how they should or shouldn t run their war but now we see a number of the other democrats serving in the halls of congress and following the lead by waffling and some of them outright pushing against israel and protesting supporting the palestinians and hamas. it s a really unfortunate situation to be in and israel is her closest friend in ally in the middle east. trey: a gop member of the house, just one but a gop member question if they should remain part of nato which is especially curious thing to say as we celebrate the day when the forces of good join hands to defeat the axis of evil, in your judgment what is the status of nato and with russia s continuing war against ukraine. you know me and most folks know where i stand on this issue i think nato has a role in the world but what we can do as america and as a world leader is encourager nato partners to do much more, they need to make their two requirement of spending on defense were their own countries of their own gdp. we need to push on them to do much more, this is something that president trump had engaged in when he was in the white house and was very successful at that getting our nato allies and friends to stand up and do more, joe biden has left a number of them wondering where is american leadership, this is why we need a change in the white house. nato does have a role to play especially as we see were continuing in europe, we cannot allow it to pervasively push all the crossed europe and threaten our national security in the united states of america. again i think nato is still valid under very relevant and very important to us today. trey: before i let you go, i have to get you to respond iran is going to have a new president he was killed in a helicopter crash, do you expect any change at all in the way that iran interfaces with the rest of the world. not such of a loss for any of us. i m not really mourning the loss of the leader in iran but i don t see any changes coming anytime soon. i think those in control and especially with the supreme leader in iran, he is going to pick and choose who he wants to follow racing, is not going to be good, i think we will continue to see iran in their nefarious actions all across the middle east and especially as they continue to chant death to america. this does not bode well for israel and certainly does not bode well for the united states, nor any of our partners. trey: i am afraid senator you are correct, thank you for your service to our country in uniform and your continuing service in the u.s. senate in joining us on a sunday night. great to be with you. trey: yes, ma am, you two. he s in the running to be donald trump s vice 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Transcripts For CNN CNN This Morning 20240610

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all right 5:00 a.m. here in washington alive. look at capitol hill on this monday morning. good morning. everyone in kasie hunt, it s wonderful to have you with us. new details this morning about the israeli military operation that rescued four israeli civilians held by hamas this new video edited and provided by the israeli military appears to show some israeli soldiers escorting the rescued hostages toward military helicopters on a beach in gaza. these for israelis now reunited with their families and just beginning to recover from their months of captivity. among those rescued 26-year-old noa argamani, who is abduction during the october 7 attack was captured on tape. noa screamed for help as she was forced by hamas members onto the back of a motorcycle. and driven into gaza. the idf raid also resulting in the deadliest day of the war in six months. at least 274 people killed according to gazan health officials the idf disputes those numbers, saying that the number of casualties was under 100 cnn cannot independently verify the death toll and we don t yet know how many of those killed were hamas fighters and how many were civilians. but we do know that the hostages were being held in residential homes in a densely populated area cnn also learning this morning that some idf soldiers disguise themselves as hamas fighters and displaced palestinians to conduct the raid. joining me now to discuss, is cnn political and national security analyst david sanger. david, good morning. i m very grateful to have you here for folks just tuning in after the weekend. a very dramatic time for the israelis here at with this raid. how do you see the fallout here as we see these hostages reunited with their families, but we also try to figure out to count the dead among the palestinians good morning, casey. and i think you ve captured it right? it was an incredibly dramatic weekend. and i think there are three salient points about the rescue. the first is the operation itself was a miracle of terrific intelligence, great covert work, and getting in there and getting them out. then certainly something to be celebrated. there are more than 100 hostages left, but this was clearly a big win on saturday morning when when this all took place. the second is at once again, it came at a great human cost as many israeli operations in gaza have and this is the sort of brutal calculus of this, which is maybe it was under 100 pounds justinian s dead. maybe it was over 200 is a palestinian say, but the fact of the matter is that we saw a huge number of palestinian deaths in order to accomplish the long-sought release of these four and that seems to sum up much of what s happened during the war. i think the third thing we re discovering as monday morning rolls in here, is that after this dramatic weekend, the rescue did very little to change the fundamentals of the problem that is real faces benny gantz, the former defense minister and, and head of idf took a day off or pushed an extra day because of the rescue but resigned from the war cabinet shattering that view of unity and he did so saying that prime minister netanyahu who does not have a plan for the day after four administering gaza yeah, david, in fact, let me pause you there because i did want to get to that next with you and we have a little bit from gantz over the weekend and what he said, how he explained why he was leaving the war cabinet. let s watch sorry. can you regrettably netanyahu is preventing us from advancing toward true victory, which is the justification for the ongoing and painful cost of war that is why we are leaving the emergency government today with a heavy heart, but with full confidence i call on netanyahu, set an agreed election date. don t allow our people to get torn apart so david, he said there that netanyahu is preventing us from advancing towards true victory what does he really getting at here? because he also seem to suggest that netanyahu was unnecessarily prolonging the war right? this has been a long-held view, including among american officials that prime minister netanyahu knows that once the war is over, or at least a ceasefire takes place at the active fighting is done the investigations into october 7 begin in earnest. the intelligence failures israel obviously had a good deal of intelligence. this would happen that it did not respond to the idf s failures. that israeli defense force in responding that day. he assumption is that prime minister netanyahu couldn t not survive that and of course, one of the beneficiaries could well be benny gantz himself, who ran against the prime minister a few years ago, laws. but today is doing well enough in the polls, but it s not inconceivable that he could emerge victorious. also, not certain but what we re seeing now is the united states with benny gantz s help, tried to get the israelis to commit to what president biden called and israeli proposal for ceasefire and prisoner exchange and get hamas most importantly to agree to it may be difficult, more difficult it was difficult before the rescue. it may be more difficult now. and overnight, casey, the us has finally decided to go to the united nations security council with a ceasefire and hostage exchange proposal basically the one the president laid out ten days ago and try to get their approval of it to up the pressure on both hamas and israel very interesting set of developments here. david, very, very briefly does this move by gantz not pushed netanyahu farther into the arms of the right-wing and israel it does he s got a very narrow majority s holding onto. he didn t need gantz s party to stay in. he needed kansas credibility to some degree that deal with the us and the rest of the world. but if netanyahu agrees to the israeli plan which came out of the war cabinet, not out of the political atmosphere and the coalition. he s put together those right wingers have threatened to leave the government. that would bring about a government collapse all right. david sanger forces morning, david, very grateful to have you kicking us off today. i really appreciate it great to be with you coming up next here. french president emmanuel macron calling for new elections after the european union takes a hard shift to the right will explain plus a shooting and wisconsin rooftop party leaves ten people injured and donald trump, but his first campaign rally since becoming a convicted felon the most anticipated moment this election and the stakes couldn t be higher. the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming unmatched. i got this thousand dollar camera for only $41 on deal that deal online auctions since 2009, this playstation five sold for only $0.50. this ipad pro sold for less than $34, and this nintendo switch sold for less than $20. i got at this kitchen aid stand mixer for only $56. i 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the majority. protesters taken to the streets in paris sunday after the far right in france, scored an unprecedented 31 31.5% of the road. and the french president emmanuel macron dissolved parliament, called for snap elections situ in situation. one like it is a situation to which i cannot resign myself. the rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger not only for our nation but also for our europe and for francis place in europe and the world. they don t all right, joining us now is cn an international anchor, max foster who joins us now, live from london max, good morning to you. this is a bit of a complicated situation for folks in the us who don t necessarily follow the ins and outs of the european parliamentary elections. but big picture is that we have seen kind of a across the continent these far right parties surging in a way that has really concerned the sort of center right? majority governing parties. and it so much so that you saw emmanuel macron take this pretty significant action. it s a risk for him to do this. why is he doing it and how does it help explain the big picture of what we re seeing here? hi, a lot of people quite baffled because off the back of a european election where in france at least the far-right, did extremely well he s now going into another election. he called it and it s going to benefit the right. many would argue because they can ride on that momentum, but he is effectively saying he wants to hand it over to the french people who he believes are generally moderate. and of his point of view. so he can prove that the european election, which is often a protest vote for european voters, won t actually hold in a national election. so a massive risk, and i think even the people closest to them realize that, but we ll see he, how marine le pen does out of that steadily over recent years she s been increasing in authority and power and she s doing what many of the european parties are doing, which is focusing on immigration. and ukraine and also environment. but on this basis that really resonates with a lot of people, which is that the cost of living is getting worse and worse inflation s going up. we can not afford to do all of those things. we have to hunker down a look at nationalism. and i think if you look at the overall parliamentary picture, then the moderate still hold it. but in the key country, the big economies, france, germany, and italy, the far right? excelled. so it s going to have a huge influence. yeah, we can put up on the screen for people to kind of see in color the way that this broke down in france. so let s set aside the yellow that s other, but that red piece which is clearly the most significant one for a named party, is the national all rally. those are the right wingers that 15% purple that you see the renaissance party, purple, blue. that s macron s party. and max, to be clear, we saw something similar play out in germany and in italy can you talk a little bit about how this strengthens the more right-leaning leaders who are in office in europe well you know, it s already got a right-wing prime minister. so she s empowered and marine le pen, as i say, he s been climbing steadily in germany. a lot of people would view that party. now the second most powerful party in the country as traditionally a very far right party. so it has huge influence because germany and france and italy are the three countries that have most influence over the european union i was interviewing a us expert based here in the. uk earlier on, and she was talking about how this will empower trump effectively. a lot of the wright was rising in europe before trump, but chump managed to popularize a messaging and they ve adopted a lot of that. so he certainly added energy to the rise of the right here in europe and it also means that the more senior these right-wing politicians become, the more contacts and power he has within europe. so it s very empowering to him and his foreign policy. he creates alliances specifically for him within countries which were traditionally us allies. so it has a it will have a big impact on trump if he gets into power and it will cause a problem for biden if it gets into power bi, it s going to be much less supportive of him and his policies going forward. yeah it s an interesting way to think about it. and i also think one of the things that donald trump has done that we remark on it, but i think perhaps not enough. and that is to normalize things that previously were considered out of bounds. and the politics and the way we re thinking about politics. and you can really see that in some of these right-wing up pushes, bringing things in that previously were considered to be verboten are not acceptable on our stages. max foster for us in london, max. thank you. always grateful to have you alright, coming up next cleveland police trying to uncover the origins of a cyber incident that s forcing them to close city hall plus president biden preparing celebrate juneteenth with a little help from some friends sirens are going off and playing the tornado here. i m thinking i m going to die. and i thought that was it. while and earth with liev schreiber, sunday at nine on cnn. we have a new home. what s that? we have of garage door that doesn t lift and we have a gate doesn t open. so i went on. angie took me just a handful hello, minutes. the vendors who came through energy, you were more knowledgeable. they did higher-quality work. they wanted us to be happy with the work done as well. we felt like we got the most value i have a contracted that we chose. it is a beautiful ghraieb. connect with skilled professionals to get all your home projects done well, get started today at andy there are giant so mug they are the minute woman building or daibes next generation submarines. de are giants and what they do because they work in a place we re, they can grow where they can learn the skills to build careers as 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those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock.” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it s not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that s uncalled for. for certain hybrid hydrozoa alvarez at the white house. and this is cnn all right. 23 minutes past the hour. here s your morning roundup. gleason, madison, wisconsin, looking for the gunman who injured at least ten people at a rooftop graduation party. the victims range in age from 14 to 23 police chief calling it a miracle no one was killed police in cleveland investigating a cyber incident that s keeping their city hall closed today. officials are only saying that they re trying trying to figure out the nature and scope of the incidents and the white house hosting the godmother of soul patty lewbel at the juneteenth concert on the south long today, other artists attending include gladys knight, charlie wilson, and brittney spencer and oppressive heat ramping up across the west today while drought stricken south florida braces for rain and flooding this week are weatherman derek van dam is here and he is tracking all of it for us. derek, good morning. yeah. good morning. casey. we ve got las vegas sin city. it has had its hottest start in the month of june since records began, that s since 1937, 11. yes, that s not a typo consecutive days where the mercury in the thermometer has reached 100 degrees or more. that is why we have our heat warnings in place for this area. and you know what it s not just inclusive of las vegas checkout, much of arizona and into the central valley of california. the heat continues. we know it was hot last week, but it s going to ramp up through the course of this week as well. if you re in phoenix, i was just there. we could go. yeah. it was sizzling as i stepped off the tarmac and this is 14 consecutive days temperatures above 100 degrees is all thanks to that heat dome. remember that s an area of high pressure that really reduces cloud cover in the sky. so you get maximum exposure from the sun, doesn t take much to heat things up, and we start to see this triple-digit heat blanket. the southwestern us. now the other big story that we have on the docket for today is the flood threat that s going to be ongoing this week across the state of florida, particularly across the southern portions of the peninsula. watch this. there s a cold front approaching an abundant amount of tropical moisture moving in off the gulf of mexico that will bring wave after wave of heavy rainfall starting today. but ramping up through the week, look at tuesday, wednesday, into thursday. we know that it doesn t doesn t take much to flood the streets of miami. well, guess what? more rainfall. we re talking up to locally, ten inches of rain through this week for portions of the southwestern florida peninsula that could bring some localized flooding to the area. so from heat to heavy rain, we ve got it all covered today for you today on monday all right. are weatherman, derek van dam, derrick. see you next hour. thanks very much. all right coming up next new details about israeli soldiers in disguise to pull off a derrick, hostage rescue, plus brand new polling are more voters turning to biden because they just can t vote for trump this election season, stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground. and the best political team business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts, follow. cnn over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft in 2022. and the threats go way beyond just credit card fraud today s identity thieves can use your information in ways that are easy to miss by just monitoring accounts and credit like opening loans, transferring home titles, even committing crime i m someone got my soul security number made a driver s license and was used for criminal 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brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy adjust two weeks here, i ll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals in a new fiber blend with a prebiotic i m tom foreman in washington. and this is cnn all right. 5:30 a.m. here in washington, a beautiful look at new york city on this monday morning, the sun is coming up. good morning, everyone. i m kasie hunt it s wonderful to have you with us. new details coming to light this morning about the israeli raid which rescued four hostages from hamas over the weekend. this new video edited and provided by the israeli military appears to show helmet camera from israeli soldiers coming under fire while rescuing those hostages. one resident of a refugee camp in gaza claims he saw special forces with the israeli military disguise themselves as hamas fighters. and palestinian civilians during the operation the operation did come at a great human cost. scores of palestinians dead, just how many? we don t know. gaza s health ministry says the numbers, at least 274. israel says it s fewer than 100. i am joined now by joel rubin. he is the former deputy assistant secretary of state in the obama white house. joel, good morning to you. wonderful to see you this morning let s start with the raid for people who are two doubt on a summer weekend, just waking up to this news, these four hostages rescued this clearly was something that i mean israeli families of hostages have been increasingly more and more upset about the fact that their loved ones have remained in captivity. what does this mean for them? yeah, it was a dramatic rescue without a doubt and have very high costs as you described with a palestinian loss of life what it means is that the israeli defense forces for a day for a moment, restored confidence in the israeli public about their capacity to deliver and to get their people out. but in the big picture, the best way to get israeli hostages out has been through deals, through a cease fire for hostage exchange, like one that we saw back in november. so a good day for israel, a unity didn t last long. obviously, the politics in israel very, very dicey with benny gantz. now exiting the coalition government. but it was something that the israeli public has been demanding. and now they want more action. they want to see the prime minister lean-in on getting a deal to get these hostages out. of course the toll here was very high in terms of palestinian life. it all so served to highlight some of the tactics that hamas uses talk a little bit more about where these hostages were found. and why there was perhaps so much collateral damage. obviously, much of it should be laying at the feet of the israeli forces that invaded here. but that s not the only thing at play, not at all. the case you re right, it was despicable. display of how hamas d values palestinian life. so many very clear these hostages were held in private civilian homes they were there for months and they were in the midst of what everyone in those areas new was a civilian areas. so israel, by finding these individuals, by rescuing them, it was clear that there were going to be civilian casualties. hamas doesn t care about palestinian civilian life. i i know we ve talked about this before, but this is perhaps one of the most a stark examples of that. if they cared about palestinian civilian life, they would be agreeing to the ceasefire proposal that has been out there and discuss secretary blinken s going out to the region to try to push for this, but in the meantime, hamas is embedding hostages in civilian areas with the clear understanding, this will cause palace let s see any civilian lives for a propaganda bonus may be for hamas, but i don t see how this is a real bonus for anybody in the middle of this conflict. they clearly are not looking at civilians as something to protect inside of gaza. so let s talk big picture for a second. you mentioned benny gantz, of course, announcing over the weekend and he s going to leave the war cabinet. he is, of course, someone that the us has really relied on in the course of these negotiations in this push for a ceasefire that president biden actually announced on a recent i ve friday. here s what jake sullivan, the national security adviser, had to say over the weekend. let s watch keith thinks the best way to get all of vestiges home is in a deal where they re brought out diplomatically, where there s no need for military operations to get every last hostage out. what we would much prefer to see is a ceasefire where the hostages come out peacefully. that is available. israel has said yes to it. now hamas needs to say yes to it. that s where president biden full effort, energy and attention is so bottom line, draw what s the holdup? while the holdup is hamas? the holdup is that hamas is i want to agree to a ceasefire that essentially pushes them out of the power. and that s the genius of this proposal, which is that it lays out a roadmap for preventing at the end state of resurgence of hamas in the gaza strip. and now that, that is, of course, very frustrating as well to the white house, because what we re seeing is the far-right ministers in israel s government rejecting that proposal as well. and now with ben against leaving the coalition it gives them a little more power in the near term, but it also puts the question to the israeli public. and i think this is why the president did go public with his proposal to get the israeli public to recognize the stakes, to put it back in the political arena. this question about how to end this war in a manner that we don t see a hamas resurgence in gaza and so the holdup right now is that hamas understands this proposal is against their interests and that s why we see the secretary going out. that s why it s frustrating that it s not yet done. but hamas, they re hoping for more days of violence, like on saturday where they don t have to make this agreement. and that means more palestinian lives are put at risk. machel rubin for us this morning, joel, always appreciate your experiments for being here all right, let s go now to politics. donald trump, tried to win over voters in nevada. a key swing state with his first official campaign rally since he was convicted on felony charges i tell you what? no third world country has weaponization, where they go after political candidates, like we have either this guy can get elected anything without cheating. the only way he can get elected is to cheat so all of those folks in during triple digit temperatures as trump rally them in an outdoor event in las vegas, nevada. of course, one of a handful of states that could help to decide the presidential election this fall, a new cbs poll shows trump in a virtual tie and a head-to-head race with president biden, both nationally and in these key swing states. today, trump is scheduled to have a hearing with his probation officer ahead of his sentencing next month in new york, cnn s learned. today s interview will be virtual with his attorney, todd blanche president trump me now to discuss nicholas johnston, the publisher of axios nick. good morning. great to hear so yeah, probation hearing for a presumptive sentencing name. you d sentenced you just read off the teleprompter there, i think speaks to the kind of interesting election where in, where that sentence one interest hide across as the country tied and state sentenced to one of the candidates will have a virtual interview with his probation officer. today yeah that s seen as pool. actually interesting because it s one of the first things, places where we seem to see maybe a little bit of movement. obviously the official way we talk about it is that it s tied. there s no clear leader, but there is a little bit get over movement toward biden compared to where this pole previously was. what does that tell you? it s pretty clear across the board that again, within the margin of error is and all of these poles we ve seen a slight polling bump four biden, and then a lot of the surveys were the vast majority of people say that conviction won t have any impact. there is 20, 30% of republicans who say it well, and remember, we ve been talking about for months and months it s in a month. this is a very tight election for donald trump to win. he needs to get more voters and he needs to get the last time. and so far, being convicted of a felony in new york is not leaving more voters for that. but again, all of these are the margin of error. it s like going from trump up to two biden up one that is essentially a coin flip election still. yeah, it is yes. very, very, very close. so let s listen a little bit to some of what trump had to say in this rally over the weekend because is there are a couple of things that stood out to us, including how the former president talked about, well, i mean, he he always uses very often inflammatory language about joe biden. but in this case, he was talking about suicide as well let s watch this du are there this is a front row joe. he said everyone this guy wouldn t it be incredible. he s gone to 250 if he voted for biden, even for by now, i don t think so. i think it would be suicide before by dry a bit extreme i don t know how a front row you thought about that. i think we re seeing that this is trump being trump, like they re even though there s a big conversation a lot about how much will they stick to the issues there s pulling out over the weekend that shows what a strong conjugation issue the economy is as opposed to conviction. and so can trump come out and just talk about the economy and immigration for the next six months. i think that little snippet shows that will been a challenge for some of the president s former president s advisers. they gotta to do that. yeah, let s talk about nevada specifically for a second at trump also was up there. this is sort of a typical line, but he said it in front of it. a crowd. again, it s a very heavily hispanic at stateless watch. what trump had to say about hispanic and african-american voters joe biden is also weighed. you re going all out war on the workers have america, especially african americans and hispanic in america i spanish americans and african americans are the ones suffering most with his incredible illegal alien group that s coming in so this is, this is pretty typical for how trump talks about this kind of thing. but i think what s going on in nevada is particularly interesting. i will say i have okay to a lot of sources recently who think that it actually may go for trump. this time around and it s part of it s part of the reason is because of some of the themes that he is talking about. there, there are a lot of workers that tourism economy, cassino workers, who in the past had gone for democrats who may actually go republican this time you hear this was a big, i mean, again, this is a point-slope election. there s a lot of things happening that people don t really understand because this is such a different election than ones previously. and i think one of the ones that republicans are trying to capitalize as those capitalizes, in row on minority voters with hispanic americans or african americans, as well. that s clear on the polling data that donald trump is doing better with those groups in previous republican candidates. and i think his campaign, his advisers, he, that is a huge, massive opportunity. again, the same way that if a small amount of those republican voters are moved by the conviction, if a small amount of minority voters are moved by some of the present former president s economic arguments that the election right, they re all on the line. all right. nick johnson for us, nic, always great, to have you. thank you all right. come on up next and update on the condition of those just four rescued israeli hostages plus caitlin clark rebounding how she s trying rejection into motivation silent burst with liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn i m getting vaccinated and pfizer s pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine syllabi because i m at risk for pneumococcal pneumonia already gotten pneumonia vaccine. but i m asking about the added protection of krever 20 if you re 19 or older with certain chronic conditions like asthma, diabetes, copd, or heart disease, or are 65 or older, you are at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia, prevnar 20 is approved in adults to help prevent infections 20 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia in just one dose, don t get prevnar 20 if you ve had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients adults with weekend the immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. want to be able to keep my plans. i don t want to risk 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easy for you call 800 630741 all right, welcome back. eight months of prayers for for families. finally answered this weekend as the israeli mannose military managed to pull for hamas hostages from two locations to safety one of the hostages were rescued noa argamani. she was kidnapped by hamas from music festival and was seen on video being forced onto the back of a motorbike? know his father said that the reunion that she had with her family was difficult. her mother has late-stage brain cancer and was unable to express her feelings professor hagai levine is the head of the health team at the hostages and missing families forum and joins me now from tel aviv, professor, thank you so much. for being here at noaa is being treated at the same hospital as her mother is. what are the primary concerns for her as she tries to recover after spending eight months and kennedy e-tivity when of course it s very motion to be back in his word to meet their mother. unfortunately, my there is very very sick and i m not even sure if she understood that noise here. that s the bet. that s shows that when the camo send people were kidnaps, also the families were kidnapped. and we see and we also almog father yossi meir funeral was last night and he did not he just died. a few hours because he received before the news that design is about no, i cannot disclose personal information, but i can say is that also in general and she s in a much better shape than what we were well, concern. there are not only psychological, but also physical issues related to captivity. i bought her personally the. last says that she needed for eight months where she had to use contact lances. obviously, it s not good for eyes and it s now she has struggled because, you know, a massive is so sick so with the joy, joyfulness of coming back home, and she cannot be completely happy and with friends, 120 the hostages, including friend, had been done while still in captivity can you give us a sense for the others who also were rescued, what their physical condition was like, what their mental state was like, and what the coming months you re going to look like for them so i ll morgue and why and shlomi, were together for long period of times. i must say this zero resilience and zero support of each other. i ll remarkable. it s really showed us what the human spirit can do. and, you know the stress anytime in captivity could be your last moment it sometimes it s the small anecdote as they talked each other languages. and andrei i taught them rushing and zealand the some arabic. i m saying together with all the physical and mental and other assaults, it s also very they re showing in a sense to see how they will able to cope with the situation. which reminds me, you know, the story is about cml gut with the student at the hebrew university where i teach 42 or therapy. and she provided yoga lessons for foil mates in captivity. we don t know what is going with her right now. it s clear they will need a very long recovery process shlomi cannot return to his home up in the nose because there is well, when gonzaga and is home is attacked and it will take months and the ears, it s also for the house. the other families. it s great joy, but the concern is enormous. they cannot really the release hostages. they cannot really full when they know that their friends are still there. and i must say with some void because because today in the israeli parliament, the families of the hostages were attacked by the extreme right-wing members of the parliament, which in a way told them that they should be sacrificed i m sorry to say that and we we know that the only way to get all the 120 hostages back dead or alive is by a deal. there was a deal that was put on the table by president biden, and i think it s all of us and i m through your show, i want to deliver to the world. we must put the pressure on the hamas and it s allies to accept the offer and to stop the bloodshed and released all those just because all of them are entitled to go back home. all right a professor hagai levine for us this morning, sir. thanks very much for your time. i really appreciate it thank you very much case. all right. time now for sports, the boston celtics. now just two wins away from a record-breaking i think 18th nba championship. after rallying and then holding off the dallas mavericks in game two of the nba finals coy wire has this morning splits your appoint coin. good morning. thanks up of the morning to uk s see the celtics faced pressure all season of past play off failures and being the league s best team. but it looks like they have what it takes this time around masdar luka doncic pre-game was all wrapped up in ice and up was potentially going to miss game to with everything from his chest to his knee banged up, but he did go any did register struck triple, double, 32 points, 11 rebounds, 11 assists for the celtics, just too much. one of the unsung heroes, jrue holiday clamped down deif calls himself for utility guy, but it leaves a team in scoring last night with 26, he was nine for nine in the paint and watch this effort. maths have a chance to bring it within three with under a minute to go. but jaylen brown and derrick white hustle block the shot. brown finished with 21 white and tatum 18 celtics take a 2-0 series lead with a 10598 when here s a two-time awesome an olympic gold medalist holiday, or what makes this year celtic so special i think when you sacrifice together, you do something together brings you closer i think being able to go through wins and losses and to build something it means a lot. i think the best with this team has done from from one to 15, somebody sacrifice something. so it s been great in the journey has been awesome, but i ve been in the day the judge and scottie scheffler has been through it all over the past month. de and his wife, meredith, welcoming their first child his arrest at the pga championship in louisville, then having the charges dropped yesterday, he found themselves back on top winning the memorial tournament, finishing eight under its fifth win in his last eight starts, his first wins is baby bennett, though. scheffler, full of emotion after the win that s pretty fun it s one he s getting sunburned out, looks like but it s this tournament is a very special to us and it will be for a long time because this the future of tennis is in good hands with 21-year-old carlos alcaraz, who rally from being down two sets to one to claim his first french open title. he s now the youngest man to win a grand slam on all three surfaces running around like the tasmanian devil, bewildering alexander zverev on the famous play algorithm, falling to the ground and victory then had gone over to give mom and dad of big o hug. he said he s been dreaming of winning the french open since he was 5-years-old. finally, caitlin clark park is commented on not being picked to play for team usa at the paris olympics next month, the indiana fever rookie phenom, who has helped shatter women s hub s viewership and attendance records so being left off the roster will only make her better listen honestly, no disappointment. i think it just gives you some them something to work for. you know, that s a dream hopefully one day i can be there and i think it s just a little more motivation. you remember that and, you know, hopefully in four years when four years comes back around, i can be there. i m going to be written commando it to win gold i was a kid that grew up watching the olympics. so, yeah, it ll be it ll be from the washington or fever coach christie sides said the kaitlan, texas sinner about not being selected, casey and she said they woke a monster. the us women are seeking an h street gold at the olympics and they don t have any players currently on the roster under 26. katelyn, just 22, plenty of time to still get some of that red, white, and blue she does have plenty of time. we ll all be pulling. well, i ll be pulling farm coy thanks. i really appreciate it coming up next here. more details on how four israeli hostages were rescued in a deadly operation in gaza, plus oh. my god. oh, my god. oh my god oh my god. beachgoers on high alert after two shark attacks leave three people hurt in florida alder chains it s cold, calculating, cynical, and needs the money. not only was the cia compromise, he also was compromised secrets and spies. a nuclear again, sunday at ten on cnn or your cooking on a black stone, you get a better experience. you ll have bigger adventures it but part of that outdoor cooking revolution with your blackstone doula, every breakfast lunch, and dinner, you create from fast and font it s a low and slow, good. anything anytime, anywhere go to your nearest black stole retailer or blackstone now and make everything better. on a blackstone today. at america s beverage companies are models might still look the same, but they can be remade in a whole new way 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Transcripts For CNN Secrets Spies A Nuclear Game 20240609

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you re still at the mercy of what these storms decide to do. autumn kirks: i have a very healthy respect for mother nature and tornadoes and what they can do. it can ruin your entire life. it can destroy everything you know. in 2011, after the joplin tornado, amber munson had lost her house, most of her possessions, and all of her treasured photographs. but months later, a miracle. there was a craigslist post from a stranger over 50 miles away who had found a photograph in their yard. it was a picture sucked up by the tornado. a baby photo of amber. the only one to survive. the woman mailed it back to amber along with $5, all she could afford, but wanted to give to help amber start her life over. and with $5, well, she could afford it, wanted to give to help amber start her life over for more information on what you can do in a tornado and what you can do to help combat the growing climate crisis go to violent earth i m liev schreiber. thanks for watching. goodnight the listeners as it were the kgb, who had pulled the surveillance equipment lived on the floor above us. and in moscow and you knew they were then on the whole ones just intuitive i mean, i remember my wife and i had some kind of argument about where we could take the children for a weekend picnic in another and manly were, hey, i addressed the silina said, well, you up there, which we agree. and to my amazement, within about two or three hours, somebody had slipped in a note under our front door saying, well, you had agreed on costco vogue or cheerios over whatever was erase some some picnic place i felt that was a kgb surveillance who had a good sense of humor actually this is the unseen story of the cold war but not by politicians that by secret agents there was complete misunderstanding on either side. it s very difficult to determine whom you can trust as the soviet union faces off with the west in the early 1980s to spies play a dangerous game from the shadows they seek to win the upper hand while the world stands on the brink of nuclear war these are their stories in their own words testimony piece together from interviews over the years after 11 years of sigurd worth maybe i developed paranoia and never before heard recordings molten five go up adapting mod getter has been in service i understand the two nadh while catch-all that reveal the deadly intrigues at the heart of the battle between east and west look this is a war a secret war meant at tool was a time when people in soviet union s still believe reality of nuclear war confrontation between west and east was very serious sometimes it was not only iron curtains, it was like iron sphere this is a dangerous moment for the soviet union. almost 40 years into the cold war their economy is overstretched. the military entrenched in afghanistan, and support for communism in decline. the soviet leadership led by leonid brezhnev stockpiles nuclear arms in a show of strength against the west but there s a much subtler weapon to secret intelligence yuri andropov is the head of the soviet intelligence service. the kgb kgb have been running the rational life for years under opa was getting more and more convinced of the menacing was he was a full-blown kgb person who thought that it s either us or them. and basically better be your and drop-off concludes that the superpowers are on the verge of a nuclear war and so he begins a process of collecting information there would be indicators of the approach of nuclear war. this running tally of signs is called operation riyadh and every time andropov gets new intelligence, he takes note there was a chart four american said this the breadths said that somebody was caught here and the plane cross that border and i think and then drop up his mind. he was absolutely convinced nuclear confrontation is coming once this chart is full, andropov is convinced the soviet union should strive and so he uses every resource to keep close watch on his adversaries. being a skilled intelligence officer a spike the life was exciting it for thrilling it was romantic i was thrilled by being involved in specific kgb operation. so like a dead letter boxes or leg, or dsk are very high qualification intelligence officer he was born in a family working for kgb. his brother working for kgb i think was a good example of soviet intelligence service so get tenure on august keen to put agent or the rounds of all the kgb never sent abroad unmarried man there was married to my second wife later as we helped to children i wanted to participate some daring operation i wanted to get a broad as soon as possible in 1982, the kgb sends gordy fc to the uk disguising his identity as a soviet diplomat his posting comes at a tense time relations between east and west are at a knife s edge in december of 1979, the soviets had invaded afghanistan. soviet allies in central america. we re making gains nicaragua and we re trying to make gains in el salvador. meanwhile, on africa soviet allies were fighting in angola. and we re making new friends in other parts of sub-saharan africa. this picture seemed to contradict soviet commitment to better relations with the united states why are they behaving this way? if they really want better relations with us? why are they on the march in what was then called the third world? but we now call the global south there s a political standoff, and neither side shows any signs of backing down the cold war was a view of the world where you had a communist, totalitarian empire run out of moscow. and western countries led by the united states, but including western europe and britain, facing off against each other you have the soviet union, which is at this point a i ll minute superpower, nuclear leader, neck and neck with united states in terms of innovation and development but at the core their ideologies as we know, are completely different democracy versus communism what began as an ideological conflict has escalated into a terrifying nuclear arms race. and neither side wants to appear weak the soviet union had something like 33,000 nuclear weapons. we had something like 22,000 way too many and way too scary. the cold war was an existential struggle over the future of world civilization and that s what makes this moment in history so dangerous is you have both sides completely misunderstanding both the power of their adversary and the intentions of their adversaries assignments are going off. the tornado here you cannot it s one you cannot outrun it it really is a terrifying experience. it is a stuff of nightmares. you just hear it and feel it is o brien. i m thinking i m going to die and i thought that was it. along with earth, with liev schreiber tomorrow at nine on cnn imagine a future where plastic is not wasted. but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher our family safer and our planet cleaner to help us get there. america s plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to 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stands for and he s not alone president reagan s vast limousine has just drawn up here outside the normal porch of income from buckingham palace there s going to be the first time that an american president has addressed both houses of parliament here in westminster run reagan, that maggie thatcher in was amazed that they thought alike right mr. thatcher really did, despite her uptight bearing and her hairdo really loved to be row with or i ll reagan, there s certain magnetism, there s certainly laurie to him and she she felt that tingling i don t want chancellor speaking for all americans. i want to say very much at home we feel in your house ronald reagan said that soviet communism will lie, cheat still to advance its mission around the world. that was the idea that ronald reagan had to delegitimized the soviet union. the decay of the soviet experiment should come as no surprise to us. we see totalitarian forces in the world who seek subversion and conflict around the globe to further their barbarous assault on the human spirit even before he became president ronald reagan said the cold war will end. and i know how it s going to end we win, they lose and he s about to ramp up the rhetoric even further the march of freedom and democracy will leave marxism-leninism on the asieh history. as it has left other trnas, which stifle the freedom and muzzle the self-expression of the people ronald reagan is rallying the troops. is rallying the nato alone, trying to send a signal that the united states should be respected and even fear the america of the 1970s, which was licking its wounds after losing the vietnam war. that s over. we re back, we re strong, and we should be fear making america great again, if you will. we re going to win in the end. we will outlast them people like me, hardliners stopped. that was terrific most of the people in attendance of the speech didn t think it was to serve him think at all why? because he was too radical it did cause a reaction so that speech, it was offensive and was actually offensive to a lot of people. a lot of people i remember saying while the who the hell are you to? to tell us that we are be people who had streaked that fed into the sense in moscow that ron reagan was account boy and he intended to use nuclear weapons against the soviet union in a war that is really thought psychologically, it is think about how dangerous that is closer cooperation between the uk and the us is exactly what andropov fears and in this cold war, andropov looks to his agents for proof what intelligence did in those days where he gave us details of the overall picture we could follow the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles that they had deployed. we could follow the number of new submarines who could follow the number of new tanks you could follow all these things that you could see from the satellite and we could hear about rumblings from poland or texas czechoslovakia hungary, or bulgaria are the unit to russia this is very typical. one of my wife and my arms eating ice cream in the snow i ve cited the bolshoi that s i was head of sas station in moscow in 19, early 1980s, the civil servants old signatures of official secrets act and set what s not in the public domain is rarely not for discussion by bias station and moscow was quite a small one. the whole apparatus of control and surveillance is very sophisticated than they used to paint radioactive paint on the bottom of our cars i know trackers we were thin on the ground, rarely it is extremely hard for outsiders to discover anything significant about the soviet political intentions while british agents seek a foothold in moscow in london, all or gordy ascii joins his fellow spies london was one of the major cities where serwer bianna is going on the kgb quarters and london, it s called station because you get station it s located in the russia membership that london job was extremely advantageous for gerd gsk it means that he was trusted and that he was decent cooperative, and it was good for him at the kgb station in london, there are two agents above gordy ascii in the hierarchy one of them is the kgb station chief are cati good general beep, fat he was not able to speak good english so he could not do anything. he could not write. he only was able to sign guard duty. sql was supposed to spend most of his time nine to five in the embassy doing she s official job being a diplomat and then during the evening on weekends, she became a spy their job was to get british secrets especially sucrose concerning britain s foreign policy gardi ascii is under pressure to send intelligence to moscow that validates operation rayon at the same time, he s had to hide the fact that he is a kgb spy from the british in their eyes, he s just a diplomat if he blows his cover or fails to feed the soviet leadership with good intel, he ll be on the next plane to moscow boards are very good career move for gorgias by the british counter intelligence service by far, phrases considered one of the most professional services in the world i m purchase sure. she knew that wouldn t be a picnic for him the ceo is about to take off. there s no one that goes the things i do we are personnel in what, four wrestling can be we wednesday night dynamited aid on tbs if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer, but up devo plus your voice is the first combination of two immunotherapies for adults, newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer but to spread tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene up devo plus your voice is not chemotherapy. it works differently it helps your immune system fight cancer. and two from ways up, devo and year s way can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment, these problems can be severe and lead to death. see 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much information as possible and intelligence was one of the sources when the government, there was a special box in number ten in which there would have been regular reports of anything which became known about soviets activity in uk mi6 has a very big secret. they re keeping from the prime minister in britain. i was supposed to be just an official civilian official of the soviet state. but zervos, a number of secrets in my life i was a kgb spy, spying against britain but he isn t just a kgb spy pretending to be a soviet diplomat when the telephone call to business intelligence service that s what you hear welcome. orleck, london. we ve been waiting for you i ll let go ascii is a double agent i became secret agent for the british intelligence in the 60s and 70s, gordy fc was based in denmark as a loyal and dependable kgb agent and it s there that he begins to see things in a different light. a turning point for him was that the soviet decision to crush the prague spring and attempted liberalizing the soviet style regime in czechoslovakia in 1968 gardi f ski katz had an internal personal shift he recognizes the inherent repressive snus of the soviet system, which as a kgb officer, he sworn to defend this is an ideological decision for him if this photo government or security services realized that i was spying for britain, i would have been dead it is not betraying. my country, russia i hated the communist system. i wanted to fight against it i simply would have regarded myself as not an honest person. if i wouldn t be fighting against that system there are some things that i really cannot going to i know you ll understand the nature of what we re talking about. when all lag arrived in london in 1982 it was invaluable to have the views of an insider in the russian embassy in london, who use the meaning of everything that was happening only eight people in the country know about this highly sensitive operation at a highly sensitive time it would be very, very few people anywhere you about all you. don t want anybody at any stage. so betrays a source because accidents happen usually things are very, very carefully contained only people who need to know as a great principal to know you have to keep completely tight to a very few people especially extended 9:00 news with michael president brezhnev, ruler of russia for nearly two decades is dead. so the soviet people tonight, five days of mourning begin the leaders who ve grown old in his shadow, the chance of ultimate power who will take over administration officials so there will be no change in us foreign policy toward the soviets until there is a change in soviet policy the soviet union finds reagan s aggressive tone not just insulting but an existential threat right now, the last thing the communist party wants is to be seen as weak so it decides to promote someone with a very clear agenda one adviser, calm front lawn or yuri andropov, a hard line man who would be we ve talked to deal with 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they would like the american delegation to meet with andropov after the funeral monday, but have no assurance the meeting will be arraigned here was a guy who came out of the soviet intelligence community you had the feeling during and drop-offs period that, you know, things were really inert. and the old generation was still still running the country my family was simply terrified. a great grandfather was crews shift. it was said the general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union khrushchev dismantled or as much as he could, he dismantle the kgb after stalin s death. so i m drop-off as my mother was convinced, was going to come back at us and the family with a vengeance. and there was even a talk that the gulags are going to be reinstated he is going to push forward certain policies including international policies as leader of the soviet union. andropov takes his operation rayon charts from the kgb back rooms to the heart of soviet policy you re andropov is a very conspiratorial figure. he is convinced that the united states is seeking domination over the soviets and ultimately a nuclear victory and then so the soviet union has to be completely and utterly prepared to push that button all eyes are now on reagan in this uncharted new landscape reagan was adamant that he is not going to deal with this red, red and for and rope of reagan, was that cow boy who s going to destroy the soviet union because he was playing an oldest films like john wayne reagan, and drop him always found each other neither of them would be a cough this was moment when we were really scared of the nuclear war that really stayed with me as the scariest time that i ve ever experienced in my life. and the soviet union the opposing sides and the cold war could not be further apart britain s double agent is now vital to understanding the level of andropov his paranoia he s got access to the operations being were on against the united kingdom by intelligence officers in the embassy and he s got a knowledge of the politics of moscow god, yes, get of course was able to brief his handlers on the gossip he knows a lot of people in the system and therefore, he s got this unrivaled insight into how decisions are taken, how they think in the senior reaches of the politburo he would be able to leave the embassy on a regular basis and to a safe house where he would be debriefed and if he could smuggle documents out of the embassy so much the better and the b arrangements for copying those in the safe house gordy? yes. skis actions make him so valuable. mi6 decides to inform ten downing street in? december. 1982 margaret thatcher is told that a highly placed kgb spy now works as a double agent for the british but she isn t told his name two months later, gordy ascii provides crucial intelligence operation. reihan is now official soviet policy what the soviets didn t understand is that there was a possibility that operation reihan could be a self-fulfilling prophecy operation reihan was perfect example of starting with a conclusion and then looking for justification for that conclusion. agents were asked are the americans and the british on the verge of nuclear war they were asked, proved to us find the evidence that they are, so that we re be ready for it. and that was the fundamental flaw with operation rayon we were instructed to watch for signs of special activities greetings within particularly by night. blitz, windows of the means of defense, and 40 law office. the american embassy, wrecking overtime until early morning hours what you like that jeff skate really brought was an insight, understanding of what operation rayon was really about it we re showing a paranoia but the paranoia was real asu, they very seeing reports the number of clauses was slowly, slowly growing visuals lucky the point, yes they re preparing when two sides don t know one another, they both misread signs you can see how dreadful things can happen by that kind of misunderstanding gardi of skis intel on the deepening soviet paranoia is so vital to the british that they must conceal their source even from the american the reason the british did not want the americans to know who gordy xq was, was the more people who know the name of a source the more imperiled the source becomes. reagan doesn t have the luxury of the brits inside knowledge. he feels the most effective approach is to scare the soviets into backing down he takes a brazen and terrifying new stands cnn special event. it s time to celebrate freedom progress and the trail blazers. he paved the way this is a festive day for all black americans. we still have a lot of work to do joins cnn s victor blackwell for a native interviews and performance is by john legend smoke robinson and so much more cnn special event, june celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday, june 19 at ten when cnn i have relapsing a mess but i still want to spend my time my way. i chose cuts into because it works for 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all these nuclear weapons. there s an moral equivalence between the two. ronald reagan was saying there s no moral could lead us, pray for the salvation of all of those who live in that totalitarian darkness. they are the focus of evil in the modern world everybody suggest this was, and how inflammatory this was. people worried that this cowboy from the west was irresponsible and he could blow us all on reagan s approach is to aggressively arm europe as a way to force the soviets to back down the whole idea of whether you were taught tough or soft on communism was still very much part of our political landscape. he decided to assure the right wing of the republican party that he was tough on communism. and i was dismayed because what is the strategy to call somebody? the global center of evil, if you insult people publicly, you ll have a hard time getting cooperation out of them. reagan also promotes a defense system nicknamed star wars these space lasers would identify and prevent incoming nuclear missiles its critics ridiculed it as unrealistic but the prospect of taking the nuclear arms race to space terrifies andropov there s the idea that we need to be very strong the only way to deter the soviet union from any kind of regression is to show them that they cannot win. and anything second thing that was going on was that we re going to increase our defense spending quite a bit in the soviet unique can t do that. they can t keep up with us. so we re going to spend them into oblivion. as reagan ramps up his rhetoric, a drama unfolds on the other side of the world that threatens to push the cold war over the edge governments around the world have expressed indignation over the soviet union s action and shooting down a korean jumbo jet over the cluster and pacific. the un security council will take up that incident later today. that tragedy later today, it s now reported that at least 50 of the 269 people on that jet were americans. the search goes on for the planes wreckage the crisis of our flight deck below seven just about half were korean, japanese, and taiwanese the free world was outraged once it s no exaggeration to say that western governments have been stunned and evening little frightened what s the news comes at a soviet had shut down the korean airliner, ronald reagan mediately goes on national television and uses every dirty word for their behavior that he can find. the source what can be said about soviet credibility when they so flagrantly lie about such a heinous act the soviet union becomes very defensive, very quiet, and makes no apologies at all. the military in moscow explain the korean jumbo was spying. so our missiles brought it down hi, my name s is robert mental cable news network. wondering if you will be having any type of statement not to say about the carolinas, not thank expect one soon. so that drove people in the west, especially conservatives like me, to think, boy, they are even worse than we thought they were. the incident raises the frightening thought that the finger on the soviet nuclear trigger could be as unstable as the individual who gave the order to shoot down the korean airliner it sparks protests and condemnation around the world i mean, there was really significant fear that this was going to lead to something big and extremely, extremely dangerous when the competition is a nuclear competition spying is extraordinarily important the russians were trying to spy on us we were spying on them it s very difficult to determine whom you can trust i was telling frank everything got that a control this is a war. the secret was secrets and spies, a nuclear game. sunday at ten on cnn, let s any landlord find qualified renders and signed leases and collect payments from any place even here and whirs here, he sled dave and ada, the place to list of place every time i need a new phone, i had to switch carriers. i told him that verizon everyone can get the best deals like that. iphone 15 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which paint color matches your bold style with my lows rewards credit card, you can say 5% every day. you got this and we got, you doctors preferred better science, better results. chasing life with dr. sanjay gupta. listen wherever you get your podcasts in late 1983 piece hangs in the balance between the east and the west in a bid to be ready for soviet nuclear attack west launches able archer it s an annual military operation. but this year s exercise is more realistic than before 40,000 us and nato troops gather across europe right on the ussr s border. april archer was a normal military exercise by dado command to prepare naval forces in europe for an attack from the soviet union. but the way it was done was not normal at all the nuclear component of the exercise was hyped up the idea of it was make this as realistic as you could possibly make it the western powers show an almost naive ignorance of how this huge training exercise will be received in the ussr for andropov, it looks like his operation rayon prophecy is coming true they really see much more cables payable agile i knew, it wasn t dramatic moment i knew moscow was nervous and it came i m at a very sensitive moment for moscow that it had been humiliated on the global stage following the downing of that jet in particular. so every move was interpreted probably to a larger degree than it should have. b52 bombers with nuclear capabilities now arrive at the us airbase in germany andropov watches everything unfold from his hospital bed the soviet people are unaware of their leaders declining health as he keeps his hands firmly on the reins of power they re all puffy is dying, but he s clutching that red button. she really thinks if it s not him, who else he s in charge the soviet scrambled to respond nuclear submarines are primed and ready soviet troops are put on a 15 combat standby oh, ola go dfc probably was the one person who could convey to western sources what was going on inside the mind of soviet leadership at the time of able archer ascii helps his handlers realize that they re dealing with sheer paranoia at the hands at the top leadership in the soviet union. now unfortunately, it didn t come in time enough for this exercise to be canceled the exercise continues oblivious that a nuclear confrontation is now just a phone call away. but it s again, but i mean, it but it s not a game too. and i think what happened is that everything got out of control. this is just something that people can t comprehend that human error could bring the end of the world people just can t absorb that ultimately, you i kind of have this mid udacity. you believe in you own propaganda of your own greatness. you re in the control of the state all russian and soviet dictator s the problem is they always think that the, the last line of defense you are in power you have the right to if you decide to destroy it. so nobody else forget the united states doesn t even notice that the soviet der, on edge. they didn t even put the soviet reaction into ronald reagan s presidential daily brief before andropov can act, the able archer operation wraps up on schedule andropov is finally persuaded he that this really was just an exercise. this time life contribution was explained that this is dangerous you ll playing with fire the liver simply daughter the stands and intelligence. old russian leaders they able archer exercise world came very close to nuclear war the united states didn t know the ratchet down the tension when it really matter that is an indicator of just the lack of understanding that the united states and the soviet union headed each other. but in a nuclear confrontation, lack of understanding can have catastrophic consequences when adversaries have nuclear weapons pote

Kgb , Us , Moscow , Surveillance-equipment , Floor , Listeners , Storms , Mercy , Person , Suit , Photograph , Speech

Transcripts For MSNBC Morning Joe Weekend 20240609

100%. judy s family says they can finally move on with their lives. there is one thing that brings them peace. you are religious. does that give you any comfort to know your mom and dad are now together? they are in a better place than we are. what would you say to judy? i will tell her that i love her and i would give her the biggest hug. that is all for this edition of dateline. thank you for watching. ank you this sunday edition of morning joe weekend. it was another fast-moving news week. here are more of the conversations you ekmight have missed. donald trump and his allies are ratcheting up their calls for revenge against democrats in response to trump s conviction in his new york city criminal trial. some examples. in a fox news interview on friday, former white house advisor stephen miller called le on republican secretary of state and attorneys general to quote, get in the game and use every facet of power to go toe to toe with democrats. florida senator marco rubio who is reportedly in the mix to be trump s running mate which would make sense given his behavior wrote on social media quote, it s time to fight fire with fire. in response to a new york times piece about recent calls for refry abuse, former white house chief strategist steve bannon echoed stephen miller telling the paper quote, there are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and ne district attorneys who need to seize the day and own this moment in history. then there is trump himself. in s an interview earlier this week he suggested hillary clinton be jailed in response to his guilty verdict. and here s what he said at his florida home yesterday in a fox news interview last night with sean hannity where you see hannity trying to get him to the right answer but no. take a listen. you can t gag a nominee. can you imagine you re running for office and you gag. you re not allowed to talk. when that happens we are no longer a democracy. and we re not going to let that happen. and i know a lot of republicans who want retribution. they want to do that we re going to see what happens. people are claiming you want retribution. people are claiming you want u what has happened to you done to democrats. would you ondo that ever? look, what s happened to me has never happened in this country before. and it has to stop because wait a minute, i want to hear that again. it has to stop. we re not going to have a country. if you re elected awhat doe that mean? define that. what i ve gone through nobody s ever gone through. i m a very legitimate person. i built a great business. focus on those that want people to believe that you want retribution. that you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemies. number one, they re wrong. it onhas to stop. otherwise we re not going to have a country. look, when this election is over, based on what they ve done, i would have every right to go after them. it s easy because it s joe biden and you see all the criminality. will you pledge to restore equal justice? equal application of our laws? end this practice of weaponnization? is that a promise? you have to do it. but it s awful. look, i know you want i m asking. i don t want to look naive. what they ve done to the republican party, they want to arrest on no crime. i will do everything in my power not to let, but this tremendous criminality here. what they re doing to me if it s going to continue we re really not going to have much of a country left. okay, willie. help me out here. first of all, no criminality. this was not biden s justice department in the criminal trial in new york city. it was a yjury of donald trump peers, 12 people and alternates. just to fact check him right there. but also hannity, mr. softball, setting him up saying come on, come on, you wouldn t actually have retribution. you don t mean that. of course he s like yes, i do. just like what the documents. when hannity was like come on, you didn t actually take the documents. donald trump is kenot messing around. he promises retribution and as he even told hannity when hannity gave him a chance to semi cover it he will serve it up. so, with that, i mean i m not sure what more people need to know given a lot of things donald trump has promise have had come to pass. i m not smiling about the substance of what the president said, i m smiling with what you put your finger on which is this entire genre of interview where sean hannity embeds the answer into his question and tries to lead donald. i wish my oral exams in high school and college were like that where the teacher would just nod along and give you the answer. that s the way they do it. he said donald trump in the remarks we played before that clip he said a malot of people are saying they re going to want retribution. so he likes to separate himself but obviously he means himself and obviously sending cues to others about what should happen. again, he was charged, he was tried, he was convicted by a jury of his peers in new york. the fact that he took classified documents back to his beach club is not some imagined conspiracy against him. he did. hing we ll see what happens in that trial as it moves forward. he wants retribution against people, the justice department, the fbi who are actually bringing him to justice on things that he did or is alleged to have done. let s bring to the conversation yeah. one thing before we get to our guests. it s so interesting to me that n he says this has never happened before and that s why something needs to be done. in every case, well, i will say in the most clear cases because obviously we have to wait for the law to play out. but in the case of the documents you see the pictures. he says he took them. he says they re his. he admits to the crime. in the case of the hush money. criminal trial where 34 felony counts against donald trump came up guilty, there was evidence presented in court that backed it up. so yes, yes, mr. president, former president trump, this hasn t happened before. there hasn t been a former president who had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant and then years later before a campaign was to get into full swing paid off through hush money through a fixture breaking campaign finance laws and having fraudulent business records. i mean that is not happened before. he s right, otit hasn t happene before. but it s unfortunately what happened to him because of his own actions. right. and change the suspect from subject to some imagined conspiracy that suggests the government is out to get him. let s bring in ceo of the massina group jim massina. and ran obama s 2012 reelection campaign 20successfully, of course. jim, great to see you. you often are the guy who comes in and sort of tries to calm the nerves a bit of democrats b when they get panicky. not in some polly anish way, but looking at data, looking at normals. let s talk about the fundraising that scared a lot of democrats after donald trump was convicted last week on 34 felony counts. raised a boatload of money. put that into some perspective though as compared to how the biden campaign is doing. yeah, if you look at the overall numbers biden continues to have a very healthy fundraising lead. has way more money in eathe ban i know this sounds geeky, but the truth is joe biden s money is all small donors whereas donald trump s money is from m big donors who are giving to his super pacs. that ad buying later in the campaign is more expensive. they can t get the lowest unit rate. most importantly, the one thing you can t make more of in a presidential election is time. we re 152 days out and the biden campaign has over 150 field offices staffed with paid staffers in the battleground states. donald trump has zero. so every day these people are talking to voters both their own base and these swing voters and you just can t replicate that with money. we always knew that trump was going to catch up weafter he go the nomination. he clearly had an outstanding day after his criminal conviction. it s a little cynical they raised a bunch of money after he was found guilty of 34 felony counts. it y is what it is. overall the biden campaign is doing what they need to do which is build a massive army in these battleground states. the biden campaign looking forward to that first debate as a moment to change fra joke tour of the race. we re seeing polls shift a little bit towards the president. let s owget you to weight in yesterday. this wall street journal story about the president s age. we can set aside the marriage of the journalism. there were flaws in the story we covered at length yesterday. polls suggest some americans think the president is too old for office. we know donald trump just a couple years younger. if you were still in the white house, what would your communication strategy be to simply manage the issue. fair or not it s out there. how would you suggest the white house and campaign handle it? by doing exactly what they re doing. getting him out there as much e as they can. about getting an early debate. you re exactly right. it is an issue. people have questions about it. we all remember at the state of the union he did a master performance and looked on top of his game and the polls rose then. this debate moment is really, really big for them. i can t believe donald trump is letting them have it. people expect joe biden to not be as good as donald trump. trump has set all the expectations to the top activity moon. he s this great or tore. he s this great guy. joe s sleepy joe, et cetera. joe biden goes in there and has a good debate and it s going to significantly make people think about their perceptions of this race. i think it ll be a very big moment and i think biden was very smart to ask for a debate as early as he could get it. we ll be right back with much more morning joe. ore morn. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. listen. 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they were going to fight for democracy. all these years later, 80 years later, democracy is again in peril. that s a fact. that s a fact. listening to donald trump, that s a fact we have to live with. that s a fact that americans are going to have to make up their minds about. what kind after country do we want going forward? we may hear some of that theme from president biden tomorrow at normandy when he delivers the address. he ll be there all week as you reported yesterday. he ll be at bella woods later in the week the world war i site. talking about the young men who frankly saved the world in those days, weeks and months but also about bringing it to today and the threats of democracy here. it s hard not to be almost emotional thinking about this scene with eisenhower. we ll hear from the president several times this week. his remarks tomorrow will be relatively brief. it s the next day, the friday where he goes where ronald reagan delivered his famous speech. talking about yes, the sacrifices of 80 years ago that helped save the world. but connecting it to today. the battle we re seeing in ukraine. also just the need to affirm and rebuild democracies across the globe. i m told the odds are against him invoking donald trump by name. trump will shadow this. he will draw an implicit contrast to the future that trump will bring versus the one that he would. one with allies. one with defending democracy. we know donald trump will take a different approach to the ukraine war working to be returned to office. he almost pulled autoof nato on the eve of going to helsinki. we ll hear that in grand terms from president biden in what aides tell me will be one of the most important speeches he delivers this year. one that will not on the surface be a campaign speech. yeah. we just talk about the choices. mike talking about the choices. we hear what he said about hillary clinton. we re talking about nato. donald trump trying to undermine nato. said he wanted to undermine nato. said a couple months ago he encouraged vladimir putin to invade nato countries if they didn t have sort of defense structure that he wants them to have. of course he talked about putting hillary clinton in jail. throwing political opponents in jail. his people have talked about throwing us in jail. throwing people that run this show in jail. they ve talked about throwing media companies in jail that are insufficiently loyal. he talks about executing chairmans of the joint chiefs of staff who are insufficiently politically loyal to him. he talks about terminating the constitution. he talks about using seal team six to execute political opponents and says that he would be immune from that. he had his lawyers argue that in court. go through all of it and it is extraordinary. it s extraordinary that this man is talking like an autocrat. talking like putin and that right now this race is too close to call. i think it s really worth pointing out that the difference between trump in 2020 and trump in 2024 and trump in 2016 is this time around his team and campaign are much more focused on how they would do exactly the kinds of things you ve spoken about. they ve drawn up the policy papers. they ve dug in to the workings of the american government to see how they could effectively take control of the fcc. of the doj. use the irs against political opponents of theirs. they ve been very honest about the idea of using this second administration for retribution against those people who have counted donald trump. it s sometimes easy with donald trump because we hear so many things that are out of the norm they go well, it s just another thing donald trump says. behind donald trump in 2024 is a whole infrastructure of people putting in place the plans to follow up with the kinds of things that donald trump is saying out on the campaign trail. they didn t manage to do much of it in 2016 because they weren t prepared. this time around they re making sure they are prepared. so the group republican voters against trump is launching a new billboard ad campaign looking to persuade moderate republicans and republican leaning voters in four swing states. the billboards feature former trump voters who now say they won t vote for him in the wake of his conviction last week in his new york city criminal trial. let s bring in the executive director of republican voters against trump sarah longwell. she s also a publisher and host of the focus group podcast. thank you so much for joining us. to tell us more about this campaign and what you re hearing from republican voters. question after the conviction, the political question is will voters care? and from our perspective you have to help make them care. the republicans are out there right now and they are building their own narrative. building their own echo chamber. they are all singing from the same song sheet that this was rigged, that we have a two tier justice system. we have to go on offense right now and make sure voters understand how unique, how historically unique in a desperately dark way it is to have a convicted felon running for president. so our program republican voters against trump, it hick hinges on a key theory which is you need credible messengers to speak to these vote percent. we have hundreds of people who voted for trump in the past, many voted for him twice who are explaining and there s testimonials all over our website explaining why they won t vote for trump again. but after the conviction we wanted to make sure that it stuck with people. we have watched donald trump extraordinary things have happened. like his own vice president not endorsing him. and yet it kind of just rolls off voters minds. trump s been around for a long time. we have two functional incumbents and that create as dynamic where voters aren t as tuned in in ways they might have. you have to go on offense. you have to have strong affirmative messaging to make sure things stick in the mind of voters. you can t count on the idea that voters hear conviction and walk away. you have to help them understand why this is so extraordinary. why what he defense wrong and why he s too dangerous to be in the white house. to that point about the difficulty in making things stick to trump. we live in a world where it seems like everyone s attention span is a few fleeting moments. so it s not just there s a conviction. conviction happened at the end of may. here we are the first few days of june. we re still five months to the election. how do you get it to resinate to stay in the forefront of voters minds not just now but as they head into the ballot box? this is one of the ways democrats have to figure out how they re going to do their messaging strategy. i think that oftentimes they get really fractured around messaging and have a difficult time going on offense as opposed to playing defense. so part of this is to make sure that acknowledging donald trump s conviction is a regular feature in the way that democrats are talking about him. and not just joe biden. joe biden as a messenger has a particular role i think to explain to the country what he s going to do over the next four years. but democrats need an army of surrogates who are out there making an affirmative case. going on offense. going on attack against donald trump. making sure the countriens understands. and that he s a been convicted of sexual assault and that he s been convicted for, you know, the things he did with the trump org and reminding people of january 6th. it is really, this is going to be a choice about who is the the lesser of two evils and you have to have voters understand trump is the greater of evils. liable of sexual abuse, defamation and massive fraud. and then convicted felon who is openly hell bent on revenge. that s what voters have to consider. sarah longwell. thank you for being on this morning. coming up, new reporting on how closely europe is watching the upcoming u.s. election. we ll be right back. l be right. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i ll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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( ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. november s presidential election has implications well beyond our country s borders. in a new piece entitled what europe fears details how european leaders and nato are preparing for the potential reelection of donald trump and joining us now the author of that piece staff writer at the atlantic mckay coppins. tell us what these leaders are saying. i was struck by two things. they re watching the u.s. election very closely. the state secretary in germany told me that in a year when billions of people around the world will have the opportunity to vote the one election everyone in europe cares about and is paying attention to is the american presidential election. the other thing that struck me is almost every official i spoke to believed that donald trump was going to win again. and they say that with a sense of dread in some cases bordering on panic. the word that i heard most often in these interviews was existential. if donald trump comes back, we made it through the first trump term. and it took a toll on the transatlantic relationship. but they made it through. they said if he comes back given what he s been saying about nato, given what he s been saying about russia, the war in ukraine, they re really afraid that it will be the end of nato and the beginning of a new stage of russian aggression that europe frankly isn t prepared for without america s support. so mckay, let s dive into that more. there s been from president macron of france this effort to make europe less dependent on the u.s. in terms of our military and financial strength. what other steps are he and his fellow european leaders taking to try to if you will trump proof what they re doing right now ahead of his possible return? yeah, there have been a number of efforts recently proposed. one of them as you mentioned is, you know, developing defense autonomy in europe in a way that would potentially channel funds away from nato which really does rely on america and toward the european defense alliance. there s been talk of taking the responsibility for arming ukraine, literal logistical responsibility out of america s hands and putting that in nato s hands because they don t know if a future trump administration would abandon the war or not. really the biggest change has been that a lot of european allies are spending a lot more now on their own defense. and this is one thing that, you know, trump takes credit for and i have to say a lot of the european officials i spoke to grudgingly gave him some credit for. they said trump by kind of being so vociferous about this issue that european allies aren t spending enough on defense has sort of bullied a lot of these countries into spending more, but it s come at a cost. and that cost is that these european countries while they are now spending more on collective defense, contributing more to nato, also don t trust america as a long term ally the way they have for the last 75 years. when america becomes an unpredictable power or a transactional power, that changes the entire global order in ways that i don t think we can predict right now. sure does. and we heard back in i think it was 2018, 2019 angela merkel saying we can no longer depend on the united states basically with trump because he s so erratic. we ll have to defend ourselves. it s something macron said as well. if donald trump s making them spend more money on defense because they re spending more money on defense because they know they can t count on the united states in their minds if donald trump is president of the united states. mckay writes this also, that almost every official i spoke with believed that trump is going to win. i hear that an awful lot from europe and i hear from across the world. i think claire, we should probably tell our friends not to bet too many euros or pounds on that fact because what you see on tv may not be what ends up happening at the voting booths for swing voters in wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania. yeah, those three states particularly where really biden has never been more than a point or two behind and in polls has been ahead. those three states are incredibly important. mckay, i wanted to ask you about what s going on in europe domestically in terms of their politics. we have seen in the united states populism and anti- immigration that has really roiled our politics here. what is happening in that front in europe? it looks from a distance that they re having some of the same issues internally within the conservative parties there. the antiimmigration, the populism. is that something that europe is also worried about? oh, no question. the fear of trump s return in europe is of a piece with the fear of a broader rise of right wing populism and nationalism. we ve seen it in the uk. italy. in germany the afd party. the far right party. there was one recent poll that found 25% of germans now identify with that party. and that s a pretty extreme party. so there s no question that throughout western democracies and really in europe especially we have seen a lot of the same forces that contributed to trump s rise. in some ways the europeans understand trump through that prism. they re saying, you know, we get it, we have our own issues here. if some of our allies have elected leaders like donald trump. it s different when it happens in america. america is not only the lynch pin of the nato alliance. it is in a lot of ways seen as kind of the big brother. european countries rely on america for security, they rely on it for leadership. they rely on america to set an example to the world for what a well functioning western democracy should look like. a lot of the anxiety about this election in europe stems from the fact that they re seeing this chaos in american democracy and wondering if the city on a hill can still be looked to as an example. and that causes a lot of alarm among our friends in europe. the new piece is online now for the atlantic. staff writer mckay coppins, thank you for writing the piece and being on the show this morning. next, former capitol police officer harry dunn will be here to talk about why he is starting a new pac to support candidates running against pro- trump republicans. trump republicans. slowing my cancer from growing and living longer are two things i want from my metastatic breast cancer treatment. and with kisqali, i can have both. kisqali is a pill that when taken with an aromatase inhibitor helps delay cancer from growing and has been proven to help people live significantly longer across three separate clinical trials. so, i have the confidence to live my life. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell 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like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it s time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. some of the police officers who defended the united states capitol on january 6th are continuing their fight to protect democracy. harry dunn, daniel hodges to make the case for reelecting president biden in november and stopping donald trump. today coming off an unsuccessful bid for congress which saw him bring in more than $5 million for the campaign, dunn is launching a new political action committee. i was always ready for game day. two teams lined up. it s us versus them. you leave it all on the field. i m harry dunn and on january 6th the good guys won. they fellow officers and i fought as a team. we had each other s back. and we didn t do it for one person or one president. we did it for our country. to make sure everyone s vote counted. that s what democracy is. that no one person s voice is greater than another. when i ran for congress, hundreds of thousands of regular people stood with me and we broke records in fundraising. but our system still allows the wealthiest americans and their corrupt super pacs to support insurrectionsists and drown out our voices. our team has got to change that. we need to support candidates committed to getting money out of politics and defending our democracy from donald trump and maga extremists. nobody said it would be easy, but for our country, fur our team, we can t stop now. and former u.s. capitol police officer harry dunn joins us now. he s the author of the recent book standing my ground. thanks for being with us again this morning. you ran for congress in the state of maryland. fell a little short l but did have some money leftover from that campaign. tell us more about what you plan to do with it. thanks for having me on. always good to be on with you all. we did fall short, but the reason why i ran was to do everything i can to continue to fight for democracy. to fight to preserve our constitution. and to fight to stop maga extremists. at the very top of the ticket, donald trump. we did raise millions of dollars in a very short period of time and what that told me is that a lot of people across the country that message of our democracy, the threat of losing it. the threat of this being our potential last free and fair election resinates with a lot of people. it s at the top of peoples minds. what we ll do is continue to use that momentum to continue to go across the country. up and down the ballot. and elect democrats and stop maga republicans. also fight to continue to get big corporate money out of politics. and support those candidates that really want to do that. so harry, when you re out there, when you re out there running for congress and meeting a lot of people and talking to a lot of people. that aspect that you just mentioned the threat to democracy. when you would talk to people about the threat to democracy, how many of the people you spoke to thought it was like real? that it could happen? as opposed to no, it worries a lot of people. it worries a lot of people. because like i say, a lot of the issues that we talk about. common sense gun reform, lowering inflation. all of those things as important as they are, if we have a dictator in the white house, a dictator over democracy, what is the purpose? those issues really don t matter because the dictator gets what he wants. everybody is definitely worried. even people that voted against me tell me they are worried about our democracy. so i think it is very front and center with a lot of people. being out here on the campaign trail for president biden i m in pennsylvania right now, one of the things people are definitely worried about. it resinates with people and as people talked about, he s talking about retribution and imprisoning his political opponents. and people are really worried about that. next, actor bill pullman on his new life time movie that was ripped from the headlines as he plays alex murdaugh who was found guilty of murdering his wife and son. morning joe weekends will be right back. right back. of finding psoriasis can t filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding you don t have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don t take if you re 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the family s demise alex murdaugh. once a successful lawyer from a team with a rich history in south carolina, his trial made headlines last year when he was convicted of murdering his wife and his son and stealing millions from his legal clients while blaming an addiction to painkillers for his crimes. join us now, bill pull nba who plays alex murdaugh. good to see you. you re kind of like i was with this trial which i didn t really know a ton about it and then i tuned in late and kind of couldn t get enough of it. so when you first heard about this role what were your impressions of this guy? yeah, i realized everybody else in the world in america knew about it. i think i, you know, i didn t know if i was going to do it. kind of had to be a fast decision. but my first thing was i don t know if i want. i don t know anything about it. then you start watching something and they ve got body cam and dash cam and of course the courtroom scene. so much there. and then i realized but as i first started into it i was nauseous. i was nauseated. i thought i can t do this part. then it tripped over into i m excited to do this part. that s what i was going to ask you at some point as an actor as repulsive as the man is there s something about getting into the character and playing it that s rich for you professionally, i think. yes, yes. really you re going to enter into you ve got to put on armor about your morality and everything else and you become, you know, a jedi knight of denial which we have a few of those these days. we do. seems to be going around. i remember talking to a friend connie who said yeah, that murdaugh guy it s like old satan looked at him and went whoa, dude. like you re bad. how did you prepare for the role? not just someone who satan would say that about but someone who is so timely. who is alive. who their developments in the case as we speak. how much did you study him? how do you decide on your performance? there s a lot to look at. you can go lateral, long time. researching and looking. i had to get moving pretty quick because production thing was so fast. i think there s certain amount of things you can make yourself similar to and then because there s other things you re just doing your own interpretation. so you re trying to, you know, channel those aspects as they would occur to you rather than just mimicking him. it was also really heard because he lost a lot of weight and there were those issues and i had to go with my weight and we don t have a lot of time to shoot this movie. you capture him well. let s take a look at another clip where alex confronts his son paul about the boating accident that killed his friend. besides a dead girl and our financial ruin. stop. i am not finished. talk to me. talk to me. she was my friend. huh? i didn t mean for it to happen. i didn t mean to hurt anyone. the hurt you cause that night hasn t even yet been felt. i m ashamed. and embarrassed of you. get out of my sight. in addition to having to capture the darkness of the man you have to capture a southern accent too, bill. if you get it wrong people will let you know. and there s a lot of different accents. south carolina, but even the low country they call it. there s a lot of different accents. you can always go check it out. tough scene. it s a tough scene. oh my god. they would let for years and years i did of pulling it off. could see him just on the stand his friends saying to say i had no idea but i do know he did it. they know he was capable of it and all caught up to him. both installments are streaming now on amazon prime video, as well as on my bill pullman, great to have you with us this morning. great to be here. we ll get you back into the new york city theater. putting out a call to directors. this man. don t go away. we have a second hour of morning joe on this sunday morning. coming up right after the break. after the break. chevy trucks advanced camera technology lets you see over, under, 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(fisher investments) we have a transparent fee, structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments, we re clearly different. welcome back to morning joe weekend. it is now 7:00 a.m. this sunday morning. here s more of the stories we covered this week. writing about president biden s visit to normandy this week in your latest column for the washington post , with some reflections on history, not just the invasion in normandy on d-day 80 years ago but where america was on the precipice of world war ii in terms of the division we saw in this country, not unlike what we are seeing here now. we look back at world war ii and the d-day invasion and we see this incredible national unity. everyone was polling in the same direction in this great struggle that engulfed the entire world and american society was transformed and everyone had to pitch in and there was national purpose and national unity and we forget that in the years before the war, our country arguably was as divided as it is now. it was divided over a number of things. one way it was divided was racially segregated. that continued even during the war. the units that went ashore at d- day were all white and one all- black unit that morning. of course, once they got on the beaches, they were, there was no color and i write about one soldier, a medic in the one black battalion that landed that morning. there were others who came later. he was wounded as he landed with german shrapnel, pretty serious wounds but he was well enough to set up a medical aid station on the beach and he stood there and he treated the wounded four 30 hours before he collapsed and had to be taken to a hospital ship. he survived the war, came home to a racially divided nation and was a second-class citizen until the civil rights movement triumphed and he died in 2005. it was just this week awarded posthumously the second highest honor in the army. that wasn t the only division. there were bitter divisions about whether the united states should get involved in the war. isolationism, you think it is something no, isolationism was a major strain in our politics. there were bitter divisions over franklin d roosevelt s new deal policies, which were being described as totalitarianism and communism and socialism. the rhetoric we hear now, we have heard before. the difference is there cannot be another world war ii unite us. we can t have another one of those after hiroshima and nagasaki. we simply cannot have a world war like world war ii. so, we are going to have to find a different way to get past these divisions that beset us now. we have a barely functional political system but that is what we ve got and we are going to have to find some way to make it work so that we can, we can continue because there can t be another d-day like there one, the one there was 80 years ago. as you point out in the piece, america first, the term we hear from donald trump and his supporters, coined in the years leading up to one or two. i m so glad you are pointing to the heroism of so many black men who helped to liberate the beaches and treat the wounded on d-day. the military was desegregated by president truman three years after the end of world war ii largely because of the heroism we saw. president biden will meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy a short time from now before traveling back to normandy. meanwhile, the war in gaza rages on. the leader of hamas says he will only agree to the latest cease-fire proposal if israel commits to permanently ending the war in gaza. the statement made in response to the three phase plan president biden publicly until last week. under the proposal, phase two would be an end to the war. that is a sticking point for israel. far right drivers of israel s government say the conflict can only end once hamas is eradicated. dozens of people, meanwhile, including children, were killed in an israeli airstrike at a united nations school in gaza. it happened overnight thursday. the israeli military says it was targeting a hamas compound embedded in the school. the idf claims about 30 terrorists were using the classrooms at the base. the strike, however, drawing international criticism as gaza health officials say 40 people were killed. israel so far has only released the names of 9 terrorists it says died in the attack. meanwhile, the united states says it will wait and see what information israel releases about the strike before considering any action. the state department says it expects the idf to be fully transparent. this comes as the washington post reports a u.s. made bomb was used in the strike at that school. president biden addressed israel s war with hamas during an interview with abc news yesterday in normandy. the president says he believes pre-minister benjamin netanyahu has acknowledged concerns from the white house pointing to the way israel adjusted its strategy in russia. is benjamin netanyahu listening to you ? i think he s listening to me. they were going to go into rafah fullbore, invade all of rafah can go into the city, take it out, move with full force. they haven t done that. what they have done is they have agreed to a significant agreement that if, in fact, i must accept it, look, it is being backed by egypt, being backed by the saudis, being backed by almost of the home arab world. we will see. this is a very difficult time. richard hoss, he s right about who s backing it, everyone except the two parties involved in the war to have this cease-fire come about and perhaps an end to the war. hamas says it will not agree to the terms. israel says it will not agree to anything that does not include eradicating hamas as israel puts it. where does that leave us ? it was exactly a week ago today president biden went out and announced this three phase plan and the wait was represented a week ago that it was sent to the israel s plan and the idea was to get hamas to sign on. israel backed away from it, if they ever signed onto it to begin with. hamas, as you saw, has now said it won t accept a temporary cease-fire, which is phase one of the plan. it seems to have been stillborn. what we are looking at is the other part of the news this morning. you are going to have continued israeli military operations, inevitably, no matter how careful israel is, because of co-location of hamas with civilians, you will see this kind of stories you have for people, innocent people are going to be killed, along with hamas militants. my guess is we will see this for some time. this will go on, the israeli national security advisor said military operations will continue through the end of the year. i don t see any reason to doubt that. i think the real question is whether we see an escalation of fighting as things dial down somewhat in gaza in the north between israel and hezbollah. that has been the most recent news out of israel. the idea that we are on a precipice of peace somehow, actually, the opposite is more the reality. i hate to be so depressing this morning but i think we are looking at open ended but low level war in gaza with the danger of escalation in the north in southern lebanon. coming up, ed luce of the financial times, will tell us his new piece, titled biden respects the law, trump does not and what that could mean for the election. have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? 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everything else pales in comparison. i think that is why wall street journal, article does when it was so frustrating because of the difference between these two candidates. the moral equivalence. we talked about you can look at that article versus donald trump for getting up world war ii existed, forgetting barack obama is not still president and then also you could just do, again, the false moral equivocation between january the sixth, the riot, trump s role in that and joe biden forgiving student loan debt. we get all these false comparisons. i ve got to say one of the most maddening has been donald trump stealing nuclear secrets versus hunter biden and whatever republicans decide at the time is a great risk to america s national security because of what hunter biden did. the key point here is america s system is working, it is intact. both donald trump last week and hunter biden in wilmington for the next couple of weeks are receiving trial by jury, due process, they will have the right of appeal. i ve no idea whether hunter biden will be convicted or acquitted but i do know that he has two cases against him. the second of which, the tax case starts on september the fifth at the beginning of the general election in california. biden could at any point to stop this from happening. he s not, he s not interfering. there is no rigging coming from this president. where it is coming from is the supreme court. we will get them later this month, presumably later this month. they might prevaricate even longer. later this month, finally coming down with their ruling on what should have been an open and shut case about whether the resident has immunity for whatever he does in office, thereby ensuring trump will not be held accountable for january 6th in court before november the fifth. that is the real story going on here. the trial is in wilmington. i have no great insight to what is going to happen there but the trial in wilmington is the rule of law taking its normal course, as was the case in new york last week. what is happening in the supreme court is judicial interference in the political process. so, ed, you have the gift of being able to look at america and american politics from the distance created by your birth. you are not from here. you weren t born here. so, when you look at it and you write about it, as you did today, and you mentioned the supreme court slowing things down, making it almost impossible for a trial in the january 6th or the papers kept at mar-a-lago, a trial for most things are happening prior to election and hunter biden on trial today in wilmington, what is your sense of what would happen to the system, and the rule of law if hunter biden is acquitted and what is your sense of what other countries, other nations think and view this when they look at what is happening in america? that is a great question. it is a remarkable moment that we are having. the first conviction of a former president and the first trial of a child of a sitting president happening in the space of a few days of each other. i have no doubt if hunter biden is convicted, there is not going to be an uproar on the democratic side, there isn t going to be accusations of bigoted justice, even though the judge is trump appointed, there s no reason to believe that judge is a hatchet job kind of charge. if, however, hunter biden is acquitted, all conspiratorial hell will break loose. you mentioned the other trump trial that isn t going to happen, the one in florida, the federal trial that judge aileen canon is in charge of. she is finding extraordinary time delaying tactics, once that nobody had ever thought of. the latest is whether the special prosecutor, smith, was unconstitutionally appointed and she s going to hear arguments about that. she is finding any and every excuse, including invented ones not to hear this case. it is an extraordinary example of justice delayed being justice denied. and, i think that is what foreigners are kind of gob smacked by when they watch this. it is, you bring up judge aileen canon in florida on the documents case, which is really one of the most serious cases against donald trump and resounding as well, given all the documents were hidden at mar-a-lago and he tried to hide them again as the government was trying to get them back. and, the, it is frustrating to see what is happening. it is also the judge that we got, the judge that is, in this case, the judge that was given this case. that is the way it goes. you will not hear, unlike on fox news, that this is a weapon based justice department. you will not hear, unlike on fox news, that somehow joe biden is up to this or donald trump is up to this and somehow he s polling the strings here. you will not hear that here because this is the judge we got and that is the way it goes with the rule of law. we have lots more to get to this hour. morning joe weekend continues after a short break. break. the only migraine medication that 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nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. dancing is just one of the many inherited traits you can discover with ancestry dna. get it for dad, and together you can see which traits were inherited, the places where they started, and the people he shares them with. best of all, it s on sale for father s day. but get movin , this sale is only for a limited time. are 37 countries donald trump, as a convicted felon, is not allowed to visit and another impact of these many felony convictions is he loses his license to carry a concealed weapon, which, if you think about it, it s pretty crazy a guy who s not allowed to carry a concealed weapon would be allowed to carry a nuclear weapon. it s like your parents saying you can t have a puppy but if you get good grades, we will buy you a werewolf. the judge announced next month, steve bannon will start serving his time in prison. in prison? he looks like a guy who just got out of prison. steve bannon goes to prison on july 1st. it s too bad we will all miss out on something that summer beach body. former trump advisor steve bannon has been ordered to report to prison next month. the judge ruled yesterday steve bannon must begin his four month sentence on july 1st. a stay on bearman s sentence was lifted after his appeal in the case was denied. as nbc news reports, steve bannon could still appeal the ruling. he said yesterday his team plans to appeal all the way to the supreme court. we are going to go all the way to the supreme court if we have to. i want to say something specific about the justice department. merrick garland, lisa monaco, the entire justice department, they are not going to shut up trump, they are not going to shut up navarro, they are not going to shut up brandon and they are not going to shut up maga. steve bannon was found guilty in judge aileen canon force of defining subpoenas from the january 6th select committee. let s bring in nbc legal correspondent lisa rubin. this is always been, we will hear from president trump s on this interesting moment, as a personal attack, as president biden ordering his opponents to jail, except, when you don t answer a subpoena, no matter who you are in our society, just like if you cook the books at your organization to pay off an adult film star to stay quiet before the presidential election, there are consequences. there are indeed consequences. there is some connective tissue between this and the other case you mentioned, the recent conviction of former president trump. that can connective tissue is robert castillo, steve bannon s attorney and the attorney on whose advice he says he relied in ignoring that congressional subpoena. steve bannon wanted to argue, this was the crux of his appeal, that he was entitled to reasonably rely on bob castillo s advice that he should blow off the subpoena because trump was going to invoke executive privilege. the only problem with that is twofold. one, he was repeatedly advised by trump campaign lawyers that is not, in fact, what the former president intended to do for steve bannon, in part because steve bannon had been out of government for three years. the other problem is there is a 1961 case by the d.c. circuit this is where contempt charges are concerned, it is no defense to say i relied on the advice of counsel. it was that decision that a recent d.c. circuit panel reaffirmed and it is on that basis that yesterday, judge carl nichols of the d.c. district court said, you know, sir, vista longer presents substantial questions of law. i m going to the the state of your sentence and you need to report by july 1st. will come as no surprise to anyone that donald trump took to social media to really get this, calling it, a total and complete american tragedy that the duke joe biden department of justice is it is interesting. steve bannon has said he will appeal again and looking to push off the july 1st report date. tell us what mechanism that would be. is there a chance of success? or, is he going to go in july 1st ? steve bannon does not officially work for the trump campaign. he is an informal advisor and a large maga voice. if he goes in july 1st, he will be silenced for the stretch run of the collection. that is likely true when i think it is likely, if not highly probable he will go in july 1st. let s talk about his mechanisms for appeal. he can ask for a rehearing in the d.c. circuit. he has and june 24th to make that request. in all likelihood, they are not going to respond to that request before his july 1st reporting date. he can also file a petition with the supreme court but the deadline for him doing so comes after his july 1st date. either of those options, they could reimpose a state of his sentence. and i believe it is likely they are going to? i don t. i think steve bannon will, in all probability, serve that four month sentence and be silenced in the lead up to the election. that is particularly important because steve bannon was a huge voice for maga in the lead up to, and more importantly, after the 2020 election. there is still a phone call between donald trump and steve bannon on january 6th that no one has quite explained. up next, melinda french gates announces major donations for gender equality. our conversation with one of the recipients is straight ahead. ight ahead. curry from deep. that s caaaaaaaaash. i prefer the old intro! this is much better! i don t think so! steph, one more thing. the team owner gets five minutes a game. cash bros? woo! i like it. i ll break it to klay. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase, make more of what s yours. here s to getting better with age. here s to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete 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( ) start to get yourself back, with bimzelx. ask your dermatologist about bimzelx today. philanthropist melinda french gates has announced she will be donating $1 million over the next two years to support women s rights. in a guest essay for the new york times , french gates writes, in nearly 20 years as an advocate for women and girls, i ve learned that there will always be people who say it is not the right time to talk about gender equality . it is frustrating and shortsighted. decades of research on economics, well-being, and governance make it clear that investing in women and girls benefits everyone. one of the recipients of the great was the american institute for boys and men. joining us now is that organizations president, richard reeves. also with us, repressor of marketing at the nyu stern school of business, scott galloway. good to have you both. richard, i will toss to you first and ask why this grant makes sense overall for women s rights. well, i think what melinda french gates has realized is that a world of floundering men is difficult to be a will to flourishing women. we do have to rise together. and, the young men and investing in education and mental health is going to be good for women. men and women will be raising children together. there s evidence that many young men are struggling in education and mental health, especially young men and men of color above all. i think it is a recognition that the gender equality movement has to expand to include boys and men as well. coming from figure with such prominence of melinda french gates was such a strong track record of leadership, i think it sends a strong signal that we do need to include boys and men in this conversation. to your point, scott galloway, you have been a great force on this on the state of young men in america right now. explain the challenges. equality doesn t necessarily mean that each side is the same. men and women have differences. what is happening to young men is equally, potentially as disturbing. could be with you and congratulations to my friend richard reeves. this is a great american story. unfortunately, young men are paying for the advantage that me and my father received. so, there is a lack of empathy. richard turned me onto this great quote, empathy is not a zero-sum game, civil rights didn t hurt white people. to richard s point, what he s always said he s who wants more economically and emotionally viable young men? women. women, of the tract, as they are doing, especially younger men, they are more prone to nationalist content, they are more prone to misogynistic content. you know, richard, it is so fascinating. maybe five years ago, when people like scott galloway three years ago were talking about this and a lot of people through their hands up, my god, how dare you talk about boys when men have been dominant through, you know, for thousands and thousands of years. you heard those complaints. on a very personal level but so much anecdotal evidence that i suspect a lot of people here in this are young women talking to mika and me going where are the men to date, where are the men that understand the basics? and, there s this horrible choice. on one side, you do have again, all anecdotal but you have, well, i m not going to wander into that minefield what i was about to say. let s just say younger women are understanding the costs of the mail crisis right now. they are living the cost. they are living the cost of it. what is interesting, these stories you say anecdotal but it is in the evidence, it is in the data. there is a big gender gap in college today than there was in the 70s. the biggest rise in suicide rates, tragically, has been among young men. we are losing 40,000 men a year to suicide. what i discovered is, among parents if you have a boy in the k-12 education system, you kind of get this immediately. if you have a doctor in the dating market, you kind of get this immediately too. and, realizing you just can t separate these things out and it is not a betrayal of the ideals of gender equality to start dealing with issues of boys and young men. it is the application of the ideals of gender equality. it is not a zero-sum game. i think that penny is dropping. the people are realizing we cannot neglect the problems of boys and men if we want a world that is better for all of us. i was particularly interested with what ms. gates has done. i salute her for it in terms of investing also in young boys and men and i think you or richard mentioned young boys and men of color. many of us in any study has shown disproportionately are raised by single mothers. i was one of them. to help those young boys and men that are buttressed by programs like yours, and to develop them, also helps the single mothers who are trying to balance life. talk about the challenge of that and how this could be helpful. reverend, you and i said that, we were raised by superheroes. my mother was an immigrant who lived and died a secretary, raced me on her own. what the research shows is the single point of failure, if you were to reverse engineer and why men are struggling is when they lose a male role model. the second most single-parent household, which is latin for a woman heading a household alone, just behind sweden. as richard s work has pointed out, the vast majority of people in primary school education are women. a boy is twice as likely to be suspended for the same behavior in school and five times as likely if he is black boy. would you have is an entire cohort of men being raised without male influence. what is equally interesting is girls have similar outcomes in single-parent households, same college attendance, same rates of self-harm. what richards research has shown is that while boys are physically stronger, they are mentally and emotionally weaker and we need to knowledge that. we need a group of thriving gunmen. how many times have we heard people say i know it time of young single women who are great and i can t find men for them. you can t find men for them, just not any man they want. we need to level up young people in general, specifically young men. coming up, historian doris kearns goodwin on how looking at america through a historical lens can help make sense of the issues facing our country today. try today. 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talk to your doctor about twice-yearly leqvio to help you lower your cholesterol. lower. longer. leqvio® with the freestyle libre 3 system know your glucose levels. no fingersticks needed. all with the world s smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at you famously said, regarding andrea clinton, lock her up. hillary clinton, i didn t say lock her up but the people said. the people said lock her up? that was your whole campaign. we remember, we were there. it is like if arby s said we never said we have the meats. the people said we have the meats. also, if you didn t say it, who is this ? they should lock her up. lock her up is right. lock up hillary. folks, i was talking about hilary swank. no baby is worth $1 million. donald trump did say lock her up many, many times. it is 6:00 a.m. as you wake up on the west coast, 9:00 a.m. here in the east, still with us, jonathan amir, joining us now, presidential historian, doris kearns goodwin. so good to have you with us. what a time. let s start with president biden making some of his most candid comments yet about former president trump s criminal conviction at a fundraiser in connecticut last night. the president called trump a convicted felon who stopped after the 2020 election. the president addressed the attacks trump and his allies have lobbed at the justice system. biden s of the former president, wants you to believe it is already. nothing could be further from the truth. it is reckless and dangerous for anyone to say it is rigged just because they don t like the outcome. biden added, the justice system is a core of american democracy and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. biden continued, here is what is becoming clearer and clearer every day. the threat trump poses in his second term would be greater than his first. this isn t the same trump that got elected in 2016. biden said, he is worse. doris, this is joe biden using the term convicted felon, a private fundraiser in connecticut, as john has been telling us, this is something we may hear more of from the biden campaign. they now officially are running against a man convicted of 34 felonies. how do you think that figures into the race ? every event affects the next event and i was going to think this project will affect how the conventions will happen. president trump has put out is we are a backward country, we are a country that is corrupt, we are a country that looks like a third world country and all of our systems are corrupt. i just don t think the american people are going to feel that way. one of the things i look at when i look at history is the backward look and the negative look as not working campaigns. i think biden understands that. when dragon was running against carter, carter talked about the malaise of the people, that it was a crisis of confidence in the people and we can comes along and says it s not the people, it s leadership that has failed and i am here to provide the leadership. the same thing happened when hoover talked about there s not much he could do about the depression because the government would weaken the people and he was going to hope we were getting through it somehow around the corner prosperity would come and fdr says it s not the people that is the problem, it is your leadership and i m going to do action. biden is on a good stand, in a certain sense, to talk about the rule of law, to talk about the country being a country that is not corrupt and to make that a contrast. i think this is going to be something, we don t know how. the debate could change everything, the conventions could change everything, events could change everything but right now, this will affect the tone of the campaign. this darkness, this dim view of the country presented by donald trump, this american carnage as he called it in his inauguration address way back. i guess it resonates with his base, it resonates with some people but the point you re making is you have to win more than your base to win an election. perhaps an optimistic message is the way to go for president biden. i think about the fact that when you are nominated, and he s about to be, you have to expand your base. i think back to 1964 in the republican convention and barry goldwater. what happens there is governor rockefeller, new york governor rockefeller, popular person in the party is trying to argue for a different platform, a civil rights platform. he gets shouted down and it all on television and it looks like the party has narrowed itself. they said in many ways, goldwater lost the election at that convention. when you do something like canceling larry hogan out, you need him, you need him in the senate and you are narrowing your party by saying you can t even say this verdict should be followed because it is a verdict that it is the rule of law. it hadn t even begun yet, he had said it before, it was a natural thing to say about our system. we have the moment you describe just from 1964. let s take a look. i would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. let me remind you also that moderation and the pursuit of justice is no virtue. doris, 1964 is really instructive. i will also say, obviously, fdr, a sense of optimism, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. the band play in happy days are here again. ronald reagan, it s morning in america. i truly believe america s greatest days lie ahead. it is always the optimism that rules the day. still ahead, legendary e street band guitarist steve van zandt on his remarkable life and career in music and show business. business. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. it s hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. start your journey with a free trial 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godfather. i heard it was really great. i don t remember a thing but that s what i heard. that was a look at the new documentary titled steve van zandt, disciple. the film follows the life of the musician and actor from his humble beginnings in new jersey to the apex of his one-of-a- kind career, performing along bruce pristine and james gandolfini in the sopranos. tuning is now, stevie van zandt, also the films director. i can t wait to see this. tell us why now, why did you decide this was the moment? he chased me for how long ? a long time, 2006 and years and years of trying to get, let me do this film. i m not comfortable being the center of attention. that is just a fact. i didn t even want to be in it at first. he s not in the early cut. you have to be in the movie. it would be hard to do without him in it. there s a lot of footage out there. anyway, they worked on it for two years before i agreed to be in it. i think, look, and and, we talked about what is the purpose of this thing and it is about the work. getting the work exposed as much as we can because, you know, that is one of the things i ve always had trouble balancing that art and commerce thing. can you explain how hard is it to explain the coordination of a band? you are in a big and, in a group of guys on stage in the synchronization of the shows always amaze me, you know what someone is going to do before they do it and you do your thing. well, we really have a long time. let s face it. that helps. a bit of esp goes on after a while. in the beginning, we had to be really good before we even got in the business. we had to be good life. that really, we had very high standards, growing up in the 60s. we had to compare ourselves to the beatles and the rolling stones and the who, very high standards. a lot of history, i think, bill got into it in the film. tell us exactly that. what are some of the things we will see, people who know stevie van zandt from the states or the screen, what are they going to see, what are they going to learn from this film ? telling them the whole breath and scope of the work and career and love of rock n roll is interesting. i think people may know him from television, from his acting, or they may know him for his music but they don t know he had the first branded satellite radio station, the first streaming television show. was a producer and writer and director. they may not know that the way, the things he does for education and they may not know his record label. there s so much to stevie van zandt beyond that music and we also get to expose the story of his amazing music, his friendship with bruce, his beautiful love story with his wife. he sees all thing. and then south africa. people may not know that silvio dante helped free nelson mandela and end apartheid. it is a pretty good resume. did you ever think from watertown, massachusetts to where you are today, the envelope you had to shoot through in terms of fate and lack is incredibly small. how often do you think about that ? about every hour. no doubt, we are the luckiest generation ever and i am the luckiest guy in the luckiest generation. i m so grateful, first of all that somebody would have an interest in making a movie about me. that is incredible already. i am honored that bill and the guys really spent their time doing that. destiny plays a role. if my mother hadn t remarried, my father adopted me and brought me from boston to new jersey, you know, i would have never gotten into the new jersey scene. if david chase hadn t happened to be clicking around, he wouldn t see me in dr. rascals and i want to get that guy on my new tv show the sopranos. there s a lot of detail in my book and i think bill, bill was, the conversations we had, i haven t seen the film myself at ceramic just to see what happens. you haven t seen it ? that is all the time we have this weekend. we will see you tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. eastern for more morning joe. until then, enjoy the rest of your sunday. your sunday. good morning. it s sunday, june 9. i m alicia menendez. with michael steele and symone sanders townsend. we are following president biden on his final day in france and the appearance of his message

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Weekend 20240608

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(dog bark) it s just smarter, healthier pet food. it s amazing what real food can do. good morning and welcome back to the weekend. we are following two breaking stories. first, president biden is currently in bilateral talks with french president emmanuel macron. continue to visit commemorating the 80th anniversary of the allied invasion of normandy. the two world leaders are expected to deliver joint remarks later this hour. the other breaking news is out of israel. four hostages rescued alive, 245 days after their capture by hamas on october 7th. shortly after news of the rescue, the war cabinet minister the latest statement where he was expected to resign from netanyahu is emergency government. that spring and nbc s raf sanchez from tel aviv. what can you tell us? reporter: this raid took place at 11:00 a.m. in broad daylight in central gaza according to the israeli military. hundreds of israeli special forces swarming in and say they rescued the hostages from two separate apartment buildings. we believe that the three male hostages were being held together and noa argamani on the left of your screen was being held on her own in a separate apartment building. the israeli military says they are all in good medical condition. and at a hospital here in the greater tel aviv area. you are seeing on your screen the moment noa argamani was united with her father . we met him on october 8th, 24 hours after his daughter was kidnapped. you can only imagine through his tears and his sobbing he pleaded and pleaded and pleaded with the people holding her not to harm her. and today he is holding his daughter once again. as far as we know, she has not seen her mother yet. who has terminal brain cancer. she is in another hospital in the tel aviv area. she has been telling the world her dying wish was to see her daughter again and we believe that reunion is going to happen sometime today. what about the other hostages that were released? what do we know of their physical state. i can imagine everyone s mental state is in shambles. physically, are they okay? and anything coming from the idf about potential rescue operations for the 120 other hostages that still remain in captivity? reporter: so, three others hostages rescued today are all in good physical condition. we have not seen as much video of them as we have of noa, but we saw two coming off a helicopter in tel aviv they were walking along side israeli forces for all three of the men were also kidnapped from the october 7th music festival. they are shlomi ziv, and meil jan and andrey kozlov . in terms of potential other rescues, it is important to put this in perspective. we are months into this war. and israel has rescued seven hostages alive. in months. as much as there is celebration across israel today, i don t think anyone is operating under the illusion that all the hostages are going to be rescued like this. there is still an understanding in this country that to get most all of those 120 hostages back, it is most likely that there will have to be some kind of deal with hamas. and it is not clear at this point what sort of impact today s rescue will have on the negotiations. officials and site guys are saying 50 people were killed by israeli fire during this raid. and the head of hamas is political wing is saying if israel believes it can change the situation through force, it is delusional. it s also unclear whether this successful rescue today may make regimen netanyahu feel slightly less political pressure to negotiate with hamas for the rest of the hostages and as we know, guys, there is that cease- fire proposal on the table right now laid out by president biden last week and the world is waiting to see whether or not hamas will accept it. nbc s raf sanchez live from tel aviv. thank you. we will be monitoring development this hour. let s bring in our negotiator and senior fellow for the carnegie endowment for international peace. your thoughts, can we pick up where raf sanchez left off. your thoughts on these new developments. four hostages have been rescued by the idf. in central rafah today. on a human level, for a nation that has been in a state of collective ptsd since october 7th, this comes as an extraordinary moment and also a demonstration for israeli defense force which bears tremendous guilt and probably shame for the surprise attack on october 7. it reflects to a degree the competency and professionalism and courage which has long characterized many of the idf operations. on a political level, it does present, i think, i sort of victory of the netanyahu narrative. the longer we remain in gaza, the longer is really intelligence operates with the proximity to figure out where hostages are. and in essence it validates that narrative. on the other hand, 120 hostages , 30 plus israelis were killed on october 7th. the bodies were brought to gaza to trade or they died in captivity. the grid my reminder of the degree of difficulty that the israeli face it does reaffirm that israel suggests 56% of israeli public favor the biden cease-fire for hostage negotiations. i think it is a mixed message, but today, i think many israelis are ecstatic with the news that the redemption of israelis which represents a identity for that state of israel, it s a moment and with enormous satisfaction. david you still have 120 people that are being held captive. you still have a question mark about hamas response to joe biden s proposal. netanyahu reticence to engage in discussions around the two state solution. and israeli people in many respects very apprehensive about the leadership of netanyahu and in the prosecution of this war. so, even though this is an important opportunity and hope, those reality still exists and at one point, at what point, does that kick back in? is it six hours from now? 24 hours from now? when people realize that, yes, this happened, but still, there is a lot of has not change in the movement. towards resolving this crisis. michael, that s an excellent point. this is a headline, and the reality is that member of the war cabinet reportedly to announce his exit from the war cabinet has been postponed. that s also a reminder of the fact that if he leaves the government, you will be left with the most extreme right government in the history of the state. a prime minister on trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust three years running now and do in district court sees no reason right now to favor the biden proposal even though he has accepted over the reality of domestic political realities and if there is a core constituency, and elemental to the prime minister s calculations, it is that right- wing government. again, i think you are right. it is a moment and the israelis are right to exult in this moment but by no means does it shed any light, it seems to me, on a likely pathway out of this. hamas has not responded to this and they probably will not come back with a clean yes. and maybe a guess, but. they are under tremendous pressure from qatar but i guess, but, again, the administration will have the onus on hamas. it may well provide the prime minister with breathing room not to accept the president s proposal. we have many bad days ahead. aaron david miller, we have a statement coming in from prime minister netanyahu. the entire nation salutes you and the brave fighters who risk their lives today to save lives. once again, you have proven that israel does not surrender to terrorism and ask with creativity and courage that knows about to bring home our abductees but we are committed to doing so in the future as well. this is the part i want you to weigh in on you will not let up until we complete the mission and return all our abductees home both the living and the dead. there you have it. it s a validation of the prime minister s view, i think, and as long as the work continues, not only the greater chances of political survival, but he may rationalize the greater the possibility of additional israeli success. the killing in the architect of the actual terror attacks. i think that statement reflects exact lee who the prime minister is. you if you are president biden, what are the conversations you re having with her interest and this morning understanding that the president is focused on an important anniversary. i think the administration has only one alternative. that is to continue to press and see whether or not the negotiations if hostages are released in exchange for palestinian prisoners in a six- week six cease-fire, i think that is the only practical pathway out of this for this administration and for the president who is facing the most consequential election in contemporary american history. where any factor, any factor at all, in a close election could sway the results one way or the other. david miller, as always, thank you for joining us at the last minute. next, the revenge toting after historic conviction. you are watching the weekend. so you don t zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved i thought i d buy stilts. hi honey. ahhh.ooh. look, no line at the hot dog stand. yes! only pay for what you need. liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. we re talking about cashbackin. not a game! we re talking about cashbacking. we re talking about. we re not talking about practice? 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not only should prosecutors be concerned that the entire electorate by larger measure the height entire american people should be concerned. i think donald trump is shown when he s going to do something regardless of how ridiculous it is, he will do it and particularly if you look at the judiciary and dogs and everything else that occurred during his a administration, we have evidence this is someone who intends to enact whatever it is he has to to keep his word in that regard. this is something that even as ridiculous as it sounds, to cause extreme amount of concern. as i listen to him during that voiceover a moment ago, i thought to myself, donald trump ran for president because they brought the charges. it wasn t that they brought the charges because he is running for president. people can construct any maneuver necessary to enact his retribution, as he says, on the judiciary for whatever he feels they have done unjustly to him. here s the thing. it is not just trumpet it is his cronies. take a listen to what they had to say. unless republicans unshackle themselves from their self- imposed restraints, and are as ruthless and fighting to save america as the democrats and fighting to destroy america, every facet of republican party politics and power has to be used right now to go to toe to toe with marxism and beam apps communist. all of this is about one thing. it s about shutting down the maga movement and shutting down grassroot conservatives and shutting down president trump. there is not a built that will ever shut me up. all victory to mag a. i m sorry, it is real early in the morning to hear from those two but i think it is important to hear what they are talking about. the other thing that strikes me, they used to be they threats of prosecution. a year ago, you had the former president s and he would go after president biden and now you have adding by name hillary clinton, alvin bragg to that list, the threat is becoming increasingly specific. it is becoming increasingly specific and it s really chilling rhetoric to hear. you hear this and it undermines the rule of law. this rhetoric. but i think what is important is that trunk, if he is elected, what is going to matter is who the people are around him. people will like maybe steve manning, and he knows from his previous administration that if he selects people who push back against him and are willing to stop him, he s not going to get what he wants. so i think this time around, one of the things that will be different there are these promises of retribution may, is that trump is going to be thinking about who it is that he will be putting in his potential administration and this time around, i think it will be much less willing to put people in power who are going to say no. charles, here is my thing with all of this. the fact that we are still talking about this almost as if it is this universe of maga and trump and the democrats trying to battle them but at the core of it is a political party and institution that support that party, heritage for example. that are hell-bent on one thing. retribution, payback. you got the new york times noting that the intensity of anger and open desire for using the criminal justice system against democrats at the verdict surpasses anything seen before and trump s tumultuous years and national politics. what is different now is the range of republicans who are saying retaliation is necessary and who are no longer cloaking their intent with euphemisms. a couple things. what the hell are they so angry about ? when they had control of both the house, senate and white house, they did nothing with it. they did not we are going to change, were going to put in these polys, didn t happen. yet, the american people sit back and look at this and they are like, let s do it again. let s put the same people that listen to miller. you listen to bannon and the american people are saying, give me more of that. because right now, donald trump and joe biden are tied or trump is slightly ahead because people are paying a buck more for gas. how do you break this? how do you get people to understand what this means for the criminal justice system, what it means under the rule of law, what it means when a president, a former president running for office again, wants to throw people tripped up it s not just going to be the people they see on television. this will extend to everybody else downstream. michael, i have to say, we have to take a step back. i m glad you frame the question the way you did because republicans have shown they want to have the authority of the rule of tyrants but accountability of toddlers. what i mean is if you remember during midterm elections, i said republicans were politicizing the issue of crime and justice in america and they got mad at me for saying it. we have seen that play out on the national scale particularly in the wake of donald trump s conviction are in new york. we cannot enter into my face any further we we are allowing the just the system which is supposed to be there, balanced and equal, to be used as a political weapon. that is ultimately what republicans are seeking to do. they realize when it speaks to the notion of accountability there is a possibility that their leading candidate will be put in jail or held accountable under the rule of law. what do they want to do? not only do they want to change the rules, but they also want to see and have him use it as a weapon and have the party do the same. that is deeply troubling for all of us to understand what the separation of power is supposed to be on the true purpose of the criminal justice system should be. we will talk on the other side about pacifically alvin bragg and how they are trying to , what you are saying, into action. stick around. don t go anywhere. we have more to discuss in a moment. go to but first, we have news in paris. we got video of joe biden and french president emmanuel macron during their meeting. according to the pool report reporters there with the two world leaders, they were seated across from one another in a garden. there was no coffee on the table but president biden was talking and his voice was too low to hear what he was saying. the only snippet heard by the radio pool from npr was saying, quote, my last conversation with xi, referring to present xi of china, that is all they could hear. we are expecting formal remarks from all of them and possibly in this hour. when we do we will bring it live. much more ahead untrantitle here on msnbc. aine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine i had on the weekend on msnbc. blocksrn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. (kev) yo, yo what s up everybody? how you doing? for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. (reporter 1) kev! kev! can i get a response to the trade rumors? (kev) trade? trade means movin man.we talkin about moving? moving means contractors, inspectors, strangers judging my carpet. we talkin about staging? we talkin about a faux ficus? a faux ficus? nobody s gonna bring a faux ficus into my house. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it s easy. (kev) . i guess we re movin . (reporters) kev! kev! (kev) whatchu gonna ask me about next, man? practice? he had to have seventeen teeth removed. he had a bypass surgery because he ate a - he ate a sock. get paid back up to ninety percent on unexpected vet bills, use any vet, and cancel any time. fetch pet insurance. get your free quote today. sup? -who are you? i m your inner child. get in. listen. what you really need in life is some freakin torque. [ engine revving ] oh yeah man, horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. [ engine revving ] oh now we re torquin ! - i love car puns! oh, i know. pppp-powershot! [ engine revving ] [ laughing ] the dodge hornet r/t. the totally torqued-out crossover. we have to talk about the alvin bragg. i am just okay. for people who don t know jim jordan sent a letter to the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg asking him to testify. if this sounds familiar it is because the committee has not made clear the scope of the testimony and this is bragg s response and they are saying we look forward to discussing with the committee staff how the office may accommodate the invitation but also protect the integrity of an ongoing terminal prosecution. this to me, the best way to protect new york s sovereign interest is to not legitimize the shenanigans. this reminds me of when fani willis got a similar letter and she told jim jordan where they could put it. it is exactly like the fani willis situation sherry. fani willis situation. i think it s understandable here that alvin bragg does want to testify because trump has made so many false claims about this prosecution and specific prosecutors. he has claimed for example that matthew calendula is a plant from the biden administration so i understand why it is that he wants to maybe go and testify and it is to be seen whether he actually will end up doing so. he says in this letter he would not do so until after sentencing on july 11th but i think that it is really some dangerous ground to walk on here because it very well could be the case that there you know, he gets into a situation where there are things that are selectively edited from the testimony. while it is understandable that alvin bragg want to testify, he really will have to be careful and try to really limit the scope of the questioning if he does end up testifying. i saw michael steele shuffle his papers and when i see that, it s his thing. this brother needs to stay his behind home. he does not need to do this because all this is is the biggest pumpkin move of the year. if he shows up, those individuals on that committee are there for one purpose. and that is to hang him politically. that is what it is. the sound bites are just the beginning of it. remember, charles, the president whether you do it now or after sentencing, there is an appeals process. this thing isn t over. this is still going. why would he want to legitimize the take down of his prosecution , the successful takedown of his prosecution of a former president based on the facts and the law, right? a jury found donald trump and convicted him. why go back and subjected to a political process where the feds have no authority and congress has no authority here to call him up and asked him about his prosecution. michael, you re absolutely right. i could not agree with you more. i think alvin bragg is operating from a spacer he thinks he has justice on his side and nothing to hide. he can defend that. the problem is the arena you are talking about this committee, they are led by jim jordan and don t care about truth or justice. we wouldn t be having this conversation if they did because we also know if donald trump was acquitted or a mistrial, he would not have been subpoenaed. this is only the function of donald trump being convicted and this is not anything that alvin bragg needs to engage in. leave it alone. can you repeat that one point . if donald trump had been found not guilty or a mistrial, what happened? this would not be happening in jim jordan would have not issued that subpoena. let us add to the list. clarence thomas finally acknowledging the lavish gifts he received among the disclosures. two vacations and 2019 that were funded by billionaire harlan crow. are you seeing the type of energy from members of the house and senate to appropriately investigate the supreme court given the level of crisis we are seeing out of this court? look, we have seen some efforts by house democrats to reform the ethics code and have some oversight over the supreme court. of course, the supreme court has repeatedly said over the years that congress does not have the authority to really administer any kind of oversight. there was some ethics reform last year, however, there is no enforcement mechanism for that. we re seeing by the examples recently, justice alito refusing to recuse himself from the presidential immunity decision or january 6th case decisions, citing that ethics code and claiming that he does not need to recuse. i think it is clear that there are some issues here with enforcement of those ethics reforms. but i think actually one of the deeper issues here is not even ethics oversight and the supreme court, it s how much the supreme court or the truth that many of the justices at least, feel there is some sort of impunity that they have had because these are people who have lifetime appointments. so i think one of the real question that maybe people should be considering is not so much of what the ethics reforms can do, but whether there are other legislative solutions like term limits for supreme court justices. i mean, some things have been done and why could argue that the democrats need to be more crafty. it s like the house is on fire and they are looking for the keys to open the door and unlock it and walk through. i m not a lawyer, so i don t know. maybe i am wrong. the rest of us just need to sit down and be grateful that clarence thomas acknowledged what propublica told us years ago. this is how the illegals work until they don t. to your point, you have to force a different way. we have seen that passing any real checks on the supreme court, this is what we can expect. this court is interesting because they had on a power grab for the duration of the last few terms. it s only going to get worse. democrats, if this is something they are sincerely concerned about and really matters to them, they will have to use alternative means and get more creative rather than expecting the court to police themselves. i would like to argue that you need to go toe to toe. thank you both so much for sticking with us on a winding newsday. president biden does damage control with progressive after his executive action on the border. we are joined by caucus with greg since our next. you are watching the weekend. for moderate to severe crohn s disease skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn s disease. control of crohn s means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. control is everything to me learn how abbvie could help you save. it s time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer s dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it s not dry food. it s not wet food. it s just real food. it s an idea whose time has come. sara federico: at st. jude, we don t care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. the heart of st. jude is to take care of children with catastrophic diseases and to advance their cure rates. but we need to be able to do that for everyone. it s a bold initiative, to try and bump cure rates all around the world. but we should. it is our commitment. [music playing] in a few moments president biden and french president emmanuel macron will give remarks after their bilateral meeting it comes at the end of the strip to france what has thus far focused on memory the 80th anniversary of the date. focus has now shipped to modern- day challenges and conflicts. president biden and his administration are now working to remedy progressives restoration over his newly signed executive action to tighten border security. his moves which would simply shut down asylum request once the average number of encounters top money 500 is met with backlash from most republicans and some democrats. for different reasons. joining us now is congressman greg casar and good morning, congressman. thank you for having me on. sir, your first initial thoughts when you found out about this executive order. is my understanding the white house did a round of calls to members of congress and a number of progressive allies to give them a heads up of what the president s order would be. executive action, pardon me. we know this has been building up and potentially coming because it is my first term and i m sitting here in san antonio, texas, where we welcome so many thousands of immigrants over the last few years. we have seen how they basically , republicans, have covered up for every failure there is i pointing to some vulnerable group of people. right now they are trying to pick on poor and desperate families fleeing violence especially from latin america. i think they have been setting up this trap that unfortunately president biden has been pushed into with this executive order. so, my first reaction we need to provide better alternative and more progressive vision for why we need a better immigration system rather than falling into the republican trap which makes immigration less legal disorder actually closes legal pathways, restricts legal pathways to migration, which is the opposite of the direction we should be going in. how do you reconcile that with the vast majority of americans who have an opposite view of what you just described? they don t have a progressive view of immigration policy. they have a more restrictive view of immigration policy in the president is trying to walk a very fine line here. given that neither the congress nor prior administrations have done squat on the border. so, it rests on his desk in the face of a very contentious election against a demagogue who wants to round people up and ship them somewhere. outside the united states for he doesn t care where. and the american people seemingly are applauding that because they are giving him the upper hand on immigration policy. so, how do you how does the present walk that line? if this is not the way to walk it? you have made some really important points and i will tackle a few of them. first of all, i am a supporter of the president and donald trump has been the most anti- emigrant president not just in modern history but as long as anyone can remember. we have to be strongly opposed to his presidency. i do not enjoy disagreeing with my own president on this executive order. the problem is, republicans in the congress has spent much of their time as possible keeping the border and immigration system is broken as possible. of course, the average american disagrees with saying these difficult images on the border. seeing people stuck in lines, sucking camps, there is not an orderly process. but it has been republican officials who have caused that. they are the arsonist and they try to track tried to blame president biden, the firefighters, for the flames they had set. so instead we should go to your question, what with the american people truly support? where should we go? one, or legal pathways so folks can apply to come here. i believe that most americans do not disagree with many progressives on immigration. they just want to see a more legal and orderly pathway. second, we actually should try to find ways to reduce some of that burden and resource strength on border communities. this order will not reduce the number of people getting pushed out and displaced from latin america, immigration doesn t start on the border. it starts in their home country. we have to have a conversation about why there are record numbers of people being pushed out of their homes. that is why i am drafting legislation to address how they are pushing folks out of their homes without resulting democracy. we need to change the policies that leave latin american countries in debt and we have to stop pushing people out of their homes before we blame asylum-seekers. especially as we recognize d-day. we fought for the values i learned in world war ii that we should not be turning people away from violent and destruction. that is when we set up the laws that we should be protecting. i want to make sure we get to this. is reporting that the white house in addition to all this is looking at the possibility of parole in place for undocumented spouses of u.s. citizens. if you ask me, that is a political lay-up and about keeping american families together. your counsel to the white house suggest a series of executive actions and authorities that would in fact enhance and benefit immigration in this country. we got to get that done. i appreciate your bringing that up. we remember when president biden was running for re- election in trying to protect dreamers and their parents as well. how important that was for the latino community and our economy and campaign. president biden needs to put forward positive vision for immigration and sign positive executive actions. i think it is the right thing to do both morally and politically. we have more ahead. this is the weekend. stay with us. so go ahead, lived with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it s like the feeling of finding you re so ready for your close-up. or finding 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do the use of the week there. it s not just joe biden who will save democracy. it is not kamala harris who was a democracy. it is we, the people, the voters of the united states of america who are tasked with this undertaking. a peep will have the power. we went up the people have the power. it feels as though politics is this existential thing and the world leaders and the images we ve been putting on the screen today, and these are the people making the decisions. we are just, you know, we just have to roll with the punches but the reality is these folks work for us. at least when it comes to a democracy. the people have the power and i keep going back to that article about president biden and all the things he has done on the world stage to expand and strengthen nato. and the author wrote that in america president have to earn their mandate. we give the president, the governors, the senators, members of congress, their mandate and we have to be involved. this is a pivotal moment for americans and a pivotal moment for the world. i shudder to think what happened and what the world is and 30, 40, 50 years from now if donald trump is elected in november. that is a point i made to charles. the power rests with us but we seemingly right now have a mind to not use it on behalf of democracy but to use it to exact a punishment on democracy. the retribution narrative resonates with far more americans that we want to be honest about the i was going to ask you who that we was in your sentence. we, the american people. i mean, in any other universe, this is not a contest for the next president of the united states for the presidency is firmly in the hands of the man who is arguing on behalf of the country. and its role in the world. but that is not where we are. it s not the conversation we are having to in the do you know what, michael, you re right. one could argue that he s talking about republicans, but he is talking about voters who this message of retribution is resonating with. who traffic in the bigotry, racism, misogyny and all the phobias. the people willing to prop up not just donald trump but the entire apparatus that is around him that is the republican party right now. the voters are the ones who have emboldened these elected officials and frankly people have to take a look at themselves. it seems like this is exactly who some people want to be. the reality of it is, this is not all republicans. the folks in the election process, the republicans don t have the numbers to command 70, 60%, 50% of the vote. they don t. they make up in total about, what? 32%? in a general election of identified voters. i think we have to be honest about that. in this moment of commemorating the day, and normandy, and all the men and women, quite honestly, who sacrificed on the day is a profound message back to us to say, history is not just something that goes to the dustbin. it is something that you put in the soul of the country. two reminded of its virtues and values. when you are confronted with an existential enemy, like donald trump, and i use those were delivery, then you have to go to that well to find the strength to do the right thing at the ballot box. i understand gas prices and inflation. in gases going down. gases going down and inflation is coming down. i understand that, but the truth the reality is what does it mean for the soul of the country? looking forward to hear what president biden and president macron have to say. that does it for the weekend this saturday morning to there is more exciting things coming up on msnbc including the remarks from president biden and french president emmanuel macron. we will see you back here tomorrow at 8:00 eastern. follow the show on social media at @the weekendmsnbc. we will see tomorrow. tomorrow. a and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. it s the only migraine medication that helps treat & prevent, all in one. don t take if allergic to nurtec odt. 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Anderson Cooper 360

It s important to note, it s a small sampling and a lot can happen obviously between now and november recently or ran dk sat down with undecided republican, democratic, and independent women voters in macon, georgia to see what they think of trump s conviction and hundred biden s gun trial, whether either case could impact their ballot choice as part of our ongoing series, that 53%, which is the average proportion of women voters in presidential elections since 2000 years, rantisi report thank you you know, appreciate what was your reaction when you heard that donald trump was found guilty on all 34 counts? i wasn t surprised let s see, i was may surprising because not i don t think that any of us believe that he would be held responsible. i was not surprised, but i am disappointed pointed given that donald trump is now a

Trump , Lot , Republican-party , Hundred-biden-s-gun-trial , Women-voters , Note , Democrats , Conviction , State-of-georgia , Sampling , Ran , Dk-sat

CNN News Central

Went up, right? so you think about on a monthly basis, wages came in stronger than expected you thinking about on an annual basis, which is what we re looking at here. it also went up. now, this is good news. obviously, if you are looking for a raise, if you are a worker hoping for ran balance of the economy though, right? exactly. so it s good news if you are working looking for a raise, not so good news. if you re wall street, if you re looking at the fed, if you are at the fit thinking well, i hope these wages don t fuel into higher inflation. and then last thing i ll really quickly say is when you think about the job growth and where we have seen it this month that continues to be the big three government health care, leisure, hospitality. that s why we tend to see, but it s there, it s still and hot, hot in here zero by or dawn don t worry don t worry now look, soon, president biden is going to try to take a page from ronald reagan. we will see and what could be a pivotal speech for biden s reelection. bid

News , Wages , Basis , Raise , Balance , These-wages-don-t , Fit , Worker , Economy , Inflation , Wall-street , Ran

CNN News Central

Joint meeting of congress next month. not everyone is thrilled with it. i ve including senator bernie sanders, for example, saying he s not going to attend. do you have any concerns with netanyahu making this address know i m alison ultimately, this is about the united states and our key ally, israel, right? the democracy in the region, a key partner in the fight against terror, against iran and its proxies, which you know, continue to strike at american targets. their proxies, and the houthis and the red sea. we ve seen in both the proxies in iraq and syria. and hezbollah continued to fire at our allies, but also at america. and then our assets, our service members so to me, we need, this is really about a ran and their march alongside and you talk about ukraine. you see what a ran did in ukrainian helping the russians with and continuing to help the russians, partnering with china and north korea. that is that is the new axis of

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